HomeMy WebLinkAboutSF_F_NCD053010732_20220811_FRB_PASI(1)August 11, 2022
Ms. Sandra Bramble, RPM
Superfund Restoration and Site Evaluation Section
Superfund Division
US EPA Region IV Waste Division
61 Forsyth Street SW, 11th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303
Subject: Site Reassessment Report (SRR)
Parks-Cramer Co
NCD 053 010 732
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
Dear Ms. Bramble,
Under authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of
1986 (SARA), the NC Superfund Section conducted a Site Reassessment at the above site. The
purpose of this investigation was to collect information concerning conditions at the site
sufficient to determine the need for additional CERCLA/SARA or other appropriate evaluation.
Based on the results of this investigation, this site is recommended for No Further Remedial
Action Planned (NFRAP) designation under CERCLA.
The scope of this investigation included reviews of a 1984 CERCLA Site Inspection,
private contractor site investigations conducted at the site property and documents produced by
and for the NC DEQ Brownfields program. NC and Mecklenburg County geographic
information system (GIS) data were reviewed to identify potential groundwater receptors near
the site. Field investigation included passive soil gas (PSG) and emergent surface water
sampling, due to historical storage and use of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs)
at the site property (see Appendices A and B).
Site Description, Operational and Regulatory History and Waste Characteristics:
Site Description:
The site is a former textile and textile equipment manufacturing facility located at 2000
South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28803. The northeast end of the site is at the intersection of
South Boulevard and East Tremont Avenue. Geographic coordinates at the approximate
contaminant source area are 35.20891o N Latitude and 80.86145o West Longitude (Refs. 3, 4;
Figs. 1, 2, 3).
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The site property currently consists of two adjoining parcels, totaling 9.78 acres. The
southern parcel, currently 2100 South Boulevard, was historically part of the northern 2000
South Boulevard parcel. The northern parcel currently contains the (one-to-two-story) Atherton
Mill Shopping Center. The southern parcel is covered by a six-story apartment complex,
ground-floor retail stores and a five-story parking garage. The site is bounded by a railroad and
former textile mill to the northwest and by South Boulevard to the east and southeast, beyond
which lie commercial properties. Commercial properties also border the site to the south (Refs.
4, 5, 6, 7).
On-site ground surface elevation ranges from 743 to 760 feet. A low topographic ridge
runs north through the eastern portion of the site, before curving into a “saddle” to the northeast.
This topography divides two drainages: a northward tributary drainage toward Irwin Creek, to
the north of the site, and a southeastward drainage toward Dairy Branch and Upper Little Sugar
Creek to the east of the site (Refs. 3, 4, 10; Figs. 1, 3).
Site Operational and Regulatory History and Waste Characteristics:
Site operation by Parks-Cramer began in 1918-1919. However, a review of historic
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps in 2006 indicated that a cotton mill (Atherton Cotton Mill)
operated there prior to that time, possibly as early as 1896. Parks-Cramer operated on the
northern parcel, manufacturing air handling equipment and hoisting systems for the textile
industry. Operation expanded south in the 1960s and 1970s, eventually including approximately
12 acres and nine structures. A separate motorboat service and repair shop operated on the
southern parcel from 1957 to 1991 (Refs. 5, 6, 8, 9).
In 1988, Parks-Cramer sold their operation to Flakt, Inc., and South Boulevard Properties
Inc. (SBP) was created as site owner/manager. Flakt was purchased by Luwa Bahnson, which
leased the site until 1992, when manufacturing activities ceased. In 1993, the main former
Parks-Cramer structure on the northern parcel was renovated for use in retail sales and as office
space, and secondary structures there were removed. In 1996, a former Atherton Mills textile
structure directly west of the southern parcel was renovated into office/loft-condominium units
(Refs 5, 6, 8). In 2018, the “Crane building”, located at the north end of the southern parcel, and
two other structures to the south, were demolished for redevelopment into the current
residential/commercial complex (Refs. 4, 6, 7). Both properties are currently owned by Atherton
Mill (E & A), LLC (Atherton Mill) (Ref. 3)
From 1962 to 1988, Parks-Cramer Co. operated a vapor degreasing unit at their facility
on the northern parcel. The degreasing unit, used to clean/prepare metal parts for paint
application, was located in the western interior of the structure that currently operates as the
shopping center. The primary solvents used in the degreasing unit consisted of trichloroethene
(TCE), and (after 1976) 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA). Solvents were stored in a steel
aboveground storage tank (AST). Solvent use was estimated to range from 1000 to 2000
gallons/year (Refs. 6, 8, 9).
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During summer months, waste solvent, applied by hand-pump sprayer, was reportedly
used to control weed growth along the northwest property line of the northern parcel, adjacent to
the railroad embankment. The spraying continued until 1979, when promulgation of the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) led to the facility shipping its waste solvents
off site for recycling. As a result of the reported disposal practice, Parks-Cramer was included
on the (then) NC Department of Natural Resources and Community Development’s Emergency
Response and Remedial Information Systems (ERRIS) list (Refs. 6, 8).
In 1984, then NC Division of Human Resources conducted a CERCLA Site Inspection
site visit. However, due to the urban setting and absence of local groundwater use, the Division
recommended the site to the EPA as a low priority for further action (Ref. 9).
As part of the 1988 property transaction, SBP contracted an environmental investigation
at the site. The investigation included completion of hand augered test borings, installation of
monitoring wells, and collection of groundwater samples from the above. Investigation focused
on the area adjacent to the former degreasing unit, and along the northwest portion of the 9-acre
property. Sample analysis detected chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs), including
1,1,1-TCA, 1,2-dichloroethane (DCA), 1,1-DCA, 1,2-dichloroethene (DCE), 1,1-DCE, TCE and
methylene chloride, in one or more groundwater locations. Results demonstrated that TCE and
1,1,1-TCA were the most prevalent contaminants on site. The former vapor degreasing unit was
identified as the primary contaminant source, with the weed-spraying area being secondary (Ref.
6). Subsequently identified sources included: 1) a storm drain outfall to a ditch along the
adjacent railroad, and 2) an adjacent former drum storage area (Ref. 8).
In response to the discovery of groundwater contamination at the site, the (then) NC
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Hazardous Waste Section (HWS)
issued a Compliance Order (Docket #89-172) to SBP. A RCRA Facility assessment had
identified three Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) and one Area of Concern (AOC):
1.SWMU 1: TCE contaminated surface soil along a loading dock and approximately 38
feet of rail spur, north-northwest of the Atherton Mill building. Corrective action in 1991
consisted of excavating and removing contaminated railroad cross ties and soil for offsite
incineration (Refs. 8, 10).
2.SWMU 2: TCE and TCA contaminated drainage ditch along the main railway, west of
the Atherton Mill building. Possible contributors included an adjacent drum storage area,
a storm drain outfall and/or historical waste solvent spraying for weed control. Corrective
action, begun in 1992, included vacuum extraction of soil vapor, which reduced the area
of contamination to the immediate vicinity of the drum storage and drain outfall (Refs. 8,
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3.SWMU 3/Waste Management Unit 1: The former Vapor Degreasing Unit on the north
parcel, with associated piping, storage, concrete containment vault and underlying
contaminated soil. Corrective Action in 1990-1991 consisted of removing the degreasing
equipment and filling/sealing the containment vault. Vacuum extraction in 1991
addressed the underlying contaminated soil, confirmed by soil sampling in 1993 (Refs. 8,
4.AOC 1: Isolated solvent (acetone, 2-butanone) spill location north of the boat service
facility on the southern parcel. Follow-up assessment determined that the constituents
were no longer detectable there (Refs. 8, 10).
In May 1996, SBP contractors submitted an initial Part B Post-Closure Permit
Application to the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) HWS.
The Application reported that soil contamination in SWMUs 1 and 3, and the AOC, had been
effectively remediated. From 1997 to 1999, SBP contractors conducted additional soil
investigations at SWMU 2. In 1997, as an addendum to the Application, SBP contractors
completed an initial baseline risk assessment to evaluate contaminant fate and transport to
evaluate potential risk to human health and the environment. The Assessment included a
groundwater flow and solute transport model (Refs. 8, 10).
In 1990, SBP voluntarily installed and operated a recovery system to pump and treat
cVOC contaminated groundwater at the site. Highest groundwater cVOC concentrations (93.4
mg/L 1,1,1-TCA; 389 mg/L TCE; 8.29 mg/L PCE) were detected in one monitoring well (MW-
14), screened in weathered bedrock at approximately 50 feet depth below ground surface. Total
VOC concentrations in other monitoring wells ranged from non-detect to 40 mg/L. The treated
groundwater was discharged, under permit, to the Charlotte POTW as non-hazardous material
(Ref. 8). SBP contractors had proposed Alternative Concentration Levels (ACLs) and
downgradient Allowable Exposure Levels (AELs) for site groundwater contaminants. The NC
HWS accepted the ACLs/AELs on the condition that groundwater monitoring confirmed
groundwater solute transport model predictions that had previously been submitted by SBP
contractors (Ref. 10).
In August 2000, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Department announced that it would
no longer accept treated groundwater, and so the on-site groundwater recovery was discontinued
in April 2001. As part of a Modified Post-Closure Plan, SBP then proposed decommissioning/
removing the groundwater recovery system, plus removal of the soil vapor recovery systems that
had previously operated at the SWMUs/WMU 1. SBP proposed continued semi-annual sampling
at selected monitoring wells for the following three years, to be extended by two annual events if
requested by the NC HWS. SBP submitted a survey plat to the Mecklenburg County Planning
Commission and recorded a notation on the deed to the property, both notifying of the location
and dimensions of former SWMU 1 (Ref. 10).
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In 2004, the HWS informed SBP of a change in previously agreed conditions for the site
being released from the RCRA program: Preparation of a Technical Impracticability (TI)
evaluation would be required for no further site remedial and/or investigation activities to be
required under RCRA. SBP contractors submitted a report contending that 1) the high
concentrations of cVOCs in site groundwater indicated the likelihood that dense non-aqueous
phase liquid (DNAPL) was present in the subsurface, and that 2) the presence and behavioral
characteristics of the DNAPL would preclude the likelihood that available technologies could
sustainably remediate site groundwater to applicable standards. SBP additionally created an
Area of Regulated Groundwater Usage under the provisions of Mecklenburg County
groundwater well regulations (Ref. 11). In response, in November 2005, the NC HWS agreed to
deny the Post Closure Permit, having determined that SBP had satisfactorily demonstrated TI
and had also demonstrated adequate protection of potential (groundwater) receptors (Ref. 12).
In February 2006, South Boulevard Properties filed a Declaration of Perpetual Land Use
Restrictions (LURs) with the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. The restrictions
prohibited any groundwater use, called for state-compliant abandonment of all existing wells,
prohibited any additional well drilling or excavation/subsurface construction without written
permission from the NC HWS, and required any basements to be vented according to State and
local building codes (Ref. 13).
In August and September 2006, Edens & Avant Investments Limited Partnership
submitted a Letter Of Intent (LOI) and affidavit seeking eligibility for a Brownfields agreement
with the State of NC. The application proposed commercial, retail and residential redevelopment
of the project site (2000-2140 South Boulevard); the Brownfields program affirmed the site’s
eligibility for entry and continued evaluation under the program (Ref. 14). However, the site
continued to operate under LURs with the NC HWS Facility Management Branch until 2016
(Refs. 15, 16).
In 2012, contractors for Atherton Mill completed a sub slab vapor assessment, collecting
samples at twelve locations beneath the four structures then existing at the site. The structures
included (from north to south) the former Parks-Cramer structure (Building One), the “Crane
Building” (Building Two), a former motorboat service shop (Building Three) and a fourth
structure (Building Four) on the southern parcel. The highest cVOC concentrations (TCE, PCE,
1,1,1-TCA) were detected beneath the northern portion of Building One and beneath the central
to northwest portion of Building Two, in proximity to previously identified source areas (Ref.
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Contractors for Atherton Mill completed five indoor air quality assessment events in
April and July 2013 and in January, June and September 2014. Initial events consisted of
collecting samples from four locations in Building One and two locations in Building Two.
Outdoor air samples were also collected as background. The final event focused on previously
unsampled interior sections of Building One, and also evaluated performance criteria for
installation of a sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS) for soil vapor mitigation beneath the
structure (Refs. 18, 19, 20).
Results for the January 2014 indoor air sampling event were not available on file for
review. Contaminants detected by the other four indoor air sampling events in Building One
included aromatic petroleum compounds and TCE. The aromatic compounds were attributed to
wood-block flooring material, which the contractor recommended for removal. A single indoor
air sample from Building One contained 1,760 µg/m3 TCE, while indoor air sample TCE results
from other sections of Building One ranged from non-detect to 46.4 µg/m3 (Refs. 18, 19, 20).
Indoor air TCE concentrations exceeded EPA health-based cancer and non-cancer
groundwater benchmarks in the majority of the (21) samples from Building One and in half of
the (8) samples collected from Building Two. However, the majority of indoor air TCE
concentrations did not exceed three times the concentrations detected in concurrent
outdoor/ambient air samples (Refs. 2, 18, 19, 20).
In January 2016, contractors for Atherton Mill submitted a draft Vapor Intrusion
Mitigation System (VIMS) Construction Package for Building One to the NC Brownfields
program. The package described retrofitting the structure with a subfloor ventilation system
beneath new, 4-inch concrete floor slabs, with wind-drawn outdoor vent pipes (Ref. 21).
In 2017, contractors conducted a two-phase soil screening investigation preparatory to
demolition of Building Two (“The Crane Building”) and the other two structures on the southern
parcel. A total of 90 borings were completed beneath the foundation and in proximity to the
existing vacant Building Two, with soil samples collected at 1-foot depth intervals and then field
screened by flame ionization detector (FID). Only one sample produced a FID reading
exceeding 10 ppm; laboratory analysis of the sample detected semi-volatile organic compounds
and arsenic, but not VOCs (Ref 22). Following demolition and removal, additional test pit
excavation took place in November 2017. Under the Brownfields agreement, a Soil Restriction
Area/Vapor Intrusion Requirement Zone was established on site, within which any new building
construction was required to include installation of vapor mitigation measures (Refs. 15, 23, 24).
The extent of identified cVOC groundwater contamination includes multiple properties to
the north and northwest of Parks-Cramer:
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Investigations at Adjacent Properties:
•Mitchell & Becker Site (M&B,1928 South Boulevard; NONCD0001041): Former iron
works facility (~1940 to 1996) located northeast across Tremont Avenue from Parks-
Cramer. Currently in commercial (retail; restaurant) use. Groundwater sampling (1996-
1997), detected TCE contamination (2.7 µg/L). NC HWS referred site, post-closure, to
the NC Superfund Section IHSB. In 2014, at property owner’s request (citing Parks-
Cramer as possible source), IHSB changed M&B status from Priority Site to No Further
Action (Refs. 25, 26). TCE groundwater concentration was less than EPA Target
Groundwater Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) for commercial use (Ref. 27), and
likely represented northeast edge of Parks-Cramer groundwater contaminant plume.
•Camden Square (1930 Camden Road): Former Package Products facility located north,
diagonally across West Tremont Avenue from Parks-Cramer. Property entered into NC
Brownfields agreement (1998; Project No. 01001-97-060), with LURs including
prohibition of groundwater use. In 2017, contractors summarized prior sub-slab soil gas
sampling results and proposed additional indoor air evaluation, toward design of
proposed active soil vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) beneath existing property
structures (Refs. 28, 29, 30).
•Former Fergusen Enterprises Property (101 West Tremont Avenue): Former warehouse
and showroom located directly northeast of Parks-Cramer. Demolished and redeveloped
as multi-story commercial and residential complex under NC Brownfields agreement
(Project No. 10009-06-060). Due to proximity to Parks-Cramer, with highly concentrated
cVOC groundwater contamination, LURs specified that construction include installation
of a vapor barrier/VIMS (Ref. 31).
•Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer Works (2151 Hawkins Street): Located northwest, across
railroad from the Parks Cramer. Under NC Brownfields agreement (Project No. 22055-
18-060), site has been redeveloped into 17-story mixed-use structure. In 2021, NC
Brownfields personnel monitored pre-installation of a vapor barrier and VIMS at the
construction site (Ref. 32).
•“Hot Sake” Recording Studio: Small structure located on Hawkins Street between former
Charlotte Oil construction site and former Fergusen property (Ref. 4). No sampling
investigations on record. Commercial property, anticipated to be inhabited on an
intermittent basis.
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•Former Dynatech Industries (2187 Hawkins Street): Former chrome plating facility (1973
to 1984) located approximately 600 feet southwest (across-gradient) from Parks-Cramer,
Groundwater sampling (1991) revealed TCE (8 to 2,100 µg/L), PCE (300 µg/L) and 1,1-
DCE (16 µg/L). Groundwater remediation was initiated under a state administrative order
in 1992 (Ref. 8)
Investigations at Properties Farther Downgradient:
•Camden Square 2nd Amendment (1932 Hawkins Street): Located west of Camden Square
and 0.15-mile northwest of Parks-Cramer. Amendment 2 to Camden Square Brownfields
agreement (NC Brownfields Project No. 09060-05-060). Thirteen-story (0.3 acre)
commercial and residential structure, and multi-deck parking garage, constructed (2019)
on larger (2.95-acre) property between Hawkins Street and Abbott Street. Mixed-use
construction included installation of VISL. Additional commercial/residential
condominium structures constructed on western edge of property, on east side of Abbott
Street. Brownfields LURs specify: 1) Any slab-on-grade construction requires State-
approved vapor barrier and/or VIMS installation, and 2) any other inhabited construction
requires active mechanical ventilation system (Refs 33, 34).
•Kale-Bindex (Doggett Street/Helix Way): Five-Building residential condominium
complex (NC Brownfields Project No. 16028-12-060). Located 0.1-mile northwest of
Parks-Cramer. Pre-construction TCE groundwater concentrations (2011) ranged from 41
µg/L (west) to 6,200 µg/L (east). Soil gas assessment (2012) detected TCE (up to 60,000
µg/m3), PCE (up to 4,700 µg/m3) and 1,1-DCE (up to 3,800 µg/m3). LURs specified
installation of VIMS at all structures designed for ground-level occupancy (Ref. 35).
•Doggett Street and West Tremont Avenue site (305 Doggett Street): Located 0.16- mile
west-northwest of Parks-Cramer. Recent NC Brownfields-eligible site. Chlorinated VOC
VI potential but no cVOC groundwater or soil gas data on file (Ref. 36).
•Carolina Foundry (224-232 West Tremont Avenue): Located 0.15 mile west-northwest of
Parks Cramer. Former aluminum, brass and copper casting facility (NC Brownfields
Project No. 20054-16-60). Groundwater sampling for VOCs (2017) detected only
methylene chloride and styrene; soil gas sampling (2017) detected PCE (“J’d” single-
digit µg/m3) but no TCE or DCE (Ref. 37).
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•Camden Square Addition (West Worthington Avenue & Tryon Street, SE): Located 0.22-
mile northwest of Parks-Cramer. Amendment 1 to Camden Square Brownfields
agreement (NC Brownfields Project No. 05001-01-060). Comprehensive Site Assessment
(2001) documented TCE groundwater contamination (up to 680 µg/L (1995)), plus
possible contaminated groundwater discharge (570 µg/L) via northwest-flowing storm
water culvert toward South Tryon Street. Survey plat (2001) notes document TCE
groundwater contamination (220 µg/L (2000)) (Refs. 38, 39, 40).
•Hughes Supply: (South Tryon Street & Doggett street NE): Located directly south of
Camden Square Addition. Brownfields LURs specify no ground-level use other than
parking, pending completion of soil gas sampling/VIMS installation (Ref. 41).
•Palmers Automotive (1900 South Tryon Street/401 West Worthington Avenue: Located
north across Tryon Street from Camden Square Addition. Groundwater sampling (2016)
detected TCE (up to 260 µg/L) and PCE (up to 55 µg/L). Outdoor soil gas sampling
(2017) detected TCE (up to 1200 µg/m3), PCE (up to 1600 µg/m3), additional cVOCs and
petroleum-related VOCs. Brownfields LURs prohibit groundwater use and require that
all enclosed construction certify protection from, or completion of mitigation measures
against, VI. (Ref. 42). Detections of TCE and PCE in groundwater and soil gas occurred
primarily in the upgradient (southeastern) portion of the property; groundwater and soil
gas results to the north/west were either non-detect for cVOCs or were less than
residential VISL Target values (Refs. 27, 43). This Brownfields site is the farthest
downgradient within the known/suspected cVOC migration pathway from Parks-Cramer
(Fig. 2).
•City block between Camden Road, Hawkins Street, West Street and West Worthington
Avenue: Located 0.14 to 0.2-mile north of Parks-Cramer. Three overlapping Brownfields
projects, comingled: DCC Apartments RN (No. 1910-50-060); Terminix (No. 24048-20-
060); West Worthington Avenue site (No. 12025-08-060). Groundwater sampling on
southwestern parcel (2008) detected PCE (up to 9.69 µg/L), TCE (up to 196 µg/L) and
1,1-DCE (up to 49.7 µg/L). Soil gas sampling on south-central parcel (2008) detected
VOCs but no PCE, TCE or DCE. Soil gas sampling (3 points, NW-SE) across block
(2015) detected PCE (up to 10 µg/m3) and TCE (up to 1.8 J µg/m3). Soil gas sampling on
southwest parcel (2016) detected PCE (up to 41 µg/m3) and TCE (up to 19 µg/m3).
Southeastern quarter of block was redeveloped as multi-story mixed-use commercial/
residential complex; southwestern quarter (where cVOC contaminants were detected)
was redeveloped as a multi-level open-air parking garage (Refs. 4, 44, 45, 46, 47).
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Groundwater Migration Pathway and Targets:
Charlotte NC lies within the Charlotte lithotectonic belt, which consists primarily of
igneous and metamorphosed igneous bedrock. Bedrock beneath the site and downtown Charlotte
is locally mapped as weakly foliated Devonian age granodiorite and related granitoids. Fractures
within the local bedrock are mainly oriented either east to west, dipping south, or south-southeast
to north-northwest, dipping west-southwest (Refs 6, 11, 48).
Soil at the site is mapped as Cecil-Urban Land complex consisting mainly of yellow-red
sandy clay loam, much of which has been disturbed by cutting/filling/grading. On-site
subsurface explorations encountered 0.5 to 1 feet of silty sand, underlain by stiff to very stiff red
clayey silt/silty clay to depth of 1 to 12 feet. The subsoil grades downward into fine sandy silty
saprolite and weathered bedrock, which occurs to depths of 10 to 40 feet and occasionally as
deep as 60 feet (Ref. 6).
Site hydrogeology is reported to be typical of the Piedmont: The unconfined aquifer
consists of the saturated porous zone of the saprolite, hydraulically connected to water-bearing
fractures in the underlying partially weathered and unweathered bedrock. In the porous saprolite
zone, groundwater elevation and flow direction generally reflects surface topography and
overland drainage. Groundwater migration in bedrock is typically controlled by spacing and
orientation of fractures. (Ref. 6).
Based on cumulative groundwater measurements, approximate depth to groundwater
beneath the site property ranges from 3 to 35 feet. Groundwater elevation data from both on- and
off-site monitoring well locations indicate that the potentiometric surface within both the
saprolite and weathered/fractured bedrock zones locally slopes to the north-to-northwest, away
from a northeast-southwest-oriented groundwater divide that follows South Boulevard (Refs. 3,
6, 8, 11, 49).
Analytical data from groundwater sampling at off-property monitoring wells indicate a
north/northwestward-migrating plume of cVOC contamination, consistent with the contaminated
portion of the site being located on the western side of the previously described
topographic/groundwater divide. Localized off-site “hot spots” of cVOC contamination have
also been identified at apparent sources along Hawkins Street, 250 feet west and 500 feet north
of the Parks-Cramer property, respectively. In 1995, the NC HWS acknowledged that these
latter areas of contamination likely represented co-mingling cVOC plumes from other industrial
sources, not attributable to the Parks-Cramer site (3, 6, 8, 11, 49).
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The City of Charlotte supplies drinking water to residences and businesses within the city
limits. The city’s drinking-water source consists of surface water intakes along the Catawba
River. No public water-supply wells operate within a 4-mile radius of the Parks-Cramer site. A
well survey conducted during a previous investigation indicated that no private drinking-water
wells operated within a 1500-foot radius of the site, consistent with the local urban character
(Refs. 8, 50, 51; Fig 1). Based on the absence of proximal groundwater targets, the exposure
hazard posed by the groundwater migration pathway appears to be minimal.
Surface Water Migration Pathway and Targets:
The western majority of the site property, including known source areas of groundwater
contamination, lies within the Irwin Creek Watershed (Ref. 3). Previous investigations report
that (intermittent) runoff occurs in a drainage ditch between the site property and the adjacent
railway corridor to the west. Runoff from the northern portion of the railroad ditch discharges to
a storm drain which passes north beneath Tremont Avenue, then continues northwest.
Underground storm drains continue northwest and west beneath the Camden Square Addition
property and South Tryon Street, running parallel to West Worthington Avenue. Within the
northwestward drainage area, the probable point of entry (PPE 1) to perennial surface water
likely exists where stormwater and/or emergent groundwater discharges to an unnamed surface
tributary of Irwin Creek. This tributary begins at a storm drainage culvert within a property
parcel northeast of the intersection of Wilmore Drive and Wood Dale Trail, approximately 0.6
mile northwest from the site (a second, eastern tributary is mapped as joining the unnamed
tributary below the PPE, but the latter’s existence has been ruled out by field observations).
From the mouth of the 0.35-mile tributary, Irwin Creek flows south approximately three miles to
Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek continues approximately 24 miles to the Catawba River (Refs. 8, 52;
(Fig. 4A). Sugar Creek therefore contains the fifteen-mile surface water pathway target distance
limit (TDL).
Surface runoff from the (much smaller) eastern portion of the site reportedly enters storm
drains along South Boulevard and migrates eastward toward Dairy Branch, a tributary of Little
Sugar Creek. Within the southeastward drainage area, the PPE (PPE 2) to perennial surface water
exists where stormwater and/or emergent groundwater discharges to Dairy Branch. This tributary
begins at a culvert located between residences southeast of the intersection of East Tremont and
Lyndhurst Avenues, approximately 0.4 mile east from the site. Dairy Branch flows 1.44 miles
to Little Sugar Creek. Little Sugar Creek joins Sugar Creek several miles downstream from the
latter’s confluence with Irwin Creek (Refs. 4, 8, 51, 52; Fig. 4B).
No public surface-water intakes reportedly operate within the 15-mile TDL (Refs. 8, 50).
The nearest identified fishery for human consumption is a 6-acre pond located parallel to
Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Regional Park, approximately 1.44 miles downstream in the
eastern drainage from the site; the pond is elevated above the creek, and the creek itself is not
identified as a fishery (Ref. 53).
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The nearest mapped downstream wetland in the western drainage pathway is on Irwin
Creek, 1.15 miles downstream from PPE 1; the next wetland interval is approximately 5 miles
downstream. The nearest wetland in the eastern drainage is on Dairy Branch, 0.2 mile
downstream from the PPE (Ref. 52).
SRR Surface Water Sampling and Results:
Part of the scope of the current SRR was to investigate whether cVOCs attributable to the
Parks-Cramer site had migrated to nearby surface water. Extensive groundwater contamination
had been documented at several Brownfields sites to the northwest of the Parks-Cramer site, but
the question remained as to whether contaminants had also migrated into the drainage to the east
of the site. The prediction was that groundwater contamination, if present, might be detected as
discharge to perennial surface water, and also in soil gas near surface water, where groundwater
elevation would be closer to the land surface than at locations closer to the site.
Surface water sampling was complicated by the presence of an extensive underground
storm drainage network in the site’s heavily urbanized setting. Sampling was originally planned
at PPE 1, the outfall in the northwest drainage; however, the owner of the vacant property
containing the PPE did not respond to a written access request. To the northeast of the property,
at the corner of West Boulevard and Worthington Street, a depression in the ground exposed the
junction of two storm drains: a storm drain along West Worthington Avenue linking to the
Brownfields properties northwest of the site, and a separate (background) drainage from the
north. However, despite recent precipitation, the junction was non-flowing when visually
examined during site visits on June 1 and June 13, 2022. As an alternative, a surface water
sample (PC02SW) was collected below PPE 1, accessed from a public park downstream from
Wilmore Drive (Ref. 54; Fig. 4A).
In the eastern drainage duplicate water samples (PC01SW; PC11SW) were collected at
PPE 2, located behind residences between East Tremont Avenue and Victorian Place (Ref. 54;
Fig. 4B).
SRR surface water samples were analyzed at the EPA Region 4 Laboratory for volatile
organic compounds. Results are summarized in Table 1 and Appendix B of this Report.
The water sample (PC02SW) taken below PPE 1 in the northwestern drainage contained TCE (1
µg/L), acetone (0.5 µg/L) and a trace of chloroform. The water samples (PC01SW and duplicate
PC11SW) collected at PPE 2 in the eastern drainage contained PCE (0.96 µg/L; 0.97 µg/L),
chloroform (1.4 µg/L; 1.2 µg/L) and trace levels of 1,1-dichloroethane and 1,1-dichloroethene.
The significance of these results will be discussed in the Subsurface Intrusion section of this
report. Based on the above information the exposure hazard posed via the surface water
migration pathway appears to be minimal.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
Ms. Bramble
August 11, 2022
Page 13
Soil Exposure and Subsurface Intrusion and Air Pathways and Targets:
The Parks-Cramer site has been redeveloped for commercial and residential use under the
NC Brownfields program, with land use restrictions and mitigation measures against subsurface
intrusion of cVOC contamination that was previously documented in groundwater at the site.
Most of the redeveloped properties located in the downgradient (northwest) direction are also
NC Brownfields sites, with land use restrictions and/or vapor intrusion mitigation measures in
place. The scope of the current investigation was to use limited passive soil gas (PSG) sampling
to delineate the northwestward and eastward extent of contamination that could present a
potential Subsurface Intrusion (SsI) exposure hazard to non-commercial properties farther from
the site.
PSG sampling was conducted using a “Besure” passive soil-gas sampling kit, provided
by Beacon Environmental Services, Inc. PSG samplers were deployed on June 1, 2022 and
retrieved on June 13, 2022, after 12 days of equilibration. At each soil vapor sampling location,
a 1.5 inch-diameter hole was power-drilled into the ground surface to a depth of 1.0 foot. From
the bottom of the borehole, a 0.5 inch-diameter borehole was further advanced to a total depth of
3 feet. The PSG samplers were suspended by metal wire into the upper boreholes. Compacted
aluminum foil was used to anchor the upper sampler wires and to seal the upper boreholes from
the atmosphere. Following retrieval, samplers were secured and shipped to Beacon
Environmental for VOC analysis (Appendix B).
Beacon analyzed the PSG samples using EPA Method 8260C, for chlorinated and non-
chlorinated volatile organic compounds. A duplicate analysis (PC02SGDup) was performed on
downgradient PSG sampler PSG02SG (Appendix C). PSG sample results (micrograms/cubic
meter (µg/m3))are summarized in Table 1 and Appendix C of this report.
In the northwestern drainage pathway, PSG sampling (PC02SG and PC02SGDup;
PC03SG; PC04SG) was conducted at the former Palmers Automotive site (1900 South Tryon
Street – see above), the farthest downgradient Brownfields site with previously documented
cVOC contamination in groundwater and soil gas. Sampling was performed just inside the
western and northern property lines to evaluate the SsI potential at adjacent residential properties.
PCE was detected in two of the PSG samplers (PC03SG and PC04SG.
Concentrations (2.31 µg/m3; 10.2 µg/m3) were considerably lower than the (139 µg/m3) EPA
Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Target Sub-slab/Near-Source concentration for
residential exposure. No TCE or other VOCs were detected in the three PSG samplers (Refs. 27,
54; Table 1; Appendix C).
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
Ms. Bramble
August 11, 2022
Page 14
Cumulative groundwater sample/elevation data from previous investigations indicate that
eastward transport of groundwater contaminants from the Parks-Cramer site is unlikely.
However, concurrent with surface water sampling at PPE 2 in the eastern drainage, the NC
Superfund Section conducted PSG sampling (PC01SG) at a residential property in proximity to
that location, where groundwater was anticipated to exist at minimal depth below ground surface.
The PSG sample contained toluene (7.4 µg/m3) and petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH 30,400
µg/m3) consistent with diesel fuel. Results were non-detect for cVOCs (Appendix C).
The NC Superfund Section evaluated the cVOC and toluene PSG sample results using
the EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Calculator. None of the results exceeded
Target Sub-slab/Near-source Soil Gas concentrations, based on a Residential Carcinogenic/Non-
carcinogenic Risk of 1.0E-6 and Hazard Quotient of 0.1 (Refs. 27, 55). Based on the above
sampling results, the off-site exposure hazard posed at the properties via the subsurface intrusion
component of the soil exposure and subsurface intrusion pathway appears to be minimal.
Comparison of PSG and Surface Water Sampling Results:
Northwestern Drainage: PCE was detected in soil gas at the downgradient property
lines at the former Palmers Automotive site, the farthest downgradient of the contiguous
Brownfields sites northwest of Parks-Cramer. TCE was not detected in soil gas at those locations.
Conversely, TCE was detected in surface water below PPE 1, where no PCE detection occurred.
In addition, PPE 1 is the likely surface discharge from multiple underground urban storm drains,
as evidenced by the fact that the PPE was discharging while a nearby visible storm drain junction
was not. Therefore, attribution of any surface water contaminant detection at the PPE to a
specific urban source would be difficult.
Eastern Drainage: The drainage outfall at PPE 2 discharges runoff from underground
storm drains that follow East Tremont Street, to the north of the PPE. PCE was detected in
surface water from PPE 2, but was not detected in a PSG sample from an upgradient residential
property on the southwest side of the stream. These results do not support groundwater
discharge from the site to the creek as a source for cVOCs.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
Ms. Bramble August 11, 2022
Page 15
Site Reassessment Conclusions:
Based on current site conditions and brownfields activities conducted to date, the Parks-
Cramer site is recommended for No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) designation
under CERCLA. If you have any questions, please contact me at stuart.parker@ncdenr.gov or
(919) 707-8377.
Stuart F Parker, Hydrogeologist
Federal Remediation Branch
NC Superfund Section
_______________________ William Hunneke, ChiefNC Superfund Section
cc: File
Janet MacDonald – letter only
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
Parks-Cramer Co
NCD 053 010 732
Site Reassessment References:
1)United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 40 Code of Federal Regulations - Part
300, Hazard Ranking System, July 1, 2019, Available On-line at:
2)United States Environmental Protection Agency, Superfund Chemical Data Matrix,
Appendix B, Updated July 2020. Query at: https://www.epa.gov/superfund/superfund-
3)Mecklenburg County, NC Geographic Information Service (GIS),
https://polaris3g.mecklenburgcountync.gov Reviewed October 17, 2021 to June 22, 2022.
4)Google Maps, Charlotte, NC: Latitude and Longitude Determination; Aerial Map and
Imagery; Street Level Imagery. November 8, 2021, to January 7, 2022.
5)Apex Companies, LLC, Winston-Salem, NC: “Report of Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment, Atherton Mill, 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina”. Apex Project
No.: 510130.001. August 23, 2006.
6)AWARE Environmental, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Summary Preliminary Site Investigation
Report, South Boulevard Properties (formerly known as Parks-Cramer), 2000 South
Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina”. AEI Project No.: N105-01. October 1988.
7)NOVEL Atherton Company on-line photo gallery:
8)AWARE Environmental, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Baseline Risk Assessment, South Boulevard
Properties, 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina”. AEI Project No.: N105-54.
Rev. May 2001.
9)Moore, Frank E., NC Division of Health Services, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Branch, Environmental Health Section: “Site Inspection Report for Parks-Cramer Company,
2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28203”. June 1984.
10) AWARE Environmental, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Modified Post-closure Plan for Monitoring
Associated with Validation of the Groundwater Solute Transport Model, South Boulevard
Properties, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina”. AEI Project No.: N105-54. May 2001.
11) AWARE Environmental, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Technical Impracticability Evaluation, South
Boulevard Properties, Inc., 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina”. AEI Project
No.: N105-54. May 2005.
12) Cannon, Elizabeth, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR),
Hazardous Waste Section: Letter to David Ford, President, South Boulevard Properties, re:
Part B Application – Hazardous Waste Management Permit; Intent to Deny Final Permit.
November 23, 2005.
13) Ford, David, President, South Boulevard Properties, Inc.: “Declaration of Perpetual Land Use
Restrictions, South Boulevard Properties Site, Charlotte, NC”. February 8, 2006.
14)Minnich, Carolyn, Brownfields Project Manager, NCDENR: Letter to Jude Peck, Edens &
Avant Investments Limited Partnership, Columbia SC, re: Letter of Eligibility. September
21, 2006.
15) Goldman, Heather, Environmental Senior Specialist, NCDEQ: Hazardous Waste Section
Activity Report, April 5, 2017.
16) Foster, Robert, Associate Geologist, AMEC Foster Wheeler: Letter to Carolyn Minnich, NC
Brownfields Program re: Addendum to Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Atherton
Mill Property, 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Brownfields Project Number: 10047-06-60, AMEC Foster Wheeler Project Number: 6628-
12-0051. March 15, 2017.
17) AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Report of Sub-slab Vapor
Assessment, Atherton Mill Property, 2000, 2100, 2130 & 2140 South Boulevard, Charlotte,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. AMEC Project Number: 6628-12-0051. November
13, 2012.
18) AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Report of Indoor Air Quality
Assessment, Atherton Mill Property, 2000, 2100, 2130 & 2140 South Boulevard, Charlotte,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. AMEC Project Number: 6628-12-0051. August 6,
19) AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Report of Indoor Air Quality
Assessment, Atherton Mill Property, 2000, 2100, 2130 & 2140 South Boulevard, Charlotte,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. AMEC Project Number: 6628-12-0051. July 29,
20) AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Report of Indoor Air Quality
Assessment and Pre-Design Activities, Atherton Mill Property, 2000 South Boulevard,
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. AMEC Project Number: 6628-12-0051.
November 18, 2014.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
21) AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure, Charlotte, NC: Draft Letter Report
to Carolyn Minnich, NC Brownfields Program re: Vapor Mitigation System Construction
Package, 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”,
Brownfields Project Number: 10047-06-60, AMEC Foster Wheeler Project Number: 6628-
12-0051. January 15, 2016.
22) AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure, Charlotte, NC: “Report of Soil
Screening/Sampling, Atherton Mill Mixed Use Development, South Boulevard, Charlotte,
North Carolina”. AMEC Foster Wheeler Project Number: 6628-12-0051. July 13, 2017.
23) AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure, Charlotte, NC: “Report of Phase II
of Soil Screening/Sampling, Atherton Mill Mixed Use Development, South Boulevard,
Charlotte, North Carolina”. Brownfields Project Number: 10047-06-60, AMEC Foster
Wheeler Project Number: 6628-12-0051. December 11, 2017.
24) AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure, Charlotte, NC: “Annual
Redevelopment Report, Atherton Mill Mixed Use Development, South Boulevard, Charlotte,
North Carolina”. Brownfields Project Number: 10047-06-60, AMEC Foster Wheeler Project
Number: 6628-12-0051. December 14, 2017.
25) Dorn, Peter, NCDEQ Hazardous Waste Section: Memorandum to Landon Davidson,
Division of Water Quality re: Mitchell & Becker Site, 1928 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC.
January 30, 1997.
26) Parris, Bruce, Environmental Supervisor II, NCDENR, Superfund Section, Inactive
Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB): Letter to Greg Schild, Trinity Capital Advisors, Charlotte,
NC, re: Closure Request. March 31, 2014.
27) US EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Calculator output. February 10, 2022.
28) NCDENR Brownfields Agreement: 1930 Camden Road, 127 West Worthington Street, 413
Doggett Street, Charlotte, NC. April 6, 1998.
29) Partner Engineering North Carolina, PLLC: “Additional Sub-slab Soil Gas and Indoor Air
Quality Survey Report, Design Center, 1930 Camden Road, Charlotte, NC”. Partner Project
Number: 16-170384.4. March 15, 2017.
30) ONE Environmental Group of North Carolina, LLC: “Sub-slab Soil Gas and Indoor Air
Sampling Work Plan”, Design Center, Charlotte, NC. October 2017.
31) Tremont Partners, LP: Notice of Brownfields Property, Ferguson Enterprises, 101 West
Tremont Avenue, Charlotte, NC. July 1, 2008.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
32) Slaughter, Kevin, NCDEQ Brownfields Program: DWM Brownfields Inspection Report,
Charlotte Oil & Fertilizer, 2151 Hawkins Street, Charlotte, NC. March 2, 2021.
33) Camden Square, Charlotte, NC, Survey Plat with listed Land Use Restrictions and Vapor
Intrusion Mitigation Requirements, March 7, 2006.
34) Hart & Hickman, Inc., Charlotte, NC: Letter Report to David Peacock, NCDEQ Brownfields
Program re: Final Redevelopment Summary Report, Camden Square 2nd Amendment, DCC
Hawkins, 1932 Hawkins Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, Brownfields Project Nos. 01001-
97-060 and 09060-05-060, H&H Job No. RMR-007. January 28, 2021.
35) Hart & Hickman, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Building 4 and Building 5 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
Plan, Kale-Bindex Brownfields Site, Helix Southend Development, Charlotte, North
Carolina”. Brownfields Project No. 16028-12-060. Revised September 3, 2021.
36) NOVA Engineering and Environmental, Inc.: “Amendments to Brownfields Property
Application, Doggett Street/West Tremont Avenue Site” (242 and 306 West Tremont Ave;
305 Doggett Street), Charlotte, North Carolina. January 19, 2021.
37) Terracon Consultants, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Brownfields Assessment Report, Carolina
Foundry Brownfields Site, NCBP # 20054-16-60, 224-232 West Tremont Avenue, Charlotte,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. Terracon Project No. 71167563. March 14, 2017.
38) Trigon Engineering Consultants, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Comprehensive Site Assessment,
Prime Equipment Company (Tenant), Mercer-Taylor, LLC (Owner), Charlotte, NC”. Trigon
Project No. 045-00-005. June 8, 2000.
39) ONE Environmental Group of North Carolina, LLC: “Brownfields Land Use Restrictions
(LUR) Update, Camden Square and Camden Square Addition, Charlotte, NC”. Project #s:
01001-97-060 & 05001-01-060. January 21, 2021.
40) Camden Square Addition, Charlotte, NC, Survey Plat with listed Land Use Restrictions and
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Requirements, August 6, 2001.
41) P&A Realty, LLC: Land Use Restrictions Update/Annual Certification, Hughes Supply
Property, 1927 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC, March 11, 2021.
42) Former Palmers Automotive property, Charlotte, NC: Survey Plat with listed Land Use
Restrictions and Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Requirements. 2018.
43) ECS Southeast, LLP: “Soil, Groundwater and Soil Gas Assessment Report, 1900 South
Tryon Street & 401 W. Worthington Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina. ECS Project No. 49-2037-D. January 22, 2018.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
44) Professional Service Industries, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Phase II Environmental Assessment
Report, 118 West Worthington Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”.
PSI Project No. 511-8G006. May 30, 2008.
45) Professional Service Industries, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Soil Gas Survey Report, 118 and 120
West Worthington Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. PSI Project No.511-8G006. September 19, 2008.
46) Professional Service Industries, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Limited Environmental Site
Assessment Report, Proposed DCC Apartments, Camden Road and West Worthington
Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina”. PSI Project No. 0457785.
September 30, 2015.
47) Professional Service Industries, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Report of Soil-Gas Sampling
Assessment, 126, 128 and 130 West Worthington Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,
North Carolina”. PSI Project No. 0457928-1. June 22, 2016.
48) Goldsmith, R., Milton, Horton, D., Wright, J. W. Jr.: Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1o x 2o
Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina, 1988.
49) Doorn, Peter, NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources, Hazardous
Waste Section: Memorandum to Barbara Christian, Division of Environmental Management,
Groundwater Section, re: Notification of potential ground-water pollution incidents in
Charlotte, NC. June 29, 1995.
50)NC DEQ, DWM, Superfund Section, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) ARC GIS Map
Viewer: https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html
51) AWARE Environmental, Inc., Charlotte, NC: “Exposure Information Report, South
Boulevard Properties, Inc., 2000 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina, EPA ID No.
NCD 053 010 732”. AEI Project No.: N105-54. July 1998.
52) US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory on line Wetland Mapper. Reviewed
June 17, 2022.
53) North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Fishing Areas GIS Mapping Tool:
54) Parker, Stuart F., NC DEQ, Superfund Section: PA Passive Soil Gas Investigation and
Surface Water Sampling Notes. June 1 and June 13, 2022.
Parks-Cramer Co NCD 053 010 732 Site Reassessment
National Geographic, Esri, Garmin, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO,NOAA, increment P Corp.
Parks-Cramer SiteNCD 053 010 732
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NCExpanded Pre-CERCLA Screening AssessmentFigure 1: Site Location Plan
Created by: Stuart F ParkerNCDEQ, Superfund SectionMarch 16, 20221.0 Mile
2.0 Miles
3.0 Miles
4.0 Miles
0 1 2 3 40.5 Miles
!H Site Location
Palustrine Wetland
Riverine Wetland
Major Streams
NC Brownfields Site:
Recorded with LURs
Active Eligible
No Further Interest
Parks-Cramer Co. Site
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
ID # NCD 053 010 732
Expanded Pre-CERCLA Screening Assessment
Figure 2: Downgradient Brownfields Sites and Land Use
Stuart F Parker, DWM Superfund Section, 3/18/2022.
Base map from Mecklenburg County GIS
0 XXX ft
VIMS = Vapor Intrusion
Management System
LUR = Land Use Restriction
Parks-Cramer Co. Site
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
ID # NCD 053 010 732
Fig. 3: Surface Water
Pathway PPE Locations
Stuart F Parker, DWM Superfund Section, 3/10/2022.
Base map from Mecklenburg County GIS
0 600 ft
Probable Point of Entry
(Storm Drains +/or Groundwater)
Underground Storm Drainage Route
Surface Water
See Fig 4A
See Fig 4B
Parks-Cramer Co. Site
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
ID # NCD 053 010 732
Fig. 4A: EPSA Sample
Locations (Northwest)
Stuart F Parker, DWM Superfund Section, 3/18/2022.
Base map from Mecklenburg County GIS
0 200 ft
Probable Point of Entry
(Storm Drain +/or Groundwater)
Underground Storm Drain
Surface Water
Surface Water Sample
Passive Soil Gas Sample
PPE 1 (outfall)
Former Palmer
Automotive Site
Parks-Cramer Co. Site
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
ID # NCD 053 010 732
Fig. 4B: SRR Sample
Locations (Southeast)
Stuart F Parker, DWM Superfund Section, 6/20/2022.
Base map from Mecklenburg County GIS
0 100 ft
Probable Point of Entry
(Storm Drain +/or Groundwater)
Underground Storm Drain
Surface Water
Surface Water Sample
Passive Soil Gas Sample
PPE 2 (outfall):
Sample GPS Coordinates
NCD 053 010 732
Surface Water and Passive Soil Gas Sample Geographic Coordinates
Sample Date Collected Longitude Latitude
PC01SW 6/1/2022 -80.856077 35.206385
PC02SW 6/1/2022 -80.870018 35.214399
PC01SG 6/13/2022 -80.855920 35.206099
PC02SG 6/13/2022 -80.864542 35.213671
PC03SG 6/13/2022 -80.864166 35.213638
PC04SG 6/13/2022 -80.864522 35.213317
Sample Laboratory Analytical Reports
Beacon Environmental
Project Description:
Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Laboratory Work Order: 0006403
Beacon Proposal No.: 220506R01
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
Prepared for:
June 20, 2022
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
Stuart Parker
Ryan W. Schneider
Senior Project Manager
All data meet requirements as specified in the Beacon Environmental Quality Assurance Project Plan and the results
relate only to the samples reported. The work performed was in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017, except
compounds reported with are not included in Beacon’s scope of accreditation. This report shall not be reproduced,
except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Release of the data contained in this data package has been
authorized by the Laboratory Director or his signee, as verified by the following signatures:
Steven C. Thornley
Laboratory Director
Peter B. Kelly
Quality Manager
[TOC_1]Cover Page[TOC]
Page 1 of 48
Table of Contents
Cover Page 1
Sample Summary 4
Case Narrative 5
Analytical Results 6
Summary of Compound Detections 7
Data Summary Table 9
Data Summary Table-Concentration 10
Detailed Analytical Results 11
- Mass 12
0006403-01 - Trip Blank 13
0006403-02 - PC 01 SG 14
0006403-03 - PC 02 SG 15
0006403-04 - PC 02 SG Dup 16
0006403-05 - PC 03 SG 17
0006403-06 - PC 04 SG 18
- Concentration 19
0006403-01 - Trip Blank 20
0006403-02 - PC 01 SG 21
0006403-03 - PC 02 SG 22
0006403-04 - PC 02 SG Dup 23
0006403-05 - PC 03 SG 24
0006403-06 - PC 04 SG 25
QC Summaries 26
Additional QC Information 31
Sample Result Calculations 32
Page 2 of 48
Table of Contents (continued)
Equation 38
MRL Calculation Table 39
Certifications 45
Notes and Definitions 46
Sample Management Records 47
Chain of Custody 48
Page 3 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Sample Summary
Client Sample ID Received MatrixLab Sample ID Analysis
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-01 Trip Blank Air06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-02 PC 01 SG Soil Gas06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-03 PC 02 SG Soil Gas06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-04 PC 02 SG Dup Soil Gas06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-05 PC 03 SG Soil Gas06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Sampler Type: Beacon Passive Sampler
0006403-06 PC 04 SG Soil Gas06/14/2022 EPA 8260C
Samples Received: 6
Samples Analyzed: 6
Project Completeness
[TOC_1]Sample Summary[TOC]
0006403 Page 4 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_1]Case Narrative[TOC]Case Narrative
U.S. EPA Method 8260C
All samples were analyzed using thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS)
instrumentation following U.S. EPA Method 8260C, with laboratory results provided in nanograms (ng) and
micrograms per cubic meter (!g/m‡). Laboratory QA/QC procedures included internal standards, surrogates, and
blanks based on EPA Method 8260C. Analyses and reporting were under BEACON’s Quality Assurance Project Plan.
Passive Soil-Gas Survey Notes
If sample locations are covered with or near the edge of an impervious surface (e.g., asphalt or concrete), the
concentrations of compounds in soil gas are higher than if the surfacing was not present. Therefore, the sample
location conditions should be considered when comparing results between locations.
Survey findings are exclusive to this project and when the spatial relationships are compared with results of other
BEACON Surveys it is necessary to incorporate information from both investigations (e.g., depth to sources, soil types,
porosity, soil moisture, presence of impervious surfacing, sample collection times).
Reporting Limits
The RLs represent a baseline above which results meet laboratory-determined limits of precision and accuracy. All
reported results are within the calibration range. The project method quantitation limit (MQL) is the limit of
quantitation (LOQ) as noted in the data tables. Beacon determined uptake rates for a suite of compounds with the
Beacon sampler for sampling in air. Beacon calculated the uptake rates for the remaining compounds using Grahams
Law of Diffusion. The reported data includes LOQ limits.
Project Details
Samples were received in proper condition and laboratory control parameters were met unless otherwise noted
below. The work performed was in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017, except compounds reported with are
not included in Beacon’s scope of accreditation.
End of Case Narrative
0006403 Page 5 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analytical Results
[TOC_1]Analytical Results[TOC]
0006403 Page 6 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_2]Summary of Compound Detections[TOC]Summary of Compound Detections- Mass
EPA 8260C
PC 01 SG0006403-02Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Toluene 51108-88-3 25 C22061506.D 5.297
TPH C4-C9 9,300 5,000 C22061506.D 4.810ˇ
TPH C10-C15 21,100 5,000 C22061506.D 9.810ˇ
EPA 8260C
PC 03 SG0006403-05Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Tetrachloroethene 16127-18-4 10 C22061509.D 5.779
EPA 8260C
PC 04 SG0006403-06Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Tetrachloroethene 72127-18-4 10 C22061510.D 5.776
0006403 Page 7 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration
EPA 8260C
PC 01 SG0006403-02Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Toluene 7.40108-88-3 3.62 C22061506.D 5.297
TPH C4-C9 913 491 C22061506.D 4.810ˇ
TPH C10-C15 1,770 420 C22061506.D 9.810ˇ
EPA 8260C
PC 03 SG0006403-05Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Tetrachloroethene 2.31127-18-4 1.42 C22061509.D 5.779
EPA 8260C
PC 04 SG0006403-06Lab Sample ID:
File ID
Soil Gas
Tetrachloroethene 10.2127-18-4 1.42 C22061510.D 5.776
0006403 Page 8 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Data Summary Table- Mass
Compound Frequency
Max Value
Toluene 1 25 51
Tetrachloroethene 2 10 72
TPH C4-C9 1 5,000 9,300
TPH C10-C15 1 5,000 21,100
[TOC_2]Data Summary Table[TOC]
0006403 Page 9 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Data Summary Table- Concentration
Compound Frequency
Max Value
Toluene 1 3.62 7.40
Tetrachloroethene 2 1.42 10.2
TPH C4-C9 1 491 913
TPH C10-C15 1 420 1,770
[TOC_2]Data Summary Table-Concentration[TOC]
0006403 Page 10 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_2]Detailed Analytical Results[TOC]
Detailed Analytical Results
0006403 Page 11 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Detailed Analytical Results- Mass
[TOC_3]- Mass[TOC]
0006403 Page 12 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-01 - Trip Blank[TOC]
Trip BlankLab Sample ID:0006403-01
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 13 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-02 - PC 01 SG[TOC]
PC 01 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-02
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 51 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D2-Methylnaphthalene
9,300 5,000 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
21,100 5,000 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 14 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-03 - PC 02 SG[TOC]
PC 02 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-03
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 15 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-04 - PC 02 SG Dup[TOC]
PC 02 SG DupLab Sample ID:0006403-04
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 16 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-05 - PC 03 SG[TOC]
PC 03 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-05
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 16 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 17 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-06 - PC 04 SG[TOC]
PC 04 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-06
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DChloroform
107-06-2 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DBenzene
79-01-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DToluene
106-93-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 72 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <10 10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <25 25 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<5,000 5,000 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 18 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Detailed Analytical Results- Concentration
[TOC_3]- Concentration[TOC]
0006403 Page 19 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-01 - Trip Blank[TOC]
Trip BlankLab Sample ID:0006403-01
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.90 2.90 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.09 1.09 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.03 1.03 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.73 2.73 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <3.62 3.62 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.70 1.70 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.81 1.81 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.91 1.91 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<491 491 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<420 420 06/15/2022 13:35 C22061505.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 20 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-02 - PC 01 SG[TOC]
PC 01 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-02
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.90 2.90 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.09 1.09 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.03 1.03 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.73 2.73 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 7.40 3.62 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.41 1.41 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.70 1.70 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.74 1.74 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.77 0.77 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.81 1.81 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.91 1.91 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.D2-Methylnaphthalene
913 491 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
1,770 420 06/15/2022 14:00 C22061506.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 21 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-03 - PC 02 SG[TOC]
PC 02 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-03
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.91 2.91 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.10 1.10 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.04 1.04 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.74 2.74 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <3.64 3.64 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.71 1.71 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.82 1.82 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.91 1.91 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<493 493 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<422 422 06/15/2022 14:26 C22061507.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 22 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-04 - PC 02 SG Dup[TOC]
PC 02 SG DupLab Sample ID:0006403-04
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.91 2.91 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.10 1.10 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.04 1.04 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.74 2.74 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <3.64 3.64 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.68 0.68 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.71 1.71 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.82 1.82 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.91 1.91 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<493 493 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<422 422 06/15/2022 14:51 C22061508.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 23 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-05 - PC 03 SG[TOC]
PC 03 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-05
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.91 2.91 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.69 0.69 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.10 1.10 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.04 1.04 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.75 2.75 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.76 1.76 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <3.64 3.64 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 2.31 1.42 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.69 0.69 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.71 1.71 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.65 1.65 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.82 1.82 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.92 1.92 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<494 494 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<422 422 06/15/2022 15:17 C22061509.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 24 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_4]0006403-06 - PC 04 SG[TOC]
PC 04 SGLab Sample ID:0006403-06
EPA 8260CMethod:
File ID
Soil Gas
75-01-4 <0.72 0.72 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DVinyl Chloride
75-35-4 <1.77 1.77 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1-Dichloroethene
75-09-2 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DMethylene Chloride
76-13-1 <0.65 0.65 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
156-60-5 <1.32 1.32 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1634-04-4 <2.91 2.91 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DMethyl-t-butyl ether
75-34-3 <0.69 0.69 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1-Dichloroethane
156-59-2 <1.10 1.10 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene
67-66-3 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DChloroform
107-06-2 <1.04 1.04 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dichloroethane
71-55-6 <0.55 0.55 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane
56-23-5 <1.35 1.35 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DCarbon Tetrachloride
71-43-2 <2.75 2.75 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DBenzene
79-01-6 <1.77 1.77 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTrichloroethene
123-91-1 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,4-Dioxane
79-00-5 <1.77 1.77 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane
108-88-3 <3.64 3.64 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DToluene
106-93-4 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
127-18-4 10.2 1.42 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTetrachloroethene
630-20-6 <1.42 1.42 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
108-90-7 <0.69 0.69 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DChlorobenzene
100-41-4 <1.71 1.71 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DEthylbenzene
179601-23-1 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Dp & m-Xylene
95-47-6 <1.66 1.66 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.Do-Xylene
96-18-4 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane
98-82-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DIsopropylbenzene
108-67-8 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
95-63-6 <1.75 1.75 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
541-73-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene
106-46-7 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene
95-50-1 <0.78 0.78 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene
120-82-1 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
91-20-3 <1.82 1.82 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DNaphthalene
87-61-6 <1.49 1.49 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
91-57-6 <1.92 1.92 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.D2-Methylnaphthalene
<494 494 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTPH C4-C9ˇ
<422 422 06/15/2022 15:43 C22061510.DTPH C10-C15ˇ
0006403 Page 25 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
QC Information/Summary
[TOC_1]QC Summaries[TOC]
0006403 Page 26 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Soil-Gas Sample Analysis by EPA Method 8260C - Quality Control Summary
22F0032-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: C22061503.D
QAnalyte(ng) (ng)CAS#
Analyzed: 6/15/22 12:50
Sampler: Beacon Passive Sampler
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 10
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 10
Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 10
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <10 10
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 10
Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 25
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 10
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 10
Chloroform 67-66-3 <10 10
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 10
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 10
Benzene 71-43-2 <25 25
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <10 10
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <10 10
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 10
Toluene 108-88-3 <25 25
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <10 10
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <10 10
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 10
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <10 10
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <25 25
p & m-Xylene 179601-23-1 <25 25
o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 25
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 10
Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <25 25
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 10
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10
Naphthalene 91-20-3 <25 25
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 10
2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 25
TPH C4-C9 <5000 5000
TPH C10-C15 <5000 5000
0006403 Page 27 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Soil-Gas Analysis by EPA 8260 - Data in Concentration - Quality Control Summary
22F0032-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: C22061503.D
QAnalyte(g/m‡) (g/m‡)CAS#
Analyzed: 6/15/22 12:50
Sampler: Beacon Passive Sampler
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.715 0.715
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.76 1.76
Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.66 1.66
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <0.651 0.651
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.32 1.32
Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.90 2.90
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.682 0.682
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <1.09 1.09
Chloroform 67-66-3 <1.66 1.66
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <1.03 1.03
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.552 0.552
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.35 1.35
Benzene 71-43-2 <2.73 2.73
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <1.76 1.76
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <1.41 1.41
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.76 1.76
Toluene 108-88-3 <3.62 3.62
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <1.49 1.49
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <1.41 1.41
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.41 1.41
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <0.682 0.682
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <1.70 1.70
p & m-Xylene 179601-23-1 <1.65 1.65
o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.65 1.65
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.772 0.772
Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <1.74 1.74
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.74 1.74
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.74 1.74
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.772 0.772
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.772 0.772
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.772 0.772
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.49 1.49
Naphthalene 91-20-3 <1.81 1.81
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.49 1.49
2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.91 1.91
TPH C4-C9 <491 491
TPH C10-C15 <420 420
0006403 Page 28 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Duplicate Result RPD
Analyte (ng)(ng)(%)CAS#(ng)
Sample ResultLOQ
Duplicate Sample: PC 02 SG Dup (0006403-04) Sample: PC 02 SG (0006403-03) Average RPD: 0.0%
Sample Duplicate RPD Summary
Soil-Gas Sample Analysis by EPA Method 8260C
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <10 <1010 10 0.0
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 <1010 10 0.0
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Chloroform 67-66-3 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Benzene 71-43-2 <25 <2525 25 0.0
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Toluene 108-88-3 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <25 <2525 25 0.0
p & m-Xylene 179601-23-1 <25 <2525 25 0.0
o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 <1010 10 0.0
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 <1010 10 0.0
Naphthalene 91-20-3 <25 <2525 25 0.0
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 <1010 10 0.0
2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 <2525 25 0.0
TPH C4-C9 <5,000 <5,0005000 5000 0.0
TPH C10-C15 <5,000 <5,0005000 5000 0.0
0006403 Page 29 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Duplicate Result RPD
Analyte (g/m‡)(g/m‡)(%)CAS#(g/m‡)
Sample ResultLOQ
Duplicate Sample: PC 02 SG Dup (0006403-04) Sample: PC 02 SG (0006403-03) Average RPD: 0.0%
Sample Duplicate RPD Summary - Concentration
Soil-Gas Analysis by EPA 8260 - Data in Concentration
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.72 <0.720.72 0.72 0.0
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.76 <1.761.76 1.76 0.0
Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.66 <1.661.66 1.66 0.0
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <0.65 <0.650.65 0.65 0.0
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.32 <1.321.32 1.32 0.0
Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.91 <2.912.91 2.91 0.0
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.68 <0.680.68 0.68 0.0
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <1.10 <1.101.10 1.10 0.0
Chloroform 67-66-3 <1.66 <1.661.66 1.66 0.0
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <1.04 <1.041.04 1.04 0.0
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.55 <0.550.55 0.55 0.0
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.35 <1.351.35 1.35 0.0
Benzene 71-43-2 <2.74 <2.742.74 2.74 0.0
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <1.76 <1.761.76 1.76 0.0
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <1.42 <1.421.42 1.42 0.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.76 <1.761.76 1.76 0.0
Toluene 108-88-3 <3.64 <3.643.64 3.64 0.0
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <1.49 <1.491.49 1.49 0.0
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <1.42 <1.421.42 1.42 0.0
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.42 <1.421.42 1.42 0.0
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <0.68 <0.680.68 0.68 0.0
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <1.71 <1.711.71 1.71 0.0
p & m-Xylene 179601-23-1 <1.65 <1.651.65 1.65 0.0
o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.65 <1.651.65 1.65 0.0
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.78 <0.780.78 0.78 0.0
Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <1.75 <1.751.75 1.75 0.0
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.75 <1.751.75 1.75 0.0
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.75 <1.751.75 1.75 0.0
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.78 <0.780.78 0.78 0.0
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.78 <0.780.78 0.78 0.0
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.78 <0.780.78 0.78 0.0
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.49 <1.491.49 1.49 0.0
Naphthalene 91-20-3 <1.82 <1.821.82 1.82 0.0
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.49 <1.491.49 1.49 0.0
2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.91 <1.911.91 1.91 0.0
TPH C4-C9 <493 <493493 493 0.0
TPH C10-C15 <422 <422422 422 0.0
0006403 Page 30 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Additional QC Information
[TOC_1]Additional QC Information[TOC]
0006403 Page 31 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
[TOC_2]Sample Result Calculations[TOC]
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: Trip BlankLab ID: 0006403-01
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061505.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 32 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: PC 01 SGLab ID: 0006403-02
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 51.12 7.40 17,263 C22061506.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,263 C22061506.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 9295.23 913 17,263 C22061506.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 21098.89 1,770 17,263 C22061506.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 33 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: PC 02 SGLab ID: 0006403-03
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061507.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 34 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: PC 02 SG DupLab ID: 0006403-04
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 U U 17,185 C22061508.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 35 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: PC 03 SGLab ID: 0006403-05
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 16.24 2.31 17,170 C22061509.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 U U 17,170 C22061509.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 36 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡ng
Calculated ResultInitial Result
Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration)
EPA 8260C
File ID
Sampling Time Dilution
Sample Name: PC 04 SGLab ID: 0006403-06
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.350Chloroform
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.530Benzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.400Toluene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 71.94 10.2 17,163 C22061510.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 U U 17,163 C22061510.D 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 37 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
C = 1000 M DF
U t
where: C = concentration (g/m3)
M = mass (ng)
DF = dilution factor
t = sampling time (minutes)
U = compound specific uptake rate
Reference: Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 125/June 30, 2014
Uptake rate determined using Graham s Law of Diffusion.
0006403 Page 38 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: Trip BlankLab ID: 0006403-01
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 25.0 2.90 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.68 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.09 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.03 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,263 25.0 2.73 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,263 25.0 3.62 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.68 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.70 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.65 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.65 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.81 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.91 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,263 5,000.0 491 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,263 5,000.0 420 0.690TPH C10-C15
[TOC_2]MRL Calculation Table[TOC]
0006403 Page 39 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: PC 01 SGLab ID: 0006403-02
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 25.0 2.90 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.68 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.09 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.03 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,263 25.0 2.73 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,263 25.0 3.62 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.41 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.68 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.70 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.65 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.65 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.74 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 0.77 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.81 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,263 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,263 25.0 1.91 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,263 5,000.0 491 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,263 5,000.0 420 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 40 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: PC 02 SGLab ID: 0006403-03
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 25.0 2.91 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.68 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.10 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.04 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,185 25.0 2.74 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,185 25.0 3.64 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.68 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.71 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.65 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.65 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.82 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.91 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,185 5,000.0 493 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,185 5,000.0 422 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 41 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: PC 02 SG DupLab ID: 0006403-04
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 25.0 2.91 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.68 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.10 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.04 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,185 25.0 2.74 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,185 25.0 3.64 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.42 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.68 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.71 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.65 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.65 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.75 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.82 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,185 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,185 25.0 1.91 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,185 5,000.0 493 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,185 5,000.0 422 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 42 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: PC 03 SGLab ID: 0006403-05
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,170 25.0 2.91 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.69 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.10 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.04 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,170 25.0 2.75 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.76 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.42 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.76 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,170 25.0 3.64 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.42 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.42 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.69 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.71 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.65 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.65 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.75 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.75 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.75 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.78 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.78 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.82 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,170 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,170 25.0 1.92 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,170 5,000.0 494 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,170 5,000.0 422 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 43 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Analyte g/m‡
Calculated LOQInitial LOQ
EPA 8260C
Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration)
Sampling Time Uptake
Sample Name: PC 04 SGLab ID: 0006403-06
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.72 0.810Vinyl Chloride
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.77 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.66 0.350Methylene Chloride
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.65 0.8901,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.32 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,163 25.0 2.91 0.500Methyl-t-butyl ether
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.69 0.8501,1-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.10 0.530cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.66 0.350Chloroform
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.04 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.55 1.0501,1,1-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.35 0.430Carbon Tetrachloride
1.00 17,163 25.0 2.75 0.530Benzene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.77 0.330Trichloroethene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.42 0.4101,4-Dioxane
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.77 0.3301,1,2-Trichloroethane
1.00 17,163 25.0 3.64 0.400Toluene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.42 0.410Tetrachloroethene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.42 0.4101,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.69 0.850Chlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.71 0.850Ethylbenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.66 0.880p & m-Xylene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.66 0.880o-Xylene
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2,3-Trichloropropane
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.75 0.830Isopropylbenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.75 0.8301,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.75 0.8301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.78 0.7501,3-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.78 0.7501,4-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 10.0 0.78 0.7501,2-Dichlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.82 0.800Naphthalene
1.00 17,163 10.0 1.49 0.3901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1.00 17,163 25.0 1.92 0.7602-Methylnaphthalene
1.00 17,163 5,000.0 494 0.590TPH C4-C9
1.00 17,163 5,000.0 422 0.690TPH C10-C15
0006403 Page 44 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
RequiredExpiresDescriptionCertification No.Certification ID
Laboratory Certification List
Alaska CS-LAP 19-002 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 01/31/2023
DoD-ELAP L20-532-R1 United States Department of Defense Environmental
Laboratory Accreditation
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 L20-532 General Requirements for the competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories
NEFAP 72690/L20-533 TNI National Environmental Field Activities Program
NY-NELAC 12097 New York Department of Health 04/01/2023
Utah-NELAC MD010912021-9 Utah Department of Health 12/31/2022
0006403 Page 45 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Qualifiers/Notes and Definitions
RPD Relative Percent Difference
General Definitions:
NA Not Applicable
Limit of DetectionLOD
Limit of QuantitationLOQ
Dilution FactorDF
DL Detection Limit
ˇCompound not on scope of accreditation
RRT Evaluation of Relative Retention Times in RRT Units (qualified if outside +0.06 control limits)
values are outside method/contract required QC limits+
Retention Times in MinutesRT
˘Compound not on scope of accreditation and analyzed with a one-point calibration
[TOC_2]Notes and Definitions[TOC]
0006403 Page 46 of 48
Site Name:
Site Location:
Project Manager:Reported:
NC DEQ - Division of Waste Management
217 West Jones Street
Stuart ParkerRaleigh, NC 27603
Lab Work Order:
2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1
Parks-Cramer Co
Charlotte, NC
220506R01Beacon Proposal:
Sample Management Records
[TOC_1]Sample Management Records[TOC]
0006403 Page 47 of 48
Page 48 of 48
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
June 14, 2022
FINAL Analytical Report
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Kristin Trapp
LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief
Laboratory Services Branch
Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU:
TO:Sandra Bramble
Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the
Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at
www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data
requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry
data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if
the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For
a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in
this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the
samples as received by the laboratory.
Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations:
Volatile Organics (VOA)
Volatile organic compounds ISOEPA 8260C (Water)
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 1 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Sample Disposal Policy
Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule.
Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All
other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in
accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report.
This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by
the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete.
These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage
beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at
cc: Nardina Turner
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 2 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
PC21TB E222304-01 Trip Blank - Water 6/1/22 12:00 6/3/22 10:15
PC01SW E222304-02 Surface Water 6/1/22 12:32 6/3/22 10:15
PS11SW E222304-03 Surface Water 6/1/22 12:35 6/3/22 10:15
PC02SW E222304-04 Surface Water 6/1/22 14:50 6/3/22 10:15
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 3 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit.
C-6 Sample aliquot taken from VOA vial with headspace (air bubble greater than 5-6 mm diameter).
J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.
Q-2 Result greater than MDL but less than MRL.
QC-1 Analyte concentration low in continuing calibration verification standard
QL-1 Laboratory Control Spike Recovery less than method control limits
QR-1 MRL verification recovery less than lower control limits.
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 4 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by
the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA
Region 4 laboratory.
MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and
reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero.
MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable
quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and
moisture content of soil/sediments.
TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass
spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the
estimated concentration reported.
ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories.
Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at:
NR Not accredited for this test.
DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for
the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005.
Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at:
ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and
conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories
Analyzing Drinking Water.
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 5 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC21TB E222304-01
Matrix:Trip Blank - Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:00
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-6R4-7156 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6630-20-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-671-55-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-679-34-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
(Freon 113)
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-676-13-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-679-00-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-34-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-35-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6563-58-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-687-61-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-696-18-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6120-82-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-695-63-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-696-12-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6106-93-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-695-50-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6107-06-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-678-87-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6108-67-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6541-73-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6142-28-9 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6106-46-7 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6594-20-7 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U, J, C-667-64-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-671-43-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6108-86-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-674-97-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 6 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC21TB E222304-01
Matrix:Trip Blank - Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:00
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-27-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-675-25-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U, J, C-674-83-9 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U, J, C-675-15-0 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-656-23-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6108-90-7 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U, J, QC-1, C-675-00-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-667-66-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6,
QC-1, QL-1
74-87-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6156-59-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-610061-01-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6110-82-7 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6124-48-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-674-95-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-71-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6100-41-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-687-68-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-698-82-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-679-20-9 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-6591-78-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U, J, C-678-93-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U, J, C-6108-10-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-61634-04-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6108-87-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-09-2 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6104-51-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6103-65-1 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-695-49-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 7 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC21TB E222304-01
Matrix:Trip Blank - Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:00
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-695-47-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6106-43-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-699-87-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6135-98-8 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6100-42-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-698-06-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6127-18-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6108-88-3 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6156-60-5 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-610061-02-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-679-01-6 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-675-69-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
0.50Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, C-6,
QC-1, QL-1
75-01-4 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
Tentatively Identified Compounds:
10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds U, J, C-6R4-0000 6/07/2215:326/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 8 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC01SW E222304-02
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:32
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
(Freon 113)
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.36 J, Q-275-34-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
ug/L EPA 8260C0.73 J, QR-175-35-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QL-171-43-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 9 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC01SW E222304-02
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:32
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C1.467-66-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QR-1108-87-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 10 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC01SW E222304-02
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:32
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.96127-18-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.21 J, Q-2108-88-3 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QC-175-69-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
0.50Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-01-4 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
Tentatively Identified Compounds:
10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/10/2213:446/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 11 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PS11SW E222304-03
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:35
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
(Freon 113)
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.38 J, Q-275-34-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
ug/L EPA 8260C0.80 J, QR-175-35-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QL-171-43-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 12 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PS11SW E222304-03
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:35
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C1.267-66-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QR-1108-87-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 13 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PS11SW E222304-03
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 12:35
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC01SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.97127-18-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QC-175-69-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
0.50Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-01-4 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
Tentatively Identified Compounds:
10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/10/2214:096/10/22 7:20
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 14 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC02SW E222304-04
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 14:50
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC02SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
(Freon 113)
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C6.567-64-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 15 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC02SW E222304-04
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 14:50
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC02SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U, J, QC-175-00-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.18 J, Q-267-66-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QC-1,
74-87-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 16 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Volatile Organics
Sample ID:Lab ID: PC02SW E222304-04
Matrix:Surface Water
Date Collected:6/1/22 14:50
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co
Station ID:PC02SW
Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method
0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C1.079-01-6 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
0.50Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U, J, QC-1,
75-01-4 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
Tentatively Identified Compounds:
10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/07/2221:196/07/2213:58
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 17 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
Blank (2206016-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/LU1.0 U
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"U 0.50 U
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"U 1.0 U
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,3-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
2,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
Acetone "U 4.0 U
Benzene "U 0.50 U
Bromobenzene "U 0.50 U
Bromochloromethane "U 0.50 U
Bromodichloromethane "U 0.50 U
Bromoform "U 1.0 U
Bromomethane "U 2.0 U
Carbon disulfide "U 2.0 U
Carbon Tetrachloride "U 0.50 U
Chlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
Chloroethane "U 2.0 QC-1, U
Chloroform "U 0.50 U
Chloromethane "U 0.50 QC-1, U
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 18 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
Blank (2206016-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
Cyclohexane ug/LU0.50 U
Dibromochloromethane "U 0.50 U
Dibromomethane "U 0.50 U
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"U 0.50 U
Ethyl Benzene "U 0.50 U
Hexachlorobutadiene "U 0.50 U
Isopropylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Methyl Acetate "U 1.0 U
Methyl Butyl Ketone "U 1.0 U
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "U 4.0 U
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "U 1.0 U
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"U 0.50 U
Methylcyclohexane "U 0.50 U
Methylene Chloride "U 0.50 U
n-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
n-Propylbenzene "U 0.50 U
o-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U
o-Xylene "U 0.50 U
p-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U
p-Isopropyltoluene "U 0.50 U
sec-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Styrene "U 0.50 U
tert-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
Toluene "U 0.50 U
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"U 0.50 U
Vinyl chloride "U 0.50 QC-1, U
Tentatively Identified Compounds "U 10 U
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 19 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
LCS (2206016-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L41.130 40.000 91.3-117103
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "19.520 20.000 76.5-12897.6
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "19.060 20.000 79.3-12695.3
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "19.750 20.000 80.2-11898.8
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"18.790 20.000 80-12494.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "20.210 20.000 87.1-111101
1,1-Dichloroethane "19.000 20.000 87.8-11395.0
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"19.360 20.000 85.4-11696.8
1,1-Dichloropropene "19.220 20.000 89.4-11596.1
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "23.500 20.000 QL-285-117118
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "20.500 20.000 83.4-114102
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "22.450 20.000 83.9-117112
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "21.860 20.000 86.5-121109
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"40.700 40.000 72.3-136102
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"20.720 20.000 87.3-115104
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "20.210 20.000 86.4-111101
1,2-Dichloroethane "17.280 20.000 83.9-12286.4
1,2-Dichloropropane "21.230 20.000 88-113106
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "22.490 20.000 86.8-119112
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "20.220 20.000 86.4-112101
1,3-Dichloropropane "20.130 20.000 87.4-113101
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "20.000 20.000 86.5-110100
2,2-Dichloropropane "20.180 20.000 53.4-154101
Acetone "41.180 40.000 49.7-153103
Benzene "19.250 20.000 89.6-11396.2
Bromobenzene "20.730 20.000 84.6-112104
Bromochloromethane "19.240 20.000 83.6-11796.2
Bromodichloromethane "23.850 20.000 80-125119
Bromoform "41.090 40.000 63.1-142103
Bromomethane "16.390 20.000 49.9-14082.0
Carbon disulfide "19.160 20.000 81.7-11495.8
Carbon Tetrachloride "18.930 20.000 68.8-14094.6
Chlorobenzene "19.490 20.000 88.4-10997.4
Chloroethane "15.910 20.000 QC-176.7-11879.6
Chloroform "19.370 20.000 87.9-11596.8
Chloromethane "12.980 20.000 QC-1,
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "20.460 20.000 87.6-115102
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "21.510 20.000 81-121108
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 20 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
LCS (2206016-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
Cyclohexane ug/L18.600 20.000 83.5-12293.0
Dibromochloromethane "20.650 20.000 71.7-133103
Dibromomethane "20.540 20.000 87.3-117103
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"18.810 20.000 63.5-13294.0
Ethyl Benzene "19.820 20.000 90-11499.1
Hexachlorobutadiene "22.460 20.000 80.2-116112
Isopropylbenzene "23.210 20.000 84.5-120116
Methyl Acetate "39.580 40.000 75.8-12199.0
Methyl Butyl Ketone "42.830 40.000 69.9-136107
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "39.380 40.000 68.1-13598.4
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "43.950 40.000 77-127110
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"19.310 20.000 80.1-12396.6
Methylcyclohexane "20.600 20.000 82.6-124103
Methylene Chloride "19.430 20.000 81.2-11897.2
n-Butylbenzene "22.350 20.000 85.7-121112
n-Propylbenzene "21.960 20.000 87-117110
o-Chlorotoluene "21.320 20.000 85.8-114107
o-Xylene "21.110 20.000 88.9-116106
p-Chlorotoluene "20.860 20.000 86.5-114104
p-Isopropyltoluene "22.040 20.000 86.3-123110
sec-Butylbenzene "21.870 20.000 86.2-120109
Styrene "22.080 20.000 89.9-119110
tert-Butylbenzene "21.420 20.000 85.2-119107
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"19.710 20.000 85.1-11398.6
Toluene "19.600 20.000 87.7-11198.0
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "19.980 20.000 86.6-11499.9
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "21.290 20.000 77.4-127106
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"20.410 20.000 87.8-114102
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"16.600 20.000 78-12983.0
Vinyl chloride "15.540 20.000 QC-1,
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 21 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
MRL Verification (2206016-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L1.1200 1.0000 MRL-271.3-137112
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.52000 0.50000 MRL-256.5-148104
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-259.3-146106
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-138114
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"0.31000 0.50000 MRL-260-14462.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-267.1-131110
1,1-Dichloroethane "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-267.8-133114
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"0.43000 0.50000 MRL-265.4-13686.0
1,1-Dichloropropene "0.47000 0.50000 MRL-269.4-13594.0
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "0.59000 0.50000 MRL-265-137118
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "0.54000 0.50000 MRL-263.4-134108
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-137114
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "0.52000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-141104
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"0.98000 1.0000 MRL-252.3-15698.0
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"0.58000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-135116
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-266.4-131124
1,2-Dichloroethane "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-142106
1,2-Dichloropropane "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-268-133114
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-266.8-139110
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-266.4-132120
1,3-Dichloropropane "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-267.4-133124
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "0.67000 0.50000 MRL-2,
2,2-Dichloropropane "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-233.4-174110
Benzene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-269.6-133120
Bromobenzene "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-264.6-132128
Bromochloromethane "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-263.6-137110
Bromodichloromethane "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-260-145124
Bromoform "1.0000 1.0000 MRL-243.1-162100
Carbon Tetrachloride "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-248.8-16090.0
Chlorobenzene "0.65000 0.50000 MRL-2,
Chloroform "0.59000 0.50000 MRL-267.9-135118
Chloromethane "0.40000 0.50000 MRL-2,
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-267.6-135128
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-261-141110
Cyclohexane "0.34000 0.50000 MRL-263.5-14268.0
Dibromochloromethane "0.54000 0.50000 MRL-251.7-153108
Dibromomethane "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-137114
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 22 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206016 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
MRL Verification (2206016-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L0.27000 0.50000 MRL-243.5-15254.0
Ethyl Benzene "0.54000 0.50000 MRL-270-134108
Hexachlorobutadiene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-136120
Isopropylbenzene "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-264.5-140106
Methyl Acetate "1.1000 1.0000 MRL-255.8-141110
Methyl Butyl Ketone "0.94000 1.0000 MRL-249.9-15694.0
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "0.99000 1.0000 MRL-257-14799.0
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"0.55000 0.50000 MRL-260.1-143110
Methylcyclohexane "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-262.6-14482.0
Methylene Chloride "0.61000 0.50000 MRL-261.2-138122
n-Butylbenzene "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-265.7-141106
n-Propylbenzene "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-267-137114
o-Chlorotoluene "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-265.8-134124
o-Xylene "0.56000 0.50000 MRL-268.9-136112
p-Chlorotoluene "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-134114
p-Isopropyltoluene "0.49000 0.50000 MRL-266.3-14398.0
sec-Butylbenzene "0.50000 0.50000 MRL-266.2-140100
Styrene "0.49000 0.50000 MRL-269.9-13998.0
tert-Butylbenzene "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-265.2-139106
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"0.54000 0.50000 MRL-265.1-133108
Toluene "0.61000 0.50000 MRL-267.7-131122
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.55000 0.50000 MRL-266.6-134110
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-257.4-147106
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"0.62000 0.50000 MRL-267.8-134124
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"0.39000 0.50000 MRL-258-14978.0
Vinyl chloride "0.35000 0.50000 MRL-2,
MRL Verification (2206016-PS2)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/07/22
EPA 8260C
Acetone ug/L4.0900 4.0000 MRL-229.7-173102
Bromomethane "1.6600 2.0000 MRL-229.9-16083.0
Carbon disulfide "2.1800 2.0000 MRL-261.7-134109
Chloroethane "1.6400 2.0000 MRL-2,
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "3.8800 4.0000 MRL-248.1-15597.0
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 23 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
Blank (2206021-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/LU1.0 U
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"U 0.50 U
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
1,1-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"U 1.0 U
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U
1,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
1,3-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
2,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U
Acetone "U 4.0 U
Benzene "U 0.50 U
Bromobenzene "U 0.50 U
Bromochloromethane "U 0.50 U
Bromodichloromethane "U 0.50 U
Bromoform "U 1.0 U
Bromomethane "U 2.0 U
Carbon disulfide "U 2.0 U
Carbon Tetrachloride "U 0.50 U
Chlorobenzene "U 0.50 U
Chloroethane "U 2.0 U
Chloroform "U 0.50 U
Chloromethane "U 0.50 U
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 24 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
Blank (2206021-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
Cyclohexane ug/LU0.50 U
Dibromochloromethane "U 0.50 U
Dibromomethane "U 0.50 U
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"U 0.50 U
Ethyl Benzene "U 0.50 U
Hexachlorobutadiene "U 0.50 U
Isopropylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Methyl Acetate "U 1.0 U
Methyl Butyl Ketone "U 1.0 U
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "U 4.0 U
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "U 1.0 U
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"U 0.50 U
Methylcyclohexane "U 0.50 U
Methylene Chloride "U 0.50 U
n-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
n-Propylbenzene "U 0.50 U
o-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U
o-Xylene "U 0.50 U
p-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U
p-Isopropyltoluene "U 0.50 U
sec-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Styrene "U 0.50 U
tert-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
Toluene "U 0.50 U
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"U 0.50 QC-1, U
Vinyl chloride "U 0.50 U
Tentatively Identified Compounds "U 10 U
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 25 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
LCS (2206021-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L40.620 40.000 91.3-117102
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "19.470 20.000 76.5-12897.4
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "17.610 20.000 79.3-12688.0
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "19.270 20.000 80.2-11896.4
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"16.510 20.000 80-12482.6
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "19.420 20.000 87.1-11197.1
1,1-Dichloroethane "18.070 20.000 87.8-11390.4
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"18.070 20.000 85.4-11690.4
1,1-Dichloropropene "17.890 20.000 89.4-11589.4
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "20.610 20.000 85-117103
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "18.820 20.000 83.4-11494.1
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "21.010 20.000 83.9-117105
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "22.220 20.000 86.5-121111
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"39.000 40.000 72.3-13697.5
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"18.790 20.000 87.3-11594.0
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "20.470 20.000 86.4-111102
1,2-Dichloroethane "17.660 20.000 83.9-12288.3
1,2-Dichloropropane "20.510 20.000 88-113103
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "21.800 20.000 86.8-119109
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "20.300 20.000 86.4-112102
1,3-Dichloropropane "19.270 20.000 87.4-11396.4
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "20.030 20.000 86.5-110100
2,2-Dichloropropane "18.730 20.000 53.4-15493.6
Acetone "32.960 40.000 49.7-15382.4
Benzene "17.570 20.000 QL-189.6-11387.8
Bromobenzene "19.740 20.000 84.6-11298.7
Bromochloromethane "18.270 20.000 83.6-11791.4
Bromodichloromethane "20.720 20.000 80-125104
Bromoform "40.020 40.000 63.1-142100
Bromomethane "18.320 20.000 49.9-14091.6
Carbon disulfide "19.070 20.000 81.7-11495.4
Carbon Tetrachloride "17.180 20.000 68.8-14085.9
Chlorobenzene "19.200 20.000 88.4-10996.0
Chloroethane "19.930 20.000 76.7-11899.6
Chloroform "17.720 20.000 87.9-11588.6
Chloromethane "17.160 20.000 68.9-11885.8
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "18.630 20.000 87.6-11593.2
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "20.830 20.000 81-121104
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 26 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
LCS (2206021-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
Cyclohexane ug/L16.850 20.000 83.5-12284.2
Dibromochloromethane "19.800 20.000 71.7-13399.0
Dibromomethane "20.090 20.000 87.3-117100
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"17.500 20.000 63.5-13287.5
Ethyl Benzene "19.970 20.000 90-11499.8
Hexachlorobutadiene "19.690 20.000 80.2-11698.4
Isopropylbenzene "21.600 20.000 84.5-120108
Methyl Acetate "33.610 40.000 75.8-12184.0
Methyl Butyl Ketone "36.060 40.000 69.9-13690.2
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "31.730 40.000 68.1-13579.3
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "36.640 40.000 77-12791.6
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"18.850 20.000 80.1-12394.2
Methylcyclohexane "18.530 20.000 82.6-12492.6
Methylene Chloride "18.700 20.000 81.2-11893.5
n-Butylbenzene "22.730 20.000 85.7-121114
n-Propylbenzene "21.500 20.000 87-117108
o-Chlorotoluene "20.960 20.000 85.8-114105
o-Xylene "20.320 20.000 88.9-116102
p-Chlorotoluene "21.450 20.000 86.5-114107
p-Isopropyltoluene "22.140 20.000 86.3-123111
sec-Butylbenzene "21.680 20.000 86.2-120108
Styrene "20.680 20.000 89.9-119103
tert-Butylbenzene "21.790 20.000 85.2-119109
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"17.980 20.000 85.1-11389.9
Toluene "19.130 20.000 87.7-11195.6
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "19.470 20.000 86.6-11497.4
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "20.570 20.000 77.4-127103
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"19.000 20.000 87.8-11495.0
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"15.840 20.000 QC-178-12979.2
Vinyl chloride "17.110 20.000 78.8-11585.6
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 27 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
MRL Verification (2206021-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
EPA 8260C
(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L0.93000 1.0000 MRL-271.3-13793.0
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-256.5-14882.0
1,1,1-Trichloroethane "0.42000 0.50000 MRL-259.3-14684.0
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.42000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-13884.0
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon
"0.30000 0.50000 MRL-260-14460.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-267.1-13182.0
1,1-Dichloroethane "0.43000 0.50000 MRL-267.8-13386.0
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"0.31000 0.50000 MRL-2,
1,1-Dichloropropene "0.36000 0.50000 MRL-269.4-13572.0
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-265-13788.0
1,2,3-Trichloropropane "0.33000 0.50000 MRL-263.4-13466.0
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-13788.0
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-14188.0
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"0.68000 1.0000 MRL-252.3-15668.0
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"0.39000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-13578.0
1,2-Dichlorobenzene "0.54000 0.50000 MRL-266.4-131108
1,2-Dichloroethane "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-14288.0
1,2-Dichloropropane "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-268-13390.0
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-266.8-13988.0
1,3-Dichlorobenzene "0.48000 0.50000 MRL-266.4-13296.0
1,3-Dichloropropane "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-267.4-13390.0
1,4-Dichlorobenzene "0.53000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-130106
2,2-Dichloropropane "0.39000 0.50000 MRL-233.4-17478.0
Benzene "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-269.6-13390.0
Bromobenzene "0.48000 0.50000 MRL-264.6-13296.0
Bromochloromethane "0.35000 0.50000 MRL-263.6-13770.0
Bromodichloromethane "0.43000 0.50000 MRL-260-14586.0
Bromoform "0.78000 1.0000 MRL-243.1-16278.0
Carbon Tetrachloride "0.38000 0.50000 MRL-248.8-16076.0
Chlorobenzene "0.49000 0.50000 MRL-268.4-12998.0
Chloroform "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-267.9-13588.0
Chloromethane "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-248.9-13890.0
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.39000 0.50000 MRL-267.6-13578.0
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-261-14182.0
Cyclohexane "0.34000 0.50000 MRL-263.5-14268.0
Dibromochloromethane "0.40000 0.50000 MRL-251.7-15380.0
Dibromomethane "0.42000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-13784.0
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"0.28000 0.50000 MRL-243.5-15256.0
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 28 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Result Limit
Units Level
Limits RPD
Limit Notes Analyte
Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control
US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD
Batch 2206021 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep
MRL Verification (2206021-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
Ethyl Benzene ug/L0.45000 0.50000 MRL-270-13490.0
Hexachlorobutadiene "0.50000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-136100
Isopropylbenzene "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-264.5-14090.0
Methyl Acetate "0.63000 1.0000 MRL-255.8-14163.0
Methyl Butyl Ketone "0.68000 1.0000 MRL-249.9-15668.0
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "0.70000 1.0000 MRL-257-14770.0
Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"0.37000 0.50000 MRL-260.1-14374.0
Methylcyclohexane "0.30000 0.50000 MRL-2,
Methylene Chloride "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-261.2-13882.0
n-Butylbenzene "0.45000 0.50000 MRL-265.7-14190.0
n-Propylbenzene "0.47000 0.50000 MRL-267-13794.0
o-Chlorotoluene "0.56000 0.50000 MRL-265.8-134112
o-Xylene "0.47000 0.50000 MRL-268.9-13694.0
p-Chlorotoluene "0.48000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-13496.0
p-Isopropyltoluene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-266.3-14388.0
sec-Butylbenzene "0.44000 0.50000 MRL-266.2-14088.0
Styrene "0.41000 0.50000 MRL-269.9-13982.0
tert-Butylbenzene "0.46000 0.50000 MRL-265.2-13992.0
Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"0.44000 0.50000 MRL-265.1-13388.0
Toluene "0.52000 0.50000 MRL-267.7-131104
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.39000 0.50000 MRL-266.6-13478.0
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.39000 0.50000 MRL-257.4-14778.0
Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"0.40000 0.50000 MRL-267.8-13480.0
Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"0.36000 0.50000 MRL-2,
Vinyl chloride "0.37000 0.50000 MRL-258.8-13574.0
MRL Verification (2206021-PS2)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/10/22
EPA 8260C
Acetone ug/L3.0600 4.0000 MRL-229.7-17376.5
Bromomethane "1.4500 2.0000 MRL-229.9-16072.5
Carbon disulfide "2.0000 2.0000 MRL-261.7-134100
Chloroethane "1.8900 2.0000 MRL-256.7-13894.5
Methyl Ethyl Ketone "2.6300 4.0000 MRL-248.1-15565.8
6/14/22 9:40E222304 VOA FINAL 06 14 22 0940Page 29 of 30
D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0261
Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700
Project: 22-0261, Parks-Cramer Co - Reported by Kristin Trapp
Notes and Definitions for QC Samples
U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit.
MRL-2 MRL verification for Non-Potable Water matrix
QC-1 Analyte concentration low in continuing calibration verification standard
QL-1 Laboratory Control Spike Recovery less than method control limits
QL-2 Laboratory Control Spike Recovery greater than method control limits
QR-1 MRL verification recovery less than lower control limits.
QR-2 MRL verification recovery greater than upper control limits.
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