HomeMy WebLinkAbout6001_Mecklenburg_Harrisburg_MSWLF_VaporSurvey_FID1664858_20220418DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER ABDRESS TEL WEB 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 919.828.0577 www.smithgardnerinc.com April 15, 2022 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond, P.G. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 RE: Harrisburg Road Landfill SVS/SEMS Results Harrisburg Road Closed MSW Landfill (Permit No. 60-01) Charlotte, North Carolina Dear Ms. Drummond: Smith Gardner, Inc. (S+G) is pleased to present the results from the soil vapor surveys (SVS) performed at the Harrisburg Road Closed MSW Landfill (Permit 60-01) and current Charles T. Myers Golf Course. The soil vapor surveys were requested by the County due to development around the landfill, elevated landfill gas (LFG) concentrations in some existing piezometers, and areas of apparently distressed vegetation on the golf course. This report presents the data collected by S+G personnel over three events (November 17-18, 2020, November 24, 2020, and June 3-4, 2021). SITE HISTORY Site Development The site was constructed as an area fill landfill with discreet units dating from the 1970's through the early 1990's. The units were used for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), construction and demolition debris (C&D), as well as a separate coal ash disposal unit. The site was filled and graded with the knowledge that it would be used as a golf course post -closure and therefore does not consist of one large fill area, but has discrete fill areas around the site. The site is actively used as the Charles T. Myers golf course, the golf course has multiple water features including five ponds and multiple small unnamed tributaries of Reedy Creek across the property. Adjacent to the golf course is the Hickory Grove Recycling Center. Landfill Gas Monitoring/Collection The golf course clubhouse, maintenance shop and recycling center are equipped with permanent continuous landfill gas monitoring devices which are inspected monthly along with probe monitoring at the site. Other structures include outbuildings to the clubhouse, which do not have permanent monitoring systems. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 Ms. Grzymski April 15, 2022 Page 2of5 The site has an active LFG collection system located at the recycling center, which includes sub -slab landfill gas extraction and passive venting through roof vents at the recycling facility. At the golf course, in areas beyond the likely influence of the LFG collection system, there are areas of distressed vegetation due to LFG concentrations in the root zone. LFG monitoring wells at the recycling center also indicate elevated concentrations of LFG adjacent to the Harrisburg Road landfill. SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES The following summarizes the field activities performed during this scope of work. Utility Mark -Out GPRS, Inc. was contracted to perform utility locating services prior to all field events. Utility locating was performed using a combination of an underground scanning GPR antenna and an electromagnetic pipe and cable locator. GPRS and S+G personnel mobilized to the site November 17, 2020 and used a Trimble GPS unit to locate all 35 proposed SVS probe locations. A roughly 10' x 10' square, centered on the proposed probe location, was then marked and scanned by GPRS for underground utilities or other anomalous objects. Although a few probe locations did contain an underground utility or other anomaly within its 10'x10' footprint, no proposed SVS probe locations had to be moved due to an obstruction. GPRS and S+G personnel mobilized to the site June 3, 2021 to mark where utilities exit the site property since these could provide potential migration pathways for landfill gas. Underground utilities were found to exit the property from three locations: the golf clubhouse, the maintenance building in the south east corner of the site, and the recycling center. Underground utilities found at each location are as follows: • Clubhouse - Power, communications, and water; • Maintenance - Water and gas; • Recycling center - Water and communications. Gas was not connected to the clubhouse nor the recycling center. However, the recycling center does have a gas line connected to an on -site propane tank. Power was fed to the recycling center and maintenance building via above head poles and communication lines were fed to the maintenance building via above head poles. All buildings on site are on septic systems and do not connect to city sewer lines. All probe and utility locations are shown on Figure 1. Soil Vapor Survey Due to heavy rain the week prior to the first soil vapor survey, and concern that nearly saturated vadose zone conditions may have biased the gas readings, a second survey DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 Ms. Grzymski April 15, 2022 Page 3of5 was conducted the following week. The second survey was conducted to spot check locations closest to the property line to confirm the readings detected in these probes during the first event. Across all events, S+G personnel conducted the soil vapor survey by advancing 1/2- inch diameter metal rods into the subsurface by hammer drill. Efforts were made to drive the probe rods between 7-9 feet into the subsurface, however, probe refusal was routinely reached around 6 feet below grade. A total of 41 probes (35 during the November 2020 events at predetermined locations, and 6 during the June 2021 events at locations adjacent to public utility lines, were advanced during field events and actual depths of these ranged between 5.5 — 9 feet below grade. After reaching probe refusal, a standard high -lift jack was used to extract the probe rods from the ground. After extraction, A GEM 5000 gas analyzer was used to measure methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen from the probe We, measuring from the bottom to the top to evaluate the entire probe depth. Surface Emissions Scan A surface emissions scan was performed at the Harrisburg Road Closed MSW Landfill on June 4, 2021 near the property boundary as well as drains, cracks, and other locations that may provide a conduit for gas migration. Nine distinct areas of distressed vegetation (SEM-1 through 9) were identified across the site and were included in the surface emission scan. The scan was performed using a Thermo Scientific TVA 2020 FID gas analyzer to measure the concentration of methane, in parts per million (PPM), at the soil surface. Readings were recorded at 5-second intervals while moving in a serpentine pattern in all sampled areas. Surface emission scan areas are shown on Figure 2. RESULTS Over all sampling events and across all41 SVS locations, 12 locations indicated concentrations of methane at >5% (or >100% of the Lower Explosive Limit) (SVS-2, SVS-4, SVS-16, SVS-18, SVS-19, SVS-22, SVS-23, SVS-30, SVS-32, SVS-33, SVS-34, and SVS-35). These locations are circled on Figure 1 and results are summarized in Table 1. Property Line Exceedances Of the 12 locations with >5% methane concentrations, three are located between the landfill and the property line. Two of these (SVS-2 and SVS-4) are located between the landfill and Pence Road and one (SVS-16) is located near the northern property line, between the landfill and what appears to be an overhead utility corridor based on aerial photography. Of the six soil vapor samples taken adjacent to underground utilities leaving the site property, none exhibited methane exceedances. Probes SVS-2 and 4 are located between the landfill units and the rail road track adjacent to Pence Road. There is an apartment complex between the railroad and Pence Road. Based on measurements made in Mecklenburg County's Polaris 3G GIS system, it appears the nearest DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 Ms. Grzymski April 15, 2022 Page 4of5 building is approximately 100 feet from SVS-2 while SVS-4 is located approximately 192 feet from the nearest building. Permanent LFG probes (P-5, P-6, P-7, P-8, P-9A, and P-913), positioned closer to the off -site buildings have been monitored quarterly since 2012. No methane exceedances have been detected in those permanent probes since the start of monitoring. Historical permanent LFG probe data is included as Table 2. Probe location SVS-16 is located between the landfill unit and an apparent utility corridor. Across the corridor are soccer fields and a parking lot. Based on Polaris GIS measurements we estimate the nearest edge of the soccer field and parking lot to be approximately 225 feet from SVS-16. Landfill Interior Exceedances The remaining nine locations exhibiting >5% methane are located within the landfill cell. It should be noted that the results from SVS-31 are suspect due to its location within the landfill and the high concentrations of methane detected in the surrounding probes, including the probe located near the property line in this area. Probe SVS-19 is located approximately 100 feet from the golf course club house which is a potential receptor. It is also approximately 70 feet from a clubhouse outbuilding, another potential receptor. As mentioned above, the clubhouse has a permanent landfill gas monitoring system. Surface Emissions Scan During the surface emission scan, the highest reading recorded was 317 ppm or 0.0317% occurring at SEM-3. For the majority of the site scanned, methane concentrations remained between 0-1 ppm. Nine areas of distressed vegetation displayed elevated methane concentrations: SEM-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Results are shown on Figure 2 and raw data from the TVA can be found in Table 3. Landfill gas migration appears to be occurring in isolated areas at the site. Four areas of elevated methane concentrations near potential receptors have been identified. Two of these are located near the railroad tracks (SVS-2 and SVS-4). Additionally, a probe located near the golf course club house (SVS-19) exhibits elevated methane concentration. Finally, the probe located near the northern property line (SVS-16) also exhibits elevated landfill gas concentrations. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on these sampling events, we make the following recommendations: 1. Previously installed soil vapor probes P-5 through P-9b, which have a long history of non -detectable LFG concentrations, should continue to be monitored on a quarterly basis to continue to evaluate potential migration in this area. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 Ms. Grzymski April 15, 2022 Page 5of5 2. An additional permanent probe should be installed between the railroad track and Pence Road at P-11 to determine if methane is migrating to the property line in this area. 3. Continue to maintain and monitor permanent landfill gas detectors in the club house, recycling center and the maintenance shop. 4. Any occupied structures on the property without permanent landfill gas detectors (Scale house, recycling station attendant building, southeast maintenance shop, golfcart shop, and the golf learning center) should have a landfill gas monitoring plan developed and should be included in monthly monitoring. Please contact us at (919) 828-0577 or by e-mail below if you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, SMITH GARDNER, INC. DocuSigned by: E can C__. Qt 'a", 3B8305C978EA4E6... Seth C. Rickerts, P.G. Project Geologist seth(asmithaardnerinc.com CC: Joe Hack - Mecklenburg County Amber Grzymski, P.G. file Attachments: Figure 1 Figure 2 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 a EDocuSigned by: i ba�t B9779EBA711F488... Joan A. Smyth, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist ioanfasmithaardnerinc.com ,�� CARO .GE N EA �i. SEAL 1369 4/1 /2 22 A. U61 H:\Projects\Mecklenburg County\Mecklenburg-20-1 Harrisburg Road\Combined Report\Harrisburg Rd SVS Combined Report- Apri12022.docx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 / \ 1986-1987 �� \ I 1 1985-1986 I \ �- tr; i a I I 1986-1987 �r� I • O 1 1 / ('ASI MONOFILL 1 1989-1994 / HICKORY GROVE RECYCLING CENTER P- I I 1� • / \\\11 1987-1992 I 1 \ I • 1 /1 983-1985 MW27 ♦ I I 1968-1991 • / •_— / •O O 1982 CLUBHS ♦MW24\\ J \ \ \` �C ARLES\T. MYERS —� Pug IC GOL COURSE\ J P-2 i 1 P-4 -3 1978-1982 ` \ � W-2 ♦ / \ CD P-b ♦ / r • - PRE-1978 7 P-7 ♦ (D / , Y • P-8 • \ \ • • QOMW26 i � P-9B ♦ • P-11 AINTENANCE • ♦ P-101- -L- --L Z w 1mLi N o J� 0 w � S Q U c� U m - c U N u p OO w z N a mIr 00 N � z Z w c:) m � CD Y � w U Q w Z � Z J O w (-n J UUU Q O o Y z U � w w � LEGEND ♦ P -1 METHANE WELL a a N N SVS-20 SOIL VAPOR SURVEY LOCATIONS CD N Q E-33 >5% METHANE w Q — STREAM (UNNAMED 7RIBUTARIES TO REEDY CREEK) (SEE REFERENCE 1) J - - — APPROXIMATE WASTE BOUNDARY o AND DATES OF PLACEMENT z cn J Z 0 en Q 0 0 W y W O � J c- d REFERENCES o = cn = a 1. AERIAL IMAGERY FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS DATED 2020. 2. SOIL VAPOR SURVEY PERFORMED BY S+G PERSONNEL IN cm -cx NOVEMBER 2020. DATA FROM "P-" WELLS COLLECTED IN � DECEMBER 2020. cn y 3. STREAM LOCATION FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. 0 o 0 500' 1000• Q S a #T_UV&'o-M 0 W_-TiTi C .....Falstaff qpMede NQT FOR CONSTRUCTION' FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES'ANLY eO* 4 y Johnson Cr,,ee, %-- j 5v OFt. }1, * T '#'.' X -A v OVA OF, 60 ;% rA P=z s % s� ��• 59% P=3 0.1% .;4 Kg P=6 N fA / / x 00 05 FF P-9A P-9 CC ` / INA ,S� Oil 01 Ord 0 lk P-9B 4Z� -30.5% r I u R Viola 5r r4`. OWN OVA y. R► 1,A % Ir ro, uq� 40, ci 0 0 Cedae m ;01 Breeze VVI !R 00 vO,FA zo AL uc 7 14 u i/////////I VZONZ///%/ �1;111MI; DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITh GARDNER s abe1 Bf.9U DAe 1f25M �0 10 �.1►.1 Bore hole ID % CH4 % CO2 % O2 H2S (ppm) Approximate Depth (fbgs) Time Data from 11/17-18/2020 SVS-1 0.0 0.4 22.2 0 7 0920 SVS- 2 54.2 51.5 «« 14 7.5 0935 SVS- 3 0.2 0.6 21.4 1 6 0945 SVS-4* 0.3 0.5 22.6 0 7 1000 SVS- 5 0.3 0.6 22.9 0 7 1000 SVS-6 0.2 0.4 22.1 0 7 1015 SVS- 7 0.1 0.3 21.9 0 6.5 1155 SVS- 8 0.0 1.2 21 0 7 1145 SVS- 9 0.0 2.2 18 2 7 1135 SVS-10 0.0 0.1 22.7 0 6.5 1125 SVS-11 0.0 0.2 22.4 0 7 1115 SVS-12 0.0 0.5 22.2 0 6.5 1105 SVS-13 0.0 0.0 22.2 0 7 1055 SVS-14 0.0 0.1 22.2 0 7 1045 SVS-15 0.0 0.0 22.4 0 6 1025 SVS-16* 54.3 45.5 «« 4 6.5 1035 SVS-17 0.2 0.1 22.7 0 8 1000 SVS-18 43.2 0.0 0.0 1 8 1010 SVS-19 7.8 1.6 16.4 0 7 1340 SVS- 20 0.4 0.9 20.5 1 8 1350 SVS- 21 0.1 4.2 18.8 0 6.5 0950 SVS- 22 46.7 21.3 15.2 0 7.5 1400 SVS-23 14.7 9.4 18.1 0 7 0937 SVS- 24 0.0 1.8 18.7 0 7.5 0930 SVS- 25 0.1 0.1 23 0 6 0901 SVS- 26 0.1 0.2 22 0 7 0916 SVS- 27 0.1 0.5 22.6 0 6.5 0910 SVS- 28 0.0 0.1 22.8 0 6 1110 SVS- 29 0.0 0.3 23 0 6.5 1100 SVS- 30 14.5 0.8 21.1 1 7 1040 SVS- 31 2.6 15.4 1.2 0 6 1025 SVS- 32 51.5 42.1 0.6 0 7 0955 SVS- 33* - - - - - - SVS- 34 56.1 47.9 «« 16 6.5 1030 SVS- 35 53.7 54.1 0.0 9 6 0847 NOTES: Field data collected by S+G personnel SVS-33 was unable to be sampled during the first event due to water at the groundsurface after removing the Bold indicates methane concentration > 5% * indicates >5% change in methane concentration from 11/17-18 to 11/24 events -- :•-=7f c:r�r�* a .1 .:u �� i� .�a�, .1L1 • • • .,.:: .�� C:�u ....... DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER its W.33 Me tV25 M Bore hole ID % CH4 % CO2 % O2 H2S (ppm) Approximate Depth (fbgs) Time Data from 11/24/2020 SVS-1 0.1 0.3 19.6 0 6.5 1142 SVS-2 59.9 39.1 0.5 40 6 1155 SVS- 3 0.1 6.1 13.6 0 6 1204 SVS- 4* 22.7 13.9 0.8 1 6.5 1352 SVS- 5 0.2 1 19.5 0 6 1344 SVS-6 0.1 0.5 19.9 0 5.5 1328 SVS- 7 0.1 0.1 20 0 6 1435 SVS-8 0.1 0.1 19.9 0 6 1429 SVS- 9 0.1 0.3 19.9 0 6 1421 SVS-10 0.1 0.1 19.8 0 7 1410 SVS-11 0.1 0.3 19.7 0 7.5 1402 SVS-12 0.1 0.3 19.9 0 6 1245 SVS-13 0.1 0.2 19.9 0 6.5 1251 SVS-14 0.1 0.6 19.3 0 5.5 1259 SVS-15 0.1 1.9 18.1 0 6.5 1306 SVS-16* 11.3 22.6 5 0 7 1312 SVS- 33* 56.9 29.9 1.9 31 5.5 1322 NOTES: Field data collected byS+Gpersonnel Bold indicates methane concentration > 5% * indicates >5% change in methane concentration from 11/17-18 to 11/24 events ULM@'MZ eT97,) M1yi:'S! :?e, K M-111I3GiF�!�!J DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER Soil Vapor Survey Event Form Date: 06/03/21 Site: Harrisburg Road Golf Course Job No. Mecklenburg-20-1 Technician(s): Seth C. Rickerts Weather Conditions Wind Speed: —8 MPH Wind Direction: SW Barometric Pressure: 29.29 "Hg Air Temperature: 83 OF General Weather Conditions: Overcast to Drizzle, Occasional Rain Hardware Information Instrument Make: LANDTEC Instrument Serial: R8200045 Instrument Model: GEM 5000 Cal. Gas Type (15/15 or 35/50): 15/15 Probe Type: Solid Stem (9ft) Field Calibration (date & time): 06/03/21 11:30 Sampling Data ID Lat Long Time Depth ft b s CH4 N 02 0 /o CO2 0 /o H2S m SVS-1 35.219717 -80.698303 13:51 9 0.1 17.8 1.0 0 SVS-2 35.219715 -80.697857 13:25 8.5 0.0 16.3 3.1 0 SVS-3 35.216029 -80.69027 14:04 9 0.0 16.8 1.9 0 SVS-4 35.216101 -80.690061 14:35 8 0.0 17.7 1.0 0 SVS-5 35.221506 -80.686247 12:03 9 0.1 17.4 3.1 0 SVS-6 35.222469 -80.68592 12:46 9 0.0 17.8 1.0 0 Page: 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITh GARDNER Tatlel Mpests ByEEU Die 1f251211 • oIlly, .1►.1 Bore hole ID % CH4 % CO2 % O2 H2S (ppm) Approximate Depth (fbgs) Time Data from 11/17-18/2020 SVS-1 0.0 0.4 22.2 0 7 0920 SVS- 2 54.2 51.5 «« 14 7.5 0935 SVS- 3 0.2 0.6 21.4 1 6 0945 SVS-4* 0.3 0.5 22.6 0 7 1000 SVS- 5 0.3 0.6 22.9 0 7 1000 SVS-6 0.2 0.4 22.1 0 7 1015 SVS- 7 0.1 0.3 21.9 0 6.5 1155 SVS- 8 0.0 1.2 21 0 7 1145 SVS- 9 0.0 2.2 18 2 7 1135 SVS-10 0.0 0.1 22.7 0 6.5 1125 SVS-11 0.0 0.2 22.4 0 7 1115 SVS-12 0.0 0.5 22.2 0 6.5 1105 SVS-13 0.0 0.0 22.2 0 7 1055 SVS-14 0.0 0.1 22.2 0 7 1045 SVS-15 0.0 0.0 22.4 0 6 1025 SVS-16* 54.3 45.5 «« 4 6.5 1035 SVS-17 0.2 0.1 22.7 0 8 1000 SVS-18 43.2 0.0 0.0 1 8 1010 SVS-19 7.8 1.6 16.4 0 7 1340 SVS- 20 0.4 0.9 20.5 1 8 1350 SVS- 21 0.1 4.2 18.8 0 6.5 0950 SVS- 22 46.7 21.3 15.2 0 7.5 1400 SVS-23 14.7 9.4 18.1 0 7 0937 SVS- 24 0.0 1.8 18.7 0 7.5 0930 SVS- 25 0.1 0.1 23 0 6 0901 SVS- 26 0.1 0.2 22 0 7 0916 SVS- 27 0.1 0.5 22.6 0 6.5 0910 SVS- 28 0.0 0.1 22.8 0 6 1110 SVS-29 0.0 0.3 23 0 6.5 1100 SVS- 30 14.5 0.8 21.1 1 7 1040 SVS- 31 2.6 15.4 1.2 0 6 1025 SVS- 32 51.5 42.1 0.6 0 7 0955 SVS- 33* - - - - - - SVS- 34 56.1 47.9 «« 16 6.5 1030 SVS- 35 53.7 54.1 0.0 9 6 0847 NOTES: Field data collected by S+G personnel SVS-33 was unable to be sampled during the first event due to water at the groundsurface after removing the Bold indicates methane concentration > 5% * indicates >5% change in methane concentration from 11/17-18 to 11/24 events -- :•-=7f c:r�r�* a .1 .:u �� i� .�a�, .1L1 • • • .,.:: .�� C:�u ....... DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER ssitl W.33 ate TV25 M Bore hole ID % CH4 % CO2 % O2 H2S (ppm) Approximate Depth (fbgs) Time Data from 11/24/2020 SVS-1 0.1 0.3 19.6 0 6.5 1142 SVS- 2 59.9 39.1 0.5 40 6 1155 SVS- 3 0.1 6.1 13.6 0 6 1204 SVS-4* 22.7 13.9 0.8 1 6.5 1352 SVS- 5 0.2 1 19.5 0 6 1344 SVS-6 0.1 0.5 19.9 0 5.5 1328 SVS- 7 0.1 0.1 20 0 6 1435 SVS-8 0.1 0.1 19.9 0 6 1429 SVS- 9 0.1 0.3 19.9 0 6 1421 SVS-10 0.1 0.1 19.8 0 7 1410 SVS-11 0.1 0.3 19.7 0 7.5 1402 SVS-12 0.1 0.3 19.9 0 6 1245 SVS-13 0.1 0.2 19.9 0 6.5 1251 SVS-14 0.1 0.6 19.3 0 5.5 1259 SVS-15 0.1 1.9 18.1 0 6.5 1306 SVS-16* 11.3 22.6 5 0 7 1312 SVS-33* 56.9 29.9 1.9 31 5.5 1322 NOTES: Field data collected byS+Gpersonnel Bold indicates methane concentration > 5% * indicates >5% change in methane concentration from 11/17-18 to 11/24 events ULM@'MZ eT97,) M1yi:'S! :?e, K M-111I3GiF�!�!J DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER Tatlel Mpests • oIlly, .1►.1 Bore hole ID % CH4 % CO2 % O2 1-12S (ppm) Approximate Depth (fbgs) Date Time SVS-1 0.1 0.3 19.6 0 6.5 11/24/2020 1142 SVS-2 59.9 39.1 0.5 40 6 11 / 24/ 2020 1155 SVS- 3 0.1 6.1 13.6 0 6 11 / 24/ 2020 1204 SVS-4 22.7 13.9 0.8 1 6.5 11 / 24/ 2020 1352 SVS- 5 0.3 0.6 22.9 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1000 SVS-6 0.2 0.4 22.1 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1015 SVS- 7 0.1 0.3 21.9 0 6.5 11 / 18/ 2020 1155 SVS- 8 0.0 1.2 21 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1145 SVS- 9 0.0 2.2 18 2 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1135 SVS-10 0.0 0.1 22.7 0 6.5 11 / 18/ 2020 1125 SVS-11 0.0 0.2 22.4 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1115 SVS-12 0.0 0.5 22.2 0 6.5 11 / 18/ 2020 1105 SVS-13 0.0 0.0 22.2 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1055 SVS-14 0.0 0.1 22.2 0 7 11 / 17/ 2020 1045 SVS-15 0.0 0.0 22.4 0 6 11 / 17/ 2020 1025 SVS-16 54.3 45.5 «« 4 6.5 11 / 17/ 2020 1035 SVS-17 0.2 0.1 22.7 0 8 11 / 17/ 2020 1000 SVS-18 43.2 0.0 0.0 1 8 11 / 17/ 2020 1010 SVS-19 7.8 1.6 16.4 0 7 11 / 17/ 2020 1340 SVS- 20 0.4 0.9 20.5 1 8 11 / 17/ 2020 1350 SVS- 21 0.1 4.2 18.8 0 6.5 11 / 17/ 2020 0950 SVS- 22 46.7 21.3 15.2 0 7.5 11 / 17/ 2020 1400 SVS-23 14.7 9.4 18.1 0 7 11 / 17/ 2020 0937 SVS- 24 0.0 1.8 18.7 0 7.5 11 / 17/ 2020 0930 SVS-25 0.1 0.1 23 0 6 11/17/2020 0901 SVS- 26 0.1 0.2 22 0 7 11 / 17/ 2020 0916 SVS- 27 0.1 0.5 22.6 0 6.5 11 / 17/ 2020 0910 SVS- 28 0.0 0.1 22.8 0 6 11 / 17/ 2020 1110 SVS- 29 0.0 0.3 23 0 6.5 11 / 17/ 2020 1100 SVS- 30 14.5 0.8 21.1 1 7 11 / 18/ 2020 1040 SVS- 31 2.6 15.4 1.2 0 6 11 / 18/ 2020 1025 SVS- 32 51.5 42.1 0.6 0 7 11 / 18/ 2020 0955 SVS- 33 56.9 29.9 1.9 31 5.5 11 / 24/ 2020 1322 SVS- 34 56.1 47.9 «« 16 6.5 11 / 18/ 2020 1030 SVS- 35 53.7 54.1 0.0 9 6 11 / 17/ 2020 0847 NOTEs: Field data collected by S+G personnel Bold indicates methane concentration > 5% .1 Q19:O1/:�a :u iO t" u. 11:�e :u a .1 .:u �� i� .�a�, .1L1 • • • .,.:: .�� C:�u ....... DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adUcse La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time o /o CH4 0 /o CO2 o /0 02 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/27/2012 11:01 0.4 0.4 19.5 29.1 78 9/13/2012 9:38 8.8 6.9 16.9 29.5 77 12/ 13/2012 8:57 14.7 4 18 29.6 42 3/ 14/ 2013 9: 32 0.2 1 19.8 21.2 42 6/ 12/ 2013 10:49 62.3 37.3 0.3 29.11 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11:17 60.5 39.4 0 29.19 75 12/ 11 / 2013 9:47 0.3 0.3 22.2 29.56 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10: 02 61.4 38.5 0 29.16 50 6/4/2014 10:58 60.1 39.8 0 29.06 75 9/15/2014 9:38 59.3 40.6 0 29.35 66 12/4/2014 10:01 0.2 0.4 20.8 29.48 54 3/16/2015 9:58 61 38.9 0 29.28 60 P-1 6/ 9/ 2015 9:38 59.8 40.1 0 29.05 75 9/14/2015 11:20 7.5 5.4 18.2 29.41 66 12/3/2015 10:01 51.9 33.5 3.5 29.31 45 3/17/2016 8:27 61 28.9 0 29.21 60 6/ 16/ 2016 11:46 58.6 41.3 0 29.03 88 9/29/2016 10:22 57.9 42 0 29.12 70 12/20/2016 10:43 32.8 23.5 0 29.67 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11: 09 42.7 32.8 0 29.28 58 6/ 14/ 2017 9: 24 58.9 41 0 29.22 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14:46 59.1 40.8 0 29.18 78 12/19/2017 14:51 63.8 35.3 0.4 29.19 71 3/27/2018 12:58 61.4 38.5 0 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:14 0.4 0.3 20.3 29.36 68 6/27/2012 10:57 32.4 18.4 9.4 29.11 78 9/ 13/ 2012 9: 34 34.6 20.9 8.9 29.51 77 12/ 13/ 2012 8:53 33.7 21.3 10.2 29.60 42 3/14/2013 9:30 32.6 21.1 9.6 21.20 42 6/12/2013 10:46 55.9 30.3 2.7 29.11 85 9/24/2013 11:12 37.4 21.9 8.4 29.20 75 12/ 11 / 2013 9:44 29.7 18.1 11.6 29.56 38 3/20/2014 9:56 65.2 34.1 0.6 29.17 50 6/4/2014 10:54 51.8 26.9 4.3 29.06 75 9/ 15/ 2014 9: 33 40.5 23.9 7.1 29.35 66 12/4/2014 9:57 32.6 20.0 10.0 29.48 54 3/16/2015 9:53 57.9 30.2 2.8 29.27 60 P- 2 6/ 9/ 2015 9: 34 53.1 28.2 3.6 29.06 75 9/ 14/ 2015 11:17 24.8 16.2 12.3 29.42 66 12/3/2015 9:55 31.6 20.7 10.4 29.30 45 3/ 17/ 2016 8: 24 66.4 33.5 0 29.21 60 6/ 16/2016 11:40 49.8 27.4 4.0 29.04 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10:16 46.7 28.9 4.7 29.12 70 12/ 20/ 2016 10: 38 12.4 14.8 5.9 29.67 35 3/22/2017 11:05 63.0 36.9 0 29.29 59 6/14/2017 9:20 63.9 36.0 0 29.22 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14:41 48 28.2 4.5 29.19 78 12/ 19/2017 14:46 63.2 36.7 0 29.19 71 3/ 27/ 2017 12: 52 64.5 35.4 0 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:11 42.4 24.5 6.6 29.35 68 RRgectslNtcWff xxgQut�Ntcdatug-211FWdimFcEdM&829SFffi1ts"F$pat\&SFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adUcse La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time % CH4 % CC2 % O2 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/ 27/ 2012 10: 54 2.6 1.8 19.0 29.11 78 9/ 13/ 2012 9: 31 1.5 1.2 19.7 29.52 77 12/ 13/2012 8:50 0.8 1.2 20.1 29.60 42 3/14/2013 9:27 0.3 0.4 21.1 29.40 42 6/ 12/ 2013 10:42 0.1 0.2 19.4 29.12 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 09 0 0.1 21.0 29.20 75 12/ 11 / 2013 9: 36 0.1 0.3 22.0 29.57 38 3/ 20/ 2014 9: 51 0.3 0.4 21.2 29.17 50 6/4/2014 10:50 0.2 0.1 21.3 29.07 75 9/15/2014 9:27 0 0.2 21.3 29.36 66 12/4/2014 9:52 0.2 0.3 20.9 29.48 54 3/16/2015 9:45 0.1 0.2 20.7 29.28 60 P- 3 6/ 9/ 2015 9: 30 0 0.1 20.4 29.06 75 9/ 14/ 2015 11:13 0 0.1 21.0 29.42 66 12/3/2015 9:50 0.1 0.4 21.9 29.31 45 3/ 17/2016 8:20 4.9 3.8 17.9 29.21 60 6/16/2016 11:34 0.2 0.4 20.4 29.05 88 9/29/2016 Watered in 12/20/2016 10:27 5.8 1.6 18.4 29.67 35 3/ 22/ 2017 10: 57 8.5 6.4 16.7 29.29 59 6/14/2017 9:09 16.0 6.1 14.5 29.23 76 9/29/2017 14:35 0 0 20.6 29.20 78 12/19/2017 14:40 2.1 3.1 18.1 29.20 71 3/27/2018 12:46 18.4 11.9 14.3 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:04 0 0 20.6 29.36 68 6/ 27/ 2012 10: 52 1.8 1.3 19.2 29.11 78 9/ 13/2012 9:27 12.8 9.1 15.7 29.51 77 12/13/2012 8:48 4.1 4.5 18.6 29.60 42 3/14/2013 9:25 32 22.2 9.8 29.39 42 6/ 12/ 2013 10: 51 48.8 23.9 4.6 29.10 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 05 5.0 3.2 19.3 29.20 75 12/ 11 /2013 9:32 12.7 9.2 17.3 29.57 38 3/ 20/ 2014 9:48 39.6 26.4 7.1 29.17 50 6/4/2014 10:46 12.2 7.4 17.2 29.07 75 9/ 15/2014 9:22 11.1 7.7 16.9 29.36 66 12/4/2014 9:48 7.9 6.5 18.2 29.47 54 3/16/2015 9:41 15.5 11.1 15.2 29.28 60 P-4 6/9/2015 9:25 21.0 14.9 13.1 29.06 75 9/14/2015 11:09 3.9 2.9 19.6 29.42 66 12/ 3/ 2015 9:46 12.0 8.7 17.3 29.30 45 3/17/2016 8:16 35.0 21.7 8.8 29.21 60 6/ 16/2016 11:30 24.0 16.5 12.1 29.05 88 9/29/2016 Watered in 12/20/2016 10:23 1.5 4.4 16.9 29.67 35 3/22/2017 10:54 23.7 19.3 9.1 29.29 59 6/14/2017 9:06 58.5 37.5 0.7 29.23 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14: 32 10.0 6.5 16.9 29.19 78 12/ 19/2017 14:36 45.8 30.9 3.2 29.21 71 3/27/2018 12:43 57.6 37 0 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:00 12.0 7.7 16.4 29.36 68 MRgectslN4KWff xxgQut�IAdatug2}1FW&mFced2M3a829S�bs1ts"F$pa SSFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adUcse La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time % CH4 % CC2 % O2 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/ 27/ 2012 11:12 0 3.0 17.6 29.09 78 9/ 13/ 2012 9: 56 0 3.2 17.5 29.50 77 12/ 13/2012 9:11 0 2.7 19.3 29.59 42 3/ 14/ 2013 9: 51 0 2.3 19.8 29.41 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11: 04 0.2 2.7 16.8 29.09 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 29 0.1 3.3 17.7 29.17 75 12/ 11 / 2013 10: 23 0 2.5 20.4 29.58 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10:16 0.1 2.7 18.9 29.15 50 6/4/2014 11:13 0.1 3.1 18.2 29.04 75 9/ 15/ 2014 9: 50 0.1 3.5 17.6 29.34 66 12/4/2014 10:12 0 2.6 18.6 29.48 54 3/16/2015 10:11 0 2.7 18.3 29.27 60 P- 5 6/ 9/ 2015 9: 55 0 3.2 17.9 29.04 75 9/14/2015 11:38 0 3.0 18.3 29.40 66 12/3/2015 10:12 0 3.3 18.6 29.30 45 3/ 17/2016 8:39 0 3.5 17.2 29.19 60 6/ 16/ 2016 12:15 0 3.4 17.1 29.00 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10: 35 0.1 3.7 18 29.11 70 12/ 20/ 2016 11:16 0 2.9 19.7 29.66 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11:19 0 2.7 19 29.27 59 6/14/2017 9:36 0 3.5 16.8 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14: 57 0.1 3.5 17.7 29.17 78 12/19/2017 15:06 0 3 18.4 29.18 71 3/27/2018 13:13 0 2.9 18.8 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:37 0 3.3 17.9 29.35 68 6/ 27/ 2012 11:17 0 2.5 17.7 29.09 78 9/ 13/2012 9:50 0 2.8 17.3 29.52 77 12/13/2012 9:16 0 2.3 19.5 29.59 42 3/ 14/ 2013 9: 57 0 2.1 19.5 29.41 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11: 09 0.1 2.4 16.7 29.09 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 34 0 2.9 17.8 29.18 75 12/ 11 /2013 10:28 0 2.3 20.4 29.59 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10: 22 0 2.5 18.3 29.17 50 6/4/2014 11:18 0 2.4 18 29.04 75 9/ 15/2014 9:56 0 3.0 17.4 29.35 66 12/4/2014 10:20 0 2.3 18.5 29.48 54 3/16/2015 10:16 0 2.4 17.8 29.28 60 P- 6 6/ 9/ 2015 10: 00 0 2.9 17.4 29.05 75 9/14/2015 11:43 0 2.9 18.1 29.40 66 12/ 3/ 2015 11:18 0 3.3 17.8 29.32 45 3/17/2016 8:45 0 3.5 14.9 29.20 60 6/ 16/2016 12:19 0.1 3.4 15.8 29.00 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10:40 0 3.4 17.8 29.12 70 12/20/2016 11:22 0 3.0 19.1 29.66 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11: 24 0 3.4 16.9 29.28 59 6/14/2017 9:41 0 4.3 14.5 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 15: 03 0 4.1 16.6 29.18 78 12/ 19/2017 15:12 0 3.1 18 29.20 71 3/ 27/ 2018 13:19 0 3.4 17.5 29.65 44 6/12/2018 13:43 0 4.0 15.9 29.35 68 MRgectslNtcWff xxgQut�Ntcdatug-211FWdimFcEdM&829SFffi1ts"F$pat\&SFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adGose La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time % CH4 % CC2 % O2 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/27/2012 11:23 0 4.4 16.4 29.09 78 9/13/2012 10:03 0 5.7 15.4 29.49 77 12/13/2012 No access 3/ 14/ 2013 10: 04 0 4.0 17.9 29.41 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11:15 0 5.5 13.1 29.08 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11:40 0 5.7 15.4 29.17 75 12/ 11 / 2013 10: 34 0 5.0 18.0 29.58 38 3/20/2014 10:28 0 5.2 14.9 29.17 50 6/4/2014 14:34 0 5.2 17.0 29.02 75 9/ 15/ 2014 10: 03 0 5.4 15.8 29.35 66 12/4/2014 10:26 0 4.8 16.3 29.48 54 3/16/2015 10:22 0 5.7 14.5 29.28 60 P- 7 6/ 9/ 2015 10: 06 0 5.4 16.3 29.04 75 9/14/2015 11:49 0 5.5 16.1 29.40 66 12/3/2015 10:25 0 6.8 13.5 29.33 45 3/ 17/2016 8:51 0 5.7 13.0 29.20 60 6/16/2016 12:25 0 5.9 15.1 28.99 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10:48 0 6.3 15.5 29.12 70 12/20/2016 11:28 0 6.1 17.0 29.66 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11: 31 0 5.2 15.8 29.29 59 6/14/2017 9:47 0 6.3 14.5 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 15: 09 0 5.7 15.6 29.17 78 12/19/2017 15:18 0 5.4 16.2 29.20 71 3/27/2018 13:25 0 5.9 15.4 29.64 44 6/12/2018 13:50 0 5.6 15.9 29.35 68 6/27/2012 11:28 0 5.8 15.6 29.09 78 9/ 13/2012 10:08 0 7.1 14.6 29.49 77 12/13/2012 9:29 0 5.3 17.9 29.59 42 3/14/2013 10:11 0 4.8 16.4 29.43 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11: 21 0 6.8 9.8 29.08 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11:47 0 6.7 15.3 29.17 75 12/ 11 /2013 10:40 0 4.9 18.9 29.59 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10: 34 0 5.3 14.5 29.17 50 6/4/2014 14:40 0 7.2 14.4 29.02 75 9/ 15/2014 10:08 0 6.6 16.2 29.35 66 12/4/2014 10:31 0 5.0 17.1 29.49 54 3/16/2015 10:27 0 6.3 13.3 29.29 60 P- 8 6/ 9/ 2015 10:13 0 7.8 13.2 29.04 75 9/14/2015 11:55 0 6.7 15.8 29.40 66 12/ 3/ 2015 10: 31 0 9.4 8.8 29.34 45 3/17/2016 8:58 0 9.4 9.5 29.20 60 6/ 16/2016 12:29 0 7.6 15.2 29.00 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10: 53 0 7 16.1 29.12 70 12/ 20/ 2016 11: 35 0 6.1 17.6 29.66 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11: 36 0 7.2 11.5 29.30 59 6/14/2017 9:52 0 8.8 11.2 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 15:15 0 6.4 15.7 29.18 78 12/ 19/2017 15:25 0 5.1 17 29.19 71 3/ 27/ 2018 13: 32 0 6.3 14.4 29.64 44 6/ 12/ 2018 13: 57 0 7.1 7.1 13.90 68 MRgectslNtcWff xxgQut�Ntcdatug-211FWdimFcEdM&829SFffi1ts"F$pat\&SFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adUcse La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time % CH4 % CC2 % O2 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/ 27/ 2012 11: 33 0 1.4 19.4 29.1 78 9/13/2012 10:13 0 0.7 19.8 29.5 77 12/ 13/2012 9:34 0 1.2 20.1 29.59 42 3/14/2013 10:16 0 0.1 21.6 29.43 42 6/12/2013 11:25 0 0.1 19.7 29.09 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 51 0 1.6 19.9 29.18 75 12/ 11 / 2013 10:44 0 0.9 21.8 29.59 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10:48 0 0 21.8 29.18 50 6/4/2014 14:44 0 2.1 20.6 29.02 75 9/ 15/ 2014 10:13 0 1.6 19.5 29.36 66 12/4/2014 10:36 0 0.9 19.7 29.50 54 3/16/2015 10:32 0 1.0 19.8 29.29 60 P- 9A 6/ 9/ 2015 10:19 0 2.7 18.5 29.04 75 9/14/2015 11:59 0 2.5 18.6 29.40 66 12/3/2015 10:36 0 0.1 21.9 29.34 45 3/ 17/2016 9:02 0 1.7 20.4 29.21 60 6/ 16/ 2016 12: 33 0 2.7 18.5 29.00 88 9/ 29/ 2016 10: 58 0 1.4 19.5 29.13 70 12/20/2016 11:39 0 1.3 20.9 29.66 35 9/22/2017 11:40 0 1.3 19.9 29.30 59 6/ 14/ 2017 9: 56 0 2.4 18.7 29.21 76 9/ 29/ 2017 15: 21 0 1.5 20 29.18 78 12/19/2017 15:31 0 0.9 20.3 29.2 71 3/27/2018 13:37 0 1 20.5 29.64 44 6/12/2018 14:01 0 2.7 19.2 29.35 68 6/ 27/ 2012 11: 39 0 2.9 18 29.10 78 9/ 13/2012 10:19 0 4.6 15.7 29.50 77 12/13/2012 9:39 0 2.3 19.4 29.59 42 3/ 14/ 2013 10: 21 0 3.2 17.1 29.44 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11: 31 0 4.2 14.3 29.09 85 9/ 24/ 2013 11: 57 0 4.0 17.5 29.18 75 12/ 11 /2013 10:50 0 2.2 20.5 29.59 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10:42 0 3.1 16.5 29.18 50 6/4/2014 14:48 0 4.3 16.5 29.00 75 9/ 15/2014 10:19 0 3.2 18.3 29.35 66 12/4/2014 10:41 0 2.3 18.7 29.50 54 3/16/2015 10:38 0 3.6 17.0 29.28 60 P-9B 6/9/2015 10:25 0 4.4 16.0 29.04 75 9/14/2015 12:04 0 2.8 19.0 29.40 66 12/ 3/ 2015 10:42 0 5.3 14.9 29.34 45 3/ 17/ 2016 9: 09 0 4.7 15.0 29.21 60 6/ 16/2016 12:38 0 4.4 15.0 29.00 88 9/ 29/ 2016 11: 04 0 4.7 16.7 29.13 70 12/ 20/ 2016 11:45 0 4.9 17.7 29.66 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11:46 0 3.5 17.4 29.30 59 6/14/2017 10:02 0 5.2 14.9 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 15: 27 0 3.5 18.3 29.18 78 12/ 19/2017 15:38 0 4.6 17.0 29.20 71 3/ 27/ 2018 13:43 0 4.5 16.4 29.64 44 6/12/2018 14:08 0 3.5 18.4 29.35 68 MRgectslNtcWff xxgQut�Ntcdatug-211FWdimFcEdM&829SFffi1ts"F$pat\&SFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 SMITH GARDNER biate Hstcric�l LRtcri�[�a Ftm&.rgF adUcse La iII LFG Monitoring Well Date Time % CH4 % CC2 % O2 Pressure (in Hg) Temp (F) 6/ 27/ 2012 11:49 10.8 5.7 16.1 29.10 78 9/13/2012 10:30 34.3 23.8 5.6 29.49 77 12/ 13/2012 9:51 3.4 15.8 6.9 29.63 42 3/14/2013 10:31 1.8 1.6 20.5 29.43 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11:40 64.4 32.2 0.7 29.08 85 9/ 24/ 2013 12: 07 47.7 32.7 0.9 29.17 75 12/ 11 / 2013 11:17 22.2 24.5 3.0 29.58 38 3/ 20/ 2014 10: 56 64.5 31.9 0.5 29.18 50 6/4/2014 15:00 61.9 31.3 0.6 28.98 75 9/15/2014 10:29 45.6 31.6 1.8 29.34 66 12/4/2014 10:51 36.3 26.1 3.2 29.49 54 3/16/2015 10:48 58.1 30.5 0.8 29.28 60 P-11 6/ 9/ 2015 10:47 54.8 30.9 1.0 29.04 75 9/ 14/ 2015 12:15 21.8 24.3 3.0 29.39 66 12/3/2015 10:52 21.9 18.7 11.5 29.34 45 3/ 17/2016 9:32 36.9 21.8 7.9 29.20 60 6/ 16/ 2016 11: 53 54.0 32.4 0.9 29.03 88.0 9/ 29/ 2016 11: 20 26.2 23.3 6.8 29.13 70 12/ 20/ 2016 10: 54 20.1 19.8 8.6 29.67 35 3/ 22/ 2017 11: 56 0 0 21.4 29.30 59 6/14/2017 10:12 59.0 34.6 0.1 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14: 07 39.8 32.8 0.9 29.22 78 12/19/2017 14:18 42.9 31 0.6 29.22 71 3/27/2018 12:15 41.7 28.1 0.5 29.65 44 6/12/2018 12:39 1.7 1.3 19.5 29.38 68 6/ 27/ 2012 12: 01 0.1 8.1 13.8 29.10 78 9/ 13/2012 10:40 0.1 9.1 12.0 29.50 77 12/13/2012 9:59 0.1 5.8 17.3 29.59 42 3/14/2013 10:42 0 8.0 12.9 29.45 42 6/ 12/ 2013 11:49 0.4 8.4 8.7 29.09 85 9/ 24/ 2013 12:18 0.1 9.7 12.9 29.17 75 12/ 11 /2013 11:10 0 7.4 16.0 29.60 38 3/ 20/ 2014 11: 06 0.1 6.5 7.9 29.17 50 6/4/2014 15:12 0.1 8.8 11.0 28.97 75 9/ 15/2014 10:40 0.1 10.2 12.0 29.35 66 12/4/2014 11:03 0 7.7 13.9 29.49 54 3/16/2015 10:59 0 8.9 8.8 29.28 60 P-12 6/ 9/ 2015 10: 54 0.1 9.8 12.6 29.04 75 9/14/2015 12:26 0 9.3 13.2 29.39 66 12/ 3/ 2015 11: 08 0 12.4 0.3 29.35 45 3/17/2016 9:40 0 11.6 2.8 29.21 60 6/ 16/2016 12:01 0 10.9 11.0 29.03 88 9/ 29/ 2016 11: 27 0.1 11 11.1 29.14 70 12/ 20/ 2016 11: 01 0 8.4 14.7 29.69 35 3/ 22/ 2017 12: 08 0 9.4 10.0 29.31 59 6/14/2017 10:20 0 11.8 7.2 29.20 76 9/ 29/ 2017 14:19 0 10.1 12.7 29.22 78 12/ 19/2017 14:25 0 7.6 14.3 29.23 71 3/ 27/ 2018 12: 23 0 9.8 9.1 29.66 44 6/12/2018 12:47 0 10.4 12.3 29.39 68 MRgectslNtcWff xxgQut�Ntcdatug-211FWdimFcEdM&829SFffi1ts"F$pat\&SFesItsTEde&AEx DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 7:23:32 -2.9 PPM 35.22015 -80.6965 4-Jun 7:23:37 -3.3 PPM 35.22015 -80.6965 4-Jun 7:23:42 -3.5 PPM 35.22015 -80.6965 4-Jun 7:23:47 -3.4 PPM 35.22015 -80.6965 4-Jun 7:23:52 -3.3 PPM 35.22018 -80.69648 4-Jun 7:23:57 -3.2 PPM 35.22022 -80.69648 4-Jun 7:24:02 -2.2 PPM 35.22022 -80.69648 4-Jun 7:24:07 -2.7 PPM 35.2202 -80.69642 4-Jun 7:24:12 -2.6 PPM 35.22026 -80.69628 4-Jun 7:24:17 -3.6 PPM 35.22032 -80.69616 4-Jun 7:24:22 14.7 PPM 35.22036 -80.69608 4-Jun 7:24:27 -0.2 PPM 35.22034 -80.69595 4-Jun 7:24:32 -2.1 PPM 35.2202 -80.69579 4-Jun 7:24:37 -2.4 PPM 35.22007 -80.69562 4-Jun 7:24:42 -2.9 PPM 35.22 -80.6955 4-Jun 7:24:47 7.1 PPM 35.2201 -80.69545 4-Jun 7:24:52 -1.2 PPM 35.22023 -80.69552 4-Jun 7:24:57 -1.9 PPM 35.22031 -80.6955 4-Jun 7:25:02 -2.7 PPM 35.22034 -80.69534 4-Jun 7:25:07 -0.2 PPM 35.22039 -80.69516 4-Jun 7:25:12 -2.5 PPM 35.22052 -80.69501 4-Jun 7:25:17 -2.8 PPM 35.2207 -80.69498 4-Jun 7:25:22 -3.1 PPM 35.22082 -80.69491 4-Jun 7:25:27 -3.1 PPM 35.22086 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:25:32 -3.2 PPM 35.22086 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:25:37 -2.7 PPM 35.22086 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:25:42 -3.4 PPM 35.22086 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:25:47 -3.4 PPM 35.22086 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:25:52 25.9 PPM 35.22085 -80.69488 4-Jun 7:25:57 0.9 PPM 35.22084 -80.69494 4-Jun 7:26:02 10.7 PPM 35.22082 -80.69499 4-Jun 7:26:07 1.8 PPM 35.22082 -80.69499 4-Jun 7:26:12 -2.8 PPM 35.22082 -80.69499 4-Jun 7:26:17 -2.7 PPM 35.22082 -80.69499 4-Jun 7:26:22 -2.9 PPM 35.22085 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:26:27 -1.3 PPM 35.22087 -80.69507 4-Jun 7:26:32 3.3 PPM 35.2209 -80.69512 4-Jun 7:26:37 1.8 PPM 35.22094 -80.69518 4-Jun 7:26:42 13.7 PPM 35.22095 -80.69514 4-Jun 7:26:47 82.4 PPM 35.22098 -80.6951 4-Jun 7:26:52 11.3 PPM 35.22096 -80.69504 4-Jun 7:26:57 3.1 PPM 35.22095 -80.69499 4-Jun 7:27:02 -3.1 PPM 35.22094 -80.69494 4-Jun 7:27:07 27.9 PPM 35.22093 -80.6949 4-Jun 7:27:12 10.7 PPM 35.22093 -80.69484 4-Jun 7:27:17 5.7 PPM 35.22091 -80.6948 4-Jun 7:27:22 -3.5 PPM 35.22088 -80.69476 4-Jun 7:27:27 -3.9 PPM 35.2209 -80.69472 4-Jun 7:27:32 -1.7 PPM 35.22091 -80.69473 4-Jun 7:27:37 -2 PPM 35.22094 -80.69476 4-Jun 7:27:42 20.2 PPM 35.22094 -80.69475 4-Jun 7:27:47 1.7 PPM 35.22093 -80.69476 4-Jun 7:27:52 0 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:27:57 -2.3 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:02 -4 PPM 1 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:07 -3.9 PPM 1 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:12 32.1 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 1/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 7:28:17 1.4 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:22 -3.8 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:27 -3.8 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:32 -3.5 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:37 -4 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:42 -1.4 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:47 -2.5 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:52 -3.1 PPM 35.22093 -80.69479 4-Jun 7:28:57 -3.5 PPM 35.22092 -80.69477 4-Jun 7:29:02 -3.3 PPM 35.22097 -80.69483 4-Jun 7:29:07 -3.3 PPM 35.22101 -80.69491 4-Jun 7:29:12 -2.9 PPM 35.22107 -80.69497 4-Jun 7:29:17 19 PPM 35.22109 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:29:22 43.3 PPM 35.22111 -80.69508 4-Jun 7:29:27 32.3 PPM 35.22113 -80.69514 4-Jun 7:29:32 39.3 PPM 35.22112 -80.69518 4-Jun 7:29:37 6.6 PPM 35.22112 -80.69518 4-Jun 7:29:42 1.7 PPM 35.22112 -80.69527 4-Jun 7:29:47 24.7 PPM 35.22112 -80.69527 4-Jun 7:29:52 -2.4 PPM 35.22118 -80.69534 4-Jun 7:29:57 -0.5 PPM 35.22124 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:30:02 -4.7 PPM 35.22128 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:30:07 -3.4 PPM 35.22132 -80.69539 4-Jun 7:30:12 -0.8 PPM 35.22134 -80.69538 4-Jun 7:30:17 -4 PPM 35.22136 -80.69533 4-Jun 7:30:22 -1.4 PPM 35.22138 -80.69527 4-Jun 7:30:27 -4.5 PPM 35.2214 -80.6952 4-Jun 7:30:32 6.2 PPM 35.22144 -80.69512 4-Jun 7:30:37 -4.2 PPM 35.22147 -80.69506 4-Jun 7:30:42 -0.8 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:30:47 -2.9 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:30:52 -5.2 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:30:57 -5.1 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:02 -2.6 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:07 -4.5 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:12 -5.3 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:17 -5 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:22 5.9 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:27 -4.4 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:32 -3.8 PPM 35.2215 -80.695 4-Jun 7:31:37 -0.7 PPM 35.2215 -80.69496 4-Jun 7:31:42 -1.9 PPM 35.2215 -80.69495 4-Jun 7:31:47 -5 PPM 35.22145 -80.69492 4-Jun 7:31:52 -5 PPM 35.2214 -80.69486 4-Jun 7:31:57 -3.4 PPM 35.22136 -80.69481 4-Jun 7:32:02 -5.1 PPM 35.22132 -80.69475 4-Jun 7:32:07 -3.8 PPM 35.22129 -80.69472 4-Jun 7:32:12 -4 PPM 35.22126 -80.69472 4-Jun 7:32:17 -3.9 PPM 35.22123 -80.69474 4-Jun 7:32:22 -4.9 PPM 35.22118 -80.69477 4-Jun 7:32:27 -2 PPM 35.22113 -80.69482 4-Jun 7:32:32 24.4 PPM 35.22107 -80.69484 4-Jun 7:32:37 -5.3 PPM 35.22101 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:32:42 -5 PPM 35.22095 -80.69488 4-Jun 7:32:47 -3.2 PPM 35.22092 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:32:52 -1.5 PPM 1 35.22098 -80.69483 4-Jun 7:32:571 9.8 PPM 1 35.22114 -80.69473 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 7:33:02 1.1 PPM 35.2213 -80.69467 4-Jun 7:33:07 -4.1 PPM 35.22146 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:33:12 -5.2 PPM 35.22163 -80.69496 4-Jun 7:33:17 -5.9 PPM 35.22185 -80.69492 4-Jun 7:33:22 -5.4 PPM 35.22206 -80.69497 4-Jun 7:33:27 3.3 PPM 35.22214 -80.695 4-Jun 7:33:32 9.2 PPM 35.22212 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:33:37 69.6 PPM 35.2221 -80.69504 4-Jun 7:33:42 -0.8 PPM 35.22204 -80.69507 4-Jun 7:33:47 99.1 PPM 35.22203 -80.69511 4-Jun 7:33:52 -3.8 PPM 35.22199 -80.69515 4-Jun 7:33:57 -3.5 PPM 35.222 -80.69516 4-Jun 7:34:02 -2.4 PPM 35.22202 -80.69514 4-Jun 7:34:07 9.5 PPM 35.22205 -80.69513 4-Jun 7:34:12 8.6 PPM 35.22207 -80.69509 4-Jun 7:34:17 16.9 PPM 35.22208 -80.69508 4-Jun 7:34:22 5.4 PPM 35.2221 -80.69508 4-Jun 7:34:27 46.1 PPM 35.22212 -80.69506 4-Jun 7:34:32 11.1 PPM 35.22214 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:34:37 37.1 PPM 35.22214 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:34:42 25 PPM 35.22214 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:347 16.1 PPM 35.22214 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:34:52 4.2 PPM 35.22214 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:34:57 9.3 PPM 35.22218 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:35:02 7.4 PPM 35.22219 -80.69501 4-Jun 7:35:07 25.7 PPM 35.22219 -80.69501 4-Jun 7:35:12 53.1 PPM 35.22222 -80.69501 4-Jun 7:35:17 85 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:22 21.2 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:27 -3.8 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:32 -2.8 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:37 6.3 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:42 56.1 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:47 82.7 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:52 45.4 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:35:57 34.9 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:02 19.5 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:07 129 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:12 56 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:17 2.7 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:22 1.2 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:27 0.4 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:32 32.9 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:37 38.9 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:42 41.3 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:47 23 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:52 19.4 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:36:57 136 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:02 118 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:07 84.1 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:12 71.6 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:17 114 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:22 28.5 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:27 31.2 PPM 35.22223 -80.695 4-Jun 7:37:32 10.9 PPM 35.22224 -80.695 4-1un 7:37:371 3.4 PPM 1 35.22224 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:37:42 -0.3 PPM 1 35.22225 -80.69504 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 2/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 7:37:47 -5.8 PPM 35.22224 -80.69509 4-Jun 7:37:52 -6.1 PPM 35.22222 -80.69512 4-Jun 7:37:57 1.7 PPM 35.22224 -80.69514 4-Jun 7:38:02 -3.2 PPM 35.22228 -80.69512 4-Jun 7:38:07 -3.3 PPM 35.2223 -80.69508 4-Jun 7:38:12 1.4 PPM 35.22232 -80.69508 4-Jun 7:38:17 17.8 PPM 35.22229 -80.69505 4-Jun 7:38:22 62.6 PPM 35.22225 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:38:27 2.3 PPM 35.2222 -80.69505 4-Jun 7:38:32 20.7 PPM 35.22215 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:38:37 -2.7 PPM 35.22214 -80.69503 4-Jun 7:38:42 -5.6 PPM 35.2221 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:38:47 -6.3 PPM 35.2221 -80.69501 4-Jun 7:38:52 2.8 PPM 35.22214 -80.69504 4-Jun 7:38:57 32.4 PPM 35.22225 -80.69505 4-Jun 7:39:02 13.3 PPM 35.22241 -80.69498 4-Jun 7:39:07 -4.4 PPM 35.22258 -80.69503 4-Jun 7:39:12 -5.5 PPM 35.22274 -80.69507 4-Jun 7:39:17 -5.6 PPM 35.22285 -80.69504 4-Jun 7:39:22 -5.3 PPM 35.22297 -80.69502 4-Jun 7:39:27 -6 PPM 35.22311 -80.69509 4-Jun 7:39:32 -6.8 PPM 35.22326 -80.69513 4-Jun 7:39:37 -7.4 PPM 35.22341 -80.69516 4-Jun 7:39:42 -7 PPM 35.22356 -80.69525 4-Jun 7:39:47 -6.8 PPM 35.22373 -80.69532 4-Jun 7:39:52 -6.4 PPM 35.22391 -80.69538 4-Jun 7:39:57 -3.1 PPM 35.22409 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:40:02 -2 PPM 35.22426 -80.69541 4-Jun 7:40:07 -4.9 PPM 35.22444 -80.69547 4-Jun 7:40:12 -5.4 PPM 35.2246 -80.69552 4-Jun 7:40:17 -4.9 PPM 35.22476 -80.69552 4-Jun 7:40:22 -5.1 PPM 35.22481 -80.69546 4-Jun 7:40:27 -5.9 PPM 35.22482 -80.69545 4-Jun 7:40:32 -5.2 PPM 35.22482 -80.69545 4-Jun 7:40:37 6.5 PPM 35.22481 -80.69544 4-Jun 7:40:42 -1.8 PPM 35.22479 -80.69542 4-Jun 7:40:47 -6.3 PPM 35.22477 -80.69539 4-Jun 7:40:52 -3.8 PPM 35.22478 -80.69539 4-Jun 7:40:57 14 PPM 35.2248 -80.69538 4-Jun 7:41:02 23.5 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:07 82.9 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:12 1 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:17 114 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:22 74.7 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:27 130 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:32 235 PPM 35.22482 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:41:37 317 PPM 35.22481 -80.69538 4-Jun 7:41:42 154 PPM 35.22485 -80.69542 4-Jun 7:41:47 15.2 PPM 35.22488 -80.69545 4-Jun 7:41:52 19.7 PPM 35.2249 -80.69546 4-Jun 7:41:57 189 PPM 35.22491 -80.69546 4-Jun 7:42:02 1.7 PPM 35.22495 -80.69548 4-Jun 7:42:07 -4.2 PPM 35.225 -80.69552 4-Jun 7:42:12 -6 PPM 35.22505 -80.69556 4-Jun 7:42:17 -6.2 PPM 35.2251 -80.69559 4-Jun 7:42:22 -5.1 PPM 35.22516 -80.69561 4-Jun 7:42:27 -5.7 PPM 35.22521 -80.69562 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 7:42:32 -6.5 PPM 35.22526 -80.6956 4-Jun 7:42:37 -6.4 PPM 35.2253 -80.69558 4-Jun 7:42:42 -6.9 PPM 35.22534 -80.69553 4-Jun 7:42:47 -6.9 PPM 35.22536 -80.69546 4-Jun 7:42:52 -7.1 PPM 35.22536 -80.6954 4-Jun 7:42:57 -6.6 PPM 35.22534 -80.69533 4-Jun 7:43:02 -5.4 PPM 35.2253 -80.69528 4-Jun 7:43:07 -6.7 PPM 35.22525 -80.69524 4-Jun 7:43:12 -7.8 PPM 35.2252 -80.6952 4-Jun 7:43:17 -7.6 PPM 35.22516 -80.69518 4-Jun 7:43:22 -7.1 PPM 35.2251 -80.6952 4-Jun 7:43:27 -7.2 PPM 35.22504 -80.69524 4-Jun 7:43:32 -2.9 PPM 35.22498 -80.69528 4-Jun 7:43:37 -5.6 PPM 35.22493 -80.6953 4-Jun 7:43:42 -4.4 PPM 35.22492 -80.69535 4-Jun 7:43:47 -6 PPM 35.22487 -80.69539 4-Jun 7:43:52 -1.3 PPM 35.22484 -80.69544 4-Jun 7:43:57 -4.7 PPM 35.22481 -80.69545 4-Jun 7:44:02 27.6 PPM 35.22482 -80.69538 4-Jun 7:44:07 -3.4 PPM 35.22477 -80.69524 4-Jun 7:44:12 -7 PPM 35.22466 -80.69509 4-Jun 7:44:17 -7.4 PPM 35.2245 -80.69498 4-Jun 7:44:22 -6.6 PPM 35.22436 -80.69495 4-Jun 7:44:27 -4.6 PPM 35.22428 -80.69495 4-Jun 7:44:32 -2.4 PPM 35.22425 -80.69492 4-Jun 7:44:37 0.1 PPM 35.22422 -80.69487 4-Jun 7:44:42 5 PPM 35.22418 -80.6948 4-Jun 7:44:47 -5 PPM 35.22421 -80.69471 4-Jun 7:44:52 -5.7 PPM 35.22426 -80.69461 4-Jun 7:44:57 -5.7 PPM 35.22434 -80.69448 4-Jun 7:45:02 -5.6 PPM 35.22442 -80.69441 4-Jun 7:45:07 -6.1 PPM 35.22445 -80.69435 4-Jun 7:45:12 -4.8 PPM 35.22442 -80.69429 4-Jun 7:45:17 -5.7 PPM 35.22438 -80.69427 4-Jun 7:45:22 -5 PPM 35.22432 -80.69423 4-Jun 7:45:27 -5.8 PPM 35.22427 -80.6942 4-Jun 7:45:32 4.3 PPM 35.22424 -80.69419 4-Jun 7:45:37 10.3 PPM 35.22424 -80.69419 4-Jun 7:45:42 1.6 PPM 35.22424 -80.69419 4-Jun 7:45:47 5.9 PPM 35.22422 -80.69422 4-Jun 7:45:52 -6.4 PPM 35.22418 -80.69433 4-Jun 7:45:57 -6.1 PPM 35.22417 -80.69437 4-Jun 7:46:02 -6.6 PPM 35.22417 -80.69437 4-Jun 7:46:07 -6.5 PPM 35.22412 -80.69444 4-Jun 7:46:12 -6.8 PPM 35.22406 -80.69448 4-Jun 7:46:17 -4.9 PPM 35.22399 -80.69455 4-Jun 7:46:22 -7.6 PPM 35.22396 -80.69456 4-Jun 7:46:27 -8.1 PPM 35.224 -80.69454 4-Jun 7:46:32 -7.1 PPM 35.22402 -80.6945 4-Jun 7:46:37 -0.7 PPM 35.22402 -80.69446 4-Jun 7:46:42 -7.6 PPM 35.22402 -80.69441 4-Jun 7:46:47 -7.7 PPM 35.224 -80.69436 4-Jun 7:46:52 -7.5 PPM 35.22401 -80.69433 4-Jun 7:46:57 -7.7 PPM 35.22398 -80.69436 4-Jun 7:47:02 -7.3 PPM 1 35.22399 -80.69445 4-Jun 7:47:07 -5.9 PPM 1 35.22398 -80.69453 4-Jun 7:47:12 -7.3 PPM 35.22397 -80.69456 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 3/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 7:47:17 -7.1 PPM 35.22397 -80.69454 4-Jun 7:47:22 -7.6 PPM 35.22401 -80.6944 4-Jun 7:47:27 -7.2 PPM 35.22403 -80.69414 4-Jun 7:47:32 -7.5 PPM 35.22399 -80.69394 4-Jun 7:47:37 -7.3 PPM 35.22398 -80.69378 4-Jun 7:47:42 -7.4 PPM 35.22404 -80.69371 4-Jun 7:47:47 -7 PPM 35.22411 -80.69359 4-Jun 7:47:52 -7.3 PPM 35.22419 -80.69342 4-Jun 7:47:57 -7.8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:02 -7.9 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:07 -8.1 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:12 -8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:17 -7.7 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:22 -7.5 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:27 -7.4 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:32 -6.6 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:37 -6.6 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:42 -7.8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:47 -8.1 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:52 -8.1 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:48:57 -8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:49:02 -7.8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:49:07 -7.6 PPM 35.22421 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:49:12 -7.8 PPM 35.22422 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:49:17 -7.9 PPM 35.22422 -80.69332 4-Jun 7:49:22 -7.8 PPM 35.22422 -80.69326 4-Jun 7:49:27 8.8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:49:32 22.2 PPM 35.22417 -80.69319 4-Jun 7:49:37 26.1 PPM 35.22416 -80.69319 4-Jun 7:49:42 7.9 PPM 35.22415 -80.69318 4-Jun 7:49:47 -2.4 PPM 35.22414 -80.69315 4-Jun 7:49:52 -2.1 PPM 35.22415 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:49:57 -4.2 PPM 35.22416 -80.69315 4-Jun 7:50:02 -4.6 PPM 35.22417 -80.69319 4-Jun 7:50:07 4.6 PPM 35.2242 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:50:12 -4.1 PPM 35.22421 -80.69324 4-Jun 7:50:17 4.6 PPM 35.22422 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:50:22 -2.7 PPM 35.22422 -80.69317 4-Jun 7:50:27 1.5 PPM 35.22422 -80.69312 4-Jun 7:50:32 1 PPM 35.22423 -80.6931 4-Jun 7:50:37 -1.7 PPM 35.22424 -80.69309 4-Jun 7:50:42 2.7 PPM 35.22424 -80.69309 4-Jun 7:50:47 2.5 PPM 35.22424 -80.69307 4-Jun 7:50:52 -1.1 PPM 35.22424 -80.69305 4-Jun 7:50:57 -2.6 PPM 35.22423 -80.69304 4-Jun 7:51:02 -4.8 PPM 35.2242 -80.69302 4-Jun 7:51:07 -4.3 PPM 35.22421 -80.69299 4-Jun 7:51:12 -3.3 PPM 35.22424 -80.69298 4-Jun 7:51:17 -3.9 PPM 35.22428 -80.69297 4-Jun 7:51:22 -3.1 PPM 35.22434 -80.69295 4-Jun 7:51:27 3 PPM 35.22439 -80.69292 4-Jun 7:51:32 -4.1 PPM 35.2244 -80.69291 4-Jun 7:51:37 -7.2 PPM 35.2244 -80.69292 4-Jun 7:51:42 -7.5 PPM 35.22445 -80.69294 4-Jun 7:51:47 -7.2 PPM 35.22445 -80.693 4-Jun 7:51:52 -4.2 PPM 1 35.22444 -80.69305 4-Jun 7:51:57 -3.7 PPM 1 35.22445 -80.69309 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 7:52:02 -8 PPM 35.22449 -80.6931 4-Jun 7:52:07 -6.7 PPM 35.22453 -80.69312 4-Jun 7:52:12 -4.8 PPM 35.22457 -80.69312 4-Jun 7:52:17 -7.9 PPM 35.22462 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:52:22 -8.8 PPM 35.22466 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:52:27 -8.5 PPM 35.22469 -80.69311 4-Jun 7:52:32 -9 PPM 35.2247 -80.69306 4-Jun 7:52:37 -9.7 PPM 35.2247 -80.69306 4-Jun 7:52:42 -5.4 PPM 35.22471 -80.6931 4-Jun 7:52:47 -7 PPM 35.22473 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:52:52 -2.2 PPM 35.22477 -80.69316 4-Jun 7:52:57 -7.9 PPM 35.22481 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:53:02 -8.2 PPM 35.22484 -80.69311 4-Jun 7:53:07 -8.2 PPM 35.22489 -80.69309 4-Jun 7:53:12 -7.9 PPM 35.22493 -80.69307 4-Jun 7:53:17 -1.5 PPM 35.22495 -80.69311 4-Jun 7:53:22 -2.6 PPM 35.22496 -80.69315 4-Jun 7:53:27 13.8 PPM 35.225 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:53:32 22.6 PPM 35.22502 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:53:37 5.6 PPM 35.22501 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:53:42 13.3 PPM 35.225 -80.69314 4-Jun 7:537 -3.5 PPM 35.22502 -80.6931 4-Jun 7:53:52 -5.1 PPM 35.22506 -80.69311 4-Jun 7:53:57 0.2 PPM 35.22508 -80.69315 4-Jun 7:54:02 -3 PPM 35.22509 -80.69319 4-Jun 7:54:07 -2.5 PPM 35.22511 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:54:12 -0.4 PPM 35.22515 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:54:17 5.4 PPM 35.22518 -80.69321 4-Jun 7:54:22 1.5 PPM 35.22522 -80.6932 4-Jun 7:54:27 -0.1 PPM 35.22525 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:54:32 2.8 PPM 35.22529 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:54:37 -6.9 PPM 35.2253 -80.69324 4-Jun 7:54:42 -6.6 PPM 35.2253 -80.69324 4-Jun 7:54:47 1.9 PPM 35.22533 -80.69326 4-Jun 7:54:52 0.1 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:54:57 0.7 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:02 -3.8 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:07 -5.7 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:12 -8.3 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:17 -7.9 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:22 -6.8 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:27 -6.8 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:32 -7.1 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:37 -7.1 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:42 -5.9 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:47 -5.4 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:52 -5.4 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:55:57 -6.9 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:56:02 -7.9 PPM 35.22533 -80.69327 4-Jun 7:56:07 -2.2 PPM 35.2253 -80.69329 4-Jun 7:56:12 -6.9 PPM 35.22526 -80.69328 4-Jun 7:56:17 -1.1 PPM 35.22523 -80.69326 4-Jun 7:56:22 3 PPM 35.22517 -80.69325 4-Jun 7:56:27 -4.6 PPM 35.22512 -80.69324 4-Jun 7:56:32 -4.2 PPM 35.22507 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:56:37 -5.3 PPM 35.22502 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:56:42 -8.9 PPM 35.22497 -80.69323 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 4/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 7:56:47 -6.6 PPM 35.2249 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:56:52 -5.9 PPM 35.22484 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:56:57 -6.3 PPM 35.22479 -80.6932 4-Jun 7:57:02 -6.2 PPM 35.22472 -80.69321 4-Jun 7:57:07 -4 PPM 35.22466 -80.69322 4-Jun 7:57:12 -6.5 PPM 35.2246 -80.69323 4-Jun 7:57:17 -6.2 PPM 35.22454 -80.69324 4-Jun 7:57:22 -7.4 PPM 35.22447 -80.69326 4-Jun 7:57:27 -7.1 PPM 35.22442 -80.69328 4-Jun 7:57:32 -7.6 PPM 35.22436 -80.69329 4-Jun 7:57:37 -9.2 PPM 35.2243 -80.69331 4-Jun 7:57:42 -9.1 PPM 35.22425 -80.69333 4-Jun 7:57:47 -8.3 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:57:52 -8.8 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:57:57 -9.4 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:02 -9.3 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:07 -9 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:12 -8.4 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:17 -8.4 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:22 -8.4 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:27 -8.7 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:32 -8.8 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:37 -8.4 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:42 -8.8 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:47 -9.1 PPM 35.22424 -80.69334 4-Jun 7:58:52 -8.9 PPM 35.22421 -80.69335 4-Jun 7:58:57 -8.9 PPM 35.22419 -80.69325 4-Jun 7:59:02 -9.1 PPM 35.22417 -80.69311 4-Jun 7:59:07 -2.5 PPM 35.22415 -80.69298 4-Jun 7:59:12 -5.2 PPM 35.22413 -80.6928 4-Jun 7:59:17 -8.4 PPM 35.22409 -80.69262 4-Jun 7:59:22 -9 PPM 35.22406 -80.69249 4-Jun 7:59:27 -9.4 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:32 -9.8 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:37 -9.7 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:42 -9.4 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:47 -9.3 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:52 -9.5 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 7:59:57 -9.4 PPM 35.22401 -80.69247 4-Jun 8:00:02 -9.6 PPM 35.22395 -80.69248 4-Jun 8:00:07 -9.6 PPM 35.22386 -80.69251 4-Jun 8:00:12 -7.9 PPM 35.22376 -80.69254 4-Jun 8:00:17 -8.8 PPM 35.22364 -80.69255 4-Jun 8:00:22 -9.3 PPM 35.22349 -80.6926 4-Jun 8:00:27 -8.9 PPM 35.22336 -80.69267 4-Jun 8:00:32 -4.4 PPM 35.22331 -80.6927 4-Jun 8:00:37 2.2 PPM 35.2233 -80.6927 4-Jun 8:00:42 -6.1 PPM 35.22329 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:00:47 -7.5 PPM 35.22327 -80.6927 4-Jun 8:00:52 -8.2 PPM 35.22328 -80.69271 4-Jun 8:00:57 -9.3 PPM 35.22325 -80.69273 4-Jun 8:01:02 2.2 PPM 35.22321 -80.69275 4-Jun 8:01:07 51.5 PPM 35.22322 -80.69271 4-Jun 8:01:12 2.8 PPM 35.22323 -80.69272 4-Jun 8:01:17 -8.5 PPM 1 35.22324 -80.69274 4-Jun 8:01:22 -6.9 PPM 1 35.22326 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:27 -8.9 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:01:32 -7.8 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:37 -5.4 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:42 -8.2 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:47 -8.9 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:52 -9.2 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:01:57 -9.2 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:02:02 -8.1 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:02:07 -9 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:02:12 6.8 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:02:17 2.7 PPM 35.22328 -80.69269 4-Jun 8:02:22 -5.7 PPM 35.22328 -80.6927 4-Jun 8:02:27 -9 PPM 35.22321 -80.69268 4-Jun 8:02:32 -9.7 PPM 35.22311 -80.69271 4-Jun 8:02:37 -9.7 PPM 35.223 -80.69277 4-Jun 8:02:42 -10 PPM 35.22292 -80.69282 4-Jun 8:02:47 -9.8 PPM 35.22292 -80.69282 4-Jun 8:02:52 -10 PPM 35.22292 -80.69282 4-Jun 8:02:57 -9.9 PPM 35.22287 -80.69285 4-Jun 8:03:02 -9.7 PPM 35.22275 -80.69285 4-Jun 8:03:07 -9.9 PPM 35.22274 -80.69271 4-Jun 8:03:12 -9.7 PPM 35.2229 -80.69252 4-Jun 8:03:17 -10 PPM 35.22301 -80.69238 4-Jun 8:03:22 -9.7 PPM 35.22308 -80.69222 4-Jun 8:03:27 -9.8 PPM 35.22315 -80.69209 4-Jun 8:03:32 -9.9 PPM 35.22316 -80.69204 4-Jun 8:03:37 -9.6 PPM 35.22316 -80.69204 4-Jun 8:03:42 -9.8 PPM 35.22316 -80.69204 4-Jun 8:03:47 -9.9 PPM 35.22316 -80.69204 4-Jun 8:03:52 -10 PPM 35.22317 -80.69202 4-Jun 8:03:57 -9.8 PPM 35.22322 -80.69189 4-Jun 8:04:02 -9.7 PPM 35.22331 -80.6917 4-Jun 8:04:07 -9.8 PPM 35.22348 -80.69153 4-Jun 8:04:12 -10 PPM 35.2236 -80.6913 4-Jun 8:04:17 -9.7 PPM 35.22368 -80.691 4-Jun 8:04:22 -9.7 PPM 35.22369 -80.69078 4-Jun 8:04:27 -9.4 PPM 35.22368 -80.69076 4-Jun 8:04:32 -9.5 PPM 35.22371 -80.69074 4-Jun 8:04:37 -9.8 PPM 35.22374 -80.69082 4-Jun 8:04:42 -9.8 PPM 35.22371 -80.69086 4-Jun 8:04:47 -10 PPM 35.22366 -80.69086 4-Jun 8:04:52 -10 PPM 35.22367 -80.6908 4-Jun 8:04:57 -10 PPM 35.22368 -80.69083 4-Jun 8:05:02 -10 PPM 35.22372 -80.6909 4-Jun 8:05:07 -10 PPM 35.22376 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:05:12 -10 PPM 35.22377 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:05:17 -10 PPM 35.22377 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:05:22 -10 PPM 35.22387 -80.69091 4-Jun 8:05:27 -10 PPM 35.22399 -80.69083 4-Jun 8:05:32 -10 PPM 35.22406 -80.69077 4-Jun 8:05:37 -10 PPM 35.22406 -80.69076 4-Jun 8:05:42 -10 PPM 35.22417 -80.6907 4-Jun 8:05:47 -10 PPM 35.22437 -80.69072 4-Jun 8:05:52 -10 PPM 35.22458 -80.69075 4-Jun 8:05:57 -10 PPM 35.22477 -80.69071 4-Jun 8:06:02 -10 PPM 35.22489 -80.69071 4-1un 8:06:07 -10 PPM 1 35.22502 -80.69073 4-Jun 8:06:12 -10 PPM 1 35.22513 -80.69067 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 5/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:06:17 -10 PPM 35.22516 -80.69061 4-Jun 8:06:22 -11 PPM 35.22521 -80.69046 4-Jun 8:06:27 -10 PPM 35.22528 -80.69033 4-Jun 8:06:32 -10 PPM 35.22534 -80.69025 4-Jun 8:06:37 -10 PPM 35.22542 -80.69013 4-Jun 8:06:42 -9.9 PPM 35.22555 -80.69001 4-Jun 8:06:47 -9.4 PPM 35.22568 -80.68995 4-Jun 8:06:52 -9.8 PPM 35.22582 -80.68986 4-Jun 8:06:57 -9.6 PPM 35.22588 -80.68965 4-Jun 8:07:02 -10 PPM 35.22576 -80.68943 4-Jun 8:07:07 -9.8 PPM 35.22563 -80.6892 4-Jun 8:07:12 -9.2 PPM 35.22555 -80.68904 4-Jun 8:07:17 -9.1 PPM 35.22553 -80.68904 4-Jun 8:07:22 -8.4 PPM 35.2255 -80.68905 4-Jun 8:07:27 -9 PPM 35.2255 -80.68906 4-Jun 8:07:32 -9.5 PPM 35.22553 -80.68905 4-Jun 8:07:37 -10 PPM 35.22553 -80.68906 4-Jun 8:07:42 -10 PPM 35.22556 -80.68902 4-Jun 8:07:47 -9.7 PPM 35.22567 -80.68885 4-Jun 8:07:52 -10 PPM 35.22576 -80.68865 4-Jun 8:07:57 -10 PPM 35.22578 -80.68845 4-Jun 8:08:02 -9.6 PPM 35.2257 -80.68815 4-Jun 8:08:07 -10 PPM 35.22563 -80.6879 4-Jun 8:08:12 -10 PPM 35.22554 -80.68778 4-Jun 8:08:17 -7.7 PPM 35.2255 -80.68775 4-Jun 8:08:22 -9.8 PPM 35.22549 -80.68774 4-Jun 8:08:27 -8.6 PPM 35.22548 -80.68772 4-Jun 8:08:32 -7.9 PPM 35.22548 -80.68772 4-Jun 8:08:37 -9.9 PPM 35.22548 -80.68772 4-Jun 8:08:42 -7.7 PPM 35.22546 -80.68768 4-Jun 8:08:47 -5.6 PPM 35.22546 -80.68762 4-Jun 8:08:52 -10 PPM 35.22544 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:08:57 -10 PPM 35.22538 -80.68745 4-Jun 8:09:02 -10 PPM 35.2253 -80.68732 4-Jun 8:09:07 -10 PPM 35.22515 -80.68732 4-Jun 8:09:12 -11 PPM 35.22493 -80.68742 4-Jun 8:09:17 -11 PPM 35.22475 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:09:22 -10 PPM 35.22473 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:09:27 -9.4 PPM 35.22467 -80.6875 4-Jun 8:09:32 -3.7 PPM 35.22462 -80.68747 4-Jun 8:09:37 -9 PPM 35.22458 -80.68746 4-Jun 8:09:42 0.8 PPM 35.22455 -80.68746 4-Jun 8:09:47 -7 PPM 35.22454 -80.68749 4-Jun 8:09:52 -8.9 PPM 35.22452 -80.68749 4-Jun 8:09:57 -10 PPM 35.22451 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:10:02 -10 PPM 35.22449 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:07 -11 PPM 35.22449 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:12 -11 PPM 35.22449 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:17 -11 PPM 35.22451 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:22 -11 PPM 35.22455 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:27 -7 PPM 35.22455 -80.68752 4-Jun 8:10:32 -9.4 PPM 35.22453 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:10:37 -8.6 PPM 35.22457 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:10:42 -11 PPM 35.22463 -80.6875 4-Jun 8:10:47 -9.5 PPM 35.22469 -80.68753 4-Jun 8:10:52 -11 PPM 1 35.22472 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:10:57 -10 PPM 1 35.22472 -80.68756 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:11:02 -10 PPM 35.2247 -80.68756 4-Jun 8:11:07 -6.2 PPM 35.22468 -80.68751 4-Jun 8:11:12 -8.4 PPM 35.2247 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:11:17 -7.5 PPM 35.2247 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:11:22 -8.8 PPM 35.2247 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:11:27 -9 PPM 35.2247 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:11:32 -9.3 PPM 35.22466 -80.68751 4-Jun 8:11:37 -9.3 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:11:42 -9.3 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:11:47 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:11:52 -9.8 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:11:57 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:02 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:07 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:12 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:17 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:22 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:27 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:32 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:37 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:42 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:127 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:52 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:12:57 -9 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:02 -9.6 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:07 -8.3 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:12 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:17 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:22 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:27 -9.7 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:32 -10 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:37 -9.9 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:42 -11 PPM 35.22462 -80.68754 4-Jun 8:13:47 9.5 PPM 35.22467 -80.68745 4-Jun 8:13:52 -10 PPM 35.22477 -80.68723 4-Jun 8:13:57 -11 PPM 35.22486 -80.68698 4-Jun 8:14:02 -11 PPM 35.22488 -80.68677 4-Jun 8:14:07 -11 PPM 35.2248 -80.68663 4-Jun 8:14:12 -11 PPM 35.22471 -80.68651 4-Jun 8:14:17 -11 PPM 35.22459 -80.68649 4-Jun 8:14:22 -11 PPM 35.22443 -80.68656 4-Jun 8:14:27 -11 PPM 35.2242 -80.68644 4-Jun 8:14:32 -11 PPM 35.22401 -80.68629 4-Jun 8:14:37 -11 PPM 35.22389 -80.68624 4-Jun 8:14:42 -11 PPM 35.2239 -80.68624 4-Jun 8:14:47 -11 PPM 35.22388 -80.68623 4-Jun 8:14:52 -10 PPM 35.22388 -80.68621 4-Jun 8:14:57 -11 PPM 35.22384 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:15:02 -10 PPM 35.2238 -80.68618 4-Jun 8:15:07 -11 PPM 35.22378 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:15:12 -10 PPM 35.22378 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:15:17 -10 PPM 35.22378 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:15:22 -9.6 PPM 35.22378 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:15:27 -11 PPM 35.22378 -80.68622 4-Jun 8:15:32 -11 PPM 35.2238 -80.68624 4-Jun 8:15:37 -11 PPM 1 35.22379 -80.68626 4-Jun 8:15:42 -11 PPM 1 35.22373 -80.68628 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 6/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:15:47 -11 PPM 35.22368 -80.6863 4-Jun 8:15:52 -11 PPM 35.22365 -80.68626 4-Jun 8:15:57 -8.1 PPM 35.2237 -80.68623 4-Jun 8:16:02 -9.4 PPM 35.22375 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:07 -10 PPM 35.22379 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:12 -11 PPM 35.22385 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:17 -11 PPM 35.22387 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:22 -11 PPM 35.22387 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:27 -11 PPM 35.22387 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:32 -11 PPM 35.22387 -80.6862 4-Jun 8:16:37 -11 PPM 35.22387 -80.68622 4-Jun 8:16:42 -11 PPM 35.22384 -80.68623 4-Jun 8:16:47 -11 PPM 35.22359 -80.68615 4-Jun 8:16:52 -11 PPM 35.22333 -80.68608 4-Jun 8:16:57 -11 PPM 35.2231 -80.68602 4-Jun 8:17:02 -11 PPM 35.2229 -80.68595 4-Jun 8:17:07 -11 PPM 35.2227 -80.68602 4-Jun 8:17:12 -11 PPM 35.22262 -80.68628 4-Jun 8:17:17 -11 PPM 35.22262 -80.68662 4-Jun 8:17:22 -11 PPM 35.22261 -80.6869 4-Jun 8:17:27 -11 PPM 35.22253 -80.68714 4-Jun 8:17:32 -11 PPM 35.22239 -80.68727 4-Jun 8:17:37 -11 PPM 35.22218 -80.68728 4-Jun 8:17:42 -11 PPM 35.22204 -80.68733 4-Jun 8:17:47 -11 PPM 35.222 -80.68748 4-Jun 8:17:52 -11 PPM 35.22196 -80.68762 4-Jun 8:17:57 -11 PPM 35.22182 -80.68766 4-Jun 8:18:02 -11 PPM 35.22173 -80.68767 4-Jun 8:18:07 -11 PPM 35.22161 -80.68768 4-Jun 8:18:12 -11 PPM 35.22151 -80.6877 4-Jun 8:18:17 -11 PPM 35.22144 -80.6878 4-Jun 8:18:22 -11 PPM 35.22139 -80.68786 4-Jun 8:18:27 -11 PPM 35.22137 -80.68785 4-Jun 8:18:32 -11 PPM 35.22133 -80.6879 4-Jun 8:18:37 -11 PPM 35.22125 -80.68802 4-Jun 8:18:42 -11 PPM 35.22119 -80.68811 4-Jun 8:18:47 -11 PPM 35.22119 -80.68812 4-Jun 8:18:52 -11 PPM 35.22119 -80.68812 4-Jun 8:18:57 -11 PPM 35.22119 -80.68812 4-Jun 8:19:02 -11 PPM 35.22118 -80.68813 4-Jun 8:19:07 -11 PPM 35.22103 -80.68818 4-Jun 8:19:12 -11 PPM 35.22082 -80.68818 4-Jun 8:19:17 -11 PPM 35.22062 -80.68814 4-Jun 8:19:22 -11 PPM 35.22045 -80.68807 4-Jun 8:19:27 -11 PPM 35.22027 -80.68807 4-Jun 8:19:32 -11 PPM 35.22008 -80.68802 4-Jun 8:19:37 -11 PPM 35.21993 -80.68798 4-Jun 8:19:42 -11 PPM 35.21985 -80.68797 4-Jun 8:19:47 -11 PPM 35.21979 -80.68799 4-Jun 8:19:52 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:19:57 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:02 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:07 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:12 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:17 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:22 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:27 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:20:32 -11 PPM 35.21977 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:37 -11 PPM 35.2197 -80.688 4-Jun 8:20:42 -11 PPM 35.21956 -80.68802 4-Jun 8:20:47 -10 PPM 35.21935 -80.68803 4-Jun 8:20:52 -11 PPM 35.21911 -80.68808 4-Jun 8:20:57 -11 PPM 35.21904 -80.68809 4-Jun 8:21:02 -11 PPM 35.21902 -80.68808 4-Jun 8:21:07 -11 PPM 35.21881 -80.68807 4-Jun 8:21:12 -10 PPM 35.21854 -80.68809 4-Jun 8:21:17 -11 PPM 35.21828 -80.68812 4-Jun 8:21:22 -9.9 PPM 35.21802 -80.68818 4-Jun 8:21:27 -11 PPM 35.21775 -80.68823 4-Jun 8:21:32 -11 PPM 35.21753 -80.68819 4-Jun 8:21:37 -11 PPM 35.2174 -80.68816 4-Jun 8:21:42 -12 PPM 35.21741 -80.68816 4-Jun 8:21:47 -11 PPM 35.21741 -80.68816 4-Jun 8:21:52 -11 PPM 35.21739 -80.68817 4-Jun 8:21:57 -11 PPM 35.21737 -80.68815 4-Jun 8:22:02 -11 PPM 35.21732 -80.68816 4-Jun 8:22:07 -12 PPM 35.21731 -80.68817 4-Jun 8:22:12 -12 PPM 35.2173 -80.68817 4-Jun 8:22:17 -11 PPM 35.2173 -80.68817 4-Jun 8:22:22 -11 PPM 35.21732 -80.68818 4-Jun 8:22:27 -12 PPM 35.21731 -80.68818 4-Jun 8:22:32 -12 PPM 35.21732 -80.68819 4-Jun 8:22:37 -11 PPM 35.21734 -80.68823 4-Jun 8:22:42 -11 PPM 35.21734 -80.68823 4-Jun 8:22:47 -11 PPM 35.21739 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:22:52 -11 PPM 35.21742 -80.68825 4-Jun 8:22:57 -11 PPM 35.21746 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:23:02 -11 PPM 35.21747 -80.68829 4-Jun 8:23:07 -11 PPM 35.2175 -80.6883 4-Jun 8:23:12 -11 PPM 35.21753 -80.68828 4-Jun 8:23:17 -11 PPM 35.21753 -80.68828 4-Jun 8:23:22 -11 PPM 35.21755 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:23:27 -11 PPM 35.21755 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:23:32 -11 PPM 35.21755 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:23:37 -11 PPM 35.21755 -80.68826 4-Jun 8:23:42 -11 PPM 35.21752 -80.68824 4-Jun 8:23:47 -11 PPM 35.2175 -80.68822 4-Jun 8:23:52 -12 PPM 35.2175 -80.6882 4-Jun 8:23:57 -11 PPM 35.21749 -80.68819 4-Jun 8:24:02 -11 PPM 35.21739 -80.68813 4-Jun 8:24:07 -11 PPM 35.21726 -80.68807 4-Jun 8:24:12 -11 PPM 35.21715 -80.68795 4-Jun 8:24:17 -11 PPM 35.21702 -80.68787 4-Jun 8:24:22 -12 PPM 35.21694 -80.68788 4-Jun 8:24:27 -11 PPM 35.21685 -80.68791 4-Jun 8:24:32 -11 PPM 35.21674 -80.68797 4-Jun 8:24:37 -11 PPM 35.21663 -80.688 4-Jun 8:24:42 -11 PPM 35.21652 -80.68805 4-Jun 8:24:47 -11 PPM 35.21644 -80.68814 4-Jun 8:24:52 -12 PPM 35.21638 -80.68825 4-Jun 8:24:57 -11 PPM 35.21634 -80.68837 4-Jun 8:25:02 -11 PPM 35.21628 -80.68849 4-Jun 8:25:07 -12 PPM 35.21627 -80.68863 4-Jun 8:25:12 -12 PPM 35.2163 -80.68878 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 7/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:25:17 -12 PPM 35.21631 -80.68887 4-Jun 8:25:22 -11 PPM 35.21632 -80.68894 4-Jun 8:25:27 -12 PPM 35.21633 -80.68898 4-Jun 8:25:32 -12 PPM 35.21634 -80.68901 4-Jun 8:25:37 -11 PPM 35.21636 -80.68915 4-Jun 8:25:42 -11 PPM 35.21643 -80.68928 4-Jun 8:25:47 -12 PPM 35.21655 -80.68942 4-Jun 8:25:52 -11 PPM 35.21668 -80.68956 4-Jun 8:25:57 -11 PPM 35.21682 -80.6896 4-Jun 8:26:02 -10 PPM 35.21696 -80.68957 4-Jun 8:26:07 -10 PPM 35.21702 -80.68957 4-Jun 8:26:12 -7.6 PPM 35.21701 -80.68959 4-Jun 8:26:17 -6.2 PPM 35.21698 -80.68957 4-Jun 8:26:22 -3.7 PPM 35.21696 -80.68955 4-Jun 8:26:27 -5.2 PPM 35.21695 -80.68954 4-Jun 8:26:32 -11 PPM 35.21697 -80.68949 4-Jun 8:26:37 -7.9 PPM 35.21698 -80.68948 4-Jun 8:26:42 -11 PPM 35.21702 -80.68942 4-Jun 8:26:47 -11 PPM 35.21705 -80.68934 4-Jun 8:26:52 -11 PPM 35.2171 -80.6893 4-Jun 8:26:57 -8.6 PPM 35.21716 -80.68926 4-Jun 8:27:02 -8.7 PPM 35.21719 -80.6892 4-Jun 8:27:07 -8.9 PPM 35.21722 -80.68915 4-Jun 8:27:12 -10 PPM 35.21724 -80.68908 4-Jun 8:27:17 -10 PPM 35.21725 -80.68902 4-Jun 8:27:22 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.68898 4-Jun 8:27:27 -3.5 PPM 35.21726 -80.68895 4-Jun 8:27:32 -6.6 PPM 35.21729 -80.68895 4-Jun 8:27:37 -9.2 PPM 35.21728 -80.68897 4-Jun 8:27:42 -11 PPM 35.21731 -80.68897 4-Jun 8:27:47 -4.2 PPM 35.21731 -80.68895 4-Jun 8:27:52 236 PPM 35.2173 -80.68893 4-Jun 8:27:57 -1.8 PPM 35.2173 -80.68892 4-Jun 8:28:02 201 PPM 35.21731 -80.68891 4-Jun 8:28:07 22.9 PPM 35.21731 -80.68891 4-Jun 8:28:12 18.5 PPM 35.21732 -80.6889 4-Jun 8:28:17 26.6 PPM 35.21732 -80.6889 4-Jun 8:28:22 39.1 PPM 35.21734 -80.68889 4-Jun 8:28:27 57.3 PPM 35.21736 -80.68886 4-Jun 8:28:32 -3 PPM 35.21741 -80.68887 4-Jun 8:28:37 -7 PPM 35.21742 -80.68891 4-Jun 8:28:42 -8.6 PPM 35.21745 -80.68892 4-Jun 8:28:47 -9.5 PPM 35.21746 -80.689 4-Jun 8:28:52 -11 PPM 35.21742 -80.68906 4-Jun 8:28:57 -11 PPM 35.2174 -80.68912 4-Jun 8:29:02 -9.2 PPM 35.21737 -80.68918 4-Jun 8:29:07 -8.9 PPM 35.21735 -80.68926 4-Jun 8:29:12 -9.4 PPM 35.21734 -80.68933 4-Jun 8:29:17 -11 PPM 35.2173 -80.68939 4-Jun 8:29:22 -10 PPM 35.21726 -80.68945 4-Jun 8:29:27 -8.1 PPM 35.2172 -80.68948 4-Jun 8:29:32 -1.7 PPM 35.21715 -80.68951 4-Jun 8:29:37 -3.8 PPM 35.21713 -80.68952 4-Jun 8:29:42 6.2 PPM 35.21708 -80.68953 4-Jun 8:29:47 0.3 PPM 35.21708 -80.68953 4-Jun 8:29:52 -0.4 PPM 35.21708 -80.68953 4-Jun 8:29:57 -5.9 PPM 35.21715 -80.68949 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:30:02 -2 PPM 35.21734 -80.68943 4-Jun 8:30:07 -11 PPM 35.21749 -80.68955 4-Jun 8:30:12 -11 PPM 35.21759 -80.68967 4-Jun 8:30:17 -11 PPM 35.21772 -80.68976 4-Jun 8:30:22 -11 PPM 35.21779 -80.68994 4-Jun 8:30:27 -10 PPM 35.21766 -80.69005 4-Jun 8:30:32 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69004 4-Jun 8:30:37 -11 PPM 35.21754 -80.69009 4-Jun 8:30:42 -10 PPM 35.2174 -80.69018 4-Jun 8:30:47 -7.2 PPM 35.21723 -80.6903 4-Jun 8:30:52 -7.8 PPM 35.21718 -80.69035 4-Jun 8:30:57 -5.5 PPM 35.21716 -80.69036 4-Jun 8:31:02 -6.9 PPM 35.21716 -80.69038 4-Jun 8:31:07 46.7 PPM 35.21718 -80.6904 4-Jun 8:31:12 -10 PPM 35.2172 -80.69047 4-Jun 8:31:17 0.4 PPM 35.21717 -80.69048 4-Jun 8:31:22 -1.4 PPM 35.21716 -80.69048 4-Jun 8:31:27 1 PPM 35.21718 -80.69048 4-Jun 8:31:32 -1.1 PPM 35.21723 -80.69048 4-Jun 8:31:37 -11 PPM 35.21727 -80.69052 4-Jun 8:31:42 -11 PPM 35.21732 -80.69054 4-Jun 8:317 -11 PPM 35.21736 -80.69056 4-Jun 8:31:52 -6.9 PPM 35.21737 -80.6906 4-Jun 8:31:57 -9.8 PPM 35.21737 -80.6906 4-Jun 8:32:02 -10 PPM 35.21737 -80.69062 4-Jun 8:32:07 -8.6 PPM 35.21743 -80.69062 4-Jun 8:32:12 -10 PPM 35.21745 -80.69065 4-Jun 8:32:17 -3.8 PPM 35.2175 -80.69068 4-Jun 8:32:22 -4 PPM 35.21755 -80.69068 4-Jun 8:32:27 8.9 PPM 35.2176 -80.69069 4-Jun 8:32:32 -7.7 PPM 35.21761 -80.69073 4-Jun 8:32:37 -11 PPM 35.2176 -80.69077 4-Jun 8:32:42 -11 PPM 35.21762 -80.69082 4-Jun 8:32:47 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:32:52 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:32:57 -9.6 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:33:02 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:33:07 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:33:12 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:33:17 -11 PPM 35.21763 -80.69081 4-Jun 8:33:22 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69683 4-Jun 8:33:27 -12 PPM 35.21768 -80.69085 4-Jun 8:33:32 -12 PPM 35.21773 -80.69088 4-Jun 8:33:37 -11 PPM 35.21778 -80.69091 4-Jun 8:33:42 -6.4 PPM 35.2178 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:33:47 3.4 PPM 35.21779 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:33:52 -8 PPM 35.21779 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:33:57 -11 PPM 35.21779 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:34:02 -9.6 PPM 35.21779 -80.69096 4-Jun 8:34:07 -11 PPM 35.21774 -80.69096 4-Jun 8:34:12 -12 PPM 35.21768 -80.69098 4-Jun 8:34:17 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69097 4-Jun 8:34:22 -9.1 PPM 35.21764 -80.69097 4-Jun 8:34:27 -6.7 PPM 35.21764 -80.69097 4-Jun 8:34:32 -9 PPM 35.21764 -80.69097 4-Jun 8:34:37 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.691 4-Jun 8:34:42 -12 PPM 1 35.21764 -80.69101 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 8/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:34:47 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:34:52 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:34:57 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:02 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:07 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:12 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:17 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:22 -9.8 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:27 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:32 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:37 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:42 -9.7 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:47 -6.5 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:52 -6.6 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:35:57 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:02 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:07 -12 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:12 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:17 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:22 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:27 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:32 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:37 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:42 -11 PPM 35.21764 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:47 -11 PPM 35.21765 -80.69103 4-Jun 8:36:52 -11 PPM 35.21762 -80.69101 4-Jun 8:36:57 -10 PPM 35.21758 -80.69097 4-Jun 8:37:02 -2.1 PPM 35.21753 -80.69095 4-Jun 8:37:07 2.7 PPM 35.21751 -80.69092 4-Jun 8:37:12 -7.6 PPM 35.21747 -80.69087 4-Jun 8:37:17 -11 PPM 35.21744 -80.69082 4-Jun 8:37:22 -0.5 PPM 35.21741 -80.69079 4-Jun 8:37:27 -9.8 PPM 35.2174 -80.69083 4-Jun 8:37:32 -11 PPM 35.21737 -80.69087 4-Jun 8:37:37 -11 PPM 35.21732 -80.69088 4-Jun 8:37:42 -11 PPM 35.2173 -80.69091 4-Jun 8:37:47 -11 PPM 35.21727 -80.69087 4-Jun 8:37:52 -12 PPM 35.21729 -80.69082 4-Jun 8:37:57 -11 PPM 35.21726 -80.69078 4-Jun 8:38:02 -11 PPM 35.21724 -80.69072 4-Jun 8:38:07 -11 PPM 35.21722 -80.69065 4-Jun 8:38:12 -11 PPM 35.2172 -80.69058 4-Jun 8:38:17 30.8 PPM 35.21719 -80.69052 4-Jun 8:38:22 -6.3 PPM 35.21716 -80.69045 4-Jun 8:38:27 -8.1 PPM 35.21716 -80.69038 4-Jun 8:38:32 -8.5 PPM 35.21717 -80.69035 4-Jun 8:38:37 -1.5 PPM 35.21717 -80.69035 4-Jun 8:38:42 -1.1 PPM 35.21717 -80.69037 4-Jun 8:38:47 -6.8 PPM 35.21706 -80.6905 4-Jun 8:38:52 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69069 4-Jun 8:38:57 -11 PPM 35.2169 -80.69089 4-Jun 8:39:02 -11 PPM 35.21688 -80.69113 4-Jun 8:39:07 -9.5 PPM 35.21688 -80.69134 4-Jun 8:39:12 5.2 PPM 35.2169 -80.69154 4-Jun 8:39:17 18.7 PPM 35.21692 -80.69168 4-Jun 8:39:22 -9.9 PPM 35.21692 -80.69172 4-Jun 8:39:27 -9.9 PPM 35.21694 -80.69177 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:39:32 -7.9 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:39:37 -9.4 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:39:42 -2.6 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:39:47 -9 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:39:52 -7.4 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:39:57 -11 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:02 -4.7 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:07 -4 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:12 -4.9 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:17 -6.7 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:22 -5.7 PPM 35.21694 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:40:27 -5.6 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:32 -8.7 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:37 -10 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:42 -9.3 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:47 -10 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:52 -11 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:40:57 -10 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:41:02 -11 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:41:07 -11 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:41:12 -9.9 PPM 35.21692 -80.6918 4-Jun 8:41:17 -11 PPM 35.21693 -80.69176 4-Jun 8:41:22 -10 PPM 35.21695 -80.6917 4-Jun 8:41:27 -11 PPM 35.21698 -80.69164 4-Jun 8:41:32 -9.8 PPM 35.21702 -80.69159 4-Jun 8:41:37 1.2 PPM 35.21706 -80.69155 4-Jun 8:41:42 20.4 PPM 35.21712 -80.6915 4-Jun 8:41:47 7.4 PPM 35.21717 -80.69147 4-Jun 8:41:52 16.5 PPM 35.21721 -80.69143 4-Jun 8:41:57 -3.7 PPM 35.21724 -80.69139 4-Jun 8:42:02 -11 PPM 35.21724 -80.69143 4-Jun 8:42:07 2.4 PPM 35.21721 -80.69147 4-Jun 8:42:12 26.2 PPM 35.21717 -80.6915 4-Jun 8:42:17 -9.4 PPM 35.21714 -80.69153 4-Jun 8:42:22 10 PPM 35.21711 -80.69158 4-Jun 8:42:27 32.7 PPM 35.21711 -80.69162 4-Jun 8:42:32 46.9 PPM 35.21715 -80.69162 4-Jun 8:42:37 26.7 PPM 35.2172 -80.6916 4-Jun 8:42:42 -1.5 PPM 35.21724 -80.69156 4-Jun 8:42:47 -11 PPM 35.21728 -80.69153 4-Jun 8:42:52 -12 PPM 35.21732 -80.69154 4-Jun 8:42:57 -12 PPM 35.21732 -80.69159 4-Jun 8:43:02 -12 PPM 35.21729 -80.69162 4-Jun 8:43:07 -4.2 PPM 35.21725 -80.69164 4-Jun 8:43:12 4.3 PPM 35.21719 -80.69165 4-Jun 8:43:17 7 PPM 35.21718 -80.69166 4-Jun 8:43:22 1.2 PPM 35.21714 -80.69168 4-Jun 8:43:27 1.7 PPM 35.21712 -80.69171 4-Jun 8:43:32 9.5 PPM 35.21716 -80.69174 4-Jun 8:43:37 -5.9 PPM 35.21721 -80.69176 4-Jun 8:43:42 -2.2 PPM 35.21718 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:43:47 4.6 PPM 35.21712 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:43:52 -0.6 PPM 35.21705 -80.69178 4-Jun 8:43:57 -10 PPM 35.21698 -80.69176 4-Jun 8:44:02 -10 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:07 -9.8 PPM 1 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:12 -9 PPM 1 35.21696 -80.69177 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 9/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:44:17 -6.4 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:22 -8.5 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:27 -8.1 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:32 -9.8 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:37 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:42 -10 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:47 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:52 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:44:57 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:45:02 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:45:07 -11 PPM 35.21696 -80.69177 4-Jun 8:45:12 -10 PPM 35.21695 -80.6919 4-Jun 8:45:17 -9.9 PPM 35.21696 -80.69208 4-Jun 8:45:22 -10 PPM 35.21703 -80.69227 4-Jun 8:45:27 -10 PPM 35.21711 -80.69245 4-Jun 8:45:32 -11 PPM 35.21721 -80.69258 4-Jun 8:45:37 -11 PPM 35.21722 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:45:42 -11 PPM 35.21721 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:45:47 -12 PPM 35.21721 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:45:52 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.6926 4-Jun 8:45:57 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:02 -10 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:07 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:12 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:17 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:22 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:27 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:32 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:37 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:42 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:47 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:52 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:46:57 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:02 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:07 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:12 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:17 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:22 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:27 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:32 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:37 -12 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:42 -11 PPM 35.21723 -80.69261 4-Jun 8:47:47 -11 PPM 35.21726 -80.6926 4-Jun 8:47:52 -1.8 PPM 35.2173 -80.69257 4-Jun 8:47:57 -11 PPM 35.21733 -80.69254 4-Jun 8:48:02 -11 PPM 35.21737 -80.6925 4-Jun 8:48:07 -10 PPM 35.21743 -80.69246 4-Jun 8:48:12 -11 PPM 35.21747 -80.69243 4-Jun 8:48:17 -8.4 PPM 35.21743 -80.69243 4-Jun 8:48:22 -11 PPM 35.21739 -80.69245 4-Jun 8:48:27 -11 PPM 35.21735 -80.69247 4-Jun 8:48:32 11.3 PPM 35.21731 -80.6925 4-Jun 8:48:37 -9.1 PPM 35.21727 -80.69252 4-Jun 8:48:42 5.5 PPM 35.21726 -80.69248 4-Jun 8:48:47 2.9 PPM 35.21729 -80.69244 4-Jun 8:48:52 -9.5 PPM 35.21729 -80.69242 4-Jun 8:48:57 -5.9 PPM 1 35.21732 -80.69238 SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C87DEEE-0544-4397-BOB5-DABBF9CBE8E7 ADDRESS TEL I WEB SMITH GARDNER SUBJECT Table 2 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 DATE 6/7/2021 SITE Harrisburg Road JOB # DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT LONG 4-Jun 8:49:02 -7.4 PPM 35.21736 -80.69233 4-Jun 8:49:07 0.2 PPM 35.21738 -80.69232 4-Jun 8:49:12 9.6 PPM 35.21737 -80.69231 4-Jun 8:49:17 -9.4 PPM 35.21733 -80.69234 4-Jun 8:49:22 -11 PPM 35.2173 -80.69236 4-Jun 8:49:27 41.9 PPM 35.21727 -80.69239 4-Jun 8:49:32 -7.5 PPM 35.21724 -80.69243 4-Jun 8:49:37 93.5 PPM 35.21725 -80.69243 4-Jun 8:49:42 -3.3 PPM 35.21723 -80.69247 4-Jun 8:49:47 -12 PPM 35.21719 -80.69246 4-Jun 8:49:52 -11 PPM 35.2172 -80.69242 4-Jun 8:49:57 -0.2 PPM 35.21722 -80.69239 4-Jun 8:50:02 54.6 PPM 35.21726 -80.69235 4-Jun 8:50:07 -9.7 PPM 35.21729 -80.69231 4-Jun 8:50:12 -7.5 PPM 35.21732 -80.69227 4-Jun 8:50:17 -11 PPM 35.21736 -80.69223 4-Jun 8:50:22 -10 PPM 35.21739 -80.69218 4-Jun 8:50:27 -12 PPM 35.2174 -80.69214 4-Jun 8:50:32 -12 PPM 35.21742 -80.69208 4-Jun 8:50:37 -11 PPM 35.21745 -80.69203 4-Jun 8:50:42 -11 PPM 35.21744 -80.69202 4-Jun 8:507 -12 PPM 35.21741 -80.69205 4-Jun 8:50:52 -12 PPM 35.21738 -80.69209 4-Jun 8:50:57 -12 PPM 35.21734 -80.69214 4-Jun 8:51:02 -12 PPM 35.21731 -80.69219 4-Jun 8:51:07 -7.3 PPM 35.21728 -80.69224 4-Jun 8:51:12 58.6 PPM 35.21726 -80.69229 4-Jun 8:51:17 -6.8 PPM 35.21724 -80.69232 4-Jun 8:51:22 2.6 PPM 35.21724 -80.6923 4-Jun 8:51:27 -7.5 PPM 35.21721 -80.69225 4-Jun 8:51:32 -5.7 PPM 35.21718 -80.6922 4-Jun 8:51:37 -9.5 PPM 35.21715 -80.69215 4-Jun 8:51:42 -4.2 PPM 35.21713 -80.69219 4-Jun 8:51:47 -11 PPM 35.21712 -80.69224 4-Jun 8:51:52 -11 PPM 35.21712 -80.69231 4-Jun 8:51:57 -11 PPM 35.21713 -80.69237 4-Jun 8:52:02 -12 PPM 35.21716 -80.69243 4-Jun 8:52:07 -12 PPM 35.21718 -80.6925 4-Jun 8:52:12 -12 PPM 35.21721 -80.69255 4-Jun 8:52:17 -12 PPM 35.21722 -80.69257 4-Jun 8:52:22 -12 PPM 35.21722 -80.69267 4-Jun 8:52:27 -12 PPM 35.21728 -80.69296 4-Jun 8:52:32 -12 PPM 35.21738 -80.69323 4-Jun 8:52:37 -12 PPM 35.2175 -80.69346 4-Jun 8:52:42 -12 PPM 35.21762 -80.69372 4-Jun 8:52:47 -12 PPM 35.21775 -80.69396 4-Jun 8:52:52 -12 PPM 35.21788 -80.69411 4-Jun 8:52:57 -12 PPM 35.21796 -80.69429 4-Jun 8:53:02 -12 PPM 35.21807 -80.69454 4-Jun 8:53:07 -9.9 PPM 35.21821 -80.69482 4-Jun 8:53:12 -7.1 PPM 35.21835 -80.69508 4-Jun 8:53:17 31.9 PPM 35.21851 -80.69531 4-Jun 8:53:22 -6.4 PPM 35.21869 -80.69556 4-Jun 8:53:27 -11 PPM 35.21886 -80.6958 4-Jun 8:53:32 -12 PPM 35.21904 -80.69602 4-Jun 8:53:37 -12 PPM 35.21929 -80.69607 4-Jun 8:53:42 -12 PPM 35.21954 -80.69618 919.828.0577 1 www.smithgardnerinc.com MECKLENBURG-20-1 SHEET TECHNICIAN CHECKED BY 10/10 SCR DATE TIME FID CONCENTRATION GPS LOCATION LAT I LONG 4-Jun 8:53:47 -12 PPM 35.21972 -80.69642 4-Jun 8:53:52 -11 PPM 35.21992 -80.69652 4-Jun 8:53:57 -12 PPM 35.22015 -80.69639 4-Jun 8:54:02 -12 PPM 35.22028 -80.69616 4-Jun 8:54:07 -11 PPM 35.2202 -80.69601 4-Jun 8:54:12 -8.7 PPM 35.22004 -80.69602 4-Jun 8:54:17 -7.8 PPM 35.21997 -80.69602 4-Jun 8:54:22 -8.2 PPM 35.21992 -80.69602 4-Jun 8:54:27 -8.1 PPM 35.21992 -80.69602 4-Jun 8:54:32 -7.8 PPM 35.21992 -80.69604 4-Jun 8:54:37 -7.5 PPM 35.21991 -80.69607 4-Jun 8:54:42 -7.6 PPM 35.21992 -80.69609 4-Jun 8:54:47 -7.8 PPM No Data 4-Jun 8:54:52 -7.4 PPM No Data 4-Jun 8:54:57 -7.9 PPM No Data 4-Jun 8:55:02 -8 PPM No Data 4-Jun 8:55:07 -8 PPM No Data 4-Jun 8:55:12 -8.4 PPM No Data SMITH GARDNER, INC. Table 2 - Raw TVA Data DocuSign Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 3C87DEEEC5444397BOB5DABBF9CBE8E7 Subject: Please DocuSign: Harrisburg Rd SVS Combined Report April 2022.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 29 Signatures: 2 Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 0 AutoNav: Enabled Envelopeld Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Record Tracking Status: Original 4/15/2022 7:03:37 AM Signer Events Joan A. Smyth Joan@smithgardnerinc.com Vice President Smith Gardner, Inc. Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Seth C. Rickerts seth@smithgardnerinc.com Smith Gardner, Inc. Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Editor Delivery Events Agent Delivery Events Intermediary Delivery Events Certified Delivery Events Carbon Copy Events Witness Events Notary Events Envelope Summary Events Envelope Sent Holder: Seth C. Rickerts seth@smithgardnerinc.com Signature ocuSigned by: ED 60JA, Q. SM fL B9779EBA711F488... Signature Adoption: Pre -selected Style Signed by link sent to Joan@smithgardnerinc.com Using IP Address: ED—Sign1d by: �.t�, 3B8305C978EA4E6... Signature Adoption: Pre -selected Style Signed by link sent to seth@smithgardnerinc.com Using IP Address: Signature Status Status Status Status Status Signature Signature Status Hashed/Encrypted Status: Completed Envelope Originator: Seth C. Rickerts 14 N. Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 seth@smithgardnerinc.com IP Address: Location: DocuSign Timestamp Sent: 4/15/2022 7:12:41 AM Viewed: 4/15/2022 7:14:03 AM Signed: 4/15/2022 7:15:01 AM Sent: 4/15/2022 7:12:41 AM Viewed: 4/15/2022 7:12:48 AM Signed: 4/15/2022 7:12:54 AM Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamps 4/15/2022 7:12:41 AM Envelope Summary Events Certified Delivered Signing Complete Completed Status Timestamps Security Checked 4/15/2022 7:12:48 AM Security Checked 4/15/2022 7:12:54 AM Security Checked 4/15/2022 7:15:01 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps