HomeMy WebLinkAbout25065_Crocker & Son_Assessment WP w approval_20220821Graham, Stephanie J From: Graham, Stephanie J Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 3:28 PM To: Daly, Kristen Cc: Hayden, Paul; rblair@hpimd.com; Eckard, Sharon Subject: Crocker & Son Work Plan (BF Property # 25065-221-092) - Approved Hi Kristen —The Revised Work Plan for Brownfields Data Gap Assessment Rev. 4 (GTA Associates, Inc., April 6, 2022 revised August 31, 2022) is approved. Please keep us apprised of the schedule and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Stephanie Stephanie Graham Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality Office: 704-235-2195 Mobile: 704-798-0352 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 DEQ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 PRELIMINARY NCDEQ BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM GUIDANCE Vapor Intrusion Assessment Work Plan & Report Checklist NCDEQ Brownfields Program July 2021 This guidance is to be used for Brownfields Properties to evaluate vapor intrusion concerns. Vapor intrusion (VI) assessment work plans and reports for NC Brownfields properties must use this checklist. The completed checklist must be provided with each of the submitted work plan and subsequent report documents and confirm the following: • The type of information detailed below has been included; and • The format and tables provided below were used to complete the work plan. The benefits of following this checklist include: • Consistency and predictability in the assessment process; • The most efficient process for preparing and reviewing work plans and reports prepared for Brownfields properties; • Maximize usability of the data by the NC Brownfields Program; • Minimize DEQ review time; and • Reduce costs and delays associated with additional mobilizations. Assessment that is conducted without approval from the NC Brownfields Program is done at your own risk and may not be accepted by the Brownfields Program. The Program will be using this checklist to conduct its reviews. The VI assessment work plan and report must be signed and sealed by a NC licensed geologist or engineer. Plan to allow sufficient review time for Work Plans and Reports. The Program is in high demand and your Brownfields Project Manager is managing multiple projects. The DEQ Brownfields Program has a vested interest in keeping all of our projects on schedule, including yours. To help, you should maintain close coordination and consultation with your Brownfields Project Manager (whether it's with the Brownfields agreement development staff or with the Property Management Unit staff afterwards) to determine an approximate time range for review and allow for that in planning your project schedule. The Prospective Developer, their technical, and legal team shall coordinate to ensure the validity of collected data which forms the basis for environmental risk decision making regarding vapor intrusion potential and mitigation measures at the Brownfields Property. Note: Work plans that follow this checklist outline can be submitted either as a standalone document or as part of a work plan that encompasses other assessment activities (i.e. soil, groundwater, etc.) required by the Brownfields Program. VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 Title Page The title page should include the following information. ❑■ Title of work plan or report 0 Brownfields Project Name (not the development name) ❑■ Brownfields Project Number 0 Date (updated with each revision) ❑■ Revision Number 0 Firm PE/PG License Number ❑■ Individual PE/PG seal & signature ❑■ Contact information for Developer, Consultant, and Project Manager (or BPMU Staff) Section 1— Introduction Provide a BRIEF summary of the history of the property that contains the following: ❑■ History in the Brownfields Program or involvement by another DEQ Section such as DSCA ❑■ Provide a chronology of former and/or current uses 0 List potential sources of vapor intrusion (e.g. off -site migration of contaminants, on -site releases, chlorinated solvent use, especially the presence or suspected presence of trichloroethylene (TCE), groundwater contamination, and preferential pathways such as utility corridors 0 List RECs from a Phase I ESA and their location on the Brownfields Property ❑■ Provide a conceptual site model for the Brownfields Property on which to base the data gap evaluation ❑■ Indicate if the scope of work was negotiated during a Brownfields Data Gap Meeting, etc. Provide a summary of the redevelopment plans for the Brownfields Property that contains the following: 0 Type of proposed use (townhomes, apartments, mixed -use, retail, etc.) ❑■ Demolition, new construction and foundation type 9 Re -use of existing structures ❑■ Presence of elevators & stairwells IN How the new building configuration/parking areas relate to the location, if known, of contamination at the Brownfields Property IN Proposed and existing building/unit square footage to be assessed. ❑■ Indicate that the proposed use has been approved or is under evaluation by the Brownfields Program at the time of submittal. ❑■ Include a discussion of the following and reference each appendix or attachment where located: ❑■ Figure 1 - Site location map on USGS topographic map, north arrow, graphic scale, site outline ❑■ Figure 2 — see format requirements in Section 8 below - Site redevelopment plans superimposed on a high -quality aerial photograph of the site VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 B Table 1 — see example Tables in Section 8 below: With property identifying information in a summary table format: Brownfield Project Number, Parcel Number(s), address, site acreage, former or current use, & proposed use Section 2 — Scope of Work N Provide a general description of proposed scope of work covered in this plan (e.g., 5 soil gas sampling points, 6 sub -slab points, 4 indoor air, 1 ambient air); Note for any Brownfields Property, baseline data for each applicable environmental medium as determined by DEQ is required. N Discuss samples to be collected by media and source area/location. Generally, the reasoning for the sample locations selected. N Include a discussion of the following and reference each appendix or attachment where located: ❑■ Table 2 — see example Tables in Section 8 below - Briefly list and describe the vapor intrusion data gaps the assessment is attempting to fill and note other pertinent information in a sampling summary, including background and QA/QC samples. ❑■ Figure 3 — see format requirements in Section 8 below - Proposed Sample Location Map - Provide a figure in the work plan noting the location of each of the proposed soil gas, sub -slab, or indoor air samples overlain with planned building layouts, historical areas of concern, and previously identified impacts. Note that DEQ DWM VI Guidance states that "Due to spatial variability in sub -slab soil gas concentrations over a slab, DWM generally recommends the collection of one sample per 1,000 square feet of first floor building area." Sampling density could vary due to site -specific considerations, and with prior approval from DEQ. Section 3 — Sampling Methodolou For all air sampling planned, provide the following information in relevant section 3.a or 3.b discussed below: N Reference the most current versions of DEQ DWM and ITRC guidance documents applicable to vapor intrusion sampling, and any other applicable standard operating procedures. Note any deviations or methodology planned that is not covered by such guidance. N Discuss timing of sampling and whether indoor air and sub -slab sampling will be occurring contemporaneously; if so plan to conduct indoor air sampling first so that the creation of the sub -slab point does not influence the indoor air data. ❑■ State the analytes for which each sample will be analyzed for (briefly) and include the analytes that are specifically being requested for reporting. Reference Table 2. 0 Indicate if mercury has previously been assessed for/detected in soil or groundwater and whether mercury vapor intrusion concerns are present. * Discuss how and when vacuum readings will be collected (for Summa canisters) — field vacuum readings should be recorded on the chain of custody forms for ease in comparing to reported laboratory receipt vacuum readings. VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 Note: Per DEQ DWM VI Guidance, Summa canisters that have lost greater than 10% of the initial recorded lab vacuum when received in the field will not be used for sampling. It is assumed that Summa canisters are issued with a maximum achievable pressure of 30" Hg. If canisters are received in the field with less than 27" Hg, initial lab pressure measurements should be documented to confirm less than a 10% volume loss or a replacement summa canister obtained. Otherwise, sample results may be rejected. 0 Provide the sample collection time duration for all samples. ❑■ State how duplicate sample(s) will be collected. 0 Indicate a targeted final vacuum reading of at least -5" Hg. Note if the vacuum measurement is less than this, sample acceptance will be in jeopardy and DEQ Brownfields may request a resample. 0 Include planned flow rate for Summa canister sampling or time allotting for passive samplers. Note: Per DEQ DWM VI Guidance, the maximum allowable flow rate is 200 mL/min. Section 3.a. Exterior Soil gas / Sub -Slab Sampling 0 Describe depths of samples to be collected (Reference example Table 2 in Section 8 below) or how that decision will be made in the field, if needed. Refer to DEQ DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance for reference to minimum depths of samples. ❑■ Locate sub -slab samples in areas of the slab that are near known or potential sources of volatile contaminants and in areas that could encourage vapor migration, such as sub - grade trenches, pits, and elevator shafts, but position them at least 5 feet from exterior walls or cracks/penetrations. ❑■ Locate sub -slab samples across the building(s) being assessed being mindful of any building features that could indicate the presence of sub -walls or footers that would restrict sub -slab vapor flow. 0 Describe installation methodology construction details of the sub -slab and/or soil vapor samples, including filter pack and sealants. Use of new and dedicated tubing is required. 0 Discuss sample collection procedures. Include the following, at a minimum: ❑■ Equipment to be used (Summa canisters & size, type of tubing, vapor pins, etc.) 0 Indicate if sub-slab/exterior soil gas sample points will be permanent or temporary. 0 Whether Summa canisters are batch- or individually -certified. ❑■ Discuss stabilization time of the sampling points prior to sampling. Note: Inadequate stabilization times have been known to impact sample results through the inadvertent collection of vapors off -gassing from soil gas/sub slab installation materials, potentially creating false positive results that would then require a resampling event. Recommended stabilization times are outlined below: VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 a. Sub -slab with minimally invasive points (e.g. Vapor Pins): Manufacturer's guidelines generally suggest 20 minutes may be sufficient with an airtight cap installed; b. Sub -slab points (other than minimally invasive points): at least 24-48 hours (to be purged at installation and at time of sampling with an air -tight cap in place in the interim); or c. Exterior soil gas points: 48 hours to allow materials used during installation to off -gas prior to sampling (to be purged at installation and at time of sampling with an air -tight cap in place in the interim). 0 Describe purging methods and volumes — must take into account not only the volume of the tubing but also of the annulus. Stagnant air inside soil gas probes and sampling trains must be purged prior to sample collection. Three to four system purge volumes are recommended as a minimum value. The investigator should use a low purge rate with a maximum of 200 mL/min. ❑■ Describe leak check procedures for sub -slab and soil gas samples. Note: helium check of entire sample train is required; a shut-in test is also recommended as a best management practice. 0 Describe how the helium meter will be connected to the sampling train. Note that directly connecting the helium meter to the sampling train without a backflow preventer is not allowed. ❑■ Record the type of material found under the slab or in the soil gas borings. 0 Record slab thickness for sub -slab samples and provide soil boring logs for soil gas samples. 0 Discuss sample point abandonment and/or securement (if permanent points) Note: Exterior soil -gas sampling may not necessarily be indicative of site conditions following redevelopment efforts and confirmation sub -slab sampling may be necessary following construction to confirm that a potential vapor intrusion pathway is not present. Section 3.b. Indoor Air / Crawl Space Sampling ❑ Include a chemical survey of any potential interference compounds stored or used inside the building (Refer to example Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form that will be completed for each distinct area of the Brownfields Property under assessment. The Indoor Air Form is included within the DEQ DWM VI Guidance). ❑ Describe steps to remove any potential interference compounds from the sampling area sufficiently ahead of the sampling event (The DEQ DWM VI Guidance recommends removal within 24-72 hours and typically within 48 hours of sampling as indicated on the Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form). ❑ Schedule sampling to minimize any potential for interference from compounds used during construction or finishing of new buildings, etc. Describe any sampling constraints. ❑ Describe building conditions (including HVAC conditions) that will exist within 24 hours prior to and during the sampling. ❑ Discuss sample collection procedures. Include the following, at a minimum: VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 ❑ Equipment to be used (passive samplers, Summa canisters & size, etc.) ❑ Placement height of Summa canisters or passive samplers for indoor air and ambient air collection to account for site specific breathing zone height of anticipated occupants. ❑ Description of the indoor air summa canisters or passive samplers proposed placement location including use of space (e.g., ground floor garage, first floor living space, office, mechanical equipment room, etc.). ❑ Methods implemented to reduce or eliminate access to building where indoor air sampling is occurring ❑ Whether Summa canisters are batch- or individually -certified. Note: per DEQ DWM VI Guidance, indoor air samples should utilize individually certified Summa canisters ❑ Provide how often and when exterior ambient air samples will be collected (typically, one sample per day per sampling event) ❑ If crawl space samples are proposed, include details on: ❑ Presence of moisture/VI barrier ❑ Ceiling structure of crawlspace ❑ Exterior openings or ventilation features ❑ Height across entire footprint of crawl space ❑ Walls/vertical structures separating crawl space areas ❑ Additional pertinent details of crawl space construction Section 4 — Laboratory Analyses ❑■ Include the proposed analyte list and EPA Method numbers prepared in consultation with your DEQ Brownfields Project Manager; 0 Minimum analytical requirements are described as outlined below: a. Full TO-15 list is required initially for soil gas, sub -slab, and indoor air analyses. b. Subsequent modifications of the analyte list, e.g., once sub -slab gas results are known, may be made with advance approval from your Brownfields Project Manager. Note: Not all laboratories use the same standard analyte list. Ensure that naphthalene is included. but exclude acrolein unless it is a suspected site contaminant. Because of the extremely limited analyte list for the TO-15 SIM method, discuss its use with your DEQ Brownfields Project Manager prior to implementation. When approved for use, this method should be used for both sub -slab and indoor air samples for comparison purposes. 0 Discuss any proposed limitations on the contaminants of concern, if any, and the reason for such. limitation (sufficient previous data, indoor air interferences, etc.). 0 Discuss laboratory certifications. Please note, NC does not certify laboratories for air samples. Please specify what certification the proposed air laboratory holds. 0 Indicate the Reporting Limits/Method Detection Limits will meet applicable screening criteria (to the extent feasible). Include reporting of J-flags to meet criteria. VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 ❑ Indicate what Level QA/QC will be reported by the laboratory. Level II QA/QC is typically acceptable. Section 5 — QA/QC 0 Specify the duplicate sample frequency. Minimum requirement: 1 duplicate per 20 samples, per media, per method, per day of sampling. FE Discuss chain of custody and shipping. Section 6 — Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) Management FE Discuss what IDW will be generated and how it is proposed to be managed. Management recommendations should be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and 15A NCAC 02H. 0106. Generally, if the Brownfields Property has not previously been assessed, all IDW must be containerized and characterized prior to management. Previous assessment data that indicate no Hazardous Waste (listed or characteristic) is likely to be encountered in the area of proposed assessment will be required before thin spreading of IDW on -site is permitted. Section 7 — Reporting This section should discuss the components of the assessment report which will be prepared as a result of the implementation of the work plan. At a minimum, the report shall include: ❑ Reporting/summary of site work conducted for all sections outlined above in this checklist; ❑ Summary of findings and possible recommendations; ❑ All applicable tables and figures outlined below with the addition of: ❑ Tables for tabulated analytical data per media sampled and analyzed, compared against applicable screening levels; any non -detectable levels should be reported as less than the applicable reporting limit noting any reporting limits that exceed the respective screening level. ❑ Figure(s) depicting actual sample locations, with the results for each media depicted, graphic scale and north arrow. Modify the figures as appropriate in the report if there was variance with these locations during the sampling event; ❑ Detail on building additions, slab types and sub -grade features such as the locations of crawl spaces, tunnels, basements, sub -grade walls, and footer walls encountered during assessment. ❑ Firm PE/PG License Number; and ❑ Individual PE/PG seal & signature VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 Section 8 — Example Tables and Format for Figures ❑ Table 1 — Property Summary Table 1: Property Summary BF Project No. Parcel No. Address Site Acreage Former/ r nt Current e REC Proposed Use ❑ Table 2 — Sampling Summary Table 2: Sampling Summar Data Parcel/Bldg Sampling Type Number Depth Analytical Detection range for Gap No. Objective of Sample of Samples of Samples Program TCE (if applicable) ❑ Figure 1— Site Location Map (topographic map base) with north arrow, graphic scale, and site outline. ❑ Figure 2 — Proposed Redevelopment to include the following details: ❑ All current and proposed structures ❑ Brownfields Property Boundary ❑ Which structures will be removed/renovated ❑ Proposed future use of each building ❑ Figure 3 - Proposed Sample Location Map (work plan) or Sample Location Map to include the following details: ❑ High quality aerial and/or floor plan base (interior samples) ❑ Overlain planned or existing (to remain) building layout ❑ North arrow ❑ Graphic scale ❑ Historical sample locations (if applicable) ❑ RECs or other areas of concern ❑ Proposed sample locations for each medium proposed for sampling ❑ Sample identification labels ❑ Appendix — Tabular Summary of Historical Analytical Data VIMS Assessment Checklist Version 1, July 2021 0MMFMqMrMMMWT-' ®AM�a. s.® W wm®® W Am REVISED WORK PLAN FOR BROWNFIELDS DATA GAP ASSESSMENT REV. 4 CROCKER & SON 613/615 West Morgan Street and 117 South Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina NCBP No. 25065-221-092 April 6, 2022 revised August 31, 2022 Prepared for: Stephanie Graham Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Prepared by: Kristen Daly Associate Kevin Howell, PG 2199 Senior Environmental Scientist GTA Associates, Inc. Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants 5605 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 112 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 (984)200-2104 www.gtaeng.com GTA Project No. 31172516xl GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS A Practicing GBA Member Firm August 31, 2022 Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attn: Ms. Stephanie Graham Re: Revised Work Plan for Brownfields Data Gap Assessment Crocker & Son 613/615 West Morgan Street and 117 South Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina NCBP No. 25065-221-092 Dear Ms. Graham: A g ^ In accordance with your correspondence dated May 2, 2022, GTA Associates, Inc. (GTA) has revised the Proposed Work Plan for Brownfields Data Gap Assessment, dated April 6, 2022, of the planned development at the above -referenced site ("subject property" or "Site"). This work plan was prepared as requested by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), as discussed in a meeting held on February 18, 2022. Additional comments were provided to GTA by NCDEQ on May 2, 2022. This work plan incorporates the requested revisions. Should you have any questions regarding this report, or should you require additional information, please contact our office at (202) 680-3997. Sincerely, GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. Kristen Daly Associate Ke in Howell, P.G. Senior Environmental Scientist KBD/PHH/ps 35172516x1 \\\gta data\Environmental\Projects\2022\35172516X1 - T3 Block 83\VCP\35172516xl T3 BF Work Plan Rev.docx 5605 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 112, Raleigh, NC 27607 (984) 200-2104 t Abingdon, MD ♦ Baltimore, MD t Laurel, MD t Frederick, MD ♦ Waldorf, MD t New Castle, DE t Georgetown, DE ♦ Somerset NJ ♦ NYC Metro ♦ Pittsburgh Metro ♦ Quakertown, PA ♦ Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA ♦ York, PA t Northeastern, OH ♦ Sterling, VA ♦ Nashville, TN ♦ Charlotte, NC t Raleigh, NC t Orlando, FL Visit us on the web at www.gtaeng.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Receptor Survey................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Utility Clearance................................................................................................................ 4 2.3 Geophysical Survey........................................................................................................... 4 2.4 UST Removal.................................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Sampling............................................................................................................................5 2.5.1 Soil.............................................................................................................................. 5 2.5.2 Groundwater............................................................................................................... 6 2.5.3 Soil Vapor................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY....................................................................................... 7 3.1 Soil Sampling.................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Groundwater Sampling...................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Soil Vapor Sampling......................................................................................................... 9 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS...........................................................................................11 5.0 QA/QC...............................................................................................................................12 6.0 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE.........................................................................13 7.0 REPORTING ....... LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map (color) Figure 2 Proposed Development Plan (color) Figure 3 Historical Sampling Locations (color) Figure 4 Proposed Cut/Fill Areas (color) Figure 5 Proposed Sampling Locations (color) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 — Brownfield Sampling Matrix ATTACHMENTS Brownfields Property Receptor Survey I .....13 REVISED WORK PLAN FOR BROWNFIELDS DATA GAP ASSESSMENT REV. 4 613/615 WEST MORGAN STREET AND 117 SOUTH BOYLAN AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 31, 2022 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description The Site is located south of West Morgan Street, east of South Boylan Avenue, and north of West Hargett Street, within the city limits of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The Site is comprised of two parcels of land encompassing approximately 0.85 acres, currently occupied by two commercial structures containing a vacant restaurant building (615 West Morgan Street), a yoga studio (613 West Morgan Street Suite B), and a framing workshop (613 West Morgan Street Suite A), and a vacant, partially wooded parcel located at 117 South Boylan Avenue. The current buildings were constructed in 1956 and 1964, prior to which the property was occupied by residential dwellings. The Site and surrounding vicinity are serviced by municipal water and sewer. An 18-story office building with a caisson and grade -beam foundation and an elevator bank is proposed to be constructed on the Site. It is GTA's understanding that the building will be connected to municipal water and sewer systems. The square footage is not currently available, and the proposed commercial land use has not officially been approved by North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) to date, but no objections have yet been raised in the review process. 1.2 Site History Site Parcels GTA completed a Phase I ESA in February 2018 on the southern portion of the Site (117 South Boylan Avenue), which historically contained one residence since at least 1909 until it was razed between 1998 and 2002. This portion of the Site has remained vacant up until present day and is currently wooded land. NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 NOVA completed a Phase I ESA dated March 17, 2020 of the northern portion of the 615 West Morgan Street parcel, adjacently north of the South Boylan parcel. Historically, the easternmost building on the northern portion of the property was used as a lawn mower and small engine repair shop (Crocker and Son building, 613 West Morgan) since 1956. The current eastern restaurant building (615 West Morgan) was used as a typewriter repair and sales shop. More recently, the buildings have been used as a restaurant, a yoga studio, and a portrait framing facility. The report identified several recognized environmental conditions (RECs): two heating oil underground storage tanks (USTs) located north of the eastern building (613 West Morgan), the use of the property as a small engine repair facility, and the documented presence of petroleum impacts remaining at the Taylors Capital Sunoco site located upgradient to the north of the Site. NOVA conducted a Phase II ESA on April 16, 2020 in which five soil borings and five temporary groundwater monitoring points were installed on the South Boylan and West Morgan parcels. Benzene was detected in a soil sample at the western portion of the subject property at levels above the NCDEQ maximum soil contamination concentrations (MSCCs). Several analytes including hexavalent chromium, total chromium, arsenic, and lead were detected in soil samples above soil - to -water MSCCs on the northern portion of the subject property. Mercury was reported in soil, but below the MSCCs and NCDEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). Groundwater sampling results indicated volatile organic compound (VOC) levels below the NCDEQ 15A NCAC 02L .0202 groundwater standards (2L standards). NOVA recommended "additional assessment to delineate the impacts that exceed NCDEQ regulatory thresholds." Based on the existing data for the Site, most soil and groundwater impacts have been identified in the northern portion of the Site, below the footprint of the proposed building and near the perimeter of the Site. The low concentrations of mercury detected in soil to date do not suggest a mercury vapor concern at the Site. Adjacent Parcel GTA completed a Phase I ESA in January 2016 on the parcel adjacent to the southeast of the Site. Historically, that parcel (610 and 612 West Hargett Street) contained two residences and an 2 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 outbuilding until a warehouse was constructed in the late 1930s, a portion of which was located on the northern portion of the parcel. GTA conducted a Phase II ESA in June of 2016 in which four soil borings and one temporary groundwater monitoring well were installed on the eastern portion of that parcel. Soil borings encountered silty material with some clays and sands to a depth of approximately 15 to 25 feet below ground surface (bgs), underlain by silty materials with some sands. The Phase II ESA concluded that soil and groundwater impacts had been identified, and recommended that the impacts be addressed during redevelopment. This parcel will be occupied by the parking garage associated with the subject property building and is also currently enrolled in the Brownfields program under site number 19078-15-092. 1.3 NCDEQ Involvement On August 20, 2021, the Client submitted an application to the North Carolina Brownfields Program for a brownfields agreement to manage risks associated with these historical uses and impacts on the South Boylan and West Morgan parcels (Site). On December 22, 2021, NCDEQ determined that the property was eligible to receive a brownfields agreement. On February 18, 2022, the Client and NCDEQ conducted an on -site data gap/kickoff meeting, at which NCDEQ requested certain additional assessment activities be completed, and GTA submitted a work plan dated April 6, 2022 to address those items. NCDEQ provided additional comments on May 2, 2022. GTA proposes to conduct the revised activities described in the following sections to evaluate the data gaps at the subject property and satisfy the Brownfields program requirements and verify the proposed property use is acceptable to the Brownfields program. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Receptor Survey GTA will perform an NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey, which will identify potentially sensitive property uses (schools, day care centers, hospitals, etc.) in the immediate vicinity of the subject property, and identify municipal and private water supply wells within one- half mile of the subject property utilizing a database search and windshield survey of the area. GTA will also identify surface water bodies within one-half mile of the subject property and will estimate the locations and depths of subsurface utilities in the vicinity of the subject property. GTA 3 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 will complete the NCDEQ Brownfields Property Receptor Survey Form (attached) upon completion of the receptor survey. 2.2 Utility Clearance GTA proposes to perform direct -push soil borings to collect soil, groundwater, and soil vapor samples to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions on the subject property. GTA anticipates removing USTs north of the 613 West Morgan building and installing soil borings in the locations described in Sections 2.4 and 2.5, as access allows. Prior to performing intrusive activities, GTA will notify NC 811 in an attempt to identify underground utilities. A private utility locator will be utilized to better identify utilities. It is the responsibility of the property owner to identify any other utilities not marked by NC 811 or the private utility locator. GTA is not responsible for damage to any subsurface features not identified by NC 811, the private utility locator, or the property owner. 2.3 Geophysical Survey Because the Site contains two former heating oil USTs north of the 613 West Morgan (eastern) building, both of which were reportedly disconnected and filled with water, GTA proposes to perform a geophysical survey in the reported location of the USTs to determine the exact location and dimensions. The geophysical method used may include magnetics, electromagnetics (EM), and/or ground penetrating radar (GPR) depending on site conditions. It is presumed that the geophysical survey can be completed in one day. Geophysical survey findings are subject to the completeness and accuracy of information provided by others, limitations of the geophysical survey methods, and limitations due to site conditions, or a combination thereof. Limitations of the geophysical survey methods may include, but are not limited to, spacing of survey lines, data collected, assumptions, and ambiguities of interpretation. Limitations due to site conditions may include, but are not limited to, soil type and conductivity, utilities, power lines, dense vegetation, buildings, metal fences, vehicles, reinforced concrete, A9 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 metal debris, and other obstructions or interference. The size, type (e.g., metal or fiberglass), and depth of the objects also affect detectability. Given these limitations, it is possible that underground tanks or other buried objects may exist on the property and are not apparent during the geophysical survey activities performed for this project. 2.4 UST Removal The USTs will not be removed as part of this work plan; removal of the existing USTs will be managed during construction after completion of the work described in this Work Plan as a separate scope. The UST removal, including associated soil sampling, will take place as part of site redevelopment activities and will be covered by the Brownfields agreement rather than a closure obtained separately through the UST program. 2.5 Sampling Based on the identified RECs, data gaps, and NCDEQ requests, GTA proposes: • Six soil borings • Three temporary groundwater sampling locations • Ten soil vapor sampling points (six sub -slab and four exterior soil gas) Sampling efforts will focus on areas of historical usage with potential for impacts and areas of the Site that have not been adequately evaluated previously. Sampling depths will account for planned cut depths to ensure adequate sampling of soil in the depth of disturbance. Cut and fill depths are shown on Figure 4. 2.5.1 Soil Based on the suspected USTs at 613 West Morgan (GTA-1 and -2), historical use of the Crocker and Son parcel at 613 West Morgan Street (GTA-3), soil and groundwater impacts identified on the adjacent parcel (GTA-4 and -5), and lack of data on the vacant 117 South Boylan Avenue parcel (GTA-6), GTA proposed one day of soil borings as summarized below and in the attached Table 1. Upon review of the initial work plan, NCDEQ requested composite soil sampling in the location of the former residence for lead paint residue (GTA-6) wooded portion of the 615 West 5 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 Morgan property, which could also serve to evaluate the location of the former residence for lead paint residue (GTA-6). Boring ID Depth Rationale GTA-1 Adjacent to suspect UST at 613 W. Morgan GTA-2 Highest PID reading or just GTA-3 South of former engine repair facility above groundwater table Crocker and Son at 613 W. Morgan GTA-4 West portion of 613/615 W. Morgan parcel GTA-5 GTA-6 0-1' (4-point composite) 117 S. Boylan former residential use/roof runoff GTA-7 Highest PID reading or 0-2' Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan One duplicate sample will be collected from either the soil sample with the highest photoionization detector (PID) field screening value, or in the absence of PID detections, from location GTA-4. 2.5.2 Groundwater GTA proposes to collect groundwater samples from three temporary monitoring well locations in the historically commercial portion of the property as summarized below and listed in Table 1. Boring ID Rationale GTA-1 Adjacent to suspect UST at 613 W. Morgan GTA-3 South of former engine repair facility (Crocker and Son) at 613 W. Morgan GTA-5 West portion of 613/615 W. Morgan parcel One duplicate sample will be collected from GTA-3, and a trip blank included. 2.5.3 Soil Vapor To evaluate potential VOC and naphthalene impacts to proposed future development, GTA proposes to collect sub -slab soil vapor samples from the existing buildings in areas of overlap with proposed new building footprint, and exterior soil gas samples from the locations of the two proposed elevator shafts. NCDEQ requested additional samples within each building, and an 0 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 additional sample in the wooded portion of the Site, as summarized below and listed in Table 1. Boring ID Rationale Depth Analysis GTA-SV-1 Former restaurant building at 615 W. Morgan Street Sub -slab VOCs plus naphthalene GTA-SV-2 GTA-SV-3 613 W. Morgan Street building Northern portion GTA-SV-4 GTA-SV-5 Central portion GTA-SV-6 Southern portion GTA-SV-7 Within parking lot at proposed elevator shaft location — proposed —3-foot cut to current grade 5 feet below current grade GTA-SV-8 GTA-SV-9 GTA-SV-10 Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan Street — proposed —3-4 feet fill above current grade One duplicate sample will be collected from GTA-SV-3. 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY 3.1 Soil Sampling Soil sampling methodology will conform with the NCDEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites dated July 2021, which includes guidance for soil remediation goals, naturally occurring background levels, sampling techniques, and quality assurance. Residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) updated June 2021 will be used for comparison with the laboratory results. Borings will be extended to depths up to approximately 25 feet proposed grade, five feet into the water table, or equipment refusal, whichever occurs first. Figure 4 shows the cut -fill "heat map" for the project. The Geoprobe® utilizes a DT22 Dual -Tube Sampling System® that consists of a stainless -steel outer casing rod string and an inner rod string. The sampling system is generally advanced in five-foot increments as the outer rod string provides a continuous sealed hole and the smaller inner rod string holds a disposable plastic sample liner in place against a stainless -steel cutting shoe. As the dual -tube sampler is advanced through the soil profile, a continuous soil sample is collected in a disposable plastic liner that is extracted though the outer casing rods once 7 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 the sampling system is driven to the desired depth. During advancement of the borings, continuous soil cores will be collected and field screened using a PID, which is capable of detecting volatile organic vapors, such as those typically associated with petroleum and some solvents. A portion of each soil core will be placed in sealed plastic bags for field screening. Samples will be collected from the bottom of the boring, just above the soil/groundwater interface, or the depth with the highest PID screening levels. The sampling depths will account for the approximate bottom depth of the USTs as well as the soil cuts proposed as part of future mass grading to characterize all soils planned to be disturbed. Samples will be packaged in glass jars for all analyses except for VOCs; the volatile analysis samples will be collected using soil sampling as described in USEPA SW-846 Method 5035 such as Terracore samplers. Additionally, one surficial composite soil sample will be taken from between 0 and 1 feet bgs on the 117 South Boylan parcel. The composite will consist of four aliquots, collected using hand tools. Each aliquot will be placed in a sample bag and sorted to remove organic and rocky material. An approximately equal volume from each aliquot bag will be placed in a composite bag, thoroughly mixed, and transferred to laboratory sample containers. The soil samples will be transferred to laboratory -provided sample containers with appropriate preservatives and packed on ice. The samples will be submitted to GTA's subcontracted North Carolina -certified laboratory for analysis with a 10-business day turnaround time (TAT). 3.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater sampling methodology will conform with the NCDEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites dated July 2021, which includes guidance for soil remediation goals, naturally occurring background levels, sampling techniques, and quality assurance. Groundwater results will be compared to the NCDEQ 15A NCAC 02L.0202 (2L) groundwater standards updated in April 2022. GTA will install temporary groundwater monitoring points in three borings so the groundwater levels can be gauged and groundwater samples collected. The monitoring points will consist of 5 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 to 10 feet of 1-inch diameter PVC well screen in the lower portion of the borings, followed by 10 to 20 feet of PVC riser to grade. The wells will be screened across the apparent groundwater table surface to intercept the groundwater table to evaluate whether free product is present. GTA personnel will utilize an electronic oil -water interface probe to measure the depth to groundwater and evaluate the possible presence of liquid -phase hydrocarbons (LPH). The interface probe will be decontaminated prior to gauging each location. After gauging the depth to water, the temporary monitoring points will be purged of approximately three times the volume of water standing in the casing. GTA will collect "grab" groundwater samples from the temporary groundwater monitoring points using a peristaltic pump and dedicated tubing lowered into the temporary sampling point. The sample will immediately be placed in laboratory -supplied containers and stored in a chilled cooler. The groundwater gauging data, combined with a relative top-of-boring/ground surface survey, will be used to estimate groundwater flow direction. Relative elevations at each temporary groundwater monitoring point will be surveyed by GTA personnel, with an estimated accuracy of ±0.01 foot. Elevations will be measured relative to the transit elevation at the initial set point, with an assumed elevation of 100.00 feet. Using the initial set point elevation and survey measurements at each temporary groundwater monitoring point, elevations can be calculated for each monitoring point such that a groundwater flow direction can be estimated. 3.3 Soil Vapor Sampling Soil vapor sampling methodology will conform with the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018, which includes the NCDEQ Risk Calculator utilizing the carcinogenic risk threshold of E-06 and non -carcinogenic risk threshold of 0.2. Residential screening levels will be used for comparison with the laboratory results. The temporary sample points within the buildings will be sub -slab points constructed of VaporPin® sample pins, installed in 5/8" holes drilled through the concrete floor slab or pavement and extending approximately 2 inches below the floor slab into the underlying substrate. The 0 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 parented VaporPin® sampling point provides an air -tight seal through the existing concrete slab. The slab thickness and any soil encountered during installation will be recorded at each sampling location. Exterior soil vapor probes will be installed using the following methodology: • Advance a hole using a direct -push Geoprobe® to a total depth of five feet bgs. • Place one foot of clean, washed, well sand into the bottom of the boring. • Insert a length of 1/4-inch outside diameter Nylaflow-T tubing, onto which a screened implant is installed to the bottom of the tubing to allow the passage of air while excluding soil and sand particles. • Place an additional one foot of clean, washed, well sand to the annular space around the screen. • Place two feet of graded sodium bentonite granules (No 16 Holeplug(&) atop the sand. • Backfill the remainder of the borehole with hydrated graded sodium bentonite chips (Medium Holeplug®). • Allow the sub -slab vapor probes to equilibrate for at least 20 minutes and soil vapor probes to equilibrate for at least 48 hours to allow an effective seal and to account for potential off -gassing of sampling point materials. After equilibration, the points will be purged using either a peristaltic pump or hand pump attached to the outflow tubing with a check valve for approximately 2 minutes (at least three volumes of the air contained in the sample tubing), and the sample equipment will be assembled. The equipment will be tested for leaks by enclosing the entire sample train within a helium -filled shroud and analyzing the soil vapor extracted through the sampling equipment for helium using a hand-held helium meter. A shroud will be placed over the sampling train and helium meter connected to the outflow end of the shroud sample tubing for use as an access port to measure helium content within the sample train for comparison to helium content within the shroud. Helium concentrations of greater than 10% of the concentration within the shroud will be considered a leak in the sample train and will be evaluated and corrected. Results of the leak test will be included in the final report. Once the leak test is complete, an individually certified clean 1-liter Summa canister, equipped with a regulator to maintain a flow rate well below 200 ml/min, will be connected and activated. The pressure gauge for the canister will be read immediately following connection and recorded on the Chain of Custody document. Canisters will be checked for appropriate flow rate in the first hour of the collection period, and every hour thereafter to prevent canister near -equilibration with 10 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 ambient air pressure. The canister will be disconnected after four hours or when the canister vacuum decreases to approximately five inches of mercury. The final canister vacuum will be recorded in the laboratory report and Chain of Custody documents. At the conclusion of the sample period, the canisters will be sealed and removed, and packaged for transport to the selected laboratory. The temporary points will be removed and the boreholes backfilled with sand to within 6 inches of the surface for exterior sampling points, and then finished with either 6" bentonite with a soil cap or cement (for sub -slab points) to match the original surface. A duplicate sample will be collected from location GTA-SV-3 by installing a "T" manifold to fill two summa canisters simultaneously from the same point. The samples will be designated GTA- SV-D to avoid association with any particular sampling location during analysis. 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS Soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis will be selected based on field observations and screening, or groundwater depth and feature depth. Groundwater (GW) samples will be collected from three locations most likely to be impacted, unless lack of volume precludes it; in such a case, the groundwater sample will be collected from a different boring location. All soil vapor samples will be submitted for analysis. GTA will collect and submit for laboratory analysis one duplicate (DUP) for each media and include results between the practical quantitation limit of the laboratory equipment and the reporting limit used for the analyte ("J flags"). The analytical program is summarized below and in Table 1. ID Media Rationale Analysis USEPA Method VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), Soil RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent GTA-1 chromium 7196 VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), Adjacent to suspect UST at 613 W. GW Morgan RCRA 8 metals (6020) VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), GTA-2 Soil RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent chromium 7196 South of former engine repair VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), GTA-3 Soil facility (Crocker and Son) at 613 W. RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent chromium 7196 Morgan GW VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), 11 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 ID Media Rationale Analysis USEPA Method RCRA 8 metals 6020 GW Dup VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), RCRA 8 metals 6020 Soil VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), GTA-4 RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent Soil Dup West portion of 613/615 W. Morgan chromium 7196 VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), Soil parcel RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent GTA-5 chromium 7196 GW VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), RCRA 8 metals 6020 GTA-6 Soil 117 S. Boylan former residential RCRA 8 metals (6020) use/roof runoff VOCs (8260), Semi-VOCs (8270), GTA-7 Soil Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan RCRA 8 metals (6020), hexavalent chromium 7196 GTA-SV-1 Vapor Former restaurant building at 615 W. Morgan VOCs including naphthalene and excluding acrolein (TO15) GTA-SV-2 GTA-SV-3 613 W. Morgan building Northern portion Vapor Dup GTA-SV-4 Vapor GTA-SV-S Central onion GTA-SV-6 Southern portion GTA-SV-7 Within parking lot at proposed GTA-SV-8 elevator shaft location GTA-SV-9 GTA-SV-10 Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan The soil and groundwater samples will be transferred to laboratory -provided sample containers with appropriate preservatives and packed on ice. Summa canisters will be packaged separately. The samples will be submitted to GTA's subcontracted North Carolina -certified laboratory for analysis with a 10-business day turnaround time. Reporting limits of the laboratory will meet applicable screening criteria to the extent possible. 5.0 QA/QC Non -dedicated downhole sampling equipment will be decontaminated by rinsing with tap water and scrubbing with a brush and approved soap solution, followed by rinsing with distilled/de- ionized water. 12 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 Per NCDEQ guidance of one duplicate per 20 samples for each media, based on the number of samples proposed, GTA will collect and submit for laboratory analysis one duplicate for each media. The samples planned for duplicate are indicated in Section 4.0. The soil sample chosen for duplicate may be changed based on field observations to target the sample most likely to be contaminated. One trip blank will also be included with the groundwater samples. GTA will request that the laboratory include at least a Level II QA/QC, including J flags. GTA will confirm with the laboratory the sufficient volume needed for groundwater and soil samples to perform the requested analyses and QA/QC procedures. Generally, soil is provided in two 4-ounce glass jars for most analyses and in the pre-set volumes for Terracore (VOC) sampling. Groundwater analysis generally requires two unpreserved amber glass bottles and at least three preserved glass VOAs. Summa canisters will be targeted to 5 inches of mercury vacuum. Soil vapor samples do not require ice and will be shipped separately from soil and groundwater samples. Soil and groundwater samples will be packed in ice, securely sealed to prevent breakage or leaks, and shipped immediately following sampling on overnight delivery to the selected laboratory. 6.0 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE Purge water from groundwater sampling activities will be containerized in a labeled 5-gallon bucket with lid until sampling results are received. If groundwater is impacted, purge water will be disposed offsite as appropriate following receipt of sampling results. Upon completion of the investigation, the borings will be backfilled with drilling cuttings and/or bentonite. Piping from temporary groundwater monitoring wells and tubing from soil vapor sampling will be removed and disposed as solid waste. 7.0 REPORTING GTA will prepare a Brownfield Assessment Report summarizing the sampling activities, analysis results, conclusions, and recommendations. The report and attachments will include a description of sampling activities, comparison of the data to regulatory screening levels or risk thresholds, a 13 NCDEQ 25065-221-092 Boylan and Morgan August 31, 2022 GTA Project No. 35172516x1 figure depicting sampling locations, tabulated data, laboratory reports, soil boring logs, a photographic log, and signature by a North Carolina -licensed PE or PG. The report will conform with the NCDEQ's Brownfields checklists for Environmental Site Assessment Work Plans/Reports and Vapor Intrusion Assessment Work Plans/Reports. 14 CAMERON PARK D ou b I eTree by h i Iton Hotel Raleigh , Br©wnst.- en Park Dorothea Dix P Approximate Subject Property Boundary GLDNWC IOa SOUTH NORTH BOYLAN ST f ARYS TO WNHOMES %' . Notes 1. Base map image obtained from Google Maps (©2022 Google) r 6D GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. r GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A LAUREL, MARYLAND 20707 (410) 792-9446 OR (301) 470-4470 FAX: (410) 792-7395 www.gtaeng.com © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. - -� I'llp,1i `& suite c N htown 4 CD Nokh Carolina Museu of Natural sciences I I! Pi I� a� WAREHOUSE Wake Count DISTRICT 66 Jmtice Cen#. I I Sheraton � - R lelghl Convention CE a fl 0 1,000 2,000 Approximate Scale 1 inch = 2,000 feet T3 BLOC 83 WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SITE LOCATION MAP I PROJECT: 35172516x1 I DATE: MARCH 2O22 I SCALE: 1" = 2,000' I DESIGN BY: NMT I REVIEW BY: EH I FIGURE: 1 I Notes Base image sourced from Bloc83 Phase 3 Rendering. 0 50 100 Approximate Scale 1 inch = 100 feet GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. T3 BLOC 83 GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A p LAUREL, MARYLAND 20707 WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (410) 792-9446 OR (301) 470-4470 FAX: (410) 792-7395 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN www'gtaeng.com © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. PROJECT: 3571256X1 DATE: JUNE 2022 SCALE: 1" = 100' DESIGN BY: NMT REVIEW BY: KBD FIGURE: 2 Legend Approximate NOVA located soil boring & temporary groundwater monitoring well locations. Approximate NOVA located existing groundwater monitoring well location Approximate GTA soil borings (2016) Notes 1. Based on Google Earth Pro, aerial image 2018 2. Property boundaries and site features are approximate. GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC o Q= o ° a GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS rp E7 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A p LAUREL, MARYLAND 20707 (410) 792-9446 OR (301) 470-4470 FAX: (410) 792-7395 www.gtaeng.com © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. 0 40 80 Approximate Scale 1 inch = 80 feet T3 BLOC 83 WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS I PROJECT: 3571256X1 I DATE: JUNE 2022 1 SCALE: 1- = 80' I DESIGN BY: NMT I REVIEW BY: KBD I FIGURE: 3 1 a GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC 4 4 GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A LAUREL, MARYLAND 20707 (410) 792-9446 OR (301) 470-4470 FAX: (410) 792-7395 www.gtaeng.com © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. Legend IIIIIIIII Fill 10+23 Cut 5+71 0 10 20 Approximate Scale 1 inch = 20 feet T3 BLOC 83 WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROPOSED CUT/FILL AREAS PROJECT: 3571256X1 DATE: JUNE 2022 SCALE: 1" = 20' IDESIGN BY: NMT IREVIEW BY: KBD FIGURE: 4 615 W 613 W 603 W Morgan St. Morgan St. W. Morgan St. Morgan St. GTA-4 Suspected UST GTA-2 locations r GTA-SV-3 GTA-SV-1 � {� IGTA-SV-4 - 'GTA SV 2 jY GTA-SV-5 !� �,• GTA-SV-7 GTA-5 GTA-SV-6 GTA-SV-8 GTA-SV-10 GTA-3 - _ _ GTA-7 ,� - � � � ■ GTA-SV-9 tl W ' GTA-6 s > I '.I o Subject Property I c �f l Boundary I I Adjacent Brownfield I I Property. Hargett St. dLMW Jae Legend 411, GTA proposed Soil Vapor sampling location GTA proposed soil and groundwater sampling locations ® GTA proposed soil sampling locations 0 40 80 Notes 1. Based on Google Earth Pro, aerial image 2018 Approximate Scale 2. Property boundaries and site features are approximate. 1 inch = 80 feet o _ , n-D a GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. T3 BLOC 83 o t� o ° a GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS lam— Q44� 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A p LAUREL, MARYLAND 20707 WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (410)7FAX (44100)R79073950-4470 PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS www.gtaeng.com © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. PROJECT: 3571256X1 DATE: MARCH 2O22 SCALE: 1" = 80' DESIGN BY: NMT REVIEW BY: KBD FIGURE: 5 Table 1 Brownfield Sampling Matrix eloc83 Tower 3 Raleigh, NC GTA Project No. 35172516x1 Page 1 of 1 Media Sample ID Rationale Depth (feet) Analysis/USEPA Method RCRA Metals Cr(VI) VOCs SVOCs VOCs 6020 7196 8260B 8270 T015 Soil GTA-1 GTA-2 GTA-3 Adjacent to suspect UST at 613 W. Morgan Highest PID reading or just above groundwater ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ South of former engine repair facility (Crocker and Son) at 613 W. Morgan West portion of 613/615 W. Morgan parcel 117 S. Boylan former residential use ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-4-DUP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-6 0-1' composite GTA-7 Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan Highest PID reading or 0-2' ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Groundwater GTA-1 Adjacent to suspect UST at 613 W. Morgan Varies ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-3 South of former engine repair facility (Crocker and Son) at 615 W. Morgan ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-3-DUP ✓ ✓ ✓ GTA-5 West portion of 613/615 W. Morgan parcel ✓ ✓ ✓ Trip Blank N/A ✓ ✓ ✓ Soil Vapor GTA-SV-1 Former restaurant building at 615 W. Morgan Street Sub -slab ✓ GTA-SV-2 ✓ GTA-SV-3 Northern 613 W. Morgan Street building Central Southern Within parking lot at proposed elevator shaft location Wooded portion of 615 W. Morgan Street ✓ GTA-SV-3-DUP ✓ GTA-SV-4 ✓ GTA-SV-5 ✓ GTA-SV-6 ✓ GTA-SV-7 5' ✓ GTA-SV-8 ✓ GTA-SV-9 ✓ GTA-SV-10 ✓ Notes: Cr(VI) = Hexavalent chromium SVOCs = Semi -volatile organic compounds USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency USTs = Underground storage tanks VOCs = Volatile organic compounds W AMM .5.� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY RECEPTOR SURVEY This form was created to clarify and simplify preparing a receptor survey for a brownfield site. Please provide the information requested below. Distances are measured from the site property boundary unless otherwise indicated by the DEQ Brownfield's Project Manager (PM). Site: Address: City: County: Brownfields Project Number: Property and Building Characteristics Surface Conditions Current Usage Proposed Usage Size of Property (acres) % of property that is wooded/brush % of property that is grassed areas % of property that is agricultural crops % of property that is paved % of property that is covered by buildings If an existing building is on -site, please respond to the following. Information can be provided on additional sheets as needed. If numerous buildings are on -site, consult with your PM as only information on specific buildings may be needed. a. Provide occupancy and use information. b. Describe the construction of the builidng including materials (e.g. wood frame, block), type and size of openings (e.g. windows, bay doors), and height (number of stories). c. Describe the foundation construction. Include details on type, floor construction, and depth below grade. d. Describe the HVAC system in the building. Include available details on type, equipment location, source of air return, and design considerations (e.g. positive pressure?). e. Are any subslab ventilation systems or moisture barriers in place? If so, please provide details. Rev. 09/2015 Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Surrounding Property Land Use Please provide information on the following land uses in the vicinity of the subject site, including a map of the surrounding areas. If specific receptors are present, please provide addresses of the facilities. Zoning/Land Use Current Use/Occupant Proposed Usage North South East West Specific Land Uses of Interest YIN * �ft� Distance Direction Address Is a school or daycare center within 1,000 ft of the Property? Is there a residence within 1,000 ft of the Property? Is there a basement within 1,000 ft of the Property * If numerous facilities of interest are present, their locations can be placed on a map in lieu of providing specific addresses. Utilities For the subject property, please provide a map of known buried utilites. If available, include depth to top, construction material, and diameter of the utilities. In addition, please provide the following information on utilty providers. If additional assessment is required, the public utility locators should be contacted. This information can then be added to a site map. Is there a septic system on -site? (Y or N) Please provide the utility providers for the subject property a. Natural Gas b. Sewer c. Electricity d. Other For surrounding properties, please complete the following table with available information. Utility/Potential Receptor Y/N Distance Direction Is a storm water pipe within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a sanitary sewer within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a septic system leach field within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Is a water line main within 100 ft of Property boundary? Is a natural gas line main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a buried telephone/ cable main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? Is a buried electrical cable main within 100 ft of Property boundary? * If yes, please provide a map or detailed information (distance, direction, depth) of the utility in correlation with the subject property. Rev. 09/2015 Page 2 of 3 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Water Supply The purpose of this section is to provide information on the water supply for the site and surrounding areas. What is the potable water supply for the property? Public Private If Private, please provide details of the water supply source (i.e. well location, well construction, etc). If public, please include the water providers name. Please provide the following information regarding water supply wells in the vicinity of the Property. At a minimum, a windshield survey within 1,500 ft of the property boundaries should be completed to determine if water supply or irrigation wells may be present. Information from applicable databases can and should be utilized; however, should not be utilized in lieu of the windshield survey. If multiple wells are present within the requested radius, please provide a map of the well locations. If needed, please attach a separate table to list all wells. Please note, the PM may opt for a more extensive water supply well survey if needed. Water Supply Wells Y/N Distance� ft� Direction Address Is a public water supply well within 1 mile of the Property boundary? Is a private water supply well within 1,500 ft of the Property Is an irrigation well within 1,500 ft of the Property boundary? Surface Water & Wetlands The purpose of this section is to provide information on the presence of surface waters and/or wetlands on, or in the vicinity of the Property. Provide Information regarding Surface Water Response/Comments and Wetlands Are there surface water features on the property? (If yes, please complete a. to d.) a. Is the water body naturally developed or man-made? b. List the uses of the water body. c. What is the source of the water for the water body? d. What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or concrete bottom, drainage ways or impoundments) If no on -site surface water features, what is the nearest surface water body? Are there any wetlands present on the property? If no wetlands on -site, are wetlands suspected on adjoining properties? Rev. 09/2015 Page 3 of 3