Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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MSWLF LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Forsyth
goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 3412-CLDF-1995
CDLF X Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: June 10, 2022 Date of Last Inspection: April 30, 2021
Old Salisbury Road Construction and Demolition Landfill Facility
3336 Old Salisbury Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
GPS COORDINATES (decimal degrees): Lat.: 36.00093° Long.: -80.27773°
Name: Jan McHargue, Solid Waste Administrator
Telephone: (336) 747-7310
Email address: janm@cityofws.org
P. O. Box 2511
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Adam Rickett, Senior Project Supervisor – City/County Utilities
Brian Parker, Crew Coordinator – City/County Utilities
Chuck Kirchner, Environmental Senior Specialist – Solid Waste Management
Robert Pike, Environmental Senior Specialist – Solid Waste Management
Life Of Site Permit issued February 28, 2020, expires July 3, 2056
Comprehensive Inspection
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance
with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an
administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit,
or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to
enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any
such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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1. The facility is permitted as a Construction and Debris (C&D) Landfill. Facility operations also include a
treatment and processing area for concrete, asphalt, and brick (CAB). AN area adjacent to the active landfill has
been conditionally permitted as a temporary debris storage and reduction site (DS34-006).
2. The Old Salisbury Road C&D facility temporarily closed operations from 11/22/21 through 3/28/22.
Records Review:
3. The life of site permit to operate and the approved operation plan (revised February 2020) are maintained at the
scale house and are available for review upon request.
4. Tonnage records were provided by Mr. Rickett via email and included data for FY 2019 through May 2022.
Records indicated that the total tonnage for FY 2021-June 2022 is 23,540.93. This is a decrease of 14,973.11
tons from the previous fiscal year through May.
5. Facility staff perform the quarterly landfill gas monitoring as required. Copies of landfill gas monitoring data
forms were reviewed for sampling events that occurred on February 4, 2021, May 5, 2021, July 23, 2021,
October 29, 2021, and March 29, 2022. The sampling logs that the scale house and all wells were sampled
during each event.
6. Groundwater monitoring takes place semi-annually, as required, and is performed by HDR Engineering.
Reports for the two most recent sampling events were provided for review. Reports covered the sampling events
for April 30, 2021 and November 8-12, 2021.
7. Waste inspection forms from 3 daily waste inspections per day were provided for review as requested.
Inspection forms were reviewed from April 30, 2021 through June 9, 2022. The forms were found to be detailed
and complete, including the type and description of unacceptable material identified during inspections.
8. Copies of current training by facility staff was provided for review:
a. NC SWANA Landfill Operations Specialist training certificates for the following facility staff:
i. Clayton Hart – expires February 17, 2023
ii. Brian Parker – expires February 20, 2024
b. NC SWANA Certified Manager of Landfill Operations training certificate for:
i. Adam W. Rickett – expires August 6, 2023
Field Inspection of 3412-CDLF-1995:
9. The facility is protected from unauthorize access by a perimeter fence and secured gates that are kept locked
when the facility is closed.
10. Proper signage was observed along the facility’s entrance. Access roads are of all-weather construction and
observed to be in good condition.
11. The facility was observed to be clean and well maintained. Windblown litter was well managed with a litter
crew observed on site.
12. The Northern sides of the active landfill has had stabilization maintenance completed to stabilize the area.
13. It appeared that water was being diverted from the operational area as required.
14. No impounded water was observed in or over waste.
15. The concrete-asphalt-brick (CAB) collection area is located on the top of the active landfill. The CAB contains
a large stockpile of CAB material. Mr. Rickett stated that the facility had crushed the CAB material in
November but needed to crush the newly stockpiled CAB material soon. Mr. Rickett stated that most of the
processed CAB material is sent to the West Hanes Mill Rd. Landfill to be used. No unacceptable material was
observed in the stockpiled material.
16. The tipping area and working face were located on the Southern side of the landfill. The tipping area was well
compacted and open to ensure the safe maneuvering of vehicles and equipment. A spotter was located at the
tipping area to help direct and guide vehicles in the operation area. A minimal amount of waste was observed in
the tipping area. A litter crew was observed in the area during the inspection.
17. The working face was small and well controlled. Mr. Rickett stated that the landfill is fully covered at the end of
the day every Friday. No unacceptable material was observed in the working face.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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18. Edge of waste markers were clearly visible on all areas of the landfill.
19. The borrow area is located northwest of the waste disposal area and is well managed.
20. Several groundwater and landfill gas monitoring wells were located and inspected. They were found to be easily
accessible and properly constructed and labeled, with locking caps in place as required.
Field Inspection of DS#$-006
21. An area adjacent to a closed section of the landfill has been designated as a temporary debris storage and
reduction site (DS34-006). The area has two access points: the landfill perimeter access road located west of the
scale house, and a driveway located at 722 Friedberg Church Rd.
22. A locking gate is used to secure the debris site at the Friedberg Church Rd entry point.
23. Mr. Rickett stated that maintenance would need to be performed on the site prior to activation. Bushhogging
will need to take place within the debris site along with the removal of any small trees.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
________________________________________ Phone: (336) 776-9672 _
Robert Pike
Environmental Senior Specialist
Regional Representative
Sent on: June 16, 2022 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Deborah Aja, Western District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section
Chuck Kirchner, Senior Environmental Specialist – Solid Waste Section
Adam Rickett, Senior Project Supervisor – City/County Utilities