HomeMy WebLinkAbout2402_IP_FACostEstimate_202012072020 UPDATE AZCOM Closure, Post -Closure Cost Estimation Form IP - Riegelwood Landfill Permit Number: 24-02 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC 2020 UPDATE PREPARED BY: J. Bove DATE: 12/7/2020 NCDEQ INFLATION RATE FOR 2020: 1.017 % Closure Cost 30 Year Post 2020 ClosureCost TOTAL Estimate Estimate Old Unlined Site Closure* $ - $ 1,001,302 $ 1,001,302 Cell 1 Closure $ 5,203,826 $ 1,710,258 $ 6,914,084 Cell 2 Closure $ 4,230,504 $ 943,898 $ 5,174,402 Assessment & Corrective $ - $ 2,000,000 Action Contingency (3) TOTAL $ 9,434,330 $ 5,655,459 $ 15,089,788 * Post Closure Period Starting 2010 NOTES: 1. Costs provided reflect largest landfill area permitted for construction and/or operation. 2. All costs in 2020 Dollars including NCDEQ approved Inflation Factor added to totals. 3. 30 Year Long Term Care Includes $2,000,000 for "potential assessment and corrective action" per NC GS 130A-295.2(h). Per NCDEQ: Effective January 1, 2020, the INFLATION FACTOR PRICE DEFLATOR/MULTIPLIER = 1.017 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE ACO Worksheet 2: FORMAT FOR THE ESTIMATION OF POST -CLOSURE COSTS Facility Name: Unlined Area - Riegelwood Landfill Post -Closure Cost Estimate Permit Number: 24-02 Facility Address: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC FACILITY CLOSURE DATE: 2009 START POST CLOSURE PERIOD: 2010 County Administrator: OPM Representative Completing Format: 0 Date Completed: 11-Dec-12 Updated: 7-Dec-20 Sanitary and Industrial Landfills: Closure Costs - all sections except Section X Post -Closure - all sections CDD Landfills: Closure Costs - Sections X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII Post -Closure - all sections L GROUNDWATER MONITORING a. Total number of monitoring wells Total number of sampling events per b. year c. Other samples (e.g., QA/QC) d. Analysis costs e. Total analysis costs $10,000 or as f. Miscellaneous engineering fees/report required g. Mobilization 0.00 h. Technician field costs $0.00 i. Total sampling costs (g x b) + (h x a x b) Total Yearly Groundwater Monitoring k Cost (e + f + i) ❑, LANDFILL GAS MONITORING a. Frequency of Testing b. Cost of sampling per round c. Total Gas Monitoring Cost Per Year (a x b) III. LEACHATE MANAGEMENT a. Private disposal unit cost b. POTW disposal unit cost c. Direct discharge to POTW unit cost Amount of leachate generated from d. facility records or modeling e. Hauling cost f. Total leachate management cost NOT APPLICABLE samples/event $/sample (b+c) x d (gxb)+(hxax b) $/gallon $/gallon $/gallon $/gallon 0 wells 0 samples/yr 0 samples/yr $0.00 /sample $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 /event $0.00 /well $0.00 0.00 /yr (Covered in Cell 1 Post -closure) 0 rounds/yr $0.00 /round $00 /yr (Covered in Cell 1 Post -closure) $0.00 /gallon $0.00 /gallon $0.00 /gallon 0 gallons/yr $0.00 /gallon LO /yr C:\Users\john.bov \Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.)ds 2020 UPDATE IV. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS a. Mowing frequency 2 I usually 2 2 visits/yr visits/year b Area involved in maintenance and 55.6 55.6 acres repairs c. Mowing unit cost per visit $350.00 $350.00 /acre/visit d. Total Mowing Cost Per Year a x b x c $38,920.00 /yr e. Fertilizer unit cost $0 /acre f. Total Fertilizer Cost Per Year b x e $0.00 /yr assume 3% of g. Area to reseed/year 1.7 total final cover 1.668 acres to be re -seeded per year h. Reseeding unit cost $4,400.00 $4,400.00 /acre i. Total Reseeding Cost Per Year x h $7,339.20 /yr k Mobilization/ Demobilization cost per $0 /yr y year usually 1 % of I. Cap erosion repair 0.556 cap area/year 0.556 acres Assumed M. Erosion repair unit cost $10,000.00 18"depth $10,000.00 /acre n. Total Erosion Repair Cost Per Year (I x m) $5,560.00 /year 0 Total Maintenance and Repairs Cost (d + f + I+k+n) $51,819 /yr Per Year V. VECTOR AND RODENT CONTROL NOT APPLICABLE Total Vector and Rodent Control a. Costs Per Year $2,000 or as required L /yr Total Post -Closure Cost (TPCC) City Cost Index (CCI) Appen B.= 100%=1 Adjusted Total Costs (ATC) = (CCI) x TPCC Length of Post -Closure Care Period _ $51,819 /yr 19 Total Post Closure Care Costs = ATC x Post Closure Period $984,565 C:\Users\john.bov \Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.)ds 2020 UPDATE AXOM' Worksheet 1: FORMAT FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CLOSURE COSTS Facility Name: Cell 1 - Riegelwood Landfill Closure Cost Estimate Permit Number: 24-02 Facility Address: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC Facility Owner: International Paper OPM Representative Completing Format: Date Completed: 11-Dec-12 Updated: 7-Dec-20 Sanitary and Industrial Landfills: Closure Costs - all sections except Section X Post Closure - Post -Closure - all sections CDD Landfills: Closure Costs - Sections X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII Post Closure - Post -Closure - all sections r'rFMLWTR tMbwT-TFrrREST WL-L7 BE CALCULATED FOR YOU* 1----------------------J L NATIVE SOIL FOR SLOPE AND FILL a. Area to be capped 16.1 b. Depth of native soil for slope and fill 12 c. Quantity of native soil needed d. Percentage of soil from off -site 100% e' Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to $19.20 include delivery cost) f. Percentage of soil from on -site 0% g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) $3.85 h. Total soil unit cost i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost $1.65 j. Compaction unit cost $1.10 k. Total soil unit cost I. Total native soil cost m. Percent compaction 25% 0 Total Native Soil Cost Notes and Guidance Values acres x 4840 yd2/acre= inches x lyd/36in a x b per yd3 (1 - d) per yd3 (dxe+fxg) per yd3 per yd3 (h+I+j) (h) x (I + l) 77924 yd2 0.33 yd 25975 yd3 100% $19.20 0% $3.85 $19.20 $1.65 $1.10 $21.95 $570,143.93 25% 712 680 /yd3 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 /yd3 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE I/. TOPSOIL a. Area to be capped b. Depth of topsoil needed c. Quantity of topsoil needed d. Percentage of soil from off -site Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to e' include delivery cost) f. Percentage of soil from on -site g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) h. Total soil unit cost i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost j. Compaction unit cost k. Total soil unit cost I. Total soil cost m. Percent compaction o Total Topsoil Cost Ill. DIVERSION BERMS b. Length of Diversion Berm c. Quantity of compacted fill needed d Purchase unit cost for material or excavation cost e Delivery Cost (for delivery of off -site material; dependent upon haul distance) f. Spreading unit cost for material g. Compaction unit cost for material h. Total material cost i. Percent compaction j Total Drainage Layer Cost IV. ON -SITE CLAY a. Area to be capped b. Depth of clay needed c. Quantity of clay needed d. Excavation unit cost e. Placement/spreading unit cost f. Compaction unit cost g. Total on -site clay unit cost h. Percent compaction i. Total On -Site Clay Cost 16.1 acres x 4840 yd2/acre 6 in x 0.028 yd/in a x b 100% $19.20 0% $0.00 $2.85 $1.10 25% 4475 $0.00 $19.20 $4.50 $1.20 25% 0 0 0 11 25% per yd3 (1 - d) per yd3 (dxe+fxg) per yd3 per yd3 (h+I+j) (h) x (1 + 1) LF yd3 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 (d+e+f+g) (%/100) [cxhx(1 +i)] NOT APPLICABLE acres x 4840 yd2 in x (1/36)yd a x b per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 (d+e+f) %/100 [cxgx(1+h)] 77924 yd2 0.17 yd 12987 yd3 100% $19.20 /yd3 0% $0.00 $19.20 $2.85 $1.10 $23.15 $300,656.77 25% 375 821 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 /yd 3 4475 ft 12099 yd3 $0.00 per yd3 $19.20 per yd3 $4.50 per yd3 $1.20 per yd3 $24.90 per yd3 25% 376 584 0 yd2 0.00 yd 0 yd3 $0.00 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 $0.00 per yds 25% C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE V. OFF -SITE CLAY a. Area to be capped b. Depth of clay needed c. Quantity of clay needed d. Purchase unit cost e. Delivery unit cost (for off -site material) f. Placement/spreading unit cost g. Compaction unit cost h. Total off -site clay unit cost i. Percent compaction j. Total Off -Site Clay Cost Vl. VENT PIPING a. Length of drainage tile needed b. Tile unit cost c. Trenching and backfilling cost d. Total drainage tile unit cost e. Total Drainage Tile Cost Vll. SYNTHETIC MEMBRANE a. Area to be capped with FML b. Purchase unit cost c. Installation unit cost d. Total synthetic membrane unit cost e. Total Synthetic Membrane Cost Vlll. GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC a. Quantity of filter fabric needed b. Purchase unit cost c. Installation unit cost d. Total geotextile filter fabric unit cost e. Total Geotextile Filter Fabric Cost Vlll.-a GEONET COMPOSITE a. Quantity of Geonet Composite needed b. Purchase Unit Cost C. Installation Unit Cost d. Total Geonet Composite unit cost e Total Geonet Composite cost NOT APPLICABLE acres x 4840 yd2 0 yd2 in x (1/36)yd 0 yd a x b 0 yd3 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 (d + e + f + g) $0.00 per yd3 25% %/100 25% [cxhx(1 +i)] 2500 LF 2500 LF $1.85 per LF $1.85 per LF $5.26 per LF $5.20 per LF (b+c) $7.05 per LF (a x d) $17,625 16.1 acres x 43560 ft2/acre 701316 ft2 $0.30 $0.30 /ft2 $0.13 $0.13 /ft2 (b + c) $0.43 /ft2 (a x d) $301,566 acres x 43560 ft2/acre= 0 ft2 $0.00 /ft2 $0.00 /ft2 (b + c) $0.00 /ft2 (axd) 16.1 acres x 43560ft2/acre 701316 ft2 0.36 $0.36 /ft2 0.11 $0.11 /ft2 (b + c) $0.47 /ft2 (a x d) $329,619 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE Vlll.-b GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER a. Quantity of liner needed b. Purchase unit cost c. Installation unit cost d. Total Clay Liner unit cost e. Total clay liner cost IX. SOIL ADMIXTURE a. Area to be capped b. Soil admixture unit cost c. Total Soil Admixture Cost X. VEGETATIVE SUPPORT SOIL a. Area to be capped b. Depth of soil needed c. Quantity of soil needed d. Percentage of soil from off -site NOT APPLICABLE acres x 43560 ft2/acre (b+c) (axd) NOT APPLICABLE acres x 4840 yd2 per yd2 (a x b) aced over Synthetic Membrane) 16.1 acres x 4840 yd2/acre 18 in x (1/36)yd (a x b) Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to e. include delivery cost) f. Percentage of soil from on -site g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) h. Total soil unit cost i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost j. Compaction unit cost k. Total soil unit cost I. Total soil cost m. Percent compaction o Total Topsoil Cost Xl. SOIL TESTING a. Number of acres to be capped Testing unit cost (includes permeability b. tests and technician) c. Total Soil Testing Unit Cost Xll. VEGETATIVE COVER a. Number of acres to be vegetated b Unit cost for soil preparation, grading, seed, and fertilizer c. Total Vegetative Cover Cost 100% 1 % $19.20 0% $2.75 $1.10 25% per yd3 (1 - d) per yd3 (dxe+fxg) per yd3 per yd3 (h+I+j) (h) x (I + l) 16.1 $3,200 (a x b) 16.1 $3,850.00 (a x b) 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 ft2 /ft2 /ft2 /ft2 yd2 per yd2 77924 yd2 0.50 yd 38962 yd3 100% $19.20 /yd3 0% $0.00 $19.20 $2.75 $1.10 $23.05 $898,074.10 25% $1,122, 593 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 /yd3 16.1 acres $3,200.00 per acre 51 520 16.1 acres $3,850.00 per acre 61 985 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE Xlll. LANDFILL GAS (LFG) MANAGEMENT SYSTEM a. Number of acres of landfill to be closed b Number of LFG detection probes to be installed C. Average number of LFG vents required per acre d. Average cost per LFG vent e. Average LFG detection probe unit cost f. Total cost for LFG vents g. Total cost for LFG detection probes h. Total Gas Management System Cost Sanitary Max. Spacing = 250 ft CDD/Industrial Max. Spacing = 500 ft XIV. GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEM Hydrogeologic study unit cost (includes a. boring costs, piezometer costs, pump test costs, etc.) Monitoring well construction unit cost b (includes installation and materials for a 50' deep well; minimum of four wells must be installed) c. Number of wells to be installed d. Additional well length over 50' e. Unit cost for additional well length over 50' f. Total additional cost for well length over 50' g. Total Monitoring Well Construction Cost Total Groundwater Monitoring System h" Cost XV. MOBILIZATION/ DEMOBILIZATION a. Cost for Mobilization/ Demobilization XVI. SURVEY AND DEED NOTATION a. Cost for Survey and Deed Notation XVIL CLOSURE CERTIFICATION a. Closure Certification Costs NOT APPLICABLE 0 0 acres (every 500' around 0 wells cell) 1 1 vents $0.00 $0.00 per vent $0.00 per probe (axcxd) $0.00 (b x e) $0.00 (f + g) Lo INCLUDED IN POST CLOSURE per well wells LF per VLF (e x d) $0.00 (b x c) $0.00 (bx0+(dxe) 0.00 Max 5% of total 170,000 construction costs $1,100/acre 17,600 Included with 0 Engineering costs — C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE XVlll. MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TO CLOSE Erosion Control a. Rolled Erosion Control Products b. Downpipes & Culverts c. RipRap (tons) d. Strip Drain (If) e Storm Water Control f Total Miscellaneous Costs TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CLOSURE COSTS Total Unadjusted Closure Costs TUCC = (1+I1... XIV) Citv Cost Index (CCI1 ADDen B.= 1 = 100 % Total Adjusted Closure Costs (TACC)= CCI x TUCC Closure Cost Estimate Subtotal= (TA CC +XV.... XVlll) Contingency 00%)= (Subtotal x 0.1) Engineering Fees= Construction Documents(5% or as needed) Construction Quality Assurance (10% or as needed) Total Closure Cost= (Subtotal +Contingency + Engineering) 12ac*43560/9 $15,000 or as required *$2.25/SY 1,462 $225 500 $75 5,000 $4.75 crossings $5,000 or as requirec (sum(a: d) (Subtotal x 0.05) (Subtotal x 0.1) 130,680 328,950 37,500 23,750 35,000 555,880 3 349 992 0 3,349,992 4,093,47 409,34 204,6 409,34 r---------0 1 $ 5,116, 839 1 I I LF C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE L H AXO Worksheet 2: FORMAT FOR THE ESTIMATION OF POST -CLOSURE COSTS Facility Name: Cell 1 - Riegelwood Landfill Post -Closure Cost Estimate Permit Number: 24-02 Facility Address: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC 0 0 County Administrator: OPM Representative Completing Format: 0 Date Completed: 11-Dec-12 Updated: 7-Dec-20 Sanitary and Industrial Landfills: Closure Costs - all sections except Section X Post -Closure - all sections CDD Landfills: Closure Costs - Sections X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII Post -Closure - all sections "";PrLL7N-RbSC T[4rPSgr I WILL BE CALCULATED FOR! YOU*01 GROUNDWATER MONITORING a. Total number of monitoring wells b Total number of sampling events per year c. Other samples (e.g., QA/QC) d Analysis Costs (see worksheet 3 for minimum defaults) e. Total analysis costs Miscellaneous engineering f' fees/report g. Mobilization h. Technician field costs i. Total sampling costs k Total Yearly Groundwater Monitoring Cost LANDFILL GAS MONITORING a. Frequency of Testing b. Cost of sampling per round Total Gas Monitoring Cost Per C. Year 111. LEACHATE MANAGEMENT a. Private disposal unit cost b. POTW disposal unit cost Direct discharge to POTW unit C. cost $18,600.00 samples/event $/sample (b+c) x d $10,000 or as required (g x b) + (h x a x b) (g x b) + (h x a x b) (e+f+i) 2 $0.00 (a x b) F_ $0.0001 I F_ 0 wells 0 samples/yr 0 samples/yr $0.00 /sample $0.00 $18,600.00 $0.00 /event $0.00 /well $0.00 $18,600.00 /yr 2 rounds/yr $0.00 /round $00 /yr (Covers Old Cell, Cell 1 & 2 Gas monitoring costs) $/gallon $0.0001 /gallon $/gallon $0.00 /gallon $/gallon $0.00 /gallon C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xis 2020 UPDATE Amount of leachate generated d' from facility records or modeling e. Pumping cost f. Total leachate management cost IV. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND I a. Mowing frequency b Area involved in maintenance and repairs c. Mowing unit cost per visit d. Total Mowing Cost Per Year e. Fertilizer unit cost f. Total Fertilizer Cost Per Year V. g. Area to reseed/year h. Reseeding unit cost i. Total Reseeding Cost Per Year k Mobilization/ Demobilization cost per year I. Cap erosion repair m. Erosion repair unit cost L Total Erosion Repair Cost Per n' Year 0 Total Maintenance and Repairs Cost Per Year VECTOR AND RODENT CONTROL 2,535,491 $0.001 2 16.1 $350.00 a x b x c (b x e) $/gallon usually 2 visits/year assume 20% of total 3.22 final cover to be re- seeded per year in years 0-5 $4,400.00 (Ixm) (d + f + I+k+n) a Total Vector and Rodent Control $2, 000 or as required Costs Per Year Total Post -Closure Cost (TPCC) City Cost Index (CCI) Appen 100%=1 B.= Adjusted Total Costs (ATC) = (CCI) x TPCC assume 5% of total final cover to erosion repair per year in year 0-5 Assumed 18"depth 2,535,491 gallons/yr $0.001 /gallon 2 468 /yr 2 visits/yr 16.1 acres $350.00 /acre/visit $11,270.00 /yr $0 /acre $0.00 /yr 3.22 acres $4,400.00 /acre $14,168.00 /yr $0 /yr 0.805 acres $10,000.00 /acre $8,050.00 /year 33 488 /yr 1500 /yr IF- 56 056 1 $56,056 /yr Length of Post -Closure Care Period 3011 Total Post Closure Care Costs = ATC x Post Closure Period $1,681,670 L---------------J C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xis 2020 UPDATE Worksheet 1: FORMAT FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CLOSURE COSTS Facility Name: Cell 2 - Riegelwood Landfill Closure Cost Estimate Permit Number: 24-02 Facility Address: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC Facility Owner: International Paper OPM Representative Completing Format: Date Completed: 11-Dec-12 Updated: 7-Dec-20 Sanitary and Industrial Landfills: Closure Costs - all sections except Section X Post Closure - Post -Closure - all sections CDD Landfills: Closure Costs - Sections X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII Post Closure - Post -Closure - all sections *'rMT_ rrFlrMtffeT'TFEIMSTWM O BE CALCULATED FOR YOU* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L Notes and Guidance NATIVE SOIL FOR SLOPE AND FILL Values a. Area to be capped acres x 4840 13 yd2/acre= 62920 yd2 b. Depth of native soil for slope and fill 12 inches x lyd/36in= 0.33 yd C. Quantity of native soil needed a x b 20973 yd3 d. Percentage of soil from off -site 100% % 100% e. Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to $19.20 include delivery cost) per yd3 $19.20 /yd3 f. Percentage of soil from on -site 0% (1 - d) 0% g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) $3.85 per yd3 $3.85 per yd3 h. Total soil unit cost (d x e + f x g) $19.20 i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost $1.65 per yd3 $1.65 per yd3 j. Compaction unit cost $1.10 per yd3 $1.10 per yd3 k. Total soil unit cost (h + I + j) $21.95 /yd3 I. Total native soil cost $460,364.67 m. Percent compaction 25% 25% 0 Total Native Soil Cost (h) x (1 + $575,456 H. TOPSOIL a. Area to be capped 13 acres x 4840 yd2/acre 62920 yd2 b. Depth of topsoil needed 6 in x 0.028 yd/in 0.17 yd c. Quantity of topsoil needed a x b 10487 yd3 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE d. Percentage of soil from off -site 100% % 100% e. Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to $19.20 per yd3 $19.20 /yd3 include delivery cost) f. Percentage of soil from on -site 0% (1 - d) 0% g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) $0.00 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 h. Total soil unit cost (d x e + f x g) $19.20 i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost $2.85 per yd3 $2.85 per yd3 j. Compaction unit cost $1.10 per yd3 $1.10 per yd3 k. Total soil unit cost (h + I + j) $23.15 /yd3 I. Total soil cost $242,766.33 m. Percent compaction 25% 25% 0 Total Topsoil Cost (h) x (1 + $303,458 Ill. DIVERSION BERMS a. Length of Diversion Berm 3930 LF 3930 ft b. Quantity of compacted fill needed yd3 10626 yd3 C. Purchase unit cost for material or excavation cost $0.00 per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 d Delivery Cost (for delivery of off -site $19.20 per yd3 $19.20 per yd3 material; dependent upon haul distance) e. Spreading unit cost for material $4.50 per yd3 $4.50 per yd3 f. Compaction unit cost for material $1.20 per yd3 $1.20 per yd3 g. Total material cost (d + e + f + g) $24.90 per yd3 h. Percent compaction 25% (%/100) 25% i. Total Drainage Layer Cost [c x h x (1 +i)] $330,720 IV. ON -SITE CLAY NOT APPLICABLE a. Area to be capped acres x 4840 yd2 0 yd2 b. Depth of clay needed in x (1/36)yd 0.00 yd c. Quantity of clay needed a x b 0 yd3 d. Excavation unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 e. Placement/spreading unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 f. Compaction unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 g. Total on -site clay unit cost (d + e + f) $0.00 per yds h. Percent compaction 25% %/100 25% i. Total On -Site Clay Cost [c x g x (1 +h)] V. OFF -SITE CLAY NOT APPLICABLE a. Area to be capped acres x 4840 yd2 0 yd2 b. Depth of clay needed in x (1/36)yd 0 yd c. Quantity of clay needed a x b 0 yd3 d. Purchase unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE e. Delivery unit cost (for off -site material) per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 f. Placement/spreading unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 g. Compaction unit cost per yd3 $0.00 per yd3 h. Total off -site clay unit cost (d + e + f + g) $0.00 per yd3 i. Percent compaction 25% %/100 25% j. Total Off -Site Clay Cost [c x h x (1 + i)] $0 Vl. VENT PIPING a. Length of drainage tile needed 1550 LF 1550 LF b. Tile unit cost F77F5 per LF $1.85 per LF c. Trenching and backfilling cost $5.20 per LF $5.20 per LF d. Total drainage tile unit cost (b+c) $7.05 per LF e. Total Drainage Tile Cost (a x d) $10,928 Vll. SYNTHETIC MEMBRANE a. Area to be capped with FML 13 acres x 43560 ft2/acre 566280 ft2 b. Purchase unit cost $0.30 $0.30 /ft2 c. Installation unit cost $0.13 $0.13 /ft2 d. Total synthetic membrane unit cost (b + c) $0.43 /ft2 e. Total Synthetic Membrane Cost (a x d) $243,500 Vlll. GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC a. Quantity of filter fabric needed acres x 43560 ft2/acre= 0 ft2 b. Purchase unit cost $0.00 /ft2 c. Installation unit cost $0.00 /ft2 d. Total geotextile filter fabric unit cost (b + c) $0.00 /ft2 e. Total Geotextile Filter Fabric Cost (a x d) Vlll.-a GEONET COMPOSITE a. Quantity of Geonet Composite needed 13 acres x 43560ft2/acre 566280 ft2 b. Purchase Unit Cost $0.36 $0.36 /ft2 C. Installation Unit Cost $0.11 $0.11 /ft2 d. Total Geonet Composite unit cost (b + c) $0.47 /ft2 e Total Geonet Composite cost (a x d) $266,152 Vlll.-b GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER NOT APPLICABLE a. Quantity of liner needed acres x 43560 ft2/acre 0 ft2 b. Purchase unit cost $0.00 /ft2 c. Installation unit cost $0.00 /ft2 d• Total Clay Liner unit cost (b + c) $0.00 /ft2 e. Total clay liner cost (a x d) $00 C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls IX. X. DOWN PIPES (EAST SLOPE) a. Drop pipes and Headwalls, per unit b. Aggregate c. Total Soil Admixture Cost a. Area to be capped b. Depth of soil needed c. Quantity of soil needed d. Percentage of soil from off -site Purchase Unit cost off -site material (to e. include delivery cost) f. Percentage of soil from on -site g. Excavation unit cost (on -site material) h. Total soil unit cost i. Placement and Spreading Unit Cost j. Compaction unit cost k. Total soil unit cost I. Total soil cost m. Percent compaction o Total Topsoil Cost Xl. SOIL TESTING a. Number of acres to be capped b. Testing unit cost (includes permeability tests and technician) c. Total Soil Testing Unit Cost Xll. VEGETATIVE COVER a. Number of acres to be vegetated b. Unit cost for soil preparation, grading, seed, and fertilizer c. Total Vegetative Cover Cost Xlll. LANDFILL GAS (LFG) MANAGEMENT SYSTEM a. Number of acres of landfill to be closed b. Number of LFG detection probes to be installed C. Average number of LFG vents required per acre d. Average cost per LFG vent e. Average LFG detection probe unit cost 2020 UPDATE MODIFIED FINAL COVER 3 30 10 tons/unit (a x b) 13 acres x 4840 yd2/acre 18 in x (1/36)yd (a x b) 100% % $19.20 per yd3 0% (1 - d) per yd3 (dxe+fxg) $2.75 per yd3 $1.10 per yd3 (h+I+j) 11 25% (h) x (I + l) 13 =$3,200 (a x b) 13 $3,850.00 (a x b) NOT APPLICABLE $4,800.00 $2,050.00 16 450 62920 0.50 31460 100% per unit ton yd2 yd yd3 $19.20 /yd3 0% $0.00 $19.20 $2.75 $1.10 $23.05 $725,153.00 25% 906 441 per yd3 per yd3 per yd3 /yd 3 13 acres $3,200.00 per acre 41 600 13 acres $3,850.00 per acre 50 050 0 acres 0 wells 1 vents $0.00 per vent $0.00 per probe C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE X/V. f• Total cost for LFG vents g. Total cost for LFG detection probes h. Total Gas Management System Cost Sanitary Max. Spacing = 250 ft CDD/Industrial Max. Spacing = 500 ft GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEM a. Hydrogeologic study unit cost (includes boring costs, piezometer costs, pump test costs, etc.) b. Monitoring well construction unit cost (includes installation and materials for a 50' deep well; minimum of four wells must be installed) c. Number of wells to be installed d. Additional well length over 50' e. Unit cost for additional well length over 50' f. Total additional cost for well length over 50' g. Total Monitoring Well Construction Cost h. Total Groundwater Monitoring System Cost XV MOBILIZATION/ DEMOBILIZATION a. Cost for Mobilization/ Demobilization XVI. SURVEY AND DEED NOTATION a. Cost for Survey and Deed Notation XVII. CLOSURE CERTIFICATION a. Closure Certification Costs XVlll. MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TO CLOSE a. Erosion Control Rolled Erosion Control Products b. Downpipes & Culverts c. RipRap (tons) d. Strip Drain (If) e. Storm Water Control f. Total Miscellaneous Costs (axcxd) $0.00 (b x e) $0.00 (f + g) $0 INCLUDED IN POST CLOSURE (e x d) $0.00 (b x c) $0.00 (bx0+(dxe) 0.00 Max 5% of total 141,000 construction costs $1,100/acre ii 14,300 Included with 0 Engineering costs 10ac*43560/9 $15,000 or as required *$2.25/SY 1,000 $225 500 $75 4,500 $4.75 crossings $5,000 or as requirec (sum(a: d) 108,900 225,000 37,500 21,375 35,000 427,77 per well wells LF per VLF LF C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CLOSURE COSTS Total Unadiusted Closure Costs T( UCC)= (I+II... XI V) $2, 744, 755 City Cost Index (CCI) Appen B.= 1 = 100 % 1 Total Adiusted Closure Costs (TACC)= CCI x TUCC 2,744,755 Closure Cost Estimate Subtotal= (TA CC +XV.... XVlll) 3,327,830 Contingency (10%)= (Subtotal x 0.1) 332,783 Engineering Fees= Construction Documents(5% or as needed) (Subtotal x 0.05) 166,391 Construction Quality Assurance (10% or as needed) (Subtotal x 0.1) 332,783 Total Closure Cost= ------ , (Subtotal +Contingency + Engineering) I $ 4,159, 787 I C:\Users\john.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-RWECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xls 2020 UPDATE AAZCO Worksheet 2: FORMAT FOR THE ESTIMATION OF POST -CLOSURE COSTS Facility Name: Cell 2 - Riegelwood Landfill Post -Closure Cost Estimate Permit Number: 24-02 Facility Address: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC 0 0 County Administrator: OPM Representative Completing Format: 0 Date Completed: 11-Dec-12 Updated: 7-Dec-20 Sanitary and Industrial Landfills: Closure Costs - all sections except Section X Post -Closure - all sections CDD Landfills: Closure Costs - Sections X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII Post -Closure - all sections WILL BE CALCULATED FORD YOU*I L----------------- ._._I 1. GROUNDWATER MONITORING a. Total number of monitoring wells Total number of sampling events b. per year c. Other samples (e.g., QA/QC) Analysis costs (see worksheet 3 for d. minimum defaults) e. Total analysis costs Miscellaneous engineering f. fees/report g. Mobilization h. Technician field costs i. Total sampling costs Total Yearly Groundwater k Monitoring Cost IL LANDFILL GAS MONITORING a. Frequency of Testing b. Cost of sampling per round Total Gas Monitoring Cost Per c. Year Ill. LEACHATE MANAGEMENT a. Private disposal unit cost b. POTW disposal unit cost Direct discharge to POTW unit C. cost Amount of leachate generated d. from facility records or modeling samples/event $/sample (b+c) x d $10,000 or as $0.00 required (g x b) + (h x a x b) (e+f+i) $0.00 (a x b) $0.0001 2,047,291 (gxb)+(hxax b) $/gallon $/gallon $/gallon 0 wells 0 samples/yr 0 samples/yr $0.00 /sample $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 /event $0.00 /well $0.00 0.00 /yr (Covered in Cell 1 Post -closure) 0 rounds/yr $0.00 /round 0.00 /yr (Covered in Cell 1 Post -closure) $0.0001 /gallon $0.00 /gallon $0.00 /gallon 2,047,291 gallons/yr C:\Users\jchn.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-R\HECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xis UI V. 2020 UPDATE e. Hauling cost $0.001 $/gallon f. Total leachate management cost a. Mowing frequency Area involved in maintenance and b. repairs Mowing unit cost per visit C. d. Total Mowing Cost Per Year e. Fertilizer unit cost f. Total Fertilizer Cost Per Year Area to reseed/year I•. Reseeding unit cost h. i. Total Reseeding Cost Per Year Mobilization/ Demobilization cost k. per year Cap erosion repair I . rn. Erosion repair unit cost Total Erosion Repair Cost Per n. Year Total Maintenance and Repairs 0 Cost Per Year VECTOR AND RODENT CONTROL Total Vector and Rodent Control 2 13 $350.00 a x b x c (I x m) (d + f + I +k+n) a. Costs Per Year $2, 000 or as required Total Post -Closure Cost (TPCC) t,rry L.vsr rnaex t�.�.r/ f►ppen B-= 100%=1 Adjusted Total Costs (ATC) = (CCI) x TPCC Length of Post -Closure Care Period Total Post Closure Care Costs = ATC x Post Closure Period usually 2 visits/year me 20% of final cover re -seeded fear in years me 5% of final cover osion repair fear in year kssumed 18"depth $0.001 /gallon 2 397 /yr 2 visits/yr 13 acres $350.00 /acre/visit $9,100.00 /yr $0 /acre $0.00 /yr 2.6 acres $4,400.00 /acre $11,440.00 /yr $0 /yr 0.65 acres $10,000.00 /acre $6,500.00 /year 27 040 /yr 1500 /yr 30 937 1 $30,937 /yr 30 ------------- 928 120 C:\Users\jchn.bove\Desktop\Working\IP-R\HECOM IP Riegelwood Landfill 2020 Financial Cost Update 12-07-2020.xis