HomeMy WebLinkAbout23080_Almont Shipping II_AWP_ 20200327Geosy te& consultants Geosyn tee Consultants of NC, PC Ms. Caroline Goodwin Brownfield Program Project Manager North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 201 N Front Street, Suite 501 Wilmington, NC 28401 PH 910.726.3652 www.geosyntec.com 27 March 2020 Subject: Work Plan for Stockpile Sampling and Relocation Site: Almont Shipping II 19 & 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, North Carolina (New Hanover County Parcels No. R04716-001-026-000 & R04712-002-001-000) NCBP No. 23080-19-065 Dear Ms. Goodwin: On behalf of Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC (the Prospective Developer [PD]), Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Work Plan for soil stockpile sampling and relocation for the 41 Harnett Street portion of the above -referenced North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP) property located in Wilmington, NC (the "Site"). This Work Plan presents the planned sampling assessment to support the relocation of the on -site soil stockpile. We look forward to your review and approval of this Work Plan. Please do not hesitate to contact Kaitlyn Rhonehouse (910-726-3652 or krhonehouse@geosytnec.com) if you have any questions. Sincerely, 1 Brandon Peach Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, PE (NC, VA, FL) Senior Staff Scientist Senior Engineer Copies to: Luke Davis, Graham Tyrrell, William Edwards — Kettler Enterprises, Inc. Prepared for Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC 8255 Greensboro Drive, Suite 200 McLean, Virginia 22102 WORK PLAN FOR STOCKPILE SAMPLING AND RELOCATION New Hanover County Parcel No. R04716-001-026-000 & R04712-002-001-000 19 & 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Brownfields Project: Almont Shipping II NCBP No. 23080-19-065 Prepared by Geosyntec�' consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 210 N. Front Street, Suite 501 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Project Number GN7035 March 2020 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SIGNATURE I, Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, a Licensed Engineer for Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C., do certify that the information in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number) is C-3500. Geos ntec Consultants of NC P.C. is licensed to practice geology in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number) is C-295. `01111111/j CA jy /� 0 /�i 1L y� 043548 RMWA Monehouse, PE Senior Engineer North Carolina P.E. License No. 043548 Expiration Date: 31 December 2020 Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC 201 N Front Street, Suite 501 Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: (910) 726-3652 Geosyntec {` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 1.1. Site Environmental History....................................................................................................... 1.2. Work Plan Objectives............................................................................................................... 2. SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................................................................... 3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................... 3.1. Health and Safety Planning and Utility Clearing...................................................................... 3.2. Soil Sampling............................................................................................................................ 3.3. Decontamination....................................................................................................................... 4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 4.1. Laboratory Analysis.................................................................................................................. 4.2. Laboratory Reporting................................................................................................................ 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL......................................................................... 5.1. Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC.................................................................................. 5.2. Chain of Custody QA/QC......................................................................................................... 6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT ................................................. 7. REPORTING.................................................................................................................................... LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Proposed Soil Stockpile Analysis LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A 1 November 2020 Soil Stockpile Analytical Results 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 GN7035 Work Plan i March 2020 Geosyntec{` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec), on behalf of Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC (the Prospective Developer [PD), prepared this Work Plan ("the Work Plan") for the sampling and relocation of an approximately 4,000 cubic yards on -site soil stockpile located on the eastern portion of the 41 Harnett Street property in Wilmington, North Carolina (New Hanover County parcel ID: R04712-002-001) (part of the NCBP property consisting of 19 and 41 Harnett Street). The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) approved Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC's 7 January 2020 Brownfields Property Application (BPA) in a 18 February 2020 Letter of Eligibility (LOE; NCBP No. 23080-19-065). NCDEQ also approved Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC's 23 March 2020 Work Plan for Brownfields Agreement. A soil stockpile is located on the eastern portion of the 41 Harnett Street property and was generated during development of the paved parking lot located on the 19 Harnett Street property. This soil needs to be relocated to accommodate soil and groundwater testing and future redevelopment. We understand soil testing is required to evaluate the chemical quality of the soil to help guide decision making on relocation and/or disposal. Geosyntec has been retained by Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC to guide the environmental efforts to sample and relocate the on -site soil stockpile. Geosyntec has prepared this Work Plan to present proposed soil sampling activities for the stockpile. 1.1. Site Environmental History The Site and surrounding area operated as the former Almont Shipping terminal from 1870 until 2005. A BFA for the Almont Shipping Brownfields Property (NCBP No. 10040-06-065; the 19 Harnett Street parcel and northwestern of portion of the 41 Harnett St. parcel are included in the existing Brownfields Property) was executed between the NCBP and Riverfront Holdings II, LLC on 23 June 2008. The BFA was amended in 2014 to include an additional land tract owned by CSX. The Site, which is the subject of this Work Plan, received eligibility for entry into the NCBP on 18 February 2020 to establish a new, stand-alone BFA for only the two Harnett Street parcels. Contaminants of concern (COCs) recorded for the greater Almont Shipping Brownfields Property, which includes the Site and stockpile, included various volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi - volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, metals, and inorganics in soil and/or groundwater. Pursuant to the BFA, land use restrictions (LURs) exist for the Almont Shipping Brownfields Property to maintain liability protections and minimize risks to human health and the environment. These LURs are outlined in the BFA and include restrictions on land, groundwater, and surface water use, and vapor intrusion mitigation, as applicable (notably, the vapor intrusion mitigation LUR does not include the Site). GN7035 Work Plan 1 March 2020 Geosyntec {` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. The Almont Shipping Brownfields Property parcels are currently owned by various unique entities and portions of the Brownfields Property have undergone development. The two Site parcels were purchased by the PD in June 2019. The western 19 Harnett Street parcel consists of paved parking and a stormwater detention pond associated with an adjacent marina and restaurant; this development was completed prior to Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC's acquisition. The eastern 41 Harnett Street parcel is vacant and undeveloped and has been temporarily used to store excess soil from the previous 19 Harnett Street development activities. The Site is planned to be developed for multi -family apartments, retail space, and an associated parking garage. No development or construction has been completed by the PD to date. Previous soil stockpile sampling conducted in November 2019 consisted of two composite samples on the northern and southern portions of the stockpile. Sampling during the event revealed exceedances of NCDEQ Residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG's) of benzo(a)pyrene and exceedances of NCDEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG's of arsenic (Appendix A). Since this sampling event, additional soil has been added to the stockpile; therefore, supplemental sampling is proposed The remainder of this Work Plan provides a proposed scope of work to complete soil stockpile sampling at the Site to establish baseline conditions to support the BFA. 1.2. Work Plan Objectives The scope of work described herein was prepared to meet the following objectives: • Obtain soil data to evaluate soil stockpile quality and export/relocation options This Work Plan was prepared following the NCBP Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Minimum Requirements Checklist (November 2018). 2. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work includes the assessment of an on -site soil stockpile. The soil stockpile assessment includes the collection of two composite samples, each composited of five (5) soil aliquots as depicted on Table 1. Soil borings will be hand -augured to a depth of 2 feet into the stockpile, as described in Section 3.2. 3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY 3.1. Health and Safety Planning and Utility Clearing Prior to the start of work, Geosyntec will prepare a site -specific Health and Safety Task Hazard Analysis in general accordance with the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) GN7035 Work Plan 2 March 2020 Geosyntec {` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. rules (29 CFR 1910.120). Procedures will generally follow the Operating Procedures as determined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD). The most current versions of these operating procedures can be downloaded at:https://www.epa.gov/quality/quality-system-and-technical-procedures- sesd-field-branches. Additional media specific procedures are discussed further below. 3.2. Soil Sampling Two composite samples, each consisting of five (5) soil borings, are proposed. Soil boring locations on the stockpile will be evaluated in the field. Soil borings will be hand -augured to at least two feet into the soil stockpile. Soil samples will be composited, with the exception of samples analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Soil analyzed for VOCs will be grab samples collected from an undisturbed soil sample Soil samples will be sent off -site to a North Carolina -certified laboratory on ice and under chain of custody procedures. Based upon the known Brownfields Property environmental history, the soil samples will be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOC by EPA Method 8270, organochlorine pesticides by EPA Method 8081, and the eight (8) RCRA metals by EPA Method 6010 or 6020, including speciation for hexavalent by EPA Method 7199 (Table 1). 3.3. Decontamination Disposable equipment will be used as practical. However, as needed, equipment will be decontaminated using an initial water rinse followed by cleaning with Alconox® and final rinse of deionized water. 4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS 4.1. Laboratory Analysis Following collection, composite soil stockpile samples will be sealed and submitted to a North Carolina -certified laboratory analysis following chain of custody procedures (Section 5.2). 4.2. Laboratory Reporting Laboratory reporting limits (RLs) and method detection limits (MDLs) used by the selected North Carolina -certified laboratory for methods will meet respective NCDEQ Division of Waste GN7035 Work Plan 3 March 2020 Geosyntec{` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Management (DWM), IHSB protection of groundwater or residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs), whichever is lowest (December 2019). Concentrations detected between the RL and MDL will be reported as estimated values and flagged in the laboratory analytical report with a "J". The lab will be provided sufficient sample volume for Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) analysis. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL 5.1. Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC QA/QC will include the analysis of a trip blank for VOC analysis by EPA Method 826013, and, the inclusion of temperature blanks in each soil sample cooler and groundwater sample cooler shipped to the laboratory. 5.2. Chain of Custody QA/QC Geosyntec will initiate chain of custodies for soil stockpile samples in the field documenting sample collection information including but not limited to: • The Sample Collector's Name; • Project Information and Location; • Geosyntec Project Manager Contact Information; • Sample Identification Number; • Date and Time of Sample Collection; • Type of Analysis; and • Type and number of containers and associated preservative, if applicable. Samples will remain in the custody of Geosyntec until they are ready for shipment. Geosyntec will relinquish the samples and chain of custodies (noting date and time of relinquishment) to the laboratory courier who will sign the chain of custody as receiver (noting date and time again). Geosyntec will retain a copy of the chain of custodies signed by the courier. Sample coolers and the chain of custodies will be sealed in an appropriate shipping container/box and sent to the address of the selected laboratory. A representative from the selected laboratory's sample receiving will sign respective chains of custody verifying receipt of the samples by each respective laboratory location. A copy of fully executed chains of custody will be provided in the final laboratory analytical report deliverable. GN7035 Work Plan 4 March 2020 Geosyntec {` consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT No IDW is anticipated to be generated. 7. REPORTING The results of the soil stockpile sampling will be summarized in a report to be submitted to the NCDEQ. The report will include the laboratory analytical data report, tabulated laboratory analytical data compared to applicable screening criteria, and a figure showing final sampling locations. NCDEQ will be notified prior to soil export. The export location will be approved, in writing, by NCDEQ prior to soil relocation. The final report will be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer and will include Geosyntec's Professional Engineer and Professional Geologist license numbers. GN7035 Work Plan 5 March 2020 TABLE TABLE 1 PROPOSED SOIL STOCKPILE ANALYSIS 19 and 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Brownfields Project: Almont Shipping II: NCBP No. 23080-19-065 Sample ID Type Analytical Method Sample Objective Soil: Grab samples VOCs by EPA Method 8260; composite samples Grab & SVOCs by EPA Method 8270; composite samples organochloride Obtain soil data to evaluate STOCKPILE-01 Composite Soil pesticides by EPA Method 8081; and composite samples RCRA 8 soil stockpile quality and metals by EPA Method 6010 or 6020 (including speciation for export/relocation options hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199). Soil: Grab samples VOCs by EPA Method 8260; composite samples Grab & SVOCs by EPA Method 8270; composite samples organochloride Obtain soil data to evaluate STOCKPILE-02 Composite Soil pesticides by EPA Method 8081; and composite samples RCRA 8 soil stockpile quality and metals by EPA Method 6010 or 6020 (including speciation for export/relocation options hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199). Notes: EPA indicates Environmental Protection Agency VOCs indicates Volatile Organic Compounds SVOCs indicates Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds RCRA 8 metals indicates Resource Conservation Recovery Act Metals Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX A 1 NOVEMBER 2019 SOIL STOCKPILE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Table 1 Soil Stockpile Analytical Results 41 Harnett Street Wilmington, North Carolina Analyte NCDEQ Residential PSRG NCDEQ Industrial/ Commercial PSRG Sample ID STKPILE-N STKPILE-S Sample Date 11/1/2019 11/1/2019 Units Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D Acetone 12,000,000 140,000,000 µg/kg 132 J 113 J Benzene 1,200 5,400 jig/kg 1.7 J 1.3 J 2-Butanone (MEK) 5,500,000 40,000,000 µg/kg 9.7 J 8.7 J Toluene 990,000 9,700,000 µg/kg 21.9 29.4 Semi -volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E Acenaphthene 720,000 9,000,000 µg/kg 42.4 J 47.6 J Acenaphthylene NA NA µg/kg 103 J 147 J Anthracene 3,600,000 45,000,000 µg/kg 169 J 244 Benzo(a)anthracene 1,100 21,000 µg/kg 319 451 Benzo(a)pyrene 110 2,100 µg/kg 384 476 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1,100 21,000 µg/kg 592 806 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NA NA jig/kg 309 333 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 11,000 210,000 µg/kg 185 228 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 240 1,100 µg/kg 55.9 J 33.8 J Chrysene 110,000 2,100,000 µg/kg 354 529 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 110 2,100 µg/kg 68.3 J 72.5 J Dibenzofuran 15,000 210,000 µg/kg 48.5 J 42.1 J bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 39,000 160,000 µg/kg 41.1 J 141 J Fluoranthene 480,000 6,000,000 µg/kg 566 690 Fluorene 480,000 6,000,000 µg/kg 41.3 J 47.7 J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1,100 21,000 µg/kg 341 381 1-Methylnaphthalene 18,000 73,000 jig/kg 18.3 J 18 U 2-Methylnaphthalene 48,000 600,000 µg/kg 27.2 J 25.4 J Naphthalene 4,100 18,000 µg/kg 55.6 J 44.8 J Phenanthrene NA NA µg/kg 245 298 Pyrene 360,000 4,500,000 µg/kg 457 683 Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) by EPA Method 8081B 4,4'-DDD 380 4,900 µg/kg 6 3.8 4,4'-DDE 2,000 9,300 µg/kg 4.8 2.4 J Metals by EPA Method 6061 Arsenic 0.68 3 mg/kg 6.8 5.7 Chromium (111) 23,000 350,000 mg/kg 80.2 20.8 Chromium (VI) 0.31 6.5 mg/kg 0.44 U 0.44 U Lead 400 800 mg/kg 61.3 46.8 Mercury 2.3 9.7 mg/kg 0.13 0.11 Notes: 1. PSRG indicates North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal 2. U indicates analyte was not detected above the method detection limit 3. J Indicates an estimated value 4. Analyte detections are identified in bold 5. mg/kg indicates milligrams per kilogram; µg/kg indicates microgram per kilogram 6. NA indicates no applicable standard 7. Only analytes detected in one or more samples are included in this table 8. Concentrations exceeding PSRGs are highlighted as shown: Residential PSRG Industrial PSRG 9. If multiple screening criteria are exceeded, the highlight corresponds to the highest value screening criteria exceedance Page 1 of 1