HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-28779_48005_G_C_20220411_IHSB Solvent Detection ReferralBeverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 8:40 AM To: Day, Collin; Adams, George Subject: Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Main Energy Plant - Incident #48005 - Solvent Detection Attachments: MWDT-01 Sample Results.pdf Good Morning George and Collin, There has been another solvent groundwater detection in the Atrium Health area of Charlotte. This one is for Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Main Energy Plant, UST incident #48005, located at 1130 Blythe Boulevard. PCE was detected at 38.3µg/L in MWDT-01 (sample result attached). UST site information is below. UST electronic site files can be found on Laserfiche at the following link httDs://edocs.dea.nc.aov/WasteManaRement/Search.asDx?dbid=0&searchcommand=f rwml:[Subdivisionl=%22UST%22. Program IDI=%22*MO-28779*%221&cr=1 New parking lot construction activities adjacent to the UST system involving three commercial, non -regulated 50,000 gallon heating oil/fuel USTs and two non-commercial, regulated 50,000 gallon fuel oil USTs owned by Charlotte Mecklenburg Hospital Authority D.B.A. Carolinas Medical Center located at 1130 Blythe Boulevard in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, may have damaged underground product lines supplying the on -site Central Energy Plant. Heating fuel oil was observed by Atrium Health personnel upon exposing the underground piping on April 22, 2021. The UST system supplies the Carolinas Medical Centers on site Central Energy Plant's boilers and backup generators. On April 27, 2021, S&ME collected nine confirmatory soil samples from the soil excavation/release area resulting in total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) diesel range organics (DRO) and gasoline range organics (GRO) being detected above their respective North Carolina Action Levels. Subcontractors for Atrium Health performed abatement by over excavating impacted soils. On May 28, 2021, nine post -excavation confirmatory soil samples were collected. A total of 130.69 tons of petroleum impacted soil was disposed offsite at AES of NC, LLC in Thomasville, North Carolina between May 21 and June 9, 2021. Soil sample results above soil-to-gw, below ind-comm. Within "deeper" excavated areas in the trench, groundwater was observed entering the excavation. Atrium personnel indicated that the site has a "high water table" but could not provide an approximate depth to water from ground surface for general reference. Due to site conditions indicating various levels of previous construction (fill soils, trenches with gravel, gravel layers observed within trench sidewalls, etc.), S&ME could not determine if the water entering the excavations was "perched" water or groundwater. inactive water supply well, presumed to be an irrigation well, located on Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Main property (PID 15302327) approximately 600 feet southeast of the source area. On September 10, 2021, S&ME conducted a receptor survey and did not identify additional water supply wells within 1,500 feet of the source area. Potable water is supplied to the properties within 1,500 feet of the subject property by the Charlotte Water. A surface water body, Little Sugar Creek, is located approximately 420 feet east/southeast of the source area. On October 12, 2021, one monitoring well (identified as MWDT-1) was installed on the subject property to assess for possible soil and groundwater contamination. Due to soft dig excavation performed at the boring location to an approximate depth of eight -feet below ground surface (ft. bgs) for utility clearance, one soil sample was collected at ten-ft. bgs. No petroleum constituents were detected in the groundwater sample collected from MWDT-01. However, tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected at 38.3 micrograms per liter (µg/L) exceeding the 2L Standard of 0.7 µg/L. PCE is not a constituent typically associated with a fuel oil release. Multiple petroleum constituents were detected in the soil sample collected from five-ft. bgs on November 12, 2021. Although some target constituents exceeded their respective Soil -to -Water MSCC levels, no analyzed compounds exceeded their respective Industrial/Commercial MSCC action levels. RUST: Incident #48005 (Open) Incident #: 48005 UST #: MO-28779 Incident Name: Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Main Energy Plant Incident Status: Open Facility ID: 05-0-0000026843 Address: 1130 Blythe Boulevard City/Town: Charlotte County: Mecklenburg Zip Code: 28204 Latitude (RUST): 35.199963 Longitude (RUST):-80.839257 Confirmed Risk: Unknown Initial Risk: Unknown Date Occurred: 4/22/2021 Date Reported: 4/23/2021 Commercial Status: Commercial Regulated Status: Non -Regulated Closeout Date: Incident Manager: TMB Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management �D North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ' iNA �r UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlykncdenn gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hgps://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-proeram INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httns://deo.nc. eov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-eis-mans File Review Procedures: https://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): hit 2s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.ne.izov/nedea/Waste%2OMana2ement/DWM/UST/W hatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policy.odf https://files.nc.,gov/ncdeq/Waste%2OManagement/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SUMMARY OF DETECTION Project: Pace Project No.: ATRIUM FUEL LEAK 92566994 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Method Parameters Result Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers 92566994001 MW-DT-01 EPA 625.1 4.892:Tetrachloroethylene 9.7J ug/L 10/18/21 14:00 N EPA 625.1 7.651:Unknown 6.2J ug/L 10/18/21 14:00 EPA 625.1 13.012:Octadecanoic acid 16.5J ug/L 10/18/21 14:00 N EPA 625.1 13.518:Unknown 6.9J ug/L 10/18/21 14:00 EPA 625.1 15.133:Unknown 5AJ ug/L 10/18/21 14:00 SM 6200B Tetrachloroethene 38.3 ug/L 0.50 10/20/21 09:28 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ATRIUM FUEL LEAK Pace Project No.: 92566994 Sample: MW-DT-01 Lab ID: 92566994001 Collected: 10/13/21 12:25 Received: 10/14/21 06:45 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual TPH by Method MADEPE Analytical Method: MADEP EPH Preparation Method: MA DEP/NJ DEP Pace National - Mt. Juliet Aliphatic (C09-C18) ND ug/L 100 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 11:40 Aliphatic (C19-C36) ND ug/L 100 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 11:40 Aromatic (C11-C22) ND ug/L 100 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 14:15 Surrogates o-Terphenyl (S) 56.9 % 40.0-140 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 14:15 84-15-1 1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 33.0 % 40.0-140 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 11:40 3386-33-2 SR 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 78.0 % 40.0-140 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 14:15 321-60-8 2-Bromonaphthalene (S) 78.1 % 40.0-140 1 10/21/21 03:39 10/22/21 14:15 580-13-2 VPH NC Water Analytical Method: MADEP VPH Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Aliphatic (C05-CO8) ND ug/L 50.0 1 10/19/21 23:34 N2 Aliphatic(C09-C12) Adjusted ND ug/L 50.0 1 10/19/21 23:34 N2 Aromatic (C09-C10) ND ug/L 50.0 1 10/19/21 23:34 N2 Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (FID) (S) 99 % 70-130 1 10/19/21 23:34 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene (PID) (S) 102 % 70-130 1 10/19/21 23:34 460-00-4 625 RVE Analytical Method: EPA 625.1 Preparation Method: EPA 625.1 Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Acenaphthene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 83-32-9 Acenaphthylene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 208-96-8 Anthracene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 120-12-7 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 56-55-3 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 50-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 207-08-9 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 101-55-3 Butylbenzylphthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 85-68-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 59-50-7 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 111-44-4 2-Chloronaphthalene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 91-58-7 2-Chlorophenol ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 95-57-8 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 7005-72-3 Chrysene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 53-70-3 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 91-94-1 IL 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 120-83-2 Diethylphthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 84-66-2 L1 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 105-67-9 Dimethylphthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 131-11-3 L1 Di-n-butylphthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 84-74-2 L1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 534-52-1 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND ug/L 45.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 51-28-5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 10/27/2021 11:14 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ATRIUM FUEL LEAK Pace Project No.: 92566994 Sample: MW-DT-01 Lab ID: 92566994001 Collected: 10/13/21 12:25 Received: 10/14/21 06:45 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 625 RVE Analytical Method: EPA 625.1 Preparation Method: EPA 625.1 Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 121-14-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 606-20-2 Di-n-octylphthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 117-84-0 bis(2- Ethyl hexyl)phthalate ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 117-81-7 Fluoranthene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 206-44-0 Fluorene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 86-73-7 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 87-68-3 Hexachlorobenzene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 118-74-1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 77-47-4 Hexachloroethane ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 67-72-1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 193-39-5 Isophorone ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 78-59-1 Naphthalene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 91-20-3 Nitrobenzene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 98-95-3 2-Nitrophenol ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 88-75-5 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 100-02-7 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 62-75-9 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 86-30-6 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 108-60-1 Pentachlorophenol ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 87-86-5 Phenanthrene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 85-01-8 Phenol ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 108-95-2 Pyrene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 129-00-0 L1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 4.5 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 120-82-1 2,4,6-TrichIorophenol ND ug/L 9.1 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 88-06-2 Surrogates Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 103 % 10-120 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 4165-60-0 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 95 % 15-120 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 321-60-8 Terphenyl-dl4 (S) ill % 11-131 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 1718-51-0 Phenol-d6 (S) 52 % 10-120 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 13127-88-3 2-Fluorophenol (S) 69 % 10-120 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 367-12-4 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 95 % 10-137 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 118-79-6 Tentatively Identified Compounds Tetrachloroethylene 9.7J ug/L 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 127-18-4 N Unknown 6.2J ug/L 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 Octadecanoic acid 16.5J ug/L 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 57-11-4 N Unknown 6.9J ug/L 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 Unknown 5AJ ug/L 1 10/18/21 08:12 10/18/21 14:00 602 Volatiles by Method 6200 Analytical Method: SM 6200B Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/2109:28 71-43-2 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/2109:28 108-90-7 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/2109:28 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/2109:28 541-73-1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 10/27/2021 11:14 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 29 leAnalyiical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ATRIUM FUEL LEAK Pace Project No.: 92566994 Sample: MW-DT-01 Lab ID: 92566994001 Collected: 10/13/21 12:25 Received: 10/14/21 06:45 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 602 Volatiles by Method 6200 Analytical Method: SM 6200B Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 106-46-7 Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 100-41-4 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 98-82-8 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/L 2.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 91-20-3 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 108-88-3 m&p-Xylene ND ug/L 2.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/20/21 09:28 95-47-6 Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 97 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 460-00-4 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 100 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 17060-07-0 Toluene-d8 (S) 102 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 2037-26-5 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Tetrachloroethene 38.3 ug/L 0.50 1 10/20/21 09:28 127-18-4 Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 100 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 17060-07-0 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 97 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 460-00-4 Toluene-d8 (S) 102 % 70-130 1 10/20/21 09:28 2037-26-5 Date: 10/27/2021 11:14 AM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. 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