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TR0795A ii November 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1 2 SEEP B CONSTRUCTION .....................................................................................................2 2.1 Permits Obtained .............................................................................................................2 2.2 Construction and Startup Sequence .................................................................................2 3 SEEP B PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ............................................................................3 3.1 Base Flow Capture ..........................................................................................................3 3.1.1 System Flowrate ..................................................................................................3 3.1.2 Bypass Flow ........................................................................................................3 3.2 PFAS Removal ................................................................................................................4 3.2.1 Performance Monitoring Sampling .....................................................................4 3.2.2 Performance Monitoring Sampling Results ........................................................4 3.2.3 System Effectiveness ...........................................................................................5 4 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................5 5 REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................6 TR0795A iii November 2021 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Sampling Summary – Seep B (August – September 2021) Table 2 Performance Monitoring Analytical Results – Seep B (August – September 2021) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 River Level and FTC As-Built Elevations – Seep B (August – September 2021) Figure 2 Measured Discharge Flowrate – Seep B (August – September 2021) Figure 3 Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow – Seep B (August – September 2021) Figure 4 Turbidity Logging and Precipitation – Seep B (August 2021) LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Bladen County NCDEQ Stormwater Permit Appendix B Civil As-Built Record Drawings Appendix C Mechanical As-Built Record Drawings Appendix D Transducer Data Reduction Appendix E Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative TR0795A iv November 2021 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CO Addendum Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 ESB Effluent Stilling Basin FTC flow-through cell GAC granular activated carbon gpm gallons per minute HFPO-DA hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer IC Inlet Chamber ISB influent Stilling Basin ng/L nanograms per liter NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCDPS North Carolina Department of Public Safety NCNFIP Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program O&M Operations and Maintenance PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFMOAA perfluoro-2-methoxyaceticacid PMPA perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers WQC Water Quality Certification TR0795A 1 November 2021 1 INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Interim Seep Remediation Seep B Effectiveness Demonstration Report (“Effectiveness Report”) on behalf of The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours). This report provides a record of construction completion and demonstration of interim effectiveness for the flow-through cell (FTC) installed as the interim remediation system at Seep B at the Chemours Fayetteville Works Site (the Site). Pursuant to requirements of Paragraph 2(a)(vi) of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 (CO Addendum), within four months after the construction of each seep’s FTC, Chemours shall submit a report demonstrating that: i. the FTC intercepted total base flow (during dry weather flow) at each seep; and ii. removed per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - as measured by influent and effluent concentrations of indicator parameters hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer (HFPO-DA), perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid (PMPA), and perfluoro-2- methoxyaceticacid (PFMOAA) - at a minimum removal efficiency of 80% on a monthly average basis (the “Interim Effectiveness Demonstration”) for each of the second and third full calendar months of operation. Substantial completion of construction was achieved at Seep B on June 8, 2021, and startup commenced thereafter. Therefore, this Effectiveness Report details the performance record of August and September 2021 (the second and third full calendar months of operation, respectively). Note that the fourth Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Report was submitted on September 30, 2021 (O&M Report #4, Geosyntec, 2021) for the reporting period of July 1, 2021 through August 31, 2021; therefore, some overlap in data presentation (August 2021) is included herein. As the O&M Report #1 from March 31, 2021 presented performance data for the first time, information was provided that is generally applicable to all four FTCs regarding hydraulic mechanics, flood management practices, data collection methodology and reduction process, and flow calculation formulas. As a simplifying step for presentation clarity, at various sections in this Effectiveness Report, reference is made to these details in O&M Report #1. For an overview of the hydraulic functionality of the system, see Section 1.1 of O&M Report #1. TR0795A 2 November 2021 2 SEEP B CONSTRUCTION This section describes the regulatory permits that were obtained for the Seep B FTC, and the construction and startup sequence that was performed immediately following. 2.1 Permits Obtained The following permits were obtained prior to construction: • December 18, 2020: Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) and Section 404 Permit, permit modification to SAW-2019-00206, from NCDEQ and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) respectively, was provided in Appendix A of the Seep A Effectiveness Report (Geosyntec 2021). The original permit was authorized for Seep C on October 5, 2020, and was modified for Seeps A, B, and D. Proof of payment of stream and wetland mitigation credits for Seeps A, B, and D was submitted on December 29, 2020 and the USACE issued approval for in-stream construction that same day. The Certificate of Completion for Seeps A, B, and D was included in the Seep D Effectiveness Report submitted on October 21, 2021. • January 14, 2021: Stormwater discharge (i.e., land disturbance) permit from Bladen County, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), project ID BLADE-2021-008 (for Seep B), provided herein as Appendix A. 2.2 Construction and Startup Sequence Construction initiated with access road and laydown area clearing and grading on December 2, 2020. In-stream construction began on March 12, 2021. The in-stream earthwork was completed on March 22, with sheet pile installation beginning immediately after. As shown in the civil as-built record drawings (Appendix B), two rows of sheet pile were installed (the upgradient and downgradient faces the FTC). Concrete formwork began on April 12, with the slab and walls poured on May 4. Mechanical work (piping and valving) began on May 12. The mechanical as-built record drawings are provided in Appendix C. Hydrostatic testing to evaluate the water tightness of each FTC chamber was performed May 26. The FTC was put into service on June 8. The elevation of the Cape Fear River relative to key elevation of the FTC for the August – September reporting period is shown in Figure 1. Some construction elements continued after substantial completion allowed for startup of the system, namely: • Regrading of seep channel; and • Installation of riprap; and • Surface restoration. TR0795A 3 November 2021 3 SEEP B PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The following sections describe the evaluation of base flow capture and PFAS removal efficiency, per the requirements of Paragraph 2(a)(vi). 3.1 Base Flow Capture 3.1.1 System Flowrate A detailed discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the Effluent Stilling Basin (ESB), and the data reduction process to convert these levels to flow rates, is provided in Sections 3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.1 of O&M Report #1 (March 31, 2021). This data reduction process, updated for the Effectiveness Report period of August – September 2021, is provided in Appendix D. Figure 2 shows the measurable discharge flowrates through the FTC over the reporting period. Effluent transducer data was inadvertently overwritten during retrieval on the August 30 O&M field event. Data was lost for August 27 through 30, 2021 and flowrates were imputed for the effluent data gap duration. The imputed flowrates were calculated as the median of measured flowrates three days before and after the data gap. The median of the measured flowrate through the FTC during the reporting period was 79 gallons per minute (gpm), as compared to the pre-design median value of 149 gpm (from flumes prior to construction). The calculated 95th percentile value of treated flow over the reporting period was 184 gpm, as compared to the 95th percentile value of pre-design dry weather base flow (the design basis treatment flow) of 226 gpm. The lower values of the calculated flows, as compared to the design basis flows, is attributed to low rainfall during a hot summer reporting period of high evapotranspiration rates. In August, approximately 2.73 inches of rain fell, which is approximately half the historical average of 5.24 inches. In September, approximately 2.68 inches of rain fell, which is approximately two-thirds the historical average of 4.30 inches. Overall, the total rainfall in the reporting period (5.41 inches) was approximately half the historical average (9.53 inches). As noted in the next subsection, there was very limited bypass in the reporting period, primarily one instance in early August after a 1.1-inch rainstorm. Hence, although the calculated statistical values for this Seep B reporting period are less than the pre-design set, they are the result of nearly complete capture of both dry and wet weather flow. It is also noted that since startup, the 95% percentile value of treated flow is 244 gpm, which is higher than the 95th percentile value of pre- design dry weather base flow, and based on these results, the system is capable of treating more than the design basis under favorable hydraulic conditions. Using the measured flowrate calculations, approximately 8,000,000 gallons of water was treated by the FTC from August 1 through September 30, 2021. 3.1.2 Bypass Flow A detailed discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the FTC Influent Stilling Basin (ISB), and the data reduction process to convert these levels to the elevation of the bypass TR0795A 4 November 2021 spillway, is provided in Section 3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.2 of O&M Report #1. This data reduction process, updated for the Effectiveness Report period of August - September 2021, is provided in Appendix E. Influent transducer data was inadvertently overwritten during retrieval on the August 30 O&M field event. Influent data was lost for August 27 through 30, 2021. The resulting figure for influent water level elevation, and occurrences of bypass flow, is provided in Figure 3. As shown, bypass flow was only observed in August, primarily due to a 1.1-inch rain event around August 6. The other rain events were captured by the system, including a 0.6-inch rain event around September 8, and a 1.6-inch rain event around September 21. Overall, three separate rain events with at least 0.5 inches of rainfall occurred in August and September. Figure 4 presents the relationship observed between precipitation and turbidity. Maintenance events were conducted following each rain event to either return the system to a condition of no bypass or maintain the condition of no bypass. A total of nine GAC maintenance events were conducted to improve the processing capacity of the system. 3.2 PFAS Removal The sections that follow discuss the FTC performance monitoring sampling procedures, and analytical results, and the overall efficiency of PFAS removal by the FTC. 3.2.1 Performance Monitoring Sampling Six performance monitoring samples – a minimum of twice per calendar month per CO Addendum Paragraph 2(a)(iii) - were collected during this reporting period (Table 1). Sampling procedures using the Teledyne autosamplers are described in Section 3.3.1 in the O&M Report #1. Samples were stored on wet ice in a cooler until shipment to an external laboratory (Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratories Sacramento or Lancaster). Chain-of-custody documents were completed and included with each shipment. Performance monitoring samples were analyzed for Table 3+ PFAS, as outlined in the Interim Seep Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020). The Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative is provided in Appendix F. Full lab reports will be uploaded to OneDrive and EQuIS. 3.2.2 Performance Monitoring Sampling Results Analytical results for the six composite performance monitoring samples are provided in Table 2 and described below. Total Table 3+ PFAS compounds (17 compounds) in the influent ranged from 200,000 to 440,000 nanograms per liter (ng/L). The average and median total Table 3+ (17 compounds) concentrations were approximately 280,000 and 220,000 ng/L, respectively. Within each influent sample, the constituents of highest concentration were PFMOAA, PMPA, and HFPO-DA. Total Table 3+ PFAS compounds (17 compounds) in the effluent ranged from non-detect in all samples, to 502 ng/L, representing a minimum removal efficiency of 99.88% in the six composite samples. TR0795A 5 November 2021 3.2.3 System Effectiveness System effectiveness, defined by the percentage removal of the combined concentrations of the three indicator parameters (HFPO-DA, PFMOAA and PMPA), is determined on a monthly average basis for the system using volume weighted concentrations of the influent and effluent samples. Volume weighted concentrations were developed so that if either the influent and effluent autosamplers have different compositing durations or that the two composite sampling periods in the month have different durations (e.g., 14 days and 10 days). Both circumstances could arise due to a potential equipment malfunction or severe weather event. Weighting by volume provides a representative assessment of mass present in both the influent and effluent over time; samples corresponding to greater flow volumes will have a proportionately higher weight. System effectiveness is calculated using the equation presented in Section 4.3 of the O&M Report #1. Based on the system flowrate data (Section 3.1.1) and the performance monitoring composite sample data of the three indicator compounds (Section 3.2.2), the system effectiveness was calculated to be >99.99% in August and 99.91% in September. This value is similar to the Table 3+ removal efficiency described in Section 3.2.2 which is due to the fact that the removal efficiency was mostly steady throughout the reporting period, and that the influent and effluent composite periods were nearly identical. 4 SUMMARY The following summarizes the evaluation of Seep B FTC’s effectiveness at capturing total baseflow and removing PFAS for the second and third full calendar months of operation (August and September 2021). • Flow data from the FTC demonstrates the system can treat more than the design basis flow rate under favorable hydraulic conditions (i.e., the 95th percentile of measured flow since startup was 244 gpm as compared to the pre-construction estimated 95th percentile of dry weather flow value of 226 gpm). FTC process flow rates can be affected by sediment accumulating within the filter beds and river levels increasing above the discharge pipe, both of which affect the dynamic head losses through the system. Nonetheless, the system has demonstrated the ability to process total base flow and will likely continue to treat at least a portion of wet weather flow during future operation. • Performance monitoring results from the composite samples indicate the removal efficiency, based on the Total Table 3+ 17 Compounds, was at least 99.88% and on average was 99.97%. The System Effectiveness flow-weighted calculation yielded a similar result (>99.99% in August and 99.91% in September). The system prevented an estimated 23.27 lbs of PFAS from being discharged to the Cape Fear River during the reporting period. TR0795A 6 November 2021 5 REFERENCES Geosyntec, 2020. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 August 2020. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan Operations and Maintenance Report #1. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31 March 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation Seep C Effectiveness Demonstration Report. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 16 April 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan Operations and Maintenance Report #2. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 28 May 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan Operations and Maintenance Report #3. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 30 July 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation Seep A Effectiveness Demonstration Report. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 26 August 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan Operations and Maintenance Report #4. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 30 September 2021. Geosyntec, 2021. Interim Seep Remediation Seep D Effectiveness Demonstration Report. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 21 October 2021. TR0795A TABLES Table 1 Sampling Summary - Seep B (August - September 2021) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Sample ID Composite Period SEEP-B-INFLUENT-336-081721 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-081721 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-082021 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-082021 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-082821 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-082821 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-210-090921 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-210-090921 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-330-092321 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-330-092321 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-168-100121 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-168-100121 Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall (inches) SEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-081821 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-081821 SEEP-B-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-092221 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-092221 Notes 1 2 3 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"4 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam August 20, 2021 August 3 - August 17, 2021 August 17, 2021 September 9 - September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021 Performance Monitoring Composite Samples Sample Date August 27 - August 28, 2021 August 28, 2021 August 19 - August 20, 2021 August 18, 2021 19:00 0.43 Wet Weather Composite Sample September 1 - September 9, 2021 September 9, 2021 September 24 - October 1, 2021 October 1, 2021 A GAC changeout was completed on September 9, interrupting the two-week composite sample that began on September 1. A second composite sample was collected from September 9 through 23, following the GAC changeout. A third composite sample for the month of September was collected from September 24 through October 1 to cover the remainder of the month. The Seep A autosamplers malfunctioned from August 17-19, interrupting the collection of aliquots early in the 14-day composite cycle. O&M staff re- programmed the Seep B samplers to be consistent with Seep A and collect two, 24-hour composites on August 20 and 28 to complete the monthly sampling program. September 22, 2021 10:05 1.69 TR0795A Page 1 of 1 November 2021 Table 2 Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep B (August - September 2021) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Hfpo Dimer Acid 34,000 <2.0 100.0%41,000 <2.0 100.0%32,000 <2.0 100.0% PFMOAA 71,000 <2.0 100.0%79,000 <2.0 100.0%70,000 <2.0 100.0% PFO2HxA 24,000 <2.0 100.0%26,000 <2.0 100.0%28,000 <2.0 100.0% PFO3OA 6,300 <2.0 100.0%6,500 <2.0 100.0%7,200 <2.0 100.0% PFO4DA 1,400 <2.0 100.0%2,200 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0% PFO5DA 340 <2.0 100.0%660 <2.0 100.0%300 <2.0 100.0% PMPA 42,000 <10 100.0%49,000 <10 100.0%32,000 <10 100.0% PEPA 18,000 <20 100.0%20,000 <20 100.0%17,000 <20 100.0% PS Acid 2,800 <2.0 100.0%3,100 <2.0 100.0%1,300 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-PS Acid 1,100 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0%1,000 <2.0 100.0% R-PSDA 4,800 J <2.0 100.0%4,000 J <2.0 100.0%3,600 J <2.0 100.0% Hydrolyzed PSDA 32,000 <2.0 100.0%29,000 J <2.0 100.0%23,000 J <2.0 100.0% R-PSDCA 68 <2.0 100.0%91 <2.0 100.0%63 <2.0 100.0% NVHOS, Acid Form 2,400 <2.0 100.0%2,600 <2.0 100.0%2,100 <2.0 100.0% EVE Acid 3400 <2.0 100.0%3700 <2.0 100.0%860 <2.0 100.0% Hydro-EVE Acid 2,200 <2.0 100.0%3,000 <2.0 100.0%2,000 <2.0 100.0% R-EVE 2,800 <2.0 100.0%3,200 J <2.0 100.0%2,200 J <2.0 100.0% PES <6.7 <2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0% PFECA B <27 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0% PFECA-G <48 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0% Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 210,000 ND 100.0%240,000 ND 100.0%200,000 ND 100.0% Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 250,000 ND 100.0%270,000 ND 100.0%220,000 ND 100.0% Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R- EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] -[# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 336-081721 Sample Date: 17-Aug-21 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 336-081721 Sample Date: 17-Aug-21 Percent Removal SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-082021 Sample Date: 20-Aug-21 Percent Removal SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-082821 Sample Date: 28-Aug-21 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 24-082821 Sample Date: 28-Aug-21 Percent Removal SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 24-082021 Sample Date: 20-Aug-21 TR0795A Page 1 of 2 November 2021 Table 2 Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results - Seep B (August - September 2021) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, NC Hfpo Dimer Acid PFMOAA PFO2HxA PFO3OA PFO4DA PFO5DA PMPA PEPA PS Acid Hydro-PS Acid R-PSDA Hydrolyzed PSDA R-PSDCA NVHOS, Acid Form EVE Acid Hydro-EVE Acid R-EVE PES PFECA B PFECA-G Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)1,2 Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)1 Notes 1 - Total Table 3+ was calculated including J qualified data but not non-detect data. The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures. 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R- EVE. Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit. J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. ng/L - nanograms per liter QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control SOP - standard operating procedure < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. ND - No Table 3+ compounds were detected above their associated reporting limits. Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] -[# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]" Table 3 + SOP (ng/ L) 21,000 2.6 > 99.9%50,000 30 99.9%66,000 17 > 99.9% 92,000 2.3 > 99.9%180,000 260 99.9%170,000 100 99.9% 34,000 <2.0 100.0%68,000 39 99.9%66,000 14 > 99.9% 8,600 <2.0 100.0%16,000 5.3 > 99.9%16,000 2 > 99.9% 1,400 <2.0 100.0%2,700 <2.0 100.0%2,900 <2.0 100.0% 150 <2.0 100.0%340 <2.0 100.0%480 <2.0 100.0% 25,000 <10 100.0%52,000 130 99.8%71,000 61 99.9% 9,900 <20 100.0%24,000 35 99.9%34,000 <20 100.0% 560 <2.0 100.0%1,800 <2.0 100.0%2,200 <2.0 100.0% 620 <2.0 100.0%1,500 <2.0 100.0%1,900 <2.0 100.0% 3,900 J <2.0 100.0%5,100 J 4.3 J 99.9%7,100 J <2.0 100.0% 32,000 J <2.0 100.0%42,000 J 23 J 99.9%54,000 J 6.2 J > 99.9% 40 <2.0 100.0%86 <2.0 100.0%110 <2.0 100.0% 1,900 <2.0 100.0%3,900 2.7 99.9%4,500 <2.0 100.0% 340 <2.0 100.0%1500 <2.0 100.0%1900 <2.0 100.0% 1,300 <2.0 100.0%3,000 <2.0 100.0%3,800 <2.0 100.0% 1,900 J <2.0 100.0%3,100 J 3.7 J 99.9%4,400 J <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0% 200,000 4.9 > 99.9%400,000 500 99.9%440,000 190 100.0% 230,000 4.9 > 99.9%460,000 530 99.9%510,000 200 100.0% SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 168-100121 Sample Date: 01-Oct-21 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 168-100121 Sample Date: 01-Oct-21 Percent RemovalPercent Removal SEEP-B-INFLUENT-330-092321 Sample Date: 23-Sept-21 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 330-092321 Sample Date: 23-Sept-21 SEEP-B-INFLUENT- 210-090921 Sample Date: 09-Sept-21 SEEP-B-EFFLUENT- 210-090921 Sample Date: 09-Sept-21 Percent Removal TR0795A Page 2 of 2 November 2021 TR0795A FIGURES Legend River Notes: As-built survey information from RMA Surveying October 2020 and Donaldson Garrett & Associates August 2021. River elevation from USGS W.O. Huske Lock and Dam site 02105500, converted to NAVD88. GAC = Granular Activated Carbon Raleigh, NC November 2021 River Level & FTC As-Built Elevations - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 1 Top of Wall Spillway Top of GAC Discharge Invert 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 01-Aug 16-Aug 31-Aug 15-Sep 30-SepElevation, feet above sea level, NAVD88River Elevation During Seep B Flow Through Cell Operation (8/01/2021 through 09/30/2021) Legend−Measured Discharge Flowrate Transducer Data Gap--Imputed Discharge Flowrate 79 98 184 244 535 1,153Notes: gpm - gallons per minute Raleigh, NC November 2021 Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, North Carolina Figure 2 Measured Discharge Flowrate (August - September 2021) - Seep B Flowrate Statistics (gpm) (08/01 - 09/30)Since Startup Median 95th percentile Max Figure 2 depicts the measured discharge flowrate (solid green) of water processed through the filter beds calculated using the Effluent Stilling Basin transducer data. Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 through August 30, 15:08 was not retrieved. Where transducer data was missing (grey shading) but flow through the System was observed (i.e., non-flooding conditions), flowrate was extrapolated (dashed green). The imputed flowrate was calculated as the median of measured flowrates from 3 days before and after the data gap. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 8/1/218/5/218/9/218/13/218/17/218/21/218/25/218/29/219/2/219/6/219/10/219/14/219/18/219/22/219/26/219/30/21Flowrate (gpm) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Transducer Data Gap Bypass Spillway Elevation Notes: Figure 3 shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the William O. Huske Lock and Dam. Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 to August 30, 15:08 were not retrieved. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. Raleigh, NC November 2021 Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow (Aug - Sept 2021) - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 3 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 8/1/218/5/218/9/218/13/218/17/218/21/218/25/218/29/219/2/219/6/219/10/219/14/219/18/219/22/219/26/219/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) Legend−Turbidity Precipitation (daily totals) Notes NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit Turbidity data logged with a AquaTROLL Turbidiy Sensor placed in the Influent Stilling Basin. Raleigh, NC November 2021 Seep B Turbidity Logging and Precipitation (August 2021) Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure 4 The peak values recorded by the turbidity sensor (over 1,000 NTU) may be biased high, as the sensors can become clogged during high sediment-loading events. The interpretation of the turbidity data in the report is largely derived on the timing of the readings (i.e., baseline dry weather turbidity is very low and spikes after rain events). For clarity, the y-axis above is limited to 1,000 NTU. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 8/1/218/3/218/5/218/7/218/9/21Turbidity (NTU)0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Precipitation (in) TR0795A APPENDIX A Bladen County NCDEQ Stormwater Permit Certificate of Coverage STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG010000 NC Reference No. NCG01-2021-0166 Certificate of Coverage No. NCC210166 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, The Chemours Company is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater associated with CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES to surface waters of North Carolina from a site located at: Chemours Seep B Remediation System 22828 NC-87 Hollow Bladen County in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in N.C. General Permit No. NCG010000. This Certificate of Coverage is affiliated with E&SC Plan Project No. BLADE-2021-008 This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective 1/12/2021. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect until rescinded or expired. This Certificate of Coverage will expire on the anniversary of its effective date unless it is renewed by payment of the annual administration and compliance fee. for Brian Wrenn Director, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission TR0795A APPENDIX B Civil As-Built Record Drawings CAPE FEAR RIVERXCAPE FEAR RIVER3H:1V 3H:1V 5% WETLANDS FLOWLINE OFSEEP B SHEETPILE EXISTINGCLEARED AREA EQUIPMENT ANDMATERIAL STAGING AREA ROADSIDE SWALE (TYP.)Q10 = 2.65 CFSV10 = 2.22 FPS 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 49 45 4548 4037 4035 4035 4020.0 INLET WEIREL 39.35 RIPRAP ARMOREDSLOPE (TYP.) OUTLET PIPE TO SEEP FLOWLINEWITH RIPRAP APRON RIPRAP ARMOREDSLOPE (TYP.) FILTER BOX T.B.D.(BY OTHERS) MAINTENANCE PLATFORMEL 42.34 NORTH EMBANKMENT CRESTEL 42.10 ROADSIDE SWALE (TYP.)Q10 = 1.70 CFSV10 = 2.02 FPS COVER SHEETPROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: G-1 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: TJD NSS DKK DAH DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 Fayetteville, North Carolina The Chemours Company As-Built Seep B Interim Remediation System No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456November 9, 2020 Fayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation Project8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS 3H:1V 3H:1V 5%WETLANDS FLOWLINE OF SEEP B SHEET PILE EXISTING CLEARED AREA EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL STAGING AREA ðððððððððððððððððððððROADSIDE SWALE (TYP.) Q10 = 2.65 CFS V10 = 2.22 FPS 43 44 45 46 47 48 495051494545484037403540354020.0 INLET WEIR EL 39.35 RIPRAP ARMORED SLOPE (TYP.) OUTLET PIPE TO SEEP FLOWLINE WITH RIPRAP APRON RIPRAP ARMORED SLOPE (TYP.) FILTER BOX T.B.D. (BY OTHERS) MAINTENANCE PLATFORM EL 42.34 NORTH EMBANKMENT CREST EL 42.10 ROADSIDE SWALE (TYP.) Q10 = 1.70 CFS V10 = 2.02 FPS ðPROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: C-1 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: TJD NSS DKK DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456CIVIL SITE PLANN Fayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectDAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS ððððððððððððððððððððð43 44 45 46 47 48 4950514945454840374035404035ðPROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: C-2 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: TJD NSS DKK DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456ACCESS PLANN Fayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectDAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS PROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: C-3 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: NSS DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456CROSS -SECTIONSFayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectTJD DKK DAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS ð4340374035 403540PROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: C-4 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: TJD NSS DKK DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456SHEET PILE PLAN AND PROFILEFayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectN DAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS PROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: C-5 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: NSS DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456IMPOUNDMENT SECTIONSFayetteville, North CarolinaChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectTJD DKK DAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS 1" PLATE Ø 6" PIPE Ø 10" PIPE SLEEVE SEALING COMPOUND LINK-SEAL MODULAR SEAL 1" PLATELINK-SEAL MODULAR SEAL Ø 8" PIPE Ø 12" PIPE SLEEVE SEALING COMPOUND Fayetteville, North CarolinaPROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: D-1 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: NSS DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456Typical DetailsChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectTJD DKK DAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS EXISTING NATIVE EARTH 24" THI C K 6.0' 3' 6" MIN. SIZE RIPRAP 3 1 12" *USE 12" Ø CULVERT VALUES IN TABLE FOR 8" Ø PIPE DOWNSTREAM OF FILTER BED (TYP) TO CONSTRUCT OUTLET PROTECTION. *Fayetteville, North CarolinaPROJECT NUMBER: 43-20631B DRAWING: D-2 DESIGNED BY: REVIEWED BY:DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: NSS DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN November 9, 2020 No.DateDescriptionBy:1Revisions23456Typical DetailsChemours Interim Seep B Remediation ProjectTJD DKK DAH 8/30/2021As-BuiltNSS TR0795A APPENDIX C Mechanical As-Built Record Drawings © 2020 Microsoft Corporat ion © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Dist ribut ion Airbus DS THE CHEMOURS COMPANYFAYETTEVILLE WORKS PROJECTSEEP B REMEDIATION SYSTEMMECHANICAL RECORD DRAWINGSWILLIS CREEK AND CAPE FEAR RIVER CORRIDORFAYETTEVILLE, BLADEN AND CUMBERLAND COUNTIESSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINANOVEMBER 2021VICINITY MAPSOURCE: U.S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUSSCALE: 1" = 30 MILESLOCATION MAPSOURCE: MICROSOFT CORPORATION BING MAPS 2017SCALE: 1" = 3,000'NN03,000SCALE IN FEETPREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY:22828 NC-87FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306910.483.4681ATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576SITEF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-G01 COVER SHEETCMDSJFHJWEJJDCASG-01TR0795-G01.dwgSEEP BLIST OF DRAWINGSDRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEG-01COVER SHEETG-02NOTES AND SYMBOLSC-01CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IC-02CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IIC-03CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IIIC-04CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IVC-05PLATFORM DETAILSD-01PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM F1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-G02 NOTES AND SYMBOLSCMDSJFHJWEJJDCASG-02TR0795-G02.dwgHATCH PATTERN LEGENDABBREVIATIONSDETAIL AND SECTION IDENTIFICATION LEGEND213EXAMPLE: DETAIL NUMBER 2 WHICH ISPRESENTED ON DRAWING NO. 13 WAS FIRSTREFERENCED ON DRAWING NO. 5.AASHTOAMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALSAPPAPPROVED BY℄CENTER LINEDRNDRAWN BYDWGDRAWINGEEAST OR EASTINGELELEVATIONFTFEETHDPEHIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENEH:VHORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL LENGTH RATIO FOR A SLOPEHWYHIGHWAYIN INCH INVINVERTMAXMAXIMUMMINMINIMUMMSLMEAN SEA LEVELNNORTH OR NORTHINGNADNORTH AMERICAN DATUMNAVD88NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988NCDEQNORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYNO. NUMBERNPDESNATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEMN.S.A.NATIONAL STONE ASSOCIATIONNTSNOT TO SCALEOCON CENTEROZOUNCEPFASPER- AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCESPROJPROJECTRCPREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPERDROADREVREVISIONSSOUTHSWP STORMWATER PIPETYPTYPICALU.S.UNITED STATESUSEPAUNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYWWESTW.S.WATER SURFACE% PERCENT OR PERCENTILEEXAMPLE: SECTION LETTER "A" WHICH ISPRESENTED ON DRAWING NO. 9 WAS FIRSTREFERENCED ON DRAWING NO. 5.A5DETAILTITLE OF DETAILSCALE: 1" = 100' (HORIZONTAL); 1" = 20' (VERTICAL)25DETAILTITLE OF DETAILSCALE: 1" = 1'DRAWING ON WHICHABOVE DETAIL WASFIRST REFERENCEDDETAIL NUMBERDETAIL NUMBERDRAWING ON WHICH ABOVEDETAIL IS PRESENTEDSECTION LETTERSTART OF SECTION (0+00)END OF SECTIONDRAWING ON WHICH ABOVESECTION IS PRESENTEDSECTION LETTERDRAWING ON WHICHABOVE SECTION WASFIRST REFERENCEDA9A9CONCRETEGRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBONGRAVELPIPE EMBEDMENT FILLRIPRAPTRENCH BACKFILL/ EARTHEN FILL TRANSFERBASINFILTER BED 2FILTER BED 1INLETCHAMBEREFFLUENTSTILLING BASINDISCHARGEBASIN47'-8"22'20'5'20'8"8"15'8"8"8"5'8"7'19'-10"12'-6"8"6'-8"8"12'-6"INFLUENTSTILLING BASIN5'BYPASSSPILLWAY FLUME5'6"T1T2DISCHARGE BASIN DRAINTO SEEP CHANNEL8" SCH 80 PVC PIPEINLET CHAMBER WEIR(W1)DOWNWARD OPENINGDISCHARGE WEIR (W3)INLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPEINFLUENT STILLINGBASIN FLOW BAFFLE8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPING8" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD SCH 80 PVCUNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED SCH 80 PVC PIPEFILTER BED 1 INLET PIPEWITH BLIND FLANGE4" SCH 80 PVCTRANSDUCERSTILLING WELLTRANSDUCERSTILLING WELL8" BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER4" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE ANDEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVERFILTER BED INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVCCONSTRUCTIONJOINTREINFORCEDCONCRETE SLABFOOTER2'FOOTER2'8"29'-6"FILTER BED 2 INLET PIPEWITH BLIND FLANGE4" SCH 80 PVC8"8"8"8"MAINTENANCE PLATFORM3C-043C-04AC-02AC-02BC-02BC-02CC-02CC-02DC-03DC-03EC-03EC-03FC-03FC-03GC-04GC-04HC-04HC-04IC-04IC-046" RISER PIPE SUMP ACCESSDC-03OVERFLOW WEIR (W2)(NOTE 1)CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ICMDSJFHJWEJJDCASC-01TR0795-C01.dwgF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-C01 024SCALE IN FEETNOTES:1.WEIR 2 (W2) WALL OPENING WAS FILLED WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE.1SCALE: 1" = 2'PLANFLOW THROUGH CELLC-01 3'GRANULARACTIVATED CARBON1'3'TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPING8" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)FILTER BED INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)#5 STONE LAYERGEOCOMPOSITE(NOTE 3)6" PENETRATIONINFLUENT STILLING BASIN7'-6"19'-10"47'-8"8'-2"4'-6"2'-6"2'3'INLET CHAMBEREFFLUENTSTILLING BASININLET CHAMBER WEIR(W1) (NOTE 1)8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALL (TYP)DOWNWARD OPENINGDISCHARGE WEIR (W3)(NOTE 1)INFLUENT STILLING BASINFLOW BAFFLEGEOCOMPOSITE(NOTE 3)12'-6"DISCHARGEBASIN24" W X 24" HWEIR OPENING8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPINGSCH 80 PVC4'-8"2'-9"12" PENETRATION3'7'5'#5 STONE LAYER4'-8"8" BUTTERFLY VALVEWITH EXTENSION SPINDLEAND LEVER (TYP)PLATFORM (TYP)FILTER BED 1INLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPEFILTER BED 2INLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPE7'-6"47'-8"8'-2"8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALL4'-8"12" PENETRATIONFILTER BED 2FILTER BED 1TRANSFERBASIN2'-10"4'-8"4'-434"3'-114"TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPING8" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)7'-6"47'-8"8'-2"FILTER BED 2FILTER BED 1TRANSFERBASIN10" PENETRATION (TYP)PLATFORM (TYP)20'5'20'4'-8"4" BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER (TYP)GRANULARACTIVATED CARBONUNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED SCH 80 PVC PIPE (TYP)FILTER BED INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)6" PENETRATION(TYP) (NOTE 2)3'-114"2"2"4C-054C-052'-014"1/4" STEELANCHOR PLATE(TYP)W8X18 STEEL BEAM(TYP)6C-055C-05OVERFLOW WEIR (W2)(NOTE 2)CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IICMDSJFHJWEJJDCASC-02TR0795-C02.dwgF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-C02 024SCALE IN FEETNOTES:1.THE WEIRS WERE PURCHASED FROM GOLDEN HARVEST INC., AS FOLLOWS:THE INLET CHAMBER WEIR (W1) IS A 30.5" X 36" STAINLESSS STEEL WEIR GATE,HANDLE LIFT, MANUFACTURER DRAWING NUMBER MD GH-42.THE DOWNWARD OPENING DISCHARGE WEIR (W3) IS A 24"X24" STAINLESS STEELWEIR GATE, GEAR OPERATED, MANUFACTURER DRAWING NUMBER MD GH-66.2.WEIR 2 (W2) WALL OPENING WAS FILLED WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE.3.THE GEOCOMPOSITE INSTALLED ABOVE THE STONE LAYERS (INLET CHAMBER AND EACHFILTER BED) AND ABOVE THE GAC LAYERS (FILTER BEDS) WAS 200 MIL GEONET FROMAGRU AMERICA, INC. THE GEOTEXTILE (DOUBLE SIDED) WAS APPARENT OPENING SIZE0.180 MM AND 8 OZ/SQUARE YARD MASS PER UNIT AREA.ASCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONFLOW THROUGH CELL SECTION AC-01BSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONFLOW THROUGH CELL SECTION BC-01CSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONFLOW THROUGH CELL SECTION CC-01 INFLUENTSTILLING BASINTRANSFERBASINPLATFORM (TYP)12" PENETRATION(TYP)8'-2"BYPASS SPILLWAY FLUME7'-6"2'FOOTER8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALLUNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED SCH 80 PVC PIPE (TYP)22'2'-9"2"15'5'5'1'6'4C-052'8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPINGSCH 80 PVC8" BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER (TYP)8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALL4'-8"PLATFORM8'-2"BYPASS SPILLWAY FLUME7'-6"2'FOOTER22'5'2'INFLUENTSTILLING BASIN5'1'5'2'-6"6'16'-4"5" (TYP)10" PENETRATIONUNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED SCH 80 PVC PIPE (TYP)FILTER BED INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)6" PENETRATION2'-10"FLOW BAFFLETRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPING8" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)2'-9"4C-05INFLUENTSTILLING BASIN1'5'6"1'FILTER BED WALLRIPRAPBYPASS SPILLWAY(BY OTHERS)8"6" REINFORCEDCONCRETE SLABCONSTRUCTION JOINTFILL SOIL PLACED IN ACCORDANCEWITH CIVIL DESIGN BY OTHERCONSTRUCTION DETAILS IIICMDSJFHJWEJJDCASC-03TR0795-C03.dwgF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-C03 024SCALE IN FEETDSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONFLOW THROUGH CELL SECTION DC-01ESCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONFLOW THROUGH CELL SECTION EC-01FSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONBYPASS SPILLWAY FLOW MEASUREMENT FLUMEC-01 8'-2"7'-6"8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALLBYPASS SPILLWAYFLUME5'8"FILTER BED 13'4'-6"2'-6"1'-11"8"CONSTRUCTIONJOINT (TYP)2'CONSTRUCTIONJOINTINLET CHAMBER WEIR(W1) (NOTE 1)8'-2"7'-6"8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALLBYPASS SPILLWAYFLUME5'8"8"CONSTRUCTIONJOINT (TYP)2'CONSTRUCTIONJOINTINLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPE8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPINGSCH 80 PVC12" PENETRATION12" PENETRATIONFILTER BED 24'-8"3'-114"OVERFLOW WEIR (W2)(NOTE 2)8'-2"FILTER BED 27'-6"8" THICK REINFORCEDCONCRETE WALLBYPASS SPILLWAYFLUMEDISCHARGEBASIN WEIRDOWNWARD OPENINGDISCHARGE WEIR (W3)(NOTE 1)8"2'3'2'8"CONSTRUCTIONJOINT (TYP)2'CONSTRUCTIONJOINT5'INLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPE12" PENETRATION2'-4"4'-8"1'-8"2'-6"SLAB FLOORFLOWTHROUGHCELL WALLSOLINST 3001 LT F30/M10TRANSDUCER2" PVC PIPETOP OF WALLBOLT AND NUTNON-STRETCHTRANSDUCER CABLEANCHOR BRACKET2'BAROLOGGER 3001OR EQUIVALENT1/2" (MAX)DIAMETER HOLES2" PVC PIPE SECURED TOA FIXED LOCATION ABOVEMAXIMUM WATER LEVEL2" PVC CAP2" PVC CAP WITHDRAIN HOLE1'F1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-C04 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS IVCMDSJFHJWEJJDCASC-04TR0795-C04.dwg3SCALE: 1" = 1'DETAILTRANSDUCER STILLING WELLC-01HSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONOVERFLOW WEIR (W2)C-01ISCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONDOWNWARD OPENING DISCHARGE WEIR (W3)C-01GSCALE: 1" = 2'SECTIONINLET CHAMBER WEIR (W1)C-012SCALE: 1" = 6"DETAILBAROMETRIC PRESSURETRANSDUCER ENCLOSUREC-04NOTES:1.THE WEIRS WERE PURCHASED FROM GOLDEN HARVEST INC., AS FOLLOWS:THE INLET CHAMBER WEIR (W1) IS A 30.5" X 36" STAINLESSS STEEL WEIR GATE,HANDLE LIFT, MANUFACTURER DRAWING NUMBER MD GH-42.THE DOWNWARD OPENING DISCHARGE WEIR (W3) IS A 24"X24" STAINLESS STEELWEIR GATE, GEAR OPERATED, MANUFACTURER DRAWING NUMBER MD GH-66.2.WEIR 2 (W2) WALL OPENING WAS FILLED WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE. TRANSFERBASINFILTER BED 2FILTER BED 1INLETCHAMBEREFFLUENTSTILLING BASINDISCHARGEBASININFLUENTSTILLING BASINBYPASSSPILLWAY FLUMEDISCHARGE BASIN DRAINTO SEEP CHANNEL8" SCH 80 PVC PIPEINLET PIPE MANIFOLD8" SCH 80 PVC PIPE (TYP)INFLUENT STILLINGBASIN FLOW BAFFLE8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD PIPING8" TRANSFER BASINMANIFOLD (TYP)UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED SCH 80 PVC PIPE (TYP)FILTER BED 1 INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)4" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE ANDEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER (TYP)FILTER BED INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)FILTER BED 2 INLET PIPE4" SCH 80 PVC (TYP)MAINTENANCE PLATFORMBYPASS SPILLWAY8" BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHEXTENSION SPINDLE AND LEVER(TYP)6C-0515'5'7'19'-10"12'-6"5'5'4"3'-2"UPWARD OPENING ACCESS DOOR.2' WIDTH (MAX) (TYP)RECTANGULAR WEIRWITH HAND PULL (TYP)ADJUSTABLE(DOWNWARDOPENING) WEIR WITHGEAR ACTUATORSTEEL ANCHOR PLATE (TYP)W8X18 STEEL BEAM (TYP)5'5'5'3'9"PLATFORM GRATINGTRANSDUCERSTILLING WELL3C-043C-04T1T2TRANSDUCERSTILLING WELL818"8"2"4"2"4116"4116"1/4" STEEL ANCHOR PLATE(2) 7/8" DIA HOLE THRUFOR (2) 3/4" ANCHOR BOLTW8X18 STEEL BEAM4"4"138"514"138"3/16"5C-05W8X18 STEEL BEAMPLATFORM1/4" STEEL ANCHOR PLATE4"6"2"3"8"112"4C-056C-05TOP OF WALLNUTWASHER3/4" DIA CAST-INANCHOR BOLTPLATFORM DETAILSCMDSJFHJWEJJDCASC-05TR0795-C06.dwgF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-C06 063SCALE IN FEET4SCALE: 1" = 2'PLANPLATFORM INSTALLATIONC-026SCALE: 1" = 6"DETAILSTEEL ANCHOR PLATEC-055SCALE: 1" = 6"DETAILANCHOR BOLT DETAILC-05 DISCHARGE BASIN DRAINTO SEEP CHANNEL8" SCH 80 PVC PIPE8" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED PVC PIPE (TYP)8" SCH 80 PVCBUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)4" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY (TYP)DOWNWARD OPENINGDISCHARGE WEIR (W3)OVERFLOW WEIR (W2)(NOTE 1)INLET CHAMBERWEIR (W1)FILTER BED 2(FB2)FILTER BED 1(FB1)INLET CHAMBEREFFLUENTSTILLING BASINDISCHARGEBASINTRANSFERBASININFLUENTSTILLING BASINOPERATIONAL MODEFLOWCONTROLDEVICEFB1 LEAD/FB2LAGFB1 LAG/FB2LEADFB1CHANGEOUT(FB2 OPEN)FB2CHANGEOUT(FB1 OPEN)VALVE V1OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V2CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V3CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDOPENVALVE V4OPENCLOSEDOPENCLOSEDVALVE V5CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V6CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V7CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V8CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V9CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V10CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V11OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V12OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V13OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V14OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V15OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V16OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDVALVE V17OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDOPENVALVE V18CLOSEDOPENOPENCLOSEDWEIR W1OPENOPENOPENOPENWEIR W2PERMANENTLY CLOSED: CANNOT BE OPENEDWEIR W3OPENOPENOPENOPENV11V12V13V14V15V16V10V9V8V7V6V5V1V2V4V3W1W2W3V18V17INLETCHAMBERFILTER BED 1 (FB1)FILTER BED 2 (FB2)EFFLUENTSTILLINGBASINDISCHARGEBASINWEIR W1WEIR W3PONDEDINLET WATERDISCHARGETO SEEPCHANNELTRANSFER BASIN8" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED PVC (TYP)INFLUENT STILLING BASINWEIR W2W1W3V1V4V13V14V15V16V17W24" SCH 80 PVCBUTTERFLY (TYP)8" SCH 80 PVCBUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)V11V12V2V3V8V7V6V5V18V10V9INLETCHAMBERFILTER BED 1 (FB1)FILTER BED 2 (FB2)EFFLUENTSTILLINGBASINDISCHARGEBASINWEIR W1WEIR W3PONDEDINLET WATERDISCHARGETO SEEPCHANNELTRANSFER BASIN8" SCH 80 PVC BUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)UNDERDRAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM6" PERFORATED PVC (TYP)INFLUENT STILLING BASINWEIR W2W1W3V1V4V17W24" SCH 80 PVCBUTTERFLY (TYP)8" SCH 80 PVCBUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP)V2V3V18V13V14V15V16V11V12V8V7V6V5V10V96" RISER PUMP SUMP ACCESS (TYP) PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAMCMDSJFHJWEJJDCASD-01TR0795-D01.dwgF1EDC23BA1234567854678FEDCBATHE CHEMOURS COMPANYSEEP B INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEMPROJECT:SITE:TITLE:APPROVED BY:REVIEWED BY:DRAWING NO.:DRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECKED BY:FILE:PROJECT NO.:DATE:NOVEMBER 2021TR0795ADATEREVAPPDESCRIPTIONDRNATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430RALEIGH, NC 27607919.870.0576THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE ISSUEDFOR PROJECT TENDER ORCONSTRUCTION, UNLESS SEALED.SIGNATUREDATEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTIONRECORD DRAWINGSFAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITEAS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL011.04.21JFHCASGEOSYNTEC-PW-01\DOCUMENTS\CLIENTS\C\CHEMOURS\TR0795A - CHEMOURS\CADD\03 - INTERIM REMEDIAL DESIGN - SEEP B\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\TR0795-D01 8TABLEOPERATIONAL MODED-017PLANFLOW THROUGH CELL VALVE SCHEMATICD-019SCHEMATICFLOW THROUGH CELL SYSTEM FLOWWITH FILTER BED 1 IN LEAD POSITIONAND FILTER BED 2 IN LAG POSITIOND-0110SCHEMATICFLOW THROUGH CELL SYSTEM FLOWWITH FILTER BED 2 IN LEAD POSITIONAND FILTER BED 1 IN LAG POSITIOND-01NOTES:1.WEIR 2 (W2) WALL OPENING WAS FILLED WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE. TR0795A APPENDIX D Transducer Data Reduction Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation Transducer Data Gap−Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Figure D1 shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 through August 30, 15:08 was not retrieved. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. Raleigh, NC November 2021 Discharge Basin Water Elevation - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure D1 37 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8 38 38.2 38.4 38.6 38.8 39 8/1/218/3/218/5/218/7/218/9/218/11/218/13/218/15/218/17/218/19/218/21/218/23/218/25/218/27/218/29/218/31/219/2/219/4/219/6/219/8/219/10/219/12/219/14/219/16/219/18/219/20/219/22/219/24/219/26/219/28/219/30/21Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation Transducer Data Gap−River Stage Precipitation (daily totals)−Weir 3 Elevation Notes: Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 through August 30, 15:08 was not retrieved. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. Raleigh, NC November 2021 Discharge Basin Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure D2 As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure D2 compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 8/1/218/3/218/5/218/7/218/9/218/11/218/13/218/15/218/17/218/19/218/21/218/23/218/25/218/27/218/29/218/31/219/2/219/4/219/6/219/8/219/10/219/12/219/14/219/16/219/18/219/20/219/22/219/24/219/26/219/28/219/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0 1 2 3 4 5 Precipitation (in) Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation Transducer Data Gap Raleigh, NC November 2021 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure D3 Notes: Figure D3 shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period. Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 to August 30, 15:08 were not retrieved. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 8/1/218/3/218/5/218/7/218/9/218/11/218/13/218/15/218/17/218/19/218/21/218/23/218/25/218/27/218/29/218/31/219/2/219/4/219/6/219/8/219/10/219/12/219/14/219/16/219/18/219/20/219/22/219/24/219/26/219/28/219/30/21Elevation (ft msl) Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation Transducer Data Gap−River Stage Precipitation (daily totals) Bypass Spillway Elevation Raleigh, NC November 2021 Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and External Forcings - Seep B Chemours Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Figure D4 Notes: As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure D4 compares the available transducer data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam. Transducer data from August 27, 16:34 to August 30, 15:08 were not retrieved. Section 3 describes the gaps in transducer data record. 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 8/1/218/3/218/5/218/7/218/9/218/11/218/13/218/15/218/17/218/19/218/21/218/23/218/25/218/27/218/29/218/31/219/2/219/4/219/6/219/8/219/10/219/12/219/14/219/16/219/18/219/20/219/22/219/24/219/26/219/28/219/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0 1 2 3 4 5 Precipitation (in) TR0795A APPENDIX E Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narratives (Full lab reports to be uploaded to OneDrive and EQuIS) ADQM Data Review Site: Chemours Fayetteville Project: Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021 (select lots) Project Reviewer: Michael Aucoin Sample Summary Field Sample ID Lab Sample ID Sample Matrix Filtered Sample Date Sample Time Sample Purpose SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 336-081721 320-77803- 1 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 336- 081721-D 320-77803- 10 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 DUP SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 306-081721 320-77803- 2 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 336-081721 320-77803- 3 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 336-081721 320-77803- 4 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 306-081721 320-77803- 5 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 336-081721 320-77803- 6 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUNET- 336-081721 320-77803- 7 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 336-081721 320-77803- 8 Other liquid N 08/17/2021 10:00 FS SEEP- FBLK- 081721 320-77803- 9 Blank Water N 08/17/2021 10:00 FB SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 1 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 2 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 3 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 4 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 5 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 6 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 7 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 24-082021 320-78111- 8 Surface Water N 08/20/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-A- INFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 1 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-A- EFFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 2 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-C- INFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 3 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-C- EFFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 4 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-D- INFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 5 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-D- EFFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 6 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 7 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 24-082821 320-78428- 8 Other liquid N 08/28/2021 19:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 210-090921 320-78765- 1 Other liquid N 09/09/2021 12:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 210-090921 320-78765- 2 Other liquid N 09/09/2021 12:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 330-092321 320-79639- 1 Other liquid N 09/23/2021 11:01 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 336-092321 320-79639- 2 Other liquid N 09/23/2021 11:00 FS SEEP-B- EFFLUENT- 168-100121 320-79696- 3 Other liquid N 10/01/2021 06:00 FS SEEP-B- INFLUENT- 168-100121 320-79696- 4 Other liquid N 10/01/2021 06:00 FS * FS=Field Sample DUP=Field Duplicate FB=Field Blank EB=Equipment Blank TB=Trip Blank Analytical Protocol Lab Name Lab Method Parameter Category Sampling Program Eurofins TestAmerica, Sacramento Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021 ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet laboratory acceptability requirements upon receipt (i.e., intact, within temperature, properly preserved, and no headspace where applicable)? X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the laboratory and/or field team? X D Were samples prepped/analyzed by the laboratory within method holding times? X E Were QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory (method blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences/RPDs, sample results within calibration range)? X X F Were field/equipment/trip blanks (if collected) detected at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X G Were all data usable and not R qualified? X ER# Description: Other QA/QC Items to Note: * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, or ER # for further details as indicated. The electronic data submitted for this project was reviewed via the Data Verification Module (DVM) process. The data is acceptable for use without qualification, except as noted on the attached DVM Narrative Report. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive. Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DVM Narrative ReportAssociated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values less than the lower control limit. The actual detection limits may behigher than reported.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-6PFMOAA0.0020 ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-D-EFFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-6PFMOAA0.0020 ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 1 of 6 Associated LCS and/or LCSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values higher than the upper control limit. The reported result may bebiased high.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-D-INFLUENT-306-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-5R-PSDA0.73 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-1R-PSDA2.1 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUNET-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-7R-PSDA4.8 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-3R-PSDA0.88 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLPage 2 of 6 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-D-INFLUENT-306-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-5Hydrolyzed PSDA2.0 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-306-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-5R-EVE0.73 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0022 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-1R-PSDA1.7 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-1Hydrolyzed PSDA19 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-1R-EVE0.97 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-7R-PSDA4.0 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-7Hydrolyzed PSDA29 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-7R-EVE3.2 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-3R-PSDA0.58 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-3Hydrolyzed PSDA0.70 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-3R-EVE0.55 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-5R-PSDA0.56 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-5Hydrolyzed PSDA1.3 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08202108/20/2021 320-78111-5R-EVE0.58 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-2R-PSDA0.0075 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 3 of 6 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.073 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-2R-EVE0.0053 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-1R-PSDA2.2 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-1Hydrolyzed PSDA23 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-1R-EVE1.0 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-7R-PSDA3.6 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-7Hydrolyzed PSDA23 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-7R-EVE2.2 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-3R-PSDA0.79 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-3Hydrolyzed PSDA0.92 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-3R-EVE0.64 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-5R-PSDA0.43 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.98 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-D-INFLUENT-24-08282108/28/2021 320-78428-5R-EVE0.32 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-210-09092109/09/2021 320-78765-1R-PSDA3.9 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-210-09092109/09/2021 320-78765-1Hydrolyzed PSDA32 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-168-10012110/01/2021 320-79696-3Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0062 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3CompoundJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 4 of 6 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSOPSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-2R-PSDA0.0043 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.023 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-EFFLUENT-336-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-2R-EVE0.0037 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-168-10012110/01/2021 320-79696-4R-PSDA7.1 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-168-10012110/01/2021 320-79696-4Hydrolyzed PSDA54 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-168-10012110/01/2021 320-79696-4R-EVE4.4 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-210-09092109/09/2021 320-78765-1R-EVE1.9 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-330-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-1R-PSDA5.1 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-330-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-1Hydrolyzed PSDA42 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUENT-330-09232109/23/2021 320-79639-1R-EVE3.1 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-EFFLUENT-306-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0058 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-1Hydrolyzed PSDA23 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-1R-EVE0.81 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-B-INFLUNET-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-7Hydrolyzed PSDA32 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-B-INFLUNET-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-7R-EVE2.8 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-3Hydrolyzed PSDA1.2 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLPage 5 of 6 Uncertainty around the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE; J-qualifier added to all detects in the data set, even if there was no matrixspike analyzed for that particular sample.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResult TypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-08172108/17/2021 320-77803-3R-EVE0.80 UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLPage 6 of 6