HomeMy WebLinkAbout4801_RoseAcre_Comp_AFR14-15"'",..
Facility Annual Report
For the period of July 1,2014-June 30,2015
According to (G.S.130A-309.09D(b))completed forms must be returned by August 1,2015 and a copy of this report must be sent to the
County Manager of each county from which waste was received.If you have questions or require assistance in completing this report,contact
your Regional Environmental Senior Specialist.
Facility Name:Rose Acre Farms,Inc.-Hyde County Egg Farm Permit:480 l-Cornpost
Physical A.ddre~s .t'-3'">1./''nI''''I"'".,...,~.~M~jling Address""~,'",..,'"",,',
Street 1:1560 Hyde Park Canal Rd Street I:1560 Hyde Park Canal Rd
Street 2:Street 2:
City:Pantego County:Hyde City:Pantego
State:North Carolina Zip:27860 State:North Carolina Zip:27860
Primary"Facility Contact PeFsoii .~}~_~,~!'"~1f C<BiJling Contact Person ··.~;:-,..,""'t[,,}""''''~i ::c.",.'~2i;""..',.
Name:Timothy Webster Name:Timothy Webster
Phone:(252)935-5800 Fax:(252)935-5801 Phone:I (252)935-5800 Fax:(252)943-5801
Email:timothy _waters@goodegg,com Email:tJebster@goodegg,com
1.Tipping Fee:$0,00 T (At h h d I f ti 'fees if .t )_________per on tac a sc e u e 0 ippmg ees 1 appropna e.
2,Did your facility stop receiving waste during this past Fiscal Year?0 Yes [8]No
If so,please report the date this occurred:
3,Please attach results of monthly temperature monitoring for the period of July 1,2014 thru June 30,2015.
4.For Type II,III,and IV facilities,attach results oftests (Waste Analysis with metals,foreign matter and pathogens)as required in Table 3 of
Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1408 for the period of July 1,2014 thru June 30,2015.Current Rules state that "Compost shall be analyzed at
intervals of every 20,000 tons of compost produced or every six months.whichever comes first."
5,What type and quantity of waste was composted by your facility?<.;·tS~~,:,s '~I~,,·:·~P~IJ'I •.,~tf~f~c,~l~jQ~1'~7j .•\~:';I'~.':'",i;"•.\\.""l~.1!1nusable Tons
Materials €OMPOST Checl4'&',ijJ{eceived on5 RECE .·S c.,,··II COMPOS'IlED~"'DIS~OSEJj
Yard Waste D
Clean Wood 0
Sawdust D
Wooden Pallets 0
Food Waste 0
Animal Waste [g]35,857.72 28,149,79
Sludge and Biosolids D
Grease Trap Waste 0
Animal Mortalities [8]227.3
Sheetrock 0Commingled0 4,.,f?ife:.-e?1 c o'"lA {"rc:c...e~.c IJ-veJl ~:<(Describe)p r
Other 0 /"~-JJ0 mM1P ~J&~~0/pfl !/Yl;x.jJerlofJ(Describe),.1<~
Other D p./<;/fJ'//'r-:U cocee«(Describe)
Other 0 U -
TOTAL 36,085,02 28,149,79
ComRQS 2015';,4801-C.oI1\sII'<"~'Page I
6.What type and quantity of compost was produced and removed from your facility?
47,393.75 40,685.82 6,707.93GradeACompost
Grade B Compost
TOTALL-_4_7_,3_93_.7_5 __~-L__4_0_,6_85_.8_2__~-L 6_,7_0_7._93 L-~~
7.Indicate waste received at this compost facility during the period of July 1.2014 through June 30,2015.Indicate tonnage received by
COUNTY of waste origin.Please indicate COUNTY and STATE if received from another state.
Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr May June TotalReceivedfrom
Hyde County Egg Farm 3,758.09 3,339.74 2,581.06 2,400.14 1,323.95 3,864.20 1,884.55 2,207.66 2,014.15 1,173.34 1,081.56 2,209.87 27,838.31
Hyde County Egg Farm 666.52 411.48 787.68 0.00 638.56 110.94 782.25 0.00 993.20 1,143.79 1,786.71 698.28 8,019.41
Y;?')v::r>boA 2,J)~,k;..'/",c:l ..•...L!>J ),.......~1:.-.........•••,;!>.f'il4 ~y-J;,r 1"1/'1//~-c I~
J~!J.--I (k ~~V".k2 J,b.:PGL :t<:~IL~O11</,,,,,I -s:.,...A f>.£>~Q1j2~IL!_~~1~1-.it.I
Grand Total I 35,857.721
Please send your completed report to:
Ray Williams
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington,NC 27889
phone:252.948.3955 email:Ray.WiIIiams@ncdem.gov
ation provided is an accurate representation of the activity at this facility.
Dare 1-/k-j
Phone Number:(252)497-2557 Email:twesner@goodegg.com