HomeMy WebLinkAbout15020_ReVenture East_Stowe RWWRF_HDD EQ BASIN EMP_2022.07.13 Environmental Management Plan HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Charlotte Water Charlotte, North Carolina March 2022 1 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Table of Contents NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................... 2 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 4 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4 NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM ............................................................................... 5 REDEVELOPMENT PLANS ........................................................................................................................ 5 CONTAMINATED MEDIA ....................................................................................................................... 10 PART 1. Soil ....................................................................................................................................... 10 PART 2. GROUNDWATER .................................................................................................................. 23 PART 3. SURFACE WATER .................................................................................................................. 25 PART 4. SEDIMENT ............................................................................................................................ 26 PART 5. SOIL VAPOR ......................................................................................................................... 28 PART 6. SUB‐SLAB SOIL VAPOR ........................................................................................................ 28 PART 7. INDOOR AIR ......................................................................................................................... 29 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 29 CONTINGENCY PLAN – encountering unknown tanks, drums, or other waste materials ..................... 30 POST‐REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING ..................................................................................................... 33 APPROVAL SIGNATURES ....................................................................................................................... 34 2 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN This form is to be used to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for projects in the North Carolina Brownfields Program at the direction of a Brownfields project manager. The EMP is a typical requirement of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). Its purpose is to clarify actions to be taken during the demolition and construction at Brownfields properties in an effort to avoid delays in the event of the discovery of new contamination sources or other environmental conditions. The EMP provides a means to document redevelopment plans and environmental data for each applicable environmental medium to inform regulatory‐compliant decision‐making at the site. As much detail as possible should be included in the EMP, including contingency planning for unknowns. Consult your project manager if you have questions. Prospective Developers and/or their consultants must complete and submit this form and all pertinent attachments, see checklist below, to their Brownfields project manager prior to any earthmoving or other development‐related activities that have the potential to disturb soil at the Brownfields Property, including demolition. For the resultant EMP to be valid for use, it must be completed, reviewed by the program, signed by all parties working on the project, and approved by the Brownfields project manager. Failure to comply with the requirements of the EMP could jeopardize project eligibility, or in the event of a completed agreement, be cause for a reopener. The EMP is valid only for the scope of work described herein and must be updated to be applicable for new phases of redevelopment or after significant changes in applicable regulatory guidance. Voluntary Metrics Tab The NC Brownfields Program updates estimated capital investment (from the Brownfields Property Application) and estimated jobs created (from the Brownfields Agreement) whenever possible. As a voluntary measure, you may opt to complete the below information for capital investment and jobs created as estimated by your final redevelopment plans for the Brownfields Property: 1. Estimated capital investment in redevelopment project: 2. Estimated jobs created: a. Construction Jobs: b. Full Time Post-Redevelopment Jobs: Click or tap here to enter text. 3 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 So that the EMP provides value in protecting brownfields eligibility and public health, the preparer shall ensure that the following steps have been completed prior to submitting the EMP for review. Any EMP prepared without completing these steps is premature. ☒ Site sampling and assessment that meets Brownfields’ objectives is complete and has been reviewed and approved by the Brownfields Project Manager. ☒ Specific redevelopment plans, even if conceptual, have been developed for the project, submitted and reviewed by the Brownfields Project Manager. Please submit, along with the completed EMP form, the following attachments, as relevant and applicable to the proposed redevelopment: ☒ A set of redevelopment plans, including architectural/engineering plans, if available; if not conceptual plans may suffice if updated when detailed plans are drafted. ☒ A figure overlaying redevelopment plans on a map of the extent of contamination for each media. ☒ Site grading plans that include a cut and fill analysis. ☐ A figure showing the proposed location and depth of impacted soil that would remain on site after construction grading. ☒ Any necessary permits for redevelopment (i.e. demolition, etc.). ☒ A detailed construction schedule that includes timing and phases of construction. ☒ Tabulated data summaries for each impacted media (i.e. soil, groundwater, soil gas, etc.) applicable to the proposed redevelopment. (Provided under separate cover) ☒ Figures with the sampling locations and contamination extents for each impacted media applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ☐ A full final grade sampling and analysis plan, if the redevelopment plan is final. ☐ If known, information about each proposed potential borrow soil source, such as aerial photos, historic site maps, historic Sanborn maps, a site history, necessary for brownfields approval. ☐ Information and, analytical data if required, for quarries, or other borrow sources, detailing the type of material proposed for importation to the Brownfields Property. 4 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 ☐ A work plan for the sampling and analysis of soil to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Refer to Issue Resolution 15 in Brownfields Program Guidelines. ☐ A map of the Brownfields Property showing the location of soils proposed for export and sampling data from those areas. ☐ If a Vapor Mitigation System is required by the Brownfields Program, the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) plan will be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer. The VIMS Plan may also be submitted under separate cover. GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 2/10/2022 Revision Date (if applicable): 3/15/2022 Brownfields Assigned Project Name: ReVenture East Brownfields Project Number: 15020‐11‐060 Brownfields Property Address: Belmeade Drive, Charlotte, NC Brownfields Property Area (acres): 305 Is Brownfields Property Subject to RCRA Permit?.......................☐ Yes ☒ No If yes enter Permit No.: NA Is Brownfields Property Subject to a Solid Waste Permit….……..☐ Yes ☒ No If yes, enter Permit No.: NA COMMUNICATIONS A copy of this EMP shall be distributed to all the parties below as well as any contractors or site workers that may be exposed to site vapors, soil, groundwater, and/or surface water. Additionally, a copy of the EMP shall be maintained at the Brownfields Property during redevelopment activities. NOTE, THE EMP DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN. Prospective Developer (PD): Charlotte Water Contact Person: Nicole Bartlett Phone Numbers: Office: 704‐336‐1007 Mobile: 704‐497‐8801 Email: nbartlett@ci.charlotte.nc.us Contractor for PD: The Haskell Company Contact Person: Greg Fossett Phone Numbers: Office: 314‐315‐8507 Mobile: 704‐506‐5905 Email: Gregory.fossett@haskell.com 5 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Environmental Consultant: HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas Contact Person: Mark Filardi Phone Numbers: Office: 704‐338‐6787 Mobile: 980‐322‐8991 Email: mark.filardi@hdrinc.com Brownfields Program Project Manager: Sarah Hardison Young Phone Numbers: Office: 919‐707‐8382 Mobile: 919‐441‐7428 Email: Sarah.hardison@ncdenr.gov Other DEQ Program Contacts (if applicable, i.e., UST Section, Inactive Hazardous Site Branch, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste): NCDEQ DWM – Hazardous Waste Section: Michael Babuin; 919‐707‐8211; michael.babuin@ncdenr.gov NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM Written advance Notification Times to Brownfields Project Manager: Check each box to accept minimum advance notice periods (in calendar days) for each type of onsite task: On-site assessment or remedial activities:……………………………………….…… 10 days Prior ☒ Construction or grading start:……………………………………….………………………. 10 days Prior ☒ Discovery of stained soil, odors, USTs, buried drums or waste, landfill, or other signs of previously unknown contamination: ……………………………….……………………………………. Within 48 hours ☒ Implementation of emergency actions (e.g. dewatering, flood or soil erosion control measures in area of contamination, ventilation of work zones):…………….……….……… Within 48 hours ☒ Installation of mitigation systems:………………………….………………….……….. 10 days Prior ☒ Other notifications as required by local, state or federal agencies to implement redevelopment activities: (as applicable): ……………………….…………………………………………..… Within 30 days ☒ REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 1) Type of Redevelopment (check all that apply): ☐Residential ☐Recreational ☐Institutional ☐Commercial ☐Office ☐Retail ☐Industrial ☒Other specify: Charlotte Water intends to construct wastewater treatment and conveyance facilities on their property to support the growth and development of western Mecklenburg County and the cities 6 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 of Mount Holly and Belmont in eastern Gaston County. This infrastructure will ultimately support the Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility (SRWRRF), which was formerly known as the Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The scope of this EMP is a portion the overall scope to be constructed by the Haskell/Black & Veatch team which includes the following components: ‐ Horizontal Directional Drills (HDD) (4) ‐ Site prep work for the HDD’s ‐ Flow Equalization Basin 2 construction ‐ Development of an engineering excess soil spoil site ‐ Existing gravel road and misc utility relocations and installations ‐ Beneficial Reuse of Brownfield soil to Cell 4 (Bass Pond) – Approved Work and Assessment plan required prior to initiating this work. This EMP does not include the following components of the Haskell scope that will be submitted under a separate EMP: ‐ Headworks & Influent Pumping Station (HW&IPS) ‐ Associated Piping for HW&IPS ‐ Generator building The proposed scope and limits of disturbance (LOD) for this EMP phase are shown on Figure 3. The purpose of this EMP is to provide direction regarding known site conditions and potential waste management requirements, should contaminated soil be identified during construction. Separate EMPs will be submitted for the Wastewater Resource Recovery Project (Hazen/Crowder/Garney), the HW&IPS and Piping (Haskell/Black & Veatch) and the Northern Access Roads (HDR). The Southern Bridge EMP was approved on December 30, 2021. 2) Check the following activities that will be conducted prior to commencing earth-moving activities at the site: ☒ Review of historic maps (Sanborn Maps, facility maps) ☐ Conducting geophysical surveys to evaluate the location of suspect UST, fuel lines, utility lines, etc. ☒ Interviews with employees/former employees/facility managers/neighbors 3) Summary of Redevelopment Plans (MANDATORY: attach detailed plans or conceptual plans, if detailed plans are not available. EMP review without such information would be premature): Provide brief summary of redevelopment plans, including demolition, removal of building slabs/pavement, grading plans and planned construction of new structures: The scope of this project involves the following (all areas are within the Brownfield East boundary and no RCRA areas are included and all Limits of Disturbance for the EMP are shown on Figure 3): 7 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 • Horizontal Directional Drills (HDD) (4) – The construction sequence for the HDD’s will be to drive a casing pipe through the soil layer to the rock interface. Soil trapped in the casing pipe is then augered from the casing pipe for spoil. During the drilling process the spoils will be made up of a mixture of soil/rock/bentonite clay/water. A portion of the water will be provided via City water and some groundwater until the competent rock layer is reached. The different volumes of each type of spoil mixture for the forcemains is shown on the plan and profile sheets for the Mount Holly Forcemains and the Preliminary Treatment Effluent (PTE) Forcemains included in the Redevelopment Plans section of this EMP. These sheets also illustrate which portions of the HDD are inside or outside of the Brownfield boundary. For this project all of the HDD slurry will be dewatered onsite using a centrifuge and the dewatered spoils transported by dump truck from the Long Creek Pump Station site via Whitewater Center Parkway and Belmeade Drive to the Spoil Area site shown on Figure 3. The centrate water from the centrifuge operation will be disposed of in the Charlotte Water sanitary sewer under a temporary discharge permit issued by the Charlotte Water industrial pretreatment group. No water will be discharged to the ground or any waterways. The discharge permit will stipulate testing requirements and acceptable discharge rates. The Spoil Area site will be the final disposal location for the HDD spoils. • Site prep work for the HDD’s ‐ This work involves limited clearing and grading to create work pads for the drill rigs and associated equipment. The majority of the area has been previously cleared and graded in 2007 prior to the Brownfield designation. No cut depths are greater than 2 feet deep and simply to change the grade in the work zone. The grading plan is included in the Redevelopment plan and highlighted (Sheet C‐01‐ 102). • Flow Equalization Basin 2 (shown on Figure 3) construction – This basin will be used to store wastewater that comes to the influent pump station during peak rain events that is in excess of what can be pumped to the treatment plant. These basins are used at all Charlotte Water wastewater plants and typically store water for only a couple days several times per year depending on rainfall events that year. This facility has two other existing tanks that will be used before any flow is pumped to this EQ basin. Construction will involve the clearing and grubbing of a wooded area followed by a combination of excavation of the basin and filling of the basin walls. Soil excavated in the basin area will be reused for the basin wall construction and no soil is planned to leave the site. Based on geotechnical explorations completed to date and the elevation of the site no groundwater is anticipated to be encountered during the basin construction. The basin will be designed for no leakage with the layers being as follows starting at the bottom where the exposed soil will be after excavation: 1. Filter fabric laid on the exposed soil; 2. Stone fill with underdrain pipe back to the pump station for the floor and a drainage geocomposite layer on the slopes; 3. Filter fabric on top of stone drain layer to trap fine clays/silts; 3. Geomembrane for impervious barrier; 4. Filter fabric layer; and 5. Concrete slab on floor and concrete filled geocell on slopes. This layer detail is shown on plan 8 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 sheet M‐40‐301 and the underdrain system is shown on plan sheets C‐05‐101/102. • Spoil Area ‐ Construction of the Spoil Area (shown on Figure 3) within the Brownfield East boundary. The grading plan is included in the Redevelopment Plans section of the EMP and show the proposed grading contours and estimated volumes of fill to be imported to the site. Base and estimated final contours are shown as well as the cut/fill areas are color coded on Redevelopment Plan sheet 01C102. The estimated excavation volume on the spoil site for its development is 18,000 cyds from the identified borrow area (shows as white rectangle on plan) on the Spoil Area to construct the short section of Construction Access Road from the existing drive to the fill area. It will also include the Erosion Control BMP berms at the Spoil Area site (Sheet 01C102). The remainder of the site is a net fill from the soils imported from 1. the dewatered HDD slurry and 2. the non‐structural qualified soil from the area identified on Figure 3 as the Beneficial Reuse Borrow area (which is essentially the remainder of the project site). The HDD dewatered slurry material will be tested per Section 4 of this EMP. The remainder of the soil has been historically tested and will be further tested through the Beneficial Reuse workplan. However it is understood that soils going to the Spoil Area are not required to meet the same standards as soils going to the Bass Pond since the Spoil Area is also part of the same brownfield. Excavated soils from the HDD slurry dewatering and the Beneficial Reuse Area imported to this site after the site is constructed will be hauled via the Clariant Industrial site roads to Belmeade Drive then to the site initially. Once the Southern Bridge is completed (March 2023), the haul route will likely be via Whitewater Center Parkway to Belmeade Drive to the site. Figure 5 illustrates the intended haul routes. Once all project excess soil has been placed in the spoil area the area will be final graded and revegetated as this will be the final depository for that soil. • Existing gravel road and misc utility relocations and installations – A portion of the existing gravel access road to the Long Creek Pump Station and several utilities (water, sewer, power, communications, etc) need relocating as they are located in the current access road where Flow EQ Basin 2 is to be constructed. A new water line will also be constructed to the pump station site along the existing and relocated access road. No excess soil is expected to be generated. If stabilization stone is required for the relocated road or to bed the utilities it will be obtained from an approved quarry. The LOD of this work is shown on Figure 3 and the Flow EQ Basin 2 plan sheet in the redevelopment plans. • Beneficial Reuse of Brownfield soil to Cell 4 (Bass Pond) – Approved Work and Assessment plan required prior to initiating this work. ‐ A work and assessment plan will be developed to move soil from the Borrow areas shown on Figure 3 to the currently unused Cell 4 (Bass Pond) area as beneficial reuse. The soil will be tested in‐situ and assessment results approved by Brownfields prior to export to the Bass Pond such that it can be moved directly from the borrow area to the deposition location. The LOD for this EMP scope is shown on Figure 3. 9 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Site development plans included in this EMP show the conceptual and detailed design completed to date for this project, including grading and site plans and utilities to be installed. 4) Do plans include demolition of structure(s)?: ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown ☐ If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. If available, please provide a copy of your demolition permit. 5) Are sediment and erosion control measures required by federal, state, or local regulations? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements. If soil disturbance is necessary to install sediment and erosion control measures, they may not begin until this EMP is approved. 6) Which category of risk-based screening level is used or is anticipated to be specified in the Brownfields Agreement? Note: If children frequent the property, residential screening levels shall be cited in the Brownfields Agreement for comparison purposes. ☐ Residential ☒ Non-Residential or Industrial/Commercial 7) Schedule for Redevelopment (attach construction schedule): a) Construction start date: 2/15/2022 b) Anticipated duration (specify activities during each phase): Project duration is 1.5 years The anticipated time frames of the work components in this EMP are as follows: ‐ HDD’s are expected to take 12 months to complete and would begin in March of 2022 ‐ Flow EQ basin 2 construction is expected to begin in May of 2022 and last approximately 12 months ‐ The Spoil Site development is expected to begin in April 2022 and be ready for accepting soil in August of 2022. The site would remain in use until its closure at the end of the project in early 2026. c) Additional phases planned? ☒ Yes ☐ No If yes, specify the start date and/or activities if known: Start Date: 5/2/2022 Planned Activity: 10 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 The Southern Bridge and Access roads will be conducted under the HDR EMP dated December 2021 approved by DEQ Brownfields on December 30, 2021. All future Phases will be handled under a separate EMP approved by Brownfields prior to initiating the respective work. Phase 3 is continuation of Phase 2 (this EMP) that includes the excavation and construction of the HW&IPS structure and associated piping shown on Figure 3. Start Date: 5/2/2022 Planned Activity: Phase 4 will be the initiation of construction on the Stowe site west of Long Creek for the main treatment plant. This work is on ReVenture East Brownfield. Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: Click or tap here to enter text. d) Provide the planned date of occupancy for new buildings: 3/14/2025 CONTAMINATED MEDIA Please fill out the sections below, using detailed site plans, if available, or estimate using known areas of contaminated soil and a conceptual redevelopment plan. Provide a figure overlaying new construction onto figure showing contaminated soil and groundwater locations. 1) Contaminated Media on the Brownfields Property Part 1. Soil:……………………………………….……………. ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 2. Groundwater:.……………………….……..……. ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 3. Surface Water:.……………...……..…………… ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 4. Sediment:.……………...……..…………………… ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 5. Soil Vapor:…..…………...……..…………………. ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☒ Unknown Part 6. Sub-Slab Soil Vapor:……...……..…………….. ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☒ Unknown Part 7. Indoor Air:...……..…………………………………. ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☒ Unknown 2) For the Area of Proposed Redevelopment on the Brownfields Property, attach tabulated data summaries for each impacted media and figure(s) with sample locations. PART 1. SOIL 1) Known or suspected contaminants in soil (list general groups of contaminants): To date, multiple environmental and groundwater sampling events have been conducted within 11 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 and proximal to the limits of disturbance of the HDD, Flow EQ Basin 2, and Borrow areas of the project (see Figure 3). Based on data obtained during these investigations, there are no known or suspected contaminants in soil within the proposed area of disturbance covered under this EMP. Brief summaries of previous sampling events are provided below and summarized on Attachment B: • WPC (2008) o Six soil borings (BkGrnd1 through BkGrnd5 and EP 1) advanced four feet below ground surface (bgs) and 12 soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis of select inorganic constituents. o Cadmium and selenium were detected at concentrations that exceeded the Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs ‐ revised May 2019) in samples collected from the BkGrnd2, BkGrnd3, and BkGrnd 5 sample locations; however, the concentrations did not exceed the Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. • Terracon (2017) o Two soil borings (BG01 and BG‐02) were advanced east and south of the Plant to provide background soil quality data. o Samples were analyzed for the eight RCRA Metals and no target analytes exceeded the Industrial/Commercial or Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. • S&ME (2020) o Seven soil borings (B‐93, B‐96, B‐97, B‐98, B‐99, B‐101, and B‐102) completed in vicinity of the existing stormwater pond, at the HW&IPS site, and in the vicinity of the EQ Basin. o 21 soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs, SVOCs, and 8 RCRA metals. o Laboratory analytical results of the soil sample collected from B‐97 at a depth of 15‐17 ft bgs contained acetone, which is a common laboratory contaminant, at a concentration of 205 μg/L which exceeded the Protection of Groundwater PRSG. Seven metals were detected in the soil samples collected at various depths. The detected metals concentrations were above the laboratory method detection limits but below their respective Protection of Groundwater and Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. No other constituents were detected in the soil samples collected. • HDR (2021) o Advanced 7 soil borings (LD‐1, LD‐2, LD‐3, EQ‐1, EQ‐2, EQ‐4/6, and EQ‐5) in vicinity of the existing Long Creek WWTP and the planned Equalization Basin. o Chromium concentrations ranged from 9.3 mg/kg to 35.2 mg/kg and exceeded the Industrial/Commercial PSRG, but are consistent with naturally‐occurring concentrations. o Selenium was detected in samples from borings LD‐2 and EQ‐4/6 at concentrations of 2.3 mg/kg and 3.7 mg/kg, respectively, which exceeded the 12 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Protection of Groundwater PSRG. Locations of prior soil and groundwater assessment activities are shown on Figure 3. 2) Depth of known or suspected contaminants (feet): No known or suspected contaminants were encountered during assessment activities conducted between 2007 and 2020. Naturally‐occurring arsenic concentrations that exceeded the Industrial PSRGs were encountered between 4 and 6 feet below ground surface. 3) Area of soil disturbed by redevelopment (square feet): Approximately 1,306,800 sq ft (30 acres), based on 60‐90% design. The approximate breakdown of disturbed areas is as follows: ‐ HDD Site Preparation 2.5 acres ‐ Flow EQ Basin 2 15 acres ‐ Engineered Spoil Area 7.5 acres ‐ Beneficial Reuse Borrow Area 5 acres If significant modifications are made as design is carried forward, CLT Water will notify NCDEQ to evaluate the need for amending this EMP. The LOD for this EMP is shown in Figure 3. 4) Depths of soil to be excavated (feet): Storm Flow EQ Basin No. 2 is expected to be 15‐30 ft of cut in the middle of each cell and ranging from 15 ft of cut to 15 ft of fill around the perimeter berm. Cuts for ancillary development of utility trenching, roads, basin components and piping are anticipated to be less than 20 feet below existing grade. Based on groundwater well monitoring the groundwater level is expected to be more than 10 feet below the deepest cut of the EQ basin construction. The two HDD’s under the Catawba River will be approximately 70 feet below the riverbed. The majority of the drills will be in competent bedrock. The HDD under Long Creek will be approximately 70 feet below the creek bed with a significant portion it being in competent rock. Plan and profile plan sheets in the redevelopment plans show the HDD’s with the geotechnical information illustrated relative to soil/rock type and the areas in and out of the Brownfield boundary. The Beneficial Reuse borrow area is expected to have maximum excavations of 15 feet and would not be deep enough to encounter groundwater as the reuse of the soil will be for structure fill and lower moisture contents are critical. 5) Estimated volume of soil (cubic yards) to be excavated (attach grading plan): Based on calculations using the preliminary layout, it is estimated that approximately 155,000 cyds of soil will be excavated this EMP phase. 13 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 The HDD’s are expected to have the approximate breakdown of materials by zone: Brownfield Soil/Rock Zone: 1000 cyds of soil/rock fines/injected water and groundwater Non‐Brownfield Zone: 5000 cyds of rock fines/bentonite/injected water Competent Rock Zone: 4000 cyds of rock fines/bentonite/injected water The construction of the Flow EQ Basin 2 has an excavation quantity of approximately 95,000 cyds that will all be used for the basin wall construction and general fill at the site. Utility relocation work and construction of a new waterline has an estimated excavation of 1500 cyds with all excavated material intended to be used as trench backfill at the same location. As will be described in the Work and Site Assessment Plan the fill to used as beneficial reuse in the Cell 4 (Bass pond) is estimated at 90,000 cyds. Development of the Spoil Area is estimated to require an excavation of 18,000 cyds to construct the short driveway to the site and the berms for the erosion control measures. The redevelopment plans include grading plans for all of these areas. 6) Estimated volume of excavated soil (cubic yards) anticipated to be impacted by contaminants: Based on previous sampling, no contamination has been found in the work area of this phase of the project, therefore, we estimate 0 cubic yards of excavated soil to be contaminated. 7) Estimated volume of contaminated soil expected to be disposed of offsite, if applicable: Based on the wording of this question “Estimated volume of contaminated soil” we are estimating 0 cubic yards of soil will be excavated. Pending approval of the Site Assessment and Work Plan, there will be approximately 90,000 cyds of soil excavated from the site (Brownfield/ReVenture East) and deposited in the empty Cell 4 (Bass pond) which is a non‐Brownfield area as illustrated on Figure 3 labeled Beneficial Reuse Borrow Area and Cell 4 – Beneficial Reuse Fill Area. A Work and Site Assessment Plan will be developed and approved by NC Brownfields prior to starting any additional testing for the assessment. The result of the testing will be approved by NC Brownfields prior to any export of soil to the Bass Pond. Part 1.A. MANAGING ONSITE SOIL If soil is anticipated to be excavated from the Brownfield Property, relocated on the Brownfields Property, or otherwise disturbed during site grading or other redevelopment activities, please provide a grading plan that clearly illustrates areas of cut and fill (approximate areas & volumes are acceptable, if only preliminary data available). 14 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION: a) Does the soil contain a LISTED WASTE as defined in the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section under 40 CFR Part 261.31-261.35?....................................... ☐Yes ☒No ☐ If yes, explain why below, including the level of knowledge regarding processes generating the waste (include pertinent analytical results as needed). NA ☐ If yes, do the soils exceed the “Contained-Out” levels in Attachment 1 of the North Carolina Contained-In Policy?................................................. ☐ Yes ☐ No b) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EXCEEDS THE CONTAINED-OUT LEVELS IN ATTACHMENT 1 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINED-IN POLICY THE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE-USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. c) Does the soil contain a CHARACTERISTIC WASTE?.................................... ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ If yes, mark reason(s) why below (and include pertinent analytical results). ☐ Ignitability Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Corrosivity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Reactivity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Toxicity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ TCLP results Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Rule of 20 results (20 times total analytical results for an individual hazardous constituent on TCLP list cannot, by test method, exceed regulatory TCLP standard) During the 2020 assessment, total chromium was detected at concentrations that would have exceeded the Rule of 20. If the Rule of 20 is exceeded for a given constituent samples will be submitted for TCLP analyses. ☒ If no, explain rationale: Existing soils have not been analyzed via TCLP methods to evaluate toxicity as it applies to the definition of a characteristic hazardous waste; however, soil quality data collected in the vicinity of the proposed area of disturbance generally, does not indicate contamination above Industrial/Commercial Health‐Based PSRGs. Thus, probability that soil is identified as a characteristic hazardous waste after TCLP testing is low. If the Rule of 20 is exceeded, then a sample must be submitted for TCLP analysis. d) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE, THE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE-USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE 15 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2) Screening criteria by which soil disposition decisions will be made (e.g., left in place, capped in place with low permeability barrier, removed to onsite location and capped, removed offsite): ☐ Preliminary Health-Based Residential SRGs ☒ Preliminary Health-Based Industrial/Commercial SRGs ☒ Division of Waste Management Risk Calculator (For Brownfields Properties Only) ☐ Site-specific risk-based cleanup level. Please provide details of methods used for determination/explanation. NA Additional comments: Click or tap here to enter text. 3) If known impacted soil is proposed to be reused within the Brownfields Property Boundary, please check the measures that will be utilized to ensure safe placement and documentation of same. Please attach a proposed location diagram/site map. ☒ Provide documentation of analytical report(s) to Brownfields Project Manager ☒ Provide documentation of final location, thickness and depth of relocated soil on site map to Brownfields Project Manager once known ☒ Geotextile to mark depth of fill material. Provide description of material: Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Manage soil under impervious cap ☐ or clean fill ☒ ☒ Describe cap or fill: If contaminated soil is reused within the Brownfields Property Boundary, it will be managed using a geotextile demarcation layer and a minimum of 2 feet of clean fill material with prior DEQ Brownfields approval. ☒ Confer with NC BF Project Manager if Brownfield Plat must be revised (or re-recorded if actions are Post-Recordation). ☒ GPS the location and provide site map with final location. ☐ Other. Please provide a description of the measure: 4) Please describe the following action(s) to be taken during and following excavation and management of site soils: Management of fugitive dust from site ☒ Yes, describe the method will include: Click or tap here to enter text. 16 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 During excavation and management of soils, on‐site contractor will use water to suppress potential fugitive dust. ☐ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. Field Screening of site soil ☒ Yes, describe the field screening method, frequency of field screening, person conducting field screening: The HDR Resident Project Representative (RPR) and applicable construction contractor personnel shall daily observe excavated soils for visual and olfactory indications of contamination throughout construction. Per the NCDEQ’s Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) “Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup” (July 2021), any soil that exhibits evidence of a release should be field‐screened. The field screening will be performed by the RPR and during the twice weekly site visits by the environmental professional with a PID unit. If no visible evidence exists, field screening should be conducted at a rate of 4 screening locations per 62,500 square feet (250 ft. x 250 ft.) of disturbed area. Field screening locations should be recorded in the field via GPS coordinates and field screening results should be recorded in a field book. If evidence of contamination is identified by the field professional, either via visual/ olfactory observations or field‐screening above background, field personnel should refer to the Sample Collection section below. Background concentrations will be evaluated daily by recording a minimum of three ambient air measurements prior to the start of work and while all heavy equipment is off. An environmental professional (under the purview of a NC PE or PG) shall conduct twice‐ weekly field visits to review field‐screening logs prepared by the RPR, as it relates to potential for encountering contaminated areas. The environmental professional will also be conducting PID field screening and be available on an as‐needed basis, if contaminated material is identified by the RPR or Contractor. If contaminated material is encountered, sampling of the material will be conducted by the environmental professional, as described in the “Soil Sample Collection” section below. ☐ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. Soil Sample Collection ☒ Yes, describe the sampling method (e.g., in-situ grab, composite, stockpile, etc.): In lieu of specific NCDEQ guidance regarding determination of ambient air quality with a PID, soil screened with PID that exceeds background screening results by more than 20% will be stockpiled in accordance Figure 1 (NCBP Diagram of Temporary Containment) of the EMP and sampled in accordance with the IHSB “Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup” and sampled to evaluate re‐use versus disposal options. Background concentrations will be evaluated daily by recording a minimum of three ambient air measurements prior to the start of work and while all heavy equipment is off. 17 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Stockpile(s) will be managed via placement on plastic, covering with plastic sheeting, and surrounding stockpile with hay bales to prevent contact with storm water as shown in Figure 1 (NCP Diagram of Temporary Containment). Soil that does exhibit visual or olfactory signs of contamination will be stockpiled similarly. Soil stockpiles that have exceeded PID thresholds or that exhibit visual or olfactory signs of contamination will be divided into equal segments of approximately 100 cubic yards each. Three hand‐auger borings will be advanced within each segment at random locations or biased to areas of observed contamination. Soil samples will be collected from two depths within each boring (based on the highest PID readings), yielding a minimum of six samples per 100 cubic yard segment. Soil from the six samples will be composited to produce one composite sample for laboratory analyses. In addition, soil from two of the six sample locations will be retained as grab samples for VOC laboratory analysis. Note that grab samples for VOC analysis will be collected directly from the stockpile and not from the bag used for PID screening. HDD spoil soils will be tested at the beginning, middle, and end of the drilling in the soil layer. This does not include the competent rock zones. Samples will be collected and analyzed for VOC’s, SVOC’s, and RCRA metals and results provided to NC Brownfields within 48 hours of receipt from the lab. The assessment results for suspected impacted soils must be submitted to and approved by DEQ Brownfields prior to onsite re‐use. ☐ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. If soil samples are collected for analysis, please check the applicable chemical analytes: ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ☒ Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): For each 100 cubic yard soil stockpile segment: 18 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 • One composite sample will be collected and analyzed for SVOCs, RCRA Metals, and Hexavalent Chromium (via SW‐846 Method 7199) • Two grab samples will be collected and analyzed for VOCs ☒ Check to confirm that stockpiling of known or suspected impacted soils will be conducted in accordance with Figure 1 of this EMP. Stockpile methodology should provide erosion control, prohibiting contact between surface water/precipitation and contaminated soil, and preventing contaminated runoff. Explain any variances or provide additional details as needed: ☒ Final grade sampling of exposed native soil (i.e., soil that will not be under buildings or permanent hardscape). Select chemical analyses for final grade samples with check boxes below (Check all that apply): ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ☒ Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): 20% of the samples will be submitted for Hexavalent Chromium analysis with the samples with the highest total Chromium being selected. Please provide a scope of work for final grade sampling, including a diagram of soil sampling locations, number of samples to be collected, and brief sampling methodology. Samples should be collected from 0-2 ft below ground surface, with the exception of VOCs which should be taken from 1-2 ft below ground surface. Alternatively, indicate if a work plan for final grade sampling may be submitted under separate cover. Per NCDEQ request, final‐grade sampling will be performed at regular intervals at unfinished/uncapped areas in the vicinity of the HDD,Flow EQ Basin 2, Spoil Area, and within areas where excess soils have been staged within the Brownfield property. A workplan for final‐grade sampling will be provided under separate cover once excess soil quantities and locations are identified. ☐ If final grade sampling was NOT selected, please explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. No variances are expected 19 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Part 1.B. IMPORTED FILL SOIL NO SOIL MAY BE BROUGHT ONTO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. According to the Brownfields IR 15, “Documenting imported soil (by sampling, analysis, and reporting in accordance with review and written approval in advance by the Brownfields Program), will safeguard the liability protections provided by the brownfields agreement and is in the best interest of the prospective developer/property owner.” Requirements for importing fill: 1) Will fill soil be imported to the site?................................................ ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown 2) If yes, what is the estimated volume of fill soil to be imported? Click or tap here to enter text. 3) If yes, what is the anticipated depth that fill soil will be placed at the property? (If a range of depths, please list the range.) Click or tap here to enter text. 4) Provide the source of fill, including: location, site history, nearby environmental concerns, etc. Attach aerial photos, maps, historic Sanborn maps and a borrow source site history: If stabilization or erosion control stone is required, virgin material maybe be imported from the Brownfields Pre‐Approved DEMLR permitted quarries: Martin Marietta Quarry (located at Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte; Permit No. 60‐02) or Vulcan Quarry (located at 10526 Old Nations Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC). 5) PRIOR TO ITS PLACEMENT AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, provide a plan to analyze fill soil to demonstrate that it meets acceptable standards applicable to the site and can be approved for use at the Brownfields property. For imported fill from other DEMLR permitted quarries, one soil grab sample will be collected from the virgin material planned for import to the Brownfields Property. Metals and SVOCs will be composited with 6 aliquots. Analyses are specified below. Soil samples for VOCs will be field‐screened using a MiniRAE 3000 photoionization detector (or similar); samples collected for laboratory analysis will be biased the highest PID readings. Note that grab samples for VOC analysis will be collected directly from the stockpile and not from the bag used for PID screening 6) Please check the applicable chemical analytes for fill soil samples. (Check all that apply): ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ☒ Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, 20 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): For soil import samples: • One six‐part composite sample will be collected and analyzed for SVOCs, RCRA Metals, and Hexavalent Chromium (via SW‐846 Method 7199) • Two grab samples will be collected and analyzed for VOCs 7) The scope of work for import fill sampling may be provided below or in a Work Plan submitted separately for DEQ review and approval. Attach specific location maps for in-situ borrow sites. If using a quarry, provide information on the type of material to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Landscaping soil source: If needed, organic rich topsoil will be obtained from a commercial landscape material vendor for use in proposed landscaped areas. CLT Water does not plan to collect samples of landscaping materials prior to placement at the Site. NCDEQ Brownfields will be notified of the volume of landscaping material needed and the proposed source of the material prior to placement in proposed landscaping areas. Part 1.C. EXPORTED SOIL NO SOIL MAY LEAVE THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. FAILURE TO OBTAIN APPROVAL MAY VIOLATE A BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT CAUSING A REOPENER OR JEOPARDIZING ELIGIBILITY IN THE PROGRAM, ENDANGERING LIABILITY PROTECTIONS AND MAKING SAID ACTION POSSIBLY SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT. JUSTIFICATIONS PROVIDED BELOW MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROGRAM IN WRITING PRIOR TO COMPLETING TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES. Please refer to Brownfields IR 15 for additional details. 1) If export from a Brownfields Property is anticipated, please provide details regarding the proposed export actions. Volume of exported soil, depths, location from which soil will be excavated on site, related sampling results, etc. Provide a site map with locations of export and sampling results included. The only soil that is anticipated to be exported from this Brownfields property is soil that may be used to fill the existing unused landfill cell 4. This site is bounded by the Brownfield East and Brownfield West on all sides. For the project an estimated 90,000 cyds of soil from the Beneficial Reuse Borrow Area shown in Figure 3 would be placed and compacted into the non‐ Brownfield cell 4/Bass Pond after approval of the Site Assessment and Work Plan. 21 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Other soil generated during construction excavation that is not used in areas adjacent to where it was excavated will be moved to the Spoil Area within the same Brownfields East boundary as described earlier and shown on Figure 3. This would include the dewatered HDD spoil. 2) To what type of facility will the export Brownfields soil be sent? ☒ Subtitle D/Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (analytical program to be determined by landfill) ☒ Permitted but Unlined Landfill (i.e. LCID, C&D, etc.) Analytical program to be determined by the accepting Landfill; ☐ Landfarm or other treatment facility ☒ Use as fill at another suitable Brownfields Property – determination that a site is suitable will require, at a minimum, that similar concentrations of the same or similar contaminants already exist at both sites, use of impacted soil will not increase the potential for risk to human health and the environment at the receiving Brownfields property, and that a record of the acceptance of such soil from the property owner of the receiving site is provided to Brownfields. Please provide additional details below. ☐ Use as Beneficial Fill off-site at a non-Brownfields Property - Please provide documentation of approval from the property owner for receipt of fill material. This will also require approval by the DEQ Solid Waste Section. Additional information is provided in IR 15. Please provide additional details below. 3) Additional Details: (if transfer of soil to another property is requested above, please provide details related to the proposed plans). If CLT Water chooses to beneficially reuse soil from the proposed development excavations to fill the unused Landfill Cell 4, CLT Water will implement the following procedures. • Submit a workplan plan to assess the Brownfields soils proposed for export. The work plan shall be submitted to the Brownfields Program for review and approval prior to implementation and will be signed and sealed by a NC licensed P.G. or P.E. • Submit a report to the Brownfields Program summarizing implementation of the workplan and documenting historic assessment (if any) of the soils proposed for export. If the results indicate that concentrations exceed the POGs or PSRGs, CLT Water will discuss potential mitigation measures to allow for reuse in Landfill Cell 4 or seek alternate locations for reuse within the Brownfields property. CLT Water will obtain approval from the Brownfields Program prior to transporting soil off the Brownfields property, CLT Water has recently undertaken sampling of the soil in the proposed borrow area (BP‐3, BP‐ 9 & BP‐10 on Figure 3) and the Landfill Cell 4 (Pond‐2,4,5,6, & 8 on Figure 3) and those results have been submitted to the Brownfields Project Manager under separate cover. The results did not indicate evidence of any contamination in the area. If, during excavation within the borrow area, the RPR or Environmental Professional suspects contaminated soils are encountered, the Environmental Professional will implement sampling 22 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 procedures as described in Part 1.B.5) and 6) above. If sampling results indicate that concentrations exceed the POGs or PSRGs, CLT Water will discuss potential mitigation measures to allow for reuse within the ReVenture East brownfields property. Re‐use of impacted (contaminated) soil on the Brownfields Property would require prior Brownfields review of representative soil data and approval of the planned soil use/placement location. As required under NC Erosion Control rules measures such as surge stone pads will be evaluated and implemented to minimize soil deposition from the construction zone to any public roadways. Part 1.D. MANAGEMENT OF UTILITY TRENCHES ☒ Install liner between native impacted soils and base of utility trench before filling with clean fill (Preferred) ☒ Last out, first in principle for impacted soils (if soil can safely be reused onsite and is not a hazardous waste), i.e., impacted soils are placed back at approximately the depths they were removed from such that impacted soil is not placed at a greater depth than the original depth from which it was excavated. ☒ Evaluate whether necessary to install barriers in conduits to prevent soil vapor transport, and/or degradation of conduit materials due to direct impact with contaminants? ☒ If yes, provide specifications on barrier materials or provide the results of this evaluation in the Vapor Mitigation Plan. Note that if vapor mitigation is planned for site buildings, utility corridors will need to be evaluated as part of mitigation designs: Soil removed from utility conduits during construction will be field‐screened for VOCs using a PID to evaluate whether barriers should be considered. If applicable, the Contractor will comply with RCRA Land Use Restrictions (LURs) and Brownfield Program LURs. If impacts are discovered, then the Environmental Professional will contact the Brownfields Program to determine if additional VI assessment and/or mitigation is required. ☐ If no, include rationale here: Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Unknown, details to be provided in the Vapor Mitigation Plan for site buildings Other comments regarding managing impacted soil in utility trenches: The contractor and workers will observe soil for potential impacts during utility installation activities. Evidence of potential impacted soil includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or previously disposed materials of concerns (i.e., chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.). Should the above be noted during utility work, the contractor will contact the environmental professional to observe the suspect condition. If the environmental professional confirms that the material may be impacted, then the procedures outlined in Managing On‐Site Soil above will be implemented. In 23 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 addition, the environmental professional will contact the Brownfields Program within 48 business hours to advise of the condition. Should impacted soil be discovered during utility trenching activities, appropriate safety screening will be performed to protect workers during utility installation activities. Safety screening activities include monitoring the worker breathing zone with a calibrated PID or similar instrument when workers are in utility trenches. If safety screening results indicate further action is warranted, the work zone will be evacuated until appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) are implemented. The NCDEQ will be consulted to develop a plan to assess potential for soil gas in the utility trench to determine if it is/has the capacity to act as a potential preferential pathway for VI. Vapor intrusion mitigation of the utility trenches, if requested by the NCDEQ Brownfields, will be based on the screening and assessment. VI mitigation measures in utility trenches will be installed in accordance with a work plan approved by Brownfields prior to installation, if necessary. PART 2. GROUNDWATER 1) What is the depth to groundwater at the Brownfields Property? Based on investigations performed by S&ME, Inc. between April 2019 and January 2020, the depth to groundwater ranges from approximately 5 feet bgs under the existing HW&IPS location to greater than 30 feet under the proposed Storm Flow Equalization Basin No. 2. 2) Is groundwater known to be contaminated by ☐onsite ☒offsite ☐both or ☐unknown sources? Describe source(s): Terracon collected groundwater samples from three temporary monitoring wells (TW‐01, 02, 3) in the vicinity of the Stowe Regional WRRF in September 2017. Ten (10) polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were reported at estimated concentrations (J‐flag values) above the method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit. Of these, six of the estimated concentrations exceeded their respective 2L Standards. S&ME conducted limited monitoring well installation and sampling activities in January 2020 to provide groundwater quality data within proposed areas of disturbance. Barium was detected in the groundwater sample collected from well MW‐93, installed within the HW&IPS; however, the concentration did not exceed the 2L Standard. Barium, total chromium, and bis (2‐ Ethylhexyl) phthalate were detected in the groundwater sample obtained from well MW‐96, installed in the northwestern corner of the proposed Equalization Basin. The concertation of bis (2‐Ethylhexyl) phthalate (118 ug/L) exceeded the 2L Standard of 3 ug/L during the initial sampling event in January 2020; however, a confirmation groundwater sample was collected from well MW‐96 on March 27, 2020 and bis (2‐Ethylhexyl) phthalate was not detected above the laboratory reporting limit of 6.0 ug/L. Review of historic groundwater quality data available via the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management indicates that there is no known source of bis (2‐Ethylhexyl) phthalate on the Brownfields site. Bis (2‐Ethylhexyl) phthalate is a common plasticizer used in manufacturing of PVC, thus, the detection observed during the January sampling event may have been related to 24 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 the PVC well materials and not indicative of a release. Based on this information, the concentration reported during the January 2020 sampling event is considered to be erroneous. 3) What is the direction of groundwater flow at the Brownfields Property? Groundwater flow was not evaluated by CLT Water during the limited 2020 assessment work. Based on historic assessments conducted by others at the Clariant site, the majority of groundwater that originates beneath the Clariant site is anticipated to flow west toward the Catawba River, which is away from the work in this EMP phase. There has been no evidence of any contamination from the Clariant site migrating in the direction of this site. 4) Will groundwater likely be encountered during planned redevelopment activities? ☐Yes ☒No If yes, describe these activities: Based on the current design for the facilities to be excavated in this EMP phase and the geotechnical evaluations at the site no groundwater is anticipated to be encountered with the surface excavations (Flow EQ Basin 2, Beneficial Reuse soil excavation, Spoil Area, or utility relocations). Those excavations in this phase are planned to be less than 15 feet in most cases. The exception is the potential for limited groundwater encounters in the HDD’s prior to entering the competent rock layer however the HDD contractor will be installing a steel sleeve in the entry hole down to the rock layer to seal it from the surrounding soil. No ground water pumping/dewatering activities are planned for this EMP phase. Regardless of the answer; in the event that contaminated groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities (even if no is checked above), list activities for contingent management of groundwater (e.g., dewatering of groundwater from excavations or foundations, containerizing, offsite disposal, discharge to sanitary sewer, NPDES permit, or sampling procedures). Open Excavations: If groundwater is encountered and conditions do not allow for evaporation or percolation, it will be pumped from the excavations and will be monitored daily for visual or olfactory signs of contamination and twice weekly sampling for lab analysis for VOC’s using EPA Method 8260. The lab analysis results for the first two sampling events will be requested from the lab and sent to NC Brownfields for review within 72 hours of sample collection. If contaminated groundwater is encountered, the Contractor will contact the Environmental Professional to advise on next steps and to monitor the containerizing of the groundwater pumped to the surface in bulk storage tanks, test the groundwater for constituents identified in Part 1.B above, and dispose of contaminated groundwater at an approved offsite facility. Horizontal Directional Drills: It is possible some groundwater will be encountered at levels just prior to reaching the competent rock layer however the contractor will be installed a steel sleeve at the drill initiation location to minimize entry into the drill hole during the work. The initial drilling and installation of the material in the sleeve may include soil that was in contact with groundwater but no groundwater pumping will be conducted. Water generated during the dewatering of the HDD slurry spoil will be discharged to the Charlotte Water sewer collection system under a temporary discharge permit issued by the Charlotte Water Industrial Pretreatment section. 25 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 5) Are monitoring wells currently present on the Brownfields Property?.................☒Yes ☐No If yes, are any monitoring wells routinely monitored through DEQ or other agencies?..................................................................................................................☐Yes ☒No 6) Please check methods to be utilized in the management of known and previously unidentified wells. ☐ Abandonment of site monitoring wells in accordance with all applicable regulations. It is the Brownfields Program’s intent to allow proper abandonment of well(s) as specified in the Brownfields Agreement, except if required for active monitoring through another section of DEQ or the EPA. ☒ Location of existing monitoring wells marked ☒ Existing monitoring wells protected from disturbance ☒ Newly identified monitoring wells will be marked and protected from further disturbance until notification to DEQ Brownfields can be made and approval for abandonment is given. 7) Please provide additional details as needed: Please note, disturbance of existing site monitoring wells without approval by DEQ is not permissible. If monitoring wells are damaged and/or destroyed, DEQ may require that the PD be responsible for replacement of the well. PART 3. SURFACE WATER 1) Is surface water present at the property? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the location of surface water at the Brownfields Property. 3) Is surface water at the property known to be contaminated? ☐ Yes ☒ No 4) Will workers or the public be in contact with surface water during planned redevelopment activities? ☒ Yes ☐ No 5) In the event that contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, or clean surface water enters open excavations, list activities for management of such events (e.g. flooding, contaminated surface water run-off, stormwater impacts): Surface water is not expected to be encountered within the proposed area of disturbance for the HDD/Flow EQ Basin 2/Spoils Area. Monitoring wells MW‐06 and TW‐03 are currently located in close proximity to portions of the planned HDD work area. These monitoring wells were installed during previous due diligence activities between 2008 and 2017. It is our understanding that these wells are not sampled regularly as part of a NCDEQ program. There is no plans to abandon these wells during this phase of the work and the wells will be protected from disturbance. Should Charlotte Water determine they need to abandon the wells then well abandonment records will be copied to the Brownfields Program, and included in the redevelopment summary report. None of these well are within any RCRA area and are not part of any required regulatory monitoring. 26 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Surface water was sampled by Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Stormwater Services in July 2016 prior to restoration activities within Long Creek, upstream of the North Bridge, which is significantly upstream of the HDD and Flow EQ Basin 2 work area. Nine constituents (2‐butanone, acetone, aluminum, chloroform, iron, lead, magnesium, and manganese) were identified above the detection limit. Each constituent was evaluated by Kimley‐Horn using the NCDEQ risk Calculator (September 2017 version). All concentrations were below levels of concern based on the analysis. These data were used in preparation of an EMP for the stream restoration project prepared by Kimley‐Horn in 2018 and subsequently approved by NCDEQ. The EMP obtained by CLT Water for review during preparation of this Access Roads EMP did not include sampling locations; CLT Water assumes that the surface water samples were collected upstream of the North Bridge since the restoration of Long Creek occurred where Long Creek crosses Belmeade Drive. If surface water run‐off gathers in an open excavation within an area determined to be contaminated during construction activities, appropriate worker safety measures will be undertaken. The accumulated water will be allowed to evaporate/ infiltrate to the extent that time for dissipation does not disrupt the construction schedule. Should the time needed for natural dissipation of accumulated water be deemed to potentially impact the construction schedule, the water will be tested and disposed off‐site (if impacted based on strong odor, unnatural color, sheen, etc.), or tested and discharged to the storm sewer (if not impacted above NCDEQ surface water standards) in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations. PART 4. SEDIMENT 1) Are sediment sources present on the property? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2) If yes, is sediment at the property known to be contaminated: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown 3) Will workers or the public be in contact with sediment during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☒ No 4) Attach a map showing location of known contaminated sediment at the property. 5) In the event that contaminated sediment is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such events (stream bed disturbance): Sediment is not expected to be encountered within the proposed area of disturbance for this project. The Long Creek stream bed and a buffer on each side up to elevation 569 is within the FERC boundary in the area of this project phase and therefore not within the Brownfield East boundary at the project site. For this phase of the project no work is proposed within the stream except for the HDD’s that will be 50+ feet under the streambed in competent rock. Sediment sampling was conducted by WPC in 2008 near the project site as a part of a Phase II ESA 27 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 completed by Black and Veatch as a part of the due diligence for Charlotte Water’s property acquisition process (Labeled as LC Sediment and US-Sediment 2 on Figure 3). The samples showed levels of Chromium (Total and not Hexavalent) and Mercury above NC Protection of Groundwater Soil Goals but below NC Soil Preliminary Remediation Goals and EPA Region IV Sediment Screening Levels. The report concluded that the levels were not of concern due to these levels compared to the standards above and background levels. See summary table in Figure 4. Sediment sampling was also conducted by CDM in 2002 in a reach of Long Creek located upstream of the North Bridge, which is significantly upstream of any proposed work in this EMP. Chromium, copper, lead, thallium, and zinc were detected above laboratory reporting limits, but several orders of magnitude below the maximum permissible concentrations, per Kimley Horn’s EMP for the Stream Restoration of Long Creek project (approved by NCDEQ on February 6, 2018). Sample locations were not readily available but are assumed to have been within the Stream Rehabilitation project limits, are significantly upstream of this EMP work zone. The contractor and workers will observe encountered sediment for potential impacts during excavation activities. Evidence of potential impacted sediment includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or previously disposed materials of concerns (i.e., chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.). Should the above be noted during work, the contractor will contact the environmental professional to observe the suspect condition. If the environmental professional confirms that the material may be impacted, then the procedures outlined in Managing On‐Site Soil above will be implemented ‐ this includes stockpiling and sampling. In addition, the environmental professional will contact the Brownfields Program within 48 business hours to advise of the condition. Should impacted sediment be discovered during work, appropriate safety screening will be performed to protect workers. Safety screening activities will be implemented. If safety screening results and or sampling results indicate further action is warranted, the work zone will be evacuated until appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) are implemented. Erosion control measures will be installed to prevent the migration of contaminated sediment in the form of contaminated runoff. Stockpiling of sediment will prohibit contact between contaminated sediment and surface water/precipitation and will be in accordance with the Soil Stockpile shown in Figure 1. 28 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 PART 5. SOIL VAPOR 1) Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the following vapor intrusion screening levels (current version) in the following media: IHSB Residential Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:………..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown Groundwater:.….☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown IHSB Industrial/Commercial Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:………..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown Groundwater:…..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the locations of soil vapor contaminants that exceed site screening levels. 3) If applicable, at what depth(s) is soil vapor known to be contaminated? 4) Will workers encounter contaminated soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities (trenches, manways, basements or other subsurface work,) list activities for management of such contact: Contaminated soil vapors are not expected to be encountered within the proposed area of disturbance for this project. If contaminated soil vapor is encountered or ventilation is warranted, work will temporarily be halted pending discussion with NCDEQ regarding additional assessment, reporting, and mitigation requirements. Note that a sub‐slab soil vapor assessment was conducted by Hart & Hickman in 2013, which resulted in a finding of no unacceptable risk associated with potential vapor intrusion in Building 21, located approximately 5,000 feet northwest of the HW&IPS and Generator building proposed in this project. Building 21 was reportedly cleared for occupancy by NCDEQ via email on September 25, 2013. PART 6. SUB-SLAB SOIL VAPOR 1) Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the following vapor intrusion screening levels (current version) in sub-slab soil vapor: IHSB Residential Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:………..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown Groundwater:.….☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown IHSB Industrial/Commercial Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:………..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown 2) Groundwater:…..☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown If data indicate that sub-slab soil vapor N/A 29 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 concentrations exceed screening levels, attach a map showing the location of these exceedances. 3) At what depth(s) is sub-slab soil vapor known to be contaminated? ☐0-6 inches ☐Other, please describe: N/A 4) Will workers encounter contaminated sub-slab soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown ☐ If no, include rationale here: Click or tap here to enter text. 5) In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact Sub‐slab soil vapors are not expected to be encountered within the proposed area of disturbance for this project. This phase of development does not include construction or demolition of building slabs; thus, sub‐slab vapors are not expected to be encountered within the proposed area of disturbance for this project. PART 7. INDOOR AIR 1) Are indoor air data available for the Brownfields Property? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the location(s) where indoor air contaminants exceed site screening levels. 3) If the structures where indoor air has been documented to exceed risk-based screening levels will not be demolished as part of redevelopment activities, will workers encounter contaminated indoor air during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown ☐ If no, include rationale here: Click or tap here to enter text. 4) In the event that contaminated indoor air is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact: VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM Is a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) proposed for this Brownfields Property? Indoor air is not expected to be encountered within the proposed limits of disturbance for this project. Indoor air is not expected to be encountered within the proposed limits of disturbance because there will be no buildings or enclosed structures encountered, demolished, or constructed for this phase of development. 30 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown ☒ If no or unknown, include rationale here as well as plans for pre‐occupancy sampling, as necessary: A VIMS is not necessary for this phase of development. The phase of development addressed in this EMP does not include construction of buildings or other enclosed spaces. Indoor air is not expected to be encountered within the proposed limits of disturbance because there will be no buildings or enclosed structures encountered, demolished, or constructed for this phase of development. If yes, ☐ VIMS Plan Attached or ☐ VIMS Plan to be submitted separately If submitted separately provide date: Click or tap here to enter text. VIMS Plan shall be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer If no, please provide a brief rationale as to why no vapor mitigation plan is warranted: Note that approval of this EMP does not imply approval with any vapor intrusion mitigation land use restrictions or requirements of the recorded or draft Brownfields Agreement and that separate approval of mitigation measures will be required. CONTINGENCY PLAN – encountering unknown tanks, drums, or other waste materials In this section please provide actions that will be taken to identify or manage unknown potential new sources of contamination. During redevelopment activities, it is not uncommon that unknown tanks, drums, fuel lines, landfills, or other waste materials are encountered. Notification to DEQ Brownfields Project Manager, UST Section, Fire Department, and/or other officials, as necessary and appropriate, is required when new potential source(s) of contamination are discovered. These Notification Requirements were outlined on Page 1 of this EMP. Should potentially impacted materials be identified that are inconsistent with known site impacts, the DEQ Brownfields Project Manager will be notified and a sampling plan will be prepared based on the EMP requirements and site-specific factors. Samples will generally be collected to document the location of the potential impacts. Check the following chemical analysis that are to be conducted on newly identified releases: ☒ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ☒ Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ☒ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver) 31 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Other Constituents & Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.) Please note, if field observations indicate the need for additional analyses, they should be conducted, even if not listed here. Hexavalent chromium via SW‐846 Method 7199 Please provide details on the proposed methods of managing the following commonly encountered issues during redevelopment of Brownfields Properties. During construction, contractors may encounter previously unknown subsurface conditions (e.g., USTs, pits, buried waste materials, drums, or other subgrade features) that will require proper management. Prior to beginning site work, the environmental professional will attend a pre‐ construction kick‐off meeting with the redevelopment contractors to discuss the NCDEQ‐approved EMP and various scenarios when it would be appropriate and necessary to notify the environmental professional of the discovery of unknown subsurface features or potentially impacted media at the site. In the event of the discovery of unknown subsurface features or impacted media during redevelopment activities, the actions listed below will be used to assist in appropriate management of the subsurface condition. Brownfields may elect to request vapor intrusion sampling or mitigation based on impacts discovered and the sample analysis suite may be modified based on waste characterization. Underground Storage Tanks: Should a previously unreported underground storage tank (UST) be identified during site development activities, excavation activities in the vicinity of the UST will be put on hold and the discovery will be reported to the environmental consultant, who will assess the situation and report to the NCDEQ within 48 hours of discovery. The tank and UST components will be inspected to evaluate if product remains in the tank. The contents of the tank will be evaluated, analyzed, and disposed of at a licensed offsite facility in accordance with regulatory requirements and NCDEQ approval. Unless an alternative approach is approved by NCDEQ, the tank and associated contaminated soil will be removed in accordance with applicable UST regulations; surrounding soil and soil at the base of the tank will be screened with a PID and flame ionization detector (FID); the breathing zone will be monitored using a PID/FID; and confirmatory sampling and/or remedial activities will be conducted in accordance with NCDEQ Brownfields Program regulatory requirements. UST closure/ confirmation soil sampling locations will be selected as outlined in the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases (UST Section, NCDEQ Division of Waste Management, February 2019). Samples will be analyzed in accordance with the suite of analyses identified above. 32 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 A letter report will be prepared which documents the UST removal activities and the results obtained within 60 days of the UST removal activities. Photos of the UST components, excavation pits, and impacts will be included in the letter report. Sub-Grade Feature/Pit: If a subsurface feature, pit, or impoundment is discovered during site development, excavation and activities in the vicinity of the feature will be placed on hold and the discovery will be reported to the environmental professional. The environmental professional will assess the situation and report to the NCDEQ within 48 hours of discovery. Contents of the feature will be evaluated, analyzed, and disposed of at a licensed offsite facility in accordance with regulatory requirements and NCDEQ approval. The subsurface feature will be removed in accordance with applicable NCDEQ UST or IHSB regulations; surrounding soil and soil at the base of the feature will be screened with a PID and FID; the breathing zone will be monitored using a PID/FID; and confirmation sampling and/or remedial activities will be conducted in accordance with NCDEQ regulatory requirements. Impacted soil will be managed as summarized in Part 1.A and/or Part 1.C of this EMP. The number and location of confirmation soil samples and impacted soil samples will be approved by the Brownfields Program and the samples will be submitted for the analytical suite selected above. Buried Waste Material – Note that if buried waste, non-native fill, or any obviously filled materials is encountered, the DEQ Brownfields Program must be notified to determine if investigation of landfill gases is required: Should buried waste material be discovered during excavation activities, the contractor will immediately notify the environmental consultant. The consultant will assess the situation and report to the NCDEQ within 48 hours of discovery to determine if an NC Brownfields workplan for methane sampling is required (random pieces or concrete or steel would not be expected to generate a need for methane investigation). The waste material will be evaluated, analyzed (as appropriate), and disposed of at a licensed offsite facility in accordance with regulatory requirements and NCDEQ approval. The waste material will be removed in accordance with applicable NCDEQ Solid Waste or IHSB regulation, surrounding soil and soil underlying the waste material will be screened with a PID and FID; the breathing zone will be monitored using a PID/FID; and confirmation sampling and/or remedial activities will be conducted in accordance with NCDEQ regulatory requirements. Impacted soil will be managed as summarized in Part 1.A and/or Part 1.C of this EMP. The number and location of confirmation soil samples and impacted soil samples will be approved by the Brownfields Program and the samples will be submitted for the analytical suite selected above. Re-Use of Impacted Soils On-Site: Impacted soils are not expected to be encountered during work. If encountered, impacted soils will be temporarily staged onsite while awaiting results of characterization testing (in accordance with the “Managing Soils Onsite” section of this EMP) and transported to an offsite facility permitted to accept the soil, in accordance with the “Export Soil” section of this EMP. Brownfields approval must be obtained prior to soil re-use or soil export. If unknown, impacted soil is identified on-site, management on-site can be considered after the 33 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 project team provides the necessary information, outlined in Part 1.A. Item 11, for Brownfields Project Manager approval prior to final placement on-site. If other potential contingency plans are pertinent, please provide other details or scenarios as needed below: N/A POST-REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING ☒ Check this box to acknowledge that a Redevelopment Summary Report will be required for the project. If the project duration is longer than one year, an annual update is required and will be due by January 31 of each year, or 30 days after each one‐year anniversary of the effective date of this EMP (as agreed upon with the Project Manager). These reports will be required for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues, except that the final Redevelopment Summary Report will be submitted within 90 days after completion of redevelopment. Based on the estimated construction schedule, the first Redevelopment Summary Report is anticipated to be submitted on 1/20/2023 The Redevelopment Summary Report shall include environment‐related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: 1. actions taken on the Brownfields Property; 2. soil grading and cut and fill actions; 3. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; 4. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and 5. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). ☒ Check box to acknowledge consent to provide a NC licensed P.G. or P.E. sealed, Redevelopment Summary Report in compliance with the site’s Brownfields Agreement. 7/13/2022Joselyn Harriger for 35 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 2, March 2022 Charlotte Water – Stowe Regional WRRF | HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Environmental Management Plan Figures Figures Figure 1 – NCBP Diagram for Temporary Containment Figure 2 – Not Used Figure 3 – Site Map: Existing Sample Locations & Areas of Disturbance Figure 4 – 2008 Phase II Sediment Table Figure 5 – Spoil Site Haul Route Map 34 HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 EMP Version 1, Febuary 2022 +U +U +U +U +U +U +U +U !C!A !C !C!C !A !C "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J "J !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &= &<&< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CERCLA AREA C CERCLA AREA A/B RCRA AREA REVENTURE WEST REVENTURE EAST CERCLA AREA D NORTH BRIDGE NORTH ACCESS ROAD LOD SOUTH BRIDGE SOUTH ACCESS ROAD FLOW EQUALIZATIONBASIN 2 LONG CREEK PS STOWE REGIONAL WRRF MOUNT HOLLYPUMP STATION POND-5 POND-4 POND-8POND-2 SB-03 SB-02 TW-03 TW-3 MW-06 LC-2 SB-10 SB-09 SB-01 STOWE HW&IPS EP-3 MW-8A TW-01 TW-02 BENEFICIAL REUSEBORROW AREA CELL 4 - BENEFICIALREUSE FILL AREA FLOW EQ BASIN 3(FUTURE) PT E F O R C E M AIN S H D D MT HOLLY FORCEMAINS HDD B-98 B-99 B-102 B-101 B-97 B-93 / MW-93 B-96 / MW-96 EP2 WP3 WP2 B-5 B-4 AEC2 B-7A B-7B B-7C EP-1 BG-1 BG-2 BKGRND1 BKGRND2 BKGRND3 BKGRND4 BKGRND5 DS-SEDIMENT SS WP1 B-3 B-2 B-1 AEC1 MW-6 MW-1 B-6A B-6B B-6C B-1A MS-WEST MS EAST LC SEDIMENT MS-SOUTH MS-NORTH ABB.EFF.CHAN US-SEDIMENT 2 RS-2 RS-1 BP-9 BP-7 BP-3 BP-1 EQ-5 EQ-2 EQ-1LD-4 LD-2 LD-1 BP-12BP-10 POND-6 EQ-4/6 BG-01 BG-02 SB-08 SB-07 SB-06 SB-05 SB-04 MW-7 WQ-8A WQ-18 5 43 8 6 2 97 1 67 20 69 52 12 25 16 47 10 57 50 21 23 2222 59 37 62 65 19 61 1413 11 10 58 26 64 15 46 36 38 39 42 39 56 27 5449 45 44 28 18 17 32 31 30 40 41 33 53 35 34 48 51 24 60 55 43 EP P-5 P-9 P-8 P-7 P-6 P-4 P-3 P-2 P-1 HF-10 HF-16.OE Belmeade DrWhitewater Center PyRunning Rapids RdOld Belmeade Dr PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3018_CHARLOTTEWATER\10207739_STOWE_RWRRF_ACCESSRD\7.2_WIP\MAP_DOCS\MXD\EMP\FIGURE3_20220105.MXD - USER: GMARCHICA - DATE: 3/11/2022 STOWE REGIONAL WRRF HDD FLOW EQ BASIN 2 PROJECT FIGURE 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 0 500Feet O LEGEND !Solid Waste Management Unit &<Soil boring Location (HDR 2020) &=Soil boring Location (Terracon !H Soil boring Location (WPC 2008) "J Soil boring Location (HDR 2021) !C Soil Boring Location (S&ME 2020) !A Soil and Groundwater Sample Location(S&ME 2020) +U Groundwater Monitoring Well Beneficial Reuse Borrow Area ReVenture East ReVenture West Project Boundary Haskell/B&V LOD Bass Pond fill area by both DB Stowe WRRF Landfill Compliance Boundary RCRA & CERCLA Proposed Transmission Proposed Transmission Existing Duke Transmission RCRA Post Closure Care FERC P-2232 Boundary 1. BORINGS B-1, B-1A, B-2, B-4, B-5, B-6A, B-6B, B-6C, B-7A, B-7B, B-7C WEREGEOTECHNICAL BORINGS ONLY; NO ANALYTICAL LAB DATA WERE COLLECTED.LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LO D LODLO D LODLODLODLODLODLOD24'24' CONSTRUC ACCESS RO 42 HD 115LF OF 18"HDPE CULVERT LOD615 620 625 625 630 630630630 630635635 Figure 4 Sample Location (Figure 3) Acetone ug/kg Arsenic mg/kg Barium mg/kg Cadmium mg/kg Total Chromium mg/kg Chromium (Hex) mg/kg Lead mg/kg Mercury mg/kg Selenium mg/kg Sept 2008 LC Sediment (0-2 feet ) 121 2.4 103 nd 30.3 x 13.4 0.05 1.9 Sept 2008 LC Sediment (2-4 feet ) 126 2.2 92.4 nd 29.3 x 8.2 0.052 3 Nov 2008 LC DWNSTREAM SEDIMENT* (0.5-2 feet) x 1.5 90.6 0.3 16.9 nd 6.8 0.025 1.5 Nov 2008 LC DWNSTREAM SEDIMENT* (2-4 feet) x 2.2 109 0.13 20.5 nd 8 0.031 1.9 Nov 2008 LC Sediment** (0.5-2 feet ) x x x x 26.2 nd x x x Nov 2008 LC Sediment** (2-4 feet ) x x x x 21.3 nd x x x N/A 7.24 N/A 1 52.3 30.2 0.13 N/A nd = non-detect x = not analyzed * - These 2 samples are labeled Upstream Sediment 2 on Figure 2 of the 2008 Phase II report but LC DWNSTREAM SEDIMENT in Table 2 of the report . ** - Labeled as Upstream Sediment on Figure 2 and LC (Orig Spot) SEDIMENT in Table 2 of the 2008 Phase II report. Using Sept 2008 sample label for consistency. EPA Region IV Sediment Screening Level Sediment Sample Results Compared to NC Preliminary Remediation Goals PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3018_CHARLOTTEWATER\10207739_STOWE_RWRRF_ACCESSRD\7.2_WIP\MAP_DOCS\MXD\EMP\FIGURE5_20220210.MXD - USER: GMARCHICA - DATE: 2/10/2022 STOWE REGIONAL WRRF HDD FLOW EQ BASIN 2 PROJECT FIGURE 5 HAUL ROUTE MAP Charlotte Water – Stowe Regional WRRF | HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Environmental Management Plan Attachment A – Construction Schedule A Attachment A – Construction Schedule Brownfield EMP Phase 2 Schedule Jan Mar May July Sept Nov Jan Mar May July Horizontal Directional Drill Flow EQ Basin 2 Spoil Site Development Beneficial Reuse Fill 2022 Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility HDD Flow EQ Basin 2 Spoil Site Development Schedule 2023 Construction Construction Construction Work Plan Dev & App Construction Charlotte Water – Stowe Regional WRRF | HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Environmental Management Plan Attachment B – Redevelopment Plans B Attachment B – Redevelopment Plans E/LE/LE/LE/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/LE/L630.6 629.7 617.5 620.5 610.2 611.3 612.6 613.2 612.2 608.5 634.8 633.4 630.1 630.4 622.6 619.5 619.8 606.3 610.3 606.6 606.3 606.3 609.2 609.6 609.4 607.3608.5 607.2 620.7 615.1 615.1 615.5 615.5 616.6 617.4 599.5 621.4 595.9 614.9 608.6606.7 616.6 615.2 594.6 LC-09 630.14APPROXAPPROXA P P R O X APPR O X APPRO XAPPROXAPPROXAPPROXAPPROXAPPROXAPPROX TRAILS OBSCURED TRAILS OBSCURED TRAILS OBSCUREDUNPAVEDUNPAVED U N P A V E D UNPAVEDUN P A V E D UNPAVEDE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LP/LP/L595600610585590595600605600605600 595595590605 615 645640635630625 620 615 615 6 1 0 6 1 5 620 625 6 3 0 660 655 650 645 640 635 630 620 625 620610 640620615 615 610 605 620610615620 625630 615610605600595600600605600 595585590 61 5 6 1 5 61 5 600601602603604604604603603602601600599596595610611609608607606605604603602 613 614 623 624 625626627614615616613594593592598597612612612610605 610620621 614613612610610619618617 616 615 618 610615612 611610609610 611612 6116056046036 1 2 6 1 1 610 610 611 609608607606 613613605610 601602603604606607608609 6 1 9 6 2 0 621 622 590595600605610590595 6 0 0 6 0 5 6 1 0 590595600605610610610 590590595 595 600 600 605605610 610 590595600605610590590 595595600 600 605 605610 610 590590595595600600605605BG-02B-76B-77B-78B-80B-97B-98B-99B-101DDS8DDS8XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X XXXDDS10DDS10DDS10DDS20 (NOTE 9)DDS21 (NOTE 9)DDS24D D S 2 4DDS25 DDS18 (NOTE 9)DDS18D D S 2 2DDS22 DDS22 (NOTE 9)DDS22DDS17 (NOTE 8)DDS17N 561792.45E 1402383.53PI CURVE 5N 562464.51E 1402766.50FENCE CORNERN 562279.67E 1402990.00FENCE CORNERN 562121.00E 1402924.87FENCE CORNERN 562031.78E 1402983.81FENCE CORNERN 561915.77E 1402984.40FENCE CORNERN 561644.00E 1402657.43FENCE CORNERN 561618.95E 1402626.02FENCE CORNERN 561505.25E 1402443.36FENCE CORNERN 562323.80E 1402412.50PLOTTED: 9/28/2021 11:49 AM FILE: C:\pw_working\bvw_americas\d1333509\C-04-000.dwgFD9000A PRELIMINARY-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCIVIL STOWE PARTIAL SITE PLAN SITE GRADING, STAKING & EROSION CONTROLC-04-103--401825JGC, RDAKTHSEPTEMBER 29, 20216/18/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 2 1 JGC ZLC RDA 9/29/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 3 2 JGC ZLCSENSITIVE PROJECT - DO NOT REPRODUCED401825-C1 PROJECT NO.SHEETOF011/2IF THIS BAR DOES NOTMEASURE 1" THEN DRAWINGIS NOT TO FULL SCALEDATE:DESIGNED:APPROVED:CHECKED:DETAILED:REVISIONS AND RECORD OF USE NO.BY CHK APPDATE CHARLOTTE WATER 401825Black & Veatch International Company Business License No. F-0794 10925 David Taylor Drive, Suite 280 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 MOUNT HOLLY PUMPING STATION AND STOWE HEADWORKS & INFLUENT PUMPING STATION80'40'20'040'SCALE 1"=40'N 562300N 562200N 562400 E 1402500E 1402600E 1402700E 1402800E 1402900E 1403000E 1402400E 1402300N 562000 N 561900 N 562100 N 561700 N 561600 N 561800 N 561500 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-04-102 FOR CONTINUATION MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-04-105 FOR CONTINUATION25 0 ' P E R M A N E N T T R A N S M I S S I O N L I N E E A S E M E N TCONTRACTOR TRAILER,PARKING, AND STAGINGAREA (SEE NOTES 2 & 4)DIVERSION DITCH(TYP)DDC-14-503SEDIMENT TRAP(TYP)STC-14-503ST-9003SILT FENCE(TYP)STC-14-503MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-04-104 FOR CONTINUATION MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-04-106FOR CONTINUATION NOTES:1.SEE GENERAL NOTES ON C-00-001. SEE C-13-601 FOR STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE AND PLANT DRIVE SCHEDULES.2.APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION STAGING/PARKING AREA. ANY NECESSARY GRADING IS TO BE PERFORMED AT THEDISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST LIMITS AND ASSOCIATED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN FIELD AS NECESSARYTHROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS SPECIFICATION FOR GRAVEL PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS.FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, STAGING/PARKING AREA SHALL BE RESTORED TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS.3.ALL TREES, STUMPS AND BRUSH SHALL BE REMOVED TO EXTENTS SHOWN OR AS REQUIRED AND AREA SHALL BE SEEDED.4.CONTRACTOR TRAILER, PARKING, AND STAGING AREA LIMITS SHALL BE ADJUSTED THROUGH OUT CONSTRUCTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEWACCESS DRIVE.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ALONG ACCESS DRIVE AS NEEDED. PROVISIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED BYCONTRACTOR TO FACILITATE STORM WATER FLOW IN EXISTING DRAINAGE SWALE UNDER CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.6.RIP-RAP OR EXCAVATED ROCK SLOPE STABILIZATION SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND HEADWALL TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN3:1. SEE DETAIL SS ON C-14-501.7.CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT PIT 6' LONG X 4' WIDE X 2' DEEP AND SLOPE SURROUNDING GRADE TO PIT TO THE EXTEND POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION.LINE PIT WITH MINIMUM 6" LAYER OF NCDOT CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE.8.SHIFT LOCATION OF SEDIMENT BASINS, SEDIMENT TRAPS, DIVERSION DITCHES, AND SILT FENCE AS NEEDED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OFCONSTRUCTION TO CONTROL SITE RUNOFF AND ALLOW FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK. PROVIDE POSITIVE SLOPE TO ALL DIVERSION DITCHES.9.DIVERSION DITCH DDS22 SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF STOWE EQ BASIN NO. 2. FOLLOWINGCOMPLETION OF GRADING, DIVERSION DITCHES DDS18, DDS20, AND DDS21 SHALL BE INSTALLED AND DIVERSION DITCH DDS22 SHALL BE RELOCATED TODDS17 , DDS19 , DDS23, AND DDS26.EC-13-505HEADWALL(NOTE 6)24" SDSTOWE STORM FLOWEQUALIZATION BASIN NO.2(SEE M-40-101)ASPHALT PAVEMENT(TYP)HC-13-50312'(TYP)12'(TYP)12'(TYP)12'(TYP)R 4 0 'POTENTIAL FUTURESTOWE STORM FLOWEQUALIZATION BASIN NO.3611.5019'611.50LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE(TYP)N 561400STOWE RWRRFSECONDARYENTRANCE GATEGC-13-502CHAIN LINK FENCE(TYP)AUTOMATIC FENCEGATELC-13-503RRC-14-503ROCK RINGINLETSD-9005MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-04-108FOR CONTINUATION19 'DDS22 (NOTE 9 )DDS23 (NOTE 9 )DDS19 (NOTE 9)GALVANIZED CHAINLINK FENCEGRAVEL DRIVE(TYP)KC-13-503GALVANIZED CHAINLINK FENCEBLACK POLYMER COATEDCHAIN LINK FENCEMH-9017PLANT DRIVE BGALVANIZED CHAINLINK FENCEBLACK POLYMER COATEDCHAIN LINK FENCEBACKFLOWPREVENTERWATER METERPLANT DRIVE ABLACK POLYMER COATEDCHAIN LINK FENCEMH-9015MANHOLE (TYP)Base of Basin is at590'. Existingelevations 595-610 Ft.5 to 20 ft of cut withinbasin. Drain pipingbelow basin base.Existing Gravel Road to berelocated to here. Utilityrelocations also included. FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTIONFlow EQ Basin 2 Liner System FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTIONFlow EQ Basin Drain Line (pg 2) FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTIONFlow EQ Basin 2 Drain Lines(pg 1) Existing vs Proposed Cut/Fill Cut and Fill ReportMount Holly PS Job: Section: 013870 07/16/2021 15:29:28 Grid/Subgrid Fill Area Threshold 0.01 Ft Area of Fill (SF) 751,388 Area of Cut (SF) 412,369 1,167,581Total Work Area (SF) 4,256.98 x 2,483.67Section size (Ft) Cut Area Threshold 0.01 Ft All units in Cubic Yards 15.00/7.50 Bank Compacted Expanded Comp / Exp (%) Stripping 14,378 14,378 14,378 / 14,378 14,378 14,378Stripping Total 6,032 6,032Export Stripping Cut 112,933 112,933 112,933 / Cut Total 112,933112,933112,933 Export Cut 6,032 6,032Total Export (Stripping and Cut) Fill In Place Fill Required 121,279 Import Fill 121,279 121,279 121,279Stripping and/or Cut Used as Fill Topsoil Replacement Required Topsoil Replacement Topsoil Replacement Obtained On Site Import Topsoil Powered by InSite SiteWork™1/1Mount Holly PS Strip 4" of topsoilwithin site boundary WBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWB WB WBWBWBWBWBWBWBWB WB WB WB WB WB WB WB WB WB WBWBWBWB WB WB WB WB WB WBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWB LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD100' BUFFER100' BUFFERLONG CREEK 24'24'SLURRY PONDCONSTRUCTIONACCESS ROADTO STOWE WRRFNORTHERN BRIDGENORTHERNENTRANCE TOSTOWE WRRFOVERHEADELECTRICCAROLINA THREADTRAIL (EXISTINGLOCATION)SITE BUFFERPROPERTYBOUNDARYDEED RESTRICTIONEASEMENTPROPOSED CHARLOTTE WATERPROPERTY BOUNDARY55,300 CYNON-STRUCTURALSOIL STOCKPILE22,200 CYSTRUCTURALSOIL STOCKPILE45LF OF 18"HDPE CULVERT56LF OF 18"HDPE CULVERT42LF OF 18"HDPE CULVERTLIMITS OFDISTURBANCE =9.23 AC115LF OF 18"HDPE CULVERTNORTH CROSSSECTIONSOUTH CROSSSECTIONACCESS ROADCROSS SECTION1001000200SCALE IN FEETCIVIL STOCKPILE AREA01C10201C102.dwg1" = 100'---B2ISSUEDESCRIPTIONPROJECT MANAGERPROJECT NUMBER01"2"FILENAMESCALESHEETDATECDA1345678CHARLOTTE WATERSTOWE REGIONAL WATERRESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITYWILL SHULL, PE10259676LOD LAYDOWN AREACIVIL STOCKPILE CONCEPTUAL PLAN EROSION & SEDIMENTCONTROL BMPBorrow Area for Construction Access RoadCut AreasFill AreasDRAINAGE SWALE 620 615 610 605 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 570 570 570 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 635630 625 630 625 620 615 610 625625 62562 5625 625630630 625 625 620 615 610 625 620 615 610 605 600 595 590 585 58 0 575620625 58 0 585590580 585 590 580585590595595 595 600590 600 605 61 0605610 610635 635630625620620 625 630 635 635 630 625 615 610 605 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 570 570 570 570 620 585 580 575 570570570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 635 63062 5 62 0 61 5 630 625 620 615615 625 625 625 625 625 630 625 61 0 60 5 600 595590585620 615 610 610 610 605 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 570570 570 625 620 615 610 605 600 595 59 0 585 580 575 570 570 620 615 610 610 615 620 610 615 620610615620620615610 61061562062061 5 61 0 610610610610590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 635 635 630 62 5 62 0 615 610 610615 610610610610615 615 620 610615610615620 615 610 605 600 595 59 0 585 580 575 57 0 615 63 0 62562061 5 615 610 605 600 595 590 585 580 575 570615615610605 600 595 590 585 580 57 5 570 585 580 575 570 575 57 0 570570570 57 0 570 570 570570 570570 570 57 5 575 570 570 575 575 57557558058058559 0595600 585590595600605615605 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 570575580 61 0 610570575580585590595600605 605 600605 600580580 570570575585590595570570 570 575575 575575575575580585590595585 580575575575 575580580 580580580 580595590585 580580580580575 580 585 570575 570575570570575570575570575570570570570580580595590590590585585DOMESTICHEADWORKS E/L E/L E/L E/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/L578 . 7 574. 3 578 . 7 568 . 5 568.5 568 .8 568 .3 570 .4 569 .7568. 7 569 . 9 569 .6 569 . 8 569 . 2 569.6 569 .9 569 .7 568 . 8 572 .8 568 .4 570 .3573 . 3 574. 7586. 2 590. 5 591.1 592. 4 595 .9 597 .5 597 .8 598 .4 601 . 3 602.9 604 . 8 597 .3591.5 593. 2 591 .4 592 .3 593 .5595. 5 600 . 1 608 .6608. 8 611. 7 611 .4 611 .2 610 . 8 610.9 610 . 8 613. 6 616. 6 628 .8 61 5 . 7 611 .3 593 .7 606 .1 600 .6 588 . 6 570 .4570. 7569. 8569. 6 570. 2 569.7 569 .1 569 . 4 569 . 3 569 . 8 570 . 3 569 .4 570 .4570. 9 570 . 5 569 . 7 569 .5 568 . 7 568 .4 568 . 7568.4 568 .8 568 .8 569 .9569. 5 575 . 8 574 . 9 576 . 6 577. 8609. 8 618 .6 615 . 4616.7 617 .8 616 . 5 619 .7 568 .4 568 .4 567 .8 567 . 7 570 .4 569 . 9 569. 9 569. 9 569 .9 569 .9 569 .9 569 . 9 569 . 8 569. 9 569 . 9 569. 9 569.9 569 .9 569 .9 615 .6 609 .1596. 7 592 .6 593 . 4599. 5 593 .6 595 . 5 594 .7568. 7 567.7 568 . 4 56 8 . 1567. 7 569 .2 568 .8 570 .5569.6 570 .4 568 .9 568 . 5 568 . 7 569. 2 568 . 7 567 . 7 568 . 7 568 .8568. 4 568 . 4 56 8 . 7 568. 4 568 .5 568 . 4 567 .8 567 .8 567 . 7 567 .9569.6568. 1 568 . 6 568 .3568. 3 570 .7575.9 573 .4572. 4601. 8 603 .7 609 .4610. 8 610 .6610.1 610 . 6 610 .5 609 . 8 611 .7 611 .6611. 4 614 .6 615 .2610. 4 610. 3 611 .5 610 . 5 608 .6 609 .7 609 . 5 607. 9 607 . 5 607 .1603. 4 606 . 1 606. 3 607 .8 605 .5604. 7 603 . 8 596. 4605. 5 605 .6604. 5 605 .4 625 .7625.4 630 .4 632 .5 626 .9 611 . 7 611.4 608.3 630. 7 617. 3 609 .8 612 .9 609 .3 611 .2611. 7 614. 8 614 .9612. 7 617 .4621. 5 614. 7 614 .4 611 . 8612. 2 611. 5 611 . 2612. 3 613 .6 612 .2613.8 611 .3 611 .6 618 .1 616 .9617.1 610 .1 617 .1 616 .5611. 1 611 .8612. 1 612 .6610. 1 610. 5 610 .2 608 .4 609 . 7 624 .6 626 .7 627 . 6626. 4 568. 6 569. 3 568 .8568. 6 569. 1 575 .9578. 7 575 .2576. 2 578 .2 574 .1 574 .5584. 2578.8 573 . 6 578.9 580 . 1 579. 6 569 .6569.5 567. 7 568 .5 568 .6568.5 569.9 569 .6 568 . 8 568 .9568. 6 569 .1 569 . 3 568 .3 567 . 7 566. 9 569. 2 568.6572. 5 579 .3 577 . 9 578 . 3 568 . 9 569 .6 568 .7 574 . 4 568 .9568.8 568 . 1 568 .5 568 .3 568 .4567. 6 568. 6 568 .6569. 7 586 . 8 594. 9 622 .8 622 .7 623 . 8 624 .6 624 .5627.4 625 . 3 624 .7 623 . 5618.6 615 . 6 610 .2612 . 1 616 . 5 619 . 6612. 7611 . 4 610 .8 612 .8 613 .3 609 .2615. 7 611 . 7 611 . 6 610 .6 617 .2 619 .7 616 .1614.4 617 .2 622 .1619. 9616. 8 568 .5569. 9 619 .2618.4 616 .9592.3 569.3569. 2 582 .1 581 . 7 578 .5580.5 579 .8578. 9 579 .4572. 6579.8579. 6 613. 8569. 7 569.7 568 .1570.5 572. 3569. 1 572.8568.1 632. 5 625 . 4 625. 3 633. 2 626. 5 628 .5 637 .1 637 .5632.3 623 . 6 628 .6627. 7 625 .9622. 9 623 . 7 625. 1 628 .7 569 .2 566.5570.5570.7571.6568.3 568 .7 608 .5 609 .9 569.3570.3 635. 7 619.8 613. 5 612 .6 612 . 5 611. 7 611 .1 609 .2608. 1 608 .3622. 8 568. 2 568 . 6 568 . 3 568 . 2 569 .4 568 .7 567 . 7 568 .4567. 6 576.3 573 .2 570 .7 577 . 8 579 .3 579 .5 585 .4578.9 584. 9584. 9 578 . 9 571 .1570. 8 568 .6 569 . 8570. 5 570 .3 568 .9 568 . 7 570 . 3 571 . 8 570 .3 570 .5 569 .3 568 .9 576 .4578. 4 569.3571.4 567. 5 568 .3 568 .2 614 .8 619 .4 611 . 6 613 . 1 610 . 7 610 .5 609 .5 609 .7 609 . 3 569 .8570. 3 570. 5 569 .4 568 . 9 568.9 569. 3 569 .2 568 . 7612. 9 571.1 573 .3 571.3 612 .9 569 .3LC-04611.53LC-505579.02SKATEPARK APPROXBASEBALLBASEBALLPLANIMETRY OBSCURED PLANIMETRY OBSCURED FENCE OBSCUREDW/2T W/TFRENCH DRA INDIDUGOUTDUGOUTDIDIW/LT W/LTW/LTHWUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVED UNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVED WL 609.8SCATTERED D E AD TREESSCATTERED DEAD T R E E S SC A T T E R ED DE A D TREESSCATTERED D E AD TREES APPROXAPPROX APPR O X AP P R O XAPPROX APPROXAPPROXWL 570 . 1 UNPAVED UNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVED UNPAVED UNPAVED UNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUN P A V E D UNPAVED UNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVED UNP AVED UNP A V E DUEUEUEUEUEWWWgate WLOCAL OR IGIN - MOUNT HOL LYCONTROL PO INT LC - 04N = 564 205 . 18E = 140 1330 .42ELEV = 611 . 53GROUND FACTOR = 1 .00015 1629 GR IDFACTOR = 0 .99 9848393P/LP/LP/L P/LWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW4" SS12" RSI18" RSI2" SW 2" SW2" SW 2" SW4" SW4" SW3" SW24" RSI24" RSI24" SS (ABANDONED)18" SEWER24" SS (ABANDONED)16" SS(ABANDONED)2" SWSS (ABANDONED)14" SS (ABANDONED)2" SW16" SS (ABANDONED)3" PW24" RSI16" FM12" FM14" FM14" MLSS14" MLSS 20" RJ TEEABANDONED WATER LINE 20" DCFM14" WAS14" WAS24" CLA4" A8" D24" CLA24" CLA 24" MLSS 6" PVC 24" MLSS24" MLSS14" SUP4" A4" A 8" D24" CLA24" CLA24"EFF24" CLA 14" SUP6" PVC 24" CLA12" RAS 12" RAS12" RAS24"MLSS2" P2" P2" P2" P2" P 2" PVC6" W ACPHEADWORKS(ABANDONED)SWITCHGEARROOMTRANSFORMERA/E INFLUENTSTRUCTUREWWWWWWWWWUEUEUE18" RSI WWWWP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/L P/LP/LP/LP/LP/L593.4 591.5592.5586.5587.7 576.1575.5569.7574.3 587.5587.4588.6586.7582.4593.6 580.5 577.5578.9 583.8572.2568.6 567.4 569.5568.9570.3568.2568.8 574.4583.6 572.3 578.7579.3579.1573.2575.8581.2585.5570.7575.9579.2579.2574.8575.7574.9578.5582.8583.8577.7 578.1578.4578.5578.3578.7580.8581.6 582.7585.6579.1566.2572.2578.4578.8574.5 578.7580.5579.5578.8598.5595.2 P/LSSMH RIM = 576.25 (2.75' DIA)54" DIP INV IN = 557.4624" INV IN = 559.5354" DIP INV. OUT = 557.39SSMH RIM = 570.6354" INV IN (NE) = 557.30UNK" INV IN (W) = 560.4254" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.17SSMH RIM = 578.3054" INV IN (NE) = 557.16UNK INV IN (E) = 573.9354" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.098" DIPINV IN = 575.60INV OUT = 573.058" DIPINV IN = 575.80INV OUT = 575.60B-01B-02B-04B-05B-16B-17B-18B-19B-20B-21B-22B-23B-24B-25B-26B-29B-30B-65B-66B-67B-68B-69B-70SB-01SB-02SB-09SB-10B-71B-72B-73B-105B-106B-107B-10830+210+005+0010+0015+0020+0025+00B-25PWRSMPWRSMGRANITEROCKSP-SMB-24SMMLPWRGRANITEPWRGRANITESP-SMB-23MLPWRPWRGRANITECHB-22PWRSMSMMLB-21CLB-71SMPWRMQDMQDGABBROSMB-72MLSMPWRMQDGABBROMHB-73CLMLSMPWRMQDMHB-17SMPWRCLB-18CL-MLPWRMLB-16CLSMSP-SMPWRSMB-26CLSMPWRMLPWRB-29SCCLSMPWR451213433950+50+1413324431396150+7550+21724303850+5250+26232850+50+50+50+50+50+350+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+6050+12201522272510251718285950+50+911131622315866558550+50+PWRSM2729555350+50+50+50+537999132237594350+50+846445511141620165350+50+50+50+50+333850+50+50+41753197050+50+50+122GWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWOFFSET 16.66'OFFSET 90.18OFFSET 64.43'OFFSET 58.80'OFFSET 80.93'15.8% GRAVEL2.7% GRAVEL6.5% GRAVELRQD 78RQD 93RQD 82RQD 83RQD 93RQD 67RQD 65RQD 90UCS 12562 PSIUCS 13169 PSIUCS 11763 PSIUCS 16293 PSIUCS 13171 PSI0.2% GRAVELRQD 25RQD 56RQD 37RQD 38RQD 0RQD 100RQD 100RQD 95RQD 88RQD 78UCS 13316 PSIUCS 22308 PSIUCS 17241 PSIUCS 13197 PSIUCS 17034 PSI2.1% GRAVELRQD 83UCS 14577 PSIRQD 100RQD 79UCS 6398 PSIRQD 0RQD 59UCS 7089 PSIRQD 71UCS 3621 PSIRQD 63RQD 92RQD 76RQD 82RQD 52UCS 6369 PSIUCS 10078 PSIRQD 52RQD 64RQD 18RQD 42RQD 98RQD 100RQD 100GABBRORQD 78RQD 94RQD 64RQD 80RQD 86RQD 100RQD 88RQD 92RQD 92RQD 94RQD 1002.6%GRAVEL0.4%GRAVEL1.4%GRAVEL13.9%GRAVELRQD 0RQD 0RQD 26RQD 96RQD 100RQD 100RQD 100UCS 17117 PSIRQD 0RQD 78RQD 28RQD 56RQD 64RQD 48RQD 80RQD 22RQD 92UCS 35672 PSIUCS 32312 PSIUCS 17426 PSIUCS 32003 PSIUCS 23559 PSIUCS 27389 PSIUCS 34146 PSIUCS 20769 PSIUCS 43446 PSIUCS 22000 PSIUCS 49639 PSI1.2%GRAVELUCS 32092 PSIUCS 27724 PSIRQD 8250+SP-SM31B-19OFFSET 240.8850+50+SMMLSM542515293650/0.527295750/0.450/0.350/0.350/0.150/0.3RQD 0RQD 14RQD 100RQD 78RQD 80RQD 46RQD 26RQD 58RQD 66RQD 62RQD 88UCS 25869 PSIUCS 28750 PSIUCS 21465 PSIB-107OFFSET 24.76MHMLSMMLPWRSMPWRMQDUCS 25592 PSI24440460480500520540560580600620640660680440460480500520540560580600620640660680-2+00-1+000+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0028+0029+0030+0031+0032+0017.8'3021.0 FEETDRILL LENGTH: 3038.0 FEET14°CATAWBA RIVERLONG CREEK77.0'67.2'14°STA 0+98.5924" RSIEL 577.3±DRILL EXITSTA 0+00.00 EL 577.28PT2STA 1+88.00 EL 531.44PC2STA 5+26.69 EL 489.85 PT1 STA 24+99.96 EL 489.85 PC1 STA 28+62.84 EL 535.34 DRILL ENTRY STA 30+21.00 EL 572.81 STA 29+08.49 EX 24" RS INV EL 559.53± STA 28+83.81 EX 54" SS INV EL 557.46± STA 1+56.0918" SDEL 575.1±STA 2+09.56ABANDONED 12" FMEL 570.0±STA 2+22.6020" FMEL 571.81±STA 5+94.0714" FMEL UNKNOWN NOTES:1.SEE GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING C-00-001.2.PC AND PT ARE IN THE DIRECTION OF DRILLING AS SHOWN BELOW INPROFILE.3.APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN. THECONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ABOVE AND BURIED UTILITYFIELD LOCATION, PROTECTION AND CLEARANCE, AS NOTED BY THECONTRACT DOCUMENTS.4.COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (UCS AS SHOWN ON THE PROFILE) OF THEROCK CORES WERE DETERMINED BY PREPARING THE SAMPLES PERASTM D4543-08.5.PROFILE FOLLOWS THE CENTERLINE OF BOTH THE DUAL MOUNTHOLLY FORCEMAIN.6.ONLY BORINGS WITHIN 250 FT OF THE FORCE MAINS ARE SHOWN INTHE PLAN VIEW. NOT ALL BORINGS SHOWN IN THE PLAN AREINCLUDED IN THE PROFILE.7.DRILLED PATH NOTES:A. DRILLED PATH STATIONS ARE IN FEET BY HORIZONTALMEASUREMENT AND ARE REFERENCED TO CONTROLESTABLISHED FOR THE DRILLED SEGMENT.B. DRILLED PATH COORDINATES REFER TO CENTERLINE OF PILOT.8.PILOT HOLE TOLERANCES: THE PILOT HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED TOTHE TOLERANCES LISTED BELOW. HOWEVER, IN ALL CASES,RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CONCERN FORADJACENT EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVERTHESE TOLERANCES.A. ENTRY POINT: UP TO 10 FEET FORWARD OR BACK FROMDESIGNED ENTRY POINT; UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OF THEDESIGNED ALIGNMENT.B. EXIT POINT: UP TO 10 FEET SHORT OR 10 FEET LONG RELATIVETO THE DESIGNED EXIT POINT; UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OFTHE DESIGNED ALIGNMENT.C. ELEVATION: UP TO 2 FEET ABOVE AND 15 FEET BELOW THEDESIGNED PROFILE, EXCEPT WHERE PTE FM CROSSES MHTFM,WHERE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEENBORE HOLES.D. ALIGNMENT: UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OF THE DESIGNEDALIGNMENT.E. CURVE RADIUS: THE MINIMUM ALLOWABLE RADIUS IS 1,000FEET BASED ON A 3-JOINT AVERAGE.9.PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES: CONTRACTOR SHALLUNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING STEPS PRIOR TO COMMENCINGDRILLING OPERATION:A. CONTACT THE UTILITY LOCATION/NOTIFICATION SERVICE FORTHE CONSTRUCTION AREA.B. LOCATE AND STAKE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES.ANY FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE DRILLED PATHSHALL BE EXPOSED.C. MODIFY DRILLING PRACTICES AND DOWNHOLE ASSEMBLIES ASNECESSARY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES.10.ADDITIONAL BORINGS WERE DRILLED FOR STRUCTURES BUT WERESHALLOW AND DOES NOT IMPACT PROFILE SHOWN BELOW.11.REFER TO DRAWING C-01-101 FOR RIG/PIPE SIDE DRILL ENTRY/EXITCOORDINATES.60'30'15'0'30'VERTICAL SCALE 1"=30'21" MHTFM (26" OD)EXISTING GRADEEX 24" RS54" LONG CREEKINTERCEPTOR15" RCPR 1400'R 1500'150'75'0'150'300'HORIZONTAL SCALE 1"=150'FILL AREAAPPROX 20.0'24" VCPPLOTTED: 6/17/2021 7:09 PM FILE: C:\pw_working\bvw_americas\d1386024\C-01-000.dwgFD10000 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCIVIL MOUNT HOLLY TRANSFER FORCE MAINS PLAN AND PROFILEC-01-104--401825JGCKTHJUNE 18, 20216/18/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 2 1 JGC SO JMO34" PTE-2 (42" OD)21" MHTFM-1 (26"OD)FEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINFUTURE LAND USE CONDITIONSFEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINEXISTING LAND USE CONDITIONSCOMMUNITY FLOODWAYPRELIMINARY TREATMENTEFFLUENT FORCE MAINSD401825-C1 PROJECT NO.SHEETOF011/2IF THIS BAR DOES NOTMEASURE 1" THEN DRAWINGIS NOT TO FULL SCALEDATE:DESIGNED:APPROVED:CHECKED:DETAILED:REVISIONS AND RECORD OF USE NO.BY CHK APPDATE CHARLOTTE WATER Black & Veatch International Company Business License No. F-0794 10925 David Taylor Drive, Suite 280 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 MOUNT HOLLY PUMPING STATION AND STOWE HEADWORKS & INFLUENT PUMPING STATION RIG SIDELIMITS OFDISTURBANCEFEMA 100 YRFLOODPLAIN ELEVATIONMOUNT HOLLYWATER RECLAMATIONFACILITYFEMA FLOODWAYCATAWBA RIVERSTOWE STORM FLOWEQ BASIN NO.1STOWE DAY TANK NO.2STOWE DAY TANK NO.1STOWE EQUALIZATIONPUMPING STATIONPIPE SIDELIMITS OF DISTURBANCEFEMAFLOODWAYLONGCREEKFEMA 100 YRFLOODPLAIN ELEVATIONFEMA FLOODWAYFERC MANAGEMENTBOUNDARYCOMMUNITY FLOOPLAIN100' WATERQUALITY BUFFER LINEDELINEATEDWETLAND BOUNDARYFERCMANAGEMENT BOUNDARYMOUNT HOLLYPUMPING STATION14" FM24" RSI18" SD12" FM20" FM16" FM12" FMN 564000N 564500E 1399500N 563500E 1400500E 1400000N 563000E 1401000E 1401500N 562500E 1402000E 140250021" MHTFM-2 (26" OD)34" PTE-1 (42" OD)20" DCFMPIPE SIDE 1PIPE SIDE 2DRILLEXIT PITSDRILL ENTRY PITSRIG SIDE 2RIG SIDE 1CONDUCTOR CASING,130' MINIMUM - SEEHORIZONTAL DIRECTIONALDRILLING SPECIFICATIONBORROW PITLIMITS OF DISTURBANCE6/22/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 3 1SENSITIVE PROJECT - DO NOT REPRODUCE2Outside of Brownfield boundaryCompetent Rock ZoneRed Zone:Solids Spoil = 452CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 565CYLiquids Spoil = 446,250 GalCombined spoils after dewatering: 2,550 CY (includes residual waterand swell factor)Green Zone:Solids Spoil = 336 CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 420 CYLiquids Spoil = 332,000 GalCombined spoils after dewatering: 1,900 CY (includes residual waterand swell factor)Brownfield Zone:Solids Spoil = 98 CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 122 CYLiquids Spoil = 96,750 GalCombined spoils after dewatering: 550 CY (includes residual waterand swell factor) 460470480490500510520530540550560570580590600610620630640650660460470480490500510520530540550560570580590600610620630640650660-1+000+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0012+75B-108B-107B-106B-105OFFSET 72.00OFFSET 43.00OFFSET 24.83OFFSET 25.32SMMLSMMLPWRSMPWRMQDMHMLSMMLPWRSMPWRMQDCLCHMLMLSCCRYSTALINEROCKSOILSEAMQUARTZCRYSTALINEROCKMQDCHMLMLSMPWR4235101820286650/5"50/5"50/5"67971850/0.5RQD 12RQD 0RQD 22RQD 0RQD 0RQD 0RQD 0RQD 36RQD 84RQD 100RQD 86RQD 90RQD 80RQD 0542224515293650/0.527295750/0.450/0.350/0.350/0.150/0.3RQD 0RQD 14RQD 100RQD 78RQD 80RQD 46RQD 26RQD 58RQD 66RQD 62RQD 88789715103850/0.4172650/0.350/0.350/0.350/0RQD 20RQD 10RQD 40RQD 82RQD 98RQD 76SMMHPT1STA 3+24.82 EL 530.00 PC1 STA 9+45.11 EL 530.00 1119.9 FEETDRILL LENGTH: 1299.0 FEET625610615620610615620620615610610610610610610615610615620615610605600595590585580575 570 615630625620615615610605600 595 590 585 580 575 570 570570570 570 575 585590 585 580 575 570 570575580 580580 E/LE/L628.8 611.3 600.6588.6609.8 618.6 615.4616.7 617.8616.5619.7 568 . 4 568 . 4 567 . 8 56 7 . 7 568 . 7 567 . 7 568 . 4 568 . 1 567 . 7 569 . 2 56 8 . 8 570 . 5 569. 6 570 . 4 56 8 . 9 56 8 . 5 568 . 7 56 9 . 2 568. 7 56 7 . 7 568. 7 568. 8 568. 4 56 8 . 4 56 7 . 9 569 . 6 608.3630.7 617.3 609.8612.9609.3611.2 610.1 610.5 568. 8 568 . 6 574. 5 584 . 2 57 8 . 8 573 . 6 578 . 9 580. 1 579 . 6 56 9 . 6 56 9 . 5 56 7 . 7 568 . 5 568 . 6 568. 5 569 . 9 569. 6 56 8 . 8 568. 9 568 . 6 569 . 1 569 . 3 568 . 3 567. 7 566. 9 579 . 3 577 . 9 578 . 3 56 8 . 9 569. 6 56 8 . 7 574 . 4 568 . 9 568. 8 568. 1 56 8 . 5 568 . 3 568 . 4 567 . 6 56 8 . 6 586.8594.9622.8622.7623.8624.6 624.7623.5618.6 615.6610.2609.2 615.7611.7610.6 617.2 619.7616.1614.4617.2622.1 568 . 5 619.2 618.4616.9 569. 2 58 2 . 1 581 . 7 57 8 . 5 579 . 8 579 . 6 609.2 608.1 608.3 622.8 568. 2 568 . 6 568 . 3 568 . 2 57 9 . 5 578 . 9 58 4 . 958 4 . 9 578. 9 57 0 . 5 570 . 3 568. 9 56 8 . 7 570. 3 571.8 576.4578.4610.7609.3 FR E N C H D R A I N WL 609.8UNPAVEDUNPAVED WWWWWWWWWWWWWWP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/L P/L P/LP/LP/LP/LSSMH RIM = 570.6354" INV IN (NE) = 557.30UNK" INV IN (W) = 560.4254" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.17SSMH RIM = 578.3054" INV IN (NE) = 557.16UNK INV IN (E) = 573.9354" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.098" DIPINV IN = 575.60INV OUT = 573.058" DIPINV IN = 575.80INV OUT = 575.6058 4 58 3 582581 580 578 577570 575622621620619618617616615614613612611610611612613614615 616617618 613612615614579 11+200+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+00B-02B-05B-17B-18B-19B-20B-65B-66B-67B-69B-70SB-01SB-10B-73B-105B-106B-107B-1080+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+00PLOTTED: 6/17/2021 6:56 PM FILE: C:\pw_working\bvw_americas\d1386024\C-02-000.dwgFD10000 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCIVIL PRELIMINARY TREATEMENT EFFLUENT FORCE MAINS PLAN AND PROFILEC-02-105--401825JGCKTHJUNE 18, 20216/18/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 2 1 JGC SO JMO D401825-C1 PROJECT NO.SHEETOF011/2IF THIS BAR DOES NOTMEASURE 1" THEN DRAWINGIS NOT TO FULL SCALEDATE:DESIGNED:APPROVED:CHECKED:DETAILED:REVISIONS AND RECORD OF USE NO.BY CHK APPDATE CHARLOTTE WATER Black & Veatch International Company Business License No. F-0794 10925 David Taylor Drive, Suite 280 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 MOUNT HOLLY PUMPING STATION AND STOWE HEADWORKS & INFLUENT PUMPING STATION NOTES:1.SEE GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING C-00-001.2.PC AND PT ARE IN THE DIRECTION OF DRILLING AS SHOWN BELOW INPROFILE.3.APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN. THECONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ABOVE AND BURIED UTILITYFIELD LOCATION, PROTECTION AND CLEARANCE, AS NOTED BY THECONTRACT DOCUMENTS.4.PROFILE FOLLOWS THE CENTERLINE OF PTE-1.5.ONLY BORINGS WITHIN 250 FT OF THE FORCE MAINS ARE SHOWN INTHE PLAN VIEW. NOT ALL BORINGS SHOWN IN THE PLAN AREINCLUDED IN THE PROFILE.6.DRILLED PATH NOTES:A. DRILLED PATH STATIONS ARE IN FEET BY HORIZONTALMEASUREMENT AND ARE REFERENCED TO CONTROLESTABLISHED FOR THE DRILLED SEGMENT.B. DRILLED PATH COORDINATES REFER TO CENTERLINE OF PILOT.7.PILOT HOLE TOLERANCES: THE PILOT HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED TOTHE TOLERANCES LISTED BELOW. HOWEVER, IN ALL CASES,RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CONCERN FORADJACENT EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVERTHESE TOLERANCES.A. ENTRY POINT: UP TO 10 FEET FORWARD OR BACK FROMDESIGNED ENTRY POINT; UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OF THEDESIGNED ALIGNMENT.B. EXIT POINT: UP TO 10 FEET SHORT OR 10 FEET LONG RELATIVETO THE DESIGNED EXIT POINT; UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OFTHE DESIGNED ALIGNMENT.C. ELEVATION: UP TO 2 FEET ABOVE AND 15 FEET BELOW THEDESIGNED PROFILE, EXCEPT WHERE PTE FM CROSSES MHTFM,WHERE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEENBORE HOLES.D. ALIGNMENT: UP TO 5 FEET RIGHT OR LEFT OF THE DESIGNEDALIGNMENT.E. CURVE RADIUS: THE MINIMUM ALLOWABLE RADIUS IS 1,000FEET BASED ON A 3-JOINT AVERAGE.8.PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES: CONTRACTOR SHALLUNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING STEPS PRIOR TO COMMENCINGDRILLING OPERATION:A. CONTACT THE UTILITY LOCATION/NOTIFICATION SERVICE FORTHE CONSTRUCTION AREA.B. LOCATE AND STAKE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES.ANY FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE DRILLED PATHSHALL BE EXPOSED.C. MODIFY DRILLING PRACTICES AND DOWNHOLE ASSEMBLIES ASNECESSARY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES.9.ADDITIONAL BORINGS WERE DRILLED FOR STRUCTURES BUT WERESHALLOW AND DOES NOT IMPACT PROFILE SHOWN BELOW.10.REFER TO DRAWING C-01-101 FOR RIG/PIPE SIDE DRILL ENTRY/EXITCOORDINATES.24" RS54" LONG CREEKINTERCEPTORFEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINFUTURE LAND USE CONDITIONSFEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINEXISTING LAND USE CONDITIONSCOMMUNITY FLOODWAY30'60'0'60'120'HORIZONTAL SCALE 1'=60'40'20'10'20'0'VERTICAL SCALE 1"=20'EQ BASIN NO.1 14°14°LONGCREEKDRILL EXITSTA 0+00 DRILL ENTRY STA 11+20.00EXISTING GRADE (TYP)R 1282'R 1282'21" MHTFM-1 (26" OD)21" MHTFM-2 (26" OD)APPROX 20.0'PIPE SIDELIMITS OF DISTURBANCERIG SIDELIMITS OF DISTURBACESTOWEEQUALIZATIONPUMPING STATIONSTORM FLOWEQ BASIN NO.1DAY TANK NO.1LONGCREEK34" PTE-1 (42" OD)21" MHTFM-1 (26" OD)36" BDFEMA FLOODWAY34" PTE-2 (42" OD)21" MHTFM-2 (26" OD)CONDUCTOR CASING ON PTE-2 ONLY,185' MINIMUM - SEE HORIZONTALDIRECTIONAL DRILLING SPECIFICATIONE 1401600N 563600 N 563700 N 563800E 1401700N 563500E 1401800N 563300 E 1401900N 5 6 3 2 0 0 E 1402000N 5 6 3 0 0 0 N 5 6 3 1 0 0 E 1402100N 5 6 2 9 0 0 E 1402200N 5 6 2 8 0 0 PIPE SIDE 3PIPE SIDE 4DRILL EXIT PITS100' WATER QUALITY BUFFERFERC MANAGEMENT BOUNDARYDELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY48" DTO4" SW6" SWDRILL ENTRY PITSRIG SIDE 4RIG SIDE 3PROPOSED GRADE @ POND8" DRAIN6/22/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 3 1SENSITIVE PROJECT - DO NOT REPRODUCE2Non-BrownfieldSolid RockBass Pond ParcelDuke/FERCPropertyRed Zone:Solids Spoil = 350 CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 437 CYLiquids Spoil = 364,000 galCombined spoils after dewatering = 560 CYGreen Zone:Solids Spoil = 202 CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 253 CYLiquids Spoil = 210,000 galCombined spoils after dewatering = 320 CYBrownfield Zone:Solids Spoil = 120 CY *1.25 (swell factor) = 150 CYLiquids Spoil = 126,000 galCombined spoils after dewatering = 195 CY E/LE/L E/L E/L E/L E/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/L E/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/LE/L571.1 570.4 569.7 582.1 576.9 572.1 572.1 568.7569.9 572.8 569.8 574.5 575.2 575.5 578.2 584.7 585.6 585.3 569.7 569.5568.7 568.4568.7568.4 568.8568.8569.9 575.8 574.9 576.6 577.8 569.9 569.7 569.9569.9569.9 569.9569.9569.9 615.6 609.1 596.7 592.6 593.4 599.5 593.6 595.5 594.7 568.7 567.7 568.6568.8 569.1 575.9578.7575.2576.2 578.2 574.5 584.2 578.8 573.6 578.9 580.1 579.6 568.9 566.9569.2 568.6572.5 579.3 577.9 578.3 574.4 567.6 568.6 568.6569.7 568.5 569.9 569.3 582.1 581.7 578.5 580.5 579.8 578.9 579.4 572.6 579.8 579.6 569.4 568.7 567.7 568.4 567.6 576.3 573.2 570.7 571.7 577.8 579.3 579.5 585.4 578.9 584.9 584.9 578.9 571.1 570.8 568.6569.8570.5570.3568.9568.7 569.3 568.9 567.5 568.3568.2 LC-505579.02APPROX FRENCH DRAINSCATTERED DEAD TREES SCATTERED DEAD TREESSCATTERED DEAD TREES SCATTERED DEAD TREES APPROXAPPR O X APPROXAPPROXAPPROXAPPROX APP R O X APPROX AP P R O X WL 570.1 UNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAV ED UNPA V E DUNPAVEDUNPAVEDUNPAVED WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W WWWWW WWWW W W W W W WP/LP/LP/LP/LP/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/LP/L P/LP/L P/L P/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LP/LMANHOLE 3SSMH RIM = 576.25 (2.75' DIA)54" DIP INV IN = 557.4624" INV IN = 559.5354" DIP INV. OUT = 557.39MANHOLE 2SSMH RIM = 570.6354" INV IN (NE) = 557.30UNK" INV IN (W) = 560.4254" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.17MANHOLE 1SSMH RIM = 578.3054" INV IN (NE) = 557.16UNK INV IN (E) = 573.9354" INV. OUT (SW) = 557.098" DIPINV IN = 575.60INV OUT = 573.058" DIPINV IN = 575.80INV OUT = 575.60EEE EEEE EE570 570 575 575570570 575 575575575 580 580 585 590 595 600 58 5 59 0 595600605615605600595590585580575570570575580610 610585 5905 9 5 6006 0 5 605600585580 575 580590 590595590585585580580580590575580580 585MANHOLE 6SSMH RIM = 575.6912" INV IN (E) = 561.994" INV. OUT (SW) = 561.7712" P V C FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOTTE E E E E EEEEE E EEEEEEEEEEEE4" WWCFM4" WWCFM4" W W C F M 4" WWCFM4" WWCFMMANHOLE 4B-16B-17B-30B-31B-32B-33B-65B-67BG-01B-74B-75B-92B-93B-93AB-102B-103B-104B-105B-10630+21570576 574575 573575584 583 582581580578577570575575579SMP-1UMP-1SSMP-2SMP-2SSMP-1DDS5DDS4 DDS1DDS2DDS2 DDS3SURFACE MONITORING POINTS (SMPs)POINT NOSMP-1SMP-2HDD STATIONOFFSET (FT)NORTHING563099.61563013.33EASTING1402488.631402627.46APPROXGROUND EL578.28579.41PROPERTY OWNERSTRUCTURE SETTLEMENT MONITORING POINTS (SSMPs)POINT NOSSMP-1SSMP-2HDD STATIONOFFSET (FT)NORTHING563041.73562919.36EASTING1402569.861402524.26APPROXGROUND EL570.10570.10PROPERTY OWNERUTILITY MONITORING POINTS (UMPs)POINT NOUMP-1HDD STATIONOFFSET (FT)NORTHING563296.70EASTING1402577.13APPROXGROUND EL571.61PROPERTY OWNER28+59.4730+17.7168.62' R109.61' RCITY OF CHARLOTTECITY OF CHARLOTTE29+54.2629+47.1999.66' R230.07' RCITY OF CHARLOTTECITY OF CHARLOTTE28+82.8620.00' RCITY OF CHARLOTTESTONE OUTLET(TYP)CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE (TYP)DIVERSION DITCHDD1NOTES:1.REFER TO DRAWING C-09-102 THROUGH C-09-104 FOR PIPE SIDE LIMITS OFDISTURBANCE, GRADING, AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES.2.ACCESS ROAD TO REMAIN OPEN AND ACCESSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTIONALLOWING ACCESS TO PLANT ACTIVITIES.3.EXISTING EARTHEN RETENTION BASIN PROVIDES CONTAINMENT SHOULD THEADJACENT 54" LONG CREEK INTERCEPTOR MANHOLE EVER OVERFLOW DURING APEAK FLOW EVENT. THE BASIN DRAIN HAS A DISCHARGE CONTROL GATE WHICHREMAINS CLOSED AND IS NOT OPENED. THEREFORE, THE BASIN WILL FUNCTION AS ASEDIMENT TRAP DURING FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION.4.ALL NEW GRADING SHOWN IS TEMPORARY TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION. AT THEEND OF THE PROJECT SHEET PILING SHALL BE REMOVED AND FINISHED GRADESHALL BE RESTORED TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. SLOPES STEEPER THAN4H:1V SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL MEASURES OR VEGETATION TORENDER SOIL STABLE AGAINST ACCELERATED EROSION.5.CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT PIT 6' LONG X 4' WIDE X 2' DEEP AND SLOPE SURROUNDINGGRADE TO PIT TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LINE PIT WITHMINIMUM 6" LAYER OF NCDOT CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE.6.SEE GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING C-00-001.7.CLEAR EXISTING TREES AS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL TREEPROTECTION FENCE AROUND ANY REMAINING TREES PER DETAIL TPF ON SHEETC-14-501.8.TREE PROTECTION FENCE AND INLET PROTECTION TO REMAIN IN PLACE FORSUBSEQUENT WORK BY OTHERS.9.COORDINATE LOCATION OF DIVERSION DITCHES AND SILT FENCING WITH PROPOSEDWORK. RELOCATE AS REQUIRED FOR HDD WORK AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT.10.EXISTING FENCE SHALL BE DEMOLISHED AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THEFORCE MAINS. SITE SECURITY SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. FOLLOWINGCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, FENCING SHALL BE REPLACED AND RESTORED TOPRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS.11.EQUIPMENT LAYOUT SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUALEQUIPMENT LAYOUT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR.12.REFER TO HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING SECTION FOR MANDREL TESTING.13.LOCATIONS OF UTILITY MONITORING POINTS (UMPs), SURFACE MONITORING POINTS(SMPs), AND STRUCTURE SETTLEMENT MONITORING POINTS (SSMPs) MAY BEADJUSTED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER.14.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL, PROTECT, MONITOR, MAINTAIN, REPLACE ANDREMOVE UTILITY MONITORING POINTS (UMPS), SURFACE MONITORING POINTS(SMPS), AND STRUCTURE SETTLEMENT MONITORING POINTS (SSMPS) INACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORINGSPECIFICATION SECTION.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A CONTINGENCY PLAN TO MITIGATETHE EFFECTS OF ANY SETTLEMENT OF THE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE OR OTHERMOVEMENT OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEYOND THE INDICATED THRESHOLDLIMITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATIONSPECIFICATION SECTION.16.CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN SURVEY BENCHMARKS AS REQUIREDTO PERFORM MONITORING OF GEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATION.17.REFER TO DRAWING C-13-501 FOR TYPICAL SMP, UMP, AND SSMP DETAILS.18.OFFSETS IN TABLES ARE BASED ON DISTANCES OFF OF MHTFM-1.19.REFER TO DRAWING C-01-101 FOR RIG/PIPE SIDE DRILL ENTRY/EXIT COORDINATES.TEMPORARYSHEET PILETEMPORARYFILL AREA (NOTE 4)54" LONG CREEKINTERCEPTORNOTE 2SEDIMENT PIT(NOTE 5, TYP)DELINEATEDWETLANDS BOUNDARYRRC-14-503ROCK RINGINLET PROTECTIONCEC-14-501DDC-14-503DIVERSION DITCH(TYP)SFC-14-501SILT FENCE(TYP)TSPC-14-502TEMPORARYSOIL STOCKPILE21" MHTFM-1 (26" OD)FEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINFUTURE LAND USE CONDITIONSFEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAINEXISTING LAND USE CONDITIONS34" PTE-1 (42" OD)80'40'20'0'40'HORIZONTAL SCALE 1"=40'FEMA FLOODWAYSTOWEEQUALIZATIONPUMPING STATIONSTOWESTORM FLOWEQ BASINNO.1STOWEDAY TANK NO.1STOWEDAY TANK NO.2FEMA FLOODWAYFERC MANAGEMENT BOUNDARYDELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARYCC-14-502RIG SIDELIMITS OF DISTURBANCENOTE 7100' WATER QUALITYBUFFER LINEPTE FM RIG SIDELIMITS OF DISTURBANCE(SEE C-02-101)NOTE 10 (TYP)COMMUNITY FLOODWAY100' WATER QUALITY BUFFER LINEFEMA FLOODWAYCOMMUNITY FLOODWAYN 563600E 1402600E 1402700E 1402800E 1402900E 1403000E 1403100N 563500N 563400N 563300N 563200 N 563100 N 563000 N 562900 N 562800 N 562700 E 1402400E 1402500E 1402600E 1402700CONTRACTOR TRAILER,PARKING, AND STAGING AREA(SEE C-04-102 AND C-04-103)RECYCLE PITDRILLING RIGSURVEY TRAILEREXCAVATORDRILL PIPEPOWER UNITSTORAGESTOWE DAY HEADWORKS &INFLUENT PUMPING STATION(FUTURE WORK PACKAGE)21" MHTFM-2 (26" OD)PLOTTED: 1/12/2022 7:41 AM FILE: C:\pw_working\bvw_americas\d1386024\C-01-000.dwgFD10000 SENSITIVE PROJECT - DO NOT REPRODUCECIVIL MOUNT HOLLY TRANSFER FORCE MAINSSITE GRADING, EROSION CONTROL ANDGEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATIONC-01-102401825JGCKTHSOJMOJANUARY 14, 20226/18/2021 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO. 2 1 JGC SO JMO 1/14/2022 EARLY WORK PACKAGE NO.2 POST-BID REVISIONS 2 JGC RDA JMO D401825-C1 PROJECT NO.SHEETOF011/2IF THIS BAR DOES NOTMEASURE 1" THEN DRAWINGIS NOT TO FULL SCALEDATE:DESIGNED:APPROVED:CHECKED:DETAILED:REVISIONS AND RECORD OF USE NO.BY CHK APPDATE CHARLOTTE WATER Black & Veatch International Company Business License No. F-0794 10925 David Taylor Drive, Suite 280 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 MOUNT HOLLY PUMPING STATION AND STOWE HEADWORKS & INFLUENT PUMPING STATIONNOTE 3RIG SIDE 1RIG SIDE 2SKID PUMPMUD RIG ANDSPOIL CONTAINERSFRAC TANKS34" PTE-2 (42" OD)22anyany 1/14/20227 HDD Prep Grading Plan Charlotte Water – Stowe Regional WRRF | HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Environmental Management Plan Attachment C – Approved Permits C Attachment C – Approved Permits - EIS Record of Decision - Army Corps of Engineer 404 - FERC Easement PERMIT MODIFICATION --- 11/17/21 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2019-01988 County: Mecklenburg U.S.G.S. Quad: NC-Mount Holly GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Charlotte Water Carl Wilson Address: 5100 Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28216 Telephone Number: 704-336-1083 E-mail: cwilson@charlottenc.gov Size (acres) 272 Nearest Town Charlotte Nearest Waterway Long Creek River Basin Santee USGS HUC 03050101 Coordinates Latitude: 35.2819 Longitude: -81.0025 Location description: The review area is located between the wastewater treatment plants at the terminus of Hawfield Road and Broome Street. Description of projects area and activity: This verification authorizes the grading and placement of fill material in 0.23 acre of wetlands to facilitate the construction of Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery facility and associated infrastructure. This verification also authorizes the installation of sewer force main under the Catawba River by means of horizontal directional drill. Applicable Law(s): ܈Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ܈Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: NWP 12. Utility Lines and NWP 14. Linear Transportation Projects SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed Conditions, your application signed and dated 3/24/2020, and the enclosed plans Figures 3-10 and Plansheet 1-5 dated 3/23/2020. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit’s expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact David L. Shaeffer at 704-510-1437 or david.l.shaeffer@usace.army.mil. PERMIT MODIFICATION --- 11/17/21 Corps Regulatory Official: _____________________________________________________Date: 11/17/2021 Expiration Date of Verification: 03/18/2022 Bryan Roden-Reynolds 2021.11.17 13:49:46 -05'00' PERMIT MODIFICATION --- 11/17/21 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished: Agent: HDR, Incorporated Kelly Thames Address: 440 South Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone Number: 704-338-6710 E-mail: Kelly.thames@hdrinc.com SAW-2019-01988 SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit, mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the attached Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form, including any special conditions listed on this form, are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit authorization. Action ID Number: SAW-2019-01988 County: Mecklenburg Permittee: Charlotte Water, Carl Wilson Project Name: Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility & Associated Infrastructure Projects Date Verification Issued: 11/17/2021 Project Manager: David L. Shaeffer Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: David L. Shaeffer Charlotte Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 8430 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 615 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 or david.l.shaeffer@usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. _______________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Permittee Date SAW-2019-01988 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Department of the Army Memorandum Documenting General Permit Verification 1.0 Introduction and overview: Information about the proposal subject to one or more of the Corps regulatory authorities is provided in Section 1, detailed evaluation of the activity is found in Sections 2 through 4 and findings are documented in Section 5 of this memorandum. Further, summary information about the activity including administrative history of actions taken during project evaluation is attached (ORM2 summary). 1.1 Applicant name: Charlotte Water, Carl Wilson 1.2 Activity location:Latitude: 35.2819 Longitude: -81.0025 Location description: The review area is located between the wastewater treatment plants at the terminus of Hawfield Road and Broome Street. 1.3 Description of activity requiring verification:This verification would authorize the grading and placement of fill material in 0.23 acre of wetlands to facilitate the construction of Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery facility and associated infrastructure. This verification also authorizes the installation of sewer force main under the Catawba River by means of horizontal directional drill. 1.4 Is this an After-the-Fact verification? No. 1.5 Date PCN determined complete for processing: 3/25/2020 1.6 Jurisdiction Determination completed? An Approved JD was completed on 5/28/2020. 1.7 Permit authority: Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) 1.8 Applicable Permit: NWP 12. Utility Lines and NWP 14. Linear Transportation Projects 1.9 Activity requires written waiver of NWP limits? No. 1.10 Activity requires a waiver from the requirements of a regional condition(s)? No. 2.0 Evaluation of the Pre-Construction Notification 2.1 Direct and indirect effects caused by the GP activity: The direct effects of the proposed activity in waters would include the loss of jurisdictional waters (as specified in Section 1.3) and their associated aquatic resource functions. The proposed activity also has the potential to result in indirect effects to waters including excess sedimentation in downstream waters, disruption and/or killing of aquatic life in the direct vicinity of the project area, increase of downstream flows, and blocking/restricting aquatic life passage transiting in and through the project area. These indirect effects are expected to be minimal due to design criteria and Best Management Practices (BMPs) required by Nationwide Permit General and Regional Conditions. Additionally, indirect effects would be further reduced through the implementation of BMPs required by state, local, and Federal ordinances and regulations. SAW-2019-01988 2.2 Site specific factors: This area has a long history of intensive land use which has resulted in long term degradation to aquatic resources. Given the largely urban nature of the watershed, the waters within the project area provide important aquatic resource functions to downstream waters. The loss of these functions in this setting and in the proposed quantities necessitates compensatory mitigation to ensure that cumulative impacts to onsite and downstream aquatic resources are individually and cumulatively minimal. 2.3 Coordination 2.3.1 Was the PCN coordinated with other agencies? Yes. This PCN was coordinated with the USFWS for Section 7 ESA consultation. If yes, describe results including resolution of any concerns. Agency coordination with the USFWS is required for the Northern Long Eared Bat. However, the Corps is not required to wait for a response from the USFWS Asheville Office in accordance with local procedures. 2.3.2 Was the PCN coordinated with other Corps offices? No. 2.4 Mitigation 2.4.1 Provide brief description of how the activity has been designed on-site to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the United States to the maximum extent practicable at the project site:The applicant provided a detailed statement describing their efforts to avoid and minimized impacts to waters of the United States on the project site in the preconstruction notification. Based on this information, the Corps believes the applicant has avoid and minimized impacts to waters of the United State to the maximum extent practicable. 2.4.2 Is compensatory mitigation required for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional aquatic resources to reduce the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects to a minimal level? Yes. Provide rationale: Compensatory mitigation is required to ensure minimal adverse environmental effects. The loss of wetlands associated with the activity is greater than 0.10 acre. 2.4.3 Type and location of compensatory mitigation Is the impact in the service area of an approved mitigation bank? No. If yes, does the mitigation bank have appropriate number and resource type of credits available? No. Is the impact in the service area of an approved in-lieu fee program? Yes. If yes, does the in-lieu fee program have the appropriate number and resource type of credits available? Yes. SAW-2019-01988 Selected compensatory mitigation type/location(s): See Table 1 Table 1: Mitigation Type and Location Mitigation bank credits In-lieu fee program credits X Permittee-responsible mitigation under a watershed approach Permittee-responsible mitigation, on-site and in-kind Permittee-responsible mitigation, off-site and/or out of kind Does the selected compensatory mitigation option deviate from the order of the options presented in §332.3(b)(2)-(6)? No. 2.4.4 Amount of compensatory mitigation: 0.4 wetland credits Rationale for required compensatory mitigation amount: This amount of compensatory mitigation is necessary to replace the permanent loss of WOUS and temporal loss at the mitigation site. No NCWAM rating was provided so a 2:1 ratio would be used. 3.0 Compliance with Other Laws, Policies and Requirements 3.1 Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) 3.1.1 ESA action area: The action area includes the waters of the United States that will be directly affected by the proposed work or structures and uplands directly affected as a result of authorizing the work or structures. 3.1.2 Has another federal agency taken steps to document compliance with Section 7 of the ESA and completed consultation(s) as required? No. 3.1.3 Known species/critical habitat present? Yes. IPAC Species in Mecklenburg County: Name: Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni) Status: Proposed Threatened Name: Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) Status: Endangered Name: Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum) Status: Endangered Name: Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii) Status: Endangered Name: Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Status: Threatened Name: Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) Status: Endangered Name: Smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata) Status: Endangered Effect determination(s), including no effect, for all known species/habitat, and basis for determination(s): Based on the latest version of the Natural Heritage Program’s NHEO data and a site visit, there are no protected species located within or in the vicinity of the action area. Based on the NHEO data, a Corps field review, and a assessment conducted by the agent, the Corps has determined the proposed activity will not directly or indirectly affect any species subject to the ESA. 3.1.4 Consultation with either the National Marine Fisheries Service and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was initiated and completed as required, for any determinations other than “no effect” (see the attached “Summary” sheet for begin date, end date and closure method of the consultation). SAW-2019-01988 The USACE reviewed this project in accordance with (IAW) the NLEB Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species (SLOPES) between the USACE, Wilmington District, and the Asheville and Raleigh U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Offices, and determined that the action area for this project is located outside of the highlighted areas/red 12-digit HUCs and activities in the action area do not require prohibited incidental take; as such, this project meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule and any associated take is exempted/excepted. IAW the NLEB SLOPES, the USACE sent a Situation 1 email to the Service on 5/27/2020, informing them about this project. Service Concurrence: as established in the NLEB SLOPES, this project does not require prohibited intentional take of the NLEB and it meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule; therefore any associated take is exempt and it is not necessary for the USACE to wait 30 days for the Service to object or concur. Based on a review of the information above, the Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. 3.2 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) The NWPs/RGPs were coordinated with the NMFS during the permit renewal process. NMFS coordination/EFH consultation is required if the activity affects SAV. This activity does not affect SAV. Therefore, NMFS coordination/EFH consultation has been completed. 3.2.1 Has another federal agency taken steps to comply with EFH provisions of Magnuson-Stevens Act? No. 3.2.2 Did the proposed project require review under the Magnuson-Stevens Act? No. 3.3 Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) 3.3.1 Section 106 permit area:The permit area includes only those areas comprising waters of the United States that will be directly affected by the proposed work or structures. Activities outside of waters of the U.S. are not included because all three tests identified in 33 CFR 325, Appendix C(g)(1) have not been met. Final description of the permit area: The permit area is limited to impacted waters. 3.3.2 Has another federal agency taken steps to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and completed consultation(s) as required? No. 3.3.3 Known cultural resource sites present and/or survey or other additional information needed? No. Based on the NCDCR “HPOWEB” service, aerial photographs, and a site visit, there are no known historic properties located in the permit area or in close proximity to the permit area. Effect determination and basis for that determination: The Corps has determined the proposed activity has no potential to cause effects to properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, because the project is located in areas that have been extensively modified. This activity is so limited in nature and scope that there is little likelihood of impinging upon a historic property even if such properties SAW-2019-01988 were present within the affected area(s). The site has been mass graded in most areas due to various past industrial land use. 3.3.4 Consultation was initiated and completed as required with the appropriate agencies, tribes and/or other parties for any determinations other than “no potential to cause effects” (see the attached “Summary” sheet for consultation type, begin date, end date and closure method of the consultation). The Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 106 of the NHPA. 3.4 Tribal Trust Responsibilities 3.4.1 Was government-to-government consultation conducted with Federally-recognized Tribe(s)? No. There are no known tribal interests in the project area. Provide a description of any consultation(s) conducted including results and how concerns about significant effects to protected tribal resources, tribal rights and/or Indian lands were addressed. The Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its tribal trust responsibilities. 3.4.2 Other Tribal including any discussion of Tribal Treaty rights? Select Yes or No. 3.5 Section 401 of the Clean Water Act – Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3.5.1 Is a Section 401 WQC required, and if so, has the certification been issued or waived? A general WQC has been issued for this permit. 3.6 Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) 3.6.1 Is a CZMA consistency concurrence required, and if so, has the concurrence been issued, waived or presumed? N/A, a CZMA consistency concurrence is not required. 3.7 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 3.7.1 Is the projectlocated in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” for possible inclusion in the system? No. According to http://www.rivers.gov, the proposed project area is not within a designated or study river. 3.8 Effects on Corps Civil Works Projects (33 USC 408) 3.8.1 Does the applicant also require permission under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 408) because the activity, in whole or in part, would alter, occupy, or use a Corps Civil Works project? No, there are no Corps Civil Works project(s) in or near the vicinity of the proposal. 4.0 Special Conditions 4.1 Are special conditions required to ensure minimal effects, protect the public interest and/or ensure compliance of the activity with any of the laws above? Yes. 4.2 Required special condition(s) SAW-2019-01988 Special condition: a. In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit, mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the attached Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form, including any special conditions listed on this form, are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit authorization. Rationale:See Section 2.4.2. 5.0 Determination 5.1 Waiver request conclusion, if required or select N/A: N/A. 5.2 The activity, with the required mitigation, will result in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment and will not be contrary to the public interest, provided the permittee complies with the special conditions identified above. 5.3 This activity, as described, complies with all terms and conditions of the permits identified in Section 1.5. PREPARED BY: ________________________ Date: 11/17/2021 David L. Shaeffer Bryan Roden-Reynolds 2021.11.17 13:49:24 -05'00' CompensatoryMitigationResponsibilityTransferForm  Permittee:CharlotteWater,CarlWilson ActionID:SAWͲ2019Ͳ01988 ProjectName:StoweRegionalWaterResourceRecoveryFacility&AssociatedInfrastructureProjects County:Mecklenburg  InstructionstoPermittee:ThePermitteemustprovideacopyofthisformtotheMitigationSponsor,eitheranapproved MitigationBankortheNorthCarolinaDivisionofMitigationServices(NCDMS),whowillthensigntheformtoverifythe transferofthemitigationresponsibility.OncetheSponsorhassignedthisform,itisthePermittee’sresponsibilitytoensure thattotheU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineers(USACE)ProjectManageridentifiedonpagetwoisinreceiptofasignedcopyofthis formbeforeconductingauthorizedimpacts,unlessotherwisespecifiedbelow.IfmorethanonemitigationSponsorwillbe usedtoprovidethemitigationassociatedwiththepermit,oriftheimpactsand/orthemitigationwilloccurinmorethanone 8ͲdigitHydrologicUnitCode(HUC),multipleformswillbeattachedtothepermit,andtheseparateformsforeachSponsor and/orHUCmustbeprovidedtotheappropriatemitigationSponsors.  InstructionstoSponsor:TheSponsormustverifythatthemitigationrequirements(credits)shownbelowareavailableatthe identifiedsite.Bysigningbelow,theSponsorisacceptingfullresponsibilityfortheidentifiedmitigation,regardlessof whetherornottheyhavereceivedpaymentfromthePermittee.Oncetheformissigned,theSponsormustupdatethebank ledgerandprovideacopyofthesignedformandtheupdatedbankledgertothePermittee,theUSACEProjectManager,and theWilmingtonDistrictMitigationOffice(seecontactinformationonpage2).TheSponsormustalsocomplywithall reportingrequirementsestablishedintheirauthorizinginstrument.  PermittedImpactsandCompensatoryMitigationRequirements: PermittedImpactsRequiringMitigation*8ͲdigitHUCandBasin:03050101,CatawbaRiverBasin StreamImpacts(linearfeet)WetlandImpacts(acres) WarmCoolColdRiparianRiverineRiparianNonͲRiverineNonͲRiparianCoastal 0.2 *Ifmorethanonemitigationsponsorwillbeusedforthepermit,onlyincludeimpactstobemitigatedbythissponsor.  CompensatoryMitigationRequirements:8ͲdigitHUCandBasin:03050101,CatawbaRiverBasin StreamMitigation(credits)WetlandMitigation(credits) WarmCoolColdRiparianRiverineRiparianNonͲRiverineNonͲRiparianCoastal 0.4  MitigationSiteDebited:CityofCharlotteUmbrellaStreamandWetlandMitigationBank (Listthenameofthebanktobedebited.Forumbrellabanks,alsolistthespecificsite.ForNCDMS,listNCDMS.IftheNCDMS acceptanceletteridentifiesaspecificsite,alsolistthespecificsitetobedebited).  SectiontobecompletedbytheMitigationSponsor  StatementofMitigationLiabilityAcceptance:I,theundersigned,verifythatIamauthorizedtoapprovemitigation transactionsfortheMitigationSponsorshownbelow,andIcertifythattheSponsoragreestoacceptfullresponsibilityfor providingthemitigationidentifiedinthisdocument(seethetableabove),associatedwiththeUSACEPermitteeandAction IDnumbershown.Ialsoverifythatreleasedcredits(and/oradvancecreditsforNCDMS),asapprovedbytheUSACE,are currentlyavailableatthemitigationsiteidentifiedabove.Further,IunderstandthatiftheSponsorfailstoprovidethe requiredcompensatorymitigation,theUSACEWilmingtonDistrictEngineermaypursuemeasuresagainsttheSponsorto ensurecomplianceassociatedwiththemitigationrequirements.  MitigationSponsorName:  NameofSponsor’sAuthorizedRepresentative:   SignatureofSponsor’sAuthorizedRepresentativeDateofSignature  ConditionsforTransferofCompensatoryMitigationCredit: x OncethisdocumenthasbeensignedbytheMitigationSponsorandtheUSACEisinreceiptofthesignedform,the Permitteeisnolongerresponsibleforprovidingthemitigationidentifiedinthisform,thoughthePermitteeremains responsibleforanyothermitigationrequirementsstatedinthepermitconditions. x Constructionwithinjurisdictionalareasauthorizedbythepermitidentifiedonpageoneofthisformcanbeginonlyafter theUSACEisinreceiptofacopyofthisdocumentsignedbytheSponsor,confirmingthattheSponsorhasaccepted responsibilityforprovidingthemitigationrequirementslistedherein.ForauthorizedimpactsconductedbytheNorth CarolinaDepartmentofTransportation(NCDOT),constructionwithinjurisdictionalareasmayproceeduponpermit issuance;however,acopyofthisformsignedbytheSponsormustbeprovidedtotheUSACEwithin30daysofpermit issuance.NCDOTremainsfullyresponsibleforthemitigationuntiltheUSACEhasreceivedthisform,confirmingthatthe Sponsorhasacceptedresponsibilityforprovidingthemitigationrequirementslistedherein. x SignedcopiesofthisdocumentmustberetainedbythePermittee,MitigationSponsor,andintheUSACEadministrative recordsforboththepermitandtheBank/ILFInstrument.ItisthePermittee’sresponsibilitytoensurethattheUSACE ProjectManager(addressbelow)isprovidedwithasignedcopyofthisform. x Ifchangesareproposedtothetype,amount,orlocationofmitigationafterthisformhasbeensignedandreturnedto theUSACE,theSponsormustobtaincaseͲbyͲcaseapprovalfromtheUSACEProjectManagerand/orNorthCarolina InteragencyReviewTeam(NCIRT).Ifapproved,highermitigationratiosmaybeapplied,aspercurrentDistrictguidance andanewversionofthisformmustbecompletedandincludedintheUSACEadministrativerecordsforboththepermit andtheBank/ILFInstrument.  Comments/AdditionalConditions:AletterfromCityofCharlotteUmbrellaStreamandWetlandMitigationBank, confirmingtheyarewillingandabletoaccepttheapplicant’scompensatorymitigationresponsibility,dated2/18/2020was includedwiththepreconstructionnotification.  ThisformisnotvalidunlesssignedbelowbytheUSACEProjectManagerandbytheMitigationSponsoronPage1.Once signed,theSponsorshouldprovidecopiesofthisformalongwithanupdatedbankledgerto:1)thePermittee,2)theUSACE ProjectManagerattheaddressbelow,and3)theWilmingtonDistrictMitigationOffice,Attn:ToddTugwell,11405Falls ofNeuseRoad,WakeForest,NC27587(email:todd.tugwell@usace.army.mil).Questionsregardingthisformoranyofthe permitconditionsmaybedirectedtotheUSACEProjectManagerbelow.  USACEProjectManager:DavidL.Shaeffer USACEFieldOffice:CharlotteRegulatoryOffice USArmyCorpsofEngineers 8430UniversityExecutiveParkDrive,Suite615 Charlotte,NorthCarolina28262 Email:david.l.shaeffer@usace.army.mil    11/17/2021 USACEProjectManagerSignatureDateofSignature  CurrentWilmingtonDistrictmitigationguidance,includinginformationonmitigationratios,functionalassessments,and mitigationbanklocationandavailability,andcreditclassifications(includingstreamtemperatureandwetlandgroupings)is availableathttp://ribits.usace.army.mil Bryan Roden-Reynolds 2021.11.17 13:49:06 -05'00' SAW-2019-01988 JD MODIFIED --- 12/07/21 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2019-01988 County: Gaston U.S.G.S. Quad: NC-Mount Holly NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Requestor: Charlotte Water Joseph Wilson Address: 5100 Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28216 Telephone Number: 704-336-6710 E-mail: cwilson@charlottenc.gov Size (acres) 95 Nearest Town Mount Holly Nearest Waterway Catawba River River Basin Santee USGS HUC 03050101 Coordinates Latitude: 35.283537 Longitude: -81.011336 Location description: The review area is located between the wastewater treatment plants at the terminus of Hawfield Road and Broome Street. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A.PreliminaryDetermination ܈ There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated 11/9/2021. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. ܆ There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination ܆ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ There are waters, including wetlandson the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆We recommend you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. SAW-2019-01988 JD MODIFIED --- 12/07/21 ܆The waters, including wetlands on your project area/property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated DATE. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. ܆The waters, including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below onDATE. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area/property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Bryan Roden-Reynolds at 704-510-1440 or bryan.roden-reynolds@usace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: Basis For Determination: See the preliminary jurisdictional determination form dated 12/7/2021. D. Remarks: None E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps’ Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Mr. Philip A. Shannin Administrative Appeal Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Floor M9 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8803 AND PHILIP.A.SHANNIN@USACE.ARMY.MIL In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by Not applicable. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** SAW-2019-01988 JD MODIFIED --- 12/07/21 Corps Regulatory Official: ______________________________________________________ Date of JD: 12/7/2021 Expiration Date of JD: Not applicable The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/. Copy Furnished: Agent: HDR, Inc. Kelly Thames Address: 440 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28208 Telephone Number: 704-338-6710 E-mail: Kelly.thames@hdrinc.com Bryan Roden-Reynolds 2021.12.07 08:18:59 -05'00' NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: Charlotte Water, Joseph Wilson File Number: SAW-2019-01988 Date: 12/7/2021 Attached is: See Section below ܆ INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A ܆ PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B ܆ PERMIT DENIAL C ܆ APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ܈ PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at or http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.aspx or the Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. x ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. x OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit x ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. x APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. x ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. x APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn: Bryan Roden-Reynolds Charlotte Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 8430 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 615 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: MR. PHILIP A. SHANNIN ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REVIEW OFFICER CESAD-PDS-O 60 FORSYTH STREET SOUTHWEST, FLOOR M9 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8803 PHONE: (404) 562-5136; FAX (404) 562-5138 EMAIL: PHILIP.A.SHANNIN@USACE.ARMY.MIL RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15-day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. ________________________________________ Signature of appellant or agent. Date: Telephone number: For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: Bryan Roden-Reynolds, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Philip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 11/17/2021 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Charlotte Water, Joseph Wilson, 5100 Brookshire Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28216 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Wilmington District, Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility, SAW-2019-01988 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The review area is located between the wastewater treatment plants at the terminus of Hawfield Road and Broome Street. (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County: Gaston City: Mount Holly Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Latitude: 35.283537 Longitude: -81.011336 Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Catawba River E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ܈Office (Desk) Determination. Date: 11/17/21 ܆Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION Feature Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resources in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable Type of aquatic resources (i.e., wetland vs. non- wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource “may be” subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) Stream S8 35.28353700 -81.01133600 620 linear feet Non-wetland 404 Stream S9 35.28312800 -81.00953200 236 linear feet Non-wetland 404 Stream S10 35.28374800 -80.99669900 752 linear feet Non-wetland 404 Wetland W17 35.28319400 -81.00978400 0.15 acre Wetland 404 Wetland W10 35.281500 -81.002091 1.28 acres Wetland 404 Catawba River 35.283195 -81.009536 0.65 acre Non-wetland 404 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items are included in the administrative record and are appropriately cited:܈Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: Map: Figures 1- ܈Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. Datasheets: ܈Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ܆Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: ܆Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ܆ Corps navigable waters' study: ܆U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ܆USGS NHD data: ܆USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps: ܈U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Figure 2, USGS Topographic Quadrangle (7.5- minute quadrangles Mount Holly and Mountain Island Lake, NC) ܈Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Figure 4, NRCS Soils Survey (Web Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County) ܈National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: Figure 5, NHD, NWI, and FEMA Floodplains (USFWS NWI Mapper) ܆State/local wetland inventory map(s): ܈FEMA/FIRM maps: Figure 5, NHD, NWI, and FEMA Floodplains (National Flood Hazard Layer) ܆100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) ܈ Photographs: ܈ Aerial (Name & Date): Figure 1, Project Vicinity (Dated 11/09/21), Figure 3, Aerial Imagery and Mecklenburg County Parcels (Dated 11/09/21) and Figure 6, Potentially Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. (Dated 11/09/21) or ܈ Other (Name & Date): Photographs 1-4 ܆Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ܈ Other information (please specify): NCDWQ Stream Identification Forms, Version 4.11 (Dated 09/03/21) IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD 12/7/2021 Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) 1 1 Districts may establish timeframes for requester to return signed PJD forms. If the requester does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. Bryan Roden-Reynolds 2021.12.07 08:18:26 -05'00' PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3018_CHARLOTTEWATER\10137229_LONGCREEKWWTP\7.2_WIP\MAP_DOCS\MXD\NWP\UPDATE_2021\PJD\06A_LONGCREEK_JD.MXD - USER: KTHAMES - DATE: 11/22/2021STOWE REGIONAL WRRF & ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTFIGURE 6POTENTIALLY JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S.APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION VERIFICATIONODELINEATION BOUNDARIES CREATED BYGPS POINTS COLLECTED USING TRIMBLE GEO7XRLEGENDAdditional AreaProject SitePotentiallyJurisdictional StreamPotentiallyJurisdictionalWetlandsJurisdictionalPerennial RPWTributaryJurisdictionalSeasonal RPWTributaryJurisdictionalWetlandsNon-404 IsolatedWetlandUpland Data PointsWetland Data PointsÀÀ!(PhotographsSAW#: 2019-01988Author: KTHAMESDate: 11/22/2021Data Source: HDR GIS ShapefilesBasemap Source: NC OneMap Orthoimagery0750375FeetService Layer Credits: NC Center for GeographicInformation & AnalysisÀÀ!(ÀÀ!(ÀÀ!(21321ÀÀ!(4Potential Tributary IntermittentStream 8620 lfPotential Wetland - PFOWetland 17 0.15 acPotential Tributary PerennialStream 9236 lfPotential Tributary IntermittentStream 10752 lfO0200100FeetO012060FeetPotential Wetland - Wetland 10(continuation of original W10)1.28 ac.Potential TNWCatawba River0.40 ac.Potential TNWCatawba River0.25 ac. Charlotte Water – Stowe Regional WRRF | HDD EQ Basin 2 Spoils Area Environmental Management Plan Attachment D – Historical Sampling Data D Attachment D – Historical Sampling Data Summary of Groundwater Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina Attachment D - Groundwater Samples EMP Project Well ID Date Northing Easting Benzo(a) anthracene Benzo(a) pyrene Benzo(b) fluoranthrene Benzo(g,h,i) perylene Benzo(k) fluoranthene Chrysene Dibenzo(a,h) anthracene Di-n- octylphthalate bis(2-Ethylhexyl phthalate Indeno (1,2,3- cd) pyrene Stowe Regional WRRF MW-1WPC 9/30/2008 563792.5650 1401460.8040 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Unknown MW-2 WPC 9/30/2008 NM NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Stowe HW&IPS MW-6 WPC 2008 563365.2927 1402822.4694 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/10/2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/5/2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/15/2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/12/2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/10/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10/19/2017 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1982 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/20/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TW-01T 9/13/2017 545104.891 1407580.2160 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TW-02T 9/13/2017 546717.935 1401666.1730 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TW-03T 9/22/2017 563403.925 1402570.782 1.7J 1.4J 1.7J 2.2J 2.2J 2.4J 2.6J 2.3J 1.9J 2.1J Long Creek PS MW-93SME 1/14/2020 562695.627 1402979.353 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1/30/2020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 118 ND 3/27/2020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA ND ND 0.05 0.005 0.05 200 0.5 5 0.005 100 3 0.05 Notes: 1. WPC = Data from WPC, October 2008. 2. H&H = Hart & Hickman; data collected during periodic monitoring events. 3. T = Data from Terracon, October 2017. 4. SME = Data from S&ME, January 2020. 5. SME/HDR = Initial sample collected by S&ME in January 2020; confirmaation smaple collected by HDR in March 2020. 6. ND = Not detected above the laboratory reporting limit. 7. NA = Not analyzed. 8. Concentrations reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L). 9. 2L Standards from 15A NCAC 02L .0202, as proposed for amendment on December 29, 2020. 10. Concentrations in bold and underlined type exceeded 2L Standards. 11. EMP Projects are referenced to associated Environmentral Management Plan Figure 3. North Access Road Stowe HW&IPS Flow EQ Basin 2L Standards SVOCs MW-96SME/HDR 562075.725 1402310.141 MW-7H&H MW-8AH&H WQ-18H&H NM NM NM NM NM NM Summary of Groundwater Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina Attachment D - Groundwater Samples EMP Project Well ID Date Northing Easting Chloromethane Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4- Dichlorobenzene Ethylbenzene Tetrachloroethene (PCE)Toluene Total Xylenes Stowe Regional WRRF MW-1WPC 9/30/2008 563792.5650 1401460.8040 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Unknown MW-2 WPC 9/30/2008 NM NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Stowe HW&IPS MW-6 WPC 2008 563365.2927 1402822.4694 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/10/2008 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/4/2009 ND 0.62 0.54 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/5/2010 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/15/2011 ND 0.69 0.62 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/12/2012 ND 0.72 0.56 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/4/2013 ND 0.65 0.67 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/4/2014 ND 0.68 0.63 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/10/2015 ND 0.64 0.51 ND ND ND ND ND ND 2/16/2021 1.0 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 10/19/2017 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2/16/2021 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1982 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/20/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TW-01T 9/13/2017 545104.891 1407580.2160 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TW-02T 9/13/2017 546717.935 1401666.1730 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TW-03T 9/22/2017 563403.925 1402570.782 2.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Long Creek PS MW-93SME 1/14/2020 562695.627 1402979.353 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1/30/2020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3/27/2020 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 50 20 200 6 600 0.7 600 500 Notes: 1. WPC = Data from WPC, October 2008. 2. H&H = Hart & Hickman; data collected during periodic monitoring events. 3. T = Data from Terracon, October 2017. 4. SME = Data from S&ME, January 2020. 5. SME/HDR = Initial sample collected by S&ME in January 2020; confirmaation smaple collected by HDR in March 2020. 6. ND = Not detected above the laboratory reporting limit. 7. NA = Not analyzed. 8. Concentrations reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L). 9. 2L Standards from 15A NCAC 02L .0202, as proposed for amendment on December 29, 2020. 10. Concentrations in bold and underlined type exceeded 2L Standards. 11. EMP Projects are referenced to associated Environmentral Management Plan Figure 3. North Access Road Stowe HW&IPS Flow EQ Basin VOCs 2L Standards MW-96SME/HDR 562075.725 1402310.141 MW-7H&H MW-8AH&H WQ-18H&H NM NM NM NM NM NM Summary of Groundwater Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina Attachment D - Groundwater Samples EMP Project Well ID Date Northing Easting Arsenic Barium Berylium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese Nickel Selenium Vanadium Zinc Stowe Regional WRRF MW-1WPC 9/30/2008 563792.5650 1401460.8040 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Unknown MW-2 WPC 9/30/2008 NM NM NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Stowe HW&IPS MW-6 WPC 2008 563365.2927 1402822.4694 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/10/2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA 660 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2700 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/5/2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA 450 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/15/2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5600 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/12/2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4600 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1600 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/4/2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA NA NA NA NA NA 11/10/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA NA NA NA NA NA 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA ND NA 220 NA 2.0 NA NA NA NA 10/19/2017 ND 59 ND ND ND ND 650 ND 24 ND ND 16 ND 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA ND NA 93 NA ND NA NA NA NA 1982 NA NA NA 120 NA 240 NA NA NA 62 NA NA 190 11/20/2015 ND 7.5 ND ND 0.32 2.2 91 3.9 71 2.4 ND 8.2 ND 2/16/2021 NA NA NA NA ND NA ND NA ND NA NA NA NA TW-01T 9/13/2017 545104.891 1407580.2160 NA 65.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TW-02T 9/13/2017 546717.935 1401666.1730 NA 23.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TW-03T 9/22/2017 563403.925 1402570.782 NA 63.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Long Creek PS MW-93SME 1/14/2020 562695.627 1402979.353 ND 13 ND ND NA NA NA ND NA NA ND NA NA 1/30/2020 ND 130 NA 9.2 NA NA NA ND NA NA ND NA NA 3/27/2020 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 700 4 10 1 1000 300 15 50 100 20 7 1000 Notes: 1. WPC = Data from WPC, October 2008. 2. H&H = Hart & Hickman; data collected during periodic monitoring events. 3. T = Data from Terracon, October 2017. 4. SME = Data from S&ME, January 2020. 5. SME/HDR = Initial sample collected by S&ME in January 2020; confirmaation smaple collected by HDR in March 2020. 6. ND = Not detected above the laboratory reporting limit. 7. NA = Not analyzed. 8. Concentrations reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L). 9. 2L Standards from 15A NCAC 02L .0202, as proposed for amendment on December 29, 2020. 10. Concentrations in bold and underlined type exceeded 2L Standards. 11. EMP Projects are referenced to associated Environmentral Management Plan Figure 3. North Access Road Stowe HW&IPS Flow EQ Basin Metals 2L Standards MW-96SME/HDR 562075.725 1402310.141 MW-7H&H MW-8AH&H WQ-18H&H NM NM NM NM NM NM Summary of Soil Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina Attachment D - Soil Samples SVOCs PCBs Acetone 2-Butanone (MEK)Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloro- benzene Methylene Chloride p-Isopropyl- toluene MS-SOUTH 563378.4760 1401632.6690 0.98 182 0.53 18.9 NA 8.0 0.0059 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MS-NORTH 563457.0730 1401691.4090 1.6 95.5 1.1 55.9 NA 14.9 0.065 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MS-EAST (0-1')NM NM ND 84.4 4.4 37.6 ND 6.8 0.017 0.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MS-WEST (0-1')NM NM 1.1 204 2.4 51.2 ND 6.5 0.098 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ABANDONED EFF. CHANNEL 0-2ft 563832.8546 1401006.933 2.0 25.3 0.66 21.0 NA 10.3 0.11 ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ABANDONED EFF. CHANNEL 2-4ft 563832.8546 1401006.933 2.8 223J 0.53 26.4 NA 10.1 0.023 2.8 NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND LONG CREEK (LC) SEDIMENT (0-2')NM NM 2.4 103 ND 30.3 NA 13.4 0.05 1.9 NA 121 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND LONG CREEK (LC) SEDIMENT (2-4')NM NM 2.2 92.4 ND 29.3 NA 8.2 0.052 3.0 NA 126 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND LC DOWNSTREAM (DS) SEDIMENT (0.5-2')NM NM 1.5 90.6 0.30 16.9 ND 6.8 0.025 1.5 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA LC DOWNSTREAM (DS) SEDIMENT (2-4')NM NM 2.2 109 0.13 20.5 ND 8.0 0.031 1.9 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA LC UPSTREAM (US) SEDIMENT (0.5-2')NM NM NA NA NA 26.2 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA LC UPSTREAM (US) SEDIMENT (2-4')NM NM NA NA NA 21.3 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND1(0.5-2')NM NM 0.99 73 0.67 41.5 NA 7.5 0.026 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND1(2'-4')NM NM 0.94 58.6 0.2 30.5 NA 5.8 0.024 1.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND2(0.5-2')NM NM 0.55 47.8 0.088 41.4 NA 5.1 0.014 2.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND2(2'-4')NM NM 0.78 40.4 0.33 80.5 NA 5 0.01 2.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND3(0.5-2')NM NM 0.65 81.2 1.8 126 NA 8.4 0.014 2.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND3(2'-4')NM NM ND 126 5.5 132 NA 6.6 0.017 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND4(0.5-2')NM NM ND 50.6 0.35 19.3 NA 4.8 0.012 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND4(2'-4')NM NM ND 40.9 0.23 8.8 NA 3.2 0.0063 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND5(0.5-2')NM NM 0.83 70.3 ND 18.1 NA 6.2 0.02 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BKGRND5(2'-4')NM NM 0.76 57.1 ND 13.7 NA 4.3 0.023 2.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP 1 (0.5-2')NM NM 0.91 42.3 2 33 ND 7 0.033 1.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP 1 (2-4')NM NM 1.3 66.8 0.87 14.8 ND 5.4 0.02 0.85 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP 2 (0.5-2')NM NM 1.3 99.3 2.9 30.8 ND 5.4 0.043 2.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP 2 (2-4')NM NM 0.64 73.8 1.4 18.2 ND 2.9 0.013 0.68 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP 2 (0-5, 15-20, 20-25) DEEP COMPOSITE NM NM ND 97.5 ND 14.1 ND 2.4 ND 1.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP-3 (0-2')NM NM 1.5 111 3 35.2 ND 9.5 0.041 2.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EP-3 (2-4')NM NM 0.83 71.8 3.4 37.2 ND 7.6 0.11 2.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-1 (0-2')NM NM 1.2 261 1.3 78.9 ND 3.9 0.0092 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-1 (2-4')NM NM 1.2 135 0.11 7.5 ND 3.1 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-2 (0-2')NM NM ND 298 2.8 59.6 ND 2.1 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-2 (5-10, 15-20, 25- 29) DEEP COMPOSITE NM NM ND 284 ND 27.1 ND 0.95 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-3 (0-2')NM NM 1.1 220 2.2 32 ND 9.4 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA WP-3 (2-4')NM NM 0.45 248 0.89 7 ND 5.6 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SOIL STOCKPILE (SS)NM NM 1.9 114 1.3 28.8 15.6 9.7 0.027 3.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AEC 1 (0.5-2')NM NM 0.49 45.6 5.1 66.7 ND 8.3 0.076 3.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sample ID Northing Easting Phase II ESA - Black & Veatch (2008)Arsenic Barium Cadmium Total Chromium Hexavalent Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver VOCs Summary of Soil Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina AEC 1 (2-4')NM NM 0.64 51.8 5 80.8 ND 7.2 0.075 5.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AEC 2 (0.5-2')NM NM 0.59 121 2.2 19.4 ND 6.6 0.0088 1.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AEC 2 (2-4')NM NM 0.91 103 2 15.4 ND 6.1 0.065 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B-3 563344.2840 1401401.8240 0.98 182 0.53 18.9 NA 8.0 0.0059 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND BG-1 562802.997 1402920.4 1.0 49.2 NA 6 NA 3.2 ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BG-2 562406.449 1402612.692 0.39J 118 NA 7.3 NA 3.0 0.005 ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SB-01 (0-5')563743.168 1401550.626 0.95J 516 NA 110 NA 5.6 ND ND 0.36J 0.0205J ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-02 (0-5')563421.434 1401414.641 ND 486 NA 31.0 NA 2.3 ND ND ND 0.0252J ND ND ND 0.0037J ND NA NA SB-03 (0-5')563273.958 1401240.390 0.54J 243 NA 22.2 NA 4.9 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-04 (15-20')562850.236 1401288.500 ND 89.1 NA 69.6 NA 1.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-05 (5-10')562518.035 1401273.979 1.3J 149 NA 26.1 NA 4.6 0.022 3.0 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-06 (5-10')562748.205 1401752.917 ND 326 NA 75.5 NA 4.4 ND 3.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-07 (10-15')562919.040 1401618.886 0.54J 252 NA 7.2 NA 3.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-08 (0-5')563285.158 1401568.797 ND 135 NA 19.5 NA 7.2 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-09 (5-10')563430.449 1401657.142 ND 144 NA 4.5 NA 6.2 0.0046J ND ND 0.0144J ND ND ND ND ND NA NA SB-10 (5-10')563565.819 1401854.111 2.4 85.3 NA 32.9 NA 8.3 0.018 ND ND 0.231 0.0295J ND ND ND 0.0411 NA NA B-102 (1'-3')2.1 56.4 <0.11 20.5 NA 3.4 0.036 NA <0.54 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-102 (11'-13')1.3 78.7 <0.085 21.3 NA 2.5 0.021 NA <0.42 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-102 (21'-23')0.86 69.3 <0.081 11.3 NA 0.63 <0.0023 NA <0.40 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-93 (1'-3')0.71 88.8 <0.070 12.6 NA 2.0 0.0093 NA <0.35 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-93 (11'-13')<0.97 62.7 <0.097 160 NA 0.92 <0.0051 NA <0.49 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-93 (21'-23')1.1 42.9 <0.082 40.3 NA 4.3 0.012 NA <0.41 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-98 (2'-4')1.2 58.7 <0.087 128 NA 2.9 0.013 NA <0.43 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-98 (12'-14')<0.84 56.8 <0.084 120 NA 0.86 <0.0043 NA <0.42 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-101 (1'-3')2.2 51.6 <0.098 73.8 NA 5.7 0.099 NA <0.49 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-101 (10'-12')1.4 60.9 <0.087 70.8 NA 3.8 0.020 NA <0.43 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-96 (1'-3')2.3 126 <0.073 24.1 NA 5.9 0.053 NA <0.36 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-96 (11'-13')0.77 176 <0.076 11.5 NA 3.2 <0.0046 NA <0.38 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-97 (5'-7')2.1 31.6 <0.094 70.6 NA 3.5 0.023 NA <0.47 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-97 (15'-17')1.8 63.5 <0.10 62 NA 5.7 0.037 NA <0.52 205 ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-97 (23'-25')1.2 481 <0.080 466 NA 1.7 <0.0034 NA <0.40 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-98 (15'-17')561697.296 1402302.505 1.7 48.2 0.19 27.7 NA <0.52 0.013 NA <0.52 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-99 (4'-6')5.7 43.2 0.3 142 NA 7.5 0.17 NA 1.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-99 (14'-16')1.7 108 0.23 82.6 NA <0.42 <0.0055 NA <0.42 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-99 (24'-26')1.3 40.7 0.4 25.5 NA 3.9 <0.0037 NA <0.30 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-99 (34'-35')1.4 33.7 0.2 15.1 NA 3.4 <0.0057 NA <0.37 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA B-101 (14'-21')561867.14 1402544.74 2.4 46.9 0.25 58.8 NA 1.0 <0.0045 NA <0.44 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA HF-16.OE (1')<0.80 NA NA 24.9 <5.4 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA HF-16.OE (13')<0.67 NA NA 17.3 <5.3 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-1 (1')1.0 NA NA 47.6 <5.9 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-1 (19')<1.1 NA NA 46.1 <5.1 NA NA NA NA ND ND 0.311 ND ND ND ND NA P-2 (1')<1.1 NA NA 29.5 <5.3 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-2 (12')<0.81 NA NA 161 <5.1 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-3 (1')<1.1 NA NA 115 <5.5 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-3 (12')<0.90 NA NA 78.0 <5.6 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-4 (1')1.4 NA NA 26.4 <5.5 NA NA NA NA 0.0983 ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-4 (17')<0.93 NA NA 58.2 <4.7 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND 0.0085 ND ND ND NA P-5 (2')2.4 NA NA 121 <5.4 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-5 (12')<0.99 NA NA 27.1 <5.1 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-6 (1')<1.0 NA NA 24.0 <4.3 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-6 (7')<0.77 NA NA 16.3 <4.0 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NALimited Assessment Report - S&ME (2020)563141.328 1402719.689 562695.627 1402979.353 561697.296 1402302.505 561867.14 1402544.74 562075.725 1402310.141 562033.948 1402757.06 561683.426 1402809.695Terracon (2017)HDR Duke Energy Transmission Line Assessment (May 2020) 567578.5852 1403546.409 567501.0020 1403572.0990 567443.9800 1403426.0190 567133.3210 1403476.8780 566644.0450 1403415.8140 566216.6714 1403410.2036 565859.0560 1403166.7940 Summary of Soil Quality Data Stowe Regional WRRF Charlotte, North Carolina P-7 (1')1.8 NA NA 24.4 <6.5 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-7 (13')<1.1 NA NA 13.5 <5.8 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-8 (1')0.80 NA NA 9.4 <5.6 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-8 (13')<0.60 NA NA 6.0 <4.1 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-9 (1')1.1 NA NA 166 <6.0 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA P-9 (23')<0.91 NA NA 13.4 <6.0 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA HF-10 (1')1.7 NA NA 43.9 <4.7 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA HF-10 (28')0.92 NA NA 34.4 <5.3 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA EP (1')<1.1 NA NA 7.3 <6.3 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA EP (34')<0.95 NA NA 8.0 <5.2 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA LD-1 562538.263 1402443.054 <1.5 45.0 <0.061 3.5 NA 2.8 <0.0023 0.34J <0.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA LD-2 562435.958 1402588.153 <1.6 83.5 <0.064 35.2 NA 3.8 0.0099 2.3 <1.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA LD-4 562198.108 1402270.521 0.65J 159 <0.086 15.2 NA 3.4 0.031 0.55J <2.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EQ-1 562138.309 1402582.150 1.4J 34.6 <0.47 9.3 NA 14.4 0.011 1.0 <0.47 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EQ-2 562017.206 1402341.796 1.2J 144 <0.40 24.5 NA 11.0 0.035 0.93 <0.40 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EQ-4/6 561778.033 1402089.803 <2.4 101 <0.095 26.9 NA 4.9 0.093 3.7 <4.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EQ-5 561712.461 1402489.082 <2.3 16.6 <0.093 14.5 NA 9.4 0.090 0.98 <0.47 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA LC-2 562204.785 1401741.403 <1.6 66.3 <0.065 18.9 NA 0.81 0.0031 0.61J <3.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-1 562562.138 1401639.069 <2.1 78.1 <0.083 42.3 NA 7.6 0.050 3.3 <2.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-3 562501.711 1401224.719 <2.3 78.6 <0.094 35.4 NA 1.8 0.082 2.1 <2.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-7 562949.247 1401559.429 0.72J 202 <0.39 4.3 NA 6.1 <0.0022 0.65J <0.39 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-9 562852.359 1401238.076 0.59J 206 <0.36 32.0 NA 6.7 <0.0022 0.53J <0.36 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-10 563077.277 1401258.443 0.78J 108 <0.43 6.8 NA 11.1 0.0028J 0.66J <0.43 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BP-12 563157.572 1401626.322 <2.5 444 0.45J 48.8 NA 10.8 0.0026J 1.6 <0.49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA RS-1 562286.762 1402982.754 1.1J 92.7 <0.086 9.9 NA 0.85J 0.010 <0.86 <0.43 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA RS-2 562589.391 1402741.693 1.7J 67.4 <0.099 21.9 NA 10.4 0.038 0.54J <0.050 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA POND-2 563710.524 1401662.268 2.9 17.4 <0.46 13.5 NA 9.3 0.072 1.8 <0.46 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA POND-4 563910.348 1401591.384 0.93J 210 <0.38 49.7 NA 6.9 <0.0022 0.44J <0.38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA POND-5 564098.537 1401736.072 0.97J 144 <0.33 13.1 NA 5.8 0.0072 0.97 <0.33 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA POND-6 564250.596 1401939.428 2.4 43.4 <0.46 18.0 NA 10.6 0.043 1.4 <0.46 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA POND-8 563709.860 1401875.378 0.84J 253 <0.35 36.1 NA 8.8 <0.0037 0.64J <0.35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.0 47,000 110 350,000 6.5 NS 9.7 1,200 1,200 140,000 40,000 280 2,000 650 NS NS NS Protection of Groundwater PSRG 5.8 580 3.0 360,000 3.8 270 1.0 2.1 3.4 25 17 0.68 0.39 0.025 1.24 NS NS 1. Concentrations reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). 2. Concentrations in bold and underlined type exceeded the Industrial/commercial PSRGs. 3. Shaded concentrations exceeded the Protection of groundwater PSRG. 4. NA = Not analyzed. 5. <0.33 = Concentration did not exceed the laboratory reporting limit. 6. Concentrations with a "J" qualifier exceeded the method detection limit but did not exceed the reporting limit (estimated concentration). 7. NS = No standard; SVOCs and PCBs have individual standards, but concentrations were not detected above the reporting limit, so results were cumulatively "ND". Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRGBackground Soil Evaluation - HDR (July 2021)HDR Duke Energy Transmission Line Assessment (May 2020) 565545.6950 564335.6580 1402146.1430 564226.3645 1402055.6624 1402951.5180 567986.4650 1402813.2910 564628.3848 1402516.0669 440 S Church Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 hdrinc.com © 2022 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved 440 S Church Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 hdrinc.com © 2022 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved