HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-29889_48982_G_C_20230502_Mecklenburg Stormwater Services Storm Drain Map EmailBeverly, Trudy From: Spidel, Ryan <Ryan.Spidel@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1:42 PM To: Beverly, Trudy Cc: Mebane, Taylor D. Subject: Fwd: [External] Petroleum Fuel -Unidentified Source Charlotte NC Attachments: EnderlyStormDrainMap.pdf; 3201 Tuckaseegee ASTjpg CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Please see my message below that I sent to Dan earlier today. Ryan Spidel, CFM Environmental Supervisor Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Mecklenburg County 12145 Suttle Avenue I Charlotte, NC 28208 (980) 721-3762 1 Ryan.Spidel@MeckNC.gov JStormWater.CharMeck.org CMSWS Automated Water Quality Monitoring Network From: Spidel, Ryan Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:20:53 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Mebane, Taylor D. <Taylor.Mebane@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Taraban, Ron <ron.taraban@ncdenr.gov>; Thao, John <John.Thao@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Caldwell, David <David.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Petroleum Fuel -Unidentified Source Charlotte NC Dan, Good afternoon. I have attached a PDF that contains the storm drain map for the area and highlighted the abandoned storm drain line where the fuel discharged from. I spoke with the property owner of 3201 Tuckaseegee Road this morning (Thomas Moore with TPM Properties) and he is unaware of any heating oil USTs on the property. I have asked him to contact the contractor that completed the demolition of the church this winter to see if they remember seeing a UST during their work. I know the church previously had a heating oil AST that can be seen from aerial photographs and Google Street view (attached). I suspect that they might have had a UST in the past and converted to a AST for whatever reason, but I am not certain of that. Is that a common practice? The spilled fuel was red/dark orange. CERT said that they believed it to be old heating oil. Taylor, can you please provide some photos. Thank you, Ryan Ryan Spidel, CFM Water Quality Supervisor Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Mecklenburg County 1 2145 Suttle Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 (980) 721-3762 1 Ryan.SPidel@MeckNC.gov StormWater.CharMeck.org CMSWS Automated Water Quality Monitoring Network } F ' We are passionate about making our environment safe and healthy by reducing flood losses and improving water quality for all. From: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 11:50 AM To: Spidel, Ryan <Ryan.Spidel@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Cc: Mebane, Taylor D. <Taylor.Mebane@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Taraban, Ron <ron.taraban@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Petroleum Fuel -Unidentified Source Charlotte NC CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ryan and Taylor, Could you provide me with a storm drain map of this area, I do not think this is associated with any of the UST incidents in the vicinity of this. The recent development across the street looks like a potential source will all the rain we are having. Was this a classic red or an orange -red? Any photos you have may help. How extensive will the cleanup be for this? Will CERT take confirmation samples? Without an obvious source, if I open an incident, the property owner would be the RP. I would like to avoid that, if possible, for their sake. Thanks Daniel P. Bowser, PG Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Section - Corrective Action Branch (704) 235-2172 dan.bowserancdenr.aov 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 r. � ��D. E rvUH I H c;aRourvA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Pudic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Mebane, Taylor D. <Taylor.Mebane@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 4:05 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov>; Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Spidel, Ryan <Ryan.Spidel@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Caldwell, David <David.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Thao, John <John.Than@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; mackenzie.m.shepard@gmail.com Subject: [External] Petroleum Fuel -Unidentified Source Charlotte NC Some people who received this message don't often get email from taylor.mebaneC@mecklenburgcountync.gov. Learn why this is important CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hello all, I am Taylor Mebane with Mecklenburg County Stormwater Services contacting you about a recent incident where a red dyed petroleum product was found in the back yard of 1304 Enderly Drive, Charlotte NC after several recent heavy rain events. At the back of this property is an abandon storm drainage line that originates at 3201 TUCKASEEGEE RD and it appears from our investigation that fuel observed at the outfall and the back yard of 1304 Enderly Drive came out of this abandoned storm drainage line. I investigated the area initially on the afternoon of Friday, April 28t" and did not observe anything that would indicate that the fuel originated from an above ground source. The City of Charlotte contracted Carolina Environmental Response Team (CERT) to remove the free product standing on the ground at 1304 Enderly Drive because the free product needed to be removed to help protect surface waters. This morning (Monday, May 1, 2023) we conducted an additional investigation of the surrounding area but still did not find a source. However, there are several known USTs incidents in the immediate area that may need to be investigated but that is out of our purview. One contaminated site is documented at 3131 Tuckaseegee RD, NCDEQ UST Inc#40815. Soil contamination is documented from a heating oil UST release. Another site is documented at 3218 Tuckaseegee RD, Gate 403, NCDEQ UST Section Inc#24294. This is a petroleum release with documented soil and groundwater contamination with ongoing investigation. Six monitoring wells are permitted and registered at 3201 Tuckaseegee RD related to this incident. Active petroleum USTs are registered to 3218 Tuckaseegee RD. At this time we are not sure if there are any USTs on the property at 3201 TUCKASEEGEE RD that could have contributed to the discharge. The homeowners at 1304 Enderly Ln who initially reported this incident have been copied on this email per their request, and their names are Mackenzie Shepard and Kasey Wendall. Can you please assist in identifying the source of this petroleum discharge? Taylor Mebane Environmental Specialist III Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Mecklenburg County 1 2145 Suttle Avenue I Charlotte, NC 28208 (980) 402-4206 1 Taylor.Mebane@MeckNC.aoy I StormWater.CharMeck.ora CMSWS Automated Water Quality Monitorina Network We are passionate about making our environment safe and healthy by reducing flood losses and improving water quality for all. rznEmenyFill - CNlNoah Carolina • Gal Street View May 209 Sea more dates 1 � J ENDERLY ROAD WEST- / Pl Sta 22.44.65 P1 Sta 25-1 d=5'0l'32.7'(LT) A=26003' D=5'03'46S D=9'02' T = 43,89' T = 143.48" R = I,000.00' R 600.00 OE I • I OE DE OE � OE COLLAPSED PPE, -12J1 172.99' w cn PLUG & ABANDON � -1/J2 152.15' -ENDERLY ROAD WESTL POC 22.47.87 -KIRKLAND AV lip 3e (LT) 1A NO" f p Kn CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF EX. 18" RCP PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TBDI #203 _�� ` p �© �! �,.6�9 172-62 2 sBKcrf { t \�\ E [F TBDI -26D6WM �� =� - EX. far - ij ` \\ ° RETAIN ¢ - _ 1 \ \ \ a BLIND 2 j p fit• ff 065-04-411 TEMPLE CHURCH INTERNATIONAL INC. 065�• 04-409 j 065-04-410 i .. { IvlARGIE E CALDWELL { { { r THOMAS LIVINGSTON { i { ! � { . * � DB 19951 PG 371 / / \�r\ i 0 { MB 3 PG 213 J i { AND BARBARA J MUNGER 4i , j { (_ { II MB 3 PG 213 fl DB 04069 PG 100 p MB 3 PG 213 ' {{ U) ( :; 3201 TUCKASEEGEE RD -t { 1304 ENDERLY RD { { i � j DB 16603 PG 419 { 1224 ENDERLY RD � � .. ``- `a / � -� \, �•, t- � Y \ nl f { { . ``• 0 1'�I �. \� �\ ° J ,ser? 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HANCOCK 74.25SHRUBS l I (REMAINDER BENEFICIARIES) (4) 12 G I j t I \ i i ! / MB 3 PG 213 ,� P, G\ CB , 1 i j. f, " j 065-04-501 \ As r� PAftKtNc \ \\ �\ FRAME j { DB 10112 PG 461 - �� � � �` � — � � � r � MOUNT CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF wm � GARAGE 1301 ENDERLY RD ��' ; I I { �t ° CHARLOTTE, INC. \ \ `\ PP i AC GM r SHRUBs `� � � � k \��, �! D65-04-50g � � 1SSD MB 3 PG 213 2 X 15 \ JOHN D HEIDINGER AND', j r � lSBD � \ -o. "o ;� � � � e t DB 17578 PG 593 - / \ GUY EASEMENT +8t1. fl i £� AMANDA T HEIDINGER t t ; �^ 3131 TUCKASEEGEE RD \ �� G \\� \ 17119 f4 1 36A I MB 3 PG 213 s s a 1 EXP/L it \° o DB \ 22558 PG 840 ¢ �r 40-87 \ \ 1217 ENDERLY RD { 0 M 065-04-502 u i . \ c 1\ i P I I �' Citi ° \ 1$gB r m ROBERT E FRITTS AND WIFE, LAt. f RA M FRI O REMOVE\ C 7s` I t Ct >- M$ 3 PC 213 ao DB 21704 PG 11$ I i , ` r :% \ , s 0 �- ��a cs I r+) ►C-4 1209 ENDERLY RD SEE SEWER NOTE #1 "c �n j A _ _ _, r� m c�v w Flo SHEET LLJ 065-04-622 �� r- t ,� i1 ►' Q STEPHEN P SMEE \ l\ M8 3 PG 213 pp 065-04-504 \\ SEWER NOTES:. DB 20732 PG 927 � c � RflBERT E FRITTS AND LAURA M FRITTS � � 1 , ,; \ �\ �' 0 3131 KIRKLAND AV C � � � MB 3 PG 213 1. REMOVE 18 LF EXISTING 8' SEWER PIPE AND REPLACE ` DB 21704 PC 12 C �isaK V N WITH 18 LF 8" DI SEWER PIPE, PC 350 CENTERED UNDER �� 1215 ENDERLY RD BUS PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE. CONSTRUCT WITH CONCRETE SUPPORTS FOR PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE. SEE DETAIL 'L' ON SHEET 2-E FOR CONCRETE SUPPORT DETAIL. 2. REMOVE 18 LF EXISTING 8" SEWER PIPE AND REPLACE WITH 18 LF 8" DI SEWER PIPE, PC 350 CENTERED ABOVE PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE. CONSTRUCT WITH #67 STONE TO CENTERLINE OF SANITARY SEWER.