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Smith 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 tel: 919 325-3500 November 9, 2022 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Subject: Wake County — East Wake Transfer Station 820 Corporation Parkway Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Permit # 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Leachate Release Soil Sampling Report Dear Ms. Drummond: CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith), on behalf of Wake County (County), is submitting this Leachate Release Soil Sampling report for the East Wake Transfer Station (Site) located in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Soil sampling was performed in accordance with the Soil Sampling Plan approved by the Solid Waste Section (SWS) on October 4, 2022, in response to the Notice of Violation issued to the Site on September 20, 2022. The Site was found to be in violation of several North Carolina Solid Waste Statues and Rules for leachate impacted soils, including 15A NCAC 13B .0405 (b) and (c) and .0104 (a) through (d). To remain in compliance, the leachate impacted soil was evaluated for contamination per the Leachate Release Sampling and Analysis Guidelines (SWS, 2021). Field activities were completed on October 6, 2022, as summarized in the field notes provided in Appendix A. Laboratory services were completed by a North Carolina certified analytical laboratory. Field activities and the results of the soil sampling are discussed below. Release Incident The Site was found to be in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0405 (b) for improper leachate collection systems. Due to clogged leachate drains in the loading bay, accumulated leachate and soil were tracked out to the access road. Waste that had fallen out of transfer vehicles was also located on an area of soil adjacent to the loading bay trailer cover area. The Site was also found to be in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0405 (c) for temporary waste storage. Transfer trailers located on the access road waiting to enter the tipping floor were leaking leachate, which was running down the access road and accumulating in a low-lying area of the road. Leaking rolling bin containers containing waste were also stored on an area of soil adject to the access road. 0 WATER + ENVIRONMENT +TRANSPORTATION + ENERGY + FACILITIES Smith Ms. Jaclynne Drummond November 9, 2022 Page 2 The Site was found to be in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0104 (a) through (d) for solid waste storage. Plastic rolling waste carts containing waste and leachate were stored on an uncovered area of soil adjacent to the access road. The area contained several locations visibly impacted with waste and leachate impacted soil. All areas of impact are shown on Figure 1. Soil Sampling Results To evaluate the extent of potential leachate contamination at the Site, 12 soil samples at visibly impacted soil locations (i.e., S-1 through -12) and one background location (i.e., BG-1) were collected on October 6, 2022, at the locations shown on Figure 1. Note that the area located on the southwest portion of the property was investigated by the City of Raleigh. An excavator was used to remove soil visually impacted by leachate. Potentially impacted soils and soils beneath the visibly impacted soil were screened for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a photoionization detector (PID). All excavated soils were hauled to the South Wake Landfill for disposal. A summary of the soil sample locations and PID measurements are provided in Table 1. After PID screening of the excavation at each location, grab soil samples were collected 1 to 2 feet below the visibly impacted soil using an excavator. Samples were analyzed by Eurofins (formerly Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc.) for Appendix I VOCs by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260D, 1,4-dioxane by EPA Method 8260D selective ion monitoring, Appendix I metals by EPA Method 601013, total phosphorous by EPA Method 365.4, nitrate and sulfate by EPA Method 9056A, and pH by EPA Method 9045. Soil analytical results were compared to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) - July 2022. There were no detections of VOCs or nitrate above the PSRGs. Note that there are no PSRGs for sulfate and pH. Total phosphorous was detected above the Residential, Industrial, and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs in all soil samples, including the background location. Additionally, soil sample locations S-2, -7, and -8 had detections of total phosphorus above the background concentration. Metal detections that were above the PSRGs are listed below. Residential PSRG Exceedances Arsenic BG-1, S-1, -2, -4, -5, -6, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12 Thallium BG-1, S-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12 Industrial PSRG Exceedances Arsenic 5-10, -11 Protection of Groundwater PSRG Exceedances Cobalt BG-1, S-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12 Selenium BG-1, S-12 0 Smith Ms. Jaclynne Drummond November 9, 2022 Page 3 Analytical results are summarized on Table 2 and exceedances are shown on Figure 2. The laboratory analytical data report is provided in Appendix B. Recommendations The purpose of the soil sampling at the Site was to assess the soil underlying the leachate impacted soil for contamination. Arsenic, cobalt, selenium, thallium, and total phosphorous were detected at concentrations that exceeded their respective PSRGs at all locations. However, similar concentrations were detected in the background soil sample, indicating that all detected concentrations at the site are naturally occurring or not related leachate impacts. Additionally, no VOCs, nitrate, or sulfate were detected above the PSRGs. The results of the sampling indicate that the impacted soils have been properly excavated and there are no imminent hazards to public health and safety. If you have any questions or require further explanation, do not hesitate to contact me by email to farleyib@cdmsmith.com or by phone at (919) 325-3586. Sincerely, dl"�M Janelle B. Farley, P.G. CDM Smith Inc. cc: Tim Davis, SWS Roy Baldwin, Wake County John Roberson, Wake County Mathew Colone, CDM Smith iD Table 1 Soil Sample Summary East Wake Transfer Station Facility Permit No. 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Total VOCs (ppm) Soil Sample Code Sample Date Sample Location Area Beneath Leachate- Leachate-Impacted Soil Impacted Soil Background location upgradient from (3) BG-1 6-Oct-22 0.0 leachate impacted areas S-1 6-Oct-22 Impacted soil north of the transfer trailer 0.7 0.0 S-2 6-Oct-22 loading bay entrance, adjacent to the road 0.2 0.0 S-3 6-Oct-22 0.7 0.0 S-4 6-Oct-22 Impacted soil south of the transfer trailer 0.5 0.0 S-5 6-Oct-22 0.4 0.0 S-6 6-Oct-22 loading bay entrance, adjacent to the road 0.5 0.0 S-7 6-Oct-22 0.4 0.0 S-8 6-Oct-22 14.0 0.0 S-9 6-Oct-22 Impacted soil located south of the 0.4 0.0 S-10 6-Oct-22 southeast corner of the transfer station 0.2 0.0 S-11 6-Oct-22 building 0.2 0.0 S-12 6-Oct-22 0.2 0.0 Notes: 1. Total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured using a photoionization detector. 2. ppm - parts per million 3. There were no leachate-impacted soils at BG-1 (the background location). Total VOCs were measured from the soil collected. Smith 1 of 1 Leachate Release Soil Sampling Report Table 2a Detected Soil Consituents - Metals East Wake Transfer Station Facility Permit No. 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Soil Sample Code Sample Date o E C a W Q i CO GJ m E_ E f6 V - V a C " v J Z N N L 3 C > N Health -Based Residential PSRG121 6.3 1 0.68 3,100 31 1.4 23,000 4.7 1 630 400 310 78 78 0.16 1 78 4,700 Health -Based Industrial PSRG (2) 93 3.0 47,000 470 20 350,000 70 9,300 800 4,700 1,200 1,200 2.3 1,200 70,000 Protection of Groundwater PSRG (2) 0.90 5.8 580 63 3.0 360,000 0.90 700 270 130 2.1 3.4 2.8 140 1,200 BG-1 6-Oct-22 -- 1.6.1 34 0.28J -- 7.1 1.7 7.1 7.1 3.6J 2.2 -- 0.26 16 23 S-1 6-Oct-22 -- 2.2.1 42(5) 0.71 -- 12(5) 3.4 11(5) 22 7.8 1.4 -- 0.40 26(5) 36(5) S-2 6-Oct-22 -- 1.3.1 45 0.85 0.12J 4.8 3.1 14 5.7 2.9.1 1.5 -- 0.30 16 44 S-3 6-Oct-22 -- -- 23 0.23J -- 4.6 1.9 1.8 5.5 2.8J 1.7 -- 0.44 6.6 18 S-4 6-Oct-22 -- 2.1J 38 0.34J -- 14 2.2 8.4 11 5.6 1.2 -- 0.23 40 21 S-5 6-Oct-22 -- 1.7.1 37 0.34J -- 15 2.2 9.5 11 5.7 1.2 -- 0.23 30 18 S-6 6-Oct-22 -- 1.8.1 51 0.49 -- 13 3.6 16 15 5.8 1.1 -- 0.29 39 34 S-7 6-Oct-22 0.46J -- 31 0.20J -- 6.5 1.9 24 10 4.2 1.5 -- 0.14 8.0 100 S-8 6-Oct-22 0.23J 1. 11 32 0.31J -- 8.8 2.2 19 8.2 5.0 1.6 -- 0.19 12 54 S-9 6-Oct-22 -- 2.0 48 0.56 -- 9.0 3.2 11 18 5.1 1.5 -- 0.38 25 38 5-10 6-Oct-22 -- 3.3* 41 0.47 -- 13 2.4 9.5 18 6.1 1.8 -- 0.36 32 33 S-11 6-Oct-22 -- 4.1* 36 0.40 -- 17 2.6 16 17 8.9 1.7 -- 0.30 38 31 S-12 6-Oct-22 -- 2.2 47 0.43 -- 6.8 2.4 10 7.8 3.6J 2.1 -- 0.24 19 36 Notes: 1. All units are in milligrams per kilogram (parts per million). 2. (2) - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) - July 2022 3. (3) - There is no PSRG for total chromium. The PSRG provided is for chromium(III), insoluble salts. 4. J - The analytical result is less than the reporting limit but greater than or equal to the method detection limit. The concentration is an approximate value. 5. (5)- F1 Flag - The matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate recovery exceeds control limits. - Concentration exceeds the Residential PSRGs. * - Concentration exceeds the Industrial PSRGs. Bold - Concentration exceeds the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. -- - Indicates the result is below the detection limit. Ismith )M 1 of 3 Leachate Release Soil Sampling Report Table 2b Detected Soil Consituents - Volatile Organic Compounds East Wake Transfer Station Facility Permit No. 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Y W G! Soil Sample Code Sample Date C 0 � c U � Q N 7 m N Health -Based Residential PSRG(2) 14,000 5,500 Health -Based Industrial PSRG(2) 210,000 40,000 Protection of Groundwater PSRG(2) 25 17 BG-1 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-1 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-2 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-3 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-4 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-5 6-Oct-22 0.034J -- S-6 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-7 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-8 6-Oct-22 0.380 -- S-9 6-Oct-22 -- 0.017J S-10 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-11 6-Oct-22 -- -- S-12 6-Oct-22 -- -- Notes: 1. All units are in milligrams per kilogram (parts per million). 2. (2) - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) - July 2022 3. J - The analytical result is less than the reporting limit but greater than or equal to the method detection limit. The concentration is an approximate value. -- - Indicates the result is below the detection limit. Smith 2 of 3 Leachate Release Soil Sampling Report Table 2c Detected Soil Consituents - General Chemistry East Wake Transfer Station Facility Permit No. 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina 7 O a C y Soil Sample Code Sample Date 0 a a Z v3i �a O Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg S.U. Health -Based Residential PSRG(3) 0.31 25,000 NS NS Health -Based Industrial PSRG(3) 4.7 370,000 NS NS Protection of Groundwater PSRG(3) 0.0034 NS NS NS BG-1 6-Oct-22 190* -- -- 4.7 S-1 6-Oct-22 100* 0.97.1 68 7.0 S-2 6-Oct-22 230* 2.3(6) 130(6) 6.7 S-3 6-Oct-22 120* -- 49 7.4 S-4 6-Oct-22 51* -- 110 5.5 S-5 6-Oct-22 84* -- 57 6.2 S-6 6-Oct-22 63* 1.4 140 5.8 S-7 6-Oct-22 820* 4.9 48 7.6 S-8 6-Oct-22 410* 1.8 63 7.8 S-9 6-Oct-22 89* 13 220 5.2 S-10 6-Oct-22 99* 13 500 6.1 S-11 6-Oct-22 130* 0.64.1 160 7.2 S-12 6-Oct-22 180* -- 170 7.0 Notes: 1. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram (parts per million). 2. S.U. - Standard Units 3. (3) - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) - July 2022 4. NS - No Standard 5. J - The analytical result is less than the reporting limit but greater than or equal to the method detection limit. The concentration is an approximate value. 6. (6) - F1 Flag - The matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate recovery exceeds control limits. - Concentration exceeds the Residential PSRGs. * - Concentration exceeds the Industrial PSRGs. Bold - Concentration exceeds the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. -- - Indicates the result is below the detection limit. Smith DM 3 of 3 Leachate Release Soil Sampling Report ✓/ : r . Transfer faill 8-� S ^A`r•Loading Bay 3A Sb S BA Legend Sal SaWlle Locator Leactale Impacted Mea — Parcel Boundary Map Data Source: 2021 Aerial Photograph, Wake County, North Carolina One Map CSpmith Scale in Feet Q o too zoo Figure 1: Site Map East Wake Transfer Station Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Facility Permit Number 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 0 a ienter trailer c)aaiafj nay _S /S-a 5-10 �1 5-12 su c a+1 o,,, comuss w saem m 211 Legend 40 SON Sample Locator Leacffale lmpazletl Area — Pamel Bounoary Map Data Source: 2021 Aerial Photograph, Wake County, North Carolina One Map Scale in Feet Figure 2: Analytical Results Map East Wake Transfer Station o100 zo ri M �oRaleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Spmith Facility Permit Number 9233T-TRANSFER-2008 Appendix A Field Notes r _22 1'n►e SV'NO r' ■ J ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ rp.v Imp , v41N FxcA_yArlNs �,5 s!`i. . cLAN soli P.1.0; t7 0 �.1.� C.�{ rr- Toys 5-5 -- 1 SONS: tN EtccA%J 71N,k 9-6 --- - AcHATE IMPActeb C cE'gN SUIT Iasat con2c 1 S-� 90506 864IN FxCAVAPIN4 S' 7 Lc-ArvikT4 lMpAcfFn Soil_ pwk - LCFAN So'll. C1105 collect 1110S gECw F.XCMAn4 S cFAdtArH )MPAc2pa OIL CCPON Salk �11Zo Colley S g ZS ! 6FI:ln4 C-xcAVATINs s:42� LC - A cmW 1 M P/�TEn halt P lP' a`i P� CLEAN Solt PI 01 U D rp,h1 Ch4v Collet.► S-q zz, 1001 $V^+�"Y (% CA .A D w T4 L rt tee s� • Z- LL- N a�.. P.II�•v o E x awos- I A t P a1� P• p'. 0, r. CLet 01 ox: O.D I t -tl E A� IZ LE cµ A ff q P IlrAcred SOMP, I.O, f). C 6a a1 I,n' .o oll � -IZ sF sArif N 5' J 2' o `ti 1300: _tt►gvAtla� 1Lf M111N\N4-_ LEAc11AT� STAIP�) Lpwl n1 OFFs i TE CoMP�FT� FncAJATwN of LC-,4< 16y5: -- -- --- - EO-So�if. 13 RING x�AVAt[-y-"AS (3Acic 16 C�lAOE wltll __.. _. CLSAtd 5?oGkPILFb ConnhtoN f"Ill 113 M PLc rc c�cL01N`i- P. kANF_ oFf9_,4� o; to r 0 Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Report urofins Environment Testing ANALYTICAL REPORT Eurofins Savannah 5102 LaRoche Avenue Savannah, GA 31404 Tel: (912)354-7858 Laboratory Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Project/Site: CF15139 Revision: 3 For: Environmental Conservation Laboratories 102 Woodwinds Industrial Ct, Suite A Cary, North Carolina 27511 Attn: Amanda Gaines Authorized for release by: 111212022 12:23:30 PM Naomi Flanagan, Project Manager (912)354-7858 Naomi.Flanagan@et.eurofinsus.com Designee for Sheila Hoffman, Project Manager II (912)250-0279 Sheila.Hoffman@et.eurofinsus.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC, 2009 TNI, and 2016 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Sample Summary Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Collected Received 680-222693-1 S - 1 Solid 10/06/22 09:55 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-2 S - 2 Solid 10/06/22 10:10 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-3 S - 3 Solid 10/06/22 10:25 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-4 S - 4 Solid 10/06/22 10:40 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-5 S - 5 Solid 10/06/22 10:45 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-6 S - 6 Solid 10/06/22 10:50 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-7 S - 7 Solid 10/06/22 11:05 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-8 S - 8 Solid 10/06/22 11:20 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-9 S - 9 Solid 10/06/22 11:40 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-10 S - 10 Solid 10/06/22 11:55 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-11 S - 11 Solid 10/06/22 12:05 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-12 S - 12 Solid 10/06/22 12:20 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-13 BG-1 Solid 10/06/22 12:30 10/08/22 06:00 680-222693-14 Trip Blank Water 10/06/22 09:55 10/08/22 06:00 Page 2 of 120 Eug0192POPYTRIOP 3) Method Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory 8260D Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS SW846 EET SAV 8270E SIM ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) SW846 EET SAV 9056A Anions, Ion Chromatography SW846 EET SAV 6010D Metals (ICP) SW846 EET SAV 6020B Metals (ICP/MS) SW846 EET SAV 365.4-1974 Phosphorus, Total EPA EET SAV 9045D pH SW846 EET SAV Moisture Percent Moisture EPA EET SAV 3050B Preparation, Metals SW846 EET SAV 3546 Microwave Extraction SW846 EET SAV 5030B Purge and Trap SW846 EET SAV 5035A Closed System Purge & Trap SW846 EET SAV DI Leach Deionized Water Leaching Procedure ASTM EET SAV Digestion Digestion, Hot Block MCAWW EET SAV Protocol References: ASTM = ASTM International EPA= US Environmental Protection Agency MCAWW = "Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastes", EPA-600/4-79-020, March 1983 And Subsequent Revisions. SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: EET SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 Eurofins Savannah Page 3 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Definitions/Glossary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description E Result exceeded calibration range. J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. S1+ Surrogate recovery exceeds control limits, high biased. HPLC/IC Qualifier Qualifier Description F1 MS and/or MSD recovery exceeds control limits. J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Metals C Qualifier Qualifier Description 4 MS, MSD: The analyte present in the original sample is greater than 4 times the matrix spike concentration; therefore, control limits are not applicable. F1 MS and/or MSD recovery exceeds control limits. J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. General Chemistry Qualifier Qualifier Description HF Field parameter with a holding time of 15 minutes. Test performed by laboratory at client's request. Glossary Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. A Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CFU Colony Forming Unit CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re -analysis, Re -extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MCL EPA recommended "Maximum Contaminant Level" MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) MPN Most Probable Number VIOL Method Quantitation Limit NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) NEG Negative / Absent POS Positive / Present PQL Practical Quantitation Limit PRIES Presumptive QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) Eurofins Savannah Page 4 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Definitions/Glossary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Glossary (Continued) Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. TNTC Too Numerous To Count F Job ID: 680-222693-1 Eurofins Savannah Page 5 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Case Narrative Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah Narrative Job Narrative 680-222693-1 REVISION Job ID: 680-222693-1 The report being provided is a revision of the original report sent on 10/26/2022. The report (revision 3) is being revised due to Client no longer needs mercury analysis results. Report revision history The report being provided is a revision of the original report sent on 10/26/2022. The report (revision 3) is being revised due to Client no longer needs mercury analysis results. Revision 2 - 11/2/2022 - Reason - Client no longer needs mercury analysis results. Revision 2 - 11/2/2022 - Reason - Client no longer needs mercury analysis results. Revision 1 - 10/31/2022 - Reason - TB missing analyte.Metals list altered. Receipt The samples were received on 10/8/2022 6:00 AM. Unless otherwise noted below, the samples arrived in good condition, and, where required, properly preserved and on ice. The temperatures of the 4 coolers at receipt time were 2.5°C, 3.9°C, 5.3°C and 5.4°C GC/MS VOA Method 8260D: Insufficient sample volume was available to perform a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) associated with analytical batch 680-745311. Method 8260D: Trichlorofluoromethane is reported with an E flag in the batch QC because the top two points were dropped from the ICAL. The sample associated with the QC was non detect for Trichlorofluoromethane. The data has been qualified and reported. (CCVIS 680-745311/4), (LCS 680-745311/5) and (LCSD 680-745311/6) Method 8260D: The McOH vials are 10ml McOH and the bar codes have 5ml McOH.S - 1 (680-222693-1), S - 2 (680-222693-2), S - 3 (680-222693-3), S- 4 (680-222693-4), S- 5 (680-222693-5), S- 6 (680-222693-6), S- 7 (680-222693-7), S- 8 (680-222693-8), S- 9 (680-222693-9), S - 10 (680-222693-10), S - 11 (680-222693-11), S - 12 (680-222693-12) and BG-1 (680-222693-13) Method 8260D: The instrument was biased high for surrogate Dibromofluoromethane in batch 745187. The samples associated with the batch had passing recoveries in the opening QC for all target analytes. The data has been qualified and reported.S - 1 (680-222693-1), S - 2 (680-222693-2), S- 3 (680-222693-3), S- 4 (680-222693-4), S- 5 (680-222693-5), S- 6 (680-222693-6), S- 7 (680-222693-7), S- 8 (680-222693-8), S - 9 (680-222693-9), S - 10 (680-222693-10), S - 11 (680-222693-11), S - 12 (680-222693-12), BG-1 (680-222693-13) and (MB 680-745187/8) Method 8260D: Surrogate recovery for the following samples were outside the upper control limit: S - 1 (680-222693-1), S - 3 (680-222693-3), S - 6 (680-222693-6), S - 7 (680-222693-7) and S - 12 (680-222693-12). This sample did not contain any target analytes; therefore, re -extraction and/or re -analysis was not performed. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/ Glossary page. GC/MS Semi VOA No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/ Glossary page. HPLC/IC Method 9056A_OF_48H_D5: The matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries for preparation batch 680-745196 and analytical batch 680-745240 were outside control limits. Sample matrix interference and/or non -homogeneity are suspected because the associated laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery was within acceptance limits. Eurofins Savannah Page 6 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Case Narrative C Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 (Continued) Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah (Continued) No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/ Glossary page. Metals No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/ Glossary page. General Chemistry No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/ Glossary page. F Eurofins Savannah Page 7 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 0.97 J 1.3 0.60 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 0.97 J 1.3 0.60 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 68 27 11 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 2.2 J 2.3 1.4 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 42 F1 1.1 0.47 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.71 0.46 0.081 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 3.4 1.1 0.38 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 12 F1 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 11 F1 2.8 0.57 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 7.8 4.6 1.0 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Lead 22 1.1 0.69 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 26 F1 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Zinc 36 F1 2.3 0.66 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.4 0.57 0.11 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Thallium 0.40 0.11 0.057 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Phosphorus 100 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.0 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 2 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 2.3 F1 1.1 0.48 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 2.3 1.1 0.48 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 130 F1 21 8.5 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 1.3 J 1.8 1.1 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 45 0.90 0.37 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.85 0.36 0.064 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cadmium 0.12 J 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 3.1 0.90 0.30 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 4.8 0.90 0.15 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 14 2.2 0.45 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 2.9 J 3.6 0.81 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 5.7 0.90 0.55 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 16 0.90 0.14 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 44 1.8 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.5 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.30 0.090 0.045 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 230 9.9 5.4 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 6.7 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 3 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Sulfate 49 24 9.6 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Barium 23 1.1 0.46 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.23 J 0.45 0.079 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 1.9 1.1 0.37 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 4.6 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 8.1 2.8 0.56 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 2.8 J 4.5 1.0 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Lead 5.5 1.1 0.68 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 6.6 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. 0 L Eurofins Savannah Page 8 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 3 (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Zinc 18 2.2 0.65 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA ' Selenium 1.7 0.56 0.11 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Thallium 0.44 0.11 0.056 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Phosphorus 120 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.4 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 4 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Sulfate 110 28 11 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 2.1 J 2.6 1.5 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 38 1.3 0.53 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.34 J 0.51 0.091 mg/Kg 1 # 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 2.2 1.3 0.42 mg/Kg 1 # 6010D Total/NA Chromium 14 1.3 0.22 mg/Kg 1 # 6010D Total/NA Copper 8.4 3.2 0.64 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 5.6 5.1 1.2 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 11 1.3 0.78 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 40 1.3 0.21 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 21 2.6 0.75 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.2 0.64 0.13 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.23 0.13 0.064 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Phosphorus 51 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 5.5 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 5 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-5 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Acetone 34 J 50 11 ug/Kg 1 * 8260D Total/NA Sulfate 57 22 9.0 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 1.7 J 2.0 1.2 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 37 1.0 0.42 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.34 J 0.41 0.072 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 2.2 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 15 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Copper 9.5 2.6 0.51 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Nickel 5.7 4.1 0.92 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Lead 11 1.0 0.62 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 30 1.0 0.16 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 18 2.0 0.59 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.2 0.51 0.10 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.23 0.10 0.051 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 84 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 6.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 6 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 1.4 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 1.4 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 140 24 9.6 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 1.8 J 2.1 1.2 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Eurofins Savannah Page 9 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 6 (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Barium 51 1.0 0.42 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA ' Beryllium 0.49 0.41 0.073 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 3.6 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 13 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 16 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 5.8 4.1 0.93 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 15 1.0 0.63 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 39 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 34 2.1 0.60 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.1 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.29 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 63 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 5.8 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 7 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 4.9 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 4.9 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 48 24 9.5 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Barium 31 1.0 0.43 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.20 J 0.42 0.074 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 1.9 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 6.5 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 24 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 4.2 4.2 0.93 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 10 1.0 0.63 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 8.0 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 100 2.1 0.60 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Antimony 0.46 J 1.0 0.10 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Selenium 1.5 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.14 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 820 99 54 mg/Kg 10 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.6 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Acetone 380 39 8.6 ug/Kg 1 0 8260D Total/NA Nitrate as N 1.8 1.0 0.47 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 1.8 1.0 0.47 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 63 21 8.3 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 1.1 J 1.8 1.1 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 32 0.90 0.37 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.31 J 0.36 0.064 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 2.2 0.90 0.30 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 8.8 0.90 0.15 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 19 2.3 0.45 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 5.0 3.6 0.81 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 8.2 0.90 0.55 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 12 0.90 0.14 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Zinc 54 1.8 0.52 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Eurofins Savannah Page 10 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 8 (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Antimony 0.23 J 0.90 0.090 mg/Kg 1 # 6020B Total/NA ' Selenium 1.6 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg 1 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.19 0.090 0.045 mg/Kg 1 � 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 410 49 27 mg/Kg 5 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.8 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 9 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-9 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type 2-Butanone (MEK) 17 J 23 8.6 ug/Kg 1 * 8260D Total/NA Nitrate as N 13 1.2 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 13 1.2 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 220 23 9.3 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 2.0 1.9 1.2 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 48 0.97 0.40 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Beryllium 0.56 0.39 0.069 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Cobalt 3.2 0.97 0.32 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Chromium 9.0 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Copper 11 2.4 0.48 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Nickel 5.1 3.9 0.87 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Lead 18 0.97 0.59 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Vanadium 25 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Zinc 38 1.9 0.56 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Selenium 1.5 0.48 0.097 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Thallium 0.38 0.097 0.048 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Phosphorus 89 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 5.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 10 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-10 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 13 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 1 rE 9056A Soluble Nitrate Nitrite as N 13 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 500 24 9.4 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 3.3 2.1 1.3 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Barium 41 1.1 0.44 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Beryllium 0.47 0.43 0.076 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Cobalt 2.4 1.1 0.35 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Chromium 13 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Copper 9.5 2.7 0.54 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Nickel 6.1 4.3 0.96 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Lead 18 1.1 0.65 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Vanadium 32 1.1 0.17 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Zinc 33 2.1 0.62 mg/Kg 1 * 601OD Total/NA Selenium 1.8 0.54 0.11 mg/Kg 1 * 6020E Total/NA Thallium 0.36 0.11 0.054 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 99 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 6.1 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Eurofins Savannah Page 11 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 11 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-11 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Nitrate as N 0.64 J 1.1 0.51 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble ' Nitrate Nitrite as N 0.64 J 1.1 0.51 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Sulfate 160 23 9.0 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 4.1 1.9 1.2 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 36 0.97 0.40 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.40 0.39 0.069 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 2.6 0.97 0.32 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 17 0.97 0.17 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 16 2.4 0.49 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 8.9 3.9 0.87 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Lead 17 0.97 0.59 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 38 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg 1 6010D Total/NA Zinc 31 1.9 0.56 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 1.7 0.49 0.097 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.30 0.097 0.049 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 130 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: S - 12 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Sulfate 170 22 8.7 mg/Kg 1 * 9056A Soluble Arsenic 2.2 2.1 1.3 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 47 1.0 0.43 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.43 0.42 0.074 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 2.4 1.0 0.35 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 6.8 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 10 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 3.6 J 4.2 0.94 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 7.8 1.0 0.64 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 19 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 36 2.1 0.61 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Selenium 2.1 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.24 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg 1 * 6020B Total/NA Phosphorus 180 9.8 5.4 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Soil pH in Water 7.0 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Client Sample ID: BG-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Arsenic 1.6 J 2.2 1.3 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Barium 34 1.1 0.45 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Beryllium 0.28 J 0.44 0.078 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Cobalt 1.7 1.1 0.36 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Chromium 7.1 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Copper 7.1 2.8 0.55 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Nickel 3.6 J 4.4 0.99 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Lead 7.1 1.1 0.67 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Vanadium 16 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg 1 * 6010D Total/NA Zinc 23 2.2 0.64 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6010D Total/NA Selenium 2.2 0.55 0.11 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6020B Total/NA Thallium 0.26 0.11 0.055 mg/Kg 1 3,'� 6020B Total/NA This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Eurofins Savannah Page 12 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Detection Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: BG-1 (Continued) Analyte Result Qualifier Phosphorus Soil pH in Water 190 4.7 HF Client Sample ID: Trip Blank CAnalyte Result Qualifier Chlorodibromomethane 0.85 J This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. F Job ID: 680-222693-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type 9.8 5.4 mg/Kg 1 365.4-1974 Total/NA Ib 0.1 0.1 PH Units 1 9045D Total/NA Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-14 RL MDL Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type 1.0 0.39 ug/L 1 8260D Total/NA Eurofins Savannah Page 13 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 74.5 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.9 7.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <3.8 7.3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <3.1 7.3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <2.2 7.3 1,1-Dichloroethane <4.3 7.3 1,1-Dichloroethene <5.3 7.3 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.6 7.3 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <2.3 15 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <2.5 7.3 1,2-Dichloroethane <3.4 7.3 1,2-Dichloropropane <3.8 7.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.6 7.3 2-Butanone (MEK) <14 37 2-Hexanone <28 37 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <26 37 Acetone <16 73 Acrylonitrile <44 150 Benzene <3.5 7.3 Bromoform <3.2 7.3 Bromomethane <3.5 7.3 Carbon disulfide <3.1 7.3 Carbon tetrachloride <3.1 7.3 Chlorobenzene <2.1 7.3 Chlorobromomethane <2.9 7.3 Chlorodibromomethane <3.1 7.3 Chloroethane <3.2 7.3 Chloroform <2.9 7.3 Chloromethane <3.5 7.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <4.3 7.3 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <3.2 7.3 Dibromomethane <2.9 7.3 Dichlorobromomethane <2.9 7.3 Ethylbenzene <3.1 7.3 Ethylene Dibromide <2.5 7.3 lodomethane <2.5 7.3 Methylene Chloride <12 15 Styrene <2.8 7.3 Tetrachloroethene <3.8 7.3 Toluene <3.8 7.3 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <3.4 7.3 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <3.8 7.3 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <3.5 15 Trichloroethene <2.6 7.3 Trichlorofluoromethane <4.6 7.3 Vinyl acetate <8.1 15 Vinyl chloride <4.1 7.3 Xylenes, Total <5.3 15 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 103 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 4.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 5.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 14 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 28 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 26 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 16 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 44 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 4.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.9 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.9 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 12 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 3.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 4.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 8.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 4.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 5.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:34 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:34 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 14 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 74.5 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 132 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:34 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 154 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:34 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:34 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <5.2 43 5.2 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2216:32 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 59 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 16:32 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 0.97 J 1.3 0.60 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:58 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 0.97 J 1.3 0.60 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:58 1 Nitrite as N <0.60 1.3 0.60 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:58 1 Sulfate 68 27 11 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2218:14 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.36 1.1 0.36 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Arsenic 2.2 J 2.3 1.4 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Barium 42 F1 1.1 0.47 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Beryllium 0.71 0.46 0.081 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Cadmium <0.11 0.57 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Cobalt 3.4 1.1 0.38 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Chromium 12 F1 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Copper 11 F1 2.8 0.57 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Nickel 7.8 4.6 1.0 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Lead 22 1.1 0.69 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Antimony <0.99 F1 2.3 0.99 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Selenium <1.3 2.8 1.3 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Thallium <0.89 2.8 0.89 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Vanadium 26 F1 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Zinc 36 F1 2.3 0.66 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:27 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.11 F1 1.1 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:59 1 Selenium 1.4 0.57 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:59 1 Thallium 0.40 0.11 0.057 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:59 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 100 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 10/11/22 12:44 10/12/22 12:54 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.0 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 15 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 2 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:10 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 92.8 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.4 5.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.8 5.3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.2 5.3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.6 5.3 1,1-Dichloroethane <3.1 5.3 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.8 5.3 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.9 5.3 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.7 11 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.3 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.4 5.3 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.8 5.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 5.3 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.8 27 2-Hexanone <20 27 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <19 27 Acetone <12 53 Acrylonitrile <32 110 Benzene <2.5 5.3 Bromoform <2.3 5.3 Bromomethane <2.5 5.3 Carbon disulfide <2.2 5.3 Carbon tetrachloride <2.2 5.3 Chlorobenzene <1.5 5.3 Chlorobromomethane <2.1 5.3 Chlorodibromomethane <2.2 5.3 Chloroethane <2.3 5.3 Chloroform <2.1 5.3 Chloromethane <2.5 5.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <3.1 5.3 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.3 5.3 Dibromomethane <2.1 5.3 Dichlorobromomethane <2.1 5.3 Ethylbenzene <2.2 5.3 Ethylene Dibromide <1.8 5.3 lodomethane <1.8 5.3 Methylene Chloride <8.5 11 Styrene <2.0 5.3 Tetrachloroethene <2.8 5.3 Toluene <2.8 5.3 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.4 5.3 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.8 5.3 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.5 11 Trichloroethene <1.9 5.3 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.3 5.3 Vinyl acetate <5.8 11 Vinyl chloride <3.0 5.3 Xylenes, Total <3.8 11 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 9.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 20 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 12 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 32 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.1 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.2 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 8.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 5.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2215:53 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:53 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 16 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 2 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:10 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 92.8 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 130 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:53 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 145 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:53 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 98 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 15:53 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.1 34 4.1 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2216:54 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 62 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 16:54 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 2.3 F1 1.1 0.48 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:13 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 2.3 1.1 0.48 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:13 1 Nitrite as N <0.48 1.1 0.48 mg/Kg 10/14/22 18:13 1 Sulfate 130 F1 21 8.5 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2217:36 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.29 0.90 0.29 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Arsenic 1.3 J 1.8 1.1 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Barium 45 0.90 0.37 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Beryllium 0.85 0.36 0.064 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Cadmium 0.12 J 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Cobalt 3.1 0.90 0.30 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Chromium 4.8 0.90 0.15 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Copper 14 2.2 0.45 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Nickel 2.9 J 3.6 0.81 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Lead 5.7 0.90 0.55 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Antimony <0.78 1.8 0.78 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Selenium <0.99 2.2 0.99 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Thallium <0.70 2.2 0.70 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Vanadium 16 0.90 0.14 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Zinc 44 1.8 0.52 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:37 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.090 0.90 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:07 1 Selenium 1.5 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:07 1 Thallium 0.30 0.090 0.045 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:07 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 230 9.9 5.4 mg/Kg 10/11/22 12:44 10/12/22 12:56 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 6.7 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 17 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 3 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:25 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.6 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.2 4.5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.4 4.5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.9 4.5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.4 4.5 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.6 4.5 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.3 4.5 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.6 4.5 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.5 9.1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.5 4.5 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.1 4.5 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.4 4.5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 4.5 2-Butanone (MEK) <8.3 23 2-Hexanone <17 23 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <16 23 Acetone <10 45 Acrylonitrile <27 91 Benzene <2.2 4.5 Bromoform <2.0 4.5 Bromomethane <2.2 4.5 Carbon disulfide <1.9 4.5 Carbon tetrachloride <1.9 4.5 Chlorobenzene <1.3 4.5 Chlorobromomethane <1.8 4.5 Chlorodibromomethane <1.9 4.5 Chloroethane <2.0 4.5 Chloroform <1.8 4.5 Chloromethane <2.2 4.5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.6 4.5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 4.5 Dibromomethane <1.8 4.5 Dichlorobromomethane <1.8 4.5 Ethylbenzene <1.9 4.5 Ethylene Dibromide <1.5 4.5 lodomethane <1.5 4.5 Methylene Chloride <7.3 9.1 Styrene <1.7 4.5 Tetrachloroethene <2.4 4.5 Toluene <2.4 4.5 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.1 4.5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.4 4.5 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.2 9.1 Trichloroethene <1.6 4.5 Trichlorofluoromethane <2.8 4.5 Vinyl acetate <5.0 9.1 Vinyl chloride <2.5 4.5 Xylenes, Total <3.3 9.1 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 103 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 3.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 8.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 17 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 16 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 10 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 27 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.2 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.8 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.9 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 7.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 5.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:13 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:13 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 18 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 3 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:25 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.6 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 133 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:13 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 148 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:13 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:13 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.6 38 4.6 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2217:17 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 50 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 17:17 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.54 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 21:27 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.54 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 21:27 1 Nitrite as N <0.54 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 21:27 1 Sulfate 49 24 9.6 mg/Kg 0 10/17/22 20:30 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.36 1.1 0.36 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Arsenic <1.3 2.2 1.3 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Barium 23 1.1 0.46 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Beryllium 0.23 J 0.45 0.079 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Cadmium <0.11 0.56 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Cobalt 1.9 1.1 0.37 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Chromium 4.6 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Copper 8.1 2.8 0.56 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Nickel 2.8 J 4.5 1.0 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Lead 5.5 1.1 0.68 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Antimony <0.97 2.2 0.97 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Selenium <1.2 2.8 1.2 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Thallium <0.87 2.8 0.87 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Vanadium 6.6 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Zinc 18 2.2 0.65 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:40 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.11 1.1 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:10 1 Selenium 1.7 0.56 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:10 1 Thallium 0.44 0.11 0.056 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:10 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 120 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 10/11/22 12:44 10/12/22 12:53 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.4 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 19 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 4 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 70.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.6 6.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <3.3 6.3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.6 6.3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.9 6.3 1,1-Dichloroethane <3.6 6.3 1,1-Dichloroethene <4.5 6.3 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.3 6.3 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <2.0 13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <2.1 6.3 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.9 6.3 1,2-Dichloropropane <3.3 6.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.3 6.3 2-Butanone (MEK) <12 31 2-Hexanone <24 31 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <23 31 Acetone <14 63 Acrylonitrile <38 130 Benzene <3.0 6.3 Bromoform <2.8 6.3 Bromomethane <3.0 6.3 Carbon disulfide <2.6 6.3 Carbon tetrachloride <2.6 6.3 Chlorobenzene <1.8 6.3 Chlorobromomethane <2.5 6.3 Chlorodibromomethane <2.6 6.3 Chloroethane <2.8 6.3 Chloroform <2.5 6.3 Chloromethane <3.0 6.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <3.6 6.3 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.8 6.3 Dibromomethane <2.5 6.3 Dichlorobromomethane <2.5 6.3 Ethylbenzene <2.6 6.3 Ethylene Dibromide <2.1 6.3 lodomethane <2.1 6.3 Methylene Chloride <10 13 Styrene <2.4 6.3 Tetrachloroethene <3.3 6.3 Toluene <3.3 6.3 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 6.3 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <3.3 6.3 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <3.0 13 Trichloroethene <2.3 6.3 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.9 6.3 Vinyl acetate <6.9 13 Vinyl chloride <3.5 6.3 Xylenes, Total <4.5 13 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 4.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 12 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 24 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 23 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 14 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 38 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.0 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.5 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 10 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 6.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 3.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 4.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:33 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:33 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 20 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 4 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 70.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 127 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:33 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 152 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:33 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 92 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:33 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <5.4 44 5.4 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2217:38 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 65 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 17:38 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.63 1.4 0.63 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:13 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.63 1.4 0.63 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:13 1 Nitrite as N <0.63 1.4 0.63 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:13 1 Sulfate 110 28 11 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2218:26 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.41 1.3 0.41 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Arsenic 2.1 J 2.6 1.5 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Barium 38 1.3 0.53 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Beryllium 0.34 J 0.51 0.091 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Cadmium <0.13 0.64 0.13 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Cobalt 2.2 1.3 0.42 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Chromium 14 1.3 0.22 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Copper 8.4 3.2 0.64 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Nickel 5.6 5.1 1.2 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Lead 11 1.3 0.78 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Antimony <1.1 2.6 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Selenium <1.4 3.2 1.4 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Thallium <1.0 3.2 1.0 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Vanadium 40 1.3 0.21 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Zinc 21 2.6 0.75 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:43 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.13 1.3 0.13 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:12 1 Selenium 1.2 0.64 0.13 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:12 1 Thallium 0.23 0.13 0.064 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:12 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 51 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/17/22 13:35 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 5.5 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:43 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 21 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 5 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-5 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:45 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 89.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.3 5.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.6 5.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.1 5.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.5 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.9 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.6 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.6 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.3 5.0 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.6 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.0 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.2 25 2-Hexanone <19 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <18 25 Acetone 34 J 50 Acrylonitrile <30 100 Benzene <2.4 5.0 Bromoform <2.2 5.0 Bromomethane <2.4 5.0 Carbon disulfide <2.1 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride <2.1 5.0 Chlorobenzene <1.4 5.0 Chlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 Chlorodibromomethane <2.1 5.0 Chloroethane <2.2 5.0 Chloroform <2.0 5.0 Chloromethane <2.4 5.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 5.0 Dibromomethane <2.0 5.0 Dichlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 Ethylbenzene <2.1 5.0 Ethylene Dibromide <1.7 5.0 lodomethane <1.7 5.0 Methylene Chloride <8.0 10 Styrene <1.9 5.0 Tetrachloroethene <2.6 5.0 Toluene <2.6 5.0 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 5.0 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.6 5.0 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.4 10 Trichloroethene <1.8 5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.1 5.0 Vinyl acetate <5.5 10 Vinyl chloride <2.8 5.0 Xylenes, Total <3.6 10 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 100 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 3.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 9.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 18 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 11 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 30 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.7 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 8.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 5.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 3.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2216:52 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:52 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 22 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 5 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-5 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:45 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 89.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 126 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:52 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 148 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:52 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 16:52 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.3 36 4.3 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2218:00 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 63 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 18:00 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.50 1.1 0.50 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:28 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.50 1.1 0.50 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:28 1 Nitrite as N <0.50 1.1 0.50 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:28 1 Sulfate 57 22 9.0 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2218:38 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.33 1.0 0.33 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Arsenic 1.7 J 2.0 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Barium 37 1.0 0.42 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Beryllium 0.34 J 0.41 0.072 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Cadmium <0.10 0.51 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Cobalt 2.2 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Chromium 15 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Copper 9.5 2.6 0.51 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Nickel 5.7 4.1 0.92 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Lead 11 1.0 0.62 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Antimony <0.89 2.0 0.89 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Selenium <1.1 2.6 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Thallium <0.80 2.6 0.80 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Vanadium 30 1.0 0.16 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Zinc 18 2.0 0.59 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:46 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.10 1.0 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:20 1 Selenium 1.2 0.51 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:20 1 Thallium 0.23 0.10 0.051 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:20 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 84 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/17/22 13:39 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 6.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 23 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 6 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:50 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 82.7 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.4 5.2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.7 5.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.2 5.2 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.6 5.2 1,1-Dichloroethane <3.0 5.2 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.8 5.2 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.9 5.2 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.7 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.2 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.4 5.2 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.7 5.2 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 5.2 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.6 26 2-Hexanone <20 26 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <19 26 Acetone <12 52 Acrylonitrile <31 100 Benzene <2.5 5.2 Bromoform <2.3 5.2 Bromomethane <2.5 5.2 Carbon disulfide <2.2 5.2 Carbon tetrachloride <2.2 5.2 Chlorobenzene <1.5 5.2 Chlorobromomethane <2.1 5.2 Chlorodibromomethane <2.2 5.2 Chloroethane <2.3 5.2 Chloroform <2.1 5.2 Chloromethane <2.5 5.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <3.0 5.2 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.3 5.2 Dibromomethane <2.1 5.2 Dichlorobromomethane <2.1 5.2 Ethylbenzene <2.2 5.2 Ethylene Dibromide <1.8 5.2 lodomethane <1.8 5.2 Methylene Chloride <8.4 10 Styrene <2.0 5.2 Tetrachloroethene <2.7 5.2 Toluene <2.7 5.2 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.4 5.2 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.7 5.2 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.5 10 Trichloroethene <1.9 5.2 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.3 5.2 Vinyl acetate <5.8 10 Vinyl chloride <2.9 5.2 Xylenes, Total <3.8 10 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 3.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 3.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 9.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 20 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 12 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 31 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.5 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 3.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.1 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.2 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 8.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 5.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 3.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:12 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:12 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 24 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 6 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:50 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 82.7 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 132 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:12 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 153 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:12 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:12 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.6 38 4.6 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2218:22 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 65 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 18:22 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 1.4 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:43 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 1.4 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:43 1 Nitrite as N <0.54 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:43 1 Sulfate 140 24 9.6 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2218:51 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.33 1.0 0.33 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Arsenic 1.8 J 2.1 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Barium 51 1.0 0.42 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Beryllium 0.49 0.41 0.073 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Cadmium <0.10 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Cobalt 3.6 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Chromium 13 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Copper 16 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Nickel 5.8 4.1 0.93 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Lead 15 1.0 0.63 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Antimony <0.90 2.1 0.90 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Selenium <1.1 2.6 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Thallium <0.81 2.6 0.81 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Vanadium 39 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Zinc 34 2.1 0.60 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:49 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.10 1.0 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:23 1 Selenium 1.1 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:23 1 Thallium 0.29 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:23 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 63 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/17/22 13:44 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 5.8 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 25 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 7 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.3 5.1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.6 5.1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.1 5.1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.5 5.1 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.9 5.1 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.6 5.1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 5.1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.6 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 5.1 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.3 5.1 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.6 5.1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.1 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.3 25 2-Hexanone <19 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <18 25 Acetone <11 51 Acrylonitrile <30 100 Benzene <2.4 5.1 Bromoform <2.2 5.1 Bromomethane <2.4 5.1 Carbon disulfide <2.1 5.1 Carbon tetrachloride <2.1 5.1 Chlorobenzene <1.4 5.1 Chlorobromomethane <2.0 5.1 Chlorodibromomethane <2.1 5.1 Chloroethane <2.2 5.1 Chloroform <2.0 5.1 Chloromethane <2.4 5.1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 5.1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 5.1 Dibromomethane <2.0 5.1 Dichlorobromomethane <2.0 5.1 Ethylbenzene <2.1 5.1 Ethylene Dibromide <1.7 5.1 lodomethane <1.7 5.1 Methylene Chloride <8.1 10 Styrene <1.9 5.1 Tetrachloroethene <2.6 5.1 Toluene <2.6 5.1 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 5.1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.6 5.1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.4 10 Trichloroethene <1.8 5.1 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.1 5.1 Vinyl acetate <5.6 10 Vinyl chloride <2.8 5.1 Xylenes, Total <3.6 10 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 105 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 3.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 9.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 18 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 11 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 30 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.7 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 8.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 5.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 3.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:31 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:31 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 26 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 7 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 134 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:31 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 153 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:31 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 109 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:31 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.7 38 4.7 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2218:44 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 56 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 18:44 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 4.9 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:58 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 4.9 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:58 1 Nitrite as N <0.54 1.2 0.54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 19:58 1 Sulfate 48 24 9.5 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2219:03 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.33 1.0 0.33 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Arsenic <1.2 2.1 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Barium 31 1.0 0.43 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Beryllium 0.20 J 0.42 0.074 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Cadmium <0.10 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Cobalt 1.9 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Chromium 6.5 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Copper 24 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Nickel 4.2 4.2 0.93 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Lead 10 1.0 0.63 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Antimony <0.90 2.1 0.90 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Selenium <1.1 2.6 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Thallium <0.81 2.6 0.81 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Vanadium 8.0 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Zinc 100 2.1 0.60 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:59 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony 0.46 J 1.0 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:26 1 Selenium 1.5 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:26 1 Thallium 0.14 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:26 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 820 99 54 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/18/22 08:43 10 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.6 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 27 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 95.6 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.0 3.9 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.0 3.9 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.6 3.9 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.2 3.9 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.3 3.9 1,1-Dichloroethene <2.8 3.9 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.4 3.9 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.2 7.8 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.3 3.9 1,2-Dichloroethane <1.8 3.9 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.0 3.9 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.4 3.9 2-Hexanone <15 19 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <14 19 Acetone 380 39 Acrylonitrile <23 78 Benzene <1.9 3.9 Bromoform <1.7 3.9 Bromomethane <1.9 3.9 Carbon disulfide <1.6 3.9 Carbon tetrachloride <1.6 3.9 Chlorobenzene <1.1 3.9 Chlorobromomethane <1.6 3.9 Chlorodibromomethane <1.6 3.9 Chloroethane <1.7 3.9 Chloroform <1.6 3.9 Chloromethane <1.9 3.9 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 3.9 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <1.7 3.9 Dibromomethane <1.6 3.9 Dichlorobromomethane <1.6 3.9 Ethylbenzene <1.6 3.9 Ethylene Dibromide <1.3 3.9 lodomethane <1.3 3.9 Methylene Chloride <6.2 7.8 Styrene <1.5 3.9 Tetrachloroethene <2.0 3.9 Toluene <2.0 3.9 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <1.8 3.9 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.0 3.9 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.9 7.8 Trichloroethene <1.4 3.9 Trichlorofluoromethane <2.4 3.9 Vinyl acetate <4.3 7.8 Vinyl chloride <2.2 3.9 Xylenes, Total <2.8 7.8 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 101 65 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 127 65- 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 15 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 14 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 8.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 23 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg (,� 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 6.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 1.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 4.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2217:51 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:51 1 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:51 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 28 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 95.6 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 138 S1+ 65- 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 93 65 - 130 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - DL Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit 2-Butanone (MEK) <650 1800 650 ug/Kg Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:51 1 10111122 16:22 10114122 17:51 1 D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac * 10/11/22 16:22 10/17/22 20:19 40 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Toluene-d8 (Surr) 100 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10117122 20:19 40 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 112 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10117122 20:19 40 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 109 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10117122 20:19 40 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10117122 20:19 40 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane <4.0 33 4.0 ug/Kg # 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2219:06 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 59 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 19:06 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 1.8 1.0 0.47 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:13 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 1.8 1.0 0.47 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:13 1 Nitrite as N <0.47 1.0 0.47 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:13 1 Sulfate 63 21 8.3 mg/Kg 10/17/2219:16 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.29 0.90 0.29 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Arsenic 1.1 J 1.8 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Barium 32 0.90 0.37 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Beryllium 0.31 J 0.36 0.064 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Cadmium <0.090 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Cobalt 2.2 0.90 0.30 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Chromium 8.8 0.90 0.15 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Copper 19 2.3 0.45 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Nickel 5.0 3.6 0.81 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Lead 8.2 0.90 0.55 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Antimony <0.78 1.8 0.78 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Selenium <0.99 2.3 0.99 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Thallium <0.70 2.3 0.70 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Vanadium 12 0.90 0.14 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Zinc 54 1.8 0.52 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:02 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony 0.23 J 0.90 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:29 1 Selenium 1.6 0.45 0.090 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:29 1 Thallium 0.19 0.090 0.045 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:29 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 29 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 95.6 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 410 49 27 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/18/22 08:44 5 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.8 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 30 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 9 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-9 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 86.0 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.2 4.7 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.4 4.7 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 4.7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.4 4.7 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.7 4.7 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.4 4.7 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 4.7 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.5 9.4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 4.7 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.2 4.7 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.4 4.7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.7 2-Butanone (MEK) 17 J 23 2-Hexanone <18 23 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <17 23 Acetone <10 47 Acrylonitrile <28 94 Benzene <2.3 4.7 Bromoform <2.1 4.7 Bromomethane <2.3 4.7 Carbon disulfide <2.0 4.7 Carbon tetrachloride <2.0 4.7 Chlorobenzene <1.3 4.7 Chlorobromomethane <1.9 4.7 Chlorodibromomethane <2.0 4.7 Chloroethane <2.1 4.7 Chloroform <1.9 4.7 Chloromethane <2.3 4.7 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.7 4.7 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.1 4.7 Dibromomethane <1.9 4.7 Dichlorobromomethane <1.9 4.7 Ethylbenzene <2.0 4.7 Ethylene Dibromide <1.6 4.7 lodomethane <1.6 4.7 Methylene Chloride <7.5 9.4 Styrene <1.8 4.7 Tetrachloroethene <2.4 4.7 Toluene <2.4 4.7 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.2 4.7 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.4 4.7 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.3 9.4 Trichloroethene <1.7 4.7 Trichlorofluoromethane <2.9 4.7 Vinyl acetate <5.2 9.4 Vinyl chloride <2.6 4.7 Xylenes, Total <3.4 9.4 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 99 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 3.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 8.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 18 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 17 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 10 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 28 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.0 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 7.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 5.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 3.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:11 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:11 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 31 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 9 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-9 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 86.0 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 127 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:11 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 154 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:11 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 95 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:11 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.5 37 4.5 ug/Kg # 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2219:28 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 69 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 19:28 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 13 1.2 0.52 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:27 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 13 1.2 0.52 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:27 1 Nitrite as N <0.52 1.2 0.52 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:27 1 Sulfate 220 23 9.3 mg/Kg 0 10/17/2219:53 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.31 0.97 0.31 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Arsenic 2.0 1.9 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Barium 48 0.97 0.40 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Beryllium 0.56 0.39 0.069 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Cadmium <0.097 0.48 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Cobalt 3.2 0.97 0.32 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Chromium 9.0 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Copper 11 2.4 0.48 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Nickel 5.1 3.9 0.87 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Lead 18 0.97 0.59 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Antimony <0.84 1.9 0.84 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Selenium <1.1 2.4 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Thallium <0.76 2.4 0.76 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Vanadium 25 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Zinc 38 1.9 0.56 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:05 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.097 0.97 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:31 1 Selenium 1.5 0.48 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:31 1 Thallium 0.38 0.097 0.048 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:31 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 89 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/17/22 13:48 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 5.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:43 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 32 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 10 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-10 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 84.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.5 5.6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.9 5.6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.4 5.6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.7 5.6 1,1-Dichloroethane <3.3 5.6 1,1-Dichloroethene <4.0 5.6 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <2.0 5.6 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.8 11 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 5.6 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.6 5.6 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.9 5.6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <2.0 5.6 2-Butanone (MEK) <10 28 2-Hexanone <21 28 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <20 28 Acetone <12 56 Acrylonitrile <34 110 Benzene <2.7 5.6 Bromoform <2.5 5.6 Bromomethane <2.7 5.6 Carbon disulfide <2.4 5.6 Carbon tetrachloride <2.4 5.6 Chlorobenzene <1.6 5.6 Chlorobromomethane <2.2 5.6 Chlorodibromomethane <2.4 5.6 Chloroethane <2.5 5.6 Chloroform <2.2 5.6 Chloromethane <2.7 5.6 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <3.3 5.6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.5 5.6 Dibromomethane <2.2 5.6 Dichlorobromomethane <2.2 5.6 Ethylbenzene <2.4 5.6 Ethylene Dibromide <1.9 5.6 lodomethane <1.9 5.6 Methylene Chloride <9.0 11 Styrene <2.1 5.6 Tetrachloroethene <2.9 5.6 Toluene <2.9 5.6 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.6 5.6 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.9 5.6 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.7 11 Trichloroethene <2.0 5.6 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.5 5.6 Vinyl acetate <6.2 11 Vinyl chloride <3.1 5.6 Xylenes, Total <4.0 11 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 3.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 4.0 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 10 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 21 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 20 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 12 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 34 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.7 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 3.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.9 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 9.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 3.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 6.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 4.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:30 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:30 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 33 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 10 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-10 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 84.1 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 126 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:30 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 145 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:30 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:30 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.7 38 4.7 ug/Kg * 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2219:50 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 59 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 19:50 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 13 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:42 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 13 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:42 1 Nitrite as N <0.53 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 20:42 1 Sulfate 500 24 9.4 mg/Kg 0 10/17/22 20:05 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.34 1.1 0.34 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Arsenic 3.3 2.1 1.3 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Barium 41 1.1 0.44 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Beryllium 0.47 0.43 0.076 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Cadmium <0.11 0.54 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Cobalt 2.4 1.1 0.35 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Chromium 13 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Copper 9.5 2.7 0.54 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Nickel 6.1 4.3 0.96 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Lead 18 1.1 0.65 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Antimony <0.93 2.1 0.93 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Selenium <1.2 2.7 1.2 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Thallium <0.84 2.7 0.84 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Vanadium 32 1.1 0.17 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Zinc 33 2.1 0.62 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:08 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.11 1.1 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:34 1 Selenium 1.8 0.54 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:34 1 Thallium 0.36 0.11 0.054 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:34 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 99 9.9 5.5 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:55 10/17/22 13:49 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 6.1 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 34 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 11 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-11 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 88.0 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.2 4.7 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.5 4.7 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.0 4.7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.4 4.7 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.7 4.7 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.4 4.7 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.7 4.7 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.5 9.5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.6 4.7 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.2 4.7 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.5 4.7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 4.7 2-Butanone (MEK) <8.7 24 2-Hexanone <18 24 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <17 24 Acetone <10 47 Acrylonitrile <28 95 Benzene <2.3 4.7 Bromoform <2.1 4.7 Bromomethane <2.3 4.7 Carbon disulfide <2.0 4.7 Carbon tetrachloride <2.0 4.7 Chlorobenzene <1.3 4.7 Chlorobromomethane <1.9 4.7 Chlorodibromomethane <2.0 4.7 Chloroethane <2.1 4.7 Chloroform <1.9 4.7 Chloromethane <2.3 4.7 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.7 4.7 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.1 4.7 Dibromomethane <1.9 4.7 Dichlorobromomethane <1.9 4.7 Ethylbenzene <2.0 4.7 Ethylene Dibromide <1.6 4.7 lodomethane <1.6 4.7 Methylene Chloride <7.6 9.5 Styrene <1.8 4.7 Tetrachloroethene <2.5 4.7 Toluene <2.5 4.7 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.2 4.7 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.5 4.7 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.3 9.5 Trichloroethene <1.7 4.7 Trichlorofluoromethane <2.9 4.7 Vinyl acetate <5.2 9.5 Vinyl chloride <2.7 4.7 Xylenes, Total <3.4 9.5 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 97 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 3.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 8.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 18 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 17 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 10 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 28 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.0 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 7.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 5.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 2.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 3.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2218:50 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:50 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 35 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 11 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-11 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 88.0 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 130 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:50 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 148 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:50 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 18:50 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.4 36 4.4 ug/Kg * 10/20/22 11:50 10/29/22 20:12 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 61 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 20:12 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N 0.64 J 1.1 0.51 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:12 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N 0.64 J 1.1 0.51 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:12 1 Nitrite as N <0.51 1.1 0.51 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:12 1 Sulfate 160 23 9.0 mg/Kg 0 10/17/22 20:18 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.31 0.97 0.31 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Arsenic 4.1 1.9 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Barium 36 0.97 0.40 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Beryllium 0.40 0.39 0.069 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Cadmium <0.097 0.49 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Cobalt 2.6 0.97 0.32 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Chromium 17 0.97 0.17 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Copper 16 2.4 0.49 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Nickel 8.9 3.9 0.87 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Lead 17 0.97 0.59 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Antimony <0.85 1.9 0.85 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Selenium <1.1 2.4 1.1 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Thallium <0.76 2.4 0.76 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Vanadium 38 0.97 0.16 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Zinc 31 1.9 0.56 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:12 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.097 0.97 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:42 1 Selenium 1.7 0.49 0.097 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:42 1 Thallium 0.30 0.097 0.049 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:42 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 130 9.6 5.3 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:57 10/17/22 13:51 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.2 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 36 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 12 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 90.8 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.4 5.4 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.8 5.4 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.3 5.4 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.6 5.4 1,1-Dichloroethane <3.1 5.4 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.9 5.4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.9 5.4 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.7 11 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.4 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.5 5.4 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.8 5.4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.9 5.4 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.9 27 2-Hexanone <20 27 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <19 27 Acetone <12 54 Acrylonitrile <32 110 Benzene <2.6 5.4 Bromoform <2.4 5.4 Bromomethane <2.6 5.4 Carbon disulfide <2.3 5.4 Carbon tetrachloride <2.3 5.4 Chlorobenzene <1.5 5.4 Chlorobromomethane <2.2 5.4 Chlorodibromomethane <2.3 5.4 Chloroethane <2.4 5.4 Chloroform <2.2 5.4 Chloromethane <2.6 5.4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <3.1 5.4 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.4 5.4 Dibromomethane <2.2 5.4 Dichlorobromomethane <2.2 5.4 Ethylbenzene <2.3 5.4 Ethylene Dibromide <1.8 5.4 lodomethane <1.8 5.4 Methylene Chloride <8.6 11 Styrene <2.0 5.4 Tetrachloroethene <2.8 5.4 Toluene <2.8 5.4 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.5 5.4 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.8 5.4 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.6 11 Trichloroethene <1.9 5.4 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.3 5.4 Vinyl acetate <5.9 11 Vinyl chloride <3.0 5.4 Xylenes, Total <3.9 11 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.9 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 9.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 20 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 12 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 32 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.3 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.8 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 8.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 5.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 3.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:09 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:09 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 37 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 12 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 90.8 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 132 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:09 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 146 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:09 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 65 - 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:09 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.3 36 4.3 ug/Kg * 10/20/22 11:50 10/29/22 20:33 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 48 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 20:33 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.49 1.1 0.49 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:27 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.49 1.1 0.49 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:27 1 Nitrite as N <0.49 1.1 0.49 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:27 1 Sulfate 170 22 8.7 mg/Kg 0 10/17/22 21:07 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.34 1.0 0.34 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Arsenic 2.2 2.1 1.3 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Barium 47 1.0 0.43 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Beryllium 0.43 0.42 0.074 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Cadmium <0.10 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Cobalt 2.4 1.0 0.35 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Chromium 6.8 1.0 0.18 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Copper 10 2.6 0.52 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Nickel 3.6 J 4.2 0.94 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Lead 7.8 1.0 0.64 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Antimony <0.91 2.1 0.91 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Selenium <1.2 2.6 1.2 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Thallium <0.82 2.6 0.82 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Vanadium 19 1.0 0.17 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Zinc 36 2.1 0.61 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:15 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.10 1.0 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:45 1 Selenium 2.1 0.52 0.10 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:45 1 Thallium 0.24 0.10 0.052 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:45 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 180 9.8 5.4 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:57 10/17/22 13:52 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 7.0 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 38 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: BG-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:30 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 85.4 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.3 5.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.6 5.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.1 5.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.5 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.9 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.6 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.6 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.3 5.0 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.6 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.0 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.2 25 2-Hexanone <19 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <18 25 Acetone <11 50 Acrylonitrile <30 100 Benzene <2.4 5.0 Bromoform <2.2 5.0 Bromomethane <2.4 5.0 Carbon disulfide <2.1 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride <2.1 5.0 Chlorobenzene <1.4 5.0 Chlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 Chlorodibromomethane <2.1 5.0 Chloroethane <2.2 5.0 Chloroform <2.0 5.0 Chloromethane <2.4 5.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 5.0 Dibromomethane <2.0 5.0 Dichlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 Ethylbenzene <2.1 5.0 Ethylene Dibromide <1.7 5.0 lodomethane <1.7 5.0 Methylene Chloride <8.0 10 Styrene <1.9 5.0 Tetrachloroethene <2.6 5.0 Toluene <2.6 5.0 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 5.0 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.6 5.0 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.4 10 Trichloroethene <1.8 5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.1 5.0 Vinyl acetate <5.5 10 Vinyl chloride <2.8 5.0 Xylenes, Total <3.6 10 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 101 65 - 130 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1.3 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.5 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 3.6 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.8 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.6 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.7 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 9.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 19 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 18 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 11 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 30 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.2 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.4 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.1 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.0 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.4 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.9 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.2 ug/Kg * 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.1 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.7 ug/Kg 0 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.7 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 8.0 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.9 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.3 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.4 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 1.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 3.1 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 5.5 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 2.8 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 3.6 ug/Kg 10/11/2216:22 10/14/2219:29 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:29 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 39 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: BG-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:30 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 85.4 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 127 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:29 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 149 S1+ 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:29 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 65- 130 10111122 16:22 10114122 19:29 Method: SW846 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 1,4-Dioxane <4.6 38 4.6 ug/Kg * 10/20/22 11:50 10/29/22 20:56 Dil Fac 1 1 1 Dil Fac 1 Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane-d8 64 10- 150 10120122 11:50 10129122 20:56 1 Method: SW846 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography - Soluble Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.53 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:42 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.53 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:42 1 Nitrite as N <0.53 1.2 0.53 mg/Kg 10/14/22 22:42 1 Sulfate <9.4 23 9.4 mg/Kg 0 10/17/22 21:20 1 Method: SW846 6010D - Metals (ICP) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.35 1.1 0.35 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Arsenic 1.6 J 2.2 1.3 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Barium 34 1.1 0.45 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Beryllium 0.28 J 0.44 0.078 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Cadmium <0.11 0.55 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Cobalt 1.7 1.1 0.36 mg/Kg # 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Chromium 7.1 1.1 0.19 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Copper 7.1 2.8 0.55 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Nickel 3.6 J 4.4 0.99 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Lead 7.1 1.1 0.67 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Antimony <0.96 2.2 0.96 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Selenium <1.2 2.8 1.2 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Thallium <0.86 2.8 0.86 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Vanadium 16 1.1 0.18 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Zinc 23 2.2 0.64 mg/Kg * 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2216:18 1 Method: SW846 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.11 1.1 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:48 1 Selenium 2.2 0.55 0.11 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:48 1 Thallium 0.26 0.11 0.055 mg/Kg * 10/28/22 12:12 10/29/22 00:48 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus (EPA 365.4-1974) 190 9.8 5.4 mg/Kg 10/14/22 12:57 10/17/22 13:53 1 Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Soil pH in Water (SW846 9045D) 4.7 HF 0.1 0.1 PH Units 10/12/22 14:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 40 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-14 Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Matrix: Water Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.36 1.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.21 1.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.40 1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.32 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.33 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.33 1.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.48 1.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.8 5.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.31 1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.25 1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.22 1.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.31 1.0 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.4 10 2-Hexanone <3.2 10 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.7 10 Acetone <3.7 10 Benzene <0.27 1.0 Bromoform <0.59 1.0 Bromomethane <3.7 5.0 Carbon disulfide <0.43 2.0 Carbon tetrachloride <0.30 1.0 Chlorobenzene <0.15 1.0 ChIorobromomethane <0.34 1.0 Chlorodibromomethane 0.85 J 1.0 Chloroethane <4.6 5.0 Chloroform <0.27 1.0 Chloromethane <0.54 1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.25 1.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.26 1.0 Dibromomethane <0.34 1.0 Dichlorobromomethane <0.25 1.0 Ethylbenzene <0.20 1.0 Ethylene Dibromide <0.33 1.0 lodomethane <3.9 10 Methylene Chloride <3.2 5.0 Styrene <0.27 1.0 Tetrachloroethene <0.35 0.50 Toluene <0.25 1.0 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <0.34 1.0 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.23 1.0 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.3 2.0 Trichloroethene <0.20 1.0 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.33 1.0 Vinyl acetate <0.69 2.0 Vinyl chloride <0.40 1.0 Xylenes, Total <0.23 1.0 Acrylonitrile <5.5 20 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 79 60- 124 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.36 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.21 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.40 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.32 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.33 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.33 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.48 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 1.8 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.31 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.25 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.22 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.31 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 6.4 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 3.2 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 2.7 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 3.7 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.27 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.59 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 3.7 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.43 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.30 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.15 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.34 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.39 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 4.6 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.27 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.54 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.25 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.26 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.34 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.25 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.20 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.33 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 3.9 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 3.2 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.27 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.35 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.25 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.34 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.23 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 1.3 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.20 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.33 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.69 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.40 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 0.23 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 5.5 ug/L 10/15/2215:35 1 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10115122 15:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 41 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-14 Matrix: Water Method: SW846 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 100 70 - 130 10115122 15:35 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 103 70- 130 10115122 15:35 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 107 70 - 130 10115122 15:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 42 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Isotope Dilution Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Method: 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Matrix: Solid PreD TvDe: Total/NA Lab Sample ID 680-222693-1 680-222693-2 680-222693-3 680-222693-4 680-222693-5 680-222693-6 680-222693-7 680-222693-8 680-222693-9 680-222693-10 680-222693-11 680-222693-12 680-222693-13 LCS 680-745953/22-B MB 680-745953/21-B Surrogate Legend DXE = 1,4-Dioxane-d8 Client Sample ID S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 BG-1 Lab Control Sample Method Blank Percent Isotope Dilution Recovery (Acceptance Limits) DXE (10-150) 59 62 50 65 63 65 56 59 69 59 61 48 64 68 63 0 Page 43 of 120 Eurofins Savannah 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745187/8 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745187 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.3 5.0 1.3 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.5 5.0 1.5 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.9 5.0 2.9 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.6 5.0 3.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.6 10 1.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.3 5.0 2.3 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.2 25 9.2 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 2-Hexanone <19 25 19 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <18 25 18 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Acetone <11 50 11 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Benzene <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Bromoform <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Bromomethane <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Carbon disulfide <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Carbon tetrachloride <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chlorobenzene <1.4 5.0 1.4 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chlorodibromomethane <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chloroethane <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chloroform <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Chloromethane <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 5.0 2.9 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Dibromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Dichlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Ethylbenzene <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Ethylene Dibromide <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 lodomethane <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Methylene Chloride <8.0 10 8.0 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Styrene <1.9 5.0 1.9 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Tetrachloroethene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Toluene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 5.0 2.3 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.4 10 2.4 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Trichloroethene <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.1 5.0 3.1 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Vinyl acetate <5.5 10 5.5 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Vinyl chloride <2.8 5.0 2.8 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Xylenes, Total <3.6 10 3.6 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Acrylonitrile <30 100 30 ug/Kg 10/14/22 12:40 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 44 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745187/8 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745187 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Toluene-d8 (Surr) 107 65 - 130 10114122 12:40 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 124 65- 130 10114122 12:40 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 147 S1+ 65- 130 10114122 12:40 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 95 65 - 130 10114122 12:40 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745187/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745187 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 52.1 ug/Kg 104 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 64-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 56-146 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 48.8 ug/Kg 98 69-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 53.7 ug/Kg 107 64 -130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 42 -145 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 58.2 ug/Kg 116 68 -139 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 252 ug/Kg 101 40 -150 2-Hexanone 250 268 ug/Kg 107 30-150 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 269 ug/Kg 108 34 -150 Acetone 250 235 ug/Kg 94 10-150 Benzene 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 70-130 Bromoform 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 68 -130 Bromomethane 50.0 44.9 ug/Kg 90 70 -130 Carbon disulfide 50.0 47.9 ug/Kg 96 70 -130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 54.2 ug/Kg 108 70 -130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 66 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 56.2 ug/Kg 112 64 -133 Chloroethane 50.0 44.4 ug/Kg 89 70 -130 Chloroform 50.0 52.6 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 42.0 ug/Kg 84 70 -130 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 70 -130 Dibromomethane 50.0 54.6 ug/Kg 109 59 -142 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 54.2 ug/Kg 108 70 -130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 49.9 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 48 -150 lodomethane 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 65 -138 Methylene Chloride 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 54 -149 Styrene 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 52.5 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 Toluene 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Eurofins Savannah Page 45 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745187/4 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745187 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 67-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 56.1 ug/Kg 112 54 -150 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 54 -150 Trichloroethene 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Vinyl acetate 100 107 ug/Kg 107 53 -150 Vinyl chloride 50.0 40.7 ug/Kg 81 70 -130 Xylenes, Total 100 101 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Acrylonitrile 500 479 ug/Kg 96 50 -150 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 103 65 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 111 65- 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 129 65 - 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 104 65 - 130 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745187/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745187 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 53.9 ug/Kg 108 70-130 3 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 55.0 ug/Kg 110 70-130 5 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 64-130 2 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 56.0 ug/Kg 112 56-146 8 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 51.7 ug/Kg 103 70-130 5 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 69-130 2 50 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 64 -130 5 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 49.2 ug/Kg 98 42 -145 3 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 2 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 58.2 ug/Kg 116 68 -139 0 30 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 50.5 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 1 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 1 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 236 ug/Kg 95 40 -150 6 30 2-Hexanone 250 261 ug/Kg 104 30-150 3 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 271 ug/Kg 109 34 -150 1 30 Acetone 250 229 ug/Kg 92 10-150 3 50 Benzene 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70-130 3 30 Bromoform 50.0 54.5 ug/Kg 109 68 -130 1 30 Bromomethane 50.0 47.9 ug/Kg 96 70 -130 6 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 5 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 55.1 ug/Kg 110 70 -130 2 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 2 30 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 66 -130 3 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 55.8 ug/Kg 112 64 -133 1 30 Chloroethane 50.0 46.0 ug/Kg 92 70 -130 4 30 Chloroform 50.0 52.8 ug/Kg 106 70 -130 0 30 Chloromethane 50.0 47.0 ug/Kg 94 70 -130 11 30 Eurofins Savannah Page 46 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745187/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745187 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 52.9 ug/Kg 106 70 -130 2 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 56.3 ug/Kg 113 70 -130 4 30 Dibromomethane 50.0 54.8 ug/Kg 110 59 -142 0 30 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 56.1 ug/Kg 112 70 -130 3 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 3 30 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 48 -150 2 30 lodomethane 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 65 -138 3 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 54 -149 2 30 Styrene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 2 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 53.0 ug/Kg 106 70 -130 1 30 Toluene 50.0 51.5 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 2 30 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.7 ug/Kg 103 67-130 4 30 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 56.0 ug/Kg 112 54 -150 0 30 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 54.4 ug/Kg 109 54 -150 0 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 5 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 3 30 Vinyl acetate 100 107 ug/Kg 107 53 -150 0 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 43.7 ug/Kg 87 70 -130 7 30 Xylenes, Total 100 102 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 2 30 Acrylonitrile 500 466 ug/Kg 93 50 -150 3 30 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 65 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 115 65- 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 131 S1+ 65- 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 108 65 - 130 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745311/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745311 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.36 1.0 0.36 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.21 1.0 0.21 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.40 1.0 0.40 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.32 1.0 0.32 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.33 1.0 0.33 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.33 1.0 0.33 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.48 1.0 0.48 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.31 1.0 0.31 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.25 1.0 0.25 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.22 1.0 0.22 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.31 1.0 0.31 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.4 10 6.4 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 2-Hexanone <3.2 10 3.2 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.7 10 2.7 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Acetone <3.7 10 3.7 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 47 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745311/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745311 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Benzene <0.27 1.0 0.27 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Bromoform <0.59 1.0 0.59 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Bromomethane <3.7 5.0 3.7 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Carbon disulfide <0.43 2.0 0.43 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.30 1.0 0.30 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chlorobenzene <0.15 1.0 0.15 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chlorobromomethane <0.34 1.0 0.34 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.39 1.0 0.39 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chloroethane <4.6 5.0 4.6 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chloroform <0.27 1.0 0.27 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Chloromethane <0.54 1.0 0.54 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.25 1.0 0.25 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.26 1.0 0.26 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Dibromomethane <0.34 1.0 0.34 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Dichlorobromomethane <0.25 1.0 0.25 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Ethylbenzene <0.20 1.0 0.20 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Ethylene Dibromide <0.33 1.0 0.33 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 lodomethane <3.9 10 3.9 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Methylene Chloride <3.2 5.0 3.2 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Styrene <0.27 1.0 0.27 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.35 0.50 0.35 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Toluene <0.25 1.0 0.25 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <0.34 1.0 0.34 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.23 1.0 0.23 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.3 2.0 1.3 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Trichloroethene <0.20 1.0 0.20 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.33 1.0 0.33 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Vinyl acetate <0.69 2.0 0.69 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Vinyl chloride <0.40 1.0 0.40 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Xylenes, Total <0.23 1.0 0.23 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 Acrylonitrile <5.5 20 5.5 ug/L 10/15/22 14:39 1 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Toluene-d8 (Surr) 110 70 - 130 10115122 14:39 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 80 60- 124 10115122 14:39 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 70 - 130 10115122 14:39 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 96 70 - 130 10115122 14:39 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745311/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745311 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 48.6 ug/L 97 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 50.7 ug/L 101 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 53.2 ug/L 106 70-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 55.4 ug/L 111 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 54.6 ug/L 109 70-130 Eurofins Savannah Page 48 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745311/5 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 745311 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Analyte Spike Added LCS LCS Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec %Rec Limits 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 54.3 ug/L 109 70-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 52.4 ug/L 105 70-130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 48.6 ug/L 97 70-130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 53.3 ug/L 107 70 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 46.9 ug/L 94 70 -130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 54.8 ug/L 110 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.4 ug/L 105 70 -130 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 197 ug/L 79 69 -120 2-Hexanone 250 247 ug/L 99 70-130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 240 ug/L 96 68-120 Acetone 250 226 ug/L 90 67-120 Benzene 50.0 54.2 ug/L 108 70-130 Bromoform 50.0 61.2 ug/L 122 69 -129 Bromomethane 50.0 47.6 ug/L 95 28 -192 Carbon disulfide 50.0 57.0 ug/L 114 70 -130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 47.3 ug/L 95 70 -130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 55.0 ug/L 110 70 -130 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 56.6 ug/L 113 70 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 50.3 ug/L 101 70 -130 Chloroethane 50.0 66.5 ug/L 133 31 - 213 Chloroform 50.0 51.5 ug/L 103 70 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 60.6 ug/L 121 59 -127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.1 ug/L 100 70 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 58.1 ug/L 116 70 -130 Dibromomethane 50.0 52.7 ug/L 105 70 -130 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 54.2 ug/L 108 70 -130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 54.5 ug/L 109 70 -130 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 57.0 ug/L 114 70 -130 lodomethane 50.0 52.4 ug/L 105 52 -129 Methylene Chloride 50.0 56.8 ug/L 114 70 -130 Styrene 50.0 58.6 ug/L 117 70 -130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 57.6 ug/L 115 70 -130 Toluene 50.0 56.1 ug/L 112 70 -130 trans- l,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 54.2 ug/L 108 70-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.7 ug/L 105 70-130 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 41.8 ug/L 84 67-120 Trichloroethene 50.0 54.0 ug/L 108 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 53.8 E ug/L 108 63 -142 Vinyl acetate 100 88.6 ug/L 89 67 -135 Vinyl chloride 50.0 54.8 ug/L 110 66 -129 Xylenes, Total 100 112 ug/L 112 70 -130 Acrylonitrile 500 492 ug/L 98 70 -130 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 110 70 -130 1, 2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 91 60 -124 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 107 70 -130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 70 - 130 Eurofins Savannah Page 49 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745311/6 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745311 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 48.0 ug/L 96 70-130 1 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 49.2 ug/L 98 70-130 3 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.0 ug/L 102 70-130 4 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 52.8 ug/L 106 70-130 5 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 53.3 ug/L 107 70-130 3 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 55.0 ug/L 110 70-130 1 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 51.0 ug/L 102 70-130 3 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 47.1 ug/L 94 70-130 3 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.8 ug/L 104 70 -130 3 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.1 ug/L 90 70 -130 4 50 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 52.9 ug/L 106 70 -130 4 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.4 ug/L 103 70 -130 2 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 190 ug/L 76 69 -120 3 30 2-Hexanone 250 231 ug/L 92 70-130 7 20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 227 ug/L 91 68-120 6 30 Acetone 250 213 ug/L 85 67 -120 6 30 Benzene 50.0 52.7 ug/L 105 70 -130 3 30 Bromoform 50.0 59.9 ug/L 120 69 -129 2 30 Bromomethane 50.0 46.3 ug/L 93 28 -192 3 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 56.8 ug/L 114 70 -130 0 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 45.8 ug/L 92 70 -130 3 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 53.1 ug/L 106 70 -130 3 30 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 53.6 ug/L 107 70 -130 5 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 47.3 ug/L 95 70 -130 6 30 Chloroethane 50.0 62.2 ug/L 124 31 - 213 7 30 Chloroform 50.0 50.5 ug/L 101 70 -130 2 30 Chloromethane 50.0 57.3 ug/L 115 59 -127 6 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 48.5 ug/L 97 70 -130 3 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 55.4 ug/L 111 70 -130 5 20 Dibromomethane 50.0 50.5 ug/L 101 70 -130 4 30 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 51.3 ug/L 103 70 -130 6 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 53.5 ug/L 107 70 -130 2 20 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 53.2 ug/L 106 70 -130 7 30 lodomethane 50.0 50.4 ug/L 101 52 -129 4 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 55.6 ug/L 111 70 -130 2 30 Styrene 50.0 57.4 ug/L 115 70 -130 2 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 56.8 ug/L 114 70 -130 1 30 Toluene 50.0 54.5 ug/L 109 70 -130 3 30 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 52.2 ug/L 104 70-130 4 30 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.9 ug/L 102 70-130 4 30 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 42.1 ug/L 84 67-120 1 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 52.6 ug/L 105 70 -130 2 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 60.0 E ug/L 120 63 -142 11 30 Vinyl acetate 100 85.7 ug/L 86 67 -135 3 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 51.1 ug/L 102 66 -129 7 30 Xylenes, Total 100 111 ug/L 111 70 -130 1 30 Acrylonitrile 500 468 ug/L 94 70 -130 5 30 Eurofins Savannah Page 50 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745311/6 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745311 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 106 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 87 60- 124 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 104 70 - 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 92 70 - 130 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745421/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745421 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1.3 5.0 1.3 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <1.5 5.0 1.5 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <2.9 5.0 2.9 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <3.6 5.0 3.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.6 10 1.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <2.3 5.0 2.3 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <9.2 25 9.2 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 2-Hexanone <19 25 19 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <18 25 18 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Acetone <11 50 11 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Benzene <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Bromoform <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Bromomethane <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Carbon disulfide <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Carbon tetrachloride <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chlorobenzene <1.4 5.0 1.4 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chlorodibromomethane <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chloroethane <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chloroform <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Chloromethane <2.4 5.0 2.4 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <2.9 5.0 2.9 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <2.2 5.0 2.2 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Dibromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Dichlorobromomethane <2.0 5.0 2.0 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Ethylbenzene <2.1 5.0 2.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Ethylene Dibromide <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 lodomethane <1.7 5.0 1.7 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Methylene Chloride <8.0 10 8.0 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Styrene <1.9 5.0 1.9 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Tetrachloroethene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Toluene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 51 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745421/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745421 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <2.3 5.0 2.3 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <2.6 5.0 2.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <2.4 10 2.4 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Trichloroethene <1.8 5.0 1.8 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <3.1 5.0 3.1 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Vinyl acetate <5.5 10 5.5 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Vinyl chloride <2.8 5.0 2.8 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Xylenes, Total <3.6 10 3.6 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 Acrylonitrile <30 100 30 ug/Kg 10/17/22 12:30 1 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Toluene-d8 (Surr) 99 65 - 130 10117122 12:30 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 113 65- 130 10117122 12:30 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 112 65 - 130 10117122 12:30 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 94 65 - 130 10117122 12:30 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745421/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745421 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 50.6 ug/Kg 101 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 47.7 ug/Kg 95 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 64-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 56-146 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.5 ug/Kg 101 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 48.3 ug/Kg 97 69-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 48.7 ug/Kg 97 64 -130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 47.6 ug/Kg 95 42 -145 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 49.6 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 53.4 ug/Kg 107 68 -139 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 49.8 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 261 ug/Kg 105 40 -150 2-Hexanone 250 255 ug/Kg 102 30-150 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 254 ug/Kg 102 34 -150 Acetone 250 269 ug/Kg 108 10-150 Benzene 50.0 48.5 ug/Kg 97 70-130 Bromoform 50.0 50.6 ug/Kg 101 68 -130 Bromomethane 50.0 50.4 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Carbon disulfide 50.0 49.7 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 49.9 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 54.0 ug/Kg 108 66 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 53.3 ug/Kg 107 64 -133 Chloroethane 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Chloroform 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 70 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 70 -130 Eurofins Savannah Page 52 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745421/5 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745421 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.6 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Dibromomethane 50.0 52.6 ug/Kg 105 59 -142 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 51.9 ug/Kg 104 48 -150 lodomethane 50.0 53.5 ug/Kg 107 65 -138 Methylene Chloride 50.0 51.3 ug/Kg 103 54 -149 Styrene 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 70 -130 Toluene 50.0 50.7 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.4 ug/Kg 103 67-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.0 ug/Kg 100 54 -150 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 52.4 ug/Kg 105 54 -150 Trichloroethene 50.0 47.4 ug/Kg 95 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 Vinyl acetate 100 113 ug/Kg 113 53 -150 Vinyl chloride 50.0 42.4 ug/Kg 85 70 -130 Xylenes, Total 100 101 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 Acrylonitrile 500 523 ug/Kg 105 50 -150 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 100 65 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 103 65- 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 65 - 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 95 65 - 130 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745421/6 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745421 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.0 ug/Kg 102 70-130 1 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 48.6 ug/Kg 97 70-130 2 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 49.2 ug/Kg 98 64-130 1 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 49.1 ug/Kg 98 56-146 0 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.3 ug/Kg 101 70-130 0 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.9 ug/Kg 96 69-130 1 50 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 64 -130 3 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 46.7 ug/Kg 93 42 -145 2 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 50.1 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 1 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 53.8 ug/Kg 108 68 -139 1 30 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 48.9 ug/Kg 98 70 -130 0 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 50.7 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 2 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 266 ug/Kg 107 40 -150 2 30 2-Hexanone 250 255 ug/Kg 102 30-150 0 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 256 ug/Kg 102 34 -150 0 30 Acetone 250 267 ug/Kg 107 10-150 1 50 Eurofins Savannah Page 53 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745421/6 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745421 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Benzene 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70-130 2 30 Bromoform 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 68 -130 1 30 Bromomethane 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 4 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 49.3 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 1 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 50.2 ug/Kg 100 70 -130 1 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.6 ug/Kg 103 70 -130 1 30 Chlorobromomethane 50.0 53.2 ug/Kg 106 66 -130 2 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 53.4 ug/Kg 107 64 -133 0 30 Chloroethane 50.0 51.1 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 2 30 Chloroform 50.0 49.7 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 1 30 Chloromethane 50.0 48.2 ug/Kg 96 70 -130 1 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 49.7 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 1 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.6 ug/Kg 101 70 -130 0 30 Dibromomethane 50.0 52.8 ug/Kg 106 59 -142 0 30 Dichlorobromomethane 50.0 50.8 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 2 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 52.6 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 3 30 Ethylene Dibromide 50.0 52.1 ug/Kg 104 48 -150 0 30 lodomethane 50.0 54.1 ug/Kg 108 65 -138 1 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 51.2 ug/Kg 102 54 -149 0 30 Styrene 50.0 52.3 ug/Kg 105 70 -130 4 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 49.5 ug/Kg 99 70 -130 2 30 Toluene 50.0 50.9 ug/Kg 102 70 -130 0 30 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 52.2 ug/Kg 104 67-130 1 30 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 49.6 ug/Kg 99 54 -150 1 30 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 54 -150 1 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 48.2 ug/Kg 96 70 -130 2 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 51.8 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 0 30 Vinyl acetate 100 112 ug/Kg 112 53 -150 1 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 42.5 ug/Kg 85 70 -130 0 30 Xylenes, Total 100 104 ug/Kg 104 70 -130 3 30 Acrylonitrile 500 519 ug/Kg 104 50 -150 1 30 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 65 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 106 65- 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 103 65 - 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 96 65- 130 Method: 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Oraanic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotone Dilution) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745953/21-B Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 747694 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier 1,4-Dioxane <4.0 MB MB Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier 1,4-Dioxane-d8 63 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 745953 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 33 4.0 ug/Kg 10/20/2211:50 10/29/2215:49 1 Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10 - 150 10120122 11: 50 10129122 15:49 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 54 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 8270E SIM ID - Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS SIM / Isotope Dilution) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745953/22-B Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 747694 Prep Batch: 745953 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,4-Dioxane 161 162 ug/Kg 100 70-130 LCS LCS Isotope Dilution %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,4-Dioxane-d8 68 10- 150 Method: 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745196/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nitrate as N <0.45 1.0 0.45 mg/Kg 10/14/22 17:29 1 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.45 1.0 0.45 mg/Kg 10/14/22 17:29 1 Nitrite as N <0.45 1.0 0.45 mg/Kg 10/14/22 17:29 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745196/4-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Nitrate as N 9.89 10.1 mg/Kg 102 87 -111 Nitrate Nitrite as N 19.8 20.2 mg/Kg 102 87 -111 Nitrite as N 9.87 10.1 mg/Kg 102 86 -115 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-74519615-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Nitrate as N 9.94 10.1 mg/Kg 102 87 -111 0 15 Nitrate Nitrite as N 19.9 20.0 mg/Kg 101 87 -111 1 15 Nitrite as N 9.92 9.94 mg/Kg 100 86 -115 2 15 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 MS Client Sample ID: S - 2 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Nitrate as N 2.3 F1 10.7 13.9 mg/Kg # 108 87 -111 Nitrate Nitrite as N 2.3 21.3 24.2 mg/Kg 103 87 -111 Nitrite as N <0.48 10.7 10.3 mg/Kg 96 86 -115 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 2 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Nitrate as N 2.3 F1 10.7 14.7 F1 mg/Kg 116 87 -111 6 15 Nitrate Nitrite as N 2.3 21.4 25.0 mg/Kg 106 87 -111 3 15 Eurofins Savannah Page 55 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Method: 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 2 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit Nitrite as N <0.48 10.7 10.3 mg/Kg Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 MS Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745240 %Rec RPD D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 96 86-115 0 15 Client Sample ID: S - 3 Prep Type: Soluble Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Nitrate as N <0.54 11.9 12.1 mg/Kg 102 87 -111 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.54 23.7 23.4 mg/Kg 99 87 -111 Nitrite as N <0.54 11.9 11.3 mg/Kg 95 86 -115 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 3 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745240 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Nitrate as N <0.54 11.8 11.9 mg/Kg � 101 87 -111 2 15 Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.54 23.5 23.1 mg/Kg 98 87 -111 1 15 Nitrite as N <0.54 11.7 11.2 mg/Kg 95 86 -115 1 15 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745196/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Sulfate <8.0 20 8.0 mg/Kg 10/17/2217:24 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745196/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Bromide 99.9 101 mg/Kg 101 86 -116 Chloride 99.9 102 mg/Kg 102 87 -115 Fluoride 20.0 21.6 mg/Kg 108 73 -128 Sulfate 99.9 99.3 mg/Kg 99 87.115 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-745196/3-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Bromide 99.4 97.3 mg/Kg 98 86 -116 4 15 Chloride 99.4 97.7 mg/Kg 98 87 -115 4 15 Fluoride 19.9 20.7 mg/Kg 104 73 -128 4 15 Sulfate 99.4 95.2 mg/Kg 96 87 -115 4 15 Eurofins Savannah Page 56 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 9056A - Anions, Ion Chromatography (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 MS Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745485 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 2 Prep Type: Soluble Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Bromide <4.3 107 97.1 mg/Kg 3:� 91 86 -116 Chloride 110 107 210 mg/Kg 94 87 -115 Fluoride 4.1 21.4 21.9 mg/Kg 83 73 -128 Sulfate 130 F1 107 228 mg/Kg # 94 87 -115 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 2 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Bromide <4.3 107 98.9 mg/Kg 3� 92 86 -116 2 15 Chloride 110 107 232 mg/Kg 114 87 -115 10 15 Fluoride 4.1 21.4 22.6 mg/Kg 86 73 -128 3 15 Sulfate 130 F1 107 256 F1 mg/Kg 120 87-115 11 15 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 MS Client Sample ID: S - 3 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Bromide <4.8 119 109 mg/Kg 91 86 -116 Chloride <4.8 119 108 mg/Kg 3� 91 87 -115 Fluoride 6.4 F1 23.8 15.7 F1 mg/Kg 3� 39 73-128 Sulfate 49 119 155 mg/Kg 90 87 -115 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 3 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Soluble Analysis Batch: 745485 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Bromide <4.8 118 107 mg/Kg 91 86 -116 1 15 Chloride <4.8 118 107 mg/Kg 91 87 -115 1 15 Fluoride 6.4 F1 23.6 17.5 F1 mg/Kg 47 73-128 11 15 Sulfate 49 118 151 mg/Kg 87 87 -115 3 15 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-744975/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745425 Prep Batch: 744975 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Silver <0.31 0.96 0.31 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Arsenic <1.2 1.9 1.2 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Barium <0.39 0.96 0.39 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Beryllium <0.068 0.38 0.068 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Cadmium <0.096 0.48 0.096 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Cobalt <0.32 0.96 0.32 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Chromium <0.16 0.96 0.16 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Copper <0.48 2.4 0.48 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 57 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-744975/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745425 Prep Batch: 744975 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Nickel <0.87 3.8 0.87 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Lead <0.59 0.96 0.59 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Antimony <0.84 1.9 0.84 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Selenium <1.1 2.4 1.1 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Thallium <0.75 2.4 0.75 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Vanadium <0.15 0.96 0.15 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Zinc <0.56 1.9 0.56 mg/Kg 10/13/2210:59 10/15/2215:21 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-744975/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745425 Prep Batch: 744975 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Silver 4.42 4.01 mg/Kg 91 80 -120 Arsenic 8.85 8.49 mg/Kg 96 80 -120 Barium 8.85 8.72 mg/Kg 99 80-120 Beryllium 4.42 4.32 mg/Kg 98 80 -120 Cadmium 4.42 4.37 mg/Kg 99 80 -120 Cobalt 4.42 4.40 mg/Kg 99 80 -120 Chromium 8.85 8.88 mg/Kg 100 80 -120 Copper 8.85 9.49 mg/Kg 107 80 -120 Nickel 8.76 8.55 mg/Kg 98 80 -120 Lead 44.6 41.9 mg/Kg 94 80 -120 Antimony 4.42 4.48 mg/Kg 101 80 -120 Selenium 8.87 8.71 mg/Kg 98 80 -120 Thallium 4.42 4.34 mg/Kg 98 80-120 Vanadium 8.83 8.40 mg/Kg 95 80 -120 Zinc 8.85 8.72 mg/Kg 99 80 -120 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 MS Client Sample ID: S - 1 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745425 Prep Batch: 744975 Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Silver <0.36 5.64 5.20 mg/Kg # 92 75 -125 Arsenic 2.2 J 11.3 11.4 mg/Kg 81 75 -125 Barium 42 F1 11.3 57.1 F1 mg/Kg 130 75-125 Beryllium 0.71 5.64 5.88 mg/Kg # 91 75 -125 Cadmium <0.11 5.64 5.12 mg/Kg # 91 75 -125 Cobalt 3.4 5.64 8.92 mg/Kg # 97 75 -125 Chromium 12 F1 11.3 22.5 mg/Kg # 89 75-125 Copper 11 F1 11.3 24.3 mg/Kg # 117 75 -125 Nickel 7.8 11.2 17.5 mg/Kg 3:� 87 75 -125 Lead 22 56.9 73.2 mg/Kg 90 75 -125 Antimony <0.99 F1 5.64 3.35 F1 mg/Kg 59 75-125 Selenium <1.3 11.3 9.01 mg/Kg 80 75 -125 Thallium <0.89 5.64 5.29 mg/Kg 94 75-125 Vanadium 26 F1 11.3 38.8 mg/Kg 116 75-125 Zinc 36 F1 11.3 49.3 mg/Kg 121 75 -125 Eurofins Savannah Page 58 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 6010D - Metals (ICP) (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 1 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 745425 Prep Batch: 744975 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Silver <0.36 5.60 5.47 mg/Kg 3: 98 75 -125 5 20 Arsenic 2.2 J 11.2 12.4 mg/Kg 91 75 -125 8 20 Barium 42 F1 11.2 63.5 F1 mg/Kg 188 75-125 11 20 Beryllium 0.71 5.60 6.17 mg/Kg # 98 75 -125 5 20 Cadmium <0.11 5.60 5.25 mg/Kg # 94 75 -125 3 20 Cobalt 3.4 5.59 10.0 mg/Kg # 118 75 -125 12 20 Chromium 12 F1 11.2 27.2 F1 mg/Kg 132 75-125 19 20 Copper 11 F1 11.2 26.6 F1 mg/Kg 138 75-125 9 20 Nickel 7.8 11.1 20.6 mg/Kg 115 75 -125 16 20 Lead 22 56.5 77.9 mg/Kg � 99 75 -125 6 20 Antimony <0.99 F1 5.59 3.34 F1 mg/Kg � 60 75-125 0 20 Selenium <1.3 11.2 9.32 mg/Kg � 83 75 -125 3 20 Thallium <0.89 5.60 5.81 mg/Kg 104 75-125 9 20 Vanadium 26 F1 11.2 45.6 F1 mg/Kg 177 75-125 16 20 Zinc 36 F1 11.2 54.6 F1 mg/Kg 3� 169 75-125 10 20 Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-747578/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 747740 Prep Batch: 747578 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.096 0.96 0.096 mg/Kg 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:53 1 Selenium <0.096 0.48 0.096 mg/Kg 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:53 1 Thallium <0.048 0.096 0.048 mg/Kg 10/28/22 12:12 10/28/22 23:53 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-747578/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 747740 Prep Batch: 747578 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Antimony 4.42 4.70 mg/Kg 106 80 -120 Arsenic 8.85 9.33 mg/Kg 105 80 -120 Barium 8.85 9.61 mg/Kg 109 80-120 Beryllium 4.42 4.74 mg/Kg 107 80 -120 Cadmium 4.42 4.71 mg/Kg 106 80 -120 Chromium 8.85 9.78 mg/Kg 111 80 -120 Cobalt 4.42 4.96 mg/Kg 112 80 -120 Copper 8.85 10.1 mg/Kg 114 80 -120 Lead 44.6 45.0 mg/Kg 101 80 -120 Nickel 8.76 9.51 mg/Kg 109 80 -120 Selenium 8.87 9.24 mg/Kg 104 80 -120 Silver 4.42 4.64 mg/Kg 105 80 -120 Thallium 4.42 4.74 mg/Kg 107 80-120 Vanadium 8.83 9.02 mg/Kg 102 80 -120 Zinc 8.85 9.47 mg/Kg 107 80 -120 Eurofins Savannah Page 59 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 MS Client Sample ID: S - 1 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 747740 Prep Batch: 747578 Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Antimony <0.11 F1 5.64 0.649 J F1 mg/Kg 3:� 12 75-125 Arsenic 0.90 11.3 11.0 mg/Kg 90 75 -125 Barium 49 11.3 57.8 4 mg/Kg 80 75-125 Beryllium 0.66 5.64 6.10 mg/Kg # 96 75 -125 Cadmium 0.035 J 5.64 5.57 mg/Kg # 98 75 -125 Chromium 14 11.3 23.4 mg/Kg # 81 75 -125 Cobalt 4.0 5.64 9.49 mg/Kg 98 75 -125 Copper 12 F1 11.3 24.3 mg/Kg 107 75 -125 Lead 25 56.9 78.3 mg/Kg 94 75 -125 Nickel 9.2 11.2 18.9 mg/Kg � 87 75 -125 Selenium 1.4 11.3 11.4 mg/Kg � 89 75 -125 Silver <0.011 5.64 5.27 mg/Kg � 93 75 -125 Thallium 0.40 5.64 6.21 mg/Kg 103 75-125 Vanadium 29 F1 11.3 41.5 mg/Kg 114 75-125 Zinc 44 F1 11.3 53.2 mg/Kg 79 75 -125 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 MSD Client Sample ID: S - 1 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 747740 Prep Batch: 747578 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Antimony <0.11 F1 5.59 0.749 J F1 mg/Kg 3:� 13 75-125 14 20 Arsenic 0.90 11.2 11.5 mg/Kg 95 75 -125 4 20 Barium 49 11.2 64.1 4 mg/Kg 137 75-125 10 20 Beryllium 0.66 5.60 5.98 mg/Kg 95 75 -125 2 20 Cadmium 0.035 J 5.60 5.60 mg/Kg 100 75 -125 1 20 Chromium 14 11.2 28.2 mg/Kg 124 75 -125 18 20 Cobalt 4.0 5.59 10.4 mg/Kg 115 75 -125 9 20 Copper 12 F1 11.2 26.5 F1 mg/Kg 127 75-125 8 20 Lead 25 56.5 84.6 mg/Kg 106 75 -125 8 20 Nickel 9.2 11.1 22.1 mg/Kg 116 75 -125 16 20 Selenium 1.4 11.2 11.9 mg/Kg 94 75 -125 4 20 Silver <0.011 5.60 5.25 mg/Kg 94 75 -125 0 20 Thallium 0.40 5.60 6.62 mg/Kg 111 75-125 6 20 Vanadium 29 F1 11.2 49.5 F1 mg/Kg 187 75-125 18 20 Zinc 44 F1 11.2 58.7 F1 mg/Kg 3� 129 75-125 10 20 Method: 365.4-1974 - Phosphorus, Total Lab Sample ID: MB 680-744642/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 744927 Prep Batch: 744642 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus <4.3 7.9 4.3 mg/Kg 10/11/2212:44 10/12/2212:39 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 60 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 365.4-1974 - Phosphorus, Total (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-744642/2-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 744927 Spike Analyte Added Phosphorus 158 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-745226/1-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745621 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL Phosphorus <4.3 7.9 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-745226/2-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745621 Spike Analyte Added Phosphorus 159 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 MS Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745621 Sample Sample Spike Analyte Result Qualifier Added Phosphorus 51 195 FLab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 MSD Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 745621 Sample Sample Spike Analyte Result Qualifier Added Phosphorus 51 192 Method: 9045D - pH Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 DU Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 744844 Sample Sample Analyte Result Qualifier Soil pH in Water 6.7 HF Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 DU Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 744844 Analyte Soil pH in Water Sample Sample Result Qualifier 5.8 HF Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 744642 LCS LCS %Rec Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 148 mg/Kg 93 70 -130 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 745226 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 4.3 mg/Kg 10/14/2212:55 10/17/2213:32 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 745226 LCS LCS %Rec Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 151 mg/Kg 95 70-130 Client Sample ID: S - 4 Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 745226 MS MS %Rec Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 222 mg/Kg 88 70-130 Client Sample ID: S - 4 Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 745226 MSD MSD %Rec RPD Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 247 mg/Kg 102 70-130 11 30 Client Sample ID: S - 2 Prep Type: Total/NA DU DU RPD Result Qualifier Unit D RPD Limit 7.9 PH Units 17 40 Client Sample ID: S - 6 Prep Type: Total/NA DU DU RPD Result Qualifier Unit D RPD Limit 5.2 PH Units 11 40 Eurofins Savannah Page 61 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Method: 9045D - pH (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 DU Client Sample ID: S - 4 Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 744848 Sample Sample DU DU RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Result Qualifier Unit D RPD Limit Soil pH in Water 5.5 HF 5.1 PH Units 8 40 Eurofins Savannah Page 62 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 GC/MS VOA Prep Batch: 744689 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 680-222693-3 S - 3 680-222693-4 S - 4 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-8 - DL S - 8 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 Analysis Batch: 745187 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 680-222693-3 S - 3 680-222693-4 S - 4 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 MB 680-745187/8 Method Blank LCS 680-745187/4 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-745187/5 Lab Control Sample Dup Analysis Batch: 745311 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-14 Trip Blank MB 680-745311/9 Method Blank LCS 680-745311/5 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-745311/6 Lab Control Sample Dup Analysis Batch: 745421 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-8 - DL S - 8 MB 680-745421/9 Method Blank LCS 680-745421/5 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-745421/6 Lab Control Sample Dup Job ID: 680-222693-1 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Total/NA Solid 5035A Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D Total/NA Solid 8260D Total/NA Solid 8260D Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 8260D 744689 Total/NA Solid 8260D Total/NA Solid 8260D Total/NA Solid 8260D 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 63 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 GC/MS Semi VOA Prep Batch: 745953 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-10 S - 10 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-11 S - 11 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-12 S - 12 Total/NA Solid 3546 680-222693-13 BG-1 Total/NA Solid 3546 MB 680-745953/21-B Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3546 LCS 680-745953/22-B Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3546 Analysis Batch: 747694 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-10 S - 10 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-11 S - 11 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-12 S - 12 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 680-222693-13 BG-1 Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 MB 680-745953/21-B Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 LCS 680-745953/22-B Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8270E SIM ID 745953 HPLUC Leach Batch: 745196 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-2 S - 2 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-3 S - 3 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-4 S - 4 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-5 S - 5 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-6 S - 6 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-7 S - 7 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-8 S - 8 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-9 S - 9 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-10 S - 10 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-11 S - 11 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-12 S - 12 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-13 BG-1 Soluble Solid DI Leach 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 64 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 HPLC/IC (Continued) Leach Batch: 745196 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch MB 680-745196/1-A Method Blank Soluble Solid DI Leach LCS 680-745196/2-A Lab Control Sample Soluble Solid DI Leach LCS 680-745196/4-A Lab Control Sample Soluble Solid DI Leach LCSD 680-745196/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Soluble Solid DI Leach LCSD 680-745196/5-A Lab Control Sample Dup Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-2 MS S - 2 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-2 MSD S - 2 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-3 MS S - 3 Soluble Solid DI Leach 680-222693-3 MSD S - 3 Soluble Solid DI Leach Analysis Batch: 745240 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-2 S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-4 S - 4 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-5 S - 5 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-6 S - 6 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-7 S - 7 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-8 S - 8 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-9 S - 9 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-10 S - 10 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-11 S - 11 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-12 S - 12 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-13 BG-1 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 MB 680-745196/1-A Method Blank Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 LCS 680-745196/4-A Lab Control Sample Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 LCSD 680-745196/5-A Lab Control Sample Dup Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-2 MS S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-2 MSD S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 MS S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 MSD S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 Analysis Batch: 745485 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-2 S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-4 S - 4 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-5 S - 5 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-6 S - 6 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-7 S - 7 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-8 S - 8 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-9 S - 9 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-10 S - 10 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-11 S - 11 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-12 S - 12 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-13 BG-1 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 MB 680-745196/1-A Method Blank Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 LCS 680-745196/2-A Lab Control Sample Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 LCSD 680-745196/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 65 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 HPLC/IC (Continued) Analysis Batch: 745485 (Continued) Job ID: 680-222693-1 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-2 MS S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-2 MSD S - 2 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 MS S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 680-222693-3 MSD S - 3 Soluble Solid 9056A 745196 Metals Prep Batch: 744975 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 680-222693-3 S - 3 680-222693-4 S - 4 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 MB 680-744975/1-A Method Blank LCS 680-744975/2-A Lab Control Sample 680-222693-1 MS S - 1 680-222693-1 MSD S - 1 Analysis Batch: 745425 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 680-222693-3 S - 3 680-222693-4 S - 4 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 MB 680-744975/1-A Method Blank LCS 680-744975/2-A Lab Control Sample 680-222693-1 MS S - 1 680-222693-1 MSD S - 1 Prep Batch: 747578 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Total/NA Solid 6010D 744975 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 3050B Total/NA Solid 3050B Eurofins Savannah Page 66 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Metals (Continued) Prep Batch: 747578 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-10 S - 10 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-11 S - 11 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-12 S - 12 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-13 BG-1 Total/NA Solid 3050B MB 680-747578/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3050B LCS 680-747578/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-1 MS S - 1 Total/NA Solid 3050B 680-222693-1 MSD S - 1 Total/NA Solid 3050B Analysis Batch: 747740 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-10 S - 10 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-11 S - 11 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-12 S - 12 Total/NA Solid 6020E 747578 680-222693-13 BG-1 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 MB 680-747578/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 LCS 680-747578/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-1 MS S - 1 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 680-222693-1 MSD S - 1 Total/NA Solid 6020B 747578 General Chemistry Prep Batch: 744642 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid Digestion MB 680-744642/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid Digestion LCS 680-744642/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid Digestion Analysis Batch: 744844 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid 9045D 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid 9045D 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 9045D 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 67 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 General Chemistry (Continued) Analysis Batch: 744844 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 LCS 680-744844/4 Lab Control Sample 680-222693-2 DU S - 2 680-222693-6 DU S - 6 Analysis Batch: 744848 Prep Type Matrix Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Total/NA Solid Job ID: 680-222693-1 Method 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D 9045D Prep Batch Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 9045D 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid 9045D LCS 680-744848/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 9045D 680-222693-4 DU S - 4 Total/NA Solid 9045D Analysis Batch: 744927 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-1 S - 1 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 744642 680-222693-2 S - 2 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 744642 680-222693-3 S - 3 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 744642 MB 680-744642/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 744642 LCS 680-744642/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 744642 Prep Batch: 745226 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-9 S - 9 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-10 S - 10 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-11 S - 11 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-12 S - 12 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-13 BG-1 Total/NA Solid Digestion MB 680-745226/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid Digestion LCS 680-745226/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-4 MS S - 4 Total/NA Solid Digestion 680-222693-4 MSD S - 4 Total/NA Solid Digestion Analysis Batch: 745621 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-222693-4 S - 4 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 680-222693-5 S - 5 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 680-222693-6 S - 6 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 680-222693-7 S - 7 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 680-222693-8 S - 8 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 0 Page 68 of 120 Eurofins Savannah 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 General Chemistry (Continued) Analysis Batch: 745621 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 MB 680-745226/1-A Method Blank LCS 680-745226/2-A Lab Control Sample 680-222693-4 MS S - 4 680-222693-4 MSD S - 4 Analysis Batch: 746108 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-222693-1 S - 1 680-222693-2 S - 2 680-222693-3 S - 3 680-222693-4 S - 4 680-222693-5 S - 5 680-222693-6 S - 6 680-222693-7 S - 7 680-222693-8 S - 8 680-222693-9 S - 9 680-222693-10 S - 10 680-222693-11 S - 11 680-222693-12 S - 12 680-222693-13 BG-1 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Total/NA Solid 365.4-1974 745226 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Total/NA Solid Moisture Eurofins Savannah Page 69 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2017 g 20 mL 744642 10/11/22 12:44 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 744927 10/12/22 12:54 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.33 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP • Client Sample ID: S - 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-1 Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 74.5 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 4.575 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 15:34 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.39 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 16:32 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 18:58 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 18:14 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.18 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 15:27 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.18 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/28/22 23:59 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 2 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:10 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2019 g 20 mL 744642 10/11/22 12:44 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 744927 10/12/22 12:56 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.75 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Eurofins Savannah Page 70 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 2 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-2 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:10 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 92.8 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.07 g Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.87 g Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.13 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.13 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.20 g Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.20 g Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 3 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:25 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Final Batch Prepared Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV 5 g 745187 10/14/22 15:53 SMP EET SAV 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 16:54 NED EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 18:13 UI EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 17:36 AF EET SAV 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV 745425 10/15/22 15:37 BJB EET SAV 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV 747740 10/29/22 00:07 BWR EET SAV Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Matrix: Solid Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2016 g 20 mL 744642 10/11/22 12:44 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 744927 10/12/22 12:53 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.08 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: S - 3 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:25 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.6 Prep Type Batch Batch Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 6.588 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 16:13 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.59 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 17:17 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 21:27 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Page 71 of 120 Eurofins Savannah 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 3 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-3 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:25 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.6 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 20:30 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.07 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 15:40 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.07 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:10 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 4 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2091 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:35 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.20 g 20 mL 744848 10/12/22 14:43 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: S - 4 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-4 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 70.1 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.689 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 16:33 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.90 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 17:38 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.13 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 19:13 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.13 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 18:26 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.11 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 15:43 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.11 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:12 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Eurofins Savannah Page 72 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 5 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-5 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:45 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2080 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:39 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.17 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP • Client Sample ID: S - 5 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-5 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:45 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 89.1 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.592 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 16:52 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.56 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 18:00 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.02 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 19:28 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.02 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 18:38 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.10 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 15:46 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.10 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:20 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 6 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:50 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2092 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:44 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.69 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Eurofins Savannah Page 73 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 6 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-6 Date Collected: 10/06/22 10:50 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 82.7 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.765 g Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.87 g Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.17 g Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.17 g Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 7 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:05 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Final Batch Prepared Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV 5 g 745187 10/14/22 17:12 SMP EET SAV 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 18:22 NED EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 19:43 UI EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 18:51 AF EET SAV 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV 745425 10/15/22 15:49 BJB EET SAV 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV 747740 10/29/22 00:23 BWR EET SAV Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Matrix: Solid Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2024 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 10 745621 10/18/22 08:43 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.00 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: S - 7 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.1 Prep Type Batch Batch Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.958 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 17:31 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.53 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 18:44 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 19:58 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Page 74 of 120 Eurofins Savannah 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 7 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-7 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 83.1 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 19:03 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.16 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 15:59 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.16 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:26 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2021 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 5 745621 10/18/22 08:44 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.13 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 95.6 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 6.726 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 17:51 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 5035A DL 5.89 g 10 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D DL 40 5 g 5 g 745421 10/17/22 20:19 Y1 S EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSP2 Total/NA Prep 3546 15.65 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 19:06 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 20:13 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 19:16 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.16 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 16:02 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Eurofins Savannah Page 75 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 8 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-8 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 95.6 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Total/NA Prep 3050B Total/NA Analysis 6020B Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 9 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:40 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Total/NA Prep Digestion Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab 1.16 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV 1 747740 10/29/22 00:29 BWR EET SAV Dil Initial Run Factor Amount 0.2077 g 1 1 20.06 g 1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-9 Matrix: Solid Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV 745621 10/17/22 13:48 AS EET SAV 20 mL 744848 10/12/22 14:43 SM EET SAV 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Client Sample ID: S - 9 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-9 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:40 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 86.0 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 6.195 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 18:11 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.39 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 19:28 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 20:27 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 19:53 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.20 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 16:05 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.20 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:31 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Eurofins Savannah Page 76 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 10 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-10 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2014 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:55 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:49 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.06 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP • Client Sample ID: S - 10 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-10 Date Collected: 10/06/22 11:55 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 84.1 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.299 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 18:30 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.34 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 19:50 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 20:42 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 20:05 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.11 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 16:08 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.11 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:34 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 11 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-11 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2090 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:57 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:51 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.53 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Eurofins Savannah Page 77 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: S - 11 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-11 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:05 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 88.0 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.998 g Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.61 g Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.10 g Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.17 g Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.17 g Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: S - 12 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:20 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Final Batch Prepared Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV 5 g 745187 10/14/22 18:50 SMP EET SAV 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 20:12 NED EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 22:12 UI EET SAV 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 20:18 AF EET SAV 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV 745425 10/15/22 16:12 BJB EET SAV 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV 747740 10/29/22 00:42 BWR EET SAV Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Matrix: Solid Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2050 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:57 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:52 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.56 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: S - 12 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 90.8 Prep Type Batch Batch Type Method Dil Run Factor Initial Amount Final Amount Batch Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.119 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 19:09 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.30 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 20:33 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 22:27 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Page 78 of 120 Eurofins Savannah 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Client Sample ID: S - 12 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-12 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:20 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 90.8 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.09 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 21:07 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.05 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 16:15 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.05 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:45 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Client Sample ID: BG-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:30 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep Digestion 0.2034 g 20 mL 745226 10/14/22 12:57 SM EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4-1974 1 745621 10/17/22 13:53 AS EET SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 9045D 1 20.45 g 20 mL 744844 10/12/22 14:35 SM EET SAV Instrument ID: GEpHM5 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 746108 10/20/22 14:38 KF EET SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Client Sample ID: BG-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-13 Date Collected: 10/06/22 12:30 Matrix: Solid Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Percent Solids: 85.4 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Prep 5035A 5.86 g 5 mL 744689 10/11/22 16:22 FES EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 g 5 g 745187 10/14/22 19:29 SMP EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSAG Total/NA Prep 3546 15.40 g 1 mL 745953 10/20/22 11:50 MEW EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 8270E SIM ID 1 1 mL 1 mL 747694 10/29/22 20:56 NED EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSX Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745240 10/14/22 22:42 UI EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Soluble Leach DI Leach 10.01 g 100 mL 745196 10/14/22 10:04 AF EET SAV Soluble Analysis 9056A 1 5 mL 5 mL 745485 10/17/22 21:20 AF EET SAV Instrument ID: CICL Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.06 g 100 mL 744975 10/13/22 10:59 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6010D 1 745425 10/15/22 16:18 BJB EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPH Total/NA Prep 3050B 1.06 g 500 mL 747578 10/28/22 12:12 SY EET SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 747740 10/29/22 00:48 BWR EET SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Eurofins Savannah Page 79 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Project/Site: CF15139 F Job ID: 680-222693-1 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Date Collected: 10/06/22 09:55 Date Received: 10/08/22 06:00 Lab Sample ID: 680-222693-14 Matrix: Water Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 745311 10/15/22 15:35 Y1 S EET SAV Instrument ID: CMSC Laboratory References: EET SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 80 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SENDING LABORATORY: ENCO Cary 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary, NC 27511 Phone 919 4673090 Fax 919.467 3515 Project Manager -S4ahIftVhk ; fq-- b SUBCONTRACT ORDER �44 ro - C ENCO Cary CF15139 C ) U RECEIVING LABORATORY: Test America (GA) 5102 LaRoche Avenue Savannah, GA 31404 Phone .(912) 354-7858 Fax: -0 Project State of Origin. North Carolina Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-1 Soil 06-Oct42 09 55 .anal ss .. ut;t ' � gyres .. Arf� sas i�omnnents ... 8260D Appendix l 18-Oct-22 15 00 20-Oct-22 09 55li s - m 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 15 00 13-Oct-22 09 55 I °v Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 15 00 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 15 00 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 C&dmiunl ot-aFEP-i t--W-0E`�F2215IIO Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 Co.baltTotal. EPA6.01..OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 Mercury Iota[ EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Oct-22 1500 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 pl-I 9045D 18-Oct-22 15 00 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 Seleninim Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 11-Oct-22 09 55 5 v 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 D4-Apr=23-U1—— — — 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23.09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 03-Nov-22 09 55 l6 `)`) 04-Apr-23 09 55 09-Oct-22 09 55 06-Oct-22 10 09 11 (I 03-Nov-22 09 55 � 2 G 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55�Auto-included 03-Nov-22 09 551`� 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 04-Apr-23 09 55 Containers Supplied 40mLV-LT+IOmLMeOH 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozA,lar (D) 4ozAjar (E) (A) I Chain of Custody lI Z Released By Date Received By Date Page 1 of 13 Page 81 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-2 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:10 Arai sis Duo .. :'ires _ Analysis Comrwfs 8260D Appendix 1 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 10 10 8270E SIM- 1,4-D►oxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 10 10 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 10 10 Arsenic'lotal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Beryll min Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Chromium "rota) EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Lead Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 15 00 09-Oct-22 10 10 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1024 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct=22 15 00 04-Apr-23 10 10 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Vanad► in Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Containers Supplied 40mLV-LT+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-LT+stu•bar (B) 40mLAV-LT+st►rbar (C) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozA,lar (E) (A) Released By Date Recw,ed By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 82 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-3 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:25 8260D Appendix I 18-0ct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1025 8270E SIM- IA-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 10 25 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 AP l Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1025 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Cadmium Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Cobalt Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Mercury Total LPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Nitrate as N 9056A 1870ct-22 1500 09-0c,t-22 1025 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1039 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18=0ct=22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 — Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Zinc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Conlaineis Supplied 40mLV-LT+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-LT+sUrbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C.) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozA1a► (L) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page' of 13 Page 83 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originahng Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-4 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:40 Annl sis mule ar::hrP Att S rl_otnment 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1040 8270L SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1040 Antimony `total FPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 AP 1 Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1040 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Barnum Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Cadmium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Cobalt Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 W 40 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Lead Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 N nckel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 10 40 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1054 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 Selenium -Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04=Apr-23 1040 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Auto -Included sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 Thallium Total EPA 6020E 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 zinc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Containei s Supplied 40mLV-LT+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-I.T+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+sttrbai (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 4 of 13 Page 84 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-5 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:45 Analysis Due Expires:. ... _. Anillysis tC+ammentx _ 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1045 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1045 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1045 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Barium Total EPA 60fOD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Chromium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Cobalt Total EI'A 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Copper Tgtal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 10 45 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1059 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Selenium -Total -EPA 6020B 18-Oct 22 1500 04—Apr-23 1045 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Thalhum Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Vanadium "Cotal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Conlninei s Sapphed 40mLV-1 r+IOmLMeOII 40mLAV-LT+stu•bar (B) 40rnLAV-Ur+stirbar (C) 4ozA.lar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page5of13 Page 85 of 120 11 /2/022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-6 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:50 Analysis Due Expires Aliglysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1050 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1050 Antmiony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 AP I Metals NC 18-Oc1-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1050 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Barium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 W 50 Cadnuum Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 C hromtum Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Cobalt Total IPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Nurate as N 9056A 18-00-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1050 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 04 Phosphorus'lotal EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Selenium Total -EPA (6020B 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1050 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Thallium Total LPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 7mc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1050 Contamei r Srrpphed 40mLV-LI +-lOmLMeOFI 40mLAV-LT+slu-bar (B) 40mLAV-CI'+stnbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date. Released By Date Received By Date Pa e6ofli Page 86 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-7 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:05 [—Analysis Due EX Iron 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 05 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 11 05 Antimony Total EPA 6020E 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 11 05 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Baruan 'l otal EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Chromium Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 C.opper'Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Lead Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda I 8-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 15 00 09-Oct-22 11 05 pl-1 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 19 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Selenium -Dotal -I PA 6020B 18-Oct-22-1-5 00 04-Apr-23 11 05 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Zinc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Containei s Supphed 40mLV-L'T+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozA,lar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 7 of 13 Page 87 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Crary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-8 Soil 06-00-22 11:20 Analysis Due E fires Anai sis Coatnmcn s 82601) Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 20 82701. SIM- IA-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 11 20 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 15 00 11 -Oct-22 1120 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Barium total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Chromium Total Ll'A 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Cobalt "total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Mercury'Total CPA 7000 (Upda I 8-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 It 20 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1120 pH 9045D 18-00-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 34 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 I 1 20 Selenium -Total EPA 6020B 1-8=Oet 2245 00 04 Apr=23 11 20 -- Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 20 1 hallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Api-23 11 20 Vanadium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 /mc'lotal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 C onlamem Supplied 40ml. V-LT+10mLMe01-1 40mLAV-L7+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-Ll+stirbar (C) 40zAlar (D) 4ozA.lar (E) (A) Releaticd By Date -� Reccived By Datc Released By Date - Received By Date Page 8 of 13 Page 88 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-9 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:40 Analysis Due Expires Analysis Comments 826OD Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 40 8270E SIM- 14-DEoxane 18-Oct-22 15 00 13-Oct-22 1140 Antimon) Total LPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 API Metals NC 18-Oct-221500 11-Oct-221140 Arsenic Total EPA6010D 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Barium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Beryl Imin Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Cadmium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Chionuum Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Cobalt Total CPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04 Apr-23 11 40 I ead 'total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 41 40 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 11 40 pEl 9045D 18-Oct-22 15 00 06-Oct-22 It 54 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Selenium Total -EPA 6020B 18-Oet 22--15 00 04-Apr-23 11 40 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Vanadium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 /inC Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apt-23 11 40 C'onlamers Supplied 40mL V-1- T+IOmL Mc011 40mLAV-Lr+shrbar (B) 40mLAV-Cl+stirbar (C) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released 13) Date Received By Date Pa e9ol 13 Page 89 of 120 11/2/ 022 (Rev. 3) SUBCON'I'RAC"T ORDER C ENCO Cary CF 15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments 5-10 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:55 Analysis _ Due I ._ 1 11 Explres Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 55 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 11 55 Antimony Total LPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 I 1-Out-22 11 55 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Barium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Cadmium Total LPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 C hronuum Total EPA 6010D 18-Oc,1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Cobalt Total EPA 6010D 18-Oc1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Copper Total EPA 6010D 18-OLt-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 5s Lead folaI EPA 601OD I8-Oc,t-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Mercury Total I PA 7000 (Upda 18 Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Nickel Total LPA 60101) 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 .55 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Ou-22 15 00 09-Oct-22 11 55 pl-t 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Out-22 1209 - - Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oc1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Vanadium Total FPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 ZincTotal EPA 6010D I8-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 C onlamei s Supplied 40mLV-13+IOmLMcOI-I 40mLAV-l.T-+-stn•bai (B) 40mLAV-1 I-i-stirbar (C) 4ozAlai (D) 4ozA.lar (E ) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date. Received B) � Date Pa-e 10 ol' 13 Page 90 of 120 11/2142022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-t 1 Soil 06-Oct-22 12:05 A-palysis Due Expires", Arai sits Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1205 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1205 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 AP I Metals NC, 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1205 Arsenic Total El'A 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Cadmium Total L-PA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Chromium Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Cobalt Total I'PA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 C opper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 L ead Total El'A 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04 Apr-23 12 05 Mercury Total PPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03 No%-22 12 05 Nu,kel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22. 1500 04-Apr-23 12 05 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-0ct-22 1205 pl-1 90451) 18-0ct-22 15 OU 06-Oct-22 12 19 -- - PW,pltorus Total EI'A 365 4 18-0ct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 12 05 Selem uni-Total L-P-A 6020B 1-8-Oet 22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 'Wver Total EPA 601 OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Solids Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 .12 05 Auto -Included Sultate 9056A 18-0ct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 12 05 T hallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 05 Vanadium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Ape-23 1205 Lmc T'olal EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 ('vnlamei s Supplied 40ml,V-1 i+IOmLMeOLI 40mLAV-1,1+shrbar (B) 40miLAV-1 I+stirbar (L) 4or-Alar (D) 4ozA.lar (E) (A) Released By i Date Reu ived By e Date Released By Date-v — — Received By Date Page 91 of 120 11 / N022 (Rev. 3) SURCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sid) Imb 1D Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Continents 5-12 Soil 06-00-22 12:20 Analysis Due Expirts� Analysis Comments 82601) Appendix 1 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1220 8270E SIM- 14-Dwxane 18-00-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1220 Antunon} Total E PA 6020B 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-0c1-22 1220 Arsen is I otal E PA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Beryll min Total I PA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Cadmium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Chromuun Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Cobalt Total El'A 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Copper Total FPA 6010D 18-O0-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-0c,t-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1220 Nickcl Total LPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 12 2O pH 9045D 18-0c.t-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1234 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1220 Selenium- rotal LPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Solids Dry Weight 18-0ct-22 1500 04-Apt-23 1220 Au(o-Included Sulliile 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1220 Thalbum Total EPA 6020B 18-OU-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Vanadium rolal EIIA6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Itnc 1 otal EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Conlamet s Supplied 40mt VA I+IOmI N4eO1-I 40m1 AV-LI -tm irbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+strbar (C) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozA.lar (E) (A) RcIcascd 13y �Datc Received By Date Released 13) Date �- Received By - _—_ - _ Date Page 92 of 120 11 M022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments BG-1 Soil 06-Oct-22 12:30 iDueFiues Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1230 8270E SIM- 14-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1230 Antunon) Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 AP 1 Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1230 Arsenw'fotal LIIA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Beryllium Total CPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Cadmium Total CPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Chromium lbtal EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Cobalt Total CPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Copper Total L PA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Lead Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Updal8-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1230 Nickel total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oc1-22 1500 09-Oct-22 12 30 pl-I 9045D 18-Oct-22 15 00 06-Oct-22 12 44 Phosphorus'iotal EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 15 00 03-Nov-22 1230 Selennniy fFMl EPA 6020E — 18=Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1230 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oc,t-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1230 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Ou-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04 Apr-23 1230 Zmc'iotai EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Contawei s Supplied 40ml,V-LT+I0mLMeOl-I 40mLAV-1-T+stnrbar (B) 40mI AV-1 f+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4oaAlar (E) (A) Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments Trip Blank Water 06-Oct-22 09:55 Analysis Due "Expires Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 09 55 C onlatneis Supplied 40mLV+l-ICl (A) 40mLV+1-ICI (B) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Pa �e 13 of I-, Page 93 of 120 11/A022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 11 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix I Matrix: Soil Units- mg/kg Flags Calculation Options Synchronize with Base Method ❑ B ❑X Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL X❑ MDL X❑ Flag Levels ❑ D ❑X Dry -weight correct results X❑ MRL ❑X SUR Limit ❑ E ❑X Report results to MDL ❑X # ❑X QC Limits ❑ J ❑ Report results to MRL ❑ Rpt X❑ Analyte Info ❑ U Analvte Info Chloromethane X 000021 0 001 19 195 25 19 195 25 Vinyl chloride X 000024 0 001 32 147 26 32 147 26 Bromomethane X 000032 0 001 28 182 30 28 182 30 Chloroethane X 000025 0 001 23 195 27 23 195 27 Trichlorotluoromethane X 000026 0 001 55 164 24 55 164 24 I I -Dichloroethene X X 00003 0 001 64 133 23 64 133 23 Acetone X 0 014 002 10 170 48 10 170 48 lodomethane X 000044 0 005 memyiene ehioricie X 000073 0 002 41 170 33 41 170 33 Acrylonitrile X 00016 001 trans-1,2-Dichlor_oethene_ X - 000037 0001 71 138 24 71 138 24 1,1-Dichloroethane X 000025 0 001 74 137 25 74 137 25 Vinyl acetate X 000047 0 005 49 200 17 49 200 17 2-Butanone X 000078 0 005 32 163 29 32 163 29 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene X 000023 0 001 76 120 24 76 120 24 Bromochloromethane X 000041 0 001 80 123 29 80 123 29 Chloroform X 000018 0 001 79 130 24 79 130 24 1,1,1-Trichloroethane X 000025 0 001 78 130 26 78 130 26 Carbon tetrachloride X 000022 0 001 74 133 25 74 133 25 1,2-Dichloroethane X 000041 0 001 74 146 22 74 146 22 73 184 32 73 1 "101uene X X 0 00024 0 001 77 120 23 77 120 23 trans -I 3-Dichloropropenc X 000039 0 001 75 145 25 75 145 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane X 000025 0 001 68 125 22 68 125 22 X 000028 0 001 isromotorm x u 1111U45 it uU 1 64 135 30 64 135 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane X 00002 0 001 71 128 26 71 128 26 1 2 3-Trichloropropane X 000064 0 001 66 134 28 66 134 28 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Pael4of17 Page 94 of 120 11/2 022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix I k Matrix: Soil Units- mg/kg Calculation Options ❑X Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL ❑X Dry -weight correct results ❑X Report results to MDL ❑ Report results to MRL Info Synchronize with Base Method ❑X MDL X❑ Flag Levels X❑ MRL X❑ SUR Limit Q # Q QC Limits ❑ Rpt ❑X Analyte Info Flags ❑B ❑ D ❑E ❑J El trans -I 4 Dichloro-2-butene X 000039 0 001 1,4-DichIorobenzene X 00002 0 001 79 126 21 79 126 21 12-Dibromo-3-chloropropane X 000079 0001 48 156 22 48 156 22 Xylenes jotal) X 000056 0 003 79 124 23 79 124 23 Dibromotluoromelhane X X 52 128 I0Wenc-d8 X X 57 124 4-Bromotluorobenzene X X 50 127 -Pentaflnorobenzeriz= =X — - — - - — -- - _ — 1 4-Diftorobenzene X Chlorobenzene-0 X 1,4-Diclil-oroben7ene-d4 X 12-Dichloroethane-d4 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 15 of 17 Page 95 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Matrix: Water Units ug/L Flags Calculation Options Synchronize with Base Method ❑ B ❑ Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL X❑ MDL ❑X Flag Levels ❑ D ❑ Dry -weight correct results X❑ MRL ❑X SUR Limit ❑ E X❑ Report results to MDL X❑ # ❑X QC Lunits ❑ J ❑ Report results to MRL ❑ Rpt ❑X Analyte Info ❑ U Analyte Info Chloromethane X 013 1 56 171 28 56 171 28 Vinyl chloride X 032 1 49 150 27 49 150 27 ►/ 3 26 45 213 26 nc i orot uoromet lane X 024 1 68 183 22 68 183 22 I I-Dichloroethene X X 021 1 75 133 20 75 133 20 Acetone X 10 20 10 158 78 10 158 78 lodomethane X 17 5 34 140 15 34 140 15 Can•1�on=di�rttfide --- -X— —I=S- - - 5 -- ---------- —_ - - `65 t73-38 —fi5=173 -38— - Methylene chloride X 023 1 68 128 17 68 128 17 Acrylonitrile X 3 5 10 10 200 50 10 200 50 trans-l2-Dichloroethene X 021 1 75 ]IQ 19 7s [IQ iv I I-Dichloroethanc X 013 1 79 141 19 79 141 19 Chloroform X 018 1 78 138 17 78 139 17 1,1 I-Tnchloroethane X 012 1 72 143 18 72 143 18 londe X Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Pare 16 of 17 Page 96 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Matrix: Water Units. ug/L Calculation Options ❑ Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL ❑ Dry -weight correct results 0 Report results to MDL ❑ Repoit results to MRL Analvte Info Synchronize with Base Method XI MDL X❑ Flag Levels X❑ MRL ❑X SUR Limit Q # Q QC Limits ❑ Rpt Q Analyte Info Flags ❑B ❑ D ❑E ❑J ❑U trans-1 4-Dichlow-2-butene X 07 1 10 142 28 10 142 28 14-Dichlorobenzene x 0 19 1 76 122 16 76 122 16 12-Dichlorobenzene X 019 1 76 120 16 76 120 16 1,2-Dibromo-3-chtoropropane X 048 1 37 157 18 37 157 18 Dibromotluoromethane X X 67 129 Toluene-d8 X x 59 134 4-Bromotluorobenzene X X 53 136 Pentatluorobenzene a 1,4-Dilluoronenzene—A= — - — - — - -- Chlorobenzene-0 X 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 X 12-Dichloroethane-d4 Xylenes (Total) X 045 3 77 121 16 77 121 16 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 17 of 17 Page 97 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) n S, V ID M kp CA i-Y) c", .�4 6 Fit1J, 4 4j) Y z kip, ,A t/i i� 1 z m I jyP � l '� w"i i m ir Jz I P v, IA Q) m V4 0 I K� t X d m C I'D 4' C (D 0 m -T wCL CL cr vs (ro� Page 98 of 120 /2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER A r� C ENCO Cary r CF15139 (-a a l /,1 SENDING LABORATORY: RECEIVING LABORATORY: ENCO Cary 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary, NC 27511 Phone 919 4673090 Fax 919 467 3515 Project Manager S4ah4 saki;4 R2'- b Test America (GA) 5102 LaRoche Avenue Savannah, GA 31404 Phone •(912) 354-7858 Fax- -0 Project State of Origin. North Carolina Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments C Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID S-1 Soil 06-Oct-22 09:55 Anal site _ 11 tt� E ; it �rtall *90moolits 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 09 55 $ S •wu m 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 09 55 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 AP 1 Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 09 55 -" Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Cobalt `[otal EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda l8-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 09 55 1 A Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 09 55t pill 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 10 09 )tt2 6-0 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 09 55 Selenium Total EPA 6020E 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 uC' Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 09 55 T06 170 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 09 55 Containers Supphed 40niLV-LT+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAjar (E) (A) 680-222693 Chain of Custody f• Received Released By Date Received 13y _ Date Page 1 of 13 Page 100 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Continents S-2 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:10 A aa1 sus -Due , a ires Analysis Comments . 8260D Appendix 1 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 10 10 8270E SIM- IA-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 10 10 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 10 10 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Beryl Iuuni Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Cadmium Total CPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Copper 7 otal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 10 10 pl-I 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1024 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 10 10 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 10 Containers Supplied 40mLV-LT+I0mLMe0N 40mLAV-LT+sturbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+strrbar (C) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozA,lar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 101 of 120 11L2%2 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-3 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:25 Anal sls Duo X Tres Cowwoqts 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1025 8270E SIM- IA-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1025 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 1 I-Oct-22 1025 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Barium Total E13A 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1025 Cadmium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Chromium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-OLt-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Lead Total FPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1025 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1039 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 15 00 04—Apr-23 102-5 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1025 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Vanadium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Zinc total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1025 Containeis Supplied 40mLV-LT+I0mLMe0H 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozA1ar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 3 0l 13 Page 102 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Nlatrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-4 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:40 Analysis )I 11 .. 1r! 1r 5 Anal SIS Ciiiitlil �ib 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1040 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1040 Anttnumy'lotal CPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1040 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Barium "Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Chromium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Cobalt Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1040 Copper Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Lead Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 10 40 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1054 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 Selenium'rotal LPA6020B 18-OLL 22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1040 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Vanadium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 71nc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1040 Containers Supplreel 40nAV-LT+I0mLMe0FI 40mLAV-1T+shrbar(B) 40m[AV-LT+stirbai (C) 4ozAlar(D) 4ozAlar(E) (A) Released By Date ReceiNcc] By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 4 of 13 Page 103 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Chenl Mah•ix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-5 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:45 Analysis bite Expires Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1045 8270E SIM- 14-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1045 Antimony focal EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1045 Arsenic Total LPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Cadmium Total EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1045 Chromium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 10 15 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 10 45 pH 90451) 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1059 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-0ct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1045 Saver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Auto -Included S1.111'ate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1045 Thalhunm Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Vanadium Total EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 Zinc total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1045 C'oulnutei s SupPhed 40nmLV-L;I'+I0mLMe01-1 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 5 of 13 Page 104 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-6 Soil 06-Oct-22 10:50 Ana ss I.1ue E� iris final is Com�en#s 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1050 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1050 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1050 Arsenic Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Barium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Beryllium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Cadmium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Api-23 1050 ( hron-uun Total EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Cobalt Total PPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Copper Total EPA 601 UD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Lead Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1050 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda I8-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1050 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 04 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Selenium Total EPA 6020E 1-8-0ct-22 15-00 04zApr-23 1050 Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1050 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 71nc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1050 Conlurnei s Supphed 40mLV-LI+IOmLMeOH 40rnLAV-L T+stirbar (B) 40mLAV-L1'+stubar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date. Releases! By Date -� Received By Date Page 6 of 13 Page 105 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-7 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:05 Anul ss Due Expires AiwyiisComments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 05 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 11 05 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 11 05 Arsenic Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 I 1 05 Beryllium "Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 IT 05 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 IT 05 Chromium Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Lopper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Lead "Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 11 05 pl-I 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 19 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18.Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Selenium Fatal EPA 6020B 1-8=Oct 22 1-5 00 04-4pr-23 11 05 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Solids Diy Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Auto -included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 05 Thallium 'total EPA 6020B 18.Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 05 Zinc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 11 05 Carlamei s Supplied 40mLV-LI+1 OmLMeOH 40mLAV-[J+stnrbar (B) 40mLAV-LT+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Date Released By DateReceived By Dale Page 7 of 13 Page 106 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 CSub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-8 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:20 Analysis Due Expires A>WYss Comments _.. 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 20 8270E SIM- 1 4-Dioaane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 11 20 Antimony Total b PA 6020E 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Al) I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 15 00 11-Oct-22 1120 Arsenic Total LPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Barnum Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apn-23 1120 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 11 20 Chromium Total CPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Copper Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Lead Cotal EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Mercury 'Total CPA 7000 (Ueda 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 20 Nickel Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Nitrate as N 9056A 18 Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 11 20 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 34 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 20 Selenium Total LPA 6020B 1-8-Oct-22-15 00 04-Apr-23 11 20 Silver Total LPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 11 20 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 20 1 halhum Total EPA 6020B 18-0u-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Vanadium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Oc1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 20 Zinc] otal LPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1120 C onlmnel-v Supplied 40m1. V LT+10mLMc0l-1 40mLAV-Ll+slu•bai (B) 40mLAV-Lj 4 ,,tirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date - -� Received By Date Released By Date - _ Received 13y Date Page 8 of 13 Page 107 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-9 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:40 Analysis Due _.r XPWC-s Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 11 40 82701. SIM- 1 4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 15 00 13-0ct-22 11 40 Antimony Total CPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 11 40 Arsenic Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1140 Barium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-00-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1140 Cadmium To(al EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 C'hionuum Total EPA601OD 18-0ct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Cobalt Total FlIA6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 C opper Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 1 end Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Ott-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apt-23 11 40 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 11 40 pl-1 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 11 54 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Selenium Total EPA 6020B 18-00-22 15 00 -- 04-Apr-23 11 40 Silver Total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Solids, Diy Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Auto-hicluded Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 40 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 Vanadium 'Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 7mc Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 40 C'onlame rs Supphed 40m1 V-1. I+10ml-Me0l l 40mLAV-U4-surbar (B) 40ml. AV-CI-:-surbar (C.) 4ozAjar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Date Received By Dale Released B) Dale Re�,eived B) Date Pagge 9 of 13 Page 108 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-10 Soil 06-Oct-22 11:55 I. Analysis Due ExpircS 4nalysis tCommetits 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 It 55 8270E SIM- 1,4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 It 55 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 1 I-C)U-22 11 55 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oc1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1 155 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oc1-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Cadmium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Opt-22 1500 04 Apr-23 11 55 C hronuum Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18 00-22 1500 0 4-Apr-23 11 55 Copper Total EPA 601 OD 18 00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 1 end Total F PA 601 OD 18-Oc.1-22 1500 0I-Apr-23 11 55 Merunry Total I PA 7000 (Upda 18 Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Nickel Total LPA 601OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 i 5 00 09-Oct-22 1 155 pl-1 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-OLt-22 1209 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Selenium Total EPA-6020B 18-Oct22-15 00 04-Apr-23 11 55 Silver Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Solids, Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 11 55 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 Vanadium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 ZincTotal otal LPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 11 55 C onlaine i s Supplied 40mLV-LT+10mLMe0II 40hul,AV-I.T+sarL):u (B) 401nLAV-1 1 stirbar (l_) 4ozAlai (D) 4ozAgar (C ) (A) Released By Date Received By w Date Released By Date—�� Received Ba - - -� Date Page 10 of 13 Page 109 of 120 11 /2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 [—Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-11 Soil 06-Oct-22 12, 05 Analysis Due Expires Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1205 8270E SIM- 14-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1205 Antimony Total FPA6020B 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1205 AP I Metals NC 18-00-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1205 Arsenic Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Barium Iotal EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Beryllium Total EIIA 6010D 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Cadmium Total EI'A 6010D 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Chronuum Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 05 Cobalt Total FPA 6010D 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr 23 1205 Copper Total EPA 6010D 18-00-22 1500 04-Ap►-23 1205 L ead Total EPA 601 OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04 Apr-23 12 05 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-Oci-22 1500 03 ;Vox-22 12 05 Nickel Tolal EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22. 15 00 04-Apr-23 12 Oi Nitrate as N 90564. 18-00-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1 ) 05 pH 9045-D 18-Oct-22 15 00 06-Oct-22 12 19 Phosphorus Total 1- PA 365 4 18-00-22 1500 03-Nov-22 12 05 Selemum 'l otal L PA.6020B —18=Oct-22 1-5-00- 04-A.pr-23 1.2 4)5. Silver Total EPA 601OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Solids Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 05 Auto-lnclucled Sulfate 9056A 18-OU-22 1500 03-Nov-22 12 05 1 halhunm Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 05 Vanadunn total EPA 601 OD 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1205 Zu(Aotal E13A 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Api-23 1205 C onlainei s Supj.7hed 40ml V-1 r+I OnmLrAeOt-I 40ml AV-1 T+%ttrbair (B) 40nd. AV-1,'l +%urbar (L) 4oiAlar (D) 4ozAlar (E) (A) Released By Dale �- '+�� Re4civcd By date Released By Date Received By Date Page II of13 Page 110 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab 1D Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments S-12 Soil 06-Oct-22 12:20 Analysis Due Expires Analysis Comments �J 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1220 8270L SIM- 14-Dioxane 18-00-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1220 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 API Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 11-Oct-22 1220 Arsen is I otal E PA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Barium Total LPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Beryllium'1'otal LPA6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Cadmium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Chrommm Total EPA 6010D 18.Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Cobalt Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr 23 1220 Copper Total EPA 60101) 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 1 ead Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Mercury Total EPA 7000 (Upda 18-0ct-22 1500 03-NoN-22 1220 Nickel Total LPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 12 20 pTi 9045D 18-0ft-22 1500 00-Oct-22 1234 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1220 Selenium Cotal EPA.6020B. I-&Oct-22 1500 04-Apr.-23 1.2.20 Silver total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Solids Dry Weight 18-0ct-22 1500 04-Apt-23 1220 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1220 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Opt-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 Vanadium Total EIIA6010D 18-Oct-22 15 00 04-Apr-23 1220 Lme total EPA 601OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1220 C'onlarneis Supphed 40ml- V 1. 1+10m1 ML01-I 40m1 AV-1 1-1sthrbar (B) 40mLAV-L'I+starbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4ozA1ar (E) (A) Released By Date w Received By Date Released 13) Date-� _ Received By Date Page 12 of 13 Page 111 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Sub Lab'ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments BG-1 Soil 06-Oct-22 12:30 Analysis Due Ex lres Analysis Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 1500 20-Oct-22 1230 8270E SIM- 1.4-Dioxane 18-Oct-22 1500 13-Oct-22 1230 Antimony Total EPA 6020B 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 AP I Metals NC 18-Oct-22 1500 1 I-OU-22 1230 Arsenic. Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Barium Total EPA 601 OD 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Beryllium Total EPA 601 OD 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Cadmium Total FPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 30 Chromium Total LPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 30 Cobalt Total FPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 I �) 00 04-Apr 23 1230 Copper Total L PA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Lead Total EPA 601 OD 18-00-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Mercury Total FPA 7000 (Upda 18 Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1230 Nickel Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Nitrate as N 9056A 18-Oct-22 1500 09-Oct-22 1230 pH 9045D 18-Oct-22 1500 06-Oct-22 1244 Phosphorus Total EPA 365 4 18-Oct-22 1500 03-Nov-22 1230 Selenium. rota) EPA 6020B —.I$-..Oct-22.1.5 00 04-Apr-23 12.30. Silver Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Solids Dry Weight 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Auto -Included Sulfate 9056A 18-00-22 1500 03-Nov-22 12 30 Thallium Total EPA 6020B 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 12 30 Vanadium Total EPA 60I OD 18 Oct-22 1500 04 Apr-23 1230 Zinc Total EPA 6010D 18-Oct-22 1500 04-Apr-23 1230 Conlamers Supphed 40mLV-LT+IOmLMeOII 4UmL/-\V-Lr+sw-bar (B) 40ml AV -I r+stirbar (C) 4ozAlar (D) 4oz.A.lar (E) Sub Lab ID Originating Lab ID Client Matrix Date Sampled Sample Comments Trip Blank Water 06-Oct-22 09:55 Analysis Due EX iPes _ Analysts Comments 8260D Appendix I 18-Oct-22 15 00 20-Oct-22 09 55 Conlamels Supplied 40hnLV+I-ICI (A) 40mLV+1-ICI (B) Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 13 of I Page 112 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Flags Calculation Options Synchronize with Base Method ❑ B ❑X Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL ❑X MDL 0 Flag Levels ❑ D ❑X Dry -weight correct results X❑ MRL ❑X SUR Limit ❑ g ❑X Report results to MDL ❑X # Q QC Limits ❑ i ❑ Report results to MRL ❑ Rpt X❑ Analyte Info ❑ U Trichloroethene X X 0 00032 0 001 78 120 24 78 120 24 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 14 of 17 Page 113 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER C ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Matrix: Soil Units mg/kg Flags C Calculation Options Synchronize with Base Method ❑ B ❑X Diy-weight correct MDL/MRL X❑ MDL ❑X Flag Levels ❑ D ❑X Dry -weight correct results X❑ MRL X❑ SUP, Lit -nit ❑ E ❑X Report results to MDL X❑ # Q QC Limits ❑ J ❑ Report results to MRL ❑ Rpt X❑ Analyte Info ❑ U Info trans- 14- M 4-13romoFluorobenzene X X 50 127 Chlorobenzene-d5 X 1,4- Die hlorobenzene-d4 X t 2-Dichtoroetliane-d4 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 15 of 17 Page 114 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Units ug/L Calculation Options ❑ Dry -weight correct MDL/MRL ❑ Dry -weight correct results X1 Report results to MDL ❑ Report results to MRL Analvte Info ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Flags Synchronize with Base Method ❑ B X❑ MDL Q Flag Levels ❑ D X❑ MRL X❑ SUR Lunit ❑ E ❑X # Q QC Limits ❑ J ❑ Rpt XQ Analyte Into ❑ U Matrix: Water )" vim✓ ✓ IV 178 LI IV 170 LI 2-BuKuione X 13 5 36 135 19 36 135 19 cis- I 2-Dichloroethene X 015 1 69 120 18 69 120 I8 78 138 17 78 138 17 I I 1=lYichloroethane X 012 1 72 143 18 72 143 18 Carbon tetrachloride X 0 17 1 68 142 17 68 142 17 t 2-Dichloroethane X 021 1 72 151 16 72 151 16 Benzene X X 0 15 1 80 134 17 80 134 17 Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 16 of' 17 Page 115 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) SUBCONTRACT ORDER ENCO Cary CF15139 Custom Analysis Settings Analysis: 8260D Appendix 1 Matrix: Water Units ug/L Flags Calculation Options ❑ Diy-weight correct MDL/MRL ❑ Dry -weight correct results ❑X Report results to MDL ❑ Report results to MRL Analvte Info Synchionize with Base Method ❑ B 0 MDL ❑X Flag Levels ❑ D 0 MRL ❑X SUR Limit ❑ g ❑X # ❑X QC Lunits ❑ J ❑ Rpt X❑ Analyte Into ❑ U Released By Dale Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Page 17 of 17 Page 116 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) I Vj C, p ilk m z fR to '23 0 V4 z m rr 11 Ili INC 0 0 M t m 0 Al CL T C psi vi CL —1 3 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Page 117 of 120 }• I I _. 1. fJ! —1 e®.. C 6 _i .i I I r � ,..11A [fi fit 0 Z*5 a U� u-t 'A tit -it l � t � T 0 t ice, { � r b d 7 s { r ni tZ' ifi U) did Ell wi an 0 I I Page 118 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job Number: 680-222693-1 Login Number: 222693 List Number: 1 Creator: Kirkland, Bernard C Question List Source: Eurofins Savannah Answer Comment Radioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey N/A meter. The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. True Sample custody seals, if present, are intact. True The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or True tampered with. Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True m COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate True HTs) Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified. True There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested True MS/MSDs Containers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is True <6mm (1/4"). Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Residual Chlorine Checked. False Eurofins Savannah Page 119 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3) Accreditation/Certification Summary C Client: Environmental Conservation Laboratories Job ID: 680-222693-1 Project/Site: CF15139 Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah The accreditations/certifications listed below are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW) State 269 12-31-22 Virginia N ELAP 460161 06-14-23 Eurofins Savannah Page 120 of 120 11/2/2022 (Rev. 3)