HomeMy WebLinkAbout3426_INSP_20230320NORTH CARnLINAD_E Q�� oenammem m c.w.mmenai a.i� FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section UNIT TYPE: Lined LCID X YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Forsyth MSWLF PERMIT NO.: 3426-LCID-2020 Closed F1HW white Incin T&F FIRM MSWLF goods FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE CDLF TireT&F/ Tire Industrial DEMO SDTF Collection Monofill Landfill Date of Site Inspection: March 20, 2023 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Union Cross Land Development LCID Landfill 7301 Watkins Ford Road Kernersville, NC 27284 GPS COORDINATES (decimal degrees): Lat.: 36.043868' FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Name: Tanner Boyles, Operator Telephone: 336-669-7808 (mobile) Email address: tannerboylesl@yahoo.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: Union Cross Land Development LCID Landfill Tanner Boyes 7301 Watkins Ford Road Kernersville, NC 27284 Date of Last Inspection: March 18, 2022 PARTICIPANTS: Tanner Boyles, Operator — Union Cross Development LCID Robert Pike, Environmental Senior Specialist — Solid Waste Section Long.:-80.099191 ° STATUS OF PERMIT: Permit to Operate: Issued December 21, 2020; Expires December 21, 2025 PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: N/A OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: None. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. Page 1 of 3 NORTH CARnLINAD_E Q�� o.n.mm.m m c.w.mmen.i a.i� ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 1. The facility is permitted as an LCID landfill, a small Type 1 compost facility, and a treatment and processing facility for wood waste and used concrete. It is permitted to accept only land clearing debris, untreated wood, yard trash, and inert debris that is strictly limited to untreated/unpainted concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, rock, and gravel. 2. Mr. Boyles stated that the concrete treatment and processing area was still inactive at the time of the inspection. 3. The site is secured by means of fencing and berms with access secured by locking gate at the entrance. 4. Proper signage was observed at the facility entrance. 5. Facility roadways are of all weather construction and were in good condition. 6. The facility appeared to be clean and well maintained with no windblown litter observed at the time of the inspection. 7. Landfill operations are conducted from an office located at the end of the entrance drive. Incoming waste is tracked by volume as it arrives. Records are maintained in the office and are available for review upon request. Volume records for the period of December 9, 2021 through February 2023 were reviewed and found to be detailed and complete. 8. The facility maintains a cover log that lists the dates of each application of cover soil, slope repair, and seeding that takes place at the landfill. Information is first recorded on the office calendar then transferred to the logbook as a permanent record. Cover log records were reviewed and found to be complete and up to date. 9. Preliminary waste screening is conducted at the office by facility staff at the front office with a more thorough waste screening conducted by facility staff at the tipping floor. Any unacceptable material is containerized in a dumpster located near the facility entrance. 10. The landfill is currently operating in Phase 3 where the working face was small and well managed. The tipping area appeared to be of adequate size to allow facility staff and customers to maneuver safely. 11. The landfill side slopes of Phase 1 were covered with established vegetation and had no signs of erosion or damage. Phase 2 had large sections with established vegetative cover with some areas still bare. 12. Edge of waste markers were observed around the landfill perimeter. 13. An emergency tipping area, designed during a year with several periods of heavy rain events, has been constructed at the northeast corner of the active landfill for use. 14. Erosion control measures were observed during the inspection and appeared to be functioning as designed. 15. The wood waste and compost operations area is located south of Phase I landfill area. Windrows of mulch were observed on -site and appeared to be well managed and with adequate space between windrows to allow vehicles access to turn and for emergency fire control. Mr. Boyles stated that the windrows were turned frequently to prevent composting from occurring and to lower the fire potential. 16. The wood waste stockpile was inspected, and no unacceptable material was observed. 17. The compost operations area was observed to be well maintained with windrows spaced to give adequate access for vehicles. Mr. Boyles stated that the leaves used for compost are collected by the Town of Kernersville staff and brought on site. He stated that the leaf deliveries are tracked and are stopped before reaching the 6,000 cubic yards of compost set by the permit. Page 2 of 3 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT D_E Q�� Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA OepaNnent W Environnrenbl puelily Solid Waste Section Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. I, Digitally signed by James R. Pike James R. P I ke Date: 2023.04.03 15:50:58 -04'00' Robert Pike Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative Phone: 336-776-9672 Sent on: April 3, 2023 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. l_j Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Page 3 of 3