HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD095458527_20001108_FCX Inc. (Statesville)_FRBCERCLA RA_O & M Manual for the Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction System OU-3 Volume II - Appendices A - D-OCRI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O&M Manual for the Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction System FCX-Statesville Superfund Site OU3 Statesville, North Carolina November 2000 Volume II 27-18895.014 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O&M Manual for the Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction System FCX-Statesville Superfund Site OU3 Statesville, North Carolina Volume II Prepared For: EL PASO ENERGY CORPORATION 1001 Louisiana Street Houston, Texas Prepared By: BROWN AND CAIDWELL 227 French Landing Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37228 ( 615) 255-2288 November 2000 27-18895.014 \ \BCNSH031PROJECTSIPROJ\t8895\18895.014\0&McwVolll.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS VOLUME I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Information .............................................................................. . 1. 1. 1 Site Location and Description ........................................................... . 1.1.2 Site Conditions ................................................................................. . 1.2 Description of Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction System ........................... . 1.3 Responsibilities and Contacts ....................................................................... . 1.4 Organization of O&M Manual ..................................................................... . System Description and Process Flow ...................................................................... . Functional Description of AS/SVE System .............................................................. . 3 .1 Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) System Operations ........................................... . 3.2 Air Sparging System Operations ................................................................... . 3.3 SCADA System Operations ......................................................................... . Operations of System Controls ................................................................................ . 4.1 Main Electrical Disconnect Panel ................................................................. . 4.2 Control Panel CPl000 ............................................................................ ; .... . 4.3 Computer Cabinet ....................................................................................... . 4.4 Remote Computer ....................................................................................... . Operating Procedures .............................................................................................. . 5.1 System Startup IV V 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-5 1-5 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-6 3-8 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5.1.1 Set Process Valve Positions for Startup.............................................. 5-1 5.1.2 Activate SCADA System (Automatic System Startup)......................... 5-2 5.1.3 Start AS/SVE Process Equipment (Manual System Startup)................ 5-3 5.2 System Shutdown . .. . . ... . .. .. .. .. . . . ... ... .. . .. .. . . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 5-4 5.2.1 Shutdown AS/SVE Process Equipment (Manual System Shutdown)... 5-4 5.2.2 Deactivate SCADA System (Automatic System Shutdown)................. 5-4 5.2.3 Oose Selected Process Valves............................................................ 5-4 6.0 System Monitoring and Maintenance ..................... ,, .. , .. , .. ,,,,,, ........... , .... ,,,,.,,.,,, ....... ,. 6-1 P, IPROJI 18895\ 18895.01; I T=do< I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS (continued) 6.1 6.2 6.3 Health and Safety . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. . ... . . . ... . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . ... .. . .. . . . .. ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... .. . . 6-1 Routine Monitoring of AS/SVE System........................................................ 6-2 Maintenance of AS/SVE System................................................................... 6-3 6.3.1 Routine Calibration of Instrumentation.............................................. 6-3 6.3.2 Particulate Filter Replacement............................................................ 6-3 6.3.3 GAC Media Replacement.................................................................. 6-3 6.3.4 Other Maintenance........................................................................... 6-4 7.0 Equipment Specifications ........................................................................................ . 7.1 SVE Blowers ............................................................................................... . 7.2 Heat Exchanger ........................................................................................... . 7.3 Air Compressor ........................................................................................... . 7.4 GAC System ............................................................................................... . APPENDICES VOLUME II Appendix A. AppendixB. AppendixC. AppendixD. VOLUME III Record Drawings Drawing 18895-Cl Drawing 18895-C2 Drawing 18895-Pl Drawing 18895-P2 Drawing 18895-Ml Site Plan Piping and Equipment Layout Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Well Construction Details GAC Vessels and Air Compressor Documentation by Carbonair SVE Blower Package and Heat Exchanger Documentation by J.E. Gasho and Associates Overhead Coiling Door Documentation Appendix E. SCADA System Documentation by Revere Control Systems Section A -Equipment Startup and Shutdown Instructions Section B -Engineer's Manual Section C -Programmer's Manual Section D -Equipment Manufacturer's User Manuals P: \PROJ\ 18895\ 18895.014\ TOC.doc 11 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS ( continued) VOLUME IV Appendix E. SCADA System Documentation by Revere Control Systems (continued) Section D -Equipment Manufacturer's User Manuals (continued) Section E -Drawings Section F -Loop Diagrams P: \PROJ\ 18895\ 188 95.0H \ TOC.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P:\PROJ\ 18895\ 18895.014 \O&MAPPcvr.doc APPENDIX A DRAWINGS 0 . , I 4 7 "' B .'.) l;!\ V L -i-[ I I j i. /. , __ , I\,' ·------- __ .,., ,...--., \, / / ~7 ' / .. A SUITE 1, 216 HARRILL ST STATESVILL=:, NC (704) 878-9661 ' . D SITE ACCESS -~.:_ -t-. (,/ jl-----· • I i SECURITY GATE I ! I ! L l \·;-",:-Ere ;;,_,,;<. ,-,p,c ! l F + -••C,---,. -,. " I MP-14 ... G SVE HEADER~~10 EW-4 1 I ' ! I / H j ·\, t. I \~ -,(!at·· N U ... , .. ,." . ---~.,.,._--r ----------.•.• j. --··~ ·--------,__ --- ' -·-~--~-f >-t--1 EW-6 $ AS HEADER EW-2/SW-2 MP-9 ... ·-·-·-·-·-·-7 I T I I I , MP-12 r· EW-1/SW-1 MP 151 I I I ... 6:) EW-3 / ELECTRICAL SERVICE METER AREA OF AS/SVE EQUIPMENT · ...... 0.T ..... ·-· ~ -o,J. ~ -.• ~-_g ' ~--<-', EW-1b~'t" . ------- OVERHEAD DOOR r I =c,-,--c~-=~=--•-... MP-3 EW-7 $ MP,6 EW-8 $ ., MP-8 ... MF-'-/ .,, .1' ... -··-----j----;; ·-+---_;_ ◄-- " ~· -;§-·►· --,__ --c;?. " '· •.•• 'l ____ ;;"&"""'~-------------~-,------------ '.1··~; ! }-j ' .. : t C 11'-'.'t~L , ' I V t j:' _,-! / i I I ' 7' ! ; I " i /I I I , ' / j. !/ /_"/' i_/ l ! /-/ / ./.. L / _I .;. tv1 N 0 p N .. _,_.,,,~--' ·l'--r---f---· I I ,I l I I \IICINITY ~ NOT TO SCALE N LEGEND ~ SW ....... AS/SVE WELL EB EW ....... SVE WELL T MP ....... MONITORING PROBE MW ....... EXISTING MONITORING WELL + ,__ RAILROAD TRACKS 1" AIR SPARGING PIPING 6" SVE PIPING NOTES: WELL AND PIPING LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY TED BENBOW & ASSOC. LAND SURVEYING, PC 8-23-2000 (JOB # 000806A.DWG) TED BENBOW & ASSOC. LAND SURVEYING PC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITIES FOR BASE MAP PROVIDED BY BROWN AND CALDWELL. NOTICE * This plat was prepared for the exclusive use of the party named hereon. Said certificates do not extend to any unnamed person without an express recertification by the surveyor naming said person. * This plat represents an actuaf field survey that meets or exceeds fhe mfnimum requirements of a cfoss B survey in -~ccNor~c!-.. ,--:',-~h. th~, S_fa_n~~,{d!-,,}'t_.P,ra~_#(fe fo_r L_~~~;,,<¾{_~!~-~:,-~>s---."*'r~~!-~~~~:~l -,n Or ir,· ,._,a, ... 1na.--• -----•=------- * The ratio of precision before any adjustments is 1 is not a boundary survey. 27,091. This plat represents on actual field topographic survey that meets or exceeds the minimum requ{rements of a class C topogcaphic survey in accordance with the Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North~ PLS 50 0 50 1()0 ----SCALE ·FEET 0 'll 1----------------------,---L-IN_E_I_S_2_1N-C~H--E-S--,-------.;....-----------,--------------;::R;::EVl:-:;:::S;:::IO::-N;::S:-----------r-----------------~-------------r-----------------------------n;PRROOjiJE~C:TTi111<ituj;;MAEBiEERR1 B R O W N A N o AT FULL s1zt ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION BY DAlE APP, a PASO ENERGY OORPORATION u I ,0 0, ., ., CALDWELL SUBMITTED: ... APPROVED: ------------.. BRO\1.-N AND CALDWFI I APPROVED: ....... _, __ _ B DATE: DATE:-·-·-- DATE: (IF NOT 2" -SCALE ACC(J<DJNGL Y) FILE ...• 18895-C1 DRAWN.. JLT . --~-,-·---·--' ··-------·---~ DESIGNED JPM --~ CHECKED _Kf:IQ_.-..... CHECKED_ C D E AS-BUILT DRAWING 10/18/2000 F f I FCX-STATESVILLE SLIIERFUND SITE OPERABLE UNIT TI!iREE (003) STATESVILLE, NORt;H CAROLINA t K L IECORD DRAWIIG 1889&.013 DRAWING NUMBER SITE PLAN 18885 SHEET NUMBER C1 N 0 p 1 C 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 ' ;· ·;J .. , ..-,H ! ' .-:c.~ ~'" IG 8 7 • 4 2 B C NOT/C[ * This plat was prepared for the exclusive use -0f the party named hereon. Said certificates do not extend to any unnamed person wi!houf an express recertification by the surveyor -naming said person. * This plat represents an actuaf field survey that meets or exceeds the minimum requ;rements of a class B survey in accordance with the Standards of Pradice for Land Surveying in North Carofina. * The ratio of precision before any adjustments is 27,091. * This is not a boundary survey. * This plat represents an actual field topographic survey that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of a class C topographic survey in accordance with the Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carofina. f/-f;,,tfl> PLS WlLL ANU PIPE LOCATIONS PROVIDEC BY TEO BENBOW & ASSOC. LANJ SURVlvl~1J, PC. TED BENBOW & ASSOC LANO SURVEYING :>C ASSUMES cASl MAP PROVID[D TO TEO BENBOW & /\SSOC. LAND 3ROWN ANJ CALDWELL. NO RES~'ONSIOIL,TIES FOR BASE MAP SURVEYING PC BY FIFI O WORK PERF8RMC:D ON 8-23-2DOC. (.JOB # 000806.DWG) WELL ELEV11TIONS WE,E ,EFE,EN2ED TO MtJ\N SEA LEVEL OY USING DATA FROM 8RCWN AND CALD'W'ELL_ O!'J EX!STIN3 WELc.S. (W-1 5S EL~VATION 965.5 7') CENTER POINTS OF SANITARY SEWE's 11fNHOLES (N-4979.42, E-4867 02 A~D N-L819.64, E-1867.02) WE'!E USED AS REFERENCE POl~-s 10 -s-ABLISH HORl70NTAL CO~TR8L FOR b-:L5-'.W00 SURVEY. D ,:.__ . ' '. . c:::J C7 i '. CCNTROL.j , . Pl\t.JELS· HJ AIR i E BLUE PIPE ii z " ' !. ,, I 1 i---SS_M_H -~--· -·~1 965.38' RIM , , 1 N-4979.-42' ' ' E-4867.02' • <O '•s 165 !' 165 ,.r G ◄ MP-1j 961 .38' LIO 960.70' FLANGE MP-12 ◄965.52' LID 964.90' FLANGl X !\EW EXTERIOR : : ' • COMPRESS'.Fi COORWA.Y ---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·"'""""·-· ': .;-~·~ ,., 6" PIPE ""~ i---. BLULPE_E7. if~ EW-1 /SW-1 NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE TO THE BO'TTOl.i OF" PIPE, EXCEPT WHERE LABEl.EO FFE. FF"E (FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION) W/IS TAKEN BECAUSE PIPE WAS ALREADY COVERED UP. W-9S 1164. 77' TOP (;,F' ::( _A~:; ~1?, W-91 S64.52' -i-op OF SLAB LOCATION AND DEPTH OF TWO UNDERGROUND PIPES WERE OOCUME:NTED BY -BROWN AND CALDWELL. • . ( ,) ,✓-~1" ",::'~ · w'-' I : ~965.64' LID ' ~ 7 I >..,...., 7>. L ':•' 7o 967.87' FLA.NGE ' ~/ 1~ ~ ·~---~~~~---~=~~1~ _E __ W __ .. ,"ol.~--rt"'"\ '·'·l'! .. ,·.·". I j '•>~, 2" :',~;~'.';; MP-15 I t [ r ◄ 965.58' LIO tT\ , :: 965.21' F~NGE 964.42' LID W ;;I ,P 2" PIPE ii. '<,,,. ' 1· 963.96' FLANGE '•+'-'!' · + FENCE , . ,_ .• ~•-·-•~•----•---• --~-•--•----•~--L .. , •• •-•-·•-~-- "' I Q_ ii: i ~ • Q_ '° lw =: CD SSMH ;i" 965.57' RIM @' N-4819.64' , / c-< E-4867.02' : i ii L £ _ .:;._,_ -_,_I;.~LUE. PIPE w Q_ ii: • N \ ~I 0: i ~ w · 0: 31 • <Il i "' i H --------·-· ---_ ,.,__ -------··---- vlP-4 ◄965 71' LID QE4.BL' FLANCE L : V K -----( ·;-,, ··cc-.·c. --c,---rc c--cc -·, =c-c ----· --------------------------------·----·-----------···--+----------. ------i-:r--i--------------- l ! jJ ,.--. l j ____ l._J l_______ ------~ L i ! - ! ,.; ·,;, );:i f,1P-1 I "~ 117 +--++--------4-6" PIP.E L ., '' MP-1 ·,,,,◄: 965.58' LID 964.98' FLANGF ; ; •• ' ' : i ... :_! -~;_;_-i . 1/,u ,-, . uJ Q_ Q_ ' <O '···· 1J'p...:1c' 965.62. LID 965.21 FLANGE ' ___ __, _ __j__,...--__ \./ .. --!----F--+--- EW-2/SW-2 >cJ 965.58' LID , , °' i+'-'---'9'-'6'.C7.c8"5'--'-Fc,LAN=""'-'G'=E+-: ------±==· ==2,:"=-Pc,IP:'E=:::--:=:--·:'tl.l j·-: _. ·":., --.... >-----, _. ------< -'.--.;:_~_-:·-·rv,r::;·5-·-,_. __ ~-~-~<:····,__ _ __ , -.. ,..... · .: .,.., : ·:r ~ "'l ¥"' ,~}.. ;~~~: IB.~K.·,, "' '" 'tl,.. '""""""-. •. i v .... · \~ -.. _ -.. _ ~~-------• ..... :-::·_ < '\_ · , . -.. -l,, __ -"',. 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I ,}>: m EW-7 96!"'. 1JR' FLAN(;[· i 59 c,, PT NUMBER ELEVATION PT NUMBER ELEVATION PT NUMBER ELEVATION 20 966.56' •• 978.17' 120 974.51' PT NUMBER ELEVATION 166 166 976.77' EW-9 965.56' LID 965.02' FLANGE BLUE PIPE --' i' +.c-=,.-:c='--i---,+ 965.59' UD i ◄ ·-·-·--·-·-·--·-·-------~ ;t-',, ___ __J 'b 2 PIP8 967.87' i'i:A!IGE, MP-59S ◄ ;i .. ~: '. ··,r -.-,····,·-.,l'-_-~r; 21 975.19' 65 977.67' 121 966.52' 167 22 975.17' 66 977.65' 122 978.24' 168 23 975.22' 67 966.53' 123 977.53' 170 24 975.18' 70 966.54' 140 966.4B' 171 25 977.14' 71 976.22' 141 975.86' 179 26 977.16' 72 976.21' 142 975.81' 180 27 976.36' 7J 976.05' HJ 977.72' 181 26 977.25' 90 977.44' 1"4 977.56' 182 .. 966.57' 91 978.62' 1-15 977.74' 183 43 .,3M' .. ··• 111!;.»' 14'! st7tµII' 1M .. 97J.91' 93 9, ,.9!. -14T. $.-,z' 105 45 97.3.94' 94 977.98' 152 gn.ss· 186 47 976.04' 95 978.12' 15J 977.53' 187 " 966.56' 97 977.95' 15-4 977.el' 52 976.27' 99 97tt03' 155 978.24' 53 976.26' 100 976.17' 156 978.34' 55 976.15' 105 966.54' 157 978.39' 57 977.36' 106 978.35' 159 978.50' 58 977.4-4' 107 979.33' 160 97s.n· 59 978.15' 110 978.40' 161 978.12' 60 978.12' 117 977..28' 162 976.39' 62 978.26' 118 978.31' 16< 977.75' 63 977.35' 119 978.17' 165 979,52' 973.-46' 965.55 FFE 974.28' 974,89' 967.47' 976.16' 97B.55' 976.40' 977.30' 976.94' 976.92' 968.71' 968.73' " :\ DUKE P'.J',l[R SUB-ST{!;1}0h; / Ii ~ i ~j·-'~\ i ~~" \ r-·l"'=--,d,.: \ 9€5.57' +L-l□---------,-::~+----6-,-, -P-IP-E------,,-,tt-::'b~..,.....,.~,+ ·!'-...._, ·...,; "i,_ r·✓ 9E4.99'FLANGE ~ \'. · •··-...._1·'~,i ' ' \ vlP-7 S6S.59' I IC 965.08' FLAf<..GE EW-8 965.61' LID 9.67.87; FLANGE -~-.J-"'fr1' .. i ~: i ' I'-. • <. ' ~ ',.,.! cCi ' 1 ~~--.J ___ , .--, ' ,':·---, ·-· ,~ ....... ' (_;:=· ' ' !t i." , I :i I! ~---1----; !~---· -+---i- . I : I ---r-·--·-·-------· --· ·---+--· " 0 \ N VICINrrY w.F' NOT TO SCAL£ L[G[ND ~ sw ....... AS/SV[ WELL EB EW ....... SVE WELL T MP ....... MONITORING PROBE " ,=, MW ....... EXISTING MONITORING WELL @ SSMH .... SANITARY S[WER MANHOLE )( )( )( )( )( )( 6" SV[ PIPING 2" SVE PIPING 1" AIR SPARGING PIPING CHAIN LINK FENCE ({) W--,11 IJ;} 9&4. 77' RtM w-1s 964.3:3' RIM COORDINATE TABLE FOR WELL LOCATIONS DESCRIPTION NORTHING EASTING EW-1/SW-1 4877.97' 4893.77' EW-2/SW-2 4874.37' 5017.78' EW-3 4955.62' 4835.55' EW-4 4955.88' 4936.1 o· EW-5 4956.43' 5038.27' EW-6 4875.99' 5087.20' EW-7 4774.75' 5036.91' EW-8 4757.83' 4937.73' EW-9 4778.98' 4857.20' EW-10 4860.08' 4775.94' MP-1 4957.98' 5138.96' MP-2 4835.29' 4918.56' MP-3 4773.75' 5137.76' MP-4 4808.05' 4924.73' MP-5 4779.52' 4897.65' MP-6 4777.68' 4980.39' MP-7 4679.91' 4893.93' MP-8 4688.48' 5018.50' MP-9 4827.55' 5028.72' MP-10 4927.48' 5026.55' MP-11 4958.50' 4975.34' MP-12 4968.38' 4893.94' MP~13 . ' ~Q.36' 48/12.83' . ' ' -.. c-.. MP-14 5025.33' 5016.95' MP-15 4864.28' 4893.95' W-11 4871.67' 5240.63' W-1S 4859.84' 5229.99' W-91 4860.19' 4748.11' W-9S 4869.64' 4750.19' W-161 4935.72' 4611.24' W-16S 4935.61' 4815.18' SVE-2 4931.92' 4613,52' W-7S 5192.59' 4935.60' 20 0 20 40 ----SCALE FEET p 10 9 8 N 7 6 5 4 3 2 g 3/8'(1=32) 11 1-.::.:..:::...:.;:....::;:;,;_ _______________ -,-________ __,,------------------r-------:i,----r--R'."'.E'.'."V~IS'.'."IO::".N":':S:------------,--------~----------f--------------,--...---------------------------,--;,:P~RO;:-JE~CT~N::-:U:':M~BE;::-R:-f.1 B R O W N A N D u~~ 1 ;u~L 1 ~(~Es ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APP. EL PASO BERGY CORPORATION N u I "' "' "' ro (IF NOT 2"-SCALE ACC~OINGLY) , C A L D w E L L FILE 18895-C2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 10/18/2000 : DRAWN-·--_JLT FCX-STATESVILLE $UPERFUND SITE SUBMITTED: __ _ PROJECT MANAGER APPROVED: ___________ _ BROWN AND CALDWELL APPROVED: ___ _ A B DATE:. DATE: DATE: DESIGNED JPM CHECKED ___ ·--~ KHO .. __ _ CHECKED r• '-' l) E F H OPERABLE UNIT tftl:IEE (OU3) STATESVILLE, Na:,TH CAROLINA ,J 'K , I ' RECORD DRAWIG 18895.013 DRAWING NUMBER PFIIIG AM> EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 18898 SHEET NUMBER C2 L 0 p 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 A I B INTERLOC~ FROM SVE BLOWER ! ! . FC:OM PAtKAGE_'J AIR SP~RGE SYST'M ! -- iilLIND ~LANGEi 'OR CONTINGENT '1/EcLS I C • I JSV-2 . I NOTES: -'i :-!!l,:{,.",'c, ' ~ ' ' D I F I . .,... - - EW-1 F I G -/""' : __ .,.,--- / "',, '. -·-/ '.) ', '\E:J'J3/· ~ :::::;·:;-:,··· ~<~:'.5TITy" ~ ~--,.~ L,.i' r,. WC ·- ..,__ ..,__ L_ - / -- -- FW-2 PIPING LEGEND: I i '' 5-; ;;,c.·"' "' ,; ----c.A~ H ..,__ LJ - EW-4 I I J /, ~ •·,: , .' C ',, ---< ~:;-~ ~:' ''.~;}"~ ,--~-~cc ,~,-, \; ,i ,: '\J.'t,' ~ -'-~,~-;,: ·-:-_-~-,:;~--\ <';·.TI'".11;· -o EV-5 --o EV-6 ------..,__ ;, -- / [ \ -- EW-5 EW-6 EXTRACTION WELLS I I EnLJIPMENT 1 :f'tcNn: CONTROL LEGEND: I -- K I L I M ,.-~--- / ,..,__ ' r', '' ,p;j(J"./ SC';"',J / ,_. ~-V <--c~ --> ~;c~ :;~ ~\·-~-.:: -----V ___ ::,._:___ I i ' --< E' -i. 7 I -~ --E' -8 i -,:_ ----- y • ,:;· , .~i-4,ef,.-,;>,-,-_._ v~, ,, -~ - EW-7 SYMBOLS: --- EW-8 EXTR.A.CTED VAPOR Fl OW INJECTED AIR Fl OW El_EC7 RICAL SIGNAi - EW-9 I 0 j 7-,---------'-s_--- ' / ·,, ' / -:, ·, ',, , D, ' ·r), ~,T•o.•• ~t~-.-.T7 ~6~c7:-~,. ,~., C ~-·J ~-,-, \_',\_~- --a EV-10 --..,__ -- - EW-10 -- BLIND FLANGES FDR CONTINGENT WCLLS LllCAL_Y MOUNTED EQ:JIPMENT (PSI-INS-RUMENT READING) p 1 ( 9 8 ,-- 7 6 5 4 ,-- 3 N THE CEH CSH l-H 1 EH2 EH3 EH4 FHS EH6 EH7 EH8 [119 EH10 EFF SH1 SH2 COMMON EXT~ACTION -EADER COMMON SPARGE hEAllt R rXlR.ACTION HEADER 1 -- /1S AIR S~AR) N(; j3-1 j3LQWEt;; l S~ 2 --l?LO~-g, FE FLOW ELE11EN T Fl FLOW INDICATOR 1/1 ~ PA~Ec MOJN-ED EQUlr'lvE~ T (HAND /OFF/ AUl Cl) .'\,·\j :,.,_,. -,,--' ,,,.,,,-;i;,1t,.:1i.;\f·.~;tr~-:;·, -,., ... ~-.,.-., ",~ ;.-( - ,, L - sw-: - SW-2 SPARGE WELLS 2. SEE SHEET···-P2 FO~ ADDI-IONAL ;::>IPING A.ND INSTRUMENTATPN. f X IRACTION HEADER 2 EXTRACTION HEADER 3 EXTRACTION HEADER 4 EXTRACTION HEADER 5 EXTRACTION HEADER 6 EXTRACTIO'I HEADER 7 EXTRACTIO'I YEAJ~R 8 EXTRACTION ~EAJC:R 9 EXTRACTION "EAOC:R 10 TREATED EFFLUENT OFF -GAS Si0 ARGE HEACER 1 SPARCE HEADC:R 2 CAC ::;RANULA.R 'IIATED CARBON SVE SOL VAPGR EXTRACTION EV EXTRACT!! HEADER VA VE SV SPARGf H ADER VA.LVE AV AIR COMP ESSOR VALVE CV COMMON H~ADER VALVE DV DRAIN VA½VE \ FT FLOW TRAN SM! TTER HOA HAND/OFF/AUTO HS HAND-SWITCH HV HAND VALVE IE CURRENT ELEMENT II CURRENT INDICATOR IT CURRENT T'<ANSf.llTTER LI LEVEL NDICATOR LT LEVEL TRANSMITTER Pl PRESSURE 11\:DICATOR PT PRFSSURF TRANSMITTFR MS MOTOR STARTER (RELAY) PA PRESSURE ALARM Pl PRESSURE INCICATOR TE TEMPERATURE ELEMENT Tl TEMPERATURE INDICATOR TT TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER CO] ~ 4 ~ SOLENOID VALVE MANLJAI I Y AC:IUAlfll MANUALLY ACTUATED (;I O~f VALVE (LOCKABLE) BALl VALVE (LOCKABLE) VAC~cJM RELIEF VALVE PRESSURf RFGLJLATOR SAMPLE PORT I P-RbGRAM~/AtJLE LOGIC --. CONTROLLE~ (MOTOR STl\~TE~) PIPE SIZE IDENTIF:ER -----,: I BLIND FLANGE FOR CONTINGENT WELL 0 CONDENSATIO"i DRIP TRAP BLOWER 11 L---------------------r-------+----r------------------,--------------;:-RE;:-:Vl:-;:-;::51:;0::::N~s-----------,---------------r---------------r1----------------------------TiP;;R;;:ojjJ0Ec~TrNNuuMMssiE~R;-, -B R O w N ' LINE IS 2 IN HES ' ,,"""''"~,~~ ! 1' - 0 A N D ' AT FULL~ E . ,.,,·~-" ~~,~--~--, ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APP. EL PASO Et-EAGY CORPORATION RECORD DRAWING 18898.013 o (IF Nor 2·-scALE AC roRDINGLY) j' ..... ~.>-;--:_.:; ... ,":;..,:·· .... '\ [ DRA'MNG NUfllBER !1--su-?-M1TTE-~-, -____ L ___ --,.-~--c,---",N--."-~----___ E ___ o_A~-E,-=--=_L-=_-:=_-=-_--1 ~1::1:~ED ___ 1-=s89=:k-~i1.= P.E. lyt/,ff ··-----------+--+---f-Fcx;;~"'u:i; ~f'1' I PFIG AM> INSTRWENTATION DIAGRAM 18896 _-_ ·1--==.,.,..-==--t SHEET NUM8ER _ ~ APPROVEO: __ -cc=--~:-ccc:=---DATE: ---_ _ CHECKED --KHO NORTH CARO~jJC.NSE NO. 23295 STATESVLLE, a.1._~ _·-_ -_ . H CAR-.. A :g BROWN A<D CALDWELL BROWN AND CALDWELL e---+--+----------------------j---f\1\111 I ~ -L.'.A:::P::P:RO~VE~O~~--.:-.:· ;.;·-;,;,-;;;;,;.,.;;.~;;;;,..:.:-.:.:.:.:;B-.:-;;..::o:A.:.:TE:;.: ::;;l..:.:..:.:;;:.l..:c~;:EC:K:::E:D:.::::-:,1::::::::::::::~c~. ~22~7~Fr;;_•n~c~~-L~a::;:n~di!;:~aW;;D;r~:·~· _r;N~os;:h~v::;ille:;_,l'"T;,:;•~nn~•~ss~e;:;,e"':'Fb,--..I..-.Lr-1----:G~---r !i ----:H-;--.L...-t--.1..-+1---"'i1 ___ iJ---,-~·'--rK~---,1---~L-----,i----;:tv17'"'--"""i,r---;Nj""'---ri--<O~-----r1--1p~~---·--· Pl -- 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 --- 4 3 2 • A I B C I D E I F TO SPARGE WEL,_ VALVES --------------------------------------...... - -- ------ - - - - - --- ----------· - I ,---------,-------------- " , • IIS ,, 1·-~<~/-/! I --~ ,, -"'-: l~?i ros1 I I I BA1\0Vl':..~ :-,~~;:S,JRc:- AMBIENT l~SIDE BUILDING ~--------<-------------< CEH-6" )------, '-...:_ _ _,-/ IROM [XTRACTION W[L_S .~IR INTi\KE fill cR COMPRESSOR ( ' □~,~~~--- '-------~ 'I I ---- -~ I \ / \ ' ~ ,i;--,-' /..., GAS 11\NALYLcR / "·, I ., A_ .~~ifC2-:,) --,,p---- ' ' ' -- I ' ,' [""", ·,, I "-fi870;,:i ',, ,/ : S(FV,/ ()TA_ -- RECEIVING TANK AV-1 AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR SYSTEM ' ,, I ; \ ; / -=--:::->-=.:~-----------~ ,,..,,,,_. , _ __,, --_/ ----.... ---~----'--u \ -I ___ __,I /\ : / f--{:_~~SILE"CERi-1 A•IR-B-LEEC-IN -::) CV -2 CV-1 NOTES: 1 II\ STRUMENT CONTROL (IC) RE:;ERS TO MAIN CONTROL PANEL lN THE A3/SVE EQUIPMENT AREA CONTAINING HOA SWITC-lt-S, STATLS LIGHTS, ANC ALARM LIGHTS MOISTL,E SEPARATOR 1--------(-w_\--, __ ./ DV-1 Q,I LIO,,ID DRAIN (NORMALLY LOCKl:_LJ CLO::OU)) PIPING LEGEND: C:::H CSH EH1 :::OM MON EXTRAC 1101\ HcALJl:_R COMMCN SPARGE HEl'IDER EXTRACTION HEADER 1 EQUIPMENT LEGEND: AS B-I B-2 AIR SPARGINc; BLCWER 1 BLOWER 2 G ! -!G-/ _,:··.~ ---- 2. SEE SHEET . .1?1 FOR A-ODITION~L PIPING AND INSTRUMEN.TATION . .,,_,.,"'_,_, __ "' -n-12 EH3 lH4 [115 EH6 FH7 EH8 EH9 EH1C EFF SH1 SH2 EX:J:RACT!Ot<t HEADER 2 ~ EXTRACTION r-EADER 3 EXTRACTION HEADER 4 EXTRACTION HEADER 5 EXTRACTION HEADER 6 EXTRACTION HEADER 7 ______ GAQ~ 5\/E EV SV AV CV DV GRANULAR ACl]V;t.TED CARS-ON __ SOIL -VA-POR (x'TR:0:CTION l:_XIRACllON HEADER VALVI:_ EXl RAC I ION Ht:_ALJER 6 EXTRACTION HEADER 9 EXTRACTION HEADER 1 C TREA ED EFFLUENT OFF-GAS SPARGE HEADER 1 SFA.RGc_ Hl:_AlJl:_R 2 SPARGE HEADER VALVE AIR COMPRESSOR VALVE COMMON HEADER VALVE DRAIN VALVE I H I i I ! I ~,<:_ <, ''..~c)' ' ' i I, I I ,\._ \( :;~-~}) ', '. ! --· .·"::::- 1;_: . -// ' ·--·-, :zr I I ' ' I l ._________'.2._, CV-4 :1----: / f-- B-1 SVE BLOWER SYSTEM CONTROL LEGEND: fE FLOW cLEMENT Fl FLOW 1~DICATOR FT FLOW TRt,~SMITTER H DA-~)"IJF f / Al IC HS HAND-4jlllcl;(:H HV HANG-VALVE IF CURflFNT El EMFNT 11 CURRENT INDICATOR IT CURRENT TRA.NSMITER LI LEVEc INDICATOR L -LEVE, TRANSMITTER Pl PRESSURE INDlCA TOR PT PRESSURE TRANSM TTER f/S "10TOR STi\RTER (RELAY) PA PRESSURE ALARM Pl PRESSURE INCICA TOR TE TEMPERATU,E ELEMENT Tl T[MP[RA7J'1[ INDICATOR 11 TlMPcRATl,E TRANSMITTER I J ,.. ___ _ I •e SYMBOLS: 1/1 £ KXl ~ I I L ---------+-- CV-7 ,,-11,j,,,_,-, -<~: .. ~I~- I I AFTERCOOLER FXTRACTED VA#OR FLOW I I Ncl ECTE) A R fLOW ELE~TRICAL Sl~NAL M/\.NLJAI I Y ACTIVATED BUTTERFLY VALVE SOLENOID VAlitE MANUALLY ACT-ATtD ' GI. OBE VALVE (LOCKABLE) MANUALLY ACTUATED BA~L VALVE (LOCKABLE) r'RESSURE RE4ULATOR ! S.I\MPL F PClRT , I . '· ''-<A.~Q-;J . . : . : ~ ....... ·. . . .. . ., . , . .,. ~ .. • • ' ~ I • • •••• • "I' . • =. ·. . . . . . .. •. I G.AS i'-NALYZER GAC-1 I N --\ GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORBERS (SEE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR EXACT PIPING AND VALVE LAYOUT) To AIR SPARCE WELLS -OCALLY MOUNTED EOLJIPM~NT (PSI l'-ISTRUMEr-. T ~[ADING) PAl'-.EL MOUNTED lOUlf-'ME~T (HA~C/OFF /AJTO) I C[-3 --rROGRAM~IA~tE LOGft" --• "~--' "/" CON,ROLL~R (MOTOR S-ARTER) PIPE SIZE IDENTIFIER ;,.._' ---111 BLIND ILA~GE FOR CCNTINGENT Wl:cL CONDFNSATION DRIP TRAP BLOWER 0 i p TO ATMOSPHERE. TREATED OFF-GAS EXHAUST STACK • L--------------------....------------r-----------------,------------~R:;-;E:;-Vl;.S::;l;;O::-:N;:-S----------7------------------+""".'"------------T-----------------------------np~R:ao01JE~C:-iT~'NINUU1M:iiB3EE:RR, ~ 0 w N I LINE IS 2 INCHES I ' 0 B R A N D -AT FULL SIZE ,,,,,,:_'~~"~·;~~~"-ZONE REV, DESCRIPTION BY DATE APP. EL PASO ENERGY qc>RPORATION A PFNG AN> NSTIUIENTATION DIAGRAM ~5.013 DRAWINGd-tUMBER 18895 SHEET NUMBER P2 ~ (If NOT 2• -SCALE AljCOROINGL Y) " _,, .. -~ , ' !.__C __ A_L_--~D_W __ E_L __ L---1 FILE 1889~-P~--'l s0"}~i\~~~1~:~ 11/,_/tv) FCX-STATESVUE SllPERFlN) SITE ~ SUBMITTED: ---PR-0-JEC-T-MA-N~ACE_R _ _,____ DATE: ____ ~::i:ED ____ Jt~M--~ R~~~~~~~~~(t,: P.E. I bATE _ _ -+-------t---OPERABLE UNT THREE (OU3) i APPROVE0: ______ 8ROWNANDOAtowrLL ________ DATE: ____ CHECKED ___ fHO_ --------BN;~;Nc~~~:~L~ 23295 -------STATESVILLE, NOr1"itn CAROLNA "L~A~P:P:R:O~VE~D:'.:;;:;::;::;::;:;;;;:;::;::;::;::;:::.~D~A~TE.:.: :'-~-;;..;.:-:...-:;:-:..,-,LC~H;E~C~K~ED:;;-;:-;:-;;;;:;,;-t:-:.....:;::.....:...--4~2~2~7~F~re!;,n~c~h,_.lL;:;o;:;n~d~in~g~D~r;iv::e.:., _!N:;a;s!h:::v~ill!e;,, .,;T.;e:::n!;.n,;,es~s:;e;:e~--J..-J,----~'.'"'"---ir""'"----;-';'"'-.J.._ .... r_...L, __ ;-____ r ____ 'i" ____ r ___ ""'i, -~----r----r----t----;:::;-----T ____ N ____ T ____ n ____ i ____ p:----- 1 B I C I, D I E I r I G I H I I J I I<, I L M I N • 0 I P FECORD DRAWN3 1 9 - 8 r-- 7 6 r-- 5 4 3 2 1 ..,-. \ 10 -- 9 8 -- -, I 6 - 5 - 4 - - 2 -- A B I C I D I E I I '-f---2' -o" -----.J 2" SOIi ,,... VAPOR EXTRACTION ~ I"- " J'._" r 1/ 1" Al, SP,\RGE BOc..ARDS INSTALLED AROUND WELLS FOR '~ PROT[CTION OF 0 1P 1NG AND APPURTENANCES~~ 1 THRCADEO END PLUG rFINISHED FLOOR I - SEE WELL L:JGS IN CONSTRUC',1:JN COMPLETION REPORT FOR Ac-u.A~ WELL DEPTHS I,, i = q_ I CONCRETE FLOOR "1: ,1-->---'----<H-----~ ~ ~I ,j ~ CEMENT /BENTCNITE ScAL j__ I 20' lD A,' ,/ ! ,/--80REIIOLE NOMINAL DIM/ETER -10" :/' I • ·-: ! : ki--·--4--1----4~ ·--.,J,,1:· !4 I • ' ., 4 I -i ' I /-BEi\ TON TE SEAL ., I d _j / 2" PVC SPARG!:.. WELL !,;' i- i . <1 4 \ ~-c: ---. i _ .• j ·~--~ ! AS/SVE WELL DETAIL END CAP I F I G I 2" SOIL VAPOR BOLLARJS INSTALL[D AROJNC WELLS FOR PROTECTION OF FIC"G ASO faPFURTES,'NCES ~ rf-lNISHED FLOOR 4 4· H ,.... q 0 I kl ' l_ 1'-0" I i J I ".I ' ! ' ~ LJCKABLE CAP FOR G~OUNDW'ATER ~ONITdRING = I WcLL-SEAL ~--~ a / rn" ~""°" 4 q 411f-,,,of-- '----H-++-~___J·I I CONCRETE FLOOR L_ - i-. ! I I _,,,-ccMc, 1/,ENTONiTE s01,L ~r I 1 4'' PV:::; WELL CASING -~ /I " ' I • 20, TO 25·, 1·· !-· <1 4 kl f ! ~ q "' I -. : l ..,.-BE\JTONITE SEAL I/' ~ r.,/ <1 4 I--:t· ~vc s~ARGE WELL . I \! .. - -----·~ ~' u ;, -----.---'-t ---, I 2'-6"' J_ > •••• ' ! ' ' ·. I I -------~ .. -~·-~ ...... "-~--~ --- --........................... _ PVC END C/\~ SVE WELL DETAIL K I L r I N I 0 I 1 / 4" BALL VA_VE SAMPLE PORT ~ /-FII\JISll[D FLOOR \, • l -~ • A • I [ 4 , I --f---CONCRETE FLOO, ',---;-~-1+-1-+-,-<LJ I • I p j__ 1 '-0" f ... ,-·- I r . -· 20' -c 25•! , . J i <J I- I- V CE~E~T/BENTON!TF SCAL ,, • • 1 4" PVC WELL CAS.NG ~ . ~:-! I• I-. ,_ f--.· -BENTONITE SEAL ' . ' I r 2'-6' _ '· <1 . / ~2" PV: ~ONITORING WEI I [;-/ --. . ----·. == ·, == == . ---- -------------PVC MONITORING POINT DETAIi. END CAP p -.·::j/irl{t~ i ., 10 9 7 6 5 4 .3 2 1-- Il-----------------------,---L-1N_E_1_s_2_1N_C_H_E_s __ -,-____ ...,;,,. _____________ T""" _____________ R_E_v_1s-1o_N_s ___________ ...,. ________________ -t,----------------r--...-.. ----------------------------,.~P~R~o-J~e:c~r~-~N~u•M~B~E~R--1 B R O W N A N o I AT FULL SIZt I ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION 1 BY DATE (IF NOT 2"-SCALE ACCOftDINGLY) ,,,•''11"''"~ C A L D W E L L ,,,••~,'.\ :1~ .. .-,., .;::' ~ .~-~, ._. -. f---t---+-----------------. +----l----l----J-------------------j-------------------1 :~WNc,_ ____ ,_s_s9_.,Js.,L~_M1 .... _ -1.:/)Jj-.~{,J::,"'~·'_::c,'ll~C,,~:.i::~;;.,i{U.a:-:~.,---.,;,-~.c1J',,.~'-------'L¥JPp<t.<-f-~---+--+---------------+--+----+-::- APP. EL PASO Et4ERG'' CORPORATION ~l-------------------------1 SUBMITTED:· __________ _ DATE: ___ _ PROJECT ',!AI\IAGER APPROVED: _____________ ···-__ _ DATE: ___ _ BROWN ANO CALOWE~L APPROVED: DA'fE: ___ ..... I B I DEs1GNED ----'J'-'--P""'.M__ ROBE!ff.;-t'.,~A,~lf'-.J)(,/P.E. DA~Wt>t) CHECKED __ __,_K::H.-"0"--~ NORTH Cl\[l'<:n,INA.l~ 'N<l. 23295 BROWN AMi:i"t:i',LD)l/'ELL CHECKED ____ ~--227 French b:rm!iHg Drive, Nashville, Tennessee C I D I E I F I G H I FCX-STATESVLLE SUPERFUND SITE OPERABLE lN' • .11R5E {OU3) STA TESVI.J E. TH CAROLINA ·•1 I .j K I L RECORD DRAWING 1'805.013 WELL CONSTRUCTION DETALS I DRA'MNG "lUMBER 188tl SHEET NUMBER M1 N I 0 I p I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXB GAC VESSELS AND AIR COMPRESSOR DOCUMENTATION BY CARBONAIR P: \PROJ\ 18895\ 18895.014 \O&MAPPcvr.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ga · r/. ___ _ --·. ~ , 0· (!I) < . Ull~nn-·ye,/ . . . . . OPERA TION/MAINTENANCEi_ MANUAL & PARTS LIST: OIL-LESS COMPRESSOR Ullirts:. SINGLE_& TWO STAGE , . . . . . THIS MANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANTSAFETY INFORMATION AND SHOULD ALWAYS .. BE AVAILABLE TO THOSE PERSONNEL OPERATING THIS UNIT; 1 . . ---· READ, UNDERSTAND AND RETAIN ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING TfllS •_.· - EQUIPMENT TO PREVENT INJURY OR EQUiPMENT DAMAGE\ . . . ... ,.,:. 12T7VTB,20 ,UNf.l;:c .1301 N. EuclidAw,l'rm:dml,Illinois 61356-9990. Pboac(115) 11,5-3321~ FAX(815)~~i .. Mammdming Plams in Pri=toa, Illinois• Murt...; Califbiiua ·. · . Fonn Nci. 63163 Rev~ 3/98 TABLE OF CONTENTS:'.: Subject Safety Precautions ........................ : . . . . . . 3 & 4 Introduction ..................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Warranty ........................................... 5 Dimensions and Specifications .................... 6, 7 & 8 Installation ................................... : . 9 & 10 Preparation for Initial Start-Up and Operation ,.-,.. . . . . . 10, 11; 12 : Maintenance ...................... 10,13, 14, 15, 16,& 17 Troubleshooting Guide· ......................... 18, 19 & 20 : Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 -32 Constant Speed Head Unloader Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-35 Operation and Adjustment of Pilot Valves . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Hazard Decal and Tag Listing .............. ; ... 37, 38 & 39 Maintenance Schedule Fill-In Cha~ .......... 40, 41; 42 & 43 . 2 I • I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I,,,, I I I I I I I I I I I I SAFETY AND OPERATION PRECAUTIONS Because an air compressor is a piece of machinery with moving and rotating parts, the same precautions should be observed as with any piece of machinery of this type where carelessness in operation or maintenance is hazardous to personnel. In addition to the many obvious safety rules that should be followed with this type of . machinery, the additional safety precautions as listed below must be observed: 1. Read all instructions completely before operating air compressor or unit. _ _ 2. For installation, follow all local electrical and safety codes, as well as the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 3. Eiectric motors must be securely and adequately grounded. This can be accomplished by wiring with a grounded, metal-clad raceway system to the starter; by using a separate ground wire connected to the bare metal of the motor frame; or other suitable means. 4. Protect the power cable from coming in contact with sharp objects. Do not kink power cable and never allow the cable to come in coniact with oil, grease, hot surfaces, or chemicals".- 5. Make certain that the power source conforms to the requirements of your equipment 6. Pull main disconnect switch and disconnect any separate control lines, if used: before attempting to work·- or perform maintenance on the air compressor or unit. ''Tag Out'' or "Lock Out" disconnect switch. · 7. Do not attempt to remove any compressor parts without first relieving the entire system of pressure.'. 8. Do not attempt to service any part while machine is in,.qfl operational mode. 9. Do not operate the compressor at pressures in excess of its rating. 10. Periodically check all safety devices for proper operation. Do not change pressure setting or restrict operation in any way. 11. Do not use flammable solvents, gasoline or fuel oil for cleaning the air inlet filter or element and other parts. _ 12. Exercise cleanliness during maintenance and when making repairs. Keep dirt away from parts by covering parts and exposed openings with clean cloth or Kraft paper. · · 13. Do not operate the compressor without guards, shields and screens in place. 14. Do not install a shut-off valve in the discharge line, unless a pressure relief valve, of proper design and size, is installed in the line between the compressor unit and shut-off valve. 15.. Do not operate compressor in areas where there is a possibility of ingesting flammable or toxic fumes. 16. Be careful when touching the exterior_ of a recently run motor -it may be hot enough to be painful or cause injury. With modem motors this condition is normal if operated at rated load -modem motors are built to operate at higher temperatures. · · 17. Inspect unit daily to observe and correct any unsafe operating conditions found~ _ 18. Do not "play around" with compressed air, nor direct air stream at body, because this can cause injuries,_ 19. Compressed air from this machine absolutely must not be used for food processing or tireatliing air without adequate d_ownstream filters, purifiers and controls, -_ . _ 20. Always use an air pressure regulating device at the poini of use, and do not use air pressure greater than_ · marked maximum pressure of attachment : · 21. Check hoses for weak or worn condition before each use and make certain that all conriecti_ons are secure."- 22. Always wear safety glasses when using compressed air gun. - nie user of any air compressor package manufactured by Gardner-Oenver Machinery Inc. is hereby warned-that· failure to follow the preceding Safety and Operation Precautions can result in injuries or equipment dam_ag~> However, Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. does not state as fact nor does not mean to imply that the precedi_ilg list·- of Safety and Operating Precautions is all inclusive, and further ihat the observance of this list will_ preverif:all.- -injuries or equipment dam~ge. . - - 3 EXPLANATION OF SAFETY INSTRUCTION SYMBOLS AND DECALS I• WARNING I ,. CAUTION I · Indicates immediate hazards which will result in severe injury or death. Indicates hazards or unsafe practice which could result in severe . injury or death. Indicates hazards or unsafe practice which could result in · damage to the compressor or minor injury. · · OBSERVE, UNDERSTAND AND RETAIN THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE SAFETY PRECAUTION DECALS AS SHOWN IN THE PARTS LIST SECTION. · . ·A~DANGER ·-· ' This on-Less compressor must not be ·used for breathing air, unless proper downstream fiHration and purification is added. To use for breathing air without proper downstream equipment will cause serious injury whether air is supplied direct from the compressor source or to breathing tanks for later use: Any and all liabnities for damage or loss due to Injuries, death and/or property damage including consequential damages stemming from the use of this compressor to supply breathing air, without proper downstream filtration and purification, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer. · IA WARNING I ·The use of this compressor as a booster pump and/or to compress a medium other than atmospheric air. is strictly non-approved and can result in equipment damage and/or injury.· Non-approved uses will also · wid the warranty. ·14 CAUTIONj· This unit may be equipped with special .options which may not tie included in this manual. User must read, understand and retain all information sent with special options. · 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I -I ./ I INTRODUCTION Your new Gardner Denver Oil-Less N.r Compressor is constructed to e,cac:ting standards of material and wor1unanship. The instructions in this manual have been prepared to ensure that Gardner Denver will give long and satisfactory service. A copy of this manual must be given to the personnel responsible for installing and operating a Gardner Denver air compressor or unit. Although precautions have been taken to prevent damage to your compressor or unit by freight carrier, the unit must be carefully eicamined and the carrier notified within 24 hours in the event of mishandling. All requests for information, service, spare parts or Operation Manual replacement should include machine serial number and be directed to: • GARDNER DENVER MACHINERY, INC, · 1301 N. Euclid Avenue Princeton, Illinois 61356 USA· Phone: (815) 875-3321 Fax (815) 872-0421 Express Limited Warranty Gardner Denver Machinery, Inc. (the "Compan)") warrants each new piece of ORess equipment manufactured by the Company to be free from defects In material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twelve (12) months from date of installation or fifteen (15) months from date of shipment by the Company or the Company authorized dist. :butor, whichever may occur first, except as noted below: 1. Compression & Guide Rings ........ 3 Years or 10,000 Hours, whichever occurs first 2 Driving Set ..........•.......... 3 Years or 10,000 Hours, whichever occurs first 3. Crankshaft Bearing Set ........... 3 Years or 20,000 Hours, · wh·ichever occurs first The Company makes no warranty In respect to components and accessories furnished to the Company by .third parties, such as ELECTRIC MOTORS, GASOLINE ENGINES and CONTROLS, which are warranted only to the · extent of the original manufacture(s warranty to the Company. To have warranty consideration,· electric motors must be equipped with thermal overload protection. When a compressor pump, or component Is changed or replaced during the warranty period, the newly replaced item is warranted for only the remainder of the original warranty period. · Repair, replacement or refund In the manner and witliin the time provided shall constitute the Comp.any's sole liability· and your exclusive remedy resulting from any nonconformity or defect THE COMPANY SHALL NOT IN. ANY.. EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY; NEGLIGENCE;, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL · OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, ARISING WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT OR ITS FAILURE TO OPERATE· EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF .. THE COMPANY MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXCEPT THAT OF. TITLE, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WAR~IES . OF .. MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY., • · DISCLAIMED. NO SALESMAN OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY HAS AUTHORITY TQ MAKE ANY WARRANTIES,. 5 OIL-LESS COMPRESSOR UNIT DIMENSIONS -- - -I 0 ···----·-__ _,--,__L/ ~·-••----' 1------------< D 6 ::i;i-%~.'!l~~t~-~~~-c~r~~r;KJ%W:; ll<nDIL -_, --In. In. ,_ In. "" ........ ,.12 U17 175 MS35 ,.12 5Na7Y,,:l7"8 B80 10VTS35 .C.72 I.QT 57Vd:37Yis37-3.8 912 . 15WfS55 4.72 2.l; ~,3.8 1034 <:V1ti!i~~.:tw0STAGE;Ell:~11JT0R·D!ll'll:lla:;fi;.Tt e-a.. ...... -A,,poz. lllodll Ill. In. LiWltl Ill.. Nee Wgt. I& ~ '-'12XZ56 U7 = ... 170 MR:!) •·= U7 ""'37'/d07-3e 170 10WTR45 '72JC35' 1.97 571<x:l7V,d7-3e 1040 15WT!l'5 ··= 1.97 57¼<1"""'7-3.8 ""' TAIIC IDllff ,SIIGl.E 5UGE, !UCTRIC lllTal 0IWEli ll<n DIL ,._ Dlm,oalon ~· -In. In. uw.liln. ""Wgl. ""- 12TSVTS3S ,.12 1.97 ""37fu<7 1250 = '-72 1~7 112'3,V,,73 "'' 1217VIS35 4.72 1.117 ""'7\\,61 1255 2517VIS35 '-72 U7 112'3,V,,73 1650 12T10VTS35 4.72 U7 ""'7\\,61 129! •• 25T1CVTS35 '-72 1.97 ""'""'" 170) 12T1.5WTSS5 4.72 "" -7 1'3> 25T15WTSS5 ,.12 2.l6 ""3,V,,73 1"" · TAIi( llllJIII', twO STAGE, EI.ECTl!IC DR1>'91 ll7Till!: ll<nDIL ...... °"""""" ~ -1· In. In. ,_ In. NII W;t. lb&. 12T5VTR2D U2l2.56 1.97 &3J3Tn.c&? "" = 4.72'2.56 1.97 112'3,V,, 73 16'0 12T7VmZl -4.7212.56 1.117 -= 12'5 2ST7VmZl •·= 1.97 92<),V,,73 16'0 12nawn:ws 4.72<1.SI U7 ""'37'M7 1415 · 2ST10Wlll'5 4.72<1.SI 1.lil7 112'3,V,,73 18211 12T15Wffi,LS •·= U7 --7 1"6 2ST15Wll!'5 4.72<1.SI U7 112'3,V,,73 "'" ll\JIUX TN« 11:JUNT, SIIGI£ STAGE, a.ECTRIC lllTCIIIDRIVEII e-a.. -°"""'""" --I In. In. ,_ In. ........... 12T5VTS3S ,.12 1.97 IISY~ 2125 • 251'5VTS35 ,.12 1.97 M:iS7ln 2520 12TDMS3S '-72 U7 ·-2135 == '-72 w .... 7'72 2530 .. 12T010VTS35 ,.12 1.97 -210I 25TD1-VTS35 4.72 1.97 .... 7'72 ·2112 . 12'TD1SWTSSS ,.12 2.35 -.... 2511)15Wl'500 4.72 2.35 ..,.,.72 ·-'~TANK llllJlll',TW0 STAGE; EfCl'.IIIC IIDTCIRDIIMII : ll<nDIL ...... 1)1,mo,bi --I In. In. uWl!fln. ........... 1211l5VIR20 4.72l2.56 1.97 -2125 25lllSVTlt!l ,.72'2.56 1.97 &i,071,72 2531 12TDM1'20 ,.72x2.56 1,lil7' IISY~· Z!27 2511)M1'20 ,.72'2.56 1.97 6hS7ln · •. zsjo . 12lt>1C\VTJUS 4.72<1.SI U7 -.3171 25iD1CWTR,LS -4.7'2x3.5' 1.97 ""'-'72 . 2i<0 12l01SWTP,i5 U2l:l.5' 1.97 -·2'00. 2Sl015WTR4.5 . '-72':l.5' 1;97 Mdii'ln · .. -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,.,-. I I I I I I I I ,.n. I I I I I I I ,...., I ~ I Specifications -Oil-Less Compressors Model HP VTS35 5 VTS35 7.5 VTS35 10 WTS55 15 Model HP• VTR20 5 VTR20 7.5 WTR45 10 WTR45 15 SINGLE STAGE, ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN Motor Cooling Water Displ. Pulley Air Flow Cooled Flow Pump RPM CFM oo· CFM GPM VTS 740 29.5 5.30 1900 1.5 VTS 1065 42.5 7.35 2740 1.5 VTS 1450 57.8 9.75 3650. 1.5 WTS 1140 86.7 7.75 2870 2.0 lWO STAGE ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN • Motor Cooling Water Dlspl. Pulley Air Flow Cooled Flow Pump RPM CFM oo· CFM-•CPM VTR 1000 19.9 6.75 2570 1 VTR 1300 25.9 8.95 3340 1 WTR 1065 42.5 7.35 2740 1.5 WTR 1450 57.8 9.75 3650 2 • -Based on 1750 RPM Motor Speed Heat Rejection BTU/HR 10,180 15,260 20.350 30,500 Heat Rejection BTU/HR 10,180 15,260 20.350 30,500 Maximum Pressure: 100 PSIG Maximum Speed: 1450 RPM VTS35 .. 1140 RPM WTS55 Maximum Pressure: 175 PSIG Maximum Speed: 1300 RPM VTR20 1450 RPM WTR45 -Watercooled Oi~Less units must maintain a discharge water temperature between 100"F and 150'F. -A flow regulating device should be installed in the discharge water line to assure that the temperature limits are not exceeded. -Maximum inlet water temperature: 80"F. -Minimum ambient temperature: 32"F -Maximum ambient temperature: 1 oo•F ELECTRIC WIRING (BASED ON 1996 NEC) Wire Size (Rubber Covered) AWG NO. Copper Conductor -75'C Temp Rating -30"C Ambient 3 PHASE 1 PHASE MOTOR HP 200/208V 230V 460V 575V 115V 208V 5 10 (8) 12 (8) 14 (12) 14 (14) . 8 (6) . 7.5 8 (6) 10 (6) 14 (10) 14 (10) . . 10 8 (4) 8 (4) 12 (8) · 14 (10) . . 15 4 (2) 6 (3) 10 (6) 10 (8) . . 230V 8(6) 6 (3) . - VALUES in () for Duplex Units w/one incoming power line to both motors. 7 25 50 VTS35 1 (1) 1 (1) WTS55 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) VTR20 · 3/4 (3/4) 3/4 (3/4) WTR45 3/4 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) VALUES in () for Duplex Un.its. PIPE SIZES FOR COMPRESSED AIR LINES (Base<! on Clean, Smooth Schedule 40 Pipe) LENGTH OF PIPE LINES IN FEET 75 100 150 200 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) 1-1/4 (1-1/2) 1-1/4 (1-1/2) 3/4 (1) 3/4 (1) 3/4 (1) 3/4 (1) 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/2) 1 (1-1/2) 16 WARN.ING I 250 300 1 (1-1/4) 1 (1-1/4) 1-1/4 (1-1/2) 1-1/4 (1-1/2) 3/4 (1) 3/4 (1) 1 (1-1/2) 1 (1-1/2) Never use plastic pipe or improperly rated metal pipe. Improper piping materials can burst and cause injury or property damage. 8 I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSTALLATION 1. Permanently installed compressors must be located In a clean, well ventilated dry room so compressor receives adequate supply of fresh, clean, cool and dry air. It is recommended that a compressor, used for painting, be located in a separate room from that area wherein body sanding and painting is done. Abrasive particles or paint, found to have clogged the air intake filters and intake valves, shall automatically void warranty. 2. Compressors should never be located so close to a wall or other obstruction that flow of air through the fan bladed flywheel, which cools the compressor, is impeded .. Permanently mounted units should have flywheel at least 36" from wall, for proper air circulation and ease of maintenance. 3. I"" Place stationary compressors on firm level ground or flooring. Pennanent installations require bolting to floor. Bolt holes in tank or base feet are provided. Before bolting or lagging down, shim compressor level. Bolt or lock nut should only be "snug", not tight. Avoid putting stress on a tank foot by pulling it down to floor. As an alternative, install unit on optional vibro- isolator pads. Units bolted directly to a concrete floor without padding will not I I I I I I I I I 4. ,rr,: I be warranted against cracking. · Once the unit is in place, loosen the bolts securing the wood shipping blocks between the sub-base and the unit base. Remove the blocks and bolts. IMPORTANT NOTICE This compressor is equipped with a vibration isolation system, which consists of an inner baseplate (pump mounting base) suspended on 4 springs.· For shipping purposes ONLY, the base is locked down with 2 wood blocks which are inserted between the inner basepl_ate and outer frame. This is to prevent damage . from the unit shifting around on the springs during transit. These BOLTS AND WOOD BLOCKS MUST BE , REMOVED prior to starting the unit. To remove· the shipping blocks, first loosen and remove the 2 bolts located. at 5, 9 the ends of the inner baseplate (see diagram below). Then remove the 2 shipping blocks which are accessed through the 2 forklift slots in the frame, intake filter side of unit. To simplify access, a short piece of wire is attached to each block. Grab the wire and extract the block through the slot in the frame. For best vibration control, the 4 spring isolators may require slight adjustment to match each compressor, or compensate for any off-level floor conditions. A bolt with lock nut is provided at each comer for this purpose. The inner and outer bases should be approximately flush with each other, if the springs are properly set 1~~1<ffl1 '.!i,l I \RDtOVI: 'ntESI: IIOLn, A.NO REMOVE !DtIPPllfG / • IILOCK3 LCICATED l!IETl«EK llOIJ!:R AJID OOTt:M !1.\.5:r::s. IA CAUTION I Failure to remove shipping blocks may result in excessive vibration and unit damage. If installing a bare pump, make certain the • system has adequate pressure limiting controls. Controls could be a pressure - switch for start/stop operation or a pilot valve for continuous operation. If a pilot · valve is used, the compressor must be . equipped with head unloaders or suction unloader. t 11•t;1~®AA;1 · Do not install isolating valves between. compressor outlet and air receiver •. This will cause excessive pressure jf valve Is closed and cause injury and equipment damage.· - I~ WARNING I Always use an air pressure regulating device at the point of use. Failure to do so can result in injury or equipment damage. INSTALLATION (CONT'D.) IA CAUTION I • Do not install In an area where ambient temperature is below 32 degrees For above 100 degrees F. • Do not install unit in an area where air is dirty and/or chemical laden. • Unit is not to be installed outdoors. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY (See also Wiring Diagram -Figure 1.) It is essential that the power supply and the supply wiring are adequately sized and that the voltage correspond to the unit specifications. All wiring should be performed by a licensed electrician or electrical contractor. Wiring must meet applicable codes for area of installation. Recommended electrical wrnng specifications are listed in "Specifications" section. If ordered with a mounted starter, compressor unit is pre-wired at factory. It is necessary only to bring lines from properly sized disconnect switch to magnetic starter mounted on compressor, and attach to terminals as indicated on schematic diagram located inside the cover of the starter. Be sure that power circuit and voltage correspond with the specifications. IA CAUTION I Wiring must be such that when viewing compressor from opposite shaft end, rotation of shaft is clockwise as shown by arrow on guard. Wrong direction rotation for any length of time will result in damage to compressor. For base mounted units, a pressure switch must be mounted on the air receiver and wired as shown in the wiring diagram. A terminal board is furnished with each base mounted unit. The hourmeter and solenoid valve{s) are prewired to this. It will be necessary to make connections from this terminal board to the starter as shown in the .diagram. GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This product should be connected to a grounded, metallic, permanent wiring system, or an equipment-grounding terminal or lead on the product. 10 AIR LINE PIPING {See also Piping Diagram -Figure 2) An adequately sized air receiver must be used with a base mounted Oil-Less compressor unit. The minimum receiver size for the 5, 7½ and . 10 HP units should be 80 gallon and the 15 HP unit should be 120 gallon. The check valve furnished with a base mounted unit must be Installed between the receiver and the compressor outlet, as shown in the piping diagram. The air receiver should be installed within 10 feet of the compressor unit for proper unloading when unit is shut down. An adequately sized pressure relief valve must be mounted in the air receiver and also a pressure gauge with a dial that reads to 300 PSIG maximum. · For compressor units equipped with optional constant speed unloading, a connecting ¼" tubing line from the receiver to the pilot valve is required. •• Connection to air system should be of the same size, or larger, than discharge pipe out of unit. For recommended piping · sizes, · see "Specifications" section. A union connection to the unit and water drop leg is recommended. Plant air piping should be periodically inspected for leaks using a soap and water solution for detection on all pipe joints. Air leaks waste energy and are expensive. PREPARATION FOR INITIAL START-. UPAND OPERATION 1. Pull main disconnect switch to unit to assure that no power is coming into the unit. Connect power leads to starter. IA WARNING I Do not attempt to operate compressor · on voltage other than that specified on order or on compressor motor. 2. Inspect unit for any visible signs of damage that ·would have occurred in shipment or during installation. 3. Activate main disconnect switch. 4. • Jog" motor and check for proper rotation by direction arrow. If rotation is wrong, reverse input connections on the magnetic. starter. I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I' I I I I I ... I I I I I I I NOTES: 1MTR 10L 1M 1M-1 1PS 1TS 1SS 1SOL 2SOL 1ETN FIGURE 1 OIL-LESS COMPRESSOR TERMINAL WIRING DIAGRAM 1. AU WIRING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITii NEC. 2. SEE MOTOR NAMEPLAETE FOR CORRECT MOTOR CONNECTION. 3. TEMPERATURE SWITCH (1TS) IS OPTIONAL REMOVE JUMPER A WHEN CONNECTING THIS OPTION. "lWO OR MORE OPTIONS BETWEEN X2 & L2 MUST BE WIRED IN SERIES. 4. REMOVE JUMPER 1 WHEN CONNECTING ANY ONE OF THE 1SS/1PS OPTIONS SHOWN. 5. BRANCH CIRCUIT PROTECTION. FUSED DISCONNECT DR CIRCUIT BREAKER MUST BE PROVIDED BY INSTAUER IF PANEL IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH FUSIBLE DISCONNECT. LEGEND: _MOTOR OVERLAND RELAY & CONTACT MAG STARTER COIL & CONTACTORS AUXILIARY INTERLOCK (NORMALLY OPEN) PRESSURE SWITCH HIGH AIR TEMPERATURE SWITCH OFF-ON OR H-0-A SELECTOR SWITCH UNLOAD SOLENOID SWITCH WATER CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE (WATER COOLED UNITS ONLY) ELASPED TIME METER r --~-WIROfaom:,NS----, I (S£EN0TESJ14) I IJJ II!. Or u ~ J o----0 o-----o ll I PS l 0----7----0 IJf m !II U lfi _j__ ) o----oy-...a o---o IS! •.a.' ll 4 l 0-------o (111)1., ' I I .._ - - 7 I I I .....L., fP5 L-O 0---o-ro-J IID:I 0, a 111 u c---~ - - -0 L ______________ .J ·,.._ 1 ,. --·x 11 y y • J I I j'!"JJ I 0 ll u ..... , . ,. II 11 '"''" y ul 0 .. .. OPTIONAL AIR·COOLED AFTERCOOLER WATER INLET LOCATIONS• I. WATER-COOLED ONLY J/e• NPJ •· 2, WITH OPTIONAL WATER·COOLEO AFTERCOOLER, • 318" NPT, OPTIONAL WATER-COOLED AFTERCOOLER, --- OIL-LESS COMPRESSOR PIPING DIAGRAM C·203 FIGURE 2 -.. PRESSURE SWITCH -- PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE GAUGE ffllll--TO COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM. OPTIONAL AIR DRYER LOCATION --- I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PREPARATION/INITIAL START-UP (CONrD.) 5. Close receiver outlet hand valve and start unit. 6. With receiver hand valve closed, let machine pump up to operating pressure. At this stage the automatic controls will take over. Check for proper cycling operation. 7. Check for proper operation of any options, e.g. suction unloading with pilot valve. Refer to individual option instruction sheet. 8. Open receiver hand valve. The air compressor unit is now ready for use. GUIDE TO MAINTENANCE To obtain reliable and satisfactory service, this unit requires a consistent preventive maintenance schedule. A maintenance schedule form is included to aid in keeping the proper records. IA WARNING I Before performing any maintenance function, switch main disconnect switch to "otr' position to assure no power Is. entering unit. "Lock Out" or "Tag Out" all sources of power .. Be sure all air pressure in unit Is relieved. Failure to do this may result in injury or equipment damage. DAILY MAINTENANCE 1. Drain moisture from tank by opening tank drain cock located in bottom of tank. Do no open drain valve if tank pressure exceeds 25 PSIG. 2. Tum off compressor at the end of each day's operation. Turn off power supply at wall switch. WEEKLY MAINTENANCE 1. Clean dust and foreign matter from cylinder head, motor, fan blade, air lines, intercooler and tank. 13 2. 3. Remove and clean intake air filters. IA WARNING/ Do not exceed 15 PSIG nozzle pressure when cleaning element parts with compressed air. Do not direct compressed air against human skin. Serious Injury could result. Never wash elements in fuel oil, gasoline or flammable solvent. Check V-belts for tightness. The V- belts must be tight enough to transmit the necessary power to the compressor. Adjust the V-belts as follows: Remove bolts and cabinet to access compressor drive. Loosen mounting hardware which secures motor to base. Slide motor within slots of baseplate to desired position. Apply pressure with finger to one belt at midpoint span. Tension is correct if top of belt aligns with bottom of adjacent belt. Make further adjustments if necessary. Check the alignment of pulleys. Adjust if necessary. Tighten mounting hardware to secure motor on base. Re-install cabinet and secure bolts. IA WARNING I Never operate unit without cabinet and cover in place. Removal° will expose rotating parts which can cause injury or equipment damage. EVERY 90 DAYS OR 500 HOURS MAINTENANCE 1. Check entire system for air leakage around fittings, connections, and gaskets, using soap solution and brush. 2. Tighten nuts and capscrews as required. 3. Pull ring on all pressure relief valves to, assure proper operation. SPECIAL MAINTENANCE In addition to the maintenance intervals given above, the Oil-Less compressor has some additional maintenance requirements for rings, drive sets and shaft bearings. These intervals are given in Figure 3. · GENERAL MAINTENANCE NOTES ELECTRIC MOTOR: For service refer to separate manual or chart attached to equipment PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE: The pressure relief valve is an automatic pop valve. Each valve is properly adjusted for the · maximum pressure of the unit on which it is installed. If it should pop, it will be necessary to drain all the air out of the tank in order to reset properly. Do no readjust. TANK DRAIN VALVE: Drain valve is located at bottom of tank. Open drain valve daily to drain condensation. Do not open drain valve if tank pressure exceeds 25 PSIG. The automatic tank drain equipped compressor requires draining manually once a week. PRESSURE SWITCH: The pressure switch is automatic and will start compressor at the low pressure and stop when the maximum pressure is reached. It is adjusted to start and stop compressor at the proper pressure for the unit on which it is installed. Do not readjust BEL TS: Drive belts must be kept tight enough lo prevent slipping. If belts slip or squeak. see V-belt maintenance in preceding section. I i6 CAUTION I If belts are too tight, overload will be put on motor and motor bearings. COMPRESSOR VALVES: · Al every 5000 hours, or if compressor fails lo pump air or seems slow in filling up tank, disconnect · unit from power source and remove valves and clean thoroughly, using compressed air or a soft wire brush. After cleaning exceptional care must be taken that valves are replaced in exactly the same position and all joints must be tight or the compressor will not function properly. When all valves are replaced and connections tight, dose hand valve at 14. tank outlet for final test. Valve gaskets should be replaced each time valves are removed from pump. CHECK VALVE: The check valve closes when the compressor stops operating, preventing air from flowing out of the tank through the solenoid release. After the compressor stops operating, if air continues to escape through the solenoid valve, it is an indication that the check valve is leaking. This can be corrected by removing check valve and cleaning disc and seat. If check valve is worn badly, replace same. .... 14 WARNING I Before removing check valve be sure all air is drained out of tank and power is disconnected. Failure to do so may result in injury or equipment damage. THE INTERSTAGE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE on two stage compressors is provided to protect against interstage over pressure and is factory set for maximum pressure of 75 PSIG. DO NOT RESET ! If the pressure relief valve pops, it indicates trouble. Shut down the unit immediately and determine and correct the malfunction. Inspect the head valves. Serious damage can result if not corrected and can lead to complete destruction of the unit. Tampering with the interstage pressure relief valve, or plugging the opening destroys the protection provided and voids all warranty. PISTON RINGS: The piston rings are designed for 10,000 hours operating life. However, installations may vary, so Figure 4 is given which shows maximum ring wear before rings must be replaced. I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 3 MAINTENANCE CHART Pe!lod of Time. Chedc Item Maintenance WOl1c Every 10,000 Hours (reading from PislDn Rings, Guide Rings Ct-eek and replace ff necessary hourmeter) (See FJQUre 4) or Driving Set (Connecting Rod Big End, Replace Bearings and Bushings) 3 Years Piston Sets (Piston \\ith Connecting Replace Rod small end) Every 20,000 Hours (reading from Crankshalt Bearings Replace hourmeter) Consul! faCIDry for exchange or aankshalt assembly prices 3 Years .... CAUTION: The compressor must not be lubricated with any greases or oils, because all bearings have penmanently sealed special lubrication and the sliding surfaces run dry on alloyed PTFE Rings. FIGURE 4 Gulde Rings and Plsl0n Rings roost be replaced by new sets, if the radial ring lhlcmess Is out of the range glYl!ll on the following table. RING SPECIRCATIONS Top Compression Plst0n Gulde Rings Compression Rings · Ring Orlglnal Minimum Original Mlnlmum Original Minimum Diameter Thickness Thickness Thickness Thlckness Thickness Thickness. 4.7 inches .118 inch .102 inch .28 inch .185 inch . .26 inch .232 inch . (120 mm) (3.0 mm) (2.6 mm) (7.0 mm) (4.7 mm) (6.6 mm) · (5.89 mm) 3.5 inches .118 inch .102 inch .24 inch .157 inch .23 inch .212 inch (90 mm) (3.0 mm) (2.6 mm) (6.0 mm) (4.0 mm) (5.84 mm) (5.37mm) . 2.6 inches .118 inch .110 inch .20 inch .130 inch -- (65 mm) (3.0 mm) (2,8 mm) (5.0 inm) (3.3 mm) 15 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES IA WARNING I ALWAYS DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER FROM COMPRESSOR UNIT BEFORE PERFOMRING ANY MAINTENANCE. "LOCK OUT" OR "TAG our· SWITCH. RELIEVE TANK PRESSURE. FAILURE TO DO so CAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE OR INJURY. REPLACEMENT OF COMPRESSION & GUIDE RINGS -Every 10,000 hours of run time, as indicated by the hourmeter, the compression and guide rings may need to be replaced as defined in the Maintenance Chart. The procedure for disassembly and reassembly is as follows: 1. Remove canopy and tubing to head. 2. Remove capscrews holding cylinder to crankcase. 3. Carefully pull straight away from the crankcase the cylinder/head subassembly. Removing the cylinder/head will expose the. piston. 4. Remove the compression rings, guide rings and "O" rings (See Figure 5). 5. Clean piston and ring grooves thoroughly with a clean lint-free cloth and install new compression rings. The compression rings are not taper faced so there is no top position. Position the rings so that joints are staggered around the piston. (See Figure 5.) 6. Install "O" rings in the grooves provided at the top end of each guide ring. 7. Install guide rings and position so that joints are staggered and "O" rings are visible. 8. Wipe out cylinder bore surface with a clean, lint-free cloth. 9. Carefully reinstall cylinder/head assembly over piston and rings. The cylinder should slide freely over rings. Make certain guide rings are not compressed over "O" rings. If resistance is encountered, "twist'' guide ring to properly position on piston. · 10. Reinstall cap screws and retighten cylinder to crankcase. 11. Reinstall tubing to head and canopy. 16 REPLACEMENT OF PISTON AND DRIVING SET - Every 10,000 hours of run time, as indicated by the hourmeter, the Piston Set and Driving Set must be replaced. It is strongly recommended that the compressor be returned to the factory for this replacement. The procedure for replacement of these parts is as follows: 1. Remove canopy, tubing to head and crankcase end cover. 2. Remove cylinders as described in the section on "Replacement of Compression and Guide Rings". 3. • • Loosen the con rod fasteners and remove Piston Set (Piston and upper half of con rod). See Figure 5. 4. Remove fastener holding balance weight to crankshaft assembly. 5. Using the special bolt from the Disassembly Tool Set, (See Figure 6) thread into end of balance weight and crankshaft. Continue to turn bolt until balance weight has been disengaged from the assembly. 6. Place spacer from Disassembly Tool Set to this exposed end of crankshaft, locating it with its pin to the pin hole in the crankshaft. 7. Put snap ring in snap ring groove in ID of Driving Set Bushing. (See Figure 7.) 8. Using the special bolt from the Disassembly Tool Set, thread into this spacer. Continue to turn bolt until bushing has been disengaged from the crankshaft throw. This will free the driving set and allow it to be removed from the compressor. 9. To install the new driving set, first heat the bushing and assembly to 200· F on a hot plate. Then push this assembly as far as possible onto the crankshaft throw. Be certain that the shoulder end of the bushing is engaged on the shaft first. I ·I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I REPLACEMENT OF PISTION & DRIVING SET (CONrD.) 10. If the drive set fails to slide all the way to the shoulder of the crankshaft throw, use either· the spacer and snap ring or the bar of the Disassembly Tool Set and the capscrew that holds the balance weight to the shaft. If using · the spacer and snap rings. insert snap ring in groove of bushing and place spacer outside of this ring. Then thread capscrew in end of · crankshaft and tighten to move drive set to the shoulder of the crankshaft throw. 11. Remove capscrew, spacer and snap ring if used. 12. Place balance weight in proper position, thread in capscrew and tighten. This completes the installation of the driving set. 13. Install piston set to driving set by positioning upper half of con rod to lower half, using the key for proper location. Insert and tighten con rod bolts. This completes the installation of the piston set. 14. Mount cylinder/head assembly by referring to mounting instructions given in the section on replacement of Compression and Guide Rings. 15. Reinstall crankcase end cover, tubing to heads and canopy. REPLACEMENT OF CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS • Every 20,000 hours of run time, as indicated by the hourmeter, the crankshaft bearings must be replaced. The p4mp must be taken out of service and should be returned to an authorized distributor for these bearing replacements. Exchange crankshaft assembly with bearings or Exchange rebuilt pumps are available -consult factory. TORQUE CHART FOR COMPRESSOR FASTENERS All Manifolds 24 Ft.-Lb. Connecting Rod Bolls, Cylinder-to- Crankcase Bolts, Counterweight Bolt. 50 Ft-Lb. Crankcase End Cover Bolts Cylinder Head Nuts 50 Ft.-Lb. Fan Hub Bolt PO5390A 50 Ft.-Lb. AIR RECEIVERS-Tank Mount Only PO5945D 120 Gallon ASMECODED PO5946D 250 Gallon ASMECODED 17 SNAP. RI NG GROOVE ··' PISTON SET AGURES AGURE6 DRIVING SET AGURE7 A 8 C D E F G H J K L M N 0 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART FOR COMPRESSOR UNIT SERVICE PROBLEM Motor will not Start Motor is Noisy or Overheating Motor Stops Compressor Runs Hot Compressor Pumps Too Slowly Compressor Won't Shut Off · Noisy Check Valve . Excessive Sett Wear Abnormal Pressure Fluctuation Air Escapes From Unloader Muffler of Solenoid When Running Interstage Pressure Relief Valve Pops off Continuously Compressor Cycles (runs) too Often Compressor Kicks Out Receiver Loses Pressure When Compressor Stops Running and Air Demand is Low Compressor Knocking· Noise During Operation ,---,-:P==O=S==S=IB=L=E===C=A=US=E===O::::F=:P:=R::::O;B;L=E=M'-------1-0:::...J...:.N:...j..:::M+L::...J....:_K:...j...:'.J+:_i...'..H:..+-G~_:F_.i.::E~D~· C 1 Main Switch and Fuses 2 Magnetic Starter Heater Coil 3 Magnetic Starter Tripped 4 Points in Pressure Switch 5 Diaphragm in Pressure Switch Defective 6 Low Voltage 7 Motor Lacks Lubrication 8 Excess Water in Air Receiver 9 Pilot Valve Dirty 10 "V' Belts Improperly Tensioned 11 Improper Fan Rotation 12 Compressor Pump Valves 13 Pipeline Leaks 14 Check Valve or Line to Receiver is Leaking or Plugged 15 Check Valve is Worn 16 Belts Misaligned 17 Dirty Intake Muffler 18 Pressure Setting Incorrect 19 Solenoid Valve forWatercooled Compressor Defective 20 Solenoid Valve for Unloading Start is Leaking 21 Pressure Relief Valve on Tank is Leaking 22 Drive Set Defective FOR EXPLANATION SEE NEXT PAGE L K J H G C I~-WARNING I Always disconnect unit from power supply and relieve all pressure from air tank before performing any maintenance. "Tag Out" or "Lock Out" disconnect swit~ti- Failure to do so may result in equipment damage or injury. Never operate unit without beit guard in place. B B Never use gasoline or flammable solvent on or around compressor unil Explosion may result 18 A 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I EXPLANATION OF TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART 1 /2. Check all fuses and switches on lines to motor to be sure it is receiving power. Check for broken wire. 3. A magnetic starter embodies a reset button which may be used to place the motor back in service after some unusual power conditions. 4/5. A pressure switch uses a diaphragm to open and close a set of points. Points may become pitted. or dirty thru use. Clean by "touching" up with sandpaper or replace. See instructions in pressure switch cover. I A WARNING I ~!~~h~nect unit from power source before checking pressure 6. Low voltage is prime cause of motor trouble. Ask your power company to test for low voltage. 7. Most electric motors are of the sealed bearing type. Check motor manufacturer's recommendation. 8. Water in the form of vapor is compressed along with incoming air and condenses in tank. Tank must be drained daily so that full storage capacity of tank may be used. To drain, open pet cock on bottom of horizontal or vertical tank. This is required week/~ if compressor is equipped with automatic tank ... drain. I A WARNING I Do not open drain valve if tank pressure exceeds 25 PSIG. 9. See instruction of pilot valve. 10. 11. 'V belts must be tight enough to transmit the necessary power to the compressor. If too tight they will overload the motor. If, by pushing down on one belt. its top lines up with the bottom of the belt next to it, the tension is correct. Should it be necessary to change the tension, disconnect the unit, from power supply and slide the motor in slots in baseplate to desired position. I A W'ARNING I Disconnect unit from power source before checking or adjusting I'\ belts. Always reinstall guarding after adjusting belts. ===--------' The fan blade rotation must be blowing air toward cylinders. 12. For valves, remove the screws and pry valve plates apart. Should damage be found to the valve reeds, complete valve must be replaced. No hard tools should be used for cleaning valve parts. In order to protect the anti-rust plating, valve plates should be neither lapped nor ground. The valve and gaskets must be well tightened between the cylinder & head by the four studs and nuts. The valve gasket must be replaced after each dismantling. Checking for leakage can be done with soapy water while the compressor is running under pressure. In case of leakage, the screws ,must be re-tightened. 13. · All air lines from compressor to tank and from tank to air operated devices should be tight. A soap · solution will show bubbles when put on a leaky joint. 19 EXPLANATION OF TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART (CONTD.) I 14/15. Check Valve: The check valve closes when the compressor stops operating, preventing air from ,, flowing out of the tank through the pressure release valve. After the compressor stops operating, if air continues to escape through the release valve it is an indication that the check valve is leaking. This can be corrected by removing check valve cap and cleaning disc and seat If check valve is worn I badly, replace same. I A W'ARNING I Disconnect_ ~nlt'from power source and relieve tank pressure I I\ before servrcmg these components .. ~==---------- 16. 17. 18. Motor pulley and flywheel must be in line to prevent wear on sides of belts. If misaligned, disconnect power supply and move pulley in or out by loosening set screw on key and tapping pulley in appropriate direction. I A WARNING I Disconnect power source before adjusting pulley. Intake filter should be cleaned periodically to allow unrestricted flow· of entering air. To service filter, remove from canister by removing wing nut and canil;ter top. May be cleaned by blowing compressed air from inside of element toward outer surface. For Single Stage Units: For Two-Stage Unils: Pressure switch setting is 70 psig cut -in and 100 psig cut-out. Pressure switch setting is 140 psig cut-in and 175 psig cut-out. 19. Solenoid valve controls the water flow. If the valve closes when running. it needs to be_ replaced. 20. When the compressor stops the solenoid valve will open to unload the compressor. This prevents overloading the motor when starting. If air continues to escape through the muffler of solenoid valve while operating, this is an indication it may be held by foreign substance which has lodged on the valve. The solenoid valve must be replaced. 21. Pressure Relief Valve: The pressure relief valve is an automatic pop valve. Each valve is properly adjusted for the maximum pressure permitted by tank specifications and working pressure of the unit on which it is installed. If it should pop, it will be necessary to drain all the air out of the tank in order to reset properly. Do not readjust 22. Remove cylinder and check by moving the piston from side to side to see whether the connecting rod bearing or the small end bearing is defective. Should either be damaged, the complete driving set or piston set must be exchanged. 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' TANK MOUNTED UNITS (Model Prefix) 12T =120 Gallon 25T = 250 Gallon 12TD = 120 Gallon Duplex 25TD = 250 Gallon Duplex I I \ f::!:•'•' I 0 G,;,__J c::::J 0 • . ..__ r··1------________ _, ' '--' DRIVE INFORMATION PULLEY V-BELTS UNIT MOTOR HP PULLEY BUSHING KEY 3 Required CHECK VALVE PRESSURE SWITCH PART NUMBER 5VTS 5VTR 7VTR 7VTS 10VTS 10WTR 15WTR 15WTS (all models) CUTIN P05007 A Single Slage 70 PSIG 140 PSIG P05007 A Two Stage PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE FACTORY 5 P07485A P05608A U-8 5L-760 5 P05291A P05608A U-8 B-76 7½ P05345A P05607A M2027 B-78 7½ P11873C M2027 B-76 10 P09521B M2027 B-78 10 P11873C M2027 B-76 15 P09312B RE-20-8 B-80 15 P11872C RE-20-8 B-78 UNIT COMPONENT LIST P07460A PILOT VALVE Constanl speed or dual conlrol (oplional) CUTOUT 100 PSIG 175 PSIG PART NUMBER CUT IN. M2855 M2853 M547 Single Stage 70 PSIG Two Stage 140 PSIG Needle Valve (Dual Control Only) 115V 200V CUTOUT 95 PSIG 170 PSIG 230V 460V PART NUMBER SETPSIG. PART# PART# PART# PART# M2839 Single Stage 150 Hourmeter P04232A P05290A P05302A P05303A M2843 Two Stage 200 Two Stage P05787A P05304A P05300A P05301A Unloader Solenoid P05327A Water Solenoid P10472A P05328A P05329A Single Stage P10469A P10470A P10471A Unloader Solenoid ' ... I I\ I 21 I VTS PUMP • CRANKCASE, CRANKSHAFT, DRIVING SET & PISTON SETS 7 10 g .:; '-\ 5 2 B 14 11 BA 12 ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D 1 P05144D Crankcase 1 2 Z1243 .. MAIN BEARING SET 1 3 P05106A Spacer Bushing 1 4 P050~2B Spacer Bushing 1 5 M2250 Snap Ring 1 6 P05135D .. Crankshaft 1 7 Z1101 DRIVING SET 1 8 P05129C Balance Weight 1 SA P05189A Screw-Headless 1 9 P05195A Washer, Flat 1 10 M2251 Washer, Lock 1 11 M2239 Screw· 1 12 Z1102 CRANKCASE COVER 1 13 P05196A Washer Lock 3 14 M2695 Screw 3 15 Z1241 PISTON SET 2 16 Z1242 RING SET 2 17 P05195A Washer, Flat 4 18 P05196A Washer Lock 4 19 M2254 Screw 4 •· Contact Factory • Pump Exchange Recommended · 22. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I 1· I I I I I I 6 1 1A ITEM NO. 1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VTS PUMP-CYLINDERS, HEADS & VALVES 13 14 j 9 0 ~JJ 0 , 11 4 PART NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D P05126C Cylinder, Water Cooled 2· P11725D Cylinder, Air Cooled 2 P05196A Washer, Lock 12 M2254 Screw 12 M2246 Stud, Cylinder 8 P10886A O-Ring 2 P05188A Stud, Valve P!ate 4 P11136B Valve Plate 2 P101138 Gasket 2 P05137D Cylinder Head 2 P05190A Washer, Copper 4 P05193A Nut, Acom 4 P05195A Washer, Flat 8 P05196A Washer, Lock 8 P05198A Nut, Hex 8 P051088 Water Jacket 2· M2245 O-Ring 4• • Water Cooled Pumps Only .. 23 VTS PUMP -INTAKE MANIFOLD & EXHAUST MANIFOLD 2 3 ITEM ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'O NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 P051990 Flywfleol 1 11 M2264 Screw 1A M2273 Key, Aywt,eol 1 12 P103JBA Connector, Elbow, Tube 2 P05739A Wa.u,er, Fan Hub 1 13 P10337A Cq 3 P04247A Fan 1 14 P09936A Tubing Intake .4 P05390A Fan Hub Bott 1 15 P10340A Connector, Slraight. Tube 5 M3256 Key, Fan Hub 1 16 M3145 Nipple. Clme . 6 P07177A Cor!1ires.sion Frtting 2 17 M3189 Tee. 11/2" · 7 P05213A Manifold Flange 2 18 P0993SA Filter, Intake 8 P05226A Ga.,ket 4 19 P0553JA -Element, Filter 9 P09959A Manifold Aange 2 20 21248 Eihaust Manifold Kit 10 P05219A Washer, lack 16 21 MJ194 Nipple, 1 ll" I 4 ll" 24 REQ'D 16 1 2 2 Ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ,-, I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I VTR PUMP -CRANKCASE, CRANKSHAFT, DRIVING SET & PISTON SET F'' 15 20 21 19 3 6 18 7 10 9 " ~ ~ r~~\ 14 11 4 17 5 2 12 I ITEM PART ITEM PART RED'D .1 NO. NO. DSCRIPTION REQ'D NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 P05144D Crankcase 1 11 M2239 Screw 1 2 21243•• MAIN BEARING SET 1 12 21102 Crankcase Cover 3 3 P05106A Spacer Bushing 1 13 P05196A Washer Lock 3 4 P050928 Spacer Bushing 1 14 M2695 Screw 1 5 M2250 Snap Ring 1 15 21237 PISTON SET 1 6 P05135D Crankshaft 1 16 21238 RING SET 1 7 21101 DRIVING SET 1 17 21241 PISTON SET 1 B P05129C Balance Wei~ht 1 18 21242 RING SET 4 SA P05189A Screw, Headless 1 19 P05195A Washer, Flat 4 9 P05195A Washer, Flat 1 20 P05196A Washer, Lock 4 10 M2251 Washer, Lock 1 21 M2254 Screw •· Conlacl Factory -Pump Exchange Recommended 25 ITEM NO. 1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 12A VTR PUMP-CYLINDERS, HEADS & VALVES 15 25 13 -~ 1 V-' 1412~~:--~ • ' ' ,, . 10 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION RED'D NO. P05126C Cylinder 2· 13 P11725D Cyfinder 2 14 · M2246 Stud, Cylinder 4 15 P10886A 0-Ring 1 16 P05188A Stud, Valve Plate 2 17 P111368 Valve Plate 1 18 P101138 Gasket 1 19 P051370 Cyfinder Head 1 20 P05190A Washer, Copper 2 21 P05193A Nut, Acom 2 22 M2247 Stud, Cyfinder 4 23 M2242 0-Ring 1 24 P05118C Cyfinder 2' 25 Pl 17230 Cyfinder 1 PART NO. P10973A P05142B P05124B P05138D P05196A M2254 P05195A P05196A P05198A P051088 M2245 P05103B M2243 • Water Cooled Pumps Only 26 6 4 3 DESCRIPTION 0-Ring Valve Plate Gasket Cyfinder Head Washer Lock Screw Washer, Flat Washer, Lock Nut, Hex Water Jacke~ LP 0-Ring, LP Water Jacket, HP 0-Ring, HP .J .. 0 , .----9 s REO'D 1 1 1 12 12 8 a 8 2· 4• 1· 2· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I 1• 'I I I' I I VTR PUMP -INTAKE FILTER, INTERCOOLER, FLYWHEEL & COOLING FAN 19 12 11 10 ~-12.~1"< 10A 9 1 1A > 4 \\ ____ ~-~\\:: Ii 7 ° 3 12 22 ITEM PART ITEM PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REO'D NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D 1 P051990 Flywheel 1 11 21318 Condensate Collector 1 1A M2273 Key, Flywheel 1 12 P05226A Gasket 4 2 P05739A Washer, Fan Hub 1 13 P05213A Manifold Range 1 3 PD4247A Fan 1 14 P05219A Washer lock 16 · 4 P05390A fan Hub Boll 1 15 M2256 Screw 16 5 M3256 Key, fan Hub 1 16 P09935A filler, Intake 1 6 P05213A Manifold Range 1 17 P05533A Element, filter 1 7 M3009 Elbow, Street, so· 1 18 P09959A Manifold, Flange 1 8 P07177A Compression fitting 1 19 P03592A Pressure Relief Valve 1 '9 21252 lntercooler Tube Kit 1 20 M3087 Elbow, Street, 45" 1 10 M1418 Compression Nut 1 21 M1601 Checi< Valve 1 lOA P06064A Compression Ferrule 1 22 M3191 Nipple, 111· x s· 1 27 WTS PUMP -CRANKCASE, CRANKSHAFT, PISTON SET & DRIVING SET · 3 6 15 5 2 12 ITEM PART ITEM PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REO'D 1 P05145D Crankcase 1 10 M2251 Washer. Lock 1 2 21243 .. MAIN BEARING SET 1 11 M2239 Screw 1 3 P05106A Spacer Bushing 1 12 21102 CRANKCASE COVER 1 4 P05092B Spacer Bushing 1 13 P05196A Washer, Lock 3 5 M2250 Snap Ring 1 14 M2695 Screw 3 6 P10550D Cranksh~ft .. 1 15 21241 PISTON SET 3 7 21100 DRIVING SET 1 16 21242 RING SET 3 8 P10551C Balance Weight 1 17 P05195A Washer. Flat 6 SA P05189A Screw, Headless 1 18 P05196A Washer, Lock 6 9 P05195A Washer. Rat 1 19 M2254 · Screw 6 -Contact Factory -Pump Exchange Recommended 28 I I I I I I I I I I •· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I ITEM NO. 1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 , 21 PART NO. P106240 P117260 P05196A M2254 P10886A M2246 P05188A P11136B P101138 P051370 P05226A P05213A P09959A P05226A P05219A M2264 P05190A P05193A P05195A P05196A P05198A P10338A WTS PUMP -CYLINDERS, HEADS, VALVES, INTAKE MANIFOLD, EXHAUST MANIFOLD, FLYWHEEL & COOLING FAN ITEM PART DESCRIPTION REQ'D NO. NO. DESCRIPTION Cylinder .. 3• 22 P10337A Clamp Cylinder 3 23 P09936A Tubing, Intake Washer, Lock 18 24 P10340A Connector, Straight. Tube Screw 18 25 M3157 Cross 0-Ring 3 26 M3145 Nipple, Close Stud, Cylinder 12 27 P05533A Element, Filter Stud, Valve Plate 6 28 P09935A Filter, Intake Valve Plate 3 29 M3006 Nipple Gasket 3 30 M3008 Tee Cylinder Head 3 31 M3009 Elbow, Street, 90" Gasket 3 32 P07177A Compression Fitting Manifold Flange 3 33 21256 Exhaust Manifold Kit Manifold Flange 3 34 M3007 Elbow, Street, 45" Gasket 3 35 P051990 Flywheel Washer, Lock 24 35A M2273 Key, Flywheel Screw 24 36 P05739A Washer, Fan Hub Washer, Copper 6 37 P04247A Fan Nut, Acorn 6 38 M3256 Key, Fan Hub Washer, Rat 12 39 P05J90A Fan Hub Bolt Washer.Lock 12 40 P051088 Water Jacket Nut, Hex 12 41 M2245 0-Ring Connector, Elbow, Tube 2 42 MJ194 Nipple, 1½"x4½" •• After Serial Number OF3800 • Water Cooled Pumps Only 29 REQ'O 4 3Ft. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3• 5• 1 WTR PUMP ~ CRANKCASE, CRANKSHAFT, PISTON SET & DRIVING SET 12 ITEM PART NO. NO. 1 P05145D 2 Z1243 .. 3 P05106A 4 P05092B 5 M2250 6 P05136D 7 21100 8 P05128C BA P05189A 9 P05195 10 M2251 3 6 7 5 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION REQ'D NO. Crankcase 1 11 MAIN BEARING SET 1 12· Spacer Bushing 1 13 Spacer Bushing 1 14 Snap Ring 1 15 Crankshaft .. 1 16 DRIVING SET 1 17 Balance Weight 1 18 Screw, Headless .1 19 Washer, Flat 1 20 Washer, lock 1 21 PART NO. M2239 Zl 102 P05196A M2695 Z1241 21239 21242 21240 P05195A P05196A M2254 16 ® _..........-1s 19 ~18 '!'"--17 15 DESCRIPTION Screw Crankcase Cover Washer, lock Screw PISTON SET PISTON SET RING SET RING SET Washer, Flat Washer, lock Screw •• Contact Factory -Pump Exchange Recommended 30 REQ'D 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 6 6 6 I I I I I I I I I :I I 'I I I I I I I I I .,, I I I I I I I 1ri 'I 'I I I I' ,, I .-. I WTR PUMP -CYLINDER, HEADS, VAl.VES, FLYWHEEL & COOLING FAN 16 11· 1{ 1s::\l) 14 \. 7 29 6 , , 5 , 28 , , , , 21A 24 22 \ ( I ;\5 I J - 1A ~ 207~ 19 27 23 26 21 ITEM PART ITEM PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REQ'D 1 P05126C Cylinder 2· 15 P05196A Washer, Lock 12 TA P11725D Cylinder 2 16 P05198A Nut, Hex 12 2 P10886A 0-Ring 2 17 P05190A Washer, Copper 4 3 M2246 Stud, Cylinder 8 18 P05193A Nut, Acom 4 4 P05188A Stud, Valve Plate 4 19 P05196A Washer, Lock 18 5 P!11368 Valve Plate 2 20 M2254 Screw 18 6 Pl01138 Gasket 2 21 P05199D Rywheel 1 7 P05137D Cylinder Head 2 21A M2273 Key, Flywheel 1 8 P051270 Cylinder 1 • 22 P05739A Washer. Fan Hub 1 BA P117240 Cylinder 1 23 P04247A Fan 1 9 P!D972A 0-Ring 1 24 M3256 Key, Fan Hub 1 10 M2246 Stud, Cylinder 4 25 P05390A Fan Hub Bolt 1 11 P05143B Valve Plate 1 26 P05108B Water Jacket 2· 12 P05120B . Gaskel 1 27 M2245 0-Ring 4• 13 P05130C Cyfmder Head 1 28 P05109B Water Jacket 1· 14 P05195A Washer, Flat 12 29 M2244 0-Ring 2· • Water Cooled Pumps OnlY 31 wrR PUMP -INTAKE MANIFOLD, EXHAUST MANIFOLD, INTERCOOLER & INLET 24 21 ITEM. ' ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION RED'D !JO. PART ND. DESCRIPTION 1 PD5226A Gasket 6 13 M2264 Screw 2 PD5213A Manifold flange 3 14 P1D338A Connector, Elbow, Tube 3 Z8150 lntercoo.ler Tube Kit 1 15 P10337A Clamp 4 P07177A Compression fitting 3 16 P09936A Tubing, In tab 5 M3009 Elbow, Street, so• 1 17 P10340A CoMector, Straight, Tube . 6 M3007 Elbow, Street, 45' 1 18 M3189 Tee, 11/2" 7 Z1260 Exhaust Manifold Kit 1 19 M3145 Nipple, Close 8 P0521BA Compll!SSion frtting 1 20 P05533A Element, Filter 9 P03592A Pressure Relief Vane 1 21 P09935A Filter. Intake 10 Z131B Condensate Collector 1 22 M3087 Elbow, Street, 45 ° 11 P09959A Manifold, Aange 2 23 M1601 Check Valve 12 P05219A Washer, lock 24 24 M3194 Nipple, 11\" x 4½" 32 FILTER REQ'D 24 1 . 2 1ft. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I .•· I ,, I I I I I .,,. •· I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSTANT SPEED HEAD UNLOADER KITS For Air Compressor Pump Models VTS, WTS VTR & WTR NOTE: This is optional equipment and may not be included on your unit The purpose of constant speed unloading is to provide a means of stopping or starting the compression of air by the compressor without stopping or starting the electric motor. predetermined cut-out setting, this air.is released to a suction unloader valve. The compressor stops compressing air, but continues to runs until the pilot valve senses that the pressure in the tank has. dropped to the predetermined cut-in setting. At this time the air is released from the suction unloader valve, and the compressor starts compressing air again. To accomplish this, an air pilot valve is used to replace the pressure switch used for stop-start operation. The pilot valve senses storage tank pressure, and when the pressure is raised to a The parts called out below replace or are substituted for those found in the regular parts list II TO NEEOLE I B VALVE ON ~ TANK '4:) 5 ~;A ----..I._ ._ rROM SUCTION ~ UNl.OAOER PILOT VALVE ASSEMBLY EXISTING INLET TU81NG EXISTING FILTER VTS SUCTION UNLOADER KIT· Z6B04 ITEM NO. PART NO. 1 MJ194 2 MJ190 3• Z6JJ4 4 MJOSS 5 M2B68 6 P08084A 7 M2855 8 P05526A 9 M914A 10 M2360 11 M2862 12 M3170 DESCRIPTION Brass Pipe, 1 JI x 4 JI Locknut, 1 JI SUCTION UNLOADER ASSEMBLY Pipe Plug, 1 JI• 90 • Compression Fitting, Brass Plastic Tubing, ll" 0.0. Pilot Valve• Air Bracket, Pilot Valve lock Washer, 3/8'. Std. Capscrew, 318 • 16UNC x,Y,· Straight fitting, % • Compression Elbow, Street, 1 JI x so.• • Includes: P09287B • Plunger P09937 A • Gasket P05029A • Air Cylinder 33 I J RED'D 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ITEM NO. 1 2 3• 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITEM NO. 1 2 3• 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WTS SUCTION UNLOADER KIT· 26808 PART NO. DESCRIPTION M3194 M3190 26334 M2868 P08084A M2855 P05526A M914A M2360 M2862 M3170 Brass Pipe, 1 ½ x 4½ Locknut, 1½ SUCTION UNLOADER ASSEMBLY 90' Compression Fitting, Brass Plastic Tubing, l4 • 0.0. Pilot Valve• Air Bracket, Pilot Valve Lock Washer, 3/8" Std. Capmew, 3/8 • 16UNC x II" Straight Fitting, l4" Compression Elbow, Street, 1½ x 90' • Includes: P09287B • Plunger P09937 A • Gasket P05029A • Air Cylinder VTR SUCTION UNLOADER KIT· Z6807 PART NO. M3194 M3190 26334 M3099 M2868 P08084A M285J P05526A M914A M2360 M2B62 MJ170 DESCRIPTION Brass Pipe, 111 x 411 Locknut, 111 SUCTION UNLOADER ASSEMBLY Pipe Plug, 111" 90' Compression Fitting, Brass Plastic Tubing. !4 • 0.0. Pilot Valve Bracket, Pilot Valve Lock Washer, 3/8" Std. Capscrew, 3/8 -16UNC x 11· Straight Fitting, l4 • Compression Elbow, Slreet, 111 x 90' • lndudes: P09287B • Plunger P09937 A · Gasket P05029A • Aii Cylirider REQ'D 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQ'O 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 10 To\NK ' :lo b 6A :~~•gc~• ~ 7 '4 r-A0M 5UCTICN t.M..0AO£R PILOT VALVE Aa&E.MBLY TO PILOT I VALVE ASSY ~ S b 10 II r::-9 TO NEEOL~E 1 8 VALVE OH TANK · ....._ 7 .. 5. 1"R0111SUCTIOH \.1'4l..OAOER PILOT VALVE ABSEMSLY I I I I I I I I I I ., ·I ,I , ( I I I I I I ,. I I I . ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4• 5 6 7 8 ~ 10 11 12 2 II (,,o 12 TO NEECt.E y' q ·•,._ VALVE ON /0 TANK ' ;.,, B b~OW SUCTION UN..OAOEA PILOT VALVE ASSEMBLY WTR SUCTION UNLOADER KIT· Z6806 PART NO. M3194 M3170 M3190 26334 MJ099 M2868 P08084A M2853 P05526A M914A M2360 M2862 DESCRIPTION Brass Pipe, 1 ½ x 4 ½ 90" Brass Elbow, 1½" locknut, 1 ½ SUCTION UNLOADER ASSEMBLY Pipe Plug. 1 ½" 90 • Compression Fitting, Brass Plastic Tubing, ¼ • 0.0. Pilot Valve· Air Bracket, Pilot Valve lock Washer, 3/8" Std. Capscrew, 3/8 x 16UNC x ½" Straight Fitting, ¼ • Compression • Includes: P092878 • Plunger P09937 A · Gasket P05029A · Air Cylinder 35 REQ'D 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF PILOT VALVES MTG THREAD ,.........4-1.._~#l #4 ~~1/#3 /12 / (ACTUATING TUBE 1---4----ITO HEAD UNLOADERS) t (SENSING TUBE FROM AIR RECEIVER) PILOT VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NO. M2855 M2853 PRESSURE RANGE, PSIG 70-95 140 -170 36 The Pilot Valve is designed to act as an automatic "on" and "off' air switch. When in the "on" position it allows air to flow from the tank through the valve to some device such as a compressor suction unloader, thus actuating it In the "off' position this valve stops the flow of air through the valve and releases the pressure in the line to the device. · The Pilot Valve works as follows: Tank air pressure acts .on the bottom of the valve. When pressure is great enough to overcome spring force holding valve down on lower seat, it lifts off seat and allows air to flow around valve and out through side opening in Pilot Valve. When valve lifts off lower seat it moves up and seats on upper seat where it is held by tank pressure. When pressure in tank and on valve drops, spring forces valve back down on lower seat. Air in line to device being actuated can then escape through upper seat and out vent hole. The press11r,e at which the Pilot Valve is "on" or "off' is controlled by the spring which has been installed at the factory. A small adjustment can be made in the field by changing the spring force by compressing the spring more or less with the adjusting screw provided on the Pilot Valve. COMPRESSOR PILOT VALVE PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Proceed with the following instructions while compressor is running: 1. Loosen locknut (4) and back off several turns. Do not turn differential adjuster (3). 2. Check reading on the tank pressure gauge. Set the compressor maximum pressure at 95 psig. Tum threaded cap (1) clockwise to increase pressure or counterclockwise to decrease pressure. 3. After pressure is set, tighten locknut (4). Be careful not to move the threaded cap (1 ). COMPRESSOR PILOT VALVE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Proceed with the following instructions while compressor is running: 1. Loosen locknut (2) and back off several turns. 2. Check reading on the tank pressure gauge. Set the pressure to 25 psig differential (unload at 95 psig, reload at 70 psig). Tum nut (3) clockwise to increase differential pressure or counterclockwise to decrease differential pressure. 3. After pressure is set, tighten locknut (2) .. Be careful not to move nut (3). I I I I. I I I I I :1- ·I ·I I I I I I I I' ,.,, . ~-. I HAZARD DECAL LISTING I ITEM DESCRIPTION PART NO. A Retain Labels P09879A I B · DANGER -Breathing Air P09376B C DANGER -Drain Tank Daily P09430B D DANGER -Valves P097508 ,, E DANGER -High Voltage P04934A F DANGER -Auto Start P093848 I G WARNING -Pressure/Safety Valve P09752B H WARNING -Rotating Parts .P093738 I WARNING -Hot Surfaces P09758A I J WARNING -Tank Pressure P04983A K CAUTION -Clean Filters • M1736 •. L Rotation Direction M422 M Pressure Setting: Master P09388A I' N Pressure Setting: 140-175 PSIG (Two Stage) P04988A Pressure Setting: 70-100 PSIG (Single Stage) P04987A I 0 Service Information P04995A .. I 'I, HAZARD TAG LISTING I p IMPORTANT -Electrical Specs P05257A Q DANGER -Valve Instructions P09852A R WARNING -Read Owners Guide P04996A 'I I, I I, I ~ I ~7. A B C D Read. undetstlnd, & retlln afl I.Ille/a llld Owners Manuals bmre using this equipment. _,. F .------.----- G }, f: ~. A.WARNING ~ : ' ' ( •• I .------,--:-------=i A.WARNING J 38 I I ,, I I ' I 1: I I .·•.I I 'I 1· ,) I I .ll I I I I I I I I 1· I M N 0 p I I I I. l~ I I K L CAUTION, SERVICE FILTER ELEMENTS WEEKLY MOM Of'Tl:N tN DUSTY COIIIDfflOfd .,,.. flOTAT'Ol ■OlflEC'TOI Ol 11«/'# ..... 2 tu:/IINf JO 1101.U3wla • NOUUOII UNIT PRESSURE FACTORY SET AT 140-175 PSIG SERVICE INFORMATION FOR SERV1CE CAll. "SERVICE DEPARTMENT' AT 815/875-3321 OR WRITE TO: 0 0 GARDNER DENVER MACHINERY INC. 1301 NORTH EUCLID AVE PRINCETON. IWNOIS 61356 IMPORTANT NOTICE! 1lllS UNIT IS WIRED FOR AJl 1,/; QRCUIT OF 0 115 VOLT O 60 CYCLE D 1 PHASE 0 230 VOLT □ OTHER □ l PltA& □ ~60VOLT OTHER aECTRICAL Sl'fCS ____ ~ ''""' IMPORTANT MOTOR BURN-OIITS AIIE NOT COVERED BY WAIIRANTY • Uni.., -Is oqupped wll!I F1<10ryinstl~CM<1oodpo1'dlan (In elll><t-orSW11n; -~ Q R WARNING DO NOT OPERATE UNIT BEFORE !!EADING AND UNDERSTANDING OWNERS GUIDE FOR INSTAJ.- 1.ATIO!I. ASSEMBLY. AND OPERATION OF nllS EQU!PMDIT. FAILURE TO COMPLY CAN CAUSE INIURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. RECORD OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE DAILY • DRAIN MOISTURE FROM TANK WEEKLY MONTHLY. • CLEAN FILTER • INSPECT AIR SYSTEM • CLEAN COMPRESSOR • CHECK V-BEL TS • CS9t15 40 EVERY 3 MONTHS • TIGHTEN ALL FASTENERS • TEST PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I ~. I I I I 1- 1 -1· ' 1r, I I I I 1- ,_ -1,s ,·~ I I RECORD OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE DAILY • DRAIN MOISTURE FROM TANK WEEKLY. MONTHLY EVERY 3 MONTJiS • CLEAN AL TEA • INSPECT AJA SYSTEM • TIGHTEN ALL FASTENERS • CLEAN COMPRESSOR ·• TEST PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE • CHECK V-BEL TS •• -41 RECORD OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE DAILY • DRAIN MOISTURE FROM TANK WEEKLY MONTHLY • CLEAN ALTER • INSPECT AIR SYSTEM • CLEAN COMPRESSOR • CHECK V-BELTS ., - CS9115 42 EVERY 3 MONTHS • TIGHTEN ALL FASTENERS • TEST PRESSURE RELIEF VAL VE I I I I I I I I I ' '1 I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I H I I . .,,,s I _) I DAILY • DRAIN MOISTURE FROM TANK WEEKLY • CLEAN FILTER • CLEAN COMPRESSOR • CHECK V-BEL TS - RECORD OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE MONTHLY EVERY 3 MONTHS • INSPECT AIR SYSTEM • TIGHTEN ALL FASTENERS • TEST PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE • • . 43 FOR PARTS: · REFER TO PARTS DEPOT LIST ACCOMPANYING TIDS MANUAL. . . (. Gaadl10r . IUIIE!nver <0 Copyright Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. J 998 I .I I I I I I I I ~1 I I m D D m I I I --II!!!! l!IB =mi -iiiil --.. -----liiil --- SERIES FLOW PROCESS VESSELS IN SERIES # 1 TO #2 VALVES OPEN 1 5 3 VESSELS IN SERIES #2 TO #1 VALVES OPEN 2 6 4 PARALLEL OPERATION VALVES CLOSED 2 6 4 VALVES CLOSED 1 5 3 VALVES OPEN 2 4 VALVES CLOSED 6 3 5 SINGLE VESSEL OPERATION OPERATING VESSEL # 2 1 NOT OPERATING # OPERATING VESSEL #2 1 NOT OPERATING # VALVES OPEN 3 4 VALVES OPEN 2 5 VALVES CLOSED 1 5 2 6 VALVES CLOSED 1 4 3 6 INFLUENT VESSEL #1 EFFLUENT EFFLUENT VESSEL #1 REV ECO 4 APPROVAL DATE ~ SHS 6/12/00 l)IIISC,O,I,.( 1.00 .375 TOLERANCES UNL£SS NOTED OTH£RWISE PROJECT WNW:ER: DECIMAL FAACTl0N"L .03 1/32" TITLE THESE UATERW.S ARE COHF1JENTW.. ~ ........... , m ...--:-7 Sil[ AND ARE TH[ PROPRlETAR'f INFORW.T-,-.....,.,,.,..,., w-c::==r REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE OWN EFFLENT VESSEL #2 INFLUENT INFLUENT VESSEL #2 CARBONAIR WAITR AND AIR O[CONTAMINATION @2000 MINNEA.POUS. MINNESOTA SCHEM VAPOR DECON OWG. NO. ION or CARBONAIR SEIMCES, we. AND f--'----~.,....:..--=---1 A :~,~~T ~ ~~~ ~r=R UNl[SS OTH[R'NISE SPECIFIED: f-__JL.__~-----~-~L_----j scRVICis. LNC. : ~~io~co:.wt~Es SCALE 1 = 1 EQUIP. "'°· Sl-££1 1 oF 1 211620 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BULLETIN E-106 _ __.-.,.11.wye,: SERIES 71160 PRESSURE INDICATING TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATIONS -INSTALLATION AND OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS The Dwyer 71160 Series Pressure Indicating Transmitter simultaneously provides local indication on a large, easily read 3 ½ digit liquid crystal display while also converting that pressure into a standard two wire, 4-20 mA signal for ranges from 0-15 to 0-500 PSI. Positive compatible gas pressure is measured to the accuracy of ±0.5% of full scale. The electrical signal and conditioning is produced by a piezoresistive pressure cell for precision measurement of compatible gases and liquids. A 316 stainless steel connection block features · convenient ¼" NPT female and ½" NPT male pressure connection. s . enes 7116 DE nnlish Models & Ranaes MODEL MAXIMUM NUMBER RANGE PRESSURE 71160-0015 0-15.0 PSIG 30 PSIG 7116D-G030 0-30.0 PSIG 60 PSIG 71160-G050 0-50.0 PSIG 100 PSIG 71160-0100 0-100.0 PSIG 200 PSIG 71160-0500 0-500 PSIG 1000 PSIG S . 71160 M t. M d I & R er1es enc o es anaes MODEL MAXIMUM . NUMBER RANGE PRESSURE 71160-B001 0-1.00 bar 2.0 bar 7116D-B002 0-2.00 bar 4.1 bar 71160-B004 0-4.00 bar 6.9 bar 7116D-B007 0-7.00 bar 13.8 bar 7116O-B040 0-40.0 bar 69.0 bar ------------= ii FIG.A SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Maximum Pressure: Media Compatibility: Housing: · Wetted Parts: Finish: ELECTRICAL 2 X maximum range pjr and non-corrosive gases and liquids. Polycarbonate Stainless steel connection block, 316L Black Power Supply: 10-35 voe -2. 3, or 4 wire Output Signal: 4-20 mADC (Limited at 38mADC) Loop Resistance: DC; O -1100 ohms Warm-UP: 10 minutes · Current Consumption: DC; 38mA max. PERFORMANCE AT 70°F (21.1°C) Zero Output: 4 mA DC Full Span Output: 20 mA DC Span: 16 mADC Accuracy:(lncludes linearity, hysteresis & repeatability) ±0.5% of span Stability: 1% F.S.Jyear ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: 20•-120°F(-6.7" to 49 Cl Thermal Errors: ±0.02%/'F MECHANICAL Weight Span and Zero Adjustments: Pressure connections: 1 lb .• 9 oz. (709 grams) potentiometers, accessible from back of gage ¼" NPT female/½" NPT male ---------. 1. Select a location free from excessive vibration where the temperature limits of 20" to 120"F (-6.7" to 49"C) will not be exceeded. Mounting surface should be vertical to match the position in which all standard gages are calibrated. Avoid locations in direct sunlight which may cause accelerated discoloration of the clear acrylic lens or where exposure to oil mist or other airborne vapors could likewise result in lens damage. 2. See Fig. A for mounting hole instructions. 3. A ¼" NPT female / ½" NPT male pressure connection is furnished to allow you the choice of vertical (from below the gage) piping. When making the pressure connection, use a minimal amount of thread sealant Too much could block the internal pressure passage. CAUTION: When installing fittings or pipe always use a second wrench on the 718" connection block. DO NOT allow torque to be transmitted from the block to the case. FIG.B ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED SPECIFIED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RATINGS. PERMANENT DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY WILL RESULT. THIS UNIT IS NOT DESIGNED FOR 120 OR 240 VOLT· AC LINE OPERATION. Electrical connections to the Series 71160 Pressure Indicating Transmitter are made on the backside of the enclosure unit. Feed stripped and tinned leads to the terminal block screw,i marked 1 and 2. Refer to figure B for locations of the terminal block, span and zero adjustments. Wire Length -The maximum length of wire connecting transmitter and receiver is a function of wire size and receiver resistance. Wiring should not contribute to more than 10% of receiver resistance to total loop resistance. For extremely long runs (over 1000 feet), choose receivers with higher resistance's to minimize size and cost of connecting leads. When the wiring length is under 100 feet, lead wire as small as 22 AWG can be used. 2-Wlre· Operation -An external power supply delivering 10 -35 VDC with minimum current capability of 40 mA DC (per transmitter) must be used to power the control loop. See Fig. C for connedlon of the power supply, transmitter, and receiver. The range of the appropriate receiver load resistance (RL) for the DC power supply voltage available is expressed by the formula and graph in Fig. D. Shielded two wire cable is recommended for control loop wiring. If grounding is required use negative side of control loop after ·receiver. In Fig. C below, if power supply lead to terminal 1 is positive, ground should be connected to wiring at right of receiver. Otherwise, in 2 wire operation It is not necessary to observe polarity of control loop connections. PRESSURE XMTR + ,•VVltlt: 1.,;UNNt:I.,; 1 IUN FIG.C POWER SUPPLY 10-35VDC POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE-VDC (2-WIRE CONNECTII 1500 1400 MAXIMUM VALUE (1300 0) 1300 g 1200 ~ 1100 i1 1000 ~ 900 R MAX.• Vps-10.0 ~ 800 L 20mAOC ; 700 w · 600 ~ 500 a! 400 OPERATING g 300 MEGION 200 100 so..l...-~-./4l4-1-l-ll~l.l.l.l..Lf.l.J.Ju+.LLJ~--; I I I I' 0 5 40 voe FIG. D I Pressure Ranging I Each standard Series 71160 Pressure lndicabng Transmitter is factory calibrated to produce 4 mA at zero IC8le reading and 20 mA at full scale reading. The foll0Wltl9 prna,dure should be used if the pressure versus output sigr,al ~P needs to I be checked. 1. With the 7116D Pressure .-.x.aong Transmitter connected to the companion rece,vw. --1 an accurate I milfiammeter in series with the CU'1'W1I 100p. Full scale range should be approximately 30 ..,,._ 2. Connect a controllable pressure IO<l'0e to one leg of a tee with the second leg conneded to ,,.,. on,ssure port of the 711 SD Pressure lndicanng ~ .r,wM!el ~ the third leg to a test gage or manometer haw>Q ., 8QCllac:y of 0.125% or better. I 3. Apply electrical power to the uni and ...,,., rt to stabilize for 1 O minutes. 4. Alter the transmitter ZERO AOJVS T -on the front of the display ( See Fig. Al t,y ~ the UP ( 1') or DOWN ("-) switches so that 1rie ~ ,. on me middle of Its zero pressure reading --o ;,rauu,11 is being applied. i.e. Wrth an UP reading cl ;O 22) and a DOWN reading of (-0.14), the display WOUid oe aoiusted so that a reading of (0.04) would be a,gp&ayec1 0ltlDr1I proceeding to the next step. 5. ·Again, with no pressure appllfJO to i,,. T 1160 Pressure Indicating Transmitter, adjust me rRAHSMITTER ZERO control, located through the bac:1< or the """'-so that loop current is 4.00 mA. See Fig. A. 6. Apply. full range pressure ana a0JUS1 loop current to 20 mA using the TRANSMITTER SPAN conlrol See Fig. A. 7. Relieve pressure and allow P<11UUre Indicating Transmitter to stabilize for 2 minutes. 8. Zero and span controls may be shghtty interactive, so repeat steps 4 though 7 until zero ana tuJI range pressure consistently produce loop currents of 4 and 20 mA respectively. 9. Remove the milliammeter from the current loop and proceed with final installation of the pressure Indicating Transmitter and receiver. I m B u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u I I CARBONAIR Vapor-phase carbon is frequently used to treat contaminated air with high humidity, such as off-gas from air strippers arid soil-venting extraction units treating moist soil. Unavoid- ably, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will be adsorbed by carbon along with the humidity. The adsorbed humidity can hinder the adsorp- tion of VOCs and significantly reduce the adsorption capacity, causing a premature breakthrough. This article discusses the effects of humidity, temperature, and heating humid air on carbon efficiency. HUMIDITY ADSORPTION Carbon adsorbs water vapor in the same manner as it adsorbs VOCs. The adsorption mechanisms at different concentration levels is illustrated in Figure No.1. At low vapor concentrations, vapor is adsorbed by means of electromotive forces, and the Figure No. 1 Vapor-Phase Carbon Adsorption Mechanisms Increase In concentra\ion FACT SHEET #4 Vapor-Phase Carbon: · Effects of Humidity/ Temperature carbon surface will not be completely covered by the adsorbed molecules. When the vapor concentration reaches a certain level; the walls of the carbon pores will be completely covered by the adsorbed molecules. .As the vapor concentration passes that level, the adsorbed molecules start to fill each carbon pore, forming a-concave surface of condensate at the bottom of the ·pore. Based on the theory of surface chemistry, the concave surface can reduce vapor pressure of the solute and subsequently accelerate the adsorption. This phenomenon is called "capillary condensation." Figure No. 2 shows the amounts of water adsorbed on a typical carbon at various relative humidities. Figure No. 2 Amounts of Water Adsorbed on Carbon at Different Relative Humidities ••-, --------------, I C j o I of 40 :-. G I ~ I ;:; 30-··· C -~ l20 ~ ~ 3: 10 G ,!! 01L-""""==~-'---'---'---'---'--_J o 10 20 :so 40 so eo 10 ao ao 100 RelaUve Humidity (%) Copyright O 1994 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. (11/07/94! 1 The relative humidity (RH) is defined as a ratio of the actual partial pressure of vapor to the partial pressure if saturated at the existing temperature. It is evident that capillary condensation becomes prominent when the RH is above 50%, causing a significant increase in the amount of water adsorbed. It will also be noticed that this particular carbon can adsorb water up to 40% maximum. EFFECT OF HUMIDITY When both VOCs and humidity are present in the air, all the molecules of VO Cs including water will compete with each other for the carbon adsorption sites. The water adsorbed on carbon will make the adsorption of VOCs even more difficult by_ preventing the VOCs from directly contacting the carbon surface. Furthermore, the VOC concentrations are. usually relatively small compared to the water vapor concentrations. For instance, VOC concentration levels of less than 100 and 1000 ppmv are typically found in off-gas from air strippers and soil venting extraction systems, respectively, whereas the water vapor concen- tration is approximately 1 0000-20000 ppmv at a RH of 100%. Therefore, the VOC adsorption capacity will be greatly reduced unless the humidity is controlled. Figure No. 3 Effect of Relative Humidity on Benzene Adsorption Capacity ---~,,-.......... ,: ........ ,_ Figure 3 shows the effect of the increase in RH on the adsorption of benzene with a concentra- tion of 10 ppmv at 60°F and 1 atm. It can be seen that the benzene adsorption capacity decreases rapidly due to the capillary condensa- tion of water vapor when the RH is greater than 50%. At a RH of 100%, the adsorption· capacity will be reduced by 85 % . EFFECT OF HEATING It is possible to diminish the effect of high humidity on adsorption capacity by heating the air. When air is heated, its volume increases, while the amount of water vapor remains the same. This results in the reduction of water vapor partial pressure or RH. As previously shown in Figure No. 3, less water vapor will be adsorbed by carbon at a ·lower RH. However, carbon should not be operated at an exces-sively high air temperature since its adsorption efficiency will decrease as the temperature increases. Figure No. 4 shows the effect of the increase in temperature on the adsorption of benzene with a concentration of 10 ppmv at 60° F and 1 atm, assuming no humidity is present in the air. Figure No. 4 Effect of Temperature on Benzene Adsorption Capacity ·•~------------~ C 0 ,f 12 • u :910 C> ~ . = ... • C j 4 2 all 70 80 Temperature (F) 10 100 a.-... Concentn.llon 10 PPlll't' (SO F): Ralattv. Humld1ty K; ,,,.._,. t atm 2 Copyright O 1994 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. 111/07/94) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 D • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Temperature generally has a considerably less adverse effect on carbon efficiency than RH. It can be seen from Figures 3 and 4 that the carbon will lose its adsorption capacity by 85 % at 100% RH and only 40% at 100°F, as compared to the adsorption capacity at zero humidity .. Therefore, there exists an optimum air temperature at which the effect of humidity will be minimized. When humid air is heated, both the increase in temperature and the decrease in RH will simultaneously affect carbon efficiency. Figure No. 5 shows the effect of heating the air containing a benzene concentration of 10 ppmv initially at 60°F and 100% RH. Figure No. 5 Effect of Heating Humid Air on Benzene Adsorption Capacity , ..... ·······.J,. •'-~~-~~--~~-'-~~ o 10 ~ 30 40 ~ h -~ 10 10 1~ Relative Humidity (%) The RH corresponding to its temperature can be determined from a humidity chart. It can be seen that a temperature of between 80°F and 90°F provides a maximum adsorption capacity. This optimum temperature range is valid for other concentration levels and types of VOCs when the initial air temperature is between 50°F and 60°F and the initial RH Is near 100%. Copyright O 1994 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. (11/07/94) 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D I I Multiple Receiver Installation An advantage of the standard 4-20 mA DC output signal used in Series 71160 Pressure Indicating Transmitters is the compatibility with a wide range of receivers. Devices such as the A-701 Digital Readout, A-702 Digital Readout-with alarms, an analog panel meter, a chart recorder and other process control equipment can be operated simultaneously. It is only necessary that all devices.be designed for a standard 4-20 mA input, the proper polarity of input connections must be observed and the combined receiver resistance's . must not exceed the maximum for the current loop. If the receiver indicates a negative or down scale reading , the signal .input leads are reversed. Maintenance No lubrication or periodic seMcmg is required after final installation of the Series 71160 Pressure Indicating Transmitter. A periodic check of calibration is recommended following the procedure under PRESSURE RANGING. Except for this, these transmitters are not field serviceable and should be returned, freight prepaid, to the factory if repair is needed. Be sure to include a clear description of the problem plus any application information available. Repairs Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty. Gages needing calibration or other service should be returned prepaid to: Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Attn.: Repair Department 102 Highway 212 Michigan City, In 46360 <l>Copyright 1997 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. 12/97 Fr. No. 01413028-00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CARBONAIR® CONTENTS 1. 0 Safety Precautions ..................... 1 2. 0 Equipment Description ................ 2 3. 0 Process Description .................... 2 4:0 Installation ................................ 3 4. 1 Inspection ......................... 3 4. 2 Loading & Unloading ........... 3 4. 3 Connections ..................... 3 5. 0 Start-Up ................................... 4 6. 0 Operation .................................. 4 7. 0 Trouble Shooting ....................... 5 8.0 Maintenance ............................. 6 8. 1 Spent Carbon Removal ....... 6 8. 2 Fresh Carbon Loading ........ 6 8. 3 Vessel Inspections ............. 7 8.4 Condensate Drainage ......... 7 8. 5 Waste Disposal ................. 7 9.0 Spare Parts ............................... 7 10. 0 Pressure Drop Chart ................... 7 11.0 Drawings .................................. 9 12. 0 Specific Operating Parameters .... 10 Fact Sheet #4 ......................... Attached 1 .0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operation & Maintenance Manual Carbonair Model GPC-5R, 7R,. 13R, 20R, 28R, 50R Gas Phase Carbon Adsorber • Always wear gloves, eye protection & protective clothing when working with the carbon vessel. • Obtain an activated carbon Material Safety •· Data Sheet (MSDS) for more detailed safety & handling information (available upon request). • WARNING: Never enter the GPC vessel without adequate ventilation, atmospheric testing and proper safety equipment. The activated carbon depletes the air of oxygen. Entering the vessel without sufficient ventilation could be fatal. The vessel is considered a confined space and therefore OSHA confined space entry safety procedures must be followed (29 CFR 1910.146). • Take time to record your specific operating parameters on page 1 0. Figure No. 1 Typical GPC Unit Failure to observe these precautions could result in serious bodily lnjury and/or property damaoe. · :,:-· .,.c.., c'.··. ·.-.'i'. • Be sure you thoroughly read & understand this O & M Manual before beginning operation. If you have any questions, please call Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. at (BOO) 526-4999. • Be sure all electrical disconnects are "OFF" and locked out before servicing. CopyrightC 1997 Carbonalr Environmental Systems, lnc.17/21/99} H:\TAMMYIO&M\OPCR.OOC 2.0 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Carbonair"s gas phase carbon (GPC) adsorbers are constructed of welded steel which provides exceptional strength & durability. The units are skid mounted and forklift compatible making installation quick & trouble-free. The interior is double coated with a corrosive-resistant epoxy polyamide which makes GPC units suitable for most gas phase applications, including airstripper and soil venting off-gas treatment. The GPC-R series gas phase carbon adsorber has a carbon steel grate which serves as a supporting structure for the wire mesh and carbon material which lay on top of the grate (refer to the assembly drawings on page 9. The grate is mounted off the bottom of the vessel on a ledge. The wire mesh openings are sized smaller than the smallest activated carbon particle size to prevent the carbon from falling through the mesh into the plenum at the bottom of the GPC unit. The following table outlines the specifications of the GPC-5R, 7R, 13R, 20R, and 50R gas phase carbon adsorber unit. Table No. 1 MOD!iLS GPC SR GPC 7R OIMENSIONS 30" 00 3' 00 (0.76 M) (0.91ml 5'8"H 7'2"H 11.73ml 12.18 ml BED AREA 4.91 sq. ft. 7.07 sq. ft. 10.53 sq.m) 10.76 sq.m) FLOW RANGE 40-380 elm 76-500 elm (1 -10m3/min) (2-15 m3/min) CARBON 500 lbs 1,000lbs CAPACITY 1228 kg) 1456 kgl FITTINGS 4 ½" nozzle 6 518" nozzle 121 ½" half (21 ½" half couplings couplings 11) 30" access 11) 24" access port port EMPTY WEIGHT 375 lbs 700 lbs 1170 kg) 1317 kg) OPERATING 900 lbs 1,800 lbs WEIGHT 1408 kg) 1816 kg} INLET/OUTLET _4 ½." 6 BIB• NOZZLES l11.43 cm) (16.83 cm) Standard GPC feature; ✓ an access port for carbon removal and/or inspections, ✓ two sampling ports located upstream and downstream from the carbon bed, ✓-four hoisting rings for shipping convenience, ✓ and a forkliftable base. GPC 13R GPC 20R ·GPC 28R GPC SOR 4' OD 5' OD 6'00 8' OD (1.2 m) (1.5 m) (1-83 ml (2.44 ml 7'2"H 7'2"H 7'2"H 7'2"H 12.18 ml 12,18 ml 12.18 m) 12.18 ml 12.57 sq.ft, 19.63 sq. ft. 28.27 sq ft. 50.27 sq.ft. 11.35 sq.ml 12.11 sq.ml 12, 3 m 15.41 sq.m) 120-800 elm 200-1.800 elm 240-2,200 cfm 480-4,000 elm 13-24 m3/minl (6-54 m3/min) (7-64 m31/minl (14-120 m3/minl 1,500 lbs 2,000 lbs 3,000 lbs 5,000 lbs 1681 kg) 1908 kg) (1,360 kg) 12,270 kg} 8 518• nozzle 8 518" nozzle 8 518" nozzle 12 ¾" nozzle 121 ½" half (21 ½" half 12) ½" half 12) ½" half couplings couplings couplings couplings (1) 24" access (1) 24" access (1) 24" access 111 24" access port port port port 950 lbs 1,200 lbs 1,600 lbs 2,900 lbs 1431 kg) 1544 kgl 1725 kg) (1,315 kgl 2.450 lbs 3,200 lbs 4,600 lbs 8,000 lbs 11,111kg) (1,452 kgl 12,085 kgl 13,629 kgl 8 51811 8 S/811 8 5,a,. 12 ¾" (21.9 cml 121.9 cm) 121.9 cml (32.38 cml 3.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION Carbonair's GPC gas phase carbon adsorbers are designed to provide an efficient and economical means in which to control odor, toxic vapors and corrosive gases. Several types of activated carbons are available for a variety of applications. For specific information on the activated · carbon selected for this 2 CopyrightC 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. 17/21/99) \\CEa-HO.ffWSVR01\VOL110ATA\USERS\Tl'IElOS\TAMMY\OlM\GPCR.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D u I I I I I I I I I I I g D I I I I I I particular project, refer to the "Specific Operating Parameters" section at the end of this manual. Activated carbon is highly porous and has a large surface area for adsorption. Adsorption is the process by which compounds adhere to the carbon surface. The portion of the carbon bed where adsorption occurs is referred to as the "mass transfer zone". The zone moves upward from the bottom of the bed as the carbon becomes saturated with contaminants. When the bed becomes completely saturated, breakthrough occurs resulting in a loss of treatment performance. The carbon should be replaced. before this happens to prevent discharge permit violations and/or excessive odors. Contaminated air 1s normally introduced into the bottom of the GPC vessel beneath the fiberglass grate through the inlet port. As the air is blown into the vessel, the pressure forces the gases up through the grate, the wire mesh, the carbon bed, and then out the discharge stack at the top of the unit. As .the gases pass through the carbon bed, contaminants are transferred from the gases to the carbon. Moisture, which falls out of the gas stream, collects as condensate at the bottom of the vessel and is removed by way of the condensate drain. Carbonair strongly"recommends that a process air 'heater be installed prior to the inlet of the GPC. unit to reduce the relative humidity. This will . increase .the contaminant . removal efficiency.· minimize · condensat,Yaccu~utati~n and Increase the longevity oi,_;the aptivated ca;;,on. a•·.': • • • • ':' O"' --• C ' ' • 4.0 INSTALLATION Be . -sure. to carefully Jead . all installation insiiuctionsbefore b~ginning -theJnstaliaiion_ of . ·:-.-•.I,;"'::" ,. -,"~·:_, .. ·,•):'-'i•,c· ;.,s.'.:;,\,1:·:. ·/f: .. •_.·_,•• ·· -~-;i'. the GPC vessel gas phase carbon adsorber.·',>;; .' 4.1 Inspection Upon receipt of the GPC unit, and before the unit is removed from the truck, be sure to inspect the vessel for damage to the shell, all the fittings and the inlet/outlet ports. Structural damage to these items could. compromise the integrity of the system. DO NOT operate the unit if it has been damaged since this could result in contaminant spills, damage to other equipment, or personal iniury. If the GPC vessel sustains damage during transit, notify the carrier and call Carbonair immediately at (800) 526-4999. 4.2 Loading & Unloading The GPC unit can be loaded or unloaded by using an overhead crane or forklift. Hoisting rings are available on top of the vessel at each corner for connecting cables. In addition, the vessel is mounted on a skid making the unit forklift compatible. • When· handling the GPC be careful not to damage the outer shell, fittings, and inlet/outlet ports. The vessel is usually shipped with activated carbon as defined in the design specifications. Be sure to use the proper lifting equipment and follow proper _safety procedures when loading & unloadina the 'GPC unit. 4.3 Connections After the GPC has been properly inspected and positioned on site, process connections can be made. The GPC unit is shipped with all nozzles and ports covered. This is done as a safety precaution and to prevent moisture from contaminating the activated carbon in the vessel. The covers must be removed prior to making the necessary piping connections. If the vessel is shipped with a piping kit, make the necessary connections as outlined below. If a kit is not provided, piping and fitting instructions can be obtained by calling Carbonair at (800) 526-4999. 1 . Attach the exhaust stack, avoiding unnecessary restrictions in the off-gas ducting. Ducting should be sized for minimum friction loss according to the design air flow rate for the unit. When in CopyrlghtlC 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems. Inc. 0/21/99) \\C£S.1-10-NWSVROIWOL110.ATA\USEAS\TRElDS\TAMMY\0&.M\OPCR.OOC 3 doubt, ducting should match the size of the GPC vessel air outlet port. Note: Be sure to install e cap (which does not significantly restrict the airflow) on the discharge stack to prevent water from entering the carbon vessel -if one has not already been provided. ' 2. Connect the inlet air piping to the influent flange or coupling. All interconnecting piping should be self-supporting. 3. Carbonair recommends installing a pressure gauge {rated in inches of water) and sampling tap in both the inlet and the outlet piping to assist in the evaluation of GPC system performance. The inlet and outlet pressure gauges provide the ability to ' calculate the pressure drop across the unit. The sample taps provide the ability to collect representative gas samples for contaminant removal performance determinations. 4. Connect the drain pipe and isolation valve to the drain fitting at the bottom of the vessel. 5. Sample piping can be installed in the vessel and connected to the two full sample port couplings if required. However, turbulence and other unique operating conditions may adversely affect the accuracy of sampling at these points. It may be preferable to install sampling ports on the inlet & outlet piping to avoid sampling complications as stated in #3 above. 5.0 START-UP After all the necessary connections are made, proceed with the following start-up procedures: 1. Verify that the drain valve is closed. 2. Start the process air source to begin the introduction of air into the GPC unit. 3. Record the inlet and outlet pressures and note the pressure drop across the unit. Measure the inlet air flow and then check the Pressure Drop Chart in Figure No. 2 a & b, page 8. Verify that the unit is operating according to the design curve. 4. To achieve optimum performance of the GPC unit during initial start-up, check: ✓ the air flow rate ✓ the pressure drop ✓ for air leaks ✓ the inlet air temperature ✓ the inlet air relative humidity Refer to the Specific Operating Parameters Section on page 10. 6.0 OPERATION After initial start-up & successful checkout of the GPC unit, long term continuous operation can be.initiated. The GPC gas phase carbon adsorber is designed for an optimum relative humidity of 50% and a maximum inlet operating temperature of 100° F. The inlet flow rate, relative humidity and the temperature must be regularly monitored to verify compliance with GPC design operating criteria. This will ensure optimum contaminant removal performance of the unit. NOTE: For further information regarding the effects of humidity & temperature on vapor phase carbon performance, refer to the attached fact sheet. Performance of the GPC unit should be checked periodically by measuring the pressure drop across the unit and evaluating the contaminant removal of the carbon bed by sampling inlet and outlet gas streams. Measurement & sampling frequencies will be dictated by process air flows and inlet contaminant concentrations. As the carbon bed adsorbs contaminants and moisture from the flow stream, the pressure drop across the unit may increase. The operation should be terminated and the carbon replaced when the effluent concentration of the critical contaminant approaches the discharge limit. Again, replacement frequency will depend on specific operating conditions. 4 Copyright© 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. {7/21 /99) \\CE5-HQ.MYSl/fl1J1\VOL1\0ATA\USERS\TRELOS\TAMMY\06M1GPCR.DOC I I I I I I I I I I 0 g I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Refer to the maintenance section in this manual for details on carbon removal and replacement. 7 .0 TROUBLE SHOOTING There are a few situations which may arise while operating the GPC which can adversely effect the performance of the unit and/or result in abnormally high maintenance costs. If any situations cannot be corrected using the following trouble shooting guide, contact Carbonair at (800) 526-4999 for additional help. 1. Situation: ' Frequent activated carbon media replacement because of fast breakthrough. Cause: If the pressure drop, air flow, temperature and relative humidity are within normal ranges and breakthrough occurs more frequently than expected, check inlet gas stream contaminant components and concentrations. Inlet contaminant concentrations may be greater than the design concentrations or additional compounds may be present in the process air stream that were not taken into account during design. Solution: Verify that the contaminants in the air stream are the design contaminants and are present at or near the design concentrations. If the concentrations are significantly higher, or additional compounds are present, contact Carbonair to evaluate the design and recommend a solution. 2. Situation: Excessively high pressure drop across the vessel when compared to the pressure drop curve. Cause: A high pressure drop across the activated carbon bed may be caused by: ✓ High inlet air relative humidity. ✓ High inlet air flow. ✓ Accumulation of particles. ✓ Plugged holes in the grate and/or wire mesh. ✓ Wet carbon. Solution: • Check the relative humidity, temperature and flow rate of the inlet flow stream -verify that they are within design specifications. • If the relative humidity is higher than the design level, process air heater adjustments are recommended. If there is no process ai, heater, Carbonair recommends that one be added to the system. Call Carbonair for assistance. • • • • An inlet air flow rate, significantly higher than design, will decrease the bed life of the carbon. This occurs because of the increase in the mass loading rate of the contaminants onto the carbon. If the inlet air flow rate is significantly higher than the design rate, adjustments in the air flo-;i at the source may be required to reduce· the pressure drop and the mass loading rate. If air flow adjustments are not possible, additional vessels may be required to provide additional bed mass for treatment. Please call Carbonair for recommendations. Sample the activated carbon and have it tested to determine if solids are clogging the carbon bed. Back track to determine the source of the solids if they are present. The presence of a high relative humidity in the inlet air stream can cause a build- up of condensate (water) in the .vessel making the carbon wet and restricting airflow through the bed. Carbonair recommends that process heater adjustments be made to correct the problem if possible. In order to dry out the carbon, drain the condensate from the vessel and pump clean-dry air through the vessel. As a last resort, remove carbon and inspect the grate and wire mesh. Verify that the holes in the grate and the mesh are clear. CopyrfghtC 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. (7/21/99) \ICEs.HO-NWSYR01\VOLI\OATA\USERS\TFIE1DS\TAMMY\O&M\GPCR.OOC 5 3. Situation: ' Unusually low pressure drop across the unit (see the Pressure Drop Chart, Figure No. 2 a & b, page 9). Cause: _This could be caused by the following: ✓ Low activated carbon level on carbon bed. ✓ Low inlet gas flow. ✓ Larger activated carbon particle size being used than is required. Solution: • • • Verify inlet gas flows . Check the carbon bed depth . Verify the activated carbon particle size against the design specification 8.0 MAINTENANCE There are several maintenance tasks which must be performed periodically to ensure continued, trouble free operation. These tasks are discussed in subsequent sections. 8. 1 Spent Carbon Removal Periodically, the spent carbon will have to be removed and replaced, The _spent acti'{ated carbon_ can be sent to . Carbonalrfor reacti~ation 'o'r a ifcensed reacii;,ati;n facilify for rec)cling. However, before the ·contaminated material can be 'shipped, a.· ~Spent ca;bon identification siiefi~li,d ~·tsJ,1ffit"p;;~b'i{Ijii'rice of Retdrn . form~ niust b~-compiet~d ;;,{ii sent to . · .. ~~~~•*ff !{;~~:~li~~~?~fff~}ii,~~J~(fo blJ Tflquired . ilepe11dmg on ·the hazardouslnon-hazardous ·"• ,' _· . ,._.-,. ·-,. ,,., .. ,..,,:··, .. clast;ification of the con'taininahts adsorbed. . Cai-bonliir vvill ~dt accept lipeiit carbon until all t{ii ~~~~ss~;t/~rn1sj;J~ef"J,~er1 completed. • Jz;:f:X''fbf:;Zti;:i1'1~'/l1!_ft11Pt._ . ::'' -:.' ::_;~·:~·/\~·-:-Jf.~.\,:}?(~!:'.('·_ '?'·?:)\,{i2ii~-~f( ... · .. ).,· WARNING: Before attempting to remove the carbon from the vessel it must bti understood that the material may be considered a hazardous waste. Consequently, the use of respirators and protective clothing is required. Removal of the carbon must be initiated from the outlet. Carbonair recommends that a vacuum extraction method of removal be employed so that the carbon can be transferred with minimal handling, directly to drums or supersacks for proper disposal. In addition, Carbonair recommends that a licensed contractor provide this service to ensure that the removal is conducted safely and cost effectively, After the carbon is removed, be sure to inspect the integrity of the fiberglass grate, the wire mesh and the inside structural supports. Also check the bottom of the vessel and clean as necessary to ensure proper drainage (see Section 8.3 for details). WARNING: Never enter the GPC vessel without adequate ventilation, proper atmospheric testing and safety equipment. The activated carbon depletes the air of oxygen so entering the vessel without sufficient ventilation could be fatal The vessel is considered a confined space and therefore OSHA confined space entry safety procedures must be followed (29 CFR 1910. 146). 8.2 Fresh Carbon Loading It is important to note that carbor,, .with particle sizes smaller than the wire mesh opening)inust. not be used or the carbon ;,.,i1i';,i.ss thiough' the ; wire mesh reducing operating peHorm'anc//j,i,d possibly plugging the inlet. and/or 'c;;i,dJhsate . drain. .-\;(fi. Dry carbon is introduced into the vessel through the outlet pipe opening. To load carbon into the unit, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Inspect the inside of the vessel as specified in Section 8.3. 2. Re-install the access cover and Gasket. 6 Copyrighti:0 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, lnc.17/21/99) \\~HQ.HWSVfl01WOL1\DATA\USERS\TFIELOS\TAMMY\O&M\Gl'CR.00C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. -~·. m D I I I I I I I I D I I I I I I I I 3. Add fresh activated carbon to the vessel through the outlet port until the activated carbon level is no less than 6-inches from the top of the vessel -carbon densities will affect the volume which can be added to the GPC unit. 4. Verify that the carbon is evenly distributed over the carbon bed to prevent the possibility of the air flow stream channeling through thinner sections of the bed. 5. Reconnect the outlet pipe. 8.3 Vessel Inspections The inside of the vessel should be inspected periodically to verify the integrity of the internal components. Inspections should be conducted in a manner which is consistent with confined space safety procedures. WARNING: Never enter the GPC vessel without adequate ventilation, atmospheric testing and proper safety equipment. The activated carbon depletes the air of oxygen so entering the vessel without sufficient ventilation could be fatal. The vessel is considered a confined space and therefore OSHA confined space entry safety procedures must be followed (29 CFR 1910.146). To inspect the GPC vessel, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Remove the outlet pipe (ventilation). 2. Remove the access cover. 3. Closely examine the wire mesh to ensure that the holes are clear and is properly secured on the vessel ledge. 4. Closely examine the fiberglass grate to ensure that the openings are clear in that it is properly secured to the vessel ledge. 5. Make sure that flange fasteners are secure. 6. Check the bottom of the vessel and clean if necessary to ensure proper condensate drainage. After the inspections have been successfully completed, re-connect the outlet pipe, re-install the acces.s cover and verify that the drain valve is closed. 8.4 Condensate Drainage Drainage of condensate from the bottom of the GPC vessel may be required periodically depending on the inlet gas stream moisture content. This is done by opening the condensate drain valve at the bottom of the vessel. If the vessel is pressurized, the condensate will flo)IV more ·readily but may cause some splattering when air begins to pass through the line. Carbonair recommends that the blower be shut down before the drain valve is opened and then restarted when the valve is closed .. 8.5 Waste Disposal Proper disposal of spent carbon and contaminated condensate is essential. Be sure to follow all local, state and federal regulations for handling, storing, transporting, disposal and reactivation of spent carbon and condensate. 9.0 SPARE PARTS When ordering spare parts, refer to the drawings at the end of this manual. Be sure to provide the vessel model number and the complete description of the part. 10.0 PRESSURE DROP CHART The following pressure drop chart shows the pressure drop across the bed in inches of water at different gas flow rates through the GPC gas phase carbon adsorber with virgin CECA 4 x 10 GE Carbon @ 70° F. Piping and inlet losses must also be designed for. CopyrightO 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. (7/21/99) \\cts-HQ..HWSVR01\VOL1\0ATA.\USERS\Tl'la0S\TAMMY\06M\GPCA.OOC 7 ' B 16.0 c2° 14.0 ~ i 12.0 u. 0 ~ 10.0 :,: 0 ~ 8.0 .. 0 "' 6.0 C w "' ::, 4.0 "' "' w "' .. 2.0 0.0 0 Figure No. 2a Pressure Drop for GPC 5R, 7R, 13R FIGURE 3a, PRESSURE CROP VERSUS FLOW FOR GAS PHASE CARBON UNITS WITH 4X10 CARBON I I GPC-5R, J I GPC-13R :, V "" I r-----GPC-7R / 1/ / I / _v // ./ / p /".'. c---- 100 200 -~ 300 ,. 400 500 600 AIR FLOW RATE (CFM) Agure No. 2b 700 FIGURE 3b, PRESSURE CROP VERSUS 800 FLOW FOR GAS PHASE CARBON UNITS WITH 4X10 CARBON 16.0 11. ii: 14.0 ~ ~ 12.0 0 3: 10.0 w u. ~ o a.a ~ ffl 6.0 ~ 5 4.0 a.~ 2.0 0.0 ,,, """, .. J / / ./ // ~ I / / ,/ J / / ~ ...,,.,,. , '<OO ,OR I~ --- 900 ~ 1000 0 600 1000 1600 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 FLOW RATE (SCFM) Pressure Drop for GPC 20R, 50R CopyrightCI 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. 17/21199) \\CE~(Hffl'l'IR01WOL1\0ATA\USERS\TAELDS\TAMMY\O&M\GPCJ\.DOC I I I I I I I I I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 11.0 DRAWINGS Assembly drawings have been included on page 10 to simplify the part identification and ordering process. A parts list is included.along with the corresponding order number. ' 0 Table No. 2 GPC-13R Assembly Drawing Parts List & Order Numbers SST Screen 18 X 1 8 Mesh 2 Gasket 129693 114820 CopyrightC 1997 Carbonair Environmental Systems, Inc. (7/21/99) \\CE5-HQ-NWSVA01\VOL1\DATA\USERS'ITJla.DS\TAMM't\06M\GPC R . O O C -9 13.0 SPECIFIC OPERA TING PARAMETERS Job--------------------------------- Carbonair's Serial Number ___________ -'----------------- Recommended Activated Carbon _______________________ _ Activated Carbon Particle Size Range·-----~----------------- Wire Mesh Specifications Wire Mesh Opening Dimensions ________________________ _ Minimum Allowable Carbon Size. _______________________ _ ln~t Air Flow Rate Inlet Temperature ('F) Inlet Relative Humidity(%) _________________________ _ Contaminant Description, __________________________ _ Contaminant Concentration. _________________________ _ Contaminant Mass Flow, __________________________ _ NOTES. _______________________________ _ Copyrightl.CI 1997 Carbon air Environmental Systems, Inc. 17 /21 /99) \\CES-HQ.NWSVR01WOl1\DATA\USERS\TFlELOS\TAAIMY\06M\GPCR.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Operations and Maintenance Manual Prepared For: Brown & Caldwell Statesville, NC Prepared by: CARBONAIR Environmental Systems, Inc. 2 731 Nevada A venue North New Hope, MN 55>427s2864 Project Manager: Mike Keilen CARBONAIRProjectNo.: 11504 June 23, 2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Figure I. Figure 2. Process Description Plot and Elevation Diagram 3. CONTROLS DESCRIPTION 4. STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE 5. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 6. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE 7. TESTING REPORTS APPENDICES Page2 06/12/001:IDATA\PROJECT\JOBS\l 15_\11504\08_O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION CARBONAIR Environmental Systems Incorporated is the supplier of the ground water/soil remediation equipment for Brown & Caldwell to be installed at the Statesville, North Carolina site. This Operation and Maintenance Manual contains important documentation and provides specific operation and maintenance information for this system and individual components. Section 2 provides a description of the groundwater treatment system. This section is useful for learning about the process and system operating conditions. Included in this section are a Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) and a Plot and Elevation Diagram. Section 3 contains the Control Panel Schematic and a description of the system controls. Section 4 contains start up and shut down procedures. Section 5 contains a maintenance schedule for the system; the provided schedule is a summary of the recommended routine maintenance items .. Additional maintenance items or shorter maintenance intervals may be required depending on operating conditions. Section 6 contains troubleshooting guide for the system. The troubleshooting guide has been created to aid in simple troubleshooting tasks. More involved troubleshooting methods can be found in the appendices, or by calling CARBON AIR. Section 7 includes the test reports generated prior to shipping the equipment. The appendices contain the original equipment manufacturers' operation and maintenance manuals, specification sheets, and modeling. If you have any questions or problems please contact CARBONAIR at (612) 544-2154. Page3 06/12/001:IDA TA \PROJECT\JOBS\115 _ \11504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Scope The SVE/groundwater treatment system described in this section is located at the Statesville, NC site. This system description is provided as a written summary of the items shown in the Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) and the Plot and Elevation Diagram. All operators should read this description and study the P&ID for a full understanding of the system. The Plot and Elevation diagram shows the layout and installation requirements of the site. The System Component Summary lists the major items in each system. The System Description describes how the contaminated water/air moves through the system listing each of the major components. The reader should refer to the P&ID for a visual representation of the system while reading this description. CARBON AIR provided equipment for the Soil Vapor Extraction System. For details on each of the items listed, refer to the Component Description immediately following the System Description. • System Component Summary The following table lists the major items in each system: Item Descrintion P&ID Desienation Manufacturer Model# Vapor Phase Carbon Carbonair GPC20R's Vessels Vanor Phase Header Carbonair 6" steel header Air Compressor Gardner 12DI0VTS35 Denver/Chamoion System Description (2) Carbonair model GPC 20R vapor phase carbon vessels with carbon 2000 lbs 4x1 O mesh virgin bituminous vapor phase carbon in each vessel Carbon steel construction with epoxy/urethane finish inside and out Air plenum on inlet to balance airflow across carbon bed Steel carbon support grate with stainless steel screen 22" dia bolt on top manway for easy access (Access Only) 200-1800 cfm max flow range Less than 7" w.c.drop per vessel at 1000 cfm 6" nozzle inlet on sidewall of vessel 6" outlet nozzle on top of vessel near edge of vessel Misc. leveling plates for under GAC vessels to ease interconnection problems Each vessel is capable of being unloaded and placed in the building with a forklift or pallet jack Page4 06/12/001:\DA TA \PROJECTIJOBS\115 _ \11504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (1) Piping header for series, parallel or single vessel operation of (2) vessels 6" schedule 40 carbon steel piping, Cl flanged elbows & tees 6" Butterfly valves Mueller Steam Service model 56ANK61 Cast iron body, 416 SS stem, bronze disc, EPDM seat, 10 position handle, lockable in fully open or fully closed position Sample valves on influent and effluent of each vessel 6" 150# flanged influent, effluent Pipe supports to support interconnecting piping to vessel from header Skid for support of piping header (1) Compressor, Gardner Denver Champion Model 12D1 0VTS35 oil-less compressor 10 hp, 208VAC, 30, TEFC motor 35.2 acfm capacity, 100 psi maximum pressure NEMA 1 pressure switch 120 gallon horizontal ASME reservoir tank In line air filter with replaceable element Air cooled aftercooler Automatic condensate drain Pressure gage on receiver discharge Pressure relief valve (1) Pressure transmitter/gage, Dwyer model 7116D Pages 06/12/001:\DA TA \PROJECT\JOBS\115 _ \11504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I ll I I 11 I I I GPC-20R APROX. 8'-6" #1 JNLEr FROM SVE #2 5· PIPING APPROX. a·-o· DISCHARGE SAMPLE/PRESSURE GAUGE LOCATION (lYP. BOTH VESSELS) INLET SAMPLE/ PRESSURE GAUGE LOCATION INLET Fl.ANGE SPOOL (TYP. BOTH VESSELS) err GAS TO STACK 1---------------,-u·-o·------------------, GPC-20R REVISIONS REV ECO DESCRIPTION OAiE 0 •• ... ,..,.._ SHs · CARBONAIR _,., 12 ..,,.....,.. ............ ---IIK FOR GPC 2OR ~ W '",':" !.-"'""";;;~,.-,--:-:,,:=c-::-:----1 BROWN & CALDWELL-STATESVILLE, NC 4 ~TEI ANO AR otCOKtAMIMATDt 0--ooo JilDCNlNl0IJ!. WINN[SQTA ~ IT1LE 6 8.1. HEADER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. CONTROLS DESCRIPTION Carbonair supplied a terminal box with disconnect on the air compressor. An HOA switch is also installed on the terminal box to allow feed back to the PLC for mode of air compressor operation. Page6 06/12/00I:\DATA\PROJECT\JOBS\115_111504\08_O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAIN INCOMING POWER 208 VAC.. J•. 80 HZ L1 L2Ll ' ' ' I I I w 150 AlAP NON-F"USEO CISCQNNECT SWITCH (NOT SERVICE ENTR.A.N'CE RAT£0) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ll L++-------ui L+--------L . . LI AIR COMPRESSOR IOHP, 208VAC Jo 2S.5FlA PR£SSURE TRA.'LSI.IITTER (0-IOOPSIC) TERl•IINAl STRIP rs-, ~-,.--' ~..,.·\--~-l 11 11 :-y--f---4. 2 l.._ SHLO L-.J J _..; ___ 4. -~------4. I XCO • --L -----4. ' oox .. --. • • REV ECO A REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RELEASED FOR SUBMITTAL 05/17 /00 RELEASED FOR RESUBMITTAL 05/31/00 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION 05/05/00 AS 8Utl T 05/07 /00 LEGEND & ® 0 © @ @ 0 0 0 0 y T y T" ? H N: ---- _L... 0 0 ::,____ o,o _L... o,o _L... 0 0 TERMINAL IN PANEL LOCATED JN PAl-!El FlEl.O MOUNTED 0£'JICE LOCATED ON PANEL DOOR uOTOR CONTACTOR CONTROL RELAY GREEN PILOT LICHT RED PILOT UCHT WHJTE PllOT LICHT YELLOW PILOT LICHT F'LOAT SWITCH CLOSES ON RISING LEVEL F'l.OAT SWITCH OPENS ON RISING LEVEL PRESSURE SWITCH ClOSES ON RISING PRESSURE PRESSURE SWITCH OPENS ON RISING PRESSURE- T(l,lf>tRATIJRE SWITCH OPENS · ON RISING TEMPERATURE NORMAU.Y OPEN CONTACT NORMAU.Y CLOSED CONTACT FIELD Wll~NG NORMALLY OPEH PUSI-IBUTTON MOMENTARY n-tREE POSITION H.0.A SELECTOR SW'ITo-1-ILLUMINATtO (SPRING RETURN IN HANO POS) SEL£CTOR SWITOI ORN RLC RLC RLC RLC ::,____ 0 0 AOomoNAL CONTACTS MAY 8£ AOOEO ,----, 1----H----1 L~J NOTE: MOTOR C!RC1JIT PROTECTOR (PROVIOES MACNETIC TRIPS AND OV(Rl.ClAO PROT(CTION) MOTOR ORCUfT PROTECTOR AUXJU.AR'I' CONTACTS (N.O. COHTACTS/~~ WHEH START BUTTON OEPR ) t. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 2. NORMAL STATE, DEVICE ENERGIZED ~~?a~ =le;!~ o I 0 """ NO. 211 550 , ... A •n«:a.1f K 0:NSD!f r, ~ • ~ .utt .. NOC I 1 I L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'.::"""::.:=::::c.:""'=--------'·--.1...--..:00::..:"""'-'-""""-'='!!cc""~" " ' ~ c . . . . . . . 1 " " " __ ....:.'=::..:.'_Ll',_ ___ ... __ _: __ .J.:....,:::c'--'1_.,:c..._~ I I I 1· m I I I I U. I 4. STARTUPANDSHUTDOWNPROCEDURE Start up Procedures: Before starting any system, thoroughly inspect the system for signs of damage. Use the provided P&ID to verify that the system has been connected correctly. Then, read the start up procedure. AIR COMPRESSOR 1. Check the oil level (unless oilless compressor) in the compressor. Verify that all effluent connection have been made, and close any bleed valves on the compressor tank. 2. Verify that the panel is operational and installed is correctly (see panel start up procedures) 3. Bump the compressor to verify rotation by placing the AIR COMPRESSOR switch in the "HAND" position for a few seconds and observe the compressor. Rotation arrows are located on the compressor to signify proper rotation. If rotation is backwards, have an electrician exchange two of the power leads: Be sure to lock out and tag the main incoming power. Verify that there is not power with a multimeter. 4. Once rotation has been confirmed to be correct, enable the air compressor. The compressor should run for IO to I 5 minutes and automatically shut off. Closely observe the compressor to ensure the pressure in the tank is rising. The pressure should not exceed 180 psi. If it does exceed the maximum pressure, the compressor should be disabled immediately. Refer to the troubleshooting guide for more information 1• 5. Open the all valves to the pneumatic wells and adjust the pressure regulator to the desired pressure. If a solenoid is used to control the flow of the pump, place the MAIN AIR SOLENOID HOA in the "AUTO" position. 6. Once the system has reached operating conditions, record the following applicable operating ·conditions: Duty cycle (The amount of time the compressor actually runs divided by the amount of time that the compressor is enabled) Compressor motor amp draw High pressure set point (pressure when compressor shuts off) Low pressure set point (pressure when the compressor turns on) _______ _ Notes: I-depending on the interlock schedule, the blower may not run until all of the appropriate alarms have been cleared and the correct pieces of equipment enabled. The remaining steps can be finished when the system is completely enabled. Page 7 06/12/001:IDATA \PROJECT\JOBS\115 _ \I 1504\08_ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I I I I u: I 11 I I Vapor Phase Carbonair 1. Position valves for desired operation 2. Record operating pressures. Page 8 06/12/001:\DATA\PROJECT\JOBS\115_\11504\0S_O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I b, B I I I I I' I I ,, I I Shut Down Procedures CAUTION! -When disabling any motor or piece of equipment be certain that all source of power and fluid have been locked out and tagged, Air Compressor • Turn switch to off • Drain tank Vapor Phase Carbon • Drain bottom of tanks • Replace carbon if it is spent .. Page9 06/12/001:IDATA\PROJECTIJOBS\l 15_\l 1504\0S_O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504,doc I I I 5. MAINTENANCE This section should be used as a guide for general maintenance items. The recommended maintenance intervals are based upon past experience with the equipment and equipment manufactures' literature. It is important to use discretion when implementing the maintenance schedule. Unforeseen operating condition may require additional maintenance. Maintenance Schedule Svstem Task Recommended frequency GPC Carbon As needed, depending on operating replacement condition. See any carbon modeling to estimate the bed life of the carbon. Drain any As, needed depending on the humidity of the condensate. process stream. Monthly is a conservative guideline. Air compressor Clean/replace inlet As needed, depending on air quality filters condition. Recommend minimum cleaning - monthlv Check Oil Weekly, (unless oilless type compressor) Change Oil with After first month of operation, then yearly. SAE 30 weight (unless oilless type compressor) non-detergent Oil Check belt tension Monthlv Clean auto drain Monthly valve Page IO 06/12/001:IDATA \PROJECT\JOBS\! 15 _ \! 1504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504.doc I I I I I I ·1 I {f .tr I I I I I I I 6. TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble Shooting Operational Notes A. Any switch in the "HAND" position will operate the corresponding circuit under any alarm condition, except for a motor temperature fault or a circuit overload. The "HAND" position is for diagnostics orto clear alarms. The system should never be left unattended while any switch is in the "HAND" position. System Problem Possible cause Solution Air Compressor will run Alarm condition Clear any alarm condition and reset the control Compressor in "HAND' but not in panel. See "Section 3" for alarm interlocks. 'AUTO' Pressure to high The Compressor will not run until ii reach the low Compressor will not pressure set point. run in the 'HAND" Tripped circuit Open the inner door and reset the circuit position • protector protector. A tripped circuit protect can be an indication of a problem. Inspect the system thoroughly and check the operating conditions. Motor temperature Check to see that the motor temperature switch switch is inoperative has been wired, or that there is a jumper, if a switch is not present. Faulty motor Refer to Appendix or contact CARBONAIR for Compressor help in diaanosina faultv oumo. operating, but at Cloaaed filters Clean/reolace filter reduced performance Faulty pressure Replace pressure switch Compressor runs switch continuously Compressor size Contact CARBONAIR to verify any compressor inadequate sizing Leak in system Inspect system for leaks Compressor knocks/rattles Loose belt Replace belt. Excessive cycling Water in tank Drain tank and clean auto drain valve Leak in system Locate and repair leak Compressor under Contact CARBONAIR to verify any compressor sized sizina Page 11 06/12/001:\DAT A \PROJECT\JOBS\I15 _ \11504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual II504.doc ,. I Ii I' ,., I I' I I •• ,, .1· I 1: ,, ,, I ,, •• 7. TESTING REPORTS Page 12 06/12/001:\DATA IPROJECT\JOBS\115 _ \11504\08 _ O&Ms\Operations and Maintenance Manual 11504,doc I I J I ·,, ·~ I 'It I I I Page3 Control Panel Full Load Amp Settings (for overload protector devise) Ovc:rlo.id Amp Set -J Overload AmpScd Overload Amp Set ✓ Overload .. Control Panel Checklist Description Opcrat1on V Description Photos of control panel ,✓ Testing: Wiring As-built drawings ✓ PLC Program Special O&M Manuals: Autodialer . ,Ip Telemetry Interface Modem . If} UL Sticker Other ' 11 NEC Panel Sticker Service Entrance I ✓A Total Current Draw T cnninals Tightness . Ir/ Carbon air "TESTED" sticker ( dated & signed) ... . . Spare Fuses or Bulbs Quantity Size Spare Fuses or Bulbs Quantity . ' . IJ!ri. . ., . Control Panel Notes: ' PM Sign-off .. Sales Manager Sign-off Controls Sign-off Engineering Sign-off .... Amp Set ✓ Operation -..J v ,)1,1 .fllf ✓ ✓ .JIA ✓ Size I ,, I ,, ,, ,I I. I· ·I / I; I' I ·~ . , I I' I Gardner AUTOMATIC Denver service data for air TANK compressor components DRAIN VALVE REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO, REC'D DESCRIPTION 1 M2399 NUT, Timar lock 2 TD·B SCREW, Timar 3 TD-5 BODY, Timer 4 TD·2 COVER, Diaphragm 5 TD-9 DIAPHRAGM . 6 TD·4 PLATE, Diaphragm 7 TD-1 BODY, Valve 8 TD·16 RING, 0 9 TD•7 STEM, Valve 10 TD-3 DISC, Valve 11 TD·IB WASHER, Disc Backup • 12 M745 NUT, Hex Brass 13 P01882A SPRING, Valve 14 TD·17 GASKET 15 TD-10 PLUG, Intake •' 10 16 M2881 1 ATTING, Compression 11 17 M2863 2 FITTING, Compression 18 M3473 8 SCREW, Rllister Haat Machine 19 M1651 1 SCREEN 19 --14 z.TD-1 1 TANK DRAIN ASSEMBLY, Complete Z-TD•1A TANK DRAIN w/installation Kit (Champion Units) ·~g 15 ,1o/16 ~QP Z-TD-1C DRAIN w/Kit (Commandair Units) Z-5941 REPAIR KIT Includes items 5 & 8 thru 14 OPERATION_ At the end of each pumping cycle, any compressor equipped with a centrifugal unloader* or pressure switch with a pressure release valve, exhausts air from the lines between compressor and tank. This exhausted air is used to actuate the Gardner Denver Automatic Tank Drain Valve. The exhausted air is delivered into the diaphragm cover, 141 depressing the diaphragm 15). This forces the diaphragm · plate 161 and valve stem (9) down, unseating valve disc (10). Storage tank pressure then forces moisture accumulation at the bottom of tank through flexible tube and tank drain INSTALLATION The Gardner Denver valve may be mounted vertically or horizontally as required. It must be mounted rigidly to compressor or tank using mounting flange. The flange has been drilled to accommodate ¼ • bolts. A new tank drain fitting with flexible tube attached may be ordered or existing manual drain fitting and tube may be retained and used. Make sure flexible tube reaches bottom of tank. Connect as shown using 1/8" or 1/4" compression fittings. valve (see diagram reverse side). Timer 11, 2 & 3) allows the exhaust air depressing the diaphragm to bleed off. The length of time required to bleed off air determines draining time of valve. The timer screw 121 opens or closes air bleed holes providing the operating range necessary to assure complete drainage. *Only compressors equipped with centrifugal unloaders or unloader-type pressure switches can use this valve. The auto tank drain WILL NOT WORK with gasoline driven or continuous run units using head unloader . Where necessary to run connection into diaphragm cover on timer side, timer may be unscrewed and placed on the opposite side. When adjusting timer, timer screw should be turned to give draining time just long enough to exhaust all trace of moisture. Turning timer screw 121 CLOCKWISE LENGTHENS DISCHARGE TIME . COUNTER-CLOCKWISE SHORTENS DISCHARGE TIME. Tighten lock nut 111 when timer screw is set. FOAM NO. G3043 REV. 3/99 SERVICING IF VALVE FAILS TO OPEN. Check for leaks in line from unloader or pressure release valve to automatic drain valve. Check to see that timer has not been unscrewed too far. If trouble persists, remove intake plug 1151 and clean chamber. If this fails, remove diaphragm cover 141 and check diaphragm and diaphragm plate for cause of non-operation. IF VALVE FAILS TO CLOSE. Check timer adjust'llent to see that air is bleeding out. If air continuously bleeds from timer while compressor IS running, centrifugal unloader or pressure switch release valve is leaking. Check compressor or pressure switch instructions for remedy. If air continuously bleeds from timer when compressor IS NOT running, inspect compressor check valve. Replace check valve disc if air is leaking back from tank. If timer works correctly and valve fails to close, remove intake plug 1151, spring 1131 and valve stem assembly. This assembly includes valve stem 191, ·o· ring 181, disc 1101 and nut (121. They are not attached to diaphragm plate (61 and will drop out through bottom of valve chamber opening. Clean intake chamber and disc (101. Replace disc if scored. IF VALVE OPENS AND ONLY AIR IS EXHAUSTED. Check flexible tube in tank. It must reach to the bottom of the tank and be free of . leaks. Timer may be adjusted under operating conditions. 16 WARNING I Drain tank completely of air and water before installing or servicing valve. Failure to relieve pressure may cause injury or equipment damage FROM COMPRESSOR CENTRIFUGAL UNLOADER HOUSING ON PUMP 1/8" x 1/4" COMPRESSION FITTING AND BUSHING TUBE TO EXHAUST POAT OF CENTRIFUGAL UNLOADER OR PRESSURE RaEASE VALVE OUTLET OF PRESSURE SWITCH 1/8" X 1/4" COMPRESSION FITTING 1/4" EXHAUST TUBE TO CONTAINER FOR PROPER DISPOSAL ~ 1/6" x 1/4" COMPRESSION FITTING AUTOMATIC TANK DRAIN VALVE INTAKE TUBE 1/4"TUBING TANK DRAIN FITTING TANK FLEXIBLE TUBE INSTALLATION OF GARDNER DENVER AUTOMATIC TANK DRAIN FOR COMPRESSORS EQUIPPED WITH CENTRIFUGAL UNLOADER Gardner Denver 1301 N. Euclid Ave .• Princeton. Illinois 61356-9990 Phone (815) 875-3321 • FAX (815) 872-0421 Manufacturing Plants in Princeton", Illinois · Manteca, California O Copyright Gardner Denver, Inc, 1999 I ., ,, ,, •I' I. ' i 'I '· I, ,, ,1 ". :I I ,,, 'C· ·1. l I I I ------IS-C62E • • -----• . -----~ -------------------C628 Combination Unit WARNING! The polycarbonate plastic marerial us_ed 10 manufacture the plastic bowls and the sight glasses on the filter and lubricator ma.y be anacked by certain cheriiicals. DO NOT use these units en systems with air supplied by a compressor lubricated with synthetic oils or oils containing phosphate eaters or chlorinated hydrocarbons. These oils carry over into the air fines and chemically anack and possibly rupture the bowls and sight glasses. Also. DO NOT expose these units 10 ma- terials such as carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, acetone, paint thinner, cleaning fluids. or other /"larmful materials. for they too will cause the plastic to craze ·and/or rupture. For use· in environments - · where any ol lhese chemicals m3y be present, consult rhe factory for approval prior to installation. Installation Before lnslalling. blow out pipe line 10 remove scale and other loreign maner. These units have OA)'SEAL pipe threads; use "pipe compound c,r !ape sparingly to male threads only. Install units in pipeline so air will :tow in direciion indicated on bodies. Install as near as possible vertical to pipe line. F602 FILTER • --,--.. "" ' STEEL JOO PSI 1so'°'r STEEL OR. ZINC UO PSI l50°F !JISICHTGU.SS Maintenance To maintain maximum filtering efficiency and to avoid excessive pres• sure drop, the filter must be kept clean. On standard filters. open drain cock (turn clockwise) periodically and drain otf any bowl accumulation before it reaches level ot lower battle. Bowl drainage is automatic in lhe ·Pts1on Drain· mode:, however. m.:inualdraining.can ~!so be do.ne t;)y re• moving the bowl. A visible coating of dirt or condensate on lhe filter element surface or an excessive pressure drop is an indicatiOr'I that cleaning is necessary. Cleaning To clean. it is not necessary to remove filter lrom the line. disassembly Is simple and does not require I00/s-use the drawings on the reverse side ol lhis sheel as a guide. Before disassembly. shul otf the air supply and de pressurize filter. Clean all parts except plastic bowl and/or sight glass with alcohol and blow out filter body be/ore reassembly, Was'h hlter element in alcohol and blow out lrom the inside. Plaslic boW'ls or metal bowls with s,ghl glass must~ cleaned with ~~use hold soap o~ly. '"Auto Drain'" Operation · ·\· . ·Auto.Drain· tilters are equipped with a lloat actuate~ d_evice which autom'atically ejects liquid contaminates. II supplied in kit form, Part No. SA602MO-M3. the ·Auto Drain· can be installed by simply removing the flange ring and bowl and then removing the dr~incock lrom the bowl. Insert the '"Auto Drain· in place ol th~ removed draincock and reas· semble in reverse order. Maximum pressure: 175 PSI. "Piston Drain"" Operation The •Piston Drain· mechanism is operated by the pressure drop created as air flow is initiated or as the air line is depressurized. In order to drain properly, there must be sutticienl dynamic pressure drop;to trigger the drain mechanism. The •Piston Drain· will not fune1ion with minimal flow and pressure variations or on constant flow .:pplications. When sup• plied in k.it lorm, remove bowl and replace with •Piston Drain· assembly. MaximUm_pressure: 175 PSI. · R119 REGULATOR Reduc.d p.....,,. AdJuotment MAX PRESS '300 PSI MAX TEMP 120-F Ck>ckwise Nming of the adjusting · screw increases the reduced or regulated p,essuro. With relieving-type reoulators the reduced pres• sure fellows the adjustment ot the screw. with non-relieving regulators adjustment fOf' lower reducod pres.sure will not be obtained until the Muced prnauro 1y.tom is "'bled ctr or until air tlow starts. Maintenance ll the air supply is kepi clean, the regulator should provide lorig periods cl uninterrupted service. Erratic regulator operaIion or las~ of regulaIion is most always due to dirt in the disc area and cleaning is in order. Cleaning Oepressurize r~gulator, remove bonom plug, spring, and ~isc. Clean parts with denatured alcohol. wi~ c;,H seat and blow out body with · compressed air. Reassemble parts as a unit and· screw into regulator belore tightening bonom plug mak1:; Sure disc is in center hole in body. Should regulator continue to malfunction. obtain repair kit and replace parts indicated. · · • •' L606 LUBRICATOR . .. ,I" , .. -. STUL 300 PSI 1ao'"r ~tn' O11."ZIHC 2S0 PSI 150°F WISIClUCU.SS Lubricant •For average condilions, lhe use of tiigh.Quality SAE #10 (S,U.V> 150· 200 SEC. @100°F) oil is recommended. Other lubricants as specified by the maker of the equipment to be lubricated may be used if not heavier than SAE #40 (S.U.V. 800 SEC. @100°F). FIiiing· Lubricators can be filled while under pressure and without shuning down equipment-slowly remove either !ill plug and lilfto 114• to top of bowl using correct oil. For best r_esults use a long spout oil can so that . ~h~_Jip can be inserted into top of bowl. Adjustment The, •oial Ser knob is factory set so that when turned to zero (0) no oil is delivered to the venturi tor atomization and equipment is not being lubricated. To adjust oil drip rate, turn on the air, stan flow and set.know· to obtain the desired drip rate--visible through the sight glass. ·As a start. one to two drops per minute is suggested--correct lubrication being a maner cl experience and demand. Clockwise rotation of knob decreases oil feed rate. To check'lubricatiorrhold thumbnail or a mirror near the equipment exhaust. A heii.vy film indicates over-lubrication and the drip rate should be reduced: by turning know to a lower $¢?ting." Operation For pr~per automatic fill operation_the'oil inlet pressure to h.ibncator mus! be maintained between 10 and 200 PSI above air Pressure to lubricator. · Maintenance-Cleaning II bolh air and oil are kept clean and the oH level never allowed below end of tube in the bowl the lubri~tor should providEt long periods of unattended service. Cessation of Oil dripping through.. !he sight glass. irrespective of knob adjustment is an indication that cleaning is neces· sary. · .. ,; ·.·. .I. To clean, it is not necessary to'. remove lubricator-; from tlie line. Depressurize and disassemble using drawing as a·tguide. In most instances cleaning is needed on_!Y in the oil metering area. Pull oH ad1us1ing knob and remove need!~ valve assembly by turning out large hex nut. remove needle valve seat and clean removed parts with alcohol-making sure hole in seat is clear. With a #57 9rill make sure hole in bottom of sight gla'ss area is open. Blowout lubricator body with compressed air before reassembly. Caution: Plastic bowl• and metal bowls with sight glass must be cleaned with household soap only. See ~ther side for Replacement Parts List. ,...., 1/atts FluidAir ,-C62B 8711 PAA-:' IUtHl Plnoo< DMlNi::x:,t "THX" "RX" ---- -• .. ' ' ' • • - REPLACEMENT PARTS Order by Repair K,1 Number SlCHTCLASS REPAlR KIT (SRX) KIT NO. SIZE BC\Jl REPU.C"XEST KIT (BRK) -· RKS60SWY 1/4" • J/8" RXJ!60SwA 1 /2" KIT ·NO • SOUL SIZE BK602Y PLASTIC I /4" • l/8" BK602A PU.STIC I /2" .. RKB60SWB 3/ 4" t hru 21 BK60JA STEEL I I 2" BK603B BK605WA BK6051./B BAFFLE REPAIR KlT (BFX) KlT NO. SlZE RX602Y l / 4" • 3/8'" RX602A 1 / 2" RX602B l/4'" • I" RX602C 1~· • lo" RX602G 2" & 2½'" •pIJT0N DMUI• rILTtJI JUT HMt. KIT NU1'1Btll.S 11,· ,, •.. l'1" PISTON '11uouy j ltUOZSA DllAIH IUf .. TEE HAN'Dt.E KIT (THK) KIT NO, SIZE TK16'i I /4" & J/8"· TKl 19A l / 2" TK~l9B ]/4" thru I½" REPAik KIT (RElIEVINC) KIT NO. SIZE RKl 19Y l 14" & ]18" R.Kl 19A 1/2" --~- RKl l 9R 3/4" • l" RK.l 19D }I,.." • 11-i" STEEL 31• thru i~ ZlNC W/SIGHTGU.SS 1/2'" .• ZINC W/SIGHTGU.SS J/ 4" th:-u 2½" ELEHENT REPAIR KIT (ERK) KIT•NO,. SIZE ELE.'1.EN1' EK602Y I I 4" • ]/ 8 .. 40m EK602'1Y I /4:' • 3/8" Sm EK602A 1 /2't .. 40m EK602VA -1-1-:l"· = EK602B 3/4'' thru 1,. 40m EK602VB 3/4 thru lo Sm EK602G 2" & 2~" 40m "AUTO ORAIN"" SA·602M0•MJ ,.UUIU.l,I( •1Jlju..-u11 lMll J'l'II 01st ,IJSfWBl "f ;-)~•-~ · .I\IJAI A5stl.l9l "f -.,msu · .. --~ STIIJilfrlfll V!( Sf.1,l ...... REPAIR KIT (NON-RELIEVING) (RX) KIT NO. SIZE RK118Y } / 4" • J/8" RK 118A 1/2" RKl 188 J/4" • I" RK 1180 t!:" • l ,.., .. •.-. I SlCHTCLASS REPAIR KIT' (SRK-1) .. NEEDLE VALVE REPAIR KIT (NVK)' KIT N'O. SIZE -' KIT NO. SIZE RKB60S\JY 'i'Ki&osuA·-· ~ l/4'.' • 3/8" R.K606Y-l 1/4" thru l½" 112" RKS60SUS J/4" t hru~. I½" RKB605Xl0,J · r12" (2 OT. B01.ll.l SIGHT DOME 0 REPAIR' KI-T (SOK) .KIT NO. "SIZE RKB605Xl0-,,, JW' thru .I½" (2 OT. B0\.11.) Rl<606::;y l/4" thru 11l" .. B01.ll. REPLACEMENT KIT (BRK-1) Y.IT NO. BK606'i BK606A BK60]A BK603B BX609YA BK609"'8 BY.606XJ0A BK606XJOB --· ----------- B01./l. .,,. PLASTIC I /4" • 3/8" PLASTIC 1 /2" STEEL l / 2" STEEL J/4" thru I"" ZINC W/SIGHTGLASS 1/2". ZINC ll/SICHTGLASS 3/4" thru l½" - I ••• STEE-L (2 OT. WISICHTCLASS) l t 2" STEeL (2 OT. W/SIGHTGLASS)· 3/4" thru I"" --------- \'"'''I Ow••··,.;~. ,;.:.c~..., .... , .... UC"O"OQ,,,(l~o.'-....... , ..... ,..a_.._,.,...io,,o-_ol_ , • ., .. _,....,u.~IW~~ .,,.,. ... -oii..c:.;--,:i,_,,..,.p,__,_-od .,..c-...,..-M-TIQlll'Ol't ••.,.M:t o, •..:.-t ... ,,.. ---1 C"..,O-T"" '"-"' ~lrl,ol• If"!•-~,__, ,0,-o,u,,•~ •a<•~ -l"<I C0-11<1"'1Vo.l""OI0.•-1-<o,-,-◄--110,~1~c,a,-,,.A9•I __,,,..,_..,_.,,_~•lllf-CO"I •n..,....., "•-••-C"•9" """''' ,_.,,.,_ ""9"9•nc• ~ u .. \H 11'1 •or•,q,,, ...,.,....,,i .,.,... l•-~• "' CO"O-~OI'\ C"...-.C:.11\ 0, ...,.,l,... C•C-1-ll'Cn .... _,c:,, 11\9 c __ , "'' "O'°"WOI TM .... ,&Illy il,fl.all 0. -•"4ll1.0 o, jry 10..H -,,., •.... Ulllpl<lo,_ 0, ---•"llllMar,o,, o• -O'Oduel ------, .. Eco...,..,. .. """"($ NQQJ,-,fA WAAA,fiNfV ALL o, .. u, w•AR,fiNf1,s OR•L OR WfllrT!N l!X .. R!SSl:O CA '"''"LIi O ...c~uO•~ WAAAANTl!S o, M!RC ..... NT Alll~ITY OR FITNl!SS ,OR "' SPtc,,,c P\JA .. OSt •RE .. f R,11v t •C•UOEO 4N0 O•SCL••l,lfQ .,. HQ (llfNr 5'"'•U h,t CQr,11>ANT llt Ll•BI..! ,oPHNCIO(NT"I. 0111 CON:1,(QIJf .. ll,fi~ .O•Y4G!S • Kittery. Maine USA 03904-0902 .f ,.,,~~0--•1ol"'•C-...-,1o, ... 'OloiOIG-a,;-e•~""'Ot, __ ,.....,,.,....,a-..o,1•~-"'°"""0,NC,,Ctl_,,,_ .-• ,._.,.,....,_ ,,._.. .. _,.o,_ .... ••'-oJ--C-P,<1 olJfte ~OC,OOS-•~IOl"<f lcr11 Of C ..... oci; .... ..., 0894010 PRINTED IN U.S.A. I I ~,J ,, I ,, I: f, ,, I ,,, I .. , ,, I ,t •II ' I ,, -, I' ., I' ,I' Oil-Less Compressor Registration & Start-Up Report I. Description of Unit Compressor Unit sold by (distributor) _____________________ _ Customer Number ___________ City _________ State Compressor Model Unit Serial ______________ _ Motor Name Plate Volts Phase ________ Amps 0 Air-Cooled · 0 Water-Cooled O Aftercooler 0 Suction Unloader O Standard Air Filter II. Information Recorded at Start up of unit • Shipping blocks removed? 0 Hourmeter Working? 0 Spring Isolator Adjustment Checked? (Horizontal VT & WT only) 0 Volts & Amps Recorded with Unit Running Volts ____ Amps _____ Cut-in Pressure ____ Cut-Out Pressure ___ _ Operation of all Controls Checked? CSL (Hospital) Filter O Connection of CSL Filter(s) to Remote Intake plumbing checked? 0 Factor air filters must be installed at the pump inlet for warranty to apply. Use CSL filter to pipe remote inlet air to the pump. This certifies that compressor has been installed, starter and checked for proper operation on ----------------------~ 19 ____ (Start-Up Date) Unit Location Approved by for Owner Champion Representative or Distributor Remarks-------------------------------- One copy of this form must be sent to ' FAX # (815) 872-0421 · Attention: Service Department Champion 1301 North Euclid Avenue Princeton, IL 61356 THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CHAMPION WITHIN 10 DAYS OF START-UP TO ENSURE ELIGIBILITY FOR FULL WARRANTY COVERAGE. COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE --> I ,,, I/ End-User Name --------~-------------------Jf ' Address City/ST/Zip ___________________________ ,, Phone ( ) ___________ Fax ( ) _________ _ Contact _____________ Title _______________ _ THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMimD TO CHAMPION WITHIN 10 DAYS OF START-UP TO ENSURE ELIGIBILITY FOR FULL WARRANTY COVERAGE. Form # 3171 REV999 t ,, ' 1, v· i' I, ,,, 11, ,, 19, I ✓ ' f I, -1 'I- I I\ I '\ 11 I t ,, 1, ',/ I :t ·t t ·a· ',,✓ Owner's Responsibilities INSTALLATION: Compressor must be located in a clean, well-ventilated, dry room to insure an adequate supply of fresh, clean, cool and dry air. Compressor cooling fan should have a minimum clearance of 14" from any obstruction to insure proper cooling of unit. Lagging compressor unit to the floor is required. Tank-mounted units must have the legs shimmed to avoid undue stress on the tank welds. For warranty to apply, tank must be mounted on vibro isolator pads. Lag bolts should be "snug", and not tight. Necessary electrical wiring and connections should be made by a qualified electrician and must be installed in accordance with all national and local electrical codes. MAINTENANCE: Refer to owner's manual for safety rules and detailed maintenance instructions and service schedule. Refer to Maintenance Schedule outline in Owners Manual and perform maintenance based on accumulated running time on hourmeter. Keep complete unit clean Keep intake filters clean. Inspect and clean valves every 5,000 hours. Keep belts adjusted properly. Keep nuts, bolts, capscrews and all fittings tight. Refer to manual for torque recommendations. Failure of owner to comply with safety rules, installation and maintenance procedures outlined in Owner's Manual will void warranty. FREIGHT DAMAGE: Freight damages do not constitute warranty of service adjustment. Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. terms are FOB point of shipment/factory, and Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. responsibility ceases upon delivery of material to carrier and obtaining receipt for same. It is the responsibility of the receiving customer to file damage, shortage and concealed damage claim with the delivering carrier on receipt of material. 1301 N. EUCLID AVE. • PRINCETON, ILLINOIS • 61356-9990 PHONE: stS.875-3321 • FAX: 815-172-0421 FOllM JHZ llEV. JU Garmier Denver Gardner Denver Machinery, Inc. Five Year Warranty Lubricated Compressors Gardner Denver Machinery, Inc. ("the Company'') warrants each new compressor pump manufactured by the Company, mounted on a factory assembled unit, to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of sixty-six (66) months from date of shipment by the Company or the Company authorized distributor, whichever may occur first Applies to the compressor pump only excluding head valves. Valves, controls and accessories are warranied for the first year only. Compressor pumps purchased separately would carry a one year warranty. This five year extended warranty will be prorated over the 5 years as follows: First Year 100% Allowance, Parts and Labor Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year 90% Allowance, Parts and Labor 80% Allowance, Parts and Labor 70¾ Allowance, Parts and Labor 60% Allowance, Parts and Labor Applies to the Company logo, tank or base mounted complete compressors only. Express Limited Warranty The Company warrants each new air compressor unit manufactured by the Company to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twelve (12) months from date· of installation of fifteen ( 15) months from date of shipment by the Company or the Company authorized distributor, which may occur first. The Company makes no warranty in respect to components and accessories furnished to the Company by third parties, such as ELECTRIC MOTORS, GASOLINE ENGINES AND CONTROLS, which are warranted only to the extent of the original manufacture(s warranty to the Company. To have warranty consideration, electric motors must be equipped with thermal overload protection. The extended five year warranty will apply to ASME air receivers provided they are installed on. rubber vibro isolator pads. When a compressor pump, or component is changed or replaced during the warranty period, the new/replaced item is warranted for only the remainder of the original warranty period. Repair, replacement or refund in the manner and within the time provided shall constitute the COMPANY'S sole liability and your exclusive remedy resulting from any nonconformity or defect. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT NOT INANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, ARISING WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT OR ITS FAILURE TO OPERATE, EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. . THE COMPANY MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ED. NO SALESMAN OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY HAS AUTHORITY TO MAKE ANY WARRANTIES. BK-65 4198 ' ·I :I, 11 y I ,._. ,, ,, I ·I '/ I 11 ,., i: '" I I. It ,, t t . __ ,, I ~!-,.,, I Gold Ring™ Solenoid Valve Bulletin 7288 Revision C Effective 1Apr95 Revised 30Jan97 Parker Gold Ring™ Solenoid Valve Temperature Limitations Parker Hannifin Corporation Skinner Valve Division The following table provides fiuid and ambient temperature data for Parker Gold Ring™ solenoid valves. Coil Maximum Series or Watt Ins. Class Ambient Fluid Catala~ Number Rating (See Note 2) Temperature "F Temperature "F Series 20 9,5 130 77 200 Series P,20,22,24,25,26,30,34,38 6,6,6,6,9,7,5,6.1 155 130 180 Series 20,23,24,25,26,28,34,35,38,48 11, 11.8, 12.6, 13.9 155 130 180 Series 20,22,23,24,25,26,28,30,34,35,38,48 6,6.8,8.9, 7 .5,8.1, 11, 11.6, 12.6, 13.9 180 167 216 Series 20,30 10.2,10.4,10.8, 12.3, 12. 7 155 77 180 Series 20,30,34 16,16,7,17.4 155 77 200 Series 22 16,16.7,17.4 155 77 175 Series 20,22,30,34 10.2, 10.4, 10.8, 12.3, 12. 7, 16. 7, 17.4 . 180 113 236 Series 30 11,11.6 155 130 200 Exception 12F25 8,8.8,8.9,8, 1, 11 155 77 175 Exception 12F25 6,8,8,8,9,8,1, 11 180 113 236 Exceplions 04F20C2410ACH 11, 11.6, 12.6, 13.9 180 130 344 06F20C2410ACH 11, 11.6, 12.6, 13.9 180 130 344 04F20C6414ACH 11 11.6, 12,6, 13.9 180 130 316 06F20C6414ACH 11, 11.6, 12.6,13.9 180 130 316 04F20C6418ADF 16 16.7 17.4 155 77 307 06F20C6418ADF 16,6.7,17.4 155 77 307 04F20C6408ACH 1111.617.4 180 130 353 06F20C6408ACH 11,11.6,17.4 180 130 353 Seven digit may also be 3 All 9,5 155 77 120 All 11.5 155 77 150 Exce lions With "5" in 8th digit 11,5 155 77 140 With "20" before A3F 11,5 155 77 180 With "28" before A3F 11,5 155 77 180 04F20O1103 11.5 155 77 140 04F20O1106 11,5 155 77 140 Serles 48 11,5 155 77 104 04F25 11.5 155 77 160 Note 1 • Valves with case Urethane discs (8th digit is 5) have a maximum 14D°F maximum fluid temperature. Note 2 • Insulation class is maximum allowable insulation material temperature, 0 c . CAUTION (Rectified Coil Only) This solenoid coil contains solld state components that can be damaged by voltage spikes, transient voltage, over temperature, over voltage or improper assembly. To protect against premature coil failure, please read and adhere to the following: 1. If this coil is used in an inductive circuit with other inductive loads either In series or in parallel, this coils should be protected by a voltage suppression device with a minimum rating of 1.4 times the input voltage and sufficient capacity to dissipate the inductive load. 2. This coil is designed to operate In a maximum of n°F (25°C) ambient which should not be exceeded for an extended period of time. 3. If solenoid Is disassembled, all components must be reassembled correctly, Do not energize the solenoid unless it Is assembled to a valve. 4. Operating voltage is 85-100% of rated voltage. These limits should not be exceeded. Parker Hannifin Corporation Climate & Industrial Controls Group Skinner Valve Division 147 West Hoy Road Madison, MS 39110 (601) 858-4123 I ,,\ I: '\ I: ·t '11 I/ . ,, I GOLD RING™ SOLENOID VALVE Installation and Maintenance Instructions 2-Way Direct Acting Normally Open NEMA1 Series 20 & 21 NPT 1/8 -1/4 -3/8 Orifices 3/64 Through 9/32 Bulletin 721 0 Revision D Effective 1 Nov85 Revised 31 Jan92 Warnings J Parker Hannifin Corporation Skinner Valve Division , . If you purchase a Unit Valve and a Unit Solenoid, be sure the last two digits of the Unit Valve number match the first two digits of the Unit Solenoid number. If they do not match, do not Install. 2. 3. 4. 5. 02F20O1108AAF Untt Valve AFGC05 Unit Solenoid Check data label for correct catalog number, pressure, voltage and service. Do not Install tf unsuitable. For protection and proper operation of the solenoid valve, install a strainer or filter suitable for the service involved as close to the valve inlet as possible. This valve requires periodic cleaning and Inspection depending on the·servlce. This should be done at leMt once every 12 months or ovory 500,000 cycles, whlchovor occurs first. Turn off electrical power supply and line pre:s:suro to the valve. Bleed trapped pressure from the lines before inspecting, cleaning, servicing, or repairing the valve. Oesc iption: 2. Positioning Series, 10 solenoid valves are direct acting and have integral seats. Serles-. For best results mount with Unit Solenold vertical and .up- 21 dlre1 t acting solenoid valves come stand&rd with Inserted :stainless right Unit valve may be mounted In any position. steel se its for steam applications up to a maximum 353° F. Valves with watertlt ht NEMA Type 4 or explosion proof NEMA Type 7 enclosures are 3. Piping covere< by I & M Instructions, Bulletin 7220. Connect piping to vaJve according to markings on vaJve body. Operat ~ Apply pipe compound or sealing material oparingly to male pipe threads only. If applied to valve thread, it may enter valve and NORMJ LL YOPEN couao operational difficulties. Pipe strain should be _avoided by proper support and alignment of piping. Do not use vaJve ea a Open Y hen de-energized; closed when energized. lever when tightening pipe . Installation: 4. Wiring 1. Application Refer to manufacturer's catalog for application Information. Wiring must comply with local and national eloctrlcal cod ... Housing for all solenoid are made with connections for 1/2•Inch conduit. The enclosures may b8 rotated to facilitate wiring. I: ,, .-' :t ,, ·" I\ I 5. Unit Solenoid Installation Turn off electrical power supply. Slide unit solenoid over plunger tube. Place data label on top. Squeeze gold ring firmly to- gether, pressing it against the data label. This compresses the anti~vibration fingers. 6. Solenoid Te'!lperature ·standard catalog Valves are supplied with coils designed for continuous duty service. When the solenoid Is energized for a long period, the solenoid enclosure becomes hot and can be touched with the bare hand for only an instant This ls a safe operating temperature. Excessive heating will be Indicated by the smoke and odor of burning coil insulation. Maintenance: 1. Cleaning Periodic cleaning of solenoid valves is recommended. Fr► quency will depend on fluid and service, but should never be less than every 12 months or 500,000 cycles whichever occurs first. In general, If the voltage to the coll la correct, sluggish opera- tion, excessive leakage or noise will Indicate cleaning or repair Is required. Clean valve filter or strainer when cleaning valve. See . valve disassembly and reassembly Instructions below. 'I 2. Preventive Meintenanco 3. a. Keep media flowing through valve as free from dirt and foreign matter as possible. b, While not In service, operate valve at least once a month to Insure proper opening and closing. c. Periodic inspection (depending on media and service conditions) of Internal valve parts for damage or axcessive wear Is recommended. Inspect at least every 12 months or 500,000 cycles, whichever occurs first Thoroughly clean all parts. Replace wom or damaged parts with Gold Ring™ Spare Pa~s Kit. Uoe all parts for best results. Clean valve filter or strainer when cleaning valve. Troubleshooting Guido a. Faulty Controls Clrcutt Chock the electrical system by energizing the eolenold. A metallic click signifles solenoid is operating. Absence of click Indicates loss of power supply. Check for loose or blown out fuses, open~circJit or grounded coil, broken lead wires oc splices. b. Burned.Out Coil Check for 0pen-circutt: coil. Replace unit solenoid if necessary. c. Low Voltage Check voltage across the coil lead. Voltage must be at least 85% of data label rating. d. Incorrect Pressure Check valve pressure. Pressure to valve must be within range speeHied on data label. e. Excessive Leakage .. Disassemble valve and clean all parts. Replace worn or damaged parts with a Gold Ring™ Spare Parts Kit. Use all perts for best results. Install filtration if indicated. See valve disassembly and reassembly Instructions. 4. Unit Solenoid Replacement Tum off electrical power supply and disconnect coil lead wires. (Refer to Exploded View) . a. Remove gold ring by Inserting a 3/16" wide .screwdriver in the curved slot While h_oldlng the gold ring firmly against the unit solenoid gently twist screwdriver counterelockwise. Gold ring will open. Lift off data label and unit .solenoid. b. Reassemble by sliding unit solenoid over plunger tube. Place data label on top. Press gold ring against · data label to compress anti-vibration fingers. Squeeze the gold ring firmly together. 5. Vetve Oi.sBS3embly and Reassembly (Refer to Exploded Views) Tum off electrical power supply and line pressure. Bleed trapped pres.sure from lines. a. Remove gold ring by Inserting a 3/1 s• wide screwdriver In the cuNed slot While holding the gold ring firmly against the unit solenoid gently twist e:crewdrfver counterclockwise. Gold ring will open. Lift off data label and unit solenoid. b. For 1/4' and 3/8' NPT, unscrew bonnet of plunger tube ....,mbly and remove plunger ... embly, spring and body g .. kel For 11a• NPT, une:crew bonnet, remove bonnet, o-ring, plunger tube asaembly, plunger ... embly, opring and body gasket I· I I. I I c. All parts are now accessible for cleaning or replacement Replace worn or damaged parts with Gold Ring™ Spare Parts K'rt. Use all parts for best results. d. Inspect valve body seat for scratches, nicks, dents or other blemishes. Replace if damaged. e. Reassemble In reverse order of disassembly, paying careful attention to Exploded Views provided. Apply 175 .± 25 inch pounds of torque when tightening the bonnet on the 1/4" and 3/8 "NPT models. The 1/B"NPT requires 90 ± 10 inch pounds. Lubricate all gaskets with Dow Corning Corpora- tions Molykote (2D Ill compound or an equivalent high grade silicone grease. f, 00 NOT alter, modify, or use parts not obtained in Spare Parts Kit from original manufacturer. Parker Gold Ring™ Spare Parts Kits Spare Parts K"rts and Unit Solenoids are available for Gold Ring™ Valves. Parts marked with an asterisk (•) are included in Spare Parts Kits (See Exploded Views). Ordering Information for Spara Parts Kits When ordering Parker Gold Ring™ Spare Parts Kits or Unit Solenoids, specify Valve Catalog Number, Serlal Number and Voltage. Note: This product may contain chemicals known to the state of Calttornla to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. This warning Is given In compliance with California Proposrtlon 65, as de-. tectable amounts of chemicals subject to Proposition 65 may be contained In this product. .. NORMALLY OPEN 3/S"NPT BRASS-316 STAINLESS STEEL FASTENER* /~NUT* ~RETAINER* T RING I ./ V * PARTS INCLUDED IN REBUILD KITS ' ®)>----SPACER* cs:----DATA LABEL ~ PLUNGER TUBE * '¥' -ASSEMBLY GASKET TORQUE PLWGER TuBE ASSEltil. Y 175,25 INClt-POLNDS FASTENER* ,,.i!b-NUT * ~RETAINER* RING NORMALLY OPEN 1/8" & l/4"NPT BRASS-STAINLESS STEEL ~GOLD I RING* LABEL *GOLD RING~ /j" / TOR!lJE B!WET fllD SPRING SEAT CLOSUlE Y0,10 11(:H-POltlDS * PARTS 11(:LUDED IN REBUILD KITS V ®--SPACER* ~DATA LABEL PLUNGER TUBE* ASSEMBLY TORO\£ PLlN,fR Tl.llE ASSElfll..Y 175,25 11(:IH'Ol.tlDS ,ill. DISC HOLDER * , ASSEMBLY , NOTES: PLUNGER TUBE ASSEMBLY GASKET* BODY (1/4 NPT) BONNET--i,l.f~ * BONNET GASKET * PLUNGER TUBE ASSEMBLY • ie.QRI_3__ELUGGEUl MQUMIIMG_BRBCKEI (OPTIONAL) SEE NOTE l.~ @ -" * SPECIAL ~RENCH FOR VALVE BONNET , FROM PLUNGER ASSEMBLY -PLUNGER SPRING * PLUNGER ASSEMBLY * PLUNGER TUBE ASSEMBLY GASKET* BODY ( 1/8 NPT) ll!JI-DISC HOLDER * ~ ASSEMBLY t DISC SPRING * q:>-cLOSURE GASKET* ~ ;PRING SEAT ~CLOSURE I. FOR MOUNTING, A FLAT SURFACE MUST BE PROVIDED ACROSS THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE BRACKET. THE VALVE BODY BECOMES SECURE TO BRACKET, ~HEN BRACKET IS TIGHTENED IN TO POSITION. I I I I I I I B I H I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C BLOWER PACKAGE AND HEAT EXCHANGER DOCUMENTATION BY J.E. GASHO AND ASSOCIATES P:\PROJ\ 18895\ 18895.014 \O&MAPPcvr.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-.. __ . I I ~ Y'fi'1 J E GASHO tf~ ';;;< • • ~tfJ & Assoc., Inc. 460 West Gay St reel West. O,ester, PA 19380 Phone: 610-692-6650 Fax: 810-692-6837 E-Mail: Jlmgasho@ca.com Brown and Caldwell 227 French Landing Drive Nashville, TN 37228-1605 FCX -Statesville Superfund Site P.O.# T000301-002 June 21, 2000 Rotron EN909BG72WL Regenerative Blower Moisture Separator, Silencers Soil Vapor Extraction System JG00D-1401 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item Qty. 1 2 2 1 3 1 3A 1 4 2 4A 2 5 3 6 1 7 1 9 1 10 1 11 2 12 2 13 1 14 2 15 3 16 2 17 4 18 2 19 2 1 1 J. E. GASHO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Authorized Manufacturer's Representative Air I Gas Moving Equipment 460 W. GAY STREET WEST CHESTER, PA 19380 PHONE: 610-692-5650 FAX: 610-692-5837 Brown and Caldwell 227 French Landing Drive Nashville, TN 37228-1605 P. 0. No. 00-0033 FCX -Statesville Superfund Site J. E. Gasho & Assoc., Inc. Quotation W9887 Rev. 1 Soil Vapor Extraction System JG00D-1401 Supplier Description . Part Number Misc ID Rotron Blower EN909BG72WL P/N038629 Metal Masters Base 4x 12skid Dwyer Flow element DS300-4 FE0201, FE0203 Dwyer Flow Transmitter 604D-2 FE0201, FE0203 Dwyer Flow element DS300-6 FE0202 Dwyer Flow Transmitter 604D-2 FE0202 Dwyer Pressure Transmitter 604D-100 PE0201,PE0203,PE0204 EM Inlet Filter EMS-4 Mueller Dilution Valve 4" 4-65M-ANl-6-1 4" Butterfly Valve Dwyer Pressure Transmitter 604D-40 PE0202 EM lnline Filter EMl-6 Gasho Pressure Gauge 0-160 IWC Gasho Vacuum Gauge 0-160 IWC Gasho Moisture Separator GX120 Dwyer Level switch L6-EP13-B-S-3-0 LI0202,(LI0202) McMaster Carr Temperature transmitter 40705K4 (0-300) TE0202, TE0203, TE0204 Fisher Vacuum RV 289H-3 2" Mueller Shut off Valves 4-65M-ANl-6-1 4" Butterfly Valve Gasho Sample Ports W/Swagelok fitting EM Products Absorbtive silencer BIU-4 Following items Shipped loose For field installation Xchanger Air to Air heat exchanger AA-500 Mueller Dilution Valve 4" 4-65M-ANl-6-1 4" Butterfly Valve As built 6-21-2000 4 X f 9/16 3/4 8 <<FLOW<< 16 48 >>fLOW>> 24 l -3/4~ 12 u I I 6" fLANGE JJ >>FLOW>> ·h <<FLOW<< __I J 25 1/4 15• fLANGE -t 120----~------- 144 ' • 71 -f • iii=iiiiii5, -:f:::=j-c:::_ - --iJ, II ...., . r l - ~ A REV. DATE .r;: -u __,CJ -- 144 1 AS BUn.T DESCRIPTION -00 7m'e1NSON 5-8 SHEET 1 OF 1 102 "1 --j I r . I_:::_ CJ J -l . J.E.GASHO & Asso.c., Inc. -460 w. CAY ST. PENNSYLVAtAA 19J80 ST CHESTER, A 29 1 2 1 30 FE020I ~ E020.J ~ 4 3 4 31 4 32 5 33 6 34 7 35 8 36 9 37 10 38 11 39 12 40 13 41 14 U0201 C 42 15 43 16 44 17 ll0202 C 45 18 re 46 19 47 20 48 21 49 22 50 23 51 24 52 25 53 26 54 27 55 -~ J.E.GASHO & Assoc., Inc. M. WITTE 6-7-00 460 W. GAY 5T. 28 56 WEST CHESTER, PENNSYlVANIA. 19l80 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES TERMINAL STRIP WIRING DIAGRAM REV. DATE DESCRIPTION SHEET 1 OF 1 1401-C-WD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EN 909 & CP 909 Explosion-Proof Regenerative Blower FEATURFS • Manufactured in the USA -ISO 9001 compliant • Maximum flow: 600 SCFM • Maximum pressure: 120 IWG • Maximum vacuum: 100 IWG • Standard motor. 15 HP, explosion-proof • Cast aluminum blower housing, cover, impeller & manifold; cast iron flanges (threaded); teflon lip seal • UL & CSA approved motor with permanently sealed ball bearings for explosive gas atmospheres Class I Group D minimum • Sealed blower assembly • Quiet operation within OSHA standards MOTOR OPTIONS • International voltage & frequency (Hz) • Chemical duty, high efficiency, inverter duty or industry-specific designs • Various horsepowers for application-specific needs BLOWER OPTIONS • Corrosion resistant surface treatments & sealing options • Remote drive (motorless) models • Slip-on or face flanges for application-specific needs ACCESSORIES (See Catalog Accessory Section) • Flowmeters reading in SCFM • Filters & moisture separators • Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges & relief valves • Switches -air flow, pressure, vacuum or temperature • External mufflers for additional silencing • Air knives (used on blow-off applications) • Variable. frequency drive package BLOWER PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD CONDffiONS AIR FLOW RA TE (M'/MIN) AIR FLOW RATE (M3/MIN) 2.0 4.o e.o a.o 10.0 12.0 14.0 1e.o 11.0 2.0 4.0 11.0 8,0 1O.O 12.0 14.O 18.O 18.O . s.o 140 350 ' ' ' ' ' I 10 -140 350 ' ' 120 PRESSURE ,. ... , A•MAX PRESSURE '" POINT 300 •120 SUCTION A·MAto,.wr'ON 300 4.0 m' .. ...... ' A-15 HP B-10 HP ~ I . 250 • ► f100 § " .... A-15 HP 8-10 HP ••• ~ t--~ 3.0 ; BO ~ !!; ~a 200 ~ ; . ; ... .. ... •• 200 ~ 2.0 ; .. 80Hz ' ' " l! .. 50Hz . ' 1.0 ' 20 '\ '\ 0 100 200 300 400 100 800 700 AIR FLOW RA TE (SCFM) ~I; 1:l I I Ff Ft Ebb Pl H I !~~:§1 11 fEFbt bffitJ I !Ii 1 ~1 11 th r:tt-H-J 113 I m 1&11 E 100 ,o l!; 0 ; ... m • Ii " l! l!""' ' , __ Hz . ' Hz ' ~ 150 100 2 ... . ' ,o ' ' 0 100 200 300 400 IOO IOO 700 AIR FLOW RATE (SCFM) I' Iii 1 : 11 i 411 t 4 4 4 11 t1 I !~~ :§.11 # # 4 4 I ~ 4 J ] ID I I l i:fi 1-1-'-'-' 111 AMETEK ROTRON TMD, SAUGERTIES, NY 12477 •email: info@ametek.com • internet: www.rotrontmd.com D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EN 909 & CP 909 Explosion-Proof Regenerative Blower ,90 7.9 25 ~ 20.97 532.6 2957 751.1 24,68 REF. 626.9 -7.23 r-~7 1.19 . 183:,i; 4116.1 . 30.2 >, 7 -~ --r---.. --~--' -. -= ' ~ :'!: , ) • • I . . -"~-~·-352 241.3 76.2 ~~ 15.50 275.8 393.7 ,75 X 2.00 SLOT , (4) PLACES DIMENSIONS: -1,.r TOLERANCES: .XX * tr (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) [!::::>-1.25• NPT CONDUrT CONNECTION AT I O'CLOCK POsmoN SPEOflCATIONS MODEL EN909BG72WL EN9098G86WL Part No. 038629 038634 Motor Enclosure -Shaft Material Exnfosion-nroof -CS Exnlosion-□roof -CS Horsennwer 15 15 Phase -Freauencv 1 Three· 60 Hz Three -60 Hz Volta□e 1 230 460 575 Motor Name□iate Amos 36 18 14.4 Max. Blower Amos , 44 22 18 Inrush Amns 240 120 100 Starter Size 2 2 2 Service Factor 1.0 1.0 Thermal Protection 2 Class B -Pilot o, "'' Class B -PIiot o, "'' XP Motor Class -Grou□ I-D 11-F&G I-D. 11-F&G Shipping Weight 584 lb. (265 kg) 584 lb (265 kg) I Scale CAD drawing IIVllll■bla upon request. / 211.B r 8,341 OUT IN . 8.46 L,...+--18.75 ~ 'ill' 11.28 286 EN9098D72WL 080071 214.9 Ex□iosion-□roof -CS 10 Three• 60 Hz 230 460 22.2 11.1 26 13 162 81 2 1 1.0 Class B • Pilot D11hi I-D, 11-F&G 564 lb (256 kg) 4"-8 NPSC FEMALE THREAD BOTH PORTS ROTATION '( DIRECTION CP909GA72WLR 038982 Chem XP-SS Same as EN909BG72WL - 038629 except add Chemical Processing (CP) featums from catalog inside front cover 1 Rotron motors are designed to handle a broad range of wortd voltages and power supply vartatlons. Our dual voltage 3 phese motors are factory tested and certified to operate on both: 208-230/415-460 VAC-3 ph-60 Hz and 190-208/380-415 VAC·3 ph-50 Hz. Our dual voltage 1 phese motors are factory tested and certified to operate on both: 104-115/208-230 VAC·1 ph-60 Hz and 100-110/200·220 VAC-1 ph-50 Hz. All voltages above can handle a :10% voltage fluctuation. Special wound motors ·can be ordemd for voltages outside our certified range. 2 Maximum operaHng temperaturs: Motor winding temperature (winding rise plus ambient) should not exceed 140°C for Class F rated motors or 120°0 for Class B rated motors. Blower outlet air temperature should not exceed 140"C (air temperature rise plus Inlet temperature). Performance curve maximurii pressure and suctton points are based on a 40°C Inlet end ambient temperature. Consult factory fer Inlet or ambient temperatures above 40"C. , Maximum blower amps corresponds to the performance point at which the motor or blower temperature rtse with a 40"C Inlet and/or ambient temperature reaches the maximum operating temperature. Specifications aubJa;t to change without notice. Pleeae consult your Local F1eld saiu Engineer for epeclflcatJon updates. AMETEK ROTRON TMD, SAUGERTIES, NY 12477 •email: info@ametek.com • internet: www.rotrontmd.com lfPI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WARRANTY, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS iMi!llfi!JfD ROTRON TECHNICAL MOTOR DIVISION . Industrial Products 75 North Stree~ Saugerties, NY 12477 U.S.A. Telephone:914-246-3401 Fax:914-246-3802 AMETEK 1. No Fault Policy -AMETEK Rotron DR, EN and HiE regenerative direct drive blowers are guaranteed for one full year from the date of installation (limited to 18 months from the date of shipment) to the original purcilaser only. Should the blower fail, regardless of the cause of failure, we will at our option repair or replace the blower. 2. Standard Policy -AMETEK Rotron Minispiral, Revaflow, Multiflow, Nautilair, remote drive blowers, moisture separators, packaged units, CP blowers, Nasty Gas™ models and special built (EO) products are guaranteed for one full year from date of shipment for workmanship and material defect to the original purchaser only. Should the blower fail, we will evaluate the failure. If failure is determined to be worBQnanship or material defect related, we will at our option repair or replace the blower. 3. Parts Policy -AMETEK Rotro111 spare parts and accessories are guaranteed for three months from date of shipment for workmanship and material defect to the original purchaser only. If failure is determined to be workmanship or material defect related we will at our option repair or replace the part. Corrective Action -A written report will be provided indicating reason(s) for failure, with suggestions for corrective action. Subsequent customer failures due to abuse, misuse, misapplication or repeat offense will not be covered. AMETEK Rotron will then notify you of your options. Any failed unit that is tampered with by attempting repair or diagnosis will void the warranty, unless authorized by the factory. · · Terms and Conditions -Our wanranty covers repairs or replacement of regenerative blowers only, and will not cover labor for installation, outbound and inbound shipping costs, accessories or other itenis not considered integral blowe,rparts. Charges may be incurred on products returned for reasons other than failures covered by their appropriate warranty. Out-of -warranty product and in warranty product returned for failures determined to be caused by abuse, misuse, or repeat offense will: be subject to an evaluation charge. rl.taximum liability will in no case exceed the value of the product purchased. Damage resulting fromt mishandling during shipment is not covered by this warranty. It is the responsibility of the purchaser le file claims with the carrier. • Other terms and conditions of sale are stated on the back of the order ackraowledgement Installation Instructions for SL DR. f:N. CP. and HiE Series Blowers 1. Bolt It Down -Any blower must be secured against movement prior to starting or testing to prevent injury or damage. The blower does not vibrate much more than a standard electric motor. 2, Filtration -All blowers should be filtered prior to starting. Care must be taken so that no foreign material enters the blower. If foreign material does enter the blower, it could cause internal damage or may exit at extremelj/ high velocity. 1 Revised 09/20/99 Should excessive amounts. of material pass through the blower, it is suggested that the cover(s) and impeller(s) be removed periodically and cleaned to avoid impeller imbalance. Impeller imbalance greatly speeds bearing wear, thus reducing blower life. Disassembling the blower will void warranty, so contact the factory for cleaning authorization. 3. Support the Piping -The blower flanges and nozzles are designed as connection points only and are not designed to be support memb~rs. Caution: Plastic piping should not be used on blowers larger than 1 HP that are operating near their maximum pressure or suction point. Blower housing and nearby piping temperatures can exceed 200°F. Access by personnel to the blower or nearby piping should be limited, guarded, or marked, to prevent danger of bums. 4. Wiring -Blowers must be wired and protected/fused in accordance with local and national electrical codes. All blowers must be grounded to prevent electrical shock.. Slo-Blo or time delay fuses should be used to bypass the first second of start-up amperage. 5. Pressure/Suction Maximums -The maximum pressure and/or suction listed on the model label · should not be exceeded. This can be monitored by means of a pressure or suction gage (available from Rotron), installed in the piping at the blower outlet or inlet. Also, if problems do arise, the Rotron Field representative will need to know the operating pressure/suction to properly diagnose the problem. 6. Excess Air -Bleed excess air off. DO NOT throttle to reduce flow. When bleeding off excess air, the blower draws less power and rims cooler. Note: Remote Drive (Motorless) Blowers -Properly designed and installed guards should be used on all belts, pulleys, couplings, etc. Observe maximum remote drive speed allowable. Due to the range of uses, drive guards are the responsibility of the customer or user. Belts should be tensioned using belt gauge. Maintenance Procedure When property piped, filtered, and applied, little or no routine maintenance is required. Keep the filter clean. Also, all standard models in the DR, EN, CP, and HiE series have sealed bearings that require no maintenance. Bearing shouid be changed after 15,000 to 20,000 hours, on average. Replacement bearing information is specified on the chart below. Bearing Part Number Size Seal Material Grease Heat Stabilized 510217 205 Nye Rheotemp 500 510218 206 Polyacrylic 30% +/-5% Fill Yes-325F 510219 207 510449 203 516440 202 BunaN Shell .Dolium "R" 25-40% Fill NO 516648 307 516840 206 Shell Dolium "R" 516841 207 BunaN 30%+/-5% Fill NO 516842 208 516843 210 516844 309 516845 310 516846 311 516847 313 2 Revised 09/20/99 I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T, rou es ooma bl h t· POSSIBLE CAUSE OUT OF WARRANTY REMEDY - b "O 1. • One phase of power llne not connected 1. Connect C ::, 2. • One phase of stator winding open 2. Rewind or buy new motor z 0 UI UI 3. Bearings defective 3. Change bearings w a, oz C 4. Impeller Jammed by foreign material 4. Clean and add flHer C It: e ili i: E 5. Impeller jammed against ·housing or cover 5. Adjust ::, :::l :c 6. -Capacitor open 6. Change capacitor w 1. • Two phases of power line not connected 1. Connect 11. 0 § 'C .!i z ,j! 2. • Two phases of stator winding open 2. Rewind or buy new motor i : 1. Insufficient fuse capacity 1. Use time delay fuse of proper 0::, 2. Short circuit rating iii u. 2. Repair 1. High or low voHage 1. Check input voltage ~ 0 2. • Operating in single phase condition 2. Check connections "O .. ::? ,e. 3. Bearings defective 3. Check bearings .. ~ m I-4. Impeller rubbing against housing or cover 4 . Adjust .c: ~ ~o UI m-5. Impeller or air passage clogged by fareign material 5. Clean and add fitter > u z o.! a: ~ 0 6. Unit operating beyond performance range 6. Reduce system pressure/vacuum ::, 0 ~ I--11. 7. Capacitor shorted 7. Change capacitor 0 a: :;; w 8. • One phase of stator winding short circuited 8. Rewind or buy new motor .J .J 1. Impeller rubbing against housing or cover 1. Adjust w ~-0 11. .!i ~= 2. impeller or air passages clogged by fareign 2. Clean and add filter 0::, material co 3. Change bearings .Cl "' < 3. Bearings defective "O 1. Leak in piplng 1. Tighten m ~ u .. C "O 2. Piping and air. passages clogged 2. Clean " C e iJl 3. Impeller rotation reversed 3. Check wiring 0;,: 4. Leak in blower 4. Tighten cover, flange 't: 0 lm 5. LowvoHage 5. Check input voltage "' • 3 phase units •• 1 phase units -Disassembly and repair of new blowers or motors will void the Rotron warranty. Factory should be contacted prior to any attempt to field repair an In-warranty unit . Blower Disassembly: WARNING: Attempting to repair or diagnose a blower may void Rotron's warranty. It may also be difficult to successfully disassemble and reassemble the unit 1) Disconnect the power leads. CAUTION: Be sure the power is disconnected before doing any work whatsoever on the unit. 2) Remove or separate piping and/or mufflers and filters from the unit. 3) Remove the cover bolts and then the cover. NOTE: Some units are equipped with seals. It is mandatory that these seals be replaced once .the unit has been opened. 4) Remove the impeller bolt and washers and then remove the. impeller. NOTE: Never pry on the edges of the impeller. Use a puller as necessary. 5) Carefully note the number and location of the shims. Remove and set them aside. NOTE: If the disassembly was for inspection and cleaning the unit may now be reassembled by reversing the a~ove steps. If motor servicing or replacement and/or impeller replacement is required the same shims may not be used. It will be necessary to re-shim the impeller a=rding to the procedure explained under asse_inbly. · · 3 Revised 09/20/99 6) Remove the housing bolts and remove the motor assembly (arbor/.housing on remote drive models). 7) Arbor disassembly (Applicable on remote drive models only): a) Slide the bearing retraining sleeve off the shaft at the blower end. b) Remove the four (4) screws and the bearing retaining plate from the blower end. c) Lift the shaft assembly far enough out of the arbor to allow removal of the blower end snap ring. d) Remove the shaft assembly from the arbor. e) If necessary, remove the shaft dust seal from the pulley end of the arbor. Muffler Material Replacement 1) Remove the manifold cover bolts and them manifold cover. 2) The muffler material can now be removed and replaced if necessary .. On blowers with fiberglass acoustical wrap the tubular retaining screens with the fiberglass matting before sliding the muffler pads over the screens. 3) Reassemble by reversing the procedure. NOTE: On DR068 models with tubular mufflers it is necessary to remove the cover and impeller accessing the muffler material from the housing cavity. Blower Reassembly: 1) Place the assembled motor (assembled arbor assembly for remote drive models) against the rear of the housing and fasten with the bolts and washer. 2) To ensure the impeller is centered within the housing cavity re-shim the impeller according to the procedure outlined below. 3) If blower had a seal replace the seal with a new one. 4) . Place the impeller onto the shaft making sure the shaft key is in place and fasten with the bolt, washer and spacer as applicable. Torque the impeller bolt per the table below. Once fastened carefully rotate the impeller to be sure it turns freely. 5) Replace the cover and fasten with bolts. 6) Reconnect the power leads to the motor per the motor nameplate. Bolt Size Tort1ue 1/4-20 6.25 +/-0.25 5/16-18 11.5 +/-0.25 3/8-16 20.0 +/-0.5 1/:z-13 49.0 +/-1 5/8-11 90.0 +/-2 4 Revised 09/20/99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ····~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Impeller Shimming Procedure: WARNING: This unit may be difficult to shim. Extreme care may be exercised. Tools Needed:Machinist's Parallel Bar Vernier Caliper with depth measuring capability Feeler gauges or d~pth gauge Measure the Following: Distance from the flange face to the housing (A) Distance from the flange face to the motor ~haft shoulder, (B) Impeller Thickness (C) Measurements (A) and (B) are made by laying the parallel bar across the housing flange face and measuring to the proper points. Each measurement should be made at three points, and the average of the readings should be used. Shim Thickness = B -(A+C)/2 After the impeller installation (step #4 above) the impeller/cover clearance can be checked with feeler gauges, laying the parallel bar across the housing flange face. This clearance should nominally be · (A+C)/2. r-7\'\\w=t=~Nt""Km==~cr--1-r C l._____ll::~==~~==~=±L___J_l 5 Revised 09/20/99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SERVICE AND PARTS MANUAL FOR EN6, EN-S58, EN909, EN14 DIRECT DRIVE · REGENERATIVE BLOWER '\~CJ . . ,: \'-.: .· -- ...... ·ROTRON lndustrlal Products ,75 North Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 U.SA Telephone: 914-246-3401 Fax: 914-246-3802 e-mail: info@ametek.com internet: www.rotron.com ' Your Choice. Our Commitment.™ . .AMETEK WIRING DIAGRAMS, XP MOTORS H. 10, 6 WIRE 115 VAC 230 VAC 1~LINE INTERCHANGE LEADWIRES 5 & B to REVERSE ROTATION K. 30, 9WIRE 7 230 VAC ___ >OLINE 460 VAC 2 3 4 7 5 8 6 9 --I~ LINE LINE LINE --<◊>--- __ 'J) INTERCHANGE ANY TWO LEAD LINES TO REVERSE ROTATION M.10230VAC SINGLE VOLTAGE 5 --~>\.----LINE 4 B --~>'----LINE INTERCHANGE LEADWIRES 5 & B TO REVERSE ROTATION 1.10, 7WIRE 115VAC 1 ==:::o-uNE 3 230VAC 1--(r-LINE :~ 4 ==:o---LINE B 5~ 9 INTERCHANGE LEADWIRES 5 & B to REVERSE ROTATION L. PILOT DUTY THERMAL OVERLOADS J ----<◊ J ----<◊ HOOK J LEADS TO CONTROL CIRCUITRY N. 30 575 VAC «'' I ----{ v}----LINE -----1A)..---2 V LINE 3 A ----{,}----LINE INTERCHAGE ANY TWO LEAD LINES TO REVERSE ROTATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ -•· ~vi~ ~G~l'1------- - - - - - - E1~6 Et~8S8 EN909 ENl4 11PELLER 89 /1JFFLER HOUSING B20 IU:FLER LINER B6 REl AlltR PLATE 818 HWSt-!G B4 KEY '--.. SrnEW -WELLER BIO SCREW -MNIFOLD B2 MmFOLD B7 SHl'1S 88 LOCKWASI-ER -MOTOR . ~ 817 \ SCREW -MOTOR '"-. BS WASHER -N'ELLER \ 812 ' LOCKWASI-ER -11PELLER Bl TI-READED FLN-JGE B3 ~-SCREW -r-u=FLER ~ 1319 MOTOR SCREW -RAL 823 ~RAL B26 -~ -LOCKWASI-ER -RAL ~824 t-1.JT -RAl 825 ----- ----- ------ EN 6/858/909/14 Service and Parts Manual Parts Breakdown Model: ENS EN858 EN909 EN14 EN14 Part No.: 038381 038744 038629 038782 038760 038180 038745 038634 038781 038438 080070 080071 Item Qty. No. Roq'd DoscrlpUon M3 1 Key Motor Shaft 510212 511532 511532 155066 511532 B1 6 Screw, Flange (4 pcs) 120255 !4~) 155067 140016 140016 140016 B2 Screw, Manifold Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B3 2 Flange See Next Page · 511614 529912 529912 529912 2 O-rlng Not Used Not Used 155377 155377 155377 Elbow90" See Next Page · Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B4 Housing 516747 516764 515356 516799 516797 B5 4 Screw, Hsg /Motor 251792 155034 140014 120205 120205 B6 54 Muffler Materiel Not Used (32) 550020 (40 pcs) 529943 550073 550073 2 Matting, Fiberglass Not Used 550075 550077 550116 550116 B7 Manifold Plate Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B8 Shim .002" ·272703 511547 511547 515991 511547 Shim .005" 272704 511548 511548 515992 511548 Shim .010" 272705 511549 511549 515993 511549 Shim .020'' 272706 511550 511550 515994 511550 Shim ·.030" Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B9 Impeller 515484 515249 515270 515509 515683 B10 1 Bolt, Impeller 251791 120210 140015 155068 120251 B11 1, Lockwasher, Impeller 251787 251788 251788 251788 251788 B12 1 Washer, Impeller Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B13 1 Cover 515488 515247. 515359 515910 515910 B14 8 Screw, Cover 251790 140016 140016 155069 155069 B15 1 Eye Bolt Not Used 140019 140019 140019 140019 B16 Spacer, Impeller Bolt 478336 515555 511529 515990 515990 Shaft Sleeve ,".;'. Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B17 Lockwasher, Housing Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B18 1 Screen, Muffler Retaining, Right (tt) Not Used 515407 529939 550040 550040 1 Screen, Muffler Retaining, Left(**) Not Used 515408 529940 550042 550042 B19 6 Bolt, Muffler Hsg/Hsg Not Used 155025 155025 155067 155067 B19A 4 Bolt, Muffler/Housing Not Used 120214 120214 120214 120214 B20 Muffler Housing Not Used 550019 529932 550039 550039 1 Muffler Discrete 522948 Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Bolt, Motor/Muffler Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Lockwasher, Motor/Muffler Not Used Not Used ·Not Used Not Used Not Used Washer, Motor/Muffler Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Spacer, Motor/Muffler Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B21 Heat Slinger Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used • As Needed •~ewect looking at Inlet/outlet ports 2/3/00 Rev.D ------· --· .. --- - - - -- EN 6/BfjB/909/14 Service and Parts Manual earts Br1alldQlt!!!I Model: ENS EN656 EN909 EN14 EN14 Part No.: 038361 038744 038629 038762 038760 038180 038745 038634 036761 038438 080070 080071 Item Qty. No. Rag'd Daacrlptlon B22 Guard Heat slinger Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used B23 4 Bolt,Rail 251791 120007 155095 120256 155025 B24 4 lockwasherRail 251787 251787 251787 251788 251788 B24A 8 Washer, Rail/Motor Not Used Not Used 155091 Not Used Not Used B25 6 Nut, Rail 251789 251789 251789 155070 155070 B26 2 Rall Mounting 478338 595301 595301 516242 518242 Lip Saal 516691 516693 516693 516694 516693 Model Part No. Motor Wiring Dlagr■m ~peclfic Parts aeartng, IaearIng, Rear (M11 Impeller End (M21 B3 Flange 511480 (2 pcsj EN6F5L 038381 529475 M+L Elbow 120153 (2 pcs) EN6F72L 038160 500297 K+L B3 Flange 478341 ' (2 pcs) Elbow Not Used Screen Guard, Flange 511479 {2 pcs) 510217 510218 EN6FB8L " 038438 529634 N+L B3 Flange 476341 (2 pcs) -'.~ Elbow Not Used :t Screen Guard, Flange 511479 (2 pcs) -,. EN8588D72WL 038744 515556 K+L EN8588D88WL 038745 528627 N+L 516844 EN858BA72W 080070 515558 K+L EN909BG72Wl 038829 511512 K+L EN909BG66WL 038634 528631 N+L 516842 518844 EN9098D72WL 080071 550675 K+L EN14DXB8MWL 038762 529632 N+L 518844 516846 EN14DX72MWL 038761 516095 K+L EN14BK72MWL 038760 511513 K+L 516842 516844 • As Needed "Viewed look Ing at inleVoutlet ports 2/3/00 Rev.D 1 1 How To Order lft · Merely determine the pipe size into which the flow sensor will be mounted and designate the size as a suffix to Model DS-300. For ex-I ample, a flow sensor to be mounted in a 2" pipe would be a Model No. DS-300-2"; I I I I I I I I I in I ' 00 I 00 -I I Options and Accessories Less Valves (DS-300) -To order, add suffix -L\I. Example: DS-300-2'-LV A-160 Thredolet-3'' NPT, forged steel, 3000 psi A-161 Bushing -¼" x 9'' brass bushing For non~tical water and air flow monitoring applications, the chart below can be utilized for ordering a stock CapsuheJic• differ-ential pressure gage for use with the DS-300 flow sensor. Simply lo-cate the maximum flow rate for the media being measured under the appropriate pipe size and read the CapsuheJic• gage range in inches of water column to the left. The DS-300 sensor is supplied with installation and operating instructions, Bulletin F-50. It also inc1udes complete flow conversion information for the three media conditions shown in the chart below. This information enables the user to create a complete differential pressure to flow rate conver-sion table for the sensor and differential pressure gage employed. Both the Dwyer CapsuheliC-gage and flow sensor feature excellent repeatability so, once the desired flow rate is determined, devia-tion from that flow in quantitative measure can be easily deter-. mined. You may wish to order the adjustable signal flag.option for the Capsuhelic• gage to provide an easily identified reference point for the proper flow. Capsuhelic• gages with special ranges and/or direct reading scales in appropriate flow units are available on special order for more critical applications. Customer supplied data for the full scale flow (quantity and units) is required along with the differential pressure reading at that full flow figure. Prior to ordering a special GAGE RANGE MEDIA@7O"F (IN. W.C.) 1· 1.-1l!" Water (GPM) 4.8 8.3 11.5 2 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 19.0 33.0 42.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 50.0 90.5 120.0 Water (GPM) 7.7 14.0 18.0 5 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 30.0 51,0 66.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 83.0 142.0 190.0 Water (GPM) 11.0 19.0 25.5 10 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 41.0 72.0 93.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 120.0 205.0 275.0 Water(GPM) 18.0 32.0 40.5 25 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 63.0 112.0 155.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 185.0 325.0 430.0 50 Water (GPM) 25.0 44.0 57.5 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 90.0 161.0 205.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 260.0 460.0 620.0 Water(GPM) 36.5 62.0 82.0 100 Air@ 14.7 PSIA (SCFM) 135.0 230.0 300.0 Air@ 100 PSIG (SCFM) 370.0 660.0 870.0 MGdel A-471 Portable Kit The Dwyer Series 4000 Capsuhelic4' differential pressure gage is ideally suited for use as a read-0ut device with the DS-300 Flow Sensors. The gage may be used on system pressures of up to 500 PSIG even when the flow sen-sor differential pressure to be read is less than 0.5" w.c. With accuracy of ±3% of full scale, the Capsubelic4' gage can be used in ambient temperatures from 32"F to 200°F. Zero and range adjustments a.re made from outside the gage. The standard gage with a die cast aluminum housing can be u.sed with the flow sensor for air or oil applications. For water flow measurement.s, the op-tional forged brass housing should be specified. The Capsuhelic gage may be J>anel or surface mounted and permanently plumbed to the flow sensor if desired. The optional A-610 pipe mounting bracket allows the gage to be easily attached to any I¼" -2" borizontal or vertical pipe. Large ¾ Inch Diameter for Extra Strength In Lengths to 24 Inches 0S400 3M(llll5)DCA. 0S400 Capsuhelic• differential pressure gage for flow read~ut, we rec-ommend you request Bulletin F-50 to obtain complete data on con-verting flow rates of various media to the sensor differential pressure output. With this bulletin and after making a few simple calculations, the exact range gage required can easily be determined. FULL RANGE FLOWS BY PIPE SIZE (APPROXIMATE) 2" z.- 20.5 30 65.0 113 210.0 325 34.0 47 118.0 178 340.0 610 45.5 67 163.0 250 470.0 740 72.0 108 255,0 390 760.0 1200 100.0 152 360.0 560 1050.0 1700 142.0 220 505.0 800 1500.0 2300 For portable operation, the A-471 Capsuhelic Portable Gage Kit is available complete with tough polypropylene carrying case, mount,. fng bracket, 3-way manifold valve, two 10' high pressure hoses, and all neeeBS3.l')' fittings. See Bulletin A-30-P for complete information on the Capsuhelie gage ....• $271.00 3" 49 183 510 78 289 820 110 410 1100 173 640 1800 247 900 2600 350 1290 3600 4" 6" a-10" 86 205 350 560 330 760 1340 2130 920 2050 3600 6000 138 320 560 890 510 1200 2150 3400 1600 3300 5700 10000 195 450 800 1260 725 1690 3040 4860 2000 4600 8100 15000 310 720 1250 2000 1130 2630 4860 7700 3300 7200 13000 22000 435 1000 1800 1600 3700 6400 4600 10000 18500 620 1500 2290 5000 6500 15000 CAPSUHEUC GAGE SHOWN INSTALLED IN A-471 PORTABLE KIT I Dwyer Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 373/Mlchigan City, Indiana 46361/Phone 219 879-80001Fax 219 872-9057 • U.K Phone (01494)-461707 • Australia Phone (02) 9756-5355 25 F Series OS . Flow Sensors I I For use with the Dwyer Capsuhelic® differential pressure gage to measure high flow rates of air or water in pipes. H Model DS-200 Valves -Standard, brass wfth Teflon• seat and S'una-N 0-ring Nameplate -Stain- less steel pennanently attached with spilt ring. Includes complete size and model lnfonnatlon. Head -Machined stainless steet. Packing gland -Parker CPI brass compmsslon fitting. Sensor tube -304 stainless steel. Sensing ports -Multiple upstream and downstream ports sized and posi- tioned to provide effective accurate pressure averaging, even at lower velocities. Dwyer Flow Sensors are averaging pitot tubes that provide ac- curate and convenient flow rate sensing. When purchased with a Dwyer .Capsuhelic111 differential pressure gage of appropriate range, the result is a flow indicating system delivered off the shelf at an economical price. Pitot tubes have been used in flow measurement for years. Con- ventional pitot tubes sense velocity pressure at only one point in the flowing stream. Therefore, a series of measurements must be taken across the stream to obtain a meaningful average flow rate. The Dwyer flow sensor eliminates _the need for "traversing" the flowing stream because of its multiple sensing points and built-in averaging capabilicy. Series D5·200 models are available in ten insertion lengths from 1" -10". Operation ls similar to DS-300 units. Basic differences are the multi-tum shutoff valves, ¾" NPT mounting and installed W SAE 46 · flared pressure connections. · Dwyer Series 05-300 flow sensors are designed to be insert- ed in the pipeline through a compression fitting. They are fur- nished with instrument shut-off valves on both pressure connections. Valves are fitted with 1/a" NPT female connections. Accessories include adapters with ¼" SAE 45° flared ends com- patible with hoses supplied with the Model A-471 Portable Cap- subelic kit. Standard valves are rated at 200 psig (13. 7 bar) and 200°F (93.3°C). Where valves are not required, they can be omit- ted at reduced cost. Series DS-300 flow sensors are available for pipe sizes from 1" to 10". If replacing a ns.200 flow sensor or using an A-160 thredolet with a DS-300, an optional ¼" X ¾" bushing, P /N A-161 is required. 05-400 Averaging Row Sensors are qualicy constructed from extra strong ¾ • dia. stainless steel to resist increased forces encoun, tered at higher flow tares with both air and water. This extra strength also allows them to be made in longer insertion lengths up to 24 inch- 1M [1.571 D.EA1W1CE Jp I I I _, ,.... [f1.21]1YP. ,.,.. (411151 APPROX. wnr ""'' . I I I I I I I I es (61 cm). All models include conveni.ent and quick-acting quar' 1 turn ball valves to isolate the sensor for zeroing. Process connecti~ to the valve assembly are 1/s' NPT female. A pair of 1/s" NPr X W SAE 45 • flared adapters are included, compatible with hoses used in the Model A-471 Portable CapsuheJic• Gage Kit Supplied solidabra.ss: mounting adapter bas a 1/." dia. compression fitting to lock in re · insertion length and a :Y,• NP!' male thread for mounting in a thr,d- o-let (not included). STOCKED MODELS I Prices -Select model with suffix which matches pipe siz os-200-1• ___ _,110.00® os-300-1• s.oo , 05-200-11,,(• 172.00® DS-200-1½" 176.00® OS-200-2" 179.00® OS-200--2W' 185.00® os-200-3• 15.00® D5•2Q0..4" 22200® D5-200-6" 330.00® os-20o-a· _ 70.00® D5•200--10• 400.00® 05-400-6" 195.00 05--400-8" 23Q.OO 08--400--10'---~79.00 05--400--12• ... _______ :119.oo 05--400-14",----'149,00 D5-400-16"----"79,00 D5--400--18".----409,00 OS-400·20• _____ 439.00 OS-400-24"----'499,00 D5--300-1 !'" ----~•5.00 ! 5.oi ------•5. ___ .,,,5, . 05-300-1}('' D5-300--2" Ds.300-2½u ........ 09-300--3' -----109.00) .... 129.100 • -----185. _ ___ ,..,209. DS-300--4. DS-300-6" OS-300--8' DS-300-10" ----~49.00 ! I I A-160 Th,adolet.~• NPT, forged steel, 3000 p~ ........................................... 7.1 A-161 Brass Bushing, ¼" x %" .................................................................... :.1 Less Valves (DS-300) To order. add suffix ·LV ................................ deduct @ Items subject to Schedule B dlscounts 24F Dwyer Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 373/Michlgan City, lndlana 46361/?hone 219 879-8000/Fax 219 an-9057 • U.K. Phone (01494)-461707 • Australia Phone (02) 9756-5355 I ! .. \t/?flt11;l~f ~2/'t •.. I I I I I I I I I SERIES DS-300 FLOW SENSORS Installation and Operating Instructions, Flow Calculations INSPECTION Inspect the sensor upon receipt of shipment to be certain It 1s as ordered and not damaged. If damaged. contact camer. · INSTALLATION General -The sensing ports 9f the flow sensor must be correctly positioned for measurement accuracy. The instru• ment connections on the sen,snr indicate correct position• ing. The side connection is for total or high pressure and should be pointed upstream. The top connection ls for · static or low pressure. Location -The sensor should be instailed in the flowing line with as much straight run of pipe upstream as possible. This wm provide a flow profile as ideal as possible. A rule of thumb is to allow 1 0-15 pipe diameters upstream and 5 down. The table below lists recommended up and down piping: PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE Maximum 200 psig .at 200°F. IPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM DIMENSIONS IN TERMS OF INTERNAL DIAMETER OF PIPE ifsEE NOTE #1 MINIMUM DIAMETER OF STRAIGHT PIPE UPSTREAM I tPSTREAM =NDmoN DOWNSTREAM 1 lone Sbow or lee IN-PLANE OUT OF PLANE 7 9 5 Two 90" Sends in Same Plane 8 12 5 ~WO 90° Bends In Diff818fll Plane . 18 24 5 Reducers or Expande!s 8 8 s Er valves SeeNote2 24 24 5 l ote #1: Values shown are recommended spacing, in tenns of internal diameter for normal industrial metering requirements. For laboratory or high accuracy work, add 25% to values. •Note#2: .I Includes gale, globe, plug and other throttling valves !hat are only partially opened. If valve is to be fully open, use values for pipe size change. CONTROL VALVES SHOULD BE LOCATED AFTER THE FLOW SENSOR. a~2 •osrnoN :e certain there is sufficient clearance between the mount- Ig position· and other pipes, walls, structures, etc, so that 1e sensor can be inserted through the mounting unit once ,e mounting unit has been installed onto the pipe. 'low Sensors should be positioned to keep air out of the 'lSb'Ument connecting lines on liquid flows and condensate ,ut of the lines on gas flows. The easiest wey to assure this • to inct::111 the sensor into thA pipe so 'that air will bleed ,,to, or condensate will drain back to, the pipe. For air or gas flow: Install In uppet quadrant of_ pipe For liquid or steam flow: Install in lower quadram gf pipe BLEED L L BLEED H H FLOW PIPE WATER FLOW Condensate drains back to pipe Air bleeds back to pipe. I I I ~SEN~OR INSTALLATION 1. When using an A-160 ltlred-o-l1:1t, weld it to tho pipe wall. If replacing a DS-200 unit, an A-161 bushing r1,•x3/a") will.be needed. 2. Drill through the center of the thred·o-let into the pipe. with a drill that Is slightly larger than the flow sensor diameter. 3. Install the packing gland using proper pipe sealant If the pacKing gland i:; disa:;:sembled, note that the taper-Ad end of the ferrule goes into the fitting body. 4. Insert the sensor until it bottoms against the opposite wall of the pipe, then withdraw 1/16" to allow for thermal e,cpansion. . 5. lighten packing gland nut finger tight Then tighten the nut with a wrench an additional 11/, turns. Be sure to hold the sensor body with a second wrench to prevent the sensor from turning. · INSiRUMENT CONNECTION Connect the side pressure tap to the high pressure port of the Magnehelic (air only) or Capsuheflc gage or transmitting instrument and the top connection tc the low pressure port. See the connection schematics below. I I I I I I I I t:lleed air from im,"lrurnent piping on liquid flows. Drain any I condensate from the lnst/Ument piping on air and gas flows. Open valves to instrument to place flow meter into seivice. For permanent installations, a 3-valve manifold is recom- mended to allow the gage to be_ zero checked without interrupting the flow. The Dwyer A-471 Portable Test Kit includes such a device. DRAIN L FLOW AIR OR GAS FLOW SENSOR I I I I • f sei:t1es os-300 Ft.ow SENSORS I I I I I I I I I 1'¼" 149.211 1/4 NPT ,,, •• 11.571 CUAIIANCE 0 i 1W[4t27j TVP. • i 1 ¾" [42.86] AP1'ROX. 1¼" [36.521 t 1----+-S/16" [7.93B) FLOW CALCULATIONS AND CHARTS The following information contains tables and equations for determining the differential pressure developed by th" DS· 300 Flow Sensor for various flow rates of water, steam, air or other gases in different pipe sizes. This information can be used to prepare conversion charts to translate the differential pressure readings being sensed into the equivalent flow rate. Where direct readout of flow Is required, use this information to calculate the full flow dif- ferential pressure in order to specify the exact range of Dwyer Magneh&lic or Capsuhelic gage required. Special ranges and calculations are available for these gages at minimal extra cost. See bulletins A-30 and F-41 for addi- tional information on Magnehelic and Capsuhelic gages and DS-300 flow sensors. For additional useful information on making flow calculations, the following reference is recommended: Crane Valve Co. Technical Paper No. 410 "Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Rttings and Pipe.• It is available from Crane Valve Co., 104 N. Ghicago St, Jollet, IL 60431. Phon., 815/727-2600. !"rice including shippirg Is $20.00 Using the appropriate differential pressure equation from page 4, calculate the differential pressure generated by the sensor I under normal opP.r.'lting conditions of the system. Check the chart below to determine if this value is within the recom- mended operating range for the sensor. Note that the data in this chart is limited to standard conditions o1 air at oo·f (15.6"C) and 14. 7 psia static line pressure or water at 70°F (21. 1 °C). To determine recommended operating ranges for other gases, liq· I fiids and/or operating conditions, consult the factory. . I I I I I Note thg column on the right sirlA of the chart which defines velocity ranges to avoid. Continuous operation within these can result in damage to the flow sensor caused by excess vibration. Flow Operating Ranges Operating Ranges Velocity Ranges Pipe Size Coefficient Air @ 80°F & 14. 7 psia Water @ 70"F Not Recommended (Sclu,dule 40) "K" (DIP Inches W.CJ (DIP Inches W.CJ (Feet per Second) 1 0.52 1.10to186 4.00 l0675 146to220 i¼ 0.58 1.15 to 157 4.18to568 113to170 1½ 0.58 0.38to 115 1.36l0417 96IO 144 2 0.64 0.75to 75 2.72 to 271 71 to 108 2½ 0.62 1.72to 53 6.22 to 193 0010 OS 3 0.67 0.39to 35 1.43to 127 42!0 64 4 0.67 0.28to 34 1.02 to 123 28to 43 6 0.71 0.64!0 1, 2.31 to 40 15 to 23 8 0,87 o.,oto 10 0.37 to 37 9.5IO 15 10 0.70 0.17to 22 0.6010 79 6.4 to 10 ~ FLOW EQUATIONS 1. Any Liquid Q (GPM) = 5.668 x K x 0 2 x -..j L:.P/Sf DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE EQUATIONS 1. Any Liquid 6P (in. WC) = ____ 0_2_x_S~f __ _ 2. Steam or Any Gas Q (lb/Hr) = 3!59.1 x K x o• x -..J fJ x .6P 3. Any Gas 2. Steam or Any Gas 6P (in. WC) = Q (SCFM) = 128.8 x K X 0 2 x / P x 6P 3. Any Gas · 1/ (T+460) X Ss L:.P (In. WC) = TECHNICAL NOTATIONS The following notations apply: 6P = Differential pressure expressed in inches of water column. Q = Flow cxprc,:i,:icd in GPM, SCFM or PPH '1$ shown in equation. K = Flow coefficient -·See Values Tabulated on page 3. D = Inside diameter of line size expressed .in inches. For square & rectangular ducts use D= -J 4 x Height x Width -rr P = Static Line pressure (psia) . T = Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (plus 460=0Rankin) p = Density of medium in pounds per cubic foot Sf ~ Sp Gr at flowing conditions Ss = Sp Gr at GOOF SCFM TO ACFM EQUATION SCFM -ACFM ( 14.7 + PSIG) . X 14.7 ( s20· ) 460 + °F ACFM -SCFM x ( 14_7 ~-7PSIG ) ( 460 + °F ) 520 · K2 x [)4 X 32.14 Q2 K2 X 04 X p X 128,900 02 x Ss x (T +460) K2 X 1)4 X P X 16,590 POUNDS PER STD POUNDS PER ( 14.7 ) ( 460 + °F ) CUBIC FOOT • -CUBIC FOOT ACT. x 14.7 + PSIG 520 POUNDS PER ACT POUNDS PER STD ( 14.7 + PSIG) ( 520 ) CUBIC FOOT . -CUBIC FOOT . x 14.7 ···450 + ·•F 1 CUBIC FOOT OF AIR -0.076 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT AT 60°F AND 14.7 PSIA •cs20 = 460 + 60°) Std. Temp. Rankine I I I I .I I I I I I I ' I I I I IX:opyright 1996 Dwyer Instruments, lne. Printed in U.S.A. 6/96 FR 72-440451-01 .... , .. _,,.,,rl TOTAL P.05 I BULLETIN E-34 SIEflllES 6040 !NIDICA'i!NG P!RESSURIE TRANSMITTER I, I Specifications -Installation and Operatnng Instructions . 13/1!4 [5.1S] DIA. MOUlll1NG HOLES 2-PI.ACES ---I r-27/64 [10.69) I 1m [5.53) 1-3/1!4 2-3/16 [56.56] 2-9116 [65.06) 13'32 [10.31) I [26.58) 1-21m f---------i-[46.61) I HIGH PRESSURE • LOW PRESSURE 1------1---HV.32 [32.62) 3-1/64[76,58) --- le Dwyer Serles 6040 Indicating Transmitter simultaneously pro- vides local indication on a compact, easy to read analog scale I ., "' also converting that pressure into a standard 2, 3 or 4 wire, mA signal for ranges as low as 0-0.5 in. w.c. Posillve, nega- tive or differential pressures can be measured within :!:5% of full Ee (gage reading) or :!:2% of full span output (transmitter sig- The basic mechanical components of the Series 6040 units similar to those used in the popular, time-proven Mlniheli~ differential pressure gage. However, the Serles 6040 models add l lectrlcal conditioning and arnpllflcati. on of a resistance change reduced by a silicon strain gage cemented to the range spring. This resistance change is the result of a slight flexing which results ~m spring deflection as pressure is applied to the diaphragm l'hich is mechanically linked to the spring. · leries 6040 nndicating lhlnsmitter Models & Ranges i Model Number Range, Inches W.C. Minor Divisions 6040-0 0--0.5 .02 1r 6040-1 0-1.0 .05 6040-2 0-2.0 .10 6040-3 Q-3.0 .10 I 6040-5 o-5.0 .20 6040-10 0-10 .50 6040-20 0-20 1.0 6040-40 0-40 2.0 I 604O-<iO 0-SO 2.0 6040-100 0-100 5.0 I Ag.A SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Maximum Pressure: Media Compatibility: Materials: a.ECTRICAL · Power SUpply: Connections: Cable Gland: OUtput Signal: Loop Resistance: CUmmt Consumption: WllmH.lp Time: 30 psig (207 kPa) continuous 50 psig (344 kPa) momenta,y surge AJr and non-<:ombustlble, non-corrosive gases Mineral and glass filled nylon housing, high impact acrylic cover. silicone rubber diaphragm 13-35 VDC -2. 3 or 4 wire 18-26 VAC -4 wire 4 screw tenninal block Flis .10-25 in. (2.5-6 mm) 0.D .. cabie 4-20 mA DC, llmlted at 38 mA DC' DC, 0-1100 ohms; AC, 0-1130 ohms DC, 38 mA max.; AC, 76 mA max. 10mlnutes PERFORMANCE AT l'O"F (21.1'C) Zero Ou1put: 4 mA DC Full Span 0u1put: 20 mA DC Aecuracy, Gage: :!:5% of full scale Accuracy, Transmltlel': :!:2% of full span output ~ncludes linearity, hysteresis and repeatablDty) Slabillty: 1 % of full span per year ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: Thennal Errors: MECHANICAL Weight: Span arid Zero Contn>Js: Pnisswe Connections: Standarcl A: : e 1 aorfes: 20 to 120'F (-6.7 to 49•q :!:1% perSO'F a ounces (227 grams) Internally accessible potentiometers Barbed for 3/16" (4-5 mm) I.D. tubing 1wo #10X1" pan head sheet metal screws, one .050" hex alien wrnnch INSTALLATION LOCATION: Select a location where the temperature of the unit will be between 20°F and 120°F. Distance from the receiver is lim- ited only by total loop resistance. See "Electrical Connections." The tubing feeding pressure to the instrument can be run practi- cally any length required but long lengths will increase response time sHghtly. Avoid surfaces with excessive vibration. POSmON: All models are calibrated with the scale in a vertical plane and units with ranges under 5 in. w.c. should only be used in that position due to the sensitivity to gravitational forces which cannot be corrected by zero adjustment. Higher range models can operate in other planes but zero (both mechanical and electrical) and span adjustments may be necessary to maintain accuracy. PRESSURE CONNECTIONS: Two barbed connectors are pro- vided for use with 3/16" I.D. vinyl or rubber tubing. Attach tubing from positive pressure source to HI port. Leave LO port vented. For negative (vacuum) pressure, connect to LO port and leave HI port vented. For differential pressures, connect the higher to HI port and lower to LO port. MOUNTING: Attach the Serles 604D Indicating Transmitter to a vertical surface using the 1 • --#1 O pan head sheet miatal screws provided. Mounting holes are located In upper left and lower right comers of case. GAGE ZEROING: After Installation, check to confirm that gage ·reads exactly zero with both pressure connections open and vented to atmosphere. If adjustment is necessary, grip case firmly with one hand and place palm of the other hand flat on clear cover. If difficult to grip, try placing a thin sheet of rubber between hand and cover. Rotate counter-clockwise to remove. Zero adjust screw is located at bottom of scale just to left of the indicating pointer and slightly behind it. Use the .050" hex alien wrench included. Replace cover. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED SPECIRED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RATINGS. PERMANENT DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY WAR- RANTY WILL RESULT. THIS UNIT IS NOT DESIGNED FOR 120 · OR 240 VOLT AC LINE OPERATION. Electrical connections to the Series 604D Indicating Transmitter are made inside the enclosure on the left side of untt. Remove cover and feed 4 conductor cable through the cable gland at bot- tom of housing. Make electrical connections to the 4-screw termi- nal block shown in Fig. B. See following instructions and drawings for details on your specific appllcatlon. When connections are complete, tighten cable gland and replace.cover. ZERO AOJUSTMEIIT SPAN AOJUSJMEIIT TERMINAL BlDCK fig. B Wire LI!11g1h -The maximum length of wire connecting transmit-, ter and receiver is a function of wire size and receiver resistance. . Wiring should not contribute more than 10% of receiver resis- tance to total loop resistance. For extremely long runs (over 1000 1 feet), choose receive I s to minimize size and cost of connecting s. Where wiring I_ is under 1 oc feet, lead wire as sm as 22 AWG can be used. '. 2-Wlre Operation - n external power supply slivering 13-351 VDC with minimum cu ability of DC (per transmit- ter) must be used to power the control loop. See Fig. C for con- nection of the power supply, transmitter and receiver. Note the jumper between terminals 3 and 4. The range of appropriate I receiver load resistance [RJ for the DC power supply voltage available is expressed by the formula and graph.in Fig. F. Shielded two wire cable is recommended for control loop wiring. If ground- ing is required use negative side of control loop after receiver. In •. Fig. C below, ~ power supply lead to terminal 1 is positive, ground should be connected to wiring at right of receiver. Otherwise, in 2 wire operation ~ is not necessary to observe polarity of control loop connections. 2 WIRE CONNECTION JUMPER WIRE Ag.C + POWER SUPPLY 13-35 voe 3-Wire Operation -An external power supply delivering 13-35 VDC with minimum current capabiltty of 40 mA DC (per trans- mitter) is required. See Fig. D for connection of power supply, transmitter and receiver. The range of appropriate receiver load resistance (RJ for the DC power supply available is expressed by the formula and graph in Fig. F. Shielded cable is recommended for control loop wiring. Do not employ a separate ground in 3 wire operation. Unit will not function properly and/or damage could result. Control loop polarity must be observed in the following respect. Although power supply terminals 1 and 2 are not polar- ized, the receiver must be connected between terminal 4 of trans- mitter and negative side of power supply. 3 WIRE CONNECTION 1 + SERIES6040 2 POWER PRESSURE 3 l -SUPPLY mANSMITTER 4 +--13-35 voe. ~ RECBVER fig.D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4-Wire Operation -An external power supply delivering 13-35 VDC with minimum current capability ·of 40 mA DC (per transmit- ter) or 18-26 VAC With minimum current capability of 80 mA AC (per transmitter) is required. See Fig. E for connection of power supply, transmitter and receiver. The range of appropriate load resistance (RJ for the. DC or AC power· supply available is expressed by the formulas and graphs in Figs. F and G. Shielded cable is recommended for control loop wiring. Do not employ a separate ground in 4 wire operation. Unit will notfunctlon properly and/or damage could result. Control loop polarity· must be observed, terminal 3 is negative and terminal 4 Is positive. Power supply terminals 1 and 2 are not polarized. 4 WIRE CONNECTION 1 + · SERIES 6040 2 POWER PRESSURE 3 RH»W" -SUPPIY TRANSMITTEH • - -l 13.JSVDC 4 18-26VAC ~ Rg.E POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE -VDC (2. 3 or 4 wirel 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 I\ MAX_ Vps-13.0 20mADC MAXIMUM VALUE (11DDn) 50 J...-~-._...a..W-L.ll.LU..L.U..U.l..U.ll.LU.--J 0 5 10 1315 20 25 30 35 40 Rg.F POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE -VAC (4 wire) 1400~---------------- 1200 MAXIMUM VALlJE (1130llJ C: i 1000-J.. i;; I\ MAX • l/5(Vps) -560 ~ 900 j 800 L 0PEHATING_--ll __ _ REGION 600,J.. I ' ' 0 5 10 15 18 20 2526 30 Rg.G 1/oflage Input -Series 6040 Indicating Pressure 1lansmitters can be. easily acapted for receivers requiring 1-5 or 2-10 voe input Insert a 249 ohm, 1/2 watt (1-5 VDC) or 499 ohm (2-10 VDC) resis- tor in series with the current loop but in parallel with the receiver input. Locate this resistor as close as possible to the input. Because resistor accuracy directly influences output signal accu- racy,· we recommend use of a precision :!:0.1 % tolerance resistor to minimize this effect. See Figs. Hand J. 3-WIRE CONNECTION (1-5/2-10 voe OUTPU1) 1 + SEHIES6040 2 POWER PRESSURE , 3 -SUPPLY IBANSMllTEH 4 +--13-3SVDC I '-' L A A J vvv Fig. H 4-WIRE CONNECTION (1-512-10 voe OUTPUT) 1 , SERIES 6040 2 POWER PRESSURE 3 -SUPPLY TRANSMITTER I 13-3SVDC 4 •--18-26VAC I = ' L A A vvv J Rg.J OU'T?UT RANGING Each Series 604D Indicating Transmitter is factory calibrated to produce 4 mA at zero scale reading and 20 mA at full scale reading. The following procedure should be .used to check the accuracy of the transmitter output. 1. With unrt connected to its companion receiver, insert an accu- rate milliammeter wrth a full scale reacing of approximately 30 mA in series wrth the current loop. 2. Connect a controllable source of pressure to one leg of a tee, one leg to the high pressure port of the unrt being tested and the third leg to a test gage or manometer wrth 2% or better accuracy. Be sure the low pressure port Is vented to atmosphere. This cali- bration check must be done in the saine position in which the unrt will be operated. Vertical is recommended. 3. Apply electrical power to the system and allow 1 O minutes warm-up time for components to stabilize. 4. With no pressure applied to the system adjust ZERO control inside electrical enclosure to produce exactiy 4 mA current. 5. Apply full scale pressure as observed on the test gage or manometer and adjust SPAN control for exactiy 20 mA 9urrent 6. ZERO and SPAN controls are slightly interactive so steps 4 and 5 -should be repeated until outputs are consistently 4 and 20 mA, respectively. 7. Remove the milllammeter and test gage from the setup, make connections to system pressure source(s) and place unrt in service. MULTIPLE RECl:lVEfl !NSTAUATION An acvantage of the standard 4-20 mA DC output signal used in Series 604D tran~mitters is the compatibility wrth a wide range of receivers. Devices ·such as the A-701 Digital Readout, A-702 Digital Readout with alarms, an analog panel meter, a chart recorder and other process. control equipment. can be operated simurtaneously. It is only necessary that all devices be designed for a standard 4-20 mA input, the proper polarity of input connec- tions be observed and the combined receiver resistances must not exceed the maximum for the current loop. If any receiver indi- cates a negative or downscale reading, the signal input·leacs are reversed. MAINTENANCE After final installation of the Series 6040 Indicating Pressure Trans- mitter, no routine maintenance is required. A periodic check of out- put calibration is recommended following the procedure described under OUTPUT RANGING. Otherwise, the transmitters are not field repairable and should be returned, freight prepaid, to the address below W service Is needed. Be sure to include a clear description of the problem plus any application Information available. Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Attn: Repair Dept. 102 Highway 212 Michigan Crty, IN 46360 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.05% 'F. ' ,n, ,o L r .t I t Series 604D Minihelic® Differential Pressure Dial Gage Indication; 2, 3 or 4-Wire Indicating Transmitter 4-20 mA Output ( E ~r!~t{J';·;~;ff.i-: :. --. . -· -~tti:{~{~[~~/'.?~t.'o:·~-·--·-·-· ~~-•--..... "-"""""" -- ~f /tl f'· f~·· !::'· Toe Dwyer Series 604D Mlnihellc" Indicating 1ransmiller oombinee vi,' sual monit.oring wit.h eJectronic control of low differential air or compatible gas pressures. This versatile device is ideal for building HVAC systems where local indication is needed during maintenance checks or when troubleshooting the system. The transmitter design employs the latest ,i!ioon ,train -techno~ ogy and operates in 2. 3 or 4 wire control loop circuitll. Separate Zero and Span controls plus a 4-screw terminal strip are protected in a gasketed side enclo-aure. Cable gland fit., .10-.26" round cable. A 13-36 VDC or 18-26 VAC (4-wire only) p<lWlll' supply ia requjred. STOCKED MODELS PHYSICAL DATA GENERAL Maximum Prltaur'e: 30 psig (207 kPa) contnuous, 50 ~ (344 kPa) surge Mlldla Compatlbl.llty: Ai & nM-COrTOSMt, oon-ccmoos,ble,.,.. Materials: Mlneral and glass fflled n-,ion holl3ing, high Impact acrylic ca.-er, Sillcooe ,ubbo-dlap/vngm ELECTRICAL Power Supply: 13-35 voe-2, J or 4 Wl"e: 18·26 VAC-4 w1rn Output Signal: 4-20 mA DC, limited at 38 mAOC Loop Rff!atanc« CC, 0-1100 ohrm; AC. 0-1130 ohms CUrrent Consumption: CC, 38 mA max.; AC, 76 mA max. Wann-Up Tlme: 1 0 minutes ,.-i' Series 6D5 Magnehellc"' Differential Pressure Indicating Transmitter The Dwyer Series 605 MagneheUc" Indicating Transmitter provides for both visual monitoring and electronic control of very low differential. pressure. The Series 605 is ideal for control applications in building HVAC systems where local in-dlcation is deaired during routine maintenance checks or necessary when trouble shooting the system. The easily read dial gage is complemented by the two-wire, 4-20 mA control signal u1lllzing the t1m_,, Dwyer Magnehelic" gage me<hanical design and Series 600 strain.gage tranamitter technology. The two-wire design with terminal strip on the rear simpllflea connection in any 4--20 mA control loop P""-<I by a 12,3-36 VDC auppl;y. STOC:<ED MODELS in bold fBO$:OON:\ tos.~0;!:2ot iS1a1t~o~· :-:i).:&Qs;30~ N'~o;a~:tfS ~89:oo_:i:J ;'iH)'.'. M~W.~J1:uai ;J=!~ ~l~i;1; i~ilr~ ao}~i".Y ti·ll-l.O'iii, i"ii'loD;oo,i '605,25011oc, )i,µ0,250U'•i,-j:'~169.~::'it' .· ~r.: lf ~;!}l !~1:S~ fi:ti; i;;i;;I ~~;;ii;;; OS:20 .",. 0-20;• .•. i "•16W,DOiS ,605°1C5kl'a•.• ;;.• .•0•t:5-•,,,-.,, ,,;,,119; :.,t PHYSICAL DATA GENEAAL Maximum Pressure: 25 PSIG Media C-Ompattblllty, Air & non-combustible, non-corrosive gases. ELECTRICAL . Po..., Supply: 12.3 to 35 voe ~ Signal: 4 to 20 mA DC, 2 win> (limited at 38 mA max.) Loop Resistance: 0-1135 ohms from 12.3to35VOC Current Consumption: 38 mA DC (max.) MATERIAL Die cast aluminum case 'Mth baked dark gray hammenoid finlSl1, aayllc '°"" MECHANICAL Weight 2 lb., 8 oz. PERFORMANCEAT70•F (21.1•C) Zeto Output 4 mA. DC Fwl Sp#n Output: 20 mA OC Ac:cunacy, Gage: :596 ot ful scale Accuracy. Thinamitt.r. =296 of full span output Pnctudes &iBettty, hyste.-esis and f'8P6818billty) Stablllty:-1% ofM span pt)ryear ENVIRONMENTAL Openrtlng Temparaturr. 20 to 12o-F (-6. 7 ID 49"q ThotlT!al Errol'S:j:196 per50"F MECHANICAL WeJ;ht: a ounces (227 grams) Span and Zero Controls: I~ eoces-sible potent!Ometers Pniasuro CoMactlona: Barbed, for~.• (4• 5 mm) t.O. tubing Standard Acc11Uorln.: 1wo #10 X 1 ' pan head sheet metal saews, one .050' hex -- Dial Gage Indication, lwn-Wire 4-20 mA Output CE Span and Zero adjua'bnenta: Protected potentiometers Pressure connections: ~-NPT -rlgh and Jow pressuru lllps PERFORMANCE AT 70°F ZIH'o output 4 mA FuU ""'°' output 20 mA Accumcy (lnc:Judos llnaarily, --19peatablllty): ±2% at tun span output Span and Zero: Adjusrab/e to 0.05% olful span W8m'H1p tfme: 10 mrotes ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature: 30" to 120'"F Thermal Error: ± 1 %/50°F typical STANDARD ACCESSORIES Span and zero adjust tod, rro.Jl11ing haidwara kit Dwyer lnstrumen~. Inc P.O. Box 373/Mlcltigan Clly, Indiana 46361/Phona 219 679-6000/Fa, 219 672-9057 • U.K Phone (01494)-461707 • Australia Phone 102) 9756-5355 69P I I I I I I' ' I 41 Air Intake Filter/Silencers I I lM EM PRODUCTSTII PHIWPS & TEMRO INDUSTRIES Model EMS·-Series The "EMS" Series air Intake filterisilencer is designed for both indoor and outdoor applications requiring 6 - 8 dB noise reduction and a high degree of filtration. The unique heavy gauge construction reduces noise transmission and enhances durability in even the most severe environments. This series is ideal for applications such as reciprocating engines, positive displacement blowers and centrifugal compressors. Easy filter element access reduces maintenance time during filter element replacement Standard. Construction Features • Available in sizes froin 1 Inch to 16 inch • Female NPT discharge connection sizes 1 inch to 4 inch • 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flanges for sizes 5 inch to 16 inch • Carbon steel construction • Removable weathemooi:l • Available with pap~r. felt and wire mesh filter element • Removable weathemood • Gray phenolic resin based fast drying primer suitable for overcoating with urethanes, aaylics, epoxies and industrial enamels. Standan:I two mil thickness • 1/8" NPT pressure tab Optional Construction Features and Accessories • stainless steel construction • Aluminum construction • Special finish per specification • Pre-filter wraps • Special filtration and back-pressure designs • Special acoustic designs • OVersized flanges • Contact factory for additional features to ·meet your requirements · 10.93 SBBC-2004 I EM Products• 5380 Cottonwood Lane• Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 44~00 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 • emp@emproducts.com . --~ ... Air Intake Filter/Silencers ,D Model EMS -Series EM PRODUCTS"' _i,;i, PHlUPS 6 l!llll0 DCUSnU!S ~ ·.~i. ' , 1/8"-27FNPT \ 1/B"-27 FNPT \ TAP TAP \ 7 \ C I '- I i t ' t i R R I i J J : i iJ I I 8 B D I I SJ J_ i _J ! I I A N i FNP L-l-l N ;I 1 • to 4" Female NPT Connection .. 5" and Larger-125/150# ANSI Drilled Plate Flange (4" flange connection available upon requrest) (5" FNPT connection available upon request) I Element Model.Number ~1 Model No. A C B D . N R Weight CFM Paper Felt j:_· i ' Wire EMS.1 1 91/2 6 5/8 5 3/B 9/16 21/4 8 35 P-642 F-642 W-642 EMS-125 11/4 9 1/2 6 5/8 5 3/B . 9/16 21/4 8 35 P-642 F-642 W-642 I EMS-15 11/2 9 1/2 6 5/8 5 3/B 9/16 21/4 8 75 P-642 F-642 W-642 EMS-2 2 9 1/2 6 5/8 5 7/16 518 21/4 8 120 P-642 F-642 W-642 1, EMS-25 21/2 14 7/8 12 11 7/8 13/16 4 7/16 20 200 P-974 F-974 W-974 EMS-3 3 14 7/8 12 13 5/8 13/16 4 7/16 20 275 P-974 F-974 W-974 EMS-35 3 1/2 14 7/8 12 13 518 13/16 6 7/16 25 375 P-976 F-976 W-976 I EMS-4 4 14 7/8 12 13 5/8 1 6 7/18 25 500 P-976 F-976 W-976 EMS-5 5 14 7/8 12 25 1/2 3 7 3/8 36 750 P-1197 F-1197 W-1197 I EMS-6 6 22 18 261/4 3 0 5/8 53 1100 P-13118 F-13118 W-13118 EMS-8 8 22 18 25 3 10 3/4 70 2200 P-171310 F-171310 W-171310 EMS-10 10 22 18 25 3 10 3/4 95 3000 P-171310 F-171310 W-171310 I EMS-12. 12 22 18 25 3 10 3/4 108 .4300 P-171310 F-171310 W-171310 EMS-14 14 30 24 40. 4 15 3/4 180 5900 P-231914 F-231914 W-231914 I EMS-16 16 30 24 40 4 15 3/4 190 7700 P-231914 F-231914 W-231914 • When ordering specify paper (P); felt (F) or wire mesh (W) filter element • 1 inch to 4 Inch-standard female NPT connection; 4 Inch flange connection available upon request I • 5 inch to 16 inch standard 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flange connection; 5 inch female NPT connection available upon request . Dimensions in inches, weights In pounds. Dimensions and weights are nominal and may vary slightly with production models. 1 Request certified drawings for exact dimensions. EM Products • 5380 Cottonwood Lane • Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 • emp@eniproducts.com I I I I PRESSURE RATING 125 lb Class I 200 PSI WOG '-----------" I I I ' I ,, I I Model 65M Model 66M ,1, Material list ?tiJ?it~: ~:L~PeciflC!f_tlbnT;_!'if.~~~~T~: I I Body Stems Seat "' I 10 Cast Iron 416 Stainless Steel EPDM, Buna-N NI Coaled Ductile Iron 316 Stainless Steel Aluminum Bronze Model 65M & 66M 2" thru 12" . Mueller Steam Specialty soft seated butterfly valves, rated for 200 psi [wog], are designed for general applications such as on-off, throttling, isolation and dead-end service in commercial and industrial piping systems. They are also suited for control of water, steam, air, oil and gases. Features • Cost effective design. • The dual durometer seat is made of highly wear resistant elastomer bonded to a phenolic backup ring. This combination provides a soft, elastic seat which will not collapse under vacuum or high velocity service and also eliminates the need for flange gaskets. • Valves can be furnished in a variety of trim materials. Pneumatic, hydraulic or electric actuators, solenoids, positioners and limit switches can be specified for automated operation. • Temperature limitations are dependent on seat and body materials and service conditions. For throttling service, line velocity should not exceed 20 ft/sec ( 6 m/sec) for liquids and 15,000 ft/min (4,500 m/min) for gases. Corrosive media applications depend on trim materials selected. • Valves are designed to meet ANSI 125/150 lb class bolting as well as MSS- SP-25, MSS-SP-67, and API .609 specifications. • All valves are 100% hydrostatically tested on both s_ides and rated for drop-tight shut-off at 200 psi [ wog]. • Disc and stem assembly with taper stem. • I dia. of boles,,, K ' ' ' bolt circle Dimensions Uni approx •~\-i.,:.,1··1~~ ... \\ifil';;¼,. . • 1u:$.~'SIZ ,.k~~~~ A in 10 5/8 11 5/8 12 1/8 mm 270 295 308 B in 6 3/8 6 7/8 71/8 mm 162 175 181 C in 3 3 1/2 3 3/4 mm 76 89 95 D in 1.772 1.874 1.929 mm 45 48 49 in 1 2 1 2 1 2 E mm 13 13 13 F in 214 2 1/4 2 1 4 mm 57 57 57 G in 17 64 17 64 17 64 mm 7 7 7 •hol• 4 4 ..... 4 4 4 in 11/16 11/16 11 16 J mm 17 17 17 in 4 4 51/2 6 K mm 121 140 152 in 2 2 1/2 3 L mm 51 64 76 in 8 11 58 1 M mm 16 16 lb 5 7 8 65M kg 127 178 203 66M lb 7 8 9 kg 178 203 229 ,,. 13 5/8 14 518 346 371 778 8 3/8 200 213 41/2 5 114 127 2.154 2.283 58 11 15 279 381 17 21 432 533 )imensions and weights approximate. Apply for certified drawings. · 15 518 397 8 7/8 225 5 1/2 140 2.307 59 4 19 483 25 635 /1~..---H no. of holes· I tap size dia. of holes K bolt circle 19 3/8 21 1/4 241/2 492 540 622 10 1/4 11 1/2 13 1/14 260 292 332 7 3/4 8 9 1/2 197 203 241 2.496 2.756 3.154 63 70 80 78 1 1/8 1 1 4 22 29 32 31/2 31/2 4 1/4 89 89 108 916 9 16 9 16 14 14 14 4 4 4 8 12 12 13/16· 15/16 1 16 21 24 24 141 4 17 362 10 34 59 94 864 1499 2388 2 112 1067 1854 2845 • . I .I 'I I :1 11 I ELASTOMER GUIDE "i"''•'l,.._.'fP, ~•.,!;;, iit~rumaHWfl!~fi!!l~~·;wi,rrt[ilftMl~~U(/?Nli~ffnMt_liifi H.rµ,f/il{ii!fl/ltmm;t~~Wtj#.~!,:(~fii,t,Wii#WfiJHffHHfflfl~j "•\.0~11:v..-1•1t·"•·'P" r:r'TP.~~~-rn-;f.,f!n~ I Excellent resistance to petroleum Water Acatone, ketones, strong acids, ozone, brake fluid, Buna-N phosphates, esters, carbon tetrachloride, trichoethylene 0°F to 200°F Generally resistant to many hydrocarbons, fats. oils, and phosphate est~r hydraullc fluid greases. hydraulic fluids, ethylene glycol and chemicals. . Exct1Uent resistance to low pressure steam (30 PSI max), hot and cold water I EPOM Generally resistant to animal and vegetable oils, ozone, Petroleum, oila, DI-ester based lubricants, aromatic -40"F lo 275°F strong and oxldlzlng chemicals hydrocarbons, mineral alls, solvents Phosphate ester hydraulic fluid. Good for dilute acids (Ph 5-7) and alkalles, brake fluid and ketones (MEK acetone) Hypalon Excellent resistance to moderate chemicals, acids, ozone, Strong, oxidizing acids, esters, ketones, chlorinated, aromatic 4QDF to 250°F fats, greases and solvents andnltro hydrocarbons. Not recommended tor steam service. Excellent resistance to chemicals at elevated temperatures Including aliphatic, aromatic and hayogenated hydrocarbons Vlton animal and vegetable oils. Steam, ketones, hot hydraunc acid, anhydrous ammonia, low For phenolic: molecular weight esters and nitro containing compounds 0°F to 275°F Good for most gasoline, fuel, solvents, petroleum, oils and ozone. I Teflon or Excellent resistance to high temperatures, oils, acids, Fuming acids, gases or cyrogenic service -10°F to 2so°F Buna Base solvents and most chemicals. Continuous Neoprene Generally resistant to moderate chemicals and acids, Strong, oxidizing acids, esters, ketones, chlorinated, aromatic eo·F to 2oo·F ozone, oils, fal:I, grease and solvents, and nitro hydrocarbons. I MATERIALS Of CONSTRUCTION I' Materials List ~teiiiiU~1fid!t?j Cdae ;Wf&1Jffaii?H;~i ;:in£mf?i}N1~fW~F.~fi 1~~ji f.ti rtiJi /.11 : ": ?j J: 1:;::1 'axi•ii1:• : .. , : i'M~1en1':1: 1r; ri:~1 ,;,? ,..,! :::~:; .j i;w"m 1o;!Vi•~..i 1 ;~tt·:-;, :~_i _; :•":1: :•i t .. : A Cast Iron, ASTM A·126-B H 316 Stainless Steel, ASTM Gr. CFSM BODIES C M Metal, ASTM B-61 I Ductile Iron, ASTM A-536 Class 65-45-12 D. Carbon Steel, ASTM A-216 Gr. WCB E Ductile Iron, Epoxy coated (59G only) STEMS H 316 Stainless Sleel, ASTM A-276 p Alloy 20, ASTM A-473 N 416 Stainless Sleel, ASTM A-582 a Monel, ASTM B-164 H 316 Stainless Sleel, ASTM A-351 Gr. CFSM y Oudile Iron, Hala,. coated I . Ductile Iron NI Coated, ASTM A-536 w Ductile Iron, Kynar-coated DISCS Class 65-45·12 or ASTM A395 R Ductile Iron, Rilsan .. (Nylon ·11) coaled K Bronze, ASTM B-62 3 DuctUe Iron, Buna~N encapsulated (59G only} a Monel, ASTM A-494 Grade M35-1 6 Ductile Iron, EPDM encapsulaled (59G only) 3 Buna-N, ASTM D-2000 MZBF 717 B14 B34 7 Telfon·, Buna base E014 E034 8 Black Neoprene (food grade), ASTM D-2000 M3BC SEATS 4 Vlton•, ASTM D-2000 M4HK 707 710 A14 E104 E034 5 Hypalon•, ASTM D-2000 MZCE 717 A16 B15 9 White Neoprene (food grade), ASTM D-2000 6 EPDM, ASTM D-2000 MZCA 714 A25 B44 M5BC 714 B14 E014 G21/FDA TIiie 21, ~,n.2600 EA14 S17 E Epoxy coating on 59G body (repeat code) 0 Without operator 5 Gear Operator 1 10 position handle 6 Electric Operator OPERATORS 2 1 O position handle with memory 7 Hydraulic Operator 3 Infinite position handle 8 Pneumatic Operator 4 Infinite position handle with memory 9 Other Operator (Chain wheel, extension, etc.) *DuPont trademark •• Elf Aquitaine trademark I' 12 The flow characteristic of a valve is described as its C, value. C, is defined as the maximum flow of 60' F water expressed in GPM (Gallons ~Per Minute) which produces a 1PSI drop across the valve. Formula for fluids C =Q' 1G , Vt"f, Q=FlowGPM DP=Pressure Drop in PSI G=Specific Gravity To size a valve: For "On/Off' service: use C, data 30' to 60' disc opening value for C, table. Valve sizing for throttling, follow these steps. 1. Flow required in the system (Q). Maximum allowable pressure drop (P). Specific Gravity of pipe line medium (G). 2. Calculate C, using above formula. 3. Determine valve size and degree disc must be open from C, table. 4. Make sure that maximum line velocity does not exceed the recommended maximum valve velocity, i.e., LIQUIDS: 20ft/second. GASES: 15,000 ft/min V= Q x .321 (liquid only) A A=area of pipe in square inches Example: Throttling Service Given: Q=5,000 GPM (flow) DP=1.75 PSI (pressure drop) G=.750 (specific gravity/gasoline) .1. c,= a~ =sooovP-;~ =3273 2. 3. From C, table: 12" valve has c, range 825-3450, 30' -60' open disc. Velocity=V= Q x ,321 = A sooo x .321 =14 2ft/sec 113.1 . which is within the limits, so for the given conditions a 12" valve should be used. • ' ' ' Maximum Flow valve full open 1• no,· 3• .. •· •· •• 11• 12• 11• 11• 1r tr u . ' , I I \ I ; I II :1 I I /', : I I I /' ' ! 1 1 J I 1 ; 7 / / /1./1 : , 1 o ,,11, ..... Z 1, 1,111-.-. Flow Rate GPM Sizes 2 Cv Values 1 · -• • . ' I , . , . • , 130 87 60 43 25 14 6 2-1/2 190 127 87 63 36 21 9 3 360 241 166 119 68 39 18 4 650 435 300 214 123 71 32 5 1,400 938 644 462 266 154 70 1,900 1,273 875 627 361 209 95 8 3,300 2,200 1,518 1.089 627 363 165 10 5,000 3,350 2.300 1.650 950 550 250 12 7,500 5,025 3,450 2475 1,425 825 375 14 9,500 6,365 4,370 3,135 1,800 1,050 475 16 13,400 8,978 6,165 4,420 2,550 1,475 670 18 17,200 11,500 7,910 5,676 3,270 1,892 860 20 21,300 14,270 9,800 7,030 4,050 2350 1,065 24 30,000 20,100 13,800 9,900 5.700 3,300 1,500 I I / / / -FULL 72• 60' 50' 40• 30° 20· OPEN ! I -' I I I I i 13 I I I' ii ,,, I ,,, 1· ;lfilB::2~~~st~:altsa.~r.t~Jlat~~ Number Description Quantity 1 Body 1 2 Seat 1 3 Disc 1 4 Stem {upper) 1 5 Siem (lower) 1 6 Bushing 1 7 0-ring (upper) 1 6 O-ring (lower) 1 9 Self-locking screw 1 10 Q-.ring (seat) 2 11 Stem screw 1 •• ..... ., , __ if!:lfsi!!_;r,;,; Number Description Quantity 1 Body 1 2 Seat 1 3 Oise 1 4 Stem (upper) 1 5 Stem (lower) 1 6 Bushing 1 7 0-ring (upper) 1 8 0-ring (lower) 1 9 Seit-locking screw 1 10 Stem screw 1 14"-24" t!, a,,.,,,, ;/ with Chain Wheel .. Gear Operator with Position Indicating Flag Safety Lock 14 Extended Neck © .. - "' © 0 Y- . ..2.. '-.... . ( -=---_'/.:.'I' © . • ..,. © .:::.:' Q~ l. c--.____ 0 1 _.* 2/. -~-)___---------~--✓ /' • © . ::: 2"-12" ~11.!\!tit4ti.~·!Ylt~~~l\1{S~~~~(,-~itSll'il OPERATORS 3-Way Diverter Assemblies . 1 O Position Handle > a: 10 Position Handle with Memory Infinite Position Handle is Infinite Position Handle with Memory Number Description Quantity 1 Body 1 2 Seat 1 3 Oise 1 4 Stem (upper) 1 5 Bushing 3 6 Disc pin 2 8 Welch pin 4 Pneumatic Actuator Electric Actuator tt Gear Operator ORDERING INFORMATION •, EXAMPLE: 20·2-59G-EN6°E•O ~ 20 ea. 2" grooved end Model 59G, D.I. epoxy coated body, 416 SS stem, D.I. EPDM coated disc, D.I. epoxy (repeat body), no operator. QUANTITY___j I 66M Full lug, dual durometer seal, 2•-12• SJZE: 2• -36" 65M Wafer, dual durometer seat 2"-12" (declma!s) 2l2· Z ·llal.l· E ti § • E · Q 59G Grooved end 2•-12· . 55 Flanged, phenollc backed seat 14'-18" MODEL 56 Full lug, soft seat 2"·12" NUMBER 55 Wafer, soft seat 2"·12' 53 Semi-lug, phenolic backed seat 2•-12• 52M Full lug, phenollc backed seat 14'-36" 52 Full lug, phenolic backed seat 2'-12" 51M Wafer, pheno/Jc backed seat 14'-24" 51 Wafer, phenoUc backed seat 2"-12" I ' . A,.Available. NAt1NOt Available 51 51M 52 52M 53 55 56 56 59G 65M 66M SO:Spec!al Order, Consult Factory I "'·12' 14'-24' 2"-12" 14"-36" I 2"•12' 1-,•.,2• ?"-1"" 14'-PI.' "'·12" I ?'.1?" 2"-1?" A cast Iron NA A NA A so A A - - A A \ C M Metal A so so so so so so --NA NA BODY D Carbon Steel so so so so A so so A -NA NA H 316 SS so so so so A so so A -NA NA I Ductile Iron A so A A so so so --NA NA E 0.1. Epoxy Coated -- - --- - - A NA NA H 318S$ A A A A A A A A A NA NA \ STEM N 416 S$ A A A A A A A A so A A P AUoy20 A A A A A A A A -NA NA Q Monel A so A so A A A A -NA NA H 316 SS A A A A A A A A -A A I 0.1. NI Coated A A A A A A A A -A A K Bronze A A A A A A A A -A A Q Monet A so A so so A A A -NA NA DISC COATED \ 3 0.1. with Buna-N -- - --- - - A NA NA ' 6 DJ. with EPDM -- - - - - --A NA NA , W DJ.With Kyna..-A so A so A - - - -NA NA y 0.1. with Halal"" A so A so A - - - -NA NA R Allsan••, Nylon 11 A so A so A --- - NA NA 3 Btma-N A A A A A A A - - A A 4 Vllon* A A A A A so so --NA NA 5 Hypalon* A A A A A - - - -NA NA 6 EPDM A A A A A A A ·A -A A SEAT 7 Teflon· {Buna Base) A so A so A - - - -NA NA 6 Black Neoprene•--A A A A A - - - -NA NA 9 White Neoprene·--A A A A A - - - -NA NA E Epoxy coating on 59G -- - -----A NA NA body forms seat 0 Wllhout operator A A A A A A A A A A A 1 10 position handle*••• A -A -A A A -A A A 2 10 position w/memory•--A -A ·-A A A -A NA NA 3 Infinite pos. handle•-• A -A -A A A -A NA NA 4 Jnflnlla pos. w/memory•-• A -A -A A A -A NA NA OPERATOR 5 Gear Operator A A A A A A A A A A A 6 Electric Actuator A A A A A A A A A NA NA 7 HydrauUc Actuator A A A A A A A A A NA NA 8 PnuemaUc Actuator A A A A A A A A A NA NA 9 Other Operator A A A A A A A A .A NA NA • duPont trademark -Elf Aquitaine trademark -.♦ food grade r•**Handles not rocommended for sizes larger than 8j 15 I I I ,, I' I I' TM EM PRODUCTS™ PHILLIPS & TEMRO INDUSTRIES I r· The 'EMI" Series in-line guard filter is designed for use in close loop or in-line applications requiring air and inert gas filtration. This series can be used in a variety of applications, either upstream or downstream of positive displacement blowers and centrifugal compressors operating below 15 psig and 200' F. Standard Construction Features • Available in sizes from 2 inch to 16 inch • Male NPT inlet and discharge connection sizes 2 inch to 4 inch • 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flanges for sizes 5 inch to 16 inch • Full welded carbon steel construction shell • Available with paper, felt and wire mesh filter element • 1/8" NPT pressure tap • Bolted top cover lnline Air Filters Model EM I -Series • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please consult factory for information to meet your requirements. Gray phenolic resin based fast drying primer suitable for overcoating with urethanes, acrylics, epoxies and industrial enamels. Standard two mil thickness 15 psig pressure and 20· Hg vacuum design Optional Construction Features and Accessories Stainless steel construction Aluminum construction Special connections for relief valves and instrumentation Oversized flanges Special finish per specification Special acoustic and/or filtration design High temperature design Air leak tests ASME code construction Horizontal or vertical mounting supports Contact factory for additional features to meet your requirements 10/98 98BC-2006 EM Products• 5380 Cottonwood Lane, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 • emp@emproducts.com Gauges These gauges are reliable and rugged. SPECIFICATIONS: Pressure/Vacuum CASE -Drawn Steel Finished in Black Enamel DIAPHRAGM -Bronze LENS -Clear Plastic ACCURACY -2% WEIGHT -½ lb. Temperature CASE-Steel LENS-Glass ACCURACY -1% WEIGHT -¼ lb. Accessory Part Number Range Gauoe, Pressure 0-60 IWG (2 PSIG) Gauge, Pressure 0-160 IWG (6 PSIG) Gauae, Vacuum 0-60 IWG (4.5 IHGl Gauae, Vacuum 0-160 IWG (12 IHG) Reference Connection Blower Model Inlet Face ALL 1/.11" NPT 21/,c" Dia. ALL 1/-4" NPT 21/,,. Dia. ALL 1/"" NPT 2v .. " Dia. ALL 1/," NPT 21/•" Dia. -----111111!1! .. .. (8111: ' I ' 1/4 NPT I ' I __[2 4" NPT 36 1" NPT j 4 4 1" NPT HALF COUPLING 19 1/ 4 WITH BASKET INSERT & 8x6 FLANGE LID -,,. , ... , -•.Jlll!I' '.11!1111' -~ ---PORTS: (7) 1· HALF COUPLINGS (2) s· FLANGE (1) 4• FLANGE (1) 4• NPT (1) 1/ 4' HALF C_OUPLING 24 D 8" -FLANGE 3/8 THICK 4• -FLANGE 8" -FLANGE 3/8 THICK 24 ----.,. , , ~---rt-~' __[4 / -r 1" NPT 12 36 8 4J ~+=+=====1-~•o~e•~NS~ON!p.s~-~15::!-0~o J,E,GASHO & Assoc,, Inc. I-460 W. GA.Y ST. WEST CH[STER. PENNSYl.VANtA. 19J80 OlWDISIONS IN INCHES GX-120 EEE====l-==t::=~ MOISTURE SEPARATOR REV. D,t.TE DESCRIPTION SHEET 1 OF 1 2000-C - 1 20G I BULLETIN E-20 ,~,__F_11._0_1e_c_i_~_M_o_o_e_L_L_-6_FL_o_t.._J" __ s_w_1_rc_H _______ _ I,, -. installation and Operating Instructions '! I IJ ,,, .f I I, ,,, 11 I! '\ I 'II VETTED MATERIALS CHART Model Brass Bronze Ceramic Polypropylene 3D1SS 303SS 304SS B.S-3-A X X X X B.S-3-B X X X X X B-S-3-C X X X X B.S-3-H X X X X X B.S-3-0 X X X X S.S-3-A X X X X S.S-3-C X X X X S-S-3-1. X X X X S-S-3-0 X X X X S.S-3-S X X X X INSTALLATION: . Unpack switch and remove any packing material found Inside lower housing or float chamber. Switch must be installed with body In a horizontal plane and arrow on side pointing down. If switch has an external float chamber (tee), connect it to vertical sec• lions of 1" NPT pipe Installed outside vessel walls at appropriate levels. If unit has no external float chamber, It must be mounted In a 1" NPT half coupling welded to the vessel wall. The coupling must extend through the wall. Inspect and clean wetted parts at regular Intervals. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: Connect win, leads in accordance with local electrical codes and switch action required. N.O. contacts will close and N.C. contacts will open when uld level causes float to rise. They will return to "normal" condition ., decreasing liquid level. Black = common, Blue = N.O. and Red = N.C. For units supplied with both Internal and external grounds, the ground screw Inside the housing must be used to ground the control. The Explosion-Proof; U.L. and C.S.A. Listed - Class I, Groups *A, 8, C & D Class II, Groups E, F & G CENELEC: EExd IIC T6 (T amb=75°C) •(Group A, stainless steel body only) PHYSICAL DATA Temperature Limit: 220°F (105oC) maximum Maximum Pressure: See chart below Switches: One or two SPOT snap switches Electrfcal Rating: U.L.: 5A @ 125/250 VAC. C.S.A. and CENELEC: 5A @ 125/250 VAC, 5A resistive, 3A inductive @ 30 voe. . Optional ratings: MV opHon--Gold contacts for dry circuits. Rated 0.1A@ 125 VAC MT option: 400'F (205oC) 5A @ 125/250 VAC (not listed). Wiring Connections: 3-18" (460mm) wire leads, 18 ga. CENELEC models only: push-in type terminal blocks Black = common, blue = N.O., red = N.C. · Minimum Specific Gravity: Polypropylene float -0.9 Round SS float • 0.7 Cylindrical SS float • 0.5 Switch Body: Brass 3/4" NPT conduit connection. For SS switch body, change model no. to LBEPS. Piping/Mounting Connection: 1" NPT Jnstalletlon: Horizontal, index arrow pointing down. Weight: 1 lb. (.5 KG); w/external chamber 1-3/4 lb. (.8 KG) MAXIMUM PRESSURE CHART Model Number Float Pressure Rating PSJG (KG/CM') LSEPB-B.S-3-A Cylindrical SS 200 (14) L6EPB-B.S-3-B Polypropylene 250 (18) L6EPB-B.S-3-C Round SS 350 (25) L6EPB-B.S-3-H Round SS 250 (18) LSEPB·B.S-3-0 Polypropylene 1000 (70) L6EPB.S.S-3-A Cylindrical SS 200 (14) LSEPB.S.S-3-C Round SS 350 (25) L6EPB.S.S-3-L Round SS 350 (25) LBEPB-S.S-3-0 Polypropylene 2000 (140) LBEPB.S.S-3-S Polypropylene 2000 (140) external ground screw is tor supplementary bonding when allowed or required by local code. Some CSA listed models are furnished with a separate green ground wire. Such units must be equipped with a junc- tion box, not supplied but available on special order. CENELEC certified models Include a junction box. Cable should enter enclosure through an approved EX cable gland, not supplied. Push strip• ped and tinned leads Into appropriate openings In terminal block(s). To connect fine stranded leads or to remove any wire, depress spring release with small screwdriver first. All wiring, conduit and enclosures must meet applicable codes for hazardous areas. Conduits and enclosures must be properly sealed. For outdoor or other locations where temperatures vary widely, precau- tions should be taken to prevent condensation inside switch or enclosure. Electrical components must be kept dry at all times. CAUTION: To pre• vent ignition of hazardous atmospheres, disconnect the device from the supply circuit before opening. Keep assembly lightly closed when In use. Dimensions on reverse F11..o&!ecTN MODEL l-6 FLOAT SWiTCH -DIMENSION DRAWINGS I , .. (l!A}OIA. Fl.00' 1 NPTM 3,14," • 314 NPTM CONOUrT CONNECTlON CUl1J :;:;---1------~------i Polypropylene Float t=: -~~_-J __ --t_r_._;,_'"_"_"™_CO_~ CONNECOON Cyllndrlcal Stainless Steel Float 1" DIA. .... , -------i~i----... ----~•12" __ __ r IP-• • I I 1111 _j 1-. .... ,. NPTM CONDUIT CONNECTION I ., =---.,, ... 1,..,.._•_._,, ____ ~-----,... ~OIA. : .. Round Stainless Steel Float 1 ..... -1_;,__-:--.1---:-=-.1 I i--1 il-W!lloll I J(7UI, I :1-UI,.., I J(JUI ,... r,..., ,.,..~ •"'21'•al.ll 3-11111'."1 ~11:m.11 _j HI i 11111 1= 1f, ,, I 314 NPTM CONDUIT CONNECTION ,. ... ,DIA.,, With External Float Chamber (Tee) R·~ I ,, - 3-11132" -~ T sL-..... ~=:::::c,,j.._.t I CSA, CENELEC Conduit Enclosure I Umltad Wmntnty: The Seller warrants all Dwyer lnstrumenl:II and equipment to be free from defects In wortcmenshlp or material undat nonnal use and service for a period of one year frcm d818 ol shipment. , UabUUy under thla warranty !s llmlted to repair or replacement FO.a lacUJty of any pa.rm which prove to be detttcifve within that time or repayment ot the purct,au price at the Seller's opinion pmvided 1• the Instruments have been returned, transportation~. within one year trom lhe date of putehaae. Ail technical advice. recommendallons and s8MCN are basad on technical data and Information which the Seller bellews to be reliable and are Intended for uae by per.sons having aklll and knawledgi,-ot the buslneas, Bl their own dlacredon. In no case Is Seller !labia beyond replacement of equipment • FD.a !actDry or the luU purchase prtco. Thia warrantydoea not apply tr 11'1• maximum ratings lamN Is remcwd or lf11'1a Instrument or aq~pment IS abused, altered, used at radng:i ab!M lhe maximum apecffled, ,,\ or ottierwlee mlaused In any way. THIS E<PAESS UMrTED 'NAAAANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANO e>a::WOES ALL OTHER REPRESENTR'JONS MACE BY ADVERTISEMENTS OR BV AGENTS AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. Son-t EXPRESS ·, AND IMPLIED. THERE ARE NO IMPLIED 'MRRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR GOODS COVERED HEREUNDER. . Buyam RamedleS: THE BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMECY ON ACCOUNT OF OR IN RESPECT10 THE FURNISHING OF NONCONFORMtNG OR OEFECTlVE M.IUEAlAl. SHALL BE10 SECURE I REPLACEMENT THEREOF AS AFORESAJn THE SELLER SHALL NOf IN ANY EVENT BE UABLE FOR THE cosr OF ANY LABOR EXPENDED ON ANY SUCH MPJ"ERIAL OR FOR ANY SPECIAL DIRECT, lNOJRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES lO AN'tONE BY REASON OF 11-!E FACT" TI-tM IT SHALL HAVE BEEN NON-CONFORMING OR OEFECTTVE. , I I· I/ I ~ II ,. ,I ._,. ,,, 'I •'"· '( 11 ,11 I, ·1, I, '8 i. ·:1· :I' cMASTER-cARR SUPPLY COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY Temperature . "l'transmitter Assemblies . Our transmitter assemblies produce a 4-20 mA output di-. rectty proportional to the tem- perature. Use with controllers, Spring Loaded Sheath panel meters, and recorders. Compresses 1/2-Each has a 1 OOfl platinum RTD sensor mounted in a ¼" OD spring-loaded Type 316 stainless steel sheath with a Type 316 stainless steel NPT male hex nipple fitting. Transmitter fits inside the cast aluminum head (cover is removable). Accuracy is ±0.1 %. Operate on 13 to 40 voe. Process connection is½' NPT male. iittl•m/4Jl Please specify temperature range from chart below. Available Ranges o• to +100° F 0° to +200° F a• to +300° F 0° to +400° F Insertion Length · Each 6" ..................................... 40705K4 .... $198.55 9• ..................................... 407051<5 .... 198.55 12" ..................................... 40705K6 .,.. 198.55 RTD WH + INDICATOR - OONTRot.L.EiR . OCPOWE1' __ SUPPLY I 1.080" EXAMPLE ORDER NUMBER: ' ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION 1 Non Programable, Linearized Non Isolated, .1 % Accuracy ORDER CODE RTD 85• 100 Ohm PlaUnum .00385 91 100 Ohm Platinum .00392 RANGE TEMPERATURE RANGE CODE RANGE CODE 1110 -10010 100° ForC 3065. 1380 -SOio so• ForC 3116 1725 a to so• Fo,C 3200 1750 Oto 100° ForC 3208 1n5 Oto 150° ForC 3213 1800 0 to 200° Fo,C 3218 1826 0 to 250'" F.,,.c 3224 -1850 Oto 300° ForC 3505 1875 Oto 350° ForC 3515 1900 Oto 400' ForC 3520 1925 Oto 450° ForC 3668 1950 Oto 500° ForC 3573 2000 0 to 600° ForC 2100 Oto 800° F orC 2200 0 lo 1000° ForC + _L - TEMPERATURE RANGE 20 to 120° Foi-C 30-to 2ao0 Fo,C. 50 to 100• Fa..C 50 to 150'" F"' C so to 200' Fa..C 50 to 2!i0° ForC 50 to 300'" Fo,C 100 to 200• Fo,C 100 to 300" Fo,C 100 to 400° C . Cop,y,rlghlD1IMIS. Pyrun,aflon, Ina. ( \ I !1.01 5" 11_ .140" 2.20"MAX ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION OD UpscaleBumout-4-20mAOutput 01 DownscaleBumout-4-20mAOutput ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION F Degrees F C Degrees C . JNTEGRALLVMOONTEQ\!llhBIQASSEMBLYMQl2fil. Tc order as an Integral part of an.RT□ assembly use the catalog RTO assemblynumberfollowed by suffix T' and theordertngcodenumberabove. R1T185L48063 -00 • 33 -T (401 -185 -1825F -01) RTO Assembly! I Transmitter !Vlocfel .......... ,._ P~MATION®, INC. I:: i: Ii I: ti I··., 1) I A . ' I .,,, -~ II I I 11 Fisher Controls [ FISHER'] . ).~t-.r~. Introduction · Scope of Manual This Instruction .manual provides Installation, mainte- nance, and parts ordering Information tor the 289 Series relief valves. Instructions for other equipment used with these relief valves can be found In separate Instruction manuals. Description The 289 Serles pressure relief valves (see figure 1) are throttling relief valves used downstream of pressure regulators to protect the downstream system from over- pressure. These relief valves can be used tor natural gas, air, propane, or other noncorrosive, gas-flow service. Specifications Specifications tor the 289 Series relief valves are given In table 1. Installation WARNING•· .. fnstalllng a 289 Serles rellef valve where Its capabilities can be exceeded or where proper operation might be Impaired may cause personal Injury, property damage, or leakage due to bursting of. pressure-con- taining parts or explosion of accumulated gas. To avoid such conditions, Install a 289 Series relief valve where: • Service conditions are within the unit capabllltles specified In tables 1 and 2, and CIFlahar Contml!l lntmnatlonat me._ 1Anl 1mm, An Al..-i:, _____ .., 289 Series Instruction Manual 289 Series Relief Valves August 1990 Form 1724 TYPE 2B9L RELIEF VALVE TYPE 2B9H RELIEF VALVE Figure 1. Typical 289 Serles Rel/of Valves • The reffef valve Is protected from expo- sure to physical damage and/or corrosive substances. 1. When Installing a · 289 Series relief valve, make sure that the Installation of the system compiles with applica- ble local, state, or federal codes or regulat19ns. 2. Use qualified personnel when Installing,. operating, and maintaining a 289 Series relief valve. Before Instal- lation, make sure there Is no damage to or foreign material in the relief valve and that all piping Is clean and unobstructed. 3. For Installation of Type 289H, 289HH, and 289L relief valves, the vent In the spring case must remain plugged or undrilled In • order for the pilot tube to function properly. • I c :I ~ 1 I I 289 Series [ FISHER") Tabla 1. Spec/flcatJons Available Configurations See table 2 Body Sizes and End Connection Styles Type 289L: ■ 3/4 or ■ 1 In. NPT screwed Types 289A and 289U: 1 /4 In. NPT screwed Type 289H: ■ 1 or ■ 2 In. NPT screwed · Type 289H~: 1 In. NPT screwed Maximum Allowable Relief (Inlet) Pressure and · Relief Pressure Set Ranges . See table 2 Material Temperature Capabllltles With Nltrile and Neoprene Elastomers: -20 to 150°F ( -29 to 66°C) With Fluoroelastomeri•~ 20 to 300°F ( -.7 to 149°C); available with Types 289H and 289HH only 1. Bubble-tight ahutoff can not be attained at settings below !I palg (.34 bar) with nuornelaatomer 0-tlng seat. 4. The 2B9 Serles relief valves may be Installed In any orientation. However, If Installing the relief valve at an outside location, adequate protection, such as ralncaps or elbow piping (see figure 2), must be attached to the outlet to keep the relief valve from getting plugged or from collecting moisture, corrosive chemicals, or other foreign materials. If piping Is to be attached to the valve outlet, the following parts (If they are connected to the valve outlet as shown In figures 4 through 8) must first be removed: the screen (key 9), the snap ring (key 13), and the gasket (key 15). A typical Installation of a 2B9 Serles relief valve Is shown In figure 2. WARNING If using a 289 Serles relief valve on hazard• · ous or flammable gas service, personal In- jury and property damage could occur due to fire or explosion of vented gas that may have acumulated. To prevent such Injury or . damage, provide piping or tubing to vent the gas to a safe, well-ventilated area. Also, when venting a hazardous gas, the piping or tubing should be located far enough away from any bulldlngs or windows so to not create a further hazard, and the vent opening should be protected against any- thing that could clog It. 5. Apply pipe compound to the male pipeline threads only; do not apply pipe compound to the Internal body threads. Then Install the relief valve so that the flow through it will match the direction arrow or marking cast on the valve body. 2 Pressure Setting Adlustment Adjusting screw Pressure Registration Internal Approximate Weight, LS (kg) Types 289A and 289U: 0. 75 (0.3) Type 289H: 1 In. Size: 4 (1.8) 2 IN. Size: 1.5 (0.7) Type 289HH: 4 (1.8) Type 289L: 1.5 (0.7) Addltlonal Speciflcatlona For construction materials, see parts list ...... _, r.,.51 PROTECT VENT PIP! --"""J ! WlTH RAJN CAP __..-: 1 Figure 2. Typ/caJ /nsta/lat/on ' ' 289 SERIES REUEP VALVE Startup Key numbers are shown In figures 4 through 8 . With proper lnstallatlon completed and system equip- ment properly adjusted, close any vent valves, and slowly open the upstream shutoff valve while using pressure gauges to monitor pressure. Note To ensure proper operation al the pltot tube, ii present, the spring case (key 2) must be tightly sealed. It Is recommended that the gasket (key 15) l!e replaced when- ever the closing cap (key 14) Is removed. I I ---- I: a, 0: Bi , I I I I __ - I I . ; I i I ' ·i I 1 I I Errata Sheet for 289 Series Relief Valves Form1724,August1990 289 Series Relief Valves Septe"mber 1994 When Installing the molded diaphragm in the 289 Series Relief Valves, make sure the diaphragm convolution is installed In the down position as shown In flgure1. I r r r r _J r -• -I --·- - Rgurs 1. Installation of Diaphragm ~ Contra■ lnlarnatlonaf. Inc. 191M; Al Rlghb Aeaerved -::;...., -::.,J ~ . .J -::::;,..J ' ' l I ~ ~ I -....... -- INSTALL DIAPHRAGM CONVOLUTION DOWN I I I I I I 1, I • I I I I I I I Table 2. Maximum Allowable Rella( (Inlet) Pressure AVAILABLI! BODY SIZE,_ SPRING PART COLOR CON FIGURA TJON INCH NUMBER CODE 288A 1/4 020583 27022 1 B2882 27022 Silver 1 F8269 27052 Pink 1 108923 27022 Red 107515 27022 Sliver 289H 107455 27142 Green 1 B5385 27052 · Dark blue 2 1 B5388 27052 Gray 1 B5388 27052 Dark green 185389 27052 Red S1ripe 289HH 1 1D7455 27142 Green 1 B4135 27222 Sliver 289L 3/4 or 1 1N3112 X0012 Stafnless steel 13A7917 X012 Sliver 13A7918 X012 Sliver 289U 1/4 OV0602 27022 Sliver OF0582 27022 SIiver 1. Thie value lndlcatn lhe rellet prusura setting ptua pressure buildup. Antlselzing sealant should be applied to the adjusting screw (key 6) threads on valves without closing caps. If set pressure adjustment Is necessary, monitor the Inlet pressure with a gauge during the adjustment proce-dure. Remove the closing cap (key 14), or loosen the hex nut (key 11), and turn the adjusting screw (key 6) clock-wise to Increase or counterclockwise to decrease the relief pressure setting. For 2-lnch Type 289H relief valves, when changing from one spring range to another, It Is recommended that a new spring case be used so that the travel stop drive screw will be positioned correctly for the corresponding spring range. Each spring range requires that the travel stop drive screw be positioned appropriately In the spring case to prevent setting the relief valve pressure too high. The location of the travel stop drive screw for each s prl ng and spring range Is shown In figure 3. Shutdown Close the upstream shutoff valve, and release all pres-sure from the relief valve. Maintenance Relief valve parts are subject to normal wear and should be Inspected periodically for maintenance. The frequen- cy of inspection and replacement of parts depends upon the severity of service conditions. 289 Series MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPRING RANGE Rl!LJEF (INLET} (RELIEF PRESSURE PRESSURE(11 SETTINGS) Pala Bar 3 Jo 13 pslg 0.2 Io 0.9 bar 45 3.1 11 Jo 22 psla 0.8 Io 1.5 bar 1 Jo 4.5 pslg 69 Jo 310 mbar 4 Jo 15 pslg 0.3 Jo 1.0 bar 100 8.9 10 Jo 20 pslg 0.7 Jo 1.4 bar 15 Jo 50 pslg 1.0 Io 3.4 bar 7 lo 18 Inch WC 17 to 45 mbar 0.5 to 2.25 pslg 35 Jo 155 mbar 25 1.7 1.75 to 7 pslg 121 Jo 483 mbar 4 Jo 10 pslg 0.3. to 0.7 bar 45 to 75 pslg 3.1 to 5.2 bar 100 8.9 3 to 8 Inch WC 7 to 20 mbar 5 to 18 Inch wc 12 to 45 mbar 7 0.5 10 to 18 Inch wc 25 to 45 mbar 12 to 40 Inch WC 30 to 100 mbar 5 to 25 Inch WC 12 to 82 mbar 10 0.7 20 Inch we to 3 pslg 50 to 208 mbar SPRING SPRING RANGE DIMENSION A PART NUMBER 1 B5385 27052 1 B5366 27052 1 85368 27052 185389 27052 (RELIEF PRESSURE SETTING) Inch mm 7 to 18 Inch WC 0.5 to 2.25 pslg 1.75 to 7 pslg 4 to 10 pslg 17 to 45 mber Drive screw not required 36 to 155 mbar 1-17/32 ; 39 121 to 483 mbar 2-5/32 55 0.3 to 0.7 bar 2-5/16 59 TYPB 289H SPAlNQ CASE I. Figure 3. Location of Travel Stop Drive SCl8w for 2-/nch, Type 289H Relief Valve This section contains Information for Inspection and maintenance of 289 Serles relief valves. Maintenance procedures are presented for relief valve conflguratlons of similar .construction. Refer to the appropriate proce-dure and figure for the particular relief valve configura-tion .when changing the control spring to one of a different range or when Inspecting, cleaning, or replac-ing any other relief valve parts. The screen (key 9, figures 4 through 7) and vent piping, if present, should be free of foreign material that might Impair relief flow. 3 Ii ! I: I: I I 1 ' I ! ~ I .I 1 I 1 I I . ' . ' I I 289 Serles Note The rellef valve body (key 1, figures 4 through 8) may remain In the plpellne during maintenance unless replacement of the valve body Is necessary. WARNING. Avoid personal Injury or property damage from sudden release of pressure or explo· slon of accumulated gas. Before starting disassembly: • Isolate the reUef valve from llne pres- sure, and • Release trapped pressure from the valve body and pressure llne. Type 289A Relief Valves All key numbers are shown In figure 4. 1. Loosen the hex nut (key 11 ), and unscrew the ad)ust- lng screw (key 6) to relieve spring compression. 2. Unscrew the machine screws (key 8), and remove the spring case (key 2), the spring seat (key 4), the spring (key 7), the diaphragm head (key 3) and the diaphragm (key 5). 3. Inspect the diaphragm and seating surfaces for dam-. age or wear, and replace parts as necessary. To remove the orifice (key 10) unscrew It from the body. 4. Reinstall the orifice, the diaphragm, the diaphragm head, the spring, and the spring seat. 5. Reattach the spring case using the machine screws. 6. If a new spring with a different range Is Installed, stamp the spring case with the new spring range. 7. Ad)ust the spring compression according to the pro- cedures outlined In the Startup section. Type 289U Relief Valves All key numbers are shown In figure 5. 1. Loosen the hex nut (key 11 ), and unscrew the ad)ust- lng screw (key 6) to relieve spring compression . 2. Unscrew the machine screws (key 8), and remove the spring case (key 2), the spring seat (key 4), the spring (key 7), and the diaphragm assembly (key 5). 4 ( FISHER"} 3. Inspect the diaphragm assembly and seating sur- faces for damage or we~r, and replace parts as necessary. 4. Reinstall the diaphragm assembly, the spring, and the spring seat. 5. Reattach the spring case using the machine screws. 6. If a new spring with a different' range Is Installed, stamp the spring case. with the new spring range. 7. Ad)ust the spring compression according to the pro- cedures outlined In the Startup section. Type 289L Relief Valves All key numbers are shown In figure 6. 1. Remove the closing cap (key 14) and the gasket (key 15), and then unscrew the .ad)ustlng screw (key 6) to relieve spring compres!\ron. 2. Unscrew the machine screws (key 8), and then re- move the spring case (key 2), the spring (key 7), and the diaphragm assembly (key 5). 3. Inspect the diaphragm and seating surfaces for dam- age or wear, and replace parts as necessary. To remove the orifice (key 1 OJ, unscrew It from the body. Check the pltot tube In the diaphragm assembly for blockage, and remove any foreign material that might Impair proper operation of the relief valve. 4. Reinstall the orifice, the diaphragm assembly, and · the spring. 5. Reattach the spring case using the machine screws. 6. If a new spring with a different range Is Installed, stamp the closing cap with the new spring range. 7. Ad)ust the spring compression accon;flng to the pro- cedures outlined In the Startup section, and then rein- stall the closing cap and gasket. Type 289HH and 1-lnch Type 289H Relief Valves · All key numbers are shown In figure 7. 1. Loosen the hex nut (key 11 ), and then unscrew the adjusting scr,ew (key 6) to relieve spring compression. 2. Unscrew the machine screws (key 8), and remove the spring case (key 2), the spring seat (key 4), and the spring (key 7). •• I: I: I: 11 I I: 11 I I ' ,_ I ft I u I u a I I I- I 3. Unscrew the hex nut (key 24), and remove the lower spring seat (key 17), the diaphragm head (key 3), and the diaphragm (key 5). 4. Unscrew the machine screws (key 29), and then remove the stem guide assembly (key 31 J and attached parts from the valve body (key 1 ). 5. Slide the spacer (key 23) and the pitot tube (key 18) and attached parts from the valve body. 6. Remove. the washer (key 27), the gasket (key 19), the spacer, the O-rings (key 30), the O-rlng holder (key 21), the O-ring (key 20), and the O-rlng washer (key 22) from the pltot tube. 7. Inspect the O-rlngs, the gaskets, the spacer, the orifice, and the seating surfaces ·for damage or wear, and replace parts as necessary. 8. Apply antlselzlng sealant to the adjusting screw threads, and to the end of the adjusting screw that contacts the spring seat. 9. Slide the O-rlng washer, the O-rlngs (keys 30 and 20), the O-rlng holder, the 0-rlng (key 30), the spacer, the stem guide assembly, the gasket, and the washer (key 27) onto the pltot tube. 10. Reinstall the stem guide assembly with attached parts Into the valve body,.and then attach this assembly with the machine screws (key 29). 11. Replace the diaphragm, the diaphragm head, and the lower spring seat, and then secure these parts with the hex nut (key 24). 12. Reinstall the spring and the spring seat, and then attach the spring case to the valve body using the machine screws (key 8). 13. If a new spring with a different range Is installed, stamp the spring case with the new spring range. 14 .. Adjust the spring compression according to the procedures outlined in the Startup sectfon. 2-lnch Type 289H Relief Valves All key numbers are shown In figure 8. 1 . Remove the closing cap and the gasket (keys 14 and 15), .and then unscrew the adjusting screw (key 6) to relieve spring compression. 2. Unscrew the machine screw (k_ey 8), and remove the spring case (key 2), the washer (key 27), and the spring (key 7). 289 Series 3. Unscrew the hex nut (key 24), unscrew the llftlng stem (key 25), and then unscrew the hex nut (key 11 ). 4. Remove the lower spring seat (key 17), the dia- phragm head (key 3), the diaphragm (key 5), the lower diaphragm head (key 26), and the gasket (key 19). 5. Unscrew the machine screws (key 29), and then remove the stem guide assembly (key 31) and attached parts. 6. Slide the spacer (key 23) and the pltot tube (key 18) and attached parts out of the stem guide assembly. 7. Remove the gaskets (key 19), the spacer (key 23), and the O-rlng washer (key 22) from the pltot tube, Then remove the O-rlng washer (key 20) and the orifice (key 1 OJ from the valve body (key 1 ). 8. Inspect the O-rlngs, the gaskets, the spacer, the orifice, and the seating surfaces for damage or wear, and replace parts as necessary. 9. Apply antlselzlng sealant to the orifice threads, and then to the adjusting screw threads. 10. Reinstall the orifice and the O-rlng (key 20) Into the valve body. 11. Slide the gasket, the O-rlng washer, the gasket, the spacer, the stem guide assembly, and the gasket onto the pitot tube. 12. Reinstall the stem guide assembly with attached parts Into the valve body, and attach It with the machine screws (key 29). 13. Replace the lower diaphragm head, the diaphragm, the dlaphrahm head, and the lower spring seat; then secure these parts with the hex nut (key 11 ). Screw in the lifting stem, and lock It In place with the hex nut (key 24). 14. Reinstall .the spring and the washer. Note. For 2-lnch Type 289H relief valves, when changing from one spring range to another, use a new spring case to position the travel stop drive screw correctly tor the corre- sponding spring range. Each spring. range requires that the travel stop drive screw be positioned appropriately In the spring case to prevent setting the relief valve pressure too high. The location of the travel stop drive screw tor each spring and spring range Is shown In figure 3. 5 I' . 289 Serles [ FISHER") I' , -• Attach the spring case to the valve body using the Key DeacrlpUan Part Number l:,e. .;hine screws (key 8). 3 Diaphragm Head Type 289A, zinc OT0227 44022 If a new spring with a different range Is Installed, Type 289H, plated steel stamp the spring case with the new spring range. 1-lnch body 108884 28982 1)7. Adjust the spring compression according to the 2-inch body OW0202 25072 Type 289HH, zinc plated steel 1 P9014 25062 4 Spring Seat _ procedures outlined In the Startup section. Then Install Type 28SA, braes _ _ OT0228 14012 the gasket and the closing cap. Type 289U, zinc tB3725 44022 1, Types 289H 11-lnch body) and 289HH, Plated steel 108671 25072 Parts Ordering 5• · Diaphragm/Diaphragm Assembly .'Nhen corresponding with your Fisher sales office or Type 289A, neoprene 1A5052 02102 Types 289H (1-lnch body) and 289HH Nltr11e 1 E6066 02052 • ·iales representative about this equipment, always refer-Auoroelastomer 1 E6066 02342 ence the equipment serial number stamped on the Type 289H (2-lnch body) (tpring case (key 2) or the closing cap (key 14). When Nltrila 107800 02052 .,irderlng replacement parts, spe_clfy the complete 11-Auoroelaatomer 107800 02332 Type 289L • · ·:haracter part number of each required part as found In Nltrilal1> gihe following parts 11st. 3/4 & 1-lnch body, standard AL4088 OOOA2 Fluoroelas10mer<21 (1-lnch body) 1N3130 X0012 Type 289U13J, nltrile 18A281 5X012 8 AdJusUng Screw rarts List Type 289A, brass 1A5884 14012 Types 289H (1-lnch body) and 289HH, plated steel 109954 48702 -,'8y Type 289H (2-lnch body) zinc 185379 44012 OeacrtpUon Part Number Type 2B9L, Delrlnl•I T10071 06842 I Type 289U, brass OF0581 14012 Parts Kit 0ncluded are keys 5, 9, 15, 19, 7 Spring See table 2 ~~, 20, 30 and 38). Screen Is stainless steel 8 Machine Screw, plated steel and gaskets are composlUon and neoprene. Typo 289A (6 req"d) 18777 4 28982 I Types 289H end 289HH, 1-lnch body Type 289A Oncludes only keys 5 (B req'd) 1A3917 24052 and 9) Type 289H, 2-lnch body (8 req'd) 1 A4078 24052 Neoprene diaphragm R289A X00012 Type 289L (8 req'd w/o wire seal, ·. i Type 289L.Qnciudes only keys 5, 9, and 15) 7 req'd w/wtre seal) 182856 28962 I Nllrlla diaphragm end CJ.rings Type 289L (1 req'd wfwlre seaQ 1 L9277 28962 3/4-lnch body R289L X00012 Type 269U (8 req'd)_ 1 A3451 28962 1-lnch body R289L X00022 Type 289H (1-lnch body) and 289HH 9 Screen, Stainless steel Nllrlle diaphragm and 0-rlngs R289H X00012 Type 289L I Fluoroelastomer diaphragm and 0-rfngs R289H X00032 3/4-lnch body 186335 38392 Type 289H, 2-lnch body Oncludes keys 5, 1-lnch body 1E5648 43122 9, 15, 19, 20 end 38) Types 289A end 289U OL0763 43082 i Nltrile diaphragm and 0-rfngs R289H X00022 Types 289H end 289HH, 1-lnch body 1E5848 43122 I Fluoroelastomer diaphragm and 0-rlngs R289H X00042 Type 289H, 2-lnch body 1181994 X012 Type 289U Oncludea only keys 5 end 9) 10 Orifice Nltr11e diaphragm R289U X00012 Type 289A, Aluminum OT0225 09012 Type 289H (2-lnch body) 11 Valve Body Brass 1E7028 13012 Type 289A, zinc OY0710 44022 Stainless steel 1 E7026 35072 Type 289U, zinc 180438 44012 Type 289L · Types 289H (1-lnch body) end 289HH, Aluminum 1 L4084 09012 I Aluminum 3U8882 08012 11 Hex Nut Type 289H (2-lnch body), cast Iron 3181992 X012 Types 289A end 289U, Brass 1A5054' 18992 Type 289L. alumlnum Types 289H (1-inch body) end 289HH, 3/4-lnch body 3L4070 08012 Zinc plated steel 108877 28962 1-lnch body 3L4089 08012 Type 289H (2-lnch body), 12 Spring Case/Spring Csae Assembly Zinc plated steel D7B01 24272 Type 289A, zinc 1 A5051 44022 13 Snap Ring Types 289H (1-inch body) and 289HH, Type 289L. Stainless steel Aluminum 1P9017 08012 3/4-lnch body 1811336 38992 -Type 289H (2-lnch body), zinc/steel 1 E7020 OOOA2 1-lnch body 1 E5849 37022 Type 289L.; aluminum 3L3338 X0012 Type 289U, zinc 080616 44022 • Recmnmencted spare Plrt. 1. Assembly also lndude• an afumlnum pltot tube and bruahlng, a zinc plated steel I lJ)rlng ,eat and diaphragm head, and a neoprene aellt ped. 2. Auembly allo lnclUdea an atumfnum pltot tube, buahfng, and diaphragm ftlad. a 302 stalnleq atNI ,=. sut. and a llOOprene uat pad. 3. Asttmbly 1U10 I I a zinc diaphragm had. . I -4. Ttadem..,_ of E.I, duPont de N8fflOUl'I; Co. I o, I I I I . ' I , I I I . _; I, I Figure 4. Type 289A Relief Valve Figure 5. Type 289U Relief Velve Key DeacripUon l'1lrt Number 13 Snap Ring (Cont.) Types 2B9H snd 289HH, 1-lnch body Plated steel 13A993 BX012 Type 289H, 2-lnch body 1089241. X012 14 Closing cap Type 2B9H, 2-lnch body, zinc 185418 44012 Type 289L W/o wire seal, plas11c T10072 06992 W/o wire sem, zJnc 1H9889 X0012 · -Recmnrnanded apara part. 289 Series Figure 6. Type· 289L Relief Valve• Figure 7. Typical of Type 289HH and 1./nch Type 289H Relief Valves Key DescrtpUon Part Number 15" Gasket Types 289H snd 2B9HH, 1-lnch body Neoprene 13A9929 X012 Type 289H, 2-lnch body Neoprene 1 P7533 06992 Type 2B9L Neoprene 1E1056 08992 16 Nameplate, aluminum Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body 1F6627 11992 7 II ft I I ' I I I I I I I I I 1.!89 Series Kay Daacrtptlon Part Number 17 Lower Sprtng Seat Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Plated steel 1 □8888 25072 Type. 2B9H, 2-lnch body, zinc plated S18el 1 D7799 250B2 18 Pltot Tube Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Aluminum· Type 289H, 2-lnch body Brass Stalnlesa steel 19• Gasket, composition Type 289HH, 1-lnch body (1 req'd) Type 289H, 2-lnch body (3 req'd) 20" 0-Rlng Type 289H, 1-inch body Nltrlle Fluoroelastomer Type 289H, 2 In. body Nltrtle Fluoroelastomer Type 289HH Nltrlle FluorOelastomer 21 0-Rlng Holder, alumlnum 22 23 24 25 28 27 2B 29 30" Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body 0-Alng Washer Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Aluminum Types 289H, 2-lnch body, stainless steel Spacer Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Stainless steel Type 289H, 2-lnch body Braas Stalnlees S18el Hex Nut, plated S18el Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Type 289H, 2-lnch body Uftlng Stem, plated S18el Type 2B9H, 2-lnch body Lower Diaphragm Head, plated steel Type 289H, 2-lnch body Washer, aluminum Types 289H and 289HH, 1-lnch body Type 289H, 2-lnch body Pipe Plug, plated steel Types 289H and 289HH Machine Screw, plated steel (noi shown) Types 289H and 289HH 1-lnch body (2 req'd) Type 289H, 2-lnch body (4 req'd) o-Rlng (2 req'd) Types 289H and 289HH, 1 In. body Nltrlle Auoroelastomer 1F8282 09012 1E7019,14012 1E7019 35032 1 F8288 04022 1D7798 04022 1 F8288 08992 1F2692 X0012 1 P3381 06992 1 V8848 08382 1F2892 08992 1 F2692 X0012 1F8284'09012 1F8285 09012 1 E7021 36072 1 F8283 35242 1 E7022 14172 1E7022 35182 1A4997 24122 182282 28982 107802 24092 · 1 E7031 25072 1 F8287 09012 1 C8805 11032 1 D7548 28982 103889 28982 1F3885 28992 1D8875 06992 1 N4304 08382 While this Information is presented In good faith and betleved to be accurate, Fisher C~trols does not guarantee satisfactory resuUa from reliance upon such Information. Nothing contained herein is to be. construed ss a warranty or guanmtee, expl8SS or Implied, reganffng thtl pe,formsnce, merchantability, ntness [FISHIER"] Fisher Controls [ FISHER") Figure 8. 2-inch Type 289H Relief Vslves Key 31 32 33 Descrlptfon Stem Guide Assembly Type 289HH, I-Inch body Zlnc/brasa Zlnc/303 stainless steel Type 289H, 2 In, body Cast Iron/brass Cast lron/303 stainless steel LIiting Lever (not shown) Type 289H, 2-lnch body Wire Seel (not shown) Type 2891.., 1-lnch body Part Number 1F8272 00OA2 1F9272 X0012 1 E702B 00OA2 1 E7028 X00A2 0R0817 25092 . 1 D8947 99012 34 Diaphragm Protector (not shown) Types 289A and 289U 10A511 8X012 11B1993 X012 38" Gaska~ Type 289H, 2-lnch body -.......... or any other matter with respect to the products, nor as a recommendation to use any product or process in conflict with any patent. Fisher Controts reserves the right, without notlca, to alter or improve the desigm or speciffcatfons of the products described herein. For Information. contact Fisher Controls: Ma,shalllown, Iowa 50158 USA ~Y 68700 France Sao Paulo 05424 Bnull Singapore 2158 0,,i..,..,,j 1 .. , , ... I I g D u I I I I I I I I I I I I Absorptive Type Silencers TM EM PRODUCTS™ Model BIU -Series PHILLIPS & TEMRO INDUSTRIES Straight-Through Absorptive Type Intake/Discharge Silencer The ·s1u· Series is a premium straight through absorptive silencer. It is designed with a high length to diameter ratio for superior noise attenuation. Characteristics of this silencer are its compact size and low pressure drop. These features make it a superb choice for inlets of small high speed positiVe displacement and centrifugal blowers, or the discharge of vacuum pumps. Approved Applications • Blower inlet • Air valve discharge • Low pressure vents • Any high frequency noise source Standard Construction Features • Available in sizes from 2 inch to 14 inch • Male NPT inlet and discharge connections sizes 2· inch to 4 inch • Full welded carbon steel .construction • 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flanges for sizes 5 inch to 14 inch • High temperature fiberglass pack material wrapped with 304 SS wire mesh cloth and encased in a carbon steel perforated facing • High temperature satin black finish Optional Construction Features and Accessories • Stainless steel construction • Aluminized steel construction • Aluminum construction • Polyester pack material • Vertical mounting legs • Round mounting bands • Horizontal mounting saddles • Horizontal and vertical shell lugs • Special finish per specification • Oversized flanges • Air leak test • Contact factory for additional features to meet your requirements 10/98 988C-3000 I EM Products• 5380 Cottonwood Lane• Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 • emp@emproducts.com .. L__----------------,-----' ' " --~™ Absorptive Type Silencers EM PRODUCTS™ Model BIU -Series PHILLIPS & TEMRO INCUSTRIES REPRESENTATIVE ATTENUATION CURVE PRESSURE DROP VERSUS SILENCER EXIT 40 VELOCITY AT 14.7 PSIA AND 70° F iii .. 4 :!!. 30 0 z .. -~ .-·:. V-· .. ....._ C 3 ... .. w-J......-i,, 20 .. .. q, 2 . .. :::, .. V .. :::, :,: i---z ... ., -L--~ 10 . ., 1 .. ~ w -.. < .. 0 0 i,l "' SI ~ ~ § § ~ 0 § § ~ ; ; § § ~ ; ; § § ~ ~ ~ ~ "' -"' .. ,.. -~ "' .., -OCTAVE CENTER BAND FREQUENCY (Hz) EXIT VELOCITY (FEET PER MINUTE) -a• AND SMALLER;·· - -10" AND LARGER ' ~ I ' -~-e--~ ! Model No. A B D N G Weight T ! BIU-2 2 6 23 1 5/8 19 3/4 10 1~1 ~ BIU-25 2 1/2 N 6 27 1 7/8 23 1/4 12 I " EilU-3 3 8 1/2 30 ' 2 1/8 25 3/4 19 I ' BIU-35 3 1/2 8 1/2 31 2 5/8 25 3/4 22 I . ' BIU-4 4 9 36 2 1/2 31 26 I ' BIU-5 5 10 48 3 42 60 I BIU-6 6 10 60 3 54 75 -s-GD BIU-8 8 14 66 3 60 140 I ' BIU-10 10 16 70 3 64 180 I ,. BIU-12 12 18 70 3 64 225 I ' BIU-14 14 20 88 3 82 340 r ' I . ' -• N ORAi~. t • 2 inch to 4 inch standard with male NPT connections; 4 inch flange connections available upon request • 5 inch to 1_4 inch standard with 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flange connections; 5 inch male NPT connections available upon request Dimensions in inches, weights jn pounds. Dimensions and weights are nominal and may vary slightly with production models. Request certified drawings for exact dimensions. . EM Products• 5380 Cottonwood Lane• Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 • emp@emproducts.com ' p I I f.;y m 0 m I I I I I I I I I I t I -------------------32101 Xchanger Inc. Hopkins, Minnesota CUSTOMER P.O.: I 11716 IJ.E. GASHO & ASSOCIATES. INC. MODEL NUMBER:. I M-500 P/N: 32101 SERIAL NUMBER: 0500-86B74 PERFORMANCE AND CONSTRUCTION PER DATA ,SHEET j153584A QUANTITY OF - 1 -REQUIRED PROCESS INLET 6 X 150# ANSI PATTERN 1 PROCESS OUTLET PLATE FLANGE, 3/6" THICK ~· · ~~J5~tA~~t i/~):E~ICK LI~-< ~I~ 2 SQ. f---217 91/2 i-----1-----40------ (4) 5/6" HOLES 20 ----tt--t-5 1 /2 -1-1----, 21----5 1YP. -----31 --------~ f'l ..: f'l w De: . TOl£RANCES , X h (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) C anger I 1401 SOUTH 7TH ST MODEL AA-"-500 nc • HOPK1Ns, MN 55343 ·HEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMBLY DECIMAL ± .25 FRACTIONAL . DRAWN BY: MJR ± l/ 4 APPROVED BY: ~:;,.... SCALE: NONE DATE: 05/15/0D JOB NUMBER SHEET 86874 1 OF 1 DRAWING NUMBER REV. 32101 I I 1 Xc.b.anger, Inc. Rating for Model AA-500 ref #53584 Rev. A Pagel of l I 2 3 4 Enqineer: David Wanqensteen May 10, 2000 l?reoared for: . J.E. Gasho & Associates, Inc. 5 Jim Gasho Jr. I 6 7 PH: 610-692-5650, FAX: 610-692-5837 8 Pl!:RPORMANCB PROCBSS MBDIA SIDE SERVICE MEDIA SIDE I 9 10 11 Fluid Circulated Air Air Volumetric Flow Rate 500.0 Std. ft"3/min 2,100.8 Std. ft"3/min Total Fluid Enterina 2,250.0 lbthr 9,453.5 lb/hr 12 Liquid I 13 14 15 Vaoor Non·Condensibles 2,250.0 lb/hr 9,453.5 lb/hr I Vaporized or (Cond.) 16 Temnerature In 210.0 •F 90.0 •F I 17 18 19 Te=erature out 109. 6 •F 113.9 • F Inlet Pressure (Absolute) 15.696 lb/in• l4. 696 lb/in! Velocitv (Standard) 2,797.7 ft/min l.,209.5 ft/min 20 I 21 22 Pressure Loss 5.9 in. water 0.6 in. water Fouling Factor 0.00010 ft•-•F-hr/BTU 0.00010 ft•-•F-hr/BTU Total Heat Exchanged: 54,237 BTU/hr 23 24 I 25 26 AVKRAGB MBDIA PROPIIRTIES Thermal Conductivitv 0.01692 BTU/hr-ft-•F 0.01559 BTU/hr-ft-•F Specific Heat 0.24000 BTU/lb-•F 0.23960 BTU/lb-•F '.'27 I '2s 29 30 Viscosity 0.04977 lb/ft-hr 0.04624 lb/ft-hr Densitv 0.06850 lb/ft"3 0.07073 lb/ft"3 Latent Heat of Vapor 31 CONSTRUCTION I 32 33 34 Design Tenmerature 250.0 •F Not Annlicable Design Pressure (Gauge) '90 .0 lb/in• Not Annlicable Test Pressure (Gauae) 40.0 lb/in• Not Annlicable 35 Cyclic Pressure No Not Annlicable I 36 37 38 Flow Direction Right Hand Horizontal Vertical nn Coating None None 39 I 40 41 !?late-Fin Core : Aluminum Exhaust Hood : Galvanized Steel Fan Guard ' Coated Carbon Steel venturi Frame : Coated Carbon Steel Drawina Number : Weiaht : 160 .o lb 42 I 43 44 45 CONJIBCTJ:ONS Process Inlet : 6 inch 150 lb. ANSI pattern FFF, 3 la" thick . Process Outlet : 6 inch 150 lb. ANSI pattern FFF, 3/8" thick 46 Instrument •· : I 47 48 49 llll!Cl!ANJ:CAL BQUIPKBNT Fan Diameter : 18 inch Motor : l.00 HP TEFC 50 Fan Qty/Speed : l / 1725 RPM Matar Qt...,JSneed : l / 1725 RPM I 51 52 53 Fan TVDe : 4 Blade Painted Steel Motor Electrical: 208-230/460/3/60 ROTES 54 I 55 56 Construction material suitability must be determined bv customer. The process .flow mu.at be unifonn, smooth and free of pulsation. This unit is not designed for cyclinq process aas oressure. 57 I 58 59 60 61 I 62 Xchanger, :Inc. Tel: (612) 933-2559, Fax: (612) 933•5647, Web: www.xchanger.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/19/00 MON 16:55 FA.I 16129335647 !changer Inc Xchanger, Certificate of Compliance Xchanger job: B-6874 Manufactured for: J.E. Gasho & Associates, Inc. on purchase order: 11716 This is to certify that the following heat exchanger(s) shipped on this order have been successfully pressure tested as indicated on the data sheet and have been inspected and found to be in compliance with the purchase order, certified drawing and our manufacturing procedures. · --Quantity Ordr/Slrip/Back Part No 1 1 0 32101 A Description AA-500, Heat Exchanger Asm, Ref #53584A oa~fffo 1401 South 7th Street Hopkins, MN 55343 phi (612) 333-2559 tax: (612) 933-5647 emaili !nfoOxchangor.eom I I I I I I I I I-:· I • L ' -·•••·" ",., . ' g'f:) ·'2.-. )( · ( Ca S7 '-!'· (a f:\Cr ' -··- (,_1 i \'-(iJ'-f \-1 \ .. ,:i '\ /L~:;]ti --" -·· :•--,-· 1-----.. , .. - --:-··· I I. I I I I I I I 1-- -- I -2n·~-Y8i:·:ij~-~~.•-;-~~~~f1~r~.:•Dr~L~il\~;t;•~,~-j;~~&:~1~~J;v~cfiV,••1 .. --·.-·•-......... · .. ·"-·· • .. . . .. r r"'1' ..j· r . ~ -I .. 41\;:fffF ----':t4-g~( __ f]}:~_:f§ifi#Jif:-:::::j_-.:·,--:: :~_,_::::if -i--, .:c __ - V . · ···----J. · .-1-. ··---•• .... J: ;___ ,. .. -·i·••;-•\ Ota 1,.-.;1l (}(; . . r ··1r: ifS:~?:.Lf:rf_f --,-,., _,,. "'/ l : .... ,! ...... ; -~:--f·~~._iif~_· .. f· __ .. :/ .. · .. ;- -:-•---:- ~--•i• .l-··l-. __ , ___ .. ,... . ..... ,····-./. +---+ .. 1:~.-. j .L ·'.······-·•-·,.~·,-·-,-•i--.. -+···· ·., .• .-. , ~ ;. ••-"••····· .... · .... · ..•. : .. (_: ···-~·-·····}·' .. [ ---·-··.--·'.·'··-:· -· · ____ )..J_ · .. -.... . . --· ·---·-.. ·-· ! , ····-· ... . ,. , ____ .. ·-.. ··. ---.·-·· .. ·-..• i .;.,; ............... ~.1 ··. :--; ..... , ........ --------:,-.: .. :,, .. · ... :, .. ,!····· : ...... · .... : .. ~ ·-:-~ f··-i··' ....... ,-... . • ..... :, ___ ;. , : . ; ..... l .. , "··i l •··;· : .... ,. ........... .-, ... , •'•• r· '·--~···•••,•--; --- .~-·-·i· •··•·••-•) ·"'"··-··· ·I :•·-1---+·+••· . .i .•.. l .. j.' . ,,: .. :-•-···•--:• J · . · ........ l, .. r·,-·-·:· .... · .. ~·-"·-~·-•·~--.. ···•·-··-·-'·· _. ··"••; ...... . ' .. . l •·•--: ··-··-· : ~ .•-··· ·-· : .. _ ... · ..... : ...•... , .... -~·: .. -j_ .L -·t -........... _.~J.·{ --=-·· :--~ ~ :~t=l .. Li ___ ·---·-·: .: ~--: • -• ,_ • •· ·I -··· '-••-, -. . . ' -··--·----.. -·-~, ... , I n I I I I I I. I I I I I I I J I i I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 01 rJ1 01 ll.i1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I -I ~I ff I f='.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LJ I I I I I I I I I I I 1--,-- 1 ~ NI 0 \-lJI <:-_I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 8 I I I I I I I . I . -1 c, I ~I t-11 _JI I I I I I I I I I I re ' ~( 0\ _j \ I r e---7 MOISTURE I SEPARATOR · I I I I I I I I I I I I I --1 rJ I vi ('i I 01 ~I . I I I I I I I I I I I PARTICULATE FILTER LIQUID DRAIN (NORMALLY LOCKED CLOSED) ~ I ' r-; I 0 l" I ~ 'J w Lu' ~ lLI (IJ I I I I I I I I Cl:: <: Cl::· w u z w _, (/] rv, I :cc I I~ I (y I \LI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rs) o I Nj 9 Iv I 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~, (li I ~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ PACKAGED SVE SYSTEM PIPING LEGEND: CEH COMMON EXTRACTION HEADER r.<:::H r.ntlkJ()N C:P 1,;;,r:;:-HF An;:-;;,• CEH-4" I I I I I I I I I I I --1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HOA i~cl I IT I I I I IE I IC~ H~ 8-1 IE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I t--( CEH-6" I I I I _____ _J .,---'-----"--"-.--_J 8-2 EQUIPMENT LEGEND: AS AIR SPARGING A-1 QI r't\A~C 1 _µ ii {'J I 01 \J.JI \-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ..., I _, I 'C i'J/. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ L . . . .· .. ~ .. . .. ......... . .. . . GRANULAR ACi CARBON ADSC CONTROL LFGEND: FE FLOW ELEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXD OVERHEAD COILING DOOR DOCUMENTATION P:\PRO.J\ 18895\ 18895.014 \O&MAPPcvr.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, I OWNER'S MANUAL· 'MODELGH INDUSTRIAL DUTY DOOR OPERATOR Serial# _______ _ (located on electrical box cover) Installation Date _____ _ Wiring Type ______ _ NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE 4186 c®us LISTED DOOR OPERATOR MOTOR TYPE: ................................. Continuous duty HORSEPOWER: ................ 1/2, 3/4, 1 & 1-1/2 Hp Single or Three phase 2 HP Three phase SPEED: ............................... 1725 RPM VOLTAGE: ......................... 115, 220,230 Single phase 230, 460, 575 Three phase CURRENT: ......................... See motor nameplate MECHANICAL DRIVE REDUCTION: ............. 40:1 Reduction Heavy duty bronze ...orm gear reducer OUTPUT SHAFT SPEED: ..... 43 R.P.M. DOOR SPEED: ..................... .4 • 1 O" per sec. depending on door BRAKE: ................................. Solenoid actuated disc brake HOIST WHEEL: ..................... Standard mounting on left or right side WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS . HANGING WEIGHT: ......... 80-110 LBS. -14.oo·- -:---0 (II J ~ I ~ ... ~ :el 7 y I • _L See ·oo SeeJ -Note #1 ... Note #2 ' .. = ~ 0 ·O . ·. e V'-- ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER: ............. 24VAC CONTROL STATION: ..... NEMA 1 three button station. OPEN/CLOSE/STOP WIRING TYPE: ................. C2 (Standard) Momentary contact to OPEN/CLOSE/STOP plus wiring for sensing device to reverse and auxiliary devices to open and close with open override. (Other types available. See chart, Pg. 8) LIMIT ADJUST: ................ Linear driven, fully adjustable screw type cams. Adjustable to 30 feet. SAFETY DISCONNECT: ............. Floor level chain hoist with elect- rical interlock for emergency manual door operation CLUTCH: (optlonal) .... Adjustable torque limiter type REVERSING EDGE: ..... (Optional) Electric or pneumatic sensing device attached to the bottom edge of door. A REVERSING EDGE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL COMMERCIAL OPERATOR INSTALLATIONS. REQUIRED WHEN THE 3 BUTTON CONTROL STATION IS OUT OF SIGHT OF DOOR OR ANY OTHER CONTROL (AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL) IS USED. DIMENSIONS HP PHASE A B C D 1/2 1 11-1/2 25-3/4 12-63/64 3 3/4 1 12-1/2 26-3/4 12-63/64 3 1 1 12-3/4 27 12-63/64 3 1-1/2 r· 12-3/4 27 13-63/64 3-1/2 1/2. 3 11 25-1/4 12-63/64 3 3/4 3 11 25-1/4 12-63/64 3 1 3 12 26-1/4 12-63/64 3 1-1/2 3 12-1/2 26-3/4 13-63/64 3-1/2 -t-X-~ "' See 2 3 12-3/4 27 13-63/64 3-1/2 -Note #3 Hand Chain Wheel 3 3 13-1/4 28-5/8 15-15/64 3 HQIJ;;S: 1) Output Shaft with 1" x 1/4" Key for 1/2 thru 2Hp operators, 1-1/4" x 1/4" Key for 3Hp operators. 2) MTG CENTERS: X = 4-3/4"; Y = 5-1/2" for 1/2 thru 2Hp operators X = 7-17/32"; Y = 9-1/16" for 3Hp operators 3) Hand Chain Wheel extends 1-5/8" beyond operator in vertical mounting position as shown. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --• I I I '* I I .,: . ' : I I I TO AVOID DAMAGE TO DOOR AND OPERATOR, MAKE ALL DOOR LOCKS INOPERATIVE. SECURE LOCK(S) IN "OPEN" POSITION •. IF THE DOOR LOCK NEEDS TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL, INSTALL AN INTERLOCK SWITCH. DO NOT CONNECT ELECTRIC POWER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. ·, n is imperative that the wall or mounting surface provide adequate support for the operator. This surface must: .. a) Be rigid to prevent play between operator and . door shaft. b) Provide a level base. c) Permit the operator to be fastened securely and with the drive shaft parallel to the door shaft. The safety and wear of the operator will be adversely affected if any of the above requirements are not met. For metal buildings, fasten 2" x 2" x 3/16" (or larg~r) angle iron frames to the building purlins. Retain 5-1 /2" between frames. See Figure 1. KEEP DOOR BALANCED. STICKING OR BINDING DOORS MUST BE REPAIRED. DOORS, DOOR SPRINGS, CABLES, PULLEYS, BRACKETS AND THEIR.HARDWARE MAY BE UNDER EXTREME TENSION AND CAN CAUSE SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY.. CALL A PROFESSIONAL DOOR SERVICEMAN TO MOVE OR ADJUST DOOR SPRINGS OR HARDWARE. Shaft Support Bracket with Bearing (Not Supplied) .l'2ll<-1-I--DoorSprocket · · · . FIGURE 1 ~.tJJ'i•'.',tl ,1x·.•····u•1c.,iJJ?•·1•• •1·[•··•·· ''7<1.Je;E$ATQJ-t'P8EPA(f:$ATION•·"''.:('.•. t·:••····•·····(' .. '."••··,·1~\/ .. •················.; ;.:\':':ll The GH operator may be mount.ad on either the right (standard} or left side of door, and in either a vertical (standard)· or horizontal mounting position. Refer to the steps below if you require the hand chain and/or disconnect chain to be on the opposite side of the operator; Or if the operator is being mounted in a horizontal position. Hand Chain Right/Left Conversion Remove the two snap rings (1 pc. outer, 1 pc inner) on r.-;ind chain shaft assembly. Position roll-pin to fit through cutout in frame and slide complete shaft assembly through housing and bevel gear. Insert shalt assembly on opposite side of housing, and replace bevel gear, bearing, hardware, and snap rings on the opposite side of shaft in the same manner. Disconnect Lever Right/Left Conversion Remove cotter pins on the ends of the disconnect shaft (square shaft), move the disconnect lever arm to the opposite side, and replace the cotter pins. Be sure to keep two(2) 12ga. washers on the side without the lever arm. Horizontal Mounting Conversion. Remove cotter pins on the ends of the disconnect shaft (square shaft), and remove lever. Replace lever using square hole on opposite end of lever. Reposition sash chain to opposite end of lever also. Replace cotterplns. 3 Chain Guide~ -~ -· -· --~ . Hand Chain Wheel t .. -·/ '. . Cutout for Rollpin t (typical both sides) Disconnect Lever Cotterpin FIGURE2 Before your operator Is Installed, be sure the door has been properly aligned and is working smoothly. The I operator may be wall mounted or mounted on a bracket or sheH. If necessary, refer to the operator preparations . on page 3. Refer to the illustration and Instructions below that suits your application. 1 a. Wall Mounting The operator should generally be Installed below the door shaft, and as close to the door as · possible. The optimum distance between the door shaft and operator drive shaft is between 12" • 15". Refer to Figure 3. Optimum Distance 12 • 15" Typical Right Hand Wall Mounted Operator FIGURE3 1c. Place door sprocket on the door shaft. Do not insert the key at this time. 2. Place drive sprocket on the appropriate side of the operator. Do not insert the key at this time. 3. Wrap drive chain around door sprocket and join roller chain ends.together with master link. 4. Raise operator to approximate mounting position and position chain over operator sprocket. 5. Raise or lower operator until the chain is taut (not tight). Make sure the operator output shaft is parallel to door shaft and sprockets are aligned. When in position, secure the operator to wall or mounting bracket. 6. Align sprockets and secure, (see Figure 5). 4 tb. Bracket or SheH Mounting I The operator may be mounted either above or below the door shaft. The optimum distance 1· between the door shaft and operator drive shaft Is . between 12• -15". Refer to Figure 4. OPTIONAL gBm PIN 08-9098 ~ ~ Optimum Distance 12 -15" I ,, I I I IMPORTANT: The shelf or bracket must provide adequate support, prevent play between operator and door shaft, and permit operator to be fastened securely and with the drive shaft parallel to the door shaft. •1 I , : l r ' = ,; FIGURE 4 I 'll Be sure door sprocket is properly aligned with drive before securing to the shaft. · ~c~,~ FIGURES I I I I ( I; :\ I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I !·:' .. \ I I I I I 7. Install Hand Chain Place hand chain around hand chain wheel. Se sure to pass it through both openings in the chain guide. Remove enough links so chain hangs approximately two feet above the floor 8. · Mount Chain Keeper/ Kayhcle E!rackat Using suitable hardware mount the chain keeper approximately 4 feet above the floor, near the free hanging chain. Remove disconnect sash chain from bag and place the end through the keyhole in the the chain keeper. Remove excess links if necessary. rs····· ·:·······•·\:····fo;:·······•}' :'.ef4e.fle~~cv,;,M1t~vA1.;vo:ireatktlP~:: .... i : •_.,e,_,.·;.,.: ... E.::.:::I; This operator has provisions for manually operating the door in case of emergency or power failure. Refer to the appropriate instructions below for your model operator. Model GH These operators are equipped with a manual hoist. An electrical interlock will disable the electrical controls when the hoist is used. To operate the hoist: 1. Pull the disconnect cl 1ain (small chain) to engage the hoist mechanism. The disconnect chain may be locked in position by slipping the end through the keyhole of the chain keeper mounted on the wall. . 2. Operate the door in the desired direction by pulling on one side or the other of the continuous loop hoist chain {large chain). 3, The disconnect chain must be released from the chain keeper before the door wiU operate again electrically. TURN OFF POWER TO THE OPERATOR BEFORE MANUALLY OPERATING YOUR DOOR. Chain Keeper {with pad locking provisions) The brake is adjusted at the factory and should not need additional adjustment for the the life of the friction pad. Replace friction pads when necessary. Refer to the illustration for identification of components for the solenoid type brake system. Solenoid Brake System r----Plate Assembly ,----Release Lever L-----Actuator Plate 5 llliltJt~ffifitlffia"..F!!lF."l'li~~~~~<WitlE!~~- sENSING EDGES All types of sensing edges with an isolated normally open (N.O.) output are compatible with your operator. This includes pneumatic and electric edges. If your door does not have a bottom sensing edge and you wish to purchase. one, contact the supplier of your operator. If not pre-installed by the door manufacturer, mount the sensing edge on the door according to the instructions provided with the edge. The sensing edge may be eTectrically connected by either coiled cord or take-up reel. Refer to the steps below. Important Notes: a) Proceed with Limit Switch Adjustments before making any sensing edge wiring connections to operator as described below. b) Electrician must hardwire the junction box tC' the operator electrical box in accordance with local codes. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT A SENSING EDGE OR OTHER ENTRAPMENT PROTECTION DEVICE BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS OPERATOR. WIRING:· For wiring of your sensing device to the operator, refer to the wiring diagram supplied with your operator. See field connection terminals identified as Sensing Device or Safety Edge. TAKE-UP REEL: Take-up reel should be installed 12' above the top of the door. COIL CORD: Connect operator end of coil cord to junction box (not supplied) fastened to the wall approximately halfway up the door opening. ---~1mt§wmi:tIW&~!l:t1;§lriM:§J;Jrif&--• MAKE SURE THE LIMIT NUTS ARE POSITIONED BETWEEN THE LIMIT SWITCH ACTUATORS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ADJUSTMENTS. 1. To adjust limit nuts depress retaining plate to allow nut to spin freely. After adjustment, release plate and ensure it seats fully in slots of both nuts. 2. To increase door travel, spin nut away from actuator. To decrease door travel, spin limit nut toward actuator. 3. · Adjust open limit nut so that door will stop in open position with the bottom of the door even with top of door opening. 4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for close cycle. Adjust close limit nut so that actuator is engaged as door fully seats at the floor. CLOSE Limit Switch 0 SAFETY (Aux. Close) Limit Switch 6 TO AVOID SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH FROM ELECTROCUTION, DISCONNECT ELECTRIC POWER BEFORE MANUALLY MOVING LIMIT NUTS. If other problems persist, call our toll-free number for assistance -1-800-528-2806. OPEN Limit Switch Actuator 0 Retaining Plate Aux. OPEN Limit Switch I I I I '1 11 1[ I I I I I 11 _,, i I 11 I I I I I I I I ' I ii I I .···: .. ·· ' I I I Remove the cover from the electrical enclosure. Inside this enclosure you will find the wiring dlagram(s) for your unit. Refer to the diagram (glued on the inside of the cover) for all connections described below. If this diagram Is missing, call the number on the back of this manual. DO NOT INSTALL ANY WIRING OR ATTEMPT TO RUN THIS OPERATOR WITHOUT CONSULTING THE WIRING DIAGRAM. DISCONNECT POWER AT THE FUSE BOX BEFORE PROCEEDING. OPERATOR MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDED AND PERMANENTLY WIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. NOTE: THE OPERATOR SHOULD BE ON A SEPARATE FUSED LINE OF ADEQUATE CAPACITY. ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY A QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL. TO AVOID DAMAGE TO DOOR AND OPERATOR, MAKE ALL DOOR LOCKS INOPERATIVE. SECURE LOCK(S) IN "OPEN" POSITION. IF THE DOOR LOCK NEEDS TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL, INSTALL AN INTERLOCK SWITCH. ON THREE PHASE MACHINES ONLY! Incorrect phasing of the power supply will cause the motor to rotate in the wrong direction (open when CLOSE button is pressed and vice-versa). To correct this, interchange any two of the incoming three phase power lines. CONDUIT ACCESS 1-1 /16' Dia Knockout for power wiring conduit access (1 nearside) 1. Be sure that the power supply is of the correct voltage, phase, frequency, and amperage to supply the operator. Refer to the operator nameplate on the cover. 2. Using the 1-1 /16" dia conduit access knockout as shown below, bring supply lines to the operator and connect wires to the terminals indicated on the WIRING CONNECTIONS DIAGRAM. DO NOT TURN POWER ON UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED MAKING ALL POWER AND CONTROL 1/Vl'RING CONNECTIONS AND HAVE COMPLETED THE LIMIT SWITCH ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE. IMPORTANT: THIS UNIT MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. A GROUND SCREW IS SUPPLIED IN THE ELECTRICAL BOX FOR CONNECTION OF THE POWER SUPPLY GROUND WIRE. FAILURE TO PROPERLY GROUND THIS UNIT COULD RESULT IN ELECTRIC SHOCK AND SERIOUS INJURY. • 0 0 0 f---1--_l_--\-' 7 /8" Dia Knockouts for power wiring conduit access (2 on end panel) 7 DETERMINE WIRlt:lG TYPE Refer to the wiring diagram located on the inside cover the electrical box to determine the type of control wiring. Standard C2 or B2 Wiring Standard operators are shipped from the factory with jumper set for C2 wiring, which requires constant pressure on button to close the door. If momentary contact on close direction is desired (82 wiring) you must include an entrapment protection device. See close control jumper setting below. • Constant pressure on close (C2 wiring) Red jumper wire was placed on terminal #2 in electrical enclosure. The operator will require constant pressure on close control in order to keep door moving in the close dire9tion. · • Momentary contact on close (B2 wiring) · ... Move red jumper wire from terminal #2 to terminal #3. The operator will require only momentary contact to close the door. . ■@iiiWIS!!Cll:llll~HmA!:ltl!lWJB.IN.I.Tfil@lliri:: If your operator was shipped from the factory with non-standard control wiring or with optional accessories that require addition instructions, refer to the wiring diagram(s) indicated in the special control wiring data box. When a replacement wiring diagram Is present, wiring diagrams in this manual will not apply. Refer only to the replacement wiring diagram for all connections. LOCATING THE CONTROL STATION REPLACEMENT WIRING DIAGRAM Note: Supplemental Wiring Diagrams are to be used in addition to 1742•1. Replacement Wiring Diagram is to be used In place of 1742-1. WI Wiring Type Wiring Diagram label on Inside cover of electrical box IMPORTANT NOTE: If your wiring diagram la miss/rig, or you are unsure of the wiring type for your operator, contact the customer service department @ 1-800-528-2806. All operators are supplied with some type of control station. Generally a three .button station (OPEN/CLOSE/STOP) is provided. A two-posttion key switch or control station (OPEN/CLOSE) may be added or substituted when requested at the time of order. Mount the control station near the door. INSTALL THE CONTROL STATION WHERE THE DOOR IS VISIBLE, BUT AWAY FROM THE DOOR AND ITS HARDWARE. IF CONTROL STATION CANNOT BE INSTALLED WHERE DOOR IS VISIBLE, OR.IF ANY DEVICE OTHER THAN THE CONTROL STATION IS u'sED TO ACTIVATE THE DOOR, A REVERSING EDGE MJ.!.SI BE INSTALLED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE DOOR. FAILURE TO INSTALL A REVERSING EDGE UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO PERSONS TRAPPED BENEATH THE DOOR. a IMPORTANT: Mount WARNING NOTICE beside or below the push button station. Push Buttons Control Station 0 0 TO PReYl!HT EKTR.APMlHT DO NOT START DOOR DOWNWARD UNU!S8 DOORWA 'I' 18 CUWI 0 0 WARNINGNollco ' I I I I 'I I I I, I I I I ,, ' I I •1 Ii ••• i. I I I - I ,I I I· I ,, . ' ·1 I \,·: :,.• 1.':· ' . I I I Radio Controls On all models with type B2 control wiring, a terminal bracket marked R1 R2 R3 is located on the outside of the electrical enclosure. All standard radio control receivers (single channel residential type) may be mounted to this bracket. The operator will then open a fully closed door, close a fully open door, and reverse a closing door from the radio transmitter. However, for complete door control from a transmitter, a commercial three-channel radio set (with connections for OPEN/CLOSE/STOP) is recommended. Additional Access Control Equipment DO NOT USE RADIO CONTROLS WITH YOUR OPERATOR UNLESS YOU HAVE INSTALLED SOME TYPE OF ENTRAPMENT PROTECTION DEVICE. THE USE OF RADIO CONTROLS - PRESENTS POTENTIAL HAZARDS DUE TO THE USER'S ABILITY TO OPEN OR CLOSE THE DOOR WHEN OUT OF SIGHT OF THE DOOR.' IN ADDITION, IF A SINGLE CHANNEL CONTROL IS USED, THE USER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STOP THE DOOR FROM THE TRANSMITTER. Locate any additional access control equipment as desired (but so that the door will be in clear sight of the person operating the equipment), and connect to the terminal block in the electrical enclosure as shown on the FIELD WIRING CONNECTIONS diagram. Any control with a·'ii°ormally (N.O.) isolated output contact may be connected in parallel with the OPEN button. More than one device may be connected in_ this manner. Use 16 gauge wire or larger for all controls.· DO NOT USE THE CONTROL CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER (24VAC) IN THE OPERATOR TO POWER ANY ACCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN A STANDARD RESIDENTIAL TYPE RADIO RECEIVER. External Interlock Switch The operator has a terminal connection for-an external interlock switch. This switch must be a normally closed - (N.C.) two-wire device with a contact rating of at least 3 amps @ 24VAC. When such a switch is connected as shown on the FIELD WIRING CONNECTIONS diagram, the control circuit will be disabled when the switch Is actuated, thereby preventing electrical operation of the door from the control devices. 1. Loosen set screws on clutch nut. _ 2. Back off clutch nut until there is very little tension on the clutch spring. 3. Tighten clutch nut gradually until there is just enough tension to permit the operator to move the door smoothly but to allow the clutch to slip if the door is obstructed. When the clutch is properly adjusted, it should generally adjusted, it should generally be possible to stop the door by hand during travel. TO AVOID SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH FROM ELECTROCUTION, DISCONNECT ELECTRIC POWER TO OPERATOR BEFORE ADJUSTING SLIP CLUTCH. 9 (3)SET -SCREWS CAUTION: The torque limiter clutch Is NOT an automatic reversing device. An electric or pneumatic reversing edge can be added to bottcm edge of door H desired. IF CONTROL STATION CANNOT BE INSTALLED WHERE DOOR IS VISIBLE, OR IF ANY DEVICE OTHER THAN THE CONTROL STATION IS USED TO ACTIVATE 1 THE DOOR, A REVERSING EDGE MJJ§I BE IN5rALLED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE DOOR. FAILURE TO INSTALL A REVERSING EDGE UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH TO PERSONS TRAPPED BENEATH THE DOOR. NOTICE: The operator has been pre-wired to accept connection of a reversing edge device. Connect the normally open contacts to terminals T 4 and TB on the low voltage terminal block. A cut-off switch will de- activate the safety device during the last few inches of the door's downward travel. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, rriay cause harmful interference .to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful Interference, in which case \he user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Tum on power. Test all controls and safety devices to make sure they are working properly. It will be necessary to refer back to page 6 for fine adjustment o1 the limit switches. IMPORTANT NOTES: • Do not leave operator power on unless all safety and entrapment protection devices have been tested and are working properly. • Be sure you have read and understand all Safety Instructions included in this manual. • Be sure the owner or person(s) responsible for operation of the door have read and understand the Safety Instructions, know how to electrically operate the door in a safe manner, and know how to use the manual disconnect operation of the door open1tlng system. 10 DO NOT PLACE HANDS OR TOOLS IN OR NEAR Tl:IE OPERATOR WHEN THE POWER IS ON OR WHEN TESTING CONTROL OR SAFETY DEVICES. ALWAYS DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING OR ADJUSTING THE OPERATOR. I ' ,, I' I I ,. /,1 ·- I I: :::,:, ·1: ' I I I I I . ,, I :I . ; I I I 1, :1 I Check at the intervals listed in the following chart . ITEM PROCEDURE Drive Chain Check for excessive slack. Check & adjust as required. I . . . Sorockets Check set screw tinhtness Fasteners Check & tiahten as reauired Manual Disconnect Check & Operate Bearings & Shafts Check for wear & lubricate • Use SAE 30 011 (Never use grease or slllcone spray). ti Repeat ALL procedures. EVERY EVERY 3 MONTHS &MONTHS • • • • • ■ Do not lubrlcate motor. Motor bearings are rated for continuous operation. ■ Inspect and service whenever a malfunction Is observed or suspected. EVERY 12 MONTHS II' ti II' II' II' ■ CAUTION: BEFORE SERVICING, ALWAYS DISCONNECT OPERATOR FROM POWER SUPPLY. HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS OUR LARGE SERVICE ORGANIZATION SPANS AMERICA INSTALLATION AND SERVICE INFORMATION ARE AVAILABLE 6 DAYS A WEEK CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER • 1-800·528·2806 HOURS 7:00 TO 3:30 p.m. (Mountain Std. Time) MONDAY Through SATURDAY WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION MODEL NUMBER ADDRESS ORDER TO: THE CHAMBERLAIN GROUP, INC. Electronic Parts & Service Dept. 2301 N. Forbes Blvd., Suite 104 TUCIOII, /ltZ. 85745 11 L ___ _ BLACK/BLUE 115 VOLT· 1 PHASE MOTOR CONNECTION (BK) 7 I OVERLOAD ·;·i • ~ ~) BLACK/BLUE 230 VOLT -1 PHASE MOTOR CONNECTION :---·:, 4 ~1-, ... ._-----•►,--11 , ! ( OP CL G I I I ,. I I 1 PHASE POWER IN (B cL I ot:i· ~------:--'-.... -! I 3 I , , I 1---, ... ----"' '-..'.---l IR \....-----.1.!!!L--:-: (SEE NOTE #1) 230V MODELS___.+--! ow (BL) TO MOTOR' (PUR) 115VMODELS-<"'""":""CcL~w-' ..... __________ __, ~B 5 F ~, ____________________________________ , BR EXTERNAL ~-~3:...-,iiS~T,:Oj,P----(~~ ••• _1_'.';E~~~~-.. __ .. 5 BR HAND CHAIN INTL'K SWITCH (WHEN PRESENT) ~l..-:.-., NC C OPEN 1 ~ OR AUX.CLOSE UMJTSWITCH RED NC C (GY) OR R1 (OR) (OR) NC OPEN&CLOSE 7 EL AUX.OPEN C LIMIT SWITCH RADIO TO (YEL) NO OPEN&CLOSE L R2 (PUR) ~E 2 C NOTE: 1, Voltage 11&11111 a llM vollaga. 12 A1 (BAN) ' ' ' PAI.: = T1 (SEE NOTE #1) 24VAC SEC. (YEL) OPEN OP (OR) UMrT SWITCH OR WIRE A2 R1 NC C RED R3 ED CLOSE LIMIT SWITCH NC C PUR NUT I I I I I I I D 0: ,----,r,,a RADIO ~ ~ 3 R~ED-; _____ +, RECEIVER -'c::J TO TERMINAL 12 ~PWIPLEG TIMER ~PURPLE TO TERIIIHAI. 13 (OPTIONAL) - '----~AUX.TERWW. RED---------, Bt.OCX FOR RADIO ~-1=:;----YEU.Ow---~ r...;7=m1=---=----, ~ OPEN ~~,_:_•CH~--E-:_S-:_·-_-_-_-_-_:-t-t-H-t-t-+--, ~-~ ,...t--GREY NC SAFETY 0 "' CLOSE ~::i~s l CONTACTOR . ....... ......, _ .....__ RED. 13 a.OS! U PUAJIU!-": ._ 1-R r-;:=========-m.LOW, S !--J 1-BUCIC --llRfY• 1-, • ~-eu.cx-:t•: ,----------PURPlE '1 2 230V. : : -3"~!.!: ,----------BUJI! . 11~y b\ ! WIITE ~y... • .'l rOAANG! 1 YEllOW 1 I WIITE -+--t-M · I rPURPU! . IIUCI( -·""""t .~ •• UNI! -m.1.ow TI rt-++-WHJTE WVIENUT ~ • euat+-+H--HH-+-+-Hl+t-+tt+--_ =:::::i~!::-::=c: IO ,-fl.11-;;!M';;"' 2 I-WIIT! -OVER LOAD Iii~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ,:: BRAKE ( WHEN REQ'D ) BUCK -- ~--RED -----=:t::1=::1::t::t=:::rtitilt"i111tl Bl.ACX ,--PUilPl! -----1-~ r"' ..... ___ __, r±.,-lu~o 'uhH Rt C J«J NC n D D RELAY -I-i....1-I- ,..... -r-'--ollANGl!----- -oRANGE----l'-ll+t-+H-1+---- ~--RED i.!:::~-,..,..._..,.. 10 ,-, r*SEl!NOTI! aaow (OPTIONAL) : .------, I '9 INTERLOCK ~--·'-+t-tHttttt--,1 ~blHdH f I Iii i BL-BK 115V. CONNECTION ...... ...... 230V. CONNECTION !I( 111 i .~ II! i~ I STOP -r.rc--SAF£TY ·r-:. L1 L2 ~ **1 PHASE POWER IN l!i-1-t,~ D RBAY ... PURPLE BUCK GROUND .. -Transformer Primary & Relay Voltage same as Line Voltage. EDGE • • Shipped from Fadory rl!•W=!i•i~ll;J•l:IWlilUl®•IQiU'is.E-fii l!lll-iiilli:4111!1111!1l!I:l!ill 13 w~ B BIJBK ------------,· ' ,,w GY 1 BIJBK r·····-······~ GY --...;t.:::..-01 ! i,r.....,, OIL* t .. ., OIL* t IC W PUR ,.a..,.s ml!; g~ PUR BRN .............. ; .. ··2: Olli! t BAN·· •••••••••••• _. 'l ' y .,_,,, ' ., ' ·BUBK: "'! BRN ' BUBK: ____________ , ____________ , YEL--..... --03 : BUBK: ~--------... ···' 230 VOLT • 3 PHASE •·SEE NOTE 12 MOTOR CONNECTION 460 VOLT • 3 PHASE MOTOR CONNECTION 575 VOLT • 3 PHASE MOTOR CONNECTION OVERLOAD (SEE N_OTE 112) L3 -,,_ 3 PHASE L2\li (BK) POWER IN 'X., ' (BK) ' L1 BR CL • 5 ~o~ ~ 1-I -3◄•--------<► I ' HAND CHAIN INTl'K SWITCH B OVERLOAD G OP I • CL I 2 TO MOTOR (PUR) (YEL) (BK) PAI. (SEE NOTE 112) =T1 (SEENOTE#1) EXTERNAL (WHEN PRESENT) ,-~3 ___ ,.ST'--o,,P ___ ~.4 ••. INTE~OCK •••••• {1)=5'-'B,::R,:N,__"Nca<;'--...,. 0 ____ ...:1,.1-__ ,..,.,.,...;.;...:..:.c:. (YEL) ,.1 OP (BAN) (BAN) 24VAC SEC. (YEL) OPEN OPEN _,__ 1 (OR) 1:S OR (OR) LIMIT SWITCH OR) WIRE +----------------m---'='--' ~-~~-A-,-<Qp A2 NC C NUT OR SAFETY EDGE R1 OR OPEN&CLOSE RADIO TO OPEN&CLOSE AUX.CLOSE 10 QY LIMIT SWITCH NC C · (GY) 7 EL C (YEL) 1• ••••• • •••••• I u ~~------!'TIMER TOCLOSE,~-"'-""'----f :(RED) " (OPTIONAL) 0 ~---------------------------------- NOTE: 1. Voltage oame aa Una voltage ~-----~•~•o~ _ __,R1 1---.i,Ao,Ea,,D,_--lt>R=J_.,R,aEDeLJ (OR) NC AUX.OPEN LIMIT SWITCH NO CLOSE UMrTSWrTCH NC C * -Shipped from Factory PU 2. O\erlced In motar lor modllla up to 314 Hp, located In limit box for 1 Hp and above. 14 D D ff I' I I I 1t d !18' u: RADIO i!l~=------r, RECEIVER iii RED ======:,i -RED '----'---·.'"'- """"'""'"""" YE1.LOW ----7 r.;;;! .. ,..,u,_-,:-.. -1:~~~t~;;;;;; = - 'Q'= OPEN LIMIT SWITCHES OAANGE----7 OAANal! WIIYE rOAANGE• -Al ORANGE ;: ,., ,. ,, 3 ~ r, '2 _,....~_ .-----------::"" PIJAPLE .C" PIJAPI.E R:~y Ji f iJ OAANGI! YEllOW "-"" 8lACI( BlACK -=====;ill ~--RE0---7L- IJHIIPlBaOW) TOTERMlNALn r=----, --PIJAPI.E 1: TIMER (OPTIONAL) --PIJAPI.E ~-----TOTER M!N AL '3 -;::::: :: --{~c ::tJ CLOSE LIMITSWITCHE~ . PURPI.E ~ rPURPLE ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '· I!:!!. ' ' L1 •••• ' ' .... --' V L2 ------ I 1 HP & ASOVEl--4.:: ·. ·,·-.-INT_ER_L_O_C_K_lJ 1 r *SEE NOTE:-....... .. ~ ~ BRAKE • ( WHEN REO'D ) .a ( 114 HP l BELOW} (OPT10NAL) 480V. CONNECTION Prt • .., Voltage same as Line Voltage. •• • Transfonner m-, + + + OPEN -1... 15 + + + + + EXT. INTLK. L1 L2 L3 TO OPEN ,-------"-----AND CLOSE GROUND -1 **3 PHASE POWER IN --:J'[j. SAFETY EDGE * _ Shipped from Factory REPAIR PARTS LIST -ELECTRICAL BOX Below are replacement kits av~ilable for your operator. For replacement of electrical box, motor or brake components be sure to match model number of your unit to kit number below to ensure proper voltage requirements. Optional modifications and/or accessories included with your operator may add or remove certain components from these lists. Please consult a parts and service representative regarding availability of individual components of kits specified below. Refer to page 11 for all repair part ordering information. Complete Electrical Box Replacement Kits To order a complete electrical box replacement kit, add a K-prefix to the model number of your operator. For example: GH5011 M (Operator) = K-GH5011 M (Elec. Box Kit) Electrical Box Sub-Assembly Kits 1<72-12510 Limit Shaft Assembly 1<75-12511 Limit Switch Assembly Complete Gear Reducer Housing Kits See Page 18 for more information Shaft Assembly Kits . 1<72-12789 Hand Chain Shaft Assembly 1<72-13379 Hand Chain Shaft Assembly . 1<75-12783 • Disconnect Assembly Complete Brake Assembly Kits 1<75-12584 115V Models 1<75-12585 . 230-460V Models 1<75-12586 . 575V Models Brake Solenoid Plate Assembly Kits 1<75-11034 115V Models 1<75-11035 ... 230-460V Models 1<75-11036 575V Models .Q.M!UieTI;li;l;.J;CJBl(:;~l,hl;lQ)!i KlllJ;i WM\¥ Hem PIN . Description Qty 1 03-8024-K Contactor 1 2 10-10444M1 · Electncal Box (No Tabs) 1 3 10-10115X ElectncalBoxCover Motor Kits K20-1050C2 K20-3050C4 K20-3050M5 K20-5150C6 K20-1075C2 K20-3075C4 K20-3075C5 K20-5175C6 K20-1100C2 K20-3100C4 K20-31 00C5T K20-5110C6 K20-1150C2 K20-3150C4 K20-3150CST K20-5115C6 K20-3200C4 K20-3200C5 K20-3300C4 Models GH5011 M, GH5021 M Models GH5023M, GH5043M, GH503BM Model GH5053M Models GH5025M Models GH7511M, GH7521M Models GH7523M, GH7543M, .GH753BM Model GH7553M Model GH7525M Models GH1011M, GH1021M Models GH1023M, GH1043M, GH103BM Model GH1053M Model GH1025M Models GH1511M, GH1521M Models GH1523M, GH1543M, GH1538M Model GH1553M Model GH1525M. Models GH2023M, GH2043M, GH2038M Model . GH2053M Models GH3023M, GH3043M, GH3038M Individual Components 21-5115 Transformer, 115V Operators 21-5230 Transformer, 230V Operators 21-5460 Transformer, 380-460V Operators 21-5575 Transformer, 575V Operators 24-115-1 Relay, 11 SV 1 Ph Operators 24-230-5 Relay, 230V 1 Ph Operators 4 21-5xxx (See Individual Components) 5 23-10916 SPDT Interlock Switch 6 24-xxx-x (See Individual Components) 7 24-24-1 24VAC DPDT Relay 1 ITEMB ITEM 9 R' g~g~1if 5lll ~l ;i;f "'l ;i;f ~t Ni N.a: N N 8"" 8~ ~~ 8<:! :;::,q 8 25-2xxx (See Overloads) 1 9 25-4xxx (See Overloads) 1 10 42-10040 Terminal Block, Radio 1 11 42-110 Terminal Block, 10 Position. 1 . • Electncal Box Kits include parts from K72-12510 and K75-12511 .L'.!9:?d~§.1Q.·.·.A.JMIT:•.$ttAFfAl:i$f#.Ml!l.t;Y:grn ... ·••-···•·· Hem .PIN Description Qty L1 11-10021 UmitShalt,StandardT 1 L2 12-10028 Flange Beanng, 3/8" I.D. 2 L3 13-10024 Lim~ Nut 2 L4 15-48B9AXX Sprocket 48B9 x 3/8' Bore 1 L5 80-10025 Washer, Shim 3/8" I.D. x .050 THK. 1 L6 80-10026 Washer, Shim 3/8" I.D. x .010 THK. 4 L7 86-RP04· 100 . Roll Pin, 1/8 DIA. x 1" Long 1 LB 87-E-038 E Ring, 3/8" . 1 Hem PIN S1 10-10013 S2 18-10036 S3 23-10041 S4 31-10043 S5 82-PX04-19 S6 82-PX06-16 S7 84-DT-04 S8 84-LH-06 S9 85-IG-04 Description Depress Plate Spnng, Depress Plate Li~ Switch Standoff, Limit ~ch Scmw, #4-40 x 1-3/8' Pan Head Ph Screw, #6-32 x 1' Pan Hd Phil Nut, Double Tinnerman Locknut, #6-32 Nylon Hex l.ockwasher, t4 Internal T oofh Qty 1 2 4 8 8 2 4 2 8 OPERATOR GH5011M GH5021M GH5025M GH7511M GH7521M GH7525M GH1011M GH1021M GH1023M GH1043M GH1053M GH1025M GH1038M GH1511M GH1521M GH1523M GH1543M GH1553M GH1525M GH1538M GH2023M GH2043M GH2053M GH2038M GH3023M GH3043M GH3038M 16 ~cg~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ :,;~ :,;~ :,;:,: o:: ~" "'" "' o,.; ,~~ m· • • e • 0-• • • • I • • • • g, • • ., u· • • • • n e • • • n • • • • o· I ,, I I ·t . v II I\ ~~ ~ .:> I ~.? ,,, At,,---< . . , .. ,. :'11 I. I . ,, :·-i • I .• , /1: 3 u:::n 17 REPAIR PARTS LISTS -MODEL GH 'I _,........., ____ ,,,...... ______________ _ Refer to the parts lists below for replacement kits available for your operator. If optional modifications and/or accessories are included with your operator, certain components may be added or remove from these lists. I· Individual components of each kit may not be available. Please consult a parts and service representative "' regarding availability of individual components. Refer to page 11 for all repair part ordering information. ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION QTY 10-11045 Elec. Box Mounting Bracket 2 15-48B18LGE Sprocket, "8818 LGE 15-48818QGH Sprocket, 48818 QGH (3HP Models) 3 15-50812LGH Sprocket, 50812 LGH 15-8089QGH Sprocket, 8089 QGH (3HP Models) 4 See Page 16 Electrical Box 5 See Page 16 Motor 6 See Var. Comp. Gear Reducer rn•;m~Z!Rlm3#Q}§~QNN§P!ll)A§§!:MeP¥ Kllli Mi ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION QTY D1 10-11021 GH Disconnect Lever D2 10-11023 D3 10-11024 D4 10-11029 OS 10-11030 D6 11-11106 D7 18-11007 DB 19-8A-12 D9 82-PX08-04T . D10 82-SHl0-14 D11 82-WX10-08T D12 . -84-FN-10 D13 85-FW-50 D14 85-LS-10 D15 86-CP04-112 D16 86-RP06-300 Bevel Gear Yoke Brake Release Actuator Bracket Switch Actuator Disconnect Shaft GH Tension Spring 12ft. Of Sash Chain Screw, #8-32 x 114" SeHap 1 Screw, #10-32 x 7/8" Long 2 Screw, #10-32 x 1/2" Serrated Fl. 2 Nut, #10-32 Serrated Flange 2 USS Ratwasher, 314• 3 #10 Lockwasher ZP 2 Cotter Pin, 1/8" x 1-314" Long 3 Roll Pin, 3116" x 3" Black Oxide 1 KIT REQUIRED FOR OPERATOR(S) 1<75-12829 Up to 1HP, 115 Volts 1<75-12830 Up to 1HP, 230-460 Volts 1<75-12831 Up to 1HP, 575 Volts K75-12832 1.5 to 2HP, 230-460 Volts 1<75-12833 1.5 to 2HP; 575 Volts 1<75-12834 3HP, 230-460 Volts ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION QTY G1 10-11006 Housing Support Bracket 2 G2 10-11026M1 Gear Brake Housing 10-12453M1 Gear Brake Housing (3HP Models) G3 10-11046M1 Housing Cover • Gear Housing Kits also include: 1<75-12788 Disconnect Assembly Kit 1<72-12789 Hand Chain Shaft Kit 1<72-13379 Hand Chain Shaft Kit (3HP Models) K75-12584 Brake Assembly Kit (115V Models) 1<75-12585 Brake Assembly Kit (230-460V Models) K75-12586 Brake Assembly Kit (575V Models) • Brake Kit Voltage same es Operator Voltage. 18 "":c:"",;:,•,"":./••""1:"":11""1!""! l!""i!:!-""£""':·•·~'"';b""!~""/''""'""(k""'~••·"'l~""'""lr""•·~""t i""l""ll""ll,""!1""111 =~ I I ITEM PART# H1 08-11012 75-13334 H2 06-11013 08-13333 H3 10-10882 H4 11-11105 HS 12-10029 H6 12-10883 H7 18-11008 HB 75-10884 H9 80-10022 H10 80-11014 H11 86-RP06-108 H12 86-RP10-110 H13 86-RPl 0-208 H14 87-E-062 H15 87-E-075 KIT REQUIRED 1<75-12584 1<75-12585 1<75-12586 ITEM PART# 81 07-10179 82 10-10190 83 10-10191 84 11-10192 85 11-10193 86 18-10194 87 31-10186 BB 75-10184 89 75-11034 75-11035 75-1t036 810 80-9001 811 87-P-062 DESCRIPTION Bevel Gear, 5/8' ID Bevel Gear Assy, 314• ID (3HP) Bevel Gear, 314' ID Bevel Gear, 314" ID 24 Tooth (3HP) Hand Chain Guide Hand Chain Shatt, GH Bearing, 314' I.D. Nyliner Bearing Compression Spring, _GH Chain Wheel Assembly Shim Washer, Thick Washer, .656 I.D. x 1.25 0.0. _Roll Pin, 1/4' x 1-1/2" Long Roll Pin, 5/16" x 1-5/8" Long Roll Pin, 5/16' x 2-1/2' Long E Ring, 5/8" E Ring, 3/4" FOR OPERATOR(S) 115 Volt Models 230-460 Volt Models 575 Volt Models DESCRIPTION Brake Hub Brake Release Lever Brake Disk Spring Cup for Brake Assembly Brake Stud Spring, Compression x .87" Spacer, .20" x .31" Long Brake Pressure Plate Assembly Brake Solenoid Assembly (115V) Brake Solenoid Assembly (230V) Brake Solenoid Assembly (575V) Feather Key Push on Faslener, 5/8" Int. Star QTY 1 1 2 4 1 1 4 QTY 1 1 4 4 4 2 I ,,, I I I ,. I ., 1· I I I ,, .,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,=========-=mm ~ ;;;:x:v:::.; ;;;;;;:.VAf;l!A~1J;:.~QMRP~1;NT~r· ;:;;; rnren ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION QTY I 75-11034 Brake Solenoid Assy (115V Opers) 1 • 89 75-11035 Brake Solenoid Assy (230-460V Opers) 75-11036 Brake Solenoid Assv (575V Opers) 32-11009 Gear Reducer (1 HP Opers, 45:1) 6 32-11010 Gear Reducer (1.5-2 HP Opers, 45:1) 32-11011 Gear Reducer (3 HP Opers, 45:1) .··~ -~2 '@§) D16 ~ > ·, D7 ·,. ·, ·, . .............................. . . D1 · · H13 . . !) H12 _,,. / H5 .. ' --.. ---· ---) --lill', ------1!1111 a, . .... IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) The 3-Button Control Station provided must be connected for operation. 2) If a STOP button is not used, a jumper must be placed between termianls 3 and 4. 3) Auxiliary control equipment may be any normally open two wire device such as pullswitch, single button, loop detector, card key or such device. ATTENTION ELECTRICIAN: USE 16 GAUGE OR HEAVIER WIRE FOR ALL CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING. :=:,:.,:""""'""'==··-,:, =·"'-=··=::,.~:,:,'""'•"'""'= .. = ~~K&R~1'0f: STANDARD 1 2 3 4 2OR MORE 2 3 4 KEY LOCKOUT 1 2 3 4 Keyswitch ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES STANDARD 2 4 2 SEENOTE#2 Close ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES Sensing Device ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES ~,~--"",• , :' E;li0~¾='~i Warning Light will activate 15 sec. before door closes. ; 11 12 ·-13·-14, ! (f> --~---__ '?.!:uxil:ry Terminal Block 4iJ LO--Power Supply for Timer Defeat / ' Warning Light Switch Tt CONTROL WIRING ONLY SEE NOTE #2 3 7 ~ SEE NOTES #2 AND #3 OPEN/CLOSE B2 orT1 WIRING TYPES ONLY *OPEN TIMER TO CLOSE __ ~ TER~~~~~~~CK RADIO CONTROL I I ONE 2ORMORE ALL CONTROL WIRING TYPES ©2000, The Chamber1aln Group, Ire. 11-11091D Al rttt,ta RasaMd I I I I I 1· I' I 'I I I ·.• I, I I' NEMA 4 MODIFICATION ADDENDUM 0 ' ~®--~ Model H This addendum is to be used in conjunction with the owner's manual included with this operator. Refer to the manual for all mounting an_d wiring instructions. The NEMA 4 mod-ification includes a TEFC motor, Watertight/Oiltight Control Enclosure, watertight/oiltight 3-button control station, and nickel-plated chain in lieu of all standard components of the operator. . For service or replacement part requirements, use this addendum in lieu of those included with the manual. Model GH Item 15 present with 115 & 230V models only. Items 16 & 17 present with 460 & 575V models only. Below is a parts list for a standard NEMA 4 enclosure for model GH. Optional modifications and/or accessories may add or remove certain parts from this list. Reier to owners ,~'1nual for·all repair part ordering information. · ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 03-8024 TEL 24V Reversing Contactor 1 14 44-1210-4XD Fiberglass Enclosure & Cover 1 2 10-10476 Depress Plate 1 15 42-110-1 Terminal Block, 10Pos. 300V 1 3 10-10478 Llm!t Switch Mtg. Brackel 1 16 42-108 Terminal Block, 8Pos. 600V 1 4 10-11160 Carwash Sub Panel 1 17 42-103 Terminal Block, 3Pos. 600V 1 5 11-10480 Umit Shaft, NEMA 12 1 ·1s 23-10916 Interlock Switch 1 6 12-10481 Bearing BFM-0375-A 2 19 24•24·1 Relay, Small 24VAC DPDT 1 7 12-10483 Bearing Seal, 3/8-I.D. 2 20 24•24-2 Relay, Large 24VAC DPDT 1 8 13·10516 Neoprene Gasket, REV A Print 2 21 24·264-4 Relay, Small 24VDC DPDT 1 9 15-48B9A1 Limit Sprocket 4889 1 22 24-115·1 Relay, Small 24VAC DPDT 1. 10A, 21-7115 Transformer, 1 PH 115/230V 1 23 24-230-5 Relay, 230V 3DPDT (IR) 1 10B 21-7460 Transformer, 3PH 230/460V 1 24 29-448 Bridge Rectifier 1 11 23-10041 Limit Switch 4 25 27-8004·K Contactor Block 2 12 31-10043 Spacer, Limit Switch 4 26 Sea Manual Overload 1 13 13-10024 Limit Nut, 1/2-20 Thread 2 I I ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Models H, J, Tf & GT • Interlock Switch (Item 16) present with models H and J only. 7 Below is a parts list for a standard NEMA 4 enclosure for models H, J, T, and GT. Optional modifications and/or acces-sories may add or remove certain parts from this list. Refer to owners manual for all repair part ordering information. ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 03-8024 TEL 24V Reversing Contactor 1 13 13-10024 Limit Nut, 1/2-20 Thread 2 2 10-10476 Depress Plate 1 14 44-1210-4XD Fiberglass Enclosure & Cover 1 3 10-10478 Limit Switch Mtg. Bracket 1 15 42-110 Terminal Block, 10Pos. 300V 1 4 10-10477 Carwash Elec. Panel 1 '16 23-10916 Interlock Switch 1 5 11-10480 Umit Shaft, NEMA 12 1 17 24-24·1 Relay, Small 24VAC DPDT 1 6 12-10481 Bearing BFM-0375-A 2 18 24-24·2 Relay, Large 24VAC 0PDT 1 7 12-10483 Bearing Sear, 319-l.D. 2 19 24-264-4 Relay, Small 24VDC DPDT 1 8 13-10516 Neoprene Gasket, REV A Print 2 20 24-115·1 Relay, Small 24VDC DPDT 1 9 15-4889A1 Limit Sprocket 48B9 1 21 24-230·5 Relay, 230V 3POT (IA) 1 10A 21-7115 Transformer, 1 PH 115/230V 1 22 29-448 Bridge Rectifier 1 10B 21-7460 Transformer, 3PH 230/460V 1 23 27-8004-K Contactor Blocks 2 11 23-10041 Limit Sw!lch 4 24 See Manual Overload 1 12 31-10043 Spacer, Limit Switch 4 © 1997, The Chamberlain Group, lnc. 01-116628 All rights Reserved I I I I 1· I I I ' I -I ; ' ' . I . : I I I I I I 1, -1 I 5