Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Lined MSWLF LCID YW X Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Scotland
Closed MSWLF X HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 8301-CDLF-1997 8301-MSWLF-1980
CDLF X Tire T&P / Collection X Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: August 9, 2022 Date of Last Inspection: April 25, 2022
FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Scotland County CDLF/Closed MSWLF 10701 Patterson Rd., Maxton, NC 28352 GPS COORDINATES: Lat: 34.72641° Long: 79.37884°
FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Bryant Higgins, SW Director 901-844-9206
bhiggins@scotlandcounty.org Bill Lash, Landfill Supervisor
910-352-3557 blash@scotlandcounty.org FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS:
Scotland County Annex, P.O. Box 489, Laurinburg, NC 28353
PARTICIPANTS: David Powell, NC DEQ – Solid Waste Section Bill Lash, Scotland County Landfill Supervisor
Deidra Burton, Scotland County Scale House Operator STATUS OF PERMIT:
8301-CDLF-1997 - Life of Site Permit to Operate Expires December 31, 2057 8301-MSWLF-1980 – Closed DS83-004 – NOT activated
PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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1. CDLF facility is currently operating in Phase IV (on top of closed unlined MSWLF – Phase II). Includes post-closure care requirements for the closed MSWLF Phase I, II, and III (under Phase IV CDLF) as well as,
concrete stockpile areas, mobile home deconstruction area and 2-acre yard waste storage and processing area. A temporary Disaster Debris Site (DS83-004) is also across the path from the yard waste area but is currently NOT activated and no waste inside of it.
2. Signage is still present, and site still secured by gate and fence.
3. RESOLVED - Permit Attachment 3, Part VII, (22) - The area that is encompassing approximately two (2) acres and located at the northwest end of the landfill facility is permitted to operate a treatment and processing facility as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(49).
Mr. Powell and Mr. Lash walked the YW area. Upon inspection, it was apparent that the older piles have been removed, along with the waste inside the buffers near the roadway, and along the NW side corner of the
property. The site has been marked with Edge of Waste (EOW) posts and they are also outside of the proper buffers, marking them as well. Good job. Additional markers will be added based on discussion with Mr. Bill Lash to ensure all activities occur inside the approved 2-acre area. The current waste onsite is windrowed according to permit and inside approved area. One pile is smoldering, from fire on 7/24/2022, and may need further separation from other piles so not to catch others afire if starts back up. The County has been able to utilize all the older Yard Waste (YW) through erosion control and bank stabilization across the
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
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Solid Waste Section
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mine, closed MSW and using as ADC 50/50 on CDLF working face. Be sure and follow through with ADC guidance by ensuring to cover once a week with soil in addition. Later review of cover logs shows Mr. Lash has covered in accordance, good job and please continue. Mr. Lash also indicated that the mulcher is due to come for processing onsite YW. Be sure and build windrows according to permit requirements with good separation for fire fighting and control.
Older waste along road removed, EOW marker in place.
NW side, EOW marker in place, older YW gone, and soil berm added.
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Solid Waste Section
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SE corner, EOW marker added, YW inside and space remaining.
4. CDLF working face was of adequate size and had soil staged nearby. A roll off container was onsite for unapproved waste and is removed daily from working face. Mr. Lash stated he has used a lot of 50/50 ADC mix to cover. Be sure and cover with soil at least weekly as well, refer to ADC Guidance Document, to meet conditions for using ADC. Indicate ADC and what type on cover logs as well.
Current working face with stage soil, also unapproved wastes (wooden pallets)
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Solid Waste Section
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SE slope of CDLF working face. Needs mowing
5. While onsite a truck brought solely clean wooden pallets to working face. Wooden pallets are banned from landfills, except as a part of demolition waste to a CDLF. These were not associated with or comingled in demolition waste. Therefore, they needed to be removed to the YW area and separated until enough were present to mulch and they can go to boiler for fuel. If Scotland County does not wish to take pallets into the YW treatment and processing area, that is their prerogative, but if they accept any then it should be taken to the YW Storage and Processing area only and kept separate from YW. Before leaving, Mr. Lash had then removed to YW area and Mr. Powell confirmed by visiting the working face agian.
2019 Permit Attachment 3, Part III - Wooden pallets as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(44a) are not approved for disposal except for those pallets generated in C&D activities and may be accepted and managed in the Yard Waste Storage and Processing Area according to the approved plan (FID 1321533) and the Permit Conditions in Part VII, Attachment 3 of this permit.
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Wooden pallets at working face.
Working face with all pallets removed.
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Solid Waste Section
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6. Some small shrubs/vegetation is starting to build up on slopes/ditches surrounding CDLF/Closed MSWLF along the west, north and south sides, and should be removed when conditions allow. More frequent mowing is needed as well. This will allow for staff to catch seeps before they discharge, monitor edge of waste for erosion and trees from growing along edge.
7. Previous working face was covered well and sloped properly. Be sure and establish good vegetative cover.
Previous working face
8. SWS staff reviewed records back to 3/2022; Random waste screening records, monthly waste volumes for all
types, scrap tire forms, transfer station wash down records, groundwater sampling report for 9/2021 but submitted 6/2022, methane sampling for 3/2022 and 6/2022, septic hauler of leachate records, yard waste tonnages, rainfall records, safety meeting records, TS assessment report and CDLF cover logs. Facility had newest copies of permits available onsite as well. Certified operators’ certifications were also available in office.
Facility staff that have completed operator training: Bryant Higgins MOLO exp. June 15, 2022; Willie Hunt
exp. November 16, 2022 TRAN and October 28, 2023; William Lash exp. June 13, 2022 MOLO. David Cooper exp. March 8, 2025 LAND and March 9, 2025 TRAN; Not all certificates were viewed during inspection.
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Solid Waste Section
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9. There were many landfills gas and water monitoring wells inspected surrounding the facilities at Scotland County site. GP6, LFG8, MW3, MW6, MW4, LFG5, and GP3 were visited. Names, with information plates and locks were visible on all except GP3. Mr. Lash took notes and will have someone address the name place/info that should be on the housing. Good job. Be sure to keep a check on this. Sometimes someone who does sampling forgets and leave it unlocked or a mower may hit and damage the construction.
10. Concrete storage area currently has more than approved dimensions, but probably not more than the volume indicated. However, Scotland has begun addressing concrete storage by sorting, storing and separating. Older material has been removed from rear along tree line and separated from soil and staged up front of cleared area and it is being compiled into a smaller footprint to align with permit conditions. “The permittee must maintain the stockpile of inert debris with the dimensions no more than 150 feet by 150 feet by 25 feet high, approximately 10,000 cubic yards at any time.” Also, it was discussed that Scotland should reconsider not stockpiling concrete at all unless the county could meet this rule and not take years to stockpile enough to crush. If the county chooses to accept concrete into this stockpile, then the area should be marked off and controlled better to ensure the waste is kept inside the approved dimensions and volumes approved in the permit. The concrete needs to all be crushed and the final product stored separate the concrete storage area. Once this area is clean and clear, mark it off with EOW markers to ensure the permit conditions are met.
Rule Reference: § 130A-309.05. Regulated wastes; certain exclusions. Basically says 75% of what concrete is taken must be utilized/crushed within a year.
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Older concrete removed
Concrete separated and staged upfront of cleared area.
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11. Mobile Home Deconstruction area has not had any MH’s to be deconstructed since last visit, according to landfill staff.
MH area clear.
12. Electronics waste handling area was not visited but is just a storage building near gated entrance to Scalehouse onsite. None outside in fenced area currently.
13. NE slope of CDLF has had shrubs removed as requested. Good job. Be sure and mow frequently enough to keep shrubs and trees from reestablishing. Mowing is essential to inspecting side slopes, cover, erosion and possible seeps.
NE slope
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. _________________________________________ Phone: 910-433-3350 _ David Powell
Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative
Sent on: 8/16/2022 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Drew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Ming Chao, Environmental Engineer – Solid Waste Section