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PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION Granville County Oxford MSWLF Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion SECTION 5 Design Hydrogeological Report July 2021 Prepared By: s0 a SEALr 025900 i GARRETT rrJof!.02Ae-0 & M 0 0 R E Engineering for the Pomr and Waste Industries 1029 W South Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 • O: 919-792-1900 • F: 866-311-7206 NC FIRM C-2910 Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 Contents 1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................1 2.0 Local and Regional Geology and Hydrogeology.................................................................1 3.0 Field Observations............................................................................................................2 3.1 Topographic Setting and Drainage................................................................................2 3.2 Springs, Streams, and other Groundwater Discharge Features......................................3 3.3 Bedrock Characteristics.................................................................................................3 4.0 Boring Testing Program....................................................................................................4 4.1 Boring Investigations....................................................................................................4 4.2 Laboratory Testing........................................................................................................6 4.3 Aquifer Testing.............................................................................................................6 5.0 Stratigraphic Cross Sections..............................................................................................7 6.0 Water Table Information..................................................................................................7 7.0 Groundwater Flow...........................................................................................................8 8.0 Groundwater Contour Map............................................................................................10 9.0 Topographic Map...........................................................................................................10 10.0 Potable Wells and Water Supply Intakes......................................................................10 11.0 Other Geologic and Hydrologic Considerations.............................................................10 12.0 Groundwater Monitoring Plan......................................................................................11 13.0 Relevant Point of Compliance.......................................................................................12 14.0 Rock Cores...................................................................................................................12 15.0 Seasonal High Groundwater.........................................................................................13 16.0 Bedrock Contour Map..................................................................................................14 17.0 Vertical Groundwater Flow Regime..............................................................................14 18.0 Groundwater Flow Regime Report...............................................................................14 19.0 Boring/Piezometer Abandonment................................................................................15 Figures, Tables BoringWork Plan.................................................................................................................. A Boring and Well Construction Logs.........................................................................................B LaboratoryTest Results..........................................................................................................0 SlugTest Results................................................................................................................... D WaterQuality Monitoring Plan.............................................................................................. E GAMM rU ZAP & MOORE'A Engineering for the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan.................................................................................................. F Seasonal High Groundwater Table Data................................................................................ G GARRETT ZAP2 & MOORE Engineering for the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 Design Hydrogeological Report This Design Hydrogeologic Report was developed in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .1623(b)(2) of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations. 1.0 Introduction The Oxford Landfill is located in Granville County approximately 4 miles north of Oxford, North Carolina at 6584 Landfill Road, near the town of Kinton Fork. The facility is owned and operated by Granville County under Permit Number 39-01, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS). The property included in the facility's Site Plan includes the 29-acre closed construction and demolition debris (C&D) landfill on top of a closed MSW landfill (Unit 1) and the adjacent 283- acre active MSW Landfill. The 283-acre MSW landfill property includes three waste disposal units: Unit 2 (36.3 acres), Unit 3 (86.7 acres) and Unit 4 (33.5 acres). The first phase of MSW landfill development (Unit 2, Phase 1) consists of a 10.97-acre waste cell that began operations in 2014. A Site Hydrogeologic Report for the MSW landfill, as well as a Design Hydrogeologic Report for Unit 2 — Phase 1, were prepared in 2009 (revised 2012) and approved by the Department in 2012. The County intends to develop the next phase of the MSW landfill, Unit 2 — Phase 2, which is approximately 7.7 acres and is located immediately south and hydrogeologically upgradient of Unit 2 - Phase 1 and to the east of the closed Unit 1. A drawing showing the current site conditions and proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 area is presented on Figure 1. 2.0 Local and Regional Geology and Hydrogeology Detailed discussions of the local and regional geology and hydrogeology are presented in the facility's approved Site Hydrogeologic Report (2009, revised 2012). Key excerpts from the report include: The site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont physiographic province. The Geologic Map of Region K of North Carolina (McDaniel, 1980) indicates the Oxford landfill is underlain by felsic volcanic rocks; however the majority of the expansion property is underlain by felsic intrusive complex rocks. Some diabase dikes have been mapped in the region, but not on the site property. The closest mapped diabase dike is approximately 2.2 miles northeast of the site. In a Master's Thesis conducted at the University of NC - Wilmington, David Parnell mapped the geology of the area including the Oxford landfill and the expansion area (Parnel, 2009). The primary geologic units identified by Mr. Parnell included a dark gray to black, leucocratic and very finely crystalline dacite, and a white to tan, hololeucocratic, medium to coarsely crystalline, aphanitic-porphyritic dacite of Cambrian age. Observations of apparent bedrock outcrops on the site were mostly in stream channels; however, some GAMETT►AV N Page 1 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 float, ranging from cobles to small boulders, was observed at the surface in several areas away from the streams, and a few of these appeared to be in place. The rock observed both in the stream channels and in the float was fairly uniform, consisting of medium to dark grayish -green, medium to fine grained, felsic volcanic or metavolcanic rock; however, large quartz and feldspar cobbles were observed in the float in some locations. The observed rock was in general highly weathered and, in some cases, well developed fractures or joints were evident. Drilling and rock coring performed during this hydrogeologic investigation confirmed the prominent rock types to be felsic volcanics or meta-volcanics, predominantly dacites. The darker and lighter -colored dacites appear to be interfingered, with sharp contacts showing little contact metamorphism. No diabase rock was observed in any of the borings, trenches, or outcrops that were part of this investigation. A thorough survey of rock outcrops was performed as part of the field investigations for the site. Wherever fractures or joints were well developed in the outcrops, the orientations of these features (strike and dip, where possible) were measured using a Brunton pocket transit. The results indicate a strong primary trend oriented approximately North-20°-East, and a weak secondary trend oriented approximately North-70°-West. The observed structural trends from lineaments and outcrop measurements are generally consistent with regional trends. They support a roughly north -south orientation of primary geologic structures. Since the groundwater flow on this site is also roughly northward, these structural trends are not expected to interfere with groundwater flow. The results of this Unit 2 — Phase 2 Design Hydrogeologic investigations are consistent with the results presented in the Unit 2 Site Hydrogeologic Report. 3.0 Field Observations 3.1 Topographic Setting and Drainage The proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion encompasses approximately 7.7 lined acres and is located approximately immediately south and upgradient of the existing Unit 2- Phase 1 landfill. The proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion area, along with topographic contours, is depicted in Figure 2. The topography in the area of the site is characterized by rolling hills transected by small streams and drainage features, typical of Piedmont terrain. Ground surface elevations within the boundaries of the proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area range from approximately 520 feet msl (mean sea level) in the eastern central part of the cell to approximately 500 feet msl along the eastern and western portions of the expansion area (Figure 2). Overall, the topography within the proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area generally slopes to the northeast and northwest toward the unnamed perennial and intermittent streams located east and west of the Unit 2 boundary, respectively. Most of the land area within the eastern portion of the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion is wooded land and will have to undergo extensive reworking as a GARRETT E�AP2 Page 2 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 result, with the remaining general western portion generally cleared and utilized in support of ongoing facility operations. A temporary stormwater pond is located at the northwest corner of the expansion area, which generally receives runoff from the western portion of the expansion area, which will be abandoned as part of Unit 2 - Phase 2 development. 3.2 Springs, Streams, and other Groundwater Discharge Features Several perennial and intermittent streams and associated wetlands are located in near proximity to the Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area, all of which are unnamed tributaries to Little Grassy Creek which is located to the north of the site. A perennial stream and associated wetlands located east of the Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area starts at two springs located in the southeastern portion of the site and flows north-northwest to exit the site property near the midpoint of its northern border. This stream and wetland feature is believed to represent a groundwater discharge feature during most of the year; however, in extreme draught conditions, it may become a groundwater recharge feature. A smaller, intermittent stream starts at the sedimentation pond for the closed Unit 1 landfill and flows north along the western boundary of the Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area to its confluence with the main perennial stream just northeast of the closed Unit 1 landfill. The upper (southern) portion of this stream is dry much of the year, except after significant storm events. The lower (northern) portion of this stream may be a groundwater discharge feature when the water table is high. The location of the streams and wetlands discussed above are shown on Figure 2. No other springs, seeps, wetlands, perennial streams or other groundwater discharge features are present within the boundaries of the proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area. 3.3 Bedrock Characteristics No bedrock outcrops were identified within the proposed Unit 2 Phase 2 expansion area. As relatively few outcrops exist in the area, rock cores collected during drilling of boreholes for piezometers installed during this investigation and the investigation conducted in association with the Unit 2 - Phase 1 are relied upon to confirm the geologic mapping. The 1985 North Carolina Geologic Map shows felsic metavolcanic rock of the Eastern Slate Belt underlying the entire area of the site, which was confirmed by rock coring. The variable weathering profile observed during drilling at the site is reflected by the surface topography, with the higher elevations representing areas underlain by granite more resistant to weathering and lower elevations representing areas underlain by granite more susceptible to weathering. The variable susceptibility to weathering of the granite at and near the site is likely a function of variations in mineralogy and texture, as well as the presence of brittle structures such as joints. The rock cores indicate massive, very competent dacitic, fine grained aphanitic and slightly porphyritic felsic meta -volcanic rock with widely spaced sub -horizontal to sub -vertical jointing with some iron and manganese straining along fracture faces. The rock exhibited variably thick zones GAMETTAV Page 3 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 of PWR — material that could be penetrated by hollow stem augers but yielded standard penetration resistance values (ASTM D-1586) in excess of 100 blows per foot. Below depths of auger refusal the rock cores exhibited recovery values from 50 to 100 percent, but typically were approximately 92 percent or higher in competent bedrock. Lower recovery values were observed in strata with a higher degree of weathering. Rock quality designation (RQD) values ranged from 23 to 100 percent, with an average of approximately 72%, reflecting the high degree of competence of the bedrock at the site. The depth to the top of competent bedrock (as defined by hollow stem auger refusal) at the locations of piezometers and monitoring wells installed within the proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 boundary ranges from 10 to 27 feet below grade. A contour map of the elevation of the surface of competent bedrock at the site is presented as Figure 3. The map is based on depths to hollow stem auger refusal at the locations of piezometers installed as part of this investigation as well as those installed as part of the Unit 2-Phase 1 Site/Design hydrogeologic investigations. The bedrock surface contours indicate that the highest bedrock surface elevations are located in the eastern portion of the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion area in the vicinity of P-31 and slope radially downward to the east, north and west. 4.0 Boring Testing Program A Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeological Investigations was submitted to NCDEQ in December 2020, with the Department concurring with the Work Plan in January 2021. A copy of the Work Plan is included in Appendix A. 4.1 Boring Investigations The boring testing program was initiated in February 2021 and conducted in general accordance with the approved Work Plan. The program included 8 borings drilled via hollow stem auger drilling and rock coring methods. The locations and designations of the new borings are depicted on Figure 2. Inclusive of existing borings in the Unit 2 — Phase 2 footprint (MW-3R, P-6, P-14, and MW- 12/P-21), a total of 12 borings (at 10 locations, two nested pairs) have been advanced in the 7.7 lined acre Phase 2 — Unit 2 footprint. Existing piezometers and groundwater monitoring wells were also utilized as part of the study. The existing piezometers and groundwater monitoring wells which were applicable to this study are also depicted on Figure 2. The lithologic descriptions of conditions encountered during drilling of the existing piezometers are used to supplement the data from the boring testing program. Piezometers were installed in the new 8 borings, 6 of which were completed as shallow piezometers (extended approximately 10 feet below the top of bedrock) and 2 of which serve GARRETT E�AP2 Page 4 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 as well pairs and were completed as deep piezometers (extended approximately 30 feet into the bedrock). The 8 test borings were drilled with a track -mounted drilling rig equipped with hollow -stem augers. Soil samples were collected from the test borings to document the lithology of the subsurface materials penetrated during drilling. The samples were collected in 2-foot intervals every five feet in depth within each boring using 2-feet long, 2-inch inside diameter (ID) steel split -spoon samplers in accordance with standard penetration test (SPT) protocols (ASTM D 1586-84) to provide an index for estimating soil strength and relative density. In addition, undisturbed (UD) samples were collected with steel thin -walled samplers (i.e., Shelby Tubes) in accordance with ASTM D 1587. Each boring was advanced into bedrock using a diamond tipped NQWL (wire line) core barrel. Upon boring completion, a piezometer was installed at each test borehole. The piezometer was installed through the augers and rock core casing assembly to ensure proper construction and placement and is constructed of 2-inch ID Schedule 40 PVC solid casing and factory slotted well screen (0.01 inch slots) connected by threaded, flush joints. The piezometers were completed to total depths ranging from 26 to 60 feet below grade with 10 feet of well screen equipped with a PVC bottom cap. The solid PVC casing of each piezometer extends from the top of the well screen to approximately 2.5 feet above grade. The annular space of each piezometer is packed with washed sand to a level of approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen. A minimum two -foot -thick bentonite seal rests on top of the sand pack, above which a Portland cement grout extends to approximately 6 inches below grade. The PVC casing of each piezometer is equipped with a sealed, locking cap to prevent unauthorized access. Following piezometer installation, the piezometers were developed using a submersible pump to remove sediment from within the piezometer and annular gravel pack, and to facilitate hydraulic connection between the piezometer and surrounding aquifer material. At each piezometer, the pump was lowered below the water table and was periodically raised and lowered through the water column to agitate the water in the piezometer and induce trapped sediment to be released from the sand pack into the piezometer. This process was repeated until the discharge water appeared to be free of suspended sediments. A piezometer survey was conducted by a licensed North Carolina surveyor which included measuring the ground surface and casing elevations and horizontal positions of the new piezometers. Drilling and well construction logs for the borings/piezometers installed as part of this investigation, as well as drilling logs for the existing piezometers and groundwater monitoring wells used as part of this study, are included in Appendix B. A summary of the piezometer/monitoring well records is presented in Table 1. GUMETT E�AP2 Page 5 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 4.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing of soil samples collected during drilling was conducted as part of the Design Hydrogeologic investigation. The laboratory testing program consisted of the following tests. Description ASTM Standard Sieve and Hydrometer Analysis D 422-63 (2007) Atterberg Limits D 4318-17 Natural Moisture D 2216-10 Number of Samples 12 12 12 Of particular relevance to the Design Hydrogeologic investigation are the results of the grain size analyses, which were used to estimate specific yield of the unconsolidated sediments in the surficial aquifer. Laboratory data sheets for the grain size analyses are included in Appendix C. Grain size distribution and soil classification data are presented in Table 2. The soils were classified in the laboratory according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). These descriptions were matched to the boring logs to verify the visual soil classifications. Based on the laboratory data, a majority of the on -site soils classify as silty sand, clayey sand, and sandy silt with gravel, with near surface soils classifying as variably sandy clay. Most of the laboratory tested soils exhibited silt and clay content (predominantly silt) in the range of 60 to 90 percent, which is consistent with field observations (the soils are generally variably silty sand). 4.3 Aquifer Testing Rising -head permeability ("slug") tests were conducted in all but one of the piezometers installed for the investigation to estimate the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the saturated lithologic units within the screen intervals of the piezometers. P-31 was unable to be slug tested due to an insufficient water level in the screen section at the time of testing. The slug tests were conducted using a surface centrifugal pump in accordance with ASTM D-4044. Static water level measurements were made at each piezometer prior to beginning the slug tests. The slug tests were conducted by placing a combined data recorder/pressure transducer (In -Situ Level TrolITM) at the bottom of the piezometer and rapidly lowering the level of water below the level measured at static conditions. The data logger was used to measure the rate of influx of groundwater until water levels reached a minimum of approximately 80% of the static level measured prior to testing. The measured rate of recovery of the water level is a function of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer material in the vicinity of the well. The slug test data was analyzed using the HydroSOLVE, Inc. AQTESOLV for Windows TM program according to the Bouwer-Rice procedure. Estimates of the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the aquifer materials at the locations of the piezometers installed for the hydrogeological characterization were made based on analyses GUMETT E�AP2 Page 6 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 of the water level versus time data collected during the slug tests. The data output and graphs generated by AQTESOLVTm are provided in Appendix D. Calculated values of K based on the slug test data are presented in Table 3. The results of slug testing previously performed on wells installed in the Unit 2 — Phase 2 footprint as part of the Unit 2 Site Hydro (MW-3R, MW- 12/P-21) are also presented in Table 3. Estimated values of hydraulic conductivity for the surficial aquifer based on the results of the slug tests performed ranged from 1.53 x 10-6 cm/sec (0.004 ft/day) in the saprolite at piezometer MW-3R to 1.31 x 10-3 cm/sec (3.72 ft/day) in the fractured bedrock at piezometer P-29. The geometric mean K for all the surficial aquifer piezometers is 4.61 x 10-5 cm/sec (0.131 ft/day). Estimated values of hydraulic conductivity for the bedrock aquifer based on the results of the slug tests performed in three bedrock piezometers ranged from 4.83 x 10-6 cm/sec (0.243 ft/day) at existing piezometer P-21 to 8.59 x 10-5 cm/sec (0.243 ft/day) at new piezometer P-30D. The geometric mean K for all the bedrock piezometers is 9.31 x 10-6 cm/sec (0.026 ft/day). The values of hydraulic conductivity determined for the surficial and bedrock aquifers are similar to those determined by slug tests performed during the investigation for Unit 2 — Phase 1. It is noted that the geometric average K determined for the bedrock aquifer is significantly less than the geometric average K for the surficial aquifer. This difference is likely due to the wide spacing of fractures in the bedrock aquifer resulting in relatively few water -yielding fractures being intercepted by the piezometers, and the consequent lower apparent intrinsic permeability. 5.0 Stratigraphic Cross Sections Stratigraphic cross -sections identifying hydrogeologic and lithologic units, seasonal high groundwater table elevations, existing grades and proposed landfill grades are presented in Figures 3 and 6. 6.0 Water Table Information Table 4 presents a summary of short-term ground water levels observed at the end of drilling and 24-hours after installation of the piezometers, as well as stabilized groundwater level readings obtained a minimum of seven days after completion of the piezometers. Table 5 presents a summary of long-term groundwater level observations at the piezometers installed for this study, as well as existing monitoring wells and piezometers and monitoring wells installed for the Site and Design Hydrogeologic Reports (final dated January 2012) for the currently active MSW Landfill Phase 1 to include P-6, MW-11 (P-13), MW-12 (P-21), MW-9 (P-9) and MW-3R. At the time of this writing, five months of periodic groundwater level readings have been acquired for the piezometers installed as part of this investigation. GAMETT E�AP2 Page 7 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 Discussions of the long-term seasonal high groundwater table based on stabilized water table readings, hydrographs of wells in the area, and historical precipitation data is presented in Section 15 — Seasonal High Water Table. A temporary stormwater pond located in the northwest corner of the Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion areas appears to create a minor groundwater mounding in the vicinity of P-34, with groundwater level readings at that piezometer appearing slightly elevated as compared to nearby wells/piezometers (MW-3R, P-33S). For conservatism, the groundwater readings at P-34 are included in the seasonal high groundwater table map. Piezometer P-31 observed varying groundwater levels at the time of drilling and initial stabilized readings but went `dry' as water levels dropped after the initial high groundwater levels observed in February/March. The seasonal high water table, as discussed in detail in Section 13, was developed based on the March 2021 readings and includes March P-31 reading. Piezometer P- 31 was unable to be slug tested due to insufficient water levels in the screen section at the time of testing. 7.0 Groundwater Flow A water -table elevation contour map for the study area based on groundwater elevation gauging data collected in March 4, 2021 from the shallow piezometers installed as part of this investigation, as well as the existing shallow monitoring well and piezometers installed as part of the 2014 Site and Design Hydrogeologic investigations for Phase 1, is presented as Figure 4. The geometric configuration of the water -table elevation contours presented in Figure 6 indicate that bulk flow of shallow groundwater across the site is generally to the north-northwest toward on -site unnamed tributaries to Little Grassy Creek, which is consistent with previous delineations of shallow groundwater flow at the site. Within the proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 expansion area, the direction of shallow groundwater flow is north-northwest. Based on the groundwater elevation contour map shown in Figure 6, the hydraulic gradient of the water table ranged from approximately 0.007 ft/ft to 0.039 ft/ft in March 2021. The geometric mean hydraulic gradient of the water table was approximately 0.018 ft/ft. (see Table 6). Estimates of the horizontal interstitial groundwater flow velocity in the shallow surficial aquifer are presented in Table 6. The flow velocity estimates are based on hydraulic conductivity values derived from slug tests conducted in the piezometers (Section 4.3), groundwater elevation data collected on March 4, 2021, from the shallow piezometers and monitoring wells, and estimates of effective porosity derived from visual classifications and grain size distribution analyses of selected samples of soil collected from the surficial aquifer. Effective porosity values for soils and sediments are commonly derived using the method of Johnson (1967) based on grain size distribution. This method relies on the assumption that specific yield is numerically equivalent to effective porosity. However, not all water -filled pores or secondary openings are interconnected (e.g., "dead-end" or isolated pores) or significantly contribute to bulk flow but may still be drainable in tests to determine specific yield. More recent GAMETTAV Page 8 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 research has shown that estimates of effective porosity based on grain size analysis tend to overestimate the numerical value of effective porosity by approximately 80%. Consequently, effective porosity values estimated using the method of Johnson (1967) should be considered maximum estimated values. Calculated values of effective porosity are included in Tables 2, 3, and 6. The bulk average interstitial groundwater flow velocity (vw) can be expressed according to the relation vw = Ki/ne, where K is the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer material, i is the hydraulic gradient, and qe is the effective porosity of the aquifer material. Calculations of the horizontal groundwater flow velocity are presented in Table 6. Based on the calculations presented in Table 6, the interstitial groundwater flow velocity in the shallow aquifer is estimated to range from 0.0001 ft/day (0.5 ft/yr) in the saprolite to .0129 ft/day (47.24 ft/yr) in the fractured bedrock, with a geometric mean of 0..01 ft/day (7.485 ft/yr) inclusive of the saprolite screened well (MW-3R) and 0.021 ft/day (3.67 ft/yr) for only the fractured bedrock screened wells. The range of groundwater flow velocities calculated for the surficial aquifer is likely a reflection of differential degrees of weathering within the saprolite and PWR/fractured bedrock and thereby the abundance of secondary openings available for groundwater flow. It is noted that the majority of groundwater flow occurs through interconnected zones exhibiting the highest permeability. Calculations of average bulk groundwater flow velocity using the method applied herein are not based on a weighted average of volumetric flow through zones of varying permeability. Consequently, the bulk average groundwater flow velocities calculated using this method should be considered minimum values. Moreover, the velocity of groundwater flow through zones of highest permeability may significantly exceed the average calculated values. Vertical potentiometric gradients denote the potential for groundwater to move vertically through an aquifer. Vertical gradients are calculated by dividing the difference in groundwater elevation between two adjacent piezometers with screens installed at different elevations in the saturated interval of interest by the vertical distance between the midpoints of the saturated interval of the well screens. Positive values denote downward vertical gradients whereas negative values denote upward vertical gradients. Table 7 presents estimated vertical groundwater potentiometric gradients for the surficial aquifer based on groundwater gauging data collected during the period of March 2021 to July 2021 for piezometer couplets P-30S/P-30D and P-33S/P-33D. A comparison of groundwater elevation data between adjacent piezometers provides an indication of vertical groundwater movement within the surficial aquifer. Review of the vertical gradients indicates a downward gradient at piezometer pair P-30S/30D, which is to be expected as the piezometers are in a general upload area of groundwater recharge. The downward gradients at P-30S/P-30D are slight and decrease over time from the observed high groundwater levels in March 2021 (0.098 ft/ft) to more the typical groundwater levels GUMETT EAP Page 9of15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion July 2021 observed in July 2021 (0.008 ft/ft). Similarly, the vertical gradients at piezometer pair P-33S/30D are slight and decrease over time from March (0.052 ft/ft) through July (0.012 ft/ft), but present as upward gradients. It appears the vertical gradients at both piezometer pairs are experiencing the transient effects of the unusually high groundwater conditions early in the study and are returning to more typical equilibrium conditions with slight to near flat vertical gradients. It is anticipated that the vertical gradients will continue to decrease and flatten as groundwater continues to stabilize to more typical (drier) conditions. The results of the horizontal and vertical potentiometric gradient analyses indicate that bulk groundwater flow within the surficial aquifer is dominated by lateral flow toward the unnamed tributaries of Little Grassy Creek and fringing wetlands, which are the major groundwater discharge features in the study area. Vertical potentiometric gradients are slight and appear to have little influence on bulk groundwater flow within the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion area. 8.0 Groundwater Contour Map A groundwater contour map showing the occurrence and direction of groundwater flow in the surficial aquifer is presented in Figure 4. The map is based on the groundwater gauging event of March 4, 2021 and includes the new piezometers installed as part of this study as well as select existing wells and piezometers that are located within and near the Unit 2 — Phase 2 boundary. The groundwater contours are superimposed on a topographic map. The location of all borings and the potentiometric data at each location used to generate the groundwater contours are shown on the groundwater contour map. As indicated on Figure 4, groundwater flow for the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion is generally north northwest toward the unnamed tributary of Little Grassy Creek. 9.0 Topographic Map A topographic map of the site based on a recent aerial survey of the site and showing the locations of the soil borings is presented in Figure 2. 10.0 Potable Wells and Water Supply Intakes Other than the site supply well located near the entrance to the landfill on the southernmost portion of the landfill property, there are no active supply wells located within the facility boundary. The site supply well is over 1,500 feet from the edge of waste and is clearly up -gradient of both the existing Units 1 and 2. 11.0 Other Geologic and Hydrologic Considerations No unusual geologic hydrogeologic features have been determined which would affect groundwater flow or the ability to effectively monitor groundwater quality at the site, including faults, mines or dikes. Site conditions appear typical of the North Carolina Piedmont region. GUMETT EAP Page 10 of 15 &MOORE este indusfr,es Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion August 2021 12.0 Groundwater Monitoring Plan On behalf of Granville County, Joyce Engineering prepared a Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) for the Oxford Landfill Units 1 & 2. The GWMP went through several iterations and reviews, with the current approved WQMP being dated March 2019. The Unit 1 of the facility is currently in Assessment Monitoring and Corrective Action. Unit 2 of the facility is currently in Detection Monitoring. The WQMP is comprehensive plan for the entire Oxford Landfill facility and includes water quality monitoring for both the closed Unit 1 and the active Unit 2. The proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion includes an approximate 7.7 lined acre expansion to the existing Unit 2 — Phase 1 facility, with the Phase 2 expansion extending south and hydraulically upgradient of the Phase 1 facility. Currently six groundwater monitoring wells comprise the compliance monitoring network for the Unit 2 Landfill groundwater monitoring program. The compliance network includes existing groundwater monitoring wells MW-7 (the current facility background well), MW- 8 (which monitors the leachate tank area), MW- 9, MW- 10, MW- 11, and NES-2S. There are two surface water sampling points associated with Unit 2, SW-3 and SW-4. Sampling point SW-3 is located upstream of Unit 2, on the perennial creek that runs along the east side of Unit 2. SW- 4 is located on the same perennial creek downstream of the Unit 2, but before the confluence of the perennial creek and the drainage channel from the west side of Unit 2, between Units 1 and 2. The results of the investigation presented herein demonstrate the hydrogeologic conditions and monitorability of the proposed Phase 2 area are consistent with those of the existing Phase 1 area. The proposed Phase 2 area is being development hydraulically upgradient of the Phase 1 area. As a result, no new groundwater monitoring wells are necessary to monitor the quality of groundwater flowing under the Unit 2 landfill (Phases 1 and 2). The current WQMP's groundwater monitoring program is appropriate for sampling and analyzing groundwater flow under the Unit 2 landfill using the existing 1 upgradient (background) monitoring well (MW-7) and 5 downgradient wells (MW- 8 which monitors the leachate tank area, MW- 9, MW- 10, MW- 11, and NES-2S). Similarly, the proposed Phase 2 development does not necessitate any changes to the surface water monitoring component of the current WQMP. To update the current approved WQMP to include the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion area, an addendum to the current WQMP is proposed to include a revised Drawing No. 1 — Water Quality Monitoring Plan. The revised Drawing No. 1 revisions includes: • Updated Limits of Waste (to include proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 waste boundary) • Revised Review Boundary (to include proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 waste boundary) • Revised Relevant Point of Compliance (to include proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 waste boundary) GAFMTT �� Page 11 of 15 & MMMRE I Engineering far the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion August 2021 A copy of the current approved WQMP to include the revised Drawing No. 1 addendum is presented in Appendix E. 13.0 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan On behalf of Granville County, Joyce Engineering prepared a Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan for the Granville County Closed Unit 1 C&D Over MSW Landfill and Active Unit 2 Subtitle D MSW Landfill. The Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan was dated January 2018, revised March 2019, and was approved by the Department March 12, 2019. The plan includes one probe (GP-12) located downgradient of Unit 2 (Phase 1). As Unit 2 — Phase 2 is being developed upgradient of Phase 1, no additional gas probes are needed, and the current approved Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan is proposed for landfill gas monitoring for Unit 2 (Phases 1 and 2). To update the current approved Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan to include the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion area, an addendum to the current Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan is proposed to include a revised Drawing No. 1 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Network. The revised Drawing No. 1 revision includes: • Updated Limits of Waste (to include proposed Unit 2 - Phase 2 waste boundary) A copy of the current approved Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan to include the revised Drawing No. 1 addendum is presented in Appendix F. 14.0 Relevant Point of Compliance The rules require the relevant point of compliance be established around a proposed landfill that is no greater than 250 feet from the proposed edge of waste and no less than 50 feet from the facility property boundary. For Unit 2 - Phase 2, the proposed property boundary is greater than 300 feet from the proposed waste area, so the property boundary will not influence the location of the relevant point of compliance. The existing Unit 1 waste is greater than 250 feet from the proposed Unit 2 waste boundary except near the southwest comer of existing Phase 1 and proposed Phase 2, where the distance between them is only about 200 feet. Consistent with the current point of compliance for Unit 2 — Phase 1, to adequately monitor between the two landfill units, the relevant point of compliance for the west side of Unit 2 - Phases 1+2 will need to be less than 250 feet from the proposed waste limit. The proposed relevant point of compliance will be 250 feet from the proposed edge of waste on the south, east, and north sides of Unit 2. From the point where the 250-foot boundary crosses the intermittent creek just southwest of NES-2S, the relevant point of compliance will follow the intermittent creek southward, forming a line that ranges from 85-125 feet from the western edge of waste for Unit 2, Phase I. In the area near the southwest comer of Unit 2, Phases 1+2, where the two waste unit boundaries are less than 250 feet apart, the relevant point of compliance will be midway between the two waste units and will then turn southeast to intersect the southern GAMETT AP Page 12 of 15 & MOOU Engineering for the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion August 2021 250-foot limit south of MW-3R. Drawing 6 shows the relevant point of compliance for Units 1 and 2. A drawing showing the proposed relevant point of compliance is presented as Figure 5. 15.0 Rock Cores All borings advanced as part of this study were advanced through the saprolite to auger refusal, and then were cored 10 to 30 feet into the underlying bedrock. Rock type, recovery values, rock quality designation (RQD) and rock descriptions including fracturing and jointing patterns are presented in the boring logs. Further description of the bedrock is provided in Section 3.3. Hydraulic features of the bedrock including saturated hydraulic conductivity and secondary porosity values are provided in Section 7 — Groundwater Flow. 16.0 Seasonal High Groundwater Graphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix F shows the precipitation data for Oxford, North Carolina from 1895 through the present (February/March 2021). The graphs show annual, 6-month, 3-month and 1-month precipitation totals. As can be seen in the graphs, 2021 generally had the highest precipitation totals over the 126 years of historical data. Fluctuations in groundwater table elevations generally reflect precipitation levels over periods of several months, often with a lag time of a few weeks. As shown on the Graph 1, the largest 12- month precipitation total in the last 126 years occurred during the 12 months ending in March 2021. Similar review of the 6-month and 3-month precipitation totals (Graphs 2 and 3) ending in February/March 2021 also indicate that early 2021 had near (6-month totals roughly tied for 3rd highest ever) or the highest (3-month totals highest ever) levels of precipitation in the 126-year of historical data. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the highest historical groundwater table elevations for the site were in the spring of 2021. Establishment of the seasonal high groundwater table included review of groundwater levels in the existing site monitoring wells as well as the new piezometers installed for this Design Hydrogeologic Report investigations. Nine (9) wells/piezometers monitoring the surficial aquifer within the 7.7-acre Phase 2 footprint area were monitored and reviewed (existing MW-3R, MW- 12, P-6; new piezometers P-29, P-30S, P-31, P-32, P-33S and P-34), along with several wells in the immediate vicinity of the Phase 2 area (MW-7, MW-9 and MW-11). Table 8 shows the water table elevation for the site compliance wells between 2012 (date of first monitoring) and 2021. The table indicates that the highest water levels were observed in February of 2020 or February 2021 events. This is generally consistent with the precipitation data. Further review of the February 2020 and 2021 monitoring data indicates that, of the 11 compliance wells monitoring at the site for both events, the February 2021 event recorded higher water levels in the majority of the wells, with the February 2021 event reporting an overall mean groundwater level 0.55' higher than the February 2020 event. Therefore, based on the review of the long-term compliance monitoring well data, the February 2021 event represents the highest groundwater levels in the existing compliance wells since the development of the Phase 2 Unit 1 MSW landfill, GARUTT EJP� Page 13 of 15 &MOOUI Engineering far the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion August 2021 which coincides with the precipitation data that also indicates early 2021 as a historically high precipitation period. Table 8 also shows the water table elevation for the site compliance wells as well as the new piezometers (and select existing wells) being studied as part of this study. As can be seen, the March 4, 2021 readings are very similar to the readings of the February 2021 monitoring event, with the March 2021 readings generally slightly higher than the February 2021 readings. The remaining readings, April through July 2021, show a general decline in groundwater levels. Therefore, the March 2021 readings generally represent the generally highest potentiometric surface in both the existing compliance wells and the new piezometers, which correlates with the above discussed precipitation history. A seasonal high groundwater map was established by using the March 2021 groundwater levels for the piezometers/wells being monitored in the study, as augmented by revising the elevations for two of the existing wells (MW-11, MW-3R) to include the February 2020 levels as they were higher than the February/March 2021 levels. For existing facility wells/piezometers outside of the study group, the seasonal high groundwater map uses the long-term high water table elevations estimated in the Site Hydrogeologic Report (final dated January 2012, Table 8) to supplement and provide expanded map spatial coverage. The seasonal higher groundwater map is shown on Figure 6 and is considered to graphically depict the estimated seasonal -high water table for the Phase 2 expansion area. In addition, the seasonal high-water table is also graphically depicted in the geologic cross sections in Figures 3, 4 and 6 to depict the vertical relationship between the seasonal high water table and the engineered final subgrade of the proposed MSWLF expansion. Table 8 provides a summary of the vertical separation between the seasonal high groundwater table and the landfill subgrade for the borings located within the waste limits. Based on the designed final subgrade of the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion depicted in the geologic cross sections (Figures 5 through 8) ans summarized in Table 8 and the engineering plans included in the accompanying permit documents, the minimum vertical separation requirements in 15A NCAC 13B .1623 (b)(2)(E) between the seasonal high water table as determined herein and the final landfill subgrade are satisfied by the engineering design of the landfill expansion. 17.0 Bedrock Contour Map A bedrock contour map is presented on Figure 3. The bedrock contour map presents the contours of the upper surface of the bedrock and is superimposed on a topographic map and includes the location of all borings and rock cores and the top of rock elevations used to generate the upper surface of bedrock contours. Table 8 provides a summary of the vertical separation between the top of bedrock and the landfill subgrade for the borings located within the waste limits Based on the designed final subgrade of the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 expansion depicted in the geologic cross sections (Figures 3 and 6) and summarized in Table 8 and the engineering plans included in the accompanying permit GAMETT V�p Page 14 of 15 &MOOUI Engineering far the Power and Waste Industries Permit to Construct Application Design Hydrogeological Report Granville County Oxford MSWLF -Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion August 2021 documents, the minimum vertical separation requirements in 15A NCAC 13B .1623 (b)(2)(F) between the top of bedrock as determined herein and the final landfill subgrade are satisfied by the engineering design of the landfill expansion. 18.0 Vertical Groundwater Flow Regime Discussions of the vertical groundwater flow regime for the proposed expansion area are presented in Section 7.0 — Groundwater Flow, with hydrogeologic cross -sections that characterize the vertical groundwater flow regime presented on Figures 3 and 6. 19.0 Groundwater Flow Regime Report Discussions of the groundwater flow regime to include groundwater flow paths for both horizontal and vertical components of groundwater flow, horizontal and vertical gradients, flow rates, and groundwater recharge areas and discharge areas are presented in Section 7.0 — Groundwater Flow. 20.0 Boring/Piezometer Abandonment All borings/temporary piezometers located within the Phase 2 landfill development shall be abandoned prior to landfill construction in accordance with the procedures for permanent abandonment of wells as delineated in 15A NCAC 02C .0113, except that at the time of abandonment, all piezometers within the MSWLF unit footprint area shall be over drilled to the full depth of the boring or to the top of bedrock, whichever is encountered first, prior to grout placement. The level of the grout within the boring shall not exceed in height the elevation of the proposed base grade. GARUTT jP Page 15 of 15 & MOOU I Engineering far the Power and Waste Industries Figures F.z 'MW , Jam' Fi MW 11 PHASE 1 LINER LIMITS--,' ■ a F 9 P-22 x P—is 'HASE 11.2Ai UNIT 2 �. PHASE 2 P-31 ��;;,; P-29 � i 7.7 ACioS --PD —32 MW_ 12_21-) PHASE 2 LINER LIMITS gy UNIT 2 - -- TURE P 12 , UNIT 2 PERMITLED ` WASTE LIMITS ' N a II --EXISTING BORINGS/PIEZOMETER ABANDONED BORINGS/PIEZOMETERS GRAPHIC SCALE: " = 180' - NEW BORINGS/PIEZOMETERS �,.Y, MW-7_j,(P-2) 4 r�: �. 0 18 _ 360 �1 I r �� \ �—P —25 MW-1 11 I 1 I I I \ I I I I IIIIII ter-- —-24 III � / /I I IIII � I \ S III I IIIII I�/ -✓�-�\\ \� `\\\1 \ /I 1 I I I I III I / ,-� \ \ I I l ( IIII ► I I I I I � , --, � � � / � � � \�\ 1 111 I I IIII� � � � � � >> IIII� / ) l ,/ l I /1 400 r IIII III (1 \ / , // r�i /�// // ��i �i *12-17 1III IIII III / 1 1 if III II� //j r �r ��� r /i — IIII u P /lri I IIII , � / � //� � / �i�� � � � �___—__— _ =____ =_ _— �--__=�� --� --�✓� l � 1 1�\\ �` II I I I I // 1 111 1` � \ _ _ --_ _ _ ��-_ _ __ _ - _ - ter= -' _.---.., -_ --✓ —r.-- -f `� �� � l \ III A.�\Voo � ) T L., 10+00 f 00 00 00 L s+0� , I I II /f / J ,, •�\ 6+00 j 4+Fli Ip 00 00 r r' �, 49LD-21 /MW�12 S II I ll JW \-j �,Ni I Ul"k--)STREAM WITH 50—FAT BUFMR .) J / LEGEND -------- EXISTING INDEX TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR — — — — — — — — EXISTING INTERMEDIATE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR MW-Z PIEZOMETER/WELL IDENTIFICATION MW-X ABANDONED PIEZOMETER/WELL IDENTIFICATION NOTES 1,II��,,,,,,, QoFEsslo�� 0 - o a SEAL r ° 0 TEF AN E o c N G 0 m oZ y 0 (L L ��cc$ 0L C) co L N� Q T m w ZO Ow Z I- J C.)Z Q — 0 D OZ (L Ug N 0 J 0 w em >°C QO cr ZLL mo CL X N � —Z Z (!3 DCIO) w 0 S� L U _s CO 9>-- V 0 0 1.L Z cc NO wm Q C N H Z D GRAPHIC SCALE 1' = 60' 0 60 120 SHEET FIGURE 2 i IIII / I I I I III I / ,-\ \ I I l ( IIII ► I I I I I � , --, 0/1 �\ �� J //�j// I III 1 C III I I (1 Jill l IIIIj \\M\0 //i//�/� / I I rc�� 11 \\\\\ \� \\ 1 I11 IN, �i/� 1�,� I r�� 1 IIII III 1/ � �/i / /� ( � �� �r�-_---— IIII u P 1 ii� ����� (I I IIII =gs , IIII BPI I I I I I I I I I � � �/�/ I � I LZ _� �-� - —- --- __/— �I_r , i _ _.-_-_.; _- -�✓ -'� �� ZI \ I/ �-01— ,k II ' — � �- /�—� —', T- .-'A �=� .`___-- ____-- �•� �� ��� �-III / BR-492.0600 m4io +00 1 �,,-650 / f> 47730 / �C� // / �� 6+dog �/' \ .00, / / 1 +00 / 5+00 I / I I 4+00 I -� _ - rf� � �' !' /LC , / i �' _ * P-33S \BR=486.30 sly I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P1.31 I I I I 1 1 520-----r---T----r-------1----r---r---T----T-------I----r----r---T--- --- ----1 ---�-- -T----I----r------7520 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIT 2 PHASE 2 BASE GRADES --"-,I I I I I I I I IEXISTINd GROUNIJ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P-29 I I I 1 1 510-t---t----t----1----I---- --- ---t— — -------I----1-----1-���� -- ---- — —�1111111--- � �t�` -t— -i----I-- —---t--- 510 I I I I I P SI P-330 I I I_ __1� -, -I- P4 I I I I I = --� �" � I I I 1 500 I--I----1 --- i---+---4-- - 1 --- i - SAP�500 ouTE 1 - - 1----i---� - i --- i SAPF OLITE S SO HIGH W �ER TAB � 490-- —�--- --- --T--- i------�---� -- — — _ _ _ 1 _ _ ——----I-----------� 490 480-- I I 470 - 460 - 450 1 +00 — — 1 480 1 1 I I I I I I 1470 - - - I - ---*----------1----�--- fi---*---rt-------I----�--- fi---1 460 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----1-------t---t----------I----r---�--t----------1-------t---t----------I-------t-----1450 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 INCH = 80 FEET VERTICAL SCALE 1 INCH = 16 FEET ----------------- MW-X BR = XXXX MW X BR = XXX`" LEGEND EXISTING INDEX TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR EXISTING INTERMEDIATE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR BEDROCK SURFACE INDEX CONTOUR BEDROCK SURFACE INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION WITH TOP OF BEDROCK SURFACE ELEVATION DENOTED ABANDONED PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION WITH TOP OF BEDROCK SURFACE ELEVATION DENOTED NOTES 10011, .�•% -N CARpL '''•. oFESS a SEAL �r o 0 025900 0 , "v �Q 00 °° °°° T°°° °°°° FAN � ZO Ow Fnm ZaU O NO ww Cn C� ao _ CC C N H — Z Z (!3 D cl) w 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1' = 60' 0 60 120 SHEET FIGURE 3 LEGEND EXISTING INDEX TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR EXISTING INTERMEDIATE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER TABLE INDEX CONTOUR (MARCH 2O21) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER TABLE INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR (MARCH 2O21) MW-X GW EL. = XXXX PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION WITH WATER TABLE ELEVATION DENOTED MW-X GW EL XXXX ABANDONED PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION = WITH WATER TABLE ELEVATION DENOTED NOTES 1. GROUNDWATER LEVELS FOR MARCH 4, 2021 J 00 Wg Z J � Z� gxLL 0O CL 5� L D O F— z O U W a z D O ♦� V z O Cn z n N W Q CL N H z D 4-0 E oq �coE) N p om co z �= m ca 20 N cc co O W U 0 O O W em 0 z 0 w 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1' = 60' 0 60 120 SHEET FIGURE 4 = i/� �/� % ' -- fillf I / �— —--' / I—���—-472.06 77 �� 1 --—�•f��rr�—r HELEV�EJdT POINJ/OF COMPLTINCE ( FROM�i(VAS < A \ �� c `� c / / — — - --ram / 1 / l l l t\\\�k----_ f �W4A / \ l \ \ 1�\/�1�1�//�\\( 1r\ / ,/\/II\( / e�,� I/J �> �/ II, ,1 ��/ J��_\ ��/ � /�Y1/��� �I—i1�l�fI I/�'I\� / I;I�� / II1I �I;� � .1 ;1_ I I I//� I II �I 1I�r\II�I r I�l I/ -/ `�1( �\1i >� 1 -�'� ��,l ��..L�_k� �\ � � `,�\( I`�-�_� �/_\G � /1j� 1 \_� —\' `/\ J�1/I/��/\1\ 1 I��( �I I \/��/ // )��I /I `—'p�/I .1 ��f\ - (I //-�����(��II�i����Il; 1'r I — I�`I I5I II�iI IIv.I/I.I-I-I I I I' II��v ( � � I I I I / f..I) �JI " 11�� ,r � /I,� im7/�I oI $I�_1\/ r1\ ,,L' - , �\J� ��J� /f'1—>r.\ ,�,. ,\ /-�✓J � I�-> l/�-\ }�— I- -`/1/lI1�II1I�I It/I(1I/�I� 1ICIII IIII,I�j>I IIIIIIIII ��I I/II1I�� II�III� III1IIII1I-Ib> III II III1III II>.I ►jI�II IIIII1II;)1II�i II�lII ,\I\1I II (I/II.IIIIIIIIIIIII�II � IIII\ I(�1II—U�IIIII/1—III I (IIII( III I II_III> II I I II �I � I1III(I�II =III—II )II II�I I`II 1 I / ` II /I � r/II <•--_ �I\<_/����.�ti—)rI/— 1I�J /\CJ�(II(),I �1IIIIII_ II�IIIIII► �I.— >_I\-IIIIIIj I\II�_IIIsII I\/IIII/IIII�_II /��I—)I1II(IIII)I IIIIII II�\ I1 I�\iI�I � I1II��—IIIIII I IIIIIIIIII�1II I I —/I=� ��IIIIIII>_IIIIIIIIII -�IIIceIII►I I � 1 ��IIIIIII I I > — _ I\( i —II l I(/III IjI1 I�r1—II)I\ II1IvI—=III=I I I I�/III� )/I\III—IIIII—�III_ \I!II II1 I��I—I�I_IIIII I II.�III 1\�II � II�II�ItI II —I-_I_IIIII�III I�II`II-1I IIII I�III,�IIIIIIIII\IlI �I I(I�I — =�II- II, IIII IIII II,I III�III��rI.III�—II—f�IIIIIIII--II�I I��IIiIIiI_I II I II�— IIIII�I/=I�II ,'>II�I1�I�III I—IIIIII I�II�1—IINI�II1/I.--=I�II� I II I -,I IIII/ 1I 1-�_�II ITI _II-I1 1I1I-II-�II (I✓%I/ ✓ I - (I1Ji,IIII—�—� -I/1I I% ' I II�I=I� %I\IIE I/,II �� 1�- //III�►/III\1I—�I%J��I/���i1 I\ 1/I �\\��IIiII I/� I�—%•�/I %\ �i � �II 1I�IIIIII�j//_/I��\ I 1I//�II�/�l1 II/I�I I I� � I�i �I/ �I��� II%I/ IIi/i�L /-/��/II %/II ,/ _I/ II-/�� / i-/ �-/1-IIl�II^%II�--i �� i(�-% �l �iI-�/Ii�\ �II-�I(L%1 /r-I��I\/�-I -i%� I1 � �, II/�I �\/I�����.!�\�%I� %✓✓/\�I1��i�i/I�� / \/J C\/%i�����I� I� /'\\ ./ ,!— � ��/\ i_\ / %\ \\(i� ��i (\)i%\i//��.��,2%\\\( %\ �•(\�—�/%i���\�S�% �i\ —,� v�\ I��—�% -�> %�Ii n%%� —�\\�%�I�%��%%�/ _ \\- \ �-) -�)%\(% \�� ( �Jt��\�l�-./\_{��\\)�1^� .^ \ \%��%, /\1 �) �-%\ �,�\ \1%i�—/1\�� ��/ �� %��\\ �\-�\�l \(JIJ�%I �\�I%�/,�� � �I\(—l�l�%i-\ )�%I �� %�-� �� -�%I%1-%�� /�\ \�1�-/_%��f, 1 �%� /'���— S =` -�\,\\ �I%� /%\ - %'�J\�—\-\�% �;)� \\\�\ ��I_-%\I�I;_�\,�\% ��_�I�I�III(��lJ�\)�l��'\(�IIII-III�I�I�\� \���IIII I�I�\I;�I_'—--�—���I1\ -II;I-� I/ \�\����II(.��\\�CIII�I��I I �\;\ _\ I�— �`._—�am�- �����_ I�r.\( _;j ��-�= ._ �/�.\�) I^� ) =�-! ��_�_/— ����� �-���%\ = , \—���= _i�-l\ �� _�-—_ =_�—;�_ _ — '—_�—���—��-_ ��_ - �_ .\__=-- _-_�\ a -I �1\_,--�/—`—__= — /�_�_— .--� — ;-_=\��—��—_\ =`_=�=�� �-� � — /—_— —__1.— =�—,— -\� --� __\ -_,,� \ c==,=—�p—�— — =-- =— —=,—v\� _ ;J_I—\— —rF_�_—�_—�o--I(��1--�_�_—_=1 —I�_II\_ /1_ ,I _ )I`I—I__ �_I,_—II= -_I,tI 1II��IIA I _II/I/=II__ �I -1 — I I_1I_I—WI—=II�--IIII— III 1II=I���III_ II`II I/III�1I�—'_—I II —I III I1IIII _— I_ _1 I_� I_/I\ IIIII1IIII/, I,I-=_III\�1I`_-I(_I1I-III _I � — I� �II—_.III_`II)1IIIII \, I1IJ-\'I_I _-IIII1 III>oII _I III�\I—II j,II,_ �I\ �II� _1I�_II�II—_I I Irl/ .�II--I I �I�I--_I� �— 1,�I_—�II III I _) I'I— _I= IIIII—J _ ((III�I—III/II_II-/I II`_IIiI I >\II�IIIIIIIIII�\,III l\I,f—_ _ )I III �IIIIIIII—II� J_II I ° \ II LI—IIIJ�IIIIII' IIII\III/I, l 1_I—I_ —IIIIIII(,JI—I IIIIIII—I J \II1I I I—�— — —III(III1 III I%_IIIIII/�II _I\IIII�I II`II-1IIII III I,II I=I I1I—� IIII��_I �III I I1 JI I II ; �JI_ fI/IIII—I-1II II�II_ _ II- I II SI IIII1I II �I I (`yI II \III�I 1—/II—I/I/ =II_I II -I/ I (IIIII _—\ I�1 1 I/I-—I �I—II I IIIIIII /IIII�I I I\l II_` (l� IIII1II_III II��II_ I=II-1 II�/I /_/1II 1�I1 �I�< /I _ CI( I II_�IIII—I/II _ f(I/I<IIIII I ) I/I II 1II I I I ) I —\/I/_III II 1 / �/ I /I IIIi1 I lII�I—_ I� = —I IIII!-IIII —I� � I _III1 IIIj1 III II�II���IJ I�III�IoII/IJII I IIIIIIII_ III/\I I(II( II—I1I_I I — I) �I I_IIIII J/I IIII II II /I/I III II <`/ I�III I/ I III=III\I I(IIII I III 1 1II)I IIIIIIIIlI 1 IIIII IIII IIII �I I ,IIIIII\ IIII'II IIIlI'III1 I\I1IIIIIIII� IIIIIIII/ /IIII III (III I I IIII IIlII I�� \iII Ir �'II<I,It\- I\I JIIII I1fIlI�•/ IJmo\frl/ f Gl�I I //II1 %\ � ,I I l,<)I )� /\ � —I/I/�/'\`���\\\�� 1 —)��\\I / �1/,I, ,l0 \1/l�J,,(`� /1/\ ��I / /J�I /I/1 �(II�I //�I/j/ . 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GROUNDWATER CONTOURS BASED ON LINEAR INTERPOLATION %i\ I l\) \ � 1 — l � \� � 1 / l )\1\ \ 1 \� � 1� S )J '. / ^ \ J ( / / /IBETWEEN ANBD EXTRAPOLATION FROM KNOW DATA, TOPOGRAPHIC I CONTOURS, AND KNOWN FIELD CONDITIONS. THEREFORE, GROUNDWATER `� ��� % ✓ I I 1 I / \/ I I 1 I I I I CONTOURS MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL GROUNWATER CONDITIONS. S FARM 2. STATIC WATER LEVELS MEASURED ON FEBRUARY 4, 2021. V. oFESST�2 09 a SEAL �r o 025900 % v CT ° f N NM �E )~� c)N c - 6c0 1:0o.o0 m '0 � c� 0a �_ 0 N 0 Cc$ =z� o 0)6 _ca U N N w cr z0 Ow z J z 0 Q- �LL OZ (L0 �O Ug N O J 0 w � �o� QO z� �o X N 00 -z z0 Dcl) w 0 w 0 z g J 2 O U LL O F- z O H z J w GRAPHIC SCALE 1' = I W 0 100 200 SHEET FIGURE 5 L=475 , 1 I I I I I I I I' / P-24 / /' -"W EL, �b.w \ II I-`-�/-- II I I I I \ \ 1 I III �" —*GW EL=474.01 ,�\11 ,�� l\\ { 11 � . , ,�, . �111111 P-1s ,x- I,� -��J r�J /// GW EL-4792 �� 1 I I I �� I I ♦ i �� rf/ /�� // �� i ��j 1/ / i 17 ,4W EL=482. 1lo (,-��i Ile � � � — — Y \ �-- --- --- -- --- _ _ �_ — _ --- — — _ � � � J III .__f - ` � / /�1 \ 1 III ==�— Io EL=AP88.17 00 W, \ �/r GW LL=486.00 \ ti� I / / �- /� ti 7+ _ GW ELF,(90. Y I `I 1 6+00 I J GW F�L— 2.60 +00 P-33 / / ` -� �' f J , -� *G EL=48?:66 �, �,� lgjA497.2� / ///� r`/ P-32Tom, r '� � P.0W E �� � > ��� / � f \ f� ` \� 00.100, �4�—I*44. j ___r ) � an .010 j\\ 1 _ � --� 00. ,100, 1 r �- 0"l�/ ♦ 1-1 STM W REAIIT 50-FfBUF%R .) �— — — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PI.31 I I I I I 1 1 520-----r---T----r-------1----r---r---T----T-------1----r---r---T--- --- ----1— — — r — — — r — — — --1----1----r---T----7520 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIT 2 PHASE 2 BASE GRADES ----"I I I I I I I I IEXISTINGl GROUNb I I I .._4 1 1 1 1 1 1 P-29 I I I I I 510-------t----------1----------t——-------1-------t— �� -- ---- —--.—-------1-- —---�---� 510 P-34 I I I I 1 P-33S P-330 I I J 500 \� +._,.�. r.=,�-1���'-1---- --�--- -- — —025900 — — — — — --------+---— — — ---+--- -- 500 I I SAPFROLITE I I I I I I SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABI 490-- --- 1 --- i— --I— — I I -- 480-- 470 450 — I 1 +00 �SAPF OI I I I I LI'TE I I I 'I" I I I Irt 490 I I I I I I I I I I 1480 I I GRJkNITE I I I I I --*---rt-------1----�--- fi---*---rt-------I----r---460 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I —-------1----------t----------1----------�450 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 INCH = 80 FEET VERTICAL SCALE 1 INCH = 16 FEET fi I I I I I I I I ---1---- --- f----t--- -------1-- --t— I I I I I I I ----------------- MW—X GW EL. = XXXX MI *GW EL = XXXX 1. LEGEND EXISTING INDEX TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR EXISTING INTERMEDIATE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE INDEX CONTOUR SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION WITH SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ELEVATION DENOTED ABANDONED PIEZOMETER/WELL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION WITH SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ELEVATION DENOTED NOTES CAR04000 QoFEsslo�� oo • a SEAL r G = 0 025900 a p p i p O, p o v °.0 - 000000000 P • EF AN ``��� Ill �: J 00 Wg J � Z� gLLx 0O a� E co N p co Z 6 ca 20 oco T ZO Ow Cn ZQU 0 j NO wW Cn em QO C N H -Z Z (!3 D cl) W GRAPHIC SCALE 1' = 60' 0 60 120 SHEET FIGURE 6 Tables Table 1 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Boring/PZ Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Top of Casing Elev. Screen Interval BGS Screen Interval Elev. Depth to Bedrock BGS Top of Bedrock Elev. Bore/Piezo Depth BGS Bore/Piezo Bottom Elev. Hydrogeologic Unit P-29 954232.703 2112770.353 506.55 510.62 20.0 '- 30.0' 486.5 - 476.5 20.0' 486.55 30.0' 476.55 fractured bedrock P-30S 954111.283 2112826.270 506.86 510.37 25.0'- 35.0' 481.9 - 471.9 27.0' 479.86 35.0' 471.86 PWR/frac bedrock P-30D 954115.398 2112818.644 507.02 510.37 50.0'- 60.0' 457.0 - 447.0 27.0' 480.02 60.0' 447.02 fractured bedrock P-31 954225.823 2112561.563 516.81 520.25 16.5' - 26.5' 500.3 - 490.3 14.5' 502.31 26.5' 490.31 fractured bedrock P-32 954062.925 2112259.145 511.11 515.16 25.0'- 30.0' 486.1 - 481.1 20.5' 490.61 30.0' 481.11 fractured bedrock P-33S 954130.103 2112015.673 503.13 506.18 17.0'- 27.0' 486.1 - 476.1 17.0' 486.13 27.0' 476.13 fractured bedrock P-33D 954155.029 2112020.410 503.27 505.79 40.0' - 50.0' 463.3 - 453.3 17.0' 486.27 50.0' 453.27 fractured bedrock P-34 954184.456 2111737.744 500.76 504.35 1 24.5' - 34.5' 476.3 - 466.3 23.5' 477.26 34.5' 466.26 1 fractured bedrock Existing Boring/PZ Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Top of Casing Elev. Screen Interval BGS Screen Interval Elev. Depth to Bedrock BGS Top of Bedrock Elev. Bore/Piezo Depth BGS Bore/Piezo Bottom Elev. Hydrogeologic Unit P-6 954257.195 2112192.206 502.06 505.06 21.0 '- 31.0' 481.1 - 471.1 10.0 492.06 31.0' 471.06 fractured bedrock MW-12 / P-21 954078.314 2112567.506 519.29 521.30 40.0 '- 50.0' 479.3 - 469.3 31.3 488.00 31.0' 488.29 fractured bedrock MW-3R 1 954026.936 1 2111681.468 495.85 498.35 1 14.0 '- 24.0' 1 481.8 - 471.8 25.0 470.85 25.0' 470.85 Saprolite Table 2 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Geotechnical Laboratory Data Grain Size Distribution and Unified Soil Classification Boring Sample %Gravel %Sand %Sand %Silt %Clay %Silt/Clay Liquid Plasticity Natural Effective USCS Lithologic Number Depth, k. >4.75 mm 4.75--0.075 mm 2-0.0625 0.0625-0.004 <0.004 <0.075 mm Limit Index Moisture Porosity Classification Description P-29 0.0 - 2.0 0.00 2.73 5.97 37.30 56.74 97.27 80% 50% 31.6% 1.0% CH, tested FAT CLAY P-29 5.0-7.0 4.40 7.05 11.25 53.96 34.18 88.56 67% 34% 29.6% 3.0% MH, tested ELASTIC SILT P-29 10.0- 12.0 1.45 14.62 20.14 52.43 27.43 83.92 53% 25% 27.8% 5.0% CH, tested FAT CLAY WITH SAND P-29 15.0- 17.0 0.00 11.54 15.64 49.89 34.47 88.46 54% 21% 43.2% 2.0% MH, tested ELASTIC SILT P-30 5.0-7.0 18.99 45.56 47.63 22.30 30.06 35.46 61% 35% 15.3% 4.5% SC, tested CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL P-30 10.0- 12.0 3.19 32.74 35.89 36.71 27.40 64.07 55% 25% 11.6% 5.0% MH, tested SANDY ELASTIC SILT P-30 20.0- 22.0 27.06 41.98 52.79 32.43 14.78 30.97 35% 15% 36.2% 15.0% SC, tested CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL P-30 25.0- 27.0 38.81 44.00 61.90 29.80 8.30 17.19 26% 6% 6.6% 21.0% SC-SM, tested SILTY CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL P-32 0.0 - 2.0 0.00 5.99 10.45 44.83 44.72 94.01 57% 30% 31.1% 2.0% CH, tested FAT CLAY P-32 5.0-7.0 0.00 13.10 23.66 68.48 7.87 86.90 47% 9% 45.4% 14.0% ML, tested SILT P-32 10.0- 12.0 0.00 29.96 40.70 56.12 3.17 70.04 NP NP 14.7% 20.0% ML, tested SILT WITH SAND P-32 15.0-17.0 0.00 31.03 36.63 54.28 9.10 68.97 35% 6% 9.7% 17.0% ML, tested SANDYSILT Notes to Above: Effective porosity values calculated from Textural Classification Triangle methoc referenced to A.I. Johnson, US Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1662-1), 1967 (after C.W. Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd ed. 1988) SCS lithologic description based on grain size with hydrometer analysi! 1- USCS lithologic description based on grain size with hydrometer analysh GARRETT r*'AP & MOORE Eng-rmp rar-Y or end Wasee:rcu�:•ex Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Table 3 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Hydrogeologic Properties of Lithologic Units Piezometer Number Hydrological Unit(l) Hydrogeological Description Hydraulic Conductivity (k) ft/sec ft/min ft/day cm/sec Surficial Aquifer Piezometers P-29 Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 4.31E-05 2.59E-03 3.723 1.31E-03 P-30 PWR/Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 1.03E-06 6.17E-05 0.089 3.14E-05 P-32 Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 2.00E-06 1.20E-04 0.173 6.10E-05 P-33 Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 5.94E-06 3.56E-04 0.513 1.81E-04 P-34 Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 4.32E-06 2.59E-04 0.373 1.32E-04 P-21 Fract. Bedrock SILTYSAND 1.59E-07 9.51E-06 0.014 4.83E-06 MW-3R Saprolite/PWR SILTYSAND 5.03E-08 3.02E-06 0.004 1.53E-06 Minimum 5.03E-08 3.02E-06 4.35E-03 1.53E-06 Maximum 4.31E-05 2.59E-03 3.72E+00 1.31E-03 Geometric Mean 1.51E-06 9.08E-05 0.131 4.61E-05 Bedrock Piezometers P-30D Bedrock Bedrock 2.82E-06 1.69E-04 0.243 8.59E-05 P-33D Bedrock Bedrock 5.88E-07 3.53E-05 0.051 1.79E-05 P-21 Bedrock Bedrock 1.59E-07 9.51E-06 0.014 4.83E-06 Minimum 1.59E-07 9.51E-06 0.014 4.83E-06 Maximum 2.82E-06 1.69E-04 0.243 8.59E-05 Geometric Mean 3.05E-07 1.83E-05 0.026 9.31E-06 (1) Saprolite - SPT <100 bpf. PWR - partially weathered rock; generally with SPT values in excess of 100 bpf. (2) Effective porosity values for unconsolidated soils assigned based on laboratory testing (soils in contact with well screen interval taken into consideration). (3) P-31 was dry at time of slug testing, not able to be tested GAMET & MOORE EofflA� EAQrmtriN rdr LAO Nw Or and LVas1e rvn5.'!5 Phase 2 Expansion see Table 2) Design Hydrogeologic Study Table 4 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Short -Term Ground Water Level Observations Boring Number Boring Date PVC Pipe Elevation Ground Elevation Time of Boring Readings 24-hour Readings Stabilized Readings Depth, ft. BGS Elev. Depth, ft. TOC Elev. Depth, ft. TOC Elev. P-29 2/8/2021 510.62 506.55 25.2 481.35 21.00 489.62 19.78 490.84 P-30S 2/3/2021 510.37 506.86 29.7 477.16 14.81 495.56 13.09 497.28 P-30D 1 2/4/2021 510.37 507.02 23.2 483.82 15.72 494.65 15.53 494.84 P-31 2/9/2021 520.25 516.81 dry N/A 28.01 492.24 27.65 492.60 P-32 2/1/2021 515.16 511.11 27.1 484.01 21.86 493.30 21.70 493.46 P-33S 2/11/2021 506.18 503.13 26.5 476.63 24.28 481.90 24.20 481.98 P-33D 2/10/2021 1 505.79 503.27 25.9 477.37 23.92 481.87 1 23.52 482.27 P-34 2/12/2021 1 504.35 500.76 19.5 481.26 18.49 485.86 1 18.35 486.00 Stabilized water levels acquired a minimum of 7 days after completion of drilling at each location. BGS - Below ground surface TOC - Below top of PVC casing GARRErff MOOR E,9-urr, Mr nw &r. of aW MMt'exry •es Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Table 5 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Long -Term Facility Groundwater Readings Boring/PZ Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Top of Casing Elev. 3/4/21 GW DBTC 314121 GW Elev. 4/14121 GW DBTC 4114/21 GW Elev. 4123121 GW DBTC 4123/21 GW Elev. 5114/21 GW DBTC 5114/21 GW Elev. 619/21 GW DBTC 619121 GW Elev. 7114121 GW DBTC 7114121 GW Elev. P-29 954232.703 2112770.353 506.55 510.62 19.78 490.84 22.41 488.21 23.29 487.33 24.31 486.31 24.60 486.02 24.74 485.88 P-30S 954111.283 2112826.270 506.86 510.37 13.09 497.28 17.18 493.19 17.90 492.47 19.31 491.06 20.98 489.39 21.96 488.41 P-30D 954115.398 2112818.644 507.02 510.37 15.53 494.84 17.74 492.63 18.48 491.89 19.79 490.58 21.29 489.08 22.15 488.22 P-31 954225.823 2112561.563 516.81 520.25 27.65 492.60 28.44 491.81 28.50 491.75 28.76 491.49 28.45 491.80 28.44 491.81 P-32 954062.925 2112259.145 511.11 515.16 21.70 493.46 23.96 491.20 24.48 490.68 25.10 490.06 26.58 488.58 27.62 487.54 P-33S 954130.103 2112015.673 503.13 506.18 24.20 481.98 25.78 480.40 26.05 480.13 26.70 479.48 27.24 478.94 27.62 478.56 P-33D 954155.029 2112020.410 503.27 505.79 23.52 482.27 25.10 480.69 25.41 480.38 26.09 479.70 26.67 479.12 27.00 478.79 P-34 954184.456 2111737.744 500.76 504.35 18.35 486.00 19.05 485.30 19.31 485.04 20.56 483.79 20.60 483.75 20.44 483.91 Table 6 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Horizontal Groundwater Gradient and Velocity Calculations Well/Piez. No. Hydrogeologic I Unit Hydraulic Conductivity (k) Grd. Water Elevation* Reference Elevation* delta-Elev. in feet Map Length in feet Hydraulic Gradient (1) Effective Porosity (n) GW Velocity (V), ft/day GW Velocity (V), ft/year ft/min ft/day cm/sec Shallow Piezometers MW-3R Saprolite 3.02E-06 4.35E-03 1.53E-06 485.07 484.00 1.07 83.25 0.013 0.400 0.0001 0.05 P-21 Fractured Bedrock 9.51E-06 1.37E-02 4.83E-06 495.17 494.00 1.17 54.40 0.022 0.210 0.001 0.51 P-29 Fractured Bedrock 2.59E-03 3.72E+00 1.31E-03 490.84 490.00 0.84 115.07 0.007 0.210 0.129 47.24 P-30S PWR/Fractured Bedrock 6.17E-05 8.89E-02 3.14E-05 497.28 496.00 1.28 33.39 0.038 0.210 0.016 5.92 P-32 Fractured Bedrock 1.20E-04 1.73E-01 6.10E-05 493.46 492.00 1.46 37.67 0.039 0.210 0.032 11.64 P-33S Fractured Bedrock 3.56E-04 5.13E-01 1.81E-04 481.59 480.00 1.59 227.84 0.007 0.210 0.017 6.22 P-34 Fractured Bedrock 2.59E-04 3.73E-01 1.32E-04 486.00 484.00 2.00 76.58 0.026 0.210 0.046 16.94 Minimum 1.53E-06 0.007 0.0001 0.0510 Maximum 1.31E-03 0.039 0.129 47.237 Geometric Mean 4.61E-05 0.018 0.010 3.670 Notes: Ground Water Velocity Calculated from Equation V=Kiln where K = Hydraulic Conductivity in units of ft/day I = Hydraulic Gradient in units of ft/ft n = Effective Porosity (unitless) Hydraulic Conductivity Conversion Factor: 1 ft/day = 3.59E-04 cm/sec Hydraulic Gradient values were calculated from the potentiometric surface map (Figure 8) Effective Porosity values derived from Table 2, for material in piezometer screen section Ground water elevation measured March 4, 2021 GARRE11 & moonE�;02, €n ifterrrq rar mo Pwar &W waste Enausmas Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Table 7 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Vertical Ground Water Gradient Calculations Data Presented for Selected Dates of Ground Water Observation Nested Piezometers: P-30S P-30D Piezometer No. Top of Screen Elev. Bottom of Screen Elev. Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. P-30S 481.90 1 471.90 497.28 492.47 491.06 489.39 488.41 P-30D 457.00 1 447.00 494.84 491.89 490.58 489.08 488.22 midpoint saturated interval -upper 476.90 476.90 476.90 476.90 476.90 midpoint saturated interval - lower 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 452.00 delta -saturated interval 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 delta-W.T.E. (see note 1) 2.443 0.583 0.483 0.313 0.187 Vertical Gradient (see note 2) 0.098 1 0.023 1 0.019 0.013 0.008 Down Down Down Down Down Nested Piezometers: P-33S P-33D Piezometer No. Top of Screen Elev. Bottom of Screen Elev. Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. W.T.E. P-33S 486.1 476.1 481.59 480.13 479.48 478.94 478.56 P-33D 463.31 453.3 482.66 480.38 479.7 479.12 478.79 midpoint saturated interval -upper 478.85 478.12 477.79 477.52 477.33 midpoint saturated interval -lower 458.30 458.30 458.30 458.30 458.30 delta -saturated interval 20.55 19.82 19.49 19.22 19.03 delta-W.T.E. (see note 1) -1.070 -0.250 -0.220 -0.180 -0.230 Vertical Gradient (see note 2) -0.052 1 -0.013 1 -0.011 -0.009 -0.012 Up Up Up Up Up Notes to Above: 1 delta-W.T.E. = difference in water level (shallow well minus deep well) 2 Vertical Gradient = delta-W.T.E. / delta -Saturated Interval 3 Negative vertical gradients are upward, positive gradients are downward 4 Wells denoted with "S" are shallow wells; wells denoted with "D" are deep wells ARFXTTEfflA� EnpinoerN rar me ?War and Wasle : rnis:' es Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Table 8 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 Phase 2 Expansion Design Hydrogeologic Study Seasonal High Groundwater and Bedrock Separation r Boring/PZ Northing Easting Proposed Subgrade/ Base of Liner Elev. - Seasonal High Groundwater Bedrock Seasonal High Groundwater Elev. Groundwater Separation (feet) Top of Bedrock Elev. Bedrock Separation (feet) P-29 954232.703 2112770.353 500.60 490.84 9.76 486.5 14.1 P-30S 954111.283 2112826.270 507.26 497.28 9.98 480.0 27.2 P-30D 954115.398 2112818.644 505.48 494.84 10.64 479.9 25.6 P-31 954225.823 2112561.563 506.80 492.60 14.21 502.3 4.5 P-32 954062.925 2112259.145 502.68 493.46 9.22 490.6 12.1 P-33S 954130.103 2112015.673 495.13 481.98 13.15 486.3 8.9 P-33D 954155.029 2112020.410 494.55 482.27 12.28 486.1 8.4 P-34 954184.456 2111737.744 497.36 486.00 11.36 477.3 20.1 P-6 954257.195 2112192.206 496.69 488.17 8.52 492.06 4.63 MW-12 / P-21 954078.314 2112567.506 507.54 495.17 12.37 488.00 19.54 Appendix A Boring Work Plan GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL UNIT 2 - PROPOSED PHASE 2 WORK PLAN FOR THE DESIGN HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION DECEMBER 17, 2020 `%,%uu to mil,, Iff *�•�Esst • Rlw� - a 025900 s° %.,S'EFtAN �00'N�� G)MUZErff & MOORE E:P22 Engineering for the Power and Waste Industries 206 High House Road, Suite 259 Cary, North Carolina 27513 0: 919-792-1900 1, F: 866-311-7206 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................1 2. PURPOSE......................................................................................................1 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY....................................................1 4. LANDFILL PHASE PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT................................5 5. EXISTING BORINGS/PIEZOMETERS/MWs.................................................5 6. DESIGN HYDRO INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF WORK...............................7 Attachments - Figure H-03 (Top of Bedrock) and H-06 (Seasonal High Groundwater) TOC Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 1. INTRODUCTION The Oxford Landfill is located in Granville County approximately 4 miles north of Oxford, North Carolina at 6584 Landfill Road, near the town of Kinton Fork. The facility is owned and operated by Granville County under Permit Number 39-01, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS). The property included in the facility's Site Plan consists of approximately 411 acres, which includes the 29-acre closed construction and demolition debris (C&D) landfill on top of a closed MSW landfill (Unit 1) and the adjacent 283-acre active MSW Landfill. The 283-acre MSW landfill property includes three waste disposal units: Unit 2 (36.3 acres) and permitted Units 3 and 4 (86.7 acres and 33.5 acres, respectively). The first phase of MSW landfill development (Unit 2, Phase 1) consists of a 10.97-acre waste cell that began operations in 2014. The County intends to develop the next phase of the MSW landfill, Unit 2 — Phase 2 such that waste operations in the next phase can be initiated in 2022. A drawing showing the current site conditions, facility landfill units and proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 area is presented on Figure 1. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this Work Plan is for the investigation of the Unit 2 — Phase 2 area to gather information necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Design Hydrogeologic Study, 15A NCAC 13B .1623 (b). 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geologic and hydrogeolic conditions of the site have been investigated and were reported in the facility's approved Site Hydrogoeolgic Report (SHR, June 2009, revised January 2012). Additional investigations of the geology and hydrogeology for the 10.97- acre Unit 2 — Phase 1 landfill were similarly reported in the phase's Design Hydrogeologic Report (DHR, June 2009, revised January 2012). The Site Hydrogeolgic Report presents the following key excerpts regarding site geology and hydrogeology applicable to the Unit 2 — Phase 2 area: • The site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont physiographic province. The Site Hydrogoeolgic Report concluded that the majority of the MSW Page 1 of 10 BOUNDARY AND WASTE LIMITS OBTAINED FROM PERMIT )N DRAWINGS PREPARED BY JOYCE ENGINEERING Yivr y ` y PROPERTY BOUNDARY UNIT3 UNIT 2 WASTE LIMITS N GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 650' 0. 650: 1300 ISO_BY,NC ONEMAP - FEBRUARY 2017 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 landfill property is underlain by felsic intrusive complex rocks. Some diabase dikes were been mapped in the region, but not on the site property. The closest mapped diabase dike is approximately 2.2 miles northeast of the site. • Apparent bedrock outcrops on the site are mostly in stream channels; however, some float, ranging from cobles to small boulders, were observed at the surface in several areas away from the streams, and a few of these appeared to be in place. The rock observed both in the stream channels and in the float was fairly uniform, consisting of medium to dark grayish -green, medium to fine grained, felsic volcanic or metavolcanic rock; however, large quartz and feldspar cobbles were observed in the float in some locations. The observed rock was in general highly weathered and, in some cases, well developed fractures or joints were evident. • Trenches were excavated to investigate the lateral variation in the character of the bedrock and overlying saprolite on the site. The trenches were located in the Unit 2 — Phase 2 footprint. The trenches were oriented eastwest because major structural features in this region generally trend north -south. The trenches were excavated to track -hoe refusal, which ranged from 3-13 feet BGS. The depth to refusal along the trenches varied in an undulating pattern of peaks and troughs, with peaks 20-30 feet apart. At the peaks, refusal was only 3-6 feet BGS, while in troughs, refusal was 8-13 feet BGS. • Drilling and rock coring performed confirmed the prominent rock types to be felsic volcanics or meta-volcanics, predominantly dacites. The darker and lighter - colored dacites appear to be interfingered, with sharp contacts showing little contact metamorphism. No diabase rock was observed in any of the borings, trenches, or outcrops that were part of this investigation. • Groundwater in the region generally occurs in the unconfined aquifer that includes both the saprolite (soil and regolith derived from in -situ weathering of igneous or metamorphic bedrock) and the underlying fractured bedrock. The transition zone between saprolite and fractured bedrock is often gradational and can range in thickness from a few inches to a few feet. Typically, the uppermost portion of the fractured bedrock is hydraulically well connected to the overlying saprolite such that they act as a single aquifer. The frequency and connectivity of fractures normally decreases with depth. • Over most of the site, the water table is encountered either slightly above or slightly below the top of bedrock and generally mimics the surface topography. In Page 3 of 10 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 a few locations at the site, the water table is as much as 10-15 feet above the top of bedrock. • Slug tests were conducted on several piezometers and monitoring wells in the Unit 2 area to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer materials. Most of the piezometers and wells were screened within the fractured bedrock; however, a few were screened within the sapro!ite. The average hydraulic conductivity of the fractured bedrock was 0.87 feet/day and the average hydraulic conductivity of the saprolite was 0.031 feet/day. The higher hydraulic conductivity and lower porosity of the fractured bedrock compared to the saprolite, coupled with the fact that, in most places, only the upper few feet of the water column are in saprolite, indicate that groundwater flow is going to be predominantly in the fractured bedrock portion of the aquifer. • There are three nested pairs of wells/piezometers on the Oxford Landfill property: NES-1 S&D, NES-2S&D, and P-1 S&D. The screened intervals in these pairs are separated by 36-45 feet. The average vertical gradients for the NES-2 pair and the P-1 pair were -0.094 and-0.022, respectively. These negative gradients indicate an upward flow of groundwater, which is to be expected since these two well pairs are near a perennial creek which is believed to be a groundwater discharge feature. The average vertical gradient for the NES-1 pair was 0.0087, which indicates small downward component to groundwater flow, which is to be expected since this pair of wells is far from the creeks and near a topographic high expected to be a groundwater recharge area. Average vertical gradients were generally small, indicating good connectivity between the shallower and deeper portions of the aquifer. The agreement between observed and predicted gradients based on groundwater discharge and recharge areas also indicates good connectivity of groundwater flow within the whole system and it supports the basic hydrogeological conceptual framework for the site. • The uppermost aquifer at this site is an unconfined aquifer that includes both the fractured bedrock and the overlying saprolite. The saprolite and fractured bedrock are hydraulically connected; however, due to significant differences in porosity and hydraulic conductivities, groundwater flow is expected to be predominantly in the fractured bedrock portion of the aquifer. The bedrock is highly fractured, and the fractures appear to be very well interconnected and open to groundwater flow. • A magnetometer survey of the site indicated a high magnetic field anomaly over the south-central portion of the site, which could be an indication of a large diabase dike terminating under that portion of the property; however, no diabase Page 4 of 10 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 has been observed on the site, including rock cores from within the area of the magnetic anomaly. If there is a diabase dike, it is likely too deep to significantly affect groundwater flow in the shallower aquifer on the site. Since groundwater flow is toward the north, the apparent termination of the possible diabase dike under the southern part of the site further limits its potential to affect groundwater flow. • Groundwater flows primarily toward the north, northwest, or northeast beneath various parts of the site. All groundwater flow is toward the primary discharge feature, which is an unnamed tributary to Little Grassy Creek, which flows northward through the central portion of the site. Groundwater flow is expected to be dominated by flow in the fractured bedrock portion of the aquifer. • Top of bedrock and seasonal high groundwater surfaces are tabulated in Tables 6 and 7B and shown in Figures H-03 and H-06 of the Site Hydrogeologic Report and Unit 2 — Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report. Copies of the Figures are attached for reference. Based on the review of the Site Hydrogeologic Report and Unit 2 — Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report the geology and hydrogeology of the site is relatively straightforward and indicative of Piedmont sites. The Work Plan presented herein uses the results presented in the Site Hydrogeologic Report and Unit 2 — Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report (depth to groundwater and bedrock, saprolite/rock and uppermost aquifer characteristics, etc.) to layout an investigation plan (borings, piezometers, rock coring, field in -situ testing, lab testing, etc.) for the Phase 2 area. 4. LANDFILL PHASE PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT The proposed next phase of MSW landfill development is an approximate 8-acre waste boundary footprint located immediately south the existing Unit 2 — Phase 2 cell, as shown on Figures 1 and 2. It is noted the waste limit shown on the figures for Unit 2 — Phase 2 is preliminary, with the final waste limit boundary to be presented in the Unit 2 — Phase 2 Permit Application. 5. EXISTING BORINGS/PIEZOMETERS/MWs The existing borings/piezometers/monitoring wells in the proposed Unit 2 — Phase 2 area and surrounding areas are identified on Figure 2. The identification and location of the borings was obtained from the Site Hydrogeologic Report and Unit 2 — Phase 1 Design Hydrogeologic Report. The identification of those piezometers abandoned as part of the Page 5 of 10 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 Phase 1 landfill development, as shown on Figure 2, was obtained from the Monitoring Well & Gas Probe Installation Report dated July 2012. As can be seen in Figure 2, there are a total of 3 existing borings/piezometers/MWs (P- 6, P-14, P-21 /MW-12) within the Unit 2 — Phase 2 footprint, with a fourth (MW-3R) located approximately 20 feet outside of the waste limit footprint. Figure 2 also identifies the location of trenches excavated in the Phase 2 area to investigate the lateral variation in the character of the bedrock and overlying saprolite as part of the Site Hydrogeologic Report. 6. DESIGN HYDRO INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF WORK A total of 8 new borings with piezometers (6 locations, 2 nested pairs) are proposed as part of the Unit 2 — Phase 2 design hydrogeologic report investigations at the general locations presented in Figure 2. Inclusive of the existing borings with piezometers, there will be a total of 11 borings with piezometers at 9 locations within the approximate 8-acre proposed Phase 2 waste limits footprint, with a 12t" boring (10t" location, MW-3R) located within approximately 20 feet of the limits. Table 1 presents a summary of the existing and proposed borings with piezometers. The table includes the actual depths to groundwater and bedrock and total depth for the existing borings and the anticipated depths for the new borings with piezometers. The anticipated depths for bedrock and the seasonal high groundwater were obtained from linear interpolation of the data presented in Tables 6 and 7B, respectively, of the Site Hydrogeologic Report. Actual boring depths will be based on site conditions encountered during field drilling activities. All borings are planned to extend to the top of bedrock (as defined by auger refusal, >50 blows per 0.2 feet), then an additional 10 to 15 feet into the bedrock. For the nested pairs P-31 S/D, P-33S/D), the boring will include rock coring to a total depth of about 40 feet below the top of rock surface. The scope of work includes the following: 1. Prior to initiating field work, North Carolina 811 will be contacted to have underground utilities in the areas proposed for drilling appropriately marked. All drilling locations will also be approved by the client prior to drilling. Page 7 of 10 Table 1 Existing and Proposed Borings with Piezometers Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Investigation Existing Boring/PZ Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Actual Top of Bedrock Elev. Actual SHGW Elev. Actual Screen Top Elev. Actual Screen Bottom Elev. Actual Total Depth FBGS P-6 954257.1946 2112192.2064 502.06 492.06 488.68 481.06 471.06 31 P-14 954002.6887 2111880.4326 498.52 478.52 485.37 468.52 458.52 40 MW-12 (P-21) 954078.3141 2112567.5055 519.00 488.00 490.55 479.00 469.00 50 MW-3R 954026.9355 2111681.4680 495.85 470.85 483.58 481.85 471.85 25 Proposed Boring/PZ Northing Easting Ground Surface Elev. Anticipated Top of Bedrock Elev.' Anticipated SHGW Elev.2 Anticipated Screen Top Elev. Anticipated Screen Bottom Elev. Anticipated Total Depth FBGS P-29 954287.25 2112804.23 503.66 486.9 490.7 481.9 471.9 31.7 P-30 954125.69 2112840.33 505.56 491.0 494.7 486.0 476.0 29.6 P-31 S 954182.31 2112525.15 516.26 487.5 488.8 487.5 477.5 38.8 P-31 D 954182.31 2112525.15 516.26 487.5 488.8 457.5 447.5 68.8 P-32 954030.68 2112233.15 513.78 496.9 495.0 491.9 481.9 31.8 P-33S 954121.51 2112021.93 512.11 484.6 486.8 484.6 474.6 37.5 P-33D 954121.51 2112021.93 512.11 484.6 486.8 454.6 444.6 67.5 P-34 954227.92 2111770.21 498.09 472.9 480.2 467.9 457.9 40.2 Anticipated top of bedrock estimated by linear interpolation of data presented in Table 6 of SHR/DHR (June 2009, rev Jan. 2012) Total Proposed 345.9 2 - Anticipated seasonal high groundwater estimated by linear interpolation of data presented in Table 713 of SHR/DHR (June 2009, rev Jan. 2012) Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 2. Drill 8 soil testing borings (P-29, P-30, P-31 S, P-31 D, P-32, P-33S, P-33D, P-34) at the approximate locations indicated on Figure 2 using mud -rotary, hollow -stem auger, or other geologist/engineer approved drilling techniques. 3. Borings shall be advanced into the saprolite and into the underlying bedrock to various depths as determined by the Engineer or Geologist at the time of boring as necessary to adequately characterize the hydrogeologic and geotechnical subsurface conditions. It is anticipated that the majority of the borings will be advanced 10-15 feet into the bedrock, with nested pair deep borings advancing up to 40 feet into the bedrock. The actual boring depths will be based on subsurface conditions encountered during field drilling activities. 4. Soil samples will be collected at each drilling location for lithologic descriptions using the standard penetration test (SPT) method with a 140-lb sliding hammer and steel split -spoon samplers. Samples will be collected in 2-feet intervals for every five feet of depth to the completion depth of the boring. 5. Crystalline bedrock samples will be collected using an HX core barrel. Piezometers will be installed within the cored bedrock over depth intervals where water -yielding fractures are encountered. Based on previous studies performed at the site, it appears that groundwater is in both the saprolite and bedrock. Piezometers are to be installed to assess the degree of hydraulic connection between the bedrock and overburden. Bedrock piezometers are anticipated in borings P-31 D and P-33D. 6. The augers, drill pipe, core barrel and drill rig will be decontaminated using a pressure washer prior to and following completion of drilling for the project. 7. Complete the 8 testing boring boreholes with the installation of a Type II piezometer to the requirements of North Carolina DEQ monitoring well standards. All Type II piezometers will be constructed of 2-inch ID Schedule 40 PVC well casing and 10 or 15 feet of machine -slotted well screen with 0.010" slots. A sand pack will be emplaced within the annular space to approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen, above which a 2-foot thick bentonite seal will be installed. The annular space will be finished with Portland cement/bentonite slurry to grade. The piezometers will be finished with solid PVC risers extending approximately 2 to 3 feet above grade. The wells will be finished with steel, stickup well protectors with hinged locking caps. The top of the PVC risers will be fitted with expansion plugs. An approximately 2 feet by 2 feet by 6-inch thick concrete pad will be constructed around the base of each protective casing. Page 9 of 10 Granville County Oxford Landfill Work Plan for the Design Hydrogeologic Investigations — Unit 2 Phase 2 8. Each well will be developed after installation using a down hole pump or bailer until the discharge water appears to be free of suspended sediments or for a maximum of one hour. 9. Each well will be surveyed relative to the existing site datum for horizontal position and elevation by a North Carolina licensed surveyor. At each well, elevations will be measured of the ground surface and top of the solid PVC riser. A permanent mark will be made on the top of the PVC riser at the point where the elevation measurement is made for future reference when collecting depth to water data. 10. An experienced geotechnical engineer or geologist will supervise and observe the borings, visually classify subsurface soil samples encountered in the borings, and prepare logs of the borings. The geotechnical engineer or geologist will also select and obtain samples of the subsurface soils encountered during boring advancement to include bulk samples, undisturbed Shelby Tube samples of cohesive soils, and Standard Penetration Test split -spoon samples. 11. Perform in -situ slug testing at each of the piezometer. The in -situ slug testing will be performed as specified in ASTM D4044-96, "Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) Tests for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers". The slug test data will later be analyzed using the Bouwer and Rice Method for determination of hydraulic conductivity estimates. 12. Perform laboratory testing on select subsurface soil samples to determine the soil's properties for use in hydrogeologic and geotechnical engineering analyses. A discussion of laboratory tests to be performed is found later in this work plan. 13. Collect static water level readings from each of the new piezometers at the time of boring and 24-48 hours. Additional rounds of water level readings are to taken at both the new piezometers and the existing piezometers/wells within and in the vicinity of the Phase 2 area in order to correlate current groundwater levels with seasonal high water -table levels observed in the historical groundwater monitoring data (1999 to present). It is anticipated that 3 to 4 monthly readings will be gathered to enable correlation with historical readings and establish seasonal and long-term seasonal groundwater levels for the Phase 2 area. Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENTS L'� z, �' it . 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CALE . 1 ¢ z� k .a•, ` DRAWING NO. 1 - ,�; . ,..-. f S / i f y, I t .n r \ i I i - �:• K , i' ,u i/ . ., _ • ' ,. :. ate: ;' , I� Y� f , " a 4 r NEST. r f P•t i•' �l o. ,.� t . - a � w ry �v ',, \ -AW. \, yy6 _ .fir o I Bd tj ?✓. 1 - ., - ,r a p U ¢ a tia 5 4 / k a I' :�:-.a-i-•($ �/. -�P.25 -..�'p _ r , &M � ry 8 47a:� 1 1 ' � - - - soo . a :NN � � r- i , 'o`°Igo � SiA r+� i' �m , � %1 /yam' � I ! i l 1 1, f' ! f. x u.. d \f . , ,.. ; d M1� , I, -14 00 r ; ''; I o' = ♦ ul t s 52° w O d z 1 3 ' y ':..: : 1 I � : r '�. p 2' }�,-..•r„I . Sri � ti.� i s t � p t;. 'rye t % �X. vJ/ - �- :.-/ . '♦ a p' - i1.Y'• .t / PROJECT NO. �( .>� . 660.06.12 I l .� i` / scAt_� I 1t-1S F:;•'. i r E. y�'�+w1PrtlasCt�C."`" AS, NOTED aoo•.. � wwu ' � I i I \ � DRAWING NO. crEEt7 H-06 Appendix B Boring and Well Construction Logs Granville County Boring ID GARRET, EAV� & MOOR Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-29 Fri�neariiag brr the Powrr.anrlt4:itilN IliiflltilflHS Unit 2 -Phase 2 Pagel of7 Date Started: 2MQI Logged By I Nguyen, El Well Construction Record Date Completed: 2)BQI Located By WithersRavenel Top of Casing Elew 510.62 Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Northing: 954,232.703 Screen Int. (ft, BGS): Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Easting: 2,112,770.353 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff GS Elew 506.546 Completion: Steel casing w! lock SPT Blows a Per (0.5) 2 S E E or j CU w 3 en i RQD a` Description Well Diagram 0 CH: Fat Clay - orange red, Imedium plasticity, little to no sand, moist. 4-2-4 24" P=2.0 tsf, Tv=0.6 kglcm2 505 5 MH: Elastic Silt - olive tan to orange red, medium elasticity, little to no 5i 10 24" sand, moist, quarter sized gravel. P=2.0 tsf, Tv=0.35 kglcm2 500 Grout 2" PVC 10 CH: Clay wl Sand - orange red, water stain relic structure, medium 5-3 4-3-5-8 24" plasticity, little to no sand, moist, small gravel. P=2.25 tsf, Tv=0.45 495 kglcm2 15 22-50f MH: Silt (PV1lR) - orange tan to grey, medium elasticity, little to no 5-4 3 12" sand, moist, dime sized gravel. P=0.5 tsf, Tv=0.3 kglcm2 490 Benton ite 20 Bedrock: Felsic Meta -Volcanic Rock (FMVR): dacitic, fine grained, aphanitic; extensively weathered with predominant sub -horizontal J R 1 37% 89% fractures; tan -brown 485 Bedrock: As above; much less weathered than overlying section; moderately fractured with predominant sub -horizontal fractures and few sub -vertical fractures; iron staining along fracture faces; mainly R-2 90% 100% light gray 25 Sand Screen 480 Bedrock: As above with higher fracture density throughout section; R-3 50% 100% mixture of sub -horizontal and sub -vertical fractures with prominent iron staining along fracture faces; light gray Bedrock: As above; moderately fractured with predominant R-4 67% 100% f sub -horizontal fractures and few sub -vertical fractures; iron staining 30 along fracture faces, mainly light gray P = pocket penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Perched water @ 6'; Auger refusal @,20' GARRETT � & MOORE Frio ineering far In Pnwxr end %Yasle I idw.trixe Date Completed: 2flQl Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff SPT Blows a Per (0.5) m or m CU w in = (A 2 RQD a` TO 505 5 500 10 495 15 490 20 485 25 480 30 475 1 35 P packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal @27' Granville County Boring ID Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-30S Unit 2 -Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Logged By J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Located By Wi[hersRavenel Tap of Casing Elev.: 510.37 Northing: 954,111.203 Screen Int. (It, BGS): Easting: 2,112,026.27 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): GS Elev.: 507.0 Completion: Piezometer wi locking casing Description Well Diagram 15" Silty Clay -low plastic, moist, orange red, little to no sand. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.5 kglcm2 5 2 4-6-12 24" Clayey Sand with Gravel - gravel pieces, weathered towards bottom, moist, olive orange, low plasticity. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.5 kglcm2 S-3 5-6-9 24" Sandy Elastic Silt- low plasticity, moist, gravel pieces, tan brown. P=2 tsf, Tv=0.35 kglcm2 S-4 2-4-10 24" Sandy Silt - gravel pieces, moist, olive, water stains, relic like structure. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.35 kglcm2 S-5 15-18-23 24" Clayey Sand with Gravel - gravel pieces, clayey silty fines, stiff. alive tan, moist. P=2 tsf 5- 27-50/4 24" Silty Clayey Sand with Gravel - larger gravel, grey olive, moist FMVR: dacitic, fine-grained, aphanitic, highly fractured in upper part of section; fracture density decreases to moderately fractured in middle to lower part of section; predominantly sub -horizontal fractures with few sub -vertical fractures; iron staining along fracture faces, tan -brawn -light gray. R-1 100% 80% R-2 100% 91 % r, As above with relatively low fracture density; fractures vary from sub -horizontal to sub -vertical with several prominent approximately 45-degree fractures. Grout 2" PVC Denton ite Sand Screen GARRET, Granville County Boring ID EAV�7 & OOREA Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-30D Frio in oe ring far I hx Pnwxr a nri 1Yasle l urlu shrix%, Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Date Started: 2I427 Logged W. J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Date Completed: 2I427 Located W. Wi[hersRavenel Top of Casing Elev.: 510.37 Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Northing: 954,775.39E Screen Int. (it, BGS): Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Easting: 2,772,010.644 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff GS Elev.: 506.9 Completion: Piezometer wi locking casing SPT Blows a Per (0.5) 2 S E E or j CU w 3 en i RQD a` Description Well Diagram 0 505 �5 5 500 10 495 15 490 20 485 Grout 5 480 2" PVC 30 475 35 470 40 465 45 460 Denton 50 455 55 Sand 450 Screen 60 P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal @27' �� ;24" CH: Silty Clay -law plastic, moist, orange red, little to no sand. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.5 kglcm2 5-2 4-6-12 SC: Clayey Sand with Gravel -gravel pieces, weathered towards bottom, moist, olive orange, low plasticity. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.5 kgfcm2 5-3 5-6-9 24" ML: Sandy Elastic Silt- law plasticity, moist, gravel pieces, tan brown. P=2 tsf, Tv=0.35 kgfcm2 5-4 2-4-10 24" ML: Sandy Silt -gravel pieces, moist, alive, water stains, relic like structure. P=5 tsf, Tv=0.35 kgfcm2 5-5 15-18-23 24" SC: Clayey Sand with Gravel -gravel pieces, clayey silty fines, stiff, olive tan, moist. P=2 tsf 5-5 27-50J4 24" SC: Silty Clayey Sand wJ gravel -larger gravel, grey alive, moist bedrock: FMVR: dacitic; fine-grained, aphanitic; fracture density varies with highest density in middle part of section; fractures mainly vary from sub -horizontal to approximately 45-degrees; some iron staining along fracture faces; mainly light gray. R-1 76°fo 92°/° F�-2 81°f° 100°I° bedrock: As above; with moderate fracture density throughout section; fractures mainly sub -horizontal to approximately 45-degrees; iron staining along fracture faces; light gray. F�-3 93°f° 100°I° bedrock: As above; some sub -vertical fractures along with the sub -horizontal and approximately 45-degree fractures. F�-a 75°f° 100°1° bedrock: As above; fracture density higher than in overlying section with prominent iron and manganese staining along fracture faces; light gray. GARRETT ■ ■ & MOORE � Fri0imap. ring far Ilre Piimir.AWl%W61e Ilidii%Irim, Date Completed: 21421 Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff SPT Blows Per E f0.5) °S w a 1° = fn a RQD r0 515 510 505 500 495 5 10 15 20 25 Granville County Boring ID Granville Co MSWLF P-31 Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Logged By J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Located By Wi[hersRavenel Tap of Casing Elev.: 520.25 Northing: 954,225.023 Screen Int. (ft, BGS): Easting: 2,112,561.563 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): GS Elev.: 516.0 Completion: pieaometer wi locking casing Description Well Diagram CL: Silty Clay - orange tan, low plasticity, little to no sand, moist. P=4 tsf; Tv=0.4 kglcm2 S-1 2-2-3-3 24" ML: Clayey Silt - tan, low plasticity, little to no sand, relic structure, less moist, small gravel. Tv=0.3 kglcm2 S-2 12-10-14- 18 24" ML: Elastic Silt - tan, less than 10% sand S-3 2-29-50/3 2" ML: Sandy Silt - tan, 15-20% sand, moist, law plasticity. Tv=0.4 kglcm2 bedrock: FMVR: dacitic, fine grained, aphanitic, extensively weathered with predominant sub -horizontal fractures and several R-1 50% 100% sub -vertical fractures, degree of fracturing increases with depth; tan -brown -red -gray. bedrock: As above, extensively fractured throughout section with predominant sub -horizontal fractures and few sub -vertical fractures with iron and manganese staining along fracture faces; not as weathered as shallower rock section; light tan to gray. R-2 41 % 92% ! 5 bedrock: As above. R-3 23% 100% r, Grout 2" PVC Benton ite Sand Screen P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Perched water @ 8'; Auger refusal @14.5' GARRETT � & MOORE Frio ineering far In Pnwxr mnd %Yasle I idw.trix%, Date Completed: 2flQl Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff SPT Blows Per E f0.5) °S w a 1° = fn a RQD �0 510 505 500 495 490 485 5 10 15 20 25 30 Granville County Boring ID Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-32 Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Logged W. J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Located W. Wi[hersRavenel Tap of Casing Elev.: 515.16 Northing: 954,062.925 Screen Int. (ft, BGS): Easting: 2,112,259.145 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): GS Elev.: 511.1 Completion: pieaometer wl locking casing Description Well Diagram Fat Clay - 10% sand, low to medium plasticity, moist, orange tan, 6 inches top -soil, more clayey from 2'-5' 2-3-3 15" Silt - —25% sand, medium/hi gh plasticity to law, red orange to tan, moist 2-2-3-3 24" Silt with Sand - 30% sands, non -elastic, moist, orange tan to olive tan 3-1 2-1 7- 24' 19 Sandy Silty - relic structure, 31% sand, non -elastic, moist, olive tan 10-18-19 24" FMVR: dacitic, fine grained, aphanitic; extensively weathered; tan -brown. _ ° o As above; much less weathered than overlying section; extensively fractured with predominant sub -horizontal fractures and abundant rack fragments; iron staining along fracture faces; 32°fo 92°° tan to brown. As above; moderately fractured with prominent sub -vertical fractures and few sub -horizontal fractures; iron staining along fracture faces; light tan to brawn. 87% 100% Grout 2" PVC Benton ite Sand Screen P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal (a20.5' GARRETT � & MOORE Frio ineering far Ihn Pnwxrmnd%Yasle I idusfrix%, Date Completed: 2I70Ql Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff SPT Blows Per E f0.5') °S w a 1° = fn a RQD r0 500 495 490 485 480 5 10 15 20 25 Granville County Boring ID Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-33S Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Logged By J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Located By Wi[hersRavenel Tap of Casing Elev.: 505.79 Northing: 954,130.103 Screen Int. (ft, BGS): Easting: 2,112,015.673 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): GS Elev.: 503.3 Completion: pieaometers wi locking casin Description Well Diagram Silty Fat Clay - dark orange, moist, little to no sand, quarter sized gravel, low to medium plasticity 3-5-5-7 24" Sandy Silt - olive tan, fine sand 20%, none to low elasticity, moist 5-15-22- 24„ 20 Sandy Silt - olive tan, fine sand < 20%, none to low elastic, small gravel pieces, moist, water stains 7-17-21- 24" 28 Sandy Silt - PWR, olive tan, some sands, small gravel, non to low 14-50/5 24" elastic, moist, water stains Felsic Meta -volcanic Rock (FMVR): dacitic, fine grained, aphanitic; extensively weathered in upper part of section; highly 50% 76% fractured in lower part of section with abundant sub -horizontal fractures; mostly tan. FMVR: dacitic, fine-grained, aphanitic' highly fractured with abundant small rock fragments; light tan to brown. 22% 73% As above 100°/0 100°/0 2" PVC Grout Benton ite Sand Soreen P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal @ia 17' Granville County Boring ID GARRET, EAV�7 & OOREA Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-33D Frio in oe ring far I hx Pnwxr a nri 1Yasle l urlu shrix%, Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Date Started: 2I70Ql Logged By J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Date Completed: 2fl lQl Located By Wi[hersRavenel Top of Casing Elev.: 506.18 Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Northing: 954,155.029 Screen Int. (it, BGS): Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Easting: 2,112,020.41 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff GS Elev.: 503.1 Completion: pieaometers wi locking casin SPT Blows a Per (0.5) 2 S E E or j CU w 3 en i RQD a` Description Well Diagram 0 Fat Clay - dark orange, moist, little to no sand, quarter sized gravel, low to medium plasticity 500 3-5-5-7 2411 5 Sandy Silt - alive tan, fine sand 20%, none to law elasticity, moist 5-15-22- 24" 495 20 10 Sandy Silt - olive tan, fine sand e 20%. none to low elastic, small 7_17_21 gravel pieces, moist, water stains 490 28 24, 15 Sandy Silt - olive tan, some sands, small gravel, non to low elastic, 14-50J5 24" moist, water stains 485 Felsic Meta -volcanic Rock (FMVR): dacitic, fine grained, 46% 76% aphanitic; extensively weathered in upper part of section; highly Grout 20 fractured in lower part of section with abundant sub -horizontal fractures, mostly tan. 2" PVC FMVR: dacitic, fine-grained, aphanitic; highly fractured with 480 70% 80% abundant small rock fragments; light tan to brawn. 25 As above in upper part of section; degree of fracturing decreases with depth; widely spaced sub -horizontal and sub -vertical 475 68% 100% fractures in lower part of section with iron staining on fracture faces; light gray in lower part of section. 30 As above, highly fractured with predominant sub -horizontal and sub -vertical fractures, fracture faces are weathered with some 470 100% 63% iron staining; light to dark gray and brown. 35 As above with predominant sub -vertical fractures and few sub -horizontal fractures, gray to green -gray in upper half of 465 100% 98% section; highly weathered and fractured with predominant Denton sub -horizontal fractures in lower part of section; tan to gray. to 40 FMVR, dacitic, fine grained, highly fractured with multiple closely spaced sub -horizontal fractures and several sub -vertical 460 100°/0 100%tAs ctures; predominant iron staining along fracture faces; fracture 45 nsity decreases with depth, light gray to tan. Sand above with lower fracture density in upper part of section andre prominent sub -vertical fractures; iron staining along fracture $°ree" 455 100% 100%ces; light gray; lower part of section is highly fractured with undant sub -horizontal and sub -vertical fractures; fracture faces 50 ensively weathered with prominent iron staining; light gray to tan. P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal @ia 17' GARRETT � & MOORE Frio ineering far Ihn Pnwxrmnd%Yasle I idusfrix%, Date Completed: 2I72Ql Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sample Method: SPTiSplit Spoon Drilling Company. Parratt - Wolff SPT Blows a Per (0.5') m or m CU w in = (A 2 RQD a` r0 500 —F 5 495 10 490 15 485 20 480 25 475 30 470 Granville County Boring ID Granville Co oxford MSWLF P-34 Unit 2 - Phase 2 Design Hydro Pagel ofI Logged By J. Nguyen Well Construction Record Located By Wi[hersRavenel Tap of Casing Elev.: 504.35 Northing: 954,104.456 Screen Int. (ft, BGS): Easting: 2,111,737.744 Seal Int. (ft, BGS): GS Elev.: 500.E Completion: pieaometer wi locking casing Description Well Diagram Silty Sand - orange red, moist, little to no sand, low plasticity 3-2-1-2 12" Silty Sand - orange red, moist, little to no sand, low plasticity Sandy Silt -alive tan, moist, little to no sand, law plasticity 5-5-5-4 181, Clayey Sandy Silt - red orange to grey, low to medium plasticity, moist, weathered stains, little to no sand 2-2-5-5 24" Silty Sand - alive tan, moist, little to no sand, relic structure, law plasticity 7-15-22 181, Felsic Meta -volcanic Rack (FMVR): dacitic, fine grained, slightly F porphyritic with visible quark and feldspar grains; predominant sub -vertical fractures and few sub -horizontal fractures with iron 92% 100% and manganese staining along fracture faces; tan -brown -gray. As above in upper half of section; highly fractured with numerous sub -horizontal and sub -vertical fractures; lower half of section is 34% 100% slightly less fractured and predominantly light to dark gray, iron and manganese staining along fracture faces. Similar to lower half of preceding section with significantly less fracturing, several prominent sub -vertical fractures, the lower of which show iron and manganese staining. 100% 88% r, Grout 2" PVC Benton ite Sand Screen P = packet penetrometer; Tv = Torvane; Auger refusal @23.5' Iw,lrw...:.. ... LOG of BORING P- (Page 1 of 1) Landfill oxford Lan dfillHyd Date Started : 1011108 Drilling Company : Richard Simmons LF Expansion - eo Date Completed : 1011108 Northing Coord. : 954257,1946 Granville County, NC hole Diameter : B-inch OD Easting Coord. : 2112192.205 Drilling Method : Hollow Stem Augers Survey By JEI Project No. 660.06,Task 11 Sampling Method : Split Spoons togged By : Jeremey Kerly 6 u. c Surf. U .r- Elev. ec a)502.06 o co a m 500 6 495 10 490 15 485 20 480 25 475 30 470 IL 0 35 x 0 0 K O 'a+ c 9 40 m 0 N 0 Q 465 DESCRIPTION Orange sandy clay, Iron staining. CL 416" 100 3!6" Tan sandy silt, relic structures, small rock fragments. SM 1616" 100 5015, Auger refusal @ W. Partially weathered rock, dacite. PW Light gray to green dacite. BR Quartz vein @ 23' - 26 with wet, soft clay. Dark green dacite. BR t3oring terminateo L o •1 . Well: TOC P-6 Elev.: 505.06 1lUeil COftStfUCtIOR information WELL CONSTRUCTION Date Compl. : 1411108 Hole Diameter(s) : 8-inch OD Drilling Method(s) : hollow Stem Augers Company Rep. Riser Pipe Drilling Method(s) (4-21') Company Rep. WELL CASING Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Joints : Threaded, flush•ooupi Grout Approx. Csg. Stickup : 3-feet (0`-17') WELL SCREEN Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Joints : Thredded, flush -coup Opening : 0.010 inch t-p GRAVEL PACK Type : DSI # 2 Sand WELL SCREEN SEAL Type : Bentonite Bentonite Seal ANNULUS SEAL (17'-19') Type : Type VII Cement G PROTECTIVE CS Type :none WELL PAD Type :none 1. Drilling performed with a B-67 mobPe rig, Sand Pack utilizing 8-inch OD and 4.25 inch 3D hollow stem augers to auger refusal. Screen 2. Water level 10/1108 = 28.56' from TOC. (21' 31') 3. Water level 1012108 = 20.36' from TOC. 4. Split spoon samples were collected from the following depths: op '1111111111W 0 LOG OF BORING P-14 (Page of 1) . _NG; E t I Oxford Landfill Date Started : 06121l08 drilling Company : Richard Simmons LF Expansion - Hydrogeo Date Completed : 06122/08 Northing Coord. : 9540016887 Granville County, NC Hole Diameter : 11-inch, 6-inch Easting Coord. :2111880.433 Drilling Method : Hollow StemlAir Hammer Survey By JEl Project No. 660.06,Task 11 Sampling Method : Split SpoonslCuttings Logged By : Van Burbach m m u_ c Surf. to % Elev. ec to ni 498.52 o co 0-1 495 490 10 485 15 480 20 a 475 N q 25 1 �o as rn 470 'o 30 R 455 35 s 0 0 0 460 m G 40 m ri 8 4 9 o /� 55 DESCRIPTION 7016" 1�2y�15g" 9 iSl�« 9 6« 1gg 'l 16" 90 90 CL Red -tan clay, saprolitic. 22Z53i6« Greenish -tan, saprolitic, clayey silt. OF 60 MMILp 44467I5" � 4001 5012^ 15 Auger refusal @ 20'. Medium gray, fine grained dacite. SR Possible facture @ 33'. Moist cuttings. Boring terminated L 4U'. Well: P-14 TOC Elev.: 601.37 Well Construction Information WELL CONSTRUCTION Date Compl. : 6122108 Hole Diameters) : 114nch, 6-inch Drilling Method(s) : Hollow Stem Augers .p .Q Company Rep. : William Ledbetter Drilling Method(s) : Air Rotary Company Rep. : William Ledbetter v :a? WELL CASING Material : Schedule 40 PVC :Q Diameter :2-inch Joints ; Threaded, flush-ooupled :a Ris er Pie Ris Approx. Csg. Stickup : 3 feet 30')p WELL SCREEN o .a Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Grout -. Joints : Thredded, flush -coupled :a al (0+_25') Opening : 0.010 inch :v :n° GRAVEL PACK o. .Q Type : DSi # 2 Sand WELL SCREEN SEAL Type : Bentorntte ANNULUS SEAT_ a Type : Cement a '0+ PROTECTIVE CSG. Type : nona :a :a WELL PAD Type : none :a :a 1. Drilling performed with a 8-57 mobilerig, utilizing 4.25 and 8-inch 10 hollow stem augers Bentonite Seal to auger refusal. Borehole was continued (25'-28) utilizing a 6-inch hammer to approwmately 40'. 2. Water level 06124/08 = 21.75' from TOC. 3, Split spoon samples were collected from the following depths: Sand Pack (13' -15') (28'49) (16' - 20') (2V - 21 Screen :; (30'-40') . - - LOG OF BORING P-21 (Page 1 of 2) I E 11%4 , �� Oxford Landfill Date Started : 08101/08 Drilling Company : SAEDACCO LF Expansion - Hydrogeo Date Completed : OBIG4108 Northing 0oord. : 9ba078.3141 Granville County, NC Hale Diameter : 6-inch Easting Coord. : 2112567,506 Drilling Method : HSA/HQ CoringlAir Hammer Survey By JEI Project No, 660,06,Task 11 Sampling Method : Split SpoonsIcut#ingslCore Logged By : M. Brown/J. Kerly w L Surf. U % CL Elev. 3 Rec, 0 519.00 U) 0 0 515 5 510 10 505 15 500 20 495 25 490 30 a85 35 DESCRIPTION Red clay, moist. CL 916" Sandy clay, moderate 136" / 75 redish-brown, damp, some white 42/6" mottling. CL 14e 30 red clay, grades to light olive grey, 5015" weathered, crumbles with pressure, dry. CL 916' Weathered rock, same as above 3616" 4616" 75 except damp, with redish mottling. 50/5" PW 3916 25 Weathered rock, same as above, 5015" except dry, some organic matter. PW 22/6" Weathered rock, grey, redish 4416" 2916" 50 brown, damp, some white and pink 3416" mottles, some grey clay stringers. PW 716" 5015" 25 Weathered rock, grey, dry to damp, PWR some organics. Auger refusal @ 31'. Rock Core = 31' - 35'. 6J BR = 60.6%. Light greenish gray dacite, bottom Light foot dark gray dacite. Well: P-21 TOC Elev.: 521.30 Riser Pipe (-2.5'40') Grout (0'-36') Well Construction Information WELL CONSTRUCTION Date Compl. : B/4/08 Hole Diameter(s) : 11-inch & 6.50-inch Drilling Method(s) : Hollow Stem Augers Company Rep. : Robed Miller Drilling Method(s) : Coring/Air Hammer Company Rep. : Robert Miller WELL CASING Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Joints : Threaded, flush-cou, Approx. Csg. Stickup: 2.5 feet WELL SCREEN Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Joints : Thredded, flush-cou Opening : 0.010 inch GRAVEL PACK Type : DSI # 2 Sand WELL SCREEN SEAL Type : Bentonite ANNULUS SEAL Type : Type 1111 Cement PROTECTIVE CSG. Type :none WELL PAD Type :none 1. Drilling performed with a GusPech 11 OE, utilizing 8.25-Inch ID hollow stem augers to auger refusal at 31'. Borehole continued with HQ coring to a depth of 42.0 feet. The coring section was reamed out and the last a' to a total of 50' was finished with 6.50-inch air hammer. 2. Water level 08/04/08 = 48.30' from TOC. 3. Water level 08106108 = 33.81' from TOC. 4. Split spoon samples were collected from the following depths: (4' - 6') (9' - 11') (t 4' - 16') (18' -19') (24' - 26') (29' - 30') LOG OF BORING P-21 'I (Page 2 of 2) E14 E I r Oxford Landfill Date Started ; 08101/08 Drilling Company : SAEDACCO LF Expansion - Hydrogeo Date Completed : 08104108 Northing Coord. : 954078.3141 Granville County, NC Hole Diameter : 6-inch Easting Coord. : 2112567.506 Drilling Method : HSAIHQ CoringlAir Hammer Survey By JEl Project No. 660.06,Task 11 Sampling Method : Split SpoonslCuftingslCore Logged By : M. Brown/J. Kerly iv w u_ c $UrF. 0 .a Elev. ec CD 519,00 m cn 35 480 40 475 4S 470 460 DESCRIPTION 89 BR Rock Care = 36 - 35'. RQD = 69.3%. park gray dacite. Rock Core = 39' - 42'. RQD = 83.3%. 89 BR Dark gray dacite. Dark gray dacite. Water between 41' - 42'. BR Boring terminated Cg3 ou'. Well: P-21 TOC Elev.: 521.30 —Riser Pipe (-2.5'-40') (0'-36') Bentonite Seal Well Construction Information WELL CONSTRUCTION Date Compl. : 814108 Hole Diameter(s) : 11-inch & 6.50-Inch Drilling Method(s) : Hollow Stem Augers Company Rep. : Robert Miller Drilling Method(s) : Coring/Air Hammer Company Rep. : Robert Miller WELL CASING Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inGh Joints : Threaded, flush -couple Approx. Csg. Stickup : 2.5-feet WELL SCREEN Material : Schedule 40 PVC Diameter :2-inch Joints : Thredded, flush -couple Opening : 0.010 inch GRAVEL PACK Type : DSI # 2 $and WELL SCREEN SEAL Type : Bentonite ANNULUS SEAL Type : Type VII Cement PROTECTIVE CSG. Type :none WELL PAD Type :none 1. Drilling performed with a GusPech 110E, utilizing 8.25-inch ICJ hollow stem augers to auger refusal at 31'. Borehole continued with HQ coring to a depth of 42.0 feet. The coring section was reamed out and the last 8' to a total of 50' was finished with 6.50-inch air hammer. 2. Water level 08/04/08 = 48.3U from TOC. 3. Water level 08/06/08 = 33.81' from TOC. 4. Split spoon samples were collected from the following depths: (4' - 6') (9' - 11-) (14' - 16') (1$' - 19') (24' - 26') (29' - 30') BOREHOLE NUMBER �FIEELDEHOLE LOG riW_ R PROJECT UMBER6� 1 TOP OF CASING ELEV6TION: TEO TOTAL C7EPTH:2R FT PROJECT NAME: word Lorcf l[1 SRDUNDS tFACE ELl=vATION: TBD LOCATION: Word. NOr'th Carol1rc GROUN eurr'r : 7 DF ; .!. DRILLING COMPANY, DVinearirV Tect0nrr3 RIG TYPE d NtlHRER: 11;fSMX 8-8Gr DRILLINS METHOD: H01lcM Stem huG" WEATHERt gunny, 90 de FIELD PARTY, Dov i d Barron GEOLDSI5T: I'hflip MY BATE BEGUN, e/ZV DATE COMPLETED 8/95199 r, z d LITHOAT O SCUTION 1- a� 0 0 0 0 .D a.D LO ¢.0 3.0 to S.V s.0 10 !8_0 19.1; 10.0 M M.0 E3.0 24.0 r'5.0 aj- I 5s I sa ISM n 23. 1 S3 Ism W 151, i® STATIC [DATER LEVEL 1BL5) W -W, i I r fk- i l l i n AB- AFtcr Bor i n Oe th(Ft) 24.0 20.2 Time 15,W B:DO Dcrtc evev" S/2s/99 O.D SILT lit cloyey si It. o g.D W SILT- Dry ton Fire si It, �.� trace cl% in try �: Yy layers Ila)5.0 6,D T.0 .. B.D ..: WT SItTT CLAT: Tit sl otly clayey Ime si l st�l into t Firs si I � �; �. ty oy W strai in 6 ,sl i tI 05t; sage ribbon aM ca�e Mn ibstlY DION vertical Faces.. PWR: Lq* Fe I On str As uIq Foram al c mor, sl i0 ly mist; �.'sme as iim, I�ISi, ?S.D' Wey--brm PWR with si Ity rdim sorrd, mo l st; boring tmiricited at 25.00 - Appendix C Laboratory Test Results e;otechnics July 6, 2021 geotechnicaI & geosynth etic testing Project No. R-2021-174-001 Mr. Stefan Bray Garret & Moore 1100 Crescent Green Dr. Suite 208 Cary, NC 27518 sbray�garrett-moore.com Transmittal Laboratory Test Results Granville County Please find attached the laboratory test results for the above referenced project. The tests were outlined on the Project Verification Form that was transmitted to your firm prior to the testing. The testing was performed in general accordance with the methods listed on the enclosed data sheets. The test results are believed to be representative of the samples that were submitted for testing and are indicative only of the specimens which were evaluated. We have no direct knowledge of the origin of the samples and imply no position with regard to the nature of the test results, i.e. pass/fail and no claims as to the suitability of the material for its intended use. The test data and all associated project information provided shall be held in strict confidence and disclosed to other parties only with authorization by our Client. The test data submitted herein is considered integral with this report and is not to be reproduced except in whole and only with the authorization of the Client and Geotechnics. The remaining sample materials for this project will be retained for a minimum of 90 days as directed by the Geotechnics' Quality Program. We are pleased to provide these testing services. Should you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our office. Respectively submitted, Geotechnics, Inc. 1&;4elll Michael P. Smith Regional Manager We understand that you have a choice in your laboratory services and we thank you for choosing Geotechnics. DCN. Data Transmittal Letter Date.' 1128105 Rev.: I 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 0-2 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (0-2) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-005 Soil Color Orange eotechnics geotechnid & geosynlhetic testing SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T m `m 50 _c LL w 40 U 0 N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 5.99 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 94.01 USCS Symbol CH, TESTED USCS Classification FAT CLAY page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-005 gm Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 0-2 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (0-2) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-005 Soil Color Orange 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.00 0.00 2 100.00 Sand 10.45 10.45 0.05 89.55 Silt 44.83 44.83 0.002 44.72 Clay 44.72 44.72 USDA Classification: SILTY CLAY page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z Q021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl(2021-174-001-005 gm Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 0-2 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (0-2) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-005 Soil Color Orange Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. Y3 Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 42.95 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 42.22 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.56 Weight of Water (gm) 0.73 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 26.66 Moisture Content (%) 2.7 men Tare No. 461 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 240.99 Weight of Tare (gm) 143.35 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 97.64 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 95.04 eotechnics geotechnical & geosynlhetic testing Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 67.96 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 66.15 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 62.19 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 3.96 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 1.0000 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 0.00 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 95.04 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #20 0.85 0.06 0.1 0.1 99.9 99.9 #40 0.425 0.37 0.6 0.7 99.3 99.3 #60 0.250 0.82 1.2 1.9 98.1 98.1 #140 0.106 1.76 2.7 4.6 95.4 95.4 #200 0.075 0.95 1.4 6.0 94.0 94.0 Pan - 62.19 94.0 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-005 gm Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-005 Boring No. P-32 Depth (ft) 0-2 Sample No. P-32 (0-2) Soil Color Orange eotechnics geotechnid & geosynthetic testing Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 59.0 22.6 4.64 54.4 81.3 0.01303 0.0237 81.3 5 53.0 22.6 4.64 48.4 72.4 0.01303 0.0161 72.4 15 48.0 22.5 4.68 43.3 64.8 0.01305 0.0098 64.8 30 43.0 22.5 4.68 38.3 57.4 0.01305 0.0072 57.4 60 40.0 22.5 4.68 35.3 52.9 0.01305 0.0053 52.9 250 36.0 22.6 4.64 31.4 46.9 0.01303 0.0027 46.9 1440 32.0 21.6 4.96 27.0 40.5 0.01319 0.0012 40.5 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 66.15 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.973 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 100.00 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-005 gm Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-32 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 0-2 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-32 (0-2) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-005 Soil Description: ORANGE FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: O 2 11 10 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 60.97 18.51 20.33 18.91 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 50.09 14.45 15.44 14.42 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.12 7.05 7.03 6.94 1 Weight of Water (g): 10.9 4.1 4.9 4.5 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 35.0 7.4 8.4 7.5 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 31.1 54.9 58.1 60.0 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 3 7 Liquid Limit (%): 57 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.26 13.13 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 11.94 11.80 Plastic Limit (%): 27 Weight of Tare (g): 7.07 6.93 Weight of Water (g): 1.3 1.3 Plasticity Index (%): 30 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 4.9 4.9 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 27.1 27.3 -0.2 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 65 60 Ll ( 55 0 50 C m 45 c 0 V 40 a� is ?� 35 30 25 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X d c 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 15-17 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-008 Soil Color Brown SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T m `m 50 _c LL w 40 U 0 N IL 30 20 10 0 L- --- - -- 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 31.03 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 68.97 USCS Symbol ML, TESTED USCS Classification SANDYSILT page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-008 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 15-17 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-008 Soil Color Brown 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.00 0.00 2 100.00 Sand 36.63 36.63 0.05 63.37 Silt 54.28 54.28 0.002 9.10 Clay 9.10 9.10 USDA Classification: SILT LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-008 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheetl 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyothetic testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 15-17 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-008 Soil Color Brown Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. 3M Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 47.47 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 46.94 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.54 Weight of Water (gm) 0.53 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 31.40 Moisture Content (%) 1.7 men Tare No. 420 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 345.55 Weight of Tare (gm) 145.94 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 199.61 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 196.30 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 89.92 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 88.43 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 60.99 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 27.44 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 1.0000 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 0.00 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 196.30 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #20 0.85 4.91 5.6 5.6 94.4 94.4 #40 0.425 7.41 8.4 13.9 86.1 86.1 #60 0.250 3.89 4.4 18.3 81.7 81.7 #140 0.106 7.62 8.6 26.9 73.1 73.1 #200 0.075 3.61 4.1 31.0 69.0 69.0 Pan - 60.99 69.0 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-008 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-008 Boring No. P-32 Depth (ft) 15-17 Sample No. P-32 (15-17) Soil Color Brown eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 53.0 22.4 4.71 48.3 54.1 0.01307 0.0255 54.1 5 45.0 22.4 4.71 40.3 45.1 0.01307 0.0174 45.1 15 33.0 22.4 4.71 28.3 31.7 0.01307 0.0111 31.7 30 27.0 22.4 4.71 22.3 25.0 0.01307 0.0082 25.0 60 20.0 22.4 4.71 15.3 17.1 0.01307 0.0061 17.1 250 16.0 22.5 4.68 11.3 12.7 0.01305 0.0031 12.7 1440 10.0 21.6 4.96 5.0 5.6 0.01319 0.0013 5.6 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 88.43 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.983 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 100.00 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-008 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-32 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 15-17 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-32 (15-17) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-008 Soil Description: BROWN SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: AN AL B W U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 60.19 28.47 28.93 27.80 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 56.23 25.18 25.34 24.27 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.34 15.43 15.10 15.05 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.0 3.3 3.6 3.5 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 40.9 9.8 10.2 9.2 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 9.7 33.7 35.1 38.3 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 33 34 Liquid Limit (%): 35 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 15.36 14.34 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 13.47 12.66 Plastic Limit (%): 29 Weight of Tare (g): 6.94 6.98 Weight of Water (g): 1.9 1.7 Plasticity Index (%): 6 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 6.5 5.7 USCS Symbol: ML Moisture Content (%): 28.9 29.6 -0.6 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 40 38 36 34 32 m p 30 U 28 is 26 24 22 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-009 Soil Color Red eotechnics geotechnid & geosynlhetic testing SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T m `m 50 _c LL w 40 U N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 18.99 #4 To #200 Sand 45.56 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 35.46 USCS Symbol SC, TESTED USCS Classification CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-009 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-009 Soil Color Red 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 33.82 0.00 2 66.18 Sand 31.52 47.63 0.05 34.65 Silt 14.76 22.30 0.002 19.90 Clay 19.90 30.06 USDA Classification: SANDY CLAY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-009 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheetl 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-009 Soil Color Red Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. Z4 Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 39.42 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 39.06 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.56 Weight of Water (gm) 0.36 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 23.50 Moisture Content (%) 1.5 men Tare No. 467 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 292.82 Weight of Tare (gm) 139.49 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 153.33 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 151.79 eotechnics geotechnical & geosynlhetic testing Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 70.01 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 68.95 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 36.94 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 32.01 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.6618 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 51.34 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 100.45 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 10.56 7.0 7.0 93.0 93.0 #4 4.75 18.26 12.0 19.0 81.0 81.0 #10 2.00 22.52 14.8 33.8 66.2 66.2 #20 0.85 11.37 16.5 16.5 83.5 55.3 #40 0.425 7.47 10.8 27.3 72.7 48.1 #60 0.250 5.30 7.7 35.0 65.0 43.0 #140 0.106 6.05 8.8 43.8 56.2 37.2 #200 0.075 1.82 2.6 46.4 53.6 35.5 Pan - 36.94 53.6 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-009 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-009 Boring No. P-30 Depth (ft) 5-7 Sample No. P-30 (5-7) Soil Color Red eotechnics geotechnid & geosynthetic testing Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 40.0 22.5 4.68 35.3 50.7 0.01305 0.0288 33.6 5 36.0 22.5 4.68 31.3 45.0 0.01305 0.0188 29.8 15 34.0 22.5 4.68 29.3 42.1 0.01305 0.0110 27.9 30 32.0 22.5 4.68 27.3 39.2 0.01305 0.0079 26.0 60 30.0 22.4 4.71 25.3 36.3 0.01307 0.0057 24.0 250 27.0 22.5 4.68 22.3 32.1 0.01305 0.0028 21.2 1440 24.0 21.5 4.99 19.0 27.3 0.01321 0.0012 18.1 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 68.95 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.985 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 66.18 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-009 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 5-7 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (5-7) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-009 Soil Description: RED FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: AT AM B4 V2 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 47.91 28.28 27.01 26.20 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 43.62 23.55 22.60 22.00 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.54 15.29 15.40 15.57 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.3 4.7 4.4 4.2 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 28.1 8.3 7.2 6.4 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 15.3 57.3 61.3 65.3 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 29 17 Liquid Limit (%): 61 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.29 13.07 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 11.98 11.78 Plastic Limit (%): 26 Weight of Tare (g): 7.00 6.94 Weight of Water (g): 1.3 1.3 Plasticity Index (%): 35 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.0 4.8 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 26.3 26.7 -0.3 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 70 65 60 55 50 m p 45 U 40 is 35 30 25 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 eotechnics geotechnid & geosynlhetic testing Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-010 Soil Color Red SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T 0] `m 50 _c LL w 40 U N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 3.19 #4 To #200 Sand 32.74 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 64.07 USCS Symbol MH, TESTED USCS Classification SANDY ELASTIC SILT page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-010 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-010 Soil Color Red 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 6.16 0.00 2 93.84 Sand 33.68 35.89 0.05 60.16 Silt 34.45 36.71 0.002 25.71 Clay 25.71 27.40 USDA Classification: CLAY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-010 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheetl 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosynlhetic testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-010 Soil Color Red Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. 1 M Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 52.71 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 51.83 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.77 Weight of Water (gm) 0.88 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 36.06 Moisture Content (%) 2.4 men Tare No. 419 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 303.27 Weight of Tare (gm) 143.40 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 159.87 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 156.29 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 70.52 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 68.84 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 47.00 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 21.84 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.9384 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 9.63 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 146.66 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 4.48 2.9 2.9 97.1 97.1 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 2.9 97.1 97.1 #4 4.75 0.51 0.3 3.2 96.8 96.8 #10 2.00 4.64 3.0 6.2 93.8 93.8 #20 0.85 4.95 7.2 7.2 92.8 87.1 #40 0.425 4.07 5.9 13.1 86.9 81.5 #60 0.250 3.49 5.1 18.2 81.8 76.8 #140 0.106 6.46 9.4 27.6 72.4 68.0 #200 0.075 2.87 4.2 31.7 68.3 64.1 Pan - 47.00 68.3 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-010 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-010 eotechnics geotechnid & geosynthetic testing Boring No. P-30 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-30 (10-12) Soil Color Red Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 45.0 22.5 4.68 40.3 58.0 0.01305 0.0276 54.4 5 41.0 22.5 4.68 36.3 52.2 0.01305 0.0181 49.0 15 37.0 22.5 4.68 32.3 46.5 0.01305 0.0108 43.6 30 33.0 22.5 4.68 28.3 40.7 0.01305 0.0079 38.2 60 30.0 22.4 4.71 25.3 36.4 0.01307 0.0057 34.1 250 26.0 22.6 4.64 21.4 30.7 0.01303 0.0029 28.8 1440 21.0 21.5 4.99 16.0 23.0 0.01321 0.0012 21.6 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 68.84 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.976 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 93.84 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-010 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 10-12 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (10-12) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-010 Soil Description: RED ELASTIC SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: Z4 25 22 19 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 44.85 18.21 18.78 18.80 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 37.05 14.36 14.55 14.46 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.52 7.01 6.96 7.01 1 Weight of Water (g): 7.8 3.9 4.2 4.3 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 21.5 7.4 7.6 7.5 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 36.2 52.4 55.7 58.3 N Number of Blows: 35 24 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 6 30 Liquid Limit (%): 55 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.57 13.32 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.05 11.88 Plastic Limit (%): 30 Weight of Tare (g): 7.00 6.98 Weight of Water (g): 1.5 1.4 Plasticity Index (%): 25 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.1 4.9 USCS Symbol: MH Moisture Content (%): 30.1 29.4 0.7 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 65 60 55 0 50 C m 45 c 0 V 40 a� is ?� 35 30 25 20 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 60 ❑ 50 0 40 X d c 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 10 Number of Blows 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 20-22 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (20-22) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-011 Soil Color Brown SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 ...... 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T m `m 50 _c LL w 40 U 4) N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 27.06 #4 To #200 Sand 41.98 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 30.97 USCS Symbol SC, TESTED USCS Classification CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-011 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 20-22 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (20-22) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-011 Soil Color Brown 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 41.44 0.00 2 58.56 Sand 30.91 52.79 0.05 27.65 Silt 18.99 32.43 0.002 8.65 Clay 8.65 14.78 USDA Classification: SANDYLOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-011 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheetl 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyothetic testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 20-22 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (20-22) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-011 Soil Color Brown Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. H Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 48.01 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 47.19 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.05 Weight of Water (gm) 0.82 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 32.14 Moisture Content (%) 2.6 men Tare No. 404 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 387.66 Weight of Tare (gm) 143.41 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 244.25 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 240.65 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 87.97 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 85.78 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 45.36 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 40.42 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.5856 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 99.73 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 140.92 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 8.68 3.6 3.6 96.4 96.4 1 /2" 12.5 17.35 7.2 10.8 89.2 89.2 3/8" 9.50 12.06 5.0 15.8 84.2 84.2 #4 4.75 27.02 11.2 27.1 72.9 72.9 #10 2.00 34.62 14.4 41.4 58.6 58.6 #20 0.85 10.30 12.0 12.0 88.0 51.5 #40 0.425 9.69 11.3 23.3 76.7 44.9 #60 0.250 6.80 7.9 31.2 68.8 40.3 #140 0.106 9.63 11.2 42.5 57.5 33.7 #200 0.075 4.00 4.7 47.1 52.9 31.0 Pan - 45.36 52.9 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-011 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-011 eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Boring No. P-30 Depth (ft) 20-22 Sample No. P-30 (20-22) Soil Color Brown Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 39.0 22.5 4.68 34.3 39.6 0.01305 0.0290 23.2 5 34.0 22.6 4.64 29.4 33.9 0.01303 0.0191 19.8 15 30.0 22.5 4.68 25.3 29.2 0.01305 0.0114 17.1 30 26.0 22.5 4.68 21.3 24.6 0.01305 0.0083 14.4 60 23.0 22.5 4.68 18.3 21.1 0.01305 0.0060 12.4 250 20.0 22.6 4.64 15.4 17.7 0.01303 0.0030 10.4 1440 15.0 21.5 4.99 10.0 11.6 0.01321 0.0013 6.8 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 85.78 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.975 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 58.56 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-011 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 20-22 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (20-22) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-011 Soil Description: BROWN LEAN CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: 1 24 26 4 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 54.16 18.81 20.31 19.33 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 50.16 15.88 16.84 15.96 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.57 7.06 7.01 6.97 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.0 2.9 3.5 3.4 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 34.6 8.8 9.8 9.0 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 11.6 33.2 35.3 37.5 N Number of Blows: 34 24 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 9 5 Liquid Limit (%): 35 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.34 13.65 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.27 12.51 Plastic Limit (%): 20 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 6.99 Weight of Water (g): 1.1 1.1 Plasticity Index (%): 15 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.3 5.5 USCS Symbol: CL Moisture Content (%): 20.2 20.7 -0.4 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.12 40 38 36 34 F 32 m p 30 U 28 is 26 24 22 20 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 0 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 25-27 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (25-27) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-012 Soil Color Brown SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3l4" 3l8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn m 60 T m `m 50 _c LL w 40 U N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) Sieve Sizes (mm) USCS Summary Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 38.81 #4 To #200 Sand 44.00 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 17.19 USCS Symbol SC-SM, TESTED USCS Classification SILTY, CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL page 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-012 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ectechnics geotechni[aI &geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 25-27 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (25-27) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-012 Soil Color Brown 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NE PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 57.21 0.00 2 42.79 Sand 26.48 61.90 0.05 16.30 Silt 12.75 29.80 0.002 3.55 Clay 3.55 8.30 USDA Classification: SANDY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1127112 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-012 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xls]Sheetl 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyothetic testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-30 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 25-27 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-30 (25-27) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-012 Soil Color Brown Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. WS Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (gm) 41.92 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (gm) 41.56 Weight of Tare (gm) 15.59 Weight of Water (gm) 0.36 Weight of Dry Soil (gm) 25.97 Moisture Content (%) 1.4 men Tare No. 731 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (gm) 434.73 Weight of Tare (gm) 138.88 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (gm) 295.85 Total Dry Sample Weight (gm) 294.11 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (gm) 85.75 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (gm) 84.58 Weight of - #200 Material (gm) 33.98 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (gm) 50.60 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.4279 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (gm) 168.27 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (gm) 125.84 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer m % % % (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1.1 25.0 33.22 11.3 11.3 88.7 88.7 3/4" 19.0 7.48 2.5 13.8 86.2 86.2 1 /2" 12.5 10.00 3.4 17.2 82.8 82.8 3/8" 9.50 18.20 6.2 23.4 76.6 76.6 #4 4.75 45.24 15.4 38.8 61.2 61.2 #10 2.00 54.13 18.4 57.2 42.8 42.8 #20 0.85 16.66 19.7 19.7 80.3 34.4 #40 0.425 11.81 14.0 33.7 66.3 28.4 #60 0.250 8.25 9.8 43.4 56.6 24.2 #140 0.106 10.61 12.5 56.0 44.0 18.8 #200 0.075 3.27 3.9 59.8 40.2 17.2 Pan - 33.98 40.2 100.0 - - Notes Tested By SS Date 7/6/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-012 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) SOP-S3 Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-012 eotechnics geotechnid & geosyothetic testing Boring No. P-30 Depth (ft) 25-27 Sample No. P-30 (25-27) Soil Color Brown Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N (%) K Factor Diameter (mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 35.0 22.5 4.68 30.3 35.5 0.01305 0.0300 15.2 5 28.0 22.5 4.68 23.3 27.3 0.01305 0.0200 11.7 15 24.0 22.6 4.64 19.4 22.7 0.01303 0.0118 9.7 30 21.0 22.5 4.68 16.3 19.1 0.01305 0.0085 8.2 60 17.0 22.5 4.68 12.3 14.4 0.01305 0.0062 6.2 250 14.0 22.5 4.68 9.3 10.9 0.01305 0.0031 4.7 1440 10.0 21.5 4.99 5.0 5.9 0.01321 0.0013 2.5 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (gm) 84.58 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.986 Weight of Deflocculant (gm) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 42.79 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes. Tested By RFF Date 7/2/21 Checked By GEM Date 7/6/21 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 1/27/12 REVISION: 7 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Countyl[2021-174-001-012 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 25-27 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (25-27) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-012 Soil Description: BROWN SILTY CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: W5 U 3 A U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 54.92 28.10 27.01 26.10 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 52.49 25.52 24.62 23.77 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.57 15.08 15.33 15.13 1 Weight of Water (g): 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.3 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 36.9 10.4 9.3 8.6 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 6.6 24.7 25.7 27.0 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 27 23 Liquid Limit (%): 26 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.49 13.63 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.41 12.52 Plastic Limit (%): 20 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 7.04 Weight of Water (g): 1.1 1.1 Plasticity Index (%): 6 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.4 5.5 USCS Symbol: CL-ML Moisture Content (%): 19.9 20.3 -0.4 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 28 27 26 22 21 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 10 Number of Blows 60 50 0 40 El 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM D 2216-10 Client: Garrett & Moore Client Reference: Granville County Project No.: R-2021-174-001 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Lab ID: -001 -002 -003 -004 -005 Boring No.: P-29 P-29 P-29 P-29 P-32 Depth (ft): 5-7 10-12 10-12 10-12 0-2 Sample No.: P-29 (5-7) P-29 (10-12) P-29 (0-2) P-29 (15-17) P-32 (0-2) Tare Number KP E BB K O Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g) 44.28 58.10 55.84 64.58 60.97 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g) 37.69 48.77 46.13 49.68 50.09 Weight of Tare (g) 15.45 15.17 15.45 15.18 15.12 Weight of Water (g) 6.59 9.33 9.71 14.90 10.88 Weight of Dry Sample (g) 22.24 33.60 30.68 34.50 34.97 Water Content (%) 29.6 27.8 31.6 43.2 31.1 Lab ID -006 -007 -008 -009 -010 Boring No. P-32 P-32 P-32 P-30 P-30 Depth (ft) 5-7 10-12 15-17 5-7 10-12 Sample No. P-32 (5-7) P-32 (10-12) P-32 (15-17) P-30 (5-7) P-30 (10-12) Tare Number 5M AC AN AT Z4 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g) 46.55 55.99 60.19 47.91 44.85 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g) 36.88 50.81 56.23 43.62 37.05 Weight of Tare (g) 15.59 15.58 15.34 15.54 15.52 Weight of Water (g) 9.67 5.18 3.96 4.29 7.80 Weight of Dry Sample (g) 21.29 35.23 40.89 28.08 21.53 Water Content (%) Notes : 45.4 14.7 9.7 15.3 36.2 Tested By RFF Date 612512021 Checked By AES Date 612812021 page 1 of 1 DCN: CT-S1 DATE: 3/18/13 REVISION: 4 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM D 2216-10 Client: Garrett & Moore Client Reference: Granville County Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Lab ID: -011 -012 Boring No.: P-30 P-30 Depth (ft): 10-12 25-27 Sample No.: P-30 (10-12) P-30 (25-27) Tare Number I W5 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g) 54.16 54.92 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g) 50.16 52.49 Weight of Tare (g) 15.57 15.57 Weight of Water (g) 4.00 2.43 Weight of Dry Sample (g) 34.59 36.92 Water Content (%) 11.6 6.6 Notes : Tested By RFF Date 612512021 Checked By AES Date 612812021 page 1 of 1 DCN: CT-S1 DATE: 3/18/13 REVISION: 4 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net Client Client Reference Project No. Lab ID SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Garrett & Moore Granville County R-2021-174-001 R-2021-174-001-001 eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 5-7 Sample No. P-29 (5-7) Soil Color Orange SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles I gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 SIN t rn 60 T m 50 c LL 40 U i N a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Particle Diameter (mm) 0.001 USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 4.40 #4 To #200 Sand 7.05 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 88.56 USCS Symbol MH, TESTED USCS Classification ELASTIC SILT Daae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountvV2021-174-001-001 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xIslSheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-001 Soil Color Orange 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 5.08 0.00 2 94.92 Sand 11.25 11.86 0.05 83.66 Silt 51.22 53.96 0.002 32.45 Clay 32.45 34.18 USDA Classification: SILTY CLAY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-001 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-001 Soil Color Orange Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Hydrometer Specimen Data Tare No. T Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 67.57 Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 48.55 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 65.53 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 47.54 Weight of Tare (g) 15.13 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 61.14 Weight of Water (g) 1.01 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 4.39 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 32.41 Moisture Content (%) 3.1 J-FACTOR %FINER THAN #10 0.9492 Soil Specimen Data Tare No. 734 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 429.77 Weight of Tare (g) 141.17 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 288.60 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 14.25 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 280.31 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 266.06 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) N N N N 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 9.10 3.2 3.2 96.8 96.8 3/8" 9.50 2.01 0.7 4.0 96.0 96.0 #4 4.75 1.21 0.4 4.4 95.6 95.6 #10 2.00 1.93 0.7 5.1 94.9 94.9 #20 0.85 0.86 1.3 1.3 98.7 93.7 #40 0.425 0.79 1.2 2.5 97.5 92.5 #60 0.250 0.69 1.1 3.6 96.4 91.5 #140 0.106 1.36 2.1 5.6 94.4 89.6 #200 0.075 0.69 1.1 6.7 93.3 88.6 Pan - 61.14 93.3 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/1/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-001 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-001 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 5-7 Sample No. P-29 (5-7) Soil Color Orange Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 56.0 23.6 3.73 52.3 79.0 0.01288 0.0243 74.9 5 52.0 23.6 3.73 48.3 72.9 0.01288 0.0161 69.2 15 47.0 23.6 3.73 43.3 65.4 0.01288 0.0097 62.0 30 41.0 23.7 3.72 37.3 56.3 0.01287 0.0073 53.5 60 36.0 23.8 3.70 32.3 48.8 0.01285 0.0053 46.3 250 29.0 24.2 3.63 25.4 38.3 0.01279 0.0027 36.4 1440 22.0 23.7 3.72 18.3 27.6 0.01287 0.0012 26.2 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 65.53 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.970 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 94.92 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/1/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-001 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics ge0technical & ge0syntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-29 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 5-7 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-29 (5-7) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-001 Soil Description: ORANGE ELASTIC SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: KP 12 20 32 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 44.28 18.43 20.85 18.43 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 37.69 14.00 15.26 13.70 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.45 7.02 7.00 6.96 1 Weight of Water (g): 6.6 4.4 5.6 4.7 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 22.2 7.0 8.3 6.7 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 29.6 63.5 67.7 70.2 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 28 16 Liquid Limit (%): 67 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.11 13.25 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 11.59 11.72 Plastic Limit (%): 33 Weight of Tare (g): 7.00 7.06 Weight of Water (g): 1.5 1.5 Plasticity Index (%): 34 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 4.6 4.7 USCS Symbol: MH Moisture Content (%): 33.1 32.8 0.3 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 80 70 0 60 C N p 50 U a� is ?� 40 30 20 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 10 Number of Blows 60 50 Li 0 40 X d 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/30/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (10-12) Lab ID r-2021-174-001-002 Soil Color Brown SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles I gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100-17 90 80 70 t rn 60 T m 50 c LL ,40 U i N IL 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Particle Diameter (mm) 0.001 USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 1.45 #4 To #200 Sand 14.62 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 83.92 USCS Symbol CH, TESTED USCS Classification FAT CLAYWITH SAND Daae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountvV2021-174-001-002 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xIslSheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (10-12) Lab ID r-2021-174-001-002 Soil Color Brown 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 1.99 0.00 2 98.01 Sand 19.74 20.14 0.05 78.27 Silt 51.38 52.43 0.002 26.88 Clay 26.88 27.43 USDA Classification: CLAY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-002 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (10-12) Lab ID r-2021-174-001-002 Soil Color Brown Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. S Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 49.51 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 48.71 Weight of Tare (g) 15.09 Weight of Water (g) 0.80 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 33.62 Moisture Content (%) 2.4 Tare No. 403 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 328.27 Weight of Tare (g) 142.49 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 185.78 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 181.55 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 68.08 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 66.50 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 56.94 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 9.56 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.9801 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 3.61 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 177.94 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) (%) (%) (%) (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 1.48 0.8 0.8 99.2 99.2 #4 4.75 1.16 0.6 1.5 98.5 98.5 #10 2.00 0.97 0.5 2.0 98.0 98.0 #20 0.85 2.22 3.3 3.3 96.7 94.7 #40 0.425 1.86 2.8 6.1 93.9 92.0 #60 0.250 1.58 2.4 8.5 91.5 89.7 #140 0.106 2.69 4.0 12.6 87.4 85.7 #200 0.075 1.21 1.8 14.4 85.6 83.9 Pan - 56.94 85.6 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-002 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID r-2021-174-001-002 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-29 (10-12) Soil Color Brown Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 51.0 23.6 3.73 47.3 70.4 0.01288 0.0257 69.0 5 42.0 23.6 3.73 38.3 57.0 0.01288 0.0177 55.8 15 39.0 23.6 3.73 35.3 52.5 0.01288 0.0105 51.5 30 37.0 23.7 3.72 33.3 49.6 0.01287 0.0075 48.6 60 33.0 23.9 3.68 29.3 43.6 0.01284 0.0055 42.8 250 25.0 24.3 3.62 21.4 31.8 0.01278 0.0028 31.2 1440 18.0 23.8 3.70 14.3 21.3 0.01285 0.0012 20.9 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 66.50 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.977 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 98.01 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-002 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-29 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 10-12 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-29 (10-12) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-002 Soil Description: BROWN FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: E W B AL U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 58.10 27.96 27.09 28.94 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 48.77 23.63 22.89 24.05 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.17 15.04 15.09 15.42 1 Weight of Water (g): 9.3 4.3 4.2 4.9 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 33.6 8.6 7.8 8.6 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 27.8 50.4 53.8 56.7 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 5 9 Liquid Limit (%): 53 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.76 13.87 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.29 12.39 Plastic Limit (%): 28 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 6.99 Weight of Water (g): 1.5 1.5 Plasticity Index (%): 25 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.3 5.4 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 27.7 27.4 0.3 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 60 55 50 30 25 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X d 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/30/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net Client Client Reference Project No. Lab ID SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Garrett & Moore Granville County R-2021-174-001 R-2021-174-001-003 eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-29 (0-2) Soil Color Red SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles I gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn 60 T m 50 \10 c LL ,40 U i N 70-1 7 -0-77 a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 2.73 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 97.27 USCS Symbol CH, TESTED USCS Classification FAT CLAY Daae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountvV2021-174-001-003 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xIslSheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (0-2) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-003 Soil Color Red 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.24 0.00 2 99.76 Sand 5.95 5.97 0.05 93.81 Silt 37.21 37.30 0.002 56.60 Clay 56.60 56.74 USDA Classification: CLAY page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-003 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (0-2) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-003 Soil Color Red Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. 14 Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 31.38 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 30.71 Weight of Tare (g) 6.98 Weight of Water (g) 0.67 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 23.73 Moisture Content (%) 2.8 Tare No. 408 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 358.06 Weight of Tare (g) 141.01 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 217.05 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 211.10 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 65.47 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 63.67 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 62.08 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 1.59 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.9976 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 0.50 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 210.60 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) (%) (%) (%) (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.50 0.2 0.2 99.8 99.8 #20 0.85 0.21 0.3 0.3 99.7 99.4 #40 0.425 0.28 0.4 0.8 99.2 99.0 #60 0.250 0.27 0.4 1.2 98.8 98.6 #140 0.106 0.49 0.8 2.0 98.0 97.8 #200 0.075 0.34 0.5 2.5 97.5 97.3 Pan - 62.08 97.5 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 6/2/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-003 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-003 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-29 (0-2) Soil Color Red Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 60.0 23.5 3.75 56.2 87.5 0.01290 0.0232 87.3 5 54.0 23.6 3.73 50.3 78.2 0.01288 0.0157 78.0 15 53.0 23.6 3.73 49.3 76.6 0.01288 0.0092 76.4 30 51.0 23.6 3.73 47.3 73.5 0.01288 0.0066 73.3 60 47.0 23.8 3.70 43.3 67.3 0.01285 0.0049 67.2 250 42.0 24.2 3.63 38.4 59.7 0.01279 0.0025 59.5 1440 35.0 23.8 3.70 31.3 48.7 0.01285 0.0011 48.5 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 63.67 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.973 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 99.76 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 6/2/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-003 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics ge0technical & ge0syntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-29 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 10-12 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-29 (0-2) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-003 Soil Description: RED FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: BB Q B3 AH U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 55.84 27.33 29.86 29.44 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 46.13 22.07 23.56 22.98 T Weight of Tare (g): 8.13 15.08 15.74 15.46 1 Weight of Water (g): 9.7 5.3 6.3 6.5 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 38.0 7.0 7.8 7.5 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 25.6 75.3 80.6 85.9 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 2 7 Liquid Limit (%): 80 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 14.36 14.19 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.68 12.54 Plastic Limit (%): 30 Weight of Tare (g): 7.06 6.93 Weight of Water (g): 1.7 1.7 Plasticity Index (%): 50 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.6 5.6 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 29.9 29.4 0.5 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 90 80 70 0 y 60 c 0 U ry 50 40 30 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 60 JIM 50 0 40 X m c 30 w .y N 20 a 10 10 Number of Blows 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/30/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-004 Soil Color Orange SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles I gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 -0-7 90 H70 7 80 70 t rn 60 T m 50 c LL ,40 U i N a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 11.54 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 88.46 USCS Symbol MH, TESTED USCS Classification ELASTIC SILT Daae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountvV2021-174-001-004 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xIslSheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-004 Soil Color Orange 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.02 0.00 2 99.98 Sand 15.63 15.64 0.05 84.35 Silt 49.88 49.89 0.002 34.47 Clay 34.47 34.47 USDA Classification: SILTY CLAY LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-004 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-29 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-29 (15-17) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-004 Soil Color Orange Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. 18 Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 32.46 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 31.49 Weight of Tare (g) 6.97 Weight of Water (g) 0.97 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 24.52 Moisture Content (%) 4.0 Tare No. 452 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 386.12 Weight of Tare (g) 146.46 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 239.66 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 230.54 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 66.91 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 64.36 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 56.94 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 7.42 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.9998 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 0.04 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 230.50 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) (%) (%) (%) (%) 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.04 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #20 0.85 1.33 2.1 2.1 97.9 97.9 #40 0.425 1.35 2.1 4.2 95.8 95.8 #60 0.250 1.23 1.9 6.1 93.9 93.9 #140 0.106 2.32 3.6 9.7 90.3 90.3 #200 0.075 1.19 1.8 11.5 88.5 88.5 Pan - 56.94 88.5 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-004 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-004 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-29 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-29 (15-17) Soil Color Orange Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 54.0 23.5 3.75 50.2 77.3 0.01290 0.0249 77.3 5 46.0 23.5 3.75 42.2 65.0 0.01290 0.0171 65.0 15 44.0 23.6 3.73 40.3 61.9 0.01288 0.0100 61.9 30 42.0 23.6 3.73 38.3 58.9 0.01288 0.0072 58.8 60 37.0 23.7 3.72 33.3 51.2 0.01287 0.0053 51.2 250 28.0 24.3 3.62 24.4 37.5 0.01278 0.0028 37.5 1440 23.0 23.8 3.70 19.3 29.7 0.01285 0.0012 29.7 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 64.36 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.962 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 99.98 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-004 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-29 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 10-12 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-29 (15-17) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-004 Soil Description: ORANGE ELASTIC SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: K A-Q 1 A-P U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 64.58 31.32 29.00 29.36 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 49.68 25.94 24.29 24.31 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.18 15.39 15.58 15.49 1 Weight of Water (g): 14.9 5.4 4.7 5.1 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 34.5 10.6 8.7 8.8 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 43.2 51.0 54.1 57.3 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 27 24 Liquid Limit (%): 54 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 15.03 14.99 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 13.00 13.01 Plastic Limit (%): 33 Weight of Tare (g): 6.97 7.05 Weight of Water (g): 2.0 2.0 Plasticity Index (%): 21 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 6.0 6.0 USCS Symbol: MH Moisture Content (%): 33.7 33.2 0.4 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 60 55 50 30 25 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 60 Li 50 XY 0 40 X d 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 10 Number of Blows 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/30/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-32 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 0-2 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-32 (0-2) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-005 Soil Description: ORANGE FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: O 2 11 10 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 60.97 18.51 20.33 18.91 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 50.09 14.45 15.44 14.42 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.12 7.05 7.03 6.94 1 Weight of Water (g): 10.9 4.1 4.9 4.5 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 35.0 7.4 8.4 7.5 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 31.1 54.9 58.1 60.0 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 3 7 Liquid Limit (%): 57 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.26 13.13 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 11.94 11.80 Plastic Limit (%): 27 Weight of Tare (g): 7.07 6.93 Weight of Water (g): 1.3 1.3 Plasticity Index (%): 30 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 4.9 4.9 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 27.1 27.3 -0.2 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 65 60 Ll ( 55 0 50 C m 45 c 0 V 40 a� is ?� 35 30 25 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X d c 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net Client Client Reference Project No. Lab ID SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Garrett & Moore Granville County R-2021-174-001 R-2021-174-001-006 eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing Boring No. P-32 Depth (ft) 5-7 Sample No. P-32 (5-7) Soil Color Orange SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles I gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel sand silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 80 70 t rn 60 T m 50 c LL ,40 U i N F7 7 71 a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 13.10 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 86.90 USCS Symbol ML, TESTED USCS Classification SILT Daae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountvV2021-174-001-006 Grain SIEVEHYD10.xIslSheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-006 Soil Color Orange 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.00 0.00 2 100.00 Sand 23.66 23.66 0.05 76.34 Silt 68.48 68.48 0.002 7.87 Clay 7.87 7.87 USDA Classification: SILT LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-006 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 5-7 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (5-7) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-006 Soil Color Orange Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. I Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 47.09 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 46.38 Weight of Tare (g) 15.15 Weight of Water (g) 0.71 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 31.23 Moisture Content (%) 2.3 Tare No. 735 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 327.01 Weight of Tare (g) 141.42 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 185.59 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 181.46 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 87.54 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 85.59 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 74.38 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 11.21 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 1.0000 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 0.00 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 181.46 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) N N N N 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #20 0.85 1.27 1.5 1.5 98.5 98.5 #40 0.425 1.71 2.0 3.5 96.5 96.5 #60 0.250 1.49 1.7 5.2 94.8 94.8 #140 0.106 3.52 4.1 9.3 90.7 90.7 #200 0.075 3.22 3.8 13.1 86.9 86.9 Pan - 74.38 86.9 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-006 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-006 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-32 Depth (ft) 5-7 Sample No. P-32 (5-7) Soil Color Orange Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 54.0 23.6 3.73 50.3 58.1 0.01288 0.0249 58.1 5 48.0 23.6 3.73 44.3 51.2 0.01288 0.0167 51.2 15 37.0 23.6 3.73 33.3 38.5 0.01288 0.0106 38.5 30 28.0 23.7 3.72 24.3 28.1 0.01287 0.0080 28.1 60 22.0 23.7 3.72 18.3 21.1 0.01287 0.0059 21.1 250 13.0 24.1 3.65 9.3 10.8 0.01281 0.0030 10.8 1440 8.0 23.6 3.73 4.3 4.9 0.01288 0.0013 4.9 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 85.59 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.978 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 100.00 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-006 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-32 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 5-7 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-32 (5-7) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-006 Soil Description: ORANGE SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: 5M W-2 I F U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 46.55 26.23 28.91 30.60 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 36.88 22.94 24.52 25.46 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.59 15.77 15.14 15.02 1 Weight of Water (g): 9.7 3.3 4.4 5.1 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 21.3 7.2 9.4 10.4 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 45.4 45.9 46.8 49.2 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 34 33 Liquid Limit (%): 47 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 14.86 14.74 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.70 12.60 Plastic Limit (%): 38 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 6.95 Weight of Water (g): 2.2 2.1 Plasticity Index (%): 9 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.7 5.7 USCS Symbol: ML Moisture Content (%): 37.8 37.9 -0.1 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 55 50 45 0 30 25 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 10 Number of Blows 60 50 Li 0 40 X m c 30 w .v .y N 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/30/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-007 Soil Color Tan SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER USCS cobbles gravel sand silt and clay fraction USDA cobbles gravel I sand I silt lay 12" 6" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #140 #200 100 90 "T77 80 70 t rn 60 m 50 c LL aai 40 U i N >_7 a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Diameter (mm) USCS Summary Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Greater Than #4 Gravel 0.00 #4 To #200 Sand 29.96 Finer Than #200 Silt & Clay 70.04 USCS Symbol ML, TESTED (Non -Plastic) USCS Classification SILT WITH SAND oaae 1 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26113 REVISION: 8 I Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville Count012021-174-001-007 Grain SlFVEHYD10.xIs1Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 - Phone (919) 876-0405 - Fax (919) 876-0460 - www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geutechnicaI & geosynthetic testing USDA CLASSIFICATION CHART Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-007 Soil Color Tan 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENT SAND Particle Size (mm) Percent Finer USDA SUMMARY Actual Percentage Corrected % of Minus 2.0 mm material for USDA Classificat. Gravel 0.16 0.00 2 99.84 Sand 40.64 40.70 0.05 59.21 Silt 56.04 56.12 0.002 3.17 Clay 3.17 3.17 USDA Classification: SILT LOAM page 2 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7126/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville CountyV2021-174-001-007 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing WASH SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Boring No. P-32 Client Reference Granville County Depth (ft) 10-12 Project No. R-2021-174-001 Sample No. P-32 (10-12) Lab ID R-2021-174-001-007 Soil Color Tan Minus #10 for Hygroscopic Moisture Content Tare No. F Wgt.Tare + Wet Soil (g) 62.02 Wgt.Tare + Dry Soil (g) 61.34 Weight of Tare (g) 15.01 Weight of Water (g) 0.68 Weight of Dry Soil (g) 46.33 Moisture Content (%) 1.5 Tare No. 724 Wgt.Tare + Air Dry Soil (g) 392.36 Weight of Tare (g) 140.84 Air Dried Wgt. Total Sample (g) 251.52 Total Dry Sample Weight (g) 247.89 Hydrometer Specimen Data Air Dried - #10 Hydrometer Material (g) 87.92 Corrected Dry Wt. of - #10 Material (g) 86.65 Weight of - #200 Material (g) 60.79 Weight of - #10 ; + #200 Material (g) 25.86 J-FACTOR (%FINER THAN #10) 0.9984 Dry Weight of Material Retained on #10 (g) 0.39 Corrected Dry Sample Wt - #10 (g) 247.50 Sieve Sieve Wgt.of Soil Percent Accumulated Percent Accumulated Size Opening Retained Retained Percent Finer Percent (mm) Retained Finer (gm) N N N N 12" 300 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 6" 150 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3" 75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 2" 50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 /2" 37.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 ill 25.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/4" 19.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1 /2" 12.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3/8" 9.50 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #4 4.75 0.00 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 #10 2.00 0.39 0.2 0.2 99.8 99.8 #20 0.85 5.40 6.2 6.2 93.8 93.6 #40 0.425 4.00 4.6 10.8 89.2 89.0 #60 0.250 3.37 3.9 14.7 85.3 85.1 #140 0.106 8.58 9.9 24.6 75.4 75.2 #200 0.075 4.51 5.2 29.8 70.2 70.0 Pan - 60.79 70.2 100.0 - - Notes : Tested By TB Date 7/1/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 3 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-007 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ASTM D 422-63 (2007) Client Garrett & Moore Client Reference Granville County Project No. R-2021-174-001 Lab ID R-2021-174-001-007 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No. P-32 Depth (ft) 10-12 Sample No. P-32 (10-12) Soil Color Tan Elapsed Time (min) R Measured Temp. (° C) Composite Correction R Corrected N ( %) K Factor Diameter ( mm) N' (% ) 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 42.0 23.6 3.73 38.3 43.7 0.01288 0.0279 43.7 5 36.0 23.6 3.73 32.3 36.9 0.01288 0.0186 36.8 15 27.0 23.6 3.73 23.3 26.6 0.01288 0.0115 26.5 30 19.0 23.7 3.72 15.3 17.5 0.01287 0.0085 17.4 60 14.0 23.8 3.70 10.3 11.8 0.01285 0.0062 11.7 250 7.0 24.1 3.65 3.3 3.8 0.01281 0.0032 3.8 1440 6.0 23.6 3.73 2.3 2.6 0.01288 0.0013 2.6 Soil Specimen Data Other Corrections Wgt. of Dry Material (g) 86.65 Hygroscopic Moisture Factor 0.986 Weight of Deflocculant (g) 5.0 a - Factor 0.99 Percent Finer than # 10 99.84 Specific Gravity 2.70 Assumed Notes Tested By RFF Date 6/30/2021 Checked By AES Date 7/2/2021 page 4 of 4 DCN: CT-S30R DATE: 7/26/13 REVISION: 8 Z:12021 PROJECTSIGarrett & Moore12021-174 - Granville County)f2021-174-001-007 Grain SIEVEHYD10.x1s]Sheet1 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Client Reference: Granville County Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-007 As Received Water Content Tare Number AC Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g) 55.99 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g) 50.81 Weight of Tare (g) 15.58 Weight of Water (g) 5.18 Weight of Dry Sample (g) 35.23 Water Content (%) 14.7 eotechnics geotechnicaI & geosynthetic Testing Boring No.: P-32 Depth (ft): 10-12 Sample No.: P-32 (10-12) Color: Tan ( Mlnus No. 40 sieve material) NON - PLASTIC MATERIAL Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6130121 page 1 of 1 DCN: CT-S4C, DATE: 4/27/17, REVISION: 4e 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-32 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 15-17 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-32 (15-17) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-008 Soil Description: BROWN SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: AN AL B W U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 60.19 28.47 28.93 27.80 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 56.23 25.18 25.34 24.27 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.34 15.43 15.10 15.05 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.0 3.3 3.6 3.5 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 40.9 9.8 10.2 9.2 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 9.7 33.7 35.1 38.3 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 33 34 Liquid Limit (%): 35 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 15.36 14.34 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 13.47 12.66 Plastic Limit (%): 29 Weight of Tare (g): 6.94 6.98 Weight of Water (g): 1.9 1.7 Plasticity Index (%): 6 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 6.5 5.7 USCS Symbol: ML Moisture Content (%): 28.9 29.6 -0.6 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 40 38 36 34 32 m p 30 U 28 is 26 24 22 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 5-7 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (5-7) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-009 Soil Description: RED FAT CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: AT AM B4 V2 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 47.91 28.28 27.01 26.20 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 43.62 23.55 22.60 22.00 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.54 15.29 15.40 15.57 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.3 4.7 4.4 4.2 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 28.1 8.3 7.2 6.4 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 15.3 57.3 61.3 65.3 N Number of Blows: 35 25 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 29 17 Liquid Limit (%): 61 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.29 13.07 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 11.98 11.78 Plastic Limit (%): 26 Weight of Tare (g): 7.00 6.94 Weight of Water (g): 1.3 1.3 Plasticity Index (%): 35 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.0 4.8 USCS Symbol: CH Moisture Content (%): 26.3 26.7 -0.3 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.4 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 70 65 60 55 50 m p 45 U 40 is 35 30 25 20 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 10-12 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (10-12) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-010 Soil Description: RED ELASTIC SILT Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: Z4 25 22 19 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 44.85 18.21 18.78 18.80 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 37.05 14.36 14.55 14.46 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.52 7.01 6.96 7.01 1 Weight of Water (g): 7.8 3.9 4.2 4.3 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 21.5 7.4 7.6 7.5 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 36.2 52.4 55.7 58.3 N Number of Blows: 35 24 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 6 30 Liquid Limit (%): 55 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.57 13.32 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.05 11.88 Plastic Limit (%): 30 Weight of Tare (g): 7.00 6.98 Weight of Water (g): 1.5 1.4 Plasticity Index (%): 25 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.1 4.9 USCS Symbol: MH Moisture Content (%): 30.1 29.4 0.7 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 65 60 55 0 50 C m 45 c 0 V 40 a� is ?� 35 30 25 20 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 60 ❑ 50 0 40 X d c 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 10 Number of Blows 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 20-22 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (20-22) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-011 Soil Description: BROWN LEAN CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: 1 24 26 4 U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 54.16 18.81 20.31 19.33 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 50.16 15.88 16.84 15.96 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.57 7.06 7.01 6.97 1 Weight of Water (g): 4.0 2.9 3.5 3.4 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 34.6 8.8 9.8 9.0 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 11.6 33.2 35.3 37.5 N Number of Blows: 34 24 15 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 9 5 Liquid Limit (%): 35 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.34 13.65 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.27 12.51 Plastic Limit (%): 20 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 6.99 Weight of Water (g): 1.1 1.1 Plasticity Index (%): 15 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.3 5.5 USCS Symbol: CL Moisture Content (%): 20.2 20.7 -0.4 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 1.12 40 38 36 34 F 32 m p 30 U 28 is 26 24 22 20 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 0 1 10 Number of Blows 60 50 40 X m 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By TB Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net eotechnics geotechnical & geosyntheti( Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318-17 Client: Garrett & Moore Boring No.: P-30 Client Reference: Granville County Depth (ft): 25-27 Project No.: R-2021-174-001 Sample No.: P-30 (25-27) Lab ID: R-2021-174-001-012 Soil Description: BROWN SILTY CLAY Note: The USCS symbol used with this test refers only to the minus No. 40 (Minus No. 40 sieve material, Air dried) sieve marena►. aee me a►eve ana nyaromerer Ana►ys►s-- grapn page Tor me compere marena► aescr►pr►on . As Received Moisture Content Liquid Limit Test ASTM D2216-19 1 2 3 M Tare Number: W5 U 3 A U Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 54.92 28.10 27.01 26.10 L Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 52.49 25.52 24.62 23.77 T Weight of Tare (g): 15.57 15.08 15.33 15.13 1 Weight of Water (g): 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.3 P Weight of Dry Sample (g): 36.9 10.4 9.3 8.6 O Was As Received MC Preserved: Yes Moisture Content (%): 6.6 24.7 25.7 27.0 N Number of Blows: 35 25 16 T Plastic Limit Test 1 2 Range Test Results Tare Number: 27 23 Liquid Limit (%): 26 Wt. of Tare & Wet Sample (g): 13.49 13.63 Wt. of Tare & Dry Sample (g): 12.41 12.52 Plastic Limit (%): 20 Weight of Tare (g): 6.98 7.04 Weight of Water (g): 1.1 1.1 Plasticity Index (%): 6 Weight of Dry Sample (g): 5.4 5.5 USCS Symbol: CL-ML Moisture Content (%): 19.9 20.3 -0.4 Note: The acceptable range of the two Moisture Contents is ± 0.84 28 27 26 22 21 20 1 1 Flow Curve Plasticity Chart 10 Number of Blows 60 50 0 40 El 30 w .v .y R 20 a 10 100 0 CL- ML L.iquiu L11111L t %o► Tested By SS Date 6129121 Checked By AES Date 6/29/21 page 1 of 1 DCN: CTS4B, DATE: 5/22/18 REVISION: 8 0 2200 Westinghouse Blvd., Suite 103 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone (919) 876-0405 • Fax (919) 876-0460 • www.geotechnics.net Appendix D Slug Test Results 10. P-29 SLUG TEST ° Data Set: \... \P-29.agt ° Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:42:34 1. ° ° ° PROJECT INFORMATION + ° ° Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting 0.1 ° Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. ° Location: Granville County MSW Landfill ° ° Test Well: P-29 Test Date: 4/14/2021 ° 0.01 ° ° SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.001 60. 120. 180. 240. 300. 0. K = 4.309E-5 ft/sec y0 = 7.191 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 10.88 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-29) Initial Displacement: 7.069 ft Static Water Column Height: 11.15 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 11.71 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 100. P-30S Data Set: \... \P-30S.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:40:09 10. PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting 1 ° Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. ° ° Location: Granville County MSW Landfill ° ° ° Test Well: P-30S o ° ° ° Test Date: 4/14/2021 ° ° ° 0.1 ° ° ° ° SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.01 1.6E+3 3.2E+3 4.8E+3 6.4E+3 8.0E+3 0. K = 1.029E-6 ft/sec y0 = 12.96 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 45.54 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-30S) Initial Displacement: 14.49 ft Static Water Column Height: 20.51 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 21.19 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 100. P-30D Data Set: \... \P-30D.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:39:21 10. PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting E Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. Location: Granville County MSW Landfill Test Well: P-30D 0 Test Date: 4/14/2021 1 °°° °° °° °° °° °° ° ° ° SOLUTION ° ° ° Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.1 1.2E+3 2.4E+3 3.6E+3 4.8E+3 6.0E+3 0. K = 2.817E-6 ft/sec y0 = 14.87 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 45.54 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-30D) Initial Displacement: 14.93 ft Static Water Column Height: 45.54 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 45.73 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 10. P-32 Data Set: \... \P-32.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:40:35 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting E 1 Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. Location: Granville County MSW Landfill El ° Test Well: P-32 o ° ° Date: 4/14/2021 ElTest ° ° ° ° SOLUTION ° Aquifer Model: Unconfined ° ° Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.1 ° 600. 1.2E+3 1.8E+3 2.4E+3 3.0E+3 0. K = 2.0E-6 ft/sec y0 = 7.047 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 9.63 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-32) Initial Displacement: 8.56 ft Static Water Column Height: 8.56 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 10. ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 10. P-33S Data Set: \... \P-33S.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:41:37 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting E 1 °°°°°° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. Location: Granville County MSW Landfill Test Well: P-33S o Test Date: 4/14/2021 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.1 80. 160. 240. 320. 400. 0. K = 5.939E-6 ft/sec y0 = 1.603 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 27.77 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-33S) Initial Displacement: 1.62 ft Static Water Column Height: 4.46 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 10. ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 100. P-33D Data Set: \... \P-33D.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:41:11 10. PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting E Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. Location: Granville County MSW Landfill 0 ° Test Well: P-33D o ° ° °° Test Date: 4/14/2021 °° °° ° SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.1 1.8E+3 3.6E+3 5.4E+3 7.2E+3 9.0E+3 0. K = E-7 ft/sec 13.81 y0 = 3.85 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 27.77 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-33D) Initial Displacement: 13.96 ft Static Water Column Height: 27.77 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 27.98 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft 100. P-34 Data Set: \... \P-34.agt Date: 04/20/21 Time: 10:42:05 10. PROJECT INFORMATION ° Company: Nautilus Geologic Consulting Client: Garrett & Moore, Inc. Location: Granville County MSW Landfill ° Test Well: P-34 o °° Test Date: 4/14/2021 ° ° 0.1 °° ° ° ° °° ° ° SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice 0.01 600. 1.2E+3 1.8E+3 2.4E+3 3.0E+3 0. K = 4.32E-6 ft/sec y0 = 10.04 ft Time (sec) AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 18.1 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.1 WELL DATA (P-34) Initial Displacement: 11.37 ft Static Water Column Height: 18.1 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 19.95 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.0833 ft Well Radius: 0.3438 ft