HomeMy WebLinkAbout20063_NCravenStRR_PIR_20151009Environmental, Health and Safety Solutions.;"" E I W CO-) 00 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT North Craven Street Parcel ID # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina 28560 EI Project Number: ENM0150155.00 Prepared for: Mr. Pat Mitchell P.O. Box 531390 Birmingham, Alabama 35253 Date of Site Visit: September 30, 2015 Date Issued: October 9, 2015 The El Group, Inc. - 800.717.3472 - www.eil.com - _ October 9, 2015 Mr. Pat Mitchell P.O. Box 531390 Birmingham, Alabama 35253 AEI Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel ID # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina 28560 EI Project ENMO1400118.00 Dear Mr. Mitchell: The EI Group, Inc. (EI) is pleased to submit this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment conducted on the above -reference property. This assessment has been performed in accordance with the scope and limitations of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-13 specifications for "All Appropriate Inquiries" Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312. We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. We have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact us at (919) 657-7500. Sincerely, The EI Group, Inc. Audrey Bales Britton Environmental Scientist Xz_/_ 41 { Thomas Majkowski Senior Environmental Scientist Industrial Hygienist TVM/abb Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 Executive Summary A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted on the North Craven Street property (Parcel ID # 8-003-241-A) located approximately 120 yards north of the Queen Street and East Front Street intersection in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. The site inspection was conducted on September 30, 2015. The subject property consists of an irregular -shaped parcel of undeveloped land containing approximately 3.98-acres. The property currently is owned by North Carolina Department of State. Reportedly, the subject property has existed as undeveloped, partially wooded, land from the 1970s until present. Prior to the 1970s, portions of the subject property historically were occupied by storage and freight warehouses, various oil, fertilizer and lumber companies and a railroad yard since at least 1885 (date of the earliest Sanborn map reviewed). This ESA has indicated the following: Identified Comments Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Yes See below Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions CRECs) No ---- Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions (HRECs) No ---- Potential Environmental Concerns Yes See below We have performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-13 of the North Craven Street property (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) located approximately 120 yards north of the Queen Street and East Front Street intersection in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, the subject property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 1.0 or Appendix H of this report. This assessment has revealed evidence of the following: Recognized Environmental Condition (REO: • One REC associated with the historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1913 and 1924) of the eastern portion of the subject property as a fertilizer facility and sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps. One REC associated with the historical usage (sometime between 1908 and 1913 until approximately the 1960s) of the southwest portion of the subject property as a bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps. One REC associated with the historical usage (sometime between 1885 and 1893 until the 2000s) of the western adjoining property as an ice plant and/or oil company (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps and the identified BROWNFIELDS listing associated with the former adjoining ice plant. One REC associated with the long-term usage of the western adjoining property, beyond North Craven Street, as a machine shop and locomotive repair/painting facility associated with the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Norfolk Southern Railroad (which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps, and presumed groundwater flow. Potential Environmental Concern: • The historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1924 and 1931) of the southern adjoining properties as a fertilizer facility and sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) and/or bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps is considered a potential environmental concern in connection with the subject property. Based on the findings of this investigation, EI recommends the following: • A subsurface investigation should be performed to address the historical usage of the subject property, and southern and western adjoining properties, for bulk oil storage, fertilizer/sawmill facility, and/or repair/machine shop purposes; the noted ASTs/USTs (Sanborn maps) depicted on the subject property and adjoining properties; and reported petroleum related compounds identified in the groundwater (at concentrations below the NC Groundwater Standard) and surface soils on the western adjoining property (at concentrations that do not exceed residential or industrial/commercial standards). 11 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Scope of Work 1.4 Significant Assumptions 1.5 Special Terms and Conditions, Limitations, and Exceptions 1.6 User Reliance 1.7 Certification, Limitations, and Statement of Independence 1.8 Shelf Life of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2.0 User Provided Information 4 2.1 User Questionnaire 3.0 Records Review 5 3.1 Physical Setting Source(s) 3.2 Historical Use Information 3.2.1 Standard Historical Resources 3.2.2 Current and Past Uses of the Subject Property 3.2.3 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties 3.2.4 Current and Past Uses of Surrounding Area 3.3 Data Failure 3.4 Standard Federal, State, and Tribal Environmental Record Sources 3.5 Regulatory Agency File and Records Review 3.5.1 Regulatory Agency File Review 3.5.2 Review of Files/Records from Alternate Sources 3.6 Additional Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Environmental Record Sources 3.7 Prior Environmental Reports 4.0 Site Reconnaissance 21 4.1 Subject Property Description 4.1.1 Location and Legal Description 4.1.2 Descriptions of Subject Property Structures and Improvements 4.1.3 Current Use of Adjoining Properties 4.2 Interior and Exterior Observations 4.3 Non -Scope Considerations 5.0 5.1 Interviews with Past and Present Owners and Occupants and Others 6.0 Evaluation 25 6.1 Scope of Services 6.2 Data Gaps 6.3 Findings and Opinions 6.4 Conclusions 6.5 Additional Services 6.6 Limiting Conditions, Deletions, and Deviations 6.7 References Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Figures Site Photographs Property Information Historical Documentation Regulatory Database Report File Review Documentation User Questionnaire Special Terms and Conditions, Limitations, and Exceptions Terms and Conditions Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Prior Environmental Reports Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Proiect ENMOI S01 SS.00 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose EI was retained by Mr. Pat Mitchell (hereinafter Client or User) to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the property located at North Craven Street property (Parcel ID # 8-003- 241-A) located approximately 120 yards north of the Queen Street and East Front Street intersection in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. The purpose of this practice is to "define good commercial and customary practice in the United States of America for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contaminants within the scope of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and petroleum products. As such, this practice is intended to permit a user to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide prospective purchaser limitations on CERCLA liability; that is, the practice that constitutes all appropriate inquiries into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good commercial or customary practice as defined at 42 U.S.C. § 9601(35)(B)." This report will be used to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs), controlled recognized environmental conditions (CREQ), and historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs) of the subject property in conjunction with the ASTM E 1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. There is a possibility that even with the proper application of these methodologies property conditions may exist that could not be identified within the scope of the assessment or which were not reasonably identifiable from the available information. EI believes that the information obtained from the historical document review and interviews concerning the site are reliable. However, EI cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that the information provided by these other sources is accurate or complete. The methodologies of this assessment are not intended to produce all inclusive or comprehensive results, but rather to provide the client with information relating to the property. Site conditions reported in this report reflect conditions observed at the time of the site reconnaissance. 1.2 Definitions A recognized environmental condition (REO is defined as "the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a release to the environment." A controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC) is defined as "a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls." Note that a condition identified as a CREC does not imply that the environmental Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 professional has evaluated or confirmed the adequacy, implementation, or continued effectiveness of the require control that has been, or is intended to be, implemented. An historical reco,-nized environmental condition (HRE0 is defined as "a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and had been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls." Other Definitions De Minimis A de minimis condition is defined as a "condition that generally does not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis conditions are not RECs or CRECs." Environment ASTM notes the environment shall have the same meaning as the definition of environment in CERCLA 42" in CERCLA 42 U.S.C. § 9601(8)." CERCLA indicates a release into the environment as any release into navigable waters, any other surface waters, groundwater, drinking water supply, land surface or subsurface strata, or ambient air. Material A material threat is defined as "a physically observable or obvious threat which is Threat reasonably likely to lead to a release that, in the opinion of the EP, is threatening and might result in impact to public health or the environment." Migrate/ Migrate/Migration is defined as "the movement of hazardous substances or Migration petroleum products in any form, including, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface." Release ASTM notes "a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum product shall have the same meaning as definition of "release" in CERCLA 42 U.S.C. § 9601(22)." CERCLA indicates a release as "any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing any hazardous substances, or pollutant or contaminant), but excludes (A) any release which results in exposure to person solely within a workplace, (B) emissions from the engine exhaust of a motor vehicle, rolling stock, aircraft, vessel, or pipeline pumping station engine, (C) release of source, byproduct, or special nuclear material from a nuclear incident, and (D) the normal application of fertilizer." 1.3 Scope of Work The methodology used in the completion of this report is specified under the Scope of Work in the EI Proposal set forth by Mr. Pat Mitchell, dated September 15, 2015, and the provisions of the ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-13. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 1.4 Significant Assumptions Any assumptions made about apparent shallow groundwater flow are based on area topography as depicted on the topographic map described in Section 4.3 of this report and surface features observed during the site reconnaissance. Within the scope of this investigation, no subsurface data was obtained to determine the actual groundwater flow direction or hydraulic gradient beneath the subject property. Local factors, such as underground structures, seasonal fluctuations, soil and bedrock geology, water supply wells, utility lines, and other features may influence the actual direction of groundwater flow at and near the subject property. Site -specific groundwater flow can only be ascertained through the installation of at least three groundwater wells into the given transmissive zone being evaluated. 1.5 Special Terms and Conditions, Limitations, and Exceptions Special Terms and Conditions, Limitations, and Exceptions are presented in Appendix H. 1.6 User Reliance This report is provided for the sole use of Mr. Pat Mitchell. Use of this report by any third parties will be at the parry's sole risk, and EI disclaims any liability for any such use or reliance by third parties. 1.7 Shelf Life of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment An environmental site assessment meeting or exceeding the practice and completed less than 180 days prior to the date of acquisition of the property or (for transactions not involving an acquisition) the date of the intended transaction is presumed to be valid. The shelf life of a Phase I is one year with updates required after 180 days. The updates include 1) interviews with owners, operators, and occupants; 2) searches for recorded environmental lien cleanups; 3) reviews of Federal, state, and local government records; 4) visual inspections of the property and of adjoining properties; and 5) the declaration by the EP responsible for the assessment or update. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Proiect ENMOI S01 SS.00 2.0 User Provided Information 2.1 User Questionnaire The "All Appropriate Inquires" Final Rule (40 CFR Part 312) requires that these tasks be performed by or on behalf of a party seeking to quality for an Landowner Liability Protection (LLP) to CERCLA liability. These tasks must also be completed by or on behalf of EPA Brownfield Assessment and Characterization grantees. While such information is not required to be provided to the environmental professional (EP), the EP shall request that the user provide the result of these tasks as such information can assist the EP in identifying RECs. If the user does not communicate the information to the EP, the EP will consider the significance of the absence of such information pursuant to data gaps. The User Questionnaire was not completed by the party ordering this report. However, based on the information gathered during completion of the other components of this Phase I, the lack of information provided by the User is not considered an environmentally -significant data gap. Completed By N/A Review of Title and Judicial Records for Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations Not provided Specialized Knowledge or Experience of the User N/A Actual Knowledge of the User N/A Reason for Significantly Lower Purchase Price N/A Commonly known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information N/A Degree of Obviousness N/A Reason for Performing Phase I Not provided 4 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 3.0 Records Review Information that has not been obtained for the purposes of this assessment within reasonable time and cost constraints is noted within as not reasonably ascertainable. Additionally, information that is simply not available is noted as not readily available. 3.1 Physical Setting Source(s) Source United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) map of New Bern, North Carolina (1994; Figure 1 in Appendix A). Elevation The map shows the elevation of the subject property to be between five and 10 feet above mean sea level. Topography Topography at the site appears to slope east towards the Neuse River. 3.2 Historical Use Information 3.2.1 Standard Historical Resources The following standard historical sources were researched for completion of this assessment: Record Date/s Source/Comments Included 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, Google Earth ---- 1999, and 1993 2012, 2010, 2009, Aerial Photographs 2008, 2006, 2005, Environmental Data 1998, 1993, 1989, Resources, Inc. Appendix D 1982, 1974, 1964, 1961, and 1953 1948, 1931, 1924, Sanborn Fire Insurance 1913, 1908, 1904, Environmental FirstSearch Appendix D Maps 1898, 1893, 1888 and 1885 Property Tax Files Current and past Craven County Tax Appendix C Assessor's Office Recorded Land Title 2014 and 2013 Craven County Register of ---- Records Deeds Office USGS Topographic Ma /s 1994 MSRMa s.com Appendix A 2011, 2007, 2002, Local City Directories 1997, 1992, 1987, 1982, 1977, 1972, New Bern Public Library ---- 1967, 1962, 1958, 1954, and 1937 Building Department Not reasonably Records N/A ascertainable or readily ---- available Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Record Date/s Source/Comments Included Not reasonably Zoning/Land Use Records N/A ascertainable or readily ---- available 3.2.2 Current and Past Uses of the Subject Property The following uses/occupants of the subject property were identified from the historical review, interviews, and/or other information obtained within the scope of this investigation: Past Use of Subject Property Year From Year To undeveloped, partially wooded land sometime between present 1953 and 1961 industrial (bulk oil storage facility; railroad storage sometime between sometime between yard) 1918 and 1924 1953 and 1961 industrial (bulk oil storage facility; fertilizer company) sometime between sometime between 1904 and 1908 1918 and 1924 industrial (railroad storage yard and warehouse) sometime between sometime between 1893 and 1898 1904 and 1908 industrial (lumber yard and sawmill; railroad storage to 1885* sometime between yard and warehouse) prior 1893 and 1898 *Date of earliest Sanborn map reviewed The historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1918 and 1924) of the eastern portion of the subject property as a fertilizer facility and a sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. The historical usage (sometime between 1904 and 1908 until approximately the 1960s) of the southwest portion of the subject property as a bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property 3.2.3 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties The following uses/occupants of the adjoining properties were identified to the extent that the information was revealed in the course of researching the subject property itself: Use of Property (north of subject property) Year From Year To mostly vacant land (office, warehouse, grain silos, and sometime between concrete building pads) 2004 and 2005 present industrial (oil and fertilizer company; sawmill) prior to 1885* sometime between 2004 and 2005 *Date of earliest Sanborn map reviewed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMO150155.00 A 1988 petroleum release (Incident # 5021) with current NFA regulatory status was identified associated with the northern adjoining property (former Arant Lumber Company). This past release of petroleum product had been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls. A 1991 petroleum release (Incident # 7142) with a conditional NFA due to residual petroleum contaminated groundwater on -site, preventing any future water supply well installations at the facility, was identified associated with the northern adjoining property (former Royster Company). The more than 100 year industrial use of the northern adjoining property as an oil and fertilizer company and sawmill combined with USTs reported for the northern adjoining property in the environmental database report, and multiple USTs and ASTs noted on the historic Sanborn maps, is of environmental concern. An AUL is registered with the Craven County Register of Deeds due to residual petroleum from former UST (and possibly AST) systems at the northern adjoining property; additionally, the facility is designated as a Brownfields site. As such, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of hazardous substances / petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with hazardous substances / petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. The former lumber company that occupied the northern adjoining property is identified in the database report and further discussed in Section 3.4 below. Use of Property (south of subject property) Year From Year To residential and municipal (park) sometime between present 2006 and 2008 undeveloped sometime between sometime between 1953 and 1961 2006 and 2008 industrial (bulk oil storage facility) sometime between sometime between 1918 and 1924 1953 and 1961 undeveloped sometime between sometime between 1893 and 1898 1918 and 1924 industrial (lumber yard, sawmill, and fertilizer to 1885* sometime between company) prior 1893 and 1898 *Date of earliest Sanborn map reviewed The historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1953 and 1961) of the southern adjoining properties as a fertilizer facility and sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) and/or bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps is of environmental concern to the subject property. Within the scope of this investigation, based on presumed groundwater flow and passage Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 of time since the properties were occupied by environmentally sensitive facilities, the historical usage of the southern adjoining properties for industrial use is not considered a REC; however, a potential environmental concern is recognized in connection with the subject property. Use o Property (east o subject property) Year From Year To Neuse River I N/A I present Use of Property (west of subject property) Year From Year To Undeveloped, vacant land between 2005 and present 2006 industrial (multiple occupants, including the Ice House- sometime between between 2005 and ice producer and Consumers Ice and Fuel Company, 1889 and 1893 2006 Inc.) and single-family residential industrial (warehouse space) and single-family to 1885* sometime between residential prior 1889 and 1893 *Date of earliest Sanborn map reviewed. The historical usage (sometime between 1885 and 1893 until the 2000s) of the western adjoining property as an ice plant and/or oil company (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps, and the identified BROWNFIELDS listing associated with the former adjoining ice plant, is of environmental concern to the subject property. Based on the reported petroleum related compounds identified in the groundwater and surface soils on the western adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical usage of the western adjoining property for industrial uses is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. The Ice House is identified in the database report and further discussed in Section 3.4 below. Use of Property (west of subject properly, beyond Year From Year To North Craven Street) industrial (North Carolina Railroad Company; Norfolk Southern Railroad New Bern —machine shop and prior to 1885* present locomotive repair facility) *Date of earliest Sanborn map reviewed The long-term usage of the western adjoining property as an machine shop and locomotive repair/painting facility associated with the Norfolk Southern Railroad (which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical usage of the western adjoining property (beyond North Carven Street) for machine shop and locomotive repair/painting purposes is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Proiect ENMOI50155.00 3.2.4 Current and Past Uses in the Surrounding Area The subject property is located in a primarily commercial, industrial, and residential area. 3.3 Data Failure ASTM E 1527-13 defines a data failure as a failure to achieve the historical research objectives of AAI even after reviewing the standard historical sources that are reasonably ascertainable and likely to be useful. Specifically, the historical research objectives include identifying all obvious uses of the property from the present, back to the property's first developed use, or back to 1940, whichever is earlier. Usage of the subject property was identified back to 1885, at which time the subject property appeared to be utilized as a lumber yard/sawmill and railroad storage yard and warehouse. Historical sources prior to 1885 were not reasonably ascertainable within the scope of this investigation, as such, a data failure is indicated. Based on the historical industrial use of the subject property and adjoining properties, this data failure represents a significant environmental concern and is further discussed throughout this report. 3.4 Standard Federal, State, and Tribal Environmental Record Sources A Regulatory Database Report for the site vicinity was obtained and is included in Appendix E. The database listings were reviewed based on minimum search distances as defined in ASTM E 1527-13. Criteria for being listed on each database and definitions of the databases, along with specific facility information, are available within the database provided in Appendix E. Note that any adjusted database radii were adjusted at EI's discretion or as per client special scope requirements with the exception of the Federal NPL or the Federal RCRA TSD List. Adjustment of these lists at a smaller radius is not allowed under the Standard Practice. The databases searched and the search distances are as follows: 9 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Databases ASTM Search Radius EIAd'usted Search Radius Federal NPL 1 mile Federal Delisted NPL 0.5 mile Federal CERCLIS 0.5 mile Federal NFRAP 0.5 mile Federal RCRA CORRACTS 1 mile Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD 0.5 mile 1 mile Federal RCRA Generator Site or adjoining 0.12 mile Federal IC/EC Site 0.05 mile Federal ERNS Site 0.05 mile State/Tribal-Equivalent NPL 1 mile State/Tribal-Equivalent CERCLIS 0.5 mile State/Tribal Spills 90 N/A State/Tribal SWL 0.5 mile State/Tribal LUST 0.5 mile State/Tribal UST Site or adjoining 1 mile State/Tribal IC/EC Site 0.12 mile State/Tribal VCP 0.5 mile 0.05 mile State/Tribal Brownfield 0.5 mile 0.05 mile State/Tribal-Equivalent NPL 1 mile EI reviewed all of the listings within the database report. Based on distance from the subject property and/or regulatory status, none of the listings are environmentally significant for purposes of this assessment or worthy of special note other than those discussed herein. Facility Coastal Lumber Company — New Bern Name/s Address/es Craven Street and Crescent Street Database/s BROWNFIELDS and SHWS Lists Distance- Northern adjoining property; plotted 0.10-mile WNW Direction Comments The northern adjoining property was noted on the environmental database report as a BROWNFIELDS and SHWS site. The information provided in the database report identifies the subject property as "Coastal Lumber Company New Bern at Craven Street and Crescent Street." No further information was provided in the current database report; however, based on a previous 2014 Phase I ESA (see Section 3.7) performed at the northern adjoining property, the facility was identified on several additional databases in 2014. Specifically, the former sawmill portion of the subject property was noted on the environmental database report as a STATE, SPILLS, UST, and LUST site. The SPILLS listing indicates a release was reported on October 19, 2005 and involved the prior use of chromated-copper arsenate as used in former wood treatment operations on -site. The SPILLS listing was granted a "Closed Out" status on October 19, 2005; however, the site was added to the STATE list on February 8, 10 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 2007 for soil and groundwater "inorganic contamination." No further information pertaining to the STATE listing was available within the database report. However, EI reviewed files with NC DENR and determined the site was a part of the Inactive Hazardous Wastes Sites Priority List. The northern adjoining property was added to this list due to the remaining elevated levels of chromium and arsenic at the subject property, even after significant remediation activities in 2006. The elevated levels of chromium and arsenic are present as a result of former wood -treating operations which occurred from 1973 until 1988. The closure and remediation around the former concrete drip pad, where these operations occurred, is discussed in Section 3.7 of this report. Although 86.11 tons of hazardous concrete and 1,763.56 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the subject property during three separate remediation events, arsenic and chromium impacts remained at levels that warranted further assessment and or corrective actions in order to close the incident. As discussed above, and based on prior environmental assessments (see Section 3.7) conducted at the northern adjoining property, it was confirmed that the property soil and groundwater quality is contaminated with arsenic and/or chromium, generally at low -levels except for one groundwater sample that contained (arsenic) exceedances of the respective groundwater standard. As such, the northern adjoining property owner notified the local and regulatory entities of their intent to re -develop the subject property for multi -family residential and commercial mixed -use development. Subsequently, a decision was made to proceed through the NC DENR Brownfields Program. A Brownfields Agreement (BA) was finalized on February 5, 2014. The BA specifies that an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the northern adjoining property is required to meet development objectives based on potential risks to human health, to limit further degradation of groundwater resources, and to reduce the threat to surface water (i.e Neuse River). As discussed in Section 3.7, in March 2014, an EMP was designed for the subject property in response to the Brownfields Agreement. In accordance with the BA, this EMP specifies all environmental considerations and soil management protocols for invasive activities completed at the facility, such as excavation, grading, and utility installation. The EMP was specifies appropriate soil management protocols for the adjoining property, provides re -use criteria and best management practices for underground utility placement and backfilling. As specified in the BA, groundwater at the adjoining property may not be used for any purpose without prior written approval of NC DENR. It is further understood that groundwater use is prohibited in that the northern adjoining property has a Land Use Restriction (LUR)/Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) related to residual petroleum on the subject property (see Sections 3.2.2, 3.4, and 3.7). The more than 100 year industrial use of the northern adjoining property as an oil and fertilizer company and sawmill combined with the abovementioned listings in the environmental database report is of some environmental concern. An AUL is registered with the Craven County Register of Deeds due to residual petroleum from former UST (and possibly AST) systems at the northern adjoining property; additionally, the facility is designated as a Brownfields and SHWS site. As such, the 11 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMO150155.00 long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of hazardous substances / petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with hazardous substances / petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Facility Arant Lumber Company Name/s Address/es 934 North Craven Street Database/s RCRA NonGen /NLR, IMD, UST, and LUST Lists Distance- Northern adjoining property; plotted 0.10-mile WNW Direction Comments The northern adjoining property was noted on the IMD, UST and LUST listings as a result of two closed 1,000-gallon USTs (diesel fuel and gasoline) that were installed in 1964 and removed from the facility in 1990. The UST listing indicates the owner of the USTs is "AJ Ballard Tire & Oil Co Inc." and that both tanks are "permanently closed" as of March 3, 1990. The IMD and LUST listings (Incident ff 5021) information indicate that, in 1988, a "failed tank test" was reported associated with the on -site USTs. Additionally, during the closure of the two USTs in 1990, soil contamination was discovered; however, groundwater contamination was not reported. The available file information obtained from NCDENR, Waste Management division, indicated both USTs were removed from the ground and that the associated LUST/IMD incident obtained a "No Further Action" letter dated July 15, 1992. The property was also identified on the RCRA NonGen / NLR List. The listing indicates the facility (formerly located on the subject property) is a handler of hazardous wastes. As discussed above, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. 12 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Facility Royster Company Name/s Address/es 1000 North Craven Street Database/s UST and LUST Lists Distance- Northern adjoining property; plotted 0.10-mile WNW Direction Comments The northern adjoining property was noted on the UST and LUST listings as a result of two closed 1,000-gallon USTs (diesel fuel and gasoline) that were installed in 1976 and removed from the property in 1991. The UST listing indicates the owner of the USTs is "AJ Ballard Tire & Oil Co Inc." and that both tanks are "permanently closed" as of December 31, 1991. The LUST listing (Incident # 7142) information indicates that, in 1991, "during closure of the USTs, one had pinholes in it." Additionally, soil and groundwater contamination was discovered. The available file information obtained from NCDENR, Waste Management division, indicated that Applied Resource Management, P.C. submitted a "Soil Abatement Report With Request for Site Closure" on July 6, 2005. Subsequently, the state determined that although groundwater contamination meets cleanup requirements for a low -risk site, the levels exceed groundwater quality standards as established in Title 15A NCAC 2L.0202. As a result, the associated LUST incident obtained a "No Further Action" letter dated December 16, 2009; however, a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP), was attached to the northern adjoining property deed and a Perpetual Land Use Restriction which states: "groundwater from the site is prohibited from use as a water supply." It should be noted that, based on the database listings identified in a 2014 Phase I ESA (see Section 3.7) previously performed at the northern adjoining property, the northern portion of the facility, formerly operated by Royster-Clark, was noted under two additional UST listings. The 2014 database UST listings identify the property as "Royster Company" at 1000 North Craven Street. The first listing identifies a tank which was installed on September 18, 1971, last used on January 31, 1978, and closed on December 31, 1991. The steel tank had a 1,000 gallon capacity and formerly contained diesel fuel. The database information identifies this tank as being "permanently closed." The second UST listing describes a tank which was also installed on September 18, 1971 with a "temporarily out of use" status. The described tank has a capacity of 500 gallons, is constructed from steel, and contains diesel fuel. As discussed above, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property and presumed roundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining roe for 13 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Facility 905 North Craven Street Name/s Address/es 905 North Craven Street Database/s US BROWNFIELDS List Distance- Northern adjoining property; plotted 0.10-mile WNW Direction Comments The US BROWNFIELDS information provided in the database report indicates "the northern adjoining property is currently owned by a Lumber Company and has historically been owned by a Lumber Company. Historical evidence and current observations suggest the site was once developed for residential purposes and has then remained vacant." The property was recently purchased by New Bern Investments, LLC in 2014 and is currently vacant. Based on reasonably ascertainable records, this portion of the adjoining property was utilized by the former lumber company for parking and possible lumber storage. According to the database report, the facility is included in the "US EPA-Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement." No further information was provided in the database report. However, as discussed above, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Facility Former Ice Plant Site Name/s Address/es 820 North Craven Street Database/s US BROWNFIELDS List Distance- Western adjoining property; plotted 0.04-mile SSW Direction Comments The US BROWNFIELDS information provided in the database report indicates the western adjoining property was developed as an Ice House from sometime between 1885 and 1893 until the 2000s). Buildings on the property burned in in 2006. The site remains vacant. The current owner purchased the property as is and was not part of the Ice House operation. The Ice House was an industrial facility that produced ice. Additionally, based on reasonably ascertainable records, the facility was utilized as a "fuel company." According to the database, the Phase I and Phase II ESA performed on the adjoining property identified the presence of petroleum related compounds in thegroundwater; however, at concentrations below the NC 14 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMO150155.00 Groundwater Standard. Soil impact was identified in surface soils in two separate areas of the site; but at concentrations that do not exceed residential or industrial/commercial standards. No further information was provided in the database report. The historical usage (sometime between 1885 and 1893 until the 2000s) of the western adjoining property as an ice plant and/or oil company (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps, and the identified BROWNFIELDS listing associated with the former adjoining ice plant/fuel company, is of environmental concern to the subject property. Based on the reported petroleum related compounds identified in the groundwater and surface soils on the western adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical usage of the western adjoining property for industrial uses is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject None of the non-geocoded (unmappable/orphaned) sites listed in the database report appears to be located in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. 3.5 Regulatory Agency File and Records Review 3.5.1 Regulatory Agency File Review As per the Standard Practice, if the subject or any of the adjoining properties is identified on one or more of the standard environmental record sources referenced in Section 3.4, pertinent regulatory files and/or records associated with the listing shall be reviewed. However, the EP might determine that such a review is not warranted. EI performed several previous environmental investigations at the northern adjoining property (see Section 3.7) which included a review of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR) department records pertaining to hazardous materials responses or other incidents at the northern adjoining property. Information obtained from these file reviews is discussed throughout this report. 3.5.2 Review of Files/Records from Alternate Sources Other than the files outlined in Section 3.5.1, files from alternate sources were not obtained. 3.6 Additional Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Environmental Record Sources The following state and/or local agency representatives were contacted and asked to complete an open records search for any information that may be on file regarding permits, Notices of Violation (NOVs), environmental reports, or environmental conditions for the subject property at the time of request: 15 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 • Mr. Scott Ross of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, North Carolina Superfund Section located files for the northern adjoining property. These files were reviewed previously, and in connection with the current assessment, and are discussed throughout this report. Mr. Scott Bullock of the NCDENR, DWM, Washington Regional Office UST Section, provided digital and hard copies of files for the northern adjoining property. These files were reviewed previously, and in connection with the current assessment, and are discussed throughout this report. Mr. Darren Lockhart, Professional Geologist with The EI Group, was interviewed as a part of this assessment. Mr. Lockhart was heavily involved in the assessment, closure and remediation of the drip pad area, where wood treatment activities formerly occurred at the northern adjoining property and the Brownfields agreement currently associated with the northern adjoining property. 3.7 Prior Environmental Reports The following reports were reviewed and are included in Appendix O: Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Arant Lumber Company, New Bern, North Carolina Project No. 12-403-767 Date May 4, 1994 Preparer The El Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions This Phase I ESA was performed on the southern portion of the northern adjoining property, currently addressed as 912, 934, and 936 North Craven Street. The report indicated the property is approximately 18 acres and was used as a sawmill. The report also indicated wood treatment operations formerly occurred at the property from 1973 until 1988. Additionally, the report indicated two USTs were removed from the site in 1989 and that although no UST closure report was ever provided to the DENR, the USTs were considered closed by DENR. A LUST incident for the property was detected in 1989 as the USTs were being removed. The contaminated soils were attributed to a leaking diesel fuel UST and to oil spilled during operations. The incident was granted a "closed out" status on July 15, 1992. The Phase I ESA recommended the Hazardous Waste Section be contacted to update the facility's information and to inactivate the RCRA Generator status which was granted due to the former wood treating operations. The report also recommended updating all air quality and NPDES permits to reflect current information, the floor beyond the boiler ASTs be paved, an SPCC plan created, and waste oil handing practices improved. Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products/hazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the 16 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title "Drip Pad Closure and Corrective Action Report" Date August 3, 2005 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions As reported in the Phase I ESA from 1994, wood treating operations formerly occurred at the northern adjoining property. These operations occurred from 1973 until 1988, resulting in an area on the northern corner of former Coastal Lumber site to be contaminated by elevated levels of arsenic and chromium, which was discovered on July 2, 2002 and granted Incident Number 86443. EI commenced the drip pad closure and corrective action activities on September 15, 2005. A total of 86.11 tons of hazardous concrete and 1,763.56 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the northern adjoining property during three separate remediation events. A total of 20 confirmation soil samples were collected from the sidewalls of the excavated area. These samples indicated arsenic and chromium levels "...have been remediated to below levels that are likely to exhibit hazardous characteristics, if removed." Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products/hazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Ro ster Clark Realty, Inc. " Date March 9, 2006 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions This report assesses the former Royster Clark property, which is currently addressed at 1000 North Craven Street and is the northern portion of the northern adjoining property. This Phase II ESA was conducted to determine if the parcel was impacted by historic USTs or the historical use as oil and fertilizer companies, estimate the quantity of impacted soils (if any), and to collect groundwater 17 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 samples from the impacted areas (if any). The assessment indicated elevated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons above North Carolina Soil -to -Groundwater Maximum Contaminated Concentrations. The assessment also detected levels of arsenic, mercury, and zinc levels above acceptable limits as determined by the EPA and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section's Soil Screening Levels. Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products/hazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title "Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Former Royster- Clark and Coastal Lumber Site, 912, 934, 936, and 1000 North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date March 21, 2012 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions This report assesses the eastern portion of the northern adjoining property (east of North Craven Street), which is currently addressed at 1000 North Craven Street. Six RECs and two environmental concerns were noted at the northern adjoining property. "The RECs were associated with the over 100-year industrial use of the subject property, former USTs, former ASTs, elevated levels of chromium, arsenic, mercury, and zinc and an AUL issued for the (northern adjoining) property. The significant environmental concerns are associated with seven, unlabeled 55-gallon drums at the (northern adjoining) property and a data failure." Based on the findings of the assessment, a Phase II ESA was recommended to include soil and groundwater sampling across the entire northern adjoining property. The design of the Phase II ESA was recommended to be concentrated on industrial areas and former UST locations as depicted in historic Sanborn maps of the northern adjoining property. Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum productslhazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed 18 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Former Royster- Clark and Coastal Lumber Site, 912, 934, 936, and 1000 North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date April 11, 2012 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions This report assesses the eastern portion of the northern adjoining property (east of North Craven Street); 912, 934, 936, and 1000 North Craven Street, which is currently addressed at 1000 North Craven Street. The report includes a brief summary of the scope of work conducted, findings, and conclusions. The scope of work included 39 soil borings for soil screening/sampling and groundwater sampling. Ten samples were collected across the former Royster-Clark (northern portion of the 1000 North Craven Street parcel) site, including the former UST locations and at areas where elevated inorganics were detected. Twenty-nine soil samples were collected across the former Coastal Lumber site (central and southern portion of the 1000 North Craven Street parcel), including the former drip pad and excavation area, historic UST, and silo locations. The soil samples were analyzed for various analytes including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), arsenic, chromium (total), mercury and zinc. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, chromium, cadmium, total lead, fluoride, formaldehyde, arsenic, and chromium. The soil assessment disclosed arsenic levels above the Residential Health -Based Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) of 0.39 mg/kg across the northern adjoining property. The groundwater quality assessment confirmed concentrations of arsenic and chromium (on the former Coastal Lumber site) above the regulatory standards. Based on the findings of the 2012 Limited Phase II ESA, and considering the intent to re -develop the subject property, it was recommended for the property owner to pursue a Brownfields Agreement with the NC DENR, Division of Waste Management. Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum productslhazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property 19 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Source Retrieved from EI's records Report Title "Transaction Screen, North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date October 21, 2013 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Conclusions This report assesses the four parcels west of North Craven Street (905, 907, 909 North Craven Street and the unaddressed parcel west of 905, 907, and 909 North Craven Street). The Transaction Screen (TS) identified that 905 North Craven Street is a designated Brownfields site and considered to be of environmental concern based on the potential of historic releases onto the northern adjoining property. This Brownfields listing is discussed in Section 3.4 above. The TS also discusses the parcel east of North Craven Street (currently 1000 North Craven Street and included in the current assessment as part of the northern adjoining property) and the environmental concerns associated with the historical presence of the former Coastal Lumber, New Bern Oil and Fertilizer Company, and Royster Clark facilities on the northern adjoining property. The regulatory database review, as part of the TS, indicated six Brownfields listings, one RCRAGN listing, fourteen LUST/LAST listings, nine UST/AST listings, and five SHWS listings. Based on the status and/or location, it was concluded that these facilities (listings) do not indicate a significant environmental concern to the northern adjoining property. The TS recommended a review of regulatory files associated with the northern adjoining property (currently 1000 North Craven Street). Subsequent to the file review, it was determined that the need for additional environmental studies should be reassessed. Comments As discussed throughout this report, the long-term industrial use of the northern adjoining property, and associated contaminated soil and groundwater, is deemed a past release of petroleum products/hazardous materials that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority, with petroleum products/hazardous materials allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls. Within the scope of this investigation, based on the current status of the releases (database listings) identified at the northern adjoining property, and presumed groundwater flow, the long-term historical use of the northern adjoining property for industrial uses does not appear to represent a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. 20 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 4.0 Site Reconnaissance Inspector Mr. Thomas Majkowski Title EI Senior Environmental Scientist Date of Site Inspection September 30, 2015 Weather on Day of Clear, sunny, and warm Inspection Site Plan Included in Appendix A Site Photographs Included in Appendix B Methodology Mr. Majkowski used a systematic approach to view the subject property. A grid pattern was used to inspect the subject property grounds, while adjoining properties were inspected during a walk and drive of the subject property perimeter. Limiting Conditions Site observations were limited due to the densely wooded portions along the eastern portion of the subject property. This portion of the property was not readily accessible at the time of the site reconnaissance 4.1 Subject Property Description 4.1.1 Location and Legal Description Current Occu ant/s Vacant Past Occu ant/s Various on -site oil, fertilizer, and lumber operations Site Address North Craven Street Site Location The subject property is located approximately 120 yards north of the Queen Street and East Front Street intersection Site Vicinity The subject property is located in a mixed -use area consisting of commercial, industrial, and residential properties. Additional Addresses Historically, North Craven Street was identified as Griffith Street. Legal Description Parcel ID # 8-003-241-A CRAVEN ST Current Owner North Carolina Department of State (source: Craven County Tax Assessor's Office) Past Owner/s Various on -site oil, fertilizer, and lumber operations Property information is provided in Appendix C. 4.1.2 Descriptions of Subject Property Structures and Improvements The subject property consists of the following: Buildings N/A Construction Type N/A Construction Date N/A 21 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Other Improvements None As the subject property is vacant, no utilities are currently being used on -site. However, utilities available to the subject property vicinity include the following: Electricity Duke Progress Energy Natural Gas Public Service Company of North Carolina (PSNC). Potable Water City of New Bern Sewage Disposal City of New Bern 4.1.3 Current Use of Adjoining Properties The subject property is adjoined as follows: Direction Occupant/Use North Mostly vacant land (office, warehouse, grain silos, and concrete building pads) South Single- ilresidential development and a park East Neuse River West Undeveloped, vacant land West, beyond North Craven Street North Carolina Railroad Company The historical use of these properties was discussed in Section 3.2.3. 4.2 Interior and Exterior Observations Observed or Otherwise Discovered Comments Hazardous Substances and Yes As discussed throughout this report, the historical Petroleum Products in usage of the subject property as a fertilizer facility, Connection with Identified lumber yard, sawmill and bulk oil storage facility (all Uses of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Underground Storage Tanks Yes Multiple USTs and/or ASTs were noted on the historic (USTs) Sanborn maps as the subject property had been used for industrial (oil, fertilizer, and lumber) purposes since prior to 1885. As discussed throughout this report, the historical usage of the subject property combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs noted on the historic Sanborn maps is considered a recognized environmental condition in connection with the subject property. Aboveground Storage Tanks Yes See above (ASTs) Odors No N/A ON Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 Observed or Otherwise Discovered Comments Pools of Liquid No N/A Drums No N/A Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Product Containers (Not Necessarily in Connection with Identified Uses) No N/A Unidentified Substance Containers No N/A Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs No N/A Heating/Cooling ---- N/A Stains or Corrosion No N/A Drains or Sums No N/A Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons No N/A Stained Soil or Pavement No N/A Stressed Vegetation No N/A Solid Waste No N/A Wastewater No N/A Wells No N/A Septic Systems No N/A 4.3 Non -Scope Considerations Non -scope considerations, include but are not limited to, the following: asbestos -containing building materials, biological agents, cultural and historical resources, ecological resources, endangered species, health and safety, indoor air quality unrelated to releases of hazardous substances or petroleum products into the environmental, industrial hygiene, lead -based paint, lead in drinking water, mold, radon, regulatory compliance, and wetlands. Inclusion of these non -scope considerations is outside the Standard Practice and was not requested by the client. 23 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 5.0 interviews 5.1 Interviews with Past and Present Owners and Occupants and Others Name, Company, and Years Affiliated Comments Title with the Site Owner N/A N/A N/A Key Site Manager/s N/A N/A N/A Occupants N/A N/A Site is unoccupied Past Owners, N/A N/A N/A Operators, or Occupants Neighboring or Nearby N/A N/A N/A Property Owners or Occupants* State and/or local Other than interviews government officials noted in Section 3.6, additional government officials were not interviewed. *According to ASTM E 1527-13, if the subject property is abandoned and there is evidence of potential unauthorized uses of the abandoned property or evidence of uncontrolled access to the abandoned property, interviews with one or more owners or occupants of neighboring or nearby properties shall be conducted. 24 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 6.0 Evaluation 6.1 Scope of Services This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment includes four components as outlined in ASTM E 1527- 13, Section 7.2, including 1) records review, 2) site reconnaissance, 3) interviews, and 4) report (including evaluation). 6.2 Data Gaps ASTM E 1527-13 defines a data gap as a lack of or an inability to obtain information required by this practice despite good faith efforts by the environmental professional to gather such information. Data gaps may result from incompleteness in any of the activities required by this practice, including, but not limited to site reconnaissance, interviews, data failure, or lack of a User Questionnaire. Usage of the subject property was identified back to 1885, at which time the subject property appeared to be utilized as a lumber yard/sawmill and railroad storage yard and warehouse. Historical sources prior to 1885 were not reasonably ascertainable within the scope of this investigation, as such, a data failure is indicated. Based on the historical industrial use of the subject property and adjoining properties, this data failure represents a significant environmental concern and was discussed throughout this report. Other than the limiting condition noted in Section 4.0 and the absence of a completed User Questionnaire (both of which are not environmentally significant), and the data failure noted above, data gaps were not encountered within the scope of this assessment. 6.3 Findings and Opinions EI has performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitation of ASTM Practice E 1527-13 of the subject property. This assessment has revealed evidence of four recognized environmental conditions and one potential environmental concern in connection with the subject property as follows. Reco,-nized Environmental Condition (REC): • One REC associated with the historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1913 and 1924) of the eastern portion of the subject property as a fertilizer facility and sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps. One REC associated with the historical usage (sometime between 1908 and 1913 until approximately the 1960s) of the southwest portion of the subject property as a bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps. One REC associated with the historical usage (sometime between 1885 and 1893 until the 2000s) of the western adjoining property as an ice plant and/or oil company (both of which 25 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI S01 SS.00 potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps and the identified BROWNFIELDS listing associated with the former adjoining ice plant. • One REC associated with the long-term usage of the western adjoining property, beyond North Craven Street, as a machine shop and locomotive repair/painting facility associated with the Norfolk Southern Railroad (which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with this facility) noted on the historic Sanborn maps, and presumed groundwater flow. Potential Environmental Concern: • The historical usage (prior to 1885 until between 1924 and 1931) of the southern adjoining properties as a fertilizer facility and sawmill (both of which potentially utilized hazardous substances during daily operations) and/or bulk oil storage facility combined with multiple USTs and/or ASTs (associated with these facilities) noted on the historic Sanborn maps is considered a potential environmental concern in connection with the subject property. 6.4 Conclusions EI has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-13 of the North Craven Street property (Parcel ID # 8-003-241- A) located approximately 120 yards north of the Queen Street and East Front Street intersection in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 1.0 or Appendix H of this report. This assessment has revealed evidence of four recognized environmental conditions and one potential environmental concern in connection with the subject property as indicated above. 6.5 Additional Services The client's requested scope of services requires EI to include recommendations. Based on the findings of this investigation, EI recommends the following. A subsurface investigation should be performed to address the historical usage of the subject property, and southern and western adjoining properties, for bulk oil storage, fertilizer/sawmill facility, and/or repair/machine shop purposes; the noted ASTs/USTs (Sanborn maps) depicted on the subject property and adjoining properties; and reported petroleum related compounds identified in the groundwater (at concentrations below the NC Groundwater Standard) and surface soils on the western adjoining property (at concentrations that do not exceed residential or industrial/commercial standards). 6.6 Limiting Conditions, Deletions, and Deviations Limiting conditions that would indicate a data gap(s) were not encountered within the scope of this assessment. Additionally, this assessment was not subjected to deletions or deviations from the ASTM Standard Practice, including client -imposed constraints. 26 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina EI Project ENMOI50155.00 6.7 References Other than the standard historical resources referenced in Section 3.2.1, persons interviewed as noted in Section 5.1, and the ASTM E 1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, additional references reviewed including the following: Report Title Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Arant Lumber Company, New Bern, North Carolina Project No. 12-403-767 Date May 4, 1994 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Report Title "Drip Pad Closure and Corrective Action Report" Date August 3, 2005 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Report Title "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Royster Clark Realty, Inc." Date March 9, 2006 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Report Title "Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Former Royster- Clark and Coastal Lumber Site, 912, 934, 936, and 1000 North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date March 21, 2012 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Report Title "Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Former Royster- Clark and Coastal Lumber Site, 912, 934, 936, and 1000 North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date April 11, 2012 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina Report Title "Transaction Screen, North Craven Street, New Bern, North Carolina. " Date October 21, 2013 Preparer The EI Group of Morrisville, North Carolina 27 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENMOl501 SS.00 APPENDIX A FiGuREs 5 IL o em .y ti f p 1 lip I rj y Grove"' Ce FIGURE NUMBER: 1 QUAD: 2014, New Bern, NC 1 PROJECT NUMBER: ENMO140155.00 I SITE LOCATION MAP North Craven Street (Parcel ID 8-003-241-A) New Bern, North Carolina AEI SCALE: As Shown 1000' i 44 .& JPF . . . � 4k, ;Ow .* ,- lb � � - «� . �..�_� � . I t "r r. \ 3 \ � � ��,• �� . d'0" ..i_ 6..AL~. K \�4L ol n y , r* x .a' vacant former Ice Hou 14 - -:r •cam... +: � ,�I� ��__' - _ -�i! t soft Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A), New Bern, NC EI Project ENM01501 SS.00 Overview of southern portion of subject property at North Overview of northern subject property boundary; view is Craven Street; view is from west facing east from west facing east Overview of access (road) to subject property entrance (at Southeast portion of subject property; view is from north N. Craven St.); view is from west facing east facing south �i Central portion of subject property; view is from west facing Northwest portion of subject property; view is from west east facing east Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A), New Bern, NC EI Project ENM01501 SS.00 d•• ' f • 1. �11 } Overview of northern subject property boundary; view is Overview of southeast subject property boundary; view is from east facing west from north facing south Overview of western portion of subject property; view is Overview of central portion of subject property; view is from east facing west from south facing north r 4 J q Overview of central/western portion of subject property; Northern adjoining property view is from west facing east Phase I Environmental Site Assessment N. Craven St. (Parcel ID# 8-003-241-A), New Bern, NC EI Project ENMO.1501 SS.00 !1 Northern adjoining property Southern adjoining property Southern adjoining property u Western adjoining property lie M. Western adjoining property, beyond North Crave Street Western adjoining property, beyond North Crave Street Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX C PROPERTY INFORMATION Parcel ID Owner: Mailing Address Property Address Description : Lot Description Craven County Geographic Information System Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this page and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. This report was created by Craven County GIS reporting services on 9/15/2015 12:59:55 PM 8-003 -241-A NORTH CAROLINA-STATE OF DEPARTMENT STATE PROPERTY OFFICE 1321 MSC RALEIGH NC 27699 CRAVEN ST Assessed Acreage : 3.980 Calculated Acreage : 3.990 Deed Reference : 3282-0643 Recorded Date : 662014 Recorded Survey : F-118-A Estate Number : Land Value : $915,390 Tax Exempt: Yes Improvement Value : $0 # of Improvements : 0 Total Value : $915,390 City Name: NEW BERN Fire tax District Drainage District : Special District Land use : INDUSTRIAL - GENERAL Recent Sales Information SALE DATE Sellers Name Buyers Name Sale Type Sale Price 6/6/2014 NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA-STATE STRAIGHT $0 RAILROAD COMPANY OF DEPARTMENT TRANSFER 1/1/2013 ATLANTIC & NORTH NORTH CAROLINA STRAIGHT $0 CAROLINA RAILROAD RAILROAD COMPANY TRANSFER List of Improvements to Site No improvements listed for this parcel Q.r a 52. ti 01 J i Y lab i Nk M C C SC (2) `RS38.47 Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this map and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. 1 inch equals 182 feet A 1 inch equals 182 feet A Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this map and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. R N 1 inch equals 455 feet A Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this map and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. n - EE ERLL* t 5 • k ' R' LC -STA' O d PA MEWU _ • �_� F t _..vim III sERP� RIVER I --I, T141AM LL ,' sY82 ha Eh1 $ CxT 71.114 S LLC kr �Il RO I M *BMW" V,LL. Lr FT EAR fi` F T 1 : S S P �829 hJ 5T i �N EF a' T F ITS _ F hsaaT_ fi UEEN ST E i '�LN 2' 7 EE 5 34c3, S T l T 4 TEU A 'H C E L H R'_.H-T�HE L ` Tr • - FR •ITT N T lbF TST 8 - hJ vE T VA r i EF -E 5 LE EN ETH; 8 F•r{�2 -Eha 842 ` r T - 1 R , R P NE I T ,s lJ 1 R I 9 _ �e -EL hJT 9 P STD .C>'+1�=-i T• S LC-7HE � r TS- 0 F ONE I t T 6 AICMRVAS � _ iN "G t E K1 EF Tr711 - ST - * .ifl Ehl'ST 5 -UEEN L ALI. S N 1 inch equals 210 feet A Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this map and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX D HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION D— is 7 0 -le 3?- xl%Evl? SON ON MIX". SMCD F 14 ol P-1111. V— THE ORR%NGER PICKLE CO.. PicKLE & Rrusm 40i; CYPRESS -IC 277 29 AV JAN. 193' NEW BERN N.C. R aC z 30 M 5 6 3P N &—IR 3 PRIMROSE 2 71 11 F -v 6j' 29 gT =721 JAN. 1931 NEW BE N N.C. F-1 QI NN offfl' ve IR Li X I— D 7- 2A 30 1,112 7,, L ION NYRRE HO, Scale �f Feet. PRIMROSE ST. ji -2-%31 Aw all, I AWg N EER N.C. 26 ZA fit'. T 17, 28 DUNN JA- mi p. I -I jr Eli NEVf' .COURT 4 6 H z 0 Ld EJ 0 w GUION (COURT) -v 0 3 26 RANDOLPH hip 17 GASTOPT < Scale o Feet 0 64 2JJ L Fj 25 y 7 1 GOOD F FRAf-COH-Re* 4� ATMORE PRIMROSE -- ---- -- — 4w ; �n 0 - --- na • I n,. s _ ' N.C. : I L �' V. I THE NENBERN COP70N OIL & FERULIZER MPLLS „y uocF" - V 0 m r b FE:vlic/ a ,A F slocr szklicc �� e__tv__________ ------,.., .,.ram,.--r1--9 ---•I' �1 s/Nnrr _-_ • n li e r I'. I P THE NEiYBERN COTTO 0/L fER /L/ZER M/L S. rgrch ST_----------- -- -- cOURT •• K—��� - y� u s Ea Nouse E w `11n Ig --------- — --- �'� _ �. r —Tryry—�--------- THE BROROOUS n&- /YES 2A-------- - II•I �rva/�//wn a Mc[sP�- N ///��� __ ___ _________ - F_ �y �suvr.iCe•cc•„liver"+^' gNeo y .ra .�^� ___ � I �I �r ....vc ..,.,� � - __ •ftnx/x- M[t °/nc� �i+r_l E - _ .� —� -� � B �/ _ - • • —F rT'st� -`�p _ - �J _ n nr- `� • � 19, USB /YES LUMBEN COM�NY PI„ oe 9 �r per' THE P/NE LUMBER Cf�MPR}VY. L r: ' .-. T, : - ATMORE 19 �IrT �T�O►� --- T ]r---Tie - ✓4NN - ` --Qh nr��a N=----a �V" ----------- ---------- (D I 30 NEW N B E '93ERN N.C- ED New gew OIL & Mgmang Co. Imc ?OP/ Afoleal RiJk ......... " (UMBERco. INC �.d CYPRESS 3`E I/elm' k --- D ; ELL; 2q P D JI i D O 3 O I 4 I 1 30 1 F D I a y D x I� ♦Q `Fn_ anriRs Roo.,r E t � Co EN, 6oeopenNCa Glc� � ti u 27 27 <Nk, sF fan 4w1 Sd Md.< . DH ! t-69Yi .SfNNLEY /1 P 4y4rCA,gvqouva A R � 1 \ul i --1 28 z J'hn W D— is 7 0 -le 3?- xl%Evl? SON ON MIX". SMCD F 14 ol P-1111. V— THE ORR%NGER PICKLE CO.. PicKLE & Rrusm 40i; CYPRESS -IC 277 29 AV JAN. 193' NEW BERN N.C. R aC z 30 26 26 lit. 611 26 28 _ -- aEjl BERN • �' ..... yr ____ �_._- -__ 1. a � z nrY «rr Rm. = = ____ _ _-------------- i�� B<oc wtan ♦ ` e ,.. r a D I ♦'{ Y } ON D' 40, 24 KING I ZI W Q `_ r/D 'TDs Dv � Da D o D /iw Z v LE N , . ^\ zee ___.._.____. _'•QY y 59 14 ____ VeV „I ___ ,L P b♦ Yb ! Pgais _ /A 'i � s i2 A. b ,. /e zs ",. :e zE zz • .v � z .....-tee.. .�. JOHNSOMw„ ....... o , caP ` 198A 37 39 39 37 198 Fk 37 NATIONAL AV. NEW 8"E" KERN N. C. w� -------- -- ---------- k kII xYmre —H Ift ---------- Ea- 4' I din"A �z fOWL.#Afg LUMBER CO. PRapegryawmea BY Fvg,,wr TR//M9— P-1 QED EN TON -Z4 z > < , 2-; 2- z Z 0 W'ILMINGT6N J, :z GREENSBO 10 X 94 b 2 mIpmolm IRNDRRV CO DURHAM ME 0, .,or 1-2 qp' sL.+rrEREo vise s of � eR — W 2 I n� � I I I i 1 I I I I I r U Q) I I 8 I I I I I I STANLEY I I � J�,vew vend 1 I I __•_��•_ L � 1 I b I I W peso ,rc, I 2 I Q I — W—R CAJR 6-"" YAHd I"L. I I ORY L'B .4 ST6E 1 a (r`-c ••"/ I � I ue... �a wens smu II R .b i it n WL_—_ L�M Ew �kEs ��B'xgn I II Risen 28 JAN.1931 NEW BERN _ N. C. e ` uE:4 -------------------- -i Nonce O a -----------i �e JnN.1931 - - - - -- -- NEW BERN --- ------- N.C. ® I __1 rG jv#w I . 9Rr M/N/NN PLNNre ftl/s 1 � A lv • i NEW BERN FENT/L?INC ER CO. /N. Part rl MY/oa/ HitK �A .,r pPfr- f[. FL.9 "l iy V 3° _. .. \Y'NB9i ,.=....=.. �°aw'e'n• I I G J B ,' fir'-•.__ __- I Pr xr f Prn LJnxexJ[ P/rr[ yy!! � L4•wrT•n __III r i 1.� --------- OBN a: _.••••• ... cab .--_•_=`�-'iE�-�°A s� __�__________ I______ , GUION ' M i ..._._......... �. N I I mx/ mrse ti ��i ssa_[re%___�R� © Cr'K � ! NUL - lN[x R✓r � I rz-iir7 _ s [Y [ •'fir., O 29] W ✓ E niCR/ER e / R RI ` N JN rve[,n xwr mrw w rxu .nrn w //JJn6 ____________1 ====---/-.RT--,--, J• i1---�,! S 4 �[ ,vn f'eN•-"=Y.x,,. ,=M J'L=+v' a. uF L--y R fJ r Yf r M / G L. �L _---L tl M B f R ...... --^-- -- --12---- p _ f f/tJx °' N =i--,----r-- - - -- - 0' LNr. iY tx.v nu:rr _�s r#e P/NE LUMBER CO./NC. o i 7--- / I `" i I O Par/ Mu/w/ R%JK ,.y.• __i RrL i i e i I xx-NN. avw (wwr�erm exr: 6 � LUMP CR Ir U[ �o J)N[ ' I v.nm..+nwwr ravJsnxrua NBYJ f) i ��a Z • � 7 a I 40 i __iI __ e. 001; li LYMtlCR d(Bf 'rr-[;I'nc I LYMtlLR C/O! Stu , 19 pFyMROSE F, 0 14 20 T 24 23 l< _T3 0 2 27 Z. JANJ931 EW ER o N.C. p IVE Wk I E R N ty kz- 28 Irv,. 0— it I NO O -------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------- M 5 6 3P N &—IR 3 PRIMROSE 2 71 11 F -v 6j' 29 gT =721 JAN. 1931 NEW BE N N.C. F-1 QI NN offfl' ve IR Li X I— D 7- 2A 30 26 26 28 z�eL 2o ------------------- --------------------------------------- n-------------------- r -tea, 66 65 TTA ell "k.-I Ilk - N I/ S E LUMBER CO. /yy.-. "72 Lai 24e KING > r2 z 0 , iE, ui -------- !-- J E. t - ---------- ------------- A2 -------- ------ 'ET - six 0 6�) Av, JOHNS04(-'— �26 37 NATIONAL AV. EDENTON WILMINGTON >: 'GREENSBORO � FW I FAYETTEVILLE 0,1 ,- _ 39 DURHAM e� 39 CO." INC. -L-j 10 Qq STANLY R 63 AfflTiolM OIL 'i P11 v v P, -� oe. - IIIZIXN� 64 lb Z-- 0 ------------- — ---------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------ J - - ------ _ — -- _�� / - �-� - --� SPEC/AL NO) CE •' ' l : ,---- .------ «r ,......, 26 -- ���, Au�.1924 - ------=------�=----- iVEW KERN i I ` !------- zrl z Bv, Mr rrn r. Ytn,vl \�G / 1 NEWBEAN Co rom OIL A I 8 EAT/LIZER CO.,/NC ________ ,u ------------ 41 4", O _. < •a GUION _r - — - - - r a' «_ / :-zr r oapY a -z•LL ✓ E. S L RTER FOA,HEhr TAE BaoAoaus a /vEr LVAr�ACo M✓/ua/ Rish e>P.-<rcSee special note Q� a I E .: / r LUMBER Co_/NC. (unreE� r t i a - Mulua/ Aisk S 5-1, of Feet _V_____________'_P________a.4Le ,. s, a 'I____`'I ____-____- a r„r. see pecralxnote .. vn.s u , . , � r ----------- ____1e ` '✓ r L r G_ ______________L V __ __ F .. ' - r n r r M �-��__�__�.--': �_ —AD _:'ter€"• 5T. PRIMROSE2-5 24 \� Syo\ C, Ol— I in 9 Scale o Feet. —2f=9V FIP , N :7 %t I --------------------------------- 4V --------------------------- C%4'4 ------------------------- 1,112 7,, L ION NYRRE HO, Scale �f Feet. PRIMROSE ST. ji -2-%31 Aw all, I AWg N EER N.C. 26 ZA fit'. T 17, 22 66 Gy KING 20 , po-. ------- ------ E9 70 F I 11, /2 (A• 24 qNE6;24D qdE4N N.C. 22 ---- --------------- ---------------- ---------- - ------ ------ I q.pwrvc wilt [:a 65 ---------- -- ill L VA(BIR CO. INC. 7- 0 ILL Ld F--.- !z ---------------- - ----------- T— ---------- L--- ----------- ---- i 69 n-- JOHNSON (UNION) S�al,ofFeet NORTH 27 PUL, 201 200 F 199 AVENUE... D r, 202 BLADES AV. AVENUE T4 LU --77T;;= C ST. w _j 512 z P, 0 Zia L O F3 @ IN 11 C,q, CqZf 300 Fr TO qN INCH Cgzf, 7' 27 JNEWA N.C. N z - Co -- -------- R'H EafF= AVENUE B x. r 2 ,fir; 10 ST. (AV. B) ; Ll ; B 55 29 c , L Fr-,=" r El A x ST. AVENU A -lE 2 9 rl=a c SIB IA 7.- e2-J. k 5-le 100 0 One ­h. 2 6 I ----------- -E SPECIRL NOTE 7—t tl C -- - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - - — - --------- 90,9DDU & S -------- jTHf :fi - MtlER ----------------------- LEE ........•....... THE 8wwoxa & IvEs iumaw Ca 4k 9 101 021 .............. .SS -------------- ---- ------------ 26 (NE;BERN E�) N G. N e /is e River aA ; t.4 J7 RI Pawayr GoiY Co. F- �1,,'1 E LJ L lid ------ --------------- - ------ ��MORZ-� -.:Z- S.eI. J Feet. ---------------- - - -- -------- 23 - ------------- z w z e7' GRIFFITH 28 6 I, P 19 Scale of Feet. PRIMROSE �Q ATMORE JYW--Vt 28 DUNN JA- mi p. I -I jr Eli NEVf' .COURT 4 6 H z 0 Ld EJ 0 w GUION (COURT) -v 0 3 26 RANDOLPH hip 17 GASTOPT < Scale o Feet 0 64 2JJ L Fj 25 y 7 1 GOOD F FRAf-COH-Re* 4� ATMORE PRIMROSE 23 1XI zi........ .... ... .. .. r------ — -------- 66 T : Z11. --- -------- ---------------- -------------- Bc J {fro Scale of Feet UNION.... ..... 16 22 ------------------- - THE P/AFI LUH BF - ---- ---------- ---------- w ----------- Q E 7 ------ Iq .., . 913 NE;l'lERN 23 0 v,-". ik lol* I D--------- j d L* -------- - ---- ------ STANLEY ---------------------------------- -V rq+ ----------------- Nr------ -A L! ------ !I - f � . .............. ------------- kJ AM-.. y.. ----------- k L ------ --- - -------- ev ED 2" well 64 1. -4 . .. ....... 22 Scale of Feet. C, 0 -- ---- -- — 4w ; �n 0 - --- na • I n,. s _ ' N.C. : I L �' V. I THE NENBERN COP70N OIL & FERULIZER MPLLS „y uocF" - V 0 m r b FE:vlic/ a ,A F slocr szklicc �� e__tv__________ ------,.., .,.ram,.--r1--9 ---•I' �1 s/Nnrr _-_ • n li e r I'. I P THE NEiYBERN COTTO 0/L fER /L/ZER M/L S. rgrch ST_----------- -- -- cOURT •• K—��� - y� u s Ea Nouse E w `11n Ig --------- — --- �'� _ �. r —Tryry—�--------- THE BROROOUS n&- /YES 2A-------- - II•I �rva/�//wn a Mc[sP�- N ///��� __ ___ _________ - F_ �y �suvr.iCe•cc•„liver"+^' gNeo y .ra .�^� ___ � I �I �r ....vc ..,.,� � - __ •ftnx/x- M[t °/nc� �i+r_l E - _ .� —� -� � B �/ _ - • • —F rT'st� -`�p _ - �J _ n nr- `� • � 19, USB /YES LUMBEN COM�NY PI„ oe 9 �r per' THE P/NE LUMBER Cf�MPR}VY. L r: ' .-. T, : - ATMORE 19 �IrT �T�O►� --- T ]r---Tie - ✓4NN - ` --Qh nr��a N=----a �V" AtowroLx & Sourmrw 8,71LWqr a: Ld a- coo lo Fee i'mow Z7 T 7 RIE SEPT M EW BERN P": o - 4-V E29: A QI L comor/ R"fll" OPS. Ro— 1/11- 1 I Ln 14 ITLJ .v 14 GS L FE MI F M, KING N.C.o ---------------------- — --------------------- -------------- ------- 7;",; ------------------- by s ry.- VIRGINIq a cq.70LINfl Cli6,w, CAL Co. ------------- 5% 65 57 j M. 21 lb T-- / GoW. -j 69 --------- - THE NrusE lum ?ER COmPONY-11 COMPNNI Scale uo reef. JOHNSTON �q �o A 'F. 17 elk ps m1s, � SEPr. 1W8 NEWBERN 14 N.C. 00 v ]A 74 : 0'. 5caia oT Feel, NEW T., P, im— t u ----------------- ---------------- 4V SEPT B R N al 10 STANLY f /7 la F-A ---------------------- 0=31. TH JOH L. ROPE-&____-� Fo ;LUMBERe CO. MIL4_Xg I B - ----------- -- No R F a L x o v N R. R. Co 19 (AB.0— F,.-- Co _­doL_ Qt 12 64 az IV,,WDCRAf CE C.- N A_ FER--, tHB A IVH—, ft—, ffs— ffffc. or rna , ERI -❑ 31 ---------------------- Scale of Feet. I 11 Neuse I I HI Per. 1I j C I 11 MAI 1904 BthP=S LUMBER CO. I i 1 NEW BERN iCmrc�ne• roi<d I I 1 I 1 N.C. , I I 2e c 1 i 0. •Q I I :.i .: :I g c� y RBNCfi R. Co5. 4 ♦.�'- F E/G//re 6F/yH I j v I I a III e n -e -ham 64 3 o y & I -IF I� � III II I 4'.� �I I n•. 4Frrr,�ror— � I 4I1._ II �r ♦„r 10 V�I I I 'll All <w TvttMS7: I o p a �•B�iaE rswCo. y k I m z IT rem U. r-S Q I 11 / ND SSA -9'-V-FT Q s d I �___ --s�=---- y - • 6�0 D x h �® iiif-� ♦ �"j �I'Tj� x ld POO � F/s fbnndry N`PSmJ / M n. shop Tn• a<. yt n•�I I — ..._._.__=---�f--- Ji © 1• La%/NNr� I Scale of Fet. �� / r�l I i . L�~.���� /aa�* / T 0 � K8 0 / tzo � '| __.__________------�`=`----------c.rnnm�------------��------�-��- I AV ar � � ����^ _---------_----_ onxvcux~=, ---_ it II S. E. Su, LmRm. WW 441, 1. I II COURT ATMORE �j in n, 12 * 1, r- F7.-i i —.00 H ilr - - - - - - - - - - Mon lM. " 74� IVES 1?108CR CO 9 qj THE Plw lcM&ER Chif.9mr. rI c/ r .11 - - - - - - - - &Y' im ji T- Scale oo Feet fid XT II i 73 < , i 5e pry Scale of Feet NEW JAN 1998 NEW ERN N ' cmy ?&Z J.alNew Men II -Pria- i :10 alb, 1YRN la Isl II II II m II I. _ EP 75 EA Eli 9 I I 1 I I I � I M e us e Ri ve r Loy I$I IQI L co%d ai dames L'i/y o of /Y-9 n I I I I NE/7'BERN L UMBER CO. y�'� � Sire fi/r. I <...✓ Jti BAs/vY�a `..,"1O. 0 Lorl �PRf N _a W ei S h! 6RRv Ytr Co. 1� � IYe1�OENPLRTES Ofarara B/-SU[P//NTE%YPoORYG. iN' '_ "Je. as J�x.7898 NEWBERN N.G. Located of ✓ames �%y, /�% SE. of A'ew Bern / Lumber SNed i ,it' / 1 r'fPp�r� 9290ES LUMEfR ['O. Zm cab �; Ib G�• I III /NpN/NCNNOU z Sfeaa.dy Hr/n� Gun. be. e'-io- � yl --���. a -- --- - 65 •r Z z{ O Ell /JJ /Ri /3/ /Y✓ /Sl /PJ iY3 /s. /9 //7 /� /% /// /aJ /aJf{ i_/�Y� = /.w /ze ne �a.r. =/ie `_�• wa e i IIrrTI I I O ro L! U 1 z Drl No z c , 60� UT b � o 'To E-fh //yam — u n ------------ GRAVE$e" x ....... iY e u s e I` u Los 9n s. n. A", I -_.11, c R i v e r. � Lnw rr R. II �I J' I Lamd(r S.xe% � � II g II G�• II 64 ; J�9 1 II I Lumber Slorege. e I PHninq I� Izy �rF P - I'I I I � h Ipl I ISO C I•I I �I I Aue.1893 NEW BERNE ens,x,. 5� Ld M!a E. FRONT I ,rm nne I I ua.r..-or.rss<..rwwussr1 j � e II i u h A t Z MNIY LC d OX W k Y.1 h I x II� NEWBERNE o t i- Cos. ; IPP_---mom _-_.---_---------___----_ 11 zn r � '1L3 1/a r 1 v OE P NC. R n �rn,.sy 'g° 2 A, a rvairrrr .TYf�[ C 1 Cs p� ShrPzr -' ani - bye I 1 r nr ----=PAST�UR-----'------- - � 1 v Scale Af FW ° .A' e u s e C. Mar 1888 NEW BERNE N.C. V II II 7. r,-- II I I I I is I `o I r _ II I _ I_I ID.cST/NSON, IIQ`/NBER ',Lr0. ISAW-9NIIF d!iILL 8 Sr. DRY 914N... PL ANl.v6 - ®...Mas",. I' `I Ic. i_ i E. FRONT I S/Er/,•, l I : Ortr `II ' I I •• r ^' I l I SLobs & Lw<cb.�r. I� I 1 i�T I I 1 L_J 1 LI r------- I I ' I I _ I y t Z .tea r--- W (18) 0 t / \ I ZZ h e m� V 7. a Oil, •��� - rr r Hu. 7 rY h � I .Xrr GRIFFITH e n �� se �m z ,a•\ H i;;nc C. H. A. CO'S REPR/R VNOPS. © F O a en.�s _—_ S R .�h. lG OrYi Scale of Feet.MAI N n PASTEUR W Z n ATMORE 35 0 �^�^� - rx. aawwww rer a rua. uaxwo co I�i.rl .Ix a.y 1, r,n:. ImI 1� O.CO/V600N m%Y sew "vt SB �a+s' �YrN6 M>LL I II I L/ gw I II I sari /Mxsrmvmv �I I STAN LEY n/ram fi t o II I W ©EI jam, � I --- � _ �� Iwll�l� i --I c - J�-�L—'�°-'J ��� P7l�iiire :✓Yli/!7^-'zY rl 17 e r I til v iii___III � I G I I s d�' W 9 fYBRE NO. I / 3n.Yi 0 � J�g9s iar sY. IcSEE cC4FET Not 6 > 1� [ I ' /e A C Jri9/G =1tf it > \I w5 i'iPPll IHSS IVEwB�RNE rm F�/mn>ry->T/7/z` v xSHGHyYp MFG CO LgO6YV PLATES _--_ X - Y I L> �~ _--_ � >ien,s. NHL REx>ise. .>�ras M.�En• ` ® — _ f`�I uilzl9l / ••_ _ � ufX �Yr, oc>exvs -r/.-e>- I I _J �OppV. 8711-7801V c v air L!"MBEF'Yo..SFW PL9N>N6 M/LL W m I �` ----_--T I 6 Z �, LUMBER ,.fr K/Y la3 .09 P.s 6Y.G � aY r� cS'CdJt . O Seda of F-t. YA.vo CTpeh _-- QUEEN 900-957 CRAVEN TER 900-957 CRAVEN TER New Bern, NC 28560 Inquiry Number: 4006024.6 July 15, 2014 6 Armstreng Read, 41h Floor E D R� -Shelton, Onn nOGUCUt M484 T*IM Free: &00.�$2_005O www.in.dtr%&t.com EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR's professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial Photography July 15, 2014 Target Property: 900-957 CRAVEN TER New Bern, NC 28560 Year Scale Details Source 1953 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NC;/Flight Date: February 05, 1953 EDR 1961 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NC;/Flight Date: January 01, 1961 EDR 1964 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NC;/Flight Date: April 11, 1964 EDR 1974 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Date: April 10, 1974 EDR 1982 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Date: January 01, 1982 EDR 1989 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Date: July 10, 1989 EDR 1993 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NC;/D000 - acquisition dates: EDR March 08, 1993 1998 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Date: February 01, 1998 EDR 2005 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2005 EDR 2006 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2006 EDR 2008 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2008 EDR 2009 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2009 EDR 2010 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2010 EDR 2012 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 35077-A1, New Bern, NQ/Flight Year: 2012 EDR 4006024.6 2 INQUIRY M 4006024.6 4 N YEAR: 1953 [i IEUR = 750' `� ii-A% all OL 4L iti 46 4 M #.dir do -elk Fk 4k. AAM Ron _.:1LxUA : 't"I INQUIRY #: 4006024.6 4 N YEAR: 1974 rrEOR 4 1. v Owl A: INQUIRY #: 4006024.6 V �� . ■, �`A YEAR: 1982 4 ' ` 1 f FOR = 500' "'; �� 4 Ar vb. , pp L ol INQUIRY #: 4006024.6 !k I N i YEAR: 1993 1 (rEDR 500' s! LIP 4rj®r� mij r y' P I INQUIRY # 4006024.E YEAR: 1998 = 750' -k L I L. 1# i -Vol Jt *Vl 4 �` 4W A-ALI 0--_ �071 Al Sri INQUIRY #: 4006024.6 4 N i YEAR: 2008 1 500' (r = FOR m mlgp� "Ll r INQUIRY #: 4006024-6 , �ti, �.• YEAR: 2009 = 500' I (rEOF c t X.5 pw lb -- _•�awe- Al off. -'40 �. I db 40 0 61116 ", --W, '99 44 , t-3 INQUIRY M 4006024.6 'CIO 4t I N YEAR: 2012 ql i, w , (rEDR 500' NOWE,"- 93 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENMOl501 SS.00 APPENDix E REGULATORY DATABASE REPORT 388-399 QUEEN ST 388-399 QUEEN ST New Bern, NC 28560 Inquiry Number: 4432306.1s October 07, 2015 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484rEDR'5Environmental Data Resources Inc Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com FORM-NULL-SPM Search Summary Report TARGET SITE 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Category Sel Site 1/8 1/4 1/2 > 1/2 ZIP TOTALS NPL Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NPL Delisted Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CERCL/S Y 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 NFRAP Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA COR ACT Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA TSD Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA GEN Y 0 1 0 0 1 Federal IC / EC Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERNS Y 0 - 0 0 State/Tribal CERCLIS Y 0 1 0 0 5 0 6 State/Tribal SWL Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 State/Tribal LTANKS Y 0 2 5 18 2 27 State/Tribal Tanks Y 0 1 4 0 5 State/Tribal IC / EC Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 State/Tribal VCP Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST/Tribal Brownfields Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 US Brownfields Y 0 2 0 4 0 6 Other Haz Sites Y 0 - 0 0 Spills Y 0 - - 0 0 Other Y 0 1 1 - - 0 2 EDR Exclusive Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Totals -- 0 8 10 22 6 3 49 Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Search Summary Report TARGET SITE: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Category Database Update Radius Site 1/8 1/4 1/2 > 1/2 ZIP TOTALS NPL NPL 03/26/2015 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed NPL 03/26/2015 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NPL Delisted Delisted NPL 03/26/2015 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CERCLIS CERCLIS 10/25/2013 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 NFRAP CERC-NFRAP 10/25/2013 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 RCRA COR ACT CORRACTS 06/09/2015 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA TSD RCRA-TSDF 06/09/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 RCRA GEN RCRA-LQG 06/09/2015 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 0 RCRA-SQG 06/09/2015 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 0 RCRA-CESQG 06/09/2015 0.250 0 1 0 - - 0 1 Federal IC/EC US ENG CONTROLS 06/09/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 US INST CONTROL 06/09/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 ERNS ERNS 06/22/2015 TP 0 - - - - 0 0 State/Tribal CERCLIS SHWS 05/19/2015 1.000 0 1 0 0 5 0 6 State/Tribal SWL SWF/LF 06/24/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 1 1 State/Tribal LTANKS LUST 08/07/2015 0.500 0 2 5 17 - 1 25 LAST 08/07/2015 0.500 0 0 0 1 - 1 2 INDIAN LUST 02/03/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 State/Tribal Tanks UST 08/07/2015 0.250 0 1 3 - - 0 4 AST 04/14/2015 0.250 0 0 1 - - 0 1 INDIAN UST 02/03/2015 0.250 0 0 0 - - 0 0 State/Tribal IC/EC INST CONTROL 05/19/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 State/Tribal VCP VCP 05/19/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 ST/Tribal Brownfields BROWNFIELDS 07/02/2015 0.500 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 Search Summary Report TARGET SITE: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Category Database Update Radius Site 1/8 1/4 1/2 > 1/2 ZIP TOTALS US Brownfields US BROWNFIELDS 06/22/2015 0.500 0 2 Other Haz Sites US CDL 05/15/2015 TP 0 - Spills H M I RS 06/24/2015 TP 0 - IMD 07/21/2006 TP 0 - SPILLS 90 09/27/2012 TP 0 - SPILLS 80 06/14/2001 TP 0 - Other RCRA NonGen / NLR 06/09/2015 0.250 0 1 TSCA 12/31/2012 TP 0 - TRIS 12/31/2013 TP 0 - SSTS 12/31/2009 TP 0 - RAATS 04/17/1995 TP 0 - PRP 10/25/2013 TP 0 - PADS 07/01/2014 TP 0 - ICIS 01/23/2015 TP 0 - FTTS 04/09/2009 TP 0 - MLTS 03/31/2015 TP 0 - RADINFO 07/07/2015 TP 0 - INDIAN RESERV 12/31/2005 1.000 0 0 LEAD SMELTERS 11/25/2014 TP 0 - US AIRS 07/22/2015 TP 0 - DRYCLEANERS 03/02/2015 0.250 0 0 EDR Exclusive EDR MGP 08/28/2009 1.000 0 0 - Totals -- 0 8 0 4 - 0 6 - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 1 - - 0 2 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 10 22 6 3 49 Site Information Report Request Date: OCTOBER 7, 2015 Search Type: COORD Request Name: CARRA HERRING Job Number: NA Target Site: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Site Location Degrees (Decimal) Degrees (Min/Sec) UTMs Longitude: 77.039500 77.0395000 - 77° 2' 22.20" Easting: 314134.6 Latitude: 35.114700 35.1147000 - 35' 6' 52.92" Northing: 3887468.2 Elevation: 7 ft. above sea level Zone: Zone 18 Demographics Sites: 46 Non-Geocoded:3 Population: N/A RADON Federal EPA Radon Zone for CRAVEN County: 3 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Zone 2 indoor average level — 2 pCi/L and — 4 pCi/L. Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. Federal Area Radon Information for Zip Code: 28560 Number of sites tested: 3 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L Living Area - 1 st Floor 0.667 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Living Area - 2nd Floor Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Basement Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Federal Area Radon Information for CRAVEN COUNTY, NC Number of sites tested: 6 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L Living Area - 1 st Floor 0.650 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Living Area - 2nd Floor Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Basement Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Target Site Summary Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 DB Type ID --ID/Status Site Name JOB: NA NON GEOCODED: 3 Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Paqe No. No sites found for target address Sites Summary Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 NON GEOCODED: 3 DB Type Map ID --ID/Status Site Name Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. Al UST EAST CAROLINA DIST. 833 WEST CRAVEN STREET 0.03 SSW + 0 1 --00-0-0000012811 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --Removed 2 US BROWNFIELDS 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST 0.04 West + 2 2 --147464 NEW BERN, NC 28563 A3 US BROWNFIELDS FORMER ICE PLANT SITE 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET 0.04 SSW + 0 5 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 A4 RCRA-CESQG NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO - 416 QUEEN ST 0.08 South + 0 11 --NC0000065623 NEW BERN, NC 28560 5 LUST RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES 859 PASTEUR STREET 0.08 WSW + 0 13 9141 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Closed Out B6 LUST ARANT LUMBER COMPANY 934 NORTH CRAVEN STREET 0.10 WNW + 2 16 5021 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out B7 RCRA NonGen / NLR NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORID 934 N CRAVEN ST 0.10 WNW + 2 19 --NCD047371794 NEW BERN, NC 28560 B8 SHWS COASTAL LUMBER COMPANY - NEW B CRAVEN AND CRESENT STREET 0.10 WNW + 2 21 --NCD047371794 NEW BERN, NC 9 LUST CAR TECHNICS (FORMER) 716 E FRONT STREET 0.15 SE - 2 22 --11376 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Closed Out 10 AST IVES OIL CO. 506 CYPRESS ST. 0.17 West + 1 25 25016 NEW BERN, NC 00000 11 RCRA NonGen / NLR ULTRA PRECISION MACHINING 303 CRESCENT ST 0.17 WNW + 2 26 --NCS000001789 NEW BERN, NC 28561 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 NON GEOCODED: 3 DB Type Map ID --ID/Status Site Name Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. 12 LUST NEW BERN-CRAVEN CO. LIBRARY MIDDLE & JOHNSON ST. 0.22 South + 2 28 7000 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out C13 UST HANDY MART 21 900 GEORGE STREET 0.22 West + 0 31 --00-0-0000011737 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --Removed C13 LUST HANDY MART 21 900 GEORGE STREET 0.22 West + 0 35 14589 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out C14 LUST PRECISION MOULDING & WOODWORKS 908/916 GEORGE ST. 0.22 West + 0 38 38199 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out C15 UST P & G MANUFACTURER INC 916 GEORGE STREET 0.23 West + 0 41 --00-0-0000012193 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --Removed 16 UST ROYSTER OF NEW BERN 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET 0.24 NW + 0 45 --00-0-0000001780 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --00-2-0000001780 --Removed 16 LUST ROYSTER OF NEW BERN 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET 0.24 NW + 0 47 7142 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out 17 LUST GEORGE STREET SERVICE CENTER 1000 GEORGE STREET 0.29 WNW + 4 50 8259 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Follow Up 18 US BROWNFIELDS BUDBECK, LLC PROPERTY 1 1106-1110 N. CRAVEN STREE 0.34 NW + 0 53 --147465 NEW BERN, NC 28560 19 LUST CAROLYN SMITH PROPERTY 512 EAST FRONT STREET 0.34 SE - 3 56 31010 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Response Sites Summary Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 NON GEOCODED: 3 DB Type Map ID --ID/Status Site Name Address 20 LUST NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY -NEW B NORTH CRAVEN STREET 24280 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out D21 US BROWNFIELDS JENKINS PROPERTY 2 1108 WINDLEY STREET --147481 NEW BERN, NC 28560 D22 US BROWNFIELDS JENKINS PROPERTY 1110 WINDLEY STREET --147467 NEW BERN, NC 28560 E23 LUST FROG POND SERVICE STATION 730 QUEEEN STREET 16272 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Follow Up F24 LUST NEW BERN EXCHANGE 311 HANCOCK STREET 9015 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out F25 LUST DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER 502 BROAD ST 38053 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Closed Out F25 LAST DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER 502 BROAD ST 93071 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --10/31 /2012 F26 LUST BP STATION 24209 BROAD AND HANCOCK 6696 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out G27 LUST NEW BERN FIRE DEPARTMENT 420 BROAD STREET 38020 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out G28 LUST 416-418 BROAD STREET 416-418 BROAD STREET 31654 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. 0.35 WNW + 4 59 0.36 NW + 0 62 0.36 NW + 0 65 0.37 SW + 2 68 0.38 SSW + 3 71 0.38 SSW + 3 74 0.38 SSW + 3 77 0.38 SSW + 3 80 0.39 South + 6 83 0.39 South + 6 86 Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 DB Type Map ID --ID/Status Site Name 29 LUST HANDY MART 6 --5295 --A --Closed Out Sites Summary Report JOB: NA NON GEOCODED: 3 Address 602 BROAD STREET NEW BERN, NC 28560 Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. 0.41 SSW + 1 89 E30 LUST BROAD CREEK SERV STATION INC 798 HWY 55 E 0.42 SW + 0 92 23309 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out 31 US BROWNFIELDS 1200 N. CRAVEN ST 1200 N. CRAVEN STREET 0.42 NW + 0 95 --147466 NEW BERN, NC 28560 32 LUST DINO MASSORI PROPERTY HWY 70-E 0.44 SSW + 2 98 7814 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out H33 LUST THE SURPLUS STORE 313 MIDDLE STREET 0.47 South + 5 101 14510 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --C --Closed Out H34 LUST KRESS BLDG. 307 MIDDLE STREET 0.48 South + 5 104 --11991 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out 35 LUST BLUE GABLE PURE OIL STATION/ER 501 POLLOCK ST. & HANCOCK 0.48 SSW + 3 107 6744 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out 136 LUST CRAVEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 200 BROAD ST 0.49 SSE - 3 110 7656 NEW BERN, NC 28560 --A --Closed Out 137 LUST BARKER & DUNN ATTORNEY'S OFFIC 201 BROAD STREET 0.49 SSE - 3 113 11992 NEW BERN, NC 28561 --A --Closed Out Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 DB Type ip ID --ID/Status Site Name 38 SHWS DUNN PROPERTY --NONCD0001644 Sites Summary Report JOB: NA NON GEOCODED: 3 Address 240-246 CRAVEN STREET NEW BERN, NC 28560 Dist/Dir ElevDiff 0.59 South + 2 39 SHWS NEW BERN COAL GAS PLANT CORNER OF S. FRONT/HANCOC 0.61 SSW - 1 --NCD986197259 NEW BERN, NC 28560 Page No. 116 117 J40 EDR MGP NEW BERN MGP 506 TRYON PALACE DRIVE 0.64 SSW - 3 118 NEW BERN, NC 28560 J41 SHWS BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. 527 TRYON PALACE DR 0.65 SSW - 3 119 --NCD003193588 NEW BERN, NC 42 SHWS SWISS BEAR INC/TEXACO INC. 200-208 E. FRONT ST 0.68 SSE - 3 120 --NCD075550517 NEW BERN, NC 43 SHWS BIDDLE STREET-1104 1104 BIDDLE ST 0.75 West - 2 121 --NONCD0002883 NEW BERN, NC Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 TOTAL: 49 GEOCODED: 46 DB Type Map ID --ID/Status Site Name LAST DICK PARKER FORD --C Sites Summary Report JOB: NA SWF/LF CRAVEN AG SERVICE COMPOST FACI --2514-COMPOST-2014 --Open LUST PARK N SHOP #17 --38521 --C --Closed Out NON GEOCODED: 3 Address 101 MAIN STREET HAVELOCK, NC 28560 2115 HWY 55 WEST NEW BERN, NC Dist/Dir ElevDiff NON GC N/A NON GC N/A 4013 MARTIN LUTHER KING B NON GC N/A NEW BERN, NC 28562 Page No. N/A N/A N/A Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001194414 DIST/DIR: 0.028 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: Al NAME: EAST CAROLINA DIST. Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 833 WEST CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000012811 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources UST: Facility Id: 00-0-0000012811 Contact: MALLARD OIL CO INC Contact Addressl : PO BOX 1008 Contact Address2: Not reported Contact City/State/Zip: KINSTON, NC 28503-1008 FIPS County Desc: Craven Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Tank Id: 1 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/10/1976 Perm Close Date: 04/30/1993 Product Key: 1 Product Name: Diesel Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 1 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016645364 DIST/DIR: 0.044 West ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 2 NAME: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST ID/Status: 147464 NEW BERN, NC 28563 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .54 Property Description: The property is currently owned by a Lumber Company and has historically been owned by a lumber company. Historical evidence and curent observations suggest the site was once developed for residential pruposes and has then remained vacant Latitude: 35.116369 Longitude:-77.042993 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 147464 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: B Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N Cleanup required: No Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: N IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 2 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016645364 DIST/DIR: 0.044 West ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 2 NAME: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST ID/Status: 147464 NEW BERN, NC 28563 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Y Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: Not reported Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-3 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016645364 DIST/DIR: 0.044 West ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 2 NAME: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 905 NORTH CRAVEN ST ID/Status: 147464 NEW BERN, NC 28563 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 4 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .85 Property Description: The property was developed as an Ice House from at least 1924 to 1958. Buildings on the property burned in 2006. The site remains vacant. The current owner purchased the property as is and was not part of the Ice House operation. The Ice House was an industrial facilty that produced Ice. The Phase I and Phase II ESA performed on the property identified the presence of petroluem related compounds in the groundwatger however at concentrations below the North Carolina Groundwater Standard. Soil impact was identified in surface soils in two separate areas of the site but at concentrations that do not exceed residential or industrial/commercial standards. It is likely that some engineering controls and land use restrictions will be needed to properly devleop the site but remediation will not be necessary. Latitude: 35.114251 Longitude:-77.04021 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 150203 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 44000 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: H Accomplishment type: Phase II Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 0 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-5 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N Cleanup required: No Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: Y IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Y IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Y Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Y PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Y Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Y Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-6 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency VOCs found: Y VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: Not reported Past use industrial acreage: .85 Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-7 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .85 Property Description: The property was developed as an Ice House from at least 1924 to 1958. Buildings on the property burned in 2006. The site remains vacant. The current owner purchased the property as is and was not part of the Ice House operation. The Ice House was an industrial facilty that produced Ice. The Phase I and Phase II ESA performed on the property identified the presence of petroluem related compounds in the groundwatger however at concentrations below the North Carolina Groundwater Standard. Soil impact was identified in surface soils in two separate areas of the site but at concentrations that do not exceed residential or industrial/commercial standards. It is likely that some engineering controls and land use restrictions will be needed to properly devleop the site but remediation will not be necessary. Latitude: 35.114251 Longitude:-77.04021 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 150203 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: H Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-8 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Cleanup required: No Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: Y IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Y IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Y Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Y PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Y Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Y Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Y VOCs cleaned: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page-9 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1016606060 DIST/DIR: 0.044 SSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A3 NAME: FORMER ICE PLANT SITE Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 820 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 150203 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: Not reported Past use industrial acreage: .85 Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 10 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 RCRA-CESQG JOB: NA EDR ID: 1000869130 DIST/DIR: 0.078 South ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A4 NAME: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO - NB Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 416 QUEEN ST ID/Status: NC0000065623 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency RCRA-CESQG: Date form received by agency: 11/04/1993 Facility name: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO - NB Facility address: 416 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 EPA ID: NC0000065623 Mailing address: W LIDDELL ST CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 Contact: GILBERT TURNER Contact address: 416 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (704) 378-3841 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 04 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP Owner/operator address: 110 FRANKLIN RD ROANOKE, VA 24042 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (703) 981-4154 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/01/1776 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 11 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 RCRA-CESQG JOB: NA EDR ID: 1000869130 DIST/DIR: 0.078 South ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: A4 NAME: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO - NB Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 416 QUEEN ST ID/Status: NC0000065623 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On -site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D040 Waste name: TRICHLORETHYLENE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status: No violations found 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 12 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S106936141 DIST/DIR: 0.080 WSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 5 NAME: RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 859 PASTEUR STREET ID/Status: 9141 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-617 Incident Number: 9141 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 08/28/1992 Date Occur: 08/28/1992 Cleanup: 08/28/1992 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 10/30/2006 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: U Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: C Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: CS Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 4 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: False RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: True Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1141-77.0421 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 13 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S106936141 DIST/DIR: 0.080 WSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 5 NAME: RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 859 PASTEUR STREET ID/Status: 9141 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: STF Region: WAS Company: STATE LEAD Contact Person: Not reported Telephone: Not reported RP Address: Not reported RP City,St,Zip: Not reported RP County: Not reported Comments: STATE LEAD SITE;SENT TO CO 3/22/06; NFA 10/30/06 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 9141 Date Occurred: 1992-09-07 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-09-29 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: UST CLOSURE REVEALED CONTAMINATION Owner/Operator: BILL REID Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 4 Type: 3 Location: 7 Site Priority: /C Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Min Soil Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2006-10-30 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 14 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S106936141 DIST/DIR: 0.080 WSW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 5 NAME: RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 859 PASTEUR STREET ID/Status: 9141 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 15 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S107031850 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B6 NAME: ARANT LUMBER COMPANY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 934 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 5021 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-26268 Incident Number: 5021 Contamination Type: SL Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 01/04/1988 Date Occur: 01/04/1988 Cleanup: 01/04/1988 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 07/15/1992 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 189 Reel Num: 3911 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1188-77.0436 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 16 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S107031850 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B6 NAME: ARANT LUMBER COMPANY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 934 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 5021 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: D. B. ARANT, INC. Contact Person: TONY LANDI Telephone: Not reported RP Address: P.O. BOX 1429 RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 285601429 RP County: Not reported Comments: Not reported 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 5021 Date Occurred: 1988-01-04 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1988-01-04 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: FAILED TANK TEST Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: S Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 1 Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: P Last Modified: 1992-07-15 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 1989-05-08 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 17 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S107031850 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B6 NAME: ARANT LUMBER COMPANY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 934 NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 5021 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 1992-07-15 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 18 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 RCRA NonGen / NLR JOB: NA EDR ID: 1000141079 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B7 NAME: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 934 N CRAVEN ST ID/Status: NCD047371794 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency RCRA NonGen / NLR: Date form received by agency: 08/18/2014 Facility name: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Facility address: 934 N CRAVEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 EPA ID: NCD047371794 Mailing address: POWERS FERRY RD STE 200 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Contact: TED SANDLER Contact address: POWERS FERRY RD STE 200 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Contact country: US Contact telephone: 678-648-2017 Contact email: TED.SANDLER@SANDLERLAWGROUP.COM EPA Region: 04 Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Owner/operator address: RINGLING BLVD STE 890 SARASOTA, 34236 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: 941-312-5996 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 05/20/2014 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Owner/operator address: RINGLING BLVD STE 890 SARASOTA, 34236 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: 941-312-5996 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 05/20/2014 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No - Continued on next page - 4432306.1s Site Details Page- 19 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 RCRA NonGen / NLR JOB: NA EDR ID: 1000141079 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B7 NAME: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 934 N CRAVEN ST ID/Status: NCD047371794 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On -site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 07/22/2014 Site name: NEW BERN INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA LLC Classification: Large Quantity Generator Waste code: F035 Waste name: WASTEWATERS, PROCESS RESIDUALS, PRESERVATIVE DRIPPAGE, AND SPENT FORMULATIONS FROM WOOD PRESERVING PROCESSES GENERATED AT PLANTS THAT USE INORGANIC PRESERVATIVES CONTAINING ARSENIC OR CHROMIUM. THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE K001 BOTTOM SEDIMENT SLUDGE FROM THE TREATMENT OF WASTEWATER FROM WOOD PRESERVING PROCESSES THAT USE CREOSOTE AND/OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL. Date form received by agency: 10/20/1989 Site name: ARANT LUMBER COMPANY Classification: Not a generator, verified Violation Status: No violations found 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 20 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA SHWS EDR ID: S105703156 DIST/DIR: 0.100 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: B8 NAME: COASTAL LUMBER COMPANY - NEW B Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: CRAVEN AND CRESENT STREETS ID/Status: NCD047371794 NEW BERN, NC CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NCD047371794 Lat/Longitude: 35.116575 /-77.04246 Geolocation Method: Geocode (address match) 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 21 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S102868265 DIST/DIR: 0.145 SE ELEVATION: 5 MAP ID: 9 NAME: CAR TECHNICS (FORMER) Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 716 E FRONT STREET ID/Status: 11376 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-832 Incident Number: 11376 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 10/15/1993 Date Occur: 06/23/1993 Cleanup: 06/23/1993 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 08/30/2007 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 12/21/1993 Site Priority: 70E Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: CS Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: True Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1083-77.0416 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 22 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S102868265 DIST/DIR: 0.145 SE ELEVATION: 5 MAP ID: 9 NAME: CAR TECHNICS (FORMER) Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 716 E FRONT STREET ID/Status: 11376 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: STF Region: WAS Company: HALLOW DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. Contact Person: JOE HALLOW, JR. Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 111 E THIRD ST. RP City,St,Zip: GREENVILLE, NC 27858 RP County: PITT Comments: ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION 12/23/86; LIQUIDATION 6/30/1988-THIS MEANS CORPORATION DISSOLVED SO THERE IS UNCERTAINITY ABOUT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY AND RELEASE; REFERRED TO STF ON 1/26/06; SENT TO CO ON 1 /26/06; 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 11376 Date Occurred: 1993-06-23 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1993-12-15 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: SOIL AND GW CONTAM Owner/Operator: JOE HALLOW, JR. Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 70/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 4 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2007-08-30 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported DISCOVERED DURING UST CLOSURE. - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 23 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S102868265 DIST/DIR: 0.145 SE ELEVATION: 5 MAP ID: 9 NAME: CAR TECHNICS (FORMER) Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 716 E FRONT STREET ID/Status: 11376 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 24 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA AST EDR ID: A100186850 DIST/DIR: 0.166 West ELEVATION: 8 MAP ID: 10 NAME: IVES OIL CO. Rev: 04/14/2015 ADDRESS: 506 CYPRESS ST. ID/Status: 25016 NEW BERN, NC 00000 CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources AST: Facility Id: 25016 Registration Number: 25402116 Certificate Number: Not reported Status Change: Not reported Date Change: Not reported Date Application Received: Not reported Owner Name: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Coordinate Source: Not reported Certificate of Registration Issued: Not reported Lat/Long: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 25 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 RCRA NonGen / NLR JOB: NA EDR ID: 1014925490 DIST/DIR: 0.168 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 11 NAME: ULTRA PRECISION MACHINING Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 303 CRESCENT ST ID/Status: NCS000001789 NEW BERN, NC 28561 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency RCRA NonGen / NLR: Date form received by agency: 01/12/2012 Facility name: ULTRA PRECISION MACHINING Facility address: 303 CRESCENT ST NEW BERN, NC 28561 EPA ID: NCS000001789 Mailing address: PO BOX 12848 NEW BERN, NC 28561 Contact: ALVIN BANNISTER Contact address: CRESCENT ST NEW BERN, NC 28561 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (252) 638-6611 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 04 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On -site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Violation Status: No violations found Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 10/10/2012 Evaluation: FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 26 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA RCRA NonGen / NLR EDR ID: 1014925490 DIST/DIR: 0.168 WNW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 11 NAME: ULTRA PRECISION MACHINING Rev: 06/09/2015 ADDRESS: 303 CRESCENT ST ID/Status: NCS000001789 NEW BERN, NC 28561 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Evaluation lead agency: State Evaluation date: 01/12/2012 Evaluation: FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 27 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S100047223 DIST/DIR: 0.217 South ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 12 NAME: NEW BERN-CRAVEN CO. LIBRARY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: MIDDLE & JOHNSON ST. ID/Status: 7000 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-324 Incident Number: 7000 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 10/21/1991 Date Occur: 09/27/1990 Cleanup: 09/27/1990 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 02/19/1992 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: 90 Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 4 RPL: False CD Num: 189 Reel Num: 3911 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1083-77.0397 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 28 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S100047223 DIST/DIR: 0.217 South ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 12 NAME: NEW BERN-CRAVEN CO. LIBRARY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: MIDDLE & JOHNSON ST. ID/Status: 7000 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: Not reported Contact Person: DANNY MEADOWS/CITY OF NEW BERN Telephone: Not reported RP Address: P. O. BOX 1129 RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN RP County: CRAVE Comments: EXPANSION OF LIBRARY REVEALED FREE PRODUCT. 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 7000 Date Occurred: 1990-09-27 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1991-10-21 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: EXPANSION OF LIBRARY REVEALED FREE PRODUCT. Owner/Operator: DANNY MEADOWS/CITY OF NEW BERN Ownership: 1 Operation Type: 4 Type: 4 Location: 8 Site Priority: 90 Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 1992-03-06 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 1991-09-25 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 29 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S100047223 DIST/DIR: 0.217 South ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 12 NAME: NEW BERN-CRAVEN CO. LIBRARY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: MIDDLE & JOHNSON ST. ID/Status: 7000 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 1992-02-19 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 30 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000011737 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources UST: Facility Id: 00-0-0000011737 Contact: E. J. POPE & SON, INC. Contact Address1: PO DRAWER 649 Contact Address2: 1092 N.BREAZEALE A Contact City/State/Zip: MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 FIPS County Desc: Craven Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Tank Id: 1 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 02/27/1983 Perm Close Date: 01/31/1988 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 5700 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 1A Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 01/22/1988 Perm Close Date: 08/30/1995 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 31 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000011737 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Tank Capacity: 4000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall FRP Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 3 Overfill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff Device Spill Protection Key: 4 Spill Protection Name: Catchment Basin Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall FRP Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 2 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 02/27/1983 Perm Close Date: 01/31/1988 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 4000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 32 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000011737 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 2A Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 01/22/1988 Perm Close Date: 08/30/1995 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 4000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall FRP Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 3 Overfill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff Device Spill Protection Key: 4 Spill Protection Name: Catchment Basin Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall FRP Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 3 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 02/27/1983 Perm Close Date: 01/31/1988 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 2000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 33 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000011737 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 3A Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 01/22/1988 Perm Close Date: 08/30/1995 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 4000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall FRP Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 3 Overfill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff Device Spill Protection Key: 4 Spill Protection Name: Catchment Basin Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall FRP Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 34 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 14589 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-1250 Incident Number: 14589 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 09/25/1995 Date Occur: 08/30/1995 Cleanup: 08/30/1995 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 07/21/2004 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: I Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: L NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 09/29/1995 Site Priority: 90E Phase Of LSA Req: 2 Site Risk Reason: CG Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 05/25/2004 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 451 Reel Num: 4315 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: Y Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1138-77.0430 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 35 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 14589 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: E. J. POPE AND SON Contact Person: KAYE THOMPSON Telephone: Not reported RP Address: POST OFFICE DRAWER 649 RP City,St,Zip: MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 RP County: Not reported Comments: CAP APPROVED; SOIL EXCAVATION/NATURAL ATTENUATION.5/8/01- CONT. MON..NRP requested 7/03. ][ DRAFT NRP SIGNED BY RRPOWERS ON 5/19/2004 ][ SENT FOR ARCHIVING 10/12 CD525 ERRATA HAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 14589 Date Occurred: 1995-08-30 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1995-09-29 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: DURING CLOSURE OF USTS, MAJOR SOIL AND GW CONTAM Owner/Operator: KAYE THOMPSON Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 90/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2004-07-21 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: 1998-11-17 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported WERE CONFIRMED. - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 36 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0001193529 DIST/DIR: 0.220 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C13 NAME: HANDY MART 21 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 900 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 14589 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 37 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S111161245 DIST/DIR: 0.223 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C14 NAME: PRECISION MOULDING & WOODWORKS Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 908/916 GEORGE ST. ID/Status: 38199 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-27031 Incident Number: 38199 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 05/27/2011 Date Occur: 03/28/2011 Cleanup: 03/28/2011 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 06/21/2012 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 09/10/2012 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 558 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1158-77.0446 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 38 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S111161245 DIST/DIR: 0.223 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C14 NAME: PRECISION MOULDING & WOODWORKS Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 908/916 GEORGE ST. ID/Status: 38199 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: Not reported Contact Person: WILLIAM P. NELSON Telephone: 2526383850 RP Address: 908 GEORGE ST. RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 285604021 RP County: Not reported Comments: 9 LISTS CLOSED IN 1989; CLOSURE REPORT NEVER RECEIVED; SENT FOR ARCHIVING JULY 2014; 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 38199 Date Occurred: 2011-03-28 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2011-05-27 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: 9 USTS CLOSED BY REMOVAL IN 1989; Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 3 Cause: 7 Source: A Ust Number: P Last Modified: 2012-06-21 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 39 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S111161245 DIST/DIR: 0.223 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C14 NAME: PRECISION MOULDING & WOODWORKS Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 908/916 GEORGE ST. ID/Status: 38199 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 40 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193912 DIST/DIR: 0.228 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C15 NAME: P & G MANUFACTURER INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 916 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000012193 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources UST: Facility Id: 00-0-0000012193 Contact: BILL NELSON Contact Address1: P.O. BOX 1473 Contact Address2: Not reported Contact City/State/Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 FIPS County Desc: Craven Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Tank Id: 1 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/07/1976 Perm Close Date: 05/30/1989 Product Key: 1 Product Name: Diesel Tank Capacity: 5640 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 5 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/07/1976 Perm Close Date: 05/30/1989 Product Key: 1 Product Name: Diesel - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 41 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST EDR ID: 0001193912 DIST/DIR: 0.228 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C15 NAME: P & G MANUFACTURER INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 916 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000012193 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 7 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/07/1976 Perm Close Date: 05/30/1989 Product Key: 1 Product Name: Diesel Tank Capacity: 5000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 42 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193912 DIST/DIR: 0.228 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C15 NAME: P & G MANUFACTURER INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 916 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000012193 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 8 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/14/1951 Perm Close Date: 05/30/1989 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 9 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 05/14/1951 Perm Close Date: 05/30/1989 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 43 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA UST EDR ID: 0001193912 DIST/DIR: 0.228 West ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: C15 NAME: P & G MANUFACTURER INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 916 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000012193 ID/Status: Removed NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 44 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 UST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003563467 DIST/DIR: 0.244 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 16 NAME: ROYSTER OF NEW BERN Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000001780 I D/Status: 00-2-0000001780 NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Removed SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources UST: Facility Id: 00-0-0000001780 Contact: A J BALLARD TIRE & OIL CO INC Contact Address1: PO BOX 12792 Contact Address2: Not reported Contact City/State/Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28561-2792 FIPS County Desc: Craven Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Tank Id: 001 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 04/24/1976 Perm Close Date: 12/31/1991 Product Key: 3 Product Name: Gasoline, Gas Mix Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: Yes Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown Tank Id: 002 Tank Status: Removed Installed Date: 09/18/1971 Perm Close Date: 12/31/1991 Product Key: 1 Product Name: Diesel - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 45 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA UST EDR ID: 0003563467 DIST/DIR: 0.244 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 16 NAME: ROYSTER OF NEW BERN Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 00-0-0000001780 ID/Status:00-2-0000001780 NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Removed SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Tank Capacity: 1000 Root Tank Id: Not reported Main Tank: No Compartment Tank: No Manifold Tank: Not reported Commercial: No Regulated: Yes Tank Construction: Single Wall Steel Piping Construction: Unknown Piping System Key: Unknown Other CP Tank: Not reported Overfill Protection Key: 1 Overfill Protection Name: Unknown Spill Protection Key: 1 Spill Protection Name: Unknown Leak Detection Key: -1 Leak Detection Name: Unknown Decode for TCONS_KEY: Single Wall Steel Decode for PCONS_KEY: Unknown Decode for PSYS KEY: Unknown 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 46 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003563467 DIST/DIR: 0.244 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 16 NAME: ROYSTER OF NEW BERN Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 7142 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-354 Incident Number: 7142 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 01/14/1992 Date Occur: 01/06/1992 Cleanup: 12/04/1991 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 12/15/2009 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 12/22/2000 Site Priority: 40E Phase Of LSA Req: 2 Site Risk Reason: Coastal Plain Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 12/10/2009 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 412 Reel Num: 4315 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: Y Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1166-77.0425 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 47 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0003563467 DIST/DIR: 0.244 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 16 NAME: ROYSTER OF NEW BERN Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 7142 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: BALLARD OIL COMPANY Contact Person: CHRIS BALLARD Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 500 ASHBURTON DRIVE RP City,St,Zip: GREENVILLE, NC 27858 RP County: Not reported Comments: LSA DUE BY BALLARD.SENT FOR ARCHIVING 2/12 CD 525 ERRATA HAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 7142 Date Occurred: 1991-12-04 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-01-16 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: DURING CLOSURE OF USTS, ONE HAD PINHOLES IN IT. Owner/Operator: KIRK WILLIAMS Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 40/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 2 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2009-12-15 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 2001-06-28 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 48 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0003563467 DIST/DIR: 0.244 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 16 NAME: ROYSTER OF NEW BERN Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 7142 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 49 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001206655 DIST/DIR: 0.290 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 17 NAME: GEORGE STREET SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 8259 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-545 Incident Number: 8259 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 06/09/1992 Date Occur: 06/09/1992 Cleanup: 06/09/1992 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: Not reported Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reported Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: I Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 06/12/1992 Site Priority: 50E Phase Of LSA Req: 2 Site Risk Reason: CFG Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Not reported PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1159-77.0452 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 50 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0001206655 DIST/DIR: 0.290 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 17 NAME: GEORGE STREET SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 8259 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: LARRY PEADEN Contact Person: LARRY PEADEN Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 1000 GEORGE STREET RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: LSA returned and waiting for Phase II by October 31, 2001. CALL FROM CEA, ARE A LITTLE BEHIND WITH COMPLETING THE PHASE II LSA B/C OF A COUPLE OF CEA EMPLOYES IN THE RESERVES. WILL GET DONE ASAP THOUGH (KHJ 10/18/2001). 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 8259 Date Occurred: 1992-05-14 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-06-24 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: CONTAMINATION FOUND DURING CLOSURE OF UST Owner/Operator: LARRY PEADEN Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 50/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Min Soil Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2001-07-30 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Follow Up NOV Issued: 2005-08-29 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 51 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0001206655 DIST/DIR: 0.290 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 17 NAME: GEORGE STREET SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 1000 GEORGE STREET ID/Status: 8259 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 52 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945526 DIST/DIR: 0.340 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 18 NAME: BUDBECK, LLC PROPERTY 1 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1106-1110 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147465 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: BUDBECK, LLC PROPERTY 1 Property #: Not reported Parcel size: 1.39 Property Description: Phase I ESA performed on the subject site indicated RECs assocaited with the current site use. RECs included poor housekeeping of construciton equipment and supplies as well as the potential release of petroluem products and hazardous substances to surrounding soil from drums located on the property and an AST. Latitude: 35.1188858 Longitude:-77.0446091 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 147465 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: B Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Budbeck, LLC Did owner change: N Cleanup required: Unknown Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: U IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 53 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945526 DIST/DIR: 0.340 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 18 NAME: BUDBECK, LLC PROPERTY 1 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1106-1110 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147465 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Y Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: 1.39 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 54 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945526 DIST/DIR: 0.340 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 18 NAME: BUDBECK, LLC PROPERTY 1 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1106-1110 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147465 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 55 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S105811606 DIST/DIR: 0.345 SE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 19 NAME: CAROLYN SMITH PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 512 EAST FRONT STREET ID/Status: 31010 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Response CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-2252 Incident Number: 31010 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 08/28/2002 Date Occur: 04/08/2002 Cleanup: 04/08/2002 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: Not reported Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reported Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: U Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: CG Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Not reported PETOPT: 4 RPL: True CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1105-77.0349 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 56 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S105811606 DIST/DIR: 0.345 SE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 19 NAME: CAROLYN SMITH PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 512 EAST FRONT STREET ID/Status: 31010 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Response CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: CCS Region: WAS Company: Not reported Contact Person: MS. CAROLYN SMITH Telephone: 2526331301 RP Address: 512 EAST FRONT STREET RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: DRAFT LUR/NRP SUBMITTED TO WaRO 11/10/2003; RETURNED TO CONSULTANT 12/1 /2003 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 31010 Date Occurred: 2002-04-08 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2002-08-28 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: one 550 gallon home heating oil tank was removed on 4/8/02. Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 3 Type: 4 Location: 7 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: 1 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 2 Cause: Not reported Source: E Ust Number: E Last Modified: 2002-09-20 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Response NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 57 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S105811606 DIST/DIR: 0.345 SE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 19 NAME: CAROLYN SMITH PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 512 EAST FRONT STREET ID/Status: 31010 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Response CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 58 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S105516735 DIST/DIR: 0.346 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 20 NAME: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY -NEW BERN STATION LOT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 24280 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-2187 Incident Number: 24280 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 04/12/2002 Date Occur: 03/18/2002 Cleanup: 04/12/2002 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 05/11/2010 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 05/16/2002 Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 07/23/2010 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 451 Reel Num: 4315 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: Y Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1168-77.0460 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 59 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S105516735 DIST/DIR: 0.346 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 20 NAME: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY -NEW BERN STATION LOT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 24280 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: EAST CAROLINA RAILWAY COMPANY Contact Person: JUDY NASH Telephone: 4045922346 RP Address: 600 WEST PEACHTREE STREET, NW RP City,St,Zip: ATLANTA, GA 30308 RP County: PITT Comments: SENT FOR ARCHIVING 10/12 CD525 ERRATA HAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 24280 Date Occurred: 2002-03-18 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2002-05-20 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: FORMER VENT PIPE PRESENT AT SITE. NO UST FOUND AT EXCAVATION EXCAVATION BACKFILLED WITH THE EXCAVATED SOILS AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH ADDITIONAL OFF -SITE BORROW Owner/Operator: JUDY NASH Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 4 Location: 8 Site Priority: U Priority Update: 2002-05-20 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 9 Cause: Not reported Source: E Ust Number: E Last Modified: 2010-05-11 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 60 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S105516735 DIST/DIR: 0.346 WNW ELEVATION: 11 MAP ID: 20 NAME: NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY -NEW BERN STATION LOT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: NORTH CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 24280 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 61 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945529 DIST/DIR: 0.362 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D21 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY 2 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1108 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147481 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: JENKINS PROPERTY 2 Property #: Not reported Parcel size: 1.36 Property Description: Hisorical use of the property indicate the former presence of ASTs on the property. Based on the ownership of the property it Iikley these were petroleun containing ASTs. The former presence of these ASTs indicate a REC. Latitude: 35.119903 Longitude:-77.0432639 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 147481 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: B Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N Cleanup required: Unknown Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: U IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 62 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945529 DIST/DIR: 0.362 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D21 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY 2 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1108 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147481 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Y Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: 1.36 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 63 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945529 DIST/DIR: 0.362 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D21 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY 2 Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1108 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147481 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 64 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945528 DIST/DIR: 0.363 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D22 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1110 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147467 NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: JENKINS PROPERTY Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .79 Property Description: Historical evidence identiifed the presence of USTs on the property that may still exist because they are listed at temporatry closed. The potential presence of USTs were identified as a REC. Latitude: 35.119441 Longitude:-77.043017 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 147467 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: B Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N Cleanup required: Unknown Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: U IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 65 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945528 DIST/DIR: 0.363 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D22 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1110 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147467 NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Y Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: .79 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 66 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS EDR ID: 1015945528 DIST/DIR: 0.363 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: D22 NAME: JENKINS PROPERTY Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1110 WINDLEY STREET ID/Status: 147467 NEW BERN, NC 28560 SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 67 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S102328414 DIST/DIR: 0.368 SW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: E23 NAME: FROG POND SERVICE STATION Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 730 QUEEEN STREET ID/Status: 16272 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-1373 Incident Number: 16272 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 09/03/1996 Date Occur: 07/16/1996 Cleanup: 07/16/1996 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: Not reported Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reported Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: I Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 09/24/1996 Site Priority: 30E Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: CFG Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Not reported PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: False RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: True Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1097-77.0472 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 68 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S102328414 DIST/DIR: 0.368 SW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: E23 NAME: FROG POND SERVICE STATION Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 730 QUEEEN STREET ID/Status: 16272 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: STF Region: WAS Company: BALLARD TIRE AND OIL COMPANY Contact Person: CHRIS BALLARD Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 500 ASHBURTON DRIVE RP City,St,Zip: GREENVILLE, NC 27858 RP County: Not reported Comments: NEED LSA (SAMPLING ONLY); FREE PRODUCT AT 23.33" PRESENT IN MW-1, RANKED INTERMEDIATE; 9/24/09 REFERRED TO BOB DAVIES FOR REFERRAL TO STATE LEAD; ACCEPTED 9/30/09; 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 16272 Date Occurred: 1996-07-16 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1996-09-17 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: SOIL CONTAM. AT 549 PPM TPH AS GAS. Owner/Operator: CHRIS BALLARD Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 30/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 2 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2001-07-30 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Follow Up NOV Issued: 2001-06-28 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 69 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S102328414 DIST/DIR: 0.368 SW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: E23 NAME: FROG POND SERVICE STATION Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 730 QUEEEN STREET ID/Status: 16272 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Follow Up CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 70 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0001188006 DIST/DIR: 0.377 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F24 NAME: NEW BERN EXCHANGE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 311 HANCOCK STREET ID/Status: 9015 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-602 Incident Number: 9015 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 09/11/1992 Date Occur: 07/30/1992 Cleanup: 07/30/1992 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 03/15/1994 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 190 Reel Num: 3911 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1079-77.0414 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 71 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0001188006 DIST/DIR: 0.377 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F24 NAME: NEW BERN EXCHANGE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 311 HANCOCK STREET ID/Status: 9015 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: CAROLINA TELEPHONE Contact Person: TOM WALLS Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 122 E. ST. JAMES ST. RP City,St,Zip: TARBORO, NC 27886 RP County: Not reported Comments: UST CLOSURE REPORT CONFIRMED SOIL CONTAMINATION. 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 9015 Date Occurred: 1992-07-30 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-09-11 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: UST CLOSURE REPORT CONFIRMED SOIL CONTAMINATION. Owner/Operator: TOM WALLS Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 1994-03-29 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 72 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0001188006 DIST/DIR: 0.377 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F24 NAME: NEW BERN EXCHANGE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 311 HANCOCK STREET ID/Status: 9015 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 1994-03-15 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 73 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 38053 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-26876 Incident Number: 38053 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 03/16/2010 Date Occur: 01/05/2010 Cleanup: 01 /05/2010 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 12/10/2013 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: I Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 2 Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 06/14/2011 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: False RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1088-77.0417 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 74 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 38053 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: JACK G. DAWSON Contact Person: JACK G. DAWSON Telephone: 2526331347 RP Address: 3102 PEPPERCORN RD. RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28562 RP County: Not reported Comments: PREVIOUS INCIDENT # AT THIS SITE = 6696 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 38053 Date Occurred: 2010-01-05 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2010-03-23 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: Not reported Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 2 Cause: 3 Source: B Ust Number: P Last Modified: 2013-12-10 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 75 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 38053 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 76 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LAST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 93071 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: 10/31/2012 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources LAST: Facility ID: 0-012819 UST Number: WA-88881 Incident Number: 93071 Contamination Type: SL Source Type: 14 Product Type: P Date Reported: 01/22/2010 Date Occur: 01/05/2010 Cleanup: 01 /05/2010 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 10/31/2012 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: S3 Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: C Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: RES MTBE: No MTBE1: Unknown Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 06/14/2011 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: C RBCA GW: G2 PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long: 35 6 77 2 3 Lat/Long Decimal: 35.10799-77.04200 - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 77 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LAST EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 93071 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: 10/31/2012 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources Testlat: Not reported Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: Not reported Contact Person: Mr. Jack G. Dawson Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 3102 Peppercorn Road RP City,St,Zip: New Bern, NC 28562 RP County: Not reported Comments: UST incident #38053. One AST waste oil and a spill from a lift cylinder in the bldg. In the back of the property are covered by this non-ust incident number. 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 93071 Date Occurred: 1/6/2010 Date Reported: 5/13/2010 Description Of Incident: Not reported Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 8 Type: 5 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Wells Affected Number: Not reported Samples Taken By: Y Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Min Quad: Not reported 5 Min Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: 4 Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Source Type: D Last Modified: 10/31/2012 Incident Phase: CO NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: 10/31/2012 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 78 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LAST EDR ID: 0003135346 DIST/DIR: 0.379 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F25 NAME: DARNELL'S SERVICE CENTER Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 502 BROAD ST ID/Status: 93071 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: 10/31/2012 SOURCE: NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 79 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S105765763 DIST/DIR: 0.380 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F26 NAME: BP STATION 24209 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: BROAD AND HANCOCK ID/Status: 6696 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-276 Incident Number: 6696 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 01/23/1991 Date Occur: 01/23/1991 Cleanup: 01/23/1991 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 05/08/2001 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 12/20/2000 Site Priority: 150E Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Coastal Plain Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 267 Reel Num: 4062 RPOW: False RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1083-77.0416 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 80 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S105765763 DIST/DIR: 0.380 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F26 NAME: BP STATION 24209 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: BROAD AND HANCOCK ID/Status: 6696 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: BP OIL Contact Person: DAMIAN L. EDWARDS Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 9040 ROSWELL RD., SUITE 500 RP City,St,Zip: ATLANTA, GA 30350 RP County: Not reported Comments: SCP DUE MAY 13, 2001.NFA 5/8/2001 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 6696 Date Occurred: 1991-01-23 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1991-07-03 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: TANK CLOSURE REVEALED BENZENE IN SOIL SAMPLES. Owner/Operator: DAMIAN L. EDWARDS Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 150/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2001-06-01 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 1991-07-25 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 81 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S105765763 DIST/DIR: 0.380 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: F26 NAME: BP STATION 24209 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: BROAD AND HANCOCK ID/Status: 6696 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 2001-05-08 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 82 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003144133 DIST/DIR: 0.385 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G27 NAME: NEW BERN FIRE DEPARTMENT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 420 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 38020 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-26842 Incident Number: 38020 Contamination Type: SL Source Type: Unknown Product Type: P Date Reported: 11/10/2009 Date Occur: 11/10/2009 Cleanup: 11/10/2009 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 03/24/2010 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Soil to Groundwater Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Unknown Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 505 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1085-77.0413 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 83 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0003144133 DIST/DIR: 0.385 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G27 NAME: NEW BERN FIRE DEPARTMENT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 420 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 38020 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: CCS Region: WAS Company: City of New Bern Fire Dept Contact Person: Not reported Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 420 Broad Street RP City,St,Zip: New Bern, NC 28563 RP County: Not reported Comments: ANONYMOUS COMPLAINT ABOUT STRONG PETROLEUM ODORS AT A CONSTRUCTION SITE AT THE NE CORNER OF BROAD AND HANCOCK. SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTED. EXCEEDS 10 TPH. RECORDS SHOW FIRE DEPARTMENT CLOSED SEVERAL TANKS IN DECEMBER OF 1988. WARO HAS NO RECORD OF CLOSURE. NORR SENT REQUESTING CLOSURE INFO AND/OR SITE INVESTIGATION FOR IAA REQUIREMENTS. SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED ADJACENT TO CLOSED IN PLACE UST PIT. SOIL AND GW BELOW DETECTION LIMITS, with the exception of lead. NFA ISSUED 3/24/2010.; SENT FOR ARCHIVING AUGUST 2013 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 38020 Date Occurred: 2009-11-10 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2009-11-10 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: Complaint about petroleum odors at construction site at the nw corner of Hancock and Broad. Soil > 10 TPH. Records show Fire Station closed out USTs in 88. Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 6 Operation Type: 1 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 9 Cause: 7 Source: G Ust Number: P Last Modified: 2010-03-24 00:00:00 - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 84 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0003144133 DIST/DIR: 0.385 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G27 NAME: NEW BERN FIRE DEPARTMENT Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 420 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 38020 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 85 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S108074393 DIST/DIR: 0.386 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G28 NAME: 416-418 BROAD STREET Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 416-418 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 31654 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-26458 Incident Number: 31654 Contamination Type: SL Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 08/11/2006 Date Occur: 06/30/2006 Cleanup: 06/30/2006 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 09/05/2006 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Soil to Groundwater Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 299 Reel Num: 4062 RPOW: True RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1084-77.0404 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 86 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S108074393 DIST/DIR: 0.386 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G28 NAME: 416-418 BROAD STREET Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 416-418 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 31654 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: CCS Region: WAS Company: BROAD STREET VENTURES, LLC Contact Person: JOHN SPRAGUE Telephone: 2526351289 RP Address: 514 EAST FRONT STREET RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: Removal of 4 tanks. Base SS results below 10 for TPH GRO and DRO. Stockpile sample result 37.6 for TPH DRO. Appears contaminated soil was successfully removed. 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 31654 Date Occurred: 2006-06-30 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2006-08-11 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: Removal of 4 tanks. Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: U Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 2 Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: P Last Modified: 2006-09-05 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Base samples for TPH GRO and DRO below 10. - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 87 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S108074393 DIST/DIR: 0.386 South ELEVATION: 13 MAP ID: G28 NAME: 416-418 BROAD STREET Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 416-418 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 31654 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 88 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0001193524 DIST/DIR: 0.409 SSW ELEVATION: 8 MAP ID: 29 NAME: HANDY MART 6 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 602 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 5295 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-114 Incident Number: 5295 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 11/08/1989 Date Occur: 11/08/1989 Cleanup: 11/08/1989 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 02/10/2009 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Industrial/Commercial Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: H Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: NPV NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: 100E Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Coastal Plain Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 02/13/2009 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 455 Reel Num: 4315 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: Y Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1086-77.0430 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 89 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0001193524 DIST/DIR: 0.409 SSW ELEVATION: 8 MAP ID: 29 NAME: HANDY MART 6 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 602 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 5295 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: E.J. POPE AND SONS Contact Person: KAYE THOMPSON Telephone: Not reported RP Address: POST OFFICE DRAWER 649 RP City,St,Zip: MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 RP County: Not reported Comments: IMPLEMENTATION ON HOLD DUE TO DECREASING CONTAM.; SCP NEEDED BEFORE CONSIDERING NRP CD525 ERRATA HAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 5295 Date Occurred: 1989-11-08 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1989-12-05 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: FIRE DEPT. REPORTED GASOLINE OFOR AND VISIBLE PRODUCT IN STOERM SEWER NEAR HANDY MART #6. Owner/Operator: KAYE THOMPSON Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 100/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 1 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2009-02-10 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 1989-11-30 00:00:00 NORR Issued: 1998-05-06 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 90 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0001193524 DIST/DIR: 0.409 SSW ELEVATION: 8 MAP ID: 29 NAME: HANDY MART 6 Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 602 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 5295 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 91 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0000821571 DIST/DIR: 0.419 SW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: E30 NAME: BROAD CREEK SERV STATION INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 798 HWY 55 E ID/Status: 23309 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-2034 Incident Number: 23309 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 06/14/2001 Date Occur: 09/29/1993 Cleanup: 09/23/1993 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 03/08/2012 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Industrial/Commercial Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: U Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 07/26/2001 Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Coastal Plain Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 03/13/2012 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: False CD Num: 505 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: True RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: True Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1262-76.9983 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 92 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0000821571 DIST/DIR: 0.419 SW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: E30 NAME: BROAD CREEK SERV STATION INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 798 HWY 55 E ID/Status: 23309 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: MR. AND MRS. JONES Contact Person: MR. AND MRS. JOE JONES Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 100 DIXIE LANE RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: CRAVEN Comments: NO NORR ISSUED B/C ON DOT RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOV sent (7/20/06) to registered agent ,Ward and Smith, 30days to do LSA..due 8/23/06. Supply well next door closed. No more receptors.. reran ked site to low and ask for SAR next - 3/21/07(snh). Sent for archiving february 2014 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 23309 Date Occurred: 1993-09-29 00:00:00 Date Reported: 2001-07-02 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: SOIL CONTAMINATION DISCOVERED DURING UST INVESTIGATION Owner/Operator: MR. JOE JONES Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: 2001-07-03 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: Not reported 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Not reported Err Type: 3 Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2012-03-08 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 2006-07-19 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 93 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0000821571 DIST/DIR: 0.419 SW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: E30 NAME: BROAD CREEK SERV STATION INC Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 798 HWY 55 E ID/Status: 23309 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 94 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945527 DIST/DIR: 0.420 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 31 NAME: 1200 N. CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1200 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147466 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency US BROWNFIELD& Recipient name: New Bern, City of Grant type: Assessment Property name: 1200 N. CRAVEN ST Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .23 Property Description: Site is developed with a small vacant building that has been used in the past for various commercial purposes; however no RECs were identified associated with this property. Latitude: 35.119604 Longitude:-77.044888 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 147466 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2400 Assessment funding source: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: B Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 95440709 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Not reported Did owner change: N Cleanup required: No Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: N IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 95 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945527 DIST/DIR: 0.420 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 31 NAME: 1200 N. CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1200 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147466 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Y Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: .23 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 96 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 US BROWNFIELDS JOB: NA EDR ID: 1015945527 DIST/DIR: 0.420 NW ELEVATION: 7 MAP ID: 31 NAME: 1200 N. CRAVEN ST Rev: 06/22/2015 ADDRESS: 1200 N. CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: 147466 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US Environmental Protection Agency Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 97 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S101574451 DIST/DIR: 0.441 SSW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 32 NAME: DINO MASSORI PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: HWY 70-E ID/Status: 7814 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-495 Incident Number: 7814 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 05/15/1992 Date Occur: 06/01/1989 Cleanup: 06/01 /1989 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 05/15/1992 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Not reported Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Not reported PETOPT: 4 RPL: False CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: False RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1084-77.0441 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 98 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S101574451 DIST/DIR: 0.441 SSW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 32 NAME: DINO MASSORI PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: HWY 70-E ID/Status: 7814 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: Not reported Contact Person: Not reported Telephone: Not reported RP Address: Not reported RP City,St,Zip: Not reported RP County: Not reported Comments: TANK CLOSURE DISCLOSED CONTAMINATION; CAN'T FIND FILE 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 7814 Date Occurred: 1989-06-01 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-05-15 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: TANK CLOSURE DISCLOSED CONTAMINATION Owner/Operator: Not reported Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 3 Type: 4 Location: 7 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: n Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: Y 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Min —Soil Err Type: 2 Cause: 3 Source: A Ust Number: P Last Modified: 1992-06-04 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page - 99 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S101574451 DIST/DIR: 0.441 SSW ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 32 NAME: DINO MASSORI PROPERTY Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: HWY 70-E ID/Status: 7814 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 1992-05-15 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 100 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S101643333 DIST/DIR: 0.470 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H33 NAME: THE SURPLUS STORE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 313 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 14510 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-1240 Incident Number: 14510 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 09/01/1995 Date Occur: 08/10/1995 Cleanup: 08/10/1995 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 04/22/2010 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: H Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: C Phase Of LSA Req: 1 Site Risk Reason: Coastal Plain Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in House RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 4 RPL: True CD Num: 0 Reel Num: 0 RPOW: False RPOP: False Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 36.4166-76.3894 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 101 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S101643333 DIST/DIR: 0.470 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H33 NAME: THE SURPLUS STORE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 313 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 14510 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: STF Region: WAS Company: HUBERT G. CANTON Contact Person: HUBERT G. CANTON Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 313 MIDDLE STREET RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: STATE LEAD SITE; SENT TO CO 5/3/06 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 14510 Date Occurred: 1995-08-10 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1995-09-01 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: UPON REMOVAL OF UST, MAJOR SOIL CONTAM. WAS DISCOVERED. Owner/Operator: BILL REID Ownership: 3 Operation Type: Not reported Type: 4 Location: 1 Site Priority: /C Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 2 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2010-04-22 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 102 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S101643333 DIST/DIR: 0.470 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H33 NAME: THE SURPLUS STORE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 313 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 14510 ID/Status: C NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 103 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S101169373 DIST/DIR: 0.475 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H34 NAME: KRESS BLDG. Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 307 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 11991 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-928 Incident Number: 11991 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 03/03/1994 Date Occur: 02/05/1994 Cleanup: 02/05/1994 Closure Request: 2001-03-12 00:00:00 Close Out: 03/12/2001 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: H Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: 04/06/1994 NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: 35D Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 4 RPL: False CD Num: 191 Reel Num: 3911 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1083-77.0458 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 104 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S101169373 DIST/DIR: 0.475 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H34 NAME: KRESS BLDG. Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 307 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 11991 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: CITY OF NEW BERN Contact Person: DAN MEADOWS Telephone: Not reported RP Address: 300 POLLOCK STREET RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: NFA PENDING PUBLIC NOTICE 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 11991 Date Occurred: 1994-02-05 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1994-04-05 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: UST CLOSURE REVEALED SOIL AND GW CONTAM. Owner/Operator: DAN MEADOWS Ownership: 1 Operation Type: 3 Type: Not reported Location: 1 Site Priority: 35/D Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2001-05-03 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 1994-04-06 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 105 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S101169373 DIST/DIR: 0.475 South ELEVATION: 12 MAP ID: H34 NAME: KRESS BLDG. Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 307 MIDDLE STREET ID/Status: 11991 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 2001-03-12 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 106 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S105765768 DIST/DIR: 0.479 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: 35 NAME: BLUE GABLE PURE OIL STATION/ERNEST RICHARDSON Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 501 POLLOCK ST. & HANCOCK ST. ID/Status: 6744 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-289 Incident Number: 6744 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 06/26/1991 Date Occur: 05/21/1991 Cleanup: 05/21 /1991 Closure Request: 1999-09-21 00:00:00 Close Out: 12/20/2000 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: L Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 12/20/2000 Site Priority: 30E Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 189 Reel Num: 289 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1069-77.0430 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 107 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S105765768 DIST/DIR: 0.479 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: 35 NAME: BLUE GABLE PURE OIL STATION/ERNEST RICHARDSON Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 501 POLLOCK ST. & HANCOCK ST. ID/Status: 6744 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: ERNEST RICHARDSON Contact Person: ERNEST C. RICHARDSON Telephone: Not reported RP Address: POST OFFICE BOX 1594 RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 285601594 RP County: Not reported Comments: DETERMINE RESPONSIBLE PARTY; NFA. 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 6744 Date Occurred: 1991-05-22 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1991-07-24 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: SHALLOW WATER TABLE IS IN CONTACT W/PETROLEUM CONTAM. SOILS. Owner/Operator: ERNEST C. RICHARDSON Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: 30/E Priority Update: 1998-05-30 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: N Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 2 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2001-01-10 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 108 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S105765768 DIST/DIR: 0.479 SSW ELEVATION: 10 MAP ID: 35 NAME: BLUE GABLE PURE OIL STATION/ERNEST RICHARDSON Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 501 POLLOCK ST. & HANCOCK ST. ID/Status: 6744 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 2000-12-20 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 109 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: S101572038 DIST/DIR: 0.485 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 136 NAME: CRAVEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 200 BROAD ST ID/Status: 7656 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: Not reported UST Number: WA-444 Incident Number: 7656 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 04/27/1992 Date Occur: 10/14/1991 Cleanup: 10/14/1991 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 04/27/1992 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Residential Tank Regulated Status: N # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: NON COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: Not reported Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: Not reported Site Priority: Not reported Phase Of LSA Req: Not reported Site Risk Reason: Not reported Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: No Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: Not reported Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards PETOPT: 4 RPL: False CD Num: 189 Reel Num: 3911 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: N Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1222-77.0499 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 110 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: S101572038 DIST/DIR: 0.485 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 136 NAME: CRAVEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 200 BROAD ST ID/Status: 7656 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: COUNTY OF CRAVEN Contact Person: GEORGE SAWYER Telephone: Not reported RP Address: PO BOX 1425 RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28563 RP County: CRAVE Comments: CONTAMINATION FOUND DURING UST REMOVAL 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 7656 Date Occurred: 1991-10-14 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1992-04-27 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: CONTAMINATION FOUND DURING UST REMOVAL Owner/Operator: GEORGE SAWYER Ownership: 1 Operation Type: 1 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: Not reported Priority Update: Not reported Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: Not reported 5 Minute Quad: Not reported Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: Not reported Source Code: Min Soil Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 1992-05-18 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: Not reported NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 111 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: S101572038 DIST/DIR: 0.485 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 136 NAME: CRAVEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 200 BROAD ST ID/Status: 7656 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28560 ID/Status: Closed Out CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: 1992-04-27 00:00:00 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 112 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST JOB: NA EDR ID: 0003966368 DIST/DIR: 0.487 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 137 NAME: BARKER & DUNN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 201 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 11992 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28561 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources LUST: Facility ID: 00-0-000 UST Number: WA-929 Incident Number: 11992 Contamination Type: GW Source Type: Leak -underground Product Type: P Date Reported: 03/04/1994 Date Occur: 01/04/1994 Cleanup: 01 /04/1994 Closure Request: Not reported Close Out: 03/09/2005 Level Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: Soil to Groundwater Tank Regulated Status: R # Of Supply Wells: 0 Commercial/NonCommercial UST Site: COMMERCIAL Risk Classification: I Risk Class Based On Review: L Corrective Action Plan Type: Not reported NOV Issue Date: Not reported NORR Issue Date: 04/06/1994 Site Priority: 100E Phase Of LSA Req: 2 Site Risk Reason: CS Land Use: Residential MTBE: No MTBE1: Yes Flag: No Flag1: No LUR Filed: 12/20/2012 Release Detection: 0 Current Status: File Located in Archives RBCA GW: Cleanups to alternate standards PETOPT: 3 RPL: True CD Num: 267 Reel Num: 4062 RPOW: True RPOP: True Error Flag: 0 Error Code: Y Valid: False Lat/Long Decimal: 35.1069-77.0361 Testlat: Not reported - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 113 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 LUST EDR ID: 0003966368 DIST/DIR: 0.487 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 137 NAME: BARKER & DUNN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 201 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 11992 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28561 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Officer Project Mgr: SNH Region: WAS Company: BALLARD TIRE AND OIL COMPANY Contact Person: DAVIS HARTMAN WRIGHT, PLLC Telephone: 2525142828 RP Address: 209 POLLOCK ST. RP City,St,Zip: NEW BERN, NC 28560 RP County: Not reported Comments: LSANOV sent 6/28/01 - Soils Only CSA Requested on 8/18/2003 - DRAFT NRP SIGNED ON 12/9/04 AND RETURNED TO LAWYER; revised NRP filed on 12/17/12; Cancellation NRP sent on 12/31/12; CD525 ERRATA HAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 Min Quad: Not reported PIRF: Facility Id: 11992 Date Occurred: 1994-01-04 00:00:00 Date Reported: 1994-04-05 00:00:00 Description Of Incident: GW CONTAM Owner/Operator: A. J. BALLARD, JR. Ownership: 4 Operation Type: 6 Type: 3 Location: 1 Site Priority: I Priority Update: 2000-10-18 00:00:00 Wells Affected Y/N: Not reported Samples Include: 0 7#5 Minute Quad: 3 5 Minute Quad: 1 Pirf/Min Soil: Not reported Release Code: S20R Source Code: Pirf Err Type: Not reported Cause: Not reported Source: Not reported Ust Number: Not reported Last Modified: 2005-03-09 00:00:00 Incident Phase: Closed Out NOV Issued: 2001-06-28 00:00:00 NORR Issued: Not reported 45 Day Report: Not reported Public Meeting Held: Not reported Corrective Action Planned: Not reported DISCOVERED AT UST CLOSURE. - Continued on next page - 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 114 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA LUST EDR ID: 0003966368 DIST/DIR: 0.487 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 137 NAME: BARKER & DUNN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Rev: 08/07/2015 ADDRESS: 201 BROAD STREET ID/Status: 11992 ID/Status: A NEW BERN, NC 28561 ID/Status: Closed Out SOURCE: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources SOC Signed: Not reported Reclassification Report: Not reported RS Designation: Not reported Closure Request Date: Not reported Close-out Report: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 115 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 SHWS JOB: NA EDR ID: S107672074 DIST/DIR: 0.585 South ELEVATION: 9 MAP ID: 38 NAME: DUNN PROPERTY Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: 240-246 CRAVEN STREET ID/Status: NONCD0001644 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVE SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NONCD0001644 Lat/Longitude: 35.10629 /-77.03809 Geolocation Method: On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 116 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA SHWS EDR ID: 1000486359 DIST/DIR: 0.611 SSW ELEVATION: 6 MAP ID: 39 NAME: NEW BERN COAL GAS PLANT Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: CORNER OF S. FRONT/HANCOCK ST. ID/Status: NCD986197259 NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NCD986197259 Lat/Longitude: 35.105447 /-77.042615 Geolocation Method: On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 117 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA EDR MGP EDR ID: 1008407292 DIST/DIR: 0.644 SSW ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: J40 NAME: NEW BERN MGP Rev: 08/28/2009 ADDRESS: 506 TRYON PALACE DRIVE NEW BERN, NC 28560 CRAVEN SOURCE: US EDR, Inc. Manufactured Gas Plants: Alternate Name:NEW BERNE GAS LIGHT CO/NEW BERNE LIGHTING AND FUEL CO/NEW BERNE GAS AND FUEL CO. No additional information available 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 118 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA SHWS EDR ID: S106227784 DIST/DIR: 0.652 SSW ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: J41 NAME: BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: 527 TRYON PALACE DR ID/Status: NCDO03193588 NEW BERN, NC CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NCDO03193588 Lat/Longitude: 35.10469 /-77.04299 Geolocation Method: On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 119 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA SHWS EDR ID: S105029502 DIST/DIR: 0.684 SSE ELEVATION: 4 MAP ID: 42 NAME: SWISS BEAR INC/TEXACO INC. Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: 200-208 E. FRONT ST ID/Status: NCD075550517 NEW BERN, NC CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NCD075550517 Lat/Longitude: Not reported Geolocation Method: Not reported 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 120 Site Detail Report Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 JOB: NA SHWS EDR ID: S111380338 DIST/DIR: 0.755 West ELEVATION: 5 MAP ID: 43 NAME: BIDDLE STREET-1104 Rev: 05/19/2015 ADDRESS: 1104 BIDDLE ST ID/Status: NONCD0002883 NEW BERN, NC CRAVEN SOURCE: NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources SHWS: EPAID: NONCD0002883 Lat/Longitude: 35.11579 /-77.05443 Geolocation Method: On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map 4432306.1 s Site Details Page- 121 Database Descriptions NPL: NPL National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. NPL - National Priority List Proposed NPL - Proposed National Priority List Sites. NPL Delisted: Delisted NPL The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Delisted NPL - National Priority List Deletions CERCLIS: CERCLIS CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System NFRAP: CERCLIS-NFRAP Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. CERCLIS-NFRAP - CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned RCRA COR ACT: CORRACTS CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. CORRACTS - Corrective Action Report RCRA TSD: RCRA-TSDF RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. RCRA-TSDF - RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRA GEN: RCRA-LQG RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. RCRA-LQG - RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG - RCRA - Small Quantity Generators. RCRA-CESQG - RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators. Federal IC / EC: US ENG CONTROLS A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. US ENG CONTROLS - Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL - Sites with Institutional Controls. ERNS: ERNS Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System Database Descriptions State/Tribal CERCLIS: SHWS State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states' equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. SHWS - Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State/Tribal SWL: SWF/LF Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. SWF/LF - List of Solid Waste Facilities State/Tribal LTANKS: LUST LAST - Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks. This database contains information obtained from the Regional Offices. It provides a more detailed explanation of current and historic activity for individual sites, as well as what was previously found in the Incident Management Database. Sites in this database with Incident Numbers are considered LUSTs. LAST - Regional UST Database INDIAN LUST R10 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R9 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R4 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R8 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R7 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R6 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R1 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN LUST R5 - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. State/Tribal Tanks: UST Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST's are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. UST - Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database AST - AST Database. INDIAN UST R1 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R10 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R7 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R5 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R8 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R4 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R6 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. INDIAN UST R9 - Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land. State/Tribal IC / EC: INST CONTROL A land use restricted site is a property where there are limits or requirements on future use of the property due to varying levels of cleanup possible, practical, or necessary at the site. INST CONTROL - No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring State/Tribal VCP: VCP Responsible Party Voluntary Action site locations. VCP - Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites ST/Tribal Brownfields: BROWNFIELDS A brownfield site is an abandoned, idled, or underused property where the threat of environmental contamination has hindered its redevelopment. All of the sites in the inventory are working toward a brownfield agreement for cleanup and liabitliy control. BROWNFIELDS - Brownfields Projects Inventory US Brownfields: US BROWNFIELDS Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. US BROWNFIELDS - A Listing of Brownfields Sites Other Haz Sites: US CDL A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. US CDL - Clandestine Drug Labs Database Descriptions Spills: HMIRS Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. HMIRS - Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System IMD - Incident Management Database. SPILLS 90 - SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch. SPILLS 80 - SPILLS80 data from FirstSearch. Other: RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. RCRA NonGen / NLR - RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated FEDLAND - Federal and Indian Lands. TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act. TRIS - Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System. SSTS - Section 7 Tracking Systems. RAATS - RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System. PRP - Potentially Responsible Parties. PADS - PCB Activity Database System. ICIS - Integrated Compliance Information System. FTTS - FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). FTTS INSP - FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). MILTS - Material Licensing Tracking System. RADINFO - Radiation Information Database. BRS - Biennial Reporting System. INDIAN RESERV - Indian Reservations. LEAD SMELTER 1 - Lead Smelter Sites. LEAD SMELTER 2 - Lead Smelter Sites. US AIRS (AFS) - Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS). US AIRS MINOR - Air Facility System Data. DRYCLEANERS - Drycleaning Sites. EDR Exclusive: EDR MGP The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR's researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800's to 1950's to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. EDR MGP - EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants Database Sources NPL: EPA NPL Delisted: EPA CERCLIS: EPA NFRAP:EPA RCRA COR ACT: EPA Updated Quarterly Updated Quarterly Updated Quarterly Updated Quarterly Updated Quarterly RCRA TSD: Environmental Protection Agency Updated Quarterly RCRA GEN: Environmental Protection Agency Updated Quarterly Federal IC / EC: Environmental Protection Agency Varies ERNS: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Updated Annually State/Tribal CERCLIS: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Updated Quarterly State/Tribal SWL: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Updated Semi -Annually State/Tribal LTANKS: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Updated Quarterly State/Tribal Tanks: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Updated Quarterly Database Sources State/Tribal IC / EC: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Updated Quarterly State/Tribal VCP: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Updated Semi -Annually ST/Tribal Brownfields: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Varies US Brownfields: Environmental Protection Agency Updated Semi -Annually Other Haz Sites: Drug Enforcement Administration Updated Quarterly Spills: U.S. Department of Transportation Updated Annually Other: Environmental Protection Agency Varies EDR Exclusive: EDR, Inc. No Update Planned Street Name Report for Streets near the Target Property Target Property: 388-399 QUEEN ST JOB: NA NEW BERN, NC 28560 Street Name Dist/Dir Street Name Dist/Dir Craven St 0.12 South Crescent St 0.20 NW Cypress St 0.19 West E Front St 0.11 SE E Front St Ext 0.02 SE Edgerton St 0.21 SE Hancock St 0.17 SSW Howard St 0.21 WSW King St 0.20 SSE Middle St 0.17 SSE N Cool Ave 0.18 SW N Craven St 0.07 SW Pasteur St 0.14 SW Queen St 0.10 SSE Stanley St 0.10 WNW Environmental FirstSearch 1.000 Mile Radius ASTM MAP: NPL, RCRACOR, STATES Sites (rlDl'"EnvironmentJ Data Resources Inc 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Black Rings Represent Otr. Mile Radius; Red Ring Represents 500 ft. Radius Target Property (Latitude: 35.1147 Longitude: 77.0395) Identified Sites Indian Reservations BIA 0 Hazardous Substance National Priority List Sites Disposal Sites EDR Reference Code (EDR Internal use onlyy)• 4432306.1 s Copyright <0 2015 EDR, Inc. c€> 2010 Tele Atlas Rel. 07/2009. 15-1 0-07.15:59:49.Wed Environmental FirstSearch 0.500 Mile Radius ASTM MAP: CERCLIS, RCRATSD, LUST, SWL 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Pic°er Il y t S `�S d�N �� P°a �fP Si ,c sf 9� e3 PSG 5t t i ores ceo m Q, � 3 m F 9P �Ic 0 m 9 Mai St s� 92 — m IW n 5 S2 Cedar St ¢¢° Johnson St Johnso m s ot` ilton Dr � �¢°S n St a1 Z5 m� e Apt$ m S n to 8 ro � d n0 t New St New St = New Stg e Apts St Now St ew St v Ove c+ 65 c _ Now St 21 a 21 g y� v US Hwy17 USHWY17 U3IlwY1 4JSHwy 17= 1'NSHwY1 US HWY 17" 85 US Hwy 17 4i 65 — 6 1 g h SS a y LL m Pollock St Pollock St Pollock St 3?"100k Sig � H Pollock Sf _ Pollock St z a� KevsDr 65 hurchAly New 65 Black Rings Represent Qtr. Mile Radius; Red Ring Represents 500 ft. Radius * Target Property (Latitude:35.1147 Longitude: 77.0395) Identified Sites Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance National Priority List Sites Disposal Sites EDR' Cnvironr-�ental D,tt,t Resnwce, Inc EDR Reference Code (EDR Internal use only)• 4432306.1 s Copyright @ 2015 EDR, Inc. & 2010 Tele Atlas Rel. 07/2009. 15-1 0-07.16:00:19.Wed C15 1 boa St C13 9 `m S yes I n St os r c� S Cedar St Environmental FirstSearch 0.25 Mile Radius ASTM MAP: RCRAGEN, ERNS, UST, FED IC/EC, METH LABS EDR" Cnvironncntal XL Resource, Inc 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 c� - s t 52 O`�°gS� jl "Ilk Og�� " f3 g New St Nsw St o 0 \Lm�`Ir Og�gg� X 7 O y\o9 07 r r� r m Johnson St Johnson St Johnson St 65 a a_ 65 New St Black Rings Represent Qtr. Mile Radius; Red Ring Represents 500 ft. Radius * Target Property (Latitude: 35.1147 Longitude: 77.0395) Identified Sites Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance National Priority List Sites Disposal Sites EDR Reference Code (EDR internal use onlyy)• 4432306.1 s Copyright v 2015 EDR, Inc. Q 2010 Tele Atlas Rat. 07/2009. 15-1 0-07.16:00:47.Wed Environmental FirstSearch 1.000 Mile Radius Non ASTM Map, Spills, FINDS (rEDR'Environr-ientJ Data Resourceslnc 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 Black Rings Represent Qtr. Mile Radius; Red Ring Represents 500 ft. Radius * Target Property (Latitude: 35.1147 Longitude: 77.0395) Identified Sites Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance t Sensitive Receptors Disposal Sites ® National Priority List Sites EDR Reference Code (EDR Internal use onlyy)• 4432306.1 s Copyright @ 2015 EDR, Inc. & 2010 Tele Atlas Rel. 07/2009. 15-10-07.16:00:68. W ed Site location Map Topo: 0.75 Mile Radius (EDR' Environmental Data Rcsources Inc 388-399 QUEEN ST NEW BERN, NC 28560 l t em _ Srid 7A p xk GreenwooIN d M4�NSr y [0'��. �1 - EDAR kT7 r Bern Cem Cedar , ^� } 3 Grove Cerra.Lei '` Craven �.- _ N�WfsT Terrace 55 po�cocfc�sr� � 0 2 A C WAFT 8EE1-AMY D" `/r e& 17 Union Point Bus 70 Map Image Position: TP Map Reference Code & Name: 5945477 New Bern Map State(s): NC Version Date: 2013 Map Image Position: N Map Reference Code & Name: 5945447 Askin Map State(s): NC Version Date: 2013 EDR Reference Code (EDR Internal use only): 4432306.1s 15-10-07.16:01:10. W e d Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDix F FILE REVIEW DOCUMENTATION North Carolina Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �T�aa YF NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Waste Management Underground Storage Tank Section December 16, 2009 Mr. Chris Ballard A. J. Ballard, Jr. Tire & Gil Company, Incorporated 500 Ashburton Drive Greenville, NC 27858 Dear Mr. Ballard: Natural Resources Dexter R. Matthews, Director Re: Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0115(h) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Royster Site 1000 N. Craven St., New Bern, NC Craven County Incident Number: 7142 Risk Classification: Low 1111MI =101 i The Soil Assessment Report/Site Closure Request received by the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Washington Regional Office on July 15, 2005 and the Notice of Residual Petroleum completed by the UST Section on December 10, 2009 have been reviewed. The review indicates that groundwater contamination meets the cleanup requirements for a low -risk site but exceeds the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202. The UST Section determines that no further action is warranted for this incident. This determination shall apply unless the UST Section later finds that the discharge or release poses an unacceptable risk or a potentially unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0115(e) you have a continuing obligation to notify the Department of any changes that might affect the risk or land use classifications that have been assigned. Be advised that as groundwater contamination exceeds the groundwater quality standards established in Title 1 SA NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area of contamination or within the area where groundwater contamination is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. As groundwater contamination exceeds the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and pursuant to NCGS 143E-279.9 and 143B-279.11, the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) was filed with the Register of Deeds in Craven County on December 10, 2009. A certified copy was received by the UST Section on December 14, 2009. An Equal Oppor#dnaty IAffirm abve Action Employer - 50 `r6 Recycad'. ?D % Post Consumer Paper As groundwater contamination exceeds the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0115(k) also is required. The UST Section completed the public notice requirements on December 16, 2009. This No Further Action determination applies only to the subject incident; for any other incidents at the subject site, the responsible party must continue to address contamination as required. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me at the address or telephone number listed below. Sincerely, A2 Scott Bullock, L.G. Regional UST Supervisor Washington Regional Office cc: Craven County Health Department UST Regional Offices Asheville (ARO) — 2090 US Highway 70. Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 2964500 Fayetteville (FAY) — Systel Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 486-1541 Mooresville (MOR) — 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301. Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Raleigh (RRO) 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 (919) 571-4700 Washington (WAS) — 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 Wilmington (WIL) — 127 Cardinal Street Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 395-3900 Winston-Salem (WS) •- 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-4600 Guilford County Environmental Health, 1203 Maple Street, Greensboro, NC 27405, (336) 641-3771 Ima a ID: 000001788545 Type: CRP King: NOTICE Recorded: 12/10/2009 at 09:45:44 AM Fee Amt: $20.00 Page 1 of 3 Workflow# 0000016915-0002 Craven, NO Sherri B. Richard Register of Deeds Ew2877 PQV 10 NOTICE OF RESIDUAL PETROLEUM tR u�r�n �b Nei R ire Royster Site_(Formerr). Craven County, North Carolina Q�7`y tir lS�11 �� �101 (Site name} 1 Jy _ k ,n� �, }f 1 The property that is the subject of this Notice (hereinafter referred to as the "'Site") contains residual petroleum and is an Underground Storage Tank (CYST) incident under North Carolina's Statutes and Regulations, which consist of N.C.G.S. 143-215.94 and regulations adopted there -under. This Notice is part of a remedial action for the Site that has been approved by the Secretary (or his/her delegate) of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (or its successor in function), as authorized by N.C.G.S. Section 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.11. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall hereinafter be referred to as "DENR". NOTICE Petroleum product was released and/or discharged at the Site. Petroleum constituents remain on the site, but are not a danger to public health and the environment, provided that the restrictions described herein, and any other measures required by DENR pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143E-279.9 and 143B-279.11, are strictly complied with. This "Notice of Residual Petroleum" is composed of a description of the property, the location of the residual petroleum and the land use restrictions on the Site. The Notice has been approved and notarized by DENR pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143 B-279.9 and 143B-279.11 and has/shall be recorded at the Craven County Register of Deeds' office Book , Page Source Prep Realmark Coastal Develo ment LLC a North Carolina limited liability cam an is the owner in fee (awner's name) (city & state of homeomer) simple of all or a portion of the Site, which is located in the County of Craven, State of North Carolina, and is known and legally described as: Revised February 13, 2009 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in New Bern, Number Eight Township, Craven County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set iron pipe located in the intersection of the eastern right-of-way line of North Craven Street, (60 foot public right-of-way) and the southern right-of-way line of Dunn Street (60 foot public right -or -way), said point being located South 730 3 F 41" East 41.60 feet from a railroad spike located in the intersection of the centerlines of North Craven Street and Dunn Street. THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING SO LOCATED, along and with the southern right-of-way line of Dunn Street North 600 19' 15" East 599.51 feet to a set iron pipe; thence continuing along and with the southern right-of-way line of Dunn Street North 60° 19' 15" East 27.27 feet to a point in the normal water line of the Neuse River; thence along and with the normal water line of the Neuse River the following courses and distances: South 64' 47' 43" East 16.26 feet to a point, South 67' 12' 53" East 41.07 feet to a point, South 43' 10' 27" East 32.06 feet to a point, South 22' 11' 33" West 25.34 feet to a point, South 12' 44' 39" East 14.26 feet to a point, South 12' 39' 57" East 40.34 feet to a point, South 190 49' I7" East 82.23 feet to a point, South 13' 05' 45" East 62.53 feet to a point, South 180 15' 54" West 44.35 feet to a point, South 02° 24' 12" West 49.34 feet to a point, South 19' 33' 20" East 61.89 feet to a point, South 04' 33' 10" East 24.10 feet to a point, South 1911 03' 21" East 49.00 feet to a point, South 33' 08' 38" East 59.04 feet to a point, South 540 33' 5 3 " East 27.33 feet to a point, South 60' 36' 2 1 " East 52.45 feet to a point, and North 830 30' 13" East 2.65 feet to a point in the northern property line of the property now or formerly owned by Coastal Lumber Company by Deed recorded in Book 1412, Page 712 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County; thence South 61° 06' 01" West 57.97 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 61' 06' 01" West 213.26 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 10' 19' 01" East 45.03 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 610 03' 28" West 98.25 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 33' 09' 15" West 17.59 feet to an iron pipe on a fence post; thence South 6111 19' 06" West 200.46 feet to an iron pipe in the eastern right-of- way line of North Craven Street; thence along and with the eastern right-of-way line of North Craven Street North 26 59 00 West 219.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 630 01' 00" East 30.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 63' 01' 00" West 30.00 feet to an iron pipe in the eastern right of way line of North Craven Street; thence along and with the eastern right-of-way line of North Craven Street North 26" 59' 00" West 385.72 feet to the point of beginning. Kin NOTICE �2877 =�811 �, For protection of public health and the environment, the following land use restrictions required by N.C.G.S. Section 143B-279.9(b) shall apply to all of the above -described real property. These restrictions shall continue in effect as long as residual petroleum remains on the site in excess of unrestricted use standards and cannot be amended or cancelled unless and until the Craven County Register of Deed receives and records the written concurrence of the Secretary (or his/her delegate) of DENR (or its successor in function). PERPETUAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Groundwater: Groundwater from the site is prohibited from use as a water supply. Water supply wells of any kind shall not be installed or operated on the site. ENFORCEMENT The above land use restriction(s) shall be enforced by any owner, operator, or other party responsible for the Site. The above land use restriction(s) may also be enforced by DENR through any of the remedies provided by law or by means of a civil action, and may also be enforced by any unit of local government having jurisdiction over any part of the Site. Any attempt to cancel this Notice without the approval of DENR (or its successor in function) shall be subject to Revised February 13, 2009 2 enforcement by DENR to the full extent of the law. Failure by any party required or authorized to enforce any of the above restriction(s) shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same violation or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lit. Of--rk has caused this Notice to be executed pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 14313-279.9 and 14313-279.11, this AO L day of r k1e--/ ,2009. A.J. Ballard, Jr. Tire & Oil Company, Incorporated (name of responsible party if agent is signing) By- ( ature of respo ble party, attorney or other agent if there is one) {Tits fagentfp r resspp sable party if there sane} Signatory's name typed or printed: C-�+ lU NORTH CAROLINA � a ED f } COUNTY i certify that the following person ersonally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: a t- Date:C�— r Approved. for th pu es oof_N.C.G.S. 14313-279.11 (s gtrature Regal Su isor) p�. Regional Supervisor (printed name afRe&nal &fperviso b,)a,Jv Regional Office UST S ' tion Division of Waste Management Department of Environment and Natural Resources NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY gnL�4'= b jo FtW , printed or typed name of Notary Public) Notary Public My commission expires:—& -� - C l y Kin NOTICE of 3 a2877 =�812 I certify that the following person(s) per onally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: o C ((ull printed name of Regional Supo-visor) Date: I - { i7 0 (Official S��o��� r �. 0 (s' lure of Notary Publicj printed or typed name of Notary Public) Notary Public My commission expires: Q8V1() , Revised February 13, 2009 4�A North Carolina ��� Department of Environment NCDENRand Natural Resources Page 1 of 4 BROWNFIELDS AREA RECONNAISSANCE AND RECEPTOR SURVEY GUIDANCE FORM Former Coastal Lumber Project This form was created to facilitate the preparation of a receptor survey for a given brownfield property. This is a guidance document only, and Prospective Developers may complete and submit their own receptor survey, if they desire. Any receptor survey submitted must be completed by a qualified environmental professional. Site: Address: City: County: Former Royster Clark and Former Coastal Lumber Site 934 North Craven Street New Bern Craven Section 1- Property Characteristics Provide Information for the following potential receptors Current Usage Proposed Usage Size of Property (acres) 24.89 Acres 24.89 Acres of property that is wooded 3% Unknown of property that is scrub/shrub 1.00% Unknown of property that is open land 40 % Unknown of property that is grass area 15% Unknown of property that is agricultural crops 0% Unknown of property that is barren with no grass, vegetation, or shrubs 20 % Unknown of property that is used for commercial or industrial usage including paved areas 21% Unknown Section 2 - Surrounding Properties Applicable S, Sit,(DIWR Use Ovly) Directionfrom Subject Brownfield Property Current Zoning/Land Use Proposed Zoning/Land Use X North Residential and Industrial Unknown X South Residential Unknown X East Not applicable Not applicable X West Residential and Industrial Unknown Rev.06/05/02 North Carolina A ADepartment of Environment NCDENRand Natural Resources Page 2 of 4 Section 3 - Potential Receptors - include burial depth, construction material and diameter, when available. Provide Information for the following Field Date Distance Direction Depth Complete and attach map as a"slab& ro SW (DENR use 0.1y) potential receptors YIN Verified Verified appropriate Is a basement or subsurface foundation X within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 See Attached Map Unknown Is a school or daycare center within X 1000 ft of the Property boundary? N Y 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A Is a storm sewer within 200 ft of the X Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 5-20' Unknown est Southwest Is a sanitary sewer within 200 ft of the X Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 35' Northwest Unknown Is a septic system leach field within 500 X ft of the Property boundary? N Y 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A Is a water line main within 200 ft of X Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 5-20' Unknown est Southwest Is a natural gas line main within 200 ft X of the Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 5-20' Unknown est Southwest Is a buried telephone/ cable main X within 200 ft of the Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 5-20' Northwest Unknown Is a buried electrical cable main within North X 200 ft of Property boundary? Y Y 8/8/13 35' Across Unknown Railroad Tracks Section 4 - Local Water Supply Public: Craven County Water and Sewer Department Private: N/A Potable Water Supplier Name: Craven County Water and Sewer Department Potable Water Supply Source: Groundwater that comes from five deep wells that draw water from the Black Creek Aquifer Distance: Potable Water Source Intake: Distance: 3-4 miles Direction: West Black Creek Aquifer 3-4 miles Direction: West R— 06/05/02 4�A North Carolina ��� Department of Environment NCDENRand Natural Resources Page 3 of 4 Section 5 - Water Supply Wells Distance Direction Depth appli-bi, to SW(DENR use 0.1y) Provide Information for the following Y/N Field Date Complete and attach map as potential receptors Verified Verified appropriate Is a public water supply well within Info From 750 ft of the Property boundary? NC Wellhead X N Protection 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A and City of New Bern GIS Is a private water supply well within Info From 500 ft of the Property boundary? NC Wellhead X N Protection 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A and City of New Bern GIS Is a irrigation supply well within 500 ft Info From of the Property boundary? NC Wellhead X N Protection 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A and City of New Bern GIS Is a monitoring well within 250 ft of the X Property boundary? N Y 8/8/13 N/A N/A N/A Section 6 - Water Bodies on Property appecalde to SW (oENR use Only) Provide Information for the following Comments potential receptors Is water body naturally developed or man made? List the uses of the water body What is the source of the water for the water body What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or concrete bottom, drainage ways or impoundments) Are there any wetlands present on the X property? Yes, Freshwater Forested/Shrub; See Attached Map R— 06/05/02 North Carolina A ADepartment of Environment NCDENRand Natural Resources Page 4 of 4 Section 7 - Surface Water Body A"seam& ro SW(oENR use 0n1y) Provide Information for the following potential receptors YIN Name Type Distance Direction Depth Complete and attach map as appropriate Are there surface waters located within X 500/1000 ft of the Property boundary? Y Neuse River 0 East —9ft Additional water bodies, if needed Section 8 - Additional Requests/ Observations Applicable h, SW (OENR ace 0n1y) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Comments Rev.06/05/02 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX G USER QUESTIONNAIRE Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 USER QUESTIONNAIRE NOT PROVIDED Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDix H SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND EXCEPTIONS Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Proiect ENM01501 SS.00 The following Special Terms and Conditions, Limitations, and Exceptions apply to the completion of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment: • Not Exhaustive — All appropriate inquiry does not mean an exhaustive assessment of a clean property. There is a point at which the cost of information obtained or the time required to gather it outweighs the usefulness of the information and, in fact, may be a material detriment to the orderly completion of transactions. One of the purposes of this practice is to identify a balance between the competing goals of limiting the costs and time demands inherent in performing an environmental site assessment and the reduction of uncertainty about unknown conditions resulting from additional information. • Invasive investigation of any kind has not been performed. Observation under floors, above ceilings, behind walls, within surface or subsurface soils, within confined spaces, or within any surface or groundwaters has not been performed. • No subsurface investigation of groundwater gradients has been performed. While discussion of apparent topographic gradient may be included in this report, this apparent surface gradient may not necessarily correspond with actual groundwater gradients on, or in the vicinity of, the subject property. Site specific groundwater gradients may only be determined through subsurface potentiometric investigation. • No sampling or analysis of air, soil or water was performed to determine their constituents. • The investigation for underground storage tanks (USTs) consisted of a visual inspection of the site, interviews with site representatives, and a regulatory records review. No techniques were employed to detect the presence of buried tanks. • The consultant and its representatives shall not be responsible for determining the validity or truthfulness of answers received during interviews or of information and records obtained from government agencies. If records are not reasonably ascertainable, or if the client requests that the report be finalized prior to receiving all responses to information requests, any information relevant to recognized environmental conditions on the subject property subsequently received will be forwarded to the client. • Conclusions in this report are based upon visual observations made at the site and information received prior to the date of this report. Since site conditions may change significantly over a short period of time and additional data may become available, data reported and conclusions drawn in this report are limited to current conditions and may not be relied upon on a significantly later date. • EI makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding any statements, conclusions, data or other information contained in referenced reports that are not prepared by EI. It is understood that EI does not independently verify the information contained therein. • This document does not address requirements of any State or local laws or of any Federal laws, including the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), other than the all appropriate inquiry standard. • This investigation is not an environmental compliance audit. While some observations and discussion in this report address conditions, which may be regulated, the regulatory compliance of those conditions is outside the scope of this investigation. • This document does not address issues raised in other transactions such as purchases of business entities, their assets, or any other interest therein, that may involve environmental liabilities pertaining to properties previously owned or operated or other off -site environmental liabilities. • E 1527 excludes certain hazards due to their exclusion from Superfund. Therefore, this report does not include investigation for asbestos, radionuclides such as radon or for lead in drinking water and lead -based paint, unless otherwise specified by the client. • This document may include slight deviations in the exact format specified in E 1527 in order to account for site specific conditions and to improve the readability and usefulness of the report. • If performed within the scope of E 1527, the chain -of -title review is completed for the sole purpose of characterizing past site usage. The consultant is not a professional title company and makes no guarantee, warranty, or other representation, expressed or implied, that the resulting listing represents a comprehensive delineation of past site ownership or tenancy for title conveyance purposes. • No environmental site assessment can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property. Similarly, no environmental professional can be expected to visually observe every detail within a property or every record concerning a property. Therefore, the completion of this investigation in conjunction with E 1527 and the professional judgment of the contributors to this report is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENMO1501 SS.00 • Nothing in this report constitutes a legal opinion or legal advice. Consultation with independent legal counsel is recommended for information regarding specific individual or organizational liability. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX I TERMS AND CONDITIONS Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 EI TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS 1. GENERAL. The Terms and Conditions contained apply to specific services to be provided to CLIENT as indicated in the attached EI Project report. CLIENT is defined as that person or entity who has contracted with The EI Group, Inc. (EI) by accepting this report. EI agrees to perform an EI Phase One Environmental Site Assessment and provide project support services included in the Scope of Services in Appendix D of this report. CLIENT agrees to fully cooperate and to provide necessary information and required written approvals in a timely manner to ensure continuous execution of the work by EI to completion. 2. TERMINATION. Except as otherwise set out herein either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon seven days written notice. In the event CLIENT requests termination prior to completion of the services, CLIENT agrees to pay EI for all services performed to the date termination notice is received by EI plus reasonable charges associated with the termination of the work. 3. PAYMENT TERMS. Invoices typically are issued when the final report is submitted to the CLIENT, but might be issued monthly if the work is done over a period of time or otherwise halted during the course of the project. Invoices are due and payable in full upon receipt. If collected through an attorney or other third parry agent, the amount due will include the invoice plus reasonable attorney's fees and other costs. If CLIENT disputes any amounts invoiced, CLIENT shall give EI prompt written notice thereof, including the item or items disputed and the basis for the dispute. CLIENT shall in any event pay all amounts invoiced that CLIENT does not dispute as provided herein. A late payment finance charge will be charged at the rate of 2.0% per month (or the maximum allowed by law) on any balance remaining unpaid thirty days after the date of the invoice. 4. CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK CLIENT may authorize changes in the Scope of Services by requesting alterations, additions, or reductions in that Scope of Work in writing, subject to approval by EI. 5. UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS OR OCCURRENCES. If unforeseen conditions or occurrences are encountered which alter the necessary services or the risks involved in completing the Contract services, EI will promptly notify and consult with CLIENT. However, CLIENT authorizes EI to take measures that, based on EI's sole judgment, are justified to preserve and protect the health and safety of EI's personnel and the public. CLIENT agrees to compensate EI for the additional reasonable cost of working to protect its employees' and the public's health and safety. Possible actions could include, but are in no way limited to: (a) Complete the Scope of Services in accordance with the procedures originally intended; (b) Agree in writing with CLIENT to modify the Scope of Services and the estimate of charges to reflect the unforeseen conditions or occurrences, or study the unforeseen conditions and occurrences, and determine an alternative course of action; or (c) Terminate the services effective on the date specified by EI in writing. 6. STANDARD OF CARE. EI will perform its services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of EI's profession practicing in the same or similar locality. NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE OR INTENDED BY THE EI PROPOSAL OR BY EI's ORAL OR WRITTEN REPORTS OR REPRESENTATIONS. 7. SITE OPERATIONS. CLIENT represents that it has the requisite permits and licenses required for its activities on the site, copies of which will be made available to EI upon request. Although EI personnel will make a reasonable investigation of readily available documentation, EI is not responsible for any damage or loss due to site conditions, whether known or unknown, disclosed or undisclosed, including surface or subsurface conditions, owned by CLIENT or third parties. Except as such damage or loss is a result of EI's gross negligence or intentional misconduct, CLIENT agrees to indemnify EI from any costs associated with claims, suits, or losses, (including reasonable attorney's fees), resulting therefrom. Unless otherwise stated, EI's fee does not include cost of the restoration of any property damaged as a result of the work performed under this Agreement. If CLIENT requests EI to repair such damage, EI will do so at an additional cost estimated in a separate written proposal. Location of structures, equipment, and other site items and characteristics described in the EI report or shown on sketches are based on specific information famished fished by others or estimates made in the field by EI personnel. Such dimensions, depths, or elevations should be considered as approximations unless otherwise stated. 8. WORK HAZARDS. CLIENT agrees to inform EI of on -site threats or hazards to the health and/or safety known to CLIENT which may affect EI employees. CLIENT shall provide EI with information available to CLIENT concerning the toxicity, health effects, and hazardous nature of materials, wastes, waste components, or specific compounds with which EI employees, subcontractors, or agents may come into contact during the course of the work performed for CLIENT. 9. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE. The presence of field personnel, employed by EI shall be for the purpose of providing project administration and/or observation of specific aspects of the project as authorized by CLIENT. Should a contractor(s), not retained by EI, be involved in the project, unless previously agreed to otherwise in writing, CLIENT will advise contractor(s) that EI's services do not include supervision or direction of or responsibility for the actual work of the contractor(s), its employees or agents. CLIENT will also inform contractor that the presence of our field representative for project administration and/or observation shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibilities for performing the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. If a contractor (not a subcontractor of En is involved in the project, CLIENT agrees, in accordance with generally accepted construction practices, that the contractor will be solely responsible for working conditions on the job site, including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work, and compliance with OSHA regulations. These requirements will apply continuously and will not be limited to normal working hours. It is agreed that EI will not be responsible for job or site safety on the project, other than for EI employees and subcontractors, and that EI does not have the duty or right to stop the work of the contractor unless express written authorization to do so is obtained from CLIENT. 10. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. "Hazardous Substances" for the purposes of this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed in and shall include those substances listed under the ASTM Standard (E 1527) as a hazardous substance. This includes substances defined as a hazardous substance pursuant to CERCLA 42 USC § 9601(14), as interpreted by EPA regulations and the courts: "(A) any substance designated pursuant to section 1321(b)(2)(A) of Title 33, (B) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance designated pursuant to section 9602 of this title, (C) any hazardous waste having the characteristics identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC § 6921) (but not including any waste the regulation of which under the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC § 6901 et seq.) has been suspended by Act of Congress), (D) any toxic pollutant listed under section 1317(a) of Title 33, (E) any hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 of the Clean Air Act (42 USC § 7412), and (F) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which the Administrator (of EPA) has taken action pursuant to section 2606 of Title 15. The term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance under subparagraphs (A) through (F) of this paragraph, and the term does not include natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas, or synthetic gas usable for fuel (or mixtures of natural gas and such synthetic gas)." 11. HAZARDOUS WASTES. "Hazardous Wastes" for the purposes of this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed in and shall include those substances listed under the ASTM Standard (E 1527) as a hazardous waste. This includes any hazardous waste having the characteristics identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC § 6921) (but not including any waste the regulation of which under the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC § 6901 et seq.) has been suspended by Act of Congress). The Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1980 amended RCRA. RCRA defines a hazardous waste in 42 USC § 6903 as: "a solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may - (A) cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness; or (B) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed." 12. CLIENT DISCLOSURE. EI does not assume control of or responsibility for the site or the person in charge of the site, or undertake responsibility for reporting to any federal, state, or local public agencies any conditions at the site that may present a potential danger to public health, safety, or the environment. CLIENT agrees to notify the appropriate federal, state, and/or local public agencies as required by law, or otherwise to disclose, in a timely manner, any information that may be necessary to prevent damage to human health, safety, or the environment. CLIENT shall furnish documents or information reasonably within CLIENT's control and deemed necessary by EI for proper performance of EI's services. EI may rely upon CLIENT -provided documents or information (verbal or otherwise) in performing the services required under this Agreement; however, EI assumes no responsibility or liability for their accuracy. CLIENT -provided documents will remain the property of CLIENT, but EI may retain one confidential file copy as needed to support the project report. Page 1 of 2 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 13. INSURANCE. EI maintains insurance coverage as follows: (a) Workers Compensation Insurance - minimum amount; (b) Employer's Liability Insurance General Aggregate - $1,000,000 (e) Professional Liability Insurance - Errors and Omissions - $1,000,000 14. INDEMNITY. (a) General. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold EI, its directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, shareholders and independent contractors harmless from and against any and all claims, defense costs, including attorneys' fees, damages and other liabilities arising out of or in any way related to the work performed by EI under this Agreement, unless such injury or damage is caused by the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of EI. The total liability, in the aggregate, of EI, its officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors, shareholders and independent contractors to CLIENT, and anyone claiming by, through, or under CLIENT, for any and all injuries, claims, losses, expenses or damages whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, or in anyway relating to, EI's services, the project, or the site, including, but not limited to, claims or causes of action arising from alleged professional errors and omissions, material breach of contract, breach of warranty, strict liability, negligence or willful misconduct by EI, shall be limited to an amount not to exceed the lesser of (a) the total fee payable to EI, or (b) $250,000. In the event a claim is made by CLIENT against EI for gross negligence or willful misconduct, and subsequent investigation reveals that the claim is unfounded, the reasonable cost of such investigation, including outside consultant and attorneys' fees, shall be deemed a change of the Scope of Work and will be reimbursable to EI. Neither EI nor its officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, or independent contractors shall be liable to CLIENT for any special, indirect or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits) whatsoever, whether caused by negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty or other cause or causes whatsoever. CLIENT agrees that EI will assume no responsibility resulting from the implementation of instructions by CLIENT with which EI is in disagreement, provided EI has communicated the objections in writing to CLIENT. (b) Environmental Indemnity. In connection with hazardous substances and to the maximum extent permitted by law, CLIENT agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify EI, its officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, or independent contractors from and against any and all claims and liabilities and any costs associated therewith, unless caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of EI. The duty to defend, hold harmless, indemnify from and hold harmless shall include, but not be limited to, incidences of (a) CLIENT's violation of any federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or ordinance relating to the management or disposal of hazardous substances; (b) CLIENT's undertaking of or arrangement for the handling, removal, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of toxic or hazardous substances or constituents found or identified at the site; (c) Hazardous substances introduced at the site by CLIENT or third persons before, during, or after the completion of services herein; and (d) Allegation(s) that EI is a handler, generator, operator, treater, Storer, transporter, or disposer under federal, state, or local regulation or law governing hazardous substances due to the services provided under this Agreement. 15. CONFIDENTIALITY. EI will maintain as confidential any document(s) or information provided by CLIENT indicated to be confidential and will not release, distribute, or publish to any third party without prior permission from CLIENT, except as compelled by order of a court or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction and then only after notice to CLIENT, any document(s) or information provided by CLIENT. Drawings, reports, data, and other project information generated by EI in the execution of this project shall be the property of CLIENT upon receipt of payment of costs and fees earned agreed to herein. EI shall be entitled to keep one copy of all documents unless otherwise agreed. These instruments are furnished for CLIENT's exclusive internal use and reliance, use by CLIENT's counsel and for regulatory submittal in connection with the project or services provided for in this Agreement, and not for advertising, distribution, or general publication. For any other purposes, all documents generated by EI under this Scope of Work shall remain the sole property of EI. CLIENT agrees to obtain EI's written permission for any exception for use not described herein. Any unauthorized use or distribution shall be at CLIENT's and recipient's sole risk and without liability to EI. 16. RELIANCE BY LENDER. Should CLIENT present the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment to a LENDER in connection with a loan transaction involving the subject site, LENDER may rely on the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for purposes consistent with the loan transaction; provided, however, that (i) the LENDER shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the CLIENT; (ii) any obligation imposed on the CLIENT by the terms and conditions shall only apply to the LENDER if the LENDER becomes an owner or operator of the subject site; and (iii) any indemnification provision which obligates the CLIENT is assumed by the LENDER only if the LENDER becomes an owner or operator and only with respect to the actions of the LENDER, not those of the CLIENT or EI, it being specifically understood that the LENDER has no responsibility under any circumstances for indemnifying EI for the actions of CLIENT. 17. TESTIMONY. Should EI, or officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, or independent contractors of EI, be called or asked by any party to provide testimony or other evidence, whether at deposition, hearing, or trial, in relation to services provided under this Agreement, EI shall be compensated by CLIENT for the associated reasonable expenses and labor at appropriate unit rates to the extent the party compelling or requesting the testimony does not provide such compensation. EI shall provide testimony only upon presentation of a court -issued subpoena and notice to CLIENT. 18. COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES. If any legal action is brought by either party against the other hereto in connection with or arising out of this Agreement, the party in whose favor a final judgment or order is entered shall be entitled to recover the costs of the action, including reasonable attorneys' fees in addition to any other relief which may be awarded. 19. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument, but all such counterparts together shall constitute one Agreement. 20. NOTICES. All notices and other communications required or permitted to be served by either party hereto upon the other shall be deemed to have been properly given only if such notice is in writing and either personally delivered or sent certified mail, return receipt required, with postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: To CLIENT: Mr. Henry Rodriquez, New Bern Investments, LLC, 1515 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 890 Sarasota, Florida 34236 To EI: The EI Group, Inc 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd. Suite 200 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560, Attention: Mr. David Furin In like manner, either party from time to time may change the address to which notices to it are to be sent by notifying the other party in writing. 21. FORCE MAJEURE. Any delays in or failure of performance by either CLIENT or EI shall not constitute default or give rise to any claims for damages if and to the extent such delays or failures of performance are caused by occurrences which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, are beyond the control of EI or CLIENT. 22. SEVERABILITY. In the event that any provision ofthis Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 23. SURVIVAL. All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between CLIENT and EI shall survive the completion of the services and the termination of this Agreement. 24. INTEGRATION. This Agreement, the attached documents and those incorporated herein constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and cannot be changed except by a written instrument signed by both parties. The Parties agree that the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall control over and govern as to any form, writings signed by the Parties, such as CLIENT Purchase Orders, Work Orders, etc., and that such forms may be issued by CLIENT to EI as a matter of convenience to the Parties without altering any of the terms or provisions hereof. 25. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of North Carolina. Any litigation arising from the terms of this contract or work performed or actions taken hereunder shall be brought in the courts of the state of North Carolina. END OF AGREEMENT Pagc 2 of 2 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX J QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS El Professional Summary Ms. Britton has developed her knowledge in the field of environmental issues through her education and through work experience with El. Ms. Britton's formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Biological Diversity at Meredith College and a Master of Earth and Environmental Resource Management from the University of South Carolina. She also continues her education through attendance of conferences and programs pertaining to environmental studies, educational seminars, and field work with El. Audrev Bales Britton Environmental Scientist Education & Training B.S., Biological Diversity, Meredith College Master of Earth and Environmental Resource Management, University of South Carolina Professional Associations United States Green Building Council. Ms. Britton's technical areas of expertise include: (1) Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for individual and commercial clients; (2) Energy consulting services; (3) Hazardous materials management and compliance (4) Air pollution management and compliance, and (5) Water quality monitoring. Specific Project Experience Various Phase I ESAs El provides due diligence services for many individual clients for commercial and industrial real estate deals. As project staff, Ms. Britton has performed numerous Phase One Environmental Site Assessments for properties including commercial sites, restaurants, industrial facilities, and high-rise buildings. Mobile Tower — Energy Assessment Ms. Britton was a principal consultant for this project where El provided Energy Consulting Services for a high-rise building in Alabama. As part of these services, Ms. Britton completed an assessment of building systems and operating and maintenance practices, analysis of energy consumption and rate scheduling, and identification of appropriate upgrades. Quantification of energy and monetary savings and return on investment suggested that an initial investment of approximately $1,011,351 for upgrades to mechanical systems and lighting would produce an estimated annual energy cost avoidance of $323,122, giving a cumulative Return on Investment (RO1) of 3.1 years for the identified opportunities, after which the upgrades would contribute to decreased energy consumption and energy costs. Carolina Color Corporation- Regulatory Compliance for Hazardous Materials Ms. Britton is a principal consultant for this project where El has provided comprehensive environmental regulatory compliance consulting service to Carolina Color Corporation's facilities in Texas, North Carolina, and Ohio. As part of these services, Ms. Britton completed and reviewed regulatory requirements for solid/hazardous waste compliance. Material and chemical inventories, risk assessment, and compliance reporting to the Department of Homeland Security were conducted, and subsequent services will include completion of risk management plans and additional compliance reporting. Cape Fear Valley Medical Center —Regulatory Compliance for Air Emissions Ms. Britton is the principal consultant for this project where El has provided regulatory compliance management support to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in North Carolina. As part of these services, Ms. Britton completed and reviewed regulatory requirements for air emissions compliance. Air emissions inventories were developed and state air source permits were applied for and obtained where necessary. EI Professional Summary Mr. Majkowski has over ten years of professional experience working as a project manager and technical consultant in the environmental industry. Mr. Majkowski's professional specialties include: Phase I and Phase II Thomas V. Majkowski Environmental Scientist Education & Training B.S., Biology, SUNY Fredonia Licenses and Registrations NITON XRF Lead Paint Testing Certified Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for individual and commercial clients; conducting groundwater assessments, including development and sampling of monitoring wells to determine type and extent of contamination; soil sampling/on-site soil screening; Indoor Air Quality assessment and remediation; elevated lead blood level investigations; Lead Based Paint (LBP) inspections and risk assessments; asbestos inspections. Prior to joining EI, Mr. Majkowski was employed as an environmental project manager with Environmental Testing Services (ETS) in Raleigh, North Carolina. His responsibilities at ETS included conducting and reviewing Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments, Lead Based Paint risk assessments, and Industrial Hygiene/Indoor Air Quality investigations. At ETS, Mr. Majkowski performed over 300 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and reviewed many more. Specific Project Experience Various Phase I ESAs - Environmental Scientist EI provides due diligence services for many individual clients for commercial and industrial real estate deals. Mr. Majkowski performs site visits and writes Phase I ESAs, which include recommendations for recognized environmental conditions and other environmental concerns observed. As an Environmental Scientist, Mr. Majkowski insures projects are completed to EI's high standards. Relevant to Phase I ESAs, Mr. Majkowski has completed Comprehensive Environmental Surveys, Lead Based Paint assessments, asbestos inspections, and other projects, when client scope requires such services. HUD Big Buy Lead Based Paint Risk Assessments -Project Manager Mr. Majkowski managed this project where he provided comprehensive environmental regulatory compliance consulting services to Housing and Urban Development residences in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. As part of these services, Mr. Majkowski completed Lead Based Paint (LBP) inspections and risk assessments and provided recommendations for the safe remediation of LBP hazards. NYS Watershed Contamination Water Sampling Project Mr. Majkowski provided sampling services to the New York State District Attorney's office to identify industrial sources of elevated contaminant levels in upstate NY streams and rivers. Mr. Majkowski sampled industrial releases from over 500 of these facilities and submitted results to a lab for analysis. Data received from the analysis was later used in making recommendations for individual facilities to eliminate or minimize contaminant release into the watershed. 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 200 • Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 • Tel: (919) 657-7500 • Fax: (919) 657-7551 www.eil.com Phase I Environmental Site Assessment North Craven Street Parcel # 8-003-241-A New Bern, North Carolina EI Protect ENM01501 SS.00 APPENDIX K PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS