HomeMy WebLinkAbout24020_Peerless Master Cleaners_Ph II_20051013TIRC Customer -Focused Solutions October 13, 2005 Mr. Lee Smith HBS Proper ieb P.O. Box 19805 Raleigh, NC 27619 Re: Results for Limited Phase U Elaviiroamental Investigation Rogers Realty PropertYAlogg Hillsborough St./West SV Morgan St, Raleigh, NC TRC project No. 46480 Dear Lee., TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) conducted a Limited Phase 11 Environmental Investigation at the above -referenced site on October 6, 2005. The following presents the findings of our investigation. F1NDiNGS Asbestos -Containing Materials[Lead-Based Paint TRC collected building materials from inside, Wilson's Outdoor Equipment at 500 W. Morgan Street and from inside the brick building facing; Hillsborough Street (50l -507 Hillsborough and 2 S. West Street). The sampling etermine whether asbestos -containing g was conducted to d materials (ACMs) and Iead-based paint were present, and was not intended to be a comprehensive survey. A total of 35 samples were collected for ACM analysis using polarized light microscopy by Carolina Enviromnental, Inc. laboratory. A total of 10 samples were collected for lead paint analysis. The laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix A. A total of nineteen floor tile and floor tile mastic samples were collected from each building and submitted for asbestos analysis. All floor tile and mastic samples contained asbestos, at contents ranging from, 5% to 35 % asbestos. Fifteen additional samples were collected from ceiling tiles, wallboard, joint compound and piaster. The back wall of the building space at 505 Hillsborough Street (painted lime green) was plaster and contained .3% asbestos. Materials containing l % or more asbestos are considered to be ACM. No other building materials sampled were reported to contain asbestos. The results of the ACM analysis are summarized in Table 1. Thirteen paint samples were collected and analyzed for lead content. Nine samples eoutain lead above the analytical detection limit. Three of the samples contained lead above Mize cd 5540 Conlerview Drive, Svire 100 •Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 federal standard of 0.5% by weight. The paint was located in 501/503, 505, and 507 Hillsborough Street, as summarized in Table 1. Soil TRC installed a total of 5 soil borings using Geoprobe direct -push technology to investigate soil quality around the site. The boring locations are illustrated in Figure 1 and the boring lop are provided in Appendix B. The original scope of work was for the installation of borings; however, based upon site observations, 2 additional borings were installed at the sits, Soil from all of the borings was screened on two -foot intervals for organic vapors using a TVA 1000 photo -ionization detector (PID). Soil samples were collected from two of the borings (SB-1 and 8B-2) and submitted for laboratory analyses. The soil interval with the highest PID readings from these borings Was submitted to Prism Laboratories -and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by USEPA Method 9260 and semi-VOCs by USEPA Method 8270_ Soil boring SS -I was installed near the southeast corner of the property, near the intersection of West Street and Morgan Street and topographically downgradient from all structures. The boring was screened for organic vapors down to 16 feet below Iand sutfiacc (b1s). Very slight vapors were identified with the PfD. Asa result, a soil sample was submitted for VOC and semi-VOC analyses. Laboratory analysis of this sample indicated no constituents were present above the laboratory detection limit. Soil boring; SB-2 was installed outside a bay door on the cast side of Wilson's Outdoor Equipment. The boring was extended to 12 feet bls. A vapor reading of 40 parts per million (ppm) was recorded at the 2 - 4 foot interval. As a result, a soil sample was submitted for VOC and semi-VOC analyses. Laboratory analysis Of This sample indicated no constituents were present above the laboratory detection limit. Soil boring S13-3 was extended behind the 501 Hillsborough Street building in a location topographically downgradient from potential former fuel oil tanks. The boring was extended to I2 ft bls. No soil impacts were identified with the PID; therefore, a sample was not collected for laboratory analysis. Soil boring (SB-4) was installed near the southwest corner of the site, along Morgan Street. The boring was installed topographically downgradient from a former paint room to a depth of 12 feet bls. The PID indicated no soil impacts; therefore, a soil sample was not submitted for laboratory analysis. Due to the potential for underground storage tanks, the presence of two metal caps in the parking lot was investigated, which was outside the original scope of work. TXC was able to remove one of the caps, which revealed a vault or tank that terminated approximately 6 feet bls. The .purpose of this structure is unknown, but it may be a wastewater sump or oil/water separator. Petroleum odors were not noted. Boring SB-5 was installed adjacent to this LIMS ProperticeRBs tvrrpLdnc structure and screened for vapors. Tlie boring was extended to 8 feet b1s. No soil impacts were identified with the PFD; therefore, a sample was not collected for laboratory analysis. Groundwater Topographically downgradient borings SB-1 and SB-4 were extended to intercept the water table using Geoprobe direct gush technology. Boring SB-1 was extended to 40 feet bls and boring SBA was extended to 36 feet bls. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 25.5 feet bls in the borings. Well screen -was placed inside the Geoprobs rods in each boring from 32 to 3 6 feet bls and a peristaltic pump was used to collect a groundwater sample after purging each well for approximately 10 minutes. The boreholes were abandoned and finished with a concrete patch upon sample collection. The groundwater samples were submitted to Prism Laboratories and analyzed for'V'OCs acid semi-VOCs by the same analytical methods. The groundwater sample collected from boring SB-4 outside the former paint room, contained 8 VO s, as summarized in Table 2. Two constituents were detected above the NCAC 2L Standards and one constituent detected does not have a standard. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) considers any'detection of a constituent without a standard to be a violation of groundwater quality and the standard becomes the laboratory detection limit. Naphthalene was detected at 26 micrograms per liter (ug/L) and the naphthalene standard is 21 ug/L. Tetrachloroethene was detected at 2.3 ug/L and the tetrachloroethene standard is 0.7 ug/L. p4sopropyltoluene was detected at 13 ug/L and There is slot NCAC 2L Standard. No constituents were detected in the groundwater sample collected from boring SB-1. CONCLUSIONS Asbestos is present within flooring material at every address at the subject property. Lead. based paint is present in limited areas above federal standards in building spaces along 1'`iillsbomugh Street. Although the building materials investigation was not a comprehensive survey, the results indicate that caution should be taken during building renovations. VOCs were detected in the groundwater sample collected adjacent to the former paint room (boring SB-4). Impacted groundwater was not encountered in boring SB-1, which was installed approximately 75 feet east of SB-4. The concentrations of constituents detected in groundwater, although low, are considered a discharge by the NCDENR Division of Water Quality, All discharges are required to be reported to NCDENR under 15A NCAC 2L .0106. TRC recommends you share this information with Rogers Realty, the party responsible for notifying NCDFNR. L:\HBSProlaVda\HBS rerrptdocMc 'We appreciate the opportunity to work with yuu on this project. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do nox hesitate to give me a call. Respectfully, TRC EnvlrvnmentM Corporation James Y. Joyner, IT . Senior Project Manager Table 1, Sammsily of Asbestos and Lead-Bam4 Paint in Building material, Rogers Realty Property, Raleigh, North Carefine. Sample ID %Coatentl' Material. Address Description AB-1 P-1 15 0.23 asbestos lead 500 W. Morgan St. 9" floor tile painted gray P-2 0.46 lead SOD W. Morgan St, 500 W. Morgan St. graylgreen floor paint gray/silver wall and ceiling paint AB-5 5 asbestos 505 I ilisborough St. 9" black floor file 5 asbestos 505 Hillsborough St. floor tile mastic A13-8 35 3 asbestos 505 Hillsborough St. felt uoderlayrnent P4 0.063 asbestos lead 505 Hillsborough St. 505 Hillsborough St. plaster/spackle, back. wall time green wall paint. P-5 1.1 lead 505 Hillsborough St. white, back room AB-9 AB-10 25 25 asbestos asbestos 501/503 Hillsborough St. 301/303 Hillsborough St. red seamless hcoringftinoleunt tan AB-11 15 asbestos 501/503 Hillsborough St, seamless flooring/rMoleum 9" Ted fluor file AB-12 10 15 asbestos asbestos 501/503 Hillsborough St. 501I5O3 Hillsborough St. mastic behind red floor file 9" AB-14 10 3 asbestos 501/503 Hillsborough St. gray @nor We rustic -behind gray floor the AB-15 15 asbestos asbestos 501/503 Hillsborough St. 5OI/503 Hillsborough St. 12" cream floor lile red floor tile undemeath cream tile P-7 10 0.39 asbestos lead 501/503 Hillsborough St, 5011503 Hillsborough St, mastic behind red floor the P-t 1 P-13 2.3 O.O94 lead 501/503 Hillsborough St. white wall pain( gray exterior paint lead 501/503 Hillsborough St. red exterior paint (door) A13-16 is l0 asbestos asbestos 507 Hillsborough Si. 507 Hillsborougb S1. red floor file in entry beneath carpet P-12 1.9 lead 507 Hillsborougb Si. mastic beneath red floor tile. white painted brick, inside AB-17 10 10 asbestos 2 S. West St. (°Flex' 12' brown floor tie in storage room AB•2O 10 asbestos asbestos 2 S. West St. ff lex`) 2 S. West St. (°Flex"') mastic beneath bro%vD floor the 9" P-10 iU 0.27 asbestos lead 2 S. lli'est St. en, ex") gray floor the nmastice beneath gray floor tile 2 S. West St. ("Flex") silver paint onbri k I C Ca UI21ils Lead content listed is concentration % by weiet. C.:1FT[ MACM Wte iable.xlt Table 2, Summary of .Detected Constituents in Groundwater, Rogera Reulty Property, Raltigb, North Cifrolins- Samp1C I.D.: SB-1 SR-4 NCDENR Cvnscitttancs Lab I.D.: 130502 130SO4 2L Smudard 'c a. / 0=10c9pelituests (USEPA Method 8260B) n-Butylbmtoc <l 0.93 J 70 set:-Butylbmune •1 6.5 70 tcrt-$utylben*enea <1 3.3 70 lsopropylbt uena <1 11 70 p-Igopropyltolucnc <1 13 NA Naphthalene <i 6 31 Tetrachloroethene- <t 3 0.7 1 AA-Trimahytbenzene •1 350 5,Mli-Volatile QMmiu Congitucats (W- L) (USEPA Method 5270C) Naphthalene •=10 35 3 f NCDENR North Caroline Department Of 8nvironmont and NaturVt) Resources. ug/L MicroVants per sitar (parts por billion). C'onadtanttt not detected at this repotting limit. f� Coattituent wee deteeted but ezitm]L td below the reporting limit. �_ __J Gonceattmion exec"W ctttanup level. ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING 0 15 30 8D SCALE IN FEET HILLSBOROUGH STRErT ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING GRAVEL ID se-3 �E SEi.Z FENC9 ONE STORY Bk1CK, BLOCK, Bt FRAME BUILDING coO Qco se-s Se-4 9Hd MORGAN STREET LE05ND OS6.1 SOIL BORING K GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION 0813-1 SOIL BORING LOCATION 7`RC E-nvironmental PROj' SAMPLELOCATIONS FIGURE Corporation �1Ewa $Wv NALE(Gil, N C. 27606 AS SHOWN FPS PRAPfiRT!&S 1 (919)04150 RALEIG NVRTEY CAROLYNA � Incident M gement Data E.ntr'�iecord � Incident Information 11/16/2005 4:19:11PM Incident Number 87548 (Site Priority I 35 E Incident Name . Rogers Realty Property Incident Address 500 West Morgan, 10 S. Street and 503 Hillsborough Incident Citv/Town I RALEIGH Incident Zi Coun , . . = Wake Responsible Party.Information RP Contact RP Company RP Address RP City RP Zip RP Phone Ownership, Type, Operation Type ROGERS, JAMES ROGERS REALTY AND INSURANCE 875-B WASHINGTON STREET RALEIGH RP Stat 27605 919-829-1953 Private Commercial North Carolina Contamination Information GW Contamination (YIN) ( Yes Sources ITVIDe lWells Chlorinated Solvents Private Well 0 Other Petroleum Products Private NonDrinkinR 0 Status Information Report/Discovery Date�� 11/09/2005 Phase Follow Up Notice Date 11/18/2005 Next Due Date Next Action ^� ASSESSMENT CSA Received CAP Type None CSA A " roved ICAP Received CSA Reviewed , CAP Reviewed Last Modified 11/16/2005 ICAP Approved CAP Implemented ILocational Information Latitude (DMS) _ 354648 Longitude (DINTS)_" _ I -783856 -78.649 Latitude (DD). 35.780 [Longitude , D Lat/Long QC GPS Value Quadrangle • Comments 2.3 PCE, 26 NAPTHALENE FOUND DURING PHASE II. (� Paget of 3 jQ Incident Name: E 0LeAcr Region/County GW Incident File #: % l -5CJ Date: (l Wi3 NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SITE PRIORITY RANKING FORM (To be completed by a North Carolina Licensed Geologist/Professional Engineer or by the appropriate Regional Office) Points Awarded I, IMMINENT HAZARD ASSESSMENT A. Vapor Hazard - free product in confined areas or vapor phase contamination detected -at or above 0 20% of the lower explosive limit or at health concernlevels; award 50 points total B. Fire Hazard - free product subject to ignition in exposed areas such as surface water impoundments, 0 streams, excavations, etc.; award 50 points total II. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT A. Contaminated Water Supplies l . Private domestic water supply well containing substances in concentrations exceeding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater quality standards; award 10 points per well —i- 2. Public or institutional water supply well containing substances in concentrations exceeding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater quality standards; award 20 points per well 3. Exceedences of Class WS surface water quality standards as a result of groundwater discharge; award 20 points per surface water body impacted 4. Any water supply well identified above that cannot be replaced by connecting to an existing public water supply source; award additional 10 points per irreplaceable well B. Threat to Uncontaminated Drinking Water Supplies l . Private, domestic water supply located within 1500 feet down gradient of the discharge or known extent of contamination; award 10 points per well 2. Public or institutional water supply located within 1500 feet down gradient of the discharge or known extent of contamination; award 15 points per well 0 3. Raw surface water intake for public water supply located within 1/2 mile down gradient of the discharge known or extent of contamination;,award 5 points per water supply system 4. Any well or intake identified in items II B. 1 or II B. 2, or II. B. 3 located within 250 feet of the discharge or known extent of contamination; award additional 20 points total not per well or intake) C. Vapor Phase Exposure 1. Contaminant vapors detected in inhabitable building(s), but levels are below 20% of the lower explosive limit and health concern levels; award 30 points total. 0 • • 2. Contaminant vapors detected in other confined areas (uninhabitable buildings, sewer lines, utility vaults, etc.), but levels are below 20% of the lower explosive limit and health concern levels; award 10 points total III. SOURCE ASSESSMENT A. Uncontrolled or Unabated Contaminant Source (including dump sites, stockpiles, lagoons, contaminated soil, septic tanks, land fills, above ground storage tanks, etc.) 1. Suspected or confirmed primary source remains in active use and, continues to receive raw �/ product, wastewater or solid waste; award 30 points per source U 2. Active use of suspected or confirmed primary source has been discontinued or source was caused by a one-time release of product or waste; however, primary or secondary source j continues to release product or contaminants into the environment; award 10 points per source IV. ENVIRONMENTAL VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT A. Vertical Contaminant Migration - Literature or well logs indicate that no confining layer is present f Q above bedrock or within twenty feet of land surface; award 10 points total B. Horizontal Contaminant Migration - Data or observations indicate that no discharge points or aquifer r p discontinuities exist between the discharge or known extent of contamination and the nearest down l� gradient drinking water supply; award 10 points total C. Existing Groundwater Quality — The worst case monitoring or supply well contains contaminant levels: 1. At less than 10 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 5 points. `✓ 2. Between 10 and 100 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 20 points. 3. Greater than 100 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 40 points. V. LETTER RANKING (Put an X on the line next to all conditions that apply) CATEGORY A (one or more of the following conditions are present) I. One or more water supply wells are contaminated and the person using the wells are not served by an existing public water supply. 2. Contaminant vapors are present in confined areas at levels that pose a human health concern or an explosion hazard. 3. A treated surface water supply is in violation of the drinking water standards set out in rules adopted by the Commission for Health Services under G.S. 130A-315. CATEGORY B (one or more of the following conditions are present) 1. One or more supply wells contaminated but the persons using the wells are served by an existing public water supply. 2. One or more supply wells are in use within 1500 feet of the discharge or known extent of contamination, the wells are not contaminated, and the persons using the wells are not served by an existing public water supply. i 3. Vapors are present in confined areas but do not currently pose a threat to human health or an explosion hazard. CATEGORY C both of the following conditions are present) l . One or more water supply wells are present at a distance greater than 1500 feet down gradient from the discharge or known extent of contamination, and the persons using the wells are not served by a public water supply. 2. None of the identified wells are contaminated. CATEGORY D (both of the following conditions are present) 1. One or more wells are present within 1500 feet of the discharge or known extent of contamination, but the persons using the wells are served by an existing public water supply 2. None of the identified wells are contaminated. CATEGORY E both of the following conditions are present) 1. Water supply well(s) are not present within 1500 feet of the discharge or known extent of contamination; and no known water supply wells are contaminated. 2. All persons within 1500' of the discharge or known extent of contamination are served by an V existing public water supply. SITE PRIORITY RANKING t #/Letter I, a Professional Engineer / Licensed Geologist (circle one) for (firm or company of employment) do certify that the information used to determine the site priority ranking is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. (Please Affix Seal and Signature)