HomeMy WebLinkAbout2304_INSP_20220422FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section UNIT TYPE: Lined LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Cleveland MSWLF PERMIT NO.: 2304-TP-2020 Closed xxw white Incin T&P X FIRM MSWLF goods FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE CDLF TireT&P Tire Industrial DEMO SDTF Collection Monofill Landfill Date of Site Inspection: 4/22/2022 Date of Last Inspection: 4/23/2021 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: City of Shelby Treatment & Processing Facility (Air Curtain Incinerator) 1940 South Lafayette Street Shelby, NC 28150 GPS COORDINATES (decimal degrees): Lat.: 35.24227 Long.:-81.57218 FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Name: Danny Darst, City of Shelby Public Works Director Telephone: (704) 484-6846 Email address: danny.darstkcityofshelby.com Name: Scott Black, City of Shelby Assistant Public Works Director Telephone: (704) 484-6846 Email address: scott.black(kcityofshelby.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: Same as above PARTICIPANTS: Scott Black, Assistant Public Works Director Kim Sue, Environmental Senior Specialist — Solid Waste Section STATUS OF PERMIT: Current Permit to Construct/Operate — Approved November 17, 2020 (FID 1517124), expires November 17, 2025. Permit renewal must be submitted to the Section on later than May 17, 2025. Operations Plan — Approved September 17, 2020 (FID 1452239) PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: None OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: 1. 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) states: "By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee shall be considered by the Department to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit. " Attachment 1, Part I: General Permit Conditions Number 5 of Permit approval to Operate 2304-TP-2020 states: "Construction and operation of this solid waste management facility must be in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules, I5A NCAC 13B, Article 9 of the Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS 130A-290, et seq), the conditions contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules conflict, the Solid Waste Management Rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by Page 1 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 20 Division of Waste Management P-W Solid Waste Section permit condition. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation. " The approved operation plan "City of Shelby — First Broad River Wastewater Treatment Facility" dated September 17, 2020 (FID 1452239, Page 7) Process description including equipment identification and capacity states: `An Airburners S327E air curtain burner with a maximum capacity of 11 tons per hour, powered by a 75 HP premium electric motor with a NEMA IV Enclosure for VFD Speed Control, will be used to process clean wood waste (tree stumps, trees, and tree limbs) and yard trimmings generated by land clearing activities conducted at off -site residential and commercial properties as well as landscape maintenance around public areas of the city. The facility will process a maximum of 35 tons of wood waste per day and approximately 3,500 tons per year. " During the inspection of the facility's air curtain burner operations daily log the facility exceeded the 35 tons of wood waste per day on the following days. Date Tons 4/23/2021 39.04 5/24/2021 35.1 6/3/2021 35.6 6/16/2021 35.4 10/20/2021 35.98 City of Shelby is in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) for failure to follow the approved operations plan for maximum daily tonnage processed. To achieve compliance, City of Shelby must process under 35 tons per day unless a revised tonnage is approved. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. I:\1117YY[17► Rpro UVIUVIDQ11y 1. The facility is fenced and is secured by a locking gate to prevent unauthorized entry. 2. Proper signage was observed at the entrance of the facility. 3. Hours of operation are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm with a typical operating schedule of one to two days per week. 4. The Air Curtain Incinerator (ACI), Model AirBurner S327E is used to process clean wood waste. The maximum rated capacity of the ACI is 11 tons per hour. The combustion air for the ACI is provided by a blower which is driven by an electric engine. 5. Facility staff load the ACI with pallets on the bottom and apply diesel fuel to the pallets and then load clean wood waste on top. Once the ACI loading is complete the facility staff use a propane torch to light the ACI. 6. The facility is permitted to receive land clearing debris, yard trash, yard waste and untreated and unpainted clean lumber. All clean wood waste and yard trimmings are hauled by the City of Shelby. This facility is not open to the public for disposal. 7. The facility has an approved General Title V Air Quality Permit for Air Curtain Incinerators — Air Quality Permit Number 20677G00. 8. The facility allows the ash to cool and waters the ash prior to its removal to prevent the ash from becoming airborne. The ash is removed and stored under a covered shed at the City of Shelby Public Works facility located at 820 West Grover Street, Shelby, NC 28150. The ash is hauled to Cleveland County Landfill Self-McNeilly quarterly. 9. The storage area for wood waste is surrounded by an unused and cleared buffer area of no less than 25-feet to allow for fire or emergency vehicle access. Page 2 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management P-W Solid Waste Section 10. Three fire hydrants were observed, one with a fire hose attached near the ACI and two located near the stock piles to provide fire suppression. Facility staff have added two sprinklers to wet the field every hour next to the ACI to ensure any sparks that escape the ACI do not result in fire outside of the unit. Two sprinklers to wet the field next to the ACI. Photo taken by Kim Sue 4/22/2022. 11. No unacceptable waste streams were observed. Three rollout containers are located on -site to deposit the occasional unacceptable waste. 12. No objectionable odors or ponding water were observed on -site. 13. Current copy of permit and operational plan were provided for review during the inspection. 14. Random inspection reports from 4/26/2021 to 4/22/2022 were reviewed. The random waste inspection forms indicated all unacceptable waste received and the disposition of that waste. 15. Certified Operators are as follows: Austin Hamrick — Certified Landfill Operations Specialist expires November 16, 2023 Scott Black — Certified Landfill Operations Specialist expires November 16, 2023 16. To process more than 35 tons per day, a revised operations plan must be submitted to Allen Gaither, P.E., Permitting Engineer for approval. Allen Gaither, P.E., Permitting Engineer Division of Waste Management/Permitting Branch/Solid Waste Section 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4703 Allen. aig ther@ncdenr.gov Page 3 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. Digitally signed by Kim Sue DN: cn=Kim Sue, —Division of Waste � Management, ou=Solid Waste Section, email=kim.sue@ncdenr.gov, c=US Date: 2022.05.0409:34:05-04'00' Phone: (704) 235-2163 Kim Sue Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative Sent to: Danny Darst 5/4/2022 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No.1j Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Justin Merritt, Assistant City Manager — City of Shelby Scott Black, Assistant Public Works Director — City of Shelby Allen Gaither, P.E., Permitting Engineer — Solid Waste Section Karyn Kurek, Environmental Engineer II — Division of Air Quality Page 4 of 4