HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-7444_36096_G_NORR_20220503_Notice of Regulatory RequirementsROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director Pilot Travel Centers LLC Attn: Joey Cupp 5508 Lonas Drive Knoxville, TN 37909 (via email) Dear Mr. Cupp: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 3, 2022 Re: Notice of Regulatory Requirements 15A NCAC 2L .0407(b) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Pilot Travel Center #056 2825 Lane Street, Kannapolis Cabarrus County Incident Number: 36096 Risk Classification: High The UST Section, Division of Waste Management (DWM), Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) received the May 28, 2021 Corrective Action Monitoring Reports on May 28, 2021. The report recommending continued system deactivation and an additional groundwater monitoring event was reviewed and approved. The electronic copy has been loaded to the DWM's electronic document storage system (Laserfiche). The report states: • Site remediation was performed via the soil vapor extraction and air sparge systems activated on April 18, 2012 (shut down in August 2019). • On May 12, 2021, Apex collected groundwater samples from fourteen monitoring wells (MW-9, MW-11, MW-12, MW-14, MW-17, MW-20, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23, MW-24, MW-25, MW-2, MW-28 and DMW-3). Analytical results yielded petroleum compounds in six of the fourteen monitoring wells sampled, with a maximum MTBE concentration 36.8 µg/L in monitoring well MW-14. Benzene was not detected in any monitoring wells above the laboratory method detection limit during this phase. The dissolved -phase endpoint for MTBE of 20 µg/L was exceeded in monitoring wells MW-14. • Free product was not detected in any groundwater monitoring wells gauged during this phase. D_E Q� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 • Groundwater flow direction beneath the site is influenced by water table depression and mounding created by system operation at the recovery/sparge wells. Historical groundwater flow direction has been measured to the north-northwest. • Apex also collected groundwater samples from five of six supply wells (5922, 5925, 5927, 5955 Turkey Road and 2847 Lane Street). A sample was not collected during this phase from 2865 Lane Street as no one was home at the time of the site visit and there was no outside access to potable water. Petroleum compounds have never been detected in potable water supplies. Tetrachloroethene at a concentration of 1.89 µg/L was detected in supply well SW-5922 (consistent with the previous sampling events). Tetrachloroethene is typically associated with the use of solvents and could be the result of some recent plumbing repairs at the residence. • Sentinel wells MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25 continue to indicate that the gasoline plume is confined to the original source zone identified and described in both the CSA and approved CAP. • Mass balance calculations of remaining benzene and MTBE at the site show approximately 30 grams of combined MTBE and benzene remain onsite as a result of the incident. A mass reduction for MTBE and benzene of 99.95% has been accomplished with the remediation system. Per this Notice of Regulatory Requirements: • The remediation system shall remain off. The system must be properly maintained and the switch ready in case future use is necessary. • The next sampling event for the Monitoring Report shall be conducted in June 2022. The next Monitoring Report is due no later than July 31, 2022. Please note that sampling and correction action must be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases. Failure to comply in the manner and time specified may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of the other enforcement mechanisms. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial or Noncommercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding the actions that must be taken or the rules mentioned in this letter, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverlygncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sincerely, �_� y' C ;11�/+ Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Robert Wagner, Apex Companies, LLC (via email) Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Environmental Health (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manager (via email) Edward Watson, NCDEQ, Division of Water Resources (via email) 9�- . �� _ffw North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Beverly, Trudy From: Sent: Beverly, Trudy Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:19 PM To: Joey Cupp Cc: Robert Wagner; Chrystal Swinger; Mike Downs; Watson, Edward M Subject: Pilot Travel Center #056 - UST Incident #36096 — Notice of Regulatory Requirements Attachments: MO-7444_36096_G_NORR_20220503_Notice of Regulatory Requirements.pdf Please see the attached Notice of Regulatory Requirements for Pilot Travel Center #056 located at 2825 Lane Street, Kannapolis, Cabarrus County, North Carolina (UST Incident #36096). The old SVE well vault where the cover has become a safety hazard can be abandoned. Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management _ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlykncdenn gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hips://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: https://dea.ne. gov/about/divisions/waste-manaaement/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans File Review Procedures: hops://deg.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): fts://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://frles.nc.2ov/ncdecl/W aste%20Mana2ement/DWM/UST/W hatsNew/Final-Electronie-Document-Submittal-Policy.pdf htips:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/D WM[UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofile%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx