HomeMy WebLinkAbout8304_NCORCompost_ReviewComments_20230106From: Wilson, Donna J Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 6:22 PM To: Fred Mussari; Bill Kish Cc: Powell, David C Subject: NCOR compost site, Scotland County, comments on the application Hello Fred and Bill, I've completed review of the revised application for the Type 2 facility in Scotland County, and I have the following questions and comments: 1. Provide the compost site boundaries marked on a high quality color copy topographic map. The quad is Wakulla NC. The map shows the blue stream within the compost area. 2. For the onsite blue line stream, either the compost area boundary can be modified to meet the 50 foot buffer to the stream, or a stream determination can be requested from NC DWR to determine if it is intermittent. It appears that the boundaries of the compost area could be modified in the area of the proposed screening area to meet the 50 foot setback to the onsite stream. The compost operations area include unloading, mixing, feedstock storage, composting, grinding/processing, and curing areas. It does not include roads, truck scale, water storage, and buffers. The 50-foot setback, and the compost operational area boundaries, should be shown on the engineering drawings. b. Information for the NC DWR stream determinations is at the following webpage. The regional office is Fayetteville. https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water- guality-permitting/401-buffer-permitting/application-forms-help- dncuments_ 3. Section 2 - Siting Requirements — Discuss the stream that crosses through the property, and the 50 foot setback that is to be maintained, or the results of the NC DWR stream determination. Design Plan: a. Describe how food waste is brought from the de -packaging building to the compost unloading/mixing area. Specifically, how is the waste moved/transported to and unloaded in the mixing building without spilling of waste or liquids on the ground? b. For the unloading and mixing area, clarify that the floor and wall junction will prevent liquids from flowing off the concrete pad. Are the walls concrete? Is it part of the same building as the bays? Operations Plan: For the discussion about PFRP, it should be added that VAR also requires 14 days, with an average temperature greater than or equal to 113 degrees F, and a minimum temperature of 104 degrees F. (PFRP and VAR can overlap, so that it is 11 more days to meet VAR). Describe contingency plans for wind, heavy rain, snow, freezing weather and other extreme weather events, air pollution, equipment breakdown, spills, unusual traffic patterns, long-term power outages, cracks in concrete pads, etc. c. Describe site safety procedures concerning onsite equipment (especially grinders), safety during unloading and loading of materials, and safety to address other possible site hazards to workers. Provide the aerial photo drawing, as described in the guidance, and copied below. An aerial photograph, where one inch is less than or equal to 400 feet, accurately showing the area within one-fourth mile of the proposed site's boundaries. It may be included in the Siting Requirements Section, if it can be appropriately sized 11x17. The following should be drawn onto the map: a. Boundaries of entire property owned or leased by the person proposing the facility; b. Location of all homes, wells, industrial buildings, public or private utilities, roads, streams, water bodies, intermittent streams/ditches, and other applicable information regarding the general topography within 500 feet of the facility. Closure Plan — What is a Class 1 landfill, Class 4 landfill, the adjacent landfill, stormwater sump, and wastewater plant, as referenced in the text? Also, on page 9, Design Plan, what is a Class 1 disposal area? Revisions to the application should be incorporated into the text of the application. Please provide an electronic copy (pdf) of the revised application, including drawings. Also provide a cover letter that includes responses to comments. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss, please let me know. Donna QV D.E Q7�p Donna J_ Wilson Engineering Project Vfanag-er, Solid WasteSection Division of Iff aste _Vanagement Forth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707.8255 (Office) Donna_Wilson,,li ncdenr_goy Physical Address: 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27603 Mail- g address: 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh IBC 27b99 rk- Bnai� carraVoridHr)ck la a?d from INs uc*Jre is .sjL*E3 1 M� ft lair VP Q"ru FUWc Pe c ds Law zirKI mey be dsdos ed to 1twd p ies.