HomeMy WebLinkAbout25032_Domestic Laundry_AreaA PreCharacterizationWP rev1_20220630Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 1300 South Mint St, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 PH 704.227.0840 www.geosyntec.com GC7466/CAR220084 30 June 2022 North Carolina Brownfields Program Attention: Mr. Peter Doorn Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Work Plan for Soil Pre-Characterization in Area A – Revision 1 Site: Former Domestic Laundry - Vicinity of South McDowell Street at Baxter Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaBrownfields Project ID: 25032-21-060 Dear Mr. Doorn: Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Work Plan for Soil Pre- Characterization in Area A (“Work Plan-AA”) of one of the properties associated with a planned Brownfields Redevelopment Site (collectively referred to as “Project Lookout”) in Charlotte, North Carolina (herein referred to as the “Site”). The “Subject Property” for this effort is 801 South McDowell Street which is represented by Mecklenburg County Parcel ID 12520155 (Figure 1). A Brownfields Property Application (BPA) was submitted to the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP) on 22 April 2021 which included 801 South McDowell Street; 900, 928, and 943 Baxter Street; and 1001, 1017, 1043, and 1051 East Morehead Street. A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was received on 18 October 2021 for the BPA. On 4 May 2022, NCBP agreed via email to add 801 Baxter Street and 810 Baxter Street to the Brownfields Property. The portion of the Subject Property designated as “Area A” on Figure 2 is the location of the former Domestic Laundry Solvent Tank and represents an area of known and potential Dry- Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Program (DSCA) related soil contamination which will be managed during grading activities in support of the proposed redevelopment of the Site. The Prospective Developer (PD, The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority) has decided to conduct in-situ pre-characterization of the soils to satisfy Contained-In Policy characterization requirements (NCDEQ, 2016). Based on pre-characterization sampling results, Geosyntec will develop a Soil Management and Disposal Plan (SMDP) specific to Area A which will describe disposal options based on analytical results of pre-characterization. The overall objective of this Work Plan-AA is to develop a scope of work to support the development of efficient soil management practices in support of Area A grading activities while meeting applicable regulatory requirements. Mr. Doorn 30 June 2022 GC7466/CAR220084 Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or comments regarding this Work Plan. Sincerely, Amy Kenwell, P.G. (NC, SC)Jeff Tyburski, P.G. (NC) Project Geologist Principal Geologist Prepared for Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 200 S. Tryon Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 WORK PLAN FOR SOIL PRE- CHARACTERIZATION OF AREA A FORMER DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CHARLOTTE, NC Brownfields Project ID: 25032-21-060 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 1300 South Mint St, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Project Number GC7466 June 2022 Revision 1 GC7466/CAR220084 i 06/2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1  1.1  Site Description and History ........................................................................2  1.2  Site Redevelopment Plans ............................................................................3  2. SCOPE OF WORK ...............................................................................................3  3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ...........................................................................3  3.1. Soil Borings and Soil Sampling ...................................................................4  4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND REPORTING ..............................................5  4.1  Laboratory Analysis .....................................................................................5  4.2  Laboratory Reporting ...................................................................................6  5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ......................................6  5.1  Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC ......................................................6  5.2 Chain of Custody QA/QC ............................................................................6  6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT .......................7  7. REPORTING ...........................................................................................................7  8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................8  LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Subject Property Location Map Figure 2 Areas of Contamination – Area A Figure 3 Proposed Redevelopment - Phase I Figure 4 Proposed Sample Plan LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Historical Analytical Data Appendix B Grading Plans GC7466/CAR220084 1 06/2022 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Work Plan for Soil Pre- Characterization of Area A (Work Plan-AA) for Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) on behalf of their end-client, The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority (“Prospective Developer” or “PD”) for the property located at 801 South McDowell Street in Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, North Carolina (herein referred to as the “Subject Property”), which is represented by Mecklenburg County Parcel ID 12520155 (Figure 1). A Brownfields Property Application (BPA) was submitted to the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP) on 22 April 2021 which included 801 South McDowell Street; 900, 928, and 943 Baxter Street; and 1001, 1017, 1043, and 1051 East Morehead Street. A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was received on 18 October 2021 for the BPA. On 4 May 2022, NCBP agreed via email to add 801 Baxter Street and 810 Baxter Street to the Brownfields Property. The portion of the Subject Property designated as “Area A” on Figure 2 is the location of the former Domestic Laundry Solvent Tank and represents an area of known and potential Dry- Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Program (DSCA) related soil contamination which will be managed during grading activities in support of the proposed redevelopment of the Site. As described in the 26 April 2022 Soil and Water Management Memorandum (Geosyntec, 2022a) approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on 5 May 2022, soils from Area A and beneath the water table in Area B can be managed under the Contained-In Policy (NCDEQ, 2016) by excavating and placing the soils in roll-off box containers and testing the soils to evaluate if soils meet Contained-In Policy requirements to support development of soil management options. Due to the impracticability of containerizing a large volume of soils during construction, the Prospective Developer (PD, The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority) has decided to conduct in-situ pre-characterization of the soils to satisfy Contained-In Policy characterization requirements (NCDEQ, 2016). Based on pre-characterization sampling results, Geosyntec will develop a Soil Management and Disposal Plan (SMDP) specific to Area A which will describe disposal options based on analytical results of pre-characterization. The overall objective of this Work Plan-AA is to develop a scope of work for pre-characterization of soils (i.e. assessment) that will support the development of soil management practices consistent with the Contained-In Policy. This information will be used to support Area A grading activities during Site construction. This information will be used to support the further development of a SMDP specific to Area A as an attachment to the Early Grading and Demolition Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which was submitted in draft on 20 May 2022. The SMDP will be submitted to the NCBP as an addendum attachment to this EMP. GC7466/CAR220084 2 06/2022 1.1 Site Description and History A detailed Site history was provided in a recent Work Plan for Limited Brownfields Environmental Site Assessment – Part II submitted on 20 May 2022. The Site history provided here focuses on Area A soils. The Subject Property was developed as primarily residential land as far back as 1938 and was converted to commercial space in 1976. 801 South McDowell Street consists of an office building, that is currently used for Atrium Health employee offices, information technologies (IT) services, and as a data center. No water supply wells are located at the Subject Property and the property is connected to a municipal water source. The Subject Property is located in a predominantly commercial area. A commercial laundry facility was located partially on the northwestern corner of 801 South McDowell Street from approximately 1929 through 1967 with a solvent tank located along the northwestern border of the 801 South McDowell Street property. The commercial facility operated as Zoric Cleaning, Domestic Laundry Inc., and Automatic Laundry. Washburn Graphics and Cadmus Communications Corporation occupied the site from approximately 1976 through 1997 (URS, 2014). In July 1997, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted for the former dry- cleaning facility (referred to as “former Domestic Laundry”) by S&ME, which identified carbon tetrachloride and tetrachloroethene (PCE) above the NCDEQ Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Subchapter 02L.0202 Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Groundwater Standards) in association with the site (S&ME, 1997). Based on the confirmed solvent release, the site was entered into the DSCA Program (DSCA ID: 60-0012) on 21 February 2002 and was classified as medium priority. Additional environmental site assessments related to the former Domestic Laundry facility took place between 2007 and 2013. These assessments identified groundwater impacts in the vicinity of a culverted surface water feature (URS, 2014), which were generally delineated, as shown in Figure 2. A risk-based assessment conducted in 2015 reported concentrations of PCE were up to 130 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in soils (URS, 2015). In 2021, AECOM conducted a soil and soil gas assessment in the suspected DSCA Site (former Domestic Laundry) source area, which identified soils above NCDEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). Soil data from AECOM’s investigation is included in Appendix A. Results from the 2021 LESA – Part I soil investigation conducted by Geosyntec are also presented in Appendix A (Geosyntec, 2022b) and the groundwater and soil gas data from that investigation are included in the original report. Arsenic, hexavalent chromium, and benzo(a)pyrene were found in exceedance of NCDEQ Residential PSRGs, but only arsenic was detected above the NCDEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG in one sample. GC7466/CAR220084 3 06/2022 1.2 Site Redevelopment Plans While Site redevelopment plans are currently a work-in-process, certain features of the current redevelopment plans include the construction of an educational tower and research/education facility and a parking garage (as part of the planned future Wake Forest University medical school campus) on 801 South McDowell Street and 943 Baxter Street (Figure 3). Prior to development of these buildings, the Subject Property will undergo grading to flatten area topography. Proposed grading and cut and fill analysis are included in Attachment B. Grading within Area A is anticipated to reach up to 8 feet depth and up to 1,870 cubic yards are anticipated to be cut from Area A during grading activities. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Based on a review of historical documents and results from previous environmental assessments, Geosyntec proposes the following soil characterization activities to support proposed Area A grading activities. Area A is located in a cut area for Site grading which will disturb soils during construction. This Work Plan accounts for the depth of the proposed cut within Area A (an estimated maximum depth of 8 feet below current land surface). The soil management process for Area A will be presented in the SMDP for regulatory review and approval. This scope of work has been developed in consideration of potential reuse of the Subject Property and seeks to: 1. Characterize Area A soils through in situ soil sampling methods; 2. Compare analytical results to Contained-In Policy standards; 3. Evaluate waste management options for Area A soils based on analytical results of the pre- characterization, including identification of soil reuse and disposal options A description of the field methodologies and proposed sampling techniques is presented in the following sections, as well as planned laboratory analyses, associated quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) measures, investigation-derived waste (IDW) management procedures, and associated reporting. Proposed sampling locations are identified on Figure 4. 3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY The work will be conducted in general accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules (29 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1910.120). To address potential underground utilities, Geosyntec will contact the North Carolina 811 one-call system a minimum of 72 business hours in advance for clearing of public utilities. A private utility locator GC7466/CAR220084 4 06/2022 may also be subcontracted to perform ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetics (EM) to locate and mark subsurface utilities at the proposed soil sampling, soil gas sampling, and well locations at the Site. Final sampling locations may be modified or eliminated, if necessary, based on utility locations and/or other field conditions such as trees. 3.1. Soil Borings and Soil Sampling Based on previous Site activities and historical information, there are documented areas where soils beneath Area A have been impacted with dry-cleaning related solvents. However, the potential also exists for areas of non-impacted soil to also be present in Area A which creates opportunities, through the soil assessment process described in this Work Plan, to evaluate disposal options. Since the constituents of concern (COCs; PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-dichloroethane (cis-1,2-DCE), trans- 1,2-dichloroethane (trans-1,2-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC)) are listed hazardous substances from a DSCA release, excavated soils must be managed consistent with NCDEQ’s Contained-In Policy (NCDEQ, 2016). As previously described, the assessment process will be used to evaluate laboratory test results to compare concentrations of COCs against regulatory standards to determine if areas of impacted soils need to be managed as a hazardous or non-hazardous material or as non-impacted soil for reuse. Available assessment information suggests that soils likely contain COCs that will support a non-hazardous classification. If areas of soil are identified where COCs are identified at concentrations above applicable Contained-In Policy standards, requiring them to be managed as a hazardous waste, these areas will likely be limited in area. Prior to grading of Area A, soils within the proposed grading boundary will be assessed in situ to characterize soils consistent with NCDEQ’s Contained-In Policy. Based on laboratory test results, Geosyntec will prepare a SMDP to identify soil management options for NCDEQ approval based on soil characterization results. Sample collection details are described below. For the proposed pre-characterization efforts, Geosyntec will collect 695 discrete soil samples to a maximum of 9 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) using hand augering and/or direct push technology (DPT) drilling from 154 locations assigned in a grid-like pattern spaced 10 feet apart across Area A as shown in Figure 4. The 9-foot depth was selected as it represents an approximate depth 1-foot below the deepest estimated grading elevation within the sampling area. As described below, other sample location depths will be adjusted based on the proposed estimated final grading elevation for that area. Final sampling locations may be modified or eliminated, if necessary, based on utility locations and/or other field conditions such as trees. Boreholes will be drilled by a North Carolina-licensed driller and will be advanced using DPT. A hand auger will be used to advance the soil boring from 0 to 4 ft bgs to clear utilities. Hand augering GC7466/CAR220084 5 06/2022 will be the only method of soil sampling for locations with proposed depths of 4 ft bgs or less. Soil cores will be collected, visually inspected for staining, and screened with a photo-ionization detector (PID). PID readings will be collected primarily for health and safety purposes so the field crew understands when they are working in a potentially impacted area. Hand augered soil cuttings or soil core will be split or slit to expose fresh material and the meter will be placed under a gloved hand in the vicinity of the freshly slit soil. PID readings will not be used to select VOC sample collection locations or define disposal options. Due to the proximity of samples, soils will not be classified for lithology by the field staff but observed ambiguities of lithology will be noted in field notes. Soil samples will be collected for each foot depth of proposed grading, with the deepest sample being collected from beneath the anticipated total depth. For example, an area of anticipated 2.1 feet of cut would be sampled at 1, 2, and 3 ft bgs. A total of 695 samples are anticipated and no sampling is planned for areas with net fill anticipated. Samples will be named according to the A-Y and 1-8 grid pattern shown on Figure 4. For example, the sample in the easternmost corner will be AA-A1-Depth and the northernmost corner will be AA-Y1-Depth. Borings will be abandoned by filling to surface with bentonite chips and holes in the concrete or asphalt will be repaired with a concrete or asphalt patch, respectively. Soil samples will be shipped overnight on ice under chain of custody to a North Carolina-certified laboratory. Final soil boring locations will be measured in the field using a measuring wheel and fixed site features to support the preparation of boring location maps. 4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND REPORTING 4.1 Laboratory Analysis Collected soil samples will be placed in laboratory-provided sample containers with sufficient volume and submitted to a North Carolina-certified environmental laboratory under chain of custody procedures (Section 4.2). Soil samples will be stored on ice following collection. Samples will be analyzed by the laboratory for select VOCs by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 8260 including PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, and VC for waste characterization consistent with NCDEQ’s Contained-In Policy using the NCDEQ Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) Contained-In Policy standards (NCDEQ, 2016). Note that these constituents are known COCs associated with the dry-cleaning solvent release. These samples will specifically characterize the waste for the purpose of meeting Contained-In Policy requirements. The receiving landfill facility is anticipated to require additional characterization for disposal. In anticipation of these requirements, select samples will be analyzed for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by USEPA Method 8270, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals by USEPA Method 6020 GC7466/CAR220084 6 06/2022 and 7471, and hexavalent chromium by USEPA Method 7199. Up to 10 samples (one per 200 cubic yards of proposed grading) will be collected from discrete borings for receiving facility waste characterization. These sample locations will be selected based on field observations of soils most likely to be impacted. While TCLP Method 1311 is proposed for SVOCs and RCRA metals, the 20-times rule will be employed using total VOC analysis from the Contained-In Policy sampling as a surrogate for TCLP analysis. If samples have target total COC concentrations that exceed TCLP standards by a factor of 20 or more, the samples collected for TCLP SVOCs and metals will be analyzed for TCLP VOC analysis for the type of COC identified. Investigation derived waste from assessment activities will be placed in labeled 55-gallon drums. Aliquot samples of soil from each IDW drum generated will be composited by the laboratory for one TCLP analysis of VOCs, SVOCs, and metals waste characterization consistent with receiving facility requirements. The IDW will be managed during soil grading activities under the SMDP. 4.2 Laboratory Reporting Laboratory reporting limits (RLs) and method detection limits (MDLs) used by the selected North Carolina-certified laboratory for methods listed will meet respective NCDEQ MSWLF Contained- In Policy values for soil sample constituents. Concentrations detected between the RL and MDL will be reported as estimated values and flagged in the laboratory analytical report with a “J”. Level II QA/QC will be reported in the analytical report deliverables. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL 5.1 Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC One blind duplicate per 100 soil samples will be collected and submitted for laboratory analysis. QA/QC will also include temperature blanks in each sample cooler shipped to the laboratory (if provided) and one trip blank with each cooler containing soil samples for VOC analysis. The lab will be provided sufficient sample volume for Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) analysis. The number of duplicate samples recognizes the close proximity of the soil samples. 5.2 Chain of Custody QA/QC Geosyntec will initiate chain of custodies for soil samples in the field documenting sample collection information including but not limited to:  The Sample Collector’s Name;  Project Information and Location; GC7466/CAR220084 7 06/2022 Geosyntec Project Manager Contact Information; Sample Identification Number; Date and Time of Sample Collection; Type of Analysis; and Type and number of containers and associated preservative, if applicable. Samples will remain in the custody of Geosyntec until they are ready for shipment. Geosyntec will relinquish the samples and chain of custodies (noting date and time of relinquishment) to the laboratory courier (or use a custody seal during sample shipment) who will sign the chain of custody as receiver (noting date and time again). Geosyntec will retain a copy of the chain of custodies signed by the courier. Sample coolers and the chain of custodies will be sealed in an appropriate shipping container/box and sent to the address of the selected laboratory. A representative from the selected laboratory’s sample receiving will sign respective chains of custody verifying receipt of the samples by each respective laboratory location. A copy of fully executed chains of custody will be provided in the final laboratory analytical report deliverable. 6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT IDW soil cuttings and monitoring well purge water will be containerized in Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved 55-gallon drums and staged in secure designated areas of the Site in accordance with the Soil and Water Management Memorandum (Geosyntec, 2022a). Sample laboratory data will be used to characterize waste for transportation off-site at a permitted disposal facility in general accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and the Site-specific Soil and Water Management Memorandum (Geosyntec, 2022a) and/or SMDP. 7. REPORTING Upon receipt of laboratory results, Geosyntec will prepare a written SMDP report summarizing: (i) the scope of work executed and sampling methodologies performed; (ii) tabulated laboratory analytical results; (iii) IDW management procedures; and (iv) findings, conclusions, and recommendations for soil management. Soil sample results will be compared to MSWLF regulatory limits in the NCDEQ Contained-In Policy for disposal and will also be evaluated against the Unrestricted Use regulatory limits in the NCDEQ Contained-In Policy for potential reuse on- Site. The report will include figures depicting the sample locations and areas which have characterized as listed hazardous or non-hazardous. The final report will be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or Geologist and will include Geosyntec’s Professional Engineer and GC7466/CAR220084 8 06/2022 Professional Geologist license numbers. The SMDP will be submitted to NCBP as an addendum attachment to the Early Grading and Demolition EMP. 8. REFERENCES AECOM. Soil and Soil Gas Assessment Report – Domestic Laundry DSCA Site ID DC600012. September 2021. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Limited Brownfields Environmental Site Assessment Report – Part I. 24 February 2022b. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Soil and Water Management Memorandum, Former Domestic Laundry Brownfields Property (BF# 25032-21-060). 26 April 2022a. Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB), NCDEQ. Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites, Version 2. January 2020. Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD), U.S. EPA. Field Equipment Cleaning and Decontamination, LSASDPROC-205-R4. June 2020a. Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD), U.S. EPA. Soil Sampling, LSASDPROC-300-R4. June 2020b. NCDEQ, “Contained-in” Policy for Soil Contaminated with Listed Hazardous Waste”. June 2016. S&ME, Inc. Phase II Environmental Assessment Groundwater Sampling Results – Cadmus Property. July 1997. URS Corporation. Updated Groundwater Monitoring Report Submittal – Former Domestic Laundry DSCA Site ID #60-0012. August 2014. URS Corporation. Risk-Based Corrective Action Report Forms for North Carolina Dry-Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Program – Former Domestic Laundry DSCA Site ID #60-0012. September 2015. FIGURES John B e l k F r e e w a y / 2 7 7 P:\GIS\Projects\K\Kimley Horn\Lookout\MXD\CAR220084 Work Plan Pre-Characterization\Fig 1_Site Location.mxd 5/24/2022 10:06:43 PM Project LookoutCharlotte, North Carolina Subject Property Location Map(Pre-Excavation Soil Characterization Work Plan) Figure 1Charlotte, NC June 2022 Legend Subject Property Boundaries 150 0 15075 Feet ³Notes: 1. Property boundaries, parcel IDs, and addresses obtainedfrom Mecklenburg County GIS. Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE,Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance 801 South McDowell StreetParcel ID: 12520155 Area A Area B Dry Cleaner/ Source Area Former Domestic Laundry Area C P:\GIS\Projects\K\Kimley Horn\Lookout\MXD\CAR220084 Work Plan Pre-Characterization\Figure 2_Areas of Contamination.mxd 5/25/2022 7:58:15 AM Former Domestic Laundry Brownfields ProjectBF# 25032-21-060Charlotte, North Carolina Areas of Contamination - Area A Figure 2Charlotte, NC June 2022 Legend Brownfields Properties Proposed Brownfields Properties Area A Area B Area C Estimated Soil Contamination ExtentExceeding Soil to Groundwater PSRGs(VOCs) Estimated Soil Contamination ExtentExceeding Commercial PSRG (VOCs) Estimated Soil Vapor Extent ExceedingResidential VISL Estimated Soil Vapor Extent ExceedingCommercial VISL Estimated Groundwater Plume Extent Existing Culverted Stream 50 0 5025 Feet ³ 1. Property boundaries and existing stream from Mecklenburg County GIS.2. Contaminant extents shown are approximate and were estimated based on data from March 2007 through August2021.3. VISLs indicates vapor intrusion screening levels from the with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ) Vapor Intrusion Risk Calculator (updated June 2021) values for residential and commercial/industrialscenarios.4. SGSLs indicates soil gas screening levels from NCDEQ for volatile organic compounds (VOCs).5. Estimated groundwater plume interpreted by Geosyntec based on August 2021 data in comparison to Title 15ANorth Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Subchapter 2L Standards.6. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community, updated 23 October 2021. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri,DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community South McDo well Street E a s t M o r e h e a d S t r e e t John B e l k F r e e w a y / 2 7 7 B a x t e r S t r e e t InstitutionalResearch Building InstitutionalResearch Building&Parking InstitutionalResearch BuildingResidential Building& Hotel Parking Parking P:\GIS\Projects\K\Kimley Horn\Lookout\MXD\CAR220010 EMP Early Grading and Demo\Fig3_Proposed Redvelopment_03.2022_r2.mxd 4/1/2022 8:04:14 AM Former Domestic Laundry Brownfields ProjectBF# 25032-21-060Charlotte, North Carolina Proposed Redevelopment - Phase I Figure 3Charlotte, NC June 2022 Legend Brownfields Properties Proposed Brownfields Properties Proposed Commercial Buildings Proposed Parking Area Proposed Residential & Hotel Proposed Culverted Stream Proposed Subgrade Electrical Corridor Existing Culverted Stream 150 0 15075 Feet ³1. Property boundaries and existing stream from Mecklenburg County GIS.2. Proposed redevelopment boundaries obtained from Kimley Horn and aresubject to change as designs are developed.3. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity, updated 23 October 2021. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri,DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 123456787 66 7 9 111 22 3 44 4 4 5 4 4 4 8 5 5 4 3 4 4 9 4 1 33 234 3 3 44 4 3 4 3 2 5 1 2 34 5 45 6 555 56 46665 6 3 5 6 55 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 1 3 2 225 6 5 6 7 777665 7 7 44 4 4 77 65 5 54 4 3 4 1 1 46 4 4 6 5 5 6 7 75 9 3 1 7 755 4444 989 8 5 6 64 4 2 2 4 9 8 3 4 1 3 2 2 4 3 2 P:\GIS\Projects\K\Kimley Horn\Lookout\MXD\CAR220084 Work Plan Pre-Characterization\Figure 4_Waste Designation EH.mxd 6/1/2022 7:35:41 PM LegendSubject Property Boundaries Area A - Potentially Impacted byDSCA Release Above and Belowthe Water TableExisting Stream !. Pre-characterization SampleLocation (with anticipated depthof boring in feet) Notes:1. Property boundaries and existing stream from Mecklenburg County GIS.2. DSCA indicates Dry-Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act3. Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community ³Former Domestic Laundry Brownfields ProjectBF# 25032-21-060Charlotte, North Carolina Proposed Sample Plan Figure 4Charlotte, NC June 2022S McDowell StB axter St 50 0 5025 Feet1 APPENDIX A HISTORICAL ANALYTICAL DATA Table 2: Analytical Data for Soil DSCA ID No.: DC600012 Benzenecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneEthylbenzeneMethyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE)NaphthaleneTetrachloroethyleneToluenetrans-1,2-DichloroethyleneTrichloroethyleneVinyl chlorideXylenes (total)1,1,1-Trichloroethane1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane1,1,2-Trichloroethane1,1-Dichloroethane1,1-Dichloroethylene1,2-Dichloroethane(EDC)Benzo(a)pyreneCarbon tetrachlorideChloroformTB-2 10.5 03/05/97 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 NA < 0.005 < 0.005 TB-3 10.5 03/05/97 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 NA < 0.005 < 0.005 TB-7 11 03/05/97 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.014 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 NA < 0.007 < 0.007 TB-9 11 03/05/97 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.012 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 NA < 0.006 < 0.006 TB-10 6 03/05/97 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 0.013 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.012 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 NA < 0.006 < 0.006 TB-11 5 03/05/97 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 0.013 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.012 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 NA < 0.006 < 0.006 B-1 12 03/26/07 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 0.021 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 < 0.0075 NA < 0.0075 < 0.0075 B-2 12 03/26/07 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.013 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 < 0.0065 NA < 0.0065 < 0.0065 B-4 12 03/26/07 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.012 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 < 0.0062 NA < 0.0062 < 0.0062 B-5 12 03/26/07 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.013 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 < 0.0067 NA < 0.0067 < 0.0067 B-5 20 03/26/07 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 0.0069 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.013 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 < 0.0063 NA < 0.0063 < 0.0063 HA-1 2 04/03/08 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA NA 0.12 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.002 NA NA NA NA HA-1 6 04/03/08 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 NA NA 0.18 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.003 NA NA NA NA HA-2 3 04/04/08 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 NA NA 36 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.53 NA NA NA NA <0.26 NA NA NA NA HA-2 6 04/04/08 <2.9 <2.9 <2.9 NA NA 130 <2.9 <2.9 <2.9 <2.9 <5.8 NA NA NA NA <2.9 NA NA NA NA HA-3 1 04/04/08 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 NA NA 2.6 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <1.0 NA NA NA NA <0.52 NA NA NA NA HA-3 13 04/03/08 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 NA NA 0.024 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.003 NA NA NA NA HA-4 1 04/03/08 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA NA 0.50 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.002 NA NA NA NA HA-4 9 04/04/08 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA NA 0.12 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.002 NA NA NA NA HA-5 3 04/03/08 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA NA 0.024 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.002 NA NA NA NA HA-5 18 04/04/08 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 NA NA 0.024 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.003 NA NA NA NA B-1R 3 04/04/08 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 NA NA 8.6 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.51 NA NA NA NA <0.25 NA NA NA NA B-1R 4 04/04/08 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA NA 1.4 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 NA NA NA NA <0.002 NA NA NA NA SB-1 1-2 07/30/21 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 0.0245 1.74 0.0123 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0114 0.0214 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 <0.0057 NA 0.005 J <0.0057 SB-2 0-1 07/30/21 0.0053J <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0062 0.0319 0.576 0.015 <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0124 0.0276 <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0062 <0.0062 NA <0.0062 <0.0062 SB-3 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 0.275 0.0077 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0128 <0.0128 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 <0.0064 NA <0.0064 <0.0064 SB-4 3-4 07/30/21 0.0087 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 0.543 0.0132 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0113 0.0067J <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 <0.0056 NA <0.0056 <0.0056 SB-4 3-4 08/18/21 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 0.0706 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0665 <0.0133 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 <0.0067 NA <0.0067 <0.0067 SB-5 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0027 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 0.0684 0.0127 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0137 0.0052J <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 <0.0069 NA <0.0069 <0.0069 SB-6 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0022 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 0.0055J <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0111 <0.0111 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 <0.0055 NA <0.0055 <0.0055 SB-7 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 0.0031J <0.0061 <0.0121 <0.0121 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 <0.0061 NA <0.0061 <0.0061Sample IDSampling Date (mm/dd/yy)Depth[feet bgs][mg/kg] ADT 2 Page 1 of 2 Table 2(1): Analytical Data for Soil (User Specified Chemicals) DSCA ID No.: DC600012 Methylene Chloride1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneTB-2 10.5 03/05/97 NA NA NA TB-3 10.5 03/05/97 NA NA NA TB-7 11 03/05/97 NA NA NA TB-9 11 03/05/97 NA NA NA TB-10 6 03/05/97 NA NA NA TB-11 5 03/05/97 NA NA NA B-1 12 03/26/07 NA NA NA B-2 12 03/26/07 NA NA NA B-4 12 03/26/07 NA NA NA B-5 12 03/26/07 NA NA NA B-5 20 03/26/07 NA NA NA HA-1 2 04/03/08 NA NA NA HA-1 6 04/03/08 NA NA NA HA-2 3 04/04/08 NA NA NA HA-2 6 04/04/08 NA NA NA HA-3 1 04/04/08 NA NA NA HA-3 13 04/03/08 NA NA NA HA-4 1 04/03/08 NA NA NA HA-4 9 04/04/08 NA NA NA HA-5 3 04/03/08 NA NA NA HA-5 18 04/04/08 NA NA NA B-1R 3 04/04/08 NA NA NA B-1R 4 04/04/08 NA NA NA SB-1 1-2 07/30/21 0.0217 J 0.0075 0.003J SB-2 0-1 07/30/21 0.0242J 0.0173 0.0092 SB-3 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0175 <0.0064 <0.0064 SB-4 3-4 07/30/21 0.0182J <0.0056 <0.0056 SB-4 3-4 08/18/21 0.0363 <0.0067 <0.0067 SB-5 4-5 07/30/21 0.03100 <0.0069 <0.0069 SB-6 4-5 07/30/21 <0.0221 <0.0055 <0.0055 SB-7 4-5 07/30/21 0.0241J <0.0061 <0.0061 [mg/kg]Sample IDDepth[feet bgs]Sampling Date (mm/dd/yy)ADT 2(1) Page 2 of 2 Table 5Soil Analytical Results (LESA – Part 1)Former Domestic Laundry Brownfields PropertyCharlotte, Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaSS-01 SS-01 SS-02 SS-02 SS-03 SS-03 SS-04 SS-04 and DUP SS-05 SS-05 SS-06SS-07 SS-07 SS-08 SS-08 SS-09 SS-09 SS-10 SS-10 SS-11SS-11 SS-14 SS-14 SS-15 SS-15 SS-16 SS-16 and DUPSS-17 SS-17 SS-18 and DUP SS-19SS-19 SS-20 SS-20 SS-21 SS-210-2 4.5-5 0-2 7.5-8 0-2 7.5-8 0-29.5-100-2 9.5-10 0-20-2 5.5-6 0-2 9.5-10 0-2 6.5-7 0-2 9.5-10 0-2 9.5-10 0-2 7.5-8 0-2 9.5-10 0-2 9.5-10 0-2 8-10 0-20-2 7.5-8 0-2 7.5-8 0-2 9.5-108/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/23/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/25/2021 8/24/20218/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021AnalyteUnitsNCDEQ Industrial/ Commercial Health Based PSRGNCDEQ Residential Health Based PSRGPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082 - No detections or reporting limit (RL) exceedancesSemi-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E1,1-Biphenylmg/kg 4310 0.00826J<0.00746U <0.0422U <0.00772U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.0076U <0.0756U <0.0383U <0.00756U <0.00781U <0.00757U <0.00764U0.0241J<0.00757U <0.0443U <0.0398U <0.0396U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727U2,6-dinitrotoluenemg/kg 1.50.36<0.00873U <0.00819U <0.0463U <0.00847U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00834U <0.0829U <0.0421U <0.00829U <0.00856U <0.0083U <0.00838U <0.00909U <0.0083U <0.0486U <0.0437U <0.0434U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727U2-chloronaphthalenemg/kg 12,000 960<0.00663U <0.00622U <0.0352U <0.00644U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00633U <0.063U <0.032U <0.0063U <0.0065U <0.00631U <0.00636U <0.0069U <0.00631U <0.0369U <0.0332U <0.033U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U0.0414J<0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727U2-methylnaphthalenemg/kg 60048 0.216<0.00342U <0.0194U <0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0188<0.00347U0.0154 0.174<0.00347U0.0498 0.0459 0.203<0.00833U <0.00787U <0.00809U <0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U0.01143,3-Dichlorobenzidinemg/kg 5.11.2<0.0188U <0.0176U <0.0997U,F1 <0.0182U <0.763U <0.154U <0.77U<0.151U<0.72U <0.0179U <0.178U <0.0905U <0.0178U <0.0184U <0.0179U <0.018U <0.0196U <0.0179U <0.105U <0.094U <0.0935U <0.164U <0.155U<0.159U <0.161U <0.162U <0.152U <0.14U <0.138U - <0.147U <0.134U <0.725U <0.141U <1.5U <0.145U4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol mg/kg 131<0.0188U <0.0176U <0.0997U <0.0182U <1.97U <0.398U<1.98U<0.388U<1.86U <0.0179U <0.178U <0.0905U <0.0178U <0.0184U <0.0179U <0.018U <0.0196U <0.0179U <0.105U <0.094U <0.0935U <0.423U <0.4U <0.41U <0.414U <0.418U <0.39U <0.362U <0.356U - <0.378U <0.346U <1.87U <0.364U <3.87U <0.375UAcenaphthenemg/kg 9,000720<0.00365U <0.00342U <0.0194U <0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U <0.00358U <0.00347U <0.0035U0.0562 0.00931 0.118<0.0183U <0.0181U <0.00833U <0.00787U <0.00809U <0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U <0.00738UAcenaphthylenemg/kg NCNC 0.014<0.00342U0.04<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U0.0181J<0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0206<0.00347U <0.0035U0.11 0.00787<0.0203U0.082<0.0181U <0.00833U <0.00787U0.0161<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U <0.00738UAcetophenonemg/kg 23,000 1,600 0.049J,B 0.0098J,B<0.0399U0.0119J,B 0.0451J,B 0.0408J,B<0.385U0.0231 - 0.0432J,B<0.36U0.0417J,B<0.0714U <0.0362U0.014J,B 0.0206J,B 0.0135J,B 0.014J,B 0.0231J,B 0.0105J,B<0.0418U <0.0376U <0.0374U0.00967J,B 0.0313J,B 0.0202J,B 0.0225J,B 0.0269J,B <0.078 - 0.0369J,B 0.0409J,B 0.0259J,B - 0.0167J,B 0.0164J,B<0.363U0.0322J,B<0.751U <0.0727UAnthracenemg/kg 45,000 3,600 0.00949<0.00342U0.0651<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0113<0.00347U <0.0035U0.134 0.0203 0.233<0.0183U <0.0181U0.0214<0.00787U0.00941<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U <0.00738UBenz(a)anthracenemg/kg 211.1 0.0577<0.00342U0.389<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U0.0465<0.00764U0.0555<0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.055<0.00347U0.0296 0.47 0.0768 0.621 0.0787 0.109 0.176<0.00787U0.0469<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.00915<0.00682U0.0463<0.00718U0.0898 0.0159Benzaldehydemg/kg 820170 0.0415J<0.0103U <0.0581U <0.0106U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U0.0134J<0.104U <0.0527U <0.0104U0.0415J<0.0104U <0.0105U0.0253J 0.0316J<0.0609U <0.0548U <0.0544U0.0159J<0.0776U0.0128J 0.0134J<0.0812U <0.0758U0.0214J 0.0106J - 0.0161J<0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UBenzo(a) pyrenemg/kg 2.10.11 0.0638<0.00124U0.388<0.00129U0.0269J<0.00784U0.0602<0.00764U0.0594 0.0055J<0.0126U <0.00639U <0.00126U0.0779<0.00126U0.0361 0.392 0.0721 0.584 0.152 0.0983 0.182 0.00332J 0.0505<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0108<0.00682U0.0433<0.00718U0.121 0.0193Benzo(b)fluoranthenemg/kg 211.1 0.094<0.00342U0.555<0.00354U0.038J<0.00784U0.0742<0.00764U0.0766 0.00661J 0.0646J<0.0176U <0.00346U0.114<0.00347U0.0573 0.738 0.109 0.912 0.19 0.172 0.27<0.00787U0.0536<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0158<0.00682U0.0625<0.00718U0.157 0.0206Benzo(g,h,i)perylenemg/kg NCNC 0.0241<0.00342U0.131<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U0.0712<0.00764U0.0622<0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0274<0.00347U0.0132 0.104 0.0338 0.22 0.0826 0.0417 0.157<0.00787U0.0375<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0126<0.00682U0.043<0.00718U0.0764 0.0111Benzo(k)fluoranthenemg/kg 21011 0.0393<0.00207U0.224<0.00215U0.0209J<0.00784U0.019J,F2<0.00764U0.031J 0.00449J 0.0225J<0.0107U <0.0021U0.05<0.0021U0.0282 0.287 0.0434 0.37 0.0893 0.0587 0.104<0.00787U0.0217<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.00819<0.00682U0.0239J<0.00718U0.0778 0.0161Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether mg/kg 1.10.24<0.00718U <0.00674U <0.0381U <0.00697U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00686U <0.0682U <0.0346U <0.00682U <0.00705U <0.00683U <0.00689U <0.00748U <0.00683U <0.04U <0.036U <0.0357U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UBis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate mg/kg 16039<0.00663U <0.00622U <0.0352U <0.00644U <0.763U <0.154U <0.77U<0.151U<0.72U <0.00633U <0.063U <0.032U <0.0063U0.0154J<0.00631U <0.00636U <0.0069U0.0225J<0.0369U <0.0332U <0.033U <0.164U <0.155U <0.159U <0.161U <0.162U <0.152U0.0147J<0.138U - <0.147U <0.134U <0.725U <0.141U <1.5U <0.145UChrysenemg/kg 2,100110 0.0666<0.00342U0.37<0.00354U0.0415<0.00784U0.0506<0.00764U0.055 0.00621J 0.0515J<0.0176U <0.00346U0.0607<0.00347U0.0323 0.547 0.0775 0.726 0.0993 0.121 0.221 0.0044J 0.0479<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0131<0.00682U0.0566<0.00718U0.103 0.0262Carbazolemg/kg NCNC 0.00771J<0.00695U <0.0393U <0.00719U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00707U <0.0703U <0.0357U <0.00703U <0.00726U <0.00704U <0.00711U0.0626J 0.0116J 0.224J<0.0371U0.0556J 0.0671J<0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UDibenz(a,h)anthracenemg/kg 2.10.11<0.00365U <0.00342U0.0408<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.00894<0.00347U0.00442J 0.0404 0.0108<0.0203U <0.0183U <0.0181U0.043<0.00787U0.0108<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.00506J<0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U <0.00738UDibenzofuranmg/kg 23016 0.0393J<0.00695U <0.0393U <0.00719U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00707U <0.0703U <0.0357U <0.00703U <0.00726U <0.00704U <0.00711U0.0721J<0.00704U0.131J<0.0371U0.0689J<0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UDiethylphthalatemg/kg 130,000 10,000<0.00818U <0.00767U <0.0434U <0.00794U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00781U0.112J<0.0394U <0.00777U <0.00802U <0.00778U <0.00785U <0.00851U <0.00778U <0.0455U <0.0409U <0.0407U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UDi-n-octyl phthalatemg/kg 1,600130<0.00398U <0.00373U0.0548J<0.00386U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.0038U <0.0378U <0.0192U <0.00378U <0.0039U <0.00378U <0.00382U <0.00414U <0.00378U <0.0221U <0.0199U <0.0198U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UFluoranthenemg/kg 6,000480 0.093<0.00342U0.64<0.00354U0.0919<0.00784U0.0659<0.00764U0.097 0.00845<0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0794<0.00347U0.051 0.939 0.149 1.42 0.133 0.239 0.534<0.00787U0.0359<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0158<0.00682U0.0879<0.00718U0.151 0.0396Fluorenemg/kg 6,000480<0.00365U <0.00342U <0.0194U <0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U <0.00358U <0.00347U <0.0035U0.0669<0.00347U0.142<0.0183U <0.0181U0.017<0.00787U <0.00809U <0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U <0.00738UHexachlorobenzenemg/kg 0.990.22<0.0084U <0.00788U <0.0446U <0.00815U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00802U <0.0798U <0.0405U <0.00798U <0.00824U <0.00799U <0.00806U <0.00874U <0.00799U <0.0467U <0.042U <0.0418U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UHexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg 1.60.38<0.00409U <0.00384U <0.0217U <0.00397U <0.763U <0.154U <0.77U<0.151U<0.72U <0.0039U <0.0388U <0.0197U <0.00388U <0.00401U <0.00389U <0.00392U <0.00426U <0.00389U <0.0227U <0.0205U <0.0203U <0.164U <0.155U <0.159U <0.161U <0.162U <0.152U <0.14U <0.138U - <0.147U <0.134U <0.725U <0.141U <1.5U <0.145UIndeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene mg/kg 211.1 0.0124<0.00342U0.0967<0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U0.0579<0.00764U0.059<0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0151<0.00347U0.00654J 0.0555 0.0277 0.212 0.0425<0.0181U0.182<0.00787U0.0427<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0131<0.00682U0.054<0.00718U0.0559J 0.0114Naphthalenemg/kg 8.82.1 0.203<0.00342U <0.0194U <0.00354U <0.0387U <0.00784U <0.0391U <0.00764U <0.0366U <0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0176<0.00347U0.0124 0.463<0.00347U0.0815 0.0522 0.189<0.00833U <0.00787U <0.00809U <0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0122<0.00682U <0.0368U <0.00718U <0.0762U0.0112N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg 0.33 0.078<0.00829U <0.00778U <0.044U <0.00804U <0.382U <0.0772U <0.385U <0.0753U <0.36U <0.00791U <0.0787U <0.0399U <0.00787U <0.00813U <0.00788U <0.00795U <0.00863U <0.00788U <0.0461U <0.0415U <0.0412U <0.0821U <0.0776U <0.0797U <0.0805U <0.0812U <0.0758U <0.0702U <0.0691U - <0.0733U <0.0671U <0.363U <0.0707U <0.751U <0.0727UPentachlorophenolmg/kg 41<0.074U <0.0695U <0.393U <0.0719U <1.97U <0.398U <1.98U<0.388U<1.86U <0.0707U <0.703U <0.357U<0.0703U <0.0726U <0.0704U <0.0711U <0.0771U <0.0704U <0.412U <0.371U <0.368U <0.423U <0.4U <0.41U <0.414U <0.418U <0.39U <0.362U <0.356U - <0.378U <0.346U <1.87U <0.364U <3.87U,F1 <0.375UPhenanthrenemg/kg NCNC 0.0886<0.00249U0.278<0.00257U0.0363J<0.00784U0.0343J<0.00764U0.0613<0.00253U <0.0252U <0.0128U <0.00252U0.0334<0.00252U0.0258 0.421 0.0751 1.18 0.0623<0.0132U0.306<0.00787U0.0099<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - <0.00744U <0.00682U0.0458<0.00718U0.0746J 0.0259Pyrenemg/kg 4,500360 0.091<0.00342U0.657<0.00354U0.0709<0.00784U0.0688<0.00764U0.075<0.00348U <0.0346U <0.0176U <0.00346U0.0825<0.00347U0.0482 1.06 0.129 0.984 0.178 0.18 0.367<0.00787U0.0483<0.00817U <0.00824U <0.00769U <0.00712U <0.00702U - 0.0126<0.00682U0.0814<0.00718U0.154 0.0356Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane mg/kg 0.068 0.0056<0.0048U <0.00393U <0.00452U <0.00417U <0.0104U <0.0103U <0.00996U <0.0107U <0.00933U <0.00387U <0.00429U <0.00424U <0.00445U <0.00463U <0.00449U <0.00419U <0.00497U <0.00403U <0.00486U <0.0047U <0.00453U <0.0126U <0.0116U <0.0131U <0.0105U <0.0106U <0.0112U <0.011U <0.00998U - <0.00935U <0.00954U <0.00924U <0.00931U <0.0107U <0.0084UMethyl Ethyl Ketonemg/kg 40,000 5,500 0.029<0.00214U0.0166J 0.008J 0.0169J 0.0139J 0.00754J<0.0268U0.0148J 0.013J 0.0105J 0.0109J 0.013J<0.00253U <0.00245U0.0211J<0.00271U0.0212J 0.0138J 0.0167J 0.0145J<0.0315U <0.029U0.0124J 0.0185J 0.0271 <0.0279 - 0.0183J 0.00838J 0.0114J - 0.0105J 0.00988J<0.0231U0.0084J 0.0176J<0.021UAcetonemg/kg 140,000 12,000 0.29 0.0447 0.176 0.0381J 0.0844 0.0702 0.049J 0.0212 - 0.0661J 0.102 0.0688 0.0754 0.039J 0.0794 0.0516J 0.0129J 0.181 0.117 0.177 0.118 0.181 0.124 0.143 0.0398J0.105 0.17 0.206 0.0472 - 0.0697J 0.101 0.0529 - 0.0777 0.0469J 0.0506 0.044J 0.133 0.0373JBenzenemg/kg 5.41.2<0.000797U <0.000651U <0.000749U <0.000691U <0.00521U <0.00515U <0.00498U <0.00536U <0.00467U <0.000642U <0.000712U <0.000704U <0.000739U <0.000768U <0.000745U0.000919J<0.000825U<0.000668U<0.000806U0.00471J 0.00482J<0.00629U <0.0058U <0.00657U <0.00525U <0.00532U <0.00558U <0.00552U <0.00499U - <0.00468U <0.00477U <0.00462U <0.00466U <0.00535U <0.0042UCarbon disulfide mg/kg 740 160<0.0012U <0.000982U <0.00113U <0.00104U <0.00521U <0.00515U <0.00498U <0.00536U <0.00467U0.00108J<0.00107U <0.00106U <0.00111U <0.00116U <0.00112U<0.00105U <0.00124U <0.00101U <0.00121U <0.00117U <0.00113U <0.00629U <0.0058U <0.00657U <0.00525U <0.00532U <0.00558U <0.00552U <0.00499U - <0.00468U <0.00477U0.00116J<0.00466U <0.00535U <0.0042UMethyl acetate mg/kg230,000 16,000<0.00546U <0.00446U <0.00513U <0.00474U <0.0261U <0.0257U <0.0249U <0.0268U <0.0233U <0.0044U <0.00487U <0.00482U <0.00506U <0.00526U <0.0051U <0.00476U <0.00565U <0.00457U <0.00552U <0.00534U <0.00514U <0.0315U <0.029U <0.0328U <0.0263U <0.0266U <0.0279U <0.0276U <0.0249U - <0.0234U <0.0239U <0.0231U <0.0233U0.0622<0.021UTetrachloroethenemg/kg 8217<0.00207U <0.0017U <0.00195U <0.0018U <0.00521U <0.00515U <0.00498U <0.00536U <0.00467U <0.00167U <0.00185U <0.00183U <0.00192U <0.002U <0.00194U <0.00181U <0.00215U <0.00174U <0.0021U <0.00203U0.00838<0.00629U <0.0058U <0.00657U <0.00525U <0.00532U <0.00558U <0.00552U <0.00499U - <0.00468U <0.00477U <0.00462U <0.00466U <0.00535U <0.0042UToluenemg/kg 9,700990<0.000917U <0.00075U0.000891J,B 0.00111J,B 0.00091J 0.00144J 0.00308J<0.00536U - 0.00254J 0.000794J 0.00107J<0.000819U <0.00081U0.00119J<0.000884U <0.000857U0.00116J,B 0.00137J 0.00219J<0.000927U<0.000897U0.00172J<0.00629U <0.0058U0.0011J 0.00189J 0.00124J<0.00558 - 0.00358J<0.00552U0.00151J,B - 0.00187J 0.00162J<0.00462U0.000884J<0.00535U <0.0042UResource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Metals by EPA 6020B/7471B and Hexavalent Chromium by EPA 7199Chromium (hexavalent) mg/kg 6.5 0.31 0.363J 0.29J 0.569 0.461<0.467U <0.48U <0.49U<0.465U - 2.15 5.38 0.205J 0.503<0.149U <0.156U0.431 3.34 0.538 3.74 0.374J 0.373J<0.161U <0.159U <0.511U <0.471U <0.504U0.976<0.52U<0.5 - 3.1U<0.454U <0.456U - 0.746<0.43U <0.447U <0.453U <0.452U0.65Arsenic mg/kg 3 0.68 5.08 0.933 1.7 0.368 2.24 1.211.9 0.929 - 1.53 2.53 1.22 1.66 0.709 0.686 1.52 1.83 1.42 2.46 1.27 2.13 1.38 2.01 2.37 1.81 1.97 2.681.66 0.559 - 0.698 0.586 0.556 - 0.648 0.826 1.28 1.22 1.87 1.25Barium mg/kg 47,000 3,100 136 74 75.3 139 83.6 112 314 57.5 - 114 154 86 150100 88.8 96.3 163F2 109 143 87 155 95.888.4 201 262 110 96.5 227 160 - 237 73.1 56.6 - 20.2 86.6F2 47.8 98.4 69.8 120Cadmium mg/kg 200 14 0.306 0.0707 0.144 0.0405J<0.0556U0.0499J 0.0936 0.0237 - 0.0264J 0.1380.0418J 0.089 0.0321J 0.025J 0.0879 0.0653 0.0834 0.12 0.0927 0.139 0.107 0.165 0.107 0.0582 0.0483J 0.0208J0.018J 0.0331 - 0.045J 0.032J 0.0363J - 0.0194J 0.059 0.125 0.0256J 0.0999 0.0678Chromium (III+VI) mg/kg 350,00023,000 58.6 22.4 31.4 46.5 14.7 6.89 62.710.2 - 19.5 60.2 15.5F1 63.3 28.2 4.5152.5 51.6 64.9 117 45.1 42.6 52.7 50.8F2 79.6 41.1F1 66.4 140 19 6.38 - 8.52 8.876.92 - 17.3 6.08 28.7 10.4 35.7 17.3Lead mg/kg 800 400 137 6.44 53.4 1.8 7.35 7.89 21.8 3.93 - 5.74 28 4.08 10.3 3.92 2.7 24.6 2.82 23.8 43.5 14.4 46.7 28.3 29.7F2,F1 20 2.1 13.3 14.1 8.76 4.2 - 6.7 8.9 6.09 - 8.79 2.9 47 3.9 32.8 25Selenium mg/kg 1,200 78 0.546J<0.0884U0.275J<0.0931U <0.556U <0.554U0.195J<0.509U0.263J<0.0929U0.183J<0.0916U <0.0981U0.268J<0.106U0.167J 0.326J<0.103U0.369J 0.18J 0.259J 0.3J 0.123J 0.253J 0.406J 0.133J<0.506U <0.478U <0.471U - 0.129J<0.508U0.316J<0.512U0.319J 0.175JSilvermg/kg 1,20078 0.133 0.0155J 0.0569J<0.00931U0.0479J<0.111U0.212 <0.108U - 0.0137J 0.0753J 0.0242J 0.614 0.108 0.0191J 0.0371J 0.0112J 0.0699J 0.0586J 0.0474J 0.0512J 0.0326J 0.0332J 0.193 0.0228J 0.0199J 0.0165J 0.0129J <0.118 - 0.0116J<0.0956U <0.0943U - 0.0131J 0.0183J 0.0477J<0.102U0.0387J 0.0667JMercurymg/kg 9.72.3 0.214 0.0166J 0.55F2<0.0086U0.0621<0.0228U0.0421<0.0207U0.0544<0.00725U0.0233<0.00721U <0.00757U0.0397<0.00803U0.0602 0.146 0.0207J 0.079 0.0454 0.0408 0.0444<0.0242U0.0663 0.0951 0.0349<0.0208U <0.0206U <0.0199U - <0.0202U <0.0179U0.0518<0.0219U0.134 0.785Notes:3. Black text concentrations are detected above the laboratory MDL.4. Grey highlighted values indicate that the RL is greater than a PSRG.5. Concentrations highlighted in yellow indicate exceedances of the Residential PSRGs.6. Concentrations highlighted in orange indicate exceedances of the Industrial PSRGs.7. mg/kg indicates milligrams per kilogram.8. ft bgs indicates feet below ground surface.9. J indicates estimated concentration above the laboratory MDL and below the Reporting Limit (RL). 10. F1/F2 indicates the matrix spike quality control sample recovery/relative percent difference exceeds laboratory control limits. 11. B indicates the compound was detected in the method blank.12. < indicates analyte not detected above the RL indicated.13. - indicates the compound was not analyzed.14. NC indicates there is no corresponding PSRG.15. (DUP) indicates detections of sample duplicate.16. Total chromium results are compared to the chromium(III) PSRG as chromium(VI) was analyzed seperately.Boring IDSample Depth (ft bgs)Sample Date1. Residential and Industrial/Commercial health based preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) from North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), June 2021.2. Only constituents that were detected above the Method Detection Limit (MDL) in at least one soil sample or which had RL values reported above the Residential or Industrial/Commercial PSRGs are included in this table.Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.Page 1 of 1December 2021 APPENDIX B GRADING PLANS +-0.06+0.20-0.20 +-0.05+-0.18+-0.56+-0.87+0.01-0.01 +0.14-0.14+-0.84+-0.90+-0.65+-0.15+0.30-0.30 +0.06-0.06+-0.25+-0.69+-0.47+-0.21+0.09-0.09 +0.44-0.44 +0.64-0.64+0.06-0.06 +0.24-0.24 +-0.35+-0.05+0.24-0.24 +0.54-0.54 +0.85-0.85 +1.23-1.23+0.12-0.12 +0.64-0.64 +-0.19+0.60-0.60 +0.64-0.64 +1.33-1.33 +1.64-1.64 +1.85-1.85 +2.21-2.21+0.25-0.25 +1.82-1.82 +1.75-1.75 +1.40-1.40 +1.02-1.02 +1.44-1.44 +2.04-2.04 +2.13-2.13 +2.23-2.23 +2.50-2.50+1.09-1.09 +2.05-2.05 +2.89-2.89 +2.35-2.35 +1.52-1.52 +0.36-0.36 +0.59-0.59 +0.87-0.87 +1.57-1.57 +2.71-2.71+0.40-0.40 +1.00-1.00 +3.43-3.43 +2.83-2.83 +2.05-2.05 +0.78-0.78 +1.03-1.03 +1.31-1.31 +2.05-2.05 +2.88-2.88 +0.53-0.53+-0.62+2.98-2.98 +2.34-2.34 +1.48-1.48 +1.74-1.74 +2.30-2.30 +3.13-3.13 +1.30-1.30+0.84-0.84 +3.34-3.34 +1.69-1.69 +1.92-1.92 +2.16-2.16 +3.01-3.01 +3.39-3.39 +1.90-1.90+0.31-0.31 +3.80-3.80 +2.08-2.08 +2.29-2.29 +2.53-2.53 +3.08-3.08 +3.66-3.66 +3.00-3.00+1.00-1.00 +4.43-4.43 +2.31-2.31 +2.54-2.54 +2.81-2.81 +3.57-3.57 +3.88-3.88 +3.38-3.38+-0.86+2.49-2.49 +4.54-4.54 +2.41-2.41 +2.69-2.69 +3.00-3.00 +3.80-3.80 +4.12-4.12 +3.83-3.83+-0.03+-0.73+2.60-2.60 +4.30-4.30 +2.39-2.39 +2.75-2.75 +3.13-3.13 +3.80-3.80 +4.36-4.36 +4.44-4.44 +0.79-0.79+0.13-0.13 +0.93-0.93 +2.26-2.26 +4.22-4.22 +2.35-2.35 +2.78-2.78 +3.21-3.21 +4.10-4.10 +4.43-4.43 +3.28-3.28 +0.99-0.99+-0.31+0.96-0.96 +2.72-2.72 +4.67-4.67 +4.30-4.30 +4.33-4.33 +3.99-3.99 +4.36-4.36 +5.18-5.18 +4.45-4.45 +1.77-1.77+-0.12+-2.73+1.20-1.20 +3.02-3.02 +3.85-3.85 +4.06-4.06 +3.88-3.88 +3.21-3.21 +3.46-3.46 +3.68-3.68 +4.31-4.31 +3.02-3.02+-0.48+-1.90+3.33-3.33 +3.60-3.60 +3.17-3.17 +3.57-3.57 +4.27-4.27 +2.04-2.04 +2.47-2.47 +3.04-3.04 +4.18-4.18 +3.62-3.62+-0.54+-1.73+4.49-4.49 +3.62-3.62 +3.26-3.26 +3.63-3.63 +4.58-4.58 +2.10-2.10 +2.54-2.54 +3.12-3.12 +4.38-4.38 +4.31-4.31 +0.21-0.21+-0.60+-1.75+4.39-4.39 +3.64-3.64 +3.29-3.29 +3.66-3.66 +4.16-4.16 +2.13-2.13 +2.58-2.58 +3.17-3.17 +4.73-4.73 +4.90-4.90 +1.34-1.34+-0.67+-1.89+3.84-3.84 +3.57-3.57 +3.28-3.28 +3.65-3.65 +4.96-4.96 +2.10-2.10 +2.56-2.56 +3.17-3.17 +4.96-4.96 +5.11-5.11 +1.96-1.96+-0.72+-1.99+2.85-2.85 +3.52-3.52 +3.23-3.23 +3.59-3.59 +5.29-5.29 +2.02-2.02 +2.48-2.48 +3.13-3.13 +4.98-4.98 +5.16-5.16 +2.61-2.61+-0.79+-2.09+2.10-2.10 +3.44-3.44 +3.11-3.11 +3.45-3.45 +4.54-4.54 +1.87-1.87 +2.33-2.33 +3.24-3.24 +4.71-4.71 +4.92-4.92 +2.66-2.66+-0.80+-2.19+1.43-1.43 +3.31-3.31 +2.92-2.92 +3.25-3.25 +3.72-3.72 +1.64-1.64 +2.08-2.08 +2.71-2.71 +4.32-4.32 +4.70-4.70 +2.44-2.44 +-0.84+-2.19+0.94-0.94 +3.26-3.26 +2.77-2.77 +2.98-2.98 +3.65-3.65 +1.31-1.31 +1.73-1.73 +2.73-2.73 +3.65-3.65 +4.17-4.17 +1.78-1.78 +0.00-0.00+-0.82+-2.18+0.54-0.54 +3.15-3.15 +2.76-2.76 +2.80-2.80 +2.84-2.84 +0.88-0.88 +1.23-1.23 +2.10-2.10 +2.78-2.78 +3.34-3.34 +0.78-0.78 +0.00-0.00+-0.02+0.69-0.69 +0.76-0.76 +0.81-0.81 +0.95-0.95 +0.98-0.98 +0.65-0.65 +0.37-0.37 +0.13-0.13 +-0.03+0.39-0.39 +-0.68+-0.64+0.13-0.13 +0.25-0.25 +0.17-0.17 +0.10-0.10 +-1.73+-3.08+-3.60+-3.13+-3.58+-4.28+-4.29+-3.64+-3.18+-2.56+-3.73+-0.97+0.16-0.16 +-1.34+-1.36+-1.03+-1.01+-0.89+1.43-1.43 +2.12-2.12 +0.48-0.48 +0.37-0.37 +0.30-0.30 +-0.09+-3.40+-7.21+-8.03+-6.55+-6.20+-5.58+-5.73+-3.49+-0.93+2.11-2.11 +-0.01+-0.53+0.62-0.62 +-1.04+-1.38+-0.92+-1.38+-1.82+1.66-1.66 +2.14-2.14 +0.43-0.43 +-0.21+0.24-0.24 +-0.28+-5.88+-9.64+-9.83+-6.47+-6.21+-4.38+-4.43+-3.28+-1.23+1.63-1.63 +-0.36+-0.62+2.79-2.79 +-0.18+-0.66+-0.69+-1.57+-2.05+1.65-1.65 +2.30-2.30 +0.56-0.56 +-0.16+0.20-0.20 +-0.17+-6.46+-9.68+-9.90+-6.89+-6.16+-4.10+-4.21+-4.33+-2.08+1.30-1.30 +-0.35+-1.45+1.96-1.96 +0.78-0.78 +0.01-0.01 +-0.49+-1.77+-2.28+1.75-1.75 +2.55-2.55 +0.71-0.71 +0.03-0.03 +0.48-0.48 +-0.11+-6.30+-9.74+-10.14+-7.87+-6.45+-6.66+-7.25+-7.40+-3.26+0.40-0.40 +-0.24+-1.39+1.33-1.33 +0.68-0.68 +0.46-0.46 +-0.45+-1.96+-2.52+2.28-2.28 +2.78-2.78 +0.91-0.91 +0.19-0.19 +0.60-0.60 +0.23-0.23 +-5.63+-10.39+-10.39+-9.58+-9.38+-9.66+-9.69+-9.67+-4.66+-0.09+-0.27+-1.51+0.05-0.05 +1.31-1.31 +0.66-0.66 +-0.50+-2.19+-2.80+2.53-2.53 +2.99-2.99 +1.02-1.02 +0.42-0.42 +0.90-0.90 +0.53-0.53 +-5.12+-10.23+-10.64+-10.66+-10.68+-10.22+-10.11+-10.00+-6.66+-1.67+-0.98+-2.03+-1.13+-0.13+1.45-1.45 +0.62-0.62 +-0.75+-2.49+-3.10+2.58-2.58 +3.16-3.16 +1.06-1.06 +1.02-1.02 +0.99-0.99 +0.67-0.67 +-5.13+-10.80+-10.87+-10.88+-10.89+-10.72+-9.77+-8.63+-6.85+-2.77+-1.62+-3.05+-2.63+1.25-1.25 +1.18-1.18 +0.34-0.34 +-1.14+-2.85+-3.45+2.82-2.82 +3.26-3.26 +1.20-1.20 +1.24-1.24 +1.16-1.16 +0.67-0.67 +-5.19+-10.72+-11.10+-11.11+-11.11+-9.42+-4.14+-3.54+-3.58+-4.11+-2.66+-4.09+-4.50+-5.10+0.61-0.61 +0.33-0.33 +-1.33+-2.60+-3.05+3.04-3.04 +3.29-3.29 +1.24-1.24 +1.37-1.37 +1.33-1.33 +0.73-0.73 +-4.02+-9.00+-5.33+-5.33+-5.33+-4.28+1.03-1.03 +-4.04+-3.99+-3.91+-3.83+-5.11+-6.03+-6.11+5.43-5.43 +5.47-5.47 +4.72-4.72 +3.64-3.64 +3.49-3.49 +3.35-3.35 +3.24-3.24 +1.39-1.39 +1.57-1.57 +1.48-1.48 +1.22-1.22 +-0.22+1.95-1.95 +-5.57+-5.56+-5.55+-5.50+-0.37+-4.55+-4.42+-4.46+-5.46+-6.23+-6.94+-4.09+4.37-4.37 +5.23-5.23 +4.39-4.39 +3.53-3.53 +3.43-3.43 +3.47-3.47 +3.17-3.17 +1.74-1.74 +1.25-1.25 +1.59-1.59 +1.63-1.63 +-0.48+1.92-1.92 +-5.81+-5.79+-5.77+-5.75+-3.08+-8.31+-8.57+-8.44+-6.94+-7.36+-7.82+-5.88+3.75-3.75 +4.33-4.33 +3.57-3.57 +2.96-2.96 +3.02-3.02 +3.05-3.05 +2.90-2.90 +1.90-1.90 +1.49-1.49 +1.66-1.66 +1.56-1.56 +-0.59+2.44-2.44 +-5.77+-5.90+-5.95+-5.97+-5.46+-10.75+-10.19+-9.44+-8.27+-8.31+-8.58+-7.48+3.16-3.16 +3.73-3.73 +3.02-3.02 +2.63-2.63 +2.32-2.32 +2.75-2.75 +2.79-2.79 +1.61-1.61 +2.02-2.02 +1.91-1.91 +1.69-1.69 +-0.60+2.07-2.07 +-5.66+-5.83+-5.92+-5.94+-5.35+-10.69+-10.31+-10.17+-9.84+-8.65+-9.57+-8.92+2.24-2.24 +2.77-2.77 +3.33-3.33 +2.70-2.70 +2.43-2.43 +2.57-2.57 +2.60-2.60 +2.60-2.60 +1.56-1.56 +1.85-1.85 +2.42-2.42 +1.99-1.99 +0.78-0.78 +-3.71+-5.63+-5.78+-5.88+-8.18+-8.80+-12.67+-13.25+-13.29+-12.27+-9.19+-9.96+-10.14+-6.63+1.83-1.83 +2.76-2.76 +3.27-3.27 +2.69-2.69 +2.46-2.46 +2.61-2.61 +2.59-2.59 +2.53-2.53 +1.60-1.60 +2.02-2.02 +2.66-2.66 +2.39-2.39 +0.89-0.89 +-2.06+-5.64+-5.77+-5.86+-8.10+-8.67+-12.81+-13.49+-13.54+-13.86+-9.80+-10.33+-10.55+-6.64+3.03-3.03 +3.19-3.19 +3.39-3.39 +2.97-2.97 +2.73-2.73 +2.87-2.87 +2.70-2.70 +2.01-2.01 +1.64-1.64 +2.20-2.20 +2.79-2.79 +2.94-2.94 +1.62-1.62 +-1.31+-3.73+-5.78+-6.93+-7.64+-7.82+-9.40+-11.57+-12.02+-11.94+-10.00+-11.05+-10.61+-6.70+-0.34+0.50-0.50 +3.34-3.34 +3.57-3.57 +3.20-3.20 +3.05-3.05 +3.16-3.16 +2.95-2.95 +1.15-1.15 +1.88-1.88 +2.53-2.53 +3.21-3.21 +3.36-3.36 +1.33-1.33 +-0.60+-3.09+-4.93+-6.11+-6.21+-6.89+-7.57+-9.79+-10.92+-11.09+-10.74+-11.96+-10.53+-6.09+-0.48+3.72-3.72 +3.91-3.91 +3.49-3.49 +3.40-3.40 +3.66-3.66 +3.49-3.49 +3.39-3.39 +2.81-2.81 +3.19-3.19 +3.75-3.75 +4.43-4.43 +1.31-1.31 +2.57-2.57 +1.36-1.36 +-3.81+-4.09+-4.40+-4.85+-5.49+-6.08+-8.51+-11.10+-10.22+-6.83+-5.96+-2.11+-1.40+4.15-4.15 +4.36-4.36 +3.67-3.67 +3.79-3.79 +4.06-4.06 +2.72-2.72 +3.34-3.34 +3.76-3.76 +3.47-3.47 +4.19-4.19 +4.72-4.72 +3.97-3.97 +1.96-1.96 +-0.86+-0.89+-1.42+-2.11+-2.76+-3.54+-2.41+-0.98+-4.68+-6.64+-6.65+-6.92+-3.22+-0.81+-0.01+4.61-4.61 +5.00-5.00 +4.01-4.01 +4.23-4.23 +3.19-3.19 +3.40-3.40 +3.61-3.61 +4.57-4.57 +3.90-3.90 +4.64-4.64 +4.84-4.84 +4.80-4.80 +2.48-2.48 +2.47-2.47 +1.93-1.93 +1.04-1.04 +0.31-0.31 +1.74-1.74 +3.19-3.19 +2.33-2.33 +-2.26+-4.71+-6.18+-6.86+-6.37+-5.39+-2.17+-1.20+5.25-5.25 +5.63-5.63 +4.89-4.89 +4.53-4.53 +3.43-3.43 +3.52-3.52 +4.06-4.06 +4.11-4.11 +4.27-4.27 +4.52-4.52 +4.70-4.70 +5.47-5.47 +4.89-4.89 +4.22-4.22 +3.81-3.81 +3.08-3.08 +4.13-4.13 +4.68-4.68 +3.91-3.91 +0.45-0.45 +-4.69+-5.11+-5.78+-5.29+-5.84+-6.47+-3.66+-2.50+3.32-3.32 +6.00-6.00 +5.08-5.08 +3.68-3.68 +2.79-2.79 +2.74-2.74 +3.55-3.55 +4.24-4.24 +3.84-3.84 +3.50-3.50 +3.95-3.95 +4.86-4.86 +5.65-5.65 +5.13-5.13 +4.10-4.10 +5.90-5.90 +6.20-6.20 +4.53-4.53 +2.50-2.50 +-1.54+-4.42+-5.42+-3.96+-4.80+-5.61+-6.74+-4.81+-1.65+-0.22+1.22-1.22 +5.52-5.52 +3.85-3.85 +3.34-3.34 +2.15-2.15 +2.04-2.04 +1.64-1.64 +2.25-2.25 +3.62-3.62 +3.95-3.95 +3.69-3.69 +4.16-4.16 +5.04-5.04 +5.23-5.23 +5.61-5.61 +5.09-5.09 +3.90-3.90 +2.18-2.18 +-0.94+-3.88+-5.33+-5.68+-4.61+-4.97+-5.75+-5.35+-4.86+-2.83+-1.25+1.41-1.41 +7.18-7.18 +3.75-3.75 +3.02-3.02 +2.74-2.74 +0.80-0.80 +-0.66+0.00-0.00+3.96-3.96 +3.88-3.88 +3.56-3.56 +4.12-4.12 +4.35-4.35 +5.13-5.13 +5.17-5.17 +4.63-4.63 +3.20-3.20 +0.84-0.84 +-2.37+-5.11+-5.87+-6.76+-4.85+-4.29+-4.55+-3.70+-3.95+-4.07+-2.34+1.74-1.74 +8.47-8.47 +4.68-4.68 +3.52-3.52 +0.13-0.13 +-0.44+-1.61+-2.31+-1.56+4.02-4.02 +4.20-4.20 +3.52-3.52 +4.06-4.06 +4.39-4.39 +5.03-5.03 +5.04-5.04 +2.88-2.88 +-0.26+-4.04+-6.07+-7.02+-5.17+-2.17+-2.26+-3.59+-2.83+-3.16+-4.28+-3.59+-0.78+1.99-1.99 +6.27-6.27 +5.93-5.93 +5.58-5.58 +1.93-1.93 +-0.93+-1.62+-2.32+-3.04+0.06-0.06 +4.06-4.06 +3.46-3.46 +3.53-3.53 +3.94-3.94 +4.23-4.23 +4.45-4.45 +4.52-4.52 +2.16-2.16 +-2.10+-4.33+-6.62+-5.67+-3.70+-2.28+-2.09+-2.04+-2.50+-3.87+-4.52+-1.62+2.56-2.56 +6.41-6.41 +6.02-6.02 +5.58-5.58 +4.12-4.12 +0.32-0.32 +-1.62+-2.32+-3.04+-2.38+2.31-2.31 +3.34-3.34 +3.59-3.59 +3.60-3.60 +2.98-2.98 +3.06-3.06 +1.47-1.47 +0.20-0.20 +-0.09+-1.41+-1.61+-3.50+-2.41+-2.21+-2.28+-0.11+4.99-4.99 +3.85-3.85 +0.01-0.01 +2.27-2.27 +6.58-6.58 +6.15-6.15 +5.68-5.68 +5.17-5.17 +2.56-2.56 +-1.34+-2.31+-2.02+2.47-2.47 +2.27-2.27 +2.68-2.68 +2.25-2.25 +1.39-1.39 +0.91-0.91 +0.50-0.50 +0.47-0.47 +-0.38+-0.84+-0.96+-1.43+-0.73+3.83-3.83 +8.39-8.39 +7.76-7.76 +0.41-0.41 +1.51-1.51 +6.78-6.78 +6.32-6.32 +5.83-5.83 +5.30-5.30 +4.82-4.82 +0.83-0.83 +-1.55+1.51-1.51 +0.83-0.83 +0.99-0.99 +0.76-0.76 +0.34-0.34 +-0.13+-0.41+-0.19+-0.24+-0.97+-0.64+0.05-0.05 +2.59-2.59 +5.26-5.26 +3.15-3.15 +-0.83+2.22-2.22 +7.03-7.03 +6.52-6.52 +6.01-6.01 +5.48-5.48 +5.39-5.39 +1.94-1.94 +-0.02+-0.15+-0.51+0.08-0.08 +0.06-0.06 +-0.22+-0.69+-0.29+-0.96+-0.07+0.23-0.23 +-1.29+-2.21+0.20-0.20 +2.60-2.60 +6.30-6.30 +6.74-6.74 +5.82-5.82 +3.60-3.60 +-0.08+-0.10+0.12-0.12 +0.03-0.03 +-0.28+-0.32+-0.23+-0.57+-1.96+-0.01+0.12-0.12 +-0.01+-0.57+-0.27+0.02-0.02 +0.05-0.05 +-0.13+-0.16+0.34-0.34 +0.14-0.14THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.NC LICENSE #F-0102200 SOUTH TRYON STREET, SUITE 200CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202PHONE 704-333-5131C2022SHEET 1 of 1THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND HAS BEEN PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A SURVEY, CODE RESEARCH, OR CONTACT WITH THE CITY, COUNTY, ETC.NO R T H0GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET80 40 801601-4 INFRASTRUCTURE 1A:- CUT - 47,658 CY- FILL - 40,063 CYTHE PEARL: CHARLOTTE INNOVATION DISTRICT - MASS GRADE CUT-FILL ANALYSISDATE: 03-31-2022