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MO-28301_47564_C_NRP_20210413_Filed Notice of Residual Petroleum & Public Notice Documentation
I 'A=194 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 13, 2021 Trudy Beverly Hydrogeologist Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Request For Final No Further Action Status Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina 28025 CESI Project No.: 190068.000 Incident Number 47564 Risk Classification: Low Dear Ms. Beverly: On behalf of our client, Cabarrus County, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (CESI) is submitting documentation of proper public notices as directed in a Conditional Notice of No Further Action prepared by your office dated April 5, 2021, for this incident. CESI requests that a final unconditional No Further Action status be issued for the site. CESI appreciates your assistance on this project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 701-9099. Sincerely, Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicqs.com License Number C-0263 FILED CABARRUS COUNTY NC WAYNE NIXON REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Apr 13, 2021 AT 10:16 am BOOK 15083 START PAGE 0310 END PAGE 0313 INSTRUMENT # 15984 EXCISE TAX $0.00 f 3JVJ NOTICE OF RESIDUAL PETROLEUM City Of Concord Kerr Street property, 208 Kerr Street NW, Cabarrus County, North C (sire name) arolina The Property that is the subject of this Notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") contains residual s and Regulations, and is an underground Storage Tank {UST) incident under North Carolina's Statutes and to ) �egulatiinns, which consist of N.C.G.S. 143-215,94 and regulations adopted thereunder. This Notice is part of a remedial action for the Site that has been approved b Secretary (or his/her delegate) of the North Carolina Department of Environment Qualityor its successor in func#ion), as authorized b N.C.G.S. Pp Y the Carolina in a Y Section 143B-279.9 and 143B-27 . 1 Te North P r'ttuent of Environment Quality shall hereinafter be referred to as "DEQ". NOTICE Petroleum product was released and/or discharged at the Site. Petroleum constituents remain on the site, but are not a danger to public health and the environment, provided that the restrictions described herein, and any other measures required by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143E-279.9 and 143g_279 11, are strictly complied with. This "Notice of Residual Petroleum" is composed ❑f a description of the property, the location of the residual petroleum, and the land use restrictions art the Site. The Notice has been approved and notarized by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S, Sections I43B-279.9 and 143B-279.11 and has/shall be recorded at the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds' office Book ,Page (name of county) Source Prapert� City of Concord of Concord, North Carolina is the owner in fee (owner's name) [city & state of honieolvner) simple of all or a portion of the Site, which is located in the County of Cabarrus, State of North Carolina, and is known and Iegally described as: Revised F Lot 2 P M Furr SElInter KerrlAcademy Additionai Affected Property Also 5ub'ect to Restrictions [NONE] of is the owner in fee simple of a portion of o er' name i & t tc of awn r the Site, which is located in the County of , State of North Carolina. Petroleum contaminations is located on this property at the time this Notice is approved. This property was also owned or controlled by the underground storage tank owner or operator or another party responsible for the petroleum discharge or release at the time the discharge or release was discovered or reported, or at any time thereafter. This property is known and legally described as: lNot applicable) Additional Affected Property Not Subject to Restrictions [NONE] Additionally residual petroleum is also located on the following property. The following property is not subject to land use restrictions pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 143B-279.9(b). The following property is known and legally described as: [Not applicable] For protection of public health and the environment, the following land use restrictions required by N.C.G,S. Section 143B-279.9(b) shall apply to all of the above -described real property. These restrictions shall continue in effect as long as residual petroleum remains on the site in excess of unrestricted use standards and cannot be amended or cancelled unless and until the Cabarrus County Register of Deed receives and records the written concurrence of the Secretary (or his/her delegate} of DEQ (or its successor in function). Revised February 7, 2019 gegister of Deed receives and records the written concurrence of the Secretary (or his/her delegate) of DFQ (or its successor in function). PERPETUAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Soil: The Site shall be used far industriallcommercial use only. Industriallcommercial use means a use where exposure to soil contamination is limited in time and does not involve exposure to children or other sensitive populations such as the elderly or sick. The real property shall not be developed or utilized for residential purposes including but not limited to: primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary), schools, daycare centers, nursing homes, playgrounds, parks, recreation areas andlor picnic areas. Groundwater: Groundwater from the site is prohibited from use as a water supply. Water supply wells of any kind shall not be installed or operated an the site. ENFORCEMENT - The above land use restriction(s) shall be enforced by any owner, operator, or other party responsible for the Site. The above land use restriction(s) may also be enforced by DEQ through any of the remedies provided by law or by means of a civil action, and may also be enforced by any unit of local government having jurisdiction over any part of the Site. Any attempt to cancel this Notice without the approval of DEQ (or its successor in function) shall be subject to enforcement by DEQ to the full extent of the law. Failure by any party required or authorized to enforce any of the above restriction(s) shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same violation or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, ;N i h4 aused this Notice to be executed pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143B-279.9 and 143-Z79.11, this day of L+' t ,20v signatory's name typed or printed: hNORT 4 CAROLINA r� COUNTY (Name ofcounty in which acknowledgment was taken) I certify that the following person personally appeared blyre me this day, acknowledging to me that he ar she signed the foregoing document: Date: %/ I 3� op-u[� F �f *(Sigya(Zureora ic} 'i ■ �s� '► � '�� {printed or typed name of Notary Public} -�� 0TAR), 1% y�lr rrur• �■�� �� y� A. n4vn,+Siy'H N Notary Public M commission Rzvised F pbruary 5, ��lg Approved for the purposes of N.C.GS. 143B-279.11 J__ yna& ❑ eglonal5uperw--or) Ronald H. Taraban Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office UST Section Division of Waste Management Department of Environment Quality NORTH CAROLINA ail-dE, L I COUNTY I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, each Acknowledging to that he signed the foregoing document: Ro na i d H . Taraban (full printed name Of Regional Supervisor) Date:J� f (officlal Seal) %WFLNAN L lG A 5herian R. Black Notary Public Notary Public Number 20041820022 My commission expires: July 12, 2024 Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773352061540: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> 8 April 2021 at 10:56 Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex0 Hi. Your package was delivered Thu, 04/08/2021 at 10:55am. Delivered to 35 CABARRUS AVE W, CONCORD, NC 28025 Received by J.JENKINS OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773352061540 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO City of Concord Lloyd Payne, Jr, City Manager REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE 35 Cabarrus Ave W CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Kerr -City Mgr Kerr -City Mgr Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Receptionist/Front Desk FedEx Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Deliver Weekday ASR 1 FedEx Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. LEARN MORE FOLLOW FEDEX f V ro) in p G .: Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 9:56 AM CDT 04/08/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Mr. Lloyd Wm. Payne, Jr., City Manager City of Concord 35 Cabarrus Avenue West Concord, NC 28025 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Payne: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 a Syr � a { 4 L < <'} • 1 #5 (5620 58- 11 1107.0000 #4 (5620- N 48- #1 (5620- 9077 ) 58 2009.0000) UST IP! Closure Site #2 (5620-58- / 1073.0000) ti #3 (56 i 57- 0955.0000 T _. r r i I % 14 FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773351955347: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> 8 April 2021 at 16:35 Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex0 Hi. Your package was delivered Thu, 04/08/2021 at 4:33pm. Delivered to 207 KERR ST NW, CONCORD, NC 28025 Received by B.BUSTOS OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773351955347 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO Simon ESpinoza-Rebollar Dania Bustos REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE �.4 207 Kerr Street NW CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Kerr -Espinoza Kerr -Espinoza Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Residence FedEx Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Deliver Weekday Residential Delivery ASR 1 FedEx Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. LEARN MORE FOLLOW FEDEX f V •o1 in 'r` p * .. Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 3:35 PM CDT 04/08/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Simon Espinoza-Rebollar Dania Bustos 207 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, NC 28025 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 N ov- 4 F�' .'Rk 7 F t AL }' f, a f I' #3 (562DJ� 57- ir 0955.0000 f -� Ni\ FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: h4 Gmail Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773351909863: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex. Hi. Your package was 6 April 2021 at 14:31 delivered Tue, 04/06/2021 at 1:30prn. Delivered to 393 NICHOL MILL LN, FRANKLIN, TN 37067 Received by J.JULIE OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773351909863 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO Wealth Cap Funds, LLC Taylor Welch REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE Suite 260 393 Nichol Mill Lane FRANKLIN, TN, US, 37067 Kerr -Wealth Cap Kerr -Wealth Cap Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Receptionist/Front Desk FedEx Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 FRANKLIN, TN, US, 37067 Deliver Weekday ASR 1 FedEx Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. LEARN MORE FOLLOW FEDEX f mil' in J' I .. Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 1:31 PM CDT 04/06/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Wealth Cap Funds, LLC Attention: Taylor Welch 393 Nichol Mill Lane, Suite 260 Franklin, TN 37067 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 N ov- 4 F�' .'Rk 7 F t AL }' f' #4 (5620- 48 � 9077 i A % si� FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: M Gmail Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773351854337: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex0 8 April 2021 at 15:29 Hi. Your package was delivered Thu, 04/08/2021 at 3:27pm. Delivered to 2201 S RIDGE AVE, KANNAPOLIS, NC 28083 Received by J.HOTCHKISS OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773351854337 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO Jay R. Hotchkiss 2201 South Ridge Avenue REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING FOLLOW FEDEX f NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE KANNAPOLIS, NC, US, 28083 Kerr -Hotchkiss Kerr -Hotchkiss Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Residence Fed Ex Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 KANNAPOLIS, NC, US, 28083 Deliver Weekday Residential Delivery ASR 1 Fed Ex Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. r_ in r C u LEARN MORE Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 2:29 PM CDT 04/08/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Jay R. Hotchkiss 2201 South Ridge Avenue Kannapolis, NC 28083 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 #5 (5620- 58- 1107.0000 d t t f NW 1. 'Rk ` �f } _ x � r R 3 A % 14 FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773352026445: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> 8 April 2021 at 13:08 Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex0 Hi. Your package was delivered Thu, 04/08/2021 at 1:06prn. Delivered to 300 MOORESVILLE RD, KANNAPOLIS, NC 28081 Received by B.COYLE OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773352026445 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO Cabarrus County Health Alliance Bonnie S. Coyle, MD, Director REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE 300 Mooresville Road KANNAPOLIS, NC, US, 28081 Kerr -Health Kerr -Health Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Receptionist/Front Desk FedEx Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 KANNAPOLIS, NC, US, 28081 Deliver Weekday ASR 1 FedEx Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. LEARN MORE FOLLOW FEDEX f V ro) in p G .: Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 12:08 PM CDT 04/08/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Ms. Bonnie S. Coyle, MD, Chief Executive Officer -Director of Public Health Cabarrus Health Alliance 300 Mooresville Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Director Coyle: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 a Syr � a { 4 L < <'} • 1 #5 (5620 58- 11 1107.0000 #4 (5620- N 48- #1 (5620- 9077 ) 58 2009.0000) UST IP! Closure Site #2 (5620-58- / 1073.0000) ti #3 (56 i 57- 0955.0000 T _. r r i I % 14 FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: Abby Schuls Steninger <asteninger@gmail.com> FedEx Shipment 773351989014: Your package has been delivered 1 message TrackingUpdates@fedex.com <TrackingUpdates@fedex.com> 8 April 2021 at 10:46 Reply -To: trackingmail@fedex.com To: asteninger@gmail.com Ex0 Hi. Your package was delivered Thu, 04/08/2021 at 10:45am. Delivered to 65 CHURCH ST S, CONCORD, NC 28025 Received by P.POPLIN OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER 773351989014 FROM CESI/Irminger Consulting, Inc. 331 Crestside Drive SE Concord, NC, US, 28025 TO Cabarrus County Mr. Mike Downs REFERENCE SHIPPER REFERENCE SHIP DATE DELIVERED TO PACKAGING TYPE ORIGIN DESTINATION SPECIAL HANDLING NUMBER OF PIECES SERVICE TYPE 65 Church Street SE CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Kerr -County Mgr Kerr -County Mgr Mon 4/05/2021 01:22 PM Receptionist/Front Desk FedEx Envelope Concord, NC, US, 28025 CONCORD, NC, US, 28025 Deliver Weekday ASR 1 FedEx Express Saver Download the FedEx® Mobile app Get the flexibility you need to create shipments and request to customize your deliveries through the app. LEARN MORE FOLLOW FEDEX f V ro) in p G .: Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 9:46 AM CDT 04/08/2021. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money -Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2021 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. I 'AW-14 \I Civil-Geotechnical-Surveying April 5, 2021 Via FedEx, Signature Requested Mr. Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manager Cabarrus County Governmental Center 65 Church Street SE Post Office Box 707 Concord, NC 28026-0707 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 208 Kerr Street Northwest Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Downs: This letter is to inform you that low concentrations of petroleum in groundwater have been reported at the above -referenced property. The groundwater contamination is confined to the 208 Kerr Street Northwest property and does not pose a threat to adjoining parcels. You are being notified of the above contamination in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Notice of Residual Petroleum protocol. No action is required on your part. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) please find the attached Conditional Notice of No Further Action, and attached parcel map in regard to the above referenced matter. Inquiries into this matter can be directed to Steven Irminger at 704-701-9099. Steven E. Irminger, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Conditional Notice of No Further Action Parcel Map 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com License Number C-0263 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director City of Concord Attn: Michael Kepley P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026 (via email) Dear Mr. Kepley: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 5, 2021 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks City of Concord Kerr Street Property 208 Kerr Street NW, Concord Cabarrus County Incident Number: 47564 Risk Classification: Low A review of information on file with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office indicates that soil and groundwater contamination meet the cleanup requirements for a low -risk release under Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and .0400, but contamination exceeds the limits allowed for the unrestricted use of a site where closed under risk -based cleanup standards. The UST Section determines the subject incident to be eligible conditionally for no further action status. However, final approval of no further action status is contingent on the filing of the approved Notice of Residual Petroleum (or NRP, see attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located, verified by the receipt of a certified copy of the filed NRP by this office; and receipt of confirmation that public notice requirements have been completed, as described below. Be advised that, as contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, groundwater within the area where contamination is present or is expected to migrate is not suitable for use as a water supply. Be advised that as soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, the property containing the soil contamination is suitable only for industrial / commercial use as stipulated in the Notice of Contaminated Site (attached). As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the residential MSCCs, pursuant to NCGS 14313- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 279.9 and 14313-279.11, you must file the approved plat and declaration for a Notice of Residual Petroleum (attached) with the Register of Deeds in the county in which the release is located and submit a certified copy to the UST Section within 30 days of receipt of this letter. As groundwater contamination may exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202, and soil contamination may exceed the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater MSCCs, public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0409(b) also is required. Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, a copy of this letter must be provided by certified mail (or otherwise be made available by posting in a prominent place if certified mail is impractical,) to the local health director, the chief administrative officer of each political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs, all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination, and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Within 60 days of receiving this letter, this regional office must be provided with documentation showing that each party included in the listing above either received or affirmatively refused to accept delivery of the copy of the letter, and/or documentation describing the manner in which the letter was publicly posted, where applicable. Interested parties may examine information on file for this site by contacting this regional office and may submit comments about the site to the regional office at the address or telephone number listed below. This conditional No Further Action determination will not become valid until the UST Section receives a certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum which is filed with the Register of Deeds and until public notice requirements are completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sinccrcly, Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ Attachment: Notice of Residual Petroleum for filing with the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds (original mailed to Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P.O. Box 268, Concord, NC 28026-0268) cc: Chrystal Swinger, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manger (via email) Steven Irminger, Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (via email) -�o— D. E Qz North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 a Syr � a { 4 L < <'} • 1 #5 (5620 58- 11 1107.0000 #4 (5620- N 48- #1 (5620- 9077 ) 58 2009.0000) UST IP! Closure Site #2 (5620-58- / 1073.0000) ti #3 (56 i 57- 0955.0000 T _. r r i I % 14 FIGURE 1 Parcel Map Not to Scale N T CONCORD ENGINEERING Site Name: 208 Kerr Street Northwest AND SURVEYING, INC. Concord, NC 28025 Incident Number: Beverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 6:32 AM To: ashleyirminger@gmail.com Subject: RE: [External] Kerr Street Transmittal letter Received. Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. D IE �1 Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management _ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Q� LF Pa.rI n. of Lnorun,w 0MOT ` UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlykncdenn gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: ht_pt s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hgps:Hdeg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httns://deu.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans File Review Procedures: ht_pt s://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): htt2s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-mana2ement/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: httys:Hfiles.nc.eov/nedea/Waste%2OMana2ement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policy.odf https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeg/Waste%2OManagement/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Ashley Nguyen [mailto:ashleyirminger@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 4:40 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Kerr Street Transmittal letter CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon, Please find the attached Transmittal Letter for a site located at Kerr Street in Concord, North Carolina, Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Ashley Nguyen Project Manager Irminger Consulting, Inc. ashlevirminaerna ,, amail. com 704-785-5990