HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19790604_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Events Surrounding PCB Problem-OCR',.
JULY 1978
July 30 First report of chemical spill which was later identified as PCB in Warren
County on N. C. 58
August 3
First NRCD laboratory confirmation of PCB 1 s (Johnston County).
Meeting of concerned citizens in Johnston County with state officials.
Memo to local health directors (OHR). 10
Governor requested the President to declare 14 counties as disaster areas.
Request for emergency relief funds made to the Federal Highway Admintstration,
U. S. Department of Transportation.
Flyers concerning health effects delivered to residents along spills (OHR).
Governor requested federal assistance through the Federal Disaster Assistance
Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Blood samples taken from 20 people along spill sites (OHR).
1 N. C. Department of Transportation begins applying a solution of activated
carbon at the rate of one gallon per square yard and an application of
liquid asphalt at the rate of 1/10 gallon per square yard to the 210 miles
of contaminated highway shoulder.
FJyers concerning health effects to crops and livestock delivered to
residents along spill (AGRIC .).
SEPTE.MBER 1978 --Search Begins for Sol id Waste Landfill Sites
Sept. 1 Memo to physicians in affected counties (OHR).
6 First test of pick up equipment along uncontaminated road shoulder material.
13 Second test of pick up equipment along uncontaminated road shoulder material.
19 Third test of pick up equipment along uncontaminated road shoulder material.
29 Governor's request for assistance from the Federal Disaster Assistance
Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development1is denied.
OCTOB ER 19 78
Oct. 4
, Not ifi ed by Feder al Hi gin-,ay Ad111 i nistt·ati on, U. S. Depa rtme nt of Tr ans portation,
that our req uest for eme r gency relief funds denied.
Test of pick up equipment on contaminated road shoulder material on Highway 58
in Warren County .
Nov . 6 Test results of pick up of ~9 ntaminated shoulder material available and
indicates that the con t aminated soil can be picked up and treated without
harming the environment or personnel involved.
20 Chatham County Commissioners passed a resolution "a greeing to sell the State
of N. C. 6 acres of land at the county landfill site to be used for the .
storage and disposal of PCB contaminated soil to in cl ude all PCB con t ami nated soil now known to be in Chatham County."
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-Dec. 1
Obtained option on Warren County site (Carter & Paul Pope).
Public Hearing in Chatham County Courthouse on Chatham Landfill site.held
by County Commissioners and attended by state officials.
Application filed with EPA for Chatham County site.
Application filed with EPA for Warren County site.
Withdrawal of state's offer to purchase site in Chatham County Landfill.
Published Negative Declaration on Warren County site.
Withdrawal of application to EPA for approval of the Chatham County Landfill
Jan. 4 Public Hearing on Warren County site held in Warrenton at the National
Guard Armory.
6 Test of in-place treatment on uncontaminated highway shoulder material
in Wake County
29 Secretary Hyde and other N. C. officials met in Washington, D. C., with
Deputy EPA Administrator Barbara Blum and other federal officials to
discuss in-place treatment.
Feb. 6 Filed petition with EPA to amend rules under the Toxic Substances Control
15 Test of in-place treatment on contaminated highway shoulder material in
Johnston County (N. C. 210).
MARCH 1979
March 22
MAY 1979
May 7
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June 4
Test of in-place treatment on contaminated highway shoulder in Alamance
County (SR 1010).
Option on Warren County site (Pope) expires--unable to renew.
St ate agrees to EPA reques t for an additional 10 days t o an nou nce dec ision
on pe tition to amend rul es .
Douglas Castle, EPA Ad mi nistrator , rules against petition to change rules
to allow consideration of alternate methods of treatment.
John White, Region IV EPA Administrator, approves Warren County application.