HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-28796_48021_CA_O_20210823_UST InspectionCedar Rock
August 23, 2021
Ms. Suzanne Wittebort
3130 Fairfax Drive
Charlotte, NC 28209
107 Pioneer Trail
Graham, NC 27253
(336) 376-0394
Reference: Inspection of an underground storage tank (UST) located at 3130 Fairfax Drive,
Charlotte, North Carolina
Cedar Rock Project # 327022590
Dear Ms. Wittebort:
Cedar Rock Environmental, P. C. (Cedar Rock) performed a site inspection on August 23, 2021 at the above
referenced location. The purpose of the inspection was to determine if the UST previously used for storing
heating oil had leaked causing significant contamination of the underlying soils. It is our understanding the
residence was built in 1948 which is most likely when the UST was installed.
An inactive UST was observed to be located beneath a brick patio perpendicular to and centered
approximately 7.4 feet off the western foundation wall of the house and about 9.0 feet south of the northern
foundation wall of the house (see Site Sketch). Both the fill and vent pipe of the UST were observed to be
intact. The depth to the top of the UST is approximately 31 inches below land surface (bls). The UST has
an estimated length of about 74 inches with a diameter of approximately 45 inches and an estimated capacity
of about 550 gallons. The UST was measured to contain approximately 284 gallons of fluid. White flagging
was installed to mark both ends of the UST (see Photo). No other USTs on the property were discovered
using a metal detector to survey the outside perimeter of the residence where USTs are usually located. No
petroleum odor was observed in the crawlspace from the crawlspace entry.
Due to nearby unmarked utilities, no soil borings were performed to inspect the soils beneath the tank to
determine if the tank had leaked. However, based on the age of the UST (over 70 years old) and the
presence of oily water in the tank, we would expect the tank is most likely leaking. Confirmation of leakage
would best be achieved during the abandonment of the UST after the tank has been properly cleaned. At
least one access hole in the bottom of the tank will be cut in order to access the soils beneath the tank.
The property is currently serviced by a municipal water supply. No water supply wells were observed
within 150 feet of the petroleum release. For this reason, if the presence of soil contamination is later
confirmed, the property should be classified as "Low Risk" by the State.
In the event soil contamination is later confirmed, current law (NCGS 143-215.85 (a) and (b)) requires that
any significant release of petroleum be immediately reported to the North Carolina Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office (704-663-
1699). According to State law, upon reporting the release, the current property owner where a release is
discovered is identified by the State as the "Responsible Party" for any State required action relating to the
UST leakage. In such case, Cedar Rock will submit a UST-61 form to satisfy the State's notification
requirement for the release upon your request.
Ms. Suzanne Wittebort
August 23, 2021
Page 2
In the event soil contamination exists, the property cannot be legally conveyed until a Notice of Residual
Petroleum (NRP) is filed with the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds office pursuant to NCGS 14313-
279.11 (d). The NRP will contain applicable land use restrictions to minimize the risk of exposure to
existing contamination. The land use restrictions prohibit any disturbance of site soils within a specified
radius of the estimated extent of soil contamination and prohibit the future operation or installation of any
water supply wells on the property. Once classified as "Low Risk" and upon approval of the NRP, the
DEQ will issue a "Conditional" Notice of No Further Action (NFA) letter to formally close out the release
incident. The "Conditional" provision in the NFA letter will be removed upon receiving a certified copy
of the filed NRP and the completion of Public Notification requirements. Filing the NRP and performing
Public Notification would not be required if all soil contamination exceeding applicable standards has been
The State currently will not require initial abatement or remedial action of the soils regarding the release of
heating oil from a UST on a "Low Risk" property, however, they will require removal of the tank contents
and properly cleaning the tank interior to abate the petroleum release. Once the presence of the UST and
confirmed contaminated soil is disclosed to other interested parties as required by State law, future
buyers, homeowner's insurance providers, or lenders may also require initial abatement and/or remedial
actions relating to the UST prior to making any commitments towards the property. In addition, there exists
a potential for further environmental impact to the property from continued leakage from the UST.
If contamination does exist, it does not appear that it would pose any known health risk. However, we
recommend the in -place abandonment of the UST to prevent future or further leakage and to prevent the
UST from collapsing. The tank abandonment would consist of cutting a hole about one foot in diameter
near the topside of the UST, removing all tank and fuel line contents, cleaning of the tank interior, and
filling the tank with a structurally supportive flowable fill cement slurry. Determining if the UST has leaked
resulting in significant contamination of the surrounding soils would be made at this time. A summary
report signed by a licensed geologist would be generated that would include photographs of each step of
the abandonment process, including a photograph of the interior of the UST to show the UST was properly
cleaned. Cedar Rock can provide this service for a charge of $3,500.00 plus $1.25 per gallon of recovered
fluids. If required, preparing and filing the NRP and performing the Public Notification requirement will
cost an additional $1,250.00.
Included with this report is our invoice. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have
any questions regarding the content of this report, please call me at 336-376-0394.
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Ms. Suzanne Wittebort
August 23, 2021
Page 3
Fairfax Drive
Site Sketch. Not to scale. Sketch used for reference purposes only.
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Photo. View of the UST location. Both ends of the UST are marked with white flags.
Beverly, Trudy
From: Beverly, Trudy
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 6:40 AM
To: damienkc@bellsouth.net
Subject: RE: [External] UST-61 form submission for the Suzanne Wittebort Property, 3130 Fairfax
Drive, Charlotte
Trudy Beverly, L.G.
D-�IE Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
IFepnrlren[ol Gma'nn mental4w
UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office
704.235.2182 (Office)
Trudy. B everlykncdenr. gov
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Office Mailing Address:
610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301
Mooresville, NC 28115
Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust
Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hit2s://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program
httns://dea.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans
File Review Procedures:
hops://deq.ne. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office
Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies:
https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofilc%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx
From: damienkc@bellsouth.net [mailto:damienkc@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Friday, September 3, 20214:09 PM
To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: [External] UST-61 form submission for the Suzanne Wittebort Property, 3130 Fairfax Drive, Charlotte
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Report Spam.
Hi Trudy
UST-61 form and a copy of our inspection report for a release at the above address. The release was confirmed today
during the abandonment of the UST. When available, I will send you a copy of the abandonment report.
Damien Callaghan
Cedar Rock Environmental