HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022.03.31_CCOA.p2a_Interim Seep Remediation O-M Report_No7 TR0795A ES-1 March 2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Operations and Maintenance Report #7 (O&M Report #7) has been prepared to document the operations, maintenance, and performance of the flow-through cells at Seeps A, B, C, and D from January 1 through February 28, 2022. The median flow rate processed by the Seep A, B, and C, and D FTCs was 67, 155, 25, and 70 gallons per minute (gpm), respectively. As documented in the previous O&M Reports #1 through #6, the FTC systems are capable of capturing total base flow under favorable hydraulic conditions, and additionally capture and treat a portion of wet weather flow as well. In total, over the two-month reporting period, the systems processed approximately 27,800,000 gallons of seep flow. Composite samples from performance monitoring indicated that the average PFAS removal efficiency of the captured base flow was approximately 98.5%, and the FTCs are estimated to have prevented approximately 41.6 pounds (lbs) of PFAS from being discharged to the Cape Fear River in the reporting period, and 272.5 lbs of PFAS over the lifetime of the systems to date. TR0795A i March 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................1 1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4 2. Inspections, Operation, and Maintenance .................................................................................5 2.1 Inspections .......................................................................................................................5 2.2 Duty Cycling ...................................................................................................................5 2.3 FTC Management During River Flooding ......................................................................6 2.4 Material Changeouts ........................................................................................................6 2.5 Issues Encountered and Resolutions ...............................................................................7 3. Data Collected ..........................................................................................................................9 3.1 Pressure Transducers .......................................................................................................9 3.2 Rainfall and River Stage ..................................................................................................9 3.3 Operational and Treatment Performance Monitoring .....................................................9 3.3.1 Performance Monitoring .....................................................................................9 3.3.2 Breakthrough Monitoring ..................................................................................10 3.3.3 Water Quality Monitoring .................................................................................10 3.3.4 Rain Event Monitoring ......................................................................................10 3.4 Deviations ......................................................................................................................11 3.4.1 Transducer Monitoring Deviations ...................................................................11 3.4.2 Water Quality ....................................................................................................11 3.4.3 Performance Monitoring Sampling Deviations .................................................11 4. Results.....................................................................................................................................12 4.1 System Flowrates and Operational Periods ...................................................................12 4.1.1 System Flowrate ................................................................................................12 4.1.2 Bypass Flow ......................................................................................................13 4.2 Performance Monitoring Analytical Results .................................................................13 4.3 System Effectiveness .....................................................................................................14 4.4 Wet Weather Sampling Results .....................................................................................15 4.5 River Elevation and Precipitation ..................................................................................15 4.6 Water Quality ................................................................................................................16 5. Summary .................................................................................................................................17 6. References ...............................................................................................................................18 TR0795A ii March 2022 LIST OF TABLES Table 1a-d Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities – Seeps A-D Table 2a-d Sampling Summary – Seeps A-D Table 3a-d Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results – Seeps A-D Table 4a-d Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results – Seeps A-D Table 5 Cape Fear River Elevation and Precipitation Statistics Table 6a-d Water Quality Data – Seeps A-D LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 River Level and Seep C FTC As-Built Elevations Figure 2a-d Measured Discharge Flowrate – Seeps A-D Figure 3a-d Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow – Seeps A-D LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Transducer Data Reduction Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative TR0795A iii March 2022 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS % percent CO Addendum Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 DB Discharge Basin DO Dissolved oxygen ESB Effluent Stilling Basin FB1 Filter Bed-1 FB2 Filter Bed-2 FTC flow-through cell ft msl feet mean sea level GAC granular activated carbon gpm gallons per minute HDPE high-density polyethylene HFPO-DA hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer IC Inlet Chamber IP Individual Permit ISB Influent Stilling Basin lbs pounds mg/L milligrams per liter ng/L nanograms per liter NTU nephelometric turbidity units O&M Operation and Maintenance PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFD Process Flow Diagram PFMOAA perfluoro-2-methoxyacetic acid PMPA perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid TB Transfer Basin TSS total suspended solids USGS United States Geological Survey TR0795A 4 March 2022 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Report #7 (“O&M Report #7”) on behalf of The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours) to provide a summary report of Operations and Maintenance for the flow-through cells (FTCs) installed as the interim remediation systems at Seeps A, B, C and D at the Chemours Fayetteville Works Site (the Site). This O&M Report #7 has been prepared for the operational period of January 1 through February 28, 2022. The next O&M Report (#8) will cover the bimonthly period of March 1 through April 30, 2022. As the O&M Report #1 from March 31, 2021 presented FTC performance data for the first time, detailed information was provided on the hydraulic mechanics of the system, flood management practices, data collection methodology and reduction process, and flow calculation formulas. As a simplifying step for presentation clarity, at various sections in this O&M Report #7, reference is made to these details in O&M Report #1. For an overview of the hydraulic functionality of the system, see Section 1.1 of O&M Report #1. TR0795A 5 March 2022 2. INSPECTIONS, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE The following sections describe the inspections, operation, and maintenance activities completed at the four FTCs during the current reporting period (January 1 through February 28, 2022). 2.1 Inspections Per the CO Addendum, routine inspections occurred on a weekly basis (at a minimum), and also occurred after 0.5 inches or greater rain events within a 24-hour period. An Inspection Form was filled out by operation, maintenance, and monitoring personnel during each inspection. The routine inspections included, but were not limited to:  documenting the system duty cycle (i.e., lead/lag orientation of the GAC filter beds)  measuring and collecting operational parameters/data, notably water elevation data that are used to evaluate influent flowrate and the occurrence (if any) of bypass  documenting any potential observed issues, such as sediment accumulation in the impoundment basin, structural problems, GAC fouling, and debris that is impairing flow through the system  inspecting the autosamplers  photographing the conditions observed, including any bypass flow A summary of the inspection and maintenance events completed during this reporting period is provided in Tables 1a-d for Seeps A-D, respectively. Further details of these events are provided in the following subsections. 2.2 Duty Cycling As described in Section 1.1 of the O&M Report #1, the Seep FTCs are constructed of two filter beds which operate in series. Tables 1a-d detail the filter bed configurations for Seeps A, B, C, and D over the reporting period of January 1 through February 28, 2022. The approximate number of days each filter bed was in lead during the reporting period for Seeps A, B, C, and D is summarized in the table below: Seep FB1 Lead (days) FB2 Lead (days) Total Uptime in Reporting Period (days) A 34 25 59 B 31 28 59 C 41 18 59 D 40 19 59 TR0795A 6 March 2022 2.3 FTC Management During River Flooding As described in the Interim Seeps Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020), to treat total base flow of each seep, it was necessary to install the interim remedies within the floodway. The historical river elevations were referenced to develop the design elevations of key features such as the spillway and the top of the wall. Additionally, an action level was developed for autosampler removal to prevent damage to electronic components by flood waters. Based on a review of the historical record, a W.O. Huske Lock and Dam gage height of 10 feet (or approximately 38 feet above mean sea level) was selected as the action level for removing autosamplers. Review of historical river stage data indicated that once the river level exceeded this action level, it would typically continue to rise past the level of the FTC walls. During the reporting period, the Cape Fear River rose above the action level on January 4, 2022 and returned below the action level on January 6, 2022. More details regarding the Cape Fear River are described in Section 4.5. 2.4 Material Changeouts The table below summarizes the material changeouts through this reporting period: Seep Filter Bed GAC Changeouts Date GAC Age/Lead Days GAC Removed (pounds [lbs]) C FB2 1/5/2022 80/21 6,000 A FB1 1/13/2022 170/118.5 18,000 B FB2 1/19/2022 226/137 27,000 A FB2 1/26/2022 56/11 18,000 C FB2 1/31/2022 27/0 9,000 A FB1 2/2/2022 22/10.5 18,000 C FB1 2/4/2022 52/30 9,000 C FB2 2/7/2022 8/1 9,000 D FB1 2/11/2022 108/84.5 27,000 A FB2 2/17/2022 22/14.5 18,000 B FB1 2/18/2022 163/29 18,000 C FB1 2/23/2022 20/18 9,000 Total 186,000 TR0795A 7 March 2022 2.5 Issues Encountered and Resolutions In January, most notably after the heavy rains in the first half of the month, the operations, maintenance, and monitoring team observed that turbidity in the seepage water and in the impoundments appeared to be more severe compared to previous storm events in 2021. In the catchments of Seeps A and C in particular, construction activities to support installation of the long-term groundwater remedy were initiated in 4Q 2021, during drought conditions, and largely consisted of clearing and grubbing; treatment equipment pad and material laydown area installation; and road building. It was suspected that the heavy rains in early January introduced suspended sediment from cleared areas and fines from newly placed stone into the impoundments. Although the conditions of the erosion and sediment control permit were being met, the following enhancements were installed:  1,320 linear feet (LF) of reinforced silt fence in the Seep A catchment  1,260 LF of reinforced silt fence in the Seep C catchment  150 LF of jute porous baffles in Seep A tributaries  20 LF of jute porous baffles in Seep C tributaries  215 tons of Class B riprap and 300 square yards of geotextile in Seep A for rock checks and flow velocity reduction  2 acres of mulch laid on recently cleared land  Four 4-inch diameter corrugated drainage pipes (50 LF each) in Seep C catchment to redistribute consolidated drainage  8 Floc Logs (pre-approved Applied Polymer Systems [APS] model 703D#3) in the Seep C tributaries The operations team additionally observed that typical maintenance practices, such as removal of the top layer of GAC, were less effective than typical at lowering the elevation of the impoundment at Seeps A and C specifically; and that the Seeps A and C filter beds were becoming difficult to dewater via pumping out the underdrains, indicating either deep penetration of sediment into the GAC, and/or clogged gravel and underdrain piping. To complement the erosion and sediment control enhancements discussed above, the following actions were also taken within the Seep A and C FTCs:  The gravel drainage layer in the filter beds was removed during a GAC changeout event, and the perforated underdrain pipes were temporarily dismantled, cleaned, and re-installed. Fresh gravel was installed over the cleaned pipes. At Seep C in particular, a significant amount of GAC was identified in several underdrain pipes that was throttling flow.  Cleanouts were installed on each underdrain line to facilitate jetting of the lines on a routine basis in the future. Jetting will be performed from the transfer basin and will not require intrusive work in the filter beds. TR0795A 8 March 2022  A sacrificial layer of GAC was installed in the Inlet Chambers, to enhance filtration of suspended solids prior to baseflow entering the lead filter bed. Similar retrofits will be performed at Seeps B and D as a preventative measure in the next reporting period. Additionally, batten strips will be installed in the four FTCs that will allow for the geotextile separation layer between the gravel and GAC layers to be more securely bound to the concrete sidewalls, mitigating the risk of GAC migration into the gravel and underdrain pipes. TR0795A 9 March 2022 3. DATA COLLECTED The FTC includes design components to measure water levels in the system, precipitation, water quality, and PFAS removal performance. The W.O. Huske Lock and Dam gage station is also used to reference nearby precipitation and river levels. 3.1 Pressure Transducers The IC and Effluent Stilling Basin (ESB) are each equipped with a stilling well in which a non- vented Levelogger® is installed below the operational water level. The water levels acquired from processing the transducer data are used to estimate flows the system processes, and to record the occurrence of flow that is diverted past the system via the Bypass Spillway. Section 4.1 of the O&M Report #1 describes the process used to calculate the flowrates through the FTC based on the water levels. The pressure transducer data were downloaded regularly as part of routine inspections (weekly at a minimum). Additionally, manual water level measurements were collected in the basins and stilling wells whenever transducers were downloaded to equilibrate the transducer readings (discussed in Section 4.1). 3.2 Rainfall and River Stage Precipitation and river stage are monitored by using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) weather monitoring station at the W.O. Huske Dam (gage 02105500). This station is approximately 1,200 feet from Seep C and records precipitation and river elevation data every 15 minutes. 3.3 Operational and Treatment Performance Monitoring Operational and performance monitoring of the system includes the composite collection of water samples from various locations in the system, and direct measurement of water quality parameters. The operational and performance monitoring is completed on a regular basis to evaluate:  PFAS removal efficiency (i.e., performance monitoring)  breakthrough of PFAS compounds between GAC filter beds, using grab samples on an as- needed basis (i.e., breakthrough monitoring)  water quality parameters specified in the CO Addendum  potential effects of 0.5-inch rain events on PFAS concentrations (i.e., wet weather monitoring) 3.3.1 Performance Monitoring Composite samples for performance monitoring are collected using portable, battery-powered autosamplers (e.g., Teledyne ISCO 6712 Full-Size Portable Sampler). At the end of the sampling period, the operation, maintenance, and monitoring personnel fill laboratory-supplied sample containers from the common container within the autosampler. Sampling is conducted in TR0795A 10 March 2022 accordance with the PFAS Quality Assurance Project Plan (AECOM, 2018). Any adjustments made to address potential deficiencies (e.g., low battery power, river flooding) are documented on the Inspection Form. During this reporting period, seven performance monitoring samples were collected at Seep A, five performance monitoring samples were collected at Seeps B and C, and four performance monitoring samples were collected at Seep D. Dates of composite periods for each sample are listed in Table 2. Samples were stored on wet ice in a cooler until shipment to an external laboratory (Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratories Sacramento or Lancaster). Chain-of-custody documents were completed and included with each shipment. Performance monitoring samples were analyzed for Table 3+ PFAS, as outlined in the Interim Seep Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020). 3.3.2 Breakthrough Monitoring Grab samples were collected from the IC, TB, and ESB at Seeps A-D for evaluation of system performance and the need for GAC changeouts. Twelve breakthrough monitoring samples each were collected from Seeps A during this reporting period, eight breakthrough monitoring samples were collected from Seeps B and C, and seven breakthrough monitoring samples were collected from Seep D during this reporting period (35 total). 3.3.3 Water Quality Monitoring Water quality in the IC and ESB at Seeps A-D was generally monitored at the same frequency as performance monitoring described above. Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, turbidity, specific conductivity, temperature, and total suspended solids (TSS) were measured using a calibrated In- Situ Aqua TROLL 500 Multiparameter Sonde. 3.3.4 Rain Event Monitoring Wet weather samples were collected at a frequency of once per calendar month following a rain event of at least 0.5 inches within a 24-hour period. Composite samples for wet weather monitoring are collected using Teledyne ISCO 6712 Full-Size Portable Samplers (the same make and model as performance monitoring discussed above, but a dedicated set for wet weather sampling only). The wet weather autosamplers are equipped with Teledyne 674 rain gauges that measure rainfall depth. When rainfall exceeds 0.5 inches in a 24-hour period, the rain gauge sends a signal to the Teledyne 6712 to begin a sampling cycle, where the autosampler collects aliquots every hour for 24 hours. Operation, maintenance, and monitoring personnel fill sample containers and follow the same sample collection protocols for wet weather as described in Section 3.3.1 above. Wet weather monitoring samples were analyzed for Table 3+ PFAS, as outlined in the Interim Seep Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020). Table 2 lists the wet weather samples collected at Seeps A-D during the reporting period and the associated cumulative rainfall prior to the sampling timeframe. TR0795A 11 March 2022 3.4 Deviations Deviations for each of the data types collected are described below. 3.4.1 Transducer Monitoring Deviations One instance of a transducer download was unsuccessful during this reporting period: the effluent transducer data at Seep D was inadvertently overwritten during retrieval on the January 17 O&M field event. Data for this location was lost for January 10 through January 17, 2022. 3.4.2 Water Quality At Seeps C and D, water quality parameters were collected once in January and twice and February. The operations, maintenance, and monitoring staff reported that water quality parameters were collected twice during January; however, the data from the first half of January were inadvertently misplaced. There were no deviations in water quality measurements at Seeps A and B. 3.4.3 Performance Monitoring Sampling Deviations The planned number of performance monitoring samples were collected at Seeps A-D per the Interim Seep Remediation Plan (Geosyntec, 2020). Deviations in sample composite lengths are described below.  On January 4, 2022, the Cape Fear River flooded and rose above the action level for removing autosamplers (Section 2.3), interrupting the 14-day composite samples that began on January 1. To maintain the sampling program for the first half of January, the operation, maintenance, and monitoring staff re-programmed the autosamplers to collect two 24-hour composite samples at Seeps A-C (January 8 and 12). At Seep D, only one 24- hour sample was collected on January 12. An internal computer error in the autosampler prevented collection of the sample scheduled for the first week of January, and any follow- up attempt to collect a resample was inadvertently overlooked.  On February 15, 2022, the 14-day composite sample for Seep A that started on February 1 was identified as incomplete due to a mechanical malfunction within the autosampler that was previously undetectable. To maintain the sampling program in February for Seep A, the operation, maintenance, and monitoring staff re-programmed the autosamplers to collect four 24-hour composite samples (February 20, 23, 24, and 25). TR0795A 12 March 2022 4. RESULTS The results for each type of data collected are described in detail in the following subsections. A brief overview of the results is as follows: Reporting Period Metric Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Total Duration 59 days (January 1 – February 28, 2022) Rainfall, Actual (in) 5.59 (January 1 – February 28, 2022) Rainfall, Historical Average (in) 5.17 (January 1- February 28, 2004-2020) River Above Spillway (days) * 0.1 0 0 0.1 N/A Operational Period (days) 59 59 59 59 N/A Median Flow Rate (gpm) 67 155 25 70 317 Seep Volume Treated (gallons) 7,000,000 12,900,000 2,500,000 5,400,000 27,800,000 PFAS Removed (lbs) 9.3 24.9 1.7 5.6 41.6 * Seeps A and D are approximately 1 foot lower in elevation than Seeps B and C. 4.1 System Flowrates and Operational Periods 4.1.1 System Flowrate A detailed discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the Effluent Stilling Basin, and the data reduction process to convert these levels to flow rates, is provided in Sections 3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.1 of O&M Report #1. This data reduction process, updated for the current reporting period, is provided in Appendix A. Figures 2a-d show the measurable flowrates through the FTC over the reporting period for Seeps A-D, respectively. The flowrate statistics calculated from measurable discharge flowrates for Seeps A-D for the current reporting period are tabulated below: TR0795A 13 March 2022 Flowrate Metric Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Median Flow Rate (gpm) during the Reporting Period 67 155 25 70 95th percentile Flow Rate (gpm) during the Reporting Period 241 301 80 301 Design Basis Flow Rate * (gpm) 205 226 76 183 * The design basis flow rate was selected as the 95th percentile value of dry weather base flow from flume pre-design data. Using the measured and extrapolated flowrate calculations, approximately 7,000,000 gallons, 12,900,000 gallons, 2,500,000 gallons, and 5,400,000 gallons of water (27,800,000 gallons total) were treated by the Seeps A, B, C, and D FTCs, respectively, from January 1 through February 28, 2022. 4.1.2 Bypass Flow A discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the FTC Influent Stilling Basin (ISB), and the data reduction process to convert these levels to the elevation of the bypass spillway, is provided in Section 3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.2 of O&M Report #1. This data reduction process, updated for the current reporting period, is provided in Appendix A. The influent water level elevation and occurrences of bypass flow for Seeps A-D for the reporting period are shown in Figures 3a-d. The total rainfall received in January was approximately 4.54 inches, which is approximately double the historical average of 2.28 inches. In February, the total rainfall was 1.05 inches, approximately 64% less than the historical average of 2.89 inches. The effects on turbidity from the early January heavy rains, and the actions taken within the catchments and within the FTCs, are discussed in Section 2.5. The instances of bypass caused by these heavy rains were generally addressed in Seeps B and D, with maintenance events as needed lowering the impoundment below the spillway similar to previous reporting periods. At Seeps A and C, prior to the overhaul of the gravel drainage layer and underdrain piping within the filter beds, the maintenance events had a reduced effectiveness compared to previous reporting periods. In late January, after the improvements had been implemented in both FTCs, maintenance events at Seeps A and C were observed to be effective again, and the impoundment was generally maintained below the level of the spillway from January 25 through February 28. 4.2 Performance Monitoring Analytical Results Analytical results for the composite performance monitoring samples are provided in Table 3 and summarized below. Laboratory analytical results are compiled in Appendix B. TR0795A 14 March 2022 Analytical Results – Performance Monitoring Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Average Influent Total Table 3+ PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L) 171,400 194,000 84,200 92,800 Average Effluent Total Table 3+ PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L) 8,800 240 430 50 Average Removal Efficiency (%) 94.9 99.9 99.5 >99.9 4.3 System Effectiveness System effectiveness, defined by the percentage removal of the combined concentrations of the three indicator parameters (HFPO-DA, PFMOAA and PMPA), is determined on a monthly average basis for the system using volume weighted concentrations of the influent and effluent samples. Volume weighted concentrations were developed in the event that either the influent and effluent autosamplers have different compositing durations or that the two composite sampling periods in the month have different durations (e.g., 14 days and 10 days). Both circumstances could arise due to a potential equipment malfunction or severe weather event. Weighting by volume provides a representative assessment of mass present in both the influent and effluent over time; samples corresponding to greater flow volumes will have a proportionately higher weight. System effectiveness is calculated using the equation presented in Section 4.3 of the O&M Report #1. Based on the system flowrate data (Section 4.1.1) and the performance monitoring composite sample data of the three indicator compounds (Section 4.2), the overall system effectiveness for Seeps A-D was calculated to be 97.7%. The system effectiveness for the individual Seeps is presented below: System Effectiveness Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Overall Average Jan Feb Jan Feb Jan Feb Jan Feb % 88.4 95.6 99.8 99.8 99.0 99.3 >99.9 99.9 97.7 The system effectiveness for Seep A in January (88.4%) was above the requirement of 80%, but it is noted that the system effectiveness for the four systems is typically higher, between 95-100%. The January 20 – 31 composite sample for Seep A indicated an overall removal effectiveness of Table 3+ PFAS of approximately 78-79%, whereas the other performance monitoring data in January for Seep A indicate nearly 100% removal. TR0795A 15 March 2022 4.4 Wet Weather Sampling Results Wet weather monitoring samples were collected at Seeps A-D during the reporting period (Table 2), and their analytical results are shown in Table 4 and summarized below. Laboratory analytical results are compiled in Appendix B. As noted in Paragraph 2(a)(iii) in the CO Addendum, these results are not to be used to determine compliance under Paragraph 2(a)(vi). Analytical Result – Wet Weather Monitoring Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Influent Total Table 3+ PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L) 170,000 175,000 73,500 91,000 Effluent Total Table 3+ PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L) 220 120 300 20 Removal Efficiency (%) 99.9 99.9 99.6 >99.9 4.5 River Elevation and Precipitation The Cape Fear River was monitored using the existing USGS weather monitoring station at the W.O. Huske Dam (gage 02105500), as described in Section 3.2. Three key river elevations, in reference to the FTC at Seeps A-D were monitored for their effect on system performance: (i) When the river rises above the top of the discharge weir (Weir 3), head differentials throughout the FTC are reduced and flow through the system is hindered. (ii) When the river rises above the invert of the Bypass Spillway, the influent and effluent water elevation are equal and flow through the system ceases. (iii) When the river rises above the top of the FTC walls, maintenance is required to repair any damages from flooding. A statistical summary of the Cape Fear River elevation relative to these key elevations is provided in Table 5. The Cape Fear River rose above the discharge weir elevation at Seeps A-D over January 4-7, 2022. The Cape Fear River rose above the Bypass Spillway elevation at Seeps A and D on January 6, 2022. The river did not rise above the elevations of the top of the FTC walls at any point during the reporting period. The changes in elevation of the Cape Fear River during the reporting period (January 1 through February 28, 2022) are shown in Figure 1. For clarity of presentation, Figure 1 shows the key FTC elevations at Seep C only. TR0795A 16 March 2022 4.6 Water Quality The water quality measurements collected during reporting period are provided in Table 6 and described below:  DO: No significant differences were observed in the fluctuations of DO between influent and effluent locations at all four seeps. On a median basis, the DO changed by less than 1 mg/L. Aerobic (>2 mg/L) conditions were maintained during the process. The FTC systems do not involve biological activity to treat influent water, therefore, DO is not expected to decrease or increase significantly over the system’s residence time.  Temperature: At all four seeps, the median temperature of the effluent was within 1°C of the median temperature of the influent during this reporting period. Due to the relatively short residence time in the FTC, temperature is not expected to change significantly throughout the FTC.  Specific Conductance: Similar to the above parameters, there appeared to be only a minor effect on conductivity. The FTC is expected to have little effect on the anion/cation content of the seep baseflow. For all four Seeps, the difference in median specific conductance across influent and effluent locations ranged between −11.2 and −33.0 µS/cm.  pH: From the IC to the ESB, the median pH of treated water increased at Seeps A, B, and D (1.9, 0.8, and 1.9 S.U., respectively). The pH decreased slightly (1.2 S.U.) at Seep C. The decrease at Seep C appears to be anomalous; since startup in December 2020, the pH at Seep C has consistently increased from the IC to the ESB, which is anticipated due to the inflow’s contact with the concrete walls of the FTC and the GAC in the filter beds. The median effluent pH at the four seeps is generally circumneutral and ranged from 6.0 to 7.5 S.U. in this reporting period.  Turbidity and TSS: The median turbidity of the influent water at Seeps A, B, C, and D ranged from 1.2 to 208.7 NTU. The FTCs significantly decreased the turbidity of the influent water. The median turbidity of the effluent water at Seeps A-D ranged from 0.3 to 38.9 NTU. The TSS was observed to be 0.0 mg/L for all influent and effluent monitoring locations. TR0795A 17 March 2022 5. SUMMARY The following summarizes the FTCs’ performance after the completion of the latest reporting period (January 1 through February 28, 2022):  Conclusions reached from the previous months of operation, as documented in previous O&M Reports, remain unchanged. Flow data from Seeps A, B, C, and D indicate the systems are capable of treating more than the design basis flow rate under favorable hydraulic conditions. Wet weather flow is frequently captured, in some cases fully captured, and treated equally to dry weather flows when captured.  Performance monitoring results indicate the average PFAS removal efficiency of captured baseflow at Seeps A-D is approximately 98.5%. To date, the A-D FTCs have prevented approximately 272.5 lbs of PFAS from being discharged to the Cape Fear River.  Monitoring of the Seeps A and C impoundments indicated higher than past levels of turbidity in this reporting period as compared to previous months, and actions were taken in the catchments to enhance the existing erosion and sediment controls that were already in place as part of compliance with construction permits. Overhauling the filter beds of the FTCs identified migration of sediment and GAC into the gravel drainage and perforated underdrain pipes. After improving the catchment erosion controls, and after overhauling the underdrain components in particular, the FTCs appeared to return to their previous effectiveness. Additional improvements are underway to improve the separation of the GAC and gravel layers. The next reporting period (March 1 through April 30, 2022) will be detailed in O&M Report #8, to be submitted no later than May 31, 2022. TR0795A 18 March 2022 6. REFERENCES AECOM, 2018. Poly and Perfluoroalkyl Substance Quality Assurance Project Plan. August 2018. Geosyntec, 2020. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 August 2020. Geosyntec, 2021a. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #1. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 March 2021. Geosyntec, 2021b. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #2. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 May 2021. Geosyntec, 2021c. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #3. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 30 July 2021. Geosyntec, 2021d. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #4. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 30 September 2021. Geosyntec, 2021e. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #5. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 30 November 2021. Geosyntec, 2021f. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #6. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 January 2022. TR0795A TABLES Table 1a Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina FB1 FB2 FB1 FB2 Transducers Downloaded Maintenance Activities Completed Notes Operational Mode Arrival DepartureDays Since Startup Bypass Spillway Flow? Sampling Performed Date Breakthrough Monitoring Performance Monitoring Wet Weather Monitoring 01/04/2022 252 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag X Skimmed and fluffed FB1. River level is visibly over outlet pipe. Rain gauge reading of 2.25 inches. Water at weir plate from back pressure of outfall. 01/05/2022 253 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Observed high river levels. 01/06/2022 254 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric in FB1.River is visibly over spillway outlet. 01/08/2022 256 --X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 01/10/2022 258 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag X Flushed inlet.Rain gauge reading of 0.5 inches. 01/11/2022 259 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Water observed in spillway but not bypassing. 01/12/2022 260 No Closed Lead Changeout Lead N/A N/A 01/13/2022 261 No Changeout Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2. Installed remaining GAC in FB1.Very low turbidity observed in reservoir. 01/15/2022 263 --X Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 01/17/2022 265 Yes X Lag Lead Lag Lead X N/A Rain gauge reading of 1.5 inches. 01/18/2022 266 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2.Lead appears to not be processing well. Sediment pond very turbid. 01/20/2022 268 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead Flushed influent basin. Vacuumed FB1. Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric at FB2.N/A 01/21/2022 269 Yes X Lag Lead Parallel Parallel Installed filter fabric at FB1 prior to switching operational mode to parallel processing. Rain gauge reading of 0.4 inches. Brownish hue and considerable turbidity in inlet reservoir. Strong flow observed after system set in parallel. 01/24/2022 272 Yes X Parallel Parallel Lead Lag X Fluffed FB2.N/A 01/25/2022 273 --X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 01/26/2022 274 No Lead Changeout Lead Changeout GAC changeout at FB2.N/A 01/27/2022 275 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1 and FB2.12+ inches of freeboard. 01/29/2022 277 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 10 inches of freeboard. Rain gauge reading of 0.1 inches. 01/31/2022 279 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X Skimmed and fluffed FB1.4 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond appears clear. Double ribbons over Weir 3. 02/01/2022 280 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and flluffed FB1.Observed clear water. 02/02/2022 281 No Changeout Lead Lag Lead GAC changeout at FB1.N/A 02/03/2022 282 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed, fluffed, and raked FB2.N/A 02/04/2022 283 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A Inlet filter has GAC and has created a 1 inch head difference. 02/05/2022 284 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Wet vacuumed inlet.Water level in reservoir increased by 1 inch from the day before. 02/06/2022 285 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Cleaned and fluffed FB2. Wet vacuumed inlet.Observed an increase in water levels through all cells and reservoir. 02/07/2022 286 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X N/A 4 inches of freeboard. 02/08/2022 287 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2.N/A 02/09/2022 288 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed both FB1 and FB2. N/A 02/10/2022 289 Yes Lag Lead Lad Lead Drained FB2 and mid-basin. Drilled holes in mid-basin under drain to allow for pressure washing. N/A 02/11/2022 290 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead Pressure washing under drains FB2 skim and fluff. 14" of freeboard. Slightly turbid sediment pond. 02/14/2022 293 -- Lag Lead Parallel Parallel X N/A N/A 02/15/2022 294 No Parallel Parallel Lag Lead Skim and fluff FB1. N/A 02/16/2022 295 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A 12" of freeboard. 02/17/2022 296 -- Lead Changeout Lead Lag GAC changeout at FB2. N/A 02/19/2022 298 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A No evidence of bypass. 14” freeboard. Clear sediment pond. 02/20/2022 299 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/21/2022 300 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A N/A 02/23/2022 302 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Installed plugs in mid-basin. 12" of freeboard. 02/24/2022 303 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 12" of freeboard. 02/25/2022 304 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB2. 12" of freeboard. 02/28/2022 307 Yes X X X Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1.Rain gauge reading of 0.4 inches. 4.5 inches of freeboard after maintenance. Notes FB1 - Filter Bed 1 GAC - granulated activated carbon FB2 - Filter Bed 2 ISCO - Teledyne ISCO Autosampler FTC - flow through cell mm - millimeters N/A - Not Applicable TR0795A Page 1 of 4 March 2022 Table 1b Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina FB1 FB2 FB1 FB2 Transducers Downloaded Maintenance Activities Completed Notes Breakthrough Monitoring Performance Monitoring Wet Weather Monitoring ArrivalDays Since Startup Bypass Spillway Flow? Sampling Performed Operational Mode Departure Date 01/04/2022 211 Yes X Lag Lead Lag Lead X Skimmed and fluffed FB2. River visibly over outlet pipe. Rain gauge reading of 2.25 inches. 01/07/2022 214 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric in FB2. Observed decrease in river level. 01/08/2022 215 -- X Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 01/10/2022 217 Yes Lag Lead Lag Lead X N/A Rain gauge reading of 9/16 inches. 01/11/2022 218 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2. Observed water in spillway but not bypassing. 01/12/2022 219 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A 1 inch of freeboard. 01/14/2022 221 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric in FB2. N/A 01/15/2022 222 -- X Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 01/17/2022 224 Yes X X Lag Lead Lag Lead X Cleaned FB2. Rain gauge reading of 1.56 inches. 01/19/2022 226 No Lead Changeout Lead Lag Carbon changeout at FB2. N/A 01/24/2022 231 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag X Performed maintenance on inlet and FB1. N/A 01/28/2022 235 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Cleaned FB1. N/A 01/29/2022 236 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 4.5 inches of freeboard. 01/30/2022 237 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 5 inches of freeboard. 01/31/2022 238 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A 5 inches of freeboard. 02/01/2022 239 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/03/2022 241 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1. N/A 02/04/2022 242 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/07/2022 245 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 0.2 inches. 4 inches of freeboard. 02/08/2022 246 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Cleaned FB1. Rain gauge reading of 1.75 inches. 02/10/2022 248 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 4.75 inches of freeboard. 02/11/2022 249 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skim and fluff FB1. N/A 02/14/2022 252 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A N/A 02/15/2022 253 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Cleaned FB1. High water column in FB1. 02/16/2022 254 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/18/2022 256 -- Changeout Lead Lag Lead GAC Changeout at FB1. N/A 02/19/2022 257 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A No evidence of bypass in spillway. 14” freeboard. 02/20/2022 258 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A Dry spillway. 02/21/2022 259 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X N/A 12 inches of freeboard. 02/22/2022 260 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2. 8 inches of freeboard 02/24/2022 262 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A 12 inches of freeboard. 02/28/2022 266 No X X Lag Lead Lag Lead Cleaned FB2. N/A 03/01/2022 267 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X 100 lbs of biocoide applied to the inlet reservoir. N/A Notes FB1 - Filter Bed 1 GAC - granulated activated carbon FB2 - Filter Bed 2 ISCO - Teledyne ISCO Autosampler FTC - flow through cell mm - millimeters N/A - Not Applicable TR0795A Page 2 of 4 March 2022 Table 1c Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina FB1 FB2 FB1 FB2 Performance Monitoring Wet Weather Monitoring Arrival Departure Operational Mode Transducers DownloadedDate Bypass Spillway Flow? Sampling Performed Days Since Startup Maintenance Activities Completed Notes Breakthrough Monitoring 01/04/2022 385 Yes X Lag Lead Lead Closed X Began dewatering FB2. Large amount of water observed flowing under culvert at access road. Rain gauge reading of 2 and 7/16 inches. Large head difference in the sump well at FB2. 01/05/2022 386 No Lead Changeout Lead Changeout N/A Observed river water in outlet and river 2 to 3 feet from the edge of cell. 01/08/2022 389 -- X Lead Lag Lead Lag GAC Changeout at FB1. 01/10/2022 391 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag X Hard flush in FB1 and influent stilling basin.Rain gauge reading of 9/16 inches. Observed turbid water in reservoir. 01/11/2022 392 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric in FB1.Observed water in spillway but no bypass. 01/12/2022 393 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 3 inches of freeboard. 01/14/2022 395 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB2.N/A 01/15/2022 396 -- X Lead Lag Lead Lag GAC Changeout at FB1. N/A 01/17/2022 398 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 1.57 inches. 01/19/2022 400 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skim and fluff FB2.N/A 01/24/2022 405 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A FB1 was frozen. 01/25/2022 406 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1.Observed flow of sediment from pond into spillway. 01/26/2022 407 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 01/29/2022 410 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Ran in parallel for two hours. Inlet filter had a layer of GAC installed in the forebay on 1/28/2022.3.5 inches of freeboard. Brown hue observed in reservoir. 01/30/2022 411 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Ran in parallel for four hours.2 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond appeared turbid and icy. 01/31/2022 412 No X X Lead Changeout Lead Lag X Removal of GAC from FB2. 2 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond appeared turbid and icy. 02/01/2022 413 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1. Flushed inlet.N/A 02/03/2022 415 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Cleaned out gravel from inlet basin to be replaced with GAC. 5 inches of freeboard. 02/04/2022 416 -- Changeout Lag Lead Lag GAC Changeout at FB1. N/A 02/05/2022 417 No Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Removed GAC from inlet. FB2 appears to not be processing as efficiently as FB1. 02/07/2022 419 No X Parallel Changeout Lead Lag X Refit FB2. Changed to parallel and shut off during changeout of FB2. Rain gauge reading of 0.2 inches. 6 inches of freeboard. Turbidity observed in sediment pond. 02/08/2022 420 --X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/13/2022 425 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skim and fluff FB1. N/A 02/14/2022 426 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A N/A 02/15/2022 427 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Clean FB1. Turbid water through mid and effluent. 02/16/2022 428 --Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A N/A 02/17/2022 429 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed, fluffed, and replaced fabric in FB1. Cleaned under drain and mid- basin.4 inches of freeboard. 02/18/2022 430 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skim and fluff FB2. No evidence of bypass in spillway. 3-4” freeboard 02/19/2022 431 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Turbidity in sediment pond. 5” freeboard. No evidence of bypass in spillway. 02/20/2022 432 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skim and fluff FB1.N/A 02/21/2022 433 No X Lead Lag Parallel Parallel X N/A N/A 02/23/2022 435 No Changeout Lead Lag Lead FB1 GAC changeout.N/A 02/24/2022 436 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 02/26/2022 438 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A 12 inches of freeboard. 03/01/2022 441 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X Cleaned FB2. 5 inches of freeboard. Notes FB1 - Filter Bed 1 GAC - granulated activated carbon FB2 - Filter Bed 2 ISCO - Teledyne ISCO Autosampler FTC - flow through cell mm - millimeters N/A - Not Applicable TR0795A Page 3 of 4 March 2022 Table 1d Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep D Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina FB1 FB2 FB1 FB2Date Days Since Startup Bypass Spillway Flow? Sampling Performed Breakthrough Monitoring Performance Monitoring Wet Weather Monitoring Arrival Departure Transducers Downloaded Operational Mode Maintenance Activities Completed Notes 01/04/2022 195 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 2.25 inches, 4.5 inches of freeboard. River high at outlet. 01/06/2022 197 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1.Observed river flowing into spillway. 01/10/2022 201 No Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 19.5 mm. Kink in influent datalogger cord. 01/12/2022 203 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 10 inches of freeboard. 01/13/2022 204 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1. Fluffed FB2.N/A 01/17/2022 208 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 2.3 inches. 10 inches of freeboard. 01/20/2022 211 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Skimmed and fluffed FB1.0.5 inches of freeboard. 01/24/2022 215 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 0.75 inches. 01/25/2022 216 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 8 inches of freeboard. Low turbidity observed in sediment pond. Layer of bacteria observed on FB1 matting. 01/26/2022 217 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 6 inches of freeboard. Little to no turbidty observed in sediment pond. 01/29/2022 220 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Rain gauge reading of 0.1 inches. 16 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond does not appear turbid. 01/31/2022 222 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A 14 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond does not appear turbid. 02/02/2022 224 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Wet vacuumed FB1.14 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond appears clear. 02/04/2022 226 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Cleaned FB1. Reservoir appears clear. Low water level in reservoir. 02/07/2022 229 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Rain gauge reading of 0.2 inches. 14 inches of freeboard. Sediment pond appears clear. 02/09/2022 231 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Post-storm inspection. Over 1 foot of freeboard. 02/10/2022 232 No Lead Lag Lag Lead Clear water. 02/11/2022 233 --Changeout Lead Lag Lead Changeout at FB1. N/A 02/14/2022 236 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X N/A N/A 02/15/2022 237 --X Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 02/16/2022 238 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 02/17/2022 239 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skim fluff FB2.N/A 02/19/2022 241 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A Caption:no evidence of bypass in spillway. 14” freeboard. Clean sediment pond. 02/20/2022 242 No Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A 02/21/2022 243 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X Low system flows.12 inches of freeboard. 02/24/2022 246 No Lag Lead Lag Lead Skimmed and fluffed FB2. Reservoir water noted to be more turbid than usual. About 7.5 inches of freeboard. 02/28/2022 250 --X Lag Lead Lag Lead N/A N/A 03/01/2022 251 No X Lag Lead Lag Lead X Greenclean added to cell and reservoir. N/A Notes ` FB1 - Filter Bed 1 GAC - granulated activated carbon FB2 - Filter Bed 2 ISCO - Teledyne ISCO Autosampler FTC - flow through cell mm - millimeters N/A - Not Applicable TR0795A Page 4 of 4 March 2022 Table 2a Sampling Summary - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Sample ID Composite Period SEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-A-INFLUENT-270-013122 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-276-013122 SEEP A-INFLUENT-24-022022 SEEP A-EFFLUENT-24-022022 SEEP A-INFLUENT-24-022322 SEEP A-EFFLUENT-24-022322 SEEP A-INFLUENT-24-022422 SEEP A-EFFLUENT-24-0022422 SEEP A-INFLUENT-24-022422 SEEP A-EFFLUENT-24-022522 Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall (inches) SEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-23-011122 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-011122 SEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-23-022822 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-022822 Notes 1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" 2 3 4 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Four 24-hour effluent composite samples were collected for February instead of two 14-day composites because of an autosampler error that compromised the initial two-week composite sample. See Section 3.4.2 for details. January 11, 2022 0.49 Two 24-hour effluent composite samples were collected for the first half of January because the flooding of the Cape Fear River on January 4-7, 2022, interrupted the 14-day composite cycle. See Section 3.4.2 for details. February 28, 2022 18:00 0.33 Wet Weather Composite Sample January 8, 2022 January 15, 2022 February 22 - February 23, 2022 February 23, 2022 07:00 Performance Monitoring Composite Samples Sample Date January 8, 2022 January 15, 2022 February 19 - February 20, 2022 February 20, 2022 February 23 - February 24, 2022 February 24, 2022 January 20 - January 31, 2022 January 31, 2022 February 24 - February 25, 2022 February 25, 2022 TR0795A Page 1 of 4 March 2022 Table 2b Sampling Summary - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Sample ID Composite Period SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-264-013122 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-276-013122 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-336-021522 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-021522 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-030122 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-312-030122 Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall (inches) SEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-011722 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-011722 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-022822 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-022822 Notes 1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" 2 3 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Two 24-hour effluent composite samples were collected for the first half of January because the flooding of the Cape Fear River on January 4-7, 2022, interrupted the 14-day composite cycle. See Section 3.4.2 for details. January 20 - January 31, 2022 February 1 - February 15, 2022 February 15, 2022 January 15, 2022 January 15, 2022 January 31, 2022 January 17, 2022 10:15 1.41 February 28, 2022 Wet Weather Composite Sample Performance Monitoring Composite Samples Sample Date January 8, 2022 January 8, 2022 18:00 0.33 February 16 - March 1, 2022 March 1, 2022 TR0795A Page 2 of 4 March 2022 Table 2c Sampling Summary - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Sample ID Composite Period SEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-010822 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-011522 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-240-013122 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-156-013122 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-021522 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-021522 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-312-030122 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-282-030122 Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall (inches) SEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-22-011122 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-011122 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-020822 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-020822 Notes 1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" 2 3 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Wet Weather Composite Sample February 1 - February 15, 2022 February 15, 2022 Sample Date Performance Monitoring Composite Samples January 8, 2022 January 8, 2022 January 15, 2022 January 15, 2022 January 20 - January 31, 2022 January 31, 2022 Two 24-hour effluent composite samples were collected for the first half of January because the flooding of the Cape Fear River on January 4-7, 2022, interrupted the 14-day composite cycle. See Section 3.4.2 for details. February 8, 2022 14:10 0.55 February 16 - March 1, 2022 March 1, 2022 January 11, 2022 06:55 0.49 TR0795A Page 3 of 4 March 2022 Table 2d Sampling Summary - Seep D Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Sample ID Composite Period SEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-011222 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-24-011222 SEEP-D-INFLUENT-276-013122 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-013122 SEEP-D-INFLUENT-336-021522 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-336-021522 SEEP-D-INFLUENT-312-030122 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-312-030122 Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall (inches) SEEP-D-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-011722 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-011722 SEEP-D-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-022822 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-022822 Notes 1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" 2 3 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Sample Date Performance Monitoring Composite Samples Wet Weather Composite Sample January 12, 2022 January 12, 2022 February 16 - March 1, 2022 March 1, 2022 January 20 - January 31, 2022 January 31, 2022 February 1 - February 15, 2022 February 15, 2022 A 24-hour effluent composite sample was collected for the first half of January because the flooding of the Cape Fear River on January 4-7, 2022, interrupted the 14-day composite cycle. See Section 3.4.2 for details. January 17, 2022 06:55 1.41 February 28, 2022 18:00 0.33 TR0795A Page 4 of 4 March 2022 Table 3a Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-A-Influent-24- 011522 SEEP-A-Effluent-24- 011522 SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 270-013122 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 276-013122 SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 24-022022 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 24-022022 Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: 8-Jan-02 8-Jan-02 15-Jan-22 15-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 20-Feb-22 20-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 22,000 8.5 >99.9%24,000 15 99.9%25,000 4900 80.4%21,000 580 97.2% PFMOAA 65,000 28 >99.9%69,000 42 99.9%62,000 12000 80.6%67,000 2,000 97.0% PFO2HxA 35,000 11 >99.9%36,000 16 >99.9%30,000 6400 78.7%37,000 1,100 97.0% PFO3OA 13,000 3.3 >99.9%13,000 5 >99.9%11,000 2,300 79.1%12,000 360 97.0% PFO4DA 6,700 <2.0 100.0%7,100 <2.0 100.0%6,400 1,300 79.7%6,800 190 97.2% PFO5DA 3,900 <2.0 100.0%3,700 <2.0 100.0%3,000 620 79.3%3,600 100 97.2% PMPA 15,000 16 99.9%16,000 13 99.9%12,000 2,900 75.8%15,000 470 96.9% PEPA 5,900 <20 100.0%5,700 <20 100.0%4,700 1,000 78.7%5,800 170 97.1% PS Acid 2,200 <2.0 100.0%1,400 <2.0 100.0%2,200 450 79.5%800 12 98.5% Hydro-PS Acid 1,300 <2.0 100.0%1,200 <2.0 100.0%1,000 220 78.0%1,200 34 97.2% R-PSDA 1,700 J <2.0 100.0%2,200 J <2.0 100.0%390 J 340 J 14.7% 2,200 J 63 J 97.1% Hydrolyzed PSDA 19,000 J 4.9 J >99.9%25,000 J 4.2 J >99.9%8,300 J 3,600 J 56.6% 25,000 J 650 J 97.4% R-PSDCA 45 <2.0 100.0%38 <2.0 100.0%37 7 80.8%100 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 1,000 <2.0 100.0%1,100 <2.0 100.0%880 200 77.3%1,100 31 97.2% EVE Acid 250 <2.0 100.0%170 <2.0 100.0%300 63 79.0%100 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,400 <2.0 100.0%1,400 <2.0 100.0%1,200 250 79.2%1,500 43 97.1% R-EVE 750 J <2.0 100.0%920 J <2.0 100.0%210 J 150 J 28.6% 1,000 J 29 J 97.1% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.7 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <4.8 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 170,000 67 >99.9%180,000 91 99.9%160,000 33,000 79.4%170,000 5,100 97.0% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 190,000 72 >99.9%210,000 95 >99.9%170,000 37,000 78.2%200,000 5,800 97.1% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) Percent Removal Percent Removal Percent Removal Percent Removal TR0795A Page 1 of 7 March 2022 Table 3a Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 24-022322 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 23-022322 SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 24-022422 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 24-022422 SEEP-A-INFLUENT- 24-022522 SEEP-A-EFFLUENT- 24-022522 Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: 23-Feb-22 23-Feb-22 24-Feb-22 24-Feb-22 25-Feb-22 25-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 22,000 2,500 88.6%23,000 290 98.7%18,000 14 99.9% PFMOAA 74,000 7,800 89.5%64,000 730 98.9%54,000 59 J 99.9% PFO2HxA 40,000 4,500 88.8%41,000 510 98.8%35,000 27 99.9% PFO3OA 14,000 1,500 89.3%15,000 180 98.8%12,000 8.5 99.9% PFO4DA 7,700 860 88.8%9,400 110 98.8%8,100 5.2 99.9% PFO5DA 3,800 430 88.7%5,000 61 98.8%4,200 3.3 99.9% PMPA 16,000 1,800 88.8%16,000 200 98.8%14,000 19 99.9% PEPA 6,000 690 88.5%6,500 72 98.9%5,500 <20 100.0% PS Acid 860 91 89.4%490 7.8 98.4%420 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 1,400 160 88.6%1,300 16 98.8%1,100 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 2,500 J 260 J 89.6% 3,100 J 27 J 99.1% 2,600 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 28,000 J 2,800 J 90.0% 36,000 J 300 J 99.2% 31,000 J 9.6 J >99.9% R-PSDCA 110 11 90.0%110 <2.0 100.0%99 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 1,200 140 88.3%1,200 14 98.8%950 2.4 99.7% EVE Acid 100 12 88.0%59 <2.0 100.0%48 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,700 190 88.8%1,500 19 98.7%1,300 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 1,000 J 130 J 87.0% 1,300 J 11 J 99.2% 1,000 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.7 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <4.8 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 190,000 21,000 88.9%180,000 2,200 98.8%150,000 140 99.9% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 220,000 24,000 89.1%220,000 2,500 98.9%190,000 150 99.9% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Percent RemovalPercent Removal Percent Removal Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) TR0795A Page 2 of 7 March 2022 Table 3b Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-B-Influent-24- 011522 SEEP-B-Effluent-24- 011522 SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 264-013122 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 276-013122 SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 336-021522 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 336-021522 Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: 8-Jan-22 8-Jan-22 15-Jan-22 15-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 29,000 2.3 >99.9%28,000 5.6 >99.9%33,000 24 99.9%24,000 12 >99.9% PFMOAA 57,000 13 >99.9%76,000 22 >99.9%75,000 260 99.7%86,000 96 99.9% PFO2HxA 25,000 2 >99.9%29,000 6.6 >99.9%25,000 36 99.9%33,000 35 99.9% PFO3OA 6,600 <2.0 100.0%7,100 <2.0 100.0%6,400 6.2 99.9%8,200 8 99.9% PFO4DA 1,200 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0%1,500 2 99.8% PFO5DA 350 <2.0 100.0%220 <2.0 100.0%250 <2.0 100.0%220 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 28,000 14 >99.9%29,000 14 >99.9%27,000 83 99.7%29,000 37 99.9% PEPA 15,000 <20 100.0%14,000 <20 100.0%13,000 21 99.8%14,000 <20 100.0% PS Acid 1200 <2.0 100.0%420 <2.0 100.0%890 <2.0 100.0%340 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 800 <2.0 100.0%770 <2.0 100.0%760 <2.0 100.0%770 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 2,800 J <2.0 100.0%3,100 J <2.0 100.0%710 J 15 J 97.9% 3,400 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 20,000 J <2.0 100.0%23,000 J <2.0 100.0%7,400 J 30 J 99.6% 31,000 J 6.2 J >99.9% R-PSDCA 48 <2.0 100.0%42 <2.0 100.0%44 <2.0 100.0%42 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 1,800 <2.0 100.0%1,900 <2.0 100.0%1,700 <2.0 100.0%2,000 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid 1000 <2.0 100.0%310 <2.0 100.0%680 <2.0 100.0%290 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,600 <2.0 100.0%1,600 <2.0 100.0%1,400 <2.0 100.0%1,600 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 1,900 J <2.0 100.0%1,900 J <2.0 100.0%550 J 5.2 J 99.1% 2,000 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 170,000 32 >99.9%190,000 48 >99.9%190,000 430 99.8%200,000 190 99.9% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 190,000 32 >99.9%220,000 48 >99.9%200,000 480 99.8%240,000 200 99.9% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) Percent Removal Percent RemovalPercent Removal Percent Removal TR0795A Page 3 of 7 March 2022 Table 3b Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 312-030122 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 312-030122 Sample Date: Sample Date: 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 24,000 34 99.9% PFMOAA 98,000 250 99.7% PFO2HxA 42,000 53 99.9% PFO3OA 10,000 8.6 99.9% PFO4DA 1,900 <2.0 100.0% PFO5DA 220 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 29,000 110 99.6% PEPA 14,000 33 99.8% PS Acid 170 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 730 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 4,300 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 38,000 J 26 J 99.9% R-PSDCA 100 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 2,100 3.5 99.8% EVE Acid 130 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,400 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 2,300 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 220,000 490 99.8% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 270,000 520 99.8% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Percent Removal Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) TR0795A Page 4 of 7 March 2022 Table 3c Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-C-INFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT- 24-010822 SEEP-C-Influent-24- 011522 SEEP-C-Effluent-24- 011522 SEEP-C-INFLUENT- 240-013122 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT- 156-013122 SEEP-C-INFLUENT- 192-021522 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT- 336-021522 Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: 8-Jan-22 8-Jan-22 15-Jan-22 15-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 14,000 5.3 >99.9%15,000 24 99.8%14,000 210 98.5%13,000 58 99.6% PFMOAA 34,000 35 99.9%37,000 60 J 99.8%37,000 350 99.1%34,000 260 99.2% PFO2HxA 16,000 7 >99.9%17,000 14 99.9%13,000 110 99.2%16,000 64 99.6% PFO3OA 5,600 2 >99.9%5,300 3 99.9%4,000 29 99.3%5,000 18 99.6% PFO4DA 1,900 <2.0 100.0%2,000 <2.0 100.0%1,600 11 99.3%1,700 6 99.7% PFO5DA <78 <2.0 100.0%96 <2.0 100.0%100 <2.0 100.0% <78 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 6,700 12 99.8%6,700 31 99.5% <620 190 0% 3 6,400 73 98.9% PEPA 2,300 <20 100.0%2,200 <20 100.0%1,500 45 97.0%2,100 <20 100.0% PS Acid <20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 310 <2.0 100.0%300 <2.0 100.0%200 2 98.8%260 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 660 J <2.0 100.0%550 J 6.2 J 98.9% <71 22 J 0% 3 530 J 30 J 94.3% Hydrolyzed PSDA 620 J <2.0 100.0%630 J 4.4 J 99.3% <38 20 J 0% 3 720 J 20 J 97.2% R-PSDCA <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 510 <2.0 100.0%520 <2.0 100.0% <15 3 0% 3 480 2 99.6% EVE Acid <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 920 <2.0 100.0%900 <2.0 100.0%600 9 98.5%820 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 570 J <2.0 100.0%550 J 5.3 J 99.0% <72 21 J 0% 3 540 J 14 J 97.4% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 82,000 62 99.9%87,000 130 99.9%72,000 960 98.7%80,000 480 99.4% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 84,000 62 99.9%89,000 150 99.8%72,000 1,000 98.6%82,000 540 99.3% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. 3 - Removal percent cannot be calculated due to the elevated reporting limits in the influent sample. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) Percent Removal Percent Removal Percent Removal Percent Removal TR0795A Page 5 of 7 March 2022 Table 3c Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-C-INFLUENT- 312-030122 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT- 282-030122 Sample Date: Sample Date: 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 15,000 35 99.8% PFMOAA 41,000 320 99.2% PFO2HxA 23,000 71 99.7% PFO3OA 7,200 17 99.8% PFO4DA 2,800 7.1 99.7% PFO5DA <78 2.2 0% 3 PMPA 8,000 61 99.2% PEPA 2,800 <20 100.0% PS Acid <20 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 340 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 1,100 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 1,200 J 21 J 98.3% R-PSDCA 74 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 580 3.2 99.4% EVE Acid <17 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,100 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 850 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 100,000 520 99.5% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 110,000 540 99.5% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. 3 - Removal percent cannot be calculated due to the elevated reporting limits in the influent sample. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Percent Removal Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) TR0795A Page 6 of 7 March 2022 Table 3d Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep D Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC SEEP-D-Influent-24- 011222 SEEP-D-Effluent-24- 011222 SEEP-D-INFLUENT- 264-013122 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT- 276-013122 SEEP-D-INFLUENT- 336-021522 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT- 336-021522 SEEP-D-INFLUENT- 312-030122 SEEP-D-EFFLUENT- 312-030122 Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: Sample Date: 12-Jan-22 12-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 15-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 1-Mar-22 1-Mar-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 14,000 3.9 >99.9%14,000 <2.0 100.0%12,000 6 >99.9%13,000 6.7 99.9% PFMOAA 48,000 15 >99.9%41,000 6.1 J >99.9%41,000 48 99.9%42,000 43 99.9% PFO2HxA 19,000 6.3 >99.9%18,000 2.3 J >99.9%19,000 14 99.9%22,000 13 99.9% PFO3OA 5,900 2 >99.9%5,200 <2.0 100.0%5,500 3.3 99.9%6,600 2.7 >99.9% PFO4DA 1,800 <2.0 100.0%1,700 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0%2,300 <2.0 100.0% PFO5DA 100 <2.0 100.0%95 <2.0 100.0%98 <2.0 100.0% <78 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 6,000 <10 100.0%5,400 <10 100.0%5,600 12 99.8%6,300 <10 100.0% PEPA 1,900 <20 100.0%1,800 <20 100.0%1,900 <20 100.0%2,300 <20 100.0% PS Acid <20 <2.0 100.0%<20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 250 <2.0 100.0%210 <2.0 100.0%240 <2.0 100.0%250 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 690 J <2.0 100.0%460 J <2.0 100.0%630 J <2.0 100.0% 970 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 1,400 J <2.0 100.0%1,100 J <2.0 100.0%1,600 J <2.0 100.0% 2,200 J <2.0 100.0% R-PSDCA <17 <2.0 100.0%<17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0%71 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 610 <2.0 100.0%510 <2.0 100.0%580 <2.0 100.0%560 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid <17 <2.0 100.0%<17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 900 <2.0 100.0%760 <2.0 100.0%840 <2.0 100.0%960 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 610 J <2.0 100.0%400 J <2.0 100.0%650 J <2.0 100.0% 790 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 98,000 27 >99.9%89,000 8.4 >99.9%88,000 83 99.9%96,000 65 99.9% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 100,000 27 >99.9%91,000 8.4 >99.9%91,000 83 99.9%100,000 65 99.9% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Percent Removal Percent Removal Percent Removal Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) Percent Removal TR0795A Page 7 of 7 March 2022 Table 4a Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Seep-A-Influent-Rain- 23-011122 Seep-A-Effluent-Rain- 24-011122 Seep-A-Influent-Rain- 24-022822 Seep-A-Effluent-Rain- 24-022822 Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal 11-Jan-22 11-Jan-22 28-Feb-22 28-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 25,000 8.7 >99.9%23,000 53 99.8% PFMOAA 61,000 26 >99.9%59,000 130 99.8% PFO2HxA 34,000 9.5 >99.9%39,000 89 99.8% PFO3OA 12,000 3 >99.9%13,000 32 99.8% PFO4DA 6,600 <2.0 100.0%8,600 20 99.8% PFO5DA 3,500 <2.0 100.0%4,800 10 99.8% PMPA 15,000 <10 100.0%15,000 43 99.7% PEPA 5,600 <20 100.0%6,100 <20 100.0% PS Acid 1,800 <2.0 100.0%390 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 1,200 <2.0 100.0%1,200 3 99.8% R-PSDA 2,100 J <2.0 100.0%3,100 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 23,000 J 2.8 J >99.9%34,000 J 56 J 99.8% R-PSDCA 37 <2.0 100.0%100 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 1000 <2.0 100.0%1,100 2.9 99.7% EVE Acid 260 <2.0 100.0%48 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,300 <2.0 100.0%1,400 3.6 99.7% R-EVE 960 J <2.0 100.0%1,200 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]170,000 48 >99.9% 170,000 390 99.8% Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]190,000 50 >99.9% 210,000 440 99.8% Notes: 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. B - Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) TR0795A Page 1 of 4 March 2022 Table 4b Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Seep-B-Influent-Rain- 24-011722 Seep-B-Effluent-Rain- 24-011722 Seep-B-Influent-Rain- 24-022822 Seep-B-Effluent-Rain- 24-022822 Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal 17-Jan-22 17-Jan-22 28-Feb-22 28-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 23,000 9.8 >99.9%28,000 18 99.9% PFMOAA 43,000 23 >99.9%81,000 110 99.9% PFO2HxA 18,000 9.4 >99.9%38,000 28 99.9% PFO3OA 4,600 3 99.9%9,700 3.1 >99.9% PFO4DA 1,100 <2.0 100.0%2,200 <2.0 100.0% PFO5DA 280 <2.0 100.0%310 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 24,000 15 99.9%34,000 22 99.9% PEPA 12,000 <20 100.0%17,000 <20 100.0% PS Acid 1,200 <2.0 100.0%600 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 660 <2.0 100.0%930 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 2,400 J <2.0 100.0% 5,300 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 15,000 J 5.0 J >99.9% 41,000 J 3.9 J >99.9% R-PSDCA 34 <2.0 100.0%110 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 1400 <2.0 100.0%2,200 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid 1000 <2.0 100.0%510 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 1,200 <2.0 100.0%1,800 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 1,700 J <2.0 100.0% 2,900 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]130,000 60 >99.9% 220,000 180 99.9% Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]150,000 65 >99.9% 270,000 190 99.9% Notes: 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. B - Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) TR0795A Page 2 of 4 March 2022 Table 4c Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Seep-C-Influent-Rain- 22-011122 Seep-C-Effluent-Rain- 24-011122 Seep-C-Influent-Rain- 24-020822 Seep-C-Effluent-Rain- 24-020822 Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal 11-Jan-22 11-Jan-22 08-Feb-22 08-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 11,000 7.8 99.9%14,000 50 99.6% PFMOAA 28,000 59 99.8%36,000 310 99.1% PFO2HxA 13,000 11 99.9%15,000 73 99.5% PFO3OA 3,900 2 >99.9%5,000 8 99.8% PFO4DA 1,500 <2.0 100.0%1,800 2 99.9% PFO5DA 110 <2.0 100.0%82 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 5,200 11 99.8%5,800 77 98.7% PEPA 1,700 <20 100.0%1,900 <20 100.0% PS Acid <20 <2.0 100.0%<20 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 250 <2.0 100.0%240 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 460 J <2.0 100.0% 490 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 480 J <2.0 100.0% 490 J <2.0 100.0% R-PSDCA <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 390 <2.0 100.0%430 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid <17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 700 <2.0 100.0%770 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 420 J <2.0 100.0% 400 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]66,000 91 99.9% 81,000 520 99.4% Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]67,000 91 99.9% 82,000 520 99.4% Notes: 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. B - Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) TR0795A Page 3 of 4 March 2022 Table 4d Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results - Seep D Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Seep-D-Influent-Rain- 24-011722 Seep-D-Effluent-Rain- 24-011722 Seep-D-Influent-Rain- 24-022822 Seep-D-Effluent-Rain- 24-022822 Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal 17-Jan-22 17-Jan-22 28-Feb-22 28-Feb-22 Hfpo Dimer Acid 13,000 5.4 >99.9%13,000 3.2 >99.9% PFMOAA 40,000 16 >99.9%42,000 <2.0 100.00% PFO2HxA 17,000 9.3 >99.9%22,000 6.6 >99.9% PFO3OA 5,000 3 >99.9%7,100 <2.0 100.0% PFO4DA 1,500 <2.0 100.0%2,400 <2.0 100.0% PFO5DA 98 <2.0 100.0%160 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 5,200 <10 100.0%6,600 <10 100.0% PEPA 1,700 <20 100.0%2,300 <20 100.0% PS Acid <20 <2.0 100.0%<20 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 230 J <2.0 100.0%260 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 660 J <2.0 100.0% 1,100 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 1,400 J 2.2 J 99.8% 2,400 J <2.0 100.0% R-PSDCA <17 <2.0 100.0%75 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 530 <2.0 100.0%590 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid <17 <2.0 100.0%<17 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 770 <2.0 100.0%990 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 560 J <2.0 100.0% 970 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]85,000 33 >99.9% 97,000 9.8 >99.9% Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]88,000 35 >99.9% 100,000 9.8 >99.9% Notes: 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. B - Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) TR0795A Page 4 of 4 March 2022 Table 5 Cape Fear River Elevation and Local Precipitation Statistics Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Percent of Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of Reporting Period Number of Days 440 59 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0.0 3.4% 2.0 5.3% 3.1 307 59 0.0% 0.0 0.3% 0.2 3.9% 2.3 5.9% 3.5 266 59 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0.0 3.3% 1.9 5.3% 3.1 250 59 0.0% 0.0 0.2% 0.1 4.1% 2.4 5.9% 3.5 5.59 5.17 5.59 5.17 43.44 Notes 1 River elevation and precipitation data from USGS Huske Lock and Dam site 02105500. 2 For clarity of presentation, historical river flooding averages based on Seep C elevations only. 3 The historical average was calculated using available data when the Huske rain gauge was operable. # of Days of Operation on Record River Above FTC Wall Elevation# of Days in Reporting Period River Above Bypass Spillway Elevation B D 3.7% 9.6% Historical Year-to-Date Average (2004-2020) [3] River Above Discharge Weir Elevation River Above Discharge Pipe Invert Elevation Seep C A Historical Annual Average (2004-2020) [3] Historical Annual Average (2007-2020) [2] Precipitation (inches) Current Reporting Period (Jan - Feb 2022) Current Reporting Period Historical Average (Jan - Feb 2004-2020) [3] 2022 Year-to-Date 1.7% 2.2% TR0795A Page 1 of 1 March 2022 Table 6a Water Quality Data - Seep A Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference 1/8/2022 11.5 11.0 -0.5 5.6 6.2 0.6 110 85.7 -24.4 6 7 1.2 3.29 0.00 -3.30 0 0 0.0 1/31/2022 11.3 11.2 -0.1 4.4 7.7 3.3 141 129 -12.3 6 6 0.3 1.87 1.21 -0.70 0 0 0.0 2/20/2022 8.3 8.2 -0.1 4.0 6.2 2.2 151 129 -22.0 20 19 -0.8 3.31 7.57 4.30 0 0 0.0 2/23/2002 8.0 7.7 -0.3 4.2 5.9 1.7 161 122 -39.0 19 19 0.3 3.58 0.73 -2.90 0 0 0.0 2/24/2002 9.3 9.0 -0.3 7.2 8.0 0.8 162 124 -38.7 13 13 -0.5 1.34 1.04 -0.30 0 0 0.0 2/25/2022 1.9 9.8 7.9 9.2 8.3 -0.9 566 122 -444 14 14 0.5 0.22 0.49 0.30 0 0 0.0 Average 8.4 9.5 1.1 5.8 7.0 1.2 215.2 118.5 -96.7 12.9 13.0 0.1 2.3 1.8 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Median 8.8 9.4 0.6 5.0 6.9 1.9 155.9 122.9 -33.0 13.7 13.6 -0.1 2.6 0.9 -1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: DO dissolved oxygen mg/L milligrams per liter SU standard units NTU neophelometric turbidity units µS/cm microSiemens per centimeter TSS total suspended solids NM Not Measured Temperature Turbidity (°C) (NTU) TSS (mg/L) pH Specific Conductance (mg/L) (SU) (µS/cm)Date DO TR0795A Page 1 of 4 March 2022 Table 6b Water Quality Data - Seep B Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference 1/8/2022 10.3 11.3 1.0 6.2 4.5 -1.7 136 102 -34 6 6 0 0.36 0.00 -0.36 0 0 0 1/31/2022 10.7 10.0 -0.7 4.9 7.5 2.6 118 113 -5 9 9 0 1.13 0.00 -1.13 0 0 0 2/15/2021 9.8 10.3 0.5 8.1 7.6 -0.5 146.1 108.8 -37 15 15 0 1.3 0.8 -0.41 0 0 0 3/1/2022 [1]9.3 9.5 0.2 7.2 7.4 0.2 139.4 152.2 13 13 14 1 3.6 0.6 -2.99 0 0 0 Average 10.0 10.3 0.3 6.6 6.8 0.2 134.9 118.9 -16.0 10.8 10.8 0.0 1.6 0.4 -1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Median 10.1 10.2 0.1 6.7 7.5 0.8 137.8 110.9 -26.9 11.1 11.3 0.2 1.2 0.3 -0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: 1 - The water quality parameters collected on March 1, 2022, represent the second performance monitoring sample in February (composite period Febrary 16 - March 1, 2022). DO dissolved oxygen mg/L milligrams per liter SU standard units NTU neophelometric turbidity units µS/cm microSiemens per centimeter TSS total suspended solids NM Not Measured (mg/L) TSS Date DO (mg/L) pH (SU) Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Temperature (°C) Turbidity (NTU) TR0795A Page 2 of 4 March 2022 Table 6c Water Quality Data - Seep C Reporting Period 7 (Janaury - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference 1/31/2022 [1]10.3 10.9 0.6 7.6 6.3 -1.3 129.5 120.9 -9.0 9.0 9.5 0.0 208.7 119.3 -89.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2/15/2021 10.3 9.6 -0.7 6.4 5.9 -0.5 113.7 97.7 -16.0 14.1 14.0 0.0 228.0 38.9 -189.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3/1/2022 [2]9.4 9.5 0.1 7.5 7.4 -0.1 123.7 112.5 -11.2 13.8 13.2 -0.6 16.8 3.2 -13.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average 10.0 10.0 0.0 7.2 6.5 -0.7 122.3 110.4 -11.9 12.3 12.2 -0.1 151.2 53.8 -97.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Median 10.3 9.6 -0.7 7.5 6.3 -1.2 123.7 112.5 -11.2 13.8 13.2 -0.6 208.7 38.9 -169.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: 1 - The operations, maintenance, and monitoring staff reported that water quality parameters were collected twice during January; however, the data from the first half of January were inadvertently misplaced. 2 - The water quality parameters collected on March 1, 2022, represent the second performance monitoring sample in February (composite period Febrary 16 - March 1, 2022). DO dissolved oxygen mg/L milligrams per liter SU standard units NTU neophelometric turbidity units µS/cm microSiemens per centimeter TSS total suspended solids NM Not Measured (mg/L) TSS (SU) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) pH Specific Conductance Temperature Turbidity Date DO (mg/L) TR0795A Page 3 of 4 March 2022 Table 6d Water Quality Data - Seep D Reporting Period 7 (January - February 2022) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference Influent Effluent Difference 1/31/2022 [1]10.9 11.2 0.3 4.1 7.2 3.1 144.5 105.3 -40.0 8.5 8.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2/15/2021 9.9 10.2 0.3 4.0 5.2 1.2 161.0 116.9 -44.0 12.8 13.1 0.0 2.0 0.5 -1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 3/1/2022 9.4 8.9 -0.5 6.9 6.0 -0.9 144.6 159.9 15.0 14 13 -1.0 1.53 3.23 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average 10.1 10.1 0.0 5.0 6.2 1.2 150.1 127.4 -22.7 11.7 11.6 -0.1 1.8 1.2 -0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Median 9.9 10.2 0.3 4.1 6.0 1.9 144.6 116.9 -27.7 12.8 13.1 0.3 2.0 0.5 -1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: 1 - The operations, maintenance, and monitoring staff reported that water quality parameters were collected twice during January; however, the data from the first half of January were inadvertently misplaced. DO dissolved oxygen mg/L milligrams per liter SU standard units NTU neophelometric turbidity units µS/cm microSiemens per centimeter TSS total suspended solids NM Not Measured TSS (mg/L) pH (SU) Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Temperature (°C) Turbidity (NTU)Date DO (mg/L) TR0795A Page 4 of 4 March 2022 TR0795A FIGURES Legend River--GAC Changeout Notes: As-built survey information for Seep C from RMA Surveying October 2020. River elevation from USGS Huske Lock and Dam site 02105500, converted to NAVD88. For clarity of presentation, Figure 1 shows Seep C elevations only. FB1/FB2 = Filter Bed 1/Filter Bed 2 GAC = Granular Activated Carbon Raleigh, NC March 2022 River Level & FTC As-Built Elevations Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 1 Top of Wall Spillway Top of GAC Discharge Invert Seep C -FB1Seep A -FB2Seep A -FB1 Seep A -FB1 Seep A -FB2 Seep B -FB2 Seep B -FB1Seep C -FB2 Seep C -FB2 Seep C -FB1 Seep C -FB2 Seep D -FB1 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1/1/2022 1/8/2022 1/15/2022 1/22/2022 1/29/2022 2/5/2022 2/12/2022 2/19/2022 2/26/2022 3/5/2022Elevation, feet above sea level, NAVD88River Elevation During Flow Through Cell Operation (01/01/2022 through 02/28/2022) Legend−Measured Discharge Flowrate Cape Fear River Above Discharge Weir Elevation 67 100 241 286 590 882 Notes: gpm - gallons per minute GAC - granular activated carbon Figure 2a depicts the measured discharge flowrate (solid green) of water processed through the filter beds calculated using the Effluent Stilling Basin transducer data. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 2a Flowrate Statistics (gpm) (01/01 - 02/28)Since Startup Median 95th percentile Max Measured Discharge Flowrate (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works From January 4 through 7, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the discharge weir (W3), and head differentials throughout the flow-through cell were reduced and flow through the system was hindered (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Flowrate (gpm) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Cape Fear River Above Spillway Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Figure 3a depicts the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 3a From January 4 through 7, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the Bypass Spillway, causing the influent and effluent water elevations to be equal, and consequently ceasing any flow through the system (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Measured Discharge Flowrate Cape Fear River Above Discharge Weir Elevation 155 126 301 266 549 1,153Notes: gpm - gallons per minute GAC - granular activated carbon Figure 2b depicts the measured discharge flowrate (solid green) of water processed through the filter beds calculated using the Effluent Stilling Basin transducer data. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Flowrate Statistics (gpm) (01/01 - 02/28)Since Startup Median 95th percentile Max From January 5 through 6, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the discharge weir (W3), and head differentials throughout the flow-through cell were reduced and flow through the system was hindered (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 2b Measured Discharge Flowrate (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Flowrate (gpm) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Figure 3b shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 3b Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Measured Discharge Flowrate Cape Fear River Above Discharge Weir Elevation 25 60 80 152 273 372 Notes: gpm - gallons per minute GAC - granular activated carbon Figure 2c depicts the measured discharge flowrate (solid green) of water processed through the filter beds calculated using the Effluent Stilling Basin transducer data. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Measured Discharge Flowrate (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep C Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure Flowrate Statistics (gpm) 2c Chemours Fayetteville Works Median 95th percentile Max (01/01 - 02/28)Since Startup From January 4 through 6, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the discharge weir (W3), and head differentials throughout the flow-through cell were reduced and flow through the system was hindered (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Flowrate (gpm) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Figure 3c shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Raleigh, NC March 2022 3c Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep C Chemours Fayetteville Works Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Measured Discharge Flowrate Transducer Data Gap--Imputed Discharge Flowrate Cape Fear River Above Discharge Weir Elevation 70 103 Notes:301 315 gpm - gallons per minute 590 836 GAC - granular activated carbon Raleigh, NC March 2022 Measured Discharge Flowrate (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep D Figure 2d Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Flowrate Statistics (gpm) (01/01 - 02/28)Since Startup Median 95th percentile Max Figure 2d depicts the measured discharge flowrate (solid green) of water processed through the filter beds calculated using the Effluent Stilling Basin transducer data. From January 4 through 7, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the discharge weir (W3), and head differentials throughout the flow-through cell were reduced and flow through the system was hindered (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. Seep D effluent transducer data from January 10 through 17, 2022, was not retrieved. Where transducer data was missing (grey shading) but flow through the System was observed (i.e., non- flooding conditions), flowrate was extrapolated (dashed green). The imputed flowrate was calculated as the median of measured flowrates from 3 days before and after the data gap. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Flowrate (gpm) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Cape Fear River Above Spillway Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Figure 3d shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow (Jan - Feb 2022) - Seep D Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 3d From January 4 through 7, 2022, the Cape Fear River rose above the elevation of the Bypass Spillway, causing the influent and effluent water elevations to be equal, and consequently ceasing any flow through the system (pink shading). See Section 4.5 for more details regarding impacts of river flooding. 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 1/1/221/5/221/9/221/13/221/17/221/21/221/25/221/29/222/2/222/6/222/10/222/14/222/18/222/22/222/26/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) TR0795A APPENDIX A Transducer Data Reduction Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation--GAC Elevation Notes: GAC - granular activated carbon Figure A1-A shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A1-A 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage −Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A2-A As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-A compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation Notes: Figure A3-A shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A3-A 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep A Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A4-A As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-A compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation--GAC Elevation Notes: GAC - granular activated carbon Figure A1-B shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A1-B 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage −Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A2-B As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-B compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation Notes: Figure A3-B shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A3-B 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A4-B As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-B compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation--GAC Elevation Notes: GAC - granular activated carbon Figure A1-C shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 A1-C Figure Discharge Basin Water Elevation - Seep C Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage −Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 A2-C Figure Discharge Basin Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep C Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-C compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation Notes: Figure A3-C shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Figure A3-C Fayetteville, North Carolina Inlet Chamber Water Elevation - Seep C Chemours Fayetteville Works 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 A4-C Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep C Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-C compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation--GAC Elevation Notes: GAC - granular activated carbon Figure A1-D shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation - Seep D Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A1-D 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage −Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Discharge Basin Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep D Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A2-D As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-D compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation Notes: Figure A3-D shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation - Seep D Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A3-D 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation USGS Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Raleigh, NC March 2022 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep D Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure A4-D As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-D compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1/1/221/3/221/5/221/7/221/9/221/11/221/13/221/15/221/17/221/19/221/21/221/23/221/25/221/27/221/29/221/31/222/2/222/4/222/6/222/8/222/10/222/12/222/14/222/16/222/18/222/20/222/22/222/24/222/26/222/28/22Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) TR0795A APPENDIX B Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative (Full lab reports to be uploaded to OneDrive and EQuIS) ADQM Data Review Site: Chemours Fayetteville Project: Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022 (select lots) Project Reviewer: Michael Aucoin Sample Summary Field Sample ID Lab Sample ID Sample Matrix Filtered Sample Date Sample Time Sample Purpose SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 1 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 2 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 3 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 4 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 5 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 24-010822 320-83798- 6 Other liquid N 01/08/2022 23:01 FS SEEP- FBLK- 011122 320-83798- 7 Blank Water N 01/11/2022 15:00 FB SEEP-A- Effluent- RAIN-24- 011122 320-84168- 1 Other liquid N 01/11/2022 07:00 FS SEEP-A- Influent- RAIN-23- 011122 320-84168- 2 Other liquid N 01/11/2022 07:04 FS SEEP-B- Influent- RAIN-24- 011722 320-84168- 3 Other liquid N 01/17/2022 10:15 FS SEEP-B- Effluent- RAIN-24- 011722 320-84168- 4 Other liquid N 01/17/2022 11:25 FS SEEP-C- Influent- RAIN-22- 011122 320-84168- 5 Other liquid N 01/11/2022 06:55 FS SEEP-C- Effluent- RAIN-24- 011122 320-84168- 6 Other liquid N 01/11/2022 06:57 FS SEEP-D- Effluent- RAIN-24- 011722 320-84168- 7 Other liquid N 01/17/2022 14:56 FS SEEP-D- Influent- RAIN-24- 011722 320-84168- 8 Other liquid N 01/17/2022 13:02 FS Seep-EBLK- 012022 320-84168- 9 Blank Water N 01/20/2022 16:00 EB SEEP-A- Effluent-24- 011522 320-84172- 1 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-A- Influent-24- 011522 320-84172- 2 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-B- Influent-24- 011522 320-84172- 3 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-B- Effluent-24- 011522 320-84172- 4 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-C- Influent-24- 011522 320-84172- 5 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-C- Effluent-24- 011522 320-84172- 6 Other liquid N 01/15/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-D- Effluent-24- 011222 320-84172- 7 Other liquid N 01/12/2022 23:01 FS SEEP-D- Influent-24- 011222 320-84172- 8 Other liquid N 01/12/2022 23:01 FS Seep-FBLK- 012022 320-84172- 9 Blank Water N 01/20/2022 14:00 FB SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 264-013122 320-84467- 1 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 276- 013122-D 320-84467- 10 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 DUP SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 276-013122 320-84467- 2 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 264-013122 320-84467- 3 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 276-013122 320-84467- 4 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 240-013122 320-84467- 5 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 156-013122 320-84467- 6 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 270-013122 320-84467- 7 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 276-013122 320-84467- 8 Other liquid N 01/31/2022 20:00 FS SEEP- FBLK- 020122 320-84467- 9 Blank Water N 02/01/2022 12:00 FB SEEP-C- INFLUENT- RAIN-24- 020822 320-84762- 1 Other liquid N 02/08/2022 14:10 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- RAIN-24- 020822 320-84762- 2 Other liquid N 02/08/2022 14:58 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 336-021522 320-84905- 1 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 336-021522 320-84905- 2 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 336-021522 320-84905- 3 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 336-021522 320-84905- 4 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 192-021522 320-84905- 5 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 336-021522 320-84905- 6 Other liquid N 02/15/2022 08:00 FS SEEP- FBLK- 021622 320-84905- 7 Blank Water N 02/16/2022 14:00 FB SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-022022 320-85203- 1 Other liquid N 02/20/2022 15:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-022022 320-85203- 2 Other liquid N 02/20/2022 15:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-022322 320-85203- 3 Other liquid N 02/23/2022 17:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 23-022322 320-85203- 4 Other liquid N 02/23/2022 17:00 FS SEEP- FBLK- 022222 320-85203- 5 Blank Water N 02/22/2022 13:00 FB SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 312-030122 320-85362- 1 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-022522 320-85362- 10 Other liquid N 02/25/2022 17:00 FS SEEP- FBLK- 030122 320-85362- 11 Blank Water N 03/01/2022 15:00 FB SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 312-030122 320-85362- 2 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 312-030122 320-85362- 3 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 312-030122 320-85362- 4 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 312-030122 320-85362- 5 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 282-030122 320-85362- 6 Other liquid N 03/01/2022 08:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-022422 320-85362- 7 Other liquid N 02/24/2022 17:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-022422 320-85362- 8 Other liquid N 02/24/2022 17:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-022522 320-85362- 9 Other liquid N 02/25/2022 17:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 1 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 2 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 3 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 4 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 5 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- RAIN-24- 022822 320-85364- 6 Other liquid N 02/28/2022 18:00 FS SEEP- EQBLK- 030122 320-85364- 7 Blank Water N 03/01/2022 15:00 EB * FS=Field Sample DUP=Field Duplicate FB=Field Blank EB=Equipment Blank TB=Trip Blank Analytical Protocol Lab Name1 Lab Method Parameter Category Sampling Program Eurofins Environ Testing Northern Cali Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022 1 This laboratory name changed to Eurofins Environmental Testing Northern California (former TestAmerica Sacramento), effective January 1, 2022. ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet laboratory acceptability requirements upon receipt (i.e., intact, within temperature, properly preserved, and no headspace where applicable)? X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the laboratory and/or field team? X D Were samples prepped/analyzed by the laboratory within method holding times? X E Were QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory (method blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences/RPDs, sample results within calibration range)? X X F Were field/equipment/trip blanks (if collected) detected at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X G Were all data usable and not R qualified? X ER# Description: Other QA/QC Items to Note: * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, or ER # for further details as indicated. The electronic data submitted for this project was reviewed via the Data Verification Module (DVM) process. The data is acceptable for use without qualification, except as noted on the attached DVM Narrative Report. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive. Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DVM Narrative ReportAssociated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values higher than the upper control limit. The reported result may be biasedhigh.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6R-PSDA0.0062UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0044UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0042UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6R-EVE0.0053UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6R-EVE0.0047UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 1 of 14 High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between field duplicate and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-4PFO2HxA0.0023ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-4PFO2HxA0.0025ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-4PFMOAA0.0061ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-4PFMOAA0.0060ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-013122-D01/31/2022320-84467-10PFO2HxA0.0094ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-013122-D01/31/2022320-84467-10PFO3OA0.0044ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-013122-D01/31/2022320-84467-10PFMOAA0.018ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 2 of 14 High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between LCS and LCSD samples. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Influent-RAIN-23-01112201/11/2022320-84168-2Hydrolyzed PSDA23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-3Hydrolyzed PSDA15UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-Influent-RAIN-22-01112201/11/2022320-84168-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.48UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8Hydrolyzed PSDA1.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8Hydrolyzed PSDA1.5UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-2Hydrolyzed PSDA25UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-3Hydrolyzed PSDA23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.63UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.65UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8Hydrolyzed PSDA1.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8Hydrolyzed PSDA1.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLPage 3 of 14 Quality review criteria exceeded between the REP (laboratory replicate) and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8Hydro-PS Acid0.23ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0061PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8Hydro-PS Acid0.26ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0061PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6R-PSDA0.0051UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-10Hydrolyzed PSDA0.011UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 4 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0049UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-1R-PSDA1.7UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-1Hydrolyzed PSDA19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-1R-EVE0.75UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-3R-PSDA2.8UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-3Hydrolyzed PSDA20UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-3R-EVE1.9UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5R-PSDA0.66UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5R-PSDA0.69UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.62UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.67UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5R-EVE0.57UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-01082201/08/2022320-83798-5R-EVE0.58UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-RAIN-24-01112201/11/2022320-84168-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0028UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-RAIN-23-01112201/11/2022320-84168-2R-PSDA2.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-Influent-RAIN-23-01112201/11/2022320-84168-2R-EVE0.96UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLPage 5 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-B-Effluent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-4Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0050UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-3R-PSDA2.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-3R-EVE1.7UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-Influent-RAIN-22-01112201/11/2022320-84168-5R-PSDA0.46UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-Influent-RAIN-22-01112201/11/2022320-84168-5R-EVE0.42UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-Effluent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-7Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0022UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8R-PSDA0.66UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8R-PSDA0.70UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8R-EVE0.56UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-Influent-RAIN-24-01172201/17/2022320-84168-8R-EVE0.59UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0042UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-2R-PSDA2.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-2R-EVE0.92UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-3R-PSDA3.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-3R-EVE1.9UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5R-PSDA0.55UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5R-PSDA0.52UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3CompoundJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLPage 6 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSOPSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5R-EVE0.55UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-5R-EVE0.55UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8R-PSDA0.69UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8R-PSDA0.67UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8R-EVE0.61UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-Influent-24-01122201/12/2022320-84172-8R-EVE0.58UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-8R-PSDA0.34UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0071PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-8Hydrolyzed PSDA3.6UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0038PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-8R-EVE0.15UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-270-01312201/31/2022320-84467-7R-PSDA0.39UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-270-01312201/31/2022320-84467-7Hydrolyzed PSDA8.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-270-01312201/31/2022320-84467-7R-EVE0.21UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-2R-PSDA0.015UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.030UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-276-01312201/31/2022320-84467-2R-EVE0.0052UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-23-02232202/23/2022320-85203-4R-PSDA0.26UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0071PQLPage 7 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-23-02232202/23/2022320-85203-4Hydrolyzed PSDA2.8UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0038PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-23-02232202/23/2022320-85203-4R-EVE0.13UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2R-PSDA0.063UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2R-PSDA0.063UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.65UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.64UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2R-EVE0.029UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-2R-EVE0.030UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-8R-PSDA0.027UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-8Hydrolyzed PSDA0.30UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-8R-EVE0.011UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-10Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0096UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.056UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1R-PSDA2.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1R-PSDA2.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1Hydrolyzed PSDA25UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1Hydrolyzed PSDA24UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3CompoundJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLPage 8 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSOPSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1R-EVE1.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02202202/20/2022320-85203-1R-EVE0.99UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02232202/23/2022320-85203-3R-PSDA2.5UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02232202/23/2022320-85203-3Hydrolyzed PSDA28UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02232202/23/2022320-85203-3R-EVE1.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-7R-PSDA3.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-7Hydrolyzed PSDA36UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02242202/24/2022320-85362-7R-EVE1.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-9R-PSDA2.6UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-9Hydrolyzed PSDA31UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-9R-EVE1.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-5R-PSDA3.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-5Hydrolyzed PSDA34UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-5R-EVE1.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.026UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0062UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 9 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0039UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-1R-PSDA0.71UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-1Hydrolyzed PSDA7.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-1R-EVE0.55UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1R-PSDA4.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1R-PSDA4.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1Hydrolyzed PSDA38UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1Hydrolyzed PSDA36UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1R-EVE2.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-1R-EVE2.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-1R-PSDA3.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-1Hydrolyzed PSDA31UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-1R-EVE2.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-1R-PSDA5.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-1Hydrolyzed PSDA41UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-1R-EVE2.9UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-156-01312201/31/2022320-84467-6R-PSDA0.022UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3CompoundJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 10 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSOPSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-156-01312201/31/2022320-84467-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-156-01312201/31/2022320-84467-6R-EVE0.021UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-282-03012203/01/2022320-85362-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.021UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-6R-PSDA0.030UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-6R-EVE0.014UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5R-PSDA0.53UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5R-PSDA0.53UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.72UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.68UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5R-EVE0.54UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-192-02152202/15/2022320-84905-5R-EVE0.54UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-5R-PSDA1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-5Hydrolyzed PSDA1.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-5R-EVE0.85UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1R-PSDA0.49UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLPage 11 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1R-PSDA0.48UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.49UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.50UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1R-EVE0.40UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02082202/08/2022320-84762-1R-EVE0.41UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-276-013122-D01/31/2022320-84467-10Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0030UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-3R-PSDA0.46UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-3Hydrolyzed PSDA1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-264-01312201/31/2022320-84467-3R-EVE0.40UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-3R-PSDA0.97UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-3Hydrolyzed PSDA2.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-312-03012203/01/2022320-85362-3R-EVE0.79UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-3R-PSDA0.63UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-3Hydrolyzed PSDA1.6UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-336-02152202/15/2022320-84905-3R-EVE0.65UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-3R-PSDA1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-3Hydrolyzed PSDA2.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3CompoundJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLPage 12 of 14 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSOPSEEP-D-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-02282202/28/2022320-85364-3R-EVE0.97UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLPage 13 of 14 Associated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values less than the lower control limit but above the rejection limit. Thereported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2022AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6PFMOAA0.060ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-01152201/15/2022320-84172-6PFMOAA0.065ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-10PFMOAA0.059ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-02252202/25/2022320-85362-10PFMOAA0.062ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 14 of 14