HomeMy WebLinkAbout24008_Selles Bagwell_Brownfields Assessment Work Plan_20201217 i S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx Brownfields Assessment Work Plan Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property S. Tryon Street and Distribution Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project ID: 24008-20-060 H&H Job No. PRO-011 Table of Contents Section Page No. 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1  2.0 Brownfields Assessment Scope of Work .............................................................................. 5  2.1 Soil Assessment .................................................................................................................... 5  2.2 Groundwater Assessment ..................................................................................................... 6  2.3 Soil Vapor Assessment ......................................................................................................... 8  2.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control .................................................................................... 11  2.5 Boring Abandonment and Investigation Derived Waste .................................................... 11  3.0 Scope of Work – 2322-2324 Distribution Street Parcel .................................................... 13  4.0 Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 14  Table Table 1 Proposed Sample Summary List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Proposed Sample Location Map Appendices Appendix A Previous Data Tables and Figures Appendix B Phase I ESA Report – 2322-2324 Distribution Street 1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx Brownfields Assessment Work Plan Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property S. Tryon Street and Distribution Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project ID: 24008-20-060 H&H Job No. PRO-011 1.0 Introduction On behalf of FHN 2301 South Tryon, LLC c/o The Providence Group, Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this work plan to conduct Brownfields assessment activities at the Selles Bagwell Brownfields property located south of the intersection of S. Tryon Street and Dunavant Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). The Site is in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program (ID# 24008- 20-060). The Site consists of the following five (5) contiguous parcels of land that total approximately 3.26 acres:  Parcel #12104301 (2310 S. Tryon Street) – a 0.455-acre industrial property developed with a 4,500-square ft office/warehouse building constructed in 1984 and most recently occupied by Kelly & McArdle Construction;  Parcel #12104302 (2311 S. Tryon Street) – a 0.563-acre industrial property developed with a 13,000-square ft office/warehouse building constructed in 1967 and most recently occupied by Best Tile;  Parcel #12104303 (2321 S. Tryon Street) – a 1.088-acre industrial property developed with an 8,900-square ft office/warehouse building constructed in 1959 and currently occupied by Interstate Electric;  Parcel #12104304 (2405 S. Tryon Street) – a 0.497-acre industrial property developed with a vacant 9,000-square ft duplex industrial office/warehouse building constructed in 1976; and 2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx  Parcel #12104319 (2300 Distribution Street) – a 0.661-acre industrial property developed with a 15,508-square ft office/warehouse building constructed in 1966 and currently occupied by World of Stone. The Site received a letter of eligibility for entry into the DEQ Brownfields Program (Brownfields Project No. 24008-20-060) on July 2, 2020. During an initial Site meeting and follow up email correspondence, the DEQ Brownfields Project Manager Cody Cannon requested that additional soil, groundwater, soil gas, and sub-slab soil vapor sampling be completed to evaluate current environmental conditions at the Site. In addition, H&H understands that The Providence Group is currently considering purchase of a 0.808-acre industrial property (Parcel #12104317) located adjacent and south of the Selles Bagwell Brownfields property at the address 2322-2324 Distribution Street, which may require assessment and which may be added to the Brownfields property in the future. Therefore, H&H has included a scope of work to assess this parcel within the DEQ Brownfields Program. Proposed redevelopment plans have not been prepared for the Brownfields Site. However, H&H understands that future redevelopment plans may include future residential use. A Site location map is included as Figure 1. Historically, the parcels that comprise the Brownfields Site were developed as follows:  2301 S. Tryon Street – was developed with Standard Memorial and Beaslev Coal (1930s), single-family residence (1940s-1960s), vacant land (1960s-1980s), industrial office/warehouse (1988-present);  2311 S. Tryon St. – was developed with an industrial office/warehouse former mill (1960s- present, formerly occupied by Selles Bagwell);  2321 S. Tryon St. – was developed with an industrial office/warehouse (1950s-present);  2405 S. Tryon St. – was developed with an industrial office/warehouse (early 1980s- present); and 3 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx  2300 Distribution St. – was developed with an industrial office/warehouse (late 1960s- present). Prior to development of the structures listed above, the Brownfields Site was agricultural land in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph. The additional parcel that The Providence Group is considering adding to the Brownfields Site (2322-2324 Distribution Street) has been occupied by Mutual Distributing Co. – beer and wine distributor (late 1960s to mid- 1970s), Maco Industries, Inc. – industrial machinery and equipment design/fabrication/installation (1980s), SGF Inc. (1980s), Chem Clean Inc. janitorial supplies (late-1980s to early 2000s), Interior Constructors (1990s), Five Suns Inc. (late 1990s), Power Trane Corp. (2000s), Southend Imports LLC – auto service (2000s to 2010s), AVS Custom Iron Works (2010), Charlotte Grill/DJ Distributing (2010s to the present), a wood shop (late 2010s to the present), and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store (late 2010s to the present). A copy of a recent Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) prepared by H&H for the additional 2322-2234 Distribution Street parcel is included in Appendix A. H&H conducted a Phase II ESA at the 2300 Distribution Street in December 2019 that included the collection of groundwater and sub-slab vapor samples for laboratory analysis. The assessment activities were conducted to assess the potential for impact to the subject Site from historical Site operations, upgradient contaminant sources, and to evaluate potential risks associated with future Site development, including the potential for vapor intrusion. A summary of the results of the Phase II ESA is provided below. H&H conducted Phase II ESA groundwater and sub-slab vapor sampling activities to evaluate the potential for groundwater and sub-slab vapor impacts at the Site associated with an off-Site release of chlorinated solvents previously identified by others on the adjacent Dunavant Street Brownfields property. 4 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx Groundwater Summary The results of groundwater sampling activities collected at the 2300 Distribution Street Site identified volatile organic compounds (VOCs) trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE, reported as an estimated J-flag value) in a groundwater sample collected from TMW-1 (collected in the eastern portion of the Site) at concentrations above 2L Standards. The semi-VOC (SVOC) bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was detected in the TMW-2 groundwater sample (collected in the northern portion of the Site) at a concentration below the 2L Standard. Risk calculations run on the groundwater sample collected in the eastern portion of the Site (TMW-1) indicate a potential for vapor intrusion for future structures if developed in that portion of the Site. Additional assessment and/or vapor mitigation may be warranted once intended future use for Site buildings are finalized in this portion of the Site. Sub-Slab Vapor Summary Results of sub-slab vapor sampling activities conducted within the existing Site building located at 2300 Distribution Street did not identify the potential for vapor intrusion above acceptable levels under a residential or non-residential use scenario. On September 1, 2020, a kick-off meeting was held at the Site with the DEQ Brownfields project manager Mr. Cody Cannon, to discuss historical uses at the Site, previous assessment activities, and data gaps associated with current conditions at the Site in preparation for future re- development. This work plan describes proposed assessment activities to address the remaining data gaps identified during the kick-off meeting and previously agreed upon based upon exchange of a proposed sample location map. A summary of the proposed Brownfields assessment activities is discussed further in Section 2.0. 5 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx 2.0 Brownfields Assessment Scope of Work The Brownfields assessment activities will be performed in general accordance with DEQ’s Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (Guidelines) dated January 2020, the DEQ DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018, and most recent version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidance. A proposed sample table is included as Table 1 and the proposed sample locations (with future building overlay) are depicted on Figure 2. Our proposed scope of work is presented in the following sections. 2.1 Soil Assessment H&H and/or a contractor will advance six (6) soil borings in DEQ Brownfields requested locations to further evaluate soil conditions at the Site. Prior to boring advancement, H&H will contact North Carolina 811 and contract with a private utility locator to mark the locations of underground utilities. The proposed soil borings are described as follows:  One (1) soil boring (SB-1) will be advanced adjacent to the existing diesel aboveground storage tank (AST) fueling system located on the Interstate Electric property (2321 S. Tryon Street) to a depth of 5 ft below the ground surface (bgs) for collection of a grab sample.  One (1) soil boring (SB-2) will be advanced in the former underground storage tank (UST) basin located in the Interstate Electric property (2321 S. Tryon Street) to a depth of 10 ft bgs for collection of a grab sample.  Four (4) shallow soil borings (SB-3A to SB-3D) will be advanced in an area of a former coal pile previously located on the former Kelly & McArdle property (2301 S. Tryon Street) to a depth of 3 ft bgs for collection of a grab/composite sample. Continuous soil samples will be collected from each soil boring and described for lithologic purposes, observed for the presence of obvious staining, unusual odors, and field screened for 6 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx volatile organic vapors using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples selected for laboratory analysis will be collected directly into laboratory supplied glassware, labeled with the sample identification, date, time, and requested analyses and placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice. The samples will be delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols. The SB-1 and SB-2 soil samples will be submitted for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199. The RCRA metals include arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver. One grab soil sample will be collected from soil borings SB-3A to SB-3D from the boring that exhibits the greatest evidence of impact (e.g., highest PID reading) and will be submitted for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260. The remaining soil from borings SB-3A to SB-3D will be selected from a depth interval, composited in the field, and submitted to the lab for analysis of SVOCs by EPA Method 8270 and RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199. The soil boring locations will be estimated (horizontal and vertical elevations) using a sub-meter GPS unit. 2.2 Groundwater Assessment H&H will contract with a North Carolina licensed driller to install four (4) temporary monitoring wells (TW-3 to TW-6) at the Site. Prior to installing the temporary monitoring wells, H&H will obtain a Subsurface Investigation Permit (SIP) as required by Mecklenburg County. Upon completion of the groundwater sampling, H&H will provide well abandonment records to the County. However, H&H will not register the wells or provide the analytical results to the County unless directed to do so. County regulations do not specifically require reporting of results for temporary wells. 7 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx The four temporary monitoring wells will be installed at the following on-Site locations:  One (1) temporary monitoring well (TW-3) will be advanced in the former UST basin located in the Interstate Electric property (2321 S. Tryon Street) to an approximate depth of 18 ft bgs.  One (1) temporary monitoring well (TW-4) will be advanced in the southern portion of the Site on the Interstate Electric property (2321 S. Tryon Street) to an approximate depth of 18 ft bgs.  One (1) temporary monitoring well (TW-5) will be advanced downgradient of the existing diesel AST fueling system located on the Interstate Electric property (2321 S. Tryon Street) to an approximate depth of 20 ft bgs.  One temporary monitoring well (TW-6) will be advanced at a location in the upgradient northern corner of the Site on the former Kelly & McArdle property (2301 S. Tryon Street) to an approximate depth of 25 ft bgs. Based on the depth to groundwater encountered during installation and sampling of temporary monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-2 on the World of Stone property, H&H estimates that groundwater will be encountered at depths ranging from approximately 8 ft bgs in the southern portion of the Site to 12 ft bgs in the northern portion of the Site. Therefore, H&H estimates that the temporary monitoring wells will be advanced to approximate depths of approximately 18-25 ft bgs. The temporary monitoring wells will be constructed using 1-inch diameter PVC riser with a 10-15 ft section of well screen set to bracket the water table. The temporary wells will be installed with pre-packed sand-filtered screens installed at the bottom of the well boring. A bentonite seal (minimum 2 ft thick) will be installed above the filter sand pack. Prior to sampling, H&H will develop/purge the temporary monitoring wells by removing at least three well volumes using a peristaltic pump or a bailer. Once three well volumes have been removed, the well will continue to be purged using low-flow methods until field parameters of temperature, pH, specific conductivity, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) stabilize and turbidity is less than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), if practical. Following stabilization 8 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx of field parameters, groundwater samples will be collected using low-flow sampling techniques and “soda straw” sampling method for VOCs. Following sample collection, samples will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA Metals by EPA Methods 6020/7471. The RCRA metals include arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver. Prior to abandonment, the temporary monitoring well locations will be estimated (horizontal and vertical elevations) using a sub-meter GPS unit. In addition, the temporary monitoring wells will be surveyed using an assumed Site elevation and gauged to determine an estimated groundwater direction and to generate a potentiometric map for inclusion the Brownfields Assessment report. 2.3 Soil Vapor Assessment To further evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion associated with future Site buildings, H&H proposes to subcontract with a North Carolina certified drilling subcontractor to install one (1) soil gas vapor point at the following on-Site location: Soil Gas Vapor  One soil gas vapor point (SG-1) will be advanced at a location in the eastern portion of the Site adjacent to the former TW-1 temporary monitoring well (installed during previous Phase II ESA activities) located on the World of Stone property (2300 Distribution) to an approximate depth of 5 ft bgs. The soil gas point will be installed using a hand auger/DPT rig with a 6-inch 0.010-inch stainless steel screen set at the base of the boring connected to the surface with ¼-inch Teflon tubing. The annular space will be filled with filter sand followed by a bentonite seal to prevent short-circuiting of air from the surface. Soil gas point will be allowed to equilibrate for approximately two hours following installation. 9 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx During previous Phase II ESA sampling activities, H&H installed two permanent sub-slab vapor points (SS-1 and SS-2) at locations in the World of Stone warehouse (2300 Distribution Street). In addition to sampling SS-1 and SS-2, H&H proposes to install an additional four (4) sub-slab vapor points (SS-3 to SS-6) at the following on-Site locations: Sub-Slab Vapor  One sub-slab vapor point (SS-3) will be advanced in the concrete floor of the Best Tile warehouse (2311 S. Tryon Street).  One sub-slab vapor point (SS-4) will be advanced in the concrete floor of the Interstate Electric warehouse (2321 S. Tryon Street).  One sub-slab vapor point (SS-5) will be advanced in the concrete floor of the vacant warehouse (2405 S. Tryon Street).  One sub-slab vapor point (SS-6) will be advanced in the concrete floor of the former Kelly & McArdle warehouse (2301 S. Tryon Street). H&H will collect the sub-slab vapor samples using Cox Colvin Vapor Pin™ (Vapor Pin) kits. To install the vapor pins, H&H will use a hammer drill to install a countersunk 1.5-inch diameter hole into the concrete slab to a depth of approximately 1.75 inches. Following advancement of the countersunk hole, a drill guide will be placed in the hole and a hammer drill equipped with a 5/8- inch diameter bit will be used to further advance the borehole through the concrete slab and approximately 6 inches into the underlying soil. Following borehole advancement, loose cuttings will be removed. Then, the Vapor Pin assembly (brass sampling point and silicone sleeve) will be placed and seated in the drilled hole by tapping the assembly into place using the installation/extraction tool and a dead blow hammer. Prior to collection of the vapor samples, leak checks will be completed for the SG-1 soil vapor sample point and the SS-1 to SS-6 sub-slab sample points. The leak check will be performed prior to collecting the vapor samples by first placing a shroud over each sample point, filling the shroud with helium gas, and using a field helium gas detector to verify that the shroud is saturated with helium gas. Then, the sample points will be purged using a syringe and a three-way valve to collect 10 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx purged vapor into a Tedlar® bag. The purged vapor will subsequently be analyzed using the helium gas detector to ensure that helium concentrations are less than 10% of the helium concentrations in the shroud. Following a successful leak check, the soil gas and the sub-slab vapor samples will be collected using one-liter Summa® canisters. Shut-in leak tests will be performed on each Summa canister and sampling train prior to sampling. The Summa® canisters will be connected to the Vapor Pin via Teflon® tubing. The Summa® canisters will be allowed to fill slowly (less than 200 milliliters per minute [mL/min]) using an airflow regulator. Prior to and after the samples are collected, vacuum in the canisters will be measured using a laboratory-supplied vacuum gauge and recorded by sampling personnel. The vacuum pressure in each Summa canister upon completion of the sampling event will be between three and six inches of mercury and will not be allowed to reach zero inches of mercury. The laboratory will be instructed to use reporting limits that are below applicable DEQ screening levels for the VOCs to the extent possible. During sample collection, H&H will collect measurements of ambient temperature at the beginning, middle, and end of the sample collection period in the general areas of the soil gas and the sub-slab vapor samples. In addition, outside weather will be noted during the sampling period. Following sample collection, the Summa® canisters will shipped under standard chain-of-custody protocols to a North Carolina-certified laboratory for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. The starting and ending vacuum in each canister will be recorded on the sample chain-of-custody, and upon receipt of the samples, the laboratory will record the final received vacuum pressure for each Summa canister. Each sub-slab and soil gas vapor sampling point will be abandoned, and the surfaces will be restored to pre-drilling conditions upon completion of sampling activities. The soil gas and sub-slab vapor sample points will be estimated (horizontal and vertical elevations) using a sub-meter GPS unit. 11 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx 2.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Following sample collection, the soil and groundwater samples will be placed in dedicated laboratory-supplied sample containers, labeled with the sample identification, date, and requested analysis, placed in a laboratory supplied cooler, and immediately covered with ice. All samples collected during the Brownfield assessment activities will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory or a nationally-accredited laboratory (for air samples) for the above-specified analyses under standard chain-of-custody protocol. For field and laboratory quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) purposes, H&H will collect one duplicate sample per media. Sufficient sample will be collected in the field in order to perform the duplicate analyses and the duplicate samples will be analyzed for the same compounds as the parent sample. Additionally, sufficient soil and water samples will be collected in the field in order for the lab to perform a matrix spike and matrix duplicate (MS/MSD) analyses. A laboratory supplied trip blank will be placed into the laboratory supplied cooler that is used for water samples and will accompany field personnel during groundwater collection activities. The trip blank will be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260. In addition, H&H will request a Level II QA/QC data package from the laboratory and the laboratory will report values to the laboratory- specified method detection limits using J-flags. 2.5 Boring Abandonment and Investigation Derived Waste Upon completion of the soil and groundwater, and soil the soil gas vapor sampling activities, H&H will direct the drilling contractor to abandon the borings with bentonite and/or grout. The sub-slab sample points will be left in place in the event that an additional round of sub-slab vapor samples is required. The temporary well materials will be removed from the temporary monitoring well borehole prior to abandonment. Soil cuttings and groundwater generated during the Brownfields assessment 12 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx activities will be thin spread on-Site unless there is evidence of significant impact (such as free product). If there is evidence of significant impact, the investigation derived waste from that area will be containerized in 55-gallon drums. If wastes are containerized, then a composite sample of the materials will be obtained for waste disposal purposes. 13 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx 3.0 Scope of Work – 2322-2324 Distribution Street Parcel H&H proposes to also conduct Brownfield Assessment activities on the 0.808-acre industrial property (Parcel #12104317) located adjacent and south of the Selles Bagwell Brownfields property at the address 2322-2324 Distribution Street, which may be added to the Brownfields property in the near future. The scope of work will include collection of the following soil, groundwater, and sub-slab samples on this parcel: Soil Borings  One (1) soil boring (SB-4) will be advanced within the warehouse adjacent to what appears to be a former hydraulic automobile lift to a depth of 12 ft bgs.  One (1) soil boring (SB-5) will be advanced outside of the building adjacent to the loading dock to a depth of 6 ft bgs. Monitoring Well  One (1) temporary monitoring well (TW-7) will be advanced in the northern portion of the property at a location downgradient of the PCE release identified on the adjacent World of Stone parcel to a depth of 18 ft bgs. Sub-Slab Vapor Points  Two (2) sub-slab vapor points (SS-7 and SS-8) will be advanced in the concrete floor of each tenant space within the warehouse. The soil, groundwater, and the sub-slab vapor samples collected on the 2322-2324 Distribution Street property will be collected in a similar manner and analyzed for the same analytes as those sampled on the Brownfields property discussed above. H&H can generate a separate letter report or add our discussion of assessment activities and results to the proposed Brownfields Assessment report depending on if future plans include adding the 2322-2324 Distribution Street parcel to the Brownfields property. 14 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Brownfields Assessment Work Plan - Selles Bagwell Brownfields Property (BF #24008-20-060).docx 4.0 Reporting Upon completion of the field activities and receipt of the analytical data, H&H will prepare a report which describes the methods and results of the Brownfields assessment activities. The report will include a description of field activities, a tabular summary of the analytical results in comparison to regulatory screening levels, copies of boring logs, a figure depicting the sample locations, laboratory analytical reports including chain of custody records and sample receipt documents, a discussion of QA/QC data, and conclusions based upon our assessment activities. The report will be sealed by a North Carolina professional engineer (PE) or licensed geologist (LG) and the firm’s PE/LG numbers will be provided. Table Table 1Proposed Sample TableSelles Bagwell Brownfields PropertyS. Tryon Street and Distribution StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaBrownfields Project ID: 24008-20-060H&H Job No. PRO-011General Site Location Sample Objective Sample IDNumber of Sample LocationsSample MediaProposed Sample Depth*** (feet)VOCs by EPA 8260SVOCs by EPA 8270RCRA Metals by EPA Methods 6020 and 7470 or 7471Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199VOCs by EPA Method TO-15Duplicate SampleInterstate Electric Assessment SB-1 1 Soil 5XXXX XInterstate Electric Assessment SB-2 1 Soil 5XXXXKelly & McArdle Assessment SB-31 sample(w/ 4 composite points)Soil 3XXXXInterstate Electric Assessment TW-3 1 Groundwater 18 X X X XInterstate Electric Assessment TW-4 1 Groundwater 18 X X XInterstate Electric Assessment TW-5 1 Groundwater 20 X X XKelly & McArdle Assessment TW-6 1 Groundwater 25 X X XWorld of StoneFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSG-1 1 Soil Vapor 5XXWorld of StoneFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-1 and SS-2 2 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.52XBest Tile Future Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-3 1 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.5XInterstate ElectricFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-4 1 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.5XVacant WarehouseFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-5 1 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.5XKelly & McArdle Future Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-6 1 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.5XAssessment SB-4 1 Soil 12XXXXAssessment SB-5 1 Soil 6XXXXFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentTW-7 1 Groundwater 18 X X XFuture Worker/ Occupant Risk AssessmentSS-7 and SS-8 2 Sub-Slab Vapor 0.52X Notes:*** = final depth to be determined based upon conditions observed in the fieldVOCs = volatile organic compoundsSVOCs = semi-volatile organic compoundsEPA = Environmental Protection AgencyRCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver)N/A = not applicable Brownfields Assessment Assessment of the 2322-2324 Distribution Street Parcel2322-2324 Distribution St.S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-011 S Tryon & Distribution Street - Brownfields\Workplan\Sample Table\Proposed Sample Table112/20/2020Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Figures 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET N U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 1991 TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP SELLES BAGWELL BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY S TRYON STREET & DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE: 12-15-20 0 1PRO-011 SITE μ00.010.020.005MilesDate Printed: 10/13/2020 2:23:37 PMThis map or report is prepared for the inventory of real property within Mecklenburg County and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, tax maps, surveys, planimetric maps, and other public records and data. Users of this map or report are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification. Mecklenburg County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained herein.Polaris 3G Map – Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaSelles Bagwell Brownfields Site675<21675<21',675,%87,21675<21675<21',675,%87,2167PROPOSED SUBSLAB VAPOR SAMPLEPROPOSED GROUNDWATER SAMPLESUBSLAB VAPOR SAMPLEGROUNDWATER SAMPLEPROPOSED SOIL SAMPLESS-2SS-1TW-2TW-1TW-5TW-4TW-3SS-5SS-3SS-4SB-1SB-2PROPOSED BROWNFIELDS ASSESSMENTSAMPLE LOCATION MAP (Revised 10-16-20)SELLES BAGWELL PROPERTY BROWNFIELDS #24008-20-060SS-6TW-6SB-3 (Shallow Composite/Grab)SAMPLE PLANGROUNDWATER SAMPLESTW-1 - ABANDONEDTW-2 - ABANDONEDTW-3TW-4TW-5TW-6SUB-SLAB (SS) / SOIL GAS (SG)SS-1SS-2SS-3SS-4SS-5SS-6SG-1SOIL BORING SAMPLESSB-1 - GRABSB-2 - GRABSB-3 - COMPOSITE/GRABSG-1ADDITIONAL BF SAMPLESNEEDED IF ADDIING TO THEDEQ BFs PROGRAM Appendix A Previous Data Tables and Figures Table 1 Temporary Monitoring Well Construction and Water Level DataLight Industrial Building2300 Distribution StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. PRO-006Total Well DepthScreened IntervalDepth to Groundwater(ft bgs) (ft bgs)(ft bgs)TMW-1 1.0 20 5-20 8.6TMW-2 1.0 24 4-24 8.48Notes:Depth to groundwater measurements collected on November 22, 2019.ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceWell IDWell Diameter (inches)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO‐006 2300 Distribution Street\Phase II ESA\Tables\Data Tables12/10/2019Table 1Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical ResultsLight Industrial Building2300 Distribution StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. PRO-006Sample ID TMW-1 TMW-2Date 11/22/2019 11/22/2019Location DescriptionParking Lot Area - Eastern Portion of the SiteParking Area - Northern Portion of the SiteVOCs (8260D)cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.6<0.2970 -- --Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.62J<0.44-- -- --Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.35J<0.2820 4,500 20,000Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)0.80J<0.160.7 12 48Trichloroethylene (TCE)97.1<0.223 1 4.4SVOCs (8270)bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate<2.12.4J3----Notes:2) DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) (February 2018)3) DEQ DWM Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) (February 2018)Only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown.Concentrations are reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limitsBold value exceeds the DEQ NC 2L Groundwater Standard.Italicized value exceeds the DEQ Residential GWSL.Underlined value exceeds the DEQ Non-Residential GWSL.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs-- = not applicableJ = estimated value between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory reporting limitNon-Residential GWSLs(3)NC 2L Groundwater Standards (1) Residential GWSLs(2)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standards (2L Standards) (April 2013)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO‐006 2300 Distribution Street\Phase II ESA\Tables\Data Tables12/10/2019Table 3 Hart & Hickman, PC Table 3Summary of Sub-Slab Vapor Analytical ResultsLight Industrial Building2300 Distribution StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. PRO-006Sample IDSample LocationSample DateAnalytical MethodAcetoneBenzene2-Butanone (MEK)Carbon disulfideChloroformDichlorodifluoromethaneEthylbenzene4-Ethyltolunenen-HexaneMethylene ChlorideStyreneTolueneTetrachloroethene (PCE)Trichloroethene (TCE)Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneVinyl Chloridem&p-Xyleneo-XyleneSS-1Southern Warehouse/Loading Area11/22/2019 62 2.4 5.6 J<0.46 <0.411.6 J 0.82 J 2.8 J 1.5 J 14.3 6.8 1.4 J 1.4 J<0.536.6 15 6.1<0.262.2J 1.1 JSS-2 Northern Warehouse 11/22/2019 9.2<0.622.7 J 2.3 0.45 J 2.1<0.58 <1.10.85 J 10.6 0.67 J<0.67 <0.60 <0.480.96 J 1.1 J<0.76 <0.24 <1.3 <0.65220,000 120 35,000 4,900 41 700 370 NS 4,200 4,200 7,000 35,000 280 35,000 NS420 420 56 700 7002,700,000 1,600 440,000 61,000 530 8,800 4,900 NS 61,000 53,000 88,000 450,000 3,500 440,000 NS 5,300 5,300 2,800 8,800 8,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) (February 20182) DEQ DWM Non-Residential SGSLs (February 2018)Only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown except for the PCE daughter products TCE and vinyl chlorideCompound concentrations and SGSLs are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory detection limitsBold values exceed the Residential SGSL.J = estimated value between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory reporting limiNS = not specifiedTO-15Non-Residential SGSL (2)Residential SGSL (1)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO‐006 2300 Distribution Street\Phase II ESA\Tables\Data Tables12/10/2019Table 4Hart & Hickman, PC 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET N U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 1991 TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP LIGHT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 2300 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE: 10-8-19 0 1PRO-006 SITE REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PRO-006 DATE: 10-15-19 FIGURE NO. 1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 2300 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE AND SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY PAD-MOUNTED TRANSFORMER DUMPSTER WASTEWATER RECYCLING SYSTEM WASTE OIL 55-GALLON DRUMS TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION SUB-SLAB VAPOR POINT LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology APARTMENT BUILDING UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION (2115-2205 DUNAVANT ST.) D U N A V A N T S T R E E T VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING (2301 DISTRIBUTION ST.) CHARLOTTE GRILL CO. (2324 DISTRIBUTION ST.) INTERSTATE ELECTRIC COMPANY (2321 S. TRYON ST.) BEST TILE CHARLOTTE (2311 S. TRYON ST.) KELLY MCARDLE CONSTRUCTION (2301 S. TRYON ST.)DISTRIBUTION STREETS. TRYON STREETWAREHOUSE OFFICESLOBBYLO A D I N G AR E A SS-1 SS-2 TW-1 TW-2 L O A D I N G LO A D I N G S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-006 2300 Distribution Street\Phase I report\Figures\Site Map.dwg, SIte Map, 12/4/2019 12:42:47 PM, sperry Appendix B Phase I ESA Report – 2322-2324 Distribution Street Phase I ESA Light Industrial Property 2322-2324 Distribution Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PRO-013 October 12, 2020 i S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Phase I ESA Light Industrial Property 2322-2324 Distribution Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PRO-013 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................1  1.1 Site and Nearby Area Summary ............................................................................................1  1.2 Findings, Opinions, and Conclusions ....................................................................................2  2.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................7  2.1 Purpose and Scope of Services ..............................................................................................7  2.2 Methodology ..........................................................................................................................7  2.3 Out of Scope Items, Limitations, and Report Viability .........................................................8  2.4 User Responsibilities .............................................................................................................9  2.5 Special Terms and Conditions ...............................................................................................9  2.6 Data Gaps and Limitations ..................................................................................................10  3.0 Site and Area Description ....................................................................................................11  3.1 General Site Description and Use ........................................................................................11  3.2 Site Structures and Improvements .......................................................................................11  3.3 Site Owner, Parcel ID, Site Occupant, and Site Contact .....................................................11  3.4 Vicinity Characteristics .......................................................................................................12  3.5 Physical Setting ...................................................................................................................12  4.0 Records Review .....................................................................................................................15  4.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources – Federal, State and Local .................................15  4.2 Regulatory File Review .......................................................................................................19  4.3 Interviews ............................................................................................................................20  4.4 Historical Use Information ..................................................................................................21  5.0 Site Reconnaissance ..............................................................................................................26  5.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products ..................................................................26  5.2 Storage Tanks, Sumps, Floor Drains, Lifts, and Oil/Water Separators ...............................26  5.3 Water and Wastewater Issues ..............................................................................................27  ii S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 5.4 Indications of PCBs .............................................................................................................28  5.5 Indications of Waste Disposal .............................................................................................28  5.6 Surface Conditions ..............................................................................................................28  5.7 Stormwater and Flood Information .....................................................................................29  6.0 Signatures of Environmental Professionals ........................................................................30  7.0 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Conducting the Phase I ESA ................31  List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map List of Appendices Appendix A User Questionnaire Appendix B Mecklenburg County Tax Record Appendix C EDR Reports Appendix D Supporting Documents Appendix E Site Photographs Appendix F Curriculum Vitae 1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Phase I ESA Light Industrial Property 2322-2324 Distribution Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PRO-013 1.0 Executive Summary Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527-13 on a light industrial warehouse building located at 2322-2324 Distribution Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in this report. 1.1 Site and Nearby Area Summary H&H has provided a brief summary of the current and former uses of the Site and nearby area below. Subject Site  The subject Site consists of an approximate 0.81-acre parcel of land (Parcel Identification Number 12104317) that is developed with an approximate 12,012-square foot (sq ft) light industrial warehouse building. The building is currently subdivided into two retail units and occupied by two (2) tenants including Charlotte Grill (2324-A, retail grill sales) and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store (2324-B, pet supply) that occupy the northern and southern portions of the building, respectively. A third tenant, a wood shop, occupies the western (rear) portion of the warehouse building, which is accessed via the northern retail unit.  The Site was agricultural land in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph and had a stream crossing the Site in an east to southwest direction. The Site remained agricultural land until the current building was constructed in 1964. Since construction, the Site building has been occupied by Mutual Distributing Co. – beer and wine distributor (late 1960s to mid-1970s), Maco Industries, Inc. – industrial machinery and equipment design/fabrication/installation (1980s), SGF Inc. (1980s), Chem Clean Inc. 2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx janitorial supplies (late-1980s to early 2000s), Interior Constructors (1990s), Five Suns Inc. (late 1990s), Power Trane Corp. (2000s), Southend Imports LLC – auto service (2000s to 2010s), AVS Custom Iron Works (2010), Charlotte Grill/DJ Distributing (2010s to the present), a wood shop (late 2010s to the present), and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store (late 2010s to the present). Nearby Area  Adjacent properties consist of the following: World of Stone (2300 Distribution Street) to the north; Distribution Street to the east with a vacant industrial/warehouse building (2301 Distribution Street), BTS International (2321 Distribution Street), and Timely Filter Supply (2327 Distribution Street) located beyond; Bob Taylor Associates (2326 Distribution Street) to the south; and Interstate Electric (2321 S. Tryon Street) to the west and northwest.  Surrounding properties consisted of predominantly undeveloped and/or grass land to the southeast, south, and west of the Site and an apparent industrial/textile mill development to the northeast of the Site in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph. In the mid-1950s, the surrounding areas to the southeast, south, and west were depicted as graded/cleared land. By the mid-1960s, development of industrial and/or warehouse buildings began along Distribution Street, Dunavant Street, and S. Tryon Street. By early 2019, development of an apartment complex (The Hub South End Apartments) began at a location approximately 250 ft north and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. 1.2 Findings, Opinions, and Conclusions The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in connection with the Site. RECs are environmental conditions that include the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on the Site that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release in structures on the Site, or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water on the Site. The ASTM standard also defines a subset of RECs termed a Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) and a Controlled Recognized 3 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Environmental Condition (CREC). A HREC is defined as a REC which involves a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority and that is not subject to activity and/or use limitations. A CREC is defined as a REC which involves a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority and that is subject to activity and/or use limitations. Our findings regarding RECs are based upon our review of historical records and maps; review of regulatory database records and/or regulatory agency files; interviews with persons familiar with the Site; observations during the Site reconnaissance; and data evaluation. Based upon our completion of Phase I ESA activities, H&H has determined the following: We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527-13 of the Site located at 2322-2324 Distribution Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 2.0 of this report. This assessment has revealed no evidence of RECs in connection with the Site except for the following:  H&H reviewed previous environmental assessment reports for the Dunavant Street Brownfields Site (recently developed as The Hub South End Apartments) located across Dunavant, 250 ft north, and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. During review of the documents, a monitoring well (MW-1) located approximately 275 ft north and topographically upgradient of the Site was sampled and the lab data reported the volatile organic compound (VOC) chlorinated solvents trichloroethylene (TCE, 300 µg/L) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE, 74 µg/L) in groundwater at concentrations above the current NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 2L Groundwater Standards of 3 µg/L and 0.7 µg/L, respectively. A vapor mitigation system has been installed below the apartment building complex recently constructed on the Brownfields property. Based on this information, there is a 4 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx potential for chlorinated solvent impacts in groundwater identified on the adjacent Brownfields property to impact the eastern portion of the subject Site. H&H conducted groundwater and sub-slab vapor sampling activities on the adjacent World of Stone property (3200 Distribution Street) located north and topographically upgradient of the subject Site in November 2019 to further assess the chlorinated solvent release identified on the apartment complex. Results of groundwater sampling activities identified TCE and PCE (reported as an estimated J-flag value) in a groundwater sample collected from TMW-1 (eastern portion of the adjacent property) at concentrations above 2L Standards. The semi-VOC (SVOC) bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was also detected in the TMW-2 (northern portion of the adjacent property) groundwater sample at a concentration below the 2L Standard. Risk calculations run on the groundwater sample collected in the eastern portion of the adjacent property (TMW-1) indicate a potential for vapor intrusion to future structures if developed in the eastern portion of the adjacent property. However, results of sub-slab vapor sampling activities conducted within the existing building on the adjacent property did not identify the potential for vapor intrusion above acceptable levels under a residential or non- residential use scenario. Based on this information, there appears to be a moderate to high potential for the VOC chlorinated solvent impacts in groundwater detected on the adjacent property to impact the Site. Therefore, H&H considers the VOC chlorinated solvent impacts detected in groundwater on the adjacent property to be a REC.  During the Site visit, H&H identified a concrete-filled steel cylinder embedded below the concrete floor in the northern portion of the Site warehouse that appears to be associated with an abandoned former inground hydraulic automobile lift. Current tenants were not aware of the past uses associated with the cylinder but noted that a former tenant (Southend Imports) previously conducted auto service activities in this portion of the building. H&H did not identify record of previous assessment activities associated with the former hydraulic lift or former auto service activities during review of databases in the Environmental Database Resources (EDR) report, or during review of regulatory files on 5 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx the NC DEQ Laserfiche web-portal. Hydraulic automobile lifts utilize hydraulic oil and can release oil to subsurface soil when under pressure. Based on the lack of assessment reports, there is a potential for impact to the subject Site associated with the possible abandoned inground lift. Therefore, H&H considers the presence and former operation of an abandoned hydraulic lift without previous assessment to be a REC.  H&H identified the following potential environmental concern (PEC) in connection with the Site, which based upon our review, we not consider to be a REC:  The subject Site was not identified on the databases searched by EDR. However, two sanitary sewer overflow events identified on the SPILLS database were reported in the vicinity of the Site address (2324 Distribution Street). The first sanitary sewer overflow event (Incident #19996315) occurred on January 26, 1999 and involved the release of 2,000 gallons of sanitary wastewater into a tributary of Irwin Creek as a result of a blocked sanitary line with rags, paper, and debris. A second sanitary overflow event (Incident #201000084) occurred on January 7, 2010 and involved the release of 790 gallons of sanitary wastewater into a tributary of Irwin Creek. The cause of the 2010 release incident was not reported but Charlotte Water (previously Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility Department or CMUD) received a Notice of Violation (NOV) for the release incident. H&H interviewed Mr. Lon Snider, Environmental Regional Supervisor with the NC DEQ Water Resources who reported that Mecklenburg County’s response action to the spill incidents included: 1) prompt cleanup of debris items that created the blockage, 2) dilution of the spill area with municipal water (via a fire hydrant), and 3) application of lime to the ground surface in the area of the spill to kill potential biological hazards. Mr. Snider reported no ongoing assessment, cleanup, or remediation activities associated with the spill events after the initial response action by Charlotte Water and he reported no specific impacts to the subject Site. He also noted that addresses applied to the release incidents are a general indication of the release area but do not necessarily indicate that the release occurred on that property. Based on this information, the potential for impact to the subject 6 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Site appears low. Therefore, H&H does not consider the two sanitary SPILL incidents that occurred in the vicinity of the Site to be a REC. 7 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 2.0 Introduction This report presents the results of a Phase I ESA conducted on a light industrial warehouse building located at 2232-2324 Distribution Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. H&H conducted this assessment for Providence Group Capital in accordance with our authorized scope of work. 2.1 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of this assessment was to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes prescribed herein, recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Site. Such environmental conditions include the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at the Site, including subsurface vapors : (1) due to a release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. ‘Release’ shall have the same meaning as the definition of ‘release’ in CERCLA 42 U.S.C. § 9601(22) and ‘environment’ shall have the same meaning as the definition of ‘environment’ in CERCLA 42 U.S.C.§ 9601(8). In this assessment, ‘migrate’ and ‘migration’ refers to the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products in any form, including, for example, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface. 2.2 Methodology H&H performed this Phase I ESA in general conformance with current ASTM Standard E1527-13, Standard Practice for ESAs: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The Phase I ESA is also compliant with the statutory criteria for all appropriate inquiries currently accepted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under ASTM Standard E1527-13. The scope of services for the Phase I ESA includes the following tasks: 8 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx  acquisition and review of data on historical use of the Site;  site reconnaissance, review of adjacent properties, and interviews with knowledgeable individuals;  review of environmental databases;  contacts with regulatory officials, as appropriate; and  data analysis and reporting. 2.3 Out of Scope Items, Limitations, and Report Viability Out of Scope Items  cultural, historical, and archaeological sites survey;  radon and indoor air testing;  responsibilities of the User of this Phase I ESA to meet all appropriate inquiry as defined in ASTM E1527-13;  asbestos, mold, or lead-based paint survey;  drinking water testing;  rare and endangered species survey; and  wetlands verification/delineation. Limitations The following limitations may have the potential to affect the conclusions in this report:  accuracy and thoroughness of information obtained from the Site contact or other pertinent individuals interviewed during the Phase I ESA;  pertinent records, which may not be publicly available, obtainable within a reasonable time period or within cost constraints, and/or practically reviewable; and  observations during Site reconnaissance, which may be limited due to physical obstructions, access constraints, weather conditions, and/or safety concerns. H&H shall not be held responsible for consequences arising from data gaps or limitations which may have affected the ability for the environmental professional to evaluate the presence of RECs. 9 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx In addition, Section 4.5.1 of ASTM E1527-13 indicates that uncertainty is not eliminated through performing a Phase I ESA. Performing a Phase I ESA in accordance with ASTM E1527-13 is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs to exist on a property. Report Viability A Phase I ESA report can only be utilized for a period not to exceed 180 days from its commencement and prior to the date of acquisition or the intended date of transaction to remain viable in accordance with ASTM Standard E1527-13. After 180 days, a Phase I ESA report must be updated in accordance with the current ASTM Standard E1527 in place at that time to be viable. 2.4 User Responsibilities The User of this Phase I ESA has certain responsibilities to meet all appropriate inquiry as defined in ASTM E1527-13. H&H provided a User Questionnaire to Mr. J.Q. Freeman of Providence Group Capital to in part address the User’s responsibilities. A completed copy of the User Questionnaire is included in Appendix A. In addition, if available, the User should provide the environmental professional with copies of the following documents: previous environmental reports, title records, and information related to environmental liens and activity and use limitation (AULs). 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions, based solely upon visual observations of the Site and vicinity and our interpretation of the available historical information, documents reviewed, and/or analytical results as described in this report. They are intended exclusively for the purpose outlined herein and at the Site location and the project indicated. This report is intended for the sole use and reliance of Providence Group Capital. The report may not be relied upon by other parties without the express written consent of H&H and Providence Group Capital. The scope of services performed in execution of this investigation may 10 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx not be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other users, and any use or re-use of this document or the findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented herein is at the sole risk of said user. It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of contamination at the subject Site. It is possible that currently unrecognized contamination may exist at the Site. Opinions and recommendations presented herein apply to Site conditions existing at the time of our investigation and those reasonably foreseeable. They necessarily cannot apply to Site changes of which H&H is unaware and has not had the opportunity to evaluate. 2.6 Data Gaps and Limitations H&H identified the following data gap during the Phase I ESA:  H&H was unable to confirm Site use back to its first developed use. The Site was developed for agricultural use in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph. Although this is a data failure in accordance with ASTM E1527-13, the potential for this data failure to significantly impact the conclusions in this report appears to be low based on the lack of apparent commercial/industrial development on the Site in 1938. 11 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 3.0 Site and Area Description 3.1 General Site Description and Use A general Site description and its uses are noted below. Site Description: light industrial/warehouse building Site Address: 2322-2324 Distribution Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Parcel Size: 0.81 acres The subject Site consists of an approximate 0.81-acre parcel of land (Parcel Identification Number 12104317) that is developed with an approximate 12,012-square foot (sq ft) light industrial warehouse building. 3.2 Site Structures and Improvements Structures and improvements identified on the Site include the following: Building(s): approx. 12,012-sq ft light industrial building (constructed in 1964) Other Improvements: asphalt driveway and parking lot loading area and ramp storage shed and storage area Utilities: municipal water – Charlotte Water sanitary sewage – Charlotte Water electricity – Duke Energy natural gas – Piedmont Natural Gas 3.3 Site Owner, Parcel ID, Site Occupant, and Site Contact Site Owner: Joe B. Liles Parcel ID #: 12104317 Site Occupant: Charlotte Grill and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store Site Contacts: Derek Utsey (President/Owner of Charlotte Grill) 12 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx The building is currently occupied by two (2) tenants including Charlotte Grill (2324-A, retail grill sales) and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store (2324-B, pet supply) that occupy the northern and southern portions of the building, respectively. A third tenant, a wood shop, occupies the western (rear) portion of the warehouse building, which is accessed via the northern unit. Parcel and tax information are included in Appendix B. 3.4 Vicinity Characteristics The table below summarizes properties that surround the subject Site. Location Property Description North World of Stone (2300 Distribution Street) East Distribution Street with a vacant industrial/warehouse building (2301 Distribution Street), BTS International (2321 Distribution Street), and Timely Filter Supply (2327 Distribution Street) located beyond South Bob Taylor Associates (2326 Distribution Street) West and Northwest Interstate Electric (2321 S. Tryon Street) H&H identified the surrounding property Interstate Electric located west and northwest of the Site listed on environmental databases in the Environmental Database Resources (EDR) report, and H&H conducted Phase II ESA sampling activities on the World of Stone property in November 2019. Potential environmental issues associated with these adjacent properties are summarized in Section 4.0 and a copy of the EDR report is included in Appendix C. 3.5 Physical Setting The Site’s physical setting is presented as follows: Topography 7.5-Minute Topographic Map: Charlotte East, North Carolina (dated 1991) Site Elevation: 715 ft above mean sea level Topographic Gradient: southwest 13 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx The topographic gradient at the Site is generally to the southwest towards an unnamed tributary of Irwin Creek located adjacent and southwest of the subject Site. A copy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic quadrangle map is provided as Figure 1. Geology The subject Site is located in the Charlotte and Milton Belts of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Piedmont region consists of low, rounded hills and long, rolling, northeast-southwest trending ridges. In the Site area, bedrock is comprised of primarily granitic rock. In the Piedmont, the crystalline bedrock is overlain by a mantle of weathered rock termed saprolite or residuum. The saprolite consists of unconsolidated clay, silt, and sand with lesser amounts of rock fragments. Due to the range of parent rock types and their variable susceptibility to weathering, the saprolite ranges widely in color, texture, and thickness. Generally, the saprolite is thickest near interstream divides and thins toward stream beds. In profile, the saprolite normally grades from clayey soils near the land surface to highly weathered rock above competent bedrock. Hydrogeology The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the Piedmont is typically within two separate but interconnected water-bearing zones. A shallow water-bearing zone occurs within the saprolite, and a deeper water-bearing zone occurs within the underlying bedrock. Groundwater in the shallow saprolite zone occurs in the interstitial pore spaces between the grains comprising the saprolite soils. Groundwater in this zone is typically under water table or unconfined conditions. In general, groundwater migrates laterally from recharge areas to small streams that serve as localized discharge points. The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the underlying water-bearing zone within the crystalline bedrock is controlled by secondary joints, fractures, faults, and dikes within the bedrock. On a regional scale, the direction of groundwater flow is typically from uplands to major streams and groundwater sinks. The saprolite has a higher porosity than the bedrock and serves as a reservoir that supplies water to a network of fractures in the bedrock. 14 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Specifically for the Site, groundwater flow is expected to mimic topography and flow to the south then southwest towards an unnamed tributary of Irwin Creek located southwest of the subject Site. 15 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 4.0 Records Review 4.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources – Federal, State and Local H&H utilized Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR), an environmental database search service, for a cursory review of Federal and State regulatory database files regarding regulated facilities within the ASTM-specified search radii. Federal, state, local, tribal, and EDR proprietary databases were searched by EDR on September 26, 2019. The EDR report is included as Appendix C. Upon our review of the EDR report, H&H identified and summarized the following information pertaining to the subject Site, off-Site properties, and unmappable orphan properties. Site Although not identified on historical records (including City Directories), Brahma of NC is identified as a possible former Site tenant and is listed on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Non-Generator (RCRA NonGen) database. According to the EDR database report, ignitable waste was generated at this facility possibly associated with former auto service activities. The database did not identify a RCRA violation associated with the possible former tenant and H&H did not locate documents associated with former Site tenants during review of documents on the DEQ Laserfiche web-portal. H&H identified a concrete-filled cylinder embedded in the concrete floor in the northern portion of the Site warehouse that appears to be associated with an abandoned former inground hydraulic automobile lift. Additional information regarding the possible abandoned lift is summarized in Section 5.2 of this report. The subject Site was not identified on the databases searched by EDR. However, two sanitary sewer overflow events (Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant [WWTP] and CMUD Collection System) identified on the SPILLS database were reported in the vicinity of the Site address (2324 Distribution Street) associated with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility Department (CMUD and currently Charlotte Water). The first sanitary sewer overflow event (Incident #19996315) occurred on January 26, 1999 and involved the release of 2,000 gallons of sanitary wastewater into a tributary of Irwin Creek as a result of a blocked sanitary line with rags, paper, and debris. A second 16 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx sanitary overflow event (Incident #201000084) occurred on January 7, 2010 and involved the release of 790 gallons of sanitary wastewater into a tributary of Irwin Creek. The cause of the 2010 release incident was not reported but CMUD received a Notice of Violation (NOV) for the release incident. H&H interviewed Mr. Lon Snider, Environmental Regional Supervisor with the NC DEQ Water Resources who reported that Mecklenburg County’s response action to the spill incidents included: 1) prompt cleanup of debris items that created the blockage, 2) dilution of the spill area with municipal water (via a fire hydrant), and 3) application of lime to the ground surface in the area of the spill to kill potential biological hazards. Mr. Snider reported no ongoing assessment, cleanup, or remediation activities associated with the spill events after the initial response action by Charlotte Water and he reported no specific impacts to the subject Site. He also noted that addresses applied to the release incidents are a general indication of the release area but do not necessarily indicate that the release occurred on that property. Based on this information, the potential for impact to the subject Site appears low. Off-Site Properties Based on our review of the EDR report, H&H determined that the database listings for the following off-Site properties warrant further discussion due to their proximity to the Site:  Selles Bagwell (2311 and 2313 S. Tryon Street; currently occupied by Best Tile) is located approximately 100 ft northwest, and topographically cross-to upgradient of the subject Site. This facility is listed on the Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank (LAST) and Incident Management Database (IMD) databases. According to the EDR regulatory database report, an oil and grease release was reported at this facility on July 26, 2002. Petroleum- impacted soil was excavated and removed from the Site. Groundwater contamination was not reported and DEQ reportedly closed the incident in September 2002. Due to the lack of a reported impact to groundwater and the closed status of the release incident, the potential for impact to the subject Site appears low. 17 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx  Dunavant Street/ Heritage-Crystal Clean LLC (2115, 2135 and 2205 Dunavant Street, currently The Hub South End Apartments) is located approximately 250 ft north and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. This facility is listed on the Inst Control, Brownfields, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) databases. According to the Brownfields database, this property was granted eligibility into the DEQ Brownfields program on February 10, 2016. According to the RCRA generator database, the facility was listed as a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) in 2002 and 2008 and then as a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) in 1999. No RCRA violations were reported with this facility and the types of wastes that were generated were not listed. No additional information was available on the EDR database report. H&H reviewed environmental documents regarding the release incident reported at the Dunavant Street/ Heritage-Crystal Clean LLC property on the DEQ Laserfiche web-portal. Please see Section 4.2 for additional information regarding the release incident.  Beta Construction (216 Dunavant Street; a part of property currently developed as The Hub South End Apartments) is located approximately 300 ft north/northeast, and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. This facility is listed on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST), Inst Control, Brownfields, and the IMD databases. According to the EDR database report, a gasoline/diesel release was reported for this Site on August 14, 1989. Groundwater contamination was detected which resulted in placement of an institutional control on the property limiting development of the property to commercial land use and restricting groundwater use. DEQ closed the release incident on April 27, 2018. Please see Section 4.2 for additional information regarding the release incident.  Interstate Electric Co., Inc. (2321 S. Tryon Street) is located adjacent, west-northwest, and topographically cross- to upgradient of the Site. This facility is listed on the LUST, UST, and IMD databases. According to the EDR regulatory database report, soil contamination was discovered during removal of a 1,000-gallon gasoline UST from the facility in May 1991. Groundwater contamination was not reported and DEQ closed the release incident 18 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx in May 1991. H&H reviewed documents on the NC DEQ Laserfiche web-portal. Please see Section 4.2 for additional information regarding the release incident.  Conoco Store #33012/ Conoco Jimmy Whipple Mgr/ Circle K 2723935 (2200 S. Tryon Street) is located approximately 500 ft northwest and topographically cross-gradient of the Site. This facility is listed on the IMD, EDR Historic Auto Station (EDR Hist Auto), LUST, UST, Inst Control, Financial Assurance, and LUST TRUST databases. According to the EDR regulatory database report, a petroleum release was reported during removal of a UST system on September 10, 1991. Groundwater contamination has been documented associated with the UST system. However, groundwater appears to flow away from the Site in a westerly direction and DEQ closed the release incident in August 2002 after placing a groundwater use restriction on the property. Due to distance, the groundwater flow direction, and the closed status of the release incident, the potential for impact to the subject Site appears low.  AAMCO Transmission/Almar Auto (2413 S. Tryon Street) is identified listed on the RCRA NonGEN No Longer Regulated (NLR) and the EDR Hist Auto databases and is located approximately 200 ft west and topographically cross- to downgradient of the subject Site. According to information provided in the databases, the auto service shop was identified as a generator of spent halogenated solvents (F002) in May 1991 but without report of a RCRA violation or release incident. Due to area topography and the lack of a reported release incident, the potential for impact to the subject Site appears low. Unmappable Properties H&H reviewed unmappable properties presented in the EDR database report. Unmappable facilities do not contain sufficient address information in the environmental databases to plot them on a map. Based on the limited information provided in the EDR report, the unmappable properties do not appear to be within the ASTM-specified search radii; therefore, the potential for the unmappable properties to impact the Site appear to be low. 19 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 4.2 Regulatory File Review H&H utilized the DEQ Laserfiche web-portal to review regulatory files associated with the off- Site LUST incidents and Brownfields properties. A summary of the file review information is provided below, and pertinent portions of the documents reviewed are provided in Appendix D.  H&H reviewed environmental documents for the Interstate Electric Co., Inc. (2321 S. Tryon Street) and confirmed that groundwater contamination was not reported at the facility, and that DEQ closed the release incident in May 1991. Based on the closed status of the release incident, and the lack reported impacts to groundwater, the potential for the release from the UST that operated on the Interstate Electric Co., Inc. property to impact the Site appears low.  H&H reviewed environmental documents for the Dunavant Street/ Heritage-Crystal Clean LLC (2115, 2135 and 2205 Dunavant Street) and the Beta Construction (216 Dunavant Street) properties located approximately 250 ft north and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. These off-site properties are a part of a Brownfields property recently developed as The Hub South End Apartments. During review of the documents, H&H noted that a monitoring well (MW-1) located approximately 275 ft north and topographically upgradient of the Site was sampled and the lab data reported the VOC chlorinated solvents trichloroethylene (300 µg/L) and tetrachloroethylene (74 µg/L) in groundwater at concentrations above the current DEQ 2L Groundwater Standards of 3 µg/L and 0.7 µg/L, respectively. A vapor mitigation system has been installed below the apartment building complex recently constructed on the Brownfields site. Based on this information, there is a potential for chlorinated solvent impacts in groundwater identified on the upgradient Brownfields property to impact the subject Site.  H&H conducted groundwater and sub-slab vapor sampling activities on the adjacent World of Stone property (3200 Distribution Street) located north and topographically upgradient 20 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx of the subject Site in November 2019 to further assess the chlorinated solvent release identified on the apartment complex. Results of groundwater sampling activities identified TCE and PCE (reported as an estimated J-flag value) in a groundwater sample collected from TMW-1 (eastern portion of the adjacent property) at concentrations above 2L Standards. The semi-VOC (SVOC) bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was also detected in the TMW-2 (northern portion of the adjacent property) groundwater sample at a concentration below the 2L Standard. Risk calculations run on the groundwater sample collected in the eastern portion of the adjacent property (TMW-1) indicate a potential for vapor intrusion to future structures if developed in the eastern portion of the adjacent property. However, results of sub-slab vapor sampling activities conducted within the existing building on the adjacent property did not identify the potential for vapor intrusion above acceptable levels under a residential or non- residential use scenario. Based on this information, there appears to be a moderate to high potential for the VOC chlorinated solvent impacts in groundwater detected on the adjacent property to impact the Site. 4.3 Interviews Site Contact H&H interviewed the Site president, Mr. Derek Utsey during the Site visit. Mr. Utsey was not aware of storage tanks, septic systems, inground lifts, or other Site features of environmental concern. Mr. Utsey reported that the Site building has primarily been used for retail and distribution. Mr. Utsey reported that he was not aware of release of potentially hazardous materials or petroleum products at the Site. H&H also reviewed an employee of the wood shop operating in the western portion of the building during the Site visit who reported that he understood that a former tenant may have conducted vehicle service activities on the premises but did not have details regarding former Site operations. 21 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Fire Department H&H contacted Mr. David Ayscue of the Charlotte Fire Department to obtain information regarding fires or incidents involving hazardous materials or petroleum products on the Site. According to Mr. Ayscue, no records of environmental concern were identified associated with the subject Site. Environmental Health Department H&H utilized the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) Public Permit Search system online to search for potential water supply well or septic records associated with the Site. No septic or well records were identified associated with the subject Site. H&H also reviewed the LUESA Well Information System website, which is an online mapping system that depicts Mecklenburg Priority List (MPL) facilities (i.e. facilities with confirmed soil or groundwater impacts and landfills), registered monitoring wells and water supply wells, and where there has been an application for a Subsurface Investigation Permit (SIP). SIPs are required prior to conducting subsurface groundwater investigations in Mecklenburg County. In addition, no water supply wells were identified on the Site. The Site was not identified on the MPL and no SIPs were reportedly issued to the Site address. However, the Brownfields property (currently developed as The Hub South End Apartments) located 250 ft north of the Site was identified on the MPL database. Please refer to Sections 4.1 and 4.2 for further discussion of the off-Site Brownfields property. 4.4 Historical Use Information Aerial Photographs To assist with identifying past uses of the Site and surrounding area, H&H reviewed historical aerial photographs provided by EDR for select years between 1938 and 2016. Additionally, H&H utilized Google Earth to review a satellite image of the Site for year 2018. A summary of our review is provided in the table below, and the EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package is provided in Appendix C. 22 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Year Scale Subject Site Surrounding Property 1938 1943 1948 1951 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ The Site appears to be cleared and undeveloped land. A stream appears to flow through the Site in an east to southwesterly direction. The surrounding area consists of predominantly undeveloped land (southeast, south, and west) with what appears to be a textile and/or industrial facility across Dunavant Street and approx. 500 ft north of the Site. 1956 1” = 500’ The Site appears to be graded land for future development. Graded land is visible southeast, south, and southwest of the Site. 1965 1” = 500’ The Site appears to be developed with the existing Site warehouse building. Dunavant Street is visible 120 ft to the north and Distribution Street is visible east of the Site. What appear to be industrial/warehouse buildings are visible to the south along Distribution Street. Retail and industrial buildings are visible west of the Site along S. Tryon Street. 1968 1976 1983 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. The World of Stone building is visible north of the Site. An additional commercial/industrial building is visible west of the Site. 1988 1993 1996 2006 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. An additional commercial/industrial building is visible west of the Site. 1976 1983 1988 2006 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. An additional industrial development is visible west of the Site. 2009 2012 2016 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ 1” = 500’ Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. 2018 various Appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. Buildings north of Dunavant Street are no longer visible and the land appears to be graded for future development of the apartment complex. 23 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx City Directories To assist with identifying past uses of the Site and surrounding area, H&H reviewed city directory listings provided by EDR for select years between 1969 and 2014. The city directory listings are presented in the table below, and the EDR City Directory Abstract is included in Appendix C. Location Address City Directory Listing (Year) Site 2322 Distribution Street Mutual Distributing Co. (1969-1974) 2324 Distribution Street vacant (1969-1974) SGF Inc. and Maco Industries Inc (1984) Chem Clean Inc, janitorial services and supplies (1989) Interior Constructors Inc (1994) Five Suns Inc, Chem Clean Services (1999) Power Trane Corp and Chem Clean Products Co (2005) Southend Imports LLC and AVS Custom Iron Work (2010) North 2300 Distribution Street Chase Brass C Copper Co Inc Distributors (1969) Adams Gamble Whiting Inc, manufacturers agents (1974) Gamble Sale Inc, manufacturers agents (1974-1984) Alro Specialty Metals Inc, tool suppliers (1989-1994) World Stone Fabricators Inc (1999-2014) East 2301-2303 Distribution Street Southeastern Safety Appliances Inc (1969-1984) Southeastern Fire Control Inc, industrial fire equipment and Argus Fire Control, extinguishers whole seller (1989-1999) Charles Holloman Productions, Sound Trust, and Talbert Tom Imaging (2010) Charles Holloman Productions (2014) 2321 Distribution Street Riegel Paper (1969) Makarows Yarns (1974-1984) Carolina Platemakers (1989) Compu-Group (1994) Tony Knits Inc (1994-2005) Rock Carpet of Charlotte (2005) 2325-2327 Distribution Street Delta Knitting (1969) Le Februe Corp (1974-1984) Vacant (1989) Warren Alloy Valve Fitting Co. (1989-1999) Custom Blinds (2005) Arcus Medical (2010) South 2326 Distribution Street Creative Packaging (1984-1994) Jones Blair Paint (1999) Gregory Grier Inc. (2005-2014) 24 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx West-Northwest 2321 S. Tryon Street no listings (1969-2000) Interstate Electric Co (2005) IEC Investment (2014) H&H identified the adjacent Interstate Electric Co. property located west and northwest of the Site listed environmental databases in the EDR report, which is discussed further in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps H&H requested Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from EDR to assist with identifying past uses of the Site and surrounding area. However, there is no Sanborn coverage of the Site or surrounding properties in the EDR collection. User Questionnaire H&H submitted a User Questionnaire to Mr. J.Q. Freeman with Providence Group Capital to complete. Mr. Freeman indicated that the User is not aware of environmental liens, activity and use limitations, chemical releases, or environmental cleanups associated with the Site. H&H has included a copy of the completed User Questionnaire in Appendix A. Historical Use Summary The Site was agricultural land in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph and had a stream cross the Site in an east to southwesterly direction. The Site remained agricultural land until the current building was constructed in 1964. Since construction, the Site building has been occupied by Mutual Distributing Co. – beer and wine distributor (late 1960s to mid-1970s), Maco Industries, Inc. – industrial machinery and equipment design/fabrication/installation (1980s), SGF Inc. (1980s), Chem Clean Inc. janitorial supplies (late-1980s to early 2000s), Interior Constructors (1990s), Five Suns Inc. (late 1990s), Power Trane Corp. (2000s), Southend Imports LLC – auto service (2000s to 2010s), AVS Custom Iron Works (2010), Charlotte Grill/DJ Distributing (2010s to the present), a wood shop (late 2010s to the present), and Pet Wants-Urban Feed Store (late 2010s to the present). 25 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx Surrounding properties consisted of predominantly undeveloped and/or grass land to the southeast, south, and west of the Site and an apparent industrial/textile mill development to the northeast of the Site in the earliest historical source reviewed, a 1938 aerial photograph. In the mid-1950s, the surrounding areas to the southeast, south, and west were depicted as graded/cleared land. By the mid-1960s, development of industrial and/or warehouse buildings began along Distribution Street, Dunavant Street, and S. Tryon Street. By early 2019, development of an apartment complex (The Hub South End Apartments) began at a location approximately 250 ft north and topographically upgradient of the subject Site. 26 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 5.0 Site Reconnaissance Mr. Matt Ingalls of H&H conducted a visual reconnaissance of the subject Site on September 14, 2020. The weather conditions at the time of the Site visit were cloudy and temperatures were in the 60s F. General images of the subject Site and surrounding area are included as Photographs 1 through 14 in Appendix E. The Site and surrounding area are depicted on Figure 2. 5.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products During Site reconnaissance activities, H&H observed the following potentially hazardous substances and petroleum products stored on-Site:  wood glue staged within the wood shop; and  miscellaneous household cleaning supplies. The containers listed above appeared to be in good condition, and H&H did not observe staining or other obvious evidence of a release to the concrete pavement below or near the stored materials. 5.2 Storage Tanks, Sumps, Floor Drains, Lifts, and Oil/Water Separators During our Site visit, H&H visually assessed the subject Site for the presence of storage tanks, sumps, and floor drains. A summary of our assessment is presented below. USTs: none observed or reported ASTs: none observed or reported Sumps: none observed or reported Floor Drains: restrooms Lifts: possible abandoned hydraulic lift (warehouse) Oil/Water Separators: none observed or reported H&H did not locate evidence of storage tanks, sumps, or oil/water separators (OWS) during our Site visit and none were reported by Site contact Mr. Utsey. 27 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx H&H identified floor drains within the buildings restrooms. H&H did not observe unusual staining to the floor near the drains indicative of improper discharge of fluids into the sanitary sewage system. H&H identified a concrete-filled steel cylinder embedded below the concrete floor in the northern portion of the Site warehouse that appears to be associated with an abandoned former inground hydraulic automobile lift (Photograph 11). Current tenants were not aware of the past uses associated with the cylinder but noted that a former tenant (Southend Imports) previously conducted auto service activities in this portion of the building. H&H did not identify record of previous assessment activities associated with the former hydraulic lift or former auto service activities during review of databases in the Environmental Database Resources (EDR) report, or during review of regulatory files on the NC DEQ Laserfiche web-portal. Hydraulic automobile lifts utilize hydraulic oil and can release oil to subsurface soil when under pressure. Based on the lack of assessment reports, there is a potential for impact to the subject Site associated with the possible abandoned inground lift. 5.3 Water and Wastewater Issues Water and wastewater uses are summarized below. Water Municipal Water: service provided by Charlotte Water Water Supply Wells: none observed or reported Wastewater Sanitary Sewage: service provided by Charlotte Water Septic Systems: none observed or reported The Site is connected to the municipal water and sanitary sewer systems. H&H did not observe obvious evidence of water supply wells or septic systems during Site reconnaissance, and none were reported to exist by the Site contact Mr. Utsey. Two sanitary wastewater overflow events 28 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx were identified on the SPILLS databases in the EDR report. The events reportedly occurred in the vicinity of the subject Site and are discussed further in Section 4.1. 5.4 Indications of PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are sometimes found in mineral oils used in electrical equipment including transformers. PCBs are a potential environmental contaminant. Transformers: none observed or reported H&H did not observe transformers located on the subject Site. 5.5 Indications of Waste Disposal Indications of waste disposal are summarized below. Waste Containers: one dumpster observed on-Site Debris Piles: pallets and scattered cardboard H&H observed one solid waste dumpster staged on the northwest of the Site building. H&H did not observe obvious evidence of potentially hazardous materials or petroleum products discarded into the dumpster. H&H also did not observe unusual staining or other obvious evidence of a release of potentially hazardous materials or petroleum products to the gravel surface below or near the dumpster or the stored wooden pallets. 5.6 Surface Conditions During our reconnaissance of the subject Site, H&H identified the following surface conditions: Interior Surface Conditions: concrete slab (warehouse areas) floor tiles (office and lobby areas) Exterior Surface Conditions: asphalt-paved parking areas and driveway concrete loading area gravel storage area 29 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx H&H did not observe obvious evidence of stained soil, stressed vegetation, mounds, pits, depressions or unusually disturbed areas indicative of an environmental release during our reconnaissance of the Site. 5.7 Stormwater and Flood Information The following is a summary of stormwater and flood information: Stormwater The majority of stormwater at the Site is expected to follow surface topography towards storm drains located southeast of the Site along Distribution Street, or towards a tributary of Irwin Creek located southwest of the Site. H&H did not observe obvious environmental concerns associated with stormwater at the Site. Flood Information FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): Community Panel # 3710454300L (dated September 2, 2015) The FEMA maps indicate that the Site is not located within the 100- or 500-year flood zones. 30 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 6.0 Signatures of Environmental Professionals I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in Section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312, and have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. I have developed and performed the all appropriate inquires in conformance with the standards and practices set forth for the environmental professional in 40 CFR Part 312. Environmental Professional ________________________ Matt Ingalls, PG Sr. Project Manager 31 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Report\Phase I ESA - 2324 Distribution Street, Charlotte.docx 7.0 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Conducting the Phase I ESA Matthew Ingalls, Project Manager, has over 20 years of experience in environmental Site assessments, asbestos, lead-based paints, and wetland projects. Mr. Ingalls is a US EPA certified asbestos building inspector and management planner. Curriculum vitae for the individual listed above are included in Appendix F. 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET N U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 1991 TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE: 9-25-20 0 1PRO-013 SITE REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PRO-013 DATE: 9-25-20 FIGURE NO. 2 CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE DUMPSTER FORMER HYDRAULIC LIFT 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology BOB TAYLOR ASSOCIATES (2326 DISTRIBUTION STREET) UTSEY WOOD WORKING LOADING BAY WAREHOUSE DEBRIS STORAGE SHED CHARLOTTE GRILL BTS INTERNATIONAL (2321 DISTRIBUTION STREET) TIMELY FILTER SUPPLY (2327 DISTRIBUTION STREET) WORLD OF STONE (2300 DISTRIBUTION STREET) VACANT BUILDING (2301 DISTRIBUTION STREET)DISTRIBUTION STREETD U N A V A N T S T R E E T INTERSTATE ELECTRIC (2321 S. TRYON STREET)S. TRYON STREETVACANT BUILDING (2407 S. TRYON STREET) AAMCO TRANSMISSIONS (2413 S. TRYON STREET) BEST TILE (2311 S. TRYON STREET) NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020).S:\AAA-Master Projects\Providence Group Capital (PRO)\PRO-013 2324 Distribution Street (Charlotte Grill)\Figures\Site Map.dwg, FIG 2, 9/25/2020 5:44:18 PM, SVincentTHE HUB SOUTHEND APARTMENTS (2250 HAWKINS STREET) Appendix E Site Photographs Photograph 1: Charlotte Grill located in the northern portion of the Site building. Photograph 2: Pet supply shop located in the southern portion of the Site building.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 3: Gravel parking/storage lot located in the northern portion of the Site. Photograph 4: Loading dock to the pet supply warehouse.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 5: Pole structure located in the storage yard. Photograph 6: Wood shop located in the western portion of the building.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 7: Loading dock area for Charlotte Grill. Photograph 8: Pet supplies storage in the southern portion of the building.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 9: Empty warehouse space behind the pet supply shop. Photograph 10: Warehouse area behind Charlotte Grill in the northern portion of the building.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 11: Suspected former hydraulic lift cylinder located in the Charlotte Grill warehouse (northern portion of the building). Photograph 12: Bolts associated with a former aboveground lift observed in the northern warehouse.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f) Photograph 13: Sink identified in the pet supply shop. Photograph 14: Sewer and stormwater line identified west of the building.PRO-013CHARLOTTE GRILL 2324 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(f)