Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Lined MSWLF LCID X YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Richmond
Closed MSWLF HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: N0093
CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: November 4, 2022 Date of Last Inspection: September 23, 2022
FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Chappell Pit End of Locklear Drive
Rockingham Township, NC GPS COORDINATES (decimal degrees): Lat.: 34.957714 Long.: -79.713707 FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER:
Name: Thomas Hudson Jr. Telephone: 910-995-0854
Email address: ethudson@carolina.rr.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS:
Eugene T. Huson Jr. P.O. Box 1232 Rockingham, NC 28380
PARTICIPANTS: Thomas Hudson, Owner David Powell, SWS STATUS OF PERMIT: Notified 2009
PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection – Follow Up
1. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (3) - UNRESOLVED
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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1. Today’s visit, David Powell with the Section, met with Mr. Thomas Hudson Jr. and discussed the NLCID conditions and corrective actions. Mr. Thomas has continued to make considerable progress and requested an additional 30 days for completing corrective actions. Mr. Hudson and Mr. Powell rode the limits of both
properties, owned by Mr. Hudson and his brother Ronald Hudson, and walked some of the site. Properties are still being combined by attorneys.
2. Previously, Mr. Hudson has had a surveyor visit and mark the property with the NLICD, and the 100-foot buffers on the north, south and east sides. He also had him lay out a 2 acre section that was part of the current 2 acre notification with some additional space on the north side. NLCID waste disposal seems to be over 2 acres, which is too large, but needs edge of waste marked so it can be measured. Can get surveyor to measure and create map, that would be helpful but not required. The western side borders a second
property, in which Mr. Hudson is in the process of combining both properties to address the buffer issue. Be sure and record the map with County Register of Deeds and that an NLCID is own this new combined property. A map should be provided as well to the Section. Any waste buried outside 2-acre notification or inside the buffers should be pulled back inside the limits of the NLCID and site should meet rule.
15A NCAC 13B .0564 (6) - Buffer Requirements: A site shall maintain the following buffer requirements: (a) 50 feet from the waste boundary to waters of the State as defined in G.S. 143-212. (b) 100 feet from the waste boundary to property lines, residential dwellings, commercial or public buildings, and potable wells.
Entrance and South and East side slopes.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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3. The work done onsite has moved the waste outside the 100-foot buffer on the north, south and east sides. Southwest is an adjacent property, where entrance road turns onto top of NLCID, and needs 100 ft buffer marked. All waste should be within 2 acres for the 2-acre notification and meet the buffers. Edge of Waste (EOW) markers should be installed marking the limits of the waste disposal so it can be measured. These should be visible from one to another and mark the edge of where waste is buried inside the 2-acre allowed notification, meeting buffers. Suggest tall, large white PVC pipe, but can use anything if its visible and easily seen from one to the other marking the appropriate edges of the notification. In addition to addressing EOW markers, slope and cover, the site should be sure to have enough cover and slope to restrain erosion and maintain that cover. The working face needs appropriate cover every 30 days or when work face waste reaches one acre, whichever occurs first.
15A NCAC 13B .0566 (2) - Solid waste in the landfill shall be compacted. Slopes shall not exceed a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical at any time. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (5) - erosion control measures, structures, or devices shall be utilized to prevent silt from leaving the site and to prevent on-site erosion and shall comply with 15A NCAC 04.
Area marked by land surveyor to layout 2-acre Mr. Hudson wished to expand in too. Mr. Hudson needs to mark current waste disposal, measure and pull all waste inside 2 acre area that meets buffers, then Section can possibly permit an expansion.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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4. North east corner looking west in photo below. All waste should be brought back inside of 2-acre area, EOW marker in place and sloped and covered appropriately.
North slope.
5. The working face was small and appropriate waste types during inspection.
Asphalt and clean concrete mixed in soil.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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6. If Mr. Hudson intends to permit site, he should prepare the site to meet new rules. A consultant/engineer
can assist, and Section staff encouraged Mr. Hudson to search online or speak with other Solid Waste Facility personnel to inquire as to whom may can assist in with the process. The immediate need is currently addressing the corrective actions onsite. However, Mr. Hudson goes about those actions, may assist him preparing the site for meeting new rules. Discussion onsite were that Mr. Hudson had spoken with Bryant Leggett with Richmond County about whom can assist with preparing application for permit. Mr. Hudson also knew 401 sand staff and so Mr. Powell contacted Duncan parker and he gave some advice and contacts for Mr. Hudson to try and assist with application. 7. Corrective measures are necessary as a result of this inspection and should be complete within 60 days’ receipt of this inspection report. A follow up is required to verify corrective actions and will be conducted shortly after the 60 days. Additional time for compliance is given since considerable progress
toward corrective actions is being made and there is good communication between the owner and Mr. Powell.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
________________________________________ Phone: 910-433-3350 _ David Powell
Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative
Sent on: 11/7/2022 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Andrew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section