HomeMy WebLinkAbout8304_NCORCompost_2apprvdapplic_20230329ncor NCOR COMPOST PERMIT Application William Kish Bkish@ACORUSA.com 1 Table of Contents 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION……................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 SITING REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………………………. ................................................ 5 3.0 DESIGN PLAN………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................. 7 4.0 OPERATIONAL PLAN……………………………………………………………............................................................. 13 5.0 ODOR CONTROL PLAN…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18 6.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE – CLOSURE PLAN……………………………………………………………………………………….20 7.0 SIGNATURE PAGES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22 8.0 Drawings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26 9.0 Corporate Safety Handbook……………………………………………………………………………………….………..Attached 10.0 NCDWR Stream Determination……………………………………………………………………………………………Attached 2 Section 1 – General Information 3 Section 1 – General Information Name of the Facility: NCOR Composing Facility Street Address: 13761 Airport Road, Maxton, North Carolina 28364 Facility Type: Large Type 2: Which may receive Type 1 feedstocks, pre-consumer meat-free food processing waste, vegetative agricultural waste, source separated paper or other source separated specialty wastes, which are low in pathogens and physical contaminants. Applicant Information: Name: Dr. Fred Mussari Address: 1121 Digiorgio Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Telephone Number: 772-409-4044 Email Address: FMussari@ACORUSA.com Landowner: Schwarz Properties, LLC. Name: Chad Varner Address: 1947 N. Fayetteville Street, Asheboro, North Carolina, 27203 Telephone: 336-672-2633 Email: Address:cvarner@schwarzproperties.net Engineer: Name: McGill Associates (Matthew R. Jones P.E.) Address:5 Regional Circle, Suite A, Pinehurst, North Carolina 28374 Telephone Number: 910-295-3159 Email Address: Matthew.Jones@Mcgillassociates.com Accounts Payable: Name: Les Kemp Address: 1121 Digiorgio Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Telephone Number: 772-409-4044 Email: Address:LKemp@ACORUSA.com 4 Section 2 – Siting Requirements 5 Section 2 – Siting Requirements The location of the facility is 13761 Airport Road, Maxton, North Carolina 28364 in Scotland County. The site is approximately 3 miles to Maxton City Hall. The site is located on an industrial zoned property that is 26.20 acres with a 219,000 S.F. warehouse. The 110,000 S.F. of the warehouse is occupied by NCOR and is utilized for NCOR’s food recycling and depackaging operations. The compost operations area will be located on an undeveloped 5-acre portion of the total acreage. The property has never been used for solid waste management activities. The compost operations area will maintain the following buffers: • 50’ buffer area from property line • 500’ buffer from residences. The nearest residence is located 1.25 miles from the compost site. • 100’ from wells. The site is served by the Laurinburg Maxton Airport Commission (LMAC) water system. The LMAC utilizes 6 wells located in various locations on the 1400-acre airport property. The compost operational area is not located within 100’ of any of the LMAC wells. • 50’ of a perennial stream. The compost operational area is approximately 16 miles from the Lumber River. • The compost operational area will maintain a 25’ buffer (fire lane) from all swales and berms. The site is not located over a closed-out disposal area. McGill Associates, P.A. environmental specialists performed the delineation of the subject property on December 16, 2021 in accordance with the guidelines and standards of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0). No jurisdictional areas were found on the subject property. Two drainage ditches were found on the subject property and located with Global Positioning System (GPS) accuracy. Field analysis of the ditch lines resulted in a finding that both ditches do not meet the criteria of a jurisdictional water or ‘tributary’. The physical attributes and indicators of the ditches show that they were likely constructed or excavated in an upland and should not be considered jurisdictional. Based on the Navigable Waters Protection Rule: Definition of “Waters of the United States” – Regulatory Division – Wilmington District 2 April 2020; Released July 2020 – Definitions, McGill reached the finding that both ditches are ephemeral and should not be considered jurisdictional Waters of the US. NCDWR staff conducted a site visit on March 6, 2023. As a result of this visit, it was determined that there are no streams or wetlands present on the site. A copy of this determination is attached to this application. 6 Section 3 – Design Plan 7 Section 3 – Design Plan Acceptable Waste Large Type 2 15A NCAC 13B.1402 (e)(2) The compost facility may receive Type 1 feedstocks, pre-consumer meat-free food processing waste, vegetative agricultural waste, source separated paper or other source separated specialty wastes, which are low in pathogens and physical contaminants. Sludge, bio-solids and other items are not permissible in the compost area. All yard waste brought into the composting area will be used in the compost process. The compost will be sold to the public and landscapers. The Compost Facility Manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the appropriate compost personnel operate and maintain the compost area. Methods for Controlling the Type of Waste Received All vehicles transporting waste into the Facility are subject to inspection at the scale house upon entrance to the site and again at the compost area. All pre-consumer food waste that will be composted will be produced at the NCOR food recycling and depackaging facility located adjacent to the compost facility. The acceptable food materials are processed to remove all contaminants during the depackaging process. NCOR accepts pre-consumer food materials that are either recalled, mis-labeled or expired. The food materials arrive at the NCOR depackaging facility in the original packaging, shrink wrapped on the original pallet. Food waste will be mixed and placed in an aerated bunker within 24 hours of receipt. Material will be moved from the depackaging facility over to the compost facility in roll-off containers with seals to prevent leakage. Containers will be emptied into the mixing building and blended with greenwaste with a front-end loader. The walls and floors in the mixing area are concrete to prevent liquids from flowing off the concrete pad. The mixing area is adjacent to the active composting bays. The compost facility will process 40 tons per day of pre-consumer food waste. To achieve the correct C/N ratio, yard waste will be ground to a 6” minus sizing and mixed with the food waste at a 3 to 1 ratio. Moisture will be added, if required, until starting mixture reaches 65% moisture. Composting, or controlled decomposition, requires a proper balance of “green” organic materials and “brown” organic materials. “Green” organic material includes grass clippings, food scraps, and manure, which contain large amounts of nitrogen. “Brown” organic materials include dry leaves, wood chips, and branches, which contain large amounts of carbon but little nitrogen. Obtaining the right nutrient mix requires experimentation and patience. Material Mix Moisture Solids Total Total C:N Bulk parts Content Content N C Density yards % % % % lb/cu yd Food Waste 1.0 80 20 4.00 45.0 11 1500 wood product 0.0 4 76 0.09 45.0 10 500 Corn stalks 0.0 12 88 0.70 40.0 57 32 Yard trimmings 3.0 61 39 1.10 32.0 29 973 extra water to add, gallons 0 extra water to add, lbs 0 Mix Carbon % 35 Target Mix Nitrogen % 1.70 Range Mix C:N 20 20-40:1 Mix moisture 67 40-65% 8 Grinding, chipping, and shredding materials increases the surface area on which microorganisms can feed. Smaller particles also produce a more homogeneous compost mixture and improve pile insulation to help maintain optimum temperatures. If the particles are too small, however, they might prevent air from flowing freely through the pile. As the pile does not receive additional turnings, the selection and initial mixing of raw materials are critical to avoiding poor air distribution and uneven composting. The pile also needs a good structure to maintain porosity throughout the entire composting period. This generally requires a stiff bulking agent such as ground yard waste or wood chips. They are usually screened from the finished compost and reused as bulking agents for another two or three cycles. This is compensated partially by the drying that takes place as composting proceeds. Microorganisms living in a compost pile need enough moisture to survive. Water is the key element that helps transports substances within the compost pile and makes the nutrients in organic material accessible to the microbes. Placing the pile on a series of pipes and including bulking agents such as wood chips help aerate the pile. Aerating the pile allows decomposition to occur at a faster rate than anaerobic conditions. Care will be taken, however, not to provide too much oxygen, which can dry out the pile and impede the composting process. The aerated static pile method takes the piped aeration system a step further, using a blower to supply air to the composting materials. The blower provides direct control of the process and allows larger piles. No turning or agitation of the materials occurs once the pile is formed. When the pile has been formed properly and where the air supply is sufficient and the distribution uniform, the active composting period is completed in a minimum of 14 days. Microorganisms require a certain temperature range for optimal activity. Certain temperatures promote rapid composting and destroy pathogens and weed seeds. Microbial activity can raise the temperature of the pile’s core to at least 140° F. If the temperature does not increase, anaerobic conditions (i.e., rotting) occur. Controlling all four factors will bring about the proper temperature. The estimate for food waste is 40 tons or 100 cubic yards per day and for yard waste it is 300 cubic yards daily. Yard waste will be always managed in the yard waste grinding/storage area with an amount 2000 cubic yards in processing/storage. The design capacity of each indoor aerated static pile bunker is 740 cubic yards (10’H X 20’ W X 100’ L). The retention time will be 14 days. This will provide the required time and temperature to meet PFRP and VAR. Curing will continue in the bay. The required air flow rates and the choice of blowers and aeration pipe depend on how aeration is managed, i.e., how the blower is controlled. The blower can be run intermittently. The process control system will monitor temperature through a series of temperature sensors. 9 Typical Indoor Bunker Style Aerated Static Pile Process flow diagram This is a very simple flow diagram that demonstrates the complete process, (Obviously “borrowed’ from Suez recycling in the UK). 1. Food waste arrives from the NCOR food recycling and depackaging facility. 2. The food waste will be blended with the 6” minus yard waste. 3. It will then be loaded into the indoor aerated static pile bunkers for 14 days 4. The material will be left in the bat for curing for 10 days. 5. Screening. 6. Marketing Time and temperature will be monitored through a process control computer system. The control system, using multiple probes, will monitor and trend the temperature in 3 separate locations within the aerated bunker. The control system will increase or decrease the flow of air by manipulating the variable speed motors on each blower. There will be an individual blower system for each of the eight aerated bunkers. The control system will provide data to support meeting PFRP and VAR either printed or downloaded to an outside location. All data will be available on demand. Disposing of Unpermitted Wastes Loads determined to be containing waste materials not permissible in the compost area will be directed to dispose of the waste within a provided container or the Class 1 waste disposal area. 10 Methods to minimize, Manage and Monitor Odors The best way to manage odors is to avoid them in the first place. The report provides best practice guidance in accordance with the following odor management hierarchy: 1. Odor avoidance during planning (e.g., siting considerations and odor dispersion analysis). 2. Odor avoidance by considering the food waste hierarchy (i.e., finding the most suitable management option for various organic waste types). 3. Odor avoidance via optimized facility operations (by using best management practices). 4. Odor management through optimal composting facility operations mean that operators must maintain operations within well accepted and documented guidelines. This means ensuring proper management of: • The correct C:N ratio. • Moisture and oxygen content. • pH. • Porosity of mix. • Processing temperature. • Maintaining aerobic conditions. In addition to the process itself, there are practices that can reduce the generation of odorous substances before and after the main composting process is completed. These practices will vary slightly depending on volumes, types of feedstocks and location and are the following composting steps: • Waste material transport and storage. • Mixing and loading. • Compost processing. • Post processing. The compost facility will not use any amendments such as lime, wood ash or gypsum in the process. Dust will be controlled using a water truck. Although the aerated bunker system is indoors, it will be built to accommodate a front-end loader that will fill and empty each bunker. The compost facility will be owned and operated by NCOR. NCOR will also be operating the food recycling and depackaging facility located on the same property. Any materials that may enter the facility through the acceptance of yard waste, namely cans or bottles, will be added to the recycling volume that the NCOR depackaging facility generates and then recycled into the commodities markets. Any unauthorized waste received will be placed into on site storage containers and taken for disposal to the Scotland County Landfill, a permitted municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill Odor emission monitoring is essential for the successful operation of an organics management facility. In addition to regular odor sampling and monitoring, staff will be trained to recognize odorous conditions when they occur during operations and to immediately undertake corrective measures. The operational area is approximately five (5) acres and will be located on an impermeable surface. This allows for the heavy equipment to operate year-round. The area is sloped. This helps to eliminate ponding within the composting area. 11 The compost area is set on a paved pad that allows for stormwater to run-off and not pond in the area. The pad slopes gently from northwest to southeast, with stormwater sheet flowing into a drainage ditch, thence flowing into the properties existing stormwater drainage system. The active compost area and the receiving/mixing area will be covered by a Clear-Span building. The facility has been designed to accommodate traffic flow in a safe and efficient manner. All traffic enters the gate on Pell Drive, flows to the scale house and is directed to the compost area inside the property. Traffic enters the compost area gate on the side of the compost area. Traffic is routed towards the material drop-off area. Traffic then flows back to the entrance gate and to the facility gate. The receiving area is in the receiving portion of the compost area. From there, the waste is shredded (processed) and placed in an aerated bunker. The facility typically maintains 8 aerated bunkers running from. The compost is then allowed to cure. Once the compost has cured, it is then screened in the screening area and the final product is screened for end market sales. The receiving/mixing building will be a concrete floor with 6’ high push walls. The push walls will be utilized to attach the Clear-Span system to. The building will be 40’ wide by 100’ long with a roof height of 22’ at the peak. Liquids from the receiving building will be contained inside the building through the use of an in floor scupper collection system, to a sump and pumped to a 5,000 gallon polyethylene tank located in the corner of the building. All excess water will be utilized back into the compost mix. 12 Section 4 – Operational Plan 13 Section 4 – Operational Plan Composting activities will be conducted in accordance with the N.C. Compost Rules 15A NCAC 13B.1400 et seq. and the permit plans and specifications. These documents will be maintained and available for reference and inspection at the NCOR Compost Facility Office. This plan if updated will be presented to the NCDEQ for re-approval when facility operations are changed. Type 2 materials enter the facility through the scale house from Pell Drive and is directed to the composting area. All vehicles are inspected for type of materials being delivered. If undesirable wastes which could damage the composting equipment or harm the employees are discovered, they are directed to a roll-off storage container available in the composting incoming waste area. The roll-off container and taken for disposal to the Scotland County Landfill, a permitted municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. The feed stock will be vegetables from Campbell Soup that have not met the quality control standards. Campbell Soup will deliver 300 tons per month of this feedstock. All feedstocks will be processed as they arrive with no need to stockpile materials. Vehicles enter the fenced area and travel toward the back of the area. The yard waste is piled by the delivery person. Vehicles then travel back to the entrance exit gate of the compost area. The hours of operation and types of waste that are accepted or not accepted are posted at the entrance gate on Pell Drive. Additionally, the hours of operation, permit number and emergency contact numbers will be noted. NCOR conducts training and assigns job duties based upon the employees’ specific responsibilities. The major categories are: • Office personnel • Licensed Operator • Supervisors • Technicians The office personnel are responsible for general office work, inspection of wastes to determine classification, charges, and receipts. These personnel also direct customers to the compost area. These personnel are trained by experienced office personnel, supervisors, and the licensed Operator. The licensed operator is responsible for the overall operation of the Compost facility. Training is provided in accordance to NCDEQ requirements and the USCC Compost Operators Training. A copy of the Operators Training Certificate will be available in the office. The supervisors ensure that all personnel are trained, that wastes, and recyclables are processed in accordance with the operating permit, and those wastes are tipped in the appropriate area. The supervisor also monitors the wastes received for undesirable wastes (infectious, hazardous, etc.) and advises the licensed operator when unpermitted wastes are received so that the contingency procedures can be implemented. Supervisors are trained by the licensed operator. All vehicles transporting waste into the Facility are subject to inspection at the scale house upon entrance to the site and again at the compost area. 14 Loads determined to be containing waste materials not permissible in the compost area will be directed to dispose of the waste within a provided container or refused acceptance and turned away. The compost area is operated by licensed on-site operators in accordance with NCDEQ Regulations. The compost area is surrounded by a chain link fence with a gate which is locked to prohibit public access during closed hours. Site access control is provided by a chain-like fence and gate. The only vehicle entrance to the compost area is through the gate on Pell Drive. During non-business hours the gate is kept locked to prevent unauthorized access. Overall fire protection is provided by the City of Maxton Fire Department. A fire hydrant will be located at the southwest corner of the compost area. Fire extinguishers, which are rated for chemical and wood/paper products, are provided for immediate use. Fire extinguishers are found on all vehicles and large pieces of equipment. Compost personnel are trained annually on the safety procedures at the facility. In the event of a fire, the compost area would be closed until such time that it is determined to be safe for operation. Waste would be diverted until such time that the facility is operational. Fire extinguishers and water hoses are available for fighting small fires. For potentially large fires, or fires beyond the scope of on-site equipment and personnel, the City of Maxton Fire Department will respond If unapproved wastes are delivered to the compost area, the driver will be directed to deposit the waste in the provided roll-off container. The waste within the roll-off container will be taken for disposal to the Scotland County Landfill, a permitted municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. All unground yard waste will be unloaded at the grinding area. A Doppstadt Eventhor 6 shredder will be the equipment at the grinding area that will process the yard waste into the acceptable sizing of 6” minus. This sizing will provide the available carbon and the air space required for the aerated static pile compost process. The food waste will be unloaded in the receiving/blending building. A loader will blend the ground yard waste and food waste at a 3 to 1 ratio of yard waste to food waste to provide the proper C/N ratio. The blend will be checked for moisture and adjusted to 65% if required. The blended mixture will be transported by loader to the aerated bunker building. The bunker will have a layer of ground yard waste placed over the aeration piping prior to the loading of the blended material. The aeration blower for the specific bunker will be turned on and the material will be feathered onto the floor of the aerated bunker. Feathering the material onto the floor prevents the material from compacting and reducing the porosity of the material. Wireless probes will be placed at 3 separate depths in the material. The process control system will be activated, and the monitoring of the bunker begins. The process control system will be in the licensed operator’s office. All probes will be calibrated on an annual schedule or sooner if required for proper operation. A forced aeration system can provide adequate cooling to prevent temperatures from rising above 150F, which kills most of the beneficial bacteria actually doing the work of degrading the organic material. This maintains temperatures throughout the pile to effect disinfection and stabilization by allowing the aerobic bacteria to efficiently bio-oxidize feedstocks while minimizing the creation of odorous compounds. 15 Many composting processes are inhibited by drying. The relatively short retention time in an effective forced aeration composting system reduces over-drying. Starting with a well-moistened mix, active composting finishes before moisture loss significantly inhibits composting. The pile can be top wetted and re-mixed between active and curing composting to uniformly increase moisture levels and consume captured contact water. A static aerated system with automated control and monitoring requires no operator intervention. The process will follow PFRP requirements (40 CFR Part 503) of three days at or above 131⁰F to achieve PFRP. VAR requirements are met by maintaining average temperatures > 113°F for 14 days, with a minimum temperature of 104°F. Compared to a typical turned windrow system, ASP composting reduces material handling, equipment maintenance, and manual pile monitoring Active composting can be likened to low temperature combustion, where the carbon-based fuel is the bio-available fraction of the feedstock and oxidized to produce CO2, water and heat. The process of bio- oxidation consumes oxygen and the heat generated raises the temperature. Without forced aeration to limit temperature rise and to resupply oxygen, the bio-oxidation process becomes inhibited (inefficient), and conditions promote anaerobic oxidation pathways that give rise to strong odors. An efficient composting process rapidly consumes bio-available carbon and produces heat, which in turn requires more airflow to avoid thermal inhibition. This is the fundamental reason high airflow aeration systems are required to sustain efficient composting of energetic feedstocks. NCOR Compost Facility will use an Advanced ASP that will be able to maintain temperatures and oxygen levels in the bunkers essential to minimizing air emissions and maximizing composting rates. NCOR’s knowledge of compost systems air handling design included: air conditions (temperature, density, etc.), required airflow rates, friction losses, flow modelling and the application of automated controls. The common design characteristics of the NCOR Advanced ASP include a dynamic range of aeration rates that are automatically controlled based on temperature feedback (biological activity) and a robust aeration floor where all mechanical elements are embedded and below-grade. The aeration floor warranted special attention as it has a major impact on both the biological and operational efficiencies of the composting operation, in addition to being both permanent and expensive to construct. The aeration mode can be positive, negative (best odor control), or reversing (maximum composting rates). Curing will continue in the bays with the process control system now operating to assist curing. As the process in enclosed (Clear-Span Building), no contingent plans are required for wind, heavy rain or snow. During freezing weather, the ASP windrows will be capped with a 10” layer of greenwaste or overs to ensure that the piles reach the required temperatures. There may be planned shut-downs in the event of a hurricane or other severe weather events. Spare parts will be maintained onsite and are otherwise available withing 48 hours. In the event of an equipment breakdown, the facility will continue operations and delay screening until material is documented to meet time and temperature requirements. A backup generator will be available in the event of long-term power outages. The entire facility will undergo annual inspection of critical components (ClearSpan building, slab, etc. so that maintenance can be performed to correct any deficiencies. The site will follow OSHA guidelines for safety procedures for all onsite equipment, including during the loading and unloading of materials. 16 NCOR ADVANCED ASP System (prior to the addition of the CLEAR-SPAN building) The sampling of compost is an essential aspect process monitoring, quality control, marketing, labeling of product and regulatory compliance. A composite sample shall be representative and random, and may be obtained by taking twelve (12) mixed samples as described below. • The twelve samples shall be of equal volume. • The twelve samples shall be extracted from within the compost pile as follows: • Four samples from one-half the width of the pile, each at a different cross-section. • Four samples from one-fourth the width of the pile, each at a different cross-section; and, • Four samples from one-eighth the width of the pile, each at a different cross-section. All compost samples will be tested at a State certified lab • No compost can be sold unless it passes State • minimum standards for pathogens and heavy metals. • Compost must be tested for density of fecal coli form in compost, that is or has at one time been active compost, shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), and the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in compost shall be less than three (3) Most Probable Number per four (4) grams of total solids (dry weight basis). • A composite sample of the compost produced will be analyzed: • Compost samples will be taken at intervals of every 20,000 tons of compost produced or every six months, whichever comes first, for metals and pathogens. • Compost samples shall be analyzed for the metals listed in 40 CFR 503.13(b)(3), except that analysis for mercury shall not be required for Type 2 and 3 facilities. • The concentration of metals in compost offered for sale or distribution to the public will not exceed the pollutant concentration limits listed in 40 CFR 503.13(b)(3). 40 CFR 503.13 and 40 CFR 503.32 are incorporated by reference including subsequent amendments and editions. • Compost samples will be analyzed for pathogens, either for fecal coliform or salmonella bacteria. • Sample collection, preservation, and analysis will assure valid and representative results. At least three individual samples of equal volume will be taken from each batch produced in separate areas along the side of the batch. Each sampling point shall be sampled from a depth of two to six feet into the pile from the outside surface of the pile as follows: • metals samples shall be composited and accumulated over a six-month period or at intervals of every 20,000 tons of product produced, whichever comes first; and pathogens samples shall be a representative composite sample of the 17 compost and shall be processed within a period of time required by the testing procedure. • analytical testing methods shall be in accordance with the procedures of the following: EPA publication SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods. The facility shall keep and maintain records of operation which include the following: • Monitoring results of NPDES discharges as required by the NPDES permits. • A copy of the general permit, Notice of Intent, permit design drawings, operating plan and narrative including closure plan, modifications, annual reports, and Department correspondence. • Operating records. • Quantity, type and source of incoming waste on a monthly basis. • Quantity of compost sold or distributed monthly. • Quantity of residue removed for disposal and the date and location of disposal. • Any testing data including sampling information, chain of custody, and sample results that may be taken of compost products generated at the site; and • Any other records required by NCDEQ. Compost has been pre-sold to a local landscaper (in Laurinburg) as a soil conditioner. He is currently purchasing compost from McGill. List of Equipment: • Doppstadt 720 portable trommel screening plant • Volvo L90 loader (or equivalent) with a 9CY light duty bucket • BobCat Skid Loader (or equivalent) with bucket and broom attachments 18 Section 5 – Odor Control Plan 19 Section 5 – Odor Control Plan This maintenance-level odor action plan calls for the ongoing monitoring of odors and provides an action plan for odor abatement. The objective is to ensure that odor generators continue to maintain their best management practices and controls to keep odor incidents as low as practicable. The following plan has been developed by NCOR to be implemented in the event of a “Significant Odor Incident” (SOI). A SOI is a condition wherein the frequency or intensity of odor complaints is above the baseline. Such a situation requires review and verification by the licensed operator (LO). Upon determination that a SOI may have occurred, NCOR staff shall begin the following process: Preliminary Investigation 1. LO contacts sources of complaint call to confirm if the odors are still being observed and alleged source of odors. 2. LO investigates the compost facility for potential sources of the odors to determine if, in the potential source’s, opinion there is a reason for the odor complaints, or if there have been any changes in operations near the time of the complaints that could have been the reason for the odor complaints, 3. Based on the results of the above contacts and a preliminary analysis of the situation, LO will decide if odor frequency indicates that facility is not following best management practices (BMPs) and may proceed to the next step of the Plan. NCOR Response Plan 1. Facility office receives report of SOI. 2. LO is alerted. 3. Facility immediately examines on-site activities and obtains weather satellite information to determine likelihood of being the odor-causing agent. 4. If possible, odor-producing agent, facility implements the following options: a. Immediately suspends the suspected odor-causing activity/operation(s). b. Implements odor control measures (i.e. mister device). c. Review operation to determine causation and future preventive steps. 5. If unlikely odor-producing agent, facility continues operations but reviews possible odor • generating procedures to preclude potential incidents. Provide finding to odor complaint caller, or any official that has been contacted. If needed, LO will conduct debriefing on findings from alleged source and regulatory agencies to determine cause and develop recommendations to prevent future recurrences. 1. A subsequent session with staff may be conducted to share information and update plans to minimize future episodes. 2. All findings, actions, and recommendations to be filed for use during any subsequent episodes. 20 Section 6 – Financial Assurance Closure Plan 21 Section 6 – Closure Plan This Closure Plan addresses the activities, schedule, and estimated cost required to close the Facility by a third-party contractor as required by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). This plan includes a description of those activities required to bring the facility and equipment to a sanitary condition in the event of the facility closure, including the final cleaning of any containers, equipment, machines, floors, and facility surfaces. This plan also includes a description of the final disposal of any discharge or waste generated from the cleaning activates of the facility. The Facility closure will consist of removing all material from the site, cleaning the compost pad and equipment, and any other necessary procedures to bring the facility to a sanitary condition. The NCDEQ will be notified at least sixty days prior to any planned removal, closure or abandonment of any waste storage structure. Within 10 days of ceasing operations, all piles of compost, wood chips, leaves, grass clippings, and accumulated tree trimmings will be removed from the site and taken to an acceptable approved landfill for final disposal, such as the Scotland County or Robeson County Landfills. If any of the wood chips or other materials is approved as re-use material, such as an alternate daily cover, this material could be stockpiled and sent to a landfill for future use. Any finished compost will used by the City of Laurinburg Parks and Recreation Department as landscaping material or sold in bulk at the time of closure. Upon removal of all stored or stockpiled material from the site, a final cleaning of all containers, equipment, machines, and surfaces that have come in contact with composting materials will be cleaned. This would be performed by placing all equipment, such as front-end loaders and trucks, on the compost pad and hosing them down. After washing of equipment, the compost pad itself will be washed if necessary to remove any remaining materials and any remaining material will be sent to landfill. This will complete the cleaning operations, and the compost site will then be ready for unrestricted use in another capacity. 22 Section 7 – Signature Pages 23 24 25 26 Section 8 - Drawings NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTIONOFFICE MANAGERPROJECT MANAGERDESIGNERREVIEWERDATE PROJECT # FUNDING #M. CATHEYD. GORDONC. JORDAN_MARCH 1, 202221.04023 CD00872R55 Broad StreetAsheville, NC 28801828.252.0575NC Firm License # C-0459mcgillassociates.comSCHWARZ PROPERTIES LLCEXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEYDIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE100 0501002001000CERTIFIED DOCUMENT #O:\SURVEY\JOBS\2021\21-264 ACOR BOUNDARY AND TOPO\DWG\ACOR BOUNDARY PLAT.DWG 3/1/2022 8:45 AM GORDON WILSONNO. DATE BY DESCRIPTIONOFFICE MANAGERPROJECT MANAGERDESIGNERREVIEWERDATE PROJECT #SHEETTOPOGRAPHIC AND BOUNDARY MAPPING FORSCOTLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION SPECIAL FLOODHAZARD AREAS OTHER AREAS OFFLOOD HAZARD OTHERAREAS GENERALSTRUCTURES Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) With BFE or Depth Regulatory Floodway Areas Determined to be Outside the 0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain Non-accredited Levee, Dike, or Floodwall Zone A,V, A99 Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Zone X HTTP://FRIS.NC.GOV/FRIS THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT NORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPNORTH CAROLINA PANEL MAP NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE SEE FIS REPORT FOR ZONE DESCRIPTIONS AND INDEX MAP Cross Sections with 1% Annual ChanceWater Surface Elevation (BFE)Coastal Transect OTHERFEATURES Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature Limit of Study Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) Jurisdiction Boundary Accredited or Provisionally AccreditedLevee, Dike, or Floodwall Coastal Transect Baseline SCALE 1 inch = 500 feet Map Projection:North Carolina State Plane Projection Feet (Zone 3200)Datum: NAD 1983 (Horizontal), NAVD 1988 (Vertical) PANEL LOCATOR LOGO LOGO NOTES TO USERS For information and questions about this map, available products associated with this FIRM including historic versions of this FIRM, how to order products or the National Flood Insurance Program in general,please call the FEMA Map Information eXchange at 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the FEMA Map Service Center website at http://msc.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of MapRevision (LOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of thisFIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at http://www.ncfloodmaps.com,or contact the FEMA Map Service Center. Communities annexing land on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a current copy of the adjacent panel as well asthe current FIRM Index. These may be ordered directly from the Map Service Center at the number listed above. For community and countywide map dates refer to the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in the community, contact your Insurance agent or call the NationalFlood Insurance Program at 1-800-638-6620. Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the North Carolina FloodplainMapping Program (NCFMP). The source of this information can be determined from the metadata available in thedigital FLOOD database and in the Technical Support Data Notebook (TSDN). ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If an accredited levee note appears on this panel check with your localcommunity to obtain more information, such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the1-percent-annual-chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on the levee system(s) shown as providing protection.To mitigate flood risk in residual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider floodinsurance and floodproofing or other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interestedparties should visit the FEMA Website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip/index.shtm. PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If a Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) noteappears on this panel, check with your local community to obtain more information, such as the estimated level ofprotection provided (which may exceed the 1-percent-annual-chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on thelevee system(s) shown as providing protection. To maintain accreditation, the levee owner or community isrequired to submit the data and documentation necessary to comply with Section 65.10 of the NFIP regulations. If the community or owner does not provide the necessary data and documentation or if the data and documentationprovided indicates the levee system does not comply with Section 65.10 requirements, FEMA will revise the floodhazard and risk information for this area to reflect de-accreditation of the levee system. To mitigate flood risk inresidual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider flood insurance and floodproofingor other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interested parties should visit the FEMAWebsite at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip/index.shtm. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NOTES TO USERS: For some coastal flooding zones the AE Zonecategory has been divided by a Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA). The LiMWA represents the approximatelandward limit of the 1.5-foot breaking wave. The effects of wave hazards between the VE Zone and the LiMWA(or between the shoreline and the LiMWA for areas where VE Zones are not identified) will be similar to, but lesssevere than those in the VE Zone. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) NOTE This map may include approximate boundaries of the CBRS for informational purposes only. Flood insurance is notavailable within CBRS areas for structures that are newly built or substantially improved on or after the date(s)indicated on the map. For more information see http://www.fws.gov/habitatconservation/coastal_barrier.html, theFIS Report, or call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Customer Service Center at 1-800-344-WILD. CBRS Area Otherwise Protected Area Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% Annual Chance Flood with Average Depth Less Than One Foot or With Drainage Areas of Less Than One Square MileFuture Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood HazardArea with Reduced Flood Risk due to LeveeSee Notes Zone X Zone X Zone X 83861:6,000 %,012 18.2 !(8 1880000 FEET360000 FEET 1880000 FEET370000 FEET 1890000 FEET 370000 FEET 1890000 FEET 360000 FEET This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a uniquecooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the FederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina hasimplemented a long term approach to floodplain management to decrease thecosts associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's commitmentto map flood hazard areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State ofNorth Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement withFEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ZONE AE ZONE AE ZONE AE ZONE AE Cameron WayOld Lumberton Rd Edwards R d Pa tte rs o n R d Harry Malloy Rd Pell Dr Charles Craft LnOld Lumberton RdNRockyFordRdLuter Rd H oylCirBe nt onDr MccormickDrRocky Ford RdAirport Rd£¤74 £¤74 i1013 i1029 i1021 i1024 i1026 i1033 i1036 i947 i959 i988 i984 i977 i994 i968 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 SCOTLAND COUNTYUNINCORPORATED AREAS370316 174.3 167.3174.1 167.6171.9 173.2 167.8172.1 168.0172.2 173.1 171.3 169.1 173.3 173.8 168.5 171.7 168.2i1065 i1052 i1013 i1029 i1021 i1024 i1026 i1033 i1036 i920 i933 i947 i959 i988 i984 i977 i994 i968 ShoeHeelCreek ShoeHeel Creek Shoe He e l Cree k AJ3410 AJ3411 EB0879 EB0880 EB1622 79°22'0"W 79°22'0"W 79°22'30"W 79°22'30"W 79°23'0"W 79°23'0"W 79°23'30"W 79°23'30"W 34°45'30"N 34°45'30"N 34°45'0"N 34°45'0"N 34°44'30"N 34°44'30"N Hoke Richmond Scotland Robeson 8411 8420 8440 8460 8480 8357 8367 8377 8387 8397 9307 8424 8444 8464 8484 8426 8466 8446 8456 8422 8442 8462 8482 8410 7388 8308 8328 8349 8359 8369 8379 8389 8399 8348 8358 8368 8378 8388 8398 8306 8327 8337 8347 8326 8336 8346 8356 8366 8376 8386 8396 8324 8345 8355 8364 838483448354 8343 8353 83628352 I 0 500 1,000250Feet 0 150 30075 Meters BM5510 D North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark BM5510 ? BM5510z National Geodetic Survey bench markContractor Est. NCFMP Survey bench mark Panel Contains: COMMUNITY CID PANEL SUFFIX 8386370587 J 8386SCOTLAND COUNTY 370316 J 3710838600J 6/17/2003 MAXTON, TOWN OF FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION SPECIAL FLOODHAZARD AREAS OTHER AREAS OFFLOOD HAZARD OTHERAREAS GENERALSTRUCTURES Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) With BFE or Depth Regulatory Floodway Areas Determined to be Outside the 0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain Non-accredited Levee, Dike, or Floodwall Zone A,V, A99 Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Zone X HTTP://FRIS.NC.GOV/FRIS THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT NORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPNORTH CAROLINA PANEL SEE FIS REPORT FOR ZONE DESCRIPTIONS AND INDEX MAP Cross Sections with 1% Annual ChanceWater Surface Elevation (BFE)Coastal Transect OTHERFEATURES Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature Limit of Study Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) Jurisdiction Boundary Accredited or Provisionally AccreditedLevee, Dike, or Floodwall Coastal Transect Baseline SCALE 1 inch = 500 feet Map Projection:North Carolina State Plane Projection Feet (Zone 3200)Datum: NAD 1983 (Horizontal), NAVD 1988 (Vertical) PANEL LOCATOR LOGO LOGO NOTES TO USERS For information and questions about this map, available products associated with this FIRM including historic versions of this FIRM, how to order products or the National Flood Insurance Program in general,please call the FEMA Map Information eXchange at 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the FEMA Map Service Center website at https://msc.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of MapRevision (LOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of thisFIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at http://www.ncfloodmaps.com,or contact the FEMA Map Service Center. Communities annexing land on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a current copy of the adjacent panel as well asthe current FIRM Index. These may be ordered directly from the Map Service Center at the number listed above. For community and countywide map dates refer to the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in the community, contact your Insurance agent or call the NationalFlood Insurance Program at 1-800-638-6620. Flood Insurance Study (FIS) means an examination, evaluation, and determination of flood hazards, correspondingwater surface elevations, flood hazard risk zones, and other flood data in a community issued by the North CarolinaFloodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP). The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is comprised of the following productsused together: the Digital Flood Hazard Database, the Water Surface Elevation Rasters, the digitally derived,autogenerated Flood Insurance Rate Map and the Flood Insurance Survey Report. A Flood Insurance Survey is acompilation and presentation of flood risk data for specific watercourses, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas withina community. This report contains detailed flood elevation data, data tables and FIRM indices. When a flood study iscompleted for the NFIP, the digital information, reports and maps are assembled into an FIS. Information shown onthis FIRM is provided in digital format by the NCFMP. Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided indigital format by the NCFMP. The source of this information can be determined from the metadata available in thedigital FLOOD database and in the Technical Support Data Notebook (TSDN). ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If an accredited levee note appears on this panel check with your localcommunity to obtain more information, such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the1-percent-annual-chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on the levee system(s) shown as providing protection.To mitigate flood risk in residual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider floodinsurance and floodproofing or other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interestedparties should visit the FEMA Website at https://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If a Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) noteappears on this panel, check with your local community to obtain more information, such as the estimated level ofprotection provided (which may exceed the 1-percent-annual-chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on thelevee system(s) shown as providing protection. To maintain accreditation, the levee owner or community isrequired to submit the data and documentation necessary to comply with Section 65.10 of the NFIP regulations.If the community or owner does not provide the necessary data and documentation or if the data and documentationprovided indicates the levee system does not comply with Section 65.10 requirements, FEMA will revise the floodhazard and risk information for this area to reflect de-accreditation of the levee system. To mitigate flood risk inresidual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider flood insurance and floodproofingor other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interested parties should visit the FEMAWebsite at https://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NOTES TO USERS: For some coastal flooding zones the AE Zonecategory has been divided by a Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA). The LiMWA represents the approximatelandward limit of the 1.5-foot breaking wave. The effects of wave hazards between the VE Zone and the LiMWA(or between the shoreline and the LiMWA for areas where VE Zones are not identified) will be similar to, but lesssevere than those in the VE Zone. Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% Annual Chance Flood with Average Depth Less Than One Foot or With Drainage Areas of Less Than One Square MileFuture Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood HazardArea with Reduced Flood Risk due to LeveeSee Notes Zone X Zone X Zone X 83961:6,000 %,012 18.2 !(8 1890000 FEET360000 FEET 1890000 FEET370000 FEET 1900000 FEET 370000 FEET 1900000 FEET 360000 FEET This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a uniquecooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the FederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina hasimplemented a long term approach to floodplain management to decrease thecosts associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's commitmentto map flood hazard areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State ofNorth Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement withFEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ? ? ? ?1 8 0 .1182.0 1 8 2 .8 1 8 5 .4 Rockingham Rd Central St Ai r Base RdMcbred Dr OldRedSp rin g s R d N Mcnair StM ccaskil StSinclair Dr De a ngel o RdB r y a n ts C irPine StE Graham StN AustinStGospel Dr N Hooper StRdNVannStPell Dr Old Lumberton Rd Mccaskil AveGraham St C e m etery R d Agg iesDrL o mb ard StMalloySt Water St C o urtla n d St E Cottingham St Academy StN Florence StW ilkerson AveHill St RdPeterbilt Dr Smith St Wells CtP eg g y R d PreambleCtN Elm StE R oc kingha m R d BelcherLnThelmaDr B rookly n S tKin c a id S t Cottingham St Mckoy St MaximusDrMarada StH o w ard St Clarks Dr Buffalo Rd McnattStThomas StLewis RdGabes Way DrGentryRdPreamble DrAir b a se RdJashuaRdBrandieRdN Patterson StRdNc71 NROBESON COUNTYUNINCORPORATED AREAS370202 SCOTLAND COUNTYUNINCORPORATED AREAS370316 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 TOWN OFMAXTON ETJ370587 TOWN OFMAXTON ETJ370587 TOWN OFMAXTON ETJ370587 TOWN OFMAXTON ETJ370587 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 TOWN OFMAXTON370587 ZONE AE ,5769 ,5710 ,5680 ,5631 EB0883 EB1624 EB1625 NC911, NCCGIA 79°20'0"W 79°20'0"W 79°20'30"W 79°20'30"W 79°21'0"W 79°21'0"W 79°21'30"W 79°21'30"W 34°45'30"N 34°45'30"N 34°45'0"N 34°45'0"N 34°44'30"N 34°44'30"N Hoke Richmond Scotland Robeson 8411 8420 8440 8460 8480 8357 8367 8377 8387 8397 9307 8424 8444 8464 8484 8426 8466 8446 8456 8422 8442 8462 8482 8410 7388 8308 8328 8349 8359 8369 8379 8389 8399 8348 8358 8368 8378 8388 8398 8306 8327 8337 8347 8326 8336 8346 8356 8366 8376 8386 8396 8324 8345 8355 8364 838483448354 8343 8353 83628352 I 0 500 1,000250Feet 0 150 30075Meters BM5510 D North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark BM5510 ?BM5510z National Geodetic Survey bench markContractor Est. NCFMP Survey bench mark Panel Contains: COMMUNITY CID PANEL SUFFIX 8396370587 L8396ROBESON COUNTY 370202 L8396SCOTLAND COUNTY 370316 L MAXTON, TOWN OF VERSION NUMBER2.3.3.2 MAP NUMBER 3710839600L MAP REVISEDDecember 06, 2019 32 PLAN 2000 0 1000 2000 4000 2000DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE TOPO QUAD MAP FIG. 1 SHEETNOVEMBER 2023 DATE 21.04023 PROJECT # D. HONEYCUTT PROJECT MANAGER P:\2021\21.04023-AMERICANCOMOR-ACOR ENGINEERING SERVICES-COMPOST FACILITY\DRAWINGS\FIGURE\21.04023 FIGURE.DWG PLOT DATE 11/10/2022 9:22 AM WYNN WILSON5 Regional Circle Suite A Pinehurst, NC 28374 910.295.3159 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com SCOTLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA ORGANICS RECYCLING COMPOST FACILITY SITE PLAN PROPOSED COMPOST AREA PROPERTY BOUNDARY 34 Section 9 – Corporate Safety Handbook 35 Section 10 – NCDWR Stream Determination