HomeMy WebLinkAbout25035 - Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan_Perch Apartments 20221207 Via Email December 7, 2022 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG Re: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Project No. RMR-013 Dear Mr. Schmithorst: On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP, please find the enclosed Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan (VIMP) prepared for the proposed redevelopment at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. The VIMP was revised to address DEQ comments provided on November 8, 2022. Should you have questions or need additional information prior to providing approval, please do not hesitate to contact us at (704) 586-0007. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Alexis McKenzie, PE Christie Zawtocki, PE Senior Project Engineer Principal Engineer Enclosure cc: Mr. Quinn Augustine, Ram Realty (via Email) Ms. Rachel Russell Krenz, Ram Realty (via Email) Ms. Amanda Short, McGuire Woods (via Email) #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan Perch Apartments National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Job No. RMR-013 Revised December 7, 2022 ii https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Assessment Activities .................................................................................2 2.0 Design Basis ................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Base Course Layer and Vapor Barrier ..................................................................7 2.2 Horizontal Collection Piping and Vertical Riser Piping .......................................8 2.3 Monitoring Points ................................................................................................10 2.4 Vacuum Alarm System – Building A (left) .........................................................11 2.5 Trench Dams .......................................................................................................11 2.6 General Installation Criteria ................................................................................11 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control ..................................................................... 13 4.0 VIMS Effectiveness Testing .................................................................................... 14 4.1 Influence Testing .................................................................................................14 4.2 Pre-Occupancy Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling ......................................................14 4.3 Pre-Occupancy Indoor Air Sampling ..................................................................16 4.4 VIMS Effectiveness Results ................................................................................17 5.0 VIMS Effectiveness Monitoring ............................................................................. 19 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses ............................................................................ 21 7.0 Reporting .................................................................................................................. 22 iii https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Attachments Attachment A Proposed Redevelopment Plan Attachment B Available Historical Site Assessment Summary Tables and Figures Attachment C Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan – Sheets (VM-1, VM-1A, VM-2, & VM-3) Attachment D VIMS Product Specifications 1 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 1.0 Introduction On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP (prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan (VIMP) for the proposed multi-family apartment complex at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property (Brownfields No. 25035-21-060) located at Gesco Street and State Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). The Site consists of an assembly of four adjacent parcels, and portions of two larger adjacent parent parcels located in a rapidly densifying mixed-use area approximately one mile northwest of uptown Charlotte. Collectively, the assembly totals approximately 3.9 acres of undeveloped land that is bisected by Gesco Street. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1, and the Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 2. Historically, the Site consisted of undeveloped agricultural land and a rail spur located in the western portion of the Site prior to construction of an industrial warehouse building in the northern portion of the Site west of Gesco Street in the 1940s. The southwestern portion of the Site (west of Gesco Street) was developed with an industrial facility in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Portions of the Site located east of Gesco Street were utilized for parking but have otherwise remained undeveloped. The Site buildings were occupied by National Welders Supply and utilized for sale and distribution of compressed welding gasses. The southwestern Site building was also utilized for wholesale storage and distribution of steel. The northernmost portion of the National Welders Supply facility was removed in the 1980s and remaining portions of the northern Site buildings were razed in the mid-2010s. The southwestern Site building was razed in 2017, and the Site has remained undeveloped vacant land since that time. 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc To address potential environmental concerns associated with the Site, the Site was entered into the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program and received eligibility in a letter dated October 18, 2021. Proposed redevelopment of the Brownfields property includes Site work and grading to level the Site for construction of two multi-story high density apartment buildings with associated amenity areas, access drives, and surface parking lots. Site grading and redevelopment activities are expected to begin in September 2022. A proposed redevelopment layout is included in Attachment A. Building A is proposed on the portion of the Site to the west of Gesco Street and consists of a left and right side. Building A (left) is located southwest of the Gesco Street and State Street intersection, and north of the Building A (right) and is approximately 15,300 square feet (sq ft). Building A (right) is located in the southwestern portion of the parcels located to the west of Gesco Street and is approximately 13,300 sq ft. Building A (left) and Building A (right) are not connected at the ground floor level, and therefore are two different foundation slabs, however they are connected at floor levels 3-5. Building B is approximately 10,300 sq ft and is located to the east of Gesco Street, at the northeast corner of Gesco Street and State Street. 1.1 Site Assessment Activities H&H completed assessment activities and reviewed available reports for the Site as discussed below. Summary tables and figures depicting he sample locations are included in Attachment B. Phase II ESA Activities In May 2021, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (Wood) completed Phase II ESA sampling activities on the 1100 Tuckaseegee Road property on behalf of AG-T&U 926 Tuckaseegee Road Owner, LLC. H&H was provided a copy of a Report of Phase II Environmental Assessment prepared by Wood dated June 27, 2021. Based on review of the Phase II ESA report, Wood advanced two soil borings (SB-6 and SB-7) for collection of soil samples and installed one temporary groundwater monitoring well (TMW- 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 5) for the collection of groundwater samples in portions of the rail spur parcel (PIN 07108113) within the Site property boundary. Results of soil sampling activities indicated that no organic compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). Although lower levels of arsenic and hexavalent chromium were detected in soil samples collected along the Site rail spur at concentrations above the Residential PSRGs, metal concentrations detected in soil samples collected at the Site appear to be consistent with Site-specific background concentrations and naturally occurring levels in North Carolina soil. No compounds were detected in groundwater at concentrations above the DEQ 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Standards) or DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) in the railspur groundwater sample collected by Wood. In August 2021, H&H performed Phase II ESA activities at the Site. Assessment activities included the advancement of thirteen soil borings. groundwater sample collection from seven (7) temporary monitoring wells, and collection of eleven (11) exterior soil gas samples within the footprint of the proposed apartment buildings to evaluate the potential for structural vapor intrusion. Results of the soil assessment activities completed at the Site did not identify the presence of organic compounds at concentrations above the DEQ PSRGs. Similar to the soil samples collected along the railspur, lower levels of arsenic and hexavalent chromium were detected in Site soil at concentrations above the Residential PSRGs. Metal concentrations detected in soil samples collected at the Site appear to be consistent with Site-specific background concentrations and naturally occurring levels in North Carolina soil. Groundwater sample laboratory analytical results identified the presence of organic compounds, including tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and 1,2-dichloropropane at concentrations above the DEQ 2L Standards and/or the DEQ DWM Vapor Intrusion GWSLs. The metals chromium (14 µg/L) and lead (23 µg/L) were also detected 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc at concentrations above the DEQ 2L Standards in a sample collected in the western and hydraulically upgradient portion of the Site. Results of soil gas sampling identified multiple petroleum-related compounds and chlorinated solvents at concentrations exceeding the DEQ DWM Vapor Intrusion Residential Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) at the Site. Soil gas samples collected from the northern portion of the Site in the area of the former National Welders Supply facility on the western side of Gesco Street indicated the presence of multiple compounds including chloroform, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethene, hexachlorobutadiene, TCE, and vinyl chloride at concentrations exceeding the DEQ Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion SGSLs. Risk calculator results using compound concentrations detected in the soil gas samples indicate that the worst-case calculated cumulative lifetime incremental carcinogenic risk (LICR) and hazard index (HI) values exceed the DEQ and EPA acceptable thresholds of 1 x 10-4 and 1.0, respectively. Brownfields Assessment Activities Based on results of previous Phase II ESA sampling and compound concentrations identified in soil gas samples collected in the northern portion of the Site west of Gesco Street, DEQ Brownfields requested additional assessment activities to further evaluate chlorinated solvent impacts identified in the area of the northern former National Welders Supply facility. Based on sample locations, hydraulic gradient at the Site, and results of previous sampling activities, H&H identified the potential for a source of TCE in Site soil in the area of the former National Welders Supply facility located near the northern Site boundary along State Street, west of Gesco Street. In May 2022, H&H completed a Brownfield assessment which included collection of soil, soil gas, and groundwater samples. Results of soil analytical data indicate that TCE was detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limit in eight of the nine soil samples located at the estimated extents of the soil impacts shown on the Soil Sample Location Map included in Attachment B. TCE concentrations were detected at concentrations above the DEQ POG PSRG in six of the nine soil samples. TCE was not detected in soil during soil sampling from various locations at the Site as discussed above, indicating that an isolated area of TCE soil 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc impacts is present within the building footprint of the former National Welders Supply facility in the northern portion of the Site nearest State Street and west of Gesco Street. Results of groundwater analytical data from temporary well TMW-8 were consistent with the previously identified compounds in groundwater at the Site. Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and TCE were detected at concentrations above screening levels. Contrary to the chloroform and carbon tetrachloride concentrations, TCE concentrations detected downgradient of the TCE soil impacts are higher than those in the upgradient samples TMW-1 and TMW-2. The higher TCE concentration in groundwater downgradient of the impacted soil is consistent with the soil sample analytical results indicating the potential for impacts to groundwater from the soil source. Based on 1) soil samples with TCE exceedances of the POG PSRG, 2) elevated TCE concentrations in groundwater downgradient of the TCE soil source area compared to samples collected upgradient, and 3) detected soil gas concentrations an order of magnitude above the calculated value assuming a groundwater source, evidence indicates a TCE soil source is present at the Site. H&H prepared a Soil Excavation Work Plan which was approved by DEQ Brownfields to remove the TCE soil source during redevelopment activities and replace the impacted soil with clean fill. Based on results of previous assessment activities completed at the Site and planned removal of the TCE source, potential structural vapor intrusion can be mitigated through installation of a sub-slab venting system. According to the DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance: “Risk-based screening is used to identify sites or buildings likely to pose a health concern, to identify buildings that may warrant immediate action, to help focus site-specific investigation activities or to provide support for building mitigation and other risk management options including remediation.” In addition, this VIMP was prepared to satisfy the vapor intrusion mitigation condition in the pending Brownfields Agreement. Per the North Carolina Brownfields Property Reuse Act 130A-310.32, a prospective developer, with the assistance of H&H for this project, is to provide DEQ with “information necessary to demonstrate that as a result of the implementation of the brownfields agreement, the brownfields property will be suitable for the uses specified in the agreement while fully protecting public health and the environment instead of being remediated to 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc unrestricted use standards.” It is in the context of these risk-based concepts that the H&H professional engineer makes the following statement. The VIMS detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design is fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants. 7 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 2.0 Design Basis The VIMS design drawings are included in Attachment C as Sheets VM-1, VM-1A, VM-2, and VM-3 (dated December 2, 2022) and will be used to guide construction of the VIMS. To reduce the potential for structural vapor intrusion, the VIMS will operate as a sub-slab venting system that includes a network of horizontal sub-slab and vertical above-slab riser piping that discharge above the building roofs. In Building A (left) the system will operate as an active system with electric fans at the discharge locations, and Building A (right) and Building B the systems will be installed as passive systems. The Building A (left) ground floor will include amenity areas, the leasing office, and residential units, and Building A (right) and Building B will include ground floor residential units. The foundation of the buildings consists of thickened footers supported by sub-grade piles and pile caps. Structural footers are proposed to be located below load-bearing walls located on the ground floor and thickened slabs are proposed at other non-bearing locations including interior ramps. The free-standing pool equipment and chemical storage building does not warrant vapor mitigation measures, but will be lined with vapor barrier as a conservative approach. 2.1 Base Course Layer and Vapor Barrier The VIMS includes placement of a minimum 4-inch base course stone (gravel) layer consisting of high permeability stone (clean #57 stone, or similar high permeability stone approved by the Engineer certifying the VIMP) below the concrete slabs of the buildings. A vapor liner (vapor barrier) will be installed above the base course stone layer and directly beneath the slab. Please note that the horizontal collection piping network will be installed within the base course stone layer prior to placement of the vapor liner. The horizontal vapor collection piping is discussed further in Section 2.2 below. The vapor liner will consist of Vaporblock® Plus 20 (VBP20) manufactured by Raven Industries (Raven). As an alternative, Drago® Wrap Vapor Intrusion Barrier (Drago Wrap) manufactured by Stego® Industries (Stego) can be used. Technical specifications for each vapor liner product 8 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc are included in Attachment D. Vapor liners will be installed per manufacturer installation instructions (Attachment D). The liners will be installed over the sub-slab clean stone to cover the areas shown on Sheet VM-3. Each vapor liner manufacturer recommends select sealing agents (mastics, tapes, etc.) for their product. Therefore, and in accordance with the manufacturer installation instructions, the use of alternative vapor liner products not approved by the manufacturers for sealing will not be used. The exterior edges of the vapor liner will be attached and sealed to building footings and subsurface concrete features utilizing the tape specified in the manufacturer instructions or other products approved by the manufacturer. Seams within the building footprint will have a minimum of 6-inches or 12-inches of overlap (depending on the vapor barrier manufacturer specifications) and will be sealed with the tape specified in the manufacturer instructions. If the vapor liner is damaged, torn, or punctured during installation, a patch will be installed by overlaying a piece of vapor liner that is cut to the approximate shape of the damaged area, and sized such that a minimum of 6-inches of patch surrounds the damaged area. The seams of the patch will then be sealed using the manufacturer-recommended tape. In areas where utility penetrations (i.e., piping, ducts, etc.) are present and the use of the tape recommended by the manufacturer is not practical or deemed as “ineffective” by the Engineer certifying the VIMP, an alternative sealant product specified by the vapor liner manufacturer can be used. Following successful installation of the vapor liner, the finished concrete slab will be placed directly on top of the sealed vapor liner to further seal the seams and penetrations. 2.2 Horizontal Collection Piping and Vertical Riser Piping Sub-slab venting will be accomplished using horizontal slotted or perforated collection piping installed in the gravel layer which will collect vapor from beneath the ground floor slabs and discharge the vapors at the roof through vertical riser piping. Sub-slab piping will consist of 3- inch diameter Schedule 40 (SCH 40) PVC piping and fittings, unless otherwise specified in the VIMP. Above-slab piping will consist of 3-inch SCH 40 PVC piping and fittings. The piping layouts are shown on Sheet VM-3, and section details and specifications are shown on Sheets 9 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc VM-1, VM-1A, and VM-2 (Attachment C). Note that solid sections of VIMS piping, both below and above grade, shall maintain a minimum 1% slope toward slotted sections to drain potential condensation water. Product specifications for the slotted horizontal collection piping are provided in Attachment D. As an alternative to 3-inch diameter SCH 40 PVC horizontal piping, soil gas collector mat manufactured by Radon Professional Discount Supply (Radon PDS) may be used for sub-slab vapor collection piping. The Radon PDS soil gas collector mat is a polystyrene, plastic, rectangular conduit with a geotextile fabric covering. The mat is 1-inch thick and 12-inches wide and is specifically designed for collecting soil gas from below a building. If used, the soil gas collector mat will be connected to the proposed 2-inch diameter vertical risers using Radon PDS-manufactured riser connection fittings. Product specifications for the soil gas collector mat are provided in Attachment D. To meet DEQ’s requirements in Building A (left), RadonAway® RP145C electric fans (or design engineer approved equivalent) will be installed at the discharge ends of the vertical risers above the building roof to actively depressurize the sub-slab. In Building A (right) and Building B, to enhance the passive VIMS, Empire Model TV04SS (stainless steel) turbine ventilators (or design engineer approved alternative) will be installed on the discharge ends of the vertical riser piping above the roof to further promote air exhaust from the risers. The VIMP includes vertical riser piping which will be installed to connect sub-grade piping to the stationary ventilators or electric fans at the discharge point above the roof. Discharge locations must be a minimum of 10 ft from the property line and 10 ft from an operable opening (such as door or window) or air intake into the building. The proposed discharge locations depicted in the design sheets meet these requirements. In addition, the discharge locations are positioned to be a minimum of 10-ft away from public areas where people may congregate. Note that discharge locations depicted in the VIMS design may be repositioned within the requirements specified above and pending approval by the Engineer certifying the VIMP. An electrical junction box or outlet (120 V required) will be installed on the roof of each building in locations that can be reached from exhaust discharge locations. In Building A (left), 10 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc the outlet will be used to power the electrical fan should the contractor choose not to hardwire the electrical fan. In Building A (right) and Building B, the electrical junction box or outlet will be used in the future should connection of an electrical fan be warranted. 2.3 Monitoring Points Monitoring points constructed with 2-inch diameter SCH 40 PVC will be installed as part of the VIMS to conduct effectiveness testing (see Section 4.0), including vacuum influence measurements, for the collection of sub-slab soil gas samples for laboratory analysis, and ongoing vacuum measurements in Building A (left). The monitoring point locations are shown on Sheet VM-3, and section details and specifications are included on Sheets VM-1, VM-1A, and VM-2 (Attachment C). Monitoring points identified with ‘TMP’ nomenclature will be installed as temporary monitoring points and will be abandoned following successful influence testing as discussed in Section 4.1. In general, monitoring points are placed at remotely distant locations from vertical riser piping locations and in representative areas of the ground floor enclosed areas. Additional monitoring points are placed around the area where TCE-impacted soil will be removed. Several monitoring points will be connected to extended sub-slab horizontal pipes which place the intakes of the monitoring points below occupied spaces. Product specifications for the proposed floor cleanout covers are provided in Attachment D. In order to reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from construction materials in future sub-slab soil gas samples submitted for laboratory analysis, the monitoring point components will be connected using threaded connections or approved low VOC containing products (Section 2.5). In the event that a monitoring point cannot be installed due to building component conflict or is damaged/destroyed during construction, a replacement monitoring point can be constructed, pending approval by the Engineer certifying the VIMP. The replacement point(s) shall consist of one of the specified designs on Sheet VM-1. DEQ will be notified in advance if monitoring points are relocated significantly in relation to approved locations specified in the VIMP (i.e., if moved to a location in a different mitigation area or section of slab). 11 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 2.4 Vacuum Alarm System – Building A (left) RadonAway® Checkpoint IIAR mitigation system alarms (equipped with an audible alarm and red indicator light) will be installed in Building A (left) to notify maintenance personnel if the vacuum in the riser piping decreases below 0.25-in water, which could indicate an inoperable fan. The alarm includes a localized alarm indicator at the riser on the roof, and an additional remote alarm indicator that will be installed on the corridor wall on the fifth floor (Level 5) for accessibility. A sign will be installed next to the low vacuum alarm indicator on the fifth floor to indicate that maintenance should be contacted if the mitigation alarm system is activated. Technical specifications and installation instructions for the alarm system are provided in Attachment D and described on the VIMS design sheets in Attachment C. An equivalent mitigation alarm that meets the specifications in Attachment C may be used, if approved by the design engineer. 2.5 Trench Dams In addition to the sub-slab depressurization system, the VIMP also includes trench dams as a supplemental method to reduce potential vapor intrusion pathways. Any utility that runs from a main line outside the building footprint into the building sub-slab will require a trench dam. The trench dam will be constructed outside the building footprint and will consist of a bentonite cement slurry dam, or similar, to interrupt the typical trench backfill material and reduce gas migration along the trench pathway. A detail depicting trench dam installation and specifications are included on sheets VM-1A and VM-2 in Appendix C. 2.6 General Installation Criteria The VIMS piping, vapor barrier, and monitoring points shall be protected by the installation contractor and sub-contractors throughout the project. Protective measures (e.g., flagging, protective boards, etc.) shall be used as needed to prevent damage to the monitoring points. The monitoring points and riser duct piping must be capped with a removable slip-cap or plug immediately following installation to prevent water and/or debris from entering the VIMS. 12 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc For each phase of construction (above and below slab), construction contractors and sub- contractors shall use “low or no VOC” products Furthermore, the construction contractors shall not use products containing the compounds PCE or TCE. Prior to submittal of a VIMS Installation Completion Report, the construction contractor and sub-contractors shall be directed to provide safety data sheets (SDSs) for products and materials used during construction. SDSs provided by the contractor and sub-contractors, including but not limited to building products, will be included in the VIMS Installation Completion Report. 13 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control For quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) purposes, inspections will be conducted during each phase of the VIMS installation. The components that require inspection are outlined below: (1) Inspection of the base course stone layer, sub-slab piping layout, and monitoring points prior to installing the vapor liner; (2) Inspection of the vapor liner prior to pouring concrete; (3) Inspection of above-grade vertical riser piping; and (4) Inspection of exhaust installations and riser pipe connections. Additional inspections will be conducted for Building A (left) to verify that the electric fans and alarms are functioning. In the event that the systems in the other buildings have to be activated in the future, a functional inspection will be completed at that time. Each inspection will be performed by, or under direction of, the design engineer certifying the VIMP. Inspections will be combined, when possible, depending on construction sequencing and schedule. The inspections will include field logs and photographs for each section of slab. As requested, and whenever possible, the Engineer certifying the VIMP, or his/her designee, will provide DEQ with 48-hour notice prior to conducting the inspections. Please note that 48-hrs notice to DEQ may not be possible in some cases due to tight construction sequencing. In the event that 48- hour notice is not possible, DEQ will be provided with as much notice as possible prior to an inspection. 14 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 4.0 VIMS Effectiveness Testing 4.1 Influence Testing Post-installation (pre-occupancy) influence testing will be conducted on each VIMS treatment area to evaluate vacuum communication across the slab and document sufficient depressurization can be obtained with the fans specified for Building A (left), and for Building A (right) and Building B should electric fans be needed in the future. Influence testing will be conducted following installation of the horizontal collection piping, placement of the vapor liner, and completion of the concrete slab pours. For system influence testing, one or more vapor extraction fans will be attached directly to vertical riser piping for the section of the slab being evaluated. Pressure differential will be measured at extraction fan locations, and each monitoring point will be checked for vacuum. A pressure differential resulting in depressurization below the slab of at least 4 pascals (approximately 0.016 inches of water column) at remote distances from riser locations in each VIMS treatment area is considered sufficient. Vacuum influence testing results will be submitted to DEQ as part of the VIMS Installation Completion Report. If the influence testing results indicate that modifications to the VIMS are needed to achieve sufficient sub-slab depressurization, H&H will notify DEQ of the modifications prior to submittal of the VIMS Installation Completion Report. Following successful influence testing, temporary monitoring points TMP-1, TMP-2, and TMP-3 will be permanently abandoned. 4.2 Pre-Occupancy Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling After VIMS installation, but prior to occupancy of the building, sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from select monitoring points to further evaluate the potential for structural vapor intrusion. The sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from locations generally separated by slab footings and at the furthest reaches of the VIMS. Seven (7) sub-slab soil gas samples are proposed from Building A (left), and three (3) sub-slab soil gas samples are proposed from both Building A (right) and Building B for a total of thirteen (13) sub-slab soil gas samples. The sub- 15 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc slab soil gas samples from Building A (left) will be collected from monitoring points MP-1, MP- 2, MP-3, MP-5, MP-6, MP-7, and MP-8. From Building A (right), the sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from monitoring points MP-10, MP-11, and MP-13, and in Building B from MP-14, MP-16, and MP-17. One duplicate sub-slab soil gas sample using a laboratory-supplied “T” fitting for laboratory QA/QC purposes will be collected during each sampling event. Prior to sample collection, leak tests will be performed at each sample location. A shroud will be constructed around the monitoring point and sub-slab soil gas sampling train including the sample canister. The air within the shroud will be flooded with helium gas and the concentrations will be measured and maintained using a calibrated helium gas detector. With helium concentrations within the shroud maintained, sub-slab soil gas will be purged from the sampling point with an air pump and collected into a Tedlar bag. The calibrated helium gas detector will be used to measure helium concentrations within the Tedlar bag sample to confirm concentrations are less than 10% of the concentration maintained within the shroud. A minimum of three sample train volumes will be purged from each point prior to and during the leak testing activities. The sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected using laboratory-supplied Summa canisters and laboratory-supplied flow regulators calibrated with an approximate flow rate of 100 milliliters per minute. The vacuum in the Summa canisters will be measured at the start and end of the sampling event and will be recorded by sampling personnel. The vacuum in each canister at the conclusion of the sampling event shall remain above 0 inches of mercury (inHg), with a target vacuum of approximately 5 inHg. H&H understands that analytical results for a sample will not be accepted by DEQ if internal vacuum for that sample reaches 0 inHg. The samples will be submitted to a qualified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for full-list VOCs by EPA Method TO-15, including naphthalene. The analytical laboratory will be instructed to report vacuum measurements as received and J-flag concentrations for each sample. In addition, H&H will request that the laboratory report compound concentrations to the lower of the laboratory method detection limits or the DEQ DWM SGSLs to the extent possible. 16 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 4.3 Pre-Occupancy Indoor Air Sampling The building is intended to be occupied shortly following completion and initialization of the HVAC system. As discussed with DEQ, there is typically insufficient time before occupancy to wait for the HVAC system to become operational prior to indoor air sampling. Therefore, the pre-occupancy indoor air sampling event will be conducted following construction and completion of the VIMS including a minimum of one week with operational turbine ventilators or electric fans. Prior to indoor air sampling, H&H will obtain DEQ approval to proceed with the sampling and provide a statement confirming that the portion of the building being sampled is substantially complete (e.g., windows and doors installed and sealed) with no openings to outdoor air, which could potentially bias the indoor air data in the area being sampled. During the pre-occupancy sampling event, five (5) indoor air samples will be collected on the first floor of Building A (left), three (3) indoor air samples will be collected in each Building A (right), and two (2) indoor air samples will be collected from Building B, as shown on VM-3. The indoor air samples will be collected using individually-certified 6-liter stainless steel Summa canisters connected to in-line flow controllers equipped with a vacuum gauge. The flow controllers will be set by the laboratory to allow the samples to be collected over an approximately 24-hour period for a residential use scenario. The canisters will be set up so that the sample intake point is positioned approximately 5 ft above grade (typical breathing zone height). In addition, during each indoor air sampling event, one duplicate sample for laboratory QA/QC and one background sample from an ambient air upwind location will be collected. Prior to and after the indoor and background air samples are collected, vacuum in the canisters will be measured using a laboratory-supplied vacuum gauge and recorded by sampling personnel. A vacuum above 0 inHg and ideally around 5 inHg will be maintained within the canisters at the conclusion of the sampling event. The starting and ending vacuum in each canister will be recorded on the sample chain-of- custody. Periodic checks will be conducted by sampling personnel to monitor the pressure within the Summa canisters during sampling to ensure adequate sample volume is collected. The sample canisters will then be labeled and shipped under standard chain-of custody procedures to a qualified laboratory for analysis of select VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. The select compound 17 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc list will be based upon the compounds detected in previous soil, groundwater, and sub-slab soil gas samples. The analytical laboratory will be instructed to report vacuum measurements at receipt and J-flag concentrations for each sample. H&H will request that the laboratory report compound concentrations to the lower of the laboratory method detection limits or the DEQ DWM Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Screening Levels (IASLs) to the extent possible. In addition, an Indoor Air Building Survey form (Appendix C of the DWM VI Guidance) will be completed for each sampling event. New construction materials such as paint, caulk, carpet, mastics, etc., which could be sources of VOCs in indoor air, may cause interference with Site-specific compounds of concern during indoor air sampling. As previously noted, the construction contractors will be requested to provide SDSs for materials used during construction which will be submitted to DEQ, if needed to further evaluate sub-slab and indoor air data. 4.4 VIMS Effectiveness Results The results and analysis of the sub-slab soil gas and indoor air sampling will be submitted to DEQ with the final VIMS Installation Completion Report (discussed in Section 6.0). After receipt of the sub-slab soil gas and indoor air sample analytical results, H&H will use the most recent version of the DEQ Risk Calculator to evaluate cumulative potential vapor intrusion risks under a residential scenario. H&H will consider the VIMS effective if the calculated sub-slab soil gas cumulative LICR is 1 x 10-4 or less for potential carcinogenic risks and the calculated sub-slab soil gas cumulative HI is 1.0 or less for potential non-carcinogenic risks. The PD acknowledges that DEQ may request additional sampling if Site contaminants of concern are elevated, even if the risk calculations are acceptable. In the event that calculated cumulative risks for a residential scenario exceed acceptable levels for potential carcinogenic and/or noncarcinogenic risks as a result of structural vapor intrusion, confirmation sub-slab soil gas or indoor air samples will be collected from the area of potential concern. If an additional round of samples indicates results within acceptable risk levels, no further pre-occupancy sampling will be conducted. If calculated cumulative risks continue to 18 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc exceed acceptable levels for potential carcinogenic risks (greater than 1x10-4) and/or potential non-carcinogenic risks (above a Hazard Index of 1.0) as a result of structural vapor intrusion, considerations will be made to convert the system from a passive system to an active system, in the case of Building A (right) and Building B, or modify the electric fan selection in Building A (left). The PD acknowledges that no portions of the proposed building will be occupied without written approval from DEQ following the completion of pre-occupancy sampling activities. 19 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 5.0 VIMS Effectiveness Monitoring Building A (left) The VIMS in Building A (left) is proposed as an active system which will include vapor extraction through sub-slab collection piping, solid risers, and electric extraction fans that discharge sub-slab vapors above the roofline. As noted above, vacuum influence testing will be completed during construction to confirm vacuum influence across the slab. In order to evaluate baseline conditions, vacuum measurement readings will be collected during pre-occupancy sampling (as discussed in Section 4.2) at each permanent measuring point after the permanent extraction fans are installed and have been operating for a minimum of one week. The VIMS will be considered effective if the vacuum measurements are 4 pascals (0.016 inches of water column) or greater. The results of the vacuum readings will be included in the VIMS installation report. Vacuum measurements will be collected during ongoing post-occupancy sampling events and will be reported with the post-occupancy results. Building A (right) and Building B The VIMS in Building A (right) and Building B is proposed as a passive system which will include vapor extraction through sub-slab collection piping and solid risers that discharge sub- surface vapors at the roof. As such, differential pressure monitoring is not anticipated. If the VIMS is converted to an active system with electric fans based on post-construction VIMS efficacy testing results, mitigation system modifications and plans for additional VIMS efficacy testing will be submitted to the DEQ Brownfields Program for approval prior to implementation. Actual fans to be used will be selected based on the results of the influence testing discussed in Section 4.0. Post-construction VIMS effectiveness monitoring in all Site buildings will include semi-annual sub-slab soil gas sampling at the locations indicated in Section 4.0 or as otherwise approved by DEQ. In addition, based on the pre-occupancy influence testing, sub-slab soil gas, and indoor air results, select indoor air sample locations for the first post-occupancy indoor air sampling event will be submitted for DEQ approval. The first post-occupancy sampling event will be completed approximately 6 months after the pre-occupancy sampling. If the first post-occupancy indoor air 20 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc event indicates consistent or decreasing concentrations within acceptable risk levels, a request to terminate indoor air sampling will be submitted for DEQ approval. If indoor air sampling is required for future post-occupancy events, it will be conducted semi-annually in concurrence with the sub-slab soil gas sampling. The sub-slab soil gas and indoor air sampling will be conducted using the procedures described in this VIMP. If post-construction semi-annual sampling event results indicate consistent or decreasing concentrations within acceptable risk levels after three events (including pre- occupancy sampling), a request to modify or terminate sampling will be submitted for DEQ review. DEQ written approval will be required prior to modifications to the sampling frequency and locations. 21 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses The future use of the proposed Site buildings includes multi-family residential apartments with associated amenity areas, access roads, and surface parking. After occupancy of the Site buildings, the complex owner or property management group will manage maintenance of the vapor mitigation system. If vapor mitigation components are damaged or need to be altered for building renovations, or in the event an alarm sounds indicating low vacuum at a riser in Building A (left), building management will be instructed to contact a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer to oversee or inspect the activities or cause of alarm, and a report shall be submitted to DEQ detailing the repairs or alterations. To aid in identification of the vapor mitigation piping, the above-slab piping will be labeled with “Vapor Mitigation – Contact Maintenance”, or similar language, on all accessible piping at intervals of no greater than 10- linear feet. Future VIMS maintenance and upkeep will be the responsibility of the building owner or property management group. As part of the standard annual Land Use Restriction Update submittal that will be required as part of the pending Notice of Brownfields Property, it is recommended that the building owner or property management group complete a visual inspection of the exposed parts of the system including, but not limited to, the vertical risers and discharge locations on the roof, electrical fans and alarms where applicable, and the monitoring points. H&H recommends annual inspections be documented and kept on record to be provided to DEQ upon request. 22 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/vimp/report/23035 - vimp_perch apartments.doc 7.0 Reporting A VIMS Installation Completion Report (sealed by a NC PE) documenting installation activities will be submitted to DEQ following confirmation that the mitigation system is installed and effectively mitigating potential vapor intrusion risks to building occupants. The VIMS Installation Completion Report(s) will include a summary of VIMS installation activities such as representative photographs and as-built drawings, QA/QC measures, SDSs of materials used in construction, VIMS effectiveness testing results, vacuum measurement results for Building A (left), and inspection documents. The report will also include a statement provided by the Engineer as to whether the VIMS was installed in accordance with the DEQ-approved VIMP and is fully protective of public health as defined in Section 1.0, and as evidenced by the VIMS inspections performed by the Engineer or its designee, results of the influence testing, results of the analytical testing, and QA/QC measures as described in this VIMP. Deviations from the approved design will be documented in the report. The pending Notice of Brownfields Property for the Site is anticipated to include land use restrictions that indicate the building(s) shall not be occupied until DEQ provides written compliance approval for the installation and performance of the VIMS as documented in the installation report. However, we understand that DEQ may provide conditional compliance approval with submittal of a data summary in lieu of the full VIMS Installation Completion Report based on timing of the proposed building occupancy date and report review times. After each additional post-construction sampling event, a report will be submitted to DEQ to document the sampling activities and results. Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed SITE LOCATION MAP NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 5-12-21 JOB NO: RMR-013 REVISION NO: 0 FIGURE NO: 1 2923 South Tryon Street - Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007 (p) 704-586-0373 (f)License # C-1269 / # C-245 Geology TITLE PROJECT 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE IN FEET SITE Path: S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\Figure-1.mxdN U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 2013DERITA, NORTH CAROLINA 2013 QUADRANGLE7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) STEWART CREEKGESCO STREET STATE STREET REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 6-16-22 FIGURE NO. 2 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD FORMER UST WORTH CHEMICAL MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - UNDER RENOVATION (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1.AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.UST = UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK 3.WORTH CHEMICAL MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS OVERLAID FROM MONITOR WELL LOCATION MAP IN THE GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT PREPARED BY ARCADIS DATED JULY 2019. DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET PARCEL ID: 07107806 695 STATE STREET (PARCEL ID: 07108105) PARCEL ID: 07108104 PARCEL ID: 07108113 718 GESCO STREET (PARCEL ID: 07108103) MW-9I/S MW-14I/S PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE PARCEL ID: 07108101 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\EMP Figures.dwg, FIG 2, 6/16/2022 10:48:24 AM, amckenzie Attachment A Proposed Redevelopment Plan CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTTCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEVEV VAN CHCHC HC HCEVEVCCCCCCHCVANHC THCHCHCHCHCHCHCS HCHCGESCO STREETSTATE STREETR3'R15'R5'R5'R 1 0 'R5'R5'R5'R103'R3' 57'R3'R5'R5'R3'R122' R5'R5'AMENITY AREA/OPEN SPACE+2,047 SFSEE HARDSCAPE PLAN8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK8' PLANTING STRIP8' PLANTING STRIP 8' PLANTING STRIP8' PLANTING STRIPBUILDING A (RIGHT)5 STORIESBUILDING A (LEFT)WITH CLUBHOUSE/LEASING OFFICE5 STORIESCOVEREDDRIVEWAYENTRANCEBUILDING B5 STORIES8' PLANTING STRIPEXISTING R/W LINEPROPOSED 2'-6" CURB &GUTTER (SEE DETAIL)CLDSM 10.17ATIE IN PROPOSED 2'-6" CURB& GUTTER TO EXISTINGDRIVEWAYPROPOSED MODIFIED TYPE-2CONCRETE DRIVEWAYENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL)CLDSM 10.25E(2) PROPOSED TRANSFORMER PADS(SEE BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLANS)PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED TRANSFORMER PAD(SEE BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLANS)PROPOSED STAIRSWITH HAND RAILING (TYP.SEE ARCH. PLANS)CIP CONCRETE RETAINING WALL4’ ABOVE ADJACENT PARKING LOT GRADESEE ARCH. PLANS FOR MATERIAL SPECS.(NO POOL ENCLOSURE FENCE REQ.)ROAD C/LDECORATIVE PAVERS, TYP.ADA RAMPPROPOSED 7' WIDECONCRETE SIDEWALKTIE IN PROPOSEDSIDEWALK AND CURB &GUTTER TO EXISTING14' BOC SETBACK35'X35' SIGHT TRIANGLESIDEWALK EASEMENTCIP CONCRETERETAINING WALL/BURIED PATIO(SEE WALL GRADINGPLAN)SIDEWALK EASEMENTPROPOSED STAIRSWITH HAND RAILING (TYP.SEE ARCH. PLANS)15'X15' FENCED INTRASH/RECYCLING AREAWITH SWING GATE(SEE LANDSCAPE DETAILSHEETS FOR DETAIL)12' HT. LED TRADITIONAL LIGHTPOLE, FINAL LOCATIONS TBD(SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS FORFINAL DESIGN)AMENITY AREA FENCE/GATEADA SIGNMOUNTEDON 6"ØBOLLARD(TYP.)ADA RAMPW/ BOLLARD SIGNSDUAL PORT EVCHARGINGSTATION &BOLLARDPROPOSED 2'-0" CURB &GUTTER (SEE DETAIL)PROPOSED 1'-6" CURB &GUTTER (SEE DETAIL)(4) BICYCLEPARKING STALLS(4) BICYCLEPARKING STALLS10'X25' LOADING AREACIP CONCRETERETAINING WALL W/SAFETY FENCING/RAISED PATIOCIP CONCRETERETAINING WALL W/SAFETY FENCING/RAISED PATIOEXISTING R/W LINE(4) BICYCLEPARKING STALLS3FT HT BLOCK RETAINING WALL W/SAFETY FENCING2FT HT.CONCRETE "KNEE"RETAINING WALLPROP. 25' HTSTD LEDPEDESTRIANLIGHTSPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEI-2/MUDD ZONING DISTRICTBOUNDARY10'X10' SIGHT TRIANGLE (TYP.)EXISTING PROPERTY LINEDUAL PORT EVCHARGINGSTATION &BOLLARDRISER ROOMWHEELSTOPCONNECTION TOEXISTING PARKING LOTRISER ROOMINTERNALTRASH/RECYCLING ROOMPOOL EQUIPMENT ROOM(SEE ARCH. FOR DETAIL)ADA SIGN ON 6"ØBOLLARD SIGNTREE PROTECTION FENCINGEXISTING 20' STORM EASEMENTEXISTING 15' STORM EASEMENT6"Ø BOLLARD(TYP.)6"Ø BOLLARD(TYP.)PROPOSED MODIFIED TYPE-2CONCRETE DRIVEWAYENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL)CLDSM 10.25E11.0' TYP. 5.0'TYP.17.0'TYP.8.5' TYP.7.5'TYP.17.0' TYP.11.0'TYP.5.0'TYP.8.0'TYP.17.0' 23.0' DRIVE AISLE TYP. 15.0' TYP.7.5'TYP.23.0' DRIVE AISLE TYP. 21.0' COMPACT DRIVE AISLE 23.0'DRIVEAISLE TYP.23'DRIVEAISLE TYP. 17.5' TYP.8.5'TYP.17.5' TYP. 18.5' TYP. 17.0' TYP.8.5TYP.19. 2 'TYP. 23.0' DRIVE AISLE TYP. 21.0' COMPACT DRIVE AISLE22.0'TYP.7.0' TYP. 26.0' TYP. 36.0' 26.3'11.7'22.0'7.5'36.0'10.0'36.0' 11.0' TYP.8.0'TYP.5.0'TYP.5.0'27.2'20.6'24.3'23.5'18.1'12.1'18.9'40.0'5.0'16.6' 16.5'18.5'17.6'18.5' TYP. 17.0' TYP. 7.0' 6.0'13.0'6.0'22.0'7.0'8.5'8.5'TYP.15'20.5'23'23'23'25'4'5'4' TYP.4' TYP.4' TYP.4'17'PROPOSED 15' STORMEASEMENTPCCE11.7'R25'R25'REPLACED 2'-6" C&GREPLACED 2'-6" C&GPCCE24.0'TYP.26.0'TYP.10FT WIDE GRADING &ACCESS EASEMENTGRADING & ACCESS EASEMENT TOENCOMPASS STORMWATERINFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS10FT WIDE GRADING &ACCESS EASEMENTVARIABLE WIDTHGRADING & ACCESSEASEMENT10FT WIDE GRADING &ACCESS EASEMENTPROPOSED PRIVATE 30'STORMWATER MAINTENANCEAND ACCESSEASEMENT28.7'COPYRIGHT c SEAMON, WHITESIDE & ASSOCIATES, INC.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.CL1151TLLDWJ4/28/2022DATE:501 WANDO PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 200 | MOUNT PLEASANT, SC 29464 | 508 RHETT STREET, SUITE 101 | GREENVILLE, SC 29601 RAM REALTY ADVISORS PERCH APARTMENTSREVISION HISTORYDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SW+ PROJECT:PRICING SETMOUNT PLEASANT, SC843.884.1667GREENVILLE, SC864.298.0534WWW.SEAMONWHITESIDE.COMSUMMERVILLE, SC843.972.0710SPARTANBURG, SC864.272.1272CHARLOTTE, NC980.312.5450NO. C-2466SEAMON,N OR THCAROLINAFOIWHITESIDE &ASSOCIATES, INC.TTICCFAUTHORIZATIONERAE048282SEALP R OFESSIONALENGINEER N O R THCAROLINATOMMIEL.LI T TLE 810 GESCO STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 8/16/20220153060SCALE: 1" = 30'C4.0SITE PLAN 7/5/222 68/16/22 S E W N CONCRETE SIDEWALKPROJECT DATA TABLE:PROPOSED SITE AREA:±3.86 ACRESTAX PARCEL #:071-078-06, 071-081-05, 071-081-04, 071-081-03071-08-113 (0.73 AC), 071-08-101 (0.12 AC)CURRENT ZONING:MUDD-O, I-2APPROVED REZONING:RZP-2021-115ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT:RZAAMI-2022-00008PROPOSED USE:MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIALUNITS ALLOWED:265UNITS PROPOSED:213PROPERTY DENSITY:63.69 UNITS PER ACRESETBACK:14' MIN. FROM BACK OF CURBSIDE YARD SETBACK: NONEREAR YARD SETBACK:NONEBUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED:90 FEETBUILDING HEIGHT PROPOSED:BUILDING A:5 STORY (59'-4")158 UNITSBUILDING B:5 STORY (57'-0")55 UNITSBUILDING SEPARATION:30' MIN.BUILDING GFA PROVIDED:BUILDING A:LEVEL 1: 28,537SFLEVEL 2: 28,932SFLEVEL 3-5: 32,380SFTOTAL: 154,609SFBUILDING B:LEVEL 1-5: 10,034SFTOTAL: 50,170SFSOLID WASTE REQUIREMENT:8 CU.YD PER 30 UNITS (CONTAINER)8 CU.YD PER 90 UNITS (COMPACTOR)=32 CU. YD. (COMPACTOR)SOLID WASTE PROVIDED:BUILDING A COMPACTOR:37 CU. YD.BUILDING B CONTAINERS:3 CU. YD.RECYCLING REQUIRED:144 SF. PER 80 UNITS =384 SF.RECYCLING PROVIDED:BUILDING A:285 SF. (INTERNALLY)BUILDING B:99 SF. (EXTERNALLY)TOTAL:384 SF.URBAN OPEN SPACE REQUIRED:1SF/100SF GFA = 204,779/100 = 2,047SFURBAN OPEN SPACE PROVIDED:2,047 SF. (SHOWN ON LANDSCAPE PLANS)PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION:SPRING 2024 EST.CAR PARKING SUMMARYPARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 1 PER UNIT = 213 SPACESPARKING SPACES PROVIDED:EAST PROPERTYTOTAL SPACES PROVIDED:= 51 SPACESSTANDARD SPACES:= 19 SPACESCOMPACT SPACES:= 32 SPACESHANDICAP SPACES:= 3 SPACES (1 VAN)WEST PROPERTYTOTAL SPACES PROVIDED:= 179 SPACESSTANDARD SPACES:= 130 SPACESHANDICAP SPACES:= 10 SPACES (1 VAN)PARALLEL SPACES:= 5 SPACES (2 ADA)COMPACT SPACES:= 34 SPACESON-STREET PARKING (GESCO ST):= 24 SPACES (2 ADA)ADJACENT PROPERTY SHARED PARKING:= 12 SPACESOVERALL PARKING SPACES:= 266 SPACESBICYCLE PARKING SUMMARYMINIMUM SHORT TERM SPACES REQUIRED:1 SPACE / 20 UNITS(1/20) X 213 UNITS= 11 SPACESSHORT TERM SPACES PROVIDED:= 12 SPACESNOTESALL UTILITIES TO BE UNDERGROUNDVEHICULAR GRADECONCRETE DRIVEWAYTRASH PICKUP AREASITE/PAVEMENT LEGENDVEHICULAR GRADEPAVERSRKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.Call1.5" MILL & OVERLAYCDOT NOTES:-NON-STANDARD ITEMS (IE: PAVERS, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ETC.) IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUIRE ARIGHT-OF-WAY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CHARLOTTE DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION/NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEFORE INSTALLATION. FORCITY OF CHARLOTTE MAINTAINED STREETS, CONTACT KRYSTAL BRIGHT AT 704-336-3888 ORKRYSTAL.BRIGHT@CHARLOTTENC.GOV.-ANY WORK WITHIN THE CITY'S R/W THAT REQUIRES CLOSURE OF A SIDEWALK OR TRAVEL LANE MUSTBE APPROVED BY CDOT AND WILL REQUIRE A R/W USE PERMIT OR R/W LEASE DEPENDING UPON THEPROPOSED DURATION OF CLOSURE. THESE APPROVALS ARE IN ADDITION TO SITE APPROVALS ANDSHOULD BE COORDINATED WITH CDOT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ERICWEIDEMANN AT (980)722-5463 OR ERIC.WEIDEMANN@CHARLOTTENC.GOV AT LEAST 5 BUSINESS DAYSPRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK FOR IMPACTS LESS THAN 30 DAYS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT CASEYMASHBURN AT (704) 336-8348 OR CASEY.MASHBURN@CHARLOTTENC.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FORIMPACTS GREATER THAN 30 DAYS. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE MADE TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTSWITH MINIMAL IMPACT TO DRIVERS AND PEDESTRIANS.-THE DEVELOPER SHALL CONTACT THE IMPLEMENTATION SECTION MANAGER OF THE CHARLOTTEDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CDOT) OR THEIR DESIGNEE AT 704-336-4119 TO IDENTIFY ANYCONFLICTS WITH TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION EQUIPMENT. 60- 90 DAYS WILL BE REQUIRED TO COORDINATERELOCATION. DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELATED RELOCATION COST AND/OR ANYREPAIR COST CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER.-PEDESTRIAN-SCALE LIGHTING AND/OR STREET LIGHTING SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN THERIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF CDOT. DEVELOPER TO CONTACT CANDACE INGE(704-336-3932 OR CANDACE.INGE@CHARLOTTENC.GOV) FOR LOCAL STREET LIGHTING CRITERIA WITHRESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION PROJECTS AND TO CONTACT ANTHONY MENDEZ (704-962-7173 ORANTHONY.MENDEZ@CHARLOTTENC.GOV) FOR ALL OTHER PROJECTS LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS.COORDINATE WITH DUKE ENERGY AND CDOT AS NECESSARY TO DETERMINE LIGHTING LEVELS,LIGHTING LAYOUT AND REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION.-PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT UTILITY RELOCATION COORDINATION - FOR UTILITY COORDINATION RELATEDTO BOTH EXISTING UTILITY RELOCATION NEEDS AND PROPOSED NEW UTILITY INSTALLATIONS, PLEASECONTACT RALPH TRUITT, CDOT ROW UTILITY COORDINATOR AT 704-336-4248 ORRTRUITT@CHARLOTTENC.GOV.-A JOINT USE MANHOLE (MEET-ME MANHOLE) IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER TOACCOMMODATE ALL UTILITY TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS. THE JOINT USE MANHOLE SHALL BELOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY OUTSIDE OF THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY.50.0'8.0' 8.0'DUKE ENERGYPARCEL ID: 071-07-802ZONE: I-2AG-Y & U TUCKASEEGEE1100 TUCKASEEGEE RDCHARLOTTE, NC 28208PARCEL ID: 071-08-113DEED: 369359-408ZONE: I-2R13.0'R13.0'R13.0'R 1 3 . 0 'R13.0'R13.0'R5.0'AG-Y & U TUCKASEEGEEPARCEL ID: 071-08-101ZONE: I-2AREA: 0.12 ACRESAG-Y & U TUCKASEEGEEPARCEL ID: 071-08-113ZONE: I-2AREA: 0.73 ACRESSTANDARD DUTY PAVEMENT(SEE C7.2 DETAIL 1)HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT(SEE C7.2 DETAIL 2)ADA PARKING SIGNSTOP SIGNHCSSYM.QTY.MANUF./CAT. NO.NOTESLIGHTING LEGEND715' MT HT OPENTRADITIONAL LEDDIRECT BURY2SHOEBOX LED (DOUBLE)25' LED LIGHTFIXTURE (3' BOLLARD)TTRANSFORMER PADINVERTED "U" RACKBICYCLE PARKING(CLDSM 50.20)CDOT PAVEMENT(SEE C7.1 DETAIL U-03A)R3'R15'PAVEMENT WEDGE(VARIABLE WIDTH, SEE CROSSSECTIONS)TREE SAVE AREALDX-2020-00018LDX-2020-00018GENERAL NOTES:-APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO GRADE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. WHEN FIELDCONDITIONS WARRANT OFF-SITE GRADING, PERMISSION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE AFFECTEDPROPERTY OWNERS.-COORDINATE ALL CURB AND STREET GRADES IN INTERSECTION WITH INSPECTOR.-ALL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.-IN ORDER TO ENSURE PROPER DRAINAGE, KEEP A MINIMUM OF 0.5% SLOPE ON THE CURB.-SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED IN THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY IF DEEMEDNECESSARY BY THE INSPECTOR.-THE PURPOSE OF THE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT (SDE) IS TO PROVIDE STORM WATERCONVEYANCE. BUILDINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE EASEMENT AREA. ANY OTHER OBJECTS WHICHIMPEDE STORM WATER FLOW OR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ARE ALSO PROHIBITED.-PE SEALED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR RETAINING WALL MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION.-PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, PE SEALED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEMS MUSTBE FURNISHED TO CITY OF CHARLOTTE ENGINEERING FOR APPROVAL.-PRIOR TO CO, SURVEYOR SEALED AS-BUILT DRAWINGS OF ALL WATER QUALITY BMP’S AND DETENTIONSYSTEMS MUST BE PROVIDED.-PER SECTION 18-175(E) OF CITY CODE AND SECTION 10.0 OF THE CITY’S POST CONSTRUCTIONCONTROLS ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL, ALL REQUIRED NATURAL AREAS AND/OR POST CONSTRUCTIONCONTROLS EASEMENTS (PCCES) MUST BE RECORDED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY.26 Attachment B Historical Site Assessment Summary Tables and Figures Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical DataFormer National Welders SupplyCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Report Source (Year)LocationSample IDS-1 @ 10'S-2 @ 10'BKG-1 BKG-2Sample Date8/15/1996 8/15/19968/10/2021 8/10/2021Sample TypeGrab Grab Grab Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Grab GrabDepth (ft bgs)10 10 4-6 8-101-3 3-5Range MeanUnitsTPH (8015)TPH-DRO 2131,020NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA100-- -- -- -- --TPH-GRO<2.0 <2.0NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA50-- -- -- -- --VOCs (8260D)AcetoneNA NA<3.3 <6.80.061 J 0.028 JNA <0.0078 NA0.088 JNA NA --14,000 210,000 25-- --2-ButanoneNA NA<3.4 <6.8<0.0071 <0.0082 NA <0.0054 NA <0.0060 NA NA --5,500 40,000 17-- --tert-Butyl Alcohol NA NA NA NA <0.0680.11 JNA <0.051 NA0.089 JNA NA --1,400 6,500 0.041-- --n-ButylbenzeneNA NA0.22<0.14 <0.00034 <0.0039 NA <0.00026 NA <0.00028 NA NA --780 12,000 4.5-- --sec-ButylbenzeneNA NA0.10 0.28<0.00057 <0.00065 NA <0.00043 NA <0.00047 NA NA --1,600 23,000 4.1-- --Carbon DisulfideNA NA NA NA <0.0044 <0.0051 NA <0.0033 NA <0.0037 NA NA --160 740 4.1-- --ChlorobenzeneNA NA<0.067 <0.14<0.00034 <0.00039 NA <0.00026 NA <0.00028 NA NA --58 280 0.68-- --ChloroformNA NA<0.33 <0.68<0.00057 <0.00065 NA <0.00043 NA <0.00047 NA NA --0.34 1.5 0.39-- --1,1-DichloroethaneNA NA<0.067 <0.14<0.00045 <0.00052 NA <0.00034 NA <0.00038 NA NA --3.8 17 0.034-- --cis-1,2-DichloroethyleneNA NA<0.067 <0.14<0.00057 <0.00065 NA <0.00043 NA <0.00047 NA NA --31 470 0.41-- --EthylbenzeneNA NA<0.067 <0.14<0.00034 <0.00039 NA <0.00026 NA <0.00028 NA NA --6.1 27 13.00-- --p-IsopropyltolueneNA NA1.30 0.32<0.00045 <0.00052 NA <0.00034 NA <0.00038 NA NA --NE NE NE-- --TolueneNA NA <0.33<0.68<0.00023 <0.00026 NA <0.00017 NA <0.00019 NA NA --990 9,700 8.3-- --TrichloroethyleneNA NA <0.067<0.14<0.00045 <0.00052 NA <0.00034 NA <0.00038 NA NA --0.87 4.0 0.021-- --1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneNA NA0.19 0.18<0.00034 <0.00039 NA <0.00026 NA <0.00028 NA NA --63 370 12-- --m&p-XyleneNA NA NA NA <0.00068 <0.00078 NA <0.00051 NA <0.00057 NA NA --120 500 9.8-- --o-XyleneNA NA NA NA <0.00023 <0.00026 NA <0.00017 NA <0.00019 NA NA --140 590 9.8-- --SVOCs (8270E)FluoreneNA NA0.80 0.54<0.074 <0.075 <0.074 NA <0.079 NA NA NA--480 6,000 110-- --PhenanthreneNA NA1.6 1.0<0.070 <0.071 <0.069 NA <0.074 NA NA NA--NE NE NE-- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA NA NA NA1.4 1.5 1.1NA1.7NA0.94 3.2--0.68 3.0 5.81.0 - 18 4.8BariumNA NA NA NA56 73 30NA63NA67 41--3,100 47,000 58050-1000 356CadmiumNA NA NA NA <0.0081 <0.0081 <0.0081 NA <0.0085 NA <0.0074 <0.0072--1203.01.0 - 10 4.3Chromium (Total)NA NA NA NA34 25 24NA44NA52 30--NE NE NE7.0 - 300 65Hexavalent ChromiumNA NA NA NA0.578 J<0.328 <0.343 NA0.378 JNA <0.3170.601 J--0.31 6.5 3.8NS NSTrivalent ChromiumNA NA NA NA33.4 25 24NA43.6NA52 29.4--23,000 350,000 360,000NS NSLeadNA NA NA NA7.1 7.9 5.8NA12NA6.9 9.0--400 800 NEND - 50 16MercuryNA NA NA NA0.044 0.049 0.078NA0.064NA0.031 J 0.47--4.7 70 NE0.03 - 0.52 0.121SeleniumNA NA NA NA <0.052 <0.0530.12 JNA0.13 JNA <0.048 <0.046--78 1,200 2.1<0.1 - 0.8 0.42SilverNA NA NA NA0.073 J 0.077 J 0.058 JNA0.078 JNA0.072 J 0.057 J--78 1,200 3.4ND - 5.0 NSVPH/EPH (MADEP)VPH C5-C8 AliphaticsNA NA<6.719NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--625* 9,340* 68*----VPH C9-C12 Aliphatics NA NA19110NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics NA NA150160NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----Total C9-C18 AliphaticsNA NA169270NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--1,560* 23,300* 540*----EPH C19-C36 AliphaticsNA NA1022NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--31,200* 467,000* NE*----VPH C9-C10 Aromatics NA NA<6.736NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----EPH C11-C22 AromaticsNA NA84100NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----Total C9-C22 AromaticsNA NA84136NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--469* 7,000* 31*----Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section Action Limit for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH).2) DEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2022. 3) Range and mean values of background metalstaken from Elements in North American Soils by Drugan and Chekiri, 2005.* Indicates NC DEQ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration Levels (MSCCs) (March 2022)Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Compounds are reported to the laboratory method detection limit unless italicized. Italicized non-detect values indicate compound is reported to the laboratory reporting limit. With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Bold indicates compound exceeds the Protection of Groundwater PSRG or MSCC or Site-specific background concentrations. Underline indicates compounds exceeds the TPH Action Limits. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs; ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceVPH = volatile petroleum hydrocarbons; EPH = extractable petroleum hydrocarbons; MADEP = Massachusetts Depatment of Environmental Protection -- = Not Applicable; NA = Not Analyzed; ND = Not Detected; NS = Not Specified; NE = Not EstablishedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. mg/kgUST Closure (1996)Former UST Tank BasinBase of UST Basin8/10/2021 8/10/2021Background Metals in Soil (3)8-10Northern Proposed Pool Area Southern Proposed Cut AreasCOMP-2Background Soil0-5SB-1/SB-DUP-18/10/2021GrabCOMP-1TPH Action Limits(1)Residential PSRGs (2)Industrial/Commercial PSRGs (2)Protection of Groundwater PSRGs(2)0-8H&H Phase II ESA (2021)DPT-112/3/2002Former USTPhase I LSA (2003)S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\Tables\Copy of Table 16/15/2022Table 1 (Page 1 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical DataFormer National Welders SupplyCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Report Source (Year)LocationSample IDSB-6 SB-7 SS-1 SS-2 SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 SS-7 SS-8 SS-9 BKG-1 BKG-2Sample Date5/25/2021 5/25/2021 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 8/10/2021 8/10/2021Sample TypeGrab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab GrabDepth (ft bgs)2-42-42-34-5 6-70-14-53-42-31-21-33-5Range MeanUnitsTPH (8015)TPH-DRONA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA100-- -- -- -- --TPH-GRONA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA50-- -- -- -- --VOCs (8260D)Acetone 0.146 0.006 J<0.0366 <0.0397 <0.987 <0.0478 <0.0419 <0.0504 <0.0402 <0.0408 <0.0407 <0.0399 NA NA --14,000 210,000 25-- --2-Butanone 0.013 J<0.0009 <0.0274 <0.0297 <0.0738 <0.0357 <0.0313 <0.0377 <0.0300 <0.0305 <0.0304 <0.0298 NA NA --5,500 40,000 17-- --tert-Butyl Alcohol NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA --1,400 6,500 0.041-- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0027 <0.0029 <0.0073 <0.0035 <0.0031 <0.0037 <0.0030 <0.0030 <0.0030 <0.0029 NA NA --780 12,000 4.5-- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0025 <0.0027 <0.0068 <0.0033 <0.0029 <0.0035 <0.0028 <0.0028 <0.0028 <0.0027 NA NA --1,600 23,000 4.1-- --Carbon Disulfide 0.0008 J<0.0009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA --160 740 4.1-- --Chlorobenzene<0.0008 <0.00090.0029 J 0.0036 J 0.0084 J 0.0048 J 0.0038 J 0.0047 J 0.0032 J 0.0037 J 0.0035 J 0.0033 JNA NA --58 280 0.68-- --Chloroform<0.001 <0.001 <0.0035 <0.0038 <0.00930.0065 J 0.00050 J<0.0046 <0.0038 <0.0039 <0.0039 <0.0038 NA NA --0.34 1.5 0.39-- --1,1-Dichloroethane<0.0010 <0.001 <0.0023 <0.00250.01620.05980.0088<0.0032 <0.0026 <0.0026 <0.0026 <0.0026 NA NA --3.8 17 0.034-- --cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene<0.0009 <0.0010.0031 J 0.0051 J 0.0177 0.0663 0.0342<0.00270.0532 0.0155<0.0022 <0.0021 NA NA --31 470 0.41-- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 <0.0008 <0.00270.0032 J<0.00720.0040 J 0.0034 J 0.0041 J 0.0032 J 0.0034 J 0.0034 J 0.0036 JNA NA --6.1 27 13.00-- --p-Isopropyltoluene<0.001 <0.001 <0.0028 <0.0030 <0.0076 <0.0037 <0.0032 <0.0039 <0.0031 <0.0031 <0.0031 <0.0021 NA NA --NE NE NE-- --Toluene<0.0008 <0.00090.0051 J 0.0044 J 0.0088 J 0.0052 J 0.0036 J 0.0053 J<0.00180.0039 J 0.0033 J 0.0085NA NA --990 9,700 8.3-- --Trichloroethylene<0.001 <0.0010.03420.0150.0574 0.787 0.284 0.0276 0.186 0.0323<0.00160.0035 JNA NA --0.87 4.0 0.021-- --1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneNA NA <0.0016 <0.0017 <0.0042 <0.0020 <0.0018 <0.0022 <0.0017 <0.0017 <0.0017 <0.0017 NA NA --63 370 12-- --m&p-Xylene<0.0006 <0.0007 <0.00390.0067 J<0.01050.0079 J 0.0071 J 0.0085 J 0.0064 J 0.0068 J 0.0068 J 0.0066 JNA NA --120 500 9.8-- --o-Xylene<0.001 <0.0010.0055 J 0.0072 0.0159 0.0089 0.0066 0.0087 0.0063 0.0063 J 0.0062 J 0.0066NA NA --140 590 9.8-- --SVOCs (8270E)Fluorene<0.151 <0.172 NA NA <0.135 <0.138 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--480 6,000 110-- --Phenanthrene<0.247 <0.280 NA NA <0.126 <0.128 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE NE NE-- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)Arsenic4.06 1.62NA NA0.28 J 0.44 JNA NA NA NA NA NA0.94 3.2--0.68 3.0 5.81.0 - 18 4.8Barium108 55.8NA NA48.7 63.4NA NA NA NA NA NA67 41--3,100 47,000 58050-1000 356Cadmium<0.0647 <0.0737 NA NA <0.0360.038 JNA NA NA NA NA NA <0.0074 <0.0072--1203.01.0 - 10 4.3Chromium (Total)49.1 30.8NA NA16.3 21.1NA NA NA NA NA NA52.0 30--NE NE NE7.0 - 300 65Hexavalent Chromium0.73 J 0.56 JNA NA0.334 J 0.452 JNA NA NA NA NA NA <0.3170.601 J--0.31 6.5 3.8NS NSTrivalent Chromium48.4 30.2NA NA16.0 20.5NA NA NA NA NA NA51.7 29.4--23,000 350,000 360,000NS NSLead15.2 7.08NA NA3.8 4.6NA NA NA NA NA NA6.90 9.0--400 800 NEND - 50 16Mercury0.0432 0.0282 JNA NA <0.0094 <0.0088 NA NA NA NA NA NA0.031 J 0.47--4.7 70 NE0.03 - 0.52 0.121Selenium3.80<1.21 NA NA0.10 J 0.16 JNA NA NA NA NA NA <0.048 <0.046--78 1,200 2.1<0.1 - 0.8 0.42Silver<0.0482 <0.0549 NA NA <0.17 <0.16 NA NA NA NA NA NA0.072 J 0.057 J--78 1,200 3.4ND - 5.0 NSVPH/EPH (MADEP)VPH C5-C8 AliphaticsNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--625* 9,340* 68*----VPH C9-C12 Aliphatics NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----Total C9-C18 AliphaticsNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--1,560* 23,300* 540*----EPH C19-C36 AliphaticsNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--31,200* 467,000* NE*----VPH C9-C10 Aromatics NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----EPH C11-C22 AromaticsNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--NE* NE* NE*----Total C9-C22 AromaticsNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA--469* 7,000* 31*----Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section Action Limit for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH).2) DEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2022. 3) Range and mean values of background metalstaken from Elements in North American Soils by Drugan and Chekiri, 2005.* Indicates NC DEQ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration Levels (MSCCs) (March 2022)Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Compounds are reported to the laboratory method detection limit unless italicized. Italicized non-detect values indicate compound is reported to the laboratory reporting limit. With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Bold indicates compound exceeds the Protection of Groundwater PSRG or MSCC or Site-specific background concentrations. Underline indicates compounds exceeds the TPH Action Limits. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs; ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceVPH = volatile petroleum hydrocarbons; EPH = extractable petroleum hydrocarbons; MADEP = Massachusetts Depatment of Environmental Protection -- = Not Applicable; NA = Not Analyzed; ND = Not Detected; NS = Not Specified; NE = Not EstablishedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. Brownfields Assessment (2022)Grab9-10SS-3/SB-DUPBackground Soilmg/kg5/11/2022Background Metals in Soil (3)TPH Action Limits(1)Residential PSRGs (2)Industrial/Commercial PSRGs (2)Protection of Groundwater PSRGs(2)H&H Phase II ESA (2021)Wood Phase II ESA (2021)RailspurPotential Soil Source AreaS:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\Tables\Copy of Table 16/15/2022Table 1 (Page 2 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of Groundwater Analytical DataFormer National Welders SupplyCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Report (year) Phase I LSA (2003)Wood Phase II ESA (2021)LocationFormer UST Basin Northern Site Boundary Northeast Site Boundary Central Portion of Site Western Site BoundarySouthwestern Site BoundarySoutheastern Site BoundaryRailspurSample IDDPT-1TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 TMW-5 TMW-6 TMW-7 TW-4Date12/2/2002 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 5/27/2021UnitsVOCs (8260D)AcetoneNA <2.4 <2.4 <2.421 J<2.43.8 J<2.47.4 J 2.41 J<5.1 <5.16,000 NE NE2-Butanone NA <1.9 <1.9 <1.94.2 J<1.9 <1.9 <1.9 <1.91.55 J<4.0 <4.04,000 450,000 1,900,000Carbon TetrachlorideNA <0.17 <0.171.1<0.17 <<0.17 <0.1802.32.30.3 0.41 1.8ChloroformNA59571.7 J<0.19 <<0.19 <0.2202.02.070 0.81 3.61,1-DichloroethaneNA <0.16 <0.160.83 J<0.160.21 J<0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.2400.88 J 0.87 J6 7.6 331,1-DichloroethyleneNA0.30 J 0.31 J 4.9<0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.1501.5 1.6350 39 160cis-1,2-DichloroethyleneNA <0.15 <0.154.9<0.150.53 J 0.36 J<0.150.26 J<0.2001.8 1.970 NE NE1,2-DichloropropaneNA <0.18 <0.18 <0.18 <0.183.5 7.35.0<0.18 <0.190 <0.36 <0.360.6 6.6 29Methyl tert-Butyl Ether<5.0<0.17 <0.170.17 J<0.17 <0.170.20 J<0.17 <0.17 <0.140 <0.42 <0.4220 450 2,000TetrachloroethyleneNA <0.20 <0.200.68 J<0.20 <0.200.41 J4.1<0.20 <0.2200.62 J 0.55 J0.7 12 48Toluene<5.0 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.110.19 J<0.11 <0.11 <0.220 <0.48 <0.48600 3,800 16,0001,1,1-TrichloroethaneNA0.57 J 0.58 J 1.7<0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.160 <0.33 <0.33200 1,500 6,200TrichloroethyleneNA0.81 J 0.78 J17<0.181.0 1.50.38 J<0.18 <0.18031.532.43 1.0 4.4SVOCs (8270E)Phenol23<1.2 <1.2 <1.23.5 J<1.3 <1.2 <1.1 <1.2 <3.15 <1.218.8 C930-- --Metals (6020B/7470A)ArsenicNA<0.46 <0.46 <0.462.0<0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.460.260 J 0.14 J 0.14 J 10-- --BariumNA14 14 54 160 32 95 59 160 119 14.1 14.0 700-- --CadmiumNA<0.027 <0.027 <0.027 <0.027 <0.0270.055 J<0.027 <0.027 <0.160 <0.016 <0.0162-- --Chromium (total)NA2.0 2.0 1.6 2.3 1.7143.3 2.3 0.917 J 2.7 2.7 10-- --LeadNA0.48 J<0.141.2 0.78<0.14230.38 J 0.83<0.2600.22 J 0.19 J 15-- --MercuryNA<0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.000050 <0.00000007 <0.095 <0.0951 0.18 0.75SeleniumNA<0.78 <0.781.4 J 6.6 1.2 J 1.0 J 0.80 J 1.4 J 0.852 J 0.48 J 0.50 20-- --SilverNA<0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.110 <0.16 <0.1620-- --VPH/EPH (MADEP)VPH C5-C8 Aliphatics <100NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA400-- --VPH C9-C12 Aliphatics 210NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANE-- --EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics 140NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANE-- --Total C9-C18 Aliphatics 350NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA700-- --EPH C19-C36 Aliphatics <100NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA10,000-- --VPH C9-C10 Aromatics 140NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANE-- --EPH C11-C22 Aromatics 310NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANE-- --Total C9-C22 Aromatics450NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA200-- --Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standards (2L Standards) dated April 2022.2) DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) dated January 2022 based on TCR = 1.0 x 10-6 and THQ = 0.2.Compounds are reported to the laboratory method detection limits unless italicized. Italicized non-detect values indicate compound is reported to the laboratory reporting limit. With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Concentrations are reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L).Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold indicates compound concentration exceeds 2L Standard. Underline indicates compound exceeds the Residential GWSL.Highlighting indicates compound exceeds the Non-Residential GWSL.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs '-- = Not Applicable; NE = Not Established; NA = Not AnalyzedVPH = volatile petroleum hydrocarbons; EPH = extractable petroleum hydrocarbons; MADEP = Massachusetts Depatment of Environmental ProtectionTCR = Target Lifetime Cancer Risk; THQ = Targer Non-Carcinogenic Hazard QuotientJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. C9 = Common laboratory contaminantµg/LH&H Phase II ESA (2021)TMW-1 / GW-DUP8/10/2021Northwest Site BoundaryBrownfields Assessment (2022)TMW-8/GW-DUP5/11/2022Downgradient of Potential Soil Source Area2L Standards (1)Residential GWSLs(2) Non-Residential GWSLs(2)S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\Tables\Copy of Table 16/15/2022Table 2 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 3Summary of Soil Gas Analytical DataFormer National Welders SupplyCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013LocationSample IDSG-1SG-4Date8/11/2021 8/11/2021 5/11/2022 8/11/2021Depth (ft bgs)5.5 5.5 6 5.5UnitsVOCs (TO-15)Acetone 150<860134<29 <2932NE NEBenzene140 120 57.1 28 474.112 1602-Butanone (MEK)<15 <15028.8 J 24 J 35 J 4.0 J35,000 440,0001,3-Butadiene<2.4 <2483.5<0.81 <0.81 <0.323.1 41Carbon Disulfide 150 300 J 65.3 J 23<4.0324,900 61,000Carbon Tetrachloride<2.532 J<3.10 <0.84 <0.84 <0.3316 200Chloroethane<3.9 <39 <3.28 <1.3 <1.3 <0.5228,000 350,000Chloroform14 1,200338<0.59 <0.59 <0.244.1 53Chloromethane<2.4 <2412.8 J<0.79 <0.79 <0.32630 7,900Cyclohexane 23<2534.6 J 24<0.84 <0.3442,000 530,0001,4-Dichlorobenzene<2.023 J<3.72 <0.67 <0.67 <0.278.5 110Dichlorodifluoromethane 4.2 J<23 <2.68 <0.78 <0.78 <0.31700 8,8001,1-Dichloroethane 3216,0002,800<0.64 <0.64 <0.2558 7701,2-Dichloroethane5.3 J 52 J<2.58 <0.74 <0.74 <0.303.6 471,1-Dichloroethylene2,700 330,00028,2004.3<1.1 <0.431,400 18,000cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 6.9 27,000 19,500 4.3<0.67 <0.27NE NEtrans-1,2-Dichloroethylene<1.81,200239<0.59 <0.59 <0.23280 3,500Ethanol 49 J<340 NA260 290 L-05 33NE NEEthyl Acetate 83 L-03<320 <2.72880 790 L-0336490 6,100Ethylbenzene280 110 42.5 J 55 571037 4904-Ethyltoluene 80 29 J 37.0 J<0.76 <0.76 <0.30NE NEHeptane 120 85 72.5 27 28 8.82,800 35,000Hexachlorobutadiene<7.186 J<6.62 <2.4 <2.4 <0.944.3 56Hexane 1,900 180 J 2,190<3.2 <3.2 <1.34,900 61,000Isopropanol<34 <3407.42 J 96 110 11 J1,400 18,000Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 13<22 <0.673 <0.72 <0.72 <0.29360 4,700Methylene Chloride<12690 146 5.4 J<4.0 <1.63,400 53,0004-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)<3.2 <3221.5 J<1.5 <1.1 <0.4321,000 260,000Naphthalene<4.446 J<3.66 <1.5 <1.5 <0.592.8 36Propene 540 1,400 521<2.9 <2.9 <1.221,000 260,000Styrene<1.8 <18 <2.4821 21<0.247,000 88,000Tetrachloroethylene 140 150 28.6 J 11 20 2.6280 3,500Tetrahydrofuran<11 <110 <2.14 <3.6 <3.6 <1.514,000 180,000Toluene 1,600 570 253 240 260 5235,000 440,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane 8,800 92 74.4 5.0 9.1<0.3635,000 440,000Trichloroethylene770290,000102,000 E1,7002,300<0.4014 180Trichlorofluoromethane 9.6 J<649.33 J<2.1 <2.11.8 JNE NE1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane<8.7 <87 <11.2 <2.9 <2.9 <1.235,000 440,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 250 75 128 20 20 7.6420 5,3001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 64 53 J 37.6 J 4.7<0.642.2420 5,300Vinyl Acetate<15 <150 <4.48 <4.9 <4.9 <2.01,400 18,000Vinyl Chloride<2.11,40031.1<0.71 <0.71 <0.295.6 280m&p-Xylene950290 146 79 81 32700 8,800o-Xylene 350 120 52.0 29 34 9.5700 8,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) dated January 2022.SG-2 re-installed and sampled on 5/11/22. Compound concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Bold indicates concentration exceeds Residential SGSL.Underline indicates compound exceeds the Non-Residential SGSL.Only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical method shown in parentheses.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; NE = not establishedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration.E = Result above calibration rangeL-03 = Laboratory fortified blank/control sample recovery was outside of control limits resulting in a reported value that is likely biased low.L-05 = Laboratory fortified blank/control sample recovery was outside of control limits resulting in a reported value that is likely biased high.µg/m3Northwestern Building ResidentialSGSLs (1)Non-Residential SGSLs(1)SG-2 SG-3/SG-DUP8/11/20215.5S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\Tables\Copy of Table 16/15/2022Table 3 (Page 1 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 3Summary of Soil Gas Analytical DataFormer National Welders SupplyCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013LocationSample IDSG-5 SG-6 SG-7 SG-8 SG-9 SG-10 SG-11Date8/11/2021 8/11/2021 8/11/2021 8/11/2021 8/11/2021 8/11/2021 8/11/2021Depth (ft bgs)5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5UnitsVOCs (TO-15)Acetone 86<29120<11 <1175<11NE NEBenzene 11217.949 32 66 2012 1602-Butanone 13 J 14 J 15 J 6.3 J 5.5 J 7.4 J 8.4 J35,000 440,0001,3-Butadiene<0.32 <0.81 <0.81 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.323.1 41Carbon Disulfide 31 180 200 200 120 200 1904,900 61,000Carbon Tetrachloride<0.33 <0.84 <0.84 <0.33 <0.331.5<0.3316 200Chloroethane<0.52 <1.3 <1.3 <0.52 <0.523.5<0.5228,000 350,000Chloroform<0.24 <0.59 <0.59 <0.24 <0.240.76 J<0.244.1 53Chloromethane<0.32 <0.79 <0.79 <0.32 <0.321.1<0.32630 7,900Cyclohexane<0.34 <0.84 <0.84 <0.34 <0.3416<0.3442,000 530,0001,4-Dichlorobenzene<0.27 <0.67 <0.67 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.278.5 110Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.31 <0.78 <0.78 <0.31 <0.313.1<0.31700 8,8001,1-Dichloroethane<0.25 <0.64 <0.64 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.2558 7701,2-Dichloroethane<0.30 <0.74 <0.74 <0.30 <0.301.1<0.303.6 471,1-Dichloroethylene<0.43 <1.1 <1.1 <0.43 <0.43 <0.43 <0.431,400 18,000cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene<0.27 <0.67 <0.67 <0.274.7<0.27 <0.27NE NEtrans-1,2-Dichloroethylene<0.23 <0.59 <0.59 <0.23 <0.23 <0.23 <0.23280 3,500Ethanol 130 230 14 J<4.6 <4.619 L-05<4.6NE NEEthyl Acetate<4.3 <11 <11 <4.3 <4.38.0 L-03<4.3490 6,100Ethylbenzene 15 28 344215 27 2137 4904-Ethyltoluene<0.30 <0.76 <0.76 <0.30 <0.306.4<0.30NE NEHeptane 2.8 18 35 27 24 43 232,800 35,000Hexachlorobutadiene<0.94 <2.4 <2.4 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <0.944.3 56Hexane<1.3480 98 59 150 250 2804,900 61,000Isopropanol 19 J 36 J<11 <4.5 <4.5 <4.5 <4.51,400 18,000Methyl tert-Butyl Ether <0.29 <0.72 <0.72 <0.29 <0.290.42 J<0.29360 4,700Methylene Chloride<1.6 <4.0 <4.01.8 J<1.61.8 J 1.8 J3,400 53,0004-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)<0.43 <1.1 <1.1 <0.43 <0.43 <0.43 <0.4321,000 260,000Naphthalene<0.59 <1.5 <1.5 <0.59 <0.590.82 J<0.592.8 36Propene<1.2400 140 170<1.2130<1.221,000 260,000Styrene<0.248.5<0.612.8<0.242.0<0.247,000 88,000Tetrachloroethylene 1.2 J 2.0 J 9.4 2.9 2.1 3.1 1.7280 3,500Tetrahydrofuran 1.6 J<3.6 <3.6 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.514,000 180,000Toluene 130 180 130 310 160 240 14035,000 440,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane<0.36 <0.891.2 J<0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.3635,000 440,000Trichloroethylene<0.40 <0.99 <0.99 <0.402.0 1.83414 180Trichlorofluoromethane 1.7 J<2.116 4.0 J 2.3 J 2.2 J 1.9 JNE NE1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane <1.2 <2.9 <2.9 <1.2 <1.21.6 J<1.235,000 440,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.22 <0.5627 28 9.2 17 24420 5,3001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2.5 2.7 6.6 7.7 3.1 4.6 5.7420 5,300Vinyl Acetate<2.0 <4.9 <4.9 <2.0 <2.021<2.01,400 18,000Vinyl Chloride<0.29 <0.71 <0.71 <0.29 <0.2913<0.295.6 280m&p-Xylene 58 65 130 150 52 88 82700 8,800o-Xylene 18 19 36 46 17 27 26700 8,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) dated January 2022.SG-2 re-installed and sampled on 5/11/22. Compound concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Bold indicates concentration exceeds Residential SGSL.Underline indicates compound exceeds the Non-Residential SGSL.Only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical method shown in parentheses.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; NE = not establishedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration.E = Result above calibration rangeL-03 = Laboratory fortified blank/control sample recovery was outside of control limits resulting in a reported value that is likely biased low.L-05 = Laboratory fortified blank/control sample recovery was outside of control limits resulting in a reported value that is likely biased high.µg/m3Southern Building Northeastern BuildingResidentialSGSLs (1)Non-Residential SGSLs(1)S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\Tables\Copy of Table 16/15/2022Table 3 (Page 2 of 2)Hart & Hickman, PC STEWART CREEKGESCO STREET STATE STREET ACCESS ROAD (RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE ABOVE) ACCESS R O A D POOL REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 6-15-22 FIGURE NO. 2 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD FORMER UST PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT SOIL BORING LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - UNDER RENOVATION (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1.PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.UST = UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TCE = TRICHLOROETHENE mg/kg = MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM J = LABORATORY ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERLAID FROM SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY BB+M ARCHITECTURE. 4.BOLD = COMPOUND EXCEEDS PROTECTION OF GROUNDWATER PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS AND BACKGROUND METALS CONCENTRATIONS ITALICS = COMPOUND EXCEEDS TPH ACTION LIMIT UNDERLINE = COMPOUND EXCEEDS PROTECTION OF GROUNDWATER MAXIMUM SOIL CONTAMINANT CONCENTRATION LEVELS DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE COMP-2 COMP-3 BKG-1 BKG-2 SB-1 SS-2 SS-1 SS-8 SS-9 SS-5 SS-7 SS-4 SS-3/SS-DUP SS-6 S-2@10' S-1@10'DPT-1 SB-7 SB-6 S-1@10' TPH-DRO 213 S-2@10' TPH-DRO 1,020 DPT-1 TOTAL C9-C22 AROMATICS 4-6 84 8-10 136 COMP-2 TERT-BUTYL ALCOHOL 0.089 J SB-1 TERT-BUTYL ALCOHOL 0.11 J SS-1 TCE 0.0342 SS-3/SS-DUP TCE 0.0574/0.787 SS-4 TCE 0.284 SS-5 TCE 0.0342 SS-6 TCE 0.186 SS-7 TCE 0.0323 DPT-1 TOTAL C9-C22 AROMATICS 4-6 84 8-10 136 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) SAMPLE ID DEPTH (FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE) SB-6 SELENIUM 3.80 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\EMP Figures.dwg, soil, 6/16/2022 9:44:24 AM, amckenzie STEWART CREEKGESCO STREET STATE STREET ACCESS ROAD (RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE ABOVE) ACCESS R O A D POOL REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 6-15-22 FIGURE NO. 3 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD FORMER UST PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - UNDER RENOVATION (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1.PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.UST = UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TCE = TRICHLOROETHENE PCE = TETRACHLOROETHENE µg/L = MICROGRAMS PER LITER J = LABORATORY ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERLAID FROM SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY BB+M ARCHITECTURE. 4.BOLD = COMPOUND EXCEEDS 2L STANDARDS UNDERLINE = COMPOUND EXCEEDS RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION GROUNDWATER SCREENING LEVELS (GWSLs) ITALICS = COMPOUND EXCEEDS NON-RESIDENTIAL GWSL DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE TMW-1/GW-DUP TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-6 TMW-4 TMW-7 TMW-5 TMW-8/GW-DUP TW-4 DPT-1 TMW-1/GW-DUP CHLOROFORM 59/57 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION (µg/L) SAMPLE ID TMW-2 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 1.1 CHLOROFORM 1.7 J TCE 17 DPT-1 TOTAL C9-C22 AROMATICS 450 TMW-4 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 3.5 TMW-5 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 2.7 CHROMIUM 14 CHLOROFORM 3.6 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 7.3 LEAD 23 TCE 1.5 TMW-8/GW-DUP CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 2.3/2.3 CHLOROFORM 2.0/2.0 TCE 31.5/32.4 TMW-6 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 2.3/2.3 CHLOROFORM 2.0/2.0 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 5.0 PCE 4.1 TMW-4 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 3.5 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\EMP Figures.dwg, gw, 6/16/2022 9:44:44 AM, amckenzie STEWART CREEKGESCO STREET STATE STREET ACCESS ROAD (RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE ABOVE) ACCESS R O A D POOL SG-11 BENZENE 20 TCE 34 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 6-15-22 FIGURE NO. 4 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD FORMER UST PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT SOIL GAS MONITORING POINT LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - UNDER RENOVATION (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1.PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.UST = UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TCE = TRICHLOROETHENE BDL = BELOW LABORATORY METHOD DETECTION LIMITS µg/m3 = MICROGRAMS PER CUBIC METER J = LABORATORY ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERLAID FROM SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY BB+M ARCHITECTURE. 4.BOLD = COMPOUND EXCEEDS RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SUB-SLAB AND EXTERIOR SOIL GAS SCREENING LEVELS (SGSLs) UNDERLINE = COMPOUND EXCEEDS NON-RESIDENTIAL SGSL DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE SG-7 SG-6 SG-5 SG-4 SG-3/ SG-DUP SG-2SG-1 SG-8 SG-9 SG-10 SG-11 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION (µg/m3) SAMPLE ID SG-1 BENZENE 140 CHLOROFORM 14 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5.3 J 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 2,700 ETHYLBENZENE 280 TCE 770 M&P-XYLENE 950 SG-2 8/11/21 5/11/22 BENZENE 120 57.1 1,3-BUTADIENE BDL 83.5 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 32 J BDL CHLOROFORM 1,200 338 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 23 J BDL 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 16,000 2,800 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 52 J BDL 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 330,000 28,200 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 1,200 239 ETHYLBENZENE 110 42.5 J HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 86 J BDL NAPHTHALENE 46 J BDL TCE 290,000 102,000 VINYL CHLORIDE 1,400 31.1 SG-3/SG-DUP BENZENE 28/47 ETHYL ACETATE 880/790 ETHYLBENZENE 55/57 TCE 1,700/2,300 SG-6 BENZENE 21 SG-8 BENZENE 49 ETHYLBENZENE 42 SG-9 BENZENE 32 SG-10 BENZENE 66 VINYL CHLORIDE 13 SG-11 BENZENE 20 TCE 34 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\EMP\EMP Figures.dwg, sg, 6/16/2022 9:45:07 AM, amckenzie Attachment C Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan Sheets (VM-1, VM-1A, VM-2, & VM-3) VIMS VAPOR BARRIER AND BASE COURSE (TYP)1 VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #2) CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB SUB-BASE NTSVM-1 BASE COURSE - CLEAN # 57 STONE (WASHED WITH NO FINES), MIN 5" THICK BENEATH VIMS VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #2) 3" SCH 40 THREADED FLUSH JOINT SLOTTED PVC PIPE SET WITHIN MIN 5" BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #3) VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #2) SUB-BASE CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB SLOTTED COLLECTION PIPE (TYPICAL)2 NTSVM-1 T.O.C. CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB BASE COURSE SUB-BASE VIMS PIPING THROUGH INTERIOR GRADE BEAM WITH RISER DUCT PIPING (TYP) NTS 6 VM-1 SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT TO PREVENT LOW POINT IN SOLID PIPE. MAINTAIN 1% SLOPE TOWARD SLOTTED SECTION OF PIPE (SEE SPECIFICATION #3) VAPOR BARRIER SOLID TO SLOTTED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TRANSITION (SLIP COUPLING OR THREADED JOINT) 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER DUCT PIPE (SEE SPECIFICATION #4, #5 & #6) 3" SCH 40 PVC TEE PIPE SLEEVE (SEE SPECIFICATION #12) WALL (VARIES) BASE COURSE SUB-BASE VIMS PIPING THROUGH INTERIOR GRADE BEAM (TYP) NTS 3 VM-1 SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT TO PREVENT LOW POINT IN SOLID PIPE. MAINTAIN 1% SLOPE TOWARD SLOTTED SECTION OF PIPE (SEE SPECIFICATION #3) VAPOR BARRIER SOLID TO SLOTTED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TRANSITION (SLIP COUPLING OR THREADED JOINT) WALL (VARIES) PIPE SLEEVE (SEE SPECIFICATION #12) VIMS PIPING THROUGH SLAB STEP (TYP) NTS 4 VM-1 SUB-BASE VAPOR BARRIER BASE COURSE SOLID TO SLOTTED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TRANSITION (SLIP COUPLING OR THREADED JOINT) 3" SCH 40 PVC 45-DEGREE ELBOW VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVCPIPE SLEEVE (SEE SPECIFICATION #12) WALL (VARIES) VIMS AT SLAB THICKENING WITH PIPE (TYP) NTS 5 VM-1 BASE COURSE WALL (VARIES) SUBBASE VAPOR BARRIER 3" SCH 40 PVC 45-DEGREE ELBOW 3" SCH 40 SLOTTED PVC PIPE VIMS AT SLAB STEP WITH RISER DUCT PIPING (TYP) NTS 7 VM-1 SUB-BASE CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VAPOR BARRIER SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC BASE COURSE WALL (VARIES) SOLID TO SLOTTED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TRANSITION (SLIP COUPLING OR THREADED JOINT) VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 3" SCH 40 PVC 90-DEGREE ELBOW 3" SCH 40 PVC 90-DEGREE TEE PIPE SLEEVE (SEE SPECIFICATION #12) VIMS AT VERTICAL RISERS WITH 90 DEGREE ELBOW (TYP) NTS 8 VM-1 BASE COURSE SUB-BASE 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER DUCT PIPE (SEE SPECIFICATION #4, #5 & #6)WALL (VARIES) SLOTTED 3" SCH 40 PVC VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS VAPOR BARRIER UPPER FLOOR OCCUPIED SPACE LOWER FLOOR OCCUPIED SPACE VIMS AT RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO OCCUPIED SPACE (TYP) NTS 9 VM-1 SUB-BASE BASE COURSE VAPOR BARRIER VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO OUTSIDE OF CONCRETE AND WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE (WHERE PRESENT) PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS (SEE DETAIL 11/VM-1) WATERPROOFING AND RIGID INSULATION (IF PRESENT - REFER TO ARCH. PLANS) DRAIN WALL (VARIES) CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB 11 VM-1 SOIL SUB-BASE VAPOR BARRIER DRAINAGE MAT (IF PRESENT) CONCRETE NTS VIMS AT SUB-GRADE VERTICAL WALL - WATERPROOFING DETAIL (TYP) WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE (IF PRESENT - REFER TO ARCH. PLANS) (SEE SPECIFICATION #13) VIMS BELOW ELEVATOR PIT NTS 10 SUMP PIT VM-1 ELEVATOR PIT BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) SEE DETAIL 11/VM-1 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE (IF PRESENT - REFER TO ARCH. PLANS) (SEE SPECIFICATION #13) VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO OUTSIDE OF CONCRETE AND WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, IF PRESENT, PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS (SEE DETAIL 11/VM-1) CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER SEALED PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS H&H NO. RMR-013 VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY: 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM CROSS-SECTION DETAILS DEVELOPER: RAM REALTY ADVISORS 4801 PGA BLVD. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL VM-1 PROFESSIONAL APPROVALTHE PERCH APARTMENTSGESCO STREET & STATE STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINABROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25035-21-060DATE: 12-7-22 REVISION 1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\VIMP\Figures\VIMS Design_r0_Update.dwg, VM-1, 12/7/2022 5:17:58 PM, amckenzie WALL (VARIES) BASE COURSE SUB-BASE VAPOR BARRIER AT SLAB EDGE (TYP)12 NTSVM-1A VAPOR BARRIERFINAL GRADE (VARIES) OPTIONAL VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLATION METHOD TERMINATE VAPOR BARRIER AT SOIL GRADE, WHERE APPLICABLE OPEN-AIR EXTERIOR ENCLOSED INTERIOR FINISHED FLOOR SLAB 2" SCH 40 PVC SET WITHIN GRAVEL LAYER 2" DRAIN EXPANSION TEST PLUG VIMS MONITORING POINT - TYPICAL DETAIL VIEW NTS 13 VM-1A VAPOR BARRIER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 DEGREE ELBOW FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIA ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4 (OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR BASE COURSE 4" x 2" FLUSH REDUCER BUSHING PVC TERMINATION SCREEN (SEE SPECIFICATION #7) VIMS MONITORING POINT AT WALL CONNECTION (IF WARRANTED) NTS 16 VM-1A BASE COURSE VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS WALL (VARIES) POSITION TOP OF 2" PIPE MINIMUM 10" FROM TOP OF ACCESS PANEL DOOR 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 DEGREE ELBOW PIPE SLEEVE VAPOR BARRIER 12" X 12" WALL ACCESS PANEL PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT TO PREVENT LOW POINT IN SOLID SECTION OF PIPE. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 1% SLOPE TOWARD OPEN-END OF PIPE. (SEE SPECIFICATION #3) 2" DRAIN EXPANSION TEST PLUG PVC TERMINATION SCREEN POSITION AT CENTER OF WALL OR ALLOW FOR AT LEAST 1/2" DISTANCE AROUND ALL SIDES OF PIPE 2" SOLID SCH 40 PVC PIPE BASE COURSE FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIA ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4 (OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) SEE DETAIL 11/VM-1 FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT TO PREVENT LOW POINT IN SOLID SECTION OF PIPE. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 1% SLOPE TOWARD SLOTTED SECTIONS OF PIPE. 2" SOLID SCH 40 PVC 14 VIMS MONITORING POINT THROUGH THICKENED SLAB WITH EXTENDED INTAKE PIPE PIPE SLEEVE NTSVM-1A 2" SCH 40 PVC 90-DEGREE ELBOWVAPOR BARRIER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS WALL (VARIES) VIMS TURBINE VENTILATOR FAN & EXHAUST (TYPICAL)17 NTS TURBINE VENTILATOR FAN (EMPIRE MODEL TV04SS OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX FOR POTENTIAL FUTURE VACUUM FAN (REFER TO SPECIFICATION #5) 4" X 3" PVC COUPLING RISER DUCT PIPE THROUGH ROOF FLASHING ROOFTOP VM-1A ELECTRIC FAN (RADONAWAY RP-145C OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) FAN LABEL (SEE SPECIFICATION #6) ELECTRIC OUTLET (120V AC) - SEE SPECIFICATION #5 RADONAWAY CHECKPOINT IIAR MITIGATION SYSTEM ALARM; SEE SPECIFICATION #5 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER (SEE DETAILS 6, 7 & 8/VM-1) CEILING TRUSSES WATERPROOF FLASHING 4" SCH 40 VARMINT SCREEN / PIPE GUARD (RADONAWAY PART #76041-2, OR SIMILAR) ROOFTOP VIMS ELECTRIC FAN AND RISER ON ROOFTOP (TYP) NTS 18 VM-1A RUBBER NO-HUB 4"X3" REDUCER 4" RUBBER NO-HUB COUPLING SOLID 4" SCH 40 PVC INSTALL PIPE SUPPORT PER NC BUILDING CODE WATERTIGHT/SEALED CONDUIT THROUGH ROOF FOR REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR WIRE RADONAWAY LOW-VOLTAGE WIRE TO REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR RADONAWAY CHECKPOINT IIAR REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR MOUNTED ON FIFTH FLOOR (LEVEL 5) CORRIDOR WALL WITH LABEL (SEE SPECIFICATION #5.3). EXTERIOR PERMANENT VACUUM MEASURING POINT (TYP)15 NTSVM-1A WALL (VARIES)PROVIDE LOCKABLE WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE ON OUTSIDE OF BUILDING WALL (OR SIMILAR). AFFIX LABEL AT BOX WITH "VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM". PLACE REMOVABLE PIPE PLUG AT END OF 2" PIPE. VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (SEE DETAIL 12/VM-1A) 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 DEGREE ELBOW 2" SOLID SCH 40 PVC PIPE INSTALLER SHALL SECURE PIPE TO PREVENT MOVEMENT OR DAMAGE TO PIPE DURING THE CONCRETE POUR EXTERIOR GRADE (VARIES)BASE COURSE 2" OPEN ENDED PIPE, PLACED AT A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM EXTERIOR TURN-DOWN SLABS (SEE SPECIFICATION #7) VAPOR BARRIER VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (TYP) POSITION PIPE TO AVOID REINFORCING (REBAR). SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REINFORCING DETAILS TRENCH BACKFILL AT BURIED UTILITY CONNECTION NTSVM-1A 19 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VAPOR LINER SEALED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS VAPOR LINER (SEE SPECIFICATION #2) BASE COURSE SUB-BASE EXTERIOR GRADE (VARIES) EXTERIOR WALL (NOT PRESENT IN ALL LOCATIONS) TRENCH DAM (SEE SPECIFICATION #14) CONDUIT/UTILITY PIPING TYPICAL TRENCH BACKFILL H&H NO. RMR-013 VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY: 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM CROSS-SECTION DETAILS DEVELOPER: RAM REALTY ADVISORS 4801 PGA BLVD. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL VM-1A PROFESSIONAL APPROVALTHE PERCH APARTMENTSGESCO STREET & STATE STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINABROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25035-21-060REVISION 1 DATE: 12-7-22 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\VIMP\Figures\VIMS Design_r0_Update.dwg, VM-1A, 12/7/2022 5:19:04 PM, amckenzie H&H NO. RMR-013 VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY: 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS DEVELOPER: RAM REALTY ADVISORS 4801 PGA BLVD. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL VM-2 PROFESSIONAL APPROVALTHE PERCH APARTMENTSGESCO STREET & STATE STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINABROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25035-21-060VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) SPECIFICATIONS 1.THIS VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR DIRECTION OF VIMS COMPONENT INSTALLATION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CONSISTENCY OF VIMS DETAILS WITH APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, & PLUMBING PLANS AND RESOLVE ANY INCONSISTENCIES PRIOR TO VIMS INSTALLATION. 2.VIMS VAPOR BARRIER (LINER) SHALL BE VAPORBLOCK PLUS 20 (VBP20) 20-MIL VAPOR LINER MANUFACTURED BY RAVEN INDUSTRIES (RAVEN). AS AN ALTERNATIVE, DRAGO WRAP 20-MIL VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER MANUFACTURED BY STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC (STEGO) CAN BE USED, PENDING APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. THE VAPOR LINER SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AND PER MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO CREATE A CONTINUOUS LINER BELOW MITIGATED AREAS, AND ALONG RETAINING WALLS AND SLAB-ON-GRADE FOLDS WITHIN THE EXTENT OF VAPOR LINER BOUNDARY. A MINIMUM 5-INCH THICK BASE COURSE CONSISTING OF CLEAN #57 STONE (WASHED WITH NO FINES) SHALL BE INSTALLED BENEATH THE VIMS VAPOR LINER. A SIMILAR HIGH PERMEABILITY STONE MAY BE USED, PENDING APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. 2.1.THE VAPOR LINER SHALL BE PROPERLY SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AS SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS TO FOOTERS, SLAB STEPS, RETAINING WALLS, PENETRATIONS (SUCH AS PIPE PENETRATIONS), OR OTHER BUILDING COMPONENTS WITHIN THE VIMS EXTENTS. VAPOR LINER SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER CMU WALLS WHICH SUPPORT OCCUPIED ENCLOSED SPACES. 2.2.VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER SLABS, ON WALLS, AND ALONG OTHER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS WHICH COME IN CONTACT WITH BOTH AN OCCUPIABLE ENCLOSED SPACE AND SOIL. NOT ALL AREAS FOR THE VAPOR BARRIER MAY BE DEPICTED ON THE DRAWINGS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL REQUIRED LOCATIONS FOR VAPOR BARRIER ALONG VERTICAL WALLS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2.3.ALL CONCRETE BOX-OUTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SHOWER/BATH TUB DRAINS, SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLED BELOW. 2.4.VAPOR BARRIER SHALL EXTEND ALONG FOOTING EXTERIOR, IF POSSIBLE, AT LOCATIONS WHERE EXTERIOR GRADE IS HIGHER THAN INTERIOR GRADE. 2.5.IN AREAS WITH EXPANSION BOARDS (E.G. ALONG COLUMNS), THE VAPOR BARRIER MUST BE SEALED DIRECTLY TO THE CONCRETE WITH THE EXPANSION BOARD INSTALLED OVER THE VAPOR BARRIER. 2.6.THE INTERFACE OF THE STEEL COLUMNS (IF PRESENT) AND THE CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE SEALED WITH A SELF-LEVELING POLYURETHANE SEALANT PER DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER OR ENGINEER'S DESIGNEE. SIMILAR SEALANT PRODUCTS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 3.SUB-SLAB SLOTTED VAPOR COLLECTION PIPE SHALL BE SOCKET-WELD 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 0.020" TO 0.060" SLOT WIDTH AND 1/8" SLOT SPACING. AN ALTERNATE SLOT PATTERN, OR SCH 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE WITH 5/8" OR SMALLER DIAMETER PERFORATIONS, OR SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT (1" X 12"), WITH SIMILAR AIR FLOW CHARACTERISTICS TO THE SLOTTED PIPE MAY BE USED PENDING APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. IF CIRCULAR PIPE IS USED, A PVC TERMINATION SCREEN (WALRICH CORPORATION #2202052, OR SIMILAR) SHOULD BE INSTALLED ON THE END OF PIPE. 3.1.SLOTTED COLLECTION PIPING SHALL BE SET WITHIN THE MINIMUM 5” BASE COURSE LAYER, WITH APPROXIMATELY 1” OF BASE COURSE MATERIAL BELOW THE PIPING. 3.2.SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT (IF INSTALLED) SHALL NOT BE USED THROUGH A CONCRETE FOOTING. SCH 40 PVC PIPE (3" DIA) SHALL BE USED FOR ALL SUB-SLAB VENT PIPE CROSSINGS THROUGH FOOTINGS. IF SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT IS USED, MANUFACTURER APPROVED FITTINGS SHALL BE UTILIZED TO CONNECT THE SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT TO PVC PIPING FOR CROSSINGS THROUGH FOOTINGS. 4.3" SCH 40 PVC RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONNECT EACH SLAB PENETRATION LOCATION TO A ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE POINT WITH STATIONARY VENTILATOR OR ELECTRIC FAN (SEE SPECIFICATION #5). ABOVE-SLAB RISER DUCT PIPE THAT RUNS BETWEEN THE SLAB PENETRATION AND THE ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE AND AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS. 4.1.VERTICAL RISER PIPING SHALL BE CONNECTED WITH PVC PRIMER AND GLUE. 4.2.VERTICAL RISER PIPING MUST BE INSTALLED PER 2018 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLUMBING CODE. 4.3.VIMS BELOW AND ABOVE GRADE SOLID PIPING SHALL NOT BE TRAPPED AND SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1/8 UNIT VERTICAL BY 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (1% SLOPE) TO GRAVITY DRAIN. BENDS, TURNS, AND ELBOWS IN VERTICAL RISER PIPES SHALL BE MINIMIZED FROM THE SLAB TO THE ROOFTOP. 5.THE RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL EXTEND IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION THROUGH THE BUILDING ROOF AND TERMINATE A MINIMUM OF 2 FT ABOVE THE BUILDING ROOF LINE. EMPIRE MODEL TV04SS VENTILATOR (OR ALTERNATE APPROVED BY DESIGN ENGINEER) SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE EXHAUST DISCHARGE END OF EACH RISER DUCT PIPE IN BUILDING A (RIGHT) AND BUILDING B. THE RISER DUCT PIPE AND THE VENTILATOR SHALL BE SECURED TO THE PVC RISER IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION. A RADONAWAY RP145C ELECTRIC FAN (OR ALTERNATE APPROVED BY DESIGN ENGINEER) SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE DISCHARGE END OF EACH RISER DUCT PIPE IN BUILDING A (LEFT). A 4" X 3" PVC ADAPTOR COUPLING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE DISCHARGE END OF THE 3" RISER DUCT PIPE AND THE FAN SHALL BE SECURED TO THE PVC RISER IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION. THE RISER DUCT PIPE AND THE FAN SHALL BE SECURED TO THE PVC RISER IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION. A CONTINUOUS 4" PVC DISCHARGE PIPE SHALL EXTEND FROM THE FAN VERTICALLY UPWARD TO A MINIMUM OF 2 FT ABOVE THE ROOF LINE. 5.1.EXHAUST DISCHARGE LOCATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FT FROM ANY OPERABLE OPENING OR AIR INTAKE INTO THE BUILDING. NOTE THAT DISCHARGE LOCATIONS ON THE ROOFTOP DEPICTED IN THE VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN MAY BE REPOSITIONED AS LONG AS THE NEW POSITION MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED ABOVE, PENDING ENGINEER APPROVAL. 5.2.AN ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX (120VAC REQUIRED) FOR OUTDOOR USE SHALL BE INSTALLED NEAR THE PIPE DISCHARGE LOCATION ON THE ROOFTOP FOR CONNECTION TO THE ELECTRIC FANS IN BUILDING A (LEFT) AND FOR POTENTIAL FUTURE CONVERSION TO ELECTRIC FANS, IF REQUIRED IN BUILDING A (RIGHT) AND BUILDING B. ALL WIRING AND ELECTRICAL SHALL BE INSTALLED PER APPLICABLE BUILDING AND ELECTRICAL CODES. 5.3.INSTALL MITIGATION SYSTEM VACUUM ALARM WITH REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR (RADONAWAY CHECKPOINT IIAR MITIGATION SYSTEM ALARM SET AT 0.25" WC, OR EQUIVALENT ALARM AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER) AT THE ROOF IN BUILDING A (LEFT), NEAR THE FAN IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. THE ALARM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE RISER PIPE BELOW THE SYSTEM FAN. THE REMOTE INDICATOR OF THE VACUUM ALARM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE WALL OF THE CORRIDOR WALL ON THE FIFTH FLOOR (LEVEL 5) AT THE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS DEPICTED ON VM-3. 6.ABOVE-SLAB ACCESSIBLE RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF A TAG OR STENCIL AT A MINIMUM OF ONCE EVERY 10-LINEAR FT WITH "VAPOR MITIGATION: CONTACT MAINTENANCE". LABELS SHALL ALSO BE FIXED NEAR THE VENTILATORS OR ELECTRIC FANS IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE ROOFTOP. ALARM SHOULD BE LABELED AT THE ROOF DISCHARGE AND THE FIFTH FLOOR REMOTE INDICATOR WITH "VAPOR MITIGATION - IN CASE OF ALARM CONTACT MAINTENANCE." 7.MONITORING POINTS SHALL CONSIST OF 2-INCH DIAMETER SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH A 90-DEGREE ELBOW TO FORM AN “L” SHAPE. A MINIMUM OF 6” SECTION OF PIPE AND MAXIMUM 6 FT SECTION OF PIPE, OR OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, SHALL BE SET WITHIN THE BASE COURSE LAYER WITH AN OPEN ENDED PIPE OR PIPE PROTECTION SCREEN AT THE TERMINATION. THE PIPE TERMINATION SHALL BE ENCASED WITHIN THE BASE COURSE LAYER. 7.1.THE HORIZONTAL PIPING SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1/8 UNIT VERTICAL BY 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (1% SLOPE) TO GRAVITY DRAIN TOWARDS THE PIPE TERMINATION AND PREVENT MOISTURE FROM COLLECTING AT THE 90-DEGREE ELBOW. 7.2.THE MONITORING POINT INTAKE SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 5-FT FROM EXTERIOR FOOTERS. 7.3.MONITORING POINTS LOCATED IN STAIRWELLS ARE INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED BELOW STAIRWELL LANDINGS AND MAY BE RE-POSITIONED TO PROVIDE SUITABLE ACCESS TO THE POINT PER APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7.4.THE END OF THE PIPE SHALL CONTAIN A PVC TERMINATION SCREEN, OR HAVE A MINIMUM OF THREE 5 8" DIA HOLES DRILLED INTO A SOLID CAP, SHALL HAVE VENT SLOTS WITH MINIMUM 1 SQUARE INCH OF OPEN AREA. AN OPEN PIPE MAY USED PER APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7.5.A 4-INCH DIAMETER ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEAN-OUT (ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4, OR EQUIVALENT) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SET FLUSH WITH THE FINISHED CONCRETE SURFACE, OR THE MONITORING POINT SHALL BE PLACED BEHIND A WALL ACCESS PANEL PER THE DETAILS. 8.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL USE "LOW OR NO VOC" PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS, WHEN POSSIBLE, AND SHALL NOT USE PRODUCTS CONTAINING THE COMPOUNDS TETRACHLOROETHENE (PCE) OR TRICHLOROETHENE (TCE). THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) TO THE ENGINEER FOR THE PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE VIMS. 9.IN INSTANCES WHERE A THICKENED FOOTING OR RETAINING WALL IS NOT SPECIFIED AT THE EXTENT OF VAPOR LINER, A THICKENED SLAB OR FOOTER SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR THAT INCLUDES A SOIL SUBBASE TO CREATE A CUT-OFF FOOTER AT THE EXTENT OF VAPOR LINER. THE ADDITIONAL THICKENED SLAB OR FOOTER SHALL NOT ALLOW FOR CONTINUOUS GRAVEL BETWEEN THE VIMS EXTENTS AND EXTERIOR NON-MITIGATED AREAS. 10.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL AVOID THE USE OF TEMPORARY FORM BOARDS THAT PENETRATE THE VAPOR LINER WHERE POSSIBLE. IF TEMPORARY FORM BOARDS ARE USED, THE SIZE AND NUMBER OF PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE VAPOR LINER SHALL BE LIMITED AND SMALL DIAMETER SOLID STAKES (I.E. METAL STAKES) SHALL BE USED. IN ALL CASES, AS FORM BOARDS ARE REMOVED, THE CONTRACTOR OR SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL RESEAL ALL PENETRATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH VAPOR LINER MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 10.1.HOLLOW FORMS OR CONDUITS THAT CONNECT THE SUB-SLAB ANNULAR SPACE TO ENCLOSED ABOVE SLAB SPACES SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 10.2.AREAS OF UTILITY BANKS (e.g. LOCATION OF THREE OR MORE ADJACENT UTILITIES THROUGH THE SLAB) SHALL BE SEALED TO CREATE AN AIR-TIGHT BARRIER AROUND THE UTILITY CONDUITS USING RAVEN POUR N'SEAL OR STEGO-INDUSTRIES MASTIC PRIOR TO THE SLAB POUR. OTHER SEALANT METHODS IF USED SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO APPLICATION. 11.INSPECTIONS: THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL NOT COVER ANY PORTIONS OF THE VIMS WITHOUT INSPECTION. INSPECTIONS OF EACH COMPONENT OF THE VIMS SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, OR ENGINEER'S DESIGNEE, TO CONFIRM VIMS COMPONENTS ARE INSTALLED PER THE APPROVED DESIGN. THE REQUIRED INSPECTION COMPONENTS INCLUDE: (1) INSPECTION OF SUB-SLAB PIPING LAYOUT, (2) GRAVEL PLACEMENT, AND (3) MONITORING POINT PLACEMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLING VAPOR BARRIER; (4) INSPECTION OF VAPOR BARRIER PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE; (5) INSPECTION OF ABOVE-GRADE PIPING LAYOUT; AND (6) INSPECTION OF VENTILATOR OR ELECTRIC FAN, ALARM (WHEN APPLICABLE) AND RISER DUCT PIPE CONNECTIONS. INSPECTIONS WILL BE COMBINED WHEN POSSIBLE DEPENDING ON THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE/SCHEDULE. THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. A MINIMUM 48-HOUR NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER AND DEQ PRIOR TO THE REQUIRED INSPECTION(S). 12.PIPE SLEEVES, IF USED, SHALL BE PROPERLY SEALED TO PREVENT A PREFERENTIAL AIR PATHWAY FROM BELOW THE SLAB INTO THE BUILDING. REFER TO TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR FOOTING DETAILS ADDRESSING VIMS PIPING. 13.WATERPROOFING INCLUDING MEMBRANES AND DRAINAGE MATS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PLANS. IF WATERPROOFING IS PRESENT, THE VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN WATERPROOFING AND ANY DRAINAGE FEATURES INCLUDING DRAINAGE MATS THE INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE WATERPROOFING PRODUCTS AND SEALANTS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SPECIFIED VAPOR BARRIER. 14.TO CONTROL HORIZONTAL GAS MIGRATION THROUGH UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL, TRENCH DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL UTILITY TRENCHES ENTERING THE BUILDING FROM OUTSIDE THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT, THE TRENCH DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE EXTERIOR PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING FOUNDATION. TRENCH DAMS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET AND SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE TRENCH BACKFILL ALONG THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. TRENCH DAMS SHALL BE AN IMPERVIOUS FILL OF LEAN CONCRETE, A BENTONITE CEMENT SLURRY, SOIL AND CEMENT MIX, FLOWABLE FILL, OR SIMILAR. CONDUIT PENETRATIONS WITHIN THE BUILDING FOOTPRINTS , INCLUDING ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION LINES, SHALL BE SEALED AT THE CONCRETE GRADE USING SILICONE SEALANT ALONG THE EXTERIOR CASING EXTENTS AND SHALL BE SEALED INSIDE THE CONDUIT USING SEALING COMPOUND TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR A PREFERENTIAL PATHWAY TO THE OCCUPIABLE SPACE. REVISION 1 DATE: 12-7-22 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\VIMP\Figures\VIMS Design_r0_Update.dwg, VM-2, 12/7/2022 5:19:48 PM, amckenzie UP UP UP DN UP DN DN UP UP UP DN DN DNDN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN 48"30"650'MODEL UNIT BUILDING A BUILDING B LOADING ZONE651' 650' 652' - 0" 653' - 0" 653' 652' - 0"7.89%652' - 0" 651' 652' 652' 651'BREEZEWAY646'' TRASH/RECYCLING FOR LEVEL 1 MECH 652' - 0" STAIR A3 TRASH STAIR A2 ELEV. A2 MAINT. STAIR A4 STAIR B2 ELEV. B1 MECH ELEC 652' CLUBROOM WOMEN'S RR MEN'S RR MAIL LEASING ASST MGR OFFICE MGR OFFICE WORKROOM COWORK PACKAGE ROOM 650' FIRE BARRIER STAIR A1 MECH. MAINTENANCE PET SPA GROUP FITNESS FITNESS CYCLE STAIR B1ELEC.MECH.ELEC. ELEC.POOLEQUIPMENTCHEM. STOR.658' 651'' UNIT S2 UNIT A3 UNIT A3 UNIT S2 UNIT S2 UNIT S2 UNIT B2 UNIT A3 UNIT B3UNIT B2UNIT A3 UNIT S2 UNIT A3 653' - 0" 652' - 0" 653' - 0" 653' - 0" 652' - 0" 653' - 0" UNIT A3 UNIT A3UNIT S2 8.00%6.74%UNIT B5 RISER 646' - 0" 659' - 0" RISER 651' - 0" 651' 661' UNIT A3.A TYPE A UNIT S2.A TYPE A ELEV. A1 LOBBY ELEV. A1 8.33% UNIT B4 156 UNIT B1 159 UNIT A2 160 UNIT A1 ALT 1 150 UNIT A1 151 UNIT S2 155 UNIT S2 153 UNIT S2 152 UNIT B2 158 UNIT S2 154 UNIT C1 ALT 1 157 652' - 0" 659' - 0" 653' - 0" 652' - 0"653' - 0" 653' - 0" 652' - 0" 652' - 0" 650' - 0" IDF UNIT A3 ALT 4 UNIT A3 ALT 3 STOR. ELEC. CORRIDORCORRIDOR UNIT B2 MP-1 MP-2 MP-4 MP-3 MP-5 MP-6 MP-7 MP-8 MP-9 MP-11 MP-10 MP-12 MP-13 MP-14 MP-15 MP-16 E-1 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-3 E-2 E-9 E-7 E-8 E-10 E-14 E-13 E-11 E-12 TMP-3 MP-17 TMP-1 TMP-2 H&H NO. RMR-013 VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY: 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM PLAN VIEW LAYOUTS LEVEL 1 DEVELOPER: RAM REALTY ADVISORS 4801 PGA BLVD. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL VM-3 PROFESSIONAL APPROVALTHE PERCH APARTMENTSGESCO STREET & STATE STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINABROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25035-21-060LEGEND OUTDOOR OR OPEN AIR SPACE EXTENT OF VAPOR LINER HORIZONTAL COLLECTION PIPING OR SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT 3" DIA SCH 40 SOLID PVC VERTICAL RISER WITH EXHAUST IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 2" DIA SOLID PVC PRESSURE MONITORING POINT WITH FLUSH-MOUNTED COVER (POSITION INTAKE MINIMUM 5-FT FROM EXTERIOR FOOTING) APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR VACUUM ALARM REMOTE SENSOR IN HALLWAY ON FIFTH FLOOR (SEE SPECIFICATION #5.3). PROPOSED INDOOR AIR SAMPLE LOCATION MP-1 E-3 6/15 VM-1/1A 2 VM-1 13 VM-1A 6/18 VM-1/1A 14/16 VM-1A 12 VM-1A 1 VM-1 3 VM-1 14/16 VM-1A 5 VM-1 14 VM-1A 4 VM-1 2 VM-1 6/18 VM-1/1A 1 VM-1 13 VM-1A 12 VM-1A 12 VM-1A 12 VM-1A 13 VM-1A 14/16 VM-1A 7/17 VM-1/1A 4 VM-1 14/16 VM-1A 6/17 VM-1/1A 13 VM-1A 2 VM-1 1 VM-1 12 VM-1A 7/17 VM-1/1A 1 VM-1 2 VM-1 14/16 VM-1A 9 VM-1 13 VM-1A 4 VM-1 6/17 VM-1/1A 8 VM-1 PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SUB-SLAB SAMPLE LOCATION REVISION 1 11 VM-1 11 VM-1 10 VM-1 15 VM-1A DATE: 12-7-22 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\VIMP\Figures\VIMS Design_r0_Update.dwg, VM-3, 12/7/2022 5:21:52 PM, amckenzie Attachment D VIMS Product Specifications PRODUCT PART # VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 ................................................................ VBP20 UNDER-SLAB VAPOR / GAS BARRIER Under-Slab Vapor/Gas Retarder © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™VBP20 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION VaporBlock® Plus™ is a seven-layer co-extruded barrier made using high quality virgin-grade polyethylene and EVOH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is more than 100 times less permeable than typical high-performance polyethylene vapor retarders against Methane, Radon, and other harmful VOCs. Tested and verified for unsurpassed protection against BTEX, HS, TCE, PCE, methane, radon, other toxic chemicals and odors. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 multi-layer gas barrier is manufactured with the latest EVOH barrier technology to mitigate hazardous vapor intrusion from damaging indoor air quality, and the safety and health of building occupants. VBP20 is one of the most effective underslab gas barriers in the building industry today far exceeding ASTM E-1745 (Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs) Class A, B and C requirements. Available in a 20 (Class A) mil thicknesses designed to meet the most stringent requirements. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is produced within the strict guidelines of our ISO 9001 Certified Management System. PRODUCT USE VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 resists gas and moisture migration into the building envelop when properly installed to provide protection from toxic/harmful chemicals. It can be installed as part of a passive or active control system extending across the entire building including floors, walls and crawl spaces. When installed as a passive system it is recommended to also include a ventilated system with sump(s) that could be converted to an active control system with properly designed ventilation fans. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 works to protect your flooring and other moisture-sensitive furnishings in the building’s interior from moisture and water vapor migration, greatly reducing condensation, mold and degradation. SIZE & PACKAGING VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is available in 10’ x 150’ rolls to maximize coverage. All rolls are folded on heavy-duty cores for ease in handling and installation. Other custom sizes with factory welded seams are available based on minimum volume requirements. Installation instructions and ASTM E-1745 classifications accompany each roll. APPLICATIONS Radon Barrier Methane Barrier VOC Barrier Brownfields Barrier Vapor Intrusion Barrier Under-Slab Vapor Retarder Foundation Wall Vapor Retarder VaporBlock® Plus™ is a seven-layer co-extruded barrier made using high quality virgin-grade polyethylene and EVOH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. VaporBlock® Plus™ Placement All instructions on architectural or structural drawings should be reviewed and followed. Detailed installation instructions accompany each roll of VaporBlock® Plus™ and can also be located at www.ravenefd.com. ASTM E-1643 also provides general installation information for vapor retarders. VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ 20 PROPERTIES TEST METHOD IMPERIAL METRIC AppeArAnce White/Gold Thickness, nominAl 20 mil 0.51 mm WeighT 102 lbs/MSF 498 g/m² clAssificATion ASTM E 1745 CLASS A, B & C ³ Tensile sTrengTh ASTM E 154Section 9(D-882)58 lbf 102 N impAcT resisTAnce ASTM D 1709 2600 g permeAnce (neW mATeriAl) ASTM E 154Section 7ASTM E 96Procedure B 0.0098 Perms grains/(ft²·hr·in·Hg) 0.0064 Perms g/(24hr·m²·mm Hg) permeAnce (AfTer condiTioning) (sAme meAsuremenT As Above permeAnce) ASTM E 154Section 8, E96Section 11, E96Section 12, E96Section 13, E96 0.00790.00790.00970.0113 0.00520.00520.00640.0074 WvTr ASTM E 96Procedure B 0.0040 grains/hr-ft²0.0028 gm/hr-m² benzene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.13 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.62 x 10-¹³ m/s Toluene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.57 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 1.46 x 10-¹³ m/s eThylbenzene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.23 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.34 x 10-¹⁴ m/s m & p-Xylenes permeAnce See Note ⁶1.17 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.81 x 10-¹⁴ m/s o-Xylene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.10 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.43 x 10-¹⁴ m/s hydrogen sulfide See Note 9 1.92E-⁰⁹ m/s TrichloroeThylene (Tce) See Note ⁶7.66 x 10-¹¹ m²/sec or 1.05 x 10-¹⁴ m/s perchloroeThylene (pce)See Note ⁶7.22 x 10-¹¹ m²/sec or 1.04 x 10-¹⁴ m/s rAdon diffusion coeffiecienT K124/02/95 < 1.1 x 10-13 m2/s meThAne permeAnce ASTM D 1434 3.68E-¹² m/sGas Transmission Rate (GTR):0.32 mL/m²•day•atm mAXimum sTATic use TemperATure 180° F 82° C minimum sTATic use TemperATure - 70° F - 57° C UNDER-SLAB VAPOR / GAS BARRIER VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™VBP20 © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Scan QR Code to download current technical data sheets via the Raven website. Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at www.RavenEFD.com 061318 EFD 1125 RAVEN ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com ³ Tests are an average of machine and transverse directions.5 Raven Industries performs seam testing at 20” per minute.6 Aqueous Phase Film Permeance. Permeation of Volatile Organic Compounds through EVOH Thin Film Membranes and Coextruded LLDPE/EVOH/ LLDPE Geomembranes, McWatters and Rowe, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering© ASCE/ September 2015. (Permeation is the Permeation Coefficient adjusted to actual film thickness - calculated at 1 kg/m³.) The study used to determine PCE and TCE is titled: Evaluation of diffusion of PCE & TCE through high performance geomembranes by Di Battista and Rowe, Queens University 8 Feb 2018.9 The study used to determine diffusion coefficients is titled: Hydrogen Sulfide (H₂S) Transport through Simulated Interim Covers with Conventional and Co-Extruded Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH) Geomembranes. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES - With VaporSeal™ Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Optional Butyl Seal 2-Sided Tape Gas Barrier Applications Elements of a moisture/gas-resistant floor system. General illustration only.(Note: This example shows multiple options for waterstop placement. VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Optional Butyl Seal 2-Sided Tape Gas Barrier Applications Fig. 2: VaporBlock® Plus™ Overlap Joint Sealing Methods Fig. 1: VaporBlock® Plus™ Overlapping Roll-out Method Please Note: Read these instructions thoroughly before installation to ensure proper use of VaporBlock® Plus™. ASTM E 1465, ASTM E 2121 and, ASTM E 1643 also provide valuable information regarding the installation of vapor / gas barriers. When installing this product, contractors shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws pertaining to residential and commercial building construction. • When VaporBlock® Plus™ gas barrier is used as part of an active control system for radon or other gas, a ventilation system will be required. • If designed as a passive system, it is recommended to install a ventilation system that could be converted to an active system if needed. Materials List:VaporBlock® Plus™ Vapor / Gas BarrierVaporSeal™* 4” Seaming TapeVaporSeal™* 12” Seaming/Repair TapeButyl Seal 2-Sided TapeVaporBoot Plus Pipe Boots 12/Box (recommended)VaporBoot Tape (optional)POUR-N-SEAL™ (optional)1” Foam Weather Stripping (optional)Mako® Screed Supports (optional) VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ PLACEMENT 1.1. Level and tamp or roll granular base as specified. A base for a gas-reduction system may require a 4” to 6” gas permeable layer of clean coarse aggregate as specified by your architectural or structural drawings after installation of the recommended gas collection system. In this situation, a cushion layer consisting of a non-woven geotextile fabric placed directly under VaporBlock® Plus™ will help protect the barrier from damage due to possible sharp coarse aggregate. 1.2. Unroll VaporBlock® Plus™ running the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour and pull open all folds to full width. (Fig. 1) 1.3. Lap VaporBlock® Plus™ over the footings and seal with Raven Butyl Seal tape at the footing-wall connection. Prime concrete surfaces, when necessary, and assure they are dry and clean prior to applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Apply even and firm pressure with a rubber roller. Overlap joints a minimum of 6” and seal overlap with 4” VaporSeal™ Tape. When used as a gas barrier, overlap joints a minimum of 12” and seal in-between overlap with an optional 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Then seal with 4” VaporSeal™ Tape centered on the overlap seam. (Fig. 2) Page 1 of 4 T�������������������������������� by the Portland Cement Association.Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages. 1.4. Seal around all plumbing, conduit, support columns or other penetrations that come through the VaporBlock® Plus™ membrane. 1.4a. Method 1: Pipes four inches or smaller can be sealed with Raven VaporBoot Plus preformed pipe boots. VaporBoot Plus preformed pipe boots are formed in steps for 1”, 2”, 3” and 4” PVC pipe or IPS size and are sold in units of 12 per box (Fig. 3 & 5). Pipe boots may also be fabricated from excess VaporBlock® Plus™ membrane (Fig. 4 & 6) and sealed with VaporBoot Tape or VaporSeal™ Tape (sold separately). 1.4b. Method 2: To fabricate pipe boots from VaporBlock® Plus™ excess material (see Fig. 4 & 6 for A-F): A) Cut a square large enough to overlap 12” in all directions. B) Mark where to cut opening on the center of the square and cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the pipe. C) Force the square over the pipe leaving the tightly stretched cut area around the bottom of the pipe with approximately a 1/2” of the boot material running vertically up the pipe. (no more than a 1/2” of stretched boot material is recommended) D) Once boot is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in between the two layers. Secure boot down firmly over the membrane taking care not to have any large folds or creases. E) Use VaporBoot Tape or VaporSeal™ Tape to secure the boot to the pipe. VaporBoot Tape (option) – fold tape in half lengthwise, remove half of the release liner and wrap around the pipe allowing 1” extra for overlap sealing. Peel off the second half of the release liner and work the tape outward gradually forming a complete seal. VaporSeal™ Tape (option) - Tape completely around pipe overlapping the VaporBlock® Plus™ square to create a tight seal against the pipe. F) Complete the process by taping over the boot perimeter edge with VaporSeal™ Tape to create a monolithic membrane between the surface of the slab and gas/moisture sources below and at the slab perimeter. (Fig. 4 & 6) Preformed Pipe Boot Square Material Pipe Boot Fig. 3 SINGLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 5 Fig. 6 1. Cut a square of VaporBlock® Plus™ barrier to extend at least 12” from the pipe in all directions. 2. Cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the pipe. 5. Use Raven VaporBoot or VaporSeal™ Tape and overlap 1” at the seam. 4. Tape over the boot perimeter edge with VaporSeal™ Tape. 1. Cut out one of the preformed boot steps (1” to 4”). 2. Tape the underside boot perimeter with 2-sided Butyl Seal Tape. 3. Force the boot over pipe and press tape firmly in place. 4. Use VaporSeal™ Tape to secure boot to the pipe. 5. Tape around entire boot edge with VaporSeal™ Tape. VaporBoot Flexible Tapeor VaporSeal™ 4” TapeVaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporBlock® Plus™Material VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Raven Butyl Seal2-Sided Tape Raven Butyl Seal2-Sided Tape VaporBoot PlusPreformed Boot 12”(minimum) 3. Force over pipe and tape the underside boot perimeter to existing barrier with 2-sided Butyl Seal Tape. Fig. 4 Page 2 of 4 ��������������������������������ortland Cement Association.Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages.Method 1 Method 2 VaporSeal™4” Tape VaporBoot PlusPerformed Boot Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape 1.5. Sealing side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 1); A) Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12” in all directions (Fig. 7) of penetrations. B) Mark where to cut openings and cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the penetration for each. C) Force patch material over penetration to achieve a tight fit and form a lip. D) Once patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in-between the two layers. (Fig. 8) E) After applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape between the patch and membrane, tape around each of the penetrations and the patch with VaporSeal™ 4” tape. (Fig. 9) For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL™ or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. (Fig. 10) Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 MULTIPLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 6 Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12” in all directions and slide over penetrations (Make openings as tight as possible.) Once the overlay patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in-between the two layers. After applying Raven Butyl Seal Tapebetween the patch and membrane, tape around the perimeter of the penetration and the patch with VaporSeal™ 4” Tape. For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL™ or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Page 3 of 4 Option 1 Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape 1.6. POUR-N-SEAL™ method of sealing side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 2); A) Install the vapor barrier as closely as possible to pipe penetrations to minimize the amount of POUR-N-SEAL™ necessary to seal around all penetrations. B) Once barrier is in place, remove soil or other particles with a dry cloth or a fine broom to allow for improved adhesion to the POUR-N-SEAL™ liquid. C) Create a dam around the penetration area approximately 2” away from the pipe or other vertical penetrations by removing the release liner from the back of a 1” weather stripping foam and adhere to the vapor barrier. Form a complete circle to contain the POUR-N-SEAL™ materials (Fig. 11). D) Once mixed, pour contents around the pipe penetrations. If needed, a brush or a flat wooden stick can be used to direct the sealant completely around penetrations creating a complete seal (Fig. 12-13). E) DO NOT leave excess POUR-N-SEAL™ in plastic container for longer than the time it takes to pour sealant. Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 11 Option 2 VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS 1.7. Proper installation requires all holes and openings are repaired prior to placing concrete. When patching small holes, simply cut a 12” long piece of 12” wide VaporSeal™ tape. Remove release liner and center over the opening. Apply pressure to create a seal (Fig. 14-15). 1.8. When installing VaporBlock® Plus™ around pipe penetrations, vertical columns, electrical ducts and other obstructions, you will find it necessary to cut it to the nearest outside edge. This cut can be easily sealed with 12” wide VaporSeal™ tape, by simply centering it over the cut, 6” on either side. Once the tape is placed correctly, apply pressure to assure a complete seal (Fig. 16). Reminder Note: All holes or penetrations through the membrane will need to be patched with 12” VaporSeal™ Tape. Fig. 14 Page 4 of 5 Fig. 15 2.1. When installing reinforcing steel and utilities, in addition to the placement of concrete, take precaution to protect VaporBlock® Plus™. Carelessness during installation can damage the most puncture–resistant membrane. Sheets of plywood cushioned with geotextile fabric temporarily placed on VaporBlock® Plus™ provide for additional protection in high traffic areas including concrete buggies. 2.2. Use only brick-type or chair-type reinforcing bar supports to protect VaporBlock® Plus™ from puncture. 2.3. Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus™. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per section 1.7. 2.4. To avoid penetrating VaporBlock® Plus™ when installing screed supports, utilize non-penetrating support, such as the Mako® Screed Support System (Fig. 17). Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus™. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per figures 14-15. 2.5. If a cushion or blotter layer is required in the design between VaporBlock® Plus™ and the slab, additional care should be given if sharp crushed rock is used. Washed rock will provide less chance of damage during placement. Care must be taken to protect blotter layer from precipitation before concrete is placed. VaporBlock® Plus™ Gas & Moisture Barrier can be identified on site as gold/white in color printed in black ink with following logo and classification listing (Fig. 18) Page 5 of 5 VaporBlock® Plus™ Gas & Moisture Barrier Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at wwww.RavenEFD.com ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com 020316 EFD 1127 VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ PROTECTION Fig. 16 Fig. 18 Fig. 17 * Patent Pending © Raven 2016. All Rights Reserved. P1 OF 2 DRAGO® WRAPVAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 1. PRODUCT NAME DRAGO WRAP VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER 2. MANUFACTURER c/o Stego® Industries, LLC* 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 Fx: (949) 257-4113 www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DRAGO WRAP VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER PROPERTY TEST RESULTS Under Slab Vapor Retarders ASTM E1745 – Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs ASTM E1745 Compliant Water Vapor Permeance ASTM F1249 – Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor 0.0069 perms Push-Through Puncture ASTM D4833 – Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products 183.9 Newtons Tensile Strength ASTM D882 – Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting 53.5 lbf/in Permeance After Conditioning ASTM E154 Section 8, F1249 – Permeance after wetting, drying, and soaking 0.0073 perms(ASTM E1745 ASTM E154 Section 11, F1249 – Permeance after heat conditioning 0.0070 permsSections 7.1.2 - 7.1.5) ASTM E154 Section 12, F1249 – Permeance after low temperature conditioning 0.0062 perms ASTM E154 Section 13, F1249 – Permeance after soil organism exposure 0.0081 perms Hydrocarbon Attenuation Factors Contact Stego Industries’ Technical Department Chlorinated Solvent Attenuation Factors Contact Stego Industries’ Technical Department Methane Transmission Rate ASTM D1434 – Test Method for Determining Gas Permeability Characteristics of 7.0 GTR** Plastic Film and Sheeting (mL(STP)/m2*day) Radon Diffusion Coefficient K124/02/95 9.8 x 10-14 m2/second Thickness 20 mil Roll Dimensions 14' x 105' or 1,470 ft2 Roll Weight 150 lb Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) ** GTR = Gas Transmission Rate USES: Drago Wrap is specifically engineered to attenuate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and serve as a below-slab moisture vapor barrier. COMPOSITION: Drago Wrap is a multi-layered plastic extrusion that combines uniquely designed materials with only high grade, prime, virgin resins. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Drago Wrap can be used in systems for the control of various VOCs including hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, radon, methane, soil poisons, and sulfates. 4. TECHNICAL DATA Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. DRAGO® WRAPVAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com *Stego Industries, LLC (“Stego”) is the exclusive Representative for Drago Wrap and Pango Wrap. All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego or the entity for which it is acting as a Representative. Installation, Warranty, State Approval Information and Disclosure of Representative Status: www.stegoindustries.com/legal. ©2019 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. 5. INSTALLATION UNDER SLAB: Unroll Drago Wrap over a tamped aggregate, sand, or earth base. Overlap all seams a minimum of 12 inches and tape using Drago® Tape. All penetrations must be sealed using a combination of Drago Wrap and Drago Accessories. Review Drago Wrap’s complete installation instructions prior to installation. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Drago Wrap is available nationally through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Drago distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided and disclaims all liability from any loss or damage. Stego Technology, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Drago Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE Store Drago Wrap in a dry and temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P2 OF 2 INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS DRAGO® WRAP VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Engineered protection to create a healthy built environment. 2. Unroll Drago Wrap over the area where the slab is to be placed. Drago Wrap should completely cover the concrete placement area. All joints/seams should be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches and taped using Drago® Tape. (Fig. 1). If additional protection is needed, install DragoTack™ Tape in between the overlapped seam in combination with Drago Tape on top of the seam. NOTE: The area of adhesion should be free from dust, dirt, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion of the pressure-sensitive tape. Ensure that all seams are taped with applied pressure to allow for maximum and continuous adhesion of the pressure-sensitive Drago Tape. Adhesives should be installed above 40°F. In temperatures below 40°F, take extra care to remove moisture/frost from the area of adhesion. 3. ASTM E1643 requires sealing the perimeter of the slab. Extend vapor retarder over footings and seal to foundation wall or grade beam at an elevation consistent with the top of the slab or terminate at impediments such as waterstops or dowels. Consult the structural and environmental engineer of record before proceeding. IMPORTANT: Please read these installation instructions completely, prior to beginning any Drago Wrap installation. The following installation instructions are generally based on ASTM E1643 – Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. There are specific instructions in this document that go beyond what is stated in ASTM E1643 to take into account vapor intrusion mitigation. If project specifications call for compliance with ASTM E1643, then be sure to review the specific installation sections outlined in the standard along with the techniques referenced in these instructions. DRAGO TAPE Minimum 12” overlap VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig.1: UNDER-SLAB INSTALLATION DRAGO® WRAP VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIERINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS UNDER-SLAB INSTRUCTIONS: FOOTING DRAGOTACK TAPE VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig.2a: SEAL TO PERIMETER WALL Fig. 2b: SEAL TO FOOTING FOOTING DRAGOTACK TAPE VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER SEAL TO PERIMETER WALL OR FOOTING WITH DRAGOTACK TAPE: (Fig. 2a and 2b) a. Make sure area of adhesion is free of dust, dirt, debris, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion. b. Remove release liner on one side and stick to desired surface. c. When ready to apply Drago Wrap, remove the exposed release liner and press firmly against DragoTack Tape to secure. d. If a mechanical seal is needed, fasten a termination bar over the top of the Drago Wrap inline with the DragoTack Tape. NOTE: If sealing to the footing, the footing should receive a hand float finish to allow for maximum adhesion. 1. Drago Wrap has been engineered to be installed over a tamped aggregate, sand, or earth base. It is not typically necessary to have a cushion layer or sand base, as Drago Wrap is tough enough to withstand rugged construction environments. NOTE: Drago Wrap must be installed with the gray facing the subgrade. P2 of 4 Continued ... Note - legal notice on last page. DETAIL PATCH FOR PIPE PENETRATION SEALING: (Fig. 4b)a. Install Drago Wrap around pipe penetrations by slitting/cutting material as needed. Try to minimize void space created. b. If Drago Wrap is close to pipe and void space is minimized, proceed to step d. c. If void space exists, then i. Cut a detail patch to a size and shape that creates a 6-inch overlap on all edges around the void space at the base of the pipe. ii. Cut an “X” slightly smaller than the size of the pipe diameter in the center of the detail patch and slide tightly over pipe. iii. Tape the edges of the detail patch using Drago Tape. d. Seal around the base of the pipe using Drago Tape and/or Drago Sealant and Drago Sealant Form. i. If Drago Sealant is used to seal around pipe, make sure Drago Wrap is flush with the base of the penetration prior to pouring Drago Sealant. 5. IMPORTANT: ALL PENETRATIONS MUST BE SEALED. All pipe, ducting, rebar, and block outs should be sealed using Drago Wrap, Drago Tape, and/or Drago® Sealant and Drago® Sealant Form. (Fig. 4a). Drago accessories should be sealed directly to the penetrations. DRAGO TAPE DAMAGED AREA DRAGO TAPE DRAGO TAPE SMALL HOLE VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig. 3: SEALING DAMAGED AREAS 4. In the event that Drago Wrap is damaged during or after installation, repairs must be made. Cut a piece of Drago Wrap to a size and shape that covers any damage by a minimum of 6 inches in all directions. Clean all adhesion areas of dust, dirt, moisture, and frost. Tape down all edges using Drago Tape. (Fig. 3) MINIMAL VOID SPACE CREATED DRAGO SEALANTDRAGO TAPE OR DRAGO SEALANT FORM VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig. 4a: PIPE PENETRATION SEALING DRAGO TAPE LARGE VOID SPACE CREATED DRAGO SEALANTDRAGO TAPE OR DRAGO SEALANT FORM VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIERVAPOR INTRUSION BARRIERVAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig. 4b: DETAIL PATCH FOR PIPE PENETRATION SEALING Continued ... Note - legal notice on last page. P3 of 4 DRAGO® WRAP VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIERINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC • SAN CLEMENTE, CA • 949-257-4100 • 877-464-7834 • www.stegoindustries.com *Stego Industries, LLC (“Stego”) is the exclusive Representative for Drago Wrap and Pango Wrap. All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego or the entity for which it is acting as a Representative. Installation, Warranty, State Approval Information and Disclosure of Representative Status: www.stegoindustries.com/legal. ©2019 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. 11/2019 NOTE: While Drago Wrap installation instructions are based on ASTM E1643 - Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs, these instructions are meant to be used as a guide, and do not take into account specific job site situations. Consult local building codes and regulations along with the building owner or owner’s representative before proceeding. If you have any questions regarding the above-mentioned installation instructions or products, please call us at 877-464-7834 for technical assistance. While Stego Industries’ employees and representatives may provide technical assistance regarding the utility of a specific installation practice or Stego product, they are not authorized to make final design decisions. MULTIPLE PIPE PENETRATION SEALING: (Fig. 5) NOTE: Multiple pipe penetrations in close proximity may be most efficiently sealed using Drago Wrap, Drago Sealant, and Drago Sealant Form for ease of installation. a. Cut a hole in Drago Wrap such that the membrane fits over and around the base of the pipes as closely as possible, ensuring that it is flush with the base of the penetrations. b. Install Drago Sealant Form continuously around the entire perimeter of the group of penetrations and at least 1 inch beyond the terminating edge of Drago Wrap. c. Pour Drago Sealant inside of Drago Sealant Form to create a seal around the penetrations. d. If the void space between Drago Wrap and the penetrations is not minimized and/or the base course allows for too much drainage of sealant, a second coat of Drago Sealant may need to be poured after the first application has cured. IMPORTANT: AN INSTALLATION COMPLETED PER THESE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD CREATE A MONOLITHIC MEMBRANE BETWEEN ALL INTERIOR INTRUSION PATHWAYS AND VAPOR SOURCES BELOW THE SLAB AS WELL AS AT THE SLAB PERIMETER. THE UNDERLYING SUBBASE SHOULD NOT BE VISIBLE IN ANY AREA WHERE CONCRETE WILL BE PLACED. IF REQUIRED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION VALIDATION CAN BE DONE THROUGH SMOKE TESTING. Stego Industries* recommends the use of BEAST vapor barrier-safe concrete accessories, to help eliminate the use of non-permanent penetrations in Drago Wrap installations. MINIMAL VOID SPACE CREATED DRAGO SEALANT DRAGO SEALANT FORM DRAGO SEALANT FORM DRAGO SEALANT FORM DRAGO SEALANT VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER VAPOR INTRUSION BARRIER Fig. 5: MULTIPLE PIPE PENETRATION SEALING BEAST® CONCRETE ACCESSORIES - VAPOR BARRIER SAFE BEAST® SCREED BEAST® HOOK P3 of 4 BEAST® FORM STAKE Locate itand lock it down!Improve efficiency and maintain concrete floor levelness with the BEAST SCREED SYSTEM! The Stego barrier-safe forming system that prevents punctures in the vapor barrier. P1 OF 2 DRAGO® TAPE A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 11/27/2019 1. PRODUCT NAME DRAGO TAPE 2. MANUFACTURER c/o Stego® Industries, LLC* 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 Fx: (949) 257-4113 www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Drago Tape is a low-permeance tape designed for protective sealing, seaming, splicing, and patching applications where a highly conformable material is required. It has been engineered to bond specifically to Drago® Wrap Vapor Intrusion Barrier, making it ideal for sealing Drago Wrap seams and penetrations. COMPOSITION: Drago Tape is a multi-layered plastic extrusion that combines uniquely designed materials with only high grade, prime, virgin resins, and an acrylic, pressure-sensitive adhesive. SIZE: Drago Tape is 3.75" x 180'. Drago Tape ships 12 rolls in a case. 4. TECHNICAL DATA APPLICABLE STANDARDS: Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC) • PSTC 101 – International Standard for Peel Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Tape • PSTC 107 – International Standard for Shear Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Tape American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) • ASTM E1643 – Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used In Contact with Earth or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs. TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DRAGO TAPE PROPERTY TEST RESULTS Total Thickness 8 mil Permeance ASTM F1249 0.031 perms Tensile Strength MD ASTM D882 20.5 lbf/in Elongation (at break) MD ASTM D882 702% 180° Peel Adhesion PSTC 101 20-min dwell to Drago Wrap 50.1 oz/in PSTC 101 24-hour dwell to Drago Wrap 92.9 oz/in Shear Adhesion PSTC 107 24-hour dwell (1" x 1", 1kg/wt) to Drago Wrap 188 minutes Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. DRAGO® TAPE A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 11/27/2019 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com *Stego Industries, LLC (“Stego”) is the exclusive Representative for Drago Wrap and Pango Wrap. All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego or the entity for which it is acting as a Representative. Installation, Warranty, State Approval Information and Disclosure of Representative Status: www.stegoindustries.com/legal. ©2019 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. 5. INSTALLATION SEAMS: Overlap Drago Wrap a minimum 12 inches and seal with Drago Tape. Make sure the area of adhesion is free from dust, moisture and frost to allow maximum adhesion of the pressure-sensitive tape. PIPE PENETRATION SEALING: • Install Drago Wrap around pipe by slitting/cutting material. • If void space is minimal, seal around base of pipe with Drago Tape and/or Drago® Sealant and Drago® Sealant Form. DETAIL PATCH FOR PIPE PENETRATION SEALING: • Cut a piece of Drago Wrap that creates a 6 inch overlap around all edges of the void space. • Cut an “X” slightly smaller than the size of the pipe diameter in the center of the detail patch. • Slide detail patch over pipe, secure tightly. • Tape down all sides of detail patch with Drago Tape. • Seal around base of pipe with Drago Tape and/or Drago Sealant and Drago Sealant Form. Drago Tape should be installed above 40°F. In temperatures below 40°F, take extra care to remove moisture or frost from the area of adhesion. Ensure that the entirety of all seams are taped with applied pressure to allow for maximum and continuous adhesion of the pressure-sensitive Drago Tape. Review Drago Wrap’s complete installation instructions prior to installation. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Drago Tape is available nationally through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Drago distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided and disclaims all liability from any loss or damage. Stego Technology, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Drago Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE Store Drago Tape in a dry and temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P2 OF 2 P1 OF 2 DRAGOTACK™ TAPE A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 1. PRODUCT NAME DRAGOTACK TAPE 2. MANUFACTURER c/o Stego® Industries, LLC* 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 Fx: (949) 257-4113 www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DRAGOTACK TAPE PROPERTY TEST RESULTS Dimensions 2" x 50' Total Thickness 30 mil Color Grey Material Synthetic rubber blend Permeance ASTM F1249 0.03 perms (30 mil) Adhesion to Steel ASTM D1000 12.5 lbs/in width Chemical Resistance No significant change to(TCE, PCE, Toluene, Xylene) ASTM D471 / D543 mass or volume. Installation Temperature 40°F / 110° In Service Temperature Range -20°F / +140°F VOC Content No VOCs, 100% solids Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) USES: DragoTack Tape is a solvent-resistant, double-sided adhesive strip used to bond and seal Drago® Wrap Vapor Intrusion Barrier to concrete, masonry, wood, metal, and other surfaces. DragoTack Tape is a flexible and moldable material to allow for a variety of applications and installations. COMPOSITION: DragoTack Tape is made from a solvent-resistant blend of synthetic rubber and resins. SIZE: DragoTack Tape is 2" x 50'. DragoTack Tape ships 12 rolls in a case. 4. TECHNICAL DATA Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. DRAGOTACK™ TAPE A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com *Stego Industries, LLC (“Stego”) is the exclusive Representative for Drago Wrap and Pango Wrap. All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego or the entity for which it is acting as a Representative. Installation, Warranty, State Approval Information and Disclosure of Representative Status: www.stegoindustries.com/legal. ©2019 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. 5. INSTALLATION TO WALLS AND FOOTINGS: Make sure the area of adhesion is free of dust, dirt, debris, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion. Remove release liner on one side and stick to desired surface. When ready to apply Drago Wrap, remove the exposed release liner and press Drago Wrap firmly against DragoTack Tape to secure. Cut DragoTack Tape using a utility knife or scissors. Cut DragoTack Tape before removing the release liner for easier cutting. Install DragoTack Tape between 40°F and 110°F. Review Drago Wrap’s complete installation instructions prior to installation. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST DragoTack Tape is available nationally through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Drago distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided and disclaims all liability from any loss or damage. Stego Technology, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Drago Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE Store DragoTack Tape in a dry and temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P2 OF 2 P1 OF 2 DRAGO® SEALANT FORM A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 1. PRODUCT NAME DRAGO SEALANT FORM 2. MANUFACTURER c/o Stego® Industries, LLC* 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 Fx: (949) 257-4113 www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Drago Sealant Form is used in conjunction with Drago® Sealant to help create an efficient and effective seal around pipe penetrations in Drago® Wrap Vapor Intrusion Barrier. COMPOSITION: Drago Sealant Form is a low-density, cross-linked, closed-cell polyethylene foam with an acrylic, pressure-sensitive adhesive. SIZE: Drago Sealant Form is ½" x ½" x 24". Drago Sealant Form comes in 200 pieces per case (10 boxes of 20 pieces). 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DRAGO SEALANT FORM PROPERTY RESULTS Dimensions ½” x ½” x 24” Color White Weight 0.11 oz (3.1 grams) Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 5. INSTALLATION PENETRATIONS: Make sure the area of adhesion is free of dust, debris, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion. When ready to apply to Drago Wrap, remove the release liner and press Drago Sealant Form firmly against Drago Wrap to secure. Install Drago Sealant Form continuously around the entire perimeter of the penetration(s) and at least 1 inch beyond the terminating edge of Drago Wrap. Install Drago Sealant Form between 40°F and 110°F. Pour Drago Sealant inside of Drago Sealant Form to create a seal around the penetration(s). Review Drago Wrap’s complete installation instructions prior to installation. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Drago Sealant Form is available nationally through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Drago distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. DRAGO® SEALANT FORM A STEGO TECHNOLOGY, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: 2/22/2019 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com *Stego Industries, LLC (“Stego”) is the exclusive Representative for Drago Wrap and Pango Wrap. All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego or the entity for which it is acting as a Representative. Installation, Warranty, State Approval Information and Disclosure of Representative Status: www.stegoindustries.com/legal. ©2019 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided and disclaims all liability from any loss or damage. Stego Technology, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Drago Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE Store Drago Sealant Form in a dry and temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P2 OF 2 Soil Gas Collector Mat PDS 05-140-1 Safety data for our custom-formed, high-impact polystyrene core is shown below. RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS PHYSICAL DATA FIRE HANDLING MEASURES ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION & DISPOSAL Component CAS No. Exposure Limits Hazard Data OSHA—Pel. Polystyrene 9003-55-6 None established No hazardous ingredients Properties Data Form Molded Sheet Color Black Odor None Boiling Point Not applicable Melting Point (°F) 270 Flash Point (°F) Not applicable Flammable Limits (°F) Not applicable VOC 0% Volatility <0.75% Moisture Specific gravity 1.02–1.08 Solubility in Water Not soluable Properties Extinguishing Media Fire Fighting Procedure Properties Ecological information Toxicological Disposal Data Water Spray (except when fire is of electrical origin), Foam, Dry powder, CO2 Self-contained breathingapparatus & suitable protective equipment Data Not associated with any known ecological problems No negative effects on humans Polystyrene recycles well. Can be disposed of as solid waste or burned in a suitable installation subject to local regulations. Effluents disposal should also be in accordance with local legislation. www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com Product Materials & Safety Information Made inthe USA Perfect for Radon Control Systems in new home construction The economical alternative to aggregate systems—quick and easy installation STABILITY & REACTIVITY SPECIAL HANDLING INFORMATION Properties Data Stablitity Stable Incompatibility (Materials to avoid) Can react with strong oxidixers Hazardous Decomposition Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, various hydrocarbons Conditions to avoid None Description Information Handling & Storage Precaution Protect against flame & intense heat. Avoid breathing hot vapors. Eye Protection, Recommended Use OSHA approved safety glasses when handling Skin Wash with soap & water. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists. Other Clothing & Equipment Gloves recommended due to sharp edges. Work Practices, Hygiene Use standard work practices for hygienic safety. Handling & Storage, Other Store in well-ventillated area. Avoid extreme heat & sources of ignition or open flame. Protective Measures, Maintenance Not applicable www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com To the best of our knowledge, the information presented herein is accurate.However, it is not a warranty or a guarantee and is provided for reference only. Soil Gas Collector Mat PDS 05-140-1 The economical alternative to aggregate systems—quick and easy installation CUSPATED PLASTIC COVER FABRIC Material Physical Properties Property Test Method Value Specific Gravity (g/cc) ASTM D-792 1.04 Melt Flow @ 200°C/5000g (g/10 min) ASTM D-1238 2.5 Tensile Strength @ Yield (psi) ASTM D-638 2,900 Tensile Modulus (psi) ASTM D-638 275,000 Elongation @ Break (%) ASTM D-638 70 Flexural Modulus (psi) ASTM D-790 300,000 Impact Strength, Notched Izod @ 73°F (ft-lb/in) ASTM D-256 2.1 Heat Deflection Temperature @ 264 psi (°F) ASTM D-648 183 Vicat Softening Point (°F) ASTM D-1525 210 Property Test Method Value Grab Tensile (lbs) ASTM D4632 130 Elongation (%) ASTM D4632 > 50 Trapezoid Tear (lbs) ASTM D4533 60 Puncture (lbs) ASTM D4833 41 Mullen Burst (psi) ASTM D3786 140 AOS (U.S. sieve number) ASTM D4571 70 Permittivity (sec-1) ASTM D4491 0.8 Permeability (cm/sec) ASTM D4491 0.04 Water Flow (gal/min/sf) ASTM D4491 60 UV Stability (%) ASTM D4355 70 www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com Product Data Sheet Made inthe USA Perfect for Radon Control Systems in new home construction The economical alternative to aggregate systems—quick and easy installation www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com To the best of our knowledge, the information presented herein is accurate.However, it is not a warranty or a guarantee and is provided for reference only. BINDING METHOD Material Physical Properties CONTINUED Property Test Method Value External Binder Standard Sewn Type Stitching Standard Lock Stitch Type Thread Standard HB92 Nylon Tensile Strength (lbs) ASTM D4632 11 Thread Gage Standard 2 IOx4 denier Chemically Impervious Standard MI Natural Soil Gas Collector Mat PDS 05-140-1 Safety data for our non-woven, spun-bonded, polypropylene, gray geotextile fabric is shown below. PHYSICAL DATA FIRE HANDLING MEASURES ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION & DISPOSAL Properties Data Form Molded Sheet Color Black Odor None Boiling Point Not applicable Melting Point (°F) 270 Flash Point (°F) Not applicable Flammable Limits (°F) Not applicable Auto ignition temperature Not applicable Vapor Pressure (Pascal) Not volatile Density (g/cm3) @20 ºC 0.91 Solubility in Water Not soluable Thermal decomposition (ºF) Above 570 Properties Extinguishing Media Fire Fighting Procedure Properties Ecological information Toxicological Disposal Data Water Spray (except when fire is of electrical origin), Foam, Dry powder of CO2 Self-contained breathingapparatus & suitable protective equipment Data Not associated with any known ecological problems No negative effects on humans Polystyrene recycles well. Can be disposed of as solid waste or burned in a suitable installation subject to local regulations. Effluents disposal should also be in accordance with local legislation. www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com Product Materials & Safety Information RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS Component CAS No. Exposure Limits Hazard Data OSHA—Pel. Polystyrene 9003-07-0 None established No hazardous ingredients Made inthe USA Perfect for Radon Control Systems in new home construction The economical alternative to aggregate systems—quick and easy installation STABILITY & REACTIVITY SPECIAL HANDLING INFORMATION Properties Data Stablitity Stable Incompatibility (Materials to avoid) Can react with strong oxidixers, base, or acid Hazardous Decomposition Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, low molecular weight oxygenated organic Conditions to avoid None Description Information Handling & Storage Precaution Avoid breathing hot vapors, oiled mists, and airborne fibers. Eye Protection, Recommended Use OSHA approved safety glasses when handling rolls Skin Wash with soap & water. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists. Other Clothing & Equipment Not applicable Work Practices, Hygiene Use standard work practices for hygienic safety. Handling & Storage, Other Store rolls In accordance with good material handling practice Protective Measures, Maintenance Not applicable www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com To the best of our knowledge, the information presented herein is accurate.However, it is not a warranty or a guarantee and is provided for reference only. Soil Gas Collector Mat PDS 05-140-1 Our non-woven, spun-bonded, polypropylene, gray geotextile fabric with the minimum values shown below. www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com Product Materials— Technical Specifications & Performance Property Test Method Value Grab Tensile Strength (lbs) ASTM D 4632 130 Elongation (%) ASTM D 4632 >50 Trapezoid Tear (lbs) ASTM D 4533 60 Puncture (lbs) ASTM D 4833 41 Mullen Burst (psi) ASTM D 3786 140 AOS (U.S. sieve no.) ASTM D 4751 70 Permittivity (sec-1) ASTM D 4491 0.8 Permeability (cm/sec) ASTM D 4491 0.04 Vertical Water Flow Rate (gal/min/sf) ASTM D 4491 60 UV Stability (%) ASTM D 4355 70 Made inthe USA Soil Gas Collector Mat PDS 05-140-1 Our custom-formed, high-impact polystyrene core with the minimum values shown below. www.soilgasmat.com 719-444-0646 info@radonpds.com Product Materials— Technical Specifications & Performance Properties Test Method Value Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 1.04 Melt Flow (g/10min) ASTM D 1238 2.5 Tensile @ Yield (psi) ASTM D 638 2900 Tensile Modulus (psi) ASTM D 638 275,000 Elongation @ Break (%) ASTM D 638 70 Flexural Modulus (psi) ASTM D 790 300,000 Notched Izod @ 73ºF (ft-lb/in) ASTM D 256 2.1 HDT @ 264 psi (ºF) ASTM D 648 183 Vicat Softening Point (ºF) ASTM D 1525 210 Made in the USA SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT Installation Guide Radon Ready New Construction Time-saving, low-cost solution Easy Installation Reduce Liability! Used in all 50 states and Internationally Compliant under multiple codes: AARST-ANSI, ASTM, IRC Appendix F, EPA, HUD, and more! Simple, modern solution for soil gases: radon, vapor, and VOCs www.RadonMat.comPhotos, videos, & more @ MADE IN THE USA SOIL GAS COLLECTOR MAT FOR RADON READY NEW CONSTRUCTION According to the US EPA’s model stan-dards for radon control systems in new building construction, a means for col-lecting soil gas should be installed be-neath the slab. More and more mitigators and buildiers are using PDS’ soil gas collector mat because its installation does not entail any special coordination with plumb-ers or other site contractors. Low pro-file mat saves time as it removes the need for trenching. Just lay radon mat down around the inside perimeter of the foundation, secure it with spikes or landscaping staples, and pour the con-crete. SGC mat is superior to other mat sys-tems because of its thickness and it has a geotextile fabric cloth surround-ing the entire mat material. This fea-ture eliminates the need to lay a plas-tic barrier or sheet on top of the mat to protect the matrix. Using plastic sheeting can cause concrete cracking due to differential dewatering. The full fabric design greatly enhances both the installation as well as the quality of the concrete slab. When SGC mat is in-stalled below the slab, you’re providing an airspace that intercepts radon--and other soil gases and vapors--before it seeps into the building through the slab. SGC mat also works well as a soil gas collector beneath crawlspace bar-rier due to its low-profile. WHY & HOW IT WORKS The matting is a one inch high by twelve inch wide matrix enveloped in a geotextile filter fabric. 90% of the geomatrix is airspace, which means soil gas has room to move to the col-lection point. This creates incredible pressure field extension for post con-struction system activation. The mat can support concrete without com-pressing, yet is extremely lightweight and easy to handle. This system allows for radon to flow through the filter fabric and into the airspace. The airspace does not clog because the filter fabric retains the underlying gravel and soil. The natural airflow through the mat then channels the radon to the T riser to pipe connec-tion. From there, hazardous gas can be vented safely through the roof of the building. Another key element of a soil gas col-lection system is attaching the 4” riser to the mat, such that airflow is not restricted at this critical juncture. The soil gas T riser is unique as it has three ports, two redundant mat entries and one PVC connection to outside air. This unique fitting connects all three sides without special connections or fittings. common duct tape and caulk does the trick. 2 ADVANTAGES NO TRENCHINGNO BACKFILLNO VAPOR BARRIER* It’s called SOIL gas mat for a reason, Place directly on soil or substrate. Low-profile (1” thick) gas mat does not require trenching. SAFETY DATA & PRODUCT DATA SHEETS AVAILABLE @ www.RADONMAT.com 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Begin work on the sub grade (soil or gravel) after the final preparation and before the concrete is poured. Start with T-Riser(s) and work out to ensure smooth mat placement. Position the T-Riser(s) in appropriate location(s) and nail down with a 12” steel nail (T Nail) through precut center hole. 2. Slide mat into flat openings on either end of T-riser with a portion of the fab- ric around the outside. Tape the fabric to the outside of the T-Riser with duct tape and staple mat to the ground with landscape staples to ensure soil contact remains during pour stage. 3. Mat is typically laid out in a rectangular loop in the largest area with branch- es or legs into smaller areas (FREE plan design at www.radonmat.com). There is no need to trench the mat. Roll out the SGC mat, smooth it onto the ground. To avoid wrinkles and buckling, work away from the risers, stapling to the ground as you go. The mat should be stapled every three to four feet, in addi- ton to corners, tee junctions & ends. 5. Corners are constructed by peeling back the filter fabric, cutting two ends of the matrix at 45 degree angles and butting (or overlapping: no more than 1/2”) the matrix together. Pull the filter fabric back and tape into place. Staple across the joint of the matrix and each leg of the corner. Use a minimum of four staples at each corner-- two across the joint and one on each leg. 6. The tees for branches and legs are constructed by slitting the fabric of the main loop at the location desired. Cut the fabric of the branch at the edges and expose two inces of the matrix. Cut off the exposed matrix and but the ma- trix of the branch (or overlap 1/2”)to the matrix of the main loop. Pull the flter fabric of the branch back over the main loop and tape into place. Staple across joint of the matrix with two staples and one each on the branch and main loop. Use a minimum of four staples at each tee, two across the joint and one on each loop and branch. 4 7. All openings in the fabric at joints, tee’s, and ends of branches should be taped to keep out concrete. 8. Stub up a few feet of 4” schedule 40 PVC* from all T risers before pour (or cover T riser with duct tape). Seal with polyurethene caulk and screws. This ensures no concrete aggregate enters the riser during slab pour. Be sure to label “CAUTION RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM” on all pipe. *(6” PVC may be substituted--for large multifamily projects. Simply cut T riser 4” insert away to reveal 6” insert). 9. When the building is ready for the vent pipe to be installed above the slab, fit to pre-stubbed PVC with PVC straight connect. If PVC was not preset, cut duct tape from riser and insert 4” PVC pipe now. Seal with polyurethene caulk and secure with screws. Always label “CAUTION RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM” to avoid confusion on site and for the building occupants. NOTE: The openings in the riser are laid out at 180 degrees to accomodate straight runs of mat. However, if the riser is to be placed in a corner, which is not uncommon, the front of the T can be cut and the SGC mat inserted into the new opening. The side of the T that is unused should be sealed with tape. This creates a 90 degree T which will allow corner placement for the riser. Mat should always enter the T riser from at least two directions and exhaust to pipe vertically. SAFETY DATA & PRODUCT DATA SHEETS AVAILABLE @ www.RADONMAT.com 5 MAKING CORNERS AND SPLICES The mat should be routed around the inside perimeter of the foundation. This will require occasional corner junctions. Furthermore, splices will have to be made to join two lengths of mat together. Corners and splices are very easy to make, and do not require any special fittings. Cut back the filter fabric to reveal the core material. In the case of a splice, merely overlap the core by at least one corrugation, replace the cloth, and tape it. Use two landscape staples to hold the splice in place. In the case of a corner, peel back geotextile fabric and slice the core of the two adjoining legs at 45 degree angles which mirror each other; overlap the edges by one corrugation; return grey geotextile fabric, tape and staple the corner together. 6 CONNECTING THE MAT TO THE T RISER A convenient T-riser with dual entry al- lows for either end of the loop of mat to be secured to the riser. Slide the mat into each end of the riser and tape the edge to prevent wet concrete from en- tering. Cap the riser to ensure no con- crete enters. T Riser caps can be pur- chased in lieu of duct tape. A prestub of PVC pipe can also serve the same pur- pose. See steps 8-9 above. ***Due to high product demand, several T riser de-signs have been tested and approved for sale. Your riser may look different than the one pictured here, however its function is the same. Ensure you stub up the PVC pipe and seal all openings with tape so that concrete does not enter during the pour. Se-cure mat to the ground with staples so riser does not float. 7 FLAT OUTLET SGC to PVC transition SIDE VIEW GOING THRU FOOTER/ INTERMEDIATE WALL SOIL GAS MAT SOIL GAS MAT PVC PIPE FOOTER/INTERMEDIATE WALL/ TRENCH Soil Gas Mat TOP VIEW GOING OVER FOOTER/WALL/TRENCH GRAVEL OR SOIL UNDER MAT Soil Gas MatSoil Gas Mat 4” sch. 40 PVC PIPE GRAVEL OR SOIL UNDER MAT TRENCHTRENCHTRENCH & FOOTER CROSSINGS IDEAL FOR LONG SPANS8 STEEL SLEEVE 24” (36”) x 1” x 12” SIDE VIEW GOING THRU FOOTER/ INTERMEDIATE WALL SOIL GAS MAT SOIL GAS MAT PVC PIPE FOOTER/INTERMEDIATE WALL/ TRENCH Soil Gas Mat TOP VIEW GOING OVER FOOTER/WALL/TRENCH GRAVEL OR SOIL UNDER MAT Soil Gas MatSoil Gas Mat GRAVEL OR SOIL UNDER MAT TRENCHTRENCHSTEEL SLEEVE available in 24” or 36” STEEL SLEEVE 1” thick IDEAL SHORT TRENCHES 9 POURING CONCRETE The filter fabric that comes sewn around the soil gas collector prevents the wet concrete from entering the mat and reducing its air collection capacity. The only precaution that needs to be taken is that the fabric is duct taped closed at seams of splices and corner to sufficiently keep the uncured concrete from en- tering. The mat also needs to be secured to the soil with landscape staples to prevent the concrete from lifting off the soil while it is being applied. Re-enforcing bars and wire can be laid on top of the mat. Note: the mat is strong enough (4,300 psf) to withstand concrete workers and their wheel barrows. 10 radon risk radon-induced lung cancer claims the lives of over 22,000 Americans each year FACT: Radon is found at dangerous levels in all 50 US states. The EPA action level is 4.0 pci/L or higher FACT: All US Homes have high radon potential, even those without basements FACT: Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among “never smokers” FACT: Radon is a nobel gas and a natural part of the Uranium 238 breakdown chain FACT: Breathing 6.2 pci/L is the equivalent radiation dosage of a THREE chest x-rays each week for your lungs FACT: Radon is colorless, odorless, and invisible to the naked eye FACT: Radon testing is cheap and you can do it yourself! get the facts @ www.RadonReality.com For anything and everything radon, VISIT US @ www.radonPDS.com about us Professional Discount Supply | Radon Family-owned and operated since 1996. Situated on Colorado’s front range, PDS focuses on generating radon awareness through one-on-one technical support and trouble-shooting. Our products have been successfully installed in all 50 states and several foreign countries. We’re always just a phone call away. 719-444-0646 1902 Aerotech Drive, Ste 110 Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Distribution opportunities available, Please call for availability in your market TURBINE VENTILATORS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS “A” THROAT SIZE GUAGE NO. OF BRACES BRACE MATERIALCROWN GALV.BLADE GALV.THROAT GALV. 4 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 6 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 8 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 10 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 12 24 28 24 3 ALUMINUM 14 22 26 24 3 ALUMINUM 16 22 26 24 3 STEEL 18 22 26 24 4 STEEL 20 20 26 24 4 STEEL 24 20 26 22 4 STEEL DIMENSIONAL AND PERFORMACE DATA “A” THROAT SIZE “B” HEIGHT “C” OVERALL WIDTH EXHAUSTED CAPACITY* APPROX. SHIPPING WEIGHT 4 12 10 1/4 125 5 6 14 1/2 12 3/4 147 7 8 15 14 1/4 255 8 10 16 1/4 16 1/4 425 11 12 17 19 631 13 14 19 3/4 22 3/4 700 21 16 21 3/4 25 1/2 950 31 18 24 29 1200 38 20 25 1/4 31 5/8 1700 46 24 28 1/4 35 3/4 2350 58 *4 MPHWIND CFM RP Radon Mitigation Fan All RadonAway® fans are specifically designed for radon mitigation. RP Series Fans provide superb performance, run ultra-quiet and are attractive. They are ideal for most sub-slab radon mitigation systems. Features • NEW Stay-White™ housing • Energy efficient • RP140 - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2018 • Ultra-quiet operation • Meets all electrical code requirements • Water-hardened motorized impeller • Seams sealed to inhibit radon leakage (RP140 & RP145 double snap sealed) • ETL Listed - for indoor or outdoor use • Thermally protected motor • Rated for commercial and residential use For Further Information, Contact Your Radon Professional: Rev B 0618 P/N 02051© 2018 RadonAway Installs white, stays white A C B All RadonAway® inline radon fans are covered by our 5-year, hassle-free warranty. MODEL P/N FAN DUCT DIAMETER WATTS RECOM. MAX. OP. PRESSURE “WC TYPICAL CFM vs. STATIC PRESSURE WC 0”.5”1.0”1.5”2.0” RP140 28460 4”15-21 0.7 135 70 --- RP145 28461 4”41-72 1.7 166 126 82 41 3 RP260 28462 6”47-65 1.3 251 157 70 -- RP265 28463 6”95-139 2.3 375 282 204 140 70 RP380*28208 8”96-138 2.0 531 415 268 139 41 ETL Listed RP140 Only *Currently not stay-white material. Model A B C RP140 4.5”9.7”8.5” RP145 4.5”9.7”8.5” RP260 6”11.75”8.6” RP265 6”11.75”8.6” RP380 8”13.41”10.53” with U.S. and imported parts. IN095 Rev B 0718 13 Saber Way, Ward Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com RP, GP, XP Pro Series Installation Instructions IN095 Rev B 0718 23 Saber Way Ward, Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com Fan Installation & Operating Instructions RP, GP, XP Series Fans Please Read and Save These Instructions. DO NOT CONNECT POWER SUPPLY UNTIL FAN IS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. MAKE SURE ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO FAN IS LOCKED IN “OFF” POSITION. DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING FAN. 1. WARNING! For General Ventilating Use Only. Do Not Use to Exhaust Hazardous, Corrosive or Explosive Materials, Gases or Vapors. See Vapor Intrusion Application Note #AN001 for important information on VI Applications. RadonAway.com/vapor-intrusion 2. NOTE: Fan is suitable for use with solid state speed controls; however, use of speed controls is not generally recommended. 2. WARNING! Check voltage at the fan to insure it corresponds with nameplate. 3. WARNING! Normal operation of this device may affect the combustion airflow needed for safe operation of fuel burning equipment. Check for possible backdraft conditions on all combustion devices after installation. 4. NOTICE! There are no user serviceable parts located inside the fan unit. Do NOT attempt to open. Return unit to the factory. (See Warranty, p. 8, for details.) 5. WARNING! Do not leave fan unit installed on system piping without electrical power for more than 48 hours. Fan failure could result from this non-operational storage. 6. WARNING! TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: a) Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. If you have questions, contact the manufacturer. (See p. 8.) b) Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. c) Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by qualified person(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards, including fire rated construction. d) Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhausting of gases through the flue (chimney) of fuel burning equipment to prevent backdrafting. Follow the heating equipment manufacturers’ guidelines and safety standards such as those published by any National Fire Protection Association, and the American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the local code authorities. e) When cutting or drilling into a wall or ceiling, do not damage electrical wiring and other hidden utilities. f) Ducted fans must always be vented to outdoors. g) If this unit is to be installed over a tub or shower, it must be marked as appropriate for the application and be connected to a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protected branch circuit. IN095 Rev B 0718 33 Saber Way, Ward Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com 1.0 SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1.1 INTRODUCTION The RP, GP and XP Series Radon Fans are intended for use by trained, professional, certified/licensed radon mitigators. The purpose of these instructions is to provide additional guidance for the most effective use of RP, GP and XP Series Fans. These instructions should be considered supplemental to EPA/radon industry standard practices, state and local building codes and regulations. In the event of a conflict, those codes, practices and regulations take precedence over these instructions. 1.2 FAN SEALING The RP, GP and XP Series Fans are factory sealed; no additional caulk or other materials are required to inhibit air leakage. 1.3 ENVIRONMENTALS The RP, GP and XP Series Fans are designed to perform year-round in all but the harshest climates without additional concern for temperature or weather. For installations in an area of severe cold weather, please contact RadonAway for assistance. When not in operation, the fan should be stored in an area where the temperature is never less than 32 degrees F or more than 100 degrees F. 1.4 ACOUSTICS The RP, GP and XP Series Fans, when installed properly, operate with little or no noticeable noise to the building occupants. The velocity of the outgoing air should be considered in the overall system design. In some cases the “rushing” sound of the outlet air may be disturbing. In these instances, the use of a RadonAway Exhaust Muffler is recommended. (To ensure quiet operation of inline and remote fans, each fan shall be installed using sound attenuation techniques appropriate for the installation. For bathroom and general ventilation applications, at least 8 feet of insulated flexible duct shall be installed between the exhaust or supply grille(s) and the fan(s). RP, GP and XP Series Fans are not suitable for kitchen range hood remote ventilation applications.) 1.5 GROUND WATER In the event that a temporary high water table results in water at or above slab level, water may be drawn into the riser pipes, thus blocking air flow to the RP, GP and XP Series Fan. The lack of cooling air may result in the fan cycling on and off as the internal temperature rises above the thermal cutoff. Should this condition arise, it is recommended that the fan be turned off until the water recedes, allowing for return to normal operation. 1.6 SLAB COVERAGE The RP, GP and XP Series Fans can provide coverage up to 2000+ sq. ft. per slab penetration. This will primarily depend on the sub-slab material in any particular installation. In general, the tighter the material, the smaller the area covered per penetration. Appropriate selection of the RP, GP and XP Series Fan best suited for the sub-slab material can improve the slab coverage. The RP, GP and XP Series have a wide range of models to choose from to cover a wide range of sub-slab materials. The RP140 and 145 are best suited for general purpose use. The RP 260 can be used where additional airflow is required, and the RP265 and RP 380 are best suited for large slab, high airflow applications. Additional suction points can be added as required. It is recommended that a small pit (5 to 10 gallons in size) be created below the slab at each suction hole. Fan Installation & Operating Instructions RP Series RP140 | P/N 28460 RP145 | P/N 28461 RP260 | P/N 28462 RP265 | P/N 28463 RP380 | P/N 28464 GP Series GP201 | P/N 28465 GP301 | P/N 28466 GP401 | P/N 28467 GP501 | P/N 28468 XP Series XP151 | P/N 28469 XP201 | P/N 28470 IN095 Rev B 0718 43 Saber Way Ward, Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com 1.7 CONDENSATION & DRAINAGE Condensation is formed in the piping of a mitigation system when the air in the piping is chilled below its dew point. This can occur at points where the system piping goes through unheated space such as an attic, garage or outside. The system design must provide a means for water to drain back to a slab hole to remove the condensation. The RP, GP and XP Series Fan MUST be mounted vertically plumb and level, with the outlet pointing up for proper drainage through the fan. Avoid mounting the fan in any orientation that will allow water to accumulate inside the fan housing. The RP, GP and XP Series Fans are NOT suitable for underground burial. For RP, GP and XP Series Fan piping, the following table provides the minimum recommended pipe diameter and pitch under several system conditions. See p. 7 for detailed specifications. Pipe Diameter Minimum Rise per Ft of Run* @25 CFM @50 CFM @100 CFM 4”1/8”1/4”3/8” 3”1/4”3/8”1 1/2” 1.8 SYSTEM MONITOR & LABEL A System Monitor, such as a manometer (P/N 50017) or audible alarm (P/N 28001-2, 28001-4 or 28421), is required to notify the occupants of a fan system malfunction. A System Label (provided with Manometer P/N 50017) with instructions for contacting the installing contractor for service and identifying the necessity for regular radon tests to be conducted by the building occupants must be conspicuously placed in a location where the occupants frequent and can see the label. 1.9 ELECTRICAL WIRING The RP, GP and XP Series Fans operate on standard 120V, 60Hz AC. All wiring must be performed in accordance with National Fire Protection (NFPA) National Electrical Code, Standard #70, current edition, for all commercial and industrial work, and state and local building codes. All wiring must be performed by a qualified and licensed electrician. Outdoor installations require the use of a UL Listed watertight conduit. Ensure that all exterior electrical boxes are outdoor rated and properly sealed to prevent water penetration into the box. A means, such as a weep hole, is recommended to drain the box. 1.10 SPEED CONTROLS The RP, GP and XP Series Fans are rated for use with electronic speed controls; however, speed controls are generally not recommended. If used, the recommended speed control is Pass & Seymour Solid State Speed Control (Cat. No. 94601-1). RUNRISE 120 VAC Common Ground CapacitorWhite Black Brn Brn/Wht Green Motor RP, GP, XP Series Fan Wiring Diagram IN095 Rev B 0718 53 Saber Way, Ward Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com 2.0 INSTALLATION The RP, GP and XP Series Fans can be mounted indoors or outdoors. (It is suggested that EPA and radon mitigation standards recommendations be followed in choosing the fan location.) The GP fans have an integrated mounting bracket; RP and XP Series Fans may be mounted directly on the system piping or fastened to a supporting structure by means of an optional mounting bracket. The ducting from the fan to the outside of the building has a strong effect on noise and fan energy use. Use the shortest, straightest duct routing possible for best performance, and avoid installing the fan with smaller ducts than recommended. Insulation around the ducts can reduce energy loss and inhibit mold growth. Fans installed with existing ducts may not achieve their rated airflow. 2.1 MOUNTING Mount the RP, GP and XP Series Fan vertically with outlet up. Insure the unit is plumb and level. When mounting directly on the system piping assure that the fan does not contact any building surface to avoid vibration noise. 2.2 MOUNTING BRACKET (optional) The RP and XP Series Fans may be optionally secured with the RadonAway P/N 25007 mounting bracket. Foam or rubber grommets may also be used between the bracket and mounting surface for vibration isolation. 2.3 SYSTEM PIPING Complete piping run, using flexible couplings as a means of disconnect for servicing the unit and for vibration isolation. As the fan is typically outside of the building thermal boundary and is venting to the outside, installation of insulation around the fan is not required. 2.4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Connect wiring with wire nuts provided, observing proper connections (See Section 1.9). Note that the fan is not intended for connection to rigid metal conduit. 2.5 VENT MUFFLER (optional) Install the muffler assembly in the selected location in the outlet ducting. Solvent weld all connections. The muffler is normally installed at the end of the vent pipe. TYPICAL OUTDOOR INSTALLATION TYPICAL INDOOR INSTALLATION 2.6 OPERATION CHECKS & ANNUAL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ______ Verify all connections are tight and leak-free. ______ Ensure the RP, GP and XP Series Fan and all ducting are secure and vibration-free. ______ Verify system vacuum pressure with manometer. Insure vacuum pressure is within normal operating range and less than the maximum recommended operating pressure. (Based on sea-level operation, at higher altitudes reduce by about 4% per 1000 feet) (Further reduce Maximum Operating Pressure by 10% for High Temperature environments.) See Product Specifications. If this is exceeded, increase the number of suction points. ______ Verify Radon levels by testing to EPA Protocol and applicable testing standards. IN095 Rev B 0718 63 Saber Way Ward, Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com Typical CFM Vs. Static Pressure “WC 0”.5”1.0”1.5”1.75”2.0” XP151 150 115 69 --- XP201 112 95 70 40 -- Model Size Weight Inlet/Outlet XP151 9.5”H x 8.5” Dia.6 lbs 4.5”OD (4.0” PVC Sched 40 size compatible) XP201 9.5”H x 8.5” Dia.6 lbs 4.5” OD Model Power Consumption 120VAC, 60Hz, 1.5 Amp Maximum Maximum Recommended Operation Pressure* (Sea Level Operation)** XP151 45 - 60 watts 1.3” WC XP201 45 - 66 watts 1.7” WC *Reduce by 10% for High Temperature Operation **Reduce by 4% per 1000 ft. of altitude. THE FOLLOWING CHARTS SHOW THE PERFORMANCE OF THE RP, GP and XP SERIES FANS XP Series Product Specifications Typical CFM Vs. Static Pressure “WC Model 0”.25”.5”.75”1.0”1.25”1.5”1.75”2.0” RP140 135 103 70 14 ---- RP145 166 146 126 104 82 61 41 21 3 RP260 251 209 157 117 70 26 --- RP265 375 330 282 238 204 170 140 108 70 RP380 531 490 415 340 268 200 139 84 41 Model Size Weight Inlet/Outlet L.2 RP140 8.5”H x 9.7” Dia.5.5 lbs 4.5”OD (4.0” PVC Sched 40 size compatible)25 RP145 8.5”H x 9.7” Dia.5.5 lbs 4,5” OD 15 RP260 8.6”H x 11.75” Dia.5.5 lbs 6.0” OD 48 RP265 8.6”H x 11.75” Dia.6.5 lbs 6.0” OD 30 RP380 10.53”H x 13.41” Dia.11.5 lbs 8.0” OD 57 Model Power Consumption 120VAC, 60Hz, 1.5 Amp Maximum Maximum Recommended Operation Pressure* (Sea Level Operation)** RP140 15 - 21 watts 0.7” WC RP145 41 - 72 watts 1.7” WC RP260 47-65 watts 1.3” WC RP265 95 - 139 watts 2.3” WC RP380 96 - 138 watts 2.0” WC L.2 = Estimated Equivalent Length of Rigid Metal Ducting resulting in .2” WC pressure loss for Duct Size listed. Longer Equivalent Lengths can be accommodated at Flows Lower than that at .2” WC pressure loss (see CFM Vs Static Pressure “WC Table). *Reduce by 10% for High Temperature Operation **Reduce by 4% per 1000 ft. of altitude. RP Series Product Specifications IN095 Rev B 0718 73 Saber Way, Ward Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com Typical CFM Vs. Static Pressure “WC 1.0”1.5”2.0”2.5”3.0”3.5”4.0” GP201 54 42 11 ---- GP301 64 54 41 4 --- GP401 -61 52 44 22 -- GP501 --66 58 50 27 4 Model Size Weight Inlet/Outlet GP201 13”H x 12.5” Dia.12 lbs 3.5”OD (3.0” PVC Sched 40 size compatible) GP301 13”H x 12.5” Dia.12 lbs 3.5” OD GP401 13”H x 12.5” Dia.12 lbs 3.5” OD GP501 13”H x 12.5” Dia.12 lbs 3.5” OD Model Power Consumption 120VAC, 60Hz, 1.5 Amp Maximum Maximum Recommended Operation Pressure* (Sea Level Operation)** GP201 31-65 watts 1.8” WC GP301 56-100 watts 2.3” WC GP401 62-128 watts 3.0” WC GP501 68 - 146 watts 3.8” WC *Reduce by 10% for High Temperature Operation **Reduce by 4% per 1000 ft. of altitude. GP Series Product Specifications Typical CFM Vs. Static Pressure “WC Model0”.25”.5”.75”1.0”1.25”1.5”1.75”2.0” RP1401351037014---- RP145166146126104826141213 RP2602512091571177026--- RP26537533028223820417014010870 RP3805314904153402682001398441 Model Recommended Duct PVC Pipe Mounting Thermal Cutout Insulation Class RP140 3” or 4” Schedule 20/40 PVC Mount on the duct pipe or with optional mounting bracket. For Ventilation: 4”, 6” or 8” Rigid or Flexible Ducting. 130oC/266oF Class B Insulation RP145 130oC/266oF Class F InsulationRP260150oC/302oF RP265 150oC/302oF RP380 6” Schedule 20/40 PVC Pipe 150oC/302oF XP151 3” or 4” Schedule 20/40 PVC Fan may be mounted on the duct pipe or with integral flanges.120oC/248oF Class B InsulationXP201 GP201 3” or 4” Schedule 20/40 PVC Fan may be mounted on the duct pipe or with integral flanges.120oC/248oF Class B InsulationGP301 GP401 GP501 RP, XP and GP Series Additional Specifications Continuous Duty 3000 RPM Thermally Protected RP, GP Residential and Commercial XP Residential Only Rated for Indoor or Outdoor Use IN095 Rev B 0718 83 Saber Way Ward, Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALLER Inspect the RadonAway® RP, GP and XP Series Fan for shipping damage within 15 days of receipt. Notify RadonAway of any damages immediately. RadonAway is not responsible for damages incurred during shipping. However, for your benefit, RadonAway does insure shipments. There are no user serviceable parts inside the fan. Do not attempt to open the housing. Return unit to factory. (See Warranty below). Install the RP, GP and XP Series Fan in accordance with all EPA, ANSI/AARST standard practices, and state and local building codes and regulations. Provide a copy of this instruction or comparable radon system and testing information to the building occupants after completing system installation. Warranty RadonAway® warrants that the RP, GP (excluding GP500) and XP Series Fan (the “Fan”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase or 18 months from the date of manufacture, whichever is sooner (the “Warranty Term”). RadonAway® will replace any fan which fails due to defects in materials or workmanship during the Warranty Term. This Warranty is contingent on installation of the Fan in accordance with the instructions provided. This Warranty does not apply where any repairs or alterations have been made or attempted by others, or if the unit has been abused or misused. Warranty does not cover damage in shipment unless the damage is due to the negligence of RadonAway®. The Fan must be returned (at Owner’s cost) to the RadonAway® factory. Any Fan returned to the factory will be discarded unless the Owner provides specific instructions along with the Fan when it is returned regardless of whether or not the Fan is actually replaced under this warranty. Proof of purchase must be supplied upon request for service under this Warranty. 5-YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY WITH PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. RadonAway® will extend the Warranty Term of the fan to 60 months (5 years) from date of purchase or 66 months from date of manufacture, whichever is sooner, provided that the fan is installed by a professional radon mitigation contractor. Proof of purchase and/or proof of professional installation may be required for service under this warranty. No extended warranty is offered outside the Continental United States and Canada beyond the standard 12 months from the date of purchase or18 months from the date of manufacture, whichever is sooner. RadonAway® is not responsible for installation, removal or delivery costs associated with this Warranty. LIMITATION OF WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE, THE RP, GP (excluding GP500) and XP SERIES FANS ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL RADONAWAY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF, OR RELATING TO, THE FAN OR THE PERFORMANCE THEREOF. RADONAWAY’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY HEREUNDER SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SAID PRODUCT. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT, TO THE EXTENT THE SAME DOES NOT MEET WITH RADONAWAY’S WARRANTY AS PROVIDED ABOVE. For service under this Warranty, contact RadonAway for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping information. No returns can be accepted without an RMA. If factory return is required, the customer assumes all shipping costs, including insurance, to and from factory. RadonAway® 3 Saber Way Ward Hill, MA 01835 USA TEL (978) 521-3703 FAX (978) 521-3964 Email to: Returns@RadonAway.com Record the following information for your records: Serial Number: Purchase Date: WAL-RICH CORPORATION • NEW PRODUCT BULLETIN CALL (800) 221-1157 · www.wal-rich.com · FAX (516) 277-2177 STAINLESS STEEL TERMINATION SCREENS Ideal for use on high efficiency heating equipment Also as condensate trap screen & vent stack guard. Patent# D715,409 2202050 2” Stainless Steel Termination Screen 2202052 3” Stainless Steel Termination Screen 2202054 4” Stainless Steel Termination Screen 2202056 6” Stainless Steel Termination Screen 2202060 1” Stainless Steel Termination Screen Part# Description made in usa ♦♦♦♦♦Prevent pests, debris, & leaves from entering vent piping ♦♦♦♦♦Push into hub for easy flush installation. No gluing! ♦♦♦♦♦Patented condensate channel prevents buildup & freezing ♦♦♦♦♦Professional grade finish INSTALLATION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Instruction P/N IN015 Rev E FOR CHECKPOINT IIa TM P/N 28001-2 & 28001-3 RADON SYSTEM ALARM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (WALL MOUNTING) Select a suitable wall location near a vertical section of the suction pipe. The unit should be mounted about four or five feet above the floor and as close to the suction pipe as possible. Keep in mind that with the plug-in transformer provided, the unit must also be within six feet of a 120V receptacle. NOTE: The Checkpoint IIa is calibrated for vertical mounting, horizontal mounting will affect switchpoint calibration. Drill two ¼” holes 4” apart horizontally where the unit is to be mounted. Install the two ¼” wall anchors provided. Hang the CHECKPOINT IIa from the two mouting holes located on the mounting bracket. Tighten the mounting screws so the unit fits snugly and securely against the wall. Drill a 5/16” hole into the side of the vent pipe about 6” higher than the top of the unit. Insert the vinyl tubing provided about 1” inside the suction pipe. Cut a suitable length of vinyl tubing and attach it to the pressure switch connector on the CHECKPOINT IIa. CALIBRATION AND OPERATION. The CHECKPOINT IIa units are calibrated and sealed at the factory to alarm when the vacuum pressure falls below the factory setting and should not normally require field calibration. Factory Settings are: 28001-2 -.25” WC Vacuum 28001-3 -.10” WC Vacuum To Verify Operation: With the exhaust fan off or the pressure tubing disconnected and the CHECKPOINT IIa plugged in, both the red indicator light and the audible alarm should be on. Turn the fan system on or connect the pressure tubing to the fan piping. The red light and the audible alarm should go off. The green light should come on. Now turn the fan off. The red light and audible alarm should come on in about two or three seconds and the green light should go out. Manufactured by: RadonAway Ward Hill, MA (978)-521-3703 WARRANTY INFORMATION Subject to applicable consumer protection legislation, RadonAway warrants that the CHECKPOINT IIa will be free from defective material and workmanship for a period of (1) year from the date of purchase. Warranty is contingent on installation in accordance with the instructions provided. This warranty does not apply where repairs or alterations have been made or attempted by others; or the unit has been abused or misused. Warranty does not include damage in shipment unless the damage is due to the negligence of RadonAway. All other warranties, expressed or written, are not valid. To make a claim under these limited warranties, you must return the defective item to RadonAway with a copy of the purchase receipt. RadonAway is not responsible for installation or removal cost associated with this warranty. In no case is RadonAway liable beyond the repair or replacement of the defective product FOB RadonAway. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR WRITTEN, ARE NOT VALID. For service under these warranties, contact RadonAway for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping information. No returns can be accepted without an RMA. If factory return is required, the customer assumes all shipping costs to and from factory. Thank you for shopping at InspectUSA.com Contact Us CHECKPOINT IIa Mitigation Alarm 0.25"WC (28001-4) Remote Alarm Model #: 28001-4  Have a question? Condition: New CHECKPOINT IIa Mitigation Alarm 0.25"WC (28001-4) Preset to alarm at 0.25 Inches of Water Column CHECKPOINT IIaR Mitigation System Alarm with Remote Alarm (supplied with 50 feet of wire) and can be located where the occupant is more likely to hear it. This radon system fan monitoring device provides audible and visible warnings when the radon fan ceases to operate. Ideal addition to a radon mitigation system that is not being inspected regularly. Radon system fan monitoring device Factory preset to activate at 0.25" WC (water column) vacuum pressure Provides audible and visible warnings when the fan ceases to operate Green and red light readout Operates on low voltage Supplied with: 98053 AC to 9 volt DC power adapter. Tubing Mounting bracket & screws 50' wire Remote alarm Download Users Manual (PDF format) Search Category: Home & Garden