HomeMy WebLinkAbout0905_Bladen_C&D_Dec21_Monitoring_FID174307_20220714DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 DENR USE ONLY ❑Paper Report ❑Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No Doc/Event #: NC DENR I IEnvironmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. Please type or print legibly. Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 213 surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): Smith Gardner, Inc. Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Seth C. Rickerts, P.G. E-mail: seth@smithgardnerinc.com Phone: 919-828-0577 x 135 NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Bladen Co. C&D Landfill 1522 52 Mercer Mill Road, Elizabethtown, 09-05 .0500 December 21, 2021 NC Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring ❑X Detection Monitoring ❑ Assessment Monitoring Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑ Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data El water monitoring data Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) Notification attached? No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. X Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Seth C. Rickerts, P.G. Project Geologist 919-828-0577 x 135 Facility Reren�at�i' e�Nase (Print) Signature 14 N. Boylan Ave, Raleigh, NC 27603 Title Facility Representative Address C0828 NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 6/2009 7/14/2022 Date (Area Code) Telephone Number Affix NC Licensed/ Professional Geologist Seal CA _-� SEAL7/14/2G22 2758 oLoG � QAl ti c...R�.�,, ,�1j,,I1I,L1111 64101�`s DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 December2021 Semi -Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report Bladen County CH Landfill NC Solid Waste Permit No. 09-05 Prepared for: Bladen County Solid Waste Management 1522 Mercer Mill Road Elizabethtown, North Carolina 28337 0 July 2022 Prepared by: NELIC.N9.PWO (ENGINEERING) SMITH -GARDNER 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27693 1919.828.057? ? PRINTED CN 100% RECYCLED PAPER © 2022Smith Gardner; Inc. This document is intended for the sole use of the client for which it was prepared and for the purpose agreed on by the client and Smith Gardner; Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 December2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report Bladen County EBB Landfill NC Solid Waste Permit No. 09-05 Prepared For: Bladen County Solid Waste Management Elizabethtown, North Carolina S+G Project No. Bladen 08-04 F0 1`Z.hi e-i V {QVLi�1�ieA D73bIIR DanielJ. Pantaleo Staff Environmental Technician OQ; DocuSigned by: S'AL2/14/ 2758 Seth C. Rickerts, P.G."':`��y�: �LOG ` .¢,.� Project Geologist c" G ''''�,R�,'''''• July 2022 NCLIC.NO.F-1370 (ENGINEERING) SMITH GARDNER 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 2?603 1 g19.m 0577 22 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 Bladen CountyCRD Landfill NC Solid Waste Permit No. o9-o5 December2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report Table of Contents Paqe 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 2.0 SITE GEOLOGY............................................................................................................... 3.0 SAMPLING LOCATIONS................................................................................................. 4.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURES............................................................................................. 5.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS.............................................................................. 5.1 Field Parameter Results........................................................................................ 5.2 Laboratory Results................................................................................................ 5.2.1 Inorganic Constituent Results................................................................... 5.2.2 Organic Constituent Results...................................................................... 6.0 GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION.......................................................................... 7.0 CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................. FIGURE Figure 1 Groundwater Potentiometric Map TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2 Field Parameters Table 3 Detected Constituents APPENDICES Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Report 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Bladen County CBD Landfill December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report July 2022 Table of Contents Page i DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Bladen County Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill, currently operating under Solid Waste Permit # 09-05 (C&D) and 15A NCAC 13B.0544, is required to perform semi-annual groundwater monitoring. This report presents the results for the sampling event reportedly performed on December 21, 2021, in compliance with NC Solid Waste Regulations. The groundwater monitoring network for the C&D landfill includes seven groundwater monitoring wells. As specified in rule 15A NCAC 13B .0544 (j) and the November 5, 2014 Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal Memo', this report includes a field procedure summary, laboratory analyses, results summary tables and Solid Waste Section (SWS) Environmental Monitoring Report Form for the C&D site. 2.0 SITE GEOLOGY The Bladen Co. landfill is located off Highway 87 just east of Elizabethtown in the Coastal Plain physiographic province. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina 09851 this area is underlain by the Black Creek Formation, which is characterized by gray to black lignitic clay with thin beds of fine-grained sands and thick lenses of cross-grained sand. 3.0 SAMPLING LOCATIONS The sampling event, reportedly performed by Environment 1, Inc. (Greenville, NC) personnel on December 21, 2021 involved collecting samples from seven groundwater wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, MW-5A and MW-61, shown in Figure 1. MW-1 serves as the upgradient, background well for this site. 4.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURES Reported sampling methods followed the protocol outlined in the North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities (Department of Environmental Quality, (DEQ), Division of Waste Management (DWM)). The depth to water in each well was gauged prior to purging and sampling. Field measurements for pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and turbidity were recorded at each monitoring location. Water table elevations are included in Table 1. Samples were reportedly collected by Environment 1, Inc. personnel and placed in laboratory prepared containers for the specified analytical procedures using laboratory cleaned Teflon bailers. Groundwater samples were properly preserved, placed on ice and transported to the laboratory facility (Environment 1, Inc.), within the specified holding times for each analysis. 1 Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal Memo, NCDENR - Solid Waste Section, November 5, 2014. Bladen County C6D Landfill December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report July 2022 Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 5.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS 5.1 Field Parameter Results Temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity were measured in the field at the time of sampling. The field parameter results are summarized in Table 2 and have remained consistent with previously reported sampling events. 5.2 Laboratory Results Samples were transported to the laboratory facility under proper chain of custody and analyzed for Appendix I parameters with additional required C&D constituents. The laboratory report is included as Appendix A. Table 3 presents the detected constituents with their Method Detection Limit (MDL), and NC 2L Standard. Constituents detected between the MDL and the Method Reporting Limit (MRL) are identified by the laboratory as "J" values. 5.2.1 Inoroanic Constituent Results Two constituents, iron (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-61 and manganese (MW-1, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-61, were detected above their 2L Standards this event. The detections for iron and manganese are consistent with historical results for the site and are naturally occurring in soils in this area of North Carolina. It should be noted that the detections occurred in monitoring well MW-1, which serves as the upgradient well for the site. Further, turbidity in all samples collected was measured below 10 NTUs, indicating these samples are representative of aquifer conditions. There were no other inorganic constituents that exceeded established regulatory standards. Indicator parameters of sulfate, chloride, total dissolved residue, and total alkalinity were detected at quantifiable values, or concentrations above the MDL in most of the samples collected during this event. No indicator parameters were detected above their 2L standards this sampling event. 5.2.2 Organic Constituent Results No organic constituents were reported above their 2L Standards in samples collected for this event. J-value concentrations for chloroform was detected in samples collected from the upgradient monitoring well, MW-1. This is the sixth consecutive sampling event in which chloroform has been detected in MW-1, albeit within regulatory standards. Detections of chloroform will continue to be monitored and evaluated. Bladen County C6D Landfill December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report July 2022 Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 6.0 GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION A potentiometric map (Figure 1) for the uppermost aquifer, was prepared from the groundwater elevation data gathered during this sampling event. Elevations indicate that groundwater in the C&D area is flowing generally to the north. Hydraulic conductivity data is not available for these wells so groundwater velocities could not be calculated. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS The inorganic constituents iron and manganese, which exceeded 2L Standard limits in most monitoring locations, were detected at quantifiable concentrations in all samples collected during this event, including the upgradient (background) location. The widespread detections in all monitoring locations can be attributed to the natural occurrence of these constituents as the turbidity of the samples was below 10 NTUs. The next groundwater monitoring event is scheduled for Spring 2022. A report will be prepared following receipt of laboratory data and submitted to NCDEQ and Bladen County. Bladen County C6D Landfill December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report July 2022 Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 I1[dil1M December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report Bladen County CAD Landfill NC Solid Waste Permit No.o9-o5 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 TOC=5 .18 HOC 53.27 I / DT DTW--U3' v / w m LmJ6J so / G E=44,18 ✓ / L \ GWE=43.44 N MW-5A / \ , o 0 TOC=51.85 �� ( _ _ / \ / w ® E a 'DTW=5.80 GWE=46.05 T'OC 52.26 4 I \ I l \ \ N o _ \ 1 TOCA551J71 / I DTW=7.90 DTW=9.l�1 G)N►F`42.20� GWE=44.36F. �J= ' �U C&D LANDFILL J 46 I \ I m / \\\ I^ MW 4 CD �W E \43-U-1 1-1 ` l i \ — ^ � ) w Zo / \ ( w Sp // J / a a AAr �� �- a Ln a z Lu Z MW-1 ROA aACCESS 89 . DTW=22.95 'GWE=51.94_ \ \\\\\ \ \ m \\\\\\ \ \ o 0 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE (SEE REFERENCE 3) N STREAM m N /POND/DITCH BOUNDARY \ z J `Z)' 50 � POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR a DASHED WHERE INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION / A MW-1 MONITORING WELL DESIGNATION TOC= TOP OF CASING DTW= DEPTH TO WATER Q GWE= GROUNDWATER ELEVATION z Ljj INDICATES ELEVATION NOT USED o I \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I III FOR CONTOURING co = c" / REFERENCES �W 1 111 1. WELL LOCATIONS FROM FIELD SURVEY DATED 10/27/08 BY WALKER _ m SURVEYING COMPANY, ELIZABETHTOWN, NC. _ .�� 2. PROPERTY LINE FROM DEED REFERENCE FOR BLADEN COUNTY C&D \ \ _ \\� ��\\\ \I �\ \\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ I I I I I I \\\\ I I / \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ — _ — \ LANDFILL TRACT, DEED BOOK 439, PAGE 563. c-3 � .. . \\ \\\\ \ \\\ I 1 I I I 1 \ \\\\\\\\ \`I ( i(� (� �) I \ \ �\ _ __ ____ _ �� \\- 3. DEPTH TO WATER MEASUREMENTS COLLECTED BY ENVIRONMENT 1 , —m = i/ / �� =\\ \\ \ PERSONNEL ON DECEMBER 21, 2021. oQ LLJ 4. OVERALL BASE TOPOGRAPHY FROM NORTH CAROLINA GIS DEPT., BASED o 770 I I \ i ON LIDAR DATA DATED MARCH 2O05. °O a o 0 200' 400' o 91027 S 1th Gardn r, I .I DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report Bladen County CAD Landfill Solid Waste Permit No. 09-05 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 SMITH GARDNER `• • • i; . Illy:•: �: .�r Ground Well Well Total Well TOC Groundwater Screen Surface Depth to Screen Well Installation Latitude Longitude Diameter Depth (feet Elevation Elevation Interval Elevation Water (feet) Geology Date (inches) bgs) (feet amsl) (feet) (feet bgs) (feet amsl) M W-1 NA 34.61121 78.59617 2 27.71 72.96 74.89 22.95 51.94 18- 28 NA M W- 2 NA 34.61297 78.59503 2 24.97 50.34 52.26 7.90 44.36 15- 25 NA M W- 3 NA 34.61307 78.59565 2 26.82 51.08 53.27 9.83 43.44 17- 27 NA M W- 4 NA 34.61335 78.59627 2 27.87 47.54 50.18 6.00 44.18 18- 28 NA M W- 5 NA 34.61277 78.59669 2 24.92 50.80 51.71 9.51 42.20 15- 25 NA MW-5A NA 34.61279 78.59669 2 46.82 50.35 51.85 5.80 46.05 37-47 NA M W- 6 NA 34.61224 78.59691 2 20.40 56.89 58.94 15.76 43.18 10.5- 20.5 NA NOTE: 1. Well locations and elevations provided byWalker Surveying Co., Elizabethtown, NC from field survey conducted on 10/27/08. 2. Total Well Depth and Depth to Water from Environment 1 laboratory report dated 12/21/21, Client ID# 6073. 3. Assumed 2 in well diameter and 10ft screen 4. NA= Not Available MRgeds\Gardj,.(IafVtntainj2Gard&dErVtntcnngRpcts\Bain Ci<ixt� BaknGSD27.BainCBDFd12321Ba nGMI2021TaJEB DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 SMITH GARDNER Ffdd Pawdas :.•- to f�� . • Well Temperature ('Celsius) Conductivity at25°C (µS/cm) pH (Standard Units) Turbidity(NTUs) M W-1 11 669 4.6 2.79 MW-2 15 136 5.2 2.51 M W- 3 11 133 5.9 8.34 M W- 4 13 203 6.4 6.25 M W- 5 13 568 4.4 3.87 M W- 5A 13 104 6.4 3.17 MW-6 13 117 1 5.2 3.23 NOTE: 1. Data from Environment 1 laboratory report dated 12/21/2021, Client ID# 6073. [tT.Tt711�'"fiili�f�Z�11,Tteil1 rollWe� \:SiEiLtTD.1:Fis�Tfd�•Yla: iia!fd��rlN.l�\CiC�1 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 SMITH GARDNERe3 Y= [h6Cx6dQ7btltl.BltS D#e6123'2]7. e: t• fob . • Monitoring Results Station Name Units NC2L MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-5A MW-6 Sam ple Date 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 12/21/2021 Metals Arsenic u /l 10 0.36 J 0.21 J Barium u /1 700 1 14.9 16.2 9.8 J 27.9 18.5 5.6 J 7 J Cadmium u /l 2 0.35 J 0.08 J 0.05 J 0.06 J Chromium u /l 10 0.61 J 11 0.24 J Iron u /l 300 2183 2937 2076 2324 17926 45J 834 Lead u /l 15 0.3 J 0.111 0.04 J 0.35 J 0.06 J Manganese u /l 50 206 46 38 58 52 73 Selenium u /l 20 0.94 J 1 0.61 J 0.06 J Other Alkalinity, Total (as CaCO3 m /I NE 7 29 36 6 Chloride m /I NE 6 7 9 19 129 4 2 Chloroform u /I 70 1.04 J Sulfate m /I NE 119 25.8 33.6 35.8 36.3 8.6 28.9 Total Dissolved Solids m /I NE 220 120 120 180 300 100 87 NOTES: ug/L = micrograms per I iter BOLD = Constituent exceeds NCACO2L or GWP regulatory limits BOLD = Constituent exceeds NCACO2B or 2B Protection regulatory limits J = Lab estimated concentration BDL =constituent is below laboratory detection limits NA = Not Anal yzed MRcjeds\GinindEr tritercrj2GanJndaltritergRp3tslBatnaurtABatrit027.Ba3iGMlMBa nGMI221TEHEs DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Report December 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report Bladen County CAD Landfill Solid Waste Permit No. 09-05 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 EHW'UT@flH&W % kdTP0TM%d Drinking Water ID: 37715 Wastewater ID: 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 BLADEN COUNTY C&D MS. JOAN SMYTH SMITH GARDNER, INC. 14 NORTH BOYLAN AVE. RALEIGH, NC 27603 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 6073 DATE COLLECTED: 12/21/21 DATE REPORTED : 06/17/22 REVIEWED BY: -��' l / �• MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 PARAMETERS MDL MRL PH (field measurement), Units 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.4 Alkalinity (to pH 4.5), mg CaCO3/1 1.0 1.0 --- U 7 --- U 29 Chloride, mg/1 1.0 1.0 6 7 9 19 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/l 10 10 220 120 120 180 Sulfate, mg/1 5.0 5.0 119 25.8 33.6 35.8 Arsenic, ug/1 0.08 5.0 0.36 J --- U --- U --- U Barium, ug/l 0.04 10.0 14.9 16.2 9.8 J 27.9 Cadmium, ug/l 0.04 1.0 0.35 J 0.08 J 0.05 J --- U Total Chromium, ug/l 0.12 5.0 0.61 J --- U Total Chromium, ug/1 0.12 5.0 --- U --- U iron, ug/1 4.96 50.0 2183 2937 2076 2324 Manganese, ug/1 0.31 10.0 206 46 38 58 Lead, ug/1 0.03 5.0 0.30 J 0.11 J 0.04 J --- U Mercury, ug/1 0.05 0.20 --- U --- U --- U --- U Selenium, ug/l 0.05 10.0 0.94 J --- U --- U --- U Silver, ug/1 0.22 5.0 --- U --- U --- U --- U Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 1.0 1.0 669 136 133 203 Temperature, °C 11 15 11 13 Static Water Level, feet 22.95 7.90 9.83 6.00 Well Depth, feet 27.71 24.97 26.82 27.87 Turbidity (Field), NTU 1.0 1.0 2.79 2.51 8.34 6.25 J = Estimated value between the MDL and MRL, U = Below ALL Quantitation Limits. MW-5 Analysis Method Date Analyst Code 4.4 12/21/21 PJC 4500HB-11 --- U 12/28/21 DNS 2320B-11 129 12/23/21 DIJ 4500CLB-11 300 12/28/21 BLV D5907-13 36.3 01/08/22 LFJ 4500SO42HII 0.21 J 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 18.5 01/06/22 NAB EPA200.8 --- U 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 1.0 J 01/06/22 NAB EPA200.8 17926 01/12/22 LFJ EPA200.7 52 01/12/22 LFJ EPA200.7 0.35 J 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 --- U 12/22/21 MTM 245.1 R3-94 0.61 J 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 --- U 01/11/22 NAB EPA200.8 568 12/21/21 PJC 2510E-11 13 12/21/21 PJC 255OB-10 9.51 12/21/21 PJC 24.92 12/21/21 PJC 3.87 12/21/21 PJC 2130E-11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 EflAnNE&M Flo hCopumbd Drinking Water ID: 37715 Wastewater ID: 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 BLADEN COUNTY C&D MS. JOAN SMYTH SMITH GARDNER, INC. 14 NORTH BOYLAN AVE. RALEIGH, NC 27603 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 6073 DATE COLLECTED: 12/21/21 DATE REPORTED : 06/17/22 REVIEWED BY: ✓- �i' l✓ MW-5A MW-6 Trip Analysis Method PARAMETERS MDL MRL Blank Date Analyst Code 6.4 5.2 12/21/21 PJC 4500HB-11 PH (field measurement), Units 6 12/28/21 DNS 2320B-11 Alkalinity (to pH 4.5), mg CaCO3/1 1.0 1.0 36 12/23/21 DIJ 4500CLB-11 Chloride, mg/1 1.0 1.0 4 2 87 12/28/21 BLV D5907-13 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/1 10 10 100 01/08/22 LFJ 4500SO42Ell Sulfate, mg/1 5.0 5.0 8.6 28.9 U 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 Arsenic, ug/l 0.08 5.0 --- U 5.6 J --- 7.0 J 01/06/22 NAB EPA200.8 Barium, ug/l 0.04 10.0 U 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 Cadmium, ug/l 0.04 1.0 0.06 J --- 0.24 J 01/06/22 NAB EPA200.8 Total Chromium, ug/1 0.12 5.0 --- U 834 01/12/22 LFJ EPA200.7 Iron, ug/1 4.96 50.0 45 J 73 01/12/22 LFJ EPA200.7 Manganese, ug/l 0.31 10.0 --- U U 0.06 J 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 Lead, ug/1 0.03 5.0 --- U 12/22/21 MTM 245.1 R3-94 Mercury, ug/l 0.05 0.20 --- U --- 0.06 J 12/29/21 NAB EPA200.8 Selenium, ug/l 0.05 10.0 --- U U 01/11/22 NAB EPA200.8 Silver, ug/1 0,22 5.0 --- U 104 --- 117 12/21/21 PJC 251OB-11 Conductivity (at 25c), uMhos/cm 1.0 1.0 12/21/21 PJC 2550B-10 Temperature, °C 13 5.80 13 15.76 12/21/21 PJC Static Water Level, feet 46.82 20.40 12/21/21 PJC Well Depth, feet 1.0 3.17 3.23 12/21/21 PJC 2130E-11 Turbidity (Field), NTU 1.0 J = Estimated value between the MDL and MRL, U - Below ALL Quantitation Limits. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 ElMomfiR(M Flo h(C;nuo ughd Drinking Water ID: 37715 Wastewater ID: 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 CLIENT: BLADEN COUNTY C&D MS. JOAN SMYTH SMITH GARDNER, INC. 14 NORTH BOYLAN AVE. RALEIGH, NC 27603 REVIEWED BY: VOLATILE ORGANICS c,nr wswmvnn Qognn R4 (18) PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 CLIENT ID: 6073 ANALYST: JAP DATE COLLECTED: 12/21/21 Page: 1 DATE ANALYZED: 01/03/22 DATE REPORTED: 06/17/22 PARAMETERS, ug/1 MDL ::MRLj MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 0.77 3.000 --- U --- U _-- U --- U --- U 1. Chloromethane --- U --- U 2. Vinyl Chloride 0.12 0.200 --- U --- U --- U --- V 3. Bromomethane 0.67 10.000 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- V 4. Chloroethane 0.48 10.000 --- U --- U --- U --- V --- V 5. Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 1.000 --- U --- U U --- U --- U 6. 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.17 5.000 --- U --- U --- --- U --- U --- U 7. Acetone 9.06 100.000 --- U --- U U --- U --- S. Iodomethane . 026 10.000 --- U --- U --- -- U --- U --_ U 9. Carbon Disulfide 0.23 100.000 --- U "-- U --- U --- U 10. Methylene Chloride 0.64 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 11. trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.23 5.000 --- U --- U --- U U --- U --- U 12. 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.20 5.000 --- U --- U ___ --- U --- V --- V 0.20 50.000 --- U --- U 13, Vinyl Acetate --- U --- U 14. Cie-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 5.000 --- U --- U --- U --- U 15. 2-Butanone 2.21 100.000 --- U --- U U --- U --- 16, Bromochloromethane 0.27 3.000 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- U 0.25 5.000 1.04 J --- U --- 17. Chloroform --- U --- U --- U --- V 18, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.19 1.000 --- U U --- U --- V 19, Carbon Tetrachloride 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U --- V 0.24 1.000 --_ V - - U --- 20. Benzene U --- U U 21. 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.02 0,200 --- --- U --- U --- U 22. Trichloroethene 0.23 1.000 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- U 23, 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U --- U --- U ---U 24. Bromodichloromethane 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U U - U U 25, Cie-1,3-Dlchloropropene 0.06 0.200 --- U --- U --- U --- V --- V 26. 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1,19 100.000 --- U --- U U --- U --- U 27. Toluene 0.23 1.000 --' U --- U --- __ - U ___ U --- U 28. trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.04 0.200 --- U _"- U U --- U --- U 29. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.03 0.200 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- U 30. Tetrachloroethene 0.10 0.200 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- U 1.57 40.000 --- U --- U --- 31. 2-Hexanone --- U --- U --- U --- 32. Dibromochloromethane 0.03 0.200 --- U U --- U --- V 33. 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.03 0.200 --- U --- U --- --' U --- U --- V 34. Chlorobenzene 0.30 3.000 --- U --- U --- U --- V --- 35. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.22 1.000 --- U --- U --- U --- U --- U 0.21 1.000 --- U --- U 36. Ethylbenzene --- U --- U --- U --- 37. Xylenee 0.68 5.000 --- U U --- U --- U --- 38. Dibromomethane 0.26 10.000 --- U --- U --- U ___ U 0.19 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 39. Styrene --- U --- U --- U --- U --- 40. Bromoform 0.20 3.000 U --- U ___ V --- U 41. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.03 0.200 --- U --- U --- U ___ U 42. 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.09 0.200 --- U --- U -- --- U -- V _ - U 43. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.39 1.000 --- V --- U --- U --- U --- V 44. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.32 . 5000 --- U --- U --_ U --- U -_- U 45. 1,2-D 0.07 0.200 --- Uibromo-3-Chloropropane --- U U 46. Acrylonitrile 2.72 200.000 V --- U --- __ - U U 47. trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-Butene 0.42 100.000 --- U -"- U U 48. Tetrahydrofuran 0,39 1.000 --- U --- U J = Estimated value between the MDL and MRL, U = Below ALL Quantitation Limits. DocuSign Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 Emkoflu(M % �[NrLCO"@Tpo wmhd Drinking Water ID: 37715 Wastewater ID: 10 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 CLIENT: BLADEN COUNTY C&D CLIENT ID: 6073 MS. JOAN SMYTH SMITH GARDNER, INC. ANALYST: JAP 14 NORTH BOYLAN AVE. DATE COLLECTED: 12/21/21 Page: 2 RALEIGH, NC 27603 DATE ANALYZED: 01/03/22 DATE REPORTED: 06/17/22 REVIEWED BY: VOLATILE ORGANICS F.PA MF.T90n 8260D R4 (18) PARAMETERS, ug/l MDL MRL MW-5A MW-6 Trip Blank 1. Chloromethane -7 0.77 3.000 --- U "" U --- U 2. Vinyl Chloride 0.12 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 3. Bromomethane 0.67 10.000 --- U --- U --- U 4. Chloroethane 0.48 10.000 --- U --- U --- U 5. Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 6. 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.17 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 7. Acetone 9.06 100.000 --- U --- U --- U S. Iodomethane 0.26 10.000 --- U --- U --- U 9. Carbon Disulfide 0.23 100.000 --- U --- U --- U 10. Methylene Chloride 0.64 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 11. trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.23 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 12. 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.20 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 13. Vinyl Acetate 0.20 50.000 --- U --- U --- U 14. Cie-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 15, 2-Butanone 2.21 100.000 --- U --- U --- U 16. Bromochloromethane 0.27 3.000 --- U --- U --- U 17. Chloroform 0.25 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 18. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.19 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 19. Carbon Tetrachloride 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 20. Benzene 0.24 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 21. 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.02 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 22. Trichloroethene 0.23 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 23. 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 24. Bromodichloromethane 0.04 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 25. Cie-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.06 0,200 --- U --- U --- U 26. 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1.19 100.000 --- U --- U --- U 27. Toluene 0.23 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 28, trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.04 0,200 --- U --- U --- U 29. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.03 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 30. Tetrachloroethene 0.10 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 31. 2-Hexanone 1,57 40.000 --- U --- U --- U 32. Dibromochloromethane 0.03 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 33. 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.03 0,200 --- U --- U --- U 34. Chlorobenzene 0.30 3.000 --- U --- U --- U 35. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.22 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 36. Ethylbenzene 0.21 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 37. xylenes 0.68 5.000 --- U --- U --- U 38, Dibromomethane 0.28 10.000 --- U --- U --- U 39. Styrene 0.19 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 40, Bromoform 0.20 3,000 --- U --- U --- U 41. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.03 0.200 --- U '"- U --- U 42. 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.09 0.200 --- U --- U --- U 43. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.39 1.000 --- U --- U --- U 44. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.32 5,000 --- U --- U --- U 45. 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.07 0.200 --- U --- U - U 46. Acrylonitrile 2.72 200.000 --- U "' U --- U 47, trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-Sutene 0.42 100.000 --- U -- U --- U 48. Tetrahydrofuran 0.39 1,000 --- U " ' U - U J = Estimated value between the MDL and MRL, U = Below ALL Quantitation Limits. n Envelope ID: EDB05838-6FB2-4230-BA8F-E80429FE4834 m mO rzx tv Z O Z O a v� e� m N m o0 H d �yxOz m m m 0 �x�zCi co co\� y nCC7��0 �Cn z �> z m M 0 M z r�r O n z m r o < (D CiJ �O<�o OCD 0� W00 N O 00 Ion m x O O � d A O J Un D1 O a\ w w TOTAL CHLORINE, mg/I Z7 OR ug/I AT COLLECTION C7 TEMPERATURE, °C AT COLLECTION rzn Ox 4�1 o O ° ° ° #OFCONTAINERS m Field H P WO Alka in Y > b Chloride Y TDS b Sulfate s`:'• Metals 'C Conductivity em erature TP Y 'b Field Parameter z 8260D 8260 Dup. 1 8260 Dup. 2 8260 Dup. 3 8260 Dup. 4 n n = PARAMETERS/TESTS -0_ ,..d = m 0 z r fiq m (n m Cn c (� Cn D D Z m C� z .r �• ) �� - 2 2 Z D r M T� m (1� Om n z c cn o o w z O O m z C \ � �v' Or DD z m M 03 o O o O O � m O -n m O � < -U O D r > .. COZ z m Cn D -DI Z D O 00 D Cl)D M O = C� z D S o� m z z O D -i OZ p M C m 0 -zi D m M D m z � O MO 2-7 C3 0 _