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TR0795A ES-1 July 2021
This Operations and Maintenance Report #3 (O&M Report #3) has been prepared to document the
operations, maintenance, and performance of the flow-through cells at Seeps A, B, C, and D from
May 1 through June 30, 2021. Seeps B and D were initiated in the latter part of the reporting period
(June 8 and June 24, 2021, respectively). The median flow rate processed by the Seep A, B, and C
FTCs was 140, 131, and 90 gallons per minute (gpm), respectively. Flow data for the Seep D flow-
through cell will be available in the next O&M Report. As documented in the previous O&M
Reports #1 and #2, the FTC systems are capable of capturing total base flow under favorable
hydraulic conditions, and additionally capture and treat a portion of wet weather flow as well. In
total, over the two-month reporting period, the systems processed approximately 27,800,000
gallons of seep flow. Composite samples from performance monitoring indicated the average
PFAS removal efficiency of the captured base flow was approximately 98.8%; it is estimated that
the FTCs prevented approximately 45.0 pounds (lbs) of PFAS from being discharged to the Cape
Fear River in the reporting period, and 62.4 lbs of PFAS over the lifetime of the systems to date.
TR0795A i July 2021
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................1
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4 1.1 Construction and Startup of Seeps B and D ....................................................................4
2. Inspections, Operation, and Maintenance .................................................................................5
2.1 Inspections .......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Duty Cycling ...................................................................................................................5
2.3 FTC Management During River Flooding ......................................................................6
2.4 Material Changeouts ........................................................................................................6
2.5 Issues Encountered and Resolutions ...............................................................................6
3. Data Collected ..........................................................................................................................8
3.1 Pressure Transducers .......................................................................................................8
3.2 Rainfall and River Stage ..................................................................................................8
3.3 Operational and Treatment Performance Monitoring .....................................................8
3.3.1 Performance Monitoring .....................................................................................8
3.3.2 Breakthrough Monitoring ....................................................................................9
3.3.3 Water Quality Monitoring ...................................................................................9
3.3.4 Rain Event Monitoring ........................................................................................9
3.4 Deviations ......................................................................................................................10
3.4.1 Transducer Monitoring Deviations ...................................................................10
3.4.2 Performance Monitoring and Wet Weather Sampling Deviations ....................10
3.4.3 Precipitation Data from USGS Monitoring Station ..........................................10
4. Results.....................................................................................................................................11 4.1 System Flowrates and Operational Periods ...................................................................11
4.1.1 System Flowrate ................................................................................................11
4.1.2 Bypass Flow ......................................................................................................12
4.2 Performance Monitoring Analytical Results .................................................................12
4.3 System Effectiveness .....................................................................................................13
4.4 Wet Weather Sampling Results .....................................................................................14
4.5 River Elevation and Precipitation ..................................................................................14
4.6 Water Quality ................................................................................................................15
4.7 GAC Usage ....................................................................................................................15
5. Summary .................................................................................................................................16
6. References ...............................................................................................................................17
TR0795A ii July 2021
Table 1A-D Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities – Seeps A-D
Table 2A-C Sampling Summary – Seeps A-C
Table 3A-C Summary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results – Seeps A-C
Table 4A, C Summary of Wet Weather Analytical Results – Seeps A and C
Table 5 Cape Fear River Elevation and Precipitation Statistics
Table 6A-D Water Quality Data – Seeps A-D
Figure 1 River Level and Seep C FTC As-Built Elevations
Figure 2A-C Measured Discharge Flowrate – Seeps A-C
Figure 3A-C Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow – Seeps A-C
Figure 4 Seep A Turbidity Logging and Precipitation (May - June 2021)
Appendix A Transducer Data Reduction
Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative
TR0795A iii July 2021
% percent
CO Addendum Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12
DB Discharge Basin
DO Dissolved oxygen
ESB Effluent Stilling Basin
FB1 Filter Bed-1
FB2 Filter Bed-2
FTC flow-through cell
ft msl feet mean sea level
GAC granular activated carbon
gpm gallons per minute
HDPE high-density polyethylene
HFPO-DA hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer
IC Inlet Chamber
IP Individual Permit
ISB Influent Stilling Basin
lbs pounds
mg/L milligrams per liter
ng/L nanograms per liter
NTU nephelometric turbidity units
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OM&M operation, maintenance, and monitoring
PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PFMOAA perfluoro-2-methoxyaceticacid
PMPA perfluoromethoxypropyl carboxylic acid
TB Transfer Basin
TSS total suspended solids
USGS United States Geological Survey
TR0795A 4 July 2021
Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC (Geosyntec) has prepared this Interim Seep Remediation
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Report #3 (“O&M Report #3”) on behalf of The Chemours
Company FC, LLC (Chemours) to provide a summary report of Operations and Maintenance for
the flow-through cells (FTCs) installed as the interim remediation systems at Seeps A, B, C and D
at the Chemours Fayetteville Works Site (the Site). This O&M Report #3 has been prepared for
the operational period of May 1 through June 30, 2021 and includes startup of the Seep B and D
FTCs (June 8 and 24, 2021, respectively). The next O&M Report (#4) will cover the bimonthly
period of July 1 through August 31, 2021.
As the O&M Report #1 from March 31, 2021 presented FTC performance data for the first time,
detailed information was provided on the hydraulic mechanics of the system, flood management
practices, data collection methodology and reduction process, and flow calculation formulas. As a
simplifying step for presentation clarity, at various sections in this O&M Report #3, reference is
made to these details in O&M Report #1. For an overview of the hydraulic functionality of the
system, see Section 1.1 of O&M Report #1.
1.1 Construction and Startup of Seeps B and D
Substantial completion of construction was achieved at Seeps B and D FTCs on June 8 and 24,
2021, respectively, and startup commenced thereafter. A record of construction, including as-built
record drawings, will be provided in the forthcoming Interim Effectiveness Reports for Seeps B
and D that will be submitted to North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality by October
8 and 24, 2021, respectively. The process flow diagram for Seep A, which applies to Seeps B and
D as well, was provided in O&M Report #2.
As detailed in paragraph 2(vi) of the CO Addendum, the Interim Effectiveness Report is required
within four months after construction. The Interim Effectiveness Report is required by the CO
Addendum to include analysis of the second and third full calendar months of operation (i.e.,
August and September 2021) which extends beyond the reporting period of this Report (May 1
through June 30, 2021).
TR0795A 5 July 2021
The following sections describe the inspections, operation, and maintenance activities completed
at the four FTCs during the current reporting period (May 1 through June 30, 2021).
2.1 Inspections
Per the CO Addendum, routine inspections occurred on a weekly basis (at a minimum), and also
occurred after 0.5 inch or greater rain events within a 24-hour period. An Inspection Form was
filled out by operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) personnel during each inspection.
The routine inspections included, but were not limited to:
• documenting the system duty cycle (i.e., lead/lag orientation of the GAC filter beds)
• measuring and collecting operational parameters/data, notably water elevation data that are
used to evaluate influent flowrate and the occurrence (if any) of bypass
• documenting any potential observed issues, such as sediment accumulation in the
impoundment basin, structural problems, GAC fouling, and debris that is impairing flow
through the system
• inspecting the autosamplers
• photographing the conditions observed, including any bypass flow
A summary of the inspection and maintenance events completed during this reporting period is
provided in Tables 1A-D for Seeps A-D, respectively. Further details of these events are provided
in the following subsections.
2.2 Duty Cycling
As described in Section 1.1 of the O&M Report #1, the Seep FTCs are constructed of two filter
beds which operate in series. Tables 1A-D detail the filter bed configurations for Seeps A, B, C,
and D over the reporting period of May 1 through June 30, 2021. The approximate number of days
each filter bed was in lead during the reporting period for Seeps A, B, C, and D is summarized in
the table below:
Seep FB1 Lead (days) FB2 Lead (days) Total Uptime in Reporting
Period (days)
A 55.5 5.5 61
B 23 0 23
C 52 9 61
D 7 0 7
TR0795A 6 July 2021
2.3 FTC Management During River Flooding
As described in the Interim Seeps Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020), to treat total base
flow of each seep, it was necessary to install the interim remedies within the floodway. The
historical river elevations were referenced to develop the design elevations of key features such as
the spillway and the top of the wall. Additionally, an action level was developed for autosampler
removal to prevent damage to electronic components by flood waters. Based on a review of the
historical record, a W.O. Huske Lock and Dam gage height of 10 feet (or approximately 38 ft
above mean sea level) was selected as the action level for removing autosamplers. Review of
historical river stage data indicated that once the river level exceeded this action level, it would
typically continue to rise past the level of the FTC walls.
During this reporting period (May 1 through June 30, 2021), the Cape Fear River was not above
the action level. More details regarding the Cape Fear River are described in Section 4.5.
2.4 Material Changeouts
As discussed in the Interim Seeps Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020), when
breakthrough monitoring sampling indicates the concentration of PFAS in the midpoint of the
system has reached approximately 30% of the concentration of PFAS in the influent, a GAC
changeout will be scheduled.
During this reporting period (May 1 through June 30, 2021), breakthrough sampling and visual
inspections of the lag filter bed (FB2) in Seep A indicated a preferential flow pathway had
developed. As a conservative precaution, the full bed of GAC was replaced on May 28, 2021. A
GAC changeout was also completed on the lead filter bed (FB1) in Seep C on June 30, 2021, due
to total age of GAC (146 days), age of GAC as lead service (approximately 87 days), and
breakthrough sampling indicating an increasing concentration trend in the midpoint sample
2.5 Issues Encountered and Resolutions
Observations from routine inspections noted fine-grained sediment with the addition of algae
accumulating on the surface of the filter beds, especially in the lead filter bed. The table below
summarizes the average turbidity, in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), prior to construction of
each FTC (Geosyntec, 2020) and the average turbidity following startup of each system through
this reporting period (May 1 through June 30, 2021):
Average Turbidity
Prior to Construction
Average Turbidity
Following Startup
Average Turbidity
During Storm Events
A 13 62 234
B 11 16 To Be Determined
C 28 66 485
D 5 47 To Be Determined
TR0795A 7 July 2021
As documented in O&M Reports #1 and #2, sediment management techniques were developed
and refined, and included scrubbing and vacuuming the geocomposite layer above the GAC,
periodic replacement of both the geocomposite and the top few inches of GAC underneath the
geocomposite, and the installation of a turbidity curtain in the upstream impoundment. In addition,
since O&M Report #2, the following steps have been implemented:
• Installation of rip rap aprons in front of the FTC inlet chambers, with geocomposite above
the rip rap, to provide additional surface area for sediment deposition prior to entering the
flow-through cell.
• Addition of masonry sand on top of the stone layer in the Inlet Chamber (IC) to reduce
sediment loading into the filter beds.
• Installation of tarps to cover all FTC chambers, most notably the filter beds, to reduce
sunlight reaching the geocomposite layer and minimize algae growth.
TR0795A 8 July 2021
The FTC includes design components to measure water levels in the system, precipitation, water
quality, and PFAS removal performance. The W.O. Huske Lock and Dam gage station is also used
to reference nearby precipitation and river levels.
3.1 Pressure Transducers
The Influent Chamber (IC) and Effluent Stilling Basin (ESB) are each equipped with a stilling well
in which a non-vented Levelogger® is installed below the operational water level. The water levels
acquired from processing the transducer data are used to estimate flows the system processes, and
to record the occurrence of flow that is diverted past the system via the Bypass Spillway. Section
4.1 of the O&M Report #1 describes the process used to calculate the flowrates through the FTC
based on the water levels.
The pressure transducer data were downloaded regularly as part of routine inspections (weekly at
a minimum). Additionally, manual water level measurements were collected in the basins and
stilling wells whenever transducers were downloaded to equilibrate the transducer readings
(discussed in Section 4.1).
3.2 Rainfall and River Stage
Precipitation and river stage are monitored by using the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
weather monitoring station at the W.O. Huske Dam (gage 02105500). This station is
approximately 1,200 feet from Seep C and records precipitation and river elevation data every 15
3.3 Operational and Treatment Performance Monitoring
Operational and performance monitoring of the system includes the composite collection of water
samples from various locations in the system, and direct measurement of water quality parameters.
The operational and performance monitoring is completed on a regular basis to evaluate:
• PFAS removal efficiency (i.e. performance monitoring)
• breakthrough of PFAS compounds between GAC filter beds, using grab samples on an as-
needed basis (i.e. breakthrough monitoring)
• water quality parameters specified in the CO Addendum
• potential effects of 0.5-inch rain events on PFAS concentrations (i.e. wet weather
3.3.1 Performance Monitoring
Composite samples for performance monitoring are collected using portable, battery-powered
autosamplers (e.g. Teledyne ISCO 6712 Full-Size Portable Sampler). At the end of the sampling
period, the OM&M personnel fill laboratory-supplied sample containers from the common
container within the autosampler. Sampling is conducted in accordance with the PFAS Quality
TR0795A 9 July 2021
Assurance Project Plan (AECOM, 2018). Any adjustments made to address potential deficiencies
(e.g. low battery power, river flooding) are documented on the Inspection Form.
During this reporting period, five performance monitoring samples were collected for Seep C, four
performance monitoring samples were collected for Seep A, and three performance monitoring
samples were collected for Seep B (Table 2). Due to equipment malfunctions at Seeps B and C
that interrupted a few 14-day composite cycles, a combination of aliquot collection (14-days and
24-hours) was utilized to obtain the necessary quantity of performance monitoring samples
required by CO Addendum Paragraph 2a(iii). Dates of composite periods for each sample are listed
in Table 2. Seep D samples for performance monitoring were not collected as startup occurred
near the end of the reporting period. Performance and wet weather monitoring for Seep D will
begin in July 2021 and will be included in O&M Report #4.
Samples were stored on wet ice in a cooler until shipment to an external laboratory (Eurofins
TestAmerica Laboratories Sacramento or Lancaster). Chain-of-custody documents were
completed and included with each shipment. Performance monitoring samples were analyzed for
Table 3+ PFAS, as outlined in the Interim Seep Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020).
3.3.2 Breakthrough Monitoring
Grab samples were collected from the IC, TB, and ESB at Seeps A-D for evaluation of system
performance and the need for GAC changeouts. The total number of breakthrough monitoring
samples collected during this reporting period for Seep A, B, C and D were 8, 1, 6, and 1,
respectively (16 total).
3.3.3 Water Quality Monitoring
The water quality in the IC and ESB at Seeps A-D was monitored at the same minimum frequency
as performance monitoring described above – at least twice per month. Dissolved oxygen (DO),
pH, turbidity, specific conductivity, temperature, and total suspended solids (TSS) were measured
using a calibrated In-Situ Aqua TROLL 500 multiparameter sonde.
3.3.4 Rain Event Monitoring
Wet weather samples were collected at a frequency of once per calendar month following a rain
event of at least 0.5 inches within a 24-hour period. Composite samples for wet weather monitoring
are collected using Teledyne ISCO 6712 Full-Size Portable Samplers (the same make and model
as performance monitoring discussed above, but a dedicated set for wet weather sampling only).
The wet weather autosamplers are equipped with Teledyne 674 rain gauges that measure rainfall
depth. When rainfall exceeds 0.5 inches in a 24-hour period, the rain gauge sends a signal to the
Teledyne 6712 to begin a sampling cycle, where the autosampler collects aliquots every hour for
24 hours. OM&M personnel fill sample containers and follow the same sample collection
protocols for wet weather as described in Section 3.3.1 above.
TR0795A 10 July 2021
Wet weather monitoring samples were analyzed for Table 3+ PFAS, as outlined in the Interim
Seep Remediation System Plan (Geosyntec, 2020). Table 2 lists the wet weather sample collected
at Seeps A and C during the reporting period and the associated cumulative rainfall prior to the
sampling timeframe.
3.4 Deviations
Deviations for each of the data types collected are described below.
3.4.1 Transducer Monitoring Deviations
There were no deviations in the download or analysis of transducer data during this reporting
3.4.2 Performance Monitoring and Wet Weather Sampling Deviations
There were no deviations in the planned number of collected performance monitoring samples
during this reporting period. Similarly, there were no deviations in the planned number of collected
wet weather samples for Seeps A and C (Seeps B and D were not fully operational in June and
will be assessed for wet weather performance starting in July).
3.4.3 Precipitation Data from USGS Monitoring Station
The USGS precipitation data for this reporting period is missing information about the rainfall
received during May 7 and May 27. There is no indication from USGS on the cause of this data
TR0795A 11 July 2021
The results for each type of data collected are described in detail in the following subsections. A
brief overview of the results is as follows:
Reporting Period Metric Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D2 Total
Duration 61 days (May 1 - June 30, 2021)
Rainfall, Actual (in) 9.34 (May 1 - June 30, 2021) 3
Rainfall, Historical Average (in) 8.50 (May 1 - June 30, 2004-2020)
River Above Spillway (days) 0 0 0 0 N/A
Operational Period
(days) 61 23 61 7 N/A
Median Flow Rate (gpm) 140 131 90 N/A N/A
Seep Volume Treated (gallons) 16,000,000 3,900,000 7,900,000 N/A 27,800,000
PFAS Removed (lbs) 30.3 6.8 7.9 N/A 45.0
GAC Replaced (lbs) 27,000 0 9,000 0 36,000
4.1 System Flowrates and Operational Periods
4.1.1 System Flowrate
A detailed discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the Effluent Stilling
Basin, and the data reduction process to convert these levels to flow rates, is provided in Sections
3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.1 of O&M Report #1. This data reduction process, updated for the current
reporting period, is provided in Appendix A.
Figures 2A-C show the measurable flowrates through the FTC over the reporting period for Seeps
A-C, respectively. As noted above, the flow calculations for Seep B are suspected to significantly
2 As the Seep D flow-through cell was commissioned at the end of the reporting period, transducer data and analytical
samples were initiated July 1. Flow and PFAS data for Seep D will be included in the O&M Report #4. 3 As noted in Section 3.4.3, there is a missing period of rainfall data from the Huske gage (May 7 and May 27), therefore this amount underestimates the true total of actual rainfall. It is noted, however, that drought conditions were generally observed in May, and the underestimate is not likely to be significant.
TR0795A 12 July 2021
underestimate actual flow, and a survey will be re-performed in late July to update the calculations.
The re-survey is also being performed at Seep A as a conservative precaution.
The flowrate statistics calculated from measurable discharge flowrates for Seeps A-C for the
current reporting period are tabulated below:
Flowrate Metric Seep A Seep B Seep C
Median Flow Rate (gpm) during
the Reporting Period
140 131 90
95th percentile Flow Rate (gpm)
during the Reporting Period
347 262 161
Design Basis Flow Rate * (gpm) 205 226 76
* The design basis flow rate was selected as the 95th percentile value of dry weather base flow from flume
pre-design data.
Approximately 16,000,000 gallons, 3,900,000 gallons, and 7,900,000 gallons of water (27,800,000
gallons total) were treated by the Seeps A, B, and C FTCs, respectively, from May 1 through June
30, 2021.
4.1.2 Bypass Flow
A discussion of pressure transducer water level measurements in the FTC Influent Stilling Basin
(ISB), and the data reduction process to convert these levels to the elevation of the bypass spillway,
is provided in Section 3.1, 3.4.1, and 4.1.2 of O&M Report #1. This data reduction process,
updated for the current reporting period, is provided in Appendix A.
As there were only 7 days of startup operation at Seep D, with no bypass observed, a detailed
analysis for Seep D will be discussed in the subsequent O&M Report #4. The resulting figures for
influent water level elevation and occurrences of bypass flow at Seeps A-C is provided in Figures
3A-C, respectively. As shown, bypass flow in May was extremely limited, with three brief
instances at Seep A from rain events on May 7, May 13, and May 18; Seep C did not bypass during
these same rain events.
Bypass flow in June at Seeps A and C was caused by several notable rain events (approximately
8.94 inches of rain fell in this month, almost double the historical June average). In contrast, the
Seep B FTC captured nearly all of the June wet weather flow.
4.2 Performance Monitoring Analytical Results
Analytical results for the composite performance monitoring samples are provided in Table 3 and
summarized below. Laboratory analytical results are compiled in Appendix B. A total of 12
composite samples from Seeps A, B, and C were submitted for analytical results. No samples were
collected during the reporting period for Seep D.
TR0795A 13 July 2021
Analytical Result –
Performance Monitoring Seep A Seep B Seep C
Average Influent Total Table 3+
PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L)
190,000 143,000 83,000
Average Effluent Total Table 3+
PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L)
94.5 12 120
Average Removal Efficiency
96.5 >99.9 99.9
It is noted that in May, the Seep A removal efficiencies ranged from 92-95%, which exceeds the
requirements, but is less than typically observed. Removal efficiency at Seep A in June was nearly
100%. This is attributed to the development of preferential flow pathways discussed in Section 2.4
that led to a filter bed changeout on May 28.
4.3 System Effectiveness
System effectiveness, defined by the percentage removal of the combined concentrations of the
three indicator parameters (HFPO-DA, PFMOAA and PMPA), is determined on a monthly
average basis for the system using volume weighted concentrations of the influent and effluent
samples. Volume weighted concentrations were developed in the event that either the influent and
effluent autosamplers have different compositing durations or that the two composite sampling
periods in the month have different durations (e.g. 14 days and 10 days). Both circumstances could
arise due to a potential equipment malfunction or severe weather event. Weighting by volume
provides a representative assessment of mass present in both the influent and effluent over time;
samples corresponding to greater flow volumes will have a proportionately higher weight. System
effectiveness is calculated using the equation presented in Section 4.3 of the O&M Report #1. The
system effectiveness results discussed here pertain to the Seeps A, B, and C based on the limited
analytical results for these Seeps. Seep D was not sampled during this reporting period.
Based on the system flowrate data (Section 4.1.1) and the performance monitoring composite
sample data of the three indicator compounds (Section 4.2), the overall system effectiveness for
Seeps A-C was calculated to be 98.7%. The system effectiveness for the individual Seeps is
presented below:
Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Overall
% 96.3 99.9 99.9 N/A* 98.7
* Seep D samples were not collected during the reporting period. Performance and wet weather monitoring
will begin in July 2021 and will be included in the O&M Report #4.
TR0795A 14 July 2021
The estimates of system effectiveness are different from the Table 3+ removal efficiency described
in Section 4.2 because the calculations involve adjusting for the differences between 24-hour
composite samples and 14-day composition samples.
4.4 Wet Weather Sampling Results
Wet weather monitoring samples (May 8 and June 3) were collected at Seeps A and C during the
reporting period (Table 2), and their analytical results are shown in Table 4 and summarized below.
Laboratory analytical results are compiled in Appendix B. No wet weather monitoring samples
were collected at Seeps B and D during this reporting period. As noted in Paragraph 2(a)(iii) in the
CO Addendum, these results are not to be used to determine compliance under Paragraph 2(a)(vi).
Analytical Result – Wet
Weather Monitoring Seep A Seep C
Average Influent Total Table 3+
PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L)
160,000 122,000
Average Effluent Total Table 3+
PFAS, 17 compounds (ng/L)
725 199
Average Removal Efficiency
99.5 99.8
4.5 River Elevation and Precipitation
The Cape Fear River was monitored using the existing USGS weather monitoring station at the
W.O. Huske Dam (gage 02105500), as described in Section 3.2.
Three key river elevations, in reference to the FTC at Seeps A, B, C, and D were monitored for
their effect on system performance:
(i)When the river rises above the top of the GAC, head differentials throughout the FTC
are reduced and flow through the system is hindered.
(ii)When the river rises above the invert of the Bypass Spillway, the influent and effluent
water elevation are equal and flow through the system ceases.
(iii)When the river rises above the top of the FTC walls, maintenance is required to repair
any damages from flooding.
A statistical summary of the Cape Fear River elevation relative to these key elevations is provided
in Table 5. The Cape Fear River did not rise above the elevation level of any key features (GAC,
wall, spillway, discharge pipe) of any FTCs during the reporting period. The changes in elevation
of the Cape Fear River since startup of the Seep C FTC are shown in Figure 1.
TR0795A 15 July 2021
4.6 Water Quality
The water quality measurements collected during reporting period are provided in Table 6 and
described below:
• DO: No significant differences were observed in the fluctuations of DO between influent
and effluent locations. In Seeps A-C, DO decreased on a median basis by only 0.6 mg/L
from influent to effluent. In Seep D, which was only measured once in this reporting period
(from six days of operation), the DO level increased by 0.5 mg/L. The minimum average
effluent DO across all four FTCs was 5.5 mg/L, indicating aerobic conditions are
maintained during the process. The FTC systems do not use biological activity to treat
influent water, therefore, DO is not expected to decrease or increase significantly over the
system’s residence time.
• Temperature: Across all four Seeps, the median temperature of the influent was equal to
the median temperature of the effluent during this reporting period. Due to the relatively
short residence time in the FTC, temperature is not expected to change significantly
throughout the FTC.
• Specific Conductance: Similar to the above parameters, there appeared to be only a minor
effect on conductivity. The FTC is expected to have little effect on the anion/cation content
of the seep baseflow.
• pH: From the IC to the ESB, the pH of treated water increased during all monitoring events
for all four Seeps. The increase in median pH from the IC to the ESB across the Seeps was
between 0.7 and 1.4 Standard Units. This effect was anticipated and is likely a result of the
inflow’s contact with the concrete walls of the FTC and the GAC in the filter beds.
• Turbidity and TSS: The average turbidity values of the influent water at Seeps A, B, C,
and D ranged from 15.7 to 65.8 NTU. This influent turbidity is less than previous reports
and reflects both the reduced precipitation in May and June as compared to Winter
2020/2021, and improved sediment reduction processes via the turbidity curtains and rip
rap aprons in front of the FTCs. The FTCs significantly decreased the turbidity of the
influent water. The decrease in turbidity across all four Seeps was at least 67%. The TSS
was observed to be 0.0 mg/L for all influent and effluent monitoring locations.
4.7 GAC Usage
On May 28, 27,000 lbs of GAC was replaced in FB2 of Seep A. On June 30, 9,000 lbs of GAC
was replaced in FB1 of Seep C. No GAC was replaced at Seep B or D during the reporting period.
TR0795A 16 July 2021
The following summarizes the FTC’s performance after the completion of the latest reporting
period (May 1 through June 30, 2021):
• Generally, the conclusions reached from the previous months of operation, as documented
in previous O&M Reports, have not changed. Flow data from Seeps A, B and C indicate
the systems are capable of treating more than the design basis flow rate under favorable
hydraulic conditions. Wet weather flow is frequently captured, in some cases fully
captured, and treated equally to dry weather flows when captured.
• Performance monitoring results indicate the PFAS removal efficiency of captured baseflow
at Seeps A-C ranges from 96.5 to >99.99%. To date, the A-C FTCs have prevented
approximately 62.4 lbs of PFAS from being discharged to the Cape Fear River. PFAS
removal calculations for Seep D will be evaluated in O&M Report #4 when performance
monitoring samples are collected.
The next reporting period (July 1 through August 31, 2021) will be detailed in O&M Report #4
Report, to be submitted no later than September 30, 2021. Additionally, the overall scope of O&M
activities will continue to be evaluated, and a modification may potentially be proposed after six
months of operation at all four systems, as permitted under Paragraph 2(a)(iv).
TR0795A 17 July 2021
AECOM, 2018. Poly and Perfluoroalkyl Substance Quality Assurance Project Plan. August 2018.
Geosyntec, 2020. Interim Seep Remediation System Plan. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 31
August 2020.
Geosyntec, 2021a. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #1. Chemours
Fayetteville Works. 31 March 2020.
Geosyntec, 2021b. Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #2. Chemours
Fayetteville Works. 31 May 2020.
Table 1a
Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep A
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
05/03/2021 5 No Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A
05/06/2021 8 No Lead Lag Lead Lag FB1 intakes shut off for four hours to dewater the filter bed for maintenance.
FB2 lead bed for four hours.
ISCO missed aliquots due to tubing curling out of water level in the influent
and effluent. Added weights to intake ports.
05/07/2021 9 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Filter sacks removed from FB1 due to storm surge.Stormwater, 24-hour composite started.
05/10/2021 12 Yes X Lead Lag Closed Lead N/A Upon departure, FB2 as lead processor, FB1 draining through GAC Filter.
Very fine silt and reddish brown algae deposited on filter bed.
05/11/2021 13 No X Closed Lead Lead Lag Filter fabric replaced in FB1. 10 micron sacks attached to FB1 input ports.
05/17/2021 19 Yes X Lead Lag Closed Lead X FB1 removed from processing for maintenance on 5/18.
ISCO 14-day composite ended. New 14-day composite started. Influent
Aliquots 2-4 and 6-8 no liquid detected. Effluent aliquots 5-9 no liquid
05/18/2021 20 No X Closed Lead Lead Lag
Replaced FB1 fabric and skimmed GAC off top of bed and containerized (2
barrels created). Replaced filter sacs with 5 micron filter bags on inlets of
Approximately 28 hours of FB2 as sole processor. No parameters taken for
breakthrough samples.
05/21/2021 23 No X Lead Closed Lead Closed Effluent stilling basin power washed and flushed of accumulated GAC
(approximately 3/4 cubic yard deposit of GAC in ESB).
FB1 flow discharge shut off from 0920 to 1300.
ESB drained from 1100 to 1300.
FB2 remains offline since 5/20 at 4:45 (pm? am?)
05/25/2021 27 No X Lead Closed Lead Closed X Dewatering of midpoint to allow FB2 to drain.FB2 changeout is planned for 5/26/21.
06/01/2021 34 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A
Error “No liquid detected” on Effluent stilling basin ISCO on 5/21/21 due
to maintenance conducted on 5/21/21 and dewatering Effluent Stilling
basin. Missed one aliquot. 06/03/2021 36 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A 4.0 inches of rain in 24 hours.
06/04/2021 37 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A High water from storm surface flow is preventing hand pull weir gate
06/07/2021 40 Yes Lead Lag Closed Lead
Dewatering of FB1 through the GAC. Vacuumed the Effluent Stilling Basin.
Observed some GAC in the basin when FB2 was turned to lead bed.
Removed the minimal amount of GAC from the ESB.
06/09/2021 42 Yes X Closed Lead Lead Lag X FB-1 fabric was pulled on 6/8/21. GAC was skimmed and remaining GAC was hard raked and leveled. New Fabric was placed over GAC.
06/10/2021 43 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag
Flushed filter bed with water from the midpoint basin. Used a power washer
and a hard brush to break the layer of silt and algae up off the filter fabric.
Used a transfer pump to send the turbid water to a dewatering station
upstream of the FTC.
06/11/2021 44 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Post storm maintenance scheduled after storm water recedes.
06/14/2021 47 Yes X Lead Lag Parallel Parallel Lowered weir height by 7 inches and switched flow direction to both beds in
14 day composite ended - no water detected in several aliquots. Will collect
06/15/2021 48 Yes Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel X N/A
Noticed that storm from 6/12 that storm surge went over top of flow
through cell. Restarted 14 day composite sample program. No liquid
detected, 56-54, 51-50, 12-6.
06/16/2021 49 Yes Parallel Parallel Lead Lag
Removed fabric from FB1 and FB2. Skimmed one inch of GAC from
surface and containerized. Hard raked GAC. Placed new fabric on surface of
GAC. 06/18/2021 51 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Flush, hard scrub, and vacuumed FB1.
06/21/2021 54 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Bypass is wet weather related. System is handling stormwater overflow.
06/22/2021 55 Not Recorded X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A06/23/2021 56 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag Hard scrub, flush of FB1.
06/28/2021 61 Yes Lead Lag Parallel Parallel X Fresh sand filter in place, FB1 dewatered for maintenance, fabric exchange,
and skim.
Tarps on lead bed and inlet filter. Compaction zone in FB1 appears to be
approx 10 inches.
06/29/2021 62 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A
06/30/2021 63 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A
Arrival DepartureDays Since
Bypass Spillway
Sampling Performed
Wet Weather
Operational Mode
Downloaded Maintenance Activities Completed Notes
TR0795A Page 1 of 4 July 2021
Table 1b
Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep B
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
06/08/2021 0 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Seep B System startup.
06/11/2021 3 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Started 24 hour performance sampling.
06/14/2021 6 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag Adjusted Weir 3 down 6 inches to allow
stormwater backlog to process.
Minimum freeboard available (~2
06/15/2021 7 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Breakthrough grab sample.
06/17/2021 9 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A
06/18/2021 10 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Filter fabric exchange and skim GAC on
FB1.06/21/2021 13 No Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A 7/8" rain on 6/2006/24/2021 16 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag More tarps placed over FB1.
06/28/2021 20 No Lead Lag Lead Closed X Fresh sand inlet installed on 6/25/21.
Draining FB2. FB1 in solo lead.Maintenance scheduled.
Days Since
Sampling Performed Operational Mode
Wet Weather
Arrival Departure Transducers
Downloaded Maintenance Activities Completed Notes
TR0795A Page 2 of 4 July 2021
Table 1c
Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep C
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
05/03/2021 139 No Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A
05/06/2021 142 No Lead Lag Lead Lag
Preventative maintenance, change out silt
sacs on FB1 intakes, vacuum inlet sand
layer. Vacuum FB1 fabric.
05/07/2021 143 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Scrubbed FB1 and FB2 fabric.Changed ISCO from 14-day composite to a 24-hour
05/10/2021 146 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A
05/11/2021 147 Not Recorded X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A
05/17/2021 153 No X Lead Lag Closed Lead X FB1 scrubbed and flushed. Remaining water allowed to drain through GAC.ISCO 24 hour composite collected and 14 day composite started.
05/19/2021 155 No Closed Lead Lead Lag Replaced FB1 fabric and skimmed and
containerized GAC.
05/25/2021 161 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A
06/01/2021 168 No X X Lead Lag Lead Lag X N/A Aliquots 2000 5/17/21 - 0800 5/19/21 no liquid
06/03/2021 170 Yes X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Unable to close hand weir due to high water.
06/04/2021 171 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A High water preventing hand weir closure.
06/07/2021 174 Yes Lead Lag Closed Lead Begin dewatering FB1 through the GAC.
06/09/2021 176 Yes X Closed Lead Lead Lag X
Removed clogged filter fabric from FB1
and skimmed ~1 inch GAC layer and
hard raked the remaining GAC in FB1.
FB2 ~ 36 hours in lead.
06/11/2021 178 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A High storm water levels from ~.1.0-inch overnight rain.
06/14/2021 181 Yes Closed Lead Closed Lead Weir 3 dropped 6 inches. FB1 left to
drain into midpoint and FB2 set as lead.
High stormwater level in seep is preventing
manipulation of Weir 1.
06/15/2021 182 Yes X X Closed Lead Lead Lag X
Hard scrub and flush discharge FB1 and
hard scrub FB2. System stopped
bypassing from stormwater surge.
System returned to FB1 lead and FB2 lag
at 16:30.
FB1 clogged and not flowing into midbasin. New performance sample running for 14 days.
06/17/2021 184 No Lead Lag Lead Lag Filter fabric replacement and skimmed
GAC at FB1 and FB2.
06/21/2021 188 Yes Lead Lag Lead Lag X
Stormwater still being processed at this
time. FB1 will likely need to be skimmed
or removed from surface due to
absorption rate and compaction of
06/28/2021 195 No Closed Lead Closed Lead X N/A Carbon changeout on FB1 scheduled for 6/30/2021.
06/29/2021 196 No X X Closed Lead Closed Lead N/A Carbon changeout on FB1 scheduled for 6/30/2021.
06/30/2021 197 No Changeout Lead Lag Lead FB1 GAC changeout. FB2 hard scrub
with flush. Inlet stilling basin flush.
Transducers DownloadedDate
Bypass Spillway Flow?
Sampling Performed
Days Since Startup Maintenance Activities Completed NotesBreakthrough Monitoring Performance Monitoring Wet Weather Monitoring
Arrival Departure
Operational Mode
TR0795A Page 3 of 4 July 2021
Table 1d
Summary of Operations and Maintenance Activities - Seep D
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
06/24/2021 0 No Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A Seep D System startup.
06/29/2021 6 No X Lead Lag Lead Lag N/A
Operational Mode
Days Since
Sampling Performed
Wet Weather
Arrival Departure Transducers
Downloaded Maintenance Activities Completed
TR0795A Page 4 of 4 July 2021
Table 2a
Sampling Summary - Seep A
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Sample ID Composite Period
Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall
1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"
2 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam
May 3 - 17, 2021
May 31 - June 14, 2021
Wet Weather Composite Samples
May 8, 2021
Sample Date
Performance Monitoring Composite Samples
May 17 - 31, 2021 May 31, 2021
May 17, 2021
June 15 - June 29, 2021 June 29, 2021
June 14, 2021
June 3, 2021 16:30 4.02
7:30 0.07
TR0795A Page 1 of 3 July 2021
Table 2b
Sampling Summary - Seep B
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Sample ID Composite Period
1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"
2 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam
3 No wet weather samples were collected in June, as there was no qualifying rain event to trigger sample collection after system startup.
4 24-hour composite samples were collected rather than 14-day composite samples due to equipment malfunctions.
Sample Date
Performance Monitoring Composite Samples
June 14 - 15, 2021 June 15, 2021
June 12, 2021June 11 - 12, 2021
June 24, 2021June 23 - 24, 2021
TR0795A Page 2 of 3 July 2021
Table 2c
Sampling Summary - Seep C
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Sample ID Composite Period
Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Cumulative Rainfall
1 Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"
2 Precipitation data obtained from the USGS gauge #02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam
3 24-hour composite samples were collected rather than 14-day composite samples due to equipment malfunctions.
Performance Monitoring Composite Samples
Wet Weather Composite Samples
May 17 - 31, 2021
May 15 - 16, 2021
7:30May 8, 2021
May 31 - June 14, 2021
June 15 - June 29, 2021
May 9 - 10, 2021
Sample Date
June 14, 2021
May 31, 2021
May 16, 2021
May 10, 2021
June 29, 2021
June 3, 2021 16:30 4.02
TR0795A Page 3 of 3 July 2021
Table 3aSummary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results ‐ Seep AReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCSEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-051721SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-336-051721SEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-053121SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-336-053121SEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-061421SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-336-061421Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal17-May-21 17-May-21 31-May-2131-May-21 14-Jun-21 14-Jun-21Hfpo Dimer Acid23,000 2,10090.9%32,000 1,90094.1%22,000 11100.0%PFMOAA81,000 6,50092.0%91,000 5,30094.2%68,000 7499.9%PFO2HxA37,000 2,90092.2%41,000 2,20094.6%36,000 1999.9%PFO3OA13,000 1,10091.5%15,000 750 J95.0%14,000 899.9%PFO4DA8,400 650100.0%7,400 460 J93.8%7,300 599.9%PFO5DA5,300 400100.0%5,700 310 J94.6%4,100 3.699.9%PMPA21,000 1,60092.4%23,000 1,100 B95.2%19,000 4199.8%PEPA10,000 770100.0%9,400 56094.0%10,000<20 100.0%PS Acid2,600 250100.0%3,500 140 J96.0%4,500<2.0 100.0%Hydro-PS Acid1,600 130100.0%2,100 100 J95.2%1,400<2.0 100.0%R-PSDA2,500 20092.0%3,200 150 J95.3%2,200<2.0 100.0%Hydrolyzed PSDA21,000 1,800100.0%38,000 1,40096.3%18,000 1599.9%R-PSDCA55 3.9100.0%74 3.6 J95.1%45<2.0 100.0%NVHOS, Acid Form1,000 88100.0%1,300 66 J94.9%950<2.0 100.0%EVE Acid480 45100.0%620 20 J96.8%1,000<2.0 100.0%Hydro-EVE Acid1,700 140100.0%1,900 100 J94.7%1,500<2.0 100.0%R-EVE1,400 110100.0%1,600 84 J94.8%1,100<2.0 100.0%PES<6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <3.4 <2.0 100.0%PFECA B<27 <5.3 100.0% <27 <2.7 100.0% <13 <2.0 100.0%PFECA-G<48 <9.6 100.0% <48 <4.8 100.0% <24 <2.0 100.0%Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]210,000 17,000 91.9% 230,000 13,000 94.3% 190,000 160 99.9%Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]230,000 19,000 91.7% 280,000 15,000 94.6% 210,000 180 99.9%Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"TR0795APage 1 of 5July 2021
Table 3aSummary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results ‐ Seep AReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCHfpo Dimer AcidPFMOAAPFO2HxAPFO3OAPFO4DAPFO5DAPMPAPEPAPS AcidHydro-PS AcidR-PSDAHydrolyzed PSDAR-PSDCANVHOS, Acid FormEVE AcidHydro-EVE AcidR-EVEPESPFECA BPFECA-GTotal Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"SEEP-A-INFLUENT-336-062921SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-336-062921Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal29-Jun-21 29-Jun-2126,000 3.2100.0%63,000 21100.0%35,000 5.2100.0%13,000<2.0 100.0%7,000<2.0 100.0%5,700<2.0 100.0%23,000<10 100.0%6,900<20 100.0%5,100<2.0 100.0%1,400<2.0 100.0%2,400<2.0 100.0%26,000<2.0 100.0%55<2.0 100.0%1,000<2.0 100.0%890<2.0 100.0%1,600<2.0 100.0%1,200<2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0%190,000 29 100.0%220,000 29 100.0%TR0795APage 2 of 5July 2021
Table 3bSummary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results ‐ Seep BReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCSEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-061221SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-061221SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-061521SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-061521SEEP-B-INFLUENT-24-062421SEEP-B-EFFLUENT-24-062421Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal12-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 24-Jun-21Hfpo Dimer Acid22,000<2.0 100.0%30,000<2.0 100.0%35,000<2.0 100.0%PFMOAA26,000<2.0 100.0%33,000<2.0 100.0%52,000<2.0 100.0%PFO2HxA13,000<2.0 100.0%14,000<2.0 100.0%20,000<2.0 100.0%PFO3OA4,000<2.0 100.0%3,700<2.0 100.0%5,200<2.0 100.0%PFO4DA1,100<2.0 100.0%1,300<2.0 100.0%1,400<2.0 100.0%PFO5DA260<2.0 100.0%510<2.0 100.0%480<2.0 100.0%PMPA23,000<10 100.0%31,000 1899.9%40,000 18100.0%PEPA16,000<20 100.0%13,000<20 100.0%17,000<20 100.0%PS Acid2,000<2.0 100.0%2,500<2.0 100.0%2,300<2.0 100.0%Hydro-PS Acid800<2.0 100.0%810<2.0 100.0%990<2.0 100.0%R-PSDA2,200<2.0 100.0%3,100<2.0 100.0%4,100<2.0 100.0%Hydrolyzed PSDA10,000<2.0 100.0%20,000<2.0 100.0%28,000<2.0 100.0%R-PSDCA45<2.0 100.0%59<2.0 100.0%64<2.0 100.0%NVHOS, Acid Form1,300<2.0 100.0%1,600<2.0 100.0%2,100<2.0 100.0%EVE Acid2,800<2.0 100.0%3,500<2.0 100.0%3,300<2.0 100.0%Hydro-EVE Acid1,400<2.0 100.0%1,800<2.0 100.0%2,100<2.0 100.0%R-EVE1,900<2.0 100.0%2,500<2.0 100.0%3,400<2.0 100.0%PES<3.4 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0%PFECA B<13 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0%PFECA-G<24 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0%Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]110,000 ND 100.0% 140,000 18 100.0% 180,000 18 100.0%Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]130,000 ND 100.00% 160,000 18 99.99% 220,000 18 99.99%Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"TR0795APage 3 of 5July 2021
Table 3cSummary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results ‐ Seep CReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCSEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-051021SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-051021SEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-051621SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-051621SEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-053121SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-053121Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal10-May-21 10-May-21 16-May-2116-May-21 31-May-21 31-May-21Hfpo Dimer Acid18,000<2.0 100.0%19,000 J 2.9100.0%24,000 2.3100.0%PFMOAA81,000 4799.9%65,000 J 52 J99.9%67,000 9.9100.0%PFO2HxA25,000 2.8100.0%22,000 J 4.7 J100.0%23,000 3.5100.0%PFO3OA7,900<2.0 100.0%7,400 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%7,400<2.0 100.0%PFO4DA2,600<2.0 100.0%3,000 J<2.0 UJ 99.9%2,400<2.0 100.0%PFO5DA<78 <2.0 100.0%86 J<2.0 UJ 100.0% <78 <2.0 100.0%PMPA9,900<10 100.0%8,800 J 18 J99.8%9,800 16 B99.8%PEPA3,400<20 100.0%3,700 J<20 UJ 100.0%3,200<20 100.0%PS Acid<20 <2.0 100.0% <9.8 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0%Hydro-PS Acid440<2.0 100.0%410 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%440<2.0 100.0%R-PSDA740<2.0 100.0%840 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%870<2.0 100.0%Hydrolyzed PSDA990<2.0 100.0%750 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%1,100<2.0 100.0%R-PSDCA<17 <2.0 100.0%16 J<2.0 UJ 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0%NVHOS, Acid Form790<2.0 100.0%670 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%690<2.0 100.0%EVE Acid<17 <2.0 100.0% <8.7 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0%Hydro-EVE Acid1,100<2.0 100.0%1,200 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%1,200<2.0 100.0%R-EVE690<2.0 100.0%760 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%880<2.0 100.0%PES<6.7 <2.0 100.0% <3.4 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0%PFECA B<27 <2.0 100.0% <13 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0%PFECA-G<48 <2.0 100.0% <24 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0%Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]150,000 50 100.0% 130,000 78 99.9% 140,000 32 100.0%Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]150,000 50 100.0% 130,000 78 99.9% 140,000 32 100.0%Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"TR0795APage 4 of 5July 2021
Table 3cSummary of Performance Monitoring Analytical Results ‐ Seep CReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCHfpo Dimer AcidPFMOAAPFO2HxAPFO3OAPFO4DAPFO5DAPMPAPEPAPS AcidHydro-PS AcidR-PSDAHydrolyzed PSDAR-PSDCANVHOS, Acid FormEVE AcidHydro-EVE AcidR-EVEPESPFECA BPFECA-GTotal Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"SEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-061421SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-06142021SEEP-C-INFLUENT-336-062921SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-336-062921Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal14-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 29-Jun-21 29-Jun-2112,000 1299.9%15,000 7.3100.0%34,000 9399.7%41,000 6099.9%12,000 1499.9%17,000 1399.9%4,200 3.799.9%5,200 2.5100.0%1,300<2.0 100.0%2,100<2.0 100.0%<78 <2.0 100.0%120<2.0 100.0%5,400 2299.6%9,200 2299.8%1,900<20 100.0%2,200<20 100.0%<20 <2.0 100.0% <20 <2.0 100.0%270<2.0 100.0%340<2.0 100.0%540<2.0 100.0%640<2.0 100.0%510<2.0 100.0%620<2.0 100.0%<17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0%380<2.0 100.0%570<2.0 100.0%<17 <2.0 100.0% <17 <2.0 100.0%670<2.0 100.0%950<2.0 100.0%440<2.0 100.0%580<2.0 100.0%<6.7 <2.0 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0%<27 <2.0 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0%<48 <2.0 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0%72,000 140 99.8% 94,000 100 99.9%74,000 140 99.8% 96,000 100 99.9%TR0795APage 5 of 5July 2021
Table 4aSummary of Wet Weather Analytical Results ‐ Seep AReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCSEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-050821SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-050821SEEP-A-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-060321SEEP-A-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-060321Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal08-May-21 08-May-21 03-Jun-21 03-Jun-21Hfpo Dimer Acid23,000 J 180 J99.2%18,000 1099.9%PFMOAA71,000 J 520 J99.3%54,000 9499.8%PFO2HxA31,000 J 250 J99.2%24,000 1899.9%PFO3OA11,000 J 90 J99.2%8,800 6.199.9%PFO4DA5,000 J 43 J99.1%4,500 4.299.9%PFO5DA4,000 J 22 J99.5%3,000 2.299.9%PMPA19,000 J 140 J99.3%13,000 16 B99.9%PEPA7,600 J 59 J99.2%6,600<20 100.0%PS Acid1,800 J 15 J99.2%2,400<2.0 100.0%Hydro-PS Acid1,300 J 8.6 J99.3%1,000<2.0 100.0%R-PSDA1,900 J 24 J98.7%1,800<2.0 100.0%Hydrolyzed PSDA19,000 J 150 J99.2%16,000 1099.9%R-PSDCA42 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%33<2.0 100.0%NVHOS, Acid Form870 J 6.9 J99.2%890<2.0 100.0%EVE Acid530 J 4.3 J99.2%710<2.0 100.0%Hydro-EVE Acid1,100 J 8.4 J99.2%1,100<2.0 100.0%R-EVE980 J 10 J99.0%840<2.0 100.0%PES<6.7 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <6.7 <2.0 100.0%PFECA B<27 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <27 <2.0 100.0%PFECA-G<48 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <48 <2.0 100.0%Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]180,000 1,300 99.3% 140,000 150 99.9%Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]200,000 1,500 99.3% 160,000 160 99.9%Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"TR0795APage 1 of 2July 2021
Table 4cSummary of Wet Weather Analytical Results ‐ Seep CReporting Period 3 (May ‐ June 2021)Chemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, NCSEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-050821SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-050821SEEP-C-INFLUENT-RAIN-24-060321SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-RAIN-24-060321Sample Date: Sample Date:Percent RemovalSample Date: Sample Date:Percent Removal08-May-21 08-May-21 03-Jun-21 03-Jun-21Hfpo Dimer Acid20,000 J 3.2 J100.0%11,000 4899.6%PFMOAA87,000 J 41 J100.0%43,000 18099.6%PFO2HxA27,000 J 3.9 J100.0%15,000 6199.6%PFO3OA8,900 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%5,000 1999.6%PFO4DA2,500 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%1,700 6.799.6%PFO5DA<78 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <39 <2.0 100.0%PMPA11,000 J<10 UJ 100.0%4,800 B 28 B99.4%PEPA3,600 J<20 UJ 100.0%2,300<20 100.0%PS Acid<20 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <9.8 <2.0 100.0%Hydro-PS Acid410 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%270<2.0 100.0%R-PSDA790 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%410<2.0 100.0%Hydrolyzed PSDA1,000 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%400 299.5%R-PSDCA<17 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0%10<2.0 100.0%NVHOS, Acid Form840 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%400 3.499.2%EVE Acid<17 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <8.7 <2.0 100.0%Hydro-EVE Acid1,100 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%790 3.399.6%R-EVE730 J<2.0 UJ 100.0%390<2.0 100.0%PES<6.7 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <3.4 <2.0 100.0%PFECA B<27 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <13 <2.0 100.0%PFECA-G<48 UJ <2.0 UJ 100.0% <24 <2.0 100.0%Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) [1,2]160,000 48 100.0% 84,000 350 99.6%Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) [1]160,000 48 100.0% 85,000 350 99.6%Notes:1 - The total Table 3+ sum is rounded to two significant figures.2 - The three Table 3+ compounds that are not included in the list of 17, but are included in the list of 20, are R-PSDA, R-EVE, and Hydrolyzed PSDA.Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limitEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or preciseng/L - nanograms per literQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality controlSOP - standard operating procedureB - Analyte detected in the blank and sample.UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Sample Identification Label Key: "Seep - [A, B, C, or D] - [Sample Location Inside FTC] - [# of Aliquots in Composite Sample] - [MMDDYY]"TR0795APage 2 of 2July 2021
Table 5
Cape Fear River Elevation and Local Precipitation Statistics
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, NC
Percent of
Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of
Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of
Reporting Period Number of Days Percent of
Reporting Period Number of Days
C 197 61 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0
A 64 61 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0
B *23 23 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0
D *7 7 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0 0%0.0
1 River elevation and precipitation data from USGS Huske Lock and Dam site 02105500.
* Statistics for Seep B and D have been calculated based on design elevations and will be updated pending results of as-built survey.
**The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is
expected to be higher than the reported precipitation.
River Above Spillway Elevation River Above GAC Elevation River Above Discharge Pipe# of Days in
Current Reporting Period Historical Average (May - Jun 2004-2020)
Historical Annual Average (2004-2020)
# of Days of
Operation on
River Above Wall Elevation
Precipitation (inches)
Current Reporting Period (May - Jun 2021) **
Historical Annual Average (2007-2020)1.7%
2021 Year-to-Date
Historical Year-to-Date Average (2004-2020)
TR0795A Page 1 of 1 July 2021
Table 6a
Water Quality Data - Seep A
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
5/8/2021 NM 7.2 -4.3 5.9 36%NM 99 -NM 26 -NM 0.39 -0 0 0%
5/11/2021 6.8 7.0 3%3.8 4.7 23%170 128 -24%19 19 -2%10.39 5.37 -48%0 0 0%
5/17/2021 8.3 8.3 0%4.2 5.8 39%157 104 -34%19 19 -3%22.77 2.34 -90%0 0 0%
5/21/2021 4.7 2.3 -52%3.9 6.1 54%187 164 -12%19 19 2%2.96 4.05 37%0 0 0%
5/25/2021 5.8 3.9 -33%4.0 4.8 20%164 125 -24%21 22 2%NM NM -0 0 0%
5/31/2021 7.7 7.9 3%3.7 5.2 41%171 119 -30%23 23 3%5.74 1.59 -72%0 0 0%
6/1/2021 5.5 3.3 -40%4.1 6.7 65%158 119 -24%21 20 -6%1.44 0.75 -48%0 0 0%
6/3/2021 7.1 5.4 -25%4.5 5.6 27%70 71 2%23 23 -1%432.69 1.98 -100%0 0 0%
6/14/2021 6.8 7.0 3%4.2 6.4 54%155 140 -9%31 31 -1%2.33 2.70 16%0 0 0%
6/22/2021 4.7 5.0 6%4.4 5.0 13%110 130 18%23 23 -2%59.41 0.16 -100%0 0 0%
6/29/2021 4.6 3.0 -35%4.5 5.5 22%133 143 7%25 24 -3%20.21 3.20 -84%0 0 0%
6/30/2021 6.9 7.3 6%4.2 4.7 12%171 13 -92%25 23 -9%6.86 0.20 -97%0 0 0%
Average 6.3 5.6 -10%4.1 5.5 34%149.4 112.9 -24%23 23 -1%56.5 2.1 -96%0.0 0.0 0%
Median 6.8 6.2 -9%4.2 5.6 34%157.6 122.0 -23%23 23 0%8.6 2.0 -77%0.0 0.0 0%
DO dissolved oxygen
mg/L milligram per liter
SU standard units
NTU neophelometric turbidity units
uS/cm microSiemens per centimeter
TSS total suspended solids
NM Not Measured
Specific Conductance
Temperature Turbidity TSS
TR0795A Page 1 of 4 July 2021
Table 6b
Water Quality Data - Seep B
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
6/12/2021 6.98 7.01 0%6.74 7.61 13%67.36 91.14 35%24 22 -6%EC EC -0 0 0%
6/15/2021 4.6 6.5 41%7.6 8.1 6%238 167 -30%26 26 1%30.42 8.95 -71%0 0 0%
6/24/2021 6.7 6.6 -1%4.5 6.2 38%120 87 -27%24 24 0%1.00 0.54 -46%0 0 0%
Average 6.1 6.7 10%6.3 7.3 16%141.6 115.2 -19%25 24 -2%15.7 4.7 -70%0.0 0.0 0%
Median 6.7 6.6 -1%6.7 7.6 13%119.9 91.1 -24%24 24 0%15.7 4.7 -70%0.0 0.0 0%
DO dissolved oxygen
mg/L milligram per liter
SU standard units
NTU neophelometric turbidity units
uS/cm microSiemens per centimeter
TSS total suspended solids
NM Not Measured
EC Error Code
DO pH Specific Conductance
Temperature Turbidity
TR0795A Page 2 of 4 July 2021
Table 6c
Water Quality Data - Seep C
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
5/8/2021 7.1 7.1 0%6.6 6.7 2%92 89 -4%27 28 3%3.97 0.00 -100%0 0 0%
5/10/2021 6.6 5.3 -20%6.4 6.8 5%98 98 0%26 25 -2%42.49 0.00 -100%0 0 0%
5/11/2021 7.8 6.2 -20%5.6 6.7 20%91 115 27%21 21 0%85.09 3.08 -96%0 0 0%
5/16/2021 7.1 7.1 1%6.1 6.2 1%85 99 17%25 25 -1%14.94 0.80 -95%0 0 0%
5/25/2021 4.4 3.8 -15%5.3 6.8 28%81 103 27%24 24 3%4.39 4.66 6%0 0 0%
5/31/2021 7.6 7.6 1%5.2 5.8 12%87 95 10%27 27 0%12.88 2.71 -79%0 0 0%
6/1/2021 5.0 4.3 -14%5.2 5.3 3%84 93 11%23 22 -3%5.38 0.84 -84%0 0 0%
6/3/2021 6.8 6.0 -13%5.8 5.7 -2%54 66 22%24 24 1%271.73 1.97 -99%0 0 0%
6/14/2021 6.5 6.3 -2%6.6 6.8 2%90 153 70%33 33 -1%52.63 1.19 -98%0 0 0%
6/29/2021 6.3 6.6 4%6.8 6.8 0%94 83 -12%29 30 3%1.48 0.12 -92%0 0 0%
Average 7.0 5.5 -21%6.2 7.1 14%99.1 206.3 108%19 19 0%65.8 21.4 -67%0.0 0.0 0%
Median 7.1 6.1 -14%6.1 6.8 11%89.6 99.4 11%20 20 0%32.8 1.2 -96%0.0 0.0 0%
DO dissolved oxygen
mg/L milligram per liter
SU standard units
NTU neophelometric turbidity units
uS/cm microSiemens per centimeter
TSS total suspended solids
NM Not Measured
pH Specific Conductance Temperature Turbidity TSS
TR0795A Page 3 of 4 July 2021
Table 6d
Water Quality Data - Seep D
Reporting Period 3 (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
Difference Influent Effluent Percent
6/29/2021 3.9 4.4 13%4.1 6.3 55%160 147 -8%23 24 6%47.28 3.46 -93%0 0 0%
Average ------------------------------------
Median ------------------------------------
DO dissolved oxygen
mg/L milligram per liter
SU standard units
NTU neophelometric turbidity units
uS/cm microSiemens per centimeter
TSS total suspended solids
NM Not Measured
DO pH Specific Conductance
Temperature Turbidity TSS
TR0795A Page 4 of 4 July 2021
River •••••GAC Changeout, Seep C ―――Seep A Feature ―――Seep B Feature
•••••GAC Changeout, Seep A ―――Seep C Feature ―――Seep D Feature
As-built survey information for Seep C from RMA Surveying October 2020.
River elevation from USGS Huske Lock and Dam site 02105500, converted to NAVD88.
For clarity of presentation, Figure 1 shows Seep C elevations only.
FB1/FB2 = Filter Bed 1/Filter Bed 2
GAC = Granular Activated Carbon Raleigh, NC July 2021
River Level & FTC As-Built Elevations
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Top of Wall
Top of GAC
Discharge Invert
FB1/ FB2 FB2 FB2
A Startup B StartupC Startup D Startup
12/5/2020 1/24/2021 3/15/2021 5/4/2021 6/23/2021Elevation, feet above sea level, NAVD88River Elevation During Flow Through Cell Operation (12/16/2020 through 06/30/2021)
Legend−Measureable Discharge Flowrate140 150347 341882 882Notes:Figure 2A depicts the measurable discharge flowrate calculated using the Discharge Basin transducer data (solid green). Raleigh, NC July 2021Figure2AFlowrate Statistics (gpm)(05/01 ‐ 06/30) Since StartupMedian Q95th percentile QMax QMeasured Discharge Flowrate - Seep AChemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, North Carolina010020030040050060070080090010005/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Flowrate (gpm)
Legend−Measureable Discharge Flowrate131 131262 262339 339Notes:Figure 2B depicts the measurable discharge flowrate calculated using the Discharge Basin transducer data (solid green). Raleigh, NC July 2021Fayetteville, North CarolinaFigure2BFlowrate Statistics (gpm)(06/08 ‐ 06/30) Since StartupMedian Q95th percentile QMax QMeasured Discharge Flowrate - Seep BChemours Fayetteville Works0501001502002503003504005/1/215/5/215/9/215/13/215/17/215/21/215/25/215/29/216/2/216/6/216/10/216/14/216/18/216/22/216/26/216/30/21Flowrate (gpm)Seep B Startup
Legend−Measureable Discharge Flowrate90 98161 165372 372Notes:Figure 2C depicts the measurable discharge flowrate calculated using the Discharge Basin transducer data (solid green).Raleigh, NC July 2021Measured and Imputed Discharge Flowrate - Seep CFayetteville, North CarolinaFigureFlowrate Statistics (gpm)2CChemours Fayetteville WorksMedian Q95th percentile QMax Q(05/01 ‐ 06/30) Since Startup0501001502002503003504005/1/215/5/215/9/215/13/215/17/215/21/215/25/215/29/216/2/216/6/216/10/216/14/216/18/216/22/216/26/216/30/21Flowrate (gpm)
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Precipitation Data Gap
Bypass Spillway Elevation
This figure depicts the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange.
Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Influent Water Elevation and Bypass
Flow - Seep A
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is
expected to be higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/5/215/9/215/13/215/17/215/21/215/25/215/29/216/2/216/6/216/10/216/14/216/18/216/22/216/26/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Precipitation Data GapBypass Spillway ElevationNotes:Figure 3B shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange.Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam.The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May isexpected to be higher than the reported precipitation.Raleigh, NC July 2021Influent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow - Seep BChemours Fayetteville WorksFayetteville, North CarolinaFigure3B3939.54040.54141.54242.5435/1/215/5/215/9/215/13/215/17/215/21/215/25/215/29/216/2/216/6/216/10/216/14/216/18/216/22/216/26/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)Seep B Startup00.511.522.53Precipitation (in)
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−Impoundment Water Elevation Above Bypass Spillway Precipitation Data GapBypass Spillway ElevationNotes:Figure 3C shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period (blue line). Instances of impoundment bypass flow are shown in orange. Precipitation data obtained from USGS gauge# 02105500 at the Wilm O Huske Lock and Dam.Raleigh, NC July 20213CFayetteville, North CarolinaFigureInfluent Water Elevation and Bypass Flow - Seep CChemours Fayetteville WorksThe precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be higher than the reported precipitation.3939.54040.54141.54242.5435/1/215/5/215/9/215/13/215/17/215/21/215/25/215/29/216/2/216/6/216/10/216/14/216/18/216/22/216/26/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)012345Precipitation (in)
Precipitation (daily totals)Precipitation Data Gap
NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
Turbidity data logged with a AquaTROLL Turbidiy Sensor placed in the Influent Stilling Basin.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Seep A Turbidity Logging and
Precipitation (May - June 2021)
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
The peak values recorded by the turbidity sensor (over 1,000 NTU) may be biased high, as the sensors can become clogged during high sediment-loading events. The interpretation
of the turbidity data in the report is largely derived on the timing of the readings (i.e., baseline dry weather turbidity is very low and spikes after rain events). For clarity, the y-axis
above is limited to 500 NTU.
5/6/215/8/215/10/215/12/215/14/215/16/215/18/215/20/215/22/215/24/215/26/215/28/215/30/216/1/216/3/216/5/216/7/216/9/21Turbidity (NTU)0
Precipitation (in)
Transducer Data Reduction
Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation
Figure A1-A shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Discharge Basin Water Elevation -
Seep A
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)
Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap−Weir 3 Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Discharge Basin Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep A
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-A compares the available transducer data to
precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
Discharge Basin transducer data that was affected by river flooding is excluded from the dataset, to evaluate only effluent flow measurements that are from the
flow-through cell.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation
Figure A3-A shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation -
Seep A
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)
Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap
Bypass Spillway Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep A
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-A compares the available transducer
data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)
Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation
Figure A1-B shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Discharge Basin Water Elevation -
Seep B
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)Seep B Startup
Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap−Weir 3 Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Discharge Basin Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep B
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-B compares the available transducer data to
precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
Discharge Basin transducer data that was affected by river flooding is excluded from the dataset, to evaluate only effluent flow measurements that are from the
flow-through cell.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)Seep B Startup
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation
Figure A3-B shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation -
Seep B
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)Seep B Startup
Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap
Bypass Spillway Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep B
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-B compares the available transducer
data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)Seep B Startup
Legend−Discharge Basin Elevation−Weir 3 Elevation
Figure A1-C shows the discharge basin transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021 A1-C
Discharge Basin Water Elevation -
Seep C
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)
Legend−Discharge Basin Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap−Weir 3 Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021 A2-C
Discharge Basin Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep C
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the flow-through cell both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A2-C compares the available transducer data to
precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
Discharge Basin transducer data that was affected by river flooding is excluded from the dataset, to evaluate only effluent flow measurements that are from the
flow-through cell.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)
Legend−Influent Chamber/Impoundment Elevation
Figure A3-C shows the influent transducer data that was collected during the reporting period.
Raleigh, NC July 2021
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation -
Seep C
Chemours Fayetteville Works
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)
Legend−Inlet Chamber Water Elevation Precipitation (daily totals)−River Stage Precipitation Data Gap
Bypass Spillway Elevation
Raleigh, NC July 2021 A4-C
Inlet Chamber Water Elevation and
External Forcings - Seep C
Chemours Fayetteville Works
Fayetteville, North Carolina
As water can flow through the Bypass Spillway both as a result of wet weather inflow and elevated river levels from flooding, Figure A4-C compares the available transducer
data to precipitation and river stage elevation data available from the USGS Huske Lock and Dam.
The precipitation data downloaded from USGS for the site 02105500 had missing rainfall information from May 7 through May 27. Actual rainfall received during May is expected to be
higher than the reported precipitation.
5/1/215/3/215/5/215/7/215/9/215/11/215/13/215/15/215/17/215/19/215/21/215/23/215/25/215/27/215/29/215/31/216/2/216/4/216/6/216/8/216/10/216/12/216/14/216/16/216/18/216/20/216/22/216/24/216/26/216/28/216/30/21Elevation (ft msl)0
Precipitation (in)
Laboratory Analytical Data Review Narrative
(Full lab reports to be uploaded to OneDrive and EQuIS)
ADQM Data Review
Site: Chemours Fayetteville
Project: Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021 (select lots)
Project Reviewer: Michael Aucoin
Sample Summary
Sample ID Lab
Sample ID Sample
Matrix Filtered Sample
Date Sample
Time Sample
051021 320-73697-
1 Other liquid N 05/10/2021 14:15 FS
051021 320-73697-
2 Other liquid N 05/10/2021 14:15 FS
050821 320-73697-
3 Other liquid N 05/08/2021 07:30 FS
050821 320-73697-
4 Other liquid N 05/08/2021 07:30 FS
050821 320-73697-
5 Other liquid N 05/08/2021 07:30 FS
050821 320-73697-
6 Other liquid N 05/08/2021 07:30 FS
051621 320-73968-
1 Other liquid N 05/16/2021 11:00 FS
051621 320-73968-
2 Other liquid N 05/16/2021 11:00 FS
336-051721 320-73968-
3 Other liquid N 05/17/2021 17:00 FS
336-051721 320-73968-
4 Other liquid N 05/17/2021 17:00 FS
051621-D 320-73968-
5 Other liquid N 05/16/2021 11:00 DUP
051721 320-73968-
6 Blank Water N 05/17/2021 11:00 FB
336-053121 320-74508-
1 Other liquid N 05/31/2021 05:00 FS
336-053121 320-74508-
2 Other liquid N 05/31/2021 05:00 FS
336-053121 320-74508-
3 Other liquid N 05/31/2021 20:00 FS
336-053121 320-74508-
4 Other liquid N 05/31/2021 20:00 FS
5 Other liquid N 05/31/2021 05:00 DUP
060121 320-74508-
6 Blank Water N 06/01/2021 10:00 FB
060321 320-74607-
1 Other liquid N 06/03/2021 16:30 FS
060321 320-74607-
2 Other liquid N 06/03/2021 16:30 FS
060321 320-74607-
3 Other liquid N 06/03/2021 16:30 FS
060321 320-74607-
4 Other liquid N 06/03/2021 16:30 FS
060321 320-74607-
5 Blank Water N 06/03/2021 17:00 EB
336-061421 320-75081-
1 Other liquid N 06/14/2021 08:00 FS
336-061421 320-75081-
2 Other liquid N 06/14/2021 08:00 FS
061421-D 320-75081-
3 Other liquid N 06/14/2021 08:00 DUP
061621 320-75081-
4 Blank Water N 06/16/2021 12:30 FB
336-061421 320-75082-
1 Other liquid N 06/14/2021 05:00 FS
336-061421 320-75082-
2 Other liquid N 06/14/2021 05:00 FS
24-061221 320-75082-
3 Other liquid N 06/12/2021 13:00 FS
24-061221 320-75082-
4 Other liquid N 06/12/2021 13:00 FS
24-061521 320-75451-
1 Other liquid N 06/15/2021 13:00 FS
24-061521 320-75451-
2 Other liquid N 06/15/2021 13:00 FS
24-062421 320-75451-
3 Other liquid N 06/24/2021 12:15 FS
24-062421 320-75451-
4 Other liquid N 06/24/2021 12:15 FS
336-062921 320-75723-
1 Other liquid N 06/29/2021 13:00 FS
336-062921 320-75723-
2 Other liquid N 06/29/2021 13:00 FS
336-062921 320-75723-
3 Other liquid N 06/29/2021 09:00 FS
336-062921 320-75723-
4 Other liquid N 06/29/2021 09:00 FS
* FS=Field Sample
DUP=Field Duplicate
FB=Field Blank
EB=Equipment Blank
TB=Trip Blank
Analytical Protocol
Laboratory Method Parameters
TAL – Sacramento Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP 20 compounds incl HFPO-DA
ADQM Data Review Checklist
Item Description Yes No*
(ER) #
Did samples meet laboratory acceptability requirements
upon receipt (i.e., intact, within temperature, properly
preserved, and no headspace where applicable)?
B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement
with the associated chain of custody? X
Was the chain of custody properly completed by the
laboratory and/or field team?
D Were samples prepped/analyzed by the laboratory within
method holding times? X X
Were QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory (method
blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs,
duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved
differences/RPDs, sample results within calibration
F Were field/equipment/trip blanks (if collected) detected at
levels not requiring sample data qualification? X X
G Were all data usable and not R qualified? X
ER# Description:
Other QA/QC Items to Note:
* See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, or ER # for further details as indicated.
The electronic data submitted for this project was reviewed via the Data Verification Module (DVM)
process. Overall, the data is acceptable for use without qualification, except as noted on the attached
DVM Narrative Report.
The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be
posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive.
Data Verification Module (DVM)
The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data
usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™
database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software
(Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is
evaluated against the following data usability checks:
• Field and laboratory blank contamination
• US EPA hold time criteria
• Missing Quality Control (QC) samples
• Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences
(RPDs) between these spikes
• Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the
RPD between these spikes
• Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses
• Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs
• RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses
• Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs
There are two qualifier fields in EIM:
Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This
qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the
same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab
descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data.
Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this
field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the
usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data
evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted:
Qualifier Definition
B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field
R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample.
J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise.
UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise.
The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the
DVM has not been run, the field will be blank.
If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier.
If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g.,
ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.).
DVM Narrative ReportContamination detected in equipment blank(s). Sample result does not differ significantly from the analyte concentration detected in the associatedequipment blank(s).LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-06032106/03/2021320-74607-3PMPA0.016UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-06032106/03/2021320-74607-1PMPA0.028UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-06032106/03/2021320-74607-2PMPA4.8UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.31PQLPage 1 of 17
Contamination detected in Field Blank(s). Sample result does not differ significantly from the analyte concentration detected in the associated fieldblank(s).LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PMPA1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.062PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PMPA1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.062PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PMPA1.3UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.062PQLSEEP-C-effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-4PMPA0.016UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPBPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLPage 2 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2EVE Acid0.0087UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0087PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFECA B0.013UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.013PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PS Acid0.0098UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0098PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFECA-G0.024UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.024PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PMPA0.010UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6Hfpo Dimer Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6R-PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PEPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFO2HxA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 3 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFMOAA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6NVHOS, Acid Form0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSeep-FBLK-05172105/17/2021320-73968-6PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PES0.0067UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0067PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFECA B0.027UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.027PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4R-PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 4 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PEPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFECA-G0.048UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.048PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PMPA0.010UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4NVHOS, Acid Form0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PES0.0067UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0067PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFECA B0.027UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.027PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3R-PSDCA0.017UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.017PQLPage 5 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PS Acid0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PEPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PEPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3EVE Acid0.017UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.017PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFECA-G0.048UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.048PQLPage 6 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1NVHOS, Acid Form0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1NVHOS, Acid Form0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 7 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5R-PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PEPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFO5DA0.078ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.078PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5NVHOS, Acid Form0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 8 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reporting limit may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PES0.0034UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0034PQLPage 9 of 17
High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between field duplicate and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-PSDA0.15UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0071PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-PSDA0.14UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0071PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-PSDCA0.0036UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-PSDCA0.0033UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-EVE0.084UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1R-EVE0.082UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PS Acid0.14UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PS Acid0.14UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO3OA0.75ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0039PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO3OA0.72ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0039PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO4DA0.46ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0059PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO4DA0.43ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0059PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO5DA0.31ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0078PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1PFO5DA0.30ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0078PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1EVE Acid0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1EVE Acid0.019UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1Hydro-PS Acid0.10ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 10 of 17
High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between field duplicate and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1Hydro-PS Acid0.098ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1Hydro-EVE Acid0.10UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1Hydro-EVE Acid0.092UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1NVHOS, Acid Form0.066UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-05312105/31/2021320-74508-1NVHOS, Acid Form0.064UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PES0.21UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PFECA B0.19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0027PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5R-PSDA0.34UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0071PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5R-PSDCA0.23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5R-EVE0.29UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PS Acid0.34UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PFO3OA0.98ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0039PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PFO4DA0.67ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0059PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PFO5DA0.50ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0078PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5EVE Acid0.23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5Hydro-PS Acid0.32ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5Hydro-EVE Acid0.32UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 11 of 17
High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between field duplicate and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5NVHOS, Acid Form0.26UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-336-053121-D05/31/2021320-74508-5PFECA-G0.23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0048PQLPage 12 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PMPA8.8UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.31PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2Hfpo Dimer Acid19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.041PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFMOAA0.052ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PMPA0.016UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5Hfpo Dimer Acid0.0027UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFMOAA87ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.080PQLSEEP-C-effluent-24-051621-D05/16/2021320-73968-5PFO2HxA0.0044ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1Hfpo Dimer Acid (trial)0.0028UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFMOAA0.052ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFMOAA0.050ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PMPA0.018UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PMPA0.018UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3Hydro-PS Acid0.41ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0061PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3Hydro-EVE Acid1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.014PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3NVHOS, Acid Form0.84UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.015PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO2HxA0.0047ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-1PFO2HxA0.0045ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 13 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFO2HxA27ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.027PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFO3OA8.9ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.039PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PFO4DA2.5ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.059PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3R-EVE0.73UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PEPA3.6UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3R-PSDA0.79UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3Hydrolyzed PSDA1.0UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3PMPA11UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.62PQLSEEP-C-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-3Hfpo Dimer Acid20UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.081PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFMOAA0.041ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4Hfpo Dimer Acid0.0032UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-4PFO2HxA0.0039ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5R-PSDA1.9UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5Hydrolyzed PSDA19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5R-PSDCA0.042UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.017PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5R-EVE0.98UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.072PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PEPA7.6UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLPage 14 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PS Acid1.8UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFO2HxA31ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.027PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFO3OA11ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.039PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFO4DA5.0ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.059PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFO5DA4.0ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.078PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PFMOAA71ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.080PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5EVE Acid0.53UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.017PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5Hydro-PS Acid1.3ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0061PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5Hydro-EVE Acid1.1UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.014PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5NVHOS, Acid Form0.87UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.015PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5PMPA19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.62PQLSEEP-A-Influent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-5Hfpo Dimer Acid23UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.081PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6R-PSDA0.024UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6Hydrolyzed PSDA0.15UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PMPA0.14UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6Hfpo Dimer Acid0.18UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6R-EVE0.010UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 15 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PEPA0.059UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PS Acid0.015UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFO2HxA0.25ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFO3OA0.090ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFO4DA0.043ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFO5DA0.022ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6PFMOAA0.52ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6EVE Acid0.0043UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6Hydro-PS Acid0.0086ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6Hydro-EVE Acid0.0084UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-A-Effluent-Rain-24-05082105/08/2021320-73697-6NVHOS, Acid Form0.0069UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFO2HxA22ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.013PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFO3OA7.4ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFO4DA3.0ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.030PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFO5DA0.086ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.039PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PFMOAA65ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.040PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2R-PSDA0.84UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.035PQLPage 16 of 17
The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:Seep Flow Through Cell Sampling 2021AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.75UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.019PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2R-PSDCA0.016UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0087PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2R-EVE0.76UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.036PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2PEPA3.7UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2Hydro-PS Acid0.41ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0031PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2Hydro-EVE Acid1.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0072PQLSEEP-C-Influent-24-05162105/16/2021320-73968-2NVHOS, Acid Form0.67UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0073PQLPage 17 of 17