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MO-28415_47669_CA_IAR_20210510_Initial Abatement Action Report with Site Closure Request
SUMMIT ENGINEERING . LABORATORY. TESTING INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT Evans Residence 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, NC INCIDENT NO.47669 SUMMIT PROJECT NO.5778.E0778 Prepared For: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section Mooresville Regional Office Prepared By: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, Inc. PO Box 7384 Charlotte, NC 28241 (704) 504-1717 May 10, 2021 C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAInitial Abatement Action\5778.E07781AA with Site Closure Request.doc' Initial Abotement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mollord Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. SITE INFORMATION............................................................................................................................1 A.1. Site Identification..............................................................................................................1 A.2. Contact Information..........................................................................................................1 A.3. Release Information..........................................................................................................2 A.4. Certification.......................................................................................................................2 B. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................3 C. SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION............................................................................................5 C.1. UST Owner and Information.............................................................................................5 C.2. UST Information................................................................................................................5 C.3. Non -UST Information........................................................................................................5 C.4. Release Information..........................................................................................................6 C.5. Site Characteristics............................................................................................................7 D. SITE CHECK.........................................................................................................................................7 E. CHANGE IN SERVICE...........................................................................................................................7 F. UST CLOSURE REPORT........................................................................................................................7 G. FREE PRODUCT INVESTIGATION........................................................................................................8 H. GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER INVESTIGATION..................................................................8 I. INITIAL RESPONSE AND ABATEMENT ACTION...................................................................................8 1.1. Notification.......................................................................................................................8 J. EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL..............................................................................................8 J.1. Initial Investigation............................................................................................................8 J.2. Excavation.........................................................................................................................9 J.3. Post Excavation Sampling.................................................................................................9 J.4 Soil Investigation.................................................................................................................10 J.5. Disposal...........................................................................................................................11 K. CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................................11 C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E07781AA with Site Closure i Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina APPENDICES FIGURES Figure 1.0 Topographic Map Figure 2.0 Site Map Figure 3.0 Sampling Map Figure 3.1 Cross Sectional Sampling Map Figure 4.0 Aerial Photograph NRCS Soil Survey Site Photographs TABLES Table B-1 Table B-2 Table B-3 Table B-4 Table B-5 APPENDIX C: UST-61 24-Hour Notice of Release APPENDIX E: Certificate of UST Disposal APPENDIX H: Soil Manifests APPENDIX I: Chain of Custody APPENDIX J: Analytical Results APPENDIX K: Photographs SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 May 10, 2021 C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAInitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure ii Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina A. SITE INFORMATION A.1. Site Identification Date of Report: April 7, 2021 Facility ID: N/A Incident Number: 47669 Site Risk: Assumed Low — no wells within 150 feet Site Name: Evans Property Site Street Address: 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, NC Geographic Data Point: Tank Basin Location Method: GPS Latitude: 35.330495° N Longitude: -80.732292° W A.2. Contact Information UST Owner: Kevin Evans 1150 Liberty Road, Gold Hill, NC 28071 UST Operator: N/A SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 May 10, 2021 Property Owner: Charlotte NC Heritage Properties I K6, LLC 1 Town Center Road, Suite 300, Boca Raton FL 33486 Stefan Gassner sgassner@ahpliving.com Property Occupant: Vacant C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure I Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 Consultant: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, Inc. 3575 Centre Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Patrick Lowery PG, plowery@summit-companies.com May 10, 2021 North Carolina Professional Engineer's License Number: C-4361 Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Vantage Point Drive, West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 State of North Carolina Certification Number: 329 A.3. Release Information Date Discovered: November 25, 2019 Estimated Release: Unknown Cause of Release: Corrosion of UST Source of Release: UST Size and Contents: 96" x 40" — Home Heating Fuel A.4. Certification Certification (The title page must display the seal and signature of the certifying P.E. or L.G., and the name and certification number of the company or corporation, if applicable [See 15A NCAC 2L .0103(e)].) I, Michael Zavislak, a Professional Engineer for SUMMIT ELT, Inc., do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 4k CARp''rr'. - �~ O;• F�$S%dry =. ,4. SEAL - lwt 0338G� 9 SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, Inc. is licensed to engineering (circle one or both) in North Carolina. The certification number of the company or corporation is: 5545. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 2 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 B. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMIT was retained by a perspective purchaser to complete due diligence studies of the subject property located at 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina. The site parcel at that time was identified by Mecklenburg Parcel ID: 02903112. A recent recombination plat was recorded and the subject property is now a portion of Mecklenburg County Parcel ID: 02903122. The subject property was observed to contain a single-family home constructed in 1956. One water supply well and one 500-gallon heating oil UST was observed in the October 2019 site reconnaissance. The water supply well was out of service and the home appeared vacant. The water well was subsequently abandoned prior to UST closure in preparation for future site development. The residential home was demolished during the completion of this IAA. A limited assessment of the UST was completed to determine if a release had occurred. Multiple soil borings were completed adjacent to the UST. One soil sample submitted for analysis documented petroleum impacts with Naphthalene above the MSCCs Soil to Groundwater at 5 feet below ground surface. A release notification was submitted to NCDEQ in April 2020. In December 2020 UST closure by removal and Initial Abatement Actions were conducted. 275- gallons of petroleum contact liquids was removed from the tank prior to closure. The UST was removed form ground utilizing an excavator and secured for transport and disposal by T K Tank Services of Sumter, SC. Visual staining and petroleum odors were noted in the base of the excavation. 2 feet of soils from all sidewalls and 4 feet of soils below the UST was excavated from around the UST and transported off -site for disposal by T K Tanks Services. Excavation was terminated when field screening indicated minimal VOC detections. A total of 6 tons of soil was transported offsite in the Initial Abetment Action in December 2020. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls at approximately 5 feet below ground and one soil sample was collected from the base of the excavation at 8 feet below ground surface. Samples were submitted for VOC, SVOC and EPH/VPH analysis in accordance with DEQ guidance. Results reported Benzo (a)pyrene above Soil to Groundwater MSCCs in the western and southern sidewalls. Results reported 2- C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 3 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 Mythylnaphthalene, Phenanthrene, C9-C18 Alphatics and C9-C22 Aromatics above Soil to Groundwater MSCCs in the base of excavation. Additionally, C9-C22 aromatics was identified in the northern and western sidewalls above the Soil to Groundwater MSCCs. Based on the results, additional abatement was recommended. In February 2021, SUMMIT directed the client provided grading contractor to over excavate the UST basin in an effort to fully remove soil impacts. An additional 22 tons of soil was removed from the initial excavation sidewalls and base and transported to Republic Landfill for disposal. The western sidewall was excavated an additional 5 feet, northern and southern sidewalls an additional 4 feet and the base was lowered an additional 3 feet. Confirmation soil samples were collected from the western wall and base of excavation. Due to a sampling error, the northern and southern sidewalls were not resampled following abatement actions. Results of the collected confirmation samples from the western sidewall and base reported no impacts above regulatory concentrations remained. On April 26, 2021, the northern and southern sidewalls were re -sampled for confirmation of full removal of impacts. These confirmation samples were analyzed for the compounds that originally reported to exceed the corresponding Soil to Groundwater MSCCs. Results of the collected confirmation samples from the northern and southern sidewalls reported no impacts above regulatory concentrations remained. No water supply wells are located within 150 feet of the UST basin. Groundwater was not encountered during IAA. Bedrock was not encountered in the UST basin during IAA. Based on the Initial Abatement Actions taken and the results of confirmation sampling, SUMMIT requests closure with No Further Action at this time. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 4 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 C. SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION C.1. UST Owner and Information Table B-2: Site History - Owner and Operator Information ID Number UST-1 Facility ID Number N/A Name of Owner Dates of Operation mm/dd/ to mm/dd/ Mecklenburg County 1956 to Current Street Address 9920 Mallard Glen Drive city State Zip Telephone Number Charlotte NC 28262 Name of Operator Dates of Operation mm/dd/ to mm/dd/ N/A 1956 to current Street Address city State Zip Telephone Number C.2. UST Information Table B-1: Site History —System Information AST ID Current Previous Capacity Construction Tank Description Date Tank Status Was Number /Last Contents (in Details Dimensions of Installed of release Contents gallons) Associated UST associated Piping and with the Pumps UST System? UST-1 Home N/A 500 Steel 96" x 40" unknown 1956 removed Yes Heating Fuel C.3. Non -UST Information There are no other UST's, AST's, piping and dispensers located on the site. There are no historical compliance issues. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 5 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 C.4. Release Information SUMMIT personnel visited the site on November 8, 2019. The Heating Oil UST was observed to be located near the southeast of the home near the driveway. Utilizing a soil probe, SUMMIT personnel determined the size of the UST to be approximately 8 feet in length and 4 feet in diameter. SUMMIT completed five (5) geo-probe borings around the UST. Boring SB-1 and SB-2 were located at the approximate end of the UST. SB-3 was located on the downgradient side of the UST. SB-4 and SB-5 were offset away from the UST. Each soil boring was extended to 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Typical brown -tan sandy Silts were encountered in the soil borings. SB-2 exhibited petroleum soil staining, odors and positive detections of field screening equipment from 3 to 6 ff bgs. Soil sample SS-1 was collected from 5 ft bgs and soil sample SS-2 collected from 7 ft bgs. The collection of SS-1 and SS-2 will help define the vertical extent of impacts. SB-4 and SB-5 were spaced out in 2 directions from SB-2 in order to help define the lateral extent of impacts. SB-4 did not display indicators of petroleum impact. SB-5 detected slight petroleum staining and odors at approximately 5 ft bgs. SS-3 was collected from SB-5 at 5 ft bgs. Typical brown -tan sandy Silts were encountered in the soil borings. Soil samples collected were bottled for submittal to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis of BTEX, Naphthalene and Poly -cyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). It should be noted that groundwater was not encountered in any boring. On December 8, 2020 SUMMIT directed the removal of the UST and excavation of impacted soils by T K Tank Services of Sumter, SC. Soil staining and corrosion pinholes on the tank ends were observed during tank removal. 6 tons of petroleum impacted soil was excavated from the base of excavation and sidewalls into a truck for transport and disposal at T K Services treatment facility. Closure samples were collected from the 4 sidewalls and base of excavation. Results of the closure sampling reported elevated EPH/VPH remained in the base and western side wall of the excavation. On February 24, 2021, the grading contractor excavated additional base soils and from sidewalls for transport and disposal by Centurion at Republic Landfill. An additional 22 tons were removed and manifested to Republic CMS Landfill. Closure samples SB-6 and SB-7 were collected to confirm clean closure from the western sidewall and base of excavation. The northern and southern sidewalls were over excavated however samples were not collected from these locations C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 6 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 May 10, 2021 at that time. On April 26, 2021 SB-8 and SB-9 were collected from the northern and southern sidewalls. SB-8 and SB-9 were analyzed for compounds the previously exceeded Soil to Groundwater MSCCs. C.S. Site Characteristics The United States Geological Survey (USGS) "Harrisburg" topographic quadrangle map was reviewed for this report. According to the contour lines on the topographic maps, the elevation of the subject property ranges from 700 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) to 680. The contour lines indicate the general direction of downward slope is to the south towards Mallard Creek. This site contains the soil types: Wilkes soil series: The Wilkes series consists of shallow, well drained soils with moderately slow to slow permeability. They formed in residuum weathered from intermediate and mafic crystalline rocks on uplands in the Piedmont. Near the type location, mean annual air temperature is 59 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is 45 inches. Slopes range from 4 to 60 percent. The surface cover of the UST basin was bare soil. D. SITE CHECK Not Applicable. E. CHANGE IN SERVICE Not Applicable. F. UST CLOSURE REPORT Documentation following UST-12 is included within the sections of this Initial Abatement Action Report. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 7 Request.doc Initial Abotement Action Report 9920 Mollord Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina G. FREE PRODUCT INVESTIGATION Free Product not encountered. H. GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER INVESTIGATION SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 May 10, 2021 Groundwater not encountered during closure. Water Supply wells on -site were abandoned in accordance with well regulations during due diligence. No wells located within 150 feet from the UST basin. No surface water features located on -site. I. INITIAL RESPONSE AND ABATEMENT ACTION 1.1. Notification The release was discovered on November 25, 2019 as part of a due diligence assessment. SUMMIT directed the property owner to submit the UST-61 Release Notification document to NC DEQ. At the direction of the potential buyer of the property, SUMMIT was directed to submit the Release notification on April 3, 2020. J. EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL J.1. Initial Investigation On November 8, 2019, SUMMIT conducted a due diligence assessment of the tank area to determine if a release had occurred. Soil borings completed near the eastern tank end identified petroleum -stained soils. Lab analysis indicated that Naphthalene exceeded the Soil to Groundwater MSCC. No further investigation was conducted prior to the closure and abatement actions detailed in this report. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 8 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 J.2. Excavation Tank removal and abatement actions were initiated on December 8, 2020. T& K Tank Services mobilized to the subject property with a excavator, pump truck and dump truck. The UST fill port was utilized to remove liquids from the tank prior to removal. 257-gallon of liquid petroleum and petroleum contact water were purged from the tank. Excavation of the tank started with the exposing the top of the steel 500-gallon UST. Soils from the sides of the UST were then removed, exposing the sides of the UST. The UST was then hooked to a chain and pulled from the UST basin. Corrosion pinholes were noted along the base and ends of the UST. Soil staining along the base and eastern sidewalls was observed. Soils of the basin consisted of hard silts and clays. SUMMIT directed the excavation of visually impacted soils from the basin. Field screening utilizing a rented calibrated Mini -Rae 3000 PID was conducted on the remaining exposed sidewalls and base of the UST basin. Excavation continued to until field screening results indicated an absence of VOC compounds. A total of 6 Tons of soil was removed for the UST basin and transported to a treatment facility operated by T K Tank Services in Sumter, SC. The UST was crushed and recycled by T K Tank Services. The initial excavation measured 8' x 12'x 8' (LxWxD). Post excavation sampling indicated impacted soils remained following the initial abatement/closure activities. On February 24, 2021 SUMMIT directed a grading contractor provided by the site developer to over excavate the base and sidewall of the UST basin that reported elevated EPH/VPH. The base of the excavation was excavated to an approximate depth of 12 feet below ground surface. The western sidewall was excavated an additional 5 feet. The northern and southern sidewalls were excavated an additional 4 feet. The eastern sidewall was excavated an additional 2 feet. A total of 22 tons was transported to Republic CMS Landfill for disposal by Centurion. The resulting excavation following abatement was approximately 15' x 20'x 12' (LxWxD). J.3. Post Excavation Sampling SUMMIT collected four (4) soil samples from the sidewalls of the tank basin and one (1) soil sample from the base of the excavation on December 8, 2020. The sidewall samples were C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 9 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 collected at approximately 5 feet from the top of the excavation. The bottom sample was collected from the center of the tank basin. Samples SB-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were collected from the resulting excavation. Figure 3A and 3B documents the location of the samples collected. Samples were submitted for VOC, SVOC, EPH and VPH per DEQ requirements. Sample results indicated elevated EPH and VPH remained in the northern, southern, western sidewalls and base of excavation. On February 24, 2021 SUMMIT directed a grading contractor provided by the site developer to over excavate the base and sidewall of the UST basin that reported elevated EPH/VPH. The base of the excavation was excavated to an approximate depth of 12 feet below ground surface. The western sidewall was excavated an additional 5 feet. The northern and southern sidewalls were excavated an additional 4 feet. The eastern sidewall was excavated an additional 2 feet. A total of 22 tons was transported to Republic CMS Landfill for disposal by Centurion. The resulting excavation following abatement was approximately 15' x 20'x 12' (LxWxD). Samples SB-6 and SB-7 were collected from the base of excavation and western side wall following the additional removal. Samples were not collected at this time from the northern and southern sidewalls due to collection error. On April 26, 2021 SB-8 and SB-9 were collected from the northern and southern sidewalls and analyzed for the compounds that previously exceeded the Soil to Groundwater MSCCs. The collected confirmation samples from base of excavation and sidewalls indicated successful removal of impacted soils from these locations. J.4 Soil Investigation New, clean disposable latex gloves were used for the collection of each soil or groundwater sample. Samples collected for laboratory analyses were placed in laboratory -supplied containers with the sampler's name, time and date the sample was collected, and laboratory analyses to be performed. The samples were packed on ice and taken to Pace Analytical Services, LLC in Columbia, South Carolina. For a drawing detailing the locations of the soil samples, please refer to Figure 3.0 in the appendices. Groundwater was not encountered in the excavation. The samples were grab samples. Standard chain -of -custody procedures were followed. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure 10 Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 Field screening was based on visual and olfactory observations. In addition, soil samples were taken from the excavation and were analyzed onsite using an calibrated Mini Rae 3000 handheld PID w/ VOC Measurement. Prior to each analysis, the PID was allowed to equilibrate to the area temperature and ambient air conditions. J.S. Disposal Approximately 6 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the site on December 8, 2020 and taken to T K Tank Services in Sumter, SC for treatment at the permitted facility. Approximately 22 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the site on February 22, 2021 and taken to Republic Service, Inc. in Concord, NC. K. CONCLUSIONS Due diligence studies conducted for the property identified a petroleum release associated with the home heating oil tank at 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina. The first abatement action occurred in December 2020 during UST closure, with a total of 6-tons of soil removed from the UST basin for disposal at a treatment facility in Sumter, SC. EPH/VPH exceedances remained and a second abatement action was conducted in February 2021, with a removal of an additional 22-tons of soil. Confirmation sampling conducted confirms that the sidewalls and base of excavation are below regulatory levels. No free product was encountered. Groundwater was not encountered. Competent bedrock was not encountered. SUMMIT concludes that the Abatement Actions and UST closure were successful. C:Aplowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureAlnitial Abatement Action\5778.E0778 IAA with Site Closure ll Request.doc Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina May 10, 2021 FIGURES C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST Closure\Initial Abatement Action\5778.E07781AA with Site Closure 18 Request.doc Source: Harrisburg 7.5' Topographic Quadrangle llAmk SUMMIT Evans Property Incident #: 47669 Scale f cc Prepared By\Date: PL/04/21 Checked By\Date: MZ/04/21 Topographic Map 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, North Carolina NTS Figure 1 �v ��• IE6EN0 41. a,e SITE Lam__ I mu 'I '1 1 i s" m..��.a ..e...e. e _—wr�w�r n Source: Recombination Plat - McAdams- Book 68, Page 259 IlAdw SUMMIT Evans Property Incident #: 47669 Scale Prepared By\Date: PL/04/21 Checked By\Date: MZ/04/21 Site Plan 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, North Carolina NTS Figure 2 Former Well House Well Abandoned Gravel Driveway Initial Limit of Excavation(8x12x8) r— — — — — — 1 I 1 Final Limits of UST I � SB-2 4x8 Excavation (15x20xl2) ; I SB-5 I SB-71 SB-3; ®I ® ® !® I SB-1 SB-6 1 I r ------------' 1 -' I SB-4 ---------- SB-9 Gravel Driveway 16' 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 9' 8' 7' 6' 5' 4' 3' 2' 1' 0' Ground Surface 0' Soil Profile r————————————— -r——————————————— — — — — —— -----1 I 0.5' I I Initial Limit of I I 1 I Excavation 1 I 2' I Brown/Tan South End of I 3' Silty fine 1 UST 4'x8' I 1 grained I I S13-4 SB-2 I 4' Sand/Fill � S13-7 1 SB-3 SB- S® 1 ® ®B-8 I ® 1 I® 1 S. I 10.0 PID 10.0 PID 1 1 6' ^—� Final Limits of I 230 PID 1 Excavation 1 1 I 1 7' 100 PID I I 1 I I White/Tan I I 1 1 8' Silty Clay - I ® SB-5 I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —I I Frim & Dry 10 PID I I 1 9' 1 I 10' White/Tan I 1 11, Silty Clay - SB-6 Very Frim & ® 1 Dry I— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 12' Odors Staining Noted Source: Mecklenburg County GIS //A,& SUMMIT Evans Property Incident #: 47669 Scale Prepared By\Date: PL/11/19 Checked By\Date: MZ/11/19 Aerial Map 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, North Carolina NTS Figure 4 Appendix B Reporting Tables Appendix B — Reporting Tables 1. Table B-1 Site History- UST/AST System and Other Release Information 2. Table B-2 Site History — UST/AST Owner/Operator and Other Responsible Party Information 3. Table B-3 Summary of Soil Sampling Results 4. Table B-4 Summary of Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results 5. Table B-5 Public and Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Appendix B Reporting Tables Table B-1: Site History — UST/AST System and Other Release Information Revision Date: Incident Number and Name: 47669 UST ID Current / Previous Capacity Construction Tank Description Date Tank Status of Release Number Most -Recent Contents* (in gallons) Details** Dimensions of Piping Installed UST*** associated Contents* and Pumps with this UST System? UST-1 Heating oil NA 500 steel 48" x 96" none 1956 removed YES Add additional records as necessary AST ID Current / Previous Capacity Construction Tank Description Date Tank Status of Release Number Most -Recent Contents* (in gallons) Details** Dimensions of Piping Installed AST*** associated Contents* and Pumps with this AST System? Add additional records as necessary Incident Number Material Released Date of Release Description of Release 47669 HO 11 /20 Due Diligence Assessment soil borings around tank Add additional records as necessary * Gasoline (unleaded or leaded), diesel, used oil, waste oil, aviation fuel, etc., or pesticides, non -halogenated or halogenated solvents, etc. * * Fiberglass (single- or double -walled), steel (single- or double -walled), steel with FRP (single- or double -walled), steel with liner, other, unknown. *** Currently operational, not in use or temporarily closed (specify date), permanently closed in place (specify date), permanently closed by removal (specify date) Appendix B Reporting Tables Table B-2: Site History - UST/AST Owner/Operator and Other Responsible Party Information Revision Date: Incident Number and Name: 47699 UST ID Number NA Facility ID Number NA Owner Name (and Contact) Dates of Operation mm/dd/ to mm/dd/ Keith Evans 1956 to current Street Address 9920 Mallard Glen Drive city State Zip Telephone Number Charlotte NC 2826 Operator Name (and contact) Dates of Operation mm/dd/ to mm/dd/ NA Street Address City State Zip Telephone Number Other Incidents Onsite or Commingled/In Close Proximity Incident Number NA Date Incident Occurred Name of Responsible Parry for Other Incident Date Incident Reported Date Incident Closed (i/a) Street Address City State Zip Telephone Number Add additional records for all owners, operators and responsible parties as necessary. Page 1 of 2 Table B-3 Summary of Soil Sample Results Date: 5/7/2021 Incident Number and Name: 47669 Evan Property Facility ID:#: Not Assigned N v C c x ---- c U v c L v c v c r All Values in mg/kg C ° c N x o � o � fi t C v Q C o i a .--- C m `o m Q L Q u > m N t C ° 2 4 t Y U w - L > x Q C Con m O C Co O C m O C Co Dept Incident a Sample ID Date Source ('bgs) Phase SB-1 12/8/2020 E. Wall 5.5 IAA Tank Closure <.009 <.002 <.002 <.002 <.004 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.004 <.003 <.003 SB-2 12/8/2020 N. Wall 5.5 0.019 <.002 <.002 <.02 0.017 <.003 <.003 <.003 0.017 <.004 <.003 <.003 SB-3 12/8/2020 W. Wall 5.5 0.017 0.002 0.007 0.003 0.13 0.033 <.003 0.073 0.11 0.048 <.003 .009J SB-4 12/8/2020 S. Wall 5.5 0.011 <.002 <.002 <.002 <.004 <.003 .018J 0.061 0.058 0.031 .019J <.003 SB-5 12/8/2020 Base 8 0.11 <.002 <.002 <.002 0.011 0.049 .022J 0.038 0.044 0.044 <.003 <.003 SB-6 2/24/2021 Base Retest 12 <.009 <.002 <.002 <.002 <.004 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 W. Wall SB-7 2/24/2021 Retest 5.5 <.009 <.002 <.002 <.002 <.004 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 N. Wall SB-8 4/26/2021 Retest 5.5 NT NT NT NT NT <.003 0.001J <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 S. Wall SB-9 4/26/2021 Retest 1 5.5 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT Minimum Reporting Limit (mg/kg) 0.009 0.0021 0.002 0.002 0.0041 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0041 0.0031 0.003 Soil to Groundwater MSCC (mg/kg) 24 81 1.3 NA 61 6401 0.171 0.0581 0.61 76001 5.81 18 Residential MSCC (mg/kg) 14000 60.31 15601 NA 31201 46001 6.61 0.661 6.61 469 661 663 Industrial/Commercial MSCC (mg/kg)l 210000 2971 23301 NA 467001 700001 321 3.21 321 70001 3271 3270 <# = Below Method Detection Limit BOLD = Concentration Above Reference Values J = Estimated Concentration NT = Not Tested Evans Property May 10, 2021 Charlotte, NC SUMMIT Project No: 5778.E0778 Page 2 of 2 Table B-3 Summary of Soil Sample Results Date: 5/7/2021 Incident Number and Name: 47669 Evan Property Facility ID:#: Not Assigned 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 8270 VPH/EPH VPH/EPH VPH/EPH ai v c 4 c m v a C L C = = t u 0O v co 00 All Values in mg/kg LL O ° L v N Z r a V u U o " U m U U o Depth Incident Sample ID Date Source ('bgs) Phase SB-1 12/8/2020 E. Wall 5.5 IAA Tank Closure <.002 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.004 <.003 <.063 <1.2 <13 <13 <13 SB-2 12/8/2020 N. Wall 5.5 <.002 <.006 <.006 0.017 <.006 0.006 <.003 <.063 <1.3 86 <12 53 SB-3 12/8/2020 W. Wall 5.5 0.022 <.006 0.083 0.96 0.14 0.15 0.028 <.063 2.5 480 64 210 SB-4 12/8/2020 S. Wall 5.5 0.011 <.006 0.043 <.012 <.011 <.008 <.005 <.063 <0.85 <13 <13 <13 SB-5 12/8/2020 Base 8 0.023 0.3 0.028 2.1 0.16 0.31 0.027 0.23 <1.2 738 110 220 SB-6 2/24/2021 Base Retest 12 <.002 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.004 <.003 <.063 <1.2 1.6 <13 <13 W. Wall SB-7 2/24/2021 Retest 5.5 <.002 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.004 <.003 <.063 <1.2 <13 <13 1.1 N. Wall SB-8 4/26/2021 Retest 5.5 001J <.006 <.006 .001J 0.003 <.004 .001J NT NT NT NT NT S. Wall SB-9 4/26/2021 Retest 5.5 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 2.2J <1.6 NT <2.6 Minimum Reporting Limit (mg/kg) 0.002 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.063 <1.2 <13 <13 <13 Soil to Groundwater MSCC (mg/kg) 330 55 1.9 1.5 1.5 0.22 210 NA 68 540 NA 31 Residential MSCC (mg/kg) 625 6251 6.631 62.51 62.51 46901 469 NAI 9391 15001 31000 469 Industrial/Commercial MSCC (mg/kg) 93401 93401 32.71 9341 9341 700001 70001 NAI 245281 400001 810000 12264 <# = Below Method Detection Limit BOLD = Concentration Above Reference Values J = Estimated Concentration NT = Not Tested Evans Property May 10, 2021 Charlotte, NC SUMMIT Project No: 5778.E0778 Revision Date: Table B-4: Summary of Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results Incident Number and Name: 47669 Evan Property. Facility ID#: Appendix B Reporting Tables Analytical Method (e.g., VOC by SM6000B) 4 or Field Measurement (FM) Contaminant of Concern/Field Measurement 4 Well or SW ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) Sample ID Incident Phase (IAA LSA, etc. NA Minimum Reporting Limit (ug/1) 2L Standard (ug/1) GCL (ug/1) NC 2B Standard or EPA National Criteria (ug/1) Field measurement parameters include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, Eh, and alkalinity. Indicate detection limit for contaminants when analyzed, but not detected (e.g., < 1, 10, 42) Include in the table all of the target analytes listed for the method in Apx. B of the Guidelines for Sampling, current version. Results must be reported in ug/1 ug/1=micrograms per liter GCL = gross contamination level Table B-5: Public and Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Revision Date: Incident Number and Name: _47669 Evan Property Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Facility ID#: Appendix B Reporting Tables Well # / Receptor ID Type * Contact Name Own/ User/ Both Contact Phone # Street Address for Receptor Receptor Description and Location Details** Latitude / Longitude** (DECIMAL DEGREES) Source Status & Use *** Dist. from Source (ft) Up- or Down - Gradient (if known) None * Ex: WSW = Water Supply Well, SWB = Surface Water Body, Resvr = Reservoir, PWS = Public Water Supply, PW = Public Well, SW = Supply Well, WPA = Wellhead Protection Areas, RA = Recharge Areas (for deep aquifers), Sub = Subsurface Structures, Con = Conduits, Other: * * The location and/or latitude/longitude (IN DECIMAL DEGREES) must be sufficiently accurate and precise to allow easy location of wells (or recovery if buried/paved/covered-over, lost, or otherwise damaged) and for the location / replication of sampling points for any other receptor. *** Status: A = Active or IA = Inactive *and* Use: P = Potable or NP = Non -Potable Use. (Describe further in Additional Information for Water Supply Wells table below.) Additional Information for Water Supply Wells (and Other Receptors, if applicable) Well # \ Public Water: Well Status Well Construction Details ID (same as above) Connected / Available / Not Available Well Currently y Used for: Active / Inactive / Abandoned Private / Public / Semi -Public Construction Method and Well Type Total Depth (ft BGS) Casing Depth (ft BGS) Screened Interval (x to y ft BGS) Ft BGS = Feet below ground surfac 10 Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina April 15, 2021 APPENDIX C UST-61 C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureUnitial Abatement Action\Appendix C UST 61.docx UST-61 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form. For Releases This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Section's regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This form is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or in NC suspected release (DWM USE ONLY) Suspected Contamination? (Y/N) Y Facility ID Number Incident # Risk (H,I,L,U) Confirmed GW Contamination? (Y/N) N Date Leak Discovered 11/25/19 Received On Received By Confirmed Soil Contamination ?(Y/N) N Comm/Non-Commercial? Non-Com Reported by (circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Samples Taken?(Y/N) N Reg/Non-regulated? Non -Reg Region Free Product? (Y/N) If Yes, State Greatest Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: Evans Property Address: 9920 Mallard Glen Drive County: Mecklenbur Regional Office (circle one): Ashevill ,Mooresville, ayetteville, City/Town: Charlotte Zip Code: 28262 Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Wi Latitude (decimal degrees): 35.330495 Longitude (decimal degrees) : _80.732292 Obtained by: Briefly describe suspected or confirmed release: (including but not limited to: nature of release, date of release, amount ❑GPS of release, amount of free product resent and recoveryefforts, initial responses conducted, impacts to receptors) Limited assessment by soil borings identified soil staining at one end of heating oil UST. ❑Topographic map Lab analysis confirmed petro impacts. See report attached. ®GIs Address matching ❑Other ❑ Unknown Describe location: HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release code) (Check one) ❑Release Detection Equipment or Methods ❑X Visual/Odor ❑Groundwater Contamination ❑During UST Closure/Removal ❑Water in Tank ❑Surface Water Contamination ©Property Transfer ❑Water Supply Well Contamination ❑Other (specify) SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Source of Release Cause of Release Type of Release Product Type Released (Check primary source) (Check primary cause) (Check one) (Check primary product type released) ® Tank ❑ Spill ® Petroleum ❑ Gasoline/ Diesel/ ❑ Diesel/Veg. Oil ❑ Piping ❑ Overfill ❑ Non -Petroleum Kerosene Blend Heating Oil ❑ Vegetable Oil 100% ®❑ Dispenser ®Corrosion Both ❑ ❑ Other Petroleum ❑ E10 - E20 ❑ Submersible Turbine Pump ❑Physical/Mechanical Location Products ❑ (Check one) Metals Delivery Problem Damage ❑ E21 - E84 ❑ ❑ Install Problem ❑ E85 - E99 ❑ Spill Bucket ❑ Other Inorganics ❑ Other [-]Facility ❑Ethanol 100% ❑ Other ❑ Other Organics ❑ Unknown Residence ❑ E01 - E09 ❑ Unknown ❑Other Definitions presented on reverse Definitions presented on reverse Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3. Unknow 4. Private Federal 6. County 7. State Operation Type 1. Public Service 2. Agricultural Residential 4. Education/Relig. 5. Industrial 6. Commercial 7. Mining UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 1 of 2 IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes 2. No Unknow Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Contaminated: (Include Users Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. 2. 3. UST SYSTEM OWNER UST Owner/Company Kevin Evans Point of Contact Address 1150 Liberty Road City State Zip Code Telephone Number Gold Hill NC 28071 UST SYSTEM OPERATOR Same as above UST Operator/Company Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Same as above Landowner Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map See Attached investigation report Person Reporting Incident Patrick Lowery, PG Company SUMMIT ELT, PC plowery@summit-companies.com Telephone Number 803-230-5087 Title Env Manager Address 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Ft. Mill, SC 29715 Date 4/3/20 UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 2 of 2 Definitions of Sources Tank: means the tank that stores the product and is part of the underground storage tank system Piping: means the piping and connectors running from the tank or submersible turbine pump to the dispenser or other end -use equipment (Vent, vapor recovery, or fill lines are excluded.) Dispenser: includes the dispenser and the equipment used to connect the dispenser to the piping (e.g., a release from a suction pump or from components located above the shear valve) Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) Area includes the submersible turbine pump head (typically located in the tank sump), the line leak detector, and the piping that connects the submersible turbine pump to the tank Delivery Problem: identifies releases that occurred during product delivery to the tank. (Typical causes associated with this source are spills and overfills.) Other: serves as the option to use when the release source is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., for releases from vent lines, vapor recovery lines, and fill lines) Unknown: identifies releases for which the source has not been determined Definitions of Causes Spill: use this cause when a spill occurs (e.g., when the delivery hose is disconnected from the tank fill pipe or when the nozzle is removed from the dispenser) Overfill: use when an overfill occurs (e.g., overfills may occur from the fill pipe at the tank or when the nozzle fails to shut off at the dispenser) Physical or Mechanical Damage: use for all types of physical or mechanical damage, except corrosion (e.g., puncture of tank or piping, loose fittings, broken components, and components that have changed dimension) Corrosion: use when a metal tank, piping, or other component has a release due to corrosion (e.g., for steel, corrosion takes the form of rust) Installation Problem: use when the problem is determined to have occurred specifically because the UST system was not installed properly Other: use this option when the cause is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., putting regulated substances into monitoring wells) Unknown: use when the cause has not been determined MECKLENBURG COUNTY - PROPERTY RECORD CARD PROPERTY SEARCH PARCEL ID: 02903112 EVANS KEVIN, EVANS ANN 9920 MALLARD GLEN DR 1150 LIBERTY RD CHARLOTTE NC GOLD HILL NC 28071 KEY INFORMATION Land Use Code R120 Neighborhood Land Use Desc SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - ACREAGE Land Exemption/Deferment Municipality Last Sale Date Fire District Last Sale Price Special District Legal Description NA ASSESSMENT DETAILS Land Value Building Value Features Total BUILDING (1) Finished Area Story Foundation Full Bath(s) Total (SgFt) LAND Use R120 Units 1.49 1,246 1 STORY CRAWL SPACE 1 1,285 Type ACRE FEATURES Year Built Type 1984 STORAGE 1956 PUMP HOUSE Notice of 2019 Real Estate Assessed Value Total Appraised Value $119,300 C901 1.49 ACRE CHARLOTTE CITY OF CHARLOTTE NA Year Built 1956 Built Use / Style Heat FORCED AIR - NOT Fuel DUCTED External Wall FACE BRICK Fireplace(s) Half Bath(s) Bedroom(s) $32,900 $85,600 $800 $119,300 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OIL, WOOD OR COAL 1 3 Neighborhood Assessment C901 $32,900 Quantity Units Value 1 1 $500 1 72 $300 VALUE CHANGES The value change history shows only changes in appraised value; it does not show exemptions, exclusions or deferrals that could reduce a property's taxable value. If any of these are in effect for a particular tax year, it will be shown on the property tax bill for that year. It is also possible that some previous value changes might be missing from this list or listed in the wrong order. If you have any questions, please call the County Assessor's Office at 704-336-7600. Date of Value Change 01 /14/2019 08/08/2014 02/04/2011 01/02/2003 Tiger Lar), 500 ft Effective for Tax Year Reason for Change New Value 2019 COUNTYWIDE REVALUATION $119,300 2011 REVALUATION REVIEW - PEARSON $116,200 2011 COUNTYWIDE REVALUATION $116,300 2003 COUNTYWIDE REVALUATION $94,800 �t 029 2 5y Hyde Pointe Cox){` Disclaimer Mecklenburg County makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. m� CELEBRATING 15 YEARS 4 ■ SUMMIT" aNGINLMNG. W0RA7OR7.7iS"NO., RC. November 25, 2019 Stefan Gassner Aspen Heights Partners 8008 Corporate Center Drive Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28226 SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715 www.SUMNUT-coMpanies.com Phone: (704) 504-1717 Fax: (704) 504-1125 Subject: Letter of Limited UST Assessment and Sampling The Heritage at UNCC 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABRATORY & TESTING, P.C. (SUMMIT) has completed a limited assessment of a Home Heating Oil (HHO) underground storage tank (UST) at 9920 Mallard Glenb Drive, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. SUMMIT personnel conducted the site field work on November 8, 2019. The site is irregular in shape and was noted to be comprised of one (1) parcel totaling approximately 1.49 acres in area. The site is developed with one (1) single family home and associated outbuildings. The residential structure is approximately a 1,2464 SF home, constructed in 1956. SUMMIT personnel visited the site on November 8, 2019. The HHO UST was observed to be located near the southeast of the home near the driveway. Utilizing a soil probe, SUMMIT personnel determined the size of the UST to be approximately 8 feet in length and 4 feet in diameter. SUMMIT completed five (5) geo-probe borings around the UST. Boring SB-1 and SB-2 were located at the approximate end of the UST. SB-3 was located on the downgradient side of the UST. SB-4 and SB- 5 were offset away from the UST. Each soil boring was extended to 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Typical brown -tan sandy Silts were encountered in the soil borings. SB-2 exhibited petroleum soil staining, odors and positive detections of field screening equipment from 3 to 6 ff bgs. Soil sample SS-1 was collected from 5 ft bgs and soil sample SS-2 collected from 7 ft bgs. The collection of SS-1 and SS-2 will help define the vertical extent of impacts. SB-4 and SB-5 were spaced out in 2 directions from SB-2 in order to help define the lateral extent of impacts. SB-4 did not display indicators of petroleum impact. SB-5 detected slight petroleum staining and odors at approximately 5 ft bgs. SS-3 was collected from SB-5 at 5 ft bgs. Typical brown -tan sandy Silts were encountered in the soil borings. Soil samples collected were bottled for submittal to a North Carolina certified The Heritage at UNCC SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 Charlotte, North Carolina November 25, 2019 laboratory for analysis of BTEX, Naphthalene and Poly -cyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). (It should be noted that groundwater was not encountered) Laboratory results were compared to North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). Table 1.0 attached to this document summarizes the detections. As indicated on the attached summary table, sample SS-1, collected at 5 ft bgs adjacent to the northern tank end, detected the presence of petroleum compound Naphthalene above the established Soil to Groundwater MSCC. No detections were reported for SS- 2 or SS-3. Based on the results of our inspection, SUMMIT concludes that the HHO USTs has released petroleum products into the surrounding soils. Per NCDEQ regulations, the UST owner is required to submit a 24-Hour Release notification (Form UST-6 1). A copy of this form is attached to this letter and a copy can be obtained at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/forfns. A copy of this limited assessment should be submitted along with the UST 61 to the NCDEQ Mooresville Regional Office. SUMMIT recommends the removal and proper closure of the UST in accordance with NCDEQ UST guidelines. Based on the detections of concentrations above the established Residential MSCCs, the Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) would be required if soils are to remain in place following UST removal. Soil over -excavation would be required in order to avoid an NRP and receive a No Further Action status from NCDEQ. This letter includes a description of the methodology of our investigation and a summary of our findings and conclusions. If you have any questions regarding our assessment of the subject property, our conclusions or recommendations, please do not hesitate to call us at (704) 504-1717. Sincerely, SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY & TESTING, P.C. Patrick W. Lowery, PG Senior Environmental Manager Attachments Table 1.0 — Summary of Soil Detections (3 pages) Site Figures Analytical Laboratory Report UST 61 Morgan W. Drakeford, SC Forester # 1805 Environmental Professional ENGINEERING IN • LABORATORY • TESTING 3575 Centre Circle Drive I Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715 1 (704) SW - 1717 1 (704) 504 - 1125 (Fox) WVI W. UMMIT- MPANIE . M The Heritage at UNCC Charlotte, North Carolina APPENDIX I TABLES SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 November 25, 2019 DA\Project Forms\Projects\5778.500 The UNCC Heritage Phase I - Test Pits\Phase II\Appendix Lrtf Page 1 of 1 TABLE 1.0 - Summary of Soil Detections (Continued) Project: Heritage Project #: 5778.5 Analytical Method (e.g., VOC by EPA 8260) 8260B 8260B 8260B 8270D 8270D 8270D 4 Contaminant of Concern o Incident Sample Date Source Sample Phase Cd C Collected Depth (ft (Closure, ID (m/dd/yy) Area BGS), 20Day, W Z > d Z a LSA, etc... SS-1 11/8/2019 Tank End 5 Initial 0.011 5.8 0.0 .470 J 5.8 3.4 SS-2 11/8/2019 Tank End 7 Initial ND ND ND ND ND ND SS-3 11/8/2019 Offset 5 Initial ND ND ND ND ND ND Minimum Reporting Limit m /k 0.002 0.300 0.0041 0.290 0.3 0.250 Soil to groundwater MSCC m /k 4.9 0.160 4.60 940 0.160 56 Residential MSCC m /k' 1590 313 3129 4600 313 469 Industrial/Commercial MSCC m /k 400001 8176 81760 1220001 81761 12264 Bold -Reported concentration exceeds Soil to Groundwater MSCC Bold -Reported concentration exceeds Residential MSCC ND - Non Detection NA - Not Available The Heritage at UNCC Charlotte, North Carolina APPENDIX II FIGURES SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 November 25, 2019 DA\Project Forms\Projects\5778.500 The UNCC Heritage Phase I - Test Pits\Phase II\Appendix II.rtf Image rroviaea try r-um uaua LA ►i• r go. "ah r I L _ I � �s r � •�fl y f �r e Boundaries are SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING rl 1� l TOPOGRAPHIC MAP The Heritage at UNCC 300 Heritage Lake Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 10/31 /2019 Image rrovlaea Isy rarer oireei FGallaway Rd N t � R ell �gert ar���� Glen DT University city North SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY. TESTING Sir.q,1f �5 o� a� �S t 0 Z `L0 r Boundaries are approximate SITE LOCATION MAP The Heritage at UNCC 300 Heritage Lake Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 10/31 /2019 //Aa& SUMMIT Aspen Heights Partners Scale 8008 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 201 Charotte, NC 28226 t ivy T Checked By\Date: MZ/11/19 Aerial Map 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, North Carolina NTS Figure 1 Well House Gravel Driveway —40' i i i i i i i i "35' S B-4 SS,1 (5' bgs) SS; 2 (7' bgs) ~® SB-5 SB 2 SS-3 (5' bgs) UST 4x8 ® SB-3 ------------------- Gravel Driveway The Heritage at UNCC Charlotte, North Carolina APPENDIX III SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 November 25, 2019 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY REPORT DA\Project Forms\Projects\5778.500 The UNCC Heritage Phase I - Test Pits\Phase II\Appendix III.rtf SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 28715 Attention: Patrick Lowery Project Name: Heritage Project Number: 5778.5 Lot Number:UK08120 Date Completed:11/15/2019 11 /15/2019 2:37 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom pCCRF�4 AM AC CF ED I T E D qB 11900 ELAP The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 1 of 23 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: UK08120 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. PAHs by GC/MS The following sample was diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: UK08120-003. The LOQ has been elevated to reflect the dilution. VOCs by GC/MS The following sample was diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix: UK08120-003. The LOQ has been elevated to reflect the dilution. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 2 of 23 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sample Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: UK08120 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 SS-1 Solid 11/08/20191000 11/08/2019 002 SS-2 Solid 11/08/20191020 11/08/2019 003 SS-3 Solid 11/08/20191040 11/08/2019 (3 samples) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 3 of 23 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Detection Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: UK08120 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 SS-1 Solid Ethylbenzene 8260B 11 ug/kg 5 001 SS-1 Solid Naphthalene 8260B 5800 ug/kg 5 001 SS-1 Solid Xylenes (total) 8260B 33 ug/kg 5 001 SS-1 Solid Anthracene 8270D 470 J ug/kg 5 001 SS-1 Solid Naphthalene 8270D 5800 ug/kg 5 001 SS-1 Solid Phenanthrene 8270D 3400 ug/kg 5 (6 detections) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 4 of 23 Client: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:UK08120-001 Description: SS-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:11/08/2019 1000 % Solids: 86.7 11/09/2019 0343 )ate Received: 11 /08/2019 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260B 1 11/13/2019 0222 ALR1 35469 5.65 2 5035 High 8260B 1 11/13/2019 2238 ALR1 35622 5.51 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Benzene 71-43-2 8260B ND 5.1 2.0 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260B 11 5.1 2.0 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8260B 5800 300 120 ug/kg 2 Toluene 108-88-3 8260B ND 5.1 2.0 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260B 33 10 4.1 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Q % Recovery Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82 53-142 76 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 92 47-138 85 47-138 Toluene-d8 106 68-124 84 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270D 100 11/12/2019 2022 SCD 11/11/2019 2045 35280 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270D ND 1500 560 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270D ND 1500 350 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270D 470 J 1500 290 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270D ND 1500 220 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270D ND 1500 190 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270D ND 1500 220 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270D ND 1500 420 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270D ND 1500 240 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270D ND 1500 340 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270D ND 1500 330 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270D ND 1500 240 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270D ND 1500 210 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270D ND 1500 300 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270D 5800 1500 520 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270D 3400 1500 250 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270D ND 1500 310 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 125 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 90 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 100 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 5 of 23 Client: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:UK08120-002 Description: SS-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:11/08/2019 1020 % Solids: 85.7 11/09/2019 0343 Date Received: 11 /08/2019 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260B 1 11/13/2019 0244 ALR1 35469 5.60 2 5035 8260B 1 11/14/2019 0009 ALR1 35621 5.57 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Benzene 71-43-2 8260B ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260B ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8260B ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 2 Toluene 108-88-3 8260B ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260B ND 10 4.2 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Q % Recovery Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 79 53-142 79 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 100 47-138 100 47-138 Toluene-d8 96 68-124 95 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270D 1 11/12/2019 1957 SCD 11/11/2019 2045 35280 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270D ND 15 5.6 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270D ND 15 3.6 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270D ND 15 2.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270D ND 15 2.2 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270D ND 15 1.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270D ND 15 2.2 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270D ND 15 4.2 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270D ND 15 2.4 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270D ND 15 3.5 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270D ND 15 3.3 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270D ND 15 2.4 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270D ND 15 2.2 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270D ND 15 3.0 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270D ND 15 5.2 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270D ND 15 2.5 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270D ND 15 3.2 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 96 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 106 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 6 of 23 Client: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:UK08120-003 Description: SS-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:11/08/2019 1040 % Solids: 82.8 11/09/2019 0343 Date Received: 11 /08/2019 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 2 5035 High 8260B 1 11/13/2019 2301 ALR1 35622 4.76 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Benzene 71-43-2 8260B ND 370 150 ug/kg 2 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260B ND 370 150 ug/kg 2 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8260B ND 370 150 ug/kg 2 Toluene 108-88-3 8260B ND 370 150 ug/kg 2 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260B ND 740 300 ug/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 81 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 85 47-138 Toluene-d8 86 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270D 50 11/12/2019 1817 SCD 11/11/2019 2045 35280 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270D ND 800 300 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270D ND 800 190 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270D ND 800 150 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270D ND 800 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270D ND 800 100 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270D ND 800 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270D ND 800 230 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270D ND 800 130 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270D ND 800 190 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270D ND 800 180 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270D ND 800 130 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270D ND 800 120 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270D ND 800 160 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270D ND 800 280 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270D ND 800 130 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270D ND 800 170 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 130 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 N 211 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 95 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 7 of 23 QC Summary Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 8 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ35469-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35469 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Benzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 11/12/2019 2111 Ethylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 11/12/2019 2111 Toluene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 11/12/2019 2111 Xylenes (total) ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 11/12/2019 2111 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 100 47-138 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 9 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ35469-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35469 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Benzene 50 48 1 96 70-130 11/12/2019 2008 Ethylbenzene 50 50 1 101 70-130 11/12/2019 2008 Toluene 50 49 1 98 70-130 11/12/2019 2008 Xylenes (total) 100 100 1 101 70-130 11/12/2019 2008 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 103 47-138 Toluene-d8 101 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 10 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: UQ35469-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35469 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Benzene 50 46 1 93 3.4 70-130 20 11/12/2019 2031 Ethylbenzene 50 49 1 98 3.1 70-130 20 11/12/2019 2031 Toluene 50 49 1 98 0.28 70-130 20 11/12/2019 2031 Xylenes (total) 100 98 1 98 2.4 70-130 20 11/12/2019 2031 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 83 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 99 47-138 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 11 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ35621-001 Matrix: Solid Batch:35621 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Naphthalene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2157 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 99 47-138 Toluene-d8 96 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 12 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ35621-002 Matrix: Solid Batch:35621 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Naphthalene 50 50 1 101 70-130 11 /13/2019 1958 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 79 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 98 47-138 Toluene-d8 96 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 13 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: UQ35621-003 Matrix: Solid Batch:35621 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260B Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Naphthalene 50 51 1 101 0.53 70-130 20 11/13/2019 2020 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 77 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 95 47-138 Toluene-d8 97 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 14 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ35622-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35622 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260B Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Benzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2122 Ethylbenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2122 Naphthalene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2122 Toluene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2122 Xylenes (total) ND 1 500 200 ug/kg 11/13/2019 2122 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 83 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 93 47-138 Toluene-d8 91 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 15 of 23 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ35622-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35622 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260B Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Benzene 2500 2400 1 96 70-130 11/13/2019 2059 Ethylbenzene 2500 2700 1 106 70-130 11/13/2019 2059 Naphthalene 2500 2500 1 102 70-130 11/13/2019 2059 Toluene 2500 2600 1 104 70-130 11/13/2019 2059 Xylenes (total) 5000 5300 1 106 70-130 11/13/2019 2059 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 79 53-142 Bromofluorobenzene 93 47-138 Toluene-d8 91 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 16 of 23 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ35280-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35280 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270D Prep Date: 11/11/2019 2045 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Acenaphthylene ND 1 13 3.2 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Anthracene ND 1 13 2.6 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 13 2.0 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 13 1.7 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 13 3.8 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.1 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Chrysene ND 1 13 3.1 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 13 3.0 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.2 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Fluorene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 13 2.7 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Naphthalene ND 1 13 4.7 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Phenanthrene ND 1 13 2.3 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Pyrene ND 1 13 2.8 ug/kg 11/12/20191431 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 89 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 100 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 116 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 17 of 23 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ35280-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 35280 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270D Prep Date: 11/11/2019 2045 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 670 550 1 83 46-114 11/12/20191456 Acenaphthylene 670 580 1 87 44-122 11/12/20191456 Anthracene 670 620 1 93 50-119 11/12/20191456 Benzo(a)anthracene 670 600 1 90 47-121 11/12/20191456 Benzo(a)pyrene 670 630 1 94 55-134 11/12/20191456 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 670 550 1 83 28-139 11/12/20191456 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 670 700 1 105 36-125 11/12/20191456 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 670 550 1 82 47-130 11/12/20191456 Chrysene 670 630 1 95 45-126 11/12/20191456 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 670 660 1 100 45-122 11/12/20191456 Fluoranthene 670 610 1 92 50-123 11/12/20191456 Fluorene 670 590 1 89 48-117 11/12/20191456 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 670 650 1 97 45-123 11/12/20191456 Naphthalene 670 560 1 84 36-110 11/12/20191456 Phenanthrene 670 590 1 89 49-117 11/12/20191456 Pyrene 670 590 1 88 47-119 11/12/20191456 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 112 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 107 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 18 of 23 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MS Sample ID: UK08120-001 MS Matrix: Solid Batch: 35280 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270D Prep Date: 11/11/2019 2045 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 750 1300 N 100 167 46-114 11/12/2019 2047 Acenaphthylene ND 750 1500 N 100 201 44-122 11/12/2019 2047 Anthracene 470 750 1400 100 119 50-119 11/12/2019 2047 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 750 1000 N 100 133 47-121 11/12/2019 2047 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 750 700 100 93 55-134 11/12/2019 2047 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 750 700 100 93 28-139 11/12/2019 2047 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 750 460 100 61 36-125 11/12/2019 2047 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 750 680 100 90 47-130 11/12/2019 2047 Chrysene ND 750 770 100 102 45-126 11/12/2019 2047 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 750 ND N 100 0.00 45-122 11/12/2019 2047 Fluoranthene ND 750 1000 N 100 136 50-123 11/12/2019 2047 Fluorene ND 750 2700 N 100 365 48-117 11/12/2019 2047 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 750 ND N 100 0.00 45-123 11/12/2019 2047 Naphthalene 5800 750 6600 100 101 36-110 11/12/2019 2047 Phenanthrene 3400 750 4300 100 117 49-117 11/12/2019 2047 Pyrene ND 750 820 100 109 47-119 11/12/2019 2047 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 121 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 31 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 98 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 19 of 23 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MSD Sample ID: UK08120-001 MD Matrix: Solid Batch: 35280 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270D Prep Date: 11/11/2019 2045 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 760 1100 N 100 139 17 46-114 30 11/12/2019 2112 Acenaphthylene ND 760 1300 N 100 173 14 44-122 30 11/12/2019 2112 Anthracene 470 760 1300 100 112 3.4 50-119 30 11/12/2019 2112 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 760 1000 N 100 130 0.76 47-121 30 11/12/2019 2112 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 760 680 100 89 3.7 55-134 30 11/12/2019 2112 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 760 710 100 94 2.0 28-139 30 11/12/2019 2112 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 760 ND N,+ 100 0.00 200 36-125 30 11/12/2019 2112 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 760 720 100 94 5.2 47-130 30 11/12/2019 2112 Chrysene ND 760 810 100 106 5.2 45-126 30 11/12/2019 2112 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 760 ND N 100 0.00 0.00 45-122 30 11/12/2019 2112 Fluoranthene ND 760 1100 N 100 150 11 50-123 30 11/12/2019 2112 Fluorene ND 760 2700 N 100 359 0.11 48-117 30 11/12/2019 2112 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 760 ND N 100 0.00 0.00 45-123 30 11/12/2019 2112 Naphthalene 5800 760 6200 100 50 6.0 36-110 30 11/12/2019 2112 Phenanthrene 3400 760 4100 100 93 4.1 49-117 30 11/12/2019 2112 Pyrene ND 760 990 N 100 130 19 47-119 30 11/12/2019 2112 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 128 24-137 Nitrobenzene-d5 21 12-144 Terphenyl-d14 95 20-127 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 20 of 23 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 21 of 23 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC. g J "I 4S E E IZZ E i r R HT U. o G YO �L-j Ldj _ C u�y SHVd K j El I o FFrt� �J t IN IN139 } a � F 140rN q12 — Ot4 U-1 > LZ caa Y :QNFI — LU — Z ti P S7FI x enaan H- o ,J c a� ell�a J �R3 4 E eo 0 > �' a ,. o S J. VJ q � � O a- r T A I` '►M S 3 Z� lla +•1 e s o IL ` V E e v m 7 13 —_ Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 22 of 23 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sheaf &vlronmcntal SrTvum, Im Pugs 1 nF1 Pxrurami Nnrnhs MFM I Rf r 14 Ef Edda-Wim. W2120111 Sample ReeALApt Clk"I list { RQ C',licrll.: 5111013it Cooler lnsuccted bvidate: WO 11N4119 1_a 4: UKOS120 ';,kEtnyof r4; ipt; &3 5U31 ❑ C<ILunt ❑ UP5 ❑ FedEx n Other: Yes I W1 No m m 11, Wcrc custody seals present on the cooler'' 1-1 Yes Nu-1 14NA 12. if cost ' seals were vent, a erg hkm intact and tutor oke,l? phi Strip FD: NA Chlurinc Strip lb: TEA T W by; NA rJrigiaal temperature upon receipt f 37eriv cl (CQrrcetcd) L-mperatuiv upon receipt %,gcFlid Snap -Cup lb: 19-1616 11 11.8 -' NA ,'Kk -,C NA ?VA_wC: NA .,,NA EC MQ:Lhudl. ®'I mp iratilrc Nail EjrL�,ainst Baal as TR Gun 111 � _ IR Chen Carreaiai rm=Lur 0 °C`- ahod of coolant Q1 U10 Ice ❑ 1L:v Pack; ❑ TIlry Xaa ❑ None D No I1 NA I' If temperature of any cooler exceeded 6.0°C. vh%9 Project Manager K ntifmd? PM -,vas N otifred bv" phatie ? email 1 rave-lu-fax (chic one)- ❑ N(1 I1NA - Is the cornm&eial anurieT'R packing slip a[#adjed [o Ulis Corm? El No 5. Wam prupe_� custody pmMduTex (Telinqu3shedfrefielv�(E) toila,4td? FU0001yyy Ntl 6. Were sample If]5 IiSRCtI on the COC' ❑ No 7- Weir sample fl]� IiAW un all sample ommjn='' n No �.Was coIlectinn dale & Ili= listed on the C.00? ❑1Ko Was Colleetiva data & time listed On a.11 5XIn le GOI!Aaint�? ❑ l+o 10. Did all c4ntalioet Lobel informs#ion (11), date, Lime) p with flee COCe- ❑ Nq 11. Were tests to bs performed listed.011 the CQC? 0 Yes ❑ No 12. Did 3l1.3alripks ard%-. in did prnper containers for pact test andlor in good SonCli[iwl (unhlnlcpn, lids an, etc-)'' Yes ❑ No 13. %Ym adequate sample volume avail W7 Ycs —Yes TO =4. �4�crc all sainplest+et6i1,etl witllin V2 the holding Emu ur48 hours. whichever rorlu's lill'Sto CT ®Vo h 5. Ware any sam ley eorttairmm miss in 'excess (cirele one) samples Not lis[erl on (,'O '? ❑ YC5 ❑ L Il} rJ 1r7711 1 A 1f1- Fur VOA and RSK-175 samples, were bubbles present zzF-viae'd (�."or 6mrn in diameter) in env of the VOA AaW.. ❑ Yes ❑ IVU NA 17-'None all DR4Xm,4al9rnutrient sam les receivext at N pH of<2F Yes No O NA 18. %Vera W1 cyanidg yam pies received at a VH > 12 and sul fide s¢utlpl es received at a114> 9? ❑ Y�-v ❑ No O NA 19. Were a]I applicahle ?wl s KNJcyanideefpberllrli62;5 (< 0.51nprL) sample[~ free of rest u l El Y` El ri!o 1 A {11- Wem+:limln eremarkwrequ sty (i& mque5tcd dIlutio , MF ISD d.esigna11411$, Q'lr C..,) Gun-x:tly trameribed ftm the Coe into the cammellt secnon in L[M$? Li YA yj 1'10 21. Was the tjwle riumbu 16tcd on the cowaiMrr EPba"' li es Qkjoue 4 NA Sampic PreservaticA (MLNt he couiplexed for !]Lk.Y npi�{:) incorreorTy preserved or with headspace.) tialnple(s) NA were 1+meiVerf-lwcrrm ly pl�erv�ed anriwcre adjusted a"ar-dingly Insamp[e recei*drigwith NA _ny1.ofciruic r1nC; H2Sb4, 111103, HCI.NR011 usirig RR 9 NA 13irre t)t'preservation NA TFrnom than one prese;ryalivr is netadod, pieagn-note iti 111W COITIMe11ts brio'Lv. ample(3) were received with bubbles >6 rllm in diametier err,p[cs(s) NA wcne received -,with TRC > 4.5 ing, !- (1f 419 is no) and wem 4LLetcd acoordin¢ly in 5drnp]e! receiving with sodium thiowlfate (NSzSz0a) with Shealy TD. NA SR barcede labels applied bl'; B[b G7SH lam- 11MV19 C4mmerlts.• . Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 23 of 23 The Heritage at UNCC Charlotte, North Carolina APPENDIX IV UST 61 SUMMIT Project No. 5778.500 November 25, 2019 DA\Project Forms\Projects\5778.500 The UNCC Heritage Phase I - Test Pits\Phase II\Appendix IV.rtf UST-61 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form. For Releases This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Section's regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This form is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or in NC suspected release (DWM USE ONLY) Suspected Contamination? (Y/N) Facility ID Number Incident # Risk (H,I,L,U) Confirmed GW Contamination? (Y/N) Date Leak Discovered Received On Received By Confirmed Soil Contamination ?(Y/N) Comm/Non-Commercial? Reported by (circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Samples Taken?(Y/N) Reg/Non-regulated? Region Free Product? (Y/N) If Yes, State Greatest Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: Address: County: Regional Office (circle one): Asheville, Mooresville, Fayetteville, City/Town: Zip Code: Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Winston-Salem Latitude (decimal degrees): Longitude (decimal degrees) : Obtained by: ❑GPS Briefly describe suspected or confirmed release: (including but not limited to: nature of release, date of release, amount of release, amount of free product present and recovery efforts, initial responses conducted, impacts to receptors) ❑Topographic map ❑GIS Address matching ❑Other ❑ Unknown Describe location: HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release code) (Check one) ❑Release Detection Equipment or Methods ❑Visual/Odor ❑Groundwater Contamination ❑During UST Closure/Removal ❑Water in Tank ❑Surface Water Contamination ❑Property Transfer ❑Water Supply Well Contamination ❑Other (specify) SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Source of Release Cause of Release Type of Release Product Type Released (Check primary source) (Check primary cause) (Check one) (Check primary product type released) ❑ Tank ❑ Spill ❑ Petroleum ❑ Gasoline/ Diesel/ ❑ Diesel/Veg. Oil ❑ Piping ❑ Overfill ❑ Non -Petroleum Kerosene Blend ❑ Dispenser ❑Heating Oil ❑ Vegetable Oil 100% Corrosion Both ❑❑ ❑ Other Petroleum ❑ E10 - E20 ❑ Submersible Turbine Pump ❑Physical/Mechanical ❑ Delivery Problem Location Products Damage ❑ E21 - E84 (Check one) Metals ❑ ❑ Install Problem ❑ E85 - E99 ❑ Spill Bucket ❑ Other Inorganics ❑ Other [-]Facility ❑Ethanol 100% ❑ Other ❑ Other Organics ❑ Unknown ❑Residence ❑ E01 - E09 ❑ Unknown ❑Other Definitions presented on reverse Definitions presented on reverse Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3. Unknown 4. Private 5. Federal 6. County 7. State Operation Type 1. Public Service 2. Agricultural 3. Residential 4. Education/Relig. 5. Industrial 6. Commercial 7. Mining UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 1 of 2 IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unknown Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Contaminated: 1. 2. 3. (Include Users Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet if necessary) UST Owner/Company UST SYSTEM OWNER Point of Contact Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST Operator/Company Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Landowner Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map Person Reporting Incident Company Telephone Number Title Address Date UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 2 of 2 Definitions of Sources Tank: means the tank that stores the product and is part of the underground storage tank system Piping: means the piping and connectors running from the tank or submersible turbine pump to the dispenser or other end -use equipment (Vent, vapor recovery, or fill lines are excluded.) Dispenser: includes the dispenser and the equipment used to connect the dispenser to the piping (e.g., a release from a suction pump or from components located above the shear valve) Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) Area includes the submersible turbine pump head (typically located in the tank sump), the line leak detector, and the piping that connects the submersible turbine pump to the tank Delivery Problem: identifies releases that occurred during product delivery to the tank. (Typical causes associated with this source are spills and overfills.) Other: serves as the option to use when the release source is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., for releases from vent lines, vapor recovery lines, and fill lines) Unknown: identifies releases for which the source has not been determined Definitions of Causes Spill: use this cause when a spill occurs (e.g., when the delivery hose is disconnected from the tank fill pipe or when the nozzle is removed from the dispenser) Overfill: use when an overfill occurs (e.g., overfills may occur from the fill pipe at the tank or when the nozzle fails to shut off at the dispenser) Physical or Mechanical Damage: use for all types of physical or mechanical damage, except corrosion (e.g., puncture of tank or piping, loose fittings, broken components, and components that have changed dimension) Corrosion: use when a metal tank, piping, or other component has a release due to corrosion (e.g., for steel, corrosion takes the form of rust) Installation Problem: use when the problem is determined to have occurred specifically because the UST system was not installed properly Other: use this option when the cause is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., putting regulated substances into monitoring wells) Unknown: use when the cause has not been determined Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina April 15, 2021 APPENDIX E UST DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureUnitial Abatement Action\Appendix E COD.docx CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL T K TANK SERVICES., INC. Certifies to all that 257 GALLONS of Nonhazardous, Petroleum Contaminated Water / Product has been disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations for petroleum contaminated water. This product was generated at: RESIDENTAL LOT 9920 MALLARD GLEN DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28262 12 S 2020 DATE MA7� GNA N(AN SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF ADANDONIVIENT TK TANK SERVICES, INC. Certifies to all that 1-500 GALLON NONHAZARDOUS PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED TANK Generated at: 9920 MALLARD GLEN DRIVE CHARLOTTE NC 28262 has been disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations on Underground Storage Tank Regulations. 12/8/2020 MATT CHAPMAN DATE SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL TK TANK SERVICES, INC. Certifies to all that 6 TONS NONHAZARDOUS PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL Generated at: RESIDENTIAL LOT 9920 MALLARD GLEN DRIVE CHARLOTTE NC 28262 has been disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations for 12 8 2020 DATE PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL. MATT r"AP AN SIGNATURE Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina April 15, 2021 APPENDIX H DISPOSAL MANIFESTS C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureUnitial Abatement Action\Appendix H Manifests.docx NON -HAZARDOUS 1. Generator ID Number WASTE MANIFEST 5, Generator's Name and Mailing Address SUMMIT 101 RICE BENT WAY UNITS COLUMBIA, SC 29229 Generators Phone: 6. Transporter 1 Gompany Name T K TANK SERVICES, INC. 1 17. Transporter 2 Company Name a 0 a rt W z 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 425 BOULEVARD RD. SUMTER,SC 803-418-5314 .s Phone: 9. Waste Shipping Name and Description nonhazardous petroleum cc 1. 2, 3. 4, 1 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 2. Page 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone 4. Waste Tracking Number Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) 9920 MALLARD GLEN DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28262 U.S. EPA ID Number U.S. EPA ID Number 10. Containers No. Type U.S. EPA ID Number 11. Total 12, Unit Quantity Wt1vol. s a 4 14. GENERATOR'S10FFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeledlplacarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable intemational and national governmental regulations. Gener r'sl rs Printed/Ty Name ` Signature 4 /� �.� z " l{ 7 tx Month Day Year ! 2 .Zci 15. lntemationai ipments ❑ Import to U.S. ❑ Export from U.S. Port of entry/exit: F z Transporter Signature for experts only):Date leavin U.S.: w 16, Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Signature r" Month Day Year cc a Tran orter 1 PnntedlTyped Name z f I� v `7 Transporter 2PrinedlTypedName SignatLfre Month Da Year y a cc F 17. Discrepancy 17a. Discrepancy Indication Space ❑ ❑ Residue ❑Type ❑ Partial Rejection ❑ Full Rejection IManifest Quantity Reference Number: >- 17b. Altemate Facility (or Generator) US. EPA ID Number r U ua Facility's Phone: � Month Day Year Vc. Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) a z c� m. I o 18. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as no m 17a Month Day Year Prin ype ame Signatu a ,ems � r DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR 169-BLC- 11977 (Rev. 9109) i as LL! R >>_�y L U �y ❑ z W J or u Q � H QC � o< N � U) rn C W W m a F- O a w z O z J a z O MEMO Q C Q O EL U w t mmU)O z�z W m ❑ D -z z 0 z m N N "z Q � o .a c .� o 'L � (nCL a) o ❑m D S 0 z T 13-1 z D 0 u U z z > Q z w CL Ul Q o ❑ Y S N LU = z U N JCD T S z Y Q N QQ L' QQQ� rr, J J Q w 0. d U 0. W m z W z BFI/CMS IANDF AN% 51 U5 MORE�HEAD I� 7 ONCORD 2 NC OME R 333630 28025 Centurion Dev nt KINSTO CharloGrup tte, MCN1AVEeSUITEo30 Contract: ` Generat0 501021228203 g64 r:Charlot to NC Herita SCALEE IN GROSS W 9e PrOAerties I K6 LL OUT EIGHT e TARE WEIGHT 72 310 Q NS 0. 00 uNrr 28, 080 MET NET WEIGHT 22.11 > YD Tracki NT 44,220 "• 1 to ng QTy DESCRIPTION COVER SOIL-ALT DAILY Origin;MECKLENBURG 100, `Y6 TICKET E wE1GHMgSZj 1793812 CELL DATE/TIME IN KeyOna C. VEHICLE �/ 4/�1 9 38 gm DATE/TIM hil20264 D 4/21 REFERENCE CONTAINER 1p • 0` 1260882 ILL OF La n,.,.. INBOUND RATE INVOICE I � rNS10N TAX TOTAL WHILE IN THE LANDFILL. IF A SET FROM YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE ITEMS YOU MAY BORROW The undersi THE SOALE HOUSE, THANK YOU. on the reverse side andthat he in, this document beh RS-F042UPR (04119) she has the authority to sign husis docuraac inowledges that he or s on behalf of the custo hehasread and and erstands the terms 21. Additional Description PIjfgrsMaterjalsListe t SIGNATURE_ and conditions 22. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information TENDERED CH CHE- 23. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR 2 been properly described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations, AND of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions. I certify and warrant that the waste has been treated i 61 or any applicable state law, has of 40 CFR 268 and is no longer a hazardous waste as defined b f this waste is a treatment residue y 40 CFR 261. n accordance with the requirements Printed/Typed Name r� j Signature / "V 24. Transporter #1: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Month Day Year Printed/Typed Name j Signature ' 25. Transporter #2: Acknowledgement of p Month Day Year Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name 1 _i Signature 26. Discrepancy In .I Q 27, Facility Owner or Operator: Certification 0 � FPrinted/Typed Name j Signature E Month , Day Year Month Day Year 1 ,',,; RF\/ 04/19 f �- t - 1• t i / : l�� !, JJJ TRANSPORTER #2 f C01000 033 Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina April 15, 2021 APPENDIX I CHAIN OF CUSTODY C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureUnitial Abatement Action\Appendix I COC.docx PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC w a b C G "Me a I Ngst� r W Z ov rrra� U d I tR . — i LtJ 0 LL. t a �$ 77- M I 3 �I I L: F I w 73 W Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 73 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC LO 0 i� L J 3 z CN12 W 'C r 4 d � T W LL M [L o W r C [L} EL 1" A � li { W�Y3 h�K AJhI ieYarr F,P6"``.... dVayy` GItl7G5LO y f 1Qe 5 a j I ti r O I � I L• I LI 6 $ � l n� rj t 471 ;�_ I r L Y Q I U} � OX R Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 39 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC I Cl N - r--� m utscwF 5L — +arrdM � 4¢5 a 3 � 2 12 u _ m L Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 17 of 18 Initial Abatement Action Report SUMMIT Project No. 5778.E0778 9920 Mallard Glen Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina April 15, 2021 APPENDIX J ANALYTICAL RESULTS C:\plowery\Documents\2-Projects\5778.E0778 The Heritage at UNCC -UST ClosureUnitial Abatement Action\Appendix J Labs.docx 0 aceAnalytical Report of Analysis SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 28715 Attention: Michael Zavislak Project Name: 9920 Mallard Glen Project Number: 5778.E0774 Lot Number:VL08062 Date Completed:12/22/2020 N N NO � � J 12/22/2020 2:28 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager II: Lucas Odom pCCgF� 24r�14A " ANSI National Accreditation Board A C C R E D I T E D TESTING LABORATORY The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 Tel:803-791-9700 Fax:803-791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 1 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: VL08062 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved The NELAC Institute (TNI) standards, the Pace Analytical Services, LLC ("Pace") Laboratory Quality Manual, standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Pace policies. Any exceptions to the TNI standards, the Laboratory Quality Manual, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Pace Project Manager listed on the cover page. VOCs by GC/MS The laboratory control sample duplicate (LCSD) for analytical batch 76782 exceeded acceptance criteria for : Methylcyclohexane and tetrachloroethene. These analytes were biased high and were not detected in the samples affected. VPH Surrogate recovery for the following samples was outside control limits: VL08062-002, VL08062-003, VL08062-005. Evidence of matrix interference is present; therefore, re -extraction and/or re -analysis was not performed. SVOCs by GC/MS The following sample was diluted due to appearance or color: VL08062-001. The LOQ has been elevated to reflect the dilution. Sample -005 has been analyzed at a 10X dilution due to large detections of the target compounds. This large dilution caused a surrogate to recover outside of method criteria. No corrective action is required as it is known that dilutions of 5X and greater may impact surrogate recoveries. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmetal Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 2 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Sample Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: VL08062 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 SB-1 Solid 12/08/20201400 12/08/2020 002 SB-2 Solid 12/08/20201420 12/08/2020 003 SB-3 Solid 12/08/20201440 12/08/2020 004 SB-4 Solid 12/08/20201500 12/08/2020 005 SB-5 Solid 12/08/20201520 12/08/2020 (5 samples) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 3 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Detection Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: VL08062 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 002 SB-2 Solid Acetone 8260D 19 J ug/kg 11 002 SB-2 Solid Xylenes (total) 8260D 17 ug/kg 12 002 SB-2 Solid Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270E 17 ug/kg 12 002 SB-2 Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 21 ug/kg 13 002 SB-2 Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 6.4 J ug/kg 14 002 SB-2 Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 19 mg/kg 14 002 SB-2 Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 67 mg/kg 15 002 SB-2 Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 53 mg/kg 15 003 SB-3 Solid Acetone 8260D 17 J ug/kg 16 003 SB-3 Solid Ethylbenzene 8260D 2.7 J ug/kg 16 003 SB-3 Solid Isopropylbenzene 8260D 7.3 ug/kg 16 003 SB-3 Solid Methylcyclohexane 8260D 3.8 J ug/kg 16 003 SB-3 Solid Xylenes (total) 8260D 130 ug/kg 17 003 SB-3 Solid Anthracene 8270E 33 J ug/kg 17 003 SB-3 Solid Benzo(a)pyrene 8270E 73 ug/kg 17 003 SB-3 Solid Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270E 110 ug/kg 17 003 SB-3 Solid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8270E 48 J ug/kg 17 003 SB-3 Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 22 J ug/kg 18 003 SB-3 Solid Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 8270E 83 ug/kg 18 003 SB-3 Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 960 ug/kg 18 003 SB-3 Solid Naphthalene 8270E 140 ug/kg 18 003 SB-3 Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 150 ug/kg 19 003 SB-3 Solid Pyrene 8270E 28 J ug/kg 19 003 SB-3 Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 90 mg/kg 19 003 SB-3 Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 320 mg/kg 19 003 SB-3 Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 64 mg/kg 19 003 SB-3 Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 2.5 J mg/kg 20 003 SB-3 Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 160 mg/kg 20 003 SB-3 Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 120 mg/kg 20 004 SB-4 Solid Acetone 8260D 11 J ug/kg 21 004 SB-4 Solid Benzo(a)anthracene 8270E 18 J ug/kg 22 004 SB-4 Solid Benzo(a)pyrene 8270E 61 ug/kg 22 004 SB-4 Solid Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270E 58 ug/kg 22 004 SB-4 Solid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8270E 31 J ug/kg 22 004 SB-4 Solid Benzo(k)fluoranthene 8270E 19 J ug/kg 22 004 SB-4 Solid Chrysene 8270E 9.2 J ug/kg 23 004 SB-4 Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 11 J ug/kg 23 004 SB-4 Solid Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 8270E 43 ug/kg 23 004 SB-4 Solid Pyrene 8270E 11 J ug/kg 24 005 SB-5 Solid Acetone 8260D 11 J ug/kg 26 005 SB-5 Solid Xylenes (total) 8260D 11 J ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid Anthracene 8270E 49 ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid Benzo(a)anthracene 8270E 22 J ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid Benzo(a)pyrene 8270E 38 ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270E 44 ug/kg 27 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 4 of 74 Detection Summary (Continued) Lot Number: VL08062 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 005 SB-5 Solid Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8270E 11 J ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid 1,1'-Biphenyl 8270E 230 ug/kg 27 005 SB-5 Solid Chrysene 8270E 13 J ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 23 J ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid Fluorene 8270E 300 ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 8270E 28 J ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 2100 ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid Naphthalene 8270E 160 ug/kg 28 005 SB-5 Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 310 ug/kg 29 005 SB-5 Solid Pyrene 8270E 27 J ug/kg 29 005 SB-5 Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 200 mg/kg 29 005 SB-5 Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 710 mg/kg 29 005 SB-5 Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 110 mg/kg 29 005 SB-5 Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 28 mg/kg 30 005 SB-5 Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 20 mg/kg 30 (60 detections) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 5 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-001 Description: SB-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1400 % Solids: 75.4 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/14/20201737 JM1 76437 5.72 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 23 9.3 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 23 4.6 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 12 4.6 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 12 4.6 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 6 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-001 Description: SB-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1400 % Solids: 75.4 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/14/20201737 JM1 76437 5.72 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 12 4.6 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 119 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 104 53-142 Toluene-d8 99 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1628 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 18 5.4 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 18 6.2 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 18 3.3 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 18 3.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 18 4.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 18 3.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 18 4.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 18 3.1 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 7 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-001 Description: SB-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1400 % Solids: 75.4 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1628 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 18 2.9 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 18 3.3 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 85 48 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 18 2.7 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 18 3.7 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 18 6.5 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 18 6.5 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 18 6.3 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 180 65 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 440 160 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 8 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-001 Description: SB-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1400 % Solids: 75.4 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1628 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 18 4.7 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E ND 18 3.3 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 85 33 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 71 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 68 22-109 Phenol-d5 75 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 81 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 89 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1625 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76109 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 53 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 89 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 59 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1625 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76108 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 69 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 9 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-001 Description: SB-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1400 % Solids: 75.4 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0159 STM 76796 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 124 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0159 STM 76797 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 2.1 0.83 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 120 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 10 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-002 Description: SB-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1420 % Solids: 79.2 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/14/20201800 JM1 76437 5.00 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D 19 J 25 10 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 6.3 3.8 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 25 5.1 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 6.3 3.8 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 6.3 3.8 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 13 5.1 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 13 5.1 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 11 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-002 Description: SB-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1420 % Solids: 79.2 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/14/20201800 JM1 76437 5.00 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 6.3 2.5 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 6.3 3.8 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D 17 13 5.1 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 116 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 92 53-142 Toluene-d8 102 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1653 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 17 5.1 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 17 5.8 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 17 3.1 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 17 3.6 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 17 4.1 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E 17 17 3.1 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 17 4.0 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 17 3.0 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 12 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-002 Description: SB-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1420 % Solids: 79.2 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1653 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 17 2.8 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 17 3.1 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 80 45 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 17 2.6 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 17 3.5 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 17 6.1 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 21 17 6.1 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 17 6.0 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 410 150 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 13 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-002 Description: SB-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1420 % Solids: 79.2 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 12/18/2020 1653 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 6.4 J 17 4.4 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E ND 17 3.1 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 80 31 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 70 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 69 22-109 Phenol-d5 68 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 87 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 106 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1656 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76109 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 103 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 103 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 65 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1656 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76108 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 19 12 12 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 73 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 14 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-002 Description: SB-2 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1420 % Solids: 79.2 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0228 STM 76796 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 6.5 1.3 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 67 6.5 1.3 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 160 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0228 STM 76797 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- 53 2.2 0.87 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 120 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 15 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-003 Description: SB-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1440 % Solids: 82.9 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/15/20201243 JM1 76558 5.18 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D 17 J 23 9.3 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 23 4.7 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D 2.7 J 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D 7.3 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D 3.8 J 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 16 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-003 Description: SB-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1440 % Solids: 82.9 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/15/20201243 JM1 76558 5.18 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 5.8 2.3 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 5.8 3.5 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D 130 12 4.7 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 104 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 93 53-142 Toluene-d8 100 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 20 12/18/2020 1718 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 64 20 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 64 22 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 33 J 64 12 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 64 14 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E 73 64 16 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E 110 64 12 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E 48 J 64 15 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 64 11 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 17 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-003 Description: SB-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1440 % Solids: 82.9 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 20 12/18/2020 1718 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 64 11 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 64 12 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 310 170 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 22 J 64 9.9 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 64 13 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E 83 64 24 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 960 64 23 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 140 64 23 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 640 240 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 1600 590 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 18 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-003 Description: SB-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1440 % Solids: 82.9 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 20 12/18/2020 1718 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 150 64 17 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 28 J 64 12 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 310 120 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 52 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 70 22-109 Phenol-d5 65 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 84 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 101 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1726 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76109 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 90 11 11 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 95 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 101 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 71 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1726 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76108 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 320 11 11 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 64 11 11 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 71 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 19 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-003 Description: SB-3 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1440 % Solids: 82.9 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0256 STM 76796 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 2.5 J 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 160 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 192 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0256 STM 76797 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- 120 2.1 0.82 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 122 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 20 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-004 Description: SB-4 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1500 % Solids: 82.8 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/15/20201306 JM1 76558 5.82 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D 11 J 21 8.3 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 5.2 3.1 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 21 4.2 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 5.2 3.1 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 5.2 3.1 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 10 4.2 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 10 4.2 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 21 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-004 Description: SB-4 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1500 % Solids: 82.8 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 12/15/20201306 JM1 76558 5.82 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 5.2 3.1 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 10 4.2 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 97 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 100 53-142 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1742 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 32 9.8 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 32 11 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 32 6.0 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E 18 J 32 6.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E 61 32 7.8 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E 58 32 5.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E 31 J 32 7.6 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E 19 J 32 5.6 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 22 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-004 Description: SB-4 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1500 % Solids: 82.8 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1742 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E 9.2 J 32 5.3 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 32 6.0 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 150 87 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 11 J 32 4.9 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 32 6.7 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E 43 32 12 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 32 12 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 32 11 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 320 120 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 790 290 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 23 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-004 Description: SB-4 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1500 % Solids: 82.8 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1742 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 32 8.5 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 11 J 32 5.9 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 150 59 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 68 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 84 22-109 Phenol-d5 71 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 94 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 105 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1756 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76109 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 95 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 96 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 71 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1756 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76108 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 12 12 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 78 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 24 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-004 Description: SB-4 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1500 % Solids: 82.8 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/20201720 ECB 76976 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 4.2 0.85 mg/kg 2 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 4.2 0.85 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 104 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/20201720 ECB 76977 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 1.4 0.56 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 96 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 25 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-005 Description: SB-5 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1520 % Solids: 77.6 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 2 5035 8260D 1 12/17/2020 0728 STM 76782 5.47 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D 11 J 24 9.4 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 24 4.7 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 26 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-005 Description: SB-5 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1520 % Solids: 77.6 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 2 5035 8260D 1 12/17/2020 0728 STM 76782 5.47 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.4 ug/kg 2 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 2 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D 11 J 12 4.7 ug/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 125 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 93 53-142 Toluene-d8 96 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1807 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 34 10 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 34 12 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 49 34 6.4 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E 22 J 34 7.5 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E 38 34 8.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E 44 34 6.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E 11 J 34 8.2 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 34 6.1 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E 230 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 27 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-005 Description: SB-5 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1520 % Solids: 77.6 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1807 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E 13 J 34 5.7 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 34 6.4 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 160 93 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 23 J 34 5.3 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E 300 34 7.2 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E 28 J 34 13 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 2100 34 13 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 160 34 12 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 850 320 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 28 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-005 Description: SB-5 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1520 % Solids: 77.6 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 12/18/2020 1807 SCD 12/10/2020 1900 76196 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 310 34 9.1 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 27 J 34 6.3 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 94 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 70 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 99 22-109 Phenol-d5 69 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 96 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol N 135 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1827 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76109 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 200 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 108 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 126 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 83 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 12/15/2020 1827 JJG 12/10/2020 1418 76108 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 710 12 12 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 110 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 57 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 29 of 74 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:VL08062-005 Description: SB-5 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:12/08/2020 1520 % Solids: 77.6 12/08/2020 2312 Date Received:12/08/2020 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0353 STM 76796 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 5.6 1.1 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 28 5.6 1.1 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 156 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 12/17/2020 0353 STM 76797 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- 20 1.9 0.74 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 127 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 30 of 74 QC Summary Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 31 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76437-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76437 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acetone ND 1 20 8.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Benzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Bromodichloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Bromoform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1 20 4.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Carbon disulfide ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Chlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Chloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Chloroform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Cyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Dibromochloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Ethylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 2-Hexanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Isopropylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Methyl acetate ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Methylcyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Methylene chloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Styrene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Tetrachloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Toluene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 32 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76437-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76437 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Trichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Vinyl chloride ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Xylenes (total) ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/14/2020 0950 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 118 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 99 53-142 Toluene-d8 101 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 33 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76437-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76437 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 85 1 85 60-140 12/14/2020 0904 Benzene 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Bromodichloromethane 50 47 1 93 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Bromoform 50 47 1 95 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 48 1 97 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 92 1 92 60-140 12/14/2020 0904 Carbon disulfide 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Carbon tetrachloride 50 48 1 95 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Chlorobenzene 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Chloroethane 50 47 1 95 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Chloroform 50 47 1 93 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 43 1 85 60-140 12/14/2020 0904 Cyclohexane 50 46 1 93 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Dibromochloromethane 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 47 1 95 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 47 1 94 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 42 1 84 60-140 12/14/2020 0904 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 47 1 94 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 48 1 97 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 49 1 97 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 47 1 93 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Ethylbenzene 50 50 1 99 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 2-Hexanone 100 89 1 89 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Isopropylbenzene 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Methyl acetate 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 45 1 90 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 88 1 88 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Methylcyclohexane 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Methylene chloride 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Styrene 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 45 1 90 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Tetrachloroethene 50 51 1 102 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Toluene 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 45 1 91 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 48 1 97 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 46 1 91 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 34 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76437-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76437 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 50 1 99 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 46 1 93 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Vinyl chloride 50 44 1 89 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Xylenes (total) 100 99 1 99 70-130 12/14/2020 0904 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 93 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 85 53-142 Toluene-d8 95 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 35 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76558-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76558 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acetone ND 1 20 8.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Benzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Bromodichloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Bromoform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1 20 4.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Carbon disulfide ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Chlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Chloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Chloroform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Cyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Dibromochloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Ethylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 2-Hexanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Isopropylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Methyl acetate ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Methylcyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Methylene chloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Styrene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Tetrachloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Toluene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 36 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76558-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76558 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Trichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Vinyl chloride ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Xylenes (total) ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/15/2020 0934 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 104 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 94 53-142 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 37 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76558-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76558 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 89 1 89 60-140 12/15/2020 0847 Benzene 50 51 1 102 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Bromodichloromethane 50 50 1 101 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Bromoform 50 51 1 103 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 47 1 94 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 93 1 93 60-140 12/15/2020 0847 Carbon disulfide 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Carbon tetrachloride 50 50 1 99 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Chlorobenzene 50 52 1 105 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Chloroethane 50 51 1 101 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Chloroform 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 48 1 96 60-140 12/15/2020 0847 Cyclohexane 50 47 1 93 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Dibromochloromethane 50 51 1 103 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 50 1 101 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 52 1 105 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 52 1 104 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 54 1 108 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 44 1 88 60-140 12/15/2020 0847 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 48 1 95 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 48 1 97 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 49 1 99 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 51 1 101 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 53 1 106 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Ethylbenzene 50 54 1 107 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 2-Hexanone 100 95 1 95 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Isopropylbenzene 50 53 1 105 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Methyl acetate 50 43 1 87 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 47 1 94 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 94 1 94 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Methylcyclohexane 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Methylene chloride 50 46 1 93 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Styrene 50 53 1 105 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 49 1 98 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Tetrachloroethene 50 57 1 114 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Toluene 50 51 1 102 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 45 1 90 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 54 1 107 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 53 1 106 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 38 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76558-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76558 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 52 1 103 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 48 1 95 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Vinyl chloride 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Xylenes (total) 100 110 1 107 70-130 12/15/2020 0847 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 101 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 53-142 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 39 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76782-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acetone ND 1 20 8.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Benzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Bromodichloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Bromoform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1 20 4.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Carbon disulfide ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Chlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Chloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Chloroform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Cyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Dibromochloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Ethylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 2-Hexanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Isopropylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Methyl acetate ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Methylcyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Methylene chloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Styrene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Tetrachloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Toluene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 40 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76782-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Trichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Vinyl chloride ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Xylenes (total) ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 12/16/2020 2359 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 115 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 94 53-142 Toluene-d8 97 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 41 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76782-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 91 1 91 60-140 12/16/2020 2248 Benzene 50 49 1 99 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Bromodichloromethane 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Bromoform 50 60 1 119 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 42 1 83 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 92 1 92 60-140 12/16/2020 2248 Carbon disulfide 50 40 1 79 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Carbon tetrachloride 50 41 1 82 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Chlorobenzene 50 51 1 103 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Chloroethane 50 44 1 87 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Chloroform 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 45 1 89 60-140 12/16/2020 2248 Cyclohexane 50 42 1 85 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 45 1 91 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Dibromochloromethane 50 54 1 108 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 54 1 107 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 48 1 97 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 43 1 86 60-140 12/16/2020 2248 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 43 1 85 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 46 1 92 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 40 1 80 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 42 1 84 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 52 1 105 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Ethylbenzene 50 50 1 100 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 2-Hexanone 100 100 1 102 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Isopropylbenzene 50 43 1 87 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Methyl acetate 50 44 1 89 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 45 1 91 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 100 1 103 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Methylcyclohexane 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Methylene chloride 50 44 1 89 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Styrene 50 51 1 102 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 48 1 96 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Tetrachloroethene 50 53 1 105 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Toluene 50 49 1 97 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 42 1 84 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 52 1 105 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 42 1 83 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 53 1 107 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 42 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76782-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 47 1 94 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 45 1 89 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Vinyl chloride 50 44 1 88 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Xylenes (total) 100 100 1 101 70-130 12/16/2020 2248 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 116 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 104 53-142 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 43 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76782-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 98 1 98 7.9 60-140 20 12/16/2020 2335 Benzene 50 62 + 1 124 23 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Bromodichloromethane 50 60 1 121 19 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Bromoform 50 62 1 124 4.4 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 53 + 1 107 25 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 100 1 104 12 60-140 20 12/16/2020 2335 Carbon disulfide 50 57 + 1 115 37 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Carbon tetrachloride 50 57 + 1 115 34 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Chlorobenzene 50 59 1 118 14 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Chloroethane 50 58 + 1 115 27 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Chloroform 50 56 + 1 111 24 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 56 + 1 113 23 60-140 20 12/16/2020 2335 Cyclohexane 50 60 + 1 120 35 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 48 1 95 5.1 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Dibromochloromethane 50 57 1 114 5.5 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 56 1 113 5.0 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 56 1 112 12 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 56 1 112 15 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 57 1 113 16 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 59 + 1 119 31 60-140 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 55 + 1 110 25 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 52 1 104 13 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 57 + 1 114 35 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 55 + 1 111 23 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 57 + 1 114 31 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 61 1 121 20 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 60 1 119 18 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 57 1 113 7.7 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Ethylbenzene 50 59 1 119 18 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 2-Hexanone 100 100 1 104 2.1 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Isopropylbenzene 50 53 1 107 20 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Methyl acetate 50 49 1 97 9.5 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 52 1 105 14 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 110 1 112 9.0 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Methylcyclohexane 50 69 N,+ 1 137 35 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Methylene chloride 50 54 1 108 20 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Styrene 50 59 1 117 14 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 48 1 96 0.28 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Tetrachloroethene 50 69 N,+ 1 138 27 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Toluene 50 64 + 1 127 26 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 62 + 1 124 38 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 61 1 121 14 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 57 + 1 114 31 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 55 1 111 3.6 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 44 of 74 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76782-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76782 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 64 + 1 128 30 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 61 + 1 123 32 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Vinyl chloride 50 60 + 1 121 31 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Xylenes (total) 100 120 1 119 16 70-130 20 12/16/2020 2335 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 128 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 113 53-142 Toluene-d8 121 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 45 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76196-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 2.7 0.83 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Acenaphthylene ND 1 2.7 0.95 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Acetophenone ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Atrazine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzaldehyde ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.59 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.66 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 2.7 0.65 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.48 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Caprolactam ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Carbazole ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 4-Chloroaniline ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2-Chlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Chrysene ND 1 2.7 0.45 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Dibenzofuran ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Diethylphthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Dimethyl phthalate ND 1 13 7.4 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.42 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Fluorene ND 1 2.7 0.57 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Hexachlorobenzene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 46 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: VQ76196-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 2.7 1.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Isophorone ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.99 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2-Methylphenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 3+4-Methylphenol ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.97 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 3-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 4-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Nitrobenzene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2-Nitrophenol ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 4-Nitrophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/2020 1154 Pentachlorophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Phenanthrene ND 1 2.7 0.72 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Phenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Pyridine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 12/18/20201154 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 76 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 54 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 22-109 Phenol-d5 67 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 96 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 90 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 47 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76196-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 130 110 1 81 12-111 12/18/2020 1219 Acenaphthylene 130 110 1 84 44-122 12/18/2020 1219 Acetophenone 130 87 1 65 48-111 12/18/2020 1219 Anthracene 130 120 1 90 16-122 12/18/2020 1219 Atrazine 130 140 1 102 48-116 12/18/2020 1219 Benzaldehyde 130 110 1 83 10-110 12/18/2020 1219 Benzo(a)anthracene 130 120 1 94 40-121 12/18/2020 1219 Benzo(a)pyrene 130 130 1 98 36-114 12/18/2020 1219 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 130 120 1 89 38-123 12/18/2020 1219 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 130 150 1 110 43-120 12/18/2020 1219 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 130 130 1 95 40-126 12/18/2020 1219 1,1'-Biphenyl 130 110 1 85 49-110 12/18/2020 1219 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 130 140 1 104 46-118 12/18/2020 1219 Butyl benzyl phthalate 130 130 1 94 46-128 12/18/2020 1219 Caprolactam 130 130 1 99 43-121 12/18/2020 1219 Carbazole 130 130 1 100 47-128 12/18/2020 1219 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 130 100 1 78 31-102 12/18/2020 1219 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 130 120 1 88 49-118 12/18/2020 1219 4-Chloroaniline 130 76 1 57 17-106 12/18/2020 1219 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 130 100 1 77 39-108 12/18/2020 1219 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 130 110 1 81 32-105 12/18/2020 1219 2-Chloronaphthalene 130 110 1 85 31-127 12/18/2020 1219 2-Chlorophenol 130 99 1 75 37-106 12/18/2020 1219 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 130 130 1 100 47-116 12/18/2020 1219 Chrysene 130 130 1 97 41-124 12/18/2020 1219 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 130 140 1 106 38-125 12/18/2020 1219 Dibenzofuran 130 120 1 89 45-112 12/18/2020 1219 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 130 110 1 85 10-119 12/18/2020 1219 2,4-Dichlorophenol 130 110 1 81 41-113 12/18/2020 1219 Diethylphthalate 130 130 1 99 49-123 12/18/2020 1219 Dimethyl phthalate 130 130 1 99 48-120 12/18/2020 1219 2,4-Dimethylphenol 130 110 1 86 33-123 12/18/2020 1219 Di-n-butyl phthalate 130 140 1 104 51-129 12/18/2020 1219 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol 130 91 1 69 40-130 12/18/2020 1219 2,4-Dinitrophenol 270 150 1 56 32-115 12/18/2020 1219 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 130 140 1 106 48-124 12/18/2020 1219 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 130 150 1 111 47-125 12/18/2020 1219 Di-n-octylphthalate 130 130 1 95 49-142 12/18/2020 1219 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 130 130 1 97 45-128 12/18/2020 1219 Fluoranthene 130 130 1 95 26-133 12/18/2020 1219 Fluorene 130 120 1 89 19-108 12/18/2020 1219 Hexachlorobenzene 130 150 1 112 44-122 12/18/2020 1219 Hexachlorobutadiene 130 110 1 84 33-103 12/18/2020 1219 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 670 540 1 81 18-121 12/18/2020 1219 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 48 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: VQ76196-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane 130 110 1 80 30-96 12/18/2020 1219 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 130 130 1 94 42-123 12/18/2020 1219 Isophorone 130 120 1 94 41-113 12/18/2020 1219 2-Methyl naphthalene 130 110 1 82 10-107 12/18/2020 1219 2-Methylphenol 130 100 1 76 32-107 12/18/2020 1219 3+4-Methylphenol 130 110 1 80 39-108 12/18/2020 1219 Naphthalene 130 100 1 79 10-112 12/18/2020 1219 2-Nitroaniline 130 140 1 102 45-123 12/18/2020 1219 3-Nitroaniline 130 100 1 79 24-127 12/18/2020 1219 4-Nitroaniline 130 140 1 109 48-127 12/18/2020 1219 Nitrobenzene 130 110 1 85 33-114 12/18/2020 1219 2-Nitrophenol 130 100 1 76 35-108 12/18/2020 1219 4-Nitrophenol 270 220 1 82 18-154 12/18/2020 1219 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 130 120 1 87 32-115 12/18/2020 1219 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 130 120 1 91 53-150 12/18/2020 1219 Pentachlorophenol 270 190 1 70 27-138 12/18/2020 1219 Phenanthrene 130 120 1 88 16-123 12/18/2020 1219 Phenol 130 100 1 77 36-108 12/18/2020 1219 Pyrene 130 130 1 95 34-121 12/18/2020 1219 Pyridine 130 100 1 77 30-130 12/18/2020 1219 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 130 130 1 96 46-122 12/18/2020 1219 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 130 110 1 85 38-115 12/18/2020 1219 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 70 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 79 22-109 Phenol-d5 82 33-122 Terphenyl-d 14 101 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 102 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 49 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MS Sample ID: VL08062-005MS Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 160 140 10 84 12-111 12/18/2020 1832 Acenaphthylene ND 160 170 10 101 44-122 12/18/2020 1832 Acetophenone ND 160 290 N 10 176 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Anthracene 49 160 180 10 78 16-122 12/18/2020 1832 Atrazine ND 160 190 10 114 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Benzaldehyde ND 160 140 10 83 10-110 12/18/2020 1832 Benzo(a)anthracene 22 160 140 10 71 40-121 12/18/2020 1832 Benzo(a)pyrene 38 160 160 10 71 36-114 12/18/2020 1832 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 44 160 160 10 67 38-123 12/18/2020 1832 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 11 160 130 10 70 43-120 12/18/2020 1832 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 160 130 10 79 40-126 12/18/2020 1832 1,1'-Biphenyl 230 160 290 10 36 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 160 160 10 96 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 160 210 10 130 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Caprolactam ND 160 370 N 10 222 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Carbazole ND 160 140 10 88 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 160 110 10 65 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 160 290 N 10 174 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 4-Chloroaniline ND 160 95 10 58 17-106 12/18/2020 1832 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 160 110 10 66 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 160 110 10 66 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 160 120 10 75 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2-Chlorophenol ND 160 97 10 59 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 160 150 10 90 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Chrysene 13 160 140 10 79 41-124 12/18/2020 1832 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 160 120 10 73 38-125 12/18/2020 1832 Dibenzofuran ND 160 280 N 10 173 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 160 ND N 10 0.00 10-119 12/18/2020 1832 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 160 170 10 106 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Diethylphthalate ND 160 160 10 99 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Dimethyl phthalate ND 160 270 N 10 161 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 160 410 N 10 248 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 160 140 10 86 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 160 340 N 10 204 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 330 1200 N 10 357 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 160 390 N 10 238 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 160 270 N 10 163 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 160 230 N 10 138 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 160 270 10 61 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Fluoranthene 23 160 130 10 67 26-133 12/18/2020 1832 Fluorene 300 160 360 10 39 19-108 12/18/2020 1832 Hexachlorobenzene ND 160 150 10 92 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 160 110 10 69 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 820 690 10 84 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 50 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MS Sample ID: VL08062-005MS Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 160 350 N 10 212 30-130 12/18/20201832 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 28 160 130 10 64 42-123 12/18/20201832 Isophorone ND 160 200 10 122 30-130 12/18/20201832 2-Methyl naphthalene 2100 160 1600 N 10 -283 10-107 12/18/20201832 2-Methylphenol ND 160 110 10 68 30-130 12/18/20201832 3+4-Methylphenol ND 160 110 10 64 30-130 12/18/20201832 Naphthalene 160 160 220 10 37 10-112 12/18/20201832 2-Nitroaniline ND 160 85 10 52 30-130 12/18/20201832 3-Nitroaniline ND 160 120 10 76 30-130 12/18/20201832 4-Nitroaniline ND 160 250 N 10 152 30-130 12/18/20201832 Nitrobenzene ND 160 110 10 65 30-130 12/18/20201832 2-Nitrophenol ND 160 240 N 10 143 30-130 12/18/20201832 4-Nitrophenol ND 330 1800 N 10 533 30-130 12/18/20201832 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 160 210 10 128 30-130 12/18/20201832 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 160 440 N 10 268 30-130 12/18/2020 1832 Pentachlorophenol ND 330 620 N 10 187 30-130 12/18/20201832 Phenanthrene 310 160 360 10 31 16-123 12/18/20201832 Phenol ND 160 120 10 70 30-130 12/18/20201832 Pyrene 27 160 150 10 75 34-121 12/18/20201832 Pyridine ND 160 ND N 10 0.00 30-130 12/18/20201832 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 160 130 10 76 30-130 12/18/20201832 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 160 130 10 77 30-130 12/18/20201832 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 55 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 75 22-109 Phenol-d5 65 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 79 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 109 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 51 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MSD Sample ID: VL08062-005MD Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 170 290 N,+ 10 174 72 12-111 30 12/18/2020 1857 Acenaphthylene ND 170 310 N,+ 10 182 59 44-122 30 12/18/2020 1857 Acetophenone ND 170 880 N,+ 10 518 100 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Anthracene 49 170 420 N,+ 10 220 82 16-122 30 12/18/2020 1857 Atrazine ND 170 170 10 102 8.9 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Benzaldehyde ND 170 180 10 104 25 10-110 40 12/18/2020 1857 Benzo(a)anthracene 22 170 180 10 96 28 40-121 30 12/18/2020 1857 Benzo(a)pyrene 38 170 200 10 94 23 36-114 30 12/18/2020 1857 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 44 170 190 10 88 22 38-123 30 12/18/2020 1857 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 11 170 140 10 77 11 43-120 30 12/18/2020 1857 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 170 170 10 100 27 40-126 30 12/18/2020 1857 1,1'-Biphenyl 230 170 980 N,+ 10 441 110 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 300 N,+ 10 180 63 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 170 250 N 10 146 14 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Caprolactam ND 170 720 N,+ 10 425 65 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Carbazole ND 170 230 N,+ 10 133 43 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 170 140 10 80 24 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 170 1000 N,+ 10 617 110 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 4-Chloroaniline ND 170 630 N,+ 10 372 150 17-106 40 12/18/2020 1857 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 170 200 + 10 118 59 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 170 150 10 87 30 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 170 330 N,+ 10 193 90 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2-Chlorophenol ND 170 120 10 70 19 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 450 N,+ 10 267 100 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Chrysene 13 170 180 10 102 25 41-124 30 12/18/2020 1857 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 170 140 10 84 17 38-125 30 12/18/2020 1857 Dibenzofuran ND 170 810 N,+ 10 477 96 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 170 ND N 10 0.00 0.00 10-119 40 12/18/2020 1857 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 170 210 10 124 18 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Diethylphthalate ND 170 190 10 111 14 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Dimethyl phthalate ND 170 300 N 10 177 12 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 170 1400 N,+ 10 844 110 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 170 190 10 113 29 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 170 340 N 10 200 0.55 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 340 1100 N 10 338 2.7 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 170 870 N,+ 10 516 76 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 170 3700 N,+ 10 2170 170 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 170 260 N 10 152 13 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 170 370 10 119 31 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Fluoranthene 23 170 180 10 91 27 26-133 30 12/18/2020 1857 Fluorene 300 170 810 N,+ 10 305 77 19-108 30 12/18/2020 1857 Hexachlorobenzene ND 170 240 N,+ 10 141 44 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 170 160 10 93 32 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 850 800 10 94 14 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 52 of 74 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MSD Sample ID: VL08062-005MD Matrix: Solid Batch: 76196 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1900 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 170 570 N,+ 10 336 48 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 28 170 150 10 73 13 42-123 30 12/18/20201857 Isophorone ND 170 96 + 10 57 70 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 2-Methyl naphthalene 2100 170 6400 N,+ 10 2540 120 10-107 30 12/18/20201857 2-Methylphenol ND 170 150 10 86 27 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 3+4-Methylphenol ND 170 120 10 69 10 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Naphthalene 160 170 640 N,+ 10 286 98 10-112 30 12/18/20201857 2-Nitroaniline ND 170 1500 N,+ 10 874 180 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 3-Nitroaniline ND 170 990 N,+ 10 586 160 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 4-Nitroaniline ND 170 280 N 10 164 11 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Nitrobenzene ND 170 140 10 80 24 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 2-Nitrophenol ND 170 500 N,+ 10 293 71 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 4-Nitrophenol ND 340 6100 N,+ 10 1790 110 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 170 100 + 10 60 70 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 170 1500 N,+ 10 873 110 30-130 40 12/18/2020 1857 Pentachlorophenol ND 340 590 N 10 176 3.6 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Phenanthrene 310 170 1200 N,+ 10 531 110 16-123 30 12/18/20201857 Phenol ND 170 130 10 78 13 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Pyrene 27 170 190 10 99 25 34-121 30 12/18/20201857 Pyridine ND 170 ND N 10 0.00 0.00 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 170 370 N,+ 10 218 99 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 170 320 N,+ 10 186 86 30-130 40 12/18/20201857 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl N 139 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 70 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 92 22-109 Phenol-d5 76 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 87 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 40 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 53 of 74 MA EPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76108-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76108 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 12/15/2020 1354 C19 - C36 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 12/15/2020 1354 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 66 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 54 of 74 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76108-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76108 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 21 1 70 40-140 12/15/2020 1424 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 33 1 84 40-140 12/15/2020 1424 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 82 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 55 of 74 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76108-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76108 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 23 1 76 7.5 40-140 25 12/15/2020 1454 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 37 1 92 10 40-140 25 12/15/2020 1454 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 89 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 56 of 74 MA EPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76109-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76109 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 12/15/2020 1354 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 107 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 106 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 79 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 57 of 74 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76109-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76109 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 61 1 72 40-140 12/15/2020 1424 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 104 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 109 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 80 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 58 of 74 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76109-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76109 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 12/10/2020 1418 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 69 1 82 13 40-140 25 12/15/2020 1454 Surrogate 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) o - Terphenyl (aromatic) Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 108 40-140 111 40-140 86 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 59 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76796-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76796 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 114 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 60 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76796-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76796 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 7.4 1 99 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 114 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 99 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 61 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76796-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76796 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 7.8 1 105 5.3 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 119 3.9 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 106 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 62 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76797-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76797 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 1 1.3 0.50 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 112 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 63 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76797-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76797 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.4 1 112 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit 96 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 64 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76797-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76797 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.5 1 120 6.9 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 104 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 65 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76976-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76976 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 114 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 66 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76976-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76976 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 7.4 1 99 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 114 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 99 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 67 of 74 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76976-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76976 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 7.8 1 105 5.3 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 119 3.9 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 106 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 68 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: VQ76977-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76977 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 1 1.3 0.50 mg/kg 12/16/2020 2119 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 112 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 69 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: VQ76977-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76977 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.4 1 112 70-130 12/16/2020 1955 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit 96 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 70 of 74 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: VQ76977-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 76977 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.5 1 120 6.9 70-130 25 12/16/2020 2229 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 104 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 71 of 74 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 72 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC w a b C G "Me a I Ngst� r W Z ov U d I tR . — i LtJ 0 LL. t a �$ 77- M I 3 �I I L: F I w 73 W Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 73 of 74 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Samplcs Rcccipt Checklist {SRC} [MEObI$C-15} Rc+;Lcd:9129r2020 } dCeilr l}7rt1 L•suir.g Authorlty-, ?ocLx ENV- WCOL Page -- a[ I �'ainglc Recciplt Checklist (SRC} 1=cnt- �uauu:t C ,7nlcv In n�ct4d Fvr'da;e; ICBS l IVOV2020 l nl `�_ YLMC62 b1cau3 ofrcccip. I"ReC l,v It UI' FcdLx Oncer. Yes Na I. V r.re GLr4`mn w seak aTe: cn- r)n +he aj{]lero YeS N4 f NA12, If custody walswore present, Were dley intact and unbroken? p H Strip ID, NM C lh lnri-ic: Strip TD' w, Tf+mui hy_ N^ ;Original mmVeraturc upon mccipt l DerivaJ (f 3rracted) tantperattrre upon recoipt %Solid Snap -cup 11; 20-206 !3,$ 13Z cc WA }'IA aC Vk fNA c�C NA +NA cC Mcthod: ❑d Tcmpcmtijrc Blark rirt Boules IRG'Jtt ID: IR Gim Correv ion Factor: o oC Method of coolant: 0 Wet I J" PAQk: ❑ U l:� 0 Nme ❑ Yr No CNA 3. If temperature Dfany cooler exceeded 6.01C, was Project Manager Nntitied` I'M was Notified byf phone Y email ! face-ta-Tana (cirri e wie)- Yeg —ffYes LjNn NA 4. Is the cm mnercial cmrier's packing slip attadied t6 thi; fixv? 1 0 5. Were pqmr custody pmoedares (rel'u ishedlreceiwcc) folbywed? ,/ YCs ONO 6. Wuc sampic I Df listcd an tlsc COC? ✓ Yes INO 7. Wue sample Ms listed on all sample caataiuers'7 ✓ Yes LJNo U. WRs wilieCtion 4JLV2 & =Lnie listed on 1`ie COO! Yef Nn 9. Wa3 CGRECtitin daioc +iL inlc Iistod cm a I I sainple oantabem? 71 Yes MNo 11 Did all container lalml iiiAmi .tiou (ID, dare, lime) agree with the COC? ✓ Yea No 1 L Vries tests ro be. po,R med listed an Ilie CGC" 0 Yes ❑ Iqa 12. Bid all-gamp'e.t W--ivy in lfie: ImVier znntainm5 for naA wt Pnr4'or in good cDndition i tmbrok9ti, l A iin, etc-)? — 13. W" vlcquau, sample volume available? ycs LUJ Na ,J cN Nci l4. crc a'.] q=plcu Tcuwivorl within % +.l,e hglding hmi� or 48 hoer-2, whichiyer comes first? � , No 15. were any sempl%containers missitlg/excess (circle onc) a]mplosNot: listed on Coc'r ❑ Yaq _ E] No ❑,/ 7+A 16. For VOA and RSIC-175 samnlae, were b-abbles present>"pea-sire" ('ld"or 6mm In diameter, �:n any of the VOA viaIs:? 1�es No NA 117. 'Nem a=1 DMLae12.lsl u r_-ient samples received at a pH of < 2? Ye` LJ No IiINA IS. Were a.J cyanide sariplas received at a pH? 12 and sulfide sampler received at a PH > 91? Yet ❑ N NA ] 9, Were a. app:icable N11.Ir7I{ cyanide> phenaL'625_1,608,2 (< 0,5mVL) satnpk* fmc of res:dtial CI5:slrin°' 'IJ Y ❑N° ❑f NA '10 Wam c''icnl.reT;ir}:S?rr.giwsZl5 (i.e.. 1rsl11r,5trd d1'13RiCn5, MSilk+1SD{KC gn;itiom, etc,,.) ... correctly Snt;ctiheel frnv.i the ff)C.. ir?fk Ibe tnmmartc�edion in 1.1f,lS? 'cs Nei 21. Was tiro 9 vex ruunbcr li=led om tho �.nim-i-'Lebo[? If vcs, Quotc t '4asnple I're�erviititon s14ltiSt he ciunfrlr.leil For any L:amplr.(,) inc;oTm-.tly prr.suWd OT wit[; headspac.0. ,Sarnple(s) "" -- - - 1Areceived hicorectly preserved m)d were adjusted accordingly lira sample rccrriving with 14A mL of c:reie ore: H25O4, HN01 MCI, NaOH using SR Time of prescrvation MA If more than one pre .erva>,ve N needed, plt�Rso Wt in the o inincnts bokm I ,5uulp1t:(x) N — — _—were received wil1i h--ihhJes 76 mm iti riiameter. :Sampl*s) '-A were eeoe]yerl with TPC fi 0,5 cng+t, (Tl'#19 is �ru) arrtl ww-rr. rrr�mtOCI aecording.ly in 3anlple receivingwith XCUM Lhio4 UITUf l (Na2S:O3) wi0i Shmly lla; 1qA SR 3alowe IaberS appi led by: KBE __.-__... Datc; IZASGUA Comments: Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 74 of 74 0 aceAnalytical Report of Analysis SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 28715 Attention: Patrick Lowery Project Name: 9920 Mallard Glen Project Number: 5778.E0778 Lot Number:WC01007 Date Completed:03/11/2021 03/11 /2021 1:59 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager II: Lucas Odom pCCgF� 24r�14A " ANSI National Accreditation Board A C C R E D I T E D TESTING LABORATORY The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 Tel:803-791-9700 Fax:803-791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 1 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WC01007 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved The NELAC Institute (TNI) standards, the Pace Analytical Services, LLC ("Pace") Laboratory Quality Manual, standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Pace policies. Any exceptions to the TNI standards, the Laboratory Quality Manual, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Pace Project Manager listed on the cover page. SVOCs by GC/MS The following samples were diluted due to appearance or color: WC01007-001, WC01007-002. The LOQ has been elevated to reflect the dilution. The method blank associated with batch 84430 yielded a "J" value detection for Di-n-butyl phthalate. No corrective action is required as this is an estimated value recovered below the LOQ. The LCS associated with this batch recovered Butyl benzyl phthalate above method criteria. No corrective action is required as all associated samples are non -detect for this compound. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmetal Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 whw.pacelabs.com Page 2 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Sample Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WC01007 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 SB-6 Solid 02/24/20211100 03/01/2021 002 SB-7 Solid 02/24/20211130 03/01/2021 (2 samples) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 3 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Detection Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WC01007 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 SB-6 Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 1.6 J mg/kg 9 002 SB-7 Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 1.1 J mg/kg 14 (2 detections) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 4 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-001 Description: SB-6 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1100 % Solids: 76.6 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 03/03/20211706 JM1 84580 5.58 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 23 9.4 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 23 4.7 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 5 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-001 Description: SB-6 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1100 % Solids: 76.6 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 03/03/20211706 JM1 84580 5.58 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 5.9 2.3 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 5.9 3.5 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 12 4.7 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 102 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 91 53-142 Toluene-d8 106 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2039 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 34 10 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 34 12 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 34 6.4 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 34 7.4 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 34 8.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 34 6.3 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 34 8.2 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 34 6.0 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 6 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-001 Description: SB-6 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1100 % Solids: 76.6 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2039 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 34 5.7 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 34 6.4 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 160 93 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 34 5.3 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 34 7.2 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 34 13 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 34 12 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 34 12 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 340 130 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 840 310 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 7 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-001 Description: SB-6 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1100 % Solids: 76.6 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2039 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 34 9.1 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E ND 34 6.3 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 160 63 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 61 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 48 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 87 22-109 Phenol-d5 59 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 67 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 76 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 03/06/2021 1114 NCM 03/04/2021 1003 84638 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 102 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 106 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 82 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 03/06/2021 0743 NCM 03/04/2021 1003 84637 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 104 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 8 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-001 Description: SB-6 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1100 % Solids: 76.6 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 03/10/20211914 ECB 85380 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 5.4 1.1 mg/kg 2 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 1.6 J 5.4 1.1 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 97 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 03/10/20211914 ECB 85379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 1.8 0.72 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 92 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 9 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-002 Description: SB-7 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1130 % Solids: 73.5 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 03/03/20211728 JM1 84580 5.31 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 26 10 ug/kg Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 6.4 3.8 ug/kg 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 26 5.1 ug/kg Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 6.4 3.8 ug/kg Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 6.4 3.8 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 13 5.1 ug/kg Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 13 5.1 ug/kg Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 10 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-002 Description: SB-7 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1130 % Solids: 73.5 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 03/03/20211728 JM1 84580 5.31 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 6.4 2.6 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 6.4 3.8 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 13 5.1 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 104 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 93 53-142 Toluene-d8 108 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2103 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 36 11 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 36 13 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 36 6.8 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 36 7.9 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 36 8.8 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 36 6.7 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 36 8.7 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 36 6.4 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 11 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-002 Description: SB-7 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1130 % Solids: 73.5 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2103 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 36 6.0 ug/kg Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 36 6.8 ug/kg Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 170 99 ug/kg 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 36 5.6 ug/kg Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 36 7.6 ug/kg Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 36 13 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 36 13 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 36 13 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 360 130 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 890 330 ug/kg LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 12 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-002 Description: SB-7 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1130 % Solids: 73.5 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 03/04/2021 2103 SCD 03/02/2021 2137 84430 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 36 9.6 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E ND 36 6.7 ug/kg 1 Pyridine 110-86-1 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 170 67 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 45 33-102 2-Fluorophenol N 34 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 57 22-109 Phenol-d5 35 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 47 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 50 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 03/06/2021 1145 NCM 03/04/2021 1003 84638 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 97 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 100 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 73 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 03/06/2021 0813 NCM 03/04/2021 1003 84637 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 97 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 13 of 40 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory ID:WC01007-002 Description: SB-7 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:02/24/2021 1130 % Solids: 73.5 03/01/2021 2328 Date Received:03/01/2021 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 03/10/20211943 ECB 85380 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 6.3 1.3 mg/kg 2 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND 6.3 1.3 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 116 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 03/10/20211943 ECB 85379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- 1.1 J 2.1 0.84 mg/kg 2 Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 103 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 14 of 40 QC Summary Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 15 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: WQ84580-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acetone ND 1 20 8.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Benzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Bromodichloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Bromoform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1 20 4.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Carbon disulfide ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Chlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Chloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Chloroform ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Cyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Dibromochloromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Ethylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 2-Hexanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Isopropylbenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Methyl acetate ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Methylcyclohexane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Methylene chloride ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Styrene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Tetrachloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Toluene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 16 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: WQ84580-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Trichloroethene ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Vinyl chloride ND 1 5.0 3.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Xylenes (total) ND 1 10 4.0 ug/kg 03/03/2021 1300 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 106 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 97 53-142 Toluene-d8 102 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 17 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: WQ84580-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 98 1 98 60-140 03/03/2021 1215 Benzene 50 53 1 106 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Bromodichloromethane 50 52 1 105 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Bromoform 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 51 1 102 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 100 1 103 60-140 03/03/2021 1215 Carbon disulfide 50 55 1 110 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Carbon tetrachloride 50 56 1 112 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Chlorobenzene 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Chloroethane 50 53 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Chloroform 50 52 1 104 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 46 1 91 60-140 03/03/2021 1215 Cyclohexane 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 51 1 102 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Dibromochloromethane 50 53 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 53 1 106 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 53 1 106 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 53 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 53 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 52 1 103 60-140 03/03/2021 1215 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 53 1 105 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 51 1 101 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 56 1 111 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 53 1 105 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 52 1 104 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 53 1 106 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 52 1 104 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Ethylbenzene 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 2-Hexanone 100 100 1 103 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Isopropylbenzene 50 55 1 110 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Methyl acetate 50 49 1 99 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 52 1 103 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 100 1 102 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Methylcyclohexane 50 59 1 117 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Methylene chloride 50 54 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Styrene 50 54 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 51 1 102 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Tetrachloroethene 50 57 1 113 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Toluene 50 53 1 107 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 59 1 118 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 56 1 111 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 55 1 109 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 52 1 103 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 18 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: WQ84580-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 56 1 111 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 56 1 111 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Vinyl chloride 50 49 1 98 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Xylenes (total) 100 110 1 108 70-130 03/03/2021 1215 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 107 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 105 53-142 Toluene-d8 109 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 19 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: WQ84580-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Acetone 100 99 1 99 0.97 60-140 20 03/03/2021 1238 Benzene 50 52 1 104 1.6 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Bromodichloromethane 50 51 1 102 2.6 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Bromoform 50 54 1 107 0.84 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 50 50 1 99 2.5 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 2-Butanone (MEK) 100 100 1 102 1.0 60-140 20 03/03/2021 1238 Carbon disulfide 50 53 1 107 3.4 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Carbon tetrachloride 50 55 1 109 3.0 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Chlorobenzene 50 52 1 104 3.3 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Chloroethane 50 51 1 102 4.0 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Chloroform 50 51 1 102 1.9 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 50 44 1 87 4.3 60-140 20 03/03/2021 1238 Cyclohexane 50 53 1 106 1.3 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 51 1 102 0.11 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Dibromochloromethane 50 52 1 105 1.8 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 50 52 1 104 1.7 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 53 1 106 0.62 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 52 1 105 1.9 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 53 1 105 1.6 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 50 1 100 3.3 60-140 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 51 1 103 2.5 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 50 1 100 1.2 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 54 1 108 2.8 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 52 1 103 1.9 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 50 52 1 105 3.0 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 51 1 102 1.8 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 52 1 104 1.7 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 50 52 1 103 1.2 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Ethylbenzene 50 52 1 105 2.9 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 2-Hexanone 100 100 1 103 0.082 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Isopropylbenzene 50 53 1 107 2.5 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Methyl acetate 50 49 1 97 1.7 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 50 51 1 102 1.4 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 100 1 102 0.46 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Methylcyclohexane 50 57 1 114 2.5 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Methylene chloride 50 52 1 105 2.8 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Styrene 50 52 1 105 2.3 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 51 1 101 0.38 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Tetrachloroethene 50 55 1 109 3.4 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Toluene 50 52 1 104 2.4 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 50 57 1 115 2.2 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 55 1 109 2.1 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 53 1 106 3.1 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 51 1 103 0.72 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 20 of 40 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Sample ID: WQ84580-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84580 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 50 54 1 108 2.9 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 53 1 106 4.7 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Vinyl chloride 50 47 1 94 4.7 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Xylenes (total) 100 110 1 106 2.2 70-130 20 03/03/2021 1238 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 104 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 103 53-142 Toluene-d8 106 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 21 of 40 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: WQ84430-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84430 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 03/02/2021 2137 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 2.7 0.83 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Acenaphthylene ND 1 2.7 0.95 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Acetophenone ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Atrazine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzaldehyde ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.59 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.66 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 2.7 0.65 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.48 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Caprolactam ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Carbazole ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Chloroaniline ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Chlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Chrysene ND 1 2.7 0.45 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Dibenzofuran ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Diethylphthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Dimethyl phthalate ND 1 13 7.4 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Di-n-butyl phthalate 8.4 J 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.42 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Fluorene ND 1 2.7 0.57 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Hexachlorobenzene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 22 of 40 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: WQ84430-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84430 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 03/02/2021 2137 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 2.7 1.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Isophorone ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.99 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Methylphenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 3+4-Methylphenol ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.97 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 3-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Nitroaniline ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Nitrobenzene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2-Nitrophenol ND 1 27 10 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 4-Nitrophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Pentachlorophenol ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Phenanthrene ND 1 2.7 0.72 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Phenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Pyridine ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 03/08/2021 1205 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 46 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 57 22-109 Phenol-d5 56 33-122 Terphenyl-d 14 81 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 23 of 40 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: WQ84430-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84430 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 03/02/2021 2137 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 130 87 1 65 12-111 03/04/2021 1928 Acenaphthylene 130 90 1 68 44-122 03/04/2021 1928 Acetophenone 130 81 1 61 48-111 03/04/2021 1928 Anthracene 130 110 1 82 16-122 03/04/2021 1928 Atrazine 130 110 1 84 48-116 03/04/2021 1928 Benzaldehyde 130 92 1 69 10-110 03/04/2021 1928 Benzo(a)anthracene 130 100 1 78 40-121 03/04/2021 1928 Benzo(a)pyrene 130 120 1 90 36-114 03/04/2021 1928 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 130 110 1 82 38-123 03/04/2021 1928 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 130 110 1 83 43-120 03/04/2021 1928 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 130 96 1 73 40-126 03/04/2021 1928 1,1'-Biphenyl 130 87 1 66 49-110 03/04/2021 1928 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 130 110 1 85 46-118 03/04/2021 1928 Butyl benzyl phthalate 130 580 N 1 436 46-128 03/04/2021 1928 Caprolactam 130 120 1 87 43-121 03/04/2021 1928 Carbazole 130 98 1 73 47-128 03/04/2021 1928 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 130 75 1 56 31-102 03/04/2021 1928 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 130 90 1 67 49-118 03/04/2021 1928 4-Chloroaniline 130 63 1 47 17-106 03/04/2021 1928 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 130 74 1 56 39-108 03/04/2021 1928 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 130 83 1 63 32-105 03/04/2021 1928 2-Chloronaphthalene 130 86 1 65 31-127 03/04/2021 1928 2-Chlorophenol 130 81 1 61 37-106 03/04/2021 1928 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 130 100 1 78 47-116 03/04/2021 1928 Chrysene 130 110 1 79 41-124 03/04/2021 1928 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 130 110 1 84 38-125 03/04/2021 1928 Dibenzofuran 130 99 1 75 45-112 03/04/2021 1928 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 130 94 1 71 10-119 03/04/2021 1928 2,4-Dichlorophenol 130 90 1 68 41-113 03/04/2021 1928 Diethylphthalate 130 100 1 78 49-123 03/04/2021 1928 Dimethyl phthalate 130 100 1 77 48-120 03/04/2021 1928 2,4-Dimethylphenol 130 89 1 67 33-123 03/04/2021 1928 Di-n-butyl phthalate 130 100 1 77 51-129 03/04/2021 1928 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol 130 59 1 45 40-130 03/04/2021 1928 2,4-Dinitrophenol 270 120 1 44 32-115 03/04/2021 1928 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 130 120 1 87 48-124 03/04/2021 1928 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 130 110 1 82 47-125 03/04/2021 1928 Di-n-octylphthalate 130 93 1 70 49-142 03/04/2021 1928 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 130 93 1 70 45-128 03/04/2021 1928 Fluoranthene 130 100 1 77 26-133 03/04/2021 1928 Fluorene 130 95 1 71 19-108 03/04/2021 1928 Hexachlorobenzene 130 99 1 74 44-122 03/04/2021 1928 Hexachlorobutadiene 130 93 1 70 33-103 03/04/2021 1928 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 670 380 1 57 18-121 03/04/2021 1928 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 24 of 40 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: WQ84430-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84430 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 03/02/2021 2137 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane 130 83 1 62 30-96 03/04/2021 1928 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 130 110 1 82 42-123 03/04/2021 1928 Isophorone 130 95 1 72 41-113 03/04/2021 1928 2-Methyl naphthalene 130 79 1 60 10-107 03/04/2021 1928 2-Methylphenol 130 78 1 59 32-107 03/04/2021 1928 3+4-Methylphenol 130 81 1 61 39-108 03/04/2021 1928 Naphthalene 130 82 1 62 10-112 03/04/2021 1928 2-Nitroaniline 130 110 1 83 45-123 03/04/2021 1928 3-Nitroaniline 130 88 1 66 24-127 03/04/2021 1928 4-Nitroaniline 130 130 1 96 48-127 03/04/2021 1928 Nitrobenzene 130 80 1 60 33-114 03/04/2021 1928 2-Nitrophenol 130 79 1 59 35-108 03/04/2021 1928 4-Nitrophenol 270 170 1 63 18-154 03/04/2021 1928 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 130 85 1 64 32-115 03/04/2021 1928 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 130 100 1 77 53-150 03/04/2021 1928 Pentachlorophenol 270 150 1 57 27-138 03/04/2021 1928 Phenanthrene 130 100 1 75 16-123 03/04/2021 1928 Phenol 130 78 1 59 36-108 03/04/2021 1928 Pyrene 130 86 1 65 34-121 03/04/2021 1928 Pyridine 130 79 1 60 30-130 03/04/2021 1928 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 130 95 1 71 46-122 03/04/2021 1928 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 130 99 1 74 38-115 03/04/2021 1928 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 48 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 59 22-109 Phenol-d5 59 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 86 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 84 30-117 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 25 of 40 MA EPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ84637-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84637 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 03/06/2021 0511 C19 - C36 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 03/06/2021 0511 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 101 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 26 of 40 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ84637-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84637 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 16 1 53 40-140 03/06/2021 0542 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 43 1 107 40-140 03/06/2021 0542 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 101 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 27 of 40 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ84637-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84637 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 15 1 51 4.9 40-140 25 03/06/2021 0612 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 38 1 96 11 40-140 25 03/06/2021 0612 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 92 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 28 of 40 MA EPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ84638-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84638 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 03/06/2021 0843 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 98 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 102 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 78 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 29 of 40 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ84638-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84638 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 73 1 86 40-140 03/06/2021 0913 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 97 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 101 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 75 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 30 of 40 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ84638-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 84638 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 03/04/2021 1003 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 70 1 82 4.9 40-140 25 03/06/2021 0944 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 92 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 95 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 73 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 31 of 40 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ85379-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85379 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 1 1.3 0.50 mg/kg 03/04/2021 1220 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 112 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 32 of 40 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ85379-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85379 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.3 1 104 70-130 03/04/2021 1315 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit 104 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 33 of 40 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ85379-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85379 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.2 1 96 8.0 70-130 25 03/04/2021 1344 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 104 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 34 of 40 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ85380-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85380 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 03/04/2021 1220 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 03/04/2021 1220 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 118 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 35 of 40 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ85380-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85380 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 8.5 1 113 70-130 03/04/2021 1315 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 9.8 1 112 70-130 03/04/2021 1315 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 113 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 36 of 40 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ85380-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 85380 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 8.3 1 111 2.3 70-130 25 03/04/2021 1344 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 9.7 1 111 1.0 70-130 25 03/04/2021 1344 Surrogate 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 113 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 37 of 40 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 38 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC LO 0 i� L J 3 z CN12 W 'C r 4 d � T W LL M [L o W r C [L} EL 1" A � li { W�Y3 h�K AJhI ieYarr F,P6"``.... dVayy` GItl7G5LO y f 1Qe 5 a j I ti r O I � I L• I LI 6 $ � l n� rj t 471 ;�_ I r L Y Q I U} � OX R Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 39 of 40 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Sarepios Receipt Checklist (SRC) (ME0018C-151 I:SuiiiRAuth-:irity: Pam -:NV-'WOOL Sample Receipt CheckBst (SRC) Client: SUM -nit Luolcr inanected bvldate' JRG3 r t nt lr, YA'GO1007 RrMisE-d=9l , f'2n?n P25E� I of 1 Mcwsofreceipt: F1 Rmt O:iattt Ups FcjE,x U:hce -- — Ycs NL) ]- Wtxccuslanly.ycals ,reseutonthe cocaleo, Y-,,l F-]Nol E NAP.- lf4-,ustody seals vycrC prrwia, %Ycrc dtev `nracl and unorokcf? p I I Strip TD: "" _ hlori.-10 Strip ID: NA Tested by; 11,1 Origina: t"aTatrtre upon reoeipt l DuEiv�;l (Corrected) temperature upon romipr %Solid Strop -cup il]; 2D-s7J 2A 12.3 er NA ,+NA aC NA ILIA LC N,1 j NA, o.Q ' Method: OTempnratur 131ank agaiI-ul 3 oW,;,s IR Gun ID- � TR Olin t_'o*: Wiou Facwn 0 °C 4-eihod of coola= ©;!Jest Ice 0 ice Racks ❑ T)ry Ice ❑ iS %e ❑ Yes ❑ No ENA 3- H teripeTaITrO of aly CoMer exueccd 5.UL , -arm Project ]4Aardgtr N oti ed? 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Was thetote ra rr.bcr listed a:t the containce- label'?if yes,t liY uote No Skim Preservation [144us# be can3pletad tot soy smple(s incprt'ecrly pr ao cd arvrith rt td.;pacn,) wrre T, ceivad incarredJy p; 4scrwd and wem adjusted :ptcowdingly in sarnp1c rpwiving witli IIA mlu of eQowc onc; I12SCA, IF (P, KC; I, NaOH using 5j 4 NA Time of pr5setvnion NA If inori; than oae prewrvativr is n� icd, please note in thr, wmrnrnts aelow. Saatple(s) NA wero rocaived with babbl[s >6 min in diattt et:e r- :Satnplzs(s) NA WOM rcccivcd with TR(: > 0.5 rr-WL flfit19 is ao ) wid wcrc a ,imed accordingly rn sam pia rccciving with sodiltrtl i OTulftite NaaS.03) wilh Shwily ID: ,qrh SR barx ]athcls npplicd by- �tzUx Dim- OMI02tt=_ Corst;lwms= Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 40 of 40 0 aceAnalytical Report of Analysis SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 28715 Attention: Patrick Lowery Project Name: 9920 Mallard Glen Project Number: 5778.E0778 Lot Number:WD27047 Date Completed:04/30/2021 04/30/2021 5:03 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager II: Lucas Odom pCCgF� 24r�14A " ANSI National Accreditation Board A C C R E D I T E D TESTING LABORATORY The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 Tel:803-791-9700 Fax:803-791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 1 of 18 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WD27047 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved The NELAC Institute (TNI) standards, the Pace Analytical Services, LLC ("Pace") Laboratory Quality Manual, standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Pace policies. Any exceptions to the TNI standards, the Laboratory Quality Manual, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample results (including LOQ and DL if requested) are corrected for dry weight unless flagged with a "W" qualifier. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Pace Project Manager listed on the cover page. VPH Surrogate recovery for the following sample was outside the upper control limit: WD27047-002. This sample did not contain any target analytes; therefore, re -extraction and/or re -analysis was not performed. Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmetal Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 whw.pacelabs.com Page 2 of 18 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Sample Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WD27047 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 SB-8 Solid 04/26/20211610 04/27/2021 002 SB-9 Solid 04/26/20211600 04/27/2021 (2 samples) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 3 of 18 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Detection Summary SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Lot Number: WD27047 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 SB-8 Solid Benzo(a)anthracene 8270E 1.3 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Benzo(a)pyrene 8270E 0.81 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270E 1.2 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Chrysene 8270E 0.75 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 1.2 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 1.8 J ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Naphthalene 8270E 3.5 ug/kg 5 001 SB-8 Solid Pyrene 8270E 1.1 J ug/kg 5 002 SB-9 Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 2.2 JQ mg/kg 6 (9 detections) Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 4 of 18 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory I D: WD27047-001 Description: SB-8 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/26/2021 1610 % Solids: 87.7 04/27/2021 2340 Date Received:04/27/2021 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 1 04/30/2021 1550 SCD 04/28/2021 1756 90524 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 3.0 0.92 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 3.0 1.1 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 3.0 0.57 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E 1.3 J 3.0 0.66 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E 0.81 J 3.0 0.74 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E 1.2 J 3.0 0.56 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 3.0 0.72 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 3.0 0.53 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E 0.75 J 3.0 0.50 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 3.0 0.57 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 1.2 J 3.0 0.47 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 3.0 0.64 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 3.0 1.1 ug/kg 1 1-Methylnaphthalene 90-12-0 8270E ND 3.0 1.1 ug/kg 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 1.8 J 3.0 1.1 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 3.5 3.0 1.1 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 3.0 0.80 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 1.1 J 3.0 0.56 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 48 33-102 Nitrobenzene-d5 61 22-109 Terphenyl-d14 51 41-120 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit Q = Surrogate failure NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL L = LCS/LCSD failure H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis S = MS/MSD failure Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 5 of 18 Client:SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. Laboratory I D: WD27047-002 Description: SB-9 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/26/2021 1600 % Solids: 88.5 04/27/2021 2340 Date Received:04/27/2021 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 04/29/20211634 ECB 90699 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- 2.2 JQ 7.9 1.6 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND Q 7.9 1.6 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 168 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 04/29/20211634 ECB 90700 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18- ND Q 2.6 1.0 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) N 146 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit Q = Surrogate failure NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL L = LCS/LCSD failure H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis S = MS/MSD failure Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 6 of 18 QC Summary Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 7 of 18 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: WQ90524-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90524 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 04/28/2021 1756 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 2.7 0.83 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Acenaphthylene ND 1 2.7 0.95 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.59 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.66 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 2.7 0.65 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.48 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Chrysene ND 1 2.7 0.45 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 2.7 0.51 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Fluoranthene ND 1 2.7 0.42 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Fluorene ND 1 2.7 0.57 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 2.7 1.0 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 1-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.98 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.99 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Naphthalene ND 1 2.7 0.97 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Phenanthrene ND 1 2.7 0.72 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Pyrene ND 1 2.7 0.50 ug/kg 04/30/2021 1435 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 61 33-102 Nitrobenzene-d5 73 22-109 Terphenyl-d 14 71 41-120 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 8 of 18 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: WQ90524-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90524 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 04/28/2021 1756 Spike Amount Result %Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 130 65 1 49 12-111 04/30/2021 1500 Acenaphthylene 130 67 1 51 44-122 04/30/2021 1500 Anthracene 130 70 1 53 16-122 04/30/2021 1500 Benzo(a)anthracene 130 71 1 53 40-121 04/30/2021 1500 Benzo(a)pyrene 130 85 1 64 36-114 04/30/2021 1500 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 130 78 1 59 38-123 04/30/2021 1500 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 130 78 1 58 43-120 04/30/2021 1500 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 130 76 1 57 40-126 04/30/2021 1500 Chrysene 130 70 1 53 41-124 04/30/2021 1500 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 130 79 1 60 38-125 04/30/2021 1500 Fluoranthene 130 67 1 50 26-133 04/30/2021 1500 Fluorene 130 69 1 52 19-108 04/30/2021 1500 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 130 74 1 55 42-123 04/30/2021 1500 1-Methyl naphthalene 130 75 1 56 19-129 04/30/2021 1500 2-Methyl naphthalene 130 72 1 54 10-107 04/30/2021 1500 Naphthalene 130 72 1 54 10-112 04/30/2021 1500 Phenanthrene 130 68 1 51 16-123 04/30/2021 1500 Pyrene 130 69 1 52 34-121 04/30/2021 1500 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 47 33-102 Nitrobenzene-d5 58 22-109 Terphenyl-d14 50 41-120 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 9 of 18 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ90699-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90699 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 04/29/2021 1442 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 04/29/2021 1442 Surrogate 25-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 108 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 10 of 18 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ90699-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90699 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result %Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 9.4 1 125 70-130 04/29/2021 1344 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 9.3 1 106 70-130 04/29/2021 1344 Surrogate 25-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 102 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 11 of 18 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ90699-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90699 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result %Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 6.9 + 1 92 30 70-130 25 04/29/2021 1413 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 9.4 1 107 1.1 70-130 25 04/29/2021 1413 Surrogate 25-Dibromotoluene (FID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 101 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 12 of 18 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: WQ90700-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90700 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 1 1.3 0.50 mg/kg 04/29/2021 1442 Surrogate 25-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 88 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 13 of 18 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: WQ90700-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90700 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result %Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.1 1 88 70-130 04/29/2021 1344 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 25-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit 88 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 14 of 18 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: WQ90700-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 90700 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result %Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.1 1 88 0.00 70-130 25 04/29/2021 1413 Surrogate 25-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 88 70-130 ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % = RSD is out of criteria + = RPD is out of criteria Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 15 of 18 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 16 of 18 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC I Cl N - r--� m utscwF 5L — +arrdM � 4¢5 a 3 � 2 12 u _ m L Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 17 of 18 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Samples RecOPt Checklist (5i1C) IME0018C 51 FRcvised:9f2912C2'J .1"'11121AndY.O�-Of IsstaintAuLhL i,y.PaceENV-WCOI. r8ge1of1 4arrtple Receipt C heekiist ( RQ Client... Suinioit Coale- insrlermrl hV &tM. MO -I + O4,+271262t La: R. R'A27S47 L412J13s r}+receipt: )?ace d lier.t IJf°S ] c�EX OL'xr i J yes NloF 11. Werecugtady seals preserton the confer' — - Yes l0 NA 12. Ifaustodv seals wem presem, %vere tire} intact an6 unbrvlu.r? k I Strip 117: NA _ Chlorine Strip ID; "Vested by; Tilt )rigiaml tcm-3eraLnrC upon receipt } Derived (Corrected) tcrr poratom Lpor receipt %So 1[d Srrap 1p ]D: =1 — .3 12:.3 0 MA j NA OC '4A r V}, N- NA � NA oC od: DTempelaluro Blank Againtir Battler; Uk Gun lD; � M Gun Conwm ion Factor � C; ii..-letliod of-aola= © Wd 1w ❑ Iva Packs ❑ Din, fee C T61'p_ — -exceeded Yea N9 ❑ NA If ternperature of any Cooler fr,ll'C, wns Pr j eel Managn Notified'? 4 PNI wi s Notified by: phmc r email f F=:4rj-faw (circle one). ❑Yes Na ONit 4- Is rise cam-nercial couriers packing slip crux, wd ;o this Furru? 5, Were proper cus,X31y procedures (rel;nquished6re eiued) fol:owed? ,f Ycs Na Ynn Nr G. Were, sample IDs 1LU4 i on Me COC? i Yes ❑ N1) ', Were sample 11}s listed on all sample. MitF.iners? d Ycal Ej Nu S, Was colt. cdon d= & firnc listed oat the COC? �]YM ltin 4}. WRS CoJJ=0[1. RE.; &LC 0e iiNUd0tall sa,ltplecau�ainersQ 10. Did all container label infbrtltition (ID, ciao-, time) agree with tk,C COU J Yea Era r Y__ 13ir1 1 ] , Vi'Crc, tests W be. pr'TftW M-2d lited oat The coc? 23yir. 0 Na 12- Did all samples arrive in thm propor Contuiriurs Cor c u:lr t6st aiiWor Jai good condition (iinhreknr, li[h am, ck_)9 - Yc - No 1: , Was adognato sample vr5lurne aua:lable? ' YitS I LJNQ 14. Wei rill umnplmv rccxivrd within err tEiG k,r�leJiug rime or d$ liorars, whichever' �eme5 firFt? Yesi LJNOJ 15, VWcac any sarr.O" mitzinm rrissin 'exeZss(Circle one)3rirnPIV9N@ 11 lixruliai COC? ❑ 'es ❑ �14 �` 5. T+ar VC). and RSIC-]75 samples, were bubbles prsc nl `p �- Size" t`/� or Etrm Er- iarttetar) 111 are' of the VOA Vial;E? '.?. Were al; DROIrnetatr.hxrtricnt samples recoivcd at a pH of <2i Yes LjNoi ,! CIA Yes Nol NA S. Were aE cyattide saln ''-es received nt a pll > 17 Hari m:1Mir samplei rexr.iwad :il Lr pit x 9'' i ©Yes -'ry ❑ YCa ❑�Jo ,} -0 . �Nh 9. Were a : ap}a roe a Icyanidelpaenolf�r75,1i0g� (� 0.5rnD L) sainpl-s f -Ge of� resilutrla vhlururo? INA 20. Wac cliont rcniarlr 1 NgUeSU (I,ur regoested dilations, & MSO desi�ltaticins, OC,..} Correctly n-auscri13ed JEUM IhO COC i11W 11W kM31iriEnt s -'tioa iil UMgu YC3 a yr1 121. Was the quote number listrd on Ic oCntnincr Eabul? ll-veb, Quaw k NkimplrPrescrnMinn(Mi:slhecmipletedfor anysalnpicfsj:rlco-rrc;.tlyprc�crw��l wilh}rctldspcue,) SkLnp:C.;sl NA keel+- recekvad incerre uy preserved and yore adjumrrad dE;wrdingly irr Ss!niplc r"uivi;rg with NA r13UOFciMEU tore: H2SO4, H 03, HC 1, NaOH using SR U NA 1'i-nc of prescrvmi.orr NA I morr, dwirr one preservative is needed, please rate in tha vmTim xll.s helc,w. SauLlaltJ<N) NA - wct'e =hived VAt11 bubbles>6 alai in diamctcT. . a_plrs(s) NA wan received witli Tip ';- G.5 rtiglL klf ff:9 Is no ) and were Aa5ted W-rordingly in mrnplc rece.ivi v, WMI 9Ctd Crr t1itm--ilfaw (Na�Sgo}.) ivitli Shealy ID: FAA _ -.- 8K barcode l}abOs applied by; Mfs1{ -- --- Da7e- P`427f4'2j Comments; Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.pacelabs.com Page 18 of 18 Beverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 3:57 PM To: Patrick Lowery Cc: Michael Zavislak Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Received. Thanks Patrick. Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality n 10 �� � UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlyAncdenn gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hit2s://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httns://dea.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans File Review Procedures: hops://deq.ne. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): fts://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-manaizement/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: htti)s:Hfiles.ne.izov/nedeafWaste%2OManasement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policv.l)df https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofilc%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Patrick Lowery [mailto:plowery@summit-companies.com] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 2:52 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Michael Zavislak <mzavislak@summit-companies.com> Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Ms. Beverly, Attached is the IAA and Closure request for the 9920 Mallard Glen Dr. incident (Evans Property). As discussed over the phone, please provide any comments you may have as we continue to streamline our reporting for DEQ. I appreciate your assistance on this project. Thank you, Patrick IIAL SUMMIT PATRICK W. LOWERY, P.G. Senior Environmental Manager plowery@summit-companies.com Columbia Office • 101 Rice Bent Way, Unit 9 • Columbia, SC 29229 803.708.7945 Office • 803.708.7946 Fax • 803.230.5087 Cell www.summit-companies.com Charlotte -HQ • Raleigh • Columbia • Greenville • Charleston From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 3:43 PM To: Patrick Lowery <plowery@summit-companies.com> Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Hey Patrick, Incident #47669 Updated guidance documents were put on the UST website 1/19/2021. Report templates can be found at the following link Comprehesive Guidelines Appendices or STIRA, Assessment Guidelines and Corrective Action Guidelines (appendices) https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/guidance-documents (starts on page 25 of 211) Appendix A 8. Initial Abatement Action (Site Check, UST Closure with UST-2 Form, Excavation, Post -Excavation Soil Contamination Assessment) Report Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. D_ � E Q Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ��l0&mwwombift UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlykncdenr. gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-proaam INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httDs:Hdea.nc. eov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-eis-mans File Review Procedures: htt 2s://deg.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-manaaement/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https:Hfiles.nc.eov/ncdeg/W aste%2OMana2ement/DWM/UST/WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policy.odf hgps:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/D WM[UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Patrick Lowery [mailto:plowerv@summit-companies.com] Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 2:14 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Trudy, Good afternoon. We submitted the attached release notification last May for the heating oil tank at 9920 Mallard Glen Drive. I cant seem to locate a incident # for this release on laserfiche or DWM GIS. Not sure this one got logged in as I initially sent this over to Dan. Either way, our client finely moved forward with closure earlier this year and we need to submit the documentation for closure. Soil was excavated and we were able to get clean margins on all 4 sidewalls and base. Looking at the updated Corrective Action report formats, it looks like the Initial Abatement Action report is no longer presented. Would we be going the format for Soil Cleanup with Closure Request (#12)? Since this appears new I wanted to reach out and get your advise on how to proceed. Could you point me to a recent approved heating oil tank closure site that I can look up and review to ensure I cover all my bases. I will have a few more of these to produce so I want to be sure I get you exactly what you are needing. Feel free to call me on my cell at 803-230-5087 anytime. Thank you, Patrick From: Patrick Lowery Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 11:48 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Thank you Trudy. I will keep your information for future notifications. Thanks Patrick From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 6:35 AM To: Patrick Lowery <plowerv@summit-companies.com> Subject: RE: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Good Morning Patrick, I handle non -regulated ust releases in Mecklenburg County. Please send future Mecklenburg County non -regulated ust related documents to my attention. Thank you and have a wonderful day, Trudy 4df, WoLdit' Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy.Beverlya,ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-proeram INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httDs:Hdeu.ne. aov/about/divisions/waste-manaeement/waste-manaeement-rules-data/waste-manaaement-eis-mans File Review Procedures: https:Hdcq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-manaaement/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): httns://deo.nc. aov/about/divisions/waste-manaeement/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeg[Waste%20Manatiement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policv.pdf https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20filc%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Bowser, Daniel P Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 5:08 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Fwd: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive Dan Bowser, PG NCDEQ UST Section Corrective Action Branch From: Patrick Lowery <plowery@summit-companies.com> Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 4:44:08 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Release Notification - 9920 Mallard Glen Drive • External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to nc. ov Dan, I hope you are well. I have attached a release notification for a heating oil UST we assessed in November last year. Our client requested the owner complete the attached, however it did not get completed. We are submitting on their behalf prior to real-estate transaction. If there is a person or admin I should be sending these too, please let me know. Thanks Patrick II -AL - SUMMIT PATRICK W. LOWERY, P.G. Senior Environmental Manager plowery@summit-companies.com Columbia Office • 101 Rice Bent Way, Unit 9 • Columbia, SC 29229 803.708.7945 Office • 803.708.7946 Fax • 803.230.5087 Cell www.summit-companies.com [summit-companies.coml Charlotte -HQ • Raleigh • Columbia • Greenville • Charleston