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= 13 April 14, 2022 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station EHS Groundwater & Waste Programs 8320 NC Highway 150 Terrell, North Carolina 28682 Attention: Ms. Ashley Healy, P.G. Reference: Clean Closure Verification - Visual Confirmation and PLM Results Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Confirmatory Soil Sampling — Marshall Steam Station 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill S&ME Project No. 212013, Ph. 06 Ms. Healy: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) is submitting the enclosed summary of results supporting the removal of Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) material by visual verification and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis results within the 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill, Permit number 1804-INDUS (1804 Phase 1 Landfill) at Duke Energy's Marshall Steam Station, located in Catawba County, North Carolina. This summary letter is provided so that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Solid Waste Section (NCDEQ — SWS) may review PLM analytical results prior to our formal report documenting our full clean closure verification field activities as outlined in the Excavation Soil Sampling Plan Rev. 2, dated December 2019, and included as Appendix I in the Application for Permit Modification - Closure By Excavation - Marshall Steam Station Dry Ash Landfill Phase I (Permit No. INDUS-1804), Rev. 0, dated July 2021, approved by NCDEQ-SWS on August 6, 2021 (FID 1595658). We have attached Table 1 — PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary to this letter which includes soil sample descriptions, including visual verification that CCR material has been removed, and supporting PLM analysis results for samples collected by S&ME personnel during sampling events conducted between February 81n-16tn, 2022 and March 3rd-81n 2022. A corresponding map, Figure 1 — PLM Sampling Locations is enclosed as well, depicting sample locations within the 1804 Phase 1 Landfill footprint that have been sampled and analyzed using the PLM method for CCR material. Please note that all samples collected in the 1804 Phase 1 Landfill in February and March of 2022 contained no more than 8% CCR material. The clean closure benchmark value for CCR material in soil samples is 50%. S&ME, Inc. 12016 Ayrsley Town Blvd., Suite 2-A I Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p 704.523.4726 1 www.smeinc.com EHS Groundwater & Waste Programs April 14, 2022 Page 2 S&ME thanks you for your receipt of these records. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (704) 523-4726. Respectfully Submitted, S&ME, Inc. Jasmine Tayouga Associate Project Manager Erin Kinsey, P.E. Project Engineer Senior Reviewed By: Julie P. Robertson, P.G. (Registration No. 1995) Enclosures: Table 1 — PLM Results and Soil Sampling Summary Figure 1 — PLM Sampling Locations cc: James Malloy, Project Manager, Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME, Inc. Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Commen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Coarse sand (SW) - tan, white, coarse, non -plastic fines, some rock 2/8/2022 2022003689 BC 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682504.0 1417147.0 682515.2 1417138.0 X 2/17/2022 1 fragments and silt [RES] Coarse sand (SP) - brown, coarse, non -plastic fines, some rock fragments 2/8/2022 2022003690 BC 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682504.0 1417147.0 682515.2 1417138.0 X 2/17/2022 ND and silt [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/8/2022 2022003675 BC 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682403.0 1417147.0 682395.6 1417141.0 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish yellow, brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/8/2022 2022003676 BC 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682403.0 1417147.0 682395.6 1417141.0 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/8/2022 2022003672 BC 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682306.0 1417146.0 682305.4 1417169.2 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES]; Refusal at 8" bgs Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, medium to fine, low -plastic fines, some 2/8/2022 2022003673 BC 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682206.0 1417157.0 682244.4 1417199.8 X 2/17/2022 ND reddish -brown clay [RES] Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, medium to fine, low -plastic fines, some 2/8/2022 2022003674 BC 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682206.0 1417157.0 682244.4 1417199.8 X 2/17/2022 ND reddish -brown clay [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003677 BD 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682404.0 1417247.0 682392.3 1417246.7 X 2/17/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, medium to fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003678 BD 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682404.0 1417247.0 682392.3 1417246.7 X 2/17/2022 ND Coarse sand (SW) - yellowish brown, coarse, non -plastic fines [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, red, very fine to fine, non -plastic fines, 2/8/2022 2022003679 BD 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682306.0 1417244.0 682296.5 1417244.8 X 2/17/2022 1 micaceous [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, very fine to fine, non- to low -plastic fines, 2/8/2022 2022003680 BD 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682306.0 1417244.0 682296.5 1417244.8 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003681 BD 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682205.0 1417246.0 682192.6 1417263.6 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy clay (SC) - reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003682 BD 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682205.0 1417246.0 682192.6 1417263.6 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, tan, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 2/8/2022 2022003683 BE 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682404.0 1417347.0 682400.6 1417338.8 X 2/17/2022 ND [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003684 BE 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682404.0 1417347.0 682400.6 1417338.8 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - orange, brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003685 BE 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682307.0 1417344.0 682307.6 1417336.3 X 2/17/2022 ND Silt (ML) - light brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] Silt (ML) - light brown, orangish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, some black 2/8/2022 2022003686 BE 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682307.0 1417344.0 682307.6 1417336.3 X 2/17/2022 1 banding [RES] 2/8/2022 2022003687 BE 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682201.0 1417347.0 682202.3 1417362.1 X 2/17/2022 ND Silty clay (CL) - orange, brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Page 1 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Commen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' 2/8/2022 2022003688 BE 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682201.0 1417347.0 682202.3 1417362.1 X 2/17/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - orange, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003700 BB 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682407.0 1417051.0 682435.4 1417026.2 X 2/17/2022 2 Clayey silt (ML) - reddish brown, brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003701 BB 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682407.0 1417051.0 682435.4 1417026.2 X 2/17/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - yellowish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some roots and 2/9/2022 2022003695 BC 43 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682604.0 1417150.0 682603.5 1417159.2 X 2/17/2022 ND rock fragments [RES]; Refusal at 1' bgs 2/9/2022 2022003698 BD 43 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682601.0 1417247.0 682598.9 1417258.1 X 2/17/2022 1 Silty sand (SM) - brown, coarse, non -plastic fines [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003699 BD 43 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682601.0 1417247.0 682598.9 1417258.1 X 2/17/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - light brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] Silty sand (SM) - gray, tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 2/9/2022 2022003691 BD 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682505.0 1417246.0 682496.8 1417249.8 X 2/17/2022 ND some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - gray, tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 2/9/2022 2022003692 BD 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682505.0 1417246.0 682496.8 1417249.8 X 2/17/2022 1 some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orange, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/9/2022 2022003696 BE 43 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682604.0 1417150.0 682611.5 1417346.2 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sand with silt (SP) - light brown, red, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/9/2022 2022003697 BE 43 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682600.0 1417347.0 682611.5 1417346.2 X 2/17/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - whitish tan, light brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines 2/9/2022 2022003693 BE 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682501.0 1417349.0 682491.1 1417350.1 X 2/17/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - whitish tan, orangish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic 2/9/2022 2022003694 BE 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682501.0 1417349.0 682491.1 1417350.1 X 2/17/2022 1 fines, some black banding [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous 2/9/2022 2022003706 BF 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682503.0 1417448.0 682503.0 1417436.6 X 2/17/2022 1 [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous 2/9/2022 2022003707 BF 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682503.0 1417448.0 682503.0 1417436.6 X 2/17/2022 ND [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003708 BF 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682404.0 1417449.0 682397.2 1417447.7 X 2/17/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003709 BF 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682404.0 1417449.0 682397.2 1417447.7 X 2/17/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003702 BF 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682308.0 1417446.0 682292.1 1417435.4 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003703 BF 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682308.0 1417446.0 682292.1 1417435.4 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - light brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Page 2 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Cornmen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Clayey sand (SC) - reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines, topsoil with roots 2/9/2022 2022003704 BF 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682204.0 1417446.0 682201.3 1417413.9 X 2/17/2022 ND and organics for top 2.5" [RES] 2/9/2022 2022003705 BF 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682204.0 1417446.0 682201.3 1417413.9 X 2/17/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, some clay [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - brownish red, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous 2/11/2022 2022004048 BA 43 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682605.0 1416966.0 682595.5 1416964.5 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Well -graded sand (SW) - brown, tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004049 BA 43 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682605.0 1416966.0 682595.5 1416964.5 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sand with silt (SP) - red, fine to medium, low- to non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004050 BA 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682502.0 1416945.0 682495.9 1416945.3 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [FILL] Sandy silt (ML) - brown, reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous 2/11/2022 2022004051 BA 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682502.0 1416945.0 682495.9 1416945.3 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] 2/11/2022 2022004046 BB 43 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682605.0 1417045.0 682597.8 1417046.3 X 2/23/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [FILL] Silty sand (SM) - brown, light brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004047 BB 43 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682605.0 1417045.0 682597.8 1417046.3 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 2/11/2022 2022004044 BB 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682505.0 1417049.0 682501.8 1417044.4 X 2/23/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [FILL] Silty sand (SM) - Brown, light brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004045 BB 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682505.0 1417049.0 682501.8 1417044.4 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orange, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004054 BC 42 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682703.0 1417146.0 682703.9 1417152.2 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 2/11/2022 2022004055 BC 42 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682703.0 1417146.0 682703.9 1417152.2 X 2/23/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - orange, brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Well -grade sand (SW) - reddish brown, medium to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004052 BD 42 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682702.0 1417246.0 682697.5 1417250.7 X 2/23/2022 1 micaceous, some angular gravel [RES] Well -grade sand (SW) - reddish brown, medium to coarse, non -plastic fines, 2/11/2022 2022004053 BD 42 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682702.0 1417246.0 682697.5 1417250.7 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous, some angular gravel [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 2/14/2022 2022004064 AY 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682408.0 1416755.0 682392.0 1416763.3 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 2/14/2022 2022004065 AY 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682408.0 1416755.0 682392.0 1416763.3 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 2/14/2022 2022004062 AY 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682303.0 1416748.0 682297.9 1416754.2 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 2/14/2022 2022004063 AY 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682303.0 1416748.0 682297.9 1416754.2 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Page 3 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Commen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Silty sand (SM) - tan, orange, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004066 AZ 44 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682497.0 1416847.0 682482.4 1416846.2 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - tan, orange, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004067 AZ 44 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682497.0 1416847.0 682482.4 1416846.2 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, very fine to fine, non- to low -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004056 AZ 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682408.0 1416848.0 682398.5 1416848.4 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 2/14/2022 2022004057 AZ 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682408.0 1416848.0 682398.5 1416848.4 X 2/23/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orange, tan, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004060 AZ 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682305.0 1416849.0 682297.4 1416845.1 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - brown, reddish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004061 AZ 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682305.0 1416849.0 682297.4 1416845.1 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orangish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004068 BA 45 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682401.0 1416945.0 682389.1 1416946.5 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - tan, yellowish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004069 BA 45 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682401.0 1416945.0 682389.1 1416946.5 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Clayey sand (SC) - reddish brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, micaceous 2/14/2022 2022004058 BA 46 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682325.0 1416935.0 682325.5 1416929.1 X 2/23/2022 ND [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orange, light brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 2/14/2022 2022004059 BA 46 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682325.0 1416935.0 682325.5 1416929.1 X 2/23/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - brown, fine to medium, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/3/2022 2022006184 AX 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682199.0 1416664.1 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES]; Refusal at 1.5' bgs Clayey silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous, some fine 3/3/2022 2022006182 AY 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682198.7 1416757.7 X 3/14/2022 ND sand present [RES] Fine to medium sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, low -plastic 3/3/2022 2022006183 AY 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 682198.7 1416757.7 X 3/14/2022 ND fines, slightly moist [RES] Silty sand (SM) - dark brown, black, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/3/2022 2022006189 AZ 42 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682731.5 1416870.8 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous, some organic matter [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish red, fine to medium, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/3/2022 2022006190 AZ 42 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 682731.5 1416870.8 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 3/3/2022 2022006180 AZ 47 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682227.5 1416851.2 X 3/14/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 3/3/2022 2022006181 AZ 47 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 682227.5 1416851.2 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Silty sand (SM) - orangish tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/3/2022 2022006197 BA 41 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682802.0 1416949.0 682787.5 1416950.2 X 3/14/2022 1 [RES] Page 4 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Cornmen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Silty sand (SM) - yellowish tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/3/2022 2022006198 BA 41 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682802.0 1416949.0 682787.5 1416950.2 X 3/14/2022 ND slightly moist [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - brown, reddish brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, 3/3/2022 2022006187 BA 42 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682704.0 1416945.0 682704.8 1416944.4 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some 3/3/2022 2022006188 BA 42 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682704.0 1416945.0 682704.8 1416944.4 X 3/14/2022 ND biotite banding [RES] Silt (ML) - brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous, slightly moist 3/3/2022 2022006191 BB 41 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682804.0 1417047.0 682810.1 1417046.3 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non - to low -plastic fines, 3/3/2022 2022006192 BB 41 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682804.0 1417047.0 682810.1 1417046.3 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous, slightly moist [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - gray, reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/3/2022 2022006185 BB 42 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682703.0 1417047.0 682702.8 1417049.6 X 3/14/2022 1 [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - gray, reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/3/2022 2022006186 BB 42 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682703.0 1417047.0 682702.8 1417049.6 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine, low- to medium -plastic fines, micaceous 3/3/2022 2022006193 BC 41 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682800.0 1417147.0 682802.8 1417143.2 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - yellowish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/3/2022 2022006194 BC 41 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682800.0 1417147.0 682802.8 1417143.2 X 3/14/2022 ND some small rock fragments [RES] 3/3/2022 2022006195 BD 41 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682795.0 1417246.0 682775.0 1417213.8 X 3/14/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 3/3/2022 2022006196 BD 41 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682795.0 1417246.0 682775.0 1417213.8 X 3/14/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] Clayey sand (SC) - reddish brown, fine to coarse, non- to low -plastic fines 3/4/2022 2022006213 AY 39 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683035.0 1416777.0 683037.3 1416772.8 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Silty clay (CL) - reddish brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, slightly moist 3/4/2022 2022006214 AY 39 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683035.0 1416777.0 683037.3 1416772.8 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Clayey silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, low- to medium -plastic fines, 3/4/2022 2022006205 AY 40 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682927.3 1416751.8 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous, slightly moist [RES] Silty clay (CL) - reddish brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, slightly moist 3/4/2022 2022006206 AY 40 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 682927.3 1416751.8 X 3/14/2022 1 [RES] 3/4/2022 2022006211 AZ 39 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683008.0 1416846.0 683009.9 1416853.4 X 3/14/2022 ND Clayey silt (ML) - brown, fine, low- to medium -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/4/2022 2022006212 AZ 39 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683008.0 1416846.0 683009.9 1416853.4 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/4/2022 2022006203 AZ 40 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682937.0 1416874.0 682934.3 1416858.7 X 3/14/2022 1 micaceous [RES] Page 5 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Cornmen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/4/2022 2022006204 AZ 40 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682937.0 1416874.0 682934.3 1416858.7 X 3/14/2022 ND micaceous, some small rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - organic brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, some 3/4/2022 2022006207 BA 39 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683011.0 1416938.0 683015.8 1416923.0 X 3/14/2022 ND rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, some 3/4/2022 2022006208 BA 39 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683011.0 1416938.0 683015.8 1416923.0 X 3/14/2022 ND small rock fragments [RES] 3/4/2022 2022006209 BB 39 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683003.0 1417046.0 682975.9 1417012.7 X 3/14/2022 ND Clayey silt (ML) - brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, slightly moist 3/4/2022 2022006210 BB 39 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683003.0 1417046.0 682975.9 1417012.7 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] 3/4/2022 2022006199 BB 40 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682904.0 1417047.0 682907.0 1417046.4 X 3/14/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/4/2022 2022006200 BB 40 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682904.0 1417047.0 682907.0 1417046.4 X 3/14/2022 ND Silt with sand (ML) - brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - tannish brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/4/2022 2022006201 BC 40 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 682901.0 1417144.0 682879.8 1417121.0 X 3/14/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - light brown, tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some 3/4/2022 2022006202 BC 40 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 682901.0 1417144.0 682879.8 1417121.0 X 3/14/2022 ND small rock fragments [RES] Clayey silt (ML) - brown, reddish brown, fine, low- to medium -plastic fines, 3/7/2022 2022006607 AX 36 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683322.0 1416683.0 683317.1 1416682.5 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, orange, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/7/2022 2022006608 AX 36 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683322.0 1416683.0 683317.1 1416682.5 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Silty sand (SM) - light tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/7/2022 2022006609 AY 36 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683309.0 1416746.0 683298.1 1416746.1 X 3/15/2022 ND some rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - light tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/7/2022 2022006610 AY 36 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683309.0 1416746.0 683298.1 1416746.1 X 3/15/2022 ND some rock fragments [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, some dark brown 3/7/2022 2022006601 AY 37 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683202.0 1416748.0 683200.7 1416744.6 X 3/15/2022 ND and whitish gray bands [RES] Silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some black 3/7/2022 2022006602 AY 37 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683202.0 1416748.0 683200.7 1416744.6 X 3/15/2022 ND banding [RES] Clayey silt (ML) - brown, reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous 3/7/2022 2022006599 AY 38 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683109.0 1416753.0 683107.9 1416759.5 X 3/15/2022 2 [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - reddish brown, brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous 3/7/2022 2022006600 AY 38 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683109.0 1416753.0 683107.9 1416759.5 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/7/2022 2022006611 AZ 36 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683304.0 1416849.0 683290.0 1416850.3 X 3/15/2022 7 some small rock fragments [RES] Page 6 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Cornmen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/7/2022 2022006612 AZ 36 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683304.0 1416849.0 683290.0 1416850.3 X 3/15/2022 ND some small rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, some 3/7/2022 2022006603 AZ 37 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683206.0 1416848.0 683207.0 1416845.2 X 3/15/2022 ND small rock fragments [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, small rock fragments 3/7/2022 2022006604 AZ 37 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683206.0 1416848.0 683207.0 1416845.2 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to coarse, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/7/2022 2022006597 AZ 38 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683105.0 1416845.0 683105.8 1416852.7 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - tannish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/7/2022 2022006598 AZ 38 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683105.0 1416845.0 683105.8 1416852.7 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/7/2022 2022006613 BA 36 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683305.0 1416950.0 683269.6 1416904.3 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some 3/7/2022 2022006614 BA 36 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683305.0 1416950.0 683269.6 1416904.3 X 3/15/2022 ND large biotite fragments and banding [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous, slightly 3/7/2022 2022006605 BA 37 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683203.0 1416945.0 683180.5 1416910.1 X 3/15/2022 ND moist [RES] 3/7/2022 2022006606 BA 37 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683203.0 1416945.0 683180.5 1416910.1 X 3/15/2022 ND Silt (ML) - tannish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/7/2022 2022006595 BA 38 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683096.0 1416933.0 683093.4 1416935.3 X 3/15/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish red, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines 3/7/2022 2022006596 BA 38 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683096.0 1416933.0 683093.4 1416935.3 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some small 3/8/2022 2022006620 AW 32 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 683705.0 1416560.6 X 3/15/2022 ND rock fragments [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, orange, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, 3/8/2022 2022006621 AW 32 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 683705.0 1416560.6 X 3/15/2022 ND some small rock fragments [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006624 AW 33 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 683590.8 1416551.1 X 3/15/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - reddish brown, fine, low -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - gray, brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, some rock 3/8/2022 2022006625 AW 33 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 683590.8 1416551.1 X 3/15/2022 ND fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - brown, black, fine, non -plastic fines, some organic matter 3/8/2022 2022006630 AW 34 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683503.0 1416545.0 683488.4 1416548.5 X 3/15/2022 1 [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006631 AW 34 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683503.0 1416545.0 683488.4 1416548.5 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006615 AX 31 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683821.0 1416651.0 683781.9 1416643.4 X 3/15/2022 8 Sandy silt (ML) - grayish tan, fine, low -plastic fines [RES]; Refusal at 8" bgs. Page 7 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 Sample ID Proposed Duke Energy ProposedS&ME Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Commen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' 3/8/2022 2022006616 AX 32 0" - 6" 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 683697.7 1416638.7 X 3/15/2022 1 Sandy silt (ML) - white, brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006617 AX 32 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 683697.7 1416638.7 X 3/15/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006622 AX 33 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683600.0 1416648.0 683607.8 1416649.5 X 3/15/2022 1 Silty sand (SM) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish tan, orange, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006623 AX 33 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683600.0 1416648.0 683607.8 1416649.5 X 3/15/2022 1 micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006628 AX 34 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683507.0 1416646.0 683500.8 1416650.0 X 3/15/2022 ND Clayey silt (ML) - brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006629 AX 34 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683507.0 1416646.0 683500.8 1416650.0 X 3/15/2022 ND Clayey silt (ML) - brown, fine, medium -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] 3/8/2022 2022006636 AX 35 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683435.0 1416683.0 683408.2 1416665.0 X 3/15/2022 ND Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some small 3/8/2022 2022006637 AX 35 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683435.0 1416683.0 683408.2 1416665.0 X 3/15/2022 ND rock fragments [RES] Silty sand (SM) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some small 3/8/2022 2022006618 AY 32 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683718.0 1416769.0 683685.9 1416752.4 X 3/15/2022 2 rock fragments [RES] Silty with sand (ML) - yellowish tan, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous, some 3/8/2022 2022006619 AY 32 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683718.0 1416769.0 683685.9 1416752.4 X 3/15/2022 ND small rock fragments [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006626 AY 33 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683604.0 1416744.0 683593.5 1416731.0 X 3/15/2022 1 micaceous [RES] Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, fine, non- to low -plastic fines, micaceous 3/8/2022 2022006627 AY 33 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683604.0 1416744.0 683593.5 1416731.0 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - yellowish tan, white, red, fine, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006632 AY 34 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683509.0 1416745.0 683499.8 1416741.3 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Silt with sand (ML) - yellowish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, micaceous 3/8/2022 2022006633 AY 34 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683509.0 1416745.0 683499.8 1416741.3 X 3/15/2022 ND [RES] Silty sand (SM) - brown, fine to medium, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006638 AY 35 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683404.0 1416749.0 683400.9 1416756.6 X 3/15/2022 1 micaceous, some rock fragments [RES]; Refusal at 1.5' bgs Silty sand (SM) - brown, fine to medium, non- to low -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006639 AY 35 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683404.0 1416749.0 683400.9 1416756.6 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous, some rock fragments [RES]; Refusal at 1.5' bgs Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, yellowish tan, fine to medium, non -plastic 3/8/2022 2022006634 AZ 34 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683505.0 1416861.0 683496.8 1416811.0 X 3/15/2022 1 fines, micaceous, some small rock fragments [RES] L Silty sand (SM) - yellowish tan, gray, fine to medium, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006635 AZ 34 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683505.0 1416861.0 683496.8 1416811.0 X 3/15/2022 1 I I I I I I _L micaceous, some small rock fragments [RES] Page 8 of 9 Table 1: PLM Sample Results and Soil Sampling Summary 1804 Phase 1 Dry Ash Landfill (Permit No. 1804-INDUS) Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station S&ME Project Number: 212013, Ph. 06 =0 Sample ID ProposedS&ME Proposed Duke Energy Date Collected Actual Sample Sample Description and Commen Sample ID Column Row Sample Depth Northing Easting Northing Easting Yes No Date Received Results Depth' Sandy silt (ML) - black, white, reddish brown, fine, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006640 AZ 35 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 683402.0 1416849.0 683407.5 1416851.8 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] Sandy silt (ML) - black, white, brown, yellow, fine, non -plastic fines, 3/8/2022 2022006641 AZ 35 2' - 2.5' 2' - 2.5' 683402.0 1416849.0 683407.5 1416851.8 X 3/15/2022 ND micaceous [RES] 4/8/2022 2022009402 AZ 41 17' - 18' 5 0" - 6" Note 3 Note 3 682798.6 1416853.4 X 4/13/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, tan, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 4/8/2022 2022009403 AZ 41 19' - 20' S 2' - 2.5' Note 3 Note 3 682798.6 1416853.4 X 4/13/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - reddish brown, tan, fine, non -plastic fines [RES] 4/8/2022 2022009404 BA 40 17' - 18' 5 0" - 6" 682902.0 1416946.0 682894.6 1416940.5 X 4/13/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - light brown, grey, fine to medium, micaceous [RES] 4/8/2022 2022009405 BA 40 19' - 20' S 2' - 2.5' 682902.0 1416946.0 682894.6 1416940.5 X 4/13/2022 ND Silty sand (SM) - light brown, grey, fine to medium, micaceous [RES] Notes: (1) For the purposes of PLM method, Fly Ash is defined as any particle consistent with Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) material. (2) ND = Not Detected. The PLM Method Reporting Level is 1%; samples with less than 1% CCR are considered ND. (3) Sample point added in the field to support sampling - not originally included with AECOM soil sampling excavation plan sampling. Actual sample depths may vary due to sampling method and volume of soil needed for laboratory testing. 2CCR = Coal Combustion Residuals 3Residual Material (RES): Residuum and saprolitic material that is a product of weathered bedrock. Alluvial Material (ALLUVIAL): unconsolidated material deposited by rivers and streams. Partially Weathered Rock (PWR): Defined as material that could not be penetrated by hand auqer or geoprobe; or had a standard penetration resistance of N>50 usinq when SPT samplinq with a drill riq. 4United Soil Classification System descriptions are provided for each sample description and are denoted with a two letter abbreviation following the soil type. Page 9 of 9