HomeMy WebLinkAbout26037_Scarletts 66_BAR Work Plan Rev 1-signed BROWNFIELDS ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN REVISION 1.0 SCARLETT’S 66 1030 SEIGLE AVENUE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49:17541 BROWNFIELDS PROJECT ID: 26037-22-060 PREPARED FOR 1030 SEIGLE, LLC SUBMITTED: APRIL 13, 2023 REVISED: APRIL 24, 2023 1 April 13, 2023 Revised: April 24, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management, Brownfields Redevelopment Section 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attn: Ms. Carolyn Minnich, Project Manager Reference: Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 1030 Seigle Avenue Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina North Carolina Brownfields ID No. 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 Dear Ms. Minnich, ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has prepared this work plan to conduct Brownfields Assessment Activities at the subject property on behalf of our client, 1030 Seigle, LLC. This plan has been developed at the request of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (NCDWM) – Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS) during a conference call conducted on March 6, 2023. The Work Plan was initially submitted to the BRS on April 13, 2023. The BRS submitted comments to the initial Work Plan on April 19, 2023, and this Work Plan incorporates those comments. If you have any questions concerning this work plan or this project, please contact us. Sincerely, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Scott Young, P.G. Joseph P. Nestor, P.G., P.E, Senior Environmental Project Manager Environmental Principal Geologist syoung1@ecslimited.com jnestor@ecslimited.com North Carolina Corporate Geology License #C-553 cc: Mr. Anderson Pearson – 1030 Seigle, LLC Mr. Robert Gelblum Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Soil Boring and Sample Collection ....................................................................................... 2 2.2 Exterior Soil Gas Probe Installation and Sampling ............................................................... 2 2.3 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Probe Installation and Sampling .............................................................. 3 2.4 Groundwater Sample Collection .......................................................................................... 3 2.5 Deviation from Approved Plan............................................................................................. 3 2.6 Receptor Survey ................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Soil Sampling ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Exterior Soil Gas Sampling ................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling .................................................................................................. 5 3.4 Groundwater Sampling ........................................................................................................ 6 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 7 4.1 Soil Sample Analyses ............................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Exterior and Sub-Slab Soil Gas Analyses .............................................................................. 7 4.3 Groundwater Sample Analysis ............................................................................................. 7 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................. 7 6.0 INVESTIGATIVE DERIVED WASTE ................................................................................................ 8 7.0 REPORTING ................................................................................................................................. 8 FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 Previous Sample Locations Map Figure 3 Proposed Sample Locations Map TABLE Table 1 Proposed Samples & Analysis APPENDICES Appendix A Minimum Requirement for Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports Appendix B Work Plan Approval Signature Page Appendix C Historical Analytical Data Appendix D NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey/Checklist Appendix E EPA Method TO-15 Analyte List Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The subject property is located at 1030 Seigle Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figure 1) and identified by Mecklenburg County GIS as Parcel Identification Number 08112412 and is owned by 1030 Seigle, LLC. The site is developed with a one-story, 1,736 square-foot building that was reportedly constructed in 1957. Municipal water and sewer are provided to the subject property by Charlotte Water. Attached to this submittal is a completed Minimum Requirement for Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports (Appendix A) and a Work Plan Approval Signature Page (Appendix B) which have been completed by ECS. Based upon information provided in ECS Phase I Environmental Assessment Report (ECS Project No. 49:17421), dated June 7, 2022, the subject property was developed with three residences from 1911 through 1953. In 1957, the current structure was constructed on the subject property. From 1957 through at least 1994, the subject property operated as a gasoline fueling station. By 1999, the subject property is documented as being operating as an automotive repair facility through present day. 1030 Seigle, LLC provided ECS with a Corrective Action Performance Report prepared by ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. dated February 17, 2022. The report documents that groundwater has been impacted by a release of petroleum including benzene as high as 7,210 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and the presence of light non-aqueous phase petroleum liquid (LNAPL). The monitoring wells currently located at the site are shown on Figure 2. The report further indicates that assessment and remediation of the site is being undertaken through the State-Lead State Trust Fund (STF) Program. The report also indicates the risk classification assigned by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) is intermediate and the classification is triggered by at least two criteria: (1) the presence of benzene at a concentration exceeding the NCDEQ Gross Contaminant Level (GCL) for benzene (5,000 µg/L) and (2) the presence of groundwater contamination at concentration more than 10 times the surface water quality standard for a stream (Little Sugar Creek) located less than 500 feet from source area. The historical analytical data is provided in Appendix C. On May 27, 2022, 1030 Seigle, LLC submitted a Brownfields Property Application to the NCDEQ Brownfields Program. A Letter of Eligibility was received from the NCDEQ Brownfields Program on October 10, 2022, with a Brownfields Project Manager (BPM) to be named later. Ms. Carolyn Minnich was assigned as the temporary Project Manager on February 16, 2023, and a Brownfields Kick-off meeting was subsequently scheduled for March 6, 2023. Based upon the results of the Brownfields Kick-off meeting conference call/Teams meeting on March 6, 2023, with 1030 Seigle, LLC, Mr. Robert Gelbum (independent consultant), ECS, and Ms. Carolyn Minnich, ECS has prepared this work plan to address the below data gaps identified by the Brownfields Redevelopment Section: • Soil sample collection in areas of shallow soil disturbance; • Soil sample collection at the approximate location of above-ground storage containers located at the site; • Soil sample collection in the area between the retaining wall and property boundary • Sub-slab soil gas sampling in the existing site structure; Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 2 • Exterior soil gas sampling in the footprint of the proposed site structure; • Groundwater sample collection; and, • Conducting a Brownfields Receptor Survey. This site is also managed by the NCDEQ State Lead Program of the UST Section as Incident No. 36384. The data is to be collected solely for the North Carolina Brownfields Program. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work described by media below generally includes nine soil borings, one exterior soil gas samples, and two sub-slab soil gas samples. The sampling activities will be conducted in general accordance with Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Vapor Intrusion guidelines. 2.1 Soil Boring and Sample Collection • ECS will observe the advancement of nine borings (SB-1, SB-2, SB-3, SB-4, and SB-A through SB-E) at the site in order to assess site soils. The borings will be advanced via decontaminated hand auger to depths of approximately two feet below ground surface (bgs), with the exception of soil boring SB-4 which will be advanced to five feet bgs. The proposed boring and sample locations are shown on Figure 3. • Soil borings SB-1 and SB-2 are located in the area of shallow soil disturbance for the grading of the site for the proposed building pad, soil boring SB-3 is located in the area of shallow soil disturbance for the construction of the proposed building elevator, soil boing SB-4 is located at the approximate location of above-ground storage containers located at the site, and soil borings SB-A through SB-E are located between the site retaining wall and property boundary. • Additional details in regard to sampling are provided in Section 3.0 (Sampling Methodology). 2.2 Exterior Soil Gas Probe Installation and Sampling • ECS anticipates that an exterior soil gas sample will be collected from one location, as shown on Figure 3. The actual location may be slightly adjusted based upon actual field conditions but generally the location is proposed to be within the current proposed future building footprint. The soil gas sample will be collected in a Summa canister as described in subsequent paragraphs. • The temporary exterior soil gas sample point will be constructed by advancing a boring to a depth of 10 feet bgs using a decontaminated hand auger or Geoprobe drill rig using direct push technology. • A vapor implant consisting of a porous air filter connected to a length of Nylaflow tubing will be positioned in the boring at the sample point. The porous air filter will be positioned near the bottom of the boring. The annular space around and approximately 6 inches above the porous air filter will be backfilled with clean filter sand and bentonite will be placed in the remaining annular space. Distilled water will be poured into the bentonite and allowed to hydrate for at least 30 minutes before sampling is performed. • The soil vapor sample will not be collected for at least 24 hours after installation, in order to allow the soil vapors to stabilize prior to sample collection. • Additional details in regard to sampling are provided in Section 3.0 (Sampling Methodology). Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 3 2.3 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Probe Installation and Sampling • ECS anticipates that two sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from locations beneath the existing building’s concrete slab via a permanent VaporPins® installed using a hammer drill to penetrate through the concrete slab at the approximate locations shown on Figure 3. Once the concrete slab has been penetrated, a new VaporPin® with a new silicon sleeve will be inserted in the concrete slab in general conformance with manufacturer’s recommendations (Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc.). The VaporPin® setup will be allowed to equilibrate for at least 20 minutes prior to leak testing. • A sample train consisting of non-reactive tubing and microvalves will be connected to each VaporPin® and to a Summa canister. A shut-in test will be performed on the sample train at each sample point to confirm that leaks are not present in the sampling train. A microvalve at the connection between the sampling train and the VaporPin® will be closed, and a vacuum will be applied to the sampling train using a disposable syringe. The vacuum gauge on the Summa canister will be monitored for declining vacuum indicative of a leak. If a leak is indicated by a shut-in test, steps will be taken to achieve better connections in the sample train. • Additional details in regard to sampling are provided in Section 3.0 (Sampling Methodology). 2.4 Groundwater Sample Collection • ECS will collect groundwater samples from existing monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-4. • ECS will measure water level in each well and collect groundwater samples. Water levels will be measured in, and groundwater samples collected from, each of the monitoring wells. ECS will also measure the water level in monitoring well MW-3 but will not collect a sample from this well. Water level measurements will be collected using an electronic water level indicator accurate to 0.01 feet. 2.5 Deviation from Approved Plan This work plan is intended to be dynamic and to be adapted to specific and actual site conditions. Accordingly, should such conditions warrant a change either by addition, deletion or modification of a procedure, such may be accomplished with agreement between the Prospective Developers’ representative and ECS after consultation with, and subject to approval by Brownfields Redevelopment Section. Such changes will comply with applicable local, State, and Federal rules and regulations. A written amendment shall be prepared and submitted to Brownfields Redevelopment Section for approval (the use of e-mail correspondence shall suffice for approval) prior to implementation. The amendment and approval will be included in the report for final documentation. Amendments must have the approval of the NCDEQ Brownfields Program prior to implementation. 2.6 Receptor Survey A Brownfields Property receptor survey will be completed, summarized in the report, and included as an attachment within the report. The Brownfields Property receptor survey includes descriptions of the property and building characteristics, surrounding property land use, nearby utilities, water supplies, surface water, and wetlands. A blank copy of the NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey/Checklist is included in Appendix D. Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 4 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY The sampling activities will be conducted in general accordance with the SESD guidelines and NCDEQ Vapor Intrusion guidelines. 3.1 Soil Sampling • For soil borings SB-1, SB-2, SB-3, and SB-4, ECS will provide a project professional to collect soils continuously from the ground surface to the termination depth of the soil borings. The soils will be collected over the length of the boring and screened in the field by placing a portion into a resealable plastic bag and measured for volatile organic vapors using a photoionization detector (PID) after allowing them to set for approximately 15 minutes. A separate aliquot of soil from each sample point will be placed in laboratory supplied containers with preservatives as appropriate for the requested analysis. The soil will also be logged for lithologic descriptions and apparent evidence of a release (staining, odors, etc.) will be noted. • For soil borings SB-A through SB-E, a composite sample will be comprised of five individual grab soil samples collected in re-sealable bags with one grab soil sample from each of these boring. An individual soil sample and a duplicate will be collected from zero to two feet bgs at each sample point to be composited. Additionally, an individual soil sample and a duplicate sample will be collected from one to two feet bgs at each sample point to be used as the samples for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The individual and duplicate samples will be placed immediately in plastic bags after collection and sealed. The duplicate sample bags will be placed on ice to prevent volatilization prior to screening of the individual bags. Each individual sample will be screened using a photoionization detector (PID) or similar device for volatile organic vapors. • The soil borings will be backfilled with the soil cuttings generated during the boring activities and capped with asphalt, soil, or concrete, as appropriate. A summary of the proposed samples and analyses is provided in Table 1. The soil boring locations will be recorded in the field with a handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) unit. 3.2 Exterior Soil Gas Sampling • ECS will obtain either one-liter or six-liter Summa canisters from a commercial laboratory that follows NELAC standards and participates in the NELAP. Each canister will be pre-cleaned and pre-evacuated so that it is under negative (i.e., under vacuum). The canisters will be batch certified by the laboratory. Each Summa canister will be outfitted with a flow regulator set to 200 mL/min and a vacuum gauge. • ECS will check and note the vacuum on each Summa Canister before initiating the sampling procedure. If the initial vacuum prior to sample collection is less than 10 percent of the vacuum documented by the laboratory at shipment, the Summa canister will not be used. ECS will open the valve on each Summa canister to initiate sampling. ECS will terminate the sampling procedure at each sampling point while a vacuum of at least 5 inches of mercury is still present in the canister. ECS will note the vacuum for each canister at the end of the sampling procedure. If the final vacuum is less than 5 inches of mercury the data may be unusable. In addition, the vacuum will not be allowed to reach zero inches of mercury. • Prior to collecting the exterior soil gas sample, a sample train consisting of non-reactive tubing and micro-valves will be connected to the Nylaflow tubing at each sample point and to a Summa canister. Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 5 The sample train will be used to purge the sample line and direct flow to the Summa canister being used to collect the sample. A shut-in test will be performed on the sample train at the sample point to confirm that leaks are not present in the sampling train. A micro-valve at the connection between the sampling train and the Nylaflow tubing will be closed, and a vacuum will be applied to the sampling train using a disposable syringe. The vacuum gauge on the Summa canister will be monitored for declining vacuum indicative of a leak. • Prior to collecting the soil gas sample, a helium shroud leak test will be performed at each of the sample points to confirm the integrity of the subsurface bentonite seal. The shroud will be placed and sealed over the sampling point and entire sampling train including the Summa canister. The vapor implant sample tubing and tracer gas tubing will be routed through small diameter holes in the wall of the shroud. The shroud will be flooded with helium from a compressed gas tank through tracer gas tubing routed through the shroud wall. The helium gas concentration inside the shroud will be measured with a helium gas detector (Model MGD-2002 Multi-Gas Leak detector or similar device). After the shroud has been flooded with helium gas concentration, three volumes of vapor will be purged from the tubing, following which, a soil gas sample will be screened from a Tedlar bag for the presence of helium. The flow rate during purging will be at a rate of 200 milliliters per minute (mL/min) or less. If the soil gas sample contains less than 10 percent of the concentration inside the shroud, the test will be considered acceptable. If the test results are not acceptable, ECS will take steps to achieve a better bentonite seal. • Following successful shut-in and helium shroud tests, ECS will collect an exterior soil gas sample from the sample point. ECS will obtain a one- or six-liter Summa canister from a commercial laboratory that follows National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standards and participates in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP). The canister will be pre-cleaned and pre-evacuated so that it is under negative (i.e., under vacuum). ECS will check the vacuum immediately prior to sampling. If the vacuum prior to sample collection is less than 10 percent of the vacuum documented by the laboratory at shipment, the Summa canister will not be used. The canister will be batch certified by the laboratory. The Summa canister will be outfitted with a flow regulator set to 200 milliliters per minute and a vacuum gauge. ECS will open the valve on the Summa canister and soil gas will flow into the canister. ECS will note the time the valve is opened and the initial vacuum. When the vacuum has decreased to approximately 5 inches of mercury, ECS will shut the valve and record the time and final vacuum. If the final vacuum is less than 5 inches of mercury the data may be unusable. In addition, the vacuum will not be allowed to reach zero inches of mercury. ECS will request that the laboratory report the vacuum reading for each canister when it is received by the laboratory. • Following completion of soil gas sampling activities, the soil gas sampling point will be abandoned, and the boring backfilled with the soil cuttings generated during the boring activities and capped with asphalt, soil, or concrete, as appropriate. A summary of the proposed sample and analysis are provided in Table 1. The soil gas sampling point will be recorded in the field with a handheld GPS unit. 3.3 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling • ECS will obtain either one-liter or six-liter Summa canisters from a commercial laboratory that follows NELAC standards and participates in the NELAP. Each canister will be pre-cleaned and pre-evacuated so that it is under negative (i.e., under vacuum). The canisters will be batch certified by the laboratory. Each Summa canister will be outfitted with a flow regulator set to 200 mL/min and a vacuum gauge. Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 6 • Prior to sample collection, the seal of each VaporPin® will be leak tested using helium gas, a shroud, and a helium detector as recommended in NCDEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance. The shroud will be placed and sealed over the sampling point and entire sampling train including the VaporPin®. The vapor implant sample tubing and tracer gas tubing will be routed through small diameter holes in the wall of the shroud. The shroud will be flooded with helium from a compressed gas tank through tracer gas tubing routed through the shroud wall. The helium gas concentration inside the shroud will be measured with a helium gas detector (Model MGD-2002 Multi-Gas Leak detector or similar device). After the shroud has been flooded with helium gas concentration, three volumes of vapor will be purged from the tubing, following which, a soil gas sample will be screened from a Tedlar bag for the presence of helium. The flow rate during purging will be at a rate of 200 milliliters per minute (mL/min) or less. If the soil gas sample contains less than 10 percent of the concentration inside the shroud, the test will be considered acceptable. If the test results are not acceptable, ECS will take steps to achieve a better bentonite seal. • Following completion of successful leak testing, ECS will collect the sub-slab soil gas sample. ECS will check and note the vacuum on each Summa Canister before initiating the sampling procedure. If the initial vacuum prior to sample collection is less than 10 percent of the vacuum documented by the laboratory at shipment, the Summa canister will not be used. ECS will open the valve on each Summa cannister to initiate sampling. ECS will terminate the sampling procedure at each sampling point while a vacuum of at least 5 inches of mercury is still present in the canister. ECS will note the vacuum for each canister at the end of the sampling procedure. If the final vacuum is less 5 inches of mercury the data may be unusable. In addition, the vacuum will not be allowed to reach zero inches of mercury. • Following completion of sub-slab soil gas sampling activities, the sub-slab soil gas sampling points will be abandoned, and the borings capped with concrete. A summary of the proposed samples and analyses is provided in Table 1. An attempt to record the sub-slab soil gas sampling points with a handheld GPS unit will be made. However, since the sample locations will be on the interior of a building, this may not be possible. If the GPS unit cannot be used, detailed notes of the sample locations will be made. 3.4 Groundwater Sampling • Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-4 will be sampled using low-flow sampling techniques in general conformance with USEPA Low Stress/Low Flow Purging and Sampling Procedure for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells guidelines (Revised September 19, 2017) and water quality measurements will be collected/recorded. ECS will attempt to maintain drawdown in each well to less than 1 foot during sampling. Water quality measurements will be made using a flow-through cell at intervals approximately 3 to 5 minutes apart. Parameters to be measured include turbidity, temperature, specific conductance, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, and dissolved oxygen. Groundwater samples will be collected when each well has stabilized. Stabilization will be considered achieved when three consecutive readings are within the limits shown below: • Turbidity (10% for values greater than 5 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs); if three turbidity values are less than 5 NTU, consider the values as stabilized). • Dissolved Oxygen (10% for values greater than 0.5 mg/L, if three dissolved oxygen values are less than 0.5 mg/L, consider the values as stabilized). • Specific Conductance (3%). Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 7 • Temperature (3%). • pH (± 0.1 standard pH unit). • Oxidation/Reduction Potential (±10 millivolts) • A summary of the proposed samples and analyses is provided in Table 1. The monitoring wells will be recorded in the field with a handheld GPS unit. 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS The soil samples will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Since North Carolina does not certify laboratories for analyses of vapor samples, ECS will request that the laboratory analyze vapor samples for the most current and applicable standards from NELAP. The laboratory will be instructed to use reporting limits below the IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals to the extent which is technically feasible. Additionally, it will be requested that the method detection limits (MDL), and J-flags be included. The laboratory will also be instructed to report the vacuum measurement for each Summa canister at receipt by the laboratory. Level II QA/QC will be requested to be reported by the laboratory. 4.1 Soil Sample Analyses The samples will be submitted for the laboratory analyses below: • The samples collected from soil borings SB-1 through SB-4 will be shipped under Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol to a North Carolina certified laboratory for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, the eight metals regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA 8-metals) by EPA Methods 6020 and 7471, and hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199. • For soil borings SB-A through SB-E, the individual grab soil sample with the highest PID reading will be appropriately packaged in laboratory-supplied containers from its duplicate re-sealable bag and submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory to be analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260. Subsequently, each of the grab soil samples from zero to two feet bgs will be gently mixed together and one composite soil sample will be submitted for analysis by EPA Method 8270 for SVOCs, RCRA 8-metals using EPA Methods 6020 and 7471, and for hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199. 4.2 Exterior and Sub-Slab Soil Gas Analyses The soil gas samples will be submitted for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. ECS will use Pace Analytical Services for the soil vapor analyses. A list of compounds analyzed by EPA Method TO-15 is included in Appendix E. 4.3 Groundwater Sample Analysis The groundwater samples will be submitted for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and total RCRA metals by EPA Method 6020 and 7470. 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL In addition to the record samples described in the previous sections, ECS will collect one soil gas duplicate Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 8 sample and one sub-slab soil gas duplicate sample, and these samples will be submitted for VOCs analysis by EPA Method TO-15. The duplicates will be collected in conjunction with the respective record sample via a “tee” connection in the tubing. Also, one duplicate soil sample and one duplicate groundwater sample will be collected and submitted for the sample analyses as the record samples. Duplicate samples will be submitted to the laboratory without identification as to their respective record samples. The samples will be maintained under a chain-of-custody protocol and a Level II QA/QC package will be requested from the laboratory. The soil and groundwater samples will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Since North Carolina does not certify soil gas samples, the soil gas samples will be submitted to a laboratory that follows NELAC standards. Additionally, the laboratories will be requested to report method detection limits or MDLs to the applicable screening criteria (to the extent feasible) and include estimated concentrations (i.e.,“J-flags”) between the Reporting Limits (RLs) and the MDLs. ECS will request that the laboratory provide containers that will contain a sufficient volume for analysis of Matrix Spike and Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) samples. Soil and groundwater samples will be placed in a cooler with ice immediately after collection. Soil samples will be submitted to the laboratory within 48 hours of collection and/or written documentation of temperature maintenance will be provided if the situation requires extension beyond 48 hours prior to submittal to laboratory. Since the soil gas samples are not temperature dependent, these samples will be submitted to the laboratory as soon as reasonably possible. 6.0 INVESTIGATIVE DERIVED WASTE Investigative derived waste (IDW) generated from the soil and groundwater sampling activities (i.e., soil cuttings, purge water, etc.) will be thinly spread onsite in the vicinity of the sample location to the extent possible, unless impacted soil is apparent based on field observations (i.e., visual and/or olfactory senses or elevated PID/FID readings). If soil cuttings appear to be impacted or sufficient space to thinly spread the cuttings is not available, the soil cuttings will be containerized. If soil cuttings are containerized, additional waste characterization will be conducted based on the requirements of the disposal facility. 7.0 REPORTING ECS will prepare a written report including a title page including the information requested in the Brownfields checklist and documenting the field activities, sampling procedures, sample locations, laboratory procedures and analytical results discussion, and conclusions for submission to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section. The report will include a sample location figure, inferred groundwater flow figure, boring logs, and data tables. The soil samples results will be compared to the current NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater and Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). The exterior soil gas sample results and sub-slab soil gas sample results will be compared to the current NCDEQ, IHSB, Residential and Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) for Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas. If positive detections are noted, the exterior soil gas and sub-slab soil gas sample results will also be input into the NCDEQ Risk Calculator to assess if the results exceed applicable risk thresholds. Sample collection logs for soil gas samples will be included in the report. The sample collection logs for Brownfields Assessment Work Plan, Revision 1.0 Scarlett’s 66 Brownfields Project ID: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No. 49:17541 April 24, 2023 9 soil gas samples will include helium leak checks results, and photographs of the sample arrays. The report will be signed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer or Licensed Geologist. The report will also include the identification numbers for ECS’s corporate Professional Engineers and Geologists Licenses. The Brownfields Property receptor survey will be completed and summarized in the report. The NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey/Checklist will be included as an attachment to the report. DRAFT FIGURES FIGURE 1USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SCARLETT’S 661030 SEIGLE AVENUECHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49:17541 SOURCE: USGS 7.5’ TOPOGRAPHIC MAP CHARLOTTE WEST, NC 2019 SCALE: AS SHOWN SITE FIGURE 2PREVIOUS SAMPLE LOCATIONS MAP SCARLETT’S 661030 SEIGLE AVENUECHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49:17541 SOURCE: MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS WEBSITE ACCESSED FEBRUARY 23, 2023 SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROXIMATE BROWNFIELDS SITE BOUNDARY LEGEND APPROXIMATE EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATION MW-2MW-3 MW-1 MW-4 AS-1 MW-5 FIGURE 3PROPOSED SAMPLE LOCATIONS MAP SCARLETT’S 661030 SEIGLE AVENUECHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49:17541 SOURCE: MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS WEBSITE ACCESSED FEBRUARY 23, 2023 SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROXIMATE BROWNFIELDS SITE BOUNDARY LEGEND APPROXIMATE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION APPROXIMATE MONITORING WELL LOCATION APPROXIMATE SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION APPROXIMATE EXTERIOR SOIL GAS LOCATION SS-2 SG-1 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-A SB-B SB-C SB-D SB-E SB-4 APPROXIMATE PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT MW-2 MW-1 MW-4 SS-1 DRAFT TABLES Table 1 Proposed Samples & Analysis Scarlett's 66 1030 Seigle Avenue Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No.: 26037-22-060 ECS Project No.: 49:17541 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Samples SS-1 Batch SS-2 Batch SS-DUP*Batch Exterior Soil Gas Samples SG-1 VOCs / TO-15 Batch SG-DUP*Batch Discrete Soil Samples SB-1 (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-2 (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-3 (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-4 (Total Boring Depth 0-5 ft bgs)NA SB-DUP*NA SB-A (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-B (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-C (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-D (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA SB-E (Total Boring Depth 0-2 ft bgs)NA Groundwater Samples MW-1 NA MW-2 NA MW-4 NA MW-DUP*NA Chromium VI = Hexavalent Chromium DUP = Duplicate Sample * = The number of duplicate samples included on this table are estimates. One duplicate will be collected per day of sampling per media. VOCs / EPA Method 8260 SVOCs / EPA Method 8270 Total RCRA Metals / EPA Method 6020/7470 Grab VOCs / EPA Method 8260 Composite SVOCs / EPA Method 8270 Total RCRA Metals / EPA Method 6020/7471 Chromium VI / EPA Method 7199 Sample Location Laboratory Analysis / Analytical Method Batch / Individual Certified Summa Canister VOCs / EPA Method 8260 SVOCs / EPA Method 8270 Total RCRA Metals / EPA Method 6020/7471 Chromium VI / EPA Method 7199 VOCs / TO-15 DRAFT APPENDIX A Minimum Requirement for Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports Work Plan and Report Checklist Version 3 March 2023 Minimum Requirements Checklist Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports NCDEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section– March 2023 Instructional Page All references to Prospective Developers include follow-on owners who may be conducting work in accordance with the Brownfields Property Management Branch. To increase predictability and most efficiently assess Brownfields Properties and the redevelopment timing requirements of Prospective Developers or follow-on owners, the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has standardized the format for Site Assessments. This format has been generated in the form of a checklist to allow for ease in submission by the prospective developer’s consultant and for the Brownfields Redevelopment Section’s completeness review. This checklist outlines the minimum requirements and submittal format under the Brownfields Redevelopment Section for Assessment Requirements and Reporting. All Assessment Work Plans and Report submissions to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section must include this completed checklist in the outlined format. These requirements allow DEQ to reduce review time for the Assessment Work Plan and Report and increase process predictability for prospective developers. This checklist will also provide reliable data for risk-based decisions and further expedite the project timeline. Any divergence from these requirements will lengthen the process of assessing risks on the site, may necessitate reprioritization of a project manager’s queue towards projects that meet these requirements. Therefore, delaying production of the brownfields agreement and/or environmental management plan. Any alterations to the checklist on a site-specific basis must be reviewed and approved by the Section prior to implementation. However, in order to respect the schedule of all projects in house and keep the Section’s entire project pipeline moving, we strongly recommend against seeking changes to the checklist. Based on a review of environmental and risk data from our project inventory, please note there are some new points of emphasis that are included herein: 1. For ALL residential reuses; sub-slab vapor assessment (full list EPA TO-15) is required, regardless if existing structures will be removed. If no structures or slabs exist on the Brownfields Property, exterior soil gas assessment is required within all proposed structure footprints. 2. ALL properties require groundwater data (VOCs, SVOCs and RCRA Metals) from a minimum of three sample locations, depth to groundwater and a resulting potentiometric map. 3. Soil shall be assessed based on areas of concern and redevelopment plans and across the depth interval of the cut/grading. Work Plan and Report Checklist Version 3 March 2023 Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Checklist Reviewed and checked by (Name): _______________________________________ Title Page The title page should include the following information. Letter style reports are acceptable, as long as this information is somewhere on the first page. ☒ Title of Work Plan ☒ Brownfields Project Name (not the development name) ☒ Brownfields Project Number ☒ Date (updated with each revision) ☐ Revision Number ☒ Firm PE/PG License Number ☒ Individual PE/PG seal & signature Section 1 – Introduction ☒ Provide the site location, address, and acreage. ☒ Provide a BRIEF summary of the history of the property and its history in the Section. For example: reiterate RECs from a Phase I ESA, indicate if the scope of work was negotiated during a Data Gap Meeting, etc. ☒ Briefly list and describe the data gaps the assessment is attempting to fill ☒ Indicate if the assessment data is for the use of any other DEQ programs in addition to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section (i.e. the site is a regulated UST, IHSB, etc. property) Section 2 – Scope of Work ☒ Provide a general description of proposed scope of work covered in this plan (i.e. 2 new monitoring wells, 6 groundwater samples, 5 exterior soil gas sampling points and 6 soil borings) ☒ Discuss samples to be collected by media and source area/location. Generally, the reasoning for the sample locations selected. ☒ Describe depths of samples to be collected (Reference Table 1) or how that decision will be made in the field, if needed. ☒ State for what each sample will be analyzed (briefly). Reference Table 1. Note: For all residential reuses, sub slab vapor is required, if no slabs exist, exterior soil gas is required within all proposed footprints. Section 3 – Sampling Methodology ☒ Reference the guidance documents you intend to use. IHSB, EPA SESD, VI Guidance, Well Construction Rules (NCAC 2C). Note deviations or methodology planned that is not covered by such guidance (e.g., multi-increment sampling, passive air samplers, mobile labs, Hapsite, simultaneous indoor/outdoor radon, high-volume sub-slab vapor testing, PFAS sampling). ☒ Describe what will be installed (soil boring, temporary well, permanent well, sub-slab vapor, exterior soil gas, etc.). Include construction details. ☒ Discuss installation methodology (Hand Auger, DPT, etc.) Discuss Equilibration Times Work Plan and Report Checklist Version 3 March 2023 • Monitoring wells (equilibration time prior to development and equilibration post well development should be 24 hours, per EPA standard protocols). • Vapor: a. Sub slab vapor with minimally invasive points (e.g. Vapor Pins): Manufacturer’s guidelines generally suggest 20 minutes may be sufficient with an airtight cap installed; or b. Sub slab vapor points (other than minimally invasive points) or exterior soil gas points: at least 24 hours (to be purged at installation and at time of sampling with an air-tight cap in place in the interim). ☒ Discuss sample collection procedures. Include the following, at a minimum: • Equipment to be used • Purging methods and volumes • Stabilization parameters for groundwater sampling • Field screening methods • Leak check procedures for sub-slab vapor and exterior soil gas samples (Note this is required) • Discuss how and when vacuum readings will be collected (for summa cans) • Submission of the samples to the laboratory within 48 hours of collection and/or written documentation of temperature maintenance if the situation requires extension beyond 48 hours prior to lab submittal ☒ Discuss sample point abandonment Section 4 – Laboratory Analyses ☒ Discuss the proposed analyses (include method number, preparation method, if there are concerns with short hold times, etc). ☒ Discuss any proposed limitations on the contaminants of concern, if any, and the reason for such limitation (sufficient previous data, indoor air interferences, etc). ☒ Discuss laboratory certifications. Please note, NC does not certify labs for air samples. Please specify what certification the proposed air lab holds. ☒ Indicate that the Reporting Limits/Method Detection Limits will meet applicable screening criteria (to the extent feasible). Include reporting of J-Flags to meet criteria. ☒ Indicate what Level QA/QC will be reported by the laboratory. Level II QA/QC is typically acceptable. Section 5 – QA/QC ☒ Specify the duplicate sample frequency. Minimum requirement: 1 duplicate per 20 samples, per media, per method. ☐ Discuss Trip Blank. 1 Trip Blank per cooler/shipment of groundwater VOC analyses is required. ☒ Discuss how the lab will have sufficient sample volume for MS/MSD analyses. ☒ Discuss chain of custody and shipping. Section 6 – Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) Management ☒ Discuss what IDW will be generated and how it is proposed to be managed. Management recommendations should be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and 15A NCAC 02H. 0106. Generally, if the Brownfields Property has not previously been assessed, then all IDW must be containerized and characterized prior to management. Previous assessment data that indicate no Hazardous Waste (listed or characteristic) is likely to be encountered in the area of proposed Work Plan and Report Checklist Version 3 March 2023 assessment will be required before thin spreading of IDW on-site is permitted. Section 7 – Reporting This section should discuss the components of the assessment report which will be prepared as a result of the above sample collection. At a minimum, the report shall include: ☒ Title Page that is consistent with the requirements listed above. ☒ Reporting/summary of site work conducted for all sections outlined above in this checklist; ☒ Summary of findings and possible recommendations; ☒ All applicable tables and figures (shall include at a minimum the items below) ☒ Tables for tabulated analytical data per media sampled and analyzed, compared against applicable screening levels, sample depths and depth to groundwater; ☒ Figure depicting actual sample locations collected, with each media depicted in the legend, graphic scale and north arrow; and ☐ Groundwater potentiometric map, with graphic scale and north arrow. ☒ Appendices shall include (as applicable): ☒ Copies of field notes ☒ Boring logs for all soil borings, newly constructed monitoring wells, and exterior soil gas locations ☐ Well construction and abandonment records Work Plan Approval Signature Page (see Attachment 1). The Consultant shall complete and submit the Approval Signature Page with the work plan submittal for DEQ signature. Work Plan and Report Checklist Version 3 March 2023 Attachments ☒ Attachment 1 – Work Plan Approval Signature Page ☒ Table 1 – Proposed Sample Locations and Analyses on a Summary Table that includes: ☒ Sample ID ☒ Sample Objective ☒ Proposed Depth(s) ☒ Analytical Method(s) ☒ QA/QC Samples ☒ Background Samples ☒ Figure 1 – Site Location Map ☒ Site location on a topographic map base ☒ Graphic scale and north arrow ☒ Figure 2 – Site Map should include the following ☒ Buildings ☐ Historical sample locations ☒ RECs or other areas of concern ☒ Proposed sample locations ☒ Sample identification labels ☐ Background samples ☐ QA/QC samples ☒ Graphic scale and north arrow ☒ High quality aerial suggested as the base map ☐ Figure 3 – Site Potentiometric Map that includes the following ☐ Buildings ☐ Groundwater sample identification labels ☐ Arrow noting direction of groundwater flow ☐ Graphic scale and north arrow ☐ Figure 4 – Site Plume Maps (groundwater, soil vapor, etc.) ☒ Figure 5 – Proposed Development (if available) (Shown on Figure 2) ☒ Overlay of historical and proposed sample locations ☒ Graphic scale and north arrow ☐ Appendix – Summary of Historical Analytical Data (if needed) – to include tables and figures only. DRAFT APPENDIX B Work Plan Approval Signature Page 04/26/2023 DRAFT APPENDIX C Historical Analytical Data DRAFT APPENDIX D NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey/Checklist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Site: Address: City: County: Brownfields Project Number: Date Property and Building Characteristics a. Provide occupancy and use information. c. Describe the foundation construction. Include details on type, floor construction, and depth below grade. e. Are any subslab ventilation systems or moisture barriers in place? If so, please provide details. If an existing building is on-site, please respond to the following. Information can be provided on additional sheets as needed. If numerous buildings are on-site, consult with your PM as only information on specific buildings may be needed. b. Describe the construction of the builidng including materials (e.g. wood frame, block), type and size of openings (e.g. windows, bay doors), and height (number of stories). % of property that is covered by buildings BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY RECEPTOR SURVEY This form was created to clarify and simplify preparing a receptor survey for a brownfield site. Please provide the information requested below. Distances are measured from the site property boundary unless otherwise indicated by the DEQ Brownfield’s Project Manager (PM). Current Usage Proposed UsageSurface Conditions % of property that is grassed areas % of property that is agricultural crops % of property that is paved NASize of Property (acres) % of property that is wooded/brush d. Describe the HVAC system in the building. Include available details on type, equipment location, source of air return, and design considerations (e.g. positive pressure?). Rev. 09/2015 Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Surrounding Property Land Use North South East West Utilities Is there a septic system on-site? (Y or N) _________ Please provide the utility providers for the subject property a. Natural Gas ___________________________ b. Sewer ___________________________ c. Electricity ___________________________ d. Other __________________________ For surrounding properties, please complete the following table with available information. Is there a basement within 1,000 ft of the Property Is there a residence within 1,000 ft of the Property? Utility/Potential Receptor Is a buried electrical cable main within 100 ft of Property boundary? Is a storm water pipe within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a sanitary sewer within 100 ft of the Property boundary? * If yes, please provide a map or detailed information (distance, direction, depth) of the utility in correlation with the subject property. Is a water line main within 100 ft of Property boundary? Is a natural gas line main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a buried telephone/ cable main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a septic system leach field within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Direction For the subject property, please provide a map of known buried utilites. If available, include depth to top, construction material, and diameter of the utilities. In addition, please provide the following information on utilty providers. If additional assessment is required, the public utility locators should be contacted. This information can then be added to a site map. Y/N * Is a school or daycare center within 1,000 ft of the ? Specific Land Uses of Interest Y/N * * If numerous facilities of interest are present, their locations can be placed on a map in lieu of providing specific addresses. Distance (ft) DirectionDistance (ft)Address Please provide information on the following land uses in the vicinity of the subject site, including a map of the surrounding areas. If specific receptors are present, please provide addresses of the facilities. Zoning/Land Use Proposed Usage Current Use/Occupant Rev. 09/2015 Page 2 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Water Supply What is the potable water supply for the property? Public ______ Private ______ Surface Water & Wetlands b. List the uses of the water body. c. What is the source of the water for the water body? d. What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or concrete bottom, drainage ways or impoundments) If no on-site surface water features, what is the nearest surface water body? Are there any wetlands present on the property? If no wetlands on-site, are wetlands suspected on adjoining properties? Is a public water supply well within 1 mile of the Property boundary? Is a private water supply well within 1,500 ft of the Property bdIs an irrigation well within 1,500 ft of the Property boundary? Response/Comments The purpose of this section is to provide information on the presence of surface waters and/or wetlands on, or in the vicinity of the Property. If Private, please provide details of the water supply source (i.e. well location, well construction, etc). If public, please include the water providers name. The purpose of this section is to provide information on the water supply for the site and surrounding areas. a. Is the water body naturally developed or man-made? Y/NWater Supply Wells Please provide the following information regarding water supply wells in the vicinity of the Property. At a minimum, a windshield survey within 1,500 ft of the property boundaries should be completed to determine if water supply or irrigation wells may be present. Information from applicable databases can and should be utilized; however, should not be utilized in lieu of the windshield survey. If multiple wells are present within the requested radius, please provide a map of the well locations. If needed, please attach a separate table to list all wells. Please note, the PM may opt for a more extensive water supply well survey if needed. Are there surface water features on the property? (If yes, please complete a. to d.) Provide Information regarding Surface Water and Wetlands Distance (ft)Direction Address Rev. 09/2015 Page 3 of 3 DRAFT APPENDIX E EPA Method TO-15 Analyte List Analyte Cas No.RDL units MDL Units RDL RDL Units MDL MDL Units 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 71-55-6 0.2 ppbv 0.074 ppbv 1.09 ug/m3 0.362 ug/m3 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 79-34-5 0.2 ppbv 0.074 ppbv 1.37 ug/m3 0.396 ug/m3 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE 79-00-5 0.2 ppbv 0.078 ppbv 1.09 ug/m3 0.156 ug/m3 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE 76-13-1 0.2 ppbv 0.079 ppbv 1.53 ug/m3 0.527 ug/m3 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 75-34-3 0.2 ppbv 0.072 ppbv 0.802 ug/m3 0.206 ug/m3 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE 75-35-4 0.2 ppbv 0.076 ppbv 0.793 ug/m3 0.194 ug/m3 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 120-82-1 0.63 ppbv 0.148 ppbv 4.66 ug/m3 1.1 ug/m3 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 95-63-6 0.2 ppbv 0.076 ppbv 0.982 ug/m3 0.237 ug/m3 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE 106-93-4 0.2 ppbv 0.072 ppbv 1.54 ug/m3 0.142 ug/m3 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 95-50-1 0.2 ppbv 0.128 ppbv 1.2 ug/m3 0.363 ug/m3 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 107-06-2 0.2 ppbv 0.07 ppbv 0.81 ug/m3 0.249 ug/m3 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 78-87-5 0.2 ppbv 0.076 ppbv 0.924 ug/m3 0.277 ug/m3 1,2-DICHLOROTETRAFLUOROETHANE 76-14-2 0.2 ppbv 0.089 ppbv 1.4 ug/m3 0.32 ug/m3 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 108-67-8 0.2 ppbv 0.078 ppbv 0.982 ug/m3 0.31 ug/m3 1,3-BUTADIENE 106-99-0 2 ppbv 0.104 ppbv 4.43 ug/m3 0.125 ug/m3 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 541-73-1 0.2 ppbv 0.182 ppbv 1.2 ug/m3 0.359 ug/m3 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 106-46-7 0.2 ppbv 0.056 ppbv 1.2 ug/m3 0.335 ug/m3 1,4-DIOXANE 123-91-1 0.2 ppbv 0.083 ppbv 0.721 ug/m3 0.2 ug/m3 2,2,4-TRIMETHYLPENTANE 540-84-1 0.2 ppbv 0.133 ppbv 0.934 ug/m3 0.213 ug/m3 2-BUTANONE (MEK)78-93-3 1.25 ppbv 0.081 ppbv 3.69 ug/m3 0.145 ug/m3 2-CHLOROTOLUENE 95-49-8 0.2 ppbv 0.083 ppbv 1.03 ug/m3 0.312 ug/m3 2-PROPANOL 67-63-0 1.25 ppbv 0.264 ppbv 3.07 ug/m3 0.217 ug/m3 4-ETHYLTOLUENE 622-96-8 0.2 ppbv 0.078 ppbv 0.982 ug/m3 0.327 ug/m3 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK)108-10-1 1.25 ppbv 0.077 ppbv 5.12 ug/m3 0.266 ug/m3 ACETONE 67-64-1 1.25 ppbv 0.584 ppbv 2.97 ug/m3 0.135 ug/m3 ALLYL CHLORIDE 107-05-1 0.2 ppbv 0.114 ppbv 0.626 ug/m3 0.171 ug/m3 BENZENE 71-43-2 0.2 ppbv 0.072 ppbv 0.639 ug/m3 0.147 ug/m3 BENZYL CHLORIDE 100-44-7 0.2 ppbv 0.06 ppbv 1.04 ug/m3 0.311 ug/m3 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 75-27-4 0.2 ppbv 0.07 ppbv 1.34 ug/m3 0.292 ug/m3 BROMOFORM 75-25-2 0.6 ppbv 0.073 ppbv 6.21 ug/m3 0.813 ug/m3 BROMOMETHANE 74-83-9 0.2 ppbv 0.098 ppbv 0.776 ug/m3 0.236 ug/m3 CARBON DISULFIDE 75-15-0 0.2 ppbv 0.102 ppbv 0.622 ug/m3 0.169 ug/m3 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 56-23-5 0.2 ppbv 0.073 ppbv 1.26 ug/m3 0.368 ug/m3 CHLOROBENZENE 108-90-7 0.2 ppbv 0.083 ppbv 0.924 ug/m3 0.278 ug/m3 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE 124-48-1 0.2 ppbv 0.073 ppbv 1.7 ug/m3 0.42 ug/m3 CHLOROETHANE 75-00-3 0.2 ppbv 0.1 ppbv 0.528 ug/m3 0.129 ug/m3 CHLOROFORM 67-66-3 0.2 ppbv 0.072 ppbv 0.973 ug/m3 0.279 ug/m3 CHLOROMETHANE 74-87-3 0.2 ppbv 0.103 ppbv 0.413 ug/m3 0.112 ug/m3 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 156-59-2 0.2 ppbv 0.078 ppbv 0.793 ug/m3 0.154 ug/m3 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 10061-01-5 0.2 ppbv 0.069 ppbv 0.908 ug/m3 0.267 ug/m3 CYCLOHEXANE 110-82-7 0.2 ppbv 0.075 ppbv 0.689 ug/m3 0.184 ug/m3 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 75-71-8 0.2 ppbv 0.137 ppbv 0.989 ug/m3 0.297 ug/m3 ETHANOL 64-17-5 1.25 ppbv 0.265 ppbv 1.19 ug/m3 0.157 ug/m3 ETHYLBENZENE 100-41-4 0.2 ppbv 0.084 ppbv 0.867 ug/m3 0.219 ug/m3 HEPTANE 142-82-5 0.2 ppbv 0.104 ppbv 0.818 ug/m3 0.256 ug/m3 HEXACHLORO-1,3-BUTADIENE 87-68-3 0.63 ppbv 0.105 ppbv 6.73 ug/m3 0.7 ug/m3 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 98-82-8 0.2 ppbv 0.078 ppbv 0.983 ug/m3 0.277 ug/m3 M&P-XYLENE 1330-20-7 0.4 ppbv 0.135 ppbv 1.73 ug/m3 0.41 ug/m3 METHYL BUTYL KETONE 591-78-6 1.25 ppbv 0.133 ppbv 5.11 ug/m3 0.279 ug/m3 METHYL METHACRYLATE 80-62-6 0.2 ppbv 0.088 ppbv 0.819 ug/m3 0.317 ug/m3 METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER 1634-04-4 0.2 ppbv 0.065 ppbv 0.721 ug/m3 0.182 ug/m3 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 75-09-2 0.2 ppbv 0.098 ppbv 0.694 ug/m3 0.161 ug/m3 N-HEXANE 110-54-3 0.63 ppbv 0.206 ppbv 0.705 ug/m3 0.161 ug/m3 NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 0.63 ppbv 0.35 ppbv 3.3 ug/m3 0.806 ug/m3 O-XYLENE 95-47-6 0.2 ppbv 0.083 ppbv 0.867 ug/m3 0.274 ug/m3 PROPENE 115-07-1 1.25 ppbv 0.093 ppbv 2.15 ug/m3 0.16 ug/m3 STYRENE 100-42-5 0.2 ppbv 0.079 ppbv 0.851 ug/m3 0.198 ug/m3 Description TO-15 Volatile Organics in Air Matrix Air Dep.Volatile Organics Analyte Cas No.RDL units MDL Units RDL RDL Units MDL MDL Units Description TO-15 Volatile Organics in Air Matrix Air Dep.Volatile Organics TETRACHLOROETHENE 127-18-4 0.2 ppbv 0.081 ppbv 1.36 ug/m3 0.337 ug/m3 TETRAHYDROFURAN 109-99-9 0.2 ppbv 0.073 ppbv 0.59 ug/m3 0.15 ug/m3 TOLUENE 108-88-3 0.5 ppbv 0.087 ppbv 0.753 ug/m3 0.188 ug/m3 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 156-60-5 0.2 ppbv 0.067 ppbv 0.793 ug/m3 0.184 ug/m3 TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 10061-02-6 0.2 ppbv 0.073 ppbv 0.908 ug/m3 0.197 ug/m3 TRICHLOROETHENE 79-01-6 0.2 ppbv 0.068 ppbv 1.07 ug/m3 0.292 ug/m3 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 75-69-4 0.2 ppbv 0.082 ppbv 1.12 ug/m3 0.378 ug/m3 VINYL ACETATE 108-05-4 0.2 ppbv 0.116 ppbv 0.704 ug/m3 0.225 ug/m3 VINYL BROMIDE 593-60-2 0.2 ppbv 0.085 ppbv 0.875 ug/m3 0.318 ug/m3 VINYL CHLORIDE 75-01-4 0.2 ppbv 0.095 ppbv 0.511 ug/m3 0.117 ug/m3