HomeMy WebLinkAbout5001_Jackson_WCU_MSWLF_Feb2023GW_LFG_FID1783451_20230330FEBRUARY 2023 WATER QUALITY AND LANDFILL GAS MONITORING REPORT Western Carolina University Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Monteith Gap Road Cullowhee, Jackson County, North Carolina 28723 NCDEQ Permit: 50-01 Prepared For: Western Carolina University 3476 Old Cullowhee Road Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 Prepared by: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. 1308-C Patton Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28806 March 29, 2023 WSP Project 6252-15-0221 March 29, 2023 Mr. Andy Pedonti Western Carolina University 3476 Old Cullowhee Road Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 Subject: February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cullowhee, Jackson County, North Carolina NCDEQ Permit: 50-01 WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Dear Mr. Pedonti: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) is pleased to submit this February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report for Western Carolina University's (WCU's) closed municipal solid waste landfill located in Cullowhee, North Carolina. The scope of work for this monitoring event was described in WSP's (formerly Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.) Proposal for Environmental Services, dated May 9, 2022. WSP appreciates the opportunity to provide our environmental services to WCU. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us at (828) 252-8130. Sincerely, WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. Rodney M. Clark, L.G. Project Geologist RMC/MEW:rmc 9*6 t wNAQ-, Matthew E. Wallace, P.E. Principal Engineer cc: Ms. Jaclynne Drummond — NCDEQ Solid Waste Section, Asheville Regional Office Mr. Lee Hill — NCDEQ Solid Waste Section, Asheville Regional Office WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. 1308-C Patton Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28806 T:828-252-8130 North Carolina Corporate Engineering License No. F-1253, Geology No. C-247 February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report March 29, 2023 WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site -Specific Information..............................................................................................................1 1.2 Background Information..............................................................................................................1 2 FIELD ACTIVITIES.............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring................................................................................................................2 2.2 Water Quality Monitoring............................................................................................................ 2 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Landfill Gas...................................................................................................................................3 3.2 Groundwater and Surface Water................................................................................................. 3 3.2.1 Appendix I VOCs...........................................................................................................................3 3.2.2 1,4-Dioxane.................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2.3 Appendix I Metals........................................................................................................................4 LIST OF TABLES 1. Landfill Gas Well Construction Details 2. Well Construction and Water Level Data — February 2023 3. Groundwater Quality Data — February 2023 4. Groundwater Analytical Results — February 2023 5. Surface Water Analytical Results — February 2023 6. Historical Groundwater Analytical Results 7. Historical Surface Water Analytical Results LIST OF FIGURES 1. Topographic Site Map 2. Landfill Gas, Monitoring Well, and Surface Water Sampling Locations 3. Potentiometric Surface Map (February 6, 2023) APPENDICES A. Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form B. Water Quality Sampling Logs C. NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form D. Laboratory Analytical Report February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report March 29, 2023 WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 1 INTRODUCTION This report documents field activities and results from the February 2023 water quality and landfill gas monitoring event at Western Carolina University's (WCU's) closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) located in Cullowhee, North Carolina (Site) as shown on Figure 1. 1.1 Site -Specific Information Site Name: WCU Closed MSWLF Facility Permit Number: 50-01 Facility Latitude/Longitude: N 350 19' 30" / W 830 10' 55" Site Location Map: Figure 1 Facility Address: Monteith Gap Road Cullowhee, North Carolina Jackson County Facility Owner: Western Carolina University Attn. Mr. Andy Pedonti 3476 Old Cullowhee Road Cullowhee, North Carolina, 28723 (828) 227-3571 Primary Consultant: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. 1308-C Patton Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28806 (828) 252-8130 1.2 Background Information WCU operated the MSWLF from approximately the 1960s until 1993. Jackson County also disposed of municipal solid waste at the landfill from approximately the early 1970s through the early 1980s. The landfill property is approximately 31.5 acres, approximately four acres of which contain the former landfill. The landfill was closed in accordance with the then applicable North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) closure standards (15A NCAC 13B 0.0510), and a closure letter was issued to WCU by NCDEQ on September 5, 1995. NCDEQ personnel conducted a facility audit on March 16, 2011 and determined that semi-annual water quality and landfill gas monitoring at the landfill must be performed in order for the landfill to be in compliance with the post -closure conditions identified in the 1995 closure letter. In response to the audit, a Landfill Gas Investigation Work Plan, which described the preliminary landfill gas investigation, as well as the 'full' landfill gas investigation, was submitted to NCDEQ on October 19, 2011, and approved by NCDEQ in a letter dated November 29, 2011. WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) conducted the preliminary landfill gas investigation in January 2012 using the existing groundwater monitoring wells. NCDEQ indicated that when funding became available to WCU from the State of North Carolina, the 'full' landfill gas investigation was to be implemented. WSP has conducted semi-annual water February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report March 29, 2023 WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 quality monitoring since August 2011 and conducted semi-annual landfill gas monitoring utilizing the existing groundwater monitoring wells from August 2012 to November 2015 to comply with the post - closure conditions. The 'full' landfill gas investigation, including the installation of eight permanent landfill gas monitoring wells, was performed in February 2016. Quarterly landfill gas monitoring is now conducted. 2 FIELD ACTIVITIES WSP personnel visited the Site on February 6, 2023, to conduct water quality monitoring and on February 7, 2023 to conduct landfill gas monitoring. 2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring WSP personnel measured landfill gas at the eight landfill gas monitoring wells (LG-1, LG-2, LG-3S, LG-3D, LG- 4, LG-5, LG-6 and LG-7) at the Site (Figure 2). The landfill gas monitoring wells are screened in the unsaturated zone and located between the landfill and the Site's property boundary (Table 1). The landfill gas monitoring wells are fitted with a slip cap and ball valve to allow for measurement of potential landfill gas. A calibrated gas monitoring instrument, a Landtec GEM 5000, was used to measure atmospheric barometric pressure, as well as the following landfill gas parameters: Methane (percent by volume) Oxygen (percent by volume) Carbon dioxide (percent by volume) The initial and stabilized readings for the above parameters were measured and recorded. The Solid Waste Section's Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form was used to record measurements and other relevant information and is provided in Appendix A. 2.2 Water Quality Monitoring WSP personnel gauged static groundwater levels in the four Site monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4). Water levels were referenced to the top -of -casing at the wells. Depth to water measurements and water table elevations for the monitoring wells are presented in Table 2. The monitoring wells were purged and sampled using low -flow purging techniques with a variable -speed submersible or a peristaltic pump with new polyethylene tubing. The tubing intake was lowered to within five feet of the bottom of the monitoring wells. The pumping rate was minimized to prevent excessive drawdown in the well and simulate the groundwater recharge rate, which was monitored using an electronic water level indicator. Water quality parameters (temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, and turbidity) were measured using a water quality meter equipped with a flow -through cell (Table 3). Groundwater samples were collected from the monitoring wells after the water quality parameters stabilized. The purge water was discharged to the ground surface in proximity to each well in a manner that precluded erosion or surface runoff. Copies of the groundwater quality field data records are provided in Appendix B. The submersible pump was decontaminated by washing the pump and electrical cable in an industrial detergent and distilled water solution. The pump was then rinsed with distilled water. An equipment blank sample, EB-1, was collected from the pump discharge by operating the pump in deionized water and pumping the water into sample containers. 2 February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report March 29, 2023 WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Surface water samples (SW-1 and SW-2) were collected at the approximate location depicted in Figure 2. A copy of surface water sampling field data records for SW-1 and SW-2 are provided in Appendix B The water samples were placed in laboratory -supplied containers, labeled with sampling information, packed in an ice -chilled cooler, and shipped with appropriate chain -of -custody records via overnight delivery to Waypoint Analytical (a North Carolina -accredited analytical laboratory). The samples were submitted for analysis of Appendix I volatile organic compounds (VOCs) according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260, 1,4-dioxane via EPA Method 8260 SIM (selective ion monitoring), and Appendix I metals according to EPA Method 6020 (3030C preparation method). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the water quality and landfill gas monitoring event are reported in the NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Report Form that is provided in Appendix C and summarized in the following sections. 3.1 Landfill Gas The Site landfill gas monitoring wells were tested for methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Refer to the attached Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form for the testing results. Concentrations of methane were not detected in the landfill gas monitoring wells. The regulatory limit for methane at a MSWLF property boundary is equal to the lower explosive limit of methane (15A NCAC 13B.1627 (d)). The recorded results from the eight landfill gas wells (non -detect) do not exceed this limit indicating that regulatory limits are not being exceeded at the Site's property boundary. 3.2 Groundwater and Surface Water The groundwater elevations obtained from the monitoring wells on February 6, 2023, indicate that surficial groundwater flow is in a northwesterly direction towards the Tuckasegee River, which is consistent with the flow direction observed during previous monitoring events. A potentiometric surface map (Figure 3) was prepared using the February 6, 2023, site -wide groundwater elevation data. Monitoring well MW-1 is the upgradient/background monitoring well. The groundwater analytical results were compared to the North Carolina Groundwater Classification and Standards (15A NCAC 2L .0202, amended effective April 1, 2022), which includes applicable interim standards updated April 6, 2018, herein referred to as the "2L Groundwater Standards", and the EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) established in the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, dated May 2009. The surface water analytical results were compared to the North Carolina Surface Water Quality Standards, Criteria and In - Stream Target Values (15A NCAC 213, summary tables, dated July 26, 2021), which include EPA's Nationally Recognized Water Quality Criteria for Aquatic Life and Human Health, herein referred to collectively as the "Surface Water Standards." Analytical results from the February 2023 water quality monitoring event are presented in Tables 4 and 5, and historical analytical results are presented in Tables 6 and 7. The laboratory analytical report is included in Appendix D. 3.2.1 Appendix I VOCs Seven Appendix I VOCs were detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDLs in the groundwater samples. Six Appendix I VOCs were detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDLs in the February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report March 29, 2023 WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-3, as well as the field duplicate groundwater sample, FD-1, which was collected from monitoring well MW-3. An estimated concentration of toluene was detected in the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-4. The detected or estimated VOC concentrations were below their respective 2L Groundwater Standards and EPA MCLs (if established). Appendix 1 VOCs were not detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDLs in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2. Two Appendix I VOCs were detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDLs in the surface water sample collected from SW-2. The VOC concentrations were below their respective Surface Water Standards, if established. Appendix I VOCs were not detected above the MDLs in the surface water sample collected from SW-1. 3.2.2 1,4-Dioxane An estimated concentration of 1,4-Dioxane was detected above the MDL in the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-3. The estimated concentration was below its respective 2L Groundwater Standard and an EPA MCL for 1,4-dioxane has not been established. An estimated concentration of 1,4-Dioxane was detected above the MDL in the surface water sample collected from SW- 2. The estimated concentration of 1,4-Dioxane was below its respective Surface Water Standard. 3.2.3 Appendix I Metals Six Appendix I metals were detected and/or estimated above the MDLs in the groundwater samples. One of the six Appendix I metals (cobalt) was detected at concentrations from samples collected from MW-3 and the associated field duplicate (FD-1) above the 2L Groundwater Standard. The remaining five Appendix I metals were detected at concentrations and/or estimated concentrations below their respective EPA MCLs, if established. Information on each of the metals is presented below. Barium was detected at concentrations above the MDL, but below the 2L Groundwater Standard and EPA MCL in the groundwater samples collected from each monitoring well and the field duplicate sample. An estimated concentration of barium was detected above the MDL in the equipment blank. Chromium was detected at concentrations above the MDL, but below the 2L Groundwater Standard and EPA MCL in groundwater samples collected from MW-1 and MW-3 (including duplicate FD-1). Chromium was not detected above the MDL in the remaining groundwater samples or the equipment blank. Cobalt was detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDL in the groundwater samples collected from MW-1, MW-3 (including duplicate FD-1), and MW-4. The concentrations of cobalt detected from MW- 3 and FD-1 exceeded the 2L Groundwater Standard of 1.0 µg/L. An EPA MCL is not currently established for cobalt. Cobalt was not detected above the MDL in the groundwater sample from MW-2 or the equipment blank. Copper was estimated at a concentration above the MDL, but below its 2L Groundwater Standard and EPA MCL in the groundwater sample collected from the site's background/upgradient monitoring well MW-1. Copper was not detected above the MDL in the other groundwater samples or the equipment blank. Nickel was detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDL, but below its respective 2L Groundwater Standard, in the groundwater samples collected from MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 (including duplicate FD-1). An EPA MCL is not currently established for nickel. Nickel was not detected above the MDL in MW-4 or the equipment blank. 4 February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 March 29, 2023 Zinc was detected at estimated concentrations above the MDL, but below the 2L Groundwater Standard in the groundwater sample collected from MW-3 (including duplicate FD-1). Zinc was detected at an estimated concentration above the MDL in the equipment blank and laboratory blank. Concentrations of five Appendix I metals were detected or estimated above the MDL in the groundwater sample collected from the Site's background/upgradient monitoring well MW-1. Concentrations of Appendix I metals in groundwater samples have generally been lower than historical concentrations with less exceedances above applicable Standards since low -flow purging/sampling has been implemented. Low -flow purging/sampling techniques will continue to be used for the next semi- annual water quality monitoring event. Six Appendix I metals were detected or estimated at concentrations above the MDLs in the surface water samples collected from SW-1 and SW-2. The metal concentrations were below their respective Surface Water Standards, if established. Zinc was also detected above the MDL in the laboratory blank. February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 TABLES March 29, 2023 TABLE 1 Landfill Gas Well Construction Details Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Landfill Gas Well Installation Date Drilling Method Well Material Well Depth (bgs) Screened Interval (bgs) Ground Surface Elevation Top of Casing Elevation Latitude Longitude LG-1 LG-2 2/17/2016 2/17/2016 HSA PVC PVC 18.0 5.0 - 17.8 5.0 - 19.7 2,243.52 2,207.23 2,246.35 2,209.97 35.3241 35.3249 -83.1822 -83.1825 HSA 20.0 LG-3S 2/16/2016 HSA PVC 30.0 4.8 - 29.8 2,180.25 2,183.19 35.3261 -83.1831 LG-3D 2/16/2016 HSA PVC 66.2 36.0 - 66.0 2,180.25 2,183.14 35.3261 -83.1831 LG-4 2/18/2016 HSA PVC 7.9 4.9 - 7.7 2,125.80 2,128.58 35.3266 -83.1823 LG-5 2/18/2016 HSA PVC 30.4 5.3 - 30.1 2,166.48 2,169.12 35.3266 -83.1813 LG-6 2/18/2016 HSA PVC 10.7 5.6 - 10.4 2,208.23 2,210.92 35.3253 -83.1810 LG-7 2/17/2016 HSA PVC 35.3 5.2 - 35.0 2,266.43 2,269.08 35.3244-83.1811 Notes: 1. Depths are in feet relative to ground surface (bgs). 2. Elevations are in feet relative to mean sea level. 3. HSA - hollow -stem auger; PVC - Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride. Prepared By: RMC 2/8/23 Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 TABLE 2 Well Construction Details and Water Level Data - February 2023 Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Monitoring Well Installation Date* Latitude Longitude Ground Surface Elevation (feet MSL) Top of Casing Elevation (feet MSL) Well Depth (feet BTOC) Depth to Water (feet BTOC) Groundwater Elevation (feet MSL) MW-1 1990 35.3240 -83.1811 2,302.50 2,306.01 93.28 73.05 2,232.96 MW-2 1990 35.3249 -83.1825 2,206.88 2,209.37 50.78 31.15 2,178.22 MW-3* 1990 35.3259 -83.1826 2,182.88 2,185.65 **62.92 56.40 2,129.25 MW-4 1990 35.3264 -83.1818 2,129.14 2,131.66 21.35 7.53 2,124.13 Notes: 1. Water levels were obtained on February 6, 2023. 2. * Actual date of well installation is not known, but monitoring wells were first sampled in March 1990 during closure activities (Law Engineering report dated January 16, 1991); screened interval depths are not known. 3. MSL - mean sea level; BTOC - below top of casing. 4. ** Well depth indicated in 2004 monitoring report (RETAW Corporation) indicates well depth is 71.7 feet. Prepared By: RMC 2/8/23 Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 TABLE 3 Water Quality Data - February 2023 Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Monitoring Well Temperature (°C) pH Conductivity (mS/cm) Oxidation Reduction Potential (mv) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) MW-1 14.17 7.53 0.025 275 7.53 9.7 MW-2 13.99 5.35 0.126 262 4.63 0.3 M W-3 16.82 5.56 0.433 28 0.47 3.3 MW-4 16.53 5.88 0.168 175 6.79 0.6 SW-1 14.79 6.26 0.599 43 9.05 14.8 SW-2 15.92 6.04 0.311 -11 6.76 1.9 Notes: 1. Water quality data reported above collected prior to sample collection. 2. Water quality parameters were measured on February 6, 2023. 3. °C - degrees Celcius; mS/cm - milliSiemens per centimeter; my - millivolts; NTU - nephelometric turbidity units; mg/L - milligrams per liter. Prepared By: RMC 2/8/23 Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 TABLE 4 Groundwater Analytical Results - February 2023 Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 2L Groundwater EPA Standard MCL MW-1 MW-2 FD-1 MW-3 (MW-3) MW-4 Appendix I VOCs and 1,4-Dioxane Acetone 6,000 NE <1.80 <1.80 2.50 J 3.13 J <1.80 Benzene 1 5 <0.180 <0.180 0.891 0.967 <0.180 Chlorobenzene 50 100 <0.190 <0.190 22.4 22.7 <0.190 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20 600 <0.220 <0.220 0.449 J 0.499 J <0.220 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6 75 <0.210 <0.210 4.20 4.02 <0.210 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 70 70 <0.200 <0.200 2.35 2.43 <0.200 Toluene 600 1,000 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.235 J 1,4-Dioxane 3 NE <0.139 <0.139 <0.139 1.66 J <0.139 Appendix I Metals Barium 700 2,000 40.6 86.7 119 126 50.8 Chromium 10 100 4.59 <1.03 3.74 3.82 <1.02 Cobalt 1 NE 0.529 J <0.082 15.9 16.4 0.081 J Copper 1,000 1,300 1.62 J <0.917 <0.917 <0.917 <0.917 Nickel 100 NE 3.00 1.27 J 5.02 5.39 <0.734 Zinc 1,000 NE <4.02 <4.02 5.36 JB 5.08 JB <3.98 Notes: 1. Constituents detected above the method detection limit (MDL) are shown; refer to laboratory analytical report for list of constituents. 2. Appendix I VOCs (volatile organic compounds) analyzed according to EPA Method 8260B and 1,4-dioxane analyzed via EPA Method 8260B SIM. 3. Appendix I metals analyzed according to EPA Method 6020B using EPA Method 3030C preparation method. 4. Concentrations are in micrograms per liter (pg/L). 5. 2L Groundwater Standard - from 15A NCAC 2L, effective April 1, 2022, including Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations. 6. EPA MCL - Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level. 7. NE - associated standard has not been established. 8. '<' - Constituent not detected above the indicated MDL. 9. J - Concentration is estimated. 10. B - Compound detected in laboratory blank 11. Bold concentrations indicate detected concentration exceeds the 2L Groundwater Standard. Prepared by: RMC 3/1/23 Checked by: GLH 3/8/23 TABLE 5 Surface Water Analytical Results - February 2023 Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 NC Surface Water Standard (Freshwater Aquatic Life) NC Surface Water Standard (Human Health) EPA NRWQC (Human Health) In -Stream Target Values (Freshwater Aquatic Life) In -Stream Target Values (Human Health) SW-1 SW-2 Appendix I VOCs and 1,4-Dioxane Chlorobenzene NE NE 800 140 NE <0.190 1.35 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NE NE 900 100 NE <0.210 0.320 J 1,4-Dioxane NE NE NE NE 80 <0.139 1.32 J Appendix I Metals Barium NE NE NE 21,000 200,000 (t) 260 144 Cobalt NE NE NE 16 (acute) 4 1.11 3.67 Copper 3.6 (acute)" NE NE NE NE 3.53 <0.912 Lead 14 (acute)" NE NE NE NE 0.833 J <0.515 Nickel 144.92 (acute)* NE 4,600 NE NE 3.54 0.928 J Zinc 1 36.20 acute NE NE NE NE 8.08 JB <4.00 Notes: 1. Constituents detected above the method detection limit (MDL) are shown; refer to laboratory analytical report for list of constituents. 2. Appendix I VOCs (volatile organic compounds) analyzed via EPA Method 8260D and 1,4-dioxane analyzed via EPA Method 8260D SIM . 3. Appendix I Metals analyzed according to EPA Method 6020B using EPA Method 3030C preparation. 4. Concentrations are in micrograms per liter (Ng/L). 5. NC Surface Water Standard - From 15A NCAC 213 (tables dated July 26, 2021). 6. EPA NRWQC - Environmental Protection Agency's Nationally Recognized Water Quality Criteria for Aquatic Life and Human Health. 7. NE - associated standard has not been established. 8. '<' - Constituent not detected above the indicated method detection limit. 9. J - concentration is estimatedB - constituent detected in method blank sample 10. B - Compound detect in the laboratory blank. 11. Bold concentration indicates exceedance of NC In -Stream Target Value. 12. t - Based upon measurement of total recoverable metal. 13.. A hardness of 25 milligrams per liter was assumed to calculate the standard. Prepared By: RMC 3/2/23 Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 TABLE 6 Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Appendix I VOCs Appendix I Metals m _ m m r 0 d = = o o a N = O 0 :E V a) d o E E E O 41 y O d 0 t 0 t U 0, N N � N = t 0 X � = O E � � O E = d E 7 r N 0 c o o N % C E m E 0 so a Y E Monitoring Sample t s N le v� R o = 4 c L a a�i s o o 2 c=v = Location Date Q m c) U H > Q a m m c) C> C> C> � z cn U) I-- > N MW-1 8/3/11 - 0.35 JB 390 63 B 28 180 7.8 38 0.88 J 0.98 J 160 2/2/12 - 0.42 JB 62 1.7 3.5 J 0.79 JB 17 8/28/12 - 0.65 JB 0.32 J 270 0.35 J 0.59 J 8.2 JB 16 26 7.0 6.3 0.27 J 2.9 14 37 B 2/8/13 - 0.73 J 0.58 JB 530 0.84 J 0.59 J 17 B 42 64 19 17 0.34 J 0.48 J 0.64J 20 63 9/4/13 - 350 0.32 J 1.7 18 22 61 9.8 13 2.4 JB 0.15 J 26 80 2/19/14 - 0.20 J 39 0.054 J 0.16 J 0.26 J 1.1 J 0.20 J 0.47 J 0.074 J 6.0 J 9/9/14 - 3.7 0.38 J 45 0.096 J 0.16 J 1.4 2.8 J 0.53 J 0.67 JB 0.28 J 8.6 JA 6.1 JB 2/25/15 - 7.3 B /*0.27 J 0.64 J 110 0.14 J 1.1 2.1 J 0.63 J 0.91 J 0.83 J 26 6.8 J 11/6/15 - 0.082J 0.78J 40 0.14J 0.11 J 4.3B 0.53J 2.0J 0.52J 1.0J 0.042J 0.17J 3.9J 3/2/16 - 0.21 J 2.6 B 37 0.59 J 6.3 B 0.16 J 1.9 J 0.39 J 3.0 0.045 J 0.12 J 13 B/*4.8 J 9/21/16 - 0.14 J 36 0.062 J 0.052 J 1.6 0.42 J 4.7 J 0.24 J 3.8 0.027 J 0.073 J 7.4 J 2/7/17 - 0.74J 37 0.14J 0.18J 0.97J 0.43J 4.5J 0.50J 0.96J 0.14J 0.26J 1.3J 5.2J 8/23/17 - 41 0.57 J 0.47 BL, J 1.8 J 0.17 J 0.39 J 0.86 J 0.15 J 24 3/15/18 - 1.0 B /*ND 48 B/*63 0.81 J 0.58 J 3.4 J 0.37 J 0.56 J 0.076 J 0.054 J 20 B /*21 8/21/18 - 110 0.12 J 0.076 J 14 5.9 13 2.6 37 0.034 J 3.1 17 3/25/19 2.9 B /*<O.19 54 0.88 J 0.68 J 1.7 J 0.62 J 2.1 0.022 J 16 8/20/19 4.2 J 32 1.6 J 13 J 2/25/20 2.3 BJ 36 1.1 J 4.7 J 1.5 J 9/10/20 50 14 1.4 J 7.2 J 0.40 J 7.8 4.2 J 8.0 J 2/9/21 0.170 J 35.1 1.12 J 8/24/21 75.6 4.16 2.8 4.89 J 1.0 6.8 2.15 J 7.01 J 2/11/22 2.25 J 36.6 4.16 0.776 J 0.345 J 2.74 J 1.45 J 9/6/22 2.63 J 35.4 2.76 0.440 J 1.70 J 2.22 6.61 B 2/6/23 40.6 4.59 0.529 J 1.62 J 3.00 2L GW Standard 6,000 1 50 3000 20 6 70 100 0.03 3 1 10 700 4 2 10 1 11000 15 100 20 20 2 7 1,000 EPA MCL NE 5 100 NE 600 75 70 100 2 NE 6 10 2,000 4 5 100 NE 1,300 15 NE 50 NE 2 NE NE Page 1 of 4 TABLE 6 Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Appendix I VOCs Appendix I Metals m _ m m r O _ = o o a N = O O :E V a) d o E E EE O 41 O d O t V t V 0N N N = t V X = O Ey E 7aN +r >+ E E =0 Sample R 4 n ai sMonitoring Location Date Q m c) C> H > Q a CO m U U U U -J z cn U) I-- > N MW-2 8/3/11 - 0.48 J 0.22 J 130 0.20 J 2.0 1.8 1.2 J 0.59 J 2.5 0.54 J 0.076 J 0.76 J 3.8 J 9.5 J 2/2/12 - 0.93 JB 120 0.33 J 0.72 J 0.17 JB 2.3 0.064 J 0.26 J 9.3 J 8/28/12 - 0.46 JB 110 0.31 J 0.47 J 4.8 JB 0.62 J 1.5 J 0.50 J 2.5 0.040 J 3.0 2.5 J 11 B 2/8/13 - 100 0.16J 2.2B 0.31 J 1.4J 0.15J 1.9J 0.21 J 0.14J 0.16J 16 9/4/13 - 100 0.38 J 0.66 J 2.9 J 1.8 J 21 2/19/14 - 0.22 J 0.36 J 100 0.15 J 0.17 J 0.21 J 0.13 J 1.5 J 0.18 J 0.093 J 0.050 J 7.5 J 9/9/14 - 4.2 92 0.18J 0.26J 0.62J 1.2J 0.18J 1.5JB 0.046J 0.35J 6.6JA 9.0JB 2/25/15 - 5.1 B /*0.22 J 62 1.6 2.7 7.0 1.2 1.7 J 12 33 11/6/15 - 0.075J 100 0.11 J 0.13J 3.6B 3.0 2.8J 0.69J 1.7J 0.039J 0.15J 5.3J 3/2/16 - 0.12 J 3.4 B 100 0.60 J 5.5 B 0.16 J 1.8 J 0.27 J 1.6 J 1.3 0.051 J 0.099 J 0.37 J 12 B/*4.3 J 9/21/16 2.4J - 0.12J 110 0.095J 1.1 0.28J 8.6 0.19J 2.6 0.018J 0.059J 8.6J 2/7/17 - 0.59 J 89 0.24 J 0.28 J 0.57 J 0.33 J 1.2 J 0.43 J 1.6 J 0.60 J 0.14 J 0.37 J 1.1 J 5.3 J 8/23/17 - 0.38 J 100 0.081 J 0.071 J 0.53 J 0.80 BL, J 2.3 J 0.21 J 1.3 J 0.50 J 0.17 J 28 3/15/18 - 0.95 BJ/*0.70 J 110 B /*110 0.069 J 0.75 J 0.66 J 2.5 J 0.13 J 1.8 J 0.075 J 0.035 J 16 B /*16 8/21/18 - 100 0.085 J 0.082 J 0.53 J 0.083 J 4.2 J 0.32 J 1.5 J 13 3/25/19 3.9 B /*0.22 J 110 0.085 J 0.48 J 0.49 J 3.4 J 0.39 J 1.7 J 0.085 J 16 8/20/19 89 1.7 J 191 2/25/20 2.1 BJ 87 1.3 J 1.5 J 9/10/20 79 1.0 J 2/9/21 0.177 J 86 1.18 J 8/24/21 78.7 1.26 J 1.72 J 2/11/22 2.35 J 83.6 1.60 J 0.949 J 1.43 J 1.96 J 9/6/22 92.7 0.254 J 2.16 0.269 J 2.25 6.71 B 1.27 J 2/6/23 86.7 2L GW Standard 6,000 1 50 3000 20 6 70 100 0.03 1 3 1 1 10 700 4 2 10 1 1,000 15 100 20 20 2 7 1,000 EPA MCL NE 5 100 NE 600 75 70 100 2 1 NE 1 6 10 2,000 4 5 100 NE 1,300 15 NE 50 NE 2 NE NE Page 2 of 4 TABLE 6 Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Appendix I VOCs Appendix I Metals m c d m m s N N C = 4)OL O O ^ IC O O L i+ _ M U p O c4 E E E O 41 = O d O t v t v 0, N N N O t v X O O O E = d E 7 7 N O O 6 6 N >, E 7 E p so - t1 Monitoring Sample t s N v� o c c L a a�i c�a o o > t c Location Date Q m c) U w > Q a m m C) C) U L) -J I-- > N MW-3 8/3/11 78 1.0 15 0.66 4.9 9.5 - 0.49 J 1.0 150 0.89 J 1.3 8.5 1.7 J 0.59 J 5.1 1.5 0.15 J 1.1 3.0 J 46 2/2/12 6.6 0.79 7.1 3.4 4.8 0.34 J - 0.72 JB 5.0 340 0.34 J 31 36 75 30 8.2 B 79 1.3 0.072 J 1.3 36 3,700 8/28/12 3.3 J 0.97 14 4.5 8.8 - 0.18 JB 0.97 J 130 0.48 J 4.7 JB 6.3 1.8 J 0.30 J 4.1 1.6 0.091 J 0.68 J 40 B 2/8/13 3.2 9.1 3.7 5.5 - 150 0.56 J 1.6 B 15 2.6 J 0.18 J 4.0 1.1 0.071 J 26 9/4/13 0.51 11 3.2 5.2 - 390 0.20 J 0.70 J 26 17 16 4.3 J 19 2.3 JB 50 95 2/19/14 0.71 12 3.7 6.4 - 0.13 J 0.37 J 150 0.073 J 0.37 J 7.3 2.1 J 0.33 J 2.5 0.77 J 0.068 J 0.054 J 1.8 J 18 9/9/14 0.61 12 4.1 4.5 - 3.4 130 0.076 J 0.24 J 9.0 1.6 J 0.19 J 3.0 B 0.16 J 9.5 JA 20 B 2/25/15 79 1.1 12 3.9 5.2 - 6.1 B /*0.41 J 1.2 340 0.28 J 2.1 14 13 20 4.8 16 0.83 J 0.074 J 0.38 J 38 120 11/6/15 250 1.1 17 0.53 4.9 5.6 - 1.2 390 0.23 J 1.1 25 B 16 25 6.3 19 1.1 0.058 J 0.33 J 54 120 3/2/16 5.4 0.59 10 2.3 4.0 - 0.095 J 3.1 B 120 0.048 J 0.43 J 5.2 B 6.2 1.4 J 0.34 J 1.5 J 4.5 0.048 J 0.035 J 12 B/*5.0 J 9/21/16 28 0.79 14 3.5 3.5 - 0.30 J 150 0.25 J 0.73 J 11 3.3 J 0.68 J 6.6 0.82 J 0.020 J 0.13 J 3.4 J 18 2/7/17 260 0.97 10 3.6 2.9 - 1.6 1.2 250 0.23 J 3.2 9.0 8.9 17 7.5 14 1.6 0.072 J 0.50 J 17 180 3/15/18 0.85 15 3.8 5.0 - 0.85BJ/*0.54 J 150 B /"150 0.46 J 13 4.1 280 13 0.51 J 67 1.2 J 0.074 J 0.38 J 0.90 J 300 B /*280 8/21/18 7.7 0.61 9.9 2.4 2.5 - 110 0.11 J 0.078 J 0.56 J 15 2.4 J 0.073 J 4.2 0.57 J 9.7 3/25/19 6.8 0.63 11 0.26 J 2.7 2.7 3.1 3.8 B /*<O.19 120 0.34 J 17 1.5 J 0.16 J 5.3 0.038 J 12 8/20/19 0.53 11 2.4 2.2 2.5 120 9.2 3.2 15 J 2/25/20 0.40 J 9.2 2.3 1.7 1.6 J 2.1 BJ 120 10 3.5 9/10/20 0.46 J 8.4 2.0 1.6 1.1 J 110 7.8 3.3 2/9/21 0.458 J 10 2.36 1.66 0.310 J 117 8.88 2.75 J 8/24/21 2.75 J 0.633 11.9 0.243 J 2.38 1.54 108 9.25 10.70 7.91 2/11/22 0.636 15.4 0.323 J 3.16 1.73 111 14.00 3.28 9/6/22 2.94 J 0.657 14.0 0.294 J 2.56 1.44 113 11.0 3.12 5.65 B 2/6/23 2.50 J 0.891 22.4 0.449 J 4.20 2.35 119 3.74 15.9 5.02 5.36 JB 2L GW Standard 6,000 1 50 3000 20 6 70 100 0.03 3 1 10 700 4 2 10 1 1,000 15 100 20 20 2 7 1,000 EPA MCL NE 5 100 NE 600 75 70 100 2 NE 6 10 2,000 4 5 100 NE 1,300 15 NE 50 NE 2 NE NE Page 3 of 4 TABLE 6 Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Appendix I VOCs Appendix I Metals m _ m m r 0 d = = o o a N = O O :E V a) d o O 41 y O d 0 t 0 t U 0, N N � N = t t1 0 � = O � � � O � = d 1= 7 C Monitoring Sample t s N le v� R o = 4 c L a a� ca s o o 2 d s c=v = Location Date Q m c) C> 0 H > Q a m m c) C> C> c� � z cn U) II-- > N MW-4 8/3/11 0.67 15 0.53 5.4 4.8 - 0.27 J 0.31 J 210 0.36 J 4.4 1.9 3.5 J 1.4 2.3 0.91 J 0.060 J 0.35 J 7.4 11 2/2/12 1.5 0.73 0.52 - 0.44 JB 89 0.38 J 1.0 J 0.46 JB 0.19 J 14 8/28/12 3.5 1.6 1.1 - 120 0.37 J 5.9 JB 0.82 J 2.8 J 0.65 J 1.5 J 0.59 J 0.41 J 4.1 J 28 B 2/8/13 1.7 0.83 0.65 - 85 0.13 J 3.0 B 0.47 J 1.9 J 0.33 J 0.67 J 0.33 J 0.041 J 18 9/4/13 10.0 3.9 2.8 - 190 0.26 J 8.0 J 3.1 J 7.8 1.6 J 3.0 J 10.1 46 2/19/14 4.3 1.8 1.4 - 0.099 J 0.35 J 120 0.067 J 0.23 J 0.46 J 1.1 J 0.35 J 0.96 J 0.57 J 0.054 J 0.053 J 1.9 J 7.8 J 9/9/14 8.3 2.9 1.6 - 4.0 120 0.089 J 0.24 J 1.2 1.8 J 0.60 J 0.90 JB 0.11 J 12 A 5.9 JB 2/25/15 6.4 2.3 1.6 - 6.1 B /*0.21 J 90 0.19 J 0.47 J 1.1 J 0.30 J 1.5 J 8.3 J 11/6/15 4.6 1.5 0.89 - 100 0.074 J 0.19 J 9.2 B 0.16 J 0.95 J 0.28 J 2.1 0.97 J 0.041 J 0.10 J 3.2 J 3/2/16 6.6 2.6 1.5 - 0.084 J 3.7 B 120 0.60 J 4.3 B 0.099 J 1.3 J 0.20 J 0.46 J 0.85 J 0.045 J 0.032 J 9.5 B, J/*4.3 J 9/21/16 8.8 2.7 1.8 0.79 - 0.13 J 150 0.28 J 0.65 J 0.24 J 7.7 0.21 J 1.3 J 0.62 J 0.023 J 0.050 J 8.2 J 2/7/17 5.0 1.4 0.90 - 0.47 J 99 0.15 J 0.57 J 0.22 J 0.80 J 0.32 J 0.90 J 0.79 J 0.11 J 1.1 J 4.0 J 8/23/17 9.6 3.0 1.7 - 140 0.20 J 0.77 J 0.31 B, J 1.3 J 0.099 J 1.2 J 0.60 J 0.10 J 17 3/15/18 1.8 0.83 - 0.70 BJ /*0.20 J 90 B /*80 0.054 J 0.48 J 0.082 J 1.1 0.060 J 59 13 B /*13 8/21/18 2.6 0.98 - 110 0.13 J 0.094 J 1.2 0.85 J 3.0 J 1.0 1.1 J 2.6 21 3/25/19 4.3 1.9 0.70 3.6 3.6 B /*<O.19 110 0.14 J 0.62 J 0.47 J 1.1 J 0.22 J 0.84 J 0.020 J 14 8/20/19 0.42 J 11 2.9 1.8 3.7 130 1.7 J 1.8 J 16 J 2/25/20 8.4 0.68 2.3 1.1 2.8 2.0 BJ 110 0.89 J 9/10/20 1.2 37 2/9/21 0.477 J 0.183 J 30.5 8/24/21 1.83 J 34.9 1.26 J 2/11 /22 37.9 9/6/22 2.27 J 0.492 J 50.9 5.23 B 2/6/23 0.235 J 50.8 0.081 J 2L GW Standard 6,000 1 50 3000 20 6 70 100 600 0.03 3 1 10 700 4 2 10 1 �-1,300 1,000 15 100 20 20 2 7 1,000 EPA MCL NE 5 100 NE 600 75 70 100 1,000 2 NE 6 10 2,000 4 5 100 NE 15 NE 50 NE 2 NE NE Notes: Prepared By: RMC 3/1/23 1. VOCs - volatile organic compounds analyzed via EPA Method 8260B, 1,4-dioxane analyzed via EPA Method 8260E SIM and Metals via EPA Method 6020, using EPA Method 3030C preparation. Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 2. Concentrations are in micrograms per liter (pg/L). 3. 2L GW Standard - 2L Groundwater Standard from 15A NCAC 2L, effective April 1, 2022 (including interim maximum allowable concentrations). EPA MCL - Envirommnetal Protection Agency's Maximum Contaminant Level. 4. NE - associated standard has not been established. 5. Constituents detected above the method detection limit (MDL) are shown; refer to laboratory analytical report for list of constituents. 6. Blank cells indicate constituent not detected in sample above the MDL. 7. J - concentration is estimated; A - sample diluted due to internal standard recovery outside limits; B - constituent detected in method blank sample. 8. Bold concentrations indicate exceedance of 2L GW Standard or EPA MCL. 9. * Total antimony, total barium and/or total zinc re -analyzed and reported (second concentration indicated) due to detection of constituent in the associated blank at a concentration greater than half the laboratory reporting limit. 10. '-' constituent not analyzed. Page 4 of 4 TABLE 7 Historical Surface Water Analytical Results Western Carolina University - Closed MSWLF Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Appendix I VOCs Appendix I Metals m = d r N Gf 41 O = R _ N O lL0 G1 d r y O O r 2 O O > E E ❑ y 7 E Q Monitoring Sample y0 N O t Q v_ m r m T = v d p 10 0 0 "O 10 Y y N > m O = V _ Location Date ¢ a=i M cJ - u > Q Q m m c1 s` V U Q z rn m r > 'IV SW-1 2/2/12 0.75 6.2 1.8 0.68 0.59 JB 250 6.5 1.2 J 0.20 JB 1.2 J 1.0 0.23 J 33 3/2/16 1.1 0.19 J 3.8 B 260 0.41 J 4.3 B 2.2 5.0 J 3.3 3.3 0.78 J 0.039 J 0.11 J 1.2 J 19 B/*21 8/21/18 6.4 0.44 J 240 0.16 J 0.13 J 0.49 J 4.8 7.2 3.4 5.8 0.076 J 2.4 14 2/25/19 2.2 0.66 4.1 B /*<0.20 J 190 0.16 J 1 2.5 4.1 J 1.5 3.2 0.084 J 29 2/25/20 1.9 CCVLJ 2.8 0.77 2.1 2.0 BJ 260 3.9 5.1 J 2.0 4.3 20 2/9/21 1.2 0.542 3.43 J 3.93 0.443 J 309 0.207 J 6.8 7.46 J 3.66 5.57 19.1 J 2/6/23 260 1.11 3.53 0.833 J 3.54 8.08 JB SW-2 8/3/11 2.0 0.96 1.1 - 0.23 J 250 1.0 12 1.2 J 0.080 J 1.7 J 1.0 0.064 J 0.30 J 0.67 J 12 2/2/12 1.4 0.57 0.46 JB 0.22 J 170 5.5 0.25 JB 0.95 J 0.69 J 0.19 J 13 8/28/12 2.2 0.78 0.48 J 220 5.4 JB 9.4 0.56 J 1.7 J 1.0 0.37 J 1.11 14 B 2/8/13 1.6 0.55 0.97 JB 170 1.7 B 4.4 0.77 J 1.2 J 0.79 J 0.025 J 20 9/4/13 2.5 0.84 180 8.5 0.51 J 26 2/19/14 1.8 0.62 0.43 J 160 0.12 J 5.6 0.16 J 1.1 J 0.78 J 0.056 J 13 9/9/14 2.7 1.1 4.4 200 0.070 J 10 0.95 J 0.12 J 1.2 JB 0.089 J 9.6 JA 9.1 JB 2/25/15 2.1 0.90 6.3 B /*0.22 J 170 8.0 0.92 J 0.30 J 1.1 J 0.70 J 0.082 J 4.2 J 5.7 J 11/6/15 3.3 1.2 0.31 J 200 0.041 J 3.0 B 8.8 0.59 J 0.25 J 1.5 J 0.97 J 0.038 J 6.9 J 3/2/16 1.4 0.092 J 3.0 B 140 0.36 J 4.0 B 3.1 0.72 J 0.14 J 0.49 J 0.63 J 0.028 J 0.026 J 15 B/*8.9 J 9/21/16 3.3 1.0 0.33 J 220 0.054 J 0.043 J 10 0.077 J 0.95 J 0.91 J 0.019 J 0.060 J 1.7 J 2/7/17 1.4 0.59 0.45 J 180 7.8 0.12 J 1.0 J 1.5 0.047 J 3.2 J 8/23/17 2.0 0.74 390 0.90 J 16 B 0.69 J 0.17 J 2.2 0.48 J 0.069 J 17 3/15/18 1.1 - 0.90 BJ /*0.29 J 180 B 1*170 4.1 4.0 J 0.24 J 1.11 18 B /*14 8/21/18 8.1 2.0 0.57 460 0.16 J 0.10 J 0.97 17.0 2.7 J 1.4 3.0 1.1 19 2/25/19 0.80 4.1 B /*<O.19 110 2.0 1.0 J 0.14 J 1.2 J 0.022 J 19 8/20/19 3.4 J 3.1 0.84 5.0 190 10 1.6 J 17 J 2/25/20 1.5 0.51 1.8 J 2.0 BJ 130 3.3 1.2 J 14 J 9/10/20 0.37 J 3.6 0.94 3.0 0.18 J 170 8.6 1.3 J 2/9/21 0.202 J 2.48 0.621 2.3 0.251 J 140 5.4 0.915 J 8/24/21 3.64 0.965 1.91 J 162 6.9 1.10 J 2/11/22 3.22 J 0.234 J 2.61 0.671 1.64 J 128 4.4 0.877 J 9/6/22 3.41 J 2.74 0.635 1.59 J 227 9.79 1.36 J 2.16 JB 8.44 J 2/6/23 1.35 0.320 J 1.32 J 144 3.67 1 1 0.928 J NCSW Standard - 340 65 0.82 3.6 14 144.92 0.30 36.20 Freshwater Aquatic Life NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE (acute) NE (acute) (acute)** NE NE (acute)** (actute)** (acute)** 5 (t) (acute)** NE NE (acute)** NCSW Standard - Human Health NE 51 NE NE NE NE 2.4 NE NE 10 (t) NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE EPA NRWQ - Human Health NE NE 800 900 NE NE NE NE 640 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 4,600 4,200 NE NE NE NE NCISTV - Freshwater 16 Aquatic Life 2,000 NE 140 100 NE 110,000 NE NE NE NE 21,000 NE NE NE (acute) NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NCISTV- Human Health 1,100,000 NE NE NE 720 110,000 NE 80 5,300 NE 200,000 (t) NE NE NE 4 NE NE NE NE NE 2 NE NE Notes: 1. Appendix I VOCs (volatile organic compounds) analyzed via EPA Method 8260E and 1,4-diozane analyzed via EPA Method 8260B SIM. Metals analyzed via EPA Method 6020, using EPA Method 3030C preparation 2. Concentrations are in micrograms per liter (pg/L). 3. NCSW Standard - North Carolina Surface Water Standards from 15A NCAC 2B (table dated July 26, 2021); a = acute Prepared By: RMC 3/1/23 4. EPA NRWQC - Environmental Protection Agency's Nationally Recognized Water Quality Criteria for Aquatic Life and Human Health Checked By: GLH 3/8/23 5. NCISTV - North Carolina In -Stream Target Values from table dated July 26, 2021. 6. NE - associated standard has not been established. 7. Constituents detected above the method detection limit (MDL) are shown; refer to laboratory analytical report for list of constituents. 8. Blank cells indicate constituent not detected in sample above the MDL. 9. J - concentration is estimated; A - sample diluted due to internal standard recovery outside limits; B - constituent detected in method blank sample; CCVL- continuing calibration verification result is below control limits, but within method parameters, and a standard at or below the reporting limit was analyzed and found acceptable 10. Bold concentrations indicate exceedance of a Surface Water Standard. 11. * Total antimony, total barium and/or total zinc re -analyzed and reported (second concentration indicated) due to detection of constituent in the associated blank at a concentration greater than half the laboratory reporting limit 12. - indicates not analyzed. 13. ** A hardness of 25 milligrams per liter was assumed to calculate the standard, 14. t - based upon measurement of total recoverable metal. February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 FIGURES March 29, 2023 , pa i6f3/f C 7 — rrl Ln dg � 0 4y craM s� 44 "r i� t Crown Rw9e Re T4e� �"et�r or ds e9 e a377 n e 4ls e,. F fRmp L�r+ter Ln � � r'Y � I Eve £ 4 Ash Branch r Joe Davis aid 9 64 11,bz Rd 4w111e '�a HQCRy Fsi: 41 The map shown here has been created ra with all due and reasonable care and is strictly for use with Wood project d 6252-15-0221. WSP assumes no liability, direct or indirect, whatsoever or any `,Irk such third party or unintended use. cry tar Ito" V v�\do a MH fir. Aa Ln .Tea rcy �� �7 W -!!!5, E tV won a C'A54 9e I:IkI [ld ��v idea n JO &to �b µpt 0 500 1,000 Pa Feet Y l�' Y 4 U 7sa:! 1� Z1a �j fohrtsvn 5 to—fe! H:f 1 vo Ll � rtirkory C`�/w1hf�Cfee% r •'•AShNlNl �4� of 9iR �C • .S �d�PrJr V dF Ch. Gas�onra 1 �q 7071 �� e� Ln n� 3l��ulsA - ct ��ih• ' � Ra[k•N Ilv -^iaVehl,r maw xo � Lv Rq © OpenStreetMap (and) ! Tuckasegee`River , contributors, CC -BY -SA, or Sources Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Sources: Esri, HERE,'Garmin�j Survey, Esri Japan; METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, © OpenStreklVap contributors, and;,the,GIS User Community A,,, TITLE: TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP DATE: 10/10/2022 - PREPARED BY: G. HUTCHINS PROJECT NUMBER: 6252-15-0221 Figure No. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from the physical CHECKED BY: M. WALLACE MAP PROJECTION: NC State Plane (NAD83, feet) W C U CLOSED LANDFILL sources used to develop the database may be reflected in the data supplied. The requestor must be aware of data conditions and DATE: 10/10/2022 ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection M O N T E I T H GAP ROAD methodology, currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Document Path: P:\Western Carolina University\GIS\Topo 2021.mxd CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA i j _ \ t TITLE: Legend NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PARCEL BOUNDARY �i 100' ELEVATION CONTOUR LANDFILL GAS, MONITORING WELL, REFERENCE ONLY! PROPERTY BOUNDARY 10' ELEVATION CONTOUR Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of AND SURFACE WATER information, errors and conditions originating from LANDFILL EXTENT UNNAMED TRIBUTARY the physical sources used to develop the database SAMPLING LOCATIONS may be reflected in the data supplied. 50' PROPERTY BOUNDARY BUFFER PERENNIAL The requestor must be aware of data conditions and r ,«. WCU CLOSED MSWLF ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate MW-1MONITORING WELL LOCATION INTERMITTENT CULLOWHEE NORTH CAROLINA use of the al ma scale, collection methodology, , errors, original map scale, collection methodology, Q LG-1 LANDFILL GAS WELL LOCATION currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. SURFACE WATER SAMPLING LOCATION PREPARED: 10/10/2022 PROJECT: 8252-15-0221 Figure No. Feet BY; G. HUTCHINS MAP PROJECTION: NC State Plane (NAD83, GRS1980) 17, 0 160 320 D 0 2 Fl ;P1WeAem C-1-Un—ty\GIS\SiteMap 2022.— February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 APPENDIX A LANDFILL GAS MONITORING DATA FORM March 29, 2023 NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Notice: This farm and any Informadon anached to it are "Public Records"as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are availablefor inspection and emmloaaou by anyperson upon request (NC GeneralStatute 132-6). Facility Name: uJC (.t- ^14 ,W(—F Permit Number: Sampling Date: /Z ©,-7 3 NC Landfill Rule (.0500 or.1600): 0 050O Sample Collector Name & Position: Gas Meter Type & Serial Number: GEM5CiC7e_�'+ 65CC 51 % Gas Meter Calibration Date: z/z 12-3 Field Calibration Date & Time: 2'/ 7 /-2— 3 "3 "a C3 Field Calibration Gas Typ 15/1 or 35/50): y 5 / t= Field Calibration Gas Canister Expiration Data: 4 21 / '2.$ Gas Meter Pump Rate: I'm), Ambient Air Temperature: C5 �P Barometric Pressure (in. or m n llg)21-46SWeatherConditions: SU ✓a� Instructions: Under "Location or LFG Well", list monitoring well # or describe monitoring location (e.g., inside field office). Attach a test location map or drawing. Report methane readings as both % LBL and % CH4 by volume. Convert % C114 (by volume) to %LEL as follows: % methane (by volume) x 20 = % LEL. *Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas monitoring may be required for Construction & Demolition Landfalls (CDLFs). See individualpermit conditions and/or Facility LFG monitoringplan. Location or LPG Well or Sample Tube Purge Time of Day Time Pumped (see) Initial %LEL Stabilized %LEL %CH4 (volume) %02 (volume) %CO2 (volume) %Ms. (volume) NOTES Bae� a /,31 y C6 © 0 0. 0 21.3 0.0 O LG-2 60 lq qs* 60 6 0 G ® 26.7 3.3 l G 6C l :3n 6G C3 O a 0 1q G O.n 46-3s 6n 13: q6 60 1 D 1 0 0,0 lJ1.1 7.1 1 O L-6-3 60 t3:So 60 1 0 0 0,c 1q.8 5-,6 O LG-41 60 lq ; l5 6o O 0 6,r) :1,G.1. 4.77 d 4-G-5 -GO l: 00 C6 0 0 0,0 1q. Z 1.2 O Z_ r_7�6 60 13::?6 66 6 G 0,0 18.2 2_4 e_G- ,7. O:za 60 O © On 172 33 0 NOTE. Ifneeded, attach additional dots forms to include additional LFG monitoringdata locatlonsfortbefactlity. ACTION LEVELS: Methane: >1.25% by volume (inside structures)AND>5% by volume (at facility boundary) Hydrogen Sulfide: >3%byvolume(inside structures) AND>4% by volume (at facility boundary) Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, rreepr/esf4t ation, or certification inet ding the possibility of arfiine and imprisonment. /^ / !!�j /4✓�..-,i Crr j 1pt.r^r_4Q SIGNAT TITLE Revised —August 23, 2021 CALIBRATION LOG LANDTEC - GEM 5000+ METHANE Lot: 304-402130279-1 OXYGEN Lot: 304-402396492-1 HIGH Exp: 6/7/2025 LOW Exp: 4/20/2026 METHANE Lot: 304-402229330-1 CARBON Lot: 304-402342277-1 IOW Exp: ]0/7/2025 MONOXIDE Exp: 2/2/2026 OXYGEN Lot: 304-402396493-1 HYDROGEN Lot: 304-402229326-1 HIGH Exp: 4/20/2026 SULFIDE Exp: 10/7/2023 Gas Calibration Check Performed at Room • I 1 1 1 1 1 I1 11 II :is _ :,':cx x .i., x.: II ,:.. 7 ✓7 11 y 1� Y .'tf i� s. t '&Fa YN a�j M�. � uu.u3.�n1,�'a �., �{1, LCb.x � S3 Y }Glt _ l3 'ttei F.,... '+_Sr, . , i .. _ S ? ki. 2 ^'� �1W1 1 __ vi_..,,_, �..x M.x I 1 �•� I 1 � - 11 11 a\_.....v S: 0` 31t Y Ltv bi J,.A� ii. ti4 a a _Ail_1$ `u a' � I 11 111 1 11 :i RK 11 � 11 1 11 Signature: WH Date: 2/2/2023 February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 APPENDIX B FIELD DATA RECORDS March 29, 2023 ♦ ♦ %% ) I FIELD INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION RECORD Project Name: WCU - MSWLF Date: T2 Project Number: 6252-15-0221 Name: Rodney M. Clark Water Quality Meter Calibration Standard Value Meter Value Acceptance Criteria Manufacturer: Horiba pH: 4.0 5U pH: 3 • SU +1- 10% of standard Model No.: U-52 Conductivity: 4.49 ms/cm Conductivity: L1m&cm +1- 10% of standard Unit ID: EVVHPT9RIA505Y977 ORP: 200 +1- mV ORP: 0.5 +1- mV aff"ete-a, �IO�SI DO: A/A. mg/L * DO: J4 mg/L +1- 10% of standard Temperature: AIA C. Temperature; 1.7.3 , /C C° +1- 2.0 C' Turbidity Meter Calibration Standard Value Meter Value Acceptance Criteria Manufacturer: Horiba 0 NTU (law) 0.0 NTU +/- 10% of standard Model No.: U-52 Unit ID: EVVHPT9RIA505Y977 Photoionization Detector Acceptance Criteria Manufacturer: Background: ppmv Meter: ppmv within 5 ppmv of Zero Model No.: Span Gas: ppmv Meter: ppmv +1- 10% of standard Unit 1D: Calibration Sources Source Value Lot Number Expiration Date pH Eastern Solutions, LLC 4.00 SU 22420146 11/25/2023 Conductivity Eastern Solutions, LLC 4.49 mS/cm 22420146 11/25/2023 ORP: Eastern Solutions, LLC 200 mV 8209554 7/10/2023 Turbidity Eastern Solutions, LLC 0.0 NTU 22420146 11/25/2023 Other: NTU Other: NTU Other: ppmv Other: NOTES: = Indicate in notes section what was used as the DO standard (i.e., based on saturation at room temperature) FIELD DATA RECORD - GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROJECT Westem Carolina UniversityIMSWLF MONITORING WELL r{!' QC SAMPLES Alin WATER LEVEL / PUMP DATA INITIAL FINAL DTW 3 0 tt {toc} DTW DEPTH TO DEPTH OF BOTTOM q3 - 2 r� tt (bgs} INTAKE PROJECT NUMBER 6252-15-0221 TRIP BLANK - Oft (toc} t( (tac) DATE 2/6/2023 TIME TB-1 PUMP TYPE AMOUNT PURGED n�V staltfc /� P Zgal. Variable -speed submersible Bladder PURGE DATA Depth to Water PURGE RATE TEMP CONDUCTIVITY DO TURBIDITY ORP TIME (ft) (L/min) (CI) (mS/ccm)may PH (NTUU))y (mv) COMMENTS %b,"Z�5 5.�d �.z f d � 4y "7 �•6L4 5•� /y(mg/L) [�� C��35 � G �/oc.� -�/ow ra'r<� 3z i5.r� �,� �',o� ��2� ISC �o Z3c lz-� 23 0, O ZC 5. �Ie ;Z, zG Z 2,� ZV s3 , rq O. 00�-- 5-•1 �> 2�z ZC�� IZI I. OzS 6� ,C� 23.7 f C) z c .s Z 1 C 00Z5 11,'12! 76 9C, r _Z 53 7. *,Z;2�<,- ANALYSES: Appendix I VOCs via 8260, 1,4-Dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3030E NOTES: SIGNATUP. FIELD DATA RECORD - GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROJECT Western Carolina University MEWL F PROJECT NUMBER 6252-15-0221 DATE 2/6/2023 MONITORING WELL A4 0i_ -Z TIME �, 3 QC SAMPLES 1JA TRIP BLANK TB-1 WATER LEVEL PUMP DATA PUMP TYPE AMOUNT PURGED INITIAL DTW is FINAL ---77 37 u El Peristaltic h (toc} DTW , ft (toc) gal. 10 Variable -speed submersible DEPTH TO 50. -7-3 DEPTH OF � "� �� BOTTOM tt (hgs) INTAKE S) tt (toc} ❑ Bladder PURGE DATA TIME Depth to Water (tt) PURGE RATE (L/min) TEMP (C°) CONDUCTIVITY (mS/tm) pH DO (mg/L) TURBIDITY (NTU) ORP (mV) COMMENTS 13 S. 3C 7, SC -7 7 36 12 . 3; & 0. r �. �y 7.62 3.0 z-qZ iz,-16 3q / 5. 6 o.1315,317 6.20 1,7 2 S1 I �c 3-7, 95 C' eo, I iz.'zy Q r�, o, 7� 7_6a z:� S a- J2 0.9 �3. o 7s �-�� 0.3 z6� (ANALYSES: Appendix I VOCs via 8260, 1,4-Dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3030C) NOTES: SIGNATU , FIELD DATA RECORD - GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROJECT Western Carolina University MS WLF PROJECT NUMBER 6252-15-0221 DATE 2/6/2023 MONITORING WELL 'l/�(�(1 - i TIME QC SAMPLES TRIP BLANK TB-1 WATER LEVEL / PUMP DATA PUMP TYPE AMOUNT PURGED INITIAL �i(� FINAL � Peristaltic DTW ,�lG ft (toc) DTW ft (toc} Variable -speed submersible DEPTH TO /� DEPTH OF �i BOTTOM INTAKE tt (toc) Bladder PURGE DATA TIME Depth to Water (ft) PURGE RATE {L/min) TEMP ( C°) CONDUCTIVITY (MS/CM) pH DO (mg/L) TURBIDITY (NTU) ORP (mV) COMMENTS 6 3 tSG i�) Vz�3 yz /.,�;Z 315 2-0 s6.q�- 0.3 le" o6 6: ,11j7 5_.,g' 6.SG zo. 37- 13 ro 55.zo 0-3 1 45�, O. q/S S. y o 1 u. 3-:71 ,-3 56 Wz 0.3 17. zz o. q,?Z 5.50 G .SS Q' 7- 3C 56.ctz o 1 s 33 /Y '4 Z .q2 Q. /�. D.�f2� �.3 ,SO �'� 70 r sG_4z G.3 16,30 C��f,3� 5 SS A' �� Zq 330 s6.L12 o. 1G. 9;-' 0.q_�F3 _5.3 29 (ANALYSES; Appendix I VOCs via 8260, 1,4-Dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3 NOTES: SIGNATU „ FIELD DATA RECORD - GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER 6252 15-0221 BATE 2/6/2023 Western Carolina University MSWLF MONITORING WELL I M ( - TIME 1�`1 �Il=JJ1 QC SAMPLES / V )C7 TRIP BLANK T8-1 WATER LEVEL/ PUMP DATA PUMP TYPE AMOUNT PURGED INITIAL _ FINAL Peristaltic DTW r ft (toc) DTW ft (toc) gal. Variable -speed submersible DEPTH TO DEPTH OF BOTTOM 4 S tt (bgs) INTAKE ft (tor) Bladder PURGE DATA TIME Depth to Water (ft) PURGE RATE (L/min) TEMP (C°) CONDUCTIVITY (mS//tm' )) PH DO (mg/L) TURBIDITY ORP (mV) COMMENTS 9(NCTTU) % 4-- -G % 5 7,1 "- 16 -16-o r5,-og 7,S? 0-2 YG ,S3 Ci .1 (7) <.� 0,6 Z � ANALYSES: Appendix I VOCs via 8260, 1,4-dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3030C) NOTES: FIELD DATA RECORD - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING PROJECT Western Carolira University MSWLF PROJECT NUMBER 6252-15-0221 DATE z/6/2023 SURFACE WATER TIME LOCATION QC SAMPLES N A TRIP BLANK T13-1 WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS TIME TEMP (Cl) CONDUCTIVITY (mS/cm) PH DO (mg/L) TURBIDITY (NTU) ORP (mV) COMMENTS _'6•Oo f q.-7 ,' 0.Sgeq G. 0,6:� 0. o-5- 1619 q CL Qr ANALYSES: Appendix i VOCs via 8260, 1,4-Dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3030C NOTES: SIGNATU� . FIELD DATA RECORD - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING PROJECT Western Carolina University MSWLF SURFACE WATER LOCATION r QC SAMPLES NCI PROJECT NUMBER 6252-15-0221 TRIP BLANK T13-1 WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS DATE 2/6/2023 TIME TIME TEMP (C°) CONDUCTIVITY (MS/cm) pH DO (mg/L) TURBIDITY (NTU) ORP (mV) COMMENTS IS . 35 ?S,qZ_ 0.311 i'.oy ;76 1,1? -11 c:le,tr ANALYSES: Appendix I VOCs via 8260, 1,4-Dioxane via 8260 SIM and Appendix I Metals via 6020 (Prep Method 3030C NOTES: SIGNATURE: February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 APPENDIX C NCDEQ ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORTING FORM March 29, 2023 R USE OMLY❑Paper Report ❑Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No) Doc/Event #: NC DENR I I Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: • Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit • Please type or print legibly. • Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). • Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). • Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparees name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Rodney Clark Phone: 828-252-8130 E-mail: Rodney.Clark@wsp.com NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Western Carolina University Monteith Gap Road (State Road 1336) 50-01 0.0500 February 6-7, 2023 MSW Landfill Cullowhee, Jackson County, NC 28723 Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) Initial/Background Monitoring FXJ Detection Monitoring QX Assessment Monitoring Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells QX Methane gas monitoring data Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells Corrective action data (specify) Leachate monitoring data Other(specify) Surface water monitoring data Notification attached? No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. X Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. El Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Rodney Clark, L.G. Professional Geologist (828) 252-8130 Facility Re entative Name (Print) Title Signature / Date 1308 Patton Avenue, Suite C, Asheville, NC 28806 Facility Representative Address NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, Revised 6/2009 (Area Code) Telephone Number Affix NC License,�cjWmifegsivF19® Geologist Seal g a SEAL 2161 mmm'®t�oi�rest S l�000g1°°° February 2023 Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Report WCU Closed MSWLF WSP Project 6252-15-0221 APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT March 29, 2023 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 2/16/2023 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Asheville, NC, 28806 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 23-038-0023 Client Project Description: WCU MSWLF Dear Rodney Clark: 449 5pringbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 2/7/2023 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Danyale Love Project Manager Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Page 1 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalyticaI.com Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date North Carolina State Program 37735 07/31/2023 North Carolina State Program 402 12/31/2023 South Carolina State Program 99012 07/31/2023 South Carolina State Program 99012 12/31/2022 Page 1 of 1 00016/23-038-0023 Page 2 of 53 Waypoint. (2) 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointana iytica i.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 23-038-0023 Client Project Description: WCU MSWLF Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 99123 MW-1 Aqueous 02/06/2023 11:15 02/07/2023 13:20 99124 MW-2 Aqueous 02/06/2023 12:32 02/07/2023 13:20 99125 MW-3 Aqueous 02/06/2023 13:30 02/07/2023 13:20 99126 MW-4 Aqueous 02/06/2023 15:10 02/07/2023 13:20 99127 SW-1 Aqueous 02/06/2023 16:00 02/07/2023 13:20 99128 SW-2 Aqueous 02/06/2023 15:35 02/07/2023 13:20 99129 FD-1 Aqueous 02/06/2023 02/07/2023 13:20 99130 EB-1 Aqueous 02/06/2023 13:45 02/07/2023 13:20 99131 TB-1 Aqueous 02/06/2023 02/07/2023 13:20 Page 3 of 53 (D Waypoint, 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 78217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Summary of Detected Analytes Project: WCU MSWLF Report Number: 23-038-0023 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Method Parameters Result Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers MW-1 V 99123 6020B Barium 40.6 pg/L 3.50 02/09/202316:42 6020E Chromium 4.59 Ng/L 1.03 02/14/202313:17 6020E Cobalt 0.529 pg/L 0.082 02/09/202316:42 J 6020E Copper 1.62 Ng/L 0.917 02/09/202316:42 J 6020E Nickel 3.00 pg/L 0.742 02/09/202316:42 MW-2 V 99124 6020B Barium 86.7 Ng/L 3.50 02/09/202317:14 6020B Nickel 1.27 pg/L 0.742 02/09/202317:14 J MW-3 V 99125 6020E Barium 119 Ng/L 3.50 02/09/202317:21 6020E Chromium 3.74 pg/L 1.03 02/14/202313:56 6020E Cobalt 15.9 Ng/L 0.082 02/09/202317:21 6020E Nickel 5.02 pg/L 0.738 02/09/202317:21 6020E Zinc 5.36 Ng/L 4.00 02/09/202317:21 JB 8260D Acetone 2.50 pg/L 1.80 02/08/202316:30 J 8260D Benzene 0.891 Ng/L 0.180 02/08/202316:30 8260D Chlorobenzene 22.4 pg/L 0.190 02/08/202316:30 8260D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.449 Ng/L 0.220 02/08/202316:30 J 8260D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.20 Ng/L 0.210 02/08/202316:30 8260D cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 2.35 Ng/L 0.200 02/08/202316:30 MW-4 V 99126 6020E Barium 50.8 pg/L 3.47 02/09/202317:27 6020E Cobalt 0.081 Ng/L 0.081 02/09/202317:27 J 8260D Toluene 0.235 pg/L 0.220 02/08/202316:57 J SW-1 V 99127 6020B Barium 260 Ng/L 18.3 02/14/202314:22 6020B Cobalt 1.11 pg/L 0.085 02/09/202317:46 6020E Copper 3.53 Ng/L 0.957 02/09/202317:46 6020E Lead 0.833 pg/L 0.535 02/09/202317:46 J 6020E Nickel 3.54 Ng/L 0.774 02/09/202317:46 6020E Zinc 8.08 pg/L 4.19 02/09/202317:46 JB SW-2 V 99128 6020B Barium 144 Ng/L 3.50 02/09/202317:53 6020B Cobalt 3.67 pg/L 0.082 02/09/202317:53 Page 4 of 53 (D Waypoint, 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 78217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Summary of Detected Analytes Project: WCU MSWLF Report Number: 23-038-0023 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Method Parameters Result Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers SW-2 V 99128 6020B Nickel 0.928 pg/L 0.738 02/09/202317:53 J 8260D Chlorobenzene 1.35 Ng/L 0.190 02/08/202317:52 8260D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.320 pg/L 0.210 02/08/202317:52 J 8260D SIM 1,4-Dioxane 1.32 Ng/L 0.139 02/08/2023 13:23 J FD-1 V 99129 6020E Barium 126 pg/L 3.50 02/09/202317:59 6020E Chromium 3.82 Ng/L 1.03 02/14/202314:41 6020E Cobalt 16.4 pg/L 0.082 02/09/202317:59 6020E Nickel 5.39 Ng/L 0.742 02/09/202317:59 6020E Zinc 5.08 pg/L 4.02 02/09/202317:59 JB 8260D Acetone 3.13 Ng/L 1.80 02/08/202318:19 J 8260D Benzene 0.967 pg/L 0.180 02/08/202318:19 8260D Chlorobenzene 22.7 Ng/L 0.190 02/08/202318:19 8260D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.499 pg/L 0.220 02/08/202318:19 J 8260D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.02 Ng/L 0.210 02/08/202318:19 8260D cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 2.43 pg/L 0.200 02/08/202318:19 8260D SIM 1,4-Dioxane 1.66 Ng/L 0.139 02/08/2023 13:48 J EB-1 V 99130 6020E Barium 3.98 uq/L 3.47 02/09/202318:06 J 6020E Zinc 8.29 Ng/L 4.00 02/09/202318:06 JB Page 5 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL Client: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project: WCU MSWLF Lab Report Number: 23-038-0023 Date: 2/16/2023 449 5pringbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Metals Analyses Method 6020B Sample 99123 (MW-1) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Sample concentration BRL. Results not affected. Sample 99124 (MW-2) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Results may be high biased. Sample 99126 (MW-4) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Results may be high biased. Sample 99127 (SW-1) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Results may be high biased. Sample 99128 (SW-2) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Sample concentration BRL. Results not affected. Sample 99129 (FD-1) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Results may be high biased. Sample 99130 (EB-1) Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: V29664/V29585 LRB failed above MDL. Results may be high biased. CASE NARRATIVE Page 6 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99123 Sample ID: MW-1 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 11:15 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 11:17 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.700 u9/L 0.700 2.06 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.505 N9/L 0.505 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020E Barium 40.6 u9/L 3.50 10.3 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.247 N9/L 0.247 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.155 u9/L 0.155 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Chromium 4.59 N9/L 1.03 2.06 1 02/14/2313:17 MMR 6020E Cobalt 0.529 J u9/L 0.082 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Copper 1.62 J N9/L 0.917 2.06 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020E Lead <0.515 u9/L 0.515 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Nickel 3.00 N9/L 0.742 2.06 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.37 u9/L 2.37 5.15 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Silver <0.134 N9/L 0.134 1.03 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.288 u9/L 0.288 2.06 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.16 N9/L 2.16 5.15 1 02/14/2313:17 MMR 6020E Zinc <4.02 u9/L 4.02 20.6 1 02/09/23 16:42 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 7 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99123 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 11:15 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 8 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99123 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 11:15 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 9 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99123 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 11:15 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 101 Limits: 80-124% 101 Limits: 75-129% 100 Limits: 63-136% 99.4 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:35 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 10 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99124 Sample ID: MW-2 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 12:32 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 11:42 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.700 u9/L 0.700 2.06 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.505 N9/L 0.505 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020E Barium 86.7 u9/L 3.50 10.3 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.247 N9/L 0.247 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.155 u9/L 0.155 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Chromium <1.03 N9/L 1.03 2.06 1 02/14/2313:50 MMR 6020E Cobalt <0.082 u9/L 0.082 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Copper <0.917 N9/L 0.917 2.06 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020E Lead <0.515 u9/L 0.515 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Nickel 1.273 N9/L 0.742 2.06 1 02/09/23 17:14 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.36 u9/L 2.36 5.14 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Silver <0.134 N9/L 0.134 1.03 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.288 u9/L 0.288 2.06 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.16 N9/L 2.16 5.14 1 02/14/2313:50 MMR 6020E Zinc <4.02 u9/L 4.02 20.6 1 02/09/2317:14 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 11 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99124 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 12:32 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 12 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99124 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 12:32 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 13 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99124 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 12:32 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 102 Limits: 80-124% 101 Limits: 75-129% 100 Limits: 63-136% 99.4 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:02 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 14 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99125 Sample ID: MW-3 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:30 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 12:07 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.697 u9/L 0.697 2.05 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.505 N9/L 0.505 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020E Barium 119 u9/L 3.50 10.3 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.247 N9/L 0.247 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.155 u9/L 0.155 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Chromium 3.74 N9/L 1.03 2.05 1 02/14/2313:56 MMR 6020E Cobalt 15.9 u9/L 0.082 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Copper <0.912 N9/L 0.912 2.05 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020E Lead <0.515 u9/L 0.515 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Nickel 5.02 N9/L 0.738 2.05 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.36 u9/L 2.36 5.13 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Silver <0.134 N9/L 0.134 1.03 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.287 u9/L 0.287 2.05 1 02/09/2317:21 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.15 N9/L 2.15 5.13 1 02/14/2313:56 MMR 6020E Zinc 5.36 3113 u9/L 4.00 20.5 1 02/09/23 17:21 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 15 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99125 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-3 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:30 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone 2.503 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Benzene 0.891 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene 22.4 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.449 J u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.20 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 16 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99125 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-3 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:30 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene 2.35 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 17 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99125 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-3 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:30 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 99.8 Limits: 80-124% 99.0 Limits: 75-129% 101 Limits: 63-136% 99.2 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:30 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 18 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99126 Sample ID: MW-4 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:10 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 12:32 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.694 u9/L 0.694 2.04 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.500 N9/L 0.500 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020E Barium 50.8 u9/L 3.47 10.2 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.245 N9/L 0.245 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.153 u9/L 0.153 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Chromium <1.02 N9/L 1.02 2.04 1 02/14/2314:02 MMR 6020E Cobalt 0.0813 u9/L 0.081 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Copper <0.908 N9/L 0.908 2.04 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020E Lead <0.510 u9/L 0.510 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Nickel <0.734 N9/L 0.734 2.04 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.35 u9/L 2.35 5.10 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Silver <0.133 N9/L 0.133 1.02 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.286 u9/L 0.286 2.04 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.14 N9/L 2.14 5.10 1 02/14/2314:02 MMR 6020E Zinc <3.98 u9/L 3.98 20.4 1 02/09/2317:27 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 19 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99126 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-4 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:10 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 20 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99126 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-4 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:10 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Toluene 0.2353 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 21 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99126 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: MW-4 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:10 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 103 Limits: 80-124% 99.4 Limits: 75-129% 99.6 Limits: 63-136% 99.6 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 16:57 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 22 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99127 Sample ID: SW-1 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 16:00 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 Ng/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 12:58 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.731 ug/L 0.731 2.15 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.524 Ng/L 0.524 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020E Barium 260 ug/L 18.3 53.7 5 02/14/2314:22 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.257 Ng/L 0.257 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.161 ug/L 0.161 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Chromium <1.08 Ng/L 1.08 2.15 1 02/14/2314:28 MMR 6020E Cobalt 1.11 ug/L 0.085 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Copper 3.53 Ng/L 0.957 2.15 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020E Lead 0.833 J ug/L 0.535 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Nickel 3.54 Ng/L 0.774 2.15 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.47 ug/L 2.47 5.37 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Silver <0.139 Ng/L 0.139 1.07 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.301 ug/L 0.301 2.15 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.26 Ng/L 2.26 5.37 1 02/14/2314:28 MMR 6020E Zinc 8.08 JB ug/L 4.19 21.5 1 02/09/23 17:46 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 23 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99127 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 16:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 24 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99127 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 16:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 25 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99127 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 16:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 102 Limits: 80-124% 101 Limits: 75-129% 100 Limits: 63-136% 99.2 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:24 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 26 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99128 Sample ID: SW-2 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:35 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane 1.323 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 13:23 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.697 u9/L 0.697 2.05 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.505 N9/L 0.505 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020E Barium 144 u9/L 3.50 10.3 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.247 N9/L 0.247 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.155 u9/L 0.155 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Chromium <1.03 N9/L 1.03 2.05 1 02/14/2314:34 MMR 6020E Cobalt 3.67 u9/L 0.082 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Copper <0.912 N9/L 0.912 2.05 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020E Lead <0.515 u9/L 0.515 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Nickel 0.9283 N9/L 0.738 2.05 1 02/09/23 17:53 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.36 u9/L 2.36 5.13 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Silver <0.134 N9/L 0.134 1.03 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.287 u9/L 0.287 2.05 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.15 N9/L 2.15 5.13 1 02/14/2314:34 MMR 6020E Zinc <4.00 u9/L 4.00 20.5 1 02/09/2317:53 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 27 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99128 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:35 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene 1.35 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.3203 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 28 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99128 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:35 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 29 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99128 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: SW-2 Sampled: 2/6/2023 15:35 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 101 Limits: 80-124% 99.0 Limits: 75-129% 100 Limits: 63-136% 99.4 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 17:52 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 30 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99129 Sample ID: FD-1 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane 1.663 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 13:48 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.700 u9/L 0.700 2.06 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.505 N9/L 0.505 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020E Barium 126 u9/L 3.50 10.3 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.247 N9/L 0.247 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.155 u9/L 0.155 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Chromium 3.82 N9/L 1.03 2.06 1 02/14/2314:41 MMR 6020E Cobalt 16.4 u9/L 0.082 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Copper <0.917 N9/L 0.917 2.06 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020E Lead <0.515 u9/L 0.515 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Nickel 5.39 N9/L 0.742 2.06 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.37 u9/L 2.37 5.15 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Silver <0.134 N9/L 0.134 1.03 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.288 u9/L 0.288 2.06 1 02/09/2317:59 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.16 N9/L 2.16 5.15 1 02/14/2314:41 MMR 6020E Zinc 5.08 JB u9/L 4.02 20.6 1 02/09/23 17:59 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 31 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99129 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: FD-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone 3.133 Ng/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 ug/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Benzene 0.967 Ng/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 ug/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 Ng/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 ug/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 Ng/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 ug/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 Ng/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene 22.7 ug/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 Ng/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 ug/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 Ng/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 ug/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 Ng/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 ug/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 Ng/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 ug/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 Ng/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.499 J ug/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.02 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 ug/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 32 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99129 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: FD-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene 2.43 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 33 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99129 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: FD-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 101 Limits: 80-124% 99.0 Limits: 75-129% 99.0 Limits: 63-136% 100 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 18:19 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 34 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Lab No : 99130 Sample ID : EB-1 Matrix: Aqueous Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:45 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 10:52 TBL 8260D SIM Antimony <0.697 u9/L 0.697 2.05 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Arsenic <0.500 N9/L 0.500 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020E Barium 3.983 u9/L 3.47 10.2 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Beryllium <0.245 N9/L 0.245 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020E Cadmium <0.153 u9/L 0.153 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Chromium <1.03 N9/L 1.03 2.05 1 02/14/2314:47 MMR 6020E Cobalt <0.081 u9/L 0.081 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Copper <0.912 N9/L 0.912 2.05 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020E Lead <0.510 u9/L 0.510 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Nickel <0.738 N9/L 0.738 2.05 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020E Selenium <2.36 u9/L 2.36 5.12 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Silver <0.133 N9/L 0.133 1.02 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020E Thallium <0.287 u9/L 0.287 2.05 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Vanadium <2.15 N9/L 2.15 5.12 1 02/14/2314:47 MMR 6020E Zinc 8.29 JB u9/L 4.00 20.5 1 02/09/23 18:06 MMR 6020B Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 35 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99130 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID : EB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:45 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 36 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99130 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID : EB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:45 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 37 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99130 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID : EB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 13:45 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 100 Limits: 80-124% 101 Limits: 75-129% 99.4 Limits: 63-136% 97.8 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 15:08 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 38 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99131 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: TB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Method 1,4-Dioxane <0.139 N9/L 0.139 2.00 1 02/08/23 10:27 TBL 8260D SIM Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.4 Limits:70-130% 1 02/08/2310:27 TBL V29614 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank Definitions J Estimated value DF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 39 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99131 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: TB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Acetone <1.80 N9/L 1.80 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Acrylonitrile <0.230 u9/L 0.230 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Benzene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Bromochloromethane <0.420 u9/L 0.420 1.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Bromodichloromethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Bromoform <1.50 u9/L 1.50 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Bromomethane <0.280 N9/L 0.280 1.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Carbon Disulfide <0.150 u9/L 0.150 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Chlorobenzene <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Chlorodibromomethane <0.190 N9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Chloroethane <0.430 u9/L 0.430 1.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Chloroform <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Chloromethane <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.960 N9/L 0.960 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.10 u9/L 1.10 2.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.200 N9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Dibromomethane <0.230 u9/L 0.230 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.30 N9/L 1.30 10.0 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Dichlorodifluoromethane <1.20 u9/L 1.20 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 40 of 53 Waypoint, 0 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project WCU MSWLF Rodney Clark Report Date : 02/16/2023 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information : Received : 02/07/2023 Asheville , NC 28806 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99131 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: TB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.240 N9/L 0.240 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.150 N9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 cis- 1,2-Dich loroethene <0.200 u9/L 0.200 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.180 N9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.190 u9/L 0.190 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 cis- 1,3-Dich loropropene <0.210 N9/L 0.210 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.150 u9/L 0.150 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Ethylbenzene <0.170 N9/L 0.170 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 2-Hexanone <0.380 u9/L 0.380 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) <0.710 N9/L 0.710 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone <1.00 u9/L 1.00 5.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Methylene Chloride <0.330 N9/L 0.330 1.00 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Styrene <0.220 u9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 N9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Tetrachloroethene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Tetrahydrofuran <1.50 u9/L 1.50 10.0 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Toluene <0.220 N9/L 0.220 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.160 u9/L 0.160 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.096 N9/L 0.096 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Trichloroethene <0.180 u9/L 0.180 0.500 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 41 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 01222 WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Rodney Clark 1308 Patton Avenue (Suite C) Information Asheville , NC 28806 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointana lyti ca Isom WCU MSWLF Report Date : 02/16/2023 Received : 02/07/2023 Report Number : 23-038-0023 REPOR T OF A NA L YSIS Lab No : 99131 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID: TB-1 Sampled: 2/6/2023 0:00 Analytical Method: 8260D Prep Method: 5030E Test Results Trichlorofluoromethane <0.180 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.270 Vinyl Acetate <1.00 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 o-Xylene <0.210 m,p-Xylene <0.420 Xylene (Total) <0.21 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Prep Batch(es): V29624 02/08/23 09:00 Units MDL MQL DF Date / Time By Analytical Analyzed Batch Ng/L 0.180 0.500 Pg/L 0.270 1.00 Ng/L 1.00 2.00 Pg/L 0.170 0.500 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 Pg/L 0.420 1.00 Ng/L 0.210 0.500 102 Limits: 80-124% 99.4 Limits: 75-129% 98.4 Limits: 63-136% 99.8 Limits: 77-123% 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 1 02/08/23 13:46 MSA V29625 Qualifiers/ B Analyte detected in blank DF Dilution Factor Definitions J Estimated value MQL Method Quantitation Limit Page 42 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29585 QC Prep Batch Method: SM-3030C(PREP) QC Analytical Batch(es): V29664,V29760 Analysis Method: 6020B Analysis Description: Metals Analyses Lab Reagent Blank Associated Lab Samples: Parameter LRB-V29585 Matrix: AQU 99123, 99124, 99125, 99126, 99127, 99128, 99129, 99130 Blank MDL MQL Units Result Analyzed Antimony pg/L <0.697 0.697 2.05 02/09/23 16:29 Arsenic pg/L <0.505 0.505 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Barium pg/L <3.50 3.50 10.3 02/09/23 16:29 Beryllium pg/L <0.247 0.247 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Cadmium pg/L <0.155 0.155 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Chromium pg/L <1.03 1.03 2.05 02/14/2313:05 Cobalt pg/L <0.082 0.082 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Copper pg/L <0.912 0.912 2.05 02/09/23 16:29 Lead pg/L <0.515 0.515 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Nickel pg/L <0.738 0.738 2.05 02/09/23 16:29 Selenium pg/L <2.36 2.36 5.14 02/09/23 16:29 Silver pg/L <0.134 0.134 1.03 02/09/23 16:29 Thallium pg/L <0.287 0.287 2.05 02/09/23 16:29 Vanadium pg/L <2.16 2.16 5.14 02/14/2313:05 Zinc pg/L 4.23 4.00 20.5 02/09/23 16:29 Laboratory Control Sample LCS-V29585 Spike LCS LCS %Rec % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result Limits Antimony pg/L 100 107 107 80-120 Arsenic pg/L 100 99.0 99.0 80-120 Barium pg/L 100 98.7 99.0 80-120 Beryllium pg/L 100 107 107 80-120 Cadmium pg/L 100 97.3 97.0 80-120 Chromium pg/L 100 92.4 92.0 80-120 Cobalt pg/L 100 97.7 98.0 80-120 Copper pg/L 100 95.8 96.0 80-120 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 1 of 9 Page 43 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29585 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29664,V29760 QC Prep Batch Method: SM-3030C (PREP) Analysis Method: 6020B Analysis Description: Metals Analyses Laboratory Control Sample LCS-V29585 Parameter Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS %Rec % Rec Limits Lead pg/L 100 97.6 98.0 80-120 Nickel pg/L 100 94.2 94.0 80-120 Selenium pg/L 100 98.6 99.0 80-120 Silver pg/L 100 103 103 80-120 Thallium pg/L 100 90.5 91.0 80-120 Vanadium pg/L 100 93.2 93.0 80-120 Zinc pg/L 100 99.7 100 80-120 Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate Parameter Units V 99123-MS-V29585 MS Spike Result Conc. V 99123-MSD-V29585 MSD MS Result Spike Conc. MSD Result MS %Rec MSD %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Antimony pg/L < 0.707 100 100 105 106 105 106 75-125 0.9 20.0 Arsenic pg/L < 0.510 100 100 97.5 98.6 98.0 99.0 75-125 1.1 20.0 Barium pg/L 40.6 100 100 144 138 103 97.0 75-125 4.2 20.0 Beryllium pg/L < 0.250 100 100 104 109 104 109 75-125 4.6 20.0 Cadmium pg/L < 0.156 100 100 96.3 96.0 96.0 96.0 75-125 0.3 20.0 Chromium pg/L 4.59 100 100 96.5 91.7 92.0 87.0 75-125 5.1 20.0 Cobalt pg/L 0.529 100 100 97.4 97.9 97.0 97.0 75-125 0.5 20.0 Copper pg/L 1.62 100 100 99.6 98.7 98.0 97.0 75-125 0.9 20.0 Lead pg/L < 0.520 100 100 96.8 98.1 97.0 98.0 75-125 1.3 20.0 Nickel pg/L 3.00 100 100 99.1 96.9 96.0 94.0 75-125 2.2 20.0 Selenium pg/L < 2.39 100 100 105 100 105 100 75-125 4.8 20.0 Silver pg/L < 0.135 100 100 99.4 99.9 99.0 100 75-125 0.5 20.0 Thallium pg/L < 0.291 100 100 89.5 93.1 90.0 93.0 75-125 3.9 20.0 Vanadium pg/L < 2.18 100 100 94.4 91.0 94.0 91.0 75-125 3.6 20.0 Zinc pg/L < 4.06 100 100 103 100 103 100 75-125 2.9 20.0 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 2 of 9 Page 44 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29585 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29664,V29760 QC Prep Batch Method: SM-3030C (PREP) Analysis Method: 6020B Analysis Description: Metals Analyses Post Digestion Spike V 99123-PDS-V29585 Parameter Units PDS Result % Recovery Analyzed Antimony Ng/L 53.0 103 02/09/23 17:01 Arsenic pg/L 51.1 99.0 02/09/23 17:01 Barium pg/L 71.5 100 02/09/23 17:01 Beryllium pg/L 53.1 103 02/09/23 17:01 Cadmium pg/L 49.8 97.0 02/09/23 17:01 Chromium pg/L 49.7 92.0 02/14/2313:37 Cobalt Ng/L 50.9 98.0 02/09/23 17:01 Copper pg/L 50.4 96.0 02/09/23 17:01 Lead pg/L 49.9 97.0 02/09/23 17:01 Nickel Ng/L 50.6 95.0 02/09/23 17:01 Selenium pg/L 52.6 102 02/09/23 17:01 Silver pg/L 51.5 100 02/09/23 17:01 Thallium pg/L 48.5 94.0 02/09/23 17:01 Vanadium pg/L 48.1 93.0 02/14/2313:37 Zinc pg/L 52.9 103 02/09/23 17:01 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 3 of 9 Page 45 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29613 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29614 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B Analysis Method: 8260D SIM Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Lab Reagent Blank LRB-V29613 Matrix: AQU Associated Lab Samples: 99123, 99124, 99125, 99126, 99127, 99128, 99129, 99130, 99131 Blank MDL MQL Analyzed % % Rec Parameter Units Result Recovery Limits 1,4-Dioxane pg/L <0.139 0.139 2.00 02/08/2310:02 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 02/08/23 10:02 105 70-130 Laboratory Control Sample LCS-V29613 Spike LCS LCS %Rec % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result Limits 1,4-Dioxane pg/L 50.0 43.7 87.4 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 117 70-130 Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate V 99129-MS-V29613 V 99129-MSD-V29613 MS Spike MSD MS Result MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Spike Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Conc. 1,4-Dioxane pg/L 1.66 50.0 50.0 51.2 52.2 99.0 101 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 111 116 70-130 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 4 of 9 Page 46 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29624 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B QC Analytical Batch(es): V29625 Analysis Method: 8260D Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Lab Reagent Blank LRB-V29624 Matrix: AQU Associated Lab Samples: 99123, 99124, 99125, 99126, 99127, 99128, 99129, 99130, 99131 Blank MDL MQL Analyzed % % Rec Parameter Units Result Recovery Limits Acetone pg/L <1.80 1.80 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 Acrylonitrile pg/L <0.230 0.230 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 Benzene pg/L <0.180 0.180 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Bromochloromethane pg/L <0.420 0.420 1.00 02/08/23 13:19 Bromodichloromethane pg/L <0.160 0.160 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Bromoform pg/L <1.50 1.50 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 Bromomethane pg/L <0.280 0.280 1.00 02/08/23 13:19 Carbon Disulfide pg/L <0.150 0.150 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 Carbon Tetrachloride pg/L <0.180 0.180 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Chlorobenzene pg/L <0.190 0.190 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Chlorodibromomethane pg/L <0.190 0.190 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Chloroethane pg/L <0.430 0.430 1.00 02/08/23 13:19 Chloroform pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Chloromethane pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) pg/L <0.960 0.960 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane pg/L <1.10 1.10 2.00 02/08/23 13:19 1,2-Dibromoethane pg/L <0.200 0.200 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Dibromomethane pg/L <0.230 0.230 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene pg/L < 1.30 1.30 10.0 02/08/23 13:19 1,2-Dichlorobenzene pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 1,4-Dichlorobenzene pg/L <0.210 0.210 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Dichlorodifluoromethane pg/L <1.20 1.20 5.00 02/08/23 13:19 1,1-Dichloroethane pg/L <0.240 0.240 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 1,2-Dichloroethane pg/L <0.150 0.150 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 1,1-Dichloroethene pg/L <0.150 0.150 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene pg/L <0.200 0.200 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene pg/L <0.180 0.180 0.500 02/08/23 13:19 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 5 of 9 Page 47 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29624 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B QC Analytical Batch(es): V29625 Analysis Method: 8260D Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Lab Reagent Blank LRB-V29624 Matrix: AQU Associated Lab Samples: 99123, 99124, 99125, 99126, 99127, 99128, 99129, 99130, 99131 Blank MDL MQL Analyzed % % Rec Parameter Units Result Recovery Limits 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 4-M ethyl-2-Penta none Methylene Chloride Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride o-Xylene m,p-Xylene 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Dibromofluoromethane (S) 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 (S) pg/L <0.190 0.190 0.500 pg/L <0.210 0.210 0.500 pg/L <0.150 0.150 0.500 pg/L <0.170 0.170 0.500 pg/L <0.380 0.380 5.00 pg/L <0.710 0.710 5.00 pg/L <1.00 1.00 5.00 pg/L <0.330 0.330 1.00 pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 pg/L <0.160 0.160 0.500 pg/L <0.160 0.160 0.500 pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 pg/L <1.50 1.50 10.0 pg/L <0.220 0.220 0.500 pg/L <0.160 0.160 0.500 pg/L <0.096 0.096 0.500 pg/L <0.180 0.180 0.500 pg/L <0.180 0.180 0.500 pg/L <0.270 0.270 1.00 pg/L <1.00 1.00 2.00 pg/L <0.170 0.170 0.500 pg/L <0.210 0.210 0.500 pg/L <0.420 0.420 1.00 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 02/08/23 13:19 101 97.6 97.4 80-124 75-129 63-136 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 6 of 9 Page 48 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29624 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29625 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B Analysis Method: 8260D Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Lab Reagent Blank LRB-V29624 Matrix: AQU Associated Lab Samples: 99123, 99124, 99125, 99126, 99127, 99128, 99129, 99130, 99131 Blank MDL MQL Analyzed % % Rec Parameter Units Result Recovery Limits Toluene-d8 (S) 02/08/23 13:19 101 77-123 Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCS-V29624 LCSD-V29624 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result Result %Rec a/o Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Acetone pg/L 40.0 40.5 40.2 101 101 40-166 0.7 20.0 Acrylonitrile pg/L 40.0 45.1 44.1 113 110 81-127 2.2 20.0 Benzene pg/L 20.0 21.6 20.9 108 105 77-128 3.2 20.0 Bromochloromethane pg/L 20.0 21.5 21.3 108 107 78-135 0.9 20.0 Bromodichloromethane pg/L 20.0 24.7 23.6 124 118 76-138 4.5 20.0 Bromoform pg/L 20.0 24.8 23.0 124 115 71-135 7.5 20.0 Bromomethane pg/L 20.0 28.5 27.7 143 139 41-168 2.8 20.0 Carbon Disulfide pg/L 20.0 22.5 21.4 113 107 59-135 5.0 20.0 Carbon Tetrachloride pg/L 20.0 26.6 24.8 133 124 72-142 7.0 20.0 Chlorobenzene pg/L 20.0 21.5 20.9 108 105 78-119 2.8 20.0 Chlorodibromomethane pg/L 20.0 23.0 22.3 115 112 75-134 3.0 20.0 Chloroethane pg/L 20.0 25.4 24.8 127 124 57-142 2.3 20.0 Chloroform pg/L 20.0 21.6 20.8 108 104 77-130 3.7 20.0 Chloromethane pg/L 20.0 20.6 19.6 103 98.0 47-145 4.9 20.0 Di -Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) pg/L 20.0 22.3 21.1 112 106 60-154 5.5 20.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane pg/L 20.0 21.1 21.5 106 108 63-134 1.8 20.0 1,2-Dibromoethane pg/L 20.0 21.8 21.1 109 106 77-135 3.2 20.0 Dibromomethane pg/L 20.0 22.9 21.0 115 105 76-138 8.6 20.0 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene pg/L 20.0 21.5 20.5 108 103 70-130 4.7 20.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene pg/L 20.0 22.2 21.5 111 108 78-128 3.2 20.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene pg/L 20.0 21.9 20.9 110 105 75-126 4.6 20.0 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 7 of 9 Page 49 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29624 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29625 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B Analysis Method: 8260D Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCS-V29624 LCSD-V29624 Parameter Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCSD Result LCS %Rec LCSD % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Dichlorodifluoromethane pg/L 20.0 21.2 21.2 106 106 28-163 0.0 20.0 1,1-Dichloroethane pg/L 20.0 22.5 21.8 113 109 70-130 3.1 20.0 1,2-Dichloroethane pg/L 20.0 21.7 20.6 109 103 68-131 5.2 20.0 1,1-Dichloroethene pg/L 20.0 23.3 21.6 117 108 70-154 7.5 20.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene pg/L 20.0 21.9 20.6 110 103 76-141 6.1 20.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene pg/L 20.0 22.7 22.0 114 110 76-135 3.1 20.0 1,2-Dichloropropane pg/L 20.0 23.6 21.4 118 107 77-130 9.7 20.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene pg/L 20.0 22.7 22.1 114 111 65-140 2.6 20.0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene pg/L 20.0 22.7 22.1 114 111 67-140 2.6 20.0 Ethylbenzene pg/L 20.0 21.3 20.6 107 103 80-127 3.3 20.0 2-Hexanone pg/L 20.0 20.9 20.0 105 100 64-137 4.4 20.0 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) pg/L 20.0 17.0 17.8 85.0 89.0 71-134 4.5 20.0 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone pg/L 20.0 20.9 20.5 105 103 69-134 1.9 20.0 Methylene Chloride pg/L 20.0 22.2 21.0 111 105 73-131 5.5 20.0 Styrene pg/L 20.0 23.3 22.1 117 111 78-129 5.2 20.0 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane pg/L 20.0 22.3 22.2 112 111 79-134 0.4 20.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane pg/L 20.0 22.3 21.4 112 107 62-127 4.1 20.0 Tetrachloroethene pg/L 20.0 21.3 20.7 107 104 80-129 2.8 20.0 Tetrahydrofuran pg/L 20.0 20.0 19.2 100 96.0 70-130 4.0 20.0 Toluene pg/L 20.0 22.0 21.4 110 107 76-131 2.7 20.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane pg/L 20.0 23.0 22.1 115 111 75-135 3.9 20.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane pg/L 20.0 21.5 20.0 108 100 70-140 7.2 20.0 Trichloroethene pg/L 20.0 21.1 20.7 106 104 77-133 1.9 20.0 Trichlorofluoromethane pg/L 20.0 24.0 23.0 120 115 62-148 4.2 20.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane pg/L 20.0 19.7 19.1 98.5 95.5 71-127 3.0 20.0 Vinyl Acetate pg/L 20.0 26.9 27.0 135 135 34-167 0.3 20.0 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 8 of 9 Page 50 of 53 Waypointo ANALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.waypointanalytical.com Quality Control Data Client ID: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Project Description: WCU MSWLF Report No: 23-038-0023 QC Prep: V29624 QC Analytical Batch(es): V29625 QC Prep Batch Method: 5030B Analysis Method: 8260D Analysis Description: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCS-V29624 LCSD-V29624 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result Result %Rec % Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Vinyl Chloride pg/L 20.0 27.1 25.5 136 128 57-141 6.0 20.0 o-Xylene pg/L 20.0 22.1 21.1 111 106 78-128 4.6 20.0 m,p-Xylene pg/L 40.0 45.0 43.9 113 110 77-133 2.4 20.0 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99.2 101 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane (S) 98.0 99.4 75-129 1,2-Dichloroethane - d4 (S) 98.6 98.0 63-136 Toluene-d8(S) 99.6 100 77-123 Date: 02/16/2023 02:44 PM Page 9 of 9 Page 51 of 53 WayPAo0nt.. NALYTICAL 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 www.wa y p of n to na lyti ca I -c om Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: 01222 Customer Name: WSP USA Envi. & Infrastructure Inc. (Asheville) Report Number: 23-038-0023 Shipping Method 0 Fed Ex 0 US Postal # Lab 0 Other: 0 UPS 0 Client 0 Courier Thermometer ID: IRT15 2.2C Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? 0 Yes 0 No Number of coolers/boxes received Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? (*� Yes 0 No 0 Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 0 Yes 0 No Not Present Chain of Custody (COC) present? Yes 0 No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes 0 No COC properly completed Yes 0 No Samples in proper containers? Yes 0 No Sample containers intact? 0 Yes 0 No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? Yes 0 No All samples received within holding time? Yes 0 No Cooler temperature in compliance? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes 0 No Water - Sample containers properly preserved Yes 0 No 0 N/A Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes 0 No 0 N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Yes 0 No 0 N/A Soil VOA method 5035 — compliance criteria met 0 Yes 0 No 0 N/A F High concentration container (48 hr) F_ Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) F_ High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? 0 Yes 0 No Comments Signature: Angelo Norvell Date & Time: 02/07/2023 14:37:26 Page 52 of 53 g � A s a 3Z 3 R a 1° Si' _3 as m ❑ a' CD m a3 y c 3 m m m m [n w � in N Fw N = L 2 J pZ m N �w 0 d 4 $ � 0 w� m > �a mA m �c �6 Vm GwGGG L r'�° o 0 C ro � mm rN m 4� - O Mp n ON �md m OA N G �0 �9 �a n m� w m m m m a ad m� w ' ro ro w N � S N S @ W� m m m $wCL h mOr a m 0 p 1.' a n z �s 3 CL C7 3 3 m 7 y my y m nm O A . s Z O m O ° Z A N I rn V ` oT i ym 0 Z 0 v r� r W o� _r-� ❑�F� 1+►1mm m 03 G7�� m o- x summumma lummummul lmm�ml (A (n m m v m m G m O r r a o a n n O O N � d�N 3 1 0 2 Im YP` m a W � m m e mmm m 3 3 o a m a 7 m gm a wro O ymmi°•.�c � O r �mm u a o 0 moo° to y L L �!A m C N U Q L 1�1 A h m W z`mv N ❑ mN n L m na�m o n NC 0p n x N- C I L; A .Z `L T u a Ln O ID N � N ❑ G 7 o ❑ rp w z A ; S v� �z z tor- 0 Ts ry �r nriL i� N Z 0 low cogdo 4 01 y !D .il V7 XO 8 C7 1.0 301 m r.0CyN� °�a fA N (� n1 �} r ❑ M 4 m 3 Zm m- mn as � v � - 5N2m, vna-� o a x x o 0 \ ti f7 r �c�w a O m v► ` I m �xn a m y 0 a Z N d 0 a m x 0 A m w y x m ` m 0 1 QIIII�II r 0 Page 53 of 53