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MO-28509_47761_CA_LSA_20210428_ Limited Site Assessment Report
+ESP April 28, 2021 Ms. Trudy Beverly, L.G. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Reference: LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Camp Stewart Road Site Mecklenburg County Tax Parcel #11109204 Charlotte, North Carolina NCDEQ Incident No. Pending ESP Project No. E6-GP56.601 Dear Ms. Beverly: On behalf of Professional Child Centers, Inc. (property owner) and Pulte Home Company, LLC (prospective property purchaser), ESP Associates, Inc. is pleased to provide the attached Limited Site Assessment Report for the subject site. As detailed in the attached report, ESP respectively requests classification of the release as Low Risk. Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 704-583-4949. Sincerely, ESP Associates, Inc. Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM Christopher J. Ward, PG, RSM Senior Project Engineer Department Manager NC License No. 023838 NC License No. 1600 cc: Mr. Dean Davidson, Professional Child Centers, Inc. Mr. Fred Matrulli, Pulte Home Company, LLC Attachment - Limited Site Assessment Report + ESP LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT CAMP STEWART ROAD SITE MECKLENBURG COUNTY TAX PARCEL #11109204 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA NCDEQ INCIDENT NO. PENDING ESP PROJECT NO. E6-GP56.601 Prepared For: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 On Behalf of: Professional Child Centers, Inc. 505 Beachland Blvd., Suite #1 Vero Beach, Florida 32963 Prepared By: ESP Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 7030 Charlotte, North Carolina 28241 April 28, 2021 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site SITE INFORMATION 1. Site Identification 0 Date of Report: April 28, 2021 O Site Risk: Low o Facility ID: N/A O UST Incident Number: Pending O Site Name: Camp Stewart Road Site O Site Street Address: Camp Stewart Road (Tax Parcel #11109204) O City/County/Zip Code: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, 28215 O Description of Geographical Data Point: Location of Removed UST-2 & UST-3 O Location Method: Survey O Latitude: 35.24115 O Longitude:-80.66125 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System 0 UST Owner: Professional Child Centers, Inc. O UST Operator: Professional Child Centers, Inc. 0 Property Owner: 11 Property Occupant: 0 Contractor: 0 Driller: O Analytical Laboratory 3. Information about Release Professional Child Centers, Inc. Attn: Dean Davidson (772-913-1152) 505 Beachland Blvd, Suite #1 Vero Beach, FL 32963 Professional Child Centers, Inc. ESP Associates, Inc. - Nora Zirps, PE (704-583-4949) PO Box 7030, Charlotte, NC 28241 Environmental Drilling & Probing Services, LLC - Tommy Bolyard (704-607-7529) 17538 Greenhill Road, Charlotte, NC 28278 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. (704-875-9092) 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 NC Certification No. 37706 0 Date Discovered: February 9, 2021 0 Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown 0 Cause of Release: Apparent leak from UST-3 0 Source of Release: UST-3 0 Size and contents of UST system from which release occurred: 550-gallon heating oil 4. Certification �1II11111/�I I, Nora A. Zirps, a Professional Engineer for ESP Associates, Inc., do certify that the ``XXX V\ CARD *formation contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. :' QUO ti9 • ; ' SEAL i 023838 i = -I-: :c) '��i � �• •�,HGINE�o•• �� ,9 '••••.••••' �`P Associates, Inc. is licensed to practice both geology and engineering in North Carolina. ESP �;,,,,,Xs- ; , ssociates, Inc.' certification numbers are: Geology: C-556 / Engineering: F-1407 111 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. I 2.0 PHYSICAL SITE SETTING...............................................................................................................1 2.1 Site Description..............................................................................................................................1 2.2 Land Use of Subject Property and Surrounding Area................................................................. 2 2.3 Potential Receptors........................................................................................................................ 2 2.4 Site Geology/Hydrogeology......................................................................................................... 2 3.0 PREVIOUS UST REMOVAL AND INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTIONS .................................. 3 4.0 LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES...............................................................................4 4.1 Well Permits..........................................................................................................................5 4.2 Soil Boring Advancement and Soil Sample Collection/Analysis............................................5 4.3 Temporary Monitoring Well Installation and Development....................................................7 4.4 Groundwater Sample Collection/Analysis.............................................................................. 7 4.5 Temporary Monitoring Well Abandonment...........................................................................8 4.6 Soil and Groundwater Analytical Results...............................................................................8 4.6.1 Soil Sample Analytical Results.......................................................................................... 8 4.6.2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results........................................................................... 9 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................10 FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Topographic Site Location Map Figure 2 UST Location Map Figure 3 Adjoining Property Identification Map Figure 4 150-Foot Radius Receptors Map Figure 5 UST-2 & UST-3 Soil Sample Locations and Results TABLES Table B-3 Summary of Soil Sampling Results Table B-4 Summary of Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results Table B-6 Adjoining Property Owners / Occupants Table B-7 Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information APPENDICES Appendix A Well Permits Appendix B Field Documentation and Electronic Boring/Well Log for TMW-1 Appendix C Well Construction & Abandonment Records Submitted to NCDEQ and Mecklenburg County Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Reports ii Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 1. INTRODUCTION Pulte Home Company, LLC (Pulte) is considering the purchase of the approximate 53.27-acre property identified as Mecklenburg County Tax Parcel ID No. 11109204, which is located south of Camp Stewart Road, east of its intersection with Harrisburg Road in Charlotte, North Carolina (see location of the subject site on Figure 1). The property is currently owned by Professional Child Centers, Inc. As part of their pre -purchase due diligence, Pulte, on behalf of the property owner, procured the services of ESP Associates, Inc. (ESP) to facilitate the removal of three underground storage tanks (USTs), identified as UST-1 through UST-3, from the subject site (refer to Figures I and 2 for the former UST locations). During removal, UST-3, an approximate 550-gallon heating oil UST, was found to have leaked. Releases had not occurred from UST-1, an approximate 550-gallon heating oil UST, or UST-2, an approximate 600-gallon heating oil UST that was located adjacent to UST-3 in the same tank pit. Subsequent to the UST removals, ESP performed initial abatement action activities for the UST-3 release. As a result of exceedances of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's (NCDEQ's) residential and/or soil -to -groundwater maximum soil contaminant concentrations (MSCCs) at the base of the UST-2 and UST-3 excavation following completion of the initial abatement action activities completed through March 22, 2021, a Limited Site Assessment (LSA) was performed to further assess the extent of soil contamination and to assess impacts, if any, on groundwater quality. This report documents the LSA activities and findings. 2. PHYSICAL SITE SETTING 2.1 Site Description The heavily -wooded subject site has a listed street address of 5501 Camp Stewart Road and includes remnants of structures associated with the closed Camp Stewart summer camp facility. An approximate two -acre pond is located on the southern portion of the site with several streams flowing throughout the site. A concrete in -ground swimming pool is located on the eastern portion of the site. 1 Limited Site Assessment Report ESP Project E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 28, 2021 2.2 Land Use of Subject Property and Surrounding Area The subject property is zoned R-3, single-family residential with a maximum density of 3 units per acre. The surrounding area consists of residential subdivisions, single-family residences, commercial/retail properties, a fire station, and undeveloped woods and fields. The names and addresses of the owners of the properties adjoining the northern portion of the subject tax parcel where the UST-3 release occurred are summarized on Table B-6 and identified by location on Figure 3. All of the adjoining properties listed in Table B-6 are single-family residences except for adjoining parcel # 35/36 which is identified as the Mason Center of the First Korean Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. 2.3 Potential Receptors On March 22, 2021, ESP performed a visual site reconnaissance to identify potential receptors within an approximate 150-foot radius of the UST-3 release location (see Figure 4). No water supply wells or surface water bodies were observed within 150 feet (ft) of the UST-3 release location during the reconnaissance. 2.4 Site Geology/Hydrogeology During installation of temporary monitoring well TMW-1, soil encountered within the boring consisted of residuum comprised of brown fine to coarse sandy to slightly clayey silt (see boring/well log for TMW-1 in Appendix B). Moist soil was first encountered at approximately 28 ft below ground surface (BGS), while saturated conditions were encountered within the boring at approximately 40 ft BGS. Based on site topography, groundwater flow in the vicinity of the former UST-2 and UST-3 location is likely to be toward the east (see Figures 1 and 3). 2 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 3. PREVIOUS UST REMOVAL AND INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTIONS Previous UST removal and initial abatement action activities are documented in detail in our "Initial Abatement Action Report" (IAA Report) dated April 28, 2021. The following bullets summarize our findings as presented in the IAA Report: • On February 9, 2021, three 550- to 600-gallon heating oil USTs (UST-1 through UST-3) and one approximate 550-gallon heating oil above -ground storage tank (AST) were removed from the subject site and transported off -site where they were recycled. UST-2 and UST-3 were located adjacent to each other within the sample tank pit. • Based on release detection soil sample laboratory analytical results, a release had not occurred from UST-1. • Based on laboratory analytical results for the release detection soil samples collected from the UST-2 and UST-3 tank pit, a release had occurred. NCDEQ's soil screening level for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) diesel range organics (DRO) of 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) was exceeded in all four of the release detection soil samples collected from the base of the tank pit, with detected concentrations ranging from 2,040 to 10,500 mg/kg. Although TPH gasoline range organics (GRO) was detected in all four leak detection soil samples, only the sample at the north end of UST-2 (designated #2 NS) with a concentration of 75 mg/kg exceeded NCDEQ's soil screening level for TPH GRO of 50 mg/kg. Although the highest TPH DRO and TPH GRO detections were observed in a soil sample collected from beneath UST-2, UST-2 is not believed to have been the source of the release since UST-2 was full of heating oil at the time of removal. UST-3 is believed to have been the source of the release since it was basically empty at the time of removal. • On behalf of the property owner on March 9, 2021, ESP submitted a 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form for the UST-3 release incident to NCDEQ via email. • A total of 109.9 tons of petroleum -impacted soil were excavated for off -site permitted treatment/disposal from the UST-2 and UST-3 location during two events (February 9-10, 2021, and March 22, 2021). The final surface footprint of the excavation was approximately 42.5 ft long and ranged from 7 to 14.2 ft in width (see the excavation footprint on Figure 5). The center section of the excavation extended to 15 ft BGS (the 3 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 trackhoe's excavation depth limit), while the extended excavations to the north and south extended to 7 ft BGS and 8 ft BGS, respectively. The excavation did not encounter groundwater or bedrock. • The analytical results for the eastern and western sidewall samples (#2 EW and #2 WW, located as shown on Figure 5) were either non -detect or less than both residential and soil -to -groundwater MSCCs. Based on confirmatory soil sample results for soil samples #2 NW-2 and #2 SW-2, located as shown on Figure 5, all compounds along the sidewalls at the final March 22, 2021, excavation extent were less than residential MSCCs. Note that confirmatory soil sample locations #2 NW and #2 SW, where there were residential MSCC exceedances, were subsequently removed during the March 22, 2021, excavation activities. • Confirmatory soil sample results at the center of the excavation's base (location #2 BASE, as shown on Figure 5) exceeded residential MSCCs for Aromatics C9-C22 (2,277.2 mg/kg compared to the residential MSCC of 469 mg/kg) and Aliphatics C9-C 18 (10,194 mg/kg compared to the residential MSCC of 1,560 mg/kg). Aromatics C9-C22, Aliphatics C9-C18, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthlene, p-isopropyltoluene, and naphthalene exceeded their corresponding soil -to -groundwater MSCCs at the center of the base of the excavation. • On March 22, 2021, the excavation was backfilled with unimpacted overburden soil and imported backfill material. 4. LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES During performance of the LSA, additional soil samples were collected within the area defined by the March 22, 2021, excavation to the north and south to better delineate the lateral and vertical extent of residential soil MSCC exceedances in those directions. In addition, a temporary monitoring well (designated TMW-1) was installed from which a groundwater sample was collected to assess groundwater quality in the immediate vicinity of the UST-3 release. Field documentation associated with the LSA field effort is provided in Appendix B, as is an electronic boring/well log for temporary monitoring well TMW-1. 4 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 4.1 Well Permits In advance of mobilization for the LSA field activities, the following well permits were obtained for the installation of temporary monitoring well TMW-1 (see copies of permits in Appendix A): NCDEQ Monitoring Well Construction Permit # WM0301I11; and Mecklenburg County Subsurface Investigation Permit (SIP) # 70002849. Upon abandonment of TMW-1 following groundwater sample collection, the Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) and the Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) prepared by Environmental Drilling & Probing Services, LLC (EDPS), a North Carolina -licensed well driller, were submitted to the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit and uploaded to the Mecklenburg County on-line SIP system (see the submitted Well Construction Record and Well Abandonment Record for TMW-1 in Appendix Q. 4.2 Soil Boring Advancement and Soil Sample Collection/Analysis On March 30, 2021, ESP documented the advancement of two soil borings (designated B-1 and TMW-1 at the approximate locations shown on Figure 5) by EDPS. The soil borings were advanced using a track -mounted Geoprobe® 7822DT rig utilizing direct push technology. For each soil boring, continuous soil sample cores were collected using a 5-ft long Macro -Core® sampling device equipped with acetate liners. The retrieved 5-ft long soil cores were field screened for total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a photoionization detector (PID). Field boring logs for soil borings B-1 and TMW-1 and an electronic boring/well log for TMW-1 are provided in Appendix B. Soil boring B-1 was advanced within the prior excavation footprint approximately 5 ft south of the southern extent of the original February 9-10, 2021, excavation. Soil boring B-1 was advanced through the clean backfill material into native soil. Native soil was encountered at 8.8 ft BASE, and a soil sample (designated B-1) was collected from a depth of 9-10 ft BGS. The PID reading at the sampled depth was 0.8 parts per million (ppm). The purpose of this soil sample was to assess the possibility that soils less than residential MSCCs were achieved closer to the original February 9-10, 2021, excavation than the location of the #2 SW-2 confirmatory soil sample collected on March 22, 2021. 5 Limited Site Assessment Report ESP Project E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 28, 2021 Soil boring TMW-1 was advanced within the prior excavation footprint approximately 5 ft north of the northern extent of the original February 9-10, 2021, excavation. The location of TMW-1 was also approximately 10 ft topographically downgradient of the tank pit associated with the removed UST-2 and UST-3. Soil boring TMW-1 was advanced into the water table aquifer and extended to a depth of 49 ft BGS. During advancement of the TMW-I soil boring, soil samples of native soil were collected at approximate 5-foot intervals, beginning at the approximate depth at which native soil was first encountered (i.e., 6-7 ft BGS). A total of four soil samples were collected from the TMW-1 soil boring: TMW-1-S1 from a depth of 6-7 ft BGS; TMW-1-S2 from a depth of 11-12 ft BGS; TMW-I-S3 from a depth of 16-17 ft BGS; and TMW-1-S4 from a depth of 21-22 ft BGS. PID readings at the sampled locations were as follows: TMW-I-S1 (6-7 ft) - 5.3 ppm TMW-1-S2 (11-12 ft) - 30.6 ppm TMW-1-S3 (16-17 ft) - 51.2 ppm TMW-1-S4 (21-22 ft) - 11.3 ppm TMW-1 at 26-27 ft BGS (not sampled) - 42.3 ppm The purposes of these soil samples were to: 1) assess the possibility that soils less than residential MSCCs were achieved closer to the original February 9-10, 2021, excavation than the location of the #2 NW-2 confirmatory soil sample collected on March 22, 2021; and 2) to assess the vertical extent of soil contamination. The soil samples collected from soil borings B-1 and TMW-1 (i.e., B-1 and TMW-I-SI through TMW-1-S4) were placed in laboratory -provided containers, labeled, stored on ice in a cooler, and hand delivered under standard chain -of -custody procedures to Pace Analytical Laboratories' (Pace's) North Carolina -certified laboratory located in Huntersville, North Carolina, for laboratory analysis. All five collected soil samples (B-1 and TMW-1-S1 through TMW-1-S4) were analyzed for MADEP extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) and MADEP volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH), while soil samples TMW-1-S1 and TMW-1-S2 were also analyzed for semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA 8270 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA 8260. C Limited Site Assessment Report ESP Project E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 28, 2021 4.3 Temporary Monitoring Well Installation and Development On March 30, 2021, ESP documented the installation of temporary monitoring well TMW-1 by EDPS at the location of soil boring TMW-1 (see Figure 5). Soil boring TMW-1 was over -drilled using 8-inch outside diameter hollow -stem augers to 49 ft BGS. During advancement of soil boring TMW-1, moist soil was encountered at approximately 28 ft BGS, while wet soil was encountered at approximately 40 ft BGS. Therefore, temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was installed to a depth of 49 ft BGS. Temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was constructed using 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser and 15 ft of 0.010-inch slot Schedule 40 PVC screen. The interval in which temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was screened represents the surficial water table aquifer. Filter sand was placed in the annular space around the screen/riser from the base of the borehole to approximately 2 ft above the top of the screen. A 2-ft thick bentonite seal was placed above the filter sand. The remaining annular space was left empty. Following completion of the temporary monitoring well installation, the depth to groundwater was measured at 30.1 ft BGS. The well construction details for temporary monitoring well TMW-1 are presented on the TMW-1 boring/well log in Appendix B, the Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) in Appendix C, and in Table B-7. Temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was developed by removing approximately 75 gallons of water (roughly 24.8 well volumes) using a decontaminated mini -Typhoon pump and new tubing until recovered water appeared relatively clear. Measured turbidity at the completion of well development was 41.2 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). Free product was not observed within temporary monitor well TMW-1. 4.4 Groundwater Sample Collection/Analysis On March 31, 2021, temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was purged, and a groundwater sample was collected. Both well purging and groundwater sample collection were accomplished using a dedicated/disposable Teflon® bailer. Prior to purging, the depth to groundwater in temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was measured at 29.7 ft BGS (see Table B-7). A total of approximately 10 gallons of water (roughly 3.3 well volumes) were purged from the well, and then the groundwater sample (designated TMW-1) was collected by transferring extracted water from the 7 Limited Site Assessment Report ESP Project E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 28, 2021 bailer into pre -preserved, laboratory -provided containers. The groundwater sample containers were labeled, stored on ice in a cooler, and hand delivered under standard chain -of -custody procedures to Pace's North Carolina -certified laboratory located in Huntersville, North Carolina, for laboratory analysis. Groundwater sample TMW-1 was analyzed for MADEP EPH, MADEP VPH, SVOCs by EPA 625.1 plus 10 largest non -target peaks, and VOCs by SM 6200. 4.5 Temporary Monitoring Well Abandonment On April 1, 2021, temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was abandoned by EDPS. Prior to abandonment, the depth to groundwater in temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was measured at 29.1 ft BGS. Temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was abandoned by pulling approximately 15 ft of PVC riser from the ground. The remaining PVC well riser/screen and open borehole were then tremie grouted with bentonite pellets from the base of the well/boring to the ground surface, and topped off with cement once the grout had settled (see Well Abandonment Record [Form GW-30] in Appendix Q. 4.6 Soil and Groundwater Analytical Results A summary of the soil sample laboratory analytical results is presented in Table B-3, and a summary of groundwater sample laboratory analytical results is presented in Table B-4. Soil analytical results are illustrated in relation to their location on Figure 5. The laboratory analytical reports are provided in Appendix D. 4.6.1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Soil sample B-1 was analyzed for MADEP EPH and MADEP VPH, and all measured compounds were non -detect. Based on this result, it is believed that the location of soil boring B-1 marks the southern extent of petroleum -impacted soil. Soil samples TMW-1-S1 through TMW-1-S4 were all analyzed for MADEP EPH and MADEP VPH. As indicated in Table B-3, Aromatics C9-C22, Aliphatics C5-C8, and/or Aliphatics 8 Limited Site Assessment Report ESP Project E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 28, 2021 C9-C 18 were detected in these soil samples; however, all detections were below residential MSCCs. The only MADEP EPH/VPH compound to exceed its soil -to -groundwater MSCC in the soil samples collected from soil boring TMW-1 was Aromatics C9-C22 in soil samples TMW-1-S2 (75.7 mg/kg at 11-12 ft BGS) and TMW-1-S3 (89.4 mg/kg at 16-17 ft BGS). The soil -to -groundwater MSCC for Aromatics C9-C22 is 31 mg/kg. At a depth of 21-22 ft BGS at the TMW-1 location, Aromatics C9-C22 was non -detect. Soil samples TMW-1-S1 (6-7 ft BGS) and TMW-1-S2 (11-12 ft BGS) were also analyzed for SVOCs and VOCs. A number of SVOCs and VOCs were detected at trace concentrations in samples TMW-1-S 1 and TMW-1-S2; however, all of the detections were below their corresponding residential MSCCs. The following SVOCs and VOCs were found to exceed their soil -to -groundwater MSCCs in these two soil samples: 1-methylnaphthalene at 6-7 ft BGS (TMW-1-S 1); and 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, p-isopropyltoluene, and naphthalene at 11-12 ft BGS (TMW-1-S2). It is possible that slight exceedances of the soil -to - groundwater MSCCs for these SVOCs and VOCs could extend to a depth between 17 and 22 ft BGS at the TMW-1 location as was the case for Aromatics C9-C22. The SVOC analysis included estimated quantification of a number of tentatively identified compounds (TICS) as listed in the laboratory analytical report (refer to Appendix D). MSCCs have not been established for any of the TICS. Based on the laboratory analytical results for the soil samples collected from soil boring TMW-1, it is believed that the location of soil boring TMW-1 marks the northern extent of petroleum - impacted soil exceeding residential MSCCs. However, petroleum -impacted soil still exceeds soil -to -groundwater MSCCs at the TMW-1 location to a depth of between 17 and 22 ft BGS. 4.6.2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results The groundwater sample collected from temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was analyzed for MADEP EPH, MADEP VPH, SVOCs, and VOCs, and the only detected target compound was phenol at a concentration of 1.4 micrograms per liter (ug/1). The detected concentration of phenol in the groundwater sample was below its North Carolina 2L groundwater standard of 30 ug/l. The SVOC analysis included estimated quantification of one TIC (i.e., cyclohexasiloxane, dodec) in the groundwater sample (see laboratory analytical report in 9 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 Appendix D). MSCCs have not been established for cyclohexasiloxane, dodec. Based on these groundwater sample analytical results, the release from UST-3 has not adversely impacted groundwater. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The following bullets summarize our findings based on completion of the LSA activities along with associated soil and groundwater sample laboratory analytical results: • The lateral extent of petroleum -impacted soil above residential MSCCs has been defined by soil samples TMW-1 to the north, #2 EW to the east, B-1 to the south, and #2 WW to the west as being an area having dimensions of approximately 14 ft wide and 25.5 ft long. The vertical depth of petroleum -impacted soil above residential MSCCs has not been fully defined based on the soil sample analytical results collected to date, but is greater than 15 ft BGS at the center of the original February 9-10, 2021, excavation. Based on the downgradient soil sample analytical results from the TMW-1 location, it is not unreasonable to assume that the vertical extent of residential MSCC exceedances at the #2 BASE location could be as deep as 20 ft BGS, and possibly deeper. However, moving laterally away from the center point, it appears that petroleum -impacted soil above residential MSCCs is not as deep. • The lateral extent of petroleum -impacted soil above soil -to -groundwater MSCCs has been defined by soil samples #2 EW to the east, B-1 to the south, and #2 WW to the west; however, the lateral extent of petroleum -impacted soil above soil -to -groundwater MSCCs has not been fully defined to the north. Exceedances of the soil -to -groundwater MSCCs for Aromatics C9-C22 and several SVOCsNOCs were observed at soil sample location TMW-1 to depths of at least 17 ft BGS. Exceedances of soil -to -groundwater MSCCs at the center point of the February 9-10, 2021, excavation are expected to extend deeper that the exceedances of the residential MSCCs given the significantly lower criteria concentrations. • Groundwater in temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was encountered at a depth ranging from 29.1 to 30.1 ft BGS. • Groundwater sample analytical results from temporary monitoring well TMW-1 were non -detect for all target compounds except phenol which was detected at a concentration 10 Limited Site Assessment Report Camp Stewart Road Site ESP Project E6-GP56.601 April28, 2021 well below its North Carolina 2L groundwater standard. Therefore, groundwater use restrictions are not warranted as a result of the UST-3 release. No water supply wells or surface water bodies are located within 150 ft of the UST-3 release location. Based on the results of the LSA, the UST-3 release should be classified as Low Risk. 11 FIGURES z - 3 42v` d ZP T 4 Q Y o j 3 ylyn'/fbdW 9 - ' d0 o m N � I a' ° Z C o � I � .O U N J H O. LL Ni 3D11N1+�V ., F�•. III FEL LPJ 3 N � Q O - PS E (D \ Gq4 x E aw o Oo- SLp kLi �F tiz 'o a q0 � DAV1D 4VCLL k - La 0 tail µ0 pi 2A�3jMb�B F2 N�MOObih�TN H.S � _ _ BAA WLt'/ L N q0 �r . SP �r C 2 ¢� R` qC \ 4p LJ �EvtEA oq ._ by d3Moj a,b,3 F . �C LEt PLJ 5� dd .YOUbe,rc-�. - NL �3Rs s t� a QS�k . PONUf RoSp I j � � 2 Q m� avaL> reoao3a � - e Y A --I FIGURE 3 r :, ADJOINING PROPERTY ' IDENTIFICATION MAP d 11 J J 1 10 1500feet 32 14 94 95 12 93 ro �96 F 97 r A� cl,,b k 92 k�tl�� ,87. 1)98 99 21 27 J WnJnn V 91 100 88 25 29 8 89, 86 20 22 19.: 500 feet —' 28 1 � - a 15 33 i3 2 &�y° a 31 7 30 Structure 13 Longer Present 17 9 6 aryRtl 16 26 106 3 105 5, 35 Approximate Approximate G er 18 24 _' u 4 Location r r 10 Flow Directio ased 23 36 of Former 101 , 4, 1 UST-2 & UST-3 Surface To graphy `f 102 103 / ¢a 7 , J '' i 85 � 3 38 84 48 r 23` 46 snn m 82 -1 49 45 G97tt 74 81 5-1 50 44 / 47 A<� 75 77,80 52 43 107 76 �$ 53 42) i 73 54 A41 8 109 72 70 55 71 69 575 39 0 l0 110 ,1 67 68 0058 112 113 65 6�, 59 115 i 64 60 114�1117 y � " 118 a 62 63_ 2, 64 `119► J61a 12>0 - � S 34 gl, ) Q r 1b. � City Of Charlotte, NC, County of Cabarrus, State of North Carolina DOT, Esri, �� VIP7 HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, USGS, EPA, USDA � \ {§§\\\/ / In � \ e(E\{=( -\ cn 2 uj ±kk}]}\ k#a @#a»&£z � & � / ( ) § TABLES S sl 0 U 7C M 0 TO N auOJTueuagd ti m D1 O o N z)uz)jegjgdeul/Cgjz)jN-Z o o N auajeg�gdeui�g�aY�I-i c K o N o o O uem3ozuagiQ M N 00 x Q w (8TD-63) zs311ugd!IV 0 �f - N j soilugdil V oc x W (ZZD-6D) v t : = o solluuloxv N r x Y M y U U � A T Q L M l^ 0 L ML l^ p L ML Y l^ 0 MLL l^ MLL 'y 0 1-J Q-I IJ Q-I I-J r=1 U^ IH I-J O -0 00 pp C4 N to N al X GA O V] O V] O U] AA O V] 00 cn m r U O o 0 0 0 o V A O M M M M M x u M M M M M N U raj C •� V] N V] M V] C/� � �.�/ 0 � � C 0 N Nouolfx-o c o 0 N (113101) auapig c o 00 0 0 o ri � p N auazuagj i[jouuxy-gyj oo O m O cmn `D � � m O O N auatt oZ j C G N auozuagj,Cdoid-u c o vO m o 0 p N O NauajegldeN 0o Gq N o o vi N o10 N auonjoljXdoxdosj-d c oO p `o (oua uno) o 1 o m auozuaglAdozdosj W c — N O N aUaZUagj�glg W � O i , , � m C� N ouazuogoSojgD ti G O N auazuaglAing-lial (21 o O v`Oi O N C' auazuogjA4ng-aas O N O O 00 �Q m O auazaagi iing u W N N oo O y, N C o � N Q Q Q Ln l Pr a a a a a U un o m m p m m m o03H m .. H a En.r H � m .. G m U F " m > 00 'o m W d G N F❑ N N F L. N �Fj N k 7 W bL Y b0 cl' 7 F ao E O d N O N O N O N O N O V 04 V p= y V N N N N Ley L b O O O O ON G z O 0. C� 1� C� C� ' T y d R n d U a 'O a v° W > z z HJA iid z a Q Q Q W Haa ii z z z z z z 0 SDOA it (DID oapop `ouex � w Z w Z Q Z W � hsexagoia�i� a N o 0 o d z w� oua t � o � a � (V •� �D a VQ] c� awl a 0; `: U s~ °r u N W 0.0 C� Q T U F- N 0 0 y o w on > ;~ C y a) y U to , •y �. o dcd ct II II � II ° u II �W� NF- w I A y N N N N N N N N �I Ci1 U 8Z U Ci5 UC�5 U U O U z V1 U z uouououoUo�ouo N M �n U U U W-� U r- U Qc U kn U � o � N U C� O CL ° O U CA Q ti cz U U cn t U U w m M 9:4 03 4-1 U U J Cd U U x U kn kn kn kn kn d1 kn C> a yq O C-) O Cl) O C� O C� O C� O (01� O A �.y � M M kn \p r- M Tv- c ct � o It U H V W5 d V it F O 2 so. o P� y r3 �,,,, A M ° zi o 0 o � � w 0 M cj 4 M Qj 3 Qn UAL M s. wo �; ~ E W5 E � N U A A 0 M � � M y M ci iC �I ~ i 3 3 � APPENDIX A WELL PERMITS ROY COOPER Governor DIONNE DELLFGATTI Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Mr. Fred Matrulli (via email) V.P. of Land Acquisition Pulte Home Company, LLC 11121 Carmel Commons Blvd. Suite 450 Charlotte, NC 28226 Dear Mr. Matrulli, NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 15, 2021 RE: Monitoring Well Construction Permit Permit # WM0301111 Pulte Camp Stewart Rd. Site, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County In accordance with your completed application received on March 15, 2021, we are forwarding herewith Monitoring Well Construction Permit Numbered WM0301111 and issued for the construction of one monitoring well located at the subject site in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. This Permit will be effective for one year from the date of issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Should you have any questions, please contact Edward Watson at (704) 235-2198, or by email at eward.watson(a-ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, EADocuSigned by: s.�w H P;z, " F161FB69A2D84A3... Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Assistant Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources CC: WQROS, Central Office (via Laserfiche) Nora Zirps P.E., RSM, ESP Associates (via email) Environmental Drilling and Probing Services, LLC (via email) D E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue. Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 Noan+cnaouNA a�o�ro�mm�na^^e^4im�u` r 704,663,1699 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONITORING WELL In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Pulte Home Company, LLC (ESP Associates as Agent) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONITOR WELL SYSTEM consisting of one monitoring well owned by Pulte Home Company, LLC, at the subject site, in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. This Permit is issued in accordance with the application received on March 15, 2021, in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environmental Quality and are considered integral parts of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provision or requirement of any other applicable law or regulation. Construction of any well under this Permit shall be in strict compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards (15A NCAC 02C .0100), and other State and Local Laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. If any requirements or limitations specified in this Permit are unacceptable, you have a right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days of receipt of this Permit. The request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this Permit is final and binding. This Permit will be effective for one year from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as follows: 1. Issuance of this Permit does not obligate reimbursement from State trust funds, if these wells are being installed as part of an investigation for contamination from an underground storage tank or dry cleaner incident. 2. Issuance of this Permit does not supersede any other agreement, permit, or requirement issued by another agency. 3. The well(s) shall be located and constructed as shown on the attachments submitted as part of the Permit application. 4. Each well shall have a Well Contractor Identification Plate in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108(o). 5. Well construction records (GW-1) for each well shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resources' Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well completion. 6. When the well is discontinued or abandoned, it shall be abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 and a well abandonment record (GW-30) shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resources' Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well abandonment. 7. If the well penetrates any water -bearing zone that contains contaminated waters, the upper three feet of the well shall be grouted within one day after the casing is set or the well abandoned. 8. Temporary wells must be permanently abandoned or converted to a permanent well within seven days (168 hours) of completion of drilling the borehole. 9. Adequate permits shall be obtained from Mecklenburg County Groundwater and Wastewater Services. Permit issued the 15t" day of March, 2021 FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION EA DocuSigned by: H pall F161FB69A2D84A3... Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Assistant Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. # WM03011111 Mecklenburg County Health Department Groundwater & Wastewater Services 700 N. Tryon St., Suite 211 v�N�UR[i Charlotte, NC 28202 "° z Permit Issuance Date: Phone: (704) 336-5103 Fax: (704) 336-6894 �yF.. Permit Number: http://groundwater.charmeck.orgo�w CFR SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PERMIT I. Well Owner Information Name: Professional Child Centers, Inc. Attn: Dean Davidson Phone #: 772-913-1152 Address 1: 505 Beachland Blvd, Suite 1 Address 2: City: Vero Beach State: FL Zip: 32936 Agent Information (if applicable) Name: ESP Associates, Inc. Attn: Christopher ward Phone #: 704-506-7618 Address 1: PO Box 7030 Address 2: City: Charlotte III. Site Information Site Name; Camp Stewart Site Parcel ID Number: 11109204 Address: City: General Conditions of This Permit: State: NC Zip: 28241 State: NC Zip: Bill To: Agent 3/15/2021 70002849 • This permit shall be VALID for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months from the date of issuance. • This permit is VALID for the site specified above and must be on -site during the course of the investigation and made available to a Department representative upon request. • A North Carolina Certified Well Contrator must perform any well contractor activities associated with this permit. • All wells shall be constructed and abandoned to the standards of Chapter VI, Section V and Section VI of the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Regulations. • All temporary wells, including those installed using Direct Push Technology, must be abandoned to the standards of Chapter VI, Section VI of the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Regulations. • Registration information for all wells must be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of well completion. If water samples are collected, it is recommended that the well NOT be registered until the analytical results are received. Page 1 of 1 SIP Form — revised 2/15/11 APPENDIX B FIELD DOCUMENTATION AND ELECTRONIC BORING/WELL LOG FOR TMW-1 _, ,_ 1 � �1 9 r fq N f .. R CV N N m } 7 W � 9 u � u Q FIELD BORING LOG Project: Camp Stewart Road Site (GP56.601) Boring No,: W-1 Logged By (Name and Signature): Drilling Company: Drilling Method/Sampling Equipment: -r Driller: � Drill Rig- ✓'2 DateMme Boring Started: i Qf'� # t)V3 Total Depth of Baring (ft bgs): Date/Time Boring Complete!.I, Depth to Groundwater at Time of Drilling (ft bgs): ' r Weather:, Depth to Bedrock (ft bgs): GPS Coo7dlnate5(Nc State Plane NAB 63 in dmmal degrees to no sm,.Mh arder): Depth USCS (ft) Material Description Class, Observations } / r' r r i,*- f � ' f' i a 40 AY,.f✓Ai;Xf`•t ESP FIELD BORING LOG Project: Camp Stewart Road Site (GP58.6o1) Boring Flo.: ) Logged By (lame and Signature): Drilling Company: F—P PS Dt%ing Method/Sampling Egsalpment: 1);P _ M ; , em L o-x.. Driller: e .� ct fw� c �f Drill Rig: DateiTime Boring Startedl/,�?O/A I Total Depth of Boring (ft bgs): /0 Date/Time Boring Completed, .�c�f,2 l ?3;'0 1 Depth to Groundwater at Time of Drilling (ft bgs): Weather: �^ f Depth to Bedrock (ft bgs): N1 GPS Coordinates (NG State Plane NAD US in decimal degrees to tho scvanth order): Depth (ft) Material Description USCS Glass. Observations (.� `Q',�� •� . � f �vx.a..ytc��, 3 � �� o.-�-s. � c� ve..•, b,•..-ci e-1 E S P ,%m u o X x � O O o U) x x S w x x x x x EL w d w x x x x x CL c a tA -3 6 v E c5 CO E 0U) U3 (o I Y WELL RISER 2" I.D. PVC I INSTALL DATE: INSTALLED BY: ESP SITE PERSONNEL: STATIC WATER DEPTH (FT) BELOW TOC: IGROUND SURFACEI I O'WELL SCREEN 2" I.D. PVC 0,010" Slot I CAP I BENTONITE SEAL 8" DIAMETER BOREHOLE I SAND FILTER BOTTOM OF TMW-1 TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL DIAGRAM CAMP STEWART ROAD SITE r'UA01 n77C: hir',OTU rlAont iKIA WELL DEVELOPMENT FORM :ci: Camp Stewart Road Site (GP56.601) iorinrj Well No.: TMW-t DevolopmentStarted 1�, Development Completed of Pump Used (Makeltvtodel): - e l V Developers (Names and Signatures): Cher Conditions:°,. „ lj Well Diameter (inches): ` Total Well Depth (€t below TOC): ' Static Water Level Depth (it below TOG): r 't Water Column Height (ft): 7, . } 3-Voiumo ExtfaGbon Estimate (Gallons); " " For 2-inch diameter wA, 3-volumes = 0.45 x water column height (tt). Measurements 24 Hours After Cnmptefion of Well Development Total Well Depth (ft Wow TOC): Static Water Level Depth (it below TOC): t 7 ,, 5 Datel Time (24 hrs) Flow Rate {gal/min} Cumulative Volume Extracted (gal€ons) Water Level Depth (it TOG) pH Temp CC) Conductly€ty {lrSfcrn) Trsmity (N) �pr��'f gt,eFY. _._...... jf}IV hey jF tgi'j�4 � � _i✓� � '> �s A r 44 t Lf P — t� I 3 f �T.Y .fir—_.. � n� t -„er •�wiy=i $>..r .__...._ Camp Stewart Road Site BORING/WELL LOG PROJECT: Charlotte, North Carolina TMW-1 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: AUGER O.D.: DRILLING COMPANY: GP56.601 Existing Ground Surface DP-Macrocore/HSAMicrocore EDPSEDPS LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Eddie Rogers 49.0 Feet GP 7822 DTP 7822 DT DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 03/30/202121 3(X130.1 Feet IF 29.7 Feet @ 1 day ee a co J J w¢ D E a a LAB SAMPLE w L v V _(D a 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w w �> > w x wo i j s COLLECTED ¢ J w O ML FILL: Tannish, Brown, Sandy SILT 5 -5.0 10 -10.0 15 Space left open -15.0 ML RESIDUUM: Reddish, Tannish, Brown, fine Sandy, SILT, with magnesium oxide mottling 20 -20.0 25 -25.0 30 -30.0 Bentonite I _ Backfilled with sand to 2 feet above 15-ft screen (approximately 32 feet below existing 35 ground surface) -35.0 Page 1 of 22 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE OF THE SOIL DEPTHARRANGEMENTSASURE TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR NOT USE .`` DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. in Camp Stewart Road Site BORING/WELL LOG PROJECT: Charlotte, North Carolina TMW-1 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: AUGER O.D.: DRILLING COMPANY: GP56.601 Existing Ground Surface DP-Macrocore/HSA EDPS LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Eddie Rogers 49.0 Feet GP 7822 DT DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 03/30/2021 = 30.1 Feet s 29.7 Feet @ 1 day a cn J J w¢ D E a a LAB SAMPLE w a v V = c7 . 6 SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > > w x wo i j s COLLECTED ¢ J w O RESIDUUM: Reddish, Tannish, Brown, fine ML I Sandy, SILT, with magnesium oxide mottling 40 ML Tan to Greenish, Brown, fine Sandy, Clayey, SILT, -40.0 ack with wet material at 40 feet bgs sand to 2 to 2 feet s above 15-ft screen (approximately 32 feet below existing ground surface) ML � Tannish, Brown, fine to coarse Sandy, SILT 45 -45.0 ML / Tannish, Brown, fine to medium Sandy, Clayey, SILT 50 -50.0 55 -55.0 60 -60.0 65 -65.0 Page 2 of 2 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR NOT USE DEPTHARRANGEMENTSASURE DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. APPENDIX C WELL CONSTRUCTION & ABANDONMENT RECORDS SUBMITTED TO NCDEQ AND MECKLENBURG COUNTY NESP April 16, 2021 NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Reference: FORMS GW-1 & GW-30 NCDEQ MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # WM0301111 Camp Stewart Road Site (TAX PIN # 11109204) Charlotte, North Carolina ESP Project No. E6-GP56.601 To Whom it May Concern: As required by "Permit for the Construction of a Monitoring Well" # WM0301111 provided by the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office to Pulte Home Company LLC on March 15, 2021, ESP, on behalf of Pulte Home Company LLC, is pleased to present well construction and abandonment records (Forms GW-1 and GW-30) associated with the temporary monitoring well installed on the subject site located along Camp Stewart Road in Charlotte. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The temporary monitoring well was installed as part of Pulte Home Company LLC's pre -purchase assessment/Limited Site Assessment of a leaking underground storage tank at the subject property. One temporary monitoring well (TMW-1) was installed on March 30, 2021, and subsequently abandoned on April 1, 2021, by Environmental Drilling & Probing Services, Inc. (EDPS) (Certification No. 3307). Completed and signed NCDEQ Forms GW-1 and GW-30 for TMW-1 are attached. ESP Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7030 • Charlotte, NC 28241 1.800.960.7317 • NC: 704.583.4949, fax 704.583.4950 • SC: 803.802.2440, fax 803.802.2515 www.espassociates.com Forms GW-1 & GW-30 for Monitoring Well Construction Permit # WM0301111 ESP Project No. E6-GP56.601 Camp Stewart Road Site April 16, 2021 If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (803) 802-2440. Sincerely, ESP Associates, Inc. &A. Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM Project Manager License No. 023838 cc: Mr. Fred Matrulli, Pulte Home Company LLC (via email) Attachments Forms GW-1 and GW-30 2 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (6W-I) I. Well Contractor loforauitioa: W d l [-❑ntraclor ''gamc -� 3307 N(' W'c11 ( ontf w--Iol [. nt, fiealmn Nimi 1+ r rv>ran n►�►n�-a ._fl2;liv►� 4- P,mbtn,`r�s (:ottpmy Name '1 2. Well Construction Permit #: L.iu all applicable well consrn.ceton prrm,rs fi-e- P:!(.: a 'uunn--4.5rure, a urrarw•r, VfC e 3. Well Use (check well use): Agricultural ❑ k1unicipal/puhk Geuthemull (Iicating/C aching Supply) DRemdenual Water Supply (-s« tglc) lndustriallCommmial E)Rcsidential Water Supply (shared) Water Supply Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Ret overy Aquifer Test E'.xpenmental Techwioa Geothermal ([Nosed Loop) RocuvLrti n0ruundualer Remrdiatioii El wmity nattier nsionmvater Drainage Subsidence C:owrol lra"r under' 1� I a. Bate Well(s) Completed: 3 30 2T Well I00 Sa. Well Location: cmmp siv war �9ft A 1'acibtv,'Owner Name 1,:tctlt y 11)» tifThle) Yh7slcal Adctrcss, (•ity- and Lip lrMeek _ _ P l r 0-12-DAf .. Cumly Parcel Identification Vu (PIN) Sb I +Crud and kl hide ' d eesl t 1 d d' 1.1 IWA-i R ZONES }tli TO DESCRUITION � fL ft. ft k. OUTJER CASING far mnlli-cased welts 7�TO DIAMEIt'R n. ft.LIL -•--- 17. SCREF.h �F.R,tOM i 0 I)XA-M, -fBtR SEAT $IZE 1MICIQNM MATERLLL 'l9 ft. c�7. 1 k• "�. in. 0.0) emu' C l'�r40 P11C ft. R. in. - — I& GROUT' — ZRQNI r(1 RIA I ERLIL _ _ F-MPI.ACFM VgT slk-[: OD & AMUtiNt 3 m 3a ft. � o�titp 'TR- 3D �eltR ft. ft. fL k_ Z rneo (aeVR iI. re. ._ fl. (L V.RENTA"S a e tt In egr rnrnu es strou sor cc Ina cercea......... flf vtll 6eld_77one 19y1JIvag IS suttc{r-e-nl) r, 22. Certifiication: 1e 6. Ware) the or Temporary Signature of C'erutied LVdI Contractor Date Lf+ sinning ibis form. I herebi- eerhfi+ that the well(sr was iwere) cwtsfmcdrd in u cord nce 7. Is tills a repair to an existing well: ©yes ar Na with 15A VC-.4C b2C -0100 or 159 .VCAL' 0?C .0100 Well C'vrurrvcrian Standards and that a l this is a repair- fill ottr known well ccm.structhon informal ion and rain the narure gfthe eopt uJ'dris rec•c rd has been provided to the well owner. repair wider =21 remarks section or on the buck of this form- 23. Site diagram or additianal well details: - S. For Geoprobe(I]P'I' or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the satnc You may use the hack o€ this page In provide addilional well siEe details or well c insuvaion, only I GW- is needed. Indicate TOTAI. NE3MBER of wells construction details. You may also attach addizicunal pages if necessar)'- drilled: �� _ -• -- - j SI+13hii'I"f'AI. ittiti'1'Iit_'C'T'IUlV5 9. Total well depth below land surface: r � � � _(ft-) 24a. For M Wells: Submit this Form within 34 days of completion of well For multiple wells hsr all depths if dti ferew lerample- 3'di300' and .,ZE 001 cc,nslructit'll ttt the fuilutiti3nV. Ili. Static water level below top of casing; _ (ft) Divsioa of Water Resonrers, Informatino Processing t{ttit, !f wafer level is abo, a rasing, rise 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 276"-1617 11. Borehole diameter: (in.) 24b. For i ' ction Wells- In addition to sending the form zo the address in 24a �{ abovt% alw uw submit one �py of Ihis tbrm within 30 days ul' mpletion of well 12 Well construction method- c5 wristructim to the fol lu-A ing- (i-e- auger, roan_ cable, duen push, tic. t 1)ivision of' -'Pater iiRt-sourcex, E'ndergrvulEd Injection Control 1'riWatu, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- - —1 T- _ - I&% flail Service Center, Raleigh, Vi- 276"-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Me [hod of test 24c. For !Pater Sunoh' & lniection Wrllx In addition to sending the form to the address(eO above. also submit one copy of this Corm within 30 days of i3b. Disinf"oa type: Amotnit: canzplt.'ISQu 0I nt'el[ utnstru Wtl to the county health dgrartmcnt of the count where consinwiLd. Form GW-I Rcxi+ed 2.22.2111E WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD I- Well Cootractor lnformatioa: Well Contractor dame for wct] ownrr personalty abandomng weil on hts73er propertyI 3 3o 7 tiC We II Contractor Certification Number EnJ1r'AY4P_r&1 Dot;1A 4- Prob,'nq . Qrylcr5 C:ornpan Name 11 2- Weil Cnostruceao Permit 4: �C:5C 1 1 j 7CIT iu: ail app(ica8 re *t/1 'i.e L•'I(' ('a UAi J. Sr fe• i'arra)jrc. e?I • 7f knOwn 3. Weil use[check well use]: Water Snppty Well: Agricultural C kiun Ft; ipa1. PtibI is ! :DGeflthermal (HealiripKocling Suppiy) WResidential Water Supply Isingier ZlndustriaK mmmia] CResidcnaal Water SunpN i.sharedl i Non -Water Supph Well: j �Iomtvrtng-•Reco%'m Aquifer Rec[iargc =Groundwater Remedialion WAquifer Storage and Recovery w Salinity Bamer -aquifer Test CStorntwater Diainagc =F:xpcnmcntal Technoingy C Subsidence Control —_Geothermal (Ctosed 1xx-.p) CTmccr -('.enthcrma] (Heat ine^C'noling Return) -Other rcxnlain under . n 4. Date welf(s) abandoned: q — I — z I Sa. Well ioeatiop: (:.tx"... Stew ft geAA '�i le- Nlk Facilily'Qwxr Name }"Ihn IU= iif applicable i �► S e ward C hadlade Mc Physical Adless- Cirv. and lip Comas ParcclIdenti$cauon'10 iP[N-i Sh. Latitude and longitude in degreevminvtes/seconds or decimal degrees: :i` -ell field_ one �stlorsg «sufLcjemi CONSTRUCi'IOPi 0ETA M OF WE S BJE IN Q ARANDOLN D ttta h well ronrrrvcrron mordrsr .f mailable r r r nulrrpfe inrerrivn or non -+carer supah +.Nits 0:31.Y' wifh The same eonsrmcrion a.h—do nm enf i.�u car. subrnr1 one for .. 6a. Well ID*tt m W j -- 6b. Total well depth: (fL) tic. Borehnle diameter: 6d. Water level blow ground surfacer _(ft ) For LnUTml Use 04'Ll WELL ABAJNL7otNIl fEINT DETAriS 7a, For Geopro be/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Welk having the same well oonsttucuonldepth, only 1 GW-30 is needed, Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of weIIs abandoned:, _ Q W 7b_ Approrimate volume of water remaining in well FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant used: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: 7e. Sealing materials used {check all that app C Neal Cernent Groul Bentortire Chips or Pellets C Sand Cement Grouz C Dry Clay C Concrute Grout C Drill Currings C. Specialty G-mut Z: Gravel C Bemonile Slurry- C Ocher {ezpiam under 7g} 7f. For each material selected above, pr"de amount of materia-s used: 11 �"eaf be Ae l e`-s 7g, Provide a brief description of the abandoamciat procedure: " 4*m v,-W was fe "y-P_J bo P i Boric wads IL boil m -to p coc AZd W1 eer_Aeyt„j_ $. ('ertiFcatiau: 21 Signature cruh ell bi)ua for o ell.•. l}atc 8i s r s fo , 1 here char the well(s) was (were) abandoned in accordance with 15. _. 02C 0100 or 2C 0200 Well Corisrrucrion Stan&u-& and that o copy- of rha record has been prodder/ to the we11 owner- 9. Sirc diagram or additional well details: You rosy use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or ur.Il abandonment details. You may also Attach additonal pages if necessary. S[BhnTTAL LNSTRLi-I'I0NS 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of %yell abandonment to the follo%ving: Division of Water Resources, Information Procemffig Unit, 161' !tail Sen-ice Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161' Ii1b. For In ection Wells- In addition W sending the form zo the address in Wa ab.'%c. alsp submit One c(ipy� Of this form '.%Ithin 3O days of completion of well abandonment to the following. Division of Water Resources, 1'oderground Injection Control Program, 16M Mail Seri ice Center. Itaieigb. NC 27699-1636 6a Outer casing Itngt6 (if Imown): ` Iy— T�t lfi l IQr. For Water _Supph• & injectionWells: In addition to sending the form to the addrecst.csl a4 , v c, a]so t:nmiI one copy of ttus form within ?O days of cvrnpietion of Weil aiiandnnmcn! Ic the county health depanmem of the county where 6E Inner casi tubi lea u. ng/ n,.0 length {if known): �abandorie �(ftJ 6g. Screen length C'if known): 15 {ft } Form GW-30 North Curniina Depanmet,i o1' En%ironoxntal (Quality • Dr scan of" aier Resources Rtvued 2-22-201E Nora Zirps From: Chris Ward Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 7:05 AM To: Nora Zirps Subject: FW: [External]RE: 70002849 From: Caldwell, Shawna <Shawna.Caldwell@mecklenburgcountync.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:22 PM To: Chris Ward <cward@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External]RE: 70002849 THIS MESSAGE ORIGINATED OUTSIDE OF ESP ASSOCIATES, INC. USE CAUTION WHEN OPENING ATTACHMENTS, CLICKING LINKS, OR RESPONDING TO REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION. Hi Chris, Good to talk to you this morning. The well is now documented as abandoned in our database. Pls let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day. M.A.M. X Cityworks X I Map X NC NC DEG',' Waste X I i� Division of Not secure I hmc-ms-zones/maps_�idefault.aspx Mecklenburg County, NC s JA. I Groundwater & Wastewater Services - " . .P, . Monitoring Well registration And Subsurface Investigation Permitting HCrre Neer SIP I SIP Rere%vs •Jada_c Slo F.L i=_=er.L' �a=ti "Ve!'s Abt GW S et 2gac:: SIPS Monitoring Well Registration 21aistratior HeIF Site Information Oviner Information Agent Information SITE_NAME Camp stewar: Si:e Pro-a_ainnal Child Centers. Agent Name ESP Pssoriat Owner Name — Inc. 51TE_ADDRESS 5501 CAMP STEv.'�:�T RD ATTN Christopher+ ATTN dean Oavidson SITE_PARCEL 11109204 Addressl PO Sox 703C Addressl 505 Beachland Blvd, Suite 1 SIP# 70002E49 Address2 Address2 Charaokke KC Vero teach FL 32935 PhOnE 704-565-757 [Select Phone 772-913-1L52 WELL NAME WELL TYPE WELL STATUS PARCEL IO INSTALL —DATE DATE ABANDON DEPTH TQ GW DELETE 7NIW-1 Monitoring Permanent Ahandoned 11109204 43/30}2021 :� _. ___ ❑ Add A Well View Summary I Delete Checked Wells I View in WI ra APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS �z zzzzz zz z z z ••�� �, a C 0-O h X C N of A C U H UI W cJ rJ a W .. N .. l{ a F 4 •o va'i W h E 14a I-Ia .K W G •' oo W 'v a W C U ri R� .� N ^� ll N N k o u {n R a � � A ��� P, y � D a E 0 a s W W 2 0 L W 6 0 -.� s. N u 'b cn.a G .] s.l U 'O `� Ohl sL N E a E W N �e C z , v m V u G u W 7 u .a m w ry V+ur+a-Hm as o o W E E+ U W G- -- en p - + [`Ci/7 >• -� L a a ,� t m ro x U w a ?. ae ro rn w ., �, u m a m ,� Q () 1 °- rs [] ri ri .y N H ,� a u -� c vi o w E J Xr .� II..�� UJ W -rl G O u W 'O rl �. C) LI r3 Z W N N fA . `. .� 1➢ ~ 1 M R ro N H 4ti U H N 2 4 R UI O aE o m e a a so, a a r W W W W v Q C} p - o r� u W u W ae a N a C t m CC O i p ? N a L] D O W .-! 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N V } Ln l%) I/S L/1 I.r1 a VVV v1�l J U H lA a. D` H C 0 E y lD x .y u /� u M ep CA a E u o i- �, @ S ! `� `~ W a m a O O Z n W= d 1 ` �} v �. ..J 0 0 U X y p �' Q C .. a ..-a N 10 T ? a, mo o " a @j e V o e vi E ,--1 N m 'cY E n w a m Q m m Q m O d LIP 1J1 L1 1/1 CS a W a v �. c,Z O W Yy� 1.1 In CJ in m o • 6 O G ] `a " x U y E ,v. - _a :E °❑ E E c E n a E o a x° m m e = o V Q W = o U m U u s a o U a U x v a u H k- H H [Ocr- s aanrpie wnuition upon rreceipttawrt} rage [ oT [ aCB; �Rc�IlCc��r Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-05-033-Rev.07 Pace Carolinas Quaiity Office `Check mark top half of lox if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOC, Oil and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) 00C, LLHg "Bottom half of box is to list number of bottles Project WO# : 9253Q360 PM: BV Due Date: 04/08/21 CLIENT: 92—ESP Assoc V n r U Q U p v 2 Z 2 = Z N a Z z — N 2 m ? v W v v v °S A w ° v v a -a 2 ° m a .� 2 v x a 2 2 < m z O w Z ` a a a. a a m a c a O m 0 v " z T a - v Q v o IT 0a N a S z ny q ? 2 �- '^ m r N a ry z " ci a o a ° � z oCL cV a u a _ a V a �' m a v a u m u a s 4 n a E q E E Q C G o N y ¢ O rs Z q O C Q O m = Q O " Y `v a Y Y m v a y u V d y E Q yO V o E c o a ° J E o J E a J E E a m m o v E 4 M N a T m E J E E N Ln N 'n N N ✓i _tn 0 E O E Oa E O} = N d D O E G E ❑ ri N lfl ry 7 yr N Z m N N m 21 m I ¢ M Y N r N h= e`i 4 ~ ] N > P 7 w7 i a a a a a a a ,�-4 C7 ._-� S7 l7 (7 t� l7 ari c~i l7 a�1 C7 cal L7 O e d a L m m m ca m m m m Q Q q ¢ ¢ Q > 7 O 7 } p z 3 } r1 4 y 'L 5 N\N\ -1 6 \NN 1\\\� 7 8 \\N\ 10 NN 11 \N 12 ply Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt oate preservation adjusted Time presenatbr Amount of Preservative Lot 8 adjusted added Note: whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy oP this Torm will Ment to the North Carolina DEHNR Certification Office (i.e. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 38 of 38 F ra R O 3 ru � � F C G - S r3- m m 4 d o• o C 0 f _ r t K � � C F r r C v Z v a 7 "m 4 N w �3 3 ro �� a � v ro ro 3 w � n -a a• ro P v n r C a + Ino• / n rnb rCo l/ I p' m a � CLCL Q �rr n C O m � 3 4 7� 0 i 1 C G m Z rD v , n� ro m m = m r m _ ?C N n 2 3 3 2 °p o �o to C rD ss Ln Cn a A N C m n z t V N v n C :I- F 7n d a 3 Y Q C nk Z! l Io 3 ;o L. m •C C—I 1 2 6 0 0 0 �r H o o O m 33 0� rD n m o � n nrrot m01 DI N r W r n G n 3'3 ro n m O F ro 3 (D n 0 R n o '03 w m ire o m Q`� n r z is z1 W > fio n n 0 n1� .- .-..-. % 0 ^ 4 m z 3 d N 0 o n� op rD 1� ° 3 a c E n :33a o C > O 0 v a l m N O n LN o 9 e " a z 3 g m n 3 Ln is o � Ql � � 4 W 6 C C = C ro A N c a n x x ro o ID a x .� K n L7 ea u a ^ m 9 C) z D K ro � rn 0 V C Z v 0 N o rn v N -4 y a a � n aA n ro y •Yi d � � l� n m N C WZ � o a m n un m o n ? v n - 00 o 0 _ ro rrD O ° o r3 om b Q n CL C K V Q N n — 0on00 v a _ m o c` n O N 0- .� m N ID n x a n^ o z 3 oa Z O CL p O p _ Z s ro ti N x . n � � y ° Gi Container Type: Plastic (P) or Glass {G) x MADEP EPH r3 ° ` w m 3 3 Sr o m x MADEP VPH L Z - SVOC wlargest non -target x625 eaks o Q o e x 602 - VQC wl Xylenes 3 :3 w T. r R V ] t` C n w d n C s ? n ro r Co� a p C_ S 3 p r c O K O m _ o. a n f° Z m O �o G � o� _ W ;= °r- �� D n d d o t• t' t" U, 'O Ur n ?y N C C L•n In n m o n n Lr @ G YT} r a Ln O r O O o G r W Sn W 3 N Ci 1" +n i'1 R N L'1 Vl 6 lx ��hiii 'O r Q, M N y Y- b I'( R F' R R ih 4` F`- R it a I Y- o W O O O C'f ✓- - N L]I f5 fJ ri] x@ o n n @ nr iW( o < aW t+7- o U o ry n n'o D Y O D N N x N Y- G G rD .7 m F-1 !{ VI VI m @ w n -. n o I- [L r) P. is o r C a 3 i rr m b a' L7 n n rr m r, .{ @ rn n rr 'd @ CRAr "N� zb 3 fn -s �� W ro n o o w r- o N n Lo m m m p• n< W r6 R J R h m a p- Lv @ p, LI C b m x rrrrrrrrrs v N R N 0 �ID ry H LWi im, D ru ID m T� Lnn 3 n o H m 3 W rr R M m ax rp H. m n R H. ^ ; n j R n m iCC�iiC - m z \ �z�zzszzzzzr �l zzzzzzzzz �z J Y Y Y b Y Y b Y p ''s- ' Page 17 of 1t Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Page 2 of 2 ace Analytical Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.07 Pace Carolinas Quality Office *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOC, Cil and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOC, LLHg "Bottom half of box is to list number of bottles Project # WO# : 92530637 PM: BV Due Date: 04/07/21 CLIENT: 92-ESP Assoc R v U — Z -061 6J ei o 7 J E r 7 i m Q 2 d W al c J E a m ¢ Z N Z N c 7 J O 7 a m ¢ d z n U d 7 0. m U V S 9. 2 FL J N 'q 0. m V 4 Z S a 2 Q. ra Q5 IO Q N U d N N a rA C OM Z N u a M Lo v o o ,� = a m E a O ,-i i7 6 y _ a E Q a rl = ry l7 Q U z N Q J of N m l? Q Q � E Q v ,y vs r� C7 Q N V 0 N — v C E 6n yr m i7 Q U z C A E E ni M O 3 M O a Q z u z 0 > 1 ItY 2 C� t7 a Z m ry y Q 0 > F- T V 7 Q , z a Q O > E O1 0 7 _ 2 a a Q Q J E 9 C t1 C7 O ? 'Y m o U a n 2 `. Y Q 0 > y = a a ± ; m Y l7 ` ] I z y E n Ln r v1 a �a Q z -- wC LA J E Ln Ln r� N a (A Id,2 O N N Z d J N Q M d m Z .5 ai Q Q C o R 7 O 0 Q o u E b 7 Vl 7 Q rn v Z a E a E 7 L7 4 1 z 3 N I G 7 8 9 \N 10 \\N\ \\NN11 12 pH Adjustment log for Preserved Samples Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Date preservation adjusted Time presenation Amount of Preservative Lot A adjusted added Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy or tnis rorm wul ue�ent to [ne Norm tarouna ucrnvrs Lei Uncdkiwi vii 1Lr t'.r. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 18 of 18 Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy or tnis rorm wul ue�ent to [ne Norm tarouna ucrnvrs Lei Uncdkiwi vii 1Lr t'.r. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 18 of 18 Beverly, Trudy From: Nora Zirps <nzirps@espassociates.com> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:48 AM To: Beverly, Trudy Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Will do. It will likely be tomorrow. Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 1 Cell From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:36 AM To: Nora Zirps <nzirps@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports Nora, I didn't see a statement in the IAA nor LSA about the AST, aside from it being removed. If there was no evidence of contamination, sent me a signed/seal short statement for the file. Thanks, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:20 AM To: Nora Zirps <nzirps@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports Hey Nora, I named the site Camp Stewart Property in the RUST database (Incident #47761, UST Number MO-28509). See link below for the Alternate Land Use Restriction NORP. Add a 5' buffer in the soil restriction area. Do you have an email address for Dean Davidson with Professional Child Care Centers, Inc.? Instructions and Form for Notice of Residual Petroleum with Alternate Land Use Restriction https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/forms 1 Let me know if you have questions. Trudy beRrUmntKA Ummmental 4ua Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlyga,ncdenr. gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hgps://dee .nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httDs://dea.nc. aov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans File Review Procedures: https:Hdeq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: httos://files.nc.2oy/ncdeci/Waste%2OManagement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policv.vdf htips:Hfiles.nc. gov/ncdeq/Wastc%2OManagement/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Nora Zirps [mailto:nzirps@espassociates.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 20218:33 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Trudy, Just a quick note ... the rectangular area will not be situated due north to south. The area slants more like northeast to southwest. The north -south terminology was used for simplicity. Talk to you later this week. Nora Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 Cell From: Nora Zirps Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 5:42 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports I understand. Thank you, Trudy. Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 Cell From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 3:48 PM To: Nora Zirps <nzirps@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports Hey Nora, It may be later in the week before I can review the information. I'll get back with you as soon as it's reviewed. Have a great day, Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management ,."g0p,-dmwD--1E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality �tai �,/ UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy.Beverlygncdenr. -gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hgps://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httos://deo.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-manaizement/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-ais-mans File Review Procedures: hops://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): htt2s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: httos://fiiles.nc.2ov/ncdea/Waste%2OManagement/DWM/USTIWhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policv.udf https: Hfiles.nc. gov/ncdeg/Waste%20Mana2ement/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofile%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche. docx From: Nora Zirps [ma iIto: nzirps@espassociates.com] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 12:31 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Trudy, I hope your husband's surgery went well, and he is recovering quickly. I imagine today is a busy day for you playing catch-up, but I did want to reach out to you since I would like to discuss the soil deed restriction for the subject site with you this week. It would be helpful to know if what we are proposing is acceptable prior to us preparing the plat to avoid iterations. We feel it is necessary to record a plat to define the location since the parcel is over 50 acres. As you will see when you review the submitted IAA and LSA reports, we have completed a good bit of sample analysis. Based on that, we would like to suggested using the following points to define a "rectangular" area (approximately 14 ft x 25.5 ft) for the soil deed restriction bounded by the following points: TMW-1 to the north #2 EW to the east B-1 to the south #2 WW to the west Soil sample results were below residential MSCCs at each of these locations, plus all but the TMW-1 location were also below soil -to -groundwater MSCCs. The soil sample collected from the base of the approximate center of the area exceeded residential MSCCs, resulting in the need for the soil deed restriction. Groundwater is below NC 2L groundwater standards, so we do not plan to include a groundwater deed restriction. I look forward to your response as to the acceptability of our proposed soil deed restricted area. If a telephone call is warranted, please let me know what time would work for you. Thank you. Nora Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 Cell From: Nora Zirps Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 12:34 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Fred Matrulli <Fred.MatruIli@PulteGroup.com>; Cameron Caudle, Jr. (CCaudle@caudlespears.com) <CCaudle@caudlespears.com>; Chris Ward <cward@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports Trudy, I hope all goes well with your husband's surgery. I look forward to speaking with you the week of May 10. Nora Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 Cell From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 12:32 PM To: Nora Zirps <nzirps@espassociates.com> Cc: Fred Matrulli <Fred.MatruIli@PulteGroup.com>; Cameron Caudle, Jr. (CCaudle@caudlespears.com) <CCaudle@caudlespears.com>; Chris Ward <cward@espassociates.com> Subject: RE: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports THIS MESSAGE ORIGINATED OUTSIDE OF ESP ASSOCIATES, INC. USE CAUTION WHEN OPENING ATTACHMENTS, CLICKING LINKS, OR RESPONDING TO REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION. Hey Nora, Document received. No need to mail a paper copy. I have meetings this afternoon and will be on leave tomorrow through May 7t". I'll be back to working remotely on May 10th. Unfortunately, a discussion will have to wait until that week. My husband is having surgery. Have a wonderful day, Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management e:!5:!fD,1EQNorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality {e� UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlyk nc denr. gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-mana2ement/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httns://dea.nc.2ov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-eis-mans File Review Procedures: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): httns://deo.nc. eov/about/divi sions/waste-manaeement/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.ne.uov/nedeg/Waste%2OMana2ement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policy.pdf https://files.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Mana2ement/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Nora Zirps [mailto:nzirps@espassociates.com] Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 10:12 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Fred Matrulli <Fred.MatruIli@PulteGroup.com>; Cameron Caudle, Jr. (CCaudle@caudlespears.com) <CCaudle@caudlespears.com>; Chris Ward <cward@espassociates.com> Subject: [External] Camp Stewart Road Site - Residential Heating Oil UST Release - Submittal of IAA and LSA Reports CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Trudy, Attached please find the Initial Abatement Action (IAA) Report and the Limited Site Assessment (LSA) Report for the approximate 550-galIon residential heating oil UST (designated UST-3) removed from the Camp Stewart Road Site located within Mecklenburg County Tax Parcel No.11109204 in Charlotte, NC. You had indicated prior that electronic submittal of these reports was sufficient. These reports relate to the release reported to you on March 9, 2021, that we have discussed on several occasions. Our next step in the process is to submit a draft Notice of Residual Petroleum and associated plat to you for review. Based on the data that have been collected, I would like to discuss the proposed area for the soil deed restriction with you. Please let me know a time that would be convenient for you. Regards, Nora Nora A. Zirps, PE, RSM ESP Associates, Inc. 7011 Albert Pick Road, Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 www.espassociates.com nzirps@espassociates.com 336.232.5213 Direct 336.334.7724 Office 336.420.6979 Cell