HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_AnsonLF_SocioEcon_20211116ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE REPORT ANSON WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY 375 DOZER DRIVE POLKTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28135 ANSON COUNTY FACILITY PERMIT NO. 0403-MSWLF-2010 Prepared For: CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. 265 BROOKVIEW CENTER WAY, SUITE 205 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37919 Prepared By: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 3701 ARCO CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 400 CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 28273 Donald M. Cobb, P.G. Project Manager CEC PROJECT 165-276.0005 July 2020 REVISED September 2021 W. Todd Whittle Principal Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. + 3701 Arco Corporate drive. Suite 400 � Charlotte. NC 28273 1 p: 980-237-0373 f: 980-237-0372 1 www.cecinc..com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE...........................................................................................................................I 1.1 Purpose of Revision................................................................................................ 1 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT....................................................................................................3 3.0 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA................................................................................................4 3.1 Regional Setting...................................................................................................... 4 4.0 SOCIOECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC EVALUATION....................................6 4.1 Race and Ethnicity.................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Age and Sex............................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Disability.................................................................................................................7 4.4 Poverty and Household Income.............................................................................. 8 4.5 Limited English Proficiency (LEP)........................................................................ 8 4.6 Educational Attainment.......................................................................................... 9 4.7 Local Sensitive Receptors....................................................................................... 9 5.0 COUNTY HEALTH ASSESSMENT.............................................................................11 6.0 NEARBY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS..................................................................12 7.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS AND MITIGATION........................................................13 8.0 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT..............................................................................................4 5 9.0 CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................................16 FIGURES Figure 1 — 1-Mile Radius Area of Study Figure 2 — Census Tracts TABLES Table 1 — Race and Ethnicity Table 2 — Age and Sex Table 3 — Disability Table 4 — Household Income Table 5 — Limited English Proficiency Table 6 — Educational Attainment Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -i- Environmental Justice Report September 2021 APPENDIX Appendix A — Correspondence Appendix B — Anson County Health Assessment Appendix C — Public Meeting Summary Appendix D — Environmental Justice Screening Results Appendix E — NCDEQ Facility Screening Report — Anson County Waste Management Facility Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -ii- Environmental Justice Report September 2021 1.0 PURPOSE On behalf of Chambers Development of North Carolina, Inc. (Chambers) and Waste Connections (WC), Inc., Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) has prepared this Environmental Justice Report for the Anson Waste Management Facility (Landfill), located at 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, Anson County, North Carolina. Per the United States Environmental Protection Agency, environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. CEC, on behalf of Chambers and WC, has assessed demographic and socioeconomic data of the communities surrounding the Anson Waste Management Facility. The results of this assessment are summarized herein and examine the demographics and socioeconomics of the surrounding community area and census tracts within a one -mile radius of the facility's property boundary. Demographics for the state of North Carolina are also considered as they relate to both the county and local census tracts, as well as radius settings. The following tools and sources were used to determine demographics: • EPA Environmental Justice Tool (EJSCREEN) https:Hejscreen.epa. og v/mapper/ • North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Community Mapping System https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html • United States Census Bureau Data Explorer https:Hdata.census.gov/cedsci/ 1.1 PURPOSE OF REVISION This Environmental Justice Report has been revised in response to new guidance for such reports issued by NCDEQ in June 2021. The original version of this report, issued in July 2020, was prepared with significant consultation with NCDEQ staff and thus largely complied with the new guidance. One of the primary changes/additions in the new guidance is the introduction of NCDEQ's Community Mapping System. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -I- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 CEC used this system to prepare a Facility Screening Report for the Landfill, a copy of which can be found in Appendix E. The Community Mapping System also includes an Environmental Justice Tool. This tool provides a mapping tool that shows sensitive receptions, as well as a mapping tool that lists permitted facilities. Further, the Environmental Justice Tool compiles US Census data and averages for all census block groups or counties within view of the mapping tool. CEC reviewed the data provided by the Environmental Justice Tool and compared it to data acquired for the original version of this report. Demographic data between the two is generally equivalent, with only minor differences noted — for example, the Environmental Justice tool lists the percent of population that is non -Hispanic white within the project area as 44.21%, whereas CEC's review of US Census data and EJSCREEN shows the percentage of the same population as 43%. These differences are primarily due to the project area as viewed in the Environmental Screening Tool being a square box rather than a one -mile radius buffer of the Landfill (as is the case with EJSCREEN), resulting in a slightly different area of coverage. Table 6 and Section 4.6 — Educational Attainment have been added to this revision based on the June 2021 guidance document. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -2- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT Chambers and WC have submitted a Permit Amendment Application for the proposed Phase 5 of the Anson Waste Management Facility. The application would amend existing Permit Number 0403 for the facility. In addition to adding the proposed Phase 5 to the facility's permit, the application also updates the proposed layout of Phase 4, which was previously permitted as part of the Phase 3 & 4 Permit Application (2018). Under the most recent permit amendment application, Phase 4 will be developed into four (4) cells, labeled Cell 1, Cell 2, Cell 3, and Cell 4, with a total area of 22.1 acres. Phase 5 will be developed into six cells, labeled Cell 1, Cell 2, Cell 3, Cell 4, Cell 5, and Cell 6, with a total area of 66.9 acres. These new phases are expected to increase the life of the landfill by approximately 15 years based on current daily waste acceptance rates. Chambers and WC have further requested a modification to the existing permit to increase the daily waste acceptance rate at the Anson Waste Management Facility. Under the existing permit, the Landfill has a limit on the daily acceptance rate of 3,000 tons per day. As detailed in the substantial amendment application, Chambers and WC are requesting to increase the limit on the daily waste acceptance rate to 6,000 tons per day. No other changes or modifications to the existing permit are requested by the current substantial amendment application. Chambers and WC anticipate that waste volume will increase gradually over time, up to the proposed daily maximum acceptance rate. This increase in daily acceptance is expected to increase daily activities at the Landfill, as well as reduce the operational life of the landfill. This request is being made to allow the Landfill to continue to adequately serve the growing population and solid waste disposal needs within its approved service area. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -3- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 3.0 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA The Anson Waste Management Facility is located at 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, Anson County, North Carolina, 28135, approximately 5,400 feet east of the city limits of Polkton. The general geographic coordinates of the Landfill are 35' 00' 05.00" N and 80' 10' 07.60" W. The parcel on which the Landfill is located totals 875.69 acres; the current permitted waste disposal areas totals 133.1 acres. Site suitability studies have been initiated for an additional 67 acres (approximate); once permitted, this expansion will bring the total waste disposal footprint to approximately 201 acres. For the purposes of this report, the currently permitted extent of waste disposal were combined with the proposed waste disposal limits of the planned expansion to determine the boundary, which was then used to determine the one -mile radius area of study. A map showing the waste disposal boundary is included as Figure 1. 3.1 REGIONAL SETTING The North Carolina Department of Commerce has designated Anson County a Tier 1 county, and ranks it #25 out of 100 counties in terms of economic distress (#1 being the most distressed). Four factors are used to rank each county: • Average unemployment rate; • Median household income; • Percentage growth in population; and • Adjusted property tax base per capita. The one -mile radius used in this analysis is entirely within Anson County and is encompassed by census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205, as shown on Figure 2. Note that due to the manner in which census tracts are further subdivided, boundaries are depicted around a total of 12 tracts; tract 9203 encompasses the entirety of the western tracts, tract 9204 encompasses tracts east of the Landfill Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -4- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 and north of Highway 74, and tract 9205 encompasses tracts southeast of the Landfill and south of Highway 74. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -5- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 4.0 SOCIOECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC EVALUATION 4.1 RACE AND ETHNICITY The attached Table 1 was completed using data from the US Census Table QT-P3, Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin: 2010. As the data shows, American Indian or Alaska Native were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Anson County and Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 by percent of total population. Based on a review of the N.C. Tribal and Urban Communities map prepared by the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs, no state or federally recognized Tribes reside in Anson County. CEC contacted Greg Richardson, the Executive Director of the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs regarding notification for environmental justice purposes; Mr. Richardson stated that, as no American Indian tribes reside within Anson County, no consultation or outreach is required. A copy of the correspondence between CEC and Mr. Richardson is included in Appendix A. In addition, Black or African American were identified as a class of people more than 10% above North Carolina, Anson County, and Census tract 9203, Asian was identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tracts 9203 and 9204, and Two or More Races were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205. No additional consultation or outreach beyond that specified in Section 8.0 of this report is required. Hispanic or Latino (of any race) was identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tract 9204. Based on the review of Limited English Proficiency data as outlined in Section 4.5 below, no additional consultation or outreach beyond that specified in Section 8.0 is required. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -6- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 4.2 AGE AND SEX The attached Table 2 was completed using data from Census Table QT-PI, Age Groups and Sex: 2010. As the data shows, persons aged 65 and over were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tract 9203. Based upon this data, CEC reviewed an aerial map of the Landfill vicinity to search for nursing homes and other assisted care/living facilities within a one -mile radius. A driving reconnaissance was also conducted. No such facilities were identified within this radius. Note that 2010 Census Table P-12 and P-13 were used to compile data in this section and Table 2; the total population number differs from that provided in Table 1 as more recent data (the 2019 American Community Survey, 5-year average) was used to compile that data. 4.3 DISABILITY The attached Table 3 was completed using data from Census Table S 1810, Disability Characteristics. Additional data was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS), 5-Year Estimates. The data in the table represents the state of North Carolina and indicates that the percentage of the population both below the age of 65 and having a disability is 7.9%. Data provided in the ACS indicates that the percentage of the population of Anson County below the age of 65 and having a disability is 10.4%; the percentages of the population below the age of 65 and having a disability for Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 is 10.8%, 11.9%, and 10.2%, respectively. Data for the one -mile radius was not available. Based on a comparison of the percentage of the population under the age of 65 and having a disability for the state of North Carolina, Anson County, and Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205, it is unlikely that the percentage of the same demographic population within the one -mile radius Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -7- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 of the Landfill would exceed that of the state, county, or census tracts by more than 10%. As such, no additional outreach is required. 4.4 POVERTY AND HOUSEHOLD INCOME The attached Table 4 was completed using data from Census Table 51901, Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2019 Inflation -Adjusted Dollars). As the data shows, households with annual income less than $15,000 were identified as a class of people more than 10% above the state average. In addition, households making between $15,000 and $25,000 were identified as a class of people more than 10% above the state and Census tracts 9203 and 9205 averages. Based upon this data, CEC reviewed an aerial map of public and subsidized housing within a one -mile radius of the Landfill. While a number of houses within the town of Polkton fall within the one -mile radius, there is no evidence that these residences are public or otherwise subsidized housing, and no mobile home parks or similar developments were identified within the radius. A review of public information indicates that the nearest public or subsidized housing is in the city of Wadesboro, outside of the one -mile radius of the Landfill. Residents have had numerous opportunities to engage Chambers, WC, and local public officials through the public notification requirements associated with the franchising and permitting processes. As such, no additional outreach is required. 4.5 LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP) Per the Safe Harbor Guidelines, should a LEP group be identified during the pre -permit issuance process, written translations of vital documents must be made for each eligible LEP language group that constitutes 5% or includes 1,000 members, whichever is less, of the population of person eligible to be served or likely to be affected or encountered. If there are fewer than 50 persons in a language group that reaches the 5% trigger, then vital written materials would not be translated but written notice must be given in the primary language of the LEP language group of the right to receive competent oral interpretation of those written materials, free of cost. The Safe Harbor provisions apply to the translation of written documents only. Safe Harbor Guidelines are per the Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. _g_ Environmental Justict Report September 2021 EPA guidance for LEP persons, and followed by NCDEQ when deemed appropriate. No LEP groups were identified during the screening of demographic data. The attached Table 5 was completed using data from Census Table B 16001. No LEP groups were identified during the screening of demographic data. As a result, the Safe Harbor provisions do not apply to this permit application. Based on the data, no class of people within this category require outreach. 4.6 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT The attached Table 6 was completed using data from Census Table S 1501, Educational Attainment. As the data shows, people above the age of 25 with less than a 9th grade education were identified as a class of people more than 10% above the Census traces 9203 and 9204 averages. People above the age of 25 and with an education between 91h and 12th grade (no diploma) were identified as a class of people above the State average. People above the age of 25 with a high school diploma (or equivalency) or better are noted on Table 6 but are not considered for the purposes of this report. Based on this data, no additional outreach beyond that specified in Section 8.0 is required. 4.7 LOCAL SENSITIVE RECEPTORS The US EPA suggests that sensitive receptors include, but are not limited to, hospitals, schools, daycare facilities, nursing homes or other elderly living facilities, and convalescent facilities. These are areas where occupants or congregants are more susceptible to the adverse effects of exposure to toxic chemicals, pesticides, and other pollutants. Additional care must be taken when dealing with contaminants and pollutants in close proximity to areas recognized as sensitive receptors. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -9- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 CEC reviewed an aerial map for potential sensitive receptors within a one -mile radius of the Anson Waste Management Facility. A driving reconnaissance was also conducted within this radius. No potential sensitive receptors were identified. As such, no additional outreach is necessary. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -10- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 5.0 COUNTY HEALTH ASSESSMENT An assessment of the general health of residents of Anson County was acquired from the County Health Rankings & Roadmap program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Per this assessment, Anson County is ranked among the least healthy counties in North Carolina (defined as the first quartile) in both health outcomes and health factors. A copy of this assessment, which includes more detailed data along with a comparison to the statewide demographics, can be found in Appendix B. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -11- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 6.0 NEARBY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A review of data regarding nearby environmental permits within a one -mile radius of the Landfill, obtained from the NCDEQ Community Mapping Tool, shows that there are four such permits. Three of these permits are related to the Landfill itself. The Landfill previously operated under solid waste permit #0403-MSWLF-2000. This permit was superseded by permit #0403-MSWLF- 2010 upon WC's acquisition of the Landfill. The final permit related to the Landfill is a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit #NCG120064, the most recent version of which was issued to Chambers on November 1, 2018. The last environmental permit within a one -mile radius of the Landfill is an underground storage tank (UST) permit, issued to the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. The NCDEQ Facility Screening Report — Anson County Waste Management Facility identified one additional permit related to the Landfill — Title V Permit #09835T04 for Facility ID 0400052 (Anson County Waste Management Facility). The NCDEQ Facility Screening Report — Anson County Waste Management Facility identified one additional UST permit within a one -mile radius of the Landfill, issued to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -12- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 7.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS AND MITIGATION General Statue 130A-294 A(4) c(9) states: The cumulative impact of the proposed facility, when considered in relation to other similar impacts of facilities located or proposed in the community, would have a disproportionate adverse impact on a minority or low-income community protected by Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. This subdivision shall apply only to the extent required by federal law. The area surrounding the Anson Waste Management Facility is generally rural and a mixture of undeveloped tracts of land, tracts of land developed for agricultural purposes, and some municipal offices and facilities. Population density is light. As such, there are no existing or proposed facilities that would have similar impacts as the current facility on the surrounding community. While the change in footprint of the previously permitted Phase 4 and the addition of Phase 5 would extend the life of the landfill, and thus the impacts to the surrounding community, the additional request to increase the daily waste acceptance rate reduces that impact to some extent by decreasing the additional active lifespan of the landfill. Further, per permit and regulatory requirements, a number of systems are in place at the landfill to mitigate impacts to the surrounding community. The Anson Waste Management Facility is a municipal solid waste landfill regulated by Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. As a Subtitle D facility, the existing phases of the landfill have been constructed with a composite liner system designed to protect groundwater and underlying soils from leachate releases. Further, a leachate collection and removal system was installed above the composite liner system to remove leachate for treatment and disposal. Future phases of the landfill will be constructed with similar systems in place, as required by Subtitle D. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -13- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 A water quality monitoring network is in place at the landfill and currently includes 18 groundwater monitoring wells and four surface water sampling locations. This network is monitored on a semi-annual basis to determine if groundwater or surface water has been adversely impacted by the landfill. Results of these monitoring events are compared to the standards established by 15A NCAC 02L for groundwater and 15A NCAC 02B for surface water. As the footprint of the landfill grows, additional groundwater monitoring wells will be added to the network. A landfill gas collection and control system (LFGCCS) has been installed at the landfill per the US EPA's New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) regulations. The purpose of the LFGCCS is to minimize to the extent possible landfill gas migration and odors. The LFGCCS extracts landfill gas from the waste mass at the landfill, conveying it to a blower/flare skid where it is then destroyed by combustion; destruction efficiency of flares similar to the one in use at the Anson Waste Management Facility is greater than 99%. The LFGCCS is monitored on at least a monthly basis to maintain compliance with NSPS regulations. As the footprint of the landfill grows, additional landfill gas extraction wells will be installed to comply with NSPS regulations. The landfill is located on the north side of US Highway 74. An increase in the daily waste acceptance rate will increase traffic into and out of the landfill over time. To accommodate such an increase, CEC has designed and submitted to the NCDOT plans to extend the existing left turn lane from US Highway 74 East onto Dozer Drive (the entrance to the landfill). The existing turn lane has approximately 100 linear feet of storage and approximately 250 linear feet of taper. The proposed extension will have 480 linear feet of storage and 200 linear feet of taper. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -14- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 8.0 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT As part of the process to approve to modify the franchise ordinance and allow the Anson Waste Management Facility to expand the waste footprint from 133 acres to 201 acres, WC spoke at the March 6, 2018, Anson County Board of Commissioners monthly meeting. The motion for the expansion was approved. A record of the meeting can be found in Appendix C. As part of the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section's permitting process, the draft solid waste permit will be subject to a 45 day public comment period. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -15- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 9.0 CONCLUSIONS CEC, on behalf of Chambers Development of North Carolina and Waste Connections, Inc., has completed an assessment of demographic and socioeconomic information for communities surrounding the Anson Waste Management Facility to prepare this Environmental Justice Report. The purpose of this report was to determine if the proposed substantial amendment and/or daily waste acceptance rate modification would create disproportionate impacts to anyone on the basis of race, color, national origin, income, age, or disability. The existing landfill is located in a rural part of Anson County and population density in the surrounding area is low. A review of the available demographic and socioeconomic data has shown the following: • Race and Ethnicity: Black or African American were identified as a class of people more than 10% above North Carolina, Anson County, and Census Tract 9203 by percent of total population; American Indian or Alaska Native were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Anson County and Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 by percent of total population; Asian was identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tracts 9203 and 9204 by percent of total population; people identifying as Two or More races were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 by percent of total population; Hispanic or Latino (of any race) was identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tract 9204 by percent of total population; • Age and Sex: Persons aged 65 and over were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tract 9203; • Disability: Based on a comparison of the percentage of the population under the age of 65 and having a disability for the state of North Carolina, Anson County, and Census Tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205, it is unlikely that the percentage of the same demographic population within the one -mile radius of the Landfill would exceed that of the state, county, or Census tracts by more than 10%; • Poverty and Household Income: Households with annual income less than $15,000 were identified as a class of people more than 10% above the state average. In addition, households making between $15,000 and $25,000 were identified as a class of people more Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -16- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 than 10% above the state and Census tracts 9203 and 9205 averages; • Limited English Proficiency: No LEP groups were identified during the screening of demographic data; • Educational Attainment: People above the age of 25 with less than a 9th grade education were identified as a class of people more than 10% above Census tracts 9203 and 9204 by percent of total population; people above the age of 25 with an education between 9th and 12th grade were identified as a class of people more than 10% above the state average by percent of total population; • Local Sensitive Receptors: No potential sensitive receptors were identified; • County Health Assessment: Anson County is ranked among the least healthy counties in North Carolina (defined as the first quartile) in both health outcomes and health factors; and • Nearby Environmental Permits: A search of environmental permits within a one -mile radius of the landfill returned five (5) results. Three of these are for the landfill itself — NPDES Permit # NCG120064, Solid Waste Permits 0403-MSWLF-2000 and 0403- MSWLF-2010. The remaining two permits are for USTs issued to the North Carolina Highway Patrol and NCDOT. The following actions were taken the address these results: • CEC contacted Greg Richardson, the Executive Director of the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs regarding notification for environmental justice purposes; Mr. Richardson stated that, as no American Indian tribes reside within Anson County, no consultation or outreach is required; • CEC reviewed an aerial map of the Landfill vicinity to search for nursing homes and other assisted care/living facilities within a one -mile radius. A driving reconnaissance was also conducted. No such facilities were identified within this radius; and • CEC reviewed an aerial map of public and subsidized housing within a one -mile radius of the Landfill. While a number of houses within the town of Polkton fall within the one -mile radius, there is no evidence that these residences are public or otherwise subsidized housing, and no mobile home parks or similar developments were identified within the Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -17- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 radius. A review of public information indicates that the nearest public or subsidized housing is in the city of Wadesboro, outside of the one -mile radius of the Landfill. No additional outreach is required. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. _18- Environmental Justict Report September 2021 FIGURES ti Y a �.s u 4.4. NORTH Z CAMERON RD c°v 4 v -ram BROWN CRE `�- ` = `''` o —, CAMERON RD —� r` - 3�J SIT PROPERTY fz� LINE POLK N J� �{ / PROPOSED LIMIT OF Richmond - WASTE Sturdivant G t' - `"-- Cem PINCH GUT CREEK �• it �41.L -L4 �y/. � .,� 0 aD � Z i 74 US V\ ' noa 7 RUSSELL LLE Shy REFERENCE SCALE IN FEET 1. U.S.G.S. 7.5' TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS: a. POLKTON QUADRANGLE, NC DATED: 2019; 0 2000 4000 b. RUSSELLVILLE QUANDRANGLE, NC DATED: 2019. f1A ,�,� CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL - PHASE 5 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Ph:980.237.0373 Fax:980.237.0372 USGS SITE LOCATION MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PAB I CHECKED BY: DRAFT APPROVED BY: DRAFT I FIGURE NO.: DATE: OCT 20201 DWG SCALE: 1 = 2,000 PROJECT NO: 165-276 2 ', NORTH EX/STING PHASE ,3 / PHASE 4 / EXISTING FACILITY US � ENTRANCE �4 SCALE IN FEET REFERENCE 0 1000 2000 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE CURRENT PHASE BOUNDARIES 100-YEAR FEMA 1. AERIAL PHOTO TAKEN FROM NCONEMAP, DATED 2019, ACCESSED OCTOBER 5, 2020 EXPANSION AREA I �: �:7 CHAMBERS DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL - PHASE 5 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 3701 Arco Corporate Drive - Suite 400 - Charlotte, NC 28273 Ph:980.237.0373 Fax:980.237.0372 VICINITY MAP www.cecinc.com DRAWN BY: PAB I CHECKED BY: DRAFT APPROVED BY: DRAFT I FIGURE NO.: DATE: OCTOBER 20201 DWG SCALE: 1 "=1000' PROJECT NO: 165-276 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 3 LEGEND A NORTH REFERENCE 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WITHIN WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS PROVIDED AT 2-FT CONTOUR INTERVALS BY GPI (JOB NO. 18-006); DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY JANUARY 15, 2018. 2. LIDAR TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE WASTE CONNECTIONS PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED FROM NC DOT GIS. PHASE LIMIT/EDGE OF LINER 1-MILE AREA OF STUDY NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS SCALE IN FEET FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE 0 1,000 2,000 NO. 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ONE —CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAWI Founthin Hill 218 roads Polkton Figure 2 - Census Tracts Sugar 742 Peachland Mineral Springs April 23, 2020 Tract 9203.1 Tract 9205.4 0 Tract 9205.1 0 Tract 9204.1 0 Tract 9203.2 Tract 9205.3 0 Tract 9204.3 0 Tract 9203.4 0 Tract 9205.5 0 Tract 9205.2 0 Tract 9204.2 0 Tract 9203.3 Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge Ingram 109 Pinliston 109 Wadsboro \ Wade Mil Lilesville 1:144,448 0 1 2 4 mi 0 1.5 3 6 km Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community TABLES Table 1- Race and Ethnicity Environmental Justice Report Anson Waste Management Facility Race and Ethnicity North Carolina Anson County Census Tract 9203 Census Tract 9204 Census Tract 9205 1-Mile Project Area Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Total Population 10,060,249 100.0 23,128 100.0 5,935 100.0 3,175 100.0 5,358 100.0 552 100.0 White 6,919,092 68.8 11,239 48.6 4,672 78.7 545 17.2 1,896 35.4 239 43.0 Black or African American 2,144,532 21.3 11,190 48.4 1,196 20.2 2,620 82.5 3,296 61.5 293 53.0 American Indian or Alaska Native 120,813 1.2 13 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.01 0 0.0 4 1.0 Asian 290,103 2.9 287 1.2 16 0.3 0 0.0 136 4 1.0 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 6,694 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 .0 - 0.0 Some other Race 313,224 3.1 119 0.5 2 0.0 0 0.0 .0 3 0.0 Two or More Races 265,791 2.6 280 1.2 49 10 14.5 .6 9 2.0 HISPANIC OR LATINO (of any race) 942,342 9.4 941 4.1 255 4.3 0 0.0 .1 7 1 1.0 Source: US Census Bureau: American Community Survey 2019 5-Year Estimates, TablelD 51810 Source: US Census Bureau: Census 2010 Summary File 1, EJSCREEN 21.3 Project Area is 10% or more than State, County, and Census Tract 9203 percentage 21.2 Project Area is 10% or more than County, Census Tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 percentage 21.2 Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tracts 9203 and 9204 percentage Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 percentage 21.2 Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tract 9204 percentage Anson County Waste Management Facility Race and Ethnicity Table 2 - Age and Sex Environmental Justice Report Anson Waste Management Facility North Carolina Anson County Census Tract 9203 Age Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Total Population 9,535,483 4,645,492 4,889,991 100.0 100.0 100.0 25,275 12,415 12,860 100.0 100.0 100.0 6,412 3,718 2,694 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 5 Years 632,040 322,871 309,169 6.6 7.0 6.3 1,641 805 836 6.5 6.5 6.5 356 176 180 5.6 4.7 6.7 Under 18 Years 2,281,635 1,167,303 1,114,332 23.9 25.1 22.8 6,378 3,169 3,209 25.2 25.5 25.0 1,339 676 663 20.9 18.2 24.6 18 - 64 Years 6,019,769 2,954,233 3,065,536 63.1 63.6 62.7 15,256 7,869 1,387 60.4 63.4 57.4 574 373 201 67.2 73.3 58.8 65 Years and Over 1,234,079 523,956 710,123 12.9 11.3 14.5 3,641 1,377 2,264 14.4 11.1 17.6 7,634 318 446 11.9 8.6 16.6 Median Age (Years) 37.4 36.0 38.7 1 36.6 35.1 38.3 36.3 35.1 38.4 Census Tract 9204 Census Tract 9205 1-Mile Radius Age Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Total Population 3,151 1,399 1,752 100.0 100.0 100.0 6,044 2,749 3,295 100.0 100.0 100.0 552 256 296 100 100 100 Under 5 Years 224 113 111 7.1 8.1 6.3 393 196 197 6.5 7.1 6.0 36 7.0 Under 18 Years 866 426 440 27.5 30.5 25.1 1,481 742 739 24.5 27.0 22.4 143 26.0 18 - 64 Years 1,807 811 996 57.3 58.0 56.8 3,434 1,598 1,836 56.8 58.1 55.7 409 74.0 65 Years and Over 478 162 316 15.2 11.6 18.0 1,129 409 720 18.7 14.9 21.9 78 14.0 Median Age (Years) 35.6 33.7 37.2 1 38.8 36.0 41.5 Source: US Census Bureau: Table P-12 Age Groups and Sex 2010 and P-13 Median Age by Sex 2010 Source: US Census Bureau, Census Summary File 1, EJSCREEN 63.1 Project Area is 10% or more than State, County, and Census Tracts 9203, 9204, and 9205 percentage 63.1 Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tract 9203 percentage Age and Sex Anson County Waste Management Facility Table 3 - Disability Environmental Justice Report Anson Waste Management Facility Subject North Carolina Anson County Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability Estimate Margin of Error± Estimate Margin of Error± Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Error ± Margin oft2,182 Margin of Error± Estimate Margin of Error Total Civlian Noninstitutionalized Populatior 10,060,249 2,163 1,352,783 8,378 13.4% 0.1 23,128 448 364 18.4% 1.6 Population Under 5 Years 605,019 768 4,499 587 0.7% 0.1 1,172 4223 0.0% 2.9 Population 5 to 17 Years 1,687,816 954 94,973 2,773 5.6% 0.2 3,654 123 116 6.4% 3.2 Population 18 to 64 Years 5,179,699 4,605 695,377 9,083 13.4% 0.4 14,003 572 15.6%Population 65 Years and Older 1,587,688 1,959 557,934 6,306 35.1% 0.4 4,299 159 43.1% SEX Male 4,835,943 2,335 647,162 4,957 13.4% 0.1 11,568 468 2,014 263 17.4% 2.3 Female 5,224,306 1,813 705,621 5,998 13.5% 0.1 11,560 200 2,253 268 19.5% 2.3 RACE AND HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN White 61919,092 9,190 955,704 7,264 13.8% 0.1 11,239 277 2,118 248 18.8% 2.2 Black or African American 2,144,532 5,119 312,780 4,850 14.6% 0.2 11,190 290 2,093 275 18.7% 2.5 American Indian and Alaska Native 120,813 1,815 22,048 842 18.2% 0.8 13 24 0 23 0.0% 85.4 Asian 290,103 1,968 15,414 800 5.3% 0.3 287 34 0 23 0.0% 11.5 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 6,694 677 638 183 9.5% 2.7 0 1 23 1 0 1 23 Some Other Race 313,224 7,444 16,846 1,231 5.4% 0.4 119 133 0 23 0.0% 25.1 Two or More Races 265,791 6,168 29,353 1,430 11.0% 1 0.4 280 93 56 52 20.0% 16.6 Hispanic or Latino 942,342 855 59,694 2,120 6.3% 0.2 941 49 18 33 1.9% 3.5 Type of disability With a cognitive disability 511,243 5636 5.4% 0.1 1,687 311 7.7% 1.4 With a hearing disability 375,385 4061 3.7% 0.1 999 185 4.3% 0.8 With a visual disbility 263,064 4326 2.6% 0.1 580 150 2.5% 0.6 With an ambulatory disability 716,908 6389 7.6% 0.1 2,527 1 284 1 11.5% 1.3 Subject Census Tract 9203 Census Tract 9204 Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Margin of Error± Estimate Margin of Error± Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Margin of Error± Total Civlian Noninstitutionalized Populatior 5,935 581 1,146 205 19.3% 3.1 3,175 389 656 181 17.8% 5.7 Population Under 5 Years 289 94 0 17 0.0% 11.4 326 160 0 12 0.0% 10.2 Population 5 to 17 Years 889 154 86 63 9.7% 6.8 568 174 96 88 16.9% 13.5 Population 18 to 64 Years 3,572 605 556 15.6% 1,930 439 281 14.6% Population 65 Years and Older 1,185 287 504 42.551 M 351 154 188 53.6% SEX Male 2,974 427 652 150 21.9% 5.3 1,318 226 146 81 11.1% 6.3 Female 2,961 280 494 129 16.7% 4.1 1,857 263 419 154 22.6% 8 RACE AND HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN White 4,672 479 794 159 17.0% 2.9 545 163 108 56 19.8% 11 Black or African American 1,196 330 342 113 28.6% 8.9 2,620 396 457 169 17.4% 6.4 American Indian and Alaska Native 0 17 0 17 0 12 0 12 - Asian 16 25 0 17 0.0% 76.9 0 12 0 12 - - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0 17 0 17 0 12 0 12 Some Other Race 2 5 0 17 0.0% 100 0 12 0 12 - Two or More Races 49 41 10 24 20.4% 35.8 10 18 0 12 0.0% 97.3 Hispanic or Latino 255 187 0 17 0.0% 12.8 0 12 0 12 - - Type of disability With a cognitive disability 434 147 7.7% 2.5 231 127 8.1% 4.4 With a hearing disability 299 111 5.0% 2 71 47 2.2% 1.5 With a visual disbility 197 93 3.3% 1.6 51 40 1.6% 1.3 With an ambulatory disability 551 161 9.8% 2.6 385 126 13.5% 4.5 Subject Census Tract 9205 Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Margin of Error ± Estimate Margin of Error± Total Civlian Noninstitutionalized Populatior 5,358 562 1,042 255 19.4% 4.8 Population Under 5 Years 283 136 0 17 0.0% 11.6 Population 5 to 17 Years 683 218 47 59 6.9% 8.7 Population 18 to 64 Years 3,285 568 502 15.3% Population 65 Years and Older 1,107 321 493 44.5% SEX Male 2,680 380 425 143 15.9% 5.5 Female 2,678 344 617 219 23.0% 7.8 RACE AND HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN White 1,896 347 460 128 24.3% 7.3 Black or African American 3,296 485 582 223 17.7% 7.1 American Indian and Alaska Native 0 17 0 17 Asian 136 81 0 17 0.0% 22.4 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0 17 0 17 Some Other Race 0 17 0 17 - - Two or More Races 30 35 0 17 0.0% 56.2 Hispanic or Latino 58 94 0 17 0.0% 40.1 Type of disability With a cognitive disability 478 194 9.4% 3.9 With a hearing disability 218 95 4.1% 1.8 With a visual disbility 127 72 2.4% 1.3 With an ambulatory disability 635 227 12.5% 1 4.4 Source: US Census Bureau, 51810 Disability Characteristics Disability Anson County Waste Management Facility Table 4 - Household Income Environmental Justice Report Anson Waste Management Facility North Carolina Anson County, North Carolina Census Tract 9203, Anson County, North Carolina Census Tract 9204, Anson County, North Carolina Census Tract 9205, Anson County, North Carolina 1-Mile Project Area Subject Households Households Households Households Households Households Estimate Percent Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error +/-+/- Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error +/- Total 3,965,482 10,327 9,521 393 2,451 289 1,189 144 2,235 281 260 271 Less than $10,000 6.4% 0.1 8.3% 2.0 4.5% 2.7 11.5% 7.2 10.7% 5.5 $10,000 to $14,999 5.0% 0.1 8.5% 2.6 10.3% 6.3 11.5% 6.7 9.4% 5.3 15.00% 114 $15,000 to $24,999 10.3% 0.1 17.4% 3.1 13.8% 5.2 15.2% 7.4 IF15.2% 6.1 16.00% 75 $25,000 to $34,999 10.3% 0.1 12.0% 2.3 7.0% 3.0 25.4% 9.4 12.6% 6.0 $35,000 to $49,999 13.9% 0.1 13.7% 2.4 13.8% 4.7 12.4% 7.4 12.6% 4.7 31.00% 111 $50,000 to $74,999 18.0% 0.1 16.7% 2.8 19.5% 6.8 8.5% 4.6 17.3% 5.4 16.00% 107 $75,000 to $99,999 12.4% 0.1 10.9% 2.1 15.6% 5.3 12.4% 6.0 6.1% 4.1 $100,000 to $149,999 13.1% 0.1 9.3% 2.0 11.1% 4.2 2.3% 2.6 12.1% 5.9 22.00% 80 $150,000 to $199,999 5.1% 0.1 2.1% 0.9 1.5% 1.2 0. ° 0.7 3.8% 3.2 $200,000 or more 5.4% 0.1 1.2% 0.9 2.9% 2.8 0.7 0.6% 1.0 Median Income (dollars) 54,602 231 40,213 3,750 50,659 6738 26,753 1,390 37,962 12,506 Mean Income (dollars) 76,940 352 52,077 3,116 61,564 7400 41,209 9,323 52,331 7,256 Source: US Census Bureau: S1901 Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2019 Inflation -Adjusted Dollars), 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), Estimates 2013-2017, EISCREEN Project Area is 10% or more than State and Census Tract 9203 and 9205 percentage Project Area is 10% or more than State percentage Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tract 9204 percentage Household Income Anson County Waste Management Facility Table 5 - Limited English Proficiency Environmental Justice Report Anson Waste Management Facility Language Spoken at Home North Carolina One -Mile Radius Estimate Margin of Error ± Percent of Population Estimate Margin of Error ± Percent of Population Total (population 5 years and over) 9,659,751 769 100% 717 666 100% Speak only English 8,519,964 9,295 88% 711 609 99% Speak English less than "very well" 438,486 4.5% 0 37 0% Notes: Source: US Census Bureau, B16001, Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Estimates 2013-2017, obtained from EJSCREEN Limited English Proficiency Anson County Waste Management Facility Table 6 - Educational Attainment Environmental Justice Report Anson County Waste Management Facility North Carolina Anson County, North Carolina Census Tract 9203, Anson County, North Carolina Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Subject Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error Total Above 25 6,983,859 1636 69.4% 18,013 146 77.9% 5,728 293 96.5% Less than 9th Grade 314,545 4322 4.5% 0.1 847 201 4.7% 1.1 228 89 4.0% 1.5 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma 538,851 6801 7.7% 0.1 2,623 399 14.6% 2.2 894 242 15.6% 3.9 High School Graduate (Including Equivalency) 1,791,532 12844 0.2 7,243 497 2.8 2,175 253 38.0% 4.0 Bachelor's Degree or Higher 2,182,853 16331 31.3% 0.2 2,032 326 11.3% 1.8 492 126 8.6% 4.1 Census Tract 9204, Anson County, North Carolina Census Tract 9205, Anson County, North Carolina 1-Mile Project Area Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Subject Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- Estimate Margin of Error+/- TotalAbove 25 1,880 298 59.2% 4,187 395 78.1% 436 567 79.0% Less than 9th Grade 63 50 NEW3.4% 2.5 226 119 5.4% 2.8 23 71 5.0% 9O to 12th Grade, No Diploma 234 109 12.4% 6.2 545 198 13.0% 5.1 56 122 13.0% High School Graduate 885 276 47.1% 10.3 1,589 360.0 38.0% 7.3 198 262 (Including Equivalency) 45.0% Bachelor's Degree or Higher 123 57NMI 3.1 736 254.0 17.6% 5.6 48 81 11.0% Source: US Census Bureau: S1501 Educational Attainment, 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), Estimates 2013-2017, EISCREEN Project Area is 10% or more than Census Tracts 9203 and 9204 percentage 10.3% Project Area is 10% or more than State percentage Project Area is 10% or more than State, County, and Census Tracts 9203 and 9205 percentage APPENDIX A CORRESPONDENCE From: Richardson, Greo To: Cobb, Donald Cc: Brown, Scott; Gingerich, Todd Subject: RE: [External] RE: Environmental Justice Reporting - South Charlotte Transfer Station & Anson County Landfill Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 9:43:11 AM Mr. Cobb: Sorry for the delay in getting back with you. I think the matter which you are referring to with regards to Consultation with American Indian tribe for this project does not apply as there are no American Indian Tribes located within the areas specific areas referenced in your message. However, the Metrolina Native American Association is located in that area and is an Urban Indian Center, not an Indian Tribe. Therefore, the requirements as I understand them does not require you to consult with that organization as it is not a tribal government as stipulated in state or federal regulations. Nevertheless, I think it would be good business to reach out to that organization to let them know that you are proceeding with this project. Mrs. Rebecca LaClaire is Chair of Metrolina Native American Association and her email address is rebeccalaclaire(@gmail.com If you have other questions or need additional information please let us know. G. Richardson, Executive Director NC Commission of Indian Affairs From: Cobb, Donald <dcobb@cecinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 9:05 AM To: Richardson, Greg <greg.richardson@doa.nc.gov> Cc: Brown, Scott <sbrown@cecinc.com>; Gingerich, Todd <tgingerich@cecinc.com> Subject: [External] RE: Environmental Justice Reporting - South Charlotte Transfer Station & Anson County Landfill CAUTIOmail. Do not click links or o en attachments unless ou verify. Send all suspi chment to G reg, I wanted to follow-up on the email below to see if you'd had a chance to review it and, if so, see if you had any questions. Please don't hesitate to give me a call — my cell number is the best way to reach me. Thanks! Donald M. Cobb, P.G.* / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Office: (980) 237-0373 • Cell Phone: (704) 221-4947 • Fax: (980) 237-0372 hhU://www.cecinc.com [cecinc.coml Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships *Registered in North and South Carolina APlease don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. From: Cobb, Donald Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 9:55 AM To: greg.rich ardsonPcloa.nc.gov Subject: Environmental Justice Reporting - South Charlotte Transfer Station & Anson County Landfill G reg, I've compiled demographic data for environmental justice reports for the planned South Charlotte Transfer Station and the Anson County Landfill, both owned by Waste Connections, Inc. For both facilities, that data in the 2010 Census shows populations of Native Americans or Alaska Natives within the specified search radii (two miles for the transfer station, one mile for the landfill) exceed by more than 10% (on a percentage basis) the same populations for the counties and Census tracts. Specifically, the population within the two-mile radius for the transfer station is 10% greater than that of Mecklenburg County and Census tracts 59.12, 59.13, 59.14, and 59.15, while the population with the one -mile search radius for the landfill is 10% greater than that of Anson County and Census tracts 9204 and 9205. Sherri Stanley with NCDEQ said I should reach out to you to obtain contact information. I believe for the transfer station, we'll need to notify the Metrolina Native America Association. Per the N.C. Tribal and Urban Communities Map on the Commission's website, no Tribes appear to reside in Anson County, so I'm not sure if the environmental justice notification should go directly to the Commission or some other body. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to give me a call at 704-221-4947. Thanks, and have a great weekend! Donald M. Cobb, P.G.* / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Office: (980) 237-0373 • Cell Phone: (704) 221-4947 • Fax: (980) 237-0372 httll://www.cecinc.com [cecinc.com] Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships *Registered in North and South Carolina APlease don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. This electronic communication and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. APPENDIX B ANSON COUNTY HEALTH ASSESSMENT 8/25/2021 Anson County, North Carolina I County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The 2021 Rankings includes deaths through 2019. See our FAQs for information about when we anticipate the inclusion of deaths attributed to COVID-19. Anson (AN) 2021 Rankings Download North Carolina Rankings Data County Demographics Population below 18 years of age %65 and older Non -Hispanic Black %American Indian &Alaska Native %Asian • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander • Hispanic • Non -Hispanic White • not proficient in English • Females • Rural County Health Outcomes Length of Life Premature death 11,600 Quality of Life Poor or fair health ** 26% Poor physical health days ** 4.7 Poor mental health days** 5.0 Low birthweight 13% Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking) Life expectancy 74.3 Premature age -adjusted mortality 560 Child mortality 80 Frequent physical distress ** 15% Frequent mental distress ** 16% Diabetes prevalence 13% H IV prevalence 354 Health Factors Health Behaviors Adult smoking ** 25% Adult obesity 41% Food environment index 7.2 Physical inactivity 37% Access to exercise opportunities 6% Excessive drinking ** 16% Alcohol -impaired driving deaths 28% Sexually transmitted infections 720.3 Teen births 36 County State 24,446 10,488,084 19.8% 21.9% 19.3% 16.7% 48.1% 21.4% 0.9% 1.6% 1.5% 3.2% 0.1% 0.1% 4.1% 9.8% 44.3% 62.6% 1% 2% 48.7% 51.4% 78.5% 33.9% Error Top U.S. North Carolina Margin Performers ^ 10,100-13,200 5,400 7,600 24-28% 14% 18% 4.4-5.0 3.4 3.6 4.7-5.3 3.8 4.1 12-15% 6% 9% 73.1-75.5 81.1 78.1 510-610 280 370 40-130 40 60 14-16% 10% 11% 15-17% 12% 13% 7-23% 8% 12% 50 364 23-27% 16% 18% 26-56% 26% 32% 8.7 6.8 25-52% 19% 23% 91% 74% 15-16% 15% 18% 15-41% 11% 28% 161.2 647.8 31-41 12 22 https://www.cou ntyheaIth rankings.org/app/north-carolina/2021 /county/snapshots/007/print 1 /2 8/25/2021 Anson County, North Carolina I County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking) Food insecurity 17% 9% 14% Limited access to healthyfoods 4% 2% 7% Drug overdose deaths 17 9-30 11 22 Motor vehicle crash deaths 23 17-31 9 14 Insufficient sleep ** 42% 41-43% 32% 36% Clinical Care Uninsured 13% 12-15% 6% 13% Primary care physicians 2,260:1 1,030:1 1,400:1 Dentists 4,890:1 1,210:1 1,720:1 Mental health providers 1,220:1 270:1 390:1 Preventable hospital stays 7,504 2,565 4,539 Mammography screening 37% 51% 46% Flu vaccinations 46% 55% 52% Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking) Uninsured adults 17% 14-19% 7% 16% Uninsured children 5% 3-6% 3% 5% Other primary care providers 3,060:1 620:1 750:1 Social & Economic Factors High school completion 81% 78-83% 94% 88% Some college 44% 37-50% 73% 67% Unemployment 4.2% 2.6% 3.9% Children in poverty 31% 21-41% 10% 19% Income inequality 5.0 4.4-5.6 3.7 4.7 Children in single -parent households 40% 33-46% 14% 28% Social associations 10.5 18.2 11.5 Violent crime 428 63 351 Injury deaths 98 81-115 59 77 Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking) High school graduation 84% 95% 86% Disconnected youth 4% 7% Reading scores 2.8 3.3 3.1 Math scores 2.6 3.4 3.1 Median household income $40,800 $35,100-46,500 $72,900 $57,400 Children eligible for free or reduced price lunch 99% 32% 56% Residential segregation - Black/White 31 23 50 Residential segregation - non-white/white 30 14 45 Homicides 20 14-28 2 6 Suicides 14 8-22 11 13 Firearm fatalities 26 18-37 8 14 Juvenile arrests 25 16 Physical Environment Air pollution - particulate matter 8.4 5.2 8.5 Drinkingwater violations No Severe housing problems 16% 13-19% 9% 15% Driving alone to work 84% 80-88% 72% 81% Long commute -driving alone 44% 37-51% 16% 34% Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking) Traffic volume 90 228 Homeownership 66% 63-70% 81% 65% Severe housing cost burden 16% 12-20% 7% 13% Broadband access 75% 71-78% 86% 81% ^ 10th/90th percentile, i.e., only 10% are better. ** Data should not be compared with prior years Note: Blank values reflect unreliable or missing data https://www.countyheaIthrankings.org/app/north-carolina/2021/county/snapshots/007/print 2/2 APPENDIX C PUBLIC MEETING SUMMARY CLIPPING OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHED HERE STATE OF NORTH CAROLI A COUNTY OF ANSON AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before -the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duty commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer eatliV personally appeared who being first duty sworn, deposes a/p1d says; &at he (she) is an official of THE ANSON RECORD and MESSENGER & INTELLIGENCER a newspaper published, issued, and entered as second class mail in the City of WADESBORO, N. C. in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in THE ANSON RECORD and MESSENGER & iNTELLiGENCER on the following dates; and that the said newspaper in which said notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of -the General Statutes of North Carolina. This-4day of _ � 20-1.1 y . (signature �f personeinaking affidavit) Sworp to and subscribed before me, this _day of cn 20. a rr " o� 4 =2 Notary Public O z � �- My Commission expires; ^, THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Suite 209, of the Anson County Government Center. Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff members present: Other: Anna Baucom, Chair Ross Streater, Vice Chair Bobby Sikes Vancine Sturdivant Jim Sims Jarvis Woodburn Harold Smith Rita James, Interim County Manager Denise Cannon, Clerk to the Board Larry Newton, Tax Assessor Cary Garner, Finance Officer Scott Forbes, County Attorney Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order, welcoming all who are present. Chairman Baucom asked Reverend Rob Washington to deliver the Invocation. Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Chairman Baucom added two Commissioners Concerns from Commissioner Sikes and Commissioner Sims; fire district tax and the new communication system to the agenda. Commissioner Sims moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing: Commissioner Sikes made a motion to open the public hearing for the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules, seconded by Commissioner Sims, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Newton stated that the public hearing is required by required by GS 105-317, and newspaper ads placed in the Anson Record for the past 4 prior weeks. Mr. Newton reminded everyone that the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules was presented to the Board of Commissioners at the February 6, 2018 meeting, and this revaluation sets schedules standards and rules for the appraisal of real property until the next Octennial Cycle. Mr. Newton stated that the values remain about the same as before and there is not a lot of change in the schedule. Chairman Baucom opened the floor for comments on the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules. No one offered any comments. Vice -Chair Streater moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, motion carried unanimously. Public Addresses: Joan Taylor addressed the Board concerning an incident with the Anson County Sheriff's Office. Ms. Taylor was angry and stated that she felt verbally abused by deputies who responded to a call at one of her rental properties. Ms. Taylor felt she has been treated unfairly and inappropriately. Sheriff Reid addressed Ms. Taylor and explained the actions of his deputies were indeed warranted and his investigation found no wrongdoing on their part. Attorney Forbes advised the Board that they do not have the authority to intervene in an ongoing investigation, as the Sheriff is an autonomous entity with separate powers. Truett Wright appeared before the Board and shared his concerns with the county's mapping system, claiming it is "out of date." Mr. Wright shared his concerns about tax collection; he feels that property has been inherited by people that are able to work and pay taxes, but those taxes are not being collected. Mr. Wright stated that collecting taxes could help the Sheriff's Office with equipment, training, and enforcement of traffic violations, especially high speed racing. Mr. Wright told the Board about homes that he feels are health hazards and suggested the Board consider an ordinance. Terry Helms addressed the Board to share concerns about the Peachland area law enforcement coverage. Sheriff Reid assured Mr. Helms that Peachland area is receiving equal coverage as the rest of the county. Mr. Helms also shared that his major concern is tax overhaul and feels a plan needs to be in place to bring more money in, such as soliciting businesses to move to the County and not overburdening to the taxpayer. Appearances: Ron Smith, Centralina Council of Governments Executive Director presented the Board with a 2018 Proclamation honoring Anson County. Mr. Smith explained that Centralina Council of Governments (CCOG) is celebrating its 50" anniversary in 2018. During each month between March and November, CCOG will honor one county in the nine -county region. For the month of March, CCOG is recognizing Anson County as a valued member of the organization for its successes and collaborative work with CCOG. Justin Rice, Field Director of Marsy's Law for North Carolina, appeared before the Board to explain and ask for the Commissioner's assistance in the adoption of a resolution supporting Marsy's law. Mr. Rice explained that Marsy's Law for North Carolina seeks to amend the state constitution in order to provide an equal level of constitutional protections to victims of crimes that are already afforded to the accused and convicted. Marsy's Law is supported across the political spectrum to ensure that victims have the same "co -equal' rights as the accused and convicted - nothing more, nothing less". Marsy's Law support to give the victim a voice in the process; not a veto. Commissioner Sims made a motion to adopt a resolution supporting Mary's Law, seconded by Vice -Chair Streater, motion carried unanimously. Tyler Fitzgerald addressed the Board concerning the Ordinance Granting Sanitary Landfill Franchise, noting a request to expand the footprint from the original 133 acres to 210 acres to increase the life span of the facility. Vice -Chair Streater moved to approve the change in the Ordinance Granting Sanitary Landfill Franchise. Motion carried (5 to 1): (Ayes -yes: Baucom, Streater, Sturdivant, Sikes, and Woodburn), (Nay -no: Sims). Tyler Fitzgerald also addressed the Board concerning the Fifth Supplemental Agreement to the Host Fee Agreement. Mr. Fitzgerald discussed with the Board the life of the landfill, safety of the landfill, and the Board's concerns for the citizens. Mr. Fitzgerald explained the significant increase in income to the County. Commissioner Woodburn moved to approve the Fifth Supplemental Agreement, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried (5 to 1): (Ayes -yes: Baucom, Streater, Sturdivant, Sikes, and Woodburn), (Nay -no: Sims). Dr. Fred Thompson, Anson County Health Department Director, presented the 2017 State of the County Health Report to the Board. Mr. Thompson also introduced Mr. Dave Anderson, Carolinas Healthcare System -Anson Administrator. Scott Rowell, Anson County ACTS Director, appeared before the Board to present the ACTS Grants and Financial Management Policies & Procedures. Vice -Chair Streater moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sturdivant moved to approve the ACTS Conflict of Interest Statement, seconded by Vice -Chair Streater, motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Reid/Captain Paxton, Anson County Sheriffs Office discussed mental health issues concerning the jail and transport. Sheriff Reid advised it takes additional part-time and overtime staff to monitor and transport individuals with mental health issues to county and surrounding area hospitals. Chief Spencer added that most mental health facilities use in - network placements. Vice -Chair Streater shared that a Mental Health First Aid Class will be offered on March 29, 2018, at CHS — Anson, and encouraged everyone to attend. Commissioner Woodburn stated that this was a statewide problem and Boards need to start contacting the local legislatures addressing this issue. The current demands stress the departments and taxpayers. Commissioner Woodburn moved to compose a letter on behalf of Anson County addressing the mental health issues, to be sent to Representative Brody and Senator McInnis, seconded by Commissioner Sims. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sims acknowledged Superintendent Michael Freeman (in the audience) for receiving the 2018 NC Regional Superintendent of the Year Award. Commissioner Sturdivant acknowledged Mr. Freeman for his Community Forum on School Safety. *Chairman Baucom asked for a break and the Board accommodated. Appointments: Commissioner Woodburn moved to appoint Caroline Goins to the Centralina Workforce Development Board, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Countywide Zoning: Chairman Baucom asked for this agenda item (Countywide Zoning) be stricken/removed from the agenda. The Board had no objections. Commissioner Sims moved to send a letter informing the fire districts of the timeline for tax rate equalization, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda: Vice -Chair Streater made a motion to approve the consent agenda as follows: board minutes, tax releases/refunds/adjustments, Logan System renewal, Sandhills Quarterly Report, vehicle tax and water bill write-offs: vehicle write-offs totaled $188.223.90, water write-offs totaled $5,599.25, sewer write-offs totaled $90.53, Wadesboro sewer $37.50, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried unanimously. Closed Session: Motion by Vice -Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, to go into closed session to Prevent the disclosure of privileged information: North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1) Under the North Carolina General Statues or regulations. Economic Development: North Carolina General Statutes 143-318.11(a)(4) to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this body. Consult with the Attorney: North Carolina General Statutes 143-318.11(a)(3)to consider and give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Sikes, seconded by Commissioner Sims to come out of closed session, motion carried unanimously. In regular session, Commissioner Sikes made a motion to recess until March 145 2018, 6:00 pm seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted: Denise Cannon Clerk to the Board APPENDIX D ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SCREENING RESULTS yE _��}�i� EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 1-miles radius Description: Anson Waste Management Facility Summary of ACS Estimates Population Population Density (per sq. mile) Minority Population % Minority Households Housing Units Housing Units Built Before 1950 Per Capita Income Land Area (sq. miles) (Source: SF1) % Land Area Water Area (sq. miles) (source: SF1) % Water Area Population by Race Tota I Population Reporting One Race White Black American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Some Other Race Population Reporting Two or More Races Total Hispanic Population Total Non -Hispanic Population White Alone Black Alone American Indian Alone Non -Hispanic Asian Alone Pacific Islander Alone Other Race Alone Two or More Races Alone Population by Sex Male Female Population by Age Age 0-4 Age 0-17 Age 18+ Age 65+ 2013 - 2017 769 88 419 55% 260 297 45 16,254 8.76 100% 0.00 0% 2013 - 2017 Percent MOE (±) ACS Estimates 769 100% 725 753 98% 982 351 46% 402 396 52% 433 0 0% 48 2 0% 27 0 0% 23 4 1% 49 16 2% 58 7 1% 56 762 349 45% 405 396 52% 433 0 0% 41 2 0% 27 0 0% 23 4 1% 25 11 1% 45 387 50% 646 382 50% 360 52 7% 103 203 26% 176 566 74% 312 109 14% 107 Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of any race. N/A meansnot available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 2013 - 2017 April 23, 2020 1/3 jE � EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 1-miles radius Description: Anson Waste Management Facility 2013 - 2017 Percent ACS Estimates Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Tota I Less than 9th Grade 9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma High School Graduate Some College, No Degree Associate Degree Bachelor's Degree or more Population Age 5+ Years by Ability to Speak English Tota I Speak only English Non -English at Home'+2+3+4 'Speak English "very well" ZSpeak English "well" 3Speak English "not well" 4Speak English "not at all" 3+4Speak English "less than well" 2+3+4Speak English "less than very well" Linguistically Isolated Households* Total Speak Spanish Speak Other Indo-European Languages Speak Asian -Pacific Island Languages Speak Other Languages Households by Household Income Household Income Base < $15,000 $15,000 - $25,000 $25,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $75,000 $75,000 + Occupied Housing Units by Tenure Tota I Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Employed Population Age 16+Years Total In Labor Force Civilian Unemployed in Labor Force Not In Labor Force Data Note: Datail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of anyrace. N/A means not available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) *Households in which no one 14 and over speaks English "very well" or speaks English only. MOE (±) 436 100% 567 23 5% 71 56 13% 122 198 45% 262 110 25% 163 20 5% 86 48 11% 81 717 100% 666 711 99% 609 5 1% 63 5 1% 58 0 0% 32 0 0% 22 0 0% 12 0 0% 22 0 0% 37 0 0% 12 0 0% 12 0 0% 12 0 0% 12 0 0% 12 260 100% 271 38 15% 114 41 16% 75 80 31% 111 43 16% 107 58 22% 80 260 100% 271 174 67% 168 86 33% 159 582 100% 641 367 63% 408 63 11% 148 215 37% 671 April 23, 2020 2/3 rrEA°� EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 1-miles radius Description: Anson Waste Management Facility 2013 - 2017 Percent MOE (±) ACS Estimates Population by Language Spoken at Home* Total (persons age 5 and above) N/A N/A N/A English N/A N/A N/A Spanish N/A N/A N/A French N/A N/A N/A French Creole N/A N/A N/A Italian N/A N/A N/A Portuguese N/A N/A N/A German N/A N/A N/A Yiddish N/A N/A N/A Other West Germanic N/A N/A N/A Scandinavian N/A N/A N/A Greek N/A N/A N/A Russian N/A N/A N/A Polish N/A N/A N/A Serbo-Croatian N/A N/A N/A Other Slavic N/A N/A N/A Armenian N/A N/A N/A Persian N/A N/A N/A Gujarathi N/A N/A N/A Hindi N/A N/A N/A Urdu N/A N/A N/A Other Indic N/A N/A N/A Other Indo-European N/A N/A N/A Chinese N/A N/A N/A Japanese N/A N/A N/A Korean N/A N/A N/A Mon-Khmer, Cambodian N/A N/A N/A Hmong N/A N/A N/A Thai N/A N/A N/A Laotian N/A N/A N/A Vietnamese N/A N/A N/A Other Asian N/A N/A N/A Tagalog N/A N/A N/A Other Pacific Island N/A N/A N/A Navajo N/A N/A N/A Other Native American N/A N/A N/A Hungarian N/A N/A N/A Arabic N/A N/A N/A Hebrew N/A N/A N/A African N/A N/A N/A Other and non -specified N/A N/A N/A Total Non -English N/A N/A N/A Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic popultion can be of any race. N/A meansnot available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 2013 - 2017. *Population by Language Spoken at Home is available at the census tract summary level and up. April 23, 2020 3/3 EPA A ��x� EJSCREEN Census 2010 Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 1-miles radius Description: Anson Waste Management Facility Summary Census 2010 Population 552 Population Density (per sq. mile) 63 Minority Population 314 % Minority 57% Households 219 Housing Units 257 Land Area (sq. miles) 8.76 % Land Area 100% Water Area (sq. miles) 0.00 % Water Area 0% Population by Race Number Percent Total 552 Population Reporting One Race 543 98% White 239 43% Black 293 53% American Indian 4 1% Asian 4 1% Pacific Islander 0 0% Some Other Race 3 0% Population Reporting Two or More Races 9 2% Total Hispanic Population 7 1% Total Non -Hispanic Population 545 99% White Alone 238 43% Black Alone 291 53% American Indian Alone 4 1% Non -Hispanic Asian Alone 4 1% Pacific Islander Alone 0 0% Other Race Alone 1 0% Two or More Races Alone 8 1 % Population by Sex Number Percent Male 256 46% Female 296 54% Population by Age Number Percent Age 0-4 36 7% Age 0-17 143 26% Age 18+ 409 74% Age 65+ 78 14% Households by Tenure Number Percent Total 219 Owner Occupied 139 63% Renter Occupied 80 37% Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of any race. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. 1/1 APPENDIX E NCDEQ FACILITY SCREENING REPORT - ANSON COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY 8/25/2021 NCDEQ Facility Screening Report - Anson County Waste Managemi Area of Interest (AOI) Information Area : 198,274,061.29 ftz Aug 25 2021 10:13:50 Eastern Daylight Time Air quality Permit Sites • Title V NPIJES Stormwffter_Permlts 41 Permitted Soli} Waste Landfills {open and Closed) Underground Storage Tank Act 1e facilities census21)17a^s- by Bbck Group l County Boundary 1:36.112 0 0.75 0.5 1 rrx �t I ITI I f� 0 0.4 0.8 1.6km 0 OpaeSI—Ilap land}—,Wb[ •CGBY- kNCOOT GIB UM 1 /20 8/25/2021 Summary Name Count Area(ft2) Length(mil) Air Quality Permit Sites 1 N/A N/A NPDES Wastewater Treatment 0 N/A N/A Facility Permits Animal Feed Operation Permits 0 N/A N/A (View) Solid Waste Septage Sites 0 N/A N/A Coal Ash Structural Fills (CCB) 0 N/A N/A (Closed) Permitted Solid Waste Landfills 2 N/A N/A (Open and Closed) Land Clearing and Inert Debris 0 N/A N/A (LCID) Notifications Contaminated Dry -Cleaning 0 N/A N/A Sites Inactive Hazardous Sites 0 N/A N/A Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites 0 N/A N/A Brownfields Program Sites 0 N/A N/A Hazardous Waste Sites 0 N/A N/A Underground Storage Tank 0 N/A N/A Incidents Above Ground Storage Tank 0 N/A N/A Incidents Underground Storage Tank 2 N/A N/A Active Facilities Petroleum Contaminated Soil 0 N/A N/A Remediation Permits Land Use Restriction and/or 0 N/A N/A Notices Census Data by block group 4 198,274,060.97 N/A Air Quality Permit Sites CONTACT 1 Fayetteville Regional Office # LONGITUDE 1 -80.16 FACILITY —NAME DAQ_FACILITY_ID CLASS —STATUS LATITUDE Anson County Waste Management Facility 0400052 Title V 35.00 LOCATION —ADDRESS— LOCATION_ ADDRESS_ CITY STATE LINE—1 LINE—2 375 Dozer Drive No Data Polkton NC # ZIP NAICS SIC 1 28135 Solid Waste Landfill Refuse Systems (562212) COUNTY (4953) Anson PERMIT — DOCUMENT -LINK https://xapps. ncden r.org/ aq/FDocsServlet/179961 # PUBLIC_ RECORDS_ SEARCH_ LINK FACILITY_ ECHO_ LINK Count 1 https://xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/docs/FDocs S https:Hecho.epa.gov/detailed-facility_ 1 earch.jsp? Find Type=Fl&quickUrl=1&Facility Id=040 report?fid=NC0000003700400052 0052 2/20 8/25/2021 Permitted Solid Waste Landfills (Open and Closed) # Permit —ID Permit —Nam Address City State 1 0403-MSWLF-2000 Chambers Development 375 Dozer Road Polkton NC MSWLF 2 0403-MSWLF-2010 Chambers Development 375 Dozer Road Polkton NC MSWLF # Zip County PrimaryWas PrimaryOpe PermitStat 1 28135 Anson MSW LF InactiveClosed 2 28135 Anson MSW LF Active # PermitExpD Status Latitude 35.005137 Longitude Count 1 7/20/2011, 8:00 PM Open -80.160736 1 2 12/19/2016, 7:00 PM Open 35.005137-80.160736 1 Underground Storage Tank Active Facilities FACILID FACILNAME FACILADDRESS FACILCITY FACILZIP 1 00-0-0000021215 NC DOT - POLKTON PRISON CAMP RD SR POLKTON 28135 (DIV TEN) #1249 CC& STATE 28135 2 00-0-0000024388 5920 HWY 74 W POLKTON HWYPAT OOF FACILOWNERT # YPE NUMREGTANK ' NUMNONREGT ' NUMNONREGN S ANKS ONCOMTANKS FACILLATDEC FACILLONGDE C Count 0 0 34.993123 -80.178138 1 1 State Gov't 2 2 State Gov't 1 0 0 34.994849 -80.169596 1 Census Data by block group # AREALAND AREAWATER STUSAB STCNTRBG dff STATE 1 40,836,786.00 0.00 NC 370079203002 37 2 45,179,380.00 0.00 NC NC 370079204002 370079203004 37 37 3 86,088,465.00 21,584.00 4 55,929,688.00 261,792.00 NC 370079205001 37 # COUNTY STCN TRACT BLKGRP TOTALPOP 1 007 37007 920300 2 2,409 2 007 37007 920400 2 1,046 3 007 37007 920300 920500 4 1 2,234 955 4 007 37007 POP_DEN NUM —MINORITY PCT_MINORITY WHITE PCT_WHITE 1 152.79 1,211 50.27 1,204 49.98 2 59.96 765 73.14 281 26.86 3 67.21 1,150 51.48 1,140 51.03 4 44.22 628 65.76 327 34.24 3/20 8/25/2021 1 BLACK 1,121 PCT_BLACK HISP JL_PCT_HISP 1.08 ASIAN 7 0 46.53 26 2 765 73.14 0 0.00 3 878 39.30 97 4.34 32 4 628 165.76 lo 10.00 lo # PCT_ASIAN AMERIND PCT_AMERIND HAWPAC PCT_HAWPAC 1 0.29 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 1.43 81 3.63 12 0.54 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # OTHER -RACE PCT_OTHER_RACE TWOMORE PCT_TWOMORE NHWHITE 1 15 0.62 62 2.57 1,198 281 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 26 1.16 65 2.91 1,084 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 327 NHBLACK PCT_NHBLACK NHASIAN PCT_NHASIAN 17PCT_NHWHITE 49.73 1,121 46.53 7 0.29 6.86 765 73.14 0 0.00 3 48.52 878 39.30 32 1.43 4 34.24 628 65.76 0 0.00 PCT_NHAMERIND NHHAWPAC PCT_NHHAWPAC NHOTHER_RACE rNHAMERIND 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 0.54 0 0.00 0 3 66 2.95 0 4 0 0.00 0 # PCT_NHOTHER_RACE NHTWOMORE PCT_NHTWOMORE AGE_LT18 PCT_AGE_LT18 1 0.62 42 1.74 657 27.27 2 0.00 0 0.00 234 22.37 3 0.00 65 2.91 145 6.49 4 0.00 0 0.00 174 18.22 # AGE_LT5 PCT_AGE_LT5 AGE_GT64 PCT_AGE_GT64 AGE_GT17 1 197 8.18 355 14.74 1,752 2 7 0.67 120 11.47 812 3 58 2.60 112 5.01 2,089 4 51 5.34 124 12.98 781 MALES PCT_MALES FEMALES PCT_FEMALES 17PCT_AGE_GT17 72.73 1,237 51.35 1,172 48.65 .63 482 46.08 564 53.92 3 93.51 1,909 85.45 325 14.55 4 81.78 408 42.72 547 57.28 4/20 8/25/2021 1 AGE_GT14 1,863 NEVER -MARRIED PCT_NEVER_MARRIED 721 38.70 357 41.71 1,042 49.88 MARRIED 940 307 PCT_MARRIED 50.46 35.86 30.40 2 856 3 2,089 635 4 824 183 22.21 327 39.68 # WIDOWED PCT_WIDOWED DIVORCED PCT_DIVORCED HSHOLDS 1 101 5.42 101 5.42 755 2 70 8.18 122 14.25 407 39 1.87 373 17.86 282 429 E43 142 17.23 172 20.87 FEMALE _ HEAD _HH PCT_FEMHHE_HEAD_ 271 48.31 PER _CAP _INC 17,365 17,879 # HSHLDS_PA HSHOLD_MED_INC 1 0 36,696 2 0 40,299 177 69.69 3 0 51,250 38 21.71 9,107 4 0 No Data 199 87.28 20,665 # INC_LT_15K PCT_INC_LT_15K INC_15_25K PCT_INC_15_25K INC_25_50K 1 100 13.25 126 16.69 208 2 75 18.43 54 13.27 168 12 4.26 36 12.77 88 L43 198 46.15 14 3.26 90 # PCT_INC_25_50K JL INC_50_75K PCT_INC_50_75K INC_GT_75K PCT_INC_GT_75K 1 27.55 150 19.87 171 22.65 2 41.28 21 5.16 89 21.87 3 31.21 69 24.47 77 27.30 4 20.98 70 16.32 57 13.29 # POV_UNIVERSE_FRT LOWINC PCT_LOWINC INC_POV_LT50 PCT_INC_POV_LT50 1 2,394 1,174 49.04 208 8.69 2 1,046 593 56.69 99 9.46 3 659 100 15.17 0 0.00 4 938 603 64.29 209 22.28 # INC_POV_50TO99 261 41 PCT_INC_POV_50TO99 10.90 3.92 INC_POV_100TO124 369 31 67 PCT-INC _2OV_100TO1 INC_POV_125TO149 247 95 9 1 15.41 2 2.96 3 14 2.12 10.17 4 194 20.68 lo 0.00 135 5/20 8/25/2021 INC POV 150TO184 PCT_INC_POV_150TO1 INC POV 185TO199 - - 84 - - 89 3.72 0 319 30.50 8 10 1.52 0 # PCT_INC_POV_125TO1 49 1 10.32 2 9.08 3 1.37 4 3.73 151 16.10 14 ;Lot mI►1�E:1.1tfolF'R 0.00 0.76 0.00 1.49 INC_POV_GT199 PCT_INC_POV_GT199 HH_BPOV PCT_HH_BPOV HH_BPOV_MCF 1 1,220 50.96 99 13.11 55 2 453 43.31 70 17.20 8 3 559 84.83 0 0.00 0 4 335 35.71 198 46.15 0 # PCT _HH_BPOV_MCF HH_BPOV_MALEF 0 0 PCT_HH_BF OV_MALE HH_BPOV_FEMALEF 0.00 24 PCT _BPOV_FEMALEF 3.18 5.16 1 7.28 2 1.97 0.00 0.00 21 0 3 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 52 12.12 # HH_BPOV_MALENF PCT _BPOV_MALENF HH_BPOV_FEMALENF PCT_BPO F FEMALEN HH APOV 1 12 1.59 8 1.06 556 2 41 10.07 0 0.00 337 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 282 20.98 231 4 56 13.05 90 # PCT HH APOV HH APOV MCF 382 PCT HH APOV MCF 50.60 29.24 HH APOV MALEF TPCT_HH_APOV_MALE 44 5.83 29 7.13 24 8.51 1 86.89 2 82.80 119 3 100.00 134 47.52 4 53.85 163 38.00 0 0.00 # HH_APOV_FEMALEF PCT_APOV_FEMALEF HH_APOV_MALENF PCT_APOV_MALENF HH_APOV_FEMALENF 1 56 7.42 97 12.85 77 2 77 18.92 55 13.51 57 3 17 6.03 48 17.02 59 4 13 3.03 38 8.86 17 # PCT-APOF FEMALE INC _LT_10K PCT _INC _LT_10K INC _10_15K PCT _INC _10_15K 1 10.20 33 4.37 67 8.87 2 14.00 44 10.81 31 7.62 3 20.92 0 0.00 12 4.26 4 3.96 109 25.41 89 20.75 6/20 8/25/2021 INC_15_20K 51 PCT_INC_15_20K 6.75 9.58 INC_20_25K 75 PCT_INC_20_25K INC_25_30K 1 9.93 3.69 82 8 2 39 15 3 26 9.22 10 3.55 14 4 0 10.00 114 13.26 1 13 PCT_INC_25_30K INC_30_35K PCT_INC_30_35K INC_35_40K PCT_INC_35_40K 1 10.86 60 7.95 29 3.84 2 1.97 13 3.19 48 11.79 3 4.96 11 3.90 0 0.00 4 3.03 0 0.00 0 0.00 INC_40_45K PCT_INC_40_45K INC_45_50K PCT_INC_45_50K INC_50_60K 1 23 3.05 14 1.85 53 2 56 13.76 43 10.57 0 3 63 22.34 0 0.00 20 4 0 0.00 77 17.95 0 PCT_INC_50_60K INC _60_75K PCT_INC _60_75K INC _75_100K PCT_INC_75_100K 1 7.02 97 12.85 65 8.61 2 0.00 21 5.16 68 16.71 3 7.09 49 17.38 40 14.18 4 0.00 70 16.32 17 3.96 INC_100_125K PCT_INC_100_125K INC125150K PCT_INC_125_150K INC_150_200K 711 10.46 14 1.85 2.70 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 5.59 5 3 21 7.45 16 4 0 0.00 16 # PCT_INC_150_200K INC_GT_200K PCT_INC_GT_200K EDU_UNIVERSE EDU_NONE 1 1.46 2 0.26 1,321 16 2 1.23 5 1.23 679 0 3 5.67 0 0.00 1,914 12 4 3.73 0 0.00 726 0 # PCT_EDU_NONE EDU_LT5 PCT_EDU_LT5 EDU_5_6 PCT_EDU_5_6 1 1.21 0 0.00 28 2.12 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.63 41 2.14 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 EDU_7_8 PCT_EDU_7_8 EDU_LT9 PCT_EDU_LT9 EDU_9 1 31 2.35 75 5.68 9 2 26 3.83 26 3.83 5 3 77 4.02 130 6.79 72 4 38 5.23 38 5.23 0 7/20 8/25/2021 1 PCT-EDU-9 0.68 EDU_10 PCT_EDU_10 3.10 0.00 T EDU_11 81 49 PCT_EDU_11 41 0 6.13 2 0.74 7.22 3 3.76 52 2.72 143 7.47 4 0.00 0 0.00 105 14.46 EDU-12 PCT_EDU_12 EDU_HS PCT_EDU_HS EDU_LTHS 1 38 2.88 169 12.79 244 2 37 5.45 91 13.40 117 3 12 0.63 279 14.58 409 4 22 3.03 127 17.49 165 Mb PCT_EDU_LTHS EDU_HS_DG PCT_EDU_HS_DG EDU_COL_LT1 PCT_EDU_COL_LT1 1 18.47 561 42.47 61 4.62 2 17.23 383 56.41 0 0.00 3 21.37 752 39.29 147 7.68 4 22.73 293 40.36 33 4.55 # EDU-COL-1-MORE PCT-COL-1-MORE EDU-COL PCT-EDU-COL EDU_COL_ASSC 1 222 16.81 343 25.97 60 2 126 18.56 156 22.97 30 3 307 16.04 691 36.10 237 4 57 7.85 175 24.10 85 # PCT EDU COL ASSC - - - EDU COL DG - - PCT EDU COL DG - - - EDU COL BACH DG - - - PCT_EDU_COL_BACH DG 1 4.54 173 13.10 115 8.71 2 4.42 23 3.39 0 0.00 3 12.38 62 3.24 45 2.35 4 11.71 93 12.81 75 10.33 # PCT-EDU-COL MAST EDU PCT_ EDU_ PROF DG EDU _PROF _DG _COL _DR_DG7 1 18 1.36 25 1.89 15 2 23 3.39 0 0.00 0 3 17 0.89 0 0.00 0 4 18 2.48 0 0.00 0 # PCT-EDUG OL_DR_D ENRL_UNIVERSE ENRL_SCHOOL PCT_ENRL_SCHOOL ENRL_PRE 1 1.14 2,238 716 31.99 16 2 0.00 1,046 273 26.10 7 3 0.00 2,199 �931 176 8.00 23 4 10.00 1183 119.66 lo 8/20 8/25/2021 1 PCT_ENRL_PRE 0.71 0.67 ENRL_PRE_PUB 16 7 PCT_ENRL_PRE_PUB ENRL_PRE_PRIV 0.71 0 0.67 0 1.05 0 PCT_ENRL_PRE_PRIV 0.00 0.00 2 3 1.05 23 0.00 4 j 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # ENRL_KIND PCT_ENRL_KIND ENRL_KIND_PUB PCT_ENRL_KIND_PUB ENRL_KIND_PRIV 1 63 2.82 63 2.82 0 2 7 0.67 7 0.67 0 3 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 4 0 0 0.00 C ENRL KIND PRI # - V - ENRL_1_4 PCT_ENRL_1_4 ENRL_1_4_PUB PCT_ENRL_1_4_PUB 1 0.00 127 5.67 97 4.33 2 0.00 62 5.93 3.46 62 76 5.93 3.46 3 0.00 76 4 0.00 41 4.40 41 4.40 # ENRL_1_4_PRIV PCT_ENRL_1_4_PRIV ENRL_5_8 PCT_ENRL_5_8 ENRL_5_8_PUB 1 30 1.34 134 5.99 134 2 0 0.00 98 9.37 91 3 0 0.00 11 0.50 11 4 0 0.00 39 4.19 39 # PCT_ENRL_5_8_PUB ENRL_5_8_PRIV PCT_ENRL_5_8_PRIV L ENRL_9_12 PCT_ENRL_9_12 1 5.99 0 0.00 142 6.34 2 8.70 7 0.67 75 7.17 3 0.50 0 0.00 38 1.73 4 4.19 0 0.00 43 4.62 # ENRL_9_12_PUB PCT_ENRL_9_12_PUB ENRL_9_12_PRIV PCT_ENRL_9_12_PRIV ENRL_COL 1 130 5.81 12 0.54 234 2 75 7.17 0 0.00 24 3 38 1.73 0 0.00 28 4 43 4.62 0 0.00 23 # PCT_ENRL_COL ENRL_COL_PUB PCT_ENRL_COL_PUB ENRL_COL_PRIV PCT_ENRL_COL_PRIV 1 10.46 214 9.56 20 0.89 2 2.29 24 2.29 0 0.00 3 1.27 28 1.27 0 0.00 4 2.47 23 2.47 0 0.00 9/20 8/25/2021 F # ENRL_GRAD PCT_ENRL_GRAD 1 0 0.00 2 0 0.00 3 0 0.00 4 37 3.97 # PCT_ENRL_GRAD_PRI ENRL NOT V 1 0.00 1,522 2 0.00 773 P43 0.00 2,023 0.00 748 ENRL_GRAD PCT_ENR BGRAD_PU ENRL_GRAD _PUB _PRIV 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 37 3.97 0 PCT_ENRL_NOT LAN -UNIVERSE LAN _ENG_ONLY 68.01 2,212 2,192 1,039 1,987 73.90 1,039 2,176 92.00 80.34 904 904 # PCT_LAN_ENG_ONLY _ _ P _ _ _ PCT_LAN_ENG_VW 1 99.10 20 0.90 20 0.90 2 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 91.31 189 8.69 139 6.39 4 1 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 LAN_ENG_W PCT_LAN_ENG_W LAN_ENG_NW PCT_LAN_ENG_NW LAN_ENG_NA 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 34 1.56 16 0.74 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT LAN ENG NA LAN ENG LTW PCT LAN ENG LTW LAN ENG LTVW PCT ENG LTVW 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 16 0.74 50 2.30 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # LAN_SPANISH PCT_ LAN_SPANISH LAN PCT_LAN LAN _ENG_VW_SP PENG_VW_S _ENG_W_SP 1 8 0.36 8 0.36 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 127 5.84 101 4.64 10 10 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 PC ALT PCT_ # P TC _LAN _ENG_W_SP LAN _ENG_NW_SP PNG_NW_S LAN _ENG_NA_SP LAN_ ENG_ NA_SP 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 16 0.74 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 3 0.46 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 10/20 8/25/2021 # LAN_IE M PCT_LAN_IE 1 5 0.23 2 0 0.00 3 21 0.97 4 0 0.00 LAN_ENG_VW_IE PCT_LAN_ENG_VW_IE LAN_ENG_W_IE 5 0.23 0 0 0.00 0 21 0.97 0 0 0.00 0 # PCT-LAN-ENG-W-IE LAN-ENG-NW-IE PCT-LAN-ENG-NW-IE LAN-ENG-NA-IE PCT-LAN-ENG-NA-IE 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 PCT LAN T PCT-LAN PING_VW_A LAN 7LAN_API 72 _LAN _API _ENG _VW_API _ENG _W_API 1 7 0.32 7 0.32 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 32 1.47 8 0.37 24 4 0 0.00 0 10.00 0 # PCT LAN ENG W API LAN ENG NW API PCT_LAN_ENG_NW_A LAN ENG NA API PCT_LAN_ENG_NA_A - - - - - - - PI - - - PI 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 1.10 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # LAN OTHER PCT LAN OTHER LAN ENG VW OTHER PCT_LAN_ENG_VW_0 LAN ENG W OTHER - - - - - - THER - - - 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 9 0.41 9 0.41 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 PCT_LAN_ENG_W_OT PCT LAN_ENG_NW 7-PCT-LAN-ENG-NA-0 LAN_ENG_NA_O # LAN-ENG-NW-OTHER - _O LAN - HER ___ THER -ENG-NA- THER 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 E43 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # HSHOLDS-LAN LINGISO PCT-LINGISO HLI-ENGLISH PCT-HLI-ENGLISH 1 755 0 0.00 735 97.35 2 407 0 0.00 407 100.00 3 282 0 0.00 282 100.00 4 429 0 0.00 429 100.00 11 /20 8/25/2021 # HLI_SPAN 1 8 2 0 3 0 4 0 ISH PCT_HLI_SPANISH HL 1.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # 1 PCT_HLI_SPANISH_NL I 1.06 2 0.00 3 0.00 4 0.00 I_SPANISH_LI PCT_HLI_SPANISH_LI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HLI_SPANISH_NLI 8 0 0 0 HLI IE I PCT HLI IE HLI IE LI I PCT HLI IE LI 5 0.66 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # HLI_IE_NLI PCT_HLI_IE_NLI HLI-API PCT-HLI-API HLI_API_LI 1 5 0.66 7 0.93 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT-HLI-API-Li HLI_API_NLI PCT_HLI_API_NLI HLI-OTHER PCT-HLI-OTHER 1 0.00 7 0.93 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # HLI_OTHER_LI PCT_HLI_OTHER_LI HLI_OTHER_NLI PCT_HLI_OTHER_NLI HSUNITS 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 851 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 483 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 318 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 473 # HOME_PRE50 PCT_HOME_PRE50 HOME_PRE60 PCT_HOME_PRE60 HOME_PRE40 1 139 16.33 172 20.21 139 2 57 11.80 106 21.95 0 3 0 0.00 109 34.28 0 4 66 13.95 176 37.21 13 # PCT_HOME_PRE40 HOME_40TO49 PCT_HOME_40TO49 HOME_50TO59 PCT_HOME_50TO59 1 16.33 0 0.00 33 3.88 2 0.00 57 11.80 49 10.14 3 0.00 0 0.00 109 34.28 4 2.75 53 11.21 110 23.26 # HOME_60TO69 PCT_HOME_60TO69 HOME_70TO79 PCT_HOME_70TO79 I HOME_80TO89 1 38 4.47 137 16.10 119 2 47 9.73 177 36.65 34 3 30 9.43 23 7.23 13 4 0 0.00 47 9.94 72 12/20 8/25/2021 # PCT_HOME_80TO89 1 13.98 2 7.04 3 4.09 4 15.22 HOME_90TO99 313 12 90 152 PCT_HOME_90TO99 HOME_OOTO09 36.78 72 2.48 46 28.30 53 32.14 26 PCT_HOME_OOTO09 8.46 9.52 16.67 5.50 # HOME_10TO13 PCT_HOME_10TO13 HOME_AFTER13 PCT_HOME_AFTER13 OCCHU 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 755 2 61 12.63 0 0.00 407 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 282 4 10 10.00 0 10.00 1429 PCT_OCCHU Ir OWNHU PCT_OWNERS RENTHU PCT_RENTERS 1 88.72 479 56.29 276 36.56 2 84.27 322 66.67 85 20.88 3 88.68 229 72.01 53 172 18.79 4 90.70 257 54.33 40.09 # OOHU PCT_OOH K VAL_LT10 OOHU PCT_OOHU-VAL_10_1 OOHU _VAL _LT10K _VAL _10_15K _VAL _15_20K 1 94 19.62 0 0.00 40 2 18 5.59 14 4.35 8 3 12 5.24 17 7.42 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT_OOHU_VAL_15_2 OOHU VAL 20 25K PCT_OOHU_VAL_20_2 OOHU VAL 25 30K PCT_OOHU_VAL_25_3 OK - - - 5K - - - OK 1 8.35 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 2.48 0 0.00 8 2.48 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # OOHU VAL 30 35K - - - 1 0 PCT_OOHU_VAL_30_3 5K OOHU VAL 35 40K - - - PCT_OOHU_VAL_35_4 OK OOHU VAL 40 50K - - - 40 0.00 0 0.00 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 21 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 ro 0.00 13 5.06 77 # PCT_OOHU_VAL_40_5 OK 1 8.35 OOHU VAL 50 60K - - - PCT_OOHU_VAL_50_6 OK 10.86 9.01 0.00 OOHU VAL 60 70K - - - PCT_OOHU_VAL_60_7 OK 0.00 24.53 52 0 2 6.52 29 0 79 3 0.00 0 0.00 4 29.96 60 23.35 0 0.00 13/20 8/25/2021 # OOHU_VAL_70_80K PCT OOHU VAL 708 - - - OOHU_VAL_80_90K PCT OOHU VAL 80 9 - - - OOHU OK OK _VAL _90_100K 1 42 8.77 18 3.76 35 2 13 4.04 0 0.00 36 3 10 4.37 41 17.90 0 4 0 0.00 17 6.61 0 # PCT_OOHU_VAL_90_1 OOHU VAL 100 125K PCT_OOHU_VAL_100_ OOHU VAL 125 150K PCT_OOHU_VAL_125_ OOK - - - 125K - - - 150K 1 7.31 28 5.85 36 7.52 2 11.18 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 53 23.14 11 4.80 4 0.00 35 13.62 0 0.00 # OOHU VAL 150 175K - - - PCT_OOHU_VAL _150_ 175K OOHU VAL 175 200K - - - PCT_OOHU_VAL_175_ 200K OOHU VAL 200 250K - - - 1 10 2.09 3 26 26 0.63 8.07 11.35 19 0 26 0 2 65 20.19 3 13 5.68 4 16 6.23 16 6.23 PCT_OOHU_VAL_20PCT OOHU_VAL_250� 400K KPCT OOHU_VAL_300_ - VAL- # 250K OOHU_VAL_250_300K 300K OOHU300 ___ 400K 1 3.97 23 4.80 31 6.47 2 0.00 0 0.00 5 1.55 3 11.35 20 8.73 0 0.00 4 0.000.00 13 5.06 0 0.00 I # I OOHU VAL 400 500K PCT_OOHU_VAL _400_ OOHU VAL 500 750K PCT_OOHU _VAL_500_ OOHU VAL 750 1M - - - 500K - - - 750K - - - 1 6 1.25 2 0.42 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 10 3.89 0 0.00 0 r PCT_OOHU_VAL_750 PCT_OOHU _VAL _1= �PCT_OOHU_VAL_1_5_ # 1M OOHU_VAL_1_1_5M 5M OOHU_VAL_1_5_2M 2M 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # PCT_OOH �VAL_GT_2 OOHU MTGST_MORT PCT_MTGST_MORT MTGST_2ND_OR_EQ _VAL _GT_2M 1 0 0.00 188 39.25 82 2 0 0.00 181 56.21 0 3 0 0.00 78 34.06 0 4 0 10.00 1163 163.42 lo 14/20 8/25/2021 # PCT_MTG T 2ND_OR MTGST_2ND PCT_MTGST_2ND MTGST_EQ PCT_MTG_EQ 1 17.12 0 0.00 82 17.12 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 T 2ND AND EQ PCT_MTG_2ND_AND_ MTGST_NO_2ND_OR_ PCT_MTGST_NO_2ND_ MTGST NO MORT� - - - EQ EQ OR EQ - - 1 0 0.00 106 22.13 291 2 0 0.00 181 56.21 141 3 0 0.00 78 34.06 151 4 0 0.00 163 63.42 94 # PCT- MTGST_NO_MOR T RENT _AMT_W_CASH PCT RENT_AMT_W_C - ASH RENTAMTLT100 ___ PCT_RENT_AMT_LT_1 00 1 60.75 172 62.32 0 0.00 2 43.79 78 91.76 73.58 0 0 0 0.00 3 65.94 39 155 0.00 4 36.58 90.12 0.00 1 2 3 AMT 100 149 PCT_RENT_AMT_100_ - - - 149 10 3.62 0 0.00 0 0.00 RENT AMT 150 199 - - - 32 0 0 PCT_RENT_AMT_150_ 199 11.59 0.00 0.00 RENT AMT 200 249 - - - 11 0 0 4 0 10.00 138 122.09 0 PCT_RENT_AMT _200_ 249 RENT AMT 250 299 - - - PCT_RENT_AMT_250_ RENT AMT 300 349 299 - - - 1.81 0 9.41 9 PCT_RENT_AMT_300_ 349 1 3.99 5 0.00 2 0.00 8 10.59 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0.00 67 38.95 36 # RENT AMT 350 399 PCT_RENT_AMT _350_ RENT AMT 400 449 PCT_RENT_AMT_400_ - - - 399 - - - 449 1 7 2.54 12 4.35 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 20.93 RENT AMT 450 499 - - - 63 11 0 3 0 0.00 39 73.58 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 PCT_RENT_AMT_450_ RENT AMT 500 549 PCT_RENT_AMT_500_ RENT AMT 550 599 499 - - - 549 22.83 0 0.00 0 12.94 28 32.94 0 # PCT_RENT_AMT_550_ 599 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0.00 0 0.00 14 18.14 15/20 8/25/2021 # RENT AMT 600 649 - - - 0 22 PCT_RENT_AMT _600_ 649 0.00 RENT AMT 650 699 PCT_RENT_AMT_650_ - - - 699 7 2.54 0 0.00 RENT AMT 700 749 - - - 0 0 0 1 2 25.88 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 PCT_RENT_AMT_700_ I PCT_RENT_AMT_750_ PCT_RENT_AMT # RENT AMT 750 799 RENT AMT 800 899 _800_ 749 - - - 799 - - - 899 1 0.00 23 8.33 2 0.72 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # RENT AMT 900 999 - - - PCT_RENT_AMT_900_ 999 RENT AMT 1000 1249 - - - PCT_RENT_AMT_1000 1249 RENT AMT 1250 1499 - - - 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 3 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 4 0 0 T T # PCT_RENT_AMT_1250 RENT AMT 1500 1999 T PCT_RENT_AMT_1500 RENT AMT 2000 2499 PCT_RENT_AMT_2000 1499 - - - 1999 - - - 2499 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4j0.00 j 0 0.00 0 0.00 PCT_RENT_AMT_2500 PCT_RENT_AMT_3000 # ' RENT AMT 2500 2999 RENT AMT 3000 3499 RENT AMT GT 3500 - - - 2999 - - - 3499 - - - 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 T � # PCT_RENT_AMT_GT_3 RENT AMT NO CASH T PCT_RENT_AMT_NO_ RENT UTIL NOT INC PCT_RENT_UTIL_NOT 500 - - - CASH - - - INC 1 0.00 104 37.68 276 100.00 2 0.00 7 8.24 85 100.00 3 0.00 14 26.42 53 100.00 4 0.00 17 9.88 172 100.00 # RENT_UTIL_INC PCT_RENT_UTIL_INC HU_US_1_D Ir- PCT_HU_US_1_D HU_US_1_A 1 0 0.00 488 57.34 0 2 0 0.00 446 92.34 11 3 0 0.00 192 60.38 0 4 0 0.00 274 57.93 0 16/20 8/25/2021 PCT_HU_US_1_A HU_US_2 PCT_HU_US_2 HU_US_3_4 PCT_HU_US_3_4 1 0.00 0 0.00 34 4.00 2 2.28 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # HU_US_5_9 PCT_HU_US_5_9 HU_US_10_19 PCT_HU_US_10_19 HU_US_20_49 1 0 0.00 3 0.35 0 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT_HU_US_20_49 HU_US_GT_50 PCT_HU_US_GT_50 HU_US_MOBILE PCT_HU_US_MOBILE 1 0.00 0 0.00 326 38.31 2 0.00 0 0.00 26 5.38 3 0.00 0 0.00 126 39.62 4 0.00 0 0.00 199 42.07 # HU_US_BOAT_RV PCT_HU_US_BOAT_RV OOHU_MI15 PCT_OOHU_MI15 OOHU_MI10_14 1 0 0.00 10 1.32 44 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 96 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 30 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT_OOHU_MI10_14 OOHU_MI00_09 PCT_OOHU_MI00_09 OOHU_MI90_99 PCT_OOHU_MI90_99 1 5.83 204 27.02 96 12.72 2 23.59 61 14.99 71 17.44 3 10.64 121 42.91 30 10.64 4 0.00 103 24.01 90 20.98 # OOHU_MI80_89 PCT_OOHU_MI80_89 OOHU_MI79 PCT_OOHU_MI79 ROHU_MI15 1 30 3.97 95 12.58 0 2 23 5.65 71 17.44 28 3 23 8.16 25 8.87 0 4 29 6.76 35 8.16 0 # PCT_ROHU_MI15 ROHU_MI10_14 PCT_ROHU_MI10_14 ROHU_MI00_09 PCT_ROHU_MI00_09 1 0.00 66 8.74 116 15.36 2 6.88 20 4.91 22 5.41 3 0.00 39 13.83 0 0.00 4 0.00 70 16.32 36 8.39 ROHU_MI90_99 PCT_ROHU_MI90_99 ROHU_MI80_89 PCT_ROHU_MI80_89 ROHU_MI79 1 64 8.48 26 3.44 4 2 15 3.69 0 0.00 0 3 14 4.96 0 0.00 0 4 49 11.42 17 3.96 0 17/20 8/25/2021 ME PCT_ROHU_MI79 HU_FUEL_UGAS 1 0.53 21 2 0.00 0 3 0.00 16 4 10.00 10 PCT_HU_FUEL_UGAS 2.78 0.00 5.67 0.00 HU_FUEL_BGAS 144 223 106 87 PCT_HU_FUEL_BGAS 19.07 54.79 37.59 20.28 # HU_FUEL_ELECT PCT_HU_FUEL_ELECT HU_FUEL_OIL PCT_HU_FUEL_OIL HU_FUEL_COAL 1 557 73.77 14 1.85 0 2 129 31.70 47 11.55 0 3 136 48.23 0 0.00 0 4 286 66.67 56 13.05 0 # PCT_HU_FUEL_COAL HU_FUEL_WOOD PCT_HU_FUEL_WOOD HU_FUEL_SOLAR PCT_HU_FUEL_SOLAR 1 0.00 19 2.52 0 0.00 2 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.00 24 8.51 0 0.00 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # HU_FUEL_OTHER PCT_HU_FUEL_OTHER HU_FUEL_NONE PCT_HU_FUEL_NONE OOHU_VEHIC_0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 2 0 0.00 8 1.97 52 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 # PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_0 OOHU_VEHIC_1 PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_1 OOHU_VEHIC_2 PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_2 1 0.40 130 17.22 193 25.56 2 12.78 70 17.20 155 38.08 3 0.00 32 11.35 90 31.91 4 0.00 27 6.29 77 17.95 # OOHU_VEHIC_3 PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_3 OOHU_VEHIC_4 PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_4 OOHU_VEHIC_5 1 63 8.34 68 9.01 22 2 5 1.23 7 1.72 33 3 97 34.40 10 3.55 0 4 66 15.38 71 16.55 16 # PCT_OOHU_VEHIC_5 ROHU_VEHIC_0 PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_0 ROHU_VEHIC_1 PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_1 1 2.91 73 9.67 111 14.70 2 8.11 0 0.00 43 10.57 3 0.00 0 0.00 14 4.96 4 3.73 74 17.25 98 22.84 PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_2 ROHU_VEHIC_3 PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_3 ROHU_VEHIC_4 17ROHU_VEHIC_2 76 10.07 16 2.12 0 0 7.37 0 0.00 0 3 0 0.00 39 13.83 0 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 18/20 8/25/2021 # PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_4 ROHU_VEHIC_5 PCT_ROHU_VEHIC_5 WORK -UNIVERSE 1 0.00 0 0.00 949 2 0.00 12 2.95 420 3 0.00 0 0.00 323 4 0.00 0 ..00 488 PCT_ POW_ IN_ST_CNT POW_ IN_ST_OUT _CNT PCT_ POW_ IN_ST_OUT # Y Y I _CNTY POW_OUT_ST POW_IN_ST_CNTY 350 293 68 1 al PCT_POW_OUT_ST 1 136.88 583 61.43 16 1.69 2 69.76 127 30.24 0 0.00 3 21.05 255 78.95 0 0.00 4 77.05 94 19.26 18 3.69 # FEM_WORE_UNIVERS F_OWN PCT_F_OWN F_OWN PCT_F_OWNF CHILDU6 _CHILDU6 _CHILDU6 _CHILDU6_LF 1 624 81 12.98 63 10.10 2 377 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 207 19 9.18 19 9.18 4 370 0 0.00 0 0.00 # IF OWN PCT_F_OWN_CHILDU6 NLF F_OWN_CHILDU6_17 PCT_F_OWN_CHILDU6 17 F_OWN_CHILDU6_17_ LF 1 18 2.88 24 3.85 24 2 0 0.00 5 20 1.33 9.66 5 20 89 3 0 0.00 4 0 0.00 89 24.05 T_F_OWN_CHILDU6 F_OWN_CHILDU6_17_ PCT_F_OWN_CHILDU6 F OWN CHILD17 PCT F OWN CHILD17 17 LF NLF 17 NLF - - - - - 1 3.85 0 0.00 230 36.86 2 1.33 0 0.00 102 27.06 3 9.66 0 0.00 38 18.36 4 24.05 0 0.00 13 3.51 # F OWN CHILD17 LF - - - PCT_F_OWN_CHILDI7 LF F OWN CHILD17 NLF - - - PCT_F_OWN_CHILD17 NLF F NO CHILD - - 1 179 28.69 51 8.17 289 2 91 24.14 11 2.92 270 3 38 18.36 3.51 0 0.00 130 268 4 13 0 0.00 # PCT_F_NO_CHILD F_NO_CHILD PCT_F_NO_CHILD F_NO_CHILD PCT_F_NO_CHILD _NL _LF _LF _NLF F 1 46.31 209 33.49 80 12.82 2 71.62 169 44.83 101 26.79 3 62.80 101 48.79 29 14.01 4 172.43 1233 162.97 35 9.46 19/20 8/25/2021 # EMP_STAT_UNIVERSE 1 1,807 2 824 3 2,089 4 1813 EMP_STAT_IN_LF PCT_EMP_STAT_IN_LF EMP_STAT_IN_CIV_LF PCT_EMP V—STAT_IN_CI LF 1,151 63.70 1,151 494 100.00 100.00 100.00 494 59.95 15.94 333 333 632 77.74 632 100.00 # EMP_STAT_EMPLOYE PCT_EMP_STAT_EMPL EMP_STAT_UNEMPLO PCT_EMP_STAT_UNE EMP_STAT_IN_AF D OYED YED MPLOYED 1 949 82.45 202 74 17.55 14.98 0 0 0 2 420 85.02 3 323 97.00 10 3.00 4 488 77.22 144 22.78 0 # PCT_EMP_STAT_IN_AF EMP_STAT_NOT_IN_LF PCT_EMP_STAT_NOT_IN_LF Area(ft2) 1 0.00 656 36.30 120,001,787.07 2 0.00 330 40.05 61,370,292.11 3 0.00 1,756 84.06 12,265,398.64 4 0.00 181 22.26 4,636,583.15 The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) makes these documents available on an "as is" basis. All warranties and representations of any kind with regard to said documents are disclaimed, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. Under no circumstances will the NCDEQ, or any of its officers or employees be liable for any consequential, incidental, special or exemplary damages even if apprised of the likelihood of such damages occurring. The NCDEQ does not warrant the documents against deficiencies of any kind. The use of any of these documents for work which is under contract with the NCDEQ, does not relieve the contractor from any obligations assumed by the contract or from complete and proper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, nor does it entitle the contractor to compensation for damages or loss which could be attributed to such use. 20/20