Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Lined MSWLF LCID X YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Richmond
Closed MSWLF HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 77A-LCID
CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: December 21, 2021 Date of Last Inspection: December 3, 2019
FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: City of Hamlet LCID Landfill 718 Hamlet Ave. Hamlet, NC 28345 GPS COORDINATES: Lat: 34.87572 ° Long: -79.68150 ° FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER:
Billy Scrubs, Public Works Director, City of Hamlet bstubbs@hamletnc.us 910-582-7987 Main Office
910-417-7794 Cell Mathew Christian, City Manager, City of Hamlet
City of Hamlet
P.O. Box 1229 Hamlet, NC 28345
PARTICIPANTS: William Stubbs, City of Hamlet David Powell, NC DEQ - SWS
STATUS OF PERMIT: Active: PTO issued March 2, 2021. Permit expires November 7, 2024.
1. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (3) - All waste shall be covered with no less than six inches of soil monthly, or when the working face reaches one acre in size, whichever occurs first. Any soils used for cover at the site shall meet unrestricted use standards for soils as defined in G.S. 130A-310.65.
At the time of inspection there was exposed waste discovered that has been present for longer than 30 days and not covered with six inches of soil.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Exposed waste across the LCID
Long line of exposed waste not covered properly, wet road of clay and some standing water inside EOW.
2. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (7) - Access roads shall be of all-weather construction and shall be maintained to allow access by vehicles transporting waste, Department staff, and fire-fighting vehicles.
Upon inspection, roads were not of all-weather construction with ruts and standing water.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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3. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (8) - Surface water shall be diverted from the working face and shall not be impounded over waste.
Upon inspection of the LCID, ruts holding water impounded over waste were discovered.
Water impounded over waste.
Road not usable.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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1. This facility is a land clearing and inert debris (LCID) landfill owned and operated by the City of Hamlet.
2. This facility has proper signage according to rule and has a locked gate entrance.
3. Section staff met with Public Works Director Billy Stubbs at Town Hall and then visited the LCID. Mr. Stubbs
and Mr. Powell walked the LICD during inspection. 4. A small amount of unapproved waste was discovered on the LCID, such as plastics and trash bags. Please remove unapproved wastes and dispose of at the appropriate landfill.
5. Working face is spread out over top of LCID with exposed waste in a long stretch across the LCID. Working face should be kept small and compact with proper covering. Exposed waste had been present longer than 30 days according to conversation with Mr. Stubbs. Waste should be covered when site reaches one acre or waste has been present 30 days, whichever occurs first, at a 3 to 1 slope. Proper soil cover is essential to prevent internal combustion in the waste. Please cover properly with soil after unapproved waste is removed.
15A NCAC 13B .0566 (2) - Solid waste in the landfill shall be compacted. Slopes shall not exceed a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical at any time.
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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6. Roads allowed for staff to enter but could not drive down entire road. The roads should be passable in all weather and especially for fire fighting vehicles around entire LCID. Ruts from dumping etc. has caused
rutting and this is impounding water over top waste in some areas. No water should be impounded over waste. Better control of where trucks are allowed to dump and access should keep ruts from being made all over LCID.
7. EOW (Edge of Waste) markers were barely visible on two corners. Please install at least four, more if needed to see from one to the other, around the footprint of the LCID. This will allow for measuring of
compliance with buffers and assisting onsite staff knowing where waste is allowed to be dumped. Be sure these are installed in correct location for approved 18-acre disposal areas for the LCID.
Permit Attachment 2, Part V, (3)(e) - The disposal unit boundary must be accurately identified with permanent markers. Permit Attachment 3, Part V, (3) – in part states, “Encompass approximately 18-acre waste footprint…”
8. Onsite discussions were on corrective actions mentioned in this inspection but also the challenges facing the City of Hamlet. Like many others, the City is down several employees, total of 6 at time of inspection, and no one is applying for any vacancies. The employees that are working are offered some overtime to work on the LCID and other areas which require additional attention. City of Hamlet may also need to look into hiring a contractor or altering the service it provides to keep the facility in compliance.
9. Given the challenges and corrective actions, it was discussed onsite a time frame of at least 60 days from inspection date would be needed to address these problems. However, with the holidays in December and
January it would take longer, so a time frame of 90 days was agreed too. That would make the compliance date March 21, 2022. This should be more than enough time for addressing corrective actions. Mr. Powell discussed with Mr. Stubbs that all Corrective Actions should be fixed in this time frame upon
follow up visit, or further compliance action will probably be taken.
Corrective measures to bring this facility into compliance should be complete by March 21, 2022. A follow up compliance inspection will be conducted by Solid Waste Section Staff to check the conditions
for compliance around that time.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
_________________________________________ Phone: 910-433-3350 David Powell Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative
Sent on: 1/4/2022 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Drew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section