HomeMy WebLinkAbout1203_ROSCANS_1994State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director January 4, 1994 Mr. Dale Meyer Public Works Director Burke County P.O. Box 2190 Morganton, NC 28680-0219 RE: Proposed Expansion of Service Area, Burke County Landfill, Permit No. 12-03 Dear Mr. Meyer: This letter constitutes a response to your request regarding the use of the referenced landfill as a regional facility. The recently adopted requirements for municipal solid waste landfills, effective October 9, 1993, specifically Rule .1603 (a)(1) E requires the submittal of an application for a new facility if a substantial change to the waste steam as defined in the effective permit is proposed. The operation plan, prepared by the County and approved as part of the original permit reported the population and area to be served as Burke County. Therefore, a proposed "substantial" change to the waste stream, defined in G.S. 130A-294 (b)(1) as an increase of 10% or more in the population or geographic area to be served by the landfill or in the quantity of waste disposed of in the landfills, will require the submittal of a permit application for a new facility. The application requirements for a new facility are defined in Rule .1617 (a) and include the site study requirements of Rule .1618 and the complete application requirements for a permit to construct. Most importantly, the engineering plan requires that the landfill unit be constructed consistent with the construction requirements of Rule .1624. This rule establishes minimum criteria for design and construction of the landfill unit, specifically a base liner system including a composite liner and leachate collection system. Therefore, if the changes to the waste stream proposed by Burke County are "substantial" as defined, the landfill must meet all requirements for a new facility, including the base liner system. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Dale Meyer January 4, 1994 Page 2 If there are any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-0692. Sincere , Dexter R. Matthews, Chief Solid Waste Section DRM/mju cc: Jim Coffey Julian Foscue Al Hetzell March 2, 1994 Mr. James B. Harrop Summitville Carolina, Inc. P 0 Box 1453 Morganton, NC 28655 Subject: Disposal of Approximately 6 Tons/Day of Glazed & Unglazed Ceramic Tile Scrap and Two Tons/Week of Sand & Iron Waste from Magnetic Filters at the Burke County Sanitary Landfill, (Permit #12-03). Dear Mr. Harrop: The Solid Waste Management Division has received a request for characterization of the subject waste. Based upon the submitted information, the waste appears to be non -hazardous. The Solid Waste Management Division has no objection to the sanitary landfill disposal of this waste, if in accordance with the conditions listed below: 1. The owner/operator of the landfill approves the disposal. 2. The waste contains no free liquids and can be confined, compacted, and covered in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B). 3. Renewal of this approval will require resubmittal of a Waste Determination Form and current supportive analytical data. Renewal is required prior to subsequent disposal if the process generating the waste changes or if the waste composition changes significantly. Failure to meet these conditions may result in revocation of this approval, and subsequently, an administrative penalty. The approval is subject to change if new rules and/or regulations were to prohibit this practice. If the process which generates the waste changes or if the composition of the waste changes P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 101 post -consumer paper Mr. James B. Harrop March 2, 1994 Page 2 significantly, this approval is void and re-evaluation of the waste will be required prior to subsequent disposal. If you have further questions or comments concerning this matter, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section WRH:jsp CC: Albert Hetzell Dale Myers TD /2/1l S C P/4 I LV r6,U,J/4'e7,- .•i L G O cjC-U 1�,<I2) 70 ,�ENC c.> 49A,0,44: .B c.11C KC"' l /U7"V G11 r"1) F IZ L ri'r- >r /� 1- 0,3 / - SITTR OF NOM11 CARDLU A DEPARIMMr OF INVIRON LNr, IRMT;1'II AND NATURAL RmscuRCI. SOLID WASTE M11W"_Nf- r DIVISION; SOLID FTA FE SW ION PRflC[�7JURE AND C IMI32IA FOR WASIE EV11UNIIMITION niis procedure will be used by the Solid Waste Management Division to determine wheUvar a Uraste Ls (1) IvizardcxL, iv_, defirYXt by 10 NC11C 10F, and (2) :suitable for disposal at a solid waste management facility. 11he types of wasba . that will be evaluated by this procedure are primarily, but not exclusively, industrial and coanerci.al waste and sludge, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works S1 k jes. '1he Solid Waste Management Division reserves the right to request additiork l information or waive same of the requirements based on the type of Waste if it deems necessary. The Division may also require some wastes to be treated or altered to render the wastes envircxunant:ally :im icbile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes d_Lsposed at sianitary larxif-ills uxast be rxwt-liquid which can be properly managed in accordance with the "Solid Waste Mmiagennnt Rules". APRUVAL TO DISrCf3E OF 'IRE WlGrE SHALT. AL;D BE, OD'I2ONM- I'ICI THE OWNER OR OPEJaTI R OF TYRE I.ANDFH L PRIOR TO DI.SFUSAL. Tlhe following information is required for an evaluation. Incorplete waste determination forms will be returned to the generator without review. An asterisk (* ) denotes information required for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A * C,ENUTAL INFL1Idr Vr.ION 1. Name, r1UUJPI)M-, NLM M and mail ing address of facility or person generating waste Sril uMMii1-1-E CAPdLWA . :Zrtc' 764- Tgq. ?/53 A ©, 2. Specific locatiah of waste (i.e. SR. #, county, city, etc...) L_kr?AM(e, 'Ti Lc- �&IVE AUpkE co(4Aury - A1d2'7'1t M12t)lllj/A 3. What is the waste?�I (ZE2 C 41,)AM i C, 71L I= 907-k' l' A L Ali" L/NC A ZC3 Ad7 C.UAS TC ('cAW Zvi&TffAt 1(t' — FC!D''P R ,5 N) 4. Fdiat volume of disposal will there be? sC'r2AP 'TI C C,, -ro,,US 04STE M9r,6/1/&S :rr&Vj_ 5. kbat frequency of disposal will there be?,�;pkh? 'rlr.-r (Q,41LZ� v-mi-S r f�ArrR r(.2/,rr� 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or how the waste generated. !s1 1,l AAAfF,,¢ NTUA'.�- ('t e.4itf IC rl - 5"c'2i10 T/L e / 5' ORODc(ck-L ed. ST"E MA-r-F/zIT /s F a/4 M✓FGiu "Tic, F/c're c B INJIU MNP-10ON I)R IWARDOUS (12CRADE-11I M NNUON (10 NC:AC 1OF .0029) 1. Is the waste listed under .0029(e) (i.e., 40 C[R 261.31 - 261.33)? If yes, list ru.imben *2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four characteristics as defined by .0029(d) (i.e., 40 CER 261.21-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for Ep Toxicity, Reactivity, Ignitability, Cbrrosivity.) ti% C INI URMAT ION FIOR I ANDF UJM DVIn4liNA'rION 1. Does the waste contain any hazardous waste constituents listed in .0029 (e) , Appendix x VIII (i.e., 40 CER 261, Appendix VIII) ? If yes, what constituents and what concentration? (Attach laboratory results) YF � 9,P/ cLNI t'Av/�l/ci/,! _sE/r�vZLL41 2. What other constituents are present and in what concentration? (Attach laboratory results) AAIIYA_V/ i 5 41()G(C!7 /ut�,1- /�/c°A 9 L a"t vA Sd�il /3 sN� 3. Will the lu rrlli ng and disposal of this waste create dust em i ions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill per-,xxuael._ A/p *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter" test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) yl-S *5. Which solid waste management facility is the request for (name of landfill and permit ru u ber, incinerator, etc...) ? 'PI L/%per eal iIt/r y / /Alp j,::'// e_ '9� 42 -o 3 I-&v4r,!e' 70 M/viyAc� �� l' *6. Specify haw the Waste will be delivered - in bulk or cxarrtainers (i.e. laarls, bags, etc.)lK l�C1.Lr?il�K /� C.�yL/•f r. ,�c�/�?L Li/F�/psi F,2 T�'r.c.r Ibl].Cwing 'am the maxim 1m Lead-lable (MP) oontaminatian levels and P11 for solid waste disposal in N.C. Ian]fills. Primary N.C. drinking water and Federal 107ardMl; limits are included for c aari- ,on. Ctx311_i.cal analysis is xnc]llir ed at detection limits Pe-Mitting assessment at or below the maximum landfill levels. Individual P11 values must be >2.0 and <12_5; 'Werage values aaoepted are normally 4.0 - 10.0 7e gyrator is r ible to determine if their waste meets N.C. landfill affa�ble levels. 1Ua,ilys.is for herbicides, Fx sticides arld o janics M[K,r BU PLgZI'Uf . W[II71L'VCit IQJl7WLI1]GT Or 'ii1L W1LSIti M11IC[5il�'LIZ PIiL'SI_NCT A FSIT)TLl'1'Y. Laad�able metals must always be determined. Irxffdxe if any questiart;�s exist on interpretation. Ile MTNKD1[: MC Tarvirin . TA IIA7NOMU WA'n•71 KM ?MIMl1M M.�74Ifr if;Y.__Lftj/1.1 ._([T:mI_ __(MJ/1dr AIVInc 5.0 0.05 0.!,0 WHIM IM 100.0 1.00 10.00 ChIP411M 1..0 D.01 0.10 aOCMr(14 n.0 0.05 050 UAD 5.0 0.05 0..50 MI-MIJIN 0.2 0.002. 0.02 :FInuu1 1.0 0.01 0.10 .^UMM 5.0 0.05 0.50 I IMI)IGIA`1 i I L^►T all.1.1d g 0.01 - 0.lX)j Will" 0.02. 0.0002 0.002 1[ITUV111Li1 0 (" - 0.0000 lJMVWF 0.40 0.W4 0.04 MI?Il MYC311[m 10. Ixl 0.10 1. 00 Ir"I10116 0.50 0.(x)5 0.05 2,4-0 10.00 0.10 1.00 2,4 5,-W SMVEX 1.00 0.01 0.10 arANT(;U 131.717,E?IP. 0.5 0.005 0.05 Mu" jrIT1M711171117i 0.5 0.005 0.05 a0r110tIN7ENY. 100.0 - 10 (1110Y)EU1M 6.0 - 0.60 0_010)0(. 200.0 - 20 M-all•DOT, 200.0 - 20 P471,10T. 200.0 - 20 1,4 DTaimn-n-w..mg 7.5 0.075 0.75 1,2. D(OrT""-llW4R 0.5 0.005 0.05 1,1 DT0lFc1"-mrYt1•NY 0.7 0.007 0.07 2,4 0T9l'lWl1C)l UFNR 0.13 - 0.013 10•J01r 1111101i.N.."Up 0.13 - 0.013 nrMaaax-1,1-11n71Danv. 0.5 - 0.05 11TID( 7 t1OI7r M rAMF 3.0 - 0.30 Til"nrYL Vital, K IUVI 200.o - 20 1411TUMM.F.31M 2.0 - 0.20 M-WIN31101011R?Io1. 100.0 - 10 ry inm 5.0 - 0.50 'n•:111M0I t a1(ll`n 1YT 7NF 0.7 - 0.07 '1T110II01Or•111rY1J•7rr 0.5 0.W5 0.05 2,4."llICI l(rl1)11tT-wX, 400.0 - 40 2,4,6-Mira0nloll pNOI, 2.0 - 0.20 VINYL arrl]1ir17B 0.2 0.002 0.02 "I hcxcbY Certify that the infonrution SUbni.t-ted in regard to (rl,- me of waste) is tnle and correct to the best of ��rl F1��D ri/ � u'�'�P >� a/�sr� my edge and belief . " M/7r6,e117z.r (print name) :;�/1 Es (sigriature) (date)_ y_,�. 7 All quo-_'fia_ons 00n0ern nU this +o "Pxocxlure" d-)cW d be directed to the Solid waste Sect.ian at (919) 73_3-0692. Answer specific questions in space provided. Attach additional sleets if necessary. Oonplete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Management- Division; Solid Waste Section P.O. J30X 27Q7; Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn: 9-lste Determi.n�-jtion DT'ITNIZ Ibrnt �1�1 SWS REV. 10/18/90 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director March 2, 1994 Mr. James B. Harrop Summitville Carolina, Inc. P. 0. Box 1453 Morganton, NC 28680 Reference: February 7, 1994 letter from James B. Harrop to William R. Hocutt NCDEHNR concerning use of glazed and unglazed ceramic tile scrap as beneficial fill. Dear Mr. Harrop: Your reference letter and attached data has been evaluated by the Solid Waste Section (the "Section") We find that the scrap tile is not suitable for use as beneficial fill for the following reasons. The Solid Waste Management Rules in Section .0562 (1) of 15A NC Administrative Code 13B states that "the fill material consists of only inert debris strictly limited to concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, rock, and gravel". This does not include scrap tile and therefore prohibits its use. The only other rules pertaining to beneficial use are those for coal ash issued effective January 4, 1994. The Section does not have rules or a policy to use or follow in attempting to utilize Summitville's tile scrap as structural fill. You need to be aware that developing those tools for coal ash required very significant time and effort. This also had very high priority due to the large quantity of ash involved and the large number of generators. Great care must be given to minimize the potential liability to which generators, landowners, and constructors are exposed. By separate letter this waste is being approved for disposal at the Burke County Sanitary Landfill, (Permit #12-03). Your February 7, 1994 letter stated that should your tile scrap not qualify for beneficial purposes that you wanted to explore the possibility of operating your own landfill. The type facility you R0. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. James B. Harrop March 2, 1994 Page 2 would need for accepting this material is a sanitary landfill as described in Sections .0503 and .0504 in the 15A NCAC 13B Rules. If you want to pursue that approach, I recommend that one of our engineers visit your proposed site for an initial assessment. Please call me at (919) 733-0692 if you need additional information. gnncerely, men C. Coffey, Supervisor Solid Waste Section Permitting Branch JCC:jsp cc: Dexter Matthews .: ulian Foscue Jan McHargue Bill Hocutt STATU OF NORTH C7001.1TdA DUMR241Tr OF kN IRONMEtr, IiMUH AND NAnTFZAL RE i C� SOLID K= M&VVQ1E= DIVISION; SOLID WASTE S='ICN AdMin. •o - 13B .0103(d 'this procedure Will be lid by the Solid Waste Management Division to determine ut)eth'er a waste is (1) hazardCUS as defined by 1M NCAAC 13A, and (2) suitable for disposal at a solid waste management facility. The type of wash that will be evaluated by this procedure are may, but not exclusively, inchus-tri al and mmmrrial wastes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sludge. 0e Solid Waste Management Division reserves the right to r additional information or waive some of the reguir®ents based on the type of waste if it deems rje xe y. The Division may also require same wastes to be treated or altered to render the wastes y immobile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes disposed at sanitary landfills m1st be nor -liquid which can be properly managed in accordance with the "Solid Waste Management Rules". AppRUrAL M DISFOSSE OF Zr[-iE WSM SEIAM ALSO DE OPIMINED FROM TM MiM CIi OPERAIM OF UM I MDEUL PRIOR TO DMCx . Ole foll-Wing information is required for an evaluation. IncoWlete waste determination forms will be returned to the generator without review. An asterisk(*) denotes information requzr.•ed for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A * GD UMAL DUoRmATIcu 1. Name, TELERJONE N24EER and mailing address of facility or person generating waste 5-'UMM1TVILLI- -- - LEI, .ae,)x 1463 2. Specific location of waste (i.e. SR. t, , city, etc...) Q,i(P_KE Couorl/ - /U,�2TM ("U00fu - cr"c/�14le T lr / i),yyE 3. Miat is the waste?. FieZ- D G�-- 2Am (C_ iaA10 1fAJ ('1-^?rL) 4. What volume of disposal will there be? 5. i,3sat frequency of disposal will there be? A/I I L Y 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or how the waste was generated. j7LC7 IS Y��E /,2c�' t'( °�^rU, Ot- i !/7!_rr-) Ti/.-G"�� B INFUEN F R ) A7ARIXJI.I;S (RQ�) DF'I�d�LT]�# G1V (]5A N.C. Admin. Code 13A .0006) I. Is 'the wash listed under .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.30 - 261.33)? If yes, list rnmber. A 10 *2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four characteristics as defined by 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13A .0006(c) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.20-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for TC Toxicity, Reactivity, Ignitability, Corr sivity•) �/�► C TION FM I.ANDF LLUr, DEI'EFi-mv TCN 1. Doe the waste contain any ha7.ardoL s waste cazst bJent~s II -teed in 15A N.C. Admire. Code 13A .0006(e), Apperdix vlzz (i.e., 40 CFR 261, Appendix VIII)? If yes, what eomtit -x n and what cajoent> ation? (Attach laboratory resul.ts)y�5 __U/ iDm I r-c-•/4 5.E1 l=/V i ('t M - :: i F «'' 111.14 2. What other oc-tituents are present and in what ca xmnt ration? (Attari laboratory results) ,(, 6 - strr/JsT.� 1'/it kir�E 3. Will the irg and disposal of this waste create dust emissions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill personnel. /G/c1 *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter" test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) yC�� *5. W- ich solid waste managenent facility is the request for (name of landfill and permit rnunber, incinerator,, etc...) ? !'C c��A/F i OF G��9STE T�I�IT' �)dCl�7� A/�Goc� S�°F/�f' i /�.0 7-0/�f-n / <7F f'i�-'i'/�'//�/ f/rn�?•SR:;; *6. Specify how the waste will be delivered - in bu]k or containers (i.e. kb lowing AT-,-- tl-xe maXimun leachable pup) cKmtmdmtian levels and pH four solid waste disposal in N.C. Landfills. pri_ms<lry N.C. drinking water atxl Fbderal hazardous limits are included for cmparison. Chemical analysis is rrqiirrd at detcticn limits pe=tting assessmeft at or below the maximum landfill levels. Individual pH values must be >2.0 aryl <22.5; average values aaxpted are rrnmaUy 4.0 - 10.0 Mbe genera':.cnr is responsible to dletemine if their waste meets N.C. landfill acceptable levels. Analysis for herbicides, pesticides and organics MUST jK PEpjrg:�= FIII 'VER OF ME y MARES MEM U TTi t A PCCSIMi'!'X. leachable metals must always be determined. Inquire if any questia-ss exist an station. PC ORSMUmc NC Lendfill nrl= "A RAZARAOQS MATM MCL X"IMVM ARSENIC BARIUM IMML N&L 5.0 ._(RRA1 _ 0.05 - rwVL_ 0.50 CADKI[M 100.0 1.00 20.00 CtMOK UM 1.0 0.01 0.10 LF D B.0 0.05 0.50 MpJ2CORY b.0 0.05 0.50 RF_LF.NZUM O,I 1:0 0.002 0.02 SILVER 0.01 0.10 b.0 0.05 0.50 IfEJ3DT_CIDr_$ rz STTI`TMS CNLDRDAN-E 0.02 0.003 ENDRIN HEPTAorMR 0.02 0.0002 0.002 LINDANP 0.008 0. 0008 MF-MOXYCKWR 0.40 0.004 0.04 TOXALFIM iE 10.00 0.10 1.00 2,4-D 0. 50 0.005 0.05 2,4 5-7P BILVL7C 10,00 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.01 0.10 ARGNiIS'.r. BENZENE 0.5 0.005 0.05 CAYMN TrrRACHWRIDE 0.5 0.005 0.05 C1WROBENZENE 100.0 10 CHLOROFORM 6.0 - 0-CR£SOL 200,0 0.60 N-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 C P-RYSOL 200.0 20 1,1 DICHLOROT3rH7rrE 7.5 - 0.075 20 0,75 1,2 DICOILOROF7HAN[, .5 0.05 0.5 1,1 D7CHLOROELFJiE 7F{Y 0.7 0.007 0..07 2.4 DINITRO71OUnyl 0.13 - HEXACffWROBF_NZ£NE 0.13 •- 0.01� HE)UC]ILORO-1, ]-T=ADILNE 0.5 0.017 HFXACHLOR0MXXn 7.0 - O.OS MFIM L ETHYL KETONE 2004 - 0,00 NITROBENZENE 2.0 - 2D PFNTACHUDROPHENOL 100,0 - 0.20 PYRIDINE 5.0 - 10 TETRAofLORomryL7JrE 0.7 0.50 77t7C71fOR0Yi71YLFJiE 0.5 - 0.005 0. 07 0.0 2,1,5-TRICH1DR0P1MX0L 400.0 - 2,1,6-TRICHTAROPHONOL 2.0 40 VINYL CHLORIDE 0.2 - 0.20 0.002 0.02 "z hereby Certify that the information submitted iin reTn-d to (name of vaste) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief." (Pr (title)- (date) All c sans cuxexning this "Procedure" s ou�ld be directs d to the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733-0692. An-wer specific questiorts in space provided. Attach additional sheets if nooersary. Complete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Manage mnt Division ;Solid Waste Section P.O. Box 27687; Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn: Wastin 1]P-fprmi t tvH rrm DFrM Form 3151 -- - SWS REV. 2/15/92 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources &14 • • Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary i V William L. Meyer, Director March 16, 1994 Mr. Mark Mitchell Leviton, Southern Devices Division P. 0. Drawer 68 Morganton, NC 28655 Subject: Disposal of Approximately 70 Pounds/Month of Spent Deionizing Resin at the Burke County Landfill, (Permit #12-03) . Dear Mr. Mitchell: The Solid Waste Management Division has received a request for characterization of the subject waste. Based upon the submitted information, the waste appears to be non -hazardous. The Solid Waste Management Division has no objection to the sanitary landfill disposal of this waste, if in accordance with the conditions listed below: 1. The owner/operator of the landfill approves the disposal. 2. The waste contains no free liquids and can be confined, compacted, and covered in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B). 3. Renewal of this approval will require resubmittal of a Waste Determination Form and current supportive analytical data. Renewal is required prior to subsequent disposal if the process generating the waste changes or if the waste composition changes significantly. Failure to meet these conditions may result in revocation of this approval, and subsequently, an administrative penalty. The approval is subject to change if new rules and/or regulations were to prohibit this practice. If the process which generates the waste changes or if the composition of the waste changes P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Mark Mitchell March 16, 1994 Page 2 significantly, this approval is void and re-evaluation of the waste will be required prior to subsequent disposal. If you have further questions or comments concerning this matter, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section WRH : j sp cc: 'flbert Hetzell Dale Myers �.. •�� ra • a ••.• ra iy r• r• r• • •4• •,tea. -• 1• ►• r ►• r• ra ra 1 • -. 11 r• r• tia • P420C=. AND CRrFEM FM {A.S'IE ON 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13B . 0103 (d) ►this proeeAhre will be used by the Solid Waste Management Division to determine whether a waste is (1) hazardous as defined by 15A NCAC 13A, and (2) suitable for disposal at a solid waste management facility. Zhe types of wastes that will be evaluated by this procedure are primarily, but not exclusively, ; xhLst-ri al and m„Y Trial uestes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sludges. Zhe Solid Waste Management Division reserves the right to request additional information or waive some of the requirements based on the type of waste if it deers necevsazy.•.Uva Division may also require sane wastes to be treated or altered to ren:Lex the wastes envircrnentally immobile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes disposed at sanitary landfills mist be ion -liquid which can be properly managed in accordance with the "Solid Waste Management Rales". APPROVAL TO DISPOSE OF THE MWM MaL AL90 iE OHIAINED FRCM THE MIER CR 0PF32AMR OF INE IANDFnT• PRIa2 TO DISPOSAL. The following information is required for an evaluation. Incomplete waste determination forms will be returned to the generator without review. An asterisk (* ) denotes information required for Publicly Owned Treatment Worsts. A * CENFRAL TIcN 1. Name, MEPHONE NUMBER and mailing address of facility or person generating waste Leviton - Southern Devices, 704-584-1611, P. 0. Drawer 68, Morganton, N. C. 28680-0068 2. 3. ,pecuic location of waste (i.e. SR. #, county, city, etc...) 113 Industrial Blvd., Morganton, N. C., Burke County W-iat is the waste? Used Deionizing Resin 4. . Mhat volume of disposal will there be? 7 0 1 b s / m o . 5. Fhnat frequency of disposal will there be? Once a -month 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or how the was was generated. Resin used to purify city water to act as insu ator for burning (cutting) of metals for tools on electric discharge machine EDM B INFOF44AMON FOR HAZARDOUS (RCRA) WrEMNMON (15A N.C. Admire. Code 13A .0006) 1. Is the waste listed under .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.30 - 261.33)? If yes, list mm ber. No *2. Dces the waste exhibit any of the far characteristics as defined by 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13A .0006(c) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.20-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results, for TC Toaacity, Reactivity, Ignitability, C orrosivity.) S e e a t t a c h e d d a t a. C INFORMATION FM IANDFFILTLIW5 D01ERMDVaTCN 1. Does the waste contain any hazardous waste Constituents listed in 15A N.C. Admire. Code 13A .0006(e), Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CFR 261, Appendix VILI)? If yes, what constituents and what concentration? (Attach laboratory results) None Known 2. What otter constituents are present and in what motion? (Attach laboratory results) None Known 3. Will the handling and disposal of this waste crate dust omissions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill personnel. No *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter" test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S. W. 84 6) ? (Attach laboratory results) Y e G - a f t e r d r a i n e d & d r v e d management*5. Which solid waste management facility is the request for (name of landfill and Fit number, imine- atOr, etc ... ) ?_Burke County Landfill Permit #12-03 *6. Specify how the waste will be delivered - in bulk or containers (i.e. barrels, bags, etc.) Plastic bag in cardboard box Fbllowing are the maximum leachable (=P) contamination waste dispoe;al in levels andw for N.C. Iandfi11s. limits are included for �aarisarl PH solid Primary Can water�• and t tt'-ing asses at or below the limits ion limit must be >2.0 and G12.5; II° landfill levels. Individual PH values aver values responsible to a 7ted are nonmr-L l y 4.0 10. 0 if tt)e r waste meets N.C. landfill le ED Analysis foot herbicides. pest Lcides and orgF M[bT SE O Tw-anics Pff must always be A POSSIM-My. Leaciable metals ?ncNire if any gVesucm aeLst interpretation. on EPA nASARDOUS Me DATMaNC Me Landfill HATER MCL MAXIMUM ARSENIC :. BARIUM LEYEL has 5.0 �� fma/ 1 0.05 0.50 CADMI11M ,. 100. 0 .,. 1.0 1.00 10... .,• 0 CHROMIUM 5.0 0.01 0.00 . LEAD MERCURY 5.0 .. 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 SELENIUM. 0.2 1.0 BILVER 5.0 0.01 0.10. 0.05 . �BIC`IDLs i' P RTtrrnra ... 0.50 . • C1tLORDANE ENDRIN r "��;"� , � , , r'.+ 0.03 0.02 .; , � . � .� ,. 0.003 . �r 0.0002 NEPTAt7ILOft 0. 008 0.002 LINDA M ML'M0XYCIIIAit 0.40 0.0008 0.004 0.04 TOXAP}EHE 10.00 0.50 0.10 1.00 2,4_ 5 2,4 -TP SILVE]C 10.00 0.005 0.05 0.10 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.10 9HG�?iIS.:� BPNZENE CARBON TETRACRWRIDE 0.5 0.5 0.005 0.05 CHLOROBENZENE 100.0 0.005 0.05 CIfWROPORM - 10 O-CRESOL 206.0 - 0.60 M-CRESOL 200.0 20 P-CRESOL 200.0 20 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE. 1,2 DICHLOROETHAXE 7'5 20 0.075 0.75 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE 0'5 0.7 0.005 0.05 2,4 DINITROTOLVENE 0.007 0.07 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 0.1J .1J 0.013 HEXACH ORO-1,J-IMADIENE 0. 5 - 0.013 11EXACHLOROE"LUM 3.0 0. 05 ETHYL METHYL KETONE. 200.0 - O.JO NITRODENZENB 2.0 - 20 PENTAC HLOROpIMOL 100.0 0.20 PYRIDINE 5.0 - 10 TETRACHWROETHYLMM 0.7 - 0.50 TRICFiLOROETirXLENE 0.5 - 0.07 0.005 2, 4, 5-TR1cHjDROPMW0L 400. 0 0.05 2,4,6-TRICHI,OROPHONOL 2.0 - 40 VINYL CHMRIDE 0.2 0.20 0.002 0.02 "I hereby certu_f'Y that the information s-ftitted in regard (mane of waste) is true and correct to the best of knowledge p e i o n i. z i n C Resin my edge and belief. (Print nme) Mark Mitchell (slgnatxn:e-) (OP (title) Environmental Engineer (date) _ 1/ 2 7/ 9 4 Allquestions co`'-z this "procedure" should be directed to the Solid w ste- Section at (919) 733-0692. Answer specific questions in space Provided. Attach additional sheets if accessary. Complete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Markagournt Division; Solid WaL Section P.O. Boot 27687; Raleigh, NC 276U Attn: Waste Determination DIIIIII2 Foam 3151 SWS REV. 2/15/92 NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Solid waste Management Solid waste Section SOLID WASTE NAIAGEIENT FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT J Type of Facility ,. Permit Name of Facility f Ii��y /jam ( f Location 'p ,� Date of Last Evaluation I. Permit Conditions Followed A. Specific Condition(s) Viol Yes No N/A II. Operational Requirements Followed Yes No 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13B Section . %Ki<' A. Specific Violation(s) by mjW3er and Letter. (10)(Q6S ✓7_P,1fitll�gri��2 )C,u0AJo rt�... %�%��/�r'C G'i:lr t �O"�.•. l' i%nc-� � �r,r ��L!/i Y1�' ��O 1 III. other Violations of Rule or Law IV. Evaluator's Comments lt,)'j{ .f 4G! Lti 1L / ld -a � try ire dr. 4, (,04" , al d <I& man. c 24kcal V. Continuation Page Required? Yes No Receiving Signature Evaluation Date % Solid Waste Section DEHNR 3793 (Part I White: Facility Part II Canary: Central Office Part III Pink: Regional Office) Solid Waste Section (Review 7/94) State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor E � F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director June 1, 1994 Mr. Scott Miller Astro Industries 114 Industrial Blvd Morganton, NC 28655 Subject: Disposal of Approximately Ten Pounds/Two Weeks of Process Clean -Out Water Filtration Sludge at the Burke County Sanitary Landfill, (Permit ##28655). Dear Miller: The Solid Waste Management Division has received a request for characterization of the subject waste. Based upon the submitted information, the waste appears to be non -hazardous. The Solid Waste Management Division has no objection to the sanitary landfill disposal of this waste, if in accordance with the conditions listed below: 1. The owner/operator of the landfill approves the disposal. 2. The waste contains no free liquids and can be confined, compacted, and covered in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B). 3. Renewal of this approval will require resubmittal of a Waste Determination Form and current supportive analytical data. Renewal is required prior to subsequent disposal if the process generating the waste changes or if the waste composition changes significantly. Failure to"meet these conditions may result in revocation of this approval, and subsequently, an administrative penalty. The approval is subject to change if new rules and/or regulations were to prohibit this practice. If the process which generates the waste changes or if the composition of the waste changes significantly, this approval is void and re-evaluation of the waste P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Scott Miller June 1, 1994 Page 2 will be required prior to subsequent disposal. If you have further questions or comments concerning this matter, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, /' _- William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section WRH/blr CC: Albert Hetzell Dale Myers P THE AND CRITERIA FCFZ WS'I'E DE HINATICK 15A N.C. Admire. Code 13B .0103 (d) `� Zhis pr00e13M will be used by the Solid Waste Managemesit DivisZt to fetermie whether a waste is (1) hazardcus as defined e by 1.5A NCA�C 1.3A, and (2)tablI at a solid waste management facility. 7he types of wastes will be% evaluated by this procedure are primrily, but not exclusively, i„fi-atrial and _ ccamerci al wastes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sludges. 7he Solid Waste Management Division resezves the right to request additional information or waive see of the requirements based on the type of waste if it deems r>exssary. M-Ae Division may also rewire sane wastes to be treated or altered to render the wastes enviraxxntally iile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. wastes di_sponed at sanitary landfills mist be non -liquid which can be properly managed in accordance with the "Solid waste Maragement ides". APPROVAL M DISPOSE OF OM W= S-ML ALSO BE OF3I' M FROM ME mtm OR OPT OF THE 7 ANi)FTr r. PRIOR TO DISPOSAL. fello��---g ir-fd=ticn is * qu x-ed for an eRr...luaticn. T*>--,clete wed detprmi ticn forms will be returrx2d to the generator without review. An asterisk(*) denotes information required for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A * SAL TICK 1. Namee,, TELEPHONE NUM3M and maili g address of facility or person generating waste f'1'>'7 1-a J �r� a_, `i-4 r'' t' S , -0,1 . (W n o r l vN , T n r 2. Specific locatidn of waste (i.e. SR. #, county? city, etc...) 3. idhat is the Waste? 4. W-lat volume of disposal will there be? `c lb, 5. M'lat frequency of disposal will there be? fifer), S 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or how the Waste was generated. CT- B I3U0F4%=ON FOR HAZARDOUS (RCRA) CN (15A N.C. Admin. Code 13A .0006) I. Is the Waste listed under .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.30 - 261.33)? If yes, list rnmber. N D *2. Does the Waste exhibit any of the fair characteristics as defined by 15A N.C. Amin. Code 13A .0006(c) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.20-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for TC Toxicity, Reactivity, Ignitability, 0orrosivity.) j'\j D C INFCF;3,TION FCR IANDFIII02r, L&I IC2U=N 1. Does the waste contain any hazardous waste a rntituents listed in 15A N.C. Admin. Code 33A .0006 (e) , Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CFR 261, Apperxiix VIU) ? If yes, what oxistituents and what ecrresrtraticn? (Attach laboratory results) rJ p 2. Mat other constituents are print and in what oncehtration? (Attach laboratory results) S,�.e Fl4 A(hCA 3. will the handling and disposal of this waste crate dust emi ions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill person. 1-I C) *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter" test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) *5. Wi.ich solid Waste management facility is the(' yet for (name of landfill and permit mmber, incinerator, etc...)? K6. Specify has the Waste will be delivered - in bulk or coma ness (i.e. barrels, bags, etc.) 1 S Following are the maxi= s leachable (=P) cmtaminaticn levels and pH for solid waste disposal in N.C. Landfills. Primary N.C. drinking water and Federal hazaxdo s limits are irrluded for . chemical analysis is mired at dete& cn limits permitting as..t at or below the max mmm landfill levels. Individual pH values must be >2.0 and < 2.5; average values aooepted are normally 4.0 - 10.0 ztue generatar is responsible to determine if their waste meets N.C. landfill accept -.able levels. Analysis for herbicides, pesticides and organics MST BE PE RFC i_M4VM ENOWMM OF fj3m NAsM ISMS ZSEII2 PRESENCE A FOSS=ZTY. leachable metals must always be determ *ed. Inquire if any 4xesticrs eaast on interpretatim. MC DRINKING VC Landfill IPA HAZARDOUS WATER MCL (Roui MAXIMUM (ita/LI XLPTbj-q ARSENIC LEVEL (Ma/1.1 5.0 0.05 0.50 BARiUX 100.0 1.00 10.00 CADMn7M 1.0 0.01 0.10 CHROMIUM 5.0 0.05 0.50 LEAD 5.0 0.05 0.50 MERCURY 0.2 0.002 0.02 SELENIUM 1.0 0.01 0.10 SILVER 5.0 0.05 0.50 HERBICIDES 6 Mcall= CHLORDANE 0.03 - 0.003 ENDRIN 0.02 0.0002 0.002 HFDTACHIOR 0.008 - 0.0008 LINDANE 0.40 0.004 0.04 METHOXYCn,MR 10.00 010 1.00 TOXAPHENZ 0.50 0..005 0.05 2,4-D 10.00 0.10 1.00 2,4 S-PP SILVER 1.00 0.01 0.10 ORGANICS BENZENE CARBON TETRACEIARIDE CHLOROBENZENE CHLOROFORM 0-CRESOL M-CRESOL P-CRESOL 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE 1,2 DICHIAROETHANE 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE 2,4 DINITROTOLDME HEXACHLOROBENZENE HEXACHLORO-I,3-BUTADIENE HEXACHLOROETHANE METHYL ETHYL XETONE NITROBENZENE PENTACHLOROPHENOL PYRIDINE TETRACHIOROETHYLENS TRICHLOROETHYLENE 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 2,4,6-TRICHIOROPHONOL VINYL CHLORIDE 0.5 0.5 100.0 6.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 7.5 0.5 0.7 0.13 0.13 0.5 3.0 200.0 2.0 100.0 5.0 0.7 0.5 400.0 2.0 0.2 "I hereby certify that the information submitted (name of waste) is true and correct to the best of 0.005 0.05 0.005 0.05 - 30 - 0.60 - 20 - 20 - 20 0.075 0.75 0.005 0.05 0.007 0.07 - 0.013 - 0.013 - 0.05 - 0.30 - 20 - 0.20 - 10 - 0.50 - 0.07 0.005 0.05 - 40 - 0.20 0.002 0.02 >n regard to F Ft(:-!r- S /,) d N e- - my h-owledge and belief." (Print name) 7h1C �'� l-; 1 tij ' ; _ ' (signature) z�xv (title) -��✓ N�,�i`�U`/� �� - (date) %a All questions this "Procedure" should be directed to the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733-0692. Answer specific questions in space provided. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Omplete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Management Division; Solid Waste Sectic1 P.O. Box 27687; Raleigh, NC 27631 Attn: waste Dererminkitim DEHM Form 3151 Sw5 REV. 2/15/92 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ID C Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary C William L. Meyer, Director June 17, 1994 Mr. Mickey O'Keefe Pine Valley Division of Ethan Allen Highway 70 East P.O. Box 639 Old Fort, NC 28762 Subject: Disposal of Approximately 600-1,000 Pounds/Week of Paint Booth Overspray, Floor Sweepings, Booth Stripping, Steel Wool, and Sandpaper at the Burke County Landfill, (Permit #12-03) Dear Mr. O'Keefe: General Statute 130A-294 authorizes the Solid Waste Management Division to regulate solid waste management in North Carolina. It, therefore, gives authority to the Division to evaluate wastes that may pose a threat to the environment or the public health and to subsequently prohibit disposal of these wastes at a sanitary landfill in accordance with Sections .0103 (d) and (e) of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A N.C.A.C. 13B. Your recent request for disposal of the subject waste has been reviewed and evaluated by section personnel. It is concluded that the waste is not suitable for landfill disposal at the designated facility because it tested positive for flammability in ASTM D4982- 89 (method A). The US EPA has stated (8/26/92 letter from Oliver M. Fordham, Jr. of EPA to Larry F. Runyan of America Furniture Mfg. Assn.) that the above mentioned ASTM method is recommended as an interim guidance for evaluating ignitability of solids while the EPA is developing another test. For this reason your request is denied. It is recommended that the waste be incinerated at a commercial facility once conformance with air quality limits has been determined. If you have any further questions, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. (OVER) P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Mickey O'Keefe June 17, 1994 Page 2 A copy of the 8/26/92 letter from EPA is attached for your reference. Since/rel/y, (�yC�— William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section WRH/blr CC: Albert Hetzell Dale Myers Spring Allen Terry Dover Julian Foscue 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13B .0103(d) This procedure will be used by the Solid Waste Manaqamait Division to determine whether a haste is (1) hazardous as defined by ISA NCAC 13A, and (2) suitable for disposal at a solid waste managemmit facility. 7he types of wastes that will be evaluated by this procedure are primarily, but not elusively, industrial and c�a merc; al wastes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sludges. The Solid Waste Management Division reserves the right to request additional information or waive some of the requirements based on the type of waste if it deems r>e<�ssary. The Division nay also require sane wastes to be treated or altered to render the wastes erlViranmentally immoUile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes dLs1x I at sanitary landfills must be non -liquid which can be properly managed in accordance with the "Solid Waste Management ides". ApPRDVAL TO DISpOfiE OF TSE WASTE arm = A.ZO a u vim: 2= ri%.aZ irk, V`'►KER UKR �ritceit`u¢C u� MiE iAtV1aC'11.'6 FRIGK- 10 Disi t3AL. The following information is required for an evaluation. Irxurlete waste detp minaticn forms will be retuned to the generator without review. An asterisk(*) deaates information required for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A * GENERALINxxTICN 1. Name, TELEPHONE NUMEER and nailing address of facility or person generating waste PINE VALLEY DIVISION OF ETHAN ALLEN HWY. 70E. PO BOX 639 OLD FORT NC 28762 PHONE: 704-668-7686 2. Specific location of waste (i.e. SR. t, can'ity, city, etc ... )AT THE PINE VALLEY PLANT HIGHWAY 70 EAST, OLD FORT IN McDOWELL COUNTY 3. What is the waste? SOLID FINISHING MATERIAL FROM THE CLEAN UP OF OVERSPRAY FROM SPRAY BOOTHS, FLOOR SWEEPINGS. BOOTH STRIPPIN (WATER BASE TYPE) STEEL WOOL, SANDPAPER 4. What volume of disposal will there be? APPROXIMATELY 700 TO 1000 POUNDS PER WEEK 5. What frequency of disposal will there be? WEEKLY 6. Main either the manufacturing process 'or how the waste was generatQd.WASTE IS C ELECTED FROM AND AROUND THE 19 SPRAYBOOTHS IN THE FURNITURE FINISHING DEPARTMENT. OVERSPRAY ADHERE'S TO THE BOOTH WALLS, FILTERS, CONVEYOR PALLETS,RACKS ETC AND MUST BE REMOVED B INFDR-�ON FOR HAZARDOUS 03gM) Di1 a441NAT M (15A N.C. Admin. Oode 13A .0006) ERIODICALLY. 1. Is the waste listed under .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CER 261.30 - 261.33)? If yes, list number. NO *2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four characteristics as defined by 15p N.C. Attain. Code 13A .0006(c) (i.e., 40 CER 261.20-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for TC Tr-Ddcity, Reactivity, Ignitability, Cbrrosivity.) NO. SEE ATTACHED. C INFUFa-LTICK FOR LANDFII M4G MI K24AMCK 1. Does the waste contain any hazardous waste constituents listed in 15A N.C. Admire. Code 13A .0006(e), Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CER 261, Appendix vin)? If yes, what constituents and What C--- enitraticn? (Attach laboratory results) YES, SEE ANALY S I S 2. What other constituents uents are present and in what =xnntrat:.ion? (Attach laboratory results) NO OTHER LISTED CONSTITUENTS. SEE ANALYSIS 3. Will the handling and disposal of this waste create dust emissions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill personnel. NO *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter!' test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) YES *5. Which solid waste managemnt facility is the request for (name of landfill and Permit ntmber, incinerator, etc...)? BURKE COUNTY LANDFILL *6. Specify how the waste will be delivered - in bulk or ocntainers (i.e. barrels, bags, etc.) STANDARD DUMPSTERS OR ROLL OFF CONTAINER Folic wing are the max3yami leachable (=P) cc ntaminatim levels and PB for solid waste disposal in N.C. landfills. Primary N.C. drinking water and moral �s limits are included for cc a arism. Cbe i cal analysis is required at detection limits permitting assessment at or below the maxim= landfill levels. Individual pH values =-ist be >2.0 and <12.5; average values accepted are nornally 4.0 - 10.0 The generator is regxmible to determine if their waste meets N.C. landfill acceptable levels. Analysis for herbicides, pesticides and organics Aib'I' BE PERFaR�m WHENFVIIR M40WIEDGE OF r= W,S'..IE N= 0= PRESENCE A POSSIBnM. leachable metals must always be determined. . ui xe if any 4lestions exist on interpretation. MC DRINZING NC Landfill SPA SAZARDWS WATER MCL (R221 MAXIMUM (ta/L1 ARSENIC jTVEL (29L 5.0 0.05 0.50 BARnm 100.0 1.00 20.00 CADMIUM 1.0 0.01 0.10 CHROMIUM 5.0 0.05 0.50 LEAD 5.0 0.05 0.50 MERCURY 0.2 0.002 0.02 SELENIUM 1.0 0.01 0.10 SILVER 5.0 0.05 a.50 HERBICIDES i PLSTICIDLS CuinRn)k►O: 0.03 - 0.003 ENDRIN 0.02 0.0002 0.002 NEPTACHIOR a 008 - 0.0006 LINDANE 0.40 0.004 0.04 METHOXYCHIGR 10.00 0.10 2.00 TOXAPHENE 0.50 0.005 0.05 2,4-D 10.00 0.10 1.00 2,4 5-TP SILVER 1.00 0.01 0.10 ORGANICS BENZENE 0.5 0.005 0.05 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 0.5 0.005 0.05 CHLOROBENZENE 100.0 - 10 CHLOROFORM 6.0 - 0.60 O-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 M-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 P-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE 7.5 0.075 0.75 1,2 DICHLOROETHANE 0.5 0.005 0.05 1,1 DICHLOROETHYI.ENE 0.7 0.007 0.07 2.4 DINITROTOLUENE 0.13 - 0.013 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 0.13 - 0.013 HEXACHIORO-I,3-BUTADIENE 0.5 - 0.05 HEXACHLOROETHANE 3.0 - 0.30 METHYL ETHYL KETONE 200.0 - 20 NITROBENZENE 2.0 - 0.20 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 100.0 - 10 PYRIDINE 5.0 - 0.50 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.7 - 0.07 TRICHLOROETHYL.ENE 0.5 0.005 0.05 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 400.0 - 40 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHONOL 2.0 - 0.20 VINYL CHLORIDE 0.2 0.002 0.02 1 hereby t7eL'C. iy that the intd)LiIatic 1 rui'rzutt d In iegdiu to SOLID FINISHING WASTE (name of waste) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief." (print name) MICKE 'KEEFE (signature) `•- (title) PLANT G E (date) e-1-3ems/ All uSticns cmoerning this "procedure" should be directed to the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733-0692. Answer specific questicns in space provided. Attach additional sheets if necessary. C=plete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Managements Division; Solid Waste Section P.O. Box 27687; Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn: Waste Determiniticn DMUZ Fcmi 3151 SWS REV. 2/15/92 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director June 17, 1994 Mr. Mickey O'Keefe Pine Valley Division of Ethan Allen Highway 70 East P.O. Box 639 Old Fort, NC 28762 A X - .V.r DEHNR N RE ✓UN r S►���p nor 0 d` 8�85>b E Z �i Subject: Disposal of Approximately 600-1,000 Pounds/Week of Paint Booth Overspray, Floor Sweepings, Booth Stripping, Steel Wool, and Sandpaper at the Burke County Landfill, (Permit #12-03). Dear Mr. O'Keefe: General Statute 130A-294 authorizes the Solid Waste Management Division to regulate solid waste management in North Carolina. It, therefore, gives authority to the Division to evaluate wastes that may pose a threat to the environment or the public health and to subsequently prohibit disposal of these wastes at a sanitary landfill in accordance with Sections .0103 (d) and (e) of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A N.C.A.C. 13B. Your recent request for disposal of the subject waste has been reviewed and evaluated by section personnel. It is concluded that the waste is not suitable for landfill disposal at the designated facility because it tested positive for flammability in ASTM D4982- 89 (method A). The US EPA has stated (8/26/92 letter from Oliver M. Fordham, Jr. of EPA to Larry F. Runyan of America Furniture Mfg. Assn.) that the above mentioned ASTM method is recommended as an interim guidance for evaluating ignitability of solids while the EPA is developing another test. For this reason your request is denied. It is recommended that the waste be incinerated at a commercial facility once conformance with air quality limits has been determined. If you have any further questions, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. (OVER) P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Mickey O'Keefe June 17, 1994 Page 2 A copy of the 8/26/92 letter from EPA is attached for your reference. Sincerely, William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section WRH/blr CC: Albert Hetzell Dale Myers Spring Allen Terry Dover Julian Foscue 9443.1992(04) �,iEo sr„�J UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY s��K/► - WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 AW 2 6 IM OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE Mr. :marry F. Runyan American Furniture Manufacturers Association 223 South Wrenn Street P. O. Box HP-7 High Point, NC 27261 Dear Mr. Runyan: I am writing in response to your letter of July 1, 1992 to Mr. William K. Reilly, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency in which you petition EPA to accept ASTM D4982- 89 (Method B) as an equivalent method of testing for the ignitability of solid waste. In order to determine whether a method is equivalent to one in SW-846, the SW-846 method it is intended to be equivalent to must already be promulgated and be required for use in a regulation. In your case, a method for the ignitability of solid waste has not yet been promulgated. Therefore, equivalency cannot be demonstrated. The Office of Solid Waste is currently developing a test to determine the ignitability of solids. Our procedure is based on the Department of Transportation burn rate test. As we do not have a promulgated method to test for the ignitability of solids at present, we recommend ASTM D4982-89 (Method A) as interim guidance. This ASTM method is a good qualitative test of ignitability, but is not quantitative enough to be considered for a SW-846 promulgated method. It only addresses ignition and does not provide any quantitative measurement of how vigorously the material burns. We do not recommend ASTM D4982-89 (Method B) as it only tests the vapors above the sample and not the solid sample itself. We do not require generators to test or to specifically use the methods listed in SW-846, except under the five circumstances listed in the following sections of 40 CFR: Printed on Recycled Paper (1) 260.22(d)(1)(i) - Submission of data in support of petitions to exclude a waste product at a particular facility (delisting petitions). (2) 261.22(a) - Evaluation of wastes against the Corrosivity Characteristic (corrosivity). (3) 261.24(a) - Evaluation of wastes against the Toxicity Characteristic (mobility of toxic species). (4) 264.314(c) and 265.314(d) - Evaluation of wastes to determine if free liquid is a component of the waste (free liquid). (5) 270.62(b)(2)(i)(C) - Analysis of wastes prior to conducting a trial burn in support of an application for a hazardous waste incineration permit (incinerator permit). SW-846 methods are only intended to serveas a guidance for the regulated community. If the generator can demonstrate that his/her method has documented QC and is sensitive enough to meet the regulatory limits, then the generator may use that method in place of an SW-846 method. I hope that this information will be of use to your analytical program. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (202) 260-4778. Sincerely, U.k- /' .;j . . Oliver M. Fordham, Jr. Chemist Methods Section cc: Alec McBride, TAB Gail Hansen, TAB Dave Topping, WIB Tom Beisswenger, OGC Admin.Code / 'this procedure will be used by the Solid Waste Manag+ it Divisim to determine tether a waste is (1) hazardous as defined by 15A NCAC 13A, and (2) suitable for disposal at a solid waste facility. Wie types of wastes that will be evaluated by this procedure are primarily, but not exclusively, j��tria] and awwrercial wastes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sludges. Mie Solid Waste Management Division reserves the riot to request additional information or waive some of the requirements based on the type of waste if it deems . Mhe Division may also require some waste's to be treated or altered to render the wastes envircrzxmtally imrbbile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes disposed at sanitary landfills mist be nark -liquid wide can be prmpesly managed in aacardance with the "Solid Waste Management Rules". APPRWAL TO DISPOSE OF ME WASTE arm L C ISC aA:, =&7= FRUn ME O'+riERR CR Q TACgyUR OF BE imiu-FILL tZ iak_ io i l l S . Zhe following information is required for an evaluation. Inccuplete waste determination fog will be returned ned to the generator without review. An asterisk (* ) denotes information required for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A * GENERAL IN:ORMATICN 1. Name, MEPHONE NLPEE 2 and mailing address of facility or person generating waste PINE VALLEY DIVISION OF ETHAN ALLEN HWY. 70E. PO BOX 639 OLD FORT NC 28762 PHONE: 704-668-7686 2. Specific location of waste (i.e. SR. #, County, city, etc ... )AT THE PINE VALLEY PLANT HIGHWAY 70 EAST, OLD FORT IN McDOWELL COUNTY 3. Rat is the waste? SOLID FINISHING MATERIAL FROM THE CLEAN UP OF OVERSPRAY FROM SPRAY BOOTHS, FLOOR SWEEPINGS, BOOTH STRIPPING WATER BASE TYPE) STEEL WOOL, SANDPAPER 4. Niat volume of disposal will these be? APPROXIMATELY 700 TO 1000 POUNDS PER WEEK 5. iaat frequency of disposal will there be? WEEKLY 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or how the waste was generated -WASTE IS C6LLECTED FROM AND AROUND THE 19 SPRAYBOOTHS IN THE FURNITURE FINISHING DEPARTMENT. OVERSPRAY ADHERE'S TO THE BOOTH WALLS, FILTERS, CONVEYOR PALLETS; RACKS ETC AND MUST BE REMOVED B DU0RAAJT0N FOR FMZARDCUS (RC12A) DETEtdriINATIC[I (15A N.C. Admire. Code 13A .0006) ERIODICALLY. 1. Is the waste listed under .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.30 - 261.33)? If yes, list IAImber. NO *2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four cbaracteri_tics as defined by ISA N.C. Agin. Code 13A .0006(c) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.20-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for TC Tcndcity, Reactivity, Ignitability, CbrzWivity.) NO. SEE ATTACHED. C INF 111AMCK RR IANDFIILTNG lin If2UMCK 1. Does the waste contain any hazardous waste caawtituents listed in 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13A .0006(e), Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CFR 261, Appendix VIA)? If yes, what constituents and what concentration? (Attach laboratory results) YES, SEE ANALYSIS 2. What other oaotituents are present and in what concent-ratian? (Attach laboratory reSultS) NO OTHER LISTED CONSTITUENTS. SEE ANALYSTS 3. Will the handling and disposal of this waste create dust emissions which may cause a health hazard or nuisance to landfill personnel. NO *4. Does the waste pass the "paint filter" test for free liquids (Method 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) YES *5. Which solid waste management facility is the request for (name of landfill and permit number, inCinerator, etc...)? BURKE COUNTY LANDFILL *6. Specify how the waste will be delivered - in bulk or. containers (i.e. barrels, bags, etc.) STANDARD DUMPSTERS OR ROLL OFF CONTAINER Following are the mm== leacinable (ZCIP) contamination levels and pH for solid, waste disposal in N.C. landfills. Primary N.C. drinking water and Federal hazardous limits are included uded for cagmx son. Chemical analysis is required at detection limits permitting assess'meiI at cr below the maxim = landfill levels. Individual pH values must be >2.0 and dZ.5; average values accepted are normmlly 4.0 - 10.0 4he generator is responsible to tip+tea ine if their waste meets N.C. landfill acceptable levels. Analysis for herbicides, pesticides and organics Mir BE PERFM4ED WHEW�II2 KIOWIEDO OF WE %= MAKM THEIR PRE 9ENM A POSSIM=. Leachable metals must always be determined. irq ire if any ques i -z exist an interpretation. MC DRINKING NC landfill =PA HAZARDOUS (2a/L1 WATER MCL I32D11 MAXIMUM[ (ma/LI METAW ARSENIC LEVEL 5.0 0.05 0.50 BARIUM 100.0 1.00 10.00 CADMIUM 1.0 0.01 0.10 CHROMIUM 5.0 6.05 0.50 LEAD 5.0 0.05 0.50 MERCURY 0.2 0.002 0.02 SELENIUM 1.0 0.01 0.20 SILVER 5.0 0.05 0.50 HERBICIDES i PESTICIK>L►.4 CHTDR.r%AxV- 0.03 - 0.003 FNDRIN 0.02 0.0002 0.002 HEPTACHLOR 0.008 - 0.0008 LINDANE 0.40 0.004 0.04 METHOXYCHIOR 10.00 0.10 2.00 TOXAPiENE 0.50 0.005 0.05 2,4-D 10.00 0.10 1.00 2,4 5-2P SILVEX 1.00 0.01 0.10 ORGANICS BENZENE 0.5 0.005 0.05 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 0.5 0.005 0.05 CHLOROBENZENE 100.0 - 10 CHLOROFORM 6.0 - 0.60 0-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 M-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 P-CRESOL 200.0 - 20 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE 7.5 0.075 0.75 1,2 DICHLOROETHANE 0.5 0.005 0.05 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.7 0.007 0.07 2,4 DINITROTOLUM0 0.13 - 0.013 HEXACHLOROBEHZENE 0.13 - 0.01] HEXACHLORO-I,3-BUTADIMM 0.5 - 0.05 HEXACHLOROETHANE 30 - 0.30 METHYL VML KETONE 200..0 - 20 NITROBENZENE 2.0 - 0.20 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 100.0 - 10 PYRIDINE 5.0 - 0.50 TETRACHIOROETHYLENE 0.7 - 0.07 M CHL40ROETHYLBNE 0.5 0.005 0.05 2,4,5-TRICHIOROPHENOL 400.0 - 40 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHONOL 2.0 - 0.20 VINYL CHLORIDE 0.2 0.002 0.02 "1 berms to rL fy that thB inf-ozzatic n s i'rAn tted in xegcu i to SOLID FINISHING WASTE (name of waste) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief." (print name) MICKE 'KEEF (signatux`G .Zi (title) PLANT G E ' 77 (date) E 3 All questions caxmrning this "Procedure" should be directed to the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733--0692. Answer specific questions in space provided. Attach additional sheets if ray. Omplete all information, sign, and submit to: Solid Waste Management Division; Solid Waste Section P.O. Boa 27687; Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn: Waste Determink►tio . LTEM Form 3151 SWS REV. 2/15/92 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director July 20, 1994 Mr. Dale Myers P.O. Box 219 Morganton, N.C. 28655 R£,: Interim Review Of Water Quality Monitoring Transition Plan Burke County - Jonn's River Landfill, Permit # 12-03 Dear Mr. Myers, There is limited time available for the Solid Waste Section to review and evaluate the Water Quality Monitoring Plan submitted as part of the Transition Plan. It is not possible to do a full technical review of this plan in time to allow for the upgrading of the monitoring system and the initial sampling episode of the baseline sampling event. Therefore the Solid Waste Section is giving interim authorization for Burke County to proceed with the upgrade of the ground -water monitoring system at the Burke County,MSWLF facility in general accordance with the proposal submitted in the monitoring plan included as part of the Transition Plan and the changes to this plan discussed in this letter. The proposed monitoring plan has too few monitoring wells on the downgradient side of the landfill. Proposed well MW-12 is located too far from the waste boundary. The Solid Waste Section recommends moving well MW-12 about 500 feet west as illustrated on the map attached.with this letter. Well MW-11 should be adjusted about 100 feet to the west of its proposed location. An additional well should be located on the east side of the landfill in the approximate location indicated on the attached map. The monitoring system upgrade must also meet the following conditions: None of the existing monitoring wells are to be abandoned or dropped from the detection monitoring system without written authorization f rom the Solid Waste Section. The existing wells not included in the revised detection monitoring system (MW-2 through MW-7 ) do not need to be monitored, however these wells are not to be abandoned.) New monitoring wells should generally be installed about 100 to 150 feet from the waste boundary. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Page 2 The monitoring wells are -to be constructed according to the specifications in the North Carolina Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 2C .0108). The monitoring wells are to be constructed according to the specifications in the "North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document For Solid Waste Facilities" as illustrated by the Typical Monitoring Well Schematic" diagram enclosed. The monitoring wells are to be placed in the approved locations in areas free of garbage, refuse, or debris, and in areas not subject to flooding. The monitoring wells are to be drilled to a depth, and the screens placed at vertical locations, that will ensure that future drought conditions, which may lower the water table, will not render the monitoring system ineffective. Generally shallow monitoring wells shall be installed with a 15 foot screen, with the top of the screen set just above the seasonal high water table, unless hydrogeologic conditions justify changes in this design. The sand pack should extend no more than 2 feet above the screen and no more than 1 foot below the screen. A bentonite seal of at least 1.0 foot should be installed above the screened interval. The bentonite shall be allowed adequate time to hydrate prior to grouting up the annular space of the well above the bentonite seal. Monitoring wells shall be thoroughly developed after construction in order to reduce suspended solids, flush out the well, and re-establish equilibrium with the aquifer. In addition to the water quality analytical data, the initial baseline sampling report must include for each monitoring well the following information: a Well Completion Record, Well Schematic Diagram, boring log, hydraulic conductivity value, porosity value, effective porosity value, and the direction and rate of ground- water flow. This initial baseline sampling report must be received in the Solid Waste Section office on or before October 9, 1994. The technical review and determination of adequacy of the Transition Plan Water Quality Monitoring Plan will not be completed until after the initial baseline sampling document has been received and reviewed by the Solid Waste Section. Page 3 The water quality sampling and analysis for the baseline sampling must be done according to the directives in the June 24, 1994, memorandum from the Solid Waste Section to MSWLF owners and operators. If you have any questions or comments regarding this conditional interim authorization to install monitoring wells as necessary to upgrade the monitoring system at the Burke County Landfill, please contact the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, Bobby Lutfy Hydrogeologist Solid Waste Section cco Bill Sessoms Al Hetzell Joyce Engineering Attachments State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B, Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director July 28, 1994 Mr. Gary Propst Molded Plastics Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 2189 Morganton, NC 38680 Subject: Disposal of Approximately 9 Tons/Week of Solidified (Cured) Polyester Resin & Fiberglass at the Burke County Sanitary Landfill, (Permit # 12-03). Dear Mr. Propst: The Solid Waste Management Division has received a request for characterization of the subject waste. Based upon the submitted information, the waste appears to be non -hazardous. The Solid Waste Management Division has no objection to the sanitary landfill disposal of this waste, if in accordance with the conditions listed below: 1. The owner/operator of the landfill approves the disposal. 2. The waste contains no free liquids and can be confined, compacted, and covered in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B). 3. Renewal of this approval will require resubmittal of a Waste Determination Form and current supportive analytical data. Renewal is required prior to subsequent disposal if the process generating the waste changes or if the waste composition changes significantly. Failure to meet these conditions may result in revocation of this approval, and subsequently, an administrative penalty. The approval is subject to change if new rules and/or regulations were to prohibit this practice. If the process which generates the waste changes or if the composition of the waste changes significantly, this approval is void and re-evaluation of the waste will be required prior to subsequent disposal. If you have further questions or comments concerning this matter, please contact this office at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, William R. Hocutt Waste Determination Coordinator Solid Waste Section cc: Albert Hetzell Dale Myers P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX. 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper - 6. 1junW4,1ZI I - RV b 91461t.10 a"I&VAMOR 6,01401441H 1A1LGUWAW_ V l t be used by the Solid Waste Mamvm ent Divis to whether 9, waste 35 (1) hazardc(n as defined by 15A NC'AC 13B, and (2) phi �3 dismal St A Solid waste manac� facility. The types of wastes t d i evaluated by thi§ procedure are primarily, but tilt exclusively, indu ia1 66mveh:cial wastes and sludges, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works Sl W xhe Solid Waste Hanagement Division reserves the right to request 'tional 03 information or waive sane of the requirements based on the type of waste FWD necessary. lbe Division may also require some wastes to be treated or al render the wastes ermiznrarentally immobile prior to disposal at a sanitary landfill. Wastes disposed at sanitary lahhdfills must be non -liquid which can be properly managed in accozdance with the "Solid Waste Managmmt Rules". APP[UV71.L 110 DISPOSE OF 111E WRSTE SIiAIL ALSO l8E OUDNnTM FRCfi 2liE OD>RM OR OPERA7M OF '111F IA14DFiLT, PRIOR To DISFt76AL. The following information is required for an evaltiation. IncctTlete waste determination forms will be retilrned to the generator without review. An asterisk (* ) denates information required for FVblicly Owned 'f -eatment Works. A It GFHMAL ZON 1. t1arym, TEI_FFI> TlClF1T and matling address of facility or pex-son generating waste Molded Plastic Industries Inc. P. ox Morganton, N.C. 38680 704-584-4974 2. Specific location of waste (i.e. SR. 1, cxxlnty, city, etc...) 213 Reep Drive Morganton Burke County - 3. Vlmt is tile waste? Solid cured polyester resin 4. What volume of disposal will there be? 9 Ton per week 5. What frequency of digrosal will there be? 1 to 2 times per week 6. Explain either the manufacturing process or haw the waste was generated. Manufacture of fiberglass products Waste occurs from mold overspray, mold overflow, triming part flashings-and`triming:pens--to-p-attern=size. B DUUF TICN FUR fRVT X7U_ _S _(RCRA) UEl'ERMIN71iZC N (15A NCAC 13B .0006) 1. Is t)he waste listed under .0006(e) (i.e., 40 CFR 261.31 - 261.33)? If_ yes, list "-tuber. NO *2. Does the waste exhibit any of the four characteristics as defined by .0006(d) (i.e., 40 CM 261.21-261.24)? (Attach laboratory results for TC Toxicity, Reactivity, Ignitability, Corrnsivity.) NO C INFURMA'i'IC" FOR LAMVILLING MERE ]WICN 1. Does the waste cotrtain airy hazardous waste constituents listed in .0006(e), Appendix VIII (i.e., 40 CTR 261, AfTendix VIII)? If yes, what constituents and what concentration? (Attach laboratory results) MEK, 795, 025 mg/l 2. lCat other eonstitx_rrts are present and in with corr-entration? (Attach laboratory results) NONE 3. Will the harrlling and disposal of this waste create dust emissions which may cause a health hazard or nuis<ziyy:�e to landfill personnel. NO *4. Does the waste pass tfte "paint filter" test for free li.Tilds (hh_thod 9095 in S.W. 846)? (Attach laboratory results) YES -5. Mich solid waste marygeTnrrt facility is the request for (name of landfill and permit ntmber, incinerator, etc...)? Burke County, permit # 1203 *6. Specify haw the waste will be delivered - in btil.k or carttaIn rs (i.e. barrels, bags, etc-) Material is compacted, transported in closed container State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources , A715TA • Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ®EE Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director August 15, 1994 Mark Taylor, P.E. Joyce Engineering, Inc. Forum VI, Suite 501 3200 Northline Avenue Greensboro, NC 27408 RE: Permanent Methane Monitoring Plan, Burke County Landfill Transition Plan, Permit No. 12-03 Mr. Taylor: In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .1626(4), owners or operators of all municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) units must implement a permanent methane monitoring program on or before October 9, 1994. Based on its preliminary review, the Section needs the following additional information from Joyce Engineering, Inc. 1 . Detail a response plan. What will the landfill operator do if methane levels exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit in structures or the lower explosive limit at the property boundary? 2. Explain construction of permanent wells. Please submit requested information or revisions to the Section within 30 days in order to expedite review of the referenced transition plan application. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, J_ZZ�3 a-22 (2 Susan J. Wr'ght Environmental Engineer cc: Tom Robinson - Burke Co. Manager Dale Meyer - Burke Co. Public Works Al Hetzell - DSWM Julian Foscue - DSWM C:\'NRIGHT\PROJECTS\BURKE\GASLET.1 P,O, Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ®� � F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretory William L. Meyer, Director August 25, 1994 Mark Taylor, P.E. Joyce Engineering, Inc. Forum VI, Suite 501 3200 Northline Avenue Greensboro, NC 27408 RE: Permanent Methane Monitoring Plan, Burke County Landfill Transition Plan, Permit No. 12-03 Mr. Taylor: In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .1626(4), owners or operators of all municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) units must implement a permanent methane monitoring program on or before October 9, 1994. The permanent methane monitoring plan in the referenced transition plan includes the frequency of testing, test procedure, and a response plan for situations in which methane gas levels are exceeded, in addition to, proposed well locations, depth, and construction. In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 130A-294 and North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B .1603(d)(2)(B), partial transition plan approval of Section IVB is hereby approved. This partial approval is valid only until such time as the full transition plan is approved by the Division of Solid Waste Management. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Wright at (919) 733-0692. Thank you, jh Susan Wright Approved: es C. Coffey upervisor, Permitting ranch Solid Waste Section P.O, Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 60% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper cc: Tom Robinson - Burke Co. Manager Dale Meyer - Burke Co. Public Works 1 Hetzell - DSWM Julian Foscue - DSWM C:\W RIGHT\PROJECTS\BURKE\GASLET.2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources AWT Division of Solid Waste Management James B, Hunt, Governor ® C Adft Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director August 29, 1994 Ms. Nancy Marshall Joyce Engineering, Inc. Forum VI, Suite 501 3200 Northline avenue Greensboro, N.C. 27408 RE: Abandonment Of Monitoring Well MW-6 At The Burke County - John's River Landfill (Permit # 12-03) Dear Ms. Marshall, The Solid Waste Section authorizes Burke County to abandon monitoring well MW-6 at the John's River Landfill. The monitoring well shall be abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Well Construction Standards permanent well abandonment procedures, 15A NCAC 2C .0113(a)(2). A record of well abandonment form should be submitted to the Solid Waste Section along with the Well Construction Records for the new wells to be installed at the landfill. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Solid Waste Section at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, Bobby Lutfy, Hydrogeologist Solid Waste Section CC: Al Hetzell P,O, Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B, Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L Meyer, Director November 8, 1994 Dale Meyer Burke Co. Public Works P. 0. Box 219 Morganton, NC 28655 RE: Technical Review, Burke County Landfill Transition Plan, Permit No. 12-03 Mr. Meyer: 4to1ry a$$1$2'�� NOV RECL-II(ED w SWS-WSRO A vzz�/ The Solid Waste Section (Section) recently performed a technical review excluding the Local Area Study and the Water Quality Monitoring Plan of the referenced transition plan application submitted by Joyce Engineering Inc. on behalf of Burke County. The Section hydrogeologist will review these aspects of the application and will request any additional water monitoring information needed upon completion of his review. The Section's preliminary review involved evaluating the Burke County Landfill's Transition Plan against the N. C. Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B. Based on its preliminary review, the Section needs the following additional information from Joyce Engineering Inc. Location Restriction Demonstration 1 . The transition plan states that the landfill is not located within 10,000 feet from any public -use airport and includes a map with the landfill and airports shown. A complete demonstration could include (1) a letter from the County to the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) indicating the landfill latitude and longitude and requesting the location of public - use airports within 5,000 feet from any airport runway used by only piston -powered aircraft or within 10,000 feet from any runway used by turbine -powered aircraft, (2) the response letter from the FAA, and (3) a topographic map or State, regional, or local government agency map indicating the closest distance from the end of a runway to the nearest referenced landfill unit. Another demonstration could include (1) a NC Aeronautical Chart and (2) a USGS quadrangle map indicating airports and showing distances from the landfill. Revise demonstration to be complete. 2. Is Figure 2 a FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map? If not, please include a FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map with the landfill area shown on it. 3. Briefly discuss the information used to reach the conclusion that the landfill is not in an unstable area? P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Operation Plan 4. Section E states that a sign shall be posted at the landfill gate that reads "No hazardous or liquid waste accepted without written permission from the Division of Health Services." Should this read "the Division of Solid Waste Management?" 5. The I st 1 i?ohibited wastes should include (1) paint overspray wastes and filters containing nitro cellulose (laquer dust) and (2) fluoroescent light tubes in commercial quantities. 6. How will sp;giled f,:ood and hatchery waste be managed? 7. ;: Address items in flule .1626(1)(g). 8. In accordance,"with Rule .1626(5)(d), fires that occur at a MSWLF require verbal notice to the Division within 24 hours and written notification shall be submitted within 15 days. 9. Address items in Rule .1626(5)(a). 10. Address items in Rule .1626(6)(a), (e), (g), and (h). 11. What is the status of the final Hazardous and Liquid Waste Screening Program? 12. The Waste Screening Plan states that the inspector will be trained. What does this entail? 13. The Waste Screening Plan states that random selection of vehicles to be inspected will be conducted on a regular basis, depending on personnel available. Inspections should include not less than one percent of the waste stream. 14. The Waste Screening Plan states that waste will be spread for observation using a front end loader and/or hand tools as appropriate. The Section recommends that the waste should be hand raked rather than using heavy equipment to spread the load. Heavy equipment may rupture a container and thus spill its contents resulting in a cleanup action rather than just a disposal problem. 15. Has the Land Quality Section of the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources approved the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan? Provide documentation of approval. 16. Address items in Rule .1626(8). Closure Plan 17. Section C states that "The slopes on the southern and southwestern sides of the landfill have not had waste placed on them since before October 9, 1991." If this filled area is under the present vertical expansion, then the entire area including side slopes must be capped with 1 X 10-' cm/sec soil. Explain or revise, show on a drawing, and adjust cost estimates accordingly. Closure and Post -Closure Cost Estimates 18. Include a compaction factor for soils in the final cap system. 19. Do the cost estimates include labor? In accordance with Rule .1628(b)(1) and (c)(1), the cost estimate must be for the cost of hiring a third party to close the landfill. Note #1 states that gas monitoring will be performed by the Burke County Public Works Department. Is this cost estimate for a third party? Revise cost estimates accordingly. Please submit requested information or revisions to the Section within 45 days in order to expedite review of the referenced transition plan application. Requested information or revisions should be submitted in accordance with Rule .1603(b). The Section reserves the right to request any additional information during the technical review process. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-0692. Sincerely, o Susan J. Wight Environmental Engineer cc: Bobby White - Burke Co. Manager Mark Taylor, P.E. - Joyce Engineering, Inc. Al Hetzell - DSWM Julian Foscue - DSWM C:\W RIGHT\PROJECTS\BURKE\TECHLET.1 NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Section SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT Type of Faci I i ty _qaw, 1 zu, r-I S Permit 0 d " �1 �� County t � ` � Name of Facility ' L011 Location / di - Date of Last Evaluation I. Permit Conditions Followed / Yes No N/A A. Specific Condition(s) Viol II. Operational Requirements Followed / Yes No 15A N.C. Admin. Code 138 Section A. Specific Violations) by number and letter. III. Other Violations of Rule or Law IV. Evaluator's Comments Cll% ,-Y.e.. el%r-; A.OA (_ -`tTvc ri-C.V L.-�/.A11 (�i hL*1 /01- %- s V. Continuation Page Required? Yes No Receiving Signature Evaluation Date i 9riG42/ y / '`' Solid Waste Sect ion,_,& DENNR 3793 (Part I White: Facility Part II Canary: Central Office Part III Pink: Regional Office) Solid Waste Section (Review 7/94)