HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021.09.30_CCOA.p4(c)_Stomwater Treatment System ReportSTORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM CAPTURE AND REMOVAL EFFICIENCY REPORT Chemours Fayetteville Works Prepared for The Chemours Company FC, LLC 22828 NC Highway 87 Fayetteville, NC 28306 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, NC 27607 Project Number TR0807E September 30, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 9/30/2021 TR0807E ES-1 September 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Stormwater Treatment System Removal Efficiency and Capture Report has been prepared pursuant to paragraph 4(c) of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 (CO Addendum). Paragraph 4(c) requires that Chemours demonstrate that the Monomers/Ion Exchange Materials (IXM) stormwater capture and treatment system (the Treatment System) consistently captures stormwater from the Monomers/IXM area in rain events up to one (1) inch within a 24-hour period and removes per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) parameters, as measured by concentrations of indicator parameters hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA), perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid (PMPA), and 2,2-difluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acid (PFMOAA), at a minimum removal efficiency of 99%. During the July through August 2021 evaluation period: The Treatment System appears to have consistently captured stormwater runoff from precipitation events of up to the 1-inch, 24-hour design storm.1,2 The Treatment System removed all three indicator PFAS to greater than 99% during the months of July and August 2021. The overall capture and efficiency of the Treatment System is within expectations of design and meeting the requirements of CO Addendum paragraph 4(c). 1 For the July through August 2021 evaluation period, bypass flow was estimated using the methods described in Section 4.4.1. Bypass is planned to be measured at the overflow pipes moving forward; continuous flow meters are currently installed and undergoing calibration. 2 As described in Section 5.1, during the first precipitation event after commissioning, an equipment malfunction resulted in a small volume of stormwater runoff being diverted to bypass. This malfunction was corrected within 30 minutes of rainfall beginning. Mechanisms have been put into place to avoid this in the future. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E i September 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 2 TREATMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 1 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM SAMPLING PROGRAM ..................................................................................... 3 4 METHODS AND SCOPE .................................................................................... 4 4.1 Sampling Schedule, Types, and Locations .................................................. 4 4.2 Field Methods .............................................................................................. 5 4.2.1 Field QA/QC Samples .................................................................... 5 4.2.2 Field Parameters .............................................................................. 5 4.2.3 Sample Packing and Shipping ......................................................... 5 4.3 Laboratory Methods .................................................................................... 6 4.4 Flow Measurement Methods ....................................................................... 6 4.4.1 Bypass Estimates ............................................................................. 8 4.5 Removal Efficiency Calculations ................................................................ 8 4.6 Associated Data Recording Scope ............................................................. 10 5 RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 11 5.1 Evaluation of Consistent Capture of the 1-inch, 24-hour Design Storm ... 11 5.1.1 West Diversion Sump September 2021 Capture Data .................. 12 5.2 Removal Efficiency Evaluation ................................................................. 13 6 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................... 14 6.1 Summary .................................................................................................... 14 6.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................... 14 7 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E ii September 2021 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Sampling and Analysis and Flow Measurement – July and August 2021 Table 2: PFAS and Associated Analytical Methods – July and August 2021 Table 3: Analytical Results – July and August 2021 Table 4: Field Parameters – July and August 2021 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Drainage Area to the Proposed Stormwater Treatment System Figure 2: Approximate Location of Diversion Sumps, EQ Storage, and Stormwater Treatment System LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Laboratory Reports and Data Review Narrative Appendix B: Monthly Monitoring Reports for July through August 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E iii September 2021 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CO Consent Order EQ equalization DVM Data Verification Module EIM Environmental Information Management HFPO-DA hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid IXM ion exchange materials NCCW non-contact cooling water NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFMOAA 2,2-difluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acid PMPA perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid QA/QC quality assurance/quality control TSS total suspended solids WWTP wastewater treatment plant DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 1 September 2021 1 INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Stormwater Treatment System Removal Efficiency and Capture Report on behalf of The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours) pursuant to the requirements of paragraph 4(c) of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 (CO Addendum). Paragraph 4(c) requires that Chemours demonstrate that the Monomers/Ion Exchange Materials (IXM) stormwater capture and treatment system (the Treatment System) consistently captures stormwater from the Monomers/IXM area in rain events up to one (1) inch within a 24- hour period and removes per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) parameters, as measured by concentrations of indicator parameters hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA), perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid (PMPA), and 2,2-difluoro- 2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acid (PFMOAA), at a minimum removal efficiency of 99%. This summary report presents the demonstration that the Treatment System meets these requirements based on the methods and scope outlined in the Stormwater Treatment System Sampling Plan (the Sampling Plan; Geosyntec, 2021a). Pursuant to CO Addendum paragraph 4(b), the Sampling Plan was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on September 30, 2020; revised based on comments received from NCDEQ on April 26, 2021 and resubmitted on May 11, 2021; and approved by NCDEQ on June 25, 2021 (Chernikov, Sergei. Email to Christel Compton. June 25, 2021). The Sampling Plan and associated monthly Monitoring Reports may be modified based on changes in site conditions, adjustments in understanding of site conditions, or potential sampling requirements in future permits for the Treatment System, such as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. 2 TREATMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Chemours installed a Treatment System which became operational as of June 30, 2021 and serves to remove PFAS from stormwater runoff from 13.9 acres within the Monomers/IXM area (Figure 1). The Treatment System was installed adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Stormwater runoff from the Monomers/IXM area is diverted from the site conveyance network into sumps and transferred to EQ storage (Figure 2). Stormwater is currently transferred to a temporary tank; a permanent tank will be commissioned following completion of WWTP upgrades. The channels surrounding the Monomers/IXM area formerly conveyed combined stormwater and non-contact cooling water (NCCW); the NCCW has mostly been separated from stormwater and is now conveyed in a separate pipe that discharges into the conveyance network channels downstream of the stormwater capture area. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 2 September 2021 The stormwater capture system comprises two sumps, the east diversion sump and the west diversion sump. These sumps act as collection points for stormwater and provide intermediate storage before pumps located in the sumps transfer the water to equalization (EQ) storage. The east diversion sump is located in the southwest corner of the Monomers area. The west diversion sump is located adjacent to the northeast conveyance channel alignment. Starting June 30, 2021, stormwater flows in the conveyance network surrounding the Monomers/IXM area were captured, collected, and transferred to EQ storage. The diversion sumps, pumps, EQ storage, and Treatment System were collectively sized to capture stormwater runoff from a 1-inch, 24-hour design storm from the drainage area shown in Figure 1. While the channels surrounding the Monomers/IXM area now primarily serve as stormwater only collection channels, during the initial startup and commissioning phases, and during maintenance events, some NCCW flows and other non-stormwater flows were periodically conveyed in the channels. Nominal non-stormwater flows that were diverted to EQ storage were treated along with captured stormwater by the Treatment System. A design storm is a hypothetical discrete rainstorm (in this case, characterized by a specific rainfall of 1 inch and 24 hours of duration using a National Resource Conservation Service [NRCS] Type II storm distribution to simulate a peak intensity) that is used in the design of a stormwater control measure. Sizing a stormwater control measure involves calculating the volume of runoff resulting from the specified design storm that will drain to the control measure. Therefore, the Treatment System was sized to capture and treat runoff equivalent to the design storm volume. The Treatment System was also designed to capture runoff from the peak intensity of the design storm event. The Treatment System will not necessarily capture and treat all runoff from larger storms or a series of storm events that occur in close proximity to each other, including successive 1 inch, 24-hour storm events. The basis of design for the Treatment System, including sizing calculations, is described in Geosyntec (2021b). The design volume for the 1-inch storm was estimated to be 300,800 gallons; consequently, pumps for the east and west diversion sumps have been designed and installed to capture up to the design storm volume in a 24-hour period and convey this volume to EQ storage. The Treatment System has been constructed to treat collected stormwater in EQ storage at a design flowrate of 150 gallons per minute and to achieve effluent targets for the DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 3 September 2021 indicator parameters HFPO-DA, PMPA, and PFMOAA. The Treatment System includes: (i) a settling tank and solids handling system for the backwash waste from the prefiltration system and carbon beds (which may include chemical dosing skids); (ii) prefiltration to remove total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and other constituents that may clog and potentially reduce PFAS removal by downstream unit operations; and (iii) three (3) granular activated carbon vessels to remove indicator PFAS parameters. For storm events larger than the design storm, stormwater flows that bypass the in-line diversion structures to the Treatment System will flow to Outfall 002. 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM SAMPLING PROGRAM Implementation of the Sampling Plan is intended to achieve the following objectives:  Evaluate flow at the diversion sumps that is transferred to EQ storage for treatment;  Evaluate flow bypassing the diversion sumps;  Evaluate flow into EQ storage;  Evaluate the flow and water quality of the stormwater influent to the Treatment System. Influent water quality parameters evaluated include HFPO-DA, PMPA, and PFMOAA;  Evaluate the flow and water quality of the stormwater effluent from the Treatment System. Effluent water quality parameters evaluated include HFPO- DA, PMPA, PFMOAA, pH, and total suspended solids (TSS);  Assess the Treatment System PFAS removal efficiency for comparison to the CO Addendum requirement of 99% removal; and  Evaluate PFAS concentrations in the flow bypassing the diversion sumps on a quarterly basis. Data collected as a part of the Sampling Plan are recorded on a monthly Monitoring Report for transmittal to NCDEQ. The Monitoring Report developed as a part of the Sampling Plan includes separate sheets for: (1) the influent (flow transferred to EQ storage from the diversion sumps, flow, and water quality of the stormwater influent to Treatment System); (2) the effluent (flow and water quality of the effluent from the DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 4 September 2021 Treatment System); (3) bypass (flow and water quality of stormwater bypassing the Treatment System); and (4) removal efficiency calculations. This summary report presents the data collected and analyses conducted for the evaluation period of July through August 2021 for stormwater capture and removal efficiency of the Treatment System. 4 METHODS AND SCOPE This section summarizes, for the months of July and August 2021, the methods and scope for evaluating the effectiveness of the Treatment System in (1) consistently capturing stormwater from the Monomers/IXM area in events up to one (1) inch within a 24-hour period; and (2) removing indicator PFAS parameters at a minimum removal efficiency of 99%. The sampling and flow measurement methods implemented and described below were largely in accordance with the Sampling Plan (Geosyntec, 2021a). Some minor modifications were necessary due to delays in equipment receipt and Treatment System operations and are noted below. 4.1 Sampling Schedule, Types, and Locations The Sampling Plan specifies collection of influent and effluent samples for up to four sampling events each month for use in the calculation of the system removal effectiveness, provided there is sufficient rainfall and volume to collect the samples. The ability to collect samples was therefore dependent upon the Treatment System operations and the occurrence of rainfall events of sufficient volume to start-up and operate the Treatment System. In accordance with the Sampling Plan, influent and effluent sampling was performed when the Treatment System was discharging treated stormwater and sampling events were collected at least three days apart. Sampling events are referred to as Monitored Discharge Events for reporting purposes. Influent and effluent samples were collected three times in July 2021 (July 2, 2021; July 8, 2021; and July 19, 2021) and four times in August 2021 (August 4, 2021; August 10, 2021; August 18, 2021; and August 22, 2021). The Sampling Plan also specifies the evaluation of bypass samples at least once a quarter. Bypass samples for 2021 Quarter 3 (July – September 2021) were collected on September 21, 2021 once stormwater began bypassing the sumps after approximately 1.50 inches of rainfall. The samples collected from this event have been submitted for analysis, but results have not yet been received. The quarterly bypass results from the DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 5 September 2021 September 21, 2021 bypass event will be reported on the September 2021 Monitoring Report. 4.2 Field Methods Influent and effluent samples were collected as time-weighted composite samples. In accordance with the Sampling Plan, samples were generally collected on the first day of operation of the Treatment System during a treatment event; subsequent days were not sampled unless there were at least three days between sample collection. Due to pandemic-related supply chain issues and subsequent backorders on autosamplers, the autosamplers were not installed for the July and August 2021 sampling events and grab samples were collected manually for compositing. Samples were manually collected into pre-cleaned, 250 milliliter high density polyethylene bottles every two hours during the Treatment System operations for the Monitored Discharge Event and were composited into one sample for analysis. 4.2.1 Field QA/QC Samples Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples, including field duplicates, equipment blanks, and field blanks, are specified to be collected to meet an overall frequency of a minimum of twenty percent (20%) for the program. A field duplicate was collected on July 8, 2021. Equipment blanks were not collected because non- dedicated sampling equipment (e.g., an autosampler) was not used for sample collection during the July through August 2021 evaluation period. Equipment blanks will be collected in the future once autosamplers are installed for sample collection. Field blanks will also be collected during future sampling events. 4.2.2 Field Parameters Field parameters (e.g., pH, temperature, turbidity) were measured at the beginning of composite sampling (after the first subsample was collected), and after composite sampling was completed (collected from the composite sample reservoir). Location- specific field forms were used to record information regarding additional items such as QA/QC, sample identifications, color, odor, and other field observations. 4.2.3 Sample Packing and Shipping After sample collection, labelled and containerized samples were placed inside an insulated sample cooler with ice. Prior to shipment of the samples to the laboratory, a chain of custody form was completed identifying sample locations, sample identification numbers, and specific laboratory analyses to be performed on the DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 6 September 2021 samples. Chain of custody forms were signed by the field personnel relinquishing the samples to the courier and were signed by the laboratory upon receipt of the cooler. Samples were shipped to and analyzed at Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental (Lancaster, PA). 4.3 Laboratory Methods Samples were analyzed using the methods shown in Table 1. Each influent and effluent sample was analyzed for HFPO-DA, PMPA, and PFMOAA. Effluent samples were also analyzed for TSS. The quarterly grab sample collected on September 21, 2021 from flow bypassing the diversion sumps will be analyzed for Table 3+ parameters. PFAS reported under the Table 3+ Laboratory Standard Operating Procedure are listed in Table 2. Data were reviewed using the Data Verification Module (DVM) within the LocusTM Environmental Information Management (EIM) system, which is a commercial software program used to manage data. Following the DVM process, a manual review of the data was conducted. The data usability, in view of the project’s data quality objectives, was assessed and the data were entered into the EIM system. Laboratory reports and the data review narrative whitebooks are provided in Appendix A. 4.4 Flow Measurement Methods The Sampling Plan identified seven locations to collect flow or water level measurements to assess Treatment System capture efficiency. During Treatment System operations in July through August 2021, some of the flow measurement methods outlined in the Sampling Plan were modified due to delays in equipment receipt. Additionally, some flow measurement locations were determined to be duplicative of other measurement locations. The Sampling Plan provided provisions for modifying methods due to site conditions. Modifications to methods used for the July through August 2021 evaluation period are outlined below. Flow measurement locations are also summarized in Table 1. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 7 September 2021 Flow Measurement Location Sampling Plan Methods July through August 2021 Modified Methods Reason for Modification East Diversion Sump Totalizer East and west diversion flows measured via a totalizer and recorded as a combined total; see Influent to the equalization (EQ) storage parameter Simplify reporting requirements; totalizer measuring east and west diversion flows to EQ storage reported as a combined total East Diversion Sump Bypass Continuous flow measurement Bypass flow estimated based on SWMM model and measured water level in sump (see Section 4.4.1) Instrumentation to measure bypass at overflow pipe has not yet been installed due to delays in equipment receipt West Diversion Sump Totalizer East and west diversion flows measured via a totalizer and recorded as a combined total; see Influent to the EQ Storage System parameter Simplify reporting requirements; totalizer measuring east and west diversion flows to EQ storage reported as a combined total West Diversion Sump Bypass Continuous flow measurement Bypass flow estimated based on SWMM model (see Section 4.4.1) Instrumentation to measure bypass at overflow pipe not yet installed due to delays in equipment receipt Influent to EQ Storage Continuous flow measurement Totalizer Instrumentation is a totalizer and not a continuous flow measurement. Represents the combined east and west diversion flows Influent to the Treatment System Continuous flow measurement Totalizer at Treatment System discharge; see Effluent from the Treatment System parameter Simplify reporting requirements; assumed influent to the treatment system on a daily basis is equivalent to the measured effluent flow Discharge from the Treatment System Continuous flow measurement Totalizer at Treatment System discharge Instrumentation on effluent of the Treatment System is a totalizer and not a continuous flow measurement If there was no recorded discharge from the Treatment System, the Monitoring Report was marked as “no discharge.” The Monitoring Reports for July 2021 and August 2021 are provided in Appendix B. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 8 September 2021 4.4.1 Bypass Estimates Due to pandemic-related supply chain issues, bypass flow meters were not installed until late September 2021 to measure flow in the overflow pipes. Bypass flows on precipitation days were estimated by comparing the volume transferred to EQ storage to runoff volume estimates generated from Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) version 5.1. The SWMM model was previously developed to size the Treatment System as detailed in Geosyntec (2021b) and was simulated using onsite precipitation recorded from July through August 2021. Daily runoff volumes were summed from the model output and compared to the daily recorded volumes that were transferred to EQ storage. The daily bypass volume was estimated to be the difference between the modeled daily runoff volume and the daily volume transferred to EQ storage. For the precipitation days where runoff volume exceeded the volume transferred to EQ storage, the percentage of the east diversion sump capacity that was full was evaluated to verify bypass occurred as predicted by the model. The invert elevation of the overflow pipe in the east sump is equivalent to the elevation at which the east diversion sump capacity is 80% full. If the east diversion sump was greater than 80% full on precipitation days where bypass was estimated to have occurred (based on the first evaluation comparing modeled daily runoff volume to the daily volume transferred to EQ storage), then it was assumed a bypass event occurred as modeled. Bypass was typically verified to have occurred after the total flow transferred to EQ storage exceeded 300,800 gallons in a 24-hour period and the pumps turned off. This evaluation of the percentage full of the sump capacity was assessed for the east diversion sump in July and August 2021. Due to delays in equipment receipt, the west diversion sump level transmitter was installed in late August 2021. While the west diversion sump water level data were not available to evaluate potential bypass during July and August 2021, a preliminary evaluation of the data collected through the end of September 2021 was conducted for both diversion sumps. This evaluation (discussed in Section 5.1) indicates that stormwater runoff from events up to 1 inch in 24 hours appears to be consistently captured. Bypass flow meters were installed in the overflow pipes during the week of September 20 – 24, 2021, and are undergoing calibration to measure bypass flows in the future. 4.5 Removal Efficiency Calculations As outlined in the Sampling Plan (Geosyntec, 2021a), the Treatment System PFAS removal effectiveness was defined by the percentage removal of each of the three indicator parameters (HFPO-DA, PFMOAA, and PMPA) on a monthly average basis DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 9 September 2021 using composite influent and effluent samples. The Treatment System PFAS removal efficiency was calculated on a monthly average basis using Equation 1 below. Non- detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples were averaged together. The system PFAS removal efficiency calculation uses volume-weighted concentrations of the influent and effluent samples to calculate the percentage of mass removal. Volume-weighted concentrations were developed in the event that either the influent and effluent autosamplers have different compositing durations or that the composite sampling periods in the month have different durations. Both circumstances could arise due to a potential equipment malfunction or a severe weather event. Weighting by volume provides a representative assessment of mass present in both the influent and effluent over time; samples corresponding to greater flow volumes will have a proportionately higher weight. Equation 1: System Removal Effectiveness for Indicator Parameters 𝐸்ௌିூ௑ெ,௜ ൌ ቆ1 െ 𝑐௘௙௙,௜ 𝑐௜௡௙,௜ ቇൈ100% ൌ ቆ1 െ ∑𝑐௘௙௙,௠,௜ ൈ𝑤௠ெ௠ୀଵ ∑𝑐௜௡௙,௡,௜ ൈ𝑤௡ே௡ୀଵ ቇൈ100% ൌ ൮1 െ ∑𝑐௘௙௙,୫,௜ ൈ 𝑉௠∑𝑉௠ெ௠ୀଵ ெ௠ୀଵ ∑𝑐௜௡௙,௡,௜ ൈ 𝑉௡∑𝑉௡ே௡ୀଵ ே௡ୀଵ ൲ ൈ 100% where, 𝐸்ௌିூ௑ெି௜ = is the Treatment System PFAS removal efficiency for the given indicator parameters, i (HFPO-DA, PMPA, or PFMOAA); 𝑐௘௙௙,௜= is the volume weighted effluent concentration for a given evaluation period for the given indicator parameters, i (HFPO-DA, PMPA or PFMOAA); 𝑐௜௡௙,௜ = is the volume weighted influent concentration for a given evaluation period for the given indicator parameters, i (HFPO-DA, PMPA or PFMOAA); 𝑚 = represents an individual effluent composite sample during a given evaluation period; DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 10 September 2021 𝑀 = is the total number of effluent composite samples during a given evaluation period; 𝑛 = represents an individual influent composite sample during a given evaluation period; 𝑁 = is the total number of influent composite samples during a given evaluation period; i = represents the three indicator parameters HFPO-DA, PMPA, or PFMOAA; 𝑐௘௙௙,௠,௜ = is the measured concentration of the indicator parameter for each effluent composite sample; 𝑐௜௡௙,௡,௜ = is the measured concentration of the indicator parameter for each influent composite sample; 𝑤௠ = is the effluent concentration volumetric weighting factor calculated for and applied individually to each effluent composite sample concentration; 𝑉௠ = is the volume of water entering (and exiting) the Treatment System during the effluent composite sample collection period; 𝑤௡ = is the influent concentration volumetric weighting factor calculated for and applied individually to each influent composite sample concentration; and 𝑉௡ = is the volume of water entering (and exiting) the Treatment System during the influent composite sample collection period. 4.6 Associated Data Recording Scope The following types of data were evaluated during Treatment System operation and recorded on the Monitoring Report as relevant.  Precipitation during a given evaluation period at the onsite meteorological station;  Stormwater volume transferred to EQ storage on days with precipitation;3 3 On days without precipitation, some nominal non-stormwater flows were diverted to EQ storage due to startup and commissioning and/or maintenance and were not recorded on the Monitoring Report as these flows are not representative of stormwater flows. Nominal non-stormwater flows that are diverted to EQ storage are treated along with captured stormwater by the Treatment System. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 11 September 2021  Stormwater volume treated by the Treatment System during the monthly evaluation period;  Stormwater volume bypassing the Treatment System during the monthly evaluation period;  Influent and effluent concentration data for Monitored Discharge Events; and  Effluent pH and TSS for Monitored Discharge Events. 5 RESULTS Analytical results from the July through August 2021 evaluation period are provided in Table 3. Field parameters recorded during sample collection are provided in Table 4. The Monitoring Reports for July 2021 and August 2021 are provided in Appendix B. The evaluation of consistent capture of the 1-inch storm and removal efficiency evaluation are described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. 5.1 Evaluation of Consistent Capture of the 1-inch, 24-hour Design Storm The following section describes an assessment of capture of the 1-inch, 24-hour design storm based on an evaluation of the days when bypass was estimated to have occurred. Estimated bypass flows for the evaluation period demonstrate that the Treatment System is capable of capturing the 1-inch, 24-hour design storm. During the reporting period, 13 days in July 2021 and 11 days in August 2021 had observed precipitation. Bypass was estimated to have occurred on three days in July 2021 and no bypass was estimated to have occurred in August 2021. Two of the bypass events were associated with precipitation events in excess of 1 inch in 24 hours, and the third bypass event was attributed to equipment malfunction. The remaining 21 days in July and August 2021 had recorded precipitation less than 1 inch; bypass was not estimated to occur on these days. Two storm-related bypass events occurred on July 8, 2021 and July 19, 2021, during precipitation events of 2.16 inches and 4.33 inches, respectively. On both of those days, the design volume (nominally 300,000 gallons) was transferred to EQ storage prior to the pumps being turned off; therefore, capture of the 1-inch, 24-hour storm was achieved for both days and the bypasses were allowable bypass events. Another bypass event occurred on July 2, 2021, which was the first precipitation event that occurred after Treatment System startup on June 30, 2021. Total precipitation DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 12 September 2021 recorded during the storm event was 0.77 inches. The diversion pumps were inadvertently locked out of service and therefore did not turn on when the sumps began filling up; this was realized approximately 30 minutes after rainfall began and corrected. This resulted in an estimated bypass volume of approximately 33,000 gallons. A summary of the estimated bypass is provided in the table below. Date Precipitation Estimated Runoff from SWMM Volume Transferred to EQ Storage Estimated Bypass Volume Volume up to 1 inch transferred? Reason for Bypass in gal gal gal 7/2/2021 0.77 233,870 200,861 33,009 -1 Equipment malfunction. Pumps locked out of service for ~ 30 minutes 7/8/2021 2.16 698,916 337,846 361,070 Yes Storm event greater than 1 inch 7/19/2021 4.33 1,450,073 335,790 1,114,283 Yes Storm event greater than 1 inch 1. This precipitation event was less than 1 inch and therefore was modeled to generate less stormwater runoff than the design volume of 300,800 gallons. 5.1.1 West Diversion Sump September 2021 Capture Data A preliminary evaluation of the east and west diversion sump water level data for September 2021 was conducted to evaluate if and when bypass flows occurred during rainfall events. The evaluation of the east and west diversion sump data indicated bypass occurred intermittently from September 21 – 23, 2021. On the days of September 21 to 22, 2021, two back-to-back storm events resulted in a total precipitation depth of 2.27 inches (1.70 inches and 0.57 inches on September 21, 2021 and September 22, 2021, respectively). Bypass occurred after runoff from upwards of 1 inch of rainfall was captured on September 21, 2021. While the Treatment System began operating starting September 21, 2021, the capacity of the EQ storage did not allow for capture and storage of all stormwater runoff on subsequent days. This observation is consistent with the Stormwater Capture and Treatment System Engineering Report that stated “the Treatment System will not necessarily capture and treat all runoff from storms with depths of one inch in 24 hours due to some storms occurring in close time proximity to each other.” (Geosyntec, 2021b). DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 13 September 2021 Bypass was not observed during the four (4) other days with precipitation events that were less 1 inch in 24 hours at either diversion sump. The final data will be reported in the September 2021 Monitoring Report once the corresponding analytical results have been received. This preliminary evaluation is consistent with observations from the July and August 2021 period that stormwater runoff from events up to 1 inch in 24 hours appears to be consistently captured according to expectations outlined previously. Bypass flow meters were installed in the overflow pipes during the week of September 20 – 24, 2021, and are undergoing calibration in order to more accurately measure bypass flows in the future. 5.2 Removal Efficiency Evaluation Three (3) sample events in July 2021 and four (4) sample events in August 2021 were collected and analyzed for indicator PFAS parameters (Table 3, Appendix B). The volume-weighted influent and effluent concentrations were developed based on methods described in Section 4.5 and recorded in the monthly Monitoring Report (Appendix B). Percent removal of all three indicator PFAS exceeded 99% for the months of July and August 2021, as summarized in the table below. The Treatment System has therefore demonstrated to be capable of achieving the 99% removal efficiency required by the CO Addendum. Month Volume-weighted Influent Concentration1 Volume-weighted Effluent Concentration1 Treatment System PFAS Removal Efficiency for HFPO-DA, PFMOAA, and PMPA1 HFPO- DA PFMO AA PMPA HFPO- DA PFMO AA PMPA HFPO- DA PFMO AA PMPA µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L % % % July 2021 26 6.6 1.2 0.002 0.031 0.000 99.99 99.53 100.0 August 2021 27 5.7 1.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 100.0 100.0 100.0 µg/L – micrograms/Liter HFPO-DA - hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid PFMOAA - 2,2-difluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acid PMPA - perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid 1. In accordance with Equation 1 and as outlined the Sampling Plan, non-detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the volume-weighted calculation and subsequently the removal efficiency calculation. The practical quantitation limits for the three indicator parameters ranged from 0.002 to 0.010 µg/L. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 14 September 2021 6 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section presents the summary of the stormwater capture and treatment system performance against CO Addendum paragraph 4(c) requirements and then presents recommendations for ongoing sample collection and flow monitoring. 6.1 Summary This report has demonstrated that the Treatment System is operating within the requirements of CO Addendum paragraph 4(c). During the July through August 2021 evaluation period the following observations were made:  The Treatment System appears to have consistently captured stormwater runoff from precipitation events up to the 1-inch, 24-hour design storm.4, 5  The Treatment System removed all three indicator PFAS to greater than 99% during the months of July and August 2021. The overall capture and efficiency of the Treatment System is within expectations of design and meeting the requirements of CO Addendum paragraph 4(c). 6.2 Recommendations During the first two months of operation, flow or water level measurements differed from what was proposed in the Sampling Plan due to site conditions and pandemic- related supply chain issues. Additionally, measuring flow at some of the locations was found to be duplicative in practice. Modifications to the Sampling Plan were therefore made in July and August 2021 and reflect improvements for the data being collected. Geosyntec recommends that these modified methods be used for future sampling and monitoring to streamline the monthly reporting requirements. These changes are summarized in the table below. Chemours will submit an updated Stormwater Sampling 4 For the July through August 2021 evaluation period, bypass flow was estimated using the methods described in Section 4.4.1. Bypass is planned to be measured at the overflow pipes moving forward; continuous flow meters are currently installed and undergoing calibration. 5 As described in Section 5.1, during the first precipitation event after commissioning, an equipment malfunction resulted in a small volume of stormwater runoff being diverted to bypass. This malfunction was corrected within 30 minutes of rainfall beginning. Mechanisms have been put into place to avoid this in the future. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 15 September 2021 Plan and example Monitoring Report to reflect these changes to NCDEQ for review and approval. Flow Measurement Location Sampling Plan Methods Proposed Method for Future Treatment System Sampling East Diversion Sump Totalizer Eliminate reporting as a separate parameter; report with flow from West Diversion Sump as Influent to the EQ Storage East Diversion Sump Bypass6 Continuous flow measurement Continuous flow measurement; currently undergoing calibration West Diversion Sump Totalizer Eliminate reporting as a separate parameter; report with flow from East Diversion Sump as Influent to the EQ Storage West Diversion Sump Bypass6 Continuous flow measurement Continuous flow measurement; currently undergoing calibration Influent to EQ Storage Continuous flow measurements Measured via totalizer associated with combined east and west sumps Influent to the Treatment System Continuous flow measurement Eliminate; assume equivalent to effluent from Treatment System Discharge from the Treatment System Continuous flow measurement Totalizer at Treatment System discharge Sampling and flow measurements for future months will continue to be collected in accordance with the updated Sampling Plan. Results will be submitted via transmittal of a Monitoring Report via email. 6 For the July through August 2021 evaluation period, bypass flow was estimated using the methods described in Section 4.4.1. Bypass is planned to be measured at the overflow pipes moving forward; continuous flow meters are currently installed and undergoing calibration. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TR0807E 16 September 2021 7 REFERENCES Geosyntec, 2021a. Stormwater Treatment System Sampling Plan. May 2021. Geosyntec, 2021b. Stormwater Capture and Treatment System Engineering Report and Data Analysis. January 2021. DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLES DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLE 1SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS AND FLOW MEASUREMENT - JULY AND AUGUST 2021Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.East Diversion SumpBypassWest Diversion SumpBypassHFPO-DA, PMPA, PFMOAATime-weighted compositeLab Analysis Table 3+ Lab SOP X XTable 3+ PFAS Grab Lab Analysis Table 3+ Lab SOP X XTSSTime-weighted compositeLab Analysis EPA SM 2540D XpH Grab Field Parameter -XFlowContinuous2Field Parameter -Estimated3Estimated3XXNotes:EQ - EqualizationHFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acidPFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PMPA - Perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acidPFMOAA - Perfluoro-2-methoxyacetic acidTSS - Total Suspended SolidsSM - Standard MethodSOP - Standard Operating Procedure2. Continuous measurements were summed via a totalizer.3.. Bypass flows were estimated using the methods described in Section 4.4.1. 1. Sampling was performed when the Treatment System was discharging treated stormwater. Samples were collected up to four times per month.Parameter/Measurement Sample TypeMeasurement TypeAnalytical MethodFrom the East ChannelFrom the West ChannelSample Collection1Influent to Treatment SystemEffluent from Treatment SystemEQ StorageTR0807EPage 1 of 1September 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLE 2PFAS AND ASSOCIATED ANALYTICAL METHODS - JULY AND AUGUST 2021Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.Table 3+(17 compounds)Table 3+(20 compounds)HFPO-DA2✔✔Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid 13252-13-6 C6HF11O3PEPA✔✔Perfluoro-2-ethoxypropionic acid267239-61-2 C5HF9O3PFECA-G✔✔Perfluoro-4-isopropoxybutanoic acid 801212-59-9 C12H9F9O3SPFMOAA✔✔Perfluoro-2-methoxyacetic acid674-13-5 C3HF5O3PFO2HxA✔✔Perfluoro-3,5-dioxahexanoic acid39492-88-1 C4HF7O4PFO3OA✔✔Perfluoro-3,5,7-trioxaoctanoic acid39492-89-2 C5HF9O5PFO4DA✔✔Perfluoro-3,5,7,9-tetraoxadecanoic acid 39492-90-5 C6HF11O6PMPA✔✔Perfluoro-2-methoxypropionic acid13140-29-9 C4HF7O3Hydro-EVE Acid✔✔2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-3-({1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoro-3-[(1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl)oxy]propan-2-yl}oxy)propionic acid 773804-62-9 C8H2F14O4EVE Acid✔✔2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-3-({1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoro-3-[(1,2,2-trifluoroethenyl)oxy]propan-2-yl}oxy)propionic acid 69087-46-3 C8HF13O4PFECA B✔✔Perfluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid151772-58-6 C5HF9O4R-EVE--✔Pentanoic acid, 4-(2-carboxy-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5-octafluoro- 2416366-22-6 C8H2F12O5PFO5DA✔✔Perfluoro-3,5,7,9,11-pentaoxadodecanoic acid 39492-91-6 C7HF13O7R-PSDA--✔ Pentanoic acid, 2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5-octafluoro-4-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-sulfoethoxy)- 2416366-18-0 C7H2F12O6SR-PSDCA✔✔Ethanesulfonic acid, 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-[1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)propoxy]- 2416366-21-5 C6H2F12O4SHydrolyzed PSDA--✔Acetic acid, 2-fluoro-2-[1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-sulfoethoxy)propoxy]- 2416366-19-1 C7H3F11O7SNVHOS✔✔1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-heptafluoro-3-oxapentanesulfonic acid; or 2-(1,2,2,2-ethoxy)tetrafluoroethanesulfonic acid; or 1-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-sulfoethoxy)-1,2,2,2-tetafluoroethane 801209-99-4 C4H2F8O4SPES✔✔Perfluoro-2-ethoxyethanesulfonic acid 113507-82-7 C4HF9O4SPS Acid✔✔Ethanesulfonic acid, 2-[1-[difluoro[(1,2,2-trifluoroethenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy]-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro- 29311-67-9 C7HF13O5SHydro-PS Acid✔✔Ethanesulfonic acid, 2-[1-[difluoro(1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)methyl]-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy]-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro- 749836-20-2 C7H2F14O5SPFHpA2-- --Perfluoroheptanoic acid375-85-9 C7HF13O2Notes:1 - Analyzed under analytical method Table 3+ Lab SOP.2 - HFPO-DA and PFHpA can be analyzed under methods Table 3+ SOP and EPA Method 537 Mod.CASRN - Chemical Abstracts Service registry numberEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyPFAS - Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances SOP - Standard Operating ProcedureTable 3+ SOPAnalytical MethodChemical FormulaCASRNChemical NamePFAS GroupingCommon Name1TR0807EPage 1 of 1September 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLE 3ANALYTICAL RESULTS - JULY AND AUGUST 2021Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.Location IDSTS Influent STS Discharge STS Influent STS Discharge STS Discharge STS Influent STS Discharge STS DischargeField Sample ID STS Influent- 070221 STS Discharge - 070221 STS Influent-10708 STS Discharge 10708 STS-Discharge-D-10708 STS Influent-10719 STS Discharge-10719 STS Discharge-10719-DSample Date 07/02/2021 07/02/2021 07/08/2021 07/08/2021 07/08/2021 07/19/2021 07/19/2021 07/19/2021Analytical Laboratory TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmericaQA/QC -- -- -- -- Field Duplicate -- -- Field DuplicateTable 3+ SOP (ng/L)Hfpo Dimer Acid18,000 J 3 27,000 J<2.0 <2.034,000 J 3.3 --PFMOAA11,000 J 110 4,300 J<2.0 <2.05,800<2.0--PMPA1,100<101,200 J<10 <101,400<10--Other Compounds (mg/L)Total Suspended Solids-- 10 J -- 15 -- -- 3.8 3.9NotesBold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit.J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precisemg/L - milligrams per literng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureSTS - Stormwater Treatment System-- - No data reported< - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. TR0807EPage 1 of 2September 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLE 3ANALYTICAL RESULTS - JULY AND AUGUST 2021Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.Location IDField Sample IDSample DateAnalytical LaboratoryQA/QCTable 3+ SOP (ng/L)Hfpo Dimer AcidPFMOAAPMPAOther Compounds (mg/L)Total Suspended SolidsNotesBold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit.J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precisemg/L - milligrams per literng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureSTS - Stormwater Treatment System-- - No data reported< - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. STS Influent STS Discharge STS Influent STS Discharge STS Influent STS Discharge STS Influent STS DischargeSTS Influent - 10804 STS Discharge - 10804 STS Influent-081021 STS Discharge-081021 STS Influent-081821 STS Discharge-081821 STS Influent - 082221 STS Discharge - 08222108/04/2021 08/04/2021 08/10/2021 08/10/2021 08/18/2021 08/18/2021 08/22/2021 08/22/2021TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica TestAmerica-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --42,000 J<2.021,000 J<2.022,000<2.038,000 J<2.04,600 J<2.05,800 J<2.05,600<2.06,300 J<2.02,000 J<101,300 J<101,400<101,300 J<10-- 8.6 -- 6.2 -- 6.3 -- 8.2 JTR0807EPage 2 of 2September 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 TABLE 4FIELD PARAMETERS - JULY AND AUGUST 2021Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.StartEndStartEndStartEndStartEndInfluent Temporal Composite 12:45 18:30 6.8 6.5 26.0 16.7 85.4 85.8 48 47 Brownish NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 13:00 18:30 6.9 7.0 26.0 16.1 81.9 73.2 26 24Brownish but more clear than influentNoneInfluent Temporal Composite 9:50 17:50 6.6 5.7 25.0 16.0 49.2 73.6 67 55 Brown NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 10:00 17:50 7.7 7.4 25.0 16.0 50.4 48.2 34 32 Mostly clear NoneInfluent Temporal Composite 9:30 15:00 6.5 6.5 27.0 16.0 71.4 72.1 20 21 Colorless NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 9:30 15:00 7.5 7.4 27.0 16.0 67.4 68.2 9 10 Colorless NoneInfluent Temporal Composite 9:40 10:40 6.9 6.9 29.0 20.0 97.1 86.5 11 12 Brown NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 9:40 10:40 6.8 6.7 29.0 20.0 89.6 90.2 13 12 Brown NoneInfluent Temporal Composite 9:40 17:30 6.3 6.3 28.0 16.0 48.7 49.1 12 13 NR NREffluent Temporal Composite 9:40 17:30 6.7 6.8 28.0 16.0 62.9 60.3 10 10 NR NRInfluent Temporal Composite 9:40 15:30 6.8 6.8 27.0 18.0 76.5 82.4 8 10 Colorless NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 9:40 15:30 6.7 6.8 27.0 18.0 126.5 103.2 14 12 Colorless NoneInfluent Temporal Composite 11:00 17:00 6.7 6.6 26.1 19.2 65.3 61.2 7 7 Colorless NoneEffluent Temporal Composite 11:00 17:00 6.6 6.5 26.5 17.8 93.6 76.4 7 20 Yellow NoneNotes:°C - degrees CelsiusµS/cm - microSiemens per centimeterNR - not recordedNTU - nephelometric turbidity unitsORP - oxidation reduction potentialSU - standard unitsField parameters for the temporal composite samples were collected once at the beginning of sampling and once from the sample reservoir at the end of composite sampling.Water Odor8/22/2021Date LocationSampling Method Sample Start Time7/8/20217/19/20218/4/20218/10/20218/18/20217/2/2021pH(SU)Temperature(°C)Specific Conductivity(µS/cm)Turbidity(NTU)Sample End TimeWater ColorTR0807EPage 1 of 1September 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 FIGURES DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Drainage to the Proposed Stormwater Treatment System Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure 1Raleigh 200 0 200100 Feet ³ September 2021 Legend Site Conveyance Network Drainage Area to the Stormwater Treatment System DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 2222222222222222222222222222~4,10 0 f t East DiversionSump EQ Storage Treatment System West DiversionSump Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Approximate Location of Diversion Sumps,EQ Storage, and Stormwater Treatment System Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure 2Raleigh 500 0 500250 Feet September 2021 NotesEQ - equalization1. Basemap sources: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend ³ 2 Pipe to Convey Captured Stormwater to StormwaterTreatment System Site Conveyance Network Stormwater Treatment System Drainage Area to the Stormwater Treatment System Areas at Site Chemours Monomers/IXM DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 APPENDIX A Laboratory Reports and Data Review Narrative Whitebooks Laboratory reports are provided to NCDEQ via the Shared OneDrive Folder DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 ADQM Data Review Site: Chemours Fayetteville Project: STS Compliance Sampling July 2021 Project Reviewer: Bridget Gavaghan DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Sample Summary * FS=Field Sample DUP=Field Duplicate FB=Field Blank EB=Equipment Blank TB=Trip Blank Field Sample ID Lab Sample ID Sample Matrix Filtered Sample Date Sample Time Sample Purpose DISCHARGE - 070221 410-46448-1 Other liquid N 07/02/2021 18:30 FS STS Influent- 070221 410-46449-1 Other liquid N 07/02/2021 18:30 FS STS DISCHARGE - 070221 410-46449-2 Other liquid N 07/02/2021 18:30 FS STS Discharge 10708 410-46707-1 Other liquid N 07/08/2021 17:50 FS STS Influent-10708 410-46711-1 Other liquid N 07/08/2021 17:50 FS STS Discharge 10708 410-46711-2 Other liquid N 07/08/2021 17:50 FS STS-Discharge-D-10708 410-46711-3 Other liquid N 07/08/2021 17:50 DUP STS Discharge-10719 410-48282-1 Other liquid N 07/19/2021 15:00 FS STS Discharge-10719-D 410-48282-2 Other liquid N 07/19/2021 15:00 DUP STS Influent-10719 410-48284-1 Other liquid N 07/19/2021 15:00 FS STS Discharge-10719 410-48284-2 Other liquid N 07/19/2021 15:00 FS DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Analytical Protocol Lab Name Lab Method Parameter Category Sampling Program LANCASTER LABORATORIES 2540 D-2011 Total Suspended Solids STS Compliance Sampling LANCASTER LABORATORIES Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS)STS Compliance Sampling DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* Not Applicable (NA)* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet laboratory acceptability requirements upon receipt (i.e., intact, within temperature, properly preserved, and no headspace where applicable)? X X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the laboratory and/or field team? X D Were samples prepped/analyzed by the laboratory within method holding times? X X X E Were QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory (method blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences/RPDs, sample results within calibration range)? X X X F Were detections in field/equipment/trip blanks at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X G Were all data usable and not R qualified? X ER# Description Other QA/QC Items to Note: * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, and/or ER # for further details as indicated. The electronic data submitted for this project was reviewed via the Data Verification Module (DVM) process. Overall, the data is acceptable for use without qualification, except as noted on the attached DVM Narrative Report. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 DVM Narrative ReportOnly one surrogate has relative percent recovery (RPR) values outside control limits and the parameter is a PFC (Detects).LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:STS Compliance SamplingAnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSTS Influent- 07022107/02/2021410-46449-1Hfpo Dimer Acid18UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent- 07022107/02/2021410-46449-1PFMOAA11ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent-1070807/08/2021410-46711-1Pentamethylphosphoramide (PMPA)1.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.10PQLSTS Influent-1070807/08/2021410-46711-1Hfpo Dimer Acid27UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent-1070807/08/2021410-46711-1PFMOAA4.3ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSTS Influent-1071907/19/2021410-48284-1Hfpo Dimer Acid34UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLPage 1 of 2DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:STS Compliance SamplingAnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsDISCHARGE - 07022107/02/2021410-46448-1Total SuspendedSolids10MG/L12540 D-2011J3MDLPage 2 of 2DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 ADQM Data Review Site: Chemours Fayetteville Project: STS Compliance Sampling August 2021 Project Reviewer: Bridget Gavaghan DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Sample Summary * FS=Field Sample DUP=Field Duplicate FB=Field Blank EB=Equipment Blank TB=Trip Blank Field Sample ID Lab Sample ID Sample Matrix Filtered Sample Date Sample Time Sample STS Influent - 10804 410-50456-1 Other liquid N 08/04/2021 10:40 FS STS Discharge - 10804 410-50456-2 Other liquid N 08/04/2021 10:40 FS STS Discharge - 10804 410-50457-1 Other liquid N 08/04/2021 10:40 FS STS Influent-081021 410-51155-1 Other liquid N 08/10/2021 17:30 FS STS Discharge-081021 410-51155-2 Other liquid N 08/10/2021 17:30 FS STS Discharge-081021 410-51209-1 Other liquid N 08/10/2021 17:30 FS STS Influent-081821 410-52084-1 Other liquid N 08/18/2021 15:30 FS STS Discharge-081821 410-52084-2 Other liquid N 08/18/2021 15:30 FS STS Discharge-081821 410-52100-1 Other liquid N 08/18/2021 15:30 FS STS Influent - 082221 410-52976-1 Other liquid N 08/22/2021 17:00 FS STS Discharge - 082221 410-52976-2 Other liquid N 08/22/2021 17:00 FS STS Discharge - 082221 410-53002-1 Other liquid N 08/22/2021 17:00 FS DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Analytical Protocol Lab Name Lab Method Parameter Category Sampling Program LANCASTER LABORATORIES 2540 D-2011 Total Suspended Solids STS Compliance Sampling LANCASTER LABORATORIES Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS)STS Compliance Sampling DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* Not Applicable (NA)* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet laboratory acceptability requirements upon receipt (i.e., intact, within temperature, properly preserved, and no headspace where applicable)? X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the laboratory and/or field team? X D Were samples prepped/analyzed by the laboratory within method holding times? X X X E Were QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory (method blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences/RPDs, sample results within calibration range)? X X X F Were detections in field/equipment/trip blanks at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X G Were all data usable and not R qualified? X ER# Description Other QA/QC Items to Note: * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, and/or ER # for further details as indicated. The electronic data submitted for this project was reviewed via the Data Verification Module (DVM) process. Overall, the data is acceptable for use without qualification, except as noted on the attached DVM Narrative Report. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 DVM Narrative ReportOnly one surrogate has relative percent recovery (RPR) values outside control limits and the parameter is a PFC (Detects).LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:STS Compliance SamplingAnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSTS Influent - 08222108/22/2021410-52976-1Pentamethylphosphoramide (PMPA)1.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSTS Influent - 08222108/22/2021410-52976-1Hfpo Dimer Acid38UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent - 08222108/22/2021410-52976-1PFMOAA6.3ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent - 1080408/04/2021410-50456-1Pentamethylphosphoramide (PMPA)2.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.10PQLSTS Influent - 1080408/04/2021410-50456-1Hfpo Dimer Acid42UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent - 1080408/04/2021410-50456-1PFMOAA4.6ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSTS Influent-08102108/10/2021410-51155-1Pentamethylphosphoramide (PMPA)1.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSTS Influent-08102108/10/2021410-51155-1Hfpo Dimer Acid21UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLSTS Influent-08102108/10/2021410-51155-1PFMOAA5.8ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.20PQLPage 1 of 2DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:STS Compliance SamplingAnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSTS Discharge - 08222108/22/2021410-53002-1Total SuspendedSolids8.2MG/L12540 D-2011J3MDLPage 2 of 2DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 APPENDIX B Monthly Monitoring Reports for July through August 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:JulyYear:2021Facility:Class:PendingCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:Influent Pending50050 50050 52612 52613 52620Composite/ Sample Start TimeComposite/ Sample End TimeTotal Composite TimePrecipitationInfluent to EQ StorageInfluent to Treatment SystemInfluent Volumetric Weighting FactorHFPO-DAPFMOAAPMPA2400 clock 2400 clock Hrs inches mgd mgd ug/l ug/l ug/l10.012 1245 1830 5.75 0.77 0.201 0.104 0.28 18 11 1.130.1024567 0.34 0.030 0.0268 0950 1750 8.00 2.16 0.338 0.155 0.42 27 4.3 1.29 0.02 0.059 0.1511011 0.16 0.00712131415 0.30 0.001 0.0681617 0.73 0.08018 0.05 0.039 0.03119 0930 1500 5.50 4.33 0.336 0.107 0.29 34 5.8 1.420 0.03 0.013 0.15021 0.08 0.025222324252627 0.06 0.00928293031RC RC CP CP CP0.29 0.037 0.029 26 6.6 1.24.33 0.338 0.155 0.42 34 11 1.40.01 0.001 0.026 0.28 18 4.3 1.1Sampling Location: Composite(CP)/Grab(GR):Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:Discharge #DateNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:1. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples were averaged together.2. Monthly average influent and effluent concentrations are volume-weighted based on "Average Calculations" worksheet.3. Permit and discharge numbers pending per application submitted on June 4, 2021.910-678-1219Certifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalPerson(s) Collecting samples:Facility staffDocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:JulyYear:2021Facility:Class:TBDCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:EffluentPending50050 52612 52613 52620 00400 CO530Composite/ Sample Start TimeComposite/ Sample End TimeTotal Composite TimeDischarge from Treatment SystemEffluent Volumetric Weighting FactorHFPO-DAPFMOAAPMPApHTotal Suspended Solids2400 clock 2400 clock Hrs mgd ug/l ug/l ug/l su mg/l1 No Discharge2 1300 1830 5.50 0.104 0.28 0.003 0.11 < 0.010 7.0 103 0.1024 No Discharge5 No Discharge6 No Discharge7 0.0268 1000 1750 7.83 0.155 0.42 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 7.4 159 0.15110 No Discharge11 No Discharge12 No Discharge13 No Discharge14 No Discharge15 0.06816 No Discharge17 No Discharge18 0.03119 0930 1500 5.50 0.107 0.29 0.0033 < 0.002 < 0.010 7.4 3.820 0.15021 No Discharge22 No Discharge23 No Discharge24 No Discharge25 No Discharge26 No Discharge27 No Discharge28 No Discharge29 No Discharge30 No Discharge31 No DischargeRC CP CP CP GR CP0.029 0.002 0.031 0.0000.155 0.42 0.003 0.110 0.000 7.0 3.80.026 0.28 0.0033 0.110 0.000 7.4 1599.99 99.53 100.00DateComposite(CP)/Grab(GR):Person(s) Collecting samples:Facility staff1. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples were averaged together.2. Monthly average influent and effluent concentrations are volume-weighted based on "Average Calculations" worksheet.Sampling Location: Discharge #Certifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:910-678-1219Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:Monthly Avg % Removal (99%):DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:JulyYear:2021Facility:Class:PendingCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:Bypass Pending50050 50050 50050East Sump Grab Sample Start TimeWest Sump Grab Sample TimePrecipitationEstimated Runoff Volume from SWMMVolume of Stormwater Transferred to EQ StorageEstimated Bypass FlowEast Bypass Total Table 3+ (Total of 20 Compounds)East Bypass Total Table 3+ (Total of 20 Compounds)2400 clock 2400 clock inches mgd mgd mgd ug/l ug/l10.012 0.77 0.234 0.201 0.03334567 0.34 0.0308 2.16 0.699 0.338 0.3619 0.02 0.0591011 0.16 0.00712131415 0.30 0.0011617 0.73 0.08018 0.05 0.03919 4.33 1.450 0.336 1.11420 0.03 0.01321 0.08 0.025222324252627 0.06 0.00928293031RC RC RC GR GR0.294.330.01DateCertifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:910-678-1219Person(s) Collecting samples:Facility staff1. See SWTS report for development of bypass flow estimates.2. Permit and discharge numbers are pending per application submitted on June 4, 2021.Sampling Location: Discharge #Monthly Avg % Removal (99%):Composite(C)/Grab(G):Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 EQUATION 1: SYSTEM REMOVAL EFFECTIVENESS FOR INDICATOR PARAMETERS CALCULATIONSHFPO-DA (i) PFMOAA (i) PMPA (i) HFPO-DA (i) PFMOAA (i) PMPA (i)m, ncinf,n,HFPO-DAcinf,n,PFMOAAcinf,n,PMPAVnceff,m,HFPO-DAceff,m,PFMOAAceff,m,PMPAVmwnwm-µg/Lµg/Lµg/Lmgdµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lmgd--7/2/2021 1 18 11 1.10.1040.003 0.110 < 0.010 0.104 0.28 0.287/8/2021 2 27 4.3 1.2 0.155 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.155 0.42 0.427/19/2021 3 34 5.8 1.4 0.107 0.003 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.107 0.29 0.294cinf,HFPO-DAcinf,PFMOAAcinf,PMPAceff,HFPO-DAceff,PFMOAAceff,PMPAETS-IXM-HFPO-DAETS-IXM-PFMOAAETS-IXM-PMPAµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/L%%%26 6.6 1.2 0.002 0.031 0.000 99.99 99.53 100.00Notes: 1. Equation 1: System Removal Effectiveness for Indicator Compounds is referenced in the Stormwater Treatment System Sampling Plan (Geosyntec, 2021).2. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results are assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples are averaged together.Acronyms:< : less than the minimum detection limitµg/L: micrograms per litermgd: million gallons per dayHFPO-DA: hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acidPFMOAA: 2,2-difluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acidPMPA: perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acidInfluent Concentration Volumetric Weighting FactorEffluent Concentration Volumetric Weighting FactorInputs for July 2021 Monthly Evaluation PeriodResults for July 2021 Monthly Evaluation PeriodTreatment System PFAS Removal Efficiency for HFPO-DA, PFMOAA, and PMPAVolume-weighted Influent Concentration Volume-weighted Effluent ConcentrationDateSample NumberInfluent ConcentrationInfluent VolumeEfffluent ConcentrationEffluent VolumeDocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:AugustYear:2021Facility:Class:PendingCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:Influent Pending50050 50050 52612 52613 52620Composite/ Sample Start TimeComposite/ Sample End TimeTotal Composite TimePrecipitationInfluent to EQ StorageInfluent to Treatment SystemInfluent Volumetric Weighting FactorHFPO-DAPFMOAAPMPA2400 clock 2400 clock Hrs inches mgd ug/l ug/l ug/l1 0.26 0.029 0.0252 0.01 0.002 0.0203 0.34 0.051 0.0104 0940 1040 1.00 0.07 0.0087 0.030 0.09 42 4.6 2.056 0.89 0.2617 0.05 0.002890.03010 940 1730 7.83 0.23 0.108 0.110 0.35 21 5.8 1.311 0.10 0.008 0.161120.0531314151617 0.31 0.06318 940 1530 5.83 0.29 0.060 0.104 0.33 22 5.6 1.419 0.23 0.032202122 1100 1700 6.00 0.072 0.23 38 6.3 1.3230.0232425262728293031RC RC CP CP CP0.09 0.020 0.021 27 5.7 1.40.89 0.261 0.161 0.35 42 6 2.00.01 0.002 0.010 0.09 21 4.6 1.3Discharge #DateNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:1. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples were averaged together.2. Monthly average influent and effluent concentrations are volume-weighted based on "Average Calculations" worksheet.3. Permit and discharge numbers pending per application submitted on June 4, 2021.910-678-1219Certifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalPerson(s) Collecting samples:Facility staffSampling Location: Composite(CP)/Grab(GR):Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:AugustYear:2021Facility:Class:PendingCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:DischargePending50050 52612 52613 52620 00400 CO530Composite/ Sample Start TimeComposite/ Sample End TimeTotal Composite TimeDischarge from Treatment SystemEffluent Volumetric Weighting FactorHFPO-DAPFMOAAPMPApHTotal Suspended Solids2400 clock 2400 clock Hrs mgd ug/l ug/l ug/l su mg/l1 0.0252 0.0203 0.0104 0940 1040 1.00 0.030 0.09 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 6.7 8.65 No Discharge6 No Discharge7 No Discharge8 No Discharge9 0.03010 940 1730 7.83 0.110 0.35 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 6.8 6.211 0.16112 0.05313 No Discharge14 No Discharge15 No Discharge16 No Discharge17 No Discharge18 940 1530 5.83 0.104 0.33 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 6.8 6.319 No Discharge20 No Discharge21 No Discharge22 1100 1700 6.00 0.072 0.23 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 6.6 8.223 0.02324 No Discharge25 No Discharge26 No Discharge27 No Discharge28 No Discharge29 No Discharge30 No Discharge31 No DischargeRC CP CP CP GR CP0.021 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.71 7.30.161 0.35 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.55 6.20.010 0.09 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.79 8.6100.0 100.0 100.0Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:Monthly Avg % Removal (99%):DateComposite(CP)/Grab(GR):Certifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:910-678-1219Person(s) Collecting samples:Facility staff1. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results were assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples were averaged together.2. Monthly average influent and effluent concentrations are volume-weighted based on "Average Calculations" worksheet.3. Permit and discharge numbers pending per application submitted on June 4, 2021.Sampling Location: Discharge #DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 Permit # Month:AugustYear:2021Facility:Class:PendingCounty:BladenORC: Grade:PendingORC Certification #994529FALSEPhone:Lab#:521Comments:Bypass Pending50050 50050 50050East Sump Grab Sample Start TimeWest Sump Grab Sample TimePrecipitationEstimated Runoff Volume from SWMMVolume of Stormwater Transferred to EQ StorageEstimated Bypass FlowEast Bypass Total Table 3+ (Total of 20 Compounds)East Bypass Total Table 3+ (Total of 20 Compounds)2400 clock 2400 clock inches mgd mgd mgd ug/l ug/l1 0.26 0.0292 0.01 0.0023 0.34 0.0514 0.07 0.00956 0.89 0.2617 0.05 0.0028910 0.23 0.10811 0.10 0.008121314151617 0.31 0.06318 0.29 0.06019 0.23 0.032202122232425262728293031RC RC RC GR GR0.090.890.01DateCertifed Lab Name:Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories EnvironmentalNC000XXXXChemours Company-Fayetteville WorksJamie R. LewisHas ORC Changed?:910-678-1219Person(s) Collecting samples:Facility staff1. See SWTS report for development of bypass flow estimates.2. Permit and discharge numbers are pending per application submitted on June 4, 2021.Sampling Location: Discharge #Composite(C)/Grab(G):Monthly Average Limit:Monthly Average:Daily Maximum:Daily Minimum:DocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8 EQUATION 1: SYSTEM REMOVAL EFFECTIVENESS FOR INDICATOR PARAMETERS CALCULATIONSHFPO-DA (i) PFMOAA (i) PMPA (i) HFPO-DA (i) PFMOAA (i) PMPA (i)m, ncinf,n,HFPO-DAcinf,n,PFMOAAcinf,n,PMPAVnceff,m,HFPO-DAceff,m,PFMOAAceff,m,PMPAVmwnwm-µg/Lµg/Lµg/Lmgdµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lmgd--8/4/2021 1 42 4.6 2.00.030< 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.030 0.09 0.098/10/2021 2 21 5.8 1.3 0.110 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.110 0.35 0.358/18/2021 3 22 5.6 1.4 0.104 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.104 0.33 0.338/22/2021 4 38 6.3 1.3 0.072 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.010 0.072 0.23 0.23cinf,HFPO-DAcinf,PFMOAAcinf,PMPAceff,HFPO-DAceff,PFMOAAceff,PMPAETS-IXM-HFPO-DAETS-IXM-PFMOAAETS-IXM-PMPAµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/Lµg/L%%%27 5.7 1.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 100.0 100.00 100.0Notes: 1. Equation 1: System Removal Effectiveness for Indicator Compounds is referenced in the Stormwater Treatment System Sampling Plan (Geosyntec, 2021).2. Non-detect influent and effluent sample results are assigned a value of zero for the calculation and the values from duplicate samples are averaged together.Acronyms:< : less than the minimum detection limitµg/L: micrograms per litermgd: million gallons per dayHFPO-DA: hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acidPFMOAA: 2,2-difluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy) acetic acidPMPA: perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acidInfluent Concentration Volumetric Weighting FactorEffluent Concentration Volumetric Weighting FactorInputs for August 2021 Monthly Evaluation PeriodResults for August 2021 Monthly Evaluation PeriodTreatment System PFAS Removal Efficiency for HFPO-DA, PFMOAA, and PMPAVolume-weighted Influent Concentration Volume-weighted Effluent ConcentrationDateSample NumberInfluent ConcentrationInfluent VolumeEfffluent ConcentrationEffluent VolumeDocuSign Envelope ID: B7819391-264B-4C6A-8C28-7ED62302AEA8