HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-28779_48005_G_C_20220418_IHSB-Mecklenburg County Well DiscussionBeverly, Trudy From: Adams, George Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 3:05 PM To: Caldwell, Shawna; Morris, Brett L. Cc: Day, Collin; Jacobs, Catherine S; Beverly, Trudy Subject: RE: [External] RE: [External]RE: Carolinas Healthcare System Mecklenburg County Air Permit (1000 Blythe Road) Shawna, this is really helpful, thank you. --George From: Caldwell, Shawna <Shawna.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:37 PM To: Adams, George <george.adams@ncdenr.gov>; Morris, Brett L. <Brett.Morris@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Cc: Day, Collin <collin.day@ncdenr.gov>; Jacobs, Catherine S <Catherine.Jacobs@ncdenr.gov>; Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: [External]RE: Carolinas Healthcare System Mecklenburg County Air Permit (1000 Blythe Road) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hey George, Thanks for the information. Yes, Mecklenburg County GWS permitted a well which was installed at 1644 Lombardy CR in 2007. 1 think the reason you can't find it is because the parcel and addressing may have changed since the well was installed. It is now located on parcel 153-023-27 with an address of 1300 Blythe BV. In 2007, a permit to install a well to be used for an "emergency backup process water supply well" was originally requested by Carolina's Medical Hospital to be installed on parcel 153-023-28 at 1130 Blythe BV, but a well could not be permitted here based on proximity to contamination incidents. A permit for a location on a different parcel also owned by the hospital was requested. A permit was issued for a location that was then identified as 1644 Lombardy CR. The permit included restrictions associated with an Area of Regulated Groundwater Usage as defined by the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Regulations to include grouting the entire length of the casing and additional sampling for VOCs and semi-volatiles. The well was installed in August 2007. Sampling required by the well permit was not completed until 2010 because there was no pump installed in the well and no power source. Following are notes from the well permit file regarding well sampling by Mecklenburg County in 2010 using a temporary pump and power. I have also attached a well construction record and a snippet of the approximate well location. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional info. Have a good day! "8-23-07 Full grout on casing 100 feet with cement. 1-9-08 Talked with Mike Floyd from McCall Brothers. He said the well did not have a permanent pump in it at the present time. He would let me know when the final pump is installed. 61512009 Talked with Mike Floyd regarding sampling the well. He said the guys would have to provide power to the well because the well was not connected to a power source. 81212010 Telephoned Brian Goff 704-512-7306. New Supervisor Tom Washington 704-512-7403. Left Message Sampled well for Total Coliform bacteria, Nitrate, Nitrite, Inorganics, VOA, and Semi-volatiles. Relinquished samples to State and CMUD lab. 811912010 Received analysis: Total Coliform bacteria, absent, E.Coli-PA, absent. Nitrate <0.05 mg/L, Nitrite <0.05 mg/L. 811612010 Received analysis: Total Coliform-PA, absent; E.Coli-PA, absent; Nitrate <0.05 mg/L, Nitrite <0.05 mg/L. 812712010 Received analysis: Methylene Chloride 24 ug/L, Chloroform 250 ug/L, Benzoic acid 170 ug/L. All other VOCs and Semi-VOCs within standards. 813012010 Telephoned Tom Washington and informed him of the results and the need to resample the well. He referred me to the maintenance supervisor Rodney Jacobsen at 704-512-8167. 91212010 Telephoned Rodney Jacobsen and left him a message to call me regarding the well. 11-2-2010 Talked with Rodney Jacobsen 704-355-7882 regarding resampling of the well. He said he was trying to get a truck. The well was not ready for resampling at this time. 1212012010 Received e-mail from Mike Floyd cc: Rodney Jacobsen informing me that the well should be ready to sample 1212112010. 1212112010 Re -sampled well for VOCs, Semi-volatiles, and Inorganics. Relinquished samples to State and CMUD lab for analysis. Talked with CMS personnel about installing a well head cover. 111512011 Received analysis: Acetone 13 ug/L, all other VOCs and Semi-volatiles are within standards. Waiting on Inorganic analysis. 1-20-2011 Informed Rodney Jacobsen that the well head needed a cover, before COC could be issued. 1-28-2011 Received inorganics; Iron 0.39 mg/L, Manganese 0.06 mg/L, all other inorganics within standards. 21712011 Received call from Rodney that a well cover had been installed. 21812011 Site visit revealed cover had been installed. Issued COC." 0 C 15302C 93 • 1322- Shawna W. Caldwell, PG Hydrogeologist Mecklenburg County Government Groundwater and Wastewater Services 3205 Freedom Dr., Suite 8000 Charlotte, NC 28208 GWS Phone: 704.336.5103 GWS Fax: 704.336.4391 Direct Line: 980.314.1626 Cell Phone: 704.622.5168 shawna.caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and any attachments included are from the Mecklenburg County Health Department and are for sole use by the intended recipient(s). The information contained herein may include confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this message in error, or have reason to believe you are not authorized to receive it, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you! 3 From: Adams, George <george.adams@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 5:50 PM To: Caldwell, Shawna <Shawna.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Morris, Brett L. <Brett.Morris@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Cc: Day, Collin <collin.day@ncdenr.gov>; Jacobs, Catherine S <Catherine.Jacobs@ncdenr.gov>; Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External]RE: Carolinas Healthcare System Mecklenburg County Air Permit (1000 Blythe Road) CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Shawna, I'm not sure this reported contamination is on your MPL, so please review the attach when time permits and if appropriate. The June 2000 report references a well that I couldn't find. Do you guys know if the county has any data for the well at 16444 Lombardy Circle? It's in your well information system, which is where I suspect S&ME found it. I had to reduce the size of the 2022 UST Section Report. If you want the original, it's in LF. Trudy is the UST Section PM. Thanks and have a great week! --George From: Adams, George Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 5:36 PM To: iason.rayfield@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov Cc: Caldwell, Shawna <Shawna.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Morris, Brett L. <Brett.Morris@mecklenburgcountync.gov>; Day, Collin <collin.dav@ncdenr.gov>; Jacobs, Catherine S <Catherine.Jacobs@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Carolinas Healthcare System Mecklenburg County Air Permit (1000 Blythe Road) Jason, what would be the easiest way for me to review the air permit file for Atrium Health's (CMC)? The prior permit you gave me was invaluable. I suspect it's a very very large file. I really appreciate your agency's help. Thank you - George CAROUNAS HEALTHCARE SViTER [PA62 g1=y$d: L100144466 7 I M MYTF¢ 8LY0 CtKAL4t'LF_ NC i�6717353h2 V fi a nMi.�lY l4r 4U/ `� IL�YIO 71 S*IProd Fa ft • rPAYM�dl�l�p Pm9ft dL Lmmn kuw-46,— �-er 0—ho l-Mo.--d.. ri.PNr wn.>.4004 ..e. i L+ 5, 1w0%1 w+— •r++n w'yw a.es,. a :ia-i.e., tmAgn,rarpw Ir♦rma ww�wkllll�raLn4rJr nWLrtY.haiw,ulrw.,kil.r W►ir�r L+a�.r MI;IGIIWT'Rr�y 1x '�']: C5M14i P6441 MI.1 �1LL AL#016 QLt9 lJ�pi LYM]FY � K'-il4lQl ILiSi'• 6!, CMAL1Y61mYi mllQ K`TL:Y, avk SfflPifIC PPAi. M Mk {dhYL1Mt 1 owft awrp M1�7 �:.^_':v GL� {�} MPLSPPU nn u= 9LF15.'.lr.:K NNYMMM ti-ST" LODb: IGRk Cum :l7fh?IH PD-L,LY'_47LKi CnON =N N'a'3SI 14%W'.rAltm AP EX VWnAFdP*) +i«I,+L'F MAF'AW tlLYI'r LLR+ JS LMY.Pr.6 NEDW&.T1Ia I.:{!: nY3YOhmi m �31 w K "N L•adrw �y¢[•. fMp�YY+{yr�Lu[I'TYI 7LR�WAl. DTI George Adams - george.adams@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Superfund Section - Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 Mobile: (984) 232-1130 (temporary) Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. 5 I ,n STA7E v j - NONRESIDENTM WELLCONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources -Division of Water Quality yy , •• Wll LL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 1. WELL CONTRACTOR; Well Contractor (Individual) Name T V Well Cantractor Company>>Namo STREET ADDRESS _ C! %Oy f/'c' J/>.S`i;,e� v� ?f�, 1 C- Z City or TolwIn jstate Zip Code Area code- Phoria number 2. WELL INFORMATION: I SITE WELL ID#(Itapplicable). /y 4 STATE WELL PERMIT#gappllcable) ..'_ ........ DWO or OTHER`PERMIT #(if applicable) i WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ irrigation Other ❑ (list use) _ uri 1 C UKII-Lcu I 7Y - ,G / Q, TIME COMPLETED__ 2 -L AM ❑ PM 3. WELL LOCATION: CiTY: !�/� i��— ' COUNTY�r� - - t.- (Street Name, Numbers, Commun[ , Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Cade) TOPOGRAPHIC) LAND SETTING: ❑Slope ❑valley l.Br at []Ridge D Other (check appropriate bo)o LATITUDE // t May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or LONG}TUDE` p,�Zj ' in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: GP ❑Topographic map (location of well must be shown en a USGS topo map and attached to this form Inot using GPS) a. FACILITY• Is the name of the busimss where the (well Is located. FACILITY ID S(if �appllcable) I NAME OF FACILITY, ,r a i rtr r CttyorTown 1 fate CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRM or Town state Zip Code Area code - Phone number b. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ Nos-, c. WATER LEVEL below Toys of Casing: �� FT. (Use "+• if Above Tap of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS / FT. Above Land Surface 'Top of casing terminated aUor below lend surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ' e. YIELD (gpm): UGC METHOD OF TEST : `' , . f. DISINFECTION: Type i— O/f�� Amount_ g. WATER ZONES (depth): Frorn---X'E: To From To Fromm 7 5- To From To. _ - From `r :" To From To B. CASING; Thickness! - - Depth Diameter Weight Material From�LlTc �a / Ft. 'i— , From To Ft. _._ From To Ft.-- 7. GROUT: Depth Material, Method From 0 To Lda Ft. L T 1- From Ta- / Ft. `r From - To Ft. B. SCREE /depth Diameter Slat Size Material t=romi ffo Ft. In. in. FranTo Ft. in. in. From ' Tu Ft. In, In. 9. SAMDIGRAVEL,P CK; Depth% Size Material "From o Ft. -' From - Ta Ft, From To FL 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation DpIsCription 7 �sD G• �� r ... 11. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WfTH 18A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS SEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER, NATURE 0 CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: information Mgt., 1617 Mail Servic Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 $4 566. Form GW-1b Rev. 7/05