HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_AnsonLF_Monitoring_April2022_FID1741290_20220718DENR USE ONLY ❑Paper Report ❑Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No Doc/Event #: NC DENR I IEnvironmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. Please type or print legibly. Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): Jett Environmental Consulting, PLLC Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Steve Jett E-mail: steve.jett@jettenviro.com Phone: (314) 496-4654 NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Chambers Development of North 375 Dozer Drive April 11,12,14,15 and 19, Carolina, Inc. - Anson Waste Polkton, NC 28135 04-03 .1600 2022 Management Facility Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring ❑X Detection Monitoring ❑ Assessment Monitoring Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑ Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data El water monitoring data Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) Notification attached? No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. X Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Steve Jett Owner (314) 496-4654 Facility Representative Name (Print) /jd /, Title (Area Code) Telephone Number Signature 07/18/2022 Affix NC Licensed/ Professional Geologist Seal Date Jett Environmental Consulting, PLLC, 18 Lexington Oaks Court, Foristell, MO 63348 Facility Representative Address NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 6/2009 Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report First Semi -Annual 2022 Sampling Event Anson Waste Management Facility Chambers Development of NC, Inc. Polkton, North Carolina July 2022 Prepared by: \*0JETT ENVIRONMENTAL C D N S U L T! N G 18 Lexington Oaks Court 314-496-4654 Foristel% MO 63348 www.jettenviro.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND AND MONITORING NETWORK................1 3.0 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY................................................................2 4.0 DATA EVALUATION......................................................................3 5.0 STATISTICAL PROCEDURES.......................................................4 5.1 Outlier Analysis...........................................................................4 5.2 Intra-Well Prediction Intervals....................................................5 5.3 Statistical Results Summary.......................................................5 6.0 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................5 TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Monitoring Program Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Data Table 3 Surface Water Analytical Data Table 4 Underdrain Analytical Data Table 5 Enhanced Liner System (ELS) Analytical Data Table 6 Leachate Analytical Data APPENDICES Appendix A Potentiometric Surface Maps & Surface Water Sampling Location Map Appendix B Statistical Evaluations Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Reports & Field Sampling Forms Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Management Facility, North Carolina 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. - Anson Waste Management Facility, Jett Environmental Consulting statistically evaluated the First Semi -Annual 2022 groundwater data. Sampling was performed by S&ME and analytical testing was performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. and Eurofins. The statistical analysis software package utilized, Sanitasll' follows a documented decision logic that incorporates the following applicable document: USEPA "Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance" (March 2009). 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND AND MONITORING NETWORK Per the site's Statistical Analysis Plan dated July 2001 by Herst & Associates, Inc. and in compliance with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste Management Regulations, Section .1600 "Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities," Jett Environmental Consulting statistically evaluated parameters from the First Semi -Annual 2022 event using intra-well prediction interval analysis. Prediction intervals are considered a powerful tool for groundwater statistical analysis, when feasible, due to their inherent low false negative and false positive rates utilizing confirmatory resampling, if necessary. As part of the Phase 3 construction, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) oversaw the installation of three additional wells (MW-10S, MW-11S, and MW-12S) in September 2018. CEC submitted an Updated Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) on December 17, 2018. The Updated WQMP outlined sampling of the three new wells in addition to three existing wells that were not part of the formal groundwater program (MW-13S, MW-14D, and MW-15D). Wells MW-13S, MW-14D, and MW-15D were previously installed during the Phase 5 Preliminary Design Hydrogeologic Investigation in May 2017. In an April 9, 2019 Phase 3 Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report by CEC, data from four initial baseline sampling events (October 2018, November 2018, December 2018, and January 2019) was submitted to NCDEQ. Phase 3 wells MW-12S, MW-13S, and MW-14D were replaced by wells MW-12R, MW-13R, and MW-14R in September 2020 to account for the location of Phases 4/5. Wells MW-12R, MW-13R, and MW-14R were sampled for the first time in October 2020. Wells MW-12R, MW-13R and MW-14R completed the four initial baseline sampling events during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. Therefore, statistical evaluation at MW- 12R, MW-13R, and MW-14R can be initiated during the Second Semi -Annual 2022 event. Background is defined as samples collected from each well from October 2000 through the January 2019 event. Background will generally be reviewed every two to three years to determine if more recent data can be added to the background pool of data. For the newer wells, background consists of the first four sampling events. The parameters subject to statistical evaluation during detection monitoring are noted in NCDEQ Section .1633 as constituents listed in Appendix I of 40 CFR Part 258 "Appendix I Constituents for Detection Monitoring". Table 1 lists the site's groundwater monitoring wells, their representative hydraulic position, and zone monitored. Each well was sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. Per September 28, 2012 NCDEQ correspondence, approval was granted to sample the Shallow zone wells on a semi-annual basis, with the groundwater elevations monitored in Deep zone wells (MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D, and MW-8D) on a semi-annual basis. The approval was under the condition that a groundwater sample be collected from a Deep zone well if its accompanying Shallow zone well did not contain enough water to yield a sample. Each of the Shallow zone wells (MW-3S, MW-4S, MW-5S, and MW-8S) was able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. In a May 29, 2018 memorandum, NCDEQ requested groundwater and surface water samples be analyzed for 1,4-dioxane. In correspondence dated January 2, 2020, NCDEQ provided the following revisions to the site's 1,4-dioxane monitoring requirements: Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Management Facility, North Carolina 2 (1) analyze for 1,4-dioxane in groundwater samples from the downgradient compliance monitoring wells and in all underdrain samples (UD-1, UD-2, & UD-3) semi-annually every other year starting with the 1st semi-annual monitoring event in 2020 (i.e., April/October 2020, April/October 2022, April/October 2024, etc.). The facility can optionally include the background well MW-2S, but this is not required by the Section; (2) discontinue monitoring for 1,4-dioxane in stream surface water samples (BG-1, BG-2, SG-3, and SG-4); and (3) continue to collect and analyze leachate and Enhanced Liner System (ELS) sump samples for 1,4- dioxane during semi-annual sample events. In addition to groundwater monitoring, the site has a surface water monitoring network consisting of the following points: Upstream Downstream Pinch Gut Creek Upstream (BG-1) Brown Creek Downstream (SG-3) Brown Creek Upstream (BG-2) Pinch Gut Creek Downstream (SG-4) The four surface water sampling points are sampled semi-annually for the 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix I list in conjunction with the groundwater monitoring wells. Each of the surface water points was able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. Appendix A provides a map of the surface water sampling point locations. During permitting of Phase 2, a sampling station (SG-5) was added at the outlet of an underdrain built below Phase 2B (this point was renamed UD-1 as part of the latest Water Quality Monitoring Plan). Two additional underdrain sampling stations were added during Summer 2016: Underdrain Combo 1 E/2A (this point was renamed UD-2 as part of the latest Water Quality Monitoring Plan) and Underdrain 2C-North (this point was renamed UD-3 as part of the latest Water Quality Monitoring Plan). UD-1, UD-2, and UD-3 are to be sampled semi-annually (contingent on flow availability) for the 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix I list. Each of the underdrain points was able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, except UD-3 which was dry. The potentiometric surface maps in Appendix A display the locations of the underdrain sampling locations. A leachate sample is also collected semi-annually for analysis in accordance with the facility's permit. The leachate sample is analyzed for the 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix I list, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate as N, pH, phosphorous, specific conductance, and sulfate. A leachate sample was able to be collected during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. According to the latest Water Quality Monitoring Plan, two ELS sumps (#5 and #7) are to be sampled if liquids are present. The ELS sumps are sampled semi-annually for the 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix I list. ELS sumps #5 and #7 were able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. 3.0 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY The following site hydrogeology summary was taken from a document titled Baseline Sampling Report, Anson Waste Management Facility, dated June 2001 by Almes & Associates, Inc. The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic province within the Triassic -age Wadesboro basin. In general, the lithology of the site is composed of saprolitic soils and partially weathered rocks grouped together as "overburden" and competent bedrock. Three rock types comprise the bedrock at the site; Triassic sediments of the Wadesboro basin (Chatham Group), bedded argillites of the Carolina Slate belt (Floyd Church Formation), and diabase units in two north-west trending features (dikes). The three bedrock types and overburden appear to have similar hydraulic characteristics and behave as equivalent to a single porous granular media. As a result, the direction of groundwater flow should be largely controlled by site topography. Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Management Facility, North Carolina 3 The groundwater monitoring system at the site has been designed to monitor groundwater within both the overburden and the bedrock. Those monitoring wells designated with an "S"-suffix are screened within the overburden to monitor the shallow groundwater and those wells designated with a "D"-suffix are deeper wells screened within the bedrock. Based on data obtained during previous hydrogeologic investigations at that site, it was determined that the geologic units were in communication, the groundwater flow pattern appears to be controlled by topography, and the subsurface may be represented as a porous granular media. The location and completed intervals for monitoring wells MW-1 D and MW-6D were selected specifically to collect background and downgradient water quality data, respectively, from the diabase dikes at the site. Well clusters at the site are located based on former drainage features, and monitor the upper saprolite aquifer and the upper bedrock aquifer: MW-2S, MW-3S, MW-3D, MW-4S, MW-4D, MW-5S, MW-5D, MW- 8S, and MW-8D. The following wells are also located to focus on drainage features that align with the regional joint pattern visible in the topography: MW-9, MW-10S, MW-11 S, MW-16S, MW-17S, MW-18S, MW-19S and MW-20S. These wells do not exceed "auger refusal" depth, therefore they remain in the shallow saprolite aquifer. Wells MW-1 D, MW-2D, MW-12R, MW-13R, MW-14R, and MW-15D are installed in the upper bedrock aquifer due to a shallow top -of -bedrock depth and not encountering groundwater within the upper saprolite region, necessitating installing within the deeper upper bedrock aquifer. Appendix A provides potentiometric surface maps and groundwater flow calculations for the Shallow zone and Deep zone utilizing groundwater level data from the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. Groundwater flow direction for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event was to the north in the Shallow zone and to the north / northeast in the Deep zone. Groundwater flow rate for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event was estimated to range from 73 feet/year in the Shallow zone to 109.5 feet/year in the Deep zone. 4.0 DATA EVALUATION Appendix C contains a copy of the laboratory analytical reports and field log sheets for the First Semi - Annual 2022 event for the groundwater, surface water, underdrain, leachate, and ELS sump samples. Groundwater The analytical results for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event for the groundwater samples are summarized on Table 2. No volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected at or above the laboratory method reporting limits (MRLs) in the groundwater samples. As shown on Table 2, a few NC Appendix I inorganic constituents were detected in samples from one or more wells at concentrations above their respective MRLs, consistent with past events. Of the detections, only the following Appendix I constituents were detected above an MRL and NC 2L standard in the groundwater monitoring wells during the First Semi - Annual 2022 sampling event: total arsenic at MW-12R; total barium at MW-8S and MW-9; total beryllium at MW-2D; and total cobalt at MW-2D and MW-15D. Therefore, total barium at MW-8S and MW-9; total beryllium at MW-2D; and total cobalt at MW-21D and MW-15D were statistically evaluated to determine if concentrations statistically exceed background (see Section 5.2). Well MW-12R is in the process of collecting background data and will not have sufficient number of data points for statistical analysis until the Second Semi -Annual 2022 event. Surface Water The analytical results for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event for the surface water samples are summarized on Table 3. Each of the surface water points was able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. During the First Semi -Annual 2022 event no Appendix I inorganic constituents or VOCs were reported at quantified levels above an NC 2B Surface Water Standard. Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Manaaement Facilitv. North Carolina 4 Underdrain The analytical results for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event for the underdrain samples are summarized on Table 4. Each of the underdrain points was able to be sampled during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, except LID-3 which was dry. During the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, no Appendix I VOCs were detected in underdrain samples at quantified concentrations above their respective MRLs. Enhanced Liner Svstem According to the latest Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP), an evaluation is to be made semi-annually of the volume of free liquid removed from the ELS sumps. The results of the evaluation and the VOC analysis of the ELS sump liquids are to be included in the semi-annual groundwater report. The analytical results for the First Semi -Annual 2022 event for the ELS sump samples are summarized on Table 5. According to site personnel, liquids were present at ELS sump #5 and #7 during the last six-month monitoring period. Samples were collected from ELS sumps #5 and #7 during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event for the required VOCs. Liquids that are present in ELS sumps #5 and #7 are pumped to the leachate collection/disposal system and managed as leachate. According to the field forms, ELS Sump #5 is labeled as "Sump 313" and ELS Sump #7 is labeled as "Sump 4B." As shown on Table 5, VOCs were detected in the ELS sump sample, consistent with previous events. Total metals are also sampled at the ELS sump to supplement the VOC analyses (see Table 5). According to the site, from November 2021 through April 2022, the total volume of liquids measured in ELS sumps #5 and #7 was 2,330 gallons and 3,465 gallons, respectively. Leachate During the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, a sample was collected from the leachate collection system. The leachate sample results are summarized on Table 6. 5.0 STATISTICAL PROCEDURES The following Appendix I constituents were confirmed detected above the MRL and an NC 2L Standard during the First Semi -Annual 2022 sampling event: total arsenic at MW-12R; total barium at MW-8S and MW-9; total beryllium at MW-2D; and total cobalt at MW-2D and MW-15D. With the exception of MW-12R (see Section 4.0), statistical analyses (i.e., intra-well prediction limits) were performed to establish background concentrations and determine if the NC 2L value -to -value exceedance exhibited a statistically significant increase. Per 15A NCAC 02L .0202(b)(1), for the NC 2L Standards, only detections of a substance at or above the laboratory practical quantitation limit (PQL) can constitute a violation of the standard. Therefore, estimated values below the PQL are not considered a violation of a NC 2L Rule standard. Hence, statistical evaluations were not performed for estimated values for this Report. 5.1 Outlier Analysis The background data were evaluated for the presence of statistical outliers. Methodologies for determining a statistical outlier are defined in the USEPA Unified Guidance. Any statistical outliers that were determined were removed from the background data set prior to performing prediction interval statistical analysis. According to the Unified Guidance, data that are not normally or log -normally distributed are not recommended for evaluation of outliers. In cases where the data were not normally or log -normally distributed, outliers were not removed from the data set. Background outliers flagged for removal are identified on the statistical plots provided in Appendix B. Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Manaaement Facilitv. North Carolina 5 5.2 Intra-Well Prediction Intervals The prediction interval is a statistical method used to compare a single observation to a group of observations. The prediction interval is calculated to include observations from the same population with a specified confidence. In groundwater monitoring, a prediction interval approach may be used to make comparisons between background and compliance data. The interval is developed to contain all future observations, within a certain probability. For the Anson Waste Management site, intra-well prediction intervals have been developed based on a 99% confidence that future observations will fall within the range. If any future observation exceeds the prediction interval, this is considered statistically significant evidence that the observation is not representative of the background group. During parametric prediction interval analysis, the mean and the standard deviation are calculated for the raw or transformed background data. The number of comparison observations, K, is defined to be included in the interval. If less than 15% of the background observations are nondetects, the nondetects are replaced with one half of the reporting limit prior to performing the analysis. If more than 15% but less than 50% of the background data are below the reporting limit, the data's sample mean and standard deviation are adjusted according to the Kaplan -Meier method. However, when the background data are not transformed - normal or contain greater than 50% observations below the reporting limit, SanitasT' automatically constructs a non -parametric prediction interval. During non -parametric analysis, the highest value from the background data is used to set the upper limit of the prediction interval. Prediction interval summary tables are presented in Appendix B. Included in Appendix B are time series plots for each of the inorganic parameters reported for groundwater this event. 5.3 Statistical Results Summary For the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, total barium at MW-9 and total cobalt at MW-2D and MW-15D exhibited statistical exceedances. Review of the field sampling forms indicates that MW-9 was sampled with a bailer due to sediment buildup resulting in an inoperable bladder pump. Field turbidity measurements ranged from 38.17 to 188 NTU during purging and the sample was collected with a field turbidity of 188 NTU. Dissolved metals samples were also collected at well MW-2D, MW-8S, MW-9, MW-12R, and MW-15D, during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. The dissolved barium result at MW-9 (551 ug/L) was below the NC 2L Standard. The dissolved cobalt result at MW-21D (<10.0 ug/L) and MW-15D (7.16 J ug/L) did not exhibit quantified detections above the NC 2L Standard. The lower dissolved barium/cobalt concentrations confirmed that suspended solids had an influence on total (unfiltered) concentrations, causing artificially higher results that were not representative of the water quality. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS The following Appendix I constituents were confirmed detected above the laboratory MRL and NC 2L Standards during the First Semi -Annual 2022 sampling event: total arsenic at MW-12R; total barium at MW-8S and MW-9; total beryllium at MW-2D; and total cobalt at MW-2D and MW-15D. For the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, total barium at MW-9 and total cobalt at MW-2D and MW-15D exhibited statistical exceedances. Review of the field sampling forms indicates that MW-9 was sampled with a bailer due to sediment buildup resulting in an inoperable bladder pump. Field turbidity measurements ranged from 38.17 to 188 NTU during purging and the sample was collected with a field turbidity of 188 NTU. Dissolved metals samples were also collected at well MW-2D, MW-8S, MW-9, MW-12R, and MW-15D, during the First Semi -Annual 2022 event. The dissolved barium result at MW-9 (551 ug/L) was below the NC 2L Standard. The dissolved cobalt result at MW-21D (<10.0 ug/L) and MW-15D (7.16 J ug/L) did not exhibit quantified detections above the NC 2L Standard. The lower dissolved barium/cobalt concentrations Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report Anson Waste Management Facility, North Carolina 6 confirmed that suspended solids had an influence on total (unfiltered) concentrations, causing artificially higher results that were not representative of the water quality. No VOCs were detected at or above the laboratory MRLs in the groundwater or underdrain samples at quantified concentrations above their respective MRLs. During the First Semi -Annual 2022 event, no Appendix I inorganic constituents or VOCs were reported at quantified levels above an NC 2B Surface Water Standard. The site will continue monitoring in accordance with the requirements for Detection Monitoring as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 13B .1633. The next semi-annual event is tentatively scheduled for October 2022. TABLES TABLE 1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ZONE UPGRADIENT WELLS DOWNGRADIENT WELLS Shallow MW-2S MW-3S, MW-4S, MW-5S, MW-8S, MW-9, MW-10S, MW-11 S MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D, MW-8D, MW-12R, Deep MW-1 D, MW-2D MW-13R, MW-14R, MW-15D Note. Deep Zone wells MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D, and MW-8D are only required to be sampled if the adjacent Shallow Zone well (i.e. MW-3S, MW-4S, MW-5S, or MW-8S) is dry during a respective event. TABLE 2 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Constituent Units MDL MRL NC 2L Std SHALLOW ZONE MW-2S MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11S DEEP ZONE MW-1D MW-2D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R MW-15D Antimony Total u /L 0.740 2.00 1 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Arsenic Total u /L 7.60 10.0 10 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 11.3 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Barium Total u /L 1.10 10.0 700 120 37.8 176 79.8 2220 1920 739 551 581 693 125 239 189 230 8.89 J 17.1 Beryllium Total u /L 0.160 1.00 4 2.04 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4.98 0.583 J <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 Cadmium Total u /L 1 0.360 1 1.00 2 1 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 Chromium Total u /L 1.40 10.0 10 1.76 J <10.0 1 5.97 J <10.0 1 3.38 J 2.05 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 1 1.68 J <10.0 I <10.0 2.78 J 1.94 J Cobalt Total u /L 1.40 10.0 1 5.61 J 3.18 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 16.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 1.67 J 12.5 7.16 J Copper Total u /L 1.60 10.0 1,000 5.36 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 7.24 J 4.37 J <10.0 <10.0 8.35 J Lead Total u /L 3.10 10.0 15 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 4.13 J <10.0 <10.0 3.46 J Nickel Total u /L 2.20 10.0 100 8.79 J 2.77 J 5.60 J 3.21 4.04 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 7.26 J 11.5 <10.0 <10.0 4.10 J 22.8 Selenium Total u /L 1.82 2.00 20 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Silver Total u /L 1.90 10.0 20 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Thallium Total u /L 0.220 2.00 2 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Vanadium Total u /L 1.40 10.0 7 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 2.59 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Zinc Total ug/L 4.40 10.0 1000 8.91 J <10.0 12.2 <10.0 7.87 J <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 11.1 5.8 J <10.0 <10.0 29.0 Field Dissolved Oxygen m /L NA NA NE 5.32 1.64 1.74 2.11 3.83 6.34 2.14 0.89 2.24 2.05 2.1 0.25 7.07 3.13 Field pH SU NA NA NE 4.79 5.72 5.91 5.98 6.22 7.31 7.03 7.03 6.71 6.15 6.4 6.93 6.33 5.85 Field Specific Conductance uS/cm NA NA NE 256.9 368.2 169.4 249.9 601 964.0 1740 674.0 329.9 316.9 114.3 232.8 137.8 107.2 Field Temperature °C NA NA NE 17.1 19.9 17.6 19.9 17.4 18.2 18.0 19.9 16.7 17.6 18.9 17.7 16.2 21.6 Field Turbidity NTU NA NA NE 4.91 8.52 27.18 6.95 17.40 188 4.06 9.78 5.2 20.78 13.71 9.49 372 38.45 NE: Denotes a NC 2L Standard is not established. J: Denotes Sample result above the MDL but below the MRL; estimated value; value may not be accurate. MDL: Denotes Laboratory Method Detection Limit. MRL: Denotes Laboratory Method Reporting Limit. Denotes a concentration at or above an MRL is also above the 2L Standard: Denotes a concentration is above a 2L Standard, but below the MRL: Field data are last recorded measurement during purging. Samplers inadvertently labeled MW-9 as MW-9S, MW-12R as MW-12S, MW-13R as GMW-13, and MW-14R as GMW-14. Identification above has been adjusted accordingly. MW-15D was also analyzed for dissolved cobalt, with dissolved metal results listed to the right of the total metal results. MW-12R was also analyzed for dissolved arsenic, with dissolved metal results listed to the right of the total metal results. MW-9 was also analyzed for dissolved barium, with dissolved metal results listed to the right of the total metal results. MW-2D was also analyzed for dissolved beryllium, with dissolved metal results listed to the right of the total metal results. MW-8S was also analyzed for dissolved barium, with dissolved metal results listed to the right of the total metal results. TABLE 3 SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL DATA FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Constituent Units NC 2B Standard MDL MRL BG-1 BG-2 SG-3 SG-4 Antimony Total ug/L 640 0.74 2 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Arsenic Total ug/L 10 7.6 10 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Barium Total ug/L 21,000 1.1 10 44.7 28.6 32.2 45.3 Beryllium Total ug/L 6.5 0.16 1 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 Cadmium Total ug/L NE 0.36 1 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 Chromium Total ug/L NE 1.4 10 1.46 J 2.27 J <10.0 1.63 J Cobalt Total ug/L 4 1.4 10 1.52 J 4.06 J 2.32 J 2.12 J Copper Total ug/L NE 1.6 10 1.78 J 2.35 J 3.43 J 2.13 J Lead Total ug/L NE 3.1 10 <10.0 4.47 J <10.0 <10.0 Nickel Total ug/L NE 2.2 10 <10.0 2.31 J <10.0 <10.0 Selenium Total ug/L 5 1.82 2 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Silver Total ug/L 0.06 1.9 10 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Thallium Total ug/L 0.47 0.22 2 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 Vanadium Total ug/L NE 1.4 10 1.86 J 2.59 J 2.38 J 2.62 J Zinc Total ug/L NE 4.4 10 <10.0 <10.0 4.40 J <10.0 Field Dissolved Oxygen mg/L NE NA NA 4.49 4.40 5.28 4.44 Field pH SU NE NA NA 7.22 7.59 8.64 7.66 Field Specific Conductance us/cm NE NA NA 74.4 63.7 109.7 90.0 Field Temperature °C NE NA NA 17.4 18.8 17.2 17.9 Field Turbidity NTU NE NA NA 26.76 1 21.59 1 21.50 23.71 No VOCs were detected above an MRL during this event. NE: Denotes a NC 2B Standard is not established. J: Denotes Sample result above the MDL but below the MRL; estimated value; value may not be accurate. MDL: Denotes Laboratory Method Detection Limit. MRL: Denotes Laboratory Method Reporting Limit. NA: Denotes Not Applicable. Denotes a concentration at or above an MRL is also above the 2B Standard: Denotes a concentration is above a 2B Standard, but below the MRL: TABLE 4 UNDERDRAIN ANALYTICAL DATA FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Constituent Units MDL MRL UD-1 UD-2 UD-3 Antimony Total ug/L 0.740 2.00 <2.00 <2.00 NS Arsenic Total ug/L 7.60 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Barium Total ug/L 1.10 10.0 27.9 64.1 NS Beryllium Total ug/L 0.160 1.00 <1.00 <1.00 NS Cadmium Total ug/L 0.360 1.00 <1.00 <1.00 NS Chromium Total ug/L 1.40 10.0 2.02 J <10.0 NS Cobalt Total ug/L 1.40 10.0 94.1 5.53 J NS Copper Total ug/L 1.60 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Lead Total ug/L 3.10 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Nickel Total ug/L 2.20 10.0 4.40 J 4.33 J NS Selenium Total ug/L 1.82 2.00 <2.00 <2.00 NS Silver Total ug/L 1.90 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Thallium Total ug/L 0.220 2.00 <2.00 <2.00 NS Vanadium Total ug/L 1.40 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Zinc Total ug/L 4.40 10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NS Field Dissolved Oxygen mg/L NA NA 2.92 4.46 NS Field pH SU NA NA 5.93 6.03 NS Field Specific Conductance us/cm NA NA 273.6 85.2 NS Field Temperature °C NA NA 25.3 23.9 NS Field Turbidity NTU NA NA 8.10 5.10 NS No VOCs were detected above an MRL during this event. J: Denotes Sample result above the MDL but below the MRL; estimated value; value may not be accurate. MDL: Denotes Laboratory Method Detection Limit. MRL: Denotes Laboratory Method Reporting Limit. NS: Not Sampled, point dry this event. NA: Denotes Not Applicable. TABLE 5 ENHANCED LINER SYSTEM (ELS) ANALYTICAL DATA FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Constituent UNITS MDL MRL ELS #5 ELS #7 Antimony mg/L 0.00052 0.005 0.00141 0.00343 Arsenic mg/L 0.00086 0.003 0.0192 0.0422 Barium mg/L 0.00089 0.005 0.629 2.55 Beryllium mg/L 0.0002 0.0005 0.00029 <0.000500 Cadmium mg/L 0.000078 0.0005 <0.000500 0.00024 Chromium m /L 0.00160 0.00500 0.00508 J 0.0428 Cobalt mg/L 0.000120 0.000500 0.00998 0.039 Copper m /L 0.00170 0.00500 0.032 0.218 Lead m /L 0.000980 0.00250 0.00089 0.00712 Mercury u /L 0.0800 0.200 <0.200 <0.200 Nickel mg/L 0.0018 0.005 0.034 0.462 Selenium mg/L 0.0012 0.0025 0.00124 0.00305 Silver mg/L 0.00039 0.001 <0.00100 <0.00100 Thallium mg/L 0.00026 0.001 <0.00100 <0.00100 Vanadium mg/L 0.0018 0.01 0.00579 0.0219 Zinc mg/L 0.01 0.02 0.16 0.0916 pH field SU NA NA 6.72 6.35 Specific Conductance field US/cm NA NA 3999+ 3999+ 1,2-Dichloroethane u /L 0.25 1.00 <1.00 0.682 J 1,2-Dichloropropane u /L 0.22 1.00 0.324 J <1.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene u /L 0.310 1.00 9.68 3.98 1,4-dioxane u /L 3.00 10.0 249 791 Benzene u /L 0.270 1.00 11.7 9.28 Chlorobenzene u /L 0.150 1.00 <1.00 2.22 Eth (benzene u /L 0.200 1.00 59.8 32.3 Methyl ethyl ketone u /L 6.4 10.0 <10.0 66.7 Methyl isobut I ketone u /L 2.70 10.0 <10.0 13.8 Styrene u /L 0.270 1.00 0.909 J <1.00 Toluene u /L 0.250 1.00 23.6 2.57 Vinyl chloride u /L 0.400 1.00 1.45 0.523 J X lene total u /L 0.230 1.00 93.2 15.7 Only the VOCs detected are included on this table. J: Denotes Sample result above the MDL but below the MRL; estimated value. MDL: Denotes Laboratory Method Detection Limit. MRL: Denotes Laboratory Method Reporting Limit. NA: Denotes Not Applicable. TABLE 6 LEACHATE ANALYTICAL DATA FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL 2022 EVENT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Constituent UNITS MDL MRL I Leachate Ammonia mg/L 0.500 1.25 370 Antimony, Total mg/L 0.000500 0.00500 0.0466 Arsenic, Total mg/L 0.00150 0.00300 0.249 Barium, Total mg/L 0.000610 0.00500 1.59 Beryllium, Total mg/L 0.000170 0.000500 0.000290 J Biological Oxygen Demand mg/L 0 2.00 708 Cadmium, Total mg/L 0.000150 0.000500 0.000340 J Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L 5.00 10.0 4180 Chromium, Total m /L 0.00160 0.00500 0.512 Cobalt, Total mg/L 0.000120 0.000500 0.0567 Copper, Total m /L 0.00170 0.00500 0.0847 Cyanide mg/L 0.00250 0.0100 0.0217 Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N mg/L 1.00 2.00 884 Lead, Total m /L 0.000980 0.00250 0.006600 Mercury, Total m /L 0.0000800 0.000200 <0.000200 Nickel, Total mg/L 0.00190 0.00500 0.447 Nitrate as N m /L 0.0100 0.0500 0.188 Oil & Grease mg/L 1.4 5.2 11.4 Phenolics, Total Recoverable mg/L 0.0250 0.0500 2.09 Selenium, Total mg/L 0.00100 0.00250 0.006 Silver, Total mg/L 0.000100 0.00100 <0.00100 Sulfate mg/L 2.00 5.00 2840 Thallium, Total m /L 0.000490 0.00100 <0.00100 Total Phosphorus m /L 0.0410 0.100 8.71 Total Suspended Solids m /L 0 50.0 69.0 Vanadium, Total m /L 0.00530 0.0100 0.440 Zinc, Total m /L 0.00960 0.0200 0.0911 1,4-dioxane u /L 1.5 5 159 Methyl butyl ketone u /L 3.2 10 4.48 Methyl isobutyl ketone u /L 2.7 10 19.8 Acetone u /L 37 100 2890 Eth (benzene u /L 0.2 1 1.75 Methyl ethyl ketone u /L 64 100 1940 1,4-Dichlorobenzene u /L 0.31 1 0.481 J Toluene u /L 0.25 1 5.49 X lene total u /L 0.23 1 4.69 pH field SU NA NA 1.33 Specific Conductance field US/cm NA NA 481 Only the VOCs detected are included on this table. J: Denotes Sample result above the MDL but below the MRL; estimated value. H: Sample was prepped or analyzed beyond specified holding time. MDL: Denotes Laboratory Method Detection Limit. MRL: Denotes Laboratory Method Reporting Limit. NA: Denotes Not Applicable. APPENDICES APPENDIX A POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAPS SURFACE WATER SAMPLING LOCATION MAP 00, 00, 0MW-11S I 250.32 [ j ... MW-10S ' I � 250.55 MW-16S \ a e I NM^"" �o ` PROPERTY / o BOUNDARY �- MW-17S ` ONM LID-2 JD-3 I MO-9 259.17 PINCH GUT LID-1 CREEK MENT MW-18S B SIN NO. oNM OMW-19S NM SEDIMENT o I " BASIN NO. 1 O O 2B° MW 205� ' e e NM_ ♦ ' o ` 100 200 300 600 ` ♦ ` C� MScale in Feet ` W-SS ♦ 295.0o Mw_43 , Q Graphic Scale: finch = 300 feet ` 288.51 ��VJJ 7 LEGEND v� 9O MW-3S Groundwater Monitoring Well ' 289.78 Groundwater Elevation (fmsl) a o ( —280— Potentiometric Surface Contour (fmsl) Mw � 0.011 Hydraulic Gradient & MW-3s 9Groundwater Flow Direction 28 Mw-2s uD-z 0 Underdrain Sampling Location 305.30 ` R Note2: Water levels collected by an April 11- 2022. \ I NoteFebruary Date of Aerial Topography February 27, 2016, by Independent Mapping Consultants. Basemap derived from SEDIMENT •° site layout and cell boundaries provided by ESP Associates, P.A. and Civil Design Solutions, Inc. BASIN NO. 4 � ANC ARE J ETT Shallow zone First Semi -Annual 2022 18 Lexington Oaks Court , Forist1 M0 -4654 Potentiometric Surface Map ENVIRONMEN IAL www.j ttenv o4rom C 0 N S u L T I N S Anson Waste Management Facility, Polkton, North Carolina 0245 30R ' ' MW-14R 243.11 R 025152 \. 250 \ I zso / MW-15D 319.80 S 1 `. ,0 ' 2eo 1 1� PROPERTY BOUNDARY ` UD-2 JD-3 PINCH GUT UD-1 CREEK C, B SIN N NO. A a 0 o SEDIMENT ` o C� - - 1 BASIN NO. 1 O G ` o ° MW 5D o �276.00 0 0 o o 100 200 300 600 t9550 ` Scale in Feet Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 300 feet LEGEND . _ e MW-31D Groundwater Monitoring Well 0� 0 / f MW-1D �—/ 288.63 zsosa• � Groundwater Elevation (fmsl) a —280— Potentiometric Surface i _ Contour (fmsl) ` ♦ moo MW-3D i = 0.014 Hydraulic Gradient & 288.63 Groundwater Flow Direction sssD UD-2 • Underdrain Sampling Location ♦ ♦ Skiot No Water levels collected by 5&ME on April 11-1%2022. \2\ fl Note2: Date of Aerial Topography February 27, 2016, by Independent Mapping Consultants. Basemap derived from SEDIMENT site layout and cell boundaries provided by ESP Associates, P.A. and Civil Design Solutions, Inc. L ARE J ETT Dee zone First Semi -Annual 2022 18 Lexington Oaks Court p , Foris 314-40-4654 Potentiometric Surface Map 314-496-4654 C OYN S U L T I N G www.jettenviro.com Anson Waste Management Facility, Polkton, North Carolina m A r . 1SG-3 °sY 1 �\ A BG-2 I GUT EAR \ \ � �p � / •• NORTH MINNGIRATI£ IN, \ \ BINDING 0 250 500 1000 2000 \ N " Scale in Feet Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 1000 feet TEMPDRIRY / \ \ lA4M %UMMT 991MENT tRAPS LEGEND \ � erimiin BG-1 Surface Water Monitoring Point �SE�OIMENT MAP BG-1 IN el: Date of Aerial Topography February 27, 2016, by Independent Mapping Consultants. Basemap derived from site layout and cell boundaries provided by ESP Associates, P.A. and Civil Design Solutions, Inc. JETT ENVIRONMEN IAL C 0 N S U L T I N G 18 Lexington Oaks Court Surface Water Sampling Location Map Foristell, MO 63348 314Anson Waste Management Facility, Polkton, North Carolina www.jettenviro.com nvlro. Groundwater Elevation Summary Table Anson Waste Management Facility Well Top of PVC Casing Elevation (fmsl)' Depth to Water (ft)2 Groundwater fmsl Elevation ( ) Shallow Wells MW-2S 318.00 12.70 305.30 MW-3S 295.87 6.09 289.78 MW-4S 294.29 5.78 288.51 MW-5S 282.15 6.01 276.14 MW-8S 311.85 16.85 295.00 MW-9 274.58 15.41 259.17 MW-10S 264.76 14.21 250.55 MW-11 S 258.68 8.36 250.32 MW-16S 279.12 NM NM MW-17S 278.92 NM NM MW-18S 277.20 NM NM MW-19S 294.68 NM NM MW-20S 286.00 NM NM Deep Wells MW-1 D 309.69 19.15 290.54 MW-2D 317.74 15.75 301.99 MW-3D 295.60 6.97 288.63 MW-4D 294.16 9.14 285.02 MW-5D 281.94 5.94 276.00 MW-8D 311.61 16.11 295.50 MW-12R 261.06 9.54 251.52 MW-13R 278.01 32.71 245.30 MW-14R 282.12 39.01 243.11 MW-15D 332.90 13.10 319.80 Note 1: Wells MW-1 through MW-9 Top of PVC Casing Elevations from Table 1 of the Baseline Sampling Report dated June 2001 by Almes & Associates, Inc., with the exception of MW-9, which was provided by Lawrence Associates in email correspondence dated December 22, 2011. Wells MW-10S through MW-15D Top of PVC Casing Elevations from Table 1 of the Phase 3 Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report dated April 9, 2019 by Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC). Wells MW-16S through MW-20S Top of PVC Casing Elevations from Table 1 of the Design Hydrogeological Investigation Report for the Phase 5 Expansion Area dated March 13, 2018 by CEC. Wells MW-12R, MW-13R, and MW-14R Top of PVC Casing Elevations provided by Lawrence Associates in email correspondence dated October 8, 2020. Note 2: Depth to water measurements collected by S&ME on April 11-19, 2022. Note 3: According to S&ME, wells MW-16S, MW-17S, MW-18S, MW-19S, and MW-20S were inaccessible and not measured. Groundwater Flow Velocity Calculations Anson Waste Management Facility First Semi -Annual 2022 Event Shallow Zone Velocity V = [(k)(i)]/(n) V = [(4.8x10-4 cm/sec)(0.016 ft/ft]/O.11 V = 7.Ox10-1 cm/sec V = 0.20 ft/day V = 73 ft/yr Deep Zone Velocity V = [(k)(i)]/(n) V = [(5.2x10-4 cm/sec)(0.037 ft/ft]/O.18 V = 1.07x10-4 cm/sec V = 0.30 ft/day V = 109.5 ft/yr Hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity values from the following document: Design Hydrogeologic Report, Phase 2 Expansion, Anson Waste Management Facility. Dated February 2008 by ESP Associates, P.A. & David Garrett & Associates. Conversion factor: ft/day = 2,835 x cm/sec. Shallow Zone Gradient (i) is from the average gradient at site using the potentiometric surface map from Point A to Point B. Gradient (i) = Change in Groundwater Elevation along Flow Path is From Point A (300 contour) to Point B (260 contour) = 40 ft / 2529 ft = 0.016 ft/ft Deep Zone Gradient (i) is from the average gradient at site using the potentiometric surface map from Point A to Point B. Gradient (i) = Change in Groundwater Elevation along Flow Path West -Northwest is From Point A (310 contour) to Point B (250 contour) = 60 ft / 1019 ft = 0.059 ft/ft South -Northwest is From Point A (300 contour) to Point B (250 contour) = 50 ft / 3546 ft = 0.014 ft/ft Average is (0.059 ft/ft + 0.014 ft/ft) / 2 = 0.037 ft/ft APPENDIX B STATISTICAL EVALUATIONS Prediction Limit Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Printed 6/15/2022, 11:13 AM Constituent Well Uooer Lim. Lower Lim. Date Observ. Sic. Ba N Ba Mean Std. Day. %NDs ND Adi. Transform Atha Method Barium Total (mg/L) MW-8S 2.6 n/a 4/15/2022 2.22 No 40 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a 04001159 NP Intra (normality) 1 of 2 Barium Total (mg/L) MW-9 0.64 n/a 4/14/2022 0.739 Yes 17 -0.5938 0.08497 0 None In(x) 0.00438 Param Intra 1 of 2 Beryllium Total (mg/L) MW-2D 0.0055 n/a 4/15/2022 0.00498 No 27 n/a n/a 29.63 n/a n/a 0.002502 NP Intra (normality) 1 of 2 Cobalt Total (mg/L) MW-2D 0.0084 n/a 4/15/2022 0.016 Yes 27 0.00004308000016M.22 Kaplan -Meier xA2 0.00438 Param Intra 1 of 2 Cobalt Total (mg/L) MW-15D 0.0050 n/a 4/11/2022 0.0125 Yes 4 n/a n/a 100 n/a n/a 0.06138 NP Intra (NDs) 1 of 2 Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Within Limit 3 2.4 J 1.8 0) E 1.2 0 4- 11 /1 /00 Prediction Limit Intrawell Non -parametric 2/15/05 6/1 /09 9/15/13 12/30/17 4/15/22 ■ MW-8S background ♦ MW-8S compliance Limit = 2.6 Non -parametric test used in lieu of parametric prediction limit because the Shapiro Wilk normality test showed the data to be non -normal at the 0.01 alpha level. Limit is highest of 40 background values. Well -constituent pair annual alpha = 0.002316. Individual comparison alpha = 0.001159 (1 of 2). Distribution was found to be non -normal after removal of suspect values, so outliers could not be identified. Constituent: Barium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:10 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Exceeds Limit 1.M 0.48 E 0.32 0.16 0 4- 7/19/11 Prediction Limit Intrawell Parametric 9/10/13 11 /3/15 12/27/17 2/19/20 4/14/22 ■ MW-9 background ♦ MW-9 compliance Limit = 0.64 Background Data Summary (based on natural log transformation): Mean=-0.5938, Std. Dev.=0.08497, n=17. Normality test: Shapiro Wilk @alpha = 0.05, calculated = 0.989, critical = 0.892. Kappa = 1.743 (c=3, w=4, 1 of 2, event alpha = 0.05132). Report alpha = 0.00438. Dixon's outlier test was performed on the background data. One background outlier was removed: 0.967 (10/20/2016). Constituent: Barium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:10 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. Within Limit 0.006 0.0048 0.0036 0) E 0.0024 0.0012 0 10/31 /00 Prediction Limit Intrawell Non -parametric 2/14/05 5/31 /09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 ■ MW-21D background ♦ MW-21D compliance Limit = 0.0055 Non -parametric test used in lieu of parametric prediction limit because the Shapiro Wilk normality test showed the data to be non -normal at the 0.01 alpha level. Limit is highest of 27 background values. 29.63% NDs. Well -constituent pair annual alpha = 0.004998. Individual comparison alpha = 0.002502 (1 of 2). Distribution was found to be non - normal after removal of suspect values, so outliers could not be identified. Constituent: Beryllium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:10 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. Exceeds Limit 0.02 M1 0.012 E MOO A; 0 ! 10/31 /00 Prediction Limit Intrawell Parametric 2/14/05 5/31 /09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 ■ MW-2D background ♦ MW-2D compliance Limit = 0.0084 Background Data Summary (based on square transformation) (after Kaplan -Meier Adjustment): Mean=0.00004309, Std. Dev.=0.00001692, n=27, 22.22% NDs. Normality test: Shapiro Wilk @alpha = 0.01, calculated = 0.9078, critical = 0.894. Kappa = 1.633 (c=3, w=4, 1 of 2, event alpha = 0.05132). Report alpha = 0.00438. EPA 1989 outlier screening was performed on the background data (to establish suspected outliers for Dixon's/Rosner's). No background outliers were found. Constituent: Cobalt Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:10 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. Exceeds Limit 0.02 0.016 0.012 E 0.008 0.004 0 10/9/18 Prediction Limit Intrawell Non -parametric 6/22/19 3/4/20 11 /15/20 7/29/21 4/11 /22 ■ MW-15D background ♦ MW-15D compliance Limit = 0.0050 Non -parametric test used in lieu of parametric prediction limit because censored data exceeded 50%. All background values (n = 4) were censored; limit is most recent reporting limit. Well -constituent pair annual alpha = 0.119. Individual comparison alpha = 0.06138 (1 of 2). Distribution was found to be non -normal after removal of suspect values, so outliers could not be identified. Constituent: Cobalt Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:10 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty TIME SERIES PLOTS Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.06 0.048 0.036 J E 0.024 0.012 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Antimony Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.08 0.064 0.048 J E 0.032 0.016 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Arsenic Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG 4 3.2 2.4 J E ' 1.6 0.8 — 0 P 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Barium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.05 0.04 0.03 J E 0.02 0.01 0 1:— 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Beryllium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.06 0.048 0.036 J E 0.024 0.012 0 10/30/00 Time Series A 11 � 11 11�1� 11 _lY�IILJL9Y9�YLYLY 11 1 AL.4" �LY� 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Cadmium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. J CM E 0.5 I 0.4 I 0.3 0.2 0.1 Time Series a 0 10/30/00 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Chromium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. J E 0.2 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0` Time Series yY L�� 4.,7♦ i,' , -T 10/30/00 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 Constituent: Cobalt Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 2 1.6 1.2 J E 0.8 0.4 0 �k 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Copper Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.3 0.24 0.18 J 0) E 0.12 0.06 0 +,* ,Y 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Lead Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. J 0 E 0.7 0.56 0.42 0.28 1 0.14 0 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Nickel Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. Time Series 0.02 0.016 0.012 J E 0.008 0.004 0 • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11S 10/30/00 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Selenium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 3 2.4 1.8 J E 1.2 0.6 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Silver Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.03 0.024 0.018 J E 0.012 0.006 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Thallium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.6 0.48 0.36 J E 0.24 0.12 0 ! �,j, 10/30/00 Time Series 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Vanadium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-2S (bg) MW-3S MW-4S MW-5S MW-8S MW-9 MW-10S MW-11 S Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.8 0.64 0.48 J E 0.32 0.16 Time Series ,., t �' o _,tlt,.�., �- — 2/14/05 6/1 /09 9/16/13 1 /1 /18 4/19/22 Constituent: Zinc Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:20 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty • MW-2S (bg) ♦ MW-3S ■ MW-4S ♦ MW-5S ♦ MW-8S ♦ MW-9 ♦ MW-10S ♦ MW-11S Sanitas'" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.007 0.0056 0.0042 J E 0.0028 0.0014 0 10/30/00 Time Series vvP� MVP i�i�L]LL�� �P�1 A ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-M MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ I MW-13R MW-14R 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Antimony Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.03 0.024 0.018 J E 0.012 0.006 Time Series „ Ir 10/30/00 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Arsenic Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 1 0.8 0.6 J E 0.4 0.2 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Barium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-1 D (bg) MW-2D (bg) MW-3D MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.006 0.0048 0.0036 J E of ! 0.0012 0 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Beryllium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-1 D (bg) MW-2D (bg) MVW- MW-4D MW-5D ivi vv-cw MW-15D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.003 0.0024 0.0018 J E 0.0012 0.0006 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Cadmium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.01 0.008 0.006 J E 0.004 0.002 0 10/30/00 Time Series I U r1 U 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Chromium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MVW- ♦ MW-4D MW-5D A Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.02 0.016 0.012 J E 0.008 0.004 Time Series I� v w 0 10/30/00 ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Cobalt Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:27 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.4 0.32 0.24 J E 0.16 0.08 0q, -, V-:= 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Copper Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-1 D (bg) MW-2D (bg) MW• MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.02 0.016 0.012 J E 0.008 0.004 Time Series 10/30/00 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Lead Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) ♦ MW-3D ♦ MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.2 0.16 0.12 J E 0.08 0.04 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series I 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Nickel Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-1 D (bg) MW-2D (bg) MW• MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. Time Series 0.01 0.008 0.006 J I 0.004 I 0.002 4 0 10/30/00 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Selenium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 3 2.4 1.8 J E 1.2 0.6 0 'TTII 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Silver Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty MW-1 D (bg) MW-2D (bg) MW-3D MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D MW-12R MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.02 0.016 0.012 J E 0.008 0.004 0 ! 10/30/00 Time Series 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Thallium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.03 0.024 0.018 J E 0.012 I 0.006 1 0 10/30/00 Time Series 1`7 ran, 1 ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D ♦ Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R MW-14R 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Vanadium Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty Sanitas" v.9.6.34 Software licensed to Jett Environmental Consulting. UG Hollow symbols indicate censored values. 0.04 0.032 0.024 J E 0.016 0.008 0 10/30/00 Time Series 1 �P 1F♦ 11 IF � ♦ MW-1 D (bg) ■ MW-2D (bg) MW• ♦ MW-4D MW-5D Mid-8D MW-15D ♦ MW-12R ■ MW-13R F MW-14R 2/13/05 5/30/09 9/14/13 12/29/17 4/15/22 Constituent: Zinc Total Analysis Run 6/15/2022 11:28 AM Anson County LF Client: Waste Connections Data: AnsonCounty APPENDIX C LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS FIELD SAMPLING FORMS urofins Environment Testing America ANALYTICAL REPORT Eurofins Savannah 5102 LaRoche Avenue Savannah, GA 31404 Tel: (912)354-7858 Laboratory Job ID: 680-214585-1 Client Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa r: S&ME, Inc. Attn Accounts Payable 644 Eastern Star Rd Kingsport, Tennessee 37663 Attn: Lindsey Harris r Authorized for release by. 51512022 8:14:39 PM Noel Savoie, Project Manager 1 (850)254-0107 Noel.Savoie@et.eurofinsus.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC, 2009 TNI, and 2016 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. Definitions/Glossary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description LCS and/or LCSD is outside acceptance limits, low biased. *+ LCS and/or LCSD is outside acceptance limits, high biased. J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Metals Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. n Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CFU Colony Forming Unit CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re -analysis, Re -extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MCL EPA recommended "Maximum Contaminant Lever' MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) MPN Most Probable Number MQL Method Quantitation Limit NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) NEG Negative / Absent POS Positive / Present PQL Practical Quantitation Limit PRIES Presumptive QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TNTC Too Numerous To Count Job ID: 680-214585-1 Eurofins Savannah Page 2 of 28 5/5/2022 Sample Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Matrix Water Water Collected Received 04/26/2210:35 04/27/2210:15 04/26/2210:50 04/27/2210:15 Job ID: 680-214585-1 Page 3 of 28 Eurofins Savannah 5/5/2022 Case Narrative Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Job ID: 680-214585-1 Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah Narrative Job Narrative 680-214585-1 Comments No additional comments. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Receipt The samples were received on 4/27/2022 10:15 AM. Unless otherwise noted below, the samples arrived in good condition, and where required, properly preserved and on ice. The temperature of the cooler at receipt was 3.60 C. GC/MS VOA Method 8260D SIM: The following sample(s) was collected in a properly preserved vial; however, the pH was outside the required criteria when verified by the laboratory. The sample was analyzed within the 7-day holding time specified for unpreserved samples: ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 (680-214585-2). Method 8260D SIM: The following samples were diluted to bring the concentration of target analytes within the calibration range: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 (680-214585-1) and ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 (680-214585-2). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. Method 8260D: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for analytical batch 680-718616 recovered outside control limits for the following analyte: 2-Hexanone. 2-Hexanone has been identified as a poor performing analyte when analyzed using this method; therefore, re-extraction/re-analysis was not performed. These results have been reported and qualified. Method 8260D: The laboratory control sample/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCS/LCSD) for analytical batch 680-718616 recovered outside control limits for the following analyte: Chloromethane. This analyte was biased high in the LCS/LCSD and were not detected in the associated samples; therefore, the data have been reported. Method 8260D: Insufficient sample volume was available to perform a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) associated with analytical batch 680-718616. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals Method 7470A: The following samples for metals were received unpreserved and were preserved upon receipt to the laboratory: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 (680-214585-1) and ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 (680-214585-2). Regulatory documents require a 24-hour waiting period from the time of the addition of the acid preservative to the time of digestion. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. VOA Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Eurofins Savannah Page 4 of 28 5/5/2022 Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:35 Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier 1,4-Dioxane 249 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Dibromofluoromethane 100 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 Method: 8260D -Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier Acetone <3.70 Acrylonitrile <5.50 Benzene 11.7 Bromochloromethane <0.340 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 Bromoform <0.590 Bromomethane <3.70 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.40 Carbon disulfide <0.430 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 Chlorobenzene <0.150 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 Chloroethane <4.60 Chloroform <0.270 Chloromethane <0.540 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 Dibromomethane <0.340 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 9.68 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.324 J Ethylbenzene 59.8 2-Hexanone <3.20 lodomethane <3.90 Methylene Chloride <3.20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.70 Styrene 0.909 J 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 Toluene 23.6 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 F Job ID: 680-214585-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-1 Matrix: Water RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 10.0 3.00 ug/L 05/03/2219:10 Limits Prepared Analyzed 50 - 150 05/03/22 19:10 50 - 150 05103122 19:10 50 - 150 05103122 19:10 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/02/2218:42 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 Page 5 of 28 Eurofins Savannah 5/5/2022 Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L - 05/01/2217:24 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/2217:24 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/01/2217:24 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1 Vinyl chloride 1.45 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1 Xylenes, Total 93.2 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 17:24 1 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 102 70 - 130 05101122 17.24 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05/02/22 18:42 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 106 70 - 130 05101122 17:24 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 108 70 - 130 05102122 18:42 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 97 60- 124 05101122 17:24 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 106 60- 124 05102122 18:42 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 109 70 - 130 05101122 17:24 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 105 70 - 130 05/02/22 18:42 1 Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony 0.00141 J 0.00500 0.000520 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Arsenic 0.0192 0.00300 0.000860 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Barium 0.629 0.00500 0.000890 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Beryllium 0.000290 J 0.000500 0.000200 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Cadmium <0.0000780 0.000500 0.0000780 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Chromium 0.00508 0.00500 0.00260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Cobalt 0.00998 0.000500 0.000220 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Copper 0.0320 0.00500 0.000900 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Lead 0.000890 J 0.00250 0.000340 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Nickel 0.0340 0.00500 0.00180 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Selenium 0.00124 J 0.00250 0.00120 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Silver <0.000390 0.00100 0.000390 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:38 1 Thallium <0.000260 0.00100 0.000260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/0312216:38 1 Vanadium 0.00579 J 0.0100 0.00180 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/0312216:38 1 Zinc 0.160 0.0200 0.0100 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/0312216:38 1 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury <0.0800 0.200 0.0800 ug/L 05/02/2214:18 05/03/2211:43 1 Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-2 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:50 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed oil Fac 1,4-Dioxane 791 50.0 15.0 ug/L 05/0312218:45 50 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dfl Fac Dibromofluoromethane 103 50 - 150 05103122 18:45 50 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 50 - 150 05/03/22 18:45 50 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 05/03/22 18:45 50 Eurofins Savannah Page 6 of 28 5/5/2022 Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:50 Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier Acetone <3.70 Acrylonitrile <5.50 Benzene 9.28 Bromochloromethane <0.340 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 Bromoform <0.590 Bromomethane <3.70 2-Butanone (MEK) 66.7 Carbon disulfide <0.430 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 Chlorobenzene 2.22 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 Chloroethane <4.60 Chloroform <0.270 Chloromethane <0.540 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 Dibromomethane <0.340 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3.98 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.682 J 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 Ethylbenzene 32.3 2-Hexanone <3.20 lodomethane <3.90 Methylene Chloride <3.20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 13.8 Styrene <0.270 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 Toluene 2.57 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 Trichloroethene <0.200 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 Vinyl acetate <0.690 Vinyl chloride 0.523 J Xylenes, Total 15.7 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 101 Job ID: 680-214585-1 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-2 Matrix: Water RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/02/2219:05 1 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:44 1 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:44 1 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 17:44 1 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/0112217:44 1 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/0112217:44 1 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/2217:44 1 Limits Prepared Analyzed DU Fac 70 - 130 05101122 17:44 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 7 of 28 5/5/2022 Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Job ID: 680-214585-1 Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-2 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:50 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 102 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 110 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 94 60- 124 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 104 60- 124 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 109 70 - 130 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 106 70 - 130 Method: 6020E - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL Antimony 0.00343 J 0.00500 Arsenic 0.0422 0.00300 Barium 2.55 0.00500 Beryllium <0.000200 0.000500 Cadmium 0.000240 J 0.000500 Chromium 0.0428 0.00500 Cobalt 0.0390 0.000500 Copper 0.218 0.00500 Lead 0.00712 0.00250 Nickel 0.462 0.00500 Selenium 0.00305 0.00250 Silver <0.000390 0.00100 Thallium <0.000260 0.00100 Vanadium 0.0219 0.0100 Zinc 0.0916 0.0200 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Analyte Result Qualifier RL Mercury <0.0800 0.200 Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 05102122 19:05 1 05101122 17:44 1 05102122 19:05 1 05101122 17:44 1 05102122 19:05 1 05101122 17:44 1 05102122 19:05 1 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.000520 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000860 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000890 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000200 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.0000780 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.00260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000220 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000900 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000340 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05103/2216:41 1 0.00180 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.00120 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000390 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.000260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.00180 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 0.0100 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:41 1 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.0800 ug/L 05/02/2214:18 05/03/2211:45 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 8 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS Job ID: 680-214585-1 FLab Sample ID: MB 680-718541/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Acetone <3.70 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Acrylonitrile <5.50 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Benzene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Bromochloromethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 Bromoform <0.590 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 Bromomethane <3.70 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.40 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Carbon disulfide <0.430 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chlorobenzene <0.150 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloroethane <4.60 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloroform <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloromethane <0.540 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Dibromomethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Ethylbenzene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 2-Hexanone <3.20 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 lodomethane <3.90 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Methylene Chloride <3.20 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.70 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Styrene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 Toluene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/0112213:37 1 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Vinyl chloride <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Xylenes, Total <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 9 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Job ID: 680-214585-1 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718541/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fa 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 103 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 • Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 90 60- 124 05101122 13:37 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 110 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718541/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Analyte Spike Added LCS LCS Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec %Rec Limits Acetone 250 204.1 ug/L 82 67 - 120 Acrylonitrile 500 457.7 ug/L 92 70 - 130 Benzene 50.0 47.74 ug/L 95 70 - 130 Bromochloromethane 50.0 48.72 ug/L 97 70 - 130 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 48.32 ug/L 97 70 - 130 Bromoform 50.0 50.81 ug/L 102 69 - 129 Bromomethane 50.0 51.64 ug/L 103 28 - 192 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 217.7 ug/L 87 69 - 120 Carbon disulfide 50.0 40.77 ug/L 82 70 - 130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 46.76 ug/L 94 70 - 130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.39 ug/L 103 70 - 130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 49.42 ug/L 99 70 - 130 Chloroethane 50.0 54.47 ug/L 109 31 - 213 Chloroform 50.0 47.53 ug/L 95 70 - 130 Chloromethane 50.0 41.61 ug/L 83 59 - 127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.34 ug/L 95 70 - 130 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 51.87 ug/L 104 70 - 130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 50.69 ug/L 101 70 - 130 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50.0 51.48 ug/L 103 70 - 130 Dibromomethane 50.0 48.79 ug/L 98 70 - 130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.37 ug/L 105 70 - 130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.62 ug/L 103 70 - 130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.36 ug/L 91 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.55 ug/L 99 70 - 130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 42.92 ug/L 86 70-130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 49.82 ug/L 100 70 - 130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.38 ug/L 103 70 - 130 2-Hexanone 250 235.3 ug/L 94 70 - 130 lodomethane 50.0 42.62 ug/L 85 52 - 129 Methylene Chloride 50.0 43.05 ug/L 86 70 - 130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 248.7 ug/L 99 68 - 120 Styrene 50.0 51.96 ug/L 104 70 - 130 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 53.54 ug/L 107 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 48.69 ug/L 97 70-130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 51.54 ug/L 103 70 - 130 Toluene 50.0 49.96 ug/L 100 70 - 130 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 46.46 ug/L 93 67-120 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 43.05 ug/L 86 70 - 130 Eurofins Savannah Page 10 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718541/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.53 ug/L 107 70 - 130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 43.22 ug/L 86 70-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 50.50 ug/L 101 70-130 Trichloroethene 50.0 50.31 ug/L 101 70 - 130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 52.74 ug/L 105 63 - 142 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 51.05 ug/L 102 70 - 130 Vinyl acetate 100 103.0 ug/L 103 67 - 135 Vinyl chloride 50.0 43.49 ug/L 87 66 - 129 Xylenes, Total 100 99.61 ug/L 100 70 - 130 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 98 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 99 60 - 124 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 70 - 130 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718541/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Acetone 250 210.7 ug/L 84 67 - 120 3 30 Acrylonitrile 500 465.7 ug/L 93 70 - 130 2 30 Benzene 50.0 48.34 ug/L 97 70 - 130 1 30 Bromochloromethane 50.0 49.04 ug/L 98 70 - 130 1 30 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 49.37 ug/L 99 70 - 130 2 30 Bromoform 50.0 51.33 ug/L 103 69 - 129 1 30 Bromomethane 50.0 54.04 ug/L 108 28 - 192 5 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 227.9 ug/L 91 69 - 120 5 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 41.59 ug/L 83 70 - 130 2 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 48.08 ug/L 96 70 - 130 3 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.95 ug/L 104 70 - 130 1 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 49.83 ug/L 100 70 - 130 1 30 Chloroethane 50.0 56.92 ug/L 114 31 - 213 4 30 Chloroform 50.0 48.25 ug/L 97 70 - 130 2 30 Chloromethane 50.0 42.76 ug/L 86 59 - 127 3 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.81 ug/L 96 70 - 130 1 30 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.79 ug/L 106 70 - 130 2 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 52.10 ug/L 104 70 - 130 3 30 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50.0 52.20 ug/L 104 70 - 130 1 30 Dibromomethane 50.0 48.95 ug/L 98 70 - 130 0 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.76 ug/L 106 70 - 130 1 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.04 ug/L 104 70 - 130 1 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.88 ug/L 92 70-130 1 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.61 ug/L 101 70 - 130 2 50 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 44.05 ug/L 88 70-130 3 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 50.42 ug/L 101 70 - 130 1 20 Ethylbenzene 50.0 52.26 ug/L 105 70 - 130 2 20 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 11 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Job ID: 680-214585-1 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718541/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 2-Hexanone 250 242.1 ug/L 97 70 - 130 3 20 lodomethane 50.0 42.75 ug/L 86 52 - 129 0 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 43.77 ug/L 88 70 - 130 2 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 253.7 ug/L 101 68 - 120 2 30 Styrene 50.0 53.20 ug/L 106 70 - 130 2 30 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 54.67 ug/L 109 70-130 2 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 49.16 ug/L 98 70-130 1 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 53.10 ug/L 106 70 - 130 3 30 Toluene 50.0 50.70 ug/L 101 70 - 130 1 30 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 47.54 ug/L 95 67 - 120 2 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 43.51 ug/L 87 70 - 130 1 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.89 ug/L 108 70 - 130 1 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 44.15 ug/L 88 70-130 2 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 51.24 ug/L 102 70-130 1 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 51.59 ug/L 103 70 - 130 3 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 53.06 ug/L 106 63 - 142 1 30 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 52.54 ug/L 105 70 - 130 3 30 Vinyl acetate 100 105.9 ug/L 106 67 - 135 3 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 44.24 ug/L 88 66 - 129 2 30 Xylenes, Total 100 101.0 ug/L 101 70 - 130 1 30 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 98 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 99 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 100 60- 124 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 106 70 - 130 rLab Sample ID: MB 680-718616/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718616 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Acetone <3.70 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Acrylonitrile <5.50 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Benzene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Bromochloromethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Bromoform <0.590 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Bromomethane <3.70 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.40 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Carbon disulfide <0.430 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Chlorobenzene <0.150 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Chloroethane <4.60 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Chloroform <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Chloromethane <0.540 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 12 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Job ID: 680-214585-1 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718616/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718616 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Dibromomethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 Ethylbenzene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 2-Hexanone <3.20 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 lodomethane <3.90 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Methylene Chloride <3.20 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.70 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Styrene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Toluene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/0212213:32 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Vinyl chloride <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 Xylenes, Total <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/02/22 13:32 1 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dfl Fac 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 96 70 - 130 05102122 13:32 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 121 70 - 130 05102122 13:32 1 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 110 60- 124 05102122 13:32 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 70 - 130 05/02/22 13:32 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718616/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718616 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Acetone 250 213.6 ug/L 85 67 -120 Acrylonitrile 500 436.0 ug/L 87 70 - 130 Benzene 50.0 46.27 ug/L 93 70 - 130 Bromochloromethane 50.0 48.09 ug/L 96 70 - 130 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 45.58 ug/L 91 70 - 130 Eurofins Savannah Page 13 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718616/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718616 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Bromoform 50.0 42.69 ug/L 85 69 - 129 Bromomethane 50.0 56.62 ug/L 113 28 - 192 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 197.8 ug/L 79 69 - 120 Carbon disulfide 50.0 54.43 ug/L 109 70 - 130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 42.44 ug/L 85 70 - 130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 45.80 ug/L 92 70 - 130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 39.94 ug/L 80 70 - 130 Chloroethane 50.0 56.05 ug/L 112 31 - 213 Chloroform 50.0 47.90 ug/L 96 70 - 130 Chloromethane 50.0 73.41 .+ ug/L 147 59 - 127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 46.69 ug/L 93 70 - 130 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 42.50 ug/L 85 70 - 130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 38.91 ug/L 78 70 - 130 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50.0 39.41 ug/L 79 70 - 130 Dibromomethane 50.0 44.30 ug/L 89 70 - 130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 47.96 ug/L 96 70 - 130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 46.56 ug/L 93 70 - 130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.71 ug/L 99 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 47.63 ug/L 95 70 - 130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 48.01 ug/L 96 70-130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 45.80 ug/L 92 70 - 130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 45.62 ug/L 91 70 - 130 2-Hexanone 250 173.7 `- ug/L 69 70 - 130 lodomethane 50.0 48.23 ug/L 96 52 - 129 Methylene Chloride 50.0 42.64 ug/L 85 70 - 130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 184.8 ug/L 74 68 - 120 Styrene 50.0 44.05 ug/L 88 70 - 130 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 47.06 ug/L 94 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.05 ug/L 102 70-130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 40.11 ug/L 80 70 - 130 Toluene 50.0 41.34 ug/L 83 70 - 130 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 36.78 ug/L 74 67-120 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.91 ug/L 102 70 - 130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 41.04 ug/L 82 70 - 130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 39.52 ug/L 79 70-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 42.21 ug/L 84 70-130 Trichloroethene 50.0 42.42 ug/L 85 70 - 130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 64.05 ug/L 128 63 - 142 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 46.26 ug/L 93 70 - 130 Vinyl acetate 100 97.91 ug/L 98 67 - 135 Vinyl chloride 50.0 51.18 ug/L 102 66 - 129 Xylenes, Total 100 90.27 ug/L 90 70 - 130 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 104 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 104 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 96 60 - 124 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 70 - 130 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 14 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Job ID: 680-214585-1 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718616/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718616 Spike LCSD LCSD °/Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Acetone 250 217.3 ug/L 87 67 - 120 2 30 Acrylonitrile 500 438.8 ug/L 88 70 - 130 1 30 Benzene 50.0 46.70 ug/L 93 70 - 130 1 30 Bromochloromethane 50.0 47.48 ug/L 95 70 - 130 1 30 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 45.81 ug/L 92 70 - 130 1 30 Bromoform 50.0 43.02 ug/L 86 69 - 129 1 30 Bromomethane 50.0 52.35 ug/L 105 28 - 192 8 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 201.6 ug/L 81 69 - 120 2 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 53.30 ug/L 107 70 - 130 2 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 42.95 ug/L 86 70 - 130 1 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 45.94 ug/L 92 70 - 130 0 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 41.29 ug/L 83 70 - 130 3 30 Chloroethane 50.0 51.11 ug/L 102 31 - 213 9 30 Chloroform 50.0 47.86 ug/L 96 70 - 130 0 30 Chloromethane 50.0 77.98 *+ ug/L 156 59 - 127 6 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.04 ug/L 94 70 - 130 1 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 42.73 ug/L 85 70 - 130 1 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 39.02 ug/L 78 70 - 130 0 30 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50.0 41.16 ug/L 82 70 - 130 4 30 Dibromomethane 50.0 45.19 ug/L 90 70 - 130 2 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 47.95 ug/L 96 70 - 130 0 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 46.39 ug/L 93 70 - 130 0 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.73 ug/L 99 70-130 0 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 47.00 ug/L 94 70 - 130 1 50 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.58 ug/L 103 70-130 7 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 46.94 ug/L 94 70 - 130 2 20 Ethylbenzene 50.0 45.90 ug/L 92 70 - 130 1 20 2-Hexanone 250 182.5 ug/L 73 70 - 130 5 20 lodomethane 50.0 48.35 ug/L 97 52 - 129 0 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 42.77 ug/L 86 70 - 130 0 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 193.6 ug/L 77 68 - 120 5 30 Styrene 50.0 44.71 ug/L 89 70 - 130 1 30 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 47.03 ug/L 94 70-130 0 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.73 ug/L 103 70-130 1 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 41.33 ug/L 83 70 - 130 3 30 Toluene 50.0 42.40 ug/L 85 70 - 130 3 30 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 36.53 ug/L 73 67 - 120 1 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.56 ug/L 103 70 - 130 1 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 41.50 ug/L 83 70 - 130 1 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 41.15 ug/L 82 70-130 4 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 42.92 ug/L 86 70-130 2 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 43.66 ug/L 87 70 - 130 3 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 48.52 ug/L 97 63 - 142 28 30 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 47.35 ug/L 95 70 - 130 2 30 Vinyl acetate 100 80.36 ug/L 80 67 - 135 20 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 53.58 ug/L 107 66 - 129 5 30 Xylenes, Total 100 91.13 ug/L 91 70 - 130 1 30 Eurofins Savannah Page 15 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-71861615 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718616 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 105 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 104 70 - 130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 97 60 - 124 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 70 - 130 F Job ID: 680-214585-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Prep Type: Total/NA 0 Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Lab Sample ID: MB 400-576242/4 Client Sample ID: Method Blank C Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 576242 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/03/2217:55 1 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Dibromofluoromethane 102 50 - 150 05103122 17:55 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 50 - 150 05103122 17:55 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 05103122 17:55 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 400-576242/1002 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 576242 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,4-Dioxane 10.0 10.48 ug/L 105 50 - 150 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 50 - 150 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 91 50 - 150 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-1 MS Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 576242 Sample Sample Spike MS MS %Rec Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,4-Dioxane 249 100 333.5 ug/L 85 50 - 150 MS MS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 50 - 150 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 90 50 - 150 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 Page 16 of 28 Eurofins Savannah 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GUMS) (Continued) Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-1 MSD Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 576242 Sample Sample Spike MSD MSD %Rec RPD Analyte Result Qualifier Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,4-Dioxane 249 100 374.1 ug/L 126 50 - 150 11 50 MSD MSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 50 - 150 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 91 50 - 150 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 50 - 150 Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718741/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718995 Prep Batch: 718741 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.000520 0.00500 0.000520 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Arsenic <0.000860 0.00300 0.000860 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Barium <0.000890 0.00500 0.000890 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Beryllium <0.000200 0.000500 0.000200 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Cadmium <0.0000780 0.000500 0.0000780 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Chromium <0.00260 0.00500 0.00260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Cobalt <0.000220 0.000500 0.000220 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Copper <0.000900 0.00500 0.000900 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Lead <0.000340 0.00250 0.000340 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Nickel <0.00180 0.00500 0.00180 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05103/2216:07 1 Selenium <0.00120 0.00250 0.00120 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05103/2216:07 1 Silver <0.000390 0.00100 0.000390 mg/L 05102/2214:01 05103/2216:07 1 Thallium <0.000260 0.00100 0.000260 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Vanadium <0.00180 0.0100 0.00180 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Zinc <0.0100 0.0200 0.0100 mg/L 05/02/2214:01 05/03/2216:07 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718741/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718995 Prep Batch: 718741 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Antimony 0.0500 0.04957 mg/L 99 80 - 120 Arsenic 0.100 0.1002 mg/L 100 80 - 120 Barium 0.100 0.09854 mg/L 99 80 - 120 Beryllium 0.0500 0.04909 mg/L 98 80 - 120 Cadmium 0.0500 0.05042 mg/L 101 80 - 120 Chromium 0.100 0.1030 mg/L 103 80 - 120 Cobalt 0.0500 0.05227 mg/L 105 80 - 120 Copper 0.0991 0.1087 mg/L 110 80 - 120 Lead 0.505 0.4960 mg/L 98 80 - 120 Nickel 0.0990 0.1055 mg/L 107 80 - 120 Selenium 0.100 0.09475 mg/L 95 80 - 120 Silver 0.0500 0.05043 mg/L 101 80 - 120 Thallium 0.0400 0.03902 mg/L 98 80 - 120 Vanadium 0.0998 0.09934 mg/L 100 80 - 120 Eurofins Savannah Page 17 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718741/2-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718995 Analyte Zinc Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718743/1-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718940 Analyte Mercury Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718743/2-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718940 Analyte Mercury Spike LCS LCS Added Result Qualifier Unit 0.100 0.09993 mg/L MB MB Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit <0.0800 0.200 0.0800 ug/L Spike LCS LCS Added Result Qualifier Unit 2.50 2.378 ug/L F Job ID: 680-214585-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718741 %Rec D %Rec Limits 100 80 - 120 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718743 D Prepared Analyzed oil Fac 05/02/2214:18 05/03/2211:10 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718743 %Rec D %Rec Limits 95 80 -120 Page 18 of 28 Eurofins Savannah 5/5/2022 QC Association Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa GC/MS VOA Analysis Batch: 576242 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D SIM 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D SIM MB 400-576242/4 Method Blank Total/NA Water 8260D SIM LCS 400-576242/1002 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260D SIM 680-214585-1 MS ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D SIM 680-214585-1 MSD ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D SIM Analysis Batch: 718541 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D MB 680-718541/9 Method Blank Total/NA Water 8260D LCS 680-718541/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260D LCSD 680-718541/5 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 8260D Analysis Batch: 718616 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 8260D MB 680-718616/9 Method Blank Total/NA Water 8260D LCS 680-718616/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 8260D LCSD 680-718616/5 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 8260D Metals Prep Batch: 718741 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 3010A 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 3010A MB 680-718741/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 3010A LCS 680-718741/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 3010A Prep Batch: 718743 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 7470A 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 7470A MB 680-718743/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 7470A LCS 680-718743/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 7470A Analysis Batch: 718940 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 7470A 718743 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 7470A 718743 MB 680-718743/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 7470A 718743 LCS 680-718743/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 7470A 718743 Analysis Batch: 718995 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214585-1 ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 6020B 718741 680-214585-2 ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Total/NA Water 6020B 718741 MB 680-718741/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 6020B 718741 Eurofins Savannah Page 19 of 28 5/5/2022 QC Association Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 718995 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID LCS 680-718741/2-A Lab Control Sample Job ID: 680-214585-1 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water 6020B 718741 Eurofins Savannah Page 20 of 28 5/5/2022 Lab Chronicle Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 3b 4/26/22 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 718616 05/02/22 18:42 P1C TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSAB Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 718541 05/01/22 17:24 EMA TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSB Total/NA Analysis 8260D SIM 10 5 mL 5 mL 576242 05/03/22 19:10 PP1 TAL PEN Instrument ID: Curie Total/NA Prep 3010A 50 mL 250 mL 718741 05/02/22 14:01 JE TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 718995 05/03/22 16:38 BWR TAL SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Total/NA Prep 7470A 50 mL 50 mL 718743 05/02/22 14:18 JKL TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 7470A 1 718940 05/03/22 11:43 JKL TAL SAV Instrument ID: QuickTrace2 Client Sample ID: ELS Sump 4b 4/26/22 Lab Sample ID: 680-214585-2 Date Collected: 04/26/22 10:50 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 718616 05/02/22 19:05 P1C TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSAB Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 718541 05/01/22 17:44 EMA TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSB Total/NA Analysis 8260D SIM 50 5 mL 5 mL 576242 05/03/22 18:45 PP1 TAL PEN Instrument ID: Curie Total/NA Prep 3010A 50 mL 250 mL 718741 05/02/22 14:01 JE TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020E 1 718995 05/03/22 16:41 BWR TAL SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Total/NA Prep 7470A 50 mL 50 mL 718743 05/02/22 14:18 JKL TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 7470A 1 718940 05/03/22 11:45 JKL TAL SAV Instrument ID: QuickTrace2 Laboratory References: TAL PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 0 Page 21 of 28 Eurofins Savannah 5/5/2022 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date AFCEE SAVLAB Alabama State 41450 06-30-22 Alaska (UST) State 17-016 09-22-22 ANAB Dept. of Defense ELAP L2463 09-18-22 ANAB ISO/IEC 17025 1-2463.01 09-22-22 California State 2939 06-30-22 Florida NELAP E87052 06-30-22 Georgia State E87052 06-30-22 Georgia (DW) State 803 06-30-22 Guam State 19-007R 04-17-23 Hawaii State <cert No.> 06-30-22 Illinois NELAP 200022 11-30-22 Indiana State C-GA-02 06-30-22 Iowa State 353 07-01-23 Kentucky (UST) State NA 06-30-22 Louisiana NELAP 02011 06-30-22 Louisiana (DW) State LA009 12-31-22 Maine State GA00006 09-25-22 Maryland State 250 12-31-22 Massachusetts State M-GA006 06-30-22 Michigan State 9925 06-30-22 Mississippi State <cert No.> 06-30-22 Nebraska State NE-OS-7-04 06-30-22 New Jersey NELAP GA769 06-30-22 New Mexico State GA00006 06-30-22 New York NELAP 10842 04-01-23 North Carolina (DW) State 13701 07-01-22 North Carolina (WW/SW) State 269 12-31-22 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00474 06-30-22 Puerto Rico State GA00006 01-01-23 South Carolina _ State 98001 06-30-22 Tennessee State 02961 06-30-22 Texas NELAP T1047004185-19-14 11-30-22 Texas _ TCEQ Water Supply T104704185 06-30-22 USDA US Federal Programs P330-18-00313 09-03-24 Virginia NELAP 10509 06-14-22 Washington State C805 06-10-22 Wisconsin State 999819810 08-31-22 Wyoming State 8TMS-L 06-30-22 Laboratory: Eurofins Pensacola All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date Alabama State 40150 06-30-22 ANAB ISO/IEC 17025 L2471 02-23-23 Arkansas DEQ State 88-0689 09-01-22 California State 2510 06-30-22 Florida NELAP E81010 06-30-22 Georgia State E81010(FL) 06-30-22 Eurofins Savannah Page 22 of 28 5/5/2022 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Laboratory: Eurofins Pensacola (Continued) All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date Illinois NELAP 200041 10-09-22 Kansas NELAP E-10253 10-31-22 Kentucky (UST) State 53 06-30-22 Kentucky (WW) State KY98030 12-31-22 Louisiana NELAP 30976 06-30-22 Louisiana (DW) State LA017 12-31-22 Maryland State 233 09-30-22 Massachusetts State M-FL094 06-30-22 Michigan State 9912 06-30-22 North Carolina (WW/SW) State 314 12-31-22 Oklahoma NELAP 9810 08-31-22 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00467 01-31-23 South Carolina State 96026 06-30-22 Tennessee State TN02907 06-30-22 Texas NELAP T104704286 09-30-22 US Fish & Wildlife US Federal Programs 058448 07-31-22 USDA US Federal Programs P330-21-00056 05-17-24 Virginia NELAP 460166 06-14-22 West Virginia DEP State 136 05-31-22 Eurofins Savannah Page 23 of 28 5/5/2022 Method Summary C Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214585-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Liner Sumpa Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory 8260D Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS SW846 TAL SAV 8260D SIM Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) SW846 TAL PEN 6020B Metals (ICP/MS) SW846 TAL SAV 7470A Mercury (CVAA) SW846 TAL SAV 3010A Preparation, Total Metals SW846 TAL SAV 5030B Purge and Trap SW846 TAL SAV 5030C Purge and Trap SW846 TAL PEN 7470A Preparation, Mercury SW846 TAL SAV Protocol References: C SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: m TAL PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 Eurofins Savannah Page 24 of 28 5/5/2022 V 0 4- T Im 1� v z O 00vp co¢in w C _.'�. >, a c �czN ,Oa �¢at z O C S z¢ z Z.2 Q� o u E'E 0 0 E o N �zoao�nr-»3N E � NN 0 o U u c'r - 76 ICp u) M O p Q O �gQO n F `o m 0LO V z v U m c w m m E o m 3 o a t U)G o (L U O v O) ` 2 ZNZ Z �QQ opw W 0 (�O d d o 6. QmUo W LLC72--�Y J b 4"Umuo;9 iogwn q 140j, x Iv Q �a a m c E NJ E E v U in 7 d ) U y O v w E o rn Ecr e E C V : U v Q W R m Q OD auexom V- WIS a09Z0>< c �._ N y y O 0' N E a a a E ,.... salOeloA I xfPuaddV a09ZB . X O w C v m m VOOL'90Z09 E a y Z o > E oN i0 8Jy Oulu OslaiH4PI813 XF a O �oao 'ro = a 3 0 W Z x $ ' o o m •O O a) a) c c c F m U a 0 U E o U N a � 2 � cr,0 £ T U O 1 a [ I Z lu U) U °o E E E a 1 1�0 ~ 0 m E E E K C_ E rn a O F E U 7 a0a� O o Op O w 10 N al O h O a o O a -_ E:�s CJ C M - O ca W -- O U C o N n E O = V G 4 ,� C as m L m o c E >. d H 2 w U? mcr j Z an d ` `m E — v m m w n a tD m C N 2 2 0 cmo N E m S., E E _ CU N inQ O (O D) E m J O� �(' a) > (0 > O 2 (0 a) Y Q y 'v w Q O in d G) cE ¢W g v �na(h O� w c (,� _ m L Y+ o E (� (n E E s ._ .__ O U L% U J o W U U) a Q Q x'.E U Y A Z u) N .c N o_ a' E w c c 1. Q m 165 m 1 J W J W OO 0. N E1 W; Page 25 of 28 5/5/2022 N F .f v r O N O W M W d ? L OaON�Q oQQ x Z 2NNtg C U i.m C >. c >. a.a. waSnr SZ¢Z ZI Qm o � o o � u rn �cg �! n E n E �zoaoo n�»3N O E cj U U W N C C u J 0 v m Q N C N D< mmoD .Sa c cl d'O ao ^V Qv x ¢ 0E$3¢. N hZ DVw N (0000) UU rn Ol N O UO ¢0. ` ¢ w ,t-o o LL �.. co ID ¢ w U 0 WO(i d(0 H N c u siouleluoo jo jegwnN lelol r� r c o p +� Q n2S w N e m � E E E E w E y N E w w u E t o - o z m N o W c N c r o N J o T ~ o W , -. O U am U � vn� m -S j d m= lb m tj O e N Q d U in Z � N N u m vi0, O w Y N + d O- d m u O O1 �� L N a N m J O m "°° E 0 i E d o io Q o o yU uJi p c o y {5 m 9 Z o O .Co c N d >` a E N m E w m U 3 o C D O y N c w m > D o c = m o o CL auexolO-q'�00£OSMISO0M X X mw s0 v v v . of, of �j (ON JO SeA) USWISW UUoYed N z N= o v g` co m E 2 T m a U g v (ON io seA) eldweS pejellid pleld o - N JU)no 3 a 0 .F m m m n a,rn t v n n n m C v E n E E U E U E U y d a G a O m TUO N m n u d - "V N ;E" ovv � d E E N L DCL Y O IE0 H N N n %= W W W A J N m p -o ] - d N .. S ^O 0 N N N N O N o O O N W R a! O tt N N -O O G E m y E E W N E W <n a o a a` coo uNi ;, E w - d o" o" o" E O v o = o o u A >c >o w J C D O H N w rn O r J c _ a U p L o m _ � O z r C N t ti J C'? Ln ? r E L O in j co I co N N c o ; T N w N C N N w m — in q a U o m o w `- m a d o = U a o E o o =@` u w' O C > W C N N m m 0 l0 cm C N E C] .-. N C m V (O N (D N m m r- N J = �5 C Z E > c O N F- - O V o E° m o a• N a wLc--u O � E 00 -O d M� �, N v �m w N J m v .- d C E m � n E a- Ec]�c o v, 0ZJ N NC d U] U) " o N m to U O W ¢r� N Ud m J inLL ON aao E w O C a¢ N rn m N J W J W NN O O m O C zD a S !] N W y tr tr ¢ Page 26 of 28 5/5/2022 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: S&ME, Inc. Login Number: 214585 List Number: 1 Creator: Sims, Robert D Question Answer Comment Radioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey N/A meter. The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. True Sample custody seals, if present, are intact. True The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or True tampered with. Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate True HTs) Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified. N/A There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested True MS/MSDs Containers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is N/A <6mm (1/4"). Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Residual Chlorine Checked. N/A Job Number: 680-214585-1 List Source: Eurofins Savannah L Eurofins Savannah Page 27 of 28 5/5/2022 Client: S&ME, Inc. Login Number: 214585 List Number: 2 Creator: Whitley, Adrian Question Login Sample Receipt Checklist Answer Comment Radioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey N/A meter. The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/A Sample custody seals, if present, are intact. N/A The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or True tampered with. Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate True HTs) Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified. N/A There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested True MS/MSDs Containers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is N/A <6mm (1/4"). Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Residual Chlorine Checked. N/A 2.6°C IR8 Job Number: 680-214585-1 List Source: Eurofins Pensacola List Creation: 04/28/22 02:22 PM Eurofins Savannah Page 28 of 28 5/5/2022 ENCO Laboratones Accurate. Timely. Responsive. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Wednesday, May 4, 2022 S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Attn: Lindsey Harris 644 Eastern Star Road Kingsport, TN 37663 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 4140-15-007, Project Name/Desc: Anson LF - Leachate ENCO Workorder(s): CF04528 Dear Lindsey Harris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ;,� ✓mac T�y� Shahla Vakili Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of 9 PROJECT NARRATIVE Date: 04May2022 Client: S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Project: Anson LF - Leachate Lab ID: CF04528 Overview (� �Eo www.encolabs.com Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) analyzed all submitted samples in accordance with the methods referenced in the laboratory report. Any particular difficulties encountered during sample handling by ENCO are discussed in the QC Remarks section below. Quality Control Samples No Comments Quality Control Remarks No Comments Other Comments 2mL H2SO4 added to sample container 01 A and sample pH did not adjusted to correct method limits. The analytical data presented in this report are consistent with the methods as referenced in the analytical report. Any exceptions or deviations are noted in the QC remarks section of this narrative or in the Flags/Notes and Definitions section of the report. Released By: Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. Shahla Vakili Project Manager FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-Leachate Lab ID: CF04528-01 Sampled: 04/26/22 09:35 Received: 04/27/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) EPA 351.2 Same 05/24/22 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 05/02/22 10:35 05/03/22 13:18 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-Leachate Lab ID: CF04528-01 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 850 D 26 48 mg/L EPA 351.2 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-Leachate Lab Sample ID:CF04528-01 Received: 04/27/22 10:00 Matrix: Waste Sampled:04/26/22 09:35 Work Order: CF04528 Project: Anson LF - Leachate Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL Q Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 850 D mg/L 100 26 48 2EO2014 EPA 351.2 05/03/22 13:18 MSE FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) of 9 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 2EO2O14 - Same (� �Eo www.encolabs.com Blank (2E02014-BLK1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 10:35 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 13:04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U 0.48 mg/L LCS (2E02014-BS1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 10:35 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 13:06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 12 0.48 mg/L 12.0 99 90-110 Matrix Spike (2E02014-MS3) Prepared: 05/02/2022 10:35 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 13:09 Source: CF04439-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.2 0.48 mg/L 7.20 0.79 62 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (2E02014-MS2) Prepared: 05/02/2022 10:35 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 13:14 Source: CFOSIOS-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 4.9 0.48 mg/L 7.20 0.83 56 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (2E02014-MSD1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 10:35 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 13:11 Source: CF04439-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 3.5 0.48 mg/L 7.20 0.79 38 90-110 39 10 QM-07, QM-11 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALC] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance limits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 7 of 9 E o '0 CO Y � w ro yLO m E P E �g c 0- o x ` �' a) o U mN U7 111 (UjL 7 ■ i l^ G N N Q) cn V C a rt � W Q p U ` m � [A C O a C a cu 0 0 sc Z' �5£ NNi V O y a C m � r O p F U x 4 5 CD W W pN N �y� _ !L 4.r J a w ° � c mr Y � to ?+ -u z z c U N l� Cai � 7 p� o ' p o m d' �' � c,� /✓^ J 4y+ a H Gk 0. o- a- In U3 N 1 C o 0 per. U 0 r c Cp ai in "o " � o wm r Y/ EZ..��p O AV ig E W m LU a aCCQv N v 0 n _ U 4 N � E � E E dm o J o 0 a� n s a c U $. Q c U T n m n m m m c � Q aU b N EFa o 0 m m m 0 H s � C C � U 6 E F= w . 'c m m � n W W t O N s y a` U m m E � Page 8 of f Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary EI�ICC' Work Order: CF04528 Client: S&MF, Inc. (SM011) Lagged In: 27-Apr-22 11:02 Preservation Check Performed By: CF04528-01 Project: Anson LF - Leachate Project #: 4140-15-007 Logged By: Samantha `LHyatt Date/Time: `--t 1Z-3 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked ! In Control PH Adjusted DateMme Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 Y 7 N i NA Y 1, N/ NAtr Reaclent Name fD 1 2 pH Strip ID: C Rea ent Name ID 3 4 Reagent Name ID 5 6 C:IELMNTIPrintlwko_PreservationCheck.rpt Page 9 of 9 ENCO Laboratones Accurate. Timely. Responsive. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Tuesday, April 26, 2022 S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Attn: Lindsey Harris 644 Eastern Star Road Kingsport, TN 37663 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 4140-15-007, Project Name/Desc: Anson LF SW ENCO Workorder(s): CF04529 Dear Lindsey Harris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Friday, April 15, 2022. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ;,� ✓mac T�y� Shahla Vakili Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-BG1 Lab ID: CF04529-01 Sampled: 04/13/22 15:00 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:31 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 11:48 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 03:43 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/19/22 22:53 Client ID: 0401-BG2 Lab ID: CF04529-02 Sampled: 04/13/22 12:00 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:33 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:31 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 04:09 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/19/22 23:20 Client ID: 0401-SG3 Lab ID: CF04529-03 Sampled: 04/13/22 10:45 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:36 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:35 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 04:35 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/19/22 23:48 Client ID: 0401-SG4 Lab ID: CF04529-04 Sampled: 04/13/22 13:50 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:38 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:41 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 05:00 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/20/22 00:15 Client ID: 0401-UD1 Lab ID: CF04529-05 Sampled: 04/14/22 11:10 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:41 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:45 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MIS 04/28/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 05:26 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/28/22 04/21/22 19:08 04/22/22 10:10 Client ID: 0401-UD2 Lab ID: CF04529-06 Sampled: 04/14/22 11:35 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:43 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:50 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/28/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 05:52 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/28/22 04/21/22 19:08 04/22/22 10:38 Client ID: 0401-TRIPBLANK Lab ID: CF04529-07 Sampled: 04/13/22 10:45 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 19:47 04/20/22 09:26 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-BG1 Lab ID: CF04529-01 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 44.7 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 1.46 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 1.52 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 1.78 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Vanadium - Total 1.86 J 1.40 10.0 uq/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-BG2 Lab ID: CF04529-02 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 28.6 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 2.27 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 4.06 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 2.35 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Lead - Total 4.47 J 3.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 2.31 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Vanadium - Total 2.59 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-SG3 Lab ID: CF04529-03 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 32.2 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 2.32 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 3.43 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Vanadium - Total 2.38 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 4.40 J 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-SG4 Lab ID: CF04529-04 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 45.3 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 1.63 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 2.12 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 2.13 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Vanadium - Total 2.62 J 1.40 10.0 uq/L EPA 6010D I Client ID: 0401-UD1 Lab ID: CF04529-05 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 27.9 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 2.02 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 94.1 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 4.40 1 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-UD2 Lab ID: CF04529-06 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 64.1 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 5.53 1 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 4.33 1 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-BG1 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-01 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 15:00 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 4 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-13G1 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-01 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 15:00 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:53 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52 1 50.0 105 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:53 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 49 1 50.0 97 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:53 RKY Toluene-c48 54 1 50.0 108 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:53 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 11:48 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 44.7 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.46 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.52 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.78 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 11:48 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 11:48 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.86 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:31 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 03:43 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.7 1 5.00 94 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 03:43 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) Of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-BG2 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-02 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 12:00 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 6 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-13G2 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-02 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 12:00 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:20 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 1 50.0 94 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:20 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 103 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:20 RKY Toluene-c48 55 1 50.0 110 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:20 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:31 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 28.6 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 2.27 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 4.06 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 2.35 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 4.47 J ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 2.31 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:31 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:31 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 2.59 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:33 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 04:09 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 5.0 1 5.00 99 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 04:09 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 7 Of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-SG3 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-03 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 10:45 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 8 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-SG3 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-03 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 10:45 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:48 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 1 50.0 100 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:48 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 50 1 50.0 100 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:48 RKY Toluene-c48 52 1 50.0 104 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:48 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:35 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 32.2 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 2.32 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 3.43 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:35 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:35 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 2.38 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 J ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:36 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 04:35 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 0425 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 9 Of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-SG4 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-04 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 13:50 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 10 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-SG4 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-04 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/13/22 13:50 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:15 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 1 50.0 96 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04120122 00:15 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 50 1 50.0 100 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04120122 00:15 RKY Toluene-c48 51 1 50.0 102 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04120122 00:15 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:41 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 45.3 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.63 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 2.12 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 2.13 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:41 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:41 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 2.62 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:38 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 05:00 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 05:00 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 11 of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-UD1 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-05 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/14/22 11:10 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary rertified analyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Benzene [71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Chlorobenzene [108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 12 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-UD1 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-05 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/14/22 11:10 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:10 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52 1 50.0 104 % 53-136 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04122122 10:10 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 48 1 50.0 95 % 67-129 2D21036 EPA 8260D 0412212210:10 RKY Toluene-c48 53 1 50.0 106 % 59-134 2D21036 EPA 8260D 0412212210:10 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 U ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:45 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 U ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 27.9 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 U ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 U ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 2.02 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 94.1 ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 U ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 U ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 4.40 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 U ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:45 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 U ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 U ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:45 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 U ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 U ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:41 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 U ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 05:26 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 96 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 05:26 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 13 of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-UD2 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-06 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/14/22 11:35 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary rertified analyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 14 of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-UD2 Lab Sample ID:CF04529-06 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled:04/14/22 11:35 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 10:38 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 54 1 50.0 108 % 53-136 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04122122 10:38 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 45 1 50.0 90 % 67-129 2D21036 EPA 8260D 0412212210:38 RKY Toluene-c48 54 1 50.0 108 % 59-134 2D21036 EPA 8260D 041221221038 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 U ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:50 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 U ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 64.1 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 U ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 U ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 U ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 5.53 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 U ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 U ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 4.33 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 U ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:50 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 U ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 U ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:50 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 U ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 U ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:43 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 U ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 05:52 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 05:52 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 15 of 29 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-TRIPBLANK Lab Sample ID: CF04529-07 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/13/22 10:45 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 16 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-TRIPBLANK Lab Sample ID:CF04529-07 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/13/22 10:45 Work Order: CF04529 Project: Anson LF SW Sampled By: ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:26 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 1 50.0 99 % 53-136 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:26 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 103 % 67-129 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:26 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 107 % 59-134 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:26 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 17 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2DI902B - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D39028-BLK1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 20:07 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC Level Result %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 18 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D2902B - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39028-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 20:07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 u91L 50.0 99 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 53 u91L 50.0 107 67-129 Toluene-d8 59 u91L 50.0 118 59-134 LCS (2D19028-BSI) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 18:16 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 75-133 Benzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-134 Chlorobenzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 71-120 Trichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 96 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 101 67-129 Toluene-d8 51 u91L 50.0 102 59-134 Matrix Spike (2D19028-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 18:44 Source: CF05306-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 94 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 95 80-120 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 97 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 95 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 98 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 47 u91L 50.0 95 67-129 Toluene-d8 55 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (21319028-MSD1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 19:12 Source: CF05306-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 95 75-133 1 20 Benzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 99 80-134 3 17 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 98 80-120 3 16 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 92 71-120 6 17 Trichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 86 74-120 10 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 95 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 99 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 108 59-134 Batch 2D19031 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D39031-BLK3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:58 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 19 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D29031 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39031-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:58 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC Level Result %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 u91L 50.0 95 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 48 u91L 50.0 97 67-129 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 20 of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D29031 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39031-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:58 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 107 59-134 LCS (21319031-BS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 07:08 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 94 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 94 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 87 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 97 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 96 67-129 Toluene-d8 53 u91L 50.0 107 59-134 Matrix Spike (21319031-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 07:36 Source: CF05306-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 83 75-133 Benzene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 87 80-134 Chlorobenzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 90 80-120 Toluene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 86 71-120 Trichloroethene 15 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 75 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 99 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 100 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 104 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (21319031-MS131) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:03 Source: CF05306-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 97 75-133 15 20 Benzene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 107 80-134 20 17 QM-11 Chlorobenzene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 106 80-120 16 16 Toluene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 99 71-120 14 17 Trichloroethene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 105 74-120 33 22 QM-11 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 47 u91L 50.0 94 67-129 Toluene-& 54 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D21036-BLK3) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:56 Spike Source %REC Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L RPD RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full Page 21 of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D21036-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:56 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 97 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 100 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 104 59-134 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 22 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued LCS (2D21036-BSI) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 05:06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 97 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 97 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53 u91L 50.0 105 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 99 67-129 Toluene-d8 55 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Matrix Spike (2D23036-MS1) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 05:33 Source: CF05306-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 91 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 97 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 93 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 51 u91L 50.0 102 67-129 Toluene-d8 51 u91L 50.0 102 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (2D23036-MSD1) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:01 Source: CF05306-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 99 75-133 8 20 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 97 80-134 1 17 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 102 80-120 5 16 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 97 71-120 5 17 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 97 74-120 4 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 48 u91L 50.0 97 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 108 59-134 Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D18002 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D38002-BLK1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:39 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 0.370 U 1.00 ug/L Selenium 0.910 U 1.00 ug/L Thallium 0.110 U 1.00 ug/L LCS (2D18002-BSI) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:43 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 23 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D28002 - EPA 3005A - Continued LCS (2D18002-BSI) Continued Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:43 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 21.1 1.00 ug/L 20.0 106 80-120 Selenium 21.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 106 80-120 Thallium 19.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 99 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D18002-MS3) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:52 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 42.2 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 105 75-125 Selenium 41.6 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 104 75-125 Thallium 39.8 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 100 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2D18002-MSD1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:56 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 43.6 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 109 75-125 3 20 Selenium 41.9 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 105 75-125 0.7 20 Thallium 39.5 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 99 75-125 0.9 20 Post Spike (2D18002-PS1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 12:35 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 21.1 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.0493 105 75-125 Selenium 19.6 1.00 ug/L 20.0 -0.167 98 75-125 Thallium 19.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.00656 97 75-125 Batch 1D22018 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D22018-BLK1) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2D22018-BSI) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:52 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Barium 209 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 24 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D22018 - EPA 3005A - Continued LCS (2D22018-BSI) Continued Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:52 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 20.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Cadmium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Cobalt 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Copper 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Lead 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Nickel 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Silver 203 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Vanadium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Zinc 209 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D22018-MS3) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:55 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 208 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 104 75-125 Barium 427 10.0 ug/L 200 230 99 75-125 Beryllium 20.6 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 103 75-125 Cadmium 19.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 99 75-125 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 Cobalt 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Copper 198 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 99 75-125 Lead 201 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 101 75-125 Nickel 200 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 100 75-125 Silver 204 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 102 75-125 Vanadium 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Zinc 209 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 104 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21322018-MS131) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:58 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 213 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 107 75-125 2 20 Barium 437 10.0 ug/L 200 230 103 75-125 2 20 Beryllium 20.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 104 75-125 1 20 Cadmium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 101 75-125 2 20 Chromium 207 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 104 75-125 2 20 Cobalt 208 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 104 75-125 3 20 Copper 201 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 101 75-125 2 20 Lead 206 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 103 75-125 2 20 Nickel 203 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 102 75-125 2 20 Silver 206 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 103 75-125 1 20 Vanadium 205 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 2 20 Zinc 214 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 107 75-125 2 20 Post Spike (2D22018-PS1) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 10:00 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.213 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00662 103 80-120 Barium 0.434 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.230 102 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 25 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D2201B - EPA 3005A - Continued Post Spike (21322018-13SI) Continued Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 10:00 Source: CF04526-OS Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 0.0210 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 3.39E-6 105 80-120 Cadmium 0.0206 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -0.000214 103 80-120 Chromium 0.207 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00119 103 80-120 Cobalt 0.210 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000999 104 80-120 Copper 0.202 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00108 101 80-120 Lead 0.209 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000591 104 80-120 Nickel 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00144 102 80-120 Silver 0.212 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 7.75E-5 106 80-120 Vanadium 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.000793 103 80-120 Zinc 0.216 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00437 106 80-120 Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution - Quality Control Batch 2D2903B -EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D39038-BLK1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 22:59 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 0.80 U 2.0 ug/L Toluene-d8 4.8 u91L 5.00 96 75-125 LCS (21319038-BSI) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 21:17 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 23 2.0 ug/L 25.0 94 80-133 Toluene-d8 5.1 u91L 5.00 103 75-125 Matrix Spike (2D19038-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 21:42 Source: AF03107-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 23 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 90 80-133 Toluene-c48 4.9 u91L 5.00 97 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21319038-MS131) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 22:08 Source: AF03107-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 22 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 89 80-133 2 19 Toluene-d8 4.8 u91L 5.00 97 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 26 Of 29 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALC] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance limits. QV-01 The associated continuing calibration verification standard exhibited high bias; since the result is ND, there is no impact. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 27 of 29 E f� 3 3 Z a 0 a c yi F N C a W c CO W , _0 0) co w m p LL CCC1 m 4 E cp O c� J N m V C E E m Q U n m c U c O m rq UZ'A`LL w c X X x X X X ya C O U 01 lNfS QO`JLS' l xfpt.feddy 00919 X X X X x X X `moo N xopuaddy C]pgZg x v F4 O to D A2 L• J co C3 N h J o = 2 �, E v Eqni, f0 '� U iJ C� O y D r W \ O L _ G7 y m Em a z `c U) s C3 Q U H N N R. m { m m E m U ❑ m EE ZFm n m a cc Q a Q 0 q C O 0 N m o m v m � E E m E m m m m d Q C a m m y @ m N m m N a M o0 b ¢ h 0 U E Y ❑ P 2 w m Ll 0. rrr E v Page 28 of �s w E 29 Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary ENCO Work Order: CF04529 Client: S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Logged In: 15-Apr-22 11:47 Preservation Check Performed By. CF04529-01 Project: Anson LF SW Project #. 4140-15-007 Logged By: Rachel Ann o`nis Date/Time: i Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked 1 In Control pH Adjusted Date me Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y / N ! NA Y (N) NA CF04529-02 Cont T e yP Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked i in Control Date/Time pH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250ml-P+HNO3 <2 Y / N / NA TY (N NA CF04529-03 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y N/ NA Y N NA C F04529-04 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comment,- A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y N / NA Y NA C F04529 -05 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In Control LnatelTime pH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y) N / NA 1' 1 `N ) NA CF04529-06 Cont Type ties (pH) Requirement pH Checked 1 In Control pH Adjusted Date/Tim Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 25QmLP+HNO3 <2 YY IN NA Y N NA Reaclent Name Fp 1 2 pH strip IDPH Strips C2A0640 Rea ent Name ID 3 4 Reagent Name IG 5 6 CaeimntlPrin[\WKo_rreservaTionuneCK.rpt I Page 29 of 29 urofins Environment Testing America ANALYTICAL REPORT Eurofins Savannah 5102 LaRoche Avenue Savannah, GA 31404 Tel: (912)354-7858 Laboratory Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Revision: 3 Fir- S&ME, Inc. Attn Accounts Payable 644 Eastern Star Rd Kingsport, Tennessee 37663 Attn: Lindsey Harris Authorized for release by: 6/3/2022 4:13:05 PM Noel Savoie, Project Manager 1 (850)254-0107 Noel.Savoie@et.eurofinsus.com The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC, 2009 TNI, and 2016 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. Definitions/Glossary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Metals Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. General Chemistry Qualifier Qualifier Description HF Field parameter with a holding time of 15 minutes. Test performed by laboratory at client's request. Glossary Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. A Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CFU Colony Forming Unit CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re -analysis, Re -extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MCL EPA recommended "Maximum Contaminant Level" MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit MIL Minimum Level (Dioxin) MPN Most Probable Number MQL Method Quantitation Limit NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) NEG Negative / Absent POS Positive / Present PQL Practical Quantitation Limit PRIES Presumptive QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TNTC Too Numerous To Count Job ID: 680-214576-1 Eurofins Savannah Page 2 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Client: S&ME, Inc. Sample Summary Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Collected Received 680-214576-1 Leachate Water 04/26/22 09:35 04/27/22 10:15 Page 3 of 38 Eurq)BOPY 3) Case Narrative Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Job ID: 680-214576-1 Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah Narrative Job ID: 680-214576-1 0 Job Narrative 680-214576-1 Comments No additional comments. Revision The report being provided is a revision of the original report sent on 5/16/2022. The report (revision 2) is being revised due to: client requested the lab run pH on an unpreserved sample. The report (revision 3) is being revised due to provide results for Nitrate -Nitrite that were not reported originally. Receipt The sample was received on 4/27/2022 10:15 AM. Unless otherwise noted below, the sample arrived in good condition, and where required, properly preserved and on ice. The temperature of the cooler at receipt was 4.21 C. Receipt Exceptions Container arrived marked for 420.1 analysis. Analysis not selected on COC Logged per COC. GC/MS VOA Method 8260D: Insufficient sample volume was available to perform a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) associated with analytical batch 680-718624. Method 8260D SIM: The following sample was diluted to bring the concentration of target analytes within the calibration range: Leachate (680-214576-1). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. Method 8260D SIM: The following sample was collected in a properly preserved vial; however, the pH was outside the required criteria when verified by the laboratory. The sample was analyzed within the 7-day holding time specified for unpreserved samples: Leachate (680-214576-1). No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. HPLC/IC No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Metals Method 7470A: The following samples for metals were received unpreserved and were preserved upon receipt to the laboratory: Leachate (680-214576-1). Regulatory documents require a 24-hour waiting period from the time of the addition of the acid preservative to the time of digestion. Method 7470A: Insufficient sample volume was available to perform a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) associated with preparation batch 680-718823. A LCS/LCSD was performed instead. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. General Chemistry Method 353.2: The reference method requires samples to be preserved to a pH of <2. The following sample(s) was received with insufficient preservation at a pH of: 7. The sample(s) was preserved to the appropriate pH in the laboratory. Method 901213: Sample tested positive for nitrate/nitrite prior to analysis: Leachate (680-214576-1) Method SM 5220D: COD results may be biased high due to chloride interference for the following sample: Leachate (680-214576-1). Methods 1664A, 1664B: Insufficient sample volume was available to perform a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate/sample duplicate (MS/MSD/DUP) associated with preparation batch 680-718993. Eurofins Savannah Page 4 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Case Narrative Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Job ID: 680-214576-1 (Continued) Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah (Continued) Job ID: 680-214576-1 0 Method 1664B: The reference method requires samples to be preserved to a pH of <2. The following sample was received with insufficient preservation at a pH of 6: Leachate (680-214576-1). The sample(s) was preserved to the appropriate pH in the laboratory No additional analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. VOA Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted, other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Eurofins Savannah Page 5 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Client Sample ID: Leachate Lab Sample ID: 680-214576-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 09:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,4-Dioxane 159 5.00 1.50 ug/L 05/03/2219:35 5 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Dibromofluoromethane 102 50 - 150 05/03/22 19:35 5 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 90 50 - 150 05103122 19:35 5 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 50 - 150 05103122 19:35 5 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.481 J 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 2-Hexanone 4.48 J 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 19.8 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Acrylonitrile <5.50 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Benzene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Bromochloromethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Bromoform <0.590 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Bromomethane <3.70 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Carbon disulfide <0.430 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Chlorobenzene <0.150 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Chloroethane <4.60 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Chloroform <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Chloromethane <0.540 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Dibromomethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Ethylbenzene 1.75 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 lodomethane <3.90 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Methylene Chloride <3.20 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Styrene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Toluene 5.49 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 6 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Leachate Lab Sample ID: 680-214576-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 09:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Vinyl chloride <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Xylenes, Total 4.69 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 17:05 1 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 95 60- 124 05101122 17:05 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 100 70 - 130 05101122 17:05 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05101122 17:05 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 109 70 - 130 05101122 17:05 1 Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - DL Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 2-Butanone (MEK) 1940 100 64.0 ug/L 05/02/22 20:30 10 Acetone 2890 100 37.0 ug/L 05/02/22 20:30 10 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 103 60- 124 05102122 20:30 10 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 119 70 - 130 05102122 20:30 10 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05102122 20:30 10 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05102122 20:30 10 Method: 300.0 - Anions, Ion Chromatography Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Sulfate 2840 25.0 10.0 mg/L 05/04/2213:01 25 Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony 0.0466 0.00500 0.000520 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Arsenic 0.249 0.00300 0.000860 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Barium 1.59 0.00500 0.000890 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Beryllium 0.000290 J 0.000500 0.000200 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Cadmium 0.000340 J 0.000500 0.0000780 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Chromium 0.512 0.00500 0.00260 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Cobalt 0.0567 0.000500 0.000220 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Copper 0.0847 0.00500 0.000900 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Lead 0.00660 0.00250 0.000340 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Nickel 0.447 0.00500 0.00180 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Selenium 0.00600 0.00250 0.00120 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Silver <0.000390 0.00100 0.000390 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Thallium <0.000260 0.00100 0.000260 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Vanadium 0.440 0.0100 0.00180 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Zinc 0.0911 0.0200 0.0100 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:52 1 Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury <0.0000800 0.000200 0.0000800 mg/L 05/03/22 08:39 05/03/22 14:43 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result Qualifier NONE NONE Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac pH 8.5 HF Su 05/18/2210:00 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 7 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Client Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Leachate Lab Sample ID: 680-214576-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 09:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Analyte Result Qualifier Oil & Grease 11.4 Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N 884 Nitrate Nitrite as N 0.188 Phosphorus, Total 8.71 Cyanide, Total 0.0217 Ammonia 370 Phenolics, Total Recoverable 2.09 Chemical Oxygen Demand 4180 Analyte Result Qualifier Biochemical Oxygen Demand 708 Total Suspended Solids 69.0 Method: Field Sampling - Field Sampling Analyte Result Qualifier Field pH 1.33 Field Temperature 27.4 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 4.9 1.4 mg/L 05/04/22 07:14 05/04/22 09:55 1 200 100 mg/L 04/28/22 13:22 04/30/22 09:10 100 0.0500 0.0100 mg/L 05/03/2211:21 1 1.00 0.410 mg/L 04/28/2213:22 04/29/2213:21 1 0.0100 0.00250 mg/L 04/28/2210:57 04/28/2219:57 1 50.0 20.0 mg/L 04/28/22 09:26 04/28/22 14:07 200 0.250 0.125 mg/L 05/02/2211:53 05/02/2217:03 5 1000 500 mg/L 04/29/2214:48 100 RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 2.00 2.00 mg/L 04/27/2213:38 1 12.5 12.5 mg/L 04/28/2216:19 1 NONE NONE Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac su 04/26/22 09:35 1 Degrees C 04/26/22 09:35 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 8 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 8260D M, pica . - 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloro ro ane 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-934 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 4-Meth I-2- entanone MIBK 108-10-1 Acetone 67-64-1 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 Benzene 71-43-2 Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 Bromoform 75-25-2 Bromomethane 74-83-9 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 Chloroform 67-66-3 Chloromethane 74-87-3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 Dibromomethane 74-95-3 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 lodomethane 74-88-4 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 Styrene 100-42-5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 Toluene 108-88-3 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 trans-1,3-Dichloro ro ene 10061-02-6 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 110-57-6 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr 17060-07-0 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 460-00-4 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 1868-53-7 Toluene-d8 Surr 2037-26-5 Metals ICP/MS 6020B Antimony 7440-36-0 Arsenic 7440-38-2 Barium 7440-39-3 Beryllium 7440-41-7 Cadmium 7440-43-9 Chromium 7440-47-3 Cobalt 744048-4 Copper 7440-50-8 Lead 7439-92-1 Nickel 7440-02-0 Selenium 7782-49-2 Silver 7440-22-4 Thallium 7440-28-0 Vanadium 7440-62-2 Zinc 7440-66-6 Page 9 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) 17439-97-6 Mercury CVAA 7470A iMercury BOD, 5-Day 15210B I Biochemical Oxygen Demand STL00311 COD 15220D lChemical Oxygen Demand ISTL00070 Nitrogen, Nitrate -Nitrite 1353.2_Pres INitrate Nitrite as N ISTLOO217 Nitrogen, Ammonia 1350.1 jAmmonia 7664-41-7 C anide, Total andor Amenable 19012B lCyanide, Total 57-12-5 Phenolics, Total Recoverable 1420.1 1 Phenolics, Total Recoverable ISTLOO166 Phosphorus, Total 1365.4 1 Phosphorus, Total 7723-14-0 Anions, Ion Chromatography 1300_ORGFM_28D ISulfate 14808-79-8 Nitrogen, Total Kieldahl 1351.2 1 Kieldahl Nitrogen as N ISTLOO296 HEM and SGT-HEM 11664B 1011 & Grease ISTLOO181 Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) 12540D I Total Suspended Solids ISTLOO161 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) 8260D_SIM 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 Fluorobenzene 462-06-6 Chlorobenzene-d5 3114-55-4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 3855-82-1 Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 2037-26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 Page 10 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718541/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.40 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 2-Hexanone <3.20 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.70 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Acetone <3.70 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Acrylonitrile <5.50 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Benzene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Bromochloromethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Bromoform <0.590 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Bromomethane <3.70 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Carbon disulfide <0.430 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chlorobenzene <0.150 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloroethane <4.60 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloroform <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Chloromethane <0.540 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Dibromomethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Ethylbenzene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 lodomethane <3.90 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Methylene Chloride <3.20 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Styrene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Toluene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Vinyl chloride <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 Xylenes, Total <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/01/22 13:37 1 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 11 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718541/9 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 90 60- 124 05101122 13:37 1 • 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 103 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 110 70 - 130 05101122 13:37 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718541/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 53.54 ug/L 107 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 43.22 ug/L 86 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 48.69 ug/L 97 70-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 50.50 ug/L 101 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.36 ug/L 91 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 42.92 ug/L 86 70-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 51.05 ug/L 102 70-130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 50.69 ug/L 101 70 -130 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50.0 51.48 ug/L 103 70 -130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.37 ug/L 105 70 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 49.55 ug/L 99 70 -130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 49.82 ug/L 100 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.62 ug/L 103 70 -130 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 217.7 ug/L 87 69 -120 2-Hexanone 250 235.3 ug/L 94 70 -130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 248.7 ug/L 99 68-120 Acetone 250 204.1 ug/L 82 67-120 Acrylonitrile 500 457.7 ug/L 92 70 -130 Benzene 50.0 47.74 ug/L 95 70-130 Bromochloromethane 50.0 48.72 ug/L 97 70 -130 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 48.32 ug/L 97 70 -130 Bromoform 50.0 50.81 ug/L 102 69 -129 Bromomethane 50.0 51.64 ug/L 103 28 -192 Carbon disulfide 50.0 40.77 ug/L 82 70 -130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 46.76 ug/L 94 70 -130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.39 ug/L 103 70 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 49.42 ug/L 99 70 -130 Chloroethane 50.0 54.47 ug/L 109 31 - 213 Chloroform 50.0 47.53 ug/L 95 70 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 41.61 ug/L 83 59 -127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.34 ug/L 95 70 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 51.87 ug/L 104 70 -130 Dibromomethane 50.0 48.79 ug/L 98 70 -130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.38 ug/L 103 70 -130 lodomethane 50.0 42.62 ug/L 85 52 -129 Methylene Chloride 50.0 43.05 ug/L 86 70 -130 Styrene 50.0 51.96 ug/L 104 70 -130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 51.54 ug/L 103 70 -130 Eurofins Savannah Page 12 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718541/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Toluene 50.0 49.96 ug/L 100 70 -130 • trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 43.05 ug/L 86 70-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.53 ug/L 107 70-130 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 46.46 ug/L 93 67-120 Trichloroethene 50.0 50.31 ug/L 101 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 52.74 ug/L 105 63 -142 Vinyl acetate 100 103.0 ug/L 103 67 -135 Vinyl chloride 50.0 43.49 ug/L 87 66 -129 Xylenes, Total 100 99.61 ug/L 100 70 -130 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 99 60- 124 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 97 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 98 70 - 130 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 104 70 - 130 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718541/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 54.67 ug/L 109 70-130 2 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 44.15 ug/L 88 70-130 2 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 49.16 ug/L 98 70-130 1 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 51.24 ug/L 102 70-130 1 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 45.88 ug/L 92 70-130 1 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 44.05 ug/L 88 70-130 3 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 52.54 ug/L 105 70-130 3 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 52.10 ug/L 104 70-130 3 30 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 50.0 52.20 ug/L 104 70-130 1 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.76 ug/L 106 70 -130 1 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.61 ug/L 101 70 -130 2 50 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 50.42 ug/L 101 70 -130 1 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 52.04 ug/L 104 70 -130 1 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 227.9 ug/L 91 69 -120 5 30 2-Hexanone 250 242.1 ug/L 97 70 -130 3 20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 253.7 ug/L 101 68-120 2 30 Acetone 250 210.7 ug/L 84 67-120 3 30 Acrylonitrile 500 465.7 ug/L 93 70 -130 2 30 Benzene 50.0 48.34 ug/L 97 70 -130 1 30 Bromochloromethane 50.0 49.04 ug/L 98 70 -130 1 30 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 49.37 ug/L 99 70 -130 2 30 Bromoform 50.0 51.33 ug/L 103 69 -129 1 30 Bromomethane 50.0 54.04 ug/L 108 28 -192 5 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 41.59 ug/L 83 70 -130 2 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 48.08 ug/L 96 70 -130 3 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 51.95 ug/L 104 70 -130 1 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 49.83 ug/L 100 70 -130 1 30 Eurofins Savannah Page 13 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718541/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718541 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Chloroethane 50.0 56.92 ug/L 114 31 - 213 4 30 • Chloroform 50.0 48.25 ug/L 97 70 -130 2 30 Chloromethane 50.0 42.76 ug/L 86 59 -127 3 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.81 ug/L 96 70 -130 1 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.79 ug/L 106 70 -130 2 20 Dibromomethane 50.0 48.95 ug/L 98 70 -130 0 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 52.26 ug/L 105 70 -130 2 20 lodomethane 50.0 42.75 ug/L 86 52 -129 0 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 43.77 ug/L 88 70 -130 2 30 Styrene 50.0 53.20 ug/L 106 70 -130 2 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 53.10 ug/L 106 70 -130 3 30 Toluene 50.0 50.70 ug/L 101 70 -130 1 30 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 43.51 ug/L 87 70-130 1 30 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 53.89 ug/L 108 70-130 1 30 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 47.54 ug/L 95 67-120 2 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 51.59 ug/L 103 70 -130 3 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 53.06 ug/L 106 63 -142 1 30 Vinyl acetate 100 105.9 ug/L 106 67 -135 3 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 44.24 ug/L 88 66 -129 2 30 Xylenes, Total 100 101.0 ug/L 101 70 -130 1 30 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 100 60- 124 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 98 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 99 70 - 130 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 106 70 - 130 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718624/10 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718624 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.360 1.00 0.360 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.210 1.00 0.210 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.320 1.00 0.320 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.480 1.00 0.480 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <1.80 5.00 1.80 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.220 1.00 0.220 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.310 1.00 0.310 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 2-Butanone (MEK) <6.40 10.0 6.40 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 2-Hexanone <3.20 10.0 3.20 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <2.70 10.0 2.70 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 14 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718624/10 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718624 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Acetone <3.70 10.0 3.70 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Acrylonitrile <5.50 20.0 5.50 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Benzene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Bromochloromethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Bromodichloromethane <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Bromoform <0.590 1.00 0.590 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Bromomethane <3.70 5.00 3.70 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Carbon disulfide <0.430 2.00 0.430 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Carbon tetrachloride <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Chlorobenzene <0.150 1.00 0.150 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Chlorodibromomethane <0.390 1.00 0.390 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Chloroethane <4.60 5.00 4.60 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Chloroform <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Chloromethane <0.540 1.00 0.540 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.260 1.00 0.260 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Dibromomethane <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Ethylbenzene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 lodomethane <3.90 10.0 3.90 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Methylene Chloride <3.20 5.00 3.20 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Styrene <0.270 1.00 0.270 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Tetrachloroethene <0.350 0.500 0.350 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Toluene <0.250 1.00 0.250 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene <0.340 1.00 0.340 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene <1.25 2.00 1.25 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Trichloroethene <0.200 1.00 0.200 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.330 1.00 0.330 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Vinyl acetate <0.690 2.00 0.690 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Vinyl chloride <0.400 1.00 0.400 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 Xylenes, Total <0.230 1.00 0.230 ug/L 05/02/22 14:01 1 MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 104 60- 124 05102122 14:01 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 113 70 - 130 05102122 14:01 1 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 70 - 130 05102122 14:01 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 101 70 - 130 05102122 14:01 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718624/5 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718624 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.71 ug/L 103 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 53.14 ug/L 106 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 53.03 ug/L 106 70-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 50.90 ug/L 102 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.83 ug/L 102 70-130 Eurofins Savannah Page 15 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718624/5 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718624 Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.04 ug/L 102 70-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 54.11 ug/L 108 70-130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 52.92 ug/L 106 70-130 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 50.0 52.05 ug/L 104 70-130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 54.44 ug/L 109 70 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.85 ug/L 102 70 -130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 52.77 ug/L 106 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 51.23 ug/L 102 70 -130 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 224.3 ug/L 90 69 -120 2-Hexanone 250 246.0 ug/L 98 70-130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 242.6 ug/L 97 68-120 Acetone 250 230.6 ug/L 92 67-120 Acrylonitrile 500 470.0 ug/L 94 70 -130 Benzene 50.0 50.62 ug/L 101 70-130 Bromochloromethane 50.0 50.10 ug/L 100 70 -130 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 55.27 ug/L 111 70 -130 Bromoform 50.0 52.88 ug/L 106 69 -129 Bromomethane 50.0 50.73 ug/L 101 28 -192 Carbon disulfide 50.0 52.26 ug/L 105 70 -130 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 53.96 ug/L 108 70 -130 Chlorobenzene 50.0 49.92 ug/L 100 70 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 53.91 ug/L 108 70 -130 Chloroethane 50.0 47.07 ug/L 94 31 - 213 Chloroform 50.0 52.13 ug/L 104 70 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 54.62 ug/L 109 59 -127 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 52.19 ug/L 104 70 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 54.01 ug/L 108 70 -130 Dibromomethane 50.0 50.92 ug/L 102 70 -130 Ethylbenzene 50.0 52.31 ug/L 105 70 -130 lodomethane 50.0 48.73 ug/L 97 52 -129 Methylene Chloride 50.0 48.11 ug/L 96 70 -130 Styrene 50.0 52.22 ug/L 104 70 -130 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 47.63 ug/L 95 70 -130 Toluene 50.0 51.51 ug/L 103 70 -130 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.21 ug/L 100 70-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 55.27 ug/L 111 70-130 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 55.43 ug/L 111 67-120 Trichloroethene 50.0 49.62 ug/L 99 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 53.82 ug/L 108 63 -142 Vinyl acetate 100 108.1 ug/L 108 67 -135 Vinyl chloride 50.0 54.86 ug/L 110 66 -129 Xylenes, Total 100 101.6 ug/L 102 70 -130 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1, 2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 99 60 -124 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 110 70 -130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 70 -130 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 100 70 - 130 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 16 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718624/6 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718624 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 51.24 ug/L 102 70-130 1 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 53.40 ug/L 107 70-130 0 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 52.80 ug/L 106 70-130 0 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 52.05 ug/L 104 70-130 2 30 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 50.64 ug/L 101 70-130 0 30 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.74 ug/L 101 70-130 1 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 53.24 ug/L 106 70-130 2 30 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 53.34 ug/L 107 70-130 1 30 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 50.0 52.10 ug/L 104 70-130 0 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 54.87 ug/L 110 70 -130 1 30 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 47.46 ug/L 95 70 -130 7 50 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 52.47 ug/L 105 70 -130 1 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 53.11 ug/L 106 70 -130 4 30 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 210.4 ug/L 84 69 -120 6 30 2-Hexanone 250 243.9 ug/L 98 70-130 1 20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 241.7 ug/L 97 68-120 0 30 Acetone 250 220.4 ug/L 88 67 -120 4 30 Acrylonitrile 500 453.6 ug/L 91 70 -130 4 30 Benzene 50.0 50.62 ug/L 101 70 -130 0 30 Bromochloromethane 50.0 49.45 ug/L 99 70 -130 1 30 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 54.78 ug/L 110 70 -130 1 30 Bromoform 50.0 54.18 ug/L 108 69 -129 2 30 Bromomethane 50.0 52.63 ug/L 105 28 -192 4 30 Carbon disulfide 50.0 52.72 ug/L 105 70 -130 1 30 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 53.94 ug/L 108 70 -130 0 30 Chlorobenzene 50.0 49.41 ug/L 99 70 -130 1 30 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 53.79 ug/L 108 70 -130 0 30 Chloroethane 50.0 49.13 ug/L 98 31 - 213 4 30 Chloroform 50.0 51.97 ug/L 104 70 -130 0 30 Chloromethane 50.0 54.48 ug/L 109 59 -127 0 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.63 ug/L 103 70 -130 1 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 52.89 ug/L 106 70 -130 2 20 Dibromomethane 50.0 50.13 ug/L 100 70 -130 2 30 Ethylbenzene 50.0 51.83 ug/L 104 70 -130 1 20 lodomethane 50.0 51.39 ug/L 103 52 -129 5 30 Methylene Chloride 50.0 48.28 ug/L 97 70 -130 0 30 Styrene 50.0 53.25 ug/L 107 70 -130 2 30 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 48.25 ug/L 97 70 -130 1 30 Toluene 50.0 50.86 ug/L 102 70 -130 1 30 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 50.03 ug/L 100 70-130 0 30 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 54.33 ug/L 109 70-130 2 30 trans- 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 50.0 54.99 ug/L 110 67-120 1 30 Trichloroethene 50.0 49.64 ug/L 99 70 -130 0 30 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 52.87 ug/L 106 63 -142 2 30 Vinyl acetate 100 97.07 ug/L 97 67 -135 11 30 Vinyl chloride 50.0 54.83 ug/L 110 66 -129 0 30 Xylenes, Total 100 101.2 ug/L 101 70 -130 0 30 Eurofins Savannah Page 17 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 8260D - Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718624/6 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718624 LCSD LCSD Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 98 60-124 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 109 70 - 130 Dibromofluoromethane (Surr) 102 70 - 130 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 102 70- 130 Method: 8260D SIM - Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Prep Type: Total/NA Lab Sample ID: MB 400-576242/4 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 576242 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D 1,4-Dioxane <0.300 1.00 0.300 ug/L MB MB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane 102 50 - 150 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 50 - 150 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 - E Client Sample ID: Method Blank F Prep Type: Total/NA Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 05/03/22 17:55 1 Prepared Analyzed DU Fac 05103122 17.55 1 05103122 17.55 1 05103122 17.55 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 400-576242/1002 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 576242 Spike LCS LCS Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit 1,4-Dioxane 10.0 10.48 ug/L LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 50 -150 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 91 50 - 150 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 50 - 150 Method: 300.0 - Anions, Ion Chromatography Lab Sample ID: MB 680-719080/2 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 719080 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Sulfate <0.400 1.00 0.400 mg/L %Rec D %Rec Limits 105 50-150 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 05/04/22 10:27 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-719080/3 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 719080 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Sulfate 10.0 9.445 mg/L 94 90 -110 Eurofins Savannah Page 18 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 300.0 - Anions, Ion Chromatography (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-719080/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 719080 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Sulfate 10.0 9.697 mg/L 97 90 -110 3 15 Y Method: 6020B - Metals (ICP/MS) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718369/1-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718842 Prep Batch: 718369 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Antimony <0.000520 0.00500 0.000520 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Arsenic <0.000860 0.00300 0.000860 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Barium <0.000890 0.00500 0.000890 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Beryllium <0.000200 0.000500 0.000200 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Cadmium <0.0000780 0.000500 0.0000780 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Chromium <0.00260 0.00500 0.00260 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Cobalt <0.000220 0.000500 0.000220 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Copper <0.000900 0.00500 0.000900 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Lead <0.000340 0.00250 0.000340 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Nickel <0.00180 0.00500 0.00180 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Selenium <0.00120 0.00250 0.00120 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Silver <0.000390 0.00100 0.000390 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Thallium <0.000260 0.00100 0.000260 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Vanadium <0.00180 0.0100 0.00180 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Zinc <0.0100 0.0200 0.0100 mg/L 04/29/2211:53 05/02/2214:34 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718369/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718842 Prep Batch: 718369 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Antimony 0.0500 0.05042 mg/L 101 80 -120 Arsenic 0.100 0.1010 mg/L 101 80 -120 Barium 0.100 0.09744 mg/L 97 80-120 Beryllium 0.0500 0.05208 mg/L 104 80 -120 Cadmium 0.0500 0.05067 mg/L 101 80 -120 Chromium 0.100 0.1024 mg/L 102 80 -120 Cobalt 0.0500 0.05295 mg/L 106 80 -120 Copper 0.0991 0.1085 mg/L 109 80 -120 Lead 0.505 0.5046 mg/L 100 80 -120 Nickel 0.0990 0.1060 mg/L 107 80 -120 Selenium 0.100 0.09742 mg/L 97 80 -120 Silver 0.0500 0.05173 mg/L 103 80 -120 Thallium 0.0400 0.03929 mg/L 98 80-120 Vanadium 0.0998 0.1010 mg/L 101 80 -120 Zinc 0.100 0.1003 mg/L 100 80 -120 Eurofins Savannah Page 19 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 7470A - Mercury (CVAA) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718823/1-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718940 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier Mercury <0.0000800 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718823/2-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718940 Analyte Mercury Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718823/3-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718940 Analyte Mercury Method: 1664B - HEM and SGT-HEM Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718823 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.000200 0.0000800 mg/L 05/03/22 08:39 05/03/22 14:30 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718823 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 0.00250 0.002461 mg/L 98 80 -120 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718823 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 0.00250 0.002475 mg/L 99 80 -120 1 20 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718993/1-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 719044 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier Oil & Grease <1.4 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718993/2-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 719044 Spike Added �Analyte Oil & Grease 40.0 Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718993/3-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 719044 Spike Analyte Added Oil & Grease 40.0 Method: 351.2_ASP - Total Kjedahl Nitrogen Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718993 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 5.0 1.4 mg/L 05/04/22 07:14 05/04/22 09:55 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718993 LCS LCS %Rec Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 38.40 mg/L 96 78 -114 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718993 LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 38.40 mg/L 96 78 -114 0 18 Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718222/13-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718487 Prep Batch: 718222 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N <0.100 0.200 0.100 mg/L 04/28/22 13:22 04/29/22 13:36 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 20 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW F Job ID: 680-214576-1 Method: 351.2 ASP - Total Kjedahl Nitrogen (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718222/14-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718487 Prep Batch: 718222 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits LKjeldahl Nitrogen as N 2.00 1.834 mg/L 92 75-125 Method: 353.2 - Nitrogen, Nitrate -Nitrite Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718891/14 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718891 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL Nitrate Nitrite as N <0.0100 0.0500 FLab Sample ID: LCS 680-718891/17 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718891 Spike Analyte Added Nitrate Nitrite as N 1.00 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA F MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.0100 mg/L 05/03/2211:10 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA LCS LCS Result Qualifier Unit 0.9930 mg/L %Rec D %Rec Limits 99 90-110 Method: 365.4 - Total Phosphorus FLab Sample ID: MB 680-718222/13-A Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718489 Prep Batch: 718222 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Phosphorus, Total <0.0410 0.100 0.0410 mg/L 04/28/22 13:22 04/29/22 12:47 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718222/14-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718489 Prep Batch: 718222 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Phosphorus, Total 2.00 2.102 mg/L 105 90-110 Method: 4500 H+ B-2011 - pH Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-721403/3 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 721403 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 7.01 7.1 SU 101 63-158 LpH Method: 5210B ASP - CBOD FLab Sample ID: USB 680-717941/4 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 717941 USB USB Analyte Result Qualifier Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2.00 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA RL RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 2.00 2.00 mg/L 04/27/2212:42 1 Eurofins Savannah Page 21 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Method: 521013 ASP - CBOD Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-717941/5 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 717941 Analyte Biochemical Oxygen Demand Lab Sample ID: LCSD 680-717941/6 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 717941 Analyte Biochemical Oxygen Demand Job ID: 680-214576-1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike Added LCS Result LCS Qualifier Unit D %Rec %Rec Limits 198 189.2 mg/L 96 85 - 115 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit 198 183.2 mg/L 93 85 -115 3 30 Method: 9012B - Cyanide, Total andor Amenable Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718193/12-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718286 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL Cyanide, Total <0.00250 0.0100 FLab Sample ID: LCS 680-718193/13-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718286 Analyte Cyanide, Total Method: EPA 350.1 -Ammonia Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718139/1-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718234 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier Ammonia <0.100 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718139/3-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718234 Analyte Ammonia Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718193 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.00250 mg/L 04/28/2210:56 04/28/2219:41 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718193 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 0.0500 0.04633 mg/L 93 85 -115 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718139 RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.250 0.100 mg/L 04/28/22 09:26 04/28/22 12:09 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718139 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits 1.00 0.9209 mg/L 92 90 -1 00 Method: EPA 420.1 - Phenolics, Total Recoverable Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718701/1-A Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718772 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL [Phenolics, Total Recoverable <0.0250 0.0500 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 718701 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.0250 mg/L 05/02/2211:53 05/02/2216:35 1 Page 22 of 38 Eurofins Savannah 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Sample Results Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW F Job ID: 680-214576-1 Method: EPA 420.1 - Phenolics, Total Recoverable (Continued) Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718701/2-A Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718772 Prep Batch: 718701 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Phenolics, Total Recoverable 0.100 0.1113 mg/L 111 75-125 Method: SM 2540D - Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718256/1 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718256 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL RL Unit Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 2.50 mg/L Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718256/2 Matrix: Water Analysis Batch: 718256 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA F D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 04/28/22 16:19 1 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Total Suspended Solids 951 786.0 mg/L 83 80 -120 FLab Sample ID: LCSD 680-718256/3 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Dup Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718256 Spike LCSD LCSD %Rec RPD Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits RPD Limit Total Suspended Solids 951 830.0 mg/L 87 60- 220 5 25 Method: SM 5220D - COD Lab Sample ID: MB 680-718419/3 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718419 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Chemical Oxygen Demand <5.00 10.0 5.00 mg/L 04/29/22 14:48 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 680-718419/4 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 718419 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit D %Rec Limits Chemical Oxygen Demand 50.0 46.10 mg/L 92 90-110 Eurofins Savannah Page 23 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW GC/MS VOA Analysis Batch: 576242 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214576-1 Leachate MB 400-576242/4 Method Blank LCS 400-576242/1002 Lab Control Sample Analysis Batch: 718541 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214576-1 Leachate MB 680-718541/9 Method Blank LCS 680-718541/4 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-718541/5 Lab Control Sample Dup Analysis Batch: 718624 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214576-1 - DL Leachate MB 680-718624/10 Method Blank LCS 680-718624/5 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-718624/6 Lab Control Sample Dup HPLC/IC Analysis Batch: 719080 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214576-1 Leachate MB 680-719080/2 Method Blank LCS 680-719080/3 Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-719080/4 Lab Control Sample Dup Metals Prep Batch: 718369 Job ID: 680-214576-1 Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water 8260D SIM Total/NA Water 8260D SIM Total/NA Water 8260D SIM Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Total/NA Water 8260D Prep Type Matrix Method Total/NA Water 300.0 Total/NA Water 300.0 Total/NA Water 300.0 Total/NA Water 300.0 Prep Batch Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 3010A MB 680-718369/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 3010A LCS 680-718369/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 3010A Prep Batch: 718823 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 7470A MB 680-718823/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 7470A LCS 680-718823/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 7470A LCSD 680-718823/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 7470A Analysis Batch: 718842 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 6020B 718369 MB 680-718369/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 6020B 718369 LCS 680-718369/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 6020B 718369 Analysis Batch: 718940 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 7470A 718823 MB 680-718823/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 7470A 718823 Page 24 of 38 Eurofins Savannah 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Metals (Continued) Analysis Batch: 718940 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID LCS 680-718823/2-A Lab Control Sample LCSD 680-718823/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup General Chem Prep Type Matrix Total/NA Water Total/NA Water Job ID: 680-214576-1 Method Prep Batch 7470A 718823 7470A 718823 Analysis Batch: 717941 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 5210B ASP USB 680-717941/4 Method Blank Total/NA Water 5210B_ASP LCS 680-717941/5 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 5210B_ASP LCSD 680-717941/6 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 5210B_ASP Prep Batch: 718139 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water Distill/Ammonia MB 680-718139/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water Distill/Ammonia LCS 680-718139/3-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water Distill/Ammonia Prep Batch: 718193 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 9012B MB 680-718193/12-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 9012B LCS 680-718193/13-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 9012B Prep Batch: 718222 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water Digestion MB 680-718222/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Water Digestion LCS 680-718222/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water Digestion Analysis Batch: 718234 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water EPA 350.1 718139 MB 680-718139/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water EPA 350.1 718139 LCS 680-718139/3-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water EPA 350.1 718139 Analysis Batch: 718256 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water SM 2540D MB 680-718256/1 Method Blank Total/NA Water SM 2540D LCS 680-718256/2 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water SM 2540D LCSD 680-718256/3 Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water SM 2540D Analysis Batch: 718286 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 9012B 718193 MB 680-718193/12-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 9012B 718193 LCS 680-718193/13-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 9012B 718193 Page 25 of 38 Eurofins Savannah 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 718419 Job ID: 680-214576-1 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water SM 5220D MB 680-718419/3 Method Blank Total/NA Water SM 5220D LCS 680-718419/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water SM 5220D Analysis Batch: 718487 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 351.2_ASP 718222 MB 680-718222/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 351.2_ASP 718222 LCS 680-718222/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 351.2_ASP 718222 Analysis Batch: 718489 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 365.4 718222 MB 680-718222/13-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 365.4 718222 LCS 680-718222/14-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 365.4 718222 Prep Batch: 718701 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water Distill/Phenol MB 680-718701/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water Distill/Phenol LCS 680-718701/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water Distill/Phenol Analysis Batch: 718772 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water EPA 420.1 718701 MB 680-718701/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water EPA420.1 718701 LCS 680-718701/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water EPA420.1 718701 Analysis Batch: 718891 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 353.2 MB 680-718891/14 Method Blank Total/NA Water 353.2 LCS 680-718891/17 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 353.2 Prep Batch: 718993 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 1664B MB 680-718993/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 1664B LCS 680-718993/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 1664B LCSD 680-718993/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 1664B Analysis Batch: 719044 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 1664B 718993 MB 680-718993/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Water 1664B 718993 LCS 680-718993/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 1664B 718993 LCSD 680-718993/3-A Lab Control Sample Dup Total/NA Water 1664B 718993 Analysis Batch: 721403 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 680-214576-1 Leachate Total/NA Water 4500 H+ B-2011 Eurofins Savannah Page 26 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) QC Association Summary C Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW General Chemistry (Continued) Analysis Batch: 721403 (Continued) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch LCS 680-721403/3 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Water 4500 H+ B-2011 Field Service / Mobile Lab Analysis Batch: 718080 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 680-214576-1 Leachate Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Total/NA Water Field Sampling 9 F F Page 27 of 38 Eurofins Savannah 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Client Sample ID: Leachate Lab Sample ID: 680-214576-1 Date Collected: 04/26/22 09:35 Matrix: Water Date Received: 04/27/22 10:15 Batch Batch Dil Initial Final Batch Prepared Prep Type Type Method Run Factor Amount Amount Number or Analyzed Analyst Lab Total/NA Analysis 8260D 1 5 mL 5 mL 718541 05/01/22 17:05 EMA TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSB Total/NA Analysis 8260D DL 10 5 mL 5 mL 718624 05/02/22 20:30 P1 C TAL SAV Instrument ID: CMSU Total/NA Analysis 8260D SIM 5 5 mL 5 mL 576242 05/03/22 19:35 PP1 TAL PEN Instrument ID: Curie • Total/NA Analysis 300.0 25 5 mL 5 mL 719080 05/04/22 13:01 OK TAL SAV Instrument ID: CICK Total/NA Prep 3010A 50 mL 250 mL 718369 04/29/22 11:53 JE TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 6020B 1 718842 05/02/22 14:52 BWR TAL SAV Instrument ID: ICPMSD Total/NA Prep 7470A 50 mL 50 mL 718823 05/03/22 08:39 JKL TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 7470A 1 718940 05/03/22 14:43 JKL TAL SAV Instrument ID: QuickTrace2 Total/NA Prep 1664B 508 mL 500 mL 718993 05/04/22 07:14 JAS TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 1664B 1 719044 05/04/22 09:55 JAS TAL SAV Instrument ID: NoEquip Total/NA Prep Digestion 2 mL 20 mL 718222 04/28/22 13:22 SM TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 351.2_ASP 100 718487 04/30/22 09:10 NVF TAL SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 353.2 1 2 mL 2 mL 718891 05/03/22 11:21 MB TAL SAV Instrument ID: LACHAT2 Total/NA Prep Digestion 2 mL 20 mL 718222 04/28/22 13:22 SM TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 365.4 1 718489 04/29/22 13:21 NVF TAL SAV Instrument ID: SEAL 2 Total/NA Analysis 4500 H+ B-2011 1 721403 05/18/22 10:00 DR TAL SAV Instrument ID: MANTECH 2 Total/NA Analysis 521 OB_ASP 1 717941 04/27/22 13:38 OLB TAL SAV Instrument ID: BOD 2 Total/NA Prep 9012B 6 mL 6 mL 718193 04/28/22 10:57 NVF TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis 9012B 1 718286 04/28/22 19:57 NVF TAL SAV Instrument ID: KONELAB4 Total/NA Prep Distill/Ammonia 6 mL 6 mL 718139 04/28/22 09:26 DR TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis EPA 350.1 200 2 mL 2 mL 718234 04/28/22 14:07 DR TAL SAV Instrument ID: KONELAB1 Total/NA Prep Distill/Phenol 6 mL 6 mL 718701 05/02/22 11:53 SM TAL SAV Total/NA Analysis EPA 420.1 5 6 mL 6 mL 718772 05/02/22 17:03 SM TAL SAV Instrument ID: KONELA133 Total/NA Analysis SM 2540D 1 200 mL 1000 mL 718256 04/28/22 16:19 PG TAL SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Total/NA Analysis SM 5220D 100 2 mL 2 mL 718419 04/29/22 14:48 ALG TAL SAV Instrument ID: SPC7 Total/NA Analysis Field Sampling 1 718080 04/26/22 09:35 TIC TAL SAV Instrument ID: NOEQUIP Eurofins Savannah Page 28 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Lab Chronicle Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Laboratory References: TAL PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 0 Eurofins Savannah Page 29 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Laboratory: Eurofins Savannah All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date AFCEE SAVLAB Alabama State 41450 06-30-22 Alaska (UST) State 17-016 09-22-22 ANAB Dept. of Defense ELAP L2463 09-18-22 ANAB ISO/IEC 17025 L2463.01 09-22-22 Arkansas DEQ State 19-015-0 02-01-23 California State 2939 06-30-22 Florida NELAP E87052 06-30-22 Georgia State E87052 06-30-22 Georgia (DW) State 803 06-30-22 Guam State 19-007R 04-17-23 Hawaii State <cert No.> 06-30-22 Illinois NELAP 200022 11-30-22 Indiana State C-GA-02 06-30-22 Iowa State 353 07-01-23 Kentucky (UST) State NA 06-30-22 Louisiana NELAP 30690 06-30-22 Louisiana (DW) State LA009 12-31-22 Maine State GA00006 09-25-22 Maryland State 250 12-31-22 Massachusetts State M-GA006 06-30-22 Michigan State 9925 06-30-22 Mississippi State <cert No.> 06-30-22 Nebraska State NE-OS-7-04 06-30-22 New Jersey NELAP GA769 06-30-22 New Mexico State GA00006 06-30-22 New York NELAP 10842 04-01-23 North Carolina (DW) State 13701 07-01-22 North Carolina (WW/SW) State 269 12-31-22 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00474 06-30-22 Puerto Rico State GA00006 01-01-23 South Carolina State 98001 06-30-22 Tennessee State TN02961 06-30-22 Texas NELAP T1047004185-19-14 11-30-22 Texas TCEQ Water Supply T104704185 06-30-22 USDA US Federal Programs P330-18-00313 09-03-24 Virginia NELAP 460161 06-14-22 Washington State C805 06-10-22 Wisconsin State 999819810 08-31-22 Wyoming State 8TMS-L 06-30-22 Laboratory: Eurofins Pensacola All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date Alabama State 40150 06-30-22 ANAB ISO/IEC 17025 L2471 02-23-23 Arkansas DEQ State 88-0689 09-01-22 California State 2510 06-30-22 Florida NELAP E81010 06-30-22 Eurofins Savannah Page 30 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Job ID: 680-214576-1 Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Laboratory: Eurofins Pensacola (Continued) All accreditations/certifications held by this laboratory are listed. Not all accreditations/certifications are applicable to this report. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date Georgia State E81010(FL) 06-30-22 Illinois NELAP 200041 10-09-22 Kansas NELAP E-10253 10-31-22 Kentucky (UST) State 53 06-30-22 Kentucky (WW) State KY98030 12-31-22 Louisiana NELAP 30976 06-30-22 Louisiana (DW) State LA017 12-31-22 Maryland State 233 09-30-22 Massachusetts State M-FLO94 06-30-22 Michigan State 9912 06-30-22 North Carolina (WW/SW) State 314 12-31-22 Oklahoma NELAP 9810 08-31-22 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00467 01-31-23 South Carolina State 96026 06-30-22 Tennessee State TN02907 06-30-22 Texas NELAP T104704286 09-30-22 US Fish & Wildlife US Federal Programs 058448 07-31-22 USDA US Federal Programs P330-21-00056 05-17-24 Virginia NELAP 460166 06-14-22 West Virginia DEP State 136 05-31-22 Eurofins Savannah Page 31 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Method Summary Client: S&ME, Inc. Project/Site: Anson Landfill Leachate POTW Job ID: 680-214576-1 Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory 8260D Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS SW846 TAL SAV 8260D SIM Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) SW846 TAL PEN 300.0 Anions, Ion Chromatography MCAWW TAL SAV 6020B Metals (ICP/MS) SW846 TAL SAV 7470A Mercury (CVAA) SW846 TAL SAV 1664B HEM and SGT-HEM 1664B TAL SAV 351.2_ASP Total Kjedahl Nitrogen EPA TAL SAV 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate -Nitrite MCAWW TAL SAV 365.4 Total Phosphorus EPA TAL SAV 4500 H+ B-2011 pH SM TAL SAV 521OB_ASP CBOD SM TAL SAV 9012B Cyanide, Total andorAmenable SW846 TAL SAV EPA 350.1 Ammonia EPA TAL SAV EPA 420.1 Phenolics, Total Recoverable EPA TAL SAV SM 2540D Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) SM TAL SAV SM 5220D COD SM TAL SAV Field Sampling Field Sampling EPA TAL SAV 1664B HEM and SGT-HEM (Aqueous) 1664B TAL SAV 3010A Preparation, Total Metals SW846 TAL SAV 5030B Purge and Trap SW846 TAL SAV 5030C Purge and Trap SW846 TAL PEN 7470A Preparation, Mercury SW846 TAL SAV 9012B Cyanide, Total and/orAmenable, Distillation SW846 TAL SAV Digestion Digestion, Hot Block MCAWW TAL SAV Distill/Ammonia Distillation, Ammonia None TAL SAV Distill/Phenol Distillation, Phenolics None TAL SAV Protocol References: 1664B = EPA-821-98-002 EPA= US Environmental Protection Agency MCAWW = "Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastes", EPA-600/4-79-020, March 1983 And Subsequent Revisions. None = None SM = "Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water And Wastewater" SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: TAL PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 TAL SAV = Eurofins Savannah, 5102 LaRoche Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, TEL (912)354-7858 Eurofins Savannah Page 32 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) A an CD O N M _N L M. x C LL 10 C co N M > cm Cl) ro u U r O N_ y—_ N @ O) O c m O > O W n In a v e 3 ° U tl W N c 000080 ova Z C N O N O N _ x Z Q z z z x F Q� °'o U E E E V � �ZOad KNF-» �iN 7 N F U p U U 1 OLn C N0) CO «v U x o z— ' m A Q w U Q . - Sop O7 N lT ` U O v O) N xzmN22 N Q uo W W v ` lL OU (WO rn a om@ y ` t a Qm U Ow LL0x _6 siouleluoo }o aegwny 19101 x I"t Q L @ _ E "t E E v E w 4 3 a o z n E a O O m x c O j ° algeJanoaay leloy'sapouayd • 6 OZ4 12 h O o m sallW'IOA I xlpueddy 009Z8'; z! a0. 7 y y le)ol'aPIueRO HM6' c� n O W(551) OD y c E papuadsnS lel°l'spll°S • OOt SZ ; Z. x T d a N v ua06xp le°lwayoolH • HO6ZS z, Mnpuewa0 '�� o m v v E T @ U m c aseal0$IIO-H499►� x o W C Q C Q U o m VOL6L'90ZOV' St4Z'VMZ8 OOZ ',. .. D m C) U o o a °0ZZ9'4'99E'Z LS£'► 09E. �; ..z' O N (D N ` .,3, N E c n m > .w a m > .w n m >1. .v E F ale)InS • 09Z Wd0110 00E _ euexo ' 10 6 ► WIS 009Z8 Q. .-. N v _ o o y u) m -,.,.4+)t 0$ iQSW]fi IiaOj1}r v u) ~ (ON JO sG k) sItlwpS pe�alll l plel� . ao N o I �w wz a & a 3 U! E E !76 Fad Uo N' N d 9^ L U p• 01 E ap 0) O) O O z° fn~U Ism E SJm > ®y Ll a :} I 1ayLU E N H C c W C N N E E E c 1 u o F-'r'Yn" E ik 2 O 64 o O O N '. 0) w co CL C •O 3 O. a fn O z c O i —_ O an coC o O N O .o E O E n. t N G z 4- C C @ 2 ti 'C M coo N ni C '�O x ? _N o v a N N +. C ° >. G 5. - aw U N o a o w (O co a M o� V ` N J z c m a' a) m r C .p o 2 N d m Y N L 'O Y o a NlE � oa'3 �3z tN .. E'C u •o C �' @ N O� @ E v v v U U U J U u) Q Q U Y V H a V W Q Q N N J C LJ W m a K Page 33 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) c. c o m F _ N 1. m E oeo°Q�o¢�N y y y .0 E w o U USt izazzzS�¢� a'o ` o v c E E Wd N fz0M OC<0 Z, y U E U J U C,W V O C r 4- Obi _� O � V C O m� _u A u t n y Dat o o y 3 zc0 CV i i N QCL u UO¢= E GHQ .. N Z V ❑W V) oN O c 0 ld Z Z�< d Ei d p lO O00 U (O a 0-° ID -IL O SJQUjeJU03 )O IegwnN !e)O.L N w Q o E u New ��v E y H c c E E VIC c EE d y w z a .- m x a U w `0 M D m 0 .. . 'p o= w 1 1 o '-° a a) H _ m o n00 y n y E N U in Z 7 m Q -C) N m? Y a� N N .U) o co 7 t O N N rn d 1 T -c; C c_ pa E d o o w D U Q y U 0 y y E U U c m C d Z o° o W 0 z 2 a a E N u c D m H 0 0 L @� 2CL 0.ema -V 3000SMIS O09Z9 X o° ❑ O V o o g E (ON Jo ea OSWSW uoJd (ON Jo sak) a!dweS paJel!!j p!a!j ui a v a o S n v U) w Z % a. v a _= w 0 N m ° c c c a 3�0F U L ra y E O y m c0 - '� E; a o U U U N m E A N c v !J O. U A � n o. c E o )H C2L 0 y L N a) a w c M C v n .Y v v c ICJ E A r= m U 9 °' o a2 `- CNJ r N £ E r N E `m Naai � u Z' E EZ a °Q� tt voo =NE E 5 v d `o ❑' n a 3 a �o m a � m o o 0 0 E m c E � m c o 0- 5 'o � W a J c n � o N m W 'o z w J n U N p c o N °ma 0 Z '� C?X m m z N C L w v m N C a) y LL J L t E M u 2 > � N C 2 _a W O _ O jp m 7 m 00 N C x Cl) _ ovc U = U C O N J= A C N E p` ^ s a 0crn d _ l \ SZ QL Q E > c o f o' N W E C NQ cm Z n E mN o tfoNn TdN 'o O C)> C INO/1 cE cUz E na L 0 a A , Q N z mm of . .1 Page 34 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) •- - �a aveaisaae�e�ocs � � x s •olQuzwzouzr r W a x W .iqt (LID iWML� = W Ln ( w ' iL � Now - E r- 0 z Z � d C*4 � W = - ti 41 a:¢a: coLU r* ui C5W Ma m IW' 4, a ^ W I'_ z m ¢ ¢w mom' y J 0 C_ _ m ¢ NU A I m wD cs¢W¢ LA- Q$ I= - - -��— m ulj z. zo = = W wW �aoN ¢w W M 4' VJ it ammoONWN a' ¢z d V771' r Is i i r _ G ar J . cm N� M � W � Q O J U- 0 k ADO O — .N- M —1 /7 N ti I Page 35 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LEACHATE SAMPLING LOG S&ME PROJECT: DATE: PERSONNEL: 4140-15-007 4/26/2022 Skyler Schmal ***Add temp & pH to C of C LEACHATE SAMPLE Field Readings pH 1.33 Conductivity (mS/sec) 481 Temperature (°C) 27.4 Sample Time: 9:3 5 Page 36 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: S&ME, Inc. Job Number: 680-214576-1 Login Number: 214576 List Number: 1 Creator: Sims, Robert D Question List Source: Eurofins Savannah Answer Comment Radioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey N/A meter. The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. True Sample custody seals, if present, are intact. True The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or True tampered with. Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate True HTs) Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified. N/A There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested True MS/MSDs Containers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is N/A <6mm (1/4"). Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Residual Chlorine Checked. N/A Eurofins Savannah Page 37 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) Client: S&ME, Inc. Login Number: 214576 List Number: 2 Creator: Whitley, Adrian Question Login Sample Receipt Checklist Answer Comment Radioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey N/A meter. The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/A Sample custody seals, if present, are intact. N/A The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or True tampered with. Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate True HTs) Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified. N/A There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested True MS/MSDs Containers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is N/A <6mm (1/4"). Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Residual Chlorine Checked. N/A 2.6°C IR8 Job Number: 680-214576-1 List Source: Eurofins Pensacola List Creation: 04/28/22 02:22 PM Eurofins Savannah Page 38 of 38 6/3/2022 (Rev. 3) ENCO Laboratones Accurate. Timely. Responsive. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, May 23, 2022 S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Attn: Lindsey Harris 644 Eastern Star Road Kingsport, TN 37663 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 4140-15-007, Project Name/Desc: Anson LF - Dissolved metals ENCO Workorder(s): CF04527 Dear Lindsey Harris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Friday, April 15, 2022. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ;,� ✓mac T�y� Shahla Vakili Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-MW9S Lab ID: CF04527-01 Sampled: 04/14/22 10:35 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/11/22 05/16/22 05:24 05/20/22 12:09 Client ID: 0401-MW12S Lab ID: CF04527-04 Sampled: 04/11/22 11:53 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/08/22 05/16/22 05:24 05/20/22 12:11 Client ID: 0401-MW15D Lab ID: CF04527-07 Sampled: 04/11/22 13:47 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/08/22 05/16/22 05:24 05/20/22 12:14 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 Of 8 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-MW9S Lab ID: CF04527-01 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Dissolved 551 1.10 10.0 uq/L EPA 6010D I Client ID: 0401-MW15D Lab ID: CF04527-07 Analvte Cobalt - Dissolved Results Flag MDL PQL Units 7.16 1 1.40 10.0 ug/L Method Notes EPA 6010D FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW9S Lab Sample ID:CF04527-01 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/14/22 10:35 Work Order: CF04527 Project: Anson LF - Dissolved metals Sampled By: CLIENT Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units LF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Barium [7440-39-3]^ 551 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2E16007 EPA 6010D 05/20/22 12:09 JDH Description: 0401-MW12S Lab Sample ID:CF04527-04 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 11:53 Work Order: CF04527 Project: Anson LF - Dissolved metals Sampled By: CLIENT Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Arsenic [7440-38-2]^ 7.60 U ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2E16007 EPA 6010D 05/20/22 12:11 JDH Description: 0401-MW15D Lab Sample ID:CF04527-07 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 13:47 Work Order: CF04527 Project: Anson LF - Dissolved metals Sampled By: CLIENT (Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units LF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 7.16 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2E16007 EPA 6010D 05/20/22 12:14 JDH FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 of 8 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2E16007 - EPA 3005A Blank (2E36007-BLK1) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 11:19 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Blank (2E36007-BLK2) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 11:21 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2E16007-BS1) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 11:26 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 210 10.0 ug/L 200 105 80-120 Barium 216 10.0 ug/L 200 108 80-120 Cobalt 215 10.0 ug/L 200 108 80-120 Matrix Spike (2E16007-MS1) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 11:59 Source: CF06100-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 217 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 108 75-125 Barium 223 10.0 ug/L 200 5.64 109 75-125 Cobalt 220 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 110 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2E16007-MSDS) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 12:01 Source: CF06100-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 221 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 110 75-125 2 20 Barium 227 10.0 ug/L 200 5.64 111 75-125 2 20 Cobalt 223 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 112 75-125 2 20 Post Spike (2E36007-13SI) Prepared: 05/16/2022 05:24 Analyzed: 05/20/2022 12:04 Source: CF06100-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.230 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00243 115 80-120 Barium 0.232 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00564 113 80-120 Cobalt 0.228 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000768 114 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) Of (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALC] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 of 8 iy 3 3 cl cc 0 U w cc 0 U) V LL 0 1 Z a x U U) w cc O 4 x 0 m Q J Z 0 R w Z 0 U LJ r Z w 2 z 0 cc Z w m m N "Q U 4 N s �p 17 � go Ln E c Nr �C U) W N 'a T LL Q F �E m m E N m N 15 Em U7 0 ❑ at 4 a z 9 m Q-10 J � � � o Q m E a Q ° c 'V`II a E c m c o U -y .n r � � O m O C o C � m Q rt z c v L ] A Vl D c c y u cc a ¢ 2 5 2 E C � e� O m m Q j/4S`jlgd x x x x x x x x x x x x B m 0 o r° d dna'3rn'�ni' ss'dnH'�r x Xtxx x X X X x X X X v C i m m E c m m � E t �� 9 L ryry a 'a R c •`m •`m � le.� a �Lp a a 1 ❑ of C = Q! f� m ti N N N m LU O E � � c V.0 � St .a .�J cog •iip \J �a a A a <!1 r 3 N Nc E E a ,u N c v m w b 1 m nI W O a. a ❑ U] ❑ U] (A tf) N fA Q V- N c� o r13 v tl1 3?. cli Q c +G CC C C�C C 3 ? a a ai j rn E m V r '!� r O 1 Y-� 1 t^- 1 0 f 1 e`er r O E M query a �} C'7 eQ� Q a elf Q 9 9 r a C C} 3 zad N� N C w y 8 CO Page 7 of U G U H 0 u] f/I U E a N Z g O O N LL ZaN� M � J n N LL 6 U d m Z 0 0 W a2o v 0 -p n b "O v � c coI s � E �fl m a � E o 2 F- ` 65 Llj C v m 0 v ` L W E 0- m m 0l) co 0 � J m c � C � � 4 O U yr d � v U m Q fn 0 m 2 Y ` C � C — - 0 U =I/AS`jlgd x x x d ro n�'�l��'�' �'�►3'31i�9'�1e9'�1�1'�1�`d v $ m c � 'm r r r CO U w .90 Q ra U m 2 �Q 2 0 E E E U° E 0 mom} wc�� �� E o p a a d a m a V) U 1 O U fy�f�j C OA c � C '� L' V. T Wl u C G� + � q a E / c d mN v G O 2 W a'COO �Y1 Z d m�th cn •`7 �} �•,� a a �� ro` X. E E E U G U cn c71 co co l Q. m U � m a E t � E a o 0 w a � a. U o a 7 o_ a 0 U t m m m N m d m C a cc E a E ro 0 0 0 n U m c m m m a v N v y d n al Q Q G C c Q m a U E C m O C `1 cc Q7 r O c ° co d � c o Page 8 of f U7 U c g E � c � m ENCO Laboratones Accurate. Timely. Responsive. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Friday, June 10, 2022 S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Attn: Lindsey Harris 644 Eastern Star Road Kingsport, TN 37663 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 4140-15-007, Project Name/Desc: Anson LF - Dissolved metals ENCO Workorder(s): CF05791 Dear Lindsey Harris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ;,� ✓mac T�y� Shahla Vakili Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-MW2D Lab ID: CF05791-03 Sampled: 04/15/22 10:30 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 06/05/22 22:31 06/07/22 09:50 Client ID: 0401-MWBS Lab ID: CF05791-07 Sampled: 04/15/22 12:25 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Preo Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 06/08/22 00:22 06/10/22 09:27 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-MW2D Lab ID: CF05791-03 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Beryllium - Dissolved 0.583 1 0.160 1.00 uq/L EPA 6010D LG-01 Client ID: 0401-MWBS Lab ID: CF05791-07 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Dissolved 1920 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW2D Lab Sample ID:CF05791-03 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 10:30 Work Order: CF05791 Project: Anson LF - Dissolved metals Sampled By: Kelsey Vassallo Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units LF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.583 J ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2FO5002 EPA 6010D 06/07/22 09:50 JDH LG-01 Cobalt[7440-48-41^ 1.40 U ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2FO5002 EPA 6010D 06/07/22 09:50 JDH LG-01 Description: 0401-MW8S Lab Sample ID:CF05791-07 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 12:25 Work Order: CF05791 Project: Anson LF - Dissolved metals Sampled By: Kelsey Vassallo Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Barium [7440-39-3]^ 1920 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2FO5004 EPA 6010D 06/10/22 09:27 JDH FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2FO5002 - EPA 3005A Blank (2F05002-BLKI) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 09:43 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Blank (21`05002-BLK2) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 09:47 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2F05002-BS1) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 09:53 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 22.1 1.00 ug/L 20.0 111 80-120 Cobalt 220 10.0 ug/L 200 110 80-120 Matrix Spike (21`05002-MS3) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 09:57 Source: CF05791-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 23.0 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.583 112 75-125 Cobalt 219 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 109 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21`05002-MSD3) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 09:59 Source: CF05791-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 22.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.583 108 75-125 3 20 Cobalt 217 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 108 75-125 0.9 20 Post Spike (2F05002-PS3) Prepared: 06/05/2022 22:31 Analyzed: 06/07/2022 10:02 Source: CF05791-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Beryllium 0.0229 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 0.000583 112 80-120 Cobalt 0.219 0.0100 mg/L 0.200-0.000210 109 80-120 Batch 2FO5004 - EPA 3005A Blank (2F05004-BLKI) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 09:20 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Blank (2F05004-BLK2) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 09:23 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2F05004 - EPA 3005A - Continued LCS (2F05004-BSI) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 09:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 214 10.0 ug/L 200 107 80-120 Matrix Spike (2F05004-MS3) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 09:34 Source: CF05791-07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 2070 10.0 ug/L 200 1920 76 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21`05004-MS133) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 10:16 Source: CF05791-07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 2180 10.0 ug/L 200 1920 128 75-125 5 20 QM-07 Post Spike (2F05004-PS3) Prepared: 06/08/2022 00:22 Analyzed: 06/10/2022 09:39 Source: CF05791-07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 2.07 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 1.92 74 80-120 QM-08 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 Of 9 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALC] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. LG-01 Sample filtered in laboratory. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-08 Post -digestion spike did not meet method requirements due to confirmed matrix effects (dilution test). FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 7 of 9 7 3 N ro m ro -- J U x Cl) W ` N 40 0 Q7 Q CC m Y m N (n m T N C n � Q U N D m m U m 6 m N L N C p1 IL 6 C U :AJgS`:I/gd x x x x x x X X X X x x iu =I[UZ':FA'A41'-VQS'JAN'-V >4 X X X X x x x X X X x v y O v U N C7 C7 C9 c7 C7 t7 0 ' n � a �6 LL N j Z T ❑ c €j @ Fi Qi EYY144 Zqq k c UyyCAy a.J rnj Y o F •� --� ` � l� o ft. IL a Er co Fn —� tir 0 c 0 � U 9 CV C7 'y� !fa co r r ty r i d d C L d 1 r 1 I ELL ILi z 06 m !1 a n u C7 4 C3 F U1 vi m _w a m m c E E E _ m 6 m ❑ p 47 a 9 ro U Q a 6 C U 0] [n m N 6� GI cc r' m t m ❑ n n n n i m 0 ' L w a0 E. d aE x V S C LC m ° U !- J Q G L11 m v Q >. m o o fl n ¢ - n m � m `m Page 8 of UIO) E O V VI C V C a 3 N ui I C� [o] v 0 03 IL _0 s c # Y O p ++ c C N y N= _0E d ��+ o a E g� ro x� � U d H Cn W ' m o � Z o J c _T m d c_ a U � v ffi a D U m c 0 w C a` 0 j/qS'j/qd x x x m >4 x x v in a o U m x .� N m a ?" m E u r _ 1n -1 C .� Cl� ❑ o h a EL 0. Er m to m ❑ c_ U rJ � a 0 U a 4 41 CI a� a IU m a d iL L M as z Q O 0 Z ��//��' cn �S 'gym 'C y`✓■ m to fn y D_ U N71 j E � m e of m o v a CL N U o Qa 0 {J� m m m m m � d o m m Q cr m (f7 E m E m E ❑ m o Z `o m � m � m a E C Ir C cc 6 ¢ 8w 0 E m O c 9 m 0 �i c r co m o76 f o °` 11 ¢ a m a m a C, iq E w Lon Page 9 of w ENCO Laboratones Accurate. Timely. Responsive. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Friday, May 6, 2022 S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Attn: Lindsey Harris 644 Eastern Star Road Kingsport, TN 37663 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 4140-15-007, Project Name/Desc: Anson LF ENCO Workorder(s): CF04526,CF05798 Dear Lindsey Harris, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory between Friday, April 15, 2022 and Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative if applicable. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ;,� ✓mac T�y� Shahla Vakili Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-MW9S Lab ID: CF04526-01 Sampled: 04/14/22 10:35 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/19/22 08:01 04/22/22 09:38 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/11/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 12:48 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/28/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/19/22 23:51 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/28/22 04/21/22 19:08 04/22/22 09:42 Client ID: 0401-MW10S Lab ID: CF04526-02 Sampled: 04/11/22 10:50 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/19/22 08:01 04/22/22 09:40 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 12:52 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/18/22 14:00 04/18/22 20:04 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 00:17 Client ID: 0401-MW11S Lab ID: CF04526-03 Sampled: 04/12/22 14:05 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/09/22 04/20/22 01:23 04/20/22 14:56 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/09/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 12:56 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/26/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 00:42 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/26/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/19/22 21:58 Client ID: 0401-MW12S Lab ID: CF04526-04 Sampled: 04/11/22 11:53 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/20/22 01:23 04/20/22 15:17 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:00 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/18/22 14:00 04/18/22 20:32 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 01:08 Client ID: 0401-MW13S Lab ID: CF04526-05 Sampled: 04/12/22 12:40 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/09/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 09:49 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/09/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:05 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MIS 04/26/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 01:34 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/26/22 04/19/22 16:30 04/19/22 22:25 Client ID: 0401-MW14D Lab ID: CF04526-06 Sampled: 04/13/22 09:55 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:09 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:09 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 02:00 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 19:47 04/20/22 15:56 Client ID: 0401-MW15D Lab ID: CF04526-07 Sampled: 04/11/22 13:47 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:20 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/08/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:13 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/18/22 14:00 04/18/22 20:59 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 02:26 Client ID: 0401-Field Blank Lab ID: CF04526-08 Sampled: 04/13/22 09:00 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/25/22 15:12 04/26/22 10:28 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/10/22 04/18/22 02:07 04/21/22 13:27 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 02:51 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/27/22 04/19/22 19:47 04/20/22 09:54 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-TripBlank Lab ID: CF04526-09 Sampled: 04/11/22 10:50 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/18/22 14:00 04/18/22 18:13 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/25/22 04/19/22 12:59 04/20/22 03:17 Client ID: 0401-MWlD Lab ID: CF05798-01 Sampled: 04/15/22 11:30 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 04/29/22 05:18 05/03/22 10:54 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 09:23 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 20:49 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 13:32 Client ID: 0401-MW2S Lab ID: CF05798-02 Sampled: 04/15/22 10:00 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 04/29/22 05:18 05/03/22 10:57 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 10:44 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 21:16 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 13:58 Client ID: 0401-MW2D Lab ID: CF05798-03 Sampled: 04/15/22 10:30 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:40 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 10:57 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MIS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 21:44 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 14:24 Client ID: 0401-MW3S Lab ID: CF05798-04 Sampled: 04/19/22 10:10 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/16/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:43 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/16/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 11:02 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 05/03/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 22:12 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 05/03/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 14:50 Client ID: 0401-MW4S Lab ID: CF05798-05 Sampled: 04/15/22 14:00 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:50 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 11:06 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 22:39 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 15:15 Client ID: 0401-MWSS Lab ID: CF05798-06 Sampled: 04/19/22 10:40 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/16/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:53 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/16/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 11:10 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS O5/03/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 23:07 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 05/03/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 15:41 Client ID: 0401-MW8S Lab ID: CF05798-07 Sampled: 04/15/22 12:25 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:56 EPA 6020B EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 11:14 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/26/22 23:35 EPA 8260D EPA 5030B_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 16:07 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 0401-Field Duplicate Lab ID: CF05798-08 Sampled: 04/15/22 00:00 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:24 05/03/22 13:58 EPA 6020E EPA 3005A 10/12/22 05/02/22 01:30 05/05/22 11:19 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/26/22 16:30 04/27/22 00:02 EPA 8260D EPA 503013_MS 04/29/22 04/27/22 12:43 04/27/22 16:33 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-MW9S Lab ID: CF04526-01 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 739 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 2.05 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Vanadium - Total 2.59 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW10S Lab ID: CF04526-02 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 581 1.10 10.0 uq/L EPA 6010D I Client ID: 0401-MW11S Lab ID: CF04526-03 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 693 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW12S Lab ID: CF04526-04 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Arsenic - Total 11.3 7.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Barium - Total 189 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 4.37 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Lead - Total 4.13 J 3.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 5.80 J 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW13S Lab ID: CF04526-05 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 230 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW14D Lab ID: CF04526-06 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 8.89 J 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 2.78 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 1.67 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 4.10 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW15D Lab ID: CF04526-07 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 17.1 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 1.94 1 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 12.5 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 8.35 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Lead - Total 3.46 1 3.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 22.8 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 29.0 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW1D Lab ID: CF05798-01 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 125 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 7.26 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW2S Lab ID: CF05798-02 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 120 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Beryllium - Total 2.04 0.160 1.00 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 1.76 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 5.61 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 5.36 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 8.79 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 8.91 J 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 0401-MW2D Lab ID: CF05798-03 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 239 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Beryllium - Total 4.98 0.160 1.00 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 1.68 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 16.0 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 7.24 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 11.5 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 11.1 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW3S Lab ID: CF05798-04 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 37.8 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 3.18 1 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 2.77 1 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW4S Lab ID: CF05798-05 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 176 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 5.97 1 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 5.60 1 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 12.2 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MWSS Lab ID: CF05798-06 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 79.8 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 3.21 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-MW8S Lab ID: CF05798-07 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 2220 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Chromium - Total 3.38 J 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 4.04 J 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 7.87 J 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Client ID: 0401-Field Duplicate Lab ID: CF05798-08 Analvte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Barium - Total 240 1.10 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Beryllium - Total 5.45 0.160 1.00 ug/L EPA 6010D Cobalt - Total 18.7 1.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Copper - Total 8.59 J 1.60 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Nickel - Total 13.2 2.20 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D Zinc - Total 13.3 4.40 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010D FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 Of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW9S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-01 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/14/22 10:35 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary rertified analyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 7 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW9S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-01 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/14/22 10:35 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04/22/22 09:42 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 54 1 50.0 109 % 53-136 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04122122 09:42 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 46 1 50.0 92 % 67-129 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04122122 09:42 RKY Toluene-d8 55 1 50.0 110 % 59-134 2D21036 EPA 8260D 04122122 09:42 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:48 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 739 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 2.05 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:48 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:48 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 2.59 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:38 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 23:51 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04119122 23:51 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 8 Of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW10S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-02 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 10:50 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 9 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW10S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-02 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 10:50 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:04 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 1 50.0 97 % 53-136 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:04 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 51 1 50.0 102 % 67-129 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:04 RKY Toluene-d8 52 1 50.0 104 % 59-134 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:04 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:52 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 581 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:52 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:52 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D19006 EPA 6010D 04/22/22 09:40 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:17 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 00:17 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 10 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW11S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-03 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/12/22 14:05 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 11 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW11S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-03 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/12/22 14:05 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 21:58 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 1 50.0 94 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 21:58 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 50 1 50.0 100 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 21:58 RKY Toluene-d8 56 1 50.0 111 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 21:58 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:56 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 693 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:56 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 12:56 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 14:56 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 00:42 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 96 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 00:42 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 12 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW12S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-04 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 11:53 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 13 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW12S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-04 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 11:53 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:32 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 1 50.0 97 % 53-136 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:32 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 103 % 67-129 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:32 RKY Toluene-d8 52 1 50.0 105 % 59-134 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:32 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:00 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 11.3 ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 189 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 4.37 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 4.13 J ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:00 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:00 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 5.80 J ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D20001 EPA 6010D 04/20/22 15:17 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 01:08 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 01:08 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 14 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW13S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-05 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/12/22 12:40 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY QV-01 Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 15 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW13S Lab Sample ID:CF04526-05 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/12/22 12:40 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04/19/22 22:25 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 1 50.0 100 % 53-136 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:25 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 105 % 67-129 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:25 RKY Toluene-d8 53 1 50.0 107 % 59-134 2D19028 EPA 8260D 04119122 22:25 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:05 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 230 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:05 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:05 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 09:49 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 01:34 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.6 1 5.00 93 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 01:34 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 16 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW14D Lab Sample ID:CF04526-06 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/13/22 09:55 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 17 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW14D Lab Sample ID:CF04526-06 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/13/22 09:55 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 15:56 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 1 50.0 95 % 53-136 2D19031 EPA 8260D 0412012215:56 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 105 % 67-129 2D19031 EPA 8260D 0412012215:56 RKY Toluene-d8 55 1 50.0 110 % 59-134 2D19031 EPA 8260D 0412012215:56 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:09 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 8.89 J ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 2.78 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.67 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 4.10 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:09 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:09 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:09 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 02:00 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 02:00 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 18 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW15D Lab Sample ID:CF04526-07 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 13:47 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 19 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW15D Lab Sample ID:CF04526-07 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/11/22 13:47 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 20:59 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 1 50.0 94 % 53-136 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:59 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 106 % 67-129 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:59 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 109 % 59-134 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 20:59 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony [7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:13 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 17.1 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.94 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 12.5 ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 8.35 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.46 J ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 22.8 ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:13 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:13 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 29.0 ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:20 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 02:26 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 96 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 02:26 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 20 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-Field Blank Lab Sample ID:CF04526-08 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/13/22 09:00 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 21 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-FieldBlank Lab Sample ID:CF04526-08 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/13/22 09:00 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: SKYLER SCHMEL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 09:54 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 1 50.0 100 % 53-136 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:54 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 106 % 67-129 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:54 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 108 % 59-134 2D19031 EPA 8260D 04120122 09:54 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:27 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 1.10 u ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ 2.20 u ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:27 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2D18002 EPA 6020B 04/21/22 13:27 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 U ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D22018 EPA 6010D 04/26/22 10:28 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 02:51 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed & Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 02:51 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 22 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-Trip Blank Lab Sample ID: CF04526-09 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/11/22 10:50 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Benzene [71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Chlorobenzene [108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Ethylbenzene [100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Styrene [100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 23 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-TripBlank Lab Sample ID:CF04526-09 Received: 04/15/22 10:30 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/11/22 10:50 Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Xylenes(Total)[1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04/18/22 18:13 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 1 50.0 100 % 53-136 2D18032 EPA 8260D 04116122 18:13 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 105 % 67-129 2D18032 EPA 8260D 0411612218:13 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 107 % 59-134 2D18032 EPA 8260D 0411612218:13 RKY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 U ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04/20/22 03:17 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffy Notes Toluene-d8 4.7 1 5.00 94 % 75-125 2D19038 EPA 8260D 04120122 03:17 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 24 Of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MWlD Lab Sample ID:CF05798-01 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 11:30 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 25 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MWlD Lab Sample ID:CF05798-01 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 11:30 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 20:49 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 1 50.0 96 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 20:49 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 49 1 50.0 99 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 6260D 04126122 20:49 RKY Toluene-d8 53 1 50.0 106 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 6260D 04126122 20:49 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 09:23 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 125 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 7.26 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 09:23 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 09:23 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:54 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 13:32 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 041271221322 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 26 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW2S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-02 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 10:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 27 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW2S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-02 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 10:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:16 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 1 50.0 99 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:16 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 106 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:16 RKY Toluene-d8 55 1 50.0 111 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:16 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:44 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 120 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 2.04 ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.76 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 5.61 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 5.36 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 8.79 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:44 JDH Silver [7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:44 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 8.91 J ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2D29004 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 10:57 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 13:58 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed & Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712213:58 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 28 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW2D Lab Sample ID:CF05798-03 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 10:30 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 29 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW2D Lab Sample ID:CF05798-03 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 10:30 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 21:44 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 1 50.0 99 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:44 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 52 1 50.0 104 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:44 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 108 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 21:44 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:57 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 239 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 4.98 ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.68 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 16.0 ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 7.24 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 11.5 ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:57 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 10:57 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 11.1 ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:40 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 14:24 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.6 1 5.00 93 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712214:24 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 30 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW3S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-04 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/19/22 10:10 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 31 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW3S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-04 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/19/22 10:10 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:12 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52 1 50.0 104 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 22:12 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 106 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 22:12 RKY Toluene-d8 56 1 50.0 112 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 22:12 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:02 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 37.8 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 3.18 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 2.77 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:02 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:02 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:43 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 14:50 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.9 1 5.00 98 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712214:50 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 32 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW4S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-05 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 14:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 33 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW4S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-05 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 14:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 22:39 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 1 50.0 98 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 22:39 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 49 1 50.0 98 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 6260D 04126122 22:39 RKY Toluene-d8 53 1 50.0 107 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 6260D 04126122 22:39 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:06 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 176 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 5.97 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 5.60 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:06 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:06 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 12.2 ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:50 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 15:15 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.6 1 5.00 92 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712215:15 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 34 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW5S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-06 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/19/22 10:40 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 35 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW5S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-06 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/19/22 10:40 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte KAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:07 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 1 50.0 98 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 23:07 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 50 1 50.0 100 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 23:07 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 107 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 23:07 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:10 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 79.8 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 3.21 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:10 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:10 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 4.40 u ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:53 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 15:41 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 97 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712215:41 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 36 of 69 0Nk"q09 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW8S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-07 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 12:25 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 21)26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. F Page 37 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-MW8S Lab Sample ID:CF05798-07 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled:04/15/22 12:25 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/26/22 23:35 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 1 50.0 96 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 23:35 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 54 1 50.0 107 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 23:35 RKY Toluene-d8 54 1 50.0 108 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04126122 2335 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:14 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 2220 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 0.160 u ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 3.38 J ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.60 u ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 4.04 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:14 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:14 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 7.87 J ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:56 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 16:07 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.6 1 5.00 93 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 0412712216:07 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 38 of 69 00� www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-Field Duplicate Lab Sample ID:CF05798-08 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/15/22 00:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By:CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certfied anaiyte [NC 591] Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6]A 0.12 U ug/L 1 0.12 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5]A 0.28 U ug/L 1 0.28 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3]^ 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4]^ 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8]^ 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4]^ 0.66 U ug/L 1 0.66 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5]^ 0.10 U ug/L 1 0.10 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7]^ 0.19 U ug/L 1 0.19 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 2-Butanone [78-93-3]A 1.3 U ug/L 1 1.3 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 2-Hexanone [591-78-6]A 0.88 U ug/L 1 0.88 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1]^ 1.1 U ug/L 1 1.1 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Acetone [67-64-1]A 10 U ug/L 1 10 20 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Acrylonitrile [107-13-1]^ 3.5 U ug/L 1 3.5 10 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY QV-01 Benzene[71-43-2]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Bromochloromethane [74-97-5]A 0.48 U ug/L 1 0.48 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Bromoform [75-25-2]^ 0.22 U ug/L 1 0.22 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Bromomethane [74-83-9]A 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY QV-01 Carbon disulfide [75-15-0]A 1.5 U ug/L 1 1.5 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Chloroethane [75-00-3]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY QV-01 Chloroform [67-66-3]^ 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Chloromethane [74-87-3]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5]A 0.20 U ug/L 1 0.20 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Dibromomethane [74-95-3]A 0.27 U ug/L 1 0.27 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Ethylbenzene[100-41-4]A 0.13 U ug/L 1 0.13 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Iodomethane [74-88-4]^ 1.7 U ug/L 1 1.7 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY m,p-Xylenes[108-38-3/106-42-3]^ 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 2.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Methylene chloride [75-09-2]A 0.23 U ug/L 1 0.23 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY o-Xylene [95-47-6]A 0.065 U ug/L 1 0.065 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Styrene[100-42-5]A 0.11 U ug/L 1 0.11 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4]A 0.17 U ug/L 1 0.17 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Toluene [108-88-3]^ 0.14 U ug/L 1 0.14 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5]^ 0.21 U ug/L 1 0.21 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6]A 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6]A 0.70 U ug/L 1 0.70 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Trichloroethene [79-01-6]^ 0.15 U ug/L 1 0.15 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4]^ 0.24 U ug/L 1 0.24 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Vinyl acetate [108-05-4]A 0.95 U ug/L 1 0.95 5.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY QV-01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. r Page 39 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 0401-FieldDuplicate Lab Sample ID:CF05798-08 Received: 04/26/22 10:00 Matrix: Water Sampled:04/15/22 00:00 Work Order: CF05798 Project: Anson LF Sampled By: CLIENT Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed AX Notes Vinyl chloride [75-01-4]^ 0.32 U ug/L 1 0.32 1.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7]^ 0.45 U ug/L 1 0.45 3.0 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 00:02 RKY Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Ana/vzed By Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46 1 50.0 92 % 53-136 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04127122 00:02 RKY Dibromofluoromethane 53 1 50.0 106 % 67-129 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04127122 00:02 RKY Toluene-d8 52 1 50.0 104 % 59-134 2D26024 EPA 8260D 04127122 00:02 RKY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Antimony[7440-36-0]^ 0.740 u ug/L 2 0.740 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:19 JDH Arsenic[7440-38-2]^ 7.60 u ug/L 1 7.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Barium [7440-39-3]^ 240 ug/L 1 1.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Beryllium [7440-41-7]^ 5.45 ug/L 1 0.160 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ 0.360 u ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Cobalt[7440-48-4]^ 18.7 ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Copper[7440-50-8]^ 8.59 J ug/L 1 1.60 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 3.10 u ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Nickel[7440-02-O]^ 13.2 ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Selenium [7782-49-2]^ 1.82 u ug/L 2 1.82 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:19 JDH Silver[7440-22-4]^ 1.90 u ug/L 1 1.90 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Thallium [7440-28-0]^ 0.220 u ug/L 2 0.220 2.00 2EO2002 EPA 6020B 05/05/22 11:19 JDH Vanadium [7440-62-2]^ 1.40 u ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 13.3 ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 2EO2001 EPA 6010D 05/03/22 13:58 JDH Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution ^ - ENCO Orlando certified analyte [NC 424] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes 1,4-Dioxane [123-91-1]^ 0.80 u ug/L 1 0.80 2.0 2D27041 EPA 8260D 04/27/22 16:33 KKW Surrogates Results DF Spike Lv/ % Rec % Rec Limits Batch Method Analyzed ffly Notes Toluene-d8 4.8 1 5.00 96 % 75-125 2D27041 EPA 8260D 041271221633 KKW FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 40 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2DI8032 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D38032-BLK1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 14:00 Analyzed: 04/18/2022 17:46 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC Level Result %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 41 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D28032 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D38032-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/18/2022 14:00 Analyzed: 04/18/2022 17:46 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 96 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 51 u91L 50.0 101 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 105 59-134 LCS (2D18032-BSI) Prepared: 04/18/2022 14:00 Analyzed: 04/18/2022 15:55 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 90 75-133 Benzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-134 Chlorobenzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-120 Toluene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 87 71-120 Trichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 85 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 45 u91L 50.0 90 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 47 u91L 50.0 93 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 105 59-134 Matrix Spike (21318032-1VIS1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 14:00 Analyzed: 04/18/2022 16:22 Source: CF05306-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 99 75-133 Benzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 99 80-134 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 99 80-120 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 93 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 94 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46 u91L 50.0 93 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 51 u91L 50.0 101 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 105 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (2D18032-MSD1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 14:00 Analyzed: 04/18/2022 16:50 Source: CF05306-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 93 75-133 6 20 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 93 80-134 6 17 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 97 80-120 2 16 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 91 71-120 2 17 Trichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 90 74-120 5 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 96 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 98 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 104 59-134 Batch 2D19028 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D39028-BLK3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 20:07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 42 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D2902B - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39028-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 20:07 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC Level Result %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 u91L 50.0 99 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 53 u91L 50.0 107 67-129 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 43 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D2902B - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39028-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 20:07 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Toluene-d8 59 u91L 50.0 118 59-134 LCS (21319028-BS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 18:16 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 75-133 Benzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-134 Chlorobenzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 88 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 71-120 Trichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 96 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 101 67-129 Toluene-d8 51 u91L 50.0 102 59-134 Matrix Spike (21319028-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 18:44 Source: CF05306-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 94 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 95 80-120 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 97 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 95 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 98 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 47 u91L 50.0 95 67-129 Toluene-d8 55 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (21319028-MS131) Prepared: 04/19/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 19:12 Source: CF05306-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 95 75-133 1 20 Benzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 99 80-134 3 17 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 98 80-120 3 16 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 92 71-120 6 17 Trichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 86 74-120 10 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48 u91L 50.0 95 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 99 67-129 Toluene-& 54 u91L 50.0 108 59-134 Batch 2D19031 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D39031-BLK3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:58 Spike Source %REC Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L RPD RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full Page 44 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D29031 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D39031-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:58 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 u91L 50.0 95 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 46 u91L 50.0 97 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 107 59-134 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 45 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D29031 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued LCS (211319031-BSI) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 07:08 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 94 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 94 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 87 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 97 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 98 67-129 Toluene-d8 53 u91L 50.0 107 59-134 Matrix Spike (2D19031-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 07:36 Source: CF05306-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 83 75-133 Benzene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 87 80-134 Chlorobenzene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 90 80-120 Toluene 17 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 86 71-120 Trichloroethene 15 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 75 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 99 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 100 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 104 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (2D19031-MSD1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 19:47 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 08:03 Source: CF05306-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 97 75-133 15 20 Benzene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 107 80-134 20 17 QM-11 Chlorobenzene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 106 80-120 16 16 Toluene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 99 71-120 14 17 Trichloroethene 21 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 105 74-120 33 22 QM-11 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 47 u91L 50.0 94 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D21036-BLK3) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:56 Spike Source %REC Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. RPD RPD Limit Notes Page 46 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D21036-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:56 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 ug/L 50.0 97 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 100 67-129 Toluene-d8 52 u91L 50.0 104 59-134 LCS (21323036-BSI) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 05:06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 91 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 96 80-134 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 47 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D21036 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued LCS (2D21036-BSI) Continued Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 05:06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 97 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 97 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53 u91L 50.0 105 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 99 67-129 Toluene-d8 55 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Matrix Spike (2D23036-MS1) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 05:33 Source: CF05306-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 91 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 97 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 92 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 93 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 51 u91L 50.0 102 67-129 Toluene-d8 51 u91L 50.0 102 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (21323036-MS131) Prepared: 04/21/2022 19:08 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 06:01 Source: CF05306-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 99 75-133 8 20 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 97 80-134 1 17 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 102 80-120 5 16 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 97 71-120 5 17 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 97 74-120 4 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51 u91L 50.0 101 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 48 u91L 50.0 97 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 108 59-134 Batch 2D26024 - EPA 5030B MS Blank (2D26024-BLK3) Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 20:21 Analvte 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dich loroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1, 2, 3-Trich I o rop ropa ne 1,2-Di bromo-3-ch loropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane FINAL Spike Source %REC Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L 0.12 U 1.0 ug/L 0.28 U 1.0 ug/L 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L 0.66 U 1.0 ug/L 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L 0.10 U 1.0 ug/L This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. RPD RPD Limit Notes Page 48 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D26024 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Blank (2D26024-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 20:21 Analvte Result Flaq POL Units 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 U 1.0 ug/L 2-Butanone 1.3 U 5.0 ug/L 2-Hexanone 0.88 U 5.0 ug/L 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1.1 U 5.0 ug/L Acetone 10 U 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile 3.5 U 10 ug/L Benzene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Bromochloromethane 0.48 U 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Bromoform 0.22 U 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide 1.5 U 5.0 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroethane 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.18 U 1.0 ug/L Chloromethane 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.20 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Dibromomethane 0.27 U 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.13 U 1.0 ug/L Iodomethane 1.7 U 5.0 ug/L m,p-Xylenes 0.17 U 2.0 ug/L Methylene chloride 0.23 U 1.0 ug/L o-Xylene 0.065 U 1.0 ug/L Styrene 0.11 U 1.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 0.17 U 1.0 ug/L Toluene 0.14 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.21 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 0.70 U 1.0 ug/L Trichloroethene 0.15 U 1.0 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 0.24 U 1.0 ug/L Vinyl acetate 0.95 U 5.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.32 U 1.0 ug/L Xylenes (Total) 0.45 U 3.0 ug/L Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47 u91L 50.0 95 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 52 u91L 50.0 105 67-129 Toluene-d8 56 u91L 50.0 112 59-134 LCS (21326024-BSI) Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 18:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 90 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 94 80-134 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 98 80-120 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 92 71-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 49 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 2D26024 - EPA 5030B MS - Continued LCS (2D26024-BSI) Continued Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 18:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 95 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49 u91L 50.0 97 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 50 u91L 50.0 100 67-129 Toluene-d8 53 u91L 50.0 106 59-134 Matrix Spike (2D26024-MS1) Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 18:58 Source: CF05306-04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 100 75-133 Benzene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 96 80-134 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 99 80-120 Toluene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 94 71-120 Trichloroethene 19 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 97 74-120 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 u91L 50.0 100 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 49 u91L 50.0 98 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 107 59-134 Matrix Spike Dup (21326024-MS131) Prepared: 04/26/2022 16:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 19:25 Source: CF05306-04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaa Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,1-Dichloroethene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.21 U 102 75-133 2 20 Benzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 101 80-134 5 17 Chlorobenzene 20 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.17 U 100 80-120 2 16 Toluene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.14 U 89 71-120 6 17 Trichloroethene 18 1.0 ug/L 20.0 0.15 U 88 74-120 10 22 4-Bromofluorobenzene 54 u91L 50.0 108 53-136 Dibromofluoromethane 54 u91L 50.0 108 67-129 Toluene-d8 54 u91L 50.0 109 59-134 Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2DIS002 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D38002-BLK3) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:39 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 0.370 U 1.00 ug/L Selenium 0.910 U 1.00 ug/L Thallium 0.110 U 1.00 ug/L LCS (21318002-BSI) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:43 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 21.1 1.00 ug/L 20.0 106 80-120 Selenium 21.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 106 80-120 Thallium 19.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 99 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 50 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2DIS002 - EPA 3005A - Continued Matrix Spike (2D18002-MS3) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:52 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 42.2 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 105 75-125 Selenium 41.6 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 104 75-125 Thallium 39.8 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 100 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2D18002-MSD1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 11:56 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 43.6 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 109 75-125 3 20 Selenium 41.9 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 105 75-125 0.7 20 Thallium 39.5 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 99 75-125 0.9 20 Post Spike (2D18002-PS1) Prepared: 04/18/2022 02:07 Analyzed: 04/21/2022 12:35 Source: CF04529-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 21.1 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.0493 105 75-125 Selenium 19.6 1.00 ug/L 20.0 -0.167 98 75-125 Thallium 19.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.00656 97 75-125 Batch 2D19006 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D39006-BLK1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 08:59 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L Blank (2D19006-BLK2) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 51 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2DI9006 - EPA 3005A - Continued Blank (2D39006-BLK2) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2D19006-BSI) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:11 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 207 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Barium 205 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Beryllium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 102 80-120 Cadmium 20.7 1.00 ug/L 20.0 103 80-120 Chromium 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Cobalt 208 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Copper 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Lead 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Nickel 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Silver 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Vanadium 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Zinc 208 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D19006-MS3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:14 Source: CF04852-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 198 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 99 75-125 Barium 264 10.0 ug/L 200 63.3 100 75-125 Beryllium 19.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 96 75-125 Cadmium 20.9 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.584 101 75-125 Chromium 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 98 75-125 Cobalt 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 100 75-125 Copper 192 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 96 75-125 Lead 203 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 102 75-125 Nickel 204 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 102 75-125 Silver 200 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 100 75-125 Vanadium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 3.64 99 75-125 Zinc 208 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 104 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2D19006-MSD1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:17 Source: CF04852-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 192 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 96 75-125 3 20 Barium 263 10.0 ug/L 200 63.3 100 75-125 0.5 20 Beryllium 19.0 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 95 75-125 1 20 Cadmium 20.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.584 101 75-125 0.5 20 Chromium 195 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 98 75-125 0.9 20 Cobalt 198 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 0.4 20 Copper 191 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 95 75-125 0.7 20 Lead 200 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 100 75-125 2 20 Nickel 203 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 102 75-125 0.3 20 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 52 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2DI9006 - EPA 3005A - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (2D19006-MSD1) Continued Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:17 Source: CF04852-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Silver 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 98 75-125 1 20 Vanadium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 3.64 99 75-125 0.9 20 Zinc 208 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 104 75-125 0.4 20 Post Spike (2D19006-PS1) Prepared: 04/19/2022 08:01 Analyzed: 04/22/2022 09:19 Source: CF04852-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.204 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00138 102 80-120 Barium 0.268 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.0633 103 80-120 Beryllium 0.0199 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -0.000595 100 80-120 Cadmium 0.0214 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 0.000584 104 80-120 Chromium 0.204 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.000483 102 80-120 Cobalt 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000674 102 80-120 Copper 0.198 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00402 99 80-120 Lead 0.210 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00163 104 80-120 Nickel 0.211 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000665 105 80-120 Silver 0.211 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00129 106 80-120 Vanadium 0.208 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00364 102 80-120 Zinc 0.216 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00257 107 80-120 Batch 1D20001 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D20001-BLK1) Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 14:53 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2D20001-BSI) Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 14:59 Spike Source %REC Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits Arsenic 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Barium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Beryllium 20.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 102 80-120 Cadmium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 102 80-120 Chromium 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Cobalt 207 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Copper 200 10.0 ug/L 200 100 80-120 RPD RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 53 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D20001 - EPA 3005A - Continued LCS (2D20001-BSI) Continued Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 14:59 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Lead 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Nickel 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Silver 200 10.0 ug/L 200 100 80-120 Vanadium 198 10.0 ug/L 200 99 80-120 Zinc 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D20001-MS3) Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 15:01 Source: CF04526-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 199 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 100 75-125 Barium 860 10.0 ug/L 200 693 83 75-125 Beryllium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 102 75-125 Cadmium 19.0 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 95 75-125 Chromium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Cobalt 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 Copper 190 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 95 75-125 Lead 197 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 99 75-125 Nickel 201 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 101 75-125 Silver 200 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 100 75-125 Vanadium 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 Zinc 205 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 103 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21320001-MS131) Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 15:04 Source: CF04526-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 203 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 102 75-125 2 20 Barium 870 10.0 ug/L 200 693 89 75-125 1 20 Beryllium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 101 75-125 0.7 20 Cadmium 18.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 94 75-125 0.8 20 Chromium 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 100 75-125 1 20 Cobalt 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 0.9 20 Copper 188 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 94 75-125 0.9 20 Lead 197 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 99 75-125 0.08 20 Nickel 199 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 100 75-125 0.9 20 Silver 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 99 75-125 1 20 Vanadium 195 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 97 75-125 1 20 Zinc 205 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 102 75-125 0.3 20 Post Spike (2D20001-PS1) Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 15:07 Source: CF04526-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.197 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00817 98 80-120 Barium 0.881 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.693 94 80-120 Beryllium 0.0206 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -4.32E-6 103 80-120 Cadmium 0.0190 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -0.000801 95 80-120 Chromium 0.202 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000892 101 80-120 Cobalt 0.198 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.000631 99 80-120 Copper 0.191 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00610 95 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 54 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D20001 - EPA 3005A - Continued Post Spike (21320001-13SI) Continued Prepared: 04/20/2022 01:23 Analyzed: 04/20/2022 15:07 Source: CF04526-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Lead 0.197 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00313 99 80-120 Nickel 0.201 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00172 100 80-120 Silver 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -5.48E-5 103 80-120 Vanadium 0.197 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00315 99 80-120 Zinc 0.208 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00111 103 80-120 Batch 2D22018 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D22018-BLK3) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2D22018-BSI) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:52 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Barium 209 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Beryllium 20.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Cadmium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Cobalt 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Copper 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Lead 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Nickel 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Silver 203 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Vanadium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Zinc 209 10.0 ug/L 200 104 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D22018-MS3) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:55 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 208 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 104 75-125 Barium 427 10.0 ug/L 200 230 99 75-125 Beryllium 20.6 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 103 75-125 Cadmium 19.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 99 75-125 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 55 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D2201B - EPA 3005A - Continued Matrix Spike (2D22018-MS3) Continued Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:55 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Cobalt 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Copper 198 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 99 75-125 Lead 201 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 101 75-125 Nickel 200 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 100 75-125 Silver 204 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 102 75-125 Vanadium 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Zinc 209 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 104 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2D22018-MSD1) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 09:58 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 213 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 107 75-125 2 20 Barium 437 10.0 ug/L 200 230 103 75-125 2 20 Beryllium 20.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 104 75-125 1 20 Cadmium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 101 75-125 2 20 Chromium 207 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 104 75-125 2 20 Cobalt 208 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 104 75-125 3 20 Copper 201 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 101 75-125 2 20 Lead 206 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 103 75-125 2 20 Nickel 203 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 102 75-125 2 20 Silver 206 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 103 75-125 1 20 Vanadium 205 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 2 20 Zinc 214 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 107 75-125 2 20 Post Spike (2D22018-PS1) Prepared: 04/25/2022 15:12 Analyzed: 04/26/2022 10:00 Source: CF04526-05 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.213 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00662 103 80-120 Barium 0.434 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.230 102 80-120 Beryllium 0.0210 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 3.39E-6 105 80-120 Cadmium 0.0206 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -0.000214 103 80-120 Chromium 0.207 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00119 103 80-120 Cobalt 0.210 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000999 104 80-120 Copper 0.202 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00108 101 80-120 Lead 0.209 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000591 104 80-120 Nickel 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00144 102 80-120 Silver 0.212 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 7.75E-5 106 80-120 Vanadium 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.000793 103 80-120 Zinc 0.216 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00437 106 80-120 Batch 2D29004 - EPA 3005A Blank (2D29004-BLK3) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 56 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D29004 - EPA 3005A - Continued Blank (2D29004-BLK1) Continued Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L Blank (2D29004-BLK2) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:34 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2D29004-BSI) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:39 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Barium 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Beryllium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 102 80-120 Cadmium 20.7 1.00 ug/L 20.0 103 80-120 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Cobalt 209 10.0 ug/L 200 105 80-120 Copper 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Lead 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Nickel 204 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Silver 205 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Vanadium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 100 80-120 Zinc 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Matrix Spike (2D29004-MS1) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:42 Source: CF04294-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 200 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 100 75-125 Barium 245 10.0 ug/L 200 43.8 100 75-125 Beryllium 20.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.300 103 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 57 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D29004 - EPA 3005A - Continued Matrix Spike (2D29004-MS3) Continued Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:42 Source: CF04294-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Cadmium 20.5 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 102 75-125 Chromium 204 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 101 75-125 Cobalt 206 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 103 75-125 Copper 205 10.0 ug/L 200 4.92 100 75-125 Lead 207 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 103 75-125 Nickel 202 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 101 75-125 Silver 205 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 102 75-125 Vanadium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 100 75-125 Zinc 500 10.0 ug/L 200 304 98 75-125 Matrix Spike (2D29004-MS2) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:55 Source: CF04294-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 204 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 102 75-125 Barium 239 10.0 ug/L 200 40.5 99 75-125 Beryllium 20.5 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 102 75-125 Cadmium 19.9 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 99 75-125 Chromium 200 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 100 75-125 Cobalt 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 Copper 200 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 100 75-125 Lead 202 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 101 75-125 Nickel 197 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 99 75-125 Silver 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 101 75-125 Vanadium 197 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 Zinc 219 10.0 ug/L 200 16.5 101 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2D29004-MSD1) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:44 Source: CF04294-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 200 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 100 75-125 0.2 20 Barium 243 10.0 ug/L 200 43.8 100 75-125 0.6 20 Beryllium 20.8 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.300 102 75-125 0.2 20 Cadmium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 102 75-125 0.08 20 Chromium 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 101 75-125 0.8 20 Cobalt 205 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 102 75-125 0.8 20 Copper 204 10.0 ug/L 200 4.92 100 75-125 0.7 20 Lead 205 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 102 75-125 1 20 Nickel 201 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 100 75-125 0.5 20 Silver 204 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 102 75-125 0.5 20 Vanadium 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 0.8 20 Zinc 499 10.0 ug/L 200 304 98 75-125 0.2 20 Post Spike (2D29004-PS1) Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:47 Source: CF04294-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00310 103 80-120 Barium 0.249 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.0438 103 80-120 Beryllium 0.0214 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 0.000300 106 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 58 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2D29004 - EPA 3005A - Continued Post Spike (2D29004-PS1) Continued Prepared: 04/29/2022 05:18 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 09:47 Source: CF04294-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Cadmium 0.0208 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 9.75E-6 104 80-120 Chromium 0.209 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00160 104 80-120 Cobalt 0.211 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000842 105 80-120 Copper 0.212 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00492 103 80-120 Lead 0.208 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00194 103 80-120 Nickel 0.206 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000250 103 80-120 Silver 0.209 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000463 104 80-120 Vanadium 0.205 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.000492 103 80-120 Zinc 0.503 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.304 100 80-120 Batch 2EO2001 - EPA 3005A Blank (2E02001-BLK1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 10:59 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 7.60 U 10.0 ug/L Barium 1.10 U 10.0 ug/L Beryllium 0.160 U 1.00 ug/L Cadmium 0.360 U 1.00 ug/L Chromium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Cobalt 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Copper 1.60 U 10.0 ug/L Lead 3.10 U 10.0 ug/L Nickel 2.20 U 10.0 ug/L Silver 1.90 U 10.0 ug/L Vanadium 1.40 U 10.0 ug/L Zinc 4.40 U 10.0 ug/L LCS (2E02001-BSI) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 11:35 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Barium 201 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Beryllium 20.2 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Cadmium 20.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 101 80-120 Chromium 200 10.0 ug/L 200 100 80-120 Cobalt 206 10.0 ug/L 200 103 80-120 Copper 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Lead 203 10.0 ug/L 200 102 80-120 Nickel 201 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Silver 202 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Vanadium 197 10.0 ug/L 200 99 80-120 Zinc 203 10.0 ug/L 200 101 80-120 Matrix Spike (2E02001-MS3) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 11:37 Source: CF05211-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 201 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 101 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 59 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2E02001 - EPA 3005A - Continued Matrix Spike (2E02001-MS3) Continued Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 11:37 Source: CF05211-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Barium 208 10.0 ug/L 200 6.36 101 75-125 Beryllium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 102 75-125 Cadmium 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 102 75-125 Chromium 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 Cobalt 207 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 104 75-125 Copper 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 101 75-125 Lead 203 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 102 75-125 Nickel 200 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 100 75-125 Silver 203 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 102 75-125 Vanadium 198 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 Zinc 202 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 101 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2E02001-MSD1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 11:40 Source: CF05211-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 201 10.0 ug/L 200 7.60 U 100 75-125 0.3 20 Barium 205 10.0 ug/L 200 6.36 99 75-125 2 20 Beryllium 20.0 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.160 U 100 75-125 2 20 Cadmium 19.9 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.360 U 99 75-125 3 20 Chromium 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 99 75-125 2 20 Cobalt 202 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 101 75-125 2 20 Copper 199 10.0 ug/L 200 1.60 U 100 75-125 1 20 Lead 198 10.0 ug/L 200 3.10 U 99 75-125 3 20 Nickel 198 10.0 ug/L 200 2.20 U 99 75-125 1 20 Silver 200 10.0 ug/L 200 1.90 U 100 75-125 2 20 Vanadium 196 10.0 ug/L 200 1.40 U 98 75-125 1 20 Zinc 199 10.0 ug/L 200 4.40 U 99 75-125 2 20 Post Spike (2E02001-PSI) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:24 Analyzed: 05/03/2022 11:43 Source: CF05211-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.206 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00181 103 80-120 Barium 0.216 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00636 105 80-120 Beryllium 0.0210 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 -1.06E-5 105 80-120 Cadmium 0.0209 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 0.000175 104 80-120 Chromium 0.210 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -2.09E-5 105 80-120 Cobalt 0.214 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000870 107 80-120 Copper 0.211 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00103 105 80-120 Lead 0.210 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00370 105 80-120 Nickel 0.208 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000363 104 80-120 Silver 0.211 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000812 105 80-120 Vanadium 0.206 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000142 103 80-120 Zinc 0.209 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00102 104 80-120 Batch 2E02002 - EPA 3005A FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 60 of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 2EO2002 - EPA 3005A - Continued Blank (2E02002-BLK1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:30 Analyzed: 05/05/2022 09:13 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 0.370 U 1.00 ug/L Selenium 0.910 U 1.00 ug/L Thallium 0.110 U 1.00 ug/L LCS (2E02002-BSI) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:30 Analyzed: 05/05/2022 09:18 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 20.4 1.00 ug/L 20.0 102 80-120 Selenium 20.0 1.00 ug/L 20.0 100 80-120 Thallium 20.7 1.00 ug/L 20.0 104 80-120 Matrix Spike (2E02002-MS3) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:30 Analyzed: 05/05/2022 09:27 Source: CF05798-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 42.8 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 107 75-125 Selenium 39.3 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 98 75-125 Thallium 40.1 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 100 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (2E02002-MSDS) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:30 Analyzed: 05/05/2022 09:32 Source: CF05798-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 42.1 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.740 U 105 75-125 2 20 Selenium 39.5 2.00 ug/L 40.0 1.82 U 99 75-125 0.4 20 Thallium 40.4 2.00 ug/L 40.0 0.220 U 101 75-125 0.6 20 Post Spike (2E02002-PS1) Prepared: 05/02/2022 01:30 Analyzed: 05/05/2022 09:36 Source: CF05798-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Antimony 21.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.00397 106 75-125 Selenium 20.6 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.0530 103 75-125 Thallium 20.3 1.00 ug/L 20.0 0.0220 101 75-125 Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution - Quality Control Batch 2D19038 - EPA 5030E MS Blank (2D39038-BLK3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 22:59 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 0.80 U 2.0 ug/L Toluene-& 4.8 u91L 5.00 96 75-125 LCS (2D19038-BSI) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 21:17 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 23 2.0 ug/L 25.0 94 80-133 Toluene-& 5.1 u91L 5.00 103 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 61 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS SIM Isotope Dilution - Quality Control Batch 2D2903B - EPA 5030B MS - Continued Matrix Spike (21)19038-MS3) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 21:42 Source: CF04526-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 23 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 90 80-133 Toluene-d8 4.9 u91L 5.00 97 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21319038-MS131) Prepared: 04/19/2022 12:59 Analyzed: 04/19/2022 22:08 Source: CF04526-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 22 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 89 80-133 2 19 Toluene-d8 4.8 u91L 5.00 97 75-125 Batch 2D27041 - EPA 5030E MS Blank (2D27041-BLK3) Prepared: 04/27/2022 00:00 Analyzed: 04/27/2022 12:57 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 0.80 U 2.0 ug/L Toluene-d8 4.8 u91L 5.00 96 75-125 LCS (2D27041-BS1) Prepared: 04/27/2022 00:00 Analyzed: 04/27/2022 12:32 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 24 2.0 ug/L 25.0 96 80-133 Toluene-d8 4.9 u91L 5.00 98 75-125 Matrix Spike (2D27041-MS1) Prepared: 04/27/2022 00:00 Analyzed: 04/27/2022 21:16 Source: CF05798-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 24 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 95 80-133 Toluene-d8 5.0 u91L 5.00 99 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (21327041-MS131) Prepared: 04/27/2022 00:00 Analyzed: 04/27/2022 21:41 Source: CF05798-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 1,4-Dioxane 24 2.0 ug/L 25.0 0.80 U 94 80-133 1 19 Toluene-d8 4.8 u91L 5.00 96 75-125 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 62 Of 69 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. The PQL presented is the laboratory MRL. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. [CALC] Calculated analyte - MDL/MRL reported to the highest reporting limit of the component analyses. QI-02 Internal standard outside acceptance limits. Samples results are considered estimated. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance limits. QV-01 The associated continuing calibration verification standard exhibited high bias; since the result is ND, there is no impact. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 63 of 69 E C� 3 3 G Q 0 U w F� Q V LL 0 Z a U LLI cc O mar I.L O J z 0 R cr w U) z 0 U F Z w 2 Z 0 z w a v ._ a D C =r E m xi Cn W a C) F= E r- aNi � _m a m k " rc i 0 coo a oz n , � Q N p U 7 � O a a U U � � v a m y c a o z m p m Z. W p 3 m T C_ a E a v 7 w L a y m U 9 O U U C a asi w OC ccIr A N LA - mC a` uZnLl OS'Q3`gd'fN'��`y�` x X X X x X X x X x x X o o q a$ QI W1S C�()9Z8'! x!puoddV (309Z8 K X K X X X X X X X X X ° v w ° 0 o m N c E ro U - y «� L m 1 � i 3: 7 } 3 �r- 3: 3 a � Q Ln a T' I d —j E c ID CA E E � cl U f�qy 1° N o �� c �/� {�q Z T Z m �Iy(w a O ..r �� C� a 0-(L a 2 m 6 y E 7 0 cn m c T M O N •� m c nn) a ��//�� U1 0 rn u} CO cn V Q m Q c a Q - C (A 0 m L,L,E f��O} CO G CD v a C5 zo N 69 � Page 64 of g U 4 0� F rn U) U E a cc 0 U W 0 V LL 0 Z a S U V/ W cc 0 yQy 1.6 M0 W z 0 Q W (1) z 0 U z W 2 z 0 C z W O ? onn V Q c❑i 7 Q1 a yam{ L / E e y LL. E�m O a � � C U m ¢ n \jjj"`l r a � c U m E _ m � � v 1 J � l.J O O = m m m a c 7 0 # m a o G Q U m N � a ? rc m ¢ ¢ ¢ z € C h o a k m LE rc w r a n•u' x x x _ ❑ ❑ ❑ m a al W15 ❑o9Z8,X!Puwdv 009Z8 x X x x X i C N m C1 J P p C .66 s � 9 a r (/1 Vl yJ o �Cj 1 .rp� ■V = = a E J u m m m 6 r � O � W r . ❑ C � �. � F omi Q � m y m Lo Q C _ L 61. a a c[ m co t I J N N m � n E a ncl _� m �'•//n a ❑ m pJ ,� Y C Sy� C � Cl O a m J rr^ Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary ENCC Work Order: CF04526 Project: Anson LF Client: S&ME, Inc. (SM011) Project #: 4140-15-007 Lagged In: 15-Apr-22 10:46 Logged By: Samantha L tatt Preservation Check Performed By: „ Date/Time: 1 2Z 100 W CF04526-01 Cant Type . Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / -fn Control Datef ime pl Ad usted Adjusted ;--�, Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y /, N/ NA Y N P NA CF04526-02 Cont Type, yp Pres (pH) pH Checked I -°In DatelTime pH Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments Requirement Control Adiusted A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y N / NA Y /N I,NA CF04526-03 Cont Type yp Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / -fri Control DatefT-ime pH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent UsedlComments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y ) N / NA YIN !, NA C F04526-04 Cant Type Pres (pH) pH Checked f j k'n, Control Date/Time pH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/CommentsRequirement A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y/ N I NA Y 1 N ,1 NA j CF04526-05 Cont Type - Pres (pH) Requirement pH Chocked/ in Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent UsedlComments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y I N/ NA Y II(N J NA CF04526-06 ' Cont Type Yp Pres (pH) pH Checked / DaterFtme PH Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments Requirement In Control Adjusted A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 (Y l N/ NA Y I N 1 NA CF04526-07 Cont T e Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked i l Controj Date/TimeYP pH AdjustedDate/TimeReagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y )N / NA I Y / N` NA CF04526-08 Cont T e YR Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In, Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y 1+ N / NA Y / ,t ! NA Rea ent Name ID 1 2 pH Strip ID: Reagent Name ID 3 4 Reactent Name ID 5 6 - C:IELMNT1Printlwko_PreservationCheck, rpt I Page 66 of 69 w E 0 0 RSl 2 a cc O U w 0 Q cn U I.L O Z a 2 U W O a cc O m Q J z O a cc Li! U) z O U J Fqa- z LLI m z O Lc z w m o C N H E N yy b 7 C) o }, C O a E o U h (n W -2 m E E E c 67 = a �e ❑ E m h a t c m m N Q fn ❑' O O a N m � N C a d O n E _m o U � m `m - � x m y Z � A O m 2 � a r c C It N tii n. T m � ¢ c = m OC U' —0o = E c n m m m C = a m m U_ a E E E a m r S. i /i t1 x X X X X X X x X X ?( ( 85'g8'Qd'i1d'n 1'�J'p ]'R�'a8'a8"gh ab v in a o n a 2 IJIS C]QSZB' b xjptFecldy 009Z8 ?� X X X x X X X X X X X N u En N C h TE V E U � a .. L a o 3: y 7 u o 2 0 C7 Ca 0 0 0 U 0 0 (D Q� n m m Q e C,^? 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Work Order CF05798 Project: Anson LF Client: SME, Inc. (SM011) Project #: 4140-15-007 Logged In: 26-Apr-22 12:54 Logged By: Rachel Ann oni h Preservation Check Performed By: _ Date/Time: CF05798-01 Cant Type Pres (PH) Requirement PH Checked/ In Control Dateliime PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 1 2 Y N/ NA I Y I N i NA CF05798-02 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control 1 I)H Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y'11 N / NA I Y N NA CFO.5798-03 Cont Type Pres (PH) Requirement pH Checked I In Control PH Adjusted DatelTime Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y / N / NA Y !` N ,1 NA C F05798-04 Cont Type Pres (pH) pH Checked 1 pH Adjusted Date/Time Reagent Used/Comments Requirement In Control Adjusted A 25OmLP+HNO3 . =2 Y 1 N / NA Y N` / NA CF05798-05 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked ! in Control pH Adjusted DatelTime Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y J N I NA Y 1(N NA CF05798-06 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement 1--.,In pH Checked 1 Contras Date/Time pH Adjusted Adjusted I Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y)I N l NA I Y l NA • CF05798-07 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / in Control PH Adjusted DatelTime Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 91 N/ NA Y N l NA CF05798-08 Conk Type Pres (PH) Requirement PH Checked / e In Control pH Adjusted DatelTime Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 1 Y I N I NA Y N I NA Rea ent Name !D 1 •2 pH Strip ID: PH Strips C2AO640 Reagent Name ID 3 4 Reagent Name ID 51 .7T7 6 C:IelmntlPrii ...... _ .---'YMOU11L,rreUK.rpt Page 69 of 69 ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL WATER LEVELS ONLY - See Low Flow Forms for Purge/Sample Information for Monitoring Wells Sampled in April 2022 S&ME Project No. 4140-15-007 ID AS SHOWN ON MAP: DEPTH TO WATER (TOC): DEPTH TO WATER (BGS): CASING HEIGHT/STICK UP (FT.): TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL (BGS). DATE WATER LEVEL MEASURED: MW-1 D 19.15 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-2S 12.70 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-2D 15.75 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-3S 6.09 -- -- -- 4/19/2022 MW-3D 6.97 -- -- -- 4/19/2022 MW-4S 5.78 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-4D 9.14 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-5S 6.01 -- -- -- 4/19/2022 MW-5D 5.94 -- -- -- 4/19/2022 MW-8S 16.85 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-8D 16.11 -- -- -- 4/15/2022 MW-9S 15.41 -- -- -- 4/14/2022 MW-10S 14.21 -- -- -- 4/11/2022 MW-11 S 8.36 -- -- -- 4/12/2022 GMW-12 9.54 -- -- 55.09 4/11/2022 GMW-13 32.71 28.45 4.26 61.46 4/12/2022 GMW-14 39.01 35.04 3.97 51.97 4/12/2022 MW-15D 13.10 9.30 3.80 41.50 4/11/2022 *NOTE - MAP USED FOR FIELD SAMPLING WAS FIGURE #2 EXISTING GROUNDWATER WELL LOCATIONS FROM PHASE 3 BASELINE GW MONITORING REPORT (4-9-19) No well tag on MW-3S, MW-5S ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SUMP SAMPLING LOG S&ME PROJECT: DATE: PERSONNEL: 4140-15-007 4/26/2022 Skyler Schmal SUMP #5 (Labelled at landfill as SUMP 3B) Specific Conductivity Notes Sample Time: pH (mS/sec) 10:35 6.72 3999+ Second #3 Sump/313 SUMP #7 (Labelled at landfill as SUMP 4B) Specific Conductivity Notes Sample Time: pH (mS/sec) 10:50 6.35 3999+ Second #4 Sump/413 ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LEACHATE SAMPLING LOG S&ME PROJECT: 4140-15-007 DATE: PERSONNEL: 4/26/2022 Skyler Schmal ***Add temp & pH to C of C LEACHATE SAMPLE Field Readings pH 1.33 Conductivity (mS/sec) 481 Temperature (°C) 27.4 Sample Time: 9:35 ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SURFACE WATER SAMPLING LOG S&ME Project No: 4140-15-007 PERSONNEL: J. Tavouga, K. Vassallo & S. Schmal SURFACE WATER/UNDERDRAIN SAMPLE INFORMATION Location Sample Date Sample Time pH Specific Conductivity (LIS/cm) ORP (mV) Temperature (oC) Turbidity (ntu) DO (mg/L) Comments BG-1 Pinch Gut Creek Background 4/13/2022 15:00 7.22 74.4 105.7 17.4 26.76 4.49 SG-4 Pinch Gut Creek Downgradient 4/13/2022 13:50 7.66 90.0 98.4 17.9 23.71 4.44 BG-2 Brown Creek Background 4/13/2022 12:00 7.59 63.7 119.0 18.8 21.59 4.40 SG-3 Brown Creek Downgradient 4/13/2022 10:45 8.64 109.7 91.3 17.2 21.50 5.28 UD-1 Phase 26 Cell Outlet 4/14/2022 11:10 5.93 273.6 95.1 25.3 8.10 2.92 Former SG-5, close to MW-9 and sediment pond UD-2 Smaller HOPE pipe 4/14/2022 11:35 6.03 85.2 185.2 23.9 5.10 4A6 Former UD 1E/2A - smaller diameter HDPE pipe UD-3 Larger HDPE Pipe NO FLOW AT TIME OF SAMPLING Former UD 2C North - larger diameter HDPE i e Project Name: Anson County Landfill I s Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC s� Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 15, 2022 Source Well: MW-1D Purge Time: 27 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 15, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 11:30 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 11:27 0.7 100 19.59 16.7 6.71 329.9 2.24 97.2 5.2 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 11:30 Sample End Time: 11:35 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/15/2022 Notes: To convert ORP to Eh, add 205 mV to CRP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 19.15 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 45.50 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 26.35 feet Screen Length: 10 feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 4.3 Gal 3 *Well Volume 12.90 Gal 5 *Well Volume 21.50 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 11:00 End Time: 11:27 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 0.7 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. Screen on well tag Final Volume Purge Rate: 100 mL/mi Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 11:00 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 11:03 0.1 100 19.59 16.6 6.76 338.0 4.52 124.9 6.42 11:06 0.2 100 19.66 16.8 6.72 332.1 3.57 126.8 5.32 11:11 0.3 100 19.59 16.8 6.71 329.5 2.95 127.1 4.82 11:17 0.4 100 19.59 16.8 6.71 329.4 2.23 115.4 4.48 11:22 0.6 100 19.59 16.7 6.71 329.6 2.21 103.8 5.15 11:27 0.7 100 19.59 16.7 6.71 329.9 2.24 97.2 5.16 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 !11!1 = F�m III IIII! I ITAR1111111011,11:1141 Project Name: Anson County Landfill �r Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC I Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 15, 2022 Source Well: MW-2S Purge Time: 20 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 15, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 10:00 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 09:55 0.8 150 16.00 17.1 4.79 256.9 5.32 283.7 4.91 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 10:00 Sample End Time: 10:05 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/14/2022 Notes: To convert CRP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 12.70 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 31.80 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 19.10 feet Screen Length: 15 feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 3.1 Gal 3 *Well Volume 9.35 Gal 5 *Well Volume 15.58 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 9:35 End Time: 9:55 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 0.8 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. Screen on well tag Final Volume Purge Rate: 150 mL/mi Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 09:35 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 09:40 0.2 150 13.49 16.4 5.10 260.0 4.44 259.0 6.78 09:45 0.4 150 14.76 17.0 4.60 255.6 3.25 302.4 9.23 09:50 0.6 150 15.38 16.9 4.60 256.3 3.29 296.0 6.73 09:55 0.8 150 16.00 17.1 4.79 256.9 5.32 283.7 4.91 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 250mL P HCI Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 s • • • •' Project Name: Anson County Landfill I Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 15, 2022 Source Well: MW-2D Purge Time: 15 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 15, 2022 Sampled By: K. Vassallo & S. Schmal Sample Time: 10:30 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 10:25 0.4 100 17.05 17.6 6.15 316.9 2.05 78.8 20.78 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 10:30 Sample End Time: 10:35 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/15/2022 11 Notes: To convert ORP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 15.75 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 35.50 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 19.75 feet Screen Length: 10 feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 3.2 Gal 3 *Well Volume 9.67 Gal 5 *Well Volume 16.11 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 10:10 End Time: 10:25 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 0.4 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. Screen on well tag Final Volume Purge Rate: 100 mL/mi Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 10:10 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 10:15 0.1 100 16.30 17.2 6.24 321.9 5.27 128.0 7.72 10:20 0.3 100 16.71 17.5 5.99 351.4 3.71 85.5 16.71 10:25 0.4 100 17.05 17.6 6.15 316.9 2.05 78.8 20.78 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Project Name: Anson County Landfill I s Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC s� Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 19, 2022 Source Well: MW-3S Purge Time: 30 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 19, 2022 Sampled By: J. Tayouga & S. Schmal Sample Time: 10:10 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 10:00 1.6 200 8.19 19.9 5.72 368.2 1.64 322.2 8.52 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 10:10 Sample End Time: 10:10 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Jasmine Tayouga 4/19/2022 Notes: To convert CRP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 6.09 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 20.50 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 14.41 feet Screen Length: - feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 2.4 Gal 3 *Well Volume 7.05 Gal 5 *Well Volume 11.76 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 9:30 End Time: 10:00 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.6 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. No well tag. MW- DTW (TOC): 6.97'. Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 mL/mifl3D Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/N Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 09:30 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 09:35 0.3 200 6.47 19.7 5.71 339.0 4.24 148.2 47.50 09:40 0.5 200 7.68 19.5 5.78 342.0 1.97 179.0 29.5 09:45 0.8 200 7.87 20.0 5.72 356.4 1.84 254.1 15.30 09:50 1.1 200 8.01 20.0 5.71 359.8 1.76 302.4 10.01 09:55 1.3 200 8.12 20.0 5.72 360.0 1.68 315.9 9.87 10:00 1.6 200 8.19 19.9 5.72 368.2 1.64 322.2 8.52 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Project Name: Anson County Landfill I r Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 15, 2022 Source Well: MW-4S Purge Time: 23 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 15, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 13:35 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 13:58 1.1 200 10.59 17.6 5.91 169.4 1.74 167.8 27.18 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 13:35 Sample End Time: 13:45 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/15/2022 Notes: Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 5.78 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 27.50 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 21.72 feet Screen Length: - feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 3.5 Gal 3 *Well Volume 10.63 Gal 5 *Well Volume 17.72 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 13:35 End Time: 13:58 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.1 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. No well tag. MW- DTW (TOC): 9.14'. Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 mL/mifl4l) Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/N Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 13:35 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 13:40 0.3 200 5.64 20.0 5.97 173.E 2.05 167.5 9.80 13:45 0.5 200 6.60 20.6 5.92 171.1 1.97 173.1 4.89 13:50 0.7 150 8.60 21.4 5.92 170.0 1.86 175.4 4.75 13:58 1.1 200 10.59 17.6 5.91 169.4 1.74 167.8 27.18 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 F�m Project Name: Anson County Landfill �r Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC I s� Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 19, 2022 Source Well: MW-5S Purge Time: 18 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 19, 2022 Sampled By: J. Tayouga & S. Schmal Sample Time: 10:40 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 10:35 1.0 200 6.84 19.9 5.98 249.9 2.11 142.8 6.95 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 10:40 Sample End Time: 10:45 Analytical Data Name Signature Date i (1) Jasmine Tayouga 4/19/2022 Notes: Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 6.01 ft-TO Total Well Depth: 33.35 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 27.34 feet Screen Length: - feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 4.5 Gal 3 *Well Volume 13.38 Gal 5 *Well Volume 22.31 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 10:17 End Time: 10:35 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.0 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. No well tag. MW- DTW (TOC): 5.94'. Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 mL/miflSD Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/N Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 10:17 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 10:20 0.2 200 6.22 20.2 6.17 257.5 2.18 129.2 8.65 10:25 0.4 200 6.47 20.0 6.01 252.1 2.14 130.8 8.44 10:30 0.7 200 6.61 20.1 5.94 251.6 2.19 135.5 7.14 10:35 1.0 200 6.84 19.9 5.98 249.9 2.11 142.8 6.95 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 • • •• 111ITAR1111111011,11:1141�► Project Name: Anson County Landfill I r Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 15, 2022 Source Well: MW-8S Purge Time: 20 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 15, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 12:25 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals z 5 minutes and purge volumes ? 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 12:25 0.8 150 21.60 17.4 6.22 601 3.83 103.2 17.40 End of Purging Sample Method: Bladder Pump Sample Start Time: 12:25 Sample End Time: 12:30 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/15/2022 Notes: To convert CRP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 16.85 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 28.70 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 11.85 feet Screen Length: - feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 1.9 Gal 3 *Well Volume 5.80 Gal 5 *Well Volume 9.67 Gal Purge Method: Bladder Pump Start Time: 12:05 End Time: 12:25 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 0.8 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump. No well tag. MW- BID flush mount DTW (TOC): 16.11'. Field Du licate collected. Final Volume Purge Rate: 150 mL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (p5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 12:05 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 12:07 0.1 150 16.85 17.4 6.3 657 4.2 51 10.1 12:15 0.4 150 19.65 17.4 6.29 649.0 4.02 78.3 7.54 12:20 0.6 150 20.85 17.4 6.24 622.0 3.84 94.8 17.4 12:25 0.8 150 21.60 17.4 6.22 601.0 3.83 103.2 17.4 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 r F�m Project Name: Anson County Landfill 3 Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC I Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 14, 2022 Source Well: MW-9S Purge Time: 8 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 14, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 10:35 Weather: Overcast Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes an purge volumes >_ 1 flow-throughcellvolume) Final: 10:31 1.0 18.2 7.31 964.0 6.34 76.5 188 End of Purging Sample Method: Bailer Sample Start Time: 10:35 Sample End Time: 10:40 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo U 4/14/2022 Notes: To convert ORP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 15.41 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 45.28 ft-TO Height of Water Column: 29.87 feet Screen Length: 15 feet Stickup: - ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 4.9 Gal 3 *Well Volume 14.62 Gal 5 *Well Volume 24.37 Gal Purge Method: Start Time: 10:23 End Time: 10:31 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.0 Gallons Dedicated bladder pump filled with sediment. Used bailer to purge and sample. Final Volume Purge Rate: - MIL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (m5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 10:23 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 10:25 1.0 --- --- 17.8 7.53 954.0 7.60 79.0 38.17 10:29 #VALUE! --- --- 18.1 7.45 956.0 7.01 75.9 34.57 10:31 #VALUE! --- --- 18.2 7.31 964.0 6.34 76.5 187.7 End Purging Sampled with bailer -bladder pump no longer works due to sediment buildup at the bottom of the well Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 S L Project Name: Anson County Landfill ;a Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 11, 2022 Source Well: MW-10S Purge Time: 23 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 11, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 10:50 Weatherl Sunny Air Temp: Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes an purge volumes >_ 1 flow-throughcellvolume) Final: 10:45 1.2 200 17.65 18.0 7.03 1740 2.14 408.1 4.06 End of Purging Sample Method: Peristaltic Pump Sample Start Time: 10:50 Sample End Time: 10:55 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/11/2022 Notes: To convert CRP to Eh, add 205 mV to CRP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 14.21 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 36.00 ft-TO Height of Water Column: 21.79 feet Screen Length: 10 feet Stickup: 4.01 ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 3.6 Gal 3 *Well Volume 10.67 Gal 5 *Well Volume 17.78 Gal Purge Method: Peristaltic Pump Start Time: 10:22 End Time: 10:45 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.2 Gallons Peristaltic pump used due to blockage at 14' bgs. Screen on well tag 26-36 ft bgs. Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 MIL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mi./min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (m5/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 10:22 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 10:25 0.2 200 14.98 17.4 7.05 1751 2.62 331.6 5.54 10:30 0.4 200 16.25 17.5 7.03 1746 2.52 398.4 4.40 10:35 0.7 200 16.75 17.7 7.03 1745 2.29 382.3 5.02 10:40 1.0 200 17.19 17.7 7.03 1743 2.23 376.6 5.10 10:45 1.2 200 17.65 18.0 7.03 1740 2.14 408.1 4.06 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 ! F�A Project Name: Anson County Landfills ! Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC I ! Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 12, 2022 Source Well: MW-11S Purge Time: 44 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 12, 2022 Sampled By: SJT/SRS Sample Time: 14:05 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: Water Level & Well Data Measuring Point: Top of Casing Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 7.0 Gal 3 Well Volume 20.88 Gal 5 Well Volume 34.79 Gal Time: 13:16 End Time: 14:00 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25 % Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 2.1 Gallons No dedicated pump -used peristaltic due to Final Volume Purge Rate: 180 mL/min access issues. Screen on well tag 28-38 ft bgs. Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Volume Depth to Dissolved Time Purged Flow Rate Water Temp Oxygen Spec. Cond. pH ORP* Turbidity Comment (gal) (mUmin) (ft) (°C) (mg/L) (p5/cm) (s.u.) (mV) (NTU) 13:16 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 13:18 0.1 180 9.20 19.8 6.93 702.0 7.06 19.7 25.9 13:23 0.3 180 9.52 19.3 1.90 699.0 7.03 12.0 28.5 13:33 0.8 180 9.80 19.8 0.64 698.0 7.04 -0.7 29.7 13:43 1.3 180 9.84 19.3 0.63 692.0 7.03 -10.5 19.7 13:52 1.7 180 9.92 19.6 0.64 680.0 7.03 -25.5 15.9 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.9 674 7.0 -30 9.78 End Purging 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.89 674.0 7.03 -29.8 9.78 End of Purging Method QTy Container Preservative Method City Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Time: 13:16 End Time: 14:00 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25 % Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 2.1 Gallons No dedicated pump -used peristaltic due to Final Volume Purge Rate: 180 mL/min access issues. Screen on well tag 28-38 ft bgs. Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Volume Depth to Dissolved Time Purged Flow Rate Water Temp Oxygen Spec. Cond. pH ORP* Turbidity Comment (gal) (mUmin) (ft) (°C) (mg/L) (p5/cm) (s.u.) (mV) (NTU) 13:16 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 13:18 0.1 180 9.20 19.8 6.93 702.0 7.06 19.7 25.9 13:23 0.3 180 9.52 19.3 1.90 699.0 7.03 12.0 28.5 13:33 0.8 180 9.80 19.8 0.64 698.0 7.04 -0.7 29.7 13:43 1.3 180 9.84 19.3 0.63 692.0 7.03 -10.5 19.7 13:52 1.7 180 9.92 19.6 0.64 680.0 7.03 -25.5 15.9 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.9 674 7.0 -30 9.78 End Purging 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.89 674.0 7.03 -29.8 9.78 End of Purging Method QTy Container Preservative Method City Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Volume Depth to Dissolved Time Purged Flow Rate Water Temp Oxygen Spec. Cond. pH ORP* Turbidity Comment (gal) (mUmin) (ft) (°C) (mg/L) (p5/cm) (s.u.) (mV) (NTU) 13:16 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 13:18 0.1 180 9.20 19.8 6.93 702.0 7.06 19.7 25.9 13:23 0.3 180 9.52 19.3 1.90 699.0 7.03 12.0 28.5 13:33 0.8 180 9.80 19.8 0.64 698.0 7.04 -0.7 29.7 13:43 1.3 180 9.84 19.3 0.63 692.0 7.03 -10.5 19.7 13:52 1.7 180 9.92 19.6 0.64 680.0 7.03 -25.5 15.9 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.9 674 7.0 -30 9.78 End Purging 14:00 2.1 180 9.83 19.9 0.89 674.0 7.03 -29.8 9.78 End of Purging Method QTy Container Preservative Method City Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Method QTy Container Preservative Method City Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 r F�m Project Name: Anson County Landfill 3 Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC I Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 11, 2022 Source Well: MW-12R Purge Time: 29 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 11, 2022 Sampled By: K. Vassallo & S. Schmal Sample Time: 11:53 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: - Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes an purge volumes >_ 1 flow-throughcellvolume) Final: 11:49 1.9 250 12.71 18.9 6.4 114.3 2.1 -88.1 13.71 End of Purging Sample Method: Submersible Pump Sample Start Time: 11:53 Sample End Time: 11:58 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo U 4/11/2022 Notes: To convert CRP to Eh, add 205 mV to CRP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 9.54 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 55.09 ft-TO Height of Water Column: 45.55 feet Screen Length: 10 feet Stickup: 4.09 ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 7.4 Gal 3 *Well Volume 22.30 Gal 5 *Well Volume 37.17 Gal Purge Method: Submersible Pump Start Time: 11:20 End Time: 11:49 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: 46.0 ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: 36.46 feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: 18.66 ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1.9 Gallons Replacement well for MW-125. Screened interval on tag 41.0' - 51.0'. Developed on 10/19/20. Final Volume Purge Rate: 250 MIL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mi./min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cond. (pS/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 11:20 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 11:24 0.3 250 11.03 18.6 6.84 106.6 2.06 77.4 41.18 11:29 0.6 250 11.50 18.6 6.63 105.9 2.02 40.9 19.35 11:34 0.9 250 11.87 18.7 6.57 106.5 2.03 18.3 12.15 11:39 1.3 250 12.14 18.7 6.40 111.0 2.04 -70.3 12.38 11:44 1.6 250 12.44 18.8 6.36 112.8 2.04 -84.4 12.57 11:49 1.9 250 12.71 18.9 6.35 114.3 2.06 -88.1 13.71 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: Anson County Landfill 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC 4140-15-007 Purge Date: 'W 9 qmh._ ._ April 12, 2022 Source Well: GMW-13 Purge Time: 96 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 12, 2022 Sampled By: SJT/SRS Sample Time: 12:40 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: Water Level & Well Data Measuring Point: Top of Casing Well Volume Depth to Water: 32.71 ft-TOC Well Diameter 2 inch Total Well Depth: 61.46 ft-TOC Water Volume 4.7 Gal Height of Water Column: 28.75 feet 3 * Well Volume 14.07 Gal Screen Length: 10 1 feet I Stickup: 4.26 ft-GRD 5 * Well Volume 23.46 Gal Well Purging Information Purge Method: Submersible Pump Start Time: 11:03 End Time: 12:39 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): I Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: 55.0 ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: 22.29 feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: 38.28 ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 1 4.9 Gallons Replacement well for MW-135. We'll tag bottom of screen 57.7 Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 mL/min Well Purged Dry?: (Yes/No) Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes and purge volumes >_ 1 flow -through cell volume) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp CC) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (PS/cm) pH (s.u.) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 11:03 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 11:05 0.1 200 32.99 17.5 4.02 298.0 7.34 -110.1 381.3 11:10 0.4 200 32.92 19.0 0.67 289.6 7.23 -97.7 490.8 11:20 0.9 200 33.29 18.3 0.43 263.4 7.12 -75.1 248.7 11:30 1.4 200 33.31 19.0 0.47 253.0 7.05 -61.2 176 11:40 2.0 200 33.27 20.0 0.42 248.8 7.01 -50.9 128.6 11:55 2.7 200 33.44 18.7 0.46 246.0 6.99 -45.0 85.23 12:05 3.3 200 33.87 18.1 0.36 239.4 6.96 -39.3 59.53 12:15 3.8 200 34.71 17.7 0.26 234.2 6.93 -33.5 27.91 12:25 4.3 200 35.01 17.8 0.26 233.6 6.93 -33.8 17.17 12:35 4.9 200 35.17 17.7 0.25 232.8 6.93 -34.7 17.09 End Purging 12:39 9.49 Final Turbidity Final: 12:39 1 4.9 1 200 1 35.17 1 17.7 1 0.25 1 232.8 1 6.93 1 -34.7 1 9.49 1 End of Purging Sample Method: 1 Submersible Pump Sample Start Time: 12:40 Sample End Time: 12:40 Analytical Data Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Name Signature Date f (1) Jasmine Tayouga 4/12/2022 Notes: To convert ORP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Project Name: Anson County Landfill ! Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, NC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 12, 2022 Source Well: GMW-14 Purge Time: 18 Minutes Locked?: Yes Sample Date: April 13, 2022 Sampled By: SJT/SRS Sample Time: 9:55 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: Water Level & Well Data Well Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes and purge volumes >_ 1 flow -through cell volume) Final: 10:06 0.0 #N/A #N/A 16.2 7.07 137.8 6.33 82.5 372 End of Purging Sample Method: Bailer Sample Start Time: 09:55 Sample End Time: 09:55 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Jasmine Tayouga l NNaw 4/12/2022 Notes: Drop sampled with bailer Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 39.01 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 51.97 ft-TOC Height of Water Column: 12.96 feet Screen Length: 15 feet Stickup: 3.97 ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 2.1 Gal 3 *Well Volume 6.34 Gal 5 *Well Volume 10.57 Gal Purge Method: Submersible Pump Start Time: 9:48 End Time: 10:06 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 0.0 Gallons Replacement well for MW-14D. Final Volume Purge Rate: #N/A mL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mL/min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp CC) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (PS/cm) pH (s.u.) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 09:48 0.0 --- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 09:50 - - 16.5 8.84 148.9 6.62 161.4 19.32 09:55 - - 16.2 7.48 132.9 6.46 138.0 121.60 10:00 - - 16.2 9.05 134.3 6.34 99.3 198.10 10:06 - - - 16.2 7.07 137.8 6.33 82.5 371.90 End Purging Purged on 4/12. Drop sampled on 4/13 with bailer. Turbidity at time of sample 7.88 ntu. Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCI Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00 Project Name: Anson County Landfill Project Location: 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, INC Project Number: 4140-15-007 Purge Date: April 11, 2022 Source Well: MW-15D Purge Time: 55 Minutes Locked?: No Sample Date: April 11, 2022 Sampled By: S. Schmal & K. Vassallo Sample Time: 13:47 Weather: Sunny Air Temp: Water Level & Well Data We Purging Information Field Parameters (Taken at time intervals >_ 5 minutes an purge volumes >_ 1 flow-throughcellvolume) Final: 13:45 2.9 200 34.36 21.6 5.85 107.2 3.13 155.3 38.45 End of Purging Sample Method: Submersible Pump Sample Start Time: 13:47 Sample End Time: 13:52 Analytical Data Name Signature Date (1) Kelsey Vassallo 4/11/2022 Notes: To convert ORP to Eh, add 205 mV to ORP. Measuring Point: Top of Casing Depth to Water: 13.10 ft-TOC Total Well Depth: 41.50 ft-TO Height of Water Column: 28.40 feet Screen Length: 10 feet Stickup: 3.8 ft-GRD Well Volume Well Diameter 2 inch Water Volume 4.6 Gal 3 *Well Volume 13.90 Gal 5 *Well Volume 23.17 Gal Purge Method: Submersible Pump Start Time: 12:50 End Time: 13:45 (If Used) Bladder Pump Control Settings: On (sec): Off (sec): Pressure: psi Pump Intake Depth from Top of Casing: 40.0 ft-TOC Water Column Above Pump Intake: 26.90 feet Flow Through Cell Vol: 200 mL DTW-TOC at 25% Drawdown of WC Above Pump: 19.83 ft-TOC Comments: Final Volume Purged: 2.9 Gallons No dedicated pump -used monsoon with control box. Screen on well tag 31.5-41.5 ft b s. Final Volume Purge Rate: 200 MIL/min Well Purged Dry?: No (Yes/No) Time Volume Purged (gal) Flow Rate (mi./min) Depth to Water (ft) Temp (°C) pH (s.u.) Spec. Cord. (II Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ORP* (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Comment 12:50 0.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Start Purging 12:54 0.2 200 31.87 19.9 6.17 89.4 5.61 62.6 60.88 13:00 0.5 200 32.69 20.0 5.91 88.8 4.30 165.2 100.30 13:05 0.8 200 33.10 20.5 5.90 88.6 4.09 163.4 74.35 13:10 1.1 200 33.39 20.9 5.88 91.5 3.76 156.9 48.55 13:15 1.3 200 33.61 20.8 5.87 94.3 3.79 156.9 42.82 13:20 1.6 200 33.70 21.3 5.87 97.3 3.41 154.0 42.88 13:25 1.8 200 33.88 21.4 5.86 99.8 3.59 156.2 41.60 13:30 2.1 200 34.02 21.4 5.86 101.6 3.39 155.1 38.59 13:35 2.4 200 34.16 21.3 5.86 103.1 3.35 153.9 39.81 13:40 2.6 200 34.27 21.7 5.85 105.7 3.27 154.9 39.80 13:45 2.9 200 34.36 21.6 5.85 107.2 3.13 155.3 38.45 End Purging Method Qty Container Preservative Method Qty Container Preservative VOCs8260 3 40mLVOAs HCl 1,4-Dioxane 8260 3 40mL VOAs HCl Metals 6010 (Total) 1 250mL P HNO3 Metals 6010 (Dissolved) 1 250mL P Unpreserved Form Revision Date: 2/12/18 16:00