HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19820118_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Memo re PCB Task Force-OCRI .-1f/~ .. · North Carolina JIITO~ Department of Administration~ I /1, l\',·,t /,'Ii•"·:;,,,.,., /i,,/,·i!/11 :!7(,J I ('J/'1) I.Ti //.'i;I James B. Hunt.Jr .. Gowrnor Jane S:11i.th Patterson; Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: C __ / H. E. Mew, Jr.~ 0. W. Strickland ~- Richard B. Boyd ,.,.,,.,- David E. Kelly V-V Nolan P. Saunders 1,,r· Richard D. Holt c..--· Edward E. Everett ~ Jane Smith Patterson :I't t,t '1 PCB Task Force J ;rnuary 18, 1982 JAN lli..,, DIV. Of STATE NSTRUCT[or Recently, l asked Rily F. DeHruhl, State Construction Of ricer, to recommend to me scverJI qu.llified individuals who m;iy be inlcr0stc<l in serving on ;1 task force to develop a state ~ relating to the control, safety and disposal of PCB oil in transfor~ers own0d by the state. B.1scd upon your expe rtise in art•as associated with this issu0, R,1y submitted your name and indicated your possible interest in contributing to the ~ which will be undertaken by the task force. Specifically, the task force will be charged with developing: an inventory of existing state-owned transformers of the PCB oil --filled type inc luding location (result, pole or padmount), age planned replacement date, size and contamination potential in th0 cvcnl of a leak; s.ifcty measures for both mainte- nance personnel and C'nvironmC'ntal concern; rcplac<'mcnt pol icy; disposal proced- ures; and re~ommcndations for any other arras which the task force may ide ntify. Your willingness to srrvc on this task force will be greatly appreciated. Please notify me in the near future' if you desire to serve. Thank you for your cooperation rcg.1rding this matt e r. JKS/scw