HomeMy WebLinkAbout16017_Carolina Medical Electronics_Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan and Compliance Review Letter Package_20211005 October 5, 2021 Sent Via E-mail Mr. Greg Kanellis, PE Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Ste 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Gkanellis@harthickman.com Subject: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan, Revision 3 – Compliance Review Carolina Medical Electronics King, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 16017-12-085 Dear Mr. Kanellis, The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Program (DEQ Brownfields) received and reviewed the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation (VIM) Plan, dated October 5, 2021, and DEQ Brownfields has found this VIM Plan to be in compliance with the Brownfields Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist dated March 2018. Consistent with standard brownfields vapor intrusion provisions which will be included in the brownfields agreement for this project, an essential component of public health protection for this design is the professional engineer’s seal of these documents that the proposed design will be effective at mitigating the potential for vapor intrusion at the property and protecting public health. Furthermore, the safe occupancy of the building will be evaluated upon system effectiveness, sub-slab soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling as required by Section 4.0 of the VIM Plan. In addition, DEQ Brownfields reserves the authority to require confirmation of efficacy in the future. Please be advised that this design compliance review from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. Greg Kanellis, PE October 5, 2021 Page 2 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my mobile number 980-435- 3657, or via e-mail at Kevin.slaughter@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, J. Kevin Slaughter. Brownfields Compliance Coordinator Division of Waste Management ec: Joseph H. Landry – President, Dynamic Real Estate Development, LLC Sarah H. Young - DEQ Brownfields David Peacock - DEQ Brownfields i https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan Carolina Medical Electronics King, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 16017-12-085 H&H Job No. DMM-001 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Design Basis ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Base Course Layer and Vapor Barrier ......................................................................3 2.2 Horizontal Collection Piping, Riser Duct Piping, and Ventilators ...........................4 2.3 Monitoring Points .....................................................................................................5 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control ....................................................................... 7 4.0 Post-Construction System Effectiveness Testing .................................................... 8 5.0 VIMS Effectiveness Monitoring ............................................................................. 13 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses ............................................................................ 14 7.0 Reporting .................................................................................................................. 15 Attachments Attachment A Preliminary Redevelopment Site Plan Attachment B VIMS Design (Sheets VM-1 and VM-2) Attachment C VIMS Product Specifications Attachment D Indoor Air Sample Select-VOC Analyte List Attachment E Assessment Analytical Data Summaries and Sample Location Map 1 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan Carolina Medical Electronics King, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 16017-12-085 H&H Job No. DMM-001 1.0 Introduction On behalf of Dynamic Real Estate Development, LLC (the Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan (VIMP) for the Carolina Medical Electronics Brownfields property located at 157 Industrial Drive, King, Stokes County, North Carolina (Site). The Site is comprised of one tax parcel (Stokes County Parcel ID No. 5991- 58-2808) totaling approximately 6.24-acres and is currently developed with a single-story industrial/ warehouse building with an associated asphalt parking area and driveways. A release of tetrachlorethylene (PCE) was identified at the Brownfields property in 1996 following removal of two tanks associated with a former septic system. As part of corrective actions following removal of the tanks, soil was excavated from the tank areas and land applied on an adjacent field. During assessments conducted in 2009 and 2010, PCE was detected in soil samples below the July 2021 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG). Groundwater assessment activities conducted at the Brownfields property have identified PCE at concentrations (up to 660 micrograms per liter [ug/L]) above the DEQ 2L Groundwater Quality Standard (2L Standard). In 2012, soil gas and indoor air samples were collected from the existing Site building, the results of which indicated detections of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE), a breakdown product of PCE, at concentrations above regulatory screening criteria. To address the impacts, a Brownfields Agreement for the Site was executed by the PD and the DEQ on February 5, 2013. Proposed redevelopment plans for the Site include construction of an approximately 35,000 square foot (sq ft) industrial building with office space. The remainder of the Site will generally be 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx covered with impervious surfaces including parking areas, sidewalks and gravel driveways. A copy of the redevelopment Site plan is included in Attachment A. H&H understands that the current Site building is in compliance with land use restriction (LUR) No. 4 included in the executed Brownfields Agreement. LUR No. 4 states: No building may be constructed on the Property and no existing building, defined as those depicted on the plat component of this (i.e., the Brownfields Agreement) document, may be occupied until DENR (now the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality [DEQ]) determines in writing that: a. the building is or would be sufficiently distant from the Property’s groundwater and/or soil contamination that the building’s users, public health and the environment will be protected from risk from vapor intrusion related to said contamination; or b. vapor mitigation measures are designed and installed or implemented to the written satisfaction of DENR is accordance with a plan, including methodology(ies) for demonstrating performance of the vapor mitigation measures, approved in writing by DENR in advance, and DENR has been provided a report that includes photographs and a description of the installation and performance assessment of said measures. To satisfy requirements set forth by LUR No. 4.b., the PD has elected to install a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) in the proposed Site building. As such, H&H has prepared this VIMP for installation of a passive VIMS to minimize potential structural vapor intrusion into the proposed Site building. The VIMP is described in the following sections and was designed in general accordance with the DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance (VI Guidance) and the DEQ Brownfields Program Preliminary Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist. 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 2.0 Design Basis The VIMS design for the Site building is included as Attachment B (Sheets VM-1 and VM-2) and will be used to guide construction of the system. The VIMS will operate as a passive system to extract and discharge sub-slab vapors above the roofline using riser duct piping and syphon ventilators. The proposed Site building will be single-story and constructed of metal walls and concrete foundations. The proposed finished ground floor area for the Site building is approximately 35,000 sq ft. The proposed future uses of the Site building will include office space and industrial machining of parts and assemblies. A summary of the VIMS design components is included in the following sections. 2.1 Base Course Layer and Vapor Barrier The VIMS includes placement of a minimum 5-inch base course gravel layer consisting of high permeability stone (clean #57 stone, or similar high permeability stone approved by the design engineer) below the proposed concrete slab. A protective fabric may be installed above the base course layer and beneath a vapor barrier. The protective fabric shall be 8-ounce non-woven geotextile manufactured by International Cover Systems (or, equivalent alternative geotextile). Technical specifications obtained from International Cover Systems are provided in Attachment C. Where used, geotextile shall be placed between the base course and the vapor barrier to protect the vapor barrier from potential damage. A vapor barrier will then be installed above the protective fabric if used or above the base course layer and beneath the concrete slab. The vapor barrier will consist of Vaporblock® Plus 20 (VBP20) manufactured by Raven Industries (Raven). VBP20 is an ASTM-certified 20-mil, multi-layer, chemically resistant vapor barrier, designed to minimize the migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The VIMP specifies that the vapor barrier will be installed per manufacturer installation instructions. Technical specifications and installation instructions obtained from Raven for the VBP20 vapor barrier and associated accessories are provided as Attachment C. 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx To summarize the vapor barrier installation instructions, VBP20 will be installed by the construction contractor to cover the base course layer below the slab of the proposed ground floor. The vapor barrier will be attached/sealed to concrete and masonry surfaces of footings and existing walls (see Sheet VM-2). Two-sided butyl seal tape will be used to attach/seal the vapor barrier to concrete or masonry surfaces. Seams within the building footprint will have a minimum 12-inch overlap and will be sealed with VaporSeal™ tape. Small puncture holes will be sealed with VaporSeal™ tape and/or Pour-N-Seal™. Larger holes, tears, or other damage will be repaired using a patch of vapor barrier that overlaps the damaged area and taped along the seams. In areas where utility penetrations (i.e., piping, columns, ducts, etc.) are present and the use of taping is not practical or is deemed “ineffective” by the design engineer, Pour-N-Seal™ will be poured into a form to patch the penetration with a vapor tight seal. Please note that an equivalent vapor barrier approved by the design engineer which meets the criteria specified on Sheets VM-1 and VM-2 of the VIMP may also be used by the installation contractor, such as Drago Wrap® manufactured by Stego Industries. If an alternate equivalent vapor barrier is selected, DEQ will be notified. 2.2 Horizontal Collection Piping, Riser Duct Piping, and Ventilators Passive sub-slab venting will be accomplished using 4-inch diameter poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) horizontal collection piping, 4-inch diameter PVC riser piping, and syphon ventilators which will collect vapor from beneath the floor slab and discharge above the building roofline. The piping layout is shown in Sheet VM-1, and cross-section details are shown in Sheet VM-2 (Attachment B). The Plan includes Empire Model SV04G (galvanized) syphon ventilator (or approved alternative) installed on the discharge end of the riser duct piping on the roof of the building. Discharge locations must be a minimum of 2 ft above the roofline and 10 ft from operable opening or air intake into the building. Note that ventilator locations on the rooftop depicted in the VIMS design may be repositioned within the requirements specified above and pending engineer approval. 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx Product specifications for the proposed ventilators and PVC vapor collection piping are provided in Attachment B. Solid sections of horizontal collection pipe shall be supported to prevent pipe sag or low point and maintain 1% slope toward slotted sections to drain condensation. Above-slab accessible riser duct piping will be permanently identified by means of a tag or stencil at a minimum of once every 10-linear ft with “Vapor System – Contact Owner”, or similar language. The riser exhaust locations will be accessible post-building construction to run electrical conduit and install junction boxes (120v, 60hz AC required) should future connection of active electrical fans be warranted. The PD may elect to install the junction boxes during building construction or wait to see if active mitigation is warranted. 2.3 Monitoring Points Pressure measuring points with secured covers (approximate locations depicted on Sheet VM-1) will be installed to allow future measurement of the pressure differential between indoor air and sub-slab gas, if needed. These points will also be installed to allow collection of sub-slab vapor samples for laboratory analysis and for pressure monitoring during the influence testing after construction. Additional pressure measurements will only be performed if the sub-slab vapor extraction system is converted from passive to active based on the results of post-construction indoor air sampling (as warranted, see Section 5.0). Specification sheets for pressure monitoring point securable covers are provided in Appendix B. The proposed monitoring point locations are preliminary and are subject to change based on Site conditions, such as subsurface utilities and accessibility. DEQ will be notified in advance if monitoring points are relocated significantly in relation to approved locations specified in the VIMP (i.e., moved to a location in a different mitigation area, section of slab, etc). In general, monitoring points will be placed at remotely distant locations from the riser duct piping. Note that for each phase of construction (above and below slab), construction contractors and sub-contractors shall use “low or no VOC” products and materials that could potentially contain the compounds of concern associated with the Site. The construction contractor and sub- 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx contractors shall provide safety data sheets (SDSs) to the design engineer for products and materials used during construction. SDSs provided by the contractor and sub-contractors will be included in the VIMS Installation Completion Report. 7 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control For quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) purposes, inspections will be conducted during each phase of system installation activities. VIMS components that require inspection are outlined below: (1) Inspection of sub-slab piping layout prior to installing protective fabric or vapor barrier; (2) Inspection of base course gravel layer prior to installing protective fabric or vapor barrier; (3) Inspection of vapor barrier prior to pouring concrete; (4) Inspection of above-grade riser duct piping; and (5) Inspection of syphon ventilators and riser duct pipe connections. Each inspection will be performed by, or under direction of, the design engineer certifying the VIMP. Inspections will be combined when possible, depending on construction sequencing and schedule. The inspections will include field logs and photographs for each section of slab. As requested, the engineer certifying the report, or designee, will provide DEQ with 48-hour notice prior to conducting the inspections. Please note that 48-hrs notice to DEQ may not be possible in all instances. Note that additional inspections will be conducted if the system is activated to verify that the electric fans (if installed) are functioning properly. 8 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 4.0 Post-Construction System Effectiveness Testing Post-construction influence testing will be conducted on the VIMS to evaluate sub-slab communication and document sufficient depressurization can be obtained below the slab should the system be activated with electric fans in the future. Influence testing will be conducted following installation of the horizontal collection piping, vapor barrier, and concrete slab pours. Testing will be conducted when the riser duct piping is stubbed above the slab. For system effectiveness testing, one or more variable-speed vapor extraction fans will be attached directly to riser duct piping. Pressure differentials will be measured at extraction fan locations and monitoring points for the section of slab being evaluated. As noted above, the monitoring point locations are included in Sheet VM-1 and VM-2 (Attachment B). A pressure differential resulting in depressurization below the slab of at least 4 pascals (approximately 0.016 inches WC) at remote distances from riser location of the VIMS is considered sufficient. The results of the influence test will be submitted to DEQ with the VIMS Installation Completion Report, unless the influence test reveals that modifications are needed to the VIMS to achieve the required sub-slab depressurization. In this case, the test results will be provided to DEQ prior to the VIMS Installation Completion Report to facilitate VIMS repairs or modifications, as needed. Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling Upon completion of successful influence testing and following completion of successful VIMS installation, sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from select monitoring points to further evaluate efficacy of the VIMS. Eight (8) sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from throughout the building as shown in Attachment B. Samples will be collected a minimum of two weeks following successful VIMS installation. Prior to sampling, each pressure measuring point will be sealed using an expandable well cap equipped with a Swagelok® sampling port. Dedicated Teflon sample tubing will be connected to the Swagelok® sampling port using a brass nut and ferrule assembly to form an air tight seal. To evaluate the reproducibility of the sample results, one duplicate sub-slab vapor sample will be 9 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx collected during each sampling event using a laboratory-supplied T-sampler which allows for collection of two sub-slab soil gas samples from a single monitoring point simultaneously. Prior to sample collection, leak tests will be performed for each monitoring point sample location. To leak test the annular seal between the monitoring point and the floor slab, a shroud will be placed around the monitoring point and sampling train including the Summa canister, the air within the shroud will be flooded with helium gas, then sub-slab soil gas will be purged from the sampling point with an air pump and collected into a Tedlar bag. A helium gas detector will be used to measure helium concentrations within in the shroud and in the Tedlar bag sample. The annular seal leak test will be considered successful if the helium concentration measured within the Tedlar bag sample is less than 10% of the concentration measured in the shroud. To leak test the fittings in the sampling train, a shut-in test will be performed in addition to the helium leak test. To complete the shut-in test, valves will be used to seal the fittings where the sampling train connects to the sub-slab soil gas point and the Summa canister. A vacuum will then be applied to the sampling train using either a vacuum pump or a syringe. After a minimum vacuum of 10 inches of water is achieved, a vacuum gauge on the sampling train will be observed for at least 30 seconds to ensure the pressure remains unchanged. If an observable loss in vacuum is noted, the leak test will be considered unsuccessful. If the helium or shut-in leak tests are unsuccessful, measures will be taken to identify and address the source of the leak and additional leak testing will be performed. In total, a minimum of 3 sample train volumes will be purged from the point prior to and during the leak testing activities. The sub-slab samples will be collected using laboratory supplied 1-liter Summa canisters over a 10-minute period using laboratory supplied flow regulator calibrated with an approximate flow rate of less than 200 mL/min. The vacuum of the Summa canisters will be measured at the start and end of the sampling event, and will be recorded by sampling personnel and included on the sample chain-of-custody record. Prior to use, the vacuum of the Summa canister will be checked. If a drop in Summa canister vacuum from when it was shipped from the laboratory to the time of use exceeds 10%, a replacement Summa canister will be used. The vacuum in each canister at the conclusion of the sampling event must remain above 0 inches of mercury (inHg), and ideally at approximately -5 inHg, to allow for proper laboratory analysis of the sample. The samples will be 10 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx submitted to a qualified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method TO-15, and will include the full TO-15 list including naphthalene. Assessment Analytical Data Summaries showing previously detected constituents and a Sample Location Map are included as Attachment E. The analytical laboratory will be instructed to report J-flag concentrations for each sample and to report received canister vacuums. In addition, H&H will request that the laboratory report compounds concentrations to the lower of the laboratory method detection limits or the DEQ DWM Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs). After receipt of the sub-slab soil gas sample analytical results, H&H will use the most recent version of the DEQ Risk Calculator to evaluate cumulative vapor intrusion risks for a non- residential worker scenario. In the case where calculated cumulative risks are less than 1x10-4 for potential carcinogenic risks and below a hazard index of 1.0 for potential non-carcinogenic risks, the VIMS will be considered effective. Sub-slab soil gas sampling will be completed post-construction on a semi-annual basis. Following three semi-annual sub-slab soil gas sampling events (including the initial post-installation sampling event) with results within acceptable risk levels, a request to modify the sampling frequency or terminate sampling will be submitted for DEQ approval. Additional sub-slab soil gas sampling will be completed using the methods discussed above. No changes to the sampling frequency will be implemented without written approval from DEQ. Indoor Air Sampling Indoor air sampling will be conducted following construction of the building and completion of the VIMS. During the initial post-construction event, indoor air samples will be co-located with the eight (8) sub-slab sampling locations. Following the initial post-installation sampling event, assuming that results are within acceptable risk levels, a request to reduce the number of indoor air samples will be submitted for DEQ approval. Following two semi-annual indoor air sampling events (including the initial post- installation sampling event) with results below acceptable risk levels, a request to modify the 11 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx sampling frequency or terminate sampling will be submitted for DEQ approval. No changes to the sampling frequency will be implemented without written approval from DEQ. Indoor air samples will be collected in accordance with the DWM VI Guidance using a laboratory supplied 6-liter individually certified Summa canister over an 8-hour period and analyzed for select VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. The select analyte list will be determined based on the compounds detected in the sub-slab soil gas samples as well as historical detections in soil, groundwater, and soil gas at the Site. The select VOC list is included as Attachment D. Any additional compounds detected during sub-slab sampling event will be added to this list. Each indoor air Summa canister will be connected to a dedicated approximate 3 ft laboratory supplied sampling cane which will place the sample intake point approximately 5 ft above grade (typical breathing zone) with the canister set on its base. Periodic checks will be conducted by H&H to monitor the pressure within the Summa canisters to ensure adequate sample volume is collected. Following sample collection, the samples will be shipped to a qualified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocol. The analytical laboratory will be instructed to report J-flag concentrations for each sample and to report received canister vacuums. In addition, H&H will request that the laboratory report compound concentrations to the lower of the laboratory method detection limits or the DEQ DWM Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Screening Levels (IASLs). For QA/QC purposes, one duplicate indoor air sample and one background air sample will be collected during each indoor air sampling event. In addition, an Indoor Air Building Survey form (Appendix C of the DWM VI Guidance) will be completed for each sampling event. Note that new construction materials such as paint, caulk, carpet, mastics, etc., which could be sources of VOCs in indoor air, may cause interference with Site-specific compounds during indoor air sampling. As noted above, the construction contractors will be requested to provide SDSs for materials used during construction which will be submitted to DEQ. Reporting VIMS Effectiveness Test Results A report of the sub-slab soil gas and indoor air sampling will be submitted to DEQ with the final VIMS Installation Completion Report. Based upon the results of the sampling, H&H will make 12 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx recommendations in general accordance with DWM VI Guidance. It is anticipated that the recommendations will consist of one of the following: • The VIMS is effective and recommend DEQ provide approval to occupy the building (per the DWM VI Guidance, in the case where calculated cumulative risks are below 1x10-4 for potential carcinogenic risks and below a hazard index of 1 for potential non-carcinogenic risks). • Additional indoor air sampling is warranted to confirm that the VIMS is effective (per the DWM VI Guidance, in the case where calculated cumulative risks are greater than 1x10-4 for potential carcinogenic risks or above a hazard index of 1 for potential non-carcinogenic risks). Active fans will be installed as part of the VIMS and follow-up sampling will be performed after installation of the fans should results of confirmation indoor air samples indicate that passive treatment is inadequate (in the case where calculated cumulative risks continue to be greater than 1x10-4 for potential carcinogenic risks or above a hazard index of 1 for potential non-carcinogenic risks). If additional indoor air sampling is required, modifications to the existing system will first be evaluated to increase effectiveness (i.e., add risers, increasing the size of passive syphon ventilators). Should results of post-construction indoor air testing continue to indicate potential unacceptable vapor intrusion risks to occupants of the building, active fans will be installed at the discharge end of the riser duct piping (as needed) to convert the system from passive to active sub- slab depressurization. DEQ will be notified of alterations to the system. Under no circumstance shall any portion of the building be occupied without prior written approval of DEQ based on the sub-slab and indoor air analytical results. It is understood that DEQ will provide written approval of occupancy if the indoor air sampling results indicate a calculated cumulative risk below 1x10-6 for potential carcinogenic risks and below a hazard index of 1 for potential non-carcinogenic risks. If indoor air sampling results indicate a calculated cumulative risk between 1x10-4 and 1x10-6 and a hazard index less than 1, confirmation sub-slab and indoor air sampling may be required to confirm concentrations are acceptable (calculated cumulative risks are below 1x10-4 for potential carcinogenic risks and below a hazard index of 1 for potential non-carcinogenic risks). 13 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 5.0 VIMS Effectiveness Monitoring The VIMS is proposed as a passive system which will include vapor extraction through sub-slab collection piping and syphon ventilators. As such, differential pressure monitoring is not anticipated. If the VIMS is converted to an active system based on post-construction VIMS efficacy testing results, mitigation system modifications and plans for additional VIMS efficacy testing will be submitted to the DEQ Brownfields Program for approval prior to implementation. Actual fans to be used will be selected based on the results of the influence testing discussed in Section 4.0. Semi-annual sub-slab soil gas monitoring will be conducted following completion of building construction using sampling procedures described in Section 4.0. Following three annual sub-slab soil gas monitoring events (with the post VIMS installation testing representing the first annual sampling event) indicating results within acceptable risk levels, a request to modify the sampling frequency or terminate sampling will be submitted for DEQ review and approval. No changes to the sampling frequency or termination of sampling will be implemented until written approval is obtained from DEQ. 14 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses The property owner or designee shall be responsible for installation and operation of the VIMS in accordance with the VIMP. The property owner or designee will maintain the vapor mitigation piping and syphon ventilators in accordance with the recorded Brownfields Agreement for the Site. If vapor mitigation components are damaged or need to be altered for building renovations, the property owner or designee shall contact a NC licensed Engineer to provide oversight and inspections, and a report will be submitted to DEQ detailing the repairs or alterations. To aid in identification of the vapor mitigation piping, the mitigation piping will be labeled with “Vapor System – Contact Owner”, or similar language, on accessible piping at intervals of no greater than 10-linear feet. Additionally, tracer wire will be placed on sub-slab horizontal collection piping to facilitate detection during future building renovations and to prevent damage to the VIMS system. DEQ will be notified within 15 days if the mitigation system is damaged, or ceases to operate as designed. The notification will include a proposed course of action and estimated repair timeframe. Once repairs have been implemented, the Brownfields Program will be notified with results of these repairs. 15 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)/VIMP/Rev 2/Draft VIMP - 157 Industrial Drive - Carolina Medical Electronics (BPN 16017-12-085)_20211005.docx 7.0 Reporting A VIMS Installation Completion Report (sealed by a NC-licensed PE) that documents installation activities associated with the VIMS will be submitted to DEQ following confirmation that the mitigation system is installed and effectively mitigating potential vapor intrusion risks for the building. The report will include a summary of VIMS installation activities including photographs and as-built construction drawings, QA/QC measures, SDSs of materials used in VIMS construction, system effectiveness testing including sub-slab soil gas and indoor air (if needed) assessment results, inspection documents, and an opinion as to whether the VIMS was installed in accordance with the DEQ approved VIMP. Additional sub-slab soil gas sampling of monitoring points will be completed on a semi-annual basis for a minimum of two events after the initial round of sampling, as described in Section 4.0. Additional indoor air sampling will be completed on a semi-annual basis for a minimum of one event after the initial round of sampling, as described in Section 4.0. Within 60 days of the receipt of analytical data from this sampling, a soil gas and indoor air sampling letter report including risk calculators and recommendations will be submitted to DEQ for review. Attachment A Preliminary Redevelopment Site Plan PLAN -07/21/2021 PLAN -07/21/2021 PLAN - PLAN -07/21/2021 Attachment B VIMS Design (Sheets VM-1 and VM-2) H&H NO. DMM-001 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM PLAN VIEW LAYOUT VM-1CAROLINA MEDICAL ELECTRONICS(BROWNFIELDS NO. 16017-12-085)157 INDUSTRIAL DRIVEKING, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONAL APPROVAL / SEAL TITLE: SHEET: VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY:LEGEND EXTENT OF VAPOR LINER 4" DIA SCH 40 SLOTTED PVC PIPE 4" DIA SCH 40 SOLID PVC PIPE 4" DIA SCH 40 SOLID PVC VERTICAL RISER WITH FAN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (REFER TO DETAIL NUMBER 10 ON SHEET VM-2) 2" DIA SOLID PVC PRESSURE MONITORING POINT WITH FLUSH-MOUNTED COVER F-4 MP-2 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 MP-3 NOTES: 1.SCH = SCHEDULE 2.DIA = DIAMETER 3.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM 3921 Sunset Ridge Road, Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology 10-INCH SLAB 6-INCH SLAB 4-INCH SLAB 6 VM-2 3 VM-2 2 VM-2 1 VM-2 4 VM-2 7/10 VM-2 7/10 VM-2 3 VM-2 8/10 VM-2 9/10 VM-2 5/10 VM-2 SCH 40 PVC TEE (TYP) 4" VENT CAP AT ENDS OF SLOTTED PIPE(TYP) SCH 40 PVC TEE (TYP) MP-2 MP-5 MP-7 MP-8 MP-6 MP-4 MP-1 9/10 VM-2 9/10 VM-2 8/10 VM-2 8/10 VM-2 8/10 VM-2 8/10 VM-2 REVISIONS REV DATE DESCRIPTION 0 6/23/21 1ST CYCLE SUBMISSION 1 10/5/21 FINAL SUBMISSION 10/5/21 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)\VIMP\Figs\DMM.001_VIMS Design.dwg, VM-1, 10/5/2021 11:03:07 AM, shaynes CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VAPOR BARRIER AND BASE COURSE (TYPICAL)1 BASE COURSE - CLEAN #57 STONE MIN 5" THICK BENEATH VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB SUBBASE NTS SLOTTED COLLECTION PIPE (TYPICAL)2 4" SCH 40 THREADED FLUSH JOINT SLOTTED PVC PIPE (0.020" SLOT WIDTH, 1/8" SLOT SPACING) SET WITHIN MIN 5" BASE COURSE VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) SUBBASE NTS CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VM-2 VM-2 TRACER WIRE OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC VIMS AT EXTERIOR WALL (TYP) NTS EXTERIOR WALL SUBBASE 4 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB EXTERIOR GRADE VM-2 BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC VIMS AT EXTERIOR WALL WITH RISER PIPE PENETRATION (TYP) NTS EXTERIOR WALL (VARIES) 5 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB EXTERIOR GRADE VM-2 BASE COURSE SUB-BASE VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS SOLID 4" SCH 40 PVC VAPOR LINER SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS STEEL BOLLARD TRACER WIRE SOLID TO SLOTTED 4" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TRANSITION (SLIP COUPLING OR THREADED JOINT) OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC NEW FOOTING VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) SUBBASE VAPOR BARRIER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 4" SCH 40 PVC (WHERE PRESENT) 4" SCH 40 PVC 90° ELBOW (WHERE PRESENT) TO EXHAUST POINT ON ROOF TO SLOTTED HORIZONTAL COLLECTION PIPING VIMS AT STEEL COLUMN (TYP) NTS 7 VM-2 STEEL BOLLARD (WHERE PIPING PRESENT) 4" SCH 40 SOLID PVC PIPE SET WITHIN 5" BASE COURSE (WHERE PRESENT)CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED TO FOOTING OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC 9 NTS VAPOR LINER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 DEGREE ELBOW 2" VENT PIPE PROTECTION SCREEN OR OPEN PIPE BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) VIMS MONITORING POINT (TYP) 2" SOLID SCH 40 PVC VM-2 FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIA ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4 (OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT)VAPOR LINER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC FINISHED FLOOR SLAB 2" SCH 40 PVC SET WITHIN GRAVEL LAYER 2" DRAIN EXPANSION TEST PLUG BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIA ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4 (OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR VIMS MONITORING POINT - TYPICAL DETAIL VIEW NTS 10 VM-2 4" x 2" FLUSH REDUCER BUSHING VAPOR BARRIER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 DEGREE STREET ELBOW OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC VIMS SIPHON VENTILATOR EXHAUST (TYPICAL)11 NTSVM-2 4" HEAVY DUTY NO HUB COUPLING 4" SIPHON VENTILATOR (EMPIRE SYPHON VENTILATOR OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) RISER DUCT PIPE THROUGH ROOF FLASHING SLOPED ROOFTOP VIMS AT WALL TERMINATION (TYP) NTS 6 WALL (VARIES) FASCIA WALL (VARIES) SUBBASE VM-2 BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) EXTERIOR GRADE (VARIES) VAPOR BARRIER SEALED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC VIMS AT THICKENED SLAB TRANSITION (TYP)3 NTSVM-2 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) BASE COURSE - CLEAN #57 STONE MIN 5" THICK BENEATH VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1)SUBBASEOPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC NEW FOOTING VAPOR BARRIER (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) BASE COURSE (SEE SPECIFICATION #1) SUBBASE VAPOR BARRIER PENETRATION SEALED TO PIPE PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 2" SCH 40 PVC 90° ELBOW (WHERE PRESENT) VIMS MONITORING POINT AT STEEL COLUMN (TYP) NTS 8 VM-2 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED TO FOOTING OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC 2" SCH 40 SOLID PVC PIPE SET WITHIN 5" BASE COURSE (WHERE PRESENT) 2" VENT PIPE PROTECTION SCREEN OR OPEN PIPE FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIA ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4 (OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT) NOTES: 1.NTS = NOT TO SCALE 2.TYP = TYPICAL 3.SCH = SCHEDULE 4.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM 5.MIN = MINIMUM VIMS SPECIFICATIONS 1.VIMS VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE VAPORBLOCK PLUS 20 MANUFACTURED BY RAVEN INDUSTRIES (OR, EQUIVALENT ALTERNATIVE VAPOR BARRIER APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND DEQ). ALTERNATIVE VAPOR BARRIER (IF USED) SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PREVENT VAPOR MIGRATION THROUGH CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE AND SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS: ·THICKNESS: 20-MIL MINIMUM ·PUNCTURE RESISTANCE: 2,200 GRAMS MINIMUM (PER ASTM D 1709) ·TENSILE STRENGTH: 45 LBF/IN MINIMUM (PER ASTM D 882) ·PERMEANCE: 0.01 PERMS MAXIMUM (PER ASTM F 1249) THE VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AND PER MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO CREATE A CONTINUOUS BARRIER BELOW GROUND FLOOR SLABS AND ATTACHED/SEALED TO CONCRETE SURFACES OF FOOTINGS AND EXTERIOR/EXISTING WALLS. A MINIMUM 5-INCH THICK BASE COURSE CONSISTING OF CLEAN #57 (OR SIMILAR HIGH PERMEABILITY STONE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER) SHALL BE INSTALLED BENEATH THE VIMS VAPOR BARRIER. 2.OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE FABRIC SHALL BE 8-OUNCE NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE MANUFACTURED BY INTERNATIONAL COVER SYSTEMS (OR, EQUIVALENT ALTERNATIVE GEOTEXTILE). GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN THE BASE COURSE AND THE VAPOR BARRIER TO PROTECT THE VAPOR BARRIER FROM POTENTIAL DAMAGE. 3.HORIZONTAL COLLECTION PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF 4-INCH SCH 40 PVC (OR OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DRAWINGS). SUB-SLAB SLOTTED VAPOR COLLECTION PIPE SHALL BE THREADED FLUSH JOINT OR SLIP JOINT 4-INCH SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 0.020-INCH SLOT WIDTH AND 1/8-INCH SLOT SPACING. AN ALTERNATE SLOT PATTERN WITH SIMILAR OPEN AREA PER FT OF PIPE MAY BE USED WITH APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. VIMS BELOW AND ABOVE GRADE SOLID PIPING SHALL NOT BE TRAPPED AND SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1/8 UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (1%SLOPE) TO GRAVITY DRAIN. SOLID SECTIONS OF HORIZONTAL COLLECTION PIPE SHALL BE SUPPORTED TO PREVENT PIPE SAG OR LOW POINT AND MAINTAIN 1% SLOPE TOWARD SLOTTED SECTIONS TO DRAIN CONDENSATION. PLACE TRACER WIRE ALONG HORIZONTAL PIPE BELOW VAPOR BARRIER TO LOCATE PIPE DURING FUTURE BUILDING MODIFICATIONS. 4.4-INCH SCH-40 RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONNECT EACH SLAB PENETRATION LOCATION TO A ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE POINT WITH VENTILATOR (SEE SPECIFICATION #4). ABOVE-SLAB RISER DUCT PIPE RUNS BETWEEN THE SLAB PENETRATION AND THE ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE AND AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS. 5.RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL EXTEND IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION THROUGH THE BUILDING ROOF AND TERMINATE A MINIMUM OF 2 FT ABOVE ANY WALLS, PARAPETS, ETC. IN THE VICINITY OF THE RISER/FAN. AN EMPIRE MODEL SV04G SYPHON VENTILATOR (OR APPROVED ALTERNATE) SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE EXHAUST DISCHARGE END OF EACH MINIMUM OF 10 FT FROM ANY OPERABLE OPENING OR AIR INTAKE INTO THE BUILDING. NOTE THAT DISCHARGE LOCATIONS ON THE ROOFTOP DEPICTED IN THE VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN MAY BE REPOSITIONED AS LONG AS THE NEW POSITION MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED ABOVE. 6.ABOVE-SLAB ACCESSIBLE RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF A TAG OR STENCIL AT A MINIMUM OF ONCE EVERY 10-LINEAR FT WITH "VAPOR SYSTEM - CONTACT OWNER.” LABELS SHALL ALSO BE FIXED TO THE TURBINE FANS IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE ROOFTOP. 7.INSPECTIONS: INSPECTIONS OF EACH COMPONENT OF THE VIMS SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE ENGINEER, OR ENGINEER'S DESIGNEE, TO CONFIRM VIMS COMPONENTS ARE INSTALLED PER THE APPROVED DESIGN. THE REQUIRED INSPECTION COMPONENTS INCLUDE: (1) INSPECTION OF SUB-SLAB PIPING LAYOUT, (2) GRAVEL PLACEMENT, AND (3) MONITORING POINT PLACEMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLING VAPOR BARRIER; (4) INSPECTION OF VAPOR BARRIER PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE; (5) INSPECTION OF ABOVE-GRADE PIPING LAYOUT; AND (6) INSPECTION OF TURBINE FANS AND RISER DUCT PIPE CONNECTIONS. INSPECTIONS WILL BE COMBINED WHEN POSSIBLE DEPENDING ON THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE/SCHEDULE. THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. DEQ WILL BE CONTACTED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO THE INSPECTION BEING CONDUCTED. FIELD NOTES, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND ANY ADDITIONAL INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE FINAL DELIVERABLE TO DEQ. NO VIMS COMPONENTS ARE TO BE COVERED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 8.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL USE "LOW OR NO VOC" (INCLUDING NO PCE OR TCE) PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS, WHEN POSSIBLE. THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) TO THE ENGINEER FOR PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION. SDS SHEETS WILL BE INCLUDED IN FINAL REPORTING TO DEQ. 9.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL AVOID THE USE OF TEMPORARY FORM BOARDS OR HOLLOW PIPING (TYPICALLY USED TO SUPPORT UTILITIES PRIOR TO SLAB POURS) THAT PENETRATE THE VAPOR BARRIER WHERE POSSIBLE. IF TEMPORARY FORM BOARDS ARE USED, THE SIZE AND NUMBER OF PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE LIMITED AND SMALL DIAMETER STAKES (I.E. METAL STAKES) SHALL BE USED. IN ALL CASES, AS FORM BOARDS ARE REMOVED, THE CONTRACTOR OR SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL SEAL ALL PENETRATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. H&H NO. DMM-001 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM VIMS DETAILS #1 - 10 AND SPECIFICATIONS VM-2CAROLINA MEDICAL ELECTRONICS(BROWNFIELDS NO. 16017-12-085)157 INDUSTRIAL DRIVEKING, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONAL APPROVAL / SEAL TITLE: SHEET: VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY: REVISIONS REV DATE DESCRIPTION 0 6/23/21 1ST CYCLE SUBMISSION 1 10/5/21 FINAL SUBMISSION 3921 Sunset Ridge Road, Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology 10/5/21 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Dynamic Machining x Manufacturing (DMM)\VIMP\Figs\DMM.001_VIMS Design.dwg, VM-2, 10/5/2021 11:02:00 AM, shaynes Attachment C VIMS Product Specifications Dimensional Data (inches and [ mm ]) are Subject to Manufacturing Tolerances and Change Without Notice SPECIFICATION SHEET TAG _______ * Regularly furnished unless otherwise specified. Zurn Industries, LLC | Light Commercial Plumbing Products 1801 Pittsburgh Avenue, Erie, PA U.S.A. 16502 · Ph. 855-663-9876, Fax 814-454-7929 In Canada | Zurn Industries Limited 3544 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1L2 · Ph. 905-405-8272, Fax 905-405-1292 www.zurn.com Rev. C Date:12/13/17 C.N. No.139307 Prod. | Dwg. No.CO2450 CO-2450 ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEANOUT Typical Installation 'A' Connections 'B' CO‐2450‐PV2 2 [51] PVC Hub 1‐3/4 [44] CO‐2450‐PV3 3 [76] PVC Hub 3 [76] CO‐2450‐PV4 4 [102] PVC Hub 3‐7/16 [87] CO‐2450‐AB2 2 [51] ABS Hub 1‐3/4 [44] CO‐2450‐AB3 3 [76] ABS Hub 3 [76] CO‐2450‐AB4 4 [102] ABS Hub 3‐7/16 [87] Product Dimensions in In [mm]Engineering Specification: Zurn CO-2450 Adjustable Floor Cleanout, recommended for foot traffic and light-duty applications. This cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body, with an adjustable nickel cover and an ABS taper thread plug. OPTIONS (Check/specify appropriate options) PRODUCT ____ CO-2450-PV2 ____ CO-2450-PV3 ____ CO-2450-PV4 ____ CO-2450-AB2 ____ CO-2450-AB3 ____ CO-2450-AB4 SUFFIXES ____-CM Carpet Marker ____-VP Vandal Proof Applies to PV3, PV4 AB3 and AB4 EVECO VENTILATOR APPROX.EXHAUST WEIGHT CAPACITY SIZE GALV.COPPER PACKED 4-MIWIND (inches)(gauge)(ounces)(pounds)(CFM) 4 26-28 16 3 40 5 26-28 16 3 45 6 26-28 16 3 50 7 26-28 16 4 60 8 26-28 16 4 75 9 26-28 16 5 100 10 26-28 16 5 120 12 26 16 6 170 14 24-26 16 9 280 15 24-26 16 10 325 16 24-26 16 10 375 IB 24-26 16-20 12 450 20 24-26 16-20 14 580 24 22-24 16-20 24 750 30 22-24 16-20 48 1100 36 22-24 20-24 90 1600 The Eveco Ventilator is a single cone vent, ideal for low cost ventilation. Thoughthe cost ofthis unit isslight, itprovides maximum ventilation in ail types of weather. SYPHON VENTILATOR The Empire Syphon Ventilator is a dependable stationary exhauster that functions efficiently in the slightest breeze,its design utilizes every wind current to create a pow erful suction through the stack,while the storm band circling the upper cone prevents rain from driving into the ventilator and adds to its exhaust capacity.Air outlet is more than dou ble that of the stack area. APPROX.EXHAUST WEIGHT CAPACITY SIZE GALV.COPPER PACKED 4-MIWIND (Inches)(gauge)(ounces)(pounds)(CFM) 4 26-28 16 7 65 5 26-28 16 7 70 6 26-28 16 8 75 7 26-28 16 9 85 8 26-28 16 10 105 9 26-28 16 11 140 10 26-28 16 12 190 12 26 16 15 275 14 24-26 16-20 21 380 15 24-26 16-20 25 450 16 24-26 16-20 30 500 18 24-26 16-20 35 620 20 22-24 20 45 740 24 22-24 20-24 70 1010 Empire Ventilation Equipment Co.,Inc. 35-39 Vernon Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11106-5195 TEL:(718)728-2143 FAX:(718)267-0143 EMPIRE PRODUCT PART # VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 ................................................................ VBP20 UNDER-SLAB VAPOR / GAS BARRIER Under-Slab Vapor/Gas Retarder © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™VBP20 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION VaporBlock® Plus™ is a seven-layer co-extruded barrier made using high quality virgin-grade polyethylene and EVOH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is more than 100 times less permeable than typical high-performance polyethylene vapor retarders against Methane, Radon, and other harmful VOCs. Tested and verified for unsurpassed protection against BTEX, HS, TCE, PCE, methane, radon, other toxic chemicals and odors. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 multi-layer gas barrier is manufactured with the latest EVOH barrier technology to mitigate hazardous vapor intrusion from damaging indoor air quality, and the safety and health of building occupants. VBP20 is one of the most effective underslab gas barriers in the building industry today far exceeding ASTM E-1745 (Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs) Class A, B and C requirements. Available in a 20 (Class A) mil thicknesses designed to meet the most stringent requirements. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is produced within the strict guidelines of our ISO 9001 Certified Management System. PRODUCT USE VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 resists gas and moisture migration into the building envelop when properly installed to provide protection from toxic/harmful chemicals. It can be installed as part of a passive or active control system extending across the entire building including floors, walls and crawl spaces. When installed as a passive system it is recommended to also include a ventilated system with sump(s) that could be converted to an active control system with properly designed ventilation fans. VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 works to protect your flooring and other moisture-sensitive furnishings in the building’s interior from moisture and water vapor migration, greatly reducing condensation, mold and degradation. SIZE & PACKAGING VaporBlock® Plus™ 20 is available in 10’ x 150’ rolls to maximize coverage. All rolls are folded on heavy-duty cores for ease in handling and installation. Other custom sizes with factory welded seams are available based on minimum volume requirements. Installation instructions and ASTM E-1745 classifications accompany each roll. APPLICATIONS Radon Barrier Methane Barrier VOC Barrier Brownfields Barrier Vapor Intrusion Barrier Under-Slab Vapor Retarder Foundation Wall Vapor Retarder VaporBlock® Plus™ is a seven-layer co-extruded barrier made using high quality virgin-grade polyethylene and EVOH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. VaporBlock® Plus™ Placement All instructions on architectural or structural drawings should be reviewed and followed. Detailed installation instructions accompany each roll of VaporBlock® Plus™ and can also be located at www.ravenefd.com. ASTM E-1643 also provides general installation information for vapor retarders. VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ 20 PROPERTIES TEST METHOD IMPERIAL METRIC AppeArAnce White/Gold Thickness, nominAl 20 mil 0.51 mm WeighT 102 lbs/MSF 498 g/m² clAssificATion ASTM E 1745 CLASS A, B & C ³ Tensile sTrengTh ASTM E 154Section 9(D-882)58 lbf 102 N impAcT resisTAnce ASTM D 1709 2600 g permeAnce (neW mATeriAl) ASTM E 154Section 7ASTM E 96Procedure B 0.0098 Perms grains/(ft²·hr·in·Hg) 0.0064 Perms g/(24hr·m²·mm Hg) permeAnce (AfTer condiTioning) (sAme meAsuremenT As Above permeAnce) ASTM E 154Section 8, E96Section 11, E96Section 12, E96Section 13, E96 0.00790.00790.00970.0113 0.00520.00520.00640.0074 WvTr ASTM E 96Procedure B 0.0040 grains/hr-ft²0.0028 gm/hr-m² benzene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.13 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.62 x 10-¹³ m/s Toluene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.57 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 1.46 x 10-¹³ m/s eThylbenzene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.23 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.34 x 10-¹⁴ m/s m & p-Xylenes permeAnce See Note ⁶1.17 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.81 x 10-¹⁴ m/s o-Xylene permeAnce See Note ⁶1.10 x 10-¹⁰ m²/sec or 3.43 x 10-¹⁴ m/s hydrogen sulfide See Note 9 1.92E-⁰⁹ m/s TrichloroeThylene (Tce) See Note ⁶7.66 x 10-¹¹ m²/sec or 1.05 x 10-¹⁴ m/s perchloroeThylene (pce)See Note ⁶7.22 x 10-¹¹ m²/sec or 1.04 x 10-¹⁴ m/s rAdon diffusion coeffiecienT K124/02/95 < 1.1 x 10-13 m2/s meThAne permeAnce ASTM D 1434 3.68E-¹² m/sGas Transmission Rate (GTR):0.32 mL/m²•day•atm mAXimum sTATic use TemperATure 180° F 82° C minimum sTATic use TemperATure - 70° F - 57° C UNDER-SLAB VAPOR / GAS BARRIER VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™VBP20 © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Scan QR Code to download current technical data sheets via the Raven website. Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at www.RavenEFD.com 061318 EFD 1125 RAVEN ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com ³ Tests are an average of machine and transverse directions.5 Raven Industries performs seam testing at 20” per minute.6 Aqueous Phase Film Permeance. Permeation of Volatile Organic Compounds through EVOH Thin Film Membranes and Coextruded LLDPE/EVOH/ LLDPE Geomembranes, McWatters and Rowe, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering© ASCE/ September 2015. (Permeation is the Permeation Coefficient adjusted to actual film thickness - calculated at 1 kg/m³.) The study used to determine PCE and TCE is titled: Evaluation of diffusion of PCE & TCE through high performance geomembranes by Di Battista and Rowe, Queens University 8 Feb 2018.9 The study used to determine diffusion coefficients is titled: Hydrogen Sulfide (H₂S) Transport through Simulated Interim Covers with Conventional and Co-Extruded Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH) Geomembranes. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES - With VaporSeal™ Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Optional Butyl Seal 2-Sided Tape Gas Barrier Applications Elements of a moisture/gas-resistant floor system. General illustration only.(Note: This example shows multiple options for waterstop placement. VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Optional Butyl Seal 2-Sided Tape Gas Barrier Applications Fig. 2: VaporBlock® Plus™ Overlap Joint Sealing Methods Fig. 1: VaporBlock® Plus™ Overlapping Roll-out Method Please Note: Read these instructions thoroughly before installation to ensure proper use of VaporBlock® Plus™. ASTM E 1465, ASTM E 2121 and, ASTM E 1643 also provide valuable information regarding the installation of vapor / gas barriers. When installing this product, contractors shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws pertaining to residential and commercial building construction. • When VaporBlock® Plus™ gas barrier is usedas part of an active control system for radon orother gas, a ventilation system will be required. • If designed as a passive system, it is recommended to install a ventilation system that could beconverted to an active system if needed. Materials List:VaporBlock® Plus™ Vapor / Gas BarrierVaporSeal™* 4” Seaming TapeVaporSeal™* 12” Seaming/Repair TapeButyl Seal 2-Sided TapeVaporBoot Plus Pipe Boots 12/Box (recommended)VaporBoot Tape (optional)POUR-N-SEAL™ (optional)1” Foam Weather Stripping (optional)Mako® Screed Supports (optional) VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ PLACEMENT 1.1. Level and tamp or roll granular base as specified. A base for a gas-reduction system may require a 4” to 6” gas permeable layer of clean coarse aggregate as specified by your architectural or structural drawings after installation of the recommended gas collection system. In this situation, a cushion layer consisting of a non-woven geotextile fabric placed directly under VaporBlock® Plus™ will help protect the barrier from damage due to possible sharp coarse aggregate. 1.2. Unroll VaporBlock® Plus™ running the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour and pull open all folds to full width. (Fig. 1) 1.3. Lap VaporBlock® Plus™ over the footings and seal with Raven Butyl Seal tape at the footing-wall connection. Prime concrete surfaces, when necessary, and assure they are dry and clean prior to applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Apply even and firm pressure with a rubber roller. Overlap joints a minimum of 6” and seal overlap with 4” VaporSeal™ Tape. When used as a gas barrier, overlap joints a minimum of 12” and seal in-between overlap with an optional 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Then seal with 4” VaporSeal™ Tape centered on the overlap seam. (Fig. 2) Page 1 of 4 Top original diagram and figure #1 were reprinted with permission by the Portland Cement Association.Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages. 1.4. Seal around all plumbing, conduit, support columns or other penetrations that come through the VaporBlock® Plus™ membrane. 1.4a. Method 1: Pipes four inches or smaller can be sealed with Raven VaporBoot Plus preformed pipe boots. VaporBoot Plus preformed pipe boots are formed in steps for 1”, 2”, 3” and 4” PVC pipe or IPS size and are sold in units of 12 per box (Fig. 3 & 5). Pipe boots may also be fabricated from excess VaporBlock® Plus™ membrane (Fig. 4 & 6) and sealed with VaporBoot Tape or VaporSeal™ Tape (sold separately). 1.4b. Method 2: To fabricate pipe boots from VaporBlock® Plus™ excess material (see Fig. 4 & 6 for A-F): A) Cut a square large enough to overlap 12” in all directions. B) Mark where to cut opening on the center of the square and cut fourto eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the pipe. C) Force the square over the pipe leaving the tightly stretched cut areaaround the bottom of the pipe with approximately a 1/2” of theboot material running vertically up the pipe. (no more than a 1/2” ofstretched boot material is recommended) D) Once boot is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane byapplying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in between the two layers.Secure boot down firmly over the membrane taking care not tohave any large folds or creases. E) Use VaporBoot Tape or VaporSeal™ Tape to secure the boot to the pipe. VaporBoot Tape (option) – fold tape in half lengthwise, remove halfof the release liner and wrap around the pipe allowing 1” extra foroverlap sealing. Peel off the second half of the release liner andwork the tape outward gradually forming a complete seal. VaporSeal™ Tape (option) - Tape completely around pipeoverlapping the VaporBlock® Plus™ square to create a tight sealagainst the pipe. F) Complete the process by taping over the boot perimeter edge withVaporSeal™ Tape to create a monolithic membrane between thesurface of the slab and gas/moisture sources below and at the slabperimeter. (Fig. 4 & 6) Preformed Pipe Boot Square Material Pipe Boot Fig. 3 SINGLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 5 Fig. 6 1. Cut a square of VaporBlock® Plus™ barrier to extend at least12” from the pipe in all directions. 2. Cut four to eight slices about 3/8”less than the diameter of the pipe. 5. Use Raven VaporBoot orVaporSeal™ Tape andoverlap 1” at the seam. 4. Tape over the bootperimeter edge withVaporSeal™ Tape. 1. Cut out one of thepreformed boot steps(1” to 4”). 2. Tape the underside bootperimeter with 2-sidedButyl Seal Tape. 3. Force the boot overpipe and press tapefirmly in place. 4. Use VaporSeal™ Tape to secure boot to thepipe. 5. Tape around entire bootedge with VaporSeal™Tape. VaporBoot Flexible Tapeor VaporSeal™ 4” TapeVaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporBlock® Plus™Material VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Raven Butyl Seal2-Sided Tape Raven Butyl Seal2-Sided Tape VaporBoot PlusPreformed Boot 12”(minimum) 3. Force over pipe and tape theunderside boot perimeter toexisting barrier with 2-sidedButyl Seal Tape. Fig. 4 Page 2 of 4 Original figure #4 diagram is reprinted with permission by the Portland Cement Association.Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages.Method 1 Method 2 VaporSeal™4” Tape VaporBoot PlusPerformed Boot Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape 1.5. Sealing side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 1); A) Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12” in all directions (Fig. 7) of penetrations. B) Mark where to cut openings and cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the penetration for each. C) Force patch material over penetration to achieve a tight fit and form a lip. D) Once patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in-between the two layers. (Fig. 8) E) After applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape between the patch and membrane, tape around each of the penetrations and the patch with VaporSeal™ 4” tape. (Fig. 9) For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL™ or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. (Fig. 10) Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 MULTIPLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 6 Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12” in all directions and slide over penetrations (Make openings as tight as possible.) Once the overlay patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in-between the two layers. After applying Raven Butyl Seal Tapebetween the patch and membrane, tape around the perimeter of the penetration and the patch with VaporSeal™ 4” Tape. For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL™ or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. VaporSeal™ 4” Tape VaporSeal™ 4” Tape Page 3 of 4 Option 1 Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape 1.6. POUR-N-SEAL™ method of sealing side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 2); A) Install the vapor barrier as closely as possible to pipe penetrations tominimize the amount of POUR-N-SEAL™ necessary to seal around allpenetrations. B) Once barrier is in place, remove soil or other particles with a dry clothor a fine broom to allow for improved adhesion to the POUR-N-SEAL™ liquid. C) Create a dam around the penetration area approximately 2” awayfrom the pipe or other vertical penetrations by removing the releaseliner from the back of a 1” weather stripping foam and adhere to thevapor barrier. Form a complete circle to contain the POUR-N-SEAL™materials (Fig. 11). D) Once mixed, pour contents around the pipe penetrations. If needed,a brush or a flat wooden stick can be used to direct the sealantcompletely around penetrations creating a complete seal (Fig. 12-13). E) DO NOT leave excess POUR-N-SEAL™ in plastic container for longerthan the time it takes to pour sealant. Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 11 Option 2 VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS 1.7. Proper installation requires all holes and openings are repaired prior to placing concrete. When patching small holes, simply cut a 12” long piece of 12” wide VaporSeal™ tape. Remove release liner and center over the opening. Apply pressure to create a seal (Fig. 14-15). 1.8. When installing VaporBlock® Plus™ around pipe penetrations, vertical columns, electrical ducts and other obstructions, you will find it necessary to cut it to the nearest outside edge. This cut can be easily sealed with 12” wide VaporSeal™ tape, by simply centering it over the cut, 6” on either side. Once the tape is placed correctly, apply pressure to assure a complete seal (Fig. 16). Reminder Note: All holes or penetrations through the membrane will need to be patched with 12” VaporSeal™ Tape. Fig. 14 Page 4 of 5 Fig. 15 2.1. When installing reinforcing steel and utilities, in addition to the placement of concrete, take precaution to protect VaporBlock® Plus™. Carelessness during installation can damage the most puncture–resistant membrane. Sheets of plywood cushioned with geotextile fabric temporarily placed on VaporBlock® Plus™ provide for additional protection in high traffic areas including concrete buggies. 2.2. Use only brick-type or chair-type reinforcing bar supports to protect VaporBlock® Plus™ from puncture. 2.3. Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus™. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per section 1.7. 2.4. To avoid penetrating VaporBlock® Plus™ when installing screed supports, utilize non-penetrating support, such as the Mako® Screed Support System (Fig. 17). Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus™. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per figures 14-15. 2.5. If a cushion or blotter layer is required in the design between VaporBlock® Plus™ and the slab, additional care should be given if sharp crushed rock is used. Washed rock will provide less chance of damage during placement. Care must be taken to protect blotter layer from precipitation before concrete is placed. VaporBlock® Plus™ Gas & Moisture Barrier can be identified on site as gold/white in color printed in black ink with following logo and classification listing (Fig. 18) Page 5 of 5 VaporBlock® Plus™ Gas & Moisture Barrier Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at wwww.RavenEFD.com ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com 020316 EFD 1127 VAPORBLOCK® PLUS™ PROTECTION Fig. 16 Fig. 18 Fig. 17 * Patent Pending © Raven 2016. All Rights Reserved. ACCESSORIES SEAMING TAPES & OTHER ACCESSORIES FOR PLASTIC SHEETING ACCESSORY TAPES AND EPOXY Butyl Seal Tape (TP2BR / TP6BR) Butyl Seal is a double-sided reinforced aggressive black butyl rubber tape used to join panels of polyethylene and polypropylene together by overlapping the edges and applying Butyl Seal in between. It is also used to adhere to concrete walls and footings when properly prepared. Butyl Seal is non-hardening and flexible. Available in 2” x 50’ and 6” x 50’ rolls. R25B Tape (R25B) R25B Tape is a single-sided aggressive synthetic elastomeric adhesive that bonds instantly to properly prepared polyethylene and polypropylene. The black polymer backing and adhesive is specially formulated to provide years of performance even in direct sunlight. A poly release liner provides for ease of installation. Available in 4” x 100’ roll. VaporBond™ Tape (TVB4) VaporBond™ Tape is a white single-sided tape that combines a heavy-duty, weather-resistant polyethylene backing with an aggressive rubber adhesive. VaporBond™ Tape offers excellent seaming capabilities for our materials with an “Easy Tear” feature to reduce installation time. TVB4 has a WVTR of 0.18 perms per ASTM D3833. Typical applications include vapor retarders, covers and liners. Available in 4” x 210’ roll. VaporSeal™ Tape (TVSP4/TVSP12) VaporSeal™ Tape is a patent pending single-sided 7-layer gas barrier tape with a release liner for ease of installation. The backing contains a layer of highly impermeable EVOH designed to block migration of radon, methane, and VOC’s. An aggressive acrylic adhesive provides outstanding adhesion to polyethylene over a wide temperature range. Typical uses include joining, repairing and sealing gas/moisture barriers. Available in 4” x 160’ and 12” x 50’ rolls. VaporBoot™ Tape (TBOOT) VaporBoot™ Tape is a single-sided elastomeric butyl tape used to complete pipe boot installations (sealing the boot to the pipe). The 100% stretchable butyl adhesive features excellent adhesion values and 3-D stretching that can be easily molded to multiple surfaces without any creases and folds. Available in 2” x 16.4’ roll. ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES VaporBoot™ System (VBOOT) The VaporBoot™ System is designed to assist in securing pipe and other penetrations that run vertically through the vapor retarder material. The VaporBoot™ System offers a quick solution and is delivered to the jobsite in a complete package. VaporBoots are produced from high performance VaporBlock® material. Package Contents: 25 - VaporBoots (18” x 18”, w/precut center marker)1 - roll of VaporBoot Tape VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots (VBPBT) VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots are produced from heavy 40 mil co-extruded polyethylene and barrier resins for excellent strength and durability. The preformed boots are stepped to fit 1” to 4” wide pipe penetrations. VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots are available in quantities of 12 per box. From tie-down fasteners to field seaming tape, Raven Industries has the accessories you need to maximize your film’s versatility and minimize installation time on the job. © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. POUR-N-SEAL™ (PNS1G) POUR-N-SEAL™ is a gray two part epoxy used to seal around multi-pipe penetrations in areas where pipe boots are not practical, when installing VaporBlock® or Absolute Barrier®. The POUR-N-SEAL™ system includes 25 lineal feet of a 1” adhesive-backed foam to form a dam around multi-pipe penetrations to contain POUR-N-SEAL™ during the setting process. ACCESSORIES ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES (CONTINUED) Tie-Down Buttons (BUTI) & Tarp Grabbers (BUTEZ) Tie-Down Buttons and Tarp Grabbers help keep plastic sheeting securely in place. Tie-Down Buttons are designed to eliminate traditional grommets in plastic sheeting up to 10 mil thick and are reusable plastic fittings that are easy to install in any position. Tarp Grabbers are up to 4 times stronger than a brass grommet and are typically used in heavier plastic sheeting from 10 mil to 30 mil thick. Great for equipment covers, large storage covers and truck tarps. Dura♦Skrim® Reinforced Sandbags Dura♦Skrim® reinforced sandbags are used to secure large covers and liners to prevent wind damage. Sandbags are produced with strong Dura♦Skrim® 8 & 12 mil reinforced polyethylene. These 15” wide x 24” long bags are designed to hold 35 lbs. Sandbags are also available in other Raven reinforced materials with minimum order requirements. 11.8” Cable Ties are also available. Dura-Clip™ (CLIP11) These full size clips are 11” long and fit most commercial scaffolding. Dura-Clip™ will securely fasten your poly sheeting to scaffolding, reducing wind whip and increasing the life of your enclosure. The Dura-Clip™ is normally placed about every 3’ onto the enclosure. Raven Welding Rod Raven Welding Rod is used for field seaming, repairs and detail work, such as installing pipe boots. Packaged in 25 lb spools, it is available in 4mm and 5mm sizes to fit most brands of extrusion guns. Raven Welding Rod is made from a thermally UV stabilized LLDPE resin and is available in both black and white to correspond with the color of geomembranes being utilized. SEAMING TAPES & OTHER ACCESSORIES FOR PLASTIC SHEETING TAPE ACCESSORY PROPERTIES PROPERTIES VaporBond Tape(TVB4)VaporSeal Tape(TVSP4 / TVSP12)VaporBoot Tape(TBOOT)R25B Tape(R25B)Butyl Seal Tape(TP2BR / TP6BR) Backing 6.7 mil Polyethylene 7 mil EVOH/LLDPE 30 mil EPDM 8 mil Multi-Polymer N/A adhesive 3.3 mil Rubber Based Pressure-Sensitive 2 mil Acrylic Adhesive Pressure-Sensitive 20 mil Butyl Rubber 17 mil Synthetic Elastomeric 40 mil Butyl Rubber color White Silver Black Black Black Type Single Sided Single Sided Single Sided Single Sided Double Sided size 4” x 210’4” x 160’ / 12” x 50’2” x 16.4’4” x 100’2” x 50’ / 6” x 50’ rolls per case 12 12 / 4 64 6 16 / 4 WeighT per case 45 lbs 50 lbs / 18 lbs 45 lbs 33 lbs 47 lbs / 20 lbs adhesion values 35 oz. / in. (to steel)80 oz. / in. (to steel)145 oz. / in. (to steel)144 oz. / in. (to steel)88 oz. / in. (to steel) perms 0.081 g/(24h*100 in²)0.014 g/(24h*100 in²)N/A <0.005 g/(24h*100 in²)0.82 g/(24h*100 in²) service Temp.-40° F to +180° F -40° F to +190° F +14° F to +122° F +20° F to +180° F 0° F to +170° F min.applicaTion Temp.50° F 50° F 14° F 35° F 35° F ideal sTorageTemp. / humidiTy 70° F w/ 40-50 %60°-80° F w/ 40-60 %70° F w/ 70 %70° F w/ 40-50 %70° F w/ 40-50 % © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Scan QR Code to download current technical data sheets via the Raven website. Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at www.RavenEFD.com 092818 EFD 1103 RAVEN ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com Certified Properties ASTM Grab Tensile Strength D-4632 180 lb Grab Elongation D-4632 50% CBR Puncture D-6241 475 lb Trapezoidal Tear D-4533 75 lb Apparent Opening Size D-4751 70 US Sieve Permittivity D-4491 1.4 sec-1 Water Flow Rate D-4491 105 gpm/ft2 UV Resistance at 500 hours D-4355 70% Nonwoven geotextile is made from polypropylene staple fibers that are needle- punched to from a dimensionally stable fiber network. These planer, permeable textile structures are used with soil, rock, earth or any other geotechnical engineering-related material.  Separation/Stabilization of paved and unpaved roads  Environmental Waste Management  Filtration in subsurface drainage systems  Geomembrane Cushion Layer  Filtration beneath hard armor systems  Geomembrane Separation Layer Geotextile 8 oz Non Woven  Attachment D Indoor Air Sample Select-VOC Analyte List Attachment D Indoor Air Sample Select-VOC Analyte List Carolina Medical Electronics King, North Carolina H&H Job No. DMM-001 Select VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 Acetone Benzene Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichloroethylene, 1,1- Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2- Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2- Ethylbenzene Heptane, N- Hexane, N- Isopropanol Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Methylene Chloride Naphthalene Propylene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene Toluene Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2- Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- Trichloroethylene Trichlorofluoromethane Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- Vinyl Chloride Xylene, m&p Xylene, o- Xylenes (total) Notes: 1. The select VOCs include 33 constituents detected in previous soil gas, soil, and groundwater sampling conducted at the site in 2010 and 2012 and daughter products of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) including cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE), trans-1,2-DCE, and vinyl chloride. 2. Additional compounds may be added to this list pending the results of sub-slab soil gas sampling. Attachment E Assessment Analytical Data Summaries and Sample Location Map • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report, Mineral Springs Environmental, P.C., February 2010 • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Addendum, Mineral Springs Environmental, P.C., September 2010 • Report of Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling, ECS Carolinas, LLP, April 2012 • Sample Location Map US H IGHWAY 5 2 INDUS TR IA L DR IVE SG-1 SG-2 SG-3 MW-1 MW-1D/1D-5 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-6 MW-8 MW-7 MW-5 MW-9 MW-10 B-1 B-2 B-4 B-3 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. DMM-001 3921 Sunset Ridge Road, Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 9-15-21 FIGURE NO. 1 CAROLINA MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 157 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE KINGS, NORTH CAROLINA FORMER 100-GALLON HOLDING TANK FORMER 200-GALLON SEPTIC TANK SAMPLE LOCATION MAP NOTES: 1.AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM NC ONEMAP SERVICES (2018). 2.SUBJECT PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM SURVEY PLAT DATED 5/24/2012. OTHER BASE DATA OBTAINED FROM STOKES COUNTY GIS (2018). 3.SOIL BORING AND MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS APPROXIMATED FROM FIGURES INCLUDED IN MINERAL SPRINGS ENVIRONMENTAL, P.C.'S FEBRUARY 22, 2010 COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT AND SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT ADDENDUM. 4.SUB-SLAB VAPOR SAMPLE LOCATIONS APPROXIMATED FROM FIGURES INCLUDED IN BY ECS CAROLINAS, LLP'S APRIL 26, 2012 REPORT OF SUB-SLAB GAS SAMPLING. 5.GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION APPROXIMATED FROM FIGURES INCLUDED IN MINERAL SPRINGS SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT ADDENDUM. LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL LINE PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT MONITORING WELL LOCATION DEEP MONITORING WELL LOCATION SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB VAPOR SAMPLE LOCATION INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION M:\AAA_DRAFTING\DMM\DMM-001\Figures_20210630.dwg, FIG1, 9/15/2021 8:39:14 AM, shaynes