HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19820412_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Approval to PPM, Inc. to destroy PBCs in mineral oils-OCR..
APR 1 2 1882
Dr. Louis Centofanti, President
PPM, Incorporated
Suite 110, 8220 'l'ravis
Overland Park, Kansas 66204
Dear Mr. Centofanti:
I hereby grant approval to PPM, Inc. to destroy pa>lychlorinated biJ;¥lenyls
(PC.Bs) in mineral oils by m;ing the system described in your sul::mission to the u. s. llivironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region rv. 'Ihis awroval, whidl
is subject to the ccn:iitions contained in the enclosure to this letter, is
grantod pursuant to section 6(c) of the 'lbxic Substunces C'n1trol Act ('l'SCA)
and 40 CFR section 761.lO(e). 'l'he approval is bast.>d UfOn the ability of the
system to destroy J?Cli.q to a level below tw parts pe.r milliion (,l-Pll) without
resulting in the emission of nny PCBs into air or water. flrbreover, the
approval is ba~c.-d upon the J\gency's belief that the by-prcxluct solids, which
the system proouces after destroying PC.Bs, does oot present risks of injury to
health or the environment when handled in accordance with atl:.clched
This approval is effective upon receipt. '!his approval may be withdrawn, or
further couditions may be added to it, at any time IPA has reason to believe
that operation of the syst~ presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health
or tl1e environment. Withdrawal of the approval or the iulfX.)si tion of further
conditions llluY also result from future EPA rul~ing with respect to PCBs.
~reover, violation of any condition included as part of this approval may
subject PPM, Inc. to enforcement action arrl/or termination of the approval.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact nee at the
above addrc ~s or call: 404/881-4727.
Sincerely yours,
~L~L Ch.lr s R. J , r
Regi l Adm nistrator
roclosure: Conditionb of Approval of system
Cn1di tion.s of AuU10rization of PPM S)'stern
fur Oetitroying PCI3s.
1. 'Ihe proce¥ ruy be used l.>y PPM, Inc. and its agents to decontaminate
mineral oils regardless of PCB concentration.
2. Fluids ruust be sampled after trwtment in the PCS destruction p)rtioo of
the !Jrocesa but before it is returned to the original container. This
sample must be tested for PCB cxucentration witllin 15 days. If tl1e PCB
concentratioo of the sample is 2 ppm or greater, that fluid IUU6t be
treated again with the process within 45 days of the test. If the
equipnent being treated is a transfonoor, and treated fluid i6 being
returna:d tu tht:! transformer after the process hac; been used, that
transformer cannot be reclassified as a ncn-PCB transformer unless tl1e
fluid is t.eoted d<Jc1in after ctt le:rnt three nonths of in-service use anl
that fluid is sho.-m to cnntain less than 50 pµn PCB$. Any transfo~r
. dielectric fluicl treated with the process must be disposed of as if it
a::,ntained between 50 and :,00 i:pn PCBs until the testing n.."ql.lired by this
paragraph shows that its PCH concentration has been reduct."<i to below 2
ppu. Other fluid ::. mll!.it h.: h~u1dled as though tl1e original C<.lllet:ntra tion
wen! lUK.:llilfliJuJ llllt i 1 lt'HL rei;u It b t.~stc.1hlish which d i upot.Ml requirt:!.llleut
applies .. -
3. 'Ih!re niay be no exliaust or vent in\] of gdBes fran the dii:iposal portion of
the process. If 9<lses es1 ~dpe, PPM, Inc. or itti ogeJilts must inform the
o11•p1upri;i1,· 1-:l'A l\l~1iu1i.d O{fi c ,• 1,y <'l011e o( bu:;irn~G::; on the next: regular
l.>U.:.,incss day, ,md no PC!.k:; uuy be prcx::e8aed in tb,tt system unti 1 tl1e
t..!lllissioo prublem lws been cu rrectc<l Lo th0 :;;atisfc1ct ion of the EPA Region
in which the proolem OL--CLtrred.
4. Any chemical accidel1t or injury oc.:curring wit.h U1e uLJe of the prcx:css must
be reported to lhe EPJ\ Rc<:Jioridl Office by the next regular businoss day.
5. Any reports nx1uin:.'<.l by conditio ns 3 arrl 4 are to be sul:mitted
telephonic.ally to the 1-:.t~irnlc\l Administrator in the .Regional Office with
ret.ponsibility (or tile .State where Ult? incident cx:x.:urroo, and in writiD]
to the Deputy Assistctnt AJministrdtor for Toxic Substanc-es, Office of
Pesticide:,; & 'J'uxic Subs L.111c .. ~s, ,w1 M Strt..-et, S. W., Washington, D. C.
20460 c1fld to th~ ..ippropri,1te Re gion.-:il Administrator.
Conditions of Authorization (a:mt~nued)
6. 'ftle solid wastes generated by the system must be stored in aCCX>rdance with
Annex III, 40 CFR 761.4(d), and must be disposed of in a chemical waste
landfill approved by EPA 1.1Mer Annex II of the PCB Regulatiat (40 O"'R
761.41). Solid waste disposal must canply with all applicable Federal
regulations. Cleaning of the filters must be handled so that the oils or
water esctiping from the filter medium can be captured and han:lled
i.lCCX>rding to the requirements of awlicable sections of 40 CFR Part 761.
7. This authorization is for the PCB destructim/dispq>sal fX)rtion of the
system as described in the confidential bUoiness infonnatioo on file at
EPA, Regi<Xl IV. No nolif ications may be made to the disposal µ>rtion of
the system without prior EPA approval.
8. PPM, Inc. or its agents must develop and maintain tl,he following records:
(a) the l1i:Wle of each person whose tranafonner dielectric fluid was
processed by th0 process;
(b) the date such service was performed;
(c) an identi(ieation of the truck perfonniug the service;
(d) the woount of fluid prc.x:esat'!<l;
(e) the location, manufacturer (if known), an:l serial number (if any), of
the transformer or other <-"quipment from which the fluid was processed;
( f) a copy of the gas chronutograph or data record fran the tests
required by piu<.1gca.ph 2; and
(9) a summary of the total number of gallons of transformer dielectric
fluid processed through the system during the previous ca.lerxlar year.
The dc>cuments must be caupiled within 60 days of the servicing date, must be
kept at one centralized location and must be availaable for inspection by
authorized representatives of the Environmental Protect!i.on Agency. Such
docuuients shall be maintained for at least 10 years. P:rM, Inc. or its agents
must also oiaintain the records required by 40 CFR section 761.45(£).
9. PPM, Inc. or its agents must t.uke all necessary precautionary measures to
ensure that operation of the system is cco.:lucted in canpliance with
applicable safety and hectlth standards, as required by Federal, State or
local regulations or ordinanceo.