HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19781231_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Background material, 1978 - 1979-OCRt On August, 1978 a private citizen discovered an oily smelly substance on his lawn. The grass was dead and the stench was overpowering. He remembered hearing the sound of truck driving slowly past his house the night before. The night after he discovered the substance, he heard the same sound again and heard something that sounded like liquid running. It also sounded . he said, as though the driver were turning the truck off when cars passed by. He called the highway patrol to report an oil spill. They in turn contacted the N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. NRCD began to work to see what to do about the spill, but suddenly more reports of other spills were coming in--270 miles in all. Individuals in the spill areas were reporting nausea, burning eyes, dizziness. NRCD contacted the Division _of Health Services, Department of Human Resources on August 8. Dr. Martin Hines, chief epidemiologist with the Division of Health Services was invited to NRCD's press conference--it was a press field day because the chemical spilled on the road has been ' ./ j Q...L...(_ \.,,1 '-l t,<C-.~.. p-·wr~ :.. L.~ •• .., ✓ / found to be polychlorinated biphenals--PCBs--which .a-re pre-f)-E}&ed-to 1 I '17'6 -! ,'-Ii.., .... •,' ---. ~--·i, ··-, _.(' ' ' ~·----~-,-~_,, ,f b·e banried· by the Environmental Protect ion Agency. T-he-~a--r-e 2:: ,:.( •:-:c-(. ·J,. ·<:.. :,.-1 i; ,(,,_,1..£,, ~ ~' ,(l ~ .. ' ·/ ,JC/~- designated--by. EPA-as----a---to:x-i-e--suhstance. Hines then began to collect data from scientists all over the country to find out the best practices to handle the disposal of PCB's . One of the ~oremost of whom is Dr. Renate Kimbrough of Communicable Disease Control of Atlanta, Georgia. After obtaining reliable scientific data on the chemical and discovering that there are no immediate health hazards associated with the chemical unless it is eat~n Hines put out an information flyer containing relavent health information to the residents along the spill sites. 2 Meanwhile the chief of the sanitary engineering section of the Division of Health Services had begun to look for a suitable dump site for the material--some 72 million pounds in all. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., who had directed the state agencies to move as quickly as possible to clean up the mess, had authorized the state agencies to make the clean-up of PCB's the first priority. It was discovered that people who had become sick in the spill area were sick as the result of the vaporizing of chemicals mixed with the PCBs. Follow-up blood samples of the people in the spill site showed no increase of PCB levels . The efforts to find a proper disposal site for the PCB laden material posed an even bigger problem for the state. Because of the publicity, public awareness was at a pitch and nobody wanted it in their back yeards. This coupled with the fact that North Carolina has few if any places that geologically will meet all of ~ EPAs guideline~ has made the location of a suitable site nearly impossible. As of September 6, no site had been found, In order to keep the material as safe as possible the spill site was sprayed with activated charcoal following the best scientific advice available to the agency. This was carried out by the N. C. Department of Transportation. Some scientists now feel that the PCBs have been deactivated because they have formed a chemical bond with the charcoal. This would make the material safe as long as the bond exists. If nothing else . the charcoal has bought the state time as the efforts to find a suitable site continue. The chemical itself is relatively mysterious. It is a man made heat resistor. When used, it was sometimes dumped on the I • . 3 highways as a road stabilizer. Originally it was used as dielectric fluids in capacitors and transformers, industrial fluids in hyderalic systems, fire retardants, heat transfer agents, plasticziers in adhesives, textiles, sealand and printing. As a result of its widespread use since 1928, PCBs are now found in almost every living thing from one pole to the other. Because it is a heavy substance (one gallon of PCB weights 13 pounds; one gallon of water weighs 8 pounds) it consistently sinks to the bottom of any water body where the small organisms that live along the bottom of the streams feed. Fish magnify the chemical. This is one reason that the EPA acceptable level of PCB in a fish for human consumption is five parts per million. There has never been a documented death due to PCB consumption--- not even in the Japanese "Yusho" incident when PCB contaminated rice oil was consumed by unsuspecting citizens daily for several ~onths. These people did develop chloracne (a skin ailment that is like ·teenage acne all over the body) as well as dizziness and -vision blurring. The symptoms lingered for a while and finally faded away. Contin.ua1i monitoring of these individuals since the incident in 1968 has not shown any development of cancer. Children born to these individuals had darker skin pigmentation. Laboratory animals which have been injected with high doses of PCBs have had many frightening side effects which have not been seen in people. This is the main reason for the EPA ban. Industrial workers who manufacture PCB and electric company workers who literally have worked standing in it for hours have shown no particular effects. Industrial workers in Bloomingfield, Ill. who where monitored had a higher cancer rate than the rest of the nation I , .. • 4 but not a higher rate than the state of New Jersey. Laboratory animals which had been injected with massive amounts of PCB have developed several problems--liver cancer, enlarged livers, an inability to metabolize vitamins A, D and E with accompaning side effects are part of the problem. Pregnant laboratory rats injected with PCB have birth defective offspring. About half of the offspring become "spinners" who . with the slightest sound begin to run frantically in circles until they die of exhaustion. The seemingly normal offspring exhibit an inability to learn relatively simple functions such as crawling along a wire--their fine motor skills apparently seriously impaired. The problems with the disposal of the hazardous chemical are several. The first problem is finding a place large enough to hold the 72 mLllion pounds of dirt, grass and activated charcoal in which the PCBs are contained. Once that site is found , there are the difficulties of finding one in a clay soil which has a very low water taple. None of the water tables at any of the potential sites found so far have been low enough to meet EPA standards. A bill was passed by the 1978 session of the legislature which adjourned .on June 17, 1978 which addressed itself to the disposal of hazardous waste and the establishment of a proper disposal site, but the bill will not go into effect until EPA has finished drafting its regulations describing what chemicals are hazardous and how they can be disposed of. According to all scientific data available, the N. C. Division of Health Services is taking the safest route available with the health of' its citizenry. But the PCB dumping in North Carolina is unprece.dented. It has J • 5 brought up several interesting problems. Most chemical waste spills are the result of accident and are therefore confined to one place. The PCB dumping in North Carolina was intentional. Because it was an act of vandalism most of the chemical is in the form of contaminated soil. The methods of disposing of contaminated soil are, at best, primitive. There are, for example, no machines in the country that are designed to meet the needs of the state. Highway equipment is being modified, What type of protective equipment clean up crews need to wear is a source of debate, Preliminary test of the removal site will determine what equipment is needed. The culprits in the dumping may well have been caught but the chances of the three individuals having the resources to meet the cost of the state in the clean up are remote. The base estimate of the cost is $2.5 million and going up. EPA officials agree that no spill of this magnitude has ever ~ occured before~ but it is unlikely that it will not happen again. For this reason the national scientific community is very interested in the PCB spill. North Carolina may well become the testing ground for the type of clean up procedures that many other states will someday be faced with. PCB HISTORY On August 1, 1978 a private ix citizen discovered an oily smelly substance on his lawn. The grass was dead and the stench was over~owering. He remembered xk hearing the sound of a truck driving slwwly past his HNX house the night before. The xgi night after he discovered the substance, hex heard the same sound again and heard something that sounded like liquid running. It also sounded, he said, as though the driver were turning the truck off when cars passed ~ by. He called xkRxkgxkigkwx~ a highway patrolman to report an oil spill. In accordance with emergency procedures, the patrolman reported the spill to a representative of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources who in xx turn contaced the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. NRCD began to work to see what to «N do about the spill, but suddenly more reports of other spills were corning in-270 miles in all. Individuals in the spill areas were reporting nausea, burning eyes, &isziness. NRCD contacted Dr. Martin Hines, chief epidemiologist of the ~ixx Division of Health Services, Department of Human Resources on August 8. MRxwxxxixxixR« jxjxKRxxx Soon it was discovered that the chemical spilled was polychl~rinated biphenyls, PCB, which is in the process of being banned by the Environmental Protection Agency. Congress ordered EPA to ban the chemical. Hines then began to collect data from scientists all over the NM country to find out the best practices to handle the disposal of PCBs. One of the foremost of whom is Dr. Renate Kimbrough of ~mmmNNiKxki&xiiK the Center for Communicable iixK&xx Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia~~ After obtaiming reliable scientific data on the chemical and discovering that there are no m immediate health hazards associated with it unless it is eatnn. Hines put out an ixfmmxim information flyer containing health information to the residebts along the xix,x spill sites. R~w,iRxxlmx~xxk&xx~llxxix&xxkx«xk&K&m&xxiKXlXK&m,1xixgix People xlmngxxk&xKx living along the spill site were complaing of nausea, dizziness and blurring of vision. This was later determined to be caused by the chemicals mixed with PCBs. A memo was also drafted tox all k&ix health departments in the 15 affected counties describing the substance a< and what its affects could be. Later a memo was drafted to all physicians in relavant specialities describing what kx& health affects K&Mi« had been seen in the past related to PCBs. Meanwhile, the i chief of the sanitary engineering section of the Division of Health Services had begun to look for a suitable dump site for the material--some 81 million pounds in all. imY&xxx Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., who had directed the state agencies to move as quickly as possible to clean up the mess, had xNxkxmxi authorized the state agencies to make the clean-up of PCB's the first priority . ~~-1 1'A--C£->~· p.~ Hunt x had also ordered the chemical x,imi spill areas 1"8ete<l and~ ""h;.. spray,illllg 8f them spill areas with powdered actived carbon to chemically bind the material. ~ientific advice from ix.a Dr. Webber at N.C. State University had suggested that this practice would Kk&mi chemically lock the PCBs, mxkimg mxkixgxixxim~mmx which would reduce any k&i health affects for the citizens living along the road sides until the material were cleaned up. The chemicals should remain locked up for some 20 years which ist the approximate half f life of carbon. During the last week of June and early August of 1978 on remote rural roads in eleven counties in North Carolina, 35,000 gallons of PCB were discharged along 270 miles of road shoulder . On July 15, 1983 the final security measures, fences with barbed wire and locked gates, were in- stalled on a landfill constructed for disposal of the clean-up of the PCB spill~ Between these events, North Carolina has been exposed to a series of very traumatic events including: turbulent and vocal public hearings; three law suits; massive public civil disobedience demonstrations; mobilization of several divisions of state highway patrol personnel and national guard support units; cycles of arrests of more than 500 demonstrators, trial, release and re-arrest; and acts of criminal vand alism and theft. It is anticipated that even the distant future will hold more trauma as the state is committed to detoxification of the PCB in the landfill as soon as the economic and technical feasibility can be demonstrated . The State Health Department or the Division of Health Services and the Environmental Health Section has been actively involved in this action through Solid and Hazardous Waste Management responsibilities. This presentation describes some of the events that have occurred from the moment the public became aware of the spill until our current efforts to monitor the disposal site and participate in detoxification of the site. Site Selection 90 sites evaluated on technical merit and Warren County demonstrated the highest degree of public health protection. Sites were evaluated on a 7 day a week, 24-hour basis until selection of Warren County in November of 1978. Two law suits were on technical issues and were ruled to be unfounded and the state selection process was upheld. (See Enclosure) 2. ALTERNATIVE SITE EVALUATIONS ~•Technical standards for locating and evaluating potential disposal sites include the fol lowing: 1. Size large enough to construct and protect disposal area. 2. Areas of low to moderate relief. 3. Soils with high clay and silt content and meet required technical criteria including: -7 a. Permeability 1.0 x 10 cm/sec b. 30% passing No. 200 sieve c. Liquid limit 30 d. Plasticity index 15 4. Sufficient on-site soils for liner, dike and final cover construction. 5. Depth to historical high groundwater levels. 6. Location above 100-year flood plain. 7. Distaace from surface streams or springs. 8. Distance from private water supply wells. 9. Not located 'withiri public water supply shed. 10. Control of local recharge to groundwater 11. Minimize. ~urface water flow from off-site sources to the site. ,•- 12. Access-rransport routes or from hard surface roacl to disposal area. Approximately 90 sites in 20 counties were evaluated with these standards. Nost of the sites were. eliminated due to the location being within a public water supply water shed, private water supply too near, surface soil characteristics, rock out- crops and access . .'probl~ms. From these 90 ~d.tes, eleven were considered to be potentially_ suitable and were further evaluated. These sites were drilled and tested for restrictions to disposal site standards. Six sites were eliminated after detailed sub-surface investigations due to shallow depth to rock, high water tables, high soil permeability and·insufficient volumes of soil materials that met soil permeability standards. r . Detailed subsurface evaluation o1 the Chatham County Sanitary Landfill site and the Pope site in Warren County indicated a high probability -to meet the disposal site standards. Additional subsurface sampling and laboratory testing were performed on these two sites. The Chatham County Sanitary Landfill soils were higher in permeability; had a smaller volume for liner, dike and cover; the t0po- graphy was less moderate; the size required for disposal of all the waste and provide sufficient buffer was restricted and the actual positioning of the site was restricted by current projected routine ·landfill activity; a spring was up gradient and closer to surface water discharge points through the .Warren County site. Events Spill of PCB confirmed Acti vated charcoal spred over spill EPA coordinator assigned to protect OHR Epidemiology Section convened conference on health effects Alternatives to removed spill studied Government request federal assistance Negative declaration and EIS written Application for landfill disposal filed with EPA Public hearing in Warren County Stat e request to EPA to treat in place rather then landfill State request to amend rules to allow treatment in place EPA refuses to amend rules to treat in place EPA approved state application for landfill disposal Lawsuits against state to construct landfill (2 technical and l racial descrimination lawsuit) State lets contract for construction Construction complete Roadside pickup, transport and disposal Closure/temporary Closure final Detoxification 1st week in August, 1978 August 15, 1978 August 17, 1978 August 28-29, 1978 September 6-13 , 1978 September 29, 1978 December, 1978 December 12, 1978 January 4, 1979 January 29, 1979 February 15, 1979 June 4, 1979 June 4, 1979 June , 1979 -January, 1982 July, 1982 September, 1982 September -October, 1982 November, 1982 July, 1983 July, 1983 -until Sli~e (1) Landfill design concept 40,000 yd3 capacity 14 feet of separation of waste and groundwater 2 liner system 5' clay with a 30 mil. artificial liner Leachate removal above clay liner Leachate detection/removed below artificial liner Final cover 10 mil. artificial liner, 2' clay liner 4 feet topsoil Monitoring wells (4) around site Slide (2)(3) View of the site prior to construction Slide (4)(5) No one in the community liked the landfill -so they advertised their discontent Slide (6)(7) Protesters lived at the site from initial construction (7a)(7b) till closure, required many Highway Patrol to control the crowd more than 500 arrested. Slide (8)(9)(10) 40,000 yd 3 excavation in red 5lay the base for the landfill Slide (11)(12)(13) Construction of lower leachate collection/detection system, can remove any liquid that moves through double liner Sli de (15) 30 mil artificial liner Slide (16)(17) Vandles slash liner, liner repaired Slide (18)(21) 5' clay liner installed Slide (22) Clay liner compacted to reduce permeability (l .0 x 10-7 cm/sec or 0.1 ft/yr) Slide (23) Upper leachate collection system installed over clay liner - notice national Guard Air Support Slide (24) Filter fabric over upper leachate system to keep soil from clogging when placing waste in landfill Slide (25)(26) Roadside pick-up Special blade on road grader windrow soil to pavement soil to wetted to reduce dust Slide (27) Special excavator picks up soil windrow Slide (28) Excavator dumps into truck Slide {29)(29a)(30) Dump trucks dumping in landfill Slide (30)(32) Landfill filled to capacity and covered with artificial liner Slide (33) Gas vent installed to release pressure from any decomposition Slide (34) Temporary cover applied to landfill over artificial liner and stabilized for erosion control, since this time 4 feet of top- soil and fencing has been installed and the site is seeded and looks approximately like it did prior to construction of the landfill Slide (35) Remount system pipe for leachate goes to bottom of fill below waste material, allows removal and treatment of leachate Slide (36)(37) Installation of leachate treatment system 2-1000 gallon tanks 1st full of activated carbon, 2nd a sand filter Slide (38) Collection system for treated leachate will be applied to surface of landfill for irrigation -after treatment leachate test to be less than 10 ~ PCB Slide (39)(40) Monitoring wells installed and tested for PCB -none found Slide (41) Air monitoring for PCB and decomposition products -no significant contamination found Slide (42) Many problems occurred during construction and closure - one of which is rainfall on a high clay site our vehi cles were converted to boats Slide (43) End -Stop The end to this project is not in sight at this time . The Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch has perpetual monitoring responsibility for air, groundwater, surface water, and leachate collection and treatment which is done monthly. The State is committed to detoxification and has a committee of expert engineers, toxicologist, geologist , and chemist and Warren County citizens to determine i f i t is possible or feasible to biologically or chemically treat the Warren County Landfill site . At the present time, there is as close to zero public health impact as possible to the citizens of Warren County from the disposal site. -;;;-;-~----~ PC3 SPILLS 210 Miles of Read, Nor-~~ Carolina Be'b,;een June and August 1978, over 30,000 gallons of indust=ial waste '1¥era deliterately disc'1arged al~ 210 miles of hi~hway shoulders in 14 ounties of North carolina. Analysis by the U.S. Envircr:mental Protection ~ency (E?A) found ~.rcch.lor-1260, a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB}. To reduce migration, the ?CB -w-aste material was covered with activated charcoal and liquid asphalt. The individuals criminally charged with the release have been found guilty by tr.e Federal District Court. Because of the quantity of soils involved and t.~e distances to approved landfills, t..'1e State deciced to constr..2ct a new landfill. North Carolina sought EPA approval on t:ecenber 12, 1978, for a FCB landfill in 'warren County. EPA approved t..'ie site in June 1979, subject to c::rnpliarice with a number of technical and procedural conditions. · The St.ate received a Cccperative ;..f~ent fer Supe?:"::und ::inancing of ~'"le cleanup in May 1982. Under t..'"le A;reenent, t.i:e State :.-eceivec s2.s million to construct: t."le landfill; ~ove, t.::-ansport, and dispose of the cont.a."T'linated soils; a~c reconst:-'.lct the hioh.av shculders. -- The la~d::ill was const-'"i.lcted over t.~e Sumier cf 1982. A landfill l:ner -..-as slit in 21 places in August 1982, and was repaired at a cost of sa,ooo. Dispcsal cf c=ntaminated soils at t.~e landfill began on September 15, 1982. 7he entire operation, includinc; capping the landfill, is nearly This is the top priority site in Nor..b Carolina and was on the !nte!:"~~ Priority List of 160 sites.' N. C. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES CHECK-OFF SHEET FOR PROPOSED SANITARY LANDFILL SITES -COUNTY LOCATION PROPERTY OWNER PROPOSED OPERATOR ----------------------------· -------Is this site within the boundaries of a public water Watershed 2. Does any portion of this site contain floodplain areas? 3 Are there public or private wells nearby that could be affected. Nearest well in feet ______ (Elaborate in Comments Sectio 4. Are there springs present on t e site? Number ----- 5. Will this site require dyking? 6. Will this site require piping of surface drainage? 7. Not precluding required boring information, does this site have adequate cover material for t'he s anitary landfill development? YES YES YES YES YES YES r --,-....--:1--,-~------------------------------------a.1 Will this _s i-te require diversion of surface water? : ~ YES \.,,R~ceiving stream for surf ace drainage from site ------~------ 9. Wil 1 thi ~-;it~-r eq u-ire ·extensive prepar·a ~ i~;-~-suc·h-;;; clearing? (Elaborate in Comments Section) 10. Will this site require a new all-weather access road? -(Elaborate in Corranents Section) YES YES ACRES NO ----- NO NO NO ---- NO ----- NO NO ---- NO NO NO 11. Evaluate the following: POOR GOOD A. Surface soil conditions as related to cover requirements C:· Location gs related to population density ~ C. Accessibility to users EXCELLENT 12. Based on the ob servations made above and otherwise, do you recommend that the request.or proceed with the requirements of .0111 and .0112 of the Division of Health Services "Solid Waste Management Rules"? YES NO 13. COMMENTS: (Include any requirements noted by you for the sanitary landfill development and operation) 14. Number of borings recorranended for a representative sampling of the site 15. Percent of usable land ------ (DATE) DHS Fo rm 1350 (Rev. 7/76 ) So l id Was t e & Vec tor Con t rol Branch Include sketch of site on back of this form. Division of Health Services District Sanita rian for Solid Waste or Environmental Engineer 70P fill$// /I.PO/Vol> .. :SIP£ )'J/l}tl. /// ;),' I fA/tll 5 /~? __ -/S0.,5 ID ~ol~ VIZf - 15, 1-055 -z,~~B 2Qt ~.,5 ~ot;;e:; . /k)p l/,t,t11 7SX75 . ~I/)£. #Jt( /,'/ ~;/ Ot!!rt1 . -$ ior ?I/ I /6 /5"~0 1172 -/$ Z,04/ _ /21Z -~ 2-~7 --,1//,4 -•t- _t(o, lfltlt 50 KS" c) _ _ . ; ~£)'[. WINC /LI _ --~ //ff fl/ H 5 . 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Lake trout were reported to contain PCBs as high as 43.8 ppm, an d carp con t ained levels as high as 51 .6 ppm (EH RC , 1976). The highest concentrations of PCEls are found in fish th at come from the Hudson Ri ver in New Yo rk; Fish taken from below th e General El ectric capa c- itor manufacturing plant contained PCBs in the range of 17 to 78 ppm; one sample of rock bass contained 350 ppm (Ahmed, 1976). The bed and bank sediments in a 40--mile 'r eac h of th e river 1"/ere estimated t o contain more th an 400,000 pou nd s of PC Bs, and concentrations as high as 5,600 ppin wer e found (Mas l ansky et al., 1978). Old electrical equipment has been discarded by many companies and the PCBs have discharged into the atmosphere and waterways. PCBs are somewha t volatile, and the migration of PCBs through air is consid ered to be one of the basic mec hanisms by which the ubiquitous presence of PCBs in nature occurs (P ersson , 1971). An average fallout rate of 40 to 80 µq/m 2 /year of PCBs over continen ta l North America 1"/as reported by the Panel on Hazardous Trace Substances (Nelson et al., 1972). DISPOSAL AND SOIL ATTENUATION One problem of disposal involves the high costs and fees for transport- in g PCB wastes to regional incinerators or approved l and f ills compared to si mply di s carding the wastes. The costs at disposa l sites that spec ially treat or incinerate wastes may be as high as a doll ar per gallon or more; The costs for l an d burial are generally between 5 to 10 cents per ga llon (Troi se and Kahn, 1978). · ~':>-Incineration is considered the safest method for disposa l of PCB wastes, but t~s method is extremely costly and has some operating difficulties. PCBs do not burn read ily; theoperating conditions of the incinerator mus t be carefully controlled to prevent the reentry of PCBs into the environment in the stack gases (Duvall and Rubey, 1977; Moon, Leighton, and Hueb ner, 1976). Ni sbet and Sar ofim (1972) estimated the rate of PC B disposal in dumps and l andf ill s in North Amer ica in 1970 to be 18,000 tons per year . In view of this, l an d di sposa l of PCBs and related materials has concerned many peopl e (J orda n, 1977; Henderson, 1978) because surprisingly littl e is known about the mobi lity of PCBs in soil systems. The hydrophob ic characteri stic of PCBs make them eas ily adsorbed from aqueous solution onto available surfaces; the an1ou nt of PCBs bein g adsorbed depends on the nature of the surface (Haque , Schmedding, and Freed, 1974; Lawrence and Tos in e , 1976). Haqu e and Schmedding (1976) studi ed the adsor p- tion characteristi cs of three selected PCB isomers by several adsorbents and pro vid ed ev i dence th at adsorption increases as the number of chlorine atoms on the isomer in creases . Iv✓a ta, Westlake, and Gunther (197 3) studied the persistence of PCBs in six Cali forn i a soils. Preferential disappearance of some gas chroma tograp h C A~M5>, Richa rd ((}r0j,<-4 6.(f;,ef). l.f.PA 4Jkoue±ibfl Q...+ ~ So 1 !a(b._k -E(:~ s ti &~ Jn,4.k" i4 ~ , 1?";94 (GC) peaks was evident and recovery of Aroclor 1254 was related to the organic-matter content of the soil. In a separate study of PCB uptake by carrots, 97 percent of the residue was found in the peel and very little translocation into the plant tissue. Again, the lesser chlorinated biphenyls were slowly dissipated and the more highly chlorinated biphenyls were not appreciably affected (Iwata, Gunther, and Westlake, 1974). · , Tucker, Litschgi, and Mees (1975) percolated water through soil columns containing PCBs. In the worst case, less than 0.05 percent of the added • Aroclor l 016 was leached; they concluded that PCBs are not r eadily leached \ from soils. Similarly, S~harperiseel, Th eng, and Stephan (1978) found that very little leaching of PCBs occurred and that the PC£3s recovered from the soil were associated with the soil org anic matter. Briggs (1973) reported that adsorption of unionized organic compounds by soils was related to the organic-matter content of th e soil and to the octanol/water partition coefficients of the compound. On the bas is of the octanol/water partition coefficients for PCBs, he predicted that they would be immobile in soils. Lidgett and Vodden (1970) an alyzed waters around a sanitary landfill for PCBs and found the contamination levels to be below their det ection limits of 4 ppb. Similarly, Robertson and Li (1976) used GC/Mass Spectrom- etry techniques and failed to detect PCBs in ground water. Hesse (1971) reported that runoff from landfills was only a minor source of PCB contami- nation to the environment. More recently, Moon, Leighton, and Huebner (1976) reported that l evel s of PCBs in ground water in the vicinity of 11 sanitary landfills were below detection (<l ppb), but that low level s of PCBs were found in waters from monitoring wells at several industrial PC B disposal sites and lagoons. They concluded from analyses of wat er and splitspoon soil samples that PCBs were present in most leachates from land disposal sites and th at PCBs have a strong affinity for soil. Gre s shoff, Mahanty, and Gartner (1977) have also reported that PCBs have a high affinity for soils. Leis et al. (1978) studied PCB migration in ground water from 12 dredg e disposal sites in the upper Hudson River Valley of New York. They concluded that the velocity of the front of PCB advance was about 2 orders of magnitude slower than the velocity of the ground water flow. They further concluded that inputs of PCB that were due to migration through ground water were negligible in comparison to other inputs of PCBs. ~ The information presently available indicates that PCBs have a strong ,.,,affinity for soil and th at the nature of the surface, the organic matter \~ontent, and the chlorine content and/or hydrophobicity of the individual l_B CB isome rs are factors affecting adsorption. Quantitative data on the adsorption capacities and factors affecting PCB adsorption by earth materials are needed to assess the impact of soil attenuation mechanisms for restrict- ing PCB mobility in the environment. MICROBIAL DEGRADATION The above studies sugge st that the interaction of PCBs with soil part- icles is an itnportant attenuation mech anism. Another potentially important 5 mechanism is the degradatfon of PCBs by microorganisms. Biphenyl Degradation Various species of microor9anisms that can degrade biph enyl have bee n reported. Lunt and Evans (1970) were the first to report the microbial degradation of biphenyl. The microorganisms used were gram -nega tive bac- teria found in soil. They reported that biphenyl .was degraded t o 2,3- . ·dihydroxybiphenyl .· This compound was then degraded to a (:L -hydroxy-13-phenyl - nruconic semialdehyde and then to phenylpyruvate. Catelani et al. (1971, 1973) reported that Pseudomoruis put i da. could degrade bi phenyl. The bi phenyl was degraded to 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl and further degraded to benzoic acid and 4-hydroxy-2-oxovaleric acid. Gibson et al. (1973) reported a Beijeri nckia species that could deg rade bi phenyl to 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl. They also reported that the interme di at e in this step, cis-2,3-dih_ydrox_y-l-phen_ylc_yclohexa-4,6-diene was formed by bacteria, whereas the trans isomers were formed in mammals. PCB Degradation by Pure Cultures v/allnofer et al. (1973) isolated a soil fungus, Rhi2opus j aponicas , which converts 4-chlorobiphenyl to 4-chloro -4 1 hydroxybiphenyl. Ahmed and Focht (1973a, 1973b) r eported the degradati on of seve ral PCB isomers by two species of Achromobact er>. They isolated the two species from sewage, the first by biphenyl enrichment and t he second by 4-chlorobiphe nyl enrichment. They reported that the products prod uced by these t wo spe cies were different; this suggests different metabolic pathways for deg rada tion. They showed that degradation of the unsubstituted aromatic ring wa s preferred . This, and the observation that no dechlorination occurred, l ead to a build- up in chlorobenzoic acids. Recently, Omori and Alexander (1978) reported that certain alkanes can be dehalogenated. If dehalogenation, along with degradation, can occur, then PCBs can be broken down into small nonchlori- nated compqunds. Kaiser and Wong (1974) reported the tsolation of some micr6organisms that degraded PCBs into metabolites that contained neithe r chlorine nor oxygen. This is quite unusual because the PCB s are degrad ed aerobically and therefore should be oxidized and should contain oxygen. Baxter et al. (1975) measured PCB degrad ation by a species of Nocardio. and a species of Pseudomonas. With the Nocar di a species they reported 88 percent and 95 percent degradation for 52 and 100 days, re sp ectively. With the Pseudomonas spedes they reported 76 and 85 percent for the same per i ods. Both studies were .done with Aroclor 1242. They also did work with single PCB isome rs and in these studies found that PCB isomers with up to 6 chlo- rines could be degraded to some degree and th at the pattern of chlorine substitution detennines the ease of degradation. They al so found that the two species wo uld degrade some isomers differently; for example, the Noca~h a could not degrade 4,4 1 -dichlorobipheny.l in 121 days, v1hereas the Pseudomo,10,,; species degraded it about 50 percent in 15 days. They also reported a for!!l of cometabolization, in that some isomers degraded more slowly \o1hen pres en t 6 _ ~ ... f,-.. . . • l .. . ~ ' I l . l l I . L f l i ; ' } l . l I . i .. t . j .. l i 1 . t l j I f ! l as the only carbon substrate, but degraded more rapidly when in a mixture of isomers or when biphenyl was present. An example of this was 2,5,4'- trichlorobiphenyl. When alone this isomer degraded only 15 percent in 73 days; however, with biphenyl the degradation was 60 percent in 73 days. Furukawa and Matsumura (1976) isolated an Alkaligenes species from a lake sediment by enrichment with biphenyl. The PCBs were degraded in two steps. The first step was the formation of a yellow product, id entified as a chlorinated derivative of 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoic acid . .. Jhis-compound was then broken -down into chlorinated benzoic acids. In ad d- ition, the isomers with 4'-chlorine produced longer lasting yellow inter- mediates. PCB isomets with chlorines on only one of the rings were degraded more easily than thoie~ith chlorines on both rings. They also found that lower chlorinated isomers were more easily degraded and that isomers with up to five chlorines could be degraded. A later study by Furukawa, Tonomura, and Kamibayashi (1978) with Alka- ligenes and Acinetobacter used 31 different PCB isomers and showed similar results. They found that isomers with 3,6 or 2,2' chlorines were poorly degraded. They also reported less degradation as the number of chlorines per mo l ecu le increased. The two species showed about the san1e amount of degradation of each isomer except for 2,4,6-trichlorobiphenyl. Several trichlorobiphenyl isomers could be degraded almost completely in less than three hours by these microorganisms. Sayler, Shau, and Colwell (1977) isolated a species of Pseudomonas from sea water that degraded PCBs. They obtained between 9 an d 39 perc ent degradation of Aroclor 1254 in 22 days, the percentage depending on the starting concentration. In 60 days they found between 63 and 84 perc ent degradation, again the percentage depending on the starting co nc entration. At 22 days , the lm-,est deqradation was at the l owest concen t ration, 10 11g/L; at 60 days the low est degradation was at the highest concentration, lOOQµg/L . Ballschmitter, Unglert, and Neul (1977) proposed several schemes for the microbial breakdown of PCBs into various metabol ites, including chlorinated benzoic acids. It has been known for some time that PCBs could be degraded by ma nma ls and birds. Sundstrom, Hutzinger, and Safe (1976) presented a review of the metabo lism of PCBs in animals. Hutzinger, Safe, and Zitko (19 74 ) also presented a review of PCBs in both animals and microorganisms . Sayler, Shau , and Colwell (1977) noted that the degradation of PCBs in animals could actually be caused by the action of the intestinal microbiota. PCB De gradatio n in Sewage Many PCBs end up in sewers, either through spills or dumpings, and then go into activated sludge systems. Tuc ker, Litschgi, and Mees (1975) worked with a continuously fed activated sludge unit. At a feed l evel of l 1119/48 hrs., they reported 100 percent degradation of bi phenyl, 81 percent degr ada- tion of Aroclor 1221, 33 percent degradation of Aroclor 1016, 26 percent degradation of Aro clor 1242, and 15 percent degradation of Aroclor 1254. With Aroclor 1221, only the 3-, 4-, and 5-chlorine isomers were not degraded. 7 ◄} Mihashi et al. (1975) reported 50 percent PCB degradation in activated sludge and that the degree of degradation decreased as chlorine substitution increased. Herbst et al. (1977) studied the fate of two radiolabeled isomers of PCB, 2,5,4 1 -trichlorobiphenyl and 2,4,6,2' ,4 1 -pentachlorobiphenyl. They determined that the two isomers were poorly degraded by the activated sludge. In addition, most of the PCBs ended up in the activated sludge and not in the supernatant. Jordan· (1977) -reported on the case of.Williams, Indiana; activated sludge containing up to 300 ppm PCBs was used as fertilizer and harmed both the people and the wildlife of the area. Inhibition by PCBs r PCBs also inhibit the growth of microorganisms that have not been ~cclimated to PCBs. Bourquin and Cassidy (1975) reported that a sizeable proportion of estuarine bacteria are sensitive to PCBs. They pointed out that if PCBs were present in large amounts, the normal microbial heter- otrophic activity could be disrupted. Murado, Tejedor, and Baluja (1976) reported that Aroclor 1254 would inhibit the formation of mycelium of AspergilZus flavus. They also found that no degradation of PCBs occurs in these cultures. Blakemore and Carey (1978) reported the inhibiting of growth of two marine bacteria by low concentrations of Aroclor 1254. They found that the inhibition was dose dependent and that respiration was not inhibited. Blakemore (1978) also reported the inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis in a n1arine bacteria and subsequent inhibition of growth in these bacteria. It is clear from the above studies that PCBs are somewhat degradable and _may come under attack by soil microorganisms. If a mixed culture of soil l'microorganisms could be enriched in organisms that could degrade PCBs at a significant rate, it would then be feasible to use biological processes to treat PCBs; or PCB wastes could be inoculated with the culture before l and diseosal, as~uming that the organisms would be competitive in the particular environment. ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY Quantitative Analysis The analysis of PCBs has been a matter of ~stimation; attempts at quantitation of PCBs have most often been done by measuring the heights of major gas-liquid chromatographic_peaks. Koeman et al. (1969), semiquanti- t atively measured only one of the major peaks, Skrentny, Hemken, and Dorough (1971) used two, and Zitko (1971) used three quantification peaks. Reynolds (1971) applied Koeman's method and took an average of two or more major peaks in the mixture as the standard. Hansen et al. (1971) averaged the heights of five major peaks. Likewise, PCBs also have been quantified by summing the areas of all the individual .peaks obtained by gas-liquid chroma- tographic analyses. Jensen et al. (1969) quantitatively estimated the con- centration of PCBs by the total peak areas. Armour and Burke (1970} measured 8 ~ I"' ,· I l I i l \, ii 1• ii ' ! .. ~ I ! ' :. • j I I • .., · 1 0 December, 1955 Tech. Bui. No.·115 """""i I, 11"\ t "'l 'l.t..~ -j L.a l L ~~ ,~ ''.-. '.• { ,. "'-'\ ~'-1 1~ n -~ r\ T rr-JY"~• l-1 \ ~ t '." . \ Q ~ ~ ; l I 'W i .. : \.: 'W l ~. l i ~ ?· !I .:"'I: r "7 ~ u1 A") ~~ C! ~ ·~,-~ , ~ i Cl Their Forrnation, ldentifica~:ion and Use William D. Lee Associate Professor of Soils In Charge of Soii Survey i-.lorth Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station ' i ! t I ~ ~ I I ! . ~ r r· f.. I j· i~ '· r. I· i. :1 --A'; ~0:7' ,,, ~ J>t ':, 1,,,t:)-...;.•,r,.,:•-.1 ,_"··----.. -. ~ .. -.. •1••-·· ..,_ ...... , ... ,, , ......... _,, • .... , ·-•• ,, ••• ·-·. ·•• l•j ·--~ ••• I. _ ... , ........ . ~ ,. • .!,. .... ., ...... , _ ... _, ........... "" •••• ;, .... , .......... . ,. . ... ...,, ...... • . .,, -•••• .---........ ..1 1••· ... ,, ... : •• ......, .... , ... , ..... ,.j-,,.,. ;II --•. ,.,.. ,.,.,1. ·-·· ·-........ . , ..... ,.,,,. •1•1 ••• , •. _ 1, }·,.,. .... 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'.y j t.•""' ,01 I• t,~,. le r"'l.!Jl1t-,.\.ro•l'I (r\1t:, lou1 t~ r . .;,,.. •.•• tl/ 11r-:1 .. r :,oi.~1: 1!'11-ta •o•th ).1c,.;, 61,10.•1 .cr11: ,~,; ln ~ror••, lu;( a\,.rr; t-.HJ7 ":uodl,J, .~1,►t to 11.>o.l•r•:• "·,:,s.on. ::c-:.,cL,·.! u..i l'\ol~~ 1n 111 crop• ~rl/'l"TI un r-u~taL·•• .r.1.1 \oh,.,.,.,, 101• to 11h lo•• 1oi,.1 on :,o,., S\OW"lt•:no ,.,ii\.1dnlf\' lv-\4 r~ ll"lh,h ,111. 10•11 lO nm ~.1.:ir :c'!.:11, ~lc.,~o ... , .I; 110-:WlU'II ;0111iihr•~1. ri.t ,tori•; al:;t-t !T,OSt,y J..c-J.'..-; , tNM1._..; c:!l(rlC"l.ll\ to h•rnllf' \,ecau,u o:· ,.op•; iy, :n :rura, ,; la p,,t1o1r• •n.d h•r. !1,1,c,,J ar,01 ••• ,.-.,:,,1 ior ,, .. 1'1.t.1 ,. n1.o ·" ,OOd (;>r ,11 ott-a,r cro;.•. ~:1ort.l1,r r..· . .: .. ~lt.• plrifla ,.,o,t. .t..!• :.r-.1-t:rova lo-• to r•d chy ao1lo o."; .·.t~;,;i,:;,..nt.a\ra h.:,v1r.A lo.a"'l to flra rle7 lo•• ::.edlw. th1ck au:11..:• ~a; s:oroa r.o.,~ly •: .. un lo ,,ry lt'lt;"e arril10nj dlfrJ.1. .... ~ 1.0 l'lln<l;! ~v:.1•1t.o of ,:-.J 1'111 w:-. er-,!Ml a no 1ba:id::>n1.•d-land uur-, ar.; t'tt· •• :-:::.•.rnt.11n -·-,; 11, l11 crupa1 ~. ldlc croplA,nd, 2J;; : .. t, jH1:H1,.ore ,l:1; u,,,. ~rr, rOOII for tr•• (Nlt~, grapr.l, p1utvr1, hl\y cropa, •ll.J ;\t,1r crcoa, ProtaDlJ ~/) ,;,f "~,oc\1tJ0•1 ,:::,.10 1,., uat"J (Qr Cr\>P•, t.\ ~ .. , l"lan 1/10 h •ull.oblo for I"....., cr-ope teco,,ae .illor-\leaf -.nn V",He plM1a •oil J1•elrati!e tlmtier, n. t,-~ to (n)•lr0t..-n l::>1'1 aol~• on !'\lf.h ~c..Jnt1:d1,a •\~Ii Uttla ... , or rwol••-o.,v..'TI lo.a·. 10 frlat:l• c:.Jay jo111! •ubllo:l.a; 1lnpe1 :,!:!.> •~•;,,.cc,r,t• or alltii~ t!roalon; d'.!"'f\culL to l\.)n1II" .••, t~ la cror•, :\..-ln p.a)t\ll"• nr.d h,iy, -~lttcled lira., nr• , ..... "'3 (or ;,-su11r1 ~no tru rr.,lt•, TUI go.x for h.-y cr;;,;,o •~ alf1 H,; •~I"")· ,OOI> {or vrr..,t.iatl~•. ,.c:-o, 111J ouri '/ to~ ,.,_:,. .... _..d fol"" p,aturc WlJ■ r careful C".·.~ri-r••r1t. r.11n!wovo,. : :·ro,-.1.e1 1.lotrr-, 1 ~.n.; tr.,.. tu:-it11Un.( ::.r •t"""· ni,·~•~ .anG •~or.y ~oil n1otrrlel1 .. , ::w,,,:l7 ,tov" U',; 1,)0u,O.>J •cn•a; l•ae Lh.\n 2;.. in poetuN; , •rr aa, 1, llur•l "'' ire•~•" uf et .. cp ,ui.c aLony c1>o1r.ictc1·. ••• ta:-i--ac• 10111 11r lr,••lrrul,r, r••..,•bi• lh<'6e or ;•ir,lnlont; .!,ull>d, £Jt1,·-..:u·ly u11d for co1·n, cotton, t111y, 10:vbec.n,, etc, _,.., 1,,-.~. :o r .. JJ~1•1-tra,,,r. fr:"'til, •llty ::l11y lo:i.:, o:, ,11(.h :. ...,,.,_ alu, t-r,~n. ,,:h-\1h0.ir.J•n, or TP.G lrtaule lo .. •1 to [\rn '"•"• '"':.10111; u:t .. n ,l,lll)' 1:-i,J u•1,o1:iy l"".1"'1 01' 't1'11'/ i1,ln; I ",J ... ..:•> •tr••~ ••••'I" <'1'.Jll ;n l_r1 ,.,.ny p: .. (wl!. ·""I -., •·r ,JI fr! .. •• •f •:••1 .. ••• o, •'""•"'••• "'·• tn c:r-c.p,, ~z .. l'i pc.al"'''" .. n1.1 -·• '• t .. ,.ur, •••••Lu.J. &..o\r\y I urtt .... r er-J .,•,ttr-r1ri,••· :.<J ~ /\::;:,OCJ,,\':-'1:;·, ~; Pr!.. 0 ','J '( ") l,•,,.ii .,;.,1,I• •-,1-'•◄•-• ♦l•"4 ••••••• 11,•· ,; ••II••••"' .......... 1, ... ··--· ...... , .... ··----....... -......... , .. ---. •••-•• ._,,1r. '"••• ._..,,. ••• • _._...., t· ••Ir_.,.,,.., ••I•••._,._._,.;,( .. , tt• 1._l ,,.,-4 •• , 1,,,. t·f I,..._, 1,-J l 'I' , , ••••r 1•1•••"'1 ,~•••• I L r· i I I ! I i I '--· r.,:-1 I I. I LJ l I __., il I • L_· ,• J......:... r,,., 1 -o•• ,,di• vlt'l r<'.J, r,.J•:,,;,-,•~! .. •, r t•l:;:-.. , ll•ft o,t,,!'t, • , •• '" ,._, , .. •, , , • • t l r ~-, 4 -I:; 4 "l., ,.. • ,...,J • .. 1.-.1 •, ~ , • 1 •,, •, • • •·• • 1 .,. , .l ., '' ,•, ., ••~ .. 11 •·I.,.,, ,_ . .,. ..... ,at \!;[fl.: •.• ~\..,/,,,.:;,, :·•:tc~••J •·••11 ·;•~-t~••. v,ry ,,.~.: [ .. r 1,.i:,!,,t,CCO, ,.:. ... .:i ~ .... ,. t.JLL-.'tl, l,111_.., 111> ... , r:·,.i11, ... J tfl"t f1 .. :t,, :, .. ivr c ... :-,-.. Ir ~•:11 :/) c.-¥l.: t:, fan;•.J. 1"•1n ~1.·t·H" I& lu(i.•>~l..y .a:,j ,~.,: \L•.a:· p:r.t1. !._:.~.··_.!..!• Cr-11 a:::..:~.__, •jl,to Dill" 10.b -.!.th ytilo• tt' 1,r11y l\r:d ytll.:,w r,-:.,t. ,1i\y ::•r l..:u1 to {tr:a ,11\r clAy 111~\ui,~t?-i~i. i-11l1!:0li.,, ~!',,.n ,t.,):.y; ;~;, ..... . J 1.:r•• :Kl.at~)' un ~-~, 1lo:-•11 c,,J,.r•t•lr er..>,: .. J; .•~( lr'I r•,-1,,, /( 111 p .. ,ll.11 ,r,; r•1, ,:>(. !--: !.J•• cr-opl..rJ; dlf!'!cult ~.? ~.111.--....!l•: o;'t,n w~~ ln .-;-r:11,: 11rJ ..!r,'\.lt:,}' 1n ~ ... ,,...:-•r. J,:ect,d a.ru,, •r• 1,,;,oJ (Qr :,3?o.!•••. oat..t, J..li!>~ .. re, :-:-·.•.,;:-,; r,-1r f;;,r to:..uc,1, -w:,1•t., .:c.rn. f're,t;1t1ly l/2 c.>,.ld t.1 r .. ,·:nJ. L,.:,bl,;,lly .:i.r,; :r,..irt~•.d ;.1ru.1 I -;1 1-1 :r. ':..ilt ~ • !:_~!~_.:.. L!&h:. '°r,j cl...ay ~O••" 1()11• .. ~ti'. flrci r,d cl.,y ~:';~Cl( CIIJl.,•Olla; 1,~1..-...:,wo .acre,; aatly on ;. ... :._e,:: •:o~u; ,.,.,.,.,t.-it. ••v•raly trc:,.: .-:ie1 ,1.ob:•.:t to furtt.c:r .ro,dcr.; 1),; in cro;,,, ~~'( ~::. ~•:u.:r, ar,~ ;.,y. Probabl:1 ~~'C. 1-' :"ul! at.1n-,1~ne.i o • .:.aue• of ••o•1on ,H;;! no• ~n •oojs ~•.:"-Ing c.a1-:l)' H.~rt.!c.;: •nc! -.,.~Le pln•t. 'nirr ~\f(1cult lo :-.1:1a!., b1cau,• or rtn, :.c1:..r• -,:1.i: ai.:;a. ~ .. !ac:t,d ~re•• £.re ,o..:.; ~o •xc,:.l,-:•. for .. 'l••t, .alfalfa, c•o,e:-, l1,;,-,t!e.,;, :nt1.,i.: t,ay, p .. n.r-, phnta; rood to "':-Y 100-! for cotton: fatr for corn, ,:n:.eans, Unjer c1ref_l :t..'ln.1l♦:1.1nt ,l101.1t :i; c.;,u;,J t., (ar:u•C1, L;,t. t.0.!l~ ahoul.d t1 ,o~--:..y• a crop11, r,,vl •,or. • P'"\•lenbwu., ::.--.,. '"r•~ cley .Loan," aolls "'lt.h very r,:-· ;,.,,. n:J cl.:iy l·,lci. a1.1bso1lt, 520,.XV 1creo; ir.oatjy on 2-l);-e~~Du: :roder■·-~~v 10 "'""crdy eroJo.i Alld •'-'bJeCl lo !\,:-·.~-•;-t1rc1\o:,; J,j,; 1r, cro;:is. 2:,,; 1n pfu:w:-~ on.! ~.'.I::, 1,, lJle croo:enJ. 10,u•hr,\. l~ri1eult \.o r1n.1h bec• ... se of f1n~ t.e~:.--e-. ..;elrt:~f'C .tre"ls , Arf' Hr-y1tcoJ to e ... c•ll•nt :oi-whe,H, 111(.::.l{a. lesp•J~u.1 d,., ... ,; v-:ry f.0,.,<1 for C'1:.tu-,, ;'•or .. :-, pler:lA; f-.~r for corn. b:t,r.1:v1ly 1.a,d lcr rr1;·wct.\un of U.'.111'/ ond tie,,I calt.i.o, Hout 4/5 c .. .ii. I l• f•,......f'd, prefer,.\.l:,, over tu\( lr ,~ .. J-q·pl' :ro,,:,, "'."".r.wcr ls riu1r.:y :.01;1.,ll·, 11rJ •:ic.1deaf p1n,.1. ;, .. ,.r,~v1;1r -;1r1t•'<. R,G a:lty c~•Y lo•r.1 "$l.a1.• B,ll" •nth \flt• rod, nr., s1lty cL,y me .. 1U111-t!-.:ck ,uti•o~~s; ;>1.J10v() 11cn,•; ch~efly on \.18~ alocu: nodorr.Lo;,ly to •ovuroly aro~r,C ond >:.,~Jae-:.. to r,ir\ti•r 1001; L),; ln cro;,,1 10,.; tn :,1n"Hurc :n•J h.::y, )•.: ln 1.dle c1·cdanJ, [J1fr:i:"h to t.11ndh: bitttuu of fino te.ltL,ra •nd slop .... : .. 1.ned arc-1,a •re very !oc,,.; for •·•u1al, leapel.lct.i: gor:xi lo V•!l'Y t, • ..,J for .:,!f lfa, cotio-.. Ciiature pl.an:.a; f.i;:-to t.,0;1 for corn, •oyb1 .. n,. Pr ... o.it:~ )/~ C<"·1,1.d L,. f•-rr.~. vtth e-::c~111t!1 on H.-.d-\.YF• c,·opa. ';1:.-ber ls ahorllur a:,.:. ~oblollt plncs· •~i.! t-,:ru ... oo.ca_ ~UCt.!.!.llL=~W• ::ray unrty loar.: "S~nd■lon•" !lolls ,..lt~ :'l':low :.o rod (r\1JUlo t.o v,:r-., fir,, C1&) -•dlW'l"'lhlclt aub,,,1lt, 16J,0.)u acr"~ t" cr,e 1nta, cf'if'fly on )-I~,.. alcp:c1, 111o<hr•t•lY or.,;,h,0 \J1,.ot a1,t.1Jen. to acvero lo,,. )·,; tn crop,, 11,,.: 1n poll\Jf"f" ontl hay; ••l•C"l•:1 aroo, are yrry (OOJ lo "•Cf'\lenl (.:,r tob.,cco, r,c-..lfl for cclt.l•1, r11.lr for olh4r c1C1;■• t'r1;.tably 1,') coui!"I h• (111-,;,od, l,1,l c.:..r"ful 111:,n ~u,rn~ l1 rc,qulrea, ~ti-vlll~ • Cct;ll. Rad ci.Ay !oam to ,.ray oon,::,-lOOl!I so\13 lr, t~ ... -r·oot.h1lla" "Ill/I reJ f\1T.1 cloy tti1n to 111edJ~ thick ■ulaotlt: l,L'lotC,000 ac,o; c!.:!r:y on 6-.!£. •. • tlop.•, ao,riuwl-et ••·nrely •roda,I O"ld tubJoct to furtt,e,· lo!11\, l',. :n cropa, 10,. 111 ('.♦tu,o o::,: hny, ~,.; lii 1:1, c1·oplonoJ, vory dl{l'lcu\L lo h,,1111.i•. 1i>vrly 11111, .. 1 lO' row c,·or• b1co.Jaa or 1h.p11, C1.o\c• ci:-,. .... •r., go,:,.; 1.0 v, r)' ,;-.:.: for r·"'>t1,.ore plnn~• Qn~ hoy I clover, \1,:,-:d.l'U, al(al(ol. ~hortl,.,f 1,nJ wn1·, :..11..-a ar1.' p,·11>cl,•~l t ~ :1l; ., o lL'.Di.1.l!D..:._r.!J~"-!lllt, C.r"'1 to yello•\11;-r,.,.-, •'iJ.....t, L1rl!." •ot!,, /f'llu ... ~•h-r.,..1 to ro,I &lr• 1th-., day lhLc11. 1 .. 1.1,0111, 7')J,(;,:;() aCl"t-•; ,:.o-.•ly 0\ s.~,; ~l"l'••; molle1·1t4.1y to ae, ... rely •r.J,:1,1 anJ 1u::;•-:\. to ru,·t.1111· rro!!lon; ~'J;. ln cro;-a •. ,. ln r~:,1u1fl 11.J .. ,,., ; H,.., ...... ,~ '.\ff\c• • .dt :-t ·"· or r i, • • -•· ... -., •• .~ • · • • • O,i:, .. ,, • • • ., •,.. • ~ I '-: :••. '. , ... r:-, I .•/ I ··JI /:, ~I ~l'I ; i i I u D u f; I"' I I • ;..:,. ---•-1. .. t ·-• ••••• ••• 1, .... • • , .... I•,• , • '• • • 1 r I"-. •1· ,1,,, •• •• '"•·•• •••t., .)ll•ri 1: #I•• ... '•••-'•• ,,,,1 ... • • • ' ... ) • ~ -• ' • :-• ') .' ! ', •• ' • .:, • 11,•:·••1 · ••:•\•r.:.\, l•·,.t :1 , • .,,r•lr ,r,-1 l, ••• , .. \:-.,, •..... i,.,, .... : ... ,' ··••r:, ••-•I ac.t.."•••\ t;, t•IT • I , 1 : .,) ~ • r ,t • • • • f : r a C <' •.-~,.I , • J I I. f" , ( \, 1 • I r l ! U f"f','. JI •'•• .. 1.·, t· .. ( ,.,,, r ~·1, .... IV\(", , 1"', e I,• ,r ... 1 I u , , r,• l l <>'"\ 1.J:· •• r•·: . ; : ) ,-' : ' i .,, ..... I I. Ir , .: , ~. -, I .l ., . 1 , , • • , .-,I J. ~ : ! ,.) · •.,1 e .. ,, ' .. ,. · ,, t. ._, ,, r ,. • • , . ~: .J , , I 1. ( ,,1 I.I ,, .. 1 1_,. 1 ••,.,., "Jr !:,) • •. ~ .;;J•Jr.,le yt ~: f~ I , \. • c-~~-.f :ir.\J ~1.1· l" .. , ,,.,., ..;..·~---"...-:...,....::, "'..•lr.c .. J.>,.,.:,;, , .. · ,,;..uc!i.J"-'-·•;,:r.,!:l-'.,-.,,o n:.-,:,.!.-,r,.:.r~-:-. ,1.c•.,-. to cl.>t lo:in le .. , •I\.C. r:-.... , oll..-~-lr,·•·•, or r .. :.:1., .... •·1oo1. 11,,. li.: 'll'',V (~1-•· .. ,;· 3.,h!'!IJI:•, ,,111,.y '1111, l-1-llu\ 1•,;,11, , • .::.~:~J fl("t•>J "'-'••l( .).!~,.. ::..>i,·:.. 1.,·1,~J.-1•1.,l1• .-1 •st,,:, 11,,.: ~ .. · 1 .. -~ ,o r..,1\'•·1 ,.,.,1., .. ; ,.,,,._, • ,;.•, .. ,.i lr.,c:~,. . .••.. en,:,,. Ii"\ ..... : '•I,, .;• lU!" .;-:-.;; ~. ,: • ( , l C . ~ ~ 11.•,.-j. ,. :.a.: .... ., i. c t, • · ,.. , . . ...,. I, ... 1,. <·' ... r t -1u,--, -":t..,>-1 .f' :1. 1t-·:~..;,--:-rv:rw 'r'".rl':t, •.:>",t:o-1 ,._" l: (fl\1· \ ,: . .,.1 for C,•\'v'; :-,:,· (,,, t. .:rc.~1. .; :e; 1t ,,t,,..v,1 i:,. o· . ..:,. · 1n , ... :~ ~ ,;. • ,. .. j(,,l l:.:, , 111 l : ..... I l :; .,-,.-,,..if ,lf I' ... /'l~r•,ol<!;I C')\I;, t, fl,'.) f;,n'I• .. ·. I 1 ..... 11 .. t r,.J.>l 1,1,,s r ,\ --r Ill•·",..,,: .. \U, r,•:. _·_2.\ __ :1_4!'. :..1i:;• u·~-,-S,.h,.!}" l:i,'1-• .... r.:.s·,.•,,·" , ... ~.; w[i./, ;d~o ... , y .. 11<.,■11'1• ru ... , ~:-.;..,.A• !°'l•r~.: frL1t·l,. ,·,n,:r c:uy l .. , ... ""l t.:i (11,-cl..~: J .• l~I ••• .... ~ ,a J ,y r,--,,~._,. ;.;11.cio.; :;:.-:,,:,..""; ~,1,:,~ ll'loll\JY 0,1 j.1,1._. :-,:.:i,•113, ~.>:••r .. :.:~· ,-;..,,t•I, li..l ,H,C' .. Cl \~• ,~v .. rc ,1·c,3\r:,n or --:>it r.ill.1r.,· :1r,,, .:J,. 11, ,:,113, •. 111 .,,,•.-..i1·, ,11111 !-,11r, :. .. J,,ct,1 ,1rc.:.1 t It~ .o-"l 1.0 e.lcu~l~:--.. ,Or lO:l.lCCO .. !,rr, ••ll"QU~ll.l!y :-.. -./\,'."" anJ only r.1,-fc,r 1.1..~r er::·, ::.,;-;,:.•\ .:-0 1 ;-1:i: t:,, l·o,.sl:..ly :/! of tol•.i. •r-:·. c..11,ld l-• (,.11-.0,:, ..;•,~• L-h-,.r ;:.:-,.: :~~l~11y :';,., .. ., .,rl' l·-ipo1•t 1r.1. tr~••J. ,:,,.!;r·, -·:.-,y. ::r.:i, , ... r.oy lo .. ~. lO r'l,1-1\:,k ... r'.)w'T! cl:.;· lt.1.:-:. :'"IC:"\CGOU L:.11' r.lvr., foot.!':1l:.1, ":l•~n, ;-c,J11sr•-yl"~low, o;-rc,J :-:,o.!,.-:r.Li:ly (\r-, lC flt""I'!", cli'\i" r•'\1,~.-t"\I::~ ,.,;.,_.;;,ii,, -::.-..ic"1 st.)nr; 6JJ,O>) .,,;rea, -... ~l•Y :· •• ::.,. !!lt'i":., 1..;1ath•r,>it:1.ci ,., . .,,,., .. b,r: ... s'! oi t.~ee:, ,lc;i ... ar.l s•,:::lo-i rrc!'.l'"!I. l'.' l•~ .. ro,1, ::i .. 11' ;,r.1•1,,:-. ,n,1 : .. ,, ~> 1.1 1:i11 cro;.l.,n:J. Solcctod Jr~·u:, 11111 vur7 1·,oo !"01· ~.:: .. cc,;i, n~•rl .. a, ,, .. .:,,.,,; vttry ~.:.:~ (O!"' cotl.:.a tn lH>1Jl.!1~rn ~.:.:-:tens, e, .. o.i to v r1 ,,-.,; : ror 1.,.,:, :·c ,!.,:.l,, ftilr ft.or o~:.t-r crO?l, txc:~::>t for lrc'!' frullo enJ f111t11r·, :a1 ,'! 11: lllor.,.~ •• , .. : c .. ,1 I.• v,oG 1cr :1:-:~r.g. f"Blr ror )!,01·t1~11r •nd ..,, :.'! o!r:,i1. :i-~ ... , l'':"!J"": 1 .. --..n,l. "-l ,n.J t)~" c..::n,1,tl~F. 01 s:,":r. ru,:t:••: .:.'\,I c•.,,ny .,.,1 i:,;,:.•rl1l1 lo",.c:: J:-e <.~::i er V"ry tiil:-i; alo;,,,, r:,01::> •. :~~" ~...,,:; loJJ! ·.1 .. 1n :'. to 1,.0.ttur•; v,•1·y p~orly .a· .. ltod 1.r, :in:,· .1,:r1c.,i~1.ral u,o l.1.:, ... ~,• 01 , .• ,.,,p a11,1 ,tor.y :r.,r .. (t..,:-, .l"CT':ie , .. ~1;. Docauac of ~:.tr\CllLO pot.t.,,r ;01 tOt"l"IC!J 1:'.:l .ar, 1:-d:,,t•tl ?n .Jn• ,:i3soe1-l~10:'I c:i 1'14r; 1tto-irratei.}' w ... ll tlr•lnn•' ur.t: i.01:-. .s •!·.· ,.l;-,y ,u.,:-~ 1 .. 1.,c:\la; ·or\.n:.l• eolcr; )70,000 1c:r'!:1; ch1t:fly o:, ti.,;c, un.Jo:r J-.. t:1 l'lilr.'•l -•~•:0:1 lo&te!I, tut •-.1b.l~et to r11ra or occ.-.slon,l o-1r-'low. i'ro•, ,y )_!., t~t•l ::, 1•, -.Jrto .. s crop!! er p•st .. r11, J:csl eoll1 ar•J .... .J •••he.J to c~,_., ~---,: . 1.J•:-1 .. 1.,, 1.11L .. r.r•, .. ,,1to~~ea, ;,a,tur• planl:1, r.1tr ror tol'li.,·to, t. .. t r-r.; U-: ·.•--•,i;•·J l)" o·• .. rl°\o .. ,, ."',tr11 •·1r• .I r"[N1"1:"'1QvC• ll111vy "Jan~hh,ne'" t:>li.,; ..... l!\u,. ~-(lr.,-\..llur-.... ,.r·.y lo ·,,ll·1eol.,reJ 1urfllcc 1011.a '-n<I I"""~• liro"n, ,t,r•,, ■rid 1 .. ;10-•J~1l,.,: or a:, .... ,., ~•rr fin~ c::.-, , .. ~•oil•, 1,11,11lly "'.,,.u.,r,0\lllr11: J:V,r,.;.) .. .,:, .. ,: ~Cllly C,ll L-:~-11 .. ;•·": very ai..l.Jet;t to ••v•r• ero•1011; lore• 11·,1:1, I'>,~., t,f)"lo t1!,.;..•.;_,,,,,\ •• row cr.,1, li.,.1; 20; Lo. 1.roi;,11 10;. \ri '-'a,t.ure ar;d "lllJ, ~,: l,:h tf-or>\IH"l•I, •l .. ctoll or,.'I• ,1• ;c,vo.. ror ctt•.ton, o:,J f•lr for othur erui::.s nnJ i,t.i .. r,, Fd1 ,·,c,r" ,..,\.L·Ji ••• lo lo.11 ,,lnea. -- ( 23 E1\fffH ~,'.A~L'AL ' I .(,) 5,\NOY CLAY, ~0>!TH[AST(q,, ,S[I, M01•:0. I j : • ~ 1s0r-----;('1) SILTY LOES5, K.',NSAS-sEaqt.s:-;A. ,__ : 1 ' : , : (D c L n £Y Le£ s s ,1. A ·1 s ,\ s . --;~:;) l,ACL,r; C!.f,), :rco•,•005[0 CGhSIT(,S•~;cAPOR[_--1--1 I •(•"; ~AOL!II :LAY, R[SID•J/,l SC1L,C,llli"O,•;,.\ l!jQ~f-) 'I "I 'f '• ,. • q C "'II,.,,, "T. ' 1,c,S .• lYL.U,S-.1 •• ,te .. s.,.[.lh .. , .. ,le., , I , . ~0 PQQTERvIL1 .. [ t:Lr.r··~xr:,~s VL ......... • .. M \ __ : l--r--'~--,-~. ' ~ [ , n E, , • J [ I ·AI I F n ~ fl \ ' II I I I ' I • , • ._ ... 1 ', I. .. 1.· ''. : ! ' ' I 1 I l40r---i(e) HI',LLOYSIH c•.Al S~NQY rqACE OF ! ' I · ; ,.. ,.•or.11lort·':..t..0'-11T~. cu:.1.,1 .·,•rlft1t,N/lS 1SLA~,Js. :1 ; j \ h; \ '. \ : i--;0 1VL£ LAKE S[~ll,l[NT5 lD1,lf0'/J.ccc':5 .\NO r-:-:.--171/:·;-7--,--~; 120: __ : ru•J:CE ~. ~-iOA!HCR'° c.,i...1•0fPl:t\ 1 l !_ ~-! ! l i ; . , 1 1@ Mosr,1on1LLO~:rE c·.AY, s·.,c,nc, or.r,A~'C, i , )0 ~ I 1 ; ~ G•..:.,i.\1 MArnr.~'\5 '.Slk\)S. }--~-h · ,--,--, = . .@ CLAY,GLt.c,,\_ L,1,:: OEPOS r, •,oR~,, o:.,oTA. \ //: ! 1 1 ► 100--,UJ CLAY,"£Xo~•,;,,<: · !S'J~'L", vo~rMoq•~LCN,rEli7':; --:-,,\"--: ; -: : G!1./\ Rl\'~R Y/\LL£Y, /,fi'.ZON/1.. /(/ ! ~ ,'\,,, I l i : I ~ ,---,t'v Ott,T.Q\itr 'nY0\Jl~lj AN' 5nr,TH r-7': i@I ';>-. I r-t--1 . ...._,, . . • , -.., . ., ,., ,. ,. , I . ' ::; ' Q;,;,QTA. #' 2 : , ! · ! ., eo. •--r-:-. -' · . : 600 -,.--«~-7~ : 'n ! : ' /,.,, • ' : ~ r' ---.---<--.-.,_-,, ! : : ?;7·:;;--: Q' ' -' ' / //, ..._,,. . >-r@i---j--,,.r7· -,,.-:<~,-' '.:4oof---' • (";\~,.,✓-,,.,, .,.;/--,~. . u ~I I I I I • I \.:_/ / ,/, AL._ i ,,__, < -I ~o, ~ .:";7;--:--, ' :;; I I \',,, 1 : ! ; 6 ! /~•, ,.,, i0, '11,' i « r;;, ,,, ::_JI I ~ , y ,--, \:,/ .,.tf'' ,I • • V --;p-1· ~,-1-,r·•. /r--y-,-r-,,< .. , ,,,.,, , 1..., ... ,.., I · : ~ , .,,, ' ,r(,y'/ ·i .,,,f1' , 1J, I , a.200 I ! I ! , "' ~\.:'./r-,__,; ,y . ' " ,. ,r I ' , 20, l~'rllvC'". 1 'f-, "~••-· •. 2\:0 4()0 600, : 'rj'\• -~ /.~0-(,(" , ! . ,· 91! 1 LIOUIO LIMIT ' ~_;,,.<'. • ' ,'-'J I r--:;==-0«·.,. .-+ .. §~r--·r---,--·7--,--.--,--.--,--.--.--, :GY: 1/ (~\. I 5 ' , : ; I I I II I l :"J, ' ! 1 , 1 I o---~ 0 20 4~ cC 80 'QC 12C 1;Q ltO I &0 2C~ LIOUIO ~!MIT Figure 10.-Typlcal relationships between the !lqu!d limlt (LL) and the plasticity Index (Pl) for various soils. 101-0-170. I', 1n addition to the coarse-grained groups, t~e engineering use chart, figure S, indicates the engineering properties of Ene-grained soil groups. The degree of cor.sistency of a frne-grni:1ec1 cohesive soil can be deter-mined by its relative consistency, C,, wh·ch defines the_ water content of the soil in re!atio:1 to the liquid limit ::1:1cl the plastic limit of tht s;,rr.c m:itcrial. The eqt::ition for n::bttvc cor:sistency is: C = LL-w_=LL-w ' LL-PL Pl ( 4) It is usual!y expressed as a pcrcent:ige. A soil with relative consis'.er.cy of O is :it its liquid limit, and a soil a, 100 percer.t relative consiste1~cy ;s at its pbstic !imit. 11. Porosity and Void Ib!io.-In the evaluation of a soi!, one may ex~r!:!n~ i~ •~:~her '.·ro;11 t!~c -:;~:1ndpo'.~~ or t:lc ~rnot:nt of so~icis contnir..~!~ CHAPTER 1-PfWPERTIES OF SOILS :09 in :i given volur.,e or from the standpoint of the rern,1;ni11g vo:d~. \1,\ny oi the comput.:i;0ns i!1 sod 111cc!1:1nics are sirnpli!!ed by cons:~'nin~•-11,,; voic!s r'.\:11er ''':in t:1e so1:ds. Two t:xprcssion:;, porositv ::m! vo:d ,:11:1\ :ire used to d•.;!i!'e t11~ vo:d space. T:1e: porosi:y, 11, :s t!c!inc,'. as 11:c r:1ti0, CX[:~csscd :i.s :t '.)erccnL1ge, of space in the sci! n~:1ss riot cccuDict! by t'.1-: su'.iL!s (\'O~u:nc c,f v~,!t..ls) \Vlth rcs;)ect to t!~~ ~ot:t: vo'.u,ni.: of t1~t.: 1:1:P~s. The vo:c; r:itio, e, is t!cfinec! as the ra:io of the sp:,ce not occu;1i1.'t! ~1y thc so::c! p:'.,::c:cs (·101umt: O! voids) to 1!1c vo!urne or t11e so:id p:1rtic1-:s 1!·: a ":._,rn -;oi! m;,.ss. T11'.: follow:ng equ::it:ons cx;)rcss these rc!:1tio11ships: _ Vv _ C n------1/, l 1· e 1/ V /1 e=--=--1/. l -II where: 1/1 == tot,,! volume, Vv= vo1un~t: c[ voic!s, :111d V,= vo!:?mc o' so::Js. (S) (6) Poros:ty Md voic rntio are measures of the stnte or condition or :i so;: st:-1.:cture. As ;,orosity an(! void r:11io ,1ecrL'i:sc, the eng:necrin•,'. proper•:·~s of :i givc:1 soi! become 1nore 1.!c!>c•~t':t'.Jk wi'.!1 ,1ecre:1scs i:1 perrne:1'J'.'.ity ~r:C con1pr·::ssibil!~y ~~~:!..! "!1 >-~c!·c~~-.:c i:! str<::1gt~1. ,\s pL,rOsity decreases, ard conscquent!y ,he voic! ,:it:(, (\·crc:1scs, i: ~1ccon1es ni,1r-: c!i':;cu'.i :-:: exc:iv~.:e :lie materi::i!. /\1 :•. gi\'L':: ,::.'ir co1:ten: it is necess:1~y to ::1cre:1se cornp:,ctive cfTon to obt:::n :1 l:ccr~·a,e :?1 porosity. J·!owcvcr, s:r11i!:tr propen:c:; 111:iy be obtained in di1!erc:1t soils ::: widely dincrcnt conditions of parosi:y. Engineering prn;)•;rt•cs o:' a soil do not nry t!iri:ctly with its porosity; the rel:itions:1:p is g-:nera:ly con1r1ex. 12. Specific Gr:ivjty.-In the inves,ig:ition of a soil, the mmt c:isi'y vis;:;ilizcd conc':t:on involves the \'O!u1PL' occ•.1ricd by soil solids, V ., t!,e vobmc occ•Jpicc by soil moisture, :1., :rnd '.he vo:'.1111c occupied by :.ir in the soit m:css, 1/11• However, most n:c:\surcmcnts arc more re:,di'.y obt:'.:n,:t1 ~y w...:ight. To corrcl:itc 1,·ci!•.i:t ::11t! vol\1!11e, :1 f:ictur c;J!\·d specific gravity is requirc-d. Specific gr:1vity is t\:1i1i-::1 :1s th: r;?tio bc'.wccn th:: unit wci~h! o: a subst:ince ;:nd the unit weight of water ::it ,1° C. There ure scvcrri' dilfcrcnt types or spcc:'.k g,·:cvi:y :n common \lS('. Those uscci by the D-.:~c:i.•.1 o[ r~eclamation :ire: :1JS•.)!utc :,pcc:h; gr:,vity, :1'.)-parent spec:l!c gravity, a:1d scvcr:il types of lil:!k s;)ccdk gr:1viti,·s. Th•:s!.! va.l:.i::s :ire o'.Jt:1.:1c;,.! '.)Y the methods l'\:tlined i:i designation E-tO. The absolute specific gravity is determin-:d by analyzir:g the nmm'.r.t ::inc.! kine: of n,:r.cr::il constituents presen~ in the ~o;l, Fo~ this test, :11! the co;::rse r.rn::--.~ ~~-~ !J'~!!vi.:r:z~d to :1t !c-~s~ nr.,~~:-~\,."~:\ •~'.'C ~o. '200 s:cv.; .,. 1:1 ~ , ,· :I. Gr;1y or li1;:1t r,r;iy (.J\,), grayish•)'cllo1v 01· gr.1yi~ld1row11 (i\,, ,) fri:1!1k ,:111cly 111~111, 01· !;r.1yi,l\-!,r,1\Vll ((} yrllll\\'i,h-rrd <.,111dy .-1:,r lo:1111 (,\,. 11.,) ~urr:,,·,· mil,, otc;"in11:illy r.r;il't:lly; velJ,,\\'1,\\·!·,·,t u;11'1'r (ll,), ;i,1d rr,l.\:1h-l,row11 1>r 1,·d l,lwCl' (11,) rLiy ~uli·.,1il 1,·li11 l1 i1 ,111·,1kl'd :11lll splo1rhul ,_.;:11 rcill,1.· (a11d s,1:11c1i1i1l'S ,1;1.1)'). Tlie ,1ili·,uil i1 1<·1v lirn1 1·.i1c11 11wi:,t, !>l.,,1:c w:1r1, l\'t'l, ;i11d "Cl'Y li:1nl wlil'11 di), It ,wcl:1 r011 welli1:g a11d ~liri11\:.~ ,111d cr;1d,1 011 d1yi11g; h:1s ,il'llll[; nl<'diu111 :111gul. r 1,:nrky ,1· .,.,: ;i11d 111:,y ro!1t.,:;, 5111all :11111l\1111, of 111ir:1 :111d ot'f':1'i<>n,d ,:11lli ;.;1:1i11s. :\fo1k1:11l'!y clc-cp lo deep snil. .'il,11•n '.'.-'.~·I';,;.. 111m1ly :\.\'.'.' ;, /'1111<:r. lZ,•d.Yi:llnw l'urltt,::i, 1\1,:di11).; (\':1•:\\:1) (Tlw ,;,11,iy ,·by 111.1111 ,-11h 1,1n1i:i1i1r :11t· t·111,11·d 1,11."n-..,l',il', i, n,l·111i:.i1y "l1t.:,1vy 1\1,l'ii11g".) C . .'ioils with )'f'i/u1u su\..»nils I. Gr;1y (,\,). !-;rayi,li-llln1,·11 (,\.,), :111d p,dr: )'L'llnw (i\,,) 1'(.'1·y fri:dJ!C ,::11cly IC':11,: ~111 l.11 t· ,1111': p,1!1· y1·ll11\\', y1·lluw1 ,H' l,1n,, 11i,!1.,t·l!11,,· ,:11uh• cl.1y1 < i:ty 10.11:~. or ( ::,y u11?H'I' ·1u!.1.;,il (IL) \\'l1il !i 1'1 1,1od..:r:tt .. :ty linn to flr1n ,, !H·n 1110i!-iC. \:ightly l':.1,t1,: w:,i.:11 \\Tl, ;u:d .1l1gii1ly li,1rd when dr)', The low,:r .rnus,1i! (!',,) at d"jJlhs or ~<i.:l•l inrhl's 1ll'lt>1, tile 1oil \11r::1ce i, stn.:~\..c:l y;::llo'.\', liglit rl'd, :111d '"111,·1111ll·s gr,1), ,.111.ly li.1y h,;1111 ,vh!cli i, fri,1blt.: t,> 111odcr:1te'.y linn wlH:11 ,:wi,t, ,lightly ,titky ,,.;1<'11 \\'l'1, ;11:d sli_c;l,1ly 11.,rd whc11 C:ry. TL·~ sub1oil }l;is 111c·diu111 111,Hkra;e ,l.i;;1r11.;ubr lJlo,.kv 1,trunurt:, ~:1<! sc.:!d0ni r011t;1i11s ;111 apj)l'CLi:1bk :1mou11t of 111ic1. Deep to ,!ll()der~tl'ly ,:ccp soil. Slopl'S 1.s~;., mostly \IIH!c.:r 5% .. _ ...... -........... -......... -.............................. /)11rha111 R<.:d•Ycl.:011· l'odzolic, Durk,111 (V:i•G:i) 2. Cr:iy (1\,) tn v<.:ry light gr:iy (1\,) ,;111<!, io:1111y s;111d. or loo,c :,;111dy ioam surf;1cc layer which is l to 3 inches thick; li;;ht yc:llowish•l;row11 to p:il;:: ycllo11· ~and, loa111y s;i11d, or loo,c ,andy lo:1111 (/\,, JI,) 1'.'hich is moderately deep lo \T,·y shallow on:r part!y disintegrated rock. Rock outcrops am! boulders ;ire co111111011 in pL1ces. '.ilopc, 2•'.i5%, mostly •J.\2%, Soil is closely ;i~~oci;1tr.:cl with the Durham ;ind 1\pplin;.;-soil scri<:s ...................... J_o11iJlrnrg Gre:1t Soil Gro\1p: Litlio.,ol. Laudcrcl.i\c (V:1•1\b) 3. (Soils with yellowish sub,oils of clay<.:y l'icd111oot materi;ils which ha\'C an O\'Crlay o[ s;i.m\y Co,,~1_;,J !'bin rn:1tcri,d,) Gr;ir or p:1lc brow11i,il ~r:1y sand, lo:1111y 5a11d (/\,) to :1:11<: y<.:llow or pJlc i,rown lo01c sandy lr,a111 (,\,) surface ,oil,, ortc11 gr;\\'clly and frcq11u1tly l'.!•:!·l im:l1es thick; yellow, yellow and \Jrciw11, or brow,\ clay, c1;1y loam, silty clay loam, or silty clay sub,oil (JI,). Tile subsoil, 111:i)' IJ<.: ,\ la111anc<.:, Durham, Granville, I kkna, or I fcrndon soil m:itcri:1\,. :'\loclcr.11ely dl'cp to <lt'cp soil. Slo11e r;ingc 2•10%, 111,1,tly 3•5% .................................. r:i«•J/er/idr/ Red-Yellow l'odzolic, Durham (\l;i.Ga) D. Soil with Yellow :\l\u Grny subsoil (~loclcr.it:.:ly w<.:11 to somcwhat poorly clrainccl) I. D:irk gray (1\,) to gray (/1,) fri;1uk 1:111dy loam to silt lo::111 surf;1cc boils. 1J:1h: yellow sa11d)' cl:1y loa1n 111>pl.'I' rnl"oil (11., ,) which i, r,r111 wi1c11 n1ui'-:, p;astir when Wl'I, itlld hard wilc11 dry; :111d 111,,tded light ~r;1y, ye:low, ;ind !,•1111<.:ti111n lig:1t rl'ddish•iH11w11 1;111dy ll:,y to ,l:1y lower su!i·,.,il (ii,) wili.::h i, fli·111 wl11·!1 n111i,t, pl:i,li1· 1,·IH·11 \\Tl, :i11d 11:ud \L' very \i;11d wh<.:11 tl1y :\!,)(kr:,tdy tk1·p ~oil. Slopl:S l).•\1;; .. 111q1tiy \llllkr L'.%. Oct:\l!)il'\ 11c:11 li· lc-.-1:l pusiti011, a~ "ii.its" ur luw ,add\,:, r,r gl'11tle ~lnpt:~ ,1rou11d :,j•rii:~ :.t·.1d, ;11111 60 dr;1i 11:1;;1·11·;1) .1 .................. , ................ .. r;r,/J,:x c:rc;it ,\,.il c:1,;11p: P!:1:1;~ .. nl ,;\1:•.:p.1:1) C:11l:H'I{ (\'.l :'.Li) ·1·:1e C:L1i:·:1, \;"1 ;t, i; :111 111t,·r.l':·,1,l\· ·.,·.ti1 :lH· l~('il Yr.ii.,\,· :1(11:1,)::,· ,,,1/.,, :!H· l.o\\'-1 I1:11;it: CIC')' :.oil,. :111CI {::•· i'l:11111,,l:'1, It j1., ,lhnut 1::11?',\.I)' i;1 tl1.11t1.it_:L' .:nd r,1ioi· b1..·t,\'t't'll d1t~ \vcl! dr;1:: ~·\~ ,\:l:>l,11~ ;:1id t::c:I •,,-ri,·, .1:n; t:11• :u·p'. :y r!r;1i11rd \\'01,~1,r111 ~.cr:c..,. 1:1,.:q11:.::,1lr it r~:Cl'i,·c·, :,.t·1·;);l~l' \\':l{('J' [:i;r:i ~11;1,1i1t1\~-lllg-,o;;,. (l'l.._ ( :,,;1.,x .'tTic., ;1,"-1> 111c liit'.t·" ~11il., !ur11H·t: in .'li1~.1, .. r 1,:1,it:1111' f;·u111 the (:;1rn!i1,;1 ~.Lltrs, the·:·, .:1,,i< .\,li:d,10:11·,, ,till: 1nic ,, ::1:c·:'1,.\ l·:. \111l ,,·itli 1!:,!t·:1 r:i,,y i11 ~;~,· \i1:1-11:; Fnllll('d 11r (:) r,:~i1:~1;d 11\,tll'ri.d !'~ ,1:.;1·t·, Ill'::.:) nr Joe.ti (.,,;:\:\':,11-:dlt:vi:d 111:11t·1i,1!, t!t·rivrrl 1·1 .. in 11.·,idu111i1 (l'. li;.:l1:-c1>l11n·d J.:111·i'i'i, ,, !11,:, :1:1d ::1,l!1ite: ,,,·< 11r!\ ;1, 1::1i~ or dr1,rc:,,1.·d :1rc;1'\ ::i 11;j;,t,:li,, ill llh: h:,.,.c o: ,ic11,L·,, a1 r1111H! ,p:-,1q.~· !1c:1tl", or aln,:h sirc:1111, lie::· tl1~ ~nu rec; ;11H! i~ St'Hl\(",, '.1:1t !'Ot.1rly tn poorly dr;1i11cd, o[u.:n 1c...:t:\'i11g ",l'c;1,1gc w;111T l1n;n ~u: rou1:d:1:J: ,ni:, I. C::1)' (.\,) lo gr:1)'i,h.lJr11\\'11 (,\,1 '"'"t: ,.,11dy 111.1;11 tn lri.d,i,· .1il1 ln,1111 ,111• I.ire .1"ih: 111ottlt:d ;;r;1y, l';1ic y..::: ,w, ;;!l•.! )l'lim,·i,:1.Jiru1,•11 1:.,y !.1,111\ ;1p11n ,:JI,, ,) ,uiJsoil w:1ich is f1rn1 whc:1 moi.1t, :1l;istic \\'hen ,,:ct, ~nd l::rnl 1<<11:11 dry: and iihht gray to wltil<.: cl:•1 ;-!\,'<:r (1\,1 ,uli,nil \':liirh i, L1i11tiy 111<ll,ivd with yellow, iJrOll'll, ant: olin: ;.;:·:,y .111d ;;'.,o i, pl:1,1:c 1,·Ll'n w<.:1 ;,11d li::nl ·,d1c11 dry. Dcl'p to shallow soil. :-i:0pc, o.sr;;,, ll10l:i)' l<I',:-~ .............. 1:·orsl,1111; i'lann,ol (An;ipan), Guthrie (P;,.,.\!;i, total acrc;1,i.;c is ,111.,'., ,11 e:1c:1 Ha,c.) (The \Vor,h:1m series ~iso il1lL:l:c, sc,ils r,Jnnccl in ,i111ii:1r po.rn1011s fru111 the C:iroli,~a shtcs, the Tri;,s,ic >:rndstoncs, ;rnd lllica gnci\s.) II. Soib DcriYcd from Ba~:c Cry~~a'.'.inc Hocl1s (mainly ciioril~, p1bhrn, dia-:;asc, hornblende) t\. Soi;s ll'ith J<cii sub5oils (H Horirn;-.,1 l. Dad .. hrow:1 (A,), reddi;h.JHow11 (1\, or 1\,) rri::l>lc cby io:1111, or b,oll'ni,!1-rcd r,rm clay (1\,., il,,) smfacc :,0;!,; d:1rk red (du:,'ky red ur n:.1roo:1 rl'd) ci:ly ,ubsoil (B,) which i~ firm w::<.:n moi,t, p?astic when ,,-ct, :!r,d h:,rcl wLc;, dry. The .\\lb\oil !ia, 111oder:1te r:11c to ro:11,c ,uli;11,g1•br :i:ncky ~,runurc, and is pr:ictically ln:c of 111i,a fla~r; or ,anl: !;raim. Deep ,oil. Si11pc, '..:··lil':'. .. 11',c,,1.l y ,1. J :!'j;, ·········-··-·····-··-·-.. · .. ··· ........ _ ......... _ ... _ .. _.................. I !111,irf.rni: Red.Yellow l'odrnlic, D:1\'itl,011 (V.,.,\J;i) (The more clayey soih prob:il.ily :.11· eroded ph:•~c:,) i. (Fro111 :i mixture of :icicl .ind IJ;1\ic rocks, hut 1111J,1ly hornlik1:dc gnl'i,., ;11HI horn blend<.: :,ch i\t): D:1rk. ,t;rayish•brown (/\,), rccldi,!..i,?11w11 (11,, ,) f1,:1bk lo:.ni, .•:11:,:y ln:,111, nr n:dcli~IJ.brow11 cl:iy lo:1111 s11rf:1ce /1\.,, JI,,.) ~nils: r\'d 1n rcdd<·,.lJrc1·,,·11 cl;iy lo~m or ci:1y subsoil (TI,) "·hich is firm wlic11 l\!Oist, pb~ti<.: 1s·l,,11 "Tt, ;111d hard whC'11 dry. Th<.: sul;~nil ha, \•,cak fi11c to n1<.:din;11 ~::l,:11,gul:11· \ilncly ,t:·uctur<.:, and ccint.i:ns ,omc rni;:,1 pa,·ticl<.:s :incl occ;i,ill11::! ~acd gr:1i11,. ;'If ocierat<.:l)· deep or deep soil, b11 t there .11.: m:.:1y ~il;illow ,11 ,.1s. s:o!'".1 '..:· •iO'\,, 1110:.tl)' :J.J2•X, ......... ..................... .............. 1.:r,y,t :~cd·\'t:llow l'od1.ulic, LI,:,)'d (\/;1.,\'..:) (Tl1t redder !0;11115 ::,Hi all cl:iy .v:,:n ·"i::s pro!1;1lily ;1!·c 1·1,:1k,: !'''""-'1. l.!nyd ,oih :HT :dJn\lt 111i,;w;1y :,l·~· .. l't'11 lll~· l);n·id"i1J;1 ;11,,: (> 11i -.v1 i,·.., l11 tc.,:l11r1.•, ro1l,i)tl'll(l'1 'Ill ~1tLun.:. ;\1,(: (ul:,r.) B .. \c,il •with i',·/luivi.rh•Uctl or i.'r,lr.1i.~i, JJ1n11..'n ,~1!Jsni: D;uk gr;1y or b10\\'11 fri~lJ:c. i'l,11~1 •·.\.), tL1rk 1,.~{!d;,L.b:ow11 fi; .. ;;.,· <;.1•1· i,.,.1;11 Ii I •) !! n (,\, or 1\,), 0r tL1)' lo.,111 (,\,., 11,,,) ,urL1,t: :,uil1; ycll,,wi,!i•rcd t,> 1,d ,;:,y cl:iy or cby t1ppe;· (!\,) subsoil ,,liith is :1rn1 ,,·lic:11 mui.-t, :J!::;tic \l'iicn ,,·ct, ;111<l hard 1\'!:<:11 dry: v;1ria1Jle colnrc:d lower (II,) subsoil, but chie/,y ;t,·n;1~ l,r111,·11 silt)' cl:iy or tL1r i"111clr 111:11gkd wi1'1 rl'd, ycllc>11', c>li"c, :!!:<i 1;r.,,·. This l:i)l'.l' is n:rr ph,tir. 11"lll·11 n:oi,t and vc1y i:;1~1: \\'lien (iry. Tile u;Tcr ,td>,oil li:1s ,trnng ;1n1;11lar iilod,y ;uuc:iun:; th<: lower .<aln,,il is :1:.:"""I'. 1\[oder:itcly tlcq> or (kq, ~oi\. Shipes 2•:Llio/.,, uw,th-,1.1~% .... t\fr.ci;lcnlrn··1~ Rctl•Yclio\\' l'mirniic, ;\[cd:.lc111Jurg (\'a·,\b, little i,1 ,\rk) (Tile rnnrc cl:iycy soils prol;ab;f arc croclctl phcscs). C. Soils with l'c//011•isf1./hown 0r 0/iuc /lrort1n subsoils I, Cr:1y (:\,) f;r,1yish•lJi'0\\'11 to brown (:\,) loo,c .,:111dy lo:1111 or [rl:1l1!c ln.::il, to very cb:·k gray (1\,, ,) or ycllo\\'ish•bro,,·11 (/\,,, l\,,,) firm c!::y !,urf.1cc rn,:~: brown, y:·lln·::1sh•l1row11, o\i,·c brown, or pale 0:iv~ clay sub,0,; (ll,) ,,·1:ic:1 i, very fini. when 1110i,t, n:ry l'l;,~tic ,,·lien ,,·ct, and ,-cry h;,rd "·lic,1 c!ry. 0;,,,11 wct:i11.~ t:1c rl:ty swell,, ;11al upon clr)'ing iL shrin'..:., ;11i:.l cr:,cks i11Lo ro· .. ,;i1 ;111gular blocks. l\fu(!er;1tcl)' ckcp soil. Slopes l•l:!';!u, mos,ly unc!cr :i% frcr: ;:/1 l'bnosoi (/\rgi1ian), lrcckl\ (\fa.J\b) (Excepting a few scaltc:n:d ,1rcas. probably all the sanely c'.;1y loan. to c,:iy sc,ils ;11c c:rodccl pli;1sc,.) 'L. (;r:1yi,h•i;rnw11 (/\,). IJ1ow11 (/\,) or d,1rk ·brown (/\,, ,\,) :ridiic l0,1m to b10\\'11 ur ydlowisli•IJ1ovn1 frialilc clay loam (i\e) s11rL1cc s-:ids; !Jro\•;:1, yei• lowi,!,.l;1uw11, M u!i,T lnow11 fri;d,lc ioam to f',rm clay subsc,il (11,). :i:1;,Lo"' lo 111oc\cr;1lt:ly deep soil. Sloj>CS l·'.:!0%, mostiy 3·8% --·--·--· ................ Zion l'la11mol (1\rf;ip:in), Or;1ngc (Va, little in NC) (The cby 10;1111 soils 1nol;a1Jly arc eroded ph,1,cs. The sod is k.1s h:n ;ind phstic t1,an the lrcddl which it close,r resembles.) D. Soii v:itli much Grnj' in tile subsoil Fnrtm·d (l) of rL·\idu;,l 111;1tcri,1l in place, or (2) of lm:tl li>ll11Y1:il•,,llu,i:1! 111:11ni:ils tinivcd from 1-c,iduu111 of d;1rk.•colorcd rock-;, :is tlil·,ritc, ;0;1b1J;·o. Occur; :i~ ll;1t, or clepr<:s~cd ;1rc;i, in uplands, ;it thr. b;l,C of ,lnpc:s, :lro;111c\ ,pri,;g lll':ids, or along streams near the source, Tt is somcwh:it ;Joorly to 1•oorly d1:1i1H·d. I. (:r.,y (:\,) fri:dik lna111, \ill ln;1111, or rL1)' \0;1m S\1rf:1<c s11ih ,,·:,irlt ,1rl· 11:i1t1lt-d ,-.-it!, )'l·ll,>wi,h.J,rnw11 i11 t!ic ~ul;surL1rc (,\,,,).Tile ~ul>wil 1\ 11wttlnl g1 .,y. •>lin:, ,llid ydlowi~h•l>rnWll clay \\'lli<:lt is firm when 111ui,t, J>l:i~tic w!H:11 1·,-ct, :111d ll:1 n! wlll'll d r)'. Deep to shallow soi\. Slopr.s 0· l 2';,~. 11:0\t ly 111H!l'I' ·, % . /·:/1,nl l'L,11,,sol (1\rhip:111), lrl'.dcl\ (V:i, SC, C:i, little in NC) 111. Soi!s Derived from i\lixcd Acid nnd ifasic Crystalline ltocl1s Th(: rod:. funn:itions arc principally g-r;rnitc ;,nd gnci;~ u1t by dikc:s or frequent intru,iuns of !J:-i;ic rocks ;is dioritc, gabbro, etc. The soils arc n1uch less uniform th;111 those: of Croups J and Tl. :\. Soib with )',.//();,1i.,/,./how11, Yellow and /lrnw11, or Srrn11,; llrofl'11 sui,s,Ji!s -70 I. C1;1y (1\,), gr:1yi,h•brow11 (A,), and pale ycliow (1\,) :0;1:;\y s;111d to Yer;· fri• :dJ!c ;:indy io:1111, nr friable s;rncly clay !0;1111 (Ar, B,,,) surl;\C:! soib; ~trc~~.,:d pr :notlkd light gr;1y, ycllo\\', brown, anri rcdt!islJ.IJro1,·11 ;:;:1rly c\;1y (_l\,) to lhy (\'.,) \,d,,uil ,,hie\\ is finn when moist, pb~tic ,,·:1t:n wet, :i11d ll:i_rcl ,,<;en dry. Tl.c-,11h11i\ h:is qron~ mcdi1;111 51i\i;111[',ul:lr IJ\o,~k)' ,: :·11nurr:. '-iul;•,n:l uil,H· i., very 11r111•Uilif<'n:1, .\fmkratcly c!t:l':) to dc .. ·11 ~oil. .',l(I!'•'' I• I'•',''.,, mo,:ly urn!.:r Sic ·---······· ........ -................................................................... / lt'!,:11n l'l:i11n,PI (1\:·;;:r):1n). l·fc:lr11:'l (V:\•1\;;i) Cl'i,c ,iindy L!.:y lo;::11 ~:\.1i>,. p:.,b.l:l!y ,l:·l· 1:rudt,:d .1.1.,c, .. \,1,! i11! 111v1 i)' 111:tppf'ti "~11'ooth pha~·~ \\'iikc.,".) " (~r.1v (A.), p;dc rcllt1w (A;) loo~c 5;111dy ;vaiil or yc::o••\ ,,'1.:>rt1v;;1 ..,::1i\:) \ L1y io:un lO !iri1t cl;1y l~1:ln1 (,\1, H1p) \Urf.1cc ~oil5; ye;;~• ... ;):1-hro\\'11 t,1 l1i·nw11 cl;iy subsojl (H,) ,..,,:\ich is r.n:1 ,,:bcn n~oist., \·..::-y iJ;:\::~:c ·.,·!:t·:1 \,Ct, ;;n,: ;~.:rd wl:cn dry. :\t0drr:nl':)' dcci' soiJ. S'.oj1e1, ~.J 5l1~. nio--.~:y ~;::<:er 71 _ _.; ••••••• l·."1:nn i'l;111mol (1\rgi!·,:111), Hc\c11a (Va•C:t) (Tl:c :,;111dy cJ;,y l0:1lll tr1 c:.1y L1.llll ;c,i;, ;>ro:1;1h!y :11l'. ,:1Hk.i 111!,1.,,·.,. S,·ric, nrigi11;1\ly ,alit:cl "IJ:-.,ir: Hc\c11;i''. 3. C:r;1y (:\,), p:dc: )'l'i;u\1' (,\,) iOll,c san<'.:,' l,,;1111 r,r I;· -,,,;ni\'.l·Ycl:,iw s,11H:)' ci.1'.J lo;un to c!:1y }CJ;1;1~ (.i\:,, H111) ~urf:,1.:c :-Cl:!'\: 111uu:l·~:, ... ;:\:;,kl.'l!, \):· ,.1r-icc,,1lc'd ydlow, br0w1:, :inti 1-c,:t!i.,iJ.l;rn"·•1 S.il:dy :0:1:· ,.11;,:)· c.:;1y J,,.11;:, nr (l:ly lhi11 :111d l'~ll'\.'llH.'1)' v;1ri;tbic ~i;l,,ni'. ,n,) \\'i1it:1 i, :.1:1b:c ~fl Ji;1:1 \\':'.{'!! Jjj()i~t. llt1n-~tic:kr ~o pl.1stic ,vhcn \\Tt, ;1:H! iflO~t· l\) :;, w:;v;1 ~try. Sii,1::0\\' Lo nry ~\iallo\l' ,0:i Siopc) •,.GO<;·;,. 11w~t1y I0.'.2:.i':'.·~ .... .. ... li'i/l;n Litho,o\, 'Nili,;.t•s (\i,1./\la) (11: zn:tny pL1cc~ :111 tlie ~~ir:·:1cc ~.-1il :~pp:lr:.:i~tly !; ., l1(Tii 1c1iin,·cd ny ;1ccc!,Tatc.:d cnhio11: outcrop'> o[ rock ;1n: c-0111111011. JV. Soil., Derived from ''Carol1i:a Slates" 1-hc ''C:lro!i1~a SLttcs" arc !1ni.:-~r:1incc.t rock.~ or gray:sli c,;::·,i·. , i1t·,· <1tcur 111 ;i belt cxte1ic!i11g-0 :icr,,,s the State (Fi·;. I), ;111d cc,:1,:,t o: ;1 ~: ,•:,t ,c, :c, or ,·Plc:111ir :ind ~cdi11:c11t:1ry form:itions. Due to cli:1:1_'.;l''i l):·Q11g!it ;,·. ·,;1, :,y pr~·";ir,· ~,,,; folcli11g of t!ic Earth'.s cru.c,t, so:nc of thc~c !r;r:11:\tio11') h;;,-~ '.'ll:\ty !>tnictu: t ') :11~1.! ;t:-t: c;dlcl! ,btes. ,\ll arc practic:iil)' free of ;,·,ic:l, :;ii(! : .• ~ :,,\I' :;1 q,::1,11. Ti1l' ,nils rorllicd from the ;l:1tcs arc ciiar;1ncri,tic:,lh· silty tin·., _::01:t :l;,·,r ;,rnr,:n. /\. Soih 1,·ith fl.er/ subsnih l. C:r;1)' (:\,), f;1';1yi~h•ycllow (,\,) tlii,1 ('.:•·!") J;-i:1:J:L' ,::: ,,. :1, ,1:· rct!<'.i,!;.ycllnw to n:c!dish•brown silty clay !0;1111 (i\,,, !'..,,) ,urL,cc .1oi:,. ,,cc1,i011;1i:y ;.:_:;1Hlly ur ,bty, but r:,rcly co11t;1i11i11.~ a 1101 icl':1!Jil' ;1i111.>Ulll u: ,;11u:; n·lldi,h•l1rn11·11 10 rnl very s1111llllii ,i\ty clay ,1il.1,oi\ (H,) wili,h i, rin,: 11"!1c11 111ni.,1, ",i:, \.." II> ,1i1 ky :111d ~lightly pl:"tic \\'!1c:1 \ffl, :i:,d 11.,rd \l'li:-:t ,:<1. T:", ,11:,,.,:, :1," \\'l':1k lill'diu111 .'1tl;,111guL1r I,l1>CK)' ,llLl.l.l!1·, ;i1td i, i:v,. ,,r ll<lii<",·:ii,!,· 111,,;1 p:111iclcs :i11cl .\;\lHI gr;1i11." .• \fodt'Lllt·!r lL:vp fJI' l:l't;, \ni:. _-.;1,,i,('' :_:.1\1·: .. mostly ·l·l 7'/0 .................................... -.............................................. < ;, . .,, c,·,•ili,· !Znl.\'dlow l'odmlic, Cecil (V:-i.Ca) (The sill)' cby lo~.111 soils proli;dily :nc ernrlrd j)li:1,Uj '' (Fr.,111 d;,rk·col,wcd 111:1,si,·c ,·uk:i,;ic r,>d,\ :1,-.0,-iatt:d ·.,-:t;1 C.:,m.>li11ii ~;;1tn): l\rn\•:,i (A,), n:ddish•hruwn (1\, or;\,) fri:,b:l: sill lo:1;1;, o:· rcddis:1.!J1n-.\'11 tn rc:cl silty clay lo:im (1\1,, Ji,,,) ~urf;,cc soil,; n·t! Lo d:11k ,·l'll o,,;o,1tli ~ill)' c!.1y sub\oil (H,) which is firm when 111oist, p!:is:ic when ,,·c,, :;nd h:1:-d wllL·11 ,Ir". Tl,e 5\lb\oil li;is wc:;ik. medium sub:in;;ul:,r blocky ,t•·l;: •";:·e, .111'1 ~,:_>;>nn 1,, be f:·cc o[ rnic;i p:1niclcs :iml sa11d gr:1in1. ,\,.,dcra:.,::;· l:n·p t,> ::"c;> \,,;J )iopcs '.:.:!0'\,. 1110.1tly •1 • l 2',{ ........ ....... ............. ... ......... . ........ f'i, :11/1 Kcd.Ycllo·.1· l'od,o!it:, l.h1·:,:son (NC, SC, C:i) (Tilt: silty cl.1y lo;rn1 ~eils p:·uk,l;l)' :1r,· cr<Hkd pli:1>t:~) II. Sui! •.,·it!1 Yc:lowish•flro1,1n or Rcrldis/,.J:ro:,,,, ,u'noi\ \. \Lr~ brown (:\,), \Jrown (,\, c,r ,\,) fri:di:c silt lo;,;11, ,,: ,:li,1',·,,ll.:itl1\:;; '-:'.t·, 71 ' '1-i'4.in' k ___ _:_..-J 1. ___ __.I .:. U> 0 r J:> (.f) (./) 0 0 :;p. -( '-' -· tt3 6 6 c;:_; C. ~ i;;:, ~: -c:::: 6 e--~ -:'"~ 1 rt. ,:l,1y !,J.111~ (Ar, l\11.) surf:icc soi!\: )'l'l;owi·.h-l>nJH'fl, t..:ddi!ili-1.>rowo, or 1,r'-''vi,· i,!1-r,·d siil)' cl.1y 11!11,c·r (II,) rnb1oii 1,·l1ici1 is f,rm \\'hc11 11,oi,l, j'l."tic ,,.:1l':1 11-ct. ;111cl h.11d whr11 dry. Thc lo"·n (ll,) rnb10i: i, Hrcakcd ycllo"·• bru·.,·11, ;111cl rrddi1ii-yi:lln1,· ,;!ty clay Jo:1111, Tl,c .,:i!J1nil ;;,~11cr;illy Ii;,, SllllJ>g· 1ncclii:111 s,ili.1:1;_;11L1r b!od,:,-,:ri,ct11r::, .1lthn1:_:;i; in so111c soil~ the material is t\l·,1r!v ;;1,1"i\'l;. 'i'linc ;,re fc·.1· or 1w n1ic:; p;1rtit.!u a11d ~and 1~r.1ins. ,\fodn:1t,:'I ,lecp ,oi!. Slope~ l-10';-;,. 111.,,tly '..:-7% ...................................................... J-:f/11111{ lZcd-Yt:ilow l'ucl: ·:ic, ,\fcckk11l)llq; (N~:. SC, C;1) (Tile 1il:y l; .. ) l<J:1111 s11il1 1,rol.>:d,ly a1c eroded phases) C. Soil 1,·ith l'cl/o1,•i.rli•ilcrl or I/rd 0111! l'c/!0111 ,uLsoil I, Cr:1y (.\,), :;r.,yi,h-l1t,,1\\'II fll' r,1ayi,li-ycllnw (t\,) fri;il,I(' s;lt lo:111l 01' y,·llo1•;ic,li. brown ,:It)' cLiy lo;,111 (,\.,, 11,,,) sur:.,n; ;c,ib, so1ucti:1w:; .t.;ravcily or \: .. :y, lnll r:,rcly c11,11ai11:11.~ a 110Lircalii>..· r1u,111Lity o[ ,:rncl; rcd,ii,li-)cll,,w (!\,j, yellow :rnd rl'cl, L)l' 1 l'cldi,11-y,:llow (H,) n:ry m1uutlt ,i!ty c:;iy ln:1111 cir s:'.t)' cl.ly su',so;l ,viii(''.: i, firm wlic11' 111c,i,t, '\lick" to stidi.y and sii'.,:!aly pl:i,'.:c when ,,·c:, :11,cl li.1rd 1,·lic11 d, y. T,1,: subsoil has 1110dcr;1tt• 11:ccli111n ,;:!J-a11gul:ir blocky ,tniCllll'l', .,Pel ,, p,:1nic:dl)' free of 111ica p;iniclC"., ;111ci .~:111d ~r:,i,:s. ,\ft>dcr:itt.:ly clvcp l-> deep ~oil. .Slnl'c.1 3•:.>il'i~, but mu,tly .',-lt\'i;, !1a11,:.,n Red-Ye:i0w l'odzolic, 1\ppli11~ (V:i-Ga) (The ,iity ci:1;· lo:11:1 soils prol;a!Jly arc eroded pha,cs) D. Soil with Yellen,· ,111Jsoil I. Cr;,y (,\,), p,1:c.: yellow (,\,) friable ~ml smooth silt Jc,am surf:1ce soih, o::e:1 ;,:ran:lly or ,L:ty, and occa,ionally co11tai11i11g a s111all a111ou11, ,1[ line ,;1;1t;; p:ilc yci!ow (II,), yellow or brownish• yellow (ll,) silt loam to ,i!:y cl.1y !0;1111 ,1,bso:l which is fri:1l>lc and very smooth when ll!Oist, "slick." Lo sLicky wi1cn wet, :ind sliglitly hard wl.c:11 dry. The subsoil h;1s weak p,.,tc-likc Lo ;;ne ;ingubr blocky structure. Frequc.:ntly I here are fragments o( ,b:e thr0ughout the pror,lc. i\[ockr:1tely deep to shallow soil. Slopes 1·15%, most!)' u11c!cr :"1C:,~ .. Alnm,:ncc Reel.Yellow Poclzolic, Durham (Va.Ga) E. Soil with Yellow, Drown, an<l Gray in the subsoil ]. Gr;1y (1\,), pale yellow (t\,) smooth silt loam surface soils; p:ilc yellow to yellow smooth silty clay !<Jam upper (B,) subsoil; yellowish•brown, p,\lc yellow ;incl bro,~11, or brown strca',.;,cd with gray silty clay lower (11,) sub-soil, ,_.1,ich is very firm whe11 moist, very plastic when wt:t, and very h.1nl when 1lry. The lower ~ubsoil swells on wt·uing and shrinks 011 drying, rr;,ck• ing i11t<J irregular IJ!oclt.s. Mudcr;;tc.:ly dccp to shallow ~oil. Slnpc.:·s l-8';i·~. 111ustly urnlcr 'l',X, .......................................................................... Orr,ngc l'L1nu~ol (i\rgip:i11), Orange (Va-G:i) (i\ppc:,rs to lit: vcry crodilile on slopcs above 5%) F. Sh:dlow 5oil with J/l'CJ[(ll/1 Ycl/owislt-/!rown, or J?nlclish•Ycilow ~11!,,uil I. llrowni,11-gray (1\1), p:1k ydlow (1\,), or urown (1\,., B,1.) fri,t!J!c ~ilt !0.1:11 ~urfJce soih, usually co11wining fra;:;mcnts of slate; brown, yellowish•IJro·.·:11, rcddi~li-yl·llow, or pale yellow fri:ilik siit loan\ to ;lightly pl:t~tic ,ilt1• c !aj' thin ;111,~oil (l\,) whirli c<J11t;1ins so,nc to many ~!:lie lragnH'l1l~. Sli,.Jln\\' 111 very sha!low ~oil. Slo!'l'S ·l··l0%, 111c,,tly (i-!!i';{, .................................... (;o/r!.11:,n Lithuso 1, Lou is;1 (V;1-C,1) (;, So;l with yl'i!ow and gr:,y i11 ,ul».iil, ,cc p,1gc (i8 l·l. Soil ,,-itli 111urli Cn:y in the.: s1il1\Pii, \t:C.: p.ige (i(i ............ Colfu ? Fur~i-:,1:i 77. I \'. :=.,>il~ Deri,·l·t! frPi!\ Sand~donc~ and Sh:-i1t:.I.{ uf the 'J'riils.·,it f.'or111ntion .,\. :-;.-,;:., "·ith J~{·d ~u:.~,,il\ l. C:;,)' (,\,), p.1ic r,<lnll' (:\,) i1i:1!Jlc s:,ncly !0~111 nr ,iit ln:1:11. or rcc!.!,,:1-li:·"wn (ri;1!,lc: lo fi: inc!:,: !u;11n (,\1., H111) .\Urf:icc !-.Oil<i; rt:d or .rtd\t:.):\.)1:·:iw1: '-t1.1~.1t:1 rl;;;· or ;,it)' cl:1y 1t1b,,1,J ;ll,) 1:i1ir:1 j, ~:·1n 111:,·:; 111oi,t, ;,'.:•.it:: 1-.-::, :1 ·,,·":, :1!:(: li.:rti ,\ !1c11 d1 y. -r:ic !)l:bH>i: J·.:1,s, n:n.::cr:1lL' 11.~"diu:~1 'l!:,:,i;_-_:l:~.1r .J'.,·, ~\· ~l!'llCllilT, ;).j:ci n1:1y (O~Ht,in .",:11.::1 ,-:;nuu11:5. nf ."-::11~! ~1.1i:·-, :11:t: ;:; t',i ;:,::.:.t•,. .\iolicL1L-.:~y (:ccp io deep ~0iJ. Sio;H·.~ 2.~j(X,, ~no,t:y :i-!nr:;1 il'11:'{·,/1,nu i,crl•Ycl:ow J>od10lic, Cecil (\l;,.;-,.;q (Tile c:.iy lo:11;1 soils prob:i!J:r :,r .• · crnd,.-,: pit:,.,,,_,\ :!. l\r,11,·11i.,lq;r.:y (1\,), !11<)\'.'ll (1\,) r, i:t/1:i; /1111: ~.111d) ;,,.:111 ()I',,': l<>,olil, "' ,:.,, >-. lirn\\'11i;l:-i-cc! [r;;1lilr: to fi;·;n ,ilt)' , Li)' !r,:1111 (.-\, .. :\,,,; ;,::·:'.1::c ;11i:,: ,:.:: k :·,·,: (t:ll1ky reel or purp!ish.rcd) ~ilty c;:,y O(' cl:i;· .,llhmil (1\,) w!:i:·li i, ::rn, 1, ,11·;. n1oi,t, pl:1stic \,·i1<.:11 \\'Ct, i1lid h:11c! ,,·l1l:n c!1y ... f'liv dt:l'l' .,t1L-.rii! i1:1\ 11:,11:ci.,1.<• line ;11h:m:~1::.1r biock)· strnctur;:, :i:1d m11;ill1· i1 frl'c nf , .. 11d c:1:i:::·. :1,,,: 1:1ic;1 fla:.:.cs. Shpc~ 2-J.q%, mo1tly 3·:i<;.·" ....... ................. .. ..... ... .. .. i/111 ie1 :(ecl-\'c:!iow l'od,o]ic, Jlucb (l':t, l\'J. ,\lei,\';:; 1·n1· lit1:l• "·• :-..·c) (Tii\' ,il1i < !;l)' Ju:1111 .,r,il"i p:·oh:11)ly arc <.:rnc!r:d pJ1;1\t:."i) 3. Browni,11-grar (i\,), b:-own (/\,) iri;1!;!t: ;i:t 10:1111, or d,,rk !nowni,!1-rccl fri-;•!;lc l•J firn; silty cby lo:i111 (,\,., B,,,) .lllr:acc ,<>iii; d;i, k rc1i (:iur:1:i,!1-r,·d) ~ilty cl:iy or cl:t)' subsoil (Il,) which i1 t•.,u,t!ly ~h:,:lr,w 01· ,·en· .1!i:illn\\' .. "l!o;1n J.:liJ~~,. lllOSil;' (i.}3'/, ...................................................... ............ 1'<'111: Litl1cJ1r,l, i'c:111 (l':i, i\J, ;\fc!, \'a; little i11 ;-,.;q (The siity cb:1 Ju;1111 soils prob:il;!)' :ire crrnkd ph;11c.1) B. Soil ·,l'ith J'1:l!owi.1/,.](crf or J/rnumi1fi.f?cr/ ;ul»oil J. Gray, !ip;l:t gray (1\,), gr:irish-ycllo,1·, or ~r:1yi1!i.J1:·o,l'11 (,\,) r,i:iliic '>'tlld)' i:iam, or i.Jl'o1·.-nish-ycl:ow sandy c::iy io:1111 (,\,,, JI,,.) mrf:1r1· 1oi:1; ii1w;•,:1i,:,. yclio,•: (H,), yellowish.red, rcdclisl,.iJrnwn, or ,trc,11..ed yc::01·; :111d iirn1\'11 i,ii. red (i',,) clay lo:im or cl:1y sul;snil wliicli i~ fir:11 11'1:t:11 :nui.,t, pl;",ic '";:,·,; wet, and hare: wlien dry. The .\lil15oiJ has 111oder:1tc r111c 10 11wdiu1n 1u;i. :int;ubr bl1Jcky strurture, aild may co11t:ii11 .rni;tll .11.101111t~ 0f ,:,11cl ,lild 111ic1 fl:1ke,. :Vfodi:r;1,cJy deep soil. Slopes ~·'.!0%, 11101tly 3.;;;% ..... . ;,/n_-,·or/011 Red•Ycllow Jlodzolic, Appling (Va-NC) (The ,ancly cl;iy loam soils prob;il;Jy ;,.re l'('CJc!l'd plt:t1c1) C. Soils with 11':d to RccldiJh•Grny ;111(! Y,:llow (often f'nrico/orcd) ,11b~<1ii, I. Gr:iy (A,), brownish-gr.1y or p:ilc: yellow (,\,) f:·i:d1k \ilt lo,lin l•) 1.111cly lo:1111 1urL,cc .v•ils. or rc:ddi,l:-1Jr11w11 lo rl'ddi,h-,.;r;,v lin11 c::,y lo:1111 l•l :'l:11-1ic rl11y (1\,., J\, .. ) ~urfacc ~oib; \':triuilorccl 11ili1od (IL) wliic i: i., tl»111i11;ll1tiy n.:ddi,h-gr:1y or wc:ik red intern,ingled ,,·ith ~li:.dr.1 or gr:,y ""d 1"1:1c:i111n yc.:ll,l\1·. The ~ul;sni1 i~ cl.1y or sil1y chy \\'hie!, i, ,·nr l'in:1 ,, !1v11 11,o"t. vny p!:,~.lic 1vl1C·1i wct, a11ci very li,1rcl \\'ht.:11 d1 )', It \ln;ll, n:1 \1'l'llin_t.; .. ,11,! ,liri11ks a11d cr;1rks 011 drying into ,trn11g 1111.:di11;n :111g1tlllr _:,:n,·l.,y ,,,..,, t111,· p:,nic ks. '!'lie rccldcr•colort:d suiJ;uih ;1rc t11u,t.;l:<·r 1\'li<.:11 11wi1t, 111nrl· p:.11! ic when ,~-ct, :11icl h:irclcr when dry than thmc \\'i1!i 111ucli )'t'lin1,· :in,i _t.;1 ""· ,\ioc!cr:ncfy d1.:rp .~oil. S!t,j1C~ :!.:Jo1.;{;, 1nu!-,tiy 3-l:!'\. ..... ....... :I'/,//,· .\tu,r l'i:111m11l (1\rgip:rn), \Vhi1c :-itorc (NC,\!;:) (Tlic ci:iy lo;i.11 tn chr soils proli.1hlr arc t·n;c!t-1! pll,I\\'.\, ;,,al 1::c ,oil ;1i•:1c:,1, tn l;c: vcrr crod i l;lc) 2. 1.ip,!ll gr:,y (1\,), yrilvwi,ii•gr:iy or ycll:ll1·i,li-liro1,·11 (:\,) f:·i:il,:, .. ,::;1d:· !»,:,ll, •ir 111t>ckr:ttcly f1:·1n rnldi,li-l,:·ow11 ,:111dy rl..r in:111; 1,r ,:l;,v (.-\, .. l\.,,,_\ ,u,·r.,r,· i'J H>h , ;1: :\·nio,cd hul tl\O)tl)' 1tH,~tl:.:d Tl'l!di,'1-~r.1y, rc'-tdj~;1.!J,c:w11, ;111J 1,,.;,t r,1.1r rL,y ,,r .<iity .-1.,y thin i1il"o:l (JI,) which i, \'Cl')' f11in whc11 lllc;ist, 1·,·1 )' J>i.l\ti\ "l•,·11 1,ct, ;111d vt·• )' !,;,rd ,,·!iL·11 cl,)'. Sli:iil ,w tn \'C.r)' ~h:1i!,1w soil. .'i:<JjJ<:I ).'.\·,. ;,, nlU,tl)' j.Js•;{, ......... . ............. /'1:1/;1/ull L:tlw,:,:, Liu. (:--:C, \'.1) (The ll.1y lo~:11 or cl;-,y soils 1,:·ob;1bly ;,re erode<: pha~cs) 3. C1 ;1\' 1,, :i.~ht 1-;r,,y (,\,), brow:1ish•r,r;,y (!\,), ycllowi~h•b:-111,·n (1\,) loa:r.1· ~:111tl 10 l"n"· ,::ndy ln:1111, or yclln1,·ish•!Jrow11 s;1:1dy cLiy loa1n (/\,., 11,,) •ur• • [;,. ,· ~<>1h nf1,·11 I ~.:20 i11clic, th irk; l1!;l1t ycllm,·isi1•bro1,·11 to ydlnw fri,1bk ,.11,dy rL1y l<>,1;11 llJ'l"·r ,111,soil (11,), •l•H i11rl1t·, 1l1i, k; )'l'llnw t>r y,·llowi ,11· !J1uw11 ~.111dy cl.iy 111idclk ~11l1rnil (11,), R.\H i11c:1cs thick, 1\'hich is f1i:1:;t..: 1,•:1c11 111ni.1t, ~lig!iti)' pL1stic: whe11 \\·ct, :111d h~nl when dry; and higiily 1·,,r· it:!,;;11c:d or mu:tkcl rcddish•urow11, ruldi,!i.g-ray, yellow, :u1d ~r;,y cl.1y lo\\'t:r ~111J,nil (11.,) 11·hirli is very r,n11 when 111oi,t, very plastic "·he;1 ,,·ct, am\ ,c::·y IJ:1rd \,·lic11 dry. The l\, i,,ycr ha~ wc:.,1-. medium s:11.Ja11g11hr !)lucky s,rn,.::urc: it ,wl'ih n11 11c11i11½ and shri11b ~,11d nacks nn drying-. 7\[odc:·atcly de~·,, to dcc1> ,rJil. Slupe, '.!•IS"!,,, 1110,tly '.l•S% .............................................. r.rcrd111our l'l;1110sol (Fra~i1i:111), Conway (Ya•NC) (The ~;11Hl)', ::,y io:1111 "1ih prnbably arc \:rock,\ phases. The Crccd1n0,ir i\ C>\,11ti:11ly 111iclw:1y !Jct11Tt'11 tlic \\.hite Store ;11:<l the.: Gr;111viilc ,crio.) D. Soil with J'r!/ow or 1Jrnw11i.1·/,.)'c/lo;u s1:bsnil 1. Gray 111:1111) o:111d (1\,), yellowi~h•gr:1'.' (i\,), pale yellow (A,) very fri,1\J\c qndy lo;rn; surface soih; yt:llow to bro1,·11ish•ycllow sandy clay subsoil (11,) which is modcr;1tc:ly r,r111 when moist, slightly 2J;1stic when ;,·ct, and h.,rd 1,·hc11 dry. The ,ulJ1oil h;" ,,•e;ik cruml.J to ,,·cak. fine rnlJ;rn;>;ular lii0cky 1trnnun:, :\ hritty kc!, an\l so111etimes contains small al!lo1111ts o[ ,ni< ,,. ;\!odrratcly <kq> to ckcp soil. Slopes 2• 1 '.l%, mostly 1111c!i:r fi% ..... (;r,1nl'illc Red•Yl'llow l'odrnlic, Durham (Va, :1\C) L · Soil with J'r./lmuiJ/1•/lroc,•n or /lrnw11 s11bsoil l, l';tlc lnow11 (1\,), l,rnw11i,l1•ydlow (1\:, ,.) ln;1111 ,urf;H:c soil; yc:llow, yc:llowi,h• 1>1,J\,·11, ur brown silt)' <.:lay loa111 s111.Jrnil (ll,) which is r,rin \\'hen 111oi,t, ,lightly pl:i,ti•: ,,·hen wet, a11d sii~htly hard ,,·hen dry. 1\·lndcr;1:dy <!ccp ,oil. Slope,~. J ~,•;.~. 1110,tl)' 1111dc:r Ho/,, .......... ................................... f.nn\/1,,/,: Kctl•Y1·:II)\\' l'od,olic, l.:,n~d:tle (l':t, N,I, ;\Id, Va; very liulc in i\'C) F. Soih wi1h ,rllllC: trJ 111ud1 (;I'll)' i11 1hc s111J\Oils 1. Cr;,y (,\,), grayi,l\.lmm11 (1\,) fri;dilc ,ilt loam surf;1cl' ~o;l, "·h;ch \I\U:dly 1 ""i:1i1l\ "11111: ,h;ilc !'r:,g111t·111s: gr:iy, 111ottlcd with j>:tlc )'L"ll1n,· ;,ntl 11;:k Lr,)Wll, ,ilty rby lo:•lll tot by ~11\J,qil (11,) whici, ge11c:r;tlly h;1~ "'1111: to 11:11cl1 ,h;,iy 111;111·ri;d. The: ,111J,nil is r,n11 when moist, plastic when wet, :ind h::nl wl1t·11 dry. :sr,,dc:r:itt:ly ,kq> to ,hallow ~oil. Slopes 3.3::;o;.,,. nwstly under I::•;:, .......................................................................... -.................................. !.cl,igi, l'i::nn,ol (Fr:1gipa11), Lc:hiµ;h (1';1, NJ, ;\·l\l, Va, very little i11 NC) '2 . .'i<:c p;q.;r (i~i for ......................................................................... _ ............ Wor5iw111 :\. S..:c 11;1:.;e Ii~ [1Jr ............................... '. ........................................................... Colfax \'J. '..:oiis DNiHd from Quartz :llica Schi~l arnl Hclatcd Hocl{S :\. Soi:1 \\'ith /,,.,/ s11h,oil, 1. Cray (:\,), brow11i,ii.gray (J\,) friab!c fi11c ~.u1dy lci:1111, or rcddish.hro1·::1 i 4. fri:d,k day ln:,:n (,\,,, !',.,,) surfa<T snils co11t;,i:1i11r; co11sidc:r;tli\c :1,ica: red· di,J,.;,rown to red friah\e to 111uder.1:dy :irin micaceom i:;;1y s11inoi, (E-,) 1,·hich h:1, ;, ,11,1101h, .i\mmt µ;n·:")' f1·1l. \Vhc:n dry the su\irn;i i~ h:,nl, wi:1·1\ pl;11y 11ruct11rt'. ,\!n,'.,·1.:1,·ii S ,' (i ( f' ,\ ~ 'i ,1 .' I.' • 1,·vt it i~ l'::,s1ir. !: ::;,~ wc:;,\.iy dc\'(:ioprcl 1:1cdi11:n tictp or d1~c:j !io!;. Si:)p1..'S -:.:~L11;~, illO"tly lJ.:r,,;;1 l~c-l!-\'t'lin\\' l'n,L·dlir, (:('(i! (\',•, NC, .\C) (l'/1~· r1..•(:c!rr lo:.,~, ;1,1d :d: ci;1y L,:un lni!~ i>:uh:1!J1y ;1rc c:·.),'.l•(: :):);:\c~, :.:~,'. the sui! :1:1pc:1r.s lo ;;c ,·c1y c:rodihic. -r1i(' .,t-ri,·, :., c:.,cnt,.1i:y CCultS Cc,ii".) ,·cry 1: ! , ~-., • 2. C:r:tv ( \;\ gr;,y;~:1•brow11 (,\,) iri;,:J!c .c,;111.'.!y !v,1n1, or :cl(:;.:~.:,,, '\'Ii f1·i .. :i!C c; .. , lll,iJ11 (,\r, ~\:;•) ,u1 f;icc ~.oil.~ co11L1i1111:g 111uth n,ici; ~·1..:::Cn\·;,·1 .-._.l:, brn,\·11i~h•rcdt or rc.-1 fri:t!,!c n1ic;1ccou, cl;:_. lo;1n1 .,1il)',,;:: (B.-), \\<•i, !j >~ 11'\U:iliy ,i,:illo\,' or \Tl y :-i'.:.t!io\\', s:11JH'\ :\.:~.-i1\,, IJH)\: :y 7-1 :--,";, l.•J::i,,1 l.i ,:,0\1Jl, Lou i~;i (\':t•:\ I~) (Tile ci;1i lo:11:\ soib prol,abl)· :,n: crodc:d j>il,1.1.:s, lic:c,11.w tlit: ,oil ••1';1L·,,r:; lt) lie VC'l)' crod;u:c) :L c;r:1yish-:.H·o,\'i1 1~~:n1y s~1nd (.'\:), }'L·l!tHvi~/1.;J111wn to lig!1; rcdd:,h-'i:·1,-.·:1\ ;:1,;,iv :0.1111 (,\,), <":-1 cddish•oro,1·n fri:,L>lc s:,1,dy ci.ir !0,,:11 (1\,, !\".) .,:ll ' .. u· .1,ni\ (O:H;1i:1ing r::il r;u;1n1. n1ic, ~C!ti\l rr:t,:..'.'lll'lll\ :'llld \(Jill(~ 111!<.: :!,1~.1.·-..; !'{'1!tli,\i.\irn11·11 tu lnO\\'ll c);,y lo:1n1 10 chy li:·111 11p:,n (11,) 1:111'oi\ ;,:,d rc,ic:i,h•bro·,1·11 to l!ght re.!, o;:--:11 1i11g-ed 11·itli rt:ddi,h•gr:,y c:,,)' ;o;ll1; ,1r cl~y )ow,:r (ll.-) subsoil which i, fri;1l,lt: to /irn: ll'hl'11 111rJi>, ,·,al ,:i:;',;:y l:,,;·d ,.,.J;cn dry. ·ri1c ~~1U~oil h;-1.c;. ,1,·c~~ incc!iu,n ~ulJ;111.~u::1r hiot;...y to vvr) ,-.:c::~ pl:ity sll uct.\11-c, .1:1d co:llains nrnch 111ica a:1d flat ;,11gu!ar :l',1~1;1r::1t.1 o( ~,:,i't. ,\foc:erau:ly dc:ep t0 10111c\\'::at 1liaiioll' .1oii . .S'.01ic, :;.,;rJ%, :111,siiy (i.1:,,·,:, ,\/,11/i.F>n Rcd·\'<·llow l'nclrn!ic, Cecil (Va•:\b) (Ti,c s;111cly cby lo;1111 soils prol.Jaliiy arc: crnc'.c:cl pl1:,sc~) 11. S":l ,,·itii Yc!/0;11islt•ncr1 c;r Light !?cd sul,soil i. Cr:,:: (,\,), g-r;,yj,h.iJrnwn (,\,), gr;;;·:,h•yc!l,w. (i\J) fri;,h,c ~.ll:1:)' iO;ll,1 s.11·. i°;1cc "~)i:) cont:1i11i:1~ rl;-it CJU;tJ tL 111ic1 ~chisL fr;i_~111c1it, ;1i1d ~o:HL' :1!ic ;1 fl::i--c-..: rull'.i,,1.ycllow cl:,~, 10~111 111>pc,· (:1,) sub;oi\, "ro11g brll\1'11 l:.,) :,i,,111 o~ r:;,;• 111idrllc (!\,) su!isoil, :1;·.d yc!:owisl,.rc:cl I.I> light n·d clay lo:11:; o:· c!:,y i,:,1•:,·r (ii.,) ,1i\Jsoii. The c11tirc sul.Jsoil is fri:1blc to l:,·:11 w!1c:11 n:oi,1. ,li•:;11iy !': .. ~:.< ivilc11 ll'Cl, .rnd hard wh:11 rlry. It lt:ts 1·1·:·y \\'t::,k pLtl)' strnru,n:. '/'h1011,;!:n:1t 1/tc profile the cr,11u·11t o( 111ic:1 ;,11d IL,t•:111_~ll;,1r fr.1.t.;rnci:1-, ,1( .,r:,i,1 ,·.11 :,•i frrnn w11H· to \Tl')' rnuch, :\!ndcr;:tci)' dc:q, 111 ,n,11,·1·::1;,; .,!::,:in\\' mil. .\111;,n :;.'.!()•;;,. !lhJ,tly 5•12% ................................................... .......... ...... (;rr,;,n Rcd·Yl'llnw l'odzolir, Appling-(\la.Ga) C:. Soil with )'dln11•is/,.flro1,•11 <;r Ur.rltli.1/1./Jro;,,n :,1;lJ.1n;I l. llro11·,1 (/\,), 1Jrnw11i~il•yellow (A,) fri;dilc Jn;:111, or yclltJ•.vi~l!.\.1rnw11 10 1cd• di~h•iJrow11 cl:!y lo;im (/\,,, H,,.) .~t1rf;1cc ~oib; y<'l!o1,·isli.lnr.,,·,1 to rl'.!rlj,i,. l1111wn rl:,y sul,,oil (11,) wl1ich i, 1nodcrau:ly fi:·111 w!11:11 1:ioi•,r, ,lic;i.tiy j>l.,,:,c when wcl, and !,~rd wlic:11 dry, The ,1d1,nil Ii;" wc:ak 111odcr;11c ,11\,,1,1~,,,.,r to :111guhr l.Jlccky 1truc111rc, S1:i;ill 111ir;i fl:1kc:, a:·c pn:,c,1t i11 ;11,11t lnc;11i,1,1,, ;llHl in ~orne pb<.:c.1 1111mero,1s ~1·,:tie ;111d ;cliist /';·;1g1nc:11t\ art.: p1c-.c11t 011 1!,l' surface :111d throu~lioul tile prof',k. ,\lrnlc:;:tLII' d<.:<.:jl ,nil. S'.,,11n •1.r,(:-;;, 11101tly 8•20% ............................ ..... ............. ........ .............. ........ . . .. ... .\•11 I) ,~cc\•Yi:llow l'oc\zo;ic, Cecil (Ya, NC) (Tile t:hy loam snib 1,rob:11J!y ~:·\· eroded :1l:;,•.c~. This ~t.:rin :, ~l,nu~ 111.:;. l'::,y lJt:t\\"Cc11 the Cccii ;cries a1:d till: l'ortc1 ~ \,., ;,.,) D. Soil wi,i; ~<1111c C>r1)' ,11 t:,c ~u:1\0:I, ,,:c ;:,:gc r,~ E. SGil ,vit!1 tn\a:'1 (;,tij' :n t'.ic 5U'.;)o:l, \Cl' 1,;t_~L' li!l (. i:.'.' ,; _,-i I',_,,-_, i, .·:: 7 :. POLVBAC CORPORATION 505 Park Avenue NY• NY• 10022 (212) 752-7940 MUTANT BACTERIA FOR THE CONTROL OF AN OIL SPILL IN AN ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Ann Mason Twedell, Jack R. Piskura, EMSERV, Inc., Houston, Texas and Thomas G. Zitri des, Polybac Corporation, New York, New York Pres ented at the Th' ·d Annual Conferencl: on Treatment and Disposal of Indus t rial Was tewaters and Residues, Houston, Texas, April 18-20, 1978 ABSTRACT EMSERV operatesan0.5 MGO regional wastewater treatment facility servicing two bulk liquid storage terminals with a total capaicty of 4,479,000 bbls., a regional t ank truck cleaning facility, as well as ve ssel ballast and tank cleaning discharge. The evolution of the system inc l uded a retrospective analysis of source inf luent streams resulting in construction and operational modi- fications. The resultant advanced activated sludge treatment facility operated with effectiveness during constant inputs. During a slug of excessive oil concentration, a corrmercially available blend of mutant, adapted microorgnaisms (PHENOBACR) aided in controlling this upset. Improved system performance, indicated by the rate of oil and grease degradation, was observed within the first twenty four hours after the initial applications of the bacteria. Fo r a copy of the above report, write to Polybac Corporation • DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Harnett 1 (22' -No Water) 2 (22' -No Water) 3 22 1 Granville 1 22' 2 (171 -Rock -No Water) 3 (12'-Rock -No Water) Lee 1 7, 2 6' 3 8.7 1 Warren 1 18.5 1 2 (20.6 1 -No Water) 3 13.81 Franklin 1 ( 3, -Rock -No Water) 2 ( 7, -Rock -No Water) 3 (11.5 1 -No Water) 4 (21 1 -No Water) 5 ( 3, No Water) Halifax 1 14 .3' 2 14 .5 i 3 18.61 Wilson 1 10' 2 8' 3 6' - 2 - ~ DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Johnston 1 (19• -No Water) 2 13 1 3 1.5, Nash I 22 1 2 22 ' 3 22' Edgecombe 1 15 • 3 I 2 Caved in 3 6' .. I/ I SCALE -1 = 1 00 PCB Pl T -SI TE TI PROJECT NO. -4. 5401101 COUNTY -WAKE DATE -8 -23 -78 .. .. N. C. DZ?AR'.Il"1EN':i:' i F TRANSPORTATION Division of H:igh:-;ays PCB PIT BORING ux:;. PROJECT __ ...;;!.;;...c ...,, 5-"-L.,.cQ_._J..__1_.Q ___ l..__, _____ COU!'l'I'Y ---'~"-'..rel""", 1<"-'-""-________ DATE ROUTE RES. E:JGINEER PIT NO. -----------Site II G-5 1-78 ---'2~1~6_-_0_0_0_2_ .. ________ INVESTIGATED BY :EQlJIP. USED PROPER.TY OWNER J. 3 0 3~ it t ~&1 DEPTHS ~g, REMARKS: i .e. groundwater data H i::Q p... i::Q DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL moisture content, etc. p::-,,. ~~ 2; FRCN TO l o.o 8.o 1-1'. Yellmv Very ;-Iica . Sa ndy Clay Mois t ,:::-, 1,6 5o0 1 8.o 17 .5 1-B Hed-3rown ?ine .So.ndy Silt ',-le t t:; 10.0 Ground·,;a ter : 15.2 e 0 Hr. 8.o ,·~ 24 Hrs. -.:; 2 0.0 4.o 2-A Yello\v Very l•:ica .. Sandy Clay 2 4.o 12 .5 2-B ~ed-Brown Very ?1Iica .-Fine Sandy Moist @ 3.0 Silt ';le t '"' 8.o (:.; Groundv;ater : 11.0 G 0 :Hr . : 8.o P, 2L1-Hrs. ~ .. I F I ! . I I r i I ! I i SITE Person Warren Chatham Alamance Granville Wake Wilson Nash Edgecombe Halifax Johnston Franklin Harnett Lee Butner LANDFILL EVALUATIONS FOR PCB DISPOSAL CHARACTERISTICS Water Table* Perm CM/SEC RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS Not Not z15' 12-25' 18-23' Avail. Avail. 0-21' 2-20' 18-28' 10-4-10-5 10-4-10-5 ~10-6 Z' 10-5 ~10-5 ~10-5 Previous Study Data Gro. Water Info Needed Gro. Water Info Needed Clay Stone Outcrops High Water Table & Perm Permeability High Water Table & Perm No Space Water Table-Perm No Space Leased Site, No Space Permeability Water Supply Intake *Depth Below Land Surface. All sites need additional site specific data DISPOSAL UTILIZATION Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible W/Liner Possible W/Liner No No No No No No No Site Person Warren Chatham Alamance Granville Wake Wilson Nash Edgecombe Halifax Johnston Franklin Harnett Lee COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILLS Location SR 1552 SR 1600 U.S. 64 W ~ 5 mi. W of Pittsboro SR 2158 SR 1423 SR 1172 SR 1504 SR 1411 SR 1601 SR 1103 SR 1503 SR 1109 SR 1725 SR 1177 (Access road has another #) Governor Jim Hunt said today that he will ask the chairmen of county boards of commissioners in each of the fourteen counties which have PCB-contaminated soil for permission to drill in their county landfills to determine if the soil is suitable for permanent storage of the contaminated soil. Tbe Departments of Transportation and Human Resources will begin drilling as ·soon as permission is granted. The drilling will enable state officials to determine the.water table depth at each site, and soil samples will be taken ' for laboratory analysis. Laboratory tests will be run at the Department of Transportation's laboratory in Raleigh to determine the amount of clay in the soil and the extent to which it can be compacted. Permeability tests will be conducted at an independent laboratory to determine the rate at which liquid diffuses in the soil under normal conditions. One full day will be required in each county to complete drilling and results of soil tests will not be available for ten days after the laboratory receives the samples. Complete results for all fouteen cou~ties are not expected to be available for at least a month. ### PCB DISPOSAL SITE ESTIMATES Estimated construction cost,* (a) With artificial liner Total cost, not including land= For one site 14 sites@ $45,000.00 = (b) With on-site earth liner Total cost, not including land= For one site 14 sites@ $39,000.00 = $45,000.00 $630,000.00 $ 39,000.00 $546,000.00 \ *Includes Access Road, Engineering, Leachate Collection System, Proper Close- out, but does not include long range monitoring. -.-.....-J E11411-w a e • (};(JJlf'( tJJ A,rt tlot (U// !,, /AJMIJv (u ~9 tjtllM~"' ~-- J(bf,!{O i~, €ilep.tJIKb& &> W/3rJ3 /(J/ ISO XIS'~ (l?, 5"2, A~ Kl)'/.1J'l,'/ ll11-t1P& {b · ~S3 l're/~ ID/ ,5'0 ~ootizs G,.s7k) k)~~> 'lt)1v ~o .95 110~1~ Z720 Yd 7 /0/ ~t) l,it,5 (p.1 sl/<!j 0.§0 6l~15 411511 ,091 /~/ (!ozx12s C /),)7/Jt) /~S X 'fo rt/1tt;()JV 1070 r' Zo<; X J{fl) 7/ 0 (o. q}/)c &/JJJl)JlL£ . ~:) //OJ, Joo :r/1~ /5 1 llllO //St> (&,s-s) . 96 J(pof7J ()J4,uiµ t/ZOO (~/ ;)/0 { (z.J (o.~o) t~ox1s l+lt!Zutl 3051 /51 ;;loD x r2-s 3c (o.s-7) PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/sec Warren 5.1 X -7 10 cm/ sec Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec Johnston 7.2 X -6 10 cm/sec Harnett 1.3x -5 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec Granville 1.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wilson 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec Nash 7.3 X -8 10 cm/sec Edgecombe 1.5x -8 10 cm/sec r If ~ ~.iLl PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/sec 5.1 X -7 Warren k 10 cm/sec Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec ~ Johnston ·/ 7.2 X -6 10 cm/sec ~ Harnett / 1.3x -5 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec ~ Granville 1.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wilson 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec ~ Nash 7.3 X -8 10 cm/sec Edgecombe 1.5x -8 10 cm/sec /}{mn . Alt> /Vl#ft;~-t. fe ~?.,, !Nm /I -~ /J~iiS()~ PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/sec Warren 5.1 X -7 10 cm/ sec Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec Johnston 7.2 X -6 10 cm/sec Harnett 1.3x -5 . 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec Granville 1.2 X -7 10 cm/sec Wilson . 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec I .cllr-f~ ,.___ Nash 7.3 X -8 ,01 10 cm/sec Edgecombe l.5x -8 10 cm/sec ! ' .. ,,, PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/ sec ., , Warren 5.1 X -7 10 cm/sec ,-t Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec Johnston -6 7.2 X 10 cm/sec Harnett l.3x -5 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/ sec Granville l.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wi 1 son Test Not Completed Nash Test Not Completed Edgecombe Test Not Completed DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Harnett 1 (22' -No Water) 2 (22 1 -No Water) 3 22' Granville 1 22 1 2 (17 I -Rock -No Water) 3 (12'-Rock -No Water) Lee 1 7 I 2 6 I 3 8.7 1 Warren 1 18.5 1 2 (20.61 -No Water) 3 13.81 Frankl in 1 ( 31 -Rock -No Water) 2 ( 7, -Rock -No Water) 3 (11.5 1 -No Water) 4 (21 1 -No Water). 5 ( 3, -No Water) Halifax 1 14 .3' 2 14.5 1 3 18.61 Wilson 1 10• 2 8' 3 6' COUNTY Johnston Nash Edgecombe - 2 - DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL BORING NUMBER 1 2 3 MEASURED WATER DEPTH (19 1 -No Water)· 13 1 7.5 1 , SITE SELECTION FOR PCB LANDFILL The Department of Human Resources' Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch had considerable field expertise in evaluating potential landfill sites. The Branch was directed by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety to locate potential PCB landfill sites. A procedure was established to locate and evaluate potential sites. The procedure establishedincludedPCB landfill regulations for site criteria and knowledge gained from past experience with locating landfills. These procedures included: J . ' ELEMENT l. Size 2. Isolation (human population) 3. Relief (scope of land) 4. Soils Type Amount STANDARDS Large enough to construct and protect disposal area. Minimum -16-20 acres. Maximum -dependent upon land available and layout of land, need for extended buffers. Number of homes within one mile. Transportation routes with respect to population density. Low to moderate. 5 to 20% slope, avoid areas that can cause slumping or sliding and increase erosion. High silt and clay content. Maximum rate of water infiltration less than 0.1 inch per year. More than 30 % silt and clay (fine soil particles). The silt and clay must hold at least 30 % moisture without flowing in order to meet liner construction standards. The silt and clay must have a 15% moisture range or flexibility to meet liner construction standards. Sufficient soils on site to construct all required protection structures (liners, berms, dikes, and topsoil). I • ELEMENT Surface Water Protection Groundwater Protection Topographic Position STANDARDS No direct connection to streams or springs above 100-yr. floodplain. No direct runoff to surface drinking water supply. Minimum of½ mile from All stream (stream that may be future surface water supply). Not located in public water supply watershed. Maximum practical separation, 10' minimum ( from waste). No private well within 500'. Location in area of minimum potential rainfall infiltration and movement to groundwater. Isolation of recharge area -location such that rainwater and groundwater that occurs off-site does not pass through site for groundwater fluctuation control. Isolation of direction of discharge of groundwater so that it cannot impact water supplies. Predict maximum upward fluctuation to give minimum o f l 0 ' s e pa r a t i on . Priority: Flat -lowest Side slopes -better Hill or ridge -best Access Nearest paved road. Existing road to disposal area. Ease of constructing road to disposal area. Ownership of access property to disposal site. SITES CONSIDERED FOR PCB DISPOSAL INVE STI GA TED SITES VISITED COUNTY USE 2 Alamance National Guard UNC Tower 2 Chatham Highway borrow pit Private 1 Warren Prison 1 Franklin Prison (drilled) 4 Nash Prison (drilled) Private (3) 2 Harnet t Prison Highway borrow pit 5 Wake Experimental farm (drilled) Landfill Experimental farm Sheep farm Reedy Creek site CONSIDERED BUT ELIMINATED PRIOR TO VISIT (drilled) SITES COUNTY USE 1 Halifax Prison 1 Johnston Experimental farm 2 Lee Prison's property 1 Hoke Federal airba se 2 Vanc e Prison's property 2 Granville Experimental station Butner, National Guard COMMENTS Too rocky Rocky, steep slopes High water table Soil layer too thin above rocks Too sma 11, rocky Water table too high Water table questionable, too close to inmates Rock near ground surface Water table too high Water table too high Water table too high Too much rock Too near stadium Too close to community and individual wells Satisfactory COMMENTS Drainage too near Rocky Mount water supply Water supply near Too near housing area Too sandy Water supply and near hous ing area Water suppl y nea r Wat e r supply near ... SITES COUNTY 1 Orange 1 Durham 2 Wake 1 Harnett -2 - USE Tower site Prison property Experimental farm (Johnston/Wake) Raven Rock State Park COMMENTS Water supply near, too close to university lake watershed Too close to housing area Too close to housing area and wells Too much rock below surface and high water table July 1978 July 30 August 1978 August 2..:.5 August 10 August 15 August 18 Se~arber 1978 tCB FACr SHEEI' First report of a chem.cal spill which was later identified as PCB on N.C. 58 in Warren County. PCB located along roadsides in several other North carolina oounties ilx::l'lrling Johnston, Alamance, an:l Chatham. Conference held with representatives of the Department of Hman Resources, Department of Agriculture, Attorney General's Office, Department of Transportation, Enviromiental Protection Agency, arrl the news media to discuss the PCB di.mpings. Activated charcoal solution arrl liquid asphalt applied alon:1 210 miles of North Carolina highways where shoulders had been oontatninated by tCB. 'Ihis action was taken at the recarmendation of specialists at North Carolina State University, who submitted a plan for temporarily deactivating the PCB to prevent migration an:l to rerluce any hazard to the public. '!he N.C. Department of Transportation began applying a solution of activated carbon an:l liquid asphalt to the 210 miles of oontaminated roadside. SeptarbP...r 6-19 Tests oonducted along unoontarninated road sh:>ulders to determine the safety arrl effectiveness of eqw.pnent to be used in picking up the PCB. October 1978 October 5 Novarber 1978 Novarber 6 Test oonducted along a oontaminated road slx::>ulder on Highway 58 in Warren County. \ Test results of the pick-up of a:mtaminated soil along the roadside in Warren County show that the oontaminated soil can be picked up arrl treated witb:>Ut banning the environment or personnel involved. . . DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL . COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Harnett 1 (22' -No Water) 2 (22' -No Water) 3 22' Granville 1 22' 2 (171 -Rock -No Water) 3 (12'-Rock -No Water) Lee 1 7, 2 6• 3 8.7• Warren 1 18.5• 2 (20.6• -No Water) 3 13.8• Franklin 1 ( 3, -Rock -No Water) 2 ( 7, -Rock -No Water) 3 (11.51-No Water) 4 (21 1 -No Water) 5 ( 31 -No Water) Halifax 1 14.3 1 2 14.51 3 18.61 Wilson 1 10' 2 a, 3 6' -2 .- DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Johnston 1 (19• -No Water) 2 13 1 3 1.s• Nash I 22' 2 22 1 3 22' Edgecombe 1 15. 31 2 Caved in 3 6' • I f SITE Person Warren Chatham Alamance Granville Wake Wilson Nash Edgecombe Halifax Johnston Franklin Harnett Lee Butner LANDFILL EVALUATIONS FOR PCB DISPOSAL CHARACTERISTICS Water Table* z15' 12-25' 18-23' Not Avail. Not Avail. 0-21' 2-20' 18-28' Perm CM/SEC 10-4-10-5 10-4-10-5 ~10-6 ~10-5 ,1.:Jl0-5 ~lo-5 RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS Previous Study Data Gro. Water Info Needed Gro. Water Info Needed Clay Stone Outcrops High Water Table & Perm Permeability High Water Table & Perm No Space Water Table-Perm No Space Leased Site, No Space Permeability Water Supply Intake *Depth Below Land Surf ace . All sites need additional sit e specific data DISPOSAL UTILIZATION Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible W/Liner Possible W/Liner No No No No No No No COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILLS Site Location Person SR 1552 Warren SR 1600 Chatham U.S. 64 W:::: 5 mi. W of Pittsboro Alamance SR 2158 Granville SR 1423 Wake SR 1172 Wilson SR 1504 Nash SR 1411 Edgecombe SR 1601 Halifax SR 1103 Johnston SR 1503 Franklin SR 1109 Harnett SR 1725 Lee SR 1177 (Access road has anothe.r /!) Governor Jim Hunt said today that he will ask the chairmen of county boards of commissioners in each of the fourteen counties which have PCB-contaminated soil for permission to drill in their county landfills to determine if the soil is suitable for permanent storage of the contaminated soil. T~e Departments of Transportation and Human Resources will begin drilling as·soon as permission is granted. The drilling will enable state officials to determine the.water table depth at each site, and soil samples will be taken for 'laboratory analysis. Laboratory tests will be run at the Department of Transportation's laboratory in Raleigh to determine the amount of clay in the soil and the extent to which it can be compacted. Permeability tests wi.l 1 be conducted at an independent laboratory to determine the rate at which liquid diffuses in the soil under normal conditions. One full day. will be required in each county to complete drilling and results of soil tests will not be available for ten days after the laboratory receives the samples. Complete results for all fouteen courities are not expected to be available for at least a month. ### .... . . PCB DISPOSAL SITE ESTIMATES Estimated construction cost,* (a) With artificial liner Total cost, not including land= For one site 14 sites@ $45,000.00 = (b) With on-site earth liner Total cost, not including land= For one site 14 sites@ $39,000.00 = $ 45,000.00 $630,000.00 $ 39,000.00 $546,000.00 \ *Includes Access Road, Engineering, Leachate Collection System, Proper Close- out, but does not include long range monitoring. P.Ai\T II •• SITE TEClli'HCAL REQUIRE::·fENTS Technical require~ents for the conceptual engir.eering ~es~qn of the proposed .:andfill management of soil-PC:S mixtures includes detailed evaluat:ior. of site ._ suitability with respect to soils, hydrclogy, topography and flood protection. --------=======~==-=~ -=-, -::::::--~ A technically suitable site accommodates the developme:1t of a desj_gn that p rima:-ily excludes surface and subsurface water contact with the soil-?CB mj_x ture. A procedure for waiver of a technical requj_rement is available if evaluation of site characteristics indicate the application cf sound engineering practices can .:1f ford an eaui valenr. 7 e.vcl of pro tee tion for environr.,en tal 1wa~. th. The waiver - procedure permits flexibility in consideration of unique site! spr.ci£:.L chc.t~act.~r- is tics. SOILS Surficial soils reflect site geology which consist of metamorphic mi~a gneiss rock which are cieeply weathered in place, forming thick suri£icial layers of brown- red clayey residuum soils. Upper-surface soil ~atcrials ~re classified as clayey (A-7 to A-6 AASHO system). An increase in silt anci sanci con ten L (A-t+ ::o r\-5) ciirectly above the weathered geneissic formation is •indicat·ed by soil borjng data. Therefore, on-site soils are not classified as representative of a large area c!ay pan. Proposed sites that are not characterized by clay pans ~re required to have a high clay and silt content, must include a design £or a thn:?e-foot comp~cted soil ·-7 . liner belo-w the soil-PCB mixture, have a per.:'.eabili ty of 1. 0 x 10 c;;-./ sec ,> 30 percent passing a No. 200 sieve, liquid limit2.30, plastidty indl!x2..15. Sit..2 soil .:md proposed design parameters exr:2~d these min::..r.:~:;.1 ".',c~::t ren:ents and include comp~cted soil liner of five fe~t, perneability of 2.05 x 10-S cm/sec, 65 percent passing No. 200 sieve, average liquid limit of 50, average. plasticity index of 18. ~-1axir.1um ci ry density and ?Crmeo.bility c1c 95 '.)e::-ccnt maxi:r.u□ d,:y density soil tests have ~een certi.:ied and are added tc this appli.::.:ition. -_ f I I An artificial liner with a thickness greater than 30 mil is required for proposed sites located in areas not characterized by clay pans. The State of ~orth Carolina is requesting a waiver for this requirement. The applicaton of good engineering practices anc design alternatives for the artificial liner will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. Engineering and design alternatives include: planning the landfill as a one shot (90 days open) special operation for a soil and ?CB ;ni;-:ture as compared t:o a long- term commercial facility disposing of con·centra tc~d liquid PCB. design to exceed the required cor;ipacted cl.:!y liner jn both thickness and penneability param~ters. an artificial liner (plastic) may be ruptured during placement and is not guaranteed against long-term deterioration, while soils are more permanent. placement of a 10 mil plastic liner on top of the proposed landfill. design to include a co:npac ::ed _clc1y llner over the plastic liner, the addition of top soil to support vegetative growth above the clay liner, plus providing a surface gradient and drainage ditches are to remove surface water. Al l of the above /designed t:o effectively prevent any surface water infiltration into the landfjll. It is reiterated that these design alternatives, for an artificial liner below the soil-PCB mixture, will afford more protection to humc.1n health and the environment. EYDROLOGY-TOPOGRAPHY The proposed landfill site is located in an area of moderate relief and on the crest of a ridge which slopes in a radial pattern to topographic lows. Site surface 2.nd geological topography are predicted ::o be relatively similar. Therefore, surface drainage and groundwater flow is in a radial pattern away from the site with ultiwate discharge into Rich Neck Creek and tributaries. Surface runoff is promoted by existing surface gradient and infiltration is decreased due to inwash of fine textured surface soil materials into soil pores under rainfall events. Surface runoff will be increased under controlled con- ditions with a subsequent reduction in infiltration by the engineered manipulation of the site. Recharge of groundwater from surface water sources is not considered to be a major source of recharge ~-ith existing :;ite conditions and will be reduced by the proposed design. This will result in loweting of any groundwater existing below the site. The conceptual design insures no hydraulic connection between the site and surface water. Groundwater below the site is associated with the gcneissic rock for.:-iation and "sand rock" (weathered rock) above the formation. ExisLing wells on similar topographic positions in the area i ndicate a static groundwater level of 40-47 feet below ground surface in "sand rock". Groundwater encountE:red in the soil borings on the site indicate the upp~r limits of the groundwater. Examination of historical rainfall, evapo-transpiration and soil colors indicate that the existing water table elevations are historically r ep resentative. Based upon the transmissivit:,; of "sand rock" ,.;a ter-bearing :r.a terials, water table hydraulic gradient, capillary rise calculations and no site under flow from off-site sources, a maximum 3-foot upward fluctuatiorr of existing groundwater is a design parameter. This parameter is flexible and separation from groundwater can be controlled by limiting the maximum excavation elevation. The conceptual design separation of the soil-PCB mixt~re and gro11nr.iw2t~r is 13 feet. A hydrological requiren~nt for site selection is that the site is to be 50 feet from the neare~t groundwater. Groundwater is within 50 feet or less frora the surface in essentially all areas suitable for landfilling soil and ?CB mixtures. ~orch Carolina is requesting a ,.aiver from t;1is im?ractical if not impossible restriction. The application of good engineering practices to prevent movement of the landfilled soil-PCB mixture is the major inherent design requiremen~ and the application of these principals as a basis for granting a waiver will not present an unreasonable risk to health or the environment from landfilling soil-PCB mixtures. The reasons stated for the liner waiver are also applicable. FLOOD PROTECTION Flood protection is provided in that the site is located approximately 70 feet above the maximum 100-year flood wc1ter elevation. Surface water protection is provided by including diversion of all surface runoff from .:i twenty-four hours 25-year storm. It is concluded that the proposed conceptual design rncets or e>:cecds the technical parameters established for landfilling soil-PCB mixtures and provides adequate protection to health and the environment. Mr. 0. W. Strickland will discuss the specific site design, construction, and maintenance. William L. Meyer Environmental Engineer Solid Waste & Vector Control Branch Sanitary Engineering Section Division of Health Services N. C. Depclr.tment of lluman R~sources -4- J ,,, l 'I ~9 (};(J/1if'r @ASrt //ot(UJJ!-- 11.JtM!Jv 01 'ftllM~• ~- J(bf./{D z:f €£~~ &; W/3 rJ3 /(J'' /So X/St!> (o, s-z, A~) Kl)X1ft,'/ lllfttP& ~ · ~S3 l'rrl' /0/ ,90 ""t:JO,r /ZS ~. s 7 k) k)~~) ft)IV eo .95 (10~1~ Z720 Yd 7 /0 1 ;Db /,rt,5 {p-dsl~ 0.§0 f7l~15 J/1511 ,091 IS-I (f-ozxrzs C 0,)7/Jt} /$SXfO ·yl1t~{)/U 1070 ) / Zo<; X /(Jl) .7/ 0 (o. <1-?/}c &uJJvllL (_ . ~:) //01 Joo 7l?tJ ;s' /(p{) XIS t> c~-s-sJ /(pot7J /)J4mµ l./ZOO I~/ . 9tJ ;)/0 ,, (z_.f (o.t;o) t ~ox1s H-ltfZ-utl 3051 /5/ ;(;<oD X /7-S Jc Co.s-7) PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/sec Warren 5.1 X -7 10 cm/sec Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec Johnston 7.2 X -6 10 cm/sec Harnett l.3x -5 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec Granville 1.2 X -7 10 cm/sec Wilson 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec Nash 7.3 X -8 10 cm/sec ·Edgecombe l.5x -8 10 cm/sec tt. w(~~l PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin -7 5.3 x 10 cm/sec Warren v -7 5.1 x Iq cm/sec Lee .., -7 2.6 x 10 cm/sec Johnston / -6 7.2 x 10 cm/sec Harnett / -5 1.3 x 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec ~ Granville 1.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wilson 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec ~ Nash -8 7. 3 x 10 cm/ sec Edgecombe -8 1. 5 x 10 cm/sec PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/sec Warren 5.1 X -7 10 cm/sec Lee 2.6 X -7 10 cm/sec Johnston 7.2 X -6 10 cm/sec Harnett 1.3x -5 . 10 cm/sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec Granville 1.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wilson 6.9 X -9 10 cm/sec t cu-f~ ,.__ Nash -8 ,01 7.3 x 10 cm/sec Edgecombe -8 1.5 x 10 cm/sec ' .. INVESTIGATED SITES VISITED 2 2 1 1 4 2 5 SITES CONSIDERED FOR PCB DISPOSAL COUNTY Alamance Chatham Warren Franklin Nash Harne t t Wake USE National Guard UNC Tower Highway borrow pit Private Prison Prison (drilled) Prison (drilled) Private (3) Prison Highway borrow pit Experimental farm (drilled) Landfill Experimental farm Sheep farm Reedy Creek site CONSIDERED BUT ELIMINATED PRIOR TO VISIT· (drilled) SITES COUNTY USE 1 Halifax Prison 1 Johnston Experimental farm 2 Lee Prison's property 1 Hoke Federal airbase 2 Vance Prison's property 2 Granville Experimental station Butner, National Guard COMMENTS Too rocky Rocky, steep slopes High water table Soil layer too thin above rocks Too small, rocky Water table too high Water table questionable, too close to inmates Rock near ground surface Water table too high Water table too high Water table too high Too much rock Too near stadium Too close to community and individual wells Satisfactory COMMENTS Drainage too near Rocky Mount water supply Water supply near Too near housing area Too sandy Water supply and n ear housing area Water supply near Water supply near I • SITES COUNTY 1 Orange 1 Durham 2 Wake 1 Harnett - 2 - USE Tower site Prison property Experimental farm (Johnston/Wake) Raven Rock State Park COMMENTS Water supply near, too close to university lake watershed Too close to housing area Too close to housing area and wells Too much rock below surface and high water table PERMEABILITY AT 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR (AT OPTIMUN MOISTURE) Franklin 5.3 X -7 10 cm/ sec ~· Warren 5.1 X -7 . 10 cm/sec ~ Lee 2.6 -7 x 10 cm/sec Johnston -6 7.2 X 10 cm/sec Harnett l.3x -5 10 cm/ sec Halifax 4.2 X -8 10 cm/sec Granville 1.2x -7 10 cm/sec Wilson Test Not Completed Nash Test Not Completed Edgecombe Test Not Completed DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL COUNTY BORING NUMBER MEASURED WATER DEPTH Harnett 1 (22 1 -No Water) 2 (22 1 -No Water) 3 22 1 Granville 1 22 1 2 (171 _ Rock -No Water) 3 (121_ Rock -No Water) Lee 1 71 2 61 3 8.7 1 Warren 1 18.51 2 (20.61 -No Water) 3 13.81 Frankl in 1 ( 31 -Rock -No Water) 2 ( 71 -Rock -No Water) 3 (11.5 1-No Water) 4 (21 1 -No Water). 5 ( 3 I -No Water) Halifax 1 14.3 I 2 14.51 3 18.61 Wilson 1 10 1 2 81 3 61 . , COUNTY Johnston Nash Edgecombe •• I -2 .- DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL BORING NUMBER 1 2 3 MEASURED WATER DEPTH (19 1 -No Water)· 13 1 l SITE SELECTION FOR PCB LANDFILL The Department of Human Resources' Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch had considerable field expertise in evaluating potential landfill sites. The Branch was directed by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety to locate potential PCB landfill sites. A procedure was established to locate and evaluate potential sites. The procedure establishedincludedPCB landfill regulations for site criteria and knowledge gained from past experience with locating landfills. These procedures included: ELEMENT 1. Size 2. Isolation (human population) 3. Relief (scope of land) 4. Soils Type Amount STANDARDS Large enough to construct and protect disposal area. Minimum -16-20 acres. Maximum -dependent upon land available and layout of land, need for extended buffers. Number of homes within one mile. Transportation routes with respect to population density. Low to moderate. 5 to 20% slope, avoid areas that can cause slumping or sliding and increase erosion. High silt and clay content. Maximum rate of water infiltration less than 0.1 inch per year. More than 30% silt and clay (fine soil particles). The silt and clay must hold at least 30% moisture without flowing in order to meet liner construction standards. The silt and clay must have a 15% moisture range or flexibility to meet liner construction standards. Sufficient soils on site to construct all required protection structures (liners, berms, dikes, and topsoil) . ELEMENT Surface Water Protection Groundwater Protection Topographic Position STANDARDS No direct connection to streams or springs above 100-yr. floodplain. No direct runoff to surface drinking water supply. Minimum of½ mile from All stream (stream that may be future surface water supply). Not located in public water supply watershed. Maximum practical separation, 10' minimum (from waste). No private well within 500 '. Location in area of minimum potential rainfall infiltration and movement to groundwater. Isolation of recharge area -location such that rainwater and groundwater that occurs off-site does not pass through site for groundwater fluctuation control. Isolation of direction of discharge of groundwater so that it cannot impact water supplies. Predict maximum upward fluctuation to give minimum of 10' separation. Priority: Flat -lowest Side slopes -better Hill or ridge -best ., Access Nearest paved road. Existing road to disposal area. Ease of constructing road to disposal area. Ownership of access property to disposal site. LITERATU~E REVIEW OF PCDs JN SOIL MAT[Rl ALS Bacl:ground Po"iychlorinatcd bipl1cnyls (PCGs) ~re a gro:.ip of compounds, ilpproxil:i::i tely 209 in number, prepared by the purtial ·chlorhution ·of biphenyl to yield a complex nrixture of chlorobiphenyls. The envirormentally significant pi·opcrties of several c,f the COill.'liercial mixtures (aroclors) are ·presented in Table 1. L2/ The Pm structure is illustrated in Figure I. 24/ As shown in Table 1, the PCBs and their chemical mixtures are chnracterized by lm•1 \'/ate{solubility, lm·t vapor pressure at ambient temperatures and vei-y high octz.noih1ater partition coefficients. 3/ PC8s are also inert stable at high te1:iperatures, resistant. to acids an d bases, soJuble in filt, anc! re1at.ivcly resistant to microbial breakdown. The significance of the combination of low ::·:=~-:-.. --·-sol ubi'l ft/ (sol ubTl i t)i~~-0:~-l_or J?4f .f~_-w~_t~r--h~d-. b~-;~ d~te·~~il1cd-:-to ·l;~: 200 p;.1 b-~ ~ .. -~-:-_ ~ 2l/ and that of aroclor 1254, 56 ppb _J..Y) and high octanolh:ater partition coefficient is that ·\;!heri organic matter ··is ·exposed to an · aq-ue0us--s ol i,tion Qf_.PC.Bs, __ -----·-· ---·---· •·-· ------·· --·- there is a strong tendency for PCGs to be preferentially taken up by the or ganic . .matter. ·5; The volatility of the solute is signif..:iC4lntl.y higher than \·;ouici be expected for the given vapor pressure und the actual _molar concentration. This is knO\·m as codistillation and is responsible for the very short volatilizat1oi1 half-life of PCGs in vmtcr as indicated in-Table Ly Cod ·istillatioi1 frc:11·water · - is apparently a major route to entry of PCGs into ntmosphere and responsib1c for the wid~ distribution of these substances. ]J Sales of PCGs .iri the USA came to about 43,000 tons in 1970, with cumulative production over the.years amounting to an extimatec.l 4xl05 tons. !}j f,lthough PCBs Here intended for direct relcJse into the cnviron:11ent, they \-J2re first identified by \.lcnsr.n as µ poter_1ti.:il food contaminant in 19GG. 2/ , . Since thJt time, it has been dc1;ionstrated thut they urc serious e11vii~o11mcnt.1l pollut.111ts. Al~o numerous studies h,:we de_tcrmined the presence of PC3 in ' I .. ' I I ' I • • ! _ I· I I . I I ' 2/ -i i Table 1-, Environmentally Relevant Properties , . I of PCB Formulations l : I I I ., . I I I AR0CL0R !· AR0CL0RI I . · .. ~ . PAR.4METER 1242 -1248 ] · thlorine content (percent) • • Water content, max. (ppm) Distillation range (0c) Evapobation loss (percent at lOQ .C, 6 hr) .. Viscosity {sec at 37.8°C) I I 42 50 325-366 3.0-3.6 82-92 Hater solubility (~g/1 at 25°C) _ 0.24 I j Vapor pressure (mm Hg at 25°c) · 4.06 x 10-4 Volatilization half-1ife4/ (fro~ 1-m water columnT Solubilty in CH30H at 25°C 0ctanol/water partition coefficient (est.) 5.96fhr 42.5 g/100 ml 3 3.5 X 10 I I 48 I 1 50. I 340-375i . I I t I , I 3.0-4.0 I I ' 185-2'10 I ' I ' ' ,_12 I 5.4 X 10 I i_4i 4. 94 X lQ i ' I • I 58. 3 mi:n i I ; . ! I I , 1 . . I ,-i 6A x 1q3 I ; I I I I i . I I ! I ·i i ' ! AROCL0R 1254:·.-S4. 50 365-390 1. 1-1.3 1800-2500 AR0CL0R 1260 l',3 50 385-420 0.5-0.8 1200-4500 (54.S°C) 1.2 X 10-2 2.7 X 10-3 7.71 X 10-5 4.05 X 10-S 1.2 min 28.8 min . 15 g/100 ml 1.18 X 104 2.2 X 104 \ \ I N I •' -~ . --- .. -3- .. .. .. ·-···----·-: ·-· ··---·----·------··•·-... -·-·--___ . ...: __ -·~ ---'; ·--· --·-··---- . '... . . . . • Jlll'HE:-SYL STiWCTl,;!C-:: Positions 2 to 6 .i:1d 2·• to G' • inciici!t~ ten possible posi~!o,15 for ci,lorjn.:? 5ubstitu~io;1. Different c,{ chlorine substitt,tion !on1 tli~ v.:irious l'(;Ls. • . ' o~~ou:1ts v -4- animals, the c1qua.tic environment, and in hur:wrJs. When animals are exposed to aqueous solutions of PCBs, lipids of these animals will preferentially take up and store the PCBs. It is the m·cchanism that is responsible for the very large bioaccumulation factors tht1t have been reported in the literature.§.! It has been d~nonstrated that the PCBs undergo a number of chemical reactions. Both oxidation and hyd110lj'sis of these compounds can be cc1rried out, \." but only ~ndcr conditions that are considerably more rigorous than would be found in· a"n environmental situation. 10/ Another reaction ·to which the PCBs are -~· susceptible is that of cyclization. The hydroxylation of the PCB molecule is the first step by which organisms ·······--· -· ---··--., . -. .. metabolize this chemical. 1lJ Once the target chforooiphcn~n -11a-s· be·t?-n7\y"aroxylat2d, there appears to be a wide variety of species--specific addition processes that ·-"ta1flnake· use bf the hydrnxylated molecule;· Residual body -burden of PCBs usually ·· · consists of only the more highly chlorinated PCBs suggests that the higher the level of chlorination, the rr,ore resistant to metal;olic processes.1lf --Several of the PCBs with . low ch1orine content are readily metabolized by direct hydroxylation by both animals and .microorganisms. Consequently, 01- ahd tri.chlorobi.phe;y·ls are not very per-.sistei°1t. ,-·he-highly chlo.rine-subst.itutcd -- PCB molecules are apparently not metabolized at all. These species of PCB are not easily excreted due to· their very low aqueous solubility, and high lipid solubility, These species tend to accumulate in exposed animals.1.lf The non-biological alteration of a chemical introduced into any part of the environment is dependent on the moisture, pH, and temperature of that . . environment; on the nature of reactive groups on the agent, and on the presence of cati\lyt1c sites. In uddition, the nature and intensity of availGble illu1:li11a-.. ' .. ' ' tion demen11incs photocllcmi _cal reactions. 26/ ·-s- Irradiation (photolysis) of P(Cs under laborJtory conditions hus produced . dechlorinated products~ and, in th~ presence of air and \·tater, hydroxylated and hydrated products have Leen identifi ed in the polar products of irradiation.26} The most important sources of frei PCBs in the terrestial environment include discarded consu mer end use products that co~tain PCBs, atmospheric fallout, and spills associated with the use of or the transport of PCGs. 14/ For that portion of the free PCBs that is confined tu terrestial sites, the I.'' main mechir1ism for dispersal are volatilization and solubili:::ation by ground c1~. ~ surface v:~ters. Since the vapor pressure of the typical PCB preparations (aroclors) are in the range of 10-2 to 10-4 111mHg y at ambient temperatures:. the loss rate by direct volatilization should be very-small even in the .... __ t-.,_ ---,---·----- -____ ·• ••·-·------------·---·-------------------------. .. ---------------------------------··. -------. ------ ------------.absence.of .significant soil .bindings. --It is possible t hat under-certain-co ndi---~- tions the h~at produced by oxidization of organic materials in a landf ill cou1d tion of ~Ci3s· in the 1 andfi 11.]2/ ' PCBs are slightly soluble in \'later so that-djrect solubilization by per- colating waters is a possible mechanism for the admission of .these sub s tances into the ground \'/aters. As an example, the limiting solubility of aroclor 1254 . . -- in \•Jater is about 54 ppb 16/ and the av~rage _rainf~li __ o~1 the· cori_tinC!i1ta_l U_nite~ ·states is about 34.5 inches per year.1lf Hith normal long percolation time, the losses into the local gr~u~d waters could be as high as 0.04 g/m 2year in . a region \·✓here PCGs hiwe been landfilled . .!.§/ In addition to solubilization, PCBs may be removed fro1 n lund and enter the aquatic environment by surface water ·runoff. This latter effect is of great concern in areas where contami nated have been upplied on higln•:ays or \·:here land spills of PCGs arc possible.18/ Princ_ip,11 PCG inputs to a body of \'1atcr arc contaminated inflO\•:ing strcurJs, the PCG's thilt precipit<1tc ·from thr. utmosphcrc and PCGs on land that enter -6- the aquatic cnvdonrnent as a result of solul>ilization and surfac0 v,ater runoff. Data collected from monitorir)~ surveys indicate the widespread occurrence of PCBs in surface waters and bottom sedi~:cnts of the major drainage basins of the United States.rr,t It has been de~onstrated that the PCBs have a high affinity for soils in soil water systems.]J/ But that these same soils may serve as a reservoir for resolutior{\'/hen the PCl3 concentration in the sediments becomes high enough.20/ !' When con~an11nated sediments are disturbed, some of the PCCs may be resuspend~d I either in actual solution or as sorbed material on resuspended solids . It is . believed that the material .that is sorbed onto th~ sediments is eventually re;.oved by migration to the deep ocean depths. Thus the sediments constitute a ~ink, and most probably-the_ p.r{nc.ipal sink for the removal oTPCBs::..fror:i-t~e :-_:..:~ environment. 15/ ·· -----·-ifie-iriagnftuae··· or··the ·pcs···1 osses through · the process· of \iolatn i zati on "( co-· : ·:-· distillation-) is not fully established, but there is a gcne1~a1 agre,21:1 cnt thc.:t --. this process is of significance in the detail mass ba1ance for an aqueous system and that volatilization from the airh:uter interface is a princ:ipal source of the atmospheric reservoir of PC!3s.4/ The general nature of the above p"h:icesses ·rs ill1fstratcd schematically ·in Figure 2.22/ ···· . -. .... . . PCBs Applied to Ea_rth ~aterials_:.Jpecific Studies . . 1. Experimental procedures·· \'/ere employed in percolating \-,'nter thrnugh a colurnn packed \•Jith soil . coated with Aroclor 1016 (registered trademark of Monsc1nto Co.) and then monitoring the effluent wc1ter for PCBs. The data of this investigotion indicate the PCGs are not readily lec1chccl fro:n soil by percola.ting .. water. In the worst cc1se, less that 0.05% of the total aroclor 101G available (?.5,000 ppm) \<JJS lec1chccl from the soil during the cntfrc four-month dur,1tion 0f . •. .. . .• -7- .. AIR .. .' Ficurc 2 tY Schcr.1.1tic Reprcsc11t.'.ltion of 'fr.1nsport Proc:cs:;c~ in the Environr.icnt ., I \ J . --. ·_ : . ', ~ ~ . ,,~,. C ~ ,~~: ..__ :. L . ---...... ·-----·--·-. i - r t ... I I t , .. l-... r• ... • I -8- thc studies. During this period of time approximately 50-100 liters of to 50-100 feet of rainfall, assuming no runoff. The ease of leaching Aroclor 1016 from different types of so.ils \'Jas in the follol'Jing order: tlorfolk sandy loam, Ray silty loam, Drummer silty clay loam. It was also observed that only the less chlorinated, more degradable homologs were leached f1;-om the soils.23/ The characteristics for the three different types of .• soils a1~e shown in Table 2.23/ ' Table 2 . COMPOSITION OF SOILS· USED )N STUDY _ Norfolk _ Ray Drummer -~-----=--· ---------·-_S_o_il __________ ... __ .. =-=Sanely LOoQl ----,~· __ s.n_t:_v __ Loam_-'-'--'----S.i 1 ty Clav Loam .. --·---.·.-·=-.~:: .. , __ _ 2. % Sand % Silt % Clay % Organic Carbon 82.5 11.0 5.5 1.0 6.2 83.2 9.6 · 1.0 ----.. 2.8 55.4 35.8 6.0 The PCBs selected for this investigation were Arcclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254 (42 and 52 percent chlorine, respectively). These ·materials ·\•Jere supplied by the Monsanto Chemical Co. The 14 c labeled compounds were prepared by th2 England Nuclear Corp. Earth materials with a .wide range in characteristics were selected as adsorbents. Earth materials studies were: Ottawa silica sand; Panther Creek southern bentonite clay; the soils, namely Bloomfield loamy sand, Ava silty clay loam, Cisne silt loam, Flanagan silty clay loam, Catlin silt lo.:1m, Drum?i1er silty clt1.Y loam, Weir silty clay, a calcareous loam ti 11; and t\-JO e-oa 1 chars. The mobility of PCBs \·IJ s determined using racli oJct i ve 14c l ahr. led compounds. The \echni que used was soil thi n-1 ayer clffoma to- graphy(TLC")_. ·. The Rf value \·/JS defined JS the rutio of the distance tile compound moved 1·elJtivc to the distance the ~olvcnt moved. The Rf vuluc is a quantitive ·indication of the front of PCI3 movement. Dicamba is an orgu nic . ·com.oounJ, it solubility iiiltcr ·is 4 Y'O D""1·2 11 '25' · · • , v I I'" • .:::!..! _·__! adsorption studies \'Jere carried out by shaking knov1n volumes of PCS- saturated water with varying weights of earth materials at a constant temperature of 25°C.2tl/ Table 3 shm·,s the mobil.ity of Arochor 1242, arocl or 1254 and Di camba in severa 1 eartf1 metcri a 1 s \·Jith various 1 ea chi ng. solvents qS measured by soil TLC. The mobility measured was correlated ,· . . • . with the .. soil materials properties.24/ PCBs were found to be strongly adsorbed by earth materials. Coal chars had the highest adsorption capacity, foilo\·ted by soils, clay, and sand, 1·1hich h~d progressively lower ads~rption capacities. The adsorption capacity and the ·--------inobil ity of PCBs 1·:erc correlated to the or ganic carbon content and -surface area ---·· of the resp0ctive soil materials.24/ ~ 3: =-. ~ On i-la rch· -~s~·j9if, _·a·n _-acc.foent"a i _· s"pil.L:OJ ap-prox i_niafe ,s,..=-1, 50/J_ -gaJJ.Qiif_·o_f -~--· askarel (a commercial mixture of PCBs--Aroclor 1254 and a proprietary solvent . mixture of polychlorinated benzenes)_ occurred 1n'ci ruFal area near Kingston > TM. An extensive 11 clean-up11 operation in the affected area was started March 14, 1973. March 8, 1973, the Regional Office (Region IV) of the U.S. EPA in Atl ~nta c·omn1enced a· sampling program of the affected area~-to_: d_etermi ne the co1Jcentn: t_i on - level of contaminants in the soil and water trible. Two private laboratories joined EPA in this effort. J~e monitoring program was conducted for a 12-mon t h period following the clean-up operation. The primary objective of this investi- gation 1·:as to study the biodegradatiori effects of a natural environment on the chemical components of an askarel spil 1 after a two-ye,n' 1apse. t\roc1or 125-1 was detected in 197!:i in 68 of 145 core samples collected in and around the 1973 excavution arcus. Concentrations rungcd f1•om 0,05 to G7 mg/kg in the positive .. ' . , . r \ I I • ~ . . •I ,, •: i . ;I It t' Ref (24) . . . ... ; : . ' '~ ' Table .3: ?-!-,bility of Att<clor 12r.~, At"oc:lor ~~th·vnriou8 lcnc~in~ solvcnts:a~ ! l· . I r . 'I I! : I I. , , ! I ii. ., I i I! , I . I: s· '111;., •• , ..... ... 12 5/i • l'ir.d I>!ca1nba in l<!'vcrnl CN\Yth materials 1:1ca!.'uri;~ by soil TLC. , . , . I! -----------------~-----------~--------Rf·Valucs--•----------------------------------. !!.,O -f · Du~: Lc,1ch11tc I cci.. ~t:ta_.a d!ic:? oand_ C:-.tlin L-,.:!':l C ca Av~ silty clay loa~ B2 Catlin sll~ loa~ A~ Coal char (1200°r) jAroclor 121,2 .03 .02 .ul .02 .03 I I >' I I, I. ! i I Aroclor Dican:ba 1254 .03 1.00 .02 1.C0 .02 1.00 .C2 .$5 .03 .79 r ·-·--·-I. I. Atoclor Atoclor 1242 1254 I ~03 : .03 ~02 I : ·.o4 I .04 I' I I ! ! . ! I' . ' I, ; I Ii . i' '. i I I I I I I I l . I I. ,03 .03 ~02 .o4· 1.04 ! i I I I i ·1 i I I I I I Dlcnmba I Arocl<lr A-roclor. Uic11~!>a 1242 1251,. 1.00 i.00 1.00 .02 l.C0 1.00 1.00 .03 1.00 1.00 .96 .02 .90 1.00 1.00 .02 .• 80 1.00 1.00 .03 .. I -0 I -11- samrles. In order to effectively evaluate the 1975 distribution cf /\roc1or 1254, pertinent facts relative to the spill itself need to be considered. The mi!gnitude of the 1973 spill ,rnd the elevation contours of the semi-mountainous terrain -of the spill site assured an initial mass flow transport process with resulted in complete saturation of the top soil with varying degrees, of pentration into the clay overburden. This transport process covered a relatively large area in both horizontal and vertical directions. The spread of the ~skarel was also effec~e~ by the movement of contaminated surface water resulting from massive ,~ . rainfall ,in the \·,1eeks immediately follovting the spill, Excavation operations revealed that the distdbution in the clay was non·-uniform; and numerous so-called "hot spots'' resulted from movement along the root systems of plants and trees 1 as ----·-----·--· ··----•-·--•-----------------·--·--------well as from moveillent in th_e fractured--cher-t" freque11tiy-found -1n --the -clay -,,iatri:X-: - These data indicate that the more water-~oluble components of the askarel of th~ spill.-Leaching was tl1e migration mechanism responsible fer the intru~ion of the lower chlorinated b~nzenes into the ground wate~ supply. Based on the 1973 and 1975 data, it can be concluded thal:--;ntrusion of lov.rer chlorinated benzenes into a ground water supply used for drinking water purposes occurred ... rapidly after the -spi 11. quantities of askarel solvent two years after the occurrence of the spill. In the soil no significant reductiori in the concentration of Aroclor 1254 occured as the result of migration or degradation.£§._/ 4. Investigations were conducted on the activated charcoal used for contain:nent of per, spill along tlorth Carolina highways. Also the efficiency of transfer of Aroclor 1?.6() from soil to th2-charcoal was examined in the laboratory .. Very little PCB \·✓as leuchcd from clwrcoal, used for containment of PC8 spills ..... on the high1·:ays, \,1ith \vilter.,· The leilclwbility of PCG from soil itself \'>'.1S not --·. ·--·-·· ---------- -12- investigated. From laboratory studi_es using samples of sea sand and sandy .. ---loam soiLfortifited with .Aroclor 1260 at u level of 1 mg/g and mixed \·1ith the activated charcoal, it was concluded that Aroclor 1260 was transferred from soil and sand to charcoal after mixing it either the dry or wet state with 50 to 70% efficiency. $J 5. Humic substances are the major component of the organic matter from .6. marine sediments, and fine particle fractions, such as clay, in sediments are \. . ~ .. -. closely as·s9cia.ted \'iith organic matter. Laboratory study was started to inv 2st- ;-. gate /'1e relation bet\':een chlorinated hydrocarbons and humic substances togcner . -. . . with particle fractions finer than 8 pm in marine sediments .. These samples Of the total chlorinated hydrocarbon content in sediments, p, p' ODE accounted for 60-70%, wher eas PCBs (mostly Aroclor 1254) constituted almost 10-20¼ of the -------~ --total. Concenfra'tfon .. o_f chlorfriited ·h.,;d1~ocar6o'ris -were roifrid .. _to·b2 ·c losely __ _ related to organic contents and to particles of 8Jtm o~ less in si ze. . . The total orsanic carbons of sedimcnt_s as \':ell as--fulvic and humic acid fractions bear a linear relationship \'tith respect to concentrations of chlorinc1ted hydro- carbons in sediments. 30/ Studies i.,rer·e conducted ·on .. the .. relatfve beha ·vior of Arotroi~ 1254 (Mon s·a11tc'i"--· -· Co.) at ten ppm, in several distinct soil types. Soil types investigated \•;ere Laveen loamy sand, 1-/indy loarii, ·Madera sandy loam, Santo Lucia silt loam, Macho silt loam and Linne Clay. About 95 :~ of the Aroclor 12S4 added to Hindy loam soil as well as to Santo Lucia silt loam were recovered after one year. Both soils have .high organic matter. Relatively less \'/ctS recovered ·in the i·est . of soil types. Laveen loamy ..!sand shm·wd the composition of the persisting PCl3 residues in. tl}e soil \·/ilS altered \.'ith time. 32/ . ' --. ·-•··- .: 13- 7. Twelve landfills and d~cdge disposal sites in the Upper Hudson River Valley of IJe\·1 York v,cre :n\'estigat.ed for PCB content. Siira1;lcs of in-situ .. ·-.. -.- soils, refuse material and underlying ground wateri were collected utilizing -standard PCB sampling and clean-up techniques.3~/ Upon determination of PCB -- concentration present within each site, samples were collected fro1n surro~nding areas kno\'/n to be uncontaminated by PCBs. Only.those soil series or series analogs were chosen \'/hich underlie the various d1sposal sites. These were: 1. _$he Vergenne clay, dense lacustrine clay having hydraulic con.Juctivites. ;i ~f .1 x 10-6 to 1 x 10-8 cm/sec. 2. The Oal;ville sandy loam, a glaciofluv ·iai, ouh-✓ash sand having hydrtlulic conductivities of 1 x 10-2 to 1 x io-4 cm/sec~ -·-----------The-soil 'series -were studied to -determine their natural -PCB --0.dsorption-------'-------- desorption characteristics in an effort to quantify the migration potential __________ of. P.CBs .within .the groundHatei:. surroundirJg __ th~ sJte$_. __ Sey~ral_ gquat _i_9:1s _____ _ were used for the determination of adsorption-desorption characteristics.w The a~alys~s of potential for migrat~on of PCBs from landfills and dredge .. disposal sites indicated the following: 1. 2. The potential losses of PCB into the subsurface environment from ·-Darcy'_°s_-vkJocity alone would range _rrom 9·.oQbrto 2,309 lbs/y(. _ Attenuation and retardation mech~nisms of the soil-water reduces the potential of PC8 mi]wation into ground \'/aters to a range of 3.5 x -7 10 to 3.8 lbs/yr. 3. Only three sites were responsible for releasing PCBs in excess of 0.5 lbs. per yeur: Old Furl Edward, Kingsburg and Fort [di·!ard. 4. Hith site rehabilitation ur.J proper closing of landfills and dredge disposal sites, the PCC migration potential in ground h'uter can be . . s~b~tantinlly reduced. -1'1- 5 . The PCfl-front advance velocity range from 1.3 x 10-4 to 24.3 ft./yr. . Such velocities are about two orders of magnitude slower than the ground water flow velocity 6. The field and laboratory data and related calculation imlicated that the total quantity of PCB migration potential in ground waters is negligible in comparison to other channels of PCB release into the Hudson River basin.34/ i ·. -' -. 8. The .Rf values obtained from Aroclor 1242 and 1254, and for Dicamba on TLC ;°-. : plat~~ made with several earth materials are presented in Table 4. The results . . clearly indicate that the two PCBs tested are highly immobile in these test . _ systems. Rf values of zero to 0.02 were obtained for all the materials tested, ----=---------~~~~--th·;~~;~e silica sand. Dicamba \'Jas sho\'m to be ·h;;-h-l;-m~b-i-,~--i~-~~l~~~--~~s-t_:_:_-. ..: with R.c values ranging from 0.80 in the char to 1.00 -in the sandy materials.35/W I . --·•-··•----· --. -· ---... -· ·--. --~---· -----· ·-. . .•. --· ---·-· -----···------------------· ---. -·------··-. Table 4:' Mobility of aroclors 12112 and 1254 and Dicarr,ba in Earth Materials ·(35) as Measured by soil Thin-Layer Chrn:nu..t.9..9raphy. Earth Material Silica sand Bloomfield Ava sic Catlin sil ls ... Montmorillonitc Coal Char (1200°F) .. .•. .. .. ______ C_ompound Aroclor Aroclor Dicamba 12~2 1254 --------------Rf-------------- . 02 ., .. · .02 1.00 .01 .01 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .88 .oo-.00 .80 QQ .on .B.O. . ... -15- Equilibrium adsorption studies \•1ere carried cut by shaking k1101·m volumes of PCB solution with vurying vwights of eilrth materials at a constant temperc1tur2 of 2s 0 c. Figure 3 shows representative results for adsorption of Aroclor 1~~2 and 1254 by montmorillonite clay. Heights of cl!1y varied from 0..01 to ·o.5 g per 10 ml of solution. Blanks containing no clay were carried through the experiment. The data in Figure 3 indicates the ~ore that 50 percent of the PCB's were removed in the blanks (no clay).35/24/ t ' . . .• - -. :__~ ~.=-~ . --=-~= =-: ~-:r_::__::_-: :~::. -~_::•-~-~ --,--~~ --·--_ -_:: _-_:: -::: :-_: ---~ ------c----------~ - ~,J ----------------------------------·-! -·------·-------------------------· •·--·· ·-··--· · .. • I .. Fi&• 3i Adsorpticn of Aroclor 1242 end 1254·by ~ontnorillonit~ at 25°c. . . .• 1. CONCLUS l O~lS Numerous factors are influencing tl1c mobility of elements in soils. Most frequently ncntioned fac ·:ors arc: ph_y!;ical -particle size distribution, pore size distribution, .~cnsity, tcillpei-aturc, rnoistl,re u1;d oeru~ioi)", biological -aerobic and anaerobic n1icrobial tran~formations of jn- organic and organic substances; chCi!~ical -pH or hydrogen ion acjivity, oxidizing/reducing conditions, lime, organic r.iatter, concentrution of ions or salt, and certain hydrous oxides. 2. Generally speaking, degradation of PCBs by soil.microorganisms becomes increasingly difficult as the degree of.chlorination increases. 2'1/l!_/ 3. In general, the water solubilities and vapor pressures of PCB isomers decrease ,t·.'ith increasing chlorine content, although the decreases arc not uniform. 31/ f"" •• 4. The adsorption capacity and mobility of PCBs are torrelated to the organic carbon content and surface area of the respective soil materials. 24/ The relationship should be further studied in order to predict PCB migration through soils. · --·-·------~----.--------. -- ·-·-·------·-s·.----Due -to··the-·f CH -a<l-sorpti on -si tes--i n sand; sand su r faces -adsorb·-re 1 at ive ly · · -- sma 11 amounts v1hen cornpan:d to the other types of soils. Vapoi~i zation loss from a sand surface will be significantly higher than soil surfaces where 6. it is more tightly bound. _The less chlorinated isomers show a greater • : ~Jos·s ~than t nose of. high chlorine content, 16/-... -. --. -----· --. -----. The half-life of particulates in the air depends generally on the size of particles tci which the PCGs are attached and the extent of atmospheric precipitation. It is estimated that most of the vaporized PCBs will be deposited within 2-3 days mostly onto the lctml r.1ass and coastal \•,,:1ters. The small amounts of PCB attached t6 fine particulates will reside in the atmosphere for extended pei·iods and transported to remote areas. On account of lov1 \'later solul.iility and high specific gravity.of PCGs, it is expected that most of the PCBs discharged into the environ:!1cnt will be restin0 as a·~ludgcs .or adsorbed in the sediment at the bottom of rivers or lakes near the point of discharge, and Hill be eventually transported by means of waterborne particles. 29/ . , . . , ' .. ' .. • -2- 7. The aqueous :,olubility of PCBs \-lil~ studied cxpcriment~lly. The disso'lution of Aroclor 1242 in water required five months to reach equilibrium . ThG solubilities of i,roclor 1016, 122·1, i2~2, on.cl l?.54 \'/ere 906 ppb, 3516 ppb, 703 ppb and 70 ppb, resf)ectively. llighcr chlorinated PCB iso:ne rs \·1ere found to b2 less soluhle in water, preferentially. adsorbed by so~l . materials, less mobile in soil, less degradable by microorg unisms , and less volat'ile fro:11 v1ater tlwn lo\'1er chlorinuted isomers. It is-difficult to deterP1ine the exact value for the solubility of PC!3s in water because PCBs are mixtures of substituted isomeric biphcnyl~ that have different numbers of chlorine atoms. PCCs are hydrophobic and are only slightly soluble in water. The mechanism of attenuation of PCBs in soil is unknown. Also, a time-dependent investiqation must be undertaken before absolute value of the water solubility o~ PCBs can be obtained. Organic solvents increase PCB mobility in soils, however, the effects of these solvents~n PCB adsorption are unknown. Also, further investigations should b~ carried out on the effects of soil properties and conditions on volatilization to pred ·ict PCB fluxes in soils.due to volatilization. 36/ 8. The more chlorinated isome rs of PCB are relativelY immobile in soils, especially soils with high organic content. -f • • ·----------------·-·-. ---.----- .. . • I :',1 .•: \ \ \ RE FEHEl!CES 1. PCIYfbnufilctui-ing, Processing, Distr-i!Jution in Commerce and Use Bun Regulntion. U.S. EP/\ Report, l1t1y 1978. ·•2. -s-. llutzinger, S.Safe, and V. Z.itko, "The Chemistry of rcns,11 CRC Press, Cleveland, Oh ·io (1974); llonstanto Ind. Chemical Corp .,, Tech. 13ull. 0/PL-3061\. 3. Hutzinger, Safe, and Zitko. Monsanto Chem. Corp., Tech. ~ull. 0/P-306/\. 4. D. Mackey and P.S. Leinonen, Environ. Science and Technology, 9 (1975): p. 1178. 5. J.L. Hemelink et. al. TransAmerican Fisheries Society 100 (1971), p. 207 •. 6. A.y. Nebeker, "Proceedings, Natl. Conference on PCBs.11 EPA-560/G-75-004 (1,976), p. 284. 7. A.:sondcrgren, Nature, CCXXXVI (1972), p. 395. 8. Haugh, LH., II, Sc~ence, 178, 388 (1972).-" 9. Jensen, Soren, PCB Ccnference, Natl. Swedish Envir. Protection Board.; ' Stockholm, 7 (Sept. 1970) • • •4• -: •• --· -·--:=.. _;· .:..::...:.· _ .. -== -=---: .. :.:. :.: ---_ .. :-. __ ·:. -= .· _---=---_--_-_:::-------_-::· . :_-::..::::· .:..: := .. -:-.:: .. :::..--:--~== . ~::-_ _. .. -__ ::....--.:..~~_:._~-:-- 10. S. Hutzinger, S. Sc\,fe and V. Zitko. The Chemistry of PCBs, CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio (1974). , "11: = H. Yoshimura and 11.--Ya manta, Chemical Ph.::.rm. Bulletin ,_:_21-_(19.73),. P_cJl Ei~~-:- 12. M. Berlin, et. al., Archive of Envir. Health, 30 (1975), p. 141. 13. B. Jahnson·, eto al., 11!3ackQround to the Regulation of PCGs,11 Canadian Task Force, Technical Report 76-1 .(1975), p;-9-30 14. Nisbet, Sarofim, F.C. Whitmore, PCBs in the USA, Industrial Use and Envir. Distr. Natl. Infor~ation Service, PB-258, 162(1976). · 15. EPA Report, "PCB tt1nufacturin9, Processing, Distributi_on in Commerce.)!Dd :.- Use Ban Regulation, t1c1y 7, 1978. 16. R. Haque, D.H. Schmedding, and V.H. Freed, Envir. Science .and Technology, 8 (l97lf), p. 139. . .. 17. The \·Jorlcj /\lmt111c1c, 1977, Hashington Stc1r-Ne·,·1s, Washington, D.C. 18. R. Bartha and D. Pramer, Science, 156 (1976), p. 1617. 19. P.C. Oloffs, L. ll. /\lbright, S.Y. Szeto and J. Lau, J. Fish. Re~. Boctr ·d of Cana~a, 30 (1973), p. 1Gl9. 20. G. D. Veith and v.n:--comstock, J. Fish. Res. Board of Canc1da, 32 (1975), ·p. 18-19. 21. D.S~ ·ocnis, J. /\1·ticles of Pr~sticide Hcsidues in Environment. Gr'oup 2 (1974). Nutl. TC'ch. Inf. Se1·vicc~· l'B-27G 312. .. 22. --2- G.E. rnau and \·J.C. llcc1cv, /\dvanccr; in [col. Res. 2, !!o. 133 (1975); F.C. Hhitmorc, EP/\ Tcch.-Rcport .SC0/G-77-00C(l977). 23. E.S Tuder, 1-1.J. Litsc.,~i, and \LIi. Mees {l·hnsanto Chciaical co.). Cull. of -··--[nv--ro11 C"11-1-•"·1 Tex,·, ·1 1·:it1) 0r:_03 r107r:.) I • V ""l..1 It • i \.. ♦ V \ ..a. ) V 1t. _. \ ._ ~ , ..,.. • -•. ..:. - • - 24. R. Griffin, R. Clari~, M. Lee and E. Chain. Fourth f\nnual Res. -·symposium Solid and llav.rclous !!astc Div., 11uniciral Envir. Res. Lab., us-EP!1, Cincinnati, Ohio, I-larch 6-8, 1978 (Disposal and Re1:10val of PCBs in Soil). 25. R. Haque, D.H. Schmedding, and V.H. Freed, [nvir. Sci. Tech., 8, Ho. 2 (1974) • · 26. C.S. Helling ancJ B.C. Turner, Science, 162, (I963), pp. 562-563. 1 · • 27. G.J. Mo~in and II. Crump-Weisner, EPA Report 904/9-76-014(1976) . . . 28. U.S. fP/\, Health Effects Res. Lab., Analytical .Chemistry Bran~h, Res. Triangle Park, N.C. (llovcmber 9, 1978). 29. D. Paris, W.C. Steen, and G. Baugham, Chemosphere, No 4 (1973), pp. 319-325. -•-·-··-· --··-··· ---· ------------------·-----. -----. ·-·------ ----_____ 30~ __ 1.c.. Nisbet and A.F. Sarofim._ Envir .. _ Hea)th Perspecti;es . [April°i97_2) =-~~--·:_-=_-_- pp. 21-38. . · _: __ · __ '. ______ -~t. ___ Hon-Hook Choi and K.Y. Chen. Envir. Science and Technolo9y, Vol. 10, lfo, ·a· (Aug: 1976), pp. 782._787.· ·· · · ----------------· -------··-.· ·-----------· -------------. ----·--·-----· ------· ·----·--·------·····---·.--.. ---------------------------------------------- 32. K. Furukm·ta and F. Matsumura. J. Americ. Food Chem., 24, Uo. 2 (1976) pp. 251-256. 33. T.V. Wi~sen. Tidsskr. Plant Eval, 77(4), (1973), pp. 533-539, Denmark . . 34. Y. Iwata, W.E. Westlake and F.A. Gunther. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 9(4)i (1973), pp. 204-211. -35. ·w.rt--Leis, 1-J.F. ·seers, J.M. Davidson, and G.D. Knov!les. Proceedings -of :the- .-·· · ·First J\ni1ual Co1iference of Applied Res. and P1·actice -on Munic'ipal and Industri.;11 · .. Haste, Mzidison, l~isconsin, Sept. 10-13, 1978. 36. R.A. Griffin, A.K. Au, E.S.K. Chain, J.ll. Kim, F.B. DcWalle. Proceedinas of the Third /\nnual 1-lunicipul Sol id t·!ast.e r~esearch Syilll)Osiur.1 held at St. Louis, Missouri, March 14, 15, 16, 1977. (EPA Repoi·t: EPA-G00/9-77-026.) · 37. R. A. Griffin and E.S.K. Chian. Unpublished Data (1974). 38. H.H. Schcirpcnsccl, ILK.G. Thcng and S. StephZln. Environ. Biogeochemistry and Gcomicrobiology, Vol. 2. Chapter 50 (1978), pp. 619-637 . . • I t r