HomeMy WebLinkAbout23080__Almont Shipping II_SGRpt_20220121Geosyntec ll' consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. Ms. Kathleen Markey Brownfields Program Project Manager North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC 314 Walnut Street, Suite 200 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 PH 910.372.6402 www.Geosyntec.com 21 January 2022 Subject: Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Subject Site: Almont Shipping II 19 & 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, North Carolina (New Hanover County Parcels No. R04716-001-026-000 & R04712-002-001-000) Brownfields Project Number 23080-19-065 Dear Ms. Markey, Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC (Geosyntec), on behalf of Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC1 (the Prospective Developer [PD]), is submitting this Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report (Report) to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Brownfields Program for the above -referenced Brownfields Property (Site). This Report presents the results from the soil gas screening and sampling completed in October and November 2021 to support the issuance of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA) for the Site and guide contaminated vapor and methane mitigation system design. 1. BACKGROUND The Site and surrounding area operated as the former Almont Shipping terminal from 1870 to 2005. As indicated in the Work Plan for Soil Gas Sampling (Work Plan), a BFA was executed between the NCBP and Riverfront Holdings II, LLC on 23 June 2008 for the Almont Shipping Brownfields Property (NCBP No. 10040-06-065; the 19 Harnett Street parce12 and northwestern 'Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC is the Prospective Developer; the new/current ownership entity is Wilmington Riverfront Holding Company, LLC. 2 The 19 Harnett Street parcel (originally R04716-001-026-000 in the Brownfields Property Application [BPAI) was sub -divided into two parcels (R04716-001-026-000 and R04716-001-030-000) to accommodate a zoning requirement. The Site boundary remains the same as the BPA. GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 2 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. portion of the 41 Harnett Street parcel are included in the Almont Shipping BFA until a new BFA is executed for the Site). The BFA was amended in 2014 to include an additional land tract owned by CSX. The Site received eligibility for entry into the NCBP on 18 February 2020 to establish a new, stand-alone BFA for the two Harnett Street parcels. The Site is planned to be developed for multi -family apartments, retail space, and an associated parking garage. The Site redevelopment strategy will incorporate two buildings, defined as Building 1 and Building 2. Each building is further subdivided into five areas, as follows and shown on Figure 1. • Building 1 is the proposed western -most building, and includes subareas Building A, Building B, and Building C. • Building 2 is the proposed eastern -most building, and includes subareas defined as Building D and Building E. Buildings A, B, C, and D are proposed to include either first floor multi -family use residential or retail spaces. Building E consists of an open/ventilated parking garage with a small, enclosed storage and mechanical space. Geosyntec performed soil and groundwater sampling at the Site in 2020; the results of the sampling were summarized in a 13 July 2020 NCDEQ Brownfields Site Assessment Report. In May 2021, NCDEQ subsequently requested that soil gas sampling be performed to evaluate for the potential for vapor intrusion risk at the Site. The soil gas sampling scope of work was described in the Work Plan and approved by NCDEQ on 11 May 2021. Eight temporary soil gas probes were installed and sampled in May 2021 to evaluate potential vapor intrusion exposures at the Site. The results of this sampling indicated elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and methane. The source of VOCs was not identified; however, the source of methane appeared to be localized buried debris in the eastern portion of the Site identified during subsequent test pitting activities. May 2021 soil gas testing results and testing pitting were summarized in an 11 August 2021 Soil and Soil Gas Sampling Report to NCBP. Removal and off -site disposal of debris and organic material was completed during Site grading activities that commenced in September 2021 and are still ongoing under the approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the Site. Removal of debris and organic material was performed to reduce methane concentrations. Supplemental soil gas sampling was completed in October 2021 to evaluate methane concentrations following removal work. This scope of work was described in the Work Plan for Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling (Supplemental Sampling GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 3 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. Work Plan) and Work Plan for Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling - Addendum (Work Plan Addendum) dated 15 September 2021 and 9 December 2021, respectively. The Supplemental Sampling Work Plan was approved by NCDEQ on 7 October 2021. The Work Plan Addendum was submitted retroactively and was verbally acknowledged during a 2 December 2021 conference call; formal approval is pending. The remainder of this Report provides information regarding: • Soil gas screening and sampling (Section 2) • Additional soil gas screening (Section 3) • Soil gas screening and analytical results (Section 4) • Discussion and conclusions (Section 5). 2. SOIL GAS SCREENING AND SAMPLING On 13 October 2021, Geosyntec and its subcontractor Catlin Engineers and Scientists (Catlin) installed 10 soil gas probes throughout the Site (SGP-2B to SGP-8B and SGP-9 to SGP-11) as shown in Figure 1. Probes SGP-213 through SGP-813 were generally co -located with probes SGP- 2 through SGP-8 which were installed and sampled in May 2021 but were abandoned or damaged during subsequent Site work. Groundwater was encountered at shallower depths than previously observed. Therefore, the probes were generally installed from 3.5 to 8 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) as shown in Table 1. The soil gas probes were constructed using 1/4-inch Nylaflow® tubing connected via a speed -fit fitting to a six-inch stainless -steel implant. Approximately one foot of sand filter pack was placed in the borehole to a height of approximately six inches above the probe. Granular bentonite was then placed in six-inch lifts and hydrated with distilled water to seal the remainder of the borehole to ground surface. The soil gas probes were fitted with valves at the ground surface to maintain an air -tight seal. Following installation, soil gas probes were allowed to equilibrate for approximately 48 hours prior to initiating purging and sampling activities. On 15 October 2021, prior to purging and sampling, a shut-in test was completed to confirm that the flow controller and Summa® canister fittings in the sampling train did not have evidence of leaks. Following confirmation of the sampling train integrity, and prior to sampling, a minimum of 3-liters (L) of soil gas was purged and screened for the presence of VOCs using a photoionization detector (PID); and pressure, methane, oxygen, and carbon dioxide using a landfill multi -gas meter. Given the historical presence of methane in Site soil gas, static subsurface pressure (i.e., subsurface gas pressure relative to atmospheric pressure) was recorded from each GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 4 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. soil gas probe prior to purging in general accordance with the NCBP Methane Assessment Protocol. The static pressure data was collected using a Landfill GEM 5000 (or equivalent multi - gas meter) and a DG-700 Pressure Gauge manufactured by The Energy Conservatory for redundancy. Helium was initially used as a tracer gas to complete leak testing during purging to confirm that each probe was securely sealed and to confirm that ambient air was not present in the sampling train. However, at SGP-313, SGP-413, SGP-9 to SGP-11, methane was detected in the field screening samples at concentrations ranging from 18% by volume (% vol) to 65.7% vol. As noted in the Work Plan, the MGD-2002 helium meter (along with other commonly used helium meters) indicates in the operator manual that the presence of methane will interfere with the helium screening results. This could indicate a false positive screening of helium in the sample train, when the meter is actually detecting methane. Accordingly, helium was not used during the purging and sampling process if methane was detected in field screening samples. In the cases where methane was identified in field screening samples, carbon dioxide was also elevated, and oxygen concentrations were below atmospheric concentrations. These lines of evidence were used to provide confidence in the integrity of the surface seal, despite not being able to use a helium shroud at each sampling location. After purging, seven soil gas samples and one duplicate sample were collected from each location in pre -evacuated, batch certified 3-L Summa® canisters equipped with 200 milliliter per minute (ml/min) flow controllers (i.e., 15 minute). Soil gas samples were not obtained from probes SGP- 513, SGP-613, and SGP-813 due to the presence of water identified during purging activities. After sample collection, the canisters were shipped overnight via FedEx under standard chain -of -custody protocol to Pace Analytical Services, LLC in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pace) for VOC analysis by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method TO-15 and determination of methane by Method 3C. Following sampling, soil gas probes were left in place for future screening purposes. Soil gas sampling field forms are provided in Attachment A. On 18 October 2021, approximately 72-hours following the soil gas purging and analytical sampling, an additional round of soil gas screening was performed, as follows. Static pressure measurements were collected from each soil gas probe, and oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane were also screened while purging soil gas from the subsurface using the equipment mentioned previously. Field screening data are summarized on Table 1 and field forms are provided in Attachment A. 3. SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL GAS SCREENING On 28 October 2021, Geosyntec and NCDEQ NCBP conducted a conference call to discuss the preliminary results of the October 2021 soil gas screening and sampling. Due to the elevated GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 5 Geosyntec° consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. concentrations of methane detected during screening, Geosyntec proposed collecting additional soil gas field screening samples to better understand the lateral extent of the elevated subsurface methane concentrations. NCDEQ NCBP verbally authorized the installation and screening of additional soil gas probes as outlined in the 9 December 2021 Work Plan Addendum. On 2 November 2021, Geosyntec worked with Site General Contractor (GC) Clancy and Theys Construction Company and subcontractor Regional Probing Services (Regional Probing) to install 19 soil gas probes (B-1 through B-18 and B-2A), shown on Figure 1. Subsequently, 23 additional soil gas probes (B-19 through B-41) were installed on 15 November 2021 by Geosyntec's subcontractor Bridger Drilling. The 42 additional soil gas probes were installed in general accordance with the Supplemental Sampling Work Plan and construction outlined in Section 2, with the following exceptions: • Due to the shallow groundwater table and presence of water observed at SGP-513, SGP- 6B, and SGP-8B, soil gas probes B-1 through B-18 were installed approximately 3 ft bgs, B-2A was installed at 7 ft bgs, and 13-19 through B-41 were installed approximately 2.5 to 3 ft bgs. Although these probes were installed at shallow depths, groundwater was still encountered during screening activities at multiple locations. • Borings B-1 through B-3 were advanced with a rotary hammer drill instead of by a direct push technology (DPT) equipped drill rig. • B-16 through B-18 and B-2A were constructed using an aquarium air -stone instead of a six-inch stainless -steel implant. The soil gas probes were constructed using 1/4 Nylaflow® tubing connected via a speed -fit fitting to a six-inch stainless -steel implant, except for probes B-16, 13-17, 13-18 and B-2A, as listed above. Approximately one foot of sand filter pack was placed in the borehole to a height approximately six inches above the probe. Following installation, soil gas probes were allowed to equilibrate for at least 2 hours prior to initiating purging and screening activities. No analytical samples were collected from the probes installed in November 2021. The additional probes were abandoned during subsequent Site work. Geosyntec notes that significant additional subgrade debris, including encountered former building foundations, has subsequently been excavated and removed for off -site disposal since the most recent (November 2021) soil gas screening. The results of the October and November 2021 analytical testing and field screening are presented in the following sections. It is possible and even likely that concentrations have decreased following this additional work. Nevertheless, a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) is planned below all occupied structures; therefore, no GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 6 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, EC. additional screening or sampling was performed or is planned prior to VIMS installation (discussed in a separate report). 4. SOIL GAS AND SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS This section summarizes the results of the field screening and laboratory analytical results for soil gas samples. Soil gas screening results are summarized in Table 1 and analytical results (as collected during the October 2021 event only) are summarized in Table 2. Laboratory analytical reports are provided in Attachment B. Soil gas analytical results were compared to the NCDEQ Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) for Residential and Non -Residential settings. 4.1 Soil Gas Screening Results Soil gas field screening results from methane screening events conducted in 2021 are presented in Table 1 and summarized below: • Total VOCs (PID Readings) o Total VOCs were detected by PID at SGP-2B, SGP-4B, SGP-6B, SGP-9, SGP-10, B-12, and B-19. The highest detection was from SGP-4B with 1.9 parts per million (ppm) and the lowest detection was from SGP-10 with 0.1 ppm. • Fixed Gases o Methane was detected at most locations during at least one screening event, with a broad range of concentrations, and detected up to 77% vol at B-19. Generally, methane concentrations are highest on the eastern third and middle third of the Site (generally co -located with proposed Buildings B, C, D, and E). Methane concentrations generally decrease toward the west, below proposed Building A. Methane was not detected at locations SGP-6B and B-30. Methane concentrations were below 30% vol at locations SGP-2B, SGP-4B through SGP-7B, B-1 through B-9, B-11 and B-12, B-14 through B-18, B-20 through B-25, and B-28 through B- 33 during the most recent screening events. Methane concentrations in probes located below proposed Building A (the western -most portion of the Site) were all below 10% vol in all screening events, which is also below the NCBP residential threshold of 30% vol. Methane concentrations below proposed Buildings B through D were above 30% vol in at least one probe. ■ SGP-8B and B-10 were not screened due to the groundwater entrained in the sampling network. Probes B-34 through B-41 were not screened GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 7 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. because (i) the sampling data set collected near these locations was deemed sufficient for developing a general understanding of Site conditions for the purposes of this investigation, and (ii) scheduling constraints with ongoing site activities precluded access to these locations for field screening. o Carbon dioxide field screening data is valuable for understanding the general subsurface conditions and providing confidence that the soil gas sampling probe is adequately sealed from potential atmospheric air entrainment. Carbon dioxide in atmospheric air is generally less than 0.1 % vol; which means carbon dioxide levels detected well above this general threshold provides a line of evidence that atmospheric air is not interfering with the integrity of the sample. This is especially important when screening for methane, which will indicate false -positive readings of helium tracer gas using a helium meter. As a result, other lines of evidence are important for evaluating the integrity of the surface seal at methane impacted sites, which can include, in part, an evaluation of carbon dioxide conditions. Carbon dioxide was detected above 2% by volume in most cases, often over 4-5% by volume, and up to 35% by vol. The consistently elevated detections of carbon dioxide above typical atmospheric levels provides confidence in the integrity of the soil gas screening process. o Similar to carbon dioxide, oxygen field screening data is valuable for understanding the general subsurface conditions and providing confidence that the soil gas sampling probe is adequately sealed from potential atmospheric air entrainment. Atmospheric oxygen levels are generally around 20-21 % by volume. Oxygen was detected well below typical ambient air conditions in most samples, except for locations SGP-613, B-3 and B-17. Decreased subsurface oxygen concentrations are expected at the Site given the prevalence of methane, as the methane is produced by methanogenic bacteria under anaerobic conditions (i.e., in the absence of oxygen). In the three locations where oxygen was comparable to atmospheric conditions, SGP-613, B-3 and B-17, both methane and carbon dioxide levels are also low. This may be suggestive of oxygenated shallow soil gas and is not necessarily indicative of atmospheric air entrainment. Overall, the oxygen field screening data, when also considered in combination with the methane and carbon dioxide data, provide confidence in the integrity of the soil gas sampling process and are generally consistent with what may be expected at sites with subsurface methane. GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 8 Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. o Static pressure (measured in inches of water) was measured at all locations prior to purging each soil gas probe. The pressure readings from the DG700 and GEM 5000 instruments were typically an order of magnitude different from each other, with the GEM often recording a static pressure an order of magnitude greater than the DG700. The DG700 is manufactured by The Energy Conservatory and is a standard field instrument device that has been used for monitoring pressure in both the environmental and mechanical industries for many years. Conversely, the GEM 5000 is a comparatively newer piece of equipment that is primarily used as a multi - gas meter. For these reasons, the DG700 pressure results are recommended to be relied upon for this scope of work. In general, the DG700 static pressure readings indicated pressures well below 0.1 inch of water, though a static pressure of 0.49 inches of water was identified at 13-14. Further, static pressure was recorded as 1.2 inches of water at B-17; however, methane was not detected in the sample. Overall, subsurface static gas pressures are generally negligible, and in only one case above 0.5 inches of water, though methane was not detected in the corresponding sample. 4.1 Soil Gas Sampling Results Soil gas analytical samples were collected as part of the October 2021 sampling effort; analytical samples were not collected as part of the November 2021 effort. According to the laboratory analytical report, the Summa® canisters containing six (SGP-2B, SGP-413, SGP-9, SGP-10, SGP- 11, and SGP-DUP1) of the eight obtained samples were received at the laboratory at zero or positive pressures. The canisters were under vacuum following sampling as indicated on the sampling logs. Methane was not detected in any of the pressurized samples, despite corresponding methane field screening results ranging from 21.0% vol to 65.7% vol for all the pressurized samples except SGP-213. Due to the difference between field screening data and laboratory results, the analytical results for these samples likely do not reflect current on -site conditions because of a possible vacuum loss during transit and/or at the analytical laboratory. The laboratory analytical report and a case narrative prepared by Pace personnel are included in Attachment B and Attachment C, respectively. Despite the challenges with the summa canisters, the soil gas laboratory analytical results were compared to NCDEQ residential and non-residential SGSLs for completeness and are presented in Table 2 and summarized below. GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey 21 January 2022 Page 9 • VOCS Geospte& consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. o Various VOCs were detected from multiple samples. Benzene and naphthalene concentrations were reported above the residential SGSLs in one or more samples. However, no detection was above the non-residential SGSLs. • Fixed Gases o The laboratory analytical results are were not consistent with the field screening results for most of the samples. The only reported methane detection was from the sample obtained from SGP-3B (46.7% vol), which is relatively consistent with its field screening result. The NCDEQ Risk Calculator (June 2021) was used as a screening tool to conservatively evaluate potential VI risk associated with VOCs in the soil gas (methane is not evaluated using the Risk Calculator) to residents and non-residential workers assuming: (1) current site conditions; and (2) that the compounds in soil gas beneath the Site migrate into indoor air. Unacceptable residential risk was not exceeded based on the supplemental VOC soil gas results. As noted above, this data may not be reliable based on potential shipping and/or laboratory issues with the canisters. Attachment D presents the risk screening results as determined by the Risk Calculator. GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey Geosyntec 21 January 2022 Page 10 consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, RC. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Ten soil gas probes were installed, and seven locations were screened and/or sampled and laboratory analyzed in October 2021. During sample collection, elevated methane concentrations were detected in the field screening results. Subsequently 42 additional probes were installed, and multiple supplemental screening events were conducted. The results of these events indicate that a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) is recommended based upon the NCDEQ Methane Guidance (NCDEQ, 2020) to mitigate potential vapor intrusion from VOCs and methane at the Site. A traditional aggregate vent -based VIMS is planned for Building A where subsurface methane concentrations are below 30% vol. Based on the concentrations of methane above 30% vol below proposed Buildings B through D, an aerated floor (i.e., CupolexTM) VIMS is planned below occupied spaces in these areas, as discussed with NCDEQ. A design plan will be subsequently submitted to NCDEQ for approval prior to installation. We also understand the results detailed above will be included in Exhibit 2 of the BFA for the Site. We appreciate your review of this report. Please do not hesitate to contact Kaitlyn Rhonehouse and Abigail Wesley at krhonehouse(d),geosyntec.com and abby.wesley(rc,geosyntec.com, respectively, should you have any questions. Sincerely, ot 1 Abigail Wesley Senior Staff Professional Attachments: Figure 1: Table 1: Table 2: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, PE (NC, VA, FL) Principal Summary of 2021 Methane Screening Results 2021 Methane Screening Results Soil Gas Analytical Results Soil Gas Sampling and Screening Field Logs Soil Gas Analytical Laboratory Report Laboratory Case Narrative Risk Calculator for Soil Gas Copy: Luke Davis, Graham Tyrrell, William Edwards — Kettler Enterprise, Inc. Mary Katherine Stukes — Moore & VanAllen GN7035/202101 Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report Ms. Kathleen Markey Geosyntec"' 21 January 2022 Page 11 consultants Geosyntec Consuhaiits of NC, P.C. 1, Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, a Licensed Engineer for Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC do attest that the information in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number) is C-3500. \\\\Ii I H1111 j , IN 0 'Y, SEAL 0,3548 Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, P.E. Principal North Carolina P.G. License No. 043548 Expiration Date: 31 December 2022 Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC 314 Walnut Street, Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: (910) 372-6402 GN7035/202101 Kettler supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report FIGURES BUILDING 2 , Building A i ! BUILDING 1 o Building B and C. Segment A BUILDING A (NON-CUPOLEX) i ® C7 P, SGP-6B* (0.0) 40 f` r 1 �f �ll C SEGMENT A (CUPOLEX) BUILDING B AND r-' B-16* 1 Ii (16.1) i SGP-11 (24.8) 1 1 1 O I i' B-15* 11 (5.0) 1 ---� {I B-14* 1 0 it (18.2) u 1wit CUP ,(0.9) r SGP-5B � D Ova 0 +� ;...;. SGP-4 dl��f•b SGP-5A • SGP • (8' Building B and C Segment B (22.1) my Building D Segment A Jf r —1-B33 I B,25 (5.2) (4 5) SGP-10 0 r(60.8)------ c 14.5----- SGP-3B1 i Ci ( ) �------------ (33.7) I L3 �_ 13�D •� B-24 i B-31 B-231 G Dd A 1 { Lou%SEGMENT II (3.2)1 % cvpoLex) i ! I i—( B-30 wz 1 1 n.i B-22 �j 00 wr 0 (5.0) 1— B-29 1 ❑ /(0.3) ! SGP-10 za (65.7) ` (1 8)` % B-28 { SGP!2B 4 [}(Cj (0.1) r'BUILOICOSFGM 1 1 B-20 I Ryy,� ' 1 11 (12.0) 1 i <r I 1 B-27 1 I B 19% (77.1) i I ( (77.2)I _- ' B-2 (7.2)* j �' % f B-26 - -- —' (y � Q 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 W1.O O I RIP I ( ;' j -� /L{.7L•71 W/ 0 j B-1 (27.0) 1 1, '." 11 Wei/ 1 Building E/Parking Garage Building D Segment B HARNETT STREET Legend Notes: Site Boundary 1. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Summary of 2021 Methane Screening Results Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the N Soil Gas Probe Location Most Recently Screened 15-16 Nov GIS User Community 2. (##.#) indicates maximum percent methane by volume measured during 19 and 41 Harnett Street Soil Gas Probe Location Most Recently Screened 8 Nov the screening event indicated. Wilmington, NC Q Soil Gas Probe Location Most Recently Screened 2-3 Nov 3. * indicates water in the probe/sample. 4. The basemap of this figure is the proposed building layout as provided by JDavis Architects. The intrusion Geosyntec l- Figure g Soil Gas Probe Location Most Recently Screened 15-18 Oct proposed vapor mitigation concept Q Soil Gas Probe Location Most Recently Screened 25-28 May design is shown overlaying the various buildings for context. A separate Consultants vapor intrusion mitigation system design report will be submitted GN7035 January 2022 O Soil Gas Probe Location Not Screened separately. o so Feet N:\K\Kettler\GN7035 Kettler Harnett St\7.0 GIS\MXD\F1 2021 Methane Screening Summary.mxd 1/18/2022 7:53:41 PM TABLES Table 1 2021 Methane Screening Results 19 and 41 Harnett Street Wilmington, NC Geosyntec consultants G-.,y-c Consultants of NC, P.C. Probe ID Probe Depth (feet BLS) Date Screened Maximum Methane (/o o by volume) Corresponding Carbon Dioxide (% by volume) Corresponding Oxygen (% by volume) Maximum VOCs (ppmv) Initial Pressure Inches H z O) DG GEM SGP-1 5.5 5/27/2021 59.9 -- -- -- - 0.017 5/28/2021 58.5 10.5 1.5 -- 0.013 SGP-2 6 5/27/2021 26.7 11.5 2.0 - 0.012 5/28/2021 26.9 -- -- -- -- 0.016 SGP-3 6.5 5/27/2021 69.8 -- -- -- -- 0.288 5/28/2021 70.9 14.1 2.3 -- 0.332 SGP-4 8 5/27/2021 25.7 16.6 1.6 - 0.044 5/28/2021 22.9 -- -- -- -- 0.046 SGP-5A -- 5/27/2021 21.7 -- -- -- -- 5/28/2021 22.7 -- -- -- 0.079 SGP-SBf 9 5/27/2021 27.9 15 1.4 -- 0.033 5/28/2021 25.8 -- -- -- 0.045 SGP-6 7.5 5/27/2021 9.1 18 1.2 -- 0.084 5/28/2021 9.6 -- -- -- 0.054 SGP-7 5 5/27/2021 2.5 4.6 3.7 -- -- SGP-8 5 5/27/2021 2.0 9 1.9 - -- -- SGP-213 5 10/15/2021 0.0 5.2 6.7 1.4 -- -0.03 10/18/2021 3.8 6.9 10.5 1.4 -- -0.06 11/16/2021 0.1 6.1 11.2 -- -0.0008 -0.02 SGP-313 7.5 10/15/2021 38.9 19.2 3.6 0.0 -- 0.33 10/18/2021 34.9 18.3 3.0 0.0 -- 0.05 11/3/2021 37.3 20.7 0.0 -- -0.1520 -- 11/16/2021 33.7 20.1 0.0 -- -0.0116 0.03 SGP-413 8 10/15/2021 54.6 25.7 4.2 0.0 -- 0.35 10/18/2021 42.0 25.0 1.2 0.0 -- 0.12 11/3/2021 26.8 27.4 0.8 -- 0.0039 -- 11/8/2021 28.4 1 28.2 1 0.1 1 -- 0.1740 0.08 11/15/2021 27.0 28.6 1 0.0 1 1.9 -0.0128 -0.03 SGP-513a 3.5 10/15/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 10/18/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 11/3/2021 8.3 0.4 6.3 - -0.0133F-1.48 SGP-6B 3.510/15/2021 0.0 0.3 20.2 0.8 -- 10/15/2021 Water flowing from tubing, could not screen SGP-713 5 10/15/2021 0.9 0.7 4.3 0.0 -- -0.01 10/18/2021 0.9 0.7 5.8 - -- 0.10 SGP-813 5 10/15/2021 No flow - not screened 10/18/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened SGP-9 5 10/15/2021 60.8 35.0 0.8 0.9 -- 0.39 10/18/2021 47.6 20.6 3.3 0.0 -- 0.34 SGP-10 4 10/15/2021 65.7 21.6 1.1 0.1 -0.02 10/18/2021 55.5 19.6 2.1 0.0 0.02 1 of 3 Table 1 2021 Methane Screening Results 19 and 41 Harnett Street Wilmington, NC Geosyntec consultants G-.,y-c Consultants of NC, P.C. Probe ID Probe Depth (feet BLS) Date Screened Maximum Methane (/o o by volume) Corresponding Carbon Dioxide (% by volume) Corresponding Oxygen (% by volume) Maximum VOCs (ppmv) Initial Pressure Inches H z O) DG GEM SGP-11 6.5 10/15/2021 21.0 9.9 3.9 0.0 - 0.25 10/18/2021 18.0 9.3 4.2 -- -- 0.09 11/3/2021 11.1 12.0 1.0 - 0.0011 -- 11/8/2021 24.8 13.0 13.0 - 0.0020 0.05 B-1 3 11/2/2021 0.1 7.2 5.6 - 0.0088 -- 11/3/2021 0.0 9.6 8.6 - 0.0051 -0.03 11/8/2021 3.0 10.1 6.6 - 0.0027 0.04 B 2 3 11/2/2021 20.1 6.4 11.9 - -- -- 11/3/2021 25.0 5.9 2.8 - 0.3859 0.28 11 /4/2021 15.6 6.7 2.8 - 0.0442 0.01 11/8/2021 7.2 6.3 0.7 - 0.0775 0.97 B-2A 7 11/3/2021 14.3 17.4 1.7 - -0.0051 -0.02 B-3 3 11/2/2021 2.3 1.0 16.8 - -- -- 11/3/2021 0.0 1 0.6 1 20.7 - 0.0022 -0.03 11/8/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened - 0.0000 0 B-4 3 11/2/2021 4.1 1 0.4 1 12.0 - -- -- 11/3/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 0.0121 0.04 11/4/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 0.7829 0.16 B-5 3 11/2/2021 2.3 1 2.4 1 6.5 - 0.0008 -- 11/3/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 0.0023 0.03 11 /4/2021 1.4 4.9 1.6 - 0.0063 0.02 B-6 3 11/2/2021 4.9 0.3 17.2 - 0.0020 -- 11/3/2021 0.7 5.6 1.7 - 0.0022 0.03 B-7 3 11/3/2021 0.4 0.3 13.9 - 0.0084 0.01 B-8 3 11/3/2021 0.9 0.2 1.8 - 0.0085 -0.04 B-9 3 11/3/2021 4.1 1.6 0.9 - 0.0020 -0.06 B-10 3 11/3/2021 Water flowing from tubing - not screened 0.0033 0.11 B-11 3 11/3/2021 0.5 1.0 12.2 - 0.0022 0.01 B-12 3 11/3/2021 13.4 0.3 10.0 - 0.0012 -0.02 11/8/2021 19.7 0.0 0.0 - 0.0080 0.04 11/15/2021 22.1 0.7 0.0 1.2 0.0989 0.40 B-13 3 11/3/2021 11.6 2.7 2.8 -- 0.0358 2.13 11/8/2021 18.8 0.6 0.9 - 0.0132 1.54 11/15/2021 32.0 0.1 5.1 -- 0.0024 1.68 B-14 3 11/3/2021 12.8 0.1 3.3 - 0.0117 0.11 11/8/2021 18.2 0.3 3.9 - 0.4935 1.31 11/16/2021 No flow- not sampled B-15 3 11/3/2021 9.0 0.5 4.4 - 0.0027 0.38 11/8/2021 5.0 0.2 8.4 - 0.0032 2.3 B-16 3 11/3/2021 6.3 0.1 12.9 - 0.0058 0.01 11/8/2021 16.1 0.0 3.3 - 0.0032 1.5 B-17 3 11/3/2021 7.4 1 6.0 1 16.6 1- 0.0027 1 0.1 11/8/2021 0.0 1 1.6 1 20.0 1- 1.2317 1 1.98 2of3 Table 1 2021 Methane Screening Results 19 and 41 Harnett Street Wilmington, NC Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Probe ID Probe Depth (feet BLS) Date Screened Maximum Methane (/o o by volume) Corresponding Carbon Dioxide (% by volume) Corresponding Oxygen (% by volume) Maximum VOCs (ppmv) Initial Pressure (inches H z O) DG GEM B-18 3 11/3/2021 6.4 1.2 10.0 - 0.0096 0.06 11/8/2021 22.2 1.4 0.0 - -0.0048 -1.19 11/15/2021 23.9 1.4 0.0 -- 0.0004 2.19 B-19 2.5-3 11/16/2021 77.2 17.5 0.0 1.3 0.0022 0.03 B-20 2.5-3 11/16/2021 12.0 5.7 6.2 -- 0.0018 0.01 B-21 2.5-3 11/16/2021 1.8 2.6 15.9 -- 0.0008 0 B-22 2.5-3 11/16/2021 5.0 1.1 13.6 -- 0.0020 0.02 B-23 2.5-3 11/16/2021 3.2 4.0 14.6 -- -0.0214 0.08 B-24 2.5-3 11/16/2021 5.3 4.1 15 -- 0.0010 0.03 B-25 2.5-3 11/16/2021 5.2 5.1 14.3 -- -0.0003 0.03 B-26 2.5-3 11/16/2021 62.1 16.1 0 -- 0.0210 0.01 B-27 2.5-3 11/16/2021 77.1 13.1 0.0 -- 0.0211 0.04 B-28 2.5-3 11/16/2021 5.1 0.5 11.8 -- 0.0067 0.01 B-29 2.5-3 11/16/2021 0.3 6.4 9.6 -- 0.0025 0.01 B-30 2.5-3 11/16/2021 0.0 1.3 18 -- 0.0025 0.01 B-31 2.5-3 11/16/2021 16.3 9.2 11.6 -- 0.0041 0.01 B-32 2.5-3 11/16/2021 14.5 10.9 4.1 -- 0.0104 0.02 B-33 2.5-3 11/16/2021 4.5 1 5.3 1 12.7 -- 0.0003 0.04 Notes: 1. BLS indicates below land surface 2. DG indicates measurements obtained using a DG-700 Pressure and Flow Gauge manufactured by The Engergy Conservatory 3. GEM indicates measurements obtained using a GEM5000 lanfill gas analyzer manufactured by Landtec 4. Bold indicates methane concentrations greater than 30% by volume 5. Two probes locations were inadvertently named SGP-513, } indicates probe SGP-513 installed in May 2021 and 11 indicates probe SGP-513 installed October 2021. 6. VOCs indicates Volatile Organic Compounds 7. ppmv indicates parts per million by volume 3 of 3 Table 2 Soil Gas Analytical Results Almont Shipping II 19 and 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Analyte Residential SGSLs NonResidential SGSLs SamplelD SGP-2B- 20211015* SGP-3B- 20211015 SGP-4B- 20211015* SGP-7B- 20211015 SGP-9- 20211015* SGP-10- 20211015* SGP-DUP1- 20211015* SGP-11- 20211015* Sample Location SGP-2B SCP-3B SGP4B SGP-711 SGP-9 SGP-10 SGP-10 SGP-11 Sample Depth (B bgs) 5 7.5 8 4.5 5 4 4 6.5 Units Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method TO-15 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.6 21 µg/m3 1.9 U 2.0 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 417 5,256 pg/ms 0.70 J 12.7 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.16 2.0 µg/m3 1.0 U 1.1 U 0.78 U 0.78 U 0.78 U 0.78 U 0.78 U 0.78 U 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 417 5,256 pglms 0.47 J 8.6 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 8.5 ill µp,/m3 4.1 U 1.4 J 3.1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 2-Butanone (MEK) 34,762 438,000 pglms 3.3 J 18.3 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 2-Propanol 1,390 17,520 µg/m3 10.6 11.1 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 4-Ethyltoluene -- -- pglms 3.4 U 3.0 J 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone(MI13K) 20,857 262,800 µg/m3 1.3 J 4.2 J 4.2 U 4.2 U 4.2 U 4.2 U 4.2 U 4.2 U Acetone 215,524 2,715,600 pg/m3 10.5 86.3 6.0 U 6.0 U 6.0 U 6.0 U 6.0 U 6.0 U Benzene 12 157 µg/m3 0.56 30.5 0.32 U 0.32 U 0.32 U 0.32 U 0.29 J 0.32 U Benzyl chloride 1.9 25 pg/m3 3.5 U 3.8 U 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U Carbon disulfide 4,867 61,320 µg/m3 0.26 J 3.1 0.63 U 0.63 U 0.63 U 0.63 U 0.63 U 0.63 U Chlorobenzene 348 4,380 pg/m3 1.3 U 0.71 J 0.94 U 0.94 U 0.94 U 0.94 U 0.94 U 0.94 U Cyclohexane 41,714 525,600 µg/m3 1.5 J 261 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U 0.46 J 1.8 U Dichlorodifluoromethane 695 8,760 pglms 1.2 J 1.5 U L U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U Ethanol -- -- µp,/m3 154 9.1 1.9 U 1.9 U 1.9 U 1.9 U 1.9 U 1.9 U Ethyl acetate 487 6,132 µglms 13.0 1.6 0.73 U 0.7 U 0.73 U 0.73 U 0.73 U 0.73 U Ethylbenzene 37 491 µp,/m3 1.1 J 13.1 0.88 U 0.88 U 0.88 U 0.88 U 0.88 U 0.88 U Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 4.3 56 µg/m3 7.3 U 7.9 U 5.4 U 5.4 U 5.4 U 5.4 U 5.4 U 5.4 U Methylene Chloride 3,380 52,560 µg/m3 1.9 J 5.2 U 3.5 U 3.5 U 3.5 U 3.5 U 3.5 U 3.5 U Naphthalene 2.8 36 pg/m3 8.0 C8 20.9 3.7 C8 2.4 J,C8 2.7 U 2.7 U 2.7 U 2.7 U Styrene 6,952 87,600 µg/m3 0.98 J 0.75 J 0.87 U 0.87 U 0.87 U 0.87 U 0.87 U 0.87 U Tetrachloroethene 278 3,504 pglms 0.92 U 6.2 0.69 U 0.69 U 0.69 U 1.4 U 1.4 U 1.4 U Tetrahydrofuran 13,905 175,200 µg/m3 1.1 0.88 U 0.60 U 0.60 U 0.60 U 0.60 U 0.60 U 0.60 U Toluene 34,762 438,000 pglm3 7.7 15.4 0.77 U 0.77 U 0.77 U 0.77 U 0.77 U 0.77 U Trichloroethene 14 175 µg/m3 0.73 U 1.4 0.55 U 0.55 U 0.55 U 0.55 U 0.55 U 0.55 U Trichlorofluoromethane -- -- pg/ms 0.59 J 1.7 U 1.1 U 1.1 U 1.1 U 1.1 U 1.1 U 1.1 U m&p-Xylene -- -- µg/m3 2.4 24 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U 1.8 U n-Heptane 2,781 35,040 pglms 0.79 J 92 0.83 U 0.83 U 0.83 U 0.83 U 0.20 J 0.83 U n-Hexane 4,867 61,320 µg/m3 1.5 237 0.72 U 0.72 U 0.72 U 0.72 U 0.51 J 0.72 U o-Xylene 695 8,760 3 1.1 J 9.5 0.88 U 0.88 U 0.88 U Us U 0.88 U Q88 C Fixed Cases by EPA Method 3C Methane % 4.0 U 46.7 E 4.0 U 4A 1 U 4.0 1, 4.0 U 4.0 1 U 4.0 1 U Notes: 1. Data are screened against the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs), amended May 2020. 2. Analytical samples were collected on 15 October 2021. 3. Only constituents detected or for which the reporting limit exceed its respective SGSL are included in this table. 4. "U' indicates not detected above reporting limit (RL). 5. "J" indicates an estimated concentration. 6. "C8" indicates that the result may be biased high due to carryover from previously analyzed sample. 5. "-" indicates SGSL not established. 6. µg/m' indicates microgram per cubic meter. 7. If applicable, concentrations exceeding SGSLs are highlighted as shown: Residential SGSL Non -Residential SGSL 8. Chemicals concentrations not detected above the laboratory RL, but where the RL exceeds a residential SGSL, are italicized. 9. Chemical concentrations detected are bolded. 10. "It bgs" indicates feet below ground surface. 11. " indicates that the pressure inside the sample canister was measured by the laboratory at zero or positive pressure upon reciept. Due to the difference between field screening data and laboratory results, the analytical results for these samples likely do not reflect current sub -surface conditions. Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT A Soil Gas Sampling and Screening Field Logs Geosvntecl�' SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS • W consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 Project Name: �`�I I IL { Probe No.: � G ElSub-slabprobe Ix Soil gas probe 10 � 4'loril�. } 3 � P " � 7 Date: 'Oct' a \ Project Number: 6WTQ1 )5 Mini Roe SOLI No.: al �a5 Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: i 1ori+E 5 V-Z � r--Q- 0 N C Landtech GEfvi�ndlill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: ILPr+n._i MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.. Field Personnel:��'� A 1 Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By. v"ra _ 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other�5Qi►l Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) (2) 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe I ' (L) © Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) - a • 43 in. H2O d Field tubing blonl reading (PPMVJ completed? NYes D P ❑ Na PID Reading ppm„ 0.1 0.2 08 Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes [� No ❑ I Syr, 1 e) d ✓ON &0 3ec 09 Purging 0.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, (%) CO2 (%) 02 (%) Shroud (%) mple pp %) {clrc e one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max .tj Ib -Dc� al 0.0 C'�' ti �o-Qcl•a� �� �q �S3e� � I 0 ,� 3 6 -� S � '� f�,�7 1�,3 � `7:� 0 I •3 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date l$ _gyci-a� Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) T' rs3��i�o� 56P-a�-aoall�)S �3q5 3051 -All �s Comments: Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Nome: � I�X _ Probe No.: 5�1 ' 3 _ ❑ Sub -slab probe *Pq Soil gas probe Date: _�5 - QC-'r —2-bl— 1 —Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: �• w� beg -- Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: �3 Q Cr>v Vt GS'� _ 1/1) 1 L�ItLI ri G � Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: C !, �y'J� tsb Weather: 5-%1Yk4.W MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: VXv---k— ZZ 'h3 Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other T%—A k Lr Q 1 Casing Volume d Shut in test prio to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for_ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L © Start of Pneumatic Te (i.e., asphalt or concrete) L-' Soil (L) Elapsed Time Pump low Rates Well Head Vacuum gas probe ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) O .3 3 in. H2O (min.) ) in. H2O 0.1 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes o PID Reading ppmv 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 09 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH, CO2 02 Shroud (%) Sample VOCs by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume N M R (ppm) (ppmv) Min (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) (circle one) DC z 2 - 0 1 O. 2 1 1_ �3 • "� _ �P • ` • 2 VMx .o C. • S O oc, 1 O 10 Helium concentration i field screen d samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes No Note: 1 %helium = 10,000 ppmv 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) �� W �l�" 3 •L 0 �� ?� �• Cj 7 A • Z �rFS 6 t F L Comments: SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Name:` - - Date: O � Zy� Project Number: Site Location: Y� ■7 . � i >��1AWN _ Weather: � Field Personnel: Recorded By:. -- - - - Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: k� •G �B 2Q Lamp: 10.6 / 11,7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: ? Z j r.-, AD 'a �� MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.:. � - 2.113 , h Tracer Gas: Helium ❑ Other Q2 Surface Type: [:]Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Othect)i� Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 0 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe 4-AL— I L) Start of PneumaI' Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Purn F ate LP IA Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) 3 5 in. H O 0 Ip P P 91 z 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑YesNo PID Reading ppmv � 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate ( ] Cumulative Volume (L) CH, N CO2 M 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (pp (circle ne) by CS by PID PI (ppmv) Min 1 OQ 490 \' A5 ( 2 291 -1•2 N. O z � <t51 (0 1 0 . �- 'fib 3 2�. z- • � O a 5 WLI In5b IS03 C, _ _ _ _ 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? [_]Yes ❑ NoAAA Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) SocfZort 15071 153 4,2MAA115 3 Comments: GP,nsvn fee D' SOIL GAS PROBE MEASU ENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 1Q Project Name: ��� Date: 115 —Z UZ\ _ Project Number: Site Location: ,I&I TL%% A^ it Weather: ^' Field Personnel: a M' ar m_ �3 •t J Recorded By: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: V\JL Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: �r.-3 % MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No., ?_iVII-C 2 1183.P _ Tracer Gas:ADIdelium El Other Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass *Other Sb.,,l Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown e., asphalt or concrete (� ) Q 1 Casing Volume Q Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. Sub -slab <0.1 L �� Soil gas probe (L) © Start of Pneu c Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump o'"' R9� Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping)— d•O\ in. H2O 7 Field tubing blank reading m completed? Yes 0 g g Ipp v) p [-]No PID Reading 0 A> ppmv 0.1 0.2 Q Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No Q Purging 0.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Timeime psed min.) kA Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, (%) CO2 (%) 02 (%) Shroud (%) Sample Ippm %) (circle one) by CS PI by PID (ppmv) Min Max 0 o• 3S 1 0. 3 O.6 at, S 2• 22- A 0.0 2 \�-wl 931. T) •� D•2Z o•C1 0•.�p A • 113 +0 V. O-S 3'TCTIM loss kplf-5 jt : S 1 0. 22­ k 0. 90IL 0 -01 A- 2- Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes �No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow# Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final VacuumgController (in. Hg) — c Comments: Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Name: kZ�\2"V� _ Probe No.:. S�Q �1�77g - ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Date: X 5 - L)G7 - Z-MZ` '' qq Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: i l l �Jg Z::°i Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: kA0,'('KP_At 13 L • �1�11� Y1M1�V�q�r' Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: t` D MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: 00-d - Tracer Gas: Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt [] Concrete ❑ Grass Uther ��Q Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 1 Casing Volume 05 Sh �or to pneumatic test completed,_ in- H2O held for seconds, .Sub -slab <O.1 L Soil gas probe 7- (L) Start of Pneumatic Elapsed Time min. _ dump Flo e (LPMj Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H O 0 (p P P 9) 2 Q Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes 0No PID Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes : No El Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CHQ (%) CO2 (%) 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (pprn, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm") Min Max G v J 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? [-]Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium = 10,000 ppm 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) e 1? _ L 3 E Comments: u Geosyntec O SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 1� 1 Project Name: 7`Qr 1 ���"r^� fi �� rat 1' Probe No.: _ S U�' probe Soil gas probe Q 1 El �5 0��- 0 30'4' a)gj5 Date: °� a � Project Number: �(,��� Mini Rae'F698.Serial No.: ,Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: }yornQ I} S} `.f �1r-e' o„ Landtech GEM­A";kandfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: g3uP J Weather: $� 0 5!AXM MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: N Field Personnel: E Hz --,,a Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: a � ' 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass P Other i, Surface Thickness N H inches/centimeters ❑Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 0 1 Casing Volume 5 tin test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for Seca ❑Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe L) J (L) © Start of Pneumc st: Elapsed Time (min.) <2- Well Head Vacuum in. H2O Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) 1 Q .3 q in. H2O lubing blank readin 9 (ppm„f completed? Yes ❑Na PID Reading PPsn.,Field .�0. ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 ® Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, MM CO2 02 M Shroud I%) Sample (ppmv, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max i S- c���.- a� t'35 :, t(u S 1 Q .a 55 .q 1 .6 ) ,I i� a' q 9S 1-7(4a )��,-�. 5 f p.a a bo 3U,► 64N 0,� 1<, - 00')1 1156 1-755 'S .aI 3 6Q, 3 , b I 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? [-]Yes ❑ No �J Note: 1 %helium = 10,000 ppm 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes No R°l r1F) �1 �} p Y L0 SCC 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) - )5-o��-a ��s�• I�a� S�v-r\, - I0aI 53LY; a� 3 Comments: i, SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Name: let q1ev- 04rinG w SI Probe N 5 69-vo ❑ Sub -slab probe Date:., .Project Number: Mini Rae 2B99S iao.: Site Location: Landtech GEMLandfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather:. �� S �W""+' �� MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No., a�a50� Field Personnel: ��� r d } w CL1, Tracer Gas: gkHelium ❑ Other csnctAn� Recorded By: N Soil gas probe Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other :5v, ) Surface Thickness ��% inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume Q!!t1 in test prior to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe • U (L) © Start of Pneumatic Te Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Rate :::!4 (LP Head Vacuum in. H2O Initial Pressure (prior to um in �' a in. H O 0 (p p. p gl 2 AA t�7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? 4Yes ❑ No PID Reading U b ppmv 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes tp No ❑ i S11 1,>1 �S �a vv q� SG�S J 09 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, M CO2 N 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (ppmV, %) one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) MinWma(circle 15 - o��•a I� �1 Ida � � o.� i �3. 1�5,� �►,D Iv>' 0 .a 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? [_]Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium=10,000 ppm 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) n 56 n- to -1oak 10 )'5 i \ F ►� -9��-d� ���►5/ I�loq, sGP- bu 1 - aoa �►u>> 3�'AQ\ 313a -S301�" Comments: c,o�lgc�� earn fir:. vim, rLo t�J of 'OIC\k- m \ 7 1�,�1djp 64 1 re ncr GeosvnrerO SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 1� Project Name: �"�� Probe No.. S� '_ x ❑ Sub -slab probe oil gas probe Date:.ks T 2t'2 i Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: kA*,ry%e X &'ti • _ 1l1(�t�+�q�- � Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial Rka. M: Sri + 4��ODfl Weather: ❑S MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Cp Field Personnel: OLAX C LA 1 Tracer Gas: Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: _ Li 0 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass MOtherg oft Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 1 Casing Volume O5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) ©Start of atic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump F1ow��Ye Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure Q (prior to pumping) �' in. H2O 7 Field tubing blank reading i-' �' Q g g (ppm„) completed? Yes ❑ No PID Reading ppm„ / 0 1 0.2 � ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ Q9 Purging 0.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, CO2 02 Shroud (%) Sample (circle one) by CS by PID PI Min Max 15 DG abL 1 6'1 0-01 5 0. Z,9 •Ct3- 9 (. Z .i •I. o• b 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud?`[ --]Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments' Geosvntec O SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 2501 (919)870-0576 consultants Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 Fax(919)870-0578 1� Project Name: Probe No.: S F ���" ❑ Sub -slab robe p Date: Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.. Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other lnbif"�� 1r�^-�--^ k Recorded By: ❑Soil gas probe Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV -%---L f� 0 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass [?, OthS!� ' Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume Q5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed_ in. H2O held for _ seconds], ❑ Sub slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe <[ ©Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O 0 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? -Yes p ❑No PID Reading ppm, 0 1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume49 (L) CH, (%) Zp• r� CO2 (%) 02 (%) Shoo (%) mple (ppm�, %) � cle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min 3141 1 37-9 5 \01. 6 110• G7 2 o• o DCN-A MOT 0. L \ 20• 1 ��• c �.'1 �•o 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentratic)n in 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes �[ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium=10,000 rpm / 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum ) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) be -&A 5 IAc 5 P6-4-ZbL1101S 7—°I'13 595 4• Comments: rAnI-Novm1-r►r,0 V V V U V l t L V V consultants SOIL GAS PROSE MEASUREMENTS 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-05576Fax (919)870-0578 1 Project Name: Q_P_W)e< �Aorn k� Z� Probe Na.: 1 5 �5 r-��/ ❑ Sub -slab probe M Soil gas probe Date: IS -DO -AN Project Number: a'as vo o�) �� 1 Mini Rye SCpQ o.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 e Site Location: to ni I� 3� ; W :1 � '• )\) C Land tech GEMMiN andfill Gas Meter Serial No. M Weather: • MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Ci Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: Helium Q Other Recorded By: 20 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Q 1 Casing Volume L5J Shu f prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil 4` ©Start of Pneumatic Tes . gas probe ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) '� •Elm in. H2O (L) Elapsed Time (min.) ump Well Head Flow Vacuum in. H2O Q Field tubing blank read inq (ppm„) completed? N Yes ❑ N❑ PED ReadO in ppmv 0.1 0.2 Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ �q � Ala �a� gCJ �(,65 0.5 d Purging Tracer Gas Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH, CO2 02 Sam VOCs Shroud !e (%) by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume M N N 12 : %) (ppm ) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Min Max (circle one) /s - of} -a, ►3)7 13aa ► 3 D,0 0,3 0. a 1-.5 aS, u 10 Helium collcer)trotion in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the Yes ❑ No 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ (�1I shroud? Note: 1% helium = 10,000 ppmv 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: v'4Q,jt.r :r1 ` -e Ii4Uri AC, urvo" le � bo S Anvi' *;Z% -M")iN vrCkNCr3a -. Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 10 Project Name: (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 Date: � QZ,` Project Number: ProbeNo.: �' Z� ElSub-slabprobe ❑ Soil gas probe Site Location: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: 1 L� Weather: "1(j Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Lamp: 10.6 / 1 1.7 eV Field Personnel: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Recorded By: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other 20 Surface Type: ❑Asphalt ❑Concrete ❑Grass Other O % Q3 1 Casing Volume Q5 Shut in test prior to Surface Thickness inches/centimeters Unknown pneumatic ❑ Sub -slab test completed,_ in, H2O held for_ seconds. (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil <0.1 L t gas probe z' © Start of Pneumatic Tes . ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping)' in. H2O (L) Elapsed Time Pump Well Hepd Q7 Field tubing (min.) Flo ate Vacuum (LP in. blank reading (ppmv) completed? [-]Yes No PID Reading H2O 0 ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 0,2 U99 Purging 0.5 Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Time Time p Time Volume Rate Cumulative CH, CO2 02 Tracer Gas �OCs T (min.) IL) (LPM) �4Z 53b Volume (L) (%) (%) (%) Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) by PID Ippm ) O Z l Min Max (circle one) 15�cz cj 1 L I�GC�-� l l50 0 Io �, n i . 3 [ 2— 'et 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5%of minimum concentration in the shroud? []Yes ❑ No 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No Note: i°� helium = 10,000 ppm ❑ 12 Sample Collection V Date Start/End Time Sample ID SummBatch Cert ID a Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum -= mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg) h Comments: Geosyntec f> SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 430 2501 Blue Ridge Road Sr 27607 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 ,If ,/ -" Project Name: )E&2 Y'�" - - - Probe No.: ��X 3❑ Sub -slab probe Lf5oil gas probe Date: �. ZL I-rojecl Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial �7 No.: T 1)L 3� L;� I ,Damp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: 1l i � Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: _ .l V L [. ■ Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: y� � Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ElHelium ElOther Recorded By: Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Il Othert T Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 0 1 Casing Volume Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for _ seconds. F ❑ Sub -slab r0.1 L �.1 Soil gas probe (L) ©Start of Pneumatic Test. Elapsed Time min. (min.) Pump HQw R IL Well Head Vacuum in. H2O r 4 Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) V �' ' 0 Ip P P gl � in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes No PID Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 Q Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, M CO2 I%) 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max � zl Z\ � p.Z .� \�1 3_� � p•� �p 21•� n-2Z- N,� a� 'A•� 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium = 10,000 ppm 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes El ❑ 14 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 d 1Q Project Name: Probe No.: — �l� - ■ _ ❑ Sub -slab probe oil gas probe Date: Z Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No-: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: �� 7 I `� Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: ® Surface Type: ❑ aspholi ❑ Concrete: ❑ Gross ail Othert— Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 1 Casing Volume S of in test prior to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L G Soil gas probe (L) © Start of P a4malic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Ra (LPPR� Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm,) completed? ❑Yes C�No PID Reading ppm 0.1 r © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 ❑9 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, N CO2 (%) 02 R Shr (%) Sam le p (ppm,, io) (circf one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min x � Of )-) IZU vV r OU; \e) OG a L 1 �5 . 1 • �C 8 (p d� v ( o.z ► 210.1 c,-i 1 � OCTZ \ �D 2 • 2. . 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppm 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: — i?{ C-1c_ �. Geosyntec c> SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 1Q Project Name: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date: Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: r Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: S r, -t U 0 Weather: S MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No_: �^ Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Y` D �— Recorded By: 0 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Othe d Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 0 1 Casing Volume QS Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe 1 - (L) © Start of Pneumatic Tes . Elapsed Time (min.) Pump low Rate N1) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) 0 - OV in. H2O O7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes o PID Reading ppmv 0.1 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 �9 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, N CO2 (%) 02 M Shroud Sample {pprr)v. } {cir ❑ne} VOCs by PID m Min Max 1 b� 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv hut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ F@S 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: v ,-t-jv ' 1A Geosyntec f> SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Name: Probe No.'s ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date; Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: T Lamp: 10.6 / 1 1.7 eV Site Location: vial Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M,1 ►�R `l[t�� _ Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: zl�Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By; Surface Type; ❑ Asphall ❑ Concrete ❑ Gress CtheQJ Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe 4 (L) © Start of Pneu tic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump FIn ate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) n. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes No PID Reading ppm 0.2 [(j7Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ QPurging 0.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, R COZ (%) OZ M Shrou qj Sample p (ppmv, %) (circle one/ by cs by PID PI (ppmV) Min Ma 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium = 10,000 ppm 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ T2 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: lk 1 l� - f i vU -C'-P ( L Geosyntec C> SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, NC27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 1 Pro ect Name: � Probe No.: - -� L�'1� - s Q ) _ ❑Sub -slab probe im Soil gas probe Date: TC— n- 1.O--- t Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: 14n o-\�- • 11� Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: ,� h� _ �),t -} - MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No_: Field Personnel: 4\-' Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other LL)X--'k_ Recorded By: Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other& 4l Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume Q5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed_ in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe l (L) © Start of Pne atic Test: Elapsed Time � (min.) Pump Flow Rate � (LPM) (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O � � ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) i� in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes Ix No PID Reading ppmv 0 2 © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ Q Purging 0.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, R CO2 (%) 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) (circle one) by CS by PID PI (ppm�) Min Max b C,12A k k) K) Z,o 01 '�- 0 0� 1 v ► -4c . �)GC,ZI M loZb 1 D. 2- . 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium=10,000 ppm 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) �O -brj O.D 1 Comments: i Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 430 2501 Blue Ridge sigh,RoadN 27607 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax (919)870-0578 �L uu 1Q Project Name: [► Probe No.: — ❑ Sub -slab probe ail gas probe Date: �'� O1rr �� �� Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.:. �� Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: - Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: IILRb Weather: 1 f T 1 a MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass 1� OtherS h j 1_ Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown i.e., asphalt or concrete ( P ) 1 Casing Volume Q5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L L Soil gas probe (L) ©Start of Pne atic Test: Elapsed Time min. ( ) Pump Flow S e ��_. Well Head Vacuum in. H2O '+ ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O ro. O` 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes I$No PID Reading ppm 0.2 \_ ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.5 Q9 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed p Time ( min.) Bag g Volume (L) Pure g Rate (LPM ) Cumulative Volume ILI CH a N CO 2 R O 2 M Shroud % () Sample (ppm, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm�) Min Max 0 ^p b 0 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium = 10,000 ppm� 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ T$ Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Sumo Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: {' b u r Geosynte& SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road NC 27607 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 10 Project Name: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date: 2-:U2C Project Number Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ Z Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7'eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M 1�4 (Q Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: DD Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: L O2 Surface Type: ❑ ,asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other � Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume Shut in test p : r to pneumatic test completed_ in. H2O held for _ seconds. R ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) © Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump � a Flow Rate r (LP'MJ f Well Head Vacuum in. H2O {� ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) _V • 5-t in. H2O 0Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes �(N❑ PID Reading ppm 0.1 0.1 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ @ Purging 10.5 Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH, ( ) CO, (%) 02 (%) Shroud (%) Sam Sample p (n (circle one) ne) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max l Z Za �,3> o. 'b og 2A o 1 l7 2 Z S. 0• -0 C, n D 10 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppm� 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ID No ❑ 12 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Geosyntec D SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 Project Name: (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 70 Date: Probe No.: ❑ ❑ robe Sub -slab Project Number: p Soil gas probe } Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Site Location: l 1j Yy' 1 1 �Y LOMP: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Weather: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: �} Field Personnel: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Recorded By: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other (2) Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass N Other", Surface Thickness inches/centimeters (i.e., asphalt or concrete) El Unknown ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) n. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading ( m ) W 1 Casing Volume Q5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_ in- H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L 1 © Start of Pneumatic Test: Soil gas probe .L 1 (L) Elapsed Time Pump Well Head (min.) Fldw-!Rate . Vacuum p- v completed? ❑Yes No PID Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ (LPM)'•-- in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 (9] Purging Date Start End Elapsed Bag Pure Tracer Gas Time Time Time Volume Rae Cumulative CH, CO2 O Sample VOCs (min.) (L) LPM Volume (%) (%) (%i Shroud (%) by PID ( ) (L) (PPFA , 3oJ (Ppmv) to 2 D, Z Mir Max (circle one) C(L z ' e � - U neuum concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No 11 Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No Sample Collection Note: 1 °k helium = 10,000 ppm ❑ 12 v Date Start/End Time Sample ID ]nitial Flow Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Batch Cert ID Inal �Hgu) m Final Vacuum L/min (in(in. Hg) Geosyntec l> SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road. Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 1 Project Name. (919)870-0576 Fax(919)870-0578 Date: Zb Z1 Project Number: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil Site Location: Y'{j Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: gas probe Weather: $ ` Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: 1►�Q Lamp: III / 11.7 eV �] [] Field Personnel. MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Recorded By: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other ❑ 20 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete Grass Other ❑L 1 Casing Volume Surface Thickness in ❑Unknown Qb Shut in test p r to pneumatic ❑ Sub -slab test completed,_ in. H2O held for seconds. (i.e., asphalt or concrete) <0 1 L © Start Soil of Pneumatic 1st: gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumpingJ � in. H2O Elapsed Time Puma, Well Head O7 Field tubing blank reading g (PPm) completed? Dyes (min.) PI Rate - jLPM) '0,1 Vacuum in. H2O o PID Reading pprn„ ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes No ❑ 0.2 09 Purging 0.5 ' y Date Start End Elapsed Bag Time Time Time Purge Volume e Cumulative CH C�2 Tracer Gas cs (min.) (RPM) VolPme (%)4 02 () Shroud (%) Sample byOPID (ppm -7 Z l L- 7. l� G�2 l3� 113v f 1 `7 ,o Min Max , %) (ppm ) [circle one) L D- Z 1-1, 8,.2 10 Helium concentration infield screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No 11 completed? Yes t Shut in test prior to sample collection compl❑ No Note: 1%helium = 10,000 ppm ❑ ]2 Sample Collection v Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum - (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comments: C) L____SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS GeosyrltecG consultants 10 Project Name: �& t r ` Probe No.: Date: - �. � Project Number: Mini Rae _ 1 ❑ Sub -slab robe P �p�; lei Soil gas probe Site Location: AM j 1 2000 Serial No.: •! t�7«)p: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Weather: �, Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: din- at o p. Field Personnel: l t c V MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: - � � Tracer Gas: El Helium El Other _ Recorded By: Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other LJ 1 Casing Volume @Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, Surface Thickness 31 inches/centimeters ❑Unknown ❑ Sub -slab •in. H2O held for seconds. (i.e., asphalt or concrete) <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) Start of Pneumatic Test: a- 4 Initial Pressure (prior to pumptngJ a • � in. �,0 Elapsed Time Pump Well Head (min.) Flow Rate Vacuum (2) Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes NNo P I D Reading (LPM) 0.1 in. H2O ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.2 0.5 Pur in 1 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time Bag g Volume Purge Rate Cumulative Volume CH4 %02 02 (%) Tracer Gas Shroud (%) VOCs Sample (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) (ppmv, %) by PID (ppmv) 0to Min Max (circle one) 35 12' �-2 I v•D -01 ®Helium concentration= nvfield screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes No Note: 1 %helium=10,000 ppmv G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ElNo 1 Sample Collection q n Date Start/End Time Sample ID C ��_til ¢•a 4GInitial Flow Car ra! r # lowSumma mL/ in Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum 2- � 2 �� d (in. Hg) (in. Hg) ,;3 dL — SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosptec consultants 10 Project Name: 0AX Probe No.. ` ❑ Sub -slab probe LA Soil gas probe Date: 1 Z Z ; rojec: I Number: v'v Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: =-nmp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: i Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: y l 1V Weather: oo ,, groq MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Ll�t & Tracer Gas: ElHelium ❑ Other Recorded By: @ Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass M Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness I inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O V / ��'l,'�� Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? [--]Yes ICJ No P I D Reading_ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative me Ti Time Time Volume Rate Volume (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) l 4� Ic y i�(a '5 ll 2 bgb l U .33 I 11 SI 1A D%'jL DT 3(f 1 D- 33 1l ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes M No Note: 1% helium= 10,000 ppmv 1 Sample Collection CH4 R @Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) CO2 02 (%1 M � o. / I (P. 4 Pump Well Head Flow Rate Vacuum (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Sample VOCs Shroud (%) by PID (ppmv, %) (ppmv) Min Max Lcr;cle one) 5 GShut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ NoZ VVIVp�tI4 e Date Start/End Time Scsdr�Ole ID Summa �Inister ID Flow c/11roiler Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum (in. Hg) I (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 10 Project Name:, «� _ Probe No.: v2 ❑ Sub -slab probe IZ Soil gas probe n Dote: �� 7 Z� Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: i i/ Landtech a GEM 0 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: !! Weather. {Jl MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: -- Field Personnel: A'V� W Y r Tracer Gas: 1-1Helium ❑ Other r Recorded By: A. . Y 0 O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass J�a Other jj Q 1 Casing Volume @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Start of Pneumatic Test: Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) Elapsed Time min. (min.) Pump Flow Rate Well Head Vacuum in. H 0 4 Initial Pressure V D� I' in. H2O Q (priorto pumping) . LPM ( ) 2 r�7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmvcompleted? ❑Yes [ No P I D Reading_ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purgingcomple.ted? Yes ❑ No 0.5 P,rqinq Tracer Gas Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 02 Shroud (%) Sample VOCs by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume N M R (ppm, %) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) x (circle one)(ppmV) ill. Zl D �� i�SZ� ' 33 v,v v.Lq ai3 jnnMa �BSU ��rs 3 I v 33 0. 0�l, it zr 33 I 3, 5 l. 3 3 Y5t� Off" ,' '0-33 r3. im.q 6? t� Dg5 D� 0a 3 i�. 0.33 lI ry I . lelium concentration in field screened saop, les i less. an 5% of minimum concentration in ©Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes El No Note:1%helium=10,000ppm Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) i Comments: V � SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants QNome: 1 Projectqjf[Probe No.: ` 1 r�]] ❑Sub -slab probe soil gas probe Dote: T 1 Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: La i1_: 10.6 / 1 1.7 eV Site Location: r C Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Iq Weather; V `� �r MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: 1-1Helium❑Other y� Recorded By: Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other �i Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt orc*ncrete) Q 1 Casing Volume @Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) Q Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum 'n. H2O ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) 1n. H2O O7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes FfNo P I D Reading ppml/ 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No [�s \ 0.5 Pur in Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 M CO2 (% 02 M(ppm,,, Shroud (%) Sample %) (' cle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max �s lPbW 15 1p. A i 6W 3 1 0 :0 X r �a?�Z12 5- 1 0_2 1 D. d. 1?--7- NIL 31-z q4 S 1 0-.2 6 - U v � a �k 13 L )- �► 3 U v . � � av,+- ®Helium concentration'n ield screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑Yes No Note:1%helium=10,000ppm ©Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No USample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: W 1 � SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 10 Project Name: vn Probe No.: PJ ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date-, Project Number: Nq6 5 Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: 01 Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: i Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other —� Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other 1 Casing Volume O5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —In. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown Start of Pneumatic Test: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) l Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O (�� — ��_ 0.1 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes IVNo P I D Reading ppm 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No] 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 02 Shroud (%) Sample VOCs by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume N N R (ppmv, %) (ppm ) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Min Max (circle one) t� z 0. 4 u 1 r a D v�.V b > ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? []Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000PPMV Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) E R Comments: E SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 10 Project Name: Probe No.: -5 ElSub-slabprobe Foil gas probe We: 1k��i4 'E, _ Project Number t V 3� Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: n Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: 1T� Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: t Weather: — MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel + Tracer Gas: ElHelium ❑Other Recorded By: O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Q 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, --4p. H2O held for seconds. r � Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown ❑Sub -slab <0.1 L Start of Pneumatic Test: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe—(L) Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O Pa (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes No P I D Reading-ppmv 0.2 0.5 © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Pur in Tracer Gas VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 Oo Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume M ( ) ( ) (ppmv) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Min Max (circle one) 55 s r 0.�?' I z. 3 i[ '�l S i t, l ®Helium concentration in 01d screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes VJ No Note: I % helium = 10,000 PPMV 1 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project Number: Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: Recorded By: _ Geosyntec consultants Probe No.: 00 ❑ Sub -slab probe ;Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Q2 Surface Type: []Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass M Otherf-1 If Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,---,4,n. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L)Well Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in H2O D. 100— 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes No P I D Reading-ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Purging Troceir Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 N 02 N Shroud (%) Sample (ppm, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max c2L zr I( Z 2-1 1l3 ILI I Zr is 1511 ! Slb holl 1� 15 i5_1 ig l��i iD i 5 1 1 ! I d 1;2- 0_--2— ��2 0.33 U•3 f O. I S I6�_a g Hellum concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000ppmv Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) 3 3 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec"' consultants 1Q Project Name: 1 Probe No.: VJ ❑ Sub -slab probe �4 Soil gas probe Date: NOV — O-2_ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: � Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: ig h-&&-ky'e t Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: h� Weather: ^-' Q r7 MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: U �. �5V'i Tracer Gas: ElHelium ElOther 1 Recorded By: V L) - '£ Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Othe V' Q 1 Casing Volume @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil � `` Start of Pnc; rm,ticTest: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) gas probe�(L) �� Pump Well Head Elapsed Time p (min.) Flow Rate Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O f. (LPM) Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes f .No P I D Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0:5 1raW Gas VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 N 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume N (ppmv) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Min Max (circle one) Z 0 5 i (% J�J �t. 015-5 6,33 1 `� o•� OV- 0 Boa 3 I 33 a a. 3 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmv 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min I Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosptec consultants 1Q Project Name: e ` Probe No.: 1�3_ 00 ❑ Sub -slab probe &Soil gas probe Date: '01112.132—\ �y Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather i5 MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: V -e33 ,w Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: 7f, O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass %Other �J Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 1 Casing Volume QS Shut in test prior to pn�umatic test completed, in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe QStart of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) Pu p Ov Rate (EpM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O //�� V I, 4Q Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) U• in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes '�] No P I D Reading ppmv D.l 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 R CO2 M 02 M Shroud (%) Sample (ppm", %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max 0q2 a a c o� ) a. o � 0v 100 1007 3 f U 3 1 0. 0. 1 0.0 3 �21 •��� D �l 3 i U.33 � 0.3 �- � i� Qielium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: t%helium = 10,000ppm ] Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum mL/min I I (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comm SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants Project Name: Probe No.: 12 — ❑ Sub -slab probe �d Soil gas probe Date: p�i�� ZD� 1 Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: T?1A1���.ZT S Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: 1yye Weather: 0YAY'JJS MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: r Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ElHelium ❑ Other ) Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other _ _ _ Surface Thickness �i� inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume O5 Shut in test POW to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe L (L) QStart of Pneumatic Te Elapsed Time p (min.) Pump Flow Rate PM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑YesNo P I D Reading ppmv 0.� 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Pur in Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 M CO2 M 02 (%) Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv' %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max OZt V 24 lot to M1 2 3 2- 3 z,l 02_0 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmv G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 1 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Y 5 Comments.: s E SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1� Project Name., _ 1Y �bul tl Y WU'I Number: (Al U_ Site Location: Weather: --al Field Personnel: Recorded By: Geosyntec consultants Probe No.: "-fo ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: '�` �] G� Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: � r *` d l MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.; Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other 0 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass 4 Other Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) Start of PneumaticTest: Elapsed Time p (min.) Pump Flow Rate LPM ( ) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure (prior pumping) in. H O p (p p p 91 2 �, I f s Q Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes q:No P I D Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ NoNIL 0.5 PurQinci Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 N 02 N Shroud (%) Sample (ppm", %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note:1%helium=10,000ppm G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 1 '71 Crvmr�lc ('nllo�#inn Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comments: }l1�bL1[7l SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project Name: y Probe No.: - 11 Sub -slab probe Date: D Z Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: "- Site Location: i Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: . Weather: Jr � pp MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: L. Tracer Gas: ❑Helium El Other Recorded By: 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other_r�j� @ 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) L9 AL in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑YesA No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0 purging Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) 0 cue ' f o. 3 f CH4 N Geosyntec consultants Soil gas probe mp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV QS Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. W Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Sample VOCs CO2 02 Shroud (%) by PID N N (ppmv, %) (Ppmv) Min Max (circle one) C+ • D (3Heliurn Concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Com SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 1Q Project Name: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe QScAl gas probe 2 Project Number: U ✓ Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: f1 Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather Wi 1 MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass©thee QQ 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness Si inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L Start of Pneumatic Test: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) Pump Well Head '� `� Elapsed Time (min.) Flow Rate Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping)in. H2O (LPM) 0.1 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes�No P I D Reading ppmv 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Purqlna Tracer Gas VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 ( ) Oo ( ) Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) by PID Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume M (ppm ) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Min Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in ' Id screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No the shroud? El Yes YJ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 PPMV t Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) E E Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1D Project Name: _ Probe No.: _ r �� _ ❑ Sub -slab probe Date: _ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial NO.: Site Location: _ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: _ _ Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O Q Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? [--]Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ gas probe 10.6 / 11.7 eV 0 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 N CO2 N 02 N Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Gov L� \y3 D �53z 2 l D-'2,� L '1 2- e Sample VOCs Shroud (%) by PID (Ppm\, %) (ppmv) Min Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm ] Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) 10 Project Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: Recorded By: SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Number: —0-035 Geosptec consultants Probe No.: i- ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp; 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: % (ova MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass 0thor 0 Surface Thickness r inches/centimeters ❑ unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (L) Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time min. ( ) Pump Flow Rate (PM) - Well Head Vacuum in H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) U�in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes No P I D Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Purq1nq Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 M CO2 M 02 N Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max Z C� t� 3 I Z►3 IZ 0 ►r 3093D 0'�_-33 Zl 0133 093h 0 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 PPMV 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec a consultants 10 Project Name; �7 _? r Probe No.: _ _ V7 ` 1 c5-❑ Sub -slab probe ZZ Soil gas probe Dale: 1 70 ` ` Project Number: 35 Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: �y Lamp; 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: ���1i- ' ." `' Yl NV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: 'l Weather: dR 1 VL t MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: (2) Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume 0 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe jL) Start of PneumaticTest: - Elapsed Time p min. (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O {{�� 11,, �} 4 Initial Pressure (prior to um in V V J" m. H O Ip p p g} 2 Q Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading—ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (LJ) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 ( ) Oo ( ) Shroud (%) Sample (ppmv, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max �� V I Q• ,tJ'.� � G e� O( 11 (;9q b I 0 3 3 I U- 3 r 0.57 13. l{ -b) 21 D 0q 4 •3 I ct 3 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium= 10,000 ppm, G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 1 Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) E F� y3 2 Comments: F SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosptec consultants Project Name: Probe No.: 9A b ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Date: Project Number: v+ Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: YVu Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: D V , WP (Ad he ✓'f— - Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other i Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume Ob Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe (Lj Q Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time p (min.) Pump Flow Rate (LPM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O VU J lj �-/ ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) V in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? [--]Yes ❑ No P I D Reading—ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 N 02 R Shroud (%) Sample (ppm�- %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max `'^ V 1 r l� i� �0 U ' S jQ • �j b �' I ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) k a W) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec �;mstahaniti 10 Project Name: Probe No.: - 1--I ElSub-slabprobe Alsoil gas probe Date_iecnA-\ D V - Z01- l C ---Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.:_ f_ Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Aiml� 7� ' Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M Weather: J �U S e , MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: J �_ i VI-u Tracer Gas: 0A Helium ❑ll Other�►lQ- 1 Recorded By: , V\S J�5 v'e f. '�Ui\I� 1,0 O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass 0_{7ther Q 1 Casing Volume 1 ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L 1 (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) 1n. H2O O7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes [%No P I D Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Date Start End Elapsed Time Time Time (min.) 3 �\�VL1 ll�'�G1 IOArZ � Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. Start of PneumaticT Elapsed Time Pump Well Head p _R[ow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 02 Volume Rate Volume (L) (LPM) (L) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 12 Sample Collection V[1 Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID []L1w_C-& \Z 1- 1 1 5 rw► n 0. yvl�nv_ es u -5 ,,, Comments: Sample VOCs Shroud (%) by PID (ppm, %) (ppmv) Min Max I (circle one) QShut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ it ITI,ow `i - ` Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum �D (ins. (� IBLcrl 1 I](iin.�H�gg)) ,H/g) .O 14 •� SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec Cuns1,111wits lO Project Name Probe No.: ate\ —_ ❑ Sub -slab probe DQ Soil gas probe gdte; k),V� 1-� Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: 4AQff � t . Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: cabAd-S MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: P�- k)o E 7� 0Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: LA�— n U" 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Q 1 Casing Volume OShut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, ih. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness lnches/centirnelers ❑ Unknown <0.1 L Start of Pneumat Tgst: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe L 1 (L) Elapsed Time '� P p Vacuum Initialw Rate ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O (min. ) �` .(.LPM) in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes E�'o P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No\] 0.1`- 0.2 0.5 ruv 11 IL4 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed p Time (min.) Bag g Volume (L) Pure g Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH a M CO %2 ( ) O %2 ( ) Shroud % ( ) Sample (ppm", %) (circle one) VOCS by PID (ppm ) Min Max ,V4 Z\ O'A-A 1 J� l fib\ IJQ4 z� (fltk li�l'� ?� ( 0 . Cj U •A�, 1 (D- 0 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 12 Sample Collection Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comments: Geosyntec col ),,I SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1� Project Name-, Probe No.: J ❑ Sub -slab probe 'Soil gas probe Date; iVV 2.,WL-� Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M:[1+t}a�3CCC�t Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass F Other 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in., H2O U7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds �W Start of Pneumatic Test: !0�5 Well Head Elapsed Time e Vacuum (min.) in. H2O Purging Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume (L) CH4 N CO2j02 N )(min.) (L) (LPM) �s Mby ax18 pv Z�Ai..A 6 .c� V z a\( n1n196 QHellum concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in ©Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes El El shroud? ❑Yes El No Note: 1%helium=10,000ppm„ U Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1Q Project Name: Probe No.: � - ❑Sub -slab probe Dater tiJ3 I q,, i Project Number: ' _-F0 3S Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: n Site Location: kuLancitech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q Surface Type: [:]Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other 1 Casing Volume I ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness Inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) d in. H2O Q Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ANo P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Geosyntec consultants Soil gas probe ,ip: 10.6 / 11.7 eV @)Shut in test prior to pneumatictest completed,_in. H2O held for seconds W Start of PneumaticTest: Elapsed Time Pump Well Head p Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 rut q li Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 R - 02 (%) - Shroud (%) Sample (ppm, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) Min Max rJ Zi 3 t �o zti� 3 0 33 t/. (a. D 0 c 13 i 2i i ni i 2�D 3 3 o. i111 r ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec col Isu[ILuit.'s 10 Project Name: Probe No.: ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date: ncZ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: �.�1� Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: I ,, 4 Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: r�J ►X Weather:_ �IV�.0lll�'r Gi D S —Y Q S _► r , , MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: f 5 - V a � T [_k&)CA Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: 02 Surfcite Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass j�jbthei&C _ I__ Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume @5 Shut in to t prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe�(L) (� Start of PneumaticT Elapsed Time (min.) min. ' -•� Pu T: Rate (LIB' ,_ Well Head Vacuum in. H2O 4 Initial Pressure (prior pumping) ira. H O Q (p p p g} 2 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? [:]Yes NZNo P I D Reading ppm 0.1 � 0.2 �y ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No `f J 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 M CO2 M 02 M Shroud (%) SamplePID (ppm", %) (circle one) VOCs by by PID Min Max 3�.1ovz.1 \\2.1 1U Ar C) Z 1 . ? re cat ,v - ZA 1Z� g �c 18 1,NN2A 5.9 2ce . , 0.1 Na\v -. 2\ z z\ 5 3 1,1 •-1 \:D • -1 l,SW2 l 2 Q }220I 21P • 16 2-1• '-k 1 0.16 GHelium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note:1%helium=10,000ppm © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ DatE• Start/End Tj ne Sample ID Summa Canister ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) n ro er mL/min t4vj A Z - IN 1 K d /a�✓ i SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1) Project Name:lelyl- Dole:S R16y .2o;—k Project Number: Site Location: Weather: .J , C. Field Personnel; k. \4 D L Recorded By: Geosyntec ° i'OH14111anrb Probe No_ 97 ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp, 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: -- Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other >E- 41l6tk[_ O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other -b \_ ta� V Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Q 1 Casing Volume 1�5 Shut in test i to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L Soil gas probe-�_ _(L) Start of Pneumatic Test'` •. Elapsed Time (min.) Pu p F Rate (�pM) Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm,) completed? ❑YesNo P I D Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Purging Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 (%) CO2 ( ) Oo ( ) Shroud (%) Sample ( Sample e (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Min Max VIA \\ot I kN Pur c (' - Q'0" u\l 2\ 2• V 0.0 2A 1\ \5 11Lo 1 l D • o \r V 1 2 q b Zq 5 ( a °I o 3 Y VA GHelium concenIro l on in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm ] Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Com SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec cor suhauts 1T Project Name., Probe No.: V2��^ ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date: IS K bV 2102,Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: A33' Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Lorcation: " lieft Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: _� a Weather:CA'LOV- 4VID i MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other � L Recorded ( Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ?f Other Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) p ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) 20 .. y. O7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes Rlo P I D ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No EW Date Start End Elapsed Time Time Time (min.) IN 2A jib Z t? tQ I43-J Ja-i2- 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L /�""' Soil gas probe L) o •.40 CC) ) ding_- t'prn' OShut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds. lA) Start of Pneumo est: Elapsed Time Pum Well Head Rate Vacuum (min.)T___--I in. H2O Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 N 02 (%) Sample (ppm"- %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) -N*T— Max p. t 21•0 b•1- 0.O .c7 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium= 10,000 ppmv 12 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) It - AMIDI A 10 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project Name: Probe No.: 17 ❑ Sub -slab probe Date: 2- ` Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑Asphalt ❑Concrete ❑Grass ❑Other 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping] '0 t0t in. H2O `•t0� L'lt" yn Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Date Start End Elapsed Time Time Time (min.) Bag Purge Cumulative Volume Rate Volume (L) (LPM) (L) Geosyntec° CunsuKutt." ❑ Soil gas probe .Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV (Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. Q Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 CH4 N j02 r Sample (ppmv, (7 (circle one) VOCs 1ppmby Dl �- Max 4- 0 -t CD%X nod p"`r9 rv�sV•e, D V_k 4t I. t_1 GHelium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium= 10,000ppmv 12 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) tz,y- 5 Ur c Geosynteca SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS <<,r«UtrMIrS lO Project Name.: Probe No.: _b- —%ft ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Date: —Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location:Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather:_. _ �� S MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: _ Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Gra=know sing Volume Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimete<0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) probe 1' (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping)l„•1 DIV _in. H2O l pe't C C-ev,� Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmd) complete�?[]Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ =77 ti ► ��1 lapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CHQ Time Volume Rate Volume (%) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) At, 11ui '' o WAf £ I&V a' c ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? []Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmv 1 Sample Collection Shut iktesi prior to pneumatic test completed —in. H2O held for seconds Start of Pneu ❑ticTest: Pu Well Head Elapsed Time FI Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.5 Sample VOCs CO2 02 Shroud (%) by PID M N (ppm", %) (ppmv) Min Max (circle one) GShut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Initial Flow Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) I (in. ligj rQ1 K o SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec D consultants 10 Project Name. Probe No.: Is r.> ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Date: Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: e0 - Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: h Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather. _ V MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: p, ' Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other r o w Recorded By: T 1 Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt Surface Thickness (i.e., asphalt or concrete) ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other.% ` inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown ® 1 Casing Volume @Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed —in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0.1 L L ` Soil gas probe (L) Start of Pneumatic Elapsed Time (min.) - Pump —_1 bw_Rate (LPfv `Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) -0 .0%2gin. H2O C) . C) 3 C , Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? [--]Yes YINo P I D Reading ppm 0.1 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No 0.5 Flulna Tracer Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed p Time (min.) Bag g Volume (L) Pure g Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH a N CO % 2 ( ) O %2 ( ) f`7°1 Sample (ppm�, %) (circle one) cs by PI by PID (ppmv) Max 5 ND�tL1 lad - q.g 23. 'Po 1 • o • i 15Ntv2A jbti"� 0 2 a.o 20. 't b.0 p �5N vzk J� t) 2S • 1 22. g 0 • ID o givovzt �� 3 2�•0 Z&-� 0-0 o . t ®Helium concentratlan in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 17] Crvmr�lc ('nllarfinn Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Flow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) Comments: N i' 1) Project Now Date: - Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: Recorded By: SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS I Number: Geosyntec l�' Ckmsulnuils Probe No.: <;(--t — 2- O ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: _ MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) I Soil gas probe G 1 (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping)ftr iS. H2O �• • V 07 C�� Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ OShut in lest prior to pneu matic test completed —in. H2O held for seconds Start of Pneumatic st: Pump Well Head Elapsed TimePyw 12dte Vacuum lLPMI in. H2O o. l 0.2 0.5 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (LI CH4 (%I CO2 (%I 02 (%I } �roYzt o� z0W 2, d.10' a- �•� ce- t «. Z NOVA i4m6 1L1 o Z- b• 5 b. 0 -3 D (TOW tvl- lZNII e. l • b , . z c� . It Sample VOCs Shroud (%) by PID (ppmv, %) 1ppmvl i� Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID S mma Canister ID�FlowController # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg� Con iments: plot&r • Q 4 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project N��la�nme: �J1i Probe No.: ElSub-slabprobe Date: W P YLProject Number: _ Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Site Location: _ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Geosyntec° consultants ❑ Soil gas probe Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass [%Other Q 1 Casing Volume Q Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. % ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L � Start of Pneu CTest: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) Pump Well Head ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) •010ein. H2O D . V 3 CG � Elapsed Time (min.) Flow R ' — ,M) Vacuum in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes CNo P I D Reading ppm 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Purqinq Tracer Gas VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CH4 CO2 R 02 N Shroud (%) Sample by PID (ppmv, %) Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) R -�, Max (ppmv) (circle one) t4DJ zl 'S D"D 3 1 3 z. 0 la . l o. v. t> 1 in A[ntfl t nGibn rA.4-G, 0, r I 3 3. -I a-D. X 0,-0 o - ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 PPMV 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comments: ['r(Atw'JL- &Wr `x o.0 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS (D Project Name: Date: 'f G-N2st2-.k Project Number: Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: . Recorded By: Geosyntec consuhants Probe No.: —.F re) _ ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial ra ;.: Loop: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other 20 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown (i.e., asphalt or concrete) 0 1 Casing Volume (I)Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab <0,1 L Soil gas probe (L) Start of Pneumatic Test: Elapsed Time (min.) ' , Purrtip Flow Rate—, (LPM), Well Head Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) d 900�C in. H2O I CC1 Doi N 1 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes [:]No P I D Reading ppmv 0.1 0.2 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 0.5 Purr U I:. --Tracer-Gas Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CHq (% CO2 (%) 02 (%) Sample p (ppm, %) (circle one) CS by PI by PID (ppmv) � u - Max 1 I�(D - (�115 I-7 0 S ( I 21 a . IP I• L o ,ynro%1 '►op 1-10 5 5 3 `Sw-1 11V7 v) f 2- ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium= 10,000 ppmv G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ 1 6� Sample Collection Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # Initial Plow mL/min Batch Cert ID Initial Vacuum (in. Hg) Final Vacuum (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec" C011SU1WIRS 10 Project Name; _ Probe No_: ?X ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Dater 4� - Pi r)le ; Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: A,�_ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: _V 1_.W IDS MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: A Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: ,� )_ _ 02 Surface Type: ❑Asphalt ❑Concrete ❑Grass ❑Other I 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness— inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) 0,0D11•- it), H2O r (2) Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes I o P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds W Start of Pneum 'cTest: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Ralf Vacuum (min.) in. H2O 0.1 0.5 'urging Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CHQ (%) CO2 N 02 (%I Shroud (%) Sample (ppm, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) 41 -pi Max a hiD � 2Z°l � l o • 5 � Z• � q -q V24 jz _l 3 0. 5 I fig-3 l .1 L ahi 11 i1A L 11444 ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) C'nmmPntt 1i� l A 14 �C%% •O` f �- .� Geosyntec'� CMIS rluinf5 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 0 Project Name: Probe No.: ` _❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Dale:_ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: _ Tracer Gas: ElHelium ❑ Other. Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other TSofl-'gas Casing Volume ❑Sub slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown<0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) probe_Z—k(L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) 0'01`IJ in. H2O Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? []Yes Epo P I D Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No [ Fur in (S)Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds Ud Start of Pneumofic'Tetsl: _. Prim Well Head Elapsed Time Flow ate Vacuum (min.) �_ (LPM) in. H2O 1 0.2 _77- 0.5 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time Bag Volume Purge Cumulative CH4 Rate Volume 1�) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) vu Z �22_16 3 t 1 3'1 5 5.5 �ln [�Sb►fL[ IL3'1 I213 °l 2, CO2 02 (%) (7 i i3.0 Sample VOCS by PID tax-1 (ppm,,, %)Ippmvl (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmV 1 Sample Collection T#t nitial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow ControllemL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg� SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Project Name: Date:_t�\(Z 1 Project Number: Site Location: WOathe Field Personnel: Recorded By: Geosyntec'-' crntsultanM Probe No.: ' 2-1 ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping)D•0 �g ' . Hr0 •�� CC-��j'� Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. W, Start of Pneumatic Test Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 R CO2 N 02 N V21 � 3 2 0• �• � • � • to �g• 04 TD �1�VL1 120 I�.�o 2, o • 5 o . z 0•'1 ®-•t p Sample VOCS b PID (ppm", %) Y 1ppm"l Max I (circle one) (Wellum concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium= 10,000ppmv 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller d mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. ft t( SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Project ame:_�'' ayll Probe No.: _ �� Z ❑ Sub -slab probe Date:- i ,y L _Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weallher MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: _ Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other . Recorded By: t�2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness_ inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (Lj ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) 0 �H2O � •oz— C C7etl Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Geosyntec" ('onsutlillll" ❑ Soil gas probe Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV OShut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Cumulative CHQ (%) Time Time Time Volume Rate Volume (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) L o b bOc� 5 6. 0 KIMOt 1e iz, nituzl Sample VOCS by PID (ppmv, %) (ppmv) Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium=10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection TIMTiLlan, w 7— Floum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controllein Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hgj I Comrrlellts: SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project Name: Date: Project Number: Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: Recorded By: _ Geosyntec consullinw, Probe No.: - �_ ❑ Sub -slab probe Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in. H2O (2) Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed; ❑Yes [--]No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completeda Yes ❑ No ❑ @ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds lei Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Date Start Time CI�� 1125 �1Z3 End Time t13b ll'� Elapsed Time (min.) _ Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) ► z 3 CH4 CO2 (%) M • < < • tp 0. 0, 02 M t - I iioVZI vtil hSbY L� Sample VOCs 7�) (ppm , %) by PID (ppm') Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed; Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud; []Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm i Sample Collection FlmiLfIlar l Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller #in Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. ft E�~ SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec consultants 1Q Project Na�� e: -"AA Probe No.: ❑Sub slab probe El Soil gas probe Date: 1 (10 0 Dy z l Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: 1pmp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: f�fKlili�S'C ' Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass " Other a 1 Casing Volume 05 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. 1T ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L G Start of Pneumatic -ek- (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe-(L) (L) Pump Well Head �• � q 0b C L"'pA Elapsed Time (min.) . Flow Rate LPM) Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) `>n• H2O • Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes o P I D Reading ppmv 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Epp _rufaina Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 N 02 N Sample (ppm, %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppm ) - n Max Nbq 21 '� • Z •9 . '�. (o �0142- Noti4 logo n •� �.1 �•1 O ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium = 10,000 PPMV 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) • fl�4( % r'b •A)T4ki ( 1;� cv)\ / 0 - 6 L Geosyntec ° COIISUIUMIS SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1Q Project Name: _ Probe No.: —2- INN I ��❑ Sub -slab probe oil gas probe Date: _ _ _ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ -Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: _ _ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: _ MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: — Fild Personnel: _ Tracer Gas: El Helium ❑ Other e Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑Grass ❑Other 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping] Ili, H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv © Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ O5 Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 V o- ►rp k �4d4 `'C t �I-!.�[.�tr r Gras VOCS Pur in Purge Cumulative CH,, M CO2 N Sample 02 (ppmv- %) (%) ° b PID Y (ppmv) Date Start End Elapsed Bag Time Time Time Volume (L) Rate Volume (LPM) (L) Max (circle one) *f (min.) ov 112P '2 Z D•� 1 -3 1�.'F� u (91-lelium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in G Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmv t Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) in. FA ( 9 SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1) Project Name: VXkkt" Date: At N �V 2` Project Number: Sites I ncntinn- Weather: Field Personnel: Recorded By: Geosyntec Co[I' door's Probe No.: S— 146 vJ [_ k ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other O2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other 9 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) • In. H2O O • 03 ( Gnu") Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ OShut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds W Start of PneumaticTest: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 t'UTqirjq Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 MR CO2 02 M - -- - - Sample (ppm ' %) (circle one) VOCs by PID (ppmv) W I Max 4 1 �. 3 .1 l 5 •D D ov 21 0 p 8 MNS I r l Z L? oU Lk I'S '� 20 oaZev e.; b •�t i• 1 l• o QHeliurn concentrafion in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium=10,000ppm 12. Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec° >1«11i<<��,« 1� Project Name;"�►` _ Probe No.: Or ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Date: flv ZJ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.:, r?� C QS L Lamp: 1 `.5 / 11.7 eV Site Location: ,�R Y l!S �' ' Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: `��q 64 Weather. LA �bS MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium —1 Other Recorded By: PC "y) 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other 1 Casing Volume Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L Start of Pneumatic Test: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) Pump Well Head d • b ' O�j ` `� Elapsed Time (min.) Flow Rate Vacuum in. H2O ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping)in. H2Op[n . - w'lG (LPM) 0.1 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Purging Date Start Time End Elapsed Time Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) CH4 N CO2 M 02 M Gas SampleVOCs (ppmV%)by (circle one) PID m ) (pp V trace, x Py-LN Oo o U 5 2 t S. 2 5.1 0- 3 0 I�n�L( � OPl � 5 � • Z �- 0 • � 'R ''� O (kfhY2[ hol,71% I fqLq M 1 �• `l b•Cl ��•� ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium=10,000ppm t1 2 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Com Geosyntec" consuls„IS SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 1Q Project Name.Probe No-: - � ElSub-slabprobe Poil gas probe � Date: _ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: _ We[afhei. MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.; Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: El Helium El Other Recorded By: 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) - _ in, H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Date Start Time r y 3tz @Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds U) Start of Pneumatic Test: Pump Well Head Elapsed Time Flow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 End Time Elapsed Time Bag Volume Purge Cumulative Rate Volume CH4 (%) CO2 ('%) 02 N (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Se O-3 �c yl �. • 5 0.1551-10 1�• 6 Sample VOCS Shroud (%) by PID Wpm, %) (ppm") Max (circle one) is 93 Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: I%helium =10,000ppm 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) 1E SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec " ('011S«trdaRS 1Q Pro]ect N.�att:me`W Probe No.: "�� ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Date: lo Nw 0A Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: �� �.r Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Wearier:__ rrjj�► _ _. MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: . Wr�� Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other. Recorded By: 02 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt [] Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) in• H2O I O7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? []Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds LW Start of Pi imaiicTest: Elapsed Tirrr Pr, Valcuum l Head •low Rate (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 2 0.5 � Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative CH4 Volume (%) (L) CO2 (%) 02 (%) S T �Nb� 3 � 3�g 3 '1"i•1 13.1 �.� i,I I�AtIZ( I�Ik 1 �$ oZ• . � -1. "k l�.'1 �. � b 1nMW21 I3W 1%i11 lot" (7.5 0�.� is �'�• 3 3.7.. 0 Sample VOCs (ppm," %) Pp D) Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? El Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum I Final Vacuum Date I Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Ng) SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec �unsuhuu� T Project Name: Probe No.: ".�-� ❑ Sub -slab probe IJWSoil gas probe Date:,_1n i =r=ject Number: _ Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV _ Site Location sx ' _.. Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: _ Weather: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: _ _ Field Personnel:46" Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: ` 1 • �rl--to 4zy� C�OLft�ni- �y �plRA�ldp, Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Q 1 Casing Volume OShut in. test pr'ar to pneumatic test compl ed,in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown '12Start of Pneumat Test: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gL� (L) Pump Well Head 4 Initial Pressure riorto + u`In. H2 O 0 '� C4"l 1p pumping) in p gl�b._� Lprobe Elapsed Time (min.) Flow Rate (LPM) Vacuum in. H2O 0.1 Q7 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? [--]Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppmv 0, 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ Pur in Tracer Gas VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Time Time Time Volume Rate Cumulative CH4 CO2 02 Volume M I%) R Sample by PID (ppmv, %) (ppm ) (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) Max circle one) b�L 1.63 �z\ ltti 1'r9r �. J• 5 l• 5 g•o .fie o•\-11041 E41H _;� I _ I ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1% helium= 10,000ppmv 12 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg) Comments: Q ►E a SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Project Name: Date: N b ` Project Number: Site Location: Weather: Field Personnel: ' Recorded By: (25) Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other_ Geosyntec'' COINUIUrllLS Probe No.: _ M* 2 9 ❑ Sub -slab probe ! 11 gas probe Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.; Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other 1 Casing Volume 1 OShut in test poor to pneumatic test completed, in. H2O held for seconds. ❑ Sub -slab ' Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L @ Start of Pneumatic st: (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe �� (L) Pu . Well Head Elapsed Time FI Rate Vacuum ��.,,C ® Initial Pressure (prior to pumping) -W i . H?O D:00 ���"` (min.) (LPM) l in. H2O 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm,) completed? ❑Yes ivo P I D Reading ppm 0. 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ Noy Purging cer Gas ' Sample p VOCs Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time Bag Volume Purge Rate Cumulative Volume CH4 (%) CO2 (%) 02 (%I Frhroad-(96 (ppm,,, %) by PID (ppmv) XOP1 Max (min.) (L) (LPM) (L) (circle one) 1 z� 1� 3'1 l'� �1b "� o • 5 b. s V. a. PL I 0A 1 1 lb4 6.0 Ct ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg� SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec cunsulnuI 1Q Pro] ctiiName:__)FProbe No.: 92-BD ❑ Sub -slab probe moil gas probe Date:�1"� � _, r Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: damp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: ..�1- Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather: W �-ADS MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: . Field Personnel: Y Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: _CA Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other Q 1 Casing Volume OShut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,in. H2O held for seconds. 10 ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ unknown <0.1 L / Q Start of Pneumatic] : (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe L[ (L) pu p Well Head Elapsed Time Rate Vacuum ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) -002-5 in. H2O (min.) (iP in. H2O 0.1 07 Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes �FNo P I D Reading—ppmv 0.2 0.5 ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No Pur in Sample VOCs Date Start End Elapsed Bag Purge Rate C;umulative ume CHCO2 (%) Oo ( ) (ppm ' % by PID (ppm�lMax Time Time Time Volume (L) (LPM) ) (circle one)(min.) 5 VL b 1• g b ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppm i Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. Hg� E E Geosyntec SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS 10 Project Narlle Probe No.: ._ 31.. ❑ Sub -slab probe ❑ Soil gas probe Dote; Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: —I.amp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: _ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weathw: MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.:' Field Personnel: Tracer Gas: ElHelium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass Other @ 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface thickness _inches/centimeters Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe (L) ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping)Sj- I H2O .(� C-7V `� (2) Field tubing blank reading (ppm) comple d? ❑Yes 5ONo P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No O Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds. Start of Pneurn icTest: _ ,mp Well Head Elapsed Time ow Rate Vacuum (min.) (LPM) in. H2O 0.1 0.5 Date Start End Time Time ADA Elapsed Bag Time Volume (min.) (L) 3 Purge Rate (LPM) Cumulative Volume (L) 3 CH4 N �•3 0• 3 CO2 R 3.3 1. 5 02 (%) � • 3 1�• Z �� z �� Yz. l4 I� I�t10 I�OV21 0 Sample VOCS by PID (ppmv, %) (ppmv) Max (circle one) ®Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium =10,000ppmV 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) (in. ft SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec a cunsuttmil5 1Q Project Nome: - % Probe No.:. i� _ 3.2, ❑ Sub -slab probe oil gas probe Date: X1 t4 VY _Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: _ Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: —_n� Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Wealher:_.c lQ� t MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: Field Personnel: %—C, Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass ❑ Other Q 1 Casing Volume ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) Soil gas probe 4 ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping)-ig.—D 4 in. H2O b•o Z- �(a►rG� ) �7 Field tubing blank reading (ppmv) completed? ❑Yes ao P I D Reading_ppmv ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ N100 I QS Shut in test prior to pneumatic test completed,_in. H2O held for seconds. Start of Pneumaii est: ,np Well Head Elapsed Time Rate Vacuum (min.)J�A�Flow PM) in. H2O .l 0.2 0.5 Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Cumulative Rate Volume (LPM) (L) CH4 M CO2 M 02 R 8t la 0�[�1 �t o 1 I I'�•5 !n • `1 o YLi lA5 b l . 'S 1 J- a— oi. (e I D tJStY Z1 44M ► 3 b 2., `''c 2.15 • °I °I.-% , � 0 Sample VOCS b PID (ppmv, %) Y (ppmv) Max (circle one) (�)Fleiium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1%helium=10,000ppmv i Sample Collection Initial Flow Batch Cert ID TInitial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min (in. Hg) (in. Hg� ID SOIL GAS PROBE MEASUREMENTS Geosyntec'� t 0l'NUILUItS 1Q Project Name: .V_.OkW Probe No.: 3 - 33 ElSub-slabprobe ❑ Soil gas probe Daie: A� 1 _ Project Number: Mini Rae 2000 Serial No.: Lamp: 10.6 / 11.7 eV Site Location: u� i� 34 ` _ Landtech GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Meter Serial No. M: Weather:_Cktv- 0 5_ MDG 2002 Helium detector Serial No.: _ F' Id P 1 10Tracer Gas: ❑ Helium ❑ Other ie ersonne . _ Recorded By: Q2 Surface Type: ❑ Asphalt ❑ Concrete ❑ Grass�j Other5D1 I 1 Casing Volume T ❑ Sub -slab Surface Thickness inches/centimeters ❑ Unknown <0.1 L (i.e., asphalt or concrete) f� Soil gas probe 41 ® Initial Pressure (priorto pumping) Q _in. H2O v •�� ��'� Field tubing blank reading (ppm) completed? ❑Yes ❑ No P I D Reading ppm ® Shut in test prior to purging completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ L) @ Shut in teNxior to pneumatic test completed, —in. H2O held for seconds Start of Pneumatic Tes Pump Well Head Elapsed Time w to Vacuum (min.) in. H2O 0.1 0.2 0.5 Purginci Date Start Time End Time Elapsed Time (min.) Bag Volume (L) Purge Cumulative Rate Volume (LPM) (L) CH4 N CO2 R 02 l ) Tracer Gas r Sample ) (circle onn e) VOCs by PID (ppm ) Gk+r� Max bY2.l 'l i bD 3 , S ti.q .6 lB • 3 b &WV n lea L. L 60'l 6 1 a -- Helium concentration in field screened samples is less than 5% of minimum concentration in © Shut in test prior to sample collection completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ the shroud? ❑ Yes ❑ No Note: 1 % helium = 10,000 ppmv 1 Sample Collection Initial Flow Initial Vacuum Final Vacuum Date Start/End Time Sample ID Summa Canister ID Flow Controller # mL/min Batch Cert ID (in. Hg) 1 ().lot ATTACHMENT B Soil Gas Analytical Laboratory Report leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 November 05, 2021 Eric Howard Geosyntec Consultants 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 430 Raleigh, INC 27607 RE: Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Dear Eric Howard: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on October 20, 2021. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the applicable TNI/NELAC Standards and the laboratory's Quality Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. The test results provided in this final report were generated by each of the following laboratories within the Pace Network: • Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Ck,c. U Bonnie Vang bonnie.vang@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 29 lacieAnalyfica(' www,pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Pace Analytical Services, LLC - Minneapolis MN 1700 Elm Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 1800 Elm Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414--Satellite Air Lab A21-A Certification #: 2926.01 Alabama Certification #: 40770 Alaska Contaminated Sites Certification #: 17-009* Alaska DW Certification #: MN00064 Arizona Certification #: AZ0014* Arkansas DW Certification #: MN00064 Arkansas WW Certification #: 88-0680 California Certification #: 2929 Colorado Certification #: MN00064 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0256 EPA Region 8 Tribal Water Systems+Wyoming DW Certification #: via MN 027-053-137 Florida Certification #: E87605* Georgia Certification #: 959 Hawaii Certification #: MN00064 Idaho Certification #: MN00064 Illinois Certification #: 200011 Indiana Certification #: C-MN-01 Iowa Certification #: 368 Kansas Certification M E-10167 Kentucky DW Certification #: 90062 Kentucky WW Certification #: 90062 Louisiana DEQ Certification #: AI-03086* Louisiana DW Certification #: MN00064 Maine Certification #: MN00064* Maryland Certification #: 322 Michigan Certification #: 9909 Minnesota Certification #: 027-053-137* Minnesota Dept ofAg Approval: via MN 027-053-137 Minnesota Petrofund Registration #: 1240* Mississippi Certification #: MN00064 CERTIFICATIONS Missouri Certification #: 10100 Montana Certification #: CERT0092 Nebraska Certification #: NE-OS-18-06 Nevada Certification #: MN00064 New Hampshire Certification #: 2081* New Jersey Certification #: MN002 New York Certification #: 11647* North Carolina DW Certification #: 27700 North Carolina WW Certification #: 530 North Dakota Certification #: R-036 Ohio DW Certification #: 41244 Ohio VAP Certification (1700) #: CL101 Ohio VAP Certification (1800) #: CL110* Oklahoma Certification #: 9507* Oregon Primary Certification #: MN300001 Oregon Secondary Certification #: MN200001* Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00563* Puerto Rico Certification #: MN00064 South Carolina Certification #:74003001 Tennessee Certification #: TN02818 Texas Certification #: T104704192* Utah Certification #: MN00064* Vermont Certification #: VT-027053137 Virginia Certification #: 460163* Washington Certification #: C486* West Virginia DEP Certification #: 382 West Virginia DW Certification #: 9952 C Wisconsin Certification #: 999407970 Wyoming UST Certification #: via A21-A 2926.01 USDA Permit #: P330-19-00208 *Please Note: Applicable air certifications are denoted with an asterisk (*). REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92567959001 SGP-2B-20211015 Air 10/15/2116:05 10/20/21 11:00 92567959002 SGP-3B-20211015 Air 10/15/2117:28 10/20/21 11:00 92567959003 SGP-4B-20211015 Air 10/15/2115:35 10/20/21 11:00 92567959004 SGP-7B-20211015 Air 10/15/2111:13 10/20/21 11:00 92567959005 SGP-9-20211015 Air 10/15/2118:27 10/20/21 11:00 92567959006 SGP-10-20211015 Air 10/15/2117:09 10/20/21 11:00 92567959007 SGP-11-20211015 Air 10/15/2114:15 10/20/21 11:00 92567959008 SGP-DUP1-20211015 Air 10/15/2112:25 10/20/21 11:00 92567959009 Unused Can 1 Air 10/15/21 00:00 10/20/21 11:00 92567959010 Unused Can 2 Air 10/15/21 00:00 10/20/21 11:00 92567959011 Unused Can 3 Air 10/15/21 00:00 10/20/21 11:00 92567959012 Unused Can 4 Air 10/15/21 00:00 10/20/21 11:00 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Pace Project No.: Kettler GN7035 92567959 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92567959001 SGP-213-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959002 SGP-313-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959003 SGP-413-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959004 SGP-713-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959005 SGP-9-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959006 SGP-10-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959007 SGP-11-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M 92567959008 SGP-DUP1-20211015 Method 3C Gases GT 1 PASI-M TO-15 MA 61 PASI-M PASI-M = Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-213-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959001 Collected: 10/15/21 16:05 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2108:51 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone 10.5 ug/m3 8.1 2.4 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 67-64-1 Benzene 0.56 ug/m3 0.44 0.15 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 1.2 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.32 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 7.0 2.2 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.20 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.60 0.16 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) 3.3J ug/m3 4.0 0.62 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide 0.26J ug/m3 0.85 0.17 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.7 0.38 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 1.3 0.21 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.30 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.66 0.25 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.11 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 74-87-3 Cyclohexane 1.5J ug/m3 2.3 0.30 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 2.3 0.69 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 1.0 0.40 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 4.1 0.54 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 4.1 0.68 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 4.1 1.2 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.2J ug/m3 1.4 0.25 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.22 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.26 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.1 0.18 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.1 0.26 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 1.3 0.36 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.34 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.73 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.9 0.27 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 76-14-2 Ethanol 154 ug/m3 2.6 0.79 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate 13.0 ug/m3 0.98 0.18 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene 1.1J ug/m3 1.2 0.41 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 3.4 0.63 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 622-96-8 n-Heptane 0.79J ug/m3 1.1 0.24 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 7.3 1.6 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 87-68-3 n-Hexane 1.5 ug/m3 0.96 0.26 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 5.6 0.59 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride 1.91 ug/m3 4.7 0.79 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 1.3J ug/m3 5.6 0.43 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 4.9 0.17 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-213-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959001 Collected: 10/15/21 16:05 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene 8.0 ug/m3 3.6 2.9 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 91-20-3 C8 2-Propanol 10.6 ug/m3 3.4 0.68 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 1.2 0.17 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 115-07-1 Styrene 0.98J ug/m3 1.2 0.52 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.9 0.50 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 0.92 0.39 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran 1.1 ug/m3 0.80 0.24 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 109-99-9 Toluene 7.7 ug/m3 1.0 0.33 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 10.1 6.5 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.5 0.25 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.74 0.26 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.73 0.26 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.591 ug/m3 1.5 0.31 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 2.1 0.39 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.70J ug/m3 1.3 0.47 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.47J ug/m3 1.3 0.39 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.96 0.28 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.35 0.12 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene 2.4 ug/m3 2.4 0.86 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 179601-23-1 o-Xylene 1.1.1 ug/m3 1.2 0.36 1.34 11/04/21 19:57 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-3B-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959002 Collected: 10/15/21 17:28 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane 46.7 % 4.0 0.38 1 11/01/2109:40 74-82-8 E T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone 86.3 ug/m3 8.8 2.6 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 67-64-1 Benzene 30.5 ug/m3 0.47 0.17 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 3.8 1.3 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 2.0 0.35 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 7.7 2.4 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 1.2 0.22 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.66 0.18 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) 18.3 ug/m3 4.4 0.68 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide 3.1 ug/m3 0.92 0.19 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.9 0.41 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene 0.71J ug/m3 1.4 0.23 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.78 0.33 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.72 0.27 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.61 0.12 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 74-87-3 Cyclohexane 261 ug/m3 25.6 3.2 14.6 11/05/2111:03 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 2.5 0.75 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 1.1 0.44 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 4.5 0.59 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 4.5 0.74 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1AJ ug/m3 4.5 1.3 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.5 0.27 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.2 0.24 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.2 0.28 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.2 0.20 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.2 0.28 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.2 0.25 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.39 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 3.4 0.37 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 3.4 0.79 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 2.1 0.29 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 76-14-2 Ethanol 9.1 ug/m3 2.8 0.86 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate 1.6 ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene 13.1 ug/m3 1.3 0.45 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene 3.OJ ug/m3 3.6 0.69 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 622-96-8 n-Heptane 92.0 ug/m3 1.2 0.26 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 7.9 1.8 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 87-68-3 n-Hexane 237 ug/m3 10.5 2.8 14.6 11/05/2111:03 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 6.1 0.65 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 5.2 0.87 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 4.2J ug/m3 6.1 0.47 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 5.3 0.18 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-313-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959002 Collected: 10/15/21 17:28 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene 20.9 ug/m3 3.9 3.2 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 91-20-3 2-Propanol 11.1 ug/m3 3.6 0.74 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 1.3 0.19 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 115-07-1 Styrene 0.75J ug/m3 1.3 0.56 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 2.0 0.54 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene 6.2 ug/m3 1.0 0.43 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.88 0.26 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 109-99-9 Toluene 15.4 ug/m3 1.1 0.36 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 11.0 7.1 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.27 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.81 0.29 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 79-00-5 Trichloroethene 1.4 ug/m3 0.80 0.29 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.34 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 2.3 0.42 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 12.7 ug/m3 1.5 0.52 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 8.6 ug/m3 1.5 0.42 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 1.0 0.30 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.38 0.13 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene 24.0 ug/m3 2.6 0.94 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 179601-23-1 o-Xylene 9.5 ug/m3 1.3 0.40 1.46 11/04/21 20:33 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-4B-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959003 Collected: 10/15/21 15:35 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2109:23 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/04/21 21:08 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/04/21 21:08 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/04/21 21:08 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/04/21 21:08 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/04/21 21:08 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/04/21 21:08 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/04/21 21:08 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/04/21 21:08 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:08 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/04/21 21:08 74-87-3 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/04/21 21:08 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/04/21 21:08 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/04/21 21:08 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/04/21 21:08 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/04/21 21:08 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/04/21 21:08 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:08 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:08 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/04/21 21:08 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/04/21 21:08 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/04/21 21:08 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/04/21 21:08 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:08 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/04/21 21:08 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:08 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/04/21 21:08 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/04/21 21:08 622-96-8 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:08 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/04/21 21:08 87-68-3 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:08 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/04/21 21:08 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/04/21 21:08 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:08 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-413-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959003 Collected: 10/15/21 15:35 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene 3.7 ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/04/21 21:08 91-20-3 C8 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/04/21 21:08 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:08 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/04/21 21:08 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/04/21 21:08 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 0.69 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:08 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:08 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/04/21 21:08 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/04/21 21:08 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:08 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:08 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:08 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:08 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/04/21 21:08 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:08 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/04/21 21:08 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/04/21 21:08 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/04/21 21:08 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/04/21 21:08 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-7B-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959004 Collected: 10/15/21 11:13 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2109:33 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/04/21 21:43 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/04/21 21:43 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/04/21 21:43 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/04/21 21:43 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/04/21 21:43 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/04/21 21:43 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/04/21 21:43 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/04/21 21:43 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:43 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/04/21 21:43 74-87-3 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/04/21 21:43 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/04/21 21:43 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/04/21 21:43 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/04/21 21:43 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/04/21 21:43 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/04/21 21:43 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:43 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:43 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/04/21 21:43 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/04/21 21:43 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/04/21 21:43 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/04/21 21:43 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:43 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/04/21 21:43 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:43 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/04/21 21:43 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/04/21 21:43 622-96-8 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:43 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/04/21 21:43 87-68-3 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:43 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/04/21 21:43 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/04/21 21:43 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:43 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-713-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959004 Collected: 10/15/21 11:13 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene 2.4.11 ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/04/21 21:43 91-20-3 C8 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/04/21 21:43 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/04/21 21:43 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/04/21 21:43 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/04/21 21:43 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 0.69 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:43 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/04/21 21:43 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/04/21 21:43 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/04/21 21:43 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/04/21 21:43 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:43 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/04/21 21:43 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:43 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/04/21 21:43 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/04/21 21:43 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/04/21 21:43 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/04/21 21:43 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/04/21 21:43 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/04/21 21:43 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-9-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959005 Collected: 10/15/21 18:27 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2109:43 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/04/21 22:19 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/04/21 22:19 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/04/21 22:19 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/04/21 22:19 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/04/21 22:19 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/04/21 22:19 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/04/21 22:19 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/04/21 22:19 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/04/21 22:19 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/04/21 22:19 74-87-3 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/04/21 22:19 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/04/21 22:19 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/04/21 22:19 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/04/21 22:19 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/04/21 22:19 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/04/21 22:19 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/04/21 22:19 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/04/21 22:19 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/04/21 22:19 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/04/21 22:19 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/04/21 22:19 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/04/21 22:19 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/04/21 22:19 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/04/21 22:19 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/04/21 22:19 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/04/21 22:19 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/04/21 22:19 622-96-8 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/04/21 22:19 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/04/21 22:19 87-68-3 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/04/21 22:19 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/04/21 22:19 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/04/21 22:19 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/04/21 22:19 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-9-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959005 Collected: 10/15/21 18:27 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene ND ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/04/21 22:19 91-20-3 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/04/21 22:19 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/04/21 22:19 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/04/21 22:19 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/04/21 22:19 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 0.69 0.29 1 11/04/21 22:19 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/04/21 22:19 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/04/21 22:19 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/04/21 22:19 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/04/21 22:19 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/04/21 22:19 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/04/21 22:19 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/04/21 22:19 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/04/21 22:19 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/04/21 22:19 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/04/21 22:19 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/04/21 22:19 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/04/21 22:19 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/04/21 22:19 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 14 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-10-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959006 Collected: 10/15/21 17:09 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2109:55 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/04/21 23:24 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/04/21 23:24 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/04/21 23:24 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/04/21 23:24 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/04/21 23:24 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/04/21 23:24 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/04/21 23:24 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/04/21 23:24 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/04/21 23:24 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/04/21 23:24 74-87-3 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/04/21 23:24 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/04/21 23:24 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/04/21 23:24 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/04/21 23:24 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/04/21 23:24 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/04/21 23:24 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/04/21 23:24 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/04/21 23:24 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/04/21 23:24 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/04/21 23:24 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/04/21 23:24 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/04/21 23:24 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/04/21 23:24 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/04/21 23:24 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/04/21 23:24 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/04/21 23:24 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/04/21 23:24 622-96-8 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/04/21 23:24 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/04/21 23:24 87-68-3 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/04/21 23:24 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/04/21 23:24 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/04/21 23:24 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/04/21 23:24 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 15 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-10-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959006 Collected: 10/15/21 17:09 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene ND ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/04/21 23:24 91-20-3 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/04/21 23:24 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/04/21 23:24 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/04/21 23:24 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/04/21 23:24 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 1.4 0.29 1 11/04/21 23:24 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/04/21 23:24 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/04/21 23:24 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/04/21 23:24 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/04/21 23:24 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/04/21 23:24 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/04/21 23:24 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/04/21 23:24 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/04/21 23:24 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/04/21 23:24 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/04/21 23:24 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/04/21 23:24 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/04/21 23:24 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/04/21 23:24 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 16 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-11-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959007 Collected: 10/15/21 14:15 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2110:16 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/05/21 00:00 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/05/21 00:00 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/05/21 00:00 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/05/21 00:00 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/05/21 00:00 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/05/21 00:00 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/05/21 00:00 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/05/21 00:00 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:00 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/05/21 00:00 74-87-3 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/05/21 00:00 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/05/21 00:00 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/05/21 00:00 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/05/21 00:00 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/05/21 00:00 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/05/21 00:00 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:00 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:00 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/05/21 00:00 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/05/21 00:00 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/05/21 00:00 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/05/21 00:00 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:00 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/05/21 00:00 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:00 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/05/21 00:00 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/05/21 00:00 622-96-8 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:00 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/05/21 00:00 87-68-3 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:00 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/05/21 00:00 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/05/21 00:00 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:00 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 17 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-11-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959007 Collected: 10/15/21 14:15 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene ND ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/05/21 00:00 91-20-3 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/05/21 00:00 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:00 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/05/21 00:00 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/05/21 00:00 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 1.4 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:00 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:00 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/05/21 00:00 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/05/21 00:00 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:00 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:00 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:00 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:00 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/05/21 00:00 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:00 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/05/21 00:00 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/05/21 00:00 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/05/21 00:00 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/05/21 00:00 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 18 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-DUP1-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959008 Collected: 10/15/21 12:25 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Method 3C AIR - Fixed Gases Analytical Method: Method 3C Gases Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Methane ND % 4.0 0.38 1 10/26/2110:27 74-82-8 T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Acetone ND ug/m3 6.0 1.8 1 11/05/21 00:35 67-64-1 Benzene 0.29J ug/m3 0.32 0.11 1 11/05/21 00:35 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 2.6 0.89 1 11/05/21 00:35 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.24 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 5.2 1.6 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 0.79 0.15 1 11/05/21 00:35 74-83-9 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.45 0.12 1 11/05/21 00:35 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/m3 3.0 0.46 1 11/05/21 00:35 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 0.63 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.3 0.28 1 11/05/21 00:35 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 0.94 0.16 1 11/05/21 00:35 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.54 0.22 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.50 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:35 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/m3 0.42 0.085 1 11/05/21 00:35 74-87-3 Cyclohexane 0.46J ug/m3 1.8 0.22 1 11/05/21 00:35 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.52 1 11/05/21 00:35 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 0.78 0.30 1 11/05/21 00:35 106-93-4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.40 1 11/05/21 00:35 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.51 1 11/05/21 00:35 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 3.1 0.88 1 11/05/21 00:35 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.0 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.16 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.82 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:35 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.14 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:35 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.81 0.17 1 11/05/21 00:35 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 0.94 0.27 1 11/05/21 00:35 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.26 1 11/05/21 00:35 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 2.3 0.54 1 11/05/21 00:35 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:35 76-14-2 Ethanol ND ug/m3 1.9 0.59 1 11/05/21 00:35 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.73 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:35 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.31 1 11/05/21 00:35 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1 11/05/21 00:35 622-96-8 n-Heptane 0.20J ug/m3 0.83 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:35 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 5.4 1.2 1 11/05/21 00:35 87-68-3 n-Hexane 0.51J ug/m3 0.72 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:35 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 4.2 0.44 1 11/05/21 00:35 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 3.5 0.59 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/m3 4.2 0.32 1 11/05/21 00:35 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 3.7 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:35 1634-04-4 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 19 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Sample: SGP-DUP1-20211015 Lab ID: 92567959008 Collected: 10/15/21 12:25 Received: 10/20/21 11:00 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO-15 Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Naphthalene ND ug/m3 2.7 2.2 1 11/05/21 00:35 91-20-3 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 2.5 0.51 1 11/05/21 00:35 67-63-0 Propylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.13 1 11/05/21 00:35 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 0.87 0.38 1 11/05/21 00:35 100-42-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.4 0.37 1 11/05/21 00:35 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 1.4 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:35 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.60 0.18 1 11/05/21 00:35 109-99-9 Toluene ND ug/m3 0.77 0.24 1 11/05/21 00:35 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 7.5 4.9 1 11/05/21 00:35 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.19 1 11/05/21 00:35 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.56 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:35 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.55 0.20 1 11/05/21 00:35 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.23 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:35 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.35 1 11/05/21 00:35 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.0 0.29 1 11/05/21 00:35 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 0.72 0.21 1 11/05/21 00:35 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.26 0.087 1 11/05/21 00:35 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 1.8 0.64 1 11/05/21 00:35 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 0.88 0.27 1 11/05/21 00:35 95-47-6 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 20 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 QC Batch: 779263 Analysis Method: Method 3C Gases QC Batch Method: Method 3C Gases Analysis Description: METHOD 3C AIR - FIXED GASES Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Associated Lab Samples: 92567959001, 92567959003, 92567959004, 92567959005, 92567959006, 92567959007, 92567959008 METHOD BLANK: 4150584 Matrix: Air Associated Lab Samples: 92567959001, 92567959003, 92567959004, 92567959005, 92567959006, 92567959007, 92567959008 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Methane % ND 4.0 0.38 10/26/2108:40 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 4150585 4150586 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers Methane % 20 21.0 21.4 105 107 70-130 2 30 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4152203 92567959001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Methane % ND ND 30 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4152204 10584646001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Methane % ND ND 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 21 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 QC Batch: 780642 Analysis Method: Method 3C Gases QC Batch Method: Method 3C Gases Analysis Description: METHOD 3C AIR - FIXED GASES Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Associated Lab Samples: 92567959002 METHOD BLANK: 4157831 Associated Lab Samples: 92567959002 Parameter Units Methane % Matrix: Air Blank Reporting Result Limit ND 4.0 MDL Analyzed Qualifiers 0.38 11 /01 /21 09:25 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 4157832 4157833 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers Methane % 20 20.9 20.8 105 104 70-130 0 30 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4158434 92567959002 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Methane % 46.7 46.8 0 30 E Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 22 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 QC Batch: 781661 Analysis Method: TO-15 QC Batch Method: TO-15 Analysis Description: T015 MSV AIR Low Level Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Minneapolis Associated Lab Samples: 92567959001, 92567959002, 92567959003, 92567959004, 92567959005, 92567959006, 92567959007, 92567959008 METHOD BLANK: 4162418 Matrix: Air Associated Lab Samples: 92567959001, 92567959002, 92567959003, 92567959004, 92567959005, 92567959006, 92567959007, 92567959008 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/m3 ND 1.1 0.19 11/04/21 17:00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/m3 ND 1.4 0.37 11/04/21 17:00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/m3 ND 0.56 0.20 11/04/21 17:00 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ug/m3 ND 1.6 0.29 11/04/21 17:00 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/m3 ND 0.82 0.16 11/04/21 17:00 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.81 0.14 11/04/21 17:00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 7.5 4.9 11/04/21 17:00 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 ND 1.0 0.35 11/04/21 17:00 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/m3 ND 0.78 0.30 11/04/21 17:00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 3.1 0.40 11/04/21 17:00 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/m3 ND 0.82 0.19 11/04/21 17:00 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/m3 ND 0.94 0.27 11/04/21 17:00 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 ND 1.0 0.29 11/04/21 17:00 1,3-Butadiene ug/m3 ND 0.45 0.12 11/04/21 17:00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 3.1 0.51 11/04/21 17:00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 3.1 0.88 11/04/21 17:00 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/m3 ND 3.0 0.46 11/04/21 17:00 2-Hexanone ug/m3 ND 4.2 0.44 11/04/21 17:00 2-Propanol ug/m3 ND 2.5 0.51 11/04/21 17:00 4-Ethyltoluene ug/m3 ND 2.5 0.47 11/04/21 17:00 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/m3 ND 4.2 0.32 11/04/21 17:00 Acetone ug/m3 ND 6.0 1.8 11/04/21 17:00 Benzene ug/m3 ND 0.32 0.11 11/04/21 17:00 Benzyl chloride ug/m3 ND 2.6 0.89 11/04/21 17:00 Bromodichloromethane ug/m3 ND 1.4 0.24 11/04/21 17:00 Bromoform ug/m3 ND 5.2 1.6 11/04/21 17:00 Bromomethane ug/m3 ND 0.79 0.15 11/04/21 17:00 Carbon disulfide ug/m3 ND 0.63 0.13 11/04/21 17:00 Carbon tetrachloride ug/m3 ND 1.3 0.28 11/04/21 17:00 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 0.94 0.16 11/04/21 17:00 Chloroethane ug/m3 ND 0.54 0.22 11/04/21 17:00 Chloroform ug/m3 ND 0.50 0.18 11/04/21 17:00 Chloromethane ug/m3 ND 0.42 0.085 11/04/21 17:00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.81 0.20 11/04/21 17:00 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 ND 2.3 0.26 11/04/21 17:00 Cyclohexane ug/m3 ND 1.8 0.22 11/04/21 17:00 Dibromochloromethane ug/m3 ND 1.7 0.52 11/04/21 17:00 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 ND 1.0 0.19 11/04/21 17:00 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ug/m3 ND 1.4 0.20 11/04/21 17:00 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 23 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 METHOD BLANK: 4162418 Matrix: Air Associated Lab Samples: 92567959001, 92567959002, 92567959003, 92567959004, 92567959005, 92567959006, 92567959007, 92567959008 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Ethanol ug/m3 ND 1.9 0.59 11/04/21 17:00 Ethyl acetate ug/m3 ND 0.73 0.13 11/04/21 17:00 Ethylbenzene ug/m3 ND 0.88 0.31 11/04/21 17:00 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/m3 1.6J 5.4 1.2 11/04/21 17:00 m&p-Xylene ug/m3 ND 1.8 0.64 11/04/21 17:00 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/m3 ND 3.7 0.13 11/04/21 17:00 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 ND 3.5 0.59 11/04/21 17:00 n-Heptane ug/m3 ND 0.83 0.18 11/04/21 17:00 n-Hexane ug/m3 ND 0.72 0.19 11/04/21 17:00 Naphthalene ug/m3 ND 2.7 2.2 11/04/21 17:00 o-Xylene ug/m3 ND 0.88 0.27 11/04/21 17:00 Propylene ug/m3 ND 0.88 0.13 11/04/21 17:00 Styrene ug/m3 ND 0.87 0.38 11/04/21 17:00 Tetrachloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.69 0.29 11/04/21 17:00 Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 ND 0.60 0.18 11/04/21 17:00 Toluene ug/m3 ND 0.77 0.24 11/04/21 17:00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.81 0.17 11/04/21 17:00 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 ND 2.3 0.54 11/04/21 17:00 Trichloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.55 0.20 11/04/21 17:00 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 ND 1.1 0.23 11/04/21 17:00 Vinyl acetate ug/m3 ND 0.72 0.21 11/04/21 17:00 Vinyl chloride ug/m3 ND 0.26 0.087 11/04/21 17:00 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 4162419 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Qualifiers 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/m3 55.2 59.6 108 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/m3 72.5 81.4 112 70-132 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/m3 56.3 62.2 111 70-134 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ug/m3 77.9 79.0 101 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/m3 42.1 42.4 101 70-133 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/m3 41.5 41.7 100 70-130 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/m3 82 87.4 107 69-132 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 51.9 61.7 119 70-142 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/m3 80.4 91.0 113 70-138 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 66 60.0 91 70-146 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/m3 42.1 43.6 104 70-132 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/m3 47.1 51.8 110 70-134 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 51.4 58.6 114 70-143 1,3-Butadiene ug/m3 23 23.3 101 70-136 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 63 60.5 96 70-145 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 65.5 61.8 94 70-140 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/m3 32.4 33.7 104 50-139 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 24 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 4162419 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 2-Hexanone ug/m3 41.4 41.2 99 70-148 2-Propanol ug/m3 27.4 31.1 114 67-135 4-Ethyltoluene ug/m3 51.7 61.3 119 70-145 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/m3 42.4 50.5 119 70-139 Acetone ug/m3 24.6 25.9 105 64-130 Benzene ug/m3 32.9 35.2 107 70-131 Benzyl chloride ug/m3 57.3 49.3 86 70-130 Bromodichloromethane ug/m3 69.7 76.5 110 70-133 Bromoform ug/m3 110 101 92 70-137 Bromomethane ug/m3 39.9 37.6 94 64-134 Carbon disulfide ug/m3 33.4 34.7 104 70-131 Carbon tetrachloride ug/m3 65 72.9 112 70-131 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 48.3 51.6 107 70-130 Chloroethane ug/m3 26.9 28.2 105 69-141 Chloroform ug/m3 48.5 50.2 103 70-130 Chloromethane ug/m3 21.1 20.3 97 70-130 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 41 41.9 102 70-137 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 46.9 45.8 98 70-144 Cyclohexane ug/m3 35.2 36.3 103 70-137 Dibromochloromethane ug/m3 87.3 100 115 70-132 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 51.3 50.7 99 70-130 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ug/m3 65.1 68.1 104 70-130 Ethanol ug/m3 19.2 24.2 126 63-133 Ethyl acetate ug/m3 35.9 40.0 111 70-136 Ethylbenzene ug/m3 45.6 50.5 111 70-142 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/m3 117 112 96 70-135 m&p-Xylene ug/m3 45.9 51.1 111 70-141 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/m3 36.9 37.2 101 70-143 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 37.8 40.3 107 70-130 n-Heptane ug/m3 41.7 45.4 109 70-137 n-Hexane ug/m3 35.1 36.4 103 70-135 Naphthalene ug/m3 58.1 64.1 110 67-132 o-Xylene ug/m3 46 50.2 109 70-141 Propylene ug/m3 17.9 18.3 102 70-130 Styrene ug/m3 45.3 44.8 99 70-142 Tetrachloroethene ug/m3 69.9 72.9 104 70-130 Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 30.1 33.6 112 70-136 Toluene ug/m3 39.4 42.1 107 70-138 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 40.8 42.5 104 70-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 48.2 42.4 88 70-145 Trichloroethene ug/m3 55.7 58.3 105 70-130 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 56.5 59.0 104 69-135 Vinyl acetate ug/m3 38.1 47.5 125 70-146 Vinyl chloride ug/m3 26.6 26.3 99 70-137 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 25 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Reported results are not rounded until the final step prior to reporting. Therefore, calculated parameters that are typically reported as "Total" may vary slightly from the sum of the reported component parameters. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TN -The NELAC Institute. ANALYTE QUALIFIERS C8 Result may be biased high due to carryover from previously analyzed sample. E Analyte concentration exceeded the calibration range. The reported result is estimated. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 11 /05/2021 04:59 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 26 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Kettler GN7035 Pace Project No.: 92567959 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch 92567959001 SGP-2B-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959002 SGP-3B-20211015 Method 3C Gases 780642 92567959003 SGP-4B-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959004 SGP-7B-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959005 SGP-9-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959006 SGP-10-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959007 SGP-11-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959008 SGP-DUP1-20211015 Method 3C Gases 779263 92567959001 SGP-2B-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959002 SGP-3B-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959003 SGP-4B-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959004 SGP-7B-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959005 SGP-9-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959006 SGP-10-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959007 SGP-11-20211015 TO-15 781661 92567959008 SGP-DUP1-20211015 TO-15 781661 Date: 11/05/2021 04:59 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Analytical Method Analytical Batch Page 27 of 29 4- � ` y NIA N1A NIA loalul sofduaS ° - 4 M ` O WA JalaoO popag Apolaao --- NIA N! N1A N!A rI 4`f LE!j /�l�fySr, )day a y N!A Ua POA1809Z3 u dwo 0. I 1 1212 W G J 2 i Ja�)L Sg Jo',pi Dysr� _ 00 0. v Lcr) c _ feL6 I Oj (LS ;;4 V) L a m f Ja�g9f`o tl y L E a �� ` ky rr Lui 13 ` _ r I Q l9 i Epp yUz ❑ d � � h 99tf L:lQ d cn (5H ul • Pleld Mull) Wneeaudjalaluuo (6H ul • P1■li 1■llluO vin■ae.idjal■lu■3 — — �I SO 7�• SJj n y LU� k?1�1, TL aV-- ti Wlip) tuIpBall d!d Q(Alva S Lp Lc ir4 LO @ p L=Ll `+ UJ , + J L 71 PQ PC �1 w a ° 1 r4n ti ` l c I ° '- c I o Yl 9 y " 'r I I O I 3 =� E a CP tp c .L a Page 28 of 29 Document Name; Document Revised; 130ct2021 aceAllalytfcal • Sample Condition Upon Receipt (SCURI - Air Page.1 of 1 Document No.: ENV•FRM•MIN4-0113Rev.01 WO# ; 92567959 Air Sample Conditinn Client Name: !! Project tt: `VALL /vim i�~/ Upon ReceiptS vtt'e PM: BV Due Date: 10/27/21 Courier: WedEx ❑ UPS 0 USPS ❑ Client CLIENT: 92-G60Synte ❑ Pace ❑ SpeeDee ❑ Commercial Tracking Number: .53gy (0 4;La455-�, ��❑See Exception Custody Seal on Cooler/Box Present? ❑ Yes RNT Seals intact? ❑ Yes ❑ No Packing Material; ❑ Bubble Wrap ❑ Bubble Bags Moam Date & Initials of Person ❑ None ❑ Tin Can ❑ Other: Examining Contents: 0) Al Comments: Chain of Custody Present? Yes ❑ No 1. Chain of Custody Filled Out? es ❑ No 2. Chain of Custody Relinquished? es ❑ No 3. Sampler Name and/or Signature on COC? Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A 4, Samples Arrived within Hold Time? Yes ❑ No 5, Short Hold Time Analysis (02 hr)? ❑ Yes Wo 6, Rush Turn Around Tlme Requested? ❑ Yes WND 7. Sufficient Volume? Yes ❑ No 8. Correct Containers Used? (Tedlar bags not acceptable container for TO.15 or APH) -Pace Containers Used? Yes ]' le.Yes ❑ No ❑ No 9. Containers Intact? (visual ins no leaks when pressurized) Yes [] No 10 Medla: Air Can I Alrbag 11, Individually Certified Cans? Y I(N Ilist which samples) is sufflclent tlon available to reconclle samples to the COC7 Yes ❑ N0 12. V , Do cans need to be pressurized? (DO NOT PRES5URIZE 3Cor ASTM 1946111) El Yes to 13. Gauged: ❑ 10AIR26 ❑ 10AIR34 ❑ 10AIR35 ❑10AIR17 10AIR47 ❑10AIR48 Canisters Canisters Sample Number Can ID Flow Controller Initial Pressure Final Pressure Sample Number Can ID Flow Controller initial Pressure Final Pressure 0 6 RS 3os! �- a o - a '�3 6 2 9 j s k 3Go9 AT9 a S.5 - uP + .S 35"? qw9 CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Field Data Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Person Contacted: Date/Time: E Comments/Resolution: Project Manager Revlew: Date: Note: whenever there is o discrepancy affecting North Carolina Compliance samples, o copy of this form will be sent to the North Corollna DEHNR Cettificolion Office fl.e., out of hold, Incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect contalners). Page 29 of ATTACHMENT C Laboratory Case Narrative ace® ANALYTICAL SERVICES Narrative Summary Pace Charlotte Project # 92567959 Client project ID Kettler GN7035 Pace MN project #10584238 A data review was initiated by Pace Analytical Services Minneapolis air lab at client request due to anomalous results. The following narrative includes a summary of the steps Pace performs when receiving and handling air samples in Summa canisters, and a review of the analytical procedures performed for this SDG. Eight air samples in Summa canisters were received by Pace Analytical Services Minneapolis Air laboratory on October 20, 2021. Analysis requested was EPA TO15 and methane by 3C. At arrival, the canister vacuums were measured using a NIST certified meter. The vacuum was recorded as "initial pressure" on the Sample Condition Upon Receipt form. One canister for this project was measured at 0 PSIG, one at -2.5 PSIG and the remaining 6 canisters recorded positive pressures of +5 to +6.5 PSIG. It is unusual for canisters to show an initial pressure but depending on the type of sample and collection technique used, positive pressures have been noted in the past. In the sample receiving process, the initial pressure of the canisters are taken via NIST calibrated gauges and noted on the SCUR, followed by pressurization if necessary with nitrogen. For samples requiring analysis by Method 3C, the canister pressures are recorded, but they are not pressurized initially. Instead, they are pressurized by the primary analyst with Argon gas, so as not to interfere with the analysis of nitrogen. Samples 92567959001 and 92567959002 were received at vacuums of 0 and -2.5 PSIG. These samples were pressurized at analysis of Method 3C by the analyst. For samples 92567959003 - 008, the initial pressures indicated that they were already at positive pressure, so no additional pressurization steps were necessary. The first analysis performed on these samples was Method 3C. For the samples received at a positive pressure, the analyst made a note that the canisters were already under pressure when they arrived at the instrument from the receiving group, so no additional pressurization was necessary. Following the Method 3C analysis, the samples were analyzed by Method TO15. The logbooks notes from the analyst indicate the samples in question were at positive pressure, which results in a dilution factor of 1x. In normal collection scenarios, a client samples would expect to see a small dilution as a result of the additional gas (nitrogen or argon) added at the pressurization step. All the notes indicate that samples 92567959003 - 008 were received under pressure. Additionally, had the lab accidentally pressurized them, they would have all been pressurized to exact pressures, and these samples varied in their final pressure. In closing, all laboratory notes indicate that the sample flow and handling occurred without error and the notes by each technician and analyst appear to confirm the samples were indeed received under positive pressure. Prepared 12/22/2020 David Randall Laboratory Services Manager ATTACHMENT D Risk Calculator for Soil Gas Risk for Individual Pathways Version Date: June 2021 Basis: May 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: Almont Shipping II Exposure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Path�� ay Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non -Residential Worker Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway CarcinogenicRisk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air 2.3E-05 4.1E-01 NO Indoor Air 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Non -Residential Worker Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.7E-06 3.3E-02 NO Indoor Air 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Source Soil Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NM Surface Water Source Soil Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk -based closure. 3. NM = Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Jon Date: June 2021 s: May 2021 EPA RSL Table ID: Almont Shipping 11 Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. All cnnrentrati- are in no/m3 CAS # Chemical Name: Soil Gas Concentration s (ug/m) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1 E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non - Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 86.3 2.589 6.5E+03 8.0E-05 71-43-2 Benzene 30.5 0.915 3.6E-01 6.3E+00 2.5E-06 2.9E-02 100-44-7 Benzyl Chloride 3.8 0.114 5.7E-02 2.1E-01 2.0E-06 1.1E-01 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 3.1 0.093 1.5E+02 1.3E-04 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 0.71 0.0213 1.0E+01 4.1E-04 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 261 7.83 1.3E+03 1.3E-03 106-93-4 Dibromoethane, 1,2- 1.1 0.033 4.7E-03 1.9E+00 7.1E-06 3.5E-03 106-46-7 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- 1.4 0.042 2.6E-01 1.7E+02 1.6E-07 5.0E-05 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.2 0.036 2.1E+01 3.5E-04 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 13 0.39 1.5E+01 5.3E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 13.1 0.393 1.1E+00 2.1E+02 3.5E-07 3.8E-04 109-99-9 -Tetrahydrofuran 1.1 0.033 4.2E+02 1.6E-05 142-82-5 Heptane, N- 92 2.76 8.3E+01 6.6E-03 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 7.9 0.237 1.3E-01 1.9E-06 110-54-3 Hexane, N- 237 7.11 1.5E+02 9.7E-03 67-63-0 Isopropanol 11.1 0.333 4.2E+01 1.6E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 18.3 0.549 1.0E+03 1.1E-04 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone) 4.2 0.126 6.3E+02 4.0E-05 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 1.9 0.057 1.0E+02 1.3E+02 5.6E-10 9.1E-05 91-20-3 -Naphthalene 20.9 0.627 8.3E-02 6.3E-01 7.6E-06 2.0E-01 100-42-5 Styrene 0.98 0.0294 2.1E+02 2.8E-05 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- 2 0.06 4.8E-02 1.2E-06 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 6.2 0.186 1.1E+01 8.3E+00 1.7E-08 4.5E-03 108-88-3 Toluene 15.4 0.462 1.0E+03 8.9E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.4 0.042 4.8E-01 4.2E-01 8.8E-08 2.0E-02 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.7 0.051 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- 12.7 0.381 1.3E+01 6.1E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- 8.6 0.258 1.3E+O1 4.1E-03 108-38-3 Xylene, m- 24 0.72 2.1E+01 6.9E-03 95-47-6 Xylene, o- 9.5 0.285 2.1E+01 2.7E-03 Cumulative: I 2.3E-05 I 4.1E-Ol North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator