HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021.03.01_CCOA.p1_Q4_2020MassLoadAssessmentAppendicesTR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX A Field Methods Appendix A 1 March 2021 APPENDIX A FIELD METHODS INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES This appendix summarizes the field methods employed to conduct monitoring activities for total per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) mass loading to the Cape Fear River at and surrounding the Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina site (the Site). The effort described herein was conducted by Geosyntec and Parsons in December 2020. The monitoring program includes collecting data on flow rates and PFAS concentrations from the PFAS transport pathways to the Cape Fear River. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work involves four tasks: (1) collecting surface water and groundwater seep water samples for PFAS; (2) measuring flow rates at specified surface water and seep locations; (3) collecting a synoptic round of groundwater elevations from designated monitoring wells; and (4) collecting water samples for PFAS analysis from the designated monitoring wells. Field methods for each task are described below in the Methods section. Field forms collected during implementation of this scope of work are provided in Appendix E. The work was performed according to the project health and safety plan (HASP) prepared by Parsons (Parsons Health and Safety Plan Chemours Fayetteville Site, 2020). A Plan on Action Discussion (POAD) and Project Safety Analysis (PSA) was held prior to commencing field activities. The work was performed under Nationwide Permit 6 (United States Army Corps of Engineers, 2017). METHODS This section describes the field methods and procedures that were employed for collecting surface water and onsite seep samples, gauging stream flow, collection of groundwater elevations, water quality parameter assessment and sample collection. Surface Water and Onsite Seep Sample Collection Methods Surface Water and Onsite Seep Composite Sampling Methods Autosamplers were used to collect 24-hour integrated samples from various surface water bodies and onsite Seeps. The autosamplers collected sample aliquots once per hour. The sample tubing from the autosampler was positioned at minimum 2 inches above the bottom of the water body flow with the open end of the sample tubing pointed in the downstream direction to minimize the potential for sediment accumulation and uptake. Autosampler materials consisted of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tubing, silicon tubing, and an HDPE sample reservoir. Water from the Appendix A 2 March 2021 sample reservoir was decanted into laboratory supplied bottles (e.g. 250-milliliter [mL] HDPE bottles for PFAS analysis) and then sent to an approved laboratory. Field parameters were measured twice for composite samples: once during composite sampling (collected directly from the water stream), and once after composite sampling (collected from the autosampler reservoir). The following water quality parameters were recorded: pH; Temperature (degrees Celsius [°C]); Specific Conductivity (microsiemens per centimeter [µS/cm]); Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (milligrams per liter [mg/L]); and, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) (millivolts [mV]) Creek and Seep Water Grab Sampling Methods Where composite sample collection was not feasible due to access and other field conditions, creek and seep water samples were collected as grab samples. Laboratory-supplied 250 mL HDPE sample bottles were lowered into the flowing water of the creek to collect the sample. The bottles were lowered into the stream either using a properly decontaminated dip rod with bottle attached with a nylon zip tie, or in shallow streams, by hand. The bottle was lowered into the stream with the cap removed, open and facing oncoming flow. Where possible, the sample was collected from the middle of the stream. Care was taken to avoid collecting suspended solids or other materials in the sample. The following water quality parameters were measured after sample collection using water from the same location in the stream: pH; Temperature (°C); Specific Conductivity (µS/cm); DO (mg/L); and ORP (mV). Cape Fear River Water Grab Sampling Methods Cape Fear River water samples were collected using a peristaltic pump and new dedicated HDPE tubing and dedicated silicone tubing for the pump head at each location. The tubing was lowered to the specified sampling depth below the water surface using an anchor weight and the tubing fastened to the anchor pointing upwards. Surface water was pumped directly from the submerged tubing through the pump head to a flow-through cell. Field parameters were monitored over a 5- minute interval, then the flow-through cell was disconnected, the tubing cut to provide a new, clean end and a grab sample was collected from the discharge of the peristaltic pump in new 250 mL laboratory-supplied HDPE bottles. The following water quality parameters were measured: pH; Temperature (°C); Appendix A 3 March 2021 Specific Conductivity (µS/cm); DO (mg/L); and ORP (mV). Flow Gauging Methods Flow velocity was measured after sample collection at seep and creek locations specified in Table 2. Flow velocity was measured using flumes where they exist, otherwise flow velocity was measured via flow meters. Flumes Flumes are currently installed in Seep A, Seep B, Seep C, Seep D, and Old Outfall 002 under Nationwide Permit 38 (United States Army Corps of Engineers, June 2019). Where present, they were used to calculate flow based on the data collected by the level logger installed in the flume. Flow Velocity Gauging Where flumes are not installed (i.e., Willis Creek and Georgia Branch Creek), the flow rate of the stream was measured using a submersible flow meter. The flow meter was placed beneath the flowing stream along the cross section of the stream at regular intervals (e.g. every six inches) and the height of the water was recorded along with the recorded water velocity. These measurements were then used to calculate the volumetric flow of water passing through the structure based on the regular geometry and measured flow rates. Flow was measured using two to three transects to assess variability in estimated flow. Transects were selected that have fairly uniform cross sections that could be gauged with minimal disturbance. Synoptic Water Level Measurements Water level measurements for monitoring wells listed in Table 3 were collected during a single synoptic event. At each location, notes on well condition, weather, date and time of collection, depth to bottom of well and depth to water level from top of casing were recorded. Groundwater Sampling Methods Designated monitoring wells were monitored as part of the quarterly monitoring activities. These wells are listed in Table 3 and Figure 7a-c. The groundwater samples were analyzed for the list of PFAS compounds listed in Table 1. Field equipment was inspected by the program on-Site supervisor and calibrated daily prior to use according to the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines. Field parameters were measured with a water quality meter after sample collection and included the following: pH; Temperature (°C); Appendix A 4 March 2021 Specific Conductivity (µS/cm); DO (mg/L); ORP (mV); Turbidity (nephelometric turbidity units [NTU]); and, Color. Non-dedicated or non-disposable sampling equipment was decontaminated immediately before sample collection in the following manner: 1.De-ionized water rinse; 2.Scrub with de-ionized water containing non-phosphate detergent (i.e., Alconox®); and 3.De-ionized water rinse. Disposable equipment (e.g. gloves, tubing, etc.) was not reused. New sample containers were used for each sample. Groundwater samples were collected, where possible, using low-flow sampling techniques as discussed in detail in the Long-term Groundwater Monitoring Plan (Parsons, 2018) and briefly summarized here. 1.New disposable or dedicated HDPE tubing was placed at the midpoint of the well’s screened interval. 2.Water was purged through a flow-through cell attached to a water quality meter capable of measuring pH, temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and ORP. 3.Water was pumped using a peristaltic pump, with dedicated silicone tubing for the pump head, at wells with water level less than 30 feet. A submersible pump was used for wells with water level deeper than 30 feet. 4.Groundwater was pumped directly from submerged tubing through the pump head to a flow-through cell until field parameters (pH, temperature, specific conductivity, DO, ORP) were stabilized within ±10% over three consecutive readings within a five-minute interval. If field parameters stabilized, but turbidity remained stable yet elevated greater than 20 NTU, field personnel purged five well volumes prior to sample collection. 5.Water levels in the designated wells were monitored during purging so that minimum draw- down of the water column was maintained. 6.Once flow-through cell readings were stable, the flow-through cell was disconnected, the tubing cut to provide a new clean end and samples were collected from the discharge of the peristaltic pump in new 250 mL laboratory-supplied HDPE bottles. 7.Sample identification information (e.g., well/sample identification number, sample time and date, samplers’ names, preservative, and analytical parameters) were recorded on the bottle label with permanent ink after the sample was collected. 5 March 2021 Appendix A Sample Packing and Shipping Upon sample collection, each containerized sample was placed into an insulated sample cooler. Wet ice was placed around the sample containers within heavy-duty plastic bags within the sample cooler. A chain-of-custody form was completed by the field sample custodian for each sample shipment. Sample locations, sample identification numbers, description of samples, number of samples collected, and specific laboratory analyses were recorded on the chain-of-custody form. Field QA/QC Samples Field quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) samples were collected as discussed in detail in the Long-term Groundwater Monitoring Plan (Parsons, 2018) and summarized below: 1.For samples collected to be analyzed by Method Table 3+, two blind duplicate samples were collected; 2.For samples collected to be analyzed by Method Table 3+, three MS/MSD samples were collected; 3.For groundwater samples collected in December, equipment blanks and field blanks were collected daily. 4.For surface water samples collected in December, four equipment blanks and two field blanks were collected. REFERENCES Parsons, 2018. Long-term Groundwater Monitoring Plan. September 28, 2018. Parsons, 2020. Fayetteville Works Health and Safety Plan. United States Army Corps of Engineers. Nationwide Permit 6. 19 March 2017. http://saw- reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2017/2017NWP06.pdf. Accessed 30 January 2019. United States Army Corps of Engineers. Nationwide Permit 36, 06 June 2019. TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX B Cape Fear River Mass Loading Calculations Appendix B 1 March 2021 APPENDIX B CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOADING CALCULATIONS This appendix presents the methodology for calculating three types of mass loads: 1.The total measured in-river PFAS mass load based on time-weighted concentration measurements of PFAS primarily from composite samples of Cape Fear River water and measured Cape Fear River flow volumes at the W.O. Huske Dam that are adjusted for travel times to the downstream monitoring location at the CFR-TARHEEL; 2.The total measured and estimated PFAS mass load captured by remedies implemented by Chemours; this is the load fraction that was prevented from reaching the Cape Fear River; and 3.The total measured Total PFAS mass load to the Cape Fear River defined as the sum of the measured in-river loads and the remedy prevented loads. The following sections detailed calculation methods for each type of mass load: Total, River and Captured Mass Loads. Total Mass Load Calculation Methodology The Total Mass Load is calculated following Equation 1 below: Equation 1: Total PFAS Mass Load 𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶= 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶+𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 where, 𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = is the Mass Load of PFAS compounds in the Cape Fear River, including the mass load prevented from reaching the Cape Fear River by implemented remedies, measured in kilograms (kg); 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = is the River Mass Load estimated using PFAS concentrations in samples taken in the Cape Fear River downstream of the Site where the river is well mixed and using measured river flow volumes; and 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = is the Captured Mass Load prevented from reaching the Cape Fear River by remedies implemented by Chemours; The following subsections describe how the River and Captured Mass Loads are calculated. River Mass Load Calculation Methodology The River Mass Load is the estimated mass, in kilograms, that has reached the Cape Fear River over a period of time. The River Mass Load, 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶, is calculated using primarily composite samples from the Cape Fear River and corresponding river flow volumes. The River Mass Load is calculated for a given time period following Equation 2 below: Appendix B 2 March 2021 Equation 2: Cape Fear River Estimated Mass Discharge from Mass Loading Model 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶= ��𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑝𝑝,𝑅𝑅=���𝐶𝐶𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅× 𝑄𝑄𝑛𝑛� 𝐼𝐼 𝑅𝑅=1 9 𝑝𝑝=1 𝐼𝐼 𝑅𝑅=1 9 𝑝𝑝=1 where, MDCFR = Total PFAS estimated mass discharge entering the Cape Fear River, measured in mass per unit time [MT-1], typically mg/s; p = represents each of the 9 potential PFAS transport pathways described further in Section 4.4. To facilitate model construction, the Seeps (Transport Pathway 6) were further discretized as Seep A (Transport Pathway 6A), Seep B (Transport Pathway 6B), Seep C (Transport Pathway 6C) and Seep D (Transport Pathway 6D); i = represents each of the PFAS constituents being evaluated; I = represents total number of PFAS constituents included in the summation of Total PFAS concentrations; MDp,i = mass load of each PFAS constituent i from each potential pathway p with measured units in mass per unit time [MT-1], typically mg/s; Cp,i = concentration of each PFAS constituent i from each potential pathway p with measured units in mass per unit volume [ML-3], typically ng/L; and Qn = volumetric flow rate from each potential pathway n with measured units in volume per time [L3T-1], typically liters per second (L/s). Calculation of Time-Weighted Average Concentrations During a time period, multiple samples will be collected, most of them being composite samples and some potentially being grab samples. The calculation methodology outlined here considers all collected samples in the time period, including cases where samples are collected contemporaneously with each other and cases where composite sample collection events do not occur successively, as is the case with twice weekly 24 hour composite samples. To facilitate this calculation the overall time period is separated into discrete time intervals with corresponding time-weighted concentrations calculated for each interval. The time intervals are defined as the duration in time between two sampling events, where sampling events consist of: •Beginning of a composite sample collection; •End of a composite sample collection; or •Collection of a grab sample. Equation 3 shows the formula used to calculate the total flow volume for each interval. Appendix B 3 March 2021 Equation 3: Mass Load Time Interval Concentration 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅= �𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅,𝑘𝑘× 𝑤𝑤𝑘𝑘𝐾𝐾 𝑘𝑘=1 = �𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅,𝑘𝑘𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘∑𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘𝐾𝐾𝑘𝑘=1 𝐾𝐾 𝑘𝑘=1 where, 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅 = is the measured or estimated concentration of PFAS for each baseline mass loading time interval based on samples collected from the Cape Fear River; 𝑛𝑛= represents individual time intervals during a monitoring period; i = represents each of the PFAS constituents being evaluated; k = represents a concentration sample considered in the mass load time interval; K = is the total number of concentration samples considered in the mass load time interval; 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅,𝑘𝑘 = is the measured concentration of PFAS for each sample result considered in calculating the time-weighted average concentration for a mass load time interval; and 𝑤𝑤𝑘𝑘 = is the weighting factor calculated for and applied individually to each concentration, where, 𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛 = the length of time of the mass load time interval; and 𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘 = the length of time of the collected sample. For composite samples, 𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘 is the total length of the composite sample collection period. If 𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘<𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛, i.e., the composite sample collection time is less than the interval time, or a grab sample was collected, then 𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘 is set to equal the interval time for the purposes of concentration weighting. Calculation of Travel Time Adjusted Flow Volumes To calculate the mass load, river flow volumes are calculated for each time interval using United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported flows at the W.O. Huske Dam. A time offset is applied to the flow data to account for travel time for the flow passing the W.O. Huske Dam to reach the CFR-TARHEEL location. River flow passing the W.O. Huske is estimated to have a travel time between 2 and 12 hours to reach CFR-TARHEEL depending on river flow (e.g., the flow rate passing W.O. Huske Dam at 8 am will arrive at CFR-TARHEEL at 11 am for a 3 hour travel time). Travel times are estimated based on the results of a numerical model of the Cape Fear River which developed a regression curve between the USGS reported gage heights at W.O. Huske Dam and travel times. Equation 4 shows the formula used to calculate the time offset. The total volume of flow for each mass loading interval is calculated as the sum of all individual flow measurements Appendix B 4 March 2021 for an interval where each measurement multiplied by its corresponding 15-minute time duration. Equation 5 shows the formula used to calculate the total flow volume for each interval. Equation 4: Travel time offset W.O. Huske Dam to Tar Heel Ferry Road Bridge 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜=13,422 ∙ 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊−1 + 2.019 where, 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜 = is the travel time flow in the Cape Fear River takes in hours to pass from the W.O. Huske Dam to CFR-TARHEEL based on the measured flow in the Cape Fear River at the W.O. Huske Dam; 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊−1 = is the inverse of the measured flow rate of the Cape Fear River at W.O. Huske Dam for a given point in time in cubic feet per second (ft3/s); and 13,422 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎𝑎 2.019 = are constant values, which correspond to the slope and intercept of the regression line, respectively. Equation 5: Cape Fear River Flow Volume per Interval 𝑉𝑉𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛= � 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅+𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 × (𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅− 𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅−1)𝑀𝑀 𝑅𝑅=1 where, 𝑉𝑉𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛 = is the volume of Cape Fear River water that flowed past the sampling point during the baseline mass loading time interval; n = represents the baseline mass loading time intervals number for which the volume is being calculated; m = represents a 15-minute flow measurement recorded by the USGS station at W.O. Huske Dam during a baseline mass loading time interval “n”; M = the total number of 15-minute flow measurements recorded by the USGS station at W.O. Huske Dam during a baseline mass loading time interval “n”; 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅+𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 = is the Cape Fear River flow rate (units of volume per time) at Tar Heel Ferry Road bridge based on the recorded values at W.O.Huske Dam and adjusted for travel time as described in Equation 4; and (𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅− 𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅−1 = is the length of time for the flow measurement durations (units of time reported typically in 15-minute intervals by USGS). Appendix B 5 March 2021 Complete Calculation of River Mass Load Based on all the calculation details described above, the full expanded version of the River Mass Load calculation is shown below in Equation 6. Equation 6: Expanded River Mass Load Calculation 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶= �� �𝑐𝑐𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅,𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘∑𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘�𝑄𝑄𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅+𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 ∙(𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅− 𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅−1)𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅=I𝑅𝑅=1𝑛𝑛 Captured Mass Load Calculation Methodology Remedies to be implemented by Chemours (e.g. onsite seeps interim remedies, Old Outfall 002 remedy) will prevent PFAS mass loads from reaching the Cape Fear River. The specific methodology for estimating the prevented mass per remedy will be developed on a per remedy basis. The goal of such calculations will be to estimate for a given time period (i.e. one quarter) the PFAS mass diverted from reaching the Cape Fear River by the remedy that would have otherwise reached the Cape Fear River. Remedies that have been implemented by Chemours include the Old Outfall 002 treatment system (October 1, 2020) and the Seep C flow through cell (December 16, 2020). These remedies prevent PFAS mass loads from reaching the Cape Fear River and were quantified in the 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 term of Equation 1. The following subsections describe the calculation methodology for the captured mass load by The Old Outfall 002 treatment system and the Seep C flow-through cell. There have been numerous other interim and permanent actions taken to limit PFAS reaching the Cape Fear River prior to this baseline period, i.e., air abatement measures (installation of the thermal oxidizer and carbon beds, etc.), grouting of the terracotta pipe, sediment removal from channels, among others, and these may not be captured in this captured mass load calculation but should be considered in the overall assessment of PFAS reductions. Calculation of Mass Captured at Old Outfall 002 Treatment System During the 2020 Q4 reporting period (October to December 2020) the Old Outfall 002 treatment system began to discharge treated water on October 1, 2020. Equation 7 below describes the calculation for the captured mass from the Old Outfall 002. Equation 7: Captured Mass Load at Old Outfall 002 Treatment System (Outfall 003) 𝑚𝑚003 =�𝑚𝑚003,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜− 𝑚𝑚003,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜N n =��� 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝐼𝐼𝑅𝑅𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛− � 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛𝐼𝐼𝑅𝑅�𝑁𝑁 𝑛𝑛 Appendix B 6 March 2021 where, 𝑚𝑚003 = is the Captured Total PFAS Mass Load prevented from reaching the Cape Fear River by the Old Outfall 002 treatment system, i.e., Outfall 003, in a monitoring period, measured in kg; 𝑚𝑚003,𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜 = is the calculated total mass load at the influent of Outfall 003, measured in kg; 𝑚𝑚003𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 = is the calculated total mass load at the effluent of Outfall 003, measured in kg; 𝑛𝑛= represents individual time intervals during a monitoring period, e.g., monthly samples collected in a quarter; N = represents the total number of time intervals during a monitoring period; 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅= is the concentration of the ith PFAS compound based on the sample collected at the influent of Outfall 003 for a given time interval n; 𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛 = is the total measured flow at the influent of Outfall 003 in a given time interval n; 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅= is the concentration of the ith PFAS compound based on the sample collected at the effluent of Outfall 003 for a given time interval n; 𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛 = is the total measured flow at the effluent of Outfall 003 in a given time interval n (assumed to be the same as the total measured flow at the influent); i = represents each of the PFAS constituents being evaluated; and 𝐼𝐼= represents total number of PFAS compounds included in the summation of total PFAS concentrations. The analytical and flow data used to calculate the total mass load at the influent and the effluent of Outfall 003 are provided in Table B1 and Table B2. Onsite Seeps Flow Through Cell Calculations During the 2020 Q4 reporting period (October to December 2020) Seep C treatment system began to discharge treated water on December 16, 2020. The Total PFAS mass load captured by Seep C is calculated using Equation 8. Equation 8: Captured Mass Load at Seep Flow-Through Cells 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶=�𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜−𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜N n =���𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝐼𝐼𝑅𝑅𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛−�𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛𝐼𝐼𝑅𝑅�𝑁𝑁 𝑛𝑛 Appendix B 7 March 2021 where, 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶 = is the Captured Total PFAS Mass Load prevented from reaching the Cape Fear River by a Seep flow through cell, in a monitoring period, measured in kg; 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶,𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜 = is the calculated total mass load at the influent of a Seep flow through cell, measured in kg; 𝑚𝑚𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 = is the calculated total mass load at the effluent of a Seep flow through cell, measured in kg; 𝑛𝑛= represents individual time intervals during a monitoring period, e.g., bimonthly samples collected in a quarter; N = represents the total number of time intervals during a monitoring period; 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅= is the concentration of the ith PFAS compound based on the sample collected at the influent of a Seep flow through cell for a given time interval n; 𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛 = is the total measured flow at the influent of a Seep flow through cell in a given time interval n; 𝑐𝑐𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛,𝑅𝑅= is the concentration of the ith PFAS compound based on the sample collected at the effluent of a Seep flow through cell for a given time interval n; 𝑄𝑄𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜,𝑛𝑛 = is the total measured flow at the effluent of a Seep flow through cell in a given time interval n (assumed to be the same as the total measured flow at the influent); i = represents each of the PFAS constituents being evaluated; and 𝐼𝐼= represents total number of PFAS compounds included in the summation of total PFAS concentrations. The analytical data and flow used to calculate the total mass load at the influent and the effluent of Seep C Flow-Through Cell are provided in Table B1 and B3. Mass Discharge at Bladen Bluffs and Kings Bluff Intakes This subsection presents the methodology used to calculate mass discharge at Bladen Bluffs and Kings Bluff Intakes. Total PFAS mass discharge is calculated as: Equation 9: Mass Discharge at Bladen Bluffs and Kings Bluff Intakes 𝑀𝑀𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵/𝐾𝐾𝐵𝐵= �𝑀𝑀𝑅𝑅=�𝐶𝐶𝑅𝑅× 𝑄𝑄 𝐼𝐼 𝑅𝑅=1 𝐼𝐼 𝑅𝑅=1 Appendix B 8 March 2021 where, MBB/KB = Total PFAS mass in the downstream river locations (Bladen Bluffs or Kings Bluff Intakes) measured in mass per unit time [MT-1], typically mg/s; i = represents each of the PFAS constituents being evaluated; I = represents total number of PFAS constituents included in the summation of Total PFAS concentrations; Mi = mass load of each PFAS constituent i with measured units in mass per unit time [MT-1], typically mg/s; Ci = concentration of each PFAS constituent i with measured units typically in nanograms per liter; and Q = volumetric flow rate with measured units in volume per time [L3T-1], typically liters per second (L/s). For Bladen Bluffs, the volumetric flow recorded at W.O. Huske Dam is adjusted for travel time using Equation 10. Equation 11: Travel time offset W.O. Huske Dam to Bladen Bluffs Intake 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜= 8,826 ∙ 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊−1 + 1.530 where, 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜 = is the travel time flow in the Cape Fear River takes in hours to pass from the W.O. Huske Dam to Bladen Bluffs Intake location based on the measured flow in the Cape Fear River at the W.O. Huske Dam; 𝑄𝑄𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊−1 = is the inverse of the measured flow rate of the Cape Fear River at W.O. Huske Dam for a given point in time in cubic feet per second; and 8,826 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎𝑎 1.530 = are constant values, which correspond to the slope and intercept of the regression line, respectively. * * * * * * * TR0795A March 2021 TABLES TABLE B1 OUTFALL 003 AND SEEP C INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT ANALYTICAL RESULTS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Location ID Outfall 003 Influent Outfall 003 Effluent Outfall 003 Influent Outfall 003 Effluent Outfall 003 Influent Outfall 003 Effluent Seep C Influent Seep C Effluent Seep C Influent Seep C Effluent Field Sample ID Influent-1020 Outfall 003-1020 Influent-1120 Outfall 003-1120 Influent-1220 Outfall 003-1220 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-114-123020 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-114-123020 SEEP-C-INFLUENT-24-123120 SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-123120 Sample Date 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11/05/2020 11/05/2020 12/08/2020 12/08/2020 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 QA/QC Sample Delivery Group (SDG)410-16810-1 410-16810-1 410-20066-1 410-20066-1 410-23337-1 410-23337-1 320-68396-1 320-68396-1 320-68542-1 320-68542-1 Lab Sample ID 410-16810-2 410-16810-3 410-20066-1 410-20066-2 410-23337-2 410-23337-3 320-68396-3 320-68396-4 320-68542-1 320-68542-2 Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) Hfpo Dimer Acid 4600 J <2 6200 <2 4500 <2 19000 <81 19000 <81 PFMOAA 56000 J <2 58000 <2 50000 16 96000 <80 74000 <80 PFO2HxA 14000 J <2 12000 <2 12000 <2 27000 <27 23000 130 J PFO3OA 3800 J <2 3900 <2 2900 <2 7600 <39 7000 <39 PFO4DA 1100 J <2 1400 <2 910 <2 2000 <59 2400 <59 PFO5DA 730 J <2 680 <2 600 <2 <78 <78 <78 <78 PMPA 5300 J <10 6000 <10 4700 <10 9700 640 8900 <620 PEPA 1400 J <20 1900 <20 1400 <20 3000 <16 2900 <16 PS Acid 280 J <2 910 <2 880 <2 <20 <20 64 75 Hydro-PS Acid 270 J <2 350 <2 310 <2 370 <6.1 340 <6.1 R-PSDA 540 J <2 360 <2 680 <2 1000 <71 820 J <71 Hydrolyzed PSDA 1500 J <2 1800 <2 2000 <2 1300 <38 1200 J <38 R-PSDCA 9.5 J <2 <20 <2 8.9 <2 17 <17 <17 <17 NVHOS 520 J <2 550 <2 460 <2 850 <15 770 <15 EVE Acid 14 J <2 40 <2 56 <2 <17 <17 <17 <17 Hydro-EVE Acid 180 J <2 180 <2 160 <2 1500 <14 1300 <14 R-EVE 230 J <2 190 <2 230 <2 970 <72 900 <72 PES <2 <2 <20 <2 <2 <2 <6.7 <6.7 <6.7 <6.7 PFECA B <2 <2 <20 <2 <2 <2 <27 <27 <27 <27 PFECA-G <2 <2 <20 <2 <2 <2 <48 <48 <48 <48 Total Attachment C1 87,000 ND 91,000 ND 78,000 16 160,000 640 140,000 210 Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)2 88,000 ND 92,000 ND 79,000 16 170,000 640 140,000 210 Total Table 3+ (20 compounds)90,000 ND 94,000 ND 82,000 16 170,000 640 140,000 210 TR0795 Page 1 of 2 March 2021 TABLE B1 OUTFALL 003 AND SEEP C INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT ANALYTICAL RESULTS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Location ID Field Sample ID Sample Date QA/QC Sample Delivery Group (SDG) Lab Sample ID Table 3+ SOP (ng/L) Hfpo Dimer Acid PFMOAA PFO2HxA PFO3OA PFO4DA PFO5DA PMPA PEPA PS Acid Hydro-PS Acid R-PSDA Hydrolyzed PSDA R-PSDCA NVHOS EVE Acid Hydro-EVE Acid R-EVE PES PFECA B PFECA-G Total Attachment C1 Total Table 3+ (17 compounds)2 Total Table 3+ (20 compounds) Seep C Effluent SEEP-C-EFFLUENT-24-123120-D 12/31/2020 Field Duplicate 320-68542-1 Notes: 320-68542-3 Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit B - analyte detected in an associated blank <81 EPA - Environmental Protection Agency <80 J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise 100 J ND - no Table 3+ analytes were detected above the associated reporting limits <39 ng/L - nanograms per liter <59 QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control <78 SDG - Sample Delivery Group <620 SOP - standard operating procedure <16 UJ - Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. 66 < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit. <6.1 -- - not analyzed <71 <38 <17 <15 <17 <14 <72 <6.7 <27 <48 170 170 170 1 - Total Attachment C does not include Perfluorohepthanoic acid (PFHpA). 2 - Total Table 3+ (17 compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed, PSDA, and R- EVE. TR0795 Page 2 of 2 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Total Flow (gallon) 10-01-2020 310,348 10-02-2020 1,023,622 10-03-2020 878,751 10-04-2020 838,037 10-05-2020 844,398 10-06-2020 865,633 10-07-2020 816,973 10-08-2020 832,203 10-09-2020 807,871 10-10-2020 836,691 10-11-2020 867,925 10-12-2020 825,746 10-13-2020 890,832 10-14-2020 645,143 10-15-2020 550,706 10-16-2020 489,745 10-17-2020 550,267 10-18-2020 402,977 10-19-2020 414,318 10-20-2020 516,339 10-21-2020 565,558 10-22-2020 894,610 10-23-2020 830,896 10-24-2020 881,641 10-25-2020 894,813 10-26-2020 871,639 10-27-2020 905,928 10-28-2020 856,604 10-29-2020 845,925 10-30-2020 875,709 10-31-2020 848,131 11-01-2020 839,310 11-02-2020 855,261 11-03-2020 882,539 11-04-2020 815,136 11-05-2020 837,983 11-06-2020 812,159 11-07-2020 715,437 11-08-2020 963,234 11-09-2020 699,351 11-10-2020 880,293 11-11-2020 907,905 11-12-2020 927,545 11-13-2020 866,259 11-14-2020 162,702 TR0795 Page 1 of 2 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 11-15-2020 24,917 11-16-2020 0 11-17-2020 0 11-18-2020 199,088 11-19-2020 893,838 11-20-2020 893,833 11-21-2020 971,788 11-22-2020 989,935 11-23-2020 950,946 11-24-2020 856,675 11-25-2020 935,269 01-26-2020 804,443 11-27-2020 861,236 11-28-2020 831,652 11-29-2020 847,062 11-30-2020 895,860 12-01-2020 869,428 12-02-2020 1,035,972 12-03-2020 926,940 12-04-2020 902,236 12-05-2020 1,015,273 12-06-2020 939,971 12-07-2020 1,037,006 12-08-2020 958,773 12-09-2020 1,020,139 12-10-2020 933,334 12-11-2020 971,799 12-12-2020 936,276 12-13-2020 995,373 12-14-2020 972,008 12-15-2020 1,060,455 12-16-2020 1,062,866 12-17-2020 1,035,398 12-18-2020 1,075,369 12-19-2020 1,005,090 12-20-2020 1,009,832 12-21-2020 1,060,910 12-22-2020 1,072,140 12-23-2020 1,040,937 12-24-2020 1,035,591 12-25-2020 1,079,602 12-26-2020 904,415 12-27-2020 1,002,470 12-28-2020 1,019,122 12-29-2020 1,073,371 12-30-2020 1,032,660 12-31-2020 1,069,100 TR0795 Page 2 of 2 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Total Flow (gallon) 12-18-2020 9:15 1,079 12-18-2020 9:30 1,326 12-18-2020 9:45 1,354 12-18-2020 10:00 1,343 12-18-2020 10:15 1,343 12-18-2020 10:30 1,542 12-18-2020 10:45 2,028 12-18-2020 11:00 1,884 12-18-2020 11:15 2,420 12-18-2020 11:30 2,307 12-18-2020 11:45 2,016 12-18-2020 12:00 1,847 12-18-2020 12:15 1,553 12-18-2020 12:30 1,677 12-18-2020 12:45 1,399 12-18-2020 13:00 1,084 12-18-2020 13:15 1,331 12-18-2020 13:30 1,043 12-18-2020 13:45 1,201 12-18-2020 14:00 1,116 12-18-2020 14:15 1,244 12-18-2020 14:30 1,370 12-18-2020 14:45 1,105 12-18-2020 15:00 1,293 12-18-2020 15:15 1,255 12-18-2020 15:30 1,233 12-18-2020 15:45 1,365 12-18-2020 16:00 1,455 12-18-2020 16:15 1,444 12-18-2020 16:30 1,461 12-18-2020 16:45 1,432 12-18-2020 17:00 1,404 12-18-2020 17:15 1,404 12-18-2020 17:30 1,387 12-18-2020 17:45 1,343 12-18-2020 18:00 1,326 12-18-2020 18:15 1,298 12-18-2020 18:30 1,293 12-18-2020 18:45 1,271 12-18-2020 19:00 1,255 12-18-2020 19:15 1,271 12-18-2020 19:30 1,255 12-18-2020 19:45 1,282 12-18-2020 20:00 1,304 12-18-2020 20:15 1,331 TR0795 Page 1 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-18-2020 20:30 1,348 12-18-2020 20:45 1,365 12-18-2020 21:00 1,410 12-18-2020 21:15 1,438 12-18-2020 21:30 1,490 12-18-2020 21:45 1,513 12-18-2020 22:00 1,370 12-18-2020 22:15 1,315 12-18-2020 22:30 1,184 12-18-2020 22:45 1,059 12-18-2020 23:00 977 12-18-2020 23:15 908 12-18-2020 23:30 1,126 12-18-2020 23:45 1,131 12-19-2020 0:00 1,163 12-19-2020 0:15 1,169 12-19-2020 0:30 1,190 12-19-2020 0:45 1,195 12-19-2020 1:00 1,233 12-19-2020 1:15 1,227 12-19-2020 1:30 1,217 12-19-2020 1:45 1,359 12-19-2020 2:00 1,370 12-19-2020 2:15 1,320 12-19-2020 2:30 1,211 12-19-2020 2:45 1,090 12-19-2020 3:00 1,038 12-19-2020 3:15 952 12-19-2020 3:30 957 12-19-2020 3:45 869 12-19-2020 4:00 1,126 12-19-2020 4:15 1,147 12-19-2020 4:30 1,184 12-19-2020 4:45 1,201 12-19-2020 5:00 1,190 12-19-2020 5:15 1,244 12-19-2020 5:30 1,244 12-19-2020 5:45 1,260 12-19-2020 6:00 1,265 12-19-2020 6:15 1,282 12-19-2020 6:30 1,304 12-19-2020 6:45 1,320 12-19-2020 7:00 1,320 12-19-2020 7:15 1,320 12-19-2020 7:30 1,421 12-19-2020 7:45 1,410 TR0795 Page 2 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-19-2020 8:00 1,438 12-19-2020 8:15 1,427 12-19-2020 8:30 1,467 12-19-2020 8:45 1,553 12-19-2020 9:00 1,749 12-19-2020 9:15 1,518 12-19-2020 9:30 1,432 12-19-2020 9:45 1,217 12-19-2020 10:00 1,201 12-19-2020 10:15 1,282 12-19-2020 10:30 1,287 12-19-2020 10:45 1,387 12-19-2020 11:00 1,227 12-19-2020 11:15 1,872 12-19-2020 11:30 1,707 12-19-2020 11:45 1,518 12-19-2020 12:00 1,501 12-19-2020 12:15 1,792 12-19-2020 12:30 1,841 12-19-2020 12:45 1,890 12-19-2020 13:00 1,890 12-19-2020 13:15 1,903 12-19-2020 13:30 1,940 12-19-2020 13:45 1,997 12-19-2020 14:00 1,959 12-19-2020 14:15 2,447 12-19-2020 14:30 2,294 12-19-2020 14:45 2,028 12-19-2020 15:00 1,878 12-19-2020 15:15 1,990 12-19-2020 15:30 2,060 12-19-2020 15:45 2,274 12-19-2020 16:00 2,327 12-19-2020 16:15 2,307 12-19-2020 16:30 2,267 12-19-2020 16:45 2,287 12-19-2020 17:00 2,215 12-19-2020 17:15 2,202 12-19-2020 17:30 2,195 12-19-2020 17:45 2,222 12-19-2020 18:00 2,189 12-19-2020 18:15 2,163 12-19-2020 18:30 2,086 12-19-2020 18:45 2,144 12-19-2020 19:00 2,131 12-19-2020 19:15 2,118 TR0795 Page 3 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-19-2020 19:30 2,099 12-19-2020 19:45 2,073 12-19-2020 20:00 2,105 12-19-2020 20:15 2,003 12-19-2020 20:30 1,921 12-19-2020 20:45 1,903 12-19-2020 21:00 1,909 12-19-2020 21:15 1,859 12-19-2020 21:30 1,780 12-19-2020 21:45 1,774 12-19-2020 22:00 1,798 12-19-2020 22:15 1,810 12-19-2020 22:30 1,804 12-19-2020 22:45 1,878 12-19-2020 23:00 1,780 12-19-2020 23:15 1,755 12-19-2020 23:30 1,749 12-19-2020 23:45 1,743 12-20-2020 0:00 1,743 12-20-2020 0:15 1,859 12-20-2020 0:30 1,695 12-20-2020 0:45 1,853 12-20-2020 1:00 1,934 12-20-2020 1:15 1,928 12-20-2020 1:30 1,872 12-20-2020 1:45 1,683 12-20-2020 2:00 1,743 12-20-2020 2:15 1,677 12-20-2020 2:30 1,701 12-20-2020 2:45 1,713 12-20-2020 3:00 1,653 12-20-2020 3:15 1,701 12-20-2020 3:30 1,915 12-20-2020 3:45 1,878 12-20-2020 4:00 1,903 12-20-2020 4:15 1,921 12-20-2020 4:30 1,953 12-20-2020 4:45 2,009 12-20-2020 5:00 1,940 12-20-2020 5:15 1,959 12-20-2020 5:30 1,990 12-20-2020 5:45 1,940 12-20-2020 6:00 1,965 12-20-2020 6:15 2,054 12-20-2020 6:30 1,928 12-20-2020 6:45 1,903 TR0795 Page 4 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-20-2020 7:00 1,965 12-20-2020 7:15 1,953 12-20-2020 7:30 1,822 12-20-2020 7:45 1,731 12-20-2020 8:00 1,701 12-20-2020 8:15 1,743 12-20-2020 8:30 1,786 12-20-2020 8:45 1,841 12-20-2020 9:00 1,972 12-20-2020 9:15 2,124 12-20-2020 9:30 2,274 12-20-2020 9:45 2,327 12-20-2020 10:00 2,440 12-20-2020 10:15 2,659 12-20-2020 10:30 2,770 12-20-2020 10:45 2,826 12-20-2020 11:00 2,904 12-20-2020 11:15 2,925 12-20-2020 11:30 2,933 12-20-2020 11:45 2,918 12-20-2020 12:00 2,869 12-20-2020 12:15 2,983 12-20-2020 12:30 2,904 12-20-2020 12:45 2,911 12-20-2020 13:00 2,890 12-20-2020 13:15 2,925 12-20-2020 13:30 2,847 12-20-2020 13:45 2,840 12-20-2020 14:00 2,798 12-20-2020 14:15 2,763 12-20-2020 14:30 2,784 12-20-2020 14:45 2,770 12-20-2020 15:00 2,749 12-20-2020 15:15 2,693 12-20-2020 15:30 2,693 12-20-2020 15:45 2,707 12-20-2020 16:00 2,693 12-20-2020 16:15 2,645 12-20-2020 16:30 2,583 12-20-2020 16:45 2,583 12-20-2020 17:00 2,522 12-20-2020 17:15 2,562 12-20-2020 17:30 2,494 12-20-2020 17:45 2,420 12-20-2020 18:00 2,367 12-20-2020 18:15 2,340 TR0795 Page 5 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-20-2020 18:30 2,267 12-20-2020 18:45 2,235 12-20-2020 19:00 2,274 12-20-2020 19:15 2,195 12-20-2020 19:30 2,215 12-20-2020 19:45 2,228 12-20-2020 20:00 2,300 12-20-2020 20:15 2,254 12-20-2020 20:30 2,267 12-20-2020 20:45 2,189 12-20-2020 21:00 2,222 12-20-2020 21:15 2,228 12-20-2020 21:30 2,176 12-20-2020 21:45 2,195 12-20-2020 22:00 2,195 12-20-2020 22:15 2,150 12-20-2020 22:30 2,131 12-20-2020 22:45 2,111 12-20-2020 23:00 2,131 12-20-2020 23:15 2,067 12-20-2020 23:30 2,073 12-20-2020 23:45 2,169 12-21-2020 0:00 2,144 12-21-2020 0:15 2,169 12-21-2020 0:30 2,073 12-21-2020 0:45 1,940 12-21-2020 1:00 2,041 12-21-2020 1:15 2,022 12-21-2020 1:30 2,047 12-21-2020 1:45 2,067 12-21-2020 2:00 1,940 12-21-2020 2:15 1,946 12-21-2020 2:30 1,934 12-21-2020 2:45 1,959 12-21-2020 3:00 1,897 12-21-2020 3:15 1,946 12-21-2020 3:30 1,915 12-21-2020 3:45 1,847 12-21-2020 4:00 1,804 12-21-2020 4:15 1,816 12-21-2020 4:30 1,774 12-21-2020 4:45 1,761 12-21-2020 5:00 1,701 12-21-2020 5:15 1,683 12-21-2020 5:30 1,677 12-21-2020 5:45 1,647 TR0795 Page 6 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-21-2020 6:00 1,612 12-21-2020 6:15 1,612 12-21-2020 6:30 1,577 12-21-2020 6:45 1,542 12-21-2020 7:00 1,518 12-21-2020 7:15 1,588 12-21-2020 7:30 1,743 12-21-2020 7:45 1,707 12-21-2020 8:00 1,671 12-21-2020 8:15 1,588 12-21-2020 8:30 1,524 12-21-2020 8:45 1,606 12-21-2020 9:00 0 12-21-2020 9:15 0 12-21-2020 9:30 0 12-21-2020 9:45 0 12-21-2020 10:00 0 12-21-2020 10:15 903 12-21-2020 10:30 1,260 12-21-2020 10:45 1,659 12-21-2020 11:00 1,903 12-21-2020 11:15 1,990 12-21-2020 11:30 1,810 12-21-2020 11:45 1,903 12-21-2020 12:00 2,054 12-21-2020 12:15 2,169 12-21-2020 12:30 2,314 12-21-2020 12:45 1,909 12-21-2020 13:00 1,582 12-21-2020 13:15 1,484 12-21-2020 13:30 1,636 12-21-2020 13:45 1,455 12-21-2020 14:00 1,461 12-21-2020 14:15 1,659 12-21-2020 14:30 1,444 12-21-2020 14:45 1,359 12-21-2020 15:00 1,365 12-21-2020 15:15 1,370 12-21-2020 15:30 1,478 12-21-2020 15:45 1,530 12-21-2020 16:00 1,624 12-21-2020 16:15 1,653 12-21-2020 16:30 1,653 12-21-2020 16:45 1,594 12-21-2020 17:00 1,495 12-21-2020 17:15 1,450 TR0795 Page 7 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-21-2020 17:30 1,444 12-21-2020 17:45 1,404 12-21-2020 18:00 1,404 12-21-2020 18:15 1,309 12-21-2020 18:30 1,293 12-21-2020 18:45 1,331 12-21-2020 19:00 1,315 12-21-2020 19:15 1,393 12-21-2020 19:30 1,315 12-21-2020 19:45 1,298 12-21-2020 20:00 1,233 12-21-2020 20:15 1,227 12-21-2020 20:30 1,126 12-21-2020 20:45 1,074 12-21-2020 21:00 1,028 12-21-2020 21:15 997 12-21-2020 21:30 942 12-21-2020 21:45 859 12-21-2020 22:00 797 12-21-2020 22:15 835 12-21-2020 22:30 831 12-21-2020 22:45 783 12-21-2020 23:00 769 12-21-2020 23:15 728 12-21-2020 23:30 737 12-21-2020 23:45 977 12-22-2020 0:00 1,033 12-22-2020 0:15 1,043 12-22-2020 0:30 1,043 12-22-2020 0:45 1,028 12-22-2020 1:00 1,023 12-22-2020 1:15 1,038 12-22-2020 1:30 1,059 12-22-2020 1:45 1,074 12-22-2020 2:00 1,059 12-22-2020 2:15 1,100 12-22-2020 2:30 1,074 12-22-2020 2:45 1,090 12-22-2020 3:00 1,079 12-22-2020 3:15 1,074 12-22-2020 3:30 1,084 12-22-2020 3:45 1,084 12-22-2020 4:00 1,095 12-22-2020 4:15 1,084 12-22-2020 4:30 1,084 12-22-2020 4:45 1,069 TR0795 Page 8 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-22-2020 5:00 1,095 12-22-2020 5:15 1,053 12-22-2020 5:30 1,059 12-22-2020 5:45 1,095 12-22-2020 6:00 1,090 12-22-2020 6:15 1,079 12-22-2020 6:30 1,059 12-22-2020 6:45 1,074 12-22-2020 7:00 1,105 12-22-2020 7:15 1,079 12-22-2020 7:30 1,084 12-22-2020 7:45 1,095 12-22-2020 8:00 1,095 12-22-2020 8:15 1,121 12-22-2020 8:30 1,169 12-22-2020 8:45 1,142 12-22-2020 9:00 1,359 12-22-2020 9:15 1,201 12-22-2020 9:30 1,343 12-22-2020 9:45 1,271 12-22-2020 10:00 1,331 12-22-2020 10:15 1,365 12-22-2020 10:30 1,393 12-22-2020 10:45 1,387 12-22-2020 11:00 1,326 12-22-2020 11:15 1,612 12-22-2020 11:30 1,365 12-22-2020 11:45 1,158 12-22-2020 12:00 1,271 12-22-2020 12:15 1,271 12-22-2020 12:30 1,304 12-22-2020 12:45 1,038 12-22-2020 13:00 1,095 12-22-2020 13:15 826 12-22-2020 13:30 947 12-22-2020 13:45 864 12-22-2020 14:00 888 12-22-2020 14:15 1,064 12-22-2020 14:30 774 12-22-2020 14:45 728 12-22-2020 15:00 587 12-22-2020 15:15 591 12-22-2020 15:30 879 12-22-2020 15:45 1,013 12-22-2020 16:00 1,100 12-22-2020 16:15 1,110 TR0795 Page 9 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-22-2020 16:30 1,121 12-22-2020 16:45 1,084 12-22-2020 17:00 1,090 12-22-2020 17:15 1,074 12-22-2020 17:30 1,105 12-22-2020 17:45 1,110 12-22-2020 18:00 1,110 12-22-2020 18:15 1,110 12-22-2020 18:30 1,126 12-22-2020 18:45 1,126 12-22-2020 19:00 1,126 12-22-2020 19:15 1,142 12-22-2020 19:30 1,137 12-22-2020 19:45 1,142 12-22-2020 20:00 1,147 12-22-2020 20:15 1,137 12-22-2020 20:30 1,147 12-22-2020 20:45 1,142 12-22-2020 21:00 1,147 12-22-2020 21:15 1,265 12-22-2020 21:30 1,260 12-22-2020 21:45 1,255 12-22-2020 22:00 1,287 12-22-2020 22:15 1,217 12-22-2020 22:30 1,142 12-22-2020 22:45 1,084 12-22-2020 23:00 1,002 12-22-2020 23:15 957 12-22-2020 23:30 937 12-22-2020 23:45 854 12-23-2020 0:00 859 12-23-2020 0:15 821 12-23-2020 0:30 788 12-23-2020 0:45 756 12-23-2020 1:00 678 12-23-2020 1:15 696 12-23-2020 1:30 634 12-23-2020 1:45 898 12-23-2020 2:00 918 12-23-2020 2:15 947 12-23-2020 2:30 937 12-23-2020 2:45 972 12-23-2020 3:00 982 12-23-2020 3:15 982 12-23-2020 3:30 987 12-23-2020 3:45 992 TR0795 Page 10 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-23-2020 4:00 992 12-23-2020 4:15 1,008 12-23-2020 4:30 1,008 12-23-2020 4:45 1,002 12-23-2020 5:00 997 12-23-2020 5:15 1,008 12-23-2020 5:30 1,033 12-23-2020 5:45 1,028 12-23-2020 6:00 1,033 12-23-2020 6:15 1,053 12-23-2020 6:30 1,053 12-23-2020 6:45 1,053 12-23-2020 7:00 1,074 12-23-2020 7:15 1,079 12-23-2020 7:30 1,074 12-23-2020 7:45 1,105 12-23-2020 8:00 1,169 12-23-2020 8:15 1,163 12-23-2020 8:30 1,211 12-23-2020 8:45 1,142 12-23-2020 9:00 1,238 12-23-2020 9:15 1,211 12-23-2020 9:30 1,304 12-23-2020 9:45 1,348 12-23-2020 10:00 1,217 12-23-2020 10:15 1,315 12-23-2020 10:30 1,276 12-23-2020 10:45 1,315 12-23-2020 11:00 1,293 12-23-2020 11:15 1,612 12-23-2020 11:30 1,421 12-23-2020 11:45 1,432 12-23-2020 12:00 1,370 12-23-2020 12:15 1,359 12-23-2020 12:30 1,450 12-23-2020 12:45 1,320 12-23-2020 13:00 1,244 12-23-2020 13:15 1,249 12-23-2020 13:30 1,074 12-23-2020 13:45 1,137 12-23-2020 14:00 1,074 12-23-2020 14:15 1,315 12-23-2020 14:30 1,337 12-23-2020 14:45 1,244 12-23-2020 15:00 1,309 12-23-2020 15:15 1,244 TR0795 Page 11 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-23-2020 15:30 1,415 12-23-2020 15:45 1,399 12-23-2020 16:00 1,438 12-23-2020 16:15 1,461 12-23-2020 16:30 1,444 12-23-2020 16:45 1,432 12-23-2020 17:00 1,404 12-23-2020 17:15 1,399 12-23-2020 17:30 1,376 12-23-2020 17:45 1,376 12-23-2020 18:00 1,370 12-23-2020 18:15 1,376 12-23-2020 18:30 1,376 12-23-2020 18:45 1,370 12-23-2020 19:00 1,370 12-23-2020 19:15 1,337 12-23-2020 19:30 1,320 12-23-2020 19:45 1,365 12-23-2020 20:00 1,399 12-23-2020 20:15 1,547 12-23-2020 20:30 1,547 12-23-2020 20:45 1,618 12-23-2020 21:00 1,689 12-23-2020 21:15 1,695 12-23-2020 21:30 1,810 12-23-2020 21:45 1,946 12-23-2020 22:00 1,928 12-23-2020 22:15 1,822 12-23-2020 22:30 1,853 12-23-2020 22:45 1,928 12-23-2020 23:00 1,972 12-23-2020 23:15 1,903 12-23-2020 23:30 1,890 12-23-2020 23:45 1,897 12-24-2020 0:00 1,293 12-24-2020 0:15 1,293 12-24-2020 0:30 1,293 12-24-2020 0:45 1,293 12-24-2020 1:00 1,293 12-24-2020 1:15 1,293 12-24-2020 1:30 1,293 12-24-2020 1:45 1,293 12-24-2020 2:00 1,293 12-24-2020 2:15 1,293 12-24-2020 2:30 1,293 12-24-2020 2:45 1,293 TR0795 Page 12 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-24-2020 3:00 1,293 12-24-2020 3:15 1,293 12-24-2020 3:30 1,293 12-24-2020 3:45 1,293 12-24-2020 4:00 1,293 12-24-2020 4:15 1,293 12-24-2020 4:30 1,293 12-24-2020 4:45 1,293 12-24-2020 5:00 1,293 12-24-2020 5:15 1,293 12-24-2020 5:30 1,293 12-24-2020 5:45 1,293 12-24-2020 6:00 1,293 12-24-2020 6:15 1,293 12-24-2020 6:30 1,293 12-24-2020 6:45 1,293 12-24-2020 7:00 1,293 12-24-2020 7:15 1,293 12-24-2020 7:30 1,293 12-24-2020 7:45 1,293 12-24-2020 8:00 1,293 12-24-2020 8:15 1,293 12-24-2020 8:30 1,293 12-24-2020 8:45 1,293 12-24-2020 9:00 1,293 12-24-2020 9:15 1,293 12-24-2020 9:30 1,293 12-24-2020 9:45 1,293 12-24-2020 10:00 1,293 12-24-2020 10:15 1,293 12-24-2020 10:30 1,293 12-24-2020 10:45 1,293 12-24-2020 11:00 1,293 12-24-2020 11:15 1,293 12-24-2020 11:30 1,293 12-24-2020 11:45 1,293 12-24-2020 12:00 1,293 12-24-2020 12:15 1,293 12-24-2020 12:30 1,293 12-24-2020 12:45 1,293 12-24-2020 13:00 1,293 12-24-2020 13:15 1,293 12-24-2020 13:30 1,293 12-24-2020 13:45 1,293 12-24-2020 14:00 1,293 12-24-2020 14:15 1,293 TR0795 Page 13 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-24-2020 14:30 1,293 12-24-2020 14:45 1,293 12-24-2020 15:00 1,293 12-24-2020 15:15 1,293 12-24-2020 15:30 1,293 12-24-2020 15:45 1,293 12-24-2020 16:00 1,293 12-24-2020 16:15 1,293 12-24-2020 16:30 1,293 12-24-2020 16:45 1,293 12-24-2020 17:00 1,293 12-24-2020 17:15 1,293 12-24-2020 17:30 1,293 12-24-2020 17:45 1,293 12-24-2020 18:00 1,293 12-24-2020 18:15 1,293 12-24-2020 18:30 1,293 12-24-2020 18:45 1,293 12-24-2020 19:00 1,293 12-24-2020 19:15 1,293 12-24-2020 19:30 1,293 12-24-2020 19:45 1,293 12-24-2020 20:00 1,293 12-24-2020 20:15 1,293 12-24-2020 20:30 1,293 12-24-2020 20:45 1,293 12-24-2020 21:00 1,293 12-24-2020 21:15 1,293 12-24-2020 21:30 1,293 12-24-2020 21:45 1,293 12-24-2020 22:00 1,293 12-24-2020 22:15 1,293 12-24-2020 22:30 1,293 12-24-2020 22:45 1,293 12-24-2020 23:00 1,293 12-24-2020 23:15 1,293 12-24-2020 23:30 1,293 12-24-2020 23:45 1,293 12-25-2020 0:00 1,293 12-25-2020 0:15 1,293 12-25-2020 0:30 1,293 12-25-2020 0:45 1,293 12-25-2020 1:00 1,293 12-25-2020 1:15 1,293 12-25-2020 1:30 1,293 12-25-2020 1:45 1,293 TR0795 Page 14 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-25-2020 2:00 1,293 12-25-2020 2:15 1,293 12-25-2020 2:30 1,293 12-25-2020 2:45 1,293 12-25-2020 3:00 1,293 12-25-2020 3:15 1,293 12-25-2020 3:30 1,293 12-25-2020 3:45 1,293 12-25-2020 4:00 1,293 12-25-2020 4:15 1,293 12-25-2020 4:30 1,293 12-25-2020 4:45 1,293 12-25-2020 5:00 1,293 12-25-2020 5:15 1,293 12-25-2020 5:30 1,293 12-25-2020 5:45 1,293 12-25-2020 6:00 1,293 12-25-2020 6:15 1,293 12-25-2020 6:30 1,293 12-25-2020 6:45 1,293 12-25-2020 7:00 1,293 12-25-2020 7:15 1,293 12-25-2020 7:30 1,293 12-25-2020 7:45 1,293 12-25-2020 8:00 1,293 12-25-2020 8:15 1,293 12-25-2020 8:30 1,293 12-25-2020 8:45 1,293 12-25-2020 9:00 1,293 12-25-2020 9:15 1,293 12-25-2020 9:30 1,293 12-25-2020 9:45 1,293 12-25-2020 10:00 1,293 12-25-2020 10:15 1,293 12-25-2020 10:30 1,293 12-25-2020 10:45 1,293 12-25-2020 11:00 1,293 12-25-2020 11:15 1,293 12-25-2020 11:30 1,293 12-25-2020 11:45 1,293 12-25-2020 12:00 1,293 12-25-2020 12:15 1,293 12-25-2020 12:30 1,293 12-25-2020 12:45 1,293 12-25-2020 13:00 1,293 12-25-2020 13:15 1,293 TR0795 Page 15 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-25-2020 13:30 1,293 12-25-2020 13:45 1,293 12-25-2020 14:00 1,293 12-25-2020 14:15 1,293 12-25-2020 14:30 1,293 12-25-2020 14:45 1,293 12-25-2020 15:00 1,293 12-25-2020 15:15 1,293 12-25-2020 15:30 1,293 12-25-2020 15:45 1,293 12-25-2020 16:00 1,293 12-25-2020 16:15 1,293 12-25-2020 16:30 1,293 12-25-2020 16:45 1,293 12-25-2020 17:00 1,293 12-25-2020 17:15 1,293 12-25-2020 17:30 1,293 12-25-2020 17:45 1,293 12-25-2020 18:00 1,293 12-25-2020 18:15 1,293 12-25-2020 18:30 0 12-25-2020 18:45 0 12-25-2020 19:00 0 12-25-2020 19:15 0 12-25-2020 19:30 0 12-25-2020 19:45 0 12-25-2020 20:00 0 12-25-2020 20:15 0 12-25-2020 20:30 0 12-25-2020 20:45 0 12-25-2020 21:00 0 12-25-2020 21:15 0 12-25-2020 21:30 0 12-25-2020 21:45 0 12-25-2020 22:00 0 12-25-2020 22:15 0 12-25-2020 22:30 0 12-25-2020 22:45 0 12-25-2020 23:00 0 12-25-2020 23:15 0 12-25-2020 23:30 0 12-25-2020 23:45 0 12-26-2020 0:00 0 12-26-2020 0:15 0 12-26-2020 0:30 0 12-26-2020 0:45 0 TR0795 Page 16 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-26-2020 1:00 0 12-26-2020 1:15 0 12-26-2020 1:30 0 12-26-2020 1:45 0 12-26-2020 2:00 0 12-26-2020 2:15 0 12-26-2020 2:30 0 12-26-2020 2:45 0 12-26-2020 3:00 0 12-26-2020 3:15 0 12-26-2020 3:30 0 12-26-2020 3:45 0 12-26-2020 4:00 0 12-26-2020 4:15 0 12-26-2020 4:30 0 12-26-2020 4:45 0 12-26-2020 5:00 0 12-26-2020 5:15 0 12-26-2020 5:30 0 12-26-2020 5:45 0 12-26-2020 6:00 0 12-26-2020 6:15 0 12-26-2020 6:30 0 12-26-2020 6:45 0 12-26-2020 7:00 0 12-26-2020 7:15 0 12-26-2020 7:30 0 12-26-2020 7:45 0 12-26-2020 8:00 0 12-26-2020 8:15 0 12-26-2020 8:30 0 12-26-2020 8:45 0 12-26-2020 9:00 0 12-26-2020 9:15 0 12-26-2020 9:30 0 12-26-2020 9:45 0 12-26-2020 10:00 0 12-26-2020 10:15 0 12-26-2020 10:30 0 12-26-2020 10:45 0 12-26-2020 11:00 0 12-26-2020 11:15 0 12-26-2020 11:30 0 12-26-2020 11:45 0 12-26-2020 12:00 0 12-26-2020 12:15 0 TR0795 Page 17 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-26-2020 12:30 0 12-26-2020 12:45 0 12-26-2020 13:00 0 12-26-2020 13:15 0 12-26-2020 13:30 0 12-26-2020 13:45 0 12-26-2020 14:00 0 12-26-2020 14:15 0 12-26-2020 14:30 0 12-26-2020 14:45 0 12-26-2020 15:00 0 12-26-2020 15:15 0 12-26-2020 15:30 0 12-26-2020 15:45 0 12-26-2020 16:00 0 12-26-2020 16:15 0 12-26-2020 16:30 0 12-26-2020 16:45 0 12-26-2020 17:00 0 12-26-2020 17:15 0 12-26-2020 17:30 0 12-26-2020 17:45 0 12-26-2020 18:00 0 12-26-2020 18:15 0 12-26-2020 18:30 0 12-26-2020 18:45 0 12-26-2020 19:00 0 12-26-2020 19:15 0 12-26-2020 19:30 0 12-26-2020 19:45 0 12-26-2020 20:00 0 12-26-2020 20:15 0 12-26-2020 20:30 0 12-26-2020 20:45 0 12-26-2020 21:00 0 12-26-2020 21:15 0 12-26-2020 21:30 0 12-26-2020 21:45 0 12-26-2020 22:00 0 12-26-2020 22:15 0 12-26-2020 22:30 0 12-26-2020 22:45 0 12-26-2020 23:00 0 12-26-2020 23:15 0 12-26-2020 23:30 0 12-26-2020 23:45 0 TR0795 Page 18 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-27-2020 0:00 0 12-27-2020 0:15 0 12-27-2020 0:30 0 12-27-2020 0:45 0 12-27-2020 1:00 0 12-27-2020 1:15 0 12-27-2020 1:30 0 12-27-2020 1:45 0 12-27-2020 2:00 0 12-27-2020 2:15 0 12-27-2020 2:30 0 12-27-2020 2:45 0 12-27-2020 3:00 0 12-27-2020 3:15 0 12-27-2020 3:30 0 12-27-2020 3:45 0 12-27-2020 4:00 0 12-27-2020 4:15 0 12-27-2020 4:30 0 12-27-2020 4:45 0 12-27-2020 5:00 0 12-27-2020 5:15 0 12-27-2020 5:30 0 12-27-2020 5:45 0 12-27-2020 6:00 0 12-27-2020 6:15 0 12-27-2020 6:30 0 12-27-2020 6:45 0 12-27-2020 7:00 0 12-27-2020 7:15 0 12-27-2020 7:30 0 12-27-2020 7:45 0 12-27-2020 8:00 0 12-27-2020 8:15 0 12-27-2020 8:30 0 12-27-2020 8:45 0 12-27-2020 9:00 0 12-27-2020 9:15 0 12-27-2020 9:30 0 12-27-2020 9:45 0 12-27-2020 10:00 0 12-27-2020 10:15 0 12-27-2020 10:30 0 12-27-2020 10:45 0 12-27-2020 11:00 0 12-27-2020 11:15 0 TR0795 Page 19 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-27-2020 11:30 0 12-27-2020 11:45 0 12-27-2020 12:00 0 12-27-2020 12:15 0 12-27-2020 12:30 0 12-27-2020 12:45 0 12-27-2020 13:00 0 12-27-2020 13:15 0 12-27-2020 13:30 0 12-27-2020 13:45 0 12-27-2020 14:00 0 12-27-2020 14:15 0 12-27-2020 14:30 0 12-27-2020 14:45 0 12-27-2020 15:00 0 12-27-2020 15:15 0 12-27-2020 15:30 0 12-27-2020 15:45 0 12-27-2020 16:00 0 12-27-2020 16:15 0 12-27-2020 16:30 0 12-27-2020 16:45 0 12-27-2020 17:00 0 12-27-2020 17:15 0 12-27-2020 17:30 0 12-27-2020 17:45 0 12-27-2020 18:00 1,293 12-27-2020 18:15 1,293 12-27-2020 18:30 1,293 12-27-2020 18:45 1,293 12-27-2020 19:00 1,293 12-27-2020 19:15 1,293 12-27-2020 19:30 1,293 12-27-2020 19:45 1,293 12-27-2020 20:00 1,293 12-27-2020 20:15 1,293 12-27-2020 20:30 1,293 12-27-2020 20:45 1,293 12-27-2020 21:00 1,293 12-27-2020 21:15 1,293 12-27-2020 21:30 1,293 12-27-2020 21:45 1,293 12-27-2020 22:00 1,293 12-27-2020 22:15 1,293 12-27-2020 22:30 1,293 12-27-2020 22:45 1,293 TR0795 Page 20 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-27-2020 23:00 1,293 12-27-2020 23:15 1,293 12-27-2020 23:30 1,293 12-27-2020 23:45 1,293 12-28-2020 0:00 1,293 12-28-2020 0:15 1,293 12-28-2020 0:30 1,293 12-28-2020 0:45 1,293 12-28-2020 1:00 1,293 12-28-2020 1:15 1,293 12-28-2020 1:30 1,293 12-28-2020 1:45 1,293 12-28-2020 2:00 1,293 12-28-2020 2:15 1,293 12-28-2020 2:30 1,293 12-28-2020 2:45 1,293 12-28-2020 3:00 1,293 12-28-2020 3:15 1,293 12-28-2020 3:30 1,293 12-28-2020 3:45 1,293 12-28-2020 4:00 1,293 12-28-2020 4:15 1,293 12-28-2020 4:30 1,293 12-28-2020 4:45 1,293 12-28-2020 5:00 1,293 12-28-2020 5:15 1,293 12-28-2020 5:30 1,293 12-28-2020 5:45 1,293 12-28-2020 6:00 1,293 12-28-2020 6:15 1,293 12-28-2020 6:30 1,293 12-28-2020 6:45 1,293 12-28-2020 7:00 1,293 12-28-2020 7:15 1,293 12-28-2020 7:30 1,293 12-28-2020 7:45 1,293 12-28-2020 8:00 1,293 12-28-2020 8:15 1,293 12-28-2020 8:30 1,293 12-28-2020 8:45 1,293 12-28-2020 9:00 1,293 12-28-2020 9:15 1,293 12-28-2020 9:30 1,293 12-28-2020 9:45 1,293 12-28-2020 10:00 1,293 12-28-2020 10:15 1,293 TR0795 Page 21 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-28-2020 10:30 1,293 12-28-2020 10:45 1,293 12-28-2020 11:00 1,293 12-28-2020 11:15 1,293 12-28-2020 11:30 1,293 12-28-2020 11:45 1,293 12-28-2020 12:00 1,293 12-28-2020 12:15 1,293 12-28-2020 12:30 1,293 12-28-2020 12:45 1,293 12-28-2020 13:00 1,293 12-28-2020 13:15 1,293 12-28-2020 13:30 1,293 12-28-2020 13:45 1,293 12-28-2020 14:00 1,293 12-28-2020 14:15 1,293 12-28-2020 14:30 1,293 12-28-2020 14:45 1,293 12-28-2020 15:00 1,293 12-28-2020 15:15 1,293 12-28-2020 15:30 1,293 12-28-2020 15:45 1,293 12-28-2020 16:00 1,293 12-28-2020 16:15 1,293 12-28-2020 16:30 1,293 12-28-2020 16:45 1,293 12-28-2020 17:00 1,293 12-28-2020 17:15 1,293 12-28-2020 17:30 1,293 12-28-2020 17:45 1,293 12-28-2020 18:00 1,293 12-28-2020 18:15 1,293 12-28-2020 18:30 1,293 12-28-2020 18:45 1,293 12-28-2020 19:00 1,293 12-28-2020 19:15 1,293 12-28-2020 19:30 1,293 12-28-2020 19:45 1,293 12-28-2020 20:00 1,293 12-28-2020 20:15 1,293 12-28-2020 20:30 1,293 12-28-2020 20:45 1,293 12-28-2020 21:00 1,293 12-28-2020 21:15 1,293 12-28-2020 21:30 1,293 12-28-2020 21:45 1,293 TR0795 Page 22 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-28-2020 22:00 1,293 12-28-2020 22:15 1,293 12-28-2020 22:30 1,293 12-28-2020 22:45 1,293 12-28-2020 23:00 1,293 12-28-2020 23:15 1,293 12-28-2020 23:30 1,293 12-28-2020 23:45 1,293 12-29-2020 0:00 1,293 12-29-2020 0:15 1,293 12-29-2020 0:30 1,293 12-29-2020 0:45 1,293 12-29-2020 1:00 1,293 12-29-2020 1:15 1,293 12-29-2020 1:30 1,293 12-29-2020 1:45 1,293 12-29-2020 2:00 1,293 12-29-2020 2:15 1,293 12-29-2020 2:30 1,293 12-29-2020 2:45 1,293 12-29-2020 3:00 1,293 12-29-2020 3:15 1,293 12-29-2020 3:30 1,293 12-29-2020 3:45 1,293 12-29-2020 4:00 1,293 12-29-2020 4:15 1,293 12-29-2020 4:30 1,293 12-29-2020 4:45 1,293 12-29-2020 5:00 1,293 12-29-2020 5:15 1,293 12-29-2020 5:30 1,293 12-29-2020 5:45 1,293 12-29-2020 6:00 1,293 12-29-2020 6:15 1,293 12-29-2020 6:30 1,293 12-29-2020 6:45 1,293 12-29-2020 7:00 1,293 12-29-2020 7:15 1,293 12-29-2020 7:30 1,293 12-29-2020 7:45 1,293 12-29-2020 8:00 1,293 12-29-2020 8:15 1,293 12-29-2020 8:30 1,293 12-29-2020 8:45 1,293 12-29-2020 9:00 1,293 12-29-2020 9:15 1,293 TR0795 Page 23 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-29-2020 9:30 1,293 12-29-2020 9:45 1,293 12-29-2020 10:00 1,293 12-29-2020 10:15 1,293 12-29-2020 10:30 1,293 12-29-2020 10:45 1,293 12-29-2020 11:00 1,293 12-29-2020 11:15 1,293 12-29-2020 11:30 1,293 12-29-2020 11:45 1,293 12-29-2020 12:00 1,293 12-29-2020 12:15 1,293 12-29-2020 12:30 1,293 12-29-2020 12:45 1,293 12-29-2020 13:00 1,293 12-29-2020 13:15 1,293 12-29-2020 13:30 1,293 12-29-2020 13:45 1,293 12-29-2020 14:00 1,293 12-29-2020 14:15 1,293 12-29-2020 14:30 1,293 12-29-2020 14:45 1,293 12-29-2020 15:00 1,293 12-29-2020 15:15 1,293 12-29-2020 15:30 1,293 12-29-2020 15:45 1,293 12-29-2020 16:00 1,293 12-29-2020 16:15 1,293 12-29-2020 16:30 1,293 12-29-2020 16:45 1,293 12-29-2020 17:00 1,293 12-29-2020 17:15 1,293 12-29-2020 17:30 1,293 12-29-2020 17:45 1,293 12-29-2020 18:00 1,293 12-29-2020 18:15 1,293 12-29-2020 18:30 1,293 12-29-2020 18:45 1,293 12-29-2020 19:00 1,293 12-29-2020 19:15 1,293 12-29-2020 19:30 1,293 12-29-2020 19:45 1,293 12-29-2020 20:00 1,293 12-29-2020 20:15 1,293 12-29-2020 20:30 1,293 12-29-2020 20:45 1,293 TR0795 Page 24 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-29-2020 21:00 1,293 12-29-2020 21:15 1,293 12-29-2020 21:30 1,293 12-29-2020 21:45 1,293 12-29-2020 22:00 1,293 12-29-2020 22:15 1,293 12-29-2020 22:30 1,293 12-29-2020 22:45 1,293 12-29-2020 23:00 1,293 12-29-2020 23:15 1,293 12-29-2020 23:30 1,293 12-29-2020 23:45 1,293 12-30-2020 0:00 1,293 12-30-2020 0:15 1,293 12-30-2020 0:30 1,293 12-30-2020 0:45 1,293 12-30-2020 1:00 1,293 12-30-2020 1:15 1,293 12-30-2020 1:30 1,293 12-30-2020 1:45 1,293 12-30-2020 2:00 1,293 12-30-2020 2:15 1,293 12-30-2020 2:30 1,293 12-30-2020 2:45 1,293 12-30-2020 3:00 1,293 12-30-2020 3:15 1,293 12-30-2020 3:30 1,293 12-30-2020 3:45 1,293 12-30-2020 4:00 1,293 12-30-2020 4:15 1,293 12-30-2020 4:30 1,293 12-30-2020 4:45 1,293 12-30-2020 5:00 1,293 12-30-2020 5:15 1,293 12-30-2020 5:30 1,293 12-30-2020 5:45 1,293 12-30-2020 6:00 1,293 12-30-2020 6:15 1,293 12-30-2020 6:30 1,293 12-30-2020 6:45 1,293 12-30-2020 7:00 1,293 12-30-2020 7:15 1,293 12-30-2020 7:30 1,293 12-30-2020 7:45 1,293 12-30-2020 8:00 1,293 12-30-2020 8:15 1,293 TR0795 Page 25 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-30-2020 8:30 1,293 12-30-2020 8:45 1,293 12-30-2020 9:00 1,293 12-30-2020 9:15 1,293 12-30-2020 9:30 1,293 12-30-2020 9:45 1,293 12-30-2020 10:00 1,293 12-30-2020 10:15 1,293 12-30-2020 10:30 1,293 12-30-2020 10:45 1,293 12-30-2020 11:00 1,293 12-30-2020 11:15 1,293 12-30-2020 11:30 1,293 12-30-2020 11:45 1,293 12-30-2020 12:00 1,293 12-30-2020 12:15 1,293 12-30-2020 12:30 1,293 12-30-2020 12:45 1,293 12-30-2020 13:00 1,293 12-30-2020 13:15 1,293 12-30-2020 13:30 1,293 12-30-2020 13:45 1,293 12-30-2020 14:00 1,293 12-30-2020 14:15 1,293 12-30-2020 14:28 0 12-30-2020 14:43 1,038 12-30-2020 14:58 1,387 12-30-2020 15:13 1,810 12-30-2020 15:28 1,630 12-30-2020 15:43 1,816 12-30-2020 15:58 1,921 12-30-2020 16:13 1,518 12-30-2020 16:28 1,921 12-30-2020 16:43 1,671 12-30-2020 16:58 1,713 12-30-2020 17:13 1,618 12-30-2020 17:28 1,467 12-30-2020 17:43 1,665 12-30-2020 17:58 1,467 12-30-2020 18:13 1,872 12-30-2020 18:28 1,565 12-30-2020 18:43 1,410 12-30-2020 18:58 1,701 12-30-2020 19:13 1,343 12-30-2020 19:28 1,731 12-30-2020 19:43 1,624 TR0795 Page 26 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-30-2020 19:58 1,542 12-30-2020 20:13 1,427 12-30-2020 20:28 1,647 12-30-2020 20:43 1,559 12-30-2020 20:58 1,530 12-30-2020 21:13 1,467 12-30-2020 21:28 1,600 12-30-2020 21:43 1,354 12-30-2020 21:58 1,376 12-30-2020 22:13 1,315 12-30-2020 22:28 1,536 12-30-2020 22:43 1,490 12-30-2020 22:58 1,201 12-30-2020 23:13 1,337 12-30-2020 23:28 1,612 12-30-2020 23:43 1,455 12-30-2020 23:58 1,337 12-31-2020 0:13 1,404 12-31-2020 0:28 1,467 12-31-2020 0:43 1,315 12-31-2020 0:58 1,354 12-31-2020 1:13 1,382 12-31-2020 1:28 1,455 12-31-2020 1:43 1,665 12-31-2020 1:58 1,450 12-31-2020 2:13 1,365 12-31-2020 2:28 1,450 12-31-2020 2:43 1,382 12-31-2020 2:58 1,490 12-31-2020 3:13 1,238 12-31-2020 3:28 1,287 12-31-2020 3:43 1,484 12-31-2020 3:58 1,571 12-31-2020 4:13 1,659 12-31-2020 4:28 1,677 12-31-2020 4:43 1,641 12-31-2020 4:58 1,835 12-31-2020 5:13 1,472 12-31-2020 5:28 1,731 12-31-2020 5:43 1,582 12-31-2020 5:58 1,337 12-31-2020 6:13 1,618 12-31-2020 6:28 1,320 12-31-2020 6:43 1,331 12-31-2020 6:58 1,495 12-31-2020 7:13 1,495 TR0795 Page 27 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-31-2020 7:28 1,415 12-31-2020 7:43 1,636 12-31-2020 7:58 1,872 12-31-2020 8:13 1,343 12-31-2020 8:28 630 12-31-2020 8:43 982 12-31-2020 8:58 1,309 12-31-2020 9:13 1,233 12-31-2020 9:28 997 12-31-2020 9:43 977 12-31-2020 9:58 1,013 12-31-2020 10:13 821 12-31-2020 10:28 692 12-31-2020 10:43 626 12-31-2020 10:58 972 12-31-2020 11:13 674 12-31-2020 11:28 854 12-31-2020 11:43 678 12-31-2020 11:58 779 12-31-2020 12:13 1,013 12-31-2020 12:28 913 12-31-2020 12:43 1,147 12-31-2020 12:58 1,293 12-31-2020 13:13 1,348 12-31-2020 13:28 1,438 12-31-2020 13:43 1,524 12-31-2020 13:58 1,513 12-31-2020 14:13 1,331 12-31-2020 14:28 1,630 12-31-2020 14:43 1,798 12-31-2020 14:58 1,677 12-31-2020 15:13 1,725 12-31-2020 15:28 1,946 12-31-2020 15:43 1,829 12-31-2020 15:58 1,647 12-31-2020 16:13 1,571 12-31-2020 16:28 1,737 12-31-2020 16:43 1,940 12-31-2020 16:58 1,953 12-31-2020 17:13 1,847 12-31-2020 17:28 1,816 12-31-2020 17:43 2,073 12-31-2020 17:58 2,009 12-31-2020 18:13 1,577 12-31-2020 18:28 1,761 12-31-2020 18:43 1,507 TR0795 Page 28 of 29 March 2021 TABLE B2 OUTFALL 003 FLOWS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. 12-31-2020 18:58 1,169 12-31-2020 19:13 1,565 12-31-2020 19:28 1,382 12-31-2020 19:43 1,331 12-31-2020 19:58 1,455 12-31-2020 20:13 1,606 12-31-2020 20:28 1,404 12-31-2020 20:43 1,427 12-31-2020 20:58 1,582 12-31-2020 21:13 1,507 12-31-2020 21:28 1,432 12-31-2020 21:43 1,582 12-31-2020 21:58 1,565 12-31-2020 22:13 1,455 12-31-2020 22:28 1,600 12-31-2020 22:43 1,594 12-31-2020 22:58 1,853 12-31-2020 23:13 1,701 12-31-2020 23:28 1,542 12-31-2020 23:43 1,719 12-31-2020 23:58 1,768 TR0795 Page 29 of 29 March 2021 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX C Supplemental Analytical Tables TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDCFR-BLADENCFR-KINGSCFR-MILE-76GBC-1Field Sample ID CAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-121520CAP1220-CFR-KINGS-121620CAP1220-CFR-RM-76-121520CAP1220-GBC-1-121520Sample Date12/15/202012/16/202012/15/202012/15/2020QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)320-68082-2320-68082-2320-68082-2320-68084-2Lab Sample ID320-68082-2320-68082-3320-68082-1320-68084-4Other PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ11Cl-PF3OUdS<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ9Cl-PF3ONS<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJDONA<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJPerfluorobutane Sulfonic Acid3.7 J3.3 J3.8 J2.3 JPerfluorobutanoic Acid<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ8.3 JPerfluorodecane Sulfonic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorodecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorododecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoroheptanoic Acid4. acid (PFHxDA)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorohexane Sulfonic Acid4.2 J3.7 J4 J<2 UJPerfluorohexanoic Acid5.5 J4.6 J5.7 J2.5 JPerfluorononanesulfonic acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorononanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorooctadecanoic acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorooctane Sulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoropentanoic Acid5.6 J5.6 J5.6 J7.1 JPerfluorotetradecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorotridecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoroundecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPFOA6.3 J6.1 J6.1 J3 JPFOS12 J11 J12 J<2 UJTR0795Page 1 of 6March 2021 TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSLock-Dam SeepOLDOF-1OUTFALL 002River Water Intake 2CAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-121520CAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-121520CAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-121620RIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/15/202012/15/202012/16/202012/16/2020320-68081-2320-68080-2320-68081-2320-68084-2320-68081-1320-68080-2320-68081-2320-68084-2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ3.7 J3.9 J74 J<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<942.94.53.6<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ4.4 J<2 UJ4 J3.4 J15 J<2 UJ5.5 J4.8 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ3.4 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ470 J7.1 J8.9 J5.6 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ18 J<2 UJ6.2 J5.2 J51 J<2 UJ10 J8 JTR0795Page 2 of 6March 2021 TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSRiver Water Intake 2SEEP-ASEEP-BSEEP-CRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-DCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-121620CAP1220-SEEP-B-21-121620CAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/202012/16/202012/16/202012/16/2020Field Duplicate320-68084-2320-68083-2320-68083-2320-68083-2320-68084-3320-68083-2320-68083-3320-68083-4<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ3.7 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ250 J480 J490 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ3.9<47<94220<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ3.5 J2.5 J<2 UJ2.7 J5.6 J35 J34 J110 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ16 J11 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ5.8 J550 J1,000 J2,100 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ4.9 J32 J23 J20 J7.6 J4.6 J3.3 J9.4 JTR0795Page 3 of 6March 2021 TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSSEEP-DTARHEELTARHEELWC-1CAP1220-SEEP-D-24-121620CAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-121520CAP1220-TARHEEL-121620CAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/202012/15/202012/16/202012/16/2020320-68084-2320-68082-2320-68080-2320-68083-2320-68084-1320-68082-4320-68080-1320-68083-1<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ3.6 J3.8 J4.1 J160 J<5 UJ<5 UJ5.3 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<473.94.32.9<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ2 J3.7 J5.2 J<2 UJ32 J5.5 J5.9 J2.7 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ2.4 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ570 J6.1 J6.3 J5.7 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ12 J5.9 J5.9 J3.9 J2.1 J14 J13 J<2 UJTR0795Page 4 of 6March 2021 TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSEBEBEBEBCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-121520CAP1220-EQBLK-BL-121620CAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-121620CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/15/202012/16/202012/16/202012/16/2020Equipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment Blank320-68085-2320-68085-2320-68085-2320-68085-2320-68085-1320-68085-4320-68085-3320-68085-2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2<2<2<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJTR0795Page 5 of 6March 2021 TABLE C1SEEP AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSFBLKFBLKCAP1220-FBLK-121520CAP1220-FBLK-12162012/15/202012/16/2020Field BlankField Blank320-68080-1320-68080-1320-68080-3320-68080-4----Notes:----Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit----B - analyte detected in an associated blank----EPA - Environmental Protection Agency----J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise----QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control----SDG - Sample Delivery Group----SOP - standard operating procedure----UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise.----< - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit.----------------------------------------<2<2--------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 6 of 6March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1Floodplain DepositsBlack Creek AquiferFloodplain DepositsFloodplain DepositsBlack Creek AquiferLocIDLTW-01LTW-02LTW-03LTW-04LTW-05Field Sample ID CAP1220-LTW-01-121020 CAP1220-LTW-02-121020 CAP1220-LTW-03-122220CAP1220-LTW-04-120820CAP1220-LTW-05-120920Sample Date12/10/202012/10/202012/22/202012/8/202012/9/2020QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)320-67869-2320-67869-2320-68259-2320-67766-2320-67844-2Lab Sample ID320-67869-3320-67869-4320-68259-1320-67766-1320-67844-8Other PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<6.1 UJ11Cl-PF3OUdS<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.9 UJ1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4.2 UJ1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.2 UJ2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<7.7 UJ2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<13 UJ6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<23 UJ9Cl-PF3ONS<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.2 UJDONA<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<3.6 UJN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<12 UJN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<7.9 UJN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<3.9 UJN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<11 UJPerfluorobutane Sulfonic Acid3.9 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluorobutanoic Acid140 J50 J130 J410 J160 JPerfluorodecane Sulfonic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.9 UJPerfluorodecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.8 UJPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<8.8 UJPerfluorododecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJPerfluoroheptanoic Acid<94<47<94<2170Perfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<8.1 UJPerfluorohexane Sulfonic Acid7.9 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5.2 UJPerfluorohexanoic Acid25 J7.1 J14 J36 J45 JPerfluorononanesulfonic acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<3.4 UJPerfluorononanoic Acid2.8 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.5 UJPerfluorooctadecanoic acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<8.5 UJPerfluorooctane Sulfonamide<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<8.9 UJPerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2.7 UJPerfluoropentanoic Acid310 J200 J660 J1,400 J1,300 JPerfluorotetradecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<6.6 UJPerfluorotridecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<12 UJPerfluoroundecanoic Acid<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<10 UJPFOA53 J<2 UJ<2 UJ7.4 J<7.7 UJPFOS20 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4.9 UJTR0795Page 1 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSSurficial AquiferFloodplain DepositsBlack Creek AquiferBlack Creek AquiferFloodplain DepositsPIW-1DPIW-1SPIW-3DPIW-7DPIW-7SCAP1220-PIW-1D-121020 CAP1220-PIW-1S-121020 CAP1220-PIW-3D-121120CAP1220-PIW-7D-120820CAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/10/202012/10/202012/11/202012/8/202012/8/2020320-67869-2320-67869-2320-67866-2320-67773-2320-67775-2320-67869-2320-67869-1320-67866-3320-67773-2320-67775-1<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ2.8 J2.6 J<2 UJ2.7 J63 J50 J67 J120 J180 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<47<19<47<2<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ7.6 J4.4 J<2 UJ4.2 J9.3 J12 J18 J19 J27 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ4.8 J4.4 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ140 J84 J120 J920 J570 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ7.3 J23 J34 J2 J14 J<2 UJ31 J12 J<2 UJ8 JTR0795Page 2 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSFloodplain DepositsSurficial AquiferSurficial AquiferSurficial AquiferBlack Creek AquiferPIW-7SPW-04PW-06PW-07PW-09CAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-DCAP1220-PW-04-120820CAP1220-PW-06-120820CAP1220-PW-07-120920CAP1220-PW-09-12082012/8/202012/8/202012/8/202012/9/202012/8/2020Field Duplicate320-67775-2320-67766-2320-67773-2320-67844-2320-67766-2320-67775-2320-67766-4320-67773-1320-67844-6320-67766-2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ3 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ180 J5.3 J12 J18 J<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2<2<26.4<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ4.3 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ26 J<2 UJ3.7 J2.6 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ540 J6.2 J16 J12 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ14 J3.3 J6.2 J2.6 B<2 UJ9.3 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJTR0795Page 3 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSBlack Creek AquiferSurficial AquiferSurficial AquiferBlack Creek Aquifer--PZ-22SMW-10SMW-11SMW-12EBCAP1220-PZ-22-120920CAP1220-SMW-10-120920CAP1220-SMW-11-120820CAP1220-SMW-12-120920 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/9/202012/9/202012/8/202012/9/202012/8/2020Equipment Blank320-67844-2320-67844-2320-67766-2320-67844-2320-67773-2320-67844-7320-67844-1320-67766-3320-67844-2320-67773-3<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ120 J<5 UJ24 J17 J<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<94<2<2<19<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ15 J<2 UJ8.4 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ920 J<2 UJ31 J49 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ58 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJTR0795Page 4 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOS----------EBEBEBEBEBCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-120920 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-120920 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-121020 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-121120 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/9/202012/9/202012/10/202012/11/202012/15/2020Equipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment Blank320-67844-2320-67844-2320-67866-2320-67866-2320-68085-2320-67844-4320-67844-3320-67866-2320-67866-5320-68085-1<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2<2<2<2<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ3.1 J<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJTR0795Page 5 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOS----------EBEBEBEBFBLKCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-121620 CAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-121620 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-121620 CAP1220-EQBLK-PP-122220 CAP1220-FBLK-12152012/16/202012/16/202012/16/202012/22/202012/15/2020Equipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment BlankField Blank320-68085-2320-68085-2320-68085-2320-68259-2320-68080-1320-68085-4320-68085-3320-68085-2320-68259-3320-68080-3<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ<4 UJ--<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ<5 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2<2<2<2<2<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ<2 UJ--TR0795Page 6 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOS----------FBLKFBLKFBLKFBLKFBLKCAP1220-FBLK-121620CAP1220-FBLK-120820CAP1220-FBLK-120920CAP1220-FBLK-121020CAP1220-FBLK-12112012/16/202012/8/202012/9/202012/10/202012/11/2020Field BlankField BlankField BlankField BlankField Blank320-68080-1320-67773-1320-67844-1320-67866-1320-67866-1320-68080-4320-67773-4320-67844-5320-67866-1320-67866-4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<2<2<2<2<2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 7 of 8March 2021 TABLE C2GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaWater Bearing Unit1LocIDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOS--FBLKCAP1220-FBLK-12222012/22/2020Field Blank320-68259-1320-68259-2Notes:------Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit-- B - analyte detected in an associated blank-- EPA - Environmental Protection Agency-- J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise-- QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control-- SDG - Sample Delivery Group-- SOP - standard operating procedure-- UJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise.-- < - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit.------------------<2----------------------------1 - Water Bearing Unit - refers to primary aquifer unit well screen is estimated to be screened within.TR0795Page 8 of 8March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventQ1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Location IDCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELField Sample IDCFR-TARHEEL-83-033120CFR-TARHEEL-83-033120-D CAP1Q20-CFR-TARHEEL-040220CFR-TARHEEL-48-040220 CAP1Q20-CFR-TARHEEL-24-040320Sample Date3/31/20203/31/20204/2/20204/2/20204/3/2020Sample TypeCompositeCompositeGrabCompositeCompositeSample Start Date and Time3/28/20 1:00 AM3/28/20 1:00 AM-3/31/20 1:00 PM4/2/20 3:00 PMSample Stop Date and Time3/31/20 12:00 PM3/31/20 12:00 PM-4/2/20 1:00 PM4/3/20 3:00 PMComposite Duration (hours)8383-4824QA/QCField DuplicateSample Delivery Group (SDG)320-60098-1320-60098-1320-60029-1320-60098-1320-60032-1Lab Sample ID320-60098-1320-60098-2320-60029-3320-60098-3320-60032-2Other PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<2<2<2<2<211Cl-PF3OUdS<3.2<2<2<2<21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)<20<20<20<20<201H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)<52<20<20<20<202-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<8.5<2 UJ<2<2 UJ<22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol<14<4<4<4 UJ<46:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate<20<20<20<20<209Cl-PF3ONS<2.4<2<2<2<2ADONA<2.1<2.1<2.1<2.1<2.1DONA----------NaDONA<2.1<2.1<2.1<2.1<2.1N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<20<20<20<20<20N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<8.7<2 UJ<2<2 UJ<2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide<4.3<2<2<2<2N-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acid<31<20<20<20<20Perfluorobutane Sulfonic Acid5.243.94.24Perfluorobutanoic Acid11 J5.8 J6.45.95.5Perfluorodecane Sulfonic Acid<3.2<2<2<2<2Perfluorodecanoic Acid<3.1<2<2<2<2Perfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)<4.5<2<2<2<2Perfluorododecanoic Acid<5.5<2<2<2<2Perfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)<2<2<2<2<2Perfluoroheptanoic Acid16 J13 J121211Perfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)<8.9<2 UJ<2<2 UJ<2Perfluorohexane Sulfonic Acid8.3 J3.9 J4.84.34.6Perfluorohexanoic Acid2017151414Perfluorononanesulfonic acid<2<2<2<2<2Perfluorononanoic Acid<2.7<2<2<2<2Perfluorooctadecanoic acid<4.6<2 UJ<2<2 UJ<2Perfluorooctane Sulfonamide4.7<2<2<2<2Perfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)<3<2<2<2<2Perfluoropentanoic Acid1613111312Perfluorotetradecanoic Acid<2.9<2<2<2<2Perfluorotridecanoic Acid<13<2<2<2<2Perfluoroundecanoic Acid<11<2<2<2<2PFOA127. 1 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-83-040620CFR-TARHEEL-79-040920CFR-TARHEEL-83-041920CFR-TARHEEL-83-042220CFR-TARHEEL-83-0426204/6/20204/9/20204/19/20204/22/20204/26/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite4/2/20 1:30 PM4/5/20 11:32 PM4/15/20 2:30 PM4/19/20 2:30 AM4/22/20 1:49 PM4/6/20 12:30 AM4/9/20 6:30 AM4/19/20 1:30 AM4/22/20 1:30 PM4/26/20 12:49 AM8379838383320-60098-1320-60195-1320-60435-1320-60435-1320-60619-1320-60098-4320-60195-1320-60435-1320-60435-2320-60619-1<2--------<2--------<20--------<20--------<2 UJ--------<4 UJ--------<20--------<2--------<2.1------------------<2.1--------<20--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<20--------3.7--------5.5--------<2--------<2--------<2--------2.1 J--------<2--------8.5--------2.5 J--------4.2--------12--------<2--------<2--------<2 UJ--------<2--------<2--------11--------3.1 J--------2.7 J--------<2--------6.6--------9.7--------TR0795Page 2 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ1 2020Q1 2020Q1 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-83-042920CFR-TARHEEL-62-050220CFR-TARHEEL-83-050620CFR-TARHEEL-83-051120CFR-TARHEEL-83-0513204/29/20205/2/20205/6/20205/11/20205/13/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite4/26/20 12:49 AM4/30/20 9:49 AM5/3/20 12:49 AM5/6/20 12:49 PM5/9/20 11:49 PM4/29/20 11:49 AM5/2/20 11:49 PM5/6/20 11:49 AM5/9/20 11:49 PM5/13/20 9:49 AM8362838383320-60619-1320-60763-1320-60763-1320-60789-1410-2522-1320-60619-2320-60763-1320-60763-2320-60789-1410-2522-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 3 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCAP2Q20-CFR-TARHEEL-051420 CAP2Q20-TARHEEL-24-051420CFR-TARHEEL-83-051620CFR-TARHEEL-83-052020CFR-TARHEEL-0525205/14/20205/14/20205/16/20205/20/20205/25/2020GrabCompositeCompositeCompositeGrab-5/13/20 9:50 PM5/13/20 9:49 AM5/16/20 9:49 PM--5/14/20 8:50 PM5/16/20 7:49 PM5/20/20 8:49 AM-- 248383 -320-60921-1410-2521-1410-2522-1410-2522-1320-61296-1320-60921-3410-2521-4410-2522-2410-2522-3320-61296-2<2<5------<2<2------<20<3------<20<2------<2<3------<4<3------<20<5------<2<2------<2.1----------<2------<2.1--------<20<3------<2<5------<2<3------<20<2------4.93.6------5.2<5------<2<2------<2<2------<2<3------<2<2------<2<2------9.86.7------<2<3------5.64.2------1511------<2<2------<2<2------<2<3------<2<2------<2<2------129.2------<2<2------<2<2------<2<2------7.96.7------1610------TR0795Page 4 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-052920CFR-TARHEEL-060120CFR-TARHEEL-060120-DCFR-TARHEEL-060520CFR-TARHEEL-39-0608205/29/20206/1/20206/1/20206/5/20206/8/2020GrabGrabGrabGrabComposite----6/5/20 11:06 AM----6/8/20 9:06 PM----39Field Duplicate320-61296-1320-61452-1320-61452-1320-61570-1320-61852-1320-61296-1320-61452-1320-61452-2320-61570-1320-61852-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 5 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-83-061220CFR-TARHEEL-83-061520CFR-TARHEEL-83-061920CFR-TARHEEL-83-062220CFR-TARHEEL-83-0626206/12/20206/15/20206/19/20206/22/20206/26/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite6/8/20 10:06 PM6/12/20 9:06 AM6/15/20 8:06 PM6/19/20 7:06 AM6/22/20 6:06 PM6/12/20 8:06 AM6/15/20 7:06 PM6/19/20 6:06 AM6/22/20 5:06 PM6/26/20 4:06 AM8383838383320-61852-1320-62010-1320-62010-1320-62127-1320-62407-1320-61852-2320-62010-1320-62010-2320-62127-1320-62407-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 6 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ2 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-83-062920CFR-TARHEEL-65-070220CFR-TARHEEL-24-070320CFR-TARHEEL-24-070720CFR-TARHEEL-24-0710206/29/20207/2/20207/3/20207/7/20207/10/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite6/26/20 5:06 AM6/29/20 4:06 PM7/2/20 8:29 AM7/6/20 8:29 AM7/9/20 12:01 PM6/29/20 3:06 PM7/2/20 8:06 AM7/3/20 7:29 AM7/7/20 7:29 AM7/10/20 11:01 AM8365242424320-62407-1320-62407-1320-62486-1320-62486-1320-62645-1320-62407-2320-62407-3320-62486-2320-62486-1320-62645-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 7 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-071020-DCFR-TARHEEL-24-071320CFR-TARHEEL-24-071620CFR-TARHEEL-24-072020CFR-TARHEEL-24-0723207/10/20207/13/20207/16/20207/20/20207/23/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite7/9/20 12:01 PM7/13/20 12:01 AM7/16/20 12:01 AM7/20/20 12:01 AM7/23/20 12:01 AM7/10/20 11:01 AM7/13/20 11:01 PM7/16/20 11:01 PM7/20/20 11:01 PM7/23/20 11:01 PM2424242424Field Duplicate320-62645-1320-62689-1320-62879-1320-63057-1320-63287-1320-62645-2320-62689-1320-62879-1320-63057-1320-63287-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 8 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-12-072720CAP3Q20-CFR-TARHEEL-072820 CAP3Q20-CFR-TARHEEL-24-072920 CFR-TARHEEL-24-073020CFR-TARHEEL-0803207/27/20207/28/20207/29/20207/30/20208/3/2020CompositeGrabCompositeCompositeGrab7/27/20 12:01 AM-7/29/20 12:01 AM7/30/20 12:01 AM-7/27/20 11:01 AM-7/29/20 11:01 PM7/30/20 11:01 PM-12-2424-320-63287-1320-63225-2320-63304-2320-63442-1320-63442-1320-63287-2320-63225-1320-63304-1320-63442-1320-63442-2--<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<20 UJ<20 UJ------<20 UJ<20 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<4 UJ<4 UJ------<20 UJ<20 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ----------------<2 UJ<2 UJ----------------<20 UJ<20 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<20 UJ<20 UJ------3.6 J3.4 J------4.5 J5.6 J------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------5.1 J4.7 J------6.1 J5.2 J------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------8 J6.9 J------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------<2 UJ<2 UJ------5.9 J5.7 J------12 J15 J----TR0795Page 9 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-080420CFR-TARHEEL-24-080620CFR-TARHEEL-24-081020CFR-TARHEEL-24-081220CFR-TARHEEL-24-0817208/4/20208/6/20208/10/20208/12/20208/17/2020GrabCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite-8/5/20 11:55 PM8/9/20 10:38 PM8/12/20 12:01 AM8/17/20 12:01 AM-8/6/20 10:55 PM8/10/20 9:56 PM8/12/20 11:01 PM8/17/20 11:01 PM- 24242424320-63442-1320-63737-1320-63737-1320-63779-1320-64174-1320-63442-3320-63737-1320-63737-2320-63779-1320-64174-5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-082020CFR-TARHEEL-24-082520CFR-TARHEEL-082720CFR-TARHEEL-082720-DCFR-TARHEEL-0831208/20/20208/25/20208/27/20208/27/20208/31/2020CompositeCompositeGrabGrabGrab8/20/20 12:01 AM8/25/20 12:01 AM---8/20/20 11:01 PM8/25/20 11:01 PM---2424---Field Duplicate320-64174-1320-64174-1320-64174-1320-64174-1320-64174-1320-64174-6320-64174-1320-64174-2320-64174-3320-64174-4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-090320CFR-TARHEEL-24-090720CFR-TARHEEL-24-091020CFR-TARHEEL-24-091420CFR-TARHEEL-24-0917209/3/20209/7/20209/10/20209/14/20209/17/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite9/3/20 12:01 AM9/7/20 12:01 AM9/10/20 12:01 AM9/14/20 12:01 AM9/17/20 12:01 AM9/3/20 11:01 PM9/7/20 11:01 PM9/10/20 11:01 PM9/14/20 11:01 PM9/17/20 11:01 PM2424242424320-64517-1320-64517-1320-64776-1320-64776-1320-64846-1320-64517-1320-64517-2320-64776-1320-64776-2320-64846-1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-11-091820CFR-TARHEEL-24-092120CFR-TARHEEL-24-092420CFR-TARHEEL-24-092420-2CFR-TARHEEL-24-0925209/18/20209/21/20209/24/20209/24/20209/25/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite9/18/20 12:01 AM9/21/20 12:01 AM9/24/20 12:01 AM9/24/20 12:01 AM9/25/20 12:01 AM9/18/20 10:01 AM9/21/20 11:01 PM9/24/20 11:01 PM9/24/20 11:01 PM9/25/20 11:01 PM1124242424320-64920-1320-65132-1320-65132-1320-65132-1320-65132-1320-64920-1320-65132-1320-65132-2320-65132-2320-65132-3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.34.1 J5.6 J5.6 J5.7 J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 13 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q3 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-092620CFR-TARHEEL-24-092820CFR-TARHEEL-24-092920CFR-TARHEEL-24-093020CFR-TARHEEL-18-1001209/26/20209/28/20209/29/20209/30/202010/1/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite9/26/20 12:01 AM9/28/20 12:01 AM9/29/20 12:01 AM9/30/20 12:01 AM10/1/2020 0:019/26/20 11:01 PM9/28/20 11:01 PM9/29/20 11:01 PM9/30/20 11:01 PM10/1/2020 17:012424242418320-65132-1320-65188-1320-65521-1320-65283-1320-65521-1320-65132-4320-65188-1320-65521-1320-65283-1320-65521-2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1 J3.4 J3.94.95.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 14 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-9-100620CFR-TARHEEL-24-100820CFR-TARHEEL-24-101220CFR-TARHEEL-24-101520CFR-TARHEEL-24-10192010/6/202010/8/202010/12/202010/15/202010/19/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite10/6/20 14:3010/7/2020 17:3010/12/2020 0:0110/15/2020 0:0110/19/2020 0:0110/6/20 23:3010/8/2020 16:3010/12/2020 23:0110/15/2020 23:0110/19/2020 23:019 24242424320-65521-1320-65521-1320-65571-1320-65803-1320-65803-1320-65521-3320-65521-4320-65571-1320-65803-1320-65803-2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.45.543.85.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 15 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-102220CFR-TARHEEL-12-103020CFR-TARHEEL-24-103120CFR-TARHEEL-24-110220CFR-TARHEEL-24-11052010/22/202010/30/202010/31/202011/2/202011/5/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite10/22/2020 0:0110/30/2020 12:0110/31/2020 0:0111/2/2020 0:0111/5/20 0:0110/22/2020 23:0110/30/20 23:0110/31/20 23:0111/2/2020 23:0111/5/20 23:012424242424320-66072-1320-66384-1320-66384-1320-66384-1320-66511-1320-66072-1320-66384-1320-66384-2320-66384-3320-66511-1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-110920CFR-TARHEEL-24-111120CFR-TARHEEL-20-111220CFR-TARHEEL-111320CFR-TARHEEL-11182011/9/202011/11/202011/12/202011/13/202011/18/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeGrabGrab11/9/2020 0:0111/11/2020 0:0111/12/2020 0:01----11/9/2020 23:0111/11/2020 23:0111/12/2020 19:01----242420----320-66794-1320-66794-1320-66794-1320-67088-1320-67088-1320-66794-1320-66794-2320-66794-3320-67088-1320-67088-2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.2 J3. 17 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-112020CFR-TARHEEL-24-112420CFR-TARHEEL-24-112620CFR-TARHEEL-24-113020CFR-TARHEEL-24-12032011/20/202011/24/202011/26/202011/30/202012/3/2020GrabCompositeCompositeCompositeComposite--11/24/2020 0:0111/26/2020 0:0111/30/2020 0:0112/3/2020 0:01--11/24/2020 23:0111/26/2020 23:0111/30/2020 23:0112/3/2020 23:01--24242424320-67088-1320-67335-1320-67335-1320-67618-1320-67618-1320-67088-3320-67335-1320-67335-2320-67618-1320-67618-2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.3<22.94.84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR0795Page 18 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEEL-24-120720CFR-TARHEEL-24-121020CFR-TARHEEL-24-121320CFR-TARHEEL-12-121420CAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/7/202012/10/202012/13/202012/14/202012/15/2020CompositeCompositeCompositeCompositeGrab12/7/2020 0:0112/10/2020 0:0112/13/20 0:0112/14/2020 0:59--12/7/2020 23:0112/10/2020 23:0112/13/20 23:0112/14/2020 11:59--24242412--320-67847-1320-67870-1320-68141-1320-68141-1320-68082-2320-67847-1320-67870-1320-68141-1320-68141-2320-68082-4--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<4 UJ--------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ------------------<2 UJ------------------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<5 UJ--------3.6 J--------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ4.<2 UJ--------3.7 J--------5.5 J--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------6.1 J--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------5.9 J--------14 JTR0795Page 19 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020Q4 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELCAP1220-TARHEEL-121620CFR-TARHEEL-121720CFR-TARHEEL-122120CFR-TARHEEL-122320CFR-TARHEEL-12242012/16/202012/17/202012/21/202012/23/202012/24/2020GrabGrabGrabGrabGrab------------------------------320-68080-2320-68141-1320-68261-1320-68338-1320-68338-1320-68080-1320-68141-3320-68261-1320-68338-1320-68338-2<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<4 UJ--------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ------------------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<5 UJ--------3.8 J--------<5 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------5.2 J--------5.9 J--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------6.3 J--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------<2 UJ--------5.9 J--------13 J--------TR0795Page 20 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ4 2020Q4 2020Q2 2020Q2 2020Q1 2020CFR-TARHEELCFR-TARHEELEBEBEQBLKCFR-TARHEEL-122820CFR-TARHEEL-123020CFR-TARHEEL-EB-052520CFR-TARHEEL-EB-060120CFR-EQBLK-1-04082012/28/202012/30/20205/25/20206/1/20204/8/2020GrabGrabGrabGrabGrab---------------------Equipment BlankEquipment BlankEquipment Blank320-68338-1320-68393-1320-61296-1320-61452-1320-60098-1320-68338-3320-68393-1320-61296-4320-61452-4320-60098-5--------<2--------<2--------<20--------<20--------<2--------<4--------<20--------<2----<2.1------------------<2.1--------<20--------<2--------<2--------<20--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<23.43.5----<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2--------<2TR0795Page 21 of 22March 2021 TABLE C3CAPE FEAR RIVER MASS LOAD ANALYTICAL RESULTS - OTHER PFAS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Sampling EventLocation IDField Sample IDSample DateSample TypeSample Start Date and TimeSample Stop Date and TimeComposite Duration (hours)QA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDOther PFAS (ng/L)10:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate11Cl-PF3OUdS1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)2-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol2-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate9Cl-PF3ONSADONADONANaDONAN-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidN-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamideN-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acidPerfluorobutane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorobutanoic AcidPerfluorodecane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorodecanoic AcidPerfluorododecane sulfonic acid (PFDoS)Perfluorododecanoic AcidPerfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS)Perfluoroheptanoic AcidPerfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA)Perfluorohexane Sulfonic AcidPerfluorohexanoic AcidPerfluorononanesulfonic acidPerfluorononanoic AcidPerfluorooctadecanoic acidPerfluorooctane SulfonamidePerfluoropentane sulfonic acid (PFPeS)Perfluoropentanoic AcidPerfluorotetradecanoic AcidPerfluorotridecanoic AcidPerfluoroundecanoic AcidPFOAPFOSQ2 2020Q2 2020Q3 2020FBLKFBLKEBCFR-TARHEEL-FB-052520CFR-TARHEEL-FB-060120CAP3Q20-EQBLK-ISCO-0729205/25/20206/1/20207/29/2020GrabGrabGrab---------Field BlankField BlankEquipment Blank320-61296-1320-61452-1320-63228-1320-61296-3320-61452-3320-63228-4--<2 UJ<2 UJNotes:--<2 UJ<2 UJBold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit--<20 UJ<20 UJEPA - Environmental Protection Agency--<20 UJ<20 UJJ - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise--<2 UJ<2 UJQA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control--<4 UJ<4 UJSDG - Sample Delivery Group--<20 UJ<20 UJSOP - standard operating procedure--<2 UJ<2 UJUJ – Analyte not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise.--<2 UJ--< - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit.--<20 UJ<2 UJ-- - not analyzed--<2 UJ<20 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<20 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<20 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2<2 UJ--<2<2--<2 UJ<2--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ--<2 UJ<2 UJ----<2 UJTR0795Page 22 of 22March 2021 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX D Supplemental Flow Data TABLE D1VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS AT SEEP A Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Distance Along Measured Cross SectionMeasured Water Column DepthCalculated Creek Cell Area2Measured Creek VelocityCell VelocityCalculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1(ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s) (ft/s)(ft3/s)North Bank 0 0.00 0.00Dry bed deposit 1 0.00 0.00Dry bed deposit 2 0.00 0.00Dry bed deposit 3 0.00 0.00Dry bed deposit 4 0.00 0.00Bottom 5 0.17 0.05 0.20 0.52 0.03Bottom 5.3 0.17 0.06 0.84 0.63 0.04Bottom 5.6 0.25 0.08 0.42 0.99 0.07Top 5.6 0.00 1.57Bottom 5.9 0.25 0.06 0.65 0.71 0.04Top 5.9 0.00 1.31Bottom 6.2 0.17 0.04 0.44 0.48 0.02Bottom 6.5 0.08 0.02 0.51 0.26 0.00Bottom 6.8 0.04 0.004 0.00Bank 7 0.00 0.00Associated Measurement Notes0.21Location: Chemours Fayetteville93Station: Seep A6Date: December 15, 2020Acronyms- - data not measured or calculatedft - feetft2 - square feetft3/s - cubic feet per secondgpm - gallons per minuteNotes2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. Total Volumetric DischargeMeasurement Point(ft3/s)(gpm)(L/s)1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the mid-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE D2 VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS AT SEEP B Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Distance Along Measured Cross Section Measured Water Column Depth Calculated Creek Cell Area2 Measured Creek Velocity Cell Velocity Calculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1 (ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s)(ft/s)(ft3/s) South Bank 0 0.00 0.00 Mud deposit 1 0.00 0.00 Mud deposit 2 0.00 0.00 Mud deposit 3 0.00 0.00 Mud deposit 4 0.00 0.00 Shallow 5 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.16 0.00 Middle 5.2 0.17 0.03 0.32 0.30 0.01 Middle 5.4 0.17 0.04 0.28 0.52 0.02 Bottom 5.6 0.25 0.05 0.25 0.65 0.03 Top 5.6 0.00 1.27 Bottom 5.8 0.25 0.06 0.42 0.58 0.03 Top 5.8 0.00 0.64 Bottom 6 0.33 0.07 0.21 0.66 0.04 Middle 6 0.17 0.62 Top 6 0.00 0.80 Bottom 6.2 0.33 0.07 0.32 0.75 0.05 Middle 6.2 0.17 0.69 Top 6.2 0.00 0.78 Bottom 6.4 0.33 0.07 0.54 0.81 0.05 Middle 6.4 0.17 0.8 Top 6.4 0.00 0.94 Bottom 6.6 0.33 0.06 0.51 0.63 0.04 Middle 6.6 0.17 0.81 Top 6.6 0.00 0.48 Bottom 6.8 0.25 0.04 0.25 0.30 0.01 Middle 6.8 0.13 0.44 Top 6.8 0.00 1.01 Middle 7 0.17 0.02 0.16 0.08 0.002 Shallow 7.2 0.04 0.00 Mud deposit 8 0.00 0.00 North Bank 9 0.00 0 Associated Measurement Notes 0.30 Location: Chemours Fayetteville 134 Station: Seep B 8 Date: December 15, 2020 Acronyms - - data not measured or calculated ft - feet ft2 - square feet ft3/s - cubic feet per second gpm - gallons per minute Notes Total Volumetric Discharge Measurement Point 1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the mid-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. 2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. (gpm) (L/s) (ft3/s) TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TABLE D3VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS AT SEEP C Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Distance Along Measured Cross SectionMeasured Water Column DepthCalculated Creek Cell Area2Measured Creek VelocityCell VelocityCalculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1(ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s) (ft/s)(ft3/s)Bank 0.9 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.01Bottom 1.2 0.25 0.09 0.13 0.08 0.01Top 1.2 0.00 0.15Bottom 1.5 0.33 0.10 0.11 0.02 0.002Middle 1.5 0.17 0.01Top 1.5 0.00 0.01Bottom 1.8 0.33 0.09 0.11 0.05 0.004Middle 1.8 0.17 0.02Top 1.8 0.00 0.02Bottom 2.1 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.07 0.01Middle 2.1 0.13 0.08Top 2.1 0.00 0.02Bottom 2.4 0.25 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.01Top 2.4 0.00 0.06Bottom 2.7 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.01Top 2.7 0.00 0.11Bottom 3 0.25 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.01Top 3 0.00 0.18Bottom 3.3 0.25 0.08 0.13 0.12 0.01Top 3.3 0.00 0.18Bottom 3.6 0.25 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.003Top 3.6 0.00 0.07Bottom 3.9 0.17 0.01Top 3.9 0.00 0.05Associated Measurement Notes0.06Location: Chemours Fayetteville27Station: Seep C2Date: December 15, 2020Acronyms- - data not measured or calculatedft - feetft2 - square feetft3/s - cubic feet per secondgpm - gallons per minuteMeasurement PointTotal Volumetric Discharge(ft3/s)(gpm)(L/s)TR0795Notes1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the mid-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. 2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE D4 SEEP D FLUME DATA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Time Water Level (kPa) Water Level (ft) Flow Rate (gpm) Flow Volume (Gallon) 15-12-20 6:10:35 AM 1.669 0.56 150.29 4509 15-12-20 6:40:35 AM 1.739 0.58 167.44 5023 15-12-20 7:10:35 AM 1.603 0.54 135.16 4055 15-12-20 7:40:35 AM 1.671 0.56 150.76 4523 15-12-20 8:10:35 AM 1.666 0.56 149.58 4487 15-12-20 8:40:35 AM 1.73 0.58 165.17 4955 15-12-20 9:10:35 AM 1.651 0.55 146.06 4382 15-12-20 9:40:35 AM 1.724 0.58 163.66 4910 15-12-20 10:10:35 AM 1.673 0.56 151.24 4537 15-12-20 10:40:35 AM 1.679 0.56 152.67 4580 15-12-20 11:10:35 AM 1.536 0.51 120.80 3624 15-12-20 11:40:35 AM 1.467 0.49 107.05 3211 15-12-20 12:10:35 PM 1.421 0.48 98.44 2953 15-12-20 12:40:35 PM 1.278 0.43 74.48 2234 15-12-20 1:10:35 PM 1.439 0.48 101.76 3053 15-12-20 1:40:35 PM 1.358 0.45 87.38 2621 15-12-20 2:10:35 PM 1.564 0.52 126.68 3800 15-12-20 2:40:35 PM 1.52 0.51 117.52 3526 15-12-20 3:10:35 PM 1.553 0.52 124.35 3730 15-12-20 3:40:35 PM 1.493 0.50 112.11 3363 15-12-20 4:10:35 PM 1.575 0.53 129.04 3871 15-12-20 4:40:35 PM 1.579 0.53 129.90 3897 15-12-20 5:10:35 PM 1.638 0.55 143.06 4292 15-12-20 5:40:35 PM 1.66 0.56 148.17 4445 15-12-20 6:10:35 PM 1.606 0.54 135.82 4075 15-12-20 6:40:35 PM 1.637 0.55 142.83 4285 15-12-20 7:10:35 PM 1.591 0.53 132.51 3975 15-12-20 7:40:35 PM 1.56 0.52 125.83 3775 15-12-20 8:10:35 PM 1.534 0.51 120.39 3612 15-12-20 8:40:35 PM 1.495 0.50 112.50 3375 15-12-20 9:10:35 PM 1.523 0.51 118.13 3544 15-12-20 9:40:35 PM 1.55 0.52 123.72 3712 15-12-20 10:10:35 PM 1.597 0.53 133.83 4015 15-12-20 10:40:35 PM 1.551 0.52 123.93 3718 15-12-20 11:10:35 PM 1.528 0.51 119.15 3575 15-12-20 11:40:35 PM 1.435 0.48 101.01 3030 16-12-20 12:10:35 AM 1.579 0.53 129.90 3897 16-12-20 12:40:35 AM 1.555 0.52 124.77 3743 16-12-20 1:10:35 AM 1.52 0.51 117.52 3526 16-12-20 1:40:35 AM 1.463 0.49 106.28 3188 16-12-20 2:10:35 AM 1.426 0.48 99.36 2981 16-12-20 2:40:35 AM 1.313 0.44 79.96 2399 16-12-20 3:10:35 AM 1.481 0.50 109.75 3293 16-12-20 3:40:35 AM 1.427 0.48 99.54 2986 TR0795 Page 1 of 2 March 2021 TABLE D4 SEEP D FLUME DATA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Time Water Level (kPa) Water Level (ft) Flow Rate (gpm) Flow Volume (Gallon) 16-12-20 4:10:35 AM 1.558 0.52 125.41 3762 16-12-20 4:40:35 AM 1.521 0.51 117.72 3532 16-12-20 5:10:35 AM 1.443 0.48 102.50 3075 16-12-20 5:40:35 AM 1.398 0.47 94.31 2829 16-12-20 6:10:35 AM 1.84 0.62 194.24 5827 16-12-20 6:40:35 AM 1.956 0.65 228.12 6844 16-12-20 7:10:35 AM 1.729 0.58 164.92 4947 16-12-20 7:40:35 AM 1.675 0.56 151.71 4551 16-12-20 8:10:35 AM 1.974 0.66 233.68 7010 16-12-20 8:40:35 AM 1.973 0.66 233.37 7001 16-12-20 9:10:35 AM 2.2 0.74 310.77 9323 16-12-20 9:40:35 AM 2.288 0.77 344.53 10336 16-12-20 10:10:35 AM 2.496 0.84 433.13 12994 16-12-20 10:40:35 AM 2.493 0.83 431.76 12953 16-12-20 11:10:35 AM 2.536 0.85 451.62 13549 16-12-20 11:40:35 AM 2.531 0.85 449.28 13479 16-12-20 12:10:35 PM 2.778 0.93 573.96 17219 16-12-20 12:40:35 PM 2.805 0.94 588.74 17662 16-12-20 1:10:35 PM 3.174 1.06 814.87 24446 16-12-20 1:40:35 PM 3.283 1.10 890.54 26716 16-12-20 2:10:35 PM 3.435 1.15 1003.11 30093 16-12-20 2:40:35 PM 3.465 1.16 1026.32 30790 16-12-20 3:10:35 PM 3.58 1.20 1118.34 33550 16-12-20 3:40:35 PM 3.625 1.21 1155.69 34671 16-12-20 4:10:35 PM 3.955 1.32 1453.31 43599 16-12-20 4:40:35 PM 4.051 1.36 1547.93 46438 16-12-20 5:10:35 PM 4.185 1.40 1686.25 50587 16-12-20 5:40:35 PM 4.321 1.45 1834.21 55026 16-12-20 6:10:35 PM 4.358 1.46 1875.81 56274 16-12-20 6:40:35 PM 4.496 1.50 2036.09 61083 16-12-20 7:10:35 PM 4.54 1.52 2088.91 62667 16-12-20 7:40:35 PM 4.725 1.58 2320.28 69608 16-12-20 8:10:35 PM 4.825 1.61 2451.66 73550 16-12-20 8:40:35 PM 4.938 1.65 2605.57 78167 16-12-20 9:10:35 PM 4.829 1.62 2457.01 73710 16-12-20 9:40:35 PM 4.865 1.63 2505.48 75164 16-12-20 10:10:35 PM 4.966 1.66 2644.60 79338 16-12-20 10:40:35 PM 5.007 1.68 2702.41 81072 16-12-20 11:10:35 PM 5.168 1.73 2936.98 88109 16-12-20 11:40:35 PM 5.263 1.76 3081.11 Total 178,056 TR0795 Acronyms: ft - feet gpm - gallons per minute gal - gallons kPa - kilopascals * - Flow volumes are calculated as the total volume of flow passing through the flume for the duration of the interval where the interval duration is calculated as the time between the present recording and the previous recording. Page 2 of 2 March 2021 TABLE D5OLD OUTFALL 002 VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, PCDistance Along Measured Cross SectionMeasured Water Column DepthCalculated Creek Cell Area2Measured Creek VelocityCell VelocityCalculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1(ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s)(ft/s)(ft3/s)North Bank10. South Bank90.001.49Associated Measurement Notes1.0Location: Chemours Fayetteville431Station: Old Outfall27Date: December 15, 2020Acronyms- -data not measured or calculatedft - feetft2 - square feetft3/s - cubic feet per secondgpm - gallons per minuteNotes1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the mid-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. 2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. Measurement PointTotal Volumetric Discharge(ft3/s)(gpm)(L/s)TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE D6 WILLIS CREEK VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC Distance Along Measured Cross Section Measured Water Column Depth Calculated Creek Cell Area2 Measured Creek Velocity Cell Velocity Calculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1 (ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s) (ft/s)(ft3/s) South 0 0.01 0.99 0.00 0.05 0.05 Bottom 3 0.65 2.25 0.08 0.13 0.28 Middle 3 0.325 0.10 Top 3 0 0.80 Bottom 6 0.85 2.63 0.05 0.15 0.39 Middle 6 0.425 0.15 Top 6 0 0.17 Bottom 9 0.9 3.00 0.12 0.20 0.59 Middle 9 0.45 0.15 Top 9 0 0.17 Bottom 12 1.1 4.35 0.40 0.22 0.94 Middle 12 0.55 0.24 Top 12 0 0.23 Bottom 15 1.8 6.30 0.12 0.22 1.35 Middle 15 0.9 0.19 Top 15 0 0.18 Bottom 18 2.4 7.95 0.20 0.24 1.91 Middle 18 1.25 0.24 Top 18 0 0.2 Bottom 21 2.9 9.30 0.03 0.33 3.07 Middle 21 1.85 0.24 Top 21 0 0.25 Bottom 24 3.3 10.95 0.15 0.45 4.93 Middle 24 1.65 0.42 Top 24 0 0.38 Bottom 27 4 11.40 0.03 0.37 4.16 Middle 27 2 0.48 Top 27 0 0.45 Bottom 30 3.6 11.10 0.09 0.30 3.27 Middle 30 1.8 0.25 Top 30 0 0.03 Bottom 33 3.8 9.90 0.03 0.27 2.62 Middle 33 1.8 0.34 Top 33 0 0.16 Bottom 36 2.8 1.40 0.010 0.10 0.13 Middle 36 1.4 0.19 Top 36 0 0.01 Bank 37 0 0 Associated Measurement Notes 24 Location: Chemours Fayetteville 10635 Station: Willis Creek 01 (SW-WC-01)671 Date: December 16, 2020 Acronyms - - data not measured or calculated ft - feet ft2 - square feet ft3/s - cubic feet per second gpm - gallons per minute Notes Measurement Point 2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. Total Volumetric Discharge (ft3/s) (gpm) (L/s) 1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the mid-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TABLE D7 GEORGIA BRANCH CREEK VOLUMETRIC DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC Distance Along Measured Cross Section Measured Water Column Depth Calculated Creek Cell Area2 Measured Creek Velocity Cell Velocity Calculated Discharge Through Creek Cell Area1 (ft)(ft)(ft2)(ft/s) (ft/s)(ft3/s) Bottom - Bank 18 2.00 0.04 Middle - In eddy 18 1.00 4.55 0.16 0.3 1.55 Top 18 0.00 0.1 Bottom 16 2.55 0.06 Middle 16 1.40 4.60 0.52 0.4 1.96 Top 16 0.00 0.51 Bottom 14 2.05 0.04 Middle 14 1.25 4.05 0.33 0.4 1.80 Top 14 0.00 0.43 Bottom 12 2.00 0.11 Middle 12 1.00 3.75 0.56 0.5 1.86 Top 12 0.00 0.62 Bottom 10 1.75 0.15 Middle 10 0.75 3.60 0.43 0.4 1.42 Top 10 0.00 0.57 Bottom 8 1.85 0.04 Middle 8 0.90 3.55 0.36 0.4 1.53 Top 8 0.00 0.48 Bottom 6 1.70 0.07 Middle 6 0.85 3.40 0.5 0.5 1.56 Top 6 0.00 0.61 Bottom 4 1.70 0.1 Middle 4 0.85 3.60 0.42 0.4 1.30 Top 4 0.00 0.55 Bottom 2 1.90 0.02 Middle 2 0.95 4.41 0.3 0.2 0.79 Top 2 0.00 0.49 End 0.2 3.00 0.06 Associated Measurement Notes Location: Chemours Fayetteville 13.8 Station: Georgia Branch 01 (SW-GB-01)6177 Date: December 15, 2020 390 Acronyms - - data not measured or calculated ft - feet ft2 - square feet ft3/s - cubic feet per second gpm - gallons per minute Notes (L/s) 1 Discharge is calculated as product of creek velocity measured at the Middle-depth (feet per second) times the cross sectional area of each measurement cell. 2 Measurement cell areas are calculated assuming a trapezoidal geometry based on distances between Measurement points and the measured water column depths. A measurement cell is an areal section from the width of the river channel. Location Total Volumetric Discharge (ft3/s) (gpm) TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TABLE D8 OUTFALL 002 FLOW RATE Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Outfall 002 Flow (MGD) Total Daily Volume (gal) Hours of Sample Collection Approximate Total Volume during 24 hour Sample Collection (gal) 12/15/2020 16.776 16,776,000 15.23 10,648,100 12/16/2020 17.496 17,496,000 8.77 6,390,900 24 17,039,000 Notes: Acronyms: gal - gallons MGD - millions of gallons per day 12/15/2020 7:46 am to 12/16/2020 7:46 am Daily flow rates collected from facility Discharge Monitoring Reports. Total flow volume for 24-hour temporal composite sample collected at 7:46 am on 12/16/2020 approximated based on flow rates for 12/15/2020 and 12/16/2020 TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TABLE D9FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Pathway/ Location Sample Collection TimepointFlow Gauging Location1Travel Time Offset (hr)2Adjusted Flow Gauging TimepointComposite Sample 24-Hour FlowVolume (MGD)3Grab Sample Instantaneous Flow Rate (ft3/s)4Upstream River Water and Groundwater12/15/2020 9:10William O Huske Lock and Dam--12/15/2020 9:10--5,910Tarheel (Grab Sample) 12/15/2020 15:52William O Huske Lock and Dam712/15/2020 11:15--6,130Bladen Bluff12/15/2020 15:30William O Huske Lock and Dam512/15/2020 12:45--6,420Kings Bluff12/16/2020 13:50Cape Fear River Lock and Dam #1--12/16/2020 13:50--7,650Notes:Acronyms:ft3/s - cubic feet per secondhr - hoursMGD - millions of gallons per day2 - Flow rates measured at William O Huske Lock and Dam were used for mass loading assessments at Tarheel and Bladen Bluff sample locations. Travel times between William O Huske Lock and Dam and the downstream locations were estimated based on the results of a numerical model of the Cape Fear River developed by Geosyntec which developed a regression curve between the USGS reported gage heights at William O Huske Lock and Dam and travel times. 1 - Flow rate measured at USGS gauging station #02105500 located at William O Huske Lock & Dam and USGS gauging station # 02105769 located at Lock and Dam #1 near 3 - Total flow volume for composite samples is based on measurements taken over 24-hour sample collection period.4 - Instantaneous flow rate for grab samples is the recorded flow rate at the time of grab sample collection.TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 14-12-20 0:00 4770 32,113,786 3.5 0 14-12-20 0:15 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 0:30 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 0:45 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 1:00 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 1:15 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 1:30 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 1:45 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 2:00 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0 14-12-20 2:15 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0.01 14-12-20 2:30 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0.01 14-12-20 2:45 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0 14-12-20 3:00 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0 14-12-20 3:15 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0.02 14-12-20 3:30 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0 14-12-20 3:45 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0 14-12-20 4:00 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0 14-12-20 4:15 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 4:30 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 4:45 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0 14-12-20 5:00 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 5:15 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 5:30 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0 14-12-20 5:45 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0 14-12-20 6:00 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 6:15 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0 14-12-20 6:30 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 6:45 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 7:00 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0 14-12-20 7:15 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 7:30 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0 14-12-20 7:45 4670 31,440,542 3.46 0 14-12-20 8:00 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0 14-12-20 8:15 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0 14-12-20 8:30 4670 31,440,542 3.46 0 14-12-20 8:45 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0 14-12-20 9:00 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0 14-12-20 9:15 4640 31,238,568 3.45 0 14-12-20 9:30 4640 31,238,568 3.45 0 14-12-20 9:45 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0.01 14-12-20 10:00 4640 31,238,568 3.45 0 14-12-20 10:15 4640 31,238,568 3.45 0 14-12-20 10:30 4640 31,238,568 3.45 0.01 14-12-20 10:45 4670 31,440,542 3.46 0.02 14-12-20 11:00 4670 31,440,541 3.46 0.03 14-12-20 11:15 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0.06 14-12-20 11:30 4690 31,575,191 3.47 0.05 14-12-20 11:45 4690 31,575,190 3.47 0.07 14-12-20 12:00 4720 31,777,164 3.48 0.01 14-12-20 12:15 4770 32,113,787 3.5 0 TR0795 Page 1 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 14-12-20 12:30 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0.04 14-12-20 12:45 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 13:00 4740 31,911,813 3.49 0 14-12-20 13:15 4840 32,585,058 3.53 0 14-12-20 13:30 4890 32,921,680 3.55 0 14-12-20 13:45 4840 32,585,058 3.53 0 14-12-20 14:00 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 14:15 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 14:30 4840 32,585,058 3.53 0 14-12-20 14:45 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 15:00 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 15:15 4840 32,585,058 3.53 0 14-12-20 15:30 4810 32,383,084 3.52 0 14-12-20 15:45 4840 32,585,058 3.53 0 14-12-20 16:00 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 16:15 4890 32,921,680 3.55 0 14-12-20 16:30 4860 32,719,707 3.54 0 14-12-20 16:45 4890 32,921,681 3.55 0 14-12-20 17:00 4890 32,921,680 3.55 0 14-12-20 17:15 4890 32,921,680 3.55 0 14-12-20 17:30 4910 33,056,330 3.56 0 14-12-20 17:45 4910 33,056,329 3.56 0 14-12-20 18:00 4910 33,056,329 3.56 0 14-12-20 18:15 4940 33,258,303 3.57 0 14-12-20 18:30 4960 33,392,952 3.58 0 14-12-20 18:45 4960 33,392,952 3.58 0 14-12-20 19:00 4990 33,594,926 3.59 0 14-12-20 19:15 4990 33,594,925 3.59 0 14-12-20 19:30 5010 33,729,574 3.6 0 14-12-20 19:45 5040 33,931,548 3.61 0 14-12-20 20:00 5040 33,931,548 3.61 0 14-12-20 20:15 5040 33,931,548 3.61 0 14-12-20 20:30 5060 34,066,197 3.62 0 14-12-20 20:45 5090 34,268,170 3.63 0 14-12-20 21:00 5090 34,268,170 3.63 0 14-12-20 21:15 5090 34,268,171 3.63 0 14-12-20 21:30 5110 34,402,819 3.64 0 14-12-20 21:45 5110 34,402,819 3.64 0 14-12-20 22:00 5140 34,604,793 3.65 0 14-12-20 22:15 5140 34,604,793 3.65 0 14-12-20 22:30 5140 34,604,793 3.65 0 14-12-20 22:45 5170 34,806,767 3.66 0 14-12-20 23:00 5170 34,806,766 3.66 0 14-12-20 23:15 5190 34,941,415 3.67 0 14-12-20 23:30 5220 35,143,389 3.68 0 14-12-20 23:45 5220 35,143,389 3.68 0 15-12-20 0:00 5240 35,278,038 3.69 0 15-12-20 0:15 5240 35,278,038 3.69 0 15-12-20 0:30 5240 35,278,038 3.69 0 15-12-20 0:45 5270 35,480,011 3.7 0 TR0795 Page 2 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 15-12-20 1:00 5290 35,614,661 3.71 0 15-12-20 1:15 5290 35,614,660 3.71 0 15-12-20 1:30 5290 35,614,660 3.71 0 15-12-20 1:45 5320 35,816,634 3.72 0 15-12-20 2:00 5350 36,018,607 3.73 0 15-12-20 2:15 5350 36,018,607 3.73 0 15-12-20 2:30 5370 36,153,257 3.74 0 15-12-20 2:45 5370 36,153,256 3.74 0 15-12-20 3:00 5400 36,355,230 3.75 0 15-12-20 3:15 5400 36,355,230 3.75 0 15-12-20 3:30 5420 36,489,879 3.76 0 15-12-20 3:45 5420 36,489,879 3.76 0 15-12-20 4:00 5420 36,489,879 3.76 0 15-12-20 4:15 5480 36,893,826 3.78 0 15-12-20 4:30 5500 37,028,475 3.79 0 15-12-20 4:45 5500 37,028,475 3.79 0 15-12-20 5:00 5530 37,230,448 3.8 0 15-12-20 5:15 5560 37,432,422 3.81 0 15-12-20 5:30 5560 37,432,422 3.81 0 15-12-20 5:45 5580 37,567,071 3.82 0 15-12-20 6:00 5610 37,769,044 3.83 0 15-12-20 6:15 5640 37,971,018 3.84 0 15-12-20 6:30 5640 37,971,018 3.84 0 15-12-20 6:45 5660 38,105,667 3.85 0 15-12-20 7:00 5660 38,105,667 3.85 0 15-12-20 7:15 5720 38,509,614 3.87 0 15-12-20 7:30 5720 38,509,614 3.87 0 15-12-20 7:45 5750 38,711,588 3.88 0 15-12-20 8:00 5750 38,711,587 3.88 0 15-12-20 8:15 5800 39,048,210 3.9 0 15-12-20 8:30 5830 39,250,184 3.91 0 15-12-20 8:45 5850 39,384,832 3.92 0 15-12-20 9:00 5880 39,586,806 3.93 0 15-12-20 9:15 5910 39,788,780 3.94 0 15-12-20 9:30 5940 39,990,753 3.95 0 15-12-20 9:45 5940 39,990,753 3.95 0 15-12-20 10:00 5990 40,327,376 3.97 0 15-12-20 10:15 6020 40,529,349 3.98 0 15-12-20 10:30 6050 40,731,322 3.99 0 15-12-20 10:45 6080 40,933,296 4 0 15-12-20 11:00 6130 41,269,918 4.02 0 15-12-20 11:15 6130 41,269,918 4.02 0 15-12-20 11:30 6190 41,673,866 4.04 0 15-12-20 11:45 6250 42,077,812 4.06 0 15-12-20 12:00 6270 42,212,461 4.07 0 15-12-20 12:15 6330 42,616,409 4.09 0 15-12-20 12:30 6390 43,020,355 4.11 0 15-12-20 12:45 6420 43,222,329 4.12 0 15-12-20 13:00 6480 43,626,276 4.14 0 15-12-20 13:15 6510 43,828,249 4.15 0 TR0795 Page 3 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 15-12-20 13:30 6590 44,366,845 4.18 0 15-12-20 13:45 6590 44,366,846 4.18 0 15-12-20 14:00 6650 44,770,792 4.2 0 15-12-20 14:15 6680 44,972,766 4.21 0 15-12-20 14:30 6740 45,376,713 4.23 0 15-12-20 14:45 6800 45,780,660 4.25 0 15-12-20 15:00 6830 45,982,633 4.26 0 15-12-20 15:15 6880 46,319,256 4.28 0 15-12-20 15:30 6910 46,521,229 4.29 0 15-12-20 15:45 6990 47,059,825 4.32 0 15-12-20 16:00 7050 47,463,773 4.34 0 15-12-20 16:15 7080 47,665,746 4.35 0 15-12-20 16:30 7130 48,002,368 4.37 0 15-12-20 16:45 7190 48,406,316 4.39 0 15-12-20 17:00 7220 48,608,289 4.4 0 15-12-20 17:15 7270 48,944,911 4.42 0 15-12-20 17:30 7300 49,146,885 4.43 0 15-12-20 17:45 7360 49,550,832 4.45 0 15-12-20 18:00 7420 49,954,779 4.47 0 15-12-20 18:15 7470 50,291,402 4.49 0 15-12-20 18:30 7500 50,493,375 4.5 0 15-12-20 18:45 7530 50,695,348 4.51 0 15-12-20 19:00 7590 51,099,296 4.53 0 15-12-20 19:15 7650 51,503,242 4.55 0 15-12-20 19:30 7650 51,503,242 4.55 0 15-12-20 19:45 7700 51,839,865 4.57 0 15-12-20 20:00 7730 52,041,838 4.58 0 15-12-20 20:15 7760 52,243,812 4.59 0 15-12-20 20:30 7790 52,445,786 4.6 0 15-12-20 20:45 7850 52,849,732 4.62 0 15-12-20 21:00 7880 53,051,706 4.63 0 15-12-20 21:15 7910 53,253,680 4.64 0 15-12-20 21:30 7910 53,253,679 4.64 0 15-12-20 21:45 7970 53,657,626 4.66 0 15-12-20 22:00 7970 53,657,627 4.66 0 15-12-20 22:15 8030 54,061,573 4.68 0 15-12-20 22:30 8030 54,061,573 4.68 0 15-12-20 22:45 8090 54,465,521 4.7 0 15-12-20 23:00 8120 54,667,494 4.71 0 15-12-20 23:15 8120 54,667,494 4.71 0 15-12-20 23:30 8150 54,869,468 4.72 0 15-12-20 23:45 8180 55,071,441 4.73 0 16-12-20 0:00 8210 55,273,414 4.74 0 16-12-20 0:15 8210 55,273,415 4.74 0 16-12-20 0:30 8270 55,677,361 4.76 0 16-12-20 0:45 8270 55,677,361 4.76 0 16-12-20 1:00 8300 55,879,335 4.77 0 16-12-20 1:15 8330 56,081,308 4.78 0 16-12-20 1:30 8330 56,081,308 4.78 0 16-12-20 1:45 8360 56,283,282 4.79 0 TR0795 Page 4 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 16-12-20 2:00 8360 56,283,282 4.79 0 16-12-20 2:15 8390 56,485,255 4.8 0 16-12-20 2:30 8420 56,687,229 4.81 0 16-12-20 2:45 8450 56,889,202 4.82 0 16-12-20 3:00 8480 57,091,176 4.83 0 16-12-20 3:15 8510 57,293,150 4.84 0 16-12-20 3:30 8510 57,293,149 4.84 0 16-12-20 3:45 8550 57,562,447 4.85 0 16-12-20 4:00 8580 57,764,421 4.86 0 16-12-20 4:15 8610 57,966,394 4.87 0 16-12-20 4:30 8640 58,168,368 4.88 0 16-12-20 4:45 8640 58,168,368 4.88 0 16-12-20 5:00 8670 58,370,341 4.89 0 16-12-20 5:15 8730 58,774,288 4.91 0 16-12-20 5:30 8760 58,976,262 4.92 0 16-12-20 5:45 8820 59,380,209 4.94 0 16-12-20 6:00 8820 59,380,209 4.94 0.01 16-12-20 6:15 8850 59,582,183 4.95 0.06 16-12-20 6:30 8880 59,784,156 4.96 0.04 16-12-20 6:45 8940 60,188,103 4.98 0.03 16-12-20 7:00 8970 60,390,077 4.99 0.01 16-12-20 7:15 9030 60,794,023 5.01 0.02 16-12-20 7:30 9060 60,995,997 5.02 0.05 16-12-20 7:45 9100 61,265,295 5.03 0.01 16-12-20 8:00 9160 61,669,242 5.05 0.01 16-12-20 8:15 9220 62,073,189 5.07 0.01 16-12-20 8:30 9280 62,477,136 5.09 0.01 16-12-20 8:45 9310 62,679,109 5.1 0 16-12-20 9:00 9370 63,083,056 5.12 0 16-12-20 9:15 9410 63,352,355 5.13 0.03 16-12-20 9:30 9470 63,756,301 5.15 0.03 16-12-20 9:45 9530 64,160,248 5.17 0.01 16-12-20 10:00 9590 64,564,196 5.19 0.07 16-12-20 10:15 9660 65,035,467 5.21 0.06 16-12-20 10:30 9750 65,641,387 5.24 0.02 16-12-20 10:45 9750 65,641,388 5.24 0.01 16-12-20 11:00 9850 66,314,632 5.27 0.01 16-12-20 11:15 9880 66,516,606 5.28 0 16-12-20 11:30 9980 67,189,851 5.31 0.02 16-12-20 11:45 10000 67,324,500 5.32 0.01 16-12-20 12:00 10100 67,997,745 5.35 0.02 16-12-20 12:15 10200 68,670,990 5.37 0 16-12-20 12:30 10300 69,344,235 5.4 0 16-12-20 12:45 10300 69,344,235 5.42 0 16-12-20 13:00 10400 70,017,480 5.44 0.01 16-12-20 13:15 10500 70,690,725 5.46 0 16-12-20 13:30 10500 70,690,725 5.48 0 16-12-20 13:45 10600 71,363,970 5.5 0 16-12-20 14:00 10700 72,037,215 5.52 0.02 16-12-20 14:15 10700 72,037,215 5.54 0.02 TR0795 Page 5 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D10 FLOW DATA FOR W.O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date and Time Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) Gage Height (ft)Precipitation (in)1 16-12-20 14:30 10800 72,710,460 5.56 0 16-12-20 14:45 10800 72,710,460 5.57 0 16-12-20 15:00 10900 73,383,705 5.6 0 16-12-20 15:15 11000 74,056,950 5.62 0 16-12-20 15:30 11000 74,056,950 5.63 0 16-12-20 15:45 11100 74,730,195 5.65 0 16-12-20 16:00 11100 74,730,195 5.66 0 16-12-20 16:15 11200 75,403,440 5.69 0 16-12-20 16:30 11300 76,076,685 5.71 0 16-12-20 16:45 11300 76,076,685 5.72 0 16-12-20 17:00 11400 76,749,930 5.74 0 16-12-20 17:15 11400 76,749,930 5.75 0 16-12-20 17:30 11400 76,749,930 5.76 0 16-12-20 17:45 11500 77,423,175 5.79 0 16-12-20 18:00 11600 78,096,420 5.8 0 16-12-20 18:15 11600 78,096,420 5.81 0 16-12-20 18:30 11600 78,096,420 5.82 0 16-12-20 18:45 11700 78,769,665 5.84 0 16-12-20 19:00 11800 79,442,910 5.86 0 16-12-20 19:15 11800 79,442,910 5.87 0 16-12-20 19:30 11900 80,116,155 5.89 0 16-12-20 19:45 11900 80,116,155 5.9 0 16-12-20 20:00 11900 80,116,155 5.91 0 16-12-20 20:15 12000 80,789,400 5.93 0 16-12-20 20:30 12000 80,789,400 5.94 0 16-12-20 20:45 12100 81,462,645 5.95 0 16-12-20 21:00 12100 81,462,645 5.97 0 16-12-20 21:15 12200 82,135,890 5.99 0 16-12-20 21:30 12200 82,135,890 6 0 16-12-20 21:45 12300 82,809,135 6.01 0 16-12-20 22:00 12300 82,809,135 6.03 0 16-12-20 22:15 12300 82,809,135 6.03 0 16-12-20 22:30 12400 83,482,380 6.04 0 16-12-20 22:45 12400 83,482,380 6.06 0 16-12-20 23:00 12500 84,155,625 6.07 0 16-12-20 23:15 12500 84,155,625 6.08 0 16-12-20 23:30 12500 84,155,625 6.08 0 16-12-20 23:45 12600 84,828,870 6.11 0 Notes ft3/sec - cubic feet per second ft - feet gal - gallons in - inches USGS - United States Geological Survey 1 - The minimum value recorded by a USGS raingage is 0.01 inches. Anything detected below this threshold is recorded as zero inches. Measurements are recorded from the USGS flow gauging station at the W.O. Huske Dam, ID 02105500 (USGS, 2020). TR0795 Page 6 of 6 March 2021 TABLE D11 FLOW DATA FOR LOCK #1 NR KELLY, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) 16-12-20 0:00 6160 41,471,892 16-12-20 0:15 6160 41,471,892 16-12-20 0:30 6180 41,606,541 16-12-20 0:45 6180 41,606,541 16-12-20 1:00 6210 41,808,515 16-12-20 1:15 6210 41,808,514 16-12-20 1:30 6240 42,010,488 16-12-20 1:45 6270 42,212,462 16-12-20 2:00 6270 42,212,461 16-12-20 2:15 6330 42,616,408 16-12-20 2:30 6330 42,616,409 16-12-20 2:45 6360 42,818,382 16-12-20 3:00 6390 43,020,355 16-12-20 3:15 6420 43,222,329 16-12-20 3:30 6420 43,222,329 16-12-20 3:45 6450 43,424,302 16-12-20 4:00 6480 43,626,276 16-12-20 4:15 6500 43,760,925 16-12-20 4:30 6530 43,962,898 16-12-20 4:45 6530 43,962,899 16-12-20 5:00 6560 44,164,872 16-12-20 5:15 6560 44,164,872 16-12-20 5:30 6590 44,366,846 16-12-20 5:45 6620 44,568,819 16-12-20 6:00 6680 44,972,766 16-12-20 6:15 6680 44,972,766 16-12-20 6:30 6710 45,174,739 16-12-20 6:45 6740 45,376,713 16-12-20 7:00 6740 45,376,713 16-12-20 7:15 6800 45,780,660 16-12-20 7:30 6830 45,982,633 16-12-20 7:45 6830 45,982,634 16-12-20 8:00 6860 46,184,607 16-12-20 8:15 6890 46,386,580 16-12-20 8:30 6860 46,184,607 16-12-20 8:45 6990 47,059,825 16-12-20 9:00 6950 46,790,527 16-12-20 9:15 6990 47,059,826 16-12-20 9:30 7020 47,261,799 16-12-20 9:45 7050 47,463,772 16-12-20 10:00 7080 47,665,746 16-12-20 10:15 7110 47,867,719 16-12-20 10:30 7110 47,867,719 16-12-20 10:45 7170 48,271,667 16-12-20 11:00 7230 48,675,613 16-12-20 11:15 7260 48,877,587 16-12-20 11:30 7330 49,348,859 16-12-20 11:45 7390 49,752,805 16-12-20 12:00 7360 49,550,832 16-12-20 12:15 7420 49,954,779 16-12-20 12:30 7450 50,156,752 16-12-20 12:45 7450 50,156,752 16-12-20 13:00 7520 50,628,024 TR0795 Page 1 of 2 March 2021 TABLE D11 FLOW DATA FOR LOCK #1 NR KELLY, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Flow Rate (ft3/sec)Flow Volume (gal) 16-12-20 13:15 7550 50,829,997 16-12-20 13:30 7580 51,031,971 16-12-20 13:45 7650 51,503,243 16-12-20 14:00 7680 51,705,216 16-12-20 14:15 7710 51,907,189 16-12-20 14:30 7710 51,907,190 16-12-20 14:45 7740 52,109,163 16-12-20 15:00 7810 52,580,434 16-12-20 15:15 7840 52,782,408 16-12-20 15:30 7840 52,782,408 16-12-20 15:45 7910 53,253,679 16-12-20 16:00 7940 53,455,653 16-12-20 16:15 7970 53,657,626 16-12-20 16:30 8000 53,859,600 16-12-20 16:45 8000 53,859,600 16-12-20 17:00 8070 54,330,871 16-12-20 17:15 8100 54,532,845 16-12-20 17:30 8170 55,004,117 16-12-20 17:45 8200 55,206,090 16-12-20 18:00 8200 55,206,090 16-12-20 18:15 8240 55,475,388 16-12-20 18:30 8310 55,946,659 16-12-20 18:45 8340 56,148,633 16-12-20 19:00 8370 56,350,607 16-12-20 19:15 8410 56,619,904 16-12-20 19:30 8440 56,821,878 16-12-20 19:45 8510 57,293,150 16-12-20 20:00 8540 57,495,123 16-12-20 20:15 8580 57,764,421 16-12-20 20:30 8610 57,966,395 16-12-20 20:45 8650 58,235,692 16-12-20 21:00 8680 58,437,666 16-12-20 21:15 8750 58,908,938 16-12-20 21:30 8750 58,908,937 16-12-20 21:45 8820 59,380,209 16-12-20 22:00 8850 59,582,183 16-12-20 22:15 8920 60,053,454 16-12-20 22:30 8960 60,322,752 16-12-20 22:45 8960 60,322,752 16-12-20 23:00 9030 60,794,023 16-12-20 23:15 9070 61,063,321 16-12-20 23:30 9100 61,265,295 16-12-20 23:45 9170 61,736,567 TR0795 TOTAL Notes Measurements are recorded from the USGS flow gauging station at Lock #1 near Kelly, ID 02105769 (USGS, 2020). ft3/sec - cubic feet per second ft - feet gal - gallons USGS - United States Geological Survey Page 2 of 2 March 2021 TABLE D12 CHEMOURS FACILITY INTAKE FLOW RATE Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC P.C. Date Intake Flow River Water Total Daily Flow Average (gpm) Total Daily Volume (gal) Hours of Sample Collection Approximate Total Volume during 24 hour Sample Collection (gal) 12-15-2020 10275.840 16,606,952 16.90 11,694,062 12-16-2020 10259.690 16,488,626 7.10 4,877,885 24 16,571,947 Notes: Acronyms: gal - gallons gpm - gallons per minute 12/15/2020 7:06 am to 12/16/2020 7:06 am Daily flow rates collected from facility Discharge Monitoring Reports. Total flow volume for 24-hour temporal composite sample collected at 7:06 am on 12/16/2020 approximated based on flow rates for 12/15/2020 and 12/16/2020 TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX E Field Forms Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.32 10.23 138.40 19.67 10.59 Brownish No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 46.00 Cloudy None 7 15:30 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Intake 13.8 Tubing Depth (ft): PFAS Sampling Location: Total Depth to Bottom of Channel (ft): General Comments:- Peri Pump Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-121520 SAMPLE SET Comments 250 mL poly PFAS River right Wind (mph) Precipitation: Longitude: Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 34.7723583064656Latitude: River left SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling CFR-BLADEN Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-15-2020 15:40 116.39 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-15-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) PFAS Multi Meter ID: Multi Meter Used: 706720 Insitu Aqua Troll -78.798278653939 GPS Location (if collected) 7 Distance to River Right: ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - m 24.3 56.9 Distance to River (Right/Left) Units: Distance to River Left: Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.73 9.74 6.90 16.03 9.99 Brownish No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 44.00 Cloudy Rain 9 13:50 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Thalweg 18 Tubing Depth (ft): PFAS Sampling Location: Total Depth to Bottom of Channel (ft): General Comments:- Peri Pump Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-CFR-KINGS-121620 SAMPLE SET Comments 250 mL poly PFAS River left Wind (mph) Precipitation: Longitude: Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 34.4064665800211Latitude: River right SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JAMES BRIGGS|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-KINGS Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 14:00 432.32 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) PFAS Multi Meter ID: Multi Meter Used: 706720 Insitu Aqua Troll -78.2946023287755 GPS Location (if collected) 9 Distance to River Right: ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - m 46.1 67.2 Distance to River (Right/Left) Units: Distance to River Left: Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.89 10.23 -10.80 21.78 9.09 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 38.00 Partly Cloudy None 3 09:10 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Thalweg 25 Tubing Depth (ft): PFAS Sampling Location: Total Depth to Bottom of Channel (ft): General Comments:- Peri Pump Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-CFR-RM-76-121520 SAMPLE SET Comments 250 mL poly PFAS River, right Wind (mph) Precipitation: Longitude: Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 34.8540308655054Latitude: River left SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-RM-76 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-15-2020 09:20 317.82 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-15-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) PFAS Multi Meter ID: Multi Meter Used: 706720 Insitu Aqua Troll -78.8270759083294 GPS Location (if collected) 12.5 Distance to River Right: ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - m 70.7 14.3 Distance to River (Right/Left) Units: Distance to River Left: Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.63 10.42 98.40 22.30 10.49 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 45.00 Cloudy None 7 10 Distance to River Right: ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - m 61.6 18.7 Distance to River (Right/Left) Units: Distance to River Left:Multi Meter Used: 706720 Insitu Aqua Troll -78.7852903396115 GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) PFAS SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 250 mL poly PFAS River right Wind (mph) Precipitation: Longitude: Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 34.744293067794Latitude: River left Temperature (F): Sky: PFAS Sampling Location: Total Depth to Bottom of Channel (ft): General Comments:- Peri Pump Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-121520 SAMPLE SET Comments 15:52 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Thalweg 20 Tubing Depth (ft): 12-15-2020 16:11 126.70 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-15-2020 Multi Meter ID: Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.97 7.70 0.80 25.12 11.50 Brownish None - Sampling Data Flow Rate:- Flow Rate Units:- Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 46.00 Partly Cloudy None 5 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) This sample ID represents a CFR- TARHEEL sample taken from the river bank. 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 706720 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JAMES BRIGGS|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/16/2020 16:55 145.55 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 250 mL poly Wind (mph) Precipitation: PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-TARHEEL-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 16:40 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp. Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 6.28 8.99 191.40 4.98 11.30 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 46.00 Cloudy None 8 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 706720 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling GBC-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-15-2020 14:55 230.81 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-15-2020 250 mL poly Wind (mph) Precipitation: PFAS General Comments:Had to paddle into creek to get sample not influenced by river Latitude: Bottle Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-GBC-1-121520 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 15:10 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS Longitude: -78.8218051851251 GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) 34.8148677623878 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC Sampling Data Flow Rate: Flow Rate Units: Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 43.00 Sunny None 6 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Multi Meter ID: Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|JELANI GILL|Sampling Lock-Dam-Seep-North Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12/15/2021 Wind (mph) Precipitation: General Comments:No seep was found, no samplecollected Latitude: Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) 13:00 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Longitude: GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 6.42 8.86 87.60 36.67 9.45 Cloudy None - Sampling Data Flow Rate:- Flow Rate Units:- Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 43.00 Cloudy None 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 12:52 BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: Bottle Grab Method 250 mL poly Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-121520 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|JELANI GILL|Sampling Lock-Dam Seep Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-15-2020 13:00 167.05 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-15-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 5.53 9.96 158.10 52.96 12.51 Cloudy None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 45.00 Cloudy Rain 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 13:30 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-121520 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|Sampling OLDOF-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-15-2020 15:06 238.75 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-15-2020 15:06 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912-15-2020 09:06 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 6.72 10.09 271.10 15.15 14.21 Clear None MS|REP Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 43.00 Cloudy None 7 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12/16/2020 7:46 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912/15/2020 8:46 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|Sampling OUTFALL 002 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/16/2020 7:46 170.56 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Wind (mph) Precipitation: General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET 14:39 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 7.47 10.12 346.10 24.93 11.41 Clear None DUP Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 45.00 Cloudy Rain 7 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 14:20 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID RIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|Sampling RIVER WATER INTAKE Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 07:06 99.61 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-16-2020 07:06 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912-15-2020 08:06 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 6.12 6.58 153.60 22.32 8.40 Zlear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 39.00 Partly Cloudy None 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 09:12 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments: - Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-SEEP-A-24-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JELANI GILL|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling SEEP-A-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 07:24 285.73 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-16-2020 07:24 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912-15-2020 08:24 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 4.98 10.64 81.50 5.30 8.39 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 46.00 Partly Cloudy Rain 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 12:00 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-SEEP-B-21-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|Sampling SEEP-B-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 04:30 109.94 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-16-2020 04:30 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70668212-15-2020 08:30 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 8.51 7.21 104.30 49.01 10.45 Cloudy None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 46.00 Partly Cloudy None 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 11:30 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-SEEP-C-24-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|Sampling SEEP-C-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 07:48 217.04 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-16-2020 07:48 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70668212-15-2020 08:48 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 3.94 8.66 245.60 0.32 12.59 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 45.00 Partly Cloudy Rain 6 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12/16/2020 7:48 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70668212/15/2020 8:48 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNESS|LUKE TART Sampling SEEP-D-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/16/2020 7:48 150.05 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Wind (mph) Precipitation: General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-SEEP-D-24-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET 12:35 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp. Color Odor QA/QC mg/L mV NTU oC 6.87 10.64 81.50 2.50 7.13 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 38.00 Cloudy None 6 Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 537 MOD (HOLD) - 10:30 PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CAP1220-WC-1-22-121620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JELANI GILL|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling WC-1 Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-16-2020 05:00 115.94 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 12-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly PFAS 250 mL poly Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-16-2020 05:00 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912-15-2020 08:00 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-01-2020 12:45 8.30 0.02 8.80 51.82 26.63 Cloudy None Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 75.00 Sunny None 5 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 50 24 11.8 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) Longitude: 12:42 General Comments:Due to 1.5 inches of rain falling on 9/29/30 we are collecting and shipping Wednesday 9/30/20 sample instead of Thursday's 10/01/20 sample. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-093020 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JOEY VIDMAR|Ezio Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 9/30/2020 23:01 1318.70 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 10-01-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 9/30/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 7067209/30/2020 0:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-06-2020 15:12 6.83 7.10 138.80 13.24 27.66 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 79.00 Partly Cloudy None 3 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 27 4.1 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) 34.7449579133109 Longitude:-78.7852225354318 14:20 General Comments:ISCO pump failure, no samples collected after 17:01 on 10/01/20. Collected and shipped that sample. Restarted ISCO at 17:30. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-18-100120 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS River level Wind (mph) Precipitation: Exterior condition SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JAMES BRIGGS|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10/1/2020 17:01 141.42 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-06-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10/1/2020 17:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70668210-01-2020 00:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10/9/2020 11:20 7.63 7.40 72.30 19.90 22.10 Murky No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 78.00 Partly Cloudy None 4 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Due to program failure ISCO began 24hr Comp on 17:30 10/06/20 instead of 00:01 10/7/20. This issue has been rectified. 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10-08-2020 16:30 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672010-07-2020 17:30 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|CHRIS MCGINNIS|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10-08-2020 16:30 103.90 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-09-2020 Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 11:15 General Comments:Per special request also shipped: (1) CFR-TARHEEL- 24-092920 00:01-23:01, Sample Date/Time: 9/29/2020 23:01; (2) CFR-TARHEEL-9-100620 15:30- 23:30, Sample Date/Time: 10/6/2020 23:30. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-100820 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) 34.7449890810514 Longitude:-78.785056770963 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 25 1.8 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-13-2020 12:57 8.23 5.51 18.00 380.27 26.67 Cloudy None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 76.00 Partly Cloudy None 6 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 7 27 6.7 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) 34.7448230015988 Longitude:-78.7852232598731 12:45 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-101220 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Water level Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville DANIELLE DELGADO|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10-12-2020 23:01 620.86 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-13-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10-12-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70675110-12-2020 00:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-16-2020 10:32 7.66 7.01 16.60 176.69 23.56 Cloudy N/A - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 72.00 Cloudy None 5 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 2 23 6.5 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude: - 10:18 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-101520 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville EZIO AMBROSETTI|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10-15-2020 23:01 275.33 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-16-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10-15-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672010-15-2020 00:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-20-2020 12:55 7.95 8.06 -11.50 46.18 23.50 Reddish brown No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 77.00 Cloudy None 5 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 36 5.35 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude: - 12:50 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-101920 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNIS|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10-19-2020 23:01 298.52 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-20-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10-19-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672010-19-2020 00:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 10-23-2020 10:20 7.24 7.11 63.90 45.93 23.08 Brownish None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 72.00 Sunny None 2 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 35 2.9 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude: - 10:11 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-102220 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Looking west from east bank Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNIS|JOEY VIDMAR|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 10/22/2020 23:01 121.89 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 10-23-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 10/22/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672010/22/2020 0:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-03-2020 15:00 8.09 8.38 24.00 142.47 21.18 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 66.00 Sunny None 7 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 4.5 18 5 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude: - 15:07 General Comments:Also collected and shipped: (1) CFR-TARHEEL-12- 103020 12:01-23:01, Sample Date/Time: 10/30/20 23:01;(2)CFR-TARHEEL-24-103120 00:01-23:01, Sample Date/Time: 10/31/20 23:01. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-110220 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Wind (mph) Precipitation: SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JELANI GILL|JOEY VIDMAR|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11-02-2020 23:01 266.10 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 11-03-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11-02-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672011-02-2020 00:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-10-2020 12:45 8.18 2.50 91.00 3.88 25.50 Cloudy N/A - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 79.00 Partly Sunny None 9 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11-09-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 11-09-2020 00:01 Parameters 706751 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville EZIO AMBROSETTI|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11-09-2020 23:01 3178.10 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-10-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 12:30 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-110920 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 28 1.9 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-12-2020 12:15 6.92 6.91 135.20 106.48 22.28 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 72.00 Cloudy Rain 3 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): - 22 6.5 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 12:15 General Comments: Did not collect rain level due to current rain intensity Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-111120 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JOEY VIDMAR|Alisa Young Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11/11/2020 23:01 1020.50 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11/12/2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11/11/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667911/11/2020 0:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-13-2020 14:00 6.87 6.14 83.10 112.23 20.02 Brown None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 63.00 Cloudy None 2 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 706720- Parameters Grab sample requested by Geosyntec. River level very high, sample taken from 20 feet up bank from isco shed. Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNIS|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11-13-2020 14:10 264.36 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-13-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 13:40 General Comments: - Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-111320 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): - 63 16 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-18-2020 12:20 7.01 7.45 -15.50 21.48 17.09 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 38.00 Partly Cloudy None 3 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 706751- Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville ALISA YOUNG|JOEY VIDMAR|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11/18/2020 12:25 203.21 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-18-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 12:00 General Comments:Staff gauge was completely submerged underwater, unable to take reading Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-111820 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): - 17.09 - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: and arrival question sample time question Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-20-2020 11:06 7.84 9.24 69.60 41.05 19.14 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 63.00 Sunny None 2 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 28 13 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 10:50 General Comments:- Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-112020 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS Looking west from shed. Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|JOEY VIDMAR|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11-20-2020 11:06 271.95 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-20-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679- Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC ---------- Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 70.00 Sunny None 4 ISCO reinstalled after river level returned to safe levels. - GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 28 12.5 10:48 General Comments: ISCO Grab Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- Latitude: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-112320 SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHARLES PACE|JAMES BRIGGS|SHAWN ANDRUKATES|Maintenance/Grab Sample CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11/23/2020 14:45 - Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-23-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED No parameters analyzed; Sample not shipped as of 12/4/2020 Grab sample taken due to high river level. Sample held in case ofrequest for future analysis. 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - - Multi Meter ID: -- Parameters Multi Meter Used: Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11/25/2020 9:45 8.76 8.96 -330.00 64.72 15.73 --- Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 54.00 Partly Cloudy None 2 Start insulating ISCO housing. Staff gauge was completely submerged underwater, unable to take reading Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11/24/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667911/24/2020 0:01 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville ALISA YOUNG|JAMES BRIGGS|SHAWN ANDRUKATES|Maintenance CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11/24/2020 23:01 3055.10 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11-25-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD) - 9:30 General Comments: Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-112420 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): - 15.73 - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 11-27-2020 11:03 7.44 8.91 25.90 29.47 19.43 --- Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 68.00 Partly Cloudy None 1 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 9.5 18.5 5.5 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 10:50 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-112620 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville ALISA YOUNG|JAMES BRIGGS|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11/26/2020 23:01 222.11 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 11/27/2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11/26/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70668211/26/2020 0:01 Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-01-2020 12:13 7.62 9.13 77.60 50.65 14.95 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 61.00 Sunny None 5 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 11-30-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672011-30-2020 00:01 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JELANI GILL|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 11-30-2020 23:01 735.97 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-01-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 12:01 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-113020 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 19 16.5 9 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-04-2020 10:54 7.69 9.39 25.80 2.26 17.10 Cloudy No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 68.00 Partly Cloudy None 4 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Samples collected were December 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12/3/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672012/3/2020 0:01 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JOEY VIDMAR|MARK GUERRA|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/3/2020 23:01 288.44 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-04-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 10:50 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-120320 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 21 10.5 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-08-2020 12:50 7.44 10.08 14.20 34.65 12.96 Cloudy NA - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 44.00 Sunny None 10 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12/7/2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70675112/7/2020 0:01 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville MARK GUERRA|MATT SCHEUER|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/7/2020 23:01 121.98 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-08-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 12:45 General Comments:- Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-120720 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) -Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 7.5 11 9.2 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-11-2020 09:40 7.78 9.23 53.40 39.81 12.08 Clear None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 65.00 Partly Cloudy None 5 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-10-2020 23:01 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 76667912-10-2020 00:01 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville BRANDON WEIDNER|JOEY VIDMAR|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-10-2020 23:01 129.32 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-11-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 09:30 General Comments:Samples from 12/8/20-12/10/20 picked up. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-24-121020 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) -Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): - - - Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-16-2020 13:57 7.99 7.70 0.90 25.12 11.50 Clear No Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 43.00 Cloudy Rain 6 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Also shipped CFR-TARHEEL-24-121320. 00:01-23:01 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA 12-14-2020 11:59 Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 70672012-14-2020 00:59 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-14-2020 11:59 145.55 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-16-2020 Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 12:00 General Comments:No liquid detect error since last sample on 1159 Monday, 14Dec20. Latitude: ISCO Composite Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-12-121420 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) Longitude: GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 26 22 7.5 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-17-2020 12:29 7.53 10.98 67.60 36.93 14.22 Clear No - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 48.00 Sunny None 6 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 2 11 11.5 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 12:30 General Comments:- Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-121720 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville JELANI GILL|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-17-2020 12:20 108.70 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-17-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 706720- Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-21-2020 13:52 7.36 10.27 165.90 36.96 13.10 Brownish None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 55.00 Sunny None 2 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 18 17 13.1 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 13:49 General Comments:- Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-122120 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|MARK GUERRA|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-21-2020 13:52 105.14 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-21-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679- Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-23-2020 9:30 7.97 9.94 57.70 31.76 11.28 Brownish None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 39.00 Sunny None 2 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679- Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/23/2020 9:25 177.32 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-23-2020 - Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 09:16 General Comments:- Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-122320 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 10 13.6 Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-24-2020 19:20 8.25 9.60 27.90 22.23 15.47 Light brown None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 58.00 Cloudy Rain 9 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 42 16 12.9 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) - Longitude:- 17:12 General Comments:Rain event over 1.5 inches sampled as per the consent order Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-122820 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12/24/2020 17:20 165.99 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-24-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Parameters taken back at office 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679- Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-28-2020 15:00 8.17 6.81 -5.80 31.86 14.28 Cloudy None - Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 57.00 Sunny None 8 GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 3 21 - 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) 34.7448338962705Longitude:-78.7850484621489 13:00 General Comments:Staff gauge overtaken by river water Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-122820 Multi Meter Used: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS - Wind (mph) Precipitation: - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville CHRIS MCGINNESS|LUKE TART|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-28-2020 13:10 1141.10 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-28-2020 Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA - 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA - Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679- Parameters Site Name:Location ID: Samplers:Sampling Event: Date:Time: Spl Date Time pH DO Redox Turbidity Temp.Color Odor QA/QC Date Time mg/L mV NTU oC 12-30-2020 11:17 7.04 10.61 106.90 62.83 8.94 Cloudy No Sampling Data Pres. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP 39.00 Cloudy None 3 Comments ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 537 Mod Including HFPO-DA Insitu Aqua Troll Multi Meter ID: 766679 Parameters Temperature (F): Sky: Table 3+ (19)(LL) Table 3+ (20)(LL) WEATHER CONDITIONS PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (19)(HL) PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS 250 mL poly Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA PFAS SURFACE WATER SAMPLING RECORD Chemours Fayetteville BRANDON SHAFFER|MARK GUERRA|Sampling CFR-TARHEEL Weekly River Tracy Ovbey Event Type: Project Manager: 12-30-2020 10:56 84.49 Spec. Cond.µS/cm 12-30-2020 Wind (mph) Precipitation: SAMPLE SET PFAS 250 mL poly BottleParameter 2-250 mL polyPFAS PFAS 10:54 General Comments: Latitude: Bailer Method 250 mL poly ISCO Start Date and Time: ISCO End Date and Time: Sampling Method: Spl ID CFR-TARHEEL-123020 Multi Meter Used: 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) Longitude: GPS Location (if collected) Rain Reading (mm) Temperature Reading (degrees C): Staff Gauge Water Level Reading (ft): 0 5 14.2 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-22-2020 Time:15:30 Water Volume = -- Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU - - - - - - - -- - Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:- Field Filtered: - Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) - WEATHER CONDITIONS - - Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA -Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time:- Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) - RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 MEGAN JUNOD WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey - - BLADEN-1D Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): - Temp.(oC)PFAS- Screen Interval: 37 - 47 -pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS - - Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. - - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) - - PFAS Well was not sampled; No parameters analyzed. Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly - - No field team visited the well and it was not sampled due to well being collapsed. 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): - - - Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-10-2020 Time:12:40 Water Volume = 15.26 28.78 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:05 15.54 250.00 2750.00 ------ 13:10 15.53 250.00 1250.00 3.93 0.17 173.70 1.18 Clear No 13:15 15.54 250.00 1250.00 3.93 0.15 176.60 1.06 Clear No 13:20 15.55 250.00 1250.00 3.94 0.16 181.30 0.00 Clear No 13:25 15.54 250.00 1250.00 3.94 0.16 189.00 0.00 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:13:30 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.163 12-10-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 7750.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time:12:54 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JELANI GILL|MARK GUERRA WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 19 within screen LTW-01 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS18.47 Screen Interval: 11.0-26.0 3.94pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 121.96 0.00 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 121.89 18.55 250 mL poly Method Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly --No parameters taken. Battery lost power. Regained power by connecting battery to the truck. 121.95 18.24 µS/cm 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F):52.00 Sunny None CAP1220-LTW-01-121020 - - DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.16 189.00 122.18 18.61 121.96 18.47 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-10-2020 Time:11:05 Water Volume = 9.45 39.70 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 11:40 9.56 270.00 1620.00 5.05 0.15 52.50 0.00 Clear No 11:45 9.56 270.00 1350.00 4.92 0.13 41.90 0.00 Clear No 11:50 9.58 270.00 1350.00 5.01 0.11 23.90 0.00 Clear No 11:55 9.58 270.00 1350.00 4.86 0.10 7.50 0.00 Clear No 12:00 9.58 270.00 1350.00 4.86 0.09 -3.20 0.00 Clear No 12:05 9.58 270.00 1350.00 4.82 0.09 -12.60 0.00 Clear No 12:10 9.58 270.00 1350.00 4.88 0.09 -15.90 0.00 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:12:15 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 4.88 Temp.(oC)PFAS17.69 Screen Interval: 28.0-38.0 Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 4.84 12-10-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 9720.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 11:34 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow CAP1220-LTW-02-121020 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JELANI GILL|MARK GUERRA WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 29 within screen LTW-02 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly Spec. Cond. 73.33 17.76 73.56 17.69 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.09 -15.90 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 73.33 0.00 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) 75.09 17.74 74.01 17.68 Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 57.00 Sunny None 73.46 17.51 73.28 17.61 73.33 17.69 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-22-2020 Time:12:35 Water Volume = 11.45 30.0 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:00 11.90 160.00 2400.00 4.49 0.42 171.40 3.15 None None 13:09 11.95 160.00 1440.00 4.48 0.32 166.10 0.00 None None 13:17 11.98 160.00 1280.00 4.49 0.29 163.20 0.00 None None 13:23 11.99 160.00 960.00 4.50 0.26 161.90 0.00 None None 13:29 12.00 160.00 960.00 4.50 0.27 160.60 0.01 None None 13:36 12.02 160.00 1120.00 4.50 0.26 158.50 2.75 None None Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:13:40 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 78.52 17.69 79.45 17.67 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 55.00 Sunny None Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 79.54 17.83 79.51 17.68 79.20 17.66 CAP1220-LTW-03-122220 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.26 158.50 PFAS Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA; 537 MOD (HOLD) 78.48 17.73 250 mL poly Method Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS17.69 Screen Interval: 15.0-30.0 4.50pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 78.52 2.75 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 CHRIS MCGINNESS|MARK GUERRA WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 20 within screen LTW-03 Project Manager: Wind (mph) 5 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.968 12-22-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 8160.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 12:45 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:14:00 Water Volume = 7.88 27.0 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 14:55 9.96 150.00 3750.00 4.55 0.28 96.00 0.07 Clearish Na 15:00 9.69 100.00 500.00 4.57 0.28 111.10 0.00 Clearish Na 15:05 9.61 100.00 500.00 4.66 0.28 114.50 0.00 Clearish N/a 15:10 9.60 100.00 500.00 4.57 0.26 116.10 0.00 Clearish Na Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:15:15 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 10 WEATHER CONDITIONS 3.059 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 5250.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 14:30 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Spec. Cond. RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 MARK GUERRA|MATT SCHEUER WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 22 within screen LTW-04 Project Manager: ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 11.80 Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS11.80 Screen Interval: 12.0-27.0 4.57pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 74.60 0.00 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.26 116.10 PFAS SAMPLE SET Turbidity (NTU) Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 79.00 12.05 75.76 11.92 74.74 11.50 74.60 There were issues with draw down. There were multiple starts and stops for adjustments before purging was stable. The final purge start time was 14:50. Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 46.00 Sunny None CAP1220-LTW-04-120820 - - 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-09-2020 Time:12:28 Water Volume = 9.48 47.27 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:00 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.29 0.15 79.10 30.63 Clear No 13:10 9.54 200.00 2000.00 4.30 0.11 73.40 95.95 Clear No 13:15 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.30 0.09 67.70 78.47 Clear No 13:21 9.54 200.00 1200.00 4.34 0.08 63.70 93.52 Clear No 13:25 9.54 200.00 800.00 4.36 0.07 60.20 95.38 Clear No 13:30 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.37 0.07 55.30 106.11 Clear No 13:35 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.36 0.06 51.90 61.79 Clear No 13:40 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.36 0.06 51.20 58.66 Clear No 13:45 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.33 0.06 49.10 54.86 Clear No 13:50 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.32 0.05 47.90 24.92 Clear No 13:55 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.33 0.05 47.20 27.58 Clear No 14:00 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.32 0.05 45.70 21.59 Clear No 14:05 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.31 0.05 45.80 10.11 Clear No 14:10 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.29 0.05 45.00 11.16 Clear No 14:15 9.54 200.00 1000.00 4.29 0.05 45.30 7.20 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:14:20 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 16.37 105.17 16.15 105.38 16.29 16.62 104.00 15.99 104.58 16.21 104.42 16.36 104.15 16.29 104.23 16.22 104.14 16.47 Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 52.00 Sunny None 105.07 16.19 104.96 16.35 104.90 16.03 104.99 15.93 104.05 16.33 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.05 45.30 PFAS Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 105.38 7.20 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. CAP1220-LTW-05-120920 104.30 104.92 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 ALISA YOUNG|JELANI GILL WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 32 within screen LTW-05 Project Manager: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 6.046 12-09-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 16000.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 12:55 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.29 Screen Interval: 29.0-44.0 4.29 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-10-2020 Time:11:15 Water Volume = 16.32 31.74 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 11:35 16.37 320.00 1600.00 3.61 0.09 273.40 4.65 Clear No 11:40 16.37 320.00 1600.00 3.61 0.06 243.50 82.43 Clear No 11:45 16.34 200.00 1000.00 3.60 0.08 234.50 77.67 Clear No 11:50 16.33 200.00 1000.00 3.60 0.07 230.00 52.89 Clear No 11:55 16.33 200.00 1000.00 3.60 0.06 223.70 25.37 Clear No 12:00 16.33 200.00 1000.00 3.60 0.06 216.60 16.88 Clear No 12:05 16.33 200.00 1000.00 3.61 0.06 211.80 7.28 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:12:10 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 5 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.467 12-10-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 8200Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 11:30 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JOEY VIDMAR|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 27 within screen PIW-1D Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS17.06 Screen Interval: 24.5 to 29.5 3.61pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 165.08 7.28 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. CAP1220-PIW-1D-121020 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.06 211.80 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 166.22 16.87 165.08 17.06 Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 165.73 16.55 167.13 16.90 166.93 16.62 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 56.00 Sunny None 167.04 16.71 165.28 17.01 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-10-2020 Time:10:05 Water Volume = 19.07 21.96 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 10:25 19.17 150.00 750.00 4.69 0.81 241.60 5.54 Clear No 10:30 19.18 150.00 750.00 4.06 1.73 225.40 2.83 Clear No 10:35 19.18 150.00 750.00 4.08 1.60 264.30 1.74 Clear No 10:40 19.20 150.00 750.00 4.11 1.52 295.00 1.83 Clear No 10:45 19.20 150.00 750.00 4.02 1.40 281.90 1.82 Clear No 10:50 19.21 150.00 750.00 4.06 1.44 275.10 1.77 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:10:55 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 0.462 12-10-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 4500Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 10:20 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JOEY VIDMAR|JOHNATHAN CAUDILL WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 20 bottom of well PIW-1S Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.75 Screen Interval: 7.8 - 17.8 4.06pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 240.49 1.77 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 1.44 275.10 PFAS 235.81 16.43 250 mL poly Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 207.42 15.62 194.60 16.07 203.19 16.22 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 55.00 Sunny None CAP1220-PIW-1S-121020 - - 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Method 221.74 16.48 240.49 16.75 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-11-2020 Time:9:50 Water Volume = 16.30 26.81 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 10:10 16.59 240.00 1440.00 5.02 0.21 -186.50 93.20 Clear No 10:15 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.97 0.13 -160.90 1.58 Clear No 10:20 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.82 0.08 -135.00 1.61 Clear No 10:25 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.74 0.07 -154.70 1.57 Clear No 10:30 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.67 0.06 -90.70 1.17 Clear No 10:35 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.62 0.05 -74.40 3.46 Clear No 10:40 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.59 0.05 -74.20 2.21 Clear No 10:45 16.62 240.00 1200.00 4.60 0.05 -75.70 0.60 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:10:50 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 2 WEATHER CONDITIONS 1.682 12-11-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 9840.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 10:04 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.92 Screen Interval: 19 - 24 4.60 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JAMES BRIGGS|JELANI GILL WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 24 within screen PIW-3D Project Manager: 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 92.67 0.60 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) CAP1220-PIW-3D-121120 µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.05 -75.70 PFAS Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET Spec. Cond. Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 50.00 Sunny None 102.46 16.28 96.71 16.31 97.37 16.48 94.02 16.65 92.71 17.03 - - ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 92.67 16.92 93.19 16.82 92.81 16.82 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:13:32 Water Volume = 5.39 37.07 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:40 5.41 300.00 600.00 4.50 0.12 -47.90 54.44 Clear No 13:45 5.41 300.00 1500.00 4.43 0.08 -45.60 19.97 Clear No 13:50 5.41 300.00 1500.00 4.40 0.07 -40.30 15.10 Clear No 13:55 5.41 300.00 1500.00 4.42 0.06 -37.70 9.55 Clear No 14:00 5.41 300.00 1500.00 4.40 0.06 -34.90 7.42 Clear No 14:05 5.41 300.00 1500.00 4.41 0.06 -36.50 5.40 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:14:10 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph)- WEATHER CONDITIONS SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Temperature (F):- Sky:Sunny Precipitation:None 250 mL poly 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 8100.00 PFAS Parameter PFAS Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method - DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.06 -36.50 - CAP1220-PIW-7D-120820 Spec. Cond. µS/cm 68.75 14.99 Comments 15.00 68.34 14.82 5.069 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS15.14 Screen Interval: 29 - 34 4.41pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 72.05 5.40 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JOHNATHAN CAUDILL Jelani Gill WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 33 within screen PIW-7D Project Manager: Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time:13:38 72.05 15.14 Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. 67.29 15.25 70.24 14.99 69.28 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:11:32 Water Volume = 5.18 22.80 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 11:45 5.56 250.00 2250.00 3.85 0.21 377.60 74.25 Clear No 11:50 5.58 250.00 1250.00 3.91 0.13 360.60 78.70 Clear No 11:55 5.59 250.00 1250.00 4.39 0.14 292.20 113.00 Clear No 12:00 5.60 220.00 1100.00 4.97 0.10 171.80 75.14 Clear No 12:05 5.60 220.00 1100.00 5.1 0.12 78.40 25.90 Clear No 12:10 5.60 220.00 1100.00 5.11 0.10 36.20 29.21 Clear No 12:15 5.60 220.00 1100.00 5.17 0.09 -9.10 19.49 Clear No 12:20 5.62 220.00 1100.00 5.22 0.09 -33.90 17.68 Clear No 12:25 5.62 220.00 1100.00 5.31 0.07 -51.30 10.83 Clear No 12:30 5.62 220.00 1100.00 5.38 0.06 -73.80 7.81 Clear No 12:35 5.62 220.00 1100.00 5.35 0.06 -79.40 5.48 Clear No 12:40 5.62 220.00 1100.00 5.38 0.06 -82.30 4.27 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:12:45 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Comments PFAS Parameter PFAS Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 15.52 112.06 15.89 101.67 16.20 Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS15.91 Screen Interval: 7 - 17 5.38pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 99.78 4.27 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. µS/cm 117.79 98.26 15.79 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JOHNATHAN CAUDILL Jelani Gill WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 13 within screen PIW-7S Project Manager: 2.819 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 14650.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 11:36 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): Initial Depth to Water (ft.): 100.30 15.98 98.71 15.61 98.70 15.78 98.65 16.08 Wind (mph) 4 99.78 15.91 98.67 15.62 98.12 15.12 98.50 15.54 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) Precipitation: None Dup|MS|Rep CAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D CAP1220-PIW-7S-120820 250 mL poly Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. 0.06 -82.30 Temperature (F): 43.00 Sky: Sunny WEATHER CONDITIONS SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:14:45 Water Volume = 23.05 30.80 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 15:05 24.55 300.00 1500.00 3.27 0.17 388.20 18.27 Slightly Cloudy No 15:10 25.92 300.00 1500.00 3.29 0.10 395.00 4.93 Clear No 15:15 27.12 300.00 1500.00 3.30 0.08 397.50 5.17 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:15:25 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 9 WEATHER CONDITIONS 1.24 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 4500Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 15:00 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 ALISA YOUNG|BRANDON WEIDNER WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 30.8 bottom of well PW-04 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.81 Screen Interval: 17 - 27 3.30pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 358.44 5.17 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.08 397.50 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 385.77 17.04 366.02 16.79 358.44 16.81 µS/cm Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 47.00 Sunny None 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED CAP1220-PW-04-120820 - - Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:11:15 Water Volume = 18.53 32.84 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 11:50 19.75 290.00 1450.00 4.72 2.84 73.90 6.10 Cloudy No 11:55 19.86 290.00 1450.00 4.65 3.53 84.90 3.47 Clear No 12:00 19.91 290.00 1450.00 4.57 2.52 88.10 1.05 Clear No 12:05 19.96 290.00 1450.00 4.58 2.26 80.40 0.58 Clear No 12:10 20.02 290.00 1450.00 4.49 2.08 101.40 0.95 Clear No 12:15 20.09 290.00 1450.00 4.55 2.16 98.70 0.19 Clear No 12:20 20.14 290.00 1450.00 4.51 2.41 98.50 0.30 Clear No 12:25 20.16 290.00 1450.00 4.54 2.30 86.00 0.68 Clear No 12:30 20.19 290.00 1450.00 4.54 2.38 76.00 0.01 Clear No 12:35 20.20 290.00 1450.00 4.55 2.42 70.10 0.21 Clear No 12:40 20.20 290.00 1450.00 4.59 2.45 66.00 0.24 Clear No 12:45 20.20 290.00 1450.00 4.58 2.55 64.00 0.03 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:12:50 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 48.65 16.32 48.85 16.48 Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 43.00 Sunny None 44.37 15.59 45.17 15.99 46.90 15.94 47.31 15.95 51.33 16.05 48.01 16.36 49.05 16.20 49.75 16.03 16.38 48.71 Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET 48.71 0.03 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. CAP1220-PW-06-120820 48.27 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 2.55 64.00 PFAS ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 16.46 4.58 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 ALISA YOUNG|BRANDON WEIDNER WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 24 within screen PW-06 Project Manager: pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. Wind (mph) 8 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.29 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 17400Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 11:45 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.46 Screen Interval: 19 - 29 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-09-2020 Time:12:50 Water Volume = 29.47 41.85 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:25 29.90 200.00 3000.00 5.03 7.03 180.90 0.00 Clear No 13:30 29.90 200.00 1000.00 4.92 7.13 211.30 0.00 Clear No 13:35 29.90 200.00 1000.00 4.94 7.17 223.80 0.00 Clear No 13:40 29.90 200.00 1000.00 4.94 7.24 236.30 0.00 Clear No 13:45 29.90 200.00 1000.00 4.95 7.31 248.80 0.00 Clear No 13:50 29.90 200.00 1000.00 4.93 7.30 257.90 0.00 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:13:55 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 34.66 19.05 34.77 19.17 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 54.00 Partly Sunny None Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 36.05 18.76 34.83 19.03 34.82 19.09 CAP1220-PW-07-120920 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 7.30 257.90 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 34.65 19.14 250 mL poly Method Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS19.05 Screen Interval: 28 - 38 4.93pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 34.66 0.00 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 CHRIS MCGINNESS|JOEY VIDMAR WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 33 within screen PW-07 Project Manager: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 1.981 12-09-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 8000.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 13:10 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:12:35 Water Volume = 24.55 57.76 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 12:55 26.02 120.00 1800.00 10.92 2.01 81.40 5.42 Clear No 13:00 26.23 120.00 600.00 10.91 2.04 84.60 3.42 Clear No 13:05 26.36 120.00 600.00 10.92 2.03 84.00 2.47 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:13:05 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 5.314 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 3000Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 12:40 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JAMES BRIGGS|JOEY VIDMAR WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 49 within screen PW-09 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS13.28 Screen Interval: 44 - 54 10.92pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 241.59 2.47 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 2.03 84.00 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 238.36 13.50 238.18 13.28 241.59 13.28 µS/cm Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 44.00 Sunny None 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED CAP1220-PW-09-120820 - - Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-22-2020 Time:15:30 Water Volume = -- Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU - - - - - - - -- - Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time: Field Filtered: Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) - WEATHER CONDITIONS - Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA -Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time:- Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 MEGAN JUNOD WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey - - PW-11 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): - Temp.(oC)PFAS- Screen Interval: 53 - 63 -pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS - - Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. - - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) - - PFAS Well was not sampled; No parameters analyzed. No field team visited the well and it was not sampled. This was requested by Geosyntec because the well is apart of the Black Creek Aquifer Pumping System. Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly - - 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): - - - Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-09-2020 Time:14:40 Water Volume = 7.2 50.78 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 15:10 7.20 250.00 1500.00 4.50 0.16 65.10 179.33 Clear No 15:15 7.20 250.00 1250.00 4.52 0.11 56.80 112.27 Clear No 15:20 7.20 250.00 1250.00 4.50 0.08 50.20 48.72 Clear No 15:25 7.20 250.00 1250.00 4.50 0.07 45.40 19.91 Clear No 15:29 7.20 250.00 1000.00 4.49 0.06 42.50 7.21 Clear No 15:35 7.20 250.00 1500.00 4.49 0.05 39.50 3.44 Clear No 15:40 7.20 250.00 1250.00 4.48 0.05 37.90 2.06 Clear No 15:45 7.20 250.00 1250.00 4.47 0.05 36.30 3.29 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:15:50 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 98.39 15.34 99.03 15.20 98.75 15.29 Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 52.00 Sunny None 101.05 15.30 99.76 15.42 99.36 15.49 99.17 15.36 98.72 15.18 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.05 36.30 PFAS Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 98.39 3.29 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. CAP1220-PZ-22-120920 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 0.75 ALISA YOUNG|JELANI GILL WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 25 above screen PZ-22 Project Manager: Wind (mph) 5 WEATHER CONDITIONS 0.392 12-09-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 10250.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 15:04 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS15.34 Screen Interval: 36.0-46.0 4.47 Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method:Date:12-09-2020 Time:12:50 Water Volume = 28.93 49.0 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 13:18 28.93 200.00 600.00 5.40 0.51 86.20 2.09 Clearish Na 13:23 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.41 0.34 7.80 2.40 Clearish Na 13:28 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.40 0.19 -38.20 5.67 Clearish Na 13:33 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.39 0.16 -54.20 9.76 Clearish Na 13:38 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.39 0.12 -68.70 6.65 Clearish Na 13:43 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.38 0.11 -69.30 5.73 Clearish Na 13:48 28.93 200.00 1000.00 5.37 0.11 -70.00 5.42 Clearish Na Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:13:55 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: 81.08 16.49 81.80 16.32 Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 52.00 Sunny None 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 87.92 16.45 83.86 16.44 82.23 16.53 CAP1220-SMW-10-120920 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.11 -70.00 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA 81.20 16.53 80.53 16.36 Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.36 Screen Interval: 39 to 49 5.37pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 80.53 5.42 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 MARK GUERRA|MATT SCHEUER WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 44 within screen SMW-10 Project Manager: Wind (mph) 11 WEATHER CONDITIONS 3.211 12-09-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 6600.00Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 13:15 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-08-2020 Time:11:45 Water Volume = 12.43 25.83 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 12:05 12.52 300.00 1500.00 3.94 4.82 128.70 0.11 Clear No 12:10 12.52 300.00 1500.00 3.95 4.85 136.10 0.00 Clear No 12:15 12.52 300.00 1500.00 4.01 4.90 140.90 0.00 Clear No Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:12:20 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Wind (mph) 3 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.144 12-08-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 4500Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time: 12:00 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 JAMES BRIGGS|JOEY VIDMAR WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 18 within screen SMW-11 Project Manager: Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Peristaltic Pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.60 Screen Interval: 13 to 23 4.01pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 43.99 0.00 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 4.90 140.90 PFAS 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 45.29 16.70 44.21 16.97 43.99 16.60 µS/cm Turbidity for the Insitu Aqua Troll might not have been calibrated properly before sampling. Turbidity was recalibrated and it was measured again for the samples affected. There was minimum difference in the two turbidity values. Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F): 43.00 Sunny None 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED CAP1220-SMW-11-120820 - - Site Name:Well ID: Well Diameter: Inches Samplers:Event: Purging Data Pump Depth: Pump Loc: Method: Date:12-09-2020 Time:14:14 Water Volume = 82.44 98.0 Time DTW Pump Rate Vol. pH DO Redox Turbidity Color Odor 24 hr ft mL/min mL pH units mg/L mV NTU 15:20 82.44 300.00 1500.00 5.01 0.66 42.80 0.14 Clearish Na 15:25 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.73 3.59 28.10 1.90 Clearish Na 15:30 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.49 0.74 29.20 1.02 Clearish Na 15:35 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.58 0.37 29.20 0.80 Clearish Na 15:40 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.10 0.87 21.70 0.28 Clearish Na 15:45 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.06 0.58 3.90 0.32 Clearish Na 15:50 82.44 300.00 1500.00 4.00 0.69 -6.30 0.19 Clearish Na 15:55 82.44 300.00 1500.00 3.87 0.99 -11.20 0.18 Clearish Na 16:00 82.40 300.00 1500.00 3.86 0.99 -15.00 0.19 Clearish Na 16:05 82.44 300.00 1500.00 3.68 0.89 -17.40 0.12 Clearish Na 16:10 82.44 300.00 1500.00 3.67 0.85 -19.40 0.11 Clearish Na 16:15 82.44 300.00 1500.00 3.67 0.88 -19.80 0.10 Clearish Na 16:20 82.44 300.00 1500.00 3.68 0.89 -18.80 0.13 Clearish Na Sampling Data Zero HS: Method: Date: Time:16:25 Field Filtered: No Field Parameters Pres. NP NP NP Sample ID: DuplicateID: QA/QC: Values for specific conductivity were very low. It was observed that the Insitu Aqua Troll was placed at an incorrect angle due to the vehicle being parked at an off angle. Once the angle on the Insitu was adjusted, several readings were taken to ensure stability of specific conductivity. Wind (mph)11 WEATHER CONDITIONS 2.49 12-09-2020 Table 3+ (21)(LL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HPFO-DA and PFHpA 19500Total Volume Purged (mL): Temp. oC Purge Start Time:15:15 Depth to Well Bottom (ft.): 537 MOD (HOLD) Low Flow Initial Depth to Water (ft.): Double valve pump Temp.(oC)PFAS16.59 Screen Interval: 88 to 98 3.68 RECORD OF WELL SAMPLING = (Total Depth of Well - Depth To Water ) x Casing Volume per Foot Chemours Fayetteville 2 MARK GUERRA|MATT SCHEUER WATER VOLUME CALCULATION Monthly CAP Tracy Ovbey 93 within screen SMW-12 Project Manager: pH STABILIZED PARAMETERS 233.19 0.13 Spec. Cond.(µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Spec. Cond. CAP1220-SMW-12-120920 233.68 - - µS/cm DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) 0.89 -18.80 PFAS Comments PFAS Parameter Bottle 250 mL poly 250 mL poly Method 250 mL poly SAMPLE SET ALL PARAMETERS ANALYZED 537 MOD (HOLD)|Table 3+ (21)(HL) Including HFPO-DA and PFHpA Precipitation: Sky: Temperature (F):53.00 Sunny None 0.07 15.35 0.07 15.16 0.07 15.35 0.07 15.56 0.07 15.59 0.07 15.73 0.07 15.65 0.07 15.68 0.07 15.81 232.12 16.64 16.71 233.75 16.55 233.19 16.59 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX F Data Review Narratives and Laboratory Reports Appendix F 1 March 2021 APPENDIX F DATA REVIEW NARRATIVES AND LABORATORY REPORTS This appendix provides data review narratives are included in this appendix. Due to file size limits, analytical laboratory reports will be provided separately. Reanalyzed Samples Analysis of the samples from CFR-TARHEEL collected on November 24, 2020 (CFR- TARHEEL-24-112420) and November 26, 2020 (CFR-TARHEEL-24-112620) provided initial results that were significantly different from prior data (SDG 320-67335-1). The sample from November 24, 2020 was non-detect for HFPO-DA while the sample from November 26, 2020 was the highest result for HFPO-DA observed in 2020 (see Table 7 in the main section of the report). Further examination of the samples indicated that they contained a layer of sediment in the sample bottle. In addition, the sample from November 26, 2020 had a yellow color. These heterogeneities could lead to inconsistent results if, for example, different amounts of sediment were in the subsamples taken for analysis from the samples. The retained samples were re- extracted and re-analyzed in March 2021 and these second results were used in the mass loading calculations (SDG 320-67335-2). Analysis of the sample from CFR-MILE-76 collected on December 15, 2020 provided a PMPA result (23 ng/L) that was close to the reporting limit (20 ng/L) (SDG 320-68082-1). The retained sample was re-analyzed using the Table 6 method, which provides a lower reporting limit (2 ng/L) for PMPA and therefore more reliable results for low concentration samples. This second PMPA result (6.3 ng/L) was used in the mass loading calculations (SDG 320-68082-3). ADQM Data Review Site: Fayetteville Project: CAP SW Sampling 12/20 Project Reviewer: Michael Aucoin Sampling Date(s): December 15 – 16, 2020 Analytical Protocol Laboratory Method Parameters TestAmerica - Sacramento 537 Modified PFAS(1) TestAmerica - Sacramento Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Table 3+ compounds 1 Perfluoroalkylsubstances, a list of 34 compounds; HFPO-DA and PFHpA were analyzed by Table 3+. ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet method acceptability requirements upon receipt at the laboratory (i.e., temperature, preservation, headspace, broken bottles)? X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the field team? X D Were all samples prepped/analyzed within method holding times? X E Were method QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory for all samples (i.e., blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences, dual column RPDs) X X F Were all field/equipment/trip blanks (if collected) detected at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X X G Were all reported results within the laboratory’s calibration range? X ER# Description Other QA/QC Items to Note: Professional judgement was used to overwrite R qualifiers, indicating an unusable result, that were assigned by the DVM to non-detect results due to the preparation hold time that was exceeded by more than two times. The qualifier was updated to UJ, indicating an estimated reporting limit, because the target compounds are generally recognized to be stable for an extended time period. Due to uncertainty from observed matrix effects during the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE, a J-qualifier has been added to all positive results in the data set, if not already qualified by the DVM and even if there was no matrix spike analyzed for that particular sample, and the results should be considered to be estimated values. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive. * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, or ER # for further details as indicated. Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs. There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DVM Narrative ReportThe analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1NVHOS0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PMPA0.020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Hfpo Dimer Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1R-PSDCA0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1R-EVE0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PEPA0.0020UG/LChemours(TB6)UJ3535_PFC_28D0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PEPA0.010UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PS Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFO2HxA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFO3OA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFO4DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFO5DA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFMOAA0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 1 of 46 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Hydro-PS Acid0.0020ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Hydro-EVE Acid0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 2 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 3 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 4 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-BL-12162012/16/2020320-68085-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 5 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 6 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-ISCO-12162012/16/2020320-68085-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 7 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12152012/15/2020320-68085-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 8 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 9 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12162012/16/2020320-68085-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 10 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsoctanesulfonamido)-ethanolCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 11 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 12 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLPage 13 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsethanolCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 14 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 15 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 16 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 17 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 18 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid(TRIAL)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 19 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid(TRIAL)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorotetradecanoicacid (TRIAL)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid (TRIAL)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-210:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-28:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-24:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NEtPFOSAE (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NMePFOSAE (trial)0.0040UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-26:2 FTS (trial)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2DONA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2F-53B Major (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2F-53B Minor (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NEtPFOSA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NMePFOSA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFDS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFDoS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFHpS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFHxDA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFPeS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 20 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorononanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid(trial)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 21 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3N-ethylperfluorooctane0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 22 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitssulfonamidoacetic acidCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 23 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 24 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 25 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 26 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 27 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 28 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 29 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsacidRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 30 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 31 of 46 Associated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values less than the lower control limit. The actual detection limits may behigher than reported.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PES0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFECA B0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFECA-G0.0020UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPUJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 32 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 33 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLPage 34 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsethanolCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 35 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 36 of 46 High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between field duplicate and parent sample. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0090UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3R-EVE0.0042UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.019UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2R-EVE0.0063UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2NVHOS0.0059UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 37 of 46 High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between LCS and LCSD samples. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Hydrolyzed PSDA0.13UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Hydrolyzed PSDA1.4UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.019PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Hydrolyzed PSDA3.2UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Hydrolyzed PSDA22UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.038PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Hydrolyzed PSDA21UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.019PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0086UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3Hydrolyzed PSDA0.010UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.0073UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 38 of 46 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluoroheptanoicAcid0.0042UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1R-PSDA0.0045UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PMPA0.0063UG/LChemours(TB6)J3535_PFC_28D0.0020PQLPage 39 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0035UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PFOA0.0049UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0056UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0058UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0039UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0034UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PFOA0.0052UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0048UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-121620-D12/16/2020320-68084-3PFOS0.0076UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0056UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PFOA0.0039UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLRIVER-WATER-INTAKE-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-2PFOS0.0080UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0053UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0041UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0027UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-WC-1-22-12162012/16/2020320-68083-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0057UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0038UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0052UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PFOA0.0059UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0059UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0063UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0024UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 40 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PFOA0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-TARHEEL-12162012/16/2020320-68080-1PFOS0.013UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.16UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.032UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.57UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0023PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0027UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.49UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.024PQLCAP1220-SEEP-D-24-12162012/16/2020320-68084-1PFOS0.0021UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PFOA0.020UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid2.1UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0049PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.11UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.011UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.48UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.011PQLCAP1220-SEEP-C-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-4PFOS0.0094UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PFOA0.023UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid1.0UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.034UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.016UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0025UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.25UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SEEP-B-21-12162012/16/2020320-68083-3PFOS0.0033UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PFOA0.032UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 41 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.55UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.035UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid (trial)0.0088UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid (trial)0.0055UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid (trial)0.0036UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid (trial)0.0038UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SEEP-A-24-12162012/16/2020320-68083-2PFOS0.0046UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFOS (trial)0.0099UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFOA(trial)0.0060UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0040UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFOA0.0062UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0055UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0089UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFOS0.010UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0034UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PFOA0.018UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0044UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.074UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.015UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-OLDOF-1-7-12152012/15/2020320-68080-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0071UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.47UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0083UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 42 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0023UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PFOA0.0030UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0036UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0025UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LOCK-DAM-SEEP-12152012/15/2020320-68081-1PFOS0.051UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PFOA0.0059UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0055UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0061UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0038UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0040UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-TARHEEL-12152012/15/2020320-68082-4PFOS0.014UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFOA0.0061UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0057UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0056UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-RM-76-12152012/15/2020320-68082-1PFOS0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0033UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PFOA0.0061UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0056UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0046UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-KINGS-12162012/16/2020320-68082-3PFOS0.011UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 43 of 46 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0042UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PFOA0.0063UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0055UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0056UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-CFR-BLADEN-12152012/15/2020320-68082-2PFOS0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-GBC-1-12152012/15/2020320-68084-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0071UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 44 of 46 Associated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values less than the lower control limit but above the rejection limit. Thereported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydro-EVE Acid0.0078UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydro-EVE Acid0.0078UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydro-PS Acid0.0063ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydro-PS Acid0.0065ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFMOAA0.026ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFMOAA0.025ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2EVE Acid0.18UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2EVE Acid0.19UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO2HxA0.028ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO2HxA0.028ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO3OA0.0071ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO3OA0.0076ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO5DA0.0049ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PFO5DA0.0043ug/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PS Acid0.052UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PS Acid0.055UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 45 of 46 Associated MS and/or MSD analysis had relative percent recovery (RPR) values less than the lower control limit but above the rejection limit. Thereported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP SW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PEPA0.013UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PEPA0.013UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.010PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.12UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2Hydrolyzed PSDA0.12UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PMPA0.061UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2PMPA0.062UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NVHOS0.0035UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLCAP1220-OUTFALL-002-24-12162012/16/2020320-68081-2NVHOS0.0035UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.0020PQLPage 46 of 46 ADQM Data Review Site: Fayetteville Project: CAP MW Sampling 12/20 Project Reviewer: Michael Aucoin Sampling Date(s): December 8 – 11, 2020 December 22, 2020 Analytical Protocol Laboratory Method Parameters TestAmerica - Sacramento 537 Modified PFAS(1) TestAmerica - Sacramento Cl. Spec. Table 3 Compound SOP Table 3+ compounds 1 Perfluoroalkylsubstances, a list of 34 compounds; HFPO-DA and PFHpA were analyzed by Table 3+. ADQM Data Review Checklist Item Description Yes No* DVM Narrative Report Laboratory Report Exception Report (ER) # A Did samples meet method acceptability requirements upon receipt at the laboratory (i.e., temperature, preservation, headspace, broken bottles)? X B Were samples received by the laboratory in agreement with the associated chain of custody? X C Was the chain of custody properly completed by the field team? X D Were all samples prepped/analyzed within method holding times? X E Were method QA/QC criteria met by the laboratory for all samples (i.e., blanks, LCSs/LCSDs, MSs/MSDs, PDSs, SDs, duplicates/replicates, surrogates, total/dissolved differences, dual column RPDs) X X F Were all field/equipment/trip blanks (if collected) detected at levels not requiring sample data qualification? X X G Were all reported results within the laboratory’s calibration range? X ER# Description Other QA/QC Items to Note: Professional judgement was used to overwrite R qualifiers, indicating an unusable result, that were assigned by the DVM to non-detect results due to the preparation hold time that was exceeded by more than two times. The qualifier was updated to UJ, indicating an estimated reporting limit, because the target compounds are generally recognized to be stable for an extended time period. Due to uncertainty from observed matrix effects during the analysis of R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA and R-EVE, a J-qualifier has been added to all positive results in the data set, if not already qualified by the DVM and even if there was no matrix spike analyzed for that particular sample, and the results should be considered to be estimated values. The lab reports due to a large page count are stored on a network shared drive and are available to be posted on external shared drives, or on a flash drive. * See DVM Narrative Report, Lab Report, or ER # for further details as indicated. Data Verification Module (DVM) The DVM is an internal review process used by the ADQM group to assist with the determination of data usability. The electronic data deliverables received from the laboratory are loaded into the Locus EIM™ database and processed through a series of data quality checks, which are a combination of software (Locus EIM™ database Data Verification Module (DVM)) and manual reviewer evaluations. The data is evaluated against the following data usability checks: • Field and laboratory blank contamination • US EPA hold time criteria • Missing Quality Control (QC) samples • Matrix spike (MS)/matrix spike duplicate (MSD) recoveries and the relative percent differences (RPDs) between these spikes • Laboratory control sample (LCS)/laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) recoveries and the RPD between these spikes • Surrogate spike recoveries for organic analyses • Difference/RPD between field duplicate sample pairs • RPD between laboratory replicates for inorganic analyses • Difference/percent difference between total and dissolved sample pairs. There are two qualifier fields in EIM: Lab Qualifier is the qualifier assigned by the lab and may not reflect the usability of the data. This qualifier may have many different meanings and can vary between labs and over time within the same lab. Please refer to the laboratory report for a description of the lab qualifiers. As they are lab descriptors they are not to be used when evaluating the data. Validation Qualifier is the 3rd party formal validation qualifier if this was performed. Otherwise this field contains the qualifier resulting from the ADQM DVM review process. This qualifier assesses the usability of the data and may not equal the lab qualifier. The DVM applies the following data evaluation qualifiers to analysis results, as warranted: Qualifier Definition B Not detected substantially above the level reported in the laboratory or field blanks. R Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. J Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. UJ Not detected. Reporting limit may not be accurate or precise. The Validation Status Code field is set to “DVM” if the ADQM DVM process has been performed. If the DVM has not been run, the field will be blank. If the DVM has been run (Validation Status Code equals “DVM”), use the Validation Qualifier. If the data has been validated by a third party, the field “Validated By” will be set to the validator (e.g., ESI for Environmental Standards, Inc.). DVM Narrative ReportContamination detected in equipment blank(s). Sample result does not differ significantly from the analyte concentration detected in the associatedequipment blank(s).LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PFOA0.0026UG/L537 ModifiedB3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 1 of 48 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 2 of 48 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12222012/22/2020320-68259-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 3 of 48 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsacidCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 4 of 48 The analysis hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLPage 5 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-76:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-66:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 6 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 7 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-61H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 8 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-69Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-61H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-611Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-710:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-72-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-72-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-71H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 9 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-79Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-71H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-711Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 10 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 11 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-10-12092012/09/2020320-67844-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 12 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 13 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12082012/08/2020320-67773-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 14 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsacidCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 15 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12092012/09/2020320-67844-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2N-ethylperfluorooctane0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 16 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitssulfonamidoacetic acidCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 17 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12102012/10/2020320-67866-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-510:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-52-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-52-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-56:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 18 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-51H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-59Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-51H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-511Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-PP-12112012/11/2020320-67866-5DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 19 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 20 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 21 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsacidCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 22 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-810:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0061ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0061PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0085ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0085PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-82-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0077ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0077PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PFOS0.0049UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0049PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.010UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.010PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.011UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.011PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-82-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.013ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.013PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 23 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0025UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0025PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0066UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0066PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-81H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0042ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0042PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0079UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0079PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0081ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0081PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0034ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0034PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.012UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.012PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0089UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0089PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-89Cl-PF3ONS0.0022ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-81H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0022ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-811Cl-PF3OUdS0.0029ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0029PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0088ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0088PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8DONA0.0036ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0036PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 24 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0027ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0027PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-86:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.023ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.023PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.012UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.012PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0039ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0039PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PFOA0.0077UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0077PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0028UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0028PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0029UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0029PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0052UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0052PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 25 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 26 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 27 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsethanolCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 28 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 29 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 30 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsoctanesulfonamido)-ethanolCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 31 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorononanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid(TRIAL)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid(TRIAL)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorotetradecanoicacid (TRIAL)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid (TRIAL)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-110:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-18:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-14:2 FTS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1NEtPFOSAE (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1NMePFOSAE (trial)0.0040UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-16:2 FTS (trial)0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1DONA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1F-53B Major (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 32 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1F-53B Minor (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1NEtPFOSA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1NMePFOSA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFDS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFDoS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFHpS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFHxDA (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFPeS (trial)0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 33 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 34 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 35 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-610:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-62-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-62-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLPage 36 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-39Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-31H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-311Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-36:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 37 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-210:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-22-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-22-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-26:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 38 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-29Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-21H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-211Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-09-12082012/08/2020320-67766-2DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-310:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-32-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 39 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-32-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-110:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-12-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-12-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-16:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 40 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-19Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-11H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-111Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-410:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluorooctadecanoicacid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-42-(N-ethyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PFOS0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 41 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluoroundecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-42-(N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol0.0040ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0040PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorotetradecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanesulfonate (8:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluorohexadecanoicacid (PFHxDA)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluorononanesulfonic acid0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorotridecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorooctaneSulfonamide0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-49Cl-PF3ONS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-41H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-411Cl-PF3OUdS0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluorododecanesulfonic acid (PFDoS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4DONA0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-46:2 Fluorotelomersulfonate0.0050ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 42 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported non-detect result is an estimated value.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid0.0050UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorododecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4N-methyl perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide0.0020ug/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorodecanoicAcid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorodecaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedUJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 43 of 48 High relative percent difference (RPD) observed between LCS and LCSD samples. The reported result may be imprecise.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1R-PSDA0.69UG/LCl. Spec. Table 3Compound SOPJPFAS_DI_Prep0.071PQLPage 44 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0037UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.0053UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PFOA0.0033UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.016UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.0062UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0043UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.18UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0030UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PFOA0.014UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFOA0.014UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.026UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.54UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0024PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-120820-D12/08/2020320-67775-2PFOS0.0093UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid (trial)0.0027UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid (trial)0.0043UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0042UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.18UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0027UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.027UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.57UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.048PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFOS (trial)0.0081UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 45 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFOA(trial)0.014UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid(trial)0.18UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid (trial)0.57UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.048PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid (trial)0.028UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7S-12082012/08/2020320-67775-1PFOS0.0080UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.12UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PFOA0.0020UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0044UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.019UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0044UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.067UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0026UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-7D-12082012/08/2020320-67773-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.92UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0022PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PFOA0.034UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0048UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.018UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.12UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0076UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.050UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0028UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-3D-12112012/11/2020320-67866-3PFOS0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PFOA0.023UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PFOA0.0073UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 46 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.012UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.084UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.063UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-PIW-1S-12102012/10/2020320-67869-1PFOS0.031UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0093UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.16UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.022PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.045UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0053PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.41UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.024PQLCAP1220-PIW-1D-12102012/10/2020320-67869-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.14UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-05-12092012/09/2020320-67844-8PerfluoropentanoicAcid1.3UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0045PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PFOA0.0074UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.66UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0023PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.036UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.13UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-03-12222012/22/2020320-68259-1PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.014UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-04-12082012/08/2020320-67766-1PerfluoropentanoicAcid1.4UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0048PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.050UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0071UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorononanoicAcid0.0028UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PFOA0.053UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorohexaneSulfonic Acid0.0079UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.14UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorobutaneSulfonic Acid0.0039UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLPage 47 of 48 The preparation hold time for this sample was exceeded by a factor of 2. The reported result may be biased low.LABSTATSValidation Options:Validation ReasonFayettevilleSite:Sampling Program:CAP MW Sampling 12/20AnalyticalMethodAnalyteDateSampledPQLValidationQualifierLab Sample IDPre-prepMDLResultTypeField Sample IDPrepUnitsCAP1220-LTW-02-12102012/10/2020320-67869-4PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.20UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.025UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.31UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-EQBLK-DV-12092012/09/2020320-67844-4PFOA0.0031UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-LTW-01-12102012/10/2020320-67869-3PFOS0.020UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.031UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.92UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0023PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PFOA0.058UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.024UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.017UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-11-12082012/08/2020320-67766-3PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0084UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.12UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLCAP1220-SMW-12-12092012/09/2020320-67844-2PerfluoropentanoicAcid0.049UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-06-12082012/08/2020320-67773-1PFOA0.0062UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.0026UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PZ-22-12092012/09/2020320-67844-7PerfluorohexanoicAcid0.015UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0020PQLCAP1220-PW-07-12092012/09/2020320-67844-6Perfluorobutanoic Acid0.018UG/L537 ModifiedJ3535_PFC0.0050PQLPage 48 of 48 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX G Supporting Calculations – Onsite Groundwater Pathway Appendix G 1 March 2021 APPENDIX G SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS – ONSITE GROUNDWATER PATHWAY INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Based on the conceptual site model, the Black Creek Aquifer and the Flood Plain deposits at the river bank are the primary hydrogeologic units that are potentially in hydraulic connection with the Cape Fear River. The Cape Fear River stage is lower than the top of the Black Creek Aquifer, except during peak rainfall or flooding, indicating that the Cape Fear River is a discharge boundary for the aquifer. Onsite groundwater from the Black Creek Aquifer discharging to the Cape Fear River is therefore a potential pathway for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) mass loading to the Cape Fear River. This pathway was identified as Transport Pathway Number 5 in the PFAS mass loading design in this report. The objective of the supporting calculations presented in this appendix is to estimate PFAS mass loading from onsite groundwater discharge based on calculated PFAS mass flux for segments of the Black Creek Aquifer along the river frontage. APPROACH The PFAS mass loading from onsite groundwater discharge was estimated as follows. Supporting data are provided in Table G1: 1. The Cape Fear River frontage was divided into 8 segments (Figure G1). Each segment includes one groundwater monitoring well that is considered representative of the Black Creek Aquifer and that is included in the Corrective Action Plan1 (Geosyntec, 2019b). 2. The thickness of the Black Creek Aquifer (h) was estimated for each segment based on the segment length and the cross-sectional area of the Black Creek Aquifer, as determined by the three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Site, constructed using CTech’s Earth Volumetric Studio (EVS) software (Geosyntec, 2019b): ℎ = 𝐴 𝑙 where h is the Black Creek Aquifer thickness [ft]; A is the cross-sectional area of the Black Creek Aquifer [ft2]; and l is the segment length [ft]. The EVS model output for each segment is presented in Figure G2. 1 The Black Creek Aquifer is not observed in boreholes from Segment 4 suggesting a localized "pinch-out" of the Black Creek Aquifer in Segment 4. The monitoring well used to determine PFAS mass loading in this segment is screened in the Floodplain Deposits (LTW-03). Appendix G 2 March 2021 3.The hydraulic gradient (i) was derived based on the groundwater level contour map. For each segment, two gradients were estimated based on the distance between two sets of contour lines in the vicinity of the river frontage (Figure G3): 𝑖= 𝛥ℎ 𝑑 where i is the hydraulic gradient [ft/ft]; Δh is the head difference between two contour lines [ft]; and d is the estimated distance between the contour lines [ft] For each segment, a range of hydraulic gradients was calculated using two different contour elevation differences in the vicinity of the river frontage: a ten-foot elevation difference (between the 40 and 50 ft contours) and a twenty-foot elevation difference (between the 40 and 60 ft contours). Using two contour elevation differences captures the variation in hydraulic gradient estimates over a range of spatial scales. This approach is considered to best represent the likely groundwater fluxes discharging from the Black Creek Aquifer to the Cape Fear River. Based on hydrographs from wells along the river presented in Figure G4 hydraulic gradients in the aquifer are relatively constant over time. With the exception of large changes in the river level (over ten feet), these wells respond to river level fluctuation in a subdued manner. 4.The hydraulic conductivity (K) was estimated for each segment using the results of constant rate tests performed at five extraction wells installed in the Black Creek Aquifer upstream of the river frontage. The extraction wells used to determine the hydraulic conductivity for each segment are as follows, based on their locations relative to the segments (Figure G5): Extraction Well Segment EW-1 1 2 EW-4 3 4 EW-5 5 6 EW-2 7 EW-3 8 Appendix G 3 March 2021 5.The total PFAS concentration for each segment was determined based on grab samples collected from monitoring wells. PFAS analytical results for these groundwater samples are presented in Table 10 of this report. The monitoring well located in Segment 8 (PW- 11) was inaccessible during the Q4 2020 monitoring event due to ongoing aquifer testing at this location, so it was not sampled. PFAS analytical results obtained from PW-11 during the Q3 2020 monitoring event were used to determine mass loading for Segment 8. 6.Mass flux for each segment, representing the PFAS mass loading to the river from groundwater, was determined as follows: 𝑄=𝑙ℎ𝐾𝑖𝐶𝑓 where Q is the mass flux [mg/sec]; l is the segment length [ft]; h is the Black Creek Aquifer thickness [ft]; K is the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer [ft/sec]; i is the hydraulic gradient [ft/ft], using an upper and lower contour elevation difference; C is the total PFAS concentration [ng/L]; and f is the conversion factor between cubic feet and liters and between ng and mg. 7.The upper and lower bound of the total mass flux for the groundwater pathway was calculated as the sum of the individual mass flux results for the 8 segments. Parameters listed above were also used to estimate groundwater flow rates, shown in Table G2. 8.Passive flux meters deployed in select monitoring wells during the Pre-Design Investigation (Figure G5) were used to assess groundwater velocity and Table 3+ PFAS flux (in mass per distance per time) along potential groundwater discharge paths to Willis Creek and the Cape Fear River. PFM-derived PFAS flux was used to estimate mass flux in each segment as follows: 𝑄=𝑙ℎ𝑗𝑓 where Q is the mass flux [mg/sec]; l is the segment length [ft]; h is the Black Creek Aquifer thickness [ft]; j is the PFAS flux determined from the PFMs [µg/m2/day]; and f is the conversion factor between meters and feet, days and seconds, and ng and mg. Appendix G 4 March 2021 The mass flux determined using the PFMs was used to compare against the mass flux determined by the method described in this appendix. Table G3 provides the PFAS flux and mass flux results determined using the PFMs. While the mass flux results from both methods are expected to be similar, variations exist in the source data for both methods such that some variation in the calculated mass flux may be expected. First, the PFMs were deployed in October 2020 while the groundwater samples were collected in December 2020. Second, the wells where PFMs were deployed do not necessarily correspond to the wells where groundwater samples were collected. The wells where PFMs were deployed are located in the vicinity of each segment. No PFMs were deployed in wells in Segment 5, so the average PFAS flux for segments 4 and 6 were used to calculate mass loading in this segment. POTENTIAL FUTURE METHODOLOGY MODIFCATIONS Periodically, adjustments to this calculation methodology may be required based on changes in conditions or refinement of Site knowledge. REFERENCES Geosyntec, 2019. Corrective Action Plan. Chemours Fayetteville Works. December 2019. TR0795A March 2021 TABLES TABLE G1ONSITE GROUNDWATER PATHWAY SUPPORTING DATA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Segment Well Sample DateSegment Length (ft)Cross-sectional Area of Black Creek Aquifer1 (ft2)Average Thickness of Black Creek Aquifer (ft)Lower Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Lower Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Upper Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Upper Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Lower Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Upper Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Conductivity3 (ft/sec)Concentration6 (ng/L)Mass Loading Lower Bound (mg/sec)Mass Loading Upper Bound (mg/sec)PFM Mass Loading7(mg/sec)1 PIW-1D 12/10/2020 1,148 13,380 11.7 10 264.6 20 542.6 0.038 0.037 1.71E-04 50,000 0.1222 0.1191 0.0762 PIW-3D 12/11/2020 873 11,010 12.6 10 233.7 20 470.5 0.043 0.043 1.71E-04 43,000 0.0979 0.0972 0.0563 LTW-02 12/10/2020 875 5,560 6.4 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-04 56,000 0.0217 0.0203 0.0834 LTW-03 12/22/2020 729 2,831 3.9 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-04 250,000 0.0494 0.0461 0.0345 PZ-22 12/9/2020 656 15,240 23.2 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-04 210,000 0.4139 0.5714 0.1966 PIW-7D 12/8/2020 524 15,960 30.5 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-04 1,800 0.0037 0.0051 0.2177 LTW-05 12/9/2020 887 17,220 19.4 10 918.8 20 1,228.6 0.011 0.016 1.28E-04 230,000 0.1562 0.2336 0.4658PW-1187/23/2020 1,98656,30028.310918.8201,228.6 0.011 0.016 2.59E-04 180,0000.80951.21080.536Total1.672.301.66Notes 1 - Cross sectional areas were determined using the three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Site, constructed using CTech’s Earth Volumetric Studio (EVS) software (Figure G2)2 - Vertical and horizontal distances for hydraulic gradient determined from groundwater level contour map for the December 2020 synoptic well gauging round (Figure G3).3 - Hydraulic conductivity values are based on constant rate pumping test results from extraction wells identified in Figure G5.4 - Attachment C does not include Perfluorohepthanoic acid (PFHpA).5 - Total Table 3+ (17 compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA, and R-EVE.6- Detailed PFAS Concentrations provided in Table 10.7 - PFM Mass Loading determined using PFMs deployed in wells identified in Figure G5. Supporting PFM data is provided in Table G3.8 - PW-11 was not sampled during the 4th quarter monitoring event; it was inaccessible during ongoing aquifer tests. PFAS analytical results reported in this table for PW-11 are from the 3rd quarter monitoring event.ft - feetft/sec - feet per secondft2 - square feetmg/sec - milligrams per secondng/L - nanograms per literPFM - passive flux meterTotal Attachment C4TR0795Page 1 of 3March 2021 TABLE G1ONSITE GROUNDWATER PATHWAY SUPPORTING DATA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Segment Well Sample DateSegment Length (ft)Cross-sectional Area of Black Creek Aquifer1 (ft2)Average Thickness of Black Creek Aquifer (ft)Lower Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Lower Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Upper Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Upper Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Lower Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Upper Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Conductivity3 (ft/sec)1 PIW-1D 12/10/2020 1,148 13,380 11.7 10 264.6 20 542.6 0.038 0.037 1.71E-042 PIW-3D 12/11/2020 873 11,010 12.6 10 233.7 20 470.5 0.043 0.043 1.71E-043 LTW-02 12/10/2020 875 5,560 6.4 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-044 LTW-03 12/22/2020 729 2,831 3.9 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-045 PZ-22 12/9/2020 656 15,240 23.2 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-046 PIW-7D 12/8/2020 524 15,960 30.5 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-047 LTW-05 12/9/2020 887 17,220 19.4 10 918.8 20 1,228.6 0.011 0.016 1.28E-048PW-1187/23/2020 1,98656,30028.310918.8201,228.6 0.011 0.016 2.59E-04Notes 1 - Cross sectional areas were determined using the three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Site, constructed using CTech’s Earth Volumetric Studio (EVS) software (Figure G2)2 - Vertical and horizontal distances for hydraulic gradient determined from groundwater level contour map for the December 2020 synoptic well gauging round (Figure G3).3 - Hydraulic conductivity values are based on constant rate pumping test results from extraction wells identified in Figure G5.4 - Attachment C does not include Perfluorohepthanoic acid (PFHpA).5 - Total Table 3+ (17 compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA, and R-EVE.6- Detailed PFAS Concentrations provided in Table 10.7 - PFM Mass Loading determined using PFMs deployed in wells identified in Figure G5. Supporting PFM data is provided in Table G3.8 - PW-11 was not sampled during the 4th quarter monitoring event; it was inaccessible during ongoing aquifer tests. PFAS analytical results reported in this table for PW-11 are from the 3rd quarter monitoring event.ft - feetft/sec - feet per secondft2 - square feetmg/sec - milligrams per secondng/L - nanograms per literPFM - passive flux meterConcentration6 (ng/L)Mass Loading Lower Bound (mg/sec)Mass Loading Upper Bound (mg/sec)PFM Mass Loading7(mg/sec)50,000 0.1222 0.1191 0.07743,000 0.0979 0.0972 0.05757,000 0.0221 0.0206 0.084250,000 0.0494 0.0461 0.035220,000 0.4336 0.5986 0.2011,800 0.0037 0.0051 0.224230,000 0.1562 0.2336 0.475180,000 0.8095 1.2108 0.546Total1.692.331.70Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds)5TR0795Page 2 of 3March 2021 TABLE G1ONSITE GROUNDWATER PATHWAY SUPPORTING DATA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Segment Well Sample DateSegment Length (ft)Cross-sectional Area of Black Creek Aquifer1 (ft2)Average Thickness of Black Creek Aquifer (ft)Lower Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Lower Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Upper Groundwater Contour Elevation Difference2(ft)Horizontal Distance Between Contours (Upper Elevation Difference) 2(ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Lower Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Upper Elevation Difference) (ft/ft)Hydraulic Conductivity3 (ft/sec)1 PIW-1D 12/10/2020 1,148 13,380 11.7 10 264.6 20 542.6 0.038 0.037 1.71E-042 PIW-3D 12/11/2020 873 11,010 12.6 10 233.7 20 470.5 0.043 0.043 1.71E-043 LTW-02 12/10/2020 875 5,560 6.4 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-044 LTW-03 12/22/2020 729 2,831 3.9 10 412.7 20 884.6 0.024 0.023 1.02E-045 PZ-22 12/9/2020 656 15,240 23.2 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-046 PIW-7D 12/8/2020 524 15,960 30.5 10 718.3 20 1,040.7 0.014 0.019 3.28E-047 LTW-05 12/9/2020 887 17,220 19.4 10 918.8 20 1,228.6 0.011 0.016 1.28E-048PW-1187/23/2020 1,98656,30028.310918.8201,228.6 0.011 0.016 2.59E-04Notes 1 - Cross sectional areas were determined using the three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Site, constructed using CTech’s Earth Volumetric Studio (EVS) software (Figure G2)2 - Vertical and horizontal distances for hydraulic gradient determined from groundwater level contour map for the December 2020 synoptic well gauging round (Figure G3).3 - Hydraulic conductivity values are based on constant rate pumping test results from extraction wells identified in Figure G5.4 - Attachment C does not include Perfluorohepthanoic acid (PFHpA).5 - Total Table 3+ (17 compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA, and R-EVE.6- Detailed PFAS Concentrations provided in Table 10.7 - PFM Mass Loading determined using PFMs deployed in wells identified in Figure G5. Supporting PFM data is provided in Table G3.8 - PW-11 was not sampled during the 4th quarter monitoring event; it was inaccessible during ongoing aquifer tests. PFAS analytical results reported in this table for PW-11 are from the 3rd quarter monitoring event.ft - feetft/sec - feet per secondft2 - square feetmg/sec - milligrams per secondng/L - nanograms per literPFM - passive flux meterConcentration6 (ng/L)Mass Loading Lower Bound (mg/sec)Mass Loading Upper Bound (mg/sec)PFM Mass Loading7(mg/sec)51,000 0.1246 0.1215 0.08043,000 0.0979 0.0972 0.05858,000 0.0225 0.0210 0.087250,000 0.0494 0.0461 0.036220,000 0.4336 0.5986 0.2091,900 0.0039 0.0054 0.235230,000 0.1562 0.2336 0.486180,000 0.8095 1.2108 0.562Total1.702.331.75Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds)TR0795Page 3 of 3March 2021 TABLE G2ONSITE GROUNDWATER FLOW RATE Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.SegmentCross-sectional Area of Black Creek Aquifer1 (ft2)Hydraulic Gradient (Lower Elevation Difference)1,2(ft/ft)Hydraulic Gradient (Upper Elevation Difference)1,2(ft/ft)Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/sec)1Flow Lower Bound(ft3/sec)Flow Upper Bound(ft3/sec)Flow Lower Bound(gal/day)Flow Upper Bound(gal /day)113,3800.0380.0371.71E-048.63E-028.41E-0255,76054,379211,0100.0430.0431.71E-048.04E-027.99E-0251,95251,60835,5600.0240.0231.02E-041.37E-021.28E-028,8568,26442,8310.0240.0231.02E-046.98E-036.51E-034,5094,207515,2400.0140.0193.28E-046.96E-029.61E-0244,99062,103615,9600.0140.0193.28E-047.29E-021.01E-0147,11565,037717,2200.0110.0161.28E-042.40E-023.59E-0215,49923,183856,3000.0110.0162.59E-041.59E-012.38E-01102,645153,5330.5130.653331,326422,315Notes1 - Supporting data for cross-sectional area, hydraulic gradient, and hydraulic conductivity provided in Table G1.2 - Hydraulic gradient determined using a lower groundwater contour elevation difference (10 ft) and an upper groundwater contour elevation difference (20 ft)ft - feetft2 - square feetft/sec - feet per secondft3/sec - cubic feet per secondgal/day - gallons per dayTR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE G3PASSIVE FLUX METER RESULTS Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Segment WellSegment Length(ft)Average Thickness of Black Creek Aquifer (ft)Attachment C1Total Table 3+(17 compounds)2Total Table 3+(20 compounds)Attachment C1Total Table 3+(17 compounds)2Total Table 3+(20 compounds)Attachment C1Total Table 3+(17 compounds)2Total Table 3+(20 compounds)PIW-1D7,182 7,262 7,413PIW-153,422 3,497 3,640PIW-3D9,212 9,306 9,477PIW-2D282 282 282PIW-4D1.2 1.2 1.4PW-10R27,606 28,149 28,9384 PIW-6S 729 3.911,218 11,456 11,85111,218 11,456 11,851 0.034 0.035 0.0365--3656 23.211,940 12,241 12,76111,940 12,241 12,761 0.196 0.201 0.2096 PIW-7D 524 30.512,663 13,026 13,67012,663 13,026 13,670 0.217 0.224 0.235PIW-8D45,054 46,022 46,995PIW-9D5,199 5,334 5,471PW-1112,274 12,506 12,886PIW-10DR5,423 5,547 5,675Notes1 - Attachment C does not include Perfluorohepthanoic acid (PFHpA).2 - Total Table 3+ (17 compounds) does not include R-PSDA, Hydrolyzed PSDA, and R-EVE.3 - No PFMs were installed in segment 5. Mass loading for this segment was calculated using the cross sectional area of segment 5 and the average PFM flux results from segments 4 and 6.BCA - Black Creek AquiferPFM - passive flux metermg/sec - milligrams per secondm2 - square metersµg/m2/day - micrograms per square meter per day0.536 0.546 0.5620.151 0.154 0.1590.465 0.475 0.4861 1,1485,380 5,5275,3022 8734,794 4,8794,7473 87514,075 14,46913,80411.77 88725,678 26,23325,12719.48 1,9869,026 9,2808,84928.3Flux (µg/m2/day)Average Flux (µg/m2/day)Mass Loading (mg/sec)11.712.60.076 0.0770.0800.056 0.0570.058TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TR0795A March 2021 FIGURES PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A CapeFear RiverSeep D Old Outfall 002 Seep C Seep B Seep A Willis Creek PIW-1D LTW-03 PIW-1S PIW-7S LTW-02 LTW-05 PIW-7D PW-11 PZ-22 PIW-3D Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 ³Path: P:\PRJ\Projects\TR0795\Database and GIS\GIS\Baseline Monitoring Workplan\TR0795_Black CreekAquiferSegmentsforGroundwaterPathway.mxd Last Revised: 12/17/2020 Author: NBarNahoumProjection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Black Creek Aquifer Segmentsfor Groundwater Pathway Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure G1RaleighMarch 2021 1,000 0 1,000500 Feet Notes:1. Due to the scale of the map, pairs of wells that are in close proximity have been offset for visibility. Therefore, the placement of these wells on this map do not reflect their true geographic coordinates.2. The outline of Cape Fear River is approximate and is based on open data from ArcGIS Online and North Carolina Department of Environmental QualityOnline GIS.3. Basemap source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. Legend !'A Floodplain Deposits !'A Black Creek Aquifer Observed Seep Nearby Tributary Site Boundary Transect Line 0.5 0 0.50.25 Miles ³ Figure G2 Cross-Sections Along Cape Fear River Transect Line Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Raleigh March 2021Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 PIW-1S/D -10 0 250 500 750 1,000 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 750 PIW-3D LTW-01 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 750 LTW-02 Segment 1 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 750 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 LTW-04 PZ-22 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 PIW7S/D Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 250 500 750 Elevation (feet NAVD88)50 40 30 20 10 0 PW-11 -10 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Units(2) Floodplain Deposits Black Creek Confining Unit Black Creek Aquifer Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit Legend Well screen(1) Notes: NAVD88 –feet North America Datum of 1988 Vertical Exaggeration = 10x 1.Wells are projected onto the cross-section. Segment 1 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Distance Along Transect Line (feet) Distance Along Transect Line (feet) Distance Along Transect Line (feet) Distance Along Transect Line (feet)Distance Along Transect Line (feet)Distance Along Transect Line (feet) Distance Along Transect Line (feet)Distance Along Transect Line (feet) North South North South North South North South North South North South North SouthLTW-05 North South Cape Fear River LTW-03PIW-6S Total depth of PIW-6S PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A@A @A@A @A@A @A @A@A @A@A @A @A @A @A @A @A@A @A@A @A @A @A @A @A@A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A BCA-0184.43 BCA-0275.07 BCA-03R101.29 BCA-04122.38 EW-160.15 EW-243.35 EW-361.55 EW-450.57 EW-545.38 LTW-0243.2 LTW-0542.78 OW-159.78 OW-1059.82 OW-250.34OW-350.14 OW-461.57 OW-561.78 OW-642.8 OW-745.35OW-844.6 OW-961.71 PIW-10DR61.16 PIW-1145.1 PIW-1235.53 PIW-1336.2 PIW-1437.01 PIW-1535.57 PIW-16D130.79 PIW-16S135.11 PIW-1D36.37 PIW-2D59.68 PIW-3D37.56 PIW-4D42.67 PIW-7D43.35 PIW-8D41.55PIW-9D42.49 PW-0948.47 PW-10R47.18 PW-1138.66 PW-1293.77 PW-13117.22 PW-1486.49 PW-15R67.05 PZ-2244.7 SMW-03B93.84 SMW-1047.37 SMW-1236.01 LTW-0138.88 LTW-0341.24LTW-0444.19 PIW-1S35.35 PIW-6S40.19 PIW-7S43.42 W illis Creek C a p e Fear Ri ver Seep A Seep B Seep C Seep D Old Outfall 002 Segment 10.0380.037 Segment 20.0430.043 Segment 30.0240.023 Segment 40.0240.023 Segment 50.0140.019 Segment 60.0140.019 Segment 70.0110.016 Segment 80.0110.01690807090 50 70 60 80 40Groundwater Elevation Map andHydraulic Gradients - December 2020 Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure G3Raleigh ³Path: P:\PRJ\Projects\TR0795\Database and GIS\GIS\Baseline Monitoring Workplan\TR0795_GW_Elevation_Map_and_Hydraulic_Conductivities_Dec2020.mxd Last Revised: 2021-03-10 Author: TIpMarch 2021 Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US 1,000 0 1,000500 Feet Notes:ft - feetft NAVD88 - feet North American Vertical Datum 1988.1. Depth to water measurements collected on December 7, 2020 were used to generate contours.2. Ground surface elevation contours are derived from Lidar scans performed on December 1, 2019 and December 19, 2019 by Spectral Data Consultants, Inc. 3. Seep locations identified visually as reported in Geosyntec, 2019. Seeps andCreeks Investigation Report. Chemours Fayetteville Works. 26 August 2019.4. The hydraulic gradients were derived using the groundwater level contoursshown here, based on the horizontal distance between the 40 and 50 foot contours (the lower elevation difference) and the 40 and 60 foot contours (the upper elevation difference). Vertical and horizontal distances used to estimate hydraulic gradient are provided in Table G1.5. The outline of Cape Fear River is approximate and is based on open data from ArcGIS Online and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Online GIS (MajorHydro shapefile).6. Basemap source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. 0.5 0 0.50.25 Miles ³ Legend @A Monitoring Well Groundwater Contours(ft NAVD88) - 10 feetintervalPotentiometric SurfaceInferred Observed Seep Nearby Tributary Ground SurfaceElevation Contour (ftNAVD88) - 5 ft interval Transect Line Site Boundary Segment 10.0380.037 Hydraulic Gradient (ft/ft) based on lower elevation differenceSegment Number Hydraulic Gradient (ft/ft) based on upper elevation difference https://projectsitesb.geosyntec.com/5/FWConsentOrder/Shared Documents/34 - P16 Quarterly Reports/01 - Quarterly Reports/2020 Q4/Report/Appendices/Appendix G - Onsite Groundwater Pathway UPDATE/[Figure H4 - Hydrographs.xlsx]Figure G4 Hydrograph for Select Onsite Groundwater Monitoring Wells and W.O Huske Dam Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure G4RaleighMarch 2021 Notes: ft - feet NAVD88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NAVD88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 31-Jul-201930-Aug-201930-Sep-201930-Oct-201930-Nov-201930-Dec-201930-Jan-202029-Feb-202031-Mar-202030-Apr-202031-May-202030-Jun-202031-Jul-202030-Aug-202030-Sep-202030-Oct-202030-Nov-202030-Dec-2020W.O Huske Dam water level (ft NAVD88)Groundwater Elevation (ft NAVD88)Date LTW-01 LTW-02 LTW-05 PIW-1D PIW-2D PIW-3D PIW-4D PIW-7D PIW-7S PIW-8D LTW-03 LTW-04 PIW-6S PW-11 SMW-12 W.O. Huske Dam PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !U !U !U !U !U !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A !'A CapeFear RiverSeep D Old Outfall 002 Seep C Seep B Seep A Willis Creek Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8PIW-10DR PIW-15PIW-1D PIW-2D PIW-3D PIW-4D PIW-6S PIW-7D PIW-8D PIW-9D PW-10R PW-11 EW-1 EW-2 EW-3 EW-4 EW-5 ³Path: P:\PRJ\Projects\TR0795\Database and GIS\GIS\Baseline Monitoring Workplan\TR0795_ExtractionWell_PassiveFluxMeter_Locations.mxd Last Revised: 2021-03-10 Author: TIpProjection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Extraction Well and Passive Flux Meter Locations Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure G5RaleighMarch 2021 1,000 0 1,000500 Feet Notes:1. Constant rate tests conducted at extraction wells were used to calculate hydraulic conductivity for nearby segments as shown in Table G1 and described in the appendix text.2. Passive flux meters were deployed in the Black Creek Aquifer wells and Floodplain Deposits well shown here in October 2020. Supporting data from the passive flux meters is shown in Table G3 and was used to independently estimate mass loading for these segments.3. Due to the scale of the map, pairs of wells that are in close proximity have been offset for visibility. Therefore, the placement of these wells on this map do not reflect their true geographic coordinates.4. The outline of Cape Fear River is approximate and is based on open data from ArcGIS Online and North Carolina Department of Environmental QualityOnline GIS (MajorHydro shapefile).5. Basemap source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. Legend !'A Floodplain Deposits !'A Black Creek Aquifer !U Extraction Well Observed Seep Nearby Tributary Site Boundary Transect Line 0.5 0 0.50.25 Miles ³ TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX H Supporting Calculations – Direct Aerial Deposition on Cape Fear River Appendix H 1 March 2021 APPENDIX H SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS – DIRECT AERIAL DEPOSITION ON CAPE FEAR RIVER INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Nine pathways (main report Table 14) were identified as potentially contributing to observed Cape Fear River per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) concentrations. These pathways include direct PFAS aerial deposition to the Cape Fear River. This pathway was identified as Transport Pathway Number 3 in the PFAS mass loading model. The mass discharge (mass per unit time measured in milligrams per second [mg/s]) from direct aerial deposition of PFAS to the Cape Fear River was estimated by scaling air deposition modeling results for Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA; ERM, 2018). The objective of the supporting calculations presented in this appendix is to estimate aerially deposited PFAS directly on the Cape Fear River during a mass loading event. APPROACH HFPO-DA mass loading directly to the Cape Fear River was estimated using the reported aerial extent and deposition contours modeled for October 2018 (ERM, 2018). As depicted in (Table H1), the HFPO-DA air loading data (micrograms per meters squared [µg/m2]) provided from ERM (2018) was used to calculate the net hourly deposition rate (nanograms per meters squared per hour [ng/m2/hr]) using the Equation 1 below: Equation 1: Net Hourly Deposition Rate 𝐷𝑅ோ் ൌ 𝑀𝐿஺ூோ 𝑡஺ூோ where: 𝐷𝑅ோ் = Net hourly deposition rate with units of mass per area per time (M L-2 T-1), typically in ng/m2/hr; 𝑀𝐿஺ூோ = Air mass loading of HFPO-DA with units of mass per area (M L-2), typically µg/m2; and 𝑡஺ூோ = time that air mass loading was modeled (T), typically hours. Depositional area along the river was calculated using available data for river width and computed river lengths where deposition contours were modeled. Eighteen (18) sections (Figure H1) provided from FEMA (2007) were selected along the Cape Fear River to measure the average river width (m). As depicted in Figures H2 through H6, sections along the Cape Fear River with HFPO- DA concentrations contours ranging from 40 to 640 µg/m2 were selected, and the length of the Cape Fear River along each of the sections was measured. The average river width calculated in Table H2 and section lengths from Figures H2 through H6 were used to calculate section areas (m2) as described in Equation 2 below: 2 March 2021 Appendix H Equation 2: Cape Fear River Surface Area for Each Section 𝐴௦ ൌ𝐿௦ ൈ𝑊௦ where, 𝐴௦ = total spatial area over which deposition occurs between contours (L2) in section “s”, typically in m2; s = section along the Cape Fear River with HFPO-DA concentrations contours ranging from 40 to 640 µg/m2 (five sections in total); 𝐿 = total length of river within section “s”, typically in m; and 𝑊௦ ൌ average river width in section “𝑠”,typically in m. Start and end deposition rates (ng/m2/hr) for each section along the Cape Fear River will be estimated based on the deposition contours and corresponding net hourly deposition rate (Table H1); a combined deposition rate for each section will be calculated as the average of the start and end deposition rates. River velocity (meters per hour [m/hr]) will be estimated from measured flow rates from USGS (2020) and the calculated river cross sectional area. Section lengths will be used to calculate HFPO-DA travel time based on the river velocities in Table H3. The combined deposition rate (ng/m2/hr) from Table H1, section area (m2), and travel time (hr) will be used to calculate mass HFPO-DA deposited (ng) as follows in Equation 3 below. Equation 3: Total HFPO-DA Mass Discharge to Cape Fear River 𝑀𝐷ுி௉ைି஽஺ ൌ෍𝐷𝑅஺௏ீ,௦ ൈ 𝐴௦ ൈ 𝑡௦ ௌ ௦ୀଵ where, 𝑀𝐷ுி௉ைି஽஺ = total mass discharge of HFPO-DA into the river across all sections, with units of mass per time (M T-1), typically mg/s; s = section along the Cape Fear River with HFPO-DA concentrations contours ranging from 40 to 640 µg/m2; S = total number of sections along the Cape Fear River with HFPO-DA concentrations contours ranging from 40 to 640 µg/m2, five in total; 𝐷𝑅஺௏ீ,௦ = average deposition rate based from the ERM model (2018) in section “s”, typically in ng/m2/hr; 𝐴௦ = spatial area over which deposition occurs in section “s”, typically in m2; and 𝑡௦ = travel time through the river length in section “s”, typically in hr. As reported in the Corrective Action Plan (Geosyntec 2019), ten offsite groundwater seeps south of Old Outfall 002 (Seeps E to M) were identified on the west bank of the Cape Fear River south of the Site. Seeps E to M were sampled in October 2019 and Seeps E to K were sampled in March Appendix H 3 March 2021 2020 and analyzed for PFAS. The results of both sampling events indicate that Seeps E to M show an aerial deposition PFAS signature (concentrations decrease in seeps more distant from the Site). Accordingly, the offsite seep data were used to build a relationship between HFPO-DA and other PFAS compounds (Figure H7). A scaling factor (Table H4) was used to estimate mass discharge of Total PFAS compounds to the Cape Fear River as shown in Equation 4. Table H5 shows the estimated mass discharges of HFPO-DA and Total PFAS compounds to the Cape Fear River. Equation 4: Total PFAS Mass Discharge to Cape Fear River 𝑀𝐷௉ி஺ௌ ൌ 𝑀𝐷ுி௉ைି஽஺ ൈ 𝑅 where, 𝑀𝐷௉ி஺ௌ = total mass discharge of PFAS compounds into the river, typically in mg/s; 𝑀𝐷ுி௉ைି஽஺ = total mass discharge of HFPO-DA into the river, typically in mg/s; and 𝑅 = average ratio of measured HFPO-DA to PFAS compounds across the nine offsite seeps. REFERENCES ERM, 2018. Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2007. "A Report of Flood Hazards in Bladen County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas." (2007) Flood Insurance Study, Federal Emergency Management Agency. North Carolina Flood Risk Information System Engineering Model. Cape Fear River ADJ. HEC-RAS 5.0.7. Geosyntec, 2019. Corrective Action Plan. Chemours Fayetteville Works. December 31, 2019. USGS, 2020. USGS 02105500 Cape Fear River at Wilm O Huske Lock near Tarheel, NC. Available at: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=02105500 TABLE H1 NET HOURLY HFPO-DA DEPOSITION RATE Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants NC P.C. Air Loading (µg/m2) Air Loading (ng/m2) Time (year) Time (hour) Net Hourly Deposition Rate (ng/m2/hr) 40 40,000 1 8,760 4.6 80 80,000 1 8,760 9.1 160 160,000 1 8,760 18.3 320 320,000 1 8,760 36.5 640 640,000 1 8,760 73.1 Notes: Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. 2. Air deposition contours are shown in Figures H-2 through H-6. 3. Net hourly deposition rates are used in the mass discharge calculations, Table H5. Abbreviations: HFPO-DA: Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid. µg/m2: micrograms per meter square. ng /L: nanograms per liter. ng/m2/hr: nanograms per meter square per hour. 1. HFPO-DA model values are from ERM (2018). Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening TR0795 Page 1 of 1 March 2021 TABLE H2 ESTIMATION OF CAPE FEAR RIVER AVERAGE WIDTH Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Cross section ID*HEC-RAS Model Point ID**Easting (ft)Northing (ft)Cape Fear River Width at Cross Section (m) 0 2,052,368 399,949 1 2,052,366 399,949 2 2,052,334 399,946 3 2,052,254 399,938 4 2,052,155 399,928 5 2,052,095 399,922 6 2,052,093 399,922 18 2,053,460 394,655 19 2,053,436 394,649 20 2,053,281 394,613 21 2,053,277 394,612 22 2,053,180 394,590 23 2,053,079 394,566 24 2,052,977 394,543 25 2,052,949 394,536 26 2,052,924 394,531 7 2,053,113 396,901 8 2,053,070 396,895 9 2,052,990 396,886 10 2,052,891 396,874 11 2,052,831 396,867 12 2,052,815 396,865 21 2,053,373 393,937 22 2,053,349 393,931 23 2,053,271 393,913 24 2,053,174 393,891 25 2,053,115 393,877 26 2,053,081 393,869 13 2,053,209 394,897 14 2,053,130 394,878 15 2,053,032 394,854 16 2,052,974 394,840 17 2,052,961 394,837 31 2,053,769 390,652 32 2,053,729 390,645 33 2,053,643 390,630 34 2,053,602 390,623 35 2,053,572 390,618 27 2,053,560 392,482 28 2,053,430 392,455 29 2,053,370 392,443 30 2,053,322 392,433 1271 2,054,059 387,249 1272 2,054,022 387,215 1273 2,053,995 387,190 1274 2,053,946 387,145 1275 2,053,861 387,067 1276 2,053,812 387,023 1277 2,053,801 387,012 1278 2,053,727 386,945 1193 2,053,950 388,876 1194 2,053,902 388,874 1195 2,053,843 388,871 1196 2,053,717 388,866 1197 2,053,659 388,864 1198 2,053,650 388,863 1199 2,053,600 388,861 1271 2,054,059 387,249 1272 2,054,022 387,215 1273 2,053,995 387,190 1274 2,053,946 387,145 1275 2,053,861 387,067 1276 2,053,812 387,023 1277 2,053,801 387,012 1278 2,053,727 386,945 1498 2,057,643 382,269 1499 2,057,610 382,246 1500 2,057,556 382,208 1501 2,057,461 382,141 1502 2,057,408 382,103 1503 2,057,398 382,096 1504 2,057,358 382,067 619506 614224 614517 72 101 107 101 87 60*** 606667 600052 84 163 91 89 76*** 612082 606667 608468 616535 613542 610240 TR0795 Page 1 of 2 March 2021 TABLE H2 ESTIMATION OF CAPE FEAR RIVER AVERAGE WIDTH Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Cross section ID*HEC-RAS Model Point ID**Easting (ft)Northing (ft)Cape Fear River Width at Cross Section (m) 1331 2,055,879 386,154 1332 2,055,812 386,120 1333 2,055,753 386,090 1334 2,055,647 386,037 1335 2,055,588 386,007 1336 2,055,566 385,996 1565 2,058,901 380,593 1566 2,058,830 380,549 1567 2,058,774 380,515 1568 2,058,675 380,453 1569 2,058,619 380,418 1570 2,058,518 380,356 1406 2,056,453 383,857 1407 2,056,356 383,798 1408 2,056,301 383,763 1409 2,056,202 383,702 1410 2,056,146 383,667 1411 2,056,113 383,647 1717 2,060,560 377,186 1718 2,060,482 377,157 1719 2,060,421 377,134 1720 2,060,312 377,094 1721 2,060,250 377,071 1722 2,060,232 377,065 1644 2,059,549 379,003 1645 2,059,534 378,996 1646 2,059,474 378,970 1647 2,059,368 378,923 1648 2,059,308 378,896 1649 2,059,275 378,881 2042 2,061,270 371,304 2043 2,061,246 371,290 2044 2,061,179 371,252 2045 2,061,092 371,203 2046 2,061,042 371,174 2047 2,060,966 371,131 1825 2,060,295 374,663 1826 2,060,270 374,661 1827 2,060,201 374,658 1828 2,060,079 374,653 1829 2,060,010 374,650 1830 2,059,995 374,649 1931 2,060,424 373,459 1932 2,060,378 373,442 1933 2,060,372 373,439 1934 2,060,311 373,416 1935 2,060,202 373,376 1936 2,060,140 373,353 1937 2,060,097 373,336 99 Notes: *Cross sections locations are shown in Figure J-1. **Model point ID: are locations with northing, easting, and river depths provided in the HEC-RAS model. 1. Data provided from: "A Report of Flood Hazards in Bladen County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas." RiverADJ. HEC-RAS 5.0.7. (2007) Flood Insurance Study, Federal Emergency Management Agency. North Carolina Flood Risk Information System Engineering Model. Cape Fear RiverADJ. HEC-RAS 5.0.7. 2.The horizontal datum is North American Datum 1983 projected into North Carolina East State Plane (3200). 3. The vertical datum is North American Datum 1988 projected into North Carolina East State Plane (3200). Abbreviations: ft: feet m: meter 100 116 104 100 84 93 91 95604474 597968 Average River Cross Section Width (m) = 591595 590322 602061 594185 596259 587968 TR0795 Page 2 of 2 March 2021 TABLE H3SUMMARY OF FLOW IN CAPE FEAR RIVER AT WILM O'HUSKE LOCK NR TARHEEL, NC Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.DateUSGS Reported Average Discharge1 (cfs)USGS Reported Average Gage Height1 (ft)USGS Reported Total Precipitation1,2 (inches)USGS Reported Average Discharge (L/s)Measured River Width (ft)Estimated River Depth (ft)Z Value3Calculated Total Cross Sectional Area (ft2)Calculated River Velocity (ft/s)12/14/20204,8263.520.0136,6613232025,6750.912/15/20206,4814.140.0183,5263232125,8241.112/16/2020 10,1985.370.0288,7613232226,1181.71.2Notes: 1) Measurements are recorded from the USGS flow gauging station at the W.O. Huske Dam, ID 02105500 (USGS, 2020).2)The minimum value recorded by a USGS raingage is 0.01 inches. Anything detected below this threshold is recorded as 0 inches.3)Z value is an estimated factor used to compute total cross sectional area from river depth.cfs: cubic feet per second.ft: feet.ft2: feet squared.ft/s: feet per secondL/s: Liter per second.mph: miles per hour.USGS - United States Geological Survey.Average River Velocity:TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 TABLE H4RATIO OF OTHER PFAS COMPOUNDS TO HFPO-DA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Location ID SEEP-E SEEP-E SEEP-F SEEP-F SEEP-G SEEP-G SEEP-HField Sample ID SEEP-E-0930 Seep E-030420 SEEP-F-0923 Seep F-030420 SEEP-G-0911 Seep G-030420 SEEP-H-0905Sample Date 10/22/2019 3/4/2020 10/22/2019 3/4/2020 10/22/2019 3/4/2020 10/22/2019QA/QC --------------Sample Delivery Group (SDG) 320-55576-1 2091227 320-55576-1 2091227 320-55576-1 2091227 320-55576-1Lab Sample ID 320-55576-1 1274949 320-55576-2 1274953 320-55576-3 1274957 320-55576-4Table 3+ SOP (ng/L)Hfpo Dimer Acid1,200 950 1,100 1,100 700730550PFMOAA480 J 390900730190220140PFO2HxA800470810640470410350PFO3OA17083130110575628PFO4DA83177.39.197.9<2PFO5DA46<2<2<2<2<2<2PMPA2,300 1,800 2,800 2,100 1,500 1,500 1,200PEPA710600870710490520360PS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP1)<2<2<2<2<2<2<2Hydro-PS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP2)90249.610221116R-PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 4)220 J 53 J9268 J 79 J 44 J 39 JHydrolyzed PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 5)2.1 J<2<2.9<2<2<2<2R-PSDCA (Formerly Byproduct 6)<2<2<2<2<2<2<2NVHOS1561285.454.3EVE Acid<2<2<2<2<2<2<2Hydro-EVE Acid7.72.32<2<2<2<2R-EVE76206040392821 JPES<2<2<2.3<2<2<2<2PFECA B<2<2<3<2<2<2<2PFECA-G<2<2<2<2<2<2<2Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) (ng/L)5,900 4,300 6,600 5,400 3,400 3,500 2,600Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) (ng/L)6,200 4,400 6,800 5,500 3,600 3,500 2,700Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DA4. of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DA5. Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DA 4.87Average Ratio of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DA 5.03TR0795Page 1 of 3March 2021 TABLE H4RATIO OF OTHER PFAS COMPOUNDS TO HFPO-DA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Location IDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDTable 3+ SOP (ng/L)Hfpo Dimer AcidPFMOAAPFO2HxAPFO3OAPFO4DAPFO5DAPMPAPEPAPS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP1)Hydro-PS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP2)R-PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 4)Hydrolyzed PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 5)R-PSDCA (Formerly Byproduct 6)NVHOSEVE AcidHydro-EVE AcidR-EVEPESPFECA BPFECA-GTotal Table 3+ (17 Compounds) (ng/L)Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) (ng/L)Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DARatio of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DAAverage Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DAAverage Ratio of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DASEEP-H SEEP-I SEEP-I SEEP-J SEEP-J SEEP-K SEEP-KSeep H-030420 SEEP-I-0856 Seep I-030420 SEEP-J-0843 Seep J-030420 SEEP-K-0835 Seep K-0304203/4/2020 10/22/2019 3/4/2020 10/22/2019 3/4/2020 10/22/2019 3/4/2020-- -- -- -- -- -- --2091227 320-55576-1 2091227 320-55576-1 2091227 320-55576-1 20912271274961 320-55576-5 1274965 320-55576-6 1274969 320-55576-7 1274973540570470580250640490180130200 180 J 140160210330300280 350 J 130320230301718120 J164128<2<2<2584.7115<2<2<220 J2.24.8<21,100 1,200 1,100 810 J 660 1,300 1,000360390390260200400350<2<2<2<2<2<2<29.31212376.9701630 J 53 J36110 J23130 J 49<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2< J2.85.24.7<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<22.7<23.5<22023 J17161346 J25<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<2<22,600 2,600 2,500 2,400 1,400 3,000 2,3002,600 2,700 2,500 2,600 1,400 3,100 2,4004. 2 of 3March 2021 TABLE H4RATIO OF OTHER PFAS COMPOUNDS TO HFPO-DA Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC P.C.Location IDField Sample IDSample DateQA/QCSample Delivery Group (SDG)Lab Sample IDTable 3+ SOP (ng/L)Hfpo Dimer AcidPFMOAAPFO2HxAPFO3OAPFO4DAPFO5DAPMPAPEPAPS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP1)Hydro-PS Acid (Formerly PFESA-BP2)R-PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 4)Hydrolyzed PSDA (Formerly Byproduct 5)R-PSDCA (Formerly Byproduct 6)NVHOSEVE AcidHydro-EVE AcidR-EVEPESPFECA BPFECA-GTotal Table 3+ (17 Compounds) (ng/L)Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) (ng/L)Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DARatio of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DAAverage Ratio of Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds) to HFPO-DAAverage Ratio of Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds) to HFPO-DASEEP-L SEEP-MSEEP-L-0825 SEEP-M-081810/22/2019 10/22/2019-- --320-55576-1 320-55576-1320-55576-8 320-55576-9520 570Notes:130 100Bold - Analyte detected above associated reporting limit220190J - Analyte detected. Reported value may not be accurate or precise1815ng/L - nanograms per liter2.7<2QA/QC - Quality assurance/ quality control<2<2SOP - standard operating procedure1,200 1,300< - Analyte not detected above associated reporting limit.350410<2<24428120 J 78 J<2<2<2<25.95.6<2<2<2<244 J 26 J<2<2<2<2<2<22,500 2,6002,700 2,7004. 3 of 3March 2021 TABLE H5CALCULATION OF HFPO-DA DEPOSITED MASS AND MASS FLUX Chemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants NC P.C.Section1Start Air Loading (ug/m2)End Air Loading (ug/m2)Start Deposition Rate (ng/m2/hr)2End Deposition Rate (ng/m2/hr)2Average Deposition Rate(ng/m2/hr)Section Distance3 (m)Average River Width (m)River Velocity4 (ft/s)River Velocity (m/hr)Travel Time (hrs)Mass Deposited (mg)Mass Discharge(mg/s)Center16016018.318.318.3903 98.591.21327.780.68 1.10.00045 Up River Section 11608018.39.113.7490 98.591.21327.780.37 0.20.00018 Up River Section 280409.14.66.8909 98.591.21327.780.68 0.40.00017 Down River Section 11608018.39.113.7586 98.591.21327.780.44 0.30.00022 Down River Section 280409.14.66.8565 98.591.21327.780.43 0.20.00011 Total HFPO-DA:0.0011Total Table 3+ (17 Compounds):0.01Total Table 3+ (20 Compounds):0.01Notes:1. River cross sections are shown in Figure H12. Based on model deposition rate, Table H13. Section distances are measured in GIS as shown on Figures H2 through H6.4. River velocity is calculated as an average from USGS discharge data between December 14 to 16, 2020, Table H2HFPO-DA: Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acidµg/m2/yr: micrograms per meter square per yearft/s: feet per secondhr: hoursm/hr: meters per hourm: meterm2: meter squaremg/s: milligrams per secondmg: milligramsng/m2/hr: nanograms per meter square per hourTR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 591595 616535 619506 602061604474 608468 587968614517 590322600052596259 594185597968610240606667612082 613542 614224 Cape Fear River Cross Sections Locations Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure H1 Notes:1. Cape Fear River cross section locations obtained from "A Report of Flood Hazards in Bladen County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas." (2007) Flood Insurance Study, Federal Emergency Management Agency. North Carolina Flood Risk Information System Engineering Model. Cape Fear RiverADJ. HEC-RAS Cross sections used for calculation of average river widths for calculation of aerial mass loading.Raleigh, NC 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ March 2021 Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Cross Section Length (m): 903.00 Measurement of Cape Fear River Length at Center Section Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure Notes:HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid; or GenX µg / m2/yr - micrograms per square meter per year HFPO-DA deposition model contours for October 2018 from ERM, 2018, Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend ite Boundary 40 µg/m2/yr 80 µg/m2/yr 160 µg/m2/yr 320 µg/m2/yr 640 µg/m2/yr H2 Modeled Deposition Contours, October 2018 Scenario March 2021 Raleigh, NC Raleigh, NC Length (m): 489.90 Measurement of Cape Fear River Length at Up-River Section 1 Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure Notes:HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid; or GenX µg /m2/yr - micrograms per square meter per year HFPO-DA deposition model contours for October 2018 from ERM, 2018, Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Site Boundary Modeled Deposition Contours, October 2018 Scenario 40 µg/m2/yr 80 µg/m2/yr 160 µg/m2/yr 320 µg/m2/yr 640 µg/m2/yr H3Raleigh, NC March 2021 Length (m): 908.05 Measurement of Cape Fear River Length at Up-River Section 2 Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure Notes:HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid; or GenX µg / m2/yr - micrograms per square meter HFPO-DA deposition model contours for October 2018 from ERM, 2018, Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Site Boundary Modeled Deposition Contours, October 2018 Scenario 40 µg/m2/yr 80 µg/m2/yr 160 µg/m2/yr 320 µg/m2/yr 640 µg/m2/yr H4Raleigh, NC March 2021 Length (m): 586.39 Measurement of Cape Fear River Length at Down-River Section 1 Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure Notes:HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid; or GenX µg /m2/yr - micrograms per square meter per year HFPO-DA deposition model contours for October 2018 from ERM, 2018, Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. Raleigh, NC 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Site Boundary Modeled Deposition Contours, October 2018 Scenario 40 µg/m2/yr 80 µg/m2/yr 160 µg/m2/yr 320 µg/m2/yr 640 µg/m2/yr H5March 2021 Length (m): 564.68 Measurement of Cape Fear River Length at Down-River Section 2 Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure Notes:HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid; or dimer acid; or GenX µg /m2/yr - micrograms per square meter per year HFPO-DA deposition model contours for October 2018 from ERM, 2018, Modeling Report: HFPO-DA Atmospheric Deposition and Screening Groundwater Effects. 27 April 2018. Raleigh, NC 1 0 10.5 Miles ³ Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Site Boundary Modeled Deposition Contours, October 2018 Scenario 40 µg/m2/yr 80 µg/m2/yr 160 µg/m2/yr 320 µg/m2/yr 640 µg/m2/yr H6March 2021 !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Cape Fear RiverSEEP-E SEEP-F SEEP-G SEEP-H SEEP-I SEEP-J SEEP-K SEEP-LSEEP-M Old Outfall 00 2 Willis Creek Georgi a B r a n c h C r e e k Figure H7Raleigh ³Path: P:\PRJ\Projects\TR0795\Database and GIS\GIS\Baseline Monitoring Workplan\TR0795_Offsite_Seep_Locations.mxd Last Revised: 7/30/2020 Author: jkasunicProjection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US 1,000 0 1,000500 FeetLegend Observed Seep Nearby Tributary Site Boundary Notes:1. Seep E to M samples were collected where the seeps enteredthe Cape Fear River. Their locations on this figure have beenslightly adjusted to facilitate interpretation so that they do notappear to be in the Cape Fear River.2. The outline of Cape Fear River is approximate and is basedon open data from ArcGIS Online and North CarolinaDepartment of Environmental Quality Online GIS (MajorHydroshapefile).3. Basemap Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN,and the GIS User Community Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Southwestern Offsite Seeps Locations September 2020 March 2021 TR0795A March 2021 APPENDIX I Supporting Calculations –Adjacent and Downstream Offsite Groundwater Appendix I 1 March 2021 APPENDIX I ADJACENT AND DOWNSTREAM OFFSITE GROUNDWATER This appendix presents the methodology for calculating the PFAS mass discharge from adjacent and downstream offsite groundwater to the Cape Fear River. PFAS detected in offsite groundwater originate from aerial deposition which has occurred in all directions from the Site (CAP Geosyntec, 2019g). These aerially deposited PFAS have subsequently infiltrated to groundwater and migrate towards the Cape Fear River where they lead to upstream, adjacent and downstream offsite groundwater PFAS mass. The upstream offsite groundwater PFAS mass discharge is estimated relatively simply by using measured river flows and concentrations at River Mile 76 upstream of the Site. Here only the upstream offsite groundwater PFAS mass discharge is present in the river at this location. Conversely, the adjacent and downstream offsite groundwater PFAS mass discharge is difficult to measure directly since many PFAS mass discharges from all other pathways are present in the river where these offsite groundwater contributions join the river. Additionally, downstream offsite groundwater has a relatively small component of the Total PFAS mass discharge making its additional contributions to the total discharge difficult to distinguish from other discharges already present. Therefore, since PFAS mass discharge from offsite groundwater upstream, adjacent, and downstream of the Site follow the same dynamics (deposition, infiltration, migration, discharge) the adjacent and downstream PFAS mass discharge is scaled from the upstream offsite groundwater mass discharge estimate. The downstream offsite groundwater loadings are scaled to the upstream offsite groundwater loadings based on the length of river adjacent and downstream of the Site known to be in contact with offsite groundwater containing PFAS compared to the length of the river upstream also in contact with offsite groundwater containing PFAS. The volume of river flow is assumed to be constant immediately upstream and downstream of the Site for the purposes of this calculation. This adjacent and downstream offsite mass discharge is calculated using Equation 1 below: Equation 1: Total Mass Discharge Adjacent and Downstream Offsite Groundwater 𝑀𝐷௔ௗ௝ିௗି௚௪ ൌ ෍൫𝐶௨௣ି௚௪,௜ ൈ𝑄஼ிோ൯ ൈ𝑓௔ௗ௝ିௗ ூ ௜ୀଵ where, 𝑀𝐷௔ௗ௝ିௗି௚௪ = represents the Total PFAS discharge from adjacent and downstream offsite groundwater to the Cape Fear River, units in mass per unit volume [ML-3], typically milligram per second; i = represents each of the PFAS constituents listed in Table I1; Appendix I 2 March 2021 I = represents total number of PFAS constituents included in the summation of Total PFAS concentrations; 𝐶௨௣ି௚௪,௜ = represents the upstream concentration of each PFAS constituent i from measured units in mass per unit volume [ML-3], typically nanograms per liter; 𝑄஼ிோ = represents the volumetric flow in the Cape Fear River as reported by the United States Geological Survey gage at the W.O. Huske Dam, station ID 02105500 with units used in the equation expressed as volume per time [L3T-1], typically liters per second; and 𝑓௔ௗ௝ିௗ = represents the unitless scaling factor to adjust offsite upstream groundwater mass discharge to offsite adjacent and downstream mass discharge. Where 𝑓௨௣ି௔ௗ௝ିௗ is calculated following Equation 2 below: Equation 2: Offsite Upstream Groundwater to Adjacent and Downstream Offsite Groundwater Mass Discharge Scaling Factor 𝑓௔ௗ௝ିௗ ൌ 𝑙஼ிோି௔ௗ௝ ൅ 2𝑙஼ிோିௗ 2𝑙஼ிோି௨௣ where, 𝑙஼ிோି௔ௗ௝ = represents the length of the Cape Fear River adjacent to the Site (i.e., the east bank of the Cape Fear River opposite the Site) where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater within one mile of the river. 2𝑙஼ிோିௗ = represents the length of the Cape Fear River downstream of the Site where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater within one mile of the river. This quantity is multiplied by two (2) as the river has two downstream sides (east and west) from which groundwater discharge can reach the Cape Fear River (adjacent only has one side, east). 2𝑙஼ிோି௨௣ = represents the length of the Cape Fear River upstream of the Site where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater within one mile of the river. This quantity is multiplied by two (2) as the river has two upstream sides (east and west) from which groundwater discharge can reach the Cape Fear River (adjacent only has one side, east). Figure I1 displays the quantities used in calculating the scaling factor 𝑓𝑎𝑑𝑗െ𝑑 on a map of the Cape Fear River and Table I-1 provides a calculation of 𝑓𝑎𝑑𝑗െ𝑑. TABLE I1OFFSITE AND ADJACENT DOWNSTREAM GROUNDWATER MASS DISCHARGE SCALING FACTORChemours Fayetteville Works, North CarolinaGeosyntec Consultants of NC, PCItem Value UnitlCFR-up14.2 mileslCFR-adj1.7 mileslCFR-d4.5 milesfadj-d0.38 --Calculation Notes for Offsite Upstream Groundwater to Offsite Adjacent and Downstream Groundwater Mass Discharge Scaling Factor𝑓௔ௗ௝ିௗൌ 𝑙஼ிோି௔ௗ௝൅2𝑙஼ிோିௗ2𝑙஼ிோି௨௣where,𝑓௔ௗ௝ିௗൌrepresents the unitless scaling factor to adjust offsite upstream groundwater mass discharge to offsite adjacent and downstreammass discharge. 𝑙஼ிோି௔ௗ௝= represents the length of the Cape Fear River adjacent to the Site (i.e. the east bank of the Cape Fear River opposite the Site) where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater within one mile of the river.2𝑙஼ிோିௗ= represents the length of the Cape Fear River downstream of the Site where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater within one mile of the river. This quantity is multiplied by two (2) as the river has two downstream sides (east and west) from which groundwater discharge can reach the Cape Fear River (adjacent only has one side, east).2𝑙஼ிோି௨௣= represents the length of the Cape Fear River upstream of the Site where PFAS have been detected in offsite groundwater withinone mile of the river. This quantity is multiplied by two (2) as the river has two upstream sides (east and west) from which groundwater discharge can reach the Cape Fear River (adjacent only has one side, east).TR0795Page 1 of 1March 2021 !5 !5 !5 Tar Heel Ferry RoadBridge ChemoursFayettevilleWorks CFR-BLADEN 4.5 Miles Downstream of Old Outfall 1.6 Miles Adjacent of Site Mile 76 14.2 Miles Upstream of Site Estimated Extents of Offsite Groundwater Contributions to Cape Fear River PFAS Mass LoadsChemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina Figure I1Raleigh Path: P:\PRJ\Projects\TR0795\Database and GIS\GIS\Baseline Monitoring Workplan\TR0795_1MileResidentialDetects_v2.mxd; jkasunic; 02/11/2021March 2021 ³ 2 0 21 Miles Notes:Basemap sources: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet; Units in Foot US Legend Offsite Groundwater Sampling Location with Detected Result !5 Cape Fear River Sampling Locations Section of Cape Fear River with Detected Results within 1 mile Chemours Fayetteville Works Cape Fear River 1:125,000