HomeMy WebLinkAbout3901_Granville_Oxford_MSWLF_Unit2Phase2_WellAbandonment_FID1642226_20220209GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL UNIT 2- PHASE 2 WORK PLAN FOR WELL ABANDONMENT AND REPLACEMENT February 2022 GARIZETT & m0ou EAV!22 Engineering for the Power and Waste Industries 1029 West South Street Raleigh, NC 27603 919-792-1900 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for Well Abandonment and Replacement — Unit 2 Phase 2 1. INTRODUCTION The Oxford Landfill is located in Granville County approximately 4 miles north of Oxford, North Carolina at 6584 Landfill Road, near the town of Kinton Fork. The facility is owned and operated by Granville County under Permit Number 39-01, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS). The property included in the facility's Site Plan consists of approximately 411 acres, which includes the 29-acre closed construction and demolition debris (C&D) landfill on top of a closed MSW landfill (Unit 1) and the adjacent 283-acre active MSW Landfill. The 283-acre MSW landfill property includes three waste disposal units: Unit 2 (36.3 acres) and permitted Units 3 and 4 (86.7 acres and 33.5 acres, respectively). The first phase of MSW landfill development (Unit 2, Phase 1) consists of a 10.97-acre waste cell that began operations in 2014. The next phase of the MSW landfill, Unit 2 Phase 2 has been investigated to include the monitoring of groundwater levels within the landfill footprint. The County intends to begin grading for Unit 2 — Phase 2 starting in Spring 2022, and therefore the existing monitoring wells / piezometers in the Phase 2 footprint need to be abandoned. Moreover, the existing groundwater monitoring well MW-3R is located in too close of proximity to the new Phase 2 unit construction and is proposed to be abandoned and a replacement well (MW-3RR) located on the other side (west side) of the existing landfill access road. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this Work Plan is to provide a plan for the 1) abandonment of the existing groundwater monitoring wells and piezometers in the Unit 2 Phase 2 construction footprint, and 2) installation of new replacement well MW-3RR. 3. EXISTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS & PIEZOMETERS The existing piezometers and monitoring wells in the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 area and surrounding areas are identified on Figure 1. Figure 1 also identifies the proposed location for the replacement well MW-3RR. A table summarizing the well construction details for the existing wells to be abandoned is presented in Table 1 (attached). Note that while well MW-12 (P-21) is identified as a groundwater monitoring well, it is not monitored as part of the approved GWMP. Page 1 of 10 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for Well Abandonment and Replacement — Unit 2 Phase 2 4. WORK PLAN FOR WELL ABANDONMENT A total of 12 groundwater wells / piezometers are to be abandoned, as identified in Figure 1 and Table 1. The wells / piezometers will be abandoned prior to landfill construction in accordance with the procedures for permanent abandonment of wells as delineated in 15A NCAC 02C .0113, except that at the time of abandonment, the wells will be over -drilled to the full depth of the boring or to the top of bedrock, whichever is encountered first, prior to grout placement. The level of the grout within the well shall not exceed in height the elevation of the proposed base grade. Well abandonments will be performed by a North Carolina certified well driller. Table 2 (attached) presents a summary of the existing wells / piezometers to include the elevation of the bedrock and proposed landfill base grade and the resulting total linear footage of over -drilling (ground surface to top of rock) and grouting (bottom of well to landfill base grade). Upon completion of the work, a letter report will be submitted to the Division confirming the abandonment of the wells / piezometers was performed per this Work Plan. 5. WORK PLAN FOR WELL REPLACEMENT / INSTALLATION (MW-3RR) With regards to groundwater monitoring, the first 2022 semi-annual groundwater monitoring sampling event will take place prior to well MW-3R abandonment and the construction of the new MW-3RR. It is anticipated that MW-3RR will be constructed prior to the second monitoring event taking place. However, in the event that well MW-3R has been abandoned but well MW-3RR has not yet been constructed prior to the second 2022 semi-annual sampling event, NCDEQ will be notified of the MW-3R/MW-3RR sampling omission prior to the sampling event. Upon completion of the work, the existing facility GWMP will be revised to reflect the new MW-3RR location and construction details. The well construction record for the existing MW-3R (to be replaced by the proposed MW-3RR) indicates the boring was advanced 25-feet to the top of bedrock and the well set at the depth (i.e., no rock coring). The replacement well, MW-3RR, is to be in near proximity to the existing MW-3R and therefore it is anticipated that the new MW-3RR will also be of similar well construction (i.e., about 25' deep, with a 10' slotted screen section). The actual well depth for MW-3RR will be based on site conditions as discussed below. Page 3 of 5 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for Well Abandonment and Replacement — Unit 2 Phase 2 The scope of work includes the following: 1. Prior to initiating field work, North Carolina 811 will be contacted to have underground utilities in the areas proposed for drilling appropriately marked. All drilling locations will also be approved by the client prior to drilling. 2. Drill 1 soil testing boring (MW-3RR) at the approximate location indicated on Figure 1 using mud -rotary, hollow -stem auger, or other geologist/engineer approved drilling techniques. The proposed location for MW-3RR is approximate and may be adjusted based on the site constraints. 3. The boring will be advanced into the saprolite and into the underlying bedrock to an appropriate depth as determined by the Engineer or Geologist at the time of boring as necessary to adequately characterize the hydrogeologic conditions and obtain a sufficient water column for groundwater monitoring. 4. Soil samples will be collected at each drilling location for lithologic descriptions using the standard penetration test (SPT) method with a 140-lb sliding hammer and steel split -spoon samplers. Samples will be collected in 2-feet intervals for every five feet of depth to the completion depth of the boring. 5. If bedrock coring is necessary, crystalline bedrock samples will be collected using an HX core barrel. 6. The augers, drill pipe, core barrel and drill rig will be decontaminated using a pressure washer prior to and following completion of drilling for the project. 7. Complete the testing boring borehole with the installation of a Type II monitoring well to the requirements of North Carolina DEQ monitoring well standards. The Type II monitoring well will be constructed of 2-inch ID Schedule 40 PVC well casing and 10 or 15 feet of machine -slotted well screen with 0.010" slots. A sand pack will be emplaced within the annular space to approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen, above which a 2-foot thick bentonite seal will be installed. The annular space will be finished with Portland cement/bentonite slurry to grade. The monitoring well will be finished with solid PVC risers extending approximately 2 to 3 feet above grade. The wells will be finished with steel, stickup well protectors with hinged locking caps. The top of the PVC risers will be fitted with expansion plugs. An approximately 2 feet by 2 feet by 6-inch thick concrete pad will be constructed around the base of each protective casing. Page 4 of 5 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for Well Abandonment and Replacement — Unit 2 Phase 2 8. The well will be developed after installation using a down hole pump or bailer until the discharge water appears to be free of suspended sediments or for a maximum of one hour. 9. The well will be surveyed relative to the existing site datum for horizontal position and elevation by a North Carolina licensed surveyor. At the well, elevations will be measured of the ground surface and top of the solid PVC riser. A permanent mark will be made on the top of the PVC riser at the point where the elevation measurement is made for future reference when collecting depth to water data. 10. An experienced geotechnical engineer or geologist will supervise and observe the boring, visually classify subsurface soil samples encountered in the borings, and prepare logs of the boring. At their discretion, the geotechnical engineer or geologist will also select and obtain samples of the subsurface soils encountered during boring advancement. 11. Collect static water level readings the new monitoring well at the time of boring and 24-48 hours. 12. Upon completion of the work, a letter report will be submitted to the Division which includes the well log, survey information, and confirmation that monitoring well was installed per this Work Plan. As part of the submittal, the existing facility GWMP will be revised to reflect the new MW-3RR location and construction details. Page 5 of 5 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for Well Abandonment and Replacement — Unit 2 Phase 2 TABLES 1 & 2 TABLE 1 Borings/Piezometers to be Abandoned Granville County Oxford Unit 2 Phase 2 Landfill Well/Piezo Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Top of Casing Elev. Screen Interval BGS Screen Interval Elev. Depth to Bedrock BGS Top of Bedrock Elev. Bore/Piezo Depth BGS Bore/Piezo Bottom Elev. P-29 954232.703 2112770.353 506.5 510.62 20.0 '- 30.0' 486.5 - 476.5 20.0' 486.5 30.0' 476.5 P-30S 954111.283 2112826.270 507.0 510.37 25.0'- 35.0' 482.0 - 472.0 27.0' 480.0 35.0' 472.0 P-30D 954115.398 2112818.644 506.9 510.37 50.0'- 60.0' 456.9 - 446.9 27.0' 479.9 60.0' 446.9 P-31 954225.823 2112561.563 516.8 520.25 16.5' - 26.5' 500.3 - 490.3 14.5' 502.3 26.5' 490.3 P-32 954062.925 2112259.145 511.1 515.16 25.0'- 30.0' 486.1 - 481.1 20.5' 490.6 30.0' 481.1 P-33S 954130.103 2112015.673 503.3 505.79 17.0'- 27.0' 486.3 - 476.3 17.0' 486.3 27.0' 476.3 P-33D 954155.029 2112020.410 503.1 506.18 40.0' - 50.0' 463.1 - 453.1 17.0' 486.1 50.0' 453.1 P-34 954184.456 2111737.744 500.8 504.35 24.5' - 34.5' 476.3 - 466.3 23.5' 477.3 34.5' 466.3 P-6 954257.195 2112192.206 502.06 505.06 21.0 '- 31.0' 481.1 - 471.1 10.0 492.06 31.0' 471.1 MW-12 / P-21 954078.314 2112567.506 519.29 521.30 40.0 '- 50.0' 479.3 - 469.3 31.3 488.00 31.0' 488.3 P-12 953759.792 2112443.825 516.37 519.37 35.0'- 55.0' 481.4 - 466.4 5.0 511.37 55.0' 461.4 IL MW-3R 954026.936 2111681.468 495.85 498.35 14.0'- 24.0' 481.8 - 471.8 25.0 470.85 25.0' 470.9 TABLE 2 Abandonment Footages Granville County Oxford Unit 2 Phase 2 Landfill Well/Piezo Ground Surface Elev. Top of Bedrock Elev. Overdrilling Footage (LF) Well/Piezo Bottom Elev. Landfill Subgrade Elev. Grouting Footage (LF) P-29 506.5 486.5 20.0 476.5 500.6 24.1 P-30S 507.0 480.0 27.0 472.0 507.3 35.2 P-30D 506.9 479.9 27.0 446.9 505.5 58.6 P-31 516.8 502.3 14.5 490.3 506.8 16.5 P-32 511.1 490.6 20.5 481.1 502.7 21.6 P-33S 503.3 486.3 17.0 476.3 495.1 18.9 P-33D 503.1 486.1 17.0 453.1 494.6 41.4 P-34 500.8 477.3 23.5 466.3 497.4 31.1 P-6 502.1 492.1 10.0 471.1 496.7 25.6 MW-12 / P-21 519.3 488.0 31.3 488.3 507.5 19.3 P-12 516.4 511.4 5.0 461.4 516.4 55.0 MW-3R 495.9 470.9 25.0 470.9 495.9 25.0 Total (LF) = 237.8 Total (LF) = 372.2